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year. meek gains you have seen in the ira, 401(k), children college fund all gone. last year never happened. so much a rx to the feds saying the economy now on the evenly of another recession. and feds answer. to get people some sort of relief by sending interest rate for mortgages credit cards car loans even lower. the problem is the world no longer thinks that that's enough. >> what we have is not a problem of interest rates. it's not this people are holding back from buying house houses. no. what we have is too many people are out of work. too many people that are still working are afraid they are going to be out of work that's not something that the feds can fix. >>reporter: with those nervous consumer holding back not spending, businesses aren't making as much money. not hiring. vicious where in the world are the engines to pull us out? not even china any more. factory world news visited just a year ago. government helps you produce washington we see here. even with that help so many factory there mark ago sharp slow down. and with greece nearly out of money and europe unable or unwilling to bail it out market there also fall down. >> kicking the can down the road for so long and that's really what we have been doing here in the u.s. eventually you have to solve the problem. >>reporter: while we all wait for the solutions, how do you protect yourself if there snt is in fact another recession coming. experts say don't miss out on an easy way to save a lot of money. 30 years fix mortgage 5 years ago on the average american home 12 07 dollars a month. today 7 25 a month. that's a savings of nearly 500 dollars. financial planners equity corporation say those bank that made it so difficult to get the new more than rates don't let them win. they say you can beat them at their own game. one better the credit score now. don't be afraid the mortgage rates out of reach. you can bring the credit score up and quickly. >> sure. bring it up within a matter of months. >>reporter: david muir reporting. h p stock fell almost 5 percent today as most other stocks did. but it went up nearly 7% yesterday on early reports of the new change at hewlett-packard. the chief executive is out and former ebay ceo whitman is in and not just on an interim basis. one of the leading businesses is hoping the change will bring a fortune to the company. as david explains tech veteran are split on her prospects. >> harsh judgment perhaps that comes from a long time h p manager and author of the book the h p if he none may. the culture is deeply embedded. >> i think he's a my match. historic humane treatment of employee is tough one for her. it's very challenging business issues that she hasn't had a lot of experience with. >>reporter: critic argue that whitman 10 years at the helm of ebay and internet business doesn't give her experience running a haired wear company. h p trying to branch out but failed recently. pulled the plug on new line of tablet and smart phones after only 6 weeks. still h p executive chairman ray lane says meg is a technology visionary with prove track record of execution. silicon valley veteran hope she can manage a company with division operating as independent silo. >> h p has a lot of issues, you know, internally as well as if there has been a lot of leak in the company and sfom i don't think it's a good environment for her to go into. >>reporter: whitman recently has reemerge entered public after lasting her bid for california governor last year this week she announced 2 and a half dollar challenge grant for silicon valley charter school. >> whitman is more than former politician. what they are doing here is bringing in a very seasoned brand manager to deal with a very seriously damaged brand. >>reporter: in tapping her for ceo h p board shows insider studying the problems as board member for the past eight months. previous ceo pwrm hired from outside the company. >> if meg is the right person for the job that's graichlt i would fully support her if that but i just want to make sure that people are not making snap judgments. >>reporter: whitman new role at h p brings with it high stake. market valley of h p dropped in half under its previous ceo. in san jose, david lou abc 7 news. the fbi hazard a homeless computer hacker suspected of taking down the santa cruz county web site. 47-year-old christopher doyle is accused of being a member of the hacking group people liberation front. investigators believe he was upset at county officials for enforcing a ban on sleeping in public overnight. in december hacker attacked santa cruz county computer service. 