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This nation. This nation had its alltime highest, the Record Number of receipts coming into the treasury. Are entrepreneurs going to be better off with more taxes and more government . No. Stuart varney host of varney and company with me now. Hello my friend. Good morning to you. Here is part of the big deal now, right . Increase taxes for the wealthy youre going to increase Capital Gains tax. Increase tax on inherited property. 6789s. This is redistribution very large. It has not helped the middle class in the last six years but that is the present policy. Let me explain exactly what the president wants here. Number one, if youre in the top 1 of income earners and you make a profit on the sale of a house or gold coin or a stock, your tax rate is going to go up. If youre in the top 1 and you pass away the president wants to take more from your estate. House or a stock your tax rate will go up. That money will then be turned around. The president wants to traffic this group, take that 320 billion and redistribite elsewhere. He wants two years of Free Community college and mort importantly he wants to hand out more dmasht form of the earned income tax credit. Thats a check in the mail every january to lowincome earners. Traffic this group and give it to that group. Bill defenders of this plan believe this is an expression a stronger u. S. Economy. Reporter the supporters of this plan want fairness. They say its fair to take from the rich who have done well and give it to the middle class and poor who have not done well. The overwhelming problem is thats the policy of the last six years. And its not produced growing middle class or prosperity for america. It produced a shrinking middle class that has less purchasing power. Bill this is from fall ryans office. This is not a serious proposal. We lift families up and grow the economy not through big spending. Reporter in my opinion if you lower tax rates and lower Government Spending you would have a great deal more growth in the economy. Martha the white house is essentially daring republicans to say no to this plan. Telling them they can go ahead and explain their opposition to the voters in 2016. Byron york is chief Political Correspondent for the washington examiner. Martha dan pfeiffer from the white house on meet the press when he was asked about the nature and seriousness of this plan. Here he is. Well push for those things. Some of them will be executive actions. Every lever we can with congress on its own with the bully public, we are going to do that. Martha what do you make of this plan . Its all about politics. Politically the president has never been weaker having lost the house and senate, and he never talked tougher. I think there is a connection between those two things. What the president is trying to do is help democrats help position themselves for 2016. Look for the president and democrats to say the words middle class over and over and over. They realize they did very badly with middle class voters in the last eviction. They are saying to say the republicans are against the middle class. Martha it could be the middle class decided in the last election cycle these policies werent helping them. Reporter it will be an oldfashioned argument. Republicans saying these tax increases will cut growth and mean fewer jobs and make the Economic Conditions tougher for everybody. And democrats saying we need to help a lot of people. There is also by the way an element of social engineering in the tax cuts that will come up in the debates. It encourages parents twoparent homes to work outside the home. You have to wonder if that should and social goal of the United States government. Martha it gives a bigger tax incentive for families who have twoparent working families. Reporter it nation child care more affordable and it gives a tax break if two parents work outside the home. Martha thank you for being here this morning. Bill president obama delivering his 6th state of the Union Address hosted by our colleague bret baier. Be here tuesday night. Martha the road to the white house is looking like a crowded one, especially on the republican side. A new poll reveals who americans want to see jump into this race. Republican voters overwhelmingly backing mitt romney. 59 of the Republican Voters polled say they want to see him run for a third time. 50 say the same thing about jeb bush. The other top candidates include Mike Huckabee, sarah palin chris christie. Its an interesting take. Its a long way out. I think a lot of the mitt romney movement is based on his recent statements of course but also the fact that people are very familiar with him. They saw him go for it and some of them may have second thoughts. Bill if you are romney and see a poll like that you are emboldened by your moves. Europe still on the edge amid the fears of more terror attacks. In belgium thousands of soldiers fanning out keeping watch over potential targets. France also ramping up security on alert for a looming threat in that country. Senior Foreign Affairs reporter gregg palkot is with us. Reporter europe and especially france remains have much vigilant and very much on the hunt. We were moving around paris over the weekend and the sensitive side like the eiffel tower well patrolled by french soldiers. There is 100,000 soldiers and Police Deployed nationwide. This as the search goes on for more terror suspects. 9 arrested and thought to be accomplices to Amedy Coulibaly who is responsible for the kosher supermarket hostage taking and shooting. And those are linked we believe to the belgium raids last week. A massive terror attack apparently thwarted according to officials. Discussion that today in brussels the Foreign Ministers here, a broader meeting in london by will include secretary of state kerry. Bill what happened there gregg . Reporter the two suspected gunmen responsible for the Charlie Hebdo newspaper office. Week say they are buried. We saw a city northeast of paris. We saw said kouachi get buried. Among a lot of security. Unmarked graves. The officials were concerned these graves could become shrines. Abroad some more antiCharlie Hebdo feeling like today afghanistan as well as pakistan. Somalia and niger protesting against the photograph the Prophet Muhammad cover. A new poll shows 42 of the french people wish mohammad was not on the cover. But its still selling. 7 million and counting. Martha heavy fighting flares up in ukraine. You can see extensive damage to the donetsk airport. A fierce battle has brandnew ongoing. Ukrainian forces winning back control of of this territory after it had been successfully claimed for a time by the russian rebels. Officials in moscow keeping this at arms length. They say they are concerned over the escalation of hostility. Bill they crushed the colts. Punching their ticket for another trip to the super bowl. Now the nfl is investigating allegations of cheating by the new England Patriots at home last night. Martha what a weather weekend it was. Icy blasts causing dozens of accidents. One drive squeezed within an in of his life. Bill the same sleeper cells being uncovered in europe our next guest says are here today on american soil. They will continue to inspire the times of attacks we have seen carried out in sydney and fort hood, texas. You just got a big bump in miles. So this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. Sound good . Great. Because youre not you youre a whole airline. And its not a ticket youre upgrading its your entire operations, from domestic to international. Which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. From workforce strategies to Tech Solutions and a thousand other things. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. Hello. Im an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. Its out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart associations go red for women campaign. If you see it i hope youll let us know. