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That, i like to be quite clear about how things are done in the European Council with relevant counsels, which adopt commission proposals. The energy council, for example, that goes in the realm of the presidency country is to organize this. I think weve done this very well. We have the last few weeks and months. We convene councils, so counsels and can Reach Agreement and achieve results. And whats important here is our corporation with parent commission. I think the last few weeks that have shown that we are able to achieve specific results. And now meric, let me check the news agency please. Medical background check out that will be there and theyll be served with subject it off. You train on your order or dont triple java, chunky start falling notion of the leaders of the Member States, or have 2 are called upon to do you mix them as a provider, more finance for ukraine. So im going to go out and chat with them. What about the negotiations with these channels . Ukrainian group government. Can you check . What can you say in the light . What mr. Zelinski told you. Thank you. This is really just want, god is important. Is this need to go in there for a minute or a formal counseling to how to day . Surprisingly, by the way, our knee scope with say i was shown here. So bad news in the community meeting. What was clear was that its obvious. It will have to support school, great love to help me. Crane county accept russian aggressions to linearly any but wait north middle godaddy sent me in a few weeks, was able to further package our sanctions in reaction to, to really have a moral aggressive of policy or got out of this was a russia weve managed to get to agree on the training, we are battle of the ukrainian, the soldiers, dominic northern soil, actually continued me by this command at all. We had a very honest discussion with lead about so dont be how he stood out. We can get, are you sure, in the longer term support . So this is the money is like a simple question, military and humanitarian. A. This is a question with financial aid, a new motion and then bring it will be done. I should see like that equity. What was going to cause a lot of the union is not simply that to have the rain in victory in the field chat. Ukraine has to substantially whatever the company as regards the Czech Republic negotiations with you train them government each day. Well, we talked about yesterday yesterday ukrainian Prime Minister dog jury. He fought with a for brittany. It wasnt that jesse mainly about this and i need what are you happy with . Is this gold lardo . Upgrading school lardo . Dont know for tomorrow. The government and a government really interested all i do have a have discussions involving and yet about 6 members of the government will continue our discussions. So we want to give ourselves chill on supporting ukraine. In addition, when we want to buy a house toward us reconstruction in that range to mom and thats what we need to discuss more with our ukranian partners. Thank you and have a question from martina. Steve told me, hell kind thanks very much matina status. New york times a question about something different. My colleagues in new york last night report. Ed president bidens latest comments regarding hootons nuclear threats. He warned of the possibility of a Nuclear Armageddon. Thats a direct quote. He also said that putin is in joking when he makes these threats. I wonder if your u. S. Counterparts or members state Intelligence Services have shared specific recent intelligence that point beyond mr. Putins public statements. That points to increased risk of a Nuclear Attack where use of Nuclear Weapons, tactical or otherwise. Do you share the assessment that hes not joking, and we are risking and Nuclear Armageddon . Or do you consider that language hyperbolic . Thank you. Thank you, montana, nuclear new, new quinoa with take as a thrash and all threats, many escalation assisting since the beginning of this question. We note that this is aggression committed by the Security Council member, which has Nuclear Weapons. We dont intend to be intimidated. We highly committed, we want to fend the interests all for those who believe and International Law and rule based order. Yes, and then on several occasions, explicit or implicit threats to use Nuclear Weapons have been hand. Furthermore, russia has occupied the Biggest Nuclear power station europe at to make it a military base, 500 soldiers, 500 russian soldiers occupying this Nuclear Power station. And we fully support the efforts of the United Nations refill grosse to stabilize the situation and reduce this threat yesterday. And today it was clear there was very strong determination to stick to 2 pillars support for ukraine festival and results. Tangible results that really been achieved. The 2nd pillar is firmness in our condemnation of russia, expressed through sanctions into alien. Were not going to be intimidated. Well keep our cool and every time well denounce the irresponsible nature of such threats that im president. Do you wish to have anything . Well, indeed, were taking threats of president who do serious as we take any serious and empathy. And youve been