26-year-old ohio man also arrested in the case. that person is already accused in an attack on pay palace year. >> clash at cal tonight. uc berkeley students angry about continual tuition increases are protesting on campus. started peacefully at noon. got a little rowdy. lillian is live tonight with the story. lillian it goes on this evenin evening. >> pro es testtors still inside this hall. they were inside a second floor class ramp. they are now in the lobby. unclear what they plan to do next when the building closes at 10:00 p.m. so far one protestor has been arrested for striking an officer earlier in the day. students have been inside the hall since early afternoon. they marched over from a rally at the plaza that began at noon. at 1 point campus police officers had to use pepper spray after they were penned in by students blocking the building doors. also an incident of student grabbing an officer 40 caliber magazine. it went anything but the officer was able to get it back. students say they are upset that tuition and fees are now over 13,000 dollars twice what they were piv years ago. >> we don't want 81 percent fee hike. don't want to see our class size increase. don't want to see workers on campus get laid off. >> the plan is to stay here until either as collective we decide to leave or until essentially we are beaten and dragged. >> they held it up and also penned an officer in between. somebody in front and somebody in back of her pushing together and somebody grabbed at her gun belt and actually removed a magazine and some equipment off her gun belt. >>reporter: about it's unclear what is going to happen when the building is set to close. police haven't reveld what they will do if anything and protestors haven't disclosed their plans. we'll keep you posted at abc 7 news at 11:00 p.m. live in berkeley, abc 7 news. >> okay thanks very much. another major protest today. 23,000 nurses across northern central california are in the middle of a one day strike. gravy answers are the familiar ones. nurses say hospital want to slash health care and pensions. management says nurses need to realize the financial reality of the health care industry today. >> we love our patient. we take care of them but we need benefits also and health care. >> we offer free health care for them but if they want a premium cadillac plan we ask them to contribute like everybody else would in the working world. >>reporter: bay area hospital reported no major impact because of the strike but did postpone elective surgery. nurses in the sutter health and kaiser system are off the job. big moment for brian stowe giants fan who was severely beaten at dodger stadium in march. now talking a little about it to his family. yesterday stowe said the names of his children tyler and tab that and then said would he like to see them. he also remembered his birthday. so his family wrote on the web site that although there are still medical concerns like severe blood clots, zoe is more awake and responsive than he has been in 6 months. doctors at uc sf are ep kurnled certainly by stowe progress although he is clearly not out of the woods yet. encouraging sign to be sure. more ahead for you tonight on the news at 9:00. coming up. quick on the draw but slow to khachlingt angry federal judge blasted oakland police today. >> hazard in the hills. tonight a not so neighbor oral complaint forces oakland mayor kwan to clean up her act and her yard. >> i'm in the accu-weather forecast center. fall arrives tomorrow morning and cooler weather will be not far behind. accu-weather forecast coming up. >> also here tonight. was einstein wrong? most famous scientific equation einstein wrong? most famous scientific equation of all time may be incorrect >> federal judge blasted oakland city officials today saying he's tired of listening to excuses and that the police department needs the make changes immediately. that's almost a decade after the controversial about police service we have more from the hearing. >> i don't know and don't have real confidence that the kind of changes that we hope for are really taking place. >>reporter: attorney john burris says the oakland police are not moving fast must have to make the changes ordered by a federal judge. it's the latest chapter in a saga that gap in 2000 when 4 members of what prosecutors called a rogue band of officers were charged with planting evidence and beating suspect in oakland. 3 were fired. the fourth disappeared. 2 prosecutions ended in mistrial. but a lawsuit filed by those who say they were victimized ended three years later in 10 million dollar settlement. the department was also ordered to make changes to prevent future abuses. at today's hearing the judge henderson said he was frustrated by the slow pace of change. he said the oakland police department is behind modern times. there is an attitude of resistance. also appearing at the hearing today was mayor kwan who said she will make sure reforms happen. >> i'm going to take responsibility for as chief executive officer of the city to monitor on the ongoing basis whether or not we have a federal court agreement. >>reporter: burris says what is needed is federal intervention. >> what the judge can do is appoint a monitor to run the department. called receive orship and make all decisions be made by that monitor. >>reporter: the hearing follows the release of study by the federal machinetor overseeing the reform. it looked at 80 incidents in three-month period when officers drew the guns and most cases involved african american suspects. the study concluded this in 28 percent of the cases the individual posed no threat. judge henderson was appalled saying the level of the unnecessary draw of firearms is astounding. now mayor kwan and chief anthony told the judge that quick draw incidents need to be scrutinized more closely to see if there needs to be more trach or perhaps better supervision in the field. chief also said there have been many changes that he reorganized the department from top to bottom. judge ordered everyone to come back in