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Donald trump from the republican nomination. Like some high profile hookups. John kasich says he will stay out of ted cruzs way in indiana while ted cruz will steer clear of new mexico and oregon. Its being called an agreement, and alliance, a packed, a treaty. Today in rhode island a certain someone used a different word for it. Collusion. In politics you are allowed to collude, and i was happy because it shows how weak they are. It shows how pathetic they are. Kasichhis morning as campaigned in philadelphia, ted cruz was in indiana. They defended their unorthodox cooperation. I dont see this as any big deal other than the fact that not going to spend resources in indiana and hes not going to spend them in other places. So what . What is the big deal . Ive never told them not to vote for me. I am not over there campaigning and spending resources. We have limited resources. Hes focusing his energies elsewhere. That is a decision allocation of resources that makes a lot of and is devoted to the principle of meeting Hillary Clinton and turning the country around. The country is going to scream and yell that has been his pattern. Is behind this extraordinary deal and is it a good idea . As a wise man has been , its all day long obviously true. They would not be doing this if they didnt have to. Ive been saying for weeks that they should start doing stuff like this. , where theia districts are in play, both these guys, ted cruz has plenty of money, john kasich does not. Has an achievable but difficult goals. For those guys to not be strategic would be stupid. Mark it will do well in the northeast tomorrow. Indiana is very important. It was identified by all the campaigns as a state that could make or break Donald Trumps chances of getting to a majority. Hishing that increases chances of not getting indiana is a good deal for the nont rumpers. The question now is, can the groups come in and create an environment where ted cruz can stop donald trump . He has to do it. Opportunityke the to try to make the case of why Indiana Republicans and those voting in the open primary should vote for ted cruz and not trump. It really isyearold but. The people were going to vote for kasich are still going to. They are not going to go and vote for ted cruz. System, themary undecided voters right now, where are they going to go . Certainly media dollars are being spent. That could make the difference in a very close race. Mark cruz people believe they can get some kasich people. You would be a crazy candidate to tell your voters to vote for someone else. If you believed ted cruz and john kasich are colluding, that fits neatly into the story that donald trump has been pushing more broadly about the republican contest, that it is a crooked deal that is rotten to the core. This weekend, ted cruz outhustled donald trump for delegates again at the state convention in maine. The trunk Campaign Announced the front runner will campaign in indiana tomorrow with a legendary basketball coach, bobby knight. How do you think the will affecth deal the way donald trump campaigns for the next six weeks . He needs to win indiana and he needs to think about ted cruz there. He will need to figure out how to engage in a oneonone contest without getting drawn in. The other thing he needs to think about is after tomorrow night, does he need to shake things up . Donald from does not change very much. Is he on a path to do that . That teds pretty clear cruz is going to camp out in indiana. It seems to me that for all these reasons, if trump can win in indiana even after this deal has been cut, it will amplify the effect that indiana was going to have any way if you want it. He can save these guys colluded against me and i still beat them in indiana. , heust spend money there must be on the air and on the ground there. It is crucial for him to pull that off. He could drive a stake in the heart of this whole thing. Mark he has to appeal to the moderate republicans where kasich has been strong. Those are the kind of republicans he needs to unify the party. A big win with the right demographic support would help donald trump. He continues to not do well in winning these after the primary caucuses. The trunk people are pretty much first ballot or bust. One of the things donald trump needs to consider if he doesnt do well in indiana city if they need to broaden that strategy. Indiana allning that much more important. John this is a state that is not that different from illinois. Its not that different from other midwestern states were donald trump has done well, michigan for example. The bathroom issue in north carolina, thats the issue where relatively moderate republicans might be more attracted to donald trump and they would be to ted cruz. Hes trying to win by taking all those rural voters. Look for donald trump to pick up some sports related indiana endorsements. Look to see if he gets any political endorsements in that state and creates that bandwagon effect. So far he has not. Winner take all by congressional district, all you need is a paralysis there to win all the delegates, not a majority. It is also an open primary. Even if his rivals can see hes going to do well in the five states, likely picking up more than 100 delegates, indiana all he has 57, but it has a lot of momentum as dated with it. Onlineng to the latest tracking poll donald trump leads with 40 . Ted cruz has 35 . Poll. Has 20 in that if donalde the state trump wins indiana . Does it end contest . It, but doesnt end would donald trump having it big in new york, if he has a huge night and goes to indiana and when stair and takes the popular vote and the most delegates, the question we been asking ever since new york, does the momentum in the Northeast Carry . It will start to look like it does. The psychology is very important, even more than delegates. Part of why was so vital to get kasich out is