Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland MW BBC Radio Scotland MW 20191119 150000

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The health secretary says a public inquiry into 2 Scottish hospitals will investigate issues around water contamination as part of a tree mit last week the mother of a 10 year old girl Milly main who died after contracting an infection at Glasgow's Children's Hospital said she believed it had come from bacteria in the water supply the Health Board says the water wasn't tested at the time Millie died in 2017 our health correspondent Lisa Somers reports Jean Freeman told m.s.p. She would recommend the problems around contamination in the water supply at Scotland's largest hospital would form part of a public inquiry it was ordered by the House secretary after a series of infection night breaks with links to the building emerged at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and after a delay to the opening of Edinburgh a Sick Children's Hospital because of safety issues Miss Freeman told the health and Sport Committee she would be able to announce who would lead the inquiry before Christmas but she said it was not clear how long it would take or how much it would cost Glasgow's winter shelter for the homeless say they are considered opening emergency accommodation and the wake of the continued cold snap the council owned Glasgow City Mission Shelter opens on the 1st of December and is responding to calls to provide refuge earlier after the death of a month found in a multistory car park at the weekend it's not known if he was homeless the United Nations says it fears dozens of people may have been killed in a run in protest sparked by a sharp rise in petrol prices the un said it was hard to fed a fight the number of dead because of an Internet blackout imposed 3 days ago by the Iranian authorities to Iran's blamed the unrest on foreign enemies hundreds of people have paid their respects to the veteran Edinburgh fundraiser tome Galene he was well known on the streets of Edinburgh raising over a 1000000 pounds for charity on Princes Street and the Royal Mail until his death at the age of 99. Smart know here's Amy Macbeth thank you former Scotland striker Billie Dodd says beating Kazakstan at Hamden tonight is important for the mains national side New find momentum manager Steve Clarke is looking for a 3rd win in a row going into playoffs next spring for the 2020 year old Championships will slow convert their spot for the summer's utils bait of the hungry in Cardiff tonight down Gary and can also seal their spot in the tournament with a when Lee Miller says he is delighted to be home after leaving Livingston to become part for Kirk's interim coaching team alongside David McCracken The Judah place to sack 3 Mackinnon and take charge generally gun clubs extensive recruitment process to appoint a full time manager should tertian a McIntosh has won gold at latest World Cup event in China the 23 year old world number one coming out on top in the 50 metre rifle final and Scotland's women lead 74 against Germany in curling c.d.p. And championships Patterson junk Meanwhile beat Germany 72 to move into the qualifying places in the men's they'll take on England later that's a sport. That he loves them as you travel in Fife that one to one Esplin Eden Kirkcaldy is partially blocked in both directions following a collision involving 2 cars that happened near the junction with Charlotte Street in Glasgow on the i Meet the westbound on slope at junction 1910 is partially blocked by a collision in edge and brother slow traffic on the in 1000 Queensferry road both ways between may be road and clear Mr road north there's a vehicle fire near the junction with Park Grove Road and emergency services are there and in Dumfries and Galloway there are queues on the East 75 in twine and because of road works there's a convoy and police b.b.c. Radio Scotland travel and the weather south to south easterly winds picking up and staying cold this afternoon with temperatures ranging from around freezing to 4 Celsius some Granger meaning below freezing on my oldest along the West Coast with highs of 78 Celsius and that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland news you're listening to the afternoon. Show with John is 1st sight on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Thank you very much for so doing is the 2nd of the show choose to give you Team joining us shortly but inspired by one of the items that they are reviewing today which is quite an unusual concept as a new drama. Flicks I'm laughing because I think it's quite funny and. It is inspired by Dolly Parton song and Mrs Potten herself takes part in the whole proceedings so we are looking to close the show with a song suggested by you will choose one of your suggestions a song with a really good story line you really could not have a more fooling these a new direction lovingly to inspire you. To. The name. Of the still. Feel. Good. Inside. The clown. On the streets or 2 ago. This. Is a real person. Thank you. Thank you so it was a way of trying. To think especially hitting a little bit of out of straps the 1st big weekend before the body. Is actually humanly and physically possible not to start shifting around in a camp Copacabana a stylus and you hear that and that cave in Kylie with where the wild roses grew over to you to suggest a. I'm a cracking story 80295 in the text tweet me at b.b.c. On I saw afternoons or listen when the afternoon show Facebook page with get say the biscuit boy on Twitter suggesting Ebony ice on the Everly Brothers Gayle puff tweet a Twitter or to Billy Joel Bobbie Gentry son of hickory hole or Strom o.c. Smith lone block I've no idea what kind of order rate those in and whether it made sense but there you go nobody's child from a steak and kidney suggests a Eaton's night Margaret Smith leader of the pack a golden oldie which indeed is sure murder Rianna and get ins Vashon of dollars don't let it trouble your mind a long story in 4 minutes great song writing at will leave those there for the moment keep them coming and so today is choose day it's the 2nd day of the show is choose to give you time. Choose to live years have been busy be up