january for another status hearing. abc 7 news. men time the mayor of oakland has another issue to worry about. more personal and oakland contractor accuses her of getting a free pass on city code about maintaining the property. here's wayne friedman. >>reporter: this is what you mate expect for resident of chief executive major league city but this is where mayor kwan lives. over over grown. yes. other issues. >> a lot of people know that i don't go home much. >>reporter: when you live a public life expect very public pressure. >> as soon as i say not as i dolack at that. lead paint. >>reporter: and her homeowner ken showed these pictures of the mayor house at last night oakland city council meeting. he says her house violates kochltd he wants equitable enforcement. >> but the problem is that the mayor seems to think that she's above everybody else. she doesn't have to comply. >>reporter: those words from a man who admits voting against the mayor in the last election whose own home will not be appearing in house and garden any time soon. >> your house looks worse than the mayor does. >> at least you can see from my house from the strichlt i have not gotten a written complaint or i would have fixed it. >>reporter: feigned ago neighbor who did. he doesn't qualify he lives several miles away. ken lives 2 doors down from the mayor. he says local complaints about kwan abody were new to him. >> does it seem any worse to you than any other house here. >> about no. i could name a house on the street but i won't. >>reporter: then he did. this one. rental. city of oakland has not cited it. >> maybe issued look that the one. >>reporter: if the mayor lives there it might be perfect. if oakland, wayne freedman 7 news. >> all right. spencer is here. 2:04 a.m. few hours from now that's it. summer is over. >> autumn arrives. listen up for the fall as it arrives. still summer like in the inland area tomorrow. we are going to have a cool down which is appropriate as fall arrives. live view from the east bay camera. emeryville and see a little bit of the fog pushed across the bay tonight through parts of the east bay. so we have the cooling effect we had this afternoon as you can see on the satellite close-up. i mention the fog pressed up against the coast line. nice cooling on shore flow green air but temperatures down a few degrees around the bay and near the coast line but inland locations wereagain today. hige reached 95 at clover dale. 97 kloo clear lake. 100 ukiah. 94 concord. 95 antioch. 98 in livermore. by we won't see any 90's after tomorrow. for awhile. right now we look at 80 degrees in apartment i don't care. 60's to 70's in most other inland locations. 58 here in san francisco. highlights low clouds. not only pressed up against the coast line but moving closely across the bay tonight. one more day of inland heat tomorrow of course. cooler weather into this weekend appropriately enough as it's the first weekend of fall. over tonight tonight low temperature under partly foggy conditions. mainly in the mid 50's. mid upper 50's as you push that the inland east bay and perhaps not even below 60 in antioch. water vapor satellite image 2 system here upper level low to the south. high pressure to our north. combined circulation around these systems will bring some moisture in. not a lot but enough from our south east it could fall a couple isolated thunderstorms to our south. forecast animation 11:00 o'clock tomorrow night. overnight tomorrow night into saturday. could be a couple isolated thunderstorms but don't think there's a lot of moisture moving in that direction. we are though concerned about fair danger. a fire weather watch in effect from friday evening to early saturday. in this area of monteray county that includes the national forest there could be dry lightning strike and if those do occur that increases the risk of wild we are on the look out for that. let's move to our local weather for tomorrow. in the south bay sunny skies. high pressure in the low to mid 80's. 84 at san jose. peninsula 80 redwood city mountain view upper 70's. low mid 60's on the coast. pacifica half moon bay downtown san francisco high of 68 tomorrow. 64 in the sun set district. north bay range from low to mid 80's to low to mid 90's. l in nearest bay lack for 72 berkeley. 74 oakland. 78 union city. 80 at castro vaechlt inland east bay we see low 90's most part and near monterey bay 70's new year's the bay and low 90's inland. accu-weather 7 day forecast first day of fall. warm inlan inland. then cool down area wide over the weekend. by the way there is a slight chance of drizzle overnight saturday night into sunday morning. inland high on sunday only in the upper 70's. but temperatures will warm-up a bit next week. only into the mid 80's inland so no more 90's are coming our way in the immediate forecast. >> thanks. >> nice weather ahead. >> thanks spencer very much. >> penguin are known for their happy feet but maybe they should be known for their sense of smell. we explain what scientist figured out. >> new scam rae valleys more than brain activity. scientist >> new scam rae valleys more than[ lisping ] i lostscientist my front tooth the other day, which would be great... if i was seven. i'm forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn't come when you're forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that costs tons. maybe i'll keep it... it adds character... right? [ male announcer ] we know life can be unpredictable. that's why we offer affordable health coverage and dental plans. blue shield. oh, we call it the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] and we give you a discount on both. great! did i mention no hands in the bundler? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> scientist in europe smash one of the fundamental of physics. at the lab in switzerland researchers clocked some sub atomic particle travel faster than the speed of light. under einstein theory of relevant activity that just can't happen. but they shot them from gentlemen 97 to italy 4 50 millions away and they got their 60 nanosecond faster than light can california. results so astounding they asked other sin activist to check their work. a team in chicago will get right on it. >> from physics to buyology in a new discovery about penguin. researchers at the university of chicago say penguin use a highly developed sense of smell to identify their mate in the sea of plaque and white. findings are important fortunateist trying to reintroduce birds in the wild. if a familiar accident used it will encourage penguin to stay and breed. new type of brain scan developed at uc berkeley can detect the the image that you are watching in movies and on television. look at this. volunteers watch the mavie cli clips open the left while the scanner watched their brain. using the brain activity alone the computer mid a rough reconstruction of what they viewed. saint activist say they may one day be able to use the same method to reveal dreams and hallucination. it could also help stroke patients and others who have no way to communicate. well when we continues here tonight. the changes at facebook. >> we are going to make it so you can connect to anything you want in any way you want. >> will the social network make other way you connect on line obsolete. >>. >> too few job too few opportunity what do we do to help him as small business person. sear tax on the savings. >> tonight g.o.p. debate. contend theers hold their fire. >> and pakistan exporting terror? unprecedented condemnation by america top military officer. another half hour of news america top military officer. another half hour of news begins@ >> good evening once again here's a look at the headlines we are following for you tonight. fear of global recession sent wall street tumbling again today. dow jones lost nearly 400 points marking biggest 2 day drop since the rae session hit three years ago. nasdaq lost 82 points. s&p fell 37. >> meg whitman named hewlett-packard new ceo today. she will take over immediately. sheree places the other after 11 months on the job. >> student protestors are still occupying a building on the cal campus tonight. they are angry about tuition increases at uc berkeley. police expect to move in at 10:00 o'clock when they close the building. presidential politic. republican candidates went at it again tonight. 2 leading could be tenders perry and romney were the focal point. in tampa here's brad wheeler. >>reporter: with a stage full of republican president at al hopeful in orlando the night belonged to governor perry and former massachusetts romney. with perry as the front runner and romney close behind in the g.o.p. race romp my wasted no time questioning perry on social security. >> there's a rick perry out there that saying almost quote it says that the federal government shouldn't be in the pension business. that it is unconstitutional. unconditions stutional and returned to the states. sow better find that rick perry and get him to stop saying that. >>reporter: perry fired back on health care and what romney published in his book. >> hard cope book you said it was exactly what the american people needed to have that romney care given to them as you had in massachusetts. then in your paper back you took that line out so speaking of not getting it snrait your book sir. >>reporter: latest poll shows perry ahead of romney by a comfortable margin in florida but when up against president obama the poll shows romney beating obama in the sunshine state. if perry won the g.o.p. nomination presidential race in florida would be neck and neck. michelle bachmann trailing in the poll maintained her conservative message on jobs taxes and the economy. >> you earned every dollar. you should get to keep every dollar that you earn. >>reporter: she later back pedal saying taxes must be pai paid. as focus shift to perry florida jaw issue voters pay attention to him. supporters tossed him a custom made personal yarmulke at orlando faith freedom forum. symbolic gesture before the debate. this is abc news. iran president delivered a fiery anti-american speech at the united nation ins new york today. things became so heat entered fact 2 diplomat from the united states walked out during the speech. they were followed by diplomat from 30 other country. he called the u.s. an arrogant power ruled by greed. he called for collective cooperation between all governments people and religions across the world. much of the room was empty by the time he finish his comments. >> the nation top military officer first a warning shot at one of our most critical ally in the war on terror. admiral mullin said pakistan secret spy agency actively supported the terror