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Is not how a conflict transformation should work we need more intervention by the World Community less controversy and less debate among the russians the syrians their medical and the Syrian Opposition turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan says turn kurdish authorities will pay the price for holding their referendum on secession iraqs kurdish region overwhelmingly backed splitting from iraq in mondays vote defying neighboring countries fear it could feel kurdish separatism within their borders and linked to conflict. Then not forming an independent state in Northern Iraq on the contrary that opening a wound in the region and twisting the knife ignoring this fact will do no good neither to us nor to our kurdish brothers in iraq or other parties meanwhile the leader of the Lebanese Armed group has warned that a controversial vote for kurdish independence in Northern Iraq will lead to division in the region and says the referendum held on monday doesnt threaten iraq alone but also turkey syria and iran which all have large kurdish minorities. Now. There is a new phase of the region is facing and it is a very dangerous one it is the phase of partition. This is an issue not about the right to decide a fate or about rights or about a group that wants to separate it has a completely different aim which is to partition the region based on ethnic and religious grounds the city of code cook in Northern Iraq has some of the biggest oil reserves in the country for decades there have been disagreements about who should control it but cooks inclusion in mondays secession vote is angered baghdad this child strafford reports. The Kurdish Peshmerga to control the kirkuk after the iraqi army fled in islip pensive in two thousand and fourteen. But theres never been agreement between the Kurdish Regional government or in the federal government in baghdad about who should be in control here and benefit most from the areas vast oil wealth. Kirkuk at an eighty percent turnout in the referendum on kurdish the session. The day after the vote the Iraqi Parliament asked Prime Minister hydrilla party to send troops into kurdish controlled disputed areas like kirkuk and take back control of the oil fields and the kurdish governor of kirkuk hopes he doesnt heed to parliaments demand Prime Minister about he has made it clear that force is not how he will approach this thing. And i agree with him and we dont expect a force to be used but of course there are people maybe not under his control who may try to do this Parliament Earlier this month voted to remove mr karim but he has refused to go and anything that comes against me for my patriotic position its its an honor for me many kurds call kirkuk their jerusalem but there are also turkomans arabs and christians here too there are also hundreds of thousands of arabs that have arrived here in recent years fleeing i saw and they feel very let down by the baghdad government theres also considerable opposition amongst the arabs and the turkmen about any idea with respect to kirkuk being part of a future independent kurdish state the vast majority of turkmen and arabs who have lived in kirkuk for generations boycotted the referendum this if you to the area and the borders of k r g is not a clear and this specially kids. Will be. Space officer tried to be owned by that and may be. A war about kirkuk the way to solve this a problem is not their independence and their friend on their way is the outlook. The two thousand and five constitution stipulates that the federal government send seventeen percent of the federal budget to the kayla g. Every year. Its still sending the money in two thousand and fifteen. And baghdad has since accused the kayleigh ji of not sharing the oil wells but any fighting here could jeopardize the battle against. Around fifty kilometers southwest of kirkuk who controls kirkuk. The referendum on kurdish independence you could say they will fight anyone who tries to take it from them. That aljazeera it will Iraqi Security forces have deployed thousands of troops to the city of karbala ahead of a religious event i should a commemoration is particularly important for. Marking the anniversary of the seventh century battle of karbala the main ritual is mourning the death of same the prophets grandson this event has often been marred by attacks targeting the shia community. Turkey has set up a military academy in somalia about fifteen hundred somali soldiers can be trained there at a time making it the largest foreign run military Training Center in the country somalia as army has been backed by the African Union but their troops will be withdrawn from next year still ahead a knowledge of how our language divide is fueling calls for independence in cameroon speaking. And another pakistan batsman joins the five thousand club going to explain all sports. From the neon lights of asia. To the city that never sleeps. I was there was some very wet weather coming into central and eastern parts of china radio heavy rain coming through the southeast a little bit of wet weather just making its way into the far south of the country that hifi hong kong brightening up as we go on monday central parts shanghai once again seeing more heavy and thundery downpours it was a wet wake last week it doesnt look a whole lot better they sway plenty of shabbas to across much of Southeast Asia the usual off to shout was rolling all the way down through malaysia and indonesia and now theyre not in the south where its malaysian grand prix yet theres a good chance of seeing some showers here and further for the northeast still seeing some showers coming into a good part bangkok really struggling to shrug off that very a wet weather the wet weather extends across the i have been go over see some more heavy showers there into that eastern side of india and areas of india again seeing some very heavy thunder down poles bangladesh still seeing some live showers and will act cross into me and my spot the difference is we go on through sunday very little change coming through western gas still seeing some heavy rain east and gas all the way up into northern parts of the. Heavy showers but for northern end the estates fine and dry. The weather sponsored by god time and place. In the off the mouth of civil war peace and reconciliation. I mean absence of just. People in power and its chilling testimonies of atrocities suggesting the former to have failed to conduct a full and proper investigation that could help heal resentment inflicted by conflict. Partial just. At this time on al jazeera. Sometimes pictures of the only way to truly tell a story and. Goes the extra mile to use some of the latest new camera gear and technology to make sure these images are innovative to be if you dont manage it is not just in behind the best its about giving them the feel. With the theme whenever needed. As a child of political refugees ive always been aware of different kinds of stories and different kinds of sensitivities aljazeera has a space for that. Youre watching all jazeera reminder of our top stories this hour Spanish Police are on the streets of catalonia ahead of the bands secession