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Transcripts For CNBC Closing Bell 20131211

twitter isn't the only stock to do that this year. coming up, we'll name names and tell you what this could all mean for another huge ipo. stay tuned for that. >> we were taking bets on where it will price. see how all that shakes out. it turns out that it is not true that the so-called wealthy pay the most income tax in america. jane wells has learned that they pay all the income tax. 106% of income taxes. you heard that right. they pay more than 100%. how is that possible? stay tuned for this stunning report. >> and let's check the markets right now. the final hour of the day, pretty much a down day across the board for the major averages. the dow jones is actually an outperformer helped by mastercard. helped by home depot as well in there but down about 87 points at the moment. the nasdaq is still off. clutching that 4,000 level. the s&p 500 has shed 15 points and got below 1790 as we speak. >> maryann bartels from merrill lynch, adam thurgood and done shriver from wbmi funds. what do we make of what's gone on in the markets the last couple of days? made a lot of money this year, we're exiting a little bit before the end of the year? >> you may be seeing hedge funds, we're certainly seeing hedge funds take some money off the table. if you look at short positions in the dow, in the diamonds and the sem conductor etf, there's very big short positions. so those are being used as hedges. obviously the market's been overbought. there's a lot of concern about tapering, but really when you look at the markets from the longer term perspective, the fundamentals, all the technical, it does argue we'll see higher highs in the market. >> you think without the fed markets here are 25% to 50% lower. are you serious? >> oh, yeah, because the correlation between fed action and their balance sheet and equity prices is at 0.93 right now, which means there's a near one to one connection or correlation between what they want to buy, when they buy it and how equity prices move. >> wait a minute. that's a very different thing from saying this market would drop 50% tomorrow if the fed weren't involved. >> the structural imbalances in our economy are very serious. if the fed steps back and pulls out of its tapering entirely, not the $10 a month, but if they step back, the markets are 25% below, because they spent all these years injecting. >> maybe if they removed everything at the drop of a dime. >> exactly. >> tomorrow given the current state of the economy, sure, but let's be realistic. that ain't going to happen. and when it ultimately does happen, we have to believe that the economy is going to be in a place where it can be sustainable and handle any sort of complete punch bowl being removed, right? >> i would agree with that. but i would counsel say never say never, especially in this market. we didn't think stimulus would work, we didn't think t.a.r.p. would work. yet they have, the economy's continuing to bounce forward. and the fed is driving liquidity to the point where the equity markets are going. you have to be a reluctant bull or a cautious bull before the tape is going to bend. >> this is one of the stronger ones we've seen in the last century. do you agree with keith that there are now major, major risks? >> i think there are major risks because the economy is still trying to recover from the financial crisis. you know the fed has done what they can. i think there's a lot of emphasis placed on taper a little bit too early in our economic cycle. just the economy's got to get to an inflection point of 3% gdp growth or better for it to start to really heal itself and the whole world is really dependent on the u.s. continuing to have easy monetary policy. i think that there would be a pullback and certainly we might not be as well off as we are if the fed hadn't done what they did. so we do have some concern about the market. normally low interest rate environment is great and investors should look to party during that period of time. but i think there should be some caution here. >> adam, russell 2000 falling below its 50-day average on an intra-day basis. small caps often lead on the way up, often lead on the way down. concerning or not? >> i don't think it's too concerning, yet. obviously if you see more momentum to the down side, you have to be concerned about that, but i want to go back to the prior guest's point. i don't think that the market is going to tumble if the fed pulls back on tapering, it's indicative of a stronger economy and that's good for stock prices long term. and i don't believe -- >> i hope you're right. >> i don't believe that the fed's message has been all that constructive. i mean, think about what they're saying, they're saying, hey, the economy's too weak to stand on its own. if you're a business leader, you're saying that the economy's too weak to stand on its own. so i believe if the fed were to come out with the strongly positive statement and stay we are going to taper in a meaningful way because we believe the economy's going to markedly improve, that can have a profound impact on market activity. >> rick santelli, i wonder how you read this because it's got complications for tnot just for stock market here. >> you don't believe na the fed's making all the difference and you think that their words will make all the difference. keith's words are still ringing in my ears! keith, you get the big prize of the day. >> thank you. >> because judge, your comment to him is the most interesting point to the day, though. you said well, not like they're going to stop on a dime. so what you're saying is you completely agree that a lot of this is faux and it's how they remove the training wheels. >> it's not faux. >> but that's huge. five years after a crisis, five years after -- if it isn't faux, it goes straight. >> it is what it is, right? >> it's fantasy land economics. >> it's faux, faux, faux, fee, fi, faux. if you look today, fives were up, tens the were up. the world is nervous because steve liesman says the end is coming sooner rather than later. it changed. a few months ago, it was riding pretty high. watch the dollar index. >> no one will suggest that it's not a liquidity driven real. >> so then faux economy, it isn't the economy, it's liquidity. that's all i'm saying. >> you have to respect the improving fundamentals of the economy. if you don't want to give the fed credit you don't have to. >> it really isn't about giving anybody credit. it's that i would like to live in a free economy, f-r-e-e, not subsidized economy. >> yea, now it's my turn. absolutely. free economy, free markets and free decisionmaking. i would love to see economy that's justified by the fundamentals that are attached to it. i would love to see the fed step out of the way and actually take responsible financial action like giving the markets the impetus they need as opposed to stimulus that politically they want. >> this indicates why this is the most indicated market rally. >> when i get this push back with taper, the fed and it's all faux, give me a time in history where the fed has not influenced our economy or has not influenced our markets? >> probably only before 1997. >> exactly. what we fear is the unknown because we've never seen the fed act in this way. we've never seen a balance sheet like this. not just here in the united states. the bank of england has a balance sheet. the ecb is still building a balance sheet, now the bank of japan building a balance sheet. there's not a textbook in the world that says how this will end. this can create voltity in 2014, we have that as a risk. whether the fed miscommunicate, whether the market misunderstanding it. because we have the vix, we think corporates are going to spend, so that's how we're getting the markets higher next year. >> and i would echo on that that the economy has not performed the same way as the stock market, there's no question that the fed's actions have improved stock, but from an economic perspecti perspective, i'm not sure that at this time's done a lot. >> you can be a market bull and an economic bear. that's the bifurcation going on right now. you have huge swaths of americans that are hurting. you have diminished sales. >> people that are hurting the most aren't really benefiting, though, not where i see it anyway. the people that are hurting the worst probably don't have a big stock portfolio. >> agreed, rick, agreed. >> if you want the fed to back out, you have to get fiscal policy on the same page with the fed -- >> if you want fiscal policy, you have to get the parents that think they know everything to let the kids do it on their own. >> there you go. >> maybe congress would get off of their butts if they don't have a pick set by the federal reserve. >> and they got to stop worrying about re-election. >> thanks for the perspectives from all of you, really appreciate it. 50 minutes to go before the closing bell. >> the dow jones industrial average is down 86 points, materials is one of the points of weakness, today along with number of other sectors. >> and mastercard one of the bright spots after announcing a 10 for 1 stock split and a huge buy back in the dividend program. one of the best financial performers of the year. coming up, if you want to be able to buy more with your mastercard, you should buy mastercard stock, and yes, even at these levels. >> bernie madoff was arrested five years ago today. have his victims recovered in that time? we're going to find out. and are you feeling lucky because friday the 13th might be a lucky day? the mega millions jackpot $400 million about the second largest prize in that game's history. the drawing is in 48 hours. what would you do with all that money? tweet us. 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[ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. welcome back. hard to believe but today marks the five-year anniversary of bernie madoff's arrest for the massive ponzi scheme. >> and five years later madoff's victims is are still trying to cover. scott cohn joins us with the latest. >> the recovery process that began exactly five years ago has been unlike any in the history of investing. with some notable success, but the victims are still hurting. >> we really lost everything except the home we're living in now. >> now in their 70s, stephanie and her husband have had to go back to work, operating a small limo service. >> i have to lift 50-pound suitcases. >> they've gotten some money back but nothing close to what they thought they had. >> you don't have that total amount, you only have what you deposited. >> under the formula upheld by the courts victims aren't entitled to any returns on their money because madoff didn't make any actual trades. >> the essential theory is that the returns that you thought you were making on your investment were actually just money that was stolen from other investors? >> correct. >> madoff trustee irving picard and his counsel david sheehan are responsible for rounding up and distributing the money. >> we understand that people thought they were making mon moneyand that's what they thought they were getting paid. >> i'm sure if you asked people who got other money from other people that they felt were profits, that they felt the others who didn't get their money back should get their money back, i'm sure they'd agree they should. >> picard and his team recovered 9.5 billion out of $17 billion. and they're optimistic they'll recover everything. less clear is the fate of thousands like daphne and mark, who lost $4 million through a madoff feeder fund and have to rely on recoveries by the justice department. >> it felt like quicksand. >> we were in the funds because of actions of family and family friends. and there's a certain level of trust there that was violated. >> it was supposed to protect us, the sec was supposed to protect us, nobody protected the small investors. >> this is president of cipc. should people be concerned that this is a game? >> the fact of the matter is if you allow what is owed by people to be judged by the last imaginary statement that bernard madoff pulled out of thin air, then you're letting the thief determine who wins and who loses. >> legislation is pending in congress to reform sipc, but he says that would have enormous n unintended consequences. picard said he's on track to make returns to investors every few months. tonight on cnbc prime some of the best reporting out there. >> scott cohn, while we've got you, do you remember where you were when that news broke, what your reaction was? >> i remember that, like a lot of us, i didn't know who bernie madoff was. it was a name that you heard kind of in passing over the years. he obviously was a big deal on wall street, but not somebody who was a big publicity seeker. so the name didn't stick out, but the money certainly did. right away we're hearing $50 billion ponzi scheme, actually 65 billion on paper. in the midst of everything we were dealing with was mind boggles. >> i do wreb where i was. >> where? >> i was a nasdaq reporter. i was sitting in my office at the nasdaq when the news broke. like scott, madoff wasn't a familiar name to me. the number was certainly astounding. and then sort of when i learned that he was a former nonexecutive chairman of the nasdaq, pick up the phone, try to make a lot of phone calls, try to find out exactly who this guy was, how long was heed a nasdaq, a memorable day in that aspect. >> we were so focused on whether the lines would be on the next day in the economy because this was the very height of the financial cries and what's interesting to me is at the time, 50 billion seemed like we don't have time to talk about that right now, we're talking about a 15, $16 trillion economy and we're not sure how it would close business every day. >> that economic crisis that ultimately would have brought him down. you wonder if he would have kept going if the economy kept going? he was supposedly the only one making any money. >> right. >> if you needed to get some money out you make the money out of madoff and that's what brought it all down. >> happens never financial crisis. scott cohn, great reporting following this as well. >> i caught up with somebody else from the crisis period today that we've never heard from on cnbc. the former co-president of merrill lynch. a lot of people have sort of pointed the finger at him for a sizable part of merrill lynch's near demise. he now runs a restaurant group and a very profitable and successful restaurant group with 13 restaurants. >> and he left merrill when? >> many, many years ago. he had said in a print interview that i saw at one point that he had regrets about the situation. so i asked him about what sort of personal responsibility he felt for merrill's problems. >> it was a regretful period. we all have things we would have done differently. certainly with more information, i might have known or others, you know, you would have made different decisions that would have been different for the shareholder and the clients, hindsight is 2020 these have thousands of people in audit, hundreds of people in risk and in compliance and still things ultimately happen. >> that's ahmass. interesting to hear from him, five years after the crisis on what role, if any, he thinks he directly played in what happened at merrill. >> there are plenty pointing to the team that was around as personally being responsible as opposed to being a systemic or corporate wide issue. that debate will continue. >> a lot of people made a lot of mistakes. >> now he's reinvented himself away from wall street. >> and quite successfully. >> the dow is now down 113 or 0.7%. the size of losses greater than the other indexes. mastercard, visa, i'm sorry, mastercard home depot are helping to offset. >> the lows of the day. as kelly just said, mastercard shares are charging higher after its big stock split dividend buy back announcement but is it time to take some profits? we'll have both sides of that debate next. twitter has doubled since its ipo price. we'll round up the other ipos that have produced a so-called double play this year ♪ that double vision tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 there are trading opportunities tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 just waiting to be found. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 at schwab, we're here to help tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 bring what inspires you tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 out there... in here. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 out there, tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 there are stocks on the move. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 in here, streetsmart edge has tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 chart pattern recognition tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 which shows you which ones are bullish or bearish. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 now, earn 300 commission-free online trades. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 call 1-888-648-6021 tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 or go to to learn how. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 our trading specialists can tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 help you set up your platform. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 because when your tools look the way you want tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 and work the way you think, you can trade at your best. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 get it all with no trade minimum. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 and only $8.95 a trade. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 open an account and earn 300 commission-free online trades. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 call 1-888-648-6021 to learn more. tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 so you can take charge tdd#: 1-888-648-6021 of your trading. it's been that way since the day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. welcome back on this day when stocks are sharply lower. the dow off 105 points. the s&p at 1785, down 1%, the nasdaq down 1.3%. jackie deangelis wrapping up the stocks drawing down the market. >> we'll begin with labcorp of america. after the medical testing services provider said that its 2014 earnings guidance would miss expectations this on tepid demand. its rival quest diagnostics it fell on sympathy as well. a tough day for avon. it's moving lower after saying it halted the rollout of a new order management system. the pilot program in canada rumted in significant didnifign disruptions. auto home, the owner of the chinese auto websites rising as much as 83% after being priced at $17 a share. and the company is an oil and gas pipeline producer formed by refining giant valero energy. we end with mastercard soaring after the company announced a 10 for 1 stock split and a stock buy back worth $3.5 billion. guys, back to you. >> jackie, thanks very much. so the only good reason for a company to do a buy back should be because it thinks its own stock is undervalued. >> take a look at the one-year chart for mastercard. does that stock look undervalued to you? let's brawl it out. he sees strong tail winds while up capital management says it's already gone too far too fast. anton, clearly management doesn't think so. >> yeah, so, the stock has been a great story. up 80% in two years. 100% dividend increase last year. 100% dividend increase april of this year, now another 83%. that's great for shareholders but the topic on hand now is what do new investors do? is it now time to get into the stock? and we're seeing a lot of high valuation, it has a trailing 12-month p/e of 25. it is only 25%. you'll be buying this stock more for appreciation. investors need to look at this stock with the run-up it's had, meteoric. we'll see if it continues to go. >> anton, just to be clear, do you like mastercard? would you buy mastercard or no? >> so at this point i would be not buying mastercard. there's two issues that i have with mastercard. you look at its fourth quarter earnings in the last three years has always been its lowest earnings. they make their announcements in january. also, it's dividend announcement that id made last year in april, the stock sagged nor five months after that. i would be paying attention, i would be looking at the stock very carefully, i wouldn't be buying it at this point. >> jason, i think anton makes a pretty interesting and compelling point here. when he makes the distinction between new and existing investors in this name, if you're an investor in the name already, what do you do with it? do you take some profits? >> well, thanks for having me, first of all. we buy more, actually. this is the best fundamental story that we cover in the space. we have tremendous secular tail winds globally that are not abating, we have incredibly powerful modes here that make the entry extremely high. no company we cover that has such highly visible eps growth, up in the 20% range. and so when you step back and you look at the valuation, yes it's trading north of 20 times, modestly north, if we look at forward estimates, but what other stock deserves a peg multiple, p/e relative to the growth than mastercard? so we're keeping on buying this stock. >> and jason, an interesting point and one that, again, and there's perhaps a distinction here between the retail guy that might feel comfortable with the shares here and whether mastercard itself should be buying back shares on the premise or indication that they're undervalued because we're talking about currently 25 times the 2014 earnings projections which are already 17% higher than what mastercard is expected to make this year. >> yes. >> so there's a lot priced in here. the stock has run up considerably, why is that a shareholder friendly move to use some of the cash to pay a higher price for those shares? >> mastercard has tremendous confidence in their long-term business for good reason. we think there will be considerable up up side, meaning the p/e multiple are not as high as they rape appear on paper. when you have no debt to repay, no real need to do major acquisitions return to cash to shareholders as well as dividends to enhance the yield makes complete sense in our view. >> anton, if not mastercard, who? i mean, do you like visa which has liked mastercard on a year-to-year basis pretty considerably? >> that's a great point. but look at the chart of visa versus mastercard, visa has been underperforming mastercard, but they've caught up to each other in the last 30 days. visa has a an earns per share trailing of 7.6%, a dividend yield that's almost three times mastercard and it's been on a tear the last 90 days catching up to mastercard on a two-year return. you take a look at the two of them, the other thing that's been talked about, the federal reserve's announcements next week. both these companies are very consumer dependent. and right now we're in a situation where the economy is just barely moving along. it's dependent on the federal reserve. if we see changes in monetary poll sis and consumers stop spending both of these companies may be at risk. >> we got to leave it there. i understand that that's a point of debate on the consumer spending side, but i want to get further down that worm hole, guys. thank you both for being here. scott, whether this is the most shareholder friendly thing to buy eps. but i'll leave it there. dow, look at this. coming in half hour before the closing bell, down near the session lows, down about 120 points, 19 off the s&p 500, the nasdaq currently 6 points above that 4000 mark. >> here's a breath of fresh air, lawmakers in washington working together to get a budget deal done before another government shutdown, but the details of the agreement could signify something very important about our economy. if you think rich americans pay most of the nation's income taxes, think again, they actually pay all of them and then some. jane wells explains how on earth they can pay 106%, yes, 106%, of the nation's income tax ♪ ♪ listen to the money talk see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breast-feeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the new flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare. welcome back. taking a live look at markets here in the final half hour of the trading day. the dow is now down is 25. the nasdaq shedding more than a percentage point is just barely hanging on to that 4,000 level. >> one of the big stories of the day, congressional negotiators reaching a compromise in place to prevent another government shutdown. >> john harwood with us out of washington. do you get the sense that the left and right sides of both parties are going to sign off on this? >> well, i get the sense that enough on the left and right sides of the two parties will sign off on this, but there's been some flack. we saw some last night when marco rubio, the republican in the senate who wants to run for president in 2016, came out and said he was opposed to the deal. the clubs for growth said they're against it. they said they would score it which is important for their supporter opposition and primaries in particular as well as general elections. john boehner, the house speaker, called it a modest deal last night. diplomat like that at all. he blasted back. >> you mean the groups that came out and opposed it before they ever saw it? they're using our members and they're using the american people for their own goals. this is ridiculous. listen, if you're for more deficit reduction, you're for this agreement. >> that is significant pushback from the house speaker. now we've seen that house leaders have overestimated their ability to pass legislation, but people on both sides have told me they believe they will get enough of the republican caucus and democratic caucus to pass it in the house this week and in the senate early next week. but we'll see when they have to put the votes up on the board. >> that's for sure. john, in new york, stay right there, by the way, on this point we want now to bring in maya maginnis joining us from the nation's capital. what's your take on this agreement? >> i keep reminding myself, baby steps, baby steps. this is a congress that hasn't been able to put into place a budget in a long time or do anything in a bipartisan manner. this deal is well short of the big deal we need with entitlements and taxes but a step in the right direction. just to have republicans and democrats working together and confronting some of these hard choices, not the real hard ones, but some of them is something we need to start getting in the habit of again. i think it's very important that we move forward on this and keep working on these issues to confront the larger deals as quickly as possible. >> you say baby steps, that may be generous. seems like even maybe a baby crawl, right? does this seem to you as though it does anything other than avert a shutdown? i mean, there's no dealing with entitlements, there's no talk about new taxes or anything like that. >> it absolutely leaves out the biggest issues that we have to deal with on health care spending, on the aging of the population, on reforming our tax code, raising revenues, it doesn't do any of the real hard issues, but it does, as you said, avert a government shutdown. doesn't deal with the debt ceiling. we still have to confront that, but it takes a step in rationalizing some of our policy choices. keep in mind the sequester was always put in place because it was so dumb we wouldn't let it hit. this will replace some of those spending cuts with more sensible savings and some that will generate longer term savings into beyond a second decade not really enough to make a real difference, bau start, a little start. >> scott, yes? >> think in terms of our washington redskins. if you put in place a regulation that insured the team would stop fumbling, stop throwing interceptions and stop getting the quarterback sacked is, no that would not move the ball down the field very far, but a heck of a lot better than what you've been doing. what dong is congress is doing s deal is take a no harm approach, not subjecting markets and businesses to the uncertainty about shutdowns and debt crises. that is a positive in and of itself given how badly washington's performed. i don't think we should lose sight of that even as maya said the kind of deal she's been looking for for some time is still years away. >> that's a fair point. john, did i pointed that you had to bring our redskins into it. disappointing enough, but it is what it is. we have a market that's in the midst of a pretty big sell-off. maya macguineas, thank you for being here. the s&p 500 is off almost 20 points now. so we have a sizable sell-off across the board. >> yeah, that's right. one we haven't had for some time. just a couple of quotes to put this in context. the fiscal drag will move to zero, monetary policy won't be able to hide. that's the kind of rhetoric we got on the details on the bupt agreement, even if it doesn't do anything dramatic. >> one of the key issues in asking the question we did network wide yesterday whether the crisis trade was over, this plays into it, right, that they at least are willing to have a budget deal to avert another shutdown. so it's check the box of another positive for the stock market, we'll see what the lasting impact of it is. it does pay to read the fine print. >> that's just what jane wells did when a congressional budget report landed on her desk and she found stunning information on who is really paying income tax in america. jane? >> guys, inside this mind numbing report on tax burdens from the cbo this week is a nugget on page 13. the cbo broke the country up into five tiers of wage earners. each group's share of individual income taxes, the top two groups of wage earners there at the bottom, add those together, they paid 106% of individual income taxes in 2010. that's the latest numbers the cbo used. the bottom two groups, the least earners, added together, negative 9%. the top earners are paying the whole enchilada, those left are paying less than zero. how do you pay less than zero? you get a negative tax rate. the lowest income group made on average $8100 in to 10 that's below the level of paying any income taxes but those in the group also received $25,000 each in aid and more than a quarter of that group, the cbo says they paid negative 15% of individual income taxes. now, don't worry, the rich are not going broke. they're not making as much today with the market down triple digits. the cbo says it saw its income grow much faster than anyone else in 2010, no surprise coming off the market bottom. generally speaking, those who thing that those who make more should pay more in taxes but in the case of individual income taxes based on this report top earners are not only paying their fair share, they're paying everyone's share. back to you. >> jane wells for us, as she digs through the guts of that report. as mentioned there now about 20 minutes to go before the closing bell on this day when wer seeing the dow up 125 points. >> pretty weak day across the board. but coming up, an ipo daily double. twitter officially doubled in value from its ipo price today. dominic chu will check in. what's the next that could do the same? >> could it be hilton? we'll have the latest on the hotel chain's pricing scheduled to happen any time. the biggest hotel ipo. ♪ my double vision gets the best of me ♪ 123450r those dres, there's justo way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. ♪ that's how ameriprise puts more maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. 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(vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. ♪ ♪ i wanna spread a little love this year ♪ ♪ i wanna spread a little love and cheer ♪ [ male announcer ] this december, remember -- true artistry is measured by a passion for bold design and advanced technology at the lexus december to remember sales event, with some of our best offers of the year on our most luxurious models. this is the pursuit of perfection. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises. to help you realize a better tomorrow. from the families of aig, happy holidays. . welcome back. we've been telling you about the weakening stock market that we've been looking at here really deteriorating in the last 25 to 25 minutes. the dow's at the lows of the day got the biggest two-day sell-off. and we've been mostly talking about this market sort of creeping higher. >> right. >> and then all of a sudden yesterday was down, today down 135. what are we talking, materials week, amongst some other -- >> on this day where it's not as if we saw a big move in the ten-year, but a little bit business arz. this is something art cashman has been talking about for days. there are anomalies in this market. shouldn't read too much into it. look at the nasdaq, off almost 1.5%. if it falls below 4000 a lot of hand waving if nothing else. again will set off the chartists a little bit. >> microsoft is down pretty good today as is intel as kelly is talking about some of the technology stocks selling off here towards the close. here's something worth tweeting about, twitter doubling its ipo price boosted by a huge run monday and tuesday, a run that seemingly came out of nowhere. >> while twitter may be the most recent stock to increase its value two-fold, dominic says there are others who have done the same thing this year. >> how about the first one? today the debut of auto home, the chinese internet company that's basically like an auto retailer. it is well on its way towards doubling just its debut in trading today. take a look at some of the other big ones, twitter is up 103%. it just ipo'd on november 7th. but sprouts farmers market. the natural foods grocer debuted in the beginning of august. and it's up 103% as well. then noodles and company, the restaurant chain. that stock is up 114%. yes, a double. it debuted back in june on the 28th. the container store, a more vent one, november 1st. a 120% pop and we're only a month into it for them. then there's voxeljet. you've been talking about the printing companies. these guys are up 201%. they debuted basically in the middle of october. high flying names, but like you guys said, this is all a preview, if you will, for what could be one of the most massive ipos in recent years. ali baba? >> i'm not talking ali baba. talking hilton. >> i was looking at the video. >> we're not talking about a 10, $11 million share offering like for these smaller companies. >> what you are seeing there are tangible assets, tangible things that you can see, touch, whatever. this is a lodging giant. remember back in 2007 blackstone bought it for $27 billion. this was a black eye for them for a while, but if this goes off at the top end of its range, this could be huge for blackstone. >> give me ali baba. >> don't know when that will happen. >> pension costs for retired public employees are mounting while resources continue to decline. >> 140-point sell-off in the dow jones industrial sell-off. keeping a close eye on that. >> the california state teachers retirement system high risk, chief investment officer will join us to respond. tonight at 6:00, do not miss "mad money." james cramer talks with frank blake. he doesn't do too much tv. don't want to miss this one with jimmy. 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[ male announcer ] now the world is your trading floor. get real-time market scanning wherever you are with the mobile trader app. from td ameritrade. we're back on the floor for the closing countdown. want to show you the major averages because we're in the midst of the worst two-day sell-off in the market in two months. there it is. the dow jones is down 130, just about at the lows of the day. nasdaq this week briefly broke below 4000 a moment ago, it's retaken that amount. s&p 500 is under pressure today. earnings they were so-so. let me show you costco. earnings not viewed all that well. stock is down 1.25% today. also the ten-year, we're focused on the rising rates. there's the ten-year note, 2.84%. you can see it right here afternoon rates creeping up, market selling off. a familiar story that we've seen. that will be the conversation in the days ahead as the taper draws ever closer. terry dolan from benjamin and gerald brokerage is back with us. what do you make of the two-day sell-off? >> i feel like the market is creating a bit of a trading range here at the end of the year where it's getting pushed around a little bit. a little hard on the down side. i expect them to rally from these levels here on forward. >> you think the old playbook is going the take hold just wait a couple days? >> i do. i think in this case kind of near the bottom of the trading range. i think we'll trade back up and see a close above 16,000 for the new year. having that been said, the issues with the ten-year, it will creep into the first quarter of next year as rates continue to rise without the fed doing anything. >> the next fed meeting is like the 17th and 18th. so it's right here. >> yeah. >> what happens if they taper, what happens if they taper 5 billion, 10 billion? >> the market will probably welcome a prudent move right now. the key indicator is inflation. at least investors that are purchasing paper and looking ii the paper right now can look at inflation and say we're still pretty low on our interest rates. that's going to be the key right there. >> take it way down to the ground level. >> right. >> the minute the announcement is made that the fed is tapering and if that announcement comes in a week, what happens to the stock market? >> well, actually, i think the trouble is that the fed is overcommitted right now to its nontapering stance. the market would be shocked by that right now and it would be a very negative move but only because of their overcommitted stance to continue this quantitative easing going out into '15. >> market shocked, you're talking a pretty good decline. >> a shock in terms of complete a round about face in policy. i don't ning the job numbers warrant that. they'd be looking at 260, 270 before they'd contemplate it. >> that's it for the 3:00 hour of "the closing bell," with ten seconds to go before the bell and there it goes ringing right now. you'll pick it up on the other side. hello and welcome to "the closing bell." i'm kelly evans down here at the new york stock exchange. a sea of red. here's how we're finishing up the day. still counting the orders. dow jones off about 131 or 0.8%. it was the better performer of the three indexes. nasdaq is the one to watch. broke the 4000 mark just before the close. looks like about 56 points or 1.4%. the s&p 500 dumped 20 points, 1782 is the level there. let's get straight to it with our panel. michelle russo cabrera, stephanie link and andrew bush. thank you all for being here. stephanie link, what is going on with this market? >> i think what's happening here is we're still trying to adjust this whole taper situation. you've got the budget resolution, we still have to get past that, but that paves the away for further tapering. the market is trying to figure out is that a good thing or a bad thing? i'm of the mind that it's a good thing because the economic data has been supportive of tapering. joy global was not that good. there wasn't a lot of macro data. i was focused on the goldman sachs financial services conference. yesterday and today the companies have been talking about a little bit better loan growth, cash flow. i'm taking away those are positive -- >> hold on. breaking news, the other piece of action we're waiting for on hilton. simon hobbs, what can you say? >> david faber hit it on the head. they'll price it at $20 a share as david reported this morning. what is new and we didn't expect is that it would appear that hilton is intending to increase the size of the offer, which clearly was well oversubscribed. don't forget they've brought forwards by one day this process. they were supposed to price thursday night, then trade friday morning. they obviously knew the book. the deal was done as one insider said to me. not only do they know that it's going to be $20 so they know the book very well but they know they'll be able to increase the size of the ipo to an initial $1.2 billion. a big ipo, certainly the largest we've had in lodging. >> possibly the second biggest ipo this year. this is a huge deal. in a couple of different ways. that $20 price, i wonder if they wanted to stay right there, increase the amount of the offering instead of boosting that price. >> remember that blackstone is in this for the long game. a private equity move. they'll basically bring it to market at kind of the price that they paid plus debt to take it off the market 6 1/2 years ago. within that, they followed the private equity model. they've restructured the debt. they've increased the value of their equity, the proportion that they own outright from the initial 6.5 billion they've put in. >> but this company will still have $15 billion of debt. this offering won't do anything -- it will not remove that entirely. a final question, we're coming off of a market that just had one of the worst days in about a month here and it seems as though that hasn't really fazed investors too much when it comes to this particular company? >> no, because it's been relatively conservatively priced. but they're not attempting to bolster the price too much. these investors that are likely to be coming in here are longer term buy side, they're not just there for the profits, not a social media stock. this is probably one that those that buy did hold on to. >> not a chinese hotelier. simon, we'll see you later as well. we hope the range, the size increase, this is a big one, guys. andrew bush, what do you say about this? >> hilton's come a long way. obviously they've done a lot of restructuring of the company. they've dramatically improved their balance sheet, they got rid of a lot of real estate. they had really focused on the frequent stay guests. this is a company that's dramatically cleaned itself up and really put it on par with marriott. that's really good. not only that they moved their headquarters from california to virginia. you're looking at $2.7 billion on this ipo. so this is big deal. i think it will do quite well, obviously. the book said so already. >> guys, we're adding steve grasso to the mix here, "fast money" extraordinaire, we should say. you've got this hilton deal that seems to be in line with the story year-to-date in markets, appetite, investors are interested, the economy's doing better, then a market day like today where those signs seem to be weakening. >> everybody is waiting for this sell-off and usually at the least when everyone expects it. so at this point you've got to stay with your game plan, stay invested in the marketplace and just bear with it. it will get rocky going to year end, it certainly will. >> everybody's finally figured out that they're going to have some tapering maybe sooner than later. trader, i know they usually go to southampton or wherever for the holidays or the festivities. >> kind of cold out there. >> they're taking their chips off the table, saying i'm not going to wait for christmas. we're taking our profits now ahead of the taper. this was a traders market. >> what i don't understand -- >> hang on, through that whole time even though it was positive, you could say we might have a government shutdown in january, we know the fed is worried about that. but no government shutdown to be worried about in january. >> did i hear anything about a debt ceiling? i'm sore se, did i hear anything about a debt ceiling? they just want to get paid more and both houses of congress want to pay them more. >> the budget deal actually. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say the budget deal shows a structure by which both sides can work together. it helps take the debt ceiling off the table come february or march. i think they can do something there. one thing about the markets, everybody is talking about the potential for china to downgrade their growth target from 7 1/2 to 7. that's why the chinese shanghai was down so much last night. i also think that hurt the u.s. stock market as well today. >> at the same time there was talk around the floor here going into the close about a billion dollars on the sale side. i think we grabbed kenny right off the floor, here. why do you think these sell orders are coming inside? >> i think today's action is much more driven in washington, much more about the budget deal. the whole taper conversation, people are exhausted. the market has decided they recognize the fact that it's going to happen. whether it happens in january, february, march, makes no difference. it's all about the clarity of the fed. >> now we've got a budget demilitarized zone. >> you're making progress, that's the whole point. >> we can ma-- we've been makin progress for 40 years. >> now we can focus more about taper because the economy is actually supportive of taper. wait, wait, wait. i would just say this. portfolio managers are for the longer term to position themselves for 2014. you want to be taking advantage of these pullbacks to position your portfolio the way you want it to be. >> speaking about stocks specific stuff, just to jump on what steph was talking about, if china growth isn't that spectacular. look at coal, steel, that have all ran 50% in the last couple of months and maybe lock into profits there as well. >> i want to talk about the ten-year yield. a big auction, 2.84%. i guess my point is this, if i were trying to figure out if today was all about the economy's improving enough that the fed would exit the picture, you expect that yield to move up. but if it was there were earnings disappointments and maybe a damp squibb. >> why didn't this have to be all or nothing? first of all, if the economy starts weakening again, that gas pedal can be depressed once again. this is not something here -- >> we're talking five to ten to 15 billion pulling out. >> kenny, go ahead. >> listen, the fed is not going anywhere. they've made that quite clear. whether they start to pull out 10 billion or not, if it starts to turn, they're jumping right back in and everybody knows it. today's budget deal had zero clarity. >> it doesn't matter which side of the fence you're on. i'm a republican, i make no bones about it. but it doesn't matter. we're making progress there. it doesn't matter whether it's perceived progress or not. >> at 2.85 ten-year treasury, we had this in the summer. we have seen this movie already, we're going to get the t-shirt and read the book. we start to see mortgage applications slow down. when the only thing going on in the mortgage business is cash sales -- i don't know about you -- >> i want nathan to slow down triple for one second. what you're telling me is that now that we're at 2.85% and moved back up on the ten-year the economy's not strong enough to handle it and we might see a repeat of that situation where just as we've had a record amount of people exiting bond funds this year, perhaps it looks okay in the landscape for 2014? >> i think you're going to see the economy slow down again. we keep hearing people say, mortgages are so cheap on a relative basis. i've got relatives i don't like either. housing affordability is not keeping pace. that's a challenge. >> that's true, but the fed has made it very clear they're going to try to alcohol that. that will be the issue if they can't control it. >> it really does depend on the vel oocity of the trade move. >> that's right. >> i think the market can handle that because i think the data that we've gotten in the last month, month and a half is lot better than where we were back in may. >> i agree. >> you look at the global data point, too, all of them are pointing to a slide recovery. >> stephanie, the thing is also for the projections out for 2014, you're starting to see everyone look at the united states and it's over 3% or it's really close to it. >> but the thing that bothers me about the bond market, it doesn't go up nicely and consistently. it doesn't behave. >> stock market valuation wrs we are, as long as we have 3% gdp growth. >> i'll call you and the stock market's going to behave. the four great lies that we hear about. >> i'm waiting for the t-shirt and the book. >> you can catch steve grasso on "fast money". the rest of the panel sticking around. also i'm speaking exclusively with california teachers pension chief who overcease one of the biggest pension funds, $170 billion in assets. is he worried that traditional pensions are an endangered species after what happened in detroit. hilton reportedly pricing at $20 a share. we'll cover it in every possible angle. stay with us. thrusters at 30%! i can't get her to warp. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪ welcome back. the nasdaq that really took it on the chin today falling below that 400 mark briefly. >> you know it was really in the last 30 minutes that we saw significant selling over here at the nasdaq. keep in mind for over a week now the nasdaq has been trading well above 4000, but now once again testing that level. where we really saw the losses it was across the board. electronic art, names like yahoo! and google also posting losses. apple trading in negative territory. and social media stocks which have really been a bright stock. today we're seeing red arrows across the screen. aside from groupon, bucking the trend. wells fargo upgrading the stock to well perform, that group is positioned well to continue to take massive share in the local commerce market. that's the reason we ended lower here at the nasdaq. >> not a pretty day there. seema, thank you, appreciate it. jackie deangelis has a look at some of those. >> we have a look at athena health getting whacked in the after-session today. earnings and revenue below street expectations. also after the bell, vera bradley reporting better than expected third quarter earnings but issued a light fourth quarter and fiscal 2014 outlook. the stock was halted in after hours. the fda approving the generic version of eli lilly's anti-depressant drug cymbalta. unchanged in the after-hours session. icahn enterprises. and defense stocks could spur an increase in defense contracts. lockheed martin, raytheon, united technologies all to the down side today. >> so those were some of the big movers for today. but what about the outlook for 2014? my next guest is from lpl financial who actually says thins will look pretty good next year. tell us about the outlook, what do you see here? >> we see another good year next year driven by a couple factors. one is washington will get out of the way. that will be nice. when was the last time that we said that washington will be out of the way of politics. we expect a full percentage point growth in gdp, that should translate to better sales and profits. finally a whole new class of investor coming into the markets to buy stocks. corporations have been doing the heavy lifting in 2013 as the biggest buyers of stocks. look for the retail investor, the 800-pound gorilla of investing next year to help drive a wind for stocks and double digit gains. >> we were having a pretty heated debate whether mastercard, a argument that a company can do this with cash is a shareholder friendly move, what happens when you see them continue to buy? >> i guess i don't mind if they don't have anything better to do with the money, but as we look out to 2014, you actually see important need for investment in capital and in employment. we need more jobs and more capital expenditures. businesses have been running very lean. if we get a better growth environment businesses like mastercard and others will need to hire to capture that. i love the buy backs as long as it's not at the expense of fundamentals in the business. >> what do you see for the end of next year and what does that imply as to what the fed does during that period of time? >> good question. we're seeing a 10 to 15% gain, so that could put you around 10,000 on the s&p 500. the fed will begin tapering here soon. interest rates will be headed higher. what we think that means is more of a flight out of bonds, as interest rates rise. could be at best maybe a flat year for the bond market. further impetus for individual investors to favor stocks. >> as you just heard people back and forth about whether the very minutia of either the people on the fed, the kinds of decisions they may make next year are tripping up the market. from what you say, it almost sounds irrelevant. why is that? >> because it's almost there. the economy wasn't ready for it. stocks tanked, bond yields fell. that's not going to be the case this time, clearly isn't shaping up to be the case. much better backdrop of economic growth. we're seeing much better job growth in the economy. so a lot of things picking up. the economy in a much better place to handle that rise in rates. that's why we think it won't be as negative a factor, maybe not negative at all. >> thank you for your time this afternoon. 2000, that's where he falls in line. in the days of the cold war, it was the soviet union and no one in their right mind would invest there even if they could. under putin is anything different in russia today? we'll hear from the country's sovereign wealth fund on whether putin makes potential investors to nervous to put money to work in this country. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at [ male announcer ] if we could see energy... what would we see? ♪ the billions of gallons of fuel that get us to work. ♪ we'd see all the electricity flowing through the devices that connect us and teach us. ♪ we'd see that almost 100% of medical plastics are made from oil and natural gas. ♪ and an industry that supports almost 10 million american jobs. life takes energy. and no one applies more technology to produce american energy and refine it more efficiently than exxonmobil. because using energy responsibly has never been more important. energy lives here. ♪ energy lives here. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the new flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare. but it doesn't usually work that way with health care. with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and cost estimates, so we can make better health decisions. unitedhealthcare. welcome back. bob pisani joins us from the floor. curious what people are saying have caused this. >> i'll tell you what they're talking about, the confusion. the market is sending very confusing signals. on friday, we've only had one really good day in two weeks, that was on friday. that was in the jobs report. remember that? everybody said jobs market was great. everyone is saying we've got an improving economy, maybe the marketing can withstand some modest, gentle tapering. remember that idea? today we get a positive piece of news, the budget negotiations are going well, we'll get a budget deal and all of a sudden everyone says, oh, maybe the chances of tapering might be going up, we knew that on friday. why did the market react in a different way today? that's what everybody is sort of confused about here. now, if you want to be a technician, for example, the russell 2000 had a terrible day overall. that's head and shoulders, not very obvious, but a head and shoulder pattern that was perfectly completed with the right side today. a lot of people are sort of talking about the technical aspects of the market. >> bob pisani, thank you very much. again on an afternoon where we've gotten the hilton ipo, 20 bucks. but amid a global rally russia hasn't joined the party. here's the etf tracking the russian stock market. take a look at this because you don't see it a lot on this side of the water, it's down for the year. that's right. many blame russian president vladimir putin who some would say is more of a dictator. >> we have an exclusive interview with the head of the russian direct investment fund, this is one of three sovereign funds in russia. what makes it unique is it's designed to get other sovereign wealth funds to invest in russia because they know they have a perception of lots of corruption, big, big problems, is your physical safety going to be all right? when i spoke with this gentleman, we spent a lot of time talking about the problems they face in their image. what about vladimir putin who seems to have an ever increasing grip on power there. he said people misunderstand his boss. >> i would say they do not understand what president putin is doing because they really brought stability and growth into country that was torn by different business plans, that really had huge unemployment, was pretty much bankrupt, over the last 13, 14 years he really brought in stability, growth and really we are now the sixth largest country, sixth largest economy in the world. it came from being absolutely bankrupt to just 13, 14 years ago. so people i think do not understand the trajectory, how democratic was england right after magna carta? russia needs time to build institutions, to build proper things and the president is a big advocate of foreign investment in the russian economy. he's a big advocate of progress. >> so implicit in his answer is, yes, we know there are problems and issues but we thing we're heading in the right direction. and we need the stability under putin to get there. >> when we talk about the pope being named man of the year, you could have made the argument for it being vladimir putin. look at syria, at the ukraine, the way he's trying to exert his influence across the middle east, with the olympics coming up, yet on the economic front if their situation starts to worsen, he won't necessarily be able to throw his weight around to the same degree. >> the price of oil is an explanation for why their stock market hasn't gone far and they're spending piles of money, $50 billion on the winter loim pibs alone. more than all other winter olympics combined. >> do you think they can see better growth if moscow themselves doesn't see better growth? that's been the real slowdown and the real concern. some will say the south is growing more and the east is growing more and that can kind of make up for it. what is your sense? >> the bigger issue for them is they've got to be move higher and hirer on the indexes. how easy to start a business, bureaucracy and paperwork, they've made improvements, but they have to make a lot more if they have to get the multiple on the market is like four. >> i have to tell you, that sounds like saying tony soprano is a good family man, too. really hard to swallow. the only thing i might want to invest in now is smirnoff and vodka possibly. but we're doing a good job of making it tough for the russians. that's why they're being nice in syria and threatened to play ball. i hope they spend a lot of money on the olympics because we're taking the price of oil and dropping it to the floor. i know, different kind of oil, but nonetheless. >> all the oil producers are nervous about what's happening in the united states. >> i'm so happy for that. >> your heart bleeds for them. >> our foreign policy will get so much better now, i can't tell you guys. >> when i look at the bric countries, i would much rather own an etf in china because it will grow 7 1/2%, but that's better than the 2% in russia. >> russia is the "r" in bric. after the break, the chief investment officer for a california teachers union how he's putting $170 billion to work. how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] chewley's finds itself in a sticky situation today after recalling its new gum. [ male announcer ] stick it to the market before you get stuck. get the most extensive charting wherever you are with the mobile trader app from td ameritrade. welcome back. my next guest manages one of the largest pension funds in the world. capping out at $175 billion. what's he seeing in markets right now, where's he putting money to work? let's bring in california state teachers retirement investor, that's why they say caltrs. how you will change that for 2014? >> we actually like the equity markets. today doesn't bother me. i see the red numbers and i see everybody get pretty excited about it, suddenly a down day. we used to have down 100 days the on a regular basis. the street has to adjust and not get so excited about a day like today. markets will trend sideways. a fantastic year in 2013. i'm actually a little bit optimistic about '14. we won't have a plus 30 year or plus 20 year. >> what's your allocation? >> 45% in equity, two-thirds in the u.s. we're tilting a little bit, taking profits out of the u.s. and tilting toward non-u.s. equities. >> any markets where you're going overweight next year? >> market weight in europe and put some money there cautiously. we do believe in abenomics and be a little allocated to japan. a brutal year for them, but we're long-term investors so we want to average cost into a market like that and while it won't turn around on a dime, the future will be there. >> we heard the same thing this year in emerging markets and hard to find performers. >> with our case, with a 40-year horizon, we won't try to pick the bottom or the bottom minute but scale ourselves into that market. we always have a 10% allocation to emerging marketing. all about tactical shifts. >> if you knew coming into this year that equities would be doing what they are, you wouldn't have to invest in anything else. over time if you think that the equity market will generate returns north of, say, 5%, 6% or if not, are you going to say that 5% of your portfolio and try to make up the rest with more aggressive investments? >> the simple answer is no, that's been part of big debate. bill gross has been talking about the new normal and will equity market returns be five or lower. we're not looking for double digit returns but we're thinking over a decade to be close to 7 1/2%. we'll diversify around that and put money in real estate, as we have for 20 years. >> that's all your fault then, with the credit boom and bust cycle. to some extent there is a need for higher returns. what's the number you guys have to make each year? >> i want to take credit for that, let's give the credit to the rest of wall street. any time you get in a bubble where you loan money to people that can't repay it, then leverage up the system and there's so much bubble talk, bubbles are rare. they're going to happen once or twice in our lifetime. people are too excited looking for the next one. we thing this is a good investment market, slow growth, moving economy, so we want to stay invested for the long term. >> looking at some of the opportunities that you i guess see for that period of time, it's not just about overweight and underweight, it's also about where you are coming from. you have to make the math work for these pensions for the california state teachers. how well do you have to do each year to stay funded? especially when you have this report saying that you're underfunded and you really need to step it up. >> we're underfunded. what's sad about teacher pension plans across america, historically they've not been properly dribted to, whether california all the way to the east coast. so you need two things in our retirement plan, whether 401(k) or a pension plan, you need contributions and you need investment returns. my job is to generate that investment return. while i'm shooting for 7 1/2 and i say think about it as a pace per mile in a marathon, so some tough years, some good years but over a 10 to 20-year period we've proven we can generate that 7 1/2 return. >> i'd be happy in a 7 1/2 in a marathon pace. seening what's happened in detroit in which it was basically ruled that pensions aren't untouchable, i'm wondering if there's more of a move to shift this all towards 401(k) and privatize it, death nell it for the people managing pension money over time. >> there are people predicting that for a while. i'm going to tell them they're flat-out wrong. it's just part of the bait, we've been battling the battle for over a decade. it will continue to be a debate. retirement plans are an employee benefit. you want to reward longevity. detroit will take years to figure out and probably ultimately the supreme court, but that's a city plan and municipal plan. state plans are totally different. we're not going to be threatened by that. the decision would not impact us. it's going to be a constant debate about where you set benefits and how you contribute into a pension plan. california teachers aren't covered by social security. we're their sole safety net. the teacher typically works for 29 years and their pension's very modest. you want to reward that career in education. >> thanks for coming and sharing your view on the world. now the wait is almost over. our reporters have been crisscrossing the country all day to find the most bang for the buck. the winner will be revealed next. well, it's back, cnbc's million dollar home competition. we've seen seven cnbc reporters to seven real estate markets to check out a million dollar home with a main street address. here's how it works. two $1 million homes go head-to-head, only one moves forward. we've asked reporters not to reveal their location as you take a look, we'll reveal where they are afterwards. massachusetts lavish lodge, to to speak, lost to pennsylvania's river retreat. now in the final round, that river retreat will take on the beach bungalow. touring the homes are brian sullivan and our own jane wells. >> this attached house may sit on a small lot, but don't be fooled. it's in a very artsy, affluent and desirable community. built in 1875, the house has been renovated and expanded and maintains its historic charm. >> this 85-year-old home on main street is hardly mainstream. it measures under 1500 square feet, bought out of foreclosure, completely fixed up, turned into a triplex so you can rent out parts for income. >> it features a modern chef's kitchen with nice chef's island and a front and back staircase, make the open design even more flexible. >> okay, so the kitchen in the main unit is more of a galley, but everything in here is brand new. and over in the bathroom, again, everything is new, and they stuck to the 1920s decor. >> the master suite of this three-bedroom home has floor to ceiling windows and a great balcony that lets in a ton of natural light. the home office can easily be converted into a fourth bedroom. >> you have two small bedrooms, one bath as a closet. second unit has the same thing. in the back, you have a brand new studio for mom. >> walk out the front door and you're right in a very cool main street. walk out the back door and you're right on the river with a private fenced-in backyard. the asking price for this river front home 988,000. >> this place is on the most popular street in the county, walking distance to a codesy town center and spectacular scenery. when you find out where this is, you'll understand why the asking price is 998 grand. >> wow, all right. we already know the river retreat is located in pennsylvania. i think jane's beach bungalow is probably somewhere in what, the bay area, malibu, california? i'm speaking here, of course, of real estate broker to the superrich dolly lentz. what's the location of that home that's going for a million dollars? >> huntington beach, california. on a day like today in new york, cold, snow, it's looking really good to me. >> still, is that really worth the price? >> but let's look at it another way. there are three apartments in this house. the three apartments rent for over $5,000 a month. >> oh, it's a rental place? >> yes, so you can even use one, rent the other two. use two, rent one. i love the flexibility and the exit strategy on that. so to me, that really sings a very good tune. >> and that's so interesting because we know the multifamily, the rental space is indicative of where the country and the buying population has moved today. and i'm just amazed i guess that it would still cost that much up front to have that kind of location. >> you know, really a million dollars isn't, as we see from all the houses we're looking at, a whole lot of money today to buy a house. the market has really gone up. we're up 26, 28% in these areas you see what a million dollars doesn't buy you. >> by the way, financing something like this, can the average person, even if they have this kind of money to put to work, they can get financing for this kind of property? >> the average person, maybe not the average person, but many people can get financing, so it's really not that begin an issue. harder than ever, but doable. >> i suppose it is time, dolly, it's been all day. we've seen the river houses move forward, the beach bungally. >> what do you think? >> now that you bring up the rental.i'm going beach bungalow, but for financial reasons. >> i think it's a total beach bungalow play. i have to tell you again today is a really cold day. it snowed yesterday. and i'm looking for that warmth. >> see, i think we need to apologize to the river retreat, because if we did this in june -- >> exactly, exactly. >> dolly, thank you so much for walking us through that. really appreciate it. a million dollar beach bungalow wins the main street competition, if we can even call it that. thank you to dolly for joining us all day today. >> now, what's drawing the most eyeballs over on our website, aside from people looking at slide shows is of houses right now, allen wastler. >> right now we've got a pretty depressing piece sort of leading the site right now, merry christmas, millions to lose job little benefits. this is tied to the budget deal. many are saying they'd extend the jobless benefits. they didn't do it. one of our staff writers took a deep dive on it looking at how many will be affected and when congress doesn't act. people are eating it up on the website. our second big right now is tied to the budget deal. earlier today we had the former omb director sitting down with rick santelli. we wrote down his comments and put it on the site. he called that whole budget deal basically a joke and a betrayal. that's drawn them right in there, they're just diving in. >> he didn't mince words. >> as he rarely does. but right now we've got a dark horse coming up on those two, it might take the top spot. you had jane wells talking about tax rates and how the top 40% are bpaying all the tax bill an then more. she wrote it up for us and put it on the site. it's getting more than 60 readers a minute right now. >> that surprises me less, alan, than the fact that the jobless benefits are leading the site. but to see it just kind of on that headline alone draws much attention as it is tells you perhaps it will be more of a sticking point for negotiations or for congress going forward. we'll see. al alan, thank you. hilton pricing its highly anticipated ipo at $20 a share, according to dow jones increasing in size. coming up more with simon hobbs and when to expect when this starts trading tomorrow morning. ♪ [ male announcer ] this december, experience the gift of true artistry and some of the best offers of the year at the lexus december to remember sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. at the lexus december to remember sales event. new business owner, it would be one thing i've learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you 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[ male announcer ] open an account and get a $150 gift card. call 1-888-330-3136 now. optionsxpress by charles schwab. welcome back. as 2013 draws to a close, the market is squeezing out big name offerings before the end of the year. hilton reportedly pricing its offering at $20 a share just about an hour ago. simon hobbs joining us with more of the news. >> reuters also reporting that $20 a share figure and, of course, let's pay tribute to david faber who was saying that at 9:00 this morning. we also have an idea on the number of shares they're attempting to sell. 117 million up from 112.8. they've sold 100 million worth of more shares. it takes the total value of the ipo to $2.3 billion. i've just been running the math on this, which i think will be quite interesting. means that total equity in the company is valued at stake at means by my calculation back of an envelope they've made somewhere in the region of $10 billion through the way in which they have managed this. remember, this -- when they first took it off the market 6 1/2 years ago looked very soon like a complete disaster. they paid let's not forget $26 billion to take it off the market at a 31% premium to where the shares were trading on the floor of the nyse and the wholeny turned and pricing went down the drain and went to a conference and said, hey, guy, let's not lower prices, no, no -- >> we've got too. >> and dumped it on travel agencies. terrible time for blackstone. huge amount of debt around their neck but the banks as you know stayed with them through that and those banks, all 26 of them and the brokerages are all part of the deal today payback on the fees. >> thank you very much for that reporting this evening. a long day, we know. that does point the price at over $30 billion probably for hilton so blackstone which i think has a lockup so it can't jump out of this investment has just sort of stayed involved for the next couple of years. just want to go to you on this point. hilton despite the success of this ipo, purported success will still have a massive debt load, 15 billion roughly at least as of the start of year talking about a time in which rates are starting to move higher. your view, is it not, that we'll see 3 1/2% of the tenure. >> that's part of the problem but part of what it was about was to pay down some of that debt. ever since blackstone took them over they've done a good job and increased frequent traveler stays, obviously segmented their brands extraordinarily well and cleaned up their balance sheet somewhat. sold a lot of real estate. the ceo comes from host which was a marriott spin-off so i mean these guys know what they're doing. the question is this, at that $20 level they're about a 17 to 20% premium on ebita to other peers in their group like marriott so that's the question. are they really value here? >> that's -- stefanie, we don't have much time. do you rec it, do you think retail investors should get involved. >> i like it at these levels up to 23, $24 level. pricing power they've got very good pipeline growth internationally so 80% of their pipe is overseas. that's where the real growth is going to sdmrb that will come from the fact they have the international brands like embassy swooelts will be international. that's good but helps, all that stuff about management notwithstanding helps that they didn't build anything. >> on the blackstone side, 10 billion 6 1/2 years and not bad. >> not bad. >> could be worse. guy, thanks to all of you. you tweet by the way putting the best on air. keep it right here plus what would you buy with a 4$400 million mega millions jackpot? our panel sharing their lottery fantasies coming up. [ male announcer ] how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and etrade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. every weekend worked, every idea sold... ♪ you deserve a cadillac, the fastest growing full-line luxury brand in the united states. including the all new 2014 cadillac cts, motor trend's 2014 car of the year. now during our season's best event, get the best offers of the season on our award winning products, like the 2014 ats and srx. if every u.s. home replaced one light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, the energy saved could light how many homes? 1 million? 2 million? 3 million? the answer is... 3 million homes. by 2030, investments in energy efficiency could help americans save $300 billion each year. take the energy quiz. energy lives here. welcome back. a chart of yahoo! today because we barely had time to mention it with everything else going on. potentially important thing with yahoo! mail causing lots of users major headaches. some people anecdotally share they've been unable to share their mail for a day or more they're dealing with glitches. we were talking about this on twitter. the shares down 2.7%, well underperforming the market on this one and people are pretty upset. here's dan nathan of all people saying i must be one of the last people on earth to hey yahoo! stinks. they should pay me to keep it. meanwhile, rick is saying, wait. there are people that still use yahoo! mail for real? i only use it to provide a valid e-mail log in and also jay tweeting i think thanksgiving someone used a new interface. for the next 20 minutes everyone was trashing it. any of you use yahoo! mail? g mail is it gmail, andrew. >> i had it for awhile until it blew up just like this. so i went to gmail and comca so it's just a backup. >> it might seem like a minor point. what yahoo!'s strategy and what marissa is focus on the five things people want to do. they want to check their mail, check the weather, sports, check the financial scores, so if they don't get yahoo! mail right and stephanie, generally, that becomes a huge problem for them. >> so we don't own yahoo! and i would say right. you have to have the five prongs. if one is not working it won't be great. google, we are a shareholder of -- i like to hear we're all gmail. they have video youtube which gets no credit and they've got the ecosystem to capture the advertising. >> you can't discount the very clean and elegant interface of gmail connected to the calendar and everything else compared to the yahoo! experience which is so busy and cluttered. >> fight espn. good luck on that. what do we have left of the five? >> going after the -- >> i can't remember what the fifth one. i think i only named four. also want a couple of final thoughts. little time to digest the market action. is this a quintessential -- >> i think the volatility will continue until we get a resolution on the taper. once you get a taper i think we can focus on the fundamentals and focus on earnings which are going to be coming out in a month so we have that and then i think we'll have to see but i am of the belief that the economy is slowly gradually improving and encouraged by the global economies, as well and starting to see a pickup. >> andrew? >> the stock market will stay soft until after christmas and start our traditional year-end rally and it'll continue into january but after that that's the question, you know, what will the earnings be? i think they'll be okay. i don't think they'll be great then we'll get into a whole bunch of things like the state of the union and -- >> i'm not sure i've heard of the state of the union -- >> i was going to say -- >> creating concern about rising interest rates but ultimately remember when people are leaving treasuries they're often buying stocks, right, often making a choice and sometimes why you see rising interest rates because they see a better return in equities. >> why do i feel you have a p t pithy last word. >> i think there will be correction. right now mers cannot both invest and shop at the same time. i think that's why we have these year-end rallies between christmas and new year's. i'm cautiously optimistic. i got a lot caution but optimist lick about 2014. >> thanks for joining me. we have plenty ahead this week. "fast money" coming up in just a few seconds. are you talking macro. >> yes, i knew this would warm the cockells of your heart but we are going to tell you the one chart, the one chart that is the most accurate economic forecasting tool. any guesss? >> i might say like the new orders index or the pmi. >> way too geeky. you will have to tune in to find out what it is. >> over to you guys. >> at the edge of your seat. >> "fast money" starts right now in new york city's times square i'm melissa lee. tonight's lineup. the internet stock bucking the trend but how long will it last and pandora's shares falling like a lead balloon. it's not because of apple itunes but with led zeppelin. we'll explain, plus which stock will announce a buyback next? our traders have a few ideas which could


