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Everywhere. It does seem, as i said, that mr. Biden has a slight advantage with a slim lead in several crucial states, but the contest will go on in the form of recounts and legal challenges. Republicans are in a strong position to maintain control of the senate, they made big gains in the house of representatives. Of course, the main, unsettlinged question remains the president ial race itself. On thursday night, President Trump claimed victory. This is a case where theyre trying to steal an election. Theyre trying to rig an election, and we cant let that happen. Detroit and philadelphia known as two of the most corrupt political places anywhere in our country easily cannot be responsible for engineering the outcome of a president ial race, a very important president ial race. Gerri now, the president s typically combative style drew the usual pearlclutching from the media, Major Networks cut away from his remarks to protect their viewers. Now, its also true that President Trump made allegations that he hasnt backed up with any ed. He and his campaign are going to have to show that malpractice occurred on such a scale as to potentially change the outcome of the election. If they cant do that, they wont have a case. But theres nothing necessarily authoritarian about this, outcomes are contested all the time. Its ultimate hi the law that will determine whether objections are valid. Of course, the media want you to believe this is an outrageous assault on democracy. Other than the fact that this is a close outcome, all this year democraticcontrolled states have been changing the rules about how you vote. Essentially, theyve used the covid19 emergency. Allowing mass mailin balloting, extending deadlines for rebelling saw straight and voting itself. It was almost inevitable in a close election this would produce uncertainty and controversy, and that quite possibly unscrupulous people would exploit the opportunity. If there is a lengthy dispute, its democrats who are palley responsible for it. Principally responsible for it. What happens next . Andy mccarthy, fox news contributor, thanks for joining me. Its my pleasure. Gerry so the president said in his remarks, he had made all kind of accusations about widespread fraud, and he did say ultimately it would be decided by the judges. How do we get there these various accusations in various states to a Legal Process that ends up with judges deciding who won . Well, i think, gerry, that you really hit the nail on the head when you say its not just allegations of impropriety or fraud, but that they have to be on such a scale that it would actually, if true, change the outcome of the election. So if youre not alleging anything thats egregious to that degree, you probably dont even get in the ball game. Theres no problem, as you pointed out, with in these razor close states having recounts. Thats a pretty standard thing. And where theyve made fraud allegations, they have to come up with some hard evidence not only that there have been incidents of fraud and impropry the city, but that actually impropriety, but that actually they would make a difference. And i think the big litigation in pennsylvania which involves the Supreme Court although they have not planted their feet on taking the case yet or not, goes to this very important issue that you outlined which is who has the right under our constitution to set the time, place and manner and other rules of elections. The constitution explicitly says its the state legislatures. Weve had again and again and again the states using the pretext of covid19 to have their Supreme Court and even bureaucracies like the board of elections to really rewrite the rules that the legislatures has prescribed. I think thats slightly constitutional unconstitutional, but its got to be, its really got to be decided by the Supreme Court. Gerry the big difference between now and 2000 in bush v. Gore which we all remember, of course, bush v. Gore was happening in one state. It was a few hundred votes in the final count between the two, and there were specific allegations about, you know, votes not being counted properly. Is it part of the president s problem here that youve got several states he needs to essentially overturn the current voting numbers in several states which are already in terms of thousands of votes, and hes got to find the evidence to do that . It does sound like a pretty tall order. It is a tall order, and, you know, with respect to you have to look at this, we dont know what the final count will be yet. But you also have to consider hes in the position that lets say he can flip a state, which is very uphill in terms of litigation. You have to then ask would flipping that state change the outcome. And it may be that he needs to win not just, you know, the Court Litigations in one state, it could be multiple states. So this is very uphull. But, you know uphill. But, you know, its not a crisis of the regime. We have laws in place for this. The states dont is have to report really until december 14th. The legal deadline is december 8th, but they have to get the results to congress by the 14th. So the 14th is really the deadline. So we have plenty of time to litigate claims. And, you know, the 14th they report to congress. Under the law on january 6th at 1 00 in the afternoon eastern time, Congress Needs to count the votes, and well know for sure to who will be the next president by then if not before. Gerry and just finally, thats not fundamentally legitimate, is it, for a candidate who finds himself behind in a close election to say i want to explore all the avenues and all the Legal Options that are available to me to see whether the result was, in fact, correct . Yeah, thats right. As you pointed out, thats what al gore did in 2004, and i really think the democrats having, you know, with due respect to them, spent three years relitigating the 2016 election and claiming that trump was not a legitimate president , to say that we dont have three to four weeks to go through an orderly Court Process while the peaceful transition of power, while, you know, the ground work is laid for it, i think thats a bit much. This is something that could easily be handled in our system, and we go forward. Gerry my thanks to andy mccarthy. We do know the republicans did way better than anybody was expecting. What does that mean for the future of the party . Newt gingrich is up next to tell us. Muck [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Gerry whoevers finally declared the winner, the results do suggest a pretty fundamental shift in the nations political alignments with really big and quite positive implications for the Republican Party. For four years, voters have been told plump wants a whites President Trump wants a whites whitesonly nation. There were some eyecatching results across the country. President trump won comfortably in florida thanks to heavy support among latinos, and take a look at texas. It sits in the shadow of the border wall. The countys 85 his e panic. In 2016 hundt won that county with twothirds of the vote. This week, President Trump flipped it. In fact, the only large Demographic Group where his vote share seemed to decline was white people. So has President Trump succeeded in creating a new Republican Coalition around a new keyism . Conservativism . Joining me now is former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. Speaker, thank you for joining me. Its good to be with you. Gerry this does look like a very different Republican Coalition from ones weve seen in the past, is that right . Oh, i think thats right. I think youre seeing a continuation of what started with goldwater and reagan and then was continued with the contract with america or and then accelerate ared dramatically accelerated dramatically i by President Trump. Hes creating a working class, common sense, largely antigovernment and proprivate job party. And in the process, of course, hes losing the Country Club Republicans expect professional and the professional consultant republicans x. Thats why really seeing a very profound shift in america. And minorities increasingly feel alienated by the leftwing social policies and ideas of the democrats. So in a sense, theyre being pushed by the democrats to come our way, and theyre being pulled by President Trump to come our way. Gerry this is an opportunity for republicans, right . Whats the message that republicans now, whoever ends up winning the president ial election, whats the message republicans should now be formulating and developing to really build on that success . I think its pretty straightforward. We want to work with you to make your life better. Were prepared to oppose the Teachers Union when they fail your children. Were prepared to oppose big city bureaucracies when they kill jobs. Prepared to oppose those who would weaken the police and increase crime in your neighborhoods. Were very proud to be american and represent a kind of very traditional patriotism as compared with the antiamerican views of the academic and news media left. I think theres a very clear pattern there that trump had had begun to develop, and it has enormous potential for the future of the Republican Party. Yr jer should the Republican Party become also a little more skeptical about big business . You know, big tech totally. Ing. Gerri big media, big finance. Theyve become very powerful, and theyre all moving in one political direction. Thats an opportunity also for republicans, right . Its a huge opportunity because theyre all liberals, theyre all internationalists, theyre all favor china, theyre all willing to sell out the american worker, they all represent a kind of autocratic elitism that thinks it should dictate to the rest of us because were not smart enough to lead our own lives. These are the people who establish very harsh program as for locking up programs for locking up society and what basically antichurch, antisynagogue but procasino, to give you an example from nevada. Gerry what about issues like entitlements . This is something that the republicans have traditionally been strongly advocated reform of entitlements, drawing attention to the financial viability issues that entitlements face. President trump strongly told people he wasnt going to cut Social Security or medicare. Is that something that maybe the rest of the Republican Party now needs to fall in line with the president s message on that . Yeah, look, i dont think i think you can improve entitlements. I think you can increase the opportunity to stay active. You can increase the incentives to shift from disability to capability. But i think any effort to directly cut the lives of people who are retired is suicidal. Let the democrats do that. Gerry speaker gingrich wish we had more time, but thank you very much, indeed, for joining us. Coming up, the polls showed a biden landslide. How could they have been so wrong about President Trump yet again . Mark penn will be with he me to break it down. Who is usaa made for . Its made for him a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. Get an insurance quote today. Hi susan honey . Yeah . I respect that. But that cough looks pretty bad. Try this new robitussin honey severe. The real honey you love. Plus, the powerful cough relief you need. Mind if i root through your trash . New robitussin honey severe. Strong relief for your severe symptoms. Strong relief anywhere convenience. Everyday security. Bankers here to help. For wherever you want to go. Chase. Make more of whats yours. I think three of the last four major polls have been double digits for biden. This poll now shows joe biden with a 17 ispoint lead. 13point overall lead for joe biden in pennsylvania. There have been a fair number of complaints from republicans when it comes to polling. What do you make of those . Theyre a bunch of b. S. , to be perfectly honest. More likely that joe biden wins a landslide. If we see in those final polls the type of lead that joe biden has now, the polls are not going to be wrong. The polls are not going to be wrong. Gerry theres one for the record books. Well, there was a clear loser in this election, and that was the pollsters. Surveys bad lu missed the mark again by predicting an easy win for joe biden when in reality, of course, the margin was quite a bit smaller. The real clear politics and 538 web site showed a biden lead of up to 8. 