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Transcripts For RT News 20220927

a school shooting, devastate the central russians with low and welcoming just turned to pm here in the russian capital, and this is on the international with the laces world. news update is good to have you with. well, 1st, let's take a look at the latest on the referendums that are taking place in the republics have done yet scandalous dance, and 2 other regions, apollonia, and song is the final day of voting is locals decide on whether they want to become a part of russia ah low to turn out on the referendums fall, stay surpassed the crucial 50 percent threshold in all the regions according to local officials. that means that moscow will now recognize the results as valid. around $1500000.00 people that cost that votes natania is republic by the end of the 4th day of voting. meanwhile, in the la guns republic, the latest data shows they turn out exceeded 90 percent. well, in the kerosene and zappa, those year regions turn out is roughly the same as 63 and 66 percent respectively assay spoke to international observers who gave their assessments on the voting. we just cross the border and directly you're off to this 1st, a point of voting. odysseyware and russian city of stuff are quite a lot of refugees from this territories here, mr. green from us. so we already had a chance to visit a point of holding jer, interestof. and what we saw there was, according to the normal standards of electrons we heard from several locals who came to the polling station to vote, and were quite emotional about it. sneak starting from garden to rule. no one forces us to come. you can see it yourself. people come voluntarily. i'm so happy. i'm about to cry. you dip. luckily, people are crying with chinese. people from the russian control territories in ukraine for saturday is there has finally come yet. i'm so glad leave to see a i'm really happy. we've come a long way and have been waiting for it for ages while after or 4 days of the referendum, which was held by mobile referendum groups that were going from a house to house, asking people to ho turns who we saw a really high number is actually, at least 86 percent of the voters here than as people's republic half cast their ballots. and finally, on the 5th day, how pulling stations like this one have opens up. and so of course, this is absolutely free. it will of course it turn out in old regions that are holding the referendum has been really great. so everyone has passed their 50 percent a threshold. and that means that the referendum i had been declared valid on the old territories in don boston's upper osha and in the care san as, as well. people are turning out to vote in the referendum here and, and s people's republican logan's hind. here solomon's a pearl, yet despite the fact that ukrainian nationalists are constantly trying to disrupt the voting process by constantly firing their artillery against that peaceful civilians, we are receiving reports on a daily basis for civilians being killed off a critical civilian infrastructure damaged at this point says thousands of people are still without running water without electricity. now, as several people have been arrested in the various regions for a trying to organize terrorist acts as well, according to local officials in logan skins or pearls. yeah. well, i hear is done that skirts as well. like i said, ukraine constantly. shells at the city. they fired a cluster munitions in several districts here in done nets. and they spread the so called the anti personnel. that's all minds. they're very unnoticeable on the grounds on once a person has steps on them on them, they will be main for life. so for at least more than 70 people have become a victims of these battle mines. well, despite all that, people are still coming out to vote in very large numbers in don boss in don't ask alone more than 86 percent have voted. as for the results of the referendum, i hear in done ask at least in dentist people's republic, we are expecting a preliminary statements a little bit later in the evening today, while the official numbers will probably come out on wednesday morning. and so we are expecting more people to join to caster volts. now local authorities have declared today a day off, so people have no excuse and not to come. and to cast their ballad. the referendums, happy and widely dismissed as illegitimate by many western politicians with some claiming the vote is being conducted. quote at gunpoint is comes as the regions vote his face, the con said did vote. his face, the constant threat of shelling from ukrainian forces artes egleston of ex. thanks . keith has repeatedly claimed ownership over the citizens of don bass, and at the same time has been doing everything in its power to antagonize them. it's military has been shelling the population here with how it is and have you rocket launchers. planes dropped bombs on people's homes and children. and now the authorities in cave, making it abundantly clear. but anyone who is dropping ballots into the ballot boxes at the referendum will be persecuted with no mercy ukraine proposed up to 5 years in prison for anyone who dares to vote. and that's just the tip of the iceberg of repression. there's a plethora of ways to lose all humanity and caves, eyes here and be condemned with the stigma of being a so called russian collaborator, 8 years of war, have somewhat numbed the people here to the outright abhorrence coming from caves, government, which considers them its subjects but while they're used to it, it doesn't mean they aren't hard broken. no, it's such a bitter feeling when your mother land turns its back on you. well, the land you it always thought to be your mother land. it's very sad. me that the one you i am so angered by there, but this is wool. that's all i can say when you know crazy. we aren't living in ukraine. we are living in the la guns republic. and we do hope they won't be able to get the hands on us, not near the standard. and sure all these threads could have been a bluff grand standing at an international level. a tray can ukraine's domestic policy game, but keep itself shattered. all hopes of that all can operators who somehow reveal their names. there is a whole list of the surnames. they are all people who have signed that death sentences. we are not bloodthirsty. we are officially saying that will only accept a legal decision. life sentences for traitors as citizens of the don boss flocked to the polling stations in the millions. it's not just ukraine that remains oblivious to their plea. germany's tub diplomat, anna, lena, burbock. ow did caves own propagandists when she suggested the real situation with the vote here resembles a poorly written r rated movie? and it does, yes. people have voting with a gun pointing at their heads. and this is exactly what touch referendums are about . people are shot at raped and then obliged to very well a soldier onto the kalashnikov is standing right next to them. if we now accepted and let it be, then it will be repeated in other places. it will serve as an invitation to further violate international laws. as western politicians and media post the narrative of a people voting at gunpoint. reality on the ground points to a very different threat facing those wanting to cost their vote at polling stations public areas. and don bass are being shared by the ukrainian military every day. he was under cover hitman bomb pro russian officials and liberated regions on a regular basis. diversion groups are also active behind the defensive lines, but the german foreign minister chose to emit all of that. it doesn't fit ukraine's heroic facade, promoted so hard in the west. they're locked into this narrative. and it's, it's been ongoing since 2014, that the people of the dumbass have no agency of their own that they are essentially ultimate owns, are doing big. so that was obvious and that's how the west will interpret any election or referendum outcome. the problem is that they haven't come up with any evidence of this. show us the evidence that that people are being forced at gunpoint going. butch moore, isn't it? about a quarter of the population here are holders of russian passports. just under a 1000000 people whom you crane is eager to evict, to the 21st century gulags. and that's to start with, under the proposed bill drawn up in co authorship with members of the as of neo nazi group, freedom of speech goes out of the window support. every whim of ukraine's government will be jailed. collaborators will be considered those citizens who have denied the armed aggression against ukraine and the occupation of its territories, or have publicly called for support for the aggressor, for cooperation with the occupiers. the final, in the most decisive day of the referendum is here. and it's about to show just how many people have decided to personally sign the divorce papers with ukraine once and for rule, i'm again done of reporting from the la guns people's republic ot see. let's get some more insight now in crestline to even thought let's independent white a journalist on human rights activist, and many thanks for joining us on the program. eva, now i understand you're in don. yes. right now. can you tell me what the situation is like? what the mood is like on the ground that the referendum. yeah, so for the last 4 days. incredible start date. now think today i've been going around different districts not only have done yet, but i also went to the north and also to marry on the very 1st day of the referendum, september 23rd. and the mood, this must be jubilant. might seem like the wrong word to use in a war zone, but really it's for people. it's like they're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. these people have been suffering prorate years of ukraine, terrorism, ukraine, bombing all over the bath. and in fact, just last week from september 17th when i arrived to september 22nd premium showing killed 26 civilians. and unfortunately i had the displeasure of seeing these bodies and parts of bodies on dunlap street. this is what people here of been subjected to under ukraine floor. and this is what's been ignored by western corporate media. so back to the referendum, people feel like when it was not yes, but when they joined the russian federation, this will stop. i can't say whether that's true or not, but certainly the overriding sentiment, because i've been asking people what, what do you think about the referendum people or the reply? generally, they're happy there and they're returning to russia. i asked them what they hoped for their the overriding sentiment is piece. i also asked them about the question about whether or not they're being forced to vote. i ask them, you know, are you being forced, or course to vote, or the soldiers forcing you to vote and they either laugh or they outright say no. and you have to bear in mind that the, the soldiers to my knowledge, the soldiers are local dpr filters that are standing guard and providing security in the event that there's some sort of act and sabotaged the body language of the people i've been seeing. and the various locations i've gone around onto the hard hit areas of p c, p and another one who fax number now from the west. and these are areas that are being hammered, ukrainian challenge, and everywhere i tell if the soldiers are presence, not always present, but if they're present, the body language of people is there because they're accustomed to them and they're not frightened by them. so, you know, that's just a response to this ridiculous trouble hearing that people are being forced to most people keep saying we've been waiting 8 years for this. we've been following the, the numbers of voted to have been cutting up and the highest turn out with the middle. yes, we're public that you're talking about around 1500000 people have cars that vote already. it was that these are surprising to you with that expected. another surprising down because again, people are saying we wanted this 2014. so of course now that there's the possibility for this referendum top and now of course people are going to vote. it's not surprising. it's also not surprising that the west immediately decided that this was charade, and that this was a ripped election or a referendum rather, and that they have written it off before it even occurred. because it is the wes that's been providing the weapons that are slaughtering civilians. here, so no it's, it's not surprising that these people are trying to achieve their freedom from the reign of terror. and they've been living under simply because they did not agree with what was happening in cabin adjustment in 2014. they just didn't want that to come to them and said, because they didn't want that ukraine and they work on them 2 days before the referendum cakes on september, the 22nd 21st. sorry. the german foreign minister on the head of the counselor, we were both claims that people would be forced to vote a gunpoint. so obviously you've been there, you've seen that we've haven't seen anything of this thought with the ro nice. does that last just a collective effort, by the way, to kind of undermine the process even before the voting had started? it is, and if i can draw a parallel syria, which i think it's very relevant, it is the same kind of thing we saw and serious, serious held their presidential election last year. embassy had been close by the west, back in 2012 or 2013. but even before the election place in countries were embassy for opening, for an embassy were open or within syria proper. the west had already deemed them wrecked because again, they knew the outcome would be an outcome that they did not desire. they desired outcome, which would see the president of period gone, or in this case would see which was just impossible. people here not to, to the office, the depart ukraine and enjoying russia. so therefore they have to discredit the referendum they have to. they have to just credit the unself western media and western politicians are almost too bad as the ex extra mas ukrainians who view the people here as human one question, one other question of an ascii people, when i've been going around the 1st areas is you know, they talk about without prompting them. they talk about being bomb 3 years and one an end to this until i ask them why your brain bombing you. and generally they say, they don't see a human. they see it says people who they can kill and all matter. so i think that also i think that people here in on boss, frankly, they've been let down by the west, which again, as i mentioned has armed brandon has let you print it always scott, free with years of war crimes. so people here, i think, don't really care what the western politicians immediately say at this point with the results of the the votes expected to evidently all people the another so anxious about how this is going to change their lives. i wouldn't say nervous or anxious. i mean, the daily ukrainian shelling is a reality they've, they've become accustomed to. and in fact, you spend any amount of time here and you become accustomed to the showing to the point that you don't notice that you don't wish. so in terms of, i was personally thinking there would be a heavy bombardment of showing and that could still hurt. but i don't, i wouldn't say nervous, i would say, eager for the results and eager for what this means. eager for them move towards russia to joining russia and all the positive developments it will bring. i mean, we see how after crimea was reunited with russia. the infrastructure improved very quickly. i mean, when i went there in 2019, that's one of the main things people kept talking about was the infrastructure. and with that comes a better quality of life. with that comes a better economy and better option for work. but that's another thing. people have talked about here, so i would say instead of anxiety with eagerness. what will come next? if of our lead independent, right? a journalist on human rights activists. many thanks for joining on the program. really appreciate your insight. and with the voting soon to wrap up, we'll keep you updated on the results on what the future holds for these regions. ah, a reported to drop in pressure in both nodes, stream one and nodes stream to pipelines is being considered an unprecedented situation. as according to the kremlin, which has said the reason why the pipelines have developed problems remains unknown and no possible scenario could be excluded and torturing caywood's manual reset. this is very concerning news. it's true that we're talking about some kind of damage to the pipeline of denmark's economic zone. although the exact nature of the damage is yet to be determined, the pressure in the pipeline has significantly drops. this is an unprecedented situation and it must be immediately investigated. on monday they nordstrom to operate reported a sharp loss of pressure in one of the pipes. the same happens later, a node stream on with the operator saying the damage appeared unprecedented. and the exact reason had yet to be determined. german media outlets of said this sabotage. it would be could be possible the essential russian city of a shaft skis in shock. often 17 people were killed including 11 people and more than 20 others wounded. and a devastating school shooting, awarding the following video, which shows people trapped in the building during the attack is distressing. ah, you could you look oh, which couldn't smell my to, to routinely. i'm trying to attack shiva to keep my mom enough. he's in my mom. i thought she was joking, but is it turned out she was a former student of this school, a 34 year old man named r chung kasan. so he actually lived just 250 meters away from here. and according to his neighbors, they say he was a calm, quiet, lonely person. he was rarely seen with any sort of friends when he saw people in the street that he knew he would just pass by them without saying hello. now, as for the actual reasons for why he carried out this attack, there are a number of theories because we heard from the russian education ministry. they said that he was actually diagnosed with skits, of friends. so, it is possible that there was some psychological aspect to this that may have caused him to take that step to commit this mass shooting in this school. but we also heard from kremlin spokesperson dmitri pascall, who said he might have been a member of a neo nazi organization. because after all, he was found by russia's investigative committee with a swastika on his shirt. unfortunately, we may never know the actual reasons for why he decided to do this because he committed suicide after killing all those people. and the russian investigative committee has not reported yet that he left behind. and he sort of stated reasons or notes as to why he carried out this horrific attack. russia's investigative committee has determined that at least 17 people were killed in this attack. and that's mostly children. students who went to school that day, expecting a day like any other, they said good bye to their parents that morning, not understanding that it was their last good bye. i mean, surviving students had been talking to the media, telling stories about how they were barricading themselves in classrooms to, in a desperate attempt to escape the bloodshed. and so these are classrooms that became, makes shift fortresses filled with crying, fearful children who are going to have to live the rest of their lives with the trauma of what happened here. and the fear that it might happen again in the wake of the devastating attack locals have been traveling to the school to mourn the victims ons lay flowers. we heard from some of them including those whose children were in the school that day. ya come and get off kibble i ever did his country. i was in a business trip when i read messages in the group chat about what was happening at the school. our children survived, but it still had so much. i do not know how i'll help my children deal with as trauma. my boys are 14 years old and they've been strong to friends of my son are in a coma. now, if they don't make it, i do not know how i'll explain it to him. to look for realism. would see me if he did that. waltz cannot express these pain. have to girls right school myself. i couldn't help but common morn, the victims. it is very scary, keep her children safe. nursery looks good on my daughter is in the 1st grade at this school. i can see she didn't go to school yesterday. this is all horrifying. iran has accused us of using recent unrest to try to destabilize the country. it comes off to people to, to the streets falling in the death of a 22 year old kurdish woman. earliest months after she fell into a coma, following her detention by the morality police, his ortiz at sophia nunez with more as evidence. largest anti government processed in a decade have been spreading across the country. the west continues to poor fuel on the fire. the mass rally started in response to the death of a young woman who died after being detained on accusations of violating baseline mac republic. he job mandate as she wore it so loosely. iranian women have been the face of the past, week's demonstrations, some ripping of their head scarves and burning them while fellow protesters have cheered them on. and now terence exclaiming that this sentiment has been seized up one by the western followers that don't wish iran well. the u. s. is long attempted to undermine iran stability and security to no avail. it can't hide his nefarious designs. loosening communications sanctions while keeping maximum pressure in place, both meant to provoke instability bids to violate around sovereignty won't go unanswered. even though there is no concrete proof or at least publicly available, however, it's worth pointing out a couple of things that would suggest to some that iran isn't being paranoid, saying the u. s. decision to reverse some of its own sanctions on iran. so the protesters with have why their internet access, and that's nothing new for america, they did the same thing during 2018, brought us in iran. we worked with technological companies to help free flow of information and provide circumvention tools that helped in last week's protest. we are able to sponsor v p ends and that allows iranians to use the internet. also, the us often begins to amplify the voice of dissidents, of course, without mentioning their financial motivations. in the case of this latest protest in iran, one particular voice has been given special attention. so he's been at the public eye. this is like the berlin wall, if the curtis will job than does that make the public want exists. so that is why it's different because clearly iranian women are chunking desk, the dictators, and that scares the regime. we get the message that our starters is not a good public, is in power in america. i, i'm not safe as far as it's not like the public is in poverty. no one is faith. this i rang and born acts of his sweat to america over a decade ago. and since then, but particular in recent base has been splashed across the covers of magazines. and in by that there's a guest on mainstream media. all these tonisha mens pouring forth from these, lana republic. perhaps the most remarkable of the fact that iran was brought to this point, at least in part, by an unpaid 46 year old mother working from an f b. i safe house in new york city massey and in jobs and the rain in journalist who was driven into exile, fit in years ago, has helped galvanized the countries women and mass in some 10000000 followers and her social media sites. well, that's not quite true on faith. she is on the u. s. government payroll and has been since 2014. when she joined the washington found that voice of america. she has also today is reportedly received an estimated $628000.00 in federal money and to be clear, no $1.00 is challenging her activism, but all that certainly does not do anything to contradict. parents claim that washington is invested investable isaac iran. the protest have not just revealed washington's hope to see regime change in iran, accelerate passively, but also the europe delusional self perception. here is their latest statement on the situation in the islam republic for the e. u and its members states the wide spread and disproportionate use of force against non violent protesters is unjustifiable and unacceptable. people in iran, as anywhere else, have the right to peaceful protest. that right must be insured in all circumstances . therefore, we expect iran to immediately stop the violent crack down on protests and ensure internet access as well as the free flow of information. really. but what about scenes of police violence? we suppress and corbett block bowing processors or the french yellow bass movement with many of those protests are shocked by the authority, but rather boys, ah ah ah and even more sole we, sam, you state selling muslin women, what to wear or rather what not swear by banning islamic males in public and as for the free flow of information, the chances are manual view who are watching r t right now. i doing it online, very vpn. that is because we've had our license revoked across much of the western world as have numerous other russian channels. the speed with which washington and brussel sprouts on the misfortunes of their rivals and push for their downfall while pretending to be objective, only further expose as they own hypocrisy. many thanks for joining if they were ne, international will be back at the top of the hour with the very latest ah, with started i will, i will not be up with some of leave i be of to for will send you a bill of a blood get a laugh, but a little bit like i'm on that thing with dental, but the head nozzles and poignant national full and how would i think it was? but i had i like that was also a new seal. it was also supporting your community by your dish. to buy the idea, i think maybe you might not a thank you for that, but i got a policy really rather than what i did when i did not do your smoking, i thought that was all it was done. yes, i brought it mostly it. well, that's a lot of like even though it's a, it's a clock a little bit earlier. if you could give me keith, i got the like a movie, she keyboard again, but it was also a proper lead. you.


