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But a call both were operated on emergent Li and 8 other patients who have injuries but us are in stable condition in the preconstructed bridge was just moved into place this past Saturday 8 cars were crushed bridge engineers say they will be part of the investigation to discover what happened and why we are going all Russia retaliate ing after Great Britain accused of poisoning a former Russian spy and his daughter and taking action against diplomats in English Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said some British diplomats in Russia will get their expulsion notices quote absolutely soon this in response to Britain laying blame fully on Russia for the March 4th poisoning of Russian double agents and his daughter Yulia and Britain's announcement yesterday that it would be expelling $23.00 Russian diplomat Fox Amy Kellogg in London and the White House downplaying reports that another major staff shake up is in the works as you move through an administration you have different priorities that you're focused on and different people that are going to leave those efforts and leave those priorities folks of his era Sanders reports have surfaced that national security advisor H.R. McMaster and V.A. Secretary David chokin are both about to be replaced a Black Hawk helicopter crashed in western Iraq the military says there are service members on board and rescue teams are responding Fox News fair and balanced. A list of things that will let you down today your alarm clock store coffee public transportation the office elevator the same what you pack for lunch the 5th floor prayer your cell phone battery the shoelace you swore you double knotted your hard drive your backup hard drive and of course the weather brighten your day with something you can actually count on Go To Meeting is the easy to use collaborative meeting tool that 18000000 monthly users trust to help them get work done to learn more about how you can meet better visit Go To Meeting dot com. Let's see here fire protection check uniforms mats and restroom products Jack 1st and cabinets and safety products check right so it sounds like we're ready to go NO when I said check I mean we still need to check on all those things just call sent to us they can handle all of it it's what they do OK. Check I mean you got to. Learn how sometimes can help you get ready for the workday this is. Democrat thinks this week's special election win in Pennsylvania is a sign of more to come House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republicans can't sugarcoat Connor Lam's apparent when this week in a special House election we want one the race people the Dean next to his name was very significant Republican leaders argue Lambe success is because he separated himself from Pelosi and ran on a conservative message in a district that favored President Trump by nearly 20 points Palosi says she expects to be a target in races across the country dismissing that strategy as an ad hominum because Republicans can't win on the issues on Capitol Hill Jarrett how Fox News and on snap chat asking users if they'd rather slap Rianna or punch Chris Brown spoiling it outrage including from the singer self Brown was convicted of assaulting Rianna when the 2 were a couple in 2009 and spokesman for snap shot is saying in an e-mail the ad was disgusting in a terrible mistake it was for a game called would. You rather a Floyd Mayweather Jr Conor McGregor rematch could be coming after posting videos of himself performing M.M.A. Training Floyd Mayweather confirmed sports that he will soon begin training for the Octagon with U.F.C. Star Tyrone Woodley almost are still OK OK We thought we were going to sit back and forth we talked a couple times so we don't store worker no rule resume the undefeated boxer took down Connor McGregor during their boxing match back in August ending a 10th round T.K.O. By Money Mayweather bank a reported $300000000.00 in person for what was billed as the biggest fight in combat sports history McGregor earning $100000000.00 man a politician no Fox News has a judges agreed to let 5 additional accusers of Bill Cosby testified as April 2nd sexual assault retrial lawyers had fought the move they argued prosecutors were looking to bolster a weak case with what they're calling ancient allegations the sand off Fox News Radio. It's new to me I'm told 40 top trolls I know it's Mark Levin Mark Levine is one of America's preeminent conservative commentators and constitutional lawyers he's in great demand as a political and legal commentator and has appeared on hundreds of television and radio programs Markland in New London am 12 for you weekdays Monday through Friday from 3 to 6 pm against the Marc Levin Show I am 1240 right choice. OK bad weather forecast for the Wild Rivers Coast has Crescent City falling to about 43 tonight and we'll have some rain tomorrow expect rain and a higher around 52 will have showers tonight as well with a drop to about $43.00 expected tomorrow should be in around $52.00 and it will be wet gas and the in the alley is looking for De Witt's guys tonight with a drop to about $43.00 in store tomorrow will