network. we report that this cushion is sending shock waves tonight. >>reporter: the attacks have been spectacular bold. about machine gunfire and rocket propel grenade raining down on the u.s. embassy in kabul resulting in a day long battle. and the truck bombing of u.s. base that left 77 soldiers wounded and 5 people dead. these are the attacks that the chairman of the joint chief of staff mike mullin today blames directly on the pakistani government accusing it spying of helping the terrorist group known as the hakani network every step of the way. >> isi support, at the plan and con drubingted the truck bomb attack as well as the assault on our embassy. >>reporter: never before have the u.s. officials spoke publicly linked pakistan to attack on americans. sickening cushion given that the u.s. has been giving pakistan more than 2 billion dollars a year. money to fight terrorism not support it. would it houses it will not discuss any options that are now being considered but if this is the opening round in a war of words admiral mullins began with a rocket attack and pakistan will most surely fire back. martha, abc news, washington. j.c. dugard now suing the federal government for its handling of philip georgia reed o. he was on probation when he kidnapped her in 1991 and complaint filed today claims federal parole agent made numerous mistakes with his supervision. j.c. and her daughters have already received a 20 million dollar settlement in the lawsuit against the state of california. she says any damages collected from the federal lawsuit will be donated to her charity. city of vallejo plans to start charging for mistaken 911 calls when the caller doesn't fess up. in october it will cost vallejo resident 200 dollars they accidentally dial 911 and if they fail to stay on the line. those instances 2 officers automatically respond in case it's a real emergency. simple i'm sorry it was just a mistake will not cost you. >> say goodbye to your wall and hello to your time line. that's the name for facebook totally redesigned profile page unveiled today. while developers call it innovative, users are not exactly clicking the like button. here's jonathan bloom. >> time line is for you to express who you are. >>reporter: but left a lot of users expressing how they feel. >> never asked. they just did it. >> that bugged you. >> very much so. >>reporter: new time line will completely replace your existing profile. with one that looks more like a scrap book. story of your life with all of your stories all your app in a completely new way to press yourself. >>reporter: yes the apps will be a huge part of the new time fact they can post to it all by themselves if you give them permission just once. >> there is no step 2. >> morris mo public and we'll get used to it. >>reporter: maybe in the future but right now plenty of people are upset. >> kind of intrusive to be honest. it's like very live. very in your face. >> it's just lake it's too much going on and then also i'm thinking about whether is watching what i'm doing. >> exactly. >> do they now know do they know that i go like this and go like that. >> editor says the response is only natural. facebook is a home. wlits people live on line them go there and spend half hour or hour there. every new and then facebook goes in and rearrange the furniture then people come home and trip over the couch then get angry. >>reporter: some developers optimistically predict that anger will fade. >> we have seen 1 million strong despite the feed back in 2007 and i'm sure there will be 10 million strong to fight the new profile but give it a couple months and people will start to understand it and get it and be really engaged with it. >> you will get a chance to make up your own mind on this soon enough. new time line already launch entered beta that some users will test it out before everyone makes the switch in a few weeks. at the conference in san francisco, jonathan bloom abc 7 news. >> more to bring you tonight. last rites for final meals. death row menu changing how executions carried in and out texas. >> friday night flight. up next. latest estimation for the falling satellite. i'll be next. latest estimation for the falling satellite. i'll be back so...what do you think? i'm not crazy about these light fixtures. kitchen's too small. what's next? 607 franklin st. ♪ sea bass... ♪ ooohhh! ♪ i like it. yeah, i love the kitchen. [ male announcer ] the epa-estimated 42 mpg highway chevy cruze eco. perfect for finding your way home. ♪ [ female announcer ] there's no need to produce foods yourself to be sure they're 100% natural. ♪ now there's open nature foods from safeway. no preservatives, no artificial anything. all within budget. a wide choice of natural foods that meet your high standards. ♪ open nature. only at safeway. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that's progressive. call or click today. they are the purest way to gauge success. maybe the only way to gauge success. but the most powerful thing about humble beginnings is that they are... ♪ ...humbling. show where you're going without forgetting where you're from. ♪ now lease the all-new 2011 chrysler 300 for $339 a month for well-qualified lessees. >> respected fixture on bay area television for 30 years has passed away. bob rae tired from channel two in 2008. he died today after a long battle with cancer. he was known for artful story telling and compassion for the people he covered. bob worked here at abc 7 in the mid 1980's writing funny feature like building model volcano that's what you are watching her and also covering more serious topic like the forced relocation of native americans. >> it's called relocation. to some navajo relocation is not just a word it's an obscenity. >>reporter: staffer remember bob as grivted writer, jawrnlist and great friend. he was 75 years old. good guy. texas is doing away with last meal request for condemned inmates facing execution. state senator white meier told the prison director to end a ridiculous and inappropriate practice or would he pass law to do it. head of prison complied today. starting after elaborate request from lawrence brewer. he was put to death last night for his role in the dragging death of james bird junior. for his last meal brewer requested 2 chicken fried steaks. triple cheeseburger. pound of barbecue and pint of ice cream. brewer got his request and then never ate any of it. >> the santa clara valley transportation authority moving forward with plans to expand its service according to the silicon valley business jawrnl. they are calling for bid on 128 million dollar bus project along santa clara street andal am rock avenue this year or next year rather. it's the first of 3 projects expected to increase ridership by more than 40 percent. downtown san jose soon have out door art park with performance exhibition space. first act silicon valley uses 500,000 dollar grant to help renovate gore park known as park him if pablo door and fad sales in san jose shark tank are going local. officials hoping to tempt hockey fans with snack like pets a, how about cup cake from silicon valley restaurant. more on those headlines in tomorrow print edition of the silicon valley business journal. all right. coming up next. out of the park. >> there are rich teams and there are poor teams. then there's 50 feat of crap. and then there's us. >> come up next. it's a hit for the oakland a's. on the aisle review of mone i am a face unclogger. i am a nose coach. i am a throat untickler. i am a human cough suppressant. and i am the sniffles worst nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies. [ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. >> if nasa calculation are correct the satellite now barreling to earth will splash that the south pacific some time tomorrow probably in the late afternoon. nasa is doing its best to pinpoint the exact location of where the plumme plummeting 6 ton satellite will fall. but if they are off just a little bit it could mean the difference between hitting iran or india or florida versus new york. >> part of the problem is spacecraft itself is tumbling and unpredictable ways and it is very difficult to very precisely pinpoint where it's coming down even right before the reentry. >> the satellite is the biggest spacecraft to come crashing down in 32 years. nasa anticipates a splash down rather than a landing since nearly 3 quarters of the world is covered with water. before we good back to spencer. we she you brevity taking image of the sun rise thanksgiving morning over mexico yucatan peninsula. hundreds of tourists and local resident gather before dawn for the equinox. to witness it according to the tradition the sun shines through the gates of the temple of the 7 doll, symbol of the harvest to come. the temple is 500 years old. spectacular on video, imagine what it was like in person. let's go back now to spencer. >> it is i hope deed, fall at 2:04 a.m. last afternoon of the summer here in the bay are area. time lapse view. this is from our heavenly camera out over lake tahoe cloud build newspaper inconvenience of tomorrow expected thunderstorms there but not here. we expect one mr. day of inland heat here with high pressure in the low mid i was in. 60's 70's around most of the bay. weekend forecast for some travel locations monterey nasty and mild mainly dry conditions. friday through sunday, same in minnesota. saturday night into sunday over in the sierra looks like chance of thunderstorms both tahoe and yosemite for friday and saturday but drying out on sunday and back here bay area. click. there it goes. accu-weather 7 day forecast. after tomorrow inland 90's we see temperatures drop-off sharply to just 80's inland on saturday and upper 70's on sunday. we also have a chance of some drizzle overnight saturday might into sunday morning then we have much cooler weather than we have had this week but very pleasant within lapped high in the 80's. 70's around the bay. >> all right. >> thanks very much. >> oakland coliseum and a's take cinema center stage tomorrow when money ball opens in theseers. it's about may season and stars brad pitt. we had the big world present mir on monday at the mayor mount theater and reported that to you. does the movie hit a home run. here's don sap chez on the aisle. >> there are rich team and pr team then 50 feat of crap. and then there's us. >> oakland a remarkable 2002 season when billy wasn't played by brad pitt defies conventional baseball wisdom and shakes up things. >> i lake perez. >> ugly girlfriend men no confidence. >> you are talking the same old nonsense like we are looking for fab why. we have to think differently. >> who is fabio? >> so he highers hill as statistics