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Sort of suicide mission. It was planned as a hitandrun. You know, mission. Surveillance video capturing images of the gunman opening fire outside the night club before targeting the hundreds of people inside. The shooter, dressed in black, and described as wearing a santa hat, later fleeing the area. Authorities say the attacker may be from kirk stand, and local media reports investigators are looking into links where mat shooting in istanbul at a turk airport in june. Hes on the run, and he plans his exit strategy and shortly, manage to escape from the attack. Turkey is nato ally, part of the usled coalition, there have been more than 30 violent act in the country just this past year. All right, lets take first look at your fox 29 Winter Weather authority. I have to say winter, all right. Live look outside the old city studios on wet monday a lot of people get to stay in as part of three day weekends, kathy, good place to be, kind of wet and dreary out there. Little wet, raw, my children had school today, so in the caroline it was dark early this morning, that sunrise on the late side. But the days are getting longer, thats the good news. You can see toward penns landing still some drizzle, areas of fog out there, as well, right now in philadelphia, the temperature, 42, the poconos, 31, allentown, 38, with drizzle and Poor Visibility in some spots. Poconos only quarter mile visibility. Allentown a mile and a half. So please be aware that far if you are going to be traveling this evening. Ultimate doppler you can see the line of showers slowly moving toward the east. We have High Pressure to the north. Area of low pressure off the coast of virginia. Keeping this fetch from the ocean moving inland, with the easterly wind, it is keeping it cool, and it is keeping that lingering moisture around. Another round of rain moving in from the southwest tomorrow. We will be feeling it again with more wet weather. But for tonight, just drizzle, areas of fog, that will be the main weather feature. Winds right now, sustained at ten, out of the east in philadelphia, 13 in the poconos, 15 in milville and wilmington, and that should be dying down late tonight, as well. Overnight tonight, low temperatures in the 30s, to the north and west, from philadelphia to the south and east, mainly in the 40s, so, not getting that cold with the clouds and the moisture over us, overnight tonight. Coming up we will talk about the other round of rain, turning much colder in the seven day, and not one but two chances of snow as we head into the weekend. With that, iaian, ill sends it back to you. I know would you love to hear that. I do, kathy, thanks. Happening right now the search forearmed robber in the citys nicetown area, Philadelphia Police just releasing this Surveillance Video from the idari mini market, 1900 block of bruner street. Police say the suspect busted in just after 7 00 last thursday night and demanded money from an employee at gunpoint. He got away with 300, no one was hurt. The fbi wants to find these two men who robbed at least three philadelphia banks, you can see, at least one of the men armed, with a handgun, during the series of robberies. A Citizens Bank and 2td banks were all targets in the robberies. Last month, two of the heists happened on the same day. So call the fbi, philadelphia division, if you think you recognize these guys. Only on fox tonight, a soldiers mom speaking out about a brutal attack on her son. The service man became a target of Violent Group after the mummers parade. The soldiers now in the hospital. The long road to recovery ahead, our dave kinchen live at Jefferson University hospital tonight with more on the soldiers just horrible ordeal. Dave . Reporter yes, very horrible, iaian, the mother said she never thought Something Like this would happen. She was worried because her son was just about to head off toward the middle east for deployment. She never thought she would have to worry about him, in his own country. He is such a good kid. Did not deserve this. Was supposed to see her 19 Year Old Army service Manson Austin head back to base after the holidays. He is pretty banged up. Now he lays in Jefferson University hospital, with severe facial injuries after being jumped while leaving the mummers parade festivities last night, at third and oregon in south fill. I group of ten, 15 guys, walk by, terror to go i comments toward austins army jacket. Then one of the young men struck austin before others piled on. And he and his girlfriends tried pulling them off. They hit us. We got hit in the face. She got thrown in the street. Hes got to get plates put in his jaw, and his mouth will be wired shut for the next eight weeks. Austin came home from fort benning, georgia in a pre christmas surprise, it was arranged by a stranger after lori struggled to raise the money for airfare. Times have been tough since austins dad died of brain cancer, and lori lost work due to disability. And now, this. Were lost. Just incomplete disbelief. In the meantime lori wears the same army jacket her son was wearing during the attack, knowing he was supposed to be deployed to the middle east in less than two months. She cant help, but wonder. How anyone could put down