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20130105

hundreds leaving their condolences on our face book page. you can join on 7 news. >> a crew is in south lake tahoe now where the investigation is focused. he'll bring us a live report coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00. >> moving on, a brief court appearance for 26-year-old luis hernandez, the man accused of committing san jose's final murder of 2012 police say he shot and killed 36-year-old christopher soriano. reports say hernandez was told by supervisors to detain soriano believing he may be linked to car burglaries at that complex. police say vigilante acts are not justify ootd man arrested for crashing into a car, killing two people and injuring another made a court appearance today. david morales faces two counts of murder. abc 7 news is in court and here to tell us more about the injured young man and the family's plea to allow the family to travel to see him. >> that is right. the family contacted thus morning to ask for help in bringing his father to san francisco. he lives in gaud malla and has not been able to obtain a seriesa. the d.a.told abc 7 news that they're willing to help. >>1v this mother of the 18-year-old was an innocent driver of the white car struck by a man running away from police. he gave thus picture of her son, still in serious condition at san francisco general hospital. she told us her son is in bad shape. several broken bones, lungs, collapsed. the family is trying to get the young man's father into the united states to see him. he is still living in guatemala. an immigration attorney out of l.a. has been hired to try to get him an entree visa. she said her son woke up and the first thing he said was i want to see my father. she also lost her sister in, the passenger seat when morales crashed into the car. morales was in court today, police say on new year's day, he shot at three people ininside of a housing project and minutes later, ran from police when they attempted to stop him. he then crashed into the white car, killing him and a pedestrian, and injuring garcia. morales face twoz counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder among other passengers. district attorney gascone says he will likely spend his life in jail. >> when you look at the outcome in this case, you have two innocent people that are dead. that had nothing to do with anything to do with gangs and a third party very seriously injured, no toller yens for that. at all. >> by the way, more rel rales was on probation at the time a cording to the da, last april he was convicted for his involvement in a street gang in san mateo county. the d.a.asked bail be set at $10 million. >> thank you. >> in san jose, hunt is on for clues as to the cause of this fire, workers in a medical marijuana club cleaned up after a fire broke out this morning that started at 4:20 a.m. inside of the health carekk center near old bay shore highway. >> this is a little bit upsetting just to have this happen to us. whether it's a fire bug or a sort of retaliation for who know what's reason. >> suspicions the building was unoccupied at the time of the fire. there was an older -- odor of gasoline. >> investigators had not said whether the surveillance cameras captured anyone breaking into the building. the manager says much damage was caused by water, used to fight the fire. >> the story behind the murder of a south bay businessman and his mansion continues to unfold. >> jewel skpri cash were stolen and three of the four suspects were back in court. >> for the first time the three murder suspects in the deadly home invasion robbery of ravi kuma appeared together in court arks accused of or chess straighting a robbery, killing kumra and assaulting his wife, the men, loseack yas anderson, jafrer garcia, and deangelo austin did not look at, or speak to one another. >> certainly they didn't give d.a.a benefit of showing a friendship or afillation in court. that can be devastating if you later argue that you weren't there or don't know someone. i'm sure they were well versed in making sure they kept it appropriate. >> there is a fourth suspect charged with being accessory to murder, police say raven dixon is a prostitute who had a relationship with kumra, but court documents are sealed and we don't-ci< know how kumra was killed. there are volumes of documents axe bc 7 news found painting the personal and business dealings in an unsafeory light. fm he live naid fantasy world, and tried to hide millions of dollars in assets from business partners. a private attorney for one murdered defendant tried to keep her client having having to make a court appearance today, coming up at 6:00 we'll tell yu and how the judge reacted to that legal move. >> the district attorney is filing misdemeanor charges against three day care workers in the death of a baby in their care. the owner of the now defunkt center so send them to jai. an autopsy shows a 4-month-old boy accidentally suffocated on his bedding. >> this is a remarkable image here behind us.lhbgv water gone wild this morning. one viewer sent this video sho-to-us. >> yes. water gushed from a fire hydrant, dwarfing a service station. firefighters capped the hydrant. you can see mr. if you can send news out that you see out there, you can send it out there. what a geyser. >> incredible. >> most successful high school football coach in bay area history announced his retirement this afternoon, leaving after 34 years. >> the they they call coach lad, 399 wins, spartans haven't lost to another northern california team since 1991. >> sth amazing. >> you can't imagine that success. the last game was a state championship. delasalle with a winning streak. that is a dozen years without a loss. stepping aside at age 58. his assistant coach will take over. a player for coach lad in the mid 90 autos larry you've covered dela sal for years. >> yes. >> what stands out? >> he's the most humble person, you ask how are you doing this? he just points to kids. does not talk about himself. commitment of the teenagers is remarkable. and some of us know teenagers can be challenging. yes? the coaches don't yell and stream. they don'tboro beat the kids. the underjqf classmen get lessos from upper classmen. older kids say look fu. want to be part of the program here is the deal. ?) 6:00 a.. to lift weights. not 6:30, not 7:00. not noon. not when you feel like it. show up at 6:00. you're in or out. they buy in. >> it's hard to imagine this program without him. what is the word on what plans are next? >> he's going to step back but said he's going to continue to help develop younger players are a consultant. and he's going to continue to teach. and some people posted, do you know what you think is a good football coach? take his theology class, he'll blow you away. >> he looks like someone that can do it all. >> he does. he does. >> let's check on the forecast. >> another man that does it all is spencer christian. >> here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. a few clouds around, clear skies. but that is going to change overnight tonight. this morning we had some temperatures dropping down into the yirp 20s inland locations. right now, well, giving you a look at tonight's forecast. and i don't think that is where we're supposed to be. i can tell you we do have clouds, we do have other elements in the show while the first forecast should be. we have clouds thickening tonight. there will be rain developing early tomorrow first to the north bay and near the coast. going to sweep through the bay area, giving us a wet day tomorrow, then, what comes on sunday? i'll have the accu-weather forecast. >> spencer, thank you that. is not how it would have gone for coach lad. >> that is why he is who he is and why i am here. >> still ahead, lighting up the bay bridge. work crews did to create the largest light sculpture. >> carol,%jhv taking shots at spencer. >> michael finney taking your questions and will answer them here live in just a few minutes. you can contact michael on and also on twitter, m finney. >> forget gadgets. cisco and other companies believe buzz of next week's show will center on intelligent transportation. i'm david lieuy. we'll have the story coming up. >> and taking a look at traffic right now, on the san francisco skyway. it's friday get away. it's typical. very slow going for those drivers trying to make their way east. not much better for drivers heading south towards 1111nsula and beyond. all right. no more freebies when it comes to parking on sundays in san francisco. starting this weekend you'll have to pay to park from noon to 6:00 at 29,000 parking meters, parking officials sate move is needed to help ease congestion, most businesses are now open on sundays and will raise much-needed revenue. about $2 million in the next year. the city won't begin ticketing until later this month. drivers will be issued warnings, we're told for first through sunday autos can't get a break. >> no. >> good news from the music industry and the departure of hulu's ceo that. and more in your bloomberg after the bell report. hi, cory. >>k?9) good afternoon. the ceo is leaving the digital tv service. and he oversees a transition to the next ceo. chief technology officer rich tom also leaving. writing i've been fortunate, so fortunate to play a role in this ongoing journey. my decision has been one of the toughest made. he took over after hulu launched. kpt grew to almost 700 million in revenue last year, with 3 million subscribers for it's service. still, there are signs of change at the company in october, providence selling out and leaving the company owned by media giant disney and news corps. just weeks ago, reports surfaced that he asked the media companies for another to00 million to fund overseas expansion. the long struggling music industry posting gains in the digital front and says sales climbing 3% last year. dij cal album sales up 14%. and singles up 5%. sales of physical cds dropped but outselling digital. adele's "21" is the top selling album. tailor swift's "red" saw bigger sales of physical cds last year, looks like windows notebook computers not popular holiday gifts. even the new windows 8 operating system not helping things saying sales fell 11% year over year during 2012 holiday season. people bought tablets and apple macb0 book also fell. solo city predicted install yaigsz of roof top systems will jump 60% incoming year after 117% growth and installation in 2012. the chair is run by his cousin seeing a stock surge 22% since the ipo last month. stocks closing higher today, take a look at s and p now good jobs report is helping pull markets up. as for yoursn3ñ bloomberg silicn valley index, closing higher today, apple, intel dragging things down. library of congress finished searching all of the tweets in the first four years of existence for twitter. and i'm assuming it's looking out to you to organize data. so far there is 170 billion tweets, another half billion coming in every day. bloomberg studios in san francisco, i'm cory johnson. larry, carolyn? back to you. >> thank you. >> work crews pulled an overnighter on the bay bridge to mark a key milestone in creating the world's biggest light sculpture, workers startedding stringing 25,000 white led lights. the artist behind the project told us it will stretch two miles wide, 500 feet tall and will twinkle in pattern twoz years. going to be fun to seevñe=u. >> it will be. i don't know how it's going to be when you're driving on the bridge. >> they say you're not going to notice it that is what they say. >> yes. yes. >> it's gooding to be cold and wet tomorrow. >> you don't lts nths the rain. >> yes. yes. whatever. >> we do have rain coming our way. here is a live view from our east bay hills camera. looking at the western sky. what a beautiful sky it s sunny skies now. clouds around, colorful. you can imagine how colorful sunset is going to be this afternoon. taking a look at live doppler 7 hd showing how cloud free our skies be at the moment. but those clouds will increase overnight as rain approaches so rain arriving tomorrow, there is a chance of showers sunday, sunnier, milder monday and tuesday. overnight, low temperatures will be on a chilly range of the north bay valleys. lows into low to mid 30s in fairfield. and so once again, chilly but not wold weather we've had. satellite shows high pressure just barely holding on right now. this funnel system approaches. stets lets start at 9:00 tomorrow morning it will be cloudy. rain will not have gotten organize bid that point. we'll see more wide spread rain moving in pushing first through the north bay, hitting south ward. 5:00 in the afternoon, will be wet and then that, cold front sweeps through. there will be showers into sunday morning.rg' just passing showers, here and there. by 5:00 monday morning start few lingering clouds. also, by 5:00 a.m. monday, we expect rain totals to be not terribly impressive. maybe over half an inch up to half an inch in the east bay and up to about four-tenths of an inch in the south bay. what does this mean for the sierra? light snow likely sunday in the central sierra. this is just a weekend of some sun, some snow. wet afternoon. will be on the cool side. high temperatures upper 40s to around 50s. we'll see low to mid-50s over the remainder of the bay area, here is the accu-weather forecast. rain tomorrow, a chance of showers, then sunny, milder monday and tuesday. extra clouds in the sky wednesday and thursday and maybe a chance of showers next week. you won't even notice. >> yes. nice. >> right. >> thank you. >> mcdreamy saves lives on tv. now, saving jobs. yes says he made this personal house call. >> plus, a new young picture of diana before she became princess. what we've learned about this never published photo. >> and later why passengers duct taped this man to his seat. there are people i know i'd like to do this to, but that is another story. >> taking a look at traffic. this is mcarthur maze, looks like it's moving off the maze. we can see cars stopped here, it's heavy but moving. a lot of people like patrick dempsey. he's now officially in the coffee business. mccreamy's bid that, is the name of the company, now, it's mcdreamy. i thought it was mccreamy. i thought it's a coffee takeoff, that is why they named it that. tully's were bidding for it. i thought it was a play on words with the company. i was wrong. josh elliott with more on this deal. >> on grey's anatomy, patrick dempsey's character is used to winning hearts.mkoó and also familiar with saving lives in the operating room but his latest role is investor, trying to save tully's coffee chain going up against star bucks to do it. >> great people here with success of the show there is a fondness for the community it seemed like a classic david versus goliath. last night, dempsey sweet tweeting we met the green monitor and looked her in the eye. she blinked. we got!ank you, seatt. the goal is saving tully's 500 workers from unemployment. >> i think some of the players involved want to take job as way z you're looking at an economy that is really rough and jobs and we stopped by one store yesterday, employees are concerned. >> after that house call, he tweeted out this photo. and made one barista's day. >> he's so involved in trying to bite company. he wants to be involved with his employees as well, too. >> that is josh elliott reporting. >> a black ask and white image shows a smiling diana lig down on the lap of a young man just identified as adam russell, great grandson of late prime minister stanley baldwin.qctv the words not to be published written across the foto february 26, 1981, two days after her engagement to prince charles was announced. the bidding starts at 200s skpdz will be auctioned from january 17th through 24th. >> i think it's going to go higher. >> likely. exght?m >> still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, zero dark thirty, the movie getting unwanted attention from lawmakers and protestors. >> plus, it's a historic photo of women of congress. why is nancy pelosi defending it today? >>iiyñ you've heard warnings abt tanning beds. why have doctors ordered one teen >> your friend not going to help you. i'm going to break you zero dark thirty opens in theaters tonight. it's been controversial from the moment that this project was announced. protestors in a theater in california senior senator are both questioning the torture scenes in this movie. >> abc 7 news is in the newsroom with more on the protest and dianne feinstein's letter to the cia. >> the movie opened today and drew a small, but vocal band of protestors in emeryville. members of the world can't wait set up a hooded figure in a jump suit and chains and handed out flyers trying to dis way movie goers from seeing the film. they're talking about scene that's suggest that water boarding of cia prisoners was instrumental in providing the information that led to osama bin laden. in the u.s. senate john mccain call that had betrayal misleading. >> you believe when watching this movie that water boarding and torture leads to information that leadses them to elimination of osama bin laden. that is not the case. >> mccain and the chair of the senate intelligence committee have written two letters to the director asking for information about what was learned from water boarding of prisoners and whether the film makered had inappropriate access to sensitive information. documents real ree leased through freedom of information request show there was cooperation between cia and film makers in december, acting cia director called a film a drama ti ti saigs and strong impression enhanced interrogation were key is a false impression. >> they make movies successful, have you to a lot of time take artistic license. >> some told they were fine if it led to the killing of osama bin laden. >> i have a nephew in afghanistan, i'm not going talk against this. >> against water board something. >> against any of it. they did what they have to dod4r to catch that -- . >> expletive deleted. we'll hear about why pro testors believe it will influence people to accept torture and we'll get reactions from folks who saw the film that might surprise you. >> a $9.7 billion aid package passed in congress today to help the battered northeast rebuild after super storm sandy. the house of representatives flood insurance program pay for 115,000 claims. the house taking up a larger package january 15th providing $51 kbrinl to hard hit areas in new jersey, new york and connecticut. >> former arizona congress woman gabrielle giffords is visiting newtown, connecticut today, offering their support after the deadly shooting at sandy hook elementary school. she met with local officials as well as u.s. senator bloomenthal and lieutenant government nancy wiman. she is still recovering after being shot in the head almost two years ago. >> this picture shows president obama being briefed after it happened last month. you can see he appeared to be somber as he spoke with john brennan and said that was quote, the worst day of his presidency. >> berkeley assembly woman nancy skinner plans to reintroduce legislation to tighten ammunition purchases requiring all to show identification and require all ammunition sales be reported to the department of justice. among other things banning kits converting clips to high capacity magazines. she introduced similar legislation in august following the colorado movie theater massacre but it stalled. congress woman jackie speier will serve as vice chair of a new prevention task force that will investigate new steps congress can take now and in the future to prevent shootings like the one in newtown, connecticut. >> house democratic leader nancy pelosi providing an alternate picture posted on flick. this after the congress was sworn n the woman lined up for a group photo. now, here is the picture the office released showing four house members who arrived too late for the picture. pelosi says it's an accurate his storeal picture of members of her party. she said it was freezing outside and there are a lot going on. there are 61 democratic congress woman including pelosi. >> fda proposes new safety rules so we don't get sick from food we eat. >> plus, oh, deer. what crews had to do to rescue an animal on freezing water. >> why this airline passenger had to be duck taped to his seat. >> today 7 on your side q and a is coming up. i'm taking your questions so you can contact me on faceboo and on twitter m mini. i'll answer questions here, live later. >> as we look at western sky, you can see it's going to be a sorjus sunset now but we have more clouds and rain coming our way. i'll have the accu-weather forecast in just a moment. >> taking a look at the traffic here is the view. traffic heading into the city one lane stopped completely. other cars moving. better flowing northbound towards marin county. stay with us. a crew pulledhñ ropes until the doe was back on land. animal control crated the doeñé so a vet could make sure she's okay. >> delicate right there. >> yes. >> let's move on and check our forecast now. >> things looking good right now. live dop plefr 7 shows clear skies and clouds off shore. clouds going thicken overnight. rain approaches we're going to have a wet day tomorrow, state wide looking for wet, cool conditions in the northern half of the state. rain reaching from eureka down rain reaching from eureka down to the bay areav0 farther south. but then moving into southern california mainly sunny skies tomorrow, and much milder conxpppgs, highs in the mid to upper 60s there. in the bay area looking for wet weather developing in morning hours and spreading across the area by mid to late afternoon. so soggy, high temperatures only into upper 40s to about 50s. low to mid-50s over the remainder of the bay area. looking south ward, southern california looks like a place to which you might want to escape tomorrow. rain there on sunday, good chance of rain southern california sunday and then, drying out again on monday. so this is a is a sharp contrast. >> like to know where it s yes. >> i'm the man with the plan. >> yes. >> up next an mazing recovery. big milestone fr a pakistani teen-aged girl after she was shot in the head by the taliban. >> and u.s. suffers its worst year for whooping cough in nearly six decades. we'll take a look at numbers. >> i'm michaeliny. manufacturer has a problem with vehicles and say it's not their fault. what can be done so they can't get by with tkxbñ;x;x;x;x a 15-year-old pakistani activist left a british hospital today. she was shot in the head by the taliban in october. militants attacked her because she advocated education for girls. queen elizabeth hospital provided video. she still needs to have reconstructive surgery on her skull but doctors say she did not suffer any brain damage. her family plans to remain in england. it's too dangerous for them to return to pakistan. >> fda proposing the most sweeping food safety rules in decades. new rules requiring farmers and food companies to be more vigilant in the wake of deadly outbreaks including requiring farmers to make sure workers wash hands, make sure irrigation water is lien and animals stay out of the fields. critics say changes are long overdue, there are 3,000 deaths per year from food borne illness. >> checking healthy living news this afternoon, if you haven't had flu shot yet now is the time. kaiser permanente predicts california will see a surge as a resultful holiday travelers cominging back with the virus. abc news says california abc news says california flu outbreak in the u.s. in a decade it could be that it's a newer strain. it could be that not enough people are vaccinated but interesting theories has to do with humanity. some are finding will heer humanitoç), earlier flu season starts. >> suggesting getting your vaccine as soon as possible if you haven't already, taking two weeks for your immunity to build up. february is the peak season for flu in california. new numbers show 2012 was the worst year for whooping cough in thetgk5 u.s.. the cdc is still collecting data so that number could increase to as many as 50,000 cases. the disease killed 18,000 people last year. it used to be a bigger problem until a vaccine became available in 1940s. >> new jersey high school teenager is receiving an unlikely treatment for a skin disease so rare that doctors have no idea what causes it or how to cure it. josh berelli looks great but if you look, he's got these he has an auto immune disease. >> one day, i wokezl,m u  in 8h grade and had red lesions all over my body. i went to the doctor and it was the first or second case he had seen in his 40 year practice. >> the disease had been incñp remission until a month ago. doctors prescribed medication as well as daily visits to the tanning salon. this disease can cause complications in adultswwe and very michael vjo2bney is here answering questions. and the first one comes from lena asking my bank kt is a victim of $35 fees from overdrafts how can i stop them from doing this? >> okay. look. there is a good news about this. start with bad news. you can't stop it. if you bounce a check, write it and send it off and it bounces you're going get nailed with the fee. you cannot avoid that. if youzm equipment payment, you don't have money there, you can't void that. you're going to get the bounced fee, if you're yugs a debit card until 2010 you'd use it if there wasn't enough money to pay the bank would allow it to go through, not tell you, then charge you an extra $35 in z.interest. well, now, since 2010 you have the right toll your bank i don't want overdraft protection for atm or i don't want to you give me the money that. way it's a very good thing. we have heard good things bit. but another thing to do is just try to keep.9&x closer tr. >> yes. >> jenny s wants to know fi bought something on amazon can i return it?. >> you sure can. this is assuming you buy from amazon, you have 30 days, during holiday season, this past one, november, december, have you until 31 of january. the catch is all affiliates that sell through the web site, they're allowed to set up whatever they want their return policy to be. you have to read it closely. >> neil c asks a manufacturer problems with their vehicles say it's not their fault s there anything they can do to make sure this doesn't happen again? >> and you can alert th%÷y- mea when a problem is just -- just becoming available, the company thinks answers are false and say we don't think so. we're not going appear under warranty. how is that believing it's their photos the best thing you can do is let national transportation safety board know bit. i have made that easy go. to our web site there. is a link you can go there. you follow reports. once those reports start filing up they go this isn't you bumped a curve there is a tipping point. >> right. >> the government often doesn't have to come n it's just an issue of reports to start repairing car autos is zit seem like more auto makers are getting slower? reporting these problems? >> good qe. i need to look into that. >> some seem to be getting hit by the government for delays in... >> right. more and more. >> i don't know if it's more. >> coming up next, smart vehicles hit the road for las vegas. the consumer electronics show gets underway next week. david louie will is a preview for us up next. >> hi there, i'm dan ashly. plain sichlgt a northern california woman under arrest for reporting her autistic son missing and wait until you hear where police found him. >> what state park officials to keep millions in funds hidden from the public coming up at 5:00. your drive from point a to point b is about to get a phd. >> david louie joins us live from cisco headquarters with a preview. >> by know we love our gizmos and gadgets. now saying the real buzz next week is going to be about intelligent france pore taigs. take a look at this, toyota just released this video. both car makers follow in the footsteps of mountain view based google, which has been public with this self driving car with its gps guidance system. but that is only one part of the picture. for the past two and a half years, cisco here in san jose has been working to create a network of smart, connected vehicle that's would allow cars to talk to each other, warn of traffic hazards and provide reliable high speed correct activity. cisco has been working with suppliers and will be sharing its vision at the consumer electronics show. >> by allowing cars to communicate, we'll become safe yes, collision avoidance is one element in this space. also, the officiancy in transportation systems will enable us to look less time sitting in traffic. >> another silicon valley company audible will promote interactive tv technology. pop up ads will appear with options to get more information about the plo ducts in cases you can click through and place an immediate order. audible magic is working with tv sets and advertisers. clear the air is a shift here in consumer electronic as way from gadgets and instead, trying to reengineer exist prog ducts we can have in our daily lives. david louie, abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> fun to see what they come up with at that show. every year. abc 7 news at 4:00. i'm carolyn johnson. >> and i'm larryç2v beil. >> thank you. this search for a missing teenager is over tonight. family and friends grieve of loss of their loved ones. police explain why a killer is not likely at large. >> i'm sandhya patel. live from fr the roof of the broadcast center, it's beautiful right now. but changing when rain will be paying us a visit coming up. >> and state park money hidden from the public mer than a decade. tonight learning whether officials broke the law. >> we announce we have recovered body of alisa byrnes. >> all hope of finding teenager aaccomplicea -- alisa byrnes alive instantly vanished this morning. police are working hard to find out how she died. >> no signs of foul play, but how did she die? the utility worker found the 19-year-old body this morning on pioneer trail not far from the musicu@pñ festival attendedn new year's eve. we have live team coverage from her hometown in petta luma. we're going to start in south lake tahoe tonight where she was found sergio. >> this search ended about half a mile from where she had been reported missing. >> it's with deep regret we announce we have recovered body of alisa byrnes she is deceased. >> the under sheriff gave the sad news. the body of the 19-year-old was found this morning by two public utility employees in south lake tahoe, investigators say the body found on another side of a snow brim along pioneer trail. the search had been handled by nevada authorities but body has been found in california. >> the body was fully clothed and there doesn't appear to be anything that would indicate foul play at this time. once we're done processing the scene there will be an autopsy down in sacramento. >> investigator says she may have been disoriented because they believe she was heading in the wrong direction while trying to get to the hotel but there have been conflicting reports she may have been gene at the society hotel gechblt it's not clear how she got to the point where her body was found. >>ed bowy found over an enbankment s there a possibility she may have been hit by a car? >> that is a possibility rg from viewing the body there didn't appear to be indication that have. there was auy5nñ large enbankmet about four feet high. >> s? been shaken bit news. investigators say her father went to the scene today. >> i extended our condolences.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20130105

