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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20150317

on bit of nosedive. so for now they basically have nice little window every opportunity up until lunchtime where it is mild, quiet and then the transition starts to take place. we will talk about all of the in's and out's of that, all of the details coming up. >> good morning everybody happy tuesday. starting things off where most of the majors are pretty quiet so far for the morning. you can see on the roosevelt boulevard, no problems if you are headed southbound, where the tail light are. this is right around fox street. we do have couple of different spot where there is some emergency sinkhole repair. i'll go all over where they are in just a second, diana back over to you. >> developing right now, overnight arraignment for two temple university football teammates. >> both face list of charges including aggravated assault. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins us on temple campus with the latest information on this. justin? >> good morning those student dawkins and hasan each posted $10,000 bond. let's get you caught up on those charges which include temple and aggravated assault criminal conspiracy, as well as criminal, sorry wreckless endangerment. one a junior, one a sophomore and accused of assaulting a temple student at off campus party back on january 17th. reportedly in the university is reacting this morning with the statement saying in part, the university has and will continue to fully cooperate with the police investigation and will take appropriate actions outlined in the student's conduct code. they go on to say: the student have been suspended from football team activities, pending further investigation. back out live, we can tell you their first day in court is march 31st at 8:00 in the morning. we are live on temple's campus i'm justin finch cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> justin, thank you. right now coming up on 5:33, st. patrick ace day, a loft folks pulling out their green garb. >> the radar decided to dot same begin deed little bit of irish green, just dash of it, though, and thankfully more just like a willowing scarf that's out to the side. because when you go on out to storm scan3 this will make sense, i promise trying to build an image here, you can see how yes, there is some green on there. but not really messing with us all that much. we did actually have some very, very light rain that fell generally overnight. now it is all clearing on out. so essentially you're looking at dry day at this point. there may still be some showers, granted you're finding them up toward the pocono area, i80 interchange for example, still finding some light rain. but overall, the thrust and the bulk of the moisture with this system is off to our north. soap, i think generally speaking you're looking at more clouds than nipping. off to mild start with light winds, no less, so this is pretty decent first half of the day for you. already, at 45 degrees, at philadelphia international airport, dover ac, already at 47 degrees, so you're starting off mild, that means it won't take very much for to you easily warm up to the low 60s by lunch time. still flirting with 40 in quakertown, but it is not terrible. it is not shorts and t-shirts weather by any stretch but it will feel pretty darn nice for you at least initially. we again get you to the low six off's by about the lunch hour. the problem is there is a cold front that's crossing through. so i always like to call these days transition days. as a result that far transition colder air moves in temperatures start to drop off through the afternoon whereas normally they would still be climbing at least for few hours and the wind starts to kick in along with t now behind that front some more wintery wet letter settle on in. a chilly winnie finish to the day behind this front. and then, much colder weather set unless for wednesday right through friday. now, overall our mid-week actually looks pretty darn quiet. wednesday, thursday, but friday is an interesting day. we will be tracking a new storm by that point. so i'll have more details on the possibility that may bring to the forecast just little later in the show. jess, over to you. >> thanks, katie. good morning shall everybody 5:34. real good day so far. traffic relatively light. it is still early though. so i don't want to jinx myself. we go outside on the roosevelt, everything looking just fine around fox street. southbound are the tail light northbound, doing just fine, there as well. currently, no problems out on the ben franklin bridge, from the jersey side, so, from the toll plaza headed westbound into the city all lanes are open. and a nice easy drive, if you are headed in or out of the sit now problems there. out in conshohocken, have disable vehicle on fayette street at 11th avenue. out in cherry hill, new jersey, we have some sinkhole repair, the right lane blocked on route 70 eastbound at springdale road. out in plymouth meeting this is some emergency sinkhole repairs, as women. plymouth road closed between the blue route butler pike. take germantown pike to get on by. mass transit doing great though so far this morning no problems on the pa turnpike, valley forge into bensalem, the schuylkill expressway, no problems, there and 422 from oaks into 202 eastbound a clear shot there, as women. diana, back over to you. >> thank you, if you are driving on city line avenue today, don't be surprised if you run into some delays while pothole patrols try to fix the bumpy ride. crews are resurfaced the road from delaware county line, to lower merion township this is one of the roads hit hardest by potholes this winter. the repairs will be made between nine the a.m. and 3:00 p.m. for the rest of the week. >> join the cbs-3 pothole patrol by second us your pictures and videos of the worse potholes on your commute. share them with us, using the hashtag cbs-3 pothole patrol. we will get you answers about when the potholes will be fixed. >> your time right now 5:36. in business news this morning why two big companies are under fire right now. plus, how the market will start the day money watch's jill wagner joins us live from the new york stock exchange, good morning jill. >> reporter: good morning, erika, diane a see if the luck of the irish can keep the momentum going here on wall street today, saint patrick's day. stocks started the week with a rebound, dow jumped 228 points on monday, the nazdek climbed 58. >> apple's in talks to launch on line tv service with 25 channels, like abc cbs fox. according to the wall street journal. viewers could watch across all apple devices like iphones ipads, and apple tv's. a fight is brewing over keurig single serve coffee pods, environmentalists say the pods are hard to recycle. they say the company put out enough plastic pods last year to circle the earth more than ten times. keurig says the plastic pods protect the quality of the coffee. >> the name after new lipstick is coming under fire, called under age red. part of reality tv start can von d's popular make up line. people took to twitter to express their outrage. one person wrote: i guess statutory orange wasn't selling. sphora has apologized. >> good choice, go ahead take that one away. >> i'm upset about the keurig, i love it so much, i hate to hear i am polluting the environment. >> pretty alarming. >> yes. 5:37. happening today, secret service director, joe clancey face as day in the hot seat. the philadelphia native is scheduled to testify before the house appropriations committee about the budget. however, members may ask about a mishap earlier this month. two