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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Anti-Semitism In Europe 20181109 15:15:00

i'm there on a daily basis so the situation. that there are more than eighty percent of the first nation is in need of. absolutely a man made a famine and with disastrous consequences thank you so much for joining us and providing. we make up of what we watch as i think that under budget hikes we are december seventh so. they want to shape the continent's future to speak part of it and join our youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges the seventy seven percent platform for africa charedi. i in recent years the specter has once again reared its ugly head across europe the specter of anti semitism. for. a little over seven decades after the holocaust anti jewish attacks are on the rise again in europe. my suspicion was what crimes of jews committed to deserve two thousand years of persecution what do you think was the conceit that. most of the salt in the mood among french jews is very gloomy right now because a dozen people have been killed in france in recent years simply because they were jews. if those are those that were in poland the genie is out of the bottle anti semitism is becoming acceptable. ha ha ha said it is a state of mind that is not a matter of one country it's an international phenomenon. anti semitism has become much more common in europe the explanations for this phenomenon seem as varied as the proposals for how to deal with it for this report we traveled to berlin paris and warsaw to talk to people who've experienced anti-semitism and to discuss possible solutions. what is it like to be a jew in general today. was. in recent years jewish life culture and traditions have enjoyed a renaissance in germany. but prayer rooms and kindergartens are often located in closed areas away from the street and out of the public eye protected by police due to fears of anti-semitic attacks. today germany is home to about two hundred thousand jews their numbers have increased almost continuously since the one nine hundred ninety s. . many have emigrated from the former soviet union some have even come from israel. the most popular destination is berlin the very city where the nazis organized the extermination of european jews. admit this most ninety seven system simply means hostility directed against jews as jews. they are subject to this hostility because of characteristics that are often attributed to the ice their hatred for being something they are not since those who were open and his image is most built in anti-semitism is a wide ranging concept that some people use it to explain certain complexity third founded today's society it helps them to find scapegoats but. do you begin to feel . this country semitism is an assault on the democratic culture of our society. i'm so it's more than just gun jews and such in. berlin has the largest jewish community in germany. in december twenty seventeen and ugly anti semitic it is displayed in the front window some of the art on the walls features the star of david. the restaurant specializes in traditional sephardic jewish cuisine. one day owner your i find back and his girlfriend were standing outside taking a break when they were approached by a man who was apparently drunk second my guess i have a job in my yard i proffer no fire but by the course of my life i'm not going to get my toast and ya what got us up young dusty eyed source and john most of us into this is always a boyfriend not just in fact yards are tossed jamar the chrome and it's a job you know it's a go that don't think you got to come until noon should be read this you can fill the room but it's exactly the opposite of what i do you know in my mind i'm just interested from you but first i didn't know what he wanted done as well and then things just got worse. and he started coming. with all these anti semitic prejudices about jews and money and the holocaust and so forth. locals do so it's just people know it's kate bush pushed. him but you know why must i think he bought his base for the year i just did what he could said if i still do such and begin to kick some nice young folks john motson i'm fixin a. good thing that's for sure you can support your. defined bad case prompted a new discussion about anti semitism in berlin which has a particularly high incidence of verbal and physical attacks. nine hundred and forty seven cases were documented in twenty seventeen sixty percent more than the year before. criminal offenses or threats can be reported to an anti semitism research and information center in berlin. beyond a shadow there are a number of right wing extremist and populist groups and then there are those that can be described as left wing and anti imperialist and some groups are scribed to conspiracy theories. to use like an activist and then many of the so-called anti israel activists who are opposed to the existence of the state of israel stop this stood there is also the islamist brand of anti-semitism. and then we have a wide range of groups that occupy the political middle ground. by just because he has pointed me to highly ethical i would have to look at it they're going to have to run the quoting two official figures right wingers are involved in the majority of anti-semitic incidents that have been reported some farai politicians notably from the populist a.f.d. call for an end to what they see as an excessive focus on germany's nazi past including the holocaust. you know. it's. just a few dusty. it seems that comments that people used to make at their local pub or in the privacy of their home are now made fairly openly at public events and done social media sites. in the time that i did these kinds of accusations have always been part of german society but they've become socially acceptable to a certain extent mostly due to the popularity of the of tea party. went nuts and. i think this was one just out what sorts of answers does to semitism provide. well for example it allows people to identify with this certain philosophy and black nationalism and that creates a sort of national anti semitism where the jews are always the outside is. also anti semitism helps some people to make sense of the words of modern society exactions leiden. we're now on our way toward the capital of poland. until recently poland was widely regarded as the paragon of modern democratic progression in post communist eastern europe. but in the twenty fifteen national elections a right wing populist party took control of both houses of parliament. a new spirit of nationalism has caused concern among many and not just in poland. the country's independence day is november eleventh celebrations across poland often provide a platform for the expression of resurgent ultra nationalist sentiment. radical right wingers have essentially taken over the main independence day celebrations in warsaw and activists from all over europe travel here to join them . over the past decade attendance at this event has jumped from just five hundred to nearly one hundred thousand. this is the office of a group that features prominently in the independence day event the old polish youth organization the movement is based on a student group that was founded in one thousand twenty two the ritual group favored anti semitic policies such as limiting the number of jews in universities some members supported italy's fascist dictator benito mussolini today's version has the same model for the nation is the highest temporal good. the group's men. as are all under thirty six and all eerily polite. the neat and benito is the office dog's name. my family and one difference