continue to burn at the school and people are still stoping by to pay their reports. earlier this whole area was packed, and what made this vigil so powerful and poignant were all of the people and the near complete silence. for more than an hour, the crowd of a hundred stood there and barely said a word. toward the end alyssa burn's brother got up to thank everyone. >> all we need to focus on is moving forward and just healing, but we need to focus on the healing. from the bottom of my heart and the bo the tom of my family's heart i want to say thank you. >> thank you. >> they came to casa grande high school where she graduated in 2011, gathering next to the field where she played lacrosse with so many of her friends. >> shooy was a great person to be around and someone who could brighten any party. she was the life of petaluma's party. she was wonderful. she was great. >> reporter: throughout the evening waves of people approached the fence to place a candle or a momento or to simply write a kind word like your light and smile live on. >> usually i get flowers for someone's birthday. i never had to do something like this so it is really hard. i never had to do something like this for someone i really cared about. >> reporter: some friends got turtle tattoo as a way to remember saw lis saw. >> everyone was a turtle to her. it was something everyone knows of her. >> reporter: at the cattleman's restaurant where she was a hoss tess her co-workers are also expressing their affection for her. >> alyssa is a loved and valued individual to this building. we wish her family the best and are sorry for their loss. >> reporter: the manager says the restaurant is planing a donation to the family. there will also be fundraisers around town for the polly klass foundation. they say alyssa burn's father wants the money to go to other families who have to go through the torment of a missing child. in petaluma, john alston, abc news. >> incredibly kind of him at this moment. thank you so much. it appears alyssa may have taken a wrong turn the night she disappeared. she left a music festival at lake tahoe community college on foot and was presumably headed for her hotel room at the horizon resort about five miles away. but her body was found at a spot in the opposite direction. two utility workers in south lake tahoe found her body on pie near trail on the other side of a snow berm. she was fully clothed and there were no signs of foul play. hundreds of viewer are leaving condolences for alyssa burn's family on our facebook inning pa. you can join the conversation or perhaps you have something to say at news. we are about to see some big changes in our weather. rain is on the way. abc7 meteorologist sandhya patel is here now with a look at live doppler 7hd. sandhya? >> yes, carolyn. we will be trading the chill in the air for rain coming in this upcoming weekend. let's show you live doppler 7hd. and you can see we do have a few clouds out there. these are harmless. the only thing that will help to do is keep our temperatures up a little bit tonight. so here are your current readings. it is already 35 in fairfield and yes it is chilly. 39 in napa and 39 santa rosa. you can see 40s around the coast and near the bay. here is a quick preview of the storm that is on the way. it arrives this weekend. i will be back with a detailed look and the timing of the system coming up. >> thanks very much. breaking news in san jose. highway traffic is at a near stop in two locations, three northbound lanes blocked on 880 near stevens creek boulevard. you are looking at a live picture of the massive back up. we are talking about several cars including a patrol vehicle that crashed. that was about an hour ago. there were no injuries, but it did cause a bit of a mess. officers are trying to determine exactly what caused the accident. >> ?ie also happening in san jose, part of the 101 is shutdown after a pedestrian was struck and killed on the freeway. it happened in the northbound lanes just before 7:30 tonight. there was a disabled vehicle near where the pedestrian was hit. officers shutdown three northbound lanes to investigate causing a big back up in that area as well. all lanes are expected to open , but not for a few more hours. and new at 11:00, an evacuation order triggered by a gas leak in brentwood has been lifted. pg&e crews are fixing a two-inch line on saint andrew's drive. they responded at 4:00 this afternoon and evacuated several nearby homes. 10 customers tonight are still without gas service. it might not be restored until tomorrow morning. san pablo police are looking for a woman who has not seen since november. she was reported missing on christmas day. her family was worried after not hearing from her for a month. now when police checked in on her they found her dog emaciated in her home. family members say she takes her dog everywhere too. that's why it is so strange. they also found her cane and her car in the garage. her family says she suffered from depression. well two elderly people have died in the north bay following a severe outbreak of norovirus at a mill valley retirement center. more than 60 others there have come down with the bug which is often referred to as the stomach flu. it is happening at the redwoods retirement community. more now from ama dates. >> these signs warn of a norovirus outbreak at the redwood retirement center in mill valley. >> a lot of people have come and brought their family members home so that they won't be exposed. >> they say of the approximately 250 residents at the center, 63 have fallen ill. six were hospitalized and two died. but the deaths will not be attributed to the virus because both patients had serious diseases and neither wanted life saving measures in the event of an illness. the norovirus is contagious and leads to stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. the outbreak at thed with woods started christmas eve. since then they have been cleaning con stabtly to stop the spread of the virus. >> i am completely confident that not only will it be done correctly, but it will be over done. >> every night they are sterilizing. they are going through and cleaning all of the railings. >> reporter: they posted signs, and there are hand sanitizer stations and all social engagements are on hold. >> no meetings, no classes, no activities of any kind. and we are supposed to stay out of the common areas. >> reporter: even the dining room has been taped off. meals are being delivered to residents who don't have kitchens. they say the center is following protocol. the outbreak is decreasing and like the flu, the norovirus is generally seasonal. the doctor says norovirus is so common this time of year. they often deal with anywhere from 10 to 20 outbreaks during the season. in mill valley, ama dates, abc7 news. an obscure california law has allowed a rapist to go free because the woman he attacked was not married. this video recreation shows what happens when the victim, her boyfriend and other friends went home after a party. the boyfriend left after she fell asleep and the victim woke up realizing that someone was having sex with her. she demanded that it stop, but the defendant continued. now his attorneys claim he should be acquitted because he impersonated her boyfriend and not her husband. >> the law requires that that person be someone who impersonates her husband, and that was not the specific fact of this particular case. >> impersonation of anyone to rape should be a felony. >> victims rights advocates plan to work to close this loophole in the california rape law. lance armstrong could come clean about doping. the new york times reports that armstrong is considering a public admission. armstrong has denied doping for more than a decade. this october former cycling teammates told investigators that arm stropping used drugs and blood transfusions during his career. the u.s. anti-doping agency stripped armstrong of seven tour de france titles and banned him from competition. if armstrong does admit to doping it could open the door for a possible return to cycling. qel, coming um next, it is mcdreamy time. the "grey's anatomy" star shows up at the coffee store with a big announcement, but starbucks says not so fast. >> also your tax refund delayed. when you can expect that check and who you can blame when it shows up late. >> and the never before published picture of a woman about to become a princess, but who is the guy with diana? stay with us. abc7 news at 11 starbucks says the battle for tully's coffee may not be over. patrick dempsey says he and his in-- investors put in for the chain. he showed up to talk about the big deal. >> reporter: nearby office workers, mostly women, showed themselves lingering for a bit at the pike place market. >> the coffee is so good. to see mcdreamy a little bit, he is handsome. >> reporter: patrick dempsey is arriving at the store as a conquering hero. he is talking like it is a done deal, but huey is now the new owner of tully's. >> i feel i have a responsibility to my employees. i don't think we have to worry. we have quality control to customer service. >> reporter: as he posed for pictures. >> it is the hair. >> reporter: but a few customers seemed unphased. dempsey's investment group will pay $1.5 million for the company apparently beating out six other bidders including starbucks. the actor says it was a struggle during the negotiations to keep tully in tact. >> there are a lot of twists and turns where we felt we were up and we felt we were losing it. it was emotionally draining. >> reporter: he says keeping up to 500 jobs from disappearing remains paramount. a pledge he plans to keep. he says the next big challenge is to make the company more forward thinking and give the uninspired coffee chain a. >> gigantic new shot in the arm. >> it needs energy. >> it needs energy and confidence. it needs to be revitalized. i think there are a lot of things we need to do with accounting. >> meantime starbucks says it offered a million dollars more than dempsey's group. the company says it is considering its options. a bankruptcy judge will review the deal sometime next week. facebook is expanding its presence on your cell phone with three new features. one has some tech experts saying it could make your phone obsolete. it lets you make free calls it other facebook friends using internet access. it uses voip, but for now it is only available in canada. another feature lets you chat live with video. it is like skype or apple i chat. it send a text message with sound. all are available on facebook's messenger app. nancy pelosi is defending a doctored picture of democratic women in congress. the photo was snapped on capitol hill on thursday. pelosi wanted all female democrats in congress in attendance. however four women were late. the photo was taken without them. pelosi had someone add the four in afterward. you can see the change in the background. it was too cold to continue waiting for those four. it is an accurate historical record of who the women in congress are. >> you can blame the fiscal cliff if your tax refund is delayed. the irs cannot put out tax forms until it knows what the tax policy is. congress did not reach a deal until january 1st, so the agency is trying to reprogram systems and issue tax forms based on the revised laws. this could delay the start of the tax filing season which usually begins in mid-january. >> but they don't like it when we are late. >> exactly. let's talk about the weather. a little rain for the weekend. >> change is coming. sand yaw patel is here. >> carol lip and dan, a little is the key here. we are not expecting the weekend to be a washout. i want to show a beautiful time lapse from the east bay hills camera. sunset at 5:04. those clouds are adding to a little more moisture in the atmosphere. and so the temperatures tonight are running a good 1 to 5 degrees, actually higher than where they were yesterday. that's a good sign they are not going to be as cold as what we have seen in the last couple days. here is a look at live doppler 7hd. this one is combined with the weather service radar around money monterey bay. we will being traying a storm and keeping you ahead of the storm as we head into the weekend. i will show you the timing in a moment. some patchy fog has started to form around livermore and santa rosa. visibility has dropped to 5 miles, and i suspect fairfield right now is reporting the temperature and the dew . of 34 degrees and that means the fog is ready to form there. watch out in the morning. if you have early plans, the rain arrives tomorrow. a few showers for your sunday morning, and it is going to be sunnier and milder for your monday and tuesday. speaking of milder, look at these temperatures. we had the upper 20s. we are not going quite as low. 32 in fairfield and first thing in the morning it will be chilly. you will need a jacket or sweater. mid30s napa, santa rosa. paloal poe, san jose -- palo alto. san jose. the high pressure is losing ground. we do have a system here developing. it will bring rain to the bay area tomorrow. if you have early morning plans you are just fine. as you notice here is saturday at 9:00 a.m. and here is cloud cover. as we head into the 12:00, 1:00 time period we will start to see rain developing across a good part of the bay area. the cold front will continue to move through. by 5:00 p.m. it is widespread light to moderate rain. the scattered showers behind it. and so sunday morning we will see a few more showers at 7:00 a.m. by about 10:00, 11:00 it is all starting to move on out. you will see the sunny breaks and most of the rest of your sunday is looking fine. so if you have outdoor plans don't can sell them just yet. rainfall totals .20 to .60. this is going into sunday night. if you have travel plans to go to tahoe and you want to get up there one last time before you head back to work or take the kids back to school, mostly cloudy tomorrow. we are looking at snow on sunday and not expected to be a huge snow maker. the travel should be just fine, but it will be windy so keep that in mind if you are heading back. 16 notice morning and 33 in the afternoon. the highs for your saturday, chilliest in the north ukiah and clear lake and cloverdale. you will need the umbrellas. accu-weather seven-day forecast sunday morning showers giving way to sun. and you will see plenty of sun and milder weather early next week. chances of showers on wednesday, thursday and friday. dan and carolyn? >> thank you so much. >> larry beil is here now with sports. >> and big news out of de la salle. >> it is a legacy that will last forever. >> what is next for the man who has been described as the vince lombardi of high school football. sports i ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios in multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. [ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good! safe to say there will never be another coach like him. he built de la salle into a power house retired today after 34 years at the helm. the legacy is truly amazing. a 151-game winning streak. his spartans haven't even lost to a northern california team in 21 years. at age 58 he will hand over the reins to his hand-picked assistant. he will stay at de la salle as a consultant to the football team and continue on as a teacher. >> more pornts to me that the -- more important to me that the program stay strong than hang on for a few more years and coach. i was kind of getting tired too, and i didn't think it was fair to him to be basically doing most of the work and not be the head coach. >> a great legacy. the warriors visit the clippers in los angeles. but this evening was the battle of l.a. the lakers and clippers at staples. nothing but monster jams in this game. the steel connected with blake griffin. hooping. he had 24 points and lob city. they are going crazy in los angeles for these two teams. kobe bryant, a huge night. the steal at chris paul and come get some cp3. the lakers couldn't stop paul. crossover on kobe. cp3 with 30 points and 13 assists and the clips end their two-game losing streak 107-102. in college football johnny manzell since winning the heisman trophy. a meeting in the cotton bowl. get your sign right there. johnny football is electric. he ran for 229 yards and two touchdowns. the tightrope back and then skipss into the end zone. he finishes with a cotton bowl record 516 yards of total offense and four td's. and he is only a freshman. texas a&m over oklahoma in the cotton bowl 41-13. women's basketball seventh ranked cal opening pack 12 play at utah. the second half and britney boyd the corner three and knocks it down. she had 11. clarendon lead the game. cal wins it 55-50. it is the program's 600th victory all time. the stanford women taking on 20th ranked colorado. the first half and nice ball movement here by stanford. the lay up inside and had 13 points. stanford bouncing back after that blowout loss against uconn. the head of the pack and 20 points and 11 boards. stanford rolls 57-40. abc7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. >> you are not kidding some great technique in passing for that stanford team. >> they are fundamentally sound, no question about that. if they had a free throw shooting contest they would beat the guy. >> where does stanford sand in the ranking? >> they are still in the top 10. they are fine. it is one loss, but they lost by 25 points. it was surprising. >> thanks, larry very much. well, coming up, the mystery man in this previously unpublished photo of a young diana spencer. >> and a programming note for you. "gym mooy kim medical --" jimmy kimmle live" moves to 11:35 and "nip line" -- [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store. look at your wake up weather. not so cold. partly cloudy and patchy fog. temperatures 32 to 45 in the morning, but not the upper 20s we had yesterday or the mid20s. 38 to 48 at 8:00 a.m. we have a storm coming starting on saturday afternoon. our radar will be track tsmght lisa argen is here tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. carolyn, dan? >> sandhya, thank you very much. and now a look at what is buzzing around the world. a mystery of a young man sitting by the late diana spencer, he is adam russell. he is a student at oxford. the photo is thought to be from 1979 or 1980 and never published before. it will be published later this month. the two were just friends. >> she looks so young. >> san francisco's rare river otter is turning into a real big tourist attraction. sutro sam is taking up residence and he brought big crowds to the area today with their cameras and their video recorders just trying to get a glimpse of him frolicking in the water. you can also follow him on twitter. he tweeted today. >> there are a million uses for duct tape. although you never saw it used to strap in an unruly airline passenger. this happened on a flight from ice land to new york on thursday . the drunk man started choking a woman, the other passengers held him down and then strapped him to the seat. >> he wasn't charged. the passengers didn't want to come forward. although it makes for more leg room. >> that is remarkable use of duct tape. >> you can use duct tape for anything. that's true. i'm tonight on a special edition of "nightline," a living miracle. it is an extremely rare double hand transplant that promised hope for a young woman who had lost both hands and feet from the darkest moments -- >> i can't wait to brush my own hair. >> to the biggest victories, we follow her amazing journey over three years. it is a story of defying the odds and the phone call that changed everything. the grueling 12-hour surgery, two teams of doctors and the gift of a lifetime. a long and emotional road back, to be able to perform even the simplest tasks and to hold again. >> i feel like they're a gift and they're always going to be


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20130105

usually i get flowers, but never i have had to lose someone so it is really hard. >> friends of alyssa burn. most so young and new to the idea of loss. they gather at a vigil in petaluma. the teenager's body was found in the snow in south lake tahoe. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm carolyn johnson. hundreds of friends and relatives shared their grief and affection for alyssa including her brother who gave his heart felt thanks for everyone's efforts to find her. abc7 news reporter john alston is live at casa grande high school in petaluma. john some. >> carolyn, the candles continue to burn at the school and people are still stoping by to pay their reports. earlier this whole area was packed, and what made this vigil so powerful and poignant were all of the people and the near complete silence. for more than an hour, the crowd of a hundred stood there and barely said a word. toward the end alyssa burn's brother got up to thank everyone. >> all we need to focus on is moving forward and just healing, but we need to focus on the healing. from the bottom of my heart and the bo the tom of my family's heart i want to say thank you. >> thank you. >> they came to casa grande high school where she graduated in 2011, gathering next to the field where she played lacrosse with so many of her friends. >> shooy was a great person to be around and someone who could brighten any party. she was the life of petaluma's party. she was wonderful. she was great. >> reporter: throughout the evening waves of people approached the fence to place a candle or a momento or to simply write a kind word like your light and smile live on. >> usually i get flowers for someone's birthday. i never had to do something like this so it is really hard. i never had to do something like this for someone i really cared about. >> reporter: some friends got turtle tattoo as a way to remember saw lis saw. >> everyone was a turtle to her. it was something everyone knows of her. >> reporter: at the cattleman's restaurant where she was a hoss tess her co-workers are also expressing their affection for her. >> alyssa is a loved and valued individual to this building. we wish her family the best and are sorry for their loss. >> reporter: the manager says the restaurant is planing a donation to the family. there will also be fundraisers around town for the polly klass foundation. they say alyssa burn's father wants the money to go to other families who have to go through the torment of a missing child. in petaluma, john alston, abc news. >> incredibly kind of him at this moment. thank you so much. it appears alyssa may have taken a wrong turn the night she disappeared. she left a music festival at lake tahoe community college on foot and was presumably headed for her hotel room at the horizon resort about five miles away. but her body was found at a spot in the opposite direction. two utility workers in south lake tahoe found her body on pie near trail on the other side of a snow berm. she was fully clothed and there were no signs of foul play. hundreds of viewer are leaving condolences for alyssa burn's family on our facebook inning pa. you can join the conversation or perhaps you have something to say at news. we are about to see some big changes in our weather. rain is on the way. abc7 meteorologist sandhya patel is here now with a look at live doppler 7hd. sandhya? >> yes, carolyn. we will be trading the chill in the air for rain coming in this upcoming weekend. let's show you live doppler 7hd. and you can see we do have a few clouds out there. these are harmless. the only thing that will help to do is keep our temperatures up a little bit tonight. so here are your current readings. it is already 35 in fairfield and yes it is chilly. 39 in napa and 39 santa rosa. you can see 40s around the coast and near the bay. here is a quick preview of the storm that is on the way. itrrives this weekend. i will be back with a detailed look and the timing of the system coming up. >> thanks very much. breaking news in san jose. highway traffic is at a near stop in two locations, three northbound lanes blocked on 880 near stevens creek boulevard. you are looking at a live picture of the massive back up. we are talking about several cars including a patrol vehicle that crashed. that was about an hour ago. there were no injuries, but it did cause a bit of a mess. officers are trying to determine exactly what caused the accident. >> ?ie also happening in san jose, part of the 101 is shutdown after a pedestrian was struck and killed on the freeway. it happened in the northbound lanes just before 7:30 tonight. there was a disabled vehicle near where the pedestrian was hit. officers shutdown three northbound lanes to investigate causing a big back up in that area as well. all lanes are expected to open , but not for a few more hours. and new at 11:00, an evacuation order triggered by a gas leak in brentwood has been lifted. pg&e crews are fixing a two-inch line on saint andrew's drive. they responded at 4:00 this afternoon and evacuated several nearby homes. 10 customers tonight are still without gas service. it might not be restored until tomorrow morning. san pablo police are looking for a woman who haeen si not seen since november. she was reported missing on christmas day. her family was worried after not hearing from her for a month. now when police checked in on her they found her dog emaciated in her home. family members say she takes her dog everywhere too. that's why it is so strange. they also found her cane and her car in the garage. her family says she suffered from depression. well two elderly people have died in the north bay following a severe outbreak of norovirus at a mill valley retirement center. more than 60 others there have come down with the bug which is often referred to as the stomach flu. it is happening at the redwoods retirement community. more now from ama dates. >> these signs warn of a norovirus outbreak at the redwood retirement center in mill valley. >> a lot of people have come and brought their family members home so that they won't be exposed. >> they say of the approximately 250 residents at the center, 63 have fallen ill. six were hospitalized and two died. but the deaths will not be attributed to the virus because both patients had serious diseases and neither wanted life saving measures in the event of an illness. the norovirus is contagious and leads to stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. the outbreak at thed with woods started christmas eve. since then they have been cleaning con stabtly to stop the spread of the virus. >> i am completely confident that not only will it be done correctly, but it will be over done. >> every night they are sterilizing. they are going through and cleaning all of the railings. >> reporter: they posted signs, and there are hand sanitizer stations and all social engagements are on hold. >> no meetings, no classes, no activities of any kind. and we are supposed to stay out of the common areas. >> reporter: even the dining room has been taped off. meals are being delivered to residents who don't have kitchens. they say the center is following protocol. the outbreak is decreasing and like the flu, the norovirus is generally seasonal. the doctor says norovirus is so common this time of year. they often deal with anywhere from 10 to 20 outbreaks during the season. in mill valley, ama dates, abc7 news. an obscure california law has allowed a rapist to go free because the woman he attacked was not married. this video recreation shows what happens when the victim, her boyfriend and other friends went home after a party. the boyfriend left after she fell asleep and the victim woke up realizing that someone was having sex with her. she demanded that it stop, but the defendant continued. now his attorneys claim he should be acquitted because he impersonated her boyfriend and not her husband. >> the law requires that that person be someone who impersonates her husband, and that was not the specific fact of this particular case. >> impersonation of anyone to rape should be a felony. >> victims rights advocates plan to work to close this loophole in the california rape law. lance armstrong could come clean about doping. the new york times reports that armstrong is considering a public admission. armstrong has denied doping for more than a decade. this october former cycling teammates told investigators that arm stropping used drugs and blood transfusions during his career. the u.s. anti-doping agency stripped armstrong of seven tour de france titles and banned him from competition. if armstrong does admit to doping it could open the door for a possible return to cycling. qel, coming um next, it is mcdreamy time. the "grey's anatomy" star shows up at the coffee store with a big announcement, but starbucks says not so fast. >> also your tax refund delayed. when you can expect that check and who you can blame when it shows up late. >> and the never before published picture of a woman about to become a princess, but who is the guy with diana? stay with us. abc7 news at 11 [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store. is more than a px, we know this is more than a paycheck. it represents all the time you've spent helping those around you. so when it comes to taxes, we're here to help you. that's why we have cpas, enrolled agents, and tax attorneys to answer your questions-- helping you get deductions for uniforms, union dues, and even the miles you drive for a job interview. you deserve to keep more of your hard-earned money. and we're here to help make that happen. turbotax-- the power to keep what's yours. try it free at for tully's coffee may not be over. patrick dempsey says he and his in-- investors put in for the chain. he showed up to talk about the big deal. >> reporter: nearby office workers, mostly women, showed themselves lingering for a bit at the pike place market. >> the coffee is so good. to see mcdreamy a little bit, he is handsome. >> reporter: patrick dempsey is arriving at the store as a conquering hero. he is talking like it is a done deal, but huey is now the new owner of tully's. >> i feel i have a responsibility to my employees. i don't think we have to worry. we have quality control to customer service. >> reporter: as he posed for pictures. >> it is the hair. >> reporter: but a few customers seemed unphased. dempsey's investment group will pay $1.5 million for the company apparently beating out six other bidders including starbucks. the actor says it was a struggle during the negotiations to keep tully in tact. >> there are a lot of twists and turns where we felt we were up and we felt we were losing it. it was emotionally draining. >> reporter: he says keeping up to 500 jobs from disappearing remains paramount. a pledge he plans to keep. he says the next big challenge is to make the company more forward thinking and give the uninspired coffee chain a. >> gigantic new shot in the arm. >> it needs energy. >> it needs energy and confidence. it needs to be revitalized. i think there are a lot of things we need to do with accounting. >> meantime starbucks says it offered a million dollars more than dempsey's group. the company says it is considering its options. a bankruptcy judge will review the deal sometime next week. facebook is expanding its presence on your cell phone with three new features. one has some tech experts saying it could make your phone obsolete. it lets you make free calls it other facebook friends using internet access. it uses voip, but for now it is only available in canada. another feature lets you chat live with video. it is like skype or apple i chat. it send a text message with sound. all are available on facebook's messenger app. nancy pelosi is defending a doctored picture of democratic women in congress. the photo was snapped on capitol hill on thursday. pelosi wanted all female democrats in congress in attendance. however four women were late. the photo was taken without them. pelosi had someone add the four in afterward. you can see the change in the background. it was too cold to continue waiting for those four. it is an historical record of who the women in congress are. >> you can blame the fiscal cliff if your tax refund is delayed. the irs cannot put out tax forms until it knows what the tax policy is. congress did not reach a deal until january 1st, so the agency is trying to reprogram systems and issue tax forms based on the revised laws. this could delay the start of the tax filing season which usually begins in mid-january. >> but they don't like it when we are late. >> exactly. let's talk about the weather. a little rain for the weekend. >> change is coming. sand yaw patel is here. >> carol lip and dan, a little is the key here. we are not expecting the weekend to be a washout. i want to show a beautiful time lapse from the east bay hills camera. sunset at 5:04. those clouds are adding to a little more moisture in the atmosphere. and so the temperatures tonight are running a good 1 to 5 degrees, actually higher than where they were yesterday. that's a good sign they are not going to be as cold as what we have seen in the last couple days. here is a look at live doppler 7hd. this one is combined with the weather service radar around money monterey bay. we will being traying a storm and keeping you ahead of the storm as we head into the weekend. i will show you the timing in a moment. some patchy fog has started to form around livermore and santa rosa. visibility has dropped to 5 miles, and i suspect fairfield right now is reporting the temperature and the dew . of 34 degrees and that means the fog is ready to form there. watch out in the morning. if you have early plans, the rain arrives tomorrow. a few showers for your sunday morning, and it is going to be sunnier and milder for your monday and tuesday. speaking of milder, look at these temperatures. we had the upper 20s. we are not going quite as low. 32 in fairfield and first thing in the morning it will be chilly. you will need a jacket or sweater. mid30s napa, santa rosa. paloal poe, san jose -- palo alto. san jose. the high pressure is losing ground. we do have a system here developing. it will bring rain to the bay area tomorrow. if you have eplans you arening plans you are just fine. as you notice here is saturday at 9:00 a.m. and here is cloud cover. as we head into the 12:00, 1:00 time period we will start to see rain developing across a good part of the bay area. the cold front will continue to move through. by 5:00 p.m. it is widespread light to moderate rain. the scattered showers behind it. and so sunday morning we will see a few more showers at 7:00 a.m. by about 10:00, 11:00 it is all starting to move on out. you will see the sunny breaks and most of the rest of your sunday is looking fine. so if you have outdoor plans don't can sell them just yet. rainfall totals .20 to .60. this is going into sunday night. if you have travel plans to go to tahoe and you want to get up there one last time before you head back to work or take the kids back to school, mostly cloudy tomorrow. we are looking at snow on sunday and not expected to be a huge snow maker. the travel should be just fine, but it will be windy so keep that in mind if you are heading back. 16 notice morning and 33 in the afternoon. the highs for your saturday, chilliest in the north ukiah and clear lake and cloverdale. you will need the umbrellas. accu-weather seven-day forecast sunday morning showers giving way to sun. and you will see plenty of sun and milder weather early next week. chances of showers on wednesday, thursday and friday. dan and carolyn? >> thank you so much. >> larry beil is here now with sports. >> and big news out of de la salle. >> it is a legacy that will last forever. >> what is next for the man who has been described as the vince lombardi of high school football. sports i alright let's break it down. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store. safe to say there will never be another coach like him. he built de la salle into a power house retired today after 34 years at the helm. the legacy is truly amazing. a 151-game winning streak. his spartans haven't even lost to a northern california team in 21 years. at age 58 he will hand over the reins to his hand-picked assistant. he will stay at de la salle as a consultant to the football team and continue on as a teacher. >> more pornts to me that the -- more important to me that the program stay strong than hang on for a few more years and coach. i was kind of getting tired too, and i didn't think it was fair to him to be basically doing most of the work and not be the head coach. >> a great legacy. the warriors visit the clippers in los angeles. but this evening was the battle of l.a. the lakers and clippers at staples. nothing but monster jams in this game. the steel connected with blake griffin. hooping. he had 24 points and lob city. they are going crazy in los angeles for these two teams. kobe bryant, a huge night. the steal at chris paul and come get some cp3. the lakers couldn't stop paul. crossover on kobe. cp3 with 30 points and 13 assists and the clips end their two-game losing streak 107-102. in college football johnny manzell since winning the heisman trophy. a meeting in the cotton bowl. get your sign right there. johnny football is electric. he ran for 229 yards and two touchdowns. the tightrope back and then skipss into the end zone. he finishes with a cotton bowl record 516 yards of total offense and four td's. and he is only a freshman. texas a&m over oklahoma in the cotton bowl 41-13. women's basketball seventh ranked cal opening pack 12 play at utah. the second half and britney boyd the corner three and knocks it down. she had 11. clarendon lead the game. cal wins it 55-50. it is the program's 600th victory all time. the stanford women taking on 20th ranked colorado. the first half and nice ball movement here by stanford. the lay up inside and had 13 points. stanford bouncing back after that blowout loss against uconn. the head of the pack and 20 points and 11 boards. stanford rolls 57-40. abc7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. >> you are not kidding some great technique in passing for that stanford team. >> they are fundamentally sound, no question about that. if they had a free throw shooting contest they would beat the guy. >> where does stanford sand in the ranking? >> they are still in the top 10. they are fine. it is one loss, but they lost by 25 points. it was surprising. >> thanks, larry very much. well, coming up, the mystery man in this previously unpublished photo of a young diana spencer. >> and a programming note for you. "gym mooy kim medical --" jimmy kimmle live" moves to 11:35 and "nip line" -- hi there, here is is a look at your wake up weather. not so cold. partly cloudy and patchy fog. temperatures 32 to 45 in the morning, but not the upper 20s we had yesterday or the mid20s. 38 to 48 at 8:00 a.m. we have a storm coming starting on saturday afternoon. our radar will be track tsmght lisa argen is here tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. carolyn, dan? >> sandhya, thank you very much. and now a look at what is buzzing around the world. a mystery of a young man sitting by the late diana spencer, he is adam russell. he is a student at oxford. the photo is thought to be from 1979 or 1980 and never published before. it will be published later this month. the two were just friends. >> she looks so young. >> san francisco's rare river otter is turning into a real big tourist attraction. sutro sam is taking up resideg he brought big crowds to the area today with their cameras and their video recorders just trying to get a glimpse of him frolicking in the water. you can also follow him on twitter. he tweeted today. >> there are a million uses for duct tape. although you never saw it used to strap in an unruly airline passenger. this happened on a flight from ice land to new york on thursday . the drunk man started choking a woman, the other passengers held him down and then strapped him to the seat. >> he wasn't charged. the passengers didn't want to come forward. although it makes for more leg room. >> that is remarkable use of duct tape. >> you can use duct tape for anything. that's true. i'm [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... 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Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130105

new numbers this morning. we're going to have practical advice for you from dr. jen ashton. >> not just the flu. but the whooping cough, as well. this morning, mystery solved. we track down the man in the newly-discovered photo of young princess diana. the photo that was never supposed to be public. everybody's talk about this picture in the last couple days. and true grit. the college football player who kept on playing. never missed a game, in fact. even during chemotherapy treatments. he beat cancer. last night, he led his team to the cotton bowl. coming up, the key role his mom played in all this. and first, there's a lot of news overnight. and for that, we turn to ron claiborne. >> hi, dan. hi, bianna. trying to get in sync with you. we begin with the developing story overnight. lance armstrong's lawyer is denying a report that he, armstrong, is going to admit to doping. he has told associates and anti-doping officials he is considering publicly admitting that he used performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions during his cycling career. earlier this year, armstrong was stripped of his seven tour de france titles and banned from competing in the future. a powerful earthquake struck off the coast of alaska. the 7.5 magnitude quick hit about 60 miles from the city of craig, alaska. a tsunami was generated but did not pose a threat to land. the brother of al qaeda's chief has reportedly been captured in syria. published reports say that ayman al zawahiri's brother, mohammed, was captured in syria. he was encouraging fighters to join the civil war in syria. and former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords was in newtown, connecticut, meeting privately with the families of those killed in last month's school massacre. the visit came just days before the second anniversary of the shooting that critically injured her. and the white house released this photo on friday, the moment that president obama learned of the shooting that left 26 people dead. the president called it the worst day of his presidency. days after the republican house was blasted from preventing to help funds for hurricane sandy, a bill to do just that is headed to president obama's desk. lawmakers got $10 billion. another bill authorized, $51 billion in additional aid will come up for a vote in the house in ten days. and love was in the air in china on friday. thousands of couples across the country died the knot because of the date. in mandarin, january 4th, 2013, sounds similar to the phrase, i will love you for all of my life. and those who got married because of the date. i got two words. [ speaking foreign language ] you know what that means? >> no. >> prenup. prenup, in mandarin. >> i thought you were romantic. >> no. >> thank you. we turn, now, to the two, shocking back-to-back stories about alcohol and airlines. in one case, passengers took matters into their own hands, going to extremes to restrain a drunk passenger. and the other case, a pilot was arrested before takeoff when someone smelled alcohol on his breath. first up, abc's lisa stark joins us from reagan national airport outside washington, with details about that pilot. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. it was just in the nick of time. this pilot was set to fly a planeload of passengers from minneapolis to new york. luckily, because of some very alert officials, that never happened. the pilot had already passed through security at the minneapolis airport. and was waiting for an elevator, when a tsa agent, and other officers happened by and smelled what they thought was alcohol. they alerted airport police, who caught up with 48-year-old captain, just before 53 passengers would have boarded the american eagle flight to new york. police say christensen failed a preliminary alcohol breath test. he was arrested. neighbors of the pilot were shocked at the news. >> seemed to be very quiet. but he was a regular, family guy. >> reporter: it's not known what the tests showed. but the legal limit for pilots is 0.04, half the limit for drivers. and equaling roughly two drinks for an average-sized man. >> the airlines take zero tolerance of showing up with liquor in the bloom. >> reporter: one of hollywood's current hit movies, "flight," focuses on a drunk pilot that pulls off a miraculous crash landing. but he doesn't stay a hero for long. pilots can lose their license and get jail time. up to 15 years in extreme krass. in 2002, two america west pilots were caught on tape, partying and drinking for hours the night before their flight. the next morning, tsa screeners smelled alcohol on their breath. the pilots were arrested, convicted, sent to jail. as for the american flight, the airline scrambled to find a replacement pilot. passengers finally arrived in new york more than two hours late, shocked to learn then what had really happened. >> i'm feeling very unsafe. >> reporter: christensen has now been grounded, pending a full investigation. but the associated press, quoting an airline spokesman says, that he was well above the legal limit for that initial breath test, at least. dan? >> serious problems. lisa stark, thank you. now, to another case, another case study, in the pitfalls of mixing alcohol and air travel. take a look at this picture. this is a guy strapped into his seat with duct tape. his fellow passengers say he went on a drunken rampage during an overseas flight. and they had no choice but to tie him down. i want to know who travels with duct tape. john schriffen is here. >> reporter: it seems like we've all been on a flight that would never end because the person next to you was not a considerate neighbor. what happened on this flight to iceland takes it to a new level. one passenger, who the airline has not identified, was allegedly so bad, he had to be dealt with in a special way. this is what happens when your fellow passengers have had enough. according to iceland air, a man onboard their flight thursday from reykjavik thursday to new york's jfk, started acting up. hitting, spitting, even hitting other passengers, the whole time cursing like a storm. then, out of a scene out of "airplane," passengers took matters into their own hands, taping him in a chair. andy ellwood snapped this picture. his gut busting out. but his mouth shut. according to the blog, the began drinking the duty-free liquor onboard. the airline says, quote, he was restrained by passengers and crew. and was monitored for his own safety for the duration of the flight. it's certainly not the first time a passenger was caught behaving badly. alec baldwin was kicked off a flight when he was playing a game on his phone and was kicked off. after this kid cut the lines aboard a plane, his teacher made him apologize to everyone over the loud speaker, asking for forgiveness. as for this man, for the last two hours of the flight, well, he wasn't saying much of anything. upon landing at jfk, the man was met by police and taken to an area hospital to be treated for alcohol poisoning. the port authority won't confirm if this is the man they took into custody. so far, he has not been charged. dan? bianna? >> thank you. >> so many hours. now, to a major public health issue in america, the flu. it is spreading like crazy this season. new numbers from the centers for disease control shows that 41 states is showing widespread outbreak. that's up from two weeks ago. dr. jennifer ashton is here to tell us about that. >> good morning, guys. i think you need to go home after you're finished with the show, bianna. we don't have answers. we don't know why the flu this year is so bad. we don't know how bad it will get. what we do know is that the cases of influenza or flu-like illness are picking up speed. they're gaining momentum. we do expect them to get worse before it gets better. and these are particularly bad strains this year, making people incredibly sick. >> even people who have had flu shots? >> yeah. listen, the flu vaccine is not 100% effective. it varies between 60% to 85% effective. but people who are vaccinated, if they do come down with influenza, seem to have a let severe course of the illness and a shorter course of the illness. it's not too late to get vaccinated. if you can see your doctor and get that vaccine today, it may save your life or someone else's life. >> such an important note. before we go, you were pointing out to me before the broadcast, that these new numbers out this morning are not even telling the full story most likely. >> that's right, dan. there's a lag time when patients go to a health care provider and when the cases get reported to the cdc and when the cdc releases the numbers. it varies about one to two weeks. we're not even close to through the worst part of it. >> one important tip, stay home if you're sick. >> if you're sick and not gotten the vaccine to protect yourself and you're ill, protect others and stay home from work or school. you need to go home. >> she says she doesn't have the flu. >> we'll see about that. >> thank you very much. get the flu shot. now, to a very satisfying story, a payback in the digital age. it's about a guy whose iphone got stolen. he turned into a virtual vigilante, setting up a sting operation with an online dating site. what happened next is hilarious. tanya rivero is here. >> reporter: this is a do not try this at home story of stolen iphone retrieval. the police told this guy he was taking too big a risk, setting up a meeting with the thief. but in the end, it was the thief who got the surprise of his life. this man used some steamy lines to lure a thief into his trap, like this one. hey, i'm here and out of the shower. it started on new year's eve when he left his iphone 4 on the cab. the next morning, he saw someone trolling for dates. >> he was using my okcupid account. so, he created a phony female profile, with a cleveland-bearing photo from the web. >> i was talking to a girl, is adding winky face emoticons. >> reporter: the thief took the bait. you wanna meet? yeah, i kind of do. will you kiss me? he coyly responded, well, i don't have a boyfriend. they made a plan to meet up at his apartment for a date. >> i followed him up the stairs. he turns around. and basically, i confront him right here. and i put the $20 in his hand to diffuse the situation as fast as possible. but i had a hammer in my hand, just in case. >> reporter: the thief handed over the phone, took the money and ran. >> he smelled like cologne. and had a bottle of wine in his hand. >> reporter: he got the phone back. but the thief kept the wine and the cash, making us wonder if the punishment fit the crime. there's no hard feelings. as the thief ran out of the building, he called out to him, you smell nice. >> what a character. he thinks that was his cab driver. >> reporter: he does. but he doesn't have any proof. >> i see. there's a lesson there. carry $20 and a hammer. both. tanya, thank you so much. now, to the newly-revealed picture of princess diana we've been mesmerized by this week. taken right before she would become the most documented woman in the world. looking so young and so innocent. but who is the young man with her? it was a mystery until abc's nick schifrin got down on the case and tracked the mysterious stranger. nick is with us from london. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. we pieced through every clue. we looked under every manhole. we called every contact we had. it's the biggest mystery since the loch ness monster. we think we solved it. she was just diana spencer. it was 1979. she was 17 years old, skiing in the swiss alps. diana tore her ankle tendon. but she spent a lot of time indoors with a certain silent suitor. >> i can say that the man in the picture is adam russell. >> reporter: adam russell, great grandson of a prime minister. he always liked diana. but he never told her. >> if adam russell had told her how he really felt about her, the british monarchy would be a very different monarchy than we see today. >> reporter: today, russell's a farmer, way down here, dorset, england, where he runs this b&b. >> he traveled the world. and thought he could make a go of it with diana. only to find a friend telling him, too late. you have one rival, prince charles. >> reporter: and that's when diana became, well, the princess. the glass carriage. the dress. that train. one of the most photographed women of all-time. >> when she looked down your lane and she smiled, you know you had a great picture. >> reporter: arthur edwards was one of diana's first photographers. >> she changed the way the royal family worked. completely. she did everything her way. >> reporter: walked in mine fields. helped take the stigma out of aids. everything she did was documented. and yet, this photo disappeared, just two days after diana's engagement. "the mirror" got scared it would offend the palace. >> that's the reason they weren't published. >> reporter: there's whiskey in the corner. a young, happy diana, whose life had been very different. >> if she had fallen for adam russell, she would be herding deer in the south of england. and someone else would be the future queen. >> reporter: now, i called russell down on his farm. he wouldn't tell me much other than confirming him in the photo. he said he looks pretty much the same today. mystery solved. dan, bianna, we're headed up to scotland to find the loch ness monster. >> we're convinced you can do anything, nick. time, now, for the forecast. and for that, as always, ginger zee. ginger, good morning. >> hey, all. it snowed in texas. that's for you, bianna. it's usually san angelo has 2.9 inches each year. yesterday and the day before, 2.8. they're getting a whole season in one day. you're seeing from brownsville, they had schools closed. and they had a lot of fun with that snow, too. el paso had 3.1 inches. abbean, austin, an inch of snow. a funnel was reported outside of miami, just south of it, actually. you can really see it well there. funnel different from tornado. tornado touches, has debris. a funnel is just a funnel. that's what they had in miami. and the weather today will be foggy inland in south florida, especially. just south of that stationary front. showers throughout the state. 74 for tampa. 62, a lot cooler in tallahassee. another storm up in the north, will be bringing just a few inches of snow for parts of michigan, into parts of the eastern great lakes and up into parts of new england, too. not the warmth and the miami-type funnels. but on the west coast, something to note for the weekend, you get about a half-inch of rain for san francisco, and rain down to l.a., as well. >> my first twitter photo comes from wisconsin. it is a sun pillar. that's an actual thing. i know i see your face, a little eyebrow raised there. >> what is that? >> it's light from the sun. a sun pillar. >> i'll stop asking questions now. >> and this one from california, too. if i could say jeez o. pete, i could say y'all. >> we appreciate it. moving on. emotional night at the cotton bowl between oklahoma and texas a&m. despite losing, it was a magnificent finish for one of the sooners players who has inspired everybody, beating cancer while never missing a game this season, even as he went through chemotherapy treatments. ron is back with that story. this is a great story. >> reporter: it really is, dan. big-time college football is hard enough. imagine practicing and playing for months. and doing well in the classroom to be named an academic all-american, all the while battling cancer. that's what a young man named austin woods, big number 50, on the oklahoma sooners, did. when austin woods hit the field with his fellow oklahoma sooners for friday night's cotton bowl classic, he was fulfilling a lifelong dream. >> when i was a little kid. and it's great to be living it. >> reporter: but it almost didn't happen. earlier this year, during spring practices, woods felt something wasn't right. >> i thought it was mono. i didn't know what it was. >> reporter: late in april, the junior offensive lineman found out it was hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of blood cancer. when he began chemotherapy, it appeared that woods would have to sit out the season. but he was determined to keep playing. >> it's up between your ears. your attitude and the heart you have. >> reporter: despite the harsh rounds of chemotherapy, which left him exhausted, woods kept coming to practice. >> one day, he'd miss a monday practice because he was in the hospital getting his chemotherapy. tuesday, he'd be out there on the practice field. >> reporter: treatment after treatment, woods charged ahead. on the field, and on his twitter feed, with progress updates like, fighters mentality, round two. six rounds of chemo down. and home stretch. all of them tagged #beatcancer50. all of his teammates fighting back. his biggest fans are his mom and dad. it was husband brother who showed him how to face down the big "c." when she was treated for cancer 50 years ago, liz woods didn't miss a single day of work. and woods tweeted, done with chemo. thanks, everyone, for all the support, throughout all my treatments. his cancer was in remission. >> it told me a lot about myself and what attitude and the right mentality can do towards overcoming obstacles in life. >> and austin is the sooners' backup center. but he saw plenty of action in the cotton bowl. he always wanted to play since he was a little kid. the game didn't turn out so well for the sooners. they lost to texas a&m. but for austin, it was a personal triumph in his heroic fight against cancer. >> he won something bigger. >> his mom was a terrific role model. ron, thank you. coming up on the broadcast, in your face. the story behind these close-up shots. we're going to hear from the photographer who this bear very much wanted to eat. look at those teeth. >> unbelievable. also, matt damon. what does he do to anger a major american industry? the controversy and the pushback from damon's new movie. and nobody's watching. the story behind this video that has instantly gone viral. can you imagine the if you ran into somebody doing that in the airport. that's coming up on "gma" this saturday morning. don't go anywhere. ♪ aww man. 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[ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good! she's coming closer and closer. >> this is what happens when you get too close to nature. this is a 1,000-pound, 8-foot tall, very angry, very hungry polar bear. wait until you hear how the guy who took these pictures ended up in this situation. and how he got out of it. look at those teeth. "good morning america," i'm dan harris. >> and i wouldn't be surprised if that guy's voice sounded like mine after screaming with that polar bear. i'm bianna golodryga. bear with us. happy new year to you. >> thank you. >> i haven't said that yet. this morning, life after "twilight." christian stewart in her new movie role. >> big props to bianna golodryga for playing hurt. we admire it. and also coming up, kelsey grammer is considering a return to primetime. and his possible co-star could make for tv's next odd couple. we're going to tell you who it is, coming up in "pop news." first, the uproar over the new matt damon movie. it's called "promised land." it weighs into the controversy of natural gas drilling. the industry is punching back. the studio is calling this propaganda. and mark greenblatt is all over the story. >> reporter: this is a movie that drew fire months before it hit the theaters. now that it is there and has begun playing, parts of the energy industry are bringing the fight inside the theaters themselves. "promised land" with matt damon hit theaters in late december. but already has the energy industry blasting away at it. in the film, damon plays an employee for a big corporation, trying to convince small town landowners to lease their land for flaking, controversial natural gas drilling that can lead to fortunes. >> you could be a millionaire. >> reporter: but at what cost? >> my farm is gone. the land turned brown and died. >> reporter: now, the real-life industry is digging in. not for gas. but for a fight. calling the movie unfair. >> the movie presents an oversimplification. it doesn't do justice to the full spectrum of benefits we're seeing natural gas provides. >> reporter: one industry group is running commercials in three out of four theaters in pennsylvania, just before the movie begins playing. >> get the facts about natural gas developments. >> reporter: celebrities, have joined the campaign against fracking. >> i love my new york water. stop fracking with it. >> reporter: it's a cause that grew in momentum after the success of the award-winning 2010 documentary, "gasland." our water was good before they started drilling. when they were done, it was bad. >> reporter: back then, the industry battled back, denying potential dangers to human health. what a spokesperson did in this interview with dan harris. >> aren't people getting very sick living near natural gas drilling operations? >> i don't know that there have. >> reporter: for their part, the makers of "promised land" say they are not taking sides in the debate. >> we wanted to make a movie about american identity. we didn't want to give answers. we wanted to start a conversation. >> some environmentalists aren't happy with "promised land" saying they don't think the movie goes far enough to criticize fracking. maybe the movie is a success in getting people talking. >> if you angered both sides, maybe you're doing something right. mark, thanks very much. let's get it to ron. with breaking news. >> breaking news out of south america. the head of the italian fashion label missoni is missing this morning. the son of the company's founder and his wife and six others onboard that flight took off on friday morning. a search will resume later this morning. president obama is expected to fill one of the openings in his cabinet next week. the president will likely nominate former republican senator chuck hagel of nebraska for defense secretary. hagel is a combat vietnam veteran who won a purple heart while serving in vietnam. and the food and drug administration are proposing new rules to ensure our food is safe. it requires farmers to take more precautions against contamination. there's an estimated 3,000 deaths a year from foodborne illness. the holidays, it seems is just beginning for the elephants in the berlin zoo. they are being fed christmas trees. last week we had goats and cattle eating christmas trees. now, it's elephants in germany. time, now, for the weather. over the ginger zee. >> good morning. let's start in king county. we have a new storm coming in. and this one going to be a little warmer. a lot of rain in the seattle area. and all the way down the coast. i mentioned san francisco getting some. down to los angeles. and mountain snow, up to a foot in some places, in the cascades. and a little warmer for us in the east. and nashville, going up to 55 tuesday. 47 today. atlanta, close to 60 on sunday. washington, d.c., average of 43 this time of year. it would be above average as you end your weekend. something to look forward to maybe. we fly across the nation. l.a. 65 today. ft. collins, 39. >> this weather report brought to you by usaa. dan and bianna? >> thank you, ginger. coming up on "gma," up close and personal with a hungry polar bear. we'll hear from the cameraman who took these pictures. and could it be tv's new odd couple? kelsey grammer appears to return to primetime. his co-star, highly unlikely. not that dog, by the way. we'll be back with the details after a quick break. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? inside the brewer, there's this train that makes coffee stronger, bigger, and hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew what you love with the keurig vue. [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you had heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums talk about getting too close for comfort. try standing nose-to-nose with a polar bear. and having that moment caught on camera. >> we have been showing you the pictures all morning. it's part of a new documentary that's going to be airing soon on the bbc. the cameraman called it one of the scariest experiences of his life. check it out. >> can bite through. >> reporter: a face-to-face encounter with a 1,000-pound, 8-foot-tall polar bear. >> i can feel her pushing all her weight. >> reporter: wildlife photographer gordon buchanan came to arctic norway to photograph a family of polar bears. but he got closer than he planned. >> she's coming closer and closer. oh, my god. she is enormous. >> reporter: he's inside what he calls his ice cube. the on-ice version of a shark cage. and he's only equipped with his cameras. he's gather information before she approaches, like it could when stalking a seal. the strongest and weakest point, the door. >> reporter: the bear tries to claw his way in for 40 minutes. >> appreciate it for what this animal is. one of the most powerful animals on the planet. one of the most intentive animals on the planet. one of the few that sees us as food. >> reporter: food the bear is determined to get to. >> you can sniff me, good. >> reporter: a dangerous encounter that buchanan is actually lucky to have survived. >> it was one of the most terrifying things that i've ever done. and i did it intentionally. >> reporter: he says this close-up was worth the close call. >> it was a strange mixer of terror and comedy because it felt like a monumentally stupid thing to do. but it was incredible. >> i think monumentally stupid is a very description. sense of the room. i like to hear from ginger about this who is willing to do anything for television. would you actually do this? >> yes. >> i expected that answer. >> i went up to churchill, canada, looking at polar bears, as they moved out to hudson bay. in a much more secure vehicle than that. i wouldn't do it. >> bianna is writing her dance down. to save her voice. >> no. >> i would do it. coming up here on "good morning america," the secrets of kristen stewart. and what she wants to do now that her "twilight" years are behind her. "pop news" after this quick behind her. "pop news" after this quick break. we were potty training video. oh! what was that? but what they didn't know... go, go, go! was that we wanted to help little eli celebrate his first flush - in the biggest way possible. look! eli! first flush! celebrate your first flush - with new and improved pull-ups! and for even more fun, check out our pull-ups big kid app at i'm a big kid now! again! i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. 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[ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. all right. it's time for "pop news." our entertainment reporter and host of "on the red carpet" rachel smith, is in l.a. this morning. hello. >> good morning, guys. nice to chat with you. we have a bit of everything popping this morning. for starters, forget what you think you know about kristen stewart. the "twilight" star called herself, a sensitive, normal girl. stewart is promoting her new movie, "on the road." and said she would do any part just to be in the movie. and she told the mag, it's not about being fearless. but embracing the fears. stewart says she's open to anything, including broadway. tv could soon have a new odd couple. kelsey grammer and martin lawrence are reportedly considering pairing up in a sitcom. it may have an "odd couple" feel. this would be a return to sitcom roots. grammer played dr. frazier crane for 20 years. martin at his sitcom, "martin," for phi years. and interestingly, both played radio hosts. and "modern family" is a modern tv classic. but the cast is paying tribute to some of the all-time great shows. a series a amazing new photos. eric stonestreet, jesse tyler ferguson and aubrey emmons re-create "the honeymooners." and ty burrell and play "bewitched." sofia vergara, ed o'neill and play "i love lucy." and new episodes of "modern family" air wednesday nights on abc. and finally, holiday season travel is wrapping up. and it always seems to take its toll on travelers. but take a look at this video, guys. ♪ oh, yeah. that would be a woman named ankara tremor. busting a move at los angeles annual airport on you near's eve. i did not do this the last time i was at l.a.x. dance like nobody's watching. it's great, right? >> i'm surprised that nobody's turned around and staring at her. >> it only happens in new york. >> i mean, this is hollywood, folks. and the dance is called dance like nobody's watching. or the video, rather. and aside from a few people, everyone's focused on getting their bags and getting where they're going. this is one of many videos angela's created to take her fierce dance moves, like that one there, at the mall. >> that guy had to be playing it there. >> invisible. >> he's looking at her now. >> she got his attention. >> for a second. >> rachel, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> what a way to pass the time at the airport. >> great way to pass the time at the airport. i hope to see that next time i go to the airport. >> me, too. >> seen stranger things on the subway, actually. we'll be right back with more "gma." keep it here. 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[ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. this game is huge. ron claiborne's going to be watching, i know. >> absolutely. roll tide. am i allowed to say that? all right, notre dame. >> the bcs national championship, monday night at 8:00 eastern on espn. our sister network. we want to thank everybody for watching this morning. in particular, we want to thank this one, bianna golodryga, who woke up with no voice this morning. and toughed it out all morning. >> i'm sorry, guys. >> she did a great job. we'll see you back tomorrow morning, dancing like this. [ fingers tapping ] [ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good! >> in the news this saturday morning a community of coming together and trying to do something good following the death of a young petaluma woman. authorities are still working to figure out how she died. and two elderly patients died following an outbreak of a noro virus as a residential care facility in mill valley. good morning, everyone, it's 5:00 a.m. on saturday morning. thanks for joining us. >> here's the embarcadero. winds of calm, skies partly cloudy. but things are changing today. in fact, the rain returns to the bay area right around sunrise. it will still be clear. we


