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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Meeting 20090724

emanuel to keep in line. lots of news happening today. let's go to contessa to get things set up. three hours from now the sergeant will speak to the media. he is refusing to apologize for arresting gates. gates said he was unfairly targeted because of his race, and he may sue the police department. and obama made it national attention when he said the police officers quote acted stupidly. you can see the news conference live on msnbc at noon eastern. and the reverend jesse jackson will be coming up. congress will not vote on a health care plan before the recess. and harry reid and max was called in for a chat. he will do that at 11:30 this morning. he says he will push the lawmakers forward despite the delay. >> i just want people to keep on working. just keep working. i want the bill to get out of the committees, and then i want that bill to go to the floor, and then i want that bill to be reconciled between the house and the senate, and then i want to sign a bill. i want it done by the end of this year. >> senator reid suggests slowing things down on health care for now, and his reason is because moderate republicans that criticize the president's rush to act. new developments in the michael jackson investigation. police say conrad murray is the subject of their investigation. they are looking at row adengs cards, and e-mails, and images from his computer. a more on this coming up in a live report from the second half hour of the the "morning meeting." >> palin's popularity is slipping. 40% hold a favorable view, the lowest since last fall. 53% have a negative view. wall street opens for business in 30 minutes. we will look at the dow starting above the 9000 mark since january, and the highest level since november. and as wall street celebrates, don't forget taxpayers -- like we can forget this, on the hook for $24 trillion by some estimates. we don't know how much we are on the hook for, dylan? >> we know it's in the trillions. trillion is the new billion, if you talk to the kids. thank you contessa. >> sure. we assumed all the debt as the taxpayer to make things function, and now in order to get out of here, we need jobs in this country. worse than we have needed them in a long time. the question is how do we create jobs for americans so we don't have to deal with all that debt? nobody that i have met in my life has proven a better record in recent american history at picking businesses and industries that are more likely to prosper in the future than our next guest. it's an honor to have him at the meeting. and everybody thinks they can pick winner, and imagine you are so good you made $60 million over your life. it's a pleasure to have you, welcome to the program. i appreciate you taking the time. >> thanks, dylan, and i am glad to be here. >> let's talk about the importance of understanding the basic principles of capitalism, which is what you applied by picking winners to create economic development. you are good at it. you are making an effort here to try and teach that very basic principle to children in this country. tell us how you are going about that effort and why you think it's so important. >> well, a friend of mine named andy hayward is marvelous at telling stories to young people, and he did something called liberty kids, and this is a great succession on children's programs, and seeing the eyes of the kids at that time, and i watched those episodes myself and learned a lot about american history, and he planned a program that will come on soon and it's called the secret millionairs club, and we are going to try and entertain and interest young people, and we are going to try asand deliver messages to them that will help them develop habits to make them live a better financial life. we are counting on being able to get across to them, habits they develop now. because if they develop the wrong ones they will have a heart time. >> warren buffett is going to teach me to do my best, to invest and have a lot of fun doing it ♪ in the secret billionaires club ♪ . >> you thinned your thefl down for the cartoon? >> i told them to make me look like george clooney, but they did not get the job done. >> you drop add few pounds. >> that's the only way i can do it. >> let's discuss if we can, your skill set. what i find impressive about you is not that you are rich, but you are rich because you can determine what is likely to be valuable in the future. we need people like you to give people money that have great motivation to create jobs in this country, and i am curious how you would advice our politicians and people as to how we create jobs in america now. >> well, the interesting thing is we have a system that works on that dylan. if you go back to the revolutionairy times, who would have thought that there would be all kinds of jobs and nobody knew the car was going to come along, or the airplane or more recently software. we have ingenious people in the country, and we have a market system, a rule of law, and equality of opportunity, that basically unleashes human potential. we have been doing it since 1776. we will keep doing it. it gets interrupted from time to time. >> the interruption could be debt, which imprisons people. >> yeah, you will find in our secret millionaire's club, plenty advice about getting in debt. we want to stay away from credit cards. >> is it too late? >> no, it's not too late. we came out of world war ii with its debt equalled to it's gdp. and we had an army of people that came back that did not have employment originally. this country works, and it will continue to work. it doesn't work every day or week or year, and every time it works march vusly. >> your faith is in american ingenuity and innovation to create the jobs that we will need. >> that's what worked for the last couple hundred years. >> we had a guy that came on with a driverless car. would you ride in it? >> sometimes i feel like i am in a driverless car. >> enjoy your day, okay. >> okay, thank you. >> warren buffett there. much more ahead. before i take a break, i want to bring in eliot spitzer who will be with us the next couple hours. we need to create jobs in this country and we all know that in order to deal with the debt load and all the rest of it. there seems to be -- we can roll the dice on the innovation of america, which is the best bet, but how do we help that payoff? >> part of it is tax structure, and taking the dollars that we have and not putting them in old shells, but krputting it in this that create things. and the united states was the only nation in the world with that rule of law back with milgs class, and all the growth was internal. now we are facing a international dynamic, and making it challenging, and it's a much more difficult moment. >> sometimes the only way forward is forward. >> absolutely. we will take a break. elliott here is for a couple hours. and jesse jackson will be along to talk about professioner gates. we are back in a second, as the gates arrest is a full blown racial economy. we need to be willing to talk about the black men in america are treated different by the police by any other group of people. let's talk about it. we'll do that. again, reverend jesse jackson and others coming through in the next little bit. to stay on top of my game after 50, i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day men's 50+ advantage... has gingko for memory and concentration. plus support for heart health. that's a great call. one a day men's. mom vo: i can't start the first grade with her. mom vo: i can't hold her hand on the bus. mom vo: or be there to show everyone how great she is. mom vo: but what i can do is give her everything she needs to be excited for school, while staying in my budget. mom: that's why i go to walmart. mom vo: she has everything she needs. and then some. anncr vo: get them everything they need to succeed at an unbeatable walmart price. vo: back to school costs less at walmart. vo: save money. live better. walmart. i have extraordinary respect for the difficulties of the job the police officers do. them responding was the right thing to do. my suspicion is that words were exchanged between the police officer and mr. gates, and that everybody should have just settled down and cooler heads should have prevailed. >> the president there, of course, trying to alter his tone backing off from his comments where he suggested the police in the case acted stupidly. you could not make it up. we