Latest Breaking News On - Amelia thompson - Page 1 :

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Sunday 20180520

weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> good morning to you. to grateful to have you with us here, as we show the breaking news we are watching this hour. just stunning pictures out of hawaii. take a look at this. the lava spewing dozens of feet in the air and threatening to strand residents on the big island there and we will take you there live in a moment. >> the pictures coming out of that area are fascinating. they are remarkable. now to president trump doubling down on his theory a government spy from the obama administration infiltrated his presidential campaign. >> amelia thompson was personally invited to the royal wedding that made history and she is with us, sharing her experience from the big day yesterday. first, though, we want to show you what we are seeing out of hawaii if we want to take a look here. there is just spewing streams of lava. there have been dozens of earthquakes again this morning and chunks of flying flaming debris. >> hawaii is on high alert this morning. this erupting volcano it threatening to trap people on the big island. overnight officials warned that lava is flowing toward one of the main evacuation routes and hours after destroyed four more homes and forced helicopter rescues. let's go to scott mcclain who is in pahoa, hawaii. show is what is whapg thehappend you. >> the seventh fissure the seventh night we have seen it active and it looks look ik look a giant sparkler in the distance and really like a fireworks show that has been going on a week now. just continuously spewing lava out of the ground and it's a wonder it has gone on for this long. you can also see it seems to have diminished in size from our vanish point but that may be only because you can see as that lava comes back down, well, it's got to go somewhere. you can see it's actually created a bit of a mound beside it. you hear that explosion as well. there are two other fissures, smaller ones, it seems like, that will explode every so often and maybe once a minute or once every a couple of minutes letting off a big boom and sending lava high foot sky. here is the other thing we are watching and some of these other fissures have morphed into one big one. pan over this way. it is hard to see at this hour because rain is coming down and sort of blocking the view and creating a lot of steam but that orange glow there, the reason that is orange, that foggy haze over there is orange is because that is a flowing stream of lava there. there are a handful of fissures have sort of morphed together into one sending lava downstream and it is moving at a very good clip. officials said that it would reach the ocean either right around now. from our vantage point, we can't see whether it has or not, but that is at least is what is expected. it has crossed one road earlier today and in order to get to the ocean, it would have to cross another one and what we are talking about. victor, you mentioned it. potentially stranding some people and not really giving them a clear exit out of that area. there have been some people who have to be air-lifted. officials are also dealing with something in another area and that is brush fires that have been going on. we don't know whether they are still happening but earlier today, just a couple of hours ago, officials were urging one neighborhood for people to get out because of the brush fires caused by that lava control and they are getting out of control and they wanted people to have an escape route if things were to get worse. >> what is that sound behind you? is that rain or still some more explosions? >> reporter: it could be a little bit of both. it did start to rain and we are actually on a locresident's balcony. you hear the strange groaning coming from the fissures and like the land is not able to breathe. like a jet engine going back and an explosion as well. >> when we hear that, i want to make sure our viewers have an understanding what is going on. scott, thank you. would you be so kind to keep that picture up of the fissure of what is happening there while we go to allison chinchar who is live in the severe weather center? >> he may have to be careful of that in his proximity to where he is but not just him but the people around him. that could be very easily turn into some acid rain. for a reference point. for those who unaware of where he is, scott is located in the east rift zone. the main concerns there are the fissures as well as the lava flows but the other concern is actually at the summit. the main concern at the summit is going to be the ash. okay? that explosive eruption is imminent at this point and we are waiting to see exactly when that happens. when it does it's going to spew lava and ash high into the atmosphere. 20, 30, even 40,000 feet. not only does that cause breathing problems for people close by but could, in turn, cause some flight concerns. thankfully we have had no flight cancellations due to ash but they are monitoring it and here is the reason why. as that ash goes inside of those engines, it melts but you have air flow coming into it too. so then it quickly cools. the problem is then it sticks to the inside of that engine and it disrupts a lot of the air flow that is there. that is a big concern. now in addition to that, a lot of people keep saying, what do i do about travel? if have any travel plans to this island am i going to be safe? here is what you have to understand. from where this is located the both the summit and east rift zones on the eastern half of the island. if you have travel plans next to the national park you may have to cancel. the other side of the island is 70 miles away. the western half of the island is not compacted by this volcano not to mention, oahu and other islands hundreds of thousands of miles away. you have to be concerned if the ash is high into the atmosphere. >> allison chinchar, thank you for explaining that there. this morning, texas governor greg abbott is attending a church service in santa fe, texas. five of the ten victims in that school shooting. >> we are getting information that children sheltered in closets next to the dead bodies of their classmates as a teenager shouted and taunted them from outside. cnn correspondent is joining us from santa fe, texas. nick, we have spoken about school shootings, plural, about the number of have happened this year and the number of people killed but each person has a family. they have parents. they have siblings. we have to look at