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many people migrated over here. there were an estimated 60 to 100 tents here earlier this month. there was a lot of infighting as well amongst the campers. police say there was also a growing sanitation concern, arrests for battery, theft, even assault with a deadly weapon. back here live in berkeley, you're looking at berkeley high school which is right across the street from this "occupy" encampment. it's kind of one of the unique things about its location. it is also just across the street from city hall and kitty corner from the police station. that's made it more of a community area where people have been able to check outweighs going on. but when you have school aged children that was causing some of the concern for the city. we don't know what the city's next move will be. we'll follow it. >> thank you. if protestors want to close the port of oakland there is not much the city can do to stop them. oakland mayor jean quan tells the "chronicle" that just a handful of protestors could stop work at the port. she says it would take at least 500 police officers to try to keep the port open and the port would have to pay for the officers. the bill, $1.5 million. some of the occupy l.a. protestors arrested during recent demonstrations are being offered a class in fro speech. this is an alternative to prosecution. a deputy city attorney says the city will not press charges against the protestors who complete the education program but they will have to pay about $350 each for the class. a civil rights attorney calls the idea "patronizing." thousands of nurses are set to go on strike just about an hour from now at eight bay area hospitals. gil diaz joins us live from oakland at one of the sutter hospitals affected by this one day walk you. >> reporter: we are standing outside alta bates summit in oakland. about 4,000 nurses are expected to participate in the strike beginning around 7:00. it could last for 24 hours. so 2,000 in the bay area, 2,000 in southern california in long beach. to tell us why they're doing it, leslie, a nurse for over 20 years. >> good morning. >> reporter: one of the first questions is it's the holidays. you're having a strike on the holidays. was that a tough call to make for your nurses association? >> it's a tough call. i have been a nurse for 21 years and it's all of us a tough call. it's a tough call during the summer. it's never easy for us to go on strike and to leave our patients and our communities that we're so committed to serving. >> reporter: i know why strikes occur because contract negotiations went downhill. what is one gripe about the negotiations or about the hospital's proposal that you want to change or you don't like? >> i just actually them to just keep our contract the way it is and no takeaways. one of the biggest things is the healthcare takeaway. we're healthcare providers and the fact that they want us to work and pay out outrageous co- pays to have healthcare and also eliminate healthcare benefits for employees that work less than 30 hours, and they will be working without any medical coverage. >> reporter: spokesmen are trying to form a partnership with the nurses but the nurses keep wanting more and more and that's unrealistic. is that a fair statement? >> no. it's a lie. it's a lie. it's a lie. sutter lies all the time to the community and i'm sorry that they insist on telling these lies. they do not want to form partnerships with us. we have come to the bargaining table and we are asking them to just take away their outrageous takeaways and give us the contract that we have. >> reporter: all right. good luck, leslie. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: we'll be seeing more of you this morning. the protest scheduled to start in about an hour. 2,000 here in the bay area. so keep it right here, grace. we'll see how many more nurses show up this morning. back to you. >> we'll check back in with you, thank you, gil. there are multiple bombings that ripped through baghdad and it has claimed the lives of at least 60 people today. no one has claimed responsibility but the coordinated nature of the attacks suggests planning by "al qaeda in iraq." the bombings are probably not a direct response to the confrontation that has been going on all week between sunni and shiite political leaders. but they will likely increase tensions which is already bad just days after the final americans left. 6:05. elizabeth in for lawrence today to tell us about our forecast. >> i'm kind of fascinated by this picture that we put up. isn't that neat? this is a waning crescent moon. the skies so clear that you can see see the moon's shadow and even see this is venus below the moon so yeah, pretty picture this morning if you are just waking up with us. fog is really not an issue this morning. now, it is clear and cool all across the bay area. it's a little warmer this morning than yesterday. but the temperatures are yet still chilly. 40s and 50s. 40 now in oakland. 