the military is just it makes no sense to me. I mean, these are the guys that give up their lives to fight for our freedom. And youre going to beat them down. Well, we did call police. They are looking into this. And lori says shes hoping someone saw something at third and oregon and comes forward with information. Back to you. Dave, lets hope so, tank you. In north philadelphia, the killer of 23 year old mans on the loose tonight, police say a fight led to gun violence, just after 8 30 this morning. Police say the suspect shot the victim four times on the 2800 block of north park avenue. Medics took him to temple hospital where he was pronounced dead. Right now, police do not have a description of the shooter. Flames engulfed home overnight in delaware county. The fire broke out around 1 00 this morning, in prospect park, along the 700 block of 14th avenue. A family of five was able to escape the home uninjured. There is no word yet about what caused that fire. A Pennsylvania State trooper shot and killed on the job will be laid to rest later this week. A funeral for trooper rankin we have is her set for thursday in altoona. Weaver was shot and killed friday night while responding to domestic complaints on friday, in huntingdon county. Suspected gunman, jason robinson, later shot and killed by troopers after overnight manhunt Early Saturday Morning when troopers say robinson threatened them. This new year of course bridges with it the usual err ray of feast, taxes, toll highs, guaranteed to frustrate the consumer. Increase also small pennies a day, but those pennies quickly add up. Look carefully at those strangers passing you by. Their wallets and purses are actually getting lighter. Christmas is over, kids, and the real season of giving is just getting started. Fees, taxes, tolls, all inning upward, to the consternation of those paying the bills. Thats been the general errosion of my dollar, i mean, over period of years. Lets start with philadelphia sugary drink tax, penny and a half per ounce, charged to distributors and almost certainly passed along in its entirety to customers. Like this fellow. Im mountain dew junky. So i need my mountain dew. It is like my coffee. You will pay what you have to pay . Yes. He says he drinks one, 31liter booth as day. We did the math for him. 50 cents or so a bolt, about 1. 50 a day. Thats more than 500 extra each year. Your mountain dew worth it . No. Time to quit. Then there is your Comcast Cable bill t roast by nearly 4 on january 1st. That works out to about 6 extra per month, based on the average customers bill. Direct tv will bump its rates by similar amount later this month. Do much driving . Well, then you probably noticed the 8 cents a gallon increase in pennsylvanias already highest in the nation gasoline tax. For the driver who travels about 15,000 miles a year, gets 25 miles to the gallon, thats an extra four bucks a month. And if you do that driving on the pa turnpike, get ready for january 8th. Thats when tolls are bumped up, again. If you use ezpass and commute between, say, the midcounty exit and bensalem, the hikes going to cost you nearly six bucks extra each month. Most of the folks we talk to have just about given up fighting these nickel and dime increases. I really dont have a choice, do i . So ill go along with it, i wont argue with it, you know . We describe these individual increases as small, and they are, but boy do they add up. Based on one, 12ounce can of soda per day, talking about an extra 66 a year, the cable bill, the average consume earn, thats 72 extra a year. The example we gave on the gas tax, very reasonable, in fact, probably pretty moderate, 48 extra per year. And those pennsylvania tolls, again, based on our example, an extra 70 a year. The grand total, you got it, 256 extra spent in 2017 that you werent spending in 2016. Happy new year, iaian. I was going to say, happy new year, bruce, thank you. Speaking of that, 2017 is the year of major changes all over the world. Why some people wont need to ever respond to a work email from home ever again. And president elect donald trump major announce. This week. What he says the world will learn tomorrow or wednesday. And you are looking to get out of your office job . You may want to consider career in the kitchen. And new at 6 00 shooting in south philly, where Police Say One of the gunmen was hiding and he learned he was there. Home on the go, even at work. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Honey, arent we having friends ovi know [goat noise]e. I stole the other teams mascot for good luck. We need to wash this room. Wash it . Yeah, wash it with febreze. For all the things you cant wash, use febreze fabric refresher wow [inhales] it really smells great in here. Dog barks and try pluggable febreze, with up to 4 times the freshness in one refill. Pluggable febreze and fabric refresher [inhale exhale mnemonic], two more ways to breathe happy convicted Charleston Church killer root will not be able to approaching the witnesses or jury during his sentencing hearing. Judge issued the orders today during roots competency. Hell represent himself tomorrow when jury begins to deliberate whether he should be sentenced to the Death Penalty or life in prison. Last month, there same jury