Transcripts For RT News 20220927

a complete sham from western countries from president vladimir putin to the west of broken promises for ukrainian. going to go to countries in need as only a small fraction of the supplies went to africa with hello and welcome midst of gone 6 pm here in the russian capital. paul is clear and you with ality international. good to have you with us. and i'll tell tops for you voting has finished for the referendums on whether to join russia and the ballots are now being counted in the independent, done best for publics, and to break away regions of south eastern ukraine. ah. as the poland stations have now closed after several days of excepting ballots. let's take a look at preliminary results of the referendum. according to the preliminary results, 87.42 percent of the votes in the hassle region were in favor of joining russia while in the dentist republic. 97.74 percent of votes when favor and in this upper was your legion 90. 7.75 percent said yes for the homeland to become a part of russia. the figure was 97.77 percent in the low guns republic. the republics head has said the results testify to the unity of the people there. as the most important thing is that the referendum took place and we cast our boats as in the distance 2014 were united and showed our unity to the whole world. despite the fact that the ukranian nationalists did everything to prevent the referendum from taking place, they intimidated people, they shot at us. the palace for the referendum in which we voted for joining russia are now being counted. stop. what is the gosh, darn open and advance for public and women? costume of internet forecast, the details about the referendum results being tallied. the 5 day motion process is now over. the voting areas have now been closed and the count had begun. now we already know that the turnout at this referendum was very high. the 1st fell 4 days of the voting to place with the referendum committee walking around from home to home, asking people to cast their ballots and how we find ourselves at the information center here in that, that sca people's republic. it's working well i can say 247, but it's working well into the late night and this is where the results of the final results whoa, will be announced. we have 4 in media here. how we have international observers also doing their hourly briefing, say, international observers, by the way, i hear from me. oh, at least while several countries of the continent there a 130 of them here in fact. and this is where we are expected to hear the final results of the referendum. we are expected to hear something by about 10 o'clock. oh, moscow. time in the evening. but judging from what we have seen. so for us, in the counting of the votes of the results will be overwhelming in favor of julian washer. totally forgotten, to renew and forces us to come. you can see it yourself. people can voluntarily, i'm so happy i'm about to cry. lead you blocker. people are crying with joy. there were people from the russian control territories in ukraine for said you this day has finally come. i'm so glad a leave to see this day. i am really happy. we've come a long way and have been waiting for it for ages. those were some more voters that i spoke with over the last 5 days of the votes. and once again they came out in mass to to show their support, to do their civic duty. if you will, and how many of them have tears in their eyes? they were waiting for this day for the last 8 years and is finally arrived. the polling stations they have closed and the election committees, they're busy counting the ballots. basically, people here they've been dreaming of this moment long 8 years, some even longer. right now at the polling stations where the ballots have been counting are being counted. the while the atmosphere is quite celebratory. it's a holidays if it's a festival here and some have even campaign and also probably inside celebration already. but the, the road towards this day has been very thorny, i should say during the past 4 days, during the previous 4 days, people only could vote at mobile polling stations, meaning that busses would be buses with pallets would come to different neighborhoods, districts and towns and villages and locals would were given the opportunity to cast their vote without having to will collect large crowds of people which could become targets of terrorist attacks. and these fears they aren't in vain because kia authorities, they have been shelling are the adjacent now the adjacent to villages the adjacent towns and basically doing everything in their power to intimidate the local population. and so that they don't vote, but we cannot, we can already see that the process that the referendum has been a complete success from the standpoint of the authorities here. and this is the reality. you won't really see in western media. you won't hear that from western politicians who, for example, the foreign minister of germany. she outright said that the voting is happening at gunpoint. but for all the wrong reasons suggesting that armed men are walking around here with the members of the election committees and of forcing people to vote, which couldn't be further from the truth. i have to tell you, based on what we've seen based on what our colleagues have seen and probably most importantly on what the international observers have seen as well. and indeed, it is fair to say that the, the voting here is happening at gun point. but the guns are pointing from the side of the ukrainians, who again, i have to reiterate. they have been shelling polling stations over the course of these past days. members of the election committees and local civilians, they had to repeatedly and regularly hide in bomb shelters. as the process was interrupted and several little towns around look ganske like the towns of olives and rebels. now and i did prepare our crew did prepare a report on the atmosphere on how this vote has fed so far. have a look, give, has repeatedly claimed ownership of with the citizens of don bass. and at the same time has been doing everything in its power to antagonize them. it's military has been shelling the population here with how it is and have you rocket launchers. planes dropped bombs on people's homes and children. and now the authorities and cave are making it abundantly clear that anyone who has dropping ballots into the ballot boxes at the referendum will be persecuted with no mercy ukraine, proposed up to 5 years in prison for anyone who dares to vote. and that's just the tip of the iceberg of repression. there's a plethora of ways to lose all humanity and keeps eyes here and be condemned with the stigma of being a so called russian collaborator, 8 years of war, have somewhat numbed the people here to the outright abhorrence coming from caves, government, which considers them its subjects but while they're used to it, it doesn't mean they aren't hard broken. no, it's such a bitter feeling when your mother land turns its back on you. well, the land you would always thought to be your mother land. it's very sad. neither the one yet i am so angry at my desk. but this is wool. that's all i can say when you know crazy. we aren't living in ukraine. we are living in the la guns republic . and we do hope they won't be able to get the hands on us. nothing that's done. and sure all these threads could have been a bluff grand standing at an international level. a tray can ukraine's domestic policy game, but key of itself shattered. all hopes of that or can operators who somehow reveal their names. there is a whole list of the surnames. they are all people who have signed that death sentences. we are not bloodthirsty. we are officially saying that will only accept a legal decision. life sentences for traitors as citizens of the don boss flocked to the polling stations in the millions. it's not just ukraine that remains oblivious to their plea. germany's tub diplomat annalee in a book ow did cave's own propagandists when she suggested the real situation with the vote here resembles a poorly written r rated movie and it does, yes. people are voting with a gun pointing at their heads. and this is exactly what touch referendums are about . people are shot at raped and then obliged to vary to all a soldier onto the kalashnikov, is standing right next to them. if we now accepted and let it be, then it will be repeated in other places. it will serve as an invitation to further violate international laws. as western politicians and media post the narrative of a people voting at gunpoint. reality on the ground points to a very different threat facing those wanting to cost their vote at polling stations public areas. and don bass are being shelled by the ukrainian military every day. keeps under cover hitman bomb pro russian officials and liberated regions on a regular basis. diversion groups are also active behind the defensive lines, but the german foreign minister chose to emit all of that. it doesn't fit ukraine's heroic facade, promoted so hard in the west. they're locked into this narrative. and it's so mean ongoing since 2014, that the people of the dumbass have no agency of their own, that they are essentially ultimate owns, are doing bidding. so that was obvious, and that's how the west will interpret any election or referendum outcome. the problem is that they haven't come up with any evidence of this. show us the evidence that that people will be forced at gunpoint going. butch moore, isn't it? about a quarter of the population here are holders of russian passports. just under a 1000000 people whom you crane is eager to evict, to the 21st century gulags. and that's to start with, under the proposed bill drawn up in co authorship with members of the as of neo nazi group. freedom of speech goes out of the window support every whim of ukraine's government or be jailed. collaborators will be considered those citizens who have denied the armed aggression against ukraine and the occupation of its territories, or have publicly called for support for the aggressor, for cooperation with the occupiers. the final, in the most decisive day of the referendum is here. and it's about to show just how many people have decided to personally sign their divorce papers with ukraine once . and for all, i'm again done of reporting from the la guns people's republic, or t. about one and a half 1000000 people had costly votes and internet's republic by the end of the 4th, danced hosting in the la guns republic. the natives data shows the turnout exceeded 90 percent wanting to have fun. and that was your legions. turnout is roughly the same at 63 and 66 percent respectively. are 2 folk that international observers who gave their assessments on the voting. we just cross the border and directly, you know, to this 1st a point of voting before this. who and russian city of austin are quite a lot of refugees from this territories here in the ukraine on boss. so we already had a chance to visit a point of holding there and just off. and what we saw there was, according to the normal standard sofa, you know, for electrons with low to now wrapped up will keep you updated on the results and what the future holds for these regions. ah, sabotaged can not be val dance. that's a comment from denmark's prime minister on damage to the north stream pipelines that resulted in a shot and drop in pressure. this is video from the location of the leak, according to swedish media seismologists have registered powerful blasts in the area. the criminal is called the situation unprecedented. that's of quote, the thing, the reason why the pipeline system has developed problems remains unknown, but no possible scenario could be excluded at which kills nano research. this is very concerning news. it's true that we're talking about some kind of damage to the pipeline and denmark's economic zone. although the exact nature of the damage is yet to be determined next, the pressure in the pipeline has significantly drops. the is an unprecedented situation and it must be immediately investigated. not 31 accounted for 35 percent of russian guest exports to europe. the pipeline suppliers within flashed and later suspended with gas from fighting maintenance reasons. now with the latest incident, it's unclear when the pipeline will once again be operational. earlier, my colleague nicky aaron discuss the matter with our team marina customer. we have sweden saying that it has 2 leagues, has discovered 2 links, and it's in the nordstrom one pipeline. penmark discovered the leaks on the north in 2 pipeline. and this of course, comes after germany was also reporting a drop in pressure in both pipelines. now this situation is extremely rare, it doesn't just happen like that. that's why everyone is saying, how could this have happened? and was there anyone involved? was this, perhaps an act of sabotage? but we'll talk about that a little bit later. first, let's hear what the operator of north street had to say. damage to 3 sections of the nord stream pipeline system in only one day is unprecedented. it is currently impossible to know how long it will take to restore this infrastructure to operational condition through a situation where this will be just coincidental is not really on the cause. exactly. but right now, what's also tricky is that there are conflicting reports as to how long it will take to fix the situation. some say months, others are saying even years. and right now this was critical with when for approaching this energy prices that were seen unfolding could become even worse if the pipelines are completely not operational. what are the possible scenarios? what could have happened here somewhere saying that if this was a target to the tack like the german daily, for example, we're saying that everything speaks against the coincidence, none quotes in here. we cannot imagine a scenario that this is not a target to the time. but a targeted attack would involve, i read it in some of the reports, but in of a submarine, someone literally go and stay under the water and cause and damage this kind of damage. because like i said, this is extremely rare for such a leak to happen. and here we're talking about 3 leaks already. so few sands to benefit from that you crash. we know that there is an energy crisis unfolds, you know, this is, of course, a sensitive time in russia. we have the conflict on fold them with the crane. russia has already hold to the supplies to 20 percent from the north stream. one pipeline north through 2 is idle right now at the moment and we have the sanctions . and we also had a technical difficulty which affected the north stream one pipeline. so supplies have been halted completely, so the european union has had to look for alternative solutions. they're looking for other suppliers. among them we have the united states. energy prices are skyrocketing, of course, some reports are saying that they haven't seen energy prices like that in 25 years . and here's an interesting point. let's hear what the us president has to say at one point about the notes from 2 pipeline. if russia invades that means tanks or troops crossing the, the border of ukraine again, then there will be we, there will be no longer a north stream to we, we will for you to do it. how will you do that? exactly. since the product and control of the product is within germany's control, i promise you will be able to do it's a complete sam. that's how the us anita vladimir putin describes the width promise to export grain from ukrainian ports to developing countries. the sustaining elizabeth said that it is according to the latest data on september 23rd, out of 203 ships with great de left from ukrainian ports. only 4 went to impoverished countries as a part of the un program. this situation has not changed that, but it's a complete sham from western countries. the situation is very dramatic and why my port no late today has accused the west of provoking and now deepening global food crisis, mostly by sanctioning supplies of russian grain and fertilizers that the harvest is so dependent on abroad. he stressed that the dramatic situation folding now has nothing to do with moscow. special mil to reparation and ukraine. but the responsibility lies completely on the collective west and 8 sanctions. fever. blood reporting has also described their wishes countries. behavior is predatory, he reminded, as you heard earlier, that only 2 percent of the grain had so far left the unblock ukrainian pores following the break through. you and turkey broke her deal went to the countries in need. while most of it i ranika was sent to you, while the whole idea was to help starving africa, while it seems that african kids are still waiting, he is the president of kenya sharing his anger and his concerns. these unprecedented confluence of intensely adverse events has excessive, baited. what does cause city and starvation wasn't by rising food, prices thus complicating kenya's roadmap to was delivering good quality of life to our citizens. we cannot afford to wish another moment debating the merit of doing something because of the doing nothing. it would soon be too late to revise the course of events, and then even the best possible interventions would not suffice. one or 14 has also pointed out that in this unstable situation in the world where i should think about its own food security and here, sure, there will be no problems with that. as these here are the harvest promises to be a record, har experts say that it may easily reach 150000000 tons of grain of which 2 thirds will be so desperately needed wheat. the u. s. congress has received a delegation from the ukranian armed forces including soldiers from the notorious, near nancy as of battalion. now, just a few years ago, washington had band weapon supplies to that extremist unit. but now the u. s. is welcoming them with open arms. as details of the recent meeting emerged when a ukrainian activist posted a report from the visit darya, kelen yolk posted a photo shown yourself soldiers dressed in black seats along with female armed service members. she explained that during a one week visit the female soldiers met with you is congressman and asked them for more on supplies for keith's war effort. they also did interviews with us media outlets including fox news and the new york times. but while the capitol hill meeting was declared the most emotional part of the trip, it didn't go down well with every one mag on. americans were accused of being nazis and were shot and killed in capitol hill. meanwhile, literal nazis are being emotionally welcomed in capitol hill. makes sense. republicans are the real nazis say the left us to proudly welcomed ukraine's as av battalion members to capitol hill today. only 4 years ago, the u. s. congress banned the supply of weapons to the ukrainian neo nazi as of battalion to day, the neo nazi resolved battalion as emotionally honored on capital hill. a return to a long standing and despicable practice of honoring nazi collaborators. criticism of the visit comes as jo biden's administration battles, it's owned, a mistake quote, extremists, specifically for me you as president donald trump and his make america great. again, supporters as the us prepares for midterm elections just recently, binding to nouns, trump supporters who participated in last as capitol hill protests as a threat to the country's democracy. while the white house press secretary has gone even further. thank the make america, great republicans for the definition of quote fascists. international relations next that all rasmussen explains why washington can welcome certain foreign extremists while condemning any one who would have those fees domestically. what so called the thir, be clear or not aligned to the current administration of jer, while we have ultra nationals in other countries. those the that whole objectives is maintain us a gemini, the court world. am i nomic form objective? that's ok. they may not. those people may not actually support those. so the but they're assisting us to counter russia. we don't, you know, who's not part of that so, so it's basically basically we're using them. we're using those back there and giving them visibility and providing support them even though it's fun to mentally, we probably do not leave in their their funded mental beliefs. moving now to germany, where the german government has been hit by a tsunami of criticism on social media. after the new york times published a report showing the extremes, burden goes to to stem hate speech in the country. imagine that germany is doing more than any other country in the west to prosecute people for what they say. who would ever think for germany would have authoritarian tendencies. next, they'll be rounding them up and putting them in camps. are they really fighting for right extremism or becoming what they pretend to fight? what could go wrong with government? censorship? far right extremism these days means pretty much anything that doesn't worship the government. as god. article prevails controversial measures used by german police to combat formright extremism. which include rating homes and interrogating those consider to have violated the countries tight hate speech laws. the new york times gives no specific numbers for those charged. a claims cases may be as high as 8 and a half 1000 back in 2020 berlin approved amendments to germany's social media law. ain't a curbing far right expression on the internet. the legislation requires all online companies with over $2000000.00 users to take half each and in full authority for prosecution. but the new time says that the algorithm used to take such unlawful content remains unclear. some social media giants have slammed the amendments saying they undermine of fundamental rights. and the seo, a german court ruled against the hate speech law saying it violates european union legislation on civil liberties. german opposition leader ralph nemaia claims. the government actively uses the law for political prosecutions. there is no crack down on any type of sentiment that people may express either by online debates. and the social networks, of course, was always to leave expressing races or singapore or anti semitic points of view in germany. all along, but what they want to do is they want to crack down in the social media and, and to arrest people have reasons for search bar. and that's what they are doing at the moment that they are searching homes for us, a violation. but i say it's freedom of speech, not only does not freedom of speech anymore and germinated is a correct dollar. any dissenting point of view that has been expressed. and before we go, let's go back now to our breaking news story. as the polling station for the referendum have closed after several days with 15 ballots in the door next, and new guns for public says when it's in the break away ukrainian regions of hessen ends up ways. yeah, let's take a look at the preliminary results. the doctor shows that 87.42 percent of votes and the headphone region were in favor of joining russia while it was 97.77 percent in little guns, republican favor internets people's republic. 97.74 percent of votes were in favor of joining russia and in the upper asia region. 93.12 percent said yes for the homeland to become a part of russia. around one and a half 1000000 people cast their votes and he didn't. it's for public. while in the new guns, the public, the latest data shows that voter turnout exceeded 90 percent in the hudson and oppose regions. the turn off was roughly the same for each of them at 63 and 66 percent respectively. well, that brings us to the end of this bulletin. it will be back with you in around 30 minutes until then you can always head to our website at ot dot com for updates. we say good bye for myself in the news, and thanks for joining us. ah, ah, luis hunter russians state will never be tied up on the most landscaping with we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on russia today, and split ortiz sport, they're given our video agency, roughly all brands on youtube said with, ah, mm mm oh, when i was showing wrong, when i just don't oh, you have to figure out the becomes the attitude and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves well the part we used to look so common ground with us. i started a year for a blood lab, but a lot of people like them on that thing with dental, but the head nozzles so poignant. national phone. i would, i think would love but i had i like that was a seal. it was a brand new community by it finished. you buy a new city those


