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Dr his party's promise to get bricks it done while Labour's Rebecca long barely kept up the attack on the Tories over the n.h.s. The bricks at parties Richard Tice and s.n.p. Leader Nicolas sturgeon clashed repeatedly over bricks at policy the Liberal Democrat leader Joe Swinson defended her party's plan to cancel Breck's it out right if it were to win a majority well played Camry's Adam Price attacked Labour's record in government in Wales at every turn and Caroline Lucas of the Greens sought to emphasise the importance of climate change in this election campaign there's more bad news for royal commuters across Sussex I'm afraid fares are expected to rise point average of 2.7 percent in January could mean the cost of and all season ticket increasing by more than $100.00 pounds a year business correspondent Katie Prescot has this with a month of strikes due to begin on South Western Railway on Monday the news that train fares will go up by almost the rate of inflation again next year has not gone down well with passenger groups they argue that the majority of people using the railways don't feel they are getting value for money but the rail delivery group representing train companies says that $98.00 pence in every pound spent on Faz goes back into running the railway and that the rise of 2.7 percent that they've announced is less than the level they were allowed to put up by July's inflation figure of 2.8 percent and it's a massive weekend for one of some sixes smaller football teams to just city taking on the league side Tran Mir Rovers in the 2nd round proper of the f.a. Cup It's expected up to a 1000 fans from source ics will be cheering the team on tomorrow after the 8 you're up to date with the news just gone forward his passing. Thanks Simon has a look then of the weather forecast the 1st in stereo Smalling out about it is very very cold 1st thing and you are going to be scraping the windscreen generally today chilly but fine with a good deal of. Sunshine. Which is of mine Celsius which is $48.00 in fountain like summer morning will be at $739.00 and set softening in the minutes of fall of the sea but remaining dry some developing in the us and it will stay breezy and cold the good news 7 nights and nights temperatures should remain above freezing 2 Celsius is our low 36 in found and a fine start small I would some sunny spells Have a Nice to be wind may bring a few showers later on in the. Temperatures to the summer. 8 Celsius $46.00 in found. In Sussex. This is b.b.c. Genesis land of confusion at 10 minutes past 6 Good morning to you Saturday morning rolls around once again and it's mark here with you between now and 9 o'clock today of course there is one story dominating the front pages this morning 2 killed in London bridge tower attack is the lead on the front of the Guardian's However it sounds it's a London Bridge for the font of The Daily Telegraph this morning questions about who this man was the terrorists wearing it is the lead on the fronts of the Times today but also very much reflected on many of the front pages this morning the. Credible stories of those who rushed in those heroes that we saw yesterday on the bridge bravery on the bridge is the headline for the front of the Daily Mail this morning also for the front of the Daily Mail also for the sun and also for the eye this morning one identical had lined the heroes of London Bridge will bring you all the very latest on match between now and 9 this morning. Well I've got a really good week it's been a slightly Celtic week I have now gone into full we has also planned so I will talk about why on the show it was a very interesting day yesterday cold company rehearsal for the very 1st time I got some work to do over the next few days that's all I'm saying you know at least this I can recognise it I so it took a bit about my hands on the show today I would do such about World Aids Day events coming up tomorrow back here in Sussex and let's hope of course about a couple of big football matches taking place this weekend not one but 2 Sussex will continue in action in Merseyside this weekend but not of Albion a taking on a livable the softer noone wants is the $61.00 of the lesson and seems in Sussex will be facing Tranmere Rovers in the 2nd round of the f.a. Cup tomorrow I will preview both of those games between now and 9 o'clock today I said stick around for that meanwhile 1st start this morning as a big question mark they could be several possible answers but all we need is the one was written down in front of me this morning according to a survey 33 percent of people saw a 3rd of people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years but what sort of job is it that they've been doing so a 3rd of people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years but what are they actually doing if you think you know guess what the big boss the head honcho is in town this morning you Nina is taking the course today our 802321 fall 5 Go on pick up the phone. Give you a North Pole on this chilly Sunday morning and you will blind a mind we would love to hear from you that's in 3 percent of people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years but what sort of job is it you can text on 8 launchable 3 something almost with the word radio and you can email me as of a month to Casa at b.b.c. Don't kind of she tell you very best of luck which I guess is between now and 7 and I'll suggest if all 7 am this morning you can. You can. Just see. And it's. Lose you. Never. Never. Move. Then we. Get isn't it's Cain and the music from man of love too much here at b.b.c. Sound 