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Condemns the tax on up to 7000 people. And times up for tech talk the u. S. Government will ban downloads of the chinese odor from sunday. Hello france a seen a Record Number of new coronavirus cases with more than 13000 infections registered in the past 24 hours the Health Ministry says 154 people died in hospital on thursday thats the highest number in 4 months the u. K. Government is considering whether to impose a 2nd National Lockdown of the daily cases in england nearly doubled to around 6000 in the past week israel is back in nationwide lockdown for a 2nd time following a spike in numbers its come at the height of the jewish Holiday Season and many European Countries are introducing new measures movement is being limited in spains capital denmark is applying a curfew for bars and iceland will close pubs in the capital for 4 days not in barber has more details. Early on in the pandemic spain was hit just about as hard as anywhere in europe now in the capital madrid the Health System is under a new pressure with covered 19 cases rising one in 5 hospital beds in the region is now taken up by someone with corona virus. We are set to rated with people who need health care and patients that need care were doing the best we can but we need more Health Workers we need more resources. Spains one of many european nations now bringing in localized lockdowns worried about a 2nd wave of covered over winter months for this bus driver bringing his son in for a test its the right approach you know i understand that we need to save the economy and the health is the most important thing without health that we dont have money in the Czech Republic there were more than 3000 new cases on thursday adjusted for population only spain and france within the European Union have seen a bigger jump in the last 2 weeks now bars are having their Opening Hours reduced and in prague people will have to wear a Face Covering it Outdoor Events with more than 100 attending in the u. K. Covered cases have doubled in a week and Health Officials are worried about rises in infections and hospital admissions among all ages next week people in more regions will be told not to mix with other households just like nearly 2000000 in the north east of england have i think its a fast because and one hand shes got people going honey this is the papers who can go into james if the papers that were going to restaurants and popes up to 10 oclock at night but you cant have your own family tree house i mean i dont understand this wheres the sense in it was the logic of the other night if we hadnt got to willingly all people that have been checked more nor. We wouldnt be in this position now weve seen that they dont know along the u. K. Governments considering warnings from its scientific advisors that restrictions may have to be imposed across england next month to drive down transmission we are not seeing. Second wave coming in we soon see it in france in spain of course across europe its being absolutely im afraid inevitable you see it in this country in scotland the 1st ministers calling this the most decisive moment since march remain. A 10 airlie or a stage or a similar path to that that has been taken in recent weeks by france so our task is to make sure if we can interrupt that and we dont end up were the hour now here in london the mayor city can is warning that the city is about 2 weeks behind those regions of england already under local lockdown hes also hit out at problems experienced by londoners needing a cobbett test citing government incompetence across europe governments are having to act fast winters approaching and with it predictable pressures on Public Health facilities but persuading the public to abide by new curbs on their freedom could prove a tough challenge the dean barber aljazeera london when over the next 3 weeks israelis will be forced to stay within one kilometer of their homes im nearly all businesses must remain closed i force it is in west jerusalem and says there are questions over whether people will listen to the advice. Well the 2nd National Lockdown has come at the beginning of a 3 week period of jewish religious holidays and theres no coincidence in that there was a concern that the usual mixing the traveling around the country a household or household families and friends getting together that that could really have exacerbated what is already an extremely worrying situation in terms of numbers for several days this past week those new case numbers per day have exceeded 5000 Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister on thursday night said that the Health System had raised a red flag and that is why the government had to act in this way but even then even on the eve of these restrictions they were still changing some of them it was going to be just 500 meters that people were allowed from their front door. Unless for some particular exempted reason that was changed to one kilometer on the eve of the restrictions coming in and that kind of thing has been a problem throughout israels handling of the pandemic many people have complained of contradictory or confusing instructions and regulations coming from the government and there are concerns that people simply wont observe the rules this time around the same extent that they may have done in march in april during the 1st National Lockdown there are 7000 police and soldiers that have been mobilized to try to enforce these regulations. A u. N. Investigator looking at possible Human Rights Violations in bellary as warned of another. Descending on europe and urgent debate has been held over allegations of torture and other pieces