Transcripts for BBC Radio Oxford BBC Radio Oxford 20181003 000000

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Emanate the United draw a blank at Old Trafford and all the 5 Live website a Linus Mara said thoughts about being a mom. This is B.B.C. 5 but the B.B.C. News on 5 live here Santa Barbara trees amazes some of Boris Johnson's comments during a fringe speech to the Conservative Party Conference have made her cross she says the former foreign secretaries alternative breaks the proposals would tear up the government's promises to the people of Northern Ireland around a 1000 Tory activists saw him speak opposition correspondent is Chris Mason Boris Johnson strategy in the short term is change the Government's policy on BRACKS It does he have longer term ambitions of course he does they are the worst kept secret in British politics but he's helped those ambitions and has been plotting that course pretty much ever since he was on the playing fields of Eton the prime minister will give her own conference speech later she will say the U.K.'s postbox a future is full of promise and trying to convince Labor voters disillusioned with Jeremy Corbin's left wing politics to switch to the Tories a British military plane filled with aid has to be sent to Indonesia more than 1300 people are confirmed dead following Friday's earthquake and tsunami and hundreds of thousands are in need of supplies the former U.N. Emergency relief coordinator yom Egeland has defended the international response which has been criticized to slow not just expect come an immediate bottleneck when you need you know airports roads communications the most they are gone a really because of the very tsunami and the earthquake and most of these places have bad communications and transport or infrastructure to start with any man have been taken to hospital after being stabbed in the city center they were injured in different locations on the city's high street following a disturbance outside a McDonald's one of them is said to be in a serious condition. Investigators in the U.S. A trying to work out of 2 suspicious packages delivered to the Pentagon contained the deadly poison liason and checks detected the substance on the post room has been quarantined a Washington correspondent is Gary we understand one of them was addressed to the secretary of defense of stuff Jim Mattis the other one to the head of naval operations the Pentagon to say that no injuries at this stage so far but they're waiting for the results of the F.B.I. Investigation of course if it turns out to be rising which is highly highly poisonous it turns out to be that they'll be trying to find out who sent it President Trump has defended his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by saying men in the U.S. Are being treated as guilty until proven is innocent he told reporters at the White House that it was a scary time to be young and. And a wrap of whiskey is expected to sell for up to $900000.00 pounds later the 92 year old bottle of Macallan Valarie a dummy is described as the holy grail of whiskey Tom Senden is a writer the thinking drink is is rare this was gathered in the States. Because there wasn't much of it in the 1st place but both were not here on the They've been destroyed to dissipate all kept in very private collections so when it emerges I wish you know this. Too and with a fine sport his dumbass Manchester City Of course their Champions League campaign back on track with a 21 win at Hoffenheim Pep Guardiola man went a goal behind after just 44 seconds before strike some Sergio agüero and David Silva saw them come away with the points neighbors United would only draw Nel Nel with Valencia at Old Trafford the result maintains the pressure on Joe say Marino ahead of their clash with Newcastle in the league on Saturday and told him striker Harry Kane says he hopes he can one day emulate and perhaps break the goal scoring records of Lendl Messi Spurs host Messi as Barcelona in the Champions League the c evening in the A.F.L. Cup Southampton beat evident for 3 on penalties a Goodison Park and the promising England under 19 international Jadon San show has signed a new contract with Bush adult men until 2022 the former coach of Great Britain's women's hockey team has backed them to win again in Tokyo Danny Carey says the players will have to find the motivation to do it again if they want to repeat their limpid gold success and Simona Halep is a doubtful this month's W T A Finals the world number one has a back injury but this is B.B.C. 5 Live in digital online smartphone unsober a look now at the weather and rain moving into No 9 into the next few analysts and 2 links into western Scotland towns taking in many areas to build high tide in many of the North West of England later in the day mostly dry and swear. Some cities towns in 26 days it was Thomas Wilkie. 27 say it was Barrington. Finished 5 lives $28.00 seen search for a brand new young common say to the year. For sure if you know young person faced 11 to 15 schools of sooty about 610000000 to hear them in action listen to Robbie Savage is Premier League breakfast on Friday morning to find out more young commentator of the year from B.B.C. Radio 5 life. On AM and F.M. Around the U.K. On digital and online I'm Roger Sharpe and we're up all night unaccustomed as I am to quoting from the English language Moscow Times in the battle for global popularity prudent beats trunk sorry if I were Mr Putin's P.R. Adviser I wouldn't get too carried away and on the last is a story quoting from the respected Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes survey for 2018 has it right 3 out of 10 respondents in 25 countries answered that they had confidence in the Russian leader to do the right thing something with which the remaining 70 percent clearly disagree however in the same survey or me or 27 percent constant with a yes for Donald Trump China's President Xi 34 percent scored the feat in the books. We build it last night a standing room only on Boris Johnson speech certainly lived up to the billing Tory party conference the former foreign secretary launched an out night attack on the Prime Minister's breakfast strategy at a fringe event calling the Checkers plan a constitutional trade. It's not taking back control its full footing control and by the way they know it in Brussels don't be fooled by the suggestion that the E.U. Will ultimately reject these proposals because what they want above all is to demonstrate to any other country that