young people appreciate the fact that we respect poland's history in trying to preserve it we consider ourselves a national movement and we try to show people that they are part of that nation because that's the. and that's why the independence day march is so popular. not only. for us nationalists it's not enough to just have a passport but says you're a citizen. of peace there's a lot more to it that's just. a nation is composed of three basic elements. ethnic cultural and religious affiliation. i would like to add that poland is proud of its history because there are hardly any dark chapters in that history. feel coptic. feels others they should study on. in their eyes dark chapters in polish history usually involve past attacks on the country by germany and russia while poland itself is always innocent but propaganda materials distributed by all polish jews often feature in nationalist symbols a certain patriotic mysticism and soul stirring music and this is where associations with former times resurface. in the last couple of years what we have seen in poland is the first book talk with the rise in different types of xenophobia expressions of experience we can the. observe it very clearly since the refugee crisis in the. way i think that this. outbreak of snowfall being pulled down since two thousand and fifteen finally also resulted in an outbreak of of a new wave on sometimes half and half. i think it shows that when the flood gates olds in the fall we are open sooner or later it also translates into their way before stupidity against the jews. since the law and justice party came to power in twenty fifteen the mood in the country has changed earlier this year parliament approved a law that banned comments linking poland with nazi war crimes such as the phrase polish death camps most of them were located in occupied poland but were run by the nazis and prime minister much more of yet ski caused a global outcry after preferring to jewish perpetrators during the second world war . and you sure there is a. there's nowhere to semitism forward. to sue me to small forth there's never been an error in polish history a book each else not even so much as a decade of. again or just raises a more significant. as events turn toward deeply rooted belief in christianity and specifically catholicism. that religious faith requires us to respect our neighbors . senator john mccain was apparently unaware of this demonstration in fact suave in twenty fifteen featuring what is clearly an effigy of a jew. some say it represented george soros a prominent jewish investor and philanthropist who promotes liberal and internationalist policies. soros is despised by many on the far right around the world. sure isn't in poland is the. first for the right wing phenomenon it's the conservative discourse it's the discourse that tries to put into the wider context the matters of well independence pride. all there and it said try and some were the jewish history seems not to not to fit in apparently. and this has a good very dangerous record questions for us as for the jewish community. every year crowds gather and votes while on independence day to hear the preachings of yachts a former catholic priest. is that funny and even if most. abundant is more islam is more hollywood is most marxists more. stats then jamie i thank you we are just so determined to. find the match don't get tight how do you move the to. this to feel like they asked over just now and in america how far now so it's. we drive to the central polish city of college to meet me at la his blog features a traditional nationalist motto translated into english god honor fatherland. during our interview on secretive looking premises outlined his views on the issue of jews in poland. used to. unfortunately right now both those who are hated by the jews and those who speak uncoachable truths are called anti semites so it's important to note that every official jewish organization in polling. identifies with values that could be attributed to cultural marxism. even those are values that we as traditionalists catholics christian most right wingers are nationalists regard this fall psychology. this ideology of storm moral decay the fetus or. as catherine the great wrote the enslavement of entire countries. but. we've returned to warsaw on the government's new law that would criminalize the brain in polish people for any crimes committed during the holocaust sparked international criticism particularly from israel parliament later backed down and decided that violations of the law would result in only civil instead of criminal penalties. this is the museum of the history of polish jews the first jews arrived in what is now poland in the tenth century at the beginning of world war two poland had more jewish residents than any other european country about three point four million. only about two hundred thousand survived the holocaust. after the war many polish jews emigrated to israel and the us leaving a population of just forty thousand this is it is this video shown in the museum shows polish student demonstrations in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight the country's communist government used the protest as an excuse to launch a campaign against so-called zionist sympathizers many jews were forced to leave the communist party others had to resign their teaching jobs at schools and universities by nine hundred seventy one more than fourteen thousand polish jews had left the country in desperation and members compare things to the narrative has been drawn between the discourse. nineteen sixty eight and today's discourse both regarding just as the foreign factor in this state and diminishing the meaning of the holocaust. as the biggest tragedy in our history those who experienced more action item sixteen those who had to lift poland or who stayed in poland they see the similarities they can compare the climate nine hundred sixty eight days climate core vision of. present in in the european consciousness and i would say the core vision of fascism is the vision of total cultural homogenized and it's the vision. that is directed against all types of minorities ethnic religious ideology. political. and of course the jews are the sort of power of the minority. the risk is an outline made clothing label developed by jewish designer antoninus i met . her fashions often featured jewish symbols and hebrew language phrases. says she wants to rebranded jewish identity and show its modern and positive aspects she says a lot of germans buy her clothes at the same time so metzger has strengthened her own jewish identity and her relationship with the local jewish community. the. mistress of the posts. i believe that in poland the fear of outsiders is an emotionally charged issue and there are historical reasons for that. throughout its history poland has been overrun by other states and people are still deeply afraid of such invasions. in addition. we are an ethnically homogenous society with everyone's caucasian and they all look similar when they want to treat the exam. a lot of people are surprised to learn that some x. guy is jewish she's never experienced incidents of anti-semitism and says that it's safe for jews to wear a yarmulke or indeed her own clothing designs on the streets of warsaw. but she's still concerned about current developments. but no claim is the there are social tensions in poland just as there are in every country. is that. but here the hatred is not directed exclusively against jews but. people also hate gays arabs and black people or. nearly all in there are simply a lot of people who hate others because they're different. and that hatred to