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Message to this nation, his message about the violence. And our interview after his speech. What he saw when he looked out into that crowd gathered for his brother. Also tonight, there are major developments in the George Floyd Murder investigation. The charges for the other three officers and today, they made their first court appearance. We learned one of them was on their third full shift. For another, it was his fourth day on the job. What they claim about the actions that day of Derek Chauvin, with his knee on floyds neck. He faces that Second Degree murder charge. And tonight, the longtime friend who was in floyds car before that deadly encounter breaks his silence on what he witnessed in those final moments. Here in new york city, the fbi tonight investigating an unprovoked attack on two officers on patrol. One of them stabbed in the neck. The suspect and two other officers hit in an exchange of gunfire. Tonight, there is news coming in on the suspect. Was the attack linked to terror . And concerns about attacks on Police Officers across the country. The president and the new fallout after his threat to use the u. S. Military on american civilians. 24 hours after former defense secretary jim mattis issued that rare and scathing rebuke, tonight, one republican senator saying she agrees with mattis and is now struggling to support President Trump. What she says about the silence of republicans who quietly have concerns, asking, will they now speak . How the president is responding tonight. And yet another awful turn tonight in the death of Ahmaud Arbery. His accused killers in court and what prosecutors revealed. What the suspects allegedly said to arbery after he was shot. A special edition of world news tonight begins now. Good eveng. It igrt to have you with here on a thursday night. And it was a profound day in america. A country in pain and from minneapolis to new york city, thousands paused to remember, to honor, to fight for justice for george floyd. Here in brooklyn, thousands were gathered right here in this park. We were with Terrence Floyd as he spoke. His message on the peaceful protests, on the violence, and what he told me about the sea of faces here, from all backgrounds, and what that meant to him. All of this playing out as they paid tribute in minneapolis, where george floyd was killed. A moving Memorial Service we witnessed today, and this moment here, the police chief paying tribute, taking a knee at the side of the hearse that carried floyds coffin. His family sharing their memories of a childhood with little money but a lot of love. They described him as a gentle giant. They celebrated his kindness today. The reverend al sharpton delivering the eulogy, morning floyds loss, saying, get your knee off of our necks. In brooklyn, thousands gathering at an outdoor memorial right here, chanting George Floyds name. You will hear his brothers call for peace. And what he shared with me about what he saw in this crowd, saying it took him days to be able to say what he said here today. At this hour, on the tenth day of protests, thousands are now marching here in new york city, crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge after what they witnessed right here in this park. Also tonight, in the streets and bridges of downtown pittsburgh and again this evening in los angeles, scenes being repeated in cities and towns across this country. There are several more tributes planned before george floyd is buried in houston next week. His family calling them a celebration of his life. But also, a plea to america. Abcs linsey davis leads us off from minneapolis tonight. Reporter while thousands have taken a knee in recent days, this time felt different. A powerful moment as the Minneapolis Police chief kneeled as George Floyds casket passed him by. Amazing grace reporter before this 46yearold became the symbol of a movement, he was a man. At todays Memorial Service in minneapolis, we learned about the father and brother from humble beginnings. The High School Athlete who loved lebron james and grew up eating banana and mayonnaise sandwiches. He touched so many peoples hearts, you know, because he been touching our hearts. You know . You come to third ward where were from, people are crying right now. Thats how much they loved him. He was this great, big giant, and when he would wrap his arms around you, you would just feel like, you know, you were everything could just go away. Reporter the nation getting a glimpse of the black church on any given sunday, as reverend al sharpton gave the eulogy that was as much personal as it was political, even making a dig at President Trump. We cannot use bibles as a prop and for those that have agendas that are not about justice, this family will not let you use george as a prop. Reporter and the sermon paralleled the life of george floyd with the struggle of black america. What happened to floyd happens every day in this country, in education, in Health Services and in every area of american life. Its time for us to stand up in georges name and say, get your knee off our necks. Reporter and after his calls for accountability and change, there