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130105

everywhere in america. new numbers this morning. we're going to have practical advice for you from dr. jen ashton in a few moments. >> not just the flu. but the whooping cough, as well. high concern this season. also this morning, mystery solved. we track down the man in the newly-discovered photo of young princess diana. the picture that was never supposed to be made public. everyone's been talking about this picture the last couple of days. >> we're going to hear from him. and true grit. the college football player who kept on playing. never missed a game, in fact. even during chemotherapy treatments. he beat cancer. last night, he led his team to the cotton bowl. coming up, the key role his mom played in all this. and first, there's a lot of news overnight. and for that, as always, we turn to ron claiborne. he'll be using his own face. >> and my own voice, too. hi, dan. hi, bianna. trying to get in sync with you there. good morning, everyone. we begin with the developing story overnight. lance armstrong's lawyer is denying a report that he, armstrong, is about to admit to doping. "the new york times" reports armstrong has told associates and anti-doping officials he is considering publicly admitting that he used performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions during his cycling career. armstrong has denied these allegations for more than a decade. earlier this year, armstrong was stripped of his seven tour de france titles for doping and banned from competing in all events in the future. also breaking overnight, a powerful earthquake struck off the coast of alaska. the 7.5 magnitude quick hit about 60 miles from the city of craig, alaska. a tsunami was generated but did not pose a threat to land. and meanwhile, overseas, the brother of al qaeda's chief has reportedly been captured in syria. published reports say that ayman al zawahiri's brother, mohammed, was arrested by syrian troops while meeting with opposition activists in syria. the terrorist leader recently released a message, encouraging fighters to join the civil war there in syria. and former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords was in newtown, connecticut, meeting privately with the families of those killed in last month's school massacre. the visit came just days before the second anniversary of the shooting that critically injured her. and the white house, meanwhile, released this photo on friday, the moment that president obama learned of the shooting that left 26 people dead. the president has called it the worst day of his presidency. and days after the republican-led house was blasted for failing to provide funds for victims of hurricane sandy, a bill to do just that is headed to president obama's desk. lawmakers passed a measure providing nearly $10 billion in aid to help 120,000 people. another bill authorized, $51 billion in additional aid will come up for a vote in the house in ten days. and finally, love was in the air in china on friday. thousands of couples across the country died the knot because of the date. in mandarin, january 4th, 2013, sounds very similar to the phrase, i will love you for all of my life. and those who got married because of the date. i got two words. [ speaking foreign language ] you know what that means? >> no. >> prenup. prenup, in mandarin. >> i thought you were romantic. >> no. >> thank you. we turn, now, to the two, shocking back-to-back stories about alcohol and airlines. in one case, passengers took matters into their own hands, going to extremes to restrain a drunk passenger. and the other case, a pilot was arrested before takeoff when someone smelled alcohol on his breath. first up, abc's lisa stark joins us from reagan national airport outside of washington, with details about that pilot. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. it was just in the nick of time. this pilot was set to fly a planeload of passengers from minneapolis to new york. luckily, because of some very alert officials, that never happened. the pilot had already passed through security at the minneapolis airport. and was waiting for an elevator, when a tsa agent and other officers happened by and smelled what they thought was alcohol. they alerted airport police, who caught up with 48-year-old captain kolbjorn kristiansen, just before 53 passengers would have boarded the american eagle flight to new york. police say kristiansen failed a preliminary alcohol breath test. he was arrested. neighbors of the pilot were shocked at the news. >> seemed to be very quiet. but he was a regular, family guy. >> reporter: it's not known what the tests showed. but the legal limit for pilots is 0.04, half the limit for drivers. and equaling roughly two drinks for an average-sized man. >> the airline industry basically takes a stance of zero tolerance at showing up with liquor in the bloom. >> reporter: one of hollywood's current hit movies, "flight," focuses on a drunk pilot that pulls off a miraculous crash landing. but he doesn't stay a hero for long. >> this toxicology report states that you were drunk. >> reporter: pilots can lose their license and get jail time. up to 15 years in extreme cases. in 2002, two america west pilots were caught on tape, partying and drinking for hours the night before their flight. the next morning, tsa screeners smelled alcohol on their breath. the pilots were arrested, convicted, sent to jail. as for the american flight, the airline scrambled to find a replacement pilot. passengers finally arrived in new york more than two hours late, shocked to learn then what had really happened. >> i'm feeling very unsafe. >> reporter: kristiansen has now been grounded, pending a full investigation. but the associated press, quoting an airline spokesman says, that he was well above the legal limit for that initial breath test, at least. dan? >> serious problems. lisa stark, thank you. now, to another case, another case study, in the pitfalls of mixing alcohol and air travel. take a look at this picture. this is a guy literally strapped into his seat with duct tape. his fellow passengers say he went on a drunken rampage during an overseas flight. and they had no choice but to tie him down. i want to know who travels with duct tape. john schriffen is here. maybe you can answer that question. good morning, sir. >> reporter: i don't know if i can answer that one. but this one is strange. it seems like we've all been on a flight that seemed like it would never end because the person next to you wasn't the most considerate neighbor. what happened on this flight to iceland takes it to a new level. one passenger, who the airline still has not identified, was allegedly so bad, he had to be dealt with in a special way. this is what happens when your fellow passengers have had enough. according to iceland air, a man onboard their flight thursday from reykjavik to new york's jfk, started acting up. hitting, screaming, even spitting on other passengers. the whole time, cursing up a storm. then, like a scene out of the movie "airplane," passengers took matters into their own hands, taping him in a chair. fellow passenger andy ellwood snapped this picture after the man was secured in his seat. his gut busting out. but his mouth shut. according to ellwood's blog, the man became unruly after drinking all of the duty-free liquor onboard. and tried to choke the woman next to him, scheming the plane was going to crash. in a statement to abc news, the airline says, quote, he was restrained by passengers and crew. and was monitored for his own safety for the duration of the flight. it's certainly not the first time a passenger was caught behaving badly. alec baldwin was kicked off a flight when he was playing a game on his phone and was kicked off. after this kid cut the lines to board a plane, his teacher made him apologize to everyone over the loud speaker, asking for forgiveness. as for this man, for the last two hours of the flight, well, he wasn't saying much of anything. upon landing at jfk, the man was met by police and taken to an area hospital to be treated for alcohol poisoning. the port authority won't confirm if this is the man they took into custody. so far, he has not been charged. dan? bianna? >> thank you. >> so many hours. >> must have drank a lot to get alcohol poisoning. now, to a major public health issue in america, the flu. it is spreading like crazy this season. new numbers from the centers for disease control shows that 41 states is showing widespread outbreak. that's up from 31 states 2 weeks ago. our medical contributor dr. jennifer ashton is here to tell us about that. >> good morning, guys. >> good morning. can you help me? >> i think you need to go home right after you're finished with the show, bianna. we don't have answers. we don't know why the flu this year is so bad. we don't know how bad it will get. what we do know is that the cases of influenza or flu-like illness are picking up speed. they're gaining momentum. we do expect them to get worse before it gets better. and these are particularly bad strains this year, making people incredibly sick. >> even people who have had flu shots? >> yeah. listen, the flu vaccine is not 100% effective. it varies between 60% to 85% effective. but people who are vaccinated, if they do come down with influenza, seem to have a let severe course of the illness and a shorter course of the illness. it's not too late to get vaccinated. if you can see your doctor and get that vaccine today, it may save your life or someone else's life. >> such an important note. before we go, you were pointing out to me before the broadcast, that these new numbers out this morning are not even telling the full story, most likely. >> that's right, dan. there's a lag time when patients go to a health care provider and when the cases get reported to the cdc and when the cdc releases those numbers. it varies about one to two weeks. the numbers will go up. we're not even close to through the worst part of it. >> one important tip, stay home if you're sick. >> if you're sick and not gotten the vaccine to protect yourself and you're ill, protect others and stay home from work or school. so, you need to go home right after the show. >> she says she doesn't have the flu. >> we'll see about that. >> thank you very much. get the flu shot. all right. now, to a very satisfying story of payback in the digital age. it's about a guy whose iphone got stolen. he turned into a virtual vigilante, setting up a sting operation involving an online dating site. what happened next is hilarious. abc's tanya rivero is on the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is a do not try this at home story of stolen iphone retrieval. the police even told this guy he was taking too big a risk, setting up a meeting with the thief. but in the end, it was the thief who got the surprise of his life. nadav used some steamy lines to lure a thief into his trap, like this one. hey, i'm here and out of the shower. it started on new year's eve when nirenberg left his iphone 4 on the cab. the next morning, he saw someone sending messages from his phone, using his online profile, trolling for dates. >> he was using my okcupid account. so, he created a phony female profile, with a cleveland-bearing photo from the web. >> my best version talking as a girl, or a flirty girl, i should say, is adding winky face emoticons. >> reporter: the thief took the bait. writing, you wanna meet? nadav replied, yeah, i kind of do. will you kiss me? he coyly responded, well, i don't have a boyfriend. they made a plan to meet up at nadav's apartment for a date. >> i followed him up the stairs. he turns around. and basically, i confront him right here. and i put the $20 in his hand to diffuse the situation as fast as possible. but i had a hammer in my hand, just in case. >> reporter: the thief handed over the phone, took the money and ran. >> he was dressed up with a nice jacket and shirt. and he smelled like cologne. and had a bottle of wine in his hand. >> reporter: nadav got the phone back. but the thief kept the wine and the cash, making us wonder if the punishment fit the crime. there's no hard feelings. but he still couldn't resist a parting shot. as the thief ran out of the building, nadav called out to him, you smell nice. >> what a character. he thinks that was his cab driver. >> reporter: he does. but he doesn't have any proof. >> i see. there's a lesson there. carry $20 and a hammer. both. >> tanya, thank you so much. now, to the newly-revealed picture of princess diana we've been mesmerized by this week. taken right before she would become the most documented woman in the world. looking so young and so innocent. but who is the young man with her? it was a mystery until abc's nick schifrin got down on the case and tracked the mysterious stranger. nick is with us from london. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. we pieced through every clue. we looked under every manhole. we called every contact we had. it's the biggest mystery since the loch ness monster. we think we've solved it. she was just diana spencer. it was 1979. she was 17 years old, skiing in the swiss alps. diana tore her ankle tendon. so, she spent a lot of time indoors with a certain silent suitor. >> i can categorically say that the man in the picture is adam russell. >> reporter: adam russell, great grandson of a prime minister. he always liked diana. but he never told her. >> if adam russell had told her how he really felt about her, the british monarchy would have been a very different monarchy than we see today. >> reporter: same is true for russell. today, he's a farmer, way down here, dorset, england, where he runs this b&b. >> he traveled the world. and thought he could make a go of it with diana. only to find a friend telling him, too late, adam. you have one rival, prince charles. >> reporter: and that's when diana became, well, the princess. the glass carriage. the dress. that train. one of the most photographed women of all-time. >> when she looked down your lens and you smiled, you knew you had a great picture. >> reporter: arthur edwards was one of diana's first photographers. >> this woman was not just a beauty. she sort of changed the way the royal family worked. completely. she did everything her way. >> reporter: walked in mine fields. helped take the stigma out of aids. everything she did was documented. and yet, this photo disappeared, just two days after diana's engagement. "the mirror" newspaper got scared it would offend the palace. >> they didn't want any trouble. i'm sure. that's the reason they weren't published. >> reporter: there's whiskey in the corner. a young, happy diana, whose life had been very different. >> if she had fallen for adam russell, she would be herding deer in the south of england. and someone else would be the future queen. >> reporter: now, i called russell down on his farm. he wouldn't tell me much other than confirming it was him in the photo. he said he looks pretty much the same today, but his hair's a little shorter now. mystery solved. dan, bianna, we're headed up to scotland to find the loch ness monster. >> we're convinced you can do anything, nick. time, now, for the forecast. and for that, as always, ginger zee. ginger, good morning. >> good morning. hey, y'all. it snowed in texas. that's for you, bianna. it's usually san angelo has 2.9 inches on average each year. yesterday and the day before, 2.8. they're getting a whole season in one day. you're seeing from brownsville, they had schools closed. and they had a lot of fun with that snow, too. el paso had 3.1 inches. abilene, 1 inch. austin, an inch of snow. there was also other weather happening. a funnel was reported outside of miami, just south of it, actually. you can really see it well there. funnel different from tornado. tornado touches, has debris. a funnel is just a funnel. that's what they had in miami. and the weather today will be foggy inland in south florida, especially. just south of that stationary front. showers throughout the state. 81, ft. myers today. 74 for tampa. 62, a lot cooler in tallahassee. another storm up in the north, will be bringing just a few inches of snow for parts of michigan, into parts of the eastern great lakes and up into parts of new england, too. so, not the warmth and the miami-type funnels. but on the west coast, something to note for the weekend, you get about a half-inch of rain for san francisco, and rain down to l.a., as well. >> my first twitter photo comes from wisconsin. it is a sun pillar. that's an actual thing. i just taught you something, dan. i know i see your face, a little eyebrow raised there. >> what is that? >> it's light from the sun. a sun pillar. >> i'll stop asking questions now. >> and this one from california, too. if i could say jeez o. pete, and bring in my midwest vernacular, as you said, i could say y'all. >> we appreciate it. moving on. emotional night at the cotton bowl between oklahoma and texas a&m. despite losing, it was a magnificent finish for one of the sooners players who has inspired everybody, beating cancer while never missing a game this season, even as he went through chemotherapy treatments. ron is back with that story. this is a great story. >> it really is, dan. big-time college football is hard enough. imagine practicing and playing for months. and doing well in the classroom to be named an academic all-american, all the while battling cancer. that's what a young man named austin woods, big number 50, on the oklahoma sooners, did. when austin woods hit the field with his fellow oklahoma sooners for friday night's cotton bowl classic, he was fulfilling a lifelong dream. >> being out there on stage like that is the ultimate dream from when i was a little kid. and it's great to be living it. >> reporter: but it almost didn't happen. earlier this year, during spring practices, woods felt something wasn't right. >> i thought it was mono. i didn't know what it was. >> reporter: late in april, the junior offensive lineman found out it was hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of blood cancer. when he began chemotherapy, it appeared that woods would have to sit out the upcoming season. but he was determined to keep playing. >> a lot of it's up here, between your ears. your attitude and the heart you have. >> reporter: despite the harsh rounds of chemotherapy, which left him exhausted, woods kept coming to practice. >> one day, he'd miss a monday practice because he was in the hospital getting his chemotherapy. tuesday, he'd be out there on the practice field. >> reporter: treatment after treatment, woods charged ahead. on the field, and on his twitter feed, with progress updates like, fighters mentality, round two. six rounds of chemo down. and home stretch. all of them tagged #beatcancer50. his fellow offensive linemen tweeting back, heads shaven in solidarity. his biggest fans are his mom and dad. it was his mother who showed him how to face down the big "c." when she was treated for breast cancer 15 years ago, liz woods didn't miss a single day of work. and then, at last, early in october, woods tweeted, done with chemo. thanks, everyone, for all the support, throughout all my treatments. his cancer was in remission. >> it taught me a lot about myself and what attitude and the right mentality can do towards overcoming obstacles in life. >> and austin is the sooners' backup center. but he saw plenty of action in the cotton bowl. he always wanted to play since he was a little kid. the game didn't turn out so well for the sooners. they lost to texas a&m, 41-13. but for austin, it was a personal triumph in his heroic fight against cancer. >> he won something bigger. >> his mom was a terrific role model. ron, thank you. coming up here on the broadcast, in your face. the story behind these close-up shots. we're going to hear from the photographer who this bear very much wanted to eat. look at those teeth. >> unbelievable. also, matt damon. what does he do to anger a major american industry? the controversy and the pushback from damon's new movie. and dance like nobody's watching, even at the airport. the story behind this video that has instantly gone viral. can you imagine the if you ran into somebody doing that in the airport? that's coming up on "gma" this saturday morning. don't go anywhere. ♪ aww man. 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"promised land" with matt damon just hit theaters in late december. but already has the energy industry blasting away at it. in the film, damon plays an employee for a big corporation, trying to convince smalltown landowners to lease their land for fracking, a controversial natural gas drilling that can lead to fortunes. >> you could be a millionaire. >> reporter: but at what cost? >> my farm is gone. the land turned brown and died. >> reporter: now, the real-life energy industry are digging in. not for gas. but for a fight. calling the movie unfair. >> the movie presents an oversimplification. it really doesn't do justice to the full spectrum of benefits we're seeing natural gas provides. >> reporter: one industry group is even running commercials in three out of four theaters in pennsylvania, just before the movie begins playing. >> get the facts about natural gas development. >> reporter: celebrities, have joined the campaign against fracking. >> i love my new york water. so, stop fracking with it. >> reporter: it's a cause that grew in momentum after the success of the award-winning 2010 documentary, "gasland." our water was good before they started drilling. when they were done, it was bad. >> reporter: even back then, the industry battled back, denying potential dangers to human health. what a spokesperson did in this interview with dan harris. >> aren't there people getting very sick living near natural gas drilling operations? >> i don't know that there have. >> reporter: for their part, the makers of "promised land" claim they are not taking sides in the debate. >> we wanted to make a movie about american identity. we didn't want to give any answers, either. we wanted to start a conversation. >> but in a twist, it turns out some environmentalists aren't happy with "promised land," as well, saying they don't think the movie goes far enough to criticize fracking. maybe the movie is a success in getting people talking. >> if you angered both sides, maybe you're doing something right. mark, thanks very much. let's get it to ron. we've had a little bit of breaking news. >> breaking news out of south america. the head of the italian fashion label missoni is missing this morning after his plane disappeared off the coast of venezuela. the son of the company's founder and his wife and six others onboard that flight took off on friday morning. a search will resume later this morning. president obama is expected to fill one of the openings in his cabinet next week. the president will likely nominate former republican senator chuck hagel of nebraska for defense secretary. that could happen as early as monday. hagel is a combat vietnam veteran who won a purple heart while serving in vietnam. and the food and drug administration are proposing new rules and regulations to ensure our food is safe. the rules require farmers and food companies to take more precautions against contamination. there's an estimated 3,000 deaths a year from foodborne illness. and finally, the holidays, it seems are just beginning for the elephants at the berlin zoo. now that the holiday is over, they're being served christmas trees for food. apparently, they love to eat them and are attracted to the strong smell. last week we had goats and cattle eating christmas trees. now, it's elephants in germany. time, now, for the weather. over the ginger zee. >> good morning. let's start in king county, in washington, just south and east of seattle. we had some ice and wind. we have a new storm coming in. and this one going to be a little warmer. a lot of rain in the seattle area. and all the way down the coast. i mentioned san francisco getting some. down to los angeles. and mountain snow, up to a foot in some places, in the cascades. and a little warmer for us here in the east. and nashville, going up to 55 tuesday. 47 today. atlanta, close to 60 on sunday. washington, d.c., average of 43 this time of year. it would be above average as you end your weekend. something to look forward to maybe. we fly across the nation. l.a. 65 today. ft. collins, 39. if you're in colorado, dry there, too. and cool in vegas, as well. >> this weather report brought to you by usaa. dan and bianna? >> thank you, ginger. coming up on "gma," up close and personal with a hungry polar bear. we'll hear from the cameraman who took these pictures. and could it be tv's new odd couple? kelsey grammer appears ready to return to primetime. his co-star, highly unlikely. not that dog, by the way. we'll be back with the details after a quick break. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? inside the brewer, there's this train that makes coffee stronger, bigger, and hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew what you love with the keurig vue. [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you had heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums talk about getting too close for comfort. try standing nose-to-nose with a polar bear. and having that moment caught on camera. >> we have been showing you the pictures all morning. it's part of a new documentary that's going to be airing soon on the bbc. the cameraman called it one of the scariest experiences of his life. check it out. >> she's seeing if she can bite through. >> reporter: a face-to-face encounter with a 1,000-pound, 8-foot-tall polar bear. >> i can feel him pushing all his weight. >> reporter: wildlife photographer gordon buchanan came to arctic norway to photograph a family of polar bears. but he came much closer than he ever planned. >> she's coming closer and closer. oh, my god. she is enormous. >> reporter: he's inside what he calls his ice cube. the on-ice version of a shark cage. and he's only equipped with his cameras. >> he's gathering information before it approaches, like it would when stalking a seal. the strongest and weakest point, the door. >> reporter: the bear tries to claw his way in for 40 minutes. >> appreciate it for what this animal is. one of the most powerful animals on the planet. one of the most intenative animals on the planet. one of the few that sees us as food. >> reporter: food the bear is determined to get to. >> you can sniff me, good. >> reporter: a dangerous encounter that buchanan is actually lucky to have survived. >> it was one of the most terrifying things that i've ever done. and i did it intentionally. >> reporter: he says this close-up was worth the close call. >> it was a strange mixer of terror and comedy because it felt like a monumentally stupid thing to do. but it was incredible. >> i think monumentally stupid is a fair description. sense of the room. i like to hear from ginger on this, who is willing to do anything for television. would you actually do this? >> yes. >> i expected that answer. >> ron? >> i went up to churchill, canada, looking at polar bears, as they moved out to hudson bay. in a much more secure vehicle than that. i wouldn't do it. ginger's tougher than me. >> bianna is writing her answer down. to save her voice. >> no. >> these are the answers i expected. by the way, i would do it. coming up here on "good morning america," the secrets of kristen stewart. and what she wants to do now that her "twilight" years are behind her. "pop news" after this quick break. oh! what was that? but what they didn't know... go, go, go! was that we wanted to help little eli celebrate his first flush - in the biggest way possible. look! eli! first flush! celebrate your first flush - with new and improved pull-ups! and for even more fun, check out our pull-ups big kid app at i'm a big kid now! again! i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice or fruit teas softens the enamel so that then it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. i can have the best of both worlds with pronamel. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. yeah, but i'm so slow decotaking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal, right? it doesn't have to be. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. you'll love your new normal. all right. it's time for "pop news." our entertainment reporter and host of "on the red carpet," rachel smith, is in l.a. this morning. hello. >> i am. good morning, guys. nice to chat with you. we have a bit of everything popping this morning. for starters, forget what you think you know about kristen stewart. the "twilight" star calls herself, a contemporary, sensitive, normal girl. stewart is promoting her new movie, "on the road." and says she would have played any part just to be in the movie. she tells the mag, she is stronger than ever before. saying, quote, it's not about being fearless. but embracing the fears and using them. what's next for stewart? she says she's open to anything, including broadway. tv could soon have a new odd couple. kelsey grammer and martin lawrence are reportedly considering pairing up in a sitcom. the buddy series may have an "odd couple" feel. this would be a return to sitcom roots. grammer played dr. frazier crane for 20 years on "cheers" and "frazier." lawrence had his own sitcom, too, "martin" for five years. and interestingly, both played radio hosts. and "modern family" is a modern tv classic. but the cast is paying tribute to some of the all-time great shows in a series a amazing new photos. eric stonestreet, jesse tyler ferguson and aubrey emmons re-create "the honeymooners." and ty burrell and julie bowen cast their spell as the stars of "bewitched." their on-screen children play the parts of mary ann, ginger and gilligan, one of my all-time faves. sofia vergara, ed o'neill and rico rodriguez play "i love lucy." voted the best sitcom of all-time in a survey by abc news and "people." and new episodes of "modern family" air wednesday nights on abc. and finally, holiday season travel is wrapping up. and it always seems to take its toll on travelers. but take a look at this video, guys. ♪ oh, yeah. that would be a woman named angela tremmer. busting a move at the baggage claim los angeles national airport on new year's eve. i did not do this the last time i was at l.a.x. dance like nobody's watching. it's great, right? >> i'm surprised that nobody's turning around and staring at her. >> it only happens in new york. >> i mean, this is hollywood, folks. and the dance is called dance like nobody's watching. or the video, rather. and aside from a few people, watching, as you said, it seems like everyone's focused on getting their bags and getting where they're going. this is one of many videos angela's created to take her fierce dance moves, like that one there, at the mall. >> that guy had to be planted there. >> invisible. >> he's looking at her now. >> she got his attention. >> for a second. >> rachel, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> what a way to pass the time at the airport. >> great way to pass the time at the airport. i hope to see that next time i go to the airport. >> me, too. >> seen stranger things on the subway, actually. we'll be right back with more "gma." keep it here. how do you define your moment? the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours. nah, i'm good. ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. this game is huge. ron claiborne's going to be watching, i know. >> absolutely. roll tide. am i allowed to say that? all right, notre dame. >> alabama taking on notre dame, the bcs national championship, monday night at 8:00 eastern on espn. our sister network. we want to thank everybody for watching this morning. in particular, we want to thank this one, bianna golodryga, who woke up with no voice this morning. and toughed it out all morning. >> i'm sorry, guys. >> she did a great job. we'll see you back tomorrow morning, dancing like this. no more freebies when it comes to parking on sundays in san francisco. starting tomorrow you'll have to pay from noon to 6:00 everywhere. the city says it will raise revenue. the city won't begin ticketing until later this month. drivers will be issued a warning for the first three sundays. >> san francisco rare river otter is a big attraction. sutro sam has taken up residence near the sutro baths. people are hoping to catch sam frolicking in the water. sam also a twitter account, one tweet reads, yes, i am the cuteest, don't forget that. sea otters have nothing on me. we'll send over to the weather center with frances dinglasan. >> good morning. rain arrives this afternoon turning into showers tonight and that continues into tomorrow morning. drier and warmer sunnier monday and tuesday. the cold front is moving towards the bay area and the tail end is going to bring us the wet weather mainly after lunch for most of us. basically later on by about lunchtime is when we started to see some of the rain along the coast. light to moderate rainfall in the afternoon hours, by 6:00 it turns into showers and overnight into tomorrow. a few leftover showers. and highs will be in the 50s and look for 55 in san francisco. 57 in san jose. more upper 50s around monterey bay. some showers again overnight into tomorrow morning but sunnier weather monday and tuesday. >> thank you so ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪ ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. good saturday morning. it is 8:00 a.m. i'm katie marzullo. let's start you off with the weather. here is frances dinglasan in for lisa argen. >> good morning everyone. we have cloudy skies as we look out from our camera over the studio and we're looking out toward the bay bridge. winds are light. temperatures starting off on the cool side, low to mid 40s. dry by morning and then by lunchtime we'll start to see the rain move in spreading south throughout the afternoon with temperatures in the 50s. by tonight after dinner, rain will taper off into showers and temperatures will drop below 50 degrees. look for the showers to continue overnight in to tomorrow and nicks report i'll tell you the rain totals


