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Germany. Thousands of victims. Welcome to the Program German chancellor is due to give a statements to the thats the German Parliament to steps in the countrys fight against. It comes off states agreed to make it mandatory for people to wear mosques on public transport across the country and. When shopping. Guidelines allowing some shops and businesses to reopen the government has also agreed. On the restroom sector. Chief political correspondent. Is outside the job on. Good morning to you what can be expect from speech in the parliament today. Well i expected to do a lot more explaining shes been very concerned this week that this initial easing of restrictions some sops opening but those distance restrictions remaining in place could set off Something Like a bidding competition between individual states that germans frankly could be too at ease and believe that the crisis is over theres a real concern that people wont feel their individual responsibility so i would expect her to appeal to that very responsible realty and once again warned mins that the immediate crisis my may be contained with a real infection rate of 0. 9 so one infected person on average infecting 0. 9 people in the future that doesnt mean that germany is over this crisis of her to call for vigilance actually preparing the ground for what is perceived to be a new normal here in germany living with corona rather than beating the virus thats the domestic component of it mckiernan but then surely there is a wider european component speech coming on the same day that e. U. Leaders including her will be in a Video Conference summit if i can call it that to discuss a Financial Support package for the e. U. Is there going to be something in her speech for the Wider European Union and perhaps a person of that sort of better to response to that. He is clearly germany is actually on the defensive here despite angular machall having almost cited the drop target distance to the e. U. Budget securing Unemployment Benefits across europe giving countries an extra financial boost to contain unemployment in the depth of this crisis now the word corona vaughns has emerged i expect there to be intense debates with germany in the netherlands leading the north and spain italy and france speaking for the south its this old standoff what solidarity in europe actually means and whether it could mean standing in for each others debt in the future also to stabilize the euro now there are signs that there might be a potential compromise its a proposal for put forward by spain that would see the e. U. Budget for the 1st time securing such loans actually providing financial backing there and what we do know for sure is that germanys pushing for and willing to pay for a much larger budget with that budget for the next couple of years being discussed but francaise all of this cant really be resolved without at least one physical meeting of e. U. Leaders if you look at berlin thank you very much for that. And of course there would be live coverage in under an american is expected to begin as speech meanwhile lets have a look at some other coronavirus news from around the world Ratings Agency fitch says the world is on track for a recession of unprecedented depth in the postwar period it could be twice as severe as the Great Recession of 2009 south koreas Central Bank Says the economy has shrunk 1. 4 percent over coronavirus its worst performance in more than a decade the number of been from over 9000 infections in singapore as poss 210000 despite robust efforts by the city state to try and control the virus in china a citizen journalist missing for almost 2 months has reappeared he says he was detained by police and forcibly quarantined in rather race to develop a vaccine is gaining momentum the german drug bio and tech won approval to begin the countrys 1st human finical trials of a possible vaccine that accounted for dozens of potential candidates in development in europe china and the u. S. But Health Officials say it will still be months before a vaccine is ready for the market. The german firm vial and tech is working on what it hopes will be the 1st vaccine for covert 19 an important step would be human Clinical Trials these have now been given the go ahead by the federal bank scene regulatory body the palm airily institute the trials will be the 1st in germany. With this authorization we will conduct the 5th Clinical Trial worldwide to develop a vaccine and this is indeed a milestone. Bio and tech will perform trials of 4 different versions of its vaccine candidate and 200 healthy test subjects between the ages of 18 and 55 in the coming months in the hope of developing an effective treatment for the Novel Coronavirus Germanys Health minister says safety is key. Thing is very important after all this is an injection so safety must be the top priority in most the active substance in the vaccine will contain the pathogens genetic material the human body will then create proteins with it against which the immune system will form antibodies the principal bio and tech already uses. Uses for a vaccine therapy for cancer the whole project has now been redirected. The timetable Clinical Trials will start at the end of april 1st results are expected at the beginning of july if positive trials would be expanded to thousands of subjects in the fall and winter the Company Hopes to develop a covert 1000. 