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Io at risk this evening, and the threat is just beginning. Poisoning risk. The alarming rise in children accidently eating these products, with potential deadly consequences. And is lemonade sweet or sour for music fans. Beyonces new album, and more controversy, does it call o [cut husband jayz for cheating. Night announcer fro rim nbc news world headquarte in new , this is nbc nightly good evening. If you cant beat him to the finish line, then just move the finish line. That seems to b t sum up a deal republican ma candidates ted cruz and john kasich have struck with each other in an effort to deny donald trump the nomination. It has trump fired up and firing back tonight against what calls a rigged system. Agreed to concede states to the other to keep trump from reaching the delegates needed to clinch it. As our Halle Jackson tells us, its a highrisk strategy with a questionable outcome. Feeding off his new opponents alliance against him, trump needed just a single nord. Where they collude. Collude. They colluded and actually i was happy. Because it shows how weak they are. It shows how pathetic they are. Reporter the deal between john kasich and ted cruz locked down sunday. Kasich Wont Campaign in indiana to give cruz a better shot to beat donald trump there. Cr wont compete in new mexico a oregon, to boost st kasichll chances. J tohn kasich has cided to pull out of indiana to give us a headtohead contest with donald trump. Donald trump is saying you are colludin i understand that donald will whine. Thats what he does. Collaboration isnt so clearcut. John kasich today not telling indiana voters pick cruz. They ought to vote for me. But im not over there campaigning and resources. R near indianapolis, john cast his ballot early for the governor. Even if kasich backers decided to go for cruz, would it really stop trump in indiana . The latest poll in indiana shows him in first, followed by his rivals. In theory, if voters buy in, kasich supporters could help put cru over the edge. T back up. 22 of kasich supporters say trump is actually their secore choice. So even with the socalled alliance, theres no guarantee cruz would defeat trump in the hoosier state. Play into Donald Trumps s to say that ever in the repu party, the establishment, is toliang up on him. Rep trump, meanwhile, giving kasich at breakfast a taste of his newest attack. I have never sn. Een a such a disgusting fashion. You want that for your p. Reporter kasich refused to respond to that trump insult. As members of the antitrump movd t new alliance, some wonder its too little too late. The cruz campaigna feels confident theyll win indiana now. A top aide to Carly Fiorina confirmed shes on the short list. Halle, thanks. We turn to chuck todd, nbc news political director and moderator of meet the press. Let me pick up where halle staged the question, is it too little too late . It may be. But desperate reason number one was a financial reason. Both of them are short of money. Cruz and kasich. They cant afford to sort of play everywhere at this point to try to deny trump dollars. More importantly, all this outside money, you have a lot of big donors who are willing to participate in the nevertrump moveme stnt. They feel if cruz and kasich were eating support base. So they wanted them to do this six weeks ago. And the thing is, tomorrow night, there are 50 extra delegates that trump is going to win, because they didnt do this sooner. So they had to do it, bu ht it ay be too little toolate. Thank you, chuck. Airing town hall doubleheader with the Democratic Candidates tonight at 8 00, 7 00 central. Intriguing new information is emerging from last weeks murders of eight members of a Single Family in ohio. Investigators chase leads and hunt down the killer or killers. Discove of the murder scenes are now advancing the theory the killings could be relate. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez is there. Reporter tonight law enforcemt s from around ohio are converging on rural pike county. Quess abo the motive now swirling as investigators reveal they found marijuana grow operation at three of the four crime scenes. One was an indoor facility with more the other two were outside. Theres plenty of places for people to grow marijuana. Were also a very, very poor county, one of the poorest counties in the state of ohio, and people grow marijuana as a cash crop. Investigators are also combing through social medi s a and interviewing members of the extended roden family, which includes more 100 people in a county of less than 30,000. I think we can speculate what the motive was. Yo can talk about revenge, you can talk about drug related. But frankly, we just dont know. Repor in all, sheriffs deputies found eight of the relatives shot execution style, most while they slept in four separate homes miles apart. One was a nurses aide. If you ril i want to know, that my daughterinla her father suspects whoever did this was no stranger, saying pit bulls on the property would have attacked an intruder. A Police Department signs of forced entry. Manleys other daughter first called 911 after finding two the only survivors, 3yearold boy, a 6monthold boy, and hannahs baby girl found alive in her. Why do you think the Young Children were spared . My only guess, and i would be completely sppeeculating, but theye not witnesses. Reporter tonight authorities arent on whether have any potential suspects in the countrys deadliest mass murder so far this year. This neighborhood remains sealed off. While theydu believe this family was specifically targeted, the local sheriff is urging anyone in the community who feels threatened to arm themselves. Victim a who accused Dennis Hastert of sexually abusing nornw suing hastert for nearly 2 million. This just two days before hastert is to be sentenced for lying to investigators about the alleged hush money he paid to nbcs Stephanie Gosk has the details. R the anonymous man who received payments from Dennis Hastert that prosecutors say was used as hush money is now suing the former speaker of t. He said hastert sexually abused a man when he was just 14 years d, in a hotel room they shared during a wrestling camp. The m referd to in thwee complaint as james e was not yet in high school. Hes now suing for. 8 milln. Th. E remainder of what the complaint s as an oral agreement that hastert was paid 3. 