might dream of following suit that you cannot leave the E.U. Without suffering adverse political and economic consequences I want to check whose proposals showed is that the United Kingdom for all its power and might and network of influences around the world for all its venerable parliamentary history was unable ultimately to take back control and instead of really reasserting our ability to make our laws the U.K. Will be effectively paraded in manacles down the route like radicals. Mr Johnson received a huge round of applause when he said the government should check checkers and now that that 4 is the time truly to take back control and follow that vision make the elegant dignified and grateful exit the country voted for the IT BE SEEN be this is the moment this is the moment to do that there is time. This is the moment to chuck checkers. Thank you as is May said she was crushed whereas Mr Johnson in a B.B.C. Interview said there are one or 2 things Bara said that I'm cross about he wants to tear up Argante to the people of Northern Ireland relishes the response of some of the delegates as they left the hall after his speech. Sponsible I think we need to keep it all grown up about it but all good from he's a great orator just mean to say his rights and if it's such a great opportunity say then why was he one of the people he did the longest to decide whether we should stand for they don't believe this place he was very very very honest very true very hard on just about what he said he says and quite emotional actually really. Because he wants what I want my country back I used to tease him yeah I am I spent 6 months campaigning this is the country I love and I still ring him what I say and what I have values and I thought he was amazing as a waste I didn't the office anything new he didn't already know strong speech was a credible speech but in terms of getting a new message or direction from Boris it in there was that I found the ending very folks to come out with all of that rhetoric about checking check is and then say get behind a reason why I'm just not sure the 2 can mix right earlier in the day the home secretary Sajid Javid told the conservative party in the conference that it's going to be a skills based immigration system after the U.K. Leaves the European Union. Spoke to Our Political Correspondent Chris Mason I asked him if the prime minister was cross with Mr Johnson generally are just a speech. I think she's just cross with him anyway I mean she delivers her articulation of how cross she years and in a very sort of understated Theresa May style kind of way but I think ultimately rod when you think of Teresa my boys JOHNSON Yeah OK they're both in the Conservative Party they're both of broad of the same generation but let's let people and here they could not be more different as human beings as characters they are just vastly different of course they have their disagreements around direct sits in the delivery of bricks it but you know you just think of the act of how different they are as characters Boris Johnson this guy who revels in the showbiz elements of politics revels in the crafting of language that will command a great headline revels in standing in front of thousands and cracking jokes and stories amaze the opposite kind of politician and she she indulges in detail she has that sort of deep sense of and reverence for public service she's quite awkward on the public stage so the capacity for boys Johnson to annoy Theresa May I think is vast not least you're not and I was saying through fields of weeds or whatever it were Yeah exactly that exactly and that's before specifics like that photo opportunity the day of him out him out jogging and going running through what looked like even if it wasn't a field of wheat a gentle tease at her apparent greatest teenage indiscretion and you know as boys Johnson's locker of such things his critics would point out would be rather more extensive and so you know to there's all of that in terms of in terms of the difference between the 2 of them and then what does he do the day before her big moment he turns up here in Birmingham yesterday and I think the interesting thing right about his appearance at the conference yesterday was not so much the thing that dominates the T.V. Pictures which is the scrum and the sense of kind of showbiz and drama and choreography of him turning up the day before and. Actually there it's in this month October 28th in the month of the big summit which will turn out not to be the big summit because they'll probably get the Fed's an event but nonetheless the big moments of the big countdown that here was a man able to command an audience of a 1000 people who were all of the belief and cheered the view that the government's strategy for delivering our withdrawal from the European Union is completely wrong in the month the deal was meant to be signed so little wonder that the prime minister a few hours later should gently articulate in the way that she always does that the might be the smidgen of disagreement between her and her former foreign secretary. Does anything arise from from what he had to say that really gives her a problem in the morning I mean does she have to answer any of us points you know such as that you can't barge bricks at night. Funnily enough on the essence of his critique of Breck's it and this idea that he wants to see the the checkers plan this idea of having a relationship that is very close on goods and agricultural products but more distant on services he's effectively recycling the argument he's been making ever since he left the cabinet now and from his perspective there's nothing wrong with that he will continue arguing that he says into the into the sea some sort of evidence from the government and that they're listening to him I thought was quite interesting in what Boris Johnson said beyond that was that he was effectively sketching out to John Sonia and Manifesto and talking about how he felt the conservatives should approach politics beyond Breck's it and his approach for taking on Germany Corbin what's been quite striking about here at this conference is unlike a couple of years ago where speech after speech from the main stage on the fringe involved people taking the mickey out of Germany Corbin there is now a growl within the Conservative Party about how you go about ensuring the defeat of Germany in other words he's treated seriously and boss Johnson's argument was that you can't out Corbin Corbin you can't attempt to cloak