this in some micro scale here and you spoke with the mother of one girl who was killed here. what did she say? >> reporter: i did. those are great points, victor. sadie is one of the mother of the people, the ten people massacred at santa fe high school on friday morning. sadie says the last four months the alleged gunman was harassing her daughter shane that fisher so much so she felt she was being bullying and last week she had enough and standing up in the middle of the class and rejecting this alleged gunman and embarrassing him in front of his classmates and for that reason that sadie believes her daughter was targeted and she told me that one of the shotgun shells was meant for her. >> my daughter was going up to my mother, telling my mom for the past four months and my brother that he had been making advances on her and that she finally stood up to him because her younger sister was being bullied in school and she was showing her, look, this is what you do. you got to stand up to him and let him know, no, it's not right. and this is the outcome! you know? i don't -- i don't know what else to say. >> reporter: sadie baze was still in shock and you can tell there. we let her go after asking that question. she tells me she expects her 16-year-old daughter to walk through the front door of her house and she knows that is never happening again and something she is struggling with and a quick update on the investigation. we know, according to a source close to the investigation, that this gunman acted alone. initially, there were two people taken into custody in addition to the gunman they believe that were persons of interest. those two people have since been cleared. we also know that this was not months in the planning. it was actually, according to this source, probably about a few weeks. victor and christi? >> nick valencia there for us in santa fe, texas, thank you. shift to go national politics here. president trump could be weeks away from the biggest meeting of his presidency thus far and this with north korean leader kim jong-un. next, why he is calling, again, his own justice department over the mueller probe saying that they infiltrated his campaign. also, the day after their much-anticipated wedding what is next for prince harry and his new bride? the duchess of essex meghan mark markle? we will take you live to windsor for some of these details. because they've chosen the industry leader. subaru outback holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class, according to alg. better than rav4. better than grand cherokee. better than edge. make every adventure a happy one with subaru outback. get 0% apr financing on the 2018 subaru outback. uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. 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there are new reports of other countries allegedly hoping to influence the 2016 presidential election in favor of donald trump. >> you were talking about a story from "the new york times." according to them, donald trump jr. met in august of 2016 with a man who claimed to represent two arab princes and a media expert was there and a lawyer for trump jr. says nothing came from the second trump tower meeting. but according to one of the reporters who broke the story the relationship didn't end after the election. >> after trump is elected, george nader, working as an adviser for the uae, he's mr. zamle, the israeli social media manipulator owes him a lot of money. some of that money goes to provide a presentation showing what a big help to the campaign social media was. so if that campaign -- if that presentation was delivered to the trump campaign as it seems, then here is an offer to help for the campaign and here is a wrap-up afterwards saying look all of the help we did. >> joining us now is julian zeleny, cnn political analyst and historian and professor at princeton universal. we have a few things to hit but, first, i want to talk about this reported meeting with don jr. i guess it's trump tower meeting 2 here. the significance of this meeting but, specifically, with these men's. >> well, once again, it suggests that there were other countries potentially trying to influence the election and representatives holding meetings with donald trump jr., so it expands the scope of the inquiry and as we just heard, here, there is follow-through. we don't know what happened in the middle. we don't know if there was assistance provided but this is something to keep robert mueller going. >> we know that george nader has been cooperating with this investigation, so, potentially, again, he is several months ahead of the reporting we are seeing here. let's move on to something we saw from this joint statement released with china and the u.s., white house releasing this statement on saturday about trade talks saying and absent from this announcement, this statement, any numbers. the u.s. got into these traalks hoping to reduce the trade deficit by $200 billion and the number not coming out of the back end of these talks. without specifics what ground has been gained here? >> well, it's still a positive development in that we are moving away from a trade war and that is what the administration was hoping to do. it seems that china is preparing to make some concessions as the united states did last week. and we are moving towards some kind of deal, which is what the president is hoping for. not just to avoid a trade war, but to set up the summit with north korea where china will be a key player. so here we have the kind of chaos and the bluster from trump apparently leading to some positive results. >> let's talk now about north korea. a few days ago, vice president mike pence boasted the u.s. made no concessions in the talks with north korea thus far but north korea called off the talks with south korea unless and until the air combat training di ining dr called off and now the north korean red cross society is calling for 12 defectors in south korea and went through china to be returned at once. moon really wants to continue to work with north korea. we know how the president feels about the potential for some ground to be gained here. is it possible that there some concessions could be made, specifically on these air combat drills? >> it would have been inconceivable a year ago when president trump was using his tough talk to suggest there would be absolutely no concessions on anything. but we are in a different place. president trump badly wants this negotiation to work. i think the administration believes any kind of deal with north korea, which will entail south