listening to live coverage of a press Conference Following a meeting you leaders in prague. You were listening to the you Council President , Charlie Michelle european commission. President osler fund the lion and the check president and a great sense of unity. They were all talking about how the leaders were listening to each other and trying to work. 3 together to become more effective. And of course, there was a strong criticism of russias invasion of ukraine and the resulting Energy Crisis major topic of discussion was how to bring down energy costs and to start finding solutions. And to talk more about that, we are going to bring in d ws, alexander phenomena who is in prague, where that press conference has just been taking place. Alexandra, and tell me what were your main takeaways or from what weve just heard there. All the 1st mental take away, i would say it was indeed the fact that the leaders were very happy with this to day summit that they stressed that they were successful in showing the unity that its now needed center that send a strong signal to moscow that the you and also other european leaders said that came here together yesterday that all of them are determined to continue supporting ukraine as long as it takes to win the war. So that was the main take away the ever take away it has to do with the current Energy Crisis. And here we have to say that it seems there. The leader still needs to talk a lot and to discuss the friend to measure that could be possible to tackle that crisis, no decision there, but i think it was quite interesting what the check Prime Minister fiala had to say, because he said that his country that its now holding the rotating you presidency is ready to hold as many meetings as possible to make sure that in the end there will be a solution for all Member States with regards to measures to tackle the Energy Crisis. Ok for lots of talk about unity that was the x, the success. But of course the big problem as he was saying is energy. Now, germany has drawn a loss of criticism for announcing its own energy aid package. Not something that chancellor shaw its actually addressed in his own press conference a little earlier. Were going to take a quick listen to what he had to say. This is summer la. Its clear that every market intervention and every price cup automatically raises questions about the security of energy supplies. Thats why we have to discuss these things in great detail. So we have agreed that the Energy Ministers will examine the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal. I will discuss this or the next European Council meeting in brussels and couldnt log on white. So lots of examining lots of discussion to be, to be had. What do you make of what the chancellor said a little earlier . Well, i think that the german chancellor made clear here that germany is still opposing a price cap on gas that is being wanted. But by many Member States, he had that germany is pointing to the fact that such a measure could be very risky, could endanger the security of supplies could also allianz made Reliable Energy suppliers such as norway, for instance. So instead of stressing that the leaders will discuss her at the measures, i think its quite clear that as for now, germany is opposing a price gap instead to olaf shoulds here, a pitched his idea to have a closer cooperation with other nations in asia of for instance a to convinced them that it would be also in their interest to have sort of understanding how much they are willing to pay for and gas, for instance, alexandra, thank you so much. Les alexander phenomena reporting from prague any time i monica makennan in berlin, and i will be back at the top of the allot, with more International Headlines for you. Thanks so much for joining with. Ah ah, this is d w z asia coming up today. Breaking a cycle of religious violence and discrimination in india into homeowners, accused of refusing to rent to most of the tenants. How the house hunt for some has become even harder in india. Jew to widespread religious discrimination. Worship as say, a dream come true islamic you way. E opens its 1st purpose. Built hindu temple, a place for prayer and support for the huge Indian Community and testing. And you boesky ho repellant that makes it uncomfortable for the deadly dental menace. To land on human skin. Ah, im beneficial and glad you could join us. India is diverse and devout. The overwhelmingly hindu nation is also home to a smaller but still significant muslim population. A cube or Search Center survey shows the majority of both groups say little in common with each other and prefer to live separately, which is causing all sorts of problems on the housing market. Finding a place to live is not easy in overcrowded indian cities. Whether tasks can even be more challenging if you happen to be a muslim nissan taska, remember the difficulties his family had when they were moving to mom by your, from the order of the madness broker and we were speaking about where is the nearby mosque . Basically he had told that we were non muslims, and we were asking if, if the mosque is not nearby, but my father was asking him, the mosque is nearby. So any gotten under to be a muslim, he the