yourself in the clothing of socialism if you're a conservative Instead you should be a full throated conservative committed to the essences of conservatism and you have others who have who have felt a need to tackle a little bit more towards towards germy Corbin's position and what's interesting is to reason may philosophically is always someone who has been whilst deep seated in wholeheartedly a conservative somebody who's already always willing to champion the role of the state that the government the government can govern for good and that you don't have to strip back and roll back the state in order to be a true conservative so you see some elements there of difference and I think the prime minister later on will talk about you know her vision for conservatism and she will. Talk and this is interesting about the importance of being a moderate and the importance of being decent and you know there will be those who join the contrast between that and some of boys Johnson's language over the summer for instance about. Muslim women look at resembling letterboxes and that kind of stuff so you know the divisions are there in terms of that broader conservative philosophy it's interesting I mean we've talked a clue of where both somebody who's speaking in a very big room but annoyed at the conference hall did anything actually happen in the conference hall yesterday that we should take note of because it gives us an idea of which way the country is heading it's a fair question and the conference hall has been I think quite flat actually here now that's partly in contrast with a Labor conference hall where they have debates and discussions of members on the stage and all of us are it's a very different assembly in that sense. But. Yeah we have another vast amount on the converse for what did happen yesterday and this was probably not an accident of timing was that such a jab at the home secretary was making a speech at vaguely the same time as Boris Johnson and Mr job it is seen by some conservatives as a potential future leadership candidate so you know why not drown out one of your rivals when you turn up with great. And yes a job it was to use the glorious euphemism of these things giving quite a wide ranging speech on that wasn't strictly on his ministerial and therefore might be interpreted as something with Bishan that strays towards the horizon so you know there was a bit of that and earlier in the we don't rub the brakes it secretary as well you know doing a little bit of the sort of who I am kind of kind of routine so you know you've had you've had elements of the beauty parade going on you always get a party conferences because you always have conversations with him political parties about who the next leader is going to pay but I think it in these particularly turbulent times where you can't say definitively the Prime Minister's is going to last and of the year then you know that gets turbo charged now what do people in borrowing a make up the letter which has been signed by the heads of News the B.B.C. At I.T.N. Sky all saying the same thing and basically complaining that they haven't got the kind of access they would be expected to the prime minister is quite interesting there so this sort of politics the internal politics of this is that the Prime Minister's director of communications the diet guy called Robbie gave a used to be a senior B.B.C. Executive and the nature of conferences is that a prime minister will do loads and loads and loads of media interviews usually speak to lots of regional political editors from the B.B.C. And from I.T.V. We'll talk. To the national political editors will do a round of interviews in the morning as I She did yesterday and will appear here there and everywhere what has irritated some not least Channel 4 news is that she didn't speak yesterday to them she also didn't speak to Channel 5 News and what that has prompted is a letter from all of the editors of the of the National U.K. Broadcasters including the B.B.C. Making the point that it should be a prime ministerial duty that you speak to all of the broadcasters who are duty bound legally bound to offer fair and impartial coverage of the conferences and of course if they were offered interviews with Jeremy Corbyn last week and they can't show their viewers an interview with the prime minister this week they feel that that is not that is not right that you don't balance and and all the rest of it there's also let's be blunt an element of sort of pride and ego in all of these things because if an outlets doesn't get an interview that another outlet does then you feel peeved and let down and that's the that's the kind of human instinct that So what's going on here well I think to an extent what is going on here is that Downing Street are keeping a check on to reserve May's voice because you remember last year when there was that kind of anxiety dream played out in reality I was in the in the room in Manchester when that happened it was excruciating impossible on a human level not to feel sorry for the prime minister as a voice disappears on a really as she descends into a coughing fit I remember it happening and thinking she's only on page 6 of a 22 page speech here and then there was the security breach with that guy handing or a fake P 45 on the stage started falling down with all of the magnets dropping off there was a calamity it was you reminded us of what it was I was absolutely desperate it was absolutely desperate and you know and that none of this is about any of the content of the speech it could it could have happened to any. But he giving a speech anyway he just happened to be a prime minister you know months after an election which had gone backwards and in the middle of delivering an incredibly complicated political project like. Drax AIDS and in the in the post-mortem after that there was a sense the prime minister had overdone it in the days prior to that speech has she gone to loads of receptions in the evening and she's up at the crack of dawn in the morning and she's given a 1000000 and one interviews and basically was talking all the time and they felt that that contributed towards her sort of calamitous performance on the stage so there's probably a bit of that going on what's quite striking in Robbie gave the Downing Street director of communications response to this letter from all of the broadcasters is that he also makes the point that some of these broadcasters who are at the heart of the wind not least Channel 4 News who have John