found roof guilty on all charges for killing nine people, in june of 2015. President elect Donald Trump New administration is on the defensive tonight. Trump makes some crit tip cryptic comments. The president elect said, quote, things that other people dont know today incoming press secretary, sean spicer, doing some damage control on fox and friends, it comes after the president elect promised major revelation about those russian hacks, when someone asked what he knows that other people dont know, mr. Trump responded, quote, youll find out tuesday or wednesday. Meantime, spicer says donald trump is getting security briefings every day, and there is not any conclusive evidence that russians were behind the hacking of those democratic emails during the election season. I think what the president elect is refers natio, and by other members of the intelligence community. So he is privy to information that nobody else is. Spicer also dismissed report released by the f. B. I. And homelands Security Department supporting the accusations against russia. Well, 2016 is over. Less than three weeks from inauguration day, that means, president obama is now in his final stretch. And hes using these next few weeks to secure and protect his legacy, from president elect trump. Foxs doug luzader reports. Well, prepare here in washington for january 20th, and the inauguration, and the arrival of president elect trump, were Getting Better idea of how president obama is going to deal with his departure. President obama bidding farewell to hawaii early this morning, most likely for the last time as president. Air force one departed for washington, just hours after trump forged on arrived in new w york with considerable work ahead for both of them. And just this morning, the white house released a statement from the president , who is now going to travel to chicago next week to deliver a farewell address. It is a chance, he says, to say thank you for this amazing journey. To celebrate the ways youve changed this country for the better these past eight years, and to offer some thoughts on where we all go from here. But his chief concern this week where we go from obamacare, signed into law almost seven years ago, it is now in serious jeopardy. The president heads to the hill later this week to meet with nervous democrats, unsure what president elect trump intends to do. Will he just repeal it without putting up alternative that will strengthen it, or will he continue to, you know, just say im going to, you know, just get rid of it. Trump meantime meets with Us Intelligence officials this week to get more information about allegations of russian meddling in the november election. And while president obama has issued number of sanctions against russia in response, remains skeptical. I think it is unfair if they dont know, and i know a lot about hacking. And hack something a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And i also know things that other people dont know. And so they cannot be sure of the situation. Meanwhile, back here in washington, white house Officials Say to prepare for more kind of last minute commune takes cents and pardons from the president , before he leaves office. In washington, doug luzader, fox news. And while president obama has few more weeks in office tomorrow at noon, new members of congress will take their oath of office and get to work. It will mark new era with republican majority in the house and senate, as well as pre public can president. Among the agenda items for the republic run, 115 congress, overturning the Affordable Care act, or obamacare. Meanwhile, dozens of people have been killed in attacks carried out by isis, the terror group targeted two countries, in two days. We told you about the night club attack, and injured local man, at the top of the five. But they also hit a market in baghdad. Fox news correspondent, benjamin, hall following the latest developments from london. Isis claims responsibility for suicide bombing at baghdad fruit and vegtables market. The attacker, driving an explosive laden pickup truck, into the packed areas, dozens killed, 50 other wounded when it detonated. The blast coming hours after french president arrived in the city. France is part of the usled coalition, battling isis, in both iraq and syria. And thereto meet with the iraqi leaders and french troops. This enemy we must tack tell where it is, in iraq, in sewer crashes but also while understanding the links between these terrorist groups and certain number of individuals who manipulate and organize attacks in several countries. Isis also targeting another Coalition Member in recent days. The group says it is the behind the deadly new years day attack in turkey. The shooter captured on Surveillance Video. And is still at large. This terrorist attack, unfortunately, they try to create divisions among the public over different lifestyles, religions and sex. American William Jacob raak is among the istanbul victims, shot in the leg, but the bullet hit his phone first, likely saving his life you. Guys wake up van to think of this, it is so, so sad. And i really wish everybody here the best. I have only met very good people. The attacks come after new advance in the effort to retake mose you will, lunched last