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Martha its a new era in relations with cuba. This is the highest level contact with cuba since relations were restored. When you see whats happening in europe and see how widespread that is from france to belgium to germany i think you to assume thats certainly a risk that we do have to consider. Bill thats the chair the Senate Homeland security committee, ron johnson from wisconsin. Warning that our Intel Committee mutt operate under the assumption there are terrorist sleeper cells here in our country already. Is he right that we assume already that there is a risk here at home . Hes not the only one saying this. The democrat Diane Feinstein republican mccaul. The head mi5 and mi6. They all say you to assume there are sleeper cells. Senator feinstein said our real vulnerability is European Hospital may have gone to a training site in the middle east coming back to europe and entering the United States with our visa waive program. They can just come, they dont need a special visa. Bill thats a whole new possibility here. When you think about these cells being able to move without easy ability among european countries. But you are saying that feinstein is warning that you can come to the u. S. Under a visa program and jut get lost among the and just get lost among the 320 million us. I can get on a plane at jfk europe and fly to london. I couldnt need an advance advica. What she is warning about and other intelligence officials warned about is a european citizen can go and central throughout europe without getting a visa and can enter turkey and turkey has a porous border with syria. They can fight in syria or iraq, fight or isis, fight for al qaeda, get training, know how to assemble car bombs and sleeper cells. Then they can return to europe or the use the. Or or the United States. We had those guys paris on a nofly list so we had already seen them coming. What has happened in paris what happened in ottawa, what has happened in belgium is something that we need to understand that these tear rights are now engaged in a more aggressive evident based on their recruiting, based on whats happening in syria and iraq and yes men. They are engaged in a much more aggressive effort to conduct violence not on in europe but i think its a matter of time before they direct it at the United States. Bill i dont think you disagree with him. But its much more difficult to found these smaller cells like you had in boston a year and a half ago. They are not trying to do 9 11 bigstyle attacks. In boss into the was two brothers, in paris it was two brothers. They dont make lot of waves in the social and economic community. They just do their attacks and they can lie low. Bill well talk about new technologies employed here. Because frankly we need them. Martha americans may have to fork over even more money to uncle sam than previously thought. The shocking details we are learning about obamacare. Bill police are calling these teenagers a modern day bonnie and clyde. They received a tip they were in the Oklahoma City area. The u. S. Marshal was able to confirm it was them. Health can change in a minute. So cvs health is changing healthcare. Making it more accessible and affordable with over 900 locations for walkin medical care. And more on the way. Minuteclinic. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. Bill two kentucky teenagers the socalled modern bonnie and you clyde busted after two weeks on the run. Officers said they found today on hayes and Cheyenne Phillips 500 miles from their home sleeping in a stolen pickup struck in panama beach florida. We received a message about a possible stolen vehicle and fugitives in our area. We located the vehicle in the rear parking lot of the i hop. Bill they are accused of stealing cars and forging checks in several states across the south. Reporter the investigation continuing after a security scare outside Vice President bidens delaware home. Gunshots were fired from a speeding home. The bidens were not at home at the time. Peter, what is the Vice President saying about all this today . Reporter so far he hasnt said anything about the incidents. We are at a breakfast for Martin Luther king jr. Day. He made reference to driveby shootings by gang members but he did not mention the shooting outside his own house this weekend. It was several hundred yards back from the street where this occurred and he was not home when it happened. But we are hoping to get word on what he thinks about what happened. Martha they dont know welt they are was any connection to his residence right . Reporter the short or shooters still have not been caught. We know one neighbor is telling one neighbor in the greeneville neighborhood is telling the a. P. They heard four shots. The secret service said they heard multiple bounds in the vicinity of the biden residence and they saw a car speeding away. The last update we got done those rounds had been found. We have not been told what kind of gun was used and nobody has been arrested in connection to the shooting. One person was taken into custody for recivilling arrest. The secret service says they are working closely with the Delaware Police department to try to figure out who the culprit is and hes hoping to get any reaction to that very scary incident saturday night. Martha thank you. Bill apparently his home is several hundred yards off the road. If they were on the street driving by, maybe it was a target, maybe not. Bill president obama is about to take from the rifle and give to anyone else. Martha big football weekend the seahawks and patriots headed to the super bowl. The nfl is investigating the paper yots after allegations of dirty tricks. 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Martin luther king jr. He would have been 86 years old this month. Martha 320 billion in tax hikes. The president expected to unveil this plan during the state of the urineon address. Senator marco rubio says he doesnt think it adds up. This is a 20th century outdated model the president is following. In order for somebody to do better someone has to do worse. Raising taxes on someone who is successful isnt going to make someone else more successful. Martha welcome ladies. Why do you have to punish some americans in order to help others do better . This isnt punishing. Help can the middle class is right thing to do and the smart thing to do. The middle class bailed out the big banks in wall street and no one has benefited from that bailout more than wall street and the big banks. Every opportunity should be given to the middle class to make child care and college and retirement more affordable. Its about time the middle class had something done for them after they bailed out the economy when nobody got hit harder than they did. Martha they had 7 years to help out the middle class how is that going . You have to look at president obamas record here. The poverty rate has expanded under president obamas policies. The middle class has been shrinking to levels we havent seen in decades. And president obama is going to sell this tomorrow night as a tax increase on the rich. But long term it will be the middle class paying for that longterm crushing debt. On the political side this is another example of president obama proafgs not willing to work with republic cans who said lets come to the table with tax reform. Instead hes poisoning the well ahead of his state of the Union Address. Lets talk about the numbers. We are 17 trillion in debt. The budget that did not pass was a 4 trillion budget. So far in 2015 we have spent 100 billion more than we spent in 2014. It seems to me that one might think to suggest we could make some budget cuts from that enormous amount of spending in order to pay for these benefits that would you like to see for the middle class. Why not . s not a mutually exclusive exercise. Martha no one is mentioning it. Is the president going to talk about cutting spend . There are lots of ways to cover these expense and in this case its by making a structural change in the tax code. They are trying to repeal doddfrank, they are trying to. The middle class footed the bill every single step of the way from wall street the big banks or anybody else. Its about time they had a few opportunities to make sure they have the same chance big business, big banks and wall street has. Thats what this is. Nobody do it more than the democrats. Martha thousands of people laid off of their jobs in