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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20121116

a lot more than a questionable helicopter flight. what's the culture inside this organization? >> it's an arm of the military with a motto that reads -- intellingity first and some say it was a wreckless and risky decision but it's what happened after the flight that members of the guard say exposes the real problems. it's exclusive video showing an ill-advised helicopter trip originating from moffitt field. >> when you watch this video how do you react? >> disbelief. in all my air force training i've never seen this. >> members of the california national guard say this foggy morning produced a clear example of high-ranking hypocrisy. >> why did you agree to this interview some. >> somebody needs to speak out. this discipline and this breakdown and this violation it sets a bad example. >> we altered his voice and disguised his image because he fea fears retribution. he's had flying experience in afghanistan and iraq? your expert opinion was this decision to fly these five helicopters a prudent decision? >> definitely not. >> a decision made by two top senior leaders at the 129th rescue squadron. the document shows the pilots making the decision there is the lead helicopter where major tom keegan and the unit's commander. >> can the national guard justify five helicopters going under the golden gate bridge under these conditions? >> i would say no. >> look at the video and these pictures. focus on the fog covering the top of the golden gate bridge. >> the video shows five helicopters following each other into less than ideal conditions and nobody is speaking up. >> less than ideal because air force regulations require a minimum cloud sealing of 700 feet. the top of the golden gate blank measures 746 feet. the roadway? 246 feet. the video appears to show the fog well below the air force's requirement for safe flying. >> nothing required them to go underneath that bridge. >> 20 pilots and crew leading the way, sources say it was a nonemergency flight rewarding 40 other members of the guard. some of the sources we talked to say this was an incentive trip, a joyride. >> it looks like it was an incentive flight which makes it even more egregious because the people that got on board did not buy into that risk. they don't really understand what's going on. you expect there to be some disciplinary action, that maybe some people's promotions would be held up. >> we have confirmed the guard did not discipline major keegan and the other major was given a written reprimand in the if h the weeks that followed they both received promotions, contrast lieutenant colonel rusty henderson. >> i was released from my active-duty tour. >> retaliation? >> absolute retaliation, no doubt. >> seven years earlier lieutenant colonel henderson was awarded this trophy, the fwief field grade officer of the year. >> so in seven years you go from the highest award in the guard to essentially, out? >> out of my active duty tour, yes. >> how did that happen? >> that's a great question. i wish i had a good answer for you. >> lieutenant colonel henderson he was fired from his fulltime position for standing up for one of his airmen. he thought they were wrongfully discharging an airman an ultimately he said he was relieved of his command for challenging leadership. a stark contrast to the promotions that followed the flights under the golden gate bridge. >> i can tell you the dull sure in the 129 rescue wing is fractured, toxic in my opinion and i recently let the general know that. >> and this secret report is highly critical of the culture in the guard. >> why, ultimately have you decided to talk? >> because so many people have asked me to. and when i found out in california that they don't have a copy of the report that i wrote. >> chief ronald petty of the oklahoma guard led an independent investigation and co-authored the report, the california guard paid for it with tax dollars. sources provided it to us but somehow, 18 months after it was finished, the guard's leadership still does not have a copy. >> you found some serious problems. >> yes. >> and from all indications, nothing significant changed? >> yes. >> frustrated? >> i'm sure they are. >> he's referring to the the 14 guard members he interviewed. his report reads, sexual harassment and a hostile work environment is commonplace. >> you called this a big problem. >> uh-huh. >> shouldn't it be a big priority? >> sure. should always be a big priority when you find these kinds of things. >> do you believe this information embarrasses the national guard? >> yes. >> all day long. >> it substantiates our claim. >> our investigation included interviews with nearly two does dozen members of the california guard all frustrated with the current culture. >> i have a mandate from the governor to change the culture. >> that was major general david baldwin at his formal confirmation hearing pledging to fix deep-rooted problems dating back several years. in a letter major general promised to fix the problems you talked about. >> did he keep his promise? >> no. >> remember to add here to the four principals of my command philosophy. >> through his spokesperson we're told he has a great story to tell but he declined to answer our questions on camera to answer the concerns of members of his guard. wondering why risky flights under the golden gate bridge are accepted and standing up for a better culture is not. >> that would be, perhaps, a culture of arrogance. a culture with leadership feels the rules do not apply to them so they feel they can get away with things. >> although general baldwin declined our request for an interview we intend to ask him. questions members of his guard want answered. look for that the in coming weebs. chief petty said he believes there's been some movement recently and the guard is serious about cleaning up his problems and finally an example of that change came to us from sacramento. general baldwin was asking and requesting a new visit by the national guard bureau to review key programs in the guard and make sure they're meeting the national guard development and that's the best story. >> here's the information if you want to get ahold of our investigative unit directly. or you can send us an e-mail directly to the unit other new details about how a registered sex offender was spotted volunteers at a san jose church festival teaming with kids. he was made by a i think girl who recognized him often the megan's law website. tonight what he did and more stunning, what he discovered about the convicted volunteers volunteering at the church. we're live at the church, george? >> reporter: more than 50 concerned parents came out to ask more questions and find out more information. one of the questions, why did it take the church more than six weeks to vet aid convicted sex o'nender from its property. >> why is that person allowed to be even near our school, i have no idea. >> john's daughter spotted convicted sex offender mark geary volunteers at a fall festival losted by this elementary school last month. >> she said, dad why is he doing here. and i said, who? on our iphone you can pull up the megan's law website and the whole record and rop sheet was there. >> the 51-year-old was convicted of molesting a young girl. his daughter knows the victim and alerted her dad who quickly told security at festival. >> you might want them removed. once people realize that, that he's working, it could get ugly. >> he approached the pastor and the father said there was a letter from the diocese and he was allowed to work at a school function. i said, the diocese doesn't supersede the law. >> it turns out they can have it with permission. >> there's a statute in penal code where it says a registered sex offender can be a school grounds if they have written permission. >> they are trying to verify that letter. the diocese wouldn't tell us who at the church gave him permission to volunteer. the diocese says he will no longer be able to volunteer at any church or school function. >> the policy is that volunteers should be fingerprinted if they are going to be on the campus. parish or school where there are children present. >> he says he's unhappy with the way st. francis handled it. >> i think they hoped people would forget about it. i've been at that school since 1990. >> no, ma'ne of the parents at meeting wanted to go on camera but one mother told me she's thinking of pulling her kid out and go to another school. the weekend right around the corner and the rain may get here first. the chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is tracking those track. >> they have stubborn to get a move on and we're looking at showers developing ahead of the core of the storm which remains 3 to 400 miles out in the pacific. you see light accumulating rain well north of santa rosa. nothing major at this point. how ever as the center of storm number one gets over us from friday we'll continue to see rain develop throughout the day and throughout the evening and on the heels of that a second storm for subd where we could have areas of showers and thunderstorms. winds anywhere from 15 to 30 miles an hour. coming up in ten minutes, the complete timeline on both of these storms in your full forecast. >> we'll see you shortly. also ahead a family affair. buster posey with his wife, kids and hometown supporters celebrating today's big announcement. we'll hear from the mvp. and standup comedy superstar cat williams takes the stage. but first, legal problems. >> and there's a balance between the need to maintain the safety of the forces but also, the need to tell the whole story. >> israel launches a military offensive against hamas and then they start tweeting about it. protests spark right here in the bay area. that's next. developing news in the middle east where it's friday morning. that's the gazza strip. israel says it was cease-fire on gazza by a visit to egypt's prime minister to the region on the condition that militants do the same. israel has been moving closer towards a ground i evaluation towards the hamas-controlled gazza trip. they have mobilized tens of thousands of troops while it continued aerial attacks and for the first time palestinian militants ladies and gentlemen rockets in tel aviv. one hitting the city and the other hitting the outskirts. it has killed 19 palestinians and three israelis. but millions are watching the battleground online. both sides using the internet to fight a separate war aimed at public influence. for the latest, gene has more on the social media warfare, jeanne? >> jessica, we're seeing a lot of anger here in san francisco on the street and anger online as israel and hamas launch a war of words. an escalation of violence between israel and hamas in gazza brings protesters into the streets in san francisco. it's anger we've seen before but there's a new element triggering tempers around the world. a war of words in social media. >> there's like a twitter war going on behind like everyone paying ateng to what the other side is saying online. >> twitter, facebook and youtube is full of graphic images and strong words about the conflict despite rules banning threats of violence most images and messages remain some are tweeting targets and the israeli army tweets plans and posts videos shows israelis running for cover, the consulate says it's a new tool in the war of public opinion. >> there's a balance between the need to maintain the safety of the soldiers and the forces. but also the need to tell the right story, to tell the whole story. >> back on the streets, some say it's a distraction from the real suffering happening on the ground. >> having this now with the social media did you want change the fact that by the time since -- even before 1948 palestine was on -- >> other wore is the internet chatter is making a debt cal situation even more dangerous. >> fueling the fire is not the right decision. i think what's important now is to stand against hamas and stand with the people of gazza and show them we support you and we don't want killing on either side. >> as the situation escalates the coast are expected to become more graphic and more violent. we did reach out to facebook and twitter to talk to them about their violent policies and we have not heard back. >> it's worrisome. thank you. cat williams plays the oakland arena tomorrow. yesterday, though, he was playing a patrol car. the 41-year-old arrested yesterday on suspicion of assault for allegedly hitting a man in the head with a bottle out side a hotel. the victim was treated at the hospital. officers found williams a few blocks away and arrested him and he was later released. not his first altercation. earlier this month williams had a confrontation with a heckler and sued by a former assistant who says william punched her. and extremely low tide in santa cruz led to an amazing discovery. a fossilized row of vertebrae jutting out from rocks. you see it carefully. this is a picture of yesterday's find. they say the fossils appear to be from an extinct whale. they have been common in santa cruz for a time. in twin another version was unearthed in the same area. the fossil is now displayed in the santa cruz county board of supervisor's chamber tool supervisor's chambers. >> let's check in with jeff because the next 72 hours are iffy? >> we will even have flooding concerns. right now, nothing major here when it kpoms to rainfall. some prefrontal shower activity moving to the north bay and to the southbound and the winds have yr increased and spring valley at 45 miles an hour and san francisco at 29 miles an hour and up to the low 20s in napa. radar not finding any calm lighting rainfall in the northeast south bay or peninsula. look way to the south out of our viewing area to find showers that's not even mch, to the south of gilroy but again, the nature of this prefrontal shower activity. very light in nature. a little bit of showers up across the sierra today. nothing heavy expected and nothing heavy at all. we're counting on the accumulating rainfall as we head throughout the friday with four to eight inches expected and that's at 7,000 feet. outside the live hd skycam are and you can see looking toward the bay bridge we have clear skies and that visibility will get reduced quite a bit as we head throughout tomorrow with our first storm system arriving so here we go. friday, storm system offshore and the unique thing it's moving from the south off to the north and little bit without a road map and being stubborn. it will be slow to move in on friday but we'll eventually pick up the rainfall and the second storm system on sunday but they'll be on the heelless of each other which could bring us flooding concern. as far as tomorrow goes rate increases throughout the day and temperatures colder on the 60s inland and we're looking at a decent chance of thunderstorms, especially in the morning hours. for tomorrow morning, rain starts to develop. more shourg activity across the bay area and scattered in nature but by the early an hours we get a first wave of consistent rainfall by 3:00 p.m. and heavier rainfall by the late evening hours. look at the widespread coverage at 8:00 on friday? it looks like we could see that chance of rain staying with us all the way through saturday morning notice the areas of yellow. we could be picking up on thunderstorms in the morning hours on saturday. so here's what to expect. >> half an inch to a an inch on sunday and that's where we could have some flooding concerns. for the north bay hills and the santa cruz mountains which could get one to three inches of rain were we're not expecting more but with the water main break earlier this week, anyone that suffered damage want to be an alert and we could see another three-quarters inch of rain so definitely stay tuned. temperatures in the morning upper 30s and low 40s. we'll see kay time highs top out in the 60s for tomorrow. three day forecast active on friday, saturday and also, sunday and look toward dryer weather heading throughout monday and on tuesday with that sun returning. so again, it's not going to be nonstop rain for the next three days. we'll see these waves and series of activity moving on through the first one begins tomorrow with showers on that morning commute. >> we've been warned. >> we have. >> you've been taking notes. >> duly noted. >> south bay marching band makes school history. a prestigious invitation for thanksgiving. details next. [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you. the saratoga high school band is marching to new york city! they've been invited to play at the macy's thanksgiving day parade. tonight the final rehearsal before leaving for the big apple. the parade is the first national event for this band. >> i am very excited to the point where there's not a lot of sleep going on. i'm nervous. the kids are going to be fantastic but i'm worried that we're preparing ourself for the kids and making we do a good job as teachers. >> break a leg. they'll do great. a total of 400 band members, directors and chaperones will be making the trip back east and, of course, you can watch the  parade right here on nbc bay area at 9:00 a.m. on thanksgiving day. we'll update about jim harbaugh and the mvp, buster posey. we've made major advancements in reducing the incidents of broken bones in seniors. we've received recognition for getting hypertension under control for over 80% of our members. we've made significant advances in asthma, immunization and maternity care. and j.d. power and associates ranked us highest in member satisfaction among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive. scott reese in the comcast sportsnet newsroom. high on the importance scale, buster posey is your national league most valuable player. the first giant to win the award since barry bonds in 2004. posey becomes the first and they joins thurmon munson and through it all, buster still humble as ever. >> it's tough to put into words. i think it's an accomplishment that is shared with the whole giants' goes and starts at the top with the great ownership, front office, putting great guys on the field and it's a great place to come and play ball every day. very fortunate that it's a great environment and, you know, i think we've seen over the past couple of years how passionate our fans are so i'm very fortunate to play in san francisco and couldn't be more honored to have my name alongside the previous winners. >> a great news of a different kind. brandon mccarthy has received medical clearance to resume normal baseball activities. this coming less than two and a half months after the a's pitcher underwent merge brain surgery after taking a line drive off the head. it wouldn't surprise anyone to know that jim harbaugh's heart beats to its own drum but medically the coach was a little by the off last night and doctors advised him to get checked out and he did, a minor procedure to correct an irregular heart beat. that procedure done today at stanford hospital, harbaugh is expected back at the 49 team offices on friday and the players momentarily distract frad their preps for monday night against the bears. >> his health is of the utmost importance. so we never want to see one of our coaches or players down in any capacity but it will be all right. as long as he comes back strong and comes back healthy that's all that's important to us. >> of course, the first thing is how serious was it or something but they said it was minor and that everything's going to be fine and he'll be back tomorrow. >> stanford hoops beatsal corn state and the cardinal with the longest active win streak at eight games. more news after this. the final installment between the love hits bella. fans have been lining up to say the twilight saga breaking down part ii. the battle. very exciting. >> less go to the midnight show! >> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- tim allen. from "modern family," 14-year-old actor, nolan gould. the music of switchfoot. and jay checks out new warning labels. and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20140129

the job. christie smith is there live where the funeral is on going. >> right now it is standing room only inside as thousands of police officers are here from across the country. they were here at early as 6:30 in the morning. when the hearse arrived an hour ago, it was absolute silence except for the sound of the bagpipes, and there was tears for tom smith, a casket draped in an american flag, it was carried in by pallbearers, two of them his brothers were were also in law enforcement. smith was accidentally shot and killed during the search of a man suspected in robberies. we spoke with officers and neighbors here in castro valley attending today heart broken by the loss. >> we're a family. when one of his hurts, we all hurt. >> it's the way it happened, i guess. usually it's a bad guy. this time, it's different. it is heard breaking because of the way it happened, you know. usually it's a bad guy does it, but this time it is a little different. >> it's sad, but it's a moment that we all have to take in, because you never want to see this. >> officers here from as far away as boston and texas and dozens of police dogs out here this morning as smith was once a k-9 officer. after the service, the chp was going to do a fly over presentation, but we're told because of the overcast, it is unclear if that will happen or not. the service expected to go on maybe another 30 minutes or so. one of the things they do in these very sad circumstances, as they're do today, firefighters hanging the american flag, and the limos, hearse, and well wishers did today. all right, christie, thank you. be sure to stay with us for continuing coverage of sergeant smith's funeral on air and online. golden gate park is safe from pit bulls this morning officers caught one of the loose pit bulls a few hours ago. one of two dogs on the laos, the other was shot and killed by police. it happened overnight. police say the dog's owner left his two dogs with a friend to run ann er rand. the friend was then attacked. >> this one guy had a backpack. it was between he and the dog, and the guy was just trying to get away. >> animal control found the remaining pit bull involved in the attack just a few hours ago. happening now, crews in san jose say it will be another hour before they have a gas leak capped. you're looking at a live picture this morning. a construction crew broke the two inch natural gas line this morning. this neighborhood is evacuated as a precaution, otherwise nobody is hurt. the city of atlanta is working to clear highways where thousands were stranded overnight in the snow. school children were unable to get home in the snowstorm. chris is in north carolina today which is also dealing with the storm. >> southern discomfort in a area not equipped for heavy snow. snow brought atlanta to a virtual stand still. abandoned cars and trucks littered the highways and the national guard has been called in to help. >> they were treacherous, especially go over the bridge. there was trailer trucks jackknifed. >> i didn't have control of my car any longer. i pulled over, i thought i would just tough it out. >> she did tough it out throughout the night until her son was able to reach her this morning. >> i'm glad she is okay. it will be a trek getting back home but at least we're together. >> this is the scene playing out all over atlanta and the south. school kids unable to get home in the school districts were forced to shelter in place during the night. >> we're in contact with parents and the central office to make sure that everyone gets home safely. >> the mayor of atlanta is on the defensive over his city's response. >> our focus right now is to assist in any way with getting our freeways cleared. now the city and the region studies to get back to normal. freezing temperatures forecast again tonight meaning there will be one more day of dealing with this storm. in charleston, south carolina. rain is headed our way, a live look at san jose why clouds seem to signal an impending storm. christina loren, how much rain might we get? >> maybe over an inch in higher elevations. it's looking today goo. good afternoon to you and peggy. as you can see the showers are not waiting for lunch, their breaching the sonoma county line. i'm going to time out this system as it moves. we're just about an hour, maybe an hour and a half away. it's about a 1:38 p.m. arrival in vallejo. the longer it lingers the better off we are because that means more rain it will dump over the bay area. now to the north, 6:00 p.m. to midnight, all of that shower activity. as we head throughout midnight to 0u6 0 a.m. tomorrow morning. i'm going to show you how this works on a map and give you an idea of how much rain we're expecting. right now, back to you scott and peggy. >> we certainly hope it dumps a lot. two million people are being asked to cut back t water usage this morning. the santa clara water district is asking people to cut back by about 10%. they're offing rebates to people who up grade their appliances. they want a firmer prediction of water flies before making the questi request. they say customers are using 17% less than in 2007. state senators approved a rule that would change the way toy and replica guns are made. they will be required to be manufactured to look very different from guns that fire actual bullets. no more replicas. voting on the bill was moved up after the deadly shooting of andy lopez in santa rosa. fresh out of the state of the union speech, president obama is on the road today promoting a higher minimum wage and retirement security. danielle lee is n washington with more. employees at this costco in maryland make much more than minimum became. it's why president obama is visiting them. >> treating workers well is not just the right thing to do, it's an investment. >> the president is on a two day were four state trip, expanding on the state of the union. and his action plan to increase opportunities for all americans. a task he said will require teamwork in washington. >> inside the house, action is already under way. lawmakers passed a compromised farm bill. and where congress can't agree, the president says he will work around them. republicans say they want to make washington work better too, but they disagree with the president on taxes. specifically raising the minimum wage. >> we don't want to make it harder for people to hire people, we want to help get people into the workforce. >> they argue the economic agenda means fewer options, not more. >> president obama is visiting a steel plant in pennsylvania today, he is unveiling a new retire program. the former stanford star, allegedly bullied in the nfl, speaking out for the first time, we'll hear from jonathan martin coming up next. and your phone may be giving away information you don't want others to know. a live look at at minute t park. fans in the seats this morning. why they're at the stadium despite no baseball for months. the nfl season draws to a close this sunday with of course the big super bowl. but questions remain over allegations of bullying that led to a member of the miami dolphins to leave mississippi season. >> now jonathan martin is breaking his silence. >> tell me the first thing that happened that caused you to feel uncomfortab uncomfortable. >> comments of a racial nature. aggressive, sexual comments related to my sister and mother. i have spoken to teammates in other locker rooms across the nfl, and i said is this normal? and the consensus was this is not normal. >> a lot of what i'm hearing centers around richie incognito. was it one individual or more than one? >> more than one. it was a culture. offensive line men are like a brotherhood. >> it started your rookie year, and did you feel like you were singled out? do you think you got it more? >> other people got it too. i can't say why i may have gotten more, there is normal hazing in the nfl. you get a haircut, stuff like that, little pranks. but of a personal attacking nature, i don't think there is any place for that. >> did you talk to anybody before you started your second year? >> i did mention, and the organization knew they was struggling. >> who did you talk to? >> i had conversations with my coaches. i didn't get into specifics. you're not supposed to, "snitch" on teammates. i would talk to coaches about my teammates. >> you say there was no one specific incident, but at some point you started thinking about leaving the team. tell me what lead up to that. >> it was extending past my rookie season, and i had to remove myself for my own health. >> did you ever talk to coach philbin. >> i did not. i tried to become friends. i looked at myself and what am i doing wrong. >> i see the stories of the text messages going back and forth, they seem friendly. is that not the sign of friendship? >> it is, like i said, i was trying with all of my being to do whatever i could. to be a member of this culture and of our unit as an offensive line. >> have you talked to anyone from the dolphins since you left? >> no. >> what are you looking for in the next situation? what will be different for you so it doesn't end up like to did in miami. >> i understand the opportunities in the nfl are fleeting. i hope that i get another opportunity. >> do you think you're ready to come back into this environment? >> i don't think there is in question. >> how can you assure me? >> i'm looking into your eyes, and i'm telling you i would be ready. >> for more go to and search jonathan martin. we're months away from baseball but there are fans at at&t park. >> 1200 fans are taking part in filming commercials for the giants. they will continue through tomorrow and friday. the excitement continues on saturday when the giants hold their annual fan fest, free to the public. the commercials being shot right now will air throughout the entire 2014 season. gear up for baseball. >> strangers may be able to track your exact location. certain as on your smart phone use technology called geotagging for services but it can reveal your location as well. josh green tells you what to look out for. >> funny what you can find out about a stranger these days. we can see everyone who had geotagging turned on and posted things to their social media page. on twitter he wrote he was about to eat chicken and waffles. little did he know imbedded in that innocent message was his exact location. 18th street north and central hea avenue. >> when it comes to tweeting, travis is pretty much a pro, more than 1700 tweets. >> did you know? >> no. i think you just want to know you have control over it, really. you don't want it tracking where you're going, popping in into restaurants while you're eating. saying i know who you are. >> the gps is pretty accurate to about 15 feet. >> kelly teaches at the school of mass communications. it is often big topics of discussion in the classroom. >> a lot of people do not realize how much information they're putting out there about themselves. it can be used to find out where they are and where they're not. >> he says he will probably still use it for work, but the chicken and waffle geotags will probably be turned off from now on. >> i know the world is connected today, but maybe you just want to go about your day. people know where you are and it's kind of freaky. that was josh greene reporting. the best way is check the settings on your phone. tumble weeds are taking over a small city in next been look at what happened after a storm covered threm into down. they will be smashed down and then put in a landfill. let's check in with christina loren. no tumble weeds, in fact, a lot of moisture. >> yes, the extreme opposite of what we have opinion getting. we're very excited about it. i can tell you right now this is looking very promising. now reporting four tenths of an inch already and we're just starting. so we really need this and it's looking really good. better is definitely more in this situation. the shower rs are pushing into sonoma county. and as we go into the next few hours it will get more and more active. as we head throughout the day today, highs will be able to climb towards averages and above. san francisco 60 degrees. look at this, the fog, the drizzle, it is definitely circulating across the area. you want to travel cautiously and we're just getting this thing started. look at this. a little bit of moderate rainfall coming down just to the east of santa rosa. it progresses throughout 7:00 p.m. keep this thing running. top it again at 2:00 a.m. and this is what we really need, deep rich green. this is an indication of potentially half an inch of rainfall and a quarter inch on the valley floor. then it blows out of here. not before accumulating decent totals. the north bay will see the most, up the coastline as well. we could pick up half an inch to three quarters of an inch of much needed rainfall. tahoe needs two or maybe even three feet of fresh powder. we will have a live report for you as we meet tomorrow morning. we'll keep you updated, but this is exactly what we need to see at this point. >> thank you, still to come, padded hats for pitchers. will they actually wear them? major league baseball is taking a major step forward to protect their pitchers. they have approved a padded cap for players. it's meant to protect them from hits. brandon mccarthy says he is not going to wear it. he was hit in 2012, and he had emergency surgery. he says the cap is too big, and other players say they will not wear them either unless the league makes it mandatory. >> deputy commissioner bill daley says if there is a significant security breach between now and when the games start, nhl players will not attend. >> if you prefer puppies over players, listen up. >> we'll tell you what you can do instead of watching the super bo bowl. or how to find big savingsdeals on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. you'll find huge club card deals perfect for the big game. pizza's a football favorite. digiorno pizza is $3.99. get your snack on. wheat thins and other nabisco crackers are just $1.50 a box. and dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. if the super bowl is not your thing, how about the puppy bowl. >> some of this year's event are trained by the most experienced. they recently stopped by the white house. there you see the first lady right there in the middle for last minute pointers. every puppy appearing in animal planets puppy bowl is in need of a good home. >> they sort of did it as a joke one year, but look at all of those cute pups out there. our next newscast is at 5:00. >> have a great day. [exhales] [knock on door] hey, i wanted to come say merry christmas before we all leave for the break. oh, thank you, lemon. that's very thoughtful. help yourself to a gift. oh, wow. it's our new handheld photo scanner/paper shredder. [shredder whirrs] oh, well, won't people just end up shredding their photos? well, no, no, it's very easy to use. if you want to photo-scan, you flip the switch to p.s. and if you want to paper shred, you flip the switch to-- oh. i'd like to make an announcement! [all cheering] i just want to say that i'm really sorry for whatever i'm going to do at the party tonight. and i forgive all of you in advance for leaving me passed out by the elevator in my own gravy. merry ludachristmas, everyone! are you gonna do horny santa again, frank? that was so funny last year when i sat on your lap. yes, funny. so big plans for the holidays?