feature rain and a high around 52. Complete with. A. Drug test in the underground command post here in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the bridge can steal this script building we've once again made contact with the. Club. Mark Levin here are number 87738138118773813811 can somebody explain something to May lead we now have a horrific tragedy a pedestrian bridge. This is a big heavy bridge. Was just completed just completed brand new and it collapses in the middle of the day we don't know how many are dead but there are many reportedly who are dead. It is crushed 8 cars or thereabouts and of course people on the bridge and pedestrians. Brand new infrastructure. And when we have new information on this we will bring it to you because it has shut down a major thoroughfare in Miami and Miami but it's brand new how does this happen if it wasn't brand new you know there B. C. That we need more money for infrastructure Well apparently they had money for infrastructure and somehow a brand new bridge which was touted as being technologically advanced collapsed certainly not because of age or disrepair and I want to show you the difference between how a leftists is treated by the media and by the left historians that wrote right most of our books and the rest of us the William Rehnquist's the Antonin Scalia is and so forth Robert Bork's. Here USA Today and this is illustrative because you know Ruth Bader Ginsburg's turned 85 years old Here's this here's the so-called news story 1st of all this is the the wording under a photograph of her and there's a new story what the elder state a spokes what the eldest stateswoman of the U.S. Supreme Court has accomplished and overcome is impressive. And Utah she received a hero's welcome Rhode Island she was greeted with rapturous applause here in the nation's capital She captivated a reverential crown even there they were say that about a conservative. They'd say there's Clarence Thomas surrounded by Federalist Society right wingers right wingers they're jumping up and down applauding their hero. But the press clippings from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's most recent spat a public appearances some a call it a tour de force someone call it a tour de force some a call the tour from hell included a more important finding for her many fans she's feeling fine you would never ever read anything like this about an originalist constitutionalists on the Supreme Court as she turns 85 this week I'm sure that this will be pressure to create a national holiday for her you watch. Ginsburg sending a message to President Trump and Republicans in Congress let's stop there. Are judges at any level let alone Supreme Court justices supposed to be sending messages to a president and a Congress she intends to remain on the court as long as she's capable that could prevent them from nominating and confirming her successor. Now if you've seen Ruth Bader Ginsburg lately in her public appearances. She's enormously frail. And she really can can barely speak she speaks in hushed tones they say her mind is a sharp as ever but we have no way of knowing any of that often we find out later that many of these justices were napping half the time doing. You know when they were meeting in conference that they let their law clerks write all their opinions this is what happened to William O. Douglas This is what happened to to Marshall. I wrote a whole book about this. She's also adding new lawyers excuse me I'm reading the soft the screen it's difficult she's also adding new layers to a level of fame that a career spent in cyclist rooms in courtrooms really causes so now they're celebrating her there's a news report a Supreme Court justice. Rather than shirk the spotlight his most justices do Ginsburg is embrace the adulation as a sign that her outspoken brand of jurisprudence Prudence is back in vogue so she's a politician wearing a black robe it's appalling in there since the Clinton administration as the leader of the high court's liberal wing 1st but we should have liberal wings or conservative wings they should all be faithful to the Constitution but too many of them simply are not to so to say somebody is part of the liberal wing is to say here we have liberal Democrats pretending to be justices her diminutive appearance belies her aggressiveness on the bench and work in chambers How do they know about her work ethic in chambers it's secret she's been 1st to pounce on the plaintiff's attorney in more than half the Court's oral arguments this term she's written 3 of its 13 decisions tied for the most so far I don't know that she's written anything she's hired law clerks through June 2020 so what so what so she celebrated is Clarence Thomas ever celebrated as Sam Alito ever celebrated you know damn well never celebrate no Gorsuch either but the attention paid to her work ethic has overshadowed However by or media and social media profile Why would a justice of the media and social media profile she's the subject be forthcoming feature film a recently released documentary a comic opera a workout regime a tumbler blog a set or not I Live routine several books an assortment of T. Shirts and copecks