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130107

his son, harry's service in afghanistan. >> i worry every time. >> and he looks ahead to life as a grandfather "today," monday, january 7th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with is savannah guthrie live rockefeller plaza. and good morning. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. i'm matt lauer alongside savannah guthrie, al roker and natalie morales. the gang is back together in a long time for a really long time. >> not since last year. >> that old thing? >> i've never heard that. >> two, three weeks, though. really. everybody have nice trips? >> yeah. >> reporter: only natalie got slightly injured. >> little skiing accident. >> you should see the other guy. >> that's a good one. anybody caught home with the flu, perhaps? >> not good. >> a lot of people do. cases are very widespread, in 41 states now. coming up, why doctors expect it to get even worse in the days and weeks ahead. a criminal case has rocked a small town out in ohio. two high school football players were accused of sexually assaulting a fellow student and some say police are not arresting others to protect the school's beloved football program. and a case in florida that speaks to the power of forgiveness. a woman was shot and killed by her fiance. her parents forgave her killer and even helped him get a lighter sentence. they'll share their story, coming um. a battle is brewing over the president's pick for secretary of defense, former senator chuck hagel. chuck todd is nbc's political correspondent. good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. two members of his national security team today, new cia director and, of course, a new secretary of defense. john brennan, the president's chief counterterrorism adviser in the west wing. it's actually a post brennan has wanted for years and now is going to get it. as for defense, this is the third time the president has had to fill an opening at the pentagon. for the second time, his choice is a republican. this time it's former senator chuck hagel, which is already touching off a big political fight. before chuck hagel can take over at the pentagon, he must be confirmed by the senate and he's already facing an uphill battle. even though democrats control the senate, nbc news has learn ed as many as 10 democratic senators could vote against hagel. public publicly, leading democrats have not expressed much support. >> i would have to study his record. >> as a republican, he may find support from his old republican colleagues to come by. >> there will be a lot of tough questions of senator hagel, but he will be treated fairly. >> reporter: he became known as a thorn in the side of republicans turning against the iraq war in 2007. >> most divisive since vietnam. >> i have served with chuck hagel. i know him. he is a patriot. >> reporter: after once referring to certain proisraeli groups as a, quote, jewish-lami. >> this is an in your face nomination from the president to those of us who are supportive of israel. >> reporter: openly gay nominee who chuck hagel called openly grifsly gay. and barney frank, who may end up as a temporary senator during the confirmation hearings says i cannot think of any other minority group in the u.s. today where such a negative statement in 1998 would not be an obstacle. a defense secretary who wore the uniform and who will be comfortable standing up to the generals. and debate with those generals over afghanistan troop levels became quite contentious in 2010. in a new book, the president's former afghanistan commander, general stanley mcchrystal noted what he called the emergence of an unfortunate deficit of trust between the white house and the department of defense. the president will make these nominations formal after lunch today, matt. initial choice for cia before he actually even took the oath of office, but a lot of groups on the left were upset with brennan's positions on torture at the time. those are things that brennan has since cleared up. matt? >> chuck todd in washington this morning. thank you very much. retired general stanley mcchrystal was the top commander in afghanistan three years ago. he resigned after a controversial profile in "rolling stone" magazine where he and his advisers were quoted making some disparaging remarks about the president. now he is breaking his silence about that and other things in his memoir called "my share of the task." general, always good to see you. nice having you here. >> thanks, matt. >> chuck hagel, is he qualified for secretary of defense? >> let me first hijack the the show and wish my wife, annie, happy birthday. >> good move. >> i think senator hagel has the experience. he certainly has the quality as a person. the real matter is whether the president has that level of trust. >> outspoken stance against the war in iraq, comments about israel and israel's influence over congress, are those disqualifiers? >> i don't think so. you have to predict the future. they're going to face very complex problems which we can't predict. that level of trust and relationship between those people and with other members of the cabinet are the most important. >> not to put you on the spot, is there another name that jumps out? is there someone that you would have turned to immediately that you would vote for? >> no. >> okay. just thought i would try it. you have a quote in your memoir, as you were dealing with the situation in afghanistan there was an emergence of an ununfortunate deficit of trust between the white house and the department of defense. was that distrust a two-way street? >> yes. i outline in a fair amount of detail, it's about leadership. that's what i'm passionate about. building trust takes time. and it's the essential ingredient of ever solving difficult things, whether it's a marriage, educating kids, fighting a war. you have to build trust between people and organizations. >> did you distrust the people at the white house? did you distrust key members of the obama administration when it came to their policy in dealing with afghanistan? >> i think what's most important is we spent a lot of timesharing information to try to build trust. trust kochl comes with time, wi cooperation and with compromise. i think that's what we worked through. >> with all due respect, you didn't answer my question. did you distrust key members of the administration in with respect to their handling of the war in afghanistan? >> yeah. i still believe that the most important thing we can do is build that trust. over time that's -- >> you're being a good soldier he here. i want to take you back to the "rolling stone" magazine that led to your resignation from your post. there were several demeaning comments attributed to your staff members and even to you. was that article accurate? was that the way you and your staff members felt about those people? >> it's interesting. in my book i outline that in about a page and a half in a 400-page book because that's the level of its importance. there was a lot of things in leadership i dealt with. what i would say is most important is the positive things. i don't think we need another book where we are finger pointing. >> were the quotes in that "rolling stone" article that were attributed to your staff members and you accurate? otherwise you should be coming out against "rolling stone" magazine. were they accurate? >> the most important thing is that's past. i accepted responsibility. i was in command. and as you're in command you're responsible for everything bad that happens and everything good and i respect that. >> of the president, one of your staff members said this about your first meeting with him where they said he didn't seem to be very engaged. the boss was pretty disappointed. one staffer called him a clown. on the american ambassador to afghanistan, carl ikenberry, you were attributed saying he wanted to cover his flank for the history books because he >> well, as i outlined in the book, i try 0 to get into the big picture. and so what i tried to do was show the holistic relationship with people and in general it was very good. >> the last meeting you had with the president when he accepted your resignation, did he demand it or simply accept it? >> i walked into the room with the resignation in my pocket. i offered the president my resignation, but i said i would do whatever was best for the mission. >> was there part of you that wanted him not to accept it? did you want to stay in the job? >> i wanted to stay in the job but i wanted to do what was best for the mission. i felt whatever the president felt was best for the mission was what i needed to do. so i was happy to go with whatever decision -- >> let me be a fly on the wall. was he furious about what had come out in that "rolling stone" magazine? did he express his displeasure with you? >> what was said between the president and i in the oval office really needs to be between us. it was very professional. we had a good relationship before that and i think we still have a good relationship. >> he said this, war is bigger than any one man or woman, whether a private, a jep, or a president. and as difficult as it is to lose general mcchrystal i believe it's the right strategy for our national security. the conduct represented in the recently published article does not meet the standard that should be set by a commanding general. it undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system. do you agree with that? >> the president's statement that war is bigger than any single individual is absolutely correct. so when i accepted responsibility, i felt it was important that i do what, as a commander, is best for the mission at that time. i'm very comfortable with that. >> you said this, this is your quote. the best leaders are genuine and walk a fine line between self-can confidence and humility. when you graduated from west point you wondered if you would turn out to be the kind of military leader that you admired. did you? >> i think you work on that every day. i think there are days when i did very well and there are days when i didn't. but the key is on the days when you didn't, don't let that become the new standard. push yourself back up to where you know you ought to be every single time. >> any regrets? >> not really. >> general stanley mcchrystal, general, it's nice to see you. >> thank you, matt. >> the book is called "my share of the task." natalie is back over at the news desk. natalie, good morning. >> good morning again, matt. good morning, everyone. in the news this morning an alabama high school teacher that is thwarted what officials say could have been a terrorist bomb plot. the teach er tipped off police after finding 17-year-old derek's journal in the classr m classroom. officials say they found improvised explosives in tobacco tips in his house. he identifies as a white supremacist and wanted to harm his fellow students. he says his writings are fiction. the obama administration is working on tough new legislation in the wyche of recent shootage rampages. peter alexander is at the white house with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: natalie, good morning to you. gun violence task force, formed in the wake of the awful shootings at newtown is expected to put out its recommendations and could include more than just a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips. in aurora, colorado, still reeling from last year's theater massacre, another deadly attack this weekend. authorities say a gunman killed three people in a home before firing at police. >> the suspect has been hit and is pronounced dead. >> reporter: more long lines at gun shows but in newtown, less than a month after the school shootings there, the decision to hold a gun collector show this weekend was met with mixed opinions. >> it seems insensitive to have the event continue. >> i believe they should have the gun show. >> reporter: in addition to an assault weapons ban and crackdown on high-capacity clips, "the washington post" reports vice president biden's gun task force could include recommendationses for a national database to track the movement and sale of guns. stiffer penalties for carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors and stronger mental health and background checks. >> i think the more constructive conversation is going to be around background checks and what we can do to keep the guns out of the hands of dangerous people. >> reporter: on "meet the press" sunday mitch mcconnell said for now the gun issue will likely be on the back burner. >> plenty of time to take a look at their recommendations once they come forward. what will dominate washington for the next three months here will be spending and debt. >> reporter: and the white house reportedly is developing strategies, natalie, to go around the nra, national rifle association, that has opposed similar proposals in the past. >> peter at the white house. thanks so much, peter. a hearing for the colorado movie theater suspect holmes may be the closest thing to a trial that the victims and their families get to see. he allegedly opened fire on moviegoers back in july. legal experts say because the evidence against him is so strong, holmes may take a plea deal to avoid the death penalty. the president has signed into law a bill providing nearly $10 billion to victims of superstorm sandy. the new law ramps up fema's borrowing authority so that 100,000 flood claims won't be delayed. another $51 billion in aid will be voted on later this month. a lot of news to report this morning from a world of sports. the 113-day nhl dispute has been settled and players could head back to the ice in the next few weeks. meanwhile, the nfl playoffs are off to a wild start as the washington redskins lost quarterback robert griffin iii to a knee injury, costing them the game against the seattle seahawks. and linebacker ray lewis went out on top, taking the vikings to victory in the final home game before retiring. he has the dance and all. tonight, alabama and notre dame face off in the bcs championship game in miami. it's now 7:15. back to matt, savannah and al. could be a new dance craze. >> he has been doing that one for a while. who do we like in the game tonight? >> i don't know. i'm going to be neutral officially. real courageous. >> i think alabama is going to win. i do. >> notre dame? >> i just like the little leprechaun, like regis philbin, you know? >> it should be a great game. >> mr. roker, what have you got? >> snow back to the interior mountains, winter storm warnings and watches and weather advisories in effect. along the coast as we move to the south, cold. upper level low. look at the snowfall amounts there. we're talking anywhere from six to 12 inches of snow, four inches of rain possible. then to the south, cold core. this upper low will be bringing in a lot of wind to southern california. windy conditions with wind advisories. and that system will be bringing heavy rain later this week into the south. we'll get to your local forecast. first, this message. et to your forecast. first, this message. ♪ [ male announcer ] let's take every drop of courage, every ounce of inspiration, every bit of determination, and go where we've never gone before. ♪ introducing the radically new avalon. toyota. let's go places. . back to work monday. this is coming from emeryville. we do have thick fog to report. travel cautiously through the interior inland valleys. 34 degrees in livermore right now. 39 in san jose. 40 degrees to start in san mateo. as we head throughout the day, we're headed toward the 60s. that's your latest weather. savannah? >> al, thanks. flu season is getting worse weeks before its usual peak. cases are now widespread in more than two-thirds of the country. here is nbc's tom costello. >> reporter: preschool teacher ashley caldwell has been downright miserable. trying to see a doctor in the middle of a flu outbreak? not easy. >> it was a three-hour wait there. i thought it would be a little while but not that long. >> reporter: in crosses, 22-year-old lisa ingrid has been in bed with the flu talking via skype. >> i ended up having 103.8 degree fever. >> reporter: already in every state across the country, thousands of people have been affected with 31 states hit the ha hardest. one of the earliest and worse flu seasons in years. >> this season follows the pattern of other seasons, we can expect 5% to 20% of the population to contract the flu this year. >> reporter: in some cases the flu can be deadly. in texas, 17-year-old high school senior matt shwolert died after the flu turned into pneumonia and then a deadly staph infection. it can start one to four days after exposure. fever or chills, cough, sore throat and runny nose, muscle aches, headaches and in some cases diarrhea and vomiting. 200,000 people are hospitalized every year with the flu. the most vulnerable are the elderly and very young and researchers believe the flu spreads more easily in the year, allowing the virus to stay in the air longer. >> wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands and stay home if you're sick. >> reporter: ashley doesn't have the flu, it looks like she has whooping cough, the worst in 60 years. she'll be out of the classroom for at least a week. >> well, i just learned that three of my colleagues here do not have their flu shots, is that true? >> that's right, matt. that's right. >> natalie, no? >> not yet, no. >> never had a flu shot? >> never took the flu shot. >> are you worried that you're -- >> no, i took my flu shot. >> we're brewing a new -- in savannah. >> that's right. i know. >> typhoid savannah. >> they give them right up on the seventh floor. >> i'm sure you're first in line every year. >> you have to be taller than me to get a flu shot. >> my dvr. >> downtown abbey. >> do you think it's like a ladies' show? >> you should. >> i hear good things about it. >> set in the 1920s. >> season three. >> excited. >> so exciting. >> looks old. >> also ahead, prince charles talks about his future grandchild and his fears of prince harry's safety in afghanistan. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. still ahead, polar bear attacking a photographer. >> after your local news. to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. 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[ female announcer ] eggo waffles. we replaced people with a machine.r, what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. whathat needs refreshing?nd new year, and a room we can work with a new collection of carpet that proves durable can be softer than ever. we can get for less and spread that softness even further. turns out, we can do even more than we thought we could. because this is the year of doing. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. roll out the new year with free whole home basic carpet installation on three rooms or more. the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. than the cottonelle care routine. minute maid pure squeezed. it tastes just like a fresh, ripe orange, and oranges are really mad. i'm ty burell and i'm an idiot... who changed the cue cards? well played, orange. minute maid pure squeezed. never from concentrate. a little more. there's a real, like, camaraderie in the parking lot... shut up! that's it! let's go in the car. my time to shine is the smoked pulled pork. i think it's done broseph! pretty much got it down to a science... pretty much. we also really like a great pulled pork sandwich even when we can't make the game. you ruined it! some people even like it better. really? yep. [ male announcer ] new carving board pulled pork, get that delicious slow smoked taste without the hassle. it's game time food. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. this morning san francisco police continue the search for a man wanted for dousing his girlfriend with gasoline and setting her on fire. they say 22-year-old dexter oliver attacked her yesterday afternoon near the intersection of hollister and jennings in the city's bay view district. 25-year-old star lamar now in critical condition in the burn unit at st. francis hospital. she has severe burns to her face and her chest. family members say oliver became enraged when lamar told him their relationship was over. >> saw him pour gasoline in a bottle and he left. i didn't know he was going to burn her. >> police say oliver is 5'10", 155 pounds and has a haircut with a lightning bolt on one side of his head and a fish design on the other. right now let's get a check on your monday morning forecast. for that we'll say good morning to christina loren. >> good morning to you, jon. good morning to you at home. a cold start to the day. also that thick fog is back. fog is at the thickest point. by 9:00, moderate fog across the greater bay area. between 9:00 and 11:00, sunshine will warm us up nicely today into the 60s. 62 in livermore. 62 for gilroy. 61 right here in san jose. we do have changes ahead. not until wednesday. temperatures are going to drop off significantly into the mid 50s and we'll bring you showers as we head into sunday. let's talk to mike about your rush hour drive. fog in typical spots. look here in the south bay you have warned them about that unusual for the south bay. here's low clouds and some fog here for 101 at 680. the map shows you slowing here at north 101 also north 280 and 85 all in that zone where orange is where low clouds might be fog and might be affecting your visibility. northbound commute kicking in harder than it has for the last couple of weeks. south 880 an issue. accide southbound out of hayward kicks in and same for south 680 and coming out of the tri-valley area. more fog and slowing through the area. back to you. >> all right. another local news update for you one half hour from now. see you then. ♪ [ female announcer ] no more paper coupons. no more paper lists. [ dog barking ] ♪ no more paper anything. safeway presents just for u. ♪ save more. save easier. saving more, starts now. just for u on the safeway app. back now at 7:30 on this monday morning, the 7th of jay january, 2013. this is a wildlife photographer's hair-raising encounter with a polar bear that happened in the arctic. the man inside that enclosure said it was the most frightened he had ever been. you can actually hear his heartbeating. i'm sav annah guthrie along wit matt lauer. >> is that enclosure not on wheels? there are not treads that you can gun the gas to get out of there? >> i'm sure he was weighing all his options in those moments. having trouble in your new year's resolution to lose weight already? dr. oz has come to the rescue this morning with his new approach to dieting. he always has good information. we'll check in with him in a couple of moments. >> he claims it's fun. we'll see about that. parents of a 19-year-old girl decided to forgive her killer. that man was her fiance and even lived with the family at the time. it really speaks to the power of forgiveness. and prince charles speaks about his son, harry, serving overseas and his worries about his safety and also his concern for his future grandchildren. mystery over the young man in this photo of diana before she was a princess. that mystery has now been solved. we'll fill you in. first an alleged crime that has rocked a small town and is making national headlines now. two high school football players in steubenville, ohio, accused of raping a 16-year-old girl. ron allen is there with the story this morning. ron, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, savannah. this is a very emotional time in this town of some 18,000 people where high school football is a very big deal. two members of the team have been arrested and charged but some think that there's a small town cover-up to protect the football program and other students that may have been involved in the alleged incident. that's why there's growing, passionate calls for more arrests hundreds of protesters descended on steubenville, demanding justice for a 16-year-old girl allegedly raped by two football players. >> they knew she was drunk. >> reporter: named publicly in court, faces concealed because they're also 16, have plead not guilty and are scheduled to stand trial next month. that doesn't satisfy the crowd. >> there was more than two kids involved. the kids that have money in this town have not been arrested. >> reporter: the case is exploding on social media. images proporting to show the defendants carrying the alleged victim unconscious the night in question. and video showing teenagers making fun of the girl, released by online activists, including the group anonymous, most known for hacking government websites to expose what it sees as wrongdoing. it accuses the town of turning a blind eye to other athletes allegedly involved to protect the town's beloved football team. the big red, perennial state powerhouse and reason for tremendous pride in a community hit by economic decline. police say even though the behavior seen online is offensive, only two young men actually committed a crime. >> people can say whatever they want on an internet. to take anything to a court of law you have to have evidence. >> reporter: the town has even created a website, steubenville facts, to rebuff false accusations on the internet. but prosecutors brought in from out of town because everyone here is so connected or devoted to high school football, the investigation continues. >> it's well along but it's not concluded and it is active and it's ongoing. >> reporter: defense attorney walter matheson says he wants to move the case away from here to give his client a fair trial. >> what we have in this county is a legal lynching. and i can't stand for that on my watch. >> reporter: but the alleged victim's family as well as activists online and in the streets, are determined to hold anyone involved accountable. some activists are threatening cyber attacks, hacking into the personal information of people they think should be charged with a crime. local officials here say they're trying to do what they can to protect the town from those types of attacks. the trial of the two young football players is scheduled to start in about six weeks time. savannah? >> ron allen in steubenville, ohio, this morning. thank you. let's get a check of the weather now from al roker. >> matt, thank you so much. temperatures are in the 30s. but there's a look at where it's awfully cold. upstate new york and new england. caribou, maine, 7 degrees below zero. greenville, 5 degrees. 15 in platsburg. january thaw, if you will. monday, 30s in chicago. minneapolis by tuesday. you can see those temperatures popping up into the 30s and 50s. moving to wednesday, new york almost near 50 degrees. denver at 51. thursday yoour you' thursday you'll see those temperatures pop up again. 51 in d.c. by friday, looking at temperatures 7:35. first monday of the week, temperatures are looking chilly to start. we have patchy fog out there. a live look at san francisco addition to low clouds you'll find high and mid level clouds throughout the day today. a mix of sun and clouds and temps in the 60s. 62 for livermore. 61 in san francisco. 61 degrees not too bad out there in santa cruz today. as we head through tuesday into wednesday, changes on the way. temperatures will drop. we'll increase clouds. hold off on showers until sunday. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> thanks, al. new season of downton abbey premiered last night. for devoted fans, like savannah, it couldn't have come soon enough. andrea canning has this story. >> this is why i love savannah. we need to get you on board, matt. >> i'm there. >> produced by nbc universal is now popular in 200 countries. based on the buzz here in the states it's only growing in popularit popularity. it's a sophisticated soap opera set in the 1920s, english countryside that's become a modern day must-see hit around the world. >> it means that deep down -- >> reporter: this is downton abse abbey, following the lavish lives of bluebloods and their counterparts, living under this estate, four times the size of new york's central park. >> if any of you want to explore downton abbey, here's your chance. >> in the 40-year history of pbs' masterpiece theater. >> it really started as something that had a cult following but the audience has grown to be so big that it's nothing shorter than a phenomenon. >> reporter: it's not just the states. downton abbey is the most watched drama in denmark and singapore and brazil. it's popular in israel, ice land and even crumpets to china. >> a lot of sex, romance, some death and good old-fashioned backstabbing will really connect with an audience. >> reporter: the excitement in the u.s. extends beyond just turning on the tv. from a spike in vintage dress sales to elaborate viewing parties complete with skoen scod hats. why a party? >> it makes you want to celebrate, seeing all the gorgeous sets and costume designs makes people want to do that in their own home. >> reporter: with season three off to a strong start, downton shows no signs of slowing down. >> certainly the highest popularity it's ever been right now. but i don't think it's reached its peak. there's no saying just how big the show still can get. >> reporter: thousands are now flocking to tour the castle where downton abbey is filmed and the demand for butlers has increased. some trivia? >> yeah, sure. >> my great grandfather was a butler for eight british prime ministers, including churchill. my family love this is show. >> right up your alley. >> why didn't you bring any tea and crumpets? we're huge fans. it's aired in the u.k. already, season three. >> savannah knows -- >> leave that aside. >> way overboard on that. off camera, they walk around in corsets and -- >> darling. >> up next, dr. oz reveals his new approach to dieting. how to make losing weight fun. and look at what goes on -- a look at what goes on behind the scenes here at "today" during our show, courtesy of that man right there. first, these messages. it's no ordinary nonfat yogurt. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love. and other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ aww man. 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[ laughter ] one pharmacist started it all: charles walgreen had a mission to help people be happy and healthy. from inventing the first chocolate malt... to creating a nonprofit pharmacy for our troops... to the first child safety caps. walgreens has been innovating for over a hundred years. and we're just getting started. with more and more ways to be well every day, the corner of happy and healthy. back now at 7:43. we are just one week into the new year. some of you may be thinking about giving up your resolution to lose weight. how do you make dieting easier and more fun? dr. mehmet oz, host of the dr. oz show, is here. >> this year we're bringing alive mr. fat pants. this is his busy season. >> i know ms. fat pants. >> miss stretch wear. there they are right there. to get folks to realize they don't have to beat themselves up. there are simple, easy things to do, even in the busy time of year, which it is for mr. fat pants, to get you back to the weight you want. >> i love that we have chocolate and donuts here. shed weight with food confusion. >> body builders have taught us that you can use muscle c confusion to build up bigger biceps. it basically means cross train. it works with food also. >> really? >> a lot of folks will do the same exact diet plan every day. you don't want to do that. every third day, eat some simple carbohydrates, foods that maybe aren't good for. >> is that where my donut comes in? >> you don't want to gup the whole donut down but take a piece of it or someone else's. big glass of water. wash the taste away. the reason that's important, little bit of sugar -- chocolate is a better option because it has flavenoids in it. you burn away calories more rapidly. >> don't eat the whole donut. >> the first bite is the best bite. the second bite a little less tasty, the third bite a lot less tasty. after a bite or two, get rid of that by washing it away. >> avoid food addiction. >> a lot of people think that growling stomach, headaches, lightheadedness, that's all hunger. it's not. it's a withdrawal sign from foods you shouldn't have been eating. i put two classic examples of this. classic hunger is in the belly. true hunger is up in the chest and head area. >> really? >> next time you think you're hungry and don't have a little discomfort in your chest or neck, it's not true hunger. that aching will go away and true hunger will come later. >> you could literally get addicted to foods like this? >> no question that things, like wheat products, are very addictive. they don't understand how thin people stay thin. they stay thin by avoiding foods that are addictive. >> tell us about this plan. >> it's the best experts in the world. who is better than the best trainers in the world? the ones on "the biggest loser." they brought me the 4-3-2-1 plan. four servings a day of fruits and vegetables. i particularly added pomegranaten to the list. it's in season right now. open the pomegranate under water. you can freeze them as well. squash is a great replacement for potatoes. food that will fill you up, bring you nutrients to your body that you need. three servings of protein. beans have low glycemic index. have eggs for breakfast. you won't be hungry the rest of the day. >> note to self. >> note to self. lots of fiber will keep you satiated. everyone out there ought to try in their salads from now on cashew oil. >> just a small handful. that's the trick to those. >> you can make oils from these which are lot less fattening. salad is fine but you put a whole bumplg of junk nch of jun >> we'll check your website. and prince charles about his future grandchildren. and the mystery man in this photo with diana has been revealed. what's that? oooh. very interesting. cool. i like "success." joy. i got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. mmmm.... special k! [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. [ laughter ] who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same. the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. [ female announcer ] ...without swanson. the broth cooks trust most when making soup. mmmm! [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. mmmm! living with moderate to semeans living with it could also mean living with joint damage. help relieve the pain and stop the damage with humira, adalimumab. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. so you can treat more than just the pain. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage before they stop you. we are back now at 7:49. prince charles recently open ed up to a british television show about his feelings as a father and a soon to be grandfather. nbc's michelle kosinski is at buckingham palace. good to see you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. prince charles has made his life work campaigning for the environment. he says becoming a grandparent just makes that more important. he also says he worries every night because his sons don't just honor the military, they serve in it. in a rare interview, prince charles says he feels he will have to answer to his royal grandchild on the state of the environment. >> you are soon to be a grandfather for the first time, so many congratulations. >> i don't want to be confronted by my future grandchild, why didn't you do something? it makes it even more obvious to try to make sure that we leave them something that isn't a total -- >> reporter: environmental causes, something he shared with his children, growing organic vegetables on his farm and recently had an endangered frog named after him. >> we present you with a frog. >> reporter: but prince charles heir to the throne is also a military parent. immediate worry is prince harry serving as an apache helicopter pilot in afghanistan. in september his base was attacked by the taliban. it's his second tour of duty. >> if you are a parent or, you know, relation and the person is away like that in these incredibly dangerous and challenging things, i know you worry all the time. certainly every night, i worry. but, you know, he loves doing what he's doing. he's brilliant at it. keep his head down and protecting our troops on the ground. i constantly meet the families of those who have lost their sons or husbands or brothers or sisters. i have some understanding, at least, of what they go through. >> reporter: prince william has also been back at works a rescue helicopter pilot. even on new year's eve and new year's day, risking his own life to save other people. matt? >> all right. mi michelle kosinski at buckingham palace today. michelle, thank you. by the way, we're learning mo r about that never-before-seen photo of diana on friday. >> this was taken before her marriage to prince charles and was marked "not to be published." a lot of people wondered about the man in the picture. adam russell. they were on a ski trip and both diana and adam were recovering from injuries on the slope. >> he's a deer farmer. so i guess he made a few bucks off this. >> eye saw him making a note. now i know why. >> because it says "not to be publi published." always entertaining betty white live in our studio. >> after a check of your local news and weather. ♪ ♪ dominate that pta bake sale. the everyday collection. by target. ♪ made with only milk, cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? new coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. add your flavor, naturally. eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. try our new southwestern mac and cheese with grilled chicken, served with soup or salad. chili's lunch combos. starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. it is 7:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. just about every driver in the bay area will be watching closely as a marin county man challenges the rules of the road in court. jonathan friedman said he got a traffic ticket for intentionally driving solo in the carpool lane. he says he wasn't alone in that car. he had his corporation papers with him and since legally corporations are considered people in the state of california he says he did have in fact another person with him in that car. friedman says he hopes his case will create a national discussion about corporate personhood. he wants to "turn that legal definition on its head." i want to know the opinion of our road warrior, mike inouye. crazy? >> not crazy. legally, technically, he's probably right. i don't know if it will stand up in court. we're looking for this view not standing up either. we have seen in the last three minutes the bridge disappeared. san mateo bridge fog an issue slower westbound and stall reported on that flat section now so be careful heading across the san mateo bridge. similar situation likely for the dumbarton. a crash near the connector adding to the slowdown. it's just slow in general coming through this area. orange for fog in this patch through livermore especially. back to you. >> good morning to you. we do have a lot of fog out there this morning. it's not going last all day. that's the good news. just travel cautiously. walk out your front door with clear conditions but then run into deep pockets of fog as you make your way to work. sun out if full force today. 62 in livermore. 62 for gilroy. 61 in san francisco. looking good through tomorrow. and then temperatures drop like a rock into wednesday. over to you. >> all right. thank you very much. we'll have another local update for you coming your way in one half hour from right now. the "today" show rolls on. [ fingers tapping ] [ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good! and the golden globe goes >o octavia spencer. "the help." >> one of the nice moments from last year's golden globes ceremony, octavia spencer winning for her role in "the help." what surprises are in store for us this year? we'll find out when the golden globes are on nbc sunday night. savannah, al, natalie and i are hosting nbc's special preshow live from the red carpet and then we'll have all the highlights of the awards ceremony the next morning, monday morning, live from los angeles. we hope you'll join us. meanwhile, out on the plaza, a chilly day here in new york. nice people gathered. i'm matt lauer, welcome back savannah guthrie from a little holiday vacation and joined by al roker as well. in our studio a star that knows something about the red carpet and awards, the one and only betty white. she's going to be here and we're going to catch up with her in a couple minutes. >> exciting to see her. also ahead, the parents of a young woman who was killed and they managed to somehow dig deep inside themselves and forgive her killer. it is an extraordinary story and they'll be here to share it with us in a few moments. >> incredible act. and then on a much lighter know we'll give you an idea what it goes -- what it takes to put this program on. a little behind the scones courtesy of jason kennedy. >> all right. lots to get to. let's go inside. natalie morales, also back from vacation, at the news desk with the headlines. >> good morning, matt, savannah and al. good morning, everyone. president obama announcing a pair of high profile national security nominations will be announced today. nbc news has learned he's chosen chuck hagel as secretary of defense. he could face a tough confirmation fight over his stance on israel. the president is announcing john brennan as cia director. federal health officials say the flu is now widespread in at least 41 states, the fastest start to the flu season in a decade. and the major strain circulating this year is making people especially sick. doctors say it is not too late, though, to get a flu vaccine. the state department says a so-called peace plan put forward by syrian president bashar al assad is, quote, detached from reality. in his speech sunday he rejected in recall calls to step down and urged his supporters to defeat rebels who have been fighting for nearly two years to topple his regime. secretary of state hillary clinton is returning to her office today for the first time in a month. she was hospitalized last week for treatment of a blood clot in her head. this followed a stomach virus and concussion. google chairman eric schmidt arrived in north korea today for a look at the communist country's economy and social media. the private trip has been criticized by the state department. schmidt is acom companied by bill richardson who will reportedly raise the plight of an american citizen jailed in north korea. let's lead to wall street kayla tausche is at the stock exchange. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. the first week of the new year was great for the stock markets. stocks reaching their highest point in more than five years. the market hasn't been this high since before the onset of the financial crisis. that being said, a space of u.s. companies are set to report earnings this week for the end of last year. many expect that the fiscal cliff will have negative effects even if they were just short lived. natalie? >> kayla tausche at the new york stock exchange, thanks. for a look at what is trending today. our quick roundup of what has you talking on-line. spain's $1.1 billion el nino lottery the top yahoo! search overnight. sunday's drawing spread the wealth since the most one ticket can win is about $260,000. a brooklyn musician used an online honey trap to retrieve the iphone he lost on a way to a new year's gig. he noticed somebody was using the phone to troll the internet for romance so he posed online as a woman, set up a rendezvous and then demanded his phone back when the thief showed up for a date. this sexy and i know it parody shows it is possible to keep your sense of humor even when you're caring for five, including twins. ♪ i work out look at that daddy look at that daddy look at that daddy ♪ ♪ i work out ♪ i got diapers in my hands and i ain't afraid to show it show it show it i'm a daddy and i know it ♪ >> very cute. video was crafted as a silly way to create fun family memories and posted as a gift for that family's relatives. it is 8:05. back out to al with a check of the weather. >> i saw that video over the weekend. i love it. >> so cute. >> wait until you see this thing. the whole thing. it's spectacular. here is a great set of parents, letting the kids skip school to be here today. not that you're calling attention to it. what's your name? >> colin, olivia. >> cole. >> where are you from? >> rhode island. >> very nice. all right. mom of the year. i like that. i wish my mom had done that. let's show you what we've got for you. pick city today, south bend indiana, wpvu. cold, sunny, 34. rain and snow in the pacific northwest. looking at showers, hit or miss, central florida. beautiful day in the northeast. plenty of sunshine. temperatures on the cool side. not too bad. look for a low pressure is developing through the south. that will bring heavy rain in texas over the next 24 hours. that's what's going on around the country. someone left the fog machine on this morning. 8:05 now. downtown san francisco socked in. you can barely see the tippy-top of the golden debate bridge, but the fog won't last all day. in fact, what we see develop between now and 10:00 a.m. will clear out between 11:00 and noon. mostly sunny conditions with highs today nice, 62 degrees, for instance n livermore. 61 in fremont. 62 in san rafael. the warmest city is santa rosa. mid-60 today. just as warm tomorrow. and made these guys get up early to come in here. >> i did. on our team. we're in new york. >> all right. >> all right, al. thank you very much. when we come back, would you possibly be able to forgive someone who killed one of your children? one couple explains why they did and why they want more people impacted by tragedy to do the same thing. we'll talk about that, right after this. to turn it around, and we did. woman: we're helping joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. man: and now we're helping the east coast recover from hurricane sandy. we're a leading global insurance company, based right here in america. we've repaid every dollar america lent us. everything, plus a profit of more than $22 billion. for the american people. thank you, america. helping people recover and rebuild -- that's what we do. now let's bring on tomorrow. i hate getting up in the morning. i love bread. i love cheese. did i say i love chocolate? i'm human! and the new weight watchers 360 program lets me be. the reason i'm still in this body feelin' so good isn't because i never go out and enjoy the extra large, extra cheese world we live in. it's because i do. and you can too. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. ♪ [ male announcer ] let's take every drop of courage, every ounce of inspiration, every bit of determination, and go where we've never gone before. ♪ introducing the radically new avalon. toyota. let's go places. introducing the radically new avalon. capella university understands bright students are getting lost in the shuffle. need. and administration's work gets more complex every year. when you look at these issues, do you see problems or opportunities? with an advanced degree in education from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to meet these challenges and make a difference in the lives of students. let's get started at (sighs) this is too good to be true. hi. john stamos. enchanté this is too good to be true. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt... delicious yet healthy. sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt mmm huh. i want an oikos! dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt... too delicious to be so nutritious. dannon trying to find a better job can likbe, so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum, so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work. back now at 8:10 with a story about a horrific crime and the remarkable power of forgiveness. in a moment we'll talk to two stories devastated by an unthinkable tragedy, who came together to heal. first with the story here is nbc's mark potter. >> reporter: the crime took place march 28th, 2010, date 19-year-old connor mcbride walked into a tallahassee police station. officials say he told the duty officer, you need to arrest me. i just shot my fiancee in the head. the story begans a love story between connor and ann margaret gromere, both students at the high school. their families became close as they fell in love. but there was an underlying anger. >> we all have had relationships where we would rather sort of push things under the rug rather than confront difficult issues and i think that's what happened with connor and ann. >> a two-day fight between the couple escalated until connor, who says he wasn't thinking straight, got his father's shotgun, pointed it at ann and, in one horrifying moment, shot her. four days later, ann was removed from life support and connor was charged with first-degree murder. but rather than let connor be locked up for life, the parents decided to try a concept called restorative justice, where both families, including connor, sit face to face as part of a healing process. >> to have people sit down at the table and be able to engage in this dialogue, it's so human. >> reporter: the prosecutor, jack campbell, had never heard of restorative justice. because of the unusual circumstances, decided to try it. the families wanted no more than 15 years for connor. campbell offered 20. far less than in similar cases. >> the gromeres found this process through their faith and experience to be cathartic, helpful in their heal iing. this may be one way to help a parent but it's certainly not a fix-all tool. >> reporter: two families trying to come to grips s with a devastating tragedy through forgiveness. mark potter, nbc news, miami. >> along with connor's parents, mike and julie mcbride, joining us from florida. this is about radical forgiveness. to be clear, you came to this not after some long passage of time, but in those excruciating moments when your daughter was on life support. what happened? how is it that you decided to forgive? >> well, it's a process for that week. i went through and, you know, i felt like my daughter was asking me to forgive connor and i just told her i couldn't and there was no way that i could. at the end i said, well, i'll try. and later on in that week on thursday, i really felt like my daughter was joined with christ and that he and her were asking me to forgive. and i just never had said no before to them and i wasn't going to say no this time. it was just an uplifting of joy and peace. >> kate, this is something that you said took you a little bit longer. yet in that first week you went and visited connor, a boy you knew very well, in jail. what was that like? >> i was very nervous going, because andy had told me the night before that he wanted his message to connor to be that he loved him and he forgave him. and i wanted to take that same message to connor, but i just wasn't sure i was going to be able to say those words when i saw him face to face. i had talked during the week, i had told connor's parents i could not judge connor by that moment because if i did, then i was defining ann by that moment as well. simply as a murder victim and she was so much more than that. so through the nerves, i went up to visit him. and the first thing he did was, you know, he cried and said how sorry he was. i told him, you know, mr. grosmaire loves you and forgives you and i said, you know, i love you and i forgive you. >> some people think this is easy, forgiveness. clearly you are still angry at your daughter's killer. >> really, not really. i'm sad, you know. we're not offering a pardon to him, but it frees us. the forgiveness frees us. it keeps us from going to prison with connor. >> let me bring you in here, michael. one of the first things you did -- which everyone related to this story. you went straight to the hospital where ann was clinging to life in those moments. that must have been an incredibly terrifying thing to do. why did you do it and what did it mean? >> when i left the beach, julie was really worried about me driving in such a state of shock. and she told me she loved me, to drive safely and had the wisdom to say go to the hospital. so on the ride home, i didn't really have any vision of what the hospital would be like. i didn't think about what i would say or do. and i definitely didn't consider the reception that i might encounter. i just knew i had to go. it was the right thing to do. >> julie, this is a tragedy for all concerned. what has it meant to you to experience that forgiveness in a moment that i imagine for you was full of shame and sadness as well. >> i think we're all surprised at the depth of forgiveness we can have. and i think we don't really know what we're capable of forgiving until we're actually in the situation, whether it's a driver cutting you off at a red light or circumstances that are this tragic. but andy and kate grosmaire have publicly demonstrated what true forgiveness looks like. >> i want to talk about this concept of restorative justice. in a sense it's an alternative to a criminal trial. you all get in a room, conor included. he tells you what he did. to go through that? >> it was the hardest thing i've ever done in my life. they say your heart can hurt but that day my heart really hurt. i physically felt like it hurt and it was just very difficult. >> and the facilitator asked us later that night how do you feel about having forgiven conor? and i said i'll have to think about everything he said today and i did consciously tnk about every detail that he gave and challenged myself, is that forgiveness still there? and it was and it still is today. >> he did not get a light sentence. 20 years. more than you actually had asked for. but it certainly is a significant amount of time. >> i just want to say, what we had hoped for was if he was going to serve a 20-year sentence that ten years of it would have been served in prison and ten years could have been served in the community, working in those areas for things that ann loved. >> thank you very much for being here and sharing this story. andy and kate grosmaire, thank you. mike and julie, we thank you as well. we're back after this. 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[ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. ♪ [ female announcer ] with its rich, silky smooth taste there's magic in every piece of dove® dark chocolate. ♪ there's magic in every piece of dove® dark chocolate. minute maid pure squeezed light has half the... sugar and calories of oj with great taste. i mean, who doesn't want to cut calories and look better naked? you roll around in your birthday suit all day. you're not even wearing a produce sticker. minute maid pure squeezed light. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] take the special k challenge. lose up to six pounds in two weeks. with the cereal you love... and so much more. what will you gain when you lose? the affordable care act meanses big changes this year...ected. when you file your taxes. i read the whole 900 pages. it literally took me weeks. i will give you a tax and health care review. i know the law. i have the solution... and i can help you figure it out. we're going to see this through together. to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it can even be a game changer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. back now at 8:21. betty white turns 91 a little later this month. she is not the retiring type. her nbc show off their rockers returns tomorrow night with betty trying to help her band of cohorts makes a viral video. they get some help from, who else, psy? >> we got this. >> psy, put your glasses on. >> oh! >> whoa! whoa! >> whoo! >> you go, betty white. nice to see you. how are you doing? >> just great, matt. how are you? >> i'm fine. are you a psy fan? >> that's the first time i met him, but i can't stop dancing since, you know. >> you caught the bug, right? apparently he has said that he is retiring the gangnam style, that dance. it may be, trivia question, the last place people get to see it is on your show. >> what more can i serve humanity with? >> exactly. you are a dancer, though. you like to daps a little bit, don't you? >> yes, i do. let's say i move well. i'm not a dancer, but i love to move. >> i remember an older episode of "golden girls" where you actually did a little dancing. do you remember this? you see it in the monitors there? >> oh, rue and i. >> you and rue mcclanahan with a little tango there. what made you want to do a hidden camera prank show? >> nothing, to tell you the truth. i kept saying, no, i won't. it was a show that started in belgium and it was the hottest comedy show in europe, according to the emmy folks. and so when they brought it here, they asked me to do it and i said no, thank you. i really don't have a schedule that will fit. i kept saying no. i had the backbone of a jellyfish. convinced me to do it. >> there you go. we were talking during the commercial break. you have been a fan of the genre of this show. you remember the original candid camera. >> that was the original. that was the good one. excuse me. >> yours is a good one, too. >> but that was wonderful, because alan kept such a dead pan and would do all these things and i used to laugh myself silly. these are fun and they're silly, but sometimes they're sillier than they are fun. >> you bring in a lot of friends and have cohorts here. you also have great comedic timing. is that something people are born with or do you think you can teach someone comedic timing? >> comedy is like music. it's a rhythm. it's hard to teach it to somebody who doesn't have it, you know. they let the beat go too long or they cut it short or they -- and it's just something you sort of feel. and i had a wonderful mother and father. i did great work in choosing parents. >> they were funny? >> they were fun. and around the breakfast table or the dinner table, i was an only child and they would set up something and then they would knock it off and it always got to be great fun. >> i said during the commercial break to betty, do you have a favorite joke, and she said does it have to be clean? and yes, here, it has to be clean. you're about to turn 91. how are you going to celebrate? >> they're having a second annual 90th birthday for me. >> smart. way to go. you can catch back-to-back "off their rockers" episodes good morning to you. it's 8:26. i'm marla tellez. controversial legislation will be introduced today to curb gun violence. they will tighten a bill in response to the school shooting in newtown, connecticut, with the gunman was found carrying high capacity magazines. the bill would ban such magazines from being sold in california. well, mike is tracking a big problem on the san mateo bridge. what's happening? >> very slow here. we'll talk about capital corner train with a delay on the system between hayward and fremont. there was a trespasser incident. no details on that but we have a systemwide delay for the capital corridor. we have a westbound delay for the bridge here into the fog. we do have a disabled vehicle across that span. then we see flashing lights, so it is just past the toll plaza, but this is the problem heading over to the peninsula in addition to low visibility there. it is not showing up on our sensors such as livermore for 580 and 680. also approaching the bridge through oakland, you'll get more patches of fog through the oakland hills and down the east shore highway. we'll be back with a news update in 30 minutes. see you at 8:56. ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong, i don't wanna be right ♪ [ abrupt record scratch, music stops ] what!? it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, 100% whole grain oats... and that sweet honey taste. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. [ female announcer ] find your favorite and fall in love with the great taste of cheerios. 8:30 now on this monday morning. it is the 7th day of january, 2013. final day to enjoy that beautiful tree across the street. it will stay lit until 11:00 pm tonight. if you're in the area, you have to stop down. last chance on the plaza to see the tree. >> that's right. they mulch that thing and then donate the mulch every year. we appreciate that. matt lauer along with savannah guthrie, al roker and ms. natalie morales. we mentioned that the golden globes are sunday night. savannah will go out to los angeles a little earlier, because she loves it there. we'll set her up for an adventure. she is going to try to make things -- we'll put her at your mercy. we have picked three movies that were set in and around los angeles. you can pick one to inspire her and then she will act out every scene. >> no, i will not. >> with the leading people in the film. >> oh, no. >> savannah guthrie. >> how does this work exactly? >> i don't know. the movies are pretty woman. >> pretty woman. >> we won't ask you to act out that scene on hollywood boulevard. >> that's a good one. >> little wine drinking. >> yes. >> and the final choice grease just because i want to hear you sing that song, we're voting for that. we're going to put you in the leather pants, olivia newton john. >> that's my favorite scene. >> if you want to see savannah take on the sights and sounds of those movies, visit and cast your vote. we'll fill you in on friday as to what she'll be doing. >> can't wait. >> you guys can't vote. >> okay. meanwhile, coming up, real estate. people talked about it so much in 2012, the housing market. it has so much to do with the recovery of the economy. how will it look in 2013? barbara corcoran will be here to talk about that. and jason kennedy has a little look behind the scenes this morning of the "today" show. all week he will show you how we get the show on the air every day. good morning to you. >> i'm outside the wardrobe room, which in my opinion is the most important room at the "today" show, making sure the buttons are sewn on properly, the outfits don't clash, and matt and al's suits look nice and pressed. we know the show starts at 7:00 am, but these guys are working hard. they get here at 4:30 every morning. there she is, she is working hard, that's donna richards out there. >> hi. >> we have a sewing machine. you were doing the steaming back there. >> that's correct. >> you know everything about matt, al, savannah, natalie's outfits. you can just tell me, give me al roker's hat size. >> he has a big head, like a 22 3/4," you know. >> that's a good size? >> that's pretty big if you're talking heads. hat sizes it converts to like a 7 3/8. >> that's why he's so smart, all that thinking. >> yeah. that's pretty big. look, compared to you. >> absolutely. now tell me about halloween. you had the privilege of transforming matt into jennifer lopez a few years ago. how did that work out? >> that was a few years ago. that took a lot of work, prosthetic makeup, teaching him how to walk. >> who taught him how to walk in high heels? >> actually, my brother did. >> did it go smoothly? >> i think he mastered it. he makes a good woman. >> we love word robe malfunctions, on e news specifically. what was your bigge esgest ward malfunction? >> someone spilled wine on hoda on a white -- on a cream dress. and i had to get the white wine out. >> and it's live tv. you have to recover quickly. >> exactly. >> a lot of viewers look forward to what the anchors are wearing on a daily basis. what out fit got the most buzz? >> matt wore something out of the box for him, like a plaid suit. >> oh, yeah, i remember the plaid suit. >> because he's a fabulous dresser. and al certainly can get away with wearing plaid all the time and a little more loud and splashy. speaking of coverings, why don't you give me something? i have to go out on the plaza soon. i'm a florida boy. i didn't bring anything. >> how about animal print? >> perfect. what do you think? is it my color, matt? >> leopard is all you, jason. >> thank you. >> we see savannah walking around. >> oh, yeah, yeah. you're like ready for the playboy mansion in that getup. >> thank you, jason. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. mr. roker? >> t 8:35 now. looking more like yosemite here than san jose. look at this beautiful live shot of the low clouds. and we also have high and mid-level clouds as well due to an area of low pressure that came through to bring ushe showers yesterday. it is clearing out of here with highs today under sunshine. it will be up to 62 degrees in livermore, 60 in fremont, 61 degrees in san francisco. you'll likely notice the difference as we creep up 5 to 8 degrees from yesterday's highs. warmer tomorrow then temperatures tumble and clouds increase wednesday into thursday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> mr. roker, can we say hello to thomas t.c. pool, the first, unfortunately, to have the scales tip against him on the new season of t"the biggest loser". good to see you. >> good to see you. >> disappointed? was it a surprise? >> i was disappointed because i had a big breakthrough that week. i thought i was going to go all the way. i was like, yeah! i worked so hard to get there. right now i'm not disappointed because i'm still on that journey and going exactly where i want to go. it was all worth it in the end. but, you know, at the time i was pretty upset about it. >> in fact, he has actually done great, you lost 15 pounds on the ranch. you lost a whole lot more since then. >> i am 77 pounds down. >> wow! >> yeah. >> how are you doing it at home? a lot of people setting new year's resolutions and trying to get there. what's your advice? >> working full time, have three kids. i take the dedication to put the time n working out in the morning, the evening, and watching what i eat. doing what anybody can do at home. >> you're going to get the $100,000 at-home prize? >> definitely. >> there's some competition. >> we know you're working hard. congratulations to you. pleasure. >> we should remind everybody, "the biggest loser" airs at its new time slot 8:00, 7:00 central right here on nbc. coming up next, patrick kennedy and his [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents on their own are fantastic but add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough...and presto! tuesday night just became crescent pizza pocket-tastic pillsbury crescents. let the making begin here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. we're back now at 8:39 with an eye-opening look at addiction. nearly 18 million americans suffer from alcoholism or related problems and over 38 million, over the age of just 12 years old, have used drugs illegally in the past year. in fact, prescription drug abuse now causes more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. sadly, just one in ten with an addiction ever receive treatment. christopher kennedy knows the struggles of this all too well, has been in recovery for more than 20 years and is author of the new book "recover to live" and he joins us with his cousin, patrick kennedy. good morning. >> good morning. >> i guess you have the essential credentials to talk about this. you both have struggled with addiction over the years. you, christopher, have struggled really young. >> it starts young for several folks. i had the desire to stop, had all the resources to stop and it was difficult for me. this book "recover to live" is for folks that it shouldn't just be for folks that have the resources to kick this. i wanted to give them the tools so they can start the process on their own. >> when i first did drugs and alcohol i felt at home. i loved it. first four times i did heroin, i became violently ill. what it did to the reward center of my brain was so powerful it never occurred to me not to do it again. do you think some people are hardwired to be addicts? >> i do. and the studies they did with rats and how profound these chemicals are on the reward center of the brain. for some folks they're really powerless not to do them. >> patrick, this is something you've talked about openly. you had your own struggle. and sometimes relapse is part of that struggle. how long have you been sober now and how are you doing? >> next month it will be two years. it took me leaving my public life to finally get into long-term sobriety. before, it was stopping and starting, stopping and starting. that's the case for most people with these illnesses. they're chronic illnesses. meaning they want to stop but they can't stay stopped. the key to this is acknowledging that you have an issue and understanding what that issue is. chris' book really does a great job at bringing the experts to tell us what is the evidence base? one of the things chris and i have had access to is good treatment. most americans, they're trying to fly in the night in terms of trying to understand what's out there and what is good for them. chris' book "recover to live" offers good guide posts to get in good treatment. >> let's get practical about it. this is the time of year that people want to make a clean break or a fresh start. what is the essential revelation in this book? what can people really take away to help them break the addiction? >> first of all, this is the best information available today, from people that really know this. so if you have an issue with drugs, alcohol, sex, food, gambling. also the first time, all of these behaviors and substances have been brought into one place. if you have a desire -- if you think there's harm in your life and you have a desire to change your life, look at this book. it will show you where you are and give you some really good information and ways to change behavior. >> such a stigma still around these illnesses. and some people, you know, still look at this and think this is a failure of willpower. >> they do. we're beginning to understand the brain much better. i started an organization called one line for research. the idea is it's the brain. we have to understand how behavior is a symptom of bad chemistry in the brain. we blame people for acting poorly, but what was the d derivitation of how they acted? >> we see these laws that are broadening the legalization for marijuana, sometimes for medical reasons and at least in one case for recreational use. >> the two most costliest drugs are legal, alcohol and to be alcoh tobacco. what 2013 holds if you're looking to buy or sell a home. first this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:45. forecast for 2013. home prices rose, largest gain in seven years. what can we expect this year? real estate contributor barbara corcoran has the inside information. good to see you. >> good morning, matt. >> you're optimistic about 2013 in some ways, aren't you? >> in just about every way. who could not be optimistic? all the signs of the real estate market are saying things have turned around. we've had 13 months of straight increases in prices. overall, as you mentioned, prices have gone up almost 8%. >> we just have gotten past a small portion of the fiscal cliff. we know that taxes are going up on the wealthier americans. do you think that's going to have any impact on the housing market? >> of course, particularly the capital gains tax, whether that happens or not remains to be seen. it was supposed to happen already and hasn't. it certainly will affect the third secondary home market. people will rush their homes to the market to avoid any capital gains. >> when you look back at 2012 and now ahead to 2013, talk to me about certain regions that are hot or not. and even certain cities. >> definitely. certainly the one region that leads the parade is the west from seattle to san francisco to l.a. 20% of an increase in one year alone. that's mind boggling. no one saw that thing coming. the only part of the country that hasn't turned the corner yet is the northeast. it's just about ready to do that. >> you think it will pop in the year ahead? >> it's already starting to change. >> let me go through a laundry list of things that are so vital to the housing market. mortgage rates. >> people think it's a god-given right, mortgainterest rates. we should have a neutral climate going into the new year. >> will conditions to borrow get better? >> you put a finger on what is wrong with the financing market. you need tremendous fico scores. the average person turned down had a 720 score. >> what do you see happening with foreclosures? >> they've been diminishing for two years straight. it's not a problem that's gone. but it's given people a lot of bargains that you just can't get anymore. >> these are tips for people it both trying to buy a home and sell a home. let's start with the buyers. one of the things you have to do is buy the house that will always sell first. >> do you know why? the house with the sunshine, with the school district, the house on the best block always sells better in good markets and bad markets. be sure of what you're buying. >> go shopping with your financing in hand. >> of course. there's nothing more powerful than being a buyer who says i'm an all-cash buyer, already got that money from the bank. boy, can you negotiate hard when you have that card in hand. >> it prevents you from finding a house you like and going in to negotiate the mortgage. >> lock in that rate. have it in hand. that's the power tool. >> let's talk about the people now who are out there, trying to sell a home? a lot of people have been trying to sell that house for a long time. get your house inspected before you put it on the market. >> for $300, you can have your house inspection. why is that important? when the buyer buys your house after they sign the contract will have it inspected and appraised. pay for the appraisal and the inspection and you'll have no surprises and the deal will actually close. >> looking for potential buyers, you like for them to go for an all-cash deal or someone who has a mortgage commitment? >> of course. all you have in hand, matt, is a maybe. if you have a buyer and a contract, you feel good about it. if they don't have the financing, all you have is a maybe sale. >> jobs market out there, will that have an impact? >> certainly when someone is worried about their job or can't get a job last thing they do is go out and buy a house. >> as always, great information. >> my pleasure, matt. >> appreciate it. is your job one of the most stressful or stress free in the country? there's a stress-free job. take off the christmas lights on the rockefeller center tree. unless, of course, something happens. then there's a lot of st good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. and we're back at 8:51 with the least and most stressful jobs of 2012. you may be surprised at some of their results. here to talk about it is the arthur of the "encore career" handbook, marcie. talk about their methodology, how did they determine what was a stressful job and not a stressful job? >> i was very pleased that they saw pu putting yourself or others in danger, like life endangerment stressful. >> very important? >> that was high stress. deadlines. opportunities for advancement, competitiveness were all kind of high stress factors. >> the number one job to be least stressful in the field of education, university professor? >> yes. >> at least some version. >> that made me scratch my head a little bit and also got to one of the fundamental questions of a survey like this. it depends on the environment you're working in, are you up for tenure, what are your colleagues like? with those factors in play, stress levels can vary. that's the dangers of a study like this. >> seamstress was right behind at number two. that's surprising. >> that gets to the issue of how many people are going to make their career decision based on the stress factor of a job, stress level of a job? we should ask that question, too. >> health care areas in there, like medical laboratory, audit yol auditologist. >> a lot of job opportunities in these less stressful jobs are in health care. but i did notice a lot of those jobs weren front line crisis health care jobs. they were administrative jobs, support jobs and jobs that if you want to make a difference in the world and you want to help -- and a lot of people want that in their next career, those are good areas to look at. they're high growth. i was happy to see that on the list. >> i'll take it. let's focus on one of the most stressful jobs. not surprisingly, time and time again, military jobs are at the top of the list. >> sure. that leads to another point. i agree those are high-stress jobs, same as emergency room workers. that said people who are drawn to that work really thrive in those environments and we need people to do that kind of work. it really comes down to self awareness. are you looking for a job that's one of these high stress jobs and are you cut out for that kind of work? those are the bigger questions to ask ourselves. >> it's a stressful job. maybe if you're suited to it you don't feel that stress in the same way? >> people that are willing to do that work. >> firefighters, commercial airline pilot, police officer on the list. we don't necessarily as a society compensate the most stressful jobs -- >> exactly. >> -- in the same way. >> right. and we don't -- teaching can be really stressful also. not highly compensated. there isn't always a match-up like that. the police and firefighter really made me think of it. geography has a lot to do with it. being a new york city police officer can be a lot more stressful than being, you know, a cop in des moines, iowa. >> it's kind of funny. in their top ten they had public relations, newspaper, journal reporter very high ranking, even higher than a police officer. what gives? >> we know that media comes with a lot of pressures of their own. as my husband said to me when i went to work this morning, you know, you were just stress out when you were in the media as when you moved to a nonprofit so i think some of this is what you bring to it. >> some of us are naturally stressed out. marci albohzer, thank you very much. >> thank you. girard depardieux, an official russian citizen. he didn't want to pay the taxes. we'll get into that. and a guy lost his cell phone but used a dating website to find his phone. viral video and al's favorite video as well. we had it earlier. we'll have it later. >> after your local news. >> we said it together. it is 8:56. good morning, i'm marla tellez. we could find out when the sharks play their first game of the season. the nhl solved the lockout and is expected to release the 2013 schedule as early as today. now league executives want a 48-game season that could start january 19th. sharks training camp is expected to start this thursday. let's see how the forecast looks now with christina. >> looking good. good morning to you, marla. good morning to you at home. plenty of 60s in the forecast today. 