was this moment 8 minutes and 46 seconds of stillness, symbolizing floyds final moments. They had enough time. Now, what will we do with the time we have . And linsey davis with us from minneapolis tonight. And linsey, i know, we also learned just before we came on the air tonight about plans for a march on washington now . Reporter thats right, david. As you know, marches were an integral part of the civil rights movement, and today, reverend al sharpton announced a return to those roots, saying that there will be a march on washington this august 28th, on the 57th anniversary of the original march on washington. But he said that this one will be led by the floyd family, the Garner Family and any other families who have suffered similar loss. David . Linsey davis leading us off from minneapolis. Linsey, thank you. And of course, the other powerful memorial was right here in brooklyn today. Thousands here kneeling in solidarity, right here in this park behind me, remembering george floyd. We entered the park this morning with floyds brother, terrence, telling us his message on the violence, his message on the peaceful protesting that he has seen, and what the people who gathered here, the families, the parents who brought their about why they came. Today, George Floyds family allowed us to go into cadman plaza park in brooklyn with them to document what they hope is an historic moment, a turning point. Terrence floyd was here to honor his brother and to denounce the violence. It was clear Terrence Floyd is still in deep pain, but he knew thousands were waiting. I just want to wish you luck out there. In the crowd, the faces. Black, white, latino, people from all backgrounds. Parents bringing their children. Young people marching for change. As one leader said here, praying with their feet. And on that stage, a broken brother, lifted by the sea of faces in that crowd. Holding signs, george floyd, i cant breathe, justice now. The crowd waiting for him, kneeling, chanting his brothers name. George Floyd George Floyd Terrence Floyd beginning to speak, acknowledging it has taken him days to get here, to be able to say this took me a few days to come to that realization, but i want to thank god, because at the end of the day, my brothers gone, but the floyd name still lives on. Terrence floyd said this about the peaceful protests and about the violence at night. Im proud of the protests, but im not proud of the destruction. My brother wasnt about that. The floyds is a godfearing family. He spoke of the power of unity. Power to the people. Not just my people. Not just your people. Not just the people they think is important or whatever. Im talking about power to the people. All of us. And as the thousands here began to march across the Brooklyn Bridge on their way to manhattan, terrence took a moment to tell us what that moment onstage was like, before that crowd. When you looked out into that crowd and you saw that sea of faces, black, white, asianamerican, latino, what did you make of it . I just know my brother was proud, because i know the whole floyd family is proud of that, because were all standing together. Were all standing together for justice and i just appreciate, we all appreciate. I know my brother be in heaven appreciating. Thank you. And to hear his name . That just it resonates with me, because thats my fathers namesake, so, not only do i hear my brothers name, i hear my father, too, you know what im saying . My fathers gone, my brothers gone, they up there together, so, when i heard that name, it just it made me feel good. Listening to Terrence Floyd was a young man named jordan hunt. Most definitely. Its going to change, most definitely. If everybody stay in contact, you know what im saying, everybody be on the same page. Mickia williams and gabriel blaya. And when you looked out into that crowd and you saw people from all different backgrounds . You know, when i see stuff like this, i cry, because it just shows me it should show everyone were all one, dude. Were all love. And the little girl named eloise who was brought here by her mother, marissa kaiser. How old are you, eloise . Im 3. Youre 3. Almost 4. Almost 4 . All right. Well be sure to report that. Eloise showing me the sign she made, eager to tell me what it says. Black lives matter. Thats your sign . Did you hold that sign today . Show us. Thats how you held it . Show it to him. Did you help make that sign . I bet you helped draw those faces, too. She drew it all herself. You did it all by yourself . And mom, why did you come today . Because its just so important. Her two best friends are africanamerican boys. She loves everyone so much that its hard for me to really be like well, children do. Yeah, so, i, like, i just feel like if you lead with love, then those conversations happen later. It was an extraordinary scene that played out here in this Brooklyn Park today and when Terrence Floyd finished his speech, not long after, the thousands who were gathered here, the vast majority of them wearing their masks to protect each other, then began that march right across the Brooklyn Bridge into manhattan to celebrate Terrence Floyds brother. Were going to move to the other news