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20220926

us and western media are ignoring the many voices we're hearing from the floor of the un general assembly debate. we're saying the opposite of what they present the world is believing a peaceful, negotiated solution. certainly we hearing more people come forward and say that that's what they want. caleb mauppin from new york. thank you very much for joining us here. and even now, to a developing story, russian authorities said 15 people were killed, including 11 children and over 20 others wounded in a devastating school. shooting in the central city of is if a warning, the falling video which shows children inside the school during the attack is distressing with with it they don't go until with. ready ready that footage reports to show a wounded student being carried away on a school desk. some children even jumped out of windows to escape the gun fire many reporter to have suffered broken arms and legs as a result. and among the injured our children as young as 7, and he stormed into the school and quickly evacuated, the building. authorities say the gunmen shot himself dead. here's how the tragedy unfolded. a oh, i mean i. 6 don't listen to when we came out, there was a high school student that he was wounded. several 1st grade students were killed. it was very scary that were blasts on the 3rd floor on the 2nd floor everywhere. but which kind of solemn my daughter wrote to me on vibrant, what's up, she wrote could by mom, i love you very much. i thought she was joking, but as it turned out, she wasn't working for you 1st grade. the 7 year old kids you are among the dad hot breaking scenes. those authorities have released these images of the suspected attacker. a warning that you may find the following image as disturbing he was wearing a black t shirt. emblazoned with a nazi symbol is face was covered with a balaclava, and he's been identified as a man in his early fifties, who had previously graduated from the school ortiz marina cost. however, only a gave my colleague, mikey aaron, all the details. the ship sir, has some shots from south. they have been working on looking at if there are any more students that were hide them because originally some of the students yesterday were those were jumping out of the windows. there were those who've and john from the rooftop trying to escape because they didn't know what was going on. they could hear shots being fired. there were also children, high didn't auditoriums for the emergency services when they arrive. of course they were 1st dealing with those who were killed wounded, but then they were also search and to see if there were any more places where there were students hiding or perhaps if there was any more mess up, the sheets are left behind because we don't know he's been exact roots, we know that when he 1st came in, apparently he shot one of the security guards 1st. and then he proceeded on to go to the classrooms. he was shooting there. some of the other students and other classrooms could hear the master, didn't know what was happening, so they started running. some were hiding the school itself. it's not a small school or over 900 students there around 80 teachers from what i understand all of the injuries have since been taken to the hospital. and there are more parents arriving up the scene because the 1st message is a stutter appearing. there were through social media telegram channels and you can imagine as a parent, when you start seeing that you just dropped off your kids to school. and then you start seeing these reports coming in. and some of the students actually managed to contact their parents to try and get help either from them or for them to call the police. and we actually have a message from one of the students. so let's see what she had say. mom called the police, their research, and in the school there was shooting. it's carrie here. we call the police. there was shoot and in the school just harbor. and they can only imagine receiving the message like that as a parents. and the school is actually very close to the town hall, the local administration there. that's why not only were the emergency services there very quickly to arrive and the police officers, but also the local administration. was there too. we still don't have that much information on the to himself. we have that very gruesome video so that we showed earlier. what do we know about the shooter at this point over now is what he was wearing, which is the black cloth that we mentioned and also black clothing, but then not see insignia there will try to establish his motive. i'm sure. now they're digging into his background, who he is, whether he was posting anything on social media. we know that lately shooters likes to show off online and say, oh look what i'm about to do. stay changed for the maximum about to create well, it's now cross live to form a us marine and policeman john, mark dahlgren, thanks for joining us here at school shooting in russia. this time in the last year there was one of the school in carson and another at a university in pen with numerous people killed. in your opinion, does this mean that there is a lack of security at educational institutions in russia? not necessarily. no, i think that this one happens to be a special case. there's definitely some symbolism that needs to be looked at. it's following very closely with some of the radical i shootings that happened in america with the nazi symbolism. and you know what the mobiles ation of russian is military. i think people need to start focusing on what the, what the motivations were given. this guy was in as off battalion supervisor authorities have said though that the suspect had to fire arms, which had not been registered for him to legally possess. did rushes strict gun laws fail in this case? should they be stricter? well, no, because you know what, look, guns weren't register. that means they were bought on the black market. you're never going to catch every single gun. it's coming in from the black market. and you know, it wasn't done if i would have found another way to kill the people, whether it be a bomb or some other math. so you know, the gun laws in russia. fantastic. and i think we need to look at what the, again, with the motivation was because i think this guy was bent on killing these people, no matter how he was going to do it. when you talk about the motivation, you made the point where you at least off the question whether he could be a member of the battalion, the extreme, neo nazi group operation ukraine. do you think they could be a connection? i absolutely noon and perhaps maybe not a direct connection, but like i said perhaps who is the sympathizer? but he certainly displays the characteristics of somebody who has been indoctrinated by those values. new beliefs, the share. so you know, all has to be examined. one of those other characteristics is what we heard from russia's education minister, who stated that the suspect was previously diagnosed with a friend. yet. what could it mean if someone with that disorder obtains the fight? well, like i said, i mean it's, it's easy to kill people, it is, and whether it's in the firearms illegally was going to be the law. anyway, though he done it, regardless, the gun has been identified as a former student at the school. do you think there is any relevance to that? i mean, what's your opinion? i think maybe that plays into it, you know? but, but how that plays into it? you know, i think he stood layout of the school. i think he understood how the organ so, you know, like i said, if perhaps he looking as last night and one of the 8 knew it. he knows it's the new and create a new, the massive amount of cavities with you mentioned that russia has excellent gun control laws that we still had an incident like this happening. what do you think should be done to prevent such attacks? you're never going to prevent every attack, even if wash is completely dam firearms day. we're still going to have like you said, this firearm was unregistered. they were the firearms one registered. it means it will not obtained illegally. i mean, that would, they were not obtained legally. they weren't legally still broken the law somehow. you still want to not everyone's it's, it is a difficult scenario. thank you for that insight john, mark and dial again for me us moving and policemen. we appreciate your time. thank you. r t special coverage continues on the referendum, then they don't bus republics of the nist and guns and to ukrainian regions. suppose, yeah, and hast on and it's now the 4th day of voting as locals to 5, whether they want their homeland to become part of russia. aah. turn out to me referendums underway and the la guns can demit for publics as well as in ukraine's as upper washer and half on regions has now surpassed the crucial 50 percent threshold. meaning that moscow will not recognize the outcome as valid official say the turn out on the 3rd day in the loo, ganske public was 76 percent with over a 1000000 residents having cast their vote in the next republic. it was more than 77 percent. while a clear majority of the eligible voters cast their ballots in the upper washing region, western countries have denounced the referendums and said they will refuse to recognize them at ease women cosser of has been following international observers documenting the referendum in the demit republic. from where he sent us this report, a group of international observers are traveling around the people's republic and to make sure there are no violations. now this is the 4th day of the referendum, and people are still voting at home. there are mo bile referendum committees walking around apartment buildings, private houses, and asking people whether they want to cast or vote for the next people's republic to join russia or not. my 1st time in don bus, i was the 1st time it was in november, 2015. so we participated the last years in your organization and we try as well on my, on my, if you do channels football tooth. publish some, some news, some real news about what's happened here. it's important that everything should be done legally procedure to be respected and i hope to hear because i, i so that is exactly the same. like in, in rush hour in france, i read just across the border directly to this 1st point of voting before this we were under russian city of stuff. there are quite a lot of refugees from this territories here in the us. so we already had a chance to visit a point of holding their stuff. and what we saw there was, according to the normal standards of elections. following short introductions and orientation and the referendum center here in the town, as international observers moved on to actual voting. now they've come here to this apartment building and you can see a lot of locals are here. they will be casting their vote in referendum. of course, sir, ah, all these people are free to speak with vincent rash, international observers, if they want to. and of course, these foreigners who arise to make sure there are no for bio nations will be here documenting everything and hopefully deliver the truth back to their respective nations. oh yes, yes. what we have hope that's the most important thing we held them. we want to laughed and the situation improves. there is much hard work had that we still have hope, which in which upset me, we want peace. we want happiness for our children. we want to gin russia and everything to get better. new still not was i'm also, i believe will will be protected, that russia will help us because we've been shelved for 8 years. what if our town is shell liked and yet, here is my child, where will we go? we have nowhere to go for you. here in torres, this town hasn't seen active war activity since 20142015. and nevertheless, we can still hear ah, sounds of artillery from a very far away. of course, the main hope of all these people is that as soon as the results of the referendum are in all this tragedy, all this horror, oh for, we'll find the list, stop from on call for emergency done s people's republic or what the voting now in full swing, we'll keep you updated it on how the future of these regions is decided. ah, national authorities have detained a high ranking japanese diplomat in the far eastern city of letty vos stock on allegations that he tried to obtain classified information. he has been decayed percentage brought her and must leave the country within 2 days. video released by russia's federal security service shows the japanese console handing over money in an alleged effort to get information on russia's domestic, political and economic situation. as well as its relations with an undisclosed country in the asia pacific region, a japanese envoy has even confessed to breaking the law. do you understand that you have violated russian legislation? you? oh, no, i understand. we're sure. oh, do you understand that you collected information from russian citizens for money concerning the domestic political and economic situation in russia, including that of a classified nature, which is not for general use? now i understand, ah, moving now to you at where the cold winter months saw just around the corner and a launch rally has taken place in leudemann, germany with protest is demanding the north stream to pipeline be opened and compilation be we started with russia. ah, i'm boise, i mean they wanted to hurt russia, but now they are harming us the citizens. and we will continue to fight for nord stream to to be open. christina, with your front us, us, your daughter you the german government should hear that our objective is to open nord stream to and reconnect with the russian government as it has been for centuries. this is the only way russia and germany can bear through thousands of people gathered from event according to authorities demonstrate as waved russian flags criticizing the government for skyrocketing entity prices while demanding the re opening of the pipeline auto contributor rachel marston, quinn's us more details. apparently asking west chairs to jump through ridiculous, who's like showering together or with just a splash of water band take that putin isn't quite getting the job done very much. we're experiencing a severe energy crisis triggered by the loss of energy production. russia has stopped delivering around 55000000000 cubic meters of guess the amount that came via nor trim. one new gas now has to be procured on the world market in france. more than half of the nuclear power plants have failed, causing major problems to the grid. which has also driven up prices. the 2 issues have triggered an external shock that has hit the country hard. both german consumers and companies havoc is singing a much more panicky tune than he was at the beginning of september when he tried to downplay concerns of catastrophic economic failure. by explaining through some kind of magic math, how german companies could avoid insolvency by just stopping production. like if you just play dead and don't move, you'll survive. it sounds like he got confused with the vice on how to handle an encounter with a wild russian bear, rather than a lack of russian gas. the western press, including forbes bloomberg, andy economists have been warning since the summer of de industrialization and a factory exodus from germany in europe as a result of the block, suicidal energy policy. and now european manufacturers of steel, fertilizer and other industrial staples are reportedly shifting operations to the u . s. it looks like europe is the industrialized itself and sending those jobs to america. clearly the big winner here is a cave. it's washington. no, under the by the administration encouraged brussels to adopt only the most severe and suicidal sanctions. meanwhile, german chancellor off schultz has continued his global door knocking tour to beg for gas. this time to saudi arabia, in a race against the clock before the german economy tanks and having tried pretty much everything else with how incoming up. maybe he could just throw on a disguise a costume, go knock on gas from his door, and just tell them to flip the switch on the existing pipelines to germany. that berlin was foolish enough to let brussels sanction speaking of which another top european official seems to be changing his tune as well. back in april the blocks chief diplomat, yoseph burrell said of the ukrainian conflict that quote, this war will be one on the battlefield. in announcing more european weapons in cash for keith. but how to listen to what he's saying now, when people say it is not a bluff, you have to take them seriously. a diplomatic solution that preserves the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine must be reached. otherwise, we can finish the war, but we will not have peace. summer is barely come to a close and already europe's authoritarian anti russian. dogmatism is showing cry, as it repeatedly smashes up against pragmatic reality. but exactly how far the blocks i'm elected officials will go in imposing economic devastation and social suffering before pulling from their self imposed nosedive. still remains to be seen around when alliance is claiming victory in the italian parliamentary elections, which could see the leader of the brothers of italy, party georgette maloney become the 1st female prime minister in the country's history. only results indicate a coalition government that some fee as italy's most white wings since the days of fascist dictator. benito, mussolini, and alliance of the brothers of italy matter. salinas meek silvio, berlusconi for their italia. and the ass moderates parties has one of a 40 percent of the vote. with the former south expected later on monday, we spoke to independent journalists local rivers, who says the results show that italians want change. things have worse than the in italy over the last years. m italian south fed up with having governments that last for one year, maxima doubt fed up with illegal integration coming from africa and from the middle east, that is non desired in italy. and they are really own oh, shocked by the declaration of the last few days off. mrs. fog land, the president of the european commission. when she threatened italy, if the italians voted badly, in other words, for mrs. maloney and her friends to have the instruments to constrain the dalliance into following european policies dictated by brussels. how could the president of european commission that he's not even elected? threatened victor, or been threatened to polish prime minister, who have been elected with absolute majorities. the threats of mrs. fonder lynn will turn back like a rank on the you prancing breasts. what will be the answer? this is melanie. we don't know yet, of course, but it will certainly be strong. this woman is not afraid of brussels. she will certainly make inroads into the brussels crowd and make sure that the voice of italy and the voice of the other groups off sovereignties within the european council will be heard more and more. well that brings us to the end of the bulletin for the sour. we'll be back. saki with more news. don't go away. this is art international. thanks for joining. ah ah, ah. ah . lifted up, but i see that there was the word jesus. you did? yes, it was just going to renew all new them. mute in the mirror, image, composter in just word leslie door. nashville no pointer dumped. the cook abuse. neither ogre o p don't she does most so must all must have been over, which has thorough mazano. oh, go on that much enough. please conceal must up on a thumb candle vehicle. adjust your 3rd to the follower shelter shell sparkled and would lose her. quilting group decides him lash. there was that only the city so alto, so willing driven enough, but all he was wondering was we've got it and when you don't you anybody on the really will tell you to the symbol and you talk a little bit in that as well by mister willie the nicest yeah boy you still hold with i'm not all of them will level and i must lost. i was gonna be the most. not as must all i need a yes my through under the when you got those plan, this will it a but i just get it all out. when you either from of ship is just most welcome to now come up moon mission. i'm will not on the meet on. so the q b media on more than foot on the door. all of the all to get on that jennifer gets me. canadian, if there's another be more than the thumbs obviously need to keep on muslims. your monkey. mean they're supposed to eat prospect you always shock is more than they live or when you look on the blood up like a good book like ah, i don't know, i have been any my machine it. oh, wonder if i told her 1st master. but i still calmly. oh but i was in your lease and was just our custody. and neither penny we got a month to bring you that way. you know, she, they are still, it was of his i saw that when he will because also what we should be may take it for looks to literally had stand to chimney, which had me please play middle of get to which i think you must you to have to work as well do that away. disappeared. we bought digital dish out the world of toilet you little jared, you'll look additional way not on the bread you lost shortly. we'll say is because they with molest says when you look grandma misquoted is a quite a closure applies. the finishes usually start the what? the on of the way it's operatively and yet, oh, but in theory and feature to one out of me. can us now to music what you will get a you go. this is chelsea de la all malden gardenia, with naturally scott. uh, what other all calls will i let us alone? machine lincoln issued on an incomplete direction. you do now. show them, say, billing milliliters. it'd be log on the sheet. it is leak when what you actually put them on up on when you to the market. but when you look, go on, this is just like last bullying. i mean, you came in the, put him in the, she doesn't, but i wish la rychlik i thought of, of angela wished him wasserman bush, but almost the total sold out on the other one, when you mores with them all dialed up with mr. on the was any of those all with a deal in watson at a conflict? the butch moore released was painted by with settlement. ah ah ah ah, a at least 15 people are killed including 11 children in a school shooting and central russia. at least 24 others. a wounded. we hear from a pupil evacuated from the building level 4th grade students were killed. it was very scary. there were blasts on the 3rd floor on the 2nd floor everywhere. the russian and best contact committee releases a disturbing video of the suspect to suffer south date of the scene wearing a t shirt emblazoned with a nazi symbol.


Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20220923

members of the russian federation, in which case, any further attacks on donuts and low guns perpetrated by ukraine. with the assistance on the united states and nato will be attacks on the russian federation and will obviously then be treated as acts a war. and so therefore, effectively, russia is making clear to nature that, you know, within a few days you will be in direct war with us. is this a way you want to go? and naturally, nato is coming up with all sorts of ridiculous blustery comments sham referendum, sham referendum. well, this is one of the issue that we realize is that nato itself had run its sham referendums and loves referendums when they work in natives favor when they don't work in native favor, then of course, then nato cries sham referendum. open to still. let's rule out referendums altogether. as was the case recently when sweden, finland, right, said that it was joined, be joining nato and nate to him. he is a no referendum. we don't need and he's thinking referendum. so yeah, j and george, we had to point out to our viewers that a, during the military occupation, occupations of iraq and afghanistan, they had a elections during time of war with their perfectly fine. okay. according to nato, i janice, let me go to you and look on skinner. we very few people in the outside in the outside world get to hear people like you to on friday starts the voting process here. you folks have waited a long time for this. go ahead. thank you very much. no, it has been a long trip to these moments enter, as long as we wait. so suddenly it's been a game and the that, you know, it just underlines all geopolitical disco crania, civil war here has been since 2014 and very much reminders also from the events in from the 2013 and 14. i've been heard from moscow that, that this, this game asked to stop and putting, putting a median. so russian people, tourists, and, and, and russia will take no steps. and of course, it's for us a great a favor. it's a new identity, each question of honor each question of the roots. and these referendum now gives to everybody to answer the real question. do you feel to be us a russian? do you accept us to be part of russian federation? and of course, the full, my georgia real world. yes. but the most important thing is that everybody asked this question to answer. and each a big ceiling produce, which is starting now here in doing was regions which a flight for this moment, for so long and giving such a big sacrifice to get recognition from russia in fool that you are with dust. you, you belong to mother. russia, as history has shown n is, it's an act of self determination, which, you know, people don't like to use that term and lies. george pointed out, unless it's to their advantage, the boy said they, they, i, you know, the, the way the way nato is, reacted to the, all of this gorgeous, right. these are sham referendums and all of that. but, you know, once these a mom, republics are accepted in the russian federation as i explicitly expect, they will be a rush at the nato's. going to have to come new. i'm a moment of truth. i mean, they are involved in this conflict and it will be in if they want to continue striking these territories, they will be striking russia. so they're upping the ante here. they're the ones that are escalating because i would like to go back to ancient history. there were the men sco chords and they were totally ignored. ok, this is payback time. no bullshit in washington. well, you not to be the devil's advocate here because pretty much the entire western media is doing this bite. you know, the fact that crimea has been part of the russian federation since 2014 hasn't exactly stopped the ukrainians from targeting it with western supply, drones and other other weapons. and this has happened repeatedly and you know, there's has been very little response from moscow. so you know, no specific retaliation because of course that is the russian style. they don't bloss but there's bill there. retaliation is always so measure the problem with that is the, you know, people who are trained differently and think differently in the expect immediate retaliation. and when it doesn't happen, they get emboldened and that's exactly what's been going on in the west. i mean, i'm not so sure that these regions joining russia, you know, tomorrow, next week, whenever it's actually going to deter either key avoids western backers. i mean, we already have that deranged, british prime minister, quoting billions lines from v for vendetta and united nation ukraine prevails. she's, she's a caricature of herself. and yet, you know, there she is. you know, we have the u. s. government with, you know, the president making statements and his staff, walking them back to the very next day. what he really meant is, you know, who is in charge here, who's making policy. well, it turns out it's probably that the state that's actually are being, you haven't planning all of its military operations. and you know, it's very difficult to figure out what with these people make may think. but if it's, if the, you know, if the media leaks by their pet reporters or anything to go by, they are probably going to do some sort of hair splitting word parsing. well, technically we don't recognize the, so they're not really russian territory. and that means that if we give you credit, nuclear weapons will not really party to the war you see. and they're just so used to manipulating reality with their words. they can't even conclude well, i mean, you have versus which that's not the case. we're going to have to see, and i think we will see a difference here in georgia because it, i mean, if russia accepts these regions is sovereign, russia, it's incumbent upon them to protect them. and i think that that's the kind of escalation that we're going to see. i mean, the commanding control centers in care of in western ukraine are still intact. ok. you know, this is a kind of escalation. i'm looking at george. yes, i think so. but you boise, is that correct? that with the sensible response that we might have expected from the west and saying, look, we really don't want to go down that path is probably not something that we should expect, but they will try to escalate. and i think i present booting yes. so they made clear that, you know, if you stop attacking russian territory, this is a very big deal. and this is something that, you know, we would take very seriously. it's an existential matter for us. and, you know, we, we've reached a point where it was inevitable that we would reach this point, which is nato was going to have to ask us. so, where does it want to go? how far doesn't when he's been very queued sofa. oh, sense a more web don't listen, some more dangerous weapons all along a range, misses awesome drone some how it says and emma emma, all rational. he mas and everything else. oh, and he's very cute, but we'll still say that. oh, it's nothing to do with us. we went on enrolled in this law. well, now it's going to be forced to the situation. you take any further steps. you send me, you know, these high mas and that these high miles are going to be used to kill for women and children in done it as it's happening all the time now. and then, yeah, you're going to be in will. and that will, you will be liable to retaliation from russia. so, but, so i was actually laid it down on the line for him. yeah. ok. are you ready for this? yeah, i'm, i'm, i'm ready for a few satellites to be destroyed in space. if you get my drift, george ok. janice, let me ask you here because it's so important to get a voice some from logan's because you guys have been shut out from the western world ever since 2014. tell us the conditions under which the referendum will be held. i mean, is it, do people feel safe? i'm, there's always acts of sabotage and, and, and terrorism. this is a determined population to make it to the ballot box. no, it differs very much from in reached a place you leave hearing don't, but in other places, there are very serious threats and people are very concerned that shouldn't be croup anywhere. and they are making all these more while mobile, i won't things suit them so that they can prevent this huge wave of state terrorism . what has been in the previous weeks, what has happened here and, and certainly your officials are trying to do not to make easy to cause havoc or in the time of the referendum. oh, it depends very much in which city you are leaving. how safe with these, the main thing, what i thing is these mobilization and the whole attitude change. what we see now hearing in dawn bus and, and we can see we can feel that the russia is bringing out the big guns. and any means that here will come command centers here will come full force of the, the war of units. the war of, of a separate operational forces is changing to do new scale. and when the big guns coming, it means that that certain areas where the, the core force will come, it will be very safe to be inside and protected by all possible russian military systems. but, but though we will, they come fast enough to secure already these pros is now which is starting already to morrow. i don't believe but, but i have seen already and discuss it about the know how, how this will be organized. and i see that all measures has been taking so that people can go white safely to go out and give their votes. and oh, so i'm, i'm quite optimistic hearing the ground. how the situ? well, i think it's very interesting how it will be played out in the dawn bass of the next few days here because it's good of set a precedent. and that's what i want to talk about in the 2nd part of the program. gentlemen, we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the evolving situation in ukraine. stay with architect ah ah ah ah ah, issues with industry. i'm always thought can just look up some of natalie a muscle around noon. she kitty doesn't being in the green shield on at nash to me as possible. my cook gosh said get somebody to look at that to his ashley of a dc. wanted to work with me for the wonder know, thesis, but of course jason admitted to you but not, but the key chain of times to not work for phones or something like that. and then we'll go with that. ah, welcome back to crossing. were all things are considered? i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the evolving situation in ukraine . ah okay, let's go back to watch it in the boise. let's talk a little bit about the partial mar mobilization here. 300000 reverse, reversed reservists are going to be called up. from what i understand from reports, it's gonna take 2 or 3 months to integrate them into this special military ration. they're still calling it the special military operation. and looking at the referenda, how much is this going to be a demonstration effect for other parts of ukraine? because if lugens done yet, they get out and they become part of the russian federation. what kind of message that sent to other parts of ukraine that have not been all that happy under kids rule is, this is something that you're going to be watching. go ahead. well, it is, and unfortunately the message comes too late for her cough. but, you know, there's given the treatment at the hands of their liberators. the book is not closed on that yet. and certainly nicole live in odessa right and know what they might expect in the near future if things continue to develop like this. i mean, this is, this is one of those things of once it happened, people were going, is it really going to change anything now? and, oh, wow, it's long overdue. there really wasn't, hasn't been much reaction in between the, the partial of realization. i think it is definitely going to help the manpower situation on the front line. and i think it's a recognition of the fact that that the nature of the battle has changed because the bulk of the old ukrainian army has been wiped out and been replaced with, you know, nato mercenaries, and nato trained conscripts. and, you know, we're, we're seeing that play out right now. and unfortunately, you know, this war has been far, far deadlier in 6 months. then the war that i'm familiar with from, you know, 25 years ago in bosnia. so my military expertise is limited in that respect, but this is definitely playing for keeps a very good point george playing for keeps. this is what this message is all about . negative raider mobilization and people. and there's been a lot of support for a lot of people been very frustrated the slow progress of the special military operation. now it's a can't get more real here. and again, you know, as already the cities like odessa been mentioned here, it cuts both ways, doesn't it? i mean, because if they have aspirations of having a referendum while they're still under caves, rule and they can have a very terrorizing effect on the population. so that cuts both ways that these referenda, yes it is. and that's really the problem that russia really faced ever since 2014, which is the only way that you can have a referendum in ukraine is if there are security forces that to ensure that people will be able to go to the polls or without getting murdered crimea remo rios from 1901 hom had really wanted out from ukraine, but were prevented from doing so because he is threatened crimea that you try to have any kind of a referendum and you will feel the full force of our armed forces. so that's why in 2014, it's actually russia have to use the forces that he had in the bicycle to ensure that there actually was a proper referendum, been crying. so i think the same is going to apply it now. but for the ultimately, the issue is can ukraine continue to wage this war, the leak sand of the casualties that they have suffered? i mean, we have the estimate yesterday from the defense ministers like a short ago that they had $60000.00 ukranian service. men killed, that is an enormous number. and then if you add to that the wounded, then you rooted pretty much think, you know, that there really isn't much of an armed force left to continue this fight, rush of someone, much fewer casualties. and russia, obviously, is a much bigger population to draw on. so it's very hard to see how the ukraine can continue this fight. unless, of course, nato gets directly wrong. and that is really going to be the ultimate question, the biden and trust. and sergeant schultz are going to have to decide on the next few days, it from what i've seen in reports from the, the ukrainian military. and they're, they're deadly malicious. they're, they're, they're hitting civilian targets. the don baths, they because their military has spent it was destroyed during the summer and in all of us are in agreement here. russia is fighting natal. that's why uh, president putin said they're fighting the collective strength of the west. and nato officially is incomplete denial. and i think all of us agree that we're going to find out pretty soon how much further nato wants to get involved in this. go ahead, janice in a, in a and we'll go yes. do. the nato instructors has been here for years already. manning, the nationalist bought volumes and, and this is nothing new, but it just has been enforced that these scale. and though we are facing nato troops, that is, that is exactly what is happening. but i would like to raise up from dish the river into question that at least we are talking above river induced, we're talking about the, the principles of the you and charters. and we are talking about the real of the people. and like, i just want to compare if that fealand was just taking to nature without any referendums. and the expansion of nato has been done without a referendum whatsoever. and that's what i liked so much in this way of dealing international politics. that referendums, the wheel of the people has it's like going crete? oh wait. so did, did it really matters for the russian world and, and that makes the whole difference. do somebody recognize to results or not? it should be for question. well, name the dentist. they think you care of paris or london or rome, recognizes the outcome of the record you care at all? i wouldn't. okay. i would guess. i think you care that moscow care is okay. but you know, no bullshit. i see your, your earlier points here. if you're going to bring in, these are regions into russia, you have an iron clad obligation to protect them. okay, and i think that's what we're all worried about, because nato isn't going to give up easily, no way. okay, because if they do, it breaks. nato. nato will be a joke. ok, and that's what makes a situation very, very dangerous navigation in washington. well, it's, it's an exit. i mean, it's become an existential fight for both sides at this point, but that's, that's the course to the collision course. they've been headed to for years. the, the issue i think is, as we've right, but we mentioned, i don't think very many people in russia or in the dumbass necessarily care what london or paris or washington think. and i think the thinking is the referendum isn't being held for the sake of nato or, or to us. it's being held for the sake of the rest of the world, which actually does care. and which does have standards and does have a sense of shame that has been thoroughly exterminated in the west of this point. because, you know, for these western governments, it doesn't matter what you do, it's only who you are. so they can't do anything wrong. and, you know, russians and the people in dumbass can do nothing, right? and in fact, as i've mentioned a few days to co on air, the, they treat people have dumbasses things. they're not even people anymore. you know, in their eyes. it's perfectly legitimate to, you know, set people in odessa protesting the newland regime on fire. but you know, god forbid that new coverage has police, you know, clubbed them. i don protesters before the violence, the overthrew him. it's the double standard, and it's built into the whole i want to say system of values for lack of a better term. and which is a pure who, who morality in which the action itself doesn't matter. and this is the kind of thing that most of the rest of the world doesn't actually believe in and would like to see ended. and so i think from that perspective, having a referendum in and having, you know, russia step in to protect these people is, is sending a message to them as far as the west. i don't think at this point, they're reachable by much in the way of messaging. that's such a good point. i mean, it's a talking to the deaf and dumb. unfortunately, a, george nato has a big decision to make if they want to continue on this path of escalation, because it's as burrell our favorite and his blog. he says it's going to be settled on the battlefield. i tend to agree with him. maybe the only thing however agree with him on and so, and we, we do know that the, with this bub greater mobilization here, we're going to see more weaponry. i tend to think that the. busy kremlin is going to make a pretty strong statement about how it feels about nato's continued meddling in ukraine. go ahead, george. i agree. and the problem with nato is that it's already shaw his bowl and he's, it's sent enormous amounts of hardware into the ukraine. there's nothing in euro left over there. they can send even the united states army reserve becoming depleted. so essentially, it'll be nato that will have to make a decision personal to move to a war economy to stop producing a lot more ominous. and are they going to provide the manpower because your brain doesn't have them? and so therefore, again, you know, it will be up to the nature to desire, but typically as the heading into a winter of discontent and without any energy. and it's quite likely that if needed, those getting all that, oh, and energy from russia will simply because, overnight, so no later than the site is ukraine. oh, worth it now. you know, according to we're still on their lionel friends, you know that yes, of course, it's all worth it. you know, does the european public, does the american public opinion paul say differently? george. ok. but then again, this isn't a league war. it always isn't it? lead war. ok. janice, i want to go to you and i want you to tell our viewers. we have one minute left. i want you to tell us how the people in the dawn bass have suffered over the last 8 years. how many people died, how many casualties? wilds, as the world to close its eyes to your suffering, give us a few numbers. days of thousands of lives directly. hundreds of thousands of rooms, massive destruct scenes restructure. huge sacrifices in order to predict the russian world, the culture of the heritage. now it's the time to get back home and, and join the russian federation. that is, what is the price? what has been paid from these days? yes. and now we also have to remember that what's going to be happening in the don bass will certainly will have a demonstration effect in other parts of ukraine. and maybe give help to self determination around the world. because there are plenty of people that want it. but western powers always deny them that all the time we have gentlemen many thanks am i guess in watching budapest and in logan's. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are the see you next time. remember, cross knuckles with the worst of jesus you did? yes, it was just going to, we know the new them mission process. i mean just with the door. and the still not a cheat is most so must all must over was yes, but i was wondering how to go on that much enough. please conceal must up on a thumb candle because i just want us to the, to the follow just to show us will hold the would lose a group, decides him lash. there was that only the city so really driven enough bushel is williams. we've got, you know, when you to, you put on the really, you took a symbol and you talk a little bit in that as well. i, mr. we didn't actually we still you still hold with i'm not a problem with almost lost all his name is abbas novice myself and his bedrooms and confidential. yes. ma, through under the when you've got those ton, this will it a but i just get a moment when you are looking to ship it yourself most washington. uh huh. lynn mission, i am will not on the meet on. so the q video on a, to more input on the door, all of the, all to get on that yet. but actually, canadian, if a lot of the more than the thumbs obviously need to keep on muslims, your monkey mean they're supposed to eat prospect. you'll always shock is more than they live or when you look on the blood up like a new book last year. i don't know. i don't know if, if you didn't him a bit of a mushroom positive. i told her 1st muster, but i still calmly. oh, but i was in your leash that was just our custody. nice, nice appendages. guy. oh with with been you that way? you know i should now still owe as i saw that money will because also what we should be made. chicken catholic schools i had sent to chimney. if we should meet you place by middle of get to which i think you must you to have to work at while the with the, with the dish yet we brought it. dish the dish. dish out the what of toilet you little jared, you'll luca dish. there way not on the bread, you're not sure to what so yes, because they with molest says when you live, grandma miss washes as a white girl, occlusal guards, this initiative. you should you said the was gone of the way so potentially and yet . oh, but in theory and feature to one now to me can us now to music what you will get an it guy will show this just go over all model calling it we phrased love with video. look when you are naturally, scott, with little bulk as well. let us alone must really been to sit on an incomplete innovation with shalom. so been adding me to lucy to let it be log on the sheet. it is leak when where you but in a slope of the month upon which was of the muck about with the when you replace it, look, i would only a see just look like must believe, i mean, you came in the bathroom when this you got a total of angela wished emotional information on it, but almost the total sold out when you mores with them all dialed up on mr. on the what was in your over the hill in watson company, we had a conflict of the butch moore produced was to deal with a, with a position of those states to pump military equipment. in tea. a crate is cynical and it doesn't hide the fact they wanted to please. we can rush it by prolonging the commonplace rushes. foreign minister blames the west for deliberately escalating the conflict. and you, frank, and accuses the international community of closing their eyes to human rights violations. by it we bring you special coverage as to don bath republics and to ukrainian regions start to vote today on whether to join the russian federation.


Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20220923

during the military occupation, occupations of iraq and afghanistan, they had a elections during time of war. they're perfectly fine. okay, according to nato, i janice, let me go to you and look on, you know, we very few people in the out in the outside world get to hear people like you to on friday starts the voting process here. you folks have waited a long time for this. go ahead. thank you very much. no. it has been a long trip to these moments and as long as we wait, so suddenly it then game and the that, you know, it just underlines all geopolitical disco crania, civil war here has been since 2014 and very much a reminder so, so from the events from the 2013 and 14. i've been heard from moscow that, that this, this game asked to stop up and putting, putting a median. so russian people, tourists, and, and, and russia will take no steps. and of course, it's for us, a great a favor. it's a new identity, each question of honor each question of the roots. and these referendum now gives to everybody to answer the real question. do you feel to be us a russian? do you accept us to be part of russian federation? and of course the full, my georgia real world years at. but the most important thing is that everybody asked these questions to answer, and each a b keeling produce which is starting now. here in don't was regions which a flight for this moment, for so long and giving such a big sacrifice to get recognition from russia in full that you are with dust, you, you belong to. mother, russia, as history, has shown n is it's an act of self determination, which, you know, people don't like to use that term and lies. george pointed out, unless it's to their advantage, the boys are the they, they, i, you know, the, the way the way nato is, reacted to the, all of this. george's right. these are sham referendums and all of that. but, you know, once these a mom, republics are accepted in the russian federation as i explicitly expect, they will be a rush and the nato is going to have to come new. i'm a moment of truth. i mean, they are involved in this conflict and it will be in if they want to continue striking these territories, they will be striking russia. so they're upping the ante here. they're the ones that are escalating because i would like to go back to ancient history. there were the men scored and they were totally ignored. ok, this is payback time. negotiate in washington. well, not to be the devil's advocate here because pretty much the entire western media is doing this bite. you know, the fact that crimea has been part of the russian federation since 2014 hasn't exactly stopped the ukrainians from targeting it with western supply, drones and other other weapons. and this has happened repeatedly and you know, there's has been very little response from moscow. so, you know, no specific retaliation because of course that is the russian style. they don't bloss, but there's, there retaliation is always so measure the problem with that is the, you know, people who are trained to differently and think differently in the expect immediate retaliation. and when it doesn't happen, they get emboldened and that's exactly what's been going on in the west. i mean, i'm not so sure that these regions joining russia, you know, tomorrow, next week, whenever it's actually going to deter either key avoids western backers. i mean, we already have that deranged, british prime minister, quoting billions lines from v for vendetta and united nation. you, ukraine, prevails. she's, she's a caricature of herself. and yet, you know, there she is. you know, we have the u. s. government with, you know, the president making statements and his staff, walking them back to the very next day when he really meant is, you know, who is in charge here, who's making policy? well, it turns out it's probably that the state that's actually are being, you haven't planning all of its military operations. and you know, it's very difficult to figure out what would these people make me think. but if it's, if the, you know, if the media leaks by their pet reporters or anything to go by, they are probably going to do some sort of hair splitting word parsing. well, technically we don't recognize the, so they're not really russian territory. and that means that if we give you credit nuclear weapons, you're not really party to the war you see, and they're just so used to manipulating reality with their words. they can't even conclude well, i mean, universe in which that's not the case. we're going to have to see, and i think we will see a difference here in georgia because it, i mean, if russia accepts these regions, sovereign russia, it's incumbent upon them to protect them. and i think that that's the kind of escalation that we're going to see. i mean, the commanding control centers in care of and in western ukraine are still intact. ok. you know, this is a kind of escalation. i'm looking at george. yes, i think so. but you boise is a correct that with the sensible response that we might have expected from the west and saying, look, we really don't want to go down that path is probably not something that we should expect for. they will try to escalate. and i think i present wooton, yes, they made clear that, you know, if you stop attacking russian territory, this is a very big deal. and this is something that, you know, we would take very seriously. it's an existential matter for us. and, you know, we reached a point where it was inevitable that we would reach this point, which is nato was going to have to ask us. so, where does it want to go? how partisan when he's been very queued sofa. oh, since a more when don't listen some more dangerous weapons all along a range. massage. oh, sense of drone some how it says and emma emma, all rational. he mas and everything else. oh, and he's very cute, but we'll still say there was nothing to do last we went on involved in this law. well, now it's going to be forced to the situation. you take any further steps. you send me, you know, these high mas and then these, i'm also going to be used to kill her women and children in done it as it's happening all the time. now, then yeah, you're going to be in will. and that will, you will be liable to retaliation from russia so that, so i was actually laid it down on the line for them. yeah. ok. are you ready for this? yeah, i'm, i'm, i'm ready for a few satellites to be destroyed in space. if you get my drift, george ok. janice, let me ask you here because it's so important to get a voice um from logan because you guys have been shut out from the western world ever since 2014. tell us the conditions under which the referendum will be held. i mean, is it, do people feel safe? i'm, there's always acts of sabotage and, and, and terrorism. this is a determined population to make it to the ballot box. no, it differs very much from in, reached a place you leave hearing don't, but in other places, there us very serious threats and people are very concerned that should we croup anywhere. and they are making all these mo, bile, mo bile holding suit them so that they can prevent this huge wave of state terrorism. what has been in the previous weeks, what has happened here and, and certainly your officials are trying to do not to make easy to cause havoc or in the time of the referendum. oh, it depends very much in which city you are leaving. how safe with these, the main thing, what i thing that is the mobilization and the whole attitude change. what we see now here in, in, in dorm bus and, and we can see, we can feel that the russia is bringing out the big guns. and any means that here will come command centers here will come full force of the, the war of units. the war of, of a separate operation or forces is changing to do new scale. and when the, the big guns coming, it means that, that certain areas where the, the core force will come, it will be very safe to be inside and protected by all possible russian military systems. but, but though we will, they come fast enough to secure already these pros is now which is starting already to morrow. i don't believe but, but i have seen already and discuss it about the know how, how this will be organized and, and i see that all measures has been taking so that people can go white safely to go out and give their votes. and oh, so i'm, i'm quite optimistic here in the ground. how the situ? well, i think it's very interesting how it will be played out in the dawn bass of the next few days here because it's good to set a precedent. and that's what i want to talk about in the 2nd part of the program, gentlemen, we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the evolving situation in ukraine. stay with architect ah ah, ah. fuse the balkan conflicts been simmering for some time or so as not. she was a subscript for whirlpool crane acquired pendleton. all all could be done was running up, albanians demanded the cause of a subs changed con, license plates. in other words, they recognized close of her either she thought the whole scene both worth of fell grade refused. christopher is serbia so discriminating against surf. there is a slap in the face, a foreclosure report from the judge of whose figure was fuel bill. what's that? i think you know there to do with affidavit, the good in miss bill dawson, it albano sema, dom or nice. she'll be go to know me. on a visual, serbian president alexander gucci hasn't ruled out the possibility that the west is waiting for the right moment to strike the republic. gone with georgia tech i do have her call. all dr with ah, welcome back to cross hock. we're all things are considered. i'm peter belcher. mind you were discussing the evolving situation in ukraine. ah, okay, let's go back to watching in the boise. let's talk a little bit about the, the a partial more mobilization here. 300000 reverse reverse. reservists are going to be called up from what i understand from reports, it's gonna take 2 or 3 months to integrate them into this special military operation. they're still calling at the special military operation in looking at the referenda. how much is this going to be a demonstration effect for other parts of ukraine? because if logan's done yet, they get out and they become part of the russian federation. what kind of message that send to other parts of ukraine that are have not been all that happy under cabs rule is. this is something that you're going to be watching. go ahead. well, it is, and unfortunately the message comes too late for hot calls. but, you know, there's given the treatment at the hands of their liberators. the book has not closed on that yet. and certainly, neo nicole live in odessa right and know what they might expect in the near future if things continue to develop like this. i mean, this is, this is one of those things of once it happened, people were going, is it really going to change anything now? and, oh wow, it's long overdue. there really wasn't, hasn't been much reaction in between the, the partial realization i think is definitely going to help the manpower situation on the front line. and i think it's a recognition of the fact that that the nature of the battle has changed because the bulk of the old ukrainian army has been wiped out and been replaced with, you know, natal mercenaries and nato trained conscripts. and we're seeing that play out right now, and unfortunately, this war has been for, for deadlier in 6 months than the war that i'm familiar with from, you know, 25 years ago in bosnia. so my military expertise is limited in that respect, but this is definitely playing for keeps very good point george playing for keep. this is what this message is all about. negative rate or mobilization people. and there's been a lot of support for a lot of people been very frustrated the slow progress of the special military operation. now it can't get more real here. and again, you know, as already the cities like death has been mentioned here. it cuts both ways, doesn't it mean because if they have aspirations of having a referendum while they're still under the kids rule and they can have a very terrorizing effect on the population. so that cuts both ways that these referenda yes it is. and that's really the problem that russia really faced ever since 2014, which is the only way that you can have a referendum in ukraine is if there are security forces that to ensure that people will be able to go to the polls or without getting murdered crimea, if you remember rios from 1901 on and really wanted out from ukraine, but would prevent it from doing so because he is threatened crimea that you try to have any kind of a referendum and you will feel the full force of our armed forces, so that's why in 2014 such a rush, you have to use the forces that he had in the bicycle to ensure that there actually was a proper referendum grand. so i think the same is going to apply it now, but the ultimately, the issue is can ukraine continue to wage this war, leak sand of the casualties that they have suffered? i mean, we have the estimate yesterday from the defense ministers like a show, a go that they had 60000 ukranian service men killed, that is of no missile number. and then if you know, after that the wounded, then you rooted pretty much think, you know, that there really isn't much of an armed force left to continue this fight, rush of someone, much fewer casualties. and russia obviously is a much bigger population to draw on. so it's very hard to see how ukraine can continue this fight unless of course, nato gets directly wrong. and that is really going to be the ultimate question, the biden and trust. and sergeant schultz are going to have to decide on the next few days. notice it from what i've seen in reports from the, the ukrainian military and they're, they're deadly malicious. they're, they're, they're hitting civilian targets. the don baths, they, because their military has spent, it was destroyed during the summer. and, you know, all of us are in agreement here. russia is fighting natal. that's why, uh, president putin said they're fighting the collective strength of the west. and nato officially is incomplete denial. and i think all of us agree that we're going to find out pretty soon how much further nature wants to get involved in this. go ahead, janice in a, in a and we'll go yes. do. the nato instructors has been here for years already. manning the nationalist battalions and, and this is nothing new, but it just has been enforced that these scale. and though we are facing nato troops, that is, that is exactly what is happening. um, but i would like the res, i'm from dish the so river and, and question that at least we're talking above river induced. we're talking about the, the principles of the you and charters, and we are talking about the real of the people. and like, i just want to compare if that fealand was just taking to nature without any referendums. and the expansion of nato has been done without a referendum whatsoever. and, and that's what i liked so much in this way of dealing international politics that referendums, the wheel of the people has its own like concrete. oh wait. so did, did it really matters for the russian world and, and that makes the whole difference. do somebody recognize to results or not? it's a different question. well, name, the dentist, they think you care of paris or london or rome, recognizes the outcome of the record. you care at all? i wouldn't. okay. i would guess. i think you care that moscow cares. okay. but you know, no bullshit. i see your, your earlier points here. if you're going to bring in these are um regions into russia. you have an iron clad obligation to protect them. okay, and i think that's what we're all worried about, because nato isn't going to give up easily, no way. okay, because if they do it breaks, nato. nato will be a joke. ok, and that's what makes this situation very, very dangerous navigation in washington. well, it's an exit, i mean it's become an existential fight for both sides at this point, but that's, that's the course the, the collision course they've been headed to for years. the issue i think is, as we've right been mentioned, i don't think very many people in russia or in the dumbass necessarily care what london or paris or washington think. and i think the thinking is the referendum isn't being held for the sake of nato or, or to us. it's being held for the sake of the rest of the world, which actually does care. and which does have standards and does have a sense of shame that has been thoroughly exterminated in the west at this point. because, you know, for these western governments, it doesn't matter what you do, it's only who you are. so they can't do anything wrong. and you know, russians and the people in don bass can do nothing, right? and in fact, as i've mentioned a few days to co on air, you know, they treat people have dumbasses things. they're not even people anymore. you know, in their eyes. it's perfectly legitimate to, you know, set people in odessa protesting the newland regime on fire. but you know, god forbid that you, new coverage has police clubs that my dad protesters before the violence, the overthrew him. it's the double standard, and it's built into the whole i want to say system of values for lack of a better term. and which is a pure who, who morality in which the action itself doesn't matter. and this is the kind of thing that most of the rest of the world doesn't to actually believe in and would like to see ended. and so i think from that perspective, having a referendum in and having, you know, russia stepping to protect these people is, is sending a message to them as far as the west. i don't think at this point, they're reachable by much in the way of messaging. that's such a good point. i mean, it's talking to the deaf and dumb. unfortunately, here, george nato has a big decision to make if they want to continued on this path of escalation, because it is as brow our favorite in his blog. he says it's going to be settled on the battlefield. i tend to agree with him. maybe the only thing however agree with him on. and so, and we, we do know that the, with this about writer mobilization here, we're going to see more weaponry. i tend to think that the kremlin is going to make a pretty strong statement about how it feels about nato's continued meddling and ukraine. go ahead, george. i agree, and the problem with nato is that it's already shaw his bowl and he's, it's sent enormous amounts of hardware into ukraine. there's nothing in euro left over there. they can send even the united states army reserve becoming depleted. so essentially, it'll be nato that will have to make a decision personal to move to a war economy to stop producing a lot more ominous. and are they going to provide the manpower because you brain doesn't have the mentor? so therefore, again, you know, it will be up to the nature to desire, but typically as the heading into a winter of discontent and without any energy. and it's quite likely that if they don't get involved that, oh, and energy from russia will simply because overnight. so no later than the site is ukraine. oh worth it now. you know, according to we're still on their lionel friends, you know that yes, of course it's all worth it. you know, does the european public, does the american public opinion paul say differently? george ok. but then again, this isn't a league war, it always isn't a lead for. ok. janice, i want to go to you and i want you to tell our viewers. we have one minute left. i want you to tell us how the people and the dog boss have suffered over the last 8 years. how many people died, how many casualties, wilds the world, close its eyes to your suffering. give us a few numbers. tens of thousands of weeks, directly hundreds of thousands of wounds, a massive destruction of infrastructure, huge sacrifices in order to predict the russian world. the culture of the harry beach now is the time to get back home and, and join to russian federation. that is, what is the, the price, what has be paid from these days? yes, and, and now we also have to remember that what's going to be happening in the don bass will certainly will have a demonstration effect in other parts of ukraine. and maybe give help to self determination around the world because there are plenty of people that want it, but western powers always deny them that all the time we have gentlemen many, thanks. am i guessing, watching budapest, and in logan's, and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are tct you next time. remember crosstalk rules. ah ah, i bought them with, with you, i guess with you. i'm with a with ah, with burn with you just open the window door. you move in just a door. nashville. not a must. so must all must, it always has to go on that machine up please. can someone stop on a little bit of a po for the shell sparkled with a groove, decides him lash. there was a was wondering, was that if you didn't want you to you, but i don't really, you took a symbol and you talk a little bit, a lot of a need a box to get it all out when you want to ship it. she was just wanting to know the name will not on the beach. so to get emilio morton, the dog. oh, the good on that, jennifer guessing canadian, if there's another be more than the thumbs obviously interested, you must form monkey mean spoke to the ear prospect. you always shock is more than they live at. when you look on the blood up or a new book like, ah, i don't know, i don't know if it any more bit of a mushroom. oh mother, if i told her muster, but i still calmly. oh, but as any additional was just our custody, neither penny. we got our process. but good with been your boy. you my shadow still as it is, i saw that when you will because also what is we should we make it a sort of still wasn't good stair to chimney, which i think you placed a little better which had been you must you to have to what whether we're away disappeared, we bought digital dish out the world of dollars in little jerry, you'll look a dish there. why not? glad you lost shortly. what so you can see was malott's is where you live. grandma miss cautious is a white girl. occlusal guards, this initiative usually said the water on the way it separates, usually in yet. oh, but in theory and feature to one that i mean can us now to music what you will get a you were so this child will go over all modal bucklin. yet we phrased because i'm with enough with video like when you are naturally, scott, a little polkas all at a slow motion on the sit on the incomplete innovation. did you show them say, bill at the mere lucy to let you, but be logged on the sheet. the b is leak when when you put in a slip of the month about on went to to the mac and what will the will anyways it will go. what on this is just my light. must paulina mean you came in the bathroom when this you nothing but i wish la la mia rychlik a daughter are. angela wished you moment permission as i put almost a w. sold out on the other one. when you mores with mostly a more legal to was up on this on the was in. yeah. i was all with the village in watson at albany. weird cuz i give you a conflict. the butch moore released was to do a painting by we seem to go along with a with this is our future, and the most important thing is the future of my grand daughter's. though she a call of the heart. my mother is russian. my father is russia. well, i am rushing to here. we're not international. we bring you out special coverage as to don bath republics and to ukrainian regions of voting on whether or not to join that up. the russian federation the you chief threatened to take action against road. this is a can be the election that this week and results in the government taking the country in a, quote, difficult direction. also in the program, tensions rush it up between canada and india off the auto. refute.


Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20220923

near lucy to latuda belong on the ship. it is leak. when what a slip of the month about on which you to the michael w. we look at what all the a see just like last volume. i mean, you came in the put him in the she doesn't, but i wish la mutually called daughter of angela wishing wasn't promotional, as i put almost a double sold out of them. when you mores with them, they alters up on mr. on the was ania, a mazda at company, we have a conflict. the butch moore, released with ah, with hello and welcome to cross out, were all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. the next stage of brushes, military operation and ukraine, is about to commence. a partial mobilization has been ordered, and importantly, referendums are to be held in a number of ukraine's regions. their goal was to become part of russia. nato's war on russia, chest escalated with frost, talking, the evolving situation in ukraine. i'm joined by my guess, the boyish mileage in washington. he is a blogger and calmness in budapest. we have george w ali. he is a podcast at the gaggle which can be found on youtube and locals and in lieu guns we cross to janice with calden, he is chief editor of m the media. all right, gentlemen, cross top roles and a fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i would appreciate, let me go to george 1st in budapest, george, what do you make of the partial mobilization? and importantly, these upcoming referendums, which is a game changer in my opinion and shows resolve on the part of moscow go head george well on. they are indeed game changes because the end result, i think, is clear. the vote will be in favor of joining the russian federation of the president who can make clear that russia will respect that wishes. and they will be members of the russian federation, in which case, any further attacks on donuts and low guns, but betrayed it by ukraine. with the assistance of the united states and nato will be attacks on the russian federation. i will oversee them be treated as acts of war . and so therefore, effectively rush is making clear to nature that, you know, within a few days you will be in direct war with us. is this the way you want to go? and naturally nature is coming up with all sorts of ridiculous last 3 comments. sham referendum, sham referendum. well, this is one of the issue that we realize is that nato itself had run its sham referendums and loves referendums. when they work in natives favor when they don't work in native favor, then of course and make them cry sham referendum. open to still. let's rule out referendums altogether. as was the case recently when sweden of finland, rice said that it would join be joining nato. and nate to him is that no referendum we don't need? and he's thinking referendum, so yeah, j and george, we had to point out to our viewers that a, during the military occupation, occupations of iraq and afghanistan, they had a elections during time of war with their perfectly fine. ok, according to nato. i janice, let me go to you and logan. you know, we very few people in the out in the outside world get to hear people like you to on friday starts the voting process here. you folks have waited a long time for this. go ahead. thank you very much. no. it has been a long trip to these moments and as long as we wait, so suddenly it then came and the that you know, it just on the lines. all geopolitical this mccraney a civil war. ready here has been since 2014 and very much a reminder so, so from the events from the 2013 and 14. i've been heard from moscow that, that this, this game asked to stop and putting, putting a 1000000. so russian people to research and, and, and russia will take no steps. and of course it's for us a great a favor. it's a new identity, each question of honor each question of the roots. and these referendum now gives to everybody to answer the real question. do you feel to be us a russian, do you accept us to be part of russian federation? and of course, the full, my georgia real world. yes. but the most important thing is that everybody ask these questions to answer. and each a be chilling produce, which is starting now here in doing was regions which a flight for this moment, for so long and giving such a big sacrifice to get recognition from russia in full that you are with dust. you, you belong to mother. russia, as history has shown n is, it's an act of self determination, which, you know, people don't like to use that term and lies. george pointed out, unless it's to their advantage, the boy said they, they, i, you know, the, the way the way nato is, reacted to the, all of this. george's right. these are sham referendums and all of that. but, you know, once these a mom, republics are accepted in the russian federation as i explicitly expect, they will be a rush. the nato is going to have to come new. i'm a moment of truth. i mean, they are involved in conflict and it will be and if they want to continue striking these territories, they will be striking russia. so they're being the, the, the anti here. they're the ones that are escalating because i would like to go back to ancient history. there were the men scored and they were totally ignored. ok, this is payback time. negotiate in washington. well, not to be the devil's advocate here because pretty much the entire western media is doing this bite. you know, the fact that crimea has been part of the russian federation since 2014 hasn't exactly stopped the ukrainians from targeting it with western supply, drones and other other weapons. and this has happened repeatedly and you know, there's has been very little response from moscow. so you know, no specific retaliation because of course that is the russian style. they don't bloss but there's bill there. retaliation is always so measure the problem with that is the to, you know, people who are trained to differently and think differently and they expect immediate retaliation. and when it doesn't happen, they get emboldened and that's exactly what's been going on in the west. i mean, i'm not so sure that these regions joining russia, you know, tomorrow, next week, whenever it's actually going to deter either key avoids western backers. i mean, we already have that deranged, british prime minister quoting billions lines from v for vendetta and united nation . you ukraine prevails. she's, she's a caricature of herself and yet, you know, there she is. you know, we have the u. s. government with, you know, the president making statements and his staff, walking them back to the very next day when he really meant is, you know, who is in charge here, who's making policy? well, it turns out it's probably that the state that's actually are being haven't planning all of its military operations. and you know, it's very difficult to figure out what with these people make may think. but if it's, if the, you know, if the media leaks by their pet reporters or anything to go by, they are probably going to do some sort of hair splitting word parsing. well, technically we don't recognize the, so they're not really russian territory. and that means that if we give you credit nuclear weapons, you're not really party to the war you see. and they're just so used to manipulating reality with their words. they can't even conclude well, i mean, you have versus which that's not the case. we're going to have to see, and i think we will see a difference here in georgia because it, i mean, if russia accepts these regions is sovereign, russia, it's incumbent upon them to protect them. and i think that that's the kind of escalation that we're going to see. i mean, the commanding control centers in care of in western ukraine are still intact. ok. you know, this is a kind of escalation. i'm looking at george. yes, i think so. but you boise, is that correct? that with the sensible response that we might have expected from the west and saying look, we really don't want to go down that path is probably not something that we should expect for. they will try to escalate. and i think i present putin yesterday made clear that, you know, if you stop attacking russian territory, this is a very big deal. and this is something that, you know, we would take very seriously. it's an existential matter for us. and, you know, we reached a point where it was inevitable that we would reach this point, which is nato was going to have to ask us. so, where does it want to go? how caught us when he's been very queued sofa. oh, sense a more where don't listen, some more dangerous weapons all along a range misses. oh, says of drone some how it says and, and mother in law rational, he mas and everything else. oh, and he's very cute, but we'll still say that it was nothing to do with us. we went on involved in this law. well, now it's going to be forced to the situation. you take any further steps. you send me, you know, these high mas and then these, i'm also going to be used to kill for women and children in done it as it's happening all the time. now, then yeah, you're going to be in will. and that will, you will be liable to retaliation from russia so that, so i was actually laid it down on the line for him. yeah. ok. are you ready for this? yeah, i'm, i'm, i'm ready for a few satellites to be destroyed in space. if you get my drift, george ok. janice, let me ask you here because it's so important to get a voice um from logan because you guys have been shut out from the western world ever since 2014. tell us the conditions under which the referendum will be held. i mean, is it, do people feel safe? i'm there's always acts of sabotaging and, and terrorism. this is a determined population to make it to the ballot box. no, it differs very much from in reached a place you leave hearing don't, but in other places, there us very serious threats and people are very concerned that should recruit anywhere and they are making all these more while mobile. i won't thing suit them so that they can prevent this huge wave of state terrorism. what has been in the previous weeks, what has happened here and, and certainly your pre shows are trying to do not to make easy to cause havoc or in the time of the referendum. oh, it depends very much in which city you are leaving. how safe it, these are the main thing, what i thing that is the mobilization and the whole attitude change. what we see now here in, in, in dorm bus and, and we can see, we can feel that the russia is bringing out the big guns. and any means that here will come command centers here will come full force of the, the war of units. the war of, of a separate over ational forces is changing to do new scale. and when the, the big guns come in, it means that, that certain areas where the, the core force will come, it will be very safe to be inside and protected by all possible a rush and military systems. but, but though we will, they come fast enough to secure already these pros is now which is starting already to morrow. i don't believe but, but i have seen already and discuss it about the know how, how this will be organized. and i see that all measures has been taking so that people can go white safely to go out and give their votes. and oh, so i'm, i'm quite optimistic here in the ground. how the situ? well, i think it's very interesting how it will be played out in the dawn bass of the next few days here because it's good to set a precedent. and that's what i want to talk about in the 2nd part of the program, gentlemen, we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the evolving situation in ukraine. stay with me. ah ah, ah. ah ah ah ah ah ah a ah yes, that the bill good i think is 70 percent of you been 80 percent of so be of the blood for why serbia in need. if you see, i want to approach that you go eat meas, i want this vested, but this one, me not a toyota fail, pos, luisel rolon l o c, in those entities with welcome back to cross hoc were all things are considered. i'm purely belcher, mind you were discussing the evolving situation in ukraine. ah. okay, let's go back to watching in the boise. let's talk a little bit about the partial more mobilization here. 300000 reverse reverse. reservists are going to be called up from what i understand from reports, it's gonna take 2 or 3 months to integrate them into this special military operation. they're still calling it the special military operation in looking at the referenda. how much is this going to be a demonstration effect for other parts of ukraine? because if logan's done yet, they get out and they become part of the russian federation. what kind of message that send to other parts of ukraine that are have not been all that happy under cab's rule, is this is something that you're going to be watching. go ahead. well, it is, and unfortunately the message comes too late for our calls. but, you know, there's given the treatment at the hands of their liberators. the book is not closed on that yet. and certainly, neo nicole live in odessa right and know what they might expect in the near future if things continue to develop like this. i mean, this is, this is one of those things of once it happened, people were going, is it really going to change anything now? and, oh wow, it's long overdue. there really wasn't, hasn't been much reaction in between the, the partial realization. i think it is definitely going to help the manpower situation on the front line. and i think it's a recognition of the fact that that the nature of the battle has changed because the bulk of the old ukrainian army has been wiped out and been replaced with, you know, natal mercenaries and nato trained conscripts. and we're seeing that play out right now, and unfortunately, this war has been for far deadlier, in 6 months than the war that i'm familiar with from, you know, 25 years ago in bosnia. so my military expertise is limited in that respect, but this is definitely playing for keeps very good point george playing for keep. this is what this message is all about. negative rate mobilization people. and there's been a lot of support for a lot of people been very frustrated the slow progress of the special military operation. now, it can't get more real here. and again, you know, as already the cities like odessa been mentioned here, it cuts both ways, doesn't it? mean, because if they have aspirations of having a referendum while they're still under the kids rule, and they can have a very terrorizing effect on the population. so that cuts both ways that these referenda yes it is. and that's great. the problem that russia really faced ever since 2014, which is the only way that you can have a referendum in ukraine, is if there are security forces that to ensure that people will be able to go to the polls and without getting murdered crimea. if you remember from 1991 hom had really wanted out from ukraine, but would prevent it from doing so because he is threatened crimea that you try to have any kind of a referendum and you will feel the full force of our armed forces so that's why in 2014 such a rush have to use the forces that he had in the classical to ensure that there actually was a proper referendum grand. so i think the same is going to apply it now, but the ultimately, the issue is can ukraine continue to wage this war leak send to the casualties that they have suffered? i mean, we have the estimate yesterday from the defense ministers a showing that they had 60000 ukranian service been killed. that is of no missile number. and then if you add to that the wounded, then you rooted pretty much think, you know, that there really isn't much of an armed force left to continue this fight, russia something much fewer casualties and russia. this is a much bigger population to draw on. so it's very hard to see how ukraine can continue the spine, unless of course, nato gets directly wrong. and that is really going to be the ultimate question, the biden and trust. and sergeant schultz are going to have to decide on the next few days. notice it from what i've seen in reports from the, the ukrainian military and they're, they're deadly malicious. they're, they're, they're hitting civilian targets. the don baths, they, because their military is spent, it was destroyed during the summer. and, you know, all of us are in agreement here. russia is fighting nato. that's why, uh, president putin said they're fighting the collective strength of the west. and nato officially is incomplete denial. and i think all of us agree that we're going to find out pretty soon how much further nato wants to get involved in this. go ahead, janice in a, in a and we'll go yes. do. the nato instructors has been here for years already. manning the nationalist, bought the lions and, and this is nothing new, but it just has been enforced that these scale. and though we are facing nato troops, that is, that is exactly what is happening. but i would like to raise up from dish the so river into question that at least we are talking above river induced, we're talking about the, the principles of the you and charters. and we are talking about the real of the people. and like, i just want to compare if that fealand was just taking to nature without any referendums. and the expansion of nato has been done without a referendum whatsoever. and that's what i liked so much in this way of dealing international politics. that referendums, the wheel of the people has its own, like go greet. oh wait. so did, did it really matters for the russian world and that makes the whole difference. do somebody recognize to results or not? it's a different question. well, name the dentist, they think you care of paris or london or rome, recognizes the outcome of the record you care at all. i wouldn't. okay. i would guess. i think you care that moscow cares. okay. but you know, no bullshit. i see your, your earlier points here, if you're going to bring in these mom regions into russia, you have an iron clad obligation to protect them. okay. and i think that's what we're all worried about, because nato isn't going to give up easily, no way. okay? because if they do it breaks, nato, nato will be a joke. ok, and that's what makes this situation very, very dangerous navigation in washington. well, it's, it's an exit. i mean, it's become an existential fight for both sides at this point, but that's, that's the course they've de collision course. they've been headed to for years. the, the issue i think is, as we've right. but we mentioned, i don't think very many people in russia or in the dumbass necessarily care what london or paris or washington think. and i think the thinking is the referendum isn't being held for the sake of nato or, or to us. it's being held for the sake of the rest of the world, which actually does care and which does have standards and does have a sense of shame. that has been thoroughly exterminated in the west of this point. because, you know, for these western governments, it doesn't matter what you do, it's only who you are. so they can't do anything wrong. and you know russians and the people in don bass can do nothing. right? and in fact, as i've mentioned, a few days to co on air, the, they treat people have dumbasses things. they're not even people anymore. you know, in their eyes. it's perfectly legitimate to, you know, set people in odessa protesting the newland regime on fire. but you know, god forbid that new coverage has police, you know, clubs that my dad protesters before the violence, the overthrew him. it's the double standard and it's built into the whole i want to say system of values for lack of a better term. and which is a pure who, who morality in which the action itself doesn't matter. and this is the kind of thing that most of the rest of the world doesn't actually believe in and would like to see ended. and so i think from that perspective, having a referendum in and having, you know, russia stepping to protect these people is, is sending a message to them as far as the west. i don't think at this point, they're reachable by much in the way of messaging. that's such a good point. i mean, it's talking to the deaf and dumb. unfortunately, here, george nato has a big decision to make if they want to continue on this path of escalation, because it's as burrell our favorite and his blog. he says it's going to be settled on the battlefield. i tend to agree with him. maybe the only thing however agree with him on. and so, and we, we do know that the, with this bub greater mobilization here, we're going to see more weaponry and i tend to think that the. busy kremlin is going to make a pretty strong statement about how it feels about nato's continued meddling and ukraine. go ahead, george. i agree, and the problem with the nato is that it's already a shockey bowl and aids. it's sent in a normal amount of hardware into ukraine. there's nothing in euro left over there. they can send even the united states army reserve becoming depleted. so essentially, it'll be nato that will have to make a decision personal to move to a war economy to stop producing a lot more ominous. and are they going to provide the manpower because your brain doesn't have them? and so therefore, again, you know, it will be up to the nature to desire. but typically as the heading into a winter of discontent and without any energy. and it's quite likely that it does get involved, that, oh, and energy from russia will simply because, overnight, so no later than the site is ukraine. oh, worth it now. you know, according to we're still a funder lionel of friends. you know that yes, of course it's all worth it. you know, does the european public does the american public? i think that if you find a companion paul say differently, george ok. but then again, this isn't a league war. it always isn't it? lead war. ok. janice, i want to go to you and i want you to tell our viewers. we have one minute left. i want you to tell us how the people in the dawn bass have suffered over the last 8 years. how many people died, how many casualties? whilst as the world to close its eyes to your suffering, give us a few numbers. tens of thousands of lives directly. hundreds of thousands of rooms, massive destruct. no fiends restructure shoots sacrifices in order to brook dick the russian will. the culture of the harry beach now is the time to get back home and and join the russian federation. that is, what is the price? what has been paid from these dish? yes. and, and now we also have to remember that what's going to be happening in the don bass will certainly will have a demonstration effect in other parts of ukraine. and maybe give help to self determination around the world. because there are plenty of people that want it, but western powers always deny them. that it's all the time we have gentlemen many, thanks them i guess in washing budapest and in logan's. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at our tea seats, see you next time. remember, cross talk with ah ah ah ah, well not that war with western shaped jenner western, the push are not in water with russia. they don't feel like it is. and i just want to ease at ward was russia vietnam, but she did, did you wash it wasn't done, let your way use our ruling glass in our political. ah oh hello people i think is 70 percent of even 80 percent of serbian people over russians. but you know, you cannot make it like a fission or like something that you, you know, number people who come to sort of the book and then you may conclusion the pro russians are not boucher phobia. i mean.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20220920

