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Unprecedented pedophile case comes to trial here in germany needs an abuse survivor who hopes going to public with his experienced can help bring justice to others victims. I am. God and god but im sumi so much kinder its good to have you with us we start in belarus where public support for president aleksander look i shant go seems to be crumbling as more belarusians heat opposition calls to join a general strike. Consistently given a defiant response and rejected any calls for him to step down they have been growing louder ever since he was returned to office over a week ago in a controversial election. The red and white flag of the opposition has one small been right used on the streets of mints. This time by the work is about livers gathered outside factories and the state television headquarters. All go away they chanted directly at president Alexander Lukashenko who had arrived to win them over. Their protests have been fueled by the promises of their restored leda you got to have the. Intent to take responsibility and act as the nations leader ensuring this period so the country settles down and gets back to normality so that we can release all Political Prisoners and prepare a Legal Framework and conditions to hold another round of president ial elections in the shortest time possible. With. The exiled Opposition Leader made her address from the way mia just one day off to calling for the biggest protests in bellerose get an estimated 200000 people marched through the streets on sunday calling for the president to step down they maintain that the National Election earlier this month which gave lukashenko 80 percent of the vote was rigged. She shares were all united and that we want to protect our right to choose we want Fair Elections because its well this is a celebration of freedom weve done this dictatorship if you look at shankar is no longer in charge the power has been taken by those who deserve it the people of color scheme that protest wolf look at shankar supporters who also staged a probably in which the president rejected demands for waivers. And the. Poor little way mia latvia poland and unfortunately now do you crying and its leadership ordering us to hold new elections. If we follow their lead we will fall into the abyss and never get out house in order to send them since. We will. Parish as a state agency and as a people did really did he go ok. As the internal pressure continues International Concern grows with the e. U. To hold an emergency summit about belarus on wednesday. Lets get the latest on the story now we have our correspondents standing by for us yuri where chateau is in moscow and band report is in brussels good to have you both very i want to start with you we saw those images of workers striking and protesting but at the same time president look i shant go does not seem to be backing down at all tell us more about what weve heard from him well assuming from all official and less official statements by ticks on the local shango that you have in the past few days and today one message is very clear he doesnt want to give up his power he repeated to yesterday as a rally of his defense and minsk as about this today at his appearance or during his visit at one of the most important and largest factories in the country as we just heard in the report he is determined to continue ruling no matter the prize the crucial question is how these socalled key will react more specifically the poem ministry the Defense Ministry the secret service and to the army if they all continue to stand by him that position could face a further escalation of violence at the cot in the coming days but as soon as the seal of the key changes their minds and take the side of the demonstrators and its on the local schenkel will be gone very quickly from the political stage of the 26 years of presidency and of come to you in brussels now because we know that the European Union is watching all of these developments very closely and the e. U. Will now hold an emergency session after already greenlighting sanctions last week so what further steps could be taken. Here with this special summit on wednesday which is a Video Conference the e. U. Wants to increase the pressure on the president of the rooms oleksandr because shango and the child we share the president of the council said that the the people of the roost have the right to choose their leadership freely and to choose their own destiny and future violence cannot be accepted so if you has not called for the resignation of that can happen on wednesday that would be the next diplomatic step in the letter and the you could also tighten the sanctions the use in visioning now the theyre working on the list to sanction people and some companies maybe look at shanghai himself will be enclosed on that list and theres also the possibility through the neighborhood policy of the you to further strengthen the Civil Society in below. Your i want to come back to you know and ask you about the Opposition Leaders atlanta in her exile in lithuania we saw her saying she is ready to lead the country how much pressure does she add on the question. I think pretty much because the pressure from me is actually the pressure from hundreds of thousands of demonstrators across a bellicose as it has a huge support base yesterday we saw the biggest and most peaceful protest in the history of belarus cold buys from the idea that support has been rising in the last weeks. However has shown in recent weeks that she is actually ready for her role as a national leader. Or now in the exile in lithuania also she isnt alone in her role as a leader she has strong support from. Who is the official representative of another candidate who wasnt allowed to run for presidency. Has become another face of the even the russian opposition shes in minsk right now and she has been staying in touch misfit line that you can also