Snow their main presenter here at the conference as the as he was last week in Liverpool at labor each pointed out as Mr Gabe that. Channel 4 had an interview with the prime minister conducted by their political other to Gary Gibbon in New York at the United Nations last week and Andy bellows the political editor of Channel 5 had its own interview with the prime minister just a couple of months ago so he's trying to say look there isn't any kind of B.B.C. Bias here I buy a from Downing Street towards making the prime minister available to B.B.C. Outlets which is the view of some because of Robbie Gibbs previous job at the B.B.C. But he's actually you know she's done lots of interviews with lots of different people but it's quite interesting it is interesting in the broader context not least the American context of. Divisions big gaping divisions opening up between the media and those in power that's the British broadcasters here including those who were seen to be the beneficiaries of Downing Street willingness to put the prime minister up for interview not least the B.B.C. . Executive level was willing to be part of this letter on behalf of all of the all of the broadcasters. Our political correspondent currently in Birmingham Chris Mason while the F.B.I. Continues its reopened by crowd inquiry into the candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh the president has declared this a difficult and scary time to be a young man in the United States while I say that it's a very scary time for young men in America when you. Guilty of something that you may not be guilty which is a very very very difficult time. What's happening here has much more to do that even the appointment of a Supreme Court justice it really does. Somebody perfect. And somebody could accuse you of stuff that doesn't necessarily have to be a woman as everybody but somebody could accuse you of something and you're automatically guilty. If you are truly guilty until proven innocent that's one of the very very bad things is taking place right. There Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters that when the F.B.I. Complete report on accusations of sexual misconduct leveled the judge by Dr Christine basi Fard senators will be expected to read it as quickly as possible Mr McConnell said he of tolerate no further delay in presenting judge Kavanaugh for the vote of the whole Senate among the many discussions being held some ask of Judge governor went too far in his attacks on the Democrats some left wing critics during his appearance before the Judiciary Committee on Thursday already to ethics complaints been filed against him in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Area the same district in which he presently serves and a father irony they'd be administered by the 2nd court's chief judge and President Obama's frustrated nominee for the previous empty seat on the Supreme Court Judge Merrick Garland Professor Arthur Hellman is with us a judicial ethics expert at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law Hello Professor Hellmann Hello it's a pleasure to be with you at a very early you carry very good to have you with us to well may I ask you 1st of all on what grounds would anybody ethically question Judge Kavanaugh excluding completely what a daughter Christine basi fart had to say or allege. Well you are correct to exclude that because it is not part of what the ethics issues are there are really 2 separate sets of ethics issues that have been raised here one involves the question whether he really he would have to recuse or disqualify himself from cases the other are the complaints that you've mentioned that have been filed against him in the. Under the system for. Resolving complaints of unethical behavior by federal judges so the principle ethical complaint here is that he lied under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee and that would have to be established that wouldn't it would have to be proof that he lied on the rue it would indeed have to be proved and by the way you mentioned the irony that the complaint goes to the chief judge of the D.C. Circuit Merrill Garland and that is quite right a complaint will go to him but almost certainly very he will ask the chief justice of the United States their Chief Justice Roberts to transfer the proceeding to another circuit another of the regional divisions of the federal courts so that Chief Judge Garland will not be adjudicating his complaint himself I think that's almost certainly going to happen Well there's been no mention of it in the press thus far can you clarify whether these 2 S. 6 complaints that are already in the system relate to his conduct last week or relate to something else. As I understand it the the principal complaints were law relate to his conduct last week well it's also a very of also been some issues about his testimony regarding some. E-mails that were improperly retrieved I think 10 years 15 years ago now when he was in the White House but I think the principal allegations now relate to risk testimony last week power to. What he said about his drinking and college and high school and some of the other questions he was asked Arafat hearing. The question. As I may have understood it was that he's talking about the Democrats are the left wing critics on the Liberals and the way that he did when he became so tremendously angry. In a way that if you are a Supreme Court justice you're supposed to give everybody a fair shake. I'm paraphrasing not about how do you give people a fair shake if you've already said how angry you are with people of South and political persuasion. yes you're right at that face separate question apart from the allegations that he caved falsely testified at the hearing there are also allegations and if there aren't today there certainly will be that out of you suggest from of his comments where a political in nature of a kind out a judge on any chord is not supposed to May take and that raises some issues that if far as i'm aware have never come up in any prissy our previous misconduct proceed or and because he was barred he was saying was in response to things that of been fed about him as distinguished from for example one of barn case fed come a came up some years ago where a judge at a meeting of a it happen to be year a liberal group made some unflattering our comments about presidential candidate george bush that was vets one precedent and the judge was found to have committed a violation of the of the ethical rules but