620 minutes off to 6 with Mark on the team on this Sunday morning as myself Simon Jenkins is reading our news this morning what are people lights on travel news and you name is in charge I guess we need to know 10232145 if you put a call in this morning you will get speech you may not and we would love your guesses on a big question mark today has the question for you to ponder on I think this is very guessable 33 percent of people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years so a 3rd of people in this particular sort of job. Will leave within the 1st 3 years but what is the jump in question I guess is coming in on this is one of it's a lot of what you've been getting in touch with today shall. Be nothing it certainly feels like either way you speak as a foreman a challenge it's a good try but it's not the right answer. Not enough sleep he says is it being a stunt double for the warm boss No frankly not. Good morning to you thank you for your call this morning says Could it be being a dentist study this week I quote a big filling and I always sit there aside from kind of want to scream out I always think why nothing anyone want to fiddle around with somebody else's mouth it's a great suggestion but it is not the one we are looking for our 802-321-0451 the tanks text us any time trouble free message with right here text. Message right privacy legis b.b.c. . Local radio producer. The Crusaders and street life at 26 minutes after 6 only Saturday morning with Marc Harrold breakfast keep guesses coming in then found big question mark for people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years but what sort of job is it they've been doing 810-232-1045 or you can text me as ever 81 triple 3 starting a message with the word radio e-mail Mark talk outside b.b.c. Doc head out to you Kay we will get to more of your guesses on that very soon indeed if you're a regular listener on a Saturday morning you'll know that around this time each Saturday we preview who is going to be my guest on your Les banks Sunday afternoon tomorrow no special guest as such because we're only on for an hour so in the 1st hour we'll squeeze in what's the usual bits and pieces like the top 3 at 3 with a musical birthdays as well but really the main highlight comes off the 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and that is when we bring you this year's Community Heroes Awards and we had a fantastic time on Monday night's I we were all gathered there at the Crown Plaza Hotel including me it was a night to remember I. Thank you good evening and a very warm welcome to a special as a celebration here at the Plaza Hotel Tonight we celebrate and it is our great pleasure to be your compares for this evening to this is our 9th year. Recognizing the work of those who help us in times of need to the 1st of. The b.b.c. Sussex. Is Robin. It's a great privilege to be here I listen to b.b.c. All the time. On next award recognizes young and every day I think I can. Say in every one of the. Community Heroes award in the category of. Is. Being here because. The winner of the. Following. I still can't believe. It's quite. One of the most popular. Awards. Is Carol. I know. But you're an inspiration to. The women it is. A great place. For people out there to. Look the pride. And I started crying. This makes a lot of people really happy we take for granted these wonderful people. And that proves it. Oh what a night it was it was absolutely brilliant might be in there you might have heard as well especially toward an outstanding achievement award for somebody if you've been listening to this show this year you'll know the name of Pacha McIntosh because we've been following every step of the way on his amazing journey as he cycled over the way to Turkey 0 for the Rugby World Cup having survived cancer not once not twice but 3 times an amazing man the same as in the studio on completion of the epic journey just a few weeks ago thousands and thousands of pounds raise for charity and we got him there and we got him there completely unexpectedly receiving his award he was coming along for the talk and we surprised him brilliantly on stage on the night on Monday night praises in all the highlights to come on out to Martin and actually from 4 fruits all 5 right here at b.b.c. Sussex our community Heroes awards it's just gone 630 now Saturday morning. And the headlines waking up to the summit in Cannes a good market morning it's been revealed the man who killed 3 people in a stabbing attack at London Bridge had been released from prison on license after being convicted of terror offenses and 2012 those men Karn who was 28 was freed in December last year after being jailed over a pot plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange well before he was killed by armed officers car who was carrying 2 knives and wearing what turned out to be a fake suicide bomb vest had been wrestled to the ground by members of the public the events of yesterday dominated the early stages of last night's election debate featuring representatives of 7 main parties all the politicians present paid tribute to the response of the emergency services and pledged more money for the police about other matters including the n.h.s. And breaks it were debated there's more bad news for rail commuters. Across saw 6 fares are expected to rise by an average of 2.7 percent in January it could mean the cost of an annual season ticket increasing way more than $100.00 pounds a year and events and Morial services are being held across Sussex this weekend to mark World Aids Day It's designed to raise awareness of the condition and to campaign for more research