can take different forms but i don't think that the jews are any worse off than i am for example ok is. one period. some polish jews like to joke that there would be anti semitism in poland even if there were no jews there. our next stop is france home to europe's largest jewish community an estimated five hundred thousand jews live here more than in any other country except israel and the united states but in recent years france has been hit by a new wave of anti-semitic attacks and this is prompted many french jews to fear for their safety. in twenty fifteen four jewish hostages were gunned down in a kosher supermarket in vast san. the perpetrators parents were muslim immigrants from mali. in twenty twelve four people arrive by and three children were shot and killed outside a jewish school in toulouse the gunman's parents were immigrants from algeria. the sephardic chief rabbi of jerusalem shlomo amar spoke at the funeral and said that in every generation there are people whose primary goal is to annihilate the jews. in recent years three further jews. sarah holly me and me were murdered by muslims in anti-semitic attacks in france. generally speaking the french are not anti-semitic they're just not interested in that sort of thing. until about twenty years ago there were no public expressions of anti semitism here. the soup was in the room the major problems that we face in france today on not only the existence of traditional anti semitism even if expressed very subtly. by leaks. but also a brand new kind of anti semitism that established itself very rapidly. hate in football the. muslim but it's not the semitism is definitely a problem. of course not all muslims are anti semites you can't make general statements like that. but there are ordinary muslims who have no education and who come here from north africa sub-saharan africa or the middle east with classic anti semitic prejudices. because it's part of the cultural environment they grew up in. to look less because it's a situation is serious in the three years since the attacks and to loosen up the culture supermarket in paris a number of french jews have left the country because they're scared but i'm concerned about the future of french jews and the future of france. forces received some of. this is the paris suburb of socks and home to one of france's biggest jewish communities. it has approximately twelve thousand jewish residents and an estimated forty thousand christians and muslims on the surface the different faiths live together peacefully more or less but tensions are never far away. in july twenty fourth. demonstration that had been banned by the authorities got out of hand. the mits resulting street battles between arab and jewish youths protesters. attack jewish stores and a synagogue. in january this year and unknown assailant slashed the face of a fifteen year old jewish girl a few weeks later an eight year old jewish boy was beaten up. historian josh bin ceasar is an expert on jewish communities and arab countries and france this summer he was acquitted on charges of making defamatory statements about muslims receiving anti semitism from their mother's milk he explains why jews enjoy living in sa said despite the interethnic tensions. last fall the day of the soft soft sell is often called a little jerusalem. the jews in the region around paris tend to live in one district not scattered around the city. they feel safe in their shops and schools right now by those it gives them a sense of security and don't forget fifty two thousand jews left france for israel between two thousand and twenty sixteen that's a huge number. of holes. it's more than the entire jewish community in belgium and twice as much as the one in italy it involves hebrew school activities of the big c. diff welcome to delhi. many french jews who emigrate to israel end up in the city of netanya about thirty kilometers north of tel aviv some local residents now call the city a little cook does you know. among the new arrival as are the hmong family. they arrived here from vida was thirty kilometers north of paris. they left france in twenty seventeen after they were subjected to repeated anti semitic insults by their neighbors. to postpone the. i think that europe has a real problem with anti-semitism at one time some people were openly anti jewish. and today it's different they say they're anti israel and. this is all it's the same thing and we experience it first hand we don't understand why the. jews are a very small people globally speaking. people get really angry at us and we genuinely have no idea why. i feared for my children's safety. i didn't think there was any future for them in france. so i decided to take them to a place that was safe. you don't think it was up to there was a cost of them or they could think islam is a shrine is getting worse and worse in fact i'm sure of it. so i invite all jews who live in europe to come to israel if there's room for everyone so they should come here to this book to get. good. other jews have decided to stay in france and to defy anti semitism in their own way. rabbi michel serfaty emigrated to france from morocco and has lived here since the one nine hundred sixty s. he had a successful career as a professional basketball player and was ordained a rabbi in one thousand nine hundred five. his synagogue is located in the southern paris suburb of lease. serfaty has worked for years to promote better relations between jews and muslims he travels regularly through the suburbs of paris to engage muslims in dialogue. he also organizes joint sports events. once a year he and any mom conduct a special bus tour around the country. serfaty is seventy five years old he spent the last several decades searching for truth peace and reconciliation even if some call him a kind of don quixote. the weakest of the trip we speak in the name of religion or a sort of sense. i promised him our best to be a friend to muslims and to always represent them and islam correctly and to promote friendship between jews and muslims. and walk the. length to. all for muslims the qur'an. and kosher food for jews and how out for muslims all of them will show. it took a lot of courage for serfaty to set up his friendship bus ten years ago. but ultimately i think he's failed. because most of the muslims don't listen to him. you can understand why when you consider muslim children who were born in france it's. a lot of work have parents were also born here but their grandparents came from algeria morocco or tunisia you goalball they say i'm not french. they don't even say i'm tunisian or. they just say i'm a muslim is you know you're on the line palestine but you know how still. my country is. not you see. this is you know this is not my homeland. a local muslim iraq was my home his friends won't be ok jews and muslims practice circumcisions it's almost the same religion. or what he's doing it's not as if they are getting closer. but. it's there. so i don't see the same with them and. so there's not much difference. but. i guess well thank you and yes. shut up shuttle so none of the sun sets the lone star there's a mood that is. i can't afford to be pessimistic. in general jews have always contributed to western culture. but they've always stood their ground. in france the land of i mean. half the people defended drunk posts the goodies the holes in the church protected french jews during world war two we will be today the french must use western culture to help fight anti semitism along. i mean. the huge influx of new immigrants and refugees to germany that began in two thousand and fifteen has prompted a discussion about muslim anti semitism. this is