because that's what happens. To radical leftists that's what happens to radical leftists because so much of the of the culture now is the plaything. Of the left. And since the year began she's outpaced her younger better fed colleagues in public appearances at one point making 9 in the space of 3 weeks at law schools synagogues even the Sundance Film Festival 1st of all that's a disgrace secondly she's 85 years old she traveling the country she's giving speeches and she's writing more opinions than anybody else now do you really think she on her own is writing all those opinions while she's running around psych these guys that come out with these books and in tiny little letters now they say co-author but their faces on the book their names on the book and in some cases they don't put co-author every week and they're doing something they're traveling a given speeches they're doing shows whatever they're done Meanwhile you and I are to believe they've actually sat there and did the arduous work of writing the books well I don't believe she's writing these opinions either Why do you think about that like so many of the justices who become much older she just having a grand ole time that's why she won't step down not only does she want to deny trump an appointment but once she steps down she'll go to never neverland like John Paul Stevens when I was 8 I don't want to know she says I'm soon to be 85 she marbled last month a New York Law School and everyone wants to take their picture with me excuse me. I don't want to take my picture with you the look listen to her son say 5th grade everybody wants to take their picture with me. Those would be the reverential crowds with their heroes welcomes and rapturous applause almost $1500.00 people turned out to see her congregation as Israel and Washington yes left wing kooks apps right I said it but meanwhile I get 5000 people to show up when I'm doing a book signing Mr Producer they don't say anything about that of course not and I write my own books. And a Columbia University Women's Conference in New York or that's not leftwing she strode on stage to the tune of Notorious B.I.G. Notorious BIG by the artists of the same name from whom Ginsberg's fans created their tumblr notorious R B G This is pathetic in Providence on the same evening Trump was delivering his State of the Union Address attended by former colleagues Ginsberg was greeted by more than 1000 fans at Temple Bethel and that's it that's a lot $1000.00 fans it's not a lot to joke but what does she have fans for she's supposed to be a Supreme Court justice earlier in the day she became the 8th justice to appear at Roger Williams University School of Law in nearby Bristol but the 1st to bring the house down. This was a completely different thing from other appearances Dean Michael Yon Skee said she's a cultural icon I venture to say she may be the most popular Supreme Court justices ever ever more than John Marshall why. I threw that last bit in there she greatest most popular justice however. It. Most Supreme Court justices lead relatively cloistered lives but some of going out of the way to speak at public events he did to advance a cause or simply fulfill invitations the late Antonin Scalia Ginsburg's on likely be F.-F. On the court was a hero for legal conservatives Yes but when you went to an event that he spoke out he came out a lot smarter and the live media never treated Scalia like this never conservatives did. But were not the media. Were not the media this is USA Today by the way how come this has unfolded yet they actually make money at USA Today. It's more like USA yesterday. Justice Sonia my son to my YOU'RE is a heroine for ethnic minorities and her age as a 2 time cancer survivor with a target on her back target on her back. Republicans won a filler seat and even some Democrats say she should have retired Well Barack Obama was president Ginsburg seems intent on out how sling everyone you know it is folks she's an egomaniac many of these people on the court think that they're irreplaceable that the irreplaceable we've had justices who have stayed on the court past the point of insanity if you read my old book Men in Black you know who they are we've had justices who hang on to the very end and USA Today that apparently is what Ruth Bader Ginsburg's going to do and it really is not an act of selflessness an act of an over active ego and selfishness. I'll be right back. On coastal media news headlines brought to you by college E. Remember Black an opaque bags are no longer allowed in your recycling please use clear plastic bags Crescent City woman is under arrest and how bold County after allegedly trying to smuggle drugs into jail cascaded game and age 21 was booked on a range of charges including a probation violation. The Curry County Planning Commission is meeting at $530.00 today that will be at the courthouse in Gold Beach and also get a pair of chamber mixers on tap for today and Crescent City Finnegan real estate on K. Street will play host from 530 to 7 o'clock and then in Brookings it's the after hours mixer that will be at the new location parents home furnishings the old Azalea lanes building that's on street in Brookings and that will start as 6 pm lane carpenter for by coastal media news. 