00 vaccine this year but experts say 2021 is more realistic. I think its reasonable to expect a vaccine in the 1st half of next year which has been approved by the authorities and is widely available the vaccine doesnt just have to be tested and it also has to be available to the general population not just in germany but also worldwide. And effect of vaccine is one great hope to end the coronavirus pandemic for years a look at some other stories making headlines around the world boeing is thought to be planning today of 10 percent of its Civil Aviation staff News Agency Reports the cuts would affect up to 7000 people working on the 737 max on the long haul 787 and 777 models growing is restarting production of the aircraft following coronavirus shutdowns. U. S. President donald trump has signed an executive order temporarily suspending immigration he said it was necessary to help americans get jobs in an economy ravaged by the coronavirus but the audi includes many exemptions including for medical workers as well as in egypt family members of u. S. Citizens. Air pollution in the indian capital delhi has dropped dramatically due to the coronavirus walked on leaving residents marveling at the blue skies and clean views back in november the indian capital suffered some of its worst pollution experts attribute the improvement in air quality the drop in both traffic. It is the 1st trial of its kind of the world to suspect that Syrian Intelligence officers will go on trial here in germany today jobst with crimes against humanity including torture and Sexual Assault prosecutors are using universal jurisdiction laws to try the 2 suspects the defendants and to germany as Asylum Seekers along with thousands of other citizens double reports now on the hope of one that this could bring justice for her son some viewers may find this report distressing. Mario lives in a berlin suburb it seems it to like but this syrian woman is part of a europe wide hunt to catch criminals secret Service Agents from her country like many others mario son was systematically tortured the young medical student had spoken up for human rights and called for president bashar assad to step down now 8 years after his death his mother is seeking justice. I want the culprits to be brought to justice from the accomplices all the way up to assad these people are responsible for spilling our childrens blood kin. More than 26000 pictures of torture victims were smuggled out of her torn syria by a courageous former Police Photographer is coding. The photos could help convict torturers and murderers. Human rights lawyer mohsen doubt we should survive torture in syria now living in germany hes pressing charges against his former tormentors including anwar as a former Senior Member of the Syrian Secret Service and more are is charged with crimes against humanity murder and rape. This is the 1st time it will be a player this is the 1st time there is a split of the court of judge and we have picked a suspect and the size of the state of florida we dont have a. Seaview. Bill wiley is investigating syrian torturers he used to hunt more criminals as a un prosecutor and worked on cases from the former yugoslavia and the wanton genocide he knows that without a peep or trail its difficult to bring culprits to justice. Thats why these state documents smuggled out of syria are so valuable. What you have in this room are materials generated by the Security Intelligence structures of syria the military structures of syria and the baath party or political structures of syria at the top level and the governor of the quest they also shed light on suspected torturers such as anwar are widely believed at least a dozen former senior agents remain undetected in europe money on 100. 00 hopes that not only the killers of her son will be brought to justice but also others living in hiding for her the hunt has just begun. Travel has become impossible because of the corona but as with many borders closed on International Flights grounded as we reported as having a devastating effect on countries that live off tourism the Spanish Island of new york is especially hard hit. A cloudy april weather is just a tiny a problem compared to the corona Virus Outbreak and some a cat that catastrophic consequences for york up. Next its. Just a year ago 16000000 this has brought here to debate. No fears for her like refute or restaurants out in majorca have been forced out definitely. I cannot speak english. And everyone who live from torrington on the island. Used to be one of the big 3 palma now everythings closed the belly eric g. D. P. Could tumble by a 3rd. Thing as a whole could mind the 1000000000 euros of revenue. Michael the country the local government here is pushing for the reopening of this essential fact that. We want to organize and we took out a quarter of last years Christmas Well yeah that would be a good. Montserrat want to welcome holiday makers to her hotel again but its unclear just when it will be able to reopen the residents stressed that the fuel got from the mainland and a number of infections here is relatively low my dear guy ok well position. And this is also why we hope to welcome our guests and. Dont think that he would. But monsters makes it difficult to keep a distance of 2 meters from all those on the island my yoko faces some very difficult times ahead but a sports news now tennis great Roger Federer is suggesting that while sport is a block stone its a good time to consider the mens and womens governing bodies tennis is on hiatus until the feast mid july and wonder in a treat if hes the only one who thinks the Mens Association of tennis and the Womens Tennis Association should become one top seen and many professionals including the chair of the a. T. P. Alston approval. As i did other news in berlin a quick reminder that youre going to get news and updates on the blog on our website at www dot com i can also follow us on twitter at steve good news im going to drink thanks for watching ill get back to. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour corona update. 19 special next on d w

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