tomorrow a vigil will be held in Brighton including a reading of the names of those who've died from the disease. B.b.c. Sussex sports update well in the Women's Super League last night Brian who Albion conceded a stoppage time equaliser in a tool draw against Reading and manager Hope Powell was disappointed not to get the win I think we had. To stay naivety relieved for the health board in the call you know sometimes yeah when they dropped off to kill a bit this time but it's all about learning. That you know I'm keen to watch their their equaliser actually because it looks like down to me well Brighton have Albion's men's team face a tough test of the season so far today the 7 seagulls travel to Liverpool they of course have an 8 point lead at the top of the table has the coach Graham Potter I mean they're wonderful to have our huge respect is if Europe and the best in the Premier League at the moment of the way you look at the table appoint said go over the last season a bit is incredible just got pretty much everything you need in a team so it's the board I'm so which is we have to play really well they have to play not so well and then we have to be lucky. Full live commentary from 2 o'clock this afternoon world program who took up commentary from 3 and it's a massive weekend as well for one of Sussex is a smaller football team's sister city they're taking on league side Tramiel Rovers in the 2nd round proper of the f.a. Cup and it's expected up to a 1000 fans from West Sussex will be cheering the team on tomorrow afternoon and finally rugby's National to south Worthing target for a 5th successive when they head to Bury St Edmunds you're out today with the news and sports live on the hour at 7 o'clock right and we will look forward to that and Simon is reading the news this morning then a mike mike is away sunning himself somewhat and I probably Bogner Regis I don't know where he's gone but he's not he's under a heat lamp probably that's the only way we're you going to get warmed up in this neck of the words Now the 1st things 1st before we get your gas on the big question mark I've got to say 1st of all because you've been as intrigued with Patrick Macintosh as I have over the last few months are incredible cyclists raising money for that new center for us in conference hospice a piece pottage thousands and thousands of pounds raised deserving winner of the Outstanding Achievement Award absolutely Actually I remember being contacted by Catherine's auspice very very early in the year mark I think it was just me January was there and I said we'd like to do some stuff with you this year any think out of the ordinary happening and shit no usual vent so when the guy cycling to Japan I said to you Mark we could toss that mango when you said yes we do so it's been lovely to sort of be you know part of it but it's lovely to reflect what he's done and as you say you know not only has he done that and it's for the benefit of many many people in Sussex but you know he's come from a position of it he's had to fight back and actually we could probably all learn a little bit from that you know maybe it's a much you know I tell you what I was very clever. How we got him in there because he arrived to do another talk somewhere and I said well why don't you come along and just do a couple of minutes in front of the audience so he arrived Janine's of all conveniently and I saw him and I said thanks for coming in and he went what do you want slides or anything I mean and I remember one time for the slides and so I said what you come and I was so we put him on a table with Johnny cans I mean there's downsides everything so he went over to sit with Johnny Cantor for a while and so he was on the right hand side of the room and then over on the left sneaks in all his family and friends and supporters so I went up on stage and called him up to the stage and I said if you look over there and then his family and friends start waving frantically and as well it's a really really nice moment and you can hear it all so more than enough already and you see the pictures online as well now when I do you want to have to think on the big question mark this morning Ok so the question goes like this a 3rd of people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years but what sort of jobs that they might be doing gallium brighten things that could be sewage workers now I mean that's a great job I don't mean you'd be there for more than probably about 3 weeks on average in that job it's a good try go but it's not the one we're looking for this morning but a lot of people are actually getting this right is one of those ones I think this week where you are the No you don't Richard you must intern is got the right answer Remend it on Twitter has got it right some people only know Elaine celebs yet good for Miss Wheatly you've got the right answer and so has Mike in East priced the question Simon in Brighton got the violence. I can. Think of maybe show you a legal profession legal profession not either legal but the legal question yeah so lucky I don't often make it on the lady of the night or anything like that so. Many people in the know you know you're miserable I don't know what. But enough of those . During my life. It's nothing to do with the legal profession or the illegal profession either 802-321-0458 3rd of people in this profession would leave within the 3rd the 1st 3 years so a 3rd of people doing this take up the job and then quits within the 1st 3 years what do you think you might be give us a call our 802321045 let's see if we can i join a name to a growing list of right answers on the role of honor takes me one