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 11 20140129

tonight and rightfully so after this 81-year-old woman was shot in her home in the middle of the morning. if that wasn't bad enough her neighbor said that bullet could have easily struck him, as well. >> it struck the window on the left, two panels down and you see a whole. it went through here, through the wall, went through the fence. this is the bullet hole that went through the fence here and struck over here and then it dropped down over here. >> reporter: he is still shaken up as he shows us how close the bullet that struck his 81-year-old neighbor. the initial investigation points to a home invasion robbery happening here in oakland lincoln highland neighborhood. according to the police it was around 10:30 tuesday morning when a man busted into the elderly woman's home and then at some point the suspect shot that 81-year-old woman one time before taking off. right now it's still unclear if anything was stolen and what exactly haved in the moments before the -- happened in the moments before the woman was shot but they say this is rare in this area. >> historically this neighborhood is quiet and the neighbors are very close--knit. >> reporter: he says he'll always make sure that his doors are locked and that he and his neighbors will watch their backs much more closely. >> i sleep with my bedroom door locked, not that that will do much good but it gives me a little bit of securitity. >> reporter: the 81-year-old woman is in the hospital and in stable condition. tonight a college community is on high alert after a student is kidnapped from the college of marin campus at gun point and sexually assaulted. tonight we look at what the college is doing to step up security in the wake of this attack. >> reporter: students at the college of marin are on heightened alert after a student was did kidnapped and sexually assaulted last week. >> it's pretty spooky. >> it worries me. >> reporter: the attack happened thursday night as the male student walked to his car in parking lot 13. once inside the car he discovered he was not alone. >> the suspect was in the back of a vehicle. the student's vehicle, and he held the student at gun point to take him someplace where he was sexually assaulted. >> reporter: the suspect is die described and remains at large. tuesday at 5:00 p.m. campus officials moved a barricade in front of parking lot number 13 so nobody could park there at night. >> in will be closed at dark. >> reporter: the nighttime closure will force the students to park in parking lot 12 this will be free at 5:00 p.m. >> it's better lit and closer and easy to patrol. >> reporter: the campus stepped up police patrols and students have been identified of the attack. >> i've been looking everywhere and just being very alert, not just here on the campus, but pretty much everywhere i go, especially at dark, and i'm kind of scared. >> reporter: campus officials are advising students that regardless where you park, always be aware of your s surroundings and try not to walk you alone. water officials all over the bay area are scrambling to rethink how to handle the water shortage. tonight we're looking what the santa clara county district and what they have in mind. >> reporter: the governor sent word to districts all across the state that more needs to be done to conserve water. tonight the santa clara valley water district took the first septembers in doing that. >> reporter: low reservoir water levels are a shocking sight. there's been no winter storms to fill them up and that has some people concerned about the amount of water available. the santa clara valley water district took the first step. they approved a plan that would make it a goal to reach a 10% reduction in water consumption. in addition to the reduction, the district authorized half a million dollars of its budget to go towards public outreach and education for water conservation. new incentives will be given to people who work with their surroundings and water incentives. santa clara valley gets half of its water from other parts of the state eight if those sources start to dry up, there could be a problem. >> as a result of the years of management during what years we continually recharge our ground water supply so we have our ground water supply still in a normal range, and that water is there for us for years like this and it's why we've invested in ground water recharge problems for years. >> reporter: these conservation efforts are currently voluntary but that could change to a mandatory situations if things get worse. kron 4 news. a look now at water restrictions elsewhere in the bay area. marin county has already asked people for a 25% voluntary reduction in water usage. residents in pleasanton and other places have been urged to cut back 20%. san francisco officials have announced a 10% voluntary conservation with which will begin this friday. when governor brown declared a draught emergency for the state he asked for voluntary conservation of 20% by everybody in california. for some water saving tips you can visit kron we have some good news on the weather front tonight. as we leukemia from -- look from the downtown cam, rain is on the way, but well to the north, and it will drop down as we head into tomorrow. it will down down the cost line and we'll be seeing rain tomorrow afternoon and also thursday morning. here is what you can expect tonight, cloudy and mild conditions, no rain just yet. the rain will roll in around 4:00 tomorrow afternoon and it will be light and then it looks like it will pick up into intensity on thursday. say yes, give america a raise! [ cheering and applause ] >> increasing the federal minimum wage, during the state of the union address. people in one south bay community should be getting ready to pay more when they park. we'll show you where the increase is and how much. first, another asiana lawsuit filed. we'll have more coming up next. a new lawsuit stemming from law year's plane crash at sfo has been filed by a san francisco firefighter. they claim the department identified her as the driver of the fire rig that ran over a young pass ger despite video evidence to the vonn -- young passenger despite video evidence. she is african american and is suing for at least $300,000 in damages. up next, parking costs doubling in a south bay community. rain is on the way. we'll time it out on future cast coming up next. the price of me ter meter parked will double soon. how much drivers will have to shell out is coming up. >> reporter: the city of san jose is doing away with these old meters in the downtown area. they will be a thing of the past. they plan to order smart meters, and along with coins they will also accept credit cards and allows drivers to pay with their cell phones. a phone app will show available spots. >> what's wrong with the meters now? >> reporter: it will cost $1.3 million for put these in. >> a dollar is way too much, way too much. that is gouging. >> it will cost x amount of dollars and when it's paid for, what is the other money going to be implemented for? the youth? >> reporter: 1200-meters will be affected. kron 4 news. the president delivered his fifth state of the union address tonight. he urged congress to support his agenda but, if need be, he said there will be times he's fine going it alone. we have the story. >> reporter: it's a rare occasion for washington politicians often engaged in political combat to come together. >> the president of the united states! >> reporter: sustained the applause during his fifth state of address. >> it's you, our citizens, who make the state of our union strong. >> reporter: yet also plenty of opportunitys for criticism. the president is tackling topics and call for actions that separate the democrats and republicans. >> they say immigration reform will grow our economy and shrink our deaf sit by 1 trillion dollars in the next two decades. the quality has deepened and upward mobility has stalled. >> reporter: and raising the minimum wage. the president says he'll sign an executive order to raise the minimum wage to just over dollars for new federal contract workers. >> join the rest of the country, say yes and give the country a raise. >> reporter: if congress won't work with him to help americans, he'll go around. >> wherever and whenever i can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more american families, that's what i'm going to do. >> reporter: after the president's speech the republican speak. >> san francisco mayor was one of the first lady's guest. this picture was tweeted of his and his wife in the east room of the white house before the address. after wards a statement was released saying he was honored to represent san francisco at the event and he went on to say he looks forward to supporting the president's goal in san francisco by dubbing down on an aggressive affordability agenda, building 30,000 new homes by 2020 and raising the minimum wage and create and sustain good jobs for all individuals from san francisco. the first lady, michelle obama, will be visiting san francisco this week and l. a., and she'll do an interview, as well. it will air january 30th. the first lady will also attend an event hosted by the democratic party and then she will attend political events in san francisco before returning home to the nation's capital. we are seeing reduced visibility at the coast line and other areas around the bay area. the clouds and sea breeze winds are increasing as the storm approaches. it still to the north of us and it will drop down the coastline into the overnight hours, especially into tomorrow after night. the cold front is expected to push through at around 4:00 in the afternoon. you can see the rain well to the north of us. tomorrow afternoon, the 3:00 hour, rain is ongoing in the sierra and starting in the north bay. into the evening hours we'll see more showers and the sierra is seeing pretty heavy rainfall. it will be all rainfall wednesday in the sierra but it will turn tony on thursday, which you will see in a moment. thursday, we're seeing widespread rain through the bay area and starting to turn to snow? the sierra and a low into 5:00 hour but another wave coming through into the 9:00 hour for the bay area. this is one computer model, and there's another one that shows much more rain but i'll go with the one that shows a little less rain. by noon a few showers that are continuing and still seeing snow in the mountains and it's possible we continue to see snow showers and rain showers locally, as long as the 7:00 -- up until, i should say, the 7:00 hour tomorrow. here is a look at those rainfall totals that we're projecting, up to three quarters of an inch in the north bay hills and less than that in the valleys, though. they'll get about a quarter of an inch of rain to a third of an inch. we'll see heavy snow during thursday, at times, bringing up to 8 inches of fresh powder, 6,000 feet, and more than that in the highest elevations. the extended forecast, the storm coming in tomorrow, into thursday, but as we head into weekend it looks like things will stay dry. there's a slight chance of rain on sunday. the computer models are waffling with how to handle that. we'll get through tomorrow and we'll keep you posted on sunday. coming up in sports a local product is the surprise star of super bowl media day, and in keeping with the state of the union theme, the warriors host the team from the nation's capital. we have all the highlights coming up next on kron 4 news! good evening, everybody. the warriors have a little funk going at home. john wall and the wizards are not supposed to come into golden state and beat a playoff team. steph curry had 23 tonight, but not a great game, turnovers late, and two minutes left, lee, 2-10, tying it with a left hand. at 85, wall, an assist man, but if you leave him alone, he can knock it down, and that's pretty much. he can't get a decent shot, has to throw up a 3-pointer with his left hand and that's it. the warriors are only a game out of the eighth and final playoff spot and they're not knocked off by washington, 88-85, and the clippers at oracle on thursday evening. the super bowl, the one big deal for the media is today, and, you know, nothing came out of it. the media guys tried to dress up to get attention. i don't know want to say it's sad but that's what it is. peyton manning, a couple of thousand people wanting to hear from him, and richard sherman said nothing of consequence. the running back for seattle, he only lasted on the podium for seven minutes and then deion sanders caught up with him. >> you are kind of i should, and you just don't want to talk really. >> i'm just not that action, boss! >> they're going to have to stop all levels here. we have some dogs. >> we love these games. >> big-time. they love and appreciate that. >> all right, once, again, they are loved! 9:00 on thursday night as we wrap up our football specials here. we'll talk obviously about the super bowl, steinberg, the super agent, the guest. who is the most important large coach in the league? they polled 320 players, and pete carol of settle came out number 1, mike tomorrow lynn, rex ryan, bill belichick, and harbaugh finished eighth. and a bay area product, he's suing the nfl and the helmet may occur, riddell maker, riddell, saying the equipment was faulty. they're saying the helmet maker for the nfl did not do a good job, so it's the helmet and the nfl being sued by him. remember this guy brandon mccarthy, getting hit with a line drive in the head? he says he won't wear the major league approved protective gear. we have to show this again. ouch! anyway, the leak came out and says pitchers will bear the new helmet and he's on record saying, i know what i went through but the helmet is uncomfortable and doesn't look good and it's hot, and here is a guy who got hit in the head and doesn't like the helmet. there you go. >> thank you. >> thanks to all of you. >> the morning news is at 4:00 a.m. we'll see you tomorrow! alec baldwin baby pat down. he claims airport security agents searched his 5-month-old daughter. >> why was she selected. >> then, grammy walkout. >> the singer who found the grammy's so over the top she walked out. >> "inside edition" special correspondent gabby douglas. >> i got an interview with peyton manning. >> plus, heidi's heave ho. >> why did oprah just cancel her big 60th birthday bash. >> the quadraplegic singer whose song is nominated for an oscar. >> how her


