Transcripts for WDEL 1150 AM/101.7 FM [WDEL 101.7] WDEL 1150 AM/101.7 FM [WDEL 101.7] 20190820 110000

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You see on the hour presented by Indeed dot com I'm Deborah Rodriguez 3 more women have come forward this morning alleging they too were victimized by Jeffrey Epstein attorneys Dan pot and your represents a total of 20 alleged victims he tells c.b.s. This morning all of them are against the. Companies that he is part of his scheme or or organization that helped him round up girl one of the women alleges she met the Sultan of Dubai with Epstein and was also forced to serve or d'oeuvres at a private party with Woody Allen just 2 days before he died Epstein was busy tweaking his finances c.b.s. Is Laura Podesta hording to a Will c.b.s. News has learned Epstein signed August 8th the 66 year old was worth more than half a $1000000000.00 owning property is worth $180000000.00 including 2 Caribbean island file the whale in the Virgin Islands his only heir his brother the trumpet administration may be ready to respond to economists predictions of a looming recession c.b.s. News has learned officials are considering new tax cuts but not as The Washington Post reports of payroll tax cut the idea is to delay a recession until after the 2020 election the u.s. Has tested a new missile and Moscow and Beijing aren't happy about it c.b.s. Is Cammie McCormick The Pentagon says it tested a ground launched version of a cruise missile off the coast of California Sunday a test banned for decades under a missile treaty the u.s. Withdrew from earlier this year Moscow says it won't be drawn into an arms race China today expressed similar concerns and warned the u.s. To let go of what it called a Cold War mentality big tech companies like Apple Facebook and Google are about to come under brand new scrutiny live to c.b.s. This Vicki Barker 1st the Justice Department announced an antitrust review of the tech giant now multiple news reports say by. Partisan group of states is preparing to launch its own joint antitrust investigation at issue whether industry giants like Google Facebook Amazon and Apple have become so big and so powerful that they're stifling competition for their part the tech companies have denied engaging in anti-competitive behavior California Governor Gavin Newsome has signed a new law prompted by the shooting death of Stefan Clarke in Sacramento last year a c.b.s. T.V.'s Laurie Perez officers are now allowed to use deadly force when necessary and set of when reasonable it emphasizes deescalation techniques like persuasion as alternatives to pulling a trigger officer shot clock 20 times in his grandparents' Yard say they mistook his cellphone for a gun this is c.b.s. News are you hiring with indeed you can post a job in minutes set up screener questions then 0 in on qualified candidates in an online dashboard get started at Indy dot com slash fire. Trusted source for news am 115117 f.m. w d L everything you need to know she will have to work your listening to Delaware's morning here's Peter McCarthy police chase it came to a smashing stop in Newport Sunday night the charges against 4 young man and a middle aged homeowner from your whole caisson like Philip says it all started with a party that got out of control police responded to a shots fired incident in the neighborhood of oak wood village just before 8 pm 3 hours after having been at the house for a noise complaint county officer spotted a suspect vehicle and attempted to stop it but the driver took off racing through Stanton and then east into Newport It was there the suspect car crashed into parked vehicles and rolled over 2 people inside took off but were quickly called while 2 others stayed behind all 4 men aged 18 in $1000.00 suffered minor injuries and all 4 faced charges ranging from felony failure to stop to receiving a stolen firearm and possession of a. Firearm by someone prohibited in addition the 44 year old woman who owns the house was cited for disorderly premises policing no one at the home was hit by any gunfire for the identities of those involved the charges filed against them and their mug shots go to dot com Mike Phillips The Delawares News Radio 100 new jobs coming to the area through a food distribution company opening a new site next year in Red Lion. The Route 9 library in Newcastle on Saturday was the site of the announcement general manager of that site Joe Little says the bulk of the jobs are in warehousing as well as truck driving and drivers they can make some coins just short of $70000.00 or 1st year and we have a number of drivers that you know I am talking you know 20 percent of our drivers that will make well over 6 figures in a year's time and also need people to retain and maintain the fleet we also have our garage in our maintenance position so it's all the support to keep a big facility going with the book being warehousing and transportation 7 o 5 now Delaware smaller towns they need to become places that people want to live to work and to play as a shot point in the small town that straddles both Newcastle and Kent counties is feeling the pressures of growth it's good stream me hard to balance the budget every year and to help new businesses come in this is going to help us out tremendously by smaller Alexander Dyess says what businesses want what they need is parking which we're working on that and easy access in and out of town and what he wants to see move in a little mom and pop grocery store so to speak we get milk bread a common thing without having to run small on a Middletown New Castle and Delaware City we're also named downtown development district Amy Cherry w d e l Delaware's News Radio your kids are going to have to face reality of going back to school pretty soon here a new report finds that students are distracted 5 out of every 15 minutes they're studying Well James clears author of atomic habits and has some tips for improving your kids study habits like habit stacking take whatever habits you currently do so let's say for example at the end of dinner you want to have it we all have as we clean our plate Well you could stack the study have it on top of that so you can say after you put your plate in the dishwasher you immediately open your book on the table and especially as you get into school again you're really trying to build that routine and so whether it's after dinner or as things you walk in from school or whatever building I have a stack that's reliable and consistent. It is 7 o 6 now. Go to come here am 115117 