54 the warm spot in santa rosa. so it's pretty breezy, as well. that's keeping us more mild. breezy conditions in the north bay valleys and hills. but we are expecting sunshine. high pressure moves in for later on this afternoon. so coming up, a full check of your seven-day forecast. el camino real, westbound near mare island vehicle spun out second lane. not seeing any yellow no major snag a little yellow eastbound of 37 as you work your way towards 80 so heads up there. we'll keep you posted on that. the rest of the eastshore freeway problem-free approach the bay bridge toll plaza. looks like traffic is starting to stack up in the cash lanes. metering lights are on. no delays as you work your way in the fastrak lanes into san francisco. grace? >> thank you. it is anything but the holidays on capitol hill. the last-minute stretch to hammer out a tax cut deal. >> plus, the high-speed rail project is supposed to create one million jobs. why that estimate appears too good to be true. [ screaming ] >> a navy tradition with a modern-day twist. that and more coming up. ,, ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. but he remains in washington hoping to push through an extension of payroll tax cus president obama's family is in hawaii on vacation but he is in washington hoping to push through a tax cut today. the finger-pointing on capitol hill continues as congress remains gridlocked. >> reporter: it's feeling less like the holidays and more like a game of chicken on capitol hill. >> people in america are wondering what washington is doing. >> reporter: congress has until deals 31 to reach an agreement on a payroll tax cut extension. if not, the typical american will lose an average of $40 a paycheck. most lawmakers have gone home for the holidays. before they left, senators passed a two-month extension with overwhelming support from both parties. house republicans refused to allow a vote on that measure. >> would like to ask for unanimous consent that we bring up the bill to extend the tax cut for 160 million americans as you walk off the floor, mr. speaker, you're walking out on -- you're walking away... >> reporter: instead, they want to restart negotiations on a year-long extension. >> we're here, we are ready to work. we're looking for our counterparts to do so we can do what everyone wants to extend the payroll tax cut for one year. >> reporter: the stalemate has thrown a wrench in president obama's holiday plans. instead of going to hawaii, he has been working the phones at the white house to get congress to compromise. only first dog bo was by his side yesterday as he shopped at a pet store. later, he got gifts for his daughters. >> are you going to deliver it to them personally in hawaii, sir? >> merry christmas to you. >> reporter: the white house hasn't said if the president will leave washington without a deal in place. i'm nanette sosa reporting. if an extension of unemployment benefits is not approved by the end of the year, an estimated 1.1 million californians would be affected. about 100,000 unemployed people would see their benefits stop immediately. and the rest would no longer be able to file for extensions. so some painful cuts if they don't make a deal. it is a first in five years. the massive economic boost at san jose international airport. and down to the wire. why officers at a bay area toy drive are calling for backup. well, if you were hoping to do a little skiing for the holiday season, here are your current conditions. the resorts are open. 20 lifts at heavenly but unfortunately no new snow. so conditions aren't ideal. at squaw, man made stuff nine lifts open under partly cloudy skies. sugar bowl this weekend. no new snow. partly cloudy, five lifts open. coming up a full look at your seven-day forecast. berkeley police moved in 6:15 on this thursday. let's look at your top stories. berkeley police moved in overnight to close the "occupy" encampment at civic center park one of the last holdouts in the bay area. some removed the tents voluntarily but others are fighting to stay. less than an hour from now about 4,000 bay area nurses are set to stage a one-day strike. replacement workers are planned for the eight hospitals operated by sutter health. and at least 63 people have died in a wave of bombings that ripped through baghdad today. most of the neighborhoods that were targeted are shiite. that and the coordinated nature of the attacks points to involvement by "al qaeda in iraq." good morning. we are kind of in a holding pattern here in the bay area. cold clear start then warming up to mild temperatures by later on in the afternoon so if you are going out, we have some gusty winds reported especially in the north bay hills and valleys. but it's bringing us some relatively okay conditions to start us off with. it was chilly yesterday morning. in fact, temperatures were hovering at or below freezing in some spots so we're a little warmer today than yesterday. and if you liked yesterday's highs by the afternoon, all that sunshine, well, you will enjoy today, as well. sunny and mild across the coast, bay and inland and we're warming up towards the mid-60s in some spots. so high pressure remains. you will notice this low here, it could bring