tonight, and the three officers now charged with aiding and abetting in the murder of george floyd, appearing before a judge today. We learned one of them was on their third full shift, had just begun. For another, it was just his fourth day on the job. And what they now claim about the actions that day of Derek Chauvin with his knee on floyds neck. He faces that Second Degree murder charge. And tonight, were also hearing from one of floyds longtime friends, right there with him the night he died, in that car, and what he witnessed, now breaking his silence. Abcs alex perez in minneapolis on the investigation tonight. Reporter tonight, three other minneapolis Police Officers charged in connection with George Floyds death making their first appearance in court. Attorney general Keith Ellison visiting the site where floyd took his last breaths. Its about justice on behalf of the people of this state and this country, and thats it. Reporter those three former officers, tou thao, j. Alexander kueng and thomas lane, each facing two charges, including aiding and abetting Second Degree murder. Attorneys for kueng and lane, who are both rookies, shifting the blame to 19year veteran officer Derek Chauvin, seen with his knee on floyds neck for nearly nine minutes. I cant breathe reporter kueng was only on his third shift as a fulltime officer, his lawyer said, and that he told the other officers, you shouldnt do this. Lanes lawyer telling the judge it was his fourth day on the job, saying he asked chauvin twice, shall we roll him over . Adding that lane performed cpr on floyd inside the ambulance. Chauvin facing multiple charges, including Second Degree murder. And tonight, Maurice Lester hall, floyds friend and one of the people seen in that video just before tloidfloyds y encounter, telling the new york times, im going to always remember seeing the fear in floyds face, because hes such a king. Thats what sticks with me, seeing a grown man cry before seeing a grown man die. So, david, all four in custody. Chauvin has not yet appeared in court. Those other three officers are being held on a 1 million bail. David . All right, alex perez reporting live from minneapolis again tonight. Alex, thank you. Were going to turn next tonight to the fbi investigating the ambush of an nypd officer who was stabbed in the neck. That investigation at this hour, the attack overnight in brooklyn, away from protest sites. Two other officers and the suspect injured in gunfire that followed. The suspect now in critical condition. This large knife was recovered at the scene. Investigators asking, is there a terror link . Across the country, federal Officials Say more than 50 people have been arrested on charges ranging from arson to bomb possession. Now to President Trump and the new fallout tonight after his threat to use the u. S. Military on american civilians. 24 hours after former defense secretary jim mattis issued a rare and scathing rebuke, tonight, alaska senator lisa murkowski, a republican, says she agrees with mattis and that shes now, quote, struggling over whether to support the president. And suggesting that some republicans might now be more willing to speak out. Heres our chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl tonight. Reporter outside the white house, new fences, higher barriers, pushing the public back, further separating the president from the world outside. He has been out of sight for two days, communicating through his digital megaphone, twitter. More than 75 tweets since midnight, many of them slogans, make America Great again, law and order. Outside, the protests persisting. Inside the capitol building, Democratic Senators joining together in silence. Some taking a knee for 8 minutes, 46 seconds, in honor of george floyd. As the stunning condemnation of President Trump by his former defense secretary, retired general jim mattis, reverberates throughout the city. Donald trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the american people. Does not even pretend to try, mattis wrote. Instead, he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. Mattis expressed outrage at the forceful removal of Peaceful Protesters to make room for what he called a bizarre photoop. Mattis words prompted a forceful response from republican senator lisa murkowski. I was really thankful. I thought general mattis words were true and honest and necessary and overdue. Reporter and she offered a pointed message to her fellow republicans, telling them, it is time to speak up. One of the few who did was senator mitt romney. General mattis letter was stunning and powerful. General mattis is a man of extraordinary sacrifice, hes an american patriot. Reporter senator Lindsey Graham was among those who spoke in support of the president. Im not saying hes blameless, but i am saying that youre buying into a narrative that i think is, quite frankly, unfair. Reporter the president hit back at mattis on twitter, calling him the worlds most overrated general, adding, i didnt like his leadership style or much else about him and many others agree. Glad he is gone. Mattis may be gone, but hes not alone in expressing his support for the protesters. On that point, he joins all