Norwegian mass killer loses second attempt to sue the state for alleged breach of his human rights

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Norwegian far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a bombing and shooting rampage in 2011, has lost his second attempt to sue the state for what he says is a breach of his human rights. Breivik, who changed his name to Fjotolf Hansen, has been held in isolation since he began serving his prison sentence in 2012. He argued that this amounted to inhumane punishment under the European Convention on Human Rights. The Oslo District Court on Thursday rejected his claim. The judge ruled that Breivik had good physical prison conditions and relatively great freedom in everyday life.

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Denmark , Oslo , Norway , Copenhagen , Køavn , Ringerike , Buskerud , Storrvik , Oppland , Norwegian , Kristoffer Nerland , Birgitte Kolrud , Anders Behring Breivik , Janne Gudim Hermansen , Fjotolf Hansen , Oslo District Court , Labor Party , Norwegian Justice Ministry , European Convention On Human Rights , European Court , European Convention , District Court , Norwegian Justice , Eiffel Tower , Gudim Hermansen ,

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