f.m. To the. Road traffic want to the I'm Just ahead and your Tuesday forecast and beyond coming up 722 well we do here where the folks at Energy Star want us to keep our home thermostats pretty amazing We'll get into that straight ahead too as well as Morning News continues 7 o 7 now it's hard to predict the future even something as simple as the weather fortunately there's Chuck e. Steel to keep your home country and installing roofs across Delaware since 1985 licensed and insured professional companies stall repair and protect your roof to keep your home safe in any condition with a helpful to make them services you extend the life of your roof and get more bang for your buck and it doesn't stop there John Steel also covers your gutters and citing and you can rest easy knowing you're getting a fair and honest deal by getting checked is an expert's opinion and a written estimate no charge to you before you choose anyone else have a problem for John Steele give you an estimate because nothing covers your home better than the power. Trio 23767203023767204 online Chun Steele who 1st dot com. Our. 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Everything I wish I knew. Before you start taking prescription pain meds you know where they can take you talk to your doctor learn ways to prevent and treat opiate addiction because here. You can beat addiction we can have it on I now hear on Delaware's Morning News. Traffic watch the nines and here is why Phillips might get a little bit busier activity people for the most part we're in pretty good shape the shark watch update with Carmen and all her group the new Lincoln Aviator has just landed a car mailing can visit and test drive the all new 3rd seat a Lincoln Aviator at the rate 13 studio today one problem area as it has been for every morning for the past several weeks 95 southbound below Harvey road down towards Marsh Road planers church up again today jam solid into that to road work zone the rest of the interstate system despite some busy activity not bad northbound one moving along fairly well rough bridge to talk about a quarter to the mall interchange just a little bit of red light delays at 96 northbound coming up towards Glasgow and then a good deal Baltimore Pike light although the a Baltimore Pike eastbound backed up pretty good $72.00 again that is open now southward 40 alongside the fox run shopping center after that multi month closure for construction traffic watch Delaware County $95.00 northbound runs pretty well. The Blue Ridge the Blue Ridge a little slow up towards media swapped more but overall not really that bad for the morning commute and watch up to 9 minutes on the horizon services heating cooling a plumbing traffic watch center Mike Phillips. You are the e l n b c 10 1st alert whether 1st Alert continues for area today with high heat and humidity continuing in a film like or add 95 degrees in the afternoon but isolated showers and storms of daytime high 91 today looking ahead will continue with a chance of scattered and isolated storms high heat with us Wednesday and Thursday much less humid and dryer by Friday into the weekend and then d.c. 10 1st alert meteorologist every thank you right now partly cloudy skies right 76 degrees headed up to 91 for a high. 711 you listen to Delaware's Morning News I'm Peter McArthur It's just what they do eagles and in this instance Ravens practicing with each other this week Shawn Green but one eagle not all that fired up about that so much for variety being the spice of life Peter the Eagles held the 1st of their 2 joint practices with the Ravens before the 2 teams face off Thursday in their 3rd preseason game you can count Eagles receiver Jeffrey in the not a fan column I'm now in clipper type of person for him. With. Eagles quarterback Cody Kessler was back at the practice yesterday Cussler was knocked out of Thursday's game at Jacksonville with a concussion but passed the protocol to get back to practice he joined Carson once and Josh McCown and getting the most reps yesterday you can hear the Ravens any goals Thursday at 630 on w d e l coming up later this morning on Delaware I catch up with Matt the Gregorian who was just glad to be back on the football field missing a football season due to an injury is something I've never had to experience before and was really hard for me a moment like what I thought was really important junior year to get all that media attention all that heat and missing all that hurt a lot by not why you missed last season coming up on Delaware with Andrew. Following Delaware it's Morning News but was an off night for many of the teams in the National League wild car chase including the Phillies the Nationals did pull of 13 nothing would have Pittsburgh while the walky was shut out 3 nothing by St Louis the Nats now 2 games up in the Cubs for the 1st wildcard but Chicago is 2 games clear the Phils and Mets for the final playoff spot the bills open a series of The Red Sox in Boston tonight you can hear it at 635 on w. D.l. This bill is Update brought to you by parts casino Pennsylvania's number one casino Kansas City handed the Orioles the rates right loss of the $54.00 when a Camden Yards John means give up 3 runs before excellent in the 5th and gave Noah surrender to more and relieved Johnson b.r. Did it is 16th home run the series continues tonight at 7 o 5 in the blue rocks open to series with Salem at 635 I'm Sean Green w d l sports thanks 730 now here on Delaware's Morning News I'm Peter MacArthur You may have heard about the new warnings that are being proposed for cigarette packages Well Chris Carl has a closer look Dr Ned Sharpless the acting Food and Drug Administration commissioner says current warnings have become outdated smokers have misinformation regarding cigarettes and the products negative health effects for example current smokers have almost 4 times the risk of bladder cancer as those who never smoked the new graphic warnings would mention dangers like diabetes sexual function issues and certain conditions that can cause blindness despite declining cigarette smoking rates seen in the u.s. Over the past several decades still more than 34000000 u.s. Adults smoke as do 1.4001217 year old the f.d.a. Is seeking public comment on the proposed warnings through October 15th Chris Carle w d e l Delaware's News Radio Well it's the ultimate insurance event of a different variety and one you don't necessarily need to be in the best physical shape to complete. The Cherry tells us about the crazy challenge one local man went