that was in a very different context here are judge kavanagh was that least and his view responding to or tech personal attacks on his character so that that's something quite new the have be judicial council i will have to consider does that fall we've in the there that full outside the realm where where judges a supposed to keep their opinions to themselves i can you recall of our supreme court hearing said itself and said that that the clarence thomas heating was bay was they angry was it as angry as dot was was judge thomas also lessing writ a bit Well yeah it's comparable certainly I mean the phrase everybody remembers from a judge Thomas event judge Thomas' hearing was his statement that this is a high class Lynne Cheney and of course in the United States the reference to lynching as a very specific racial overtone from the years when blacks were physically not metaphorically. Lynched and me and the United States so that was an extremely powerful rhetorical statement but it was really one statement nobody remembers anything else he said at that hearing this was a kind of tirade and went on for a couple of minutes and it attacked several senators he didn't name them but it was obvious from the references who he was talking about it tacked Clinton's and he attacked I think left wing organizations or some reference to to left wing so was not simply a kind of generic statement like the Judge Thomas There's reference to a high tech lynching It was a direct attack on political individuals these senators and. Members of political movements and that is what troubles so many people in the practice of the Supreme Court would it be possible for justice Kavanagh to recuse himself if a case came up which involved. In organizing a she and what she had you know kind of tries to in some way at the hearing or some group like for example Planned Parenthood Well I don't know that he mentioned Planned Parenthood specifically to think I don't think he did I mean I don't think you mentioned any of these organizations by name so I'm wondering if he if he really in that much trouble if he actually is confirmed to the court. Well that's a very I think though you raise a very good point about the distinctions that have to be drawn I do think that the individuals individual offended as he referred to below not by name you could identify them I think of a if they were to be parties to our case in the Supreme Court and you're right that's not likely to happen you know more than you know once or twice in a few years if those individuals are parties I think he would have to reach choose himself once you get into categories of groups left wing groups or cases where the the issues would be of interest to left wing groups. Using his term I don't think recusal would be required there's actually a very close parallel in Justice Ginsburg Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg because during the 2016 election she made some very very strong unfavorable comments about President Trump I'm sorry then candidate Trump's. Remarks as a candidate and there were some people who thought that she ought to refuse herself in at least some of the cases that were most directly implicated the president's policies but she has not done that even in the case involving the travel order or through the one where one of the issues was the way to be given to the statements that candidate Trump had given on the campaign trail even in that case she did not refuse herself she didn't say anything about it she just participated in that case I think the reason for that is a pretty fundamental one which is that we know that judges have feelings and if you lose and sometimes very strong if you lose but if you're a judge once you. No on the bench and acting in the role of judge is supposed to put those aside and that happens for example with a case to many many years ago where there are a well known black charge where is asked to recuse himself in a case involving employment discrimination claims made by by I blacked out industrial workers and he said No no I did you just you just I am I am going to decide this case you are no law and the sad and the fact that I'm black in the plane to start Black isn't going to affect me at all and I think that separation of personal views and you do sure oh it's critical to the system for us or Hellman thank you for helping us through what is a very deep and overgrown sick it really appreciate it a pleasure talking with you and it's just a few minutes off to have passed one. Digits along the line smartphones and tablets this is B.B.C. 5 Live. On C NEWSNIGHT the Santa Barbara 2 reason may is said Boris Johnson puts on a good show after he told around a 1000 Tory activists it's time to scrap her brakes a plan the prime minister says she is cross about his comments made to the party conference in the. U.K. Transport a plane has to be sent to parts of Indonesia devastated by the earthquake and tsunami it will carry emergency supplies to help the 10s of thousands of people struggling to find food fuel and water will flow 700 people in and have died a man is in a serious condition after being stabbed at London's hotly central overground station another man this been detained in connection with the attack which happened on a train during rush hour. And scientists who discovered a dwarf planet in the outer most reaches of the solar system its orbit suggest that also be undiscovered Joining me by the latest news with the final I support his don't we start in the Champions League where Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola has gone out of his way to avoid talking about the officials and says team came from behind to beat Hoffenheim 2 wanted Germany city were down after just 44 seconds but goals from Sergio Aguero and Daveed Silva are enough to take the points and the manager was quick to praise his fellow Spaniard afterwards as one of the best players ever trained in my life so I was a lucky guy to have many many of them the total quality in Barcelona and by Munich and visioned at least is an especially spray in terms of mentality a lot of the players in the bad moments make a step forward and say OK I'm here guys and he's one of them I'm so happy for him he deserves all my my respect the pressure remains on Joe same a radio after his Manchester United side played out a lackluster nail mill draw against Valencia at all Trafford the Reds are now 4 games without a win and Marino was somewhat brief in his assessment of the match afterwards I'm pleased with