a few clouds by later on tomorrow. but no rain at least in our immediate forecast. we are staying nice and dry. so taking a look at your forecast for later on today, northern california if you are doing a little bit of holiday travel heading out maybe some relatives for christmas, you will notice the temperatures are not too bad. we're seeing a lot of sunshine out there. so sunny skies, 58 in redding, 53 your high in eureka. so a little closer to home, across the bay area, we're mostly going to be in the upper 50s to mid-60s in some spots. it looks like right now santa rosa and mountain view are kind of competing right now for the top spot for later on this afternoon. these temperatures by the way are at or even slightly above average. in santa rosa the highs today are nearly 9 degrees. what is typical for this time of year. so checking in over the next several days, sunshine -- just a few clouds rolling in by friday but again, we're remaining dry and mild through the christmas holiday. by wednesday, late tuesday night into wednesday could be a different story. there is a chance of rain expected by midweek. so coming up, we'll take another look at your christmas forecast. in the meantime, gianna has traffic. >> we like it when the roads are dry. easy along 580. pleasanton towards the dublin interchange no snags. over to the altamont pass. east of there we are seeing some slight delays, as well. and that travel time inching up a bit, 17 minutes now west 580 altamont pass to 680. delays start around 205. antioch starting to see slow conditions. 16 miles per hour hillcrest to loveridge where we're seeing most of the delays. once you hit pittsburg things are moving nicely there and then the rest of highway 4 towards 80 looking good. eastbound 4 later on don't forget roadwork until 1:00, possibly 2:00 this afternoon. so you might see delays between bailey to railroad, various lanes blocked until then. westbound 80 near tennessee, accident cleared. you can see eastshore freeway moving along nicely. lower eastshore preparing also clears towards the bay bridge toll plaza. we are waiting to hear whether the metering lights will be turned on been traffic still light at the bay bridge. live look at conditions. most of those slight delays in the cash lanes. but no major snags for fastrak users, clear across the upper deck into san francisco. slight delays just as you come into the city. heading into oakland, traffic looking good in both directions. remember kcbs once you do hit the roads. they're our radio partners. and you can find them at 740-am and 106.9-fm. that's a look at your drive. grace? >> thank you. it is the biggest settlement ever over residential fair lending practices. bank of america will have to pay out $335 million to resolve justice department claims against countrywide. it was accused of discriminating against more than 200,000 black and hispanic borrows. the justice department says they were charged higher fees and interest rates. it appears that a high- speed rail line in california would not create as many jobs as advertised. the "contra costa times" says the railroad would create 60,000 jobs at the most and only a few thousan permanently, a lot less than the million jobs touted by supporters. the newspaper says they are inflating the numbers by counting each year of work as a separate job. flight passengers from san jose to tokyo can start in april. a single international route can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars for the local economy. san jose has not had any international overseas service since 2006. the flight with nippon airlines would take about 10 hours. 6:20. a military first. the kiss that's making history. and who could forget frosty the dog tossed out of a car abandoned, now he has been adopted. his new home and name coming up. good morning. it's "holiday light" on the freeways right now. if you are headed to catch a flight at sfo, you're in luck, 101 clear in both directions. here's a live look at conditions near bayshore. we'll check conditions headed towards san jose airport in just a few minutes. the east palo alto police department wants the public to know that it really needs hundreds of more toys for its annual giveaway. as of last night, they only had about 200 but the department is looking to serve at least 1500 kids. in the program's 13 years no child has ever walked away empty-handed. the plymouth is open from early- morning in the -- the police department is open from early morning to the late evening. two california women are making him. it's navy tradition for sailors returning to sea to kiss loved ones. for the first time, though, the sailor and the loved one are both women navy petty officers separated by a tour of duty. they won the right to that ceremonial first kiss through a lottery before the ship docked. >> it's nice to be able to be myself. it's been a long time coming. >> i think it's great. we can be open about our relationship since we both are in the military. >> it may reminds you of this photo of a times square kiss at the and of world war ii. the two women met as roommates at naval training