the indianapolis media market. Seven of the congressional districts of the 10 are touched by the indianapolis media market. Its a place where you have people who support people like Mitch Daniels when he was governor. More moderate republicans, the kind that ted cruz has not been a will to win in significant numbers in the northeast. Ted cruz can make in roots inroads there, great for him. Cruz, not just for the symbolism and the delegates. They are running out of real estate. It has been a long time. Ted cruz one in wisconsin, not that long ago, but it feels like a long time. A lotok at the polling, of people believe it is right around 40 . Only about 5 undecided. If ted cruz picks up a little bit of kasich if he collapses because hes given up on indiana. Groups thatare two will give up on stopping donald trump he wins indiana. A lot of voters in a lot of donors. The art of the deal and the artifice well. After these words from our generous sponsors. The real excitement is playing the game. Thats advice from donald trump in his book the art of the deal. Our Political Correspondent has tracked the stop Trump Movement. Thank you for joining us. We been talking about the prospect that these outside s would be able to devote their resources simply to a virtual oneonone. What do you know about what the groups plan in the last week before the indiana primary . I think its more of a ifling back from defense, you will. These groups are going to stay on offense in the places where they kind of agree they will have a detente. In oregon you will see the kasich forces likely still go up with negative ads against ted cruz because they think that is the most effective way for them win injohn kasich to oregon. The same in indiana, the procr uz forces will have those spots up against casey. They will not go into places like oregon and new mexico, you will not see that Ted Cruz Super pac go in there to try to shore up numbers, and likewise you will not see the candidates themselves out on the trail to it the big picture, that is really what this is all about. Its as much about these outside groups as the candidate and its really about these donors. A lot of the big do big ors got burned bushing backing jeb bush and others. It was clear there was kind of a breaking point approaching where they would need to do something to reassure these people that if they kept funding the stop Trump Movement they might actually get somewhere. We been told ted cruz plans to spend much of the next week in indiana. Any indication how donald trump plans to approach the state . The big headline on that point today is that donald trump hinted he hopes he could attract bobby knight, the famous basketball coach. He already has that locked in. Minutes later the release comes an event with donald trump and bobby knight. That is one way to do it. For donald trump it really is about the branding and marketing. To have himself aligned with someone who is popular there, to have the big splash, that is something we will see in indiana. It was notable that ted cruz had the opportunity to talk about this deal and the words he chose were very telling. He said john kasich has withdrawn from indiana, allowing us to have a head to head. That is not really what the deal was about. Ted cruz did acknowledge he was going to pull back from the west coast states, more natural places for john kasich. Even though they had that strategy with the funding and movement, the two candidates are still the same ede anyo dont want to c ground to each other. We saw that in the way they were dismissive of the plant and saying they do not want to tell their voters not to support them. Sometimes the tactics dont meet with the real world of the campaign trail. Donald trump was in full character today, with facial expressions, hand gestures, voice intonation, taking on both in mockingcruz tones, dissecting what he thinks they have not done well in this campaign. It was the relentless votersance meant to tell here and those watching around the country that he thinks he can take out the last two opponents. Certainly those other forces in the party are worried about that, but donald trump did what he has done all along, try to label his opponents and relentlessly pound that in. He made a promise today, saying he will stop tweeting if he becomes president. He made a social media promised to back away from his most common form of talking to his supporters and the general public. We will have to watch carefully if his tweet rate changes in the days to come. John in the discussion of president ial behavior, donald trump going after john kasich, thed his eating habits sometimes enthusiastic way that governor kasich eats. To john kasich in maryland not that long ago and ask what he thought about how donald trump talked about him. Governor kasich was not amused, shall we say. He didnt really have any interest in engaging with or discussing at all his eating habits. He remained stonefaced and would not really engage on the nickname front either. I guess his moment in the sun from that perspective, but he was not interested in that either. He did not want to talk too much about how long the pact between the two camps was going to last. It really is an open question. The piece of the map that is so important is california. Figuring out how to split up a state like california will take ofhan agreement off hands off in one area or the other. They may have to sit down and carve it up by congressional district. Have some questions about whether the super pacs might start to get together. They could talk to each other if they decided to take that step. To berly outline seems the bay area for kasich, Southern California for ted cruz. Kasich refused to commit to hang this go beyond anything that was not strictly outlined as of today. At one point you set how long will it go, and he said whatever our teams agreed to. He seemed sort of passive aggressive in the interview. It