on over the weekend the lines were longer than we thought they would have been. That means you. Rigney of Fairfax spent more time in the hot Florida sun than he did on the It's a Small World ride but he still rode it way more times than you probably like to we were 23 times Ricky and 20 others and marked on the small world challenge raising with $34000.00 to the Delaware chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and while harder than the marathons he's run Rigney says it really wasn't all that bad so you have memories of it yeah yeah well it's like an old friend now he actually even got on the ride again the very next day with his son 18 Cherry w d e l Delaware's News Radio. Show you talk about Dad of the year I mean you might as well just shelve your own plans for that award because while camping in Canada with his wife and 2 kids a dad took on a wolf. The wolf ripped apart their tent went on the attack the mom laid on top of her kids and dad fought for his life if it's down 50 grabbing my entire arm I can't punch him twice with my left hand I was trying to hit it closer to her neck it felt completely useless Matt and Alisa Rispoli thing they started screaming for help that's what a neighbor camper came to their aid the 2 men fought off the animal then they all ran to their car for safety a spokesperson for the campground saying the wolf was tracked down and put down to ensure public safety and well not exactly a federal holiday but we think it's somewhat notable You know how every day is national something day I'll give you a hint of what today is. Need another head. How about one more. It's why we're all smiling here yes it's national radio day but Michigan c.b.s. News. $716.00 Now here am 115117 f.m. w d e L j.p. Morgan Chase has American families will pay an extra $1000.00 a year because of the president's tariffs on Chinese imports analysis just down the on the terrace already in place are costing families $400.00 a year more fallout after New York's police commissioner fire the officer who put Eric Garner in a choke hold before the Staten Island man died Garner infamously heard on video saying he couldn't breathe as Officer Daniel Pavel Layo held him in a chokehold penalty as attorney says he will appeal Monday's firing just a reminder coming up in just a few minutes where the folks at Energy Star want you to keep your home thermostat see if you can live with these levels we'll talk about them in just a few we understand up. Rating your home's exterior is a major project partner with Window World of Northern Delaware and leave the worries behind here at Window World we offer more than just windows we also sell and install energy efficient siding indoors including entry patio garage and storm doors from the in home consultation to the professional installation we take care of our customers every step of the way we're all about providing high quality products at affordable prices backed by a lifetime limited warranty with a wide variety of window designs insulated siding and advance color options we make updating your home easy Our goal is to provide a seamless remodelling experience so your only concern will be how best to enjoy your beautiful energy efficient home let us show you why window world is America's exterior remodeler call window world of Northern Delaware. For 62224 Window World dot com to get started today that's 302462224 hour window world of Northern Delaware dot com Dr Michael x. Has made Delaware proud again by winning the prestigious 29 t. Birdie award from the American Orthopedic society for Sports Medicine combined with the 2012 Mr sports medicine award and 2014 honorary membership of the p.t.a. Dr x. Has continued to bring notoriety to the care dollar athlete receive every day Dr Michael works chair of the sports medicine advisory committee of the I w. And felt important 1st it was the people in the team of top docs taking care of Delaware from the beach to the bridge beyond. You work card reward yourself with just the base at mattress warehouse for free that's right free by select mattress sets and get an adjustable base for free while you're there think up to $1000.00 on major national brands one king down mattress think it's the 2nd set free and there's 0 percent interest fine if you make it easy plus buying it matters warehouse means you will have a one year price guarantee find a better price they'll match it plus 50 percent of the difference why buy anywhere else was asleep happens not come 1st store near you. Here at 115117 f.m. . Mike Phillips. Thank you very much Pete would diver Chevrolet the diver open house. Savings. Big and find new roads Well you might want to find a new 5 southbound coming out from Harvey because. Again this is construction. A better alternative for those stuck in the back up trying to get down to 295. Little bit of slowing down to 73. Interchange there that's a. Pretty good word 72 is open. Month closure 141 little bit busy here in there between Lancaster pike and the. State line and as you travel. County it's moving along fairly well all the way up towards the. Maybe just a little bit of slowing up towards. 9 minutes services. Mike Phillips. Your. Weather 1st elected to news for area today. 95 degrees. Right around $91.00 but with the. Storms in the forecast they will be through Wednesday and Friday amazing expected to drop and we'll hold on to. The weekend and then. Every thank you right now partly cloudy at 70. And agrees heading up to 91 for a high. 721 here on Delaware's Morning News Let's check in with Joe Brody see what's happening with your money this morning u.s. Stock futures are slightly higher this morning after 2 strong sessions the Dow futures are flat Nasdaq futures are up 7 and the s. And p. Futures are up one and overseas markets alone if it's a $100.00 is up $38.00 points or one half a percent German Dax is up 8 points or point one percent and the Nikkei 225 closed up 114 points or point 6 percent u.s. Stock markets look to have a slight positive bias as we approach this morning's opening bell after 2 consecutive strong sessions fueled by a rebound in bond yields along with President Trump's comments that the Federal Reserve should consider a full point rate cut coupled with quantitative measures to stimulate the economy in a sign of slowing economic conditions u.s. Steel says it plans to temporarily layoff hundreds of workers at its Great Lakes Michigan facility Home Depot also reported sales below analyst expectations along with lowering sales outlook for the year citing lower lumber