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20121208

explosion. we are live in pleasant hill. and police have reason to believe the teens had more plans for more destruction? >> yes, they do. they found the teens and found the teens had another pipe bomb they had yet to set off so luckily police stopped them before they could do that. take a look at this video. [explosion sound] >> what you just is authorities detonating a pipe bomb before it did more damage. police before that received calls of an explosion in a neighborhood last night. they arrived to fine a mailbox had been destroyed by a pipe bomb. neighbors saw a red s.u.v. leave the neighborhood soon after. police took the tip and spotted the vehicle in the parking lot of the high school. the teens had plans to do more damage. >> the investigation determined that the people in the s.u.v. were involved in the mail box explosion and then they had another pipe bomb in the trunk. the walnut police bomb squad came out and rendered the pipe bomb safe. three juveniles were taken into custody as a result of the investigation. >> police say the juveniles are being cooperative and they admitted to only having those two pipe bombs. as a result, police believe they do believe this is an isolated incident. they don't think college park high school was a target, just a meeting place. and had anyone come into contact with the pipe bombs, they could have died. good thing, of course, that they didn't. reporting live in pleasant hill, abc7 news. >> thank you. two deadly accidents in the east bay are under investigation this weekend. first, two people were killed in a head-on collision in byron yesterday and then last night in concord a 21-year-old man riding a skateboard was hit and killed. police say a 21-year-old creighton woman was driving a chevy tahoe when she hit the skateboarder. police say the concord man was in the crosswalk when he was hit. he suffered major injuries and died at the hospital. traffic was detoured for hours for the police investigation. the byron highway and contra costa road open this morning after two people were killed there, including a young boy. the accident happened around 3:30 on the stretch of highway that crosses the california aqua duct. witnesses say the driver of an 88 oldsmobile swerved across the yellow line and snatched into the big rig. the boy, believed to be between 8 and 9 years old, died at the scene. the driver, a 21-year-old woman from bay point, died at the hospital. the supreme court said it will take up two same-sex marriage cases, including california's proposition 8. >> i have been waiting for three years to enjoy the same privilege these folks are enjoying. >> the constitution of the united states doesn't have marriage in it and the tenth amendment said what's not in the federal powers belongs to the states. >> the justice less likely decide by late june whether gay couples have the constitutional right to marry. >> authorities believe 23-year-old rebecca was involved in the murder of 17-year-old daniel. the victim was killed a week ago on pacific avenue. detectives believe the murder was gang related and he did not act alone. this morning richmond police are warning women about a rapist the assaults have happened off 23rd street and garvin avenue all in a five month span. these two sketches are of the same person. he's described as being in his 30s, roughly 5'7" and wearing a gold chain with a cross. witnesses say he's driving a white four door sedan, similar to a nissan ultima, and it may have a child's seat in the back. residents of the area say it's usually pretty safe. >> i often walk around in the neighborhood by myself. this is the first time i have ever heard of anything like this around here. it's generally a very safe place and i haven't been concerned. >> the man is as you expected of raping two women and attempting to assault a third one. >> there have been eight fatal collision necessary the county this year and five involved drivers high on marijuana. last month we reported on an office of traffic safety survey that shows almost twice as many people were caught driving under the influence of drugs rather than alcohol. that was in nine california cities on friday and saturday nights last summer. we are now 23 days before the fiscal cliff deadline. house speaker john boehner said no progress was made yesterday. the main sticking point is still about tax cuts that are set to expire. also the president's demand that wealthy pay more. the uncertainty of what will happen is starting to have an impact on charities. abc7 news reporter tells us donations are down. the food pantry at the saint anthony foundation in san francisco is in good shape but overall donations are down for the year >> we are a little behind where we would like to be or budgeted to be. >> the director said the charity has seen interesting trends this holiday season that may have to do with the impending fiscal cliff >> we are seeing people who have never given us a stock donation before stepping up and making that kind of gift to us. >> they could be concerned that the tax deductions for charitable giving would be cut next year, saving the government money. private wealth advisor said it can make sense to get more bang for your donation buck. that would help charities this year, but people may be less generous in years to come. >> people who would like to donate, some had this year and potentially some this year, may try to double up and donate more this year. >> but the uncertain financial future is also causing fear. >> and many people are afraid to make any move, so then there's paralysis, because if you don't know what's coming, you are try to say as liquid as you can, you try to hold on to what you have, and you are not as willing to donate or spend in general. >> saint anthony's is seeing this as well. >> some of the people who have traditionally given us end of year stock donations, we are seeing about half of those coming through. >> the saint anthony's is optimistic their donors will come through by the new year. >> their donations really seem to come from the heart, out of a sense of compassion. >> he agrees. he said wealthy people may donate less if it benefits them less but he thinks overall people donate because they want to help and the tax deduction is a bonus. coming up next, sadness and outrage from around the world. the prank call that has even the royals laughing takes a tragic turn. and also a local church group robbed and penniless. how their shock turns to despair >> welcome back, everybody. it's 6:11. scotland yard now on the case of the nurse who committed suicide after being duped by australian dj's who were pretending to be the queen of england. nurse inadvertently gave out information about indicate middleton's condition. >> she was at the center of a white hot media glare and one day after she checked out, tragedy. >> it is with deep sadness, i can confirm the tragic death of a member of our nursing staff. >> it was the nurse who answered the phone on tuesday when two australian dj's impersonating the queen asked to speak with kate middleton. >> hello there. could i please speak with kate, my granddaughter? >> he put them straight through to the private nurse who divulged details about her medical condition. it became a global punchline. >> an australian radio station managed to trick the hospital. >> the whole world laughing at the duped nurses. even prince charles making light of the information. >> the dj's boasting of their prank. >> we were expecting to be hung up on and we didn't even know what to say. >> tonight they told about the toll it took on the nurse. >> she was recently the victim of the bank call to the hospital. the hospital was support her through this very difficult time. >> this morning she was found dead just a few blocks from the hospital. scotland yard called her death unexplained, but not suspicious. she was 46 years old, married with two children. >> in australia the djs's have been yanked off the air until further notice while the radio station apologized and expressed deep shock. and tonight the palace released a statement saying william and and kate are deeply sad end by the tragedy. >> we will have much more on this coming up at 7:00 a.m.. members of an oakland church group who were robbed in florida are learning firsthand about giving back. international ministry that arrived thursday in fort lauderdale for a youth conference. while they were out getting lunch someone broke into their van and stole their money, $12,000. several floridians heard the story and stepped forward. >> i have a little something here, i have $15,000. >> oh, my god! >> wow! after that stunning gift, another man treated the group to lunch. the group will be home monday with the story to tell about strangers and their kindness. >> the university ever california is going modern, or at least their logo is. old logo on the left, the new one on the right. the older, more traditional symbol will appear on official university documents but the new one that has the letter "c" at the bottom of a stylized open book, it will appear on marketing materials and websites. they wanted something more user-friendly. >> the times are changing. >> yeah. >> weather is changing, too? >> yes. we are looking at temperatures dropping quite rapidly in the north bay valleys. here's a roof camera. a little wind. numbers in the upper 40s. the wind is transporting the fog into the north bay valleys where it's 34 right now santa rosa. quarter mile visibility into the east bay. we will talk about the fog and the warmup headed your way coming up. >> thank you, lisa. also next a happy homecoming for warriors coach mark jackson as the warriors beat the nets in >> good morning. yesterday it was about staying drive and today staying warm. >> that's right. 30s and 40s and fog as well. dense fog advisory from the delta and there's fog really along the coast, as well. it is being transported in from our east bay from the delta and we are looking at just a little bit san francisco. temperatures are quite cold this morning. and the sun not up until 7:13, setting at 4:51 so the numbers will continue to drop throughout the next several hours. this is from vollmer peak this morning. looking out over into the east bay. so live doppler 7hd. although it looks clear, and it is in terms of picking up any raindrops, but we are looking at another satellite picture to show you where our fog is and the chilly temperatures. and this definitely is resulting in the north bay where we have 34 this morning santa rosa, 37 napa and 38 livermore and the warmer numbers here from oakland to san francisco. and there is fog around half moon bay. but most of the fog has been confined in the north bay, from novato to santa rosa, concord, and now it's creeping through fairfield. quarter mile visibility. be careful out there. it will be with us through about 8:00. here's this morning the northeast winds are transporting the fog through the delta. the east bay, half moon bay, san francisco, but it does dissipate by about 8:00, 9:00 so it should be pretty nice afternoon with plenty of sunshine. still the northeast winds with us. that will lead to mild temperatures. a little cooler in our east bay where the winds are blowing. otherwise we will look for more sunshine today, tomorrow, into the early part of the week and the next weatherer comes from the north. doesn't look like a big system but we are watching high pressure as it builds into the eastern pacific. as it does, the next couple of days we are going to gain a couple of degrees each and every day as the high pressure builds and continues to slide to the east of us. so that will allow for warmer temperatures in most locations, although with the fog and the gusty northeast winds from time to time, that should offset a little cooling from the delta over into the east bay. otherwise plenty of low 060s today. 62 big sur with the warmth and gusty winds down through southern california. san diego looking at gusty winds. and back home how about 63 today in campbell. 61 in sunnyvale. temperatures normally in the upper 50s so a few degrees above the average. menlo park, 62 for you. downtown look for 61. 59 in the sunset district. a few high clouds from time to time. tonight the boat parade should be a chilly but nice evening. 60s for a high. and out over the hills look for lower 60s today. the northeast winds will keep a chill in the air. 65 salinas with 63 in santa cruz. so the accuweather seven-day forecast looking at a pretty nice day today and temperatures still coming up a few degrees tomorrow and into monday. very little change and slightly cooler conditions but still dry on tuesday. slight chance of showers on wednesday but notice the numbers drop into the mid-and upper 50s. we will keep a cool, dry on thursday, maybe more rain on friday. but at this point it's looking like a pretty dry stretch. >> sure does. thank you, lisa. we are joined live from new york to tell us what is coming up at 7:00 on "good morning america." good morning. >> hey, katie, good morning to you. coming up, tragic hopes. we have new details on the hospital nurse who was found dead after being duped by a couple radio djs while duchess kate was in the hospital. how is the royal family responding to the tragedy, and what actions is the australian radio station behind the hoax taking in its weak. and also korean superstar is backtracking after it discovered that he performed a song with anti-american lyrics, this just days before he is scheduled to perform in front. president. how does he feel about the country who made him a youtube sensation and should the latest revelation change the president's plans. and plus secret santa. a man discovers a decades old christmas picture from his childhood and realizes he knows the man whose lap he is sitting on. coming up, find out who santa is. a realized ferry tale that will leave you smiling. and gabriel douglas is spending time with us and telling us about her new memoir and how she almost never made it to the london olympics t wouldn't be the same without her. that's coming up on the show. >> i couldn't imagine it without her. what an inspiration. thank you. >> see ya. >> in sports this afternoon the warriors will try to win their third straight game on their seven-day road trip. they are in washington to play the wizards. last night golden state played their first game in the nets new arena in brooklyn. here's larry beil with highlights in this morning's sports. good morning. this is a pleasant surprise for just a second time in 20 years the warriors have won twelve of their first nineteen games. impressive road win in brooklyn. coach mark jackson was born in brooklyn, played his high school ball just down the road from the new barclay center, the new arena there. you see klay thompson, the confidence growing. taking it to the rack strong. joe johnson lighting it up. finished with 32 points. nets by 6. steph curry goes from simmer to boil, knocking down threes. steph makes it rain. 28 points. fourth quarter, steph not with the shot, but the dish to green. the rookie had 6 points and 10 boards. david lee a double-double, 30 points, 15 rebounds. cleaning up inside. 109-102 warriors. they are now 12-7 this season, piling up wins even without andrew bogus. before they kicked off the season. they said raiders management knew they did not have a playoff contender, but i'm not sure they envisioned this 3-0 debacle. they had the loss to peyton manning and the broncos. he and reggie knew this was a rebuilding project, but it looks like it's turned into a complete tear-down. >> reggie and i have talked about it. we knew what we were dealing with when we came here. and we knew that we had some depth issues on the roster and we couldn't sustain a lot of injuries. we all want to win and want to win now, but i'm look at the long-term future of the team and we have to prepare for the future. >> the heisman trophy will be handed out tonight in new york. it's essentially a two-man race, johnny manzel and mantai tao. collin klein is a finalist and he will be kansas state's first player to take home a heisman. but the favorite is johnny manzel from texas a&m. they call him johnny football who would be the first freshman to win the heisman. >> it would mean the world to me. it would be a dream come true for me to be the first freshman to win the honor and to bring a heisman trophy back to texas a&m. just the pride it would bring to not only my family but everybody, everybody at aggieland and everybody involved with the texas a&m program. it would mean the world. baseball news, when a's fans think about brandon mccarthy, this moment will be the first thing that flashes in their minds. a line drive that could have killed him. turned out it was his last pitch for the a's. he's agreed to a two-year deal with arizona for $15.5 million. he posted a 8-6 record for the green and gold last year. to the ice. the bulls hosting the colorado eagles. the third period they were down 4-0. but we need one san francisco goal because this was teddybears night. he delivered with the goal and fans delivered with the teddybears on the ice, all to be donated to charity. the bulls lose, but the kids win. good stuff right there. that's a wrap on morning sports. mike will be here with the heisman trophy winner. who wins it? we will find out at five, six and eleven. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> next, need help on the down payment on a home you want to buy? homeowners are applying for free mortgage money. find out if you qualify. and they trusted a dealer to >> some families in the east bay now have $20,000 to make a down payment on a home. there's more where that came from. wells fargo is hosting an event called city lift. for those who qualify, it's a life changing experience. abc7 news reporter laura anthony has the story. >> we've got the money. >> oakland glen taylor is celebrating she just qualified for $20,000 in down payment assistance from wells fargo bank. it's the last piece she needs to buy a home for her family. >> do dreams come true? >> dreams do come true. they do. they do. >> wells fargo is reaching out to hundreds of bay area families, trying to help them with $20,000 toward a down payment on the purchase of a home. sean coleman lined up at 6:00 a.m. and was one of the first to find out he qualified. >> exciting day for you? >> yes, it is. most exciting thing, better than a birthday. >> and not everyone who applies will qualify. applicants must have a consistent income and strong credit history. for those who qualify the entire $20,000 will be forgiven if the buyer stays in their home for at least five years or prorated 20% per year of residence. >> the goal is to make sure we don't have people jumping in is flipping properties, but literally stay there. >> they stopped to enjoy the home tour even though they found out they did not qualify for the down payment assistance. >> we were closer than we realized to having something that we could call our own down the line. >> we are closer. we still have a few things we still need to do, but i feel better about what's going on now than before. >> this event goes all day at the downtown marriott. 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. preregistration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome. there's more information on our website. that's in oakland, laura anthony, abc7 news. >> new this morning, president obama is taking a sharply partisan tone in his weekly address, blaming house republicans for blocking a bill to resolve the fiscal cliff crisis. as we move closer to a year end deadline where huge tax increases kick in and tax cuts kick in, they have not compromised to help reduce the deficit. the latest senate version would prevent a tax height on the first $250,000 of earning. >> the wealthiest americans would get a tax cut on the first $250,000 of their income and families everywhere would enjoy some peace of mind. the senate has done their part. we are waiting for republicans in the house to do the same thing, but so far they have put forward an unbalanced plan that actually lowers rates for the wealthiest americans. >> republican florida senator marco rubio said tax increases will not reduce the nation's $16 trillion debt. officials for the proposed sonoma-marin rail transit project or smart train are looking to get $16.6 million in federal fund to go buy more train cars. today the press democrat reports money otherwise would be used for local pedestrian and bicycle paths. smart train is committed to go to cloversdale and larkspur, but beyond that more rail cars would be needed to carry the load. the request is not sitting well with bicyclist advocates because it would take away about two-thirds of their federal funding, setting back plans to build bike paths another five years. >> new this morning, three women who dined at a stockton car room said the bill they received was outrageous but not because of the price. christina and her two friends are mad about a remark that was typed on to their receipt by their server, named jeff. it read "fat girls." they know some people will chuckle when they see the story but they want people to know how much the comment hurt. the manager on duty offered them a 25% discount, but upped that to 50%. his boss is offering a public apology and making changes at the restaurant. >> i still can't believe somebody would put that on a street. -- on a receipt. >> it's something we saw, all three of us. >> i want to tell them we are sincerely sorry for that and we will do everything in our power to make sure this never happens to anyone again. >> the bar manager said the server has been suspended while the incident is investigated. >> petaluma police are pushing the council to adopt new regulations for the massage industry. the city is drafting an ordinance for those that serve as fronts for prostitution. the police chief said investigations have uncovered illegal activities and he wants them to be state licensed. the business owners say they have no problem with that, but they strongly reject to a requirement that workers pass a medical exam and prove they don't have any diseases. the draft of the ordinance should be presented to the council in february. the owners of at least 20 cars are looking for the owners of a sunnyvale consignment car company. they apparently took off with the vehicles they were supposed to sell. abc7 news reporter has the latest on the story that we broke thursday night on abc7 news. >> the car is now in their name. i'm not sure what i can do. >> graham ward is asking a sunnyvale police officer who he can do to get his car back. he left his volvo here last july on consignment. now the business is closed and his car, which he is still making payments on, is registered in the name of sunnyvale motor cars. >> if i would have taken the car they could have reported it as stolen. >> your car? >> my car. >> his volvo is still here but as many as 30 cars have gone missing from the lot since last week. a mechanic who has a business next to the car lot said he saw them go. >> the cars started to disappear. tow trucks were taking them out and saturday morning everything was gone. >> leaving the ones full consignment lot empty except for a few cars in the rear of the shop. he talked to some of the victims. >> it's sad listening to their stories. a lot of them have double loans on cars and have lost 20, $30,000. >> abc7 news has learned from the tow company that some of the cars were taken to an unnamed auto auction. police first learned of the problem last week when they received the call from a victim saying their car was stolen. yelp was filled with comments from owners complaining about their missing cars. >> we have 20-plus potential victims of a fraud that our investigators are working on right now. >> sunnyvale police captain said the case is complicated. over our pink slip titles to the company, essentially giving the cars to the business. others may have actually had their cars stolen by the operators of the business. >> at some point in time those agreements appear to have gone awry somehow, some way. what we are trying to do is to get down to the bottom of what was agreed upon, what has transpired, and where we are now. >> we spoke to a process server who came by to serve papers on a lawsuit for the business owner, and we attempted to contact ms. garcia at her own address, but we were told she moved a month ago without leaving a forwarding address. sunnyvale police are investigating. in sunnyvale, abc7 news. >> it's 6:37 now. coming up next, it's called tv everywhere. how a bay area company will bring you the programs you want to your laptop or tablet. first a live look outside. it's a chilly, chilly morning but we should get into the low 670ths in most area. we will yes you did. no i didn't, no i didn't. yes you did, yes you did. no i didn't, no i didn't. yes you did. did not. [ male announcer ] find some peace this holiday. get an 8 piece meal now with a dozen delicious cook-store. the kfc festive feast. all for just $19.99. today tastes so good. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back, it's 6:40. you are looking live outside atop the east bay hills. you see mt. diablo in the background. some city lights under the low clouds. if you are heading out, bundle up this morning. but things will change. lisa argen will have your forecast coming up in just a minute. >> weather you are watching news or football this weekend, there's a growing possibility the screen you are watching it on is not a television. but finding the programs you want on your laptop or tablet can be frustrating. as abc7 news reporter jonathan bloom explains, a bay area company will try to do something about that. >> there's a big flat-screen tv on the wall, but on the coffee table the big game is actually playing on this ipad. >> tv really means any screen that you have in front of you. >> the concept is called tv everywhere, and the company is adobe, the makers of flash, photo shop and now project prime time. >> it tells you what is live on air right now, and you can simply click on that. >> at its core, prime time is a tool for tv networks to put their live programs on all different kinds of devices without having a build a whole slew of apps from scratch. >> android, x-box, i-phone, desktop, that is for a large media companies millions and millions of dollars of cost that we believe we can make much less expensive. >> now live tv has commercials. so in apps like watch espn, adobe replaces the ads on the air with ads aimed directly at you. >> this ad is not the same as on tv? >> correct. >> ads pick the ads based on your viewing hisry and, if you provide them, your age and gender. >> surveys say if you provide someone with an ad they want to watch they are much more interested and engaged than if, for instance, you are showing a feminine hygiene ad. i would be much more interested in watching an ad for jaguar cars, for example. >> for premium cable channels. >> we will select comcast. >> you log in through your cable company. if you are already paying for the channel on cable you shouldn't have to pay on top to watch it on hulu or itunes. and most don't. the tv of the future the good old commercial break is probably here to stay. >> whether it's over the air or elsewhere, ads are funding the programming today. folks haven't been interesting in buying programs. >> abc7 news. >> well, is it an indoor watching tv day or an outdoor having fun day? >> half and half. because it's certainly cold out there this morning. there are some fog in spots. it will be sunny and mild this afternoon. here's a look at san jose where it's 45 degrees right now. so pretty cool down in the south bay with cloudy conditions. but that won't last for long. and you are looking at maybe a 15 to 20-degree warmup. we will talk about that. >> i heard warmup. thank you, lisa. also ahead, thanking our veterans with the gift of wheels. meettññc?p$x?ññ/@'/xes ñ ñ >> welcome back and good morning. take a live look. sunrise from sutro. looks like a beautiful, clear morning is shaping up but it's going to be chilly for a little bit this morning. down into the 40s and such. but we could see a rise up into the low 60s in most places. lisa argen will map it all out for you coming up in just a little bit. >> this morning a marine and a young navy veteran are enjoying generous gifts. businesses in san francisco worked together to be able to offer the tokens of appreciation. tokens with four tires and an engine. [engine revving] >> petty officer jordan revs the engine of his car. he couldn't feel his foot on the pedal because his right side of his body is paralyzed. >> i was only in afghanistan about eight days before i was injured. injured. i got ak-47 shots through my helmet and hit me in the head. >> it's been a long, hard year but jordan is fighting hard for his recovery, and he got a gift that will help. a refurbished car through recycled rides. >> the car i have now is a jeep and it's a stick shift so because i can't shift with my right-hand. >> when the auto bodyshop decided to join forces, others were eager to help. pro jess i have insurance and e-surance donated the cars and they fixed them up. >> the owner of the company, my father, his car, it's a cause near and deer to my heart and our company believes in what we are doing. >> they did it times two. [applause] >> marine staff sergeant mike, the time was perfect. he just returned from afghanistan three days ago on a mission to get some wheels. >> he asked me if i knew anyone who needed a car. and i said i'm coming home to buy a car. it's weird how it worked out. >> they are the first to benefit from the recycled rides in san francisco but he won't be the last. there will be more cars for those in need. >> it's hard to be forgotten and sometimes it's hard not to feel that way because people feel the wars are over but a lot of my friends are still getting injured. >> if you would like to nominate a veteran or a current soldier for the program, you can learn how to do that by going to our website under it's under see it on tv. >> wal-mart is sponsoring an easy way for you to play santa clause and help hundreds of low income bay area kids this weekend. today participating wal-mart stores are hosting a fill the truck toy drive in conjunction with the salvation army. volunteers will be on hand to accept donations for this one-day-only toy drive so don't delay. as we get closer to christmas, all toys collected will be distributed in the bay area by the salvation army. also mark your cslendars for this one, the share your holiday food drive next wednesday, december 12ing. meet the abc7 news team from around the area taking your donations for local food banks. for more information on the nearest location, go to our website. hope to see a lot of people out. >> you will be out there. >> i will be there. >> i believe san jose is my location. >> okay. we will probably have a similar morning. actually there will be clouds around wednesday. that's the one day we could see some showers. and your seven-day outlook shows some changeable conditions. how about tahoe right now, 26 degrees. you see the snow way up drive. 8,000 feet and temperatures there this morning mighty cold, going to a high of 47. and mount tam right now, it's also very chilly, but looking pretty still with the low clouds around the bay this morning. we are looking at dense fog from novato to santa rosa and also over into the east bay valleys. live doppler 7hd this morning, very quiet. it will stay pretty quiet for the next several days except for wednesday. we are looking at a little bit of moiso that should come our way. but otherwise this morning it's the cold temperatures that you are feeling from napa to fairfield in the mid-30s. how about 38 for friends in the livermore valley with 34 santa rosa. and 43 in san francisco. so i talked about some of that fog and that is reducing the visibility from fairfield to concord at a quarter mile. less than that in novato. you see can't rosa 4 miles. seven miles at the coastest. some of this fog has been in san francisco, sneaking into the south bay, and it's all coming through the delta on some gusty, northeast winds. this will stay in the forecast for the next several days. a bit of an offer shore flow in play. that would allow for a slightly cooler temperatures in the inland east bay and the dense fog in the morning hours. chilly with the dense fog. mild and sunny for the weekend into early next week. we will look for cooler temperatures by tuesday. a chance of showers headed our way on wednesday. high pressure is to the west of us. it's building in into the eastern pacific, and that allows for the dry conditions, the fair skies, and the warmer weather. although with those winds out of the northeast in the morning hours, that will give us the fog in the afternoon hours. it will keep it quite cool in parts of our east bay. but warmer than we should be with plenty of low 60s and some gusty winds all the way down to southern california where they also have dense fog this morning. so back home, a beautiful afternoon with low 60s for san jose. los gatos, 64. looking for 62 on the peninsula today. menlo park. 60 milbrae and we are looking at low temperatures pretty chilly this morning in san francisco. but high temperatures in the low 60s. 62 novato, 63 calistoga. a few high clouds throughout the afternoon. but plenty of sunshine with union city come in at 62, as well as antioch, and about 61 in concord with mid-60s for watsonville. the accuweather seven-day forecast, warmer each day. fog overnight and in the early morning hours. slightly cooler on tuesday and a chance of showers, slight chance on wednesday. we're dry, though, thursday and friday. really we go from unextreme to another. >> sure do. wednesday, the day of the food drive but that's okay because we can be indoor inside the food banks and people can swing by with their donations, there will be all kinds of ways. it will not detour us. >> no, no way. >> thank you, lisa. coming up, the festival of lights begins. where you can se >> welcome back, everybody. take a look at the winning numbers from last night's megadrawing. nobody correctly picked all six numbers so tuesday night's jackpot is estimated to be $27 million. >> holiday lights take center stage in san carlos. take a look at this beautiful celebration. a snowfall captured the crowd's attention as the festivities got underway at laura and cherry streets last night. the crowd was entertained. mamma clause put in a special appearance in santa's workshop and downtown businesses stayed open late, tempting shoppers with with gifts for the holidays. hon da, the eight-day jewish holiday, begins tonight at sundown. the first candle of the menorah is lit to commemorate the small band of fighters of the syrian army. it will take place in union square where the first candle of the 25-foot menorah will be lit. other lightings in san francisco occur at the square at 5:30 and the masonic center at 8:00. that will truly be beautiful, as it is each and every year. what about the weather? tonight there's bad, a couple other things going on, race this is weekend? >> a little cooler. you have to bundle up, as well as this morning where some parts of the bay are looking at dense fog. as you head outside, here's a look. it looks pretty nice out there. you see a little bit of the patchy fog. the sun not coming up until about 7:13. but as we go around the bay, golden gate bridge looks pretty clear. the fog not a a problem there. there is some fog along the coast around half moon bay. you see the wind blowing from our roof cameras. some of those winds transporting in the fog, the t. ly fog to the east bay valleys. fairfield quarter mile, concord same deal with less than that in here. and a pretty good visibility from the east bay to mountain view. you could see some fog throughout the later morning hours, say in the next hour or two around hayward. otherwise high temperatures today ranking from 63 oakland, 60 haver moon bay, 69 clear lake. and milder numbers here, 64. hollister 65 and salinas and even milder tomorrow, monday. tuesday cooler and the only chance of rain next week is wednesday and it's not a great chance. >> manageable. thank you, lisa. thank you, everyone, for joining us on the abc7 saturday morning news. abc news continues at 8:00 a.m. you asked for it. now the exclusive alarm clock app is available for your android phone or tablet. thanks for staying with us. we will se good morning, america. this morning, the royal hoax. why is the boss of the deejays behind that prank call to the hospital where kate was staying now defending them? >> this is a tragic event. these people aren't shameful human beings. >> and more developments overnight. new information about the nurse who was a victim of this hoax. and police suspect, took her own life. her husband, now speaking out.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20121208

