Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20120624:12:56:00

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political forces here have been the muslim brotherhood, as well as their allies, particularly other ultraconservative islam t islamests. the youth movements and the social movements and the labor movements have all somewhat rescinded a little bit particularly because they are not as politically organized and as well funded as the brotherhood that has 80 years political experience. as a result, when it comes to negotiating, the military found it easier than the more fragmented social youth. >> we will check back in with you in a little bit. we're expecting a decision imminently. when we come back, mona joins us from cairo. we will discuss what has become of a revolution that really captured the generation of americans around the world and whether we're seeing the end and demise before our eyes. right after this. tell it wears on them. narrator: he's fought to pull us out of

Related Keywords

Allies , Movements , Forces , Muslim Brotherhood , Labor Movements , Youth Movements , Ultraconservative Islamt Islamests , Military , Brotherhood , Bit , Result , Experience , Negotiating , 80 , Decision , In Cairo , Americans , Mona , Fragmented Social Youth , Revolution , New World , Narrator , Generation , Demise , Eyes , The End ,

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