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Crescent City was for all your class needs call the professionals or Christians or the glass . County kids above and beyond. The food storage plant is the cornerstone of preparedness I've recently started doing that with the experts had my Patriots supply this is the week to build that foundation today you can get this Mark Levin special offer from my Patriots supply to buy one for a week emergency food kit for only $198.00 and get one free these kits normally sell for $217.00 purchase one right now at the low sell price of $198.00 and my Patriots supply will send you an additional 4 week food get free call 802942325 or order online or prepare with Mark dot com These kitchen Klute breakfasts lunches and dinners packed in a rugged slimline tote the food last in storage 25 years on a ship free discretely to your home there's a purchase limit of 2 per order supplies are limited. 80292325 or prepare would Mark dot com 802942325 or prepare with Mark dot com. Common sense. Formula boards and send is your public service announcement to keep. You know folks. This coming Sunday. On Life Liberty and live in the 10 pm Eastern 7 pm pacific I really want that to be in our noggins on our schedules each Sunday night. I'm going to have a discussion a very really compelling interesting substantive discussion about the Declaration of Independence about the Constitution of the United States about the progressive movement the leftists and what they are doing and have been doing to both. With one of the foremost experts on both the Declaration and the Constitution. And that's Dr Larry aren't You've heard me talk about Dr are in the past he's president of Hillsdale College and he has a way of speaking and making a case that is truly unique singular. And it's one of the reasons I wanted him on my program as one of our 1st 10 guests have a whole list of guests. Now it's very thoughtful it's substantive it's scholarly. But you see ladies and gentlemen I know you want this I've sold millions of books. When I was told they could never sell they used to say to me these books are too smart people are going to read them and I'm offended because that's a putdown of you my audience the reason I'm the number one selling author when it comes to conservative books really broader than that the Constitution the founding and so forth is because I do not disrespect you and I do not underestimate your intelligence and I do not underestimate your interest in this I'm the place where people come whether it's radio loving T.V. And now the Fox News Channel we're people are craving for this they want to know more about their country they want to know more about the founding they want to know more about these great men they want to know more about our founding document and our governing law not last and so I do this radio show the way I do it I do believe in T.V. The way I do it in the Sunday show is a unique opportunity to be on a wonderful wonderful cable channel the Fox News Channel now those of you who say wow the Fox News Channel seems to be moving left when they asked me to join them didn't they and they said Mark what do you want to do and I told them what I want to do and they said go ahead and do it so I didn't do it so we're going to make Sunday night smarter not dumber you're going to make Sunday night smarter not dumber So when the week is over and the weekend's coming to the end and Sunday night is here kick up your feet call the family around like the old days bring him in front of the T.V. Put on the Fox News Channel at 10 pm Eastern 7 pm Pacific and enjoy and learn now I'll tell you what's interesting. This deplorable Democrat criminal front group I call it Media Matters. When I had my 1st show my discussion with Walter Williams which was really intriguing he was absolutely a believable outstanding They said boring boring boring as did some of the other sites boring. We crushed C.N.N. We crushed M S N B C combined and the input from you the people who matter was outstanding the interview with Devon newness the most thorough interview he's ever had you enjoyed it. As we walk through the entire. Spectacle of what's taken place. The interview with the great Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the Churchill of our time. Extraordinary reaction. And I I predict this Sunday one of the great scholars of the Declaration of constitution Dr Larry aren't you walk away the same way just make sure you tell your children and grandchildren because I don't want them to miss and I think they're going to learn a ton it's going to be very very enjoyable I'll be right back what's on your bucket list we all have things we want to do not just work to the bitter end well maybe me but no matter what your answer there's one thing you definitely need to knock down your bucket list money investing for the future is critical and today it's more complicated than ever we're facing a very different retirement reality and sadly many within the sound of my voice are simply not ready for it look even though we're living with financial uncertainty and geo political