they have reason to believe the teenagers had plans for more destruction? >> absolutely, katie. good morning. authorities say worst case scenario, someone could have died if they had come into contact with the pipe bombs the kids had. take a look at this video we have. [explosion sound] [dogs barking] >> what you just is authorities detonating a pipe bomb before it did more damage. police received calls of an explosion in the neighborhood last night and arrived to find a mailbox had been destroyed which a pipe bomb. neighbors saw a red s.u.v. leave the neighborhood after the explosion and an officer spotted the car in the parking lot of the high school. authorities quickly realized those teens had plans to do more damage. >> the investigation determined that the people in the s.u.v. were involved in the mail box explosion, and then they had another pipe bomb in the truck. walnut creek police bomb squad came out and rendered the pipe bomb safe. and three juveniles were taken into custody as a result of the investigation. >> police say the sort of leader of the group is being cooperative and admits to only having those two explosive devices. as a result, police say they do believe it is an isolated incident and they do not think college park high school was a target, just happened to be their meeting place for the teens. reporting live in pleasant hill, abc7 news. >> thank you. two deadly accidents in the east bay are under investigation this weekend. first, two people were killed in a head-on collision in buy lon yesterday and then last night in concord a 21-year-old man riding a skateboard was hit and killed. police say a 21-year-old creighton woman was driving a chevy tahoe when she hit the skateboarder. police say the concord man was in the crosswalk when he was hit. he suffered major injuries and died at the hospital. traffic was detoured for hours for the police investigation. officers are investigating if the traffic signal was working or if drugs or alcohol were involved. they have not arrested the driver. the byron highway in contra costa county is back open this morning following the head-on collision there that killed two people, including a young boy. sky 7hd flew over the scene yesterday afternoon t happened around 3:30 on the stretch of highway that crosses the automatic which duct. the driver of an 88 oldsmobile swerved over the yellow line and smashed into the big rig. a boy believed to be between 8 and 9 years old died at the scene and the driver from bay point died at the hospital. the supreme court will review a suit challenging the federal marriage of act, it will impact gay rights in this country. here is mark matthews with more. >> couples of getting married here, just not same-sex couples. the groundbreaking decision was overturned by california voters in 2008 when they supported prop 8s ban on gay marriage. watching from the sidelines, one-half of the same sex couple, elizabeth chase. >> this isn't the first time i have watched a couple get married while talking about marriage equality in san francisco city hall. i've been waiting for three years to enjoy the same privilege that she's folks are apparently enjoying. >> and also these two who were married before the prop 8 ban. >> there are over 100,000 loving, committed, legally married same-sex couples across this nation and thousands of more to come soon with washington, maryland and maine having marriage equality now. >> san francisco city attorney dennis is part of the legal team arguing against prop 8. >> i am gratified and confident, very confident, that the supreme court, which is now going to be taking up the civil rights issue of our time, will reach the same result that the district courts did and the ninth circuit did, and will find that proposition 8 unlawfully discriminates against gay and lesbian couples here in the state of california. >> in sacramento, supporters are confident the high is court will support the ban on gay marriage. >> i expect four or five justices to uphold proposition 8. why? because the constitution of the united states doesn't have marriage in it. and the tenth amendment says what is not in the federal powers belongs to the states. >> the high court could go either way. lawyers who have been trying to overturn prop 8 said they will argue a broad argument before the high court that there is no justification for discrimination. we will know the high court's decision probably next june. reporting from city hall, mark matthews. abc7 news. >> authorities believe 23-year-old rebecca was involved in the murder of 17-year-old daniel. the victim was killed a week ago on pacific avenue. detectives believe the murder was gang related and he did not act alone. this morning richmond police are warning women about a rapist are would who is on the loose. it's off 23rd street and garvin avenue in a few months span. the person is described being in his 30s, roughly 5'7" and wearing a gold chain with a cross. witnesses say he's driving a white four door sedan, similar to a nissan ultima, and it may have a child's seat in the back. residents of the area say it's pretty safe. >> i often walk around in the neighborhood by myself. this is the first time i have ever heard of anything like this around here. it's generally a very safe place and i haven't been concerned. the van is suspected of reign two women and attempt to go assault a third. an assault suspect who scaled a construction scaffolding on the embarcadero is in custody this morning. sky 7 captured this video as he perched on pier29. he hit one person with a skateboard and kicked another before taking off. incident disrupted traffic for about three hours. it's drugged driving, not just drunk driving, you need to be aware of in santa cruz county. the chp said there have been eight fatal collisions in the county this year and five involved drivers high on marijuana. last month we reported on an office of traffic safety survey that shows almost twice as many people were caught driving under the influence of drugs rather than alcohol in nine california cities on friday and saturday nights last summer. we are now 23 days ahead of the fiscal cliff deadline. house speaker john boehner said no progress was made yesterday. the main sticking point is still about tax cuts that are set to expire. also the president's demand that wealthy pay more. the uncertainty of what will happen is starting to have an impact on charities. donations of down. the food pantry at the saint anthony foundation in san francisco is in good shape but overall donations are down for the year >> we are a little behind where we would like to be or budgeted to be. >> the director said the charity has seen interesting trends this holiday season that may have to do with the impending fiscal cliff >> we are seeing people who have never given us a stock donation before stepping up and making that kind of gift to us. >> they could be concerned that the tax deductions for charitable giving would be cut next year, saving the government money. private wealth advisor said it can make sense to get nor bang for your donation buck. that would help charities this year but people may be less generous in years to come. >> people who would like to donate, some had this year and potentially some this year, may try to double up and donate more this year. >> but the uncertain financial future is also causing fear. >> and many people are afraid to make any move, so then there's paralysis, because if you don't know what's coming, you are try to say as liquid as you can, you try to hold on to what you have, and you are not as willing to donate or spend in general. >> saint anthony's is seeing this as well. >> some of the people who have traditionally given us end of year stock donations, we are seeing about half of those coming through. >> the saint anthony's is optimistic their donors will come through by the new year. >> their donations really seem to come from the heart, out of a sense of compassion. >> he agrees. he said wealthy people may donate less if it benefits them less but he thinks overall people donate because they want to help and the tax deduction is a bonus. coming up next, sadness and outrage from around the world. the prank calls that has even the royals laughing takes a tragic turn. and also a local church group robbed and penny >> welcome back, everybody. it's a:13. scotland yard now on the case of the nurse who committed suicide after being duped by australian djs who were pretending to be the queen of england. nurse inadvertently gave out information about indicate middleton's condition. >> she was at the center of a white hot media glare and one day after she checked out, tragedy. >> it is with deep sadness, i can confirm the tragic death of a member of our nursing staff. >> it was the nurse who answered the phone on tuesday when two australian djs impersonating the queen asked to speak with indicate middleton. >> could i please speak with indicate, my grand daughter? >> he put them straight through to the private nurse who divulged details about her medical condition. it became a global punchline. >> an australian radio station managed to trick the hospital. >> the whole world laughing at the nurses. even prince charles making light of the information. >> the djs boasting of their prank. >> we were expecting to be hung up on and we isn't didn't even know what to say. >> tonight they told about the result it took on the nurse. >> she was the victim of the opt 4079. the hospital was support hearing through the very difficult time. >> this morning she was found dead just a few blocks from the hospital. scotland yard called her death unexplained, but not suspicious. she was 46 years old, married with two children. >> in australia the djs have been yanked off the air until further notice while the radio station apologized and expressed deep shock. and tonight the palace released a statement saying william and indicate -- kate are deeply sad end by the tragedy. >> we will have much more on this coming up at 7:00 a.m.. members of an oakland church group who were robbed in florida are learning firsthand about giving back. the group is from a ministry that arrived thursday in fort lauderdale for a youth conference. while they were out getting lunch someone broke into their van and stole their money, $12,000. several floridians heard the story and stepped forward. >> i have a little something here, i have $15,000. >> oh, my god! >> wow! >> she is just speechless. after that stunning gift, another man treated the group to lunch. the group will be home monday with the story to tell about strangers and their kindness. >> they are going modern. the old logo, check it out from the last, and the new one on the right. the older, more traditional symbol will appear on official university documents but the new one that has the letter "c" at the bottom of a stylized open book, it will appear on marketing and websites. they wanted something more user-friendly. the winner of the large power ball jackpot claimed his prize. he lives in arizona, he's in his 30s, he's married and has a, quote, regular job. the mystery winner took a lump sum payment of $92 million. his wife gets half as adonal is a community property state. the family said it plans to increase it's charitable donations. nice use of money, especially as we approach the holiday season. and a beautiful weekend. we sat here last saturday and there was a storm watch. busy, busy. >> it was. and it is going to be a couple really nice daze out there, although it is cold this morning. we're down into the 30s with fog. here's a live look outside. they tell me this is emeryville so we will have to believe that. can't tell. a lot of festivities around the bay today and hanukkah tonight. a forecast for that and when the rain is going to return. that's coming up. >> thank you, lisa. also next a happy homecoming for warriors coach mark jackson as they beat the nets in brookl >> welcome back. it's 5:20 on this saturday morning. lisa argen joining us. cold you say right now? >> we are in the 30s. we have fog and it will take a while to warm up out there. >> take your time, stay home, watch the show and go out later. >> exactly. as we head out right now it's foggy in spots. we are expecting more of that. be careful. visibility down to a quarter mile in parts of the north bay. we are talking about the stubborn fog. holiday tree lighting in fremont. the christmas day here. and walnut creek, half-mile -- 5k marathon and the boat parade in south. so some of the events it should be very nice out there. clear conditions otherwise. live doppler 7hd. we around picking up anything on our radar. that's a nice switch. it will be nice and dry for the next several days. look at the temperatures though, good morning, napa, 36. down to 34 in santa rosa with 43 in isn't rafael. 45 fremont. good morning, loss got toes, 39. notice the cooler valleys, higher elevations in the 30s. closer to the water mid-and upper 40s. and the fog definitely a problem from novato to concord this morning with a quarter mile visibility. you see fairfield beginning to see a decrease in visibility and santa rosa half-mile. we will continue to see this fog perhaps down around sfo through the 8:00 hour. maybe some flight delays. you will have to check back. chilly morning with the dense fog, otherwise mild and sunny for the entire weekend with cooler temperatures midweek. a chance of showers coming into play on wednesday. so here it is. we get that fog from the valley and with a little bit of a wind transporting it through the delta and we are looking at more northeast winds from the north bay that could push some of that fog right into sfo. the setup is with us for a couple of mild days as high pressure continues to build into the eastern pacific. as it does, we will get into a little bit of an offshore flow, and at times throughout the early part of the week the winds would be quite gusty. we are looking at more morning fog, some gusty winds in the afternoon. in fact mild weather all the way down to southern california with 70 today in los angeles and plenty of sunshine, upper 70s in palm springs. lower 60s at the coast. a big difference from a week ago with temperatures in the low 60s today, around normal for san jose. 64 in los gatos and 62 menlo park. upper 50s along the coast. 60 milbrae and san francisco about 61 degrees today up in the north pay. a few high clouds from time to time but they will clear out. 63 santa rosaa, as well as oakland and fremont today with hayward coming in at 61 and over into our inland east bay 62 in danville. down by the monterey bay a little milder with numbers ranging from 60 in carmel to about 65 in salinas. the accuweather seven-day fast. notice the temperatures come up just a little bit tomorrow and by monday in the upper 60s around the bay. cooler on tuesday as the trough drops down from the north. this will be a cold system so notice the numbers are in the mid-50s with just a little extra shower activity perhaps wednesday and friday. so definitely a big change from last weekend. >> sure is. thank you, lisa. well, in sports this afternoon the warriors will try to win their third straight game on their seven-day road trip. they are in washington to play the wizards. last night golden state played their first game in the nets new arena in brooklyn. here's larry beil with highlights in this morning's sports. good morning. this is a pleasant surprise for just a second time in 20 years the warriors have won twelve of their first nineteen games. impressive road win in brooklyn. coach mark jackson was born in brooklyn, played his high school ball just down the road from the new barclay center, the new arena there. you see klay thompson, the confidence growing it. taking it to the rack strong. joe johnson lighting it up. finished with 32 points. nets by 6. steph curry goes from simmer to boil knocking down threes. steph make it rain. 28 points. fourth quarter, steph not with the shot but the dish to green, the rookie had 6 points and 10 boards. david lee a double-double. 30 points, 15 rebounds. cleaning up inside. 109-102 warriors. they are now 12-7 this season, piling up wins even without andrew bogus. before they checked off the season. they said raiders management knew they did not have a play off contender but i'm not sure they envisioned in. 3-0 debacle. they had the loss to peyton manning and the broncos. he and reggie knew this was a rebuilding project, but it looks like it's turned into a complete tear-down. >> reggie and i have talked about it. we knew what we were dealing with when we came here. and we knew that we had some depth issues on the roster and we couldn't sustain a lot of injuries. we all want to win and want to win now but i'm look at the long-term future of the team and we have to prepare for the future. >> the heisman trophy will be handed out tonight in new york. it's essentially a two man race, johnny manzel and man tai. kansas state could have a first player to take home a heisman but the favorite is johnny manzel from texas a&m. they call him johnny football who would be the first freshman to win the heisman. >> it would be a dream come true for me to be the first freshman to win the honor and to bring a heisman trophy back to texas a&m. just the pride it would bring to not only my family but everybody, everybody at aggieland and everybody involved with the texas a&m program. it would mean the world. baseball news, when raise fan think about brandon mccarthy, this moment will be the first thing that flashes in their mine. line drive that could have killed him. turned out it was his last pitch to the raise. he's agreed to a two-year deal with arizona for $15.5 million. he posted a 8-2 record for the green and gold last year. to the ice. the bowls hosting the colorado eagles. the third period they were down 4-0. but we need one san francisco bowl because this was teddy bears to night. he delivered with the goal and fans delivered with the teddy bear on the ice, all to be donated to charity. the balls lose but the kids win. that's a wrap on morning sports. mike will be here with the heisman trophy winner. who wins it? we will find out at five, six and eleven. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> next needing help on the down payment on a home you want to buy? homeowners are applying for free mortgage money. find out if you qualify. and they trust add dealer to help them sign their cars but now a >> coming up on 5:30 some families in the east bay now have $20,000 to make a down payment on a home. there's more where that came from. wells fargo is hosting an event called city lift. tore those who qualify it's a life changing experience. abc7 news reporter laura anthony has the story. >> we've got the money. >> oakland glen taylor is celebrating she just qualified for $20,000 in down payment asis stangs from wells fargo bank. it's the last piece she needs to buy a home for her family. >> dreams come true? >> dreams do come true. they do. they do. >> wells fargo is reaching out to hundreds of bay area families, trying to help them with $20,000 toward a down payment on the purchase of a home. sean coleman lined up at 6:00 a.m. and was one of the first to find out he qualified. >> exciting day for you? >> yes, it is. most exciting thing, better than a birthday. >> and not everyone who applies will qualify. applicants muff a consistent income and strong credit history. for those who qualify the entire $20,000 will be forgiven if the buyer stays in their home for at least five years or prorated 20% per year of residence. >> the goal is to make sure we don't have people jumping in is flipping properties but lit rattily stay there. >> they stopped to enjoy the home tour even though they found out they did not qualify for the down payment assistance. >> we were closer than we realized to having something that we could call our own down the line. >> we are closer. we still have a few things we still need to do, but i feel better about what's going on now than before. >> this event goes all day at the downtown marriott. 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. preregistration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome. there's more information on our website. that's in oakland, laura anthony, abc7 news. >> new this morning, president obama is taking a sharply partisan tone in his weekly address blaming house republicans for blocking a bill to resolve the fiscal cliff crisis. as we move closer to a year end deadline where huge tax increases kick in and tax cuts kick in, they have not compromised to help reduce the deficit. latest senate version would prevent a tax height on the first $250,000 of earning. >> the americans will get a cut on the first $250,000 of their income and families everywhere would enjoy peace of find. the senate has done their part. we are waiting for republicans in the house to do the same thing but so far they have put forward an unbalanced plan that actually lowers rates for the wealthiest americans. >> republican florida senator marco rubio said tax increases will not reduce the nation's $16 trillion debt. officials for the proposed sonoma rail transit project or smart train are looking to get $16.6 million in federal fund to go buy more train cars. today the press democrat reports money otherwise would be used for local pedestrian and bicycle paths. it is committed to go to cloversdale and larkspur but beyond that more rail cars would be needed to carry the load. the request is not sitting well with bicyclist advocates because it would take away about two-thirds of their federal funding, setting back plans to build bike paths another five years. three women who dined at a stockton car room said the bill was outrageous but not because of the price. christina and her two friends are mad about a remark that was typed on to their receipt by their server, named jeff. it red "fat girls." they know some people will chuckle when they see the story but they want people to know how much the comment hurt. the manager on duty offered them a 25% discount but upped that to 50%. his boss is offering a public apology and making changes at the restaurant. >> i still can't believe somebody would put that on a street. >> it's something we saw, all three of us. >> i want to tell them we are sincerely sorry for that and we will do everything in our power to make sure this never happens to anyone again. >> the bartender said the server has been suspended while the incident is investigated. >> the police are pushing the city to draft a new ordinance for massage therapy places. the police chief said investigations have uncovered illegal activities and he wants them to be state licensed. the business owners say they have no problem with that but they strongly reject to a requirement that workers pass a medical exam and prove they don't have any diseases. the draft of the ordinance should be presented to the council in february. the owners of at least 20 cars are looking for the owners of a sunnyvale consignment car company. they apparently took off with the vehicles they were supposed to sell. abc7 news reporter has the latest on the story that we broke thursday night on abc7 news. >> the cars, i'm not sure what i can do. >> he is asking a sunnyvale police officer who he can do to get his car back. he left his volvo here last july on consignment. now the business is closed and his car, which he is still making payments on, is registered in the name of sunnyvale motor cars. >> if i would have taken the car they could have reported it as stolen. >> your car? >> my car. >> as many as 30 cars have gone missing from the lot since last week. a mechanic who has a business next to the car lot said he saw them go. >> the cars started to disappear. toe trucks were taking them out and saturday morning everything was gone. >> leaving the ones full consignment lot empty except for a few cars in the rear of the shop. he talked to some of the victims. >> it's sad listening to their stories. a lot of them have double loans on cars and have lost 20, $30,000. >> abc7 news has learned from the toe company that some of the cars were taken to an unnamed auto auction. police first learned of the problem last week when they received the call from a victim saying their car was stolen. yelps filled with comments from owners complaining about their missing cars. >> we have 20-plus potential victims of a fraud that our investigators are working on right now. >> sunnyvale police captain said the case is complicated. some victims may have signed over our pink slip tilings to the company, essentially giving the cars to the business. others may have actually had their cars stolen by the operators of the business. >> at some point in time those agreements appear to have gone awry somehow, some way. what we are trying to do is to get down to the bottom of what was agreed upon, what has transpired, and where we are now. >> we spoke to a process serve are who came by to serve papers on a lawsuit for the business owner, and we attempted to contact ms. georgia at her own address but told she moved a month ago without leaving a forwarding address. sunnyvale police are investigating. in sunnyvale, abc7 news. coming up next, it's called tv everywhere. how a bay area company will bring you the programs you want to your laptop or tablet. and here's a live look at the bay bridge this morning at 5:37. it's a chilly one out there, folks. you are looking at the mid-40s. but things will warm up a little as the sun comes up. meteorologist lisa argen will have your forecast >> weather you are watching news or football this weekend, there's a growing possibility the screen you are watching it on is not a television. but finding the programs you want on your laptop or tablet can be frustrating. as abc7 news reporter jonathan bloom explains, a bay area company will try to do something about that. >> there's a big flat-screen tv on the wall but on the coffee table the big game is actually playing on this ipad. >> tv really means any screen that you have in front of you. >> the concept is called tv everywhere, and the company is adobe, the makers of flash, photo shop and now project prime time. >> it tells you what is live on air right now, and you can simply click on that. >> at its core, prime time is a tool for tv networks to put their live programs on all different kinds of devices without having a build a whole slew of apps from scratch. >> android, x-box, i-phone, desktop, that is for a large media companies millions and millions of dollars of cost that we believe we can make much less expensive. >> now live tv has commercials. so in apps like watch espn, adobe replaces the ads on the air with ads aimed directly at you. >> this adonal is -- ads not the same as on tv? >> correct. >> surveys say if you provide someone with an ad they want to watch they are much more interested and engaged than if, for instance, you are showing a feminine hygiene ad. i would be much more interested in watching an ad for jack war cars, for example. >> you log in through your cable company. if you are already paying for the channel on cable you shouldn't have to pay on top to watch it on hulu or itunes. and most don't. the tv of the future the good old commercial break is probably here to stay. >> whether it's over the air or elsewhere, ads are funding the programming today. folks haven't been interesting in buying programs. >> abc7 news. lisa argen joining us with a look at the forecast so we can plan our weekend. you might want to delay your trip outside if you want to stay warm this morning. >> it's really cold out there. temperatures will continue to drop. we are in the 30s in plenty of lock necessary the north bay, but we also are fog to talk about. here's a look from our east bay emeryville camera where some neighbors in our east bay have visibility reduced to a quarter of a mile. so we will talk about that and how long the sunny, mild weather is going to hang around. that's coming up. >> thank you, lisa. veterans with the gift of wheels. meet two troops who earned recycled rides. >> out traditions are for them to carry forward. >> and using music to bring the past to today's youth. the special award that bay area artist received and how he is >> good morning. you are looking live at the golden gate bridge. average today, or i should say it's going to be in the low 60s in san francisco today so that's a little bit above average. but get this, right now it's 41. we are looking for a 20-degrees spike in temperatures as the morning continues. lisa argen, of course, will have your full forecast coming up. this morning a marine and a young navy veteran are enjoying some generous gifts. businesses in san francisco worked together to be able to offer the tokens of appreciation. tokens with four tires and an engine. [engine revving] >> petty officer jordan revs the engine of his car. he couldn't feel his foot on the pedal because his right side of his body is paralyzed. >> i was only in afghanistan about eight days before i was injured. i got ak-47 shots through my helmet and hit me in the head. >> it's been a long, hard year but jordan is fighting hard for his recovery, and he got a gift that will help. a refurbished car through recycled rides. >> the car i have now is a jeep and it's a stick shift so because i can't shift with my right-hand. >> when the auto bodyshop decided to join forces, others were eager to help. pro jess i have insurance and e-surance donated the cars and they fixed them up. >> the owner of the company, my father, his car, it's a cause near and deer to my heart and our company believes in what we are doing. >> they did it times two. [applause] >> marine staff sergeant mike, the time was perfect. he just returned from afghanistan three days ago on a mission to get some wheels. >> he asked me if i knew anyone who needed a car. and i said i'm coming home to buy a car. it's weird how it worked out. >> they are the first to benefit from the recycled rides in san francisco but he won't be the last. there will be more cars for those in need. >> it's hard to be forgotten and sometimes it's hard not to feel that way because people feel the wars are over but a lot of my friends are still getting injured. >> if you would like to nominate a veteran or a current soldier for the program, you can learn how to do that by going to our website under it's under see it on tv. lisa argen is here now to keep us up to speed on what is going on outside so we can bundle up. what do we need today? >> exactly. the visibility has been reduced and that probably will continue. so that fog from the east by and the north bay, and also the sacramento valley. we have a variety of conditions out there. a little breezy on top of the hill, as well, with the northeast wind over mt. diablo. blowing the tuly fog into concord this morning. visibility there reduced to a quarter mile. we are talking about the fog and sunny conditions, the sun comes up 7:13 and setting at 4:51. this time of year we should see plenty of upper 50s and we will see more like lower 60s. a few degrees above the average. nice and quiet today and tomorrow and the next several days. the next chance of rain coming midweek. looks like wednesday a weak system will visit us. otherwise it is cold out there with numbers dropping into the mid-30s. 63 napa. 34 degrees. in livermore don't have the fog yet but what about 37 degrees. and mid-40s at the coast. the warm spot oakland, san francisco, mid-and upper 40s. we are looking at that fog right now from our east bay to the north bay, but it is cloudy in san francisco. so we could see perhaps a few flight delays as the fog settles in and continues to be transported in from our east bay valleys. so with that, we are also looking at the gusty northeast winds from time to time. so that will keep it cooler by the delta, cooler in the inland valleys but everyone will enjoy sunshine and overall some mild temperatures with a system coming in from the north by tuesday and wednesday. that will drop our temperatures back into the 50s. so here's a look at what you can expect this morning. through the overnight hours, the fog sneaking our way from the sacramento to the san joaquin valley. a dense fog advisory through the delta. we talked about the poor visibility locally here. it's in the afternoon today as high pressure takes over. in fact, it's going to build right on through the eastern pacific into the eastern pacific through the golden state in the next several days and that allows for the temperatures to come up a little bit day-to-day. so we will enjoy a milder weather pattern for the weekend and, in fact, into the early part of next week. so it doesn't bode well for new snow, but it's been cold enough that they are certainly making it in the mountains. 47 in the sierra nevada for a high temperature there. 62 in press -- fresno. back home numbers rank from the low 60s today in san jose, 63 campbell. 61 in redwood city. lighting the menorah around the square later on. tonight 61 in mountain view and the north bay. we are look agent 62 novato. and sausalito, the boat parade, 62 in the afternoon. chilly tonight. fremont, christmas festivities going on there. 62 danville and down by the monterey bay. 64 in watsonville. so it should be a pretty nice day today if you wait a little bit because it's awfully cold out there. a little warmer. watch out for the fog as well tomorrow and monday. walnut creek, the 5k marathon. we are looking at holiday tree lighting in fremont today. it's shaping up. but some fresh powder would be nice in the mountains. >> definitely. thank you, lisa. well, an east bay man is one of 54 people in the country to receive a $50,000 reward for his contribution to the arts. abc7 news arts and entertainment reporter don sanchez shows us a man dedicated to keeping traditions alive. ♪ >> eugene rodriguez, musician, composer, mentor. 25 years ago he created the mexican arts center in a san pablo shopping center. it's where young people come to learn about music, arts, history and culture. >> trying to give kids the message that our traditions are for them to carry forward. a lot of our audiences are immigrant mexicans whose english language skills may be limited or english speaking people who don't speak spanish so it's music that enables us to communicate with everybody. >> there are performances and classes for children. there's an art room where they are creating people for the christmas show. >> the kids learn a lot about a tropical storm and discipline and -- about arts and discipline and teamwork. it develops their sense of self. >> next door is the wardrobe room, costumes created by his wife and her mother. but it is always about the music. eugene's son produces videos. they have more than 125 of them. and 20cds. eugene was nominate ford a grammy for a children's album. and jackson brown and bishop are on the latest cd. he created an outreach program and brought latin consult tower hawaii and got a lesson in hawaiian tradition. >> we need to do a better job of integrating people and getting them to talk to each other. >> the group, united states artist, have given eugene a $50,000 fellowship grant for artistic excellence. for their christmas show the parking lot will be turned into a little bethlehem. in san pablo, abc7 news. wal-mart is sponsoring an easy way for you to play santa claus and help hundreds of bay area low income kids this holiday season. today participating wal-mart stores are hosting a fill the truck toy drive in conjunction with the salvation army. they will be there to accept donations for the one-day toy drive. as we get closer to christmas, all toys collected will be distributed in the bay area by the salvation army. also mark your calendars for the abc7 share your holiday food drive. it's next wednesday, december 12th. meet the abc7 news team as we broadcast live from around the bay area, taking your donations for local food banks. for more information and the location nearest you, go to coming up next, the festival of lights begins. we will tell you where you can see the lighting of the first ca [ femaless preseer ] dove go sleeveless presents the latest thing to wear with beautiful tops. beautiful underarms. wear with toga tops, yoga tops, and va-va-voom tops. dove go sleeveless makes underarms soft and smooth in just five days. effective protection. beautiful result. and there's juicy chicken best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best >> holiday lights take center stage in san carlos. a snowfall captured the crowd's attention as the festivities got underway last night. the crowd was entertained. mamma clause put in a special appearance in santa's workshop and downtown businesses stayed open late, presenting shop percent with gifts for the holidays. hanukkah begins tonight at sundown. first candle of the menorah is lit to commemorate the small band of fighter of the army. it will take place in union square where the first candle of the 25-foot menorah will be lit. others occur at the square at 5 carolyn tyler 30 and the mass sonic center at 8:00. coming up next at six, a skateboarder is killed in a crosswalk. it was one of two deadly accidents yesterday in the east bay. and a neighborhood on watch after at least two sexual assaults. you will see the suspect police need to find. in the news this sunday morning a pipe bomb goes off in a mailbox in the east bay and a witness description of the car of the suspect. plus traffic is stopped for hours in concord after a driver hits and kills a skateboarder. police are still investigating if the driver was at fault. good morning, everyone.