school and had to hide their relationship in "don't ask, don't tell" was repealed earlier this year. an early christmas gift for the little while dog thrown from a car in monterey county. frosty now has a new home. the 1-year-old pooch was roaming the streets of monterey for weeks. the spca believes someone tossed him out of the window of a moving car. a neighbor actually found him last week dirty. he was okay. the san jose woman adopted him on sunday and her family gave him a new name for his new life. >> we celebrated his homecoming with a bottle of sapi spew monte so we called his asti. they had requests to adopt him from as far as chicago. a san jose woman called every day until she got word that he was found. she was allowed to adopt the dog. coming up, saving libraries in san jose. one councilman's idea to help solve the budget crisis. >> and tackling the 49ers off the field. the push to keep the team out of santa clara. and a few skirmishes between police an "occupy" protestors overnight here in berkeley. but they are digging in. several tents and dozens of catchers remain. we'll tell you where things stand coming up. several bay area hospitals may be in limbo this morning as thousands of nurses plan to strike for the next 24 hours. we'll tell you what nurses are fighting for coming up. and look up to the sky. pretty cool view this morning of a waning crescent moon and it's actually mercury just below it. so the reason we can see this is it is so clear outside. clear and cool to start off with this morning. we're warming up by this afternoon. how warm? we'll tell you after the break. can now be enjoyed in your coffee only international delight puts the real flavours from your favourite treats inside frank is off. your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good thursday morning. it's december 22, a few days left to get your shopping all finished. i'm grace lee. frank is off today. let's start off with elizabeth filling in with lawrence for a cold start to this thursday. >> warmer in some areas. we just checked. if you are waking up in santa rosa or napa, temperatures right now are more than 20 degrees warmer right now than yesterday morning. so here's a look at the temperatures across the bay area. 44 in mountain view. 52 in san francisco. so clear and cold start to your morning. but we are warming up. temperatures slightly above average by later on this afternoon. we'll have more on that plus a check of your seven-day forecast. in the meantime, let's check your traffic with gianna. >> once those heaters get going in your card, not too bad because the freeways are looking very good. metering lights are off. it's already 6:30. so "holiday light." details coming up. grace? >> thank you. >> reporter: anne makovec is in berkeley at the occupy site where police were trying to close the camp in the early hours of the morning. >> reporter: the camp remains this morning and much of it after police sent out this ee vex notice yesterday telling everybody to be out of here by 10 p.m. but several dozen people remain in the plaza and several tents, as well. police for the most part this morning have been leaving this camp alone. we have not seen much of a presence. here's some video "occupiers" streamed on the internet overnight. there were several pop-up confrontations between them and police. this is one of them just after 1 a.m. police did take a few swats with their batons and then backed off. here's how one protestor described it. >> i don't think it's a victory necessarily. i think they are pulling guerrilla tactics on us and trying to scare us and terrorize us. >> reporter: what's your plan? >> we're going to stay and occupy and hold the point. we have our gas here. we are still going to be doing the ga tomorrow as usual. we're going to keep at it with our usual routine. >> reporter: this camp has been here since october and it's steadily grown since raids at the "occupy oakland" and "occupy sf" camps many people migrating over here. were 60 to 100 tents earlier this month and there was a lot of infighting also amongst the campers. police say there were growing sanitation concerns, arrests for battery, theft and assault with a deadly weapon. >> these occupations become back here live now in berkeley, you're taking a look at berkeley high school which is across the street from the encampment. that's one of the problems with the location and one of the unique things about it. right by city hall, right by a high school, as you can see. and the police department is just across the street, as well. so that caused some of the problems, as well. the city has been watching it for weeks and patience is growing thin. grace sh. >> any idea if police may be moving in at some point and clearing out the tents like we have seen in san francisco as well as oakland? >> reporter: i would expect that is going to happen eventually and i spoke with the mayor a few weeks ago about all this. and he said they were being very patient. they were going to move slowly and they were going to try with all of their might to avoid any sort of drama like we saw in oakland when