korea supporting it, would be a massive political breakthrough. not just a diplomatic breakthrough for the president. it's possible to see concessions. it's also possible to see this falling apart. you're dealing with two leaders in north korea and the united states who are willing to walk away from the table and who are willing to make big demands even if those risks everything falling apart. this is a very delicate series of diplomatic moves we are going to be watching. >> we will continue to watch. julian zeleny, thanks so much. >> thank you. well, harry and meghan are beginning married life this morning. the honeymoon is going to wait because the newly titled duke and duchess have something else on their plate. we will tell you what we learned. >> one young woman who was lucky enough to score an invitation will give us the scoop and she will be with us in a moment. as a control enthusiast, i'm all-business when i travel... even when i travel... for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? 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stella mccartney who dressed most of the guests at the wedding a great story there. oprah apparently turned up the day before the wedding and had a white outfit and looked at it on camera and felt the wrong color so stella mccartney made her a new outfit overnight before the wedding. i think she ended up in pink instead of white so stella mccartney a big this wedding. what is interesting everything has a message in it if you look at all of the elements of this wedding. we will find out more at the time. but that car that they drove off to the reception in was electric. these are two great conservationists here and so many elements of the wedding speak to things they care about and what they want to find them with their careers going forward. even the honeymoon. delaying that so they can go on a public appearance on tuesday to recognize prince charles. >> max, i wanted to ask you, we know there was a blue ring that was given to meghan. i believe the same blue ring that we saw princess diana wearing as well. i listened to a lot of the commentators talking about how they believe that londoners are embracing her as the new people's princess. with that said, is there any sense that the royal family is going to be doing anything differently with meghan than they did in the past, security wise and what not as they did with diana? >> well, i think what they learned about diana was you can try and control someone and tell them what to do, but, ultimately, it doesn't pay. and if the british monarchy had a crisis in the last century, it was after diana died, i'm separating wally simpson here, of course. the public rallied behind diana, not the british monarchy and it took years and years, probably not until kate and william's wedding for the ratings to bounce back. what they learned you can't control a high profile member like they tried to do with diana. what they have done with this wedding is giving harry and meghan a completely free raeng and do what you wanted so you saw so many of meghan's elements reflected in the service and she is asserting herself and has been allowed to do that. >> max foster, very good point. thank you. appreciate it. some 1,200 members of the public were given the opportunity to experience the royal wedding. among them is lisa newton and amelia is a survivor of the manchester bombing that took place just over a year ago. we are so grateful to see both of you. please, amelia, first and foremost, tell us about what stuck with you most yesterday. >> obviously, seeing the royas s go off in the horse and carriage. >> how are you doing? i understand, amelia, you had some injuries. you had some real serious injuries to your vocal chords and you've been through some therapy for that. how are you doing now a year later? >> she still has -- we have family counseling. she has had a couple of panic when we have been out around the crowds. it's an amazing atmosphere down in windsor and so many people from everywhere. the atmosphere is electric b but -- we just keep taking each day as it comes. >> i know you have some souvenirs from the wedding as well? >> yeah. >> they were giving out goody bags at the wedding! so do you have it with you? what was in it? >> this is the goody bag. >> there was some chocolate, and then there was this and this. >> and water. >> then afterwards, they were giving flowers out so we got that and then this. >> this is that. >> oh, my goodness. mom, you went to the wedding with her as well. what was your takeaway? was there any moment that struck you in particular? >> it was just really strange being there at a royal wedding. we were just -- people having champagne and it was like really amazing. when the ceremony was going o you could hear a pin drop and we got some amazing photos on the camera going past the bridesmaids and in the carriage. everybody got caught up in that and got pictures of them. >> real quickly. last word. amelia, anything you want to say to harry or meghan? >> congratulations! >> yeah, yeah. >> thank you for inviting everybody. you know, just pulling everybody together. we made some amazing people from around america and we can't thank everybody enough and everybody at cnn and fantastic. so thank you. >> oh, my goodness. absolutely. we are so glad that you're okay and what a special moment you had there with your mother. thank you. amelia thompson and lisa newton, we appreciate you both being here. >> thank you! >> absolutely. take good care. we are back in a moment. do not mistake serenity for weakness. do not misjudge quiet tranquility with the power of 335 turbo-charged horses the lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350 and a quiet interior from which to admire them. the lincoln spring sales event is here. for a limited time get 0% apr on the lincoln mkx. plus get $1000 bonus cash. pepsoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? 