that are easy to understand, and that will generate the type of dynamic economic growth that we need to see in the country. >> isn't your beef, though, with the overall breaks in the tax code for sports leagues in general? why single out african-american players who are protesting racial injustice? >> well, this doesn't single out anyone. this legislation that i've taken over from congressman chaffetz would apply equally to all professional sports leagues, but certainly when you see a sports league like the nfl embrace what i perceive to be very unpatriotic activity, it leads to the question, why would we give folks that are engaged in this anti-americanism some special break? it makes no sense. we sometimes use the tax code to try to achieve some social objective. frankly, that's not been something we have been successful at as a country. but why would we give them a special break? so that's why i propose eliminating the break for everyone. >> i'm curious, quickly, with these protests we have seen today, sir, as you know last week, there was a lot of taking