62 inland bay. 61 at the coast. right near 61 degrees, even warmer for tomorrow, and bright because temperatures will tumble thursday into friday. down to the low 50s. hope you have a fantastic monday. oh! progress-oh! -oh! -oh! oh! oh! ♪ what do you know? oh! ♪ bacon? -oh! -oh! oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your story for a chance to win a progress-oh! makeover in hollywood. go to to enter. we're back now with more with "today" on this monday morning. positively dancing out on the plaza. wonderful people who have stopped by to say hello and are waving to their friends at home. i'm savannah guthrie along with willie geist and al roker, stars of dancing. >> no. >> what was it? >> it was a boogie shake. >> like a mild wiggle. >> i think we should move on. >> all right. anyway, folks are making resolutions this time of year. a lot of those resolutions have to do with losing weight. it does not have to be an exercise in frustration. whether you want michelle obama's arms or you want to look like scarlet johansson, we'll tell you the secrets of the stars. >> that's pretty good. and then do you ever think to yourself there must be a better way to do this? we agree and found a few of those for you, whether you're opening a can of tomatoes -- >> can of worms? big old can of whoop -- >> we have the most ingenious products of 2013. that's coming up. and we'll meet the star of nbc's new intriguing drama "deception," about murder. murder, a wealthy family and the detective who goes undercover to solve it. she will be in our studio. and our rockefeller c christmas tree, they're getting ready to take that bad boy down. >> have fun. >> it will stay lit till tonight at 11:00 and then they shut the lights down and it comes down. >> one last lit -- >> i will be lit. >> there it is. natalie morales is at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. president obama is announcing a pair of high-profile national security nominations today. nbc news has learned he has chosen former nebraska senator chuck hagel as national secretary of defense. he could face a confirmation fight except on his stance over israel. also nominating white house adviser john brennan as cia director. federal health officials say the flu is now widespread in at least 41 states. it is the fastest start to the flu season in a decade and the major strain circulating this year is making people especially sick. doctors say it is not too late to get a flu vaccine. an alabama high school teacher has thwarted what officials say could have been a terrorist bomb plot. the teacher tipped off police after finding 17-year-old derek shroud's journal in the classroom and officials say they found improvised explosives made of tobacco tins at his house. they say he identifies as a white supremacist and wanted to harm his fellow students. he says his writings are fiction. a bill providing nearly $10 billion to victims of superstorm sandy, ramping up fema's borrowing authority so that 100,000 flood claims won't be delayed. a hearing for colorado movie theater shooting suspect james holmes today may be the closest thing to a trial that the victims and their families get to see. holmes is charged with killing 12 people and injuring 70 others when he allegedly opened fire on moviegoers back in july. legal experts say because the evidence against him is so strong, holmes may take a plea deal to avoid the death penalty. secretary of state hillary clinton is returning to her office today for the first time in a month. she was hospitalized last week for treatment of a blood clot in her head. this followed a stomach virus and a concussion. young horror fans who weren't around for the original made texas chainsaw 3d the weekend box office champ. quentin tarantino's djang unchained in the second spot and "the hobbit:an unexpected journey" fell to the third spot. call it a trombone's eye view, by attaching a camera to the end of the instrument, this view gives this song a whole new look, maybe a little too close right there. and just call him a rough rider. rogue certainly knows how to get around but we're not certain he's ready to drive the kids to school just yet. his owner is saying she's always teaching him new tricks to work out his energy. impressive that, apparently, he can even honk that horn. not bad. it is now five minutes after the hour. let's go back over to al with a check of your weather. >> everywhere in the neighborhood, very nervous. >> beware. >> thank you very much. let's see what we've got for you. friends in the pacific northwest are getting slammed again. big storm coming onshore. rain along the coast. snow in the mountains. winter storm warnings, winter weather advisories as well. even a couple of avalanche watches. and then as we look at the snowfall amounts, up to 12 inches of snow. more in the mountains. one to three inches of rain along the coast. big upper level low in the southwest will be causing some problems, bringing high-wind watches, wind advisories and wind warnings for much of southern california. that system moves into the southwest later today and brings with it a lot of rain, next 24 to 48 hours, parts of texas could see three to fiv 9:05 on a very foggy monday morning. believe it or not, the golden gate bridge is there. you have to take my word for it. no flight delays with thick low clouds in san francisco. we'll let you know if that changes. a much different picture here in san jose this morning looking nice and clear for the most part right after the surface. you'll notice we do have some high and mid-level clouds. 62 degrees in livermore today. 60 in fremont. 61 degrees in san jose. a warmer day on tap for your tuesday and then temperatures tumble, cloudy conditions wednesday into thursday. >> now to "today's" take three, sharing the bench with us this morning, our good friend, jason kennedy of e! >> good to see you. >> good to have the whole fam here. >> it's been a while. >> some injuries. >> this is all i brought home from my christmas break. >> ahh. >> snowboarder hit you. >> a snowboarder hit me, yeah. >> did you get the number of that snowboarder? >> no, he kept going. >> a hit and run? >> a skier came by and helped me through it. >> a masked skier? >> yes, a masked skier came and helped me. >> too bad because we could call him out right now. >> it's not broken? >> a small fracture, but, yeah -- it will look good on the red carpet. i'll have to get some glitter. >> who are you wearing? >> we'll glam it up somehow. looking for tips. >> this is what you get for having an active vacation. >> do you have any tips s that could lead to the arrest of the snowboarder, please, call girard depardieu, the french actor, has gone one step further to become an official citizen of russia, given a hero's welcome when he arrived over the weekend. that's vladimir putin embracing girard depardieu. >> wow! >> we know you speak frenglais. >> and afterwards he ate -- >> i'm glad you said it, al. looking to avoid the tax thfor e super rich, he has been threatening to go to belgium. putin says come to russia. >> skipped belgium, went right to russia? >> when did girard depardieu become this great international figure, this man that every country covets? >> he loves russia, has done a lot of advertising campaigns for russia. i'm not upset at the guy. 13% versus 7%. ladies were singing folk music when he got off the plane. they welcomed him with arms wide open. >> arms wide open. >> wow! >> were there any incidents, do we know -- >> that's the key. >> calling the decision to seek residency elsewhere shabby, unpatriotic and pathetic. >> quick, everyone name a depardieu movie. >> green card. >> that's all we have. >> three musketeers. >> girard depardieu is an icon. >> russian. >> now a russian icon. see if you can follow me on this one. 37-year-old in new york city leaves his phone in a taxi in new york city. he doesn't get the phone back, doesn't hear from anybody. he notices on the dating website that someone is using his phone and his log-in to hit on women on this website. okay cupid i guess it's called. he creates a fake account and pretends to be a woman looking for love. >> jennifer. >> sets up a date with the person who has been using his iphone. they show up to his apartment and says thank you, sir. i will now take back my iphone. >> and gives him 20 bucks. >> and he has a big hammer in his hand. >> 20 bucks and a hammer. >> brilliant, though. >> isn't it? >> that could have turned out badly. >> yeah, yeah. >> inviting them to your apartment, that's dangerous. >> first of all, they know where you live. >> put a password on your phone, first up. you don't want anyone getting into your personal data there. >> he should have activated find my iphone. >> i lost an iphone, now i use that. you have to set it up. >> i still don't get why he paid the guy 20 bucks. >> yeah, where is the 20 bucks? >> it was a nice bottle of wine. >> turns out he's a nice guy. >> posed as a woman, he used lots of winks and smiley faces on the e-mail. do we do that? no. >> as giet the guy is walking a he says you smell really good, by the way. >> yeah, he did. >> get loses the phone, doesn't hit by the hammer and gets complimented. >> now changing his profile. >> good. >> good to know. i love this video. take three, motherhood video goes viral. car companies as you may know targeting moms and their ads. >> swaggle waggle. >> this is for fiat. ♪ ♪ holes in my chest nursing bra ♪ ♪ sexy handbag for a you're in the club you're in so good ♪ ♪ with my baby news >> finally, we see the car. you don't really see the car all that much in the ad. >> it's about the car, it's about the fiat, right? >> yeah. >> that version with girard depardieu in it. >> in the fiat? >> in the fiat. >> wow, there it is. depardieu is getting it today. if the goal is to get noticed these things work. toyota swagger wagon, 11 million views. >> since december. >> right. >> we had that daddy thing earlier in your newscast. >> i saw this over the weekend and said you've got to see this video. you will love it. i'm a daddy and i know it. ♪ big no no fighting over toys has got to go ♪ ♪ girl look at that daddy i work out ♪ ♪ girl look at that daddy girl look at that daddy girl look at that daddy i work out ♪ ♪ i got diapers in my hands and i ain't afraid to show it show it show it i'm daddy and i know it ♪ >> i can't wait to have kids. doesn't it look fun? >> juggling diapers. >> they have like five kids. >> like 18-month-old triplets and a 5-year-old and 4-year-old. >> not a great advertising for parenting. >> he looks good. >> he does. >> he can wiggle it. >> he can juggle a mean diaper. >> he can. one last thing, bonus take, daniel bray, new zealand man visiting his girlfriend in canada. they had a lot of time on their hands and they drank a lot of milk. spent five days, 150 hours building an igloo out of milk cartons. 500 of them, al, filled up with water, then frozen. they kind of turned into bricks and laying the foundation. >> it's beautiful. >> if you enjoy dairy and have some free time it seems like a good project for you. >> if your kids are saying i'm bored, i'm bored. >> take some milk cartons. >> in the beginning he said this is how he passed the time. but he included her. >> if you're out in the yard alone, building an igloo. >> not romantic at all. >> messages on your iphone. >> exactly. jason, thank you. up next, learning celebrity secret zbrs from girard depardieu. from girard depardie. . from girard depardieu. >from gir. . . ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. very interesting. cool. i like "success." joy. i got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. mmmm.... special k! [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. [ laughter ] to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it can even be a game changer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. pillsbury grands biscuits. do you often experience the feeling of a dry mouth? it can be the side effect of many medications. dry mouth can be frustrating... and ignoring it can lead to... sipping water can help, but dentists recommend biotene. biotene moisturizes and helps supplement some of saliva's enzymes, providing soothing relief when you need it most. don't ignore dry mouth... look for biotene in your oral care section today. this has been medifacts for biotene. ♪ this morning on "take it off today," jill martin, celebrity secrets for taking it off this year. contributing editor for people style watch and joy bauer. good morning, ladies. >> good morning. >> joy bauer in her leather. >> and matching your accessories. >> yes, it does. >> let's start off with scarlet johansson and her skin. always so luminous and so glowing. what does she do to get that glow? >> it would be fun to start the new year, to share their secrets and give our tips. look at her gorgeous skin. she's sort of sexy bombshell meets the girl next door, constantly in hair and makeup, whether she's in movies, now on broadway. she never goes to bed with her makeup on. she uses cetaphil, which you can get at a drugstore. >> not a fancy moisturizer. >> right. sometimes she gets breakouts or has puffy eyes. she takes whatever she has in her freezer, you'll see her laying there with peas. she has that regular skin. >> which, by the way, works. anything chilled, a cucumber, bag of peas or carrots, reduces inflammation. simplest thing people can do to get gorgeous, radiant complexions is to eat bright orange and dark green produce. spinach, kale and swiss chard and also carrots and oranges and pumpkin. beta carotene acts like nature's exfoliant, gets rid of the old skin cells. if you want beautiful skin, two handfuls of carrots a day. it could be raw, roasted. it works. >> she drinks a lot of water apparently. >> yes, stay hydrated. >> on to sofia vagara and her gorgeous hair. >> that gorgeous everything of hers. >> her hair is always perfect, whether it's up, down, however she styles it. >> this is actually a picture from 2000. she's a natural blond. >> i know. >> can you believe that? we all pay so much money to look like a natural blond. when she first got to hollywood with the curves and the hair, she sort of went darker and said i need to tone myself down. now this is mostly her own hair. sometimes she has extensions but mostly she wears it up and down. she does not believe in a natural look unless you're giselle. she says go glam, do what you need to do. she eats very healthy. she never deprives herself of anything and eats a lot of water. >> luscious locks, everybody that's listening, it's all about iron. iron helps to circulate oxygen all over your body but also to your hair follicles which will stimulate growth. some of those foods are oysters, clams, lean red meat, beans, lentils and spinach. sow anyone out there looking for a hair rx, one cup of spinach a day and add a couple of table spoons of beans, chick peas, into salads, soups and even pasta entrees. >> michelle obama, known for her fabulous arms as well. she, of course, is all about health and wellness with her move initiative. >> i love michelle. >> she does a great job of inspiring all of us. >> with her let's move program. she often gets up at 5:30 in the morning to work out with the president at the white house before she drops off the kids at school and does a two-phase nine-minute workout on her arms. she makes each muscle pop. she puts a lot of work into it. she encourages healthy eating. she wants a few french fries, she has a few french fries. >> you have to hit the floor and it has to be push ups, the most effective. do two to three sets most days of the week. if you can do them on your toes, two thumbs up. if you can't, go right to your knees and do them modified. also you want to incorporate a modest amount of protein throughout the day. 20 to 30 breakfast, 20 to 30 at lunch and 20 to 30 at dinner. you're much more effective at laying down new muscle if you spread it out versus eating it at one large gigantic meal. >> she's doing it all right, that's for sure. jill martin, joy bauer, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, from your hair to your car, innovative new products that will change your life. first these messages. ovative ne products that will change your life. first these messages. try delicious light & fit greek it's no ordinary nonfat yogurt. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. pillsbury toaster strudel. vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. a deep, throbbing, persistent ache. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can do more of the things that i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain, i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. red jars are all the same right? wrong! you need three uses of a $15 cream to equal the moisturizing power of one use of regenerist microsculpting cream. seems not all red jars are created equal. olay regenerist. for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. animal house around here in our call of the wild. after your local news and weather. i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is what they do for fun. yep...doh. [ boy ] slurpably fun and a good source of calcium. dads who get it, get go-gurt. good morning to you. 9:26 now. i'm marla tellez. here in the bay area a competency hearing is set for the man accused of killing seven people at okos university in oakland. the court-appointed psychiatrist ruled him incompetent due to schizophrenia, but the judgepostponed a ruling until a second judge can evaluate gogh. he is behind bars currently without bail. meantime, another mass shooting is prompting calls for a change in the way the country controls access to guns and ammunition. just weeks ago 20 children and 6 adults were killed by a gunman at sandy hook elementary school in connecticut. the suspect was armed with hundreds of bullets and a semiautomatic rifle with a 30-round magazine. and now lawmakers are demanding solutions to make sure it never happens again. berkeley assemblywoman nancy skinner announces plans today for a bill that would tighten regulations on sales in california. the bill would keep high-capacity magazines from being sold statewide. we'll take a look at the forecast and the roads after the break. welcome back. it is 9:28. we do have patchy, dense fog out there. it is likely to clear before 11:30. you can see right now san jose is seeing that fog lift. we do have some high to mid-level clouds overhead. 62 degrees in livermore. today, 62 for gilroy. 61 in san jose. the same goes for san francisco. getting into the next three days we have changes with temperatures tumbling with increasing clouds, but then coming into play by sunday of this week. let's go to mike about the drive. san mateo is better with cars moving with a space between them. we are clear from the span and the fog is clearing here. chp just told us about the bay bridge within the last hour with a fog advisory there. we'll look at the map to see the slower drive on the eastbound side getting over to the peninsula. smooth 101 south there's a disabled vehicle clearing from the roadway there. down to the south bay with 880 through fremont, slower and moving slow past mission boulevard. we'll be back with the next update at 9:56. [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] and have you met her parents? you can't just do the artist thing. >> tell them that picasso does it. rappers who were poor and sold their songs in the street did it. what's taes what elvis did. >> those are the girls from the hit series "girls," often described as "sex and the city" for the new generation. we'll meet all the girls here tomorrow on "today." and, of course, brian williams' daughter is one of the girls. i'm natalie morales, alongside al roker and willie geist. >> innovative new products that will make you say why didn't i think of that? from kids clothes that won't wear out to, al, you'll appreciate this one, curling irons that give you beach waves. >> naturally styled waves not the tight curls. >> now i understand. the nbc murder mystery diagnoses decepti"deception" an lovely star megan is here. we have a real fox in our studio. we're not talking natalie. wild animals that can adapt to winter's harshest conditions. >> he's kind of cute. >> yeah. >> first, though, mr. al roker, who is crazy like a fox. >> that's right. there you go. >> you have the weather? >> that's right. we report, you decide. sunshine up and down the east coast. rain in the pacific northwest with mountain snows. and it will be windy in southern california into the southwest. then for tomorrow, we're expecting to see more heavy rain moving into southern texas and louisiana. some areas three to five inches of rain. more rain in the pacific northwest. cold here in the northeast with plenty of sunshine. mild 9:31 now. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. traffic is moving slow but the fog is quickly clearing. we have a nice day shaping up with temperatures climbing into the 60s. 62 in livermore and gilroy. 61 degrees here in san jose. 61 degrees in san francisco. our mild afternoons are short-lived. by wednesday temperatures tumble into the mid-50s. cooler for thursday with no significant rain until we get into this weekend on sunday. hope you have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up next, this year's hottest new items you won't want to live without, after this. eat good fats. avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes that are an excellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. we've got a lot of empty cans. >> but my spots i had to lose. vo: garnier clinical dark spot corrector. a daily moisturizer with potent vitamin c. > it breaks up spots, lifts them away, prevents them from surfacing. vo: 82% saw spot reduction. dark spot corrector. garnier. nature knows all about baking. just mix together a few simple ingredients... and "voila". so for truvia baking blend, we mix sweetness from the stevia leaf with sugar, for a blend that bakes and browns like sugar, with 75% fewer calories per serving. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. no preservatives, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. ♪ ♪ ♪ grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. the same essential nutrients as fresh. del monte. bursting with life. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. and coffee is coffee, a quick bite is a quick bite, and play time is play time, because for 24 hours my heartburn is lights out. prevent acid for 24 hours with prevacid 24 hour. because for 24 hours my heartburn is lights out. trying to find a better job can likbe, so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum, so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work. because the portions were much larger. and i just felt like i needed to eat it all because it was so yummy. weight watchers online worked for me because it lets me live my life. i can still go out with my friends. i can still enjoy my favorite foods and drinks. it's just a smarter way of eating. i lost 40 lbs. wow it's amazing. my most favorite part of my new body is my bottom. [ laughs ] [ hudson ] weight watchers online. the power of weight watchers completely online. join for free today. this morning on "today's" consumer, breakthrough products for 2013 from denim to dish soap, thousands of products it tests as part of its annual very innovative products or v.i.p. awards. editor in chief at good housekeeping. great to see you. >> good to be here. >> you don't mess around. >> we screen them, test them, put them through their paces every year to find new products that do something, whether large or small, that is a game changer in life. >> we have a few of them here. we'll start with the curling iron. >> this is the first no hassle curling iron. women in our test group had long hair. it's self winding, goes in two directions. if you have long hair a curling iron is very difficult. this takes all the hassle out. as you can see, it works beautifully. >> it's wonderful that it does its own spinning. >> it's the only one that does that. that's why it won. if you have short hair, no problem. if you have long hair, trying to wrap it evenly and get it around the barrel is hard. this takes out all the hassle. >> great. you look great. let's move on to the vacuum. >> it is cordless. no hassle there. innovative thing here is that there is a built in blade. you can see it through the window that cuts the gnarley hair and fibers. you step on this. the blades come out. it cuts it, sucks it up into the vacuum. it's lightweight, not very noisy. this is a great everyday cleaner. what i really love about it, it has two speeds. it also has a handheld vac that comes out right here. it is -- >> this one maybe? >> that one. no, that turns it on. >> we get the idea. it's kind of one part vacuum cleaner, one part lawn mower. >> that's really well put. now if you can make it stay you get an a plus. >> as a father of a 5-year-old and 3-year-old, this hits home with me. >> a daughter who is turning 9 today. happy birthday, lucy. >> your daughter is lucy? >> yes. >> so is mine. >> both of our lucys wear through the knees of their jeans in no time flat. patches are stiff and unsightly. and they peel up once you wash them two or three times. these are from land's ends. that he really hold up and last. it's soft. it doesn't show from the front. they're sewn in the side. they don't peel up. they work. >> and 29 bucks, last you a long time. >> they come in several different styles, cargo pants, jeans for boys and girls. >> especially given the storm we went through here. >> testers were testing this during hurricane sandy. this is the first at-home emergency lighting system. this plugs into the wall. when your lights go out, you pull it out and not only is it a remote to turn lights on and off but it, itself, becomes a flashlight. this is for the ceiling. this is like for a stairway, path lighting. you can buy additional lights. people testing this when they lost power said it was tremendously helpful, works very well. >> not unlike in a commercial building where they have commercial lights that come on when you need it. >> they are required in commercial buildings but not in homes. everybody should have one. >> this is the method soap. >> people at method so innovative. they set out to do two things, help to get rid of 80% of the debris in oceans is plastic. they're using 10% of ocean plastic and 90% of post consumer recyclable plastic to make this hand soap. green products don't always work. this works really well. garlic smell off your hands and they're doing a good thing. >> cleans the dishes and your hands. these are very popular. >> basically the tablet that doubles as a pc. unless you need a lot of processing power or loading memory. it has a keyboard. it's super lightweight, has a touch screen. it functions very well and does double duty. >> not cheap, though. 600 bucks. >> not cheap. >> i heard of the rear view cameras where you can see behind you when you're in reverse. this is something new, though. >> it's a right-hand side side mirror. it has a little wide angle lens video camera that plays rea real-time video. >> watching a demonstration right now. >> bye-bye blind spot. showing exactly what's going on behind you, especially when you're trying to change lanes. i think this will really cut down on auto accidents. >> from honda? >> honda. >> can you get this in all their cars? >> no, most accords and crossovers. >> thank you so much. >> great to see you. >> happy birthday to lucy. "deception" star meagan good after this. > some spots you just gotta love. >> but my spots i just had to lose. vo: garnier clinical dark spot corrector. a daily moisturizer powered by pure, potent, vitamin c. > it breaks up dark spots, lifts them away, prevents new ones from surfacing. vo: 82% saw spot reduction. dark spot corrector. and now, use with new clinical dark spot overnight peel. our 1st gentle, leave-on peel to fade dark spots and reveal smoother, brighter skin in just 1 week. another innovation from garnier skincare. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ campbell's has 24 new soups that will make it drop over, and over again. ♪ from jammin' jerk chicken, to creamy gouda bisque. see what's new from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. until they see this. the oral-b pro-health clinical brush. its pro-flex sides adjust to teeth and gums for a better clean. the pro-health clinical brush from oral-b. try our new southwestern mac and cheese with grilled chicken, served with soup or salad. chili's lunch combos. starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. very interesting. cool. i like "success." joy. i got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. mmmm.... special k! [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. [ laughter ] nah, i'm good. ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world. people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. pillsbury grands biscuits. (sighs) this is too good to be true. hi. john stamos. enchanté this is too good to be true. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt... delicious yet healthy. sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt mmm huh. i want an oikos! dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt... too delicious to be so nutritious. dannon now you can get 4 box tops for education on 70 general mills products. 4 more box tops... so we can help our schools even more. that's 84 box tops! [ female announcer ] get 4 box tops, now only a walmart. meagan good has been acting since she was 4 years old, but now she's taking on her first starring role in a drama series playing detective joanna lacosto. welcome to the nbc family. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> you're hired to basically go undercover to figure out the death of your childhood friend? >> yes, but i'm going undercover in the family that raised me since i was a child until i was a teenager. it's always walking that thin line of actually having a relationship and growing up in those walls that haven't seen them in 17 years and going back and being a cop. >> in some ways it seems like the family is using you because of that relationship. they feel like they can pull some things on you, that you might trust them in a way you shouldn't actually. >> yeah. i think it's a little bit of both. also using me for healing, too. you know, with her passing it's comforting for robert to have me there because i was her childhood best friend. >> you're from california. you shoot all over the new york metropolitan area. what's it been like? >> it's crazy. i'm still like learning the city and everything. it's so different than home. but i love it. i'm living in brooklyn and love the city. love the food. and it's awesome. >> we mentioned, this is your first starring role. you're the lead here. a lot of pressure on you? >> no. >> no? >> it's awesome. definitely is a change, like working every day and being in everything and -- but it's also -- i feel like i'm becoming better at my craft and i love the character. i love that i get to do everything from action to drama to love triangle to family drama to procedural. you get your creative fix. >> your newest role is that of newlywed. congratulations. >> yeah. >> to boyfriend, ivan franklin. >> we did get a chance to do the real honeymoon. we've been back three days. we went to cabo, just laid out. it was kind of awkward, because both of us work so much we were like, so, what do you want to do now? >> you're newlyweds and you asked that? >> little early for that. >> okay, al roker. >> what? >> congratulations. good luck to you. >> thank you so much. >> you can catch the series premiere of "deception" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central time here on nbc. coming up next, we're wild with animals. first this is "today" on nbc. busy as a beaver already. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful this morning on "today's" call of the wild, animals that know how to adjust to the cold. back with us to show how animals adapt to the cold. and meagan good is sticking around with us. >> fan of wild animals. >> apparently she didn't know there's an alligator. >> the alligator is about as big as you, meagan. so just watch out. coming out right here. >> keep your head on a swivel, meagan. >> i'm on cloud nine. a beaver. such a fantastic animal. one of my favorite creatures, north american animals and perfectly adapted for the winter. >> busy as a beaver. >> busy as a beaver. absolutely. with a lot of the relatives like squirrels, chipmunks, a lot of them hibernate. not the beaver. they will live in frozen ponds for up to four months in north america. how do you do that? they have food caches at the bottom of ponds. bring twigs, favorite foods from trees and cache them there all winter long. >> smart guy. >> is it true that it's the only animal, aside from the human, that adapts to its environment? >> the only animal that purposely manipulates and changes the environment so drastically. beavers will find a small stream, dam it up. why do they want to dam it up? create deep water for protection. >> feel that tail, meagan. >> they use this, meagan, to communicate with other beavers. slaps the water if like a predator, like a bear, coyote. >> i didn't realize it was that big. >> come on over, al. >> look at -- but not good eyesight, right? >> yes. you said this is big. they can get twice as big. >> what? >> she is 30 pounds. they can get up to 60 pounds. largest beaver found in kansas was 98 pounds. >> and what was it doing in kansas? >> what is anybody doing in kansas? fantastic animal. we'll move on. i'm so excited. >> look over your shoulder. >> come over here. >> now we have -- >> this is one of the most magnificent birds of prey, one of the largest owls, wing span of six feet. they get the name eagle owl. of course they're not an eagle. from euroasia. >> 180? >> about 270 degrees. powerful predator. keep away from some of our other animals, they can actually take down deer. >> take down deer? >> look at the talons. >> things like rabbits, squirrels and stuff like that, but you're talking about an awesome predator. and quickly adapts, of course. ♪ i like to singa about the ♪ >> i wish i knew that song but i don't. >> call warner brothers. >> they're good at catching their prey. >> they really are. they have asymmetrical ears. they can detect rodents in the snow, which is great. it's just fantastic. >> wow! >> and their ears -- before we go, they have the ears up there. those are just ear tufts, feathers on display to impress the ladies. >> i am impressed. >> come down, meagan. come down. >> we have a red fox here. thank you. >> my favorite animal. look at this. this right here is a red -- >> are you okay with the fox? >> touch the back very carefully. they do not turn white during the winter but get this beautiful coloration. now this animal found in north america. this is the coolest fact. are you ready? they are the most diverse carnivore in the world. north america, europe, asia, africa, and even populations in australia. >> how do they survive winter? >> they have a thick coat, of course, and use food caches just like the beaver. they'll continue to catch their food, kill it and put it in the food cache for the winter. >> great hearing, too, right? >> excellent hearing. which is unique. not a lot of mammals don't. >> excuse us for being distracted but there's a giant alligator. >> i am so excited. >> this is your size, apparently. it may be time for you to leave. >> oh, come on. >> oh, no, no. >> american alligator. you don't think alligators but they can stand freezing conditions more than any other crocodilian. >> giving you the eye, al. >> they can survive trapped in ice. >> where was this one found? >> watch out! >> i'm glad it wasn't me. southeastern parts of the united states. >> it gets cold down there. i didn't realize. >> it does. they will hibernate but they'll actually -- >> carmen, thank you so much. >> meagan good, thank you. >> thanks for sticking around. >> thank you, meagan. good morning to you. 9:56. i'm marla tellez. it's a big day for the 49ers. in just a few minutes at 10:00, tickets go on sale for this weekend's divisional playoff game against the green bay packers. tickets will only be available online through ticketmaster starting at 10:00 this morning. the game will be played saturday at the stick at 5:00 p.m. the science museum is packing up. today crews are moving 450 exhibits from the palace of fine arts. the museum is moving to pier 15, which is three times larger than its current location. work should be done in a few weeks and a grand opening will be held in april. the big problem for many drivers today was the fog out there, so now let's look at the forecast with christina loren. hey, thank you. yes, it is chilly out there but we are headed to the 50s. a nice finish to the day. 62 in lynn mr. 62 degrees in gilroy. getting just about as warm at the immediate coast. we hit 61 degrees in san francisco. as we head throughout the next couple of days, things do start to change. we'll drop off in temperatures to inclose temperatures wednesday to thursday. then the next round of rain moves in on sunday. we'll take a look at the drive with mike. hey, look over here first to the san mateo bridge. a few things to address here. this is traffic heading westbound toward us coming off that high-rise to foster city. the earlier disabled vehicle causing a big backup has now cleared for a while and the traffic flow is very nice approaching 101. it is tying up the interchange still because of the southbound side of 101 slow past hills dale in san mateo. also the camera is shaking from time to time, the breeze is kicking up to clear the fog. this is fremont on the southbound side jamming up south of dakota. that's the dumbarton bridge where things are gumming up near mission boulevard. here's the bay bridge. we still have the cash lanes with a backup. we have not seen that for a couple of weeks. tuesday will be worse than today. back to you. >> we are back at 10:26 with the next update. from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> oh. >> hey, everybody. hello. it's fun day monday, january 7th, 2013. i'm back. a couple of weeks off which i really desperately needed. very much enjoyed and very grateful for. missed my hodie. >> how are you doing? >> i'm okay. i started out the year with a root canal. felt like i started the year out the way i ended it. i want to say thank you. my favorite thing -- you guys are going to do your little built, but i have to say thank you to -- it was weird. the morning of january 2nd, i talked to you. >> yes. >> you said when are you coming back? i said, well, i'm on my way to miami to get a root canal. i've never had a root canal before, and you said, oh, it's a piece of cake. i've had three of them. >> yeah. >> i think you said i've had a mouth full of them or something like that. >> yeah. >> i go to my doctor, dr. larry rosenthal had suggested -- he suggested. i want to thank these two lovely gentlemen. dentist had to see me first to make sure i needed it, and that was dr. jorge blanco, and i hope he is watching right now. and the second one, he said, yes, indeedy, you need it, and you better go. so that afternoon i went to dr. joe baros. both of them in south florida. if you need a good cleaning, baby, that's -- or you need a new smile or you need a -- >> what is that? >> that's the drill. that's the drill. >> i hate that sound. >> i know. they're both adorable. why is everybody in south florida gorgeous? >> everybody is hot. >> by the way, miss making the papers in miami while you were gone. >> very big. very important. >> in the people section of the "miami herald" is a picture of -- >> the day i was getting drilled. it's a tiny, tiny. >> kathie lee, frank, and bambino dancing at alabama jack. >> love alabama jack's. i'm sorry. this is the -- once in a while we like to see a nice cute picture of yourself. not since i turned 30, though, i don't. this one i'm so grateful is little because i tell you, for two weeks i didn't wear makeup, i didn't wear spanx. i pulled my hair back. didn't have color. i -- >> you know what you do have? >> i didn't care. >> you have your dancing face on. >> oh, my gosh. i get down there in the keys, and i could -- >> no, no. not this again. we already played this. oh, no. >> i didn't even know anybody was -- that's the trouble. >> indeed. >> why didn't i think about the fact that people are going to -- in today's world are going to be doing this to you. that's the only song i know, and they're so sweet. ♪ crazy i always forget the words wrush sing the song one time a year. >> who are you singing with you? >> i wish i could remember her name. she's adorable. she's married to one of the guys in the babd. alabama jack's. i'm telling you. they're on emiril's new show. down in the keys. there are people who come from all over the country to go to alabama jack's because it's a harley biker place, but it's -- they have the best -- on sundays the band comes, and everybody -- the ladies wear their little dresses. i've told you about it for years. i don't know what it is. the older i get, i would rather go to alabama jack's every day of my life than the finest so-called restaurants in the world. there are real people hanging out. you know, the music is fun. they let you bring bambino. she's just up at the table with us, and he has his little chicken. all the help comes, and they all go, hey, bambino. they slap him five. it's fun. >> you know what's weird, this time of year i was walking up here, and they started to take down the christmas tree. they're taking down the lights. i think it's premature. i don't know why people walk up. they see it. it's beautiful. it's lit. it makes them happy. >> i'm one of those people that thinks when it's over, it's over. >> it's not. look at my christmas tree. i just took this yesterday at my apartment. mine is not coming down until its pine needles in a pile because let me tell you why i like it. the lights are l.e.d. so they don't make it hot. all the ornaments are cute, and i like when i wake up it still smells like pine scent. i water it at night before i go to bed xshgs then it sucks it up, and it's still there. why would we take it down? >> why don't you -- instead of the mess and everything you're going to have, why don't you get a phony tree and dot pine smell. that's the way you were raised. a phony tree. >> i like this one. i'm into it. i like -- when i plug it in, it makes me feel good. >> you were gone -- you were off in the maldese for most of the holidays. >> by the way, everybody is getting the flu. >> i know. we had it over the holidays. >> it's a weird thing. i got the kind with the chills and the fever and the achy, but i just plopped down on the beach and didn't care. cody's was what -- >> like yours, but now they have that tamiflu, so he took that within 24 hours of the symptoms, and it really lessened it for him. it was either that or it was my home cooking because, you know, how it is with my kids. i only cook on thanksgiving, and -- >> he broke out the tam. >> i think we have some pictures. >> oh, no, you didn't. >> that's lovely. >> was it night? what are you cutting? that doesn't even go to anything. >> i don't know. i don't know. that's just -- it's a news breaking event because it happened to rarely. >> oh, my gosh. there's the plate. >> you know what, it's so funny to do that the normal stuff that normal people do and then my son was sick and laying on the couch and he wanted his back rubbed, i mean, it's -- you know, when they're 22 years old and they're 6'4" and they don't really like you much, the fact that they want their mother again is -- i'm just going to steal those moments when i can. >> can i tell you, i'm thirsty. >> well, we have a dilemma. >> we have a big dilemma. >> have you ever really regretted something in your life? i'm not talking about -- i'm talking about something really, really -- this is going to be -- if we can earn it -- our last glass for a little while because tomorrow is the beginning of a very tough month for us. >> ladies home journal asked us to give up drinking for one month. i think we should opt for february, the short month. >> i thought we did. that was the deal. we were on the cover of the february issue, but -- >> we're going to show it to you tomorrow. since -- so starting tomorrow, tuesday, is the day that we stop drinking. so, anyway, we decided we are going to have one glass. this is the contraption. it's called a -- what is it? it's some kind of a wine puzzle. >> i never did like him to begin with, and now i hate his guts. he created this wine puzzle. >> let's try to get it here. >> you give it a try first. now, that's not going to work because of that. no, no, no. wait, wait. >> uh-huh. >> yes, indeed. >> you just go like that. >> that's not going to fit through there. >> it will fit through here. >> look. >> oh. >> look what i'm doing. look what i'm doing. >> now what happened? >> oh. wait, wait. >> how does it work? oh, i know. push it right through. not going to go through there. >> no, no, nope. starting to twitch. better hurry. here's what we do. >> don't cut it. work on it. >> let's see. nope. >> there you go. >> now, do we have a cork screw? why don't we just -- do you have one -- >> the reason that god made jerry, among others. how much do we miss you, jerry. did hoda do it? >> i took the paper off. >> yeah. >> thank you, jerry. >> thank you, jerry. >> tomorrow i think we're going to do a whole show. this is available at t.j. maxx. whatever is fastest. thank you, jer. >> tomorrow i'm doing an all workout show, you guys. we did one a couple of years ago. you got that. we're going to do the whole entire show on exercise bikes, on elypticals, on stair masters, and we did it last year. >> we made it through. we had a little reward at the end of it. >> i know. >> no more. >> thanks, jer. >> cheers. cheers to the end. >> not the end. for a month. >> a lot of people are starting this. it's a new year, and they're all trying to cut back in any ways they can, and so we'll see if it works. we're not weighing in or anything anymore, right, pam? >> no, no, no, no. once is enough for that. >> you got a big, big thing coming up, hoda woman. your book comes out a week from tomorrow. >> it does. on the 15th. anyway, we decided we were going to do something interesting. the book is called "ten years later." you take a significant event in someone's life, they won the lottery, lost a loved one. you fast forward ten years, and we asked people to send in pictures of the biggest -- of ten years ago to see how they've changed and evolved, and the winner gets to have lunch with us. did i tell you? >> no. >> anyway, that's what they get. go to the one before that. >> hopefully it's not during february. >> these are some befores and of afters. she's holding her child, and now i guess her child is 10, and that's him sitting on her lap there. there are some old pictures of -- >> we need to get one of you ten years later. i didn't show you the one. i wonder if mine is still in there. do we still have that one? you're going to be shocked. >> is that when you had big hair and a few lb's. those years in mississippi. a dark chapter. >> no, no. >> which was worse? which is worse? you decide. >> no. come on. >> and, by the way, the guy next to me who had his arm around me was hot. i attracted a hottie. with that lid and those extra lb's. anyway, go it our website. >> was he drunk? >> he was not. he was happy. okay? >> what do you do? send a picture. all right. favorite things. you guys know i wear this forward ring. it's a breast cancer ring. we sell it at the nbc experience store for $5. >> the money goes to -- >> yeah, to the komen foundation. >> usually it goes right to nbc universal. that's important to note. >> we've made some new things. these are all some other jewelry. this is another -- this is a forward ring that is metal, and then there's a necklace and a key chain. >> beautiful. >> the money goes to breast cancer research and things, so it's a nice little cause. >> it's a lovely thing. i'm wearing my jen miller today because she's coming on in a little bit. >> to talk jewels. >> to talk joolry so you can redo an outfit with jewelry. sarah. >> happy new year. those forward things are great because sam has asked about those all the time, and now it comes in a little blinged out necklace, i saw. i mean, that's one of my favorite things today is this hourglass lip gloss called ignite. people always asks what mary uses on us. it's a nice neutral shade that i love. >> everything that they make we love. >> yeah. i love their eyebrow pencil. >> it's amazing. yeah. they're really great. >> they're great. >> you have a fan of the week. you are busy. >> i sure do. our reader this week lisa maxwell from cookville, tennessee. >> i love when they -- >> she watches us on wsmv channel 4. her and her little daughter sloan start out each day with a healthy dose of exercise and some fourth hour. one of her favorites is the i-todaya lists because it gives her workout music so whether it's cardio or yoga, she gets a great mix of music. she's such a big fan that she decided to deck the halls for the fourth hour. that's a tree you can leave up year-round, hoda. >> yeah. >> wow. >> so the big congratulations to lisa. we are sending you to salt lake city, utah. >> nice. >> you and a guest will enjoy a three-night stay salt lake's triple-a five star getaway. daily breakfast, dinner, massages, and round trip airfare for two. >> look how pretty that is by night. >> all the accommodations provided by the grand america hotel. >> awesome. how was your holiday? great? >> it was great. it always goes by too fast. >> i had a root canal. really fun to talk about. >>ure right. you win. >> hollywood's funniest actress. >> we love her. >> betty white is here. >> we have all your celebrity buzz, but, first, these messages. we really love tailgating. a little more. there's a real, like, camaraderie in the parking lot... shut up! that's it! let's go in the car. my time to shine is the smoked pulled pork. i think it's done broseph! pretty much got it down to a science... pretty much. we also really like a great pulled pork sandwich even when we can't make the game. you ruined it! some people even like it better. really? yep. [ male announcer ] new carving board pulled pork, get that delicious slow smoked taste without the hassle. it's game time food. it's oscar mayer. pleeeeeeeease... [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... less than 100 calories and made with real fruit pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. wait for it... ah! ah! wait for it... wait for it... 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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios >> is he one of the most powerful names in hollywood, and she always gets the last laugh. at 90, the seven-time emmy winner betty white is far from slowing down. >> betty is back with season two of her hidden camera prank show "off their rockers" which premiers tomorrow night on nbc, and she reveals some big news for special guest kim kardashian. take a look. >> hey, betty. what are you doing? >> i was just researching my family tree, and i was delete lyghted that you and i were distant cousins. >> really? >> oh, you know what that means. now i'm just one step away from your boyfriend. you kardashians share everything, right? >> back off, betty. >> oh, a family feud. i just love being a kardashian. >> hi. >> we're so happy to start our new year off with you, betty. you are our favorite lady in the whole planet. >> well, what a lovely thing to start off the new year with you guys. >> did you take a break at all over the holidays? i mean, you're the hardest working woman in show business. >> if you lot of what you do, it's not work. you know? >> confiduciaryus said that, and you dated him once. >> yes, i did. the ridiculous thing is you don't expect at this age -- ail be 91 in, what, two weeks. >> who is counting? >> yeah. you don't expect to still be not only working, but being asked to work. >> i love the twist on your show because we've loved your show from the beginning, but now you're bringing in these celebs. you brought kim kardashian in. you brought the gangnam style guy in. psy. i think we have a clip of that too. what's that like bringing those guys into the mix? look at you. >> you go, girl. you got the moves. let's see. oh, oh, uh-huh. >> there is no fool like an old fool. i love it. >> lucky i didn't have that -- i almost -- >> are you shooting that at your own home, or is that a set? >> no, that's a set. >> that's a set. would you allow people like in in your real home? >> my golden retriever would take a dim view of that. >> how many animals do you have? >> one. just one. >> but you take care of thousands? >> no, i work with them all the time, and that's my real -- i have to stay in show business to pay for my animal habit. >> i know. you worked with another party animal, regis. how is the love affair going with him on "hot in cleveland" with regis, your love affair with regis on hot in cleveland? >> it's not a love affair. we just had at each other. >> there is a difference between love and sex, isn't there? >> there is. i can't remember what it is. >> do you have time for other projects, because you are doing "hot in cleveland" and "off the rocker." you have a lot going on. is there anything else that's brewing? >> well, we just -- our eighth book just came -- you know, just published. >> what's that? >> they're republishing "leading ladies." it's a big -- keeps you busy, but it's great. it really is great. >> but when you do have a little time off, what is your -- like the idea of a perfect betty white day that's away from any cameras and any show business? >> staying home. >> with your golden. >> and doing what? >> i don't answer the phone, for one thing, and -- but i have a beautiful home up in carmel, and you shouldn't have a beautiful home in carmel if you can't get to it. so i finally got up there over the new year's holiday when my dear friends tom sutherland and his wife, so that was great. >> now, your house is up there. is that doris day, and she adores her animals and -- >> oh, doris has -- doris has millions of cats and dogs. she takes good care of them. she's wonderful. >> you know what, betty, we know your birthday is coming up, and you're going to be 91 in a couple of weeks. the 17th of january? >> 17th. >> we decided it was time to bring a little celebration to you. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you >> we had to get special permission from the fire marshall. >> oh, isn't that -- >> we got a hot fireman for you, betty. >> happy birthday. >> look at the cake. >> oh, that's wonderful. >> it's not that cold. we could have kept warm over here. sfoo shall we? >> shall we attempt? >> sure. >> let me take this from you. >> thank you, darling. there we go. >> all right. we can't sing happy birthday because that's too expensive, but -- >> you can get them all lit. >> we're lit enough. we got the fire marshall behind us. one, two, three. it could take a week. >> thank you, big boy. >> happy birthday, betty. >> we love you, betty. >> betty white's "off your rocker" starting tomorrow night. better than downtown abbey, i'm telling you. justin bieber's reaction to controversial photos. that and more with all your hollywood buzz. god bless you, betty white. you are an american treasure. >> come back and see you. [ male announcer ] digiorno? or delivery? ♪ digiorno? or delivery? ♪ digiorno. taste for yourself why the shortest distance between you and a delicious, fresh-baked pizza, is your oven. 100 percent real cheese. ♪ amazing toppings. thankfully, it's not delivery. it's digiorno. nestle. good food, good life. it's digiorno. hershey's drops. perfectly bite sized drops of rich & creamy chocolate happiness. when the chocolate is hershey's, life is delicious. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i need you. i feel so alone. but you're not alone. i knew you'd come. like i could stay away. you know i can't do this without you. you'll never have to. you're always there for me. shh! i'll get you a rental car. i could also use an umbrella. fall in love with progressive's claims service. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. zimplt reality stars like honey boo bo to hollywood legends like cher, we have all the celebritying writ scoop you may have missed over the weekend. >> a british star whose name is tom holland, and he will tell us about his new movie that's getting a lot of attention. >> that's motivation to finally lose those extra added pounds for the new year thanks to the newest members of joy's fit club who lost, what do i weigh, 110 pounds. >> what's going on. >> that's a lie. >> that's all after your local news and weather. dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. good morning to you. 10:26. i'm marla tellez. in millbrae a teenager girl is recovering after being shot near a high school campus. the 16-year-old is in stable condition today but police don't know what provoked the shooting. so far no arrests have been made. the south bay's largest city now investigating the first homicide of the year. san jose police found a man shot to death in the front of a home on tripoli avenue sunday morning. there are no arrests and so far the motive is unknown. there were 46 homicides in san jose last year. that is more than any year since the 1990s. coming up, we'll take a look at the forecast and check those roads. welcome back. 10:28 now. taking a live look of the cirrus clouds leftover here in san francisco. a nice day shaping up. little bit of fog turning to haze over the golden debate bridge. the only place we have the thick fog leftover is the only place left in the 30s. that's livermore. travel cautiously through there. half a mile visibility. those numbers creeping up throughout the next half hour. highs today will be comfortable, 62 degrees in gilroy. 61 in san the save. the full forecast at 11:00. let's check the drive with mike. 101 has damp roadways but yet the skies are clearing. you can see the sunshine break through here. traffic is not an issue for the south bay. look at the san mateo bridge with a tough drive. all incidents have cleared and a smooth drive the last half hour. fog turning to haze as christina said over there getting to the peninsula side. pay bridge also very smooth drive. no problems down the east shore freeway. the commute will be stronger tomorrow than today. so allow extra time. get to sleep early tonight because it will be a tough one tomorrow. >> leave early or be late. thank you, mike. we'll have more on the day's top stories in 30 minutes. join kelly and i at 11:00. . ♪ >> that's my song. >> this is another one of hoda's songs. we're back with more of "today" on this fun day monday. it's time for today's buzz where we get the buzz out of hollywood. >> justin bieber's scandalous party pics to bethenny frankel's divorce. the always naughty but nice huffington post columnist rob has all the gossip. >> hello to you, darling. >> we open the papers today, and we saw some pictures of dina lohan, lindsay's mom from a long time ago. >> there's a big scandalous interview that she did today. a big tell-all. she actually claims the reason lindsey is messed up, the reason lindsey is the way she is because she witnessed a lot of abuse, a lot of domestic abuse when she was young. we've reached out to michael lohan to get his side of the story. he hasn't responded, but he did tell "the daily news" that this isn't the way that he sees what happened in the past. >> there are photos of her with some black eyes. >> she's the one alleging that -- first of all, if you are being repeatedly abused, get out and spare your children the sight of that. there are places can you go. the other thing is no matter what happened between them as a couple, she at some point -- they're all -- everybody's family eventually has to take responsibility for their own actions. >> correct. >> current actions. don't go club about your kids until 4:00 in the morning. >> which she has been doing over the holidays. today lindsay is in court here in new york about the assault charge allegation that happened here. some people are wondering bets b what's going to happen. >> justin bieber, this was kind of a surprising picture. there's a photo that tmz had. if you look closely it looks like he is smoking something. >> tmz claims he is smoking marijuana in this picture. >> he is holding something. >> he is holding something in his hand. there's no way you can actually tell what's going on here. however, what's nice news is that a couple of days ago justin did a concert in utah, and before the concert he went to a hospital to see a young fan of his that has been battling leukemia for three years and -- he does not do this because of these pictures. he has been doing this for a long time. he doesn't tell the press about it. the only reason we know is that they took a picture in her hospital room. she put it on facebook. >> his mom, patty is a dear, dear faithful lady who has raised him under really extraordinary circumstances. >> absolutely. >> he knows what's right and wrong, and he said that -- >> he tweeted. >> yeah. >> he is on the right path. we have nothing to worry about there. >> bethenny frankel where sfloosh bethenny has filed for divorce just before the holidays. >> i didn't see that coming, did you? you're friends with her. >> you know, i didn't, but i think you don't ever really know what goes on behind someone else's walls. you don't know. >> several of her friends say she's doing great. she's filed for divorce. she's working on her new show, and hopefully everything will turn out. her show will be in new york, so at least now her ex jason will get to see the baby because she's not moving to l.a. >> no one seems to know -- why? there usually is a reason for two people to break up a marriage. >> surprisingly, bethenny has been very silent about this. this is somebody that is really welcomed people into her life in the past. she did a show -- >> her talk show is going to be all about her being transparent with people. >> she will find the moment to tell this story, i guarantee you, and it might be on her show. >> wish everybody the best, but it's very sad. >> certainly do. >> hate it when families break up. >> honey boo boo. she has some bank. >> her mom is trying to do the right thing. >> i love this story. she might actually be the smartest lady on reality tv. the mother knows this is not going to last forever. there you go. so the money that they get -- >> and may not survive it. >> from tlc, which is rumored to be $15,000 an episode, that money is going straight into a trust for the daughter. >> the baby bottle. >> yeah. basically she said she doesn't want to be like those -- she wants to be smarter than all those other reality moms. >> it's going to be a trust. they can't touch it until they're 21. >> unless they need it for medical reasons. >> the movie this weekend "the texas chainsaw massacre" was seriously number one? >> seriously number one. >> does that upset anybody else as much as me? >> i can't believe it's beating everything out there. >> i saw "hyde park on the hudson where the king of england comes to visit america. it is fantastic. fantastic. >> oh, good. >> thank you, rob. >> we love. did you see downtown abbey last night? we're going to talk about it tomorrow. >> he has been called a breakthrough actor who is getting enos car buzz for his role in the films -- >> off to britain's newest star named tom holland. you're not going forget him. after this. i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. itstronger so it holds up bebetter, kind of angel soft®. it's now built with two softshield™ layers. when wet, new angel soft® is one, two, three times stronger than the leading value brand. well done, angels! stronger, holds up better... all wrapped up in a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever. oh hi, yes. wow you really went all out on the decorations, huh? yeah, but i'm so slow taking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal. what do you mean that's normal? it doesn't have to be. to me normal means feeling good inside. not slow. try some activia. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. keep a video diary and let me know about your new normal. [ female announcer ] go from zero to pizza in just 60 seconds with totino's pizza rolls and grab a bite of snack-defying, satisfying... because pizza...never...misses. it's on. let's roll. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ the new film "the impossible" is based on a real family's experience during the 2004 tsunami that struck thailand. >> tom holland plays lucas, the he wouldest of three children, who was swept up in the tidal wave long with his mother, played by naomi watts" and his father played by usan mcgregor. take a look. >> the boys! >> lucas! >> dad! >> oh. oh. >> wow. >> that looks terrifying. >> that's the word. >> it's very realistic. welcome, by the way. this is your first national -- >> this is my first tv show. >> we will be very kind and sweet to you. we're not always, but with you we will be. >> thank you. >> it's interesting, because this film is out, and it's -- you're already getting a lot of buzz, a lot of accolades. were you expecting -- were you expecting this? >> not at all. i mean, i was always -- i always knew that the film was going to do well because of how hard everyone was working and from watching the dailies and stuff like that, but i never knew that i would be here sitting in this room. last i was at the palm springs film festival that was great. i got to present naomi with an award, and then i'm at the national board of review. it's all doing really well, and i'm excited. >> you were 13 at the time you shot the movie. you are 16 now. >> 16 now. >> in those interim years you know i have a big picture coming out. uh-huh. but you can't really say anything about it, right? >> no. >> are you prepared for how this is perhaps going to change your life? >> i don't know. i mean, it already has completely changed my life. >> in what way, sweetie? >> in ways like i'm flying to los angeles to meet some of the most amazing people in the world every few weeks. obviously there is the whole thing about being recognized on the street. i've never had that before. >> absolutely. >> that possibly will happen in the next couple of months, but i guess just be -- >> the chicks get craze where i. >> warn you about the chicks. >> we look at that scene, and there's a wall of water coming at you. you actually shot a lot of this in the water. it's not cgi. you didn't make pretend. you were really in the thick of it. what was it like shooting these kind of scenes? >> well, yeah, that is me -- so there's a shot in the film. the camera is under water, and i was diving above the camera. >> i see. >> that's -- >> how many times would you have to do just that particular thing just for them to give us an idea? >> we probably did that about four or five times, butdy it wrong, so i caused them to fly over to barcelona to reshoot it. whoopsy. it was great. it was really good fun. >> were you terrified, tom? >> doing that stunt i -- the first time i did it, i belly flopped. >> on you got a lot of bruces, right? >> a lot of cuts and bruces. i have a few scars to show for it. i come home prosecute work, and like would be scrub offing the fake cuts and realize that they're real, and then they would have to incorporate them into the film because of continuity and stuff. >> this is a big -- this was the big tsunami in 2004. i remember i covered it for "dateline." how scary it was for people who were there. looking at this footage, i can see how close to life it is. your career, though, you're not a movie guy from the beginning. you started in theater, right? >> started on stage. absolutely. >> billy elliott in london. >> uh-huh. >> we wish you great luck with your film, with your long runway, your life that's coming coming ahead of where you zoosh and with the chicks. >> the hot chicks. >> oh, yeah. nice to meet you. >> your mom who seems very lovely. welcome to her too. >> the impossible is in theaters right now. >> what's not impossible is choosing the right accessories to flatter your features, and -- >> guess who is here? >> who would that be? >> jen miller. >> love her. >> right after this. how did y? i thought we might be related, so i had a fiber analysis done and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. and you help keep people full with whole grain fiber? just like you guys. [ female announcer ] they're different, but the same. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. a tasty square packed with a crunch... [ crunch! ] ...of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. smile! ohhh bring it in! ooohhhooh! this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. this single scoop of gain gives more freshness than a whole box of this other stuff... and that much freshness is gonna take some getting used to... [ sniffing ] ahh. mmm! [ male announcer ] yep, it's amazing what a single scoop of gain freshness can do. and now get even more gain at a new lower price! ♪ at a new lower price! one square inch of deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk... or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. is the only yogurt brand endorsed by weight watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed us. so, you know what this means... this is a real win win! yoplait, it is so good. >> today's style is brought to you by yoplait. look to take your look for good with good tips from today's experts. >> it's time for today's style. whether are you trying to hide a little pudge in your belly or you want to show the girls off for a sexy new look, there is an art to accessorizing. >> here to show us how to do it without doing it too much, you know, doing it overdoing it is -- jennifer miller, founder of jennifer miller jewelry and a doll. i love everything you are all decked out in. >> thank you, guys. >> hello to you. >> fashion maven. >> when i get dressed, i grab what's there. the earrings that are on the table, the bracelet that's nearby. >> i know. >> don't say anything. >> it usually works out okay. >> if you think about it, you buy a new pair of shoes, and you think that new pair of shoes goes with everything, but it doesn't. it's the same thing with earrings and a necklace. you can't wear -- >> mix it up. show us what we're doing wrong, jennifer. >> i have some really great tricks. >> let's start off with the turtle neck. sometimes a turtle neck, you don't know what to do with it. this is the before picture, and this is kind of the no. what's wrong with what this lovely lady is doing in this before picture? >> let the turtle neck do what it does. it can be slenderizing and slimming, and the turtle neck can also hide the turkey neck a little bit, if you have ishdz there. what candace has has put on way too many necklaces, big earrings. we've taken all that off. >> yes. >> we've given her a classic pair of hoops. think audrey hepburn. >> you'll never go wrong. >> we gave her a classic set of hoops, a diamond accent, and a cuff. she's ready to go. let the turtle neck do what it does. there's no reason to over do. less is best. >> candace, thanks. >> we all have a v-neck, and on the v-neck, who knows what the heck to put there because there's lots of open space. put a big statement necklace, but you say this is a no. this is what she should not be doing. what's wrong here? >> there's a lot of space between here and here. precious real estate. >> right. >> she's got a gorgeous decollete, so why not let her friends show a little bit. let it shine. >> let them shine. >> all right. >> now let's look at her. her decollette is open and shining. >> yes. >> she's -- >> it actually makes her look taller. >> slimmer and longer because we've put a long necklace on her. that's pointing right down to her slim waistline. >> we know what you're talking about. >> fabulous pair of earrings. >> looks great. thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. a lot of people like to dress up in sparkles and stufr, and that's an easy thing to overdo because this is a top or a dress that has this sparkle built in. >> yeah. >> she went a little overboard, you say in this one. >> she looks a little bit like a christmas tree ornament. >> too much happening. >> she bought this dress because it had jewelry built in. there's no reason -- >> i love that. >> i think that's so pretty. >> there's no reason to add sparkle on top of sparkle. >> show us the after. what should she do? >> uh-huh. >> clean it up. >> less is more. we gave her a clean pair of silver earrings instead of sparkly earrings. we took off the necklaces. there's no need for a necklace. the dress has a necklace built in, and we also took off her bracelets because if you look at her wrists, she has cuffs that have sparkles on them. >> so much better. >> a gorgeous cocktail ring. >> looks good. >> adorable. >> thanks, hon. we have time for our last lovely lady. she's a working gal who is trying to mask kind of her belly area. she's got a belt on. she's got a necklace on. she's got -- >> drawing attention to it. >> cassie just had a baby, and she's going back to work, so in this shot, as you can see, she's wearing a jacket covering everything. she's wearing a belt because she thinks the belt is bringing her waist in, and she's wearing a necklace that's pointing right to her trouble spot. >> show us the after. >> look at that. >> now we're talking. jacket off. step away from the belt. there is no reason to wear a belt. >> i pretty much always take it off after. >> look at the necklace. we put it on her face to draw attention to her face rather than pointing attention straight to her troubled area. >> let's bring all our lovely ladies out. >> thank you, jen. >> great advice. >> i had such a good time. >> exactly. >> we love you, sweetheart. >> all righty, a woman who wants to show off her best assets. our newest joy fit club member that lost 110 pounds, but, first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ i like the way you move ♪ >> time now for another installment of look at me now, i jot fit club zoosh adrian realized she needed make a lifestyle change when she got tired of feeling defeated and wanted to live a fulfilling life. let's look at her story, which will probably be in hoda's income book. >> any mi name is adrian crouch. i'm a 24-year-old girl who used to weigh 230 pounds. i started gaining weight at the tender age of 10. as the numbers went up, my quality of life went down. i was alive, but i wasn't living. i didn't realize my weight was a problem until i was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 16 years old. in high school i allowed myself to be bullied into silence. i felt ashamed, worthless, repulsive. i got through the day by painting an obscure smile on my face. i lived behind closed doors and turned to food for comfort. at a whopping 230 pounds i nearly lost all hope until one night in april 2009. i paid close attention to the biggest loser. because of this show i came to terms with my food addiction. i was inspired, motivated, and more than ready to conquer what seemed like an endless battle. i had to be my own hero. one year later i was 110 pounds lighter and thought that i was automatically destined to lead a happy and healthy life. shortly after i found myself going too far in the other direction. chained to the scale, driving myself crazy with numbers and losing all sense of reality. food was no longer comforting. i was afraid of food until i met a runner in late 2010. i was ultimately convinced to sign up and run my first race and was hooked ever since. now i can proudly call myself a two-time marathoner and an ultra marathoner. i feel like i was in a coma for 20 plus years and i'm finally waking up. >> we're joined now by the leader of the joy fit club, our own joy. >> this is truly a cinder elia story. she didn't go to her prom. she has blossomed into this beautiful, confident young woman who runs ultra marathons. that's more than 26 miles. >> unbelievable. >> i have this bracelet. she wore this. it says fearless. she put this on at the beginning of her journey, and she wore it throughout the whole entire journey. losing more than 100 pounds. >> good for her. >> what did she cut? >> she really enjoys cooking. i thought this was great take-away for the viewers. when she uses flour now, instead of one cup of all purpose flour, she uses half a cup of all purpose, half a cup of whole wheat. does not change the texture. >> it doesn't? >> it doesn't. it's great. you go half and half. in temz of oil, if it calls for a cup of oil, you can swap in baked goods natural apple sauce. instead of one egg, two egg whites. a lot of things. instead of sour cream, nonfat greek yogurt. >> let's bring her out. we have so to see. this is adrian's before picture. >> all right, let's see the new your. join the joy fit club. ♪ >> oh! >> is that unbelievable? >> hold on. stand right there. let us look at you. wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> she's a bombshell. >> you look awesome. congratulations. >> thank you. thanks. >> how long did it take you to lose it all? >> it took me one year. >> that's amaze. if you think about what can happen in a year of your life. >> when you look at a picture like that on the left-hand side there, what do you think of? do you remember that person? >> i do. she was a very sad girl. >> not anymore. >> the smile on her face was fake, but now i can finally say i'm happy and the smile is 100% real. >> oh, we're so happy for you. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> i have to give you a hug. >> coming up tomorrow, our special exercise -- oh, my gosh. >> we're going to get -- i feel the flu coming on. >> we're going to work out. we would love you to work out with us. it's going to be on fitness and dieting and everything. >> i feel a little sniffle. have a ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.


Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 20130104

>> good evening on this friday night. as we come on the air, information is still pouring in about what happened to a passenger flight out of minneapolis today. a pilot was arrested after failing a breathalyzer test. suspected of drinking. what made the authorities suspicious? here's abc's lisa stark with the story. >> reporter: it was early morning, the first flight of the day, when the pilot passed through the security checkpoint. as he was waiting for a nearby elevator, a tsa agent and other officers just happened to walk by and just happened to smell alcohol. as the pilot headed in the cockpit of his american eagle regional jet the worried officers notified airport police. they caught up with the 48-year-old captain kolbjorn kristiansen after he finished pre-flight checks. it was before 6 a.m. just before 53 passengers would have boarded the flight from minneapolis to new york. police say kristiansen failed a preliminary alcohol breath test. he was arrested. >> the reality is, there's no excuse for having alcohol on the pilot. none. >> reporter: the flight took off late. it landed safely at laguardia. some were shocked when they learned why their flight had been delayed. >> i'm feeling very unsafe. >> reporter: the faa says incidents are rare about 12 allegedly drunk pilots arrested a year. in one case in 2002, two america west pilots were caught drinking on surveillance tape the night before their flight. and tsa screeners smelled alcohol on their breath the next morning. the pilots were arrested before the flight took off. >> we are in a dive! >> one of hollywood's current hit movies, flight, focuses on a drunk pilot who pulls off a miraculous crash landing, but then has to face the music. >> this toxicology report states you were drunk. >> the legal limit is .04, half of what's allowed for drivers, but still enough to impair judgement. >> reporter: just to give you an idea just how seriously this is taken, in the most extreme cases, pilots could face up to 15 years in prison. in this case, for kristiansen, his fate is still unknown. we don't know his exact alcohol level. we do know that he has been suspended, pending a full investigation. >> so much more to learn. thank you, lisa stark. now we turn to positive signs today that the battered u.s. economy has entered a new year. in this first week of 2013, the dow closed the day up nearly 500 points, thanks in part to the new jobs report and 155,000 jobs were added last month. unemployment steady at 7.8%. where do we stand tonight. >> i am feeling better. most of the experts and economists i am speaking with are feeling better. tloods a sense momentum is on our side. >> with wall street capping off its first week of the new year with a bang, closing at a five-year high. and with the new today that despite all the worry over washington and looming tax increases, december saw hiring. this year is off and running. last month's hiring was strong in health care and construction. digging into those numbers, we can now see some clear lines as to where the hot jobs of 2013 will be. topping the list -- home health care services, up 9% since 2010. 25-year-old tiffany fields started working as a home aide in april. in this economy, she never dreamt she'd find a job so quickly. >> i graduated and got a job. started making money. happy about that. >> reporter: also nurse practitioners will be in high demand as more americans gain health care coverage with the new federal health care law phasing in. so where are the hot spots geographically? detroit for one. yes, detroit. anyone looking for a job making cars, the motor city is the town for you. with superstorm sandy wrecking hundreds of thousands of cars, and auto sales at a five-year high, 2013 is expected to see an even bigger uptick in car buying. in the northeast, sandy also boosted home construction jobs. but there's also growing need in california and arizona, for contractors, master carpenters, and plumbers and electricians. all in places where homeowners are willing to spend mono their homes. >> a lot of that's driven by the energy sector and technology sector. we're expecting to see that continued growth in the years to come. >> you don't have to wait for the monthly jobs report to gauge the economy. two signs to look out to see the economy is really recovering, new restaurants opening up. consumers feeling more comfortable going out and spending more money. look for an increase in the housing market and home prices rising as well. >> you'll see it in restaurants and home prices. thanks so much. now, we move from the health of the economy to the health of the american family. and a ground-breaking announcement about food safety today. millions of americans get food poisoning from everything from salad to peanut butter. 3,000 die every year. but today the government said it's ready to enforce sweeping ideas. and dr. richard besser is here, he's tracked food illnesses in his career and he's got the big news. >> yeah, i started my career working in food safety. finally we're starting to see rules develop that could make a big difference. this points us to a future where people can eat their dinner without being afraid. jensen farms cantaloupe might not have killed 33. the sunland peanut factory might not have sickened 42. contaminated spinach might not have sent 13 to the hospital just last month. and 8-year-old nate lebron wouldn't have spent three days in the hospital because he ate a peanut butter sandwich. >> the stomach cramps, i was screaming loud and i was saying, why this is happening to me? >> reporter: two years waiting. and finally, rules to take the fear of bacterial contamination away from the produce aisle. from the spinach fields of california to the peanut production lines of new mexico, food safety specialists have spent two years begging for these regulations. >> today's action is a big deal. it's good news for consumers. it's good news for food companies. >> reporter: instead of waiting till there's an outbreak, the new rules aim to prevent outbreaks of food-borne disease from happening in the first place. take peanuts. to be safe, i'd want them tested as they leave the fields. i'd want them processed at temperatures high enough to kill salmonella. i'd want them tested again before they're released to stores. those sorts of things will now be law. two years to come up with rules to cover the riskiest produce. food safety experts are elated. >> for the first time, rather than reacting to problems once they happen, fda is going to be able to prevent problems before people get sick and before food needs to be recalled. >> i talked to all my friends who work on food safety. there's a huge sigh of relief that farms will be required to do the right thing. now when you need to make sure that congress funds the inspectors to look over their shorls. >> you thought a lot of these things were required already. turns out they weren't. how long before the action takes effect? >> a final rule from the government will be a year in coming. but now the industry knows what they'll be held to, people say they'll start making changes right now. that could lead to fewer outbreaks even before the rules become final law. >> you were saying you have confidence that will change the history of food-borne illness in this country. >> that's right. once we hold our domestic producers to this, then we can look at food coming in and hold it to the same standard. this is big for food safety. >> so they can enforce the standards for the food that comes in. 24 hours ago, we watched the resilient children of newtown, connecticut, head back to school for the first time since the shooting. but today, congresswoman gabrielle giffords and her husband, astronaut commander mark kelly went to newtown to meet privately with the families of the victims. there's a photo. and another photo, take a look at this one. inside the oval ofts. because we learned today this was the moment president obama learned of the shooting and of all the children lost. he called it the worst day of his presidency. and also in the news tonight, 67 days after hurricane sandy help is on the way for thousands of victims of that storm. today, under pressure from the governors of new york and new jersey, congress approved $9.7 billion in emergency aid. and the money will help play flood insurance claims for 120,000 people. an additional $51 billion of aid will come up for a vote on january 15th. last night we told you about the flu spreading across the country. tonight it's hit 41 states. here's the map. only a handful of states on the west coast and in the midwest have escaped widespread flu. not only is the flu on the march rlier than usual, more than 2,200 people have been hospitalized and 18 children have died. we want to show you the moment the day when malala yousafzai waved when she left a british hospital. she's the 15-year-old pakistani girl who was targeted by the taliban, shot in the head three months ago because she spoke out for education for girls. she and her family will stay in england. the taliban and pakistan has vowed to target malala again and she still has another round of surgery next month. still ahead here on "world news," the new video that takes you inside the mind of a drug user, to show what it's like to be on a popular drug. and why the us navy is sounding the warning. [ female announcer ] today, jason is here to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. can be the worst part. my medicine alone doesn't always give me all the congestion relief i need to sleep. [ female announcer ] adding breathe right nasal strips can make all the difference. it's proven to instantly relieve cold or flu nasal congestion. [ stefan ] and because it's drug free, it's safe to use with any medicine to relieve my nighttime stuffy nose. so i can breathe better and sleep better. [ female announcer ] go to for special offers. [ female announcer ] go to there's the sign to the bullpen. here he comes. you wouldn't want your doctor doing your job, the pitch! whoa! so why are you doing his? only your doctor can determine if your persistent heartburn is actually something more serious like acid reflux disease. over time, stomach acid can damage the lining of your esophagus. for many, prescription nexium not only provides 24-hour heartburn relief, but can also help heal acid-related erosions in the lining of your esophagus. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain and diarrhea. call your doctor right away if you have persistent diarrhea. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. let your doctor do his job. and you do yours. ask if nexium is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. tonight we see the gritty reality of a new trend in drug use. the drug known as bath salts. there's a tape made by the us navy. and abc's chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz tells us why the navy is sending out this video alert. >> reporter: the video puts you inside the mind of the drug user. from the moment you inhale the potent powder, to what quickly follows. your world descends into terror and paranoia. your girlfriend, then your friend, suddenly become demons. and you? erratic, violent, out of control before finally being sedated by an emergency crew. >> one of the most concerning things about bath salts is, these hallucinations, these paranoid delusions, they will last long after the intoxication is gone. >> reporter: bath salts have nothing to do with a relaxing bath. illegal, but easy to get, it is an underground code name for the synthetic drug that acts like a super charged amphetamine, a trip that can have a deadly end. while the navy doesn't have hard numbers of abuse in their ranks, they are fearful. in 2011, 16 midshipmen at the naval academy were expelled after abusing another synthetic drug, same case at sea, in all some 400 sailors were forced out. bath salts are the latest temptation. >> sometimes like a college dorm, or fraternity house, sailors live together and they share a barracks room together and when someone does something, others can see it and emulate it. and so our goal is to nip this in the bud. >> reporter: it's not just the video, the navy will now do random drug testing on sailors as an added precaution. they are taking this drug very seriously. >> what are the sailors saying about all this? >> i think some of them think the add is a little bit over the top. but they know this is a very serious problem. here's a really interesting statistic. a military drug positive rate is four times lower than the general workforce. so the military, the navy, is very committed to preventing drug abuse. >> all right, martha raddatz, thanks so much. now we want to bring you up to date about the daring prison break in chicago. the two bank robbers who scaled down 17 stories using a rob made of bed sheets. one of the bank robbers was arrested the night of december 20th. tonight there is word that the other prisoner has also been caught. the "chicago tribune" reports that the convict at large, kenneth conley, was captured in the suburbs of chicago today. coming up, that mystery photograph of a young princess diana with a young man. who is he? we think we solved the case. be , but we can still help you see your big picture. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. i took theraflu, but i still have this cough. 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[ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you. ♪ diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. and here's what we were all talking about today. our instant index, starting with a royal mystery. solved. an old photo surfaced today of princess diana, there she is, 19 years old, before her marriage to prince charles. she's seen with a mysterious young man, the words on the picture, not to be published. so we did some detective work and found adam russell. it was a ski trip with friends. both had been injured. adam reportedly smitten. she was not. and we know what happened next. and why is mcdreamy himself a local hero at a coffee shop in seattle? the "grey's anatomy" star stepping in to save the coffee chain tully's, pushing back against the goliath starbucks. he's going to keep the chain going even if it means getting behind the counter and serving coffee himself. tonight we answer the question, how big were the new year's eve fireworks on the surface of the sun? take a look. the solar flare powering its plasma 160,000 miles high. for perspective, this is our little earth super imposed next to that flare, which was 20 times bigger than our tiny planet. sending a message about size from the galaxy. if you see something out there that is crackling for you, send it to our instant index. tweet it to me at diane sawyer. coming up next, you met them last night, 20 women in the u.s. senate, first time in history. tonight we asked them to give up the best advice anyone ever gave them for making a dream come true. i need you. i feel so alone. but you're not alone. i knew you'd come. like i could stay away. you know i can't do this without you. you'll never have to. you're always there for me. shh! i'll get you a rental car. i could also use an umbrella. fall in love with progressive's claims service. get coricidin hbp. the number one pharmacist recommended cold brand designed for people with high blood pressure. and the only one i use to relieve my cold symptoms without raising my blood pressure. coricidin hbp. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some retirement people who are paid on salary, not commission. they'll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. constipated? yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. finally tonight, first let us show you a picture. here it is. it was taken on capitol hill 100 years ago. these are suffragettes who were only dreaming of the day women could vote. they petitioned, they hounded until they persuaded ladies and gentlemenalators to pass the 19th amendment in 1919. because of them women were 53% of the electorate last november november and there are now 20% of the senate seats held by women. women who ran hard campaigns, smart campaigns and won. we gathered together the women who had won those hard-fought races. and look back at pictures of themselves as children to ask, what was the most important advice they were given along the way. first up, the dean of senate women, barbara, mikulski, wake up, assume you are the person who will change the world. >> every day, in you wake up and think about someone other than yourself and say good morning, can i be of help? then you'll make a world that is better. you'll make a difference and you'll work with others to make change. >> the greatest gift in the world is the ability to help someone else. >> i've always found if someone tells you you can't do something it's usually because they're afraid you will. >> these senators, once just kids like the rest of us, say power comes from knowing more than anyone in the room. so seize it. >> when somebody tells you, it's complicated, it's really not. and break it down. and find a way and solve the problem. >> when i signed pictures to classrooms that go across north carolina, i add, read, read, read. >> my advice would be to listen more than you speak. you'll be so surprised what you can learn. >> stand up straight. i stand up in my chair. [ laughter ] >> knowledge is power. no matter what your dream s you have a really good chance of achieving it. >> and they say, remember there are secret weapons, sgroi and persistence. something amy says she was taught by her dad who took her on a 1,000 mile bike trip. >> once you've gon a hundred miles, you can always go ten more. that's what i learned. >> don't be afraid to take on that challenge that you want and demonstrate that women are unique in how we do battle, but we can be very successful. >> no matter what you are doing, what job it is large or small, do your very, very best. >> do what you love. you will be successful, but more importantly, you'll be happy. >> i you live with a grateful heart, you'll be happy and be able to serve well. >> persistence is about 95% of success. >> and finlly, if you're anxious, remember the big things worth doing involve risk. >> i have a little saying that came from a card that somebody sent. it says, life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. i tell children to not be afraid to take risks. >> take risks and never give up. >> i believe the world is made up of problem solvers and problem makers. and the former is really what we need more of. >> dream big and ignore the neigh sayers and the keepers of the status quo. >> and so we choose the women inviting everyone else to take their place in history, and by the way, the senators have all said it's worth pointing out again, there are 20 women in the senate today, but women were 53% of the voters in the last election. if you go online to, you can see all of the women we spoke with, their advice for all of america's children, boys and girls. thank you for watching. "nightline" later. david muir will be here this weekend. we hope you have a great night.