Transcripts For KICU 10 OClock News 20121208

lower courts ruled it was unconstitutional. we have team coverage. ktvu's eric rasmussen on how the supreme court is at a historic cross roads. but we begin in san francisco, today's decision leaves many people with mixed decisions. >> reporter: i talked with dozen of people tonight and there was a huge range of emotions, excitement, concern and also some confusion. >> reporter: holiday lights lights and friday night crowds but ask people on the street and many are away that today's decision could change lives and history. >> great idea. we need decide. so this is a great idea. >> matter of basic rights. >> reporter: today's decision means that same-sex couples in couple must put marriage plans on hold again. they plan to marry next fall in new york. >> we would have been exchanging vows and celebrating our love and commitment next week but with this decision it is bittersweet. >> reporter: at last the court will address the issue but the outcome might go against gay marriage. >> >> reporter: he has been fighting fighting fighting for -- gay marriage since 2004 and he supported a berkeley couple who launched the prop 8 challenge. >> we will be on the right side of history. >> reporter: they do feel momentum from the november elections. >> three states legalized same- sex marriage. so the tied is shifting. >> i want it to be tackled. i want to be married in any state. >> reporter: so for now it leaves same-sex couples in legal embow. ktvu channel 2 news. >> now to ktvu's eric rasmussen on the case before the court and how it could come down to one vote. >> reporter: and the supreme court could rule in a way that limits its decision to california, banning gay marriage or allowing it, which is what they did a year ago when they struck down proper 8 but they could also rule in a more sweeping way, making a declarations, still a political hot potato here in california. >> reporter: in oakland governor jerry brown didn't want to talk about gay marriage going to the supreme court. >> reporter: do you think it is a good thing? >> i think it is good you are inquiring about it. the arguments have to be made. >> tremendous momentum. >> reporter: in san francisco he had plenty to say. as mayor in 2004 he declared gay marriage legal and conducted same-sex marriage weddings. now he thinks the justice could be the one who decides the issue for california and the nation once and for all. >> he has been the principal player on advancing the rights of folks whose rights were taken away. >> reporter: many agree and believe the supreme court is set up for a 5-4 decision with kennedy casting the deciding vote. one things roberts could also be in play as a swing vote. >> she from a different generation. he worked with talented gay lawyers his entire career. this is his moment to be in history. >> reporter: they are expected to hear arguments in march and issue decisions by june. eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. >> opponents of same-sex marriage are pleased the supreme court will decide prop 8. he believes they will decide in its favor. >> we are confident that the supreme court is going to uphold the right of the people to amend their constitutional. >> 7 million californians voted for proper 8 and the court shouldn't say their vote doesn't count. we met a couple in san francisco who have been waiting for the supreme court ruling. tom and jeff had a commitment ceremony three years ago but want a real marriage. they are hoping for a decision that allows that for them and other gay couples. >> there is a chance for a greater resolution, the supreme court could recognize marriage is a right for all americans, not just for californians. >> they will be checking the supreme court website for news. the united states is divided when it comes to same- sex marriage. it is legal or about to become legal in 9 states. we highlighted the states here in clean. maine -- green, maine, may remind and washington approved it last month. this map, there are 30 states where same-sex marriages are specifically banned. and we highlighted those in red. the states include, north carolina, which is the most recent state where people voted to ban same-sex marriage. that leaves 11 states in the yellio, in the mid-- yellow, in the middle, that includes, california. >> as the case proceeds, stay with ktvu for continuing coverage. we will bring you developments as they happen. tonight at 10:30 p.m., the challenge to the defense of marriage act. and the couple that took their fight to marry to california supreme court, they are surprised by today's decision. the developing news of a homicide in oakland tonight. police responded to a shooting inside a home. police say a woman was shot and killed in what may be a domestic violence incident. they say there were children inside the home and the children are physically okay. later a man called police identifying himself and they picked him up. a woman and a boy killed today in a collision in calm calm. the -- in contra costa county. a car crashed head on into a big rig truck on the road. the chp said the truck driver saw the accident development. >> he noticed the car, started swerving back and force and came across the line and hit the front of his truck head on. >> the drive of the car died. the boy died at the scene. still buckled in to the back seat. the police are looking for a special needs teen who walked away from her home. -- from her home. she disappeared about 2:00 a.m. she is 5 feet 4 inches tall, 174 pounds. she may be heading to modesto or richmond. jacoby miles is feel -- john mcafee is feeling better but under arrest in guatemala. she on the run from -- he is on the run from belize. a car company that promised to sell cars for a fee is missing in action. the cars are gone. ktvu's cara liu reports car owners are worried. >> reporter: he fears he is out of luck after trusting sunnyvale motocars to sell his car. >> i am embarrassed that i allowed myself to get contact up in this. >> reporter: he was contacted by the company after trying to sell the car on his own. >> they were diceanced with the dm -- licensed with the dmv. bonded. >> reporter: after getting a check for $28,000 when the car sold the check bounced. >> then they came up with another excuse and another one. >> reporter: when we went to sunnyvale motocars we found the lot empty, the office vacant, just keys hanging on a board inside. >> what happened between friday and monday, they closed up their shop and took all the vehicles and disappeared. leaves me without a car. leaves me without my money. very little recourse. >> reporter: he isn't the only victim. the owner next door talked to 20 customers this week. >> lady asked about her car. we told her they happen gone she started crying. >> horrible. >> reporter: i talked to police this afternoon, this is a complex case because it deals with contracts between parties. they are considering this a fraud investigation and trying to local the owners of sunnyvale motocars. police heard from 20 victims who are out thousands of dollars. cara liu, ktvu channel 2 news. the november jobs report is out and it beat expectations. it shows the economy added 146,000 jobs. many predicted fewer than 100,000 jobs. the unemployment rate fell to a four year low, 7.7%. that is down from 7.9% in october. the news on jobs drove up the dow today, the dow is up 81 to 13,155. the nasdaq is down 11 at 2,978. concerns about apple's future were blamed. >> how the tech industry is helping local businesses expand. >> temperatures in the mid-40s tomorrow. the changing conditions you can expect. >> and a skateboarder died after being struck by a vehicle. it happened at 4:30 p.m. police say the skateboarder a 41-year-old was -- 21-year-old was in a cross walk when he was struck. police are warning women to be on alert as they search for a man responsible for raping two women and attempting to assault a third. ktvu's amber lee asked police why it took them months to alert the public. >> reporter: we are on 23 street where the attacks took place. the owner of this business asked us for this flier so she could make copies to alert the neighborhood. >> reporter: she run as money transfer business. they are posting flyers, the sketches of the attacker letting others know a criminal is on the loose. >> it freaks me out. we have single women out here and with their kids. people should be aware of that. >> reporter: the attacks took place after dark between 5:00 p.m. and midnight and one-man is responsible for -- one man is responsible for all three incidents. the first was in june. the victim was forced into a car and raped. on november 20, the suspect attempted an attack but the victim escaped but he tried again the next night and forced the woman into the car and raped her. we asked why the public wasn't alerted earlier since the first attack took place six months ago. >> it wasn't immediately linked. once we got the information they started talking about what was going on. >> reporter: police linked the attack to one suspect and released these two sketches. he appears to have grown his hair. 30-40 years old. 5'7", medium build, wearing a gold chain with a gold cross. >> very scary. >> reporter: police say the man used a white four door sedan. they are asking women not to walk alone at night and be aware of their surroundings. reporting live, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. the couple accused of stabbing a school teacher pleaded not guilty today. police say darnell washington and tania lejeune washington killed susie ko in her house during a robbery in october. the couple's crimes ended in seattle when they rammed a police car with susie ko's suv. f san jose police say they have arrested a woman for the gang related killing of a teen. police do not believe she acted alone. on november 30 he was found shot and died later. police are searching for other suspects. potential home buyers will have the chance to take advantage of a pot of money. it is part of a settlement over fair lending claims. the program is called city lift. it applies to nine east bay cities. >> we will provide $20,000 grands, 0% rate as long as they stay in the home 5 years, that $20,000 is forgiven. >> i couldn't afford that much so now i am excited. >> one of the restrictions, you must purchase within 60 days. it runs tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. bay area may have a secret weapon when it comes to employment. ktvu's matt keller tells us a report shows high tech workers have a ripple effect on the local economy. >> reporter: lunchtime in north san jose can sometimes look like a race to east with hungry workers bringing their www.s. >> weservethem--theirwallets. >> weservethem. givethemabig-- >> reporter: their wallets. >> we serve them. give them a big bag. >> anywhere you see concentration of high tech workers you will see various other services pop up, restaurants, coffee shops. and hair cutting salons and various other services that workers demand. >> reporter: services like dental care. perfect smile expanded into this office in north san jose and hired 10 new employees because of demand. >> we had new patients come in and our practice is growing because of the industry. >> reporter: they lead with 20% of the workers in the high tech industry. >> since i am younger i am a engineer, i spend a lot of my money. >> reporter: the bay area counsel projects the demand will be stronger compared to other industries pthe next 8 years am -- the next 8 years. matt keller, ktvu channel 2 news. california missed its november revenue projections by millions because of facebook. it was off by $800 million. one reason was the projected tax proceeds from facebook stock sales came in november, not october. and there were more corporate refunds than forecast. and our dry weather continues but temperatures have been dropping off over the past few hours. 30s showing up. right now 39 in santa rosa. 53 in san francisco. hayward 48 degrees. first thing tomorrow morning, saturday, bundle up. coolest locations will be in the low to mid-30s. santa rosa watch out for dense fog. quarter mile visibility right now. we could have dense fog in the inland valleys to start out saturday. 30s and 40s. into the afternoon, by 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., upper 50s to low 60s out there. coming up, how much more warming you can expect for sunday and when showers return in the five-day forecast. plans to dispose of a while that washed ashore in malibu. it has been on the beach since sunday. they are all consolidating resources to remove it. they plan to take care of it as soon as low tied begins next week. the latest trouble facing cat williams after a chase in sacramento. >> this feels good. i think we are oh, you have a keurig vue brewer? oh, it's great! now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger... and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew the coffee you love -- stronger, bigger, or hotter -- with the keurig vue. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible. an arrest warrant is out for cat williams. they issued the warrant yesterday in connection with a pursuit last month. california highway patrol says he led them on a chase after he was driving a motorcycle on a sidewalk in downtown sacramento. officers say he nearly hit 5 people during the pursuit. it came days after he was questioned in oakland for hitting a man with a bottle. police closed their investigation into a fall at the oakland coliseum last night that raiders game calling it a medical incident. a man who was around 18 years old toppled over the railing, falling 30 feet. some say the man was sitting on the railings and lost his balance. he is still at the hospital. christmas is coming early for a man and a woman. today they have been given the 50 of mobility. ktvu's julie haener shows us it is part of a special program designed to help people live life without pain. >> kind of don't believe it will happen even though i am here. been such a long haul. >> reporter: she has been living with constant pain for 7 years since her hip started to wear out. but today her life is about to change as she is wheeled into the or. >> not worried. >> reporter: a surgical team joined surgeons across the country to take part in operation walk u.s.a. >> she has a lot of arthritis. no cartilage left on the head. she is a perfect candidate for this. >> the program started two years ago in the united states when hospitals across the country began volunteering time to do hip and knee replacement people who don't have health insurance -- health insurance. we met her three weeks ago when she could barely move. but now she is having her hip replaced for free and she is not the only one. >> i am happy. i don't know that i absorbed it all yet. it is going to change my life. i am so grateful for it. >> reporter: he is about to receive a knew right knee. he has been living with pain for the past 10 years and when he lost his job he also lost his health insurance. he says his daughter heard about operation walk u.s.a. and immediately signed him up. >> feel real fortunate to be here. excited. great. >> beautiful. perfect. perfect. >> reporter: she says each case went well, lasting 45 minutes. having the chance to restore mobility and helping people live without pain is what this program is all about. >> amazing. doesn't hurt. >> reporter: she proved it can change lives. she tries to take her first steps 8 hours after surgery. operation walk organizers say 109 surgeons provided free joint replacements to 200 patients in 29 states and he says they are working to expand the program next year to help more people in need. julie haener, ktvu channel 2 news. tragic turn. the fall out from the prank phone call made to the hospital where kate middleton today's decision by the u.s. supreme court to take up same-sex marriage. the court agreed to hear a challenge to the defense of marriage act. a provision limits the range of health, pension and tax benefits. the acts was passed in 1996 and signed into law by former president bill clinton. they were plaintiffs in the 2008 lawsuit that claimed california's ban on same-sex marriage violated the state's constitution. >> love knows no difference. and so when a human loves another human being they should have that right and that freedom to marry. >> they have been together for 25 years. more coverage of the decision, including an interview with gavin newsom, go to new at 10:00 p.m., a new way to gauge the economy during the holidays. ktvu's maureen naylor is live where the company christmas party moved out of the lunch room. >> reporter: tonight several venues tell us the holiday party is making a come back. >> reporter: bartenders uncorked the wine where a start up hosted a christmas party for employees. >> everybody is hands on. nice to be able to dress up and get yourself in a good mood. >> mood reflected in the party planning business. 83% of companies plan to host a holiday party this year. up from 68% last year. still below 2007 when 90% was hosting. >> we saw a come back. 2011 was better. this year we are 30% above last year. >> reporter: at the fairmont hotel in downtown san jose, a party of 600. in the next ball room another company's party includes a photo booth, casino and dj. >> it is coming back. >> reporter: what names? >> i can't share those. >> reporter: linked in? >> no comments. >> the museum charges $15,000 for rental space and saying parties are up 30% from last year. >> they were doing smaller, weren't hiring bands and doing extras. they were doing the basics. >> reporter: now? >> now they are adding a lot more. >> reporter: some companies are still cutting back by having the party at the office. maureen naylor, ktvu channel 2 news. happening now, all cable car service in san francisco has been shut down. they were brought down at 8:00 p.m. tonight. officials sell us an a-- tell us an alarm went off prompting them to shut down. it should be back up and running tomorrow morning. leaders are considering lowering fees for taxi medallions to $510. they say the current fees are too high. >> reporter: two bay area military groups are being celebrated for their strong partnership. [ music playing ] >> an award ceremony was held today for the bay area coast guard and the oakland military institute. they were recognized by the coast guard for their collaboration and strong relationship of mentoring, education and positive interaction. governor jerry brown was also at the event. a nurse duped by a prank call made to the hospital where kate middleton was treated was found dead this morning in london. she was found dead near king edward vii hospital. police are calling the death unexplained. two disk jockeys called and asked to be put through to the ward. >> she was recently the victim of a hoax call. the hospital had been supporting her. >> the station and the disk jockeys are facing a back lash. their website and facebook pages are filled with angry comments. the royal family offered thoughts and prayers to her family and friends. wireless carriers agreed to relay texts to 911. they signed on to provide the service by may of 2014. only a handful of call centers are able to receive texts. if there has been progress towards avoiding the so-called fiscal cliff it is going on behind the scenes. speaker of the house john boehner is waiting to hear a counter offer from president obama since the republican plan was delivered on monday. >> reports indicate the president adopted a strategy to slow walk our economy to the edge othe fiscal cliff. -- edge of the fiscal cliff. >> vice president joe biden said a deal could be done in 15 minutes. he made the comments during a lunch with people the white house described as middle class. >> couple hundred bay area senior citizens made noise today about the fiscal cliff. [ music playing ] >> they held a flash mob in front of the federal building in downtown san francisco. they are rallying for social security, medicare and medicare. they support the president's plan. another winner. what we know about the latest person to claim a huge power ball jackpot. >> the weather is looking nice. the warmest day of the weekend and when shower chances parents of two students are complaining the school isn't doing enough to protect the children from bullying at cooper elementary school. one parent said her daughter is being tormented. her daughter wrote a suicide note. the mother accused the school of not addressing the problem. >> stop punishing the victim. it is a struggle to get her out of bed to go. >> school says they have a program in place to deal with bullies. nielsen released new numbers on social media numbers and the largest growth is in mobile devices. it jumped 82%. more than 95 million people browse the web on their mobile devices. pinterest saw the most use. mobile web, mobile app and desktop. in news of the world, we begin over seize. in egypt. tens of thousands of people rallied outside the palest that is protect -- palace that is protected. the president postponed voting and aids suggested he may cancel the referendum. in japan a7.3 earthquake hit. it generated small waves. it was centered in the same area off shore as the earthquake in march. there are reports of injuries and some damage. the early warning system worked and an alert went out 6 minutes before the quake. and in mexico, a secret that led to the u.s. mexicans army discovered a drug tunnel. 8 people were arrested and a small amount of marijuana was confiscated. the owner of a dinosaur leg is hoping it brings thousands at a auction tonight. 65million-year-old fallsis estimated to be -- falls is estimated at $60,000. >> i think it would be like the dinosaur's thump to have it in your house. imagine? 25% of the proceeds will go to the healthcare connection that offers free medical care to the homeless. the second winner of the power ball lottery claimed his prize. this surveillance video shows a man at a gas station in maryland claiming to have the winner ticket. he claimed the lump sum amount, $192 million. tore a big hole and the ship began -- >> a witness to history. we sit down with two survivors of pearl pearl harbor. >> and mark tamayo is tracking the forecast. >> you can get ktvu [ female announcer ] for those who love sweets, your season is here. let's just call it the baking time of year. you need special ingredients. you need the staples. that's a given. you need safeway sugar for just $1.97. and that magic thing that makes everyone want another -- only $2.99 for challenge butter. and when hands get messy, quite surely they'll say, "yum! wow! yay! what a sweeter holiday." safeway. ingredients for life. the beacon is lit up tonight to commemorate pearl harbor day. it was 71 years ago today. every year supporters come together to remember. the ceremony wasn't the only way the bay area remembered pearl hobber. ktvu's john sasaki talked with two survivors. >> reporter: it was an early day. they hosted their ceremony and marked the moment when japan attacked. the memories are still fresh for the men who were there. >> i felt six torpedoes. tore a big hole. >> reporter: he was in the coast guard that day and saw the planes. >> one flu right over me, 200 feet above me. i could count the rivets on the plane. >> reporter: 71 years alater he feels guilty he gets honored for surviving. >> when all these other guys are getting killed and wounded and here i am, happy go lucky, nothing happened to me. >> reporter: he hopes it will prompt people to strive better for more than war. >> everybody loses and you are losing the youth of your country. >> reporter: the light here had been in use for navigation till the day after pearl harbor. now it is turned on once a year to honor those who were lost. john sasaki, ktvu channel 2 news. a panel of pain specialists recommended against approving a stronger version of a powerful pain killer. the food and drug administration asked a new form of hydrocodone is needed. a company wanted to market the new, stronger drug. the fda is expected to make a decision by march 1. drug manufacturers filed suite today over a drug take- back ordinance. they are the first in the nation to do this. drug makers argue it gives them possibilities and doesn't do much to deal with the huge amounts of left over drugs. >> president obama is asking for $60 billions for recovery effort for superstorm sandy. the president made the request today. in a statement the governors said the money would help them rebuild and help protect them from future storms. highway 1 is going to be closed for another week. it was closed on wednesday after a section was damaged during the storms. the road will remain closed while crews work on long term repairs. they hope to have it reopened next friday. detours are in place. you are umbrellas get a break this weekend. no rainfall over the next few days. looks good for saturday and sunday. right now the maps, few high clouds moving into the bay area. also cold temperatures. look that current numbers. san jose right now 50 degrees. look at these upper 30s to lower 40s in the north bay and inland valleys. natcha 39 -- napa 39. and with temperatures matching the dew points, reports of fog. visibility half mile last check. could be going down in the next few hours. headlines for tonight, fair skies. chilly out there. this weekend, dry and temperatures mild on sunday. the extended, cooling trend and showers across parts of the region. this was the sunset today, beautiful towards the bay. few high clouds. high pressure strengthens off shore. break down your weekend, saturday, after a cold morning, fair skies and sunday as the winds develop we will have a breeze out there, especially sunday morning, 25-30 miles per hour. breezy sunday morning. sunday also the warmest day. mid-60s. here is our forecast model. 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, most of the significant clouds to the east. as i showed you, patches inland, north bay, delta and inland valleys. few high clouds out there as well. into the afternoon, partly cloudy skies. looking good for your saturday afternoon. temperatures for tomorrow, not much of a change from today. that means the warmest locations in the lower 60s. coolest locations in the upper 50s. fairfield, brentwood. reversal, cooler spots inland. san jose 63. here is a look ahead, five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view, the weekend just about here. sunday the warmest day. monday looking nice as well. tuesday partly cloudy skies. there we go. wednesday, a few changes. a major drop off in temperatures and a chance of showers wednesday morning. rosemary orozco will have the forecast update tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. >> thank you. there is word a gray wolf has moved to lower ground. the wolf followed deer down to lower elevations after the storms. its gps caller tracked him to the woods joe fonzi is here to tell us how the warriorsroid trip is going -- warriors road trip is going. >> so far it is hard to imagine things going better. coach making a return to his brooklyn roots. warriors trailed the nets by 8 at the half. curry 5-9 from beyond the arc. going for 28 points. david lee was there for the follow. he had 30 points and 15 rebounds. golden state warriors played their best in the second half and they win 109-102. 9th win in the last 12 games. >> according to reports, brandon mccarthy last year's opening day pitcher for the a's agreed to a two year contract with the arizona diamondbacks. he was hampered by injuries last year. he was hit in the het by a line drive in september. he was cleared to resume his regular off season routine. no answers in sight as the raiders season is down to its final three games. the quarterback taking the heat for last night's loss to denver. oakland's sixth loss in a row. palmer lost a fumble. that led to a touchdown run. the broncos in front by 16. oakland falls to 3-10. everybody is in the firing line, especially the quarterback. >> he made a couple mistakes the last couple weeks but yet he is one of the reasons why, you know, specifically earlier in the year why we had a chance in certain games. i am not down on carson at all. we want to see some younger guys play. >> wasn't a good night for bay area schools playing tonight for the right to respect california in the state championship games. three more games will be played tomorrow. tomorrow night for the 4th time, manny pacquiao and juan manuel marquez will meet. mohammed morsi is 39 years old. manny pacquiao 34. manny pacquiao won two by narrow decisions. and cal's women's basketball team a winner tonight, 84-46. a blow out. >> thank you. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we will see you next time the news break. >> we are always here for you on and mobile ktvu. city 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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 6PM 20121208