for discussion this week a crime drama set in Sigmund Freud's Vienna a new radio comedy cd some everyone's favorite Scottish dancing comedian Susan Collins and a Netflix series of dramas inspired by the songs of Dolly Parton So still with me taking partner choose Review writer Dr Who to be King fan bestselling author Jenny Colgan she's in Already the studio and she's been joined by film lecturer a writer and broadcaster Pasquali a newly hyper scholar Janice I know you just say hello again to Jenny you know to be true to work and with me in Glasgow old he is now you getting to the stage of Movember with he's struggling with his a Zapata and Zappa esque face furniture very cool author and journalist Jonathan why all hello thank you very much John it's far too kind oh is it does it get chilly Yes Well actually I think I'm a bit beyond the think it's just he just cute eating biscuits and shooting eating why though I just want to know that Manus here does everything really is the way that it looks the way I look whether it's all for a good cause it's all for charity Mind is what causes for his for Movember and tales of Novembers all about raising a. We're honest for a men's health issues for Bentley of everything else thank you very much indeed Well thinking of health in all sorts of ways we're diving straight into Vienna Vienna Blodgett a particularly interesting time in the history of that city this is the new t.v. Series and you may have seen the 1st episode which was on b.b.c. 2 last night if you did see it and you found see it let us know what you thought Get in touch the video Swayze 2 to 95 in the tanks tweet me B.B.C.'s afternoons at Vanna blogs as a big expensive old acquisition for the b.b.c. Based on a series of novels by clinical psychologist under Frank Thomas adapted for the screen by Steve Thomson one of the writers of Cher look and set in 1900 Vienna described as a hotbed of Philosophy Science and Art young English doctor working for Sigmund Freud begins to use his understanding of human behavior to help the polis solve mysterious crimes. Vienna is a city obsessed by title. In London I was Max just Max in Vienna I'm Dr Maximillian deep in the position neurologist and Englishman of course they don't you forget that the capital of a 1000 year old and it's also a patent that family's reputation can be ruined by the name of all movements have animals handful every. Romantic memories are pathogenic they create disease. Banishment of painful emotionally charged memories from one's consciousness requires an active freeze resiting mechanism this is Vienna's gilded age and yet there is something unsettling about the soft. Shadow around the city struggling. Welcome to be as they go as much Lieberman and erasing story from Joseph cope as Sigmund Freud in a little moment from Vienna blood a stark. With you did the whole premise of this the setting appeal to you and do you think it works yeah I mean I was the quite like this period I mean it's been done on film quite a lot so one thing you can of us going to the great talent director love this period films like Death in Venice allude to the can very very rich period detail everything fell really lived in. This on the other hand. Well it was a great I mean it's it's always go to school so many elements of your typical crime series you know from the mismatched crime solving partners to the police chief to the board in the office where they work through clue. Murders a lot of very beautiful women. It was just yeah I mean some good period detail I think but overall not particularly satisfying for me there's just as pretty much a string of cliches under. Jenny Colgan your reaction I am over this I am so here's your quirky white guy here's his gruff but tender hearted guy and here is a dead woman completely naked see everything within the 1st 5 minutes you know and she's beautiful of course and that's the only reason she's there the other female in it is crazy and the other female in it is a simpering pointless women going on about dresses I thought well you know I quite like the period detail I thought oh that's cool you know this spent a lot of money you can see the spent money and Matthew beard is good I thought I'll give the 2nd episode a little bit of time and I gave him the 90 minutes it takes to see not the dead women you'd be pleased to hear today just naked women oh and by the way there prostitutes you know they're on courses and suspenders I know who are very sick of it artfully lead diagnosis. I'm so interested here you see that I was watching my own so I was kind of like inwardly shouting I didn't hear the 2nd episode in the 9 minutes and I was sad because it was almost fetish. Stick I think these days you think there would be so much more awareness the male gaze because the basis of the male course all peel and beautiful line there well may in the detectives and I don't think you also need quirky Karnad a quick yes or no no says the kirkyard I can't tell you how much I did. They go Jonathan are you going to tell us something different I'm going to be controversial sat quite enjoy that I do I do agree with I was going to yeah. I do agree though I mean that kind of the female characters ation is nonexistent they are relegated to damsels in distress or dead which was really as an on for 21000 television drama. That can applaud the through the 1st episodes and then move to the 2nd one and I did can a few myself sort of the touching myself from reality to just sit and watch and let the sort of clichés Washington for me I can see the same with you watch Colombo in Quincy in Paris to get along with numbers of work and. So you just know you know who the murderer is. Yeah yeah he started all share like which it copies in everything well that's what I mean or raise you know and funny and clever Yeah and I'm kind of bored with all of that I mean this is based on novels I mean Jonathan you started off being positive suggest a lot of your positivity Well I actually when I got used to the what I like to say when I got used to those cliches and detach myself No suppose we should be sitting here 21900 I have to touch my mind from my body to sit and watch t.v. Drama because there's such a massive demand on our time I like the way it