the financial sector. We are going back to 2007 now and the financial decline that happened back then. The entire industry has been completely remade since those days as a result of what happened. I dont think its necessarily fair to say there hasnt been any zmin the game going back to 2007. Katie . I think look, taxing wall street more and putting more death taxes on to inheritance wont help the middle class in any way shape or form. Less government regulation and less Government Spending. Going threw the budget which there is plenty to do. We can find billions of dollars every single year that we can cut from the government in order to spur that middle class growth. The middle class isnt going to benefit from the socalled rich getting more taxes, they will benefit from Less Government regulations so they can live out their American Dream without the government interest interfering. Martha you are saying its fine to do this social reengineering but why would you be averse to doing it. It sounds like you want to punish somebody. If someone said look we can find 150 billion in waste in the government, a frontpage story from you usa today. Why not go that route instead. This isnt social engineering. I didnt say that. When you read on the front page of the guardian that 50 of the worlds wailts in the hands of 1 of the population, there is something wrong here. He time wall street and big banks ask for something to help them, they get it. Even though the middle class need something they dent get anything. And less regulations is what got us into this mess. Less investment is what got us into this mess. You cant keep repeating the same mistakes. Martha i understand what you are saying. What about the fact this is the opening negotiation salvo to which dan piper responded saying forget it. Its a negotiation that was too difficult in the last congress. And its basically, you know, a door in the face of this congress. I want to address a point that mary anne made about big business getting the tax breaks. When i have a Big Government only people who necessarily benefit are big business and wall street. This is president obama as i just said proving hes unwilling to work the new Republicanled Congress which is elected by the American People just a couple months ago on real tax reform because that would be more difficult than simply saying these things he said before throughout his term about raising taxes on the relationship and making it sonltd like hes all about fairness when long term every single american will be saddled with debt until the day they die as a result of the policies and his refusal to cut government waste. Martha well have to leave it there, we are running out of time. Thank you to you both. Bill super bowl 49 is set. Two titans ready for battle. But it might be hard to beat the Seattle Seahawks at home trailing the Green Bay Packers at home with 12 minute to play in regulation. They are calling it the miracle on turf. Seattle scores, then reconsiders that onside kick. A 2point conversion that looked like a hail mary gave seattle the lead with a minute left. Green bay tied it with a field goal sending the game into joe time and in overtime you got a 35yard pass from russell wilson. The first team to score a touchdown wins. Game over. Martha three times it looked like this game was over. Russell wilson breaking down in tears after the game. Now we go to the other game in foxboro. The patriots routing the indianapolis colts. Fox news confirmed the nfl is investigating the patriots for possibly using deflated footballs during the game. The less air you have the easier it is to get a grip on the pigskin. But tom brady and tom belichik will go to theirth super bowl together. Martha you know you will be there because you never miss a super bowl. You looked up the rules. According to the rules they have to what he the balls. Each team prays 24 balls. They have to what he them before the game. If there was a problem why wouldnt we already know . Bill apparently the ball has to what he 14. 5 pounds of air. And one of the balls the nng pail patriots was using was 13. 2 pounds. What the nfl has said is they are investigating this. Martha some are saying it sounds like sour grapes. Bill regardless, new england still goes to the super bowl and they will play the game in two weeks. If they find an infraction lit cost them a couple draft picks in the coming years. Martha the ball the air is going to come out of the ball as time goes by. Well find out. And well let you know. All right. Moving on. At least a little bit. Rain, sleet and cold. What a weekend. Look at that pileup on the left hand side. Very dangerous. In fact deadly combination from coast to coast. Dozens of cars caught in a Chain Reaction in that crash and others like it around the country. Bill Many Americans are about to find out the obamacare peanlt obamacare penalty for not having Health Insurance will and lot higher than anyone thought. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan, period. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor period. [applause] natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. Because Hydraulic Fracturing Technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. The new Energy Superpower . Its red, white and blue. Log on to learn more. No pictures of trucks pulling boats. No photos of men working on ranches. Just a ram 1500 ecodiesel that gets 156 more miles per tank than the ford f150 ecoboost. Get more facts at ramtrucks. Com. Bill millions of americans in for a surprise, when they finds out the obamacare penalty for not having Health Insurance could be more than they thought. Turbo tax estimates the average fine will be 300. The bitter pill breaks count obamacare system that he says will leave the taxpayer holding the bag. Your bikes 528 pages long which i think makes it 2,172 pages shorter than the obamacare law. Lets make it clear. I hope its a better read. You are a fan of healthcare reform. You are a fan of obamacare. But you are not a fan of how this law expects to be paid for. Im a fan of the idea that more people in this country have access to healthcare. What i think all americans shouldnt like about it is the way reform comes out of washington is that the taxpayers are going to subsidize that care at the same ridiculously high prices for drugs for staying in a socalled nonprofit hospital where they will charge you 77 for a box of gauze pads. Thats what we shouldnt be a fan of. Keeping the same ridiculously high price structure and adding at the taxpayers expense tens of millions. Bill there were many people before this bill was passed who made this same argument. Republic how democrats get laws passed. March 2009. We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. Away from the fog of the controversy. Thats march 2010. That was exactly two weeks before the bill was signed into law. Is this washington works . Get the bill passed. Get on the books and worry about the expense later. The bill is meant to fix a terribly complex healthcare system. What you get is the kind of complexity that nobody can understand and people are still trying to understand it. You said at the beginning of the show people are going to pay a higher penalty than they thought. In part thats because the press never reported that the penalty was that high. Bill we did here at the fox news channel. For sure. But if you picked up the typical news paper said 1 . For many people it will be a lot worse. Because the subjects does apply in a rigid way. There is a couple in my book who make 64,000 a year and they get a 9,000 subsidy on their 14,000 a year. If they make 64,050, the 9,000 subsidy goes away. So if they didnt estimate their income the right way. Bill dont you found that this is the habit of washington . Pass the bill, seen it well worry about the finances count road medicare, medicaid, social security, and now the argument you make about obamacare. It gets worse as the years go on because the interest in washington build their power and they can keep taking didnt things on to bills like this with hidden costs that nobody knows about. Bill with regard to obamacare is it too big it cant be fixed . I think whats going to happen is its hehere