following last months disputed president ial election one of the victims of violence has spoken tossed out facile in the capital. Praying to stop the violence in barrel take a 1000000 its felt firsthand what Government Forces that capable off to. This Community Members as he was on his way to pray the night after last months president ial election when he was dragged out of his car by mass policeman and crammed into a detention truck Police Forced him to crawl on top of other men and he sastre torture began. I told them again and again i just came here to pray im religious person but every time i gave this answer they gave me an electric shock i only wore too short so it was very painful they used it on my legs and on my arms but mainly on my back in the heart area the most scary moment was when i understood that i wasnt on without any laws this was a place with no rules except there of course they could do whatever they wanted. At the Police Station his condition deteriorated so much he says he felt like he was having a Heart Attack Police called an ambulance and hospital doctors stabilized his condition after president Alexander Lukashenko declared an 80 percent election when nearly 7000 people were detained and hundreds have testified that they were beaten and tortured many suffered brain injuries organ damage and fractures meeting in geneva the United Nations Human Rights Council condemned the bellows government for the alleged abuses and sas its monitoring the situation closely. And it doesnt believe anything will change. This resolution does not have any influence on our former president because he is a sick person and he cannot clearly judge the situation here but i am happy to know that some countries talks to us not to recognize look at any longer and give opportunity to the Opposition Council an Opposition Leader to an oscar to represent our country before a Human Rights Council convened in twit solent a Human Rights Defender who documented the abuses was detained her organization now fears more arrests very dramatic and very hard time for all people here but we will continue our activities in any way you know who. I. Know we will be here will continue because we think and we sure this is a legal activity were humoring the fenders and we walk for hours well International Pressure is increasing on local schank us regime his Government Forces have stepped up repression many belorussians are fearing more arrests and prison sentences for those who have demanded justice by look at shadows increasingly isolated by other countries his troops have accelerated their campaign of fear and terror at home despite the violence or game and its believed that the people of bello will win even though he fears the road to victory will be a bitter and difficult one step class and aljazeera many. People in the u. S. Wont be able to download the social media talk and wait chats from sunday night president obama trump is banning them from stores over National Security concerns saying they could pass user data to the Chinese Government to talk is trying to finalize the deal to sell its american operations to a Company Based there a White House Correspondent kelly how caught reports from washington a stern review from the u. S. President were not going to do anything to jeopardize security. The white house alleges the popular chinese based apps ticktock and we chat are stealing american users private information handing it to the government in beijing. On friday the u. S. Commerce department announced we chat will be banned in the u. S. Starting sunday well new restrictions on tic toc will also go into place a full ban on ticktock could come into effect in november after weeks of bidding tech giant oracle submitted a proposal to run the apps in the United States but before was approved the u. S. Government moved ahead with the ban we have some great options and if we can keep a lot of people happy but have the security that we need we have to have the total security for. Us social media apps like facebook and instagram are banned in china but ticktock Officials Say this decision could affect the entire industry the value to fight the new restrictions in the courts vanessa pompous tick tocks general manager in the us is inviting facebook and instagram to publicly join our challenge and support our litigation this is a moment to put aside our competition and focus on Core Principles like freedom of expression and due process of law we chat has more than 1200000000. 00 active users but less than 2 percent are from the United States. The biggest impact could be on u. S. Companies like walmart starbucks nike and amazon they all use we chat ecommerce platform in china to conduct business this weeks move is part of a bigger fight the Trump Administration continues to wage with beijing recent weeks the u. S. Has taken multiple actions including rejecting chinese sovereignty over disputed parts of the South China Sea blacklisting chinas largest tech company while way and cancelling the visas of thousands of chinese grad students and researchers in the United States one analyst argues the move by the Trump Administration could have unintended consequences one of the principles there in the cold war is we tried to get as much information in to communist countries as we could we dropped leaflets radio and now were cutting off one of the main mechanisms we have for telling people about democracy in the rest of the world. This latest fight with china is a risky one for trump with just weeks until the u. S. Election 20 percent of users will vote for the 1st time in november and trumps move is likely to be unpopular kimberly helped get aljazeera washington polling day is still