looked I thought it was very crisp and clean the way that the show. Made me want to go yeah I know my wife's a psychiatrist so obviously we were quite through is with with that part of it why did like about it was the was the sort of this menacing presence of racism and anti-Semitism which is clearly on the horizon for these characters within the time like I thought I was. Well done in the sense that you didn't shy away from it harder and obviously as the series progresses you know that prejudice comes comes up to up to the forefront you know obviously there were honest about dreadful Can a time period that is just like I said on the horizon shouldn't ever be forgotten really and while we're talking about it you know not taking the boxes in the original theme things that could have quite easily shied away from it you know Yet we did see a bit of that actually I thought was quite interesting the 1st episode because actually Mahler makes an appearance Yeah and this is you're aware of this this anti semitism rising and there Marty be a character's family are in the audience watching this this recitals and they're absolutely particular his father the father's character we see is excluded generally from the higher echelons of the men's club of society in Vienna because he's Jewish so I mean did that that strand interested you think it did anything new Jamie Yeah that was a far more interesting story to tell and I agree and I thought it did look I thought it looked beautiful and I thought he was very good I'm just sick of watching that bloomin story and if the whole thing had been a bit here's a young man trying to make me in an environment which is getting very very frightening that our young women or he really doesn't matter that it's an interesting story just you've got it up your game and through something new and not just all these days you've got to stop well see the b.b.c. Has acquired this so they obviously presumably spent a fair bit of money doing that the pics of cool production the thing isn't it. Yeah so I mean it's got a grand ideas you know I have a few interviews with the writer saying oh it's all about the birth of psychiatry and neurology understanding of the human brain it's the genesis of these modern crime shows and I mean I do agree the I mean I just felt on every blip on terms of content but also in terms of form it was actually quite derivative I mean it's a lot of the tilted skewed angle straight out of the 3rd man and I think that the director of the 1st episode is. They said oh 3rd man is my favorite movie ends. And tell me I mean it is hard to get stuff made these the are looking for crime and so on but I wasn't quite but even the performances also annoyed me because you've got the Oscar Reinhard the older character who's very very gruff you know and then the other one who's like quite angelic and it's just I mean again when we see him we've seen that so many times and also you've got very contemporary ways of talking a snappy little bits of rhythm and it's like well what you want to do you want to make us 90 for 7 fits the profile what is being. Said that you're welcome to join us so here's your wife she's in the business of your site psychotherapy psychology psychiatry psychiatry so is she hooked enough by that to keep watching one interesting part of actually there's a. Again going back to these sort of stereotypical troops anytime there's a psychiatrist on television there's got to be some sort of hypnosis involved and what she or she pointed out was actually that is a that is of our form of Fed p. That it's a little bit more sort of refined and a lot more scientific than it was in the start of the 20th century but essentially does the same job in terms of unlocking. You know repressed memories and things that are and I think the line in the in the show was a real live the moment with all the emotion. Saw in that respect I think she found out quite interesting in is addressing those historical element you know but yeah I do agree with you guys I mean I think I think that absolutely right that there isn't an original character in the sense that it's grown brilliant detective Craig always come down to the show there's so much demand on her time Jenny I'm trying to members of the episodes 3 episodes of the an hour and a half or so 9 minutes now you know so I don't care a lot it's the sialic Slaughter's And I mean yeah it's become a kind of way of doing things so I reckon Jenny you know tuning in for the next the rest of the night you know I should thank all of my short time to live and breathe upon this earth I shall not do you know as you said earlier. Yes So. That's call me yeah I mean what I would say is actually this is a far better film about this period with Bruno Gantz the lead. It came out I think beginning of this year was one of his final performances he plays Sigmund Freud it's saying Vienna and it's a much better film than this I mean it's we haven't had the titles like to hold the tobacconist's. Just because I'm actually writing because I think I was aware it was that we had a briefing festival actually early this year and it was one of the surprises for me it was really good wasn't back in just a towel in. The. Back to get. Keeps me going thank you very much indeed so the 1st episode of Vienna blood is on the i Player and the C's continues in b.b.c. 2 over the next 2 Monday nights at 9 she's reviewers having everybody there back after music from Steve Mason he's alone she. Isn't Indian Sunday every. Monday from the e.p. This is like Korean. As fitting that the fireworks knew that anyway because you remember Susan Collins and Kevin Clifton tangling to that song least it strips a couple years ago just got to the day job new cd starting to morrow and Radio 4 called Susan Calman makes me happy and it does actually take inspiration from the time when strictly should realize that dancing the show really did bring joy in the seas she said explore the biggest things in life which make us happy before I start on this journey I should mention that I'm no so my own on stage in fact I have a plus one it's my wife now I know that me talking about her triggers some people whenever I'm on their. Your television and talk about being married and gay I