seemed a little odd to me, the tenor that he took with you. I was a little surprised. His Communications Director followed up with me afterwards and said its all about beating Hillary Clinton and john kasich is the burden to be Hillary Clinton. He was not ready to make that argument with me. It is a goodnatured guy on the campaign trail. Played the way this has out seems to be a little under his skin today. When we come back we will talk to johnson in of New Hampshire about why this deal was struck, after a quick break. We will talk to john sununu. Joining us the national cochairman of john kasich president ial campaign, senator john sununu. Welcome back to the show. Donald trump says ted cruz and and kasich are colluding they are desperate and pathetic. What say you . Is scared. Rump hes not going to have enough delegates at the convention, we are going to an open convention and he will lose 300400 delegates on the second ballot, and once he does come he will not be the nominee. Its about using resources effectively. John kasich is not going to spend money in indiana and ted cruz will not spend money in new mexico or oregon. Tot gives them both a chance play to their strengths. Equally important, tomorrow john kasich will win delegates in connecticut, rhode island, maryland and pennsylvania. Every delegate he takes away from donald trump makes it harder for him to get 50 . Argue you are good this was done out of strength as opposed to weakness . A it was done because it is good tactical move. He doesnt get the billion dollars in free media that donald trump gets. You guys cover donald trump all the time. Youve given him more free media than anyone else in the history of politics. Thats what this is about. Campaigns the kasich agree its important that donald trump lose in indiana . If he loses in indiana, and as you pointed out, he is an net with ted cruz at the moment, it makes it just about impossible. Or him to get to 1237 a loss in indiana puts it out of reach. In a convention you will have 2400 republican delegates. It is an open, fair, transparent system. Everyone knows the rules and the delegates will decide who has the strength to lead the party in november. Casey sayingernor that people should still vote for him in indiana . Was making ise that it is an agreement about resources. It is simple. Its about where the campaigns will spend money. You are trying to make it more complicated. Are they telling people who to vote for or not to vote for . That. Ot about its about where they are going to purchase their financial resources, plain and temple. Explain how the next month will pay out play out between these three candidates. You willeks from now, let at the delegate totals and it will not be clear that donald trump is going to have to win 80 of the delegates or some. Uch number to get to 1237 everyone will know and understand were going to an open convention. Two or three weeks ago everyone thought donald trump was inevitable. Next, much more. We will be right back with all of it. [ soft music ] e. T. Phone home. When you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. Change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1. Show show me more like this. S. Show me previously watched. Whats recommended for me. X1 makes it easy to find what blows you away. Call or go online and switch to x1. Only with xfinity. This week in an interview with a conservative billionaire aired and shocked the nation. For once, that billionaire was not donald j trump. Expressed concerns about the existing republican president ial candidates. Is there one he would be more comfortable with than those in his party . Take a listen. As far as the growth of government, increase in spending, its 2. 5 times under bush as it was under clinton. You could not yourself supporting Hillary Clinton, could you . Would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. Interview was followed by a frontpage story in the wall street journal this morning. Ms. Clinton might appear to be the most business friendly resume anden her close relations to some corporate donors, and her message of delivering pragmatic results. Also, Hillary Clinton might draw greater support from military wks. The gop still dealing with the possibility of republican women the firsto vote for female president. What can they do, if anything, to do with the possibility that Hillary Clinton could poachhawks, Business People, female leaders . Trump or cruz will have to win the battle for those elites. Retired military officials for clinton, corporation ceos, Small Business owners for clinton. Republican women for clinton. Donald trump or ted cruz will have to come forward with policies to put clinton on the defensive and go on the offense with those. It will break the back of the Republican Party in those categories. Clear, with women she will have a leg up for a lot of reasons. Republicanannot have women senators endorsing her. John one little secret of her time on the Senate Armed Services committee, the military likes Hillary Clinton. Group is an interesting question because she has run pretty far to the left. She does not have a deficit reduction plan. And yet the wall street journal story said she may be seen as better on trade, infrastructure, immigration. If you look at bill clinton in and therack obama financial crisis, had tons of Business People including a lot of republicans saying he is better than mccain on the economy. To say that is a canary in the gold mine. John when a democrat make significant inroads in corporate america, to the pentagon and military establishment, those are huge problems for republicans. If a democrat makes those inroads, they have a huge leg up in the general election. Right now Hillary Clinton is in a better place. Speaking of the new york times, there was of these published this weekend that for the first time named names of potential Hillary Clinton running mates. Choose afterght