vote on sunday madrid is describing the vote as a mockery of democracy the mayor of puerto ricos capital is accusing the u. S. Government of killing people through inefficiency President Donald Trump back via twitter he says his political rivals are behind the accusation. And thousands of americans have joined up in march for Racial Justice in washington d. C. Relatives of people shot dead by police have been among the protesters. More not on that secession referendum in catalonia catalans across the border in france are watching the situation closely that are nearly half a million in the Southwest Region popping you know is the second biggest catalan city after barcelona natasha battle reports. Its prime time at a radio frances only catalan news station for more than thirty years its been broadcasting to the southwest and peppino region where a third of people speak the language the radio is a way of keeping that culture alive. Where a region where our language is under threat three centers it was banned to slowly its coming back especially in schools so our radio is helping this by developing the language and maintaining our catalan identity Rolling Vineyards and sweeping mediterranean beaches define this part of france known as northern catalonia southern catalonia is a few kilometers away just across the span. Border peyronies separate the two but people are united by their catalan roots traditions and pride it certainly feels very unique kerridge feels very different from other parts of france there are catalan colors and reminders everywhere and people say they are looking very closely at the referendum which is taking place just over the border but whats interesting is for a few people in french catalonia say that they would want independence from the state. A Catalan Association in the center of power in your Office Activities for all ages while many catalans in spain want to vote for a clean break from madrid those here say they wish to remain part of france but with more regional autonomy. Underneath unemployment is widespread here young people are jobless the french trade does little for us we want a special status. Which would give a small town a main. Going to me and taxation. Mesmerising sar down a dance was banned in the one nine hundred forty s. By spanish dictator general franco who regarded the catalans as a threat the people here grew up with it its intricate moves have been passed down through generations and classes like this are popular. Of one fire along with our mountains the sadhana our language its everything a sketch islands have its our inspiration. With no great momentum for independence the focus for most catalans here is on keeping in step with france but dancing to their own tune Natasha Butler al jazeera. Unresting camerons mainly English Speaking region has forced the government to close its border with nigeria protesters say the region should be fully independent from the french speaking part but in smith reports. More. They have a National Anthem their own flag and a leader in waiting all the trappings of a potential new country but without any land because what these people want to call amazonia is the English Speaking part of cameroon. Its here the demonstrations have gathered momentum in the last year by people saying they suffered discrimination at the hands of the french speaking government most people just want reforms but calls for outright independence are getting louder. And its. Led. By giving evidence freedom at the end of the First World War cameroon was divided between the french and the british at its independence in one thousand nine hundred sixty one the English Speakers opted to join French Cameroon instead of neighboring nigeria. The protest have been mainly peaceful but cameroon Security Forces a crackdown six protesters were shot dead last year and hundreds arrested. In an apparent a gesture of reconciliation president. Ordered the charges be dropped against several detainees but that doesnt seem to calm tensions the man who leads the separatists has been torturing the us calling for a peaceful uprising we call for a nonviolent revolution called for in the environment protests we call for the environment much this is what young people straight into the world and we have resisted. I mean you know i love but this is a moment that we must continue to stand for. The u. N. Secretary general has asked camerons government to address the grievances of the English Speakers but the un is unlikely to answer mr toppers press for a new country called amazonia Bernard Smith aljazeera thousands of protested in dublin calling for changes to islands laws restricting abortion the socalled march for choice comes after the Irish Government announced that a referendum on the issue will be held next may or june ireland has some of the strictest laws limiting abortion in the World Domination is only allowed for mothers life is at risk forcing women to travel abroad for abortions issue remains divisive in the country with a large catholic population. An air france plane has made an Emergency Landing in canada after an apparent engine explosion the airline says the airbus a three eighty was flying from paris to los angeles when it suffered serious engine damage and diverted to goose bay. A Peace Agreement between colombias government and the countrys last standing rebel group is coming into effect on sunday the National Liberation army has agreed to the terms after several failed negotiations but for now the deal is only temporary catcha lopez audion reports. Its come only as a last armed rebel group after decades of Political Violence the National Liberation army or the l n set is ready to put down its weapons at least for three months. This doesnt completely end the conflict with the this is temporary it is not a cease fire weapons are surrendered or where demilitarisation takes place the rebel group is known for taking hostages for ransom despite recent peace negotiations it reportedly increased its attacks on oil routes and pipelines under the agreement it must stop attacks on infrastructure kidnappings and the recruitment of minors know. They have agreed not to recruit members who are fifteen years old or younger during this period they will also stop planting mines they can injure or kill or endangered the lives of innocent civilians. The e. L. And was formed in one thousand nine hundred sixty four it pledged to protect land rights and poor communities but in its call for social justice its tactics became final and. The challenge was to comply with all the rules he agreed to we hope to her word and hope trust for peace grows in colombia. The government hopes that yellen will give up its weapons for good just like the revolutionary armed forces of colombia or fark did over the last few months. The fark is an army trying to practice politics the is a Political Organization trying to wage war in other words the may have a small number of armed fighters but its social base is much larger than that of the far. In two thousand and sixteen colombias president those who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the countrys fifty year civil war with a

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