top ranking officials were suspended after allegedly driving into a white house security barrier. >> mitt romney's next battle won't be on the campaign trail, but in the boxing ring instead. the 2012 republicans president a.m. nominee is taking on evander holyfield. two raising money for charity vision, an organization that focuses on blindness, and developing countries. romney and holyfield will get in the ring on may 15th, in salt lake city. >> okay, who saw this coming? >> you know, my money's on holyfield. >> although romney could surprise us. >> you never know. we'll see. we'll see what happens. still ahead this morning before you head outside the door updating today's top stories including the latest on this unruly passenger who forced plane to make emergency landing. we'll tell you what happened. >> also, calling it quits, one of the nfl's promising young stars stuns everyone by retiring just one after just one season. plus this: ♪ ♪ >> this is great. we love this video. this is the newest viral video and the stars in it, meet the patients at chop for a singing their way into people's hearts. that will put a smile on your face. plus, keeping an eye on the roads this morning. jess has the backups to avoid as you leave the house. stay with us. >> ♪ ♪ hey, gracie... you know how our family has... daddy and mommy... and me! yeah, that's right. pretty soon... you're going to have a baby brother. ♪ ♪ and... a puppy. ♪ ♪ [ chuckles ] deal. ♪ ♪ jacklyn: our middle schools have classes that are devoted for test prep. my kids only have a half a year science and a half a year social studies to make room for preparing for the test. gina: we have no after-school programs, we have no freshman sports, we have no extra anything... okaikor: we're cutting those programs to make way for test prep. and we're not taking in to all the other things that makes a child whole. gina: we are setting our kids up to fail. >> two temple football players suspended as they face criminal charges. dion dawkins and hasson reddick, arrested overnight in connection to off campus incident back in january. also developing this new cell phone video shows the united airlines passenger being subdued on flight from washington d.c. to denver. the united airlines flight had to return to dullos airport in d.c., when the passenger became violent. the trip to denver will resume this morning. and, one man is in temple hospital after he was shot four times on he will a a street in juniata park. so far police have made no area he cents. >> right now, a stunning decision from a promising young nfl start. he's retiring after only one season, in the league. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now, in the cbs-3 sat center with the reason for this sudden retirement. surprising a lot of people, jan. >> surprising, san francisco linebacker caught a lot of people off guard with his retirement announcement, only 24 years old but bore lynn says a fear of head injuries is forcing him to ends his career early. borelynn only diagnosissed when two concussions, one on his high school football team, and another playing soccer in eighth grade. but he thinks he may have suffered another one in training camp. he said he has done research on concussions and worried about the potential long-term effect. recent study from the nfl predicted one out of every three retired players will suffer from long-term cognitive problems at an earlier age than the average person. now, eagles defensive lineman bo allen was bore land's teammate at the university of wisconsin. he tweeted, quote, nothing but love and respect for you chris, at the end of the day there are bigger things than the game of football. hashtag priorities, end quote. bore land led the 49ers in tackles, only season in the nfl. what do you think about his decision to retire? let us know using hashtag cbs-3. live in the sat center, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> thank you jan. 5:43, things about to change today. katie's tracking it all. good morning. >> that's very good way of putting it. you know it is transition mode here diane a we start things offer looking at some of the nice mild air currently funneled into our area. outside we go. a lot of 40's, flirting with 50, in a couple of spots from the eyewitness weather watchers this morning 42 degrees was sent in to us from bill. this morning he travels around a lot. i love reports from different locations, thanks for that and right right now generally a the love clouds. the warm morning he sales, it is the march weather warm one morning, cold the next. so true. then to another one: 47 degrees currently here, sent in to us from matthew in con slow shock end where again just some clouds out there, nice temps for early walk yes not bad time to take the walk. really the next couple every hours look like your best opportunity to enjoy the nice weather that today has to offer up. forty-nine, 49 gross currently, clementon, new jersey, not shabby. that will one sent in to us from david. all pretty quiet across the mid section of the us, few things we got to point out. obviously you have got a system just off to the north maybe shower specially the poconos, today but then, cold air rushes in, which we'll discuss. >> this little batch of moisture meanwhile eventually rolls into the southern plane it is going to blossom into something bigger, and then ride into the mid-atlantic as we head into friday. that is at the point where there are still some question marks, remaining we will have cold air to work with, but there will be limiting factors, if we're going to see snow chance for that, but this is what would help limit any casino of accumulation, you have got much stronger sun angle at this time of year. the lack of true arctic cold, the mid afternoon arrival that's how it looks right now according to our computer model. and surface temperatures, i mean, been so mild for the last week or so we're finally seeing that grounds warm up, and that would limit snow accumulation, if we saw it at all. again, still some question marks remaining there. it is regardless going to be a lot chillier come tomorrow. even later on tonight. soap, we hit 62 pretty early on, temperatures decline through the day and the wind, you'll notice it it starts to kick n jess, over to you. >> thanks, katie. and good morning everybody 5:45, out on 95, we have disable vehicle out in the right hand shoulder right around broad street approaching broad actually in the southbound lanes, you can see, traffic moving slowly by, just a shaky cam there, as women. but traffic moving slowly by there, not set setting anybody back too much. just something to watch out for. the schuylkill expressway 202 everything moving great there as well, eastbound into the city no problems. out in new jersey, though, out in cherry hill route 70 eastbound, right around springdale road, there is some sinkhole repair there that's blocking out the right-hand lane. and some emergency sinkhole repair out on plymouth road, that's closed between the blue route and butler pike. so you want to take germantown pike to get on by. now, don't forget, when you are on the road get updated information about traffic backups, with the new cbs philly traffic app. you can download the app now on itunes, or google play. diana? >> thanks, jess. we love this next story. some patients at the children's hospital of philadelphia are the newest internet sensation, they are aver sean of taylor swift shake it off has gone viral. >> "eyewitness news" health reporter stephanie stahl was first behind the scenes with interviews of the stars of this great new video. >> ♪ ♪ shake it off ♪ ♪ >> you have never seen a bunch of sick kids having