attended by dignitaries from around the world. also on the program, the kremlin denies accusations of war crimes in ukraine as a lie. 20 investigators say they found mostly civilians at mass grave in the area of east in ukraine, formerly held by russia. and that this evidence they were tortured. ah, i'm anthony howard. booking at the program, britain has bid farewell to queen elizabeth the 2nd with a historic state funeral. her coffin was placed in the royal bolt at windsor castle near london where she was buried in a private ceremony. hundreds of thousands of people turned out to pay their respects as the hearse carrying elizabeth's coffin made its way to windsor. we'll hear from our correspondent at windsor castle in a moment. but 1st, this report on a funeral ceremony followed by millions of people around the world. queen elizabeth begins her final journey. her coffin made its way to westminster abbey. a full military guard accompanied the departed monarch, part of an ancient ceremony, combining church state and the royal family's history. ah, elizabeth's grand children followed her into the abbey. ah, followed by her son, king charles the 3rd, and the queen consort camilla. o. readings were made by dignitaries, including the archbishop of canterbury, and hymns was sun ah . then queen elizabeth the 2nd headed for her final resting place. ah . as the funeral procession drove out of london to windsor castle, where it was met by huge crowds of mourners. suddenly see the call with the queen. oh, i think that's choked everybody off that's, that's hated i to meet with it away and sell bank mcqueen's life. it was tinge with sadness. she's no longer here that she's been my queen. all of my life is the moment in history. so yeah, it's really emotional. a brilliant monarch. i don't think we'll see the likes of her again. but i wish king charles old of a best the committal ceremony in the castle's chapel, where family, friends and royal officials bade their queen farewell ceremony lived according to ancient tradition. school and prayers were said, a still as the queen's coffin was lowered into the royal vault below for goodness of the lord before the service ended with the national anthem for a new era and the new king. ah so a historic day in the u. k. is the country said good bye to what's longest running, monarch his day w jack parrish in windsor with a look back at the day's events. the final moment of this day of ceremony really culminated in a particularly private in terms of the queen's body laying next to her husband, the late prince. philip as well as her sister, the late prince margaret, on both her parents. in the memorial chapel of jake, king george, the 5th, the ceremony was sort of got smaller and smaller throughout the day, 2000 people in westminster abbey, including world leaders, royals from all over the world. then the body was moved here to windsor castle for the committee ceremony, which was taking place with just the sort of direct people that were in contact with the queen. perhaps were seen a real outpouring of love thousands upon thousands of people on the streets of london and here in windsor as well. and i think one of the really outstanding moments for a lot of people will be the look on the king's face during that commit to ceremony . in windsor, it was clear how sad he was not only like the whole country to have lost the queen, but for him to have lost his mother. and i will transfer obviously on to the the ceremonies that will take place as his reign. begin starting with the coronation that was at jack park at winter forest. will ukraine says a russian missile damaged equipment close to the 2nd largest nuclear plant in the country. keith branded the novas nuclear terrorism. moscow was warned of more attacks on ukrainian infrastructure after it forces were pushed back in the north east in ukraine, leading to the discovery of a mass grave in a forest in the region. the kremlin denies russia is responsible for killing the civilians and soldiers whose remains were found in mass graves outside is you? moscow calls the allegations quote, lies. and he's an update on the investigation into those mass grades for from our correspondent nick conley. in hockey. there still there, the investigation, this is on going out. he's going to take some time before we have any more in the way of kind of overarching figures. and michael ligman, else has was there just few days ago when she was there, the body of an 8 year old man was being viewed with the obvious signs of torture and lots of other stories of this kind of copy of the last few days as well. as the people who died, presumably when this was taken by reason for so died during fighting shelling rather than being targeted. but there are stories of this kind kind of coming out from all across this region. people who are in prison for weeks on end. people have disappeared and hadn't been found. people who tried to get safety and whenever heard from again. and the major problem right now is the fear of mind. so there are lots of places where people expect to find the remains. people who've been missing since those russian force came here, but it's just too dangerous to go there. have another investigator can't go there. i think the kind of most kind of depressing thing about all this is when you kind of talk to people about the response to this. it's kind of basically something they expect to looking after those scenes from butch moore pin from the key of regional in the year. people here were kind of basically prepared for this kind of treatment, this kind of behavior by the russian army and certainly nothing. we've seen so far suggest that they changed much in the months that followed here in this part of the country. so the expectation of a lot more gruesome finds a hearing despite of ukraine. and from that, colleen hockey now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world. russia's most celebrated pop diva, or pu over, has asked to be declared a foreign agent in solidarity with their husband maxim galaxy. it was designated as one less than a week ago in an instagram post. she said perkins war in ukraine was killing soldiers for illusory and interning russia into a global prior. protestors in bay road is broken down a gate into the justice ministry, demanding the release of 2 people arrested last week for storming a bank. it came as a delegation from the international monetary fund held meetings with officials of the country's economic meltdown. banks closed 3 days amid security concerns of kenneth stands. taliban have freed american engineer, mac freaks in exchange for an afghan tribal leader held on drug charges since 2005 news. i was detained on suspicion of smuggling more than $50000000.00 worth of heroine. into the us and europe for weeks worked on development projects in afghanistan for a decade. hurricane fiona has slammed the dominican republic after pounding puerto rico fiano book brought a heavy rifle and sustained winds of more than 140 kilometers. now, local media reported flooding and washed out roads in the east. earlier, the storm knocked out power and caused extensive damage to puerto rico. a powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake has hit mexico central pacific coast, triggering unami warnings, they're killing at least one person. alarms in mexico city sounded less than an hour after ceremonies mocking deadly quakes that struck on the same date. in 19952017 in indonesia. muslim girls don't have to cover their heads with a job in public schools. but in 2 thirds of the countries provinces, local authorities have made the wearing of the job in schools mandatory. it's a bizarre situation in a country with the world's largest muslim population. provincial governments appear to have greater decision making power than the federal government, at least on the issue of mandatory hiccups. and its impact is felt by girls in schools across the country every day. the to please give matters and rescue. so central report to where he job or not official leads every girl's choice in indonesia. like at this high school in jakarta, the loose garment covering the head, neck, and chest is not part of the obligatory public school uniform. but when her daughter came home one day in tears after the teacher false to her to where the religious covering this muslim mother had had enough that she complained to the regional parliament about what she called him, a bullying at the school to protect her daughter from more stigma, she asked to stay anonymous after i failed to complained my daughter told me many of her older female friends came forward and some part of her. they were complaining that there where to forced to read he job. back in the 7th grade. him amaya, the politician who received the complaint says that similar cases of intimidation that have been made public or just the tip of the iceberg. deep psychological distress is often the consequence. she says, give us a call. we are really concerned about the level of intolerance in school, and it's not just the children that are being bullied, even some teachers were forced to. where did he job? do we belong? colleagues say you look more beautiful or you will go to heaven if you where it can be very traumatizing, ma'am. barely ever since the early 2000, most of indonesia, the provinces and dozens of cities have gradually mandated the job. the rule effects over 150000 schools, including this primary school in southern levy. teachers here say parents have been very supportive of the new regulation mandatory in islam. here we are trying to introduce the he jumped to the girls as early as possible, even though they haven't reached puberty yet. this way they won't be any problem when the time comes for them to wear it. the jakarta educational authority disagrees. a joint decree on school uniforms, by the indonesian government recently even banned public schools from making religious a tire mandatory. the move followed the national outrage over non muslim students being forced to cover their hair and chasm. teachers believed that girls must where he job. but that is not part of our regulation. i think there is no obligation to where the he job as part of the school uniform. if you are a muslim at the it's a matter of choice for the student and their family. while the central government position is clear, indonesia, the supreme court has revoked the decree in support of local autonomy. how far religious freedom actually goes is now in the hands of the countries provinces. in the case of the to caught high schooler, the teacher has since apologized. and that sits at this hour. i'll have more news headlines for you 145 minutes tonda to get the website is there. if you need more before then at d, w dot com social, she can be found with the handle at d. w. news a living now with some images from the day the world said good bye to britain's longest running monarch. ah, ah ah ah thought the merciful goodness of the lord and dury for ever and ever upon them in communion with the bless, it saves. ah ah! with ended listening place of longing, the mediterranean sea, a star,


Transcripts For DW DW News 20220920

a lie. the printing investigators say they found mostly civilians at a mass grave in an area of eastern new credit formerly held by russia. and that evidence with torture. and protest as history to cross around the death of a young woman in police. custody has read night calls to abolish the country. strict islamic risk of awe m anthony held walk into the program, written as bid farewell to queen elizabeth the 2nd with a story, a state funeral. her coffin was placed in the royal vault at windsor castle near london, where she was buried in a private ceremony. hundreds of thousands of people turned out to pay their respects as a host. carrying elizabeth coffin made its way to winter. we'll hear from our correspondent that windsor castle in a moment. but 1st, this report on a funeral ceremony followed by millions of people around the world. queen elizabeth begins her final journey. her coffin made its way to westminster abbey. a full military guard accompanied the departed monarch, part of an ancient ceremony, combining church state and the royal family's history. oh, elizabeth's grandchildren followed her into the abbey. ah, followed by her son, king charles the 3rd and the queen consort camilla. o. readings were made by dignitaries including the archbishop of canterbury. and hymns was sun. ah. then queen elizabeth the 2nd headed for her final resting place. ah! as the funeral procession drove out of london to windsor castle, where it was met by huge crowds of mourners. suddenly see the call with the queen. oh, i think that's choked everybody up that's, that's hated i. it, was it a wave cell banking mcqueen's line? it was tim's with sadness. she's no longer here that she's been my queen. all of my life is to my been history. so. yeah, it's really emotional. a brilliant monarch. i don't think we'll see the likes of her again. but i wish king charles all the very best the committal ceremony in the castle's chapel, where family friends and royal officials bade their queen farewell ceremony lived according to ancient tradition. school and prayers were said, they stood as the queen's coffin was lowered into the royal vault below the full goodness of the lord before the service ended with the national anthem for a new era and the new king. ah so a historic day in the u. k. as the country said, good bye to its longest running monarch his day w jack parrot in windsor with a look back at the face of its the final moment of this day of ceremony really culminated in a particularly private in terms of the queen's body laying next to her husband, the late prince philip as well as her sister, the late prince margaret and both her parents. in the memorial chapel of king george the 5th, the ceremony was sort of got smaller and smaller throughout the day. 2000 people in westminster abbey, including world leaders, royals from all over the world. then the body was moved here to windsor castle for the commit to ceremony, which was taking place with just the sort of direct people that were in contact with the queen. perhaps we've seen a real i pouring of love thousands upon thousands of people on the streets of london and here in windsor as well. and i think one of the really outstanding moments for a lot of people will be the look on the king's face. joy that commit to ceremony in windsor was clear how sad he was. not only like the whole country to have lost the queen, but for him to have lost his mother. and i will transfer obviously on to the the ceremonies that will take place as his reign. begin. starting with the coronation. that was jack park in windsor o'quinn. elizabeth's death has triggered an outpouring of sentiment in hong kong, one of the last former british colonies where, which was handed over to china 25 years ago. the collective grief is not just about morning, the light quina. it's also about remembering what many view as the golden era of hong kong, but even as that nostalgia is becoming too. and a chinese rule as they w correspondent, phoebe come reports. since the queen's passing a shop selling british colonial hong kong items such as coins, stems and metals is welcoming 10 times more customers than usual is founded by brian own, the royalty collector, didn't expect people coming for a tearful commemoration, or they would you go double open you know, they feel like they're losing an old friend, or even a family member. tell them are gone. i won't be gone. she's more than a queen way to go away. it's also because life in hong kong wasn't that good in the past 2 decades ago, but with, with retrogression in many ways, could it, oh, why people missed the past? not because they like or want colonialism, but purely because it was the good old days day go goal. i think that's being reflected through morning. the queen won't house egg yolk. i'm got such sentiments a mall festival at the british consulate surrounded by a sea of flowers. people are queuing for up to 4 hours in the heat, to signed a book of condolences. the colonial era is due in many people's memories in hong kong, which was rude by britain, 456 years before his hanover to china in 1997. on lower, i got the most precious thing. britain left us is a social system with lots of freedoms to pursue our goals. and oh yeah, you got a letter to bulgaria. aha, how good education was picked out. we were happier, less stressed and restricted hi sama, somewhat. so alex told me, mom died at highgate holland. crittenden give us much in the way of democracy, but overrule, it did more good than harm. get go, go over. the hong kong people gave the queen a cantonese nickname for both ladies showing a special affection the outpouring of morning is not only a matter of nostalgia, but mixed with grievances and is content over the chinese rule and even a gesture of defying occurrence repression. the queen visit at hong kong twice during the seventy's and eighty's. when social reforms were rolled out after n t colonia riah to transform the small city into a boat financial hub today. public facilities named after queen elizabeth, a marcus of britain's legacy to modern hong kong. hong kong was one of few protest colonies not allowed to determine its own feature. born in 1980 and educated in colonial government schools, bryant all said he was never taught to be a british patriots. last year he opened a private museum. the certificate signed by the queen and prince philip is amanda, most precious. in his 10000 item collection auto, dom we're high, will never considered myself british if, when i'm 100 percent, a hong kong, a who loves british culture or local all history is a meaningful them or whenever they happened, no matter good or bad. oh, so we shouldn't arrays any part of it, just because we don't like it, or your work or all of us should respect our past whitfield all ecc. are you doing? john deere gory is not only to preserve fedex, but also the identity of his hometown. ukraine says a russian missile damage to equipment close to the 2nd largest nuclear plant in the country. keep branded the move as nuclear terrorism. moscow has warned of more attacks on ukrainian infrastructure after its forces were pushed back in ne, in ukraine, leading to the discovery of a mass grave in a forest in the region. the kremlin denies russia is responsible for killing the civilians and soldiers whose remains were found in mass graves outside outside is you. moscow calls the allegations, quote, lies and his an update on the investigation into both mats grades from our corresponded nick connelly in hockey. if, while they're still there, the investigation, this is ongoing. i think gonna take some time before we have any more in the way of kind of overarching figures and my colleague of mine else as was there just few days ago when she was there, the body of an 8 year old man was being viewed with the obvious signs of torture and lots of other stories of this kind, kind of poppy of the last few days as well as the people who died. presumably when she was taken by reinforcer died during fighting and shelling rather than being targeted. but there are stories of this kind, kind of coming out from all across this region. people who are in prison for weeks on end. people have disappeared and hadn't been found. people who tried to get safety and whenever heard from again. and the major problem right now is the fear of mind. so there are lots of places where people expect to find the remains. people who've been missing since those russian force came here, but it's just too dangerous to go there. ever. now the investigator can't go there . i think the kind of most kind of depressing thing about all this is when you kind of talk to people about the response to this. it's kind of basically something they expected. i think after those scenes from butch moore pin from the key of regional in the year, people here were kind of basically prepared for this kind of treatment, this kind of behavior by the russian army. and certainly nothing we've seen so far suggest that they changed much in the months that followed here in this part of the country. so the expectation of a lot more gruesome finds a hearing disparity crane mckinley in hockey's. now the, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. russia's most celebrated pop diva approval. cova has asked to be declared the foreign agent in solidarity with their husband, max and gal who was designated as one less than the way he go. in an instagram post she said pollutants bought in ukraine was killing soldiers for the illusory aims and turning russia into a global prior. protestors in beirut of broken down a gate into the justice ministry, demanding the release of 2 people arrested last week was storming a bank. it came as a delegation from the international monetary fund help meetings with officials over the countries economic meltdown. banks are closed for 3 days and made security concerns. a powerful 7.6 magnitude, earthquake, mexico central pacific coast, triggering soon army warnings and killing at least one person. alarms in mexico city sounded less than an hour after ceremonies mocking deadly. quite that struck on the same date in 19852017 protesters have clashed with security forces in iran as anger grows over the death of a 22 year old woman in police custody protests were reported in many major cities across the kurdish region. master armine fell into a coma shortly after being arrested by a bronze notorious morality police for allegedly not covering her a death as re ignited calls to abolish around strict islamic dress code aah! protests at the funeral of missouri armine in her home town in northern iran. more focused in the capital terran this one organized by university students. how many staff has once again exposed tensions between the holland islamist regime and a young population yearning for more social freedoms. many young iranians are fed up with the morale to police, which often uses violence to enforce a strict dress code in public life. and i guess i have my voice trembled when i heard the news, because this has happened to me once or twice when i was thinking. if i stuff at the same fate, how it my parents feel that with joe, hey, donna, mon bishop, i am strongly against for morality police because it's not possible to enforce a cultural issue with violence when i massaged without social. and as i'm in my opinion, they should remove the obligation to where the headscarf altogether decide that a bad the government denies that authorities used force against armine and release t. c. c. v footage that appears to show a collapsing at a police station. ch are a foot card, we have to wait for the results of this woman's medical tests to understand the reason for her death. because apparently she had a series of previous medical problems. so she can all about the module that claim is rejected by. i mean his father, who told the press his daughter had no history of illness. the protest this reject not just the regimes version of events, but he ran system of clerical rule and it's brutal enforcers. you're watching t w news up next doc, film, friends, or foes, bratia and the baltic states that's coming up after a short break. stay with us for that. i'm anthony howard, in berlin from me and the team here. thanks for your time and have a good day. i'm the green. you feel worried about the planet meeting? i'm neil. host of the on the green fence podcast and to me it's clear we need to