the republicans make their pick for a running mate. Including on the list, deval castro, tom,ian and a bunch of current senators including elizabeth warren, tim kaine, and a few others. This article set off a torrent of speculation. What are the flaws in the things currently being said about a potential clinton running mate . John my view is that although Hillary Clinton is a planner and im sure you she has been some time thinking about this, she will be meticulous and calculating about this choice. I dont think they will get serious about this until they know who the republican nominee is. The biggest flaw, its wildly premature at this point to talk about it. Mark the Republican Convention is a week before the democratic convention. We might see the Vice President ial candidates picked within days of each other. You have to be seen as ready to be seen ready to be president by the people and the press. Without having done a google search, there are people on that wall who would not survive a political vetting. John i agree with that. It often has to do with demographic groups, winning a state, this is one area where smart candidates are in line with what you do is pass the test of judgment. Pick someone who could be your replacement. That is all you need to do. Mark the wary of any name that does not meet that test because Hillary Clinton is not going to pick them. Forget about how tough Bernie Sanders is going to be on Hillary Clinton. He has made it clear he is not going anywhere. Today in hartford he played up clintonl riffs against regarding her wall street speeches. Meanwhile here are clinton is using this new ad is her Closing Argument in those five northeast states that will be voting tomorrow. America is stronger one we are all supporting one another. John so today in delaware she talked again about republicans more than her democratic rival, in keeping with the theme of unity. As the race goes on, how can hillary defang sanders if that is possible . Mark try to punch back maybe a little bit softer. You can give him in the platform committee. Figure out what night he should speak at the convention, lavish praise, raised with and personally be nice to him. Just mother him in love. And i think it will not be hard. , its beene sanders an incredible journey for him. Trying too the race change the discussion in america. He has been a success on his own terms as to why he got in the race. She needs to flatter him in that way. Make it clear much he has changed the party. He is not a fool and he is not selfdestructive. He does not want to see a republican elected. Theres a lot of common ground, they just have to realize it. Is is a guy who is far beyond where he thought he would be. Let him enjoy the moment. Verywe come back, inside a complex relationship between hillary and barack obama, right after this. Mark president obama still on his european trip, announced he will send Additional Forces to syria to battle isis. This announcement got us thinking about his legacy and about Hillary Clinton, now trying to succeed her former boss. Our next guest knows a lot about this complicated relationship. He is the author of a new book, the Twilight Struggle over american power. Thanks for joining us, congratulations on the book. Seven years into the administration, how would you describe the differences in their relationship today as compared to when she joined the administration about seven years ago. Know each thing, they other well. They know each others foibles. Ofre is a level understanding and tolerance that comes from just being so familiar with one another. It was kind of distant and formal and mannerly at the beginning, they were like two in orbit. St planets now they know each other well and i think the president recognizes that whatever failing she may have from his perspective, he needs her to win the election to secure some of the important parts of his foreignpolicy legacy, for starters. I think theres a degree of mutual interest and understanding. Open not go so far to say they are close friends. I dont think there much evidence they ever became close friends, certainly not the relationship he developed with joe biden, but a level of Mutual Understanding and respect, for sure. About theirook is difference in the sense of what americas role should be in this world. In one places where they most in conflict in real time, or there were actual arguments between them when she was secretary of state and he was president . I think probably the biggest one was syria. For aiding the moderate rebels and president obama was extremely reluctant. He finally came around on this after petraeus was out of a job and clinton was on her way out of state. He never embraced it with the robust approach that clinton would have favored. Time, sheforward in has been pretty open about saying that some of the decisions made in 2012 helped open up the space that Islamic State swept in an occupied both in syria and iraq. Even today for that matter, she is on record as favoring a partial nofly zone. Ist is a step the president in no way ready to take. That had some tactical disagreements. If you go up to the strategic level and the role of america should be playing in the role today, where did they disagree on that . I would say in the broadest terms that president obama has set out to defined American Interest more narrowly than any other postworld war ii president. There are things where he just doesnt believe the u. S. Should take Major Military risks. One key example is ukraine. The president feels ukraine matters a great award to the russians than it does to us. And latimer p will do more to maine dane maintain his influence and Vladimir Putin will do more to maintain his influence there. Clintons supporters say she supported the idea of supplying lethal defensive weapons to ukrainian troops. Thats something the president has refused to do. At the strategic level its a question of how you