go all the time there and how does this look in brussels because the head of sky is in exile in lithuania which is an e. U. Country and shes saying im ready to take the reins of a country does that put the European Union in a difficult position its not unusual that the. Opposition leaders of operating from the neighboring countries like poland lithuania and latvia but the u. Has to walk a fine line they dont want to give. Me putin the russian president any excuse to somehow militarily do Something Like he did in ukraine so the west should not give him any reasons for that sofa or was tended to be in the russian camp but now we have to see that briggs old our correspondent reporting for us spend record in brussels europe or chateau in moscow thank you. Lets check in now on some other stories making headlines around the world House Speaker nancy pelosi says she will call u. S. Lawmakers early back from the summer recess to deal with the crisis the u. S. Postal Service President trump who was admitted to holding back funding for the service has repeatedly claimed that a surge in mail and voting would lead to voter fraud in novembers election. Somali Security Forces say they have ended a siege in the capital mogadishu at least 15 people were killed when militants detonated a car bomb outside a popular beach hotel and gunmen stormed the building taking several hostages the Islamist Group alshabaab has claimed responsibility. Hundreds of people have rallied in madrid to protest the mandatory use of face masks and other restrictions to contain the coronavirus the protest comes 2 days after the Spanish Government announced new measures including the closure of disco. The number of migrants arriving in italy by boat has already surpassed the total for last year thats according to the Un Refugee Agency so far there have been more than 15000. 00 sea arrivals with many people rescued by coast guards in italian waters that is up almost 4000. 00 on last year islands off southern italy like lampedusa and sicily have attracted the majority with more than 40 percent of migrants arriving from tunisia in north africa our correspondent max under reports now from the sicilian town of qahtani seta where Authorities Say they are struggling to cope. The coronavirus pandemic has made life even more challenging for some of the most Vulnerable People here in the south the sicily. There is no justice for migrants no justice each month they should pay bills how can i possibly do this. This man from somalia tells us he is stuck here without work or a place to sleep authorities at the Migration Center promised to return his passport last december but he still hasnt received any papers people who showed up for their appointments this morning tell us the pandemic has delayed processes here not having the necessary paperwork can affect their legal status in the country and ability to work life underneath the bridge is the only option for some of those lacking their paperwork 8 people have been sleeping in this while the kaffir the past 25 days one of them tells us with no money or support they are holding out until their cases can be heard incidents like this have managed to stir up Public Opinion against migrants and refugees a few dozen new arrivals escaped from an overcrowded current and the city of 2 weeks ago most were found by police none tested positive for the coronavirus not fear but seeing the good in people is what migrants and refugees need during the pandemic omar so knows this from his own experience the 31 year old gandhian works in a center that houses migrants and refugees and helps them prepare for their life in Italian Society when saloon arrived in italy in 2014 he was initially presented with limited opportunities to help him integrate health because you can be able to keep from morning to night and to the best thing that you. So that. Youre going to be going to. Something that is killing you intimately if you so but because then they said different because most of the people who will be sent thats something to be in this country after finally coming to this center so will get lucky he was able to find work here is a cultural mediator helping minors living at the facility with her asylum cases and Everyday Needs many migrants in sicily are forced to make a living here in the countryside as daily barisan the greenhouses they earn as little as 30 euros a day medical doctor. Looks after my going to workers many of them undocumented she has been treating back injuries and the forces in her mobile clinic free of charge and anonymously she says precarious working conditions make migrants more vulnerable to coronavirus but theyre also being stigmatized is not a bit of. I am worried because these people still continue to be invisible this is a big problem for all of italy especially if these people are seen only as people who are sick and spread the virus sauna. Jaring the interview a patient shows up he says he escaped a cornered facility and is now showing symptoms of cold 19 the team are 1st into a hospital for testing though it is unlikely the Tunisian National will go there out of fear of being deported. Migration was a divisive issue in sicily long before coronavirus far right leaders have been using the issue for political gain claiming migrants are bringing the virus to the islands says the mayor of port and. Shes been trying to drum up support for a tangible solution new arrivals would need to be distributed across sicily and the whole of italy reducing the numbers of people in the cilia Reception Centers and limiting the spread of coronavirus there nice seeing that. We mayors of the area asked the government to use. The same health care particles we have for italian citizens for migrants and recently are part of leader of the mire the clear that the problem is not migration now the problem is the Health Care Issue the outbreak of corona virus limited. Sicily is currently experiencing a rise in 1000. 