berlin's north korean district forty four percent of the people who live here are either immigrants or descended from them. some critics say no current is not safe for jews and claim that multicultural integration has failed here. the authorities say that ninety four percent of all anti semitic crimes are committed by right wingers by contrast researchers at the university of belief and interviewed a number of german jews about anti-semitic attacks eighty one percent of those surveyed indicated that the alleged perpetrators were muslims. only in lana is a jewish theologian langar promotes peaceful coexistence between muslims and jews but some jewish critics say lana goes too far in his efforts to improve relations with muslims. right now langer is on his way to an interfaith forum at the dar al salam mosque in icon the mosque is regularly monitored viber lin security authorities because of its alleged ties to the muslim brotherhood organization lunger says that dialogue is the best way to bring muslims and jews together it's. an amount equal to a legacy we have a multicultural society here a nikon. we do face some challenges and we can find out more about them by talking to the local residents and taking part in public discussions. but there are also a number of opportunities here. and i am committed to not only talking about the challenges which include anti semitism among muslims. that's a hot topic right now among germ. but i also want to discuss those opportunities for example how jews and muslims can work together and i can and elsewhere might. like. you know. skip materialis sleeve there are of course muslims who are anti semitic as a few wouldn't as software that's just a game we can't deny that. this is an attack. but anti-semitism is unfortunately a homegrown concept so. it's started right here in europe and it's been here for decades and even centuries. ok i wondered is and does it have to should this is a problem of society and we have to fight it deviates will become from. you i was your duty i. was the god this is the annual i could stay demonstration in central berlin the events origins date back to one nine hundred seventy nine when iran's supreme leader called on muslims around the world to support the rights of palestinians and to oppose zionism most of the protestors are muslims but there are also left wingers present and even some anti zionist ultra orthodox jews. over there that her own lesser is that she find it interesting to have this special. their next right even if these kids could stay is the biggest public anti-semitic event in germany i can't believe that the authorities still allow it to take place and sadly the german people haven't yet realized that the philosophy of these people will eventually destroy german democracy. to keep. this was at the center of an instrument palestinian you i hate israel but not the jews themselves you've got to make that distinction i'm opposed to zionism but not jews month people forget that in my country palestinians are killed illegally and expelled from their homes just because a shelf. cupboard would be that's like i'm convinced that anti-semitism is quite often expressed as allegedly legitimate criticism of israel fine but tomorrow it's like fifty one and the vehemence with which that criticism is directed against israel for example for its policies toward the palestinians is completely disproportionate to them if. for me it clearly constitutes anti-semitism. guns and ordered to show off something to them it's just us. to. the israeli palestinian conflict dominates relations between the jewish world and the arab and muslim worlds and it is a bloody territorial conflict that has yet to be resolved because they thought conflict. opinion on this conflict is divided. about wide range of opinion this has to be taught in schools. everyone in german society including muslims and jews have to learn all sides of the conflict and understand that everyone has their own interpretation of the truth there is no single truth. is for us israel breakfast always taste better when my mom makes that i don't know why it just does this. german integration officials would like to see more young people like hussein yousef taking part in efforts to ease tensions between muslims and jews hussein is a student representative at his school. his parents came to germany from lebanon his family is religious but they fit perfectly well into german society hussein's older brothers are at college studying political science and a college but he hasn't decided on a career yet. this is the answer the high school and i can. ninety percent of the students here are either migrants or are descended from them. here like at similar schools officials have launched a number of initiatives to try to prevent racism and anti-semitism including educational programs aimed at raising awareness of these problems. the net are our school we have one of the highest proportions or migrant students among all the high schools in our car. and it's a relatively small school it's right on the main road but inside you can hardly tell you should just try to help students with all their problems you can either it's family difficulties and or poverty from your other issues there can be an went to the fact one gets a blues and we can have hundreds of official experts investigating anti-semitism and put together all kinds of figures but that won't help us resolve these problems the key is to maintain the dialogue and the situation. is just didn't. it you do come across anti-semitism and a lot of schoolyards it's. from the have so i was pleasantly surprised to find that in this school they've worked on preventive education programs for instance of. one hundred students have done better in those programs than we could have imagined . i thought you mentioned at the jews and muslims simply have to learn to get along and accept everyone as human beings they need to put that into practice in their neighborhoods you know muslims and jews should make friends with each other and do things together. that way they can show that they're just people whether they're christians jews or muslims. we're part of the same hand . with us. walking hand in hand to a brighter future hope does exist although many remain skeptical. this metaphor that this majority of people have been around for two thousand years exist and we will find a way to survive and. the problem right now is the problem with the jews and their culture to be able to survive in europe. and that quo. strain is being decided right now on the money it's worth and should see not to see me dismissed or give up if anti semitism continues to grow like it has it's possible that in a few decades all the jews in france will have left the country. they're already leaving other european countries ask you since. when i sometimes i ask myself whether we will gradually see to swing from everywhere and europe. these usually be the hopefully a year. you . might. want the sun. take football personally with all the wonderful people and stories that make the games so special are you ready. for. a good. thirty minutes on d w. you can tell about a society by its garbage. the future worthless for the rich but for many poor people it offers their only chance of survival. and i could be lunch for today just like the. reporters travel to nairobi and york and to meet people who know the true value of garbage. it has created a thriving economy. a book doesn't this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class warfare the response to that statement should be yes we are starting play as we want to get. the rich to the trash an exclusive report starts november seventeenth on g.w. .