they were raiding the "occupy" camp. >> let's hope so. thank you, anne. in international news there were more than a dozen bombings that ripped across baghdad today. it killed at least 63 people. no one has claimed responsibility but the coordinated nature of this attack suggests that it was planned by "al qaeda in iraq." the bombings are probably not a direct response to a confrontation that has been going on all week between sunni and shiite political leaders. but these bombings are not going to help. likely to increase tensions between them. this is just days after the final americans left. extra police patrols are planned today in south san francisco on the first anniversary of an unsolved gang killing. three men were killed in a shootings a year ago. so far, there haven't been any arrests. the police chief says his department is concerned about possible violence tonight especially at ace and lyndon lanes. eight bay area hospitals are half hour away from a nurse's strike. gil diaz joined us live from oakland at one of the sutter hospitals affected by this one day walk you. nurses already getting ready for this. >> reporter: some nurses have arrived here at alta bates summit in oakland. thousands here in long beach, as well. i have noticed beefed up security behind me. there's probably five guardsmen here at the main entrance but the last strike didn't happen too long ago. it happened exactly three months ago. 23,000 nurses because they were from the sutter health and kaiser facilities. that lasted for one day but sutter health lost out its nurses for four more days. contract negotiations have been going on for months. the nurses contract ended in may. now, some of the things that the hospital was proposing, cutting back on the number of paid sick days for the nurses and asking nurses to make co- payments on their healthcare coverage. here's more from a union rep. >> he is very determined to reduce the quality of care to reduce the ability of nurses to advocate safely for patients. they are trying to force nurses to work when they're sick, which exposes already very ill patients to further infection. that's a very reckless and dangerous proposal for a hospital to be making. nurses must stand up. they cannot be silent about threats to their patients. and they need to have safe care every day of the year. >> reporter: a spokesman for sutter health says that the hospital will be hiring replacement nurses for today and tomorrow. but because of the last-minute notice, those replacement nurses will be paid for five days of work even though they are only working for two days. i talked to the union rep and he tells me that the last time that when they last negotiated it didn't go well or else they wouldn't be striking. liz, i keep talking about how cold it is. you're saying the temperatures aren't that cold? so i don't know what's going on. >> it's cold, 40s and 50s. but we're actually warmer today than yesterday at this time this morning. now, yeah, some temperatures are actually 20 degrees warmer than we saw in areas like napa and santa rosa. so if you're waking up to not too bad temperatures outside, later on this afternoon, hymes you see that big h there on your screen, it is keeping us nice and mild this afternoon. there are still gusty winds in the north bay hills and valleys this morning but by this afternoon, check it out. these temperatures -- the spread is interesting especially in santa rosa. temperatures almost 10 degrees above average for this time of year. so slightly above average though in san francisco, concord, livermore, san jose. not too bad. coming up a check of your seven- day forecast where there are changes expected rain in our forecast for later on next week. so we'll tell you more with that coming up. in the meantime, let's check with gianna for your traffic. >> thank you, elizabeth. let's go straight to milpitas. accident-free but here's a live look at conditions as you work your way towards 237 and 880. no major snags there cruising along in both directions. 880 looking good near coleman if you are heading to san jose airport. also northbound 280. we're seeing a few extra cars on the road but still some nice speeds as you work your way through downtown san jose. 101 also checking in with no major trouble spots right now. 880 good in both directions in oakland. so if you are heading to the oakland airport this morning to catch an early flight, looks like traffic won't be a problem through that portion of the freeway. that's a look at your drive. here's grace. thank you. it is 6:37. a group against the new 49ers football stadium in santa clara wants city residentsvote again on this project. santa clara plays fair says voters who approved the stadium in 2010 were not told the full financial impact. the "chronicle" reports that the group wants to collect signatures to put the billion- dollar facility up for another vote. president obama has delayed his holiday plans in hawaii and staying in town making phones phone calls pushing for an extension of a payroll tax cut meeting with americans whose taxes will rise if congress doesn't reach a deal before