00 cases after the peak of the Holiday Season containing the virus is likely to remain a challenge here throughout the islands and tire population. Youre watching news still to come on our show the arctic heatwave visits a siberian town it was very foundations are threatened by rising local temperatures. But 1st the trial starts today of the main suspect in what could be germanys largest ever organized child sex abuse case more than 70 suspects are being investigated in the case involving an Online Pedophile Network that shared images of child pornography d. W. Met up with a man who has some idea of what the victims have gone through he himself is a survivor of abuse who is now fighting for justice. As a child Marcus Dyckman was sexually abused for almost 10 years by 3 different perpetrators and his home town of 10. Today hes returned to the scene of the crime. This is where a shooting gallery owner at a funfair lou had him into a terrible one and raped him. But. I have this movie playing in my head that i havent been able to start since the trauma have youre here as a little boy 5 years old with shoulder length blonde hair naked on a bed with creased white sheets. The shooting gallery owner was lying naked next to him for 4 decades marco stickman repressed what had happened today he drives his motor home through germany and fights for justice for other victims. Ive always had to somehow figure out for myself whats right and whats wrong because you dont believe anyone anymore you dont trust anyone. The under a huge victims in the back in case of probably going through something similar 130 investigators are now working on the case the largest known abuse scandal in german history so far they have identified more than 80 suspects but there are 30000 leads to other potential perpetrators person suspected of exchanging child sex abuse photos and videos on chat forums. And trips but if you read the chats in particular and you get the impression that by communicating with each other the participants reinforce in each other the believe that their child abuse is a socially accepted sexual preference is to prevent many perpetrators have no sense of wrongdoing its a case of appalling dimensions and goes far beyond germany according to the senior prosecutor Marcus Dyckman is still not free of his trauma with his group he supports other victims the group wants the statutes of limitations for sexual crimes to be eliminated as for the trial against the main suspect he has hopes that will extend beyond the baggage blood but case starts off once twice a signal is now being sent to that perpetrators can no longer feel safe and that they will now be dealt with severely. Marcus dyckman sets off again to continue his mission of drawing attention to the fate of Abuse Victims its become his lifes work. Not one that he chose for himself. For more on the story we can speak to you really often by shes the director of innocence in danger thats an International Organization fighting against the sexual abuse of children and child pornography its good to have you with us how can it be that children are being abused in child pornography is being shared and spread so widely over so many years without anyone knowing it. Well thats an excellent question the thing is that we need to understand in all of these cases i would say in 90 percent of these cases organized crime cases the sexual abuse begins within the family or the closer on the child which means we all should be able to detect something is going on we all should be able to detect something is off with the child and we should be able to detect a grown up person is doing weird things with children but we do not want to realize that we all know perpetrators in all close around into this is a reality that we do not want to face so we leave it up to the children to sort of come to us in a way that really are able to digest and to understand and thats too much for these children so we need to get better in detects and intervention if children do come to us or report these cases what kind of support structures are in place to help these victims for cover. Well what they need is they need therapeutic help they need counseling they need support their parents need support the nonviolent parents support but in the in tases where there is where there is a court case going on children are denying the source this kind of support because there are witnesses to their own crimes and the courts say well if there get there if you take help there there might be. Some sort of suggestive or intervention and then we cannot attack they cannot account for the crime any longer so we need to speed up the court cases and we need to find ways to support these children and in germany at least i can say we need more of these centers to support children and their. Parents because there are far too few still while the german governments commissioner for fighting sexual abuse says this is a National Crisis that needs to be a National Priority what do you think needs to be done to stop perpetrators and also better protect children. Well we need to raise awareness not so much much among children of course also monster them but we need to raise awareness amongst adults and we need to and able adults surrounding children to take 1st action and the 1st action any adult any parent any teacher can take and should say in case theyre wondering if might be sexually abused is to call the National Helpline against child sex abuse in order to sort themselves out and see who they can turn to and theyre closer on things so do not be the person where this information gets stopped but be the person who deals with with such a suspicion and then you might be able to help a child and you may want to ask you about the trial that started its been called the largest child sex abuse trial in germany what precedent do you think this trial can set for how the country deals with sexual abuse and pedophilia going