prices and the effects of the trade war on consumer spending you were screwed over futures were slightly higher in overnight trading as a barrel sits above the $56.00 mark and keep your eyes on deer after cutting its 200-1904 cats for the 2nd time this year citing the trade impact on demand for agricultural equipment remember this information is not investment advice seen advisor for that from Wilmington This is Joseph Peretti of affinity wealth management for w d e al 723 now here on Delaware's morning news topping our news at 730 this morning 5 arrests after bullets fly and a chase ensues in an area house party latest details from double to the Eels Mike Phillips on the way. Yeah if you like heat the kind of heat we've been talking about in the forecast you might like this from Energy Star because it says to keep your home cool with central air while also optimizing energy efficiency and therefore your cost heat the temperature at $78.00 degrees or higher. This is not a typo a suggestion from energy star that's the federal program managed jointly by the Department of Energy and the e.p.a. It to provides information to consumers about energy efficiency practices that not only save money but improve air quality and protect the environment with the record breaking heat wave becoming the norm now finding ways to beat the heat with outs of bursting your budget might seem a bit mystifying but that's why energy star is out with some of these numbers and the thing is compared to perhaps what you're used to you might not find them all user friendly according to energy star keeping your central air thermostat set to 78 is optimal for both cooling and energy efficiency but the recommendation only applies to the times when you're home because when you're not home during the day you should keep the thermostat set to 85 or higher that could be a pain also while sleeping Energy Star recommends keeping the temperature set at 82 or higher if you stuck to the 82 degrees again if you're a person that likes warm that might sound just fine but I suspect for many that would be a bit uncomfortable for those who hate to sweat in the summer months keeping your home temp set at the minimum of $78.00 during the day $82.00 at night might sound like an awful truth but the benefits are pretty major for every degree you raise the temperature on your central air you'll save about 3 percent on your any energy bill that's according to the Department of Energy there side of things on top of running air conditioning Energy Star also recommends opening windows to fill the house with cool air at night then when you leave shut the windows like all day long close the blinds you can trap some of that cool air inside air sealing your home and installing window treatments cannot prevent heat gain via your doors and windows during the day as well positive energy also stressing keeping the heat coming from within your house to a minimum is a was great way to keep efficiency high and costs low a small adjustments like turning off appliances and lights were. Not being used only washing full loads of laundry and dishes taking shorter showers all these things add up and while it might not be so comfortable for your personal self your wallet will thank you that divers Chevy open house of that continues with great summer clearance savings on all Silverado it's right out get g.m. Supplier pricing on new $2900.00 Silverado current gas for 20 percent a.p.r. For 72 months on double tax plus $2000.00 Chevy bonus cash and Silverado leases started just $213.00 item up plus get up to an additional $1250.00 diaper bonus cash on every Silverado in stock if you're looking for a great new s.u.v. 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Hey brother my brother 10 what's the difference between a gas pedal and brake one makes you a faster another makes you stop Sure and the difference between a gas pedal and a thermostat how much time you get yours I seriously have no idea what you're talking about when you turn a firm stat down what happens if the AC runs to temperature so does a thermostat sit stop correct crank you lower won't quit faster Right right because a thermostat is a brake not a gas but I sit turning it lower one of these has nice the system only cool so much and aging system cools even less 80 losing its charm he cools and turning on the thermostat wont make it cool more in fact might hurt yours heard it could cause a freeze up that's how he systems private repair or maybe replacement thing brother specialises in getting more years own system and why we created only zation our mega system to bottom line when your AC can't who you then call bomb around for repairs former place you call we've come it's fixed guarantee keep up with my you're going to get there were bold and rather dot com 729 now here on Delaware's morning. Ever curious what 7000 rotting corpses might smell like we have one person's version of that coming up hill in your news at 739 this morning here's Mike Phillips traffic watch on the 9th as we continue. Thank you very much Pete is traveling on a 5 southbound in a fun thing stacked up really solid as you make your way from Harvey road down towards Marsh Road in through the construction zone and continue sluggish all the way down towards 202 northbound $95.00 not nearly as bad coming up towards the city of Washington maybe just a little bit of brake lights around the Maryland and Delaware Avenue off ramps no problems to and from the Delaware Memorial Bridge via 295 northbound one sluggish corner up towards route to 73 as you make a way north bend an 896 you can find some red light delays up from Glasgow towards I 95 and he spent only 0 Baltimore Pike also a little slow there 72 is open south of Route 40 following a months long closure. For reconstruction 141 a little busy the tunnel McConnell bridge not bad Same story for 202 both ways to tally Ville and Fairfax traffic watch Delaware County 95 northbound moves along pretty well the Blue Ridge and the blue are northbound even in pretty good shape up towards the media swath more watch update in 9 minutes on the horizon services heating cooling a plumbing traffic watch center a Mike Phillips broadcasting live from Wilmington Delaware your On the Go news source on air online and on your vom w.d.m. Delaware's News Radio. Everything you need to know what she had to work your listening to Delaware's morning to you as here's Peter McArthur Good morning partly cloudy skies now 77 degrees at 730 high heat and humidity continue how hot will again today your