have a harvard scholar, a specialists, a professor of race. we have a police officer who is one of the most achieving police officers in the force, who is a specialist in training other police officers in racial profiling. and we end up in this situation. an opportunity for an incredible conversation in this nation. what is going on? >> i think everybody is digging in their heels. it's fair to say professor gates and the sergeant have different versions of what happened when they encountered each other at gates' door. this is what gates' said happened when he met the officer at his door. he gave him his i.d. and followed him out to the porch, and the officer is the first one that got angry. this is what some of the professor had to say. >> people want to protect the police. the chief of police here yesterday said he did everything by the book. this is how sergeant crowley describes what happened. >> this was not a back and fourth exchange of banter or arguing. this is one-sided. i did not want to have to take such a drastic action, because i knew it would bring a certain amount of unwanted attention on me. nonetheless, that's how far professor gates pushed it and provoked and would not stop it. >> that was an interview with a boston affiliate here. and there are voices of moderation stepping up. and this is what bill cosby had to say about the situation yesterday. >> it's very, very important, as far as i am concerned, for these two people to come together and throw out every bit of ego or whatever they have, and just say, this is what happened. you don't even have to apologize to each other. you don't have to shake hands. you sit together and you say to the public, this is what happened. so people can go on about their lives without worrying about what color one happens to be and whether that color was right or whether this color was wrong. >> it seems unlikely that will ever happen. both gates and crowley are refusing to apologize. each is pointing the finger at each other. and both are bringing different perspectives to what happened. we will, of course, never know what happened in the house when the two men were alone. the police department here is contemplating releasing 911 tapes, and also the transmission between the police officers who were at the scene hoping perhaps there was background noise. nothing was reported directly. there may be some of the conversations between crowley and gates in the background, and the police department say they will have an independent outside investigation to clear it up and try and tell the public what really happened. >> thank you, ron, you cannot make it up. it's not only a white cop and black man in his own home, but a white cop trained to a point where he teaches other cops of how not to fall victim of what people are irn harnt to, and then a man making his career -- it's like a -- go ahead, tory. >> clearly he knows how to navigate working with white people, and in this situation he doesn't know how to deal with one cop. a lot of people putting up, who made this about race? mika wanted to say that gates made it about race? race is not a card that we can pull out, now we are dealing with race and before we were not. you are white and i am black -- >> as soon as i say it's black, it is rachel. >> but it's also racial when two white people are dealing with each other. you don't think about that, but that's also racists. >> jonathan, are you there? >> yeah. >> i think this is the emotional charge on this. and setting aside with the players on this. what bill cosby said is what i agree with. but there is a history and a currency right now of black men being treated differently by police statistically, by any other group of people in the country. and 66% more are pulled over. and 30% of the black population accounts for 55% of the traffic citations. that charges the situation. they have a preexisting condition, and now i get into the room, and whatever happens doesn't matter, and i come out and i am now given the opportunity, this is an opportunity, in my opinion, to deal with the statistics, and talk about what we can do to become more aware and better at identifying real criminals and not presuming criminality on those that happen to be black men. >> right. dyl dylan, your question is a nice set up for a column that i am working on for sunday's paper. this is a teachable moment. we have had teachable moments for years, where something happens and everybody comes together and says i cannot believe this happened. look at the statistics, and look at this and that experience. within two or three days, it's over. and i think that we are going to keep going on this well-worn cycle, this well-worn pattern until we can get to the point where we can have an honest conversation about race. sitting across the table, it's not going to be a government program or court decision, and it's not going to be movies and documentaries, or anything like that. it's going to have to be a very personal, from-the-heart conversation. the problem that we have here is you can only that have part of the conversation, the messy, uncomfortable conversation, if you have trust. right now, i don't think as a nation we trust each other to have that kind of intense conversation. >> i have to wrap it up. >> what you just eluded to, dylan, the numbers are unbelievab unbelievable. jonathan, you are right, we need to have the honest conversation. this is a very long arch this conversation, and we do have an african-american president, so we are making progress. it doesn't mean -- i know skip gates, and he is a brilliant man and he is a friend. i don't know the sergeant. he, by all appearances is a very decent individual that has an exemplary record. we have to deal with this. these are two good people. >> i believe the door is open for the conversation to happen. i think bill cosby is on the right path. i think everybody in the conversation is saying things that are true, and more importantly, useful, that have volume -- if we are going to have problems, health care, race, banks, i don't care, let's use the crisis and the conversations to solve them. jesse jackson coming up at 10:00 a.m. to do that with race. first we will take a break, and we are back with the governor -- former governor, and toury, who could be governor one day. >> stranger things have happened. >> and we will have the federal reserve play goodwill for america. jesse jackson also coming up. you could buy 300 bottles of water. or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet. if we don't act, better for the environment medical bills will wipe out their savings. if we don't act, she'll be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. and he won't get the chemotherapy he needs. if we don't act, health care costs will rise 70%. and he'll have to cut benefits for his employees. but we can act. the president and congress have a plan to lower your costs and stop denials for pre-existing conditions. it's time to act. we have been trying to figure out a way to explain what happened in the country with the dow going back to 9000. and we are going to play a game with tory and elliott and see if we can do this. this is what is ahead in the next half hour. the federal reserve has handed out trillions to save the banks. we know this, or at least the assume the risk of trillions to keep the economy functioning. what is it the fed doesn't want us to know? why do they not want us to know what they took from the banks to make it function? why is the taxpayer left holding the bag? also, the most unique walk you have ever seen. rabbis in a huge money laundering scream. one accused of an organ selling ring. we are talking about that coming up. 150 gs will get a kidney. >> no, 160, but they might be dropping. we will take a look at some big-time films not only opening this weekend, but we will talk about movies our panelists liked to watch. and the market is stabilizing and now we have to keel with how we open the parachute. and that's why i want to pick up, if i can. shall we convene another portion of the meeting? yes, we shall. i will play a game, and i have the former governor and ag here to make sure we play the game honestly. this is the central bank of the united states, i will become all of the banks. i am citigroup, and aig, and lehman brothers, and that's me. >> i can wear this at the u.s. open and root for federer. >> yes, it's a dual purpose. >> i love this game! >> enjoy yourself. it's the future wealth of america in your hands. >> i am not a promising pile of money for the future. >> well, so