guys who uses computer data to field a group of players northbound wants on bump it jaws fraction of other teams. >> the goal should be by win. in order to buy win you need to buy run. >> they win 20 in a row. paced on the book by the bay area michael lewis. about eric wrote the screenplay that make them literal and funny. >> welcome to oakland. >>reporter: i talked to pitt at the present mare about the baseball experience. >> it was kind of a rush rush. be loud behind the scenes. see the inside of baseball is a real privilege for us. >>reporter: what is happening in oak land. defies everything we know about baseball. >> just plain crazy. >>reporter: how can you not root for a local team. element of suspense and anticipation as they go for the streak this may be one of pitt perfect form answer. seasoned. weather. plays undog really well. does help if you know something about baseball because of the subtle ty involved. it's a little slow. a little talky. they may not hit it out of the ballpark but about take my pa nut and cracker jack and give it 3 quarters of a bucket. see you on the aisle. >> get a hot dog in that movie. larry here with sports. >> great the a's get brad pitt willed the picture to get made. >> es passionate bit. >> other people were like fichlt not too bad forever billy bean. brad pitt plays him. the giants start the nature with a bang in la. trying to keep the miracle nature with a bang in la. trying to keep the miracle hopes alive. sports next.  ( grunting ) >> coming up tonight 7 news at 11:00. terrifying night for san francisco kim. how the baby experience with a wearable blanket created a recall attempt. >> more on today big market plunge. biggest concern for many people has little to do actually with the market. we'll explain. the stories and more for you coming up in one hour on 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. but larry here with all the sports. jints tonight. >> yes. i like the way you raise your voice with optimism and anticipation. no room for error new and no room for loss for the jainlts. need to win every game left on the stead in the final week but the dodgers are not cooperating tonight t.tommy turned 84 today. big hug. 1st inning beltran showing power here. a laser to right center and govern off the giants. come right back bottom of the first. standing at the plate. let me admire my work. la up 2-1. third rivera again base hit up the middle scoring gordon. dodgers build a 6-1 cushion on. panda power in the seventh. sandoval opposite field. his 23rd but that only makes it 6-2 and right now 7 h 2 dodgers in the eighth. giants got wild card from the mets. they rally for 6 runs. harris cap it off with a 2 run single. below a big opportunity and lose game and a half back of the braves and wild car chase with 6 games left to play. arizona will lock it up. >> final home game of the year here. finish up with victory over test. -- texas. frien friend,000 on hand for the home finale. willing ham wrote to double left. you be the judge. play at the plate here. safety or out he is safe. upon further review he might have been out. down in the sixth. murphy pwaition hit off camp hill hamilton 3 unions ranger. not weak a little man. deep to right and gone. first major league home run. all smiles on the bench. down 3-2. tie it up on ground out then in the eighth cocoa crisp. hit to right. week 3 for 3. sky really can fly. scored three times. said easily and a's avoid a series group and rai raiders show signs that coach jackson has the he team going in the rate direction. fans noticed that. sunday home opener with the jets sold out this means the game will not be blacked out. televised locall locally. hasn't happened in the recent years. raid hers 14 blackout in the last 15 home games going back to 2009. since winning championship last month bradley played in 3 toorn minutes. miss the cut twice. lingering hanover disappeared today at the championship in atlanta. pl may hand don't be there. in the washington on 17. a little wet? salvage a bogey. follow that is with a chip in birding on 18 to finish 3 under par 67. mickelson still sporting the new belly putter. 20 footer. 68 for lefty. charles the third finishing in style. from behind the green on 18. and that is going going gone 3 67. as mentioned. everybody chases in the hole on 2. he leaves. 5-2. when cal opens pack 12 play saturday at washington going to be like looking in a mirror. about big play capability and active opportunity ick defense that create both coaches and they are motivated by same thing. conference game so i'm sure they tell their players same exact think of why it's important to start off in conference. >> now the score changes here saturday. that other call on the next to the win loss. conference win loss and so this is a big one saturday. >> sanford has a by this weekend bringing her he had coach for less understand after that the game. great to talk with him. >> it will be good. >> absolutely. all right good. >> finally somebody watchable on this show. >> by understand. >> host is magnificent. >> yes? always wear the tie thanks very much. that's true really. that's this edition of abc 20. we appreciate your time. hope to see you again in one hour on we appreciate your time. hope to see you again in one hour on channel 7. goodbye for now. 

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