instability it doesn't mean we can't plan a proper retirement one that includes all of us enjoying our bucket list download PM capitols free report bullet proof your bucket list at Mark Levin Gold dot com Mark Levin Goal dot com or call 180-599-8391 start planning for retirement now know enjoy your bucket list around the corner again get the report at Mark living Gold dot com or call 18059983911805998391. California Headline News heavy rain and mudslides to pagan Canyon Boulevard closed there the Pacific Coast Highway this afternoon is used to slides happened early this morning trapping nearly a half dozen cars between P.C.H. In Grandview drive C.H.P. Officers say several drivers had to be rescued but nobody was in the seas Randy fuller C.H.P. Saying the road could be closed for days Bergen County Sheriff's Department releasing the name of the deputy killed this morning on a highway 124 year old Ryan Zirkle died after sliding off the roadway and hitting a tree chair of Robert Doyle says the accident happened desert Cole was responding to a 911 hang up call long after that one caller reported that there was a sign of a traffic accident about one mile north of point re station he was a 2 and a half year veteran of the department C.H.P. Asking for help in finding the person believed to have intentionally tossed a large boulder from an overpass into a vehicle on the 134 freeway in Pasadena the man died after the boulder smashed into the windshield. Headline News. 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Fox Business Network all Wall Street the Dow snapping at 3 day losing streak closing up 116 points the Nasdaq down 15 and the S. And P. 500 down for a 4th straight day down 2 feet and a former Wal-Mart executive filing a whistleblower lawsuit in California a federal court accusing the retail giant of engaging in unlawful conduct with respect to its e-commerce business executive a former director of Business Development says Wal-Mart issued misleading results from that unit and that he was fired when he complained that the company was breaking the law the conduct happening as a company race to catch up with Amazon and speaking of Amazon it looks like it's better than the original programming is paying off with its top T.V. Shows drawing more than 5000000 people worldwide to its prime shopping club by early 2017 Amazon's U.S. Audience for all video programming on Prime was about 26000000 according to Reuters but the Fox Business Report on 3 Barsky. I you take you biographer now you get Saldana fell the active ingredient by Agra engineer 20 milligrams for $2.00 for a tab that's a savings of $40.00 per mile a drug is a North Carolina pharmacy delivery generic sealed in a filter your for information on Savannah fill go to Miley generics dot com or call us at 803703510 that's 180-370-3510. Weather forecast for the wild. 52. 52. 43. 52. To scheme and. Rush Limbaugh is. The right choice 1246.7. Don't call 773. 1. I don't believe in dumbing down I don't believe in talking down to people I believe in uplifting. Informing sharing knowledge that's what we're going to be doing that's what we are doing. Now here's some exciting news simply safe as a company that's been around for many many years they've transformed into the fastest growing home security company in the nation now they predict over 2000000 people 2000000 people while they just released their brand new home security system the all new simply say that this system has been completely rebuilt and redesigned they've added new safeguards to protect against power outages downed. Landlines bats and Murs everything in-between. All knew simply safe was redesigned to be practically invisible but power sensors so small you'll hardly notice them. You know who will notice them intruders simply save spent years building the system they added so much but you still get the same fair and honest price 247 professional protection for only $15.00 a month and was simply safe there are no long term contracts no hard wires this is cutting edge stuff and this new system is smaller faster stronger than anything they've built before but supplies are very limited and that's not to hawk it they are very limited so good is simply safe Mark dot com right now to order your system that simply safe Mark dot com to protect your family and home today simply safe Mark dot com I know over the last few days you may have been hearing a little bit of static on the broadcast from time to time. What we're working on that and guess how we decided to fix it we're taking my 20 year old Zephyr It's called as Zephyr this is the machine I know I will get into that weeds through which I speak and then it shoots all over the world through a variety of technologies and things 20 years old. So by the end of the months we'll have a brand new system in place for a new system in place and we'll give this one back to the Russians. OK docking let us go to Alliance Kingman Arizona Sirius Satellite go. Hey Martin Love your show I guess. Can you hear me why have. I have a question for you I'm wondering why it seems like your. Special pleader for just session I know that's probably not true but it seems like every time the question gets brought