much money in there, 20th century money. a little bill get you a lot. last fall, when the system froze up, the banking system froze up, and the problem was, elliott, what? >> the problem was there was an unbelievable debt that supposedly had all of the credit default swaps, and a housing market that had been involved at 100 x, and now it's only valued at x. >> the banks lent all the money to pump up the houses. in lending the money, they make billions for themselves? >> yeah, they securitized the debt, and sold it to a marketplace, and some held none of it because they knew it was not going to be worth much. they sold it to people unknowingly. the value drops, and the banks have a lot of debt kau lcollat l collateralized by this, and boom, bankrupt. >> and you are ben bernanke, and you are dealing with total insolvency, and i am the bank and i am holding a pile of garbage. and the federal reserve using taxpayer money becomes a goodwill store for the bank. the banks take all of their garbage to the federal reserve, and like the goodwill, the banks are able to right in what they believe what the value of the goodwill bag is. and that was $13.9 trillion if you don't mind, for the bag. $13.9 trillion, please. thank you. now the fed gives the banks the money. and that is by the way a good thing in the short term, because that's why the economy functioned again and the dow goes to 9000. fast-forward to this summer, july of this year. we want to know what is in the garbage bag. this garbage bag represents the risk of the future of the country. this is worth -- >> don't tell anybody. the fed does not want anybody to know. >> can i let the referee know? >> no, he wants to know. why is it so important to know what is in there to america? >> i want to know what you knew it was worth and when you knew it was worth. if you knew it was zero, why were you doing what you were doing? >> congress asked the chairman of the federal reserve to tell us what is in the bag. what did you give the money for? ron paul is an outsider, and seen as a fridge player, and he has hundreds of signatures inside congress to find out what is inside of the bag. ben bernanke, when asked what is inside of the bag and why he doesn't want to say what is in the bag says the following, if i disclosed more information about what is inside of what the banks gave the today, it would inhibit discussion. if i disclosed what is inside the bag, it would inhibit the provision of information. providing information about what is inside the bag of goodwill from the banks, which is all the bad debts that was given to the fed, would inhibit the provision of information. and it would provide the sense that congress was second guessing or trying to override the feds. i want you to think about congress' relationship with the federal reserve. and the problem is the federal reserve just extended $14 trillion of our money, our children's money, and america's future, our national security, and now they don't want to talk about what is in the bag, and they did it because the banks created a garbage bag full of bad debts. does that make sense, jonathan? >> i am confused by one thing. isn't the difference between the fed and the cia is the fed is kwan sooi independent of congress, and -- >> absolutely, absolutely. >> wouldn't that be trampling on their ataun me? >> yeah, the fed benefited over that, and the fed has done a disastrous job since paul left. i hate to break it to you. >> hey! >> no, they blew it bubble after bubble. they failed to understand what they were doing to the economy. they created multiple bubbles. we need to ask the hard questions. the most poignant example for me is the aig bailout, that went billions that went to the payments to the investment banks that are now insolvent. they did not ask what had been going on. this begs and cries out for hard, tough compassion. and it was run by the banks. you look at the governing structure of the new york fed, and it was run by the banks that got the money. this is a ponzi scheme, an outside job. >> and ron paul, there may be better pieces much legislation than his, and i am not familiar with it -- >> peel back the layers of the onion. the fed needs to be examined carefully. do not buy their lather, we have been good, let us off. just the opposite, they have done terrible. >> the vehicle was this here, where banks created a pile of garbage, that they paid themselves billions of dollars in personal conversation, and then stuck the trillions of dollars of garbage with the american taxpayer. that to me is stealing. >> yeah, no question. when obama took over -- go before that. there was no question, there needed to be an enormous infusion of cash into the financial system. the questions that follow, one who pays for it. we were not given shares or enough collateral. and then shares in aig. second, were they going to restructure the system to go forward? the answer is no. we still have too big to fail. >> that's the most outrageous thing. all this happened, and still we are not seeing honesty about the '90s under the clinton administration, and then under bush, something that allows the banks to create this garbage. and the banks send politicians to help them do garbage like this. >> oh, put it back in. we don't want to know. >> more discussion after this. and then - wham - here i am smacking the pretty off that windshield of yours. oh, what you're looking for an apology? well, toss another coin in the wishing well, pal. it's not happenin'. limb: hey, what's up, donnie? how you been? anncr: accidents are bad. anncr:but geico's good ding! with onsite windshield replacement. my daughter was with me. i took a bayer aspirin out of my purse and chewed it. my doctor said the bayer aspirin saved my life. please talk to your doctor about aspirin and your heart. i'm going to be grandma for a long time. but now they have new areas where i can find the brands i use every day-- and save even more. so that's what they mean by unbeatable. we are talking to jesse jackson at the top of the hour about race relations. and loretta sanchez on the health care beat. rahm emanuel wanted to have a conversation with the blue dogs about getting help. we will have that conversation coming up. i never thought it could happen to me... a heart attack at 53. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk factors... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something. now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guard. but maybe you can learn from my story. have a heart to heart with your doctor... about your risk. and about lipitor. good day, everybody. police are now on the record considering charges against dr. murray. and katherine jackson says she needs more money to care for michael's children. >> we are learning prosecutors are building a manslaughter case, and more importantly what we have learned from court documents just filed, they are building the manslaughter case specifically against conrad murray. he is the cardiologists, jack suns' personal physician when she was in the house. and he was hoping to give him cpr in his final moments of life. they conducted a search warrant and executed the warrant at his office in houston. we showed you that video. and the storage locker, the video you have seen. and we have information about what they found inside. this is all according to the search warrant. police took out rocards, and drugs, two vials of drugs, and notices from the irs, and computer hard drives. all of that will be used to possibly build a manslaughter case against dr. conrad murray. what is important in this case, probably next week the coroner will result the final toxicology results. it could be suicide for cause of death, or an accident, or homicide. if they choose homicide, prosecutors could move fast. >> and katherine jackson asked for an allowance to help kid for the children. that's on hold right now. 40% of americans could get sick from swine flu over the next two years. and as many as several hundred thousand could die. the projection could drop if a vaccine campaign is successful. and undergoing a heavy maintenance check, the nose of this plane, a boeing 767 folded up. the plane's nose went grinding on the ground. nobody was hurt here. the company is investigating that. the plane cost between $144 million, and $160 million. oops. dylan. sorry? >> it's okay. we will do a quick spot for weather. and first and foremost, we need to know where the jet stream is. >> by the way, congratulations. >> thank you. >> you and i are living through the coldest july