expression of the broker changed and he literally said that os, im saudi, but these other listen, you cannot be hurrying of lighting and look on. And hindu has confirmed the discrimination. Even if they profit from the situation as image of me, i got a big thing. So whenever i went to look for a house, a lot of people often used to ask me my name up manambra by when i told them probably that was good. The note allow me to enter the house and look at it and i got that they had been a muslim and they that they wouldnt have, let me. Im was removed it all up or got america. But even if muslims managed to get a house, the problems might just begin had been o arguments with them that a legal basic army arguments regarding some bon bons, and some, its little bit slow. It would just let your dog be said out of, nor read and youre gonna, youre gonna bargain your leg. What would you say or do that because youre just being a dog for your identity. Lou discrimination means many muslims end up in muslim only localities your hobby business to me. There are many problems, but people compromise because they feel safe. Megan, theres a lack of good infrastructure, playgrounds, and schools environment isnt good, but still people compromise. Critics. A religious tendons have risen in indiana. Prime minister maud is hindu nationalist. Government in you does not have a comprehensive flaw against discrimination in the private housing and trying to lamarcus. It was always there, but now it has been really busy and, and people are not ashamed to say that they dont want to see muslims ah, and in their vicinity. And excuses that are made up. I range from since we dont allow uno onion and garlic to we dont eat meat. Oh, so we prefer ah, tenants who dont eat meat are, are vegetarian, et cetera. But the reality is that the dont want to give their houses to muslims and theres a discrimination writ in. Those dont want to accept. Given the social political environment, the disconnection will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Lets talk about this with professor apiece and conflict research. Ashok swayne, who joins us from sweden. Its common practice from what ive been reading to deny a house, otherwise, generally available on rent to a person because of their religion. What needs to change it and get i think it is a long term problem. It has been there for many years, particularly because of the cultural reason or religious reasons. But it has been a one value survey, danny, or circle, and its on board. But the indian is the one of the most difficult lives for anyone to rent somewhere. So my id or buying houses next door, im on the religion or all the other cost. So i think its a, its not a new problem, but it has become much more because the division in the society or particular Political Division has become much more a pot and not much more acceptable in that sense. So i think this is more and more getting more and more problematic or it was being hidden or it was not being looked isaac. I know for it. Sometimes you can deny another religion person house next to you to rent or to buy it was it was a, i mean he didnt but to doug. Now if people are being proud to do so, because this has been accepted in the society much more and the political discourse is, has gone into that level. So i think this is, this is becoming more and more difficult. This is new. But do people have to accept the cheerleaders action people can take when coming up against this sort of discrimination . You said the discriminations are ins in many ways it takes place well, which are not to lay out a. And i think these are the things which you want to people to take legal actions, but also it be job are called areas which are have also political patronage that are Housing Society to which however, it was up a huge source offer political mobilization. So this is, this is, this is a legal but how to really implemented that are many things which are a legal in the indian societies which are like a but even the cost system. But know that its not a actually easy to read. I think it or easy to implement those laws. What about a change in the message that government officials are putting out there because theres not only widespread discrimination for renters, but violence from good to rap police, for example, publicly flogging muslims for allegedly throwing stones at a hindu procession. Then they homes being demolished at Human Rights Watch is documented a surgeon, summary, punishments and discriminatory to demolition supposedly based on claims of Building Code violations. This is something which is quite new if this is an illegal on consumer. But the all parties are doing it for political purposes are getting the mind that it is what they call a muslim houses. Are Muslim Political support in the name of saying that these are the legal constructions. But these are the legal constructions. Ive been almost there. Im dont, you know, the legal construction and demolition takes place before, but for particular reasons which taking the rules and regulations into account. But these times that are mostly are getting this and muslim how muslim made a mom listen or support muslim houses. And i think this is, thats what i was saying