week, us coalition, trying to capture the northern iraqi city from the terror group. In london, benjamin hall, fox news. The International Community is watching the next move by north koreas leader kim jong un, the dictator says his countrys close to testing intercontinental balistic missile, announce many came during new years eve address in a tribute ceremony used to honor former north core ian leaders kim ill. In havana cuba, loyalties cents honor former leader fidel castro almost six weeks after his death. This parade marks the 58th anniversary of the revolution that put castro in power. The dictator would lead the country for nearly 50 years. Castro died in november at the age of 90. A blind football fan gets to see his Favorite Team play for the first time. The technology that led him experience the game. And, the part he never got to play. The role Robin Williams never got to play and why he was told no way. Are you looking for, how to save serious cash tomorrow. Looks like were still a man short. Not anymore. Gus the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. Lets hit the ice. Whoaaa take the shot buzzer that shot was one in a million. Sos this. All the money millionaire edition, new from the pennsylvania lottery. With five top prizes of a million bucks. Its a real game changer. giggles keep on scratchin in your money tonight looking to save you some cash. Holiday shopping season may be over. That doesnt mean retailers want you to stop spending any time soon. They know you may have some gift cards that you want to use, as foxs Ashley Webster reports, if you are looking for saving, you may not need to wait that much longer. Christmas may be over, but shop remembers still flocking to cash in on the post holiday deals. There are some not so obvious items that are better to buy during after christmas sales, which are going on right now, through early january, at most Major Department stores, big box retailers, and even some ecommerce sites. Last minute spending sprees push us retail sales up 4 . Helping to offset a somewhat slow start to the Holiday Shopping season. Amazon reported its best Holiday Season ever, the company shipped 1 billion items this season with amazon prime, two day Free Shipping season, this as Consumer Confidence is hitting it highest levels in more than 15 years. When people bring back that unwanted gift or the like, they actually then go add onto the sale. And thats why this period post christmas is so critical to the retail year. Most retailers have extended debt lights for things to be returned, pay special attention to the deadlines, once it is passed youre out of luck. Budget savvy shoppers who plan ahead of the holidays know certain items are best to buy after the peak Holiday Shopping season. Prices on these items can hit rock bottom. Look for deals on bedding, exercise equipment, winter accessories, and electronics. A lot of the Electronics Items that you will find in stores during after christmas sales are items that were given as gifts, had been returned, and are now being resold as open box items, so thats something you definitely opportunity have in the back of your mind as youre out shopping. Retailers should see up tick in sales, whats being called holiday hangover days. This year it falls on january 3rd, when most americans head back to the office, with their stacks of gift cards n new york Ashley Webster, fox business. 2017 the year of major changes, all over the world, why some people are not going to need to ever respond to a work email from home. And set of twins is born. But when theyre born, little bit unusual. What their parents say one will hold over his brothers head forever. Thats interesting. And in weather, one round every rain is beyond us. And more is to come. One more day before it turns much colder around here. And few chances for snow. It is january, after all. The seven day is coming up. Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack on Istanbul Night Club thats left 39 dead. Dozens more in the hospital. Among the injured, jake raak from delaware, on his way back home tonight. Tonight turkish Authorities Say theyve detained eight people but have yet to track down the gunman who walked into a club and just started shooting. It was not planned as a sort of suicide mission. It was planned as a hitandrun. You know mission. The attacker right now he is on the run and he plans his exit strategy. He manage to escape from the attack. Isis says they were targeting christians inside the night club. Now to oklahoma where manhunt is underway for the man who shot a police officer. Police say it all started when the officer from valley brooke, just outside oklahoma sit, pulled a driver over for a traffic stop last night. The suspect opened fire, hitting the officer in the leg, as he walked back to his patrol car. Authorities say police were always at risk when making traffic stops. Any time you pull somebody over, in this case, actually already made contact with the with the person he had pulled over. Then he he turned around to walk back to the vehicle. The officers in Critical Condition tonight. Police have not released a description of the shooter. Meanwhile, in georgia, a man is dead, and an officer hurt after a high speed chase on new years eve. It