on record in new york city. well, since 1888. that's over 120 years. unbelievable. the jet stream, all the way up the west coast, and down through british columbia, and then back up through buffalo. the change? new england. this is the warmest weekend from the mid-atlantic up through new england this summer. we have a chance for hitting 90s for the first time -- >> this is madness. how can that possibly happen? it's hot here. >> the cool is north of the green line, and that's the great lakes. and chicago has not hit 90 yet this summer. they have not done that yet in july. they have always hit it. and the hot, all out west. everything out west will continue to be hot. portland and seattle have a chance to get to the middle to upper 90s by the middle of the weekend. >> partly cloudy, and the first time we will get hot in the east. i am assuming florida is hot? >> it's typical. humid. >> if you are a weather man down there, you just, you know -- i don't want to get in trouble with the weather men in florida. >> they know very have a good gig. >> yeah, lots here on the "morning meeting." time for the "morning meeting" movie reviews. first ever. what is out, and what should you see? we're back with movie reviews, and also jesse jackson coming up. multivitamin in a drink mix. with more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping you hydrate. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly healthy. heading into the weekend, these might not be considered summer block busters but the movie companies hope they can get people to the theater. we talked about this yesterday on the meeting. "orphan" maybe you shouldn't portray orphans as sociopaths and might give kids who needs parents a negative image. "the ugly truth" she is sophisticated and he is not and opposites atrack, blah, blah. disney's animated film did a team of guinea pigs. out ho save the world. dylan? >> they'll save us! you got to do a create job doing that, making cartoons and enhance that stuff. anyway. i'll stop. we're doing movies here. how will you spend your saturday? mr. capehart, are you going to see what is coming out or something on the dvd shelf? the way we do movies at the meeting is talk about what you got. what do you got? i. i think i might be first in line to see "orphan." who doesn't like a murderous kid? >> psycho annie! let the good times roll. >> we know how hollywood works she will come up in the movie and just a matter of how. and the audience will cheer. the other is "the proposal." i don't know what it's about or how long it is, but it has ryan reynolds and that is all i need to know! >> what about you, toure? >> we learned something about you, jonathan, today today. the movie i would say go see is "hurt locker." maybe of the best iraq war movie we've had so far starring staff sergeant william james is this cowboy who wants to go to the bomb and diffuse the bomb. like a macho guy like we haven't seen on screen in a while. the thing i'm waiting for, because i'm not going to the movie this weekend, i'm going to jamaica. i'm out of here! >> he was with the fed last segment and took some of that money! >> mr. jet-set over here. >> i'm waiting for funny people, this is exciting. any time judd aptitude directs a film, it's big laugh. a new form of comedy and more regular people and rhythms and timing. seth roguan, adam sandler. >> you are prepared. >> andy dig. >> i'm always prepared. jason schwartzman. funny people is going to be funny. >> what about you, governor? >> i'm with toure and see "hurt locker." seems to be a great move in terms of our understanding what is going on. i was taken with one of my kids a couple of months and scared the pants off me because she was going off on a vacation and show you how bad i am. i sat at home late. that was bad timing and sat and watched "yes, man" on the tv with my wife. i don't give myself high skills in critical skills in this domain. "funny man" i want to see that. >> what about dylan? >> i did this segment in order to learn. i have no idea! >> dylan, you need a break. >> javier demps says he is not doing wall street, too. disappointing. that movie i'm waiting for. >> the movie is canceled? >> no, but javier doesn't want to be in it. >> got it. >> a casting issue. we'll be all right. >> thank you, gentlemen. i was just going to sit around this weekend and just read about the fed. i was going to read he will ot's column. >> we're not talking about "bruno" so did it disappear? >> i think a 40% drop from the first to second week. >> quickly, jonathan. >> he will ot, see it on cable or on dvd. funny bits. >> what? >> interesting. my picture of a naked man running around. >> and talking body part. >> she said don't see it. she said it's embarrassing. >> i'm sure. too many naked men running around. it'so. gavin palone said he never saw so many -- while on a movie screen. he said as much anyway. >> you know why he got uncomfortable? well, i don't know if i can say this on tv. the penis talks. that's all i have to say. >> there is a talking penis in the movie? >> bruno is all i will say. >> i don't know what it said because we were laughing so hard you couldn't hear it! >> can we go back to the fed? >> we are going to take a break. the reverend jesse jackson is here. no talking penis, i will guarantee you that. we will be back on health care, race and a variety of other things coming up. ♪ for just nine dollars, you can get them shoes from names like danskin now and starter. ♪ select eyeglass frames are just $9 at walmart -- and they have a 12-month guarantee. ♪ juniors tops from op are $9 too. and you can get them the school supplies they need to start the year for just $9 total. nine dollars. considering what you get... that's a really great price. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. it can be tough living with copd... but i try not to let it slow me down. i go down to the pool for a swim... get out and dance... even play a little hide-n-seek. i'm breathing better... with spiriva. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd... which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i take it every day. it keeps my airways open... to help me breathe better all day long. and it's not a steroid. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, or have vision changes or eye pain. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects may include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. every day could be a good day to breathe better. announcer: ask your doctor if once-daily spiriva is right for you. just want to do the right thing. [ humming ] should my mom have our grandfather move in with us, or put him in a nursing home? should my brother stay in college if he knows my dad might lose his job? should my parents spy on my sister, even if it's for her own good? deep down, i think most people just want to do the right thing. [ family laughing ] they just don't always know what it is. [ family laughing ] all right. good morning to you. welcome back. friday morning, 1-1 a.m. in the east and second hour the "morning meeting" looks like this. resetting the agenda for you. a full-blown racial debate in this country. the arrest of of a prominent harvard professor said because he was black led to his erase. the police say this had nothing to do. the battle of egos. health care battle getting ugly on the hill. some of the president's own party members making it tough for him to get reform through, perhaps because they started a debate who is going to pay for it before we talk about how we're going to do it. it's crazy! talk live to one of those asking tough questions. blue dog dem loretta sanchez, i hope she keeps asking tough questions. a sweeping sting in new jersey yesterday. accused of money laundering. mayors and politicians and some arrested for alleged organ selling. 160 gs will get you a kidney off your local rabbi. we'll debate the market for that and what is going on in our government. so long to sarah palin. last weekend in office and she is celebrating with her staff. a new poll out today, what does america think? is sarah palin a maverick or a fraud? 