get complaints along the lines of Why did you always mention that you're murder using gay Well there are a number of reasons firstly it's who I am and this is my shoe. Secondly I don't know if you've noticed but some people still have a problem with l.g.b. T.q. People and it's important that I talk about my relationship to counteract all the nonsense about how gay people are so mysterious and strange and. I want to be proof that gay couples can be just as boarding. We argue about exactly the same things as any partnership does Last weekend I wanted a divorce because I was me to wander around a Scandinavian furniture shop for 4 hours while someone touched everything she saw as an ex lawyer I always comply with a contract but I don't recall my wedding photos being in sickness in health and in Ikea. They go a flavor Susan Komen makes me happy on Radio 4 accused of years Jenny cold in the school yet only in Jonathan white will have been listening to Jonathan did it work for use it it didn't cheer you up there that actually I quite enjoyed I was sitting there with big beam and smile listening to an opening opening monologue. She's a great presenter just very very funny lady and I quite like they are quite like whoa this focused on on what makes of happy in the context of our family you know families the sort of theme of the of the 1st episode. Good and bad you know it it didn't shy we wasn't it was an all white Christmas everyone run the Christmas tree . Chestnuts Roasting the open fire stuff it was all the bad stuff as well and one part that I quite enjoyed was when the was when the conversation was opened up on the end to the audience and that's the great the great British public always prove that. There's nothing quicker than forget they say and there was a particular woman that said that a in our family Christmas tradition was to steal clothes and gift that back to the person was very bizarre over there over the course of the over the course of the festivities and actually my family didn't think it was quite as bad as stealing from each other but my great aunt used to give a presents maybe about a year 18 months he birthdays and Christmas she used to do exactly the same thing so that was a that was a great part of really able ribbit ribbit was no way stream because it was slightly orders talked about actually stolen as so to speak their mothers appeared of new tries to mother and then wrapped them up going through his Christmas present here with the mother going where those trees are so you know that was very strange at the school I thought this was really beautifully extra just. I want to use the word slick but no I just mean you know it all really flowed and there's a real art to that to making something appear effortless I thought Susan was in top form I like this preschool he said rather John said Bring in the audience we had them her cuff and she called them also really innovative to have her other half on stage Lee and again that was beautifully kind of scripted she didn't seem like a. Place that I thought that worked very well not really unusual you know I mean I really like Susan Komen she's really warm and charismatic presence I mean she's quite ubiquitous these days but you know if the office comment you go to you've got to think that yeah. Yes I mean the the presence of for a wife they're very very important actually we're going to talk about Dolly Parton it reminded me there's a Dolly Parton quote where she says of course gay people should get married they should suffer like the rest of us when I was famous quotes. But yeah I mean the lot of going to self-deprecating gags as well you know she says a lot of the work she gets is done to diversity box ticking so I mean she's very affable and the theme of family of course I mean there's so much potential there and I mean the contribution of the listeners an audience I mean that was. Patchy I mean some some more some didn't I mean there was one there was one that was talking about some woman was talking about. Her and her son disagreed and I had to put on salt and to be fair Susan herself says you know this is hardly Saudi award material which is that but yes that I mean it's very warm sure I think I mean. Yeah I mean as a listen as a kind of tea time listen I thought it was really good yeah yeah Jenny I really really enjoyed I didn't have any particular expectation didn't know what the format was I really enjoyed it and we should see you know power of citizens you got to know and in fact think you straightly you actually got to go along and be the audience to go to black Boeing 3rd I said I will tell you favorite funny story with 2 friends is told does ration she said well or don't or the vast need to do stately and she didn't realize that all her mates were absolutely crazy. And then just followed their Everywhere she went it was quite a gathering for fortresses you. Dammit it is people I mean it's so interesting these these writers are totally into their saw tonight Taylor was drama isn't it so it's drama and spark and fun and yes I agree with you I didn't quite know what to expect and it's incredibly charming and actually I think it could have gone either way with having it with having lead with having Susan's wife on there but it's brilliant she's so dry this is not over it is just very very it's just really really nicely done this is the kind of thing that if it came on when you're on your car in the rain you're like oh yeah this is very much. Oh yes so we totally agree and that's the thing John and things I think you know you hear so much to the radio for comedy would you feel about radio Scott does well with a certain type of Radio 4 comedy and the you as prescribe me saying Susan's all over the place that she's on radio for a lot of I thought this is very much she created her own space here and I think having Lee On stage of the. It was key to that and it was beautifully it was obviously. Beautifully so effortlessly scripted Yeah I agree. The kind of warm thing causing this seems to be the sort of that we're all using to this grave and I completely agree and that warmth from Susan definitely comes across as a percent of the show you know you got the impression that she was absolutely in our ailment talking