up I feel you rolling your eye. Well so you must not listen to this program regularly it's not being a special pleader or an attack dog I actually reluctantly concluded a couple of weeks ago and these programs are archived if you want to inform yourself. That Jeff Sessions when he determined he had to recuse himself he probably should have stepped down immediately because it really wasn't fair to the present the United States did you hear that program sir. Well I understood that point and I still do but it just we're kind of stuck now aren't we. Now now you're switching gears yet we are kind of stuck now aren't we now Russia isn't the only thing that Jeff Sessions would have to have dealt with I think he's done a hell of a good job fighting these sanctuary cities quite frankly I think he's done a hell of a good job his people have in court trying to fight these left wing judges on the president's executive orders on refugees. I think he's done a hell of a good job fighting Cory Gardner in Colorado who's blocking Trump nominees because he wants to make sure that the people in Colorado. Can smoke as much pot as they want which is fine do whatever the hell they want I think he's done a hell of a good job in helping to select federal judges to the federal judiciary and you may not know that the Justice Department's responsible for that so yes session says Donal done a lot of good things through I know the subsets I know that I know you find this troubling but it is true nonetheless this Russian matter is is seems to be all consuming. I would also tell you this or I also believe Jeff Sessions was set up let me ask you a question I mean this in all honesty. How did they know that Jeff Sessions had a discussion or 2 with the Russian Ambassador how do they know they're buying exactly. They had a large web of eavesdropping going on through incidental collection of information with the Russian ambassador and so innocent or formal or official communications with him and others which take place all the time in Washington D.C. All the time they do have an embassy in Washington you do know that yes they were able to gather that information leak it and try and turn Jeff Sessions into a purger and a liar before Congress otherwise how do they know I said this some time ago that not enough attention has been paid to how Jeff Sessions was quote unquote outed the way that Flynt was outed they had a pipeline into this ambassador to Russia is phone contacts his cell phone contacts his e-mails and texts and so anybody in Trump world or anybody not in Obama world and not in Hillary Clinton Well I believe they were gathering their names they were on masking them and went at the at the most opportune opportunity they were leaking them they were revealing them I think that's what happened to Jeff Sessions what do you think of that oh yeah I agree with you and I'm and I'm just frustrated not even frustrated or just I'm just a question of I don't know I know a lot about my craft but not in government and policy call I know why why would we right I mean it's but don't put on the other hand these pure ocracy S. These these these these rogue officials look at what they do to our country I don't care what your background is your education what your profession what walk of life you're in how old you are look what they do to us as a people look what they do to us as a country look how they drag us down. All right Lance thanks for your calls are Charlotte Chicago Illinois the great wor last country on the Mark Levin APCO Highmark very troubled by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did the USA Today article mention that she had said in the past she preferred other constitution in other countries she doesn't particularly prepare our Constitution you think she doesn't like it can command he's not alone by the way Kennedy has said the same thing Prior has said the same thing so they look at extra constitutional law to help them make judgments when in fact as you well know you and I have no say so in constitutions or law making in other countries in other sovereignties and it is an abomination to say you're going to interpret the American Constitution based on something that's taken place in some other society you're quite right. I'm sure he doesn't like the 10th Amendment that limits the power of the federal think she likes it now because of the sanctuary cities just keep something in mind for the leftists for the progressive like Ruth Bader Ginsburg the Constitution is there as a fig leaf they twist the wording as you say they look outside the Constitution this whole phrase living and breathing Constitution I explain that in my most recent book rediscovering American is this comes right out of the mouth of the progressives almost in unison Croly Ray Wilson do we see a door Roosevelt among others that constitution is there to be manipulated and by the way I'm just going to say it again you are going to love Sunday's show on Fox when I sit down with Dr Arnie and we go through this and I just hope there's enough people to watch because I think it makes a difference Charlotte thank you for your brilliant point I appreciate it. What do we need to talk about Jeff