december 31. house republicans are refusing to vote on a short-term measure that's already passed the senate with a bipartisan majority. conservatives in the house are demanding an extension that would last for a year. a best-selling book makes its debut at the box office. will the girl with the dragon tattoo make its marks with fans? plus visions of the sugarplum fairy. liam's list coming up. let's check the markets. opened 8 minutes ago. we are in the green. dow up 26 points. nasdaq up nearly 10. s&p up about 3. we'll check in though with kcbs moneywatch reporter jason brooks when we come back. replacing retirig library workers with vol a san jose city councilman has a new plan to help the city cut costs. he is suggesting that they replace retiring library workers with volunteers. matt bigler joins us now from the king library downtown with more on this proposal. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning. that's the idea. when a librarian retires from the city system, instead of filling that position with a new city employee, simply replace that person with a volunteer. someone who wants to work in the library, wants to volunteer their time, they can help out in places like this, the main branch library in san jose. this is coming from city council member pierluigi oliverio. we talked to him this morning. he said this would save the city money and hopefully extend the library hours. right now, san jose's libraries are only open 4 days a week due to budget cuts with the exception being the branch library right here. we talked to oliverio this morning and he said that the nation's firefighters, 71% of the nation's firefighters, operate on a volunteer basis. and he wants to apply that same system to libraries where people are more than eager to help out. >> i hear again and again from residents who enjoy their libraries and ask for the opportunity to volunteer. union rules get in the way of that. so i would like us to have that discussion. >> reporter: all is this will come up for a discussion next month january 4 at a city committee. now, as you can understand, unions want to protect jobs. they also say there's more to being a librarian than simply knowing the dewey decimal system and putting books on a shelf. we know some city council members opposed to the idea of replacing librarians with volunteers. >> the dewey decimal system? you brought me back. thank you, matt bigler. elizabeth, do you remember the system in. >> no. elementary school or junior high? dewey decimal system? >> i'm thinking elementary. >> fraction. >> i still have to remember geometry. we do weather now. [ laughter ] i got the weather click they are morning. filling in for lawrence on the weather front. taking a live look outside it's clear out there. you can see beautiful pictures from our traffic cameras and our weathercam was this morning. so yeah, clear and cold start. in fact, if you look really closely, i realize it's hard to tell you about maybe it's where's waldo but there's a flag waving in the distance there over by the ferry building so some pretty gusty winds especially in our north bay hills and valleys this morning. but it's actually keeping our temperatures mild this morning. so mostly in the 40s and 50s. warmer this morning than yesterday. we're cranking the temperatures up by later on this afternoon. we are expecting to see sunshine. a lot of folks in san francisco were talking about the nice weather so these temperatures are actually slightly above average especially inland where we're reaching the mid-60s in some parts. so this is the reason why. high pressure remains. you will notice that low, now it's going to bring us a few high clouds tomorrow by this time maybe tomorrow afternoon. but no rain is in our immediate forecast. so taking a look at your pinpoint forecast, if you got some travel plans getting out of town for the holidays, or maybe you're going to grandma or grandma is coming to you, here's a look at your highs mostly sunny, 53 in eureka, 58 in redding. 34 is your high if you want to do some skiing out in lake tahoe. a little closer to home across the bay area, we're mostly in the upper 50s. mid-60s in some parts. you notice santa rosa 56 your high there. 61 in livermore. 63 your high in oakland. once again over the next several days remaining dry, mild and slightly at or above average three monday. but then watch out for this. changes coming by the middle of next week. we do have a chance of rain late tuesday into wednesday. so we'll have more weather coming up. let's check in on the traffic front. i know it's been quiet out there. here's gianna. >> it's been incredibly quiet this morning but that's good. it's nice on the freeways right now. only slow spots are pretty typical antioch westbound highway 4, 17 miles per hour as you work your way between hillcrest and loveridge. once you get it pittsburg no major snags in the area. all the way towards the eastshore freeway though highway 4 looking good past there. now, we do have some roadwork on the flip side under way. that will be there until 2:00 this afternoon, eastbound 4 between bailey road