about talk about family talk about Christmas talk but what makes her happy and you know with. If there's a show that makes us all happy makes us all feel certainly a massive need for the 21000 in the cell and a member 21000 so yeah it's a. Joy room nice half hour. And enjoy yourself along with what Susan's come he said I don't think I would use cozy about 6 I think it's incredibly entertaining I feel very welcome and she's very warm but I thought she was also Jenny she's open about her she can a lot but she's open about her family being like every family you know they do fall in particular excess miso their whole Flossy be centuries meaning truth if you know I mean yes I mean as I write a lot of big set at Christmas because it's such a dramatic time of year because yeah you look a large extended family in a room for 10 hours and I plied with alcohol and stand well back at you know. 10 hours I think record in our house and 10 minutes a record. Is Ira saying somebody's main breaks and everyone goes on fire so yeah I think my favorite line because she is a tiny said she said on Friday average family 2.4 kids I'm the point. I was like Yeah so this quali would you be listening again and I'm going to do You shouldn't a lot of radio for comedy yeah no actually quite like Rich I mean I like things like that drinkers a greats and just a minute you know the classics are really good I mean that's what I mean the probably for me you could own just a little bit more but but I could see what she's doing I mean it's not as if you know it's a. Does what it sets out to do I'm sorry probably would tune in for the remaining episodes what I also like that there was a and actually quite moving towards the yeah as a tribute to Jeremy hard to tell you it was done really well and you could feel the emotion in her voice it was a she going to make it through this because obviously he died and and she was so lovely she was talking about how he'd been a deal meant to her about actually telling her some not quite some home truths but this is what. The show isn't to give us elections to be to be funny and you really felt it reminded you of why we all live in loved me how did we miss some. Brilliant looks thank you very much indeed and I think we're mostly giving some thumbs up to Susan Komen makes me happy on Radio 4 to morrow posix and available off the b.b.c. Site is a moving from one me Beltre to another Jedi Cinnamon has gigs coming up he's at a life in Aberdeen on Saturday Glasgow hydro December 20th and 21st and he said and I'm sure next July is already almost sold it. Is a song. From the last time in my garden she is like so many see you as a young. Man you stat all the way and she. Is a male. She plays really. Use our Does enough to sound like a god inside this guy c.s.m. God South Sudan says it. Reminds me. Of this Suzy. You. Ask. But she looks like a princess on the spot fine just and thank God. She is on the maze my scary nothing stop you. Might not mean. She has a. She has a job. She has a. Gun she made a way and I'm on this show last night saying this thing while Fonda myself c.d.i. . Did my singing. A song and isn't sitting on his mom's just all men waiting to Yeah he is a musical phenomenal not so sure Jedi send them on there and they were talking about hers they don't is he a present in news Dr. From 4 o'clock to 630 here in b.b.c. Radio Scott he's popped in to give us a minute's worth on the yellow highlighting the often tell tale I want to know how 1st off I saw Coltrane compressor obviously there's a general election on huge amounts of campaigning and obviously you have also people getting the popcorn and for tonight's big debate the big doubleheader or many other parties are available so be previewing the lot and also going to Hong Kong lots of stuff still going on there who isn't going to end of a train is enormous is going to have 1000000000 people is going to biggest army in the world and you've got a bunch of students taking on well we're talking to somebody there as well Easyjet are going into the package holiday business just when Thomas Cook decided that was all over and by control of the business will be asking why school trail technology is intimidating some people not least me. They're having to buy your tickets before you go on board this is a promptly proving difficult for people who didn't buy the things we're getting on board before while cuts are cute we know that but they're also coming back and they don't have been keeping reports on environment correspondent and a subject you may have and I'm sorry if I'm able to listen to the whole program you may have covered this already being Nick Cage new accountant Nick Cage Nicolas Cage has been signed on to played Nicolas Cage in a film for these metaphors a bit like Being John Malkovich Yes And Wonderful be able to do with killing all sorts of German expressionists of the most vile faces like he's done in every other film he's been and I love that and you're going to enjoy this country go off and other choose to viewers it's a great option to talk to Gemma expressionism to tell you that somebody has been in touch who watched Vienna blood Richard and fall Kirk bunch and Jenny listening to Squali listening yet just as this thing John s. O. M. G. Courting us I'm told looking at the tail in order to identify stereotypical through ups I enjoyed Vienna blood last night interesting characters and still the story lines so many interlinking. Looking forward to the 2nd episode so that's all the use tail out an old thanks. To a c. Study a typical troops please about the next item up for review can thank you very much. I'm sure it's a news program but it's very entertaining and informative at the same time that's 4 o'clock until 6 left to him b.b.c. Radio Scotland so now on Tuesday of you we turn to Dolly Parton's heart strings is this new series of Netflix dramas telling the stories behind her songs starting with the classic Now we know we played it yesterday but according to our producer you can't ever have too much Doli. let the body monocle pick up on the thing isn't every owns a separate jumping in our seats as we listen to this or my the only one actually Jonathan isn't. Any Of course yeah did I say I wanted to join in I wasn't