four living former president s. Both the first lady and the Vice President tweeted today about the Memorial Service for george floyd, expressing their sympathies for his family, but the president , those 75 tweets today, not a single mention of george floyd, david. All right, jon karl live at the white house tonight. Jon, thank you. There is new reporting tonight in yet another case, the final moments of Ahmaud Arberys life, after a hearing for the three men now charged in his death. State investigators now testifying that video and statements from the suspects show that arbery was, quote, chased, hunted down and ultimately executed. And that the man who shot him used a racial slur as he stood over his body. Heres abcs steve osunsami. Reporter testimony from this courtroom in south georgia says that a racial slur was on the lips of Travis Mcmichael, who is seen here in this cell phone vio shooting and killing 25yearold Ahmaud Arbery in february. A state investigator says that this is according to neighbor William Roddie bryan, whos also charged in the killing and recorded the video. Mr. Bryan said that after the shooting took place, before police arrival, while mr. Arbery was on the ground, that he heard Travis Mcmichael make the statement [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. Reporter this was the probable cause hearing for bryan, Travis Mcmichael and his father, greg, a former police officer, who are all accused in the killing of this young man. The father and son told police they were trying to make a citizens arrest after seeing arbery leave this home thats under construction. Mr. Travis mcmichael used selfdefense. Reporter investigators say that arbery took nothing. His family says he was out jogging and that the three men wouldnt have tried to stop him if he were white. The judge tonight sided with prosecutors and moved this case to trial. The three men have yet to enter a plea. One of their lawyers tried to argue that this racist language is common in the south. David . Steve osunsami with us live tonight, as well. Thank you, steve. When we come back here tonight, the nfl star facing backlash at this hour, after his own teammates heard what he said about kneeling during the national anthem. And now, his apology tonight. Youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. Even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. 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I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of america. But i think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart is it shows unity. Several athletes, including many of his own teammates, criticizing the quarterbacks comments, including saints members and lebron james. Now brees has posted an apology online on instagram, writing that the comments were, quote, insensitive and completely missed the mark about how he really feels. And when we come back here tonight, the latest storm track, as cristobal now churns towards the gulf coast. When the effects could be felt here in the u. S. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. 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A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. From new york city to minneapolis today, a nation pausing to remember. The police chief kneeling. Good night. Im live in the abc7 newsroom. So you were at the San Francisco protest yesterday. Should you get tested for covid19 . And when . Ill tell you. Police, move out of the way. If you do not move, you will be gassed. Protesting sprints to the suburbs. Tonight a snapshot of the recent situation in walnut creek. I miss hearing his voice. I just miss his hugs. He gave the best hugs. The family of a man shot and killed by Vallejo Police outside a walgreens looting speaks out to the abc7 news iteam. Building a better bay area for a safe and secure future, this is abc7 news. No justice, no peace i cant breathe through the streets and on the sidewalks, the bay area raises its voice for justice. Good evening and thank you for joining us. Im ama daetz. And im dan ashley. Another day of demonstrations all over the bay area. Large crowds, peaceful crowds pushing for change ten days after the death of george floyd. Hundreds of people filled the streets of fremont today the march and to make their message heard. And theyre still out there tonight. Amanda del castillo is live with the story. Amanda . Dan, protesters just arrived to Police Headquarters here in fremont about ten minutes ago. Im going to step out of the way so you can see this demonstration going on right now. Im estimating a couple hundred protesters, more than 300, thats for sure. The group marched the two miles from Washington High School to fremont Police Headquarters, many in masks, carrying sign, hoping their message is heard. Of course, like the similar efforts weve seen across the bay area, the crowd is protesting the death of george floyd and calling for an end to police brutality. I want to take you overhead to sky 7. As a show of solidarity, weve seen many kneel at these demonstrations. At a protest earlier this week, many called on fremont mayor lily mei to take a knee

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