more than 6 weeks away but in 4 u. S. States the 1st voters have lined up to cast their ballots in person people in minnesota Virginia South dakota and wyoming have made their choice between donald trump and joe biden and millions more will do the same at least 3 quarters of all American Voters will be eligible to receive a postal ballot is the most in u. S. History meanwhile campaigning is ramping up as trump and biden travel to the battleground states in the hope of swaying voters there said to go head to head in 3 Live Television debates starting at the end of this month in cleveland the president ial election itself of course will be held on november 3rd lets take you live now to out is there is john henry and he is at a polling station in the city of minneapolis and 1st of all john why are trump a both in minnesota. Well thats right im out in front of the Hennepin County Government Center where a number of things go on here at the moment there is a bride and groom have just gotten married here taking pictures behind us but what really was significant that happened here today in terms of the election was that voting began minnesotans were among 4 states that could do early voting and move those polls have closed and youre right minnesota is normally a state of the candidates pay a lot of attention to it votes reliably democratic hasnt voted for a republican for president since Richard Nixon in 1072 when Ronald Reagan swept 49 of 50 states in 1980 the one lone holdout was minnesota which voted for minnesota native Walter Mondale but trump gave them a scare 4 years ago he lost this state by just 1. 5 Percentage Points and he did it largely in 2 areas in the suburbs and in the iron range in the Northern Mining part of this state and thats where both candidates are speaking today joe biden has already spoken and they both want to make sure that they win this state biden wants to hold a reliably Democratic State trump wants to make sure that if he loses one of the other battleground ground states like pennsylvania ohio michigan that he could still have a path to victory so the 2 men are here trump in one format speaking as he does with hundreds or thousands of people few of them Wearing Masks he certainly doesnt wear one thats a statement of his confidence that to covert is not as big a risk as some other people think biden on the other hand just taking off his mask to speak in a socially distant Smaller Group of Union Carpenters earlier today and his main message was that while donald trump is the candidate of wall street giving big tax breaks to wealthy people that they have done very well even during the pandemic he says that biden is the candidate of main street and those are the people he is going to focus on and pointing out today is the 1st day the polls are right. What if. Thats right we talked to voters and there were a significant number going in and it was an interesting socially distance process in which people came up gave their names and were received texts when it was possible for them to come in because they did the voting places didnt want people crowding in there we talked to some of them on the way out and they said they wanted to make sure their vote came in early donald trump has has been selling fear saying that mail ballots might not come back in time that they might be fraught with fraud although theres no history to suggest that that is true and in any case and the people we talked to here in minneapolis a very democratic city one of the liberal strongholds were joe biden is expected to get much of his support predictably the people we spoke to leaned heavily toward biden he said they wanted to get those votes in early and some of them said that they wanted to go out after that campaign get their friends to vote so a very active beginning to the campaign here this will of course go on until november 3rd and joe biden we are told is now going to get out on the campaign trail more often President Trump is continuously saying where is biden making jokes about him hiding in his delaware basement wearing a mask while were told by the Biden Campaign that wholl be hitting about 2 states 2 Campaign Stops per week and hes going to focus heavily on the early voting states as they open up as minnesota did today and minneapolis thank you. All right still ahead so on the program perus president faces an impatient effect accused of interfering in a corruption investigation. And sit on crisis for more heavy rain as the u. N. Scales up imagine sea assistance by hundreds of thousands left. Hello there plenty of clouds and rain across the southeast of australia can see the cloud in the last few hours and we could be seeing some fairly hefty totals things have cooled down a little bit in sydney will see some rain that over the next few days you can see the skies looking a little bit story and sun if you showers in the 4 calls on south of it really the bulk of the rain is out across the west very widespread 3 queensland by the way down into New South Wales some really quite at times and in fact all the way down throughout much of victoria as what itll work its way east sunday thats when the rain already sweep across much of New South Wales pushing on towards sydney all the while it stays fun in new zealand a very nice weekend ahead but this next system also developing across the great bias that that will bring the showers gusty winds and the clouds that you cross into Western Australia but also sydney for the next couple days youll see that rain and then it does really clear out of the way and so we return to warm sunny conditions on offense and all the asia hey weve seen quite a little rain across much of japan but also south china