when it saved in india for some years now. And it has been more of a majority that in ism, which is being taking over rather than the consumer. So it is, its the now it kind of the practice which is being taken a public plugin. You also would, you will never seen report in india in front of the police force. So i think this is, this is this some things that india is moving and were going to put it which is absolutely unconstitutional. But im up to the fuel to measure it. Idea mindset just a quick, yes or no. Will we get an equal opportunities commission, which the government has promised . I think this will serve probably not, but even if it happens up in whats were going to change because it does a real rock goes very, very badly and is not going to immediately disappeared. Anyway, but things are becoming worse. I shock swain. Thank you very much for your insights. Well, its the flip side in the united arab emirates, a predominantly muslim country, better known for its pull rank or migrant labor abuse. But one thats making an outward effort to accommodate its massive indian population of hindus. Many of whom am i complex. It took more than 50 years to conceive and planned, but only 2 years to construct the 1st purpose built hindu temple. In the united arabic emirates, arabic and indian are to take to emerge in the 2300 square meter marble building that can accommodate 1000 people at a time. Weve grown as a community and we have to also make the place bigger for worship. So its amazing to see a dream come true today with a custom build temple for the community, which is so large. Anyway. Indians are the biggest Expatriate Community in the emirates making up about 35 percent of the population. The hindu temple is home to 16 date is covering all the different parts of hinder isnt the nurse fowls, east and west of india. The Community Expect fixed 1000 visitors per day dedicated buses will drive workers to the temple, which wants to be more than a place of worship. So we will have doctors, lawyers, nurses, everybody coming here and teaching. So the labor whos in difficulty, financial difficulty, physical disagreement, difficulty. We will be a platform for people who have the knowledge and people who need that information to get them rebid platform to support them. The Community Center will be run by volunteers, the amos to help and the privilege workers and ease the Living Conditions of hindus in the muslim country. Mosquitoes can make life uncomfortable. They can also carry fatal diseases, and bite leads to a 1000000 deaths a year according to the World Health Organization that makes them the deadliest animals on the planet. Now, a japanese Cosmetics Company has discovered a way to make life uncomfortable for the mosquitoes. Fancy a test drive for a new mosquito repellent. And these potential customers are happy to leave it up to the salesman. The maker of this new repellant claims it covers the human skin with a texture mosquitoes low and up, close look appears to show that it works. Lets, lets go on with a quote, commack or the we started the research by closely observing mosquitoes, behavior and body structure. Yeah. Oh, after mosquito sets its feet on the surface of the skin, it will set a little before drawing blood. What if thats what we thought it would be good if we could make it impossible for mosquitoes to land on the skin and we looked for a surface that mosquitoes unlike. So then we found out when low viscosity silicon oil was applied to the surface, mosquitoes would fly away immediately after landing on it all it all sort of back in the classroom. The salesman offers up in arm without the serum about it, and the mosquitoes, now undisturbed feast. This is a controlled test. But in real life and thailand, mosquitoes put kids at risk of more than just eci bites. The insects can transmit dangly fever, a viral infection. Theres no vaccine, serious cases can cause flu like symptoms even death. If you look at the, an infected person in 50 people in thailand and the Younger Generation is the most. So yeah, im under our god, our future project. Of course are we would like to unsafe our, the children, the future generation for us. So thats why we would like to focus dr. Beautiful. Im Younger Generation. The serum is now on sale and thailand for around one euro, 0. 80 a tube, and cal plans to launch the product in geneva next year. Im been fulfilling, thanks for joining us. Of you again very soon here on the w. Ah ah, with who . After the mac, looks like style looks like a video of the canyon fashion designer. David. A video is well known for his original creation, drawing inspiration from his hometown k breath and back to his community. I just wanted to remind people will acquire a come from my job color that remains as a full year f re max eat 90 minutes on d w. Ah, how did she become at off hitlers favorite director . 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Ah, ah ah, ah ah, this is d w. News life from the new leaders a call on russia to stop making threats to use Nuclear Weapons. The demand was issued following a summit in prague that formalized a fresh round of sanctions against russia. Fritz was

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