and railroad. now, you might see some slight delays again into the afternoon. various lanes blocked will be closed but you will be able to get by and hopefully it will stay "holiday light" through there. the benicia bridge, we just lost our camera. we'll check that in a minute. i did get word of ski equipment on the span there so be careful there. it could be blocking lanes. that's a rough start for the holiday. altamont pass to 680, 580 no delays. it's actually looking better. maybe some slight delays here through livermore but overall 15 minutes as you work your way towards 680. also coming off the eastshore freeway towards the bay bridge toll plaza, very light a few cars on the roads. no metering lights. they still haven't turned them on and probably won't for most of the morning. you're looking good into san francisco as you work your way across the upper deck. later on roadwork is scheduled on the lower deck from 7:45 to 1:00. grace? >> someone is going to get to tahoe and be disappointed without their ski equipment. another drop in new jobless claims is good but we had weaker-than-expected economic growth but still driving the markets somewhat this morning. jason brooks with kcbs and joins us. >> reporter: good news on the job market. we'll take that as a holiday gift from the labor department. that is critical because we're seeing this trend develop over 11 of the past 13 weeks. the four-week average has dropped down to 380,000. that's just above an area that would suggest decent job growth. first time unemployment claims down 4,000 to 364,000. and jobs are the driver behind the economy. more jobs come online, that would be better news for the housing market and the overall economy. economy, however, did slip a bit in the 3rd quarter compared to prior estimates. the commerce department out with its third and final estimate and it continued to get lower with each estimate coming in at 1.8% in the 3rd quarter. that was down from 2% from the prior estimate. the big drop came from about a .5% drop of personal consumption less money spent on healthcare, also corporate profits did not quite grow as much as expected. we're looking for growth of about 3% in the 4th quarter. yahoo under focus today. number of reports saying the company's board will consider at a meeting today selling its stakes of two asian companies. ally baba out of china and yahoo japan. the complex deal could be worth $17 billion for yahoo less than $3 billion than the company's overall value paving the way to the company finding a new ceo. but yahoo's been all over the place with different strategic options. but their shares up are right now by about, let's see, 1.5% on that. market is gaining right now. the dow is up by 40 points, nasdaq up by 17. the s&p is up by 6 points. we'll see if we can continue the rally for another day. >> we'll see. all right, thank you, jason. 6:48 now. and movies theater and ballet is a holiday weekend. liam mayclem joins us today. good morning. >> reporter: grace, a jolly good morning to you. warning for starters. this first film is not a holiday movie. i'm talking about girl with a dragon tattoo. it's the three picture adaptation of author steve larson's best selling book, 55 million copies sold worldwide. and let me tell you, the lead actress is superb as elizabeth, a tortured tatooed pierced hacker who helps in the search for a missing girl. daniel craig there he is, he is everything but james bond. as the truth seeking journalist trying to find the missing girl. veteran actor christopher plummer is first class as the patriarch of this troubled family. alongside runi marra he steals the show. both got golden globe nominations for their performances. it's a dark uncomfortable two- hour movie directed by david fincher. it really does get right under your skin and if you are looking to escape holiday cheer this weekend, well, let me tell you this film is the film to see. the girl with the dragon tattoo. >> great cast. >> beautifully directed but, you know, it's not christmas. this isn't christmas, either. or is it? the other guy who loves to escape the holidays is the grinch who stole christmas. the golden gate theater in san francisco is the venue for this dr. seuss classic. max the dog says the grinch decides to steal christmas away from holiday-loving whos. the sets and costumes inspired boot original illustrations. >> who doesn't love whoville? >> while the music and book breathe new life into the story, it really is about the true meaning of christmas. a whole load of fun. >> i never realized the grinch was so fuzzy. meantime, the michael jackson immortal tour is coming to the bay area. the cirque du soleil-produced jackson spectacular combines acrobatics, video, dance, and pyrotechnics to the sonic brilliance the late pop icon. he who! [ laughter ] >> can't help myself. >> the show comes to hp pavilion in san jose and to oakland in january. here's the deal, though. tickets for this go from $70 -- does that say 7? >> i think you're right. $70 up to $1,000. >> it is over the top. it is amazing. friends who have been said if you're a jackson fan or not you will