to stay. I dont think it will be joafn overturned or taken away. I think the on cause for hope is a grim cause which is that things will get so bad in terms of the cost that the people will finally rise up and say we cant do business there is way in washington. We have to reform the healthcare system. This country only governs well when there is a crisis. We do well when there is a crisis. When there is a crisis the lobbyists lose their power because they insist on it. Thats the on sort of perverse hope for reform here, that things get so bad that they will get better. Bill i only have 15 seconds. Why do you below those who voted for it did not Pay Attention to detail . I think those who voted for it did Pay Attention to detail. I think they knew exactly what was going to happen. Bill steven brill thank you americas bitter billion. Martha pope francis overcome with emotion. The heartbreaking question a little girl asked the holy father that left him struggling for an answer. Push your enterprise and you can move the world. But to get from the old way to the new youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. And stay ready for everything that is still to come. Bill so many emotional moments during pope San Francisco francis final days in the philippines. A 12yearold girls heartbreaking question that left pope francis without an answer. She asked the pontiff why god allows children to suffer with many growing up poor and growing up on the streets. Her parents areportedly abandoned her until a group home helped her out. He said he did not have an answer by said Everyone Needs to help care for children everywhere. The vatican is look at asia as the future the Roman Catholic church. Martha deadly ice from coast to coast. Five people were killed in the northeast. In philadelphia, freezing rain and slick roads caused a massive pileup. Of 0 cars rammed into each other. In oregon, black ice being blamed for a huge pileup on the freeway involving a dozen tractor trailers. Check out this tale of survival. Hes thanking god for being alive after mischiefy got crushed after his chevy got crushed between two tractor trailers. Laura, what do we know about those icy accidents out there . Things are looking better today than they were yesterday. Those slick conditions throughout the northeast, as you mentioned five deaths being blamed on the icy roads that turned into virtual skating rinks. As you said, those pictures say it all. Semi trucks and Passenger Vehicles were tangled up in a massive pileup. 5 vehicles involved in this one. Two others died in a cash controlling multiple vehicles. Witnesses say the trouble started when the icy interstate caused a semi to jackknife. Reporter all the cared in front of me started running into the side of the tractortrailer. I spun around twice caught my grip and were able to get a baby and a mother out of the car right away into another car. Screaming, yelling. It was bad. Reporter new york, new jersey it was bad. Spring valley, new york, cars slipping and sliding down the street. Bill we are getting chilling look at a terrorist plotting to bomb a u. S. Capitol building. Its raising new questions about our own national security. Martha senator ted cruzs comments about the 2016 elections. Martha fox news alert. France conducting extended interrogations of nine suspects rounded up after the deadly attacks in paris. Meanwhile bell bum is charging five people that were detained last week as much of europe remains on a very high alert for terrorism today. Welcome, everybody, brand new hour starting now on this monday morning of americas newsroom. Glad to have you with us. Im martha maccallum. Bill im bill hemmer. Good morning at home, good morning at office and on your mobile device. Good morning to you martha. Two brand new suspects picked up at border between france and tally. Two suspects with possible ties to the plot of belgium were picked up in the country of greece. Martha chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge live with with the latest on all of this for us from washington. Good morning catted thin. Reporter good morning martha. An intelligence source tells fox news to expect more arrests based on ongoing interrogations as they exploit phones and computers with other suspects in the network. These arrests stretches as far as Eastern Europe even bulgaria and romania. Operatives souch as kouachi brothers tied identified bit terror group and given financing but the timing of the plot is left up to the cell. There was a threeyear gap between 34yearold said kouachi and the while the investigation is ongoing, fox news was told so far there is no record of the pair ever went to syria. So in these cases there is no phone call, email or text for Operational Security reasons and on its face that is what played out in paris according to the head of europes police group. Im not sure that there is such a network, an organized Network People of people, who are operating and have a commandandcontrol structure. It is a lot more diffuse and unconnected in nature than that. Reporter this morning the british Prime Minister is defending this letter from a Senior Member of the brittish Parliament Supporting the muslim communities in that country denounced paris adding but there is more work to do. We must show our young people who may be targeted extremists have nothing to offer them. We must show them there are other ways to express disagreement their right to do so is dependent on the very freedom that these extremists seek to destroy. Martha. Martha interesting. So were learning a lot and what else are we learning from the raids were seeing play out overseas catherine . Reporter martha, the republican head of the Senate Intelligence committee that relieves regular classified briefings says these waves of arrests in france belgium and germany will be a treasure trove of data to track operatives who may well be inside the United States. Senator richard burr suggests that the material largely coming from the exploitation of electronics will provide a web of contacts to pursue and on fox news sunday, another senior senator who oversees Homeland Security says possible operatives in the u. S. Need to have a second look. Im not aware of any specific cells, any sleeper cells but when you see whats happening in europe and seeing how widespread that is from france to belgium, to germany, i think you have to assume that is certainly a risk that we do have to consider. Reporter Yemeni Government officials this morning that two french nationals were arrested in the country on suspicion of meeting with al qaeda. We were first to report on fox news that the apparent link to the paris attacker said kouachi and al qaeda in yemen. Catherine, thank you very much. Bill this is brand new video out of yemen. Shiite rebels battling with soldiers near the president ial palace in the countrys capital city of sanaa. Rebel fighters seizing control of the staterun media some are calling a a coup. Many detainees at gitmo call yemen home. Martha to iraq where Kurdish Military Officials Say isis terrorist released 200 captives. The freed prisoners are yazidis members of an iraqi religious minority and include women, children and elderly, some in poor health and many showing signs of violent abuse and neglect. They had been held captive for the past five months after isis raided their town last summer. Bill back in this country president obama expected to pitch a new tax plan during the state of the Union Address. That is tomorrow night. The white house says he will call for raising taxes on americas rich to offset tax cuts for the middle class. Congressional republicans pushing back and dismissing the idea as quote, a nonstarter kevin cocker is live from the white house. How is that proposal different from what weve seen over the past six years in the white house. Reporter that is the crux of the plan. They argue that this is tried and proven ineffective method for battling wage stagnation and inequality. The white house says the president will press on emboldened by Stronger Economic indicatorsthis magnitude will take a lot of preparation. The president has been working on it with its advisors for quite some time. He will tweak it before he