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>> yeah, i think that there could be. i actually don't think that this tragic horrible incident complicates the gun debate. i actually think it expands it. it still continues to be true that if you ban assault style weapons, you can reduce the amount of deaths of these massacres. it still remains the case from history that assault style weapons like the one that was used in parkland, for example, are the weapons of choice of those shooters who want to be able to commit as many deaths as possible and as much harm as possible -- >> what is the fix? >> sure. so in this debate, i think we need to expand it to look for example for liability for those owners who do have guns. apparently, this student's father had guns available in his home and, yes, he attained them legally, but, clearly, his son had access to them in some way, shape, or form. we need to look at what is the ability of adults in a household where there are minors that should not have access to guns by law but, yet, they remain accessible. i think that is something certainly that we need to take a look at and could have done something in this case to prevent this tragedy. >> jack? >> victor, let me say that i think maria has a point. put that on the table for discussion. but let me also say this in the wake of this horrible tragedy in which we just -- we not only more than for texas but for the entire nation. the school kids across the country, but rather than go to usual camps where the left want to say it's about the guns and the right say is there a flaw in the system, law enforcement did not do what they were supposed to do, we should look at the psychology of this, the american psychological association has studied this extensively. in fact, some of their findings have been used by the capitol hill police which i used to have jurisdiction over as a chairman of a committee, but one of the things they say is, you know, focus right now on school safety, what can you do about school safety? the left and the right can come together on that. the second thing is what to do about the behavioral threat assessment of these individuals because it's interesting that in these cases, the american psychological association and the secret service, have found that, number one, these things are planned. number two, in the planning process, the perpetrator often tells his peers and on an average, three different adults. and then there are flags about their behavior that we miss and by doing community assessment the right and left could agree on and be effective in terms of prevention. >> you point out the flags potentially missed. there were no huge red flags but there were mentions of a t-shirt that said "born to kill." and in hindsight you can read that, obviously, as something that might have suggested something coming but not always, of course. you mentioned school safety. i want to play for you something that the texas lieutenant governor dan patrick said about this school and others. watch. >> there aren't enough people to put a guard in every entrance and exit. had there been one single entrance possibly for every student, maybe he would have been stopped. >> jack, the inverse of arming all of the entrances, cutting the number of entrances? the argument here is that there are too many doors? >> you know, it's horrible because i've played this over and over in my head, you know, going through it. what would you do? because it's interesting that last week at dixon high school in illinois, an officer named mark dallas actually prevented a school shooting because he was an armed guard in the right place at the right time, but as the lieutenant governor said, you just can't have that. it's not practical. so do we want the schools to become, like, tsa airport type entrances and exits? i don't know that we can. i don't know that it's practical. but i do think, you know, getting back to behavioral threat assessment where you have not just teachers, but everybody kind of in the food chain around these children who can recognize some of these symptoms and according to the american psychological association, it may come out that this perpetrator actually did give more hints than that one t-shirt. he probably told some of his fellow students but, you know, how teenagers are. they say things you don't know if they mean it or not and that is why it's so hard. is there no one profile you can say, ha, this is the guy that is the next murderer. >> go ahead, maria. >> victor, i think what jack is saying, all of the points he is making actually underscores my point that -- should be put on the table because that certainly is not something that the nra supports, we know that. but that all of these shootings' remember this school shooting this year takes the fatality of school shootings as more than our members in the military. think about that. for now it is more dangerous to send your kids to to school than the military. that is a disgusting statistic that american should not be facing and, yet, we are. jack talks about the psychology behind all of these issues as well. we should look at the psychology behind our gun culture. why are we so obsessed with having as many guns as possible? there is absolute correlation between the amount of guns that this country makes accessible to its citizens versus the amount of shootings and gun deaths as compared to other countries that do not have this obsessive gun culture and a group like the nra that is absolutely against anything having to do with any kind of gun safety, and the amount of gun deaths in those countries. we have to take a hard look at that and i know that there are people on both sides that don't want to, but at the end of the day, that is a real correlation was that we need to wake up to. >> just as, you know, nra, i'm sure, would push back and say there is a difference between pushing back against gun control and gun safety. one point i wanted to put in there. >> not really. >> it's an interesting element we are seeing and i have to wrap up here. they do as well, jack. but what nick valencia is reporting from santa fe the community is not looking for a legislative fix after this. they are looking at focusing on inclusion for students to seeing if that could help in some way and departure from what we are seeing from other communities after these shootings but nick valencia is still continuing to report what is happening in that community after the shooting on friday. thank you both. >> thanks. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick sits down with jake tapper on "state of the union" this morning to talk about the santa fe school shooting and senator mark warner is also on the show and that is today on cnn at 9:00 a.m. escalating fears in hichl because streams of lava are shooting into the air. live pictures of what is happening there right now and there is real concern over health conditions as we have also learned lava has crossed over a significant highway there and take you to the big island ahead. the president welcoming the first lady home on social media. there was an initial typo and left a lot of people in the twitter verse going, who is melanie? 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