triple 3 starting your message with the word radio Here's our weather forecast for Sussex for this weekend not too bad a weekend but you're going to need to wrap up warm with you heading out and about today only tomorrow chilly but a fine day with a good deal of sunshine is a very very cold start this morning and there are some scraping to be done on the windscreens if you drive in 1st thing breezy particular southern areas today and a high of 9 Celsius 48 in Fallon height sunrise morning in about an hour from now at $739.00 and sets this afternoon in the minutes of fall overnight cloudy but remaining dry ice and broken cloud will develop in the early hours and it will stay breezy and cold with a low of 2 Celsius $36.00 in found I said temperatures will at least be above freezing a fine start Sunday with sunny spells of a brisk northeasterly wind may bring a few showers later on in the day another chilly one as well it's my highs of 8 Celsius 46 in found hides the 3 day check for the start of next week Monday remains quite chilly there will be dry and mostly sunny as you make I'm going to choose day a misty start or system fog and low cloud but it will stay dry feeling cold without phone pulling goes and Wednesday stays dull and grey with low clouds being slow to clear due to light winds the inshore waters forecasts from all fall into the wind easterly 46 baccy northeasterly 5 to 7 their normal be 46 later visibility is good the weather is mainly fair and the sea state is moderate occasionally slight near the shore finally the. $113.00 at 7 point. 16 point. $125.00 at a height of $5.00. 6. 6 with. Some of the. Songs one of the songs if you come along. Instantly recognized. S. Club 7 and reach that sound we can wake up song for the small and that's not one of the songs about it on stage but I am doing a couple of other songs including the big finale and if you see me yesterday you would have laughed because it's the 1st day of food we have with the whole company and so every time somebody move their arms to the rights I seem to be going to the left that was kind of the pattern of yesterday but it can only get better I think 60 minutes to 7 more in the pan so then little bit later on in the program taking your guesses as well on our big question mark this morning we are going a fair few answers right on this this morning let's have a look at this a 3rd of people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years but what do you think it might be what sort of job is it doing and Nick in a small morning to Nick thanks for your taxes morning is it working in a coal sense or says Nick in East born can you have the patience of a saint have a need to work in a call center I guess it was of course but I'm not sure I could stick it out it's a great try but it's not the one we're looking for this morning Johnny morning to you Could it be nursing suggestion but it's already been made this morning and it's not the right answer from Clive in Worthing morning he says Mark could the answer be working as an undertaker and it's always a pleasure listening to your program whether it's comments like that that make my day thank you so much Clive I'm afraid on this occasion it is not the right answer is great guest thank you for getting involved this morning another person with the right answer is John this morning it can be done Roy Mannings he is going for capping stuff up on the craft in the sky not the right answer Roy But thank you have a great weekend how do we go on this now we got less than 10 minutes to go 080-232-1045 let's agile name to the roll of honor before 7 am today Saturday a break 1st with luck Carter it is a quarter to 7 let's get into the guide helping you make the most of the weekend right here in Sussex and isn't a particular the count. Christmas there is a lot going on in Sussex this weekend thank you for your e-mails from Sandra it's the Christmas fats that I said was converted to hold at 12 noon light lunches of soup and desserts also tea coffee and cake during the afternoon lots of stores to browse including cakes pickles jewelry Christmas gifts and local cards games and puzzles over proceeds in a distant John the Baptist church and a mission is free from Rachel is a free local eco event at the Unitarian Church in the ocean today from 10 through to $330.00 a freak or event to explore and educate on the journey of rubbish helping to solve recycling confusion now the event runs then from Hostin this one it's recommended you're now 45 minutes to an hour to get around the different stations I haven't had this postcard but know it's wrong but it says Mark can give a mention just what So Pevensey by 10 o'clock today the Christmas lights crafts those who may produce for Christmas wonderful make Christmas decorations. And lots more besides enjoy if you're going along to any of those events Maybe you fancy a trip to the cinema and then knives out to claim lights and directory and Johnson pays tribute to Mystery mastermind I get the Christie with a fumble today murder mystery when everyone is the suspects of a private investigator Ben Waber long played by Daniel Craig interviews the members of the family family one by one after the death of their father in this clip it's the turn of the formidable daughter Linda played by Jamie Lee Curtis Mr Blank I know who you are I read your profile in The New Yorker I found it delightful I just buried my 85 year old father who committed suicide why are you here. At the behest of Applied who. I cannot but let me assure you. My presence will be automatic you will find me a respectful quiet ass. Of the truth knives out opens this weekend of the Sensex. Exchange's