5 points in wisconsin and a biden win in florida just before the election, and yet they both turned out to be way off the mark. Polls also supported low winning numbers for trump in ohio and texas, just to be proven wrong again. Should the industry be counting its days until extinction . Lets take it up with managing partner and political strategist mark penn. Mark, thanks for joining us. Thank you. Gerry what went wrong . Well, a number of things went wrong. I think, first, there were a lot of shy trump voters. I mean, bear in mind the Polling Industry got it right in the midterms, and they sealed to get it wrong whenever trumps involved. So that does suggest a lot of people who support trump who wont say so. Second, i do think, in fact, the country a few points more republican as evidenced by what happened in the house races than the polls had. Our harris poll, our last harris poll had it at 4 for biden, which i think will turn out to be relatively close. But even that id say we had a 5point gap between republicans and democrats, and it seems like its more of a 2point gap, and thats why youre seeing the house close exactly how it is in this president ial race. Gerry what do the pollsters do to try to regain any trust that people presumably now dont have in them . Yes. Well, you know, they, the polls here are going to take a big knock. But and i thought, frankly, that the whole media became overfocused with polls in the last couple of days of the race. They barely talked about the issues, about the economy, health care, the virus. And they focused almost exclusively on predicting the race, which i thought was really odd. I hope a lot of this, a lot of these problems are, frankly, in the media polls. Some of the college polls. The ones that showed 17 points, well, they were just way off. Gerry and you make a good point, absolutely, about the obsessive focus on the polls. And one thing that does, i think, is it means we end up talking about not just issues, but about races that we shouldnt be focusing on. I mean, everybody was Lindsey Graham in south carolina, there was even talk about Mitch Mcconnell in kentucky being in danger. They ended up winning their states by much larger margins than other states that democrats won that we didnt spend any time talking about. That really does distort the conversation, doesnt it . Yes. What i say the campaign and the campaign about the campaign. The campaign is the real back and forth of the candidates, the campaign about the candidates. Whos winning, whos negative, whos got the most money, and this has devolved into the campaign of the campaign almost exclusively. But youre quite right, were misleading polls create a false impression in some of those senate races perhaps because they were spending so much money on the media that people just were not honest in their responses. I dont believe the pollsters tilted it 10 or 15 points. I think thats what they were getting back. Gerry you dont. Just finally, briefly, i want to ask you, mark, because weve got to close, but you dont think the president said its voter suppression. There are a lot of republicans who suspect that, but it turns off voters if their candidates going to lose by 17 points in a astronaut where hes actually neck and neck. State. You dont think some of this is pollsters and news organizations actually trying to, essentially, turn republicans away . I think that the news organizations and even some of the pollsters had a wrong mod ole on what model on what america really looks like. I dont think they were intentionally trying to suppress the polls, i havent found that polls make a real difference in the turnout. I think weve got to do the real wakeup call that weve got to do because america is more centrist, key and republican conservative and republican than a lot of the eastern elites have believed. Gerry thank you very much for joining us, look forward to seeing you next time. Coming up, democrats used to curse big money, dark money, they called it in elections. Now theyre spending it with abandon, and theyre not doing it very successfully. Ill until you whats going on there. We love the new apartment. The Natural Light is amazing. Hardwood floors. 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Gerry finally this week, remember when democrats used to fume about money in politics, how angry they were that wealthy donors could apparently swing races for those evil republicans . Well, you dont hear much about that anymore. Now its the democrats who flush their money around like a high roller in a vegas casino. And lets be perfectly candid, they dont seem to be good at it. Mike bloomberg spent a billion dollars earlier this year on his own president ial campaign. He came up with just a handful of democratic primary delegates in american samoa. But his enthusiasm was apparently undimmed. Later in the year he announced he was spending another 100 million to help defeat President Trump in florida as well as more money in other states. But all that money went the same way as the first billion. At this rate, hell have exhausted his personal fortune in about 20 years or so. Then there was all that money that rich democrats coughed up to help Jamie Harrison in south carolina. The democrat raised more money than any candidate in senate history, over 100 million. Much of it from hollywood moguls and Hedge Fund Billionaires in new york. It didnt turn out to be much of an investment. Senator graham won his race by more than 10 points. Of course, there was the money spent to try to pass proposition 16 in california. Now, this was the attempt to change california state law to permit Racial Discrimination in College Applications and state job hiring. Supporters outraised their opponents for this am pain by 141. Tech billionaires and sports franchise owners and others tripped over each other to put their money where their woke mouths were. In their infinite wisdom, california roundly rejected the idea, and we thought all these plutocrats were supposed to be smart as well. Well, thats it this week. Please be sure to follow me on twitter, facebook and instagram, and ill be back next week with more indepth interviews on the wall street journal at large. Thank you very much for joining us, have a great weekend. Jack welcome to barrons roundtable where we get behind the headlines and prepare you for the week ahead. Im jack otter. Coming up, john emerson explains where the new Power Centers are in washington. And later, safe haven picks going into 2021. But we begin, as always, with what we think are the three most important things investors should be thinking about right now. The markets surged this week in the face of election uncertainty. Why investors seemed happy with the outcome. The fed is continuing efforts to sustain the economy during the pandemic

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