delivers it to the nation tuesday night. As we take in the speech with all of you watching at home. Mid hill class tax cuts will get a lot of attention. Expanding tax cuts for Free Community college and wealthy and big banks will have to pay more. White house advisors were all over the sunday talk shows. Dan pfeiffer saying among other things that the top 1 really have to step up and pay their fair share. Now that the economy is in a stronger place than it has been in very long time we need to double down on the efforts to deal with wage stagnation and declining economic mobility. So the simple proposition we should ask the wealthy to pay a little more and invest more in the middle class, give the middle class a raise. Reporter but gop House Speaker John Boehners office is out with a statement as well. For all the talk about fresh and new bill this is really page from old democrat playbook saying among other things, mike steele with the quote for us washington tax hikes and spend something the same old topdown approach we come to expect from president obama that hasnt worked. Republicans are offering better solutions, focused on helping Small Businesses grow and hire and helping families improve their lives. So the battle lines my friend certainly have been drawn. Bill kevin what should we expect from the republican response and joni ernst the senator from iowa . Report or the the freshman from the Hawkeye State youre right will deliver the gop response. We figure she will have a lot to say about the vision moving forward offered by the gop in contrast to the vision offered by the white house under president obama but in particular bill i want you to make sure you listen for what she talks about when she highlights the tax code. Thats really a major issue here within the beltway. How you can improve it and make it easier for folks at home and Small Businesses to keep more of what they earned. Bill big night tomorrow night. Thank you, kevin. Kevin corke, north lawn, the white house. Martha. Martha the american released last month after five years in a cuban prison will be in the audience for the president s state of the Union Address tomorrow night. Alan gross and his wife are among 22 guests invited to sit with the first lady during his speech. The president announced a his plan to restore ties with cuba. It is traditional for the president invite guests whose personal stories highlight some current issues. That is the first name we got. Bill tuesday night see it live on fox news channel. President obama delivers his sixth state of the Union Address. Tune into fox news channel. Coverage begins with bret baier at 8 55 eastern time. Right here. Looking forward to that. Meantime senator ted cruz opening a new line of attack for nonestablishment president ial hopefuls republican ones. He is speaking at a Tea Party Coalition convention in South Carolina yesterday. The texas senator came out swinging against the conventional wisdom of washington Political Consultants and here is what he said. Everyone of these Washington Gray beards who goes on television and talks about the way to win is to run to the mushy middle. Who in their right mind would listen to someone who keeps getting whooped giving us advice on how not to get whooped . There you have it. Chief Political Correspondent carl cameron in washington with the latest. Carl, i would imagine when he talks about the mushy middle he is talking about who pray tell . Reporter mitt romney and jeb bush, no question about it. This is something ted cruz started saying last october and he specifically named mitt romney back then before mitt romney for all intents and purposes threw his hat in the ring last friday night in san diego. Former Massachusetts Governor and one time nominee and twotime candidate all but told the Republican National committees governing body that he is likely to throw his hat into the ring for a third time. He went at some length to talk about his heart and his sentiment. He talked about how he thinks it is important to talk about jobs and opportunity, income inequality an ending poverty themes very important and obviously ted cruz is making an argument this is guy who run twice before an hasnt been able to do it. Accused of a squishy moderate from center of the Republican Party and not conservative enough yet mitt romney is more conservative than jeb bush on issues of common core and immigration. That is something that will be played out. Meantime the question is whether or not jeb bush is going to be aggressively campaigning now that mitt romney is joining the campaign. There is always criticism or questions about the former Florida Governor has quote the fire in the bellly. Romney managed in the last two weeks pretty much to take away the headlines. Bush will be in washington tomorrow for the president s state of the Union Address. Not clear whether he will make his opinions known before, during or after. He doesnt have any tv engagements to talk about this. Mitt romney stealing headlines worth noting martha, at rnc, vast majority of 168 member, the executive Committee Members were kind of meh about mitt romney getting into the race. Glad to welcome him back and he is good guy. There was not a big line or a throng of people screaming run, mitt run. Martha recent polls released well see how they stack up with folks in the public and their feeling about it. Carl, see you soon. Bill newlyreleased video of undercover fbi agents stopping a plot against the Capitol Building two years ago. Watch. Bill what were learning and what it might teach us about any new threats today. Fascinating tape. Well show it to you coming up. New technology would revolutionize everything from your luggage in the airport to screening patients from cancer. Bill american sniper has won huge at the box office this weekend. Numbers from a recordbreaking start for this film about iraq. Do you ever think that you might have seen things or done some things over there thaw wish you hadnt . Oh, thats not me, no. Whats not you . I was just protecting my guys. They were trying to kill our soldiers and im willing to meet my creator and answer for every shot that took. At opportunity for an upgrade. Sound good . Great. Because youre not you youre a whole airline. And its not a ticket youre upgrading its your entire operations, from domestic to international. Which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. From workforce strategies to Tech Solutions and a thousand other things. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. Bill at least one home burned a small town evacuated as firefighters battle more than a dozen fires in central oklahoma. One fire forced crews to temporarily close a 13mile stretch of interstate 35. That is when the flames started crossing that highway. A few miles away, another fire forced everyone in the tiny town of meridian to get out of their houses. Those evacuation orders have been lifted. The National Weather service lifted red flag warnings ahead of rash of wildfires. Not clear what sparked all of them but fortunately no injuries were reported. Brand new video just released by the fbi shows federal agents foiling a 2012 plot to bomb the u. S. Capitol. 