Transcripts For WJLA ABC News Good Morning America 20130105

close and personal with a hungry polar bear, all 1,000 pounds of her. and the iphone sting. we're going to tell you about the guy who set up an online dating sting to catch the crooks and get his phone back. good morning, everybody. i'm looking forward to the show this morning. i'm going to get to do most of the talking. bianna golodryga is playing hurt this morning. >> i've been sick the past couple of weeks. and my voice gave on me this morning. i don't have the flu, though. the number one rule, you stay home if you have the flu. >> there may be times this morning when you see bianna's mouth moving. but you hear ron claiborne's voice. if you see that happen, don't adjust the dial. >> this is what happens when you have a 9-month-old. you're sick all the time. >> we admire you playing hurt. and speaking of illness, this, on a very serious note is turning into a nasty flu season. the cdc saying there's widespread outbreaks practically everywhere in america. new numbers this morning. we're going to have practical advice for you from dr. jen ashton. >> not just the flu. but the whooping cough, as well. this morning, mystery solved. we track down the man in the newly-discovered photo of young princess diana. the photo that was never supposed to be public. everybody's talk about this picture in the last couple days. and true grit. the college football player who kept on playing. never missed a game, in fact. even during chemotherapy treatments. he beat cancer. last night, he led his team to the cotton bowl. coming up, the key role his mom played in all this. and first, there's a lot of news overnight. and for that, we turn to ron claiborne. >> hi, dan. hi, bianna. trying to get in sync with you. we begin with the developing story overnight. lance armstrong's lawyer is denying a report that he, armstrong, is going to admit to doping. he has told associates and anti-doping officials he is considering publicly admitting that he used performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions during his cycling career. earlier this year, armstrong was stripped of his seven tour de france titles and banned from competing in the future. a powerful earthquake struck off the coast of alaska. the 7.5 magnitude quick hit about 60 miles fm the cityf craig, alaska. a tsunami was generated but did not pose a threat to land. the brother of al qaeda's chief has reportedly been captured in syria. published reports say that ayman al zawahiri's brother, mohammed, was captured in syria. he was encouraging fighters to join the civil war in syria. and former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords was in newtown, connecticut, meeting privately with the families of those killed in last month's school massacre. the visit came just days before the second anniversary of the shooting that critically injured her. and the white house released this photo on friday, the moment that president obama learned of the shooting that left 26 people dead. the president called it the worst day of his presidency. days after the republican house was blasted from preventing to help funds for hurricane sandy, a bill to do just that is headed to president obama's desk. lawmakers got $10 billion. another bill authorized, $51 billion in additional aid will come up for a vote in the house in ten days. and love was in the air in china on friday. thousands of couples across the country died the knot because of the date. in mandarin, january 4th, 2013, sounds similar to the phrase, i will love you for all of my life. and those who got married because of the date. i got two words. [ speaking foreign language ] you know what that means? >> no. >> prenup. prenup, in mandarin. >> i thought you were romantic. >> no. >> thank you. we turn, now, to the two, shocking back-to-back stories about alcohol and airlines. in one case, passengers took matters into their own hands, going to extremes to restrain a drunk passenger. and the other case, a pilot was arrested before takeoff when someone smelled alcohol on his breath. first up, abc's lisa stark joins us from reagan national airport outside washington, with details about that pilot. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. it was just in the nick of time. this pilot was set to fly a planeload of passengers from minneapolis to new york. luckily, because of some very alert officials, that never happened. the pilot had already passed through security at the minneapolis airport. and was waiting for an elevator, when a tsa agent, and other officers happened by and smelled what they thought was alcohol. they alerted airport police, who caught up with 48-year-old captain, just before 53 passengers would have boarded the american eagle flight to new york. police say christensen failed a preliminary alcohol breath test. he was arrested. neighbors of the pilot were shocked at the news. >> seemed to be very quiet. but he was a regular, family guy. >> reporter: it's not known what the tests showed. but the legal limit for pilots is 0.04, half the limit for drivers. and equaling roughly two drinks for an average-sized man. >> the airlines take zero tolerance of showing up with liquor in the bloom. >> reporter: one of hollywood's current hit movies, "flight," focuses on a drunk pilot that pulls off a miraculous crash landing. but he doesn't stay a hero for long. pilots can lose their license and get jail time. up to 15 years in extreme krass. in 2002, two america west pilots were caught on tape, partying and drinking for hours the night before their flight. the next morning, tsa screeners smelled alcohol on their breath. the pilots were arrested, convicted, sent to jail. as for the american flight, the airline scrambled to find a replacement pilot. passengers finally arrived in new york more than two hours late, shocked to learn then what had really happened. >> i'm feeling very unsafe. >> reporter: christensen has now been grounded, pending a full investigation. but the associated press, quoting an airline spokesman says, that he was well above the legal limit for that initial breath test, at least. dan? >> serious problems. lisa stark, thank you. now, to another case, another case study, in the pitfalls of mixing alcohol and air travel. take a look at this picture. this is a guy strapped into his seat with duct tape. his fellow passengers say he went on a drunken rampage during an overseas flight. and they had no choice but to tie him down. i want to know who travels with duct tape. john schriffen is here. >> reporter: it seems like we've all been on a flight that would never end because the person next to you was not a considerate neighbor. what happened on this flight to iceland takes it to a new level. one passenger, who the airline has not identified, was allegedly so bad, he had to be dealt with in a special way. this is what happens when your fellow passengers have had enough. according to iceland air, a man onboard their flight thursday from reykjavik thursday to new york's jfk, started acting up. hitting, spitting, even hitting other passengers, the whole time cursing like a storm. then, out of a scene out of "airplane," passengers took matters into their own hands, taping him in a chair. andy ellwood snapped this picture. his gut busting out. but his mouth shut. according to the blog, the began drinking the duty-free liquor onboard. the airline says, quote, he was restrained by passengers and crew. and was monitored for his own safety for the duration of the flight. it's certainly not the first time a passenger was caught behaving badly. alec baldwin was kicked off a flight when he was playing a game on his phone and was kicked off. after this kid cut the lines aboard a plane, his teacher made him apologize to everyone over the loud speaker, asking for forgiveness. as for this man, for the last two hours of the flight, well, he wasn't saying much of anything. upon landing at jfk, the man was met by police and taken to an area hospital to be treated for alcohol poisoning. the port authority won't confirm if this is the man they took into custody. so far, he has not been charged. dan? bianna? >> thank you. >> so many hours. now, to a major public health issue in america, the flu. it is spreading like crazy this season. new numbers from the centers for disease control shows that 41 states is showing widespread outbreak. that's up from two weeks ago. dr. jennifer ashton is here to tell us about that. >> good morning, guys. i think you need to go home after you're finished with the show, bianna. we don't have answers. we don't know why the flu this year is so bad. we don't know how bad it will get. what we do know is that the cases of influenza or flu-like illness are picking up speed. they're gaining momentum. we do expect them to get worse before it gets better. and these are particularly bad strains this year, making people incredibly sick. >> even people who have had flu shots? >> yeah. listen, the flu vaccine is not 100% effective. it varies between 60% to 85% effective. but people who are vaccinated, if they do come down with influenza, seem to have a let severe course of the illness and a shorter course of the illness. it's not too late to get vaccinated. if you can see your doctor and get that vaccine today, it may save your life or someone else's life. >> such an important note. before we go, you were pointing out to me before the broadcast, that these new numbers out this morning are not even telling the full story most likely. >> that's right, dan. there's a lag time when patients go to a health care provider and when the cases get reported to the cdc and when the cdc releases the numbers. it varies about one to two weeks. we're not even close to through the worst part of it. >> one important tip, stay home if you're sick. >> if you're sick and not gotten the vaccine to protect yourself and you're ill, protect others and stay home from work or school. you need to go home. >> she says she doesn't have the flu. >> we'll see about that. >> thank you very much. get the flu shot. now, to a very satisfying story, a payback in the digital age. it's about a guy whose iphone got stolen. he turned into a virtual vigilante, setting up a sting operation with an online dating site. what happened next is hilarious. tanya rivero is here. >> reporter: this is a do not try this at home story of stolen iphone retrieval. the police told this guy he was taking too big a risk, setting up a meeting with the thief. but in the end, it was the thief who got the surprise of his life. this man used some steamy lines to lure a thief into his trap, like this one. hey, i'm here and out of the shower. it started on new year's eve when he left his iphone 4 on the cab. the next morning, he saw someone trolling for dates. >> he was using my okcupid account. so, he created a phony female profile, with a cleveland-bearing photo from the web. >> i was talking to a girl, is adding winky face emoticons. >> reporter: the thief took the bait. you wanna meet? yeah, i kind of do. will you kiss me? he coyly responded, well, i don't have a boyfriend. they made a plan to meet up at his apartment for a date. >> i followed him up the stairs. he turns around. and basically, i confront him right here. and i put the $20 in his hand to diffuse the situation as fast as possible. but i had a hammer in my hand, just in case. >> reporter: the thief handed over the phone, took the money and ran. >> he smelled like cologne. and had a bottle of wine in his hand. >> reporter: he got the phone back. but the thief kept the wine and the cash, making us wonder if the punishment fit the crime. there's no hard feelings. as the thief ran out of the building, he called out to him, you smell nice. >> what a character. he thinks that was his cab driver. >> reporter: he does. but he doesn't have any proof. >> i see. there's a lesson there. carry $20 and a hammer. both. tanya, thank you so much. now, to the newly-revealed picture of princess diana we've been mesmerized by this week. taken right before she would become the most documented woman in the world. looking so young and so innocent. but who is the young man with her? it was a mystery until abc's nick schifrin got down on the case and tracked the mysterious stranger. nick is with us from london. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. we pieced through every clue. we looked under every manhole. we called every contact we had. it's the biggest mystery since the loch ness monster. we think we solved it. she was just diana spencer. it was 1979. she was 17 years old, skiing in the swiss alps. diana tore her ankle tendon. but she spent a lot of time indoors with a certain silent suitor. >> i can say that the man in the picture is adam russell. >> reporter: adam russell, great grandson of a prime minister. he always liked diana. but he never told her. >> if adam russell had told her how he really felt about her, the british monarchy would be a very different monarchy than we see today. >> reporter: today, russell's a farmer, way down here, dorset, england, where he runs this b&b. >> he traveled the world. and thought he could make a go of it with diana. only to find a friend telling him, too late. you have one rival, prince charles. >> reporter: and that's when diana became, well, the princess. the glass carriage. the dress. that train. one of the most photographed women of all-time. >> when she looked down your lane and she smiled, you know you had a great picture. >> reporter: arthur edwards was one of diana's first photographers. >> she changed the way the royal family worked. completely. she did everything her way. >> reporter: walked in mine fields. helped take the stigma out of aids. everything she did was documented. and yet, this photo disappeared, just two days after diana's engagement. "the mirror" got scared it would offend the palace. >> that's the reason they weren't published. >> reporter: there's whiskey in the corner. a young, happy diana, whose life had been very different. >> if she had fallen for adam russell, she would be herding deer in the south of england. and someone else would be the future queen. >> reporter: now, i called russell down on his farm. he wouldn't tell me much other than confirming him in the photo. he said he looks pretty much the same today. mystery solved. dan, bianna, we're headed up to scotland to find the loch ness monster. >> we're convinced you can do anything, nick. time, now, for the forecast. and for that, as always, ginger zee. ginger, good morning. >> hey, all. it snowed in texas. that's for you, bianna. it's usually san angelo has 2.9 inches each year. yesterday and the day before, 2.8. they're getting a whole season in one day. you're seeing from brownsville, they had schools closed. and they had a lot of fun with that snow, too. el paso had 3.1 inches. abbean, austin, an inch of snow. a funnel was reported outside of miami, just south of it, actually. you can really see it well there. funnel different from tornado. tornado touches, has debris. a funnel is just a funnel. that's what they had in miami. and the weather today will be foggy inland in south florida, especially. just south of that stationary front. showers throughout the state. 74 for tampa. 62, a lot cooler in tallahassee. another storm up in the north, will be bringing just a few inches of snow for parts of michigan, into parts of the eastern great lakes and up into parts of new england, too. not the warmth and the miami-type funnels. but on the west coast, something to note for the weekend, you get about a half-inch of rain good morning, washington. forecaster dave zahran here. t there, chilly saturday morning. high pressure overhead. generally about ve degrees milder than esterday at this time, mid 30's. light winds, but we have higher gus out there. weekend on tap. gh temperatures today, 41 to mostly sunny skies smsm possible tonight. r tomorrow, the big redskins mostly sunny skies, partly sunnby kickoff. >> mfifirst twitter photo comes from wisconsin. it is a sun pillar. that's an actual thing. i know i see your face, a little eyebrow raised there. >> what is that? >> it's light from the sun. a sun pillar. >> i'll stop asking questions now. >> and this one from california, too. if i could say jeez o. pete, i could say y'all. >> we appreciate it. moving on. emotional night at the cotton bowl between oklahoma and texas a&m. despite losing, it was a magnificent finish for one of the sooners players who has inspired everybody, beating cancer while never missing a game this season, even as he went through chemotherapy treatments. ron is back with that story. this is a great story. >> reporter: it really is, dan. big-time college football is hard enough. imagine practicing and playing for months. and doing well in the classroom to be named an academic all-american, all the while battling cancer. that's what a young man named austin woods, big number 50, on the oklahoma sooners, did. when austin woods hit the field with his fellow oklahoma sooners for friday night's cotton bowl classic, he was fulfilling a lifelong dream. >> when i was a little kid. and it's great to be living it. >> reporter: but it almost didn't happen. earlier this year, during spring practices, woods felt something wasn't right. >> i thought it was mono. i didn't know what it was. >> reporter: late in april, the junior offensive lineman found out it was hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of blood cancer. when he began chemotherapy, it appeared that woods would have to sit out the season. but he was determined to keep playing. >> it's up between your ears. your attitude and the heart you have. >> reporter: despite the harsh rounds of chemotherapy, which left him exhausted, woods kept coming to practice. >> one day, he'd miss a monday practice because he was in the hospital getting his chemotherapy. tuesday, he'd be out there on the practice field. >> reporter: treatment after treatment, woods charged ahead. on the field, and on his twitter feed, with progress updates like, fighters mentality, round two. six rounds of chemo down. and home stretch. all of them tagged #beatcancer50. all of his teammates fighting back. his biggest fans are his mom and dad. it was husband brother who showed him how to face down the big "c." when she was treated for cancer 50 years ago, liz woods didn't miss a single day of work. and woods tweeted, done with chemo. thanks, everyone, for all the support, throughout all my treatments. his cancer was in remission. >> it told me a lot about myself and what attitude and the right mentality can do towards overcoming obstacles in life. >> and austin is the sooners' backup center. but he saw plenty of action in the cotton bowl. he always wanted to play since he was a little kid. the game didn't turn out so well for the sooners. they lost to texas a&m. but for austin, it was a personal triumph in his heroic fight against cancer. >> he won something bigger. >> his mom was a terrific role model. ron, thank you. coming up on the broadcast, in your face. the story behind these close-up shots. we're going to hear from the photographer who this bear very much wanted to eat. look at those teeth. >> unbelievable. also, matt damon. what does he do to anger a major american industry? the controversy and the pushback from damon's new movie. and nobody's watching. the story behind this video that has instantly gone viral. can you imagine the if you ran into somebody doing that in the airport. that's coming up on "gma" this saturday morning. don't go anywhere. ♪ aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you. ♪ thank you. capella university understands nurses are dealing with a than wider range of issues. and there are ever-changing regulations. when you see these challenges, do you want to back away or take charge? with a degree in the field of healthcare or nursing from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to advance your career while making a difference in the lives of patients. let's get started at it'and start talking aboutt whawhat you really wanthroom. from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft and strong is stronger than the leading value brand, for a confident clean. good morning, washington. here.ster dave zarn fair skies on this seniority rning and chilly temperatures. t light winds r the most art across the area ou can see temperatures, 35 in urtonsville. washington. nds light out of the northwest. just to gher gususts us, but those subside. will going to like today. 46.erda we made it to a few degrees milder still seasonably . ol winds unny skies and northwest. tonight, a system comes out mostly clcloudy s skies, w showers, some ow flurry in the overnight hours. . accumulation expected 20's. tures in the the big redskins partly sunny there.ut kickoff, about 44 degrees. will be out of the going to , and it's next week. get mild till you see temperatur . d week in the 50's to friday, we get degrees. she's coming closer and closer. >> this is what happens when you get too close to nature. this is a 1,000-pound, 8-foot tall, very angry, very hungry polar bear. wait until you hear how the guy who took these pictures ended up in this situation. and how he got out of it. look at those teeth. "good morning america," i'm dan harris. >> and i wouldn't be surprised if that guy's voice sounded like mine after screaming with that polar bear. i'm bianna golodryga. bear with us. happy new year to you. >> thank you. >> i haven't said that yet. this morning, life after "twilight." christian stewart in her new movie role. >> big props to bianna golodryga for playing hurt. we admire it. and also coming up, kelsey grammer is considering a return to primetime. and his possible co-star could make for tv's next odd couple. we're going to tell you who it is, coming up in "pop news." first, the uproar over the new matt damon movie. it's called "promised land." it weighs into the controversy of natural gas drilling. the industry is punching back. the studio is calling this propaganda. and mark greenblatt is all over the story. >> reporter: this is a movie that drew fire months before it hit the theaters. now that it is there and has begun playing, parts of the energy industry are bringing the fight inside the theaters themselves. "promised land" with matt damon hit theaters in late december. but already has the energy industry blasting away at it. in the film, damon plays an employee for a big corporation, trying to convince small town landowners to lease their land for flaking, controversial natural gas drilling that can lead to fortunes. >> you could be a millionaire. >> reporter: but at what cost? >> my farm is gone. the land turned brown and died. >> reporter: now, the real-life industry is digging in. not for gas. but for a fight. calling the movie unfair. >> the movie presents an oversimplification. it doesn't do justice to the full spectrum of benefits we're seeing natural gas provides. >> reporter: one industry group is running commercials in three out of four theaters in pennsylvania, just before the movie begins playing. >> get the facts about natural gas developments. >> reporter: celebrities, have joined the campaign against fracking. >> i love my new york water. stop fracking with it. >> reporter: it's a cause that grew in momentum after the success of the award-winning 2010 documentary, "gasland." our water was good before they started drilling. when they were done, it was bad. >> reporter: back then, the industry battled back, denying potential dangers to human health. what a spokesperson did in this interview with dan harris. >> aren't people getting very sick living near natural gas drilling operations? >> i don't know that there have. >> reporter: for their part, the makers of "promised land" say they are not taking sides in the debate. >> we wanted to make a movie about american identity. we didn't want to give answers. we wanted to start a conversation. >> some environmentalists aren't happy with "promised land" saying they don't think the movie goes far enough to criticize fracking. maybe the movie is a success in getting people talking. >> if you angered both sides, maybe you're doing something right. mark, thanks very much. let's get it to ron. with breaking news. >> breaking news out of south america. the head of the italian fashion label missoni is missing this morning. the son of the company's founder and his wife and six others onboard that flight took off on friday morning. a search will resume later this morning. president obama is expected to fill one of the openings in his cabinet next week. the president will likely nominate former republican senator chuck hagel of nebraska for defense secretary. hagel is a combat vietnam veteran who won a purple heart while serving in vietnam. and the food and drug administration are proposing new rules to ensure our food is safe. it requires farmers to take more precautions against contamination. there's an estimated 3,000 deaths a year from foodborne illness. the holidays, it seems is just beginning for the elephants in the berlin zoo. they are being fed christmas trees. last week we had goats and cattle eating christmas trees. now, it's elephants in germany. time, now, for the weather. over the ginger zee. >> good morning. let's start in king county. we have a new storm coming in. and this one going to be a little warmer. a lot of rain in the seattle area. and all the way down the coast. i mentioned san francisco getting some. down to los angeles. and mountain snow, up to a foot in some places, in the cascades. and a little warmer for us in the east. and nashville, going up to 55 tuesday. 47 today. atlanta, close to 60 on sunday. washington, d.c., average of 43 this time of year. it would be above average as you end your weekend. something to look forward to maybe. we fly across the nation. l.a. 65 today. ft. collins, 39. good morning, washington. ostly sunny, seasonably cool 45.y, 41 to after some snow activity, redskins about 44egrees artly sunny y skies. >> this weather report brought to you by usaa. dan and bianna? >> thank you, ginger. coming up on "gma," up close and personal with a hungry polar bear. we'll hear from the cameraman who took these pictures. and could it be tv's new odd couple? kelsey grammer appears to return to primetime. his co-star, highly unlikely. not that dog, by the way. we'll be back with the details after a quick break. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? inside the brewer, there's this train that makes coffee stronger, bigger, and hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew what you love with the keurig vue. [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you had heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums talk about getting too close for comfort. try standing nose-to-nose with a polar bear. and having that moment caught on camera. >> we have been showing you the pictures all morning. it's part of a new documentary that's going to be airing soon on the bbc. the cameraman called it one of the scariest experiences of his life. check it out. >> can bite through. >> reporter: a face-to-face encounter with a 1,000-pound, 8-foot-tall polar bear. >> i can feel her pushing all her weight. >> reporter: wildlife photographer gordon buchanan came to arctic norway to photograph a family of polar bears. but he got closer than he planned. >> she's coming closer and closer. oh, my god. she is enormous. >> reporter: he's inside what he calls his ice cube. the on-ice version of a shark cage. and he's only equipped with his cameras. he's gather information before she approaches, like it could when stalking a seal. the strongest and weakest point, the door. >> reporter: the bear tries to claw his way in for 40 minutes. >> appreciate it for what this animal is. one of the most powerful animals on the planet. one of the most intentive animals on the planet. one of the few that sees us as food. >> reporter: food the bear is determined to get to. >> you can sniff me, good. >> reporter: a dangerous encounter that buchanan is actually lucky to have survived. >> it was one of the most terrifying things that i've ever done. and i did it intentionally. >> reporter: he says this close-up was worth the close call. >> it was a strange mixer of terror and comedy because it felt like a monumentally stupid thing to do. but it was incredible. >> i think monumentally stupid is a very description. sense of the room. i like to hear from ginger about this who is willing to do anything for television. would you actually do this? >> yes. >> i expected that answer. >> i went up to churchill, canada, looking at polar bears, as they moved out to hudson bay. in a much more secure vehicle than that. i wouldn't do it. >> bianna is writing her dance down. to save her voice. >> no. >> i would do it. coming up here on "good morning america," the secrets of kristen stewart. and what she wants to do now that her "twilight" years are behind her. "pop news" after this quick behind her. "pop news" after this quick break. we were potty training video. oh! what was that? but what they didn't know... go, go, go! was that we wanted to help little eli celebrate his first flush - in the biggest way possible. look! eli! first flush! celebrate your first flush - with new and improved pull-ups! and for even more fun, check out our pull-ups big kid app at i'm a big kid now! again! i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice or fruit teas softens the enamel so that then it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. i can have the best of both worlds with pronamel. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. yeah, but i'm so slow decotaking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal, right? it doesn't have to be. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. you'll love your new normal. all right. it's time for "pop news." our entertainment reporter and host of "on the red carpet" rachel smith, is in l.a. this morning. hello. >> good morning, guys. nice to chat with you. we have a bit of everything popping this morning. for starters, forget what you think you know about kristen stewart. the "twilight" star called herself, a sensitive, normal girl. stewart is promoting her new movie, "on the road." and said she would do any part just to be in the movie. and she told the mag, it's not about being fearless. but embracing the fears. stewart says she's open to anything, including broadway. tv could soon have a new odd couple. kelsey grammer and martin lawrence are reportedly considering pairing up in a sitcom. it may have an "odd couple" feel. this would be a return to sitcom roots. grammer played dr. frazier crane for 20 years. martin at his sitcom, "martin," for phi years. and interestingly, both played radio hosts. and "modern family" is a modern tv classic. but the cast is paying tribute to some of the all-time great shows. a series a amazing new photos. eric stonestreet, jesse tyler ferguson and aubrey emmons re-create "the honeymooners." and ty burrell and play "bewitched." sofia vergara, ed o'neill and play "i love lucy." and new episodes of "modern family" air wednesday nights on abc. and finally, holiday season travel is wrapping up. and it always seems to take its toll on travelers. but take a look at this video, guys. ♪ oh, yeah. that would be a woman named ankara tremor. busting a move at los angeles annual airport on you near's eve. i did not do this the last time i was at l.a.x. dance like nobody's watching. it's great, right? >> i'm surprised that nobody's turned around and staring at her. >> it only happens in new york. >> i mean, this is hollywood, folks. and the dance is called dance like nobody's watching. or the video, rather. and aside from a few people, everyone's focused on getting their bags and getting where they're going. this is one of many videos angela's created to take her fierce dance moves, like that one there, at the mall. >> that guy had to be playing it there. >> invisible. >> he's looking at her now. >> she got his attention. >> for a second. >> rachel, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> what a way to pass the time at the airport. >> great way to pass the time at the airport. i hope to see that next time i go to the airport. >> me, too. >> seen stranger things on the subway, actually. we'll be right back with more "gma." keep it here. 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[ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. this game is huge. ron claiborne's going to be watching, i know. >> absolutely. roll tide. am i allowed to say that? all right, notre dame. >> the bcs national championship, monday night at 8:00 eastern on espn. our sister network. we want to thank everybody for watching this morning. in particular, we want to thank this one, bianna golodryga, who woke up with no voice this morning. and toughed it out all morning. >> i'm sorry, guys. >> she did a great job. we'll see you back tomorrow morning, dancing like this. and in hd, this is an news udpate. good morning. taking a look at some of the top stories. the conviction of a d.c. man in beating of an elderly vendor been overturned. the 2005 incident receive the region becausee the attack was on camera. pendingremain in jail proceedings. u.s. attorney's office will decide if he will be retried. a building inspector is on leave afterve say he used his position to extort money from a restaurant. restaurant owner band for $1,000 a week be shut down. get ready for some delays on the orange line tomorrow. >> we have some good football weather on tap as well. looking at these guys, they are out there. high pressure over head. it is chilly. 36 in burtonsville. improve todayo better tomorrow. we are going to punctuate this weekend with a few snow showers and a few flurries. temperatures 22-30. tomorrow, game day at 4:30. partly sunny skies and temperatures 44 degrees. by next friday almost 60 degrees. is this winter? >> i love it. stay with us.


Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News With David Muir 20130105

over stolen iphones. tonight, the simple app that helps to protect yourself without going that far. and the close encounter caught on tape. the polar bear. the photographer who wanted to get close who was not expecting this. >> she's coming closer and closer. >> see what happens when the 1,000-pound bear tries to break through that glass. good evening. on this saturday night. great to have you with us here. we begin tonight with that unruly arling passenger trying to create a real scare in the air. witnesses say that he was drunk. over my shoulder, here's what the crew did, turning to duct tape to trap him. the passenger was on a flight from iceland to new york. witnesses say that he was drinking his duty-free liquor, allegedly claiming the plane would go down. passengers holding him down as the crew trapped him with the tape. that's just one case tonight causing real concern. the other concerns an captain, when authorities smelled something troubling on his breath. abc's lisa stark tonight on both fronts. >> reporter: you might call it instant justice. this man got so drunk and so belligerent on his flight, that fellow passengers duct-taped him to a seat and strapped his mouth shut, after he allegedly choked a woman and screamed that the plane was going to crash. the icelandic air flight was heading from iceland to new york, the airline tells us "he was restrained by passengers and crew and was monitored for his own safety." police took the drunk passenger to a hospital, he was not charged. in minneapolis, it was a pilot who allegedly had too much to drink, way too much. american airlines captain kolbjorn kristiansen was caught by chance. tsa and other officers smelling a whiff of alcohol as kristiansen was waiting for an elevator. by the time airport police arrested him, he had completed preflight checks for his commuter flight to new york and the 53 passengers were getting ready to board. kristiansen failed an initial breathalyzer test. today, we learned that it showed him way over the legal limit for pilots. that limit, .04, half that for drivers. >> we're going to roll it. >> what do you mean it, "roll it"? >> reporter: one of the current hit movies "flight." focuses on a drunk pilot who saves passengers. >> initial reports show that you had alcohol in your system. >> reporter: pilots are tested after any accident and face random alcohol tests as well. in the past decade about a dozen pilots a year have been caught. in one case, in 2002, tw0 american west pilots were caught drinking on surveillance tape the night before their flight. and tsa screeners smelled alcohol on their breath the next morning. the pilots were arrested before the flight took off. >> this isn't a major problem in the airline industry. but even one single occurrence is intolerable and can't be tolerated. >> smooth sailing. >> reporter: drunk pilots were the subject of abc's program "what would you do"? >> get two martinis, please? >> here, actors played the pilots to see if bystanders would intervened. they didn't. >> i think they're going to go fly a plane. he kept talking about new york. >> reporter: luckily bystanders aren't the only line of defense. for pilots who admit to an alcohol problem, there's a government program to help and it has a 90% success rate. allowing pilots to clean up and get back into the cockpit. david? >> lisa, thank you. that experiment really troubling. if you see something, flag authorities. >> lisa, thank you. meantime, rescue crews tonight are searching for a small plane off the coast of venezuela, after a plane disappeared off talkoff. on board the head of the famous italian fashion house missoni. abc's gutman on the search tonight. >> reporter: tonight, dozens of rescuers are scouring the southern caribbean vittori missoni, this twin-engine islander took off friday off of los roques, venezuela, his partner, two friends and two crew, it dropped from radar, just 30 minutes into the flight to the mainland, 35 years to the day after another flight from los roques also disappeared, killing 14. it's fashionable among the jet set. the runway there is long as the island is wide. often these puddle jumpers are the only way of navigating the caribbean. as abc news recently learned. missoni was known as the group's enthusiastic ambassador. >> i do marketing. so, it's quite the family business. >> reporter: he extended its bright metric design into asia and into the u.s., where he made high fashion affordable. tailoring milan cat walks to target. in 2011, the missoni launch at target sent off a shopping frenzy. venezuelan authorities say they're searching for the plane in a 300-square mile reus. so far, no trace. matt gutmans abc news, miami. >> our thanks to matt tonight. the headline out of aurora, colorado tonight. the town still reeling from the movie theater killings in the summer. overnight and into the morning hours, a gunman taking members of his own family hostage. in the end, three people were killed before authorities shot and killed the gunman. here's abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: the first shots rang out in the dead of night. police told neighbors to stay down. >> i'll be honest with you, i have never been so scared in my life. >> reporter: as police evacuated the neighborhood, a man barricaded himself inside this townhouse, he would not be talked out. >> he came to the second-story window with a gun and fired upon us a second time. this time, shots were returned. the suspect was hit. >> reporter: the suspect was killed. inside, police found three more bodies, two men and one woman. no names were released. but police say, at least some of the victims are related. just the latest gun tragedy in aurora, since last summer's movie theater massacre. with authorities asking again, why? that theater is just a few miles from here and many of the officers who responded here this morning were at that theater back in july. david? >> those same first responders. clayton sandell, thank you to you. >> just this week, the children of sandy hook elementary school went back to school to a new building. same desks were delivered. this weekend, not far from that community, though, controversy, over a gun show being held and the debate largely to how close the show is to newtown, how soon after the tragedy. mark greenblatt is in stamford, connects cut, tonight. >> reporter: just 40 miles away from sandy hook elementary school, a gunshow decided it must go on here. happening in the same city where the gunman's father live. >> the timing of this show incentive. >> i don't have a solid opinion on that. i'm not for or against it. but i would defend it by saying that it wasn't the gun. >> reporter: but the death of 20 kids and 6 teachers at sandy hook, prompted other gun shows to cancel their events. >> i felt that the timing of a gun show so close to that tragic event, would be in bad taste. >> reporter: but across the country, attendance at gun shows is up. buyers today at this minnesota show say, they're expecting more gun laws. back in stamford, dealers say they're doing nothing wrong. >> i have to make a living. life goes on. >> reporter: they say they're not selling any assault weapons here, just antique guns for collectors. still stamford major called the gun show insensitive. what would you say to the mayor? >> i would say he's wrong. >> reporter: why is he wrong? >> this is a private thing. he shouldn't be expressing his opinion on it. >> reporter: the opinion here it's just business. mark greenblatt, abc news, stamford, connecticut. there are reports tonight that cyclist lance armstrong is considering a confession, is it really part of a strategy to deliver a comeback? here's abc's neal karlinsky now. >> reporter: silenced and publicly disgraced, the "new york times" now reports that lance armstrong is considering publicly admitting that he used banned performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions during his cycling career, because he wants to persuade antidoping officials to restore his eligibility so he can resume his athletic career. according to unnamed sources. it would be a dramatic shift for armstrong who has fought with and sued anyone who accused him of doping for years and who remain defiant under oath in a civil case. >> how many times do i have to say it? it can't be any cleaner that i haven't taken drugs. >> it would be extremely out of character to see armstrong come forward now. the last time i spoke with him was in july. and his words to me were, there will never, ever be a confession. >> reporter: abc news learned that armstrong has quietly made comments, they share training data, where armstrong until a few days posted under a alias. challenging days for sure around the pelota house but brighter days ahead. less than a week, responding to a post about his critics, armstrong wrote, i got my life. they got theirs. i ain't trading for nothing. head high and heart full. the stakes are enormous and an armstrong confession could affect civil claims. days ago, he added this note to his twitter bio, revealing to his battle with cancer, met patients in 1996 but only now am i getting to know and appreciate her. neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> neal, thank you. alaska was rocked by an earthquake, the 7.5 struck off the coast of craig, alaska. many families rushing to higher grounds in some communities. the warnings have been canceled. back to the east now, and the communities trying to rebuild after hurricane sandy. so many angry after witnessing what played out in washington this week or what did not. did some lawmakers choose politicsover people? here's david kerley. >> reporter: with debris still covering lots, surrounded by damaged houses, it's the house of representatives that residents are seething about. >> maybe the house should come live at my house and see how they would live. they wouldn't take it. after a week they would run out of here. >> as you can tell, we had a floor. we had to rip it out. >> reporter: anne marie milne has stayed in her damaged rockaway park, new york, home. weeks without electricity, some warm food from the red cross, $2,400 from fema, but nothing from her insurance company, which says it's waiting for government flood insurance money. congress finally passed $9 billion to help pay out more flood claims, after northeast representatives shamed the speaker. >> they have suffered long enough. they need to hear from their government. >> reporter: but the major chunk of aid for the areas hit by sandy, $51 billion, won't be voted on for another week and a half. and already some republicans are questioning the spending. >> a great physical tragedy of today should never become an even greater fiscal tragedy for our children tomorrow. >> reporter: governors, including chris christie, loudly complain that delaying this aid hurts everyone affected by sandy. here's why. before a homeowner can rebuild, they need electricity, water supply, waste systems and passable roads. that infrastructure has to be rebuilt, and much of that money is stuck in washington. the worry? that homeowners may give up. >> the government is showing me that they don't care. and i don't know what else to do, besides leave, like the rest of the neighborhood. then what? where is this neighborhood going to go to? >> reporter: among the republican complaints in that $51 billion are $400 million in what they call pork barrel spending. also some republicans say, these emergency bills they should actually be paid for not put on the national credit card, david. zblrjts tomorrow, meanwhile, on "this week," republican senator mitch mcconnell will be among george's guests and the powerhouse roundtable tackles the debt. a royal mystery solved. we told you about this photographer of princess diana, just 19 years old, on a ski trip in switzerland. we don't know who the young man was. we have learned that the young man is adam russell, a friend of hers at the time. he had a crush on her but never told her, he now lives in a farm south of england where he and his wife run a bed and breakfast. there's still much more ahead tonight on "world news" -- the crime wave caught on tape. thieves swiping iphones. tonight, here, what one iphone user to take it in his own hands. he nabbed the thief. tonight, the one app you can download. you won't have to go that far. at a dry cleaner, we replaced people with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel®, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. we have reported today on spike of thefts in iphones. even michael bloomberg contributing the spike in crime to those phone thefts. tonight, one iphone user, who crafted his own sting tonight that worked. here's tanya rivero. >> reporter: he left his iphone 4 in a taxi on new year's eve. >> i immediately used my friend's phone to call it up. to see what was going on. it was turned off. >> reporter: the brooklyn musician becoming one of thousands falling prey to a growing crime spree called "apple picking." caught on tape. nearly 16,000 were reported stolen this year in the big apple, keeping new york police busy. >> if you just took out the thefts of apple products, our total crime rate would be lower than it was last year. >> reporter: but, unlike most victims, he got a lucky break, the crook started sending messages. from his phone using his online profile, trolg for dates. >> he was using my okcupid account. at like 6:00 a.m. to send messages to all of these girls. >> reporter: against police advice, he set up his own sting, creating a phony profile. with a cleavage baring photo plucked from the web. >> my best version of a flirty girl was adding emoticons and winky faces. >> reporter: the thief took the bait. "do you want to meet?" he replied, "yeah, i kinda do." they made a plan to meet up at his apartment. >> i confronted him right here. i put the $20 in his hands to diffuse the situation as fast as possible. but i had a hammer in my hand just in case. >> reporter: the thief handed over the phone, took the money and ran. >> he was dressed up and smelled like cologne and he had a bottle of wine. >> reporter: but authorities warn don't take it that far. what you can do is download a free find my iphone app. it will allow you to wipe all of your personal information remotely. >> it's free. still much more ahead here on "world news." on this saturday night. ♪ meet george jetson >> we all remember the jetsons. now, look at this, fastforward to all these years later, see the car doing the same thing. from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at long-term health benefits for men over 50. the one they used in that study... centrum silver. that's what i take. my doctor! he knows his stuff. 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[ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! we'll turn now to our "instant index" on saturday night. we begin with a glimpse into the future. cars with no drivers needed. a sneak peek at a lexus. there's no driver in that car. it uses radar, cameras and lasers to navigate the roads without human passengers. we told you several months ago about google self-driving prius. help people who can't drive around on their own. to our person tonight, james bond. and word of a tribute now that many 007 fans are calling long overdue, the oscars will feature a tribute to bond. a retrospective. >> bond. james bond. >> the specifics of the tribute will kept under wraps. including whether there will be a special appearance by the reclusive 81-year-old sean connery who was not long ago our "person of the week" here. to our picture of the night tonight. it comes to us from germany. a 12-year-old gorilla has been captivating visitors at a zoo. with his rare acrobatic talents. when he appeared to become homesick, zookeepers installed a tightrope to swing around from. instead he began balancing on it and a star was born. if you have an idea for the index, tweet me, find me on twitter at david muir. when we come back on the broadcast tonight -- the photographer and the polar and the close-up that photographer wasn't expecting. opening up his jaws and trying to break through the glass. what happens? when we come back. weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. 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[ male announcer ] how do you turn an entrepreneur's dream... ♪ into a scooter that talks to the cloud? ♪ or turn 30-million artifacts... ♪ into a high-tech masterpiece? ♪ whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. finally, tonight, a bear scare. unlike anything we have seen. one photographer looking to get up close and personal, but even for him this was too close to comfort. here's "good morning america" weekend anchor, dan harris. >> she's trying to see if she can crawl through. she's trying to see if she can bite through. >> reporter: a face-to-face encounter with a 1,000-pound, eight foot tall beast. >> i can feel it pushing all this weight. >> reporter: wildlife photographer gordon buchanan came to arctic norway to photograph a family of polar bears from a safe distance, but he got much closer than he ever planned. >> she is enormous. geez. gee whiz. that's why i've come here, to see these animals. to get to understand them. >> reporter: he's inside what he calls his "ice cube." an above water version of a shark cage. >> the bear's nose is thousands of times more powerful than mine. it's gathering information before it approaches, like it would when it's stalking a seal. my scent is strongest at the weakest point, the door. >> reporter: with her powerful 12-inch-wide paw raised the bear tries to get in for 45 minutes. >> being this close, i have an appreciation for what this animal is. it is one of the most powerful animals on the planet, one of the most intimidating animals on the planet, and one of the few animals that actually see us as food. >> reporter: food that this mother bear is determined to get to. >> it was one of the most terrifying things that i've ever done. but it was incredible. >> reporter: but he says this close up was worth the close call. dan harris, abc news, new york. >> be sure to watch dan and the entire team tomorrow morning on "good morning america." i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. from all of us here, have a good evening. good night.


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