define American Interest in what youre willing to do to defend them. Moreresident defines them narrowly than Hillary Clinton does. John she came in with more foreignpolicy and National Security experience and knowledge than when he became president. Is there an example you can think of where she influenced him on a major foreignpolicy decision . Yes, there is a big one with a mixed legacy. Its the nato intervention in libya. She really was the key player in turning the president around and making him agree to support this fairly risky intervention. The idea being that had to avert potential genocide in benghazi. The president has characterize it as one of the most difficult decision he has made and what he has the regrets about. Clearly the aftermath was terrible. It not only led to the country being in chaos, its bond indirectly the because the scandal that engulfed both the president and clinton. She was really the key person. If you look at the email records which are now all public, her advisers for saying it was going to be the cornerstone of a Hillary Clinton doctrine. To run ahe is going lot more carefully given how things turned out. There are no to more important people in our Politics Today and no more important topic than this. T is an important book congratulations again on the book. When we come back, what life is like for one trump supporter in connecticut, which votes tomorrow. We will take you to the nutmeg state, right after this break. Dawn j trump is expected to win the connecticut primary tomorrow. Its a wellknown democratic state. We sent our filmmaker 35 miles world,f here to a economically depressed area in the eastern part of connecticut to learn one thing, what its like being a supporter of donald trump in connecticut these days. What are you hearing . Birds. A nice breeze. It doesnt get much better than this. He lives in rural eastern connecticut. What is our quality of life going to be . Its getting tougher and tougher year after year. Its all about family. My wife and i babysit our grandson four or five days a week. My son and his wife worked. And geting to stay even ahead. The largest town in this area is wyndham, population 25,000. The population that was here cannot find jobs. We have high unemployment. Eastern connecticut is still suffering. Windham county has the lowest income level in connecticut. Costs are going up but incomes are not going up. Younything that surprised about the people in the windham area so far . They have been so welcoming. I marty speaking on the radio. Dollar trump leads the republican polls in connecticut by lease 20 points. I think hes got the inside track on jobs and he knows what needs to be done. Slate clean,pe the go back to the constitution, and rebuild the country. We have conservative values, you can see it on the street. I would lean more towards kasich, to be honest with you. Type more a middle lines of guy. Bernie has accomplished rings for Climate Change and has a plan. I think she will do a wonderful job. It doesnt feel like a political battleground. A lot of people dont like to wear politics on their sleeve. They are worried about being harassed. What i liked about donald trump, he says what we are thinking. I think donald trump can go down there and shake it up and bring back a revival to washington. I get to tell the rest of the town and the rest of the state who i am interested in. Will not puteople the sign in the yard, and anywhere frome two or three signs a night. I dont know if its the opposition or if its just somebody that wants assigned to put in their yard. John theres not that many republicans we can remember who wins the mississippi primary and are likely to win the connecticut primary. How is it that donald trump has put himself in a position where his appeal crosses all the geographic divides . Mark i think he struck a cord with a lot of people with a message that does play across different geographical areas and different groups, people frustrated with the status quo. The media often paints his supporters is crazy and unreasonable. Candidates, he has some sports that are crazy and unreasonable, but people like that are as big a part of his coalition is anybody else. Thats guy who cares about his country and family and lives in connecticut. Where he is likely to win resoundingly tomorrow. It is a blue state, but its interesting that the Republican Party of connecticut, which could not be more different than in other parts the country, donald trump is dominant there. Ecumenicaltion is and donald trump has had a lot of appeal across different parts of the republican coalition. If youre watching us in washington dc, you can listen to us on the radio. We will be right back. Colleagues put together an interactive feature about lawsuits. Lawsuits donald trump has been involved with over the years. Than 1300. Thats how many times donald trump and his company have either sued or been sued since 2000. The second number is 59, the number of total lawsuits he has been known to settle, even though he brags that people dont sue him. And finally, the number 42, they have won this many cases in court compared to 19 he has lost. The feature is interactive so you can look at all the lawsuits. It is great fun. What does no man want to have, but no man want to lose . That is from batman. Brought against him. Coming up, emily chang with david kirkpatrick. Tomorrow we will talk with mr. Charlie black. Until then, sayonara. Given the success, i have approved the deployment of 250 additional personnel in syria to keep this momentum. Combating isis is one of the topics discussed with european leaders. Killed, 14 people were more than 30 others wounded. A gay rights activist who worked for the u. S. Agency for International Developing and another man were hacked to death in the bangladesh capital. Police say the killing for the latest in a series of attacks

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