sure. About topping your throat I.O.U.'s to Squali where you know it's all under the table as it were. Let's not go there doing the same. Thing and that will go over some is Julian but only part and Julian is the subject the 1st episode of the new Netflix series Dolly Parton's heartstrings so. Aiming to dramatize the stories behind some of her songs Dolly tell us more. Songs to stories put to music songs and I've written their stories of my life * every trying every struggle airbursts my every song it's the melody of my memories it's the sound my heart oh Dolly Parton's introduction to the new Netflix series heart strings so this new music and classics within each episode and overall is a mix of love stories family dramas westerns and revenge Coleman Here's the trailer . Dollywood you get to a pretty little but I'm sure he. Those that get into to them and to the southeast don't. Want to go out on the other place really just trying to lessen the way they have to live I love makes you happy I stay here and the price and I'm glad I don't want to start praying for the current h.p. Are they kept you out to new beginnings. I. Would like to like each other we have plenty of the pictures not to. Kill. I did all sure off by and looking bunch up to you that. They are now all the songs I what do you say stir them up. Hold me down cases like this I have to win this for them twins from. Time to time conclusive. Let's take a trip back to show. Thank you the kids thing about. The songs that will stand the test of time are the ones that are written from our. We had various voices of course including Dolly Parton but also the fab Kathleen Turner pops up from the official trailer of Dolly Parton's. Dollies in every episode does the sure be fit her status and legend Jonathan Jenny for Squali have watched the 1st episode as have IP Squali What do you make of this concept is unusual yeah but I have to see it's a terrific called Sept and it's one of those that just started thinking of other singer songwriters and I just started thinking Kate better she could do like a Bob Dylan one the fact you much Bob Dylan walking around backstage is that I wrote this song back in 1905. So the concept itself is absolutely brilliant and I think starting off with her argument was fame. A song here Jolene which was as she says inspired by this very pretty bank clerk who floated with her husband Carl Dean who's is still with the publisher still with her has been together more than 50 years and I think trying Jenna Clippers after. I thought it gently worked quite well for me I mean it was to be on half plane Jolene was really good she's a dancer and so you know 100 much about her but just looking up as she's done quite a lot of quite a lot of stuff and on American t.v. In particular so yeah I mean I thought I'd love to see if you know the song then you'll know you know the plot points that it's going to it's going to hit so for me it was it was really good Jenny to take on board Callie says about the concept and I'd love to see the Dylan or the keep this question but for me I know she's a consummate songwriter but I find this too and I was joking because I think of just looking at she is an extraordinary construct even in this set up but it's not it's Dolly Parton you know she's in a kind of 5 and I mean that is so you know it's of fairly don't market except extraordinarily Kitty. Bar where you can where you like to take 13 year olds and close up. Despite everything that the school they say I thought on the basis of the 1st episode No I knew that Constantine just turning up in another I think Ok I'll watch again but I don't want to watch this to me it was like like something so saccharin. And I yeah I just thought I would not watch another episode Oh I have a theory it might have come just after watching Susan's but to me this was again a love story and you know it's between the beautiful barmaid and the young women are sort of the middle aged woman trying to escape her marriage appears to be married to someone who also I thought was great here and that too and that one you know they nearly care if they get drawn they get dressed up and every time. You think it's going to happen and then they tag on the same bit where partly she was flirting with her husband but she isn't she's like me someone else it's very odd and I have always meant only seems quietly very subversive and Frank and remember that her main audience are people in the southern states you know America Yes I think this is a clear romance she's coming really slipped under the menu what she got on that was a bit odd and actually that's that's what's going on there that's my theory about this because honestly if you look at it and watch it as a straight piece of drama literally had 10 people I think for any reason I'm glad you said that because I have to face up to all the onus because I'm remembering this it was last night and ended up fast forwarding through but I thought you know this so then I thought this is a bit disjointed to lead what's happening with those 2 women I thought most of the stuff let me know one point they're going to she's going to rush to the Greyhound station to get her it's a room and yeah it's a romantic but I say it is soccer and I mean you're absolutely right is definitely soccer but it's and it's one of those that when I only know what I finished Yeah this is not great but just looking back going to maybe it's comparing it to the other things we would look at Yeah especially if you had a blood that I don't know it's. Kind of warm to a little bit you know let's find the other half of the psychiatry Jonathan what you all thought you know I have to ask you we're talking about as if she's not here but frankly she isn't she might be listening I'm fascinated by your wife now and you know months well. I'm interested in what she takes things to did she see any of this. Well you know the she told me interestedly that when it 1st started I did think that that's where we're going to go and it's going to subvert the version of Julian because again it's 2019 years yet it's and she said so it's not going to be quite what you expect but then it is it is exactly what I mean talking about the soccer nature of it my teeth were. At the end