weather forecast straight ahead the latest heat wave is beginning to affect Delaware high school practices of Sean Green by Peter McArthur news brought to you by integrity Staffing Solutions here Delaware's top stories for Tuesday August 20th will bullets fly the whole caisson house party now 5 people are under arrest Mike Phillips with an update on the story that came to a grinding halt in Newport County Police were called to a house in Oakwood village around 5 pm for a noise complaint and then called back 3 hours later for a report of shots fired a suspect vehicle was spotted near Middletown road and police gave chase with the suspect car smashing into parked cars in Newport and then rolling over 2 of the 4 people inside bailed only to be caught a short distance away all 4 were treated for minor injuries from the crash police determined no one was hit by any gunfire at the party the owner of the house was cited for disorderly premises while the 4 men all aged 18 or 19 were arrested on charges ranging from felony disregarding a police officer to receiving a stolen firearm and possession of a firearm by a person prohibited for the identities of those involved the charges filed against them and their mug shots go to dot com. Mike Phillips The Delawares Newsradio Well the New York City police officer fired for causing the death of Eric Garner by using a prohibited chokehold is suing to get his job back the police commissioner announced the dismissal of Officer Daniel panel layout explaining that while Garner resisted arrest it's clear the panel Leo broke department rules during that incident Today's a day of reckoning but can also be a day reconciliation n.y.p.d. Commissioner James O'Neill made the final decision to fire off a sit down your pants Alayo following a judge's recommendation officer Panta Laos use of a prohibited child called was reckless and constituted a gross deviation from the standard of conduct established for a New York City police officer. The now infamous video shown in the conclave attempt to arrest I recon a facility on tax cigarettes to give you a voice to a nationwide protest against police brutality c.b.s. News correspondent Errol Barnett joining us here on Delaware's Morning News Well police say he talks people out of millions of dollars but couldn't talk the feds out of a long sentence the details Joe Irizarry with that story Karl Chen owner of the 10 x. Properties incorporated a Delaware Real Estate Investment Trust was sentenced to 51 months in prison on Monday 10 pled guilty in March to wire fraud emanating out of a multi-year Ponzi scheme he orchestrated according to court documents and statements during a hearing 10 operated 10 next property since 1970 he solicited largely able to investments from his clients and others and he promised his investors guaranteed interest in a full return of their principal payment the government calculated that kind of fraud only collected at least $3300000.00 in investments of 20 different victims between 20132017 he declared bankruptcy on October 27th seen seeking to discharge over 6 point $7000000.00 of that yo to investors including the victims of this for on Joe Irizarry w d e l Delaware's news radio jobs coming to the area through a food distribution company opening up a new facility in debt. Where we're looking to add over $100.00 plus positions at our bear facility Joe little general manager the newest d.o.t. Food site along Route $72.00 near Route $71.00 held a job fair Saturday at the Route 9 library will be back there today and tomorrow taking applications and resumes this book of our positions at any of our distribution centers consist of warehousing and truck drivers so that's probably 80 percent of our workforce 734 now here on w d e l Also making news this morning Target says it'll give consumers more options when it goes into the private food business with a new brand of grocery options Stargate is launching a new grocery brand tempt to boost its food business gather will include more than 2000 items ranging from organic snacks to a fresh salad mixes and frozen meals products from the new line will hit store shelves September 15th target expects good and gather to be a multibillion dollar brand by the end of 2020 a local man who embarks on a serious mental and physical challenge over the weekend survives to tell the tale as we hear from a new chair that's pretty significant for us Delaware City a quaint little city on the water that still has a blacksmith shop is among those getting incentives and rebates from the state to make it more of a place people want to live work and play their part Johnson people be able to upgrade or who need spurs or some of the history and historical sites in town where city and make it more of a destination town in a place where people enjoy to spend time in a crowd of Johnson who's lived in Delaware City for 48 years explained what it's like to watch the city he loves grow spacy gone from one or 2 small places in town and it's evolved but I'm David Carney vision in one area for Dupont would never be developed and that's actually come to fruition and it's going to double the size of Dollar City in Delaware City Cherry Delaware's News Radio Well as you probably are well aware sometimes nature gets a little closer than one might like the New York couple's been on able to visit their Florida vein. Cation home because it's been taken over by vultures who've apparently made quite a mess Shavon chasm I know says the smell of the 700000 dollar home in West Palm Beach is like a 1000 rotting corpses the birds have destroyed screened enclosures hung out at the pool and dented their cars would there be another resident blames a neighbor who feeds the federally protected vultures causing them to return Pam Colter c.b.s. News. 736 now here at 115117 f.m. w d e L And still to come press 2nd year road traffic watch on the nines just ahead here on c.n.n. This morning also we'll see what the midweek forecast looks like and if there's a cool down on the horizon one winner. Of the trade disputes happening right now could be your kids' school and we'll explain why coming up about 742 this morning as Delaware's morning news continues I'm Peter McArthur We're back in a minute. You are dreaming make it come true enjoy life at the residence as at Lighthouse Cove in doing be on a beautiful beach inspired 123 or 4 bedroom got a minivan with a breathtaking view directly off the robot Bay Many have resort like amenities of new couple garden Plaza expansive sun deck and so much more all just one block from the Atlantic Ocean visit residences d e dot com or call 302-212-0002 your dream awaits at the residences at Lighthouse Cove Why should you join the y.m.c.a. For swimming and fun programs like you can sack a dance by football and that I am kind of making new friends for hundreds of classes free childcare and meeting Goldstein's join y.m.c.a. 