10:00 a.m. let's get back to work. story harvard professor and a well-trained and es scheme esteemed police officer out of cambridge teaching racial profiling, in fact, continues to escalate a conversation between the relationship between the police and black men in this country, to say the least. both henry louis gates and the arresting officer, srting james crowley are speaking out. the president finds himself in the middle of it and it continues to develop. ron allen is on the beat in cambridge and has the latest. hi, ron. >> hi, dylan. yeah. the president is continuing to speak out about this. interestingly, a couple of days ago, the white house said that the president wanted to say something about this and that racial profiling has been a concern of his for a long time dating back to his years in the illinois state legislature. he was asked about the case again last night. here is some of what he had to say. >> i have extraordinary respect for the difficulties of the jobs that the police officers do. as i said, them responding was exactly the right thing to do. and my suspicion is that words were exchanged between the police officer and mr. gates and that everybody should have just settled down and carolina heads should have prevailed. >> you have to remember, also, gates and the president are friends and worked together on a number of things over several years. sergeant crowley was listen to go that interview and spaep especially one from a day or so ago where the president said the police officer acted stupid by stupidly. >> i was a little surprised and disappointed that the president, who didn't have all of the facts by his own admission then weighed in on the events of that night and he made a comment that, you know, really offend is not just officers in the cambridge police department, but officers around the country. but that being said, i have tremendous amount of respect and support of the president of the united states and everything he is trying to do. >> crowley made it clear he believes gates escalated and initiated the confrontation at his house when the officer arrived. gates, of course, tells a much different story. he says when confrond he went to get his i.d. and told the officer he was a res depth of the house and asked him what he was doing there and demanded to see his badge and get his name. gates said the officer got angry. here is how greats describes what happened. of course crowley firmly disagreed with that saying gates was loud, tumultuous and yelling and screaming at the officer and followed him out on the porch, so on and so forth. both sides are not offering apology. sergeant crowley says he regrets the situation and close to he has come to apologizing. they say the officer did everything by the book, the police department. we will probably hear from gates in the days to come because it seems no one wants to let this go. there is as you pointed out earlier, a lot of ego involved as well as other issues. >> indeed, ron. an opportunity if you ask me is talk about the elephant in the room which are black men are treated differently by the police statistically and typically than anybody else. refed jesse jackson joins the conversation. your reaction to recent events and your thoughts how we take advantage of recent events instead of complaining about hem them and get a more productive conversation going forward. >> this is the perfect storm. when the neighbor thought somebody was breaking in gates home, they were right to call the police and, of course, they came. it seems dr. gates was humiliated. mr. crowley was offended. so you have this kind of perfect storm. and i think that certain details will come out because this case will not go away. it does raise a bigger question of racial profiling in the country. it's not just -- it is police profiling to the extent a million are black in prison, that's a big deal. we all have known racial profiling but it's subprime lending for foreclosure targeting? is the bank lending targeting and employment targeting? it's not just police fro filing. it's around the institutional rather what mr. president calls structural inequality. >> i'll even go beyond structural inequality, reverend and say if you believe the impulse analysis test which they just show faces. toure and i are going to take. it's a harvard test that shows you faces of black men, latino men, white women and it sound 70% have an unconscious bias against black faces, including black people. >> well, that is a meaningful dialogue and not denial. it also means if there is structural equality, let's fight for equality. why the blacks on the baseball field? yesterday, buehrle threw a perfect game in chicago and wise made a catch to preserve the game. they were all hugging and screaming. when the playing field is even and they get along quite well but when the rules are not visible and field is not even, you have this tilt in our society. i think we should use this as a teachable moment to go beyond just the gates/crowley case which is an explosive situation to deal with. the impact of race profiling by police and the criminal justice system, banking, subprime lending, it speaks for itself. i think the president is trying to stitch and say let calmer heads, i think he's right let calmer heads avail in boston but the issue is much more bigger than boston. >> understood. if we were talking right now and were honest about the statistics and treatment of black men in this country are different than the treatment of other minority groups and other majority groups, if we're honest about the fact there may be -- >> we -- >> go ahead. >> make your point. >> i was -- >> is teams -- >> a solution-based conversation if we're honest about those facts where do we solve for them and move forward? >> if we know there is a problem, move towards the solution. for example, it is clear that the handcuffing about the gates was unnecessary scene. people no threat to anybody. like michael jackson walking off of an airplane handcuffed. no threat to run away. my son jonathan not long ago in a hispanic community, why you here? they put him and his partner in the back seat of a car, handcuffed and background check on them. four police cars came and blue lights spinning. and they finally found out he was my son. said there is nothing wrong here, you're free to go. you say charge me with something! i mean, charge me shramt this is the rather -- this is not just, say, an incident. this is a pattern and the attorney general has some role here to deal with something called equal protection under the law for all citizens. >> one last question for you and let you go. what would your counsel be today, this morning, to professor gates and sergeant crowley as to what they could do to set aside their issues with each other and present a conversation for america about race in america together or apart? what can they do to help make this very unsettling and provocative event constructive for america? >> this could be a classic dialogue. number one, sergeant crowley has the reputation given by his black allies of being into an anti-race profiling teacher. when louis, the basketball player, was dying, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. he has a great reputation. dr. gates likewise. if two can move beyond their anxiety and anger which is on the -- both sides gates feels humiliated, if two of them can get past their pain, this could be a teachable moment led by a crowley hsh gates dialogue unlike the king situation in california. it could be beyond their pain and the sense of humiliation and disrespect used to turn this pain to power and make this a teachable moment for all of america. the issue of profiling is real. the issue of overreacting to black is real. how do we deal with it? everywhere. 