Sessions all night and like him I don't like him I like him I'm not taking a poll. I'm just looking at the call board Chicago Illinois the great W.L. ASCO. It's just a little bit of a session how you know it just like you said Excuse me let me yes I do because you know what he said Karen I'll use box standard what grosses do you know I don't like holy cow he said Charge Oh are you had an affair with Trump he comes out of the woodwork and watch the F.B.I. Director after all we got fired and then you come to find out he doesn't want to hurt us so that key point Rosenstiel wants Mahler and it's special counsel the next day yeah it amazes me that all the lawyers all the prosecutors all the ex prosecutors all the ex judges and so forth and so on Rosenstein could have picked he picks one of commies best friends what kind of US special counsel is that yes definitely if you're going to view a truck but he doesn't get it's open when you don't make sure he's under I couldn't but we've been at another point on your cranium what it's like Obama you know he said certain steps but you know you bring him over to Europe Iran gets his hands on it you send the money order for Iran to fight it and try to drive a stake through Israel's heart all right my friend appreciate your call it see the American people at least. About 35 percent of US 38 percent 40 give or take we understand exactly what's going on it's the other numbskulls out there who either celebrate this or walk around with their thumb up their nose for a frustrating Rick Madison New Jersey the great W.A.B. Say go. Yes Mark I have a question and that is all this massive amount of eavesdropping and information intelligence that Komi instructing Rosenstein in the whole cabal were were gathering on a daily basis what army did they put together to sift through this information they didn't have with this massive amount of information leading have climate night to go through all this material they must have had a small army working either in a government for that person 1st or if you're targeting certain places and. Certain outlets you don't need an army of information and army of people. If you're bugging I'll use that word generally generically the the Russian ambassador which I suppose is typically done. And you want to create this whole collusion myth as a political weapon as an excuse to trying to feed a candidate and then to undermine his presidency you don't need an army of people to do that even a handful of people to do it well it's certainly a lot of information to go through but I just want to say also that I love your Sunday show Mark thank you very much thank you thank you very kind I appreciate that thank you. I'll be right back. To you my del Norte office supply any tax forms will supply has. The nines in stock now as well as all kinds of plans for 2018 supply you should. Think distribution days for March are Tuesday March 20th at the community center from 930 to 12 Wednesday the 21st United Methodist Church from 9 am to noon and a Veterans Memorial Building in Crescent City from 930. On Thursday the 22nd they will be at the R.H.S. P. Bank on to 86 M. Street from the NE into 2 pm You must present a California photo ID and. Your income eligible there is a Spanish translator if you need information you can give him a call 464-7441 are you a local nonprofit and would like to get your own fans or meeting on our free Cape Cod bulletin board an email. Me. When was the last time you got sick I mean really sick after regular office hours or on the weekend or your child took a tumble on her bike and you needed to make sure nothing was life happens and it doesn't always happen at the most convenient times that's when it's great to have a walk in clinic in our community open 7 days a week 8 am to 6 30 pm they can treat many non-life threatening illnesses or injuries right when you need them even on most holidays walk in clinic has fantastic doctors nurses and medical support staff and they have all the equipment needed to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical situations like asthma attacks problems broken bones burns or even fever and vomiting most importantly they can get you in on the same day with no appointment and no long wait in an emergency room so remember if your medical problem is life threatening call 911 but if you. 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Who are significant enough I don't mean they have to be famous who are significant enough and what they're thinking and writing and doing and I want them to to to to bring them to you so they have an opportunity to communicate with you. And I thank you very much for that it was a very very intelligent interview and he's a wonderful man you probably frankly Marcie should be getting the adulation that that is bestowed upon the undeserving. Impersonator of the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of course young writing that I agree with you. All right my friend and thank you for watching let's continue. Todd Charlotte North Carolina Sirius Satellite How are you sir are a mark I don't very well thank you a longtime listener from that matter that I've been listening to press for I loved you thank