for the last few days more of that as you go through that it will work its way off the east coast it should stay to the south of shanghai and also. Today across much of japan but the rain back in the full cost cutting through eastern sections of honshu and all the while staying very unsettling the south coast so a wet couple of days in hong kong. And counting the cost an aging population soaring debts and recession can japans new Prime Minister fix the economy famine puppy in our prices as the pandemic wipes out a decade of Economic Growth plus pakistans asias best performing stop. Counting the cost on aljazeera. A showcase of the best documentary films from across the network. To 0. The. The earth. Again and remind the top stories here on out as they are frances reported the highest number of coronavirus deaths for 4 months with 154 in the past day several European Countries of announced new restrictions to stop a surge in infections. The United Nations is stepping up its monitoring of alleged human rights abuses in bela reuss the universe to go to says there have been more than 10000 arrests and 500 reports of torture during a crackdown on antigovernment protesters. People in the u. S. Wont be able to download the social media apps to talk and we chat from sunday night u. S. President is banning them over National Security concerns saying they could pass user data to china. Perus president says he will not hide as he faces an impatient vote in congress over allegations he interfered in a government corruption investigation last vickery is accused of moral incapacity for trying to obstruct an investigation into irregular government contracts with a little known singer hes likely to survive the votes with opposition members expected to fall short of the majority needed to oust him lets take you to lima and i was there as Marianna Sanchez and marianna tell us what has been happening in congress over the last couple of hours. Well va through the city they went on a break and they are back speaking and exposing their arguments for or against the vote it is unlikely that to proceed and martin the scar will be unseated from the presidency because there is only 28. 00 legislators who have said that they favor the vacancy of the presidency. And they need 87 volts thats 2 thirds of lawmakers however one thing is what they say and another very different from what they do what we have been hearing from lawmakers has been quite dark throughout the day with some of them insulting the president others saying that it is that he is unfit to continue governing that he has obstructed justice some of them have condemned already the president although theres an investigation ongoing so so its unclear how they will vote no a majority the majority has said in fact that the president i think hes got to should be investigated and hes got to have himself when he faced congress for about 20 minutes this morning said that he is open for the investigation as soon as now they dont have to wait until july of next year to begin those investigations all right the sanchez in lima force thank you ottomar as president his contract with the coronavirus. Has revealed his illness on a local radio show later gave a televised address he described his symptoms as mild and is suffering from body aches and a slight cough john my tie is the 4th latin american leader to contract 19 his announcement coincides with the loosening of the countrys travel restrictions with borders open to International Flights for the 1st time since march. Sudan is bracing for further heavy rain and flash flooding which has killed more than 100 people since july the un is scaling up emergency Food Assistance to hundreds of thousands of people left homeless in makeshift camps at a day reports from southwestern synch are one of the worst affected areas. This Primary School in single town is now home to some of sudans numerous flood victims at least a 1000 people are holed up here every classroom hold several families theres no electricity and say they long for the moment they could return home. To them weve been here for 13 days the floods hit our village early in the morning we tried to build fences to protect our homes but the winds were too strong so we decided to salvage what we could and fled. A village on the banks of the blue mine was completely destroyed but then im an invalid weve lost all hope the floods destroyed our homes and swept away our livestock and everything we owned we have nothing left the worst floods in sudan in a century continue to displace thousands a total of 18 villages in sonata state ruined by the flood waters and cut off from the rest of the state theres a lot of concern for the safety of the people who continue to live in both villages some of that theyd just as ive been trying to acquit those who are willing to leave their homes most of them have been finding themselves in camps like this one. Comes for the displaced are growing in number and size on the outskirts of single town. First. The basic. Food shelters. The food including the nutrition and also. Some of them are my thighs and know what they can such as a post on going. This new community their local communities we provide they provided some food and as we compliment you into. Work on. It in recent days the government has issued new warnings to communities living on the banks of the nile that rains in the highlands of the bring it you appear could lead to more flooding along the river according to the governments humanitarian Aid Commission 650000. 