29yearold amin el kalifii seen in video and in under in a car with under cover agents to test a bomb built for the attack. Whoa. This is. Martha says this is not Strong Enough man. The video showing how dangerous homegrown terror can be in this nation. Pete hegseth served in both iraq and began stan. He is ceo of concerned veterans for america fox news contributor. Pete, good to have you with us today. What is your reaction when you see this play out . This is from 2012. My reaction that has been, that is and will be. Reminder that our professionals silent professionals across the country foiling plots week after week, month after month. We didnt hear about this and now we see the tape this is relevant especially since ohio man last week attempted same kind of attack, attack on the capitol with automatic weapons. That is what is seen here. We saw him with footage of using a mac10, learning how to use one and buying nails here at home depot. Homegrown hometrained. This guy didnt have any special weapons training. He was a deejay snorting coke a couple months before this occurred. Was radicalized online. Reached out to people who happened to be fbi agents. So we were able to foil it but you cant catch it every time. Martha this is interesting because it raises questions in this situation i think of Christopher Lee cornell last week the 20yearold from ohio, who a lot of analysts said wasnt able to pull anything off. His father said he was entrapped, basically. Talked into doing stuff he would never have on his own wanted to do. You look at this video came out over the weekend and it is clear this guy was pushing them to go further. He says in that video. That will be not Strong Enough. He is clear lit one dont be nervous, dont be nervous. Were going to do this. For everyone of the cornell situations, if indeed that is what it was, you have to at least, a few of these, right . Yeah. Even his lawyer admits he was not entrapped. His lawyer, he pled guilty. His lawyer said he was entrapped. He was enabled. A spectrum of jihadis. Cornell had little training. His parents said he was lost boy. This guy with very little training wants to go further. Clearly not entrapped. People in paris homegrown and foreigntrained. What is crystallized in my brain, those guys in paris standing erect with low profile, holding militarystyle weapon way we would have in iraq, calming putting tight shot groups into a car of a police officer. Call leave is learning how to use a mac 10. Doesnt know how to load it or how many round in it. There are spectrum of folks. Doesnt mean an untrained person couldnt have a big impact. Martha when theyre on to somebody or suspect somebody is looking into this kind of activity online and infiltrate their life and kind they get a little bit of control over the situation of this person. Theyre part of the man. Thats right. Martha and that helps them to prevent whatever this person might have wanted to pull off correct . It is amazing what our law enforcement, fbi agencies are able to do. This plot was foiled two blocks from the capital. He had likely inert machine gun and supposedly a suicide vest. Clearly it wasnt detonated to go off. He was arrested two blocks from the capitol. They let these guys go all the way through. Opportunity to get out of the plot if they want to. These are folks motivated to do it. Our fbi in this interview they revealed dozens of these plots are on going infiltrating working through a process of plan to arrest them with all evidence they need to put them away for 30 years, which this guy is, 30 years in prison. Martha one other question, connecting the dots something difficult and proved to be impossible in terms of the Boston Marathon bombers, are we Getting Better at it . There are some privacy issues and the fbi talks about the limits they have to follow people, to see what theyre doing . It all depends on the intel and information sharing especially internationally. I think western europe is learning across borders they need to be better about information and sharing intelligence in real time but it is the hardcore jihadis are more difficult to penetrate. They will not work with unknown person supplying them explosives and weapons. This guy didnt have a choice. He reached out someone contacted him online or personal networks. Hardcore paris types boston bomber types were not necessarily hardcore. The older brother was. Theyre in enclosed circle. They dont let outsiders in. Those are more difficult to attack. You need Real Time Intelligence to infiltrate it. So information sharing. You talked about the spectrum even peripheral character can cause a lot of damage. Pete, thank you very much. Thank you, martha. They say you can know where youre going until you know where youve been. What did president obama say in his last state of the unaddresses and what to expect this time around. And there is this. Martha i love this. This is everyone, every age seems to love. Bill say it. Martha what does she have to say about this . Hello. Im an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. Its out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart associations go red for women campaign. If you see it i hope youll let us know. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Bill state of the Union Address like the one president obama delivers on tuesday night a unique opportunity for the white house to lay out its agenda and goals for the country. What can we expect tuesday night . President obamas last speeches might give us a lot of clues. William la jeunesse live on that. He is in los angeles. What have you discovered from speeches past, william . Reporter i would say skip the popcorn and just grab the salt, a big grain of salt. The when the president pledges to add jobs free spending cut taxes, stop red tape should the words matter or should you dismiss it as political hype . Here is look back at what the president did and did not get done. Tonight im proposing call. Reporter call them proposals. We freeze annual domestic spending next five years. Reporter some come true. Others dont. Well bring down costs by changing the way our government pays for medicare. Reporter medicare spending slowed by 2 . I pledge to cut the deficit in half by first term in office. Reporter he did, deficit fell 700 billion. Ended problems with the banks and ended war in iraq. Will increase exports. Reporter exports rose 40 . Well double the nations supply of Renewable Energy next five years. Reporter Renewables Grew by 20 . Im opening up our 735 of offshore gas resources. Reporter true, but mislead egg. Most Alaskan Pacific atlantic waters remain off limit. Critical step winning the future to make sure were not buried unmountain of debt. Reporter but debt actually increased 4 trillion. As he prepared for tuesdays state of the union perhaps the president will recall this from two years ago. Our government should not make promises we can not keep but we must keep the promises we already made. Reporter so with the state of the union is really about is the president s vision of a perfect world, what he would do if there was no congress, no courts and unlimited money. Bill as we know, those things all have a way of getting in the way of a good speech. Bill here we go. Thank you william tomorrow night, prime time, william la jeunesse in our west coast bureau. Martha the movie, american sniper, is the story of Navy Seal Chris kyle and it is setting records at the box office. Lines wrapped around the block this weekend. Why is it striking such a nerve with audiences . Bill also the new England Patriots facing new allegations they skirted the rules to get into the super bowl. Did they do something illegal with the football . If hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today oyu0x . H 8p today we remember the life and legacy of civil rights icon dr. Martin luther king junior. These are live pictures of Services Underway in atlanta. Dr. King was baptized there. He was also copastor with his father there and this year dr. King would have been 86 years old. Many cities and towns across the Country Holding services in his honor and memory throughout the course of today. Say a woman and a kid . Yeah. That was on this. Can you confirm . Negative. Your call. They fry you if youre wrong. Thats a clip from the new movie american sniper with a Box Office Number of a summer smash. This film rocked it. 90 million over the weekend setting a record for a january opening and on track for another record by the time the fourday weekend is over. Wedding ringer was second at 20 million. Paddington was close behind at number three. Joe was brought in today to talk about the film and the reaction its getting. Good morning to you. Welcome back here. First of all, why do you think so Many Americans have been drawn to this story . Bradley cooper i think proves hes the biggest actor in hollywood. He brings people in. But to talk about the military aspect of it think about the movies in the past. Think of saving private ryan or platoon. There is a romance to these sort of stories and nobody tells these kinds of stories better than clint eastwood. Hes 84. Thats apparently the new 44. He should have been nominated for best director and its just such a poignant story and was it had a Great Campaign during all the Football Games that everybody was watching and look at this record. 