the improvement and I'm not pleased of course with little results which is not a good result but it is not the best result in the E.F.L. Cup Southampton defeated Everton 43 on penalties a Goodison and in the Championship Aston Villa manager Steve Bruce had a cabbage thrown at him by disgruntled friends that after they truth trail with bottom club Preston North and now told him face the might of Barcelona later on with strike a Harry K. In saying he wants to equal and maybe even surpass the records of Lionel Messi the World Cup Golden Boot when it will lead the Spurs line against the Spanish giants in London Barcelona our 1st bell they're probably not so happy with but they're going to be offered experience a different difficult position they won their 1st period and they're going to want to carry on and progress in the group was as quick. Possible Police Scotland have had further talks with the S.P. F.L. Over plans to stage both League Cup semifinals at Hamden on Sunday the 28th of October. JUL to meet Rangers ad with Celtic playing Hearts later that evening but as what he for size explains this is set to change the S.P.L. Fail were cast as the villains of the furore that erupted when the shadowed both bit frayed semifinals for the same day at Hampden Park and fact their contract to use Hamdan meant that the league could only change the shutter with the say so of the stadium management or Police Scotland both of whom sanctioned the original arrangement no handed part remitted has had a change of heart so we can expect to hear tomorrow that the games will be screened live and back to back on the same afternoon but at Hamden and muddy field and the defending European Masters champion Judd Trump base through to the 2nd round in Belgian Trump says he isn't far away from being an even greater force in the game over the next couple of years if I can nick the old friends I've been losing I'll be winning 3 or 4 events rather than them one I think it's only really the top players of kind of stop me from going on the next level I think if you take away running John I think of probably 120 events by now that and that's the latest from B.B.C. Sport the best life sport it is clear because it's in the Champions League the latest tonight will be where play 1st against Barcelona kickoffs I am the build up begins through Saturday with Mark Chapman see this is your full station Yes he's. Crossed the U.K. This is B.B.C. 5 up all night show. You wouldn't surprise the activists who heis that trump baby over central London but in most countries America's global image has sunk to historic lows since President Trump took office we get this from the latest at. Aeration of the Pew Research Center's respected Global Attitude Survey the Sov examined that it shoots towards 5 world leaders in $25.00 countries President Putin China's President Xi present Micron and China so Anglo-American trees and it was not included Mr Trump's 27 percent was the lowest score of the 5 and separately the survey also looks at America's standing in the world daughter Richard White his Pew Research Center's director of Global Attitudes rosette Hello Dr like who we can would do the easy thing for August which is the sort of the passion out a contest what was the question relating to those 5 leaders Yeah so this is a question we've asked about American presidents and others their leaders around the world of the last several years that we ask our respondents how much confidence do you have in this leader to do the right thing in world affairs and you know what we find in this survey is that there's not much confidence in President Trump across these $25.00 different countries that we surveyed 70 percent say they lack confidence in Trump So you know it was similar last year survey you know a very negative views towards Trump and most of the countries where we polled and and how does that compare with President Obama what's the difference. It's a pretty big difference and lots of countries you know and most of the nations where we've surveyed over time we saw a pretty significant drop off in terms of overall attitudes towards the U.S. When we went from the Obama presidency to the Trump presidency and in most countries a president from gets much lower ratings to than President Obama did you see it specially in Western Europe you see it actually. Especially in a lot of America's closest allies and partners it's in those countries where you really see the big drop off moving from the Obama years to the Trump years quite interesting the difference between the U.K. And then Germany France and Spain I mean there's a gulf Isn't that the U.K. In the U.K. Mr Trump actually scores 28 percent. That's right yeah I mean it's still you know mostly negative in terms of what we see in regarding views of Trump in the U.K. But it's not as negative as what we see in some other Western European countries if you look at Germany and France and Spain it's only one in 10 people or less in those countries saying they have a positive view about Trump where it's about one in 4 in the U.K. . When it comes to attitudes to the U.S. I mean again obviously you have a tradition of asking this question. Generally speaking I mean what was the big question that you us to ascertain people's views of the country. Sure the kind of baseline question we Union is a really simple one you know a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the United States so that's sort of our our baseline measure and you know it's moved around a lot over the last decade and a half depending on who's in the White House you know depending on what American foreign policy is and that those kind of things can make those numbers move a fair amount right now if you look at the $25.00 countries we surveyed this year on balance the U.S. Gets favorable reviews. A median of 50 percent across the $25.00 countries we surveyed said they had a positive the pain you know the U.S. 43 percent say it said than a negative opinion said it's on balance positive but that's down pretty substantially from what we saw a couple of years ago when Obama was president but still the popularity of the leader tends to float off from the way that people regard the country but like this like Iranians I suppose or in his Can can quite like America even if they don't like you know the government and go I take part in this to back up marches and so on. I think that's right you know a lot of things you know country like United States a lot of things influence how people think about the U.S. So