this much fun. among the many stars, 15 year old hell hellam smith to needs a liver transplant. >> we're having fun even though we're in the hospital you can still have fun. >> taylor swift's shake it off with an important message. >> shake all the bad stuff off. think of everything in a positive way. don't think of everything as being bad. >> eleven year old hanna has lost half her colon making the music video was a welcome distraction. >> it was really good to be in the video because she is amazing, and being in the video was really something. >> reporter: the individual joe had more than 200,000 views on youtube created by the child live department, which coordinates zero natures things like art, music pet therapy, it is fun making the hospital a less scary place. >> they're still having fun with our services so shaking it off. >> seven year old brian had a special move for the music video. you like taylor swift? >> yes. >> do you? >> she is my girlfriend. >> wait a minute. say this again. >> she is my girlfriend. >> taylor swift is your girlfriend? >> ya. >> he really loved it. it was anis break from him. >> brian had brain surgery for detective valve that bled and caused a stroke. >> i had brain boo-boo. >> awed brain boo-boo. >> uh-huh. >> the children here at chop and the people who take care of them are confronted with heart breakers all the time. but like the song says, they keep on cruising, and shake it off. >> ♪ ♪ >> the video was done in honor of child life month recognizing the importance of the specialists who help sick children cope and provide emotional support to families. i'm stephanie stahl cbs-3 "eyewitness news". oh, and the smiles on their faces. >> i know it, makes you casino every want to shake it off. doesn't it? >> whatever issues you have, just shake them off. >> this morning rocky returning to his roots. we'll take you behind the scenes of sylvester stall owns returns to the art museum steps. >> career change for prince harry with the british royal plans to do after leaeaving the army later this year. >> don't forget you can relive all of the fun from sunday's saint patrick's day parade this morning. you can catch the encore broadcast, just couple of hours, at 9:00 a.m. this morning, right here on cbs-3. happy saint patrick's day. >> ♪ ♪ >> silver stallone goes back to where it all started. check it out. we caught sly filming new rocky movie. this new movie being called creed, rocky becomes a trainer to apollo creed's grandson in this newest rocky movie. it will be released in november. >> for the right amount of cash, you, too can live like oprah winfrey. the tv mowing sell putting items from her chicago home up for auction. she is selling everything from and teen furniture, paintings, crystal, and silver, to some of her own clothing and accessories, and prices, had a hey, you don't have to be oprah. at the start at low as ooh bucks. proceeds will benefit the oprah winfrey leadership academy for girls. we're told this auction scheduled to take place on april 25th. >> britain's prince harry about to embark on last trip serving in the militariment prince will be embed with the australian army units for several weeks before leaving the british arm any june. harry spent nearly a decade in the military complete too long tours in afghanistan and earning the rang of captain in 2011. after his service he plans to volunteer helping wounded soldiers in the uk. >> right north coming up on 5:53. storm scan3, really stepped up for you today katie. because you couldn't wear green. >> because i couldn't wear green, since i work at green wall, i would basically look like floating head-on the wall over there. >> we don't want that. >> that's judge jess and i can't wear green on saint patrick's day but yes boo but when we take you out to the live neighborhood network you know, even though we show you little hint of green on the radar in a secretary things still very, very quiet outside on boardwalk plaza, it is trans will, not terribly breezy at the moment. can see little dash of irish green on the radar but not going to mess with you all that much. granted up through the pocono region maybe even at the shore, see quick sprinkle or straight up shower up in the mountains specially but it is real at this. now here is the thing we do start off quietly enough, eventually hit 62 degrees, but that happens pretty early on, say around lunchtime and then temperatures begin their decline. this is all courtesy after cold front. winds starting to kick in. temperatures starting to tumble. and you will notice the difference, we basically dropped 3 degrees in the span of 12 hours. jess over to up. >> not looking forward to that. thanks katie. good morning shall everybody happy tuesday. 5:53. and we're outside un the ben franklin bridge, everything moving along just fine there so far. if you are headed into the city, this is our camera from philadelphia. so, into the city, headed westbound, no problems. eastbound, into jersey, all lanes open there, as women. out on 422 no problems here, as well. around route 23, due to the westbound lanes eastbound doing just fine. now, we do have some ongoing construction out in delaware county on industrial highway eastbound. that's closed between scott drive and bartrum avenue. that's for some bridge deck replacement, throughout until about the end of march. take 95 northbound, to island avenue to get around. and out in cherry hill, new jersey, there is some emergency sinkhole repair thereon route 70 eastbound at springdale road. that's blocking out the right lane. stay there we will be right back with more news on cbs-3. >> encouraging barista to discuss race relations with the chain's customer. >> starbucks launching initiative to stimulate debate and conversation. will offer to discuss the hot button topic with customers by writing race together on coffee cups. >> starbucks president admits it may slow things down a little bit at the counter but he'll announce more at tomorrow's stockholders meeting. coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news" we'll have the latest on the legal trouble for two temple football players who face add judge overnight. >> plus, a new jersey mother, desperate for answers after her two sons disappeared. now, she's turning to social media for help. >> and, a possible break for former phillie pete rose. how the lifetime ban for baseball's tame time hit king could be lifted. we'll be right back. >> temple football players who just got out of jail after being arraigned overnight. now, those players made bail after being booked on list of charges, including aggravated assault. >> "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch is live on the campus of temple university to pick up the story for thus morning, good morning justin! >> good morning, we have their names, and look at their faces, they're dion dawkins and has ann reddick each posting $10,000 bond overnight, facing as you mention list of charges which include, temple -- simple and aggravated assault criminal conspiracy as well as restless endangerment. reddick sophomore linebacker dawkins, a junior. both accused of attacking a student at off campus party. university is responding this morning saying in a statement the university has and will continue to fully cooperate with the police investigation. and will take appropriate actions outlined in the student conduct code, the student have been suspended from football team activities, pending further investigation this morning


Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20150317