90 million already. It will probably eclipse 100 million by the time we count all the receipts. Thats 30 million more than avatar. I dont take exception with anything you said. I think about the sad irony how his life ends and the powerful message that east wood carries about the thousands that live among us. We have people out there now who are calling the late chris kyle people like him cowards. Michael moore who hasnt been relevant in hollywood for over a decade has to say that somebody like chris kyle is a coward. Let me pause you for a minute. Maybe moore saw the film. Maybe he did. Maybe he didnt. My uncle skilled by a sniper in world war ii. We were taught snipers were cowards, shoot you in the back. Invaders are worse. I never hear Michael Moore talking about isis kidnap young girl, turn them into suicide bombers or beheading the heads of Young Children or jim foley, the american journalist. Never hear him talk about that. The American Military in Michael Moores eyes is the enemy and he has to come out and talk about this and seth rogan is no better. What did he say . He carries this to nazi propaganda as seen in the movie the glorious bastard. Its about a sniepper who has all these kids. I would ask if seth was high when he said that but he probably was. Moore has been forceful in his opinions and i respect what youre saying here. The film shows, though, that the enemy had a sniper, too, and there was no one able to take that sniper out until chris kyle did it. Right. And thats the whole thing. Bradley cooper talks about this and Bradley Cooper by no means is a conservative. He supported the president during the last election but he said this is more about the lives of these soldiers and particularly what happens when they come back home and all the mental issues they may have to deal with and that we need to take care of folks that are over there on the front lines. Sniper versus sniper. Theyre not cowards. They could get killed in a heart beat as well and im glad that Bradley Cooper did this movie. A veteran has a book coming out talking about this very topic with Michael Moore. Watch. I dont think he deserves the breath that im about to give but ill just say Michael Moore, he wasnt there in afghanistan. A lot of good guys and a lot of my friends died for his right to, i guess, freedom of speech so im not really worried about what he has to say. This is about jealousy and envy from Michael Moore. And from others in hollywood as well who cant get their head around the fact that this movie will make over 100 million this weekend and could reach a billion by the time it Goes International and it goes on netflix and all of that. They cant understand how a movie that celebrates the American Military can possibly make money in 2015. Saving private ryan, these are all great impactful films but they did not draw the audience this movie draws. Amazing. Its a personal story, a family story, a story we all share because we all, to a lesser degree, lived this alongside them for almost 14 years now. Right . Its been that long already. The Golden Globes has to feel pretty stupid about now. They didnt even nominate american sniper. We never hear about snubs about that. I dont want to give anything away from the film but the audiences are left in shock and silence and i think respect. Joe biden was actually drawn to tears, we hear. Thank you. Very important story. Delaware dover Police Department finding something unusual while reviewing the dash cam video. Just an officer on the beat getting down to this beat. Watch. Dont you just want to keep watching it, though . 19yearold veteran getting really into it. Shake it off is taylor swift. It was staged. Shes responding on twitter. Was he in his patrol car . I could not tell. Looks like it. Thats not cool. Now all his buddies know it. All of his buddy knows this and he has to live with that. Good luck officer. They probably know that about him. Texas senator cruz warning that republicans could be in for another loss in 2016 if the party does not look beyond the moderate mainstream he calls it. We nominate another candidate in that mold the same people who stayed home in 2008 and 2012 will stay home in 2016 and the democrats will win again. New polling shows moderate mitt romney leading the pack with jeb bush several points behind. Is he right . Well debate that. Political panel up next. Car crashes into a frozen lagoon, landing upside down on the ice. Wow. What happened after that, stick around. Well be right back. Two people rescued from a frozen lagoon in chicago. Police say a car veered off the road near Lincoln Park Zoo earlier today, rolled several times and came to a stop on its roof. Luckily it did not fall through that ice. Crews cut through the mangled vehicle to free the man and woman inside. They were hospitalized in serious condition now. Part of the road closed. No word what caused the drive to her lose control of the car but this time of year its ice. Politics now. Brand new polls show both mitt romney and jeb bush leading the pack of potential republican candidates in 2016. 59 of Republican Voters say they would like to see mitt romney get in this race and no doubt hes paying attention to that number. 50 say the same about jeb bush. Mike huckabee rand paul all at the top there but senator ted cruz says the g. O. P. Cannot win if the party picks another moderate moderate. If we have a john mccain or a mitt romney all of whom are good honorable, decent men, but if we nominate another candidate in that mold the same people who stayed home in 2008 and 2012 will stay home in 2016 and the democrats will win again. So is he right . Ed was the Campaign Manager for reaganbush in 1994. Howard trippe was a Campaign Manager and i think you have to respond to him directly. He talked about people with gray beards. I wonder who hes talking about. What do you think . First of all, he forgets this very important element to the winning and thats the independent voters. There are as many independents as there are republicans or democrats and its not because these past candidates werent conservatives conservatives. Their tremendous turnout of vote, its just they didnt run very Good Campaigns. Whether hes going to run or several others they have to run a really Good Campaign and make sure that they have a message and obviously project leadership. What do you think, joe . I mean this is a big debate right now in the Republican Party about whether or not running a jeb bush or a mitt romney would be the mistake thats been made in the past. I would say whats more important is that the party goes into the general election unified and i mean hes right. The Republican Party is going to lose but i think hes wrong about why i mean about his reasoning. Its not because theyre going to nominate this person or that person. Its because if there is a split at the end of it its between the establishment and the tea party and somebody does decide to stay home because of that that is not going to work well for the Republican Party. It doesnt have to end up that way. You could still have a big battle. Clinton and obama had that big fight. They sure did. And they were able to unify the party at the convention in time and make a push. Calling one side of the party the mushy middle and the other side calling it crazy friends or getting into that kind of thing, thats going to happen but if it exacerbates, gets too big too mean spirited youre going to end up having a problem at the end. If you look at the lineup, a lot of that is obviously name recognition. Mitt romney has been down this road twice before. Jeb bush Everybody Knows his name as well. So for the others what would you say to them at this point . Should they be concerned about the number . I worked on Mike Huckabees campaign. He started 1 . Sarah palin wasnt known outside of alaska before she was the nominee and other candidates that are mentioned there certainly werent well known. Eight years ago at this point in time Hillary Clinton was beating barack obama 4528 in the same cbs poll at the same time so anything can happen. Once you get into the Campaign Media attention, once