of it and you know I mean I mean the north here I spent the whole the whole episode wondering where I'd seen Kimberly Williams Paisley from force the big reveal exactly and she. He's a brave bright wanted to the. Old and she's money to bribe people who believe as the comparison a country saying you know what you think people would union join us and also for the music so we're talking to ships as a Ranger So what about the music side of the things I mean the music screen Julianne Hough voice actually stole the show for me I think different to sing again I'd never I'd never heard over before before this and you know when she gets up on stage sort of you know 1015 minutes and she's wonderful I should be doing more music in that water what it reminded me of a little bit. You know much less serious version was Nashville which was a fantastic series that showcase the kind of country music scene it's a global audience and obviously it's finished now but it felt like a very very sanitized very very sweet version of that novel or the Lord's music and it was great but yeah it's you Jenny you watched it with your daughter so no no no no I goodness no but I know but we love those twinkling I had a high bandwidth for very very sad I love all the Christmas Eve films yeah I know so I spent some time living in the Southern States of America so again that you know I don't have any problem with that that's just the way things are done there but actually I think Jonathan's 100 percent right if they put 23 more songs on it yes it would have made it it means you can get away with Adam away yeah you know you've got Dolly Parton you've got that guy who is a fabulous singer so do you think do you think what do you think here is judging the missed a trick could tip in Boulder actually been more severe serve change the ending but yes obviously we would think that but we are coming off discussing for example Susan show where her sexuality simply isn't an issue to us and that's culturally I just I think you wonder were they going to do with the others because that's the thing thing are they just going to follow it pretty much to the letter or are they going to do something even whispers judging from this that they probably are. Going to stick to the yes what I thought her performance was good though Dolly Parton's performance says Babe you know this going to maternal figure she's. Right you know and obviously the outfits I mean they're extraordinary even if they are so Spirito No I mean. I mean I think Liberace would blush you know I mean. She's got some great lines the road is she did anybody Well Jonathan says home 373 to share Yeah yeah because I was about to Wiki because you know how is this possible then Jane Fonda's they're doing that sort of same thing I mean she does look extraordinary I mean everything's puts through some kind of wonderful study filters Well everything looks like Christmas but I suppose I was just slightly exasperated with it just being very kind of it was very white as well that was the other things it and the privilege women sit and look at how much did the main character live and good lord the largest windows I've ever seen oh yeah and evil p.t.a. Women who get their comeuppance from once having made one negative remark and therefore I must have her life to start Yeah Ok so I don't think I'll be watching again I think I might see Kathleen Turner pursued Jenny will you continue I will probably listen to the a coming out of a month but. Pasquale I think years I didn't really give another girl was like you see the Kathleen Turner of a sort of so the trailer for that looks quite good so I might go for another one and Jonathan Ross a Picasso but I suppose. You don't always hear she's a phenomenal Dolly Parton's strings or Net Flix from Friday and it should also say if you know weight of the Dolly Parton's America podcast I started listening to the 1st episode of that last night thinking is it going to be more of the same. For more hair if you guys have dipped into it's worth listening to because it's really looking at her in 21st century America up with everything that's happening politically around her and it's unique access and it's beautifully layered and. And I'm going to be certainly listening to that so I would recommend that and indeed let's hear your recommendations then anything else Pasquale that you think our listeners shouldn't miss Well you've probably heard about this film it is the Irishman Martin Scorsese is quite stately more epic it's got ecstatic reviews everywhere I'm just waiting for the backlash I'm sure there will be but it really is worth seeing on the big screen yes it's going to be coming out on netflix of the end of the month but it is this extraordinary epic panorama of post-war u.s. History following the central character hitman Frank Sheeran played by Robert De Niro and his links with the mole and the teamsters I mean it's sort of layered so international so I did so I saw a special screening in the big screen I totally agree with you and it's it's you know half hours 3 run but yeah I was fine. With this by Jenny what do you recommend it very quickly Elton John's autobiography even if you don't like any of his songs and everyone likes at least one it's brilliant it's so brilliant and it's wonderfully read if you want to listen to it by the actor who played him and very very quickly the fun episode of the crime is everything and it's astonishing thank you very much in a war Jonathan recommendation monk by Chris Parker on a loss for words but say very exciting page turning thriller love your craft Thank you all and Jonathan future Nicholas meet in the hot seat to morrow Hannah McGill along talking about the theatrical release of critics eyes avoid shot lots more to leaving you with a cracking song truly great Michael mama a brilliant story song Frida Kahlo visit to the tea bridge bar. We were all flooded with the sky like. Came through the we noodle read out sad hallway quiet vision in a period. Of the rows in a where in We were all flooded with Sky. When. On digital radio f.m. Medium wave and b.b.c. Sounds b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Get off limits for Clark this is news Dr with can offer Donald's tonight the 1st of the