court. live on temple campus, justin finch, "eyewitness news". erika, diana? >> also, following developing story in the nation's capitol this morning where a plane was forced to make an emergency landing. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live in the cbs-3 sat center for us, with video from inside the plane. jan, good morning. >> good morning, the problem started after the united dollars airlines flight left dullos international airport last night. it shows passengers holding down a man after he caused a disturbance on the plane. the airline says he failed to list don't crews' instructions but they didn't give any more details, it was enough of a problem, though, that the pilot decided to turn around and return to dullos, here's what he told air traffic control. we don't know his mental condition. sounds like he's restrained for now. we just need to get on the gown. >> police took the passenger off the plane after it land. he was taken to the hospital to be check out. the rest of the passengers will fly to denver this morning. live in the sat center, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". new in morning man shot multiple times in juniata park. it happened shortly before 2:00 in the 4600 block of ella street. investigators say he was shot in the chest and head, and his condition is unknown at this time. that shooting is under investigation. also, new this morning, a man is fatally shot in the cobbs creek neighborhood. investigators tell us, a 19 year old man was shot twice in the head. the shooting happened in the 6,000 block of irving street just before 10:00 last night. the victim died at the hospital. no word yet on a suspect. it is just about 6:03. and, katie's tracking some changes in the forecast. happy saint patrick's day. >> happy saint patrick's day to you diana. any kind of refry you want to get in here on your saint patrick's day, looking for the nice weather might want to try to get it in early on. spec to go see very pleasant weather unfold at least for the next couple of hours up until lunchtime. very tranquil for you. wind will eventually begin to kick in, however, and also going to start to see the temperatures gradually decline. now, at the moment, storm scan3, just dotting very light little dash of irish green here. you have got some light rain falling, however just north basically right along in fact that i am 80 interchange. that's from the disturbance we are talking about here, same one that will usher in colder air for us. meantime though, just sort of sitting and waiting for the coal air to rush n so you have actually eaked out close to 15 actually, 15 degrees of extra, you know, temperature readings here, since this same time yesterday. it is a lot miler by comparison. how it actually translates to the thermometer is 47 in atlantic city, 47 in philadelphia, so since you're off to such mild start with light wind, will feel pretty good to you outside. i think we'll easily get to the low 60s around the noon hour or so. problem is: that's where things starting to downhill on the thermometer, and also, as the winds starts to kick in. so with that said, you will need to factor that in. first half of the day looks basically nothing like the second. basically stay dry all day here, perhaps with lingering shower off to the north especially, but otherwise with these changes underway, you'll notice the difference, as time progresses, jess, over to you. >> thanks, katie. good morning everybody, hammy saint patty's day happy tuesday, starting things offer out on the blue route and everything is moving along just fine there. as you can see right around route one, northbound, southbound, where the taillights are little bit more volume head in the that direct. but everything still moving along just fine. as we head on over into new jersey, you can see that is pretty much the same story we're still little quiet here. everything moving just fine. headed northbound into 295 or the surround area bridges the superintendent bound lanes doing great, as well. otherwise, out in new jersey, we have some emergency sinkhole repair, out in cherry hill route 70 eastbound right around springdale road. that's blocking out the right-hand lane. and some more sinkhole repair, out in plymouth road. that's closed between the blue route and butler pike, you want to take germantown pike to get by. diana, out over to you. >> police get possible break in the case after missing new jersey woman this morning her mother-in-law is charged with covering up her murder. police arrested 67 year old joe crosby yesterday, see her mr., prosecutors say she helped her son kyle crosby hide evidence in the murder of his wife 26 year older did a crippin. family members say they last heard from erica december 30th before she went out to dinner with her husband. >> i'm -- i know we are going to fine her. it's been too long. i don't think god can see our family hurt any more than we already are. >> kyle crosby remains behind bars charged with his wife's murder. authorities are still searching for erica crippin's body. >> 6:05. philadelphia fire investigators are on the case of how two of their firefighters got shocked on the job. one's in a burn unit, the other treated and released. todd quinones explains exactly what happened here. >> free night he can turn, relatively minor fire became major incident, two philadelphia firefighters, were shocked as they attempt topped put away 35-foot aluminum ladder, ladder hit power line, seriously injuring robert taylor, a 14 year veteran. >> he went from holding the ladder position to his body just straightened up, and stiffened up, and he just fell right back. >> the protective gear, fellow firefighter eugene colter, jane year veteran, could be seen outside temple university hospital. where both firefighters were brought. >> very frightening close call. i talk to both members. and they said exactly the same thing. routine fire, taking down a ladder which they do on a daily basis. and they both shocked. >> two men from ladder 14 were responding to a house fire on the 2400 block of north street in north philadelphia when they were injured. the fire was limited to just the second floor and quickly brought under control before 10:00 o'clock monday morning. overhead wires are always a safety concern. >> bob an instructor in the fire science program at montgomery county and philadelphia county community colleges. also as former battalion cleve in the philadelphia fire department, he contends firefighters have just a few feet to work with inbetween homes and power lines when they are bringing down ladders. >> i think these guys were very fortunate. obviously, in terms of their injuries relatively minor. could have been more catostrophic. >> since treated and released and recovering right now at home. as for the cause of this fire, right now that still remains under investigation. reporting from temple university hospital, north philadelphia, todd quinones, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". happening today israelis are voting in parliamentary elections. prime minister benjamin netanyahu's party is in tight battle against a party led by centrist isaac heard sog. yesterday netanyahu ruled out pat continue yan state. he promised to keep building settlements in east jerusalem. netanyahu has governed israel for the past six years. march madness has gun. the villanova wildcats leave for pittsburgh little before 11:00 a.m. this morning ahead of their first game in the march madness tournament. the villanova store on line emergency sales tripled last weekends wildcats off against the tip-off against the lafayette leopards from easton northampton county thursday night. nova is number one seed, lafayette is 16. >> so get those bracket ready. put your picks on line against cbs-3 experts, and experts from all