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Thanks Pete with Federal Credit Union by that credit union the official credit union of children's health system 95 southbound all kinds of stacked up around Harvey road down into the construction zone at Marsh Road and then you're sluggish through that zone down towards 202-4958 much better alternative than getting stuck in that mess on 95 southbound again we've been dealing with it every morning for it seems like the past several weeks northbound route one sluggish timeouts corner up towards the mall interchange all volume there northbound 96 definitely some red light slowing especially as you approach led to deal Baltimore Pike there's even some slowing this morning on northbound routes 72 approaching 40 and the reason for that is it's open it's been closed months for construction but it is open there alongside the shopping center a lot of people are taking advantage of that as we speak we have an accident. Grant from the city of Newcastle some slowing their. County 95 northbound not bad up to the south down 95 a little sluggish in that area. Some brake lights as you head up towards media swath more watch updated 9 minutes from the horizon. Services heating cooling center Microsoft's. Your double to the n.b.c. 10 1st alert whether 1st Alert continues for airing it today with Howie and Mindy continuing I don't feel like we're at 95 degrees in the afternoon but isolated showers and storms of daytime high 9 months a day looking ahead will continue with a chance of scattered isolated storms high heat with us Wednesday and Thursday much less humid and dryer by Friday into the weekend I'm in d.c. 10 1st alert meteorologist pretty sad irony thank you right now it is partly cloudy or standing at 77 degrees here and 115117 f.m. w d L. R you know what it's it is now already and it's going to be touring the course of the day imagine slipping into football pads and helmets right now Sean pretty brutal thought puts a lot of high school athletes are doing it today that's for sure no doubt Peter you've definitely got to be smart out there on a day when temperatures leap toward the mid ninety's there were high school teams were continuing to practice ahead of next month's regular seasons they did so under the guidance of athletic trainers including William Penn's body run Ali we go by what's called a $160.00 rule temperature and humidity out of the other if that equals 150 we kind of have to start downsizing a practice the responsibility for keeping the player safe falls on the coaches including William Penn's football coach Bob Sable look at the kids in kind in the shade you know get him some ice water even get a bag of ice time so that you can really see in your eyes when it's time to hey we got fall down and take care safety 1st so what's the best drink to stay hydrated in the seat if you have to work out where Dolly says it's plain old water actually and data rates have a rush over to and you don't want to drink a lot of those maybe after you're done maybe replenish your electrolytes but mostly Russia with the Baltimore Ravens in town for a series of practice is ahead of Thursday's preseason game but the Eagles it's a Penn State reunion as Ravens quarterback trace McSorley caught up with his former teammate Myles Stevens but sorely. Philadelphia should be excited for their new running back they get a dog you saw I mean their son figured it out now but a special player in love now that the Ravens and Eagles hold a 2nd joint practice today their preseason game is Thursday at $630.00 on w. D.l. The Phillies had the night off and it was a mixed bag in the wild card chase of the Nationals pulled a 13 nothing would have Pittsburgh been the walky was shut out 3 nothing by St Louis the Cubs were being 2 games clear the bills and next for that final playoff slot the Phillies will open up a series with the Red Sox in Boston tonight 635 our coverage on w d e l this bill is Update brought to you by parks casino Pennsylvania's number one casino the Orioles fell 54 to Kansas City very great loss the rocks open a series at home with Salem tonight at 635 I'm Sean Green w d l sports. Center out of 744 now Delaware's Morning News thanks for joining us this morning where some are going anyway and he won hands Buehler some schools have meatless Mondays or taco Tuesdays where your kids' schools have how about trade war Thursday this fall some u.s. School cafeterias are getting shipments of free food like lots of free food and it's result of the trade dispute happening right now the publisher coming from the u.s.d.a. The Department of Agriculture the agency's giving away 1200000000 dollars in food where did that come from well you see they buy it from farmers to help them when they get hurt by trade battles they can't sell some of this stuff overseas at this point in time so the u.s.d.a. Snatches that up and then hands it out for instance a Maryland District awaiting a truckload full of truckload full of canned kidney beans just one of several trade items being offered to schools the distributing about $70000.00 worth of free products for the fall including apples and oranges one woman who's worked for the district for 22 years says she's never seen a. Such a food handout from the u.s.d.a. Before farmers can face swings in supply and demand in any year but with this trade dispute it's especially hurtful to them and their sales this year the u.s.d.a. Says most of the food purchased for this trade relief is going to programs that help the needy the l a regional food back in California gets roughly twice as much government food as normal that includes rarely donated items like say pistachios which I mean they're expensive in general you're not going to see those in a food bank scenario schools to get a slice of these trade foods schools account for a majority of the $27000000.00 of products ordered for child nutrition programs already schools can't a can get a u.s.d.a. Food each year based on how many students they serve through the National School Lunch Program but you know the reality is in the past couple of years the u.s.d.a. Hasn't really offered bonus food to schools it sent them instead to programs