little longer. >> reporter: the supreme court will likely hear the arguments in march and have a decision by the end of june. there are nine justices. it is entirely possible they have nine differ opinions. one thing is for sure, this is an historic moment. juliette goodrich, cbs 5. not only will the supreme court hear the prop 8 case but also a challenge to the national defense of marriage act. >> they've got to solve this as a national level because it's just too much administrative confusion right now. who gets health benefits. who can visit who in the hospital. all of these, which marriage counts. all of these questions. >> lori little calls it an historic time for the supreme court, a decision that is as big as brown versus the board of education which said separate schools for black and white students was unconstitutional. >> this is equivalent to the supreme court take on one of the most devicive sort of exciting constitutional questions of this generation and deciding that they have to issue an opinion on this. >> so, for now gay marriages in california remain on hold. >> that stays in place and will stay in place until they issue their decision which probably won't be until june. gay couples in san francisco's castro district are cautiously optimistic the nation's high court will rule in their favor. cbs 5 spoke with a number of them about the court's decision today. >> i think it will be a close call. the supreme court may be a 5-4 split depending on how kennedy comes down. >> i was married in san francisco in '04, which was very historic. i'm divorced now and i deserve the freedom to divorce. >> that's like the easy way out. >> public opinion seems to be shifting towards acceptance of same sex marriage. in 2011 rare salmon gallop poll found for the first time majority of americans support it. >> the battle over same sex marriage has a unique story here in california. we were only the second state to allow it and the only state to then ban it. it began in san francisco back in 2004. over a period of mount, san francisco issued some 4,000 marriage licenses under the direction of the then mayor newsom, but the practice was outlawed with the passage of prop 8 in 2008. that ban was later ruled unconstitutional. same sex marriages will remain on hold until this case is finally settled by the supreme court. for more on today's announcement and reaction, two to people in san jose are getting a little something extra with their utility bills. not an extra charge or promotion, but as cbs 5's reporter len ramirez shows us, police officers aren't too happy about it. >> for 200,000 households in san jose it came in the mail. >> we have to think creatively and cost effectively. >> they are talking about an insert her office enclosed ared in garbage and water bills for san jose residents that solicits complaints act san jose police officers and provides contact information for her office to follow up. >> we are required to get information out about our office and let people know that if they do have a complaint or concern about san jose police officers, we are the people to call. >> when we mess up and we d we're human. we expect to be held accountable. we don't have a problem with the system in place. >> but, the police union does have a problem with the method and time. with murders matching a 20 year high and police response times getting longer, union officers say the city should be mailing out crime watch information and witness hotlines. >> the message they should be sending is your police department is depleting scene getting worse. our response times are going up. crime is going. moral has plummeted. we have another six officers that walked out the door just this week. nine more officers are going to be resigning by the end of this month, and this is the type of thing the city sends out. it is just insult to injury >> it is another example of the animosity of city hall and its police officers over pension reform. citizens like eddie gail says it is high time the two sides settle their differences. >> i'm not saying she is right or wrong or this the officers are right or wrong. i am saying there needs to be respect on both sides. >> reporter: delay do have an internal affairs unit where officers investigate officers. reporting live in san jose, len ramirez, cbs 5. in richmond, police are telling people to keep an eye out for this guy. investigators say this is the same suspect from two different kidnappings and rapes. police also think he tried to attack another woman last month. all of the attacks have happened near 23rd street in richmond. in oakland, police say a man plunged during last night's raiders game, it was accident. the he climbed over the wall outside the third deck, hung briefly from the railing and then dropped 30 feet. he is now in serious condition at highland hospital in oakland. in livermore, they have been open less than a month and the outlet already has a new name and new owner. sun ridge property group said it acquired the outlet which is home to 130 stores. the price was not released. the new owners have already changed the name to livermore valley premium outlet. bullying at school. more troubling is what happened when the two girls spoke up. girls tell us they are being bullied, even physically threatened at school and the district and school aren't doing anything about it. watch what we found when we checked into it. >> the school sign proclaims in bold letters be safe, responsible, respectful. but keep elementary is anything but according to these two fifth graders. >> they punch us, they slap us. >> samantha and autumn say they are constantly bullied in school by two brothers. >> they take our snacks. >> it started last year. >> their parents say they knew there was a problem. >> my daughter coming home crying telling me she is being called names, tramp, whore, slut. >> but the bullying got worse. >> he said i know where you live. i was like how. at that time i looked at his hand and i could see a pocket might have. >> got to the point where a child pulled a knife on our daughter. we weren't aware of it. >> samantha was too scared to tell but said she did report the incident to her principal. >> there is a lot of things that have happened we don't know about and we're not privy to it because they say it is confidential. if you're not communicating to me how am i to help my child. >> autumn's mother feels the same way. >> my child has made complaints and we have. >> she says the school solution was to keep the girls inside for recess which just made things worse. >> my husband was in the room talking to her and found a crumpled up piece of paper. he looked at it and it was a suicide letter. >> autumn said it was a recent incident in class. >> i felt this movement on my desk. he was pumping my desk. i didn't feel safe. i went home crying. i didn't want to -- i don't know. i really didn't want to -- honestly i didn't want to live that day. >> can you see what the boys are doing? >> yeah. >> and nobody is stopping them is this. >> we saw similar things going on during the playground during a recent undercover visit. the final straw for the girls' parents was this torn sweatshirt. samantha says the boys were chasing her and tried to gab her. with no answers from the school or district both parents took the matter to police >> the police report reveal the alleged bullies admit to shoving the girls and making sexually suggestive comments. we wanted to ask the principal about it but she didn't want to talk to us. the school district didn't want to talk to us either but sent us a statement saying the safety of our students is extremely important, but this bullying expert says. >> the school is not getting to the root of the problem. >> he watched this video. >> if that is true, it is a hostile environment and the courts are trying to get high schools to remedy this or they suffer damage. >> obviously i didn't want to live that day. >> if you hear a child saying this you have to investigate it. there are some tax cuts don't stop and do take their life. >> it seems like a culture of this. >> samantha and autumn hope they can make a difference by speaking out. >> we don't want other kids to feel the same way that we're feeling. >> now, the girls' parents say they allowed their daughters to go on camera because they thought it was important for them to speak out. police have told them the investigation will go to the district attorney next week. >> just breaks my heart. what about the boys and their family? >> we did look into that. we are told they are being raised by their dad and he is disabled. according to the police report which we have he says the school never informed him what the boys were targeting the girls and through the disdepartment, dana, he told us he does not want to comment. >> all right. >> we're going to stay on i. we have heard from one other parent in that district too, now. >> thank you for bringing this to light. >> you bet. >> they told me i would never walk again, i might not ever talk again. but now he's doing both and thanks to a local group he's driving, too. how they're providing a little freedom to the men and women who fought for all. a rare sighting in the aftermath of our recent storms where a salmon has suddenly appeared after a 50 year absence. sunshine has been a rare sighting, but it did come back. a beautiful evening in san jose. here is a live look outside. what are the prospects for more. i'll have your forecast coming up. veterans, the transition frm service to civilian life cae a ro for some service members, especially combat veterans, the transition can be a pretty rough road. but one auto body shop is doing what it can to help returning vets get a little traction. >> marine sergeant is starting up his new ride, a 2006 chrysler 300 donated by the recycle rides program. >> i drove home and then i will drive back to san diego sunday. >> he was actually looking for a car and was chose% a data base on needs. >> we chose to help military veterans. >> no one is more deserving of this donated toyota carolla than jordan stevenson. >> i was injured last december. i got shot in the left side of my head. >> jordan was shot in afghanistan. >> they told me i would never walk again, i might not ever talk again and i can stand here and talk to you now. >> he is still working bark from his head injury which paralyzed his body. >> just reenlisted. >> for another six years >> never in a million years did think that would happen. >> i'll get better. i'm going beat it. i'm not going to let them win. >> these are just the first of two cars that this body shop has refurbished. they hope to do it at least once a month. reporting from san francisco, cbs 5. a rare sighting in a berkeley creek has biologist really excited. this 24-inch chinook salmon has been spotted in a creek along the berkeley albany border. fish biologists say it is a first time chinook salmon has been seen in that creek in about a half a century. they also think the efforts the resore the creek are paying off. >> i will not go near the creek. i promise. >> no. if there is one, there's more. >> yes. >> reporter: mother nature will take care of us this week. you know what, you deserve this after many, many cloudy days. we had a beautiful sunny at the same time san jose, you had 64. 59degrees is your high today. doppler radar, ground clutter offshore. we're going to have nothing but nice weather for the next four days. right on through the weekend, storm track for portland and seattle, they will get rain and mountain snow. for us, we will get a lot of sunshine. you get sunshine saturday, sunday. the top of next week, mornings will be chilly. the afternoons will be nice and mild and sunny. sunny all the way through. starting wednesday we will be getting a little colder. that is still four days away. livermore, 62. san jose 63. low 60s for concord and santa rosa. 61degrees milder on sunday. beautiful monday and tuesday. cooler weather starting wednesday with highs back down in the 50s. roberta, something this evening? >> it is my favorite tame of the year where channel 5 for the past 10 years have welcomed food for bay area families into the art studio. joining us tonight paw lori from black hawk and regina rogers all from black rock. then we have someone from the san francisco food bank who are you? >> lucy. >> you're so cute. another adorable child just entered the room. >> lucas. my name is lucas. >> hi. thanks for joining us today. came with a very special big check tonight. >> indeed. thank you roberta. pleasure to be representing black rock with aaron and regina. we are here to present to the san francisco food bank a check for $25,000. >> whoa. $25,000. we need a round of [applause] for that. leslie, how many people will this feed? >> we will be able to turn that $25,000 into 75,000 meals that will go to people in need right here in our community for the holidays. >> that is wonderful. i hear all the employees of black rock are tremendous volunteers. eyewitness news continues. we'll be right back. >> that's awesome. >> many miles away in home with no one to contact or ask for help. a bay area church group robbed of everything minutes after arriving in florida. how a local sports team came to the rescue. ,, you know how much grandma wanted to be here for your fist christmas? you see grandma lives waaaay down here, and you live way up here. brian, your cousin, he's a little bit older than you, he lives here, in chicago. and your aunt lisa lives here, in baltimore. uncle earnie? waaay out in hawaii. but don't you worry, we will always be together for christmas. [ male announcer ] being together is the best part of the holidays and cheerios is happy to be part of the family. you just ate dallas! but a bay area church groupa trip to florida has learnede hard way...people do. oung people were on their way from the airport o the bank when they stopped o grab a bite to eat at a fort lauderdale restaurant. that's when thieves broke io their van... stole 12- thoud dollars in cash... along with their luggage and i-d'. "it's not that you stole our money and the amount of mony that you stole, but you stoe dreams you stole those thins that we wanted to do you had just left not just me but yu have left many people rightw without shelter, without fo" the group is no longer strad without money... today, they were surprised with a 15-thousand dollar gift froe miami dolphins. in the vineyards and farms f sonoma county, there's a ple that saves lives.. hanna boys center is a school fors ed.. or hurt.. o the bible says thou shall not steal, but a bay area church group on a trip to florida has learned the hard way that people do. the 24 young people were on tear way to the airport and then to the bank when they stopped to grab a bite to eat at a restaurant. tax cuts' when thieves broke into -- that's when thieves broke in and stole $12,000 of cash along with their luggage and i.d.s. >> it is not that you stole the money. the amount of money that you stole, you stole dreams. you stole those things that we wanted to. do you had just left not just me, but you have left many people right now without a shelter, without food >> the group is no longer stranded without money, though, because today they were surprised with a $15,000 gift from the miami dolphins. in the vineyards and farms, there is a place that saves lives. a school for boys who are troubled or hurt or in the case of our student rising above tonight, both. introduce. >> good morning boys center. >> that is nick lions on the left anchoring the hannah boys center news. >> we are going to have chicken. >> good grades, college bound. hard to believe this is the same kid who came here from juvenile hall in ninth grade. >> i would have to describe nick's arrival here at hannah as one of a broken human being. >> i was giving up. i was done. >> his parents were addicted to drugs. nick is the toddler on the left. his parents would leave the children alone for days. one time in a motel. >> we didn't have any money. we had video games which kind of kept us busy. it wasn't really. >> what did you do for food? >> we didn't have any food. >> they moved every few months. then, one day, their parents took them to their grandparents in oak ridge. >> they dropped us off and said they would be back and they never came back. they left all four of us up there. >> they became wards of the court. two foster homes and then in their third placement, nick was in and out of juvenile hall. his sister and brother ran away. >> there is times when i was at home when i wished i was in juvenile hall because i ended up making friends in juvenile hall. >> and then he came to hannah. his intake photo says it all. >> he was very difficult to work with because i don't think he had any trust. >> i was in fights. i was suspended. >> the arguments were everyday and multiple times throughout the day. >> then one day, something clicked. it was after another argument with a supervisor of the cottage. >> i ended up apologizing to him the -- she told me obviously things would need to change if i wanted to stay at hannah. >> it was almost like a lightbulb moment. after that it was just remarkable. >> it felt like it was literally overnight. one day you had a kid getting kicked out of three, four classes a at the same time the next day you had a kid who was just trying really hard to be a standout student. >> i decided i was going to do something successful with my life. i wanted to lead my life rather than have my life lead me. >> nick began to learn how to connect with people and slowly how to trust. i knew he had to care and i saw it. >> say say -- they say nick, you are doing great. >> he is even on the school basketball team. even with the support, it is not easy for kid with no parents. >> over the past few holiday he's had no where to go. >> having hannah be his home and still want to try and put his absolute best foot forward each and everyday. >> ah nick. >> it feels really. go-- good. when i get a b i get upset >> before we g i'm nick lions. see you next time. >> this holiday season consider helping nick and children like him go to college. go to students rising to find out how. bad news for b.a.r.t riders. why you might want to change your commute if possible because it could save you money. optimism from the white house but still no deal. what the republicans are demanding now to avert the fiscal cliff. and, remembering the day that will live in infamy. the ceremonies remembering the attack on pearl harbor 71 years ago today. ,,,,,,,, when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. have to shell out more to re bart...even before you get n board. the price for parking has as been reasonable at bart stations. from free, to 5 bucks max. but that all could change very soon. cbs 5 reporter da lin with w bart riders have a say in te matter. da. reporter intro: this san leo bart parking lot fills up ey morningâ for busy stations like this one in the east b, some bart officials want to now at 6:30, it's conjoint, it is a cost saver but -- conjoint, it is a cost saver but you may have to shell out more for b.a.r.t. the price for parking has been free to 5 buck max. that could all change very soon. da lin with how b.a.r.t riders may have a say in the matter. d. >> reporter: that's right. they are actually taking public opinion. they want to increase the cost at local b.a.r.t stations and they want to know what people think about that. >> riding b.a.r.t could soon cost you more for parking, that is. right now most b.a.r.t parking lots charm between a dollar and $2 depending on the location. the b.a.r.t officials are looking at increasing the parking rates based on demand. lots that fill up during the busy morning commute would see an increase of .50 cents with the possibility of another .50 increase if demand remains high. we asked b.a.r.t why charge more. >> to keep b.a.r.t clean and reliable and safe without having to raise fares. >> this student says it will add to her financial burden. brenda lopez already pays about $200 a month to take b.a.r.t to san francisco state, and that's not counting parking. she says adding another .50 a day would really hurt her budget. >> it would just make it difficult for students like myself that already found it a little difficult, plus budget cuts with school. >> some passengers also agree the proposal is a bad idea, considering b.a.r.t parking lots used to be free. >> omg. i have to get an extra job now. >> b.a.r.t reports a quarter of their passengers park at its 33 parking lots. some riders say even with the increase it would still be a great deal. >> can't even be a cup of coffee for a dollar, so it is very reasonable. >> the reality is i need to get to downtown san pranks so i'm going to pay it. >> reporter: part is asking people to take an online survey. you can find it on our website cbsf doing click on the news link. the b.a.r.t board of directors will vote net spring. i am da lin cbs 5. turns out soup r. storm sandy didn't have -- super storm sandy didn't have as much of age pact on employment as economist had expected. the government says the storm played only a minimal role as the economy added 150,000 jobs. the unemployment rate fell to 7.7%, and that is a .2% drop. but those numbers were helped by people who stopped look for work and were not counted as unemployed. on wall street, the dow is up 81 points. the s&p 500 edged up four. however, the nasdaq dropped 11 points. the edge of the fiscal cliff is fast approaching. only 25 days away and going over it threatens to ruin the holidays for millions of americans. cbs reporter danielle nottingham says republicans are waiting for the president to make the next move. >> vice president joe biden at lunch with middle class americans who will take a $2,000 hit if their tax cuts expire at the end of the year. >> this is no time to add any additional burden. >> while the white house is pushing congress to renew middle class tax cuts, the president says he won't take any deal that extends tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. honor of the pearl harbor ak this is the only night of te year the beacon will shine. hared their fi >> it would take 15 minutes by the time the decision is made by the speaker of the house to pass and make permanent the middle class tax cut. >> both are waiting to talk to president obama and house speaker boehner. here on capital here hill boehner says he is still waiting on the white house to respond to the latest proposal. >> this isn't a progress report because there is no progress to report. to >> republicans are offering to extend tax breaks for all americans, close tax loopholes and cut nearly $1.5 trillion in spending. >> i came out the day after election to put revenues on the tame to take a step toward the president to try to resolve this. ,,,,,, ,,,,,, you made it. it is weekend time, and i can vouch for both weather and traffic. weather thumbs up. traffic, thumb's down. here is a live look outside. we have mainly clear skies and mainly congested roads. beautiful weather, though. also in the south bay we're looking good. we are cooling down quickly. many of you will be in the upper 30s by tomorrow morning. concord you will be one of those spots down to 51. san jose, 56 degrees. ground clutter being picked up by our radar. there was no rainfall for 400 miles from san francisco. the south bay is looking great. sunnyvale, looking graph maybe you're going skiing. that is something you couldn't do last year because of our snow pack. this year is so much better. 87 from normal is our snow pack. now let's talk about the reason your furnace will be turning over several times tonight. concord 39. we will drop down to 39 tonight in santa rosa. watch out for fog in the valley in the north bay and east bay. the overall weather picture is a very pleasant one if you like sunshine and most of us do. we will have plenty of sunshine the next couple days. the reason why, the big dome acting like a bouncer not allowing any of these storms to get anywhere close to northern california. it is shoving it around the high pressure which means snow for washington and northwestern oregon but not for us. the storm track stays away. we will have chilly mornings with clear skies. highs well into the 60s all the way until tuesday of next week. that's how long we will be sunny as well. so, you will have morning fog away from the bit. next week we will see a pattern change but not until next wednesday. it will get a little cloudier, a little bit wetter, but much colder. enjoy the warm while you have it. average high, oakland, you normally hit 58 this time of year. instead, 63. concord, you're normally 53. tomorrow 61. san jose 63. redwood city, low 60s. the trivalley in the low 60s. pittsburgh antioch, low 60s. berkeley 62 for you tomorrow. coupledegrees milder on sunday with mainly sunny skies. we will stay mild monday and tuesday. there is your pattern change. chance of a couple showers. nothing too big there, but it will be much cooler with highs to mid to upper 50s. great news to report with our ski report. in heavenly, no new snow. a 50-inch lift there. kirkwood, with a 38 to 48-inch space. 60inches of show. a lot of showing, a -- snow. a lot of showing this weekend. enjoy your weekend. we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, here in person... wile at at&t longer an baseball up top. next time you see brandon mccarthy pitch here in person it will be at att park. no longer an oakland athletics. this scary skull fracture last season that he suffered, he is my an arizona diamondback. he gets reunited with former a trevor dayhill. two seasons with the a's. very quickly to basketball. the warriors lead the nets late in the game. story coming up on the late show. you never know who you might bump into at a raider game. actor/producer marlin wayons. >> you must have some game growing up. you do a lot of physical comedy. >> physical comedy had to do. it is a lot of work. we're athletes. we just don't have the cool that they have. i look really awkward. they can't fall like i fall. me, i can snap and twist and i will be fine. see this? if that happened to one of them, they would be out for the season. >> just spend little time in the black hole if you want that. you'll get plenty. >> look, i'm blanch they turn me white. i'm like excuse me. i'm sorry. excuse me one second. i'm sorry. go raiders. >> all right. the 49ers and dolphins square off sunday. 1:00p.m. right here on cbs 5. tune in to the fifth quarter after the game with myself, dennis o'donnell, jeremy newb erry for a full recap. boxing, you would think manmy pakqaoi will be tide of his opponent tomorrow night. the pakqaoi has won the last two. the first was a draw. they weighed in today. >> 143 pounds. marquez. 147pounds manny pacqaoi. >> it is a rarity in box that two boxers will face off against each other four times. all three previous matches for fiercely contested and the two rivals hope to finally settle the score tomorrow in vegas at the mgm. we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] only from at&t. th cause that was a tough commercial break because we have to do this. not an easy day around the cbs 5 newsroom today. we say good bye to our friend dana king. that's why you're here with us. >> yeah. we never as news people want to make the news, right, guys? >> right. >> sometimes it is inevitable. dana, as you probably have read and may have seen on other broadcast is leaving to pursue her art full time. she is an accomplished artist, to say the least. so, this is a day that we say thank you dana, and to celebrate. for all of us and for all of you who watch every night, here's a look back. >> can you imagine the bay area without the 49ers? >> that newscast never got on the air. >> now, channel 5. >> it was dana king's audition for a job at channel 5. >> i'm dana king >> even the prompter operator remembers saying hey, i think we just found our new anchor. the year was 1997 >> i'm dana king. he had offered favorable coverage to mayor brown. coming up next, the frightening scene. >> some of dana's best work would come when she unplugged from the anchor tex and stepped into the field and often into the world's most dangerous situations. >> we're going to try to go into this building to see what's left. >> after the vicious onslaught of hurricane mitch, dana was determined to tell the stories of those who couldn't tell their own. she traveled to honduras to report on rescues and relief, tragedy and tenacity. >> that took her to transference creek albania and other places to tell the stories of refugees driven from their home by war. >> darkness has fallen on ground zero. >> and dana was on the second private plenipo leave the west coast for new york, the first bay area broadcast journalist at ground zero. and she wanted nothingless than a front row seat when the u.s. struck back at terrorism, reporting from on board the uss abraham lincoln in the persian gulf. she shied away from nothing, not even genocide >> there are 120,000 inmates in the 13 prisons. later that year she spent 10 days in afghanistan. >> what would you like people to know back mt.bay area? >> the reports covered the upcoming presidential election, security and the crease faltering steps toward stability. a trip to northern iraq was next. dana wanted the bay area to meet the kurd s, once sadam hue sane's victims, know thriving in a nearly independent region. when she took viewers to ghana it was so they could meet the recent past. first world electronics with the third world landscape and the distance past. >> a lot of people today were from the bay area. >> back in the u.s. it was a look at the future. the inauguration of america's first black president, and a look at how far we've come 20 years, but no matter where she was, dana was always on her own path. >> that hair. >> she's notorious for update her do. >> day ma cannot keep a hair style for more than three weeks. it is enough to drive our promo people crazy. >> then it was more than about sometime it was about color, going gray. >> i wanted to match my looks with my experience and time on the planet. >> but gray hair tonight head doesn't stop mischief in the heart. >> one time during commercial break dana king taught me how to put my fist in my mouth. >> tonight set, in the field or in the newsroom, there is no one like dana. >> she comes in and likes to tap her little foot. she has things to say. afghanistan, iraq, jordan. >> some of the most tense times in those countries were not with the gorillas, not with the rebel forces, but with day ma. >> she will stand in the freezing cold if that is what it takes. she will hike into a village where there are no roads. in the middle of the night she will help you get a again coout of your room. >> when -- gecko out of your room. >> when i shot something contrary to what you wanted there were literally daggers shooting out of your eyes. later you paid i was really part smart, very talented and i drove you crazy and it reminded you of your brother. >> dana, daneer, thousands of producers and shows i have been the voice inside your head. time to fade to black one more time. congratulations. >> there will never be another dana king. we're so proud and we're not alone. >> congratulations, mom. very proud of you. thank you for getting me to where i'm ated to. >> hi mom. just want today say congratulations and i'm very proud of you and i love your. >> we'll miss you, dana. >> you guys are in trouble. >> uh-oh. >> i only have one box of tissues. >> these lovely people are the reason i have gray hair. stephanie john put that tape together. we traveled to rhiwanda. the children loved her and want today touch her because she was so white. [laughter] you all mean the world to me, and i have been the luckiest woman in the world. i wish that careers were like mine going forward, but the business is changing and i'm so grateful that i have this opportunity to share my career and share my time with all of you, and i will miss you all. i feel like dorothy. >> okay. but this career is ending but another one is begoing. as with most talented people, they are not talented in one area alone. i want to show some of your artwork and from your website. can i tip that, too. dana this is some of your work it's beautiful. >> thank you very much. i have loved every minute of job i have had for the past 25 years, i feel this pull toward creating art. because, you know, we tell stories that last a minute, 33 minutes, maybe, but art can last a lifetime. i want to tell stories with my art. >> is that allen? [laughter] >> you know, i was just wondering. >> she pestered me and pestered me. >> i was just asking. >> you see why i love them. >> we have been together longer than most your mar annals. >> have we? >> she did put a plural on that didn't she? >> it's all been good. i have been blessed. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thanks, dana [ cheers and applause ] >> great. she's back at 11:00. >> yeah. for news throughout the evening, the latest always on cbssf doing we will be talking about it at 10:00 at 11:00 own cbs 5. >> oh, no. >> always promote the next newscast. did you learn nothing. >> i will be puffy from crying. thank you. >> good night, everybody. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. announcer: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how y'all doing? thank y'all very mucuch. appreciate you coming today. thank you, everybody. hey, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and as always, we got another good one for you today. returning for the second day with a total already $20,000, all the way from


Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News 20121208

according to witnesses, three juveniles were arrested last night after they used a pipe bomb to blow up a mailbox. witnesses gave a description of the suspects' suv which was found with another bomb inside parked in the front lot of college park high school. investigators say the juveniles admitted to only having the two pipe bombs. u.s. supreme court dives into the debate over same-sex marriage. justices have agreed to review california's prop 8. as john black stone tells us that means gay marriages are still on holiday cross the state. >> reporter: for five months in 2008 same sex couples in california could marry really. then voters passed proposition 8 banning same-sex marriage. when gay couples appealed it, it was ruled that banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. many supporters were hoping the supreme court would not take this case. teres stewart is san francisco's deputy city attorney. >> in many ways this is bad news? >> it is bad news in the sense that if the court had denied review we would have seen marriages quickly within a few days. again not only in san francisco. >> opponents say the supreme court should uphold the will of california voters defining marriage as only between a man and a woman. >> it's important to remember that still in the vast major the of states, four out of five states, the people have chosen to either vote themselves or their elected representatives to stick with traditional marriage. >> reporter: for tommy and jeff the decision is personal. they launched the challenge to prop 8 seeking the right to marry. >> sometimes the court system needs to nudge us forward to be a better more united america. >> reporter: the court could rule in a way that impacts same-sex marriage only in california and does not affect the rest of the country. >> movements are a mix of things. you have to kind of take the ups with the downs. >> reporter: the court will hear the marriage case in march. a decision will probably come by the end of june. john black stone, cbs news, san francisco. >> what can we expect? case has three possible outcomes. first they can say that denying marriage to any couple is unconstitutional or they could reverse the 9th circuit decision and uphold prop 8 leaving states and voters to decide on gay marriage. the final option, they can follow precedent set on a previous landmark gay rights case. >> 9th circuit tried to narrow its ruling by equating to a former decision of justice called roemer verses evan. >> in that case colorado's amendment two stripped gays and lesbians right to equal protection from discrimination. supreme court ruled in a unconstitutional as kennedy wrote that singling out gays and lesbians was a violation. a man hurt after world series celebration in san francisco is offering a reward of $25,000 for information leading to a conviction. sean most of it died two days after hit in the head. here are scenes from the mission district, one of the places where fans erupted in a celebration. most of it was hurt in the hate ashbury neighborhood. he told his roommate he was assaulted by five men. police investigators are still looking for possible witnesses or surveillance video. to a couple thieves in pacific coo too tired or intoxicated to make a get away. the spin drift school of performing arts was found ransacked and robbed with things like costumes and set pieces stolen. the suspects did not get far. employees found one of the thieves taking a nap in the theater. >> falling asleep at the scene of the crime isn't really the smartest thing to do. >> most would agree. >> a second suspect was found asleep outside in a car surrounded by stolen items. employees say thieves left empty bottles of alcohol inside the theater. the group is still missing an expensive keyboard. the group is currently working on joseph and amazing technicolor dream coat. today is a big deal for an 8 8th grader and her principal. the principal only has little time to live. how the student is trying to help one step at a time. >> charisma honey's wife and son help him battle a rare disease. but he is now feeling the love of community thanks to this 8 8th grader. >> if there was any way i could help, that would be a good idea. >> reporter: this 13 year old who has never organized a big event ever is spearheading walk-a-thon with a silent auction and ravel for her beloved principal. >> at her age for her to do something this big and significant is inspiring. >> reporter: may honey has joined 750 patients on the california liver transplant list. average wait is two years. he has waited eight months and could die in six months without a transplant. >> in some respects it feels more desperate. >> reporter: emma and school volunteers helped raise $60,000 for may honey trying to get a shorter list in florida his insurance doesn't cover. >> i learned a lot about how one person can make a difference. >> everyone is pulling for me. it means so much more to me than any amount of money they could come up with. >> keep calm and liver on, the walk-a-thon for charisma honey runs from 9:00 to 3:00 at burton park in san carlos. festival of lights starts tonight. still to come, bay area celebration that has been going for more than 30 years. >> good morning! >> hard to believe he came from juvenile hall. how a place called the hunt of boy center changed his life and made him a student rising above. >> we are off to a nice start with mostly clear skies. we'll look for temperatures to be on the chilly side but we recover to above average highs. we have the forecast and a change in the forecast mid week coming up. first though let us attend to paying a few bills. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, john mcafee from a judge in guatemala. the internet software pioneer is trying o sent back to beliz a reprieve for john mcafee from a judge in guatemala. he is trying to avoid diagram sent back to belize. a judge granted a stay of deportation. under that order he will stay in guatemala while the case is heard. that could take more than a month. two radio disk jockeys in australia posed as queen of england have been pulled off the air. that's after the british nurse who fell for the prank killed herself yesterday. they called the hospital where kate middleton was being treated. the nurse transferred the fake call to the ward where the duchess was recovering. formal request may go for aid. president obama wants congress to approve more than $60 billion in aid for new york, new jersey, other states. a congressman from new york confirms he expects the request to be at that level. governor comeaux is said to be pleased with the dollar amount. in the vineyards and farms of sew know may there is a place that saves lives. a school for boys troubled or hurt. >> good morning. >> reporter: that's nick on the left anchoring the hannah boys' center news. good grades, college bound. hard to believe this is the same kid who came from juvenile hall in 9th grade. >> i would have to describe nick as a rival here at hannah as one of a broken human. >> i was giving up. i was to the point where i was done. >> reporter: his parents were addicted to drugs. he is the toddler on the left. his parents would leave the children alone for days. one time in a motel. >> we didn't have money. we had video games which kind of kept us busy. >> reporter: what did you do for food? >> we didn't have any food. >> reporter: they moved every few months. then one day their parents took them to their grandparents in oak ridge. >> they dropped us off and said they would be back and they never came back. they left all four of us up there. >> reporter: they became wards of the court. two foster homes. then in their third placement, nick was in and out of juvenile hall. his sister and brother ran away. >> there were times when i was at home when i washed i was in juvenile hall because i ended up making friends in juvenile hall. >> reporter: he came to hannah, his intake photo says it all. >> he was very difficult to work with because i don't think he had any trust. >> i was in fights. i was suspended. >> arguments were everyday and multiple times throughout the day. >> reporter: one day something clicked. it was after another argument with the supervisor of the cottage. >> i ended up apologizing to her the next morning. she talked to me and told me obviously things will need to change if i wanted to stay. >> almost like a light bulb moment. after that it was just remarkable. >> it felt like it was literally overnight. one day you had a kid getting kicked out of three or four classes a day. the next day you had a kid who was trying really hard to be a stand out student. >> i decided i was going do something successful with my life. i wanted to lead my life rather than let it lead me. >> reporter: nick began to learn how to connect with people and slowly how to trust. >> i knew he had to care. i saw it there. >> they had all told me oh, nick you're changing. you're doing really great. >> reporter: he is even on the school basketball team now. but even with the support here at hannah, it's not easy for a kid with no parents. >> over the past few holidays he has had nowhere to go but to be stuck at hannah. >> having hannah be his home and still want to try and put his absolute best foot forward each and everyday. >> it feels really good. now it's like when i get a b i am upset about it like why do i have a b? i want an a in the class. >> before we go, this is the jay bulletin. see you next time. >> if you would like to help nick and kids like him go to college go to studentsrising to find out how. it will be a nice weekend. different than last saturday. >> last weekend was flood warnings. today it is sunscreen. we have some clouds and some fog around concord. clear skies as well. we are starting out with a mix. if you are headed toward central valley you will have dense fog advisories. for here you can see low overcast in the south bay. what we expect is sun to come out later in the day. concord has 44, oakland 50. liver more has 42, san francisco 52. to the bay bridge it is showing mostly clear skies. some high clouds will be spilling in later in the afternoon. other than that it looks okay. next rain is in the bay area wednesday. high pressure has reestablished itself over the west coast. as a result all the energy in the pacific is going over the top of the high and settling into idaho. from the bay area we'll get mostly sunny skies. if you are heading out expect the fog. temperatures will be in the mid 60s in sacramento and 59 at fresno. up north mostly sunny skies. if you are heading out of sfo monday it looks mostly sunny. northwest earlies will kick up. rain in new york. otherwise denver, chicago, la look okay as do we. in the bay area numbers will be 3 degrees above average in the low to mid 60s under mostly sunny skies until this afternoon. let's go with the sunshine theme. sunny skies through tuesday. on wednesday we increase the clouds to get a few showers. then the rest of the week, later half of the week looks like variable clouds and a few showers for wednesday, thursday, friday. not a big deal. it will be cooler and wet starting on wednesday. in the meantime have a great saturday. >> good weekend to do holiday shopping. >> i would think so. >> hard to carry bags and an umbrella. thanks. warriors on the road in brooklyn. next in sports the boys in blue taking down the net. >> let's take a trip down candy lane. this house puts on quite a light show thanks to the lights of the you can e-mail your photos to we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's a healthy alternative o starchy foods like rice. her a lesson on the gr do you know what pharaoh is? i didn't. it's a healthy alternative to starchy foods like rice. a lesson on the grain from tony. >> stephanie, are we ready? >> we are ready. >> this is an italian grain packed with protein, fiber, iron. it's so good for you. it is being rediscovered all over italy and north america. >> you made this butter sauce with what you saute'ed the mushrooms. >> you wipe it down a bit but then you leave it in the remnants right there. >> we boil about 15 minutes. what's in the butter sauce? >> butter, water, oregano. be careful when you make a butter sauce not to make too much because you don't want any left over in the pan when you are done. >> okay. we'll put this over some kale. look how pretty that is. we'll take some parmesan cheese right on top. we'll finish it off with a little bit of olive oil. >> give it some shine. >> look at how beautiful. >> steph. >> beautiful plate. >> love that. oh, get the forks. >> tonight there will be outdoor lighting in san francisco on the first night of hanukkah. the lighting ceremony has been happening in union square each december for the past 37 years. tonight's lighting happens at 5:00. that will continue for seven more nights. there is another lighting of the minora happening at 6:00 in gear deli square. in sports, a star pitcher who suffered a injury with a's has signed with another team. >> reporter: good morning. how about nba for you? mark jackson, brooklyn native at home, warriors, nets, joe johnson, brooklyn up 13. here come warriors. clay thompson for ws, free ball. warriors up by 3 and kept on coming. curry, fantastic. 28 points. tied at 70. late in the game david lee gets open. he had a team high of 30. warriors closing in. there is the dagger on the inside. the nice pass. green. 109-102 the final. mccarthy yesterday agreed to a two year $15.5 million deal with arizona. there is the lasting image you oakland a's fans saw with him getting hit in the head in september. he had the skull fracture. 17 and 15, era of 3.29. with the a's he will be reunited with kay hill, another former a. he goes back to his native phoenix scottish dale area, brandon mccarthy no longer wearing green and gold for the oakland a's. have a great saturday afternoon. cbs5 at 5:30 and 6:30 will be straight ahead with me a little bit later on. one last look at our top stories that includes high court jumping into the debate over same-sex marriage. we'll be right back. ne ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is just one of 20 homen the area using up to 150 check out this festive home, just one of 20 homes in the area using about 150,000 lights. thanks for the picture. you can e-mail your photos to us at a bomb squad detonated a large explosive device in pleasant hill. teens were arrested after finding a pipe bomb to blow up a mailbox. >> u.s. supreme court will take up california's prop 8 which was ruled unconstitutional by an appeals court. court's decision means gay marriages are on hold and we could get a decision next summer summer. tomorrow on eyewitness news this morning, debate over tasers in san francisco. >> have you ever been tased? >> i have. when he was mayor we looked at it ten years ago. i volunteered. it works. >> what may be first fight for democratic simple majority in sacramento, changing prop 15. starting at 7:30 tomorrow morning right here on cbs5. it looks like it will be a nice morning at that point. >> think so. the weekend looks good. the numbers will be warmer than they are this time of year with readings in the low 60s. sun is already touching spires out there. forecast highs will be in low to mid 60s. san francisco hits a high of 64. we show a little bit rain by tuesday or wednesday. a lot of people are looking for the perfect toy for christmas. how about the worst toy? fisher price activity monkey has been named the worst toy of 2012. it's at the top of the list put out by the campaign for a commercial free childhood. the group apparently has a problem with the smart phone belly in the monkey. it's supposed to teach hands eye coordination to kids as young as six months. pediatricians recommend that kids under two stay away from screens. so not down with the monkey. >> i am still working on my hand eye appropriation. >> okay. it would be appropriate for you. having trouble find tag unique gift? here is something no one else will have. 7-foot tall dinosaur leg. 65 million year old fossil on the auction block. the owner will donate a portion to help homeless and at risk people. the silent auction runs for another two weeks. thanks for joining us. enjoy the rest of your saturday. ,,,,,,,,


