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Happy st. Patricks day. We are waiting for a group to come out here. Good morning, everybody. Happy st. Patricks day. You know, over the last few weeks as wen trve beeng to bring the repeal and replace bill to the house floor, President Trump got directly involved and reached out to all members of the house and said, bring me your best ideas. And the good news is over that period weve seen so many members of our conference bring conference bring those good ideas. Starting with the Republican Study Committee. You know, as the Republican Study Committee started putting together some of those ideas, he brought them to the house leadership and also to the president. And what they found was a president and willing and open engaging in this process directly to get the best ideas pulled into this package that help us not only make it a better bill, make it a more conservative bill, but make it a bill that has a better chance to finally pass and get through the senate. Thats been his mission from the very beginning. And one of the things that President Trump said today, he asked every member with these changes to vote for the bill and President Trump himself committed that hes all in, 100 in for this bill, and all of these members were in various places. Some for, some undecided, some even against the bill initially who all with these changes that President Trump has brought to us are now a yes on this bill. And i cant thank the chairman of the Republican Study Committee enough for his leadership in helping bring those good ideas forward. As were working with other members in our conference at the same time, the Republican Study Committee really led to get some important reforms. I want to introduce the chairman, mark walker. Mr. Walker thank you very much. We are excited to be here, obviously. Were in the middle of a sixweek work process. Last night we were on a Conference Call close to midnight trying to refine this till the very last moment to make it the best for the American People. Ofwe are appreciative chairman walkers leadership as we have worked to bring the best ideas into this process as we repeal obamacare and open up the Health Insurance marketplace. Grants four states are vital. They have the ability to deliver a Better Health care product and to do more with the money that they have for their constituents, and we are pleased to see the bloc grants make it into place. We are also pleased with the prolife provisions in this legislation, and one of the leaders is of utah. Believe, we believe our job is to protect life, liberty, and , and touit of happiness put funding into our communities , and power women, help out with health care and Community Care is incredibly for all of us. I want you to know that every Single Person here was concerned about the vulnerable among us. To be able to care for those who Want Health Care insurance and provide that to them at the lowest price possible and give the the option to be managers of their own health care. This is what we were sent here to do and i have to tail you how excited i am that we were able to do what we were sent here to get back the reins of policy and the power of the person create a program thats going to be beneficial for all americans, some thank you very much. Will you still support it when it comes back to the house . We want to give the senate that opportunity, and these actions today by President Trump working with our members to get to this point lives us the best chance to give the senate that and if they want to make those changes, that is called the legislative process. Are just happy to get this bill passed through the house. That is what we are focused on. Constitntss yr are calling it obamacare light, what is the some ofre looking at the top conservatives in the house. We stand united today to move this forward for the American People and are proud to do so. What about the Medicaid Expansion . Did you talk about that with the president . That was a part of this discussion. Statesed about allowing the option to take a block grant. A lot of governors said they are interested in that, and now they will have the opportunity to increase the integrity of the program so that states will be rewarded. We have been working with cbo on all of these changes and there are discussions with other we are of congress, so working to get the best bill possible brought forward to the house and pass that bill over to the senate and fulfill the commitment that we will repeal and replace obamacare and rescued the American People from the failures of obamacare. Any not going to wait longer. We are moving forward to get this de mili allfor fa across the country. Think about this, the president and the Vice President has called a group of conservatives and ask us for our support to move the american re act forward. Thank you. Thank you. Good job. Good job. A the Health Care Law was topic friday w Republican Democratic leaders disssed the scheduled for the upcoming week in the house. This is just over 35 minutes. House will come to order, please. For what purpose does the gentleman from maryland rise . Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute, for the purpose of inquiring of the majority leader the schedule for the week to come. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Hoyer thank you, mr. Speaker. Now its my pleasure the speaker pro tempore the gentleman the house will be in order, please. Mr. Hoyer its now my pleasure to yield to my friend, mr

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