00 berkeley been affected since the start of the rainy season in mid july millions others are facing hardship as the cost of food and transport soars across the country prices of some staple foods like bread and sugar have increased by 50 percent over the past few weeks and there were warnings these prices will only Wasson Mohammed out the wall jazeera singa south western sudan greek authorities have launched a search and rescue operation after receiving a distress call from dozens of my quince course in a powerful storm the coast guard says at least 3 merchant ships have reached the area where mobile 50 people were believed to be stranded in a vessel that found no trace stormy honors has been lashing the islands of catalonia 2nd force and if the having streets and causing power outages. Well more than a week after they were forced out of their camp by fire thousands more refugees have been moved into a new facility on the greek island of less false but with reports that basic amenities are not ready they feel life in a half camp could be even worse Stephanie Decker has more from last boss. Its a crush of broken hopes the suffocating heat not making their wait any easier on the 2nd day of a greek Police Operation to move refugees into the new camp on the island of lesbos we saw them rounding up hundreds of people in various areas making them wait before joining the long queues and. The situation is bad run fortunately affected by problems created by others for example the afghans they do awful things that were put in the same basket theres no justice now the police came to our tents and kick us out what can we do as the day went on this road once packed with refugees and migrants almost empty some try to argue that there is no point. The last few finally making their way to the new camp they prefer to sleep on the streets rather than move into the new facility aid agencies are concerned theres problems with the conditions. Especially today where the camp is not ready for the people of the 10012000 going to be taken to it what is it for are we talking about 2nd morea with the people piling up the terrible conditions or talking about a reception camp for transit of the population on their way to other places but were extremely worried that in fact its just a containment policy thats going to be maintained that is just going to keep people there for months on that or even years and conditions are going to be practiced worsening more usually this would be an ideal location nestled on the shores of a greek island but these tents are a symbol of broken policies of delayed bureaucracy as well as broken spirits and lives on hold most people have now been moved off the streets where they were sleeping to this new camp many of them reluctantly many have told us they dont want to be here fearing that this camp could be worse than moria because it simply isnt right in the next few days will tell how this camp deals with the influx of thousands of people Stephanie Decker thats most island greece and you find out much more about many of our stories by going to our website the address to sarah dot com. Reminder the top stories on aljazeera france has reported the highest number of coronavirus deaths before months with 154 in the past day or 13000 people have tested positive for coded 19 in the last 24 hours several European Countries have announced new restrictions to stop the search and infections the British Government is considering whether to impose a 2nd National Lockdown of the daily cases in the nearly doubles in the past week. Theres no question. That what we could expect to see. Coming. From spain course across europe its been absolutely. Inevitable in this country israel has imposed a 2nd nationwide lockdown to hold rising coronavirus cases for the next 3 weeks residents will be forced to stay within one kilometer of their homes and nearly all businesses must remain closed israeli leaders of acknowledged they lifted the 1st lockdown too soon and daily infections have risen above 5000 over the past week measures coincide with the start of the jewish new year which is traditionally a time for family gatherings and large Prayer Services people in the us wont be able to download the social media apps to talk and we chat from sunday night u. S. President donald trump is banning them from up stores over National Security concerns saying they could pass user data to the Chinese Government to caucus trying to finalize the deal to sell its american operations to a Company Based we chat is a popular messaging service that is also used for mobile payments but wont be allowed to conduct any transactions after sunday. Police on the greek island of les also moving people into a new refugee camp but its reported that sanitation facilities there are already breaking down around 6000. 00 people have so far been resettled after the previous camp burned down last week leaving 12000 homeless the greek government says the fire was started deliberately in protest against a coronavirus lockdown. And those are the latest headlines counting the cost is coming up next looking at the state of japans economy thanks for watching by. Examining the headlines that said to me business virus can run in the watch here on the news and i think you care for unflinching journalism how relevant is the debate here in this day and age how he characterized the protest movement i would say that we are observing the awakening of the nation sharing personal stories with a global audience. Explore an abundance of world class programming the world is watching on aljazeera. Hello im sam this is counting the cost of aljazeera your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week japan im aging population soaring debts quanah me in a recession can japans new Prime Minister of void decades of contraction

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