you run your own campaign you move pretty quick. It also gets to why these early states iowa New Hampshire are so important. It gives somebody like a Mike Huckabee a chance against 800 pound gorilla to emerge in second or first place and then become the main challenger. And iowa and New Hampshire like to be independent. They like to hear from everybody who is coming through their town. And that could happen on both sides this time. You could see a surprise second or first finish in iowa in the Democratic Caucus if hillary makes the race or on the republican side. Hillary number is 85 i believe, think that Hillary Clinton should run. Youve got 40 for joe biden, 23 for elizabeth warren. Why shouldnt she run . Shes probably the most difficult democrat in the country today. She certainly has a broad range of experience. Ive always felt that we have to run a very superb campaign to beat her. I think she will. Shes putting a team together. Shell be very tough to beat. She may beat herself. What about mistakes made in the past . If you run a Good Campaign what needs to change . You have to have a very clear message. You cant stumble. Today in the day of cell phones and all the rest of it you cant do the 47 that romney did the last time. Having done this business for 40 years, you always try for the candidate on script. They all want to say, i want to be spontaneous. That doesnt work today. This is what i care about. This is what i want to talk about. You have to be consistent m your message. But none of these polls at this stage you know matter that much. I worked for Walter Mondale in 1984. Im really dating myself here but at this point we were at 58 nationwide and way ahead in iowa. Gary hart got 19 , came in second in iowa and we barely won the nomination. So again those early states matter. These early polls just sort of set up the race. More people want jeb and mitt to run and hillary to run. Most interesting battle right now is between jeb and mitt. When i left in october to run reagans Reelection Campaign they were ahead reaganmondale was so it moves fast. You turned that around. He turned it around. Reagan turned it around. Me and bob bibbing bickel. Always great to see you both. Thank you. We like your gray beard there. Thank you. Keep it. All right. Jon scott is coming up quickly. Happening now rolls your way. Well talk about republican strategy, bill gearing up for 2016 and a new move for the g. O. P. Why the Republican National committee has drastically removed the number of debates. How it hopes the race will play out in the media this time around. Twoweek multi crime spree comes to an end for a pair of teenagers accused of forgery, theft and what they face now. The secret service ramping up security near Vice President bidens home after shots were heard in that area over the weekend. The latest on the investigation all happening now. Well see you then top of the hour. Thanks. New England Patriots accused of cheating their way to the super bowl . The nfl says it will investigate what is now known as the deflate gate. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms . I sure hope so. With healthcare costs, who knows. Umm. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor. Can get the real answers you need. Start building your confident retirement today. Super bowl xlix is now set. Patriots taking on the sea haubs february 1 in arizona but already controversy. The league reportedly investigating claims that the patriots used deflated footballs to make them easier for quarterback brady to throw. Jim grace sports contributor, hello to you in california. You wonder if it would have made a difference in the end. Tom brady was asked about this an hour ago in a radio interview and he called it ridiculous. Whats the story . Well somebody did something wrong, they should be punished and youre not supposed to alter the game balls and they can be fined up to 25,000. It doesnt matter if he was running with a pillow they couldnt stop him. Its ridiculous. You just mentioned the score. 457. Like its going to make a difference . Come on. Its just creating something here. If they did something wrong they should be punish. Why did the league just say it is ridiculous . Why did they say theyre looking into it today . I think because of whats gone on with the National Football league. If you go back to spy gate which the patriots were fined for and the tapes were destroyed, all those years ago and its tainted their three super bowls in the minds of some that they were taping these practices, i think that the league has to be very, very cautious. Weve just been through domestic violence. Weve just had all of the things go on with Roger Goodell so i think they want to look at it. In terms of the outcome of the game, 457. Its time to move on. Brady is right. Apparently the league requires each time to bring a dozen balls plus a dozen extra for spare and they have to be filled between 12 1 2 and 13 pounds of air and one was pulled to the side and did not measure. I dont know if conditions of the night affect that or not. Maybe they do. Maybe they dont. But again, the league is investigating this. There is a case three years ago in california, lane kiffin they found that team to be guilty and punished them for it. Okay. Lets call them guilty. They won the game 457, bill. This was not a contest. It had nothing to do with the football. Zero. End of story. It doesnt matter. Theyre going to the super bowl. What are they going to say . Come play again . By the way there was an official this morning that said the balls can be that the weights do change during the game because of the temperatures, because of water, because of the rain. They do get heavier, they do get lighter. Things happen with the inflation of the balls. Im not saying they didnt do it. I have no idea. But the outcome of the game was never in question. And they could have been playing with bean bags. It would not have married. Colts were overmatched, beaten thoroughly, game set match. Thats the super bowl. Camera two said they could have beat them with beach balls. Hes right. It wouldnt have mattered. Its the patriots. People dont like the patriots and again, if they did something wrong, fine them. Do whatever is right. Suspend whoever did it but this has nothing to do with the outcome. Who wins in arizona . Its going to be great. Listen to it on westwood one if you cant watch it. That was not a prediction. We have two weeks to decide that, bill. I dont know. A lot can happen between now and then. Well bring you back. Thank you, jim. Thanks, bill. I know the answer to that question but im just going to keep my mouth shut for now. In the meantime very tight security across europe following the days that we have seen of deadly terror sweeps. In paris the very latest and what theyre finding now when we come back. Egies and Analytical Capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest Financial Services firms in the country . Or is it 13,000 Financial Advisors who take the time to say thank you . night jim. Gonna be a while . I am liz got a little writing to do. Its why edward jones is the big company that doesnt act that way. Hello. Im an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. Its out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart associations go red for women campaign. If you see it i hope youll let us know. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. I did not know you were such a big colts fan. Well you know theres a lot you dont know about me bill. Sympathies for green bay. I mean really. Youre that close and you lose. It was a reat game. Were sorry, guys. But we will see you back here tomorrow. We shall. Have a great day. The terror crackdown intensifying in europe as soldiers and police seek out potential sleeper cells to prevent another attack like Charlie Hebdo from happening. Dozens of suspects arrested in and around europe this weekend from france to belgium, italy to greece. Now the e. U. Is asking the arab league for help tracking down more militants. Our greg who is live in paris with the latest so whats the situation now regarding security in france and europe . Well, after weeks of terror

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