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181203 08:00:00

at it. this is the dog news coming to you live from by name a crucial conference on climate change gets underway in poland delegates from around the globe on meeting to discuss ways off implementing the two thousand and fifteen dollars agreement the decisions over the next two weeks will affect generations to come many morning act now. also coming up in the show appalling conditions post the social office one migrant camp in the mexican city. but the migrants fear the approaches have an ulterior motive for moving them to another side and cutter says it's getting out of opec the shock announcement comes after months of tensions with other members of the oil cartel. plague. so nobody will mock until i'm done with that she my great to have your company. there the most important talks on global warming india over the next two weeks hundreds of delegates a meeting in the polish city of kut of it set to discuss how to implement the two thousand and fifteen thousand agreement signatories the powers the court agreed to work together to limit emissions to prevent climate change but recent surveys show that we are very dangerously off track experts say one reason is that countries like poland are still committed to fossil fuels such as cohen's. the venue for the un climate talks and. it's shrouded in smog more power plant fuelled by coal. the polluting hydro carbon has been mined here since the eighteenth century around one hundred thousand people in the region work in the coal industry . is a treasure if there was no coal it would be no work if the mines closed all the shops and businesses in the region would go bankrupt. poland will continue to generate most of its electricity from coal until twenty fifty meaning that the mines of cut will not shut down any time soon. coal is what sustains up a solution it's the primary product of this region and of course many people here are biased but we know which way the wind is blowing all over the world and which part we should be going down are. only fifteen percent of electricity produced in poland is from renewable sources activists complain that the government has neglected to develop the alternative energy sector. activists scientists citizens. mining and energy sector said we are ready for a chant. of. we just interested in change our political analysts. for poland's government cut of beats as a model a green city it boasts a research center for renewable energy. a shopping mall has been built on top a closed down coal mine. even the conference under the host the climate talks stands on the side of a former mine but the fact remains. an extra could be linked and will be for some time to come. of course for an indian a bomb your shoes is at the cost of it's a conference and joins me from there even many mornings a bought the immediate and urgent need for cuts in emissions yet as we saw some governments are simply not doing enough how important is this climate change meeting then. well this climate change is the most important is the two thousand and fifteen paris agreement back then warley this agreed to keep global warming there to a degree celsius above. they decided what they wanted to do but now they have to decide how they will actually manage to do that for that three so the result of this meeting should be the so-called a rule book which is a set of guidelines on how countries should morny door their greenhouse gas emissions report on their climate for it's. time it finance that's a very important topic because industrialized countries have pledged to i located one hundred billion u.s. dollars to help poor countries covered with climate but it remains unknown how they were. the conferences taking place in poland which is relying still in these thirty four seafood and they didn't exploit say we're heading towards a critical one when it comes to c o two emissions give us a sense as to where we are right now. well i think most people could already experience that they were stating effects of climate change in their own skin this year from wildfires in california to flooding in japan or even drought in germany but also the scientific community is warning on the importance of bracing climate ambition so for instance risk in the united nations environment program released the emissions cut report which shows there is a huge gap between where we are and where we should be in terms of c o two emissions if we will not reach their goals we have to reduce our emissions by a quarter by two thousand and thirty if we keep the way we are doing now we may end up with three point two degrees above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century. the donald trump is once again reiterated he's going to pull the us out of the climate cooled is it possible to arrest climate change long term without the was the biggest economy on board. well it's important to remind first of all that despite. his intention of withdrawing from the paris agreement this one happened until twenty twenty then things may have changed greatly on the other hand countries are increasing the view that he's pulling out from the paris agreement as well as local actors on this to be societies so they won't give up in the us and at that global level i think other countries will increase their ambition so that we are still on track to reach the pirates called station ship with. a thank you very much for that update from the climate conference. the saudi led military coalition in yemen says fifty wounded who militants will be evacuated as part of efforts to build confidence ahead of plan to be storks the fate of the rebels was a stumbling block to the start of a previous round of talks in september international groups are trying to bring about an end to the conflict which pushed the country to the brink of famine as we reported one school in the capital sana'a is trying to provide food to keep its pupils alive. five hundred bread rolls for the i'm honey girl's school in santa two for each student the recess and first meal of the day are highly anticipated. apart from here at school many children have next to nothing to eat. fast and have realized that my father doesn't have a job anymore i'm very thankful to the school for the food and that's the situation i was in we had i don't need as parents who are impoverished by the war the school's director says many children are suffering the civil society so many students lost their parents through bombs and rockets aimed at houses factories and shops. that really empty hospitals can't cope there's a lack of medical supplies children are especially hard hit according to the ngo save the children tens of thousands have died from our nutrition and infection eight million yemenis are just barely surviving now with the help of outside aid. and the sustained war causes more deaths every single day. back at their own heinie girls' school in sana lentil soup is on the menu for lunch . it's funded by the german charitable organization future for kids. i finish and then as a man hand it poverty is spreading and medicinally and we used to give a daily mail to thirty to forty girls now it's three hundred to four hundred and that's me out of the army and. a bit of hope within the misery i these children are learning and have a warm meal every day but only as future and that of many other children in yemen is unknown because there is not yet any sign of an end to the war. that the now being up to it some of the stories making news around the world french president. croll has held a crisis meeting after visiting the sites where protests turn violent in paris on saturday mccraw kaur for more talks with anti-government activists who've staged two reeks of protests the demonstrations began over a few taxes but have grown into wider anger over macross policies. a far right party has won seats in an election in spain for the first time since the end of the military dictatorship in one thousand nine hundred seventy five the anti immigrant vox spot is set to end to under lucy has reached an assembly and could end up as a kingmaker in the country's most populous region the governing socialist secured the most seats of the french short of a majority. mexico and three central american states have agreed to create a development plan aimed at reducing the number of migrants leaving the region the move comes as mexico closed down a major migrant shelter close to the u.s. border some six thousand central americans were housed at the center in quanah did correspondent stefan c. mons was there and said destress report on the dire conditions there. after getting soaked the day before another night of heavy rain finally sealed the fate of the benito who are in downtown