forward. Well what we need to understand is that Digital Media and the internet really change the dynamics and dimensions of child sexual abuse and we have we have things like live stream sexual abuse we have things like swapping back and forth the internet really changes the game and actually its quite interesting that some people are saying this is a whole new dimension and we had a case in 2007 or ready by there were 112000 of he was of child porn sites so we need to understand how this game has changed and we need to put Law Enforcement in place to be able to tackle these this dimension of the crime well have to leave it there you have one by law from innocence in danger thank you very much thank you. To some other news now a temperatures across the arctic have been increasing at a rate thats about twice the global average causing a record heat wave in siberia this year a small remote town above the Arctic Circle in the russian region of temperatures that were nearly 20 Degrees Higher than the average scientists now fear that the heat is causing the permafrost to thaw spelling catastrophe for both the environment and for the people who live there did abuse Emily Sherwin reports from for hayats. You can see the heat shimmer even now at the end of summer a few weeks ago we had set a new record 38 degrees celsius thats the highest temperature ever recorded within the Arctic Circle people here are usually proud of a different extreme their town is one of 2 places that claim to be the coldest on earth. Were used to the cold people here cant handle that sort of heat everyone bought electric fans they were totally sold out here people had ice cream and cold drinks we arent prepared for these conditions. And a boy swam and worked it was fine even in the winter when its minus 60 degrees centigrade here we eat ice cream so working when it was 38 degrees wasnt a problem either moishe pretty much me ive described them all of them. The climate is changing every year and the ice is slowly melting people say the winters have gotten a bit warmer and the summer has moved by a whole month its longer now to the to be. More severe than thats really nice its the buildings in venice are on stilts designed to drive down into the permafrost and give them a solid base the pillars also keep the houses raised so they dont melt the ground underneath but rising temperatures could threaten the very foundations of this town. Because the permafrost is melting houses here could collapse because theyre built on pillars our Public Utilities are built on supports which have their foundations in the ground if they move there could be accidents and there will be all sorts of problems if Global Warming intense allies. Russias arctic has already felt the effects of unstable foundations in late may a fuel reservoir near no real sq collapsed and 21000 tons of diesel spilled into surrounding rivers and subsoil the russian Metals Company in charge said the thawing permafrost was to blame scientists hope the environmental catastrophe and no real scheme will be a wake up call for afterwards. Until this happened no one paid attention to the issue of permafrost the 1st thing that contributes to its thaw is the climate and the summer temperatures to some of summer temperatures here in central yakutia so in the taiga forest has increased by 10 to 12 percent since the year 2000. This years summer may have been a novelty for people in bed but it could spell an unstable future for russias arctic. Sports now and in formula one World Champion Lewis Hamilton won the spanish grand prix for the 4th Straight Year on sunday the result was the british drivers 156th podium finish breaking a record long held by german racing legend michel. Some of the drivers took a knee on the track before the race to show their support for the black lives matter of movement. And then they were off with World Champion Lewis Hamilton starting from pole position and his mercedes teammate Valtteri Bottas also in the front row. And in a masterful performance hamilton managed to hang on to the lead throughout the race on a sweltering afternoon outside boss alone with very little drama or suspense hamilton cruise to victory 24 seconds ahead of his closest title rival max 1st stop in the red with photons finishing 3rd. But not in the double today as it was a real surprise because thats the problem with the ties. Management was. Was very very good at best understanding of what happened off the water this weekend. Evidently they would have to do it today. Hamilton celebrated his 156 the podium finish surpassing the record held by the great michael schumacher. The win increases his lead in the title race to 37 points ahead of her stop. Show are you watching to get you coming up next our show global 3000 looks at the growing influence of the nigerian mafia in italy state. Did you think in chinese childrens room. Paris should be kept in the middle a christies online. By contrast High School Graduates to find her personal freedom but dont be denied for the. Global 3000. Let. It go to. Those who love to eat seafood fish calendar of course. Overfishing greening seasons bio diversity. Which fish can people eat and with without damaging the ecosystem. Know your fish the 1st seafood sustainability guide in the eagle india. In 60 minutes on d w. Like. A mug or just was food for the russian soul. Runs deep. So many different walks of life. Some are complex and oddly. Not all of them come straight from the heart its what i see but when theres no more delusion the marsh will enjoy. From the fruit of the law to their final resting place the russians g. W. Documentary. Welcome to global 3000. Online schooling in china we find out how beijing is maintaining a tight grip on kids stuck a. Jungle schooling we learn how the pandemic is affecting a run in towns being prepared for a life back in the wild. But 1st we had to italy where a full mud

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