started when an officer in cobb county near atlanta notice add car suspiciously parked outside after business thats closed. The driver sped off. Hitting the officer as he left, and Police Stopped the driver, he got out of his car with a gun. Thats when two officers fatally shot him. The injured cop is doing okay. Now, back to your fox 29 weather authority. As we take live look at Blue Mountain in the poconos mountains camera, they saw freezing rain there today. Meteorologist, kathy orr with your details in just 15 seconds. More rain on tap during the day for today, not so good for the poconos, but we need it in the delaware valley. You can see this round of rain moving out with areas of drizzle and fog expected during the overnight period. Old city philadelphia, it is damp. It is dreary. But it is pretty comfortable out there. The temperatures 42 degrees. The high today, 43. We do have gusts to 18 miles an hour. And the wind out of the eastnortheast at 10 miles an hour. High pressure to the north, and we have low pressure to the south is keeping that easterly wind in the region. Looking at the rain so far, temperatures have been mild, a good deal of rain throughout the area, wilmington, about half inch close to that, in philadelphia, Atlantic City close to inch of rain, allentown, just. 2 of an inch. Right now look at temperatures, not a huge spread from north to south with the clouds, and that easterly flow. Right along that i95 corridor, temperatures in the 40s, even williamsport checking in at 40 degrees, richmond 46. It will stay mild even into the overnight. So there is our area of High Pressure, off the coast of new england. Low pressure off the coast of virginia. And inbetween these, the flow is eastnortheasterly, keeps it damp, in the 40s, overnight tonight, during the day tomorrow. Then this low moves out toward the northeast, another low moves in from the west. Keeping precipitation over us, at least for the first part of the day tomorrow. And then in and out of the showers, during the afternoon, with temperatures staying in the mid 40s. So, not a huge swing in temperature. It is after that that it will turn much cooler. So as we look at the future cast, you can see overnight some spotty showers, in areas of fog, even into the day tomorrow, and then another round of rain moves in after that 7 00 hour, but it is heavy at times, maybe eat lunch indoors, get some takeout, then by the afternoon it is exiting, but taking some time, by the 5 00, 6 00 hour it should be moving toward the north and toward the east and out of the delaware valley. Then the skies begin to clear somewhat during the day on wednesday. So, overnight tonight, just expect rain to taper, have drizzle, fog around, northeast winds, 42 in the city. 37 degrees in the suburbs. So everyone staying above freezing with the exception of the poconos. Fortynine the high for tomorrow morning. Fog, periods of rain, that easterly Winds Continuing about five to 10 miles an hour. Then keeping an eye on friday, we keep looking at this european model t looks like a snow event possibly thursday night into friday. And with each successive run, were seeing less and less precipitation. So, mild air working its way in. And possibly seeing some snow philadelphia north and west, with each run of this european model it pushes the snow further to the north and west. So, we will keep an eye on friday. Meantime, if we were to see any type of snow it, would definitely be on the light side late thursday and friday. The seven day forecast, from the weather authority, shows temperatures in the 50s wednesday, falling during the afternoon, colder for thursday, a chance of some light snow showers friday, partly sunny saturday, saturday night, could see few snowflakes. And then just cold sunday, and cold monday. That will be the coldest stretch of the period, but feeling just like january, remember, iaian, the coldest time of the year is late january, beginning on the 21st, and were headed in that direction. We are. I just got to get to february kathy, all right. Thank you. Well, speaking of cold, kathy, in wisconsin hundreds of people spent the new years day jumping into some icy cold water. They head to Lake Michigan for the annual polar bear plunge, look at these people dressed up in costumes including santa claus, camel, and light blue unicorn, some participants say it was a great way to begin 2017. It was good. I could say cross it off the bucket list. I got it once. No need to do it again. I cant think of better way to celebrate the new year, kind of baptism to start the new year. If you can do this you can do anything else the rest of the year, no problem. I dont need to do. That will emergency workers are on scene in case anyone had trouble in those icy cold waters. Thankfully everyone was okay. Are you looking to dump that 9 00 to 5 00 job . How about a career in the kitchen . Why you may want to consider becoming a chef. People still buzzing over Mariah Careys new years rocking eve. What did not happen on the broadcast in this clip, and who she is blaming for it. Plus, time to get rid of the christmas tree. What you can do with it to get it out of your house. 