to one of. the six thousand plus migrants house on the former sports complex did not stand a chance against the downpour. only the children still manage a gentle smile the adults are mourning their tents floating in ankle deep muddy water their clothes and other belongings trenched ruined for many a total loss. and the myth of palling cemetery conditions to the city and mexican federal officials finally decided to shut down the shelter. plus a rifle and opened their doors they promise to bring these people to a better safer place while interiors are not hard to find within hours nearly a thousand migrants are willing to make yet another journey i. taking with them the little they deemed worth saving they arrive fia. a former boss parking facility and concert venue about twenty kilometers from downtown and far away from the border for some to one of migrants this new shelter seems to bring some improvements. here the ground concrete smog that's better but the most important thing is to have a roof over our heads that protects us from the cold others see the benefits of the new shelter but are wary of its location. the real reason the police have brought us here is that they don't want to close to the border now we need to spend one hundred pesos to get to the border for asylum type of work but we don't have the money and it's going to take us all day to get there. this stuff you know it's even more difficult for us to get into the united states a dream is to be that. meanwhile back at the shelter in downtown to the line for the buses even longer now more migrants seem to be willing to leave for the new shelter sooner rather than later a look inside the old place may reveal the reason you don't get more you know not. yet when i was a little girl she sinks i knew only the beauty of under us time passed by and i grew older i understood i should not loftus like. to say strikes a nerve with many on this day as they continue to harbor their dreams of a future in a better place. from does the listing action so two teams near the top of the table face off as line six played host to mention john back to i'm going to have summed up the sports disc is here to tell us all about and welcome tom who emerged victorious in this catch it was like he could be two new wins and like thanks to some very solid saves make a berth and of course for two goals from the ever reliable twenty two year old team advantage but nobody wants to talk about it let's take a look at the pictures. back from injuries just in time for this tough match the midfield trio of combo and. much else obvious have played a part in leipzig surely starts in the second minute one two with t.-mo vanna and the germany international one marked in front of the goal one nil for the hosts both teams are on the attack block box creating a chance after a good half hour but no problem for leipsic keeper paid to be laci or a break came out today. at the other end van opposed just slick threats in the gladbach box but tobias' strobel prevented him from hitting that charge it. in first half injury time leipzig won the ball and we're off to the races use their pulse and weave through the gladbach defense and the nimble vanno was there to finish the job i've seen every game he scored this season he's gone on to add a second. leipzig got more defensive after the restart lot but kept pushing but lacked imagination talk it out with a chance with just over an hour ago. towards the end a sportsmanlike less some player was empowering down to the laci who kept his seventh clean sheet of the season he was tying his shoe for him i like to see it remain a. beaten at home but failed just score a goal for the first time since april. so during the two teams we just saw second and third on the table who is best equipped to challenge leaders dortmund or yet you mention they're doing they're both doing very well and that was a game that really lived up to the billing there was a lot of fost aggressive football high tempo very open game the kind of thing that we love to see and it's really an advert for the bundesliga but in terms of challenging dortmund that is another matter. that's seven points ahead at the top of the table now and they've not really been showing any signs of food for him so far this season lots and of course by munich basically just have to hope that they can keep chipping away and getting some decent results and you know fingers crossed for them that don't trip up because anything else and it looks like it could have this wrapped up quite a. i track frankfurt is also in the chase but they had a setback on sunday tell us about that's right yeah they've suffered their first loss in the bundesliga since late september a two one hundred fifty two votes for it now it was. the first goal in the fifty first minute for both sport later on in check made it to him his second hoth. now the joint league top scorer is new can you feature frank and he pulled a very late goal back in eighty seven minutes to. different for a sliver of hope but it wasn't enough now i think what's really happening for frank for is that potentially you know it could be said that they're struggling from their busy schedule we. say for now in the europa league during the week. perhaps you know this amount of games is starting to take its toll on their fitness they don't tell us about that but i mean again agent who will be leaving the team at the end of the season and yes he will that's on robben now off to ten years at the club his contract runs out in the summer and unlike last year he's not going to get another extension from reapers contract is also running out to be noted. but yeah i mean i'm hoping look thirty four years old now we knew that this was the twilight of his career it's been said for a long time that was a career seven but it was the guitar tools with bar in munich for german cops one champions league of course and anybody who watched him against ben think in the champions league last weeks or that even at this age he's still doing it he still cuts in on to his left foot he still schools become a cliche in european football but nobody can stop him really he's looking very fit as he was supposed to us thank you so much for all of that here football is governing body fee for us investigating claims that high ranking of gone sports officials sexually abused raped and threatened members of the country's national women's football team they have gone football federation the f.a. if denies the accusations the former captain kiley the pope who reported the alleged abuse to w she's been raging for months for fifo to take action. the women's game in afghanistan is in trouble several players have come out exposing alleged sexual abuse inside the country's football federation upon a woman's executive team member and captain says she witnessed firsthand the sexual harry smith of members on the national team back at a training camp in jordan tonight representatives were drunk and went to one of the players who tried to touch their body pal said she immediately complained to the federation's president but instead of getting fired the two men were promoting it we found out that one of. those man. became their hate head of legal community are going to cut of him sort of the ball as we'll see a shot of the other becomes the one of the responsible person for us seventeen months now. the afghan football federation has denied all the allegations and he to pull pal had an axe to grind. for the play powell was team manager everything was fine but after she was sacked then the women's team becomes bad and abusive this is if it is inevitable that ms palin was so concerned that she contacted. i report it and in any trial i had two thousand and eighteen. it took like florida we want put pressure on the file to start great investigative . to see to zero to help the victims she first says it has a quote zero tolerance policy on such matters and has reported even involve the united nations as some aspects of these allegations involve sensitive topics linked to the protection of those involved we have sought support from relevant parties who willingly off the debt support to people. a scandal of this magnitude threatens the development of women's football in afghanistan. one guy joins me now great to see you monica big news in the oil industry yeah qatar qatar is leaving opec and rita the country's energy minister says it will exit on january the first reflecting plans to focus more on gas production rather than oil now the news comes off to other opec members led by saudi arabia placed embargoes on top and the announcement also comes ahead of the organizations annual beating in vienna this thursday. will likely be a focus off discussions but not the only one