over. you could win a $5,000 gift card in the cbs bracket challenge. just go to to sign up. >> good luck, everyone. time right now 6:08. new jersey mother is desperate to find her two missing sons, and now she is turning to social media to help track them down. >> also, he's the millionaire charged with murder. the new trouble for real estate air robert durst after his apparent confession on tv. >> and we got some good news for you if you need to fill up the tank today. prices are dropping for now. what to expect at the pump this spring and summer. and katie returns with your saint patrick's day forecast. she's tracking some big changes, when we do traffic and weather together on the 3's. here's a live look over center city at 6:09 this tuesday morning. we'll be right back. here's to the explorers. those diagnosed with cancer who didn't settle for just one opinion on their diagnosis or recommended treatment plan they explored their options. and discovered a new level of empowerment. at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia, that's what we do-empower our patients with a comprehensive second opinion. and because time is of the essence, we do it a single one day. explore your options with a one-day second opinion. learn more at >> millionaire real estate air robert durst being held without bail this morning. he'swaiting extradition to los angeles to face first degree murder charges. yesterday he was charged with killing his friends susan berman in december of 2,000. investigators believe they finally got the evidence needed to charge him. during the finale of his cable documentary on sunday, durst was apparently heard off camera saying, quote kill them all. the director says he didn't realize what had been recorded until the editing process. >> obviously, for us, a shock. because it was many months since we had sat down with him. >> bob durst didn't kill susan berman. he is ready to ends all the rumor and speculation and have a trial. >> prosecutors will decide later if they will seek the death penalty. durst is also suspected in the unsolved 1982 disappearance of his first wife, kathleen, in new york. coming up on 13:00, in honor of saint patrick's day we have little lesson among the green screen, right katy? >> we do. i'll plane that in a second. get your weather first and for most, if you are ready to head out the door here. storm scan3, has little irish green of its own here, off to the north we've got our system, and it is going to be eventually ushering in some colder air, windier afternoon for us, and you'll probably still see couple every light rain showers falling across the poconos, as women. dow want to touch on what's down the pike here, what looks very innocent right now, just little blob of moisture over northern mexico. that eventually blossoms into a larger storm over the southern plane and then, that, in turn, will eventually roll into the mid-atlantic. now, there are question marks as to where this goes, the timing of it, we do know there is going to be storm, just how far north is it, and how much cold air is in place? so there is the chance that we have some rain and snow out of that on friday. however, it is going to have to meet a lot of criteria in order for that snow to stick and accumulate. so we have our eye on it, just wanted to give you the heads up. now, we hear all the time on this particular day of the year why aren't you wearing green? it is saint patrick's day the traffic and the weather people, in front every a wall, so we show you what the wall looks like we bridge this in, this is what it would like like if we had let's fee we can flip it over f we had green on. >> not a good look. so it is very slimming, yes look so skinny now. >> so that's the reason for it. and with that said, i'll step out of the way toss that aside. >> good morning. >> we've got an excuse. >> are we ready? good here? >> we're set. >> happy tuesday, hammy st. saint patty's day, blue route right past villanova sounds bound lanes here disable vehicle pushed over to the shoulder. see it is not setting anybody back. >> he had his flashers on so might be dangerous situation something to watch out for. out on 95, right around girard avenue, everything moving along great there as well. southbound, no problems, starting to pick up in a little bit of volume. out in delaware county, on industrial highway, this is some ongoing construction, that's going to be out there for quite some time, so, eastbound, industrial highway eastbound closed between scott drive and bartrum avenue. for bridge deck replacement. that will be out there until the end of march. take 95 northbound, to island avenue, to get on by. out in plymouth road, that's closed on the blue route between the blue route and and butler pike because every emergency sinkhole repair. take germantown pike to get on by. new jersey more sinkholes being repaired out in cherry hill route 70 eastbound at springdale road. the right lane is block. erika, back over to you. >> two temple football players, engage in the improper conduct back at a party in january. a rain overnight on aggravated assault and other charges. >> one became on a plane plane forced to return the plane to washington dc, unruly passenger now in custody. the rest of the passengers will fly to denver today. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the rest of israel voters casting their ballots today. netanyahu is after a fourth term as prime minister. he's governed israel for the past six years. >> we'll be right back. >> tipping off tonight in dayton with the play in games. there are four games tonight and tomorrow night the villanova wildcats play thursday night, against the lafayette leopards, in pit burying. we'll get you ready for march madness tomorrow night 7:30 p.m. with our march to indianapolis special, right here, on cbs-3 sports director beasley reese holes cents the panel of experts and leslie van arsdale will be in pit burying with the wildcats. >> more bad news for the phillies, and their fans, deliver lee, is on the 60 day disable list. the same left forearm strain shut him down last summer. surgery is recommended but that would effectively end his season and possibly his career. so, the phillies and lee have agreed try to rehab the injury without going under the knife. eagling keeping on making headlines, birds worked out tim tebow at quarterback yesterday, but the team's not going to sign him. the former broncos and jets quarterback has work as a tv analyst, since he was released by the patriots, in 2013. >> erika? >> wants ban from the game lifted pete rose petitions new commissioner. rose has been banned from the majors since 1989, for betting on bathes ball, so he has appeared independently. new commissioner rob manfred says that he will deal with rose's request. rose played for the phillies in addition to the reds, and expos, and could be voted to the hall of fame if reinstated. right now 6:20, and we want to get you in the saint patrick's day spirit this morning. we have a very special performance in our studios that's coming up. you don't want to miss t also ... three's on your side with warning about diet soda. what the drinks are doing to your belly. that's coming up next in the health watch! we'll be right >> 6:22, take a look at this high winds, rainy weather blew the scaffolding there goes, right off this building. this is in portland, oregon. the scaffolding blows right off a building and onto a car below. the weather caused other problems across the area, including a mud slide and uprooted trees. >> we don't have that werth here today, thank goodness but things are changing. >> certainly r we'll have our fair share every wind t won't be the kind