2.3 million americans in prison, a million are black. so the data is there and maybe these two men have been exhausted to the position where they, in fact, can offer cool-headed remedy along with the attorney general and, no doubt, the president has now weighed in. it's a genuine, national discussion. >> you know what would be incredible? i'm in the tv business. invite them to come here. the reality is imagine if professor gates and sergeant crowley went on with oprah and had a conversation together on the subjects you just outlined. incredible. >> that -- >> again, make a big theater. >> when you think about democrat being hot 100 times in the hallways of new york, the reverend al sharpton played in that situation. we've been crying out for race profiling for a long time and took dr. gates stature to take it to another level and a guy with a reputation as decent as crowley take it to another level. i think the two men have the capacity and their own backgrounds to shed light on their rather dark and difficult situation. >> couldn't agree more. >> i hope the president -- i really hope that dr. gates, the offense to him, i mean, to see dr. gates in handcuffs was a bit too much for any of us really to take knowing him. >> reverend, thank you. appreciate you've been taking the time to visit with us here these mornings. hope to see you again soon. >> thank you, sir. >> reverend jesse jackson. contessa? president and his education secretary lay out how schools can get a shot at 5 billion bucks. president wants to see how schools trying new approaches could find success. so in about three hours he is going to tell states and school districts they can compete for more federal dollars from an education fund included in the stimulus package. dow jones above 9,000 mark for the first time since january but it's opening lower. we've seen disappointing results today from microsoft and from american express. astronauts visiting international space station will take today's space walk more slowly than wednesday. that walk cut short after one astronaut moved too fast and caused carbon dioxide to build up into his suit. the space walk is expected to take 7 1/2 hours. the tale of the tortoise and hare today. angelina jolie calls for more aid to displaced iraqi families. she is calling for more hue man humanitarian aid to iraq. here you are for dance friday. take a look at this reception because it really takes the cake. here's the bride going down the aisle for the ceremony. the groomsmen, look at that. that is talent right there, dylan. normally you don't see the two getting along so well. usually they are people who dated once and now hate each other or married to other people. yet, in this case, here is the groom coming in. big move. i mean, no wonder he got the pride. look at the lady of the moment. she is so excited. her big day. elegant. >> that was you, right? is that how you came down the aisle? >> no, no. i needed more champagne to do that. that was later on. >> that didn't happen until later on in your ceremony? >> much later when the videographer had left. >> understandably so, my friend. next up, the battle with the democrats over health care. did they jump to how much before they got down with how? blue dog dem loretta sanchez asking hard questions and god bless them. we'll have a conversation after this. ♪ (announcer) transform your water. women who drink crystal light drink 20% more water. crystal light. make a delicious change. come on in. you're invited to the chevy open house. where getting a new vehicle is easy. because the price on the tag is the price you pay on remaining '08 and '09 models. you'll find low, straightforward pricing. it's simple. now get an '09 malibu 1lt with an epa estimated 33 mpg highway. get it now for around 21 thousand after all offers. go to for more details. the first complete women's multivitamin in a drink mix. with more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping you hydrate. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly healthy. . good friday. i'm contessa brewer. today president obama is pulling senate majority leader reid and max baucus in the oval office to rally support for health care reform and how long that is going to take. yesterday, reid said the senate would miss obama's august deadline. baucus is leading a group to craft a bill that can win support from both parties. in the house, the problem is the so-called blue dog democrats. they've been holding up legislation in the energy committee because they want to see more cost controls. they are scheduled to meet with rahm emanuel this afternoon. house speaker nancy pelosi says she may tries to squeeze more money out of the hospitals and drug companies to pay for all of this. so that would be on top of the $ $2355 billion the house agreed with the white house. dylan? >> who will blink first? the president, the blue dog dems or in a battle how much we should pay for health care when we haven't had a real conversation about how we provide health care? why are we arguing price with we haven't figured out the best bay to do it? i mentioned the new york knicks before and do it again. we spend a sixth in on gpp for health care. eliot spitzer and toure is here and congresswoman loretta sanchez who represents the american people and she is a blue dog dem. congresswoman, what is your agenda? what is your issue some what is the subject of your meeting with rahm emanuel today? >> well, first of all, the number one issue that the blue dogs are concerned about is how do we bring the cost curb down? in other words this 50% to 20% annual increase has got to stop, because we really don't have good health care for that type of increase every year so we want to bring it down. >> let's stop there and talk about that for a second. too many variables to get confused. cost too much. governor spitzer walked me through this consists of patients, doctors, hospitals, and drug companies interacting with each other to provide health care. they need insurance companies as the gatekeeper to facilitate that interaction. the question is why do we pay $30 billion in profits over the past few years to the health insurance companies when there's not an ron wyden agenda when we are parking insurance companies who are basically charging us fees we not necessarily be paying. >> i agree. part of it is the anger at the insurance companies but the anger they don't provide any real use. all we're doing it giving them the money to transfer to somebody else and in the process they keep a big piece of it for themselves. it seems to be getting in the way of getting people the best health care at a reasonable cost. >> the reason i have this conversation is to say what can you do -- that's why i like the ron wyden idea of forcing internet exchange everybody can bid on it. the employees do it. what can you do to reduce costs by reducing the commissions health insurance companies are charging all of us to let doctors, patients and drug companies try to do their job? >> well, one is to ensure that there is competition in a market. and one of the reasons i've broken a little about the blue dogs is over the public option issue. we have several public options that we currently have. for example, our military gets its health care from the government and our medicare people get their health care from the government. when we look at the administrative costs it's only about 5% for medicare and someplace it 20% to 30% when you go through a private company. some of us are saying if we have a public option in the equation, then there will be true competition, there will be somebody that has a lower profit margin and if the private companies want to be in that particular market, then they will compete for that business. >> but if we all can understand that the health insurance companies are charging huge commissions on our patients, doctors, hospitals and drug companies and the problem on the how, why were the new york knicks, is because we have too high of a commission that we're paying and not getting anything out of it. the question is how do we create the competition to get rid of the old people who run the insurance companies? >> i wore a t-shirt this weekend about the knicks that said "have faith." but i won't wear that about the insurance companies. the congresswoman is saying we need competition. >> i want to stop on the one point. the question if we all accept we need more competition with health insurance to make it a competitive market as opposed to one who owns the business and charges fees, we -- how do we create the competition most effectively? >> one of the ways to move there is to break this linkage that makes no sense historically between employers buying health insurance for their employees. give the employees the money and go into the marketplace and use your knicks analogy, you want to buy the tickets to the ball game, you go onel and there is an auction, you get it, you pick your seat and know how much you want to pay. let's create that auction market ron buy deny's proposal i think makes sense. we have to sever the link between employers and health insurance and give employees the capacity to use their wisdom in the marketplace to compete and buy what is good for them. >> you get the last word, congresswoman. what is the next step for the blue dogs and yourself in the quest to create competition for health insurance and health care in this country? >> well, again, we have seven blue dogs on the energy and commerce committee, the committee of the three that has yet to amend or mark up this bill. i am told that they may be in this weekend because nancy pelosi would like to get a vote out by next week. but the fact of the matter is that through the amendment process, we hope to actually put in those cost