equally high on the agenda up plans to cut output following a thirty percent slump in price do to a slowing global economy coupled with intensified oil production by the united states. but first for more on the news of qatar leaving open let's cross over to pakistan but it's at the frankfurt stock exchange this week paul why is qatar leaving what exactly are its reasons. while there is the official reason then there is the an official reason monaco the official reason being asked that qatar wants to focus more on natural gas liquefied natural gas. and it is it does have one of the largest resources their largest natural gas field actually that it does share with iran however that's one of the problems that or one of the issues that got it in trouble with saudi arabia the de facto leader of the opec cartel and saudi arabia has been trying to isolate qatar. financially if there's a blockade in the region of qatar since then since twenty seventeen the country has been trying to. to become more independent of oil and opec and now it's decided to. roll over a saudi arabia was home. thing and cut ties with iran but rather go a different way and how will this movie impact opec and the wealth market as. well most of all it will impact qatar because it does give it more independence they won't be dependent on the opec decisions anymore and it is already. the world's number one export are off a little fine natural gas if it has thirty per cent off the market currently oil shares did rise about five percent earlier today but that's not likely to be for qatar or for qatar's exit but rather the decision of russia and saudi arabia to cut the supply in and over supplied market. that's there from the strength of stock exchange thank you so much. well asian markets op today after the united states and china agreed to a ninety day truce in their months long trade dispute the announcement came after the country's leaders met at the sidelines of the g twenty summit in argentina this weekend but what have they actually agreed to let's take a look. for months there was little or no less up in the trade dispute between the world's top two economies no wonder then that this handshake which took place on the sidelines of the g twenty summit made front page news in both countries the deal the leaders struck a ninety day pause on u.s. plans to raise tariffs from ten to twenty five percent on two hundred billion dollars worth of chinese goods in exchange china's pledge to buy more u.s. imports and according to u.s. president trump to reduce or scrap tariffs on u.s. make cars news of the breakthrough spread fast in the chinese capital beijing. trumps vision might be america first but china's is world first we're going disagree over this but i believe there is more than one way to promote global economic development. deescalation comes as a relief to u.s. farmers affected by chinese tariffs on key crops like soybeans equally promise to hold off on further tire of eases the pressure on china's already slowing economy still analysts say this is a pause a not a resolution to a complication. of a more i'm joined by. executive director at the international trade center joint development agency of the united nations. in geneva good to have you with us so we see a ninety day trade war. what does that truce resolve. well for now we let's agree to discuss and it's important because before that it was unilateral measures i he do you he had me and they had not really result of the fundamental problems lying behind this unilateral trade measures so now they go back to the table and they want to negotiate part of the negotiations are about accessing each other's market but there is another part that has to do with the rules of international trade that they will apply to each other which i would like to link to the outcome of the g twenty declaration which has g twenty members including the u.s. and china agreeing to go back to the w t o to negotiate the rules of international trade so all alone or a demonstration that no one wins trade wars that war mongers is sitting down agreeing finding a way to resolve trade differences through dialogue and negotiation so is this a truce on i level or is one of the two giving in i don't think they give in they are too interrelated in order to give in and if they give in both are giving in and if they win both win this is why international trade is when when they are so interrelated that they figured out that you need laterally trying to resolve these them individually and collectively more damage more harm than it does to sit down and try to find a solution now my sense is that maybe ninety days is a bit too ambitious to solve the underlying problems but maybe in ninety days they can find quick we that will create an environment of confidence of trust that is what is needed to maybe reform the rules of international trade in the world trade organization. their executive director of the international trade center talking to us from geneva thank you so much for your time pleasure. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. representatives from around the world and meeting and the polish city off to discuss ways of cutting climate change the hammering out details of the twenty fifth in paris accord nations already experiencing climate change say we must take urgent action now a face off a consequence of. you watching the news live from berlin wall coming up at the top of the hour thanks for joining. us. on. fresh radishes from space. science fiction not for the. german scientists have set up a self-contained vegetable farm which they want to put on mars. is this a step towards life on another part i'm. putting to go to the next g.w. . os insatiable finding i never before seen interview with darva been going on at the founding of israel for a long sought to last been languishing in an on. constance nineteen sixty eight the statesman is candid admissions surprising. you had many decisions to make which were unpopular at the time you decided to set german reparations that was very uncommon. in forty five minutes on t w. actually waiting. waiting for lifeline to syria good morning where are you why aren't you answering. every call brings them closer together. go to church because they feel powerless to help.


Transcripts For DW World Stories - The Week In Reports 20181208 14:15:00

streets of paris is the fourth weekend of yellow fence protests its problems major landmarks like the eiffel tower and the looper means e.m.i. keeping that was shot on hundreds of protesters have already been arrested and ninety thousand police offices a standing god. you're watching daily news live from berlin well coming at the top of the hour and don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site at g.w. dot com thanks for joining. us. natural riches of precious resources. and a rewarding investment. farmland has been called ethiopia's green gold the country has an abundant supply of leases it to an international group china and . the government is after high export revenues and the corporations profit margins. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. plaintiffs contribution the environmental destruction starvation law but the sewing out of a country they don't use. those sorts december twenty ninth on t w. this week on world stories. back in the driver's seat one man's story from nigeria confronting prejudice and aids activist in russia we begin in lebanon currently home to one and a half million syrian refugees many of them living in poverty it's often the children who end up working just to get by. it is six in the morning and lebanon's bekaa valley. year old some i just woke up a splash of cold water in the face and she is ready for work is tiny makeshift bed with three of her six siblings. she doesn't go to school there are no schools in the camp where would she go to school so may as mother is sick and cannot go to work her older siblings also work but so my is still needs to pitch in to help the family make ends meet so instead of getting on a school bus so my eye gets under strike every morning where she is the only child among many adults. for two dollars a day collects whatever crop is ready for harvest in the bekaa valley. today it is onions and her hands are too little for the gloves the adults around her where. i came here from home today can collect the onions but i would rather have toys to play with. three quarters of syrian refugees in lebanon live under the poverty line according to unicef an estimated one hundred eighty thousand syrian refugee children. have been forced into child labor in the country so a lot more to do i don't know when she goes to work and i stay at home of course i'm not happy with that she's just a small