you. You know I watched a little special that they had on Fox News scandalous. Yeah it was really good I thought hey did you notice that when I went Penn star was it was in the beginning of Ken Starr's investigation was Rosenstein a young man back then was one of his investigators and I believe that he he's now turned and you know. This work and he is now. President. I didn't catch that I mean I didn't watch every minute of it and I didn't know that that's interesting I mean as the guy ever had a private sector job no sir he has not he's always been in government. I think it's further to the last program he's not wearing black this young man and he's carrying that big. Suitcase that they have all the files and all that stuff and yet my wife the guy wrote I was like nah we looked like son of a gun man there Wow Well I didn't see it but pre-show at that thank you Todd bless. Zeke Jacksonville Florida Sirius Satellite How are you going to even Mark I have talked to you before but I got a question for you yes sir the genesis of the investigation was the Russia collusion thing and the House Intelligence Committee has determined that there is no collusion can they not just defund the investigation and make it go away yes and if they can do that that would serve 2 purposes it would one keep up President Trump from happen to fire. MOAMAR or whatever like you were saying earlier and have him impeached Secondly it would also take the gun off of Jeff Sessions where he could come back and resume his full responsibilities as. Attorney General and then and thirdly I think it would open the door for another special Crouse be appointed and the real Law Well listen I agree with you but when you have a bunch of Republicans in the House and Senate trying to push legislation to protect Mahler you see the difficulty the difficulty is the Democrats you know they March in lockstep the Republicans keep bumping into each other. Well what Rush always says we control the money follow the money trail and they. Did what control the body and the biggest thing of all American People $1000000.00. Liberals never worry about that so. Our I'd prefer a trick called We'll be right back. Don't be alarmed it's only. Wednesday March 28th the Del Norte Office of Emergency Services will participate in the chest game of the emergency alert system for a tsunami warning this is Ryan Howard from the National Weather Service part of our air is tsunami safety includes testing the emergency alert system so in the event of an actual emergency we are confident that our communication system is working to reach you with emergency information so Wednesday March 28th there will be a test of the Emergency Alert System between 11 am and noon and this test will interrupt radio and television programming activate no weather radios and turn on sirens in some areas please share this information with friends and family and the same day Wednesday March 28th we will be testing the Del Norte emergency alert system if you haven't signed up yet go to prepare del Norte dot com Remember this is only a test coming Wednesday March 28th. Kiddo's for kids in Cape Cod country this is Patty Clark district librarian from Brookings Harbor School of history with this week's kudo's for kids this is to recognize 120 students who competed in the Oregon state battle of the books competition teams of students read the same 16 books as other teams across the state teams had 15 seconds to handle and come up with trivia facts on content matching titles and authors as it made us all so. Team winner the literature llamas and the county offices elementary team winner the 4 of us could tear readers the battle winning teams from 4 their counties on Saturday March 17th at the regionals in Medford regional winners advance to the state competition in Salem Oregon this April special thanks to the Burke interprete Education Foundation for finding trophies and medals for 1st 2nd and 3rd place teams and that's this week's kudos for kids be listening good cutest for kids on Cape Cod. To the line of Mark. Right here. I'm Chris I'm sitting. Rivers to. Searching for survivors. Fox News a bridge still under construction in South Florida connecting Florida International University and the town of sweet water collapses onto a major highway multiple people are hurt some critically Fox's Steve Rappaport has this live Lisa Sweet Water Police Sergeant Jenna Mendez tells Fox News she saw the bridge come down as she sat in traffic I was in disbelief of what I actually would it was just witnessing and my instinct kicked in that I needed to to get to work so I jumped at it maybe it and Iran actually jumped on top of the bridge $950.00 ton spanned installed less than a week ago was designed to withstand a Category 5 hurricane Cruise used in Excel aerated construction method to complete the bridge the university saying that process known as innovative installation was meant to reduce risks to workers and pedestrians while minimizing traffic disruptions we saw State President Trump tweeting he's continuing to monitor and a heartbreaking bridge collapse at F.E.I. You so tragic he writes Many brave 1st.

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