of winds that can cause damage necessarily but you will notice it, make no mistake. let's go ahead start it off with quick check on storm scan3, which also decided it wanted to break out its kelly green, forcing saint patrick's day, but thankfully any of the moisture you're finding unless you're up in the poconos, won't mess with you all that much. anything we see will be very isolated frankly i think we're pretty much done with the potential for precipitation, in the city of philadelphia we talk about what's going to change, definately the temperature ankle the win as we hit the noon hour. look 62 degrees, not bad. >> by that point the wind starting to shift more northwest it will pick up, even as we hit 6:00 we may already be back in the 40's, so, a solid say 10:00 11:00, 12 degrees drop within the span of time, and then overnight, we are going to bottom out to about 30 degrees, in philadelphia, so that's a pretty significant and noticeable impact, by tomorrow, the sun's back. wind still here. we keep the sun but lose the wind on thursday. also going to keep the chill around even into friday. that may set the stage for another round of snow. i don't expect much accumulation at this point. we're still looking at some question marks with this storm. but it is a chance, so we want to gave you a nice big heads upon that. back to you. >> thanks, good morning happy tuesday. and we're outside roadways dry, and definitely good thing, starting to see volume out on 95, around cottman avenue. southbound through the work sewn into center city, everything is moving along just little slower. now out on the vine st. expressway, still doing okay here, no real jams eastbound toward 95, where this shot is right here but the green we do like to see are our travel times. neice and clear on the pa turnpike eastbound from valley forge into bensalem. twenty-four minutes, 16 minutes on the schuylkill expressway. no problems there, clear headed eastbound, from the blue route into the vine. no problems on 422 observation, into 20 it, headed eastbound about nine minute trip there, erika back over to you. >> on the health watch this morning, new warning for older adults and diet soda research on american six a and older links drinking diet soda to a rise in a domino obesity. doctors in texas said increase in waist circumference of diet soda drinkers is triple that of non-drinkers. they warn excess belly fat can cause greater risk every metabolic and cardiovascular problems. >> ekg's probably not necessary if you're at a low risk for heart disease. stress tests are done while a patient exercises, and doctors say, they can expose patients to radiation trigger bad reaction, the american college every physicians is encouraging doctors to focus on risk factors a patient can change like smoking diabetes, obesity. following new development after two temple football players are arrested. justin? >> after spending hours behind bars, two football players liver at temple with details this morning. >> also, new jersey mother, desperate for answers after her two sons did i appear, now turning to social media for help. >> and saint patrick's day here's a live look over the city this morning. jessica, katie return with your traffic and weather together on the 3's. we're back in just two minutes. yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah, i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm at three in the morning. who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from state farm? [ jake ] uh... khakis. she sounds hideous. well she's a guy, so... [ male announcer ] another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. ♪ ♪ caring for you and your eyes... ... just got a little easier. pearle vision accepts flex accounts and most vision plans, including eye med. this is genuine eye care, right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. >> good morning, developing right now, two temple university football players have posted bail in connection with an off-campus attack two face charges justin finch live at temple university, with the very latest on this, this morning, good morning justin. >> reddick and are back home, charges include simple, aggravated assault wreckless endanger. , criminal conspiracy, both student rent 20 years old dawkins, jr. offensive lineman, reddick a red shirt sophomore linebacker. and they are accused of off-campus assault at a party back in january. and the university is responding, this morning they say in short the university has and will continue to fully cooperate with the police investigation, and will take appropriate actions outlining the student conduct code, those students have been suspended from football activities pending further investigation. >> police meanwhile looking at surveillance video trying to track down the man who stabbed a delivery man on the lasalle university campus. the delivery man for jack and jill ice cream was attacked yesterday, inside bathroom at the blue and gold dining commons. we're told that pan was stabbed once in the chest and he is expected to survive . >> teaching english at the institute of technology. police say mayor took pictures of several girls private areas. he's lock up on $300,000 bail. police are working to id all of the victims. a north jersey mother is turning to social media to help find her two missing sons. last heard from her seven year old jackson, eight year old parker, on february 5th. they called as they always do while on scheduled advice width their dad christopher in hapacod, asked to take the kids to nevada to see his sick father. they never went to that far add, a they never came home. police say their dad abducted them. >> you know what happens? this completely took me by surprise, because we have always been civil for the kids. >> she hopes more people will share their social media posts and pages to learn more about the boys and places their dad might take them. >> good morning kate. >> i good morning happy saint patrick's day everyone. starting the day off on nice mild note. at least for the standards of late march mid to late march. we would normally be bottoming out into the mid 30's or so. but we're over achievers on this morning so it is looking good for us at least initially. the problem is this isn't going to be a day that stays nice and mild. let's discuss (you have little hint of green out there little dash of irish green to go along with the holiday right? just enough it makes the radar look festive. won't mess with you all that much, good news. granted some light rain traveling along portions of i78, or i80 so watch for. that will but i think philly is basically done. we had little bit of very light precipitation roll over the city, through the overnight, most of it didn't even hit the ground. and now at this point just sort of sitting inbetween fronts. so we're waiting on the cold air to roll on in. and it is currently 47 degrees. that is not bad for early morning standards even with the sun not yet up. flirting with 50, not that. starting off with clouds, and we've got jaunt i lip leprochan to go along with the graphic here, so cute. it will, however turn winds which time. we hit the high of 62 pretty early on. i'm talking around say lunchtime or so. soap, that's about your window of opportunity if you have got outdoor plans you want to enjoy the warmth that we've got, this spring like warmth, get out now enjoy it for the next few hours. because the second half of the day turns chilly, and windy and you will notice that change, and that's a chill that's actually going to sit with us for couple every days, so, i said it yesterday, i'll say it again jess, enjoy while you have got it, right? >> volume, you know, 