for the needy it's making the trade items that much more of a treat now for school officials seeing the stuff roll in one cafeteria manager says when the trucks pull up people inside just get pretty excited because they have more resources to work with now they do say this when it comes to a truck full of kidney beans couple things to bear in mind the cafeteria management there says well there's really only so many things you can do with it so that will be a challenge in terms of menu items and then you think about the by products of all those beans and classrooms 746 here into the. Take a look at what's happening this morning here on am 115-1017 f m w d e l among your top stories this morning more fallout after the New York police commissioner fire that officer who put Eric Garner in a choke hold before the Staten Island man died governor infamously heard saying he couldn't breathe as Officer Daniel Pena Layo put him in a choke hold panel is appealing to get his job back as we talked about with you a couple minutes ago set your thermostat to 7878. That's right the best way to keep your cool your home cool and to use energy efficiently that's what the Energy Star programs recommending anyway they say when you leave the house on a summer day turn your thermostat up to 85 these are homes with central air by the way 747 here on tell where it's morning news what's happening with the morning commutes traffic watch on the nines up next now on a 500 dollars sign on bonus of up to $1615.00 an hour when you join Team Amazon's ne the film itself is Ghost or let's get by with you because of work with what a picture of Amazon will train you to drive around the warehouse instead of walking miles each day there's no resume or interview required complete your application pick a hiring event start date and get ready to work to get to net apply online ever sign dot com slash ne and the job that's m. Is on dot com slash ne n.t. Jobs Amazon is an equal opportunity employer. Conquered pets loves your pets as much as you do that's why they remind you anytime your pet is outside make sure he or she has protection from heat and sun and plenty of fresh cold water trees shade and tarps are ideal because they don't obstruct air flow a dog house does not provide relief from heat in fact it makes it worse take care of your pets with the help of Concord pets with 31 locations there's bound to be one near you. When you sleep you dream act needy you dream about the past. Maybe you dream about riding in the backseat of your parents hold station wagon a long long winding country road and needy you dream detailed stationwagon is suddenly on a roller coaster track. Click click click ing up to him about to freefall into a double upside down Cobra bare room and you see 1000 on the children hold on children hold on you holding on. For needy you don't. Dream it all because you suffer from sleep apnea The good news is the news home with inspired. Me innovation that allows you to get the dreaming but not a mask. And. That's. For over 50 years green gas water systems has been providing families in the tri state area with clean safe filtered water whether you have well water or a municipal system she grins water treatment systems will provide you with the purest high quality water there Hegde water mix systems are custom designed to remove our lead hardness poori and sediment from your home's water supply new or dry skin apply in steam odors or water spotting on glassware cut your shampoo and detergent used by up to 50 percent. Gas water systems today are free water analysis and equipment recommendation that will dramatically enhance your lifestyle as well as keep Mother Nature clean by eliminating the need for bottled water gas today at 180-341-4022 that's 180-341-4022 or find them at Chez green gas dot com. 749 now Delaware's Morning News. By Philips traffic watch on I thank you very much Peter as you travel I 95 southbound all stacked up still. Updated with the diver Open House event continuing don't miss the incredible saving said to diver Chevrolet in Wilmington to say big and find new roads 95 southbound construction zone at Marsh traffic jammed up back beyond Harvey road and then you sluggish through the. 2 that's going to be there till mid afternoon for 95 better alternative to 95 no problem still in from the Delaware Memorial Bridge northbound 95 little. Sluggish around $495.00 splitting off and on slowing up towards the city a woman said nothing really out of the ordinary and maybe just only a couple minute delay there northbound Route one is sluggish through timeouts corner then again approaching 273 where we drop a lane an accident Grantham link causing some brake lights northbound a 96 both directions of a 96 now very busy between Glasgow and on on a 5 specially northbound through that stretch Route 72 a little bit of brake lights approaching Route 40 that's right northbound Route 72 a little bit of brake lights approaching we're 40 because the roadway is now open after being closed for several months for construction northbound 95 traffic watch Teller County in good shape to the blue route south down 95 a little sluggish in Chester and northbound 95 also very slow now past the media swath more up towards Route one I next traffic watch update coming up shortly from the horizon services heeding calling upon the traffic watch center on Mike Phillips . N.b.c. 10 1st alert weather for today the alert continues it'll feel like around 95 degrees this afternoon heat and humidity continue isolated showers or storm possible 91 the high continue with chances of scattered and isolated storms and I keep Wednesday and Thursday as well things get drier and less humid by Friday so that is in fact good news It's 752 now with your money now 5 years after the affordable care act took effect the health insurance overhaul has narrowed coverage gaps between the rich and poor according to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research the health care law erased 44 percent of the coverage gap between many poor Americans without health insurance and the few rich Americans without it the law's provisions especially as broadening of Medicaid programs close coverage gaps between whites and minorities by 27 percent coverage disparity shrank by 45 percent between married and non-married Americans and by 44 percent across age groups Twitter says it has suspended more than 200000 accounts that it believes were linked to the Chinese government and it dissin from Asian campaign. In targeting the protests in Hong Kong a company also says it will prohibit ads from stayed back to media companies that have amounted to propaganda crude oil down $0.28 of $55.86 a barrel on Wall Street teachers are little changed that's your money now well but he has a talk traffic watch weather and sports always free of John w. Delaware music. 