be blown away by that because it's a michael jackson events. next up, he who! the nutcracker. if you love your men in tights, i know you do, grace. >> oh, yes. >> more than that this is just a holiday classic. the nutcracker, it's done all over the country all over the bay area. but i have to give some props to the oakland ballet. they are doing this performance over the holiday season just for tonight, tomorrow night and christmas eve. it's the nutcracker and it's at the paramount. recap, girl with a dragon tattoo. the grinch who stole christmas at the theater. michael jackson the tour coming soon. and there is your nutcracker in oakland. a few things to do this holiday weekend. get out there and enjoy, grace. >> the michael jackson -- that looks spectacular. >> you know, i'm a jackson fan. it's going to be over the top. it's going all over the world this tour. his music, i mean, so powerful so strong. you forget how many hits he has had and with cirque du soleil combined it's going to be brilliant. >> is the price worth it? >> i'll be back tomorrow with more great things for the holiday. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. it is 6:53. and home for the holidays. a christmas present one 9-year- old girl will never forget. we'll tell you about it. at progressive, you can bundle your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at moving against occupy campes early this morning. se 6:56. berkeley police are keeping their distance after moving in against "occupy" campers earlier this morning. several tents and dozens of protestors remain at civic center park as you can with this live look. police warn protestors last night that their camp would have to go because of sanitation and crime issues that have increased. nurses are just minutes away from going on strike at 8 bay area hospitals. gil diaz joins us live from oakland at one of the sutter hospitals that will be hit by this. good morning, gil. >> reporter: hi, grace, good morning. that's right. it's about to start at 7:00 and once it starts at 7:00 it will continue for 24 hours. a total of 4,000 nurses throughout california, particularly in the sutter health network, participating, half of them in the bay area, the other half in long beach. but the biggest turnout expected here at alta bates summit in oakland. negotiations on the contract have been going on for six months already. but the last strike happened just recently exactly three months ago. the last mediation happened just this week which obviously didn't go well. now, some of the hospitals' proposals which nurses don't like, they don't want to lose up to 12 days of paid sick time. they don't want to make co- payments on their healthcare coverage. sutter is hiring replacement nurses for today and tomorrow. the last time sutter health hired replacement nurses in september, a cancer patient died because of a medical mistake from one of those replacement nurses. back to you. >> i remember the story well. thank you, gil. 6:57 now. it's just the girls in the studio today. >> boys a bunch of wimps taking time off. >> who needs vacation. >> that's right. i'm filling in for lawrence today. checking the temperatures outside, clear and cold not as cold as yesterday. we have some gusty winds especially in our north bay hills and valleys. the next seven days we are staying dry and our temperatures are really mild, slightly above average in some spots in our afternoons so looks good through the christmas weekend. now you'll notice by middle of next week, we have a possibility of rain late tuesday night into wednesday. checking the christmas day forecast, mostly clear, so if you have any travel plans, heading to a family member, friend's house for the christmas holiday, temperatures in the upper 50s to low sixes across the bay area. let's check in with traffic now and gianna, looks like we have some mass transit issues. >> reporter: yeah, reports of vta problems. possible delays there. not saying just yet but at sunol street the crossing arms are stuck so trains are still traveling through there for vta. but they will be stopping lights will be flashing so use caution there. word of a new accident 880 northbound at dakota just came in. no word if lanes are blocked. south bay northbound two 80 clear through downtown san jose no troubles there and the golden gate bridge continues to be a nice ride this morning all the way into san francisco. >> easy for you today. >> not complaining! i like this that way. >> all right. break pout the tissues, ladies, because the -- break out the tissues ladies because the best birthday surprise for a girl in ohio came from her dad in the military. he was in afghanistan until now. [ screaming ] >> they even wrapped him up! kids screaming for the young girl who got to hug her dad for the first time in a year. she saw that she had won some type of raffle for her birthday but she won her dad. she got a very happy reunion as you can see. what a great holiday present. >> she kind of paused for a second. who is that man?! >> it's been a year. >> yeah. >> i love thos

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