5 million. The complaint said doe faced, among other things, severe panic attacks, bouts of depression, and toda his lawyer spoke publicly about her clie for the first time. Hes a very private yo rson and never sought out this kind of publicity. I cant tell you hes glad it came to light. Reporter the complaint claims james doe did not speak up at the time of the abuse because he was st a teenager and hastert was a tru ed adult and family fr nd. La for hastert d not have any cot today. In federal court on wednesday, the prosecutors will be recommending six in prison. But the judge could go higher. Stephanie gosk, nbc news. A settlement was announced today in the Fatal Police Shooting of rice, the 12yearold cleveland boy whose death prompted national outre a year and a half ago. The city of cleveland will pay rices family 6 million, while not admitting wrongdoing. A court still has to approve the sett. Year, a grand jury decided not to indict the police r who said he thought a toy gun rice parts of the midwest are on high alert this evening as a wave of severe and dangerous weather sweeps through the region, with the growing threat to damaging winds, hail and tornadoes. National corresponde mi almaguer is tracking it for us tonight. The baseballsized hail in kansas was power full enough to break windshields and rattle nerves. Tonigh nearly 18 are in the danger zone, facing lightning, powerful winds, and taking cover from ex at least seven tornadoes already in the plains in the last 24 hours. Sirens blaring, warning of twisters that can rip apart homes. Two sto chasers were lightning sparked fires in several states, including minnesota, where one home was destroyed, a second damaged, with grabbed the kids, came over here, and as look, the house was fully engulfed. Rep the storm system in kansas headed toward chicago, one of several rounds of Severe Weather moving in. Theres a large area in typical Tornado Alley down through central texas. Weve got all the atmospheric ingredients comin probably a tornado outbreak. Tonig weather is on the move. Tu miguel almague the socalled deflategate scandal is back in the headlines tonight. Brady will have to sit out the first four games of the season after a federal Appeals Court today reinstated his suspension. Reverses a federal judges decision that criticized the nfls investigation in that the patriots purposely deflated footballs. Brady said hes disappointed in the ruling and maintained he did nothing wrong. The u. S. Is sending more troops into syria. Hes expanding the military force in syria by sending 250 Additional Special operations troops to train and assist local forces f. This aises the u. S. Troop presence in syria to 300, on top of the growing american footprint in iraq. R chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel tells us about the strategy behind the move. A r is stepping its military campaign against isis. A week ago, the pentagon announced that an extra 217 troops will go to iraq. D today, in what seemed like a rollout design to soften the blow, the president safd another 250 advisers will go to syria. What w they do . In military jargon, theyre a small number of highly trained u. S. Troops that help indigenous militias execute military operations. Th a ghost in the machine. They will not be engaged in direct combat. They will not be o pentagon is trying to convince the public that a really small number of special forces and speci Operations Forces can over a short period of time completely change the battlefield, the landscape, and thats not going to happen. Rep at the groups peak in 2014, isis controlled large tentacles that stretched across iraq and syria. Now the pentagon says isis has been stripped th of 40 of its rritory. Of e territory isis lost so far is in kurdish areas, and the kurds have long been friendly to washington. Left is the hard part. Winning over sunni arab territory, the base of isis support. Analysts debate whether this drip, drip approach, and there could be more increases, has been effective, but they all seem to agree its highly unlike there will be a major troop increases as long as this ad remains in office. Richard, thank you. Still ahead tonight, a new warning laundry detergent pods. Go alarming rise in poisoning in action parents need to take. The not so hidden message in beyonces new album, why some fans are feeling left hey this is lloyd. To prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. Hes agreed to give it up. Ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. Well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i s ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. I want my aleve. Get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. 