2016 certainly big year in politics, but were not talking about the election. Our bruce gordon explains what he want local leaders to do in 2017 only in philly. Hi, im bruce gordon, i have a new years wish, that philadelphia politicians can in 2017 do what they could not manage in 2016. Keep their noses clean. In a city where political corruption is as much a cliche as cheese steaks or the liberty bell, our fearless leaders cant seem to figure out how to stick to the straight and narrow. In just a few weeks, the latest philly fell on, disgraced former Second District congressman chaka fattah, in a report to federal prison for a ten year stay. Fattah was convicted of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in Charity Donations and grant money, to repay illegal loans, tied to his failed 2007 mayoral bid, and to maintain a lavish lifestyle. Think about that for just a minute. As a democrat in philly, fattah needed only to maintain a pulled in order to hang on it his congressional seat, seat so safe, so chock put of democrats and devoid of republicans, rarely face add challenge in the primary or the general election to 11 campaign cycles. His congressional salary approaches 200,000 a year, and oh, ya, his wife, rene fattah, ones made far more than that as popular tv news anchor in town. Apparently as is so often the case, it wasnt enough. Why does it seem like so many of the politicians who get jammed up in these Corruption Cases seem like folks who have been on the john for years and years rarely challenged and fully convinced they are as wonderful and untouchable as their landslide victories would seem to suggest. It is one of the reasons why philadelphia so desperately needs a real two party system, a real chance of losing an election, might convince some of these long timers to work harder, and act better. The responsibility for make that happen is twofold. The Republican Party must get its act together, and produce real candidates, with real ideas. And philadelphias democratic voters, well, they must stop excepting whatever is thrown their way. It is telling, and sad, but even arafat as indictment on corruption charges, more than a third of the voters in his district picked him in the may primary. Way back in 1903 the author link con stevens described philadelphia as the most corrupt and motion contents dollars city in america. All these years later, weve done little to prove him wrong. Only in philly. A blind football fan gets to see his Favorite Team play for the first time. The Technology Experience to the big game. And the part he never got to play. The role Robert Williams really wanted and why he was told no way. Sean . The eagles ending their season early once again, today the guy cleans out their lockers, what hes willing to do to be closer to carson wentz. Thats coming up later in sports. Happy anniversary dinner, darlin can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra . Oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. A drop of dawn and grease is gone. Hdid you get that email i sente wyou. Before you wake up. When life keeps you up. Zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. The new year bridges new laws into effect in states across the country, locally there is changes coming to the way you can buy beer in pennsylvania. And in new jersey, people who are adopted may have an easier time finding their birth parent. Fox news correspondent laura engel reports. Drivers in california put down that cell phone. A new law for 2017 means you cant hold your phone at all, and youre only allowed to tap or swipe it once. You also can no longer keep a mounted cell phone at the center of your windshield. If it is in your hands, and your vehicle is moving, you are in violation of the code. In michigan, drivers will be paying more at the pump. Gas taxes are going up and vehicle registration fees are rising 20 . Personally i would have no problem with a few more dollars to deal with the road because they are terrible. In arizona, changes have been made to the i9 forum, the one you fill out when you apply for a job. Stating you are an u. S. Citizen and can legally work. Now they want to make sure the employer is also following through with following through technology. Oregon residents are no longer allowed to release sky lanterns in new hampshire, it is now a crime to knowingly shine lazer pointers at aircraft or automobiles. In colorado, some Grocery Stores can sell beer, wine and liquor, in pennsylvania, beer distributors can now sell smaller quantity six packs, growlers, and single cans for the first time. In new jersey, a law signed in 2014 goes into effect allowing adopted people to obtain their original birth certificates, containing previously field information about their birth parent. Finally in illinois, catfish has been added to the list of species that can be caught with a bow and arrow, a spear gun, or a pitch fork. In new york laura engel, fox news. So imagine getting home from long day of work, then being allowed to legally ignore work emails . How great would that be . Thats what it is like in france now, new labor law, employs the right to disconnect from emails. Smart phones, and other electronic devices, once their working day is over. France already has 35 hour work week along with average of 35 Vacation Days a year. Theyre doing something right. Dick clark productions