containments, the technology issues, the ability to be more competitive, and we will see if the energy and commerce committee marks up this weekend and what the blue dogs are able to do with respect to that bill. >> what is rahm emanuel, why is he called the meeting with you and others? >> well, rahm wants the president to have a bill to sign. the president has said this is his number one objective. what happens is when you slow down a bill, which personally i believe we need to, because we need to make it the best bill we possibly can. >> yes. >> but when you slow it down and you send people home for months as happens in august, it it gives an opportunity to those hmos and these other type of companies to channel people against the congress, so when we come back, they may be afraid to take a vote because their constituents have told them that they don't want it any longer. >> understood. one of the things we will do on this show is track health care moneying laundering and particularly health insurance policy money going to politicians. if we see a correlation between politicians who are against health care reform and break up the old way that insurance is, we will report on it. i encourage you to continue this fight. health care can be done better, but we need competition and health insurance. the american people can no longer afford to push money to a high commission structure designed to enrich a few at the expense of everybody else in this country. appreciate your efforts. >> thank you. it is better to vote down a bad bill. people keep saying if you vote it down, we'll have the status quo. we need to get this right and we have the time on get this right and we should. if it means we have to stay here in august to do it, i am willing to do that. >> excellent. i will be here so if you want to come in and talk about health care with us in august, i would love to have you here to have that conversation because i will also be working for the month of august and, clearly, this is a problem we need to solve and you need to take the time to work on it, not a time to take a break from it. enjoy your day. >> thank you. >> i was going to say that we can't rush. i think it is true we cannot rush. the status quo is bad but we need to think about taxing people get from their employers, the revenue stream necessary to pay for this. >> the ron wyden plan is brilliant in the sense it takes the money out of the hands of corporations and puts it in the hands of people and toure and i can go to the web and say which insurance plan do we want? the cheapest one that makes the most sense we will buy and under wyden's plan we get to keep the money we save which is better. >> next up on -- they don't yell but they are yelling at me. we'll take a break. organs for sale. i can't make it up. forty-four arrests in new jersey over the weekend. rabbis selling organs. the former attorney general and one of the most effective attorneys we've seen in this country in a while, eliot spitzer on the set here. he'll walk us through the sting a little bit and we'll talk about what a kidney is really worth in this country after this. ♪ (laughing) good night buddy good morning dad (announcer) oreo milk's favorite cookie milk's favorite cookie. now available in a cookie straw. new oreo fun stix feels kind of like knives. aleve works all day on my back pain. only two aleve liquid gels can stop pain all day. that would take twice as many advil or ibuprofen. aleve allows me to get through my work day. right now, all over the country, discover card customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at the pump. now more than ever, it pays to discover. problem is one of the worst, if not the worst in the nation. corruption is not only pervasive, it has become ingrained in new jersey's political culture. >> "the sopranos" may be canceled but they are still working in new jersey. >> we are looking at this unfolding scandal that is going way back. this could be the biggest scandal in the state's history. police say politics and religion were used to cover up the crimes and enrich the suspects. 44 people, many the who's who in new jersey led away in handcuffs yesterday. the mayor of hoboken and secaucus and ridgefield and yersy city involved. involvement in international money laundering scheme. >> for these defendants, corruption was a way of life. they existed in an ethics freeze zone. >> that zone, we're now learning, also involved trafficking human organs. one of the men picked up yesterday is accused of dealing in human kidneys. he allegedly bought them from israeli donors, vulnerable people for like $10,000 and then turned around and sold them to sick patients here in the united states for as much as $160,000. prosecutors say he has been trading organs for cash for a decade. dylan? >> thank you so much. here is the question. why is selling organs so wrong? joining us is philadelphia's arthur kaplan, director for the center for bioethics at the university of pennsylvania. in washington, sally satell knows firsthand about organ transplants and received a new kidney herself three months ago. a resident scholar at the american enterprise institute. you can see eliot spitzer and toure here. sally, why do you believe some version of a market for organs is a reasonable thing to entertain? >> the reason i believe we need some sort of market or some way to compensate donors is so we don't have a black market. this is the first news of it in this country, but we have a thriving global black market in organs and it's because there's such a shortage in this country and elsewhere. we've had a list, a national organ list for 25 years and, still, 80,000 people are on the list waiting for kidneys. by tomorrow at this time, 13 of them will be dead. thirteen people that could have been saved. >> how would the market help solve for them? >> the kind of arrangement that i would like to see is the ability for strangers who are willing to give a kidney and save someone's life to be able to get a tax credit or free health care or a contribution to their retirement account. these kind of things. and that this benefit would be given by the federal government or the state. so that rich people wouldn't be the ones solely to benefit. >> understood. professor kaplan, what do you think about something like that? >> ined the need for shortage and i think sally's ideas do deserve debate but i can't support them. i think the kind of creeps that got involved in this trade that finally hit the u.s. is part of this u.n. organ trafficking test. we see it all around the world. there's a lot of difficult and slimy characters out there. i think the way to deal with them when they are jacking up the prices and exploiting the desperate and poor is not make it legal but keep after it and keep trying to prosecute it and keep stopping it. i favor a system where we presume consent and ask people to carry a card or indicate that they don't want to be organ donors rather than trying to regulate a field where you look at this news story here. these guys will do anything to make money and don't care about the people selling them the organs. they have no interest in protecting their health and welfare. i don't think you'll be able to regulate that. >> i think you can eliminate any black market by making any behavior legal. it would apply to drugs or anything out there. i don't think that's where we want to go. i think what dr. kaplan perhaps proposes makes much more sense. >> what exactly? >> we want to have a rational way of distributing the organs that are there and a rational way to let us know whether people want to contribute their organs at a point in time when a death or event of a serious accident and in the event to do so. >> why not a contribution of some could? even if it's a tax benefit or something to compensate the person who has chosen to donate their kidney? >> look. i don't understand that market as well as others certainly but i don't think we want people to be in a position they are selling their body parts because it is not the society we want to live in. i think other principles seem clear and absolute. >> sally, what do you think about that. >> i think there is a misrepresentation what we're talking about. dylan, tomorrow, you could go to nyu and offer to be what is called a good samaritan donor. they would put you through all kinds of psychological and physical tests and if you passed, you would give a kidney to the next person on their list. the only difference that we envision here is that you might be able to get a tax credit or you