child and has to carry so much weight it could break her back that's hard for her. she should be at least thirteen or fourteen to do work like that. many refugee families in lebanon rely on their children to pay the bills and the resources of aid agencies are overstretched it's unlikely that some i will be able to stop working and time soon. to mexico now where thousands of migrants from central america are stuck in the city of tijuana on the border with the u.s. conditions there are quickly deteriorating. after getting soaked the day before another night of heavy rain finally sealed the fate of the benito who want to shelter in downtown to one of. the six thousand plus migrants housed in the former sports complex did not stand a chance against the downpour. only the children still manage a gentle smile the adults are mourning their tense floating in ankle deep muddy water their clothes and other belongings trenched ruined for many a total loss. and the middle palling cemetery conditions to the city and mexican federal officials finally decided to shut down the shelter. buses arrive and open their doors their promise to bring these people to a better safer place while interiors are not hard to find within hours nearly a thousand migrants are willing to make yet another journey i. taking with them the little they deemed worth of saving they arrive fia. a form of bus parking facility and concert venue about twenty kilometers from downtown and far away from the water. here the ground is concrete not smog that's better but the most important thing is to have a roof over our heads that protects us from the cold but it's the real reason the police have brought us here is that they don't want to close to the border now we need to spend one hundred pesos to get to the border for asylum type work we don't have the money and it's going to take us all day to get there. meanwhile back at the shelter in downtown to the line for the buses even longer now more migrants seem to be willing to leave for the new shelter sooner rather than later a look inside the old place may reveal the reason you don't get more you know not. yet when i was a little girl she sings i knew only the beauty of funder us time passed by and i grew older i understood i should not love this land. the said strikes a nerve with many on this day as they continue to harbor their dreams of a future in a better place. home to some twenty million people life in nigeria. bustling commercial capital letters can be stressful especially if you're handicapped we need bus driver tires of your doing this is his story. another typical day in the mind blowing chaos of traffic in lagos. for over fifteen years. has been driving one of the countless mini buses in the nigerian metropolis six years ago he was involved in an accident and lost his legs but that hasn't stopped him from driving. i think it is great that he walks despite his disability i am happy for him a lot of people in his position which is back down the board. he drives quite well better than some with two legs. driving without legs is possible thanks to a special apparatus brakes and gas are controlled by the hand but his driving eight does have a hefty price about six hundred euros abiodun managed to raise the money with a lot of help from family and friends. is the man behind the driving route he contracted polio as a child and did not want to be dependent on his siblings so he invented the driving aid and then founded the company abiodun heard about the invention by pure coincidence. because it was everything. was a was. the flaws in a lot of sentence when he came here he was a bus driver drive a gain and i said no you can't drive again it's an issue i say yes and it wasn't me didn't believe me auntie we did the work on the day drove here he was like he just woke up from the day you know. that's a kind of. we encourage you. to date his company has sold over four hundred driver assist routes plus wheelchairs and prostheses as well at one point zero company employed forty people but the economic crisis in nigeria forced him to lay off most of them many of the potential customers are not able to afford his products without support from the government. for us. to do. is no good. to know. what is good. reads. after ten hours on the job. calling it a day there are no looks of pity from his neighbors of approval his next goal is to save enough money and buy himself a new bus. in russia life for people who have contracted hiv aids is far from easy prejudice is common and those suffering from the disease often face being stigmatized it's a long road to acceptance. among near one hundred one o'clock i don't like it when people point at me and say that i'm contagious on here the worst kinds of insults on the streets will restore pools last stop of the prisoners from grabbing vitale has been h.l.v. positif oil and yes. i want to let everyone know that hiv is not a death sentence where people just like everyone else. and have a child but above the only thing that makes me different are the four pills that i take every day to keep me from dying that was the relief. but these pills that keep him from dying as a tonic also them are not a cure for a different problem but the stigmatization of people with h r v's. to fight the stigma vitale has come up with an unusual idea. he wants to confront people with his illness by publicly outing himself as h. he posted. a used. up post this huge stigma surrounding a hiv positive people in russia accounts from fear and now it's hard many still think that we can be transmitted by breathing the same air that h.l.v. people should just be rounded up denounced and sense away. to the mood to mars for us to just disappear out of view it's very hurtful when it. became. vitale wants to start his campaign in his home town your criterion boruc he knows it could be dangerous his aim is to break down the barrier as it has existed between him and the build around him since he got his diagnosis. he's black artery it's i'm pose it if. me if you're not afraid. you're really not scared you know i'm a doctor with all the best to love me what shall we hark differently if you're not scared. why should i be thank you so much god simply give me your postings of course for north and see if a few more people hug me and i'm just going to cry i'm overwhelmed this makes me stronger and i'm beginning to realize that i didn't out myself for nothing you know you're not affiliated. even on a cold november evening is the reaction still vitaly milonov skinned his openness about his age of the status have been surprisingly warm however vitale knows it will take many more activists like him before people with a child feel russia. and be sure that they will be treated with respect to the big play. eight million tonnes of flowers jumped into the jews in india to meet. to test the sunscreen time and. now a start of converts use flowers into charcoal and chemical free incense sticks and been able to smear some in p.k.g.s. of gold price designs from getting into the look. of the club. in england next to deal with the. european stars deliver a rousing performance of. plain intoxicating mix of rockabilly jam. the us. from the irish thing out imelda may. look. double. play if you ever have to cover up a murder the best way is to make it look like an accident raring to. never read a book like this or. does the church missed. the streets. what's coming up for the book go to sleep so much movement to the police to get these. men


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A journey of self-discovery at the Farm at San Benito

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Benito the giraffe arrives in new home in Puebla

A four-year-old giraffe named Benito arrived Tuesday at his new home in a large animal park in central Mexico. Now starts the hard part for the gangly post-adol


Gangly adolescent giraffe Benito has arrived at his new home. Now comes the hard part _ fitting in

A four-year-old giraffe named Benito arrived Tuesday at his new home in a large animal park in central Mexico. The 7.5-acre (3-hectare) enclosure at the Africam Safari park in central Puebla state already holds seven giraffes, including three females. Benito, who was transferred following pressure from animal advocates, has spent the last year totally alone at a dusty city park in the northern border city of Ciudad Juarez.


On his 50-hour journey to central Mexico, Benito the giraffe is boxed up with his head sticking out

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) — A giraffe named Benito started a 50-hour road trip Monday to leave behind the cold and loneliness of Mexico’s northern border city of Ciudad Juarez


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