firing back tonight, at mariah carey and her team after her camp claimed sabatage during her new years eve performance. So here is a little bit if you didnt see it what happened on stage. We didnt have it wasnt, and thats when it is, okay. You saw in that clip carry kind of stumble through her second time square new years eve, while a prerecorded track of the song played in the background. A spokesperson for the singer told billboard magazine that dick clark productions, quote, set her up to fail. While in response, Production Company calls claims sabatage, calling it outrageous, absurd. The company said it had no part in the problems you just saw carry faced on stage. Learning about some behind the scenes casting information about harry potter, the late Robin Williams wanted to play the character in the movie series, but producers turned him down because of british only rule for the actors. Casting director spilled the details in a interview with the huffington post. So looking for a job in the new year . A job of opportunity . Well, you may need to look no further than your favorite restaurant. Foxs anita vogel reports, there are quite a few carreers in the kitchen. Here we have hime. Right now he is a line cook, but due to the nature of the shortage of line cooks, hes also like my kitchen right hand man. John atkinson owns two restaurants in southern california. And like many others across the nation, has trouble finding young aspiring chefs who are willing to get their hands dirty. It is not what you see on tv. There are no bobby Philadelphia International airports in any of these kitchens. It is really just sweat and hard and hot. This is our secret spice that we have. It is the same story in new york. Where salvatore likes to keep both his manhattan eaterys brim withing his old italian family recipes, but also worries about finding enough help. Long hours, theyre getting paid, you know, 15 to 22 to 25 an hour at this point, which is stupid money. I mean, it is not where people are not earning. It is just very difficult job. The bureau of labor statistics estimates, 200,000 more cooks will be needed in the next eight years. But the spry has been chopped by the high cost of culinary school, wages that can start off at just 10 an hour, and millennials, wanting to go out on their own, like aspiring baker, brittany hicks. By the time we graduate, we really are like okay, ive kind of done that already, in you that lets branch out and do this for myself. These are student who saw how their parents were imette st. Guillen pact dollars by the recession of 2008. They dont want that to happen to them. Theyre completely entrepreneurs in spirit. Theyll go with their desires and start something on their own. Who pays the price if there is not enough chefs . If we have six cooks, and we go down to four, we would have to reduce our menu drastically. Were talking about guys who are shrinking options, making less, like less interesting food, for consumers, which is not what we want to do. Kitchen staff are also shrinking, because of an increase in the minimum wage. And rising healthcare costs. Which are eventually passed down to you, the customer. In los angeles, anita vogel, fox news. A set of twins is born. But when they were born is a little bit after unusual circumstance. What their parents say will hole over his brothers head forever. A story youll see only on fox. Soldier brutally attack after the mummers parade. What his mother is telling fox 29 about the incident. And it is time to get rid of the christmas tree. What you can do with it to get it out of your house. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. In the 3. 7 seconds it takes ry watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Cable cant offer that. Only fios can. This is todd hardy. A fitness buff, youth baseball coachand lung cancer patient. The day i got the diagnosis, i was just shocked. The surgeon in dallas said i needed to have the top left lobe of my lung removed. I wanted to know what my other options were. And i found that at Cancer Treatment centers of america. At ctca, our experts examine a variety of therapies, treatments and technologies to identify a plan specifically for each patient. My doctor understood that who i am was just as important as what cancer i had. We talked about options. My doctor told me about a robotic surgery that was less invasive. We have Excellent Technology that allow us to perform very specialized procedures for patients who have lung disease. At ctca, its all about what you can do. I feel fantastic now. Exploring Treatment Options is at the heart of how we fight cancer. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more about our Treatment Options at cancercenter. Com lung. Appointments available now. It helps put some distance. Between you and temptation. Clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. From metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Close call for pilot. Plane lost power, came to stop on top after home near san antonio, texas yesterday. The pilot says he was trying to land at nearby field, but he clipped some power lines, then flipped, before landing as you can see on the roof. Neither the pilot or the four people inside the home were hurt. The annual rose parade went off with a hitch in california today. More than a thousand Law Enforcement officers, though, were on hand as part of a effort to beef up security in response, of course, terror attacks in europe last year. Officials say there were no known threats for the city of pasadena, still, though, more security measures also in place, at the nearby rolls bowl, where penn state will faceoff against the university of southern california. A diehard colts fan, who is legally blind, just saw his Favorite Team in person for the very first time. Yesterday, scott reese could see the colts and Everything Else in lucas oil stadium. If you are thinking it must have been something to do with that star trek looking advise orests wearing, youre right. It is called esite t captures images through hd camera embedded in the frame. And then two miniature screens inside adjust to create message that reese can see. He is able to control the zoom, sharpness and color through hand held control. Not the first time ive been to a dealt game. It is the first time not end. To see whats going on. A miracle. Ive waited almost 38 years for. Incredible. Esite Developers Say the device doesnt fix all blindness but can improve the vision, for about 86 of those who are visually impaired. Twins born minutes apart in different years. It happened at one hospital in glendale, arizona as foxs marcy jones reports, this is bound to cause some conflict later in the twins lives. We were shocked, shocked, and priced. Who are holly and brandon shea, expecting twins was a surprise. Going into labor on new years eve, was shocking. But what makes the birth of their two boys even more unbelievable, is the fact that they were born in different years. Sawyer, born at 11 51 p. M. New years eve, and just ten minutes later, everett, born 12 01 a. M. , new years day. Sawyer was born in 2016. And everett was born in 2017. So sawyer will be holing it over everett for his whole life, born a year earlier. Twentytwo days away from his retirement, doctor allen sawyer said he couldnt have asked for better way to end his 25 year ob gyn career. Adding that earning the rare bragging rights between hospitals, to have the first and last baby born of the year, doesnt hurt either. Look theyre all playing poker, theyre holding their poker cards tight to their chess going oh, so did you have a baby yet . And nobody wants to divulge what time their baby was born. Mom and dad are doing just fine, a little tired, but so in love. Even though the twins are just hours old, theyve got a lot of personality. Oh, ya. They like to snore. Al though the sheas will be leaving the hospital soon, with a little more baggage, this isnt goodbye for doctor sawyer and the twins. We became facebook friend after midnight, i think. Yes. I get to seesaw err and everett grow up that way. Marcy jones, fox news. Hes from our area. All i can say is massive tragedy. What officials likely say saved his life in the devastating terror attack. Plus a gunman caught hiding after a shooting in south philly. The only way anyone figured out he was there, a story youll see only on fox. Live from center city in philadelphia. This is fox 29 news at 6 00. I was with nine people. Seven of them got shot. Seventysix us were shot. A terror attack overseas has hit close to home. Among those injured in the mass shooting inside an Istanbul Night Club, a local Business Owner from delaware. Jake raak on his way home tonight after terrorist shot him in the leg. Good evening, thanks for joining us, im iain page. Isis has claims responsibility for the attack that left 39 people dead. Raak was inside the club celebrating his 35th birthday with friends when gunman walked in, pulled the trigger over and over again. Surveillance video shows the shooter dressed in black, and described as wearing a santa hat. Tonight turn irk Authorities Say theyve detained eight people, but have yet to track down the gunman. It was not planned as a sort every suicide mission. It was planned as a hitandrun. You know, mission. The attacker, right now he is on the run, and he plans his exit strategy and manage to escape from the attack, and statement from isis says the Istanbul Club was chosen because it is where, quote, christians were celebrating the pagan feast. Now, onto your fox 29 Winter Weather authority. A live look at allentown, monday night, and it was a wet day, heres meteorologist, kathy orr. Kathy . What a day inch died, anywhere between quarter inch of rain and an inch across the region, the roads are wet, in old city philadelphia. With some drizzle, areas of fog, it is 31 in the poconos, 42 in philadelphia, trenton, checking in at 40 degrees. Visibility reduced in some areas, you can see, in the poconos, down to quarter mile visibility. Trenton, we have visibility reduced, the same in lancaster, allentown, just over mile visibility, so if youre traveling, especially along the northeast extension this evening, please be aware of. That will on ultimate doppler the rain moving toward the east, moving off shore, but still, some spotty showers, out there, tonight. With areas of drizzle, fog. And an area of low pressure to the south, will be making its way toward the ohio valley, bringing more rain

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