753 now here on tell wears Morning News I'm Peter McArthur thanks for joining us this morning in New Castle County lately have you been there noticed a change and maybe the items you're seeing out on the shelves or anything along those lines because I keep it is moving in some different directions they basically want to be the place you go for Home Smart Technology they've started what they call the Ikea Home Smart business unit with an end to end responsibility for a burgeoning portfolio of these smart devices when you think about it they have access to some $780000000.00 shoppers who visit Ikea stores each year and so this is a bit of a wake up call to like Google and Amazon the new business unit is held by a guy named Bjorn block and it sits alongside Ikea of Sweden's 10 other business units we're talking about lighting and living room and kitchen and dining Ikea food of course is another one they 1st got into the Home Smart thing about to 2015 when they introduced tables and lamps that could wirelessly charge some cell phones and then in 2017 it expanded to affordable smart lighting and then partnered with so nose for the launch this month of relatively inexpensive whole home audio and then their 1st smart blinds will start sales on October 1st well what is next Ikea in the latest corporate move it's made it wants to join Google Apple and Amazon on this massive business platform experts predicting global sales of about $830000000.00 a. Crossed the industry for Smart home devices in 2019 then doubling to 1600000000 in 2023 so there is a lot at stake right now says Bjorn Bloch I don't know about other people but I for one cannot wait to see if I keep can do for Smart home what it did for design something to keep an eye out for at Ikea some 55 down here and 115-1817 f.m. w d e L top story 8 o'clock this morning 5 people under arrest after a house party went wild in our area a Sunday night we'll talk all about it the latest details from the e-mails Mike Phillips Just ahead there's a chance your local Geico agent blasts the exact way you do and I said not an eye sandwich. But there's a better chance your local guy cohesion could help you out with auto homeowners and renters or condo insurance motorcycle boat or r.v. Insurance too they'll work hard to provide sound advice and significant savings you don't need to share a laugh pattern to do that local Geico agents call or visit your sedate let's consider the secret life would be in a most nesting dog living most of her life in that duck inside the other nesting toes she has plenty of time to think if she could send me she has no brain however when and in a most nesting doll his the guy code not only save people money but so has been providing great service for over 75 years she thinks it's obvious you should switch because yes switching to Geico is a no brainer in most nesting doll and a lot in life. If your home or apartment is built before 978 renovations can spread lead paint us that can cause children 6 and under to grow up with behavior issues and even severe learning disabilities if you're having work done the e.p.a. Now requires that your contractor be lead safe certified Don't let lead paint take away your child's future before it even begins. Certified contractor visit safe Delaware dot org or call 302744 or 5 or 6 who runs you by Delaware health and social services Hi I'm Dr Shelly plates with today's tips for kids from the American Academy of Pediatrics no one can keep their eyes on their kids every moment so it's important to. Have working smoke detectors and the wall switch. Window should have stop so they can open more than 4 inches also you think tickets are like the doors leading to the garage or outside to keep your child safe from our home safety tips talk with your pediatrician or visit help the children org. Summer is the season of giving at the Federal Credit Union live use is tragedy part of the 9th Annual how other kids radio. I do but. If you open a new account with a direct deposited any amount of years now through September 4th donate $25.00 to radio song and we'll also put $25.00 into your new account as a special thank you to kids really in engineering Thanks. For more details visit movies dot com slash demands. It is $758.00 on Devil Wears Morning News. Live from Wilmington Delaware on the go news source on air online and on your phone . And. Delaware's News Radio. Good morning I'm Peter MacArthur here are Delawares top stories 5 people under arrest after a party ended up as a police chase Sunday night in Newport also on the way 51 of. Downtown's in Delaware getting a financial shot in the arm to become all they can be we're going to that story just ahead also straight ahead here on the high heat and humidity continues how hot will get today your weather forecast straight ahead plus a late. This heat wave is beginning to affect Delaware high school practices I'm Sean Green. 759 we do traffic every 10 minutes here on morning news and here's my Philips with your latest thanks a lot Peter really no change on 95 southbound still jams up below Harvey road down towards Marsh with the morning Elaine are searching their 95 northbound little sluggish 45 split to the mail and ave off ramps that shows volume through their northbound one also a little bit off the pace corner up towards the course she had a mall interchange northbound a $96.00 pretty slow now at the light at the old Baltimore Pike as is east bound old Baltimore Pike an accident Route 9 Grantham lane Newcastle Route $72.00 we are seeing a little bit of a red light delay word for you that's because the roadway is open spent close for several months for reconstruction as part of an ongoing project by the fox around shopping center but 72 is open both ways at Route 46 traffic watch update in 9 minutes from the horizon services heating cooling a plumbing traffic watch center a Mike Phillips your double to the n.b.c. 10 1st alert weather our 1st alert continues for the area today high heat and humidity it'll feel like around 95 degrees afternoon isolated showers or storms around 91 the high looking ahead we continue with chances of scattered and isolated storms tomorrow and Thursday it's 8 o'clock.

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