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 11 20121208

picture of the former albany middle school teacher accused of child molestation with at least one of his former students. in september, a seach warrant was served at 28- year-old james izumizaki's home in albany. among the items seized. a web camera. camcorder cellphone. bank statements. laptop. desktop. c-d's and d-v-d's and more. kron four's philippe djegal explains what led to izumizaki's arrest -- and his eventual suicide. >> in a statement of in late september, the victim's father was made of weathe aware of the relationship by a parent of a close friend of the victim. they seized izumizaki is cellphone records and they found out that there was plenty of videos, texts, videos and all times of the day. some of these were even midnight, 3:00 a.m.. the victim was also a " friend " on his facebook page. after the. confronted the child, this continued after she was 18 years old, is led to them kissing each other, on the school grounds. the victim described this as an open mouth and easing their tongues and he was touching her over her clothing. attempted suicide and was found dead on the side of the road. phillipe djegal, kron 4 news. >>pam: richmond police are warning residents to be on the lookout for a serial rapist. who has attacked at least two women in the last six- months. kron four's jeff bush explains what happened, and shows you who police are looking for. >> the richmond police have been handing out fliers like this. this is believed to be the same person, one with short hair, one with longer hair. the first attack was on a june 6th, the victim was approached from behind and forced into a car. on november 20th, another attack this woman was followed for a short time and he was also trying to coax her into the car. she was able to get away. the next day, november 21st, another victim was also being followed. the suspect tried to get her into the car and she refused but this time he foerster in the car with a knife. she was taken into. >> this has been in the 22nd street corridor. the same general area. >> they are warning women to be careful, and to walk in groups and at night especially after dark. jeff bush, kron 4 news. >>pam: new video tonight. from the scene of a head-on collision in eastern contra costa county. that killed a woman and a young boy. the c-h-p says, an oldsmobile sedan slammed into a big- rig on byron highway near clifton court. south of byron. it happened at a little before 3-30 this afternoon. the c-h-p says, the truck was heading north. going at about 55- miles an hour. when he saw traffic slow in front of him. the boy. who is believed to >> it is about that time that he noticed the oldsmobile, 1988. it was swerving back and forth and it went over the double yellow line and collided with the big rig, head on. >> the boy, who is believed to be eight or nine years old seat of the sedan. died at the scene. the driver of the sedan. a 21-year-old woman from bay point. died later at a hospital. the truck driver was not hurt. the c-h-p is trying to figure out if drugs or alcohol were factors in the crash. >> major developments in the prop 8 case. the u.s. supreme court has agreed to review the voter approved ban on same sex marriage in california. tonight kron 4's dan kerman looks ahead at what this all means. >> i know declarer you spouses for life. they will have to wait a little bit longer. the voter approved ban on the same-sex marriage means that legal briefs will be filed and cases will be heard early next year. >> it comes down to one simple question, as constitutional law the bidding of same-sex marriage? do they allow the protection or is it not. >> laurie little, this saying that the--rory little... the law professor... >> they see this as a historic moment. they are granting to cases that will allow every possible outcome. >> they think that justice anthony kennedy could be the deciding vote but roberts could also be pivotal in the decision. >> chief justices tend to look beyond with the legacy of the decision will be make.. in the future. this decision is expected to be finalized by the supreme court price sometime in the next year before the end of the month of june. dan kerman, kron 4. >>jacqueline: we can see the visibility not that bad but it is reducing portions of the north bay. under 1 mi. of the visibility with one half mile in santa rosa. 2 mi. in napa and also forming in fairfield, with chilly temperatures. we are already in the low 40's. 44 in napa, fairfield, the same in concord, pleasanton. it is going to be cold overnight. >> coming up the death of a bay area school teacher and how far would you go from suffering? the father of research year-old is saying that a medical marijuana is saving his young son's life but the police might not agree. >> the warriors are red hot and doing it again and mccarthy got rich. and the inside story of the boxing ring in vegas, tomorrow. later in this broadcast. [ female announcer ] for those who love sweets, your season is here. let's just call it the baking time of year. you need special ingredients. you need the staples. that's a given. you need safeway sugar for just $1.97. and that magic thing that makes everyone want another -- only $2.99 for challenge butter. and when hands get messy, quite surely they'll say, "yum! wow! yay! what a sweeter holiday." safeway. ingredients for life. >> a married couple accused of killing a retired school teacher. pleaded not guilty today to murder charges. darnell and tania washington. are facing felony charges of murder, robbery, burglary and carjacking. 55-year-old susie ko was found dead in her hercules home back in october. police captured the couple in washington state, after officers there spotted them in ko's stolen subaru. the pair is scheduled to return to court in march. to san jose police arrested a woman suspected in a gang- motivated shooting. which killed a 17 -year old. rebecca villanueva is in custody tonight. police say, daniel capetillo was gunned down, back in november 30th. detectives believe in the shooting. return twe will be right back. >> continuing our coverage on the high court decision to take the case on same- sex marriage. the initial challenge to prop eight was filed on behalf of two gay couples. when proposition 8 passed back in 2008, one couple bay area couple -- sandy stier and kris perry --- who have been partners for more than a decade --- filed a suit, saying the ban is unconstitutional and discriminatory. today, they remain on the frontlines, continuing to fight for equality. >> this is very, very, this is a very important to fight. not just for sandy and i but for kids, and frankly that do not even know for kids that are going to . >> ".want this yet" the duo has a hearing coming up in march, where they will try and prove that the ban needs to be lifted. many credit former san francisco mayor gavin newsom with starting the ball rolling on same sex marriage back in 2004. we talked to him earlier and got his reaction to the high courts decision to review the case. >> in my lifetime, i did not expect the supreme court to have in front of them today. now, we are having a different argument with the united states that also supports marriage equality. it is a pretty extraordinary thing and a testament to people not giving up and a testament to the future. >>pam: those on the other side of the aisle are also happy with today's decsion. that's because.if the supreme court had denied the case. the ban on same sex marriage would have been lifted. andy pugno from 'protect marriage dot com' spoke with kron4 on the phone earlier today. finally, we are going to have a shot at a fair hearing in front of the supreme court. ultimately, we could prevail. twice, the people of san francisco have sided with traditional marriage. and they say that today that the polling is with the traditionait is a sidig with-same-sex marriage was also a siding with that in 2018. >> new at eight. a modesto father could face legal trouble. for giving his young son medical marijuana. however. he argues. it is the only thing that has helped get the boy's rare form of epilepsy, under control. jason david says, his son consumes a type of marijuana which he says does *not contain t-h-c. t-h-c is the chemical that produces a high. david's 6-year-old son suffered violent seizures. and was taking so many medications that he was suffering withdrawals from trying to quit them. the father says, a doctor suggested using marijuana. and he is convinced the pot has saved his son's life. benefi >> it was really a life or death situation. if i were you i would try anything to save your son's life. when you see your kid suffer every single day. my son had a seizure every single day for four-and-a-half-years. i'm getting my son back from being a zombie to becoming a human again. >>pam: david says. his son has made a remarkable improvement. but modesto police are investigating. becase they say, david is giving the marijuana to his son without a prescription. >> the high tech industry has helped to push bay area paychecks well above the national average. but those same paychecks. have also pushed home prices into the stratosphere. grant lodes has more on a new national survey, which names san francisco and san jose as among the least affordable cities in the country. here they are. the toughest places in the country to find a home within the means of the average local resident. four of the top six in california, plus new york and the pricy suburbs in connecticut. in the big apple, someone with the median income of 68=thousand dollars could afford less than 30 percent of the homes. in san francisco, incomes are higher, but so are home prices. more than two=thirds of the homes are too expensive for a median=income buyer. orange county is third on the national list. followed by los angeles and connecticut's fairfield county. san jose rounds out the top six, despite a high median income of 105=thousand dollars. real estate is too expensive there for more than 50 percent of the residents. >> grant lodes, kron 4 news. >>jacqueline: temperatures were slightly warmer in the 60s for most of the bay area. 60s in the santa rosa. 63 in oakland, 61 in san mateo. as we go for the overnight hours it is going to be very cold it is already quite chilly in a number of locations with areas of dense fog. we're already seeing that in the north bay. with sunny skies and mild expected tomorrow and even nicer on sunday let us take a look on futurecast is shows widespread 40's for the overnight hours with the 30's that extent with the 40 degree readings. temperatures in the 50s by noon. not a lot of 60s for the 3:00 p.m. hour but we could see more with neighborhood by neighborhood. 30's in santa rosa, 39 degrees and of vallejo, 37 and concord, 37 in livermore. and a mild afternoon in the south bay for the inland valleys low 60s. 60s in concord, livermore, low 60s for the east bayshore. and for the north bay a mixture of the 50s and 60s. a look a your extended forecast with dense fog. localized. as we go for sunday, temperatures will be warmer monday, to stick with the chance of rainfall on wednesday bringing temperatures back down into the 50s. banffamerican airlines pilots labor deal. that could help the company out of bankruptcy. the allied pilots association says, 73-percent of its nearly eight- thousand pilots. voted for the agreement. it could also lead to a merger with u-s airways. the agreement includes some compromises on work rules and benefits, but it is seen as a better deal than the and if august. you won't take my life. you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years. aids is strong. aids is strong. but we are stronger. and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪ >> good evening, everybody. the warriors are pretty good. they have been on the game and doing well on the road. against jay z.. his team everybody loves brooklyn. johnson had a 32 tonight and curry had 28 and david lee, 30 points, 15 rebounds. the warriors return and when 109-102. the warriors are 12-7, 2-0 on the road. the lakers are going to be oin town two weeks from tonight. but the warriors are on a great start. however, the raiders and not off to such a great start. they're getting beat up, blown out of this is been a very difficult time for oakland football. and they thought the things to be great with a new coach but carson's palmer perhaps he is too old. and he is battered at 3-10. >> what we have to understand as players and coaches will have to look into the future. we are trying to go out and win and that is our job to go out and when. it is not an overnight process it is going to take some time to go out and win and get some of.. young guys. >> average, a look at dennis allen. you would say that look of that young guy. but when you're losing your senate that kid cannot coach a team. >> is not tempted t-and who doet know with this? >> and just how the young ladies give it right back to me la$7875. for marilyn d. quarterback. it is just pocket change for the skies but he will be in the lineup when the 49ers host miami on sunday. brandon mccarthy, this young man took this vicious line drive off of his head. while a pitcher for the oakland 80s.a he had a two-hour surgery and a slow recovery. as he received the most inspirational cov player from clementi award from the a's... with $15.5 million.. juan manuel marquez both w eighting and weighing in and teddy atlas look out for pa quiou has been his wife during trainig.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20140330

fronting -- -- main hi letting towards the peninsula. half moon bay, san mateo heading south, near san carlos, redwood city area. alameda. oakland, skyline boulevard, mod rat rain. and continues to sly caught from san jose down toward morgan hill. this is the first in a series of storm systems. another one, a much stronger system, due in here on monday. we'll look at the timing coming up in a little bit. >> so much, leigh. no matter what you were today seemed like there was no escaping the rain. there were fewer people out today at the farmers market at san francisco's ferry building. shoppers would have preferred sunnier skies to shop entity noticed the selection was better we fewer people out in search of fresh fruits and veggies. >> residents pulled out the big um will bees for the storm. this is downtown redwood city, where rain came down the heaviest during the morning hours. [chainsaw sounds] >> public works crews were busy clearing the valley road of this tree that fell across all lanes. they managed to move it to the shoulder. the tree was cut up and hauled away and the road is open. crews in the bare -- bay area were's with incidents like this. >> the rain likely kept bikers and walkers to take advantage of the bike path. it opened up in time for the wet weekend walk or bike ride up the east span of the bay bridge. there will be a new permanent segment. >> also in oakland the grounds crew at the coliseum struggled to keep the field dry before the game. clean water came up in the -- >> if you're heading to tahoe these are the conditions you'll fine. this heavenly valley. chains in effect from interstate 80 to donner lake. on highway 50. from twin bridges inned door recalled dough county. you can track the rain in the bay area using our abc7 news weather app. now to a developing story in san francisco, where a police officer accidentally opened fire on a stolen car suspect. sergio quintana is live at the scene on broadway street. a popular part of the city with visitors from out of up to. sergio? reporter: this all happened this morning around 10:45 or so. a police car spotted a stolen vehicle parked across the street there. when the police officer tried to engage the driver of the vehicle, they say that driver did not cooperate. this is the stolen car. a late model honda accord, and if you look closely at the driver's door, there's a single gunshot hole mettette close to where the driver's head should be if it's resting against a head rest inside. police tell us the officer did try to ask some basic questions as he engaged the driver. the driver sped off quickly and that's when the officer's gun unintentionally went off. >> the suspect's door on the vehicle was slightly ajar. the motion of the vehicle caused the door to fling open, striking the officer in the arm. at that time is when the impact caused the weapon to go off. reporter: the driver ditched the car a flew blocks away on clay street. the officer did not suffer any major injuries. broadway street was squeezed down to one lane for most of the morning as police investigated. again, it did look like the bullet hit close to where the driver's head should be, but police tell us the driver was not injured, and that driver ran off and is at large currently. reporting live in san francisco, sergio quintana. the shooting crimes -- comes as a crowd of people are marching in san francisco in protest of the officer-involved killing of a college student. demonstrators marched, followed by police officers, a few hours ago. they want justice for 28-year-old ali landrieu knee auto. he was shot and killed a week ago friday in bernal heights park. officers say the city college of san francisco student pointed a gun at them. the gun was a taser he used in his job as a security guard. >> aftershocks continue to rattle southern california today following yesterday's magnitude 5.1 quake centered in orange county. this afternoon, 4.1 quake hit la habra, near disneyland. there have been more than 100 aftershocks. eight homes have been red tagged in the city of fuller tony, and a water mass main was shattered. >> everything is falling over, cracks in the building, everything fell off, our kitchen is a mess. >> the quake caused a rockslide that caused this car to flip over. there was another moderate earthquake in the area on st. patrick's day. this morning's quake had ten times the energy of that one. a home in richmond is damaged after a car crashed right into it and the home owner says it's not the first time it happened. it happened just before 6:00 this morning on hilltop drive. a car slammed through a fence, flipped on its side and came to rest on the house elm . the home owner sayings it's the seventh time a car has landed in his front area in the several years he has lived there. >> a memorial run was held in fremont today at the site of where a union city marine died. 23-year-old lance corporal silva was hit on his motorcycle. a memorial was created where he was struck. [chanting] >> today friends and family ran in honor of andrew's memory and to raise money for his two-year-old son, noah. 23-year-old has been charged with murder in the case. >> still ahead at 5:00, remembering the missing. a moment of silence to honor the lives lost the deadly washington state mudslides. >> more about the missing malaysian airline flight 370. >> fine out what the taiwanese gove wireleare awesome. they let us use our phones to do amazing things. but why sign a 2-year phone contract just to use them? at net10 wireless, you can use the phone you already have and keep your network and number, too. but for half the cost. the bring your own phone plan. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data on the best 4g lte networks starts at just $40 a month. net10 wireless. recovery crews sifting through mountains of debris in the washington state mudslide paused for a moment of silence to honor those lost. >> units, please join us in a moment of silence in honor of the victims and loved ones of the landslide. >> the governor of waisted people across the state for the moment of silence at 10:47 this morning. the moment the huge slide happened. authorities have located the bodies of 25 people. at least 90 more remain missing. a plane searching for mall share airlines flight 370 spotted several objects today, including two that had the colors of the missing jet. it was later determined the objects were fishing nets from ships and the search was end without anymore sightings. the husband of a flight attendant on the flight says he is having a hard time telling his kid what happened. >> mommy is going to be -- not coming home this time. and i don't -- i haven't promised them, i will bring her home. i really have no idea where is she right now. >> 239 passengers and crew were board the flight when it disappeared on march 8th. investigators believe someone on the plane caused it to crash. >> a large rally in san francisco was held to protest a controversial trade pact between taiwan and china. dem demonstrators support the protesters who occupy taiwan's office building. the issue is a trade agreement where taiwan's president is said to have ignored the democratic process. >> tried to bypass all legislative review. did not reviewed clause by clause. didn't want the legislature or dong look at it. >> today's really is a protest against the taiwanese government. protesters say the trade pact will damage the taiwan economy and leave it vulnerable to political pressure from china. still ahead, the looming deadline to enroll in covered california. what you need to know to avoid what could become a hefty penalty for being uninsured. and the rainy day today across much of the bay area. how long will it last? leigh glaser has the forecast after the break. now here's david muir with a look ahead. >> we'll have more on the california earthquake as well. the mounting aftershakes, school children were performing a play and we'll get into the worries about the big one. >> a road that gives away, and our pothole patrol across the country, drivers are paying the price after a long and brutal ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ so i was basically uninsurable. now that i've got coverage, my doctor is a phone call or an e-mail away. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? find free, confidential, local help at >> long lines of south bay residents crowded a signup event for health insurance. consumers who still haven't vined up for coverage were able to get last-minute advice. they'll have until a minute before midnight tomorrow to simply start a covered california application and be eligible to finish the application by april 15th. those who do not have insurance are subject to a tax penalty, about one percent of your income. it is time for a check on the weather, and we have a nice little break this afternoon from the rain, but there's more to come. leigh glaser has the answer. >> live doppler 7hd picking up on some of the heavier showers. we'll take it in closer, slide a little to the south, and the north bay, still get something residual light showers. san rafael, towards mill valley, san francisco, but the heaviest rain you can see it here, as we're sweeping live from woodside, palo alto, all of this moving from north to south. will move into the los altos hills area in the next five to 15 minutes. east bay, moderate rain towards hayward. dublin, san ramon, get ready. and from san jose and points south to morgan hill, the radar beam is showing you a blind spot here, but rain is falling. 101 southbound. so definitely going to be sticking around for at least the next couple of hours south of san jose as the swath continues to slide south. how much rain? these are just 24-hour totals so far. half an inch to about three-quarters of an inch across much of the bay area. over an inch in mt. st. helena and we are going to see even more so as we head into the evening hours and definitely on monday. young see the gray sky over the bay. san francisco, 53. 57, los gatos. elsewhere, you can see the low clouds just hanging over downtown san francisco. santa rosa, 55. petaluma, 54. livermore, 57. so here's a look at our forecast update. you are definitely going with more showers overnight tonight. will be ending by early tomorrow morning. we'll get into sunny breaks tomorrow and then another heavy rain event will be moving in as we head into monday, in through monday night. so, this is a system that brought us the moderate rain and continues to do so. right now it will push towards the east. this is the nice little break we get for sunday before the next storm system, much stronger system, wetter system, and a lot of wind, starts to move in here as we head into monday. here's a look at our time frame. i'm going to advance this to 5:00 tomorrow morning. you can see the clear break we had throughout much of your sunday. it really will be early monday morning. this is 5:00 a.m. and you can see that next system by 1:00 in the afternoon, very heavy rain, right on in through the 5:00 commute time monday night. a little bit of a break. overnight monday, and then another system moves in early tuesday morning. so it is not over with yet. i want to take you up to the sierra because a winter storm warning until 5:00 a.m. tomorrow and we're looking at three to eight inches above the 7,000-foot level. lows tonight in the 40s across the bay area. remember, we'll look for the clearing from north bay to south bay, highs tomorrow with breaks in the sun. seven day forecast, very sloppy. big storm monday. aim showers, isolated thunderstorms on tuesday. a break wednesday, and more showers on thursday and friday. >> question love it. we love it. thank you so much. collin rush is in for shu and the rain caused problems for the a's and giant. >> bob melvin offers his thoughts on the cancellation, and the shark on the wrong end end of one-goal games and [doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of ncaa march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can >> in the race for playoff seeding the sharks take a step back and colorado continued their hot play, pulling within three points of the sharks. san jose trailing 1 or in the first. pavelski's back hander goes. 38th of the year. give up the shorty later. the equivalent to dropping a can of corn in baseball. mccloud, five hole right there and it's a two-run game. second per, one-timer makes it's a one-goal game. but the goalie stopped automatic 20 shots, including the pavelski redirect. sharks have lost two straight. as we reported earlier in this newscast, the exhibition series finale between the a a's and giants cancelled due to rain but the real embarrassing story is the return of the plumbing problem. the third base coach took this cell phone video of a backed up toilet. players were making fun. drainage on the field, not good. ask tim lincecum. here's bob melvin on today's event. >> the field was bad, and then we have new turf down, too, which probably the water stands on that a little bit more. >> you're potentially putting guys at risk injury-wise. >> both teams open on monday. madison bumgarner takes the hill against brandon mccarthy in arizona. the a's begin at home, weather ask stadium conditions permitting. sonny gray opposite cleveland's justin masterson. >> first on the agenda, get home for the sweet 16. mission accomplished with two wins. secondly, get to the final four in nashville. that quest begins tomorrow with the 1:30 tip-off against penn state. a matchup of experience versus experience. the nittany lions with four seniors, the cardinal with four senior. >> a senior next to your name doesn't mean doodle unless you're a great player. just because a team has a bunch of seniors whether it's our team or their team, you have to get the job done, and we're excited about some of our freshmen coming in. she is as important as our seniors. >> doodle. word of the day. for a while, looked like 12-seeded byu might pull off a bigup set, but tied at 33, uconn outscored the cougars. notre dame is up defeated, taking it to oklahoma state in south bend. jewell lloyd. 20 points, 12 boards, natalie achonwa on fire. 89-72 irish. they'll meet moral -- baylor in the elite 8. gators into the final four in men, 62-52. in the west, one versus two, set to tip off in 20 minutes, arizona and wisconsin, highlights at 9:00 and 11:00. with the masters less than two weeks away-tiger woods battling back problems and look at the leader moving a bolder to get a clean look at the green. he two-putted for par. 12-under. leads by three heading into tomorrow's final round, back to the rainout in oakland, as an fyi fans can redeem the paid value of their tickets to a regular season game. they're expecting 33,000 so not all is lost. they can see a regular season game. >> thank you so much, colin. nothing like mother-child time, especially when your family is this adorable. the public debut for the world's ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ coming up at 6:00, soaked on the field and in the clubhouse. we'll have more on how fans and the team ponded to those drainage problems again at the old ballpark. >> why tesla may have to allow independent dealerships to expand sales of its electric cars in one u.s. state. join us at 6:00. just warn you, the video we're about to show you may be too adorable. 16 week polar bear twins are drawing large crowds at a zoo in munich, germany. you can see why. but a little hesitant about thel water. scuppers noted they picked up a taste for watermelon which they got from their mother. we'll seal you at 6:00. this is "world news." tonight shaken. the california earthquake. tonight the mounting aftershocks. the quake hitting as school children performed their play. families feeling their homes rumble and store shelves empty. many asking the obvious question, and what could be coming next? the new sightings for the search of the plane in the indian ocean. tonight what we have learned about a piece of debris lifted from the water. are they closer to finding the plane? sudden collapse. the road that gives way. 16 feet deep. 30 feet wide. the drivers steering clear and the pot holes everywhere after the never-ending winter. and the 9th grader who might save you as taxpayers $400 million with a simple idea.


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