could get cash that -- not cash, we're not talking about cash. you could get compensation that you could give to a charity so you could leverage and so many more people could be helped. we're not talking about individual exchanges and we're not talking about cash. that is what the 1984 national organ transplant act meant to outlaw. the national organ transplant act is silent on whether third parties -- >> a fundamental question. the next step after organs, is you're selling babies and you're selling -- once i'm selling a kidney -- the point is the body is not for sale. >> exactly that. i'm super concerned when you think about poor people or somebody fallen into debt thinking i can use my body as a way to get out of the debt or get ahead financially. then the corollary rich people first in line for organs which they day isn't the case but will become the case. >> i want to go to you, arthur. drrks, what doctor, what is the reality? steve jobs i guess got a kidney. is that because he was rich? >> steve jobs got a liver and partly because he had insurance and could pay and could get into the system. we have a problem in the u.s., not everybody can get access to health insurance and why we have having this big health reform debate. is it really a choice if you take the most desperate people or the poorest people in the world saying you can sell your body off bit by bit. to me that violates a fundamental sense of human dignity. >> understood but you understand sally's point? >> i do, i do. >> not cash! >> we got kidneys for sale out in the back of car right now. >> i do but let me add, again, my proposal was presume everybody wants to be a donor. if you don't want to do it, sign a card or opt out. most americans say they do want to do it. >> i'd like to say something about presumed consent. i'm all for it. the problem is, we should have it, but it will not provide enough kidneys. it will only make a small debt. i welcome it but it will not be enough and we'll still have a black market. >> understood. we will continue this conversation. when you were attorney general, did you come across this type of behavior? >> i don't remember that we had body parts in any of the cases i was handling and we had thousands of cases. i may not be aware of it, but i don't remember it. >> i'm interested to talk to you at some point how things like this even work. that is another time. chuck todd at the white house is saying robert gibbs, the press secretary, is saying the president does regret commenting on the gates issue. this is the harvard professor who was arrested in his own home. only in this respect, that had the president known it would become such a media distraction, he would have refrained from commenting but the president has said all he is going to say on the issue, according to gibbs, he has not talked to gates nor the cambridge police officer and that is coming from a press gathering at the white house this morning with the press secretary robert gibbs coming to us from chuck todd. >> thank you. sarah palin's last day is this weekend. new polls out on her. shall. is she building momentum or losing it? yes, i said lower 48 idioology. you can use that in "rolling stone." we're back after this. y there's a way to save more for retirement, with annuities from fidelity. turn your savings into income -- guaranteed, and get a retirement "paycheck" for life -- guaranteed. call... to get started, and learn how to secure retirement income that won't go down -- guaranteed. call fidelity at... for details about guaranteed income for life, sarah palin is headed out as her last few days here as the governor of alaska happen. we have a new poll from "the washington post" and here it is. exit poll, if you will. a majority of americans have unfavorable view of palin as she gets ready to relinquish her post this weekend. 53% have a negative view of the former vice presidential candidate. it may have something, i'm not sure about this, but the fact she is leaving in the middle of her term by choice. >> you think? i mean, a list of reasons not to like sarah palin is a number and gets longer. the reason i come out on offense she represents the politicians and she mate not represent a lot of the values of the lower 48 idiology here. >> i want to show the people at home you have your back to the camera. >> i was talking over here. my point is she's not bought and paid for by the health care lobby and at least she is willing to go in and attempt to ask -- >> but there are a lot of -- but that's not true. a lot of accusations. >> i want to make a point about the poll. i don't think she cares about the 53%. i think she cares about the 40. she would much prefer to have a dedicated block of supporters and what dylan said is correct. she is appealing to that -- those who really resent, the east coast/west coast, what do you call them? lower 48. i think she is tapping into that resentment through this plucracy saying i don't agree with them. >> she may be a quitter and may not know the issues and may not know russia but she still represents the energy in america which the people in charge are screwing this up and she is not one of them. >> there needs to be a -- there will increase and let's hope it doesn't but if unemployment numbers continue to creep up. >> do you think she represents all of the other people who don't read up on the issues? >> that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying people in this country feel the government structure has failed us, whether it's with the banks, health care or others. >> the way you just phrased that, that sort of we know more because we've read it about it, that is what the folks out there saying i'm living my life every day and suffering. she gets it, you guys don't. >> that is the point. that knowledge and wisdom are not necessarily a good thing. you think you know everything but you don't. >> look at the fed. look how wrong the fed was and these guys are super smart and read everything and every piece a data and blow it. >> cash in both the deal, tv show perhaps. >> kept her job as governor -- >> no. >> you can't host a show on fox and be the governor. >> speeches in the lower 48 idiooty thing. >> i saw one number down 30% in the coming year because of whether it's oil prices or whatever. she may have been facing an economic debacle in that state and saying i don't know how to deal with this. we have to raise taxes, cut services. governors have the toughest job in america right now and something she may not want to do it. >> i think she can ab a -- be a powerful voice in the conversation. i don't think it appealing when people say thank you for going to the ballot box and making evident to catch your vote for you, i quit. >> understood. yeah. i think all of those points are valid. that is the interesting thing. every point is valid. she is a quitter and not that well educated on the issues and alienating to a huge percentage of this country and reality as a politician she is not part of the power structure which has failed this country terribly and she has an opportunity to exploit that. >> the other question will the republican party create an alternative voice, somebody who can look to washington and say what they are doing there is wrong and so far that hasn't happened. >> so far from a lot of the republican politicians we're not seeing a clamor for her to come and represent them in their campaigns to win public office. we'll see how she fits into a broader republican movement to regain power. >> she is only a few points behind barack obama in the 2012 race. there are people there who still care about her. interesting to hear what she has to say. >> this is the most recent poll and doesn't pair her up against barack obama but 53% have a negative view of her. >> simply her asking questions of the power structure if she is able to do so intelligently will be valuable for america no matter what she does. like it is valuable to have eliot here who was a state governor because he has the intelligence to ask good questions of the power structure. >> where is mitt romney? i think it's important to see if the other republicans in 2012 show up. >> the way you characterize intelligence is not what she is about at all and that is her appeal. >> understood. questions of the power structure right now are in order based on the situation this country is in. whoever is asking them, i'm in favor of it. we'll take a break and back with the take-away after this. - hi. - crowd: hi! i hate my phone. what do i do? 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