you know part of it is the president part of it is whatever American foreign policies are at the time but then there's also a lot of other factors as well a lot of things that you know we talk about when we talk about soft power so. We ask questions about the American popular culture things like American movies and television and music and you know even at times when people aren't very happy with who's in the White House. They'll say they do like certain aspects of American culture so you know those kind of cultural component also matter and when we talk about the American people people around the world make distinctions between say the U.S. Government on the one hand and the American people on the other so you know last year when we asked about President Trump we got very negative reviews. In our survey but we asked about the American people respondents tend to have a positive view about the American people so people they do make distinctions between different elements of America's image but interesting that the British with a 50 percent favorable view of America are way ahead of the Canadians these days Canadians are not but a backup to all 39 percent that got into this right you know of course this survey obviously is conducted before the NAFTA news and want to see you know whether that affects things one way or another but that 39 percent is actually an all time low in terms of our polling in Canada if you look at America's neighbors to the north and south you see some the lowest ratings we've ever seen towards United States you know very low in Canada and then only 6 percent in Mexico say they have a positive view about Trump messes lowest rating in the survey you know last year we asked about the wall that Trump wants to build on the. The border between the United States and Mexico and more than 90 percent of Mexico said that they oppose that idea you know Mexico is a place where you see some of the most negative views about Trump right now it has had an impact on how people think about the United States to some very interesting high figures that when and particularly Israel it's this my Explain it might explain a lot mean the Israeli figure of just approval for the U.S. Is off the charts good isn't it it isn't it it's been that way for a while you know if you look at the last several years going back maybe 5 or 6 years we've seen. You know about 8 in 10 or even a little bit more Israelis saying they have a positive view about the U.S. And that hasn't moved very much views about the president have changed a little bit you know President Obama's numbers went down in Israel a couple of years ago when you you might remember there was a lot of tension between the Obama White House and Prime Minister Netanyahu over the Iran nuclear deal and we saw mama's numbers go down then but overall views towards United States didn't really change and then President Trump you know it's one of his sort of strong suits are or strong spots in the survey is Israel you know 56 percent I believe it was last year said they had confidence in him and that's actually gone up in this year's survey so now it's 69 percent so you know Israel is a place that is a little bit of an exception or an outlier. Because they you know present time does quite well there. Let's just come by last night to the past now to thing. Mrs May just didn't quite make it in your survey is there any is there any hope that she might in a future year yeah I think we could expand the list a little bit you know we asked this year we asked about. Merkel and she and Putin and trunk and Mahalo and maybe next year we could get at Theresa May as well I think you know I think it's pretty interesting to look at these these comparisons of sort of global leaders Merkel got the highest marks in the survey followed by McCraw and then you know it was mostly negative toward she and Putin and Trump and Trump actually got the neck the most negative ratings in the survey even lower than the ratings for Putin and she said you know maybe next year we'll expand that list a little bit well thank you so much thank you for for your time and for some very interesting reading Dr Richard like thank you one of the key concerns when it comes to our aspirations for long distance space travel for succeeding generations to Mars for instance is the state the astronauts may actually be and when they finally get to Mars you know will they really be romping around the place like Matt Damon or will they be lying on their bed of L. Near a sash on the impact of cosmic radiation on the gut certainly is not encouraging Let's speak to the study's senior investigator dot com Alda who's associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Georgetown University Medical Center hello Dr data. Although you know very well very well. What did you do what were your what were your ideas for this for this reset show did you how did you come to the conclusion that all the astronauts would be sick most of the time. I don't know we didn't come to the conclusion that all this you know sort of was sick all the time this is. Gastrointestinal track is important for health and nutrition that were true you'd And also call on is important side for cancer so our goal is to not to scare the people but to understand that risk because we know radiation as it is. Many diseases like a Studies in atom bomb survivors we see that there are increased Dick and said increased chronic diseases like diabetes but for space radiation which is different from radiation on art that we don't know that is so our goal is to understand that it is and if it is more how much more and do Deborah Lipstadt easy to reduce that risk so that's the goal not to scare the people that all that I've always been ours. What. The how did what sort of strategies are Carty I mean of people take it in every day for example. That can help deal with radiation content Yeah this is a different type of radiation in space and so in space this is the particle radiation so all this protons and heavy ions like Iran's silicon and oxygen they're traveling at does this nearing the speed of light and when they heat human body they add to her and causes more damages because this particle have monts on Lake X. Rays and gamma rays which doesn't have any mines they have cork on. so so their cause more damage is so we had drank understand what is the disease can how much is the damage it can pause to the tissue so that's the main goal so that dial to made dame is trying to and that devil up magazine are some