limits and soon he will brighten certificate 12 on the small screen it's the quarter finals of Strictly Come Dancing it's musicals wake me the remaining contestants Alex Chris Corinne Kelvin and Emma minus some from of course. As they bring a taste of bold way to the studio at some past 7 on b.b.c. One and on your radio the c.b. And 9 David Alan the puppet way to end Saturday evening speech now might well be my time from Domino which has recently been rereleased. In this month's Saturday Night Live David plays a couple of romantic songs and then instrumental in salute. Wake up to mug shots on Saturday and. Sunday 6 minutes to 7. Take the dean and tell it to my Hans this is b.b.c. Sound 6 we've been asking you a big question mark as one instead is a case of crossing off the list as you had the wrong answers a 3rd of people in this profession leave within the 1st 3 years but what sort of job do you think it might be Malcolm employing going with a nurse already don't that was just a by Johnny who also told me that actually he's been a nurse for 15 years good on you but not the right answer this morning thank you for all of your guesses as a weapon mark in place of a morning Mark. Good morning how I saw you well yeah fine thanks good going to see this weekend anything good planned and still be in the garden I think I spray even quite cold out there but isn't she quite good weather this weekend it's going to draw a bit chilly enjoy that now but yeah what do you think the answer might be. I think you said Teacher What makes you think it's each of you being one. Now and I think. That the people that time and I think I would too impressed after last time the other hand do the same and it's it's the one on say Yeah absolutely it was we were looking for well known to you and full of violence you don't win the holidays or the Bahamas but you can choose between just plain ole song from where I am what you fancy hearing. The 1st time place just plain hold my hand is on for you now have a great weekend in the garden so I thank you very much my speech you will have a great weekend 3 minutes to 7. Good morning to you this is b.b.c. Science it's great this is Mark cancer 7 o'clock now on Saturday the 30th of November coming up this morning tell her returns to London Bridge quite but the panic that we heard 3 maybe 4 very loud gunshot. Pretty grieving of people on the bridge. 2 people killed and police who the enemy attacker was convicted of terrorism when you've got so many thousands where there constant being prioritised sadly sometimes people known to the authorities but further down the list change their actions we're also hearing about remarkable acts of bravery in the capital British people individuals saying this isn't going to happen on my watch and I think we can be very proud of the reaction that happened in this tragedy all the latest to come and also today will stay this weekend various events planned particularly in Brighton and Hove will hear what's happening in sport a massive weekend one of our smaller sites the 40. 3. City yet to just sit in taken on trauma Rovers in the 2nd round of the f.a. Cup in our regular Albion preview the seagulls heading to Liverpool plus rehearsals now on the way for my pantomime debut I think it's going really well I think that you take direction really well and which is helpful for me it was such a great press and it's over the backstage gossip to come out for use in sport then with Simon just a moment trial where you trust with people Sparks Yes I'm a great have landed self last chapter 8 takes place today details on that after the news well generally find today and tomorrow as well breezy at times the highlights of 9 Celsius which is $48.00 m. Found heights. This is the news in the town itself now with Simon Jenkins thank you Mark good morning it's a merge the man who killed 2 people and wounded 3 others in yesterday's terror attack at London Bridge. He was a convicted terrorist was when he was 28 and had been living in Stafford was released on prison on license in December last year after being jailed in connection with a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange Well it was when Carlin was shot dead by armed officers after being wrestled to the ground by members of the public he'd been carrying 2 knives and was wearing what turned out to be a fake suicide bomb vest Stevie Hurst who said tour guide tried to kick the attacker I looked Colgate and Colgate and he would speak today for engineering work at Lewis and that great frost fat parade takes place and it's like you're on the big gathering Unc and singing road I did not set at around 1 o'clock to set off down towards the King's Road which is already closed off in preparation for the markets and the entertainment on the market stage it was about 6 travel. 7 minutes past 7 men in his the weather forecast around about today the Environment Agency has issued 2 flood alerts for Sussex today though terms of rain we shouldn't get in it should be a chilly but fine day with a good deal of sunshine breezy over someone parts of the day and a high of 9 Celsius 48 in found height sunrise this morning in about half an hour from now at 739 and set the noon out of minutes of 4 overnight tonight but it will remain dry and we should get some broken cloud developing in the early hours it will stay breezy and cold as well overnight lows of $0.02 yes 36 in found height and we're expecting a fine start tomorrow with some sunny spells have a brisk northeasterly wind may bring a few showers later on in the day as well and a height of. 46 in found. 6. This is Sussex with.

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