t.v. Election debates between party leaders takes place this evening I would have to be an almighty singer and all rock strawberry crying out for it to be a really game changing moment an independent review examining water contamination and other problems at grounds was largest hospital will be published in the spring and dozens of protesters are still thought to be bought or created in the site of Hong Kong's politics being universal to you know what you somehow did not know it Steve's point that the whole team has been and what can be called activity. Christine then again it's the news Good afternoon good afternoon the multi national bank Standard Chartered has announced it wouldn't trade new its sponsorship of Prince Andrew's charity Pichot palace which is aimed at helping entrepreneurs Standard Chartered says it made the decision for commercial reasons the Duke of York is facing a battle of criticism following his b.b.c. Interview in which he discussed his friendship with the convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein London Metropolitan University is to view Prince Andrew's rule is its patron seeing it opposes all forms of abuse. The health secretary says a public inquiry into 2 Scottish hospitals will investigate issues around water contamination as part of its remit last week the mother of 10 year old Milly mean who died after contracting an infection at Glasgow's Children's Hospital said she believed it had come from bacteria in the water supply Jean Freeman told m.s.p. She hoped to announce who would lead the public inquiry into the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and also Edinburgh Sick Children's. Hospital before Christmas we will have a draft remit to discuss with the independent league of the public inquiry they then can make comments and additions to the lot and then that draft remit we we will include this because if not and other matters are central parts of what needs to be considered as well lies what more needs to be done to ensure that where mistakes have been made they are not repeated Jeremy Corbyn and borders Johnson are preparing to go head to head in an i.t.v. Debate this evening the 1st of the general election campaign a legal bid yesterday by the Liberal Democrats and they say n.p. To be included failed. A Swedish prosecutor has dropped an inquiry into a rape allegation made against the Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange she insisted she found the claim credible and reliable but said the evidence had weakened considerably since the alleged incident speaking at a news conference in Stockholm a Swedish official read a statement on behalf of the prosecutor considering the weekend and she basis I have therefore after careful consideration come to conclusion that an additional issue with dreams which we do not all cherish yet and she is the same size is not. Glasgow's winter shelter for the homeless so they'll consider opening emergency accommodation in the wake of the continued cold snap the council owned Glasgow City Mission Shelter which usually opens on the 1st of December is responding to calls to provide refuge earlier after the death of a man found in a multistory car park at the weekend it's not known if he was homeless a man's appeared in court charged with defrauding hundreds of investors out of almost 13000000 pounds in a Ponzi scheme Alistair Gregg who 65 is also accused of moving stolen money out of the u.k. It's alleged investors most resident in Scotland in particular the Aberdeen area were offered the opportunity to receive high Gavin t. Didn't trust rates on short term deposits Mr Grech who lives in Boston in Lincolnshire denies all the charges and is Jew to stand trial next year. A passenger plane came within 100 feet of hitting a drone as it flew over the Scottish Borders this summer investigators say the aircraft faced a very high risk of collision which was prevented only by good fortune Here's our transport correspondent David Henderson in recent years there's been a growing number of near misses involving passenger planes and drones the small unmanned aerial vehicles owned by members of the public and used to take photos and video this incident happened on the morning of the 12th of August an Airbus a 320 was over the village of jure in the Scottish borders when it flew below a drone just 100 feet away it happened at the height of 7000 feet even though drones are not allowed to fly more than 400 feet above the ground the police say a body's been found in a search for a pensioner who went missing in eastern Barton sure in the cold weather in the early hours of this morning 89 year old Helen made or was last seen at around 6 o'clock this morning in Bishopbriggs formal identification is yet to take place but Miss meters family's been informed the death isn't being treated as suspicious. Hundreds of people have attended the funeral of a 99 year old war veteran known for his fund raising in Edinburgh Tomko lean recognised by his trademark tartan trousers raised more than a 1000000 pounds for charity while collecting on the Royal Mile and Princes Street he was laid to rest in the tartan coffin sport and here's the Macbeth thank you former Scotland striker Billy Dold says beating Kazakstan at hand and tonight is important for the men's national Sade's new phone momentum manager Steve Clarke's looking for a 3rd win in a row going into the euro 2020 playoffs next spring wheels me welcome but their spot for next summer's finals of the beat hungry in Cardiff tonight the unskillful sealed their spot with a when the Miller says he's delighted to be home after leaving Livingston to become part of all Kirk's interim coach and team alongside David McCracken The joy to place the sack Rema Kennon and take charge in the league once clubs Chrisman process to appoint a few full time manager situation I'm a McIntosh has won gold at the latest World Cup event in China with 23 year old world number one coming out on top of the 50 metre rifle final and Scotland's woman beat Germany 7 for currency to be in championships they sit joint top of the table after 5 round robins Patterson's rank Meanwhile beat Germany 72 to move into the qualifier.

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