technology or like shielding out us at thing so that we can protect human being when the tribal to marston how difficult then would it be to shield that space ship you know far the farther portis at 9 month john a up you know using current technology to moms and i can in then add an m. Main tool main types of their listen or on is there throw dawn which is you know is it to sherrod because the proton maass is one on there are then him and hit me i under dish and like i don't silicon they have a higher monts and these out a really difficult to shear do the current technology because the end these it heavy i owns they heated the shit got in shielding that ariel did generate seconded it is should so that's sam of there are problems so the so non ses also finding in either recessed test out it working on improving the shielding technologies so that we can protect astronaut's from now these him b.m. It's because of all that are you you don't want to put people off the notion of space travel but the see be so many done sides already i'm a would talk about weakening bone structures and you know muscle weakening and coming from an extended period and in low gravity ascending good to be said for the human body and space So fine unfortunately so there are men 2 consonants one is a division which we are working on the other peer other researchers are working on effects of micro-gravity so microgravity combined dude radiation did that 2000000 issues in space and which we cannot award unfortunately but there are and other research which are ongoing like while travelling and do. Their research is on going on. Mission so many MIT enemas undergo hibernation so can human being be put into hibernation during this travel period so those resets are ongoing how to protect human being when they travel into the outer States so I mean yes there it is can but the goal is to overcome that is and. To the state. Well well Dr Titus thank you very much for talking to us by appreciate it thank you thank you very much. For the Boston Globe know where David dollars racing Hello David Hello Rod How are you doing a good very good I'm a lot of interest in Massachusetts in one of Massachusetts 2 senators Senator Elizabeth Warren who who may have just declared she seriously interested in running for president in 2020. That's right over the weekend she told a crowd in in town just outside of Boston that she's taking a hard look at running in 2020 should say she 1st win reelection she has a and action she faces in November in we're taking medication to look at the women many women who are running around the country right now for for Congress for U.S. Senate for governor and we're finding that these women are owning their anger in a way that we've never seen before more and quote directly is I'm angry and I own it. The Another woman Presley says that she's angry and she's outraged she's outrage I think by President Trump's behavior by in particular the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination and we found in race after race in which women are running there they're saying versions of this and this is this is a new development believe it or not there women were were urged by their political consultants often Men them men to not show their emotion to do not seem angry lest they be poor spur sieved is hysterical or threatening or otherwise if you are from whatever the societal expectations are on the war and of course that was used by men against Hillary Clinton which is true that's right and is our reporter Vicki McGrane points out Clinton was the epitome of this problem on one hand she had the pundits and her own consultants say you know don't go and go too far with this anger thing don't don't seem to upset about whatever this the issue of the day was lest you seem as if you are. You know the typical angry woman whatever that is so the but then too many she seemed almost robotic and wouldn't show emotion so she was darned if she did or darned if she didn't and. The situation here with many of the women running now is that the moment is sort of shifted there is much more of a an anger if you will or an impatience and mung the electorate particularly among women S why we're seeing so many women running this cycle and there's There doesn't seem to be at least in the 8 the minds in the eyes of these candidates and their consultants see a downside to going out there. You know. Who does Buddha held as Brett Kavanaugh think he is one of them one of the Congress candidates said in Michigan. US Senator Mazie Hirono who has been getting a lot of press she's from Hawaii a Democrat I just want to say to them to the men of this country just shut up and step up do the right thing for a change she's talking in that case about the Republicans reluctance to look in closely at the sexual assault allegations facing Brett Kavanaugh So we're seeing this now and we're we will see of course in November whether it pays off or not but it is a interesting contradiction or change shift from from the more cautious approach that we saw among many women candidates in previous election years and know that in a city with many many lost hospitals. Being in an emergency room can be quite hazardous for a doctor. That's right we're focusing on the front page of the globe. A study of emergency room doctors and the violence that they face quite common this is a survey of 3500 E.R. Doctors from across the United States nearly half of them said they have been physically assaulted on the job 2 thirds of them said they were assaulted in the past year 71 percent said they witnessed in the salt so quite a problem among doctors in emergency rooms across the country including in Massachusetts. Thank you. Like to read more about the holes on the website of The Boston Globe. Story the prime minister will say Britain's best days ahead closing conference speech. Draw a blank. If you. Will close the Conservative Party conference later saying the U.K.'s post breaks it future is full of promise she also used her speech to try to persuade Labor voters who dislike Jeremy Corbyn to switch to the Tories political editor is. The prime minister will be I understand trying to show this conference and all of us that she has fuel in the tank to talk about something else other than brakes it that she has things that she would like to do for the country whether that health education or opportunities for people she wants to show she could be the leader beyond the tangle of bricks that.

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