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With the help of the at t network, a mitigates Cyber Threats, their Critical Data is safer than ever. Giving them the agility to be open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Were back now with a new warning aimed at parents about the colorful laundry detergent pods that have become so popular. Researchs are reporting a big of children mistaking e pods for candy, putting them in their mouths and causing burns, comas, even death. To costello has our report. It has e an urgent call to poison control for a child who has gotten into highly concentrated laundry pods. Its beyond comprehension that g like this co happen so quickly and so fast. Reporter unresp sive jills 8monthold daughter nearly died after ingesting a pod. Holding her hand, in her small seemingly lifeless body, pumped with drugs, and literally pressing the bag to breathe for hea r. Today new Research Published in pediatrics shows a 17 increase in the number of kids 6 and under exposed to laundry pods in just two years. According to National Poison control centers, nearly 12,600 these children have come in in coma, theyve stopped eathing. Even had two years. R t danger isnt just to putting them in the mouth. The child gets it in their eye, they can have severe burns. Repor it makes easy to do the wash. Bu b so many of these are brightly colored, kids often mistake them for candy. A supervised play date at nationwide Childrens Hospital in columbus demonstrated how many kids are easily drawn t. What is that . Thats. Andy. Reporter in response to the urgency, the industry said theyre releasing their own videos. After two days on a ventilator, kate survived. T some of nations top pediatrician sts and Poison Control Centers are urging parents to use traditional Laundry Detergents until children grow ou of their fascination with pods. Tom costello, nbc news, washington. We are back in a moment with something amazing. Pr has managed to achiev there are two billion people who don but that is changing. 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The cause of his sudden death at 57 is still unknown, and it will take weeks before the autopsy results are released. Following his death, prince is topping the charts once again, with an incredible 42,000 jump in sales. Prince, of course, was also famous for keeping tight artistic control over his music. A growing trend among g names in the music business as we were reminded this weekend when beyonce released her new provocative album her w reporter the business of beyonce has everyone buzzing. The saturday premiere of her new alb lemonade, the private diva got personal and yos with trayv but fans hoping to stream the new album can only listen to it on title. The online Music Service with 3 million subscribers coowned by her husband, jayz. Critics like at spotify say such exclusive contrac are bad for artists and theyre bad for fans. Because they limit artists reach. What does that mean to the consumer . Theyre getting it more directly from the artist. E they signed up for title and didnt really want to. Reporte0 beyonce experimenting with where and how fans hear music. Taylor swift 1989 almibum is only streaming on apple music. Adele aid goodbye to albolronline streaming for her album 25. Bu . T despite the restrictions, lemonade finally went on sale on itunes and amazon today, sales boosted by speculation that many lyrics abt. Reporter but as the chart topper makes lemonade out of lifes lemons, her art nbc news, new. Well take a break. Wh we come back, a fascinating look at w music is helping to unlock languag man dear mr. Danoff, my wife and i are now participating in your mutual fund. We invested in your fund to help us pay for a College Education for our son. Weve enclosed a picture of our son so that you can get a sense there are real people out here tr fiusting you witan their hardearned money. At fidelity, we dont just manage money, lergies with nasal congestion . Find fast relief behind the counter with claritind. 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Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not imp ve. Or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for finally tonight, parents whose children e diagnosed with autism know tha speaking is often a big challenge. Its also known that music can sometimes help. E dea hit home for member of the rock ba cheap trick who realized it could help his son and many more kids. Tonights making a reporter tom peterson spent a lifetime playing with a rock band, 20 million records sold, a place in the rock r. Now the bands bass guitarist is aiming for a new audience, starting with his son liam. Wh did he really start to speak . Te didnt speak at all really until he was 5. Diagnosed autism, liam was unlocked by an elton john song liams mom lo she just kind of mentioned, oh, liam, this song reminds me of you because you have blue. And he would come right in then. There was a lot more in there. And we worked really hard to get it out of him. Tom took my notebook and he came out with a song called, whats your name. Reporter simple words, repetitive phrases, but no jarring sounds. L geared to the autistic brand. The result is rock your speech to develop speech skills kids with autism. When we look at individuals in scanners while theyre listening to music, its amazing how much of i Networks Talk to one another. Rk y affair. Liams sister writing her own song for the program. Liam now 9 is speaking, is a performer, too. Music is something that everybody can in in. Reporter a family bound by the universal language of music, now wanting to sha. Anne thompson, nbc ws and that is going to do it for us on a monday night. Im lester holt. Princes 300 million estate in turmoil. The battle over his music fortune as the superstar is cremated. Now on extra. In did prince have a will . And will his sister inherit it all . Extra is in minnesota with breaking new details on the

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