63 so it is about time. >> onto 422 slow going headed eastbound into the king of prussia area. out on the ben franklin bridge, doing just fine. still, westbound into the city no problems. >> jamming little later in the morning, and i'll keep you updated on that. out in new jersey cherry hill dealing with sinkhole repair route 70 eastbound at springdale road. that's blocking out the right-hand lane. erika, diana back over to you. >> thank you. the roller coaster ride continues, at the gas pump. first down, then back up, now experts same expect another plunge. after a month every increasing prices, triple a says the cost has dropped ten straight days, and it should keep on falling into spring and summer. in fact, the average could reach that $2 a gallon mark, nationwide! according to triple a, that could save the average house hole more than $700 on gas. now, the national average for regular gallon right now is about 2.42. that's dollar 12 less than this time last year. in pennsylvania, drivers are shelling out 2.59. new jersey, 2.22, in delaware 2.33 and could get a lot cheaper the next few months. >> surging to 12-year high against the euro. now that means that the green back has more buying power than it has had in a long time. >> cbs news business analyst jill schlessinger; here with the winners and the losers of the rising dollar. jill, why has the dollar appreciated so much? >> reporter: he will, with the easiest way found stand it is the strength of a country's currency is a reflection of its overall economic growth. now, look. us gross is not exactly robust but even with its challenges we are growing faster, and the economy is stronger than that of other developed economies, like europe, japan. the international monetary funds says that the us is going to probably grow twice as fast as europe over the next few years. the us dollar up 30% from a year ago versus the euro. >> wow, who stands to gain from these increases and also who loses in this? >> well, good news is the winners are us. us consumers, the jump in the currency should eventually show up in lower cost for imported clothing, look tron innings, maybe even some automobiles. if you are an international traveler, planning that european vacation, your dollar is going to buy you more once you get there. unfortunately, the losers, us exporters, manufacturers companies that draw profits from overseas markets, like boeing, coke a coal, a these firms will have to make some tough choices they're going to have to adapt their businesses probably reduce their prices or risk losing market share. if they do get hit hard enough, they might pull back on their spending and even their hiring. >> well, jill, we like our dollar going farther. how does the rising dollar affect the fed today as they prepare to meet? >> this is really complicated for the central bank. because they've been preparing to increase short-term interest rates at some point this year, by the way that would be the first rate hike in nine years. but stronger dollar keeps prices down, and that might cause the fed to wait longer. split between taking the fed make a move at the june and the september meeting to learn more about the rising dollar what to expect from the fed when they announce their decision tomorrow go to jill on money. com. 6:37 updating top stories including latest on mid-air scare caused by unruly passenger. >> plus promising young football star suddenly calls it quits. why he is retiring after his first season in the nfl. today is your lucky day. celebrating saint patrick's day with very special performance. talking to young dancers coming up next and getting you in the saint patrick's day spirit. we'll be right back. >> that's impressive. >> we' following a developing story this morning, out of temple university. two temple football players are arraigned overnight on assault charges. police say dion dawkins and has and reddick engage in the improper conduct off campus last january. these men face another court appearance on march 31. united airlines jet is on it way to denver, turned back to washington, dc last night after a passenger became violent and unruly on the flight. other passengers then subdued the man until the plane landed. >> so far police have made no arrests. >> 6:41, stunning decision from promising young nfl star, retiring, after only one season in the league. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live in the sat center for thus morning, with more on the reason for this sudden retirement. good morning jen. >> san francisco 49ers linebacker chris boreland caught a lot of people off guard with his retirement, now, he's only 24 years old but boreland says fears of head injuries is forcing him to ends his career early, bore land, only been diagnosed with two concussions, one on his high school football team, another playing soccer in eighth grade. but he thinks he may have suffered another one in training camp. poorland said it he's done own research on concussions worried about the potential long-term effect. recent study from the nfl predicted one out of every three retired players will suffer from long-term cognitive problems at earlier age, than the average person, and now eagles defensive lineman, bo allen was boreland's teammate at the university of wisconsin. he tweeted quote nothing but love and respect for you chris, at the end of the day there are bigger things than the game of football. hashtag priorities end quote. now, boreland lend the 49ers in tackles and only season in the ffl so what do you think about his decision to retire? let us know on facebook and twitter using the hashtag cbs-3. >> 6:43, now time to go to katie, sounds like things are changing. >> they certainly are. good morning everyone, at least off to a nice start here starting off with some pretty mild air, as we check in with eyewitness weather watcher network definitely reflect on a lot of the area temperatures, still finding more remote location noose 309's, we go ahead to that one, in fact, 38 degrees was sent into us from eileen murphy gilbertsville, a loft clouds right now but it is really just quiet start. , rain come through, will make it you have ally chiller. rain on the radar. otherwise, it is not bad. 46 degrees sent in to us from aj clouds, morristown, mild start, calm winds cloudy skies, he says, and that's generally what we're finding across most of the board right now. >> i'm with you, buddy, i hope they come back soon, too but looks like stuck with a chill until the negligence couple of days. the reason for that, well, it is casino of obvious. >> here's a little bit of the moisture still noticeable, and present across our area. namely through the poconos i think philly is done. but the shower that eileen was talking about did happen overnight. long since removed from this three-hour loop that we're current looking at. i want to touch quickly on this developing little area of moisture. looks innocent now. that will will eventually move into the southern plane develop into much larger storm, and then move into the mid-atlantic. there are questions on its timing. questions on its final track. but, what it does proof and so does this graphic, is that we can see everything during the month of march 10 degrees werth, inch plus every rain, almost 5 inches of snow. it all happened on saint patrick's day in the past so a loss of changeable weather definately reflect in the your seven day, too by friday, jess, we might have some snow to contend with. we'll let you know. >> oh, man berks i see 54 degrees. it is so -- no, friday. that was saturday. reading the long thing, just looking forward to the weekends. that's all i want. but only tuesday. happy tuesday happy saint patty's day everyone, 6:45, out on 9a i wish i had better thing talk about here. but i don't. these are the northbound lanes, right around allegheny avenue. you can see jammed even coming off the exit ramp. really slow going there. doing bit better in you're head the southbound. out on the roosevelt boulevard, you can see starting to jam up, in typical spots southbound, headed into the schuylkill expressway, no problems headed northbound. now, we have ongoing construction out in delaware county on industrial highway eastbound, that's closed between scott drive and bartrum avenue. for bridge deck replacement that's going to be out there until the end of march. you want to take 95 northbound to island avenue to get on by. back to you. >> hear from talk philly studio, it is saint patrick's day, day where we get to be little bit irish. we want to get you in the saint patrick's day spirit. so joining us now, we have a great irish band. check our friends irish bands, thanks for joining us, talking with them come up on the "cw philly". first we want to talk to these kids from the irish school of dance. thank you for joining us. we have nick paulson, we have casey metson. cassidy lube err owen lube err, and ian luber family affair here. nick, i want to start with you. what got new irish dancing? >> my mom actually bribes me with $5 to try a class and it stuck. >> did you keep giving you the $5. >> ya, ya, it cost her a lot of monday. >> i very good. saint patrick's day this just everything coming together for you on this day? >> oh, ya. we love performing at all of the different pubs. and nursing homes and stuff it is a great thing. >> very good. cassidy, i understand this is family affair. who got into this first? >> my mom. she danced when her sisters when she was little. and they loved it. so it was just a tradition we followed in. >> fantastic. what's it like in your house? is everyone practicing? how does it look? >> quite crazy. all involved in so many activities, with dancing and it is always something going on. >> fantastic. great day. no better day to celebrate than now. we want to get you in the saint patrick's day spirit. giles, we start up the band, get some dancing going. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> you can relive the fun of the saint saint patrick's parade, catch encore broadcast nine the a.m. this morning right here on cbs36789 things are just hopping over here. you can stay with us on the "cw philly" for more of this great music and dancing. diana, can you feel it over in the other studio? it is great in here. >> feeling irish already. thanks erika. the time now 6:50. there is a lot coming up on cbs this morning. charlie rose joins us live from new york with a preview. good morning charlie. >> reporter: good morning, diana, erika. ahead, passengers jump into action to stop a man from rushing the cockpit of united flight. at dullos international airport where the plane was forced to return, plus, this, a controversial new kind of product placement for a country. we take a closer look at the changes made to the next james bond mover any exchange for millions in tax breaks from mexico. and this, three couples, two single people, all sharing a mansion, we talk with the non-traditional family why they could get kicked out of their home. all of that and more, the news is back in the morning. we'll see in you about ten minutes. >> charlie, looking forward it, thank you. before you walk out the door this morning we will get one more check of traffic and weather together on the 3's. we'll be right back. >> traffic and weather together ts saint patrick's day, hey, jess? >> hey, good morning everybody, outside in new jersey, everything is moving along not really so much in the northbound lanes. you can see right around creek road headed northbound, into the city, 295 slow going from the depford point onward. out on the schuylkill expressway, slow going here, used to this spot, though, around city avenue. so headed westbound into the king of prussia area, you can see slow going there as well. we do have few incidents, just popped up, one out in norristown on main street at george street. an accident pushed over into the shoulder. and a car fire, out in northeast philadelphia on 29th at ridge avenue. out in new jersey, on route 70, there is emergency sinkhole repair on the eastbound lanes at springdale road blocking out the right-hand lane. now, out in plymouth plymouth road closed still also emergency sinkhole repair, between the blue route and butler pike. you want to take germantown pike to get on by. now, for the rest of the travel times, we have nice strip of green on the blue route, no problems, there but over on nine the a southbound, wood half mean the vine, about 40 minutes doing poorly on 422 eastbound pretty heavy if you take 14 minutes, from oaks into 202. now, katie, i know, we can't wear our green here. but you have some green on your maps over there? >> dow indeed. actually more than anything, the green is actually confine off to the north of our area, so yes you get little festive at this when it comes to the radar with the irish green showing up. and indicating little rain. generally speaking we've just got a lot of clouds out there right now. we see at least little sunlight filter through. currently 38 degrees at pleasant valley middle and high school cam puts cents here still little hint of snow, pack left up here near the mountains, but it does appear as though a lot of that has since melted away, good to see. tumbling temperature are the story. so, you know, we start off pretty mild here today. well, i think by about lunchtime you will hid the low 60s pretty easily. off to nice mild start. notice what's going on here through the afternoon normally see temperatures climb that will not happen today. because colder air starts to fun nel and as it does so it will start knocking these temperatures back, and also notice the wind. here's that very light green that jessica had mentioned, it is hardly noticeable across most of the board here, however, offer tort north traveling to the i08 interchange, watch for that, might see damp roads along the way. back to you. >> thank you, in case were you wondering, nfl linemen are extremely strong. >> in case you question that in your head. if you don't believe it check this out. we have eagles center jason kelce, finishing up around a push up, and to make things more difficult more interesting, 294 linebacker connor barwin on his back. >> oh! >> kelce and defensive tackle bo allen held a push up challenge, apparently had free time no word on exactly who won. but certainly made an impression. >> wow dang, that's impressive. >> pushups are hard alone for some of us. are you doing the girl or boy pushups. >> oh, man. no problem. coming up in just couple of minutes we'll bring you more local news weather and traffic together over on our sister station the "cw philly". >> ♪ ♪ >> now you can find us on the "cw philly" on these channels or on verizon channel 16, hd516 or on rcn channel 17 or hd1017. >> and reminder to join us bright and early every weekday morning. we kick things off 4:30. switch over to the cw philly. more great irish music and irish dancers. and that w it is tuesday, march 17 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." passengers on a united airlines flight tackle a man rushing the cockpit. we are live from dulles international airport. a star rookie says he is quitting the nfl after one season. does football have a concussion crisis? james bond is the latest casualty of the sony hacking scandal. new revelations. today's eye opener your world in 90 seconds.


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