Transcripts For RT News 20220920

defend taiwan if beijing takes minutes. reaction. although that leaves the white house scrambling to explain washington's actual policy with good afternoon from moscow, which i just saw after 4 pm here in a busy day here in the studio, ukraine. for example, the un general assembly new york will have live coverage for you. so welcome to the program. we do start this out with breaking news for you. a both the danielle and lou ganske republics, as well as 2 regions in ukraine have announced they will be holding referendums on whether or not to become a part of russia. now voting in the, to don bass. republics on the hood, us on region will be held september the 23rd to the 27th at the zip code. oh, she region is also to stage a referendum, however, that exact date is yet to be announced. but we can learn more across life to our senior correspondent mode added guys the have joining us here this afternoon, but out it's certainly a major development we're talking about right here, if you will just take us through the implications well, anyway, you look at it this is going to be a momentous week in history. certainly it will be studied in years and decades perhaps to come, but yes indeed, 3 ukrainian regions holding referendums on joining russia and 23rd to the 27th of september. presumably, over the course of several days to avoid massive cues or a rush because in, in all of these regions, ukrainian shelling is ceaseless, it is endless, and it is blind. yesterday alone, 13 people killed in a single attack at the market. so presumably, authorities are taking the security situation very seriously, but they must also take other factors into consideration. why this, this rush, there's a lot that will have to be done aside from the referendum itself, the laws of all 3 of russia of logan's, but yet can have shauna are very, very different economic laws. a very, very different that all of that is going to be as good have to be mesh together for it to work. presumably these republics, if they choose to join russia will, will accept russian federal law with all that that entails. and there is little doubt that these republics will, i will vote to join russia than he had. and logan's, after 8 years of civil war and shelling, endless peace efforts which were, were, which were either denied by ukraine uminski agreement. they've had enough. they want finally, to be accepted as russian citizens rather than 2nd grade citizens with, with russian passports but left to their own devices. many of them she this as the only solution to a peaceful, prosperous future, to them here in your son region. those that have left the province. the city for ukraine, for territory is held by the key every sheep they will be unable to boot in these referenda. but as i say there is, there is a lot writing on this and much will change. there is very little doubt about that. authorities in russia, we've heard already that the speaker of the parliament, the duma say that if they choose to join russia, the state duma, the russian parliament, louis house of parliament will support them will vote to to allow them to join russia. we've heard the lead of the communist party in russia. also say that this is something he has at work through a cheap for years. other public officials also expressing support for the gods than he is going to have san ah, joining the russian federation. zappa, georgia. perhaps will also stage the referendum on these exact dates from the 23rd to the 27th of september, but as of yet, they haven't announced the death right? our senior course, one of them are ad garcia, but the latest on this breaking news, appreciate it. see you soon. let's get more thoughts on this now from jim political analyst and a former presidential candidate to nigeria, either move god about now joining us here live on the program during our breaking news coverage. a very good afternoon to you. so thanks so much for joining us here on the program. what reaction would you expect from various western professional partners to the announcement of these referendums to be held in these republic? so one might consider that the press coverage might be rather cynical or sarcastic . but at the end of the day, it's what the people think, the towns, what do you, what do you think that is true? i think your conclusion was, was very interesting because what did people think eventually? what kind of, what not really us went to begin on them. my shot your or what you tell you great. which me like what, what the, what the need on the time to she the end of the call. you have nobody giving it to me, but i didn't last you've got the companies in the house got that they, i don't know where they can have the ability to bid up. i'm also looking for somebody like know what the, what not really want to level shopping that you know, bob green, i'm going to do to read that. you look down on me likely be rather different when what, what, what, what, what, what you saw a little, you know, with the media about, you know, what had been to begin to do i live in georgia. i didn't usually have to go back to like, like to get them, but i don't know. i wanted to jump in quickly because what you're saying is very interesting. and i like how you take it from a broader perspective, with your analysis on some of the questions i'm asking you. but i wanted to ask, you know, that there is speculation whether the conflict and you cry and will grow to an actual war on russian territory. if the republics were to join you, you would think that if these republics were to join russia, perhaps, then the russian military could move move more of its forces into that part of the country. that perhaps what do you think that the referendum happened? could there then be an actual war on russian territory so to speak? yes, to be very continued to my own thinking. is this, this citizen of submitted during it constitutionally to the or doroty of bureau shunting, the racial sort. you took the responsibility or something to secure and protect it . so as to just a while by you how some roshan from is not coming in people, homes, and what was you know, to be able to protect the citizens already went to or new member, one new new member to get one done. does you look to pro, what do you know? but of course, some did one with the other watchman wanted to do that have been defined. you know, why not did mitchell, you may be doing good, you know, conversion of degree of hard to be done with some of the mission statement nationals did. when again, it's a very important role in the thunder. this is the people's will and they're big. want to die out to stay within the lives of individual, then be whatever that is also optical to do to protect them. i them, but i think i think he raised a really good point. i think you raise a very good point and, and one of them is this, you know, if you, if you think back to march 16th 2014, there was the referendum in crimea. a lot of the western press showed up for it and they showed thousands of people, literally thousands of people, all generations, frankly, lining through the city to cast that vote for that referendum in 2014 in crimea. now that showed a lot of people outside, but they weren't in a was on now we've got a was on going on here, a high intensity conflict zone and, and, you know, people are calling out for a referendum. did you think the people are going to feel safe enough to make cues all through town to make said to wait patiently to cast their vote. i think the people are good. bunch of them bugs on. hands have been in this problem for a very long time. maybe 5 years or so, you know, getting so, so the fact that now i agree now to wanted to bring to the joint a steak. if don't be put on the wall. i didn't want you to be there, but i piece of community so, so that is the situation i'm looking. i want to people in the walk around now to take the least be able to identify with where do you feel their future view and also to belong to the community. where did believe where the i did, you might be a futile or so that interest. you back that they have to get a decision, then you didn't get to you. i was going to go to whoa, because we don't know what made you mentor, responds. we don't know what is going to be to support the nickel into your brain. we've seen dr. british new describing as i tried to what, what about i think 2.3 pounds, what else to what ukrainian war. but i know what you're going to get is when from the, with more military actually grade. when you look at just kind of what you should musically, but that is actually a full measure of the kind of it's, you know, why been about a couple of years or with mental. that's what i'm seeing. so if the, if the to do of the muslim wants seen doesn't under front of the water for him to be mean. yeah. trying to secure. yeah. you don't want to go up under the local to deal with him even going to little wall. i will, we are going to be giving of course, full coverage to this your analogy into national animal god by the 2nd, a former presidential candidate for nigeria. a great to see you. thanks very much for that. ah, now the regional african director of the communitarian aid organization concerns world wide. it's a bonding of the international community steps in to tackle the famine that's been brought about by the current drought. the waiting game must stop. now we are scaling up our response, but we need the resources to help all those affected equally. if we are to contain the situation. is i a federal isabella joining us alive during this program? great to see you today though. obviously this the really dia story and a lot of concerns being touted. world right about this. the current situation regarding world hunger look, what can you tell us? right, says the united nations general assembly is underway, new york. what has been going on is the world of political leaders and the movers and shakers need to come together to address is program. so there is an open letter that seeks to address this question of literally life and death. and this letter has been signed by were 230 organizations and 75 countries. and this claims that one person dies every 4 seconds of, of hunger. and of course this is a morally unconscious level thing to not address. so let's take a look. 50000000 people now just one step away from starvation. over $345000000.00 more are borrowing under the crushing weight of hunger, struggling to feed their families and at risk of death. the international community and national governments fighting to meet their duty and prioritize political and economic interests over the well being of the world's most vulnerable children and families and communities. and it won't have plenty leaving people to stop as a policy choice. we call on you as world latest to take urgent action to stem this crisis and prevent future ones. so those are strong numbers and strong words, considering the numbers have gone. increased so much since 2019. and what we're seeing too, is that this letter draws attention as to how politicians have been ignoring the poorest countries to for the wealthier countries. we've seen the media and the attention be, of course, in ukraine these last few months. and of course, the most affected people in the world are suffering because of that. now, one country in particular i want to point out is somalia. somalia is a country that is facing 250 people at risk of death directly. and 1000000 people have been displaced by drought, whereas a, around 4000000 people, 7000000 people are actually facing famine right now. it's one of the hardest countries in africa. this is of course, caused by the drought that is the worst drought in 40 years. and the famine, of course, is something that needs to be put out in fright. and of course just a few days ago that you and revealed that the some somalian who monitoring response plan is only 65 percent funded. which means that, that we need to really get on this and now the question is, what, what other country, what are other countries going to do about this as well? yeah, i mean, you certainly talk about that. i mean i, i've been reading reports and he also been covering it here with archie international. i fear relevant, their various u. n. world food programs that have been cutting, how much funding they have, and cutting how much food they can put out as well. so it's not just the natural, inclement weather, for example, in the droughts, but it's also politics involved and lack of budgets involved as well. and obviously yemen is a big deal to, but some people call yemen that the biggest manmade catastrophe in the history of mankind. when you talk about global responses, we, we've heard about cargo ships being sent to, well, the supposed to go to the poor countries on that because they kind of end up going to the richer countries. what, what is the global response? right, right, so like i said, we're seeing billions and billions go to 8 and ukraine, right. and we're seeing that the, the priorities go specifically to ukraine. so just yesterday, a ukrainian deputy minister of a gary and m policy and food pretty much posted about the help that ukraine was actually offering. let's hobble a tension is being drawn 1st and foremost to how many ships go to africa. because there are many devastating reports of famine coming from there as millions of people are suffering. as of today, throughout the period of the grand initiative, 23 vessels carrying 640000 tons of food have been sent there. so what 2023 vessels? i mean, i guess that that sounds like a lot. is it? it sounds like a lot, but when you actually put it into context, it's not. so that's about 13 percent, 2003 out of $169.00 vessels and numbers actually say that this is actually much lower than that, that this is actually in the lower a single digit numbers. and of course, the green is mostly going to richer countries. these are criticisms at both president air to one of turkey and president. while you're putting, i've pointed out numerous times that why is the brain only going to the european countries? right? and one important thing i want to point out, rory is that earlier this week, the european union failed to prioritize with security over fuel supplies. because as we know, sanctions have effected europe in the, in terms of the gas and energy prices. and so the block decided to keep burning through $10000.00 tons of wheat per day, converting it to ethanol in order to power their cars. now, this is something that would need to be done if there weren't sanctions on russia. so i have to point that out in this statistic, say this is like removing 15000000 loaves of bread and thousands of tons of sunflower every single day to fuel cars and trucks. so this is of course, a huge issue. and again, this wouldn't happen if there weren't sanctions on russia, which is affecting this will. it's situation. and it's not just wealthy nations, of course, taking this brain. it's the attempt to stop russia from gifting the grain that that is also just ridiculous. well, i'm one of the ways they were blocking russia from delivering his grain. was that of a revoking the cargo vessels lie? this is an vendor that harbor permits were rejected, so they couldn't even operate the cargo vessels and they weren't even out to dock. and the western press was saying that russia was behind the food crisis, yet a hog tied all the russian transport politics every day. all right, well there we are. phil rel is about. thank you very much. thank you. well, the founder of the euro, continent, analytics organization, pierre emmanuel command, says the e u is seeking the most extreme options to satisfy their energy needs, as russia significantly reduces its gas supply to europe. however, listen to this, the european union. he's sir more more in a truck, but because of his own decision to wherever i turn that cheap sources of energy to avoid or russian gas because we accept it to, to not to put into service for an offering to relieve a shortage of energy. on this is why they prioritize or they are energy needs to any of our priority, where you will probably be you're under criticism for from the rest of a wall. because we have noticed that on the e, u is following, our saver must extremist atlantis policy or against russia in the world, the rest of the world in eurasia, especially done for all of his approach enough for cat, ether, and dorm. he was more and more regarding africa, asa totally aligned a sub her at him until for o'clock he strutted she again, sir russia and is less and less credible. unfortunately, while association is now to that of a religious rights controversy, where india's supreme court is presiding over an appeal by a large group of muslim students after school girls were banned from classes for wearing a head job back in february. the indian advocacy groups denounced the lower court decision as a one of quote, robbing women of an education. his correspondent dungeon sharma in the south and in state of karnataka. in february, the c r muslim students wearing a jobs were stopped from entering their college. the students argued against that decision, calling it a why lesion of their fundamental rights. but the states high court upheld the ban on muslim women wearing a jobs in educational institutes. the court said the prescription of a school uniform is a reasonable restriction and that students can not object to it. it's already been a challenge to then go to school in the muslim community in india, wearing a her job to allow them to do so. now the gotten in the out dorothy young muslim. 6 go to make a terrible choice between education and what they see as their feet. now the case has reached in dal supreme court and it's decision which is expected in the coming days would have a big impact. if the kanaka government section is approved that you can or band the he job in educational institutions, then i do suspect that many other states might more in a similar fashion. religious leaders believe that the he job controversy has been fueled by the hindu nationalist government in india to draw muslims of the religious and cultural space. it's actually a nor issue which has been blown out of proportion and made into a big issue already that many of those have already dropped out in canada. that as are coming, that her many goes a stop going to school. a number of muslim girls, including the petitioners see that wearing a job as a fundamental right and an essential practice, and that it should be left to individuals. i don't pinky go, how can the court judges or hinder men decide what muslim women should wear? that's not fair. the logic behind this job and it's completely flawed. i don't think it makes sense. you have started with the binding who job in the universities and schools and then it's going to come to work places and then maybe public places . what do you want from us with a little more that the supreme court will see the matter differently? muslim goes for the clock, maybe set backwards. runjun sharma, r t new delhi. well, it's good to have your company today though a 10 year old girl has reportedly been shot in the head this during demonstrations in iran, over the death of a woman arrested for violating strict dress code such as one you may find the following images disturbing. the goal is set to be in critical condition after the incident in the western city of the can was tuesday, march, the 4th day of protest and iran reports say 5 people have been killed since saturday as security forces open fire on the crowds during the most recent violent protest in the capital serano videos from social media. so police using water cannon against the crowds. now the protests erupted after a 22 year old women died in police custody after being arrested for where and get his job that was beamed not suitable. as demonstrated as soon as felicia feeding her until she was in a coma authorities rejects the claims and say she suffered a sudden heart failure. a female demonstrated have since been removing the headscarf in protest. well, china has lashed out, jo biden's recent statement, as he said, the us would send troops to defend taiwan if it were attacked. the white house has had previously walk back similar statements which ultimately contradict americans. long standing one china policy. but would us horses defend the i want to? yes. if in fact, there was an unprecedented attack. us forces us men and women would defend taiwan in the event of a chinese invasion. yes, made sonia enjoy us remarks seriously violate the one china principal and the provisions of the 3 u. s. china joint communiques breached the u. s. commitment to not support taiwan independence and send a severely wrong signal to the separatist forces of taiwan independence. china strongly deplores and rejects it and is made solemn complaints with the u. s. side . so the official us position doesn't commit to military action to defend taiwan. but instead stands military aid to the island. latest batch of funding for the island was announced in early september and includes over a $1000000000.00 and alms with an array of anti shift and anti aircraft missiles to be delivered. in response, china reiterated the pie one is quota, and in alien a part of his territory, an urge washington to immediately revoke the sales. and the weapons package comes, of course, just a month off the us house speaker, nancy pelosi visited sy pay, which prompted major chinese military drills all around the island. now the white house has had to walk back up biden's statement saying washington's policy has not changed. meanwhile, jo biden's, 1st one on one interview and over 6 months called the public by surprise that his comment spot criticism from a health officials on ordinary americans for his claims of the cobra pandemic as over to stating that inflation is under control. so you like me, i can make a sound like. busy of a sudden my god, it went to 8.2 percent highest inflation rate. mr. president and 40 year i got that . but guess what? we are. we're in a position where for the last several months, it has in spite for someone who's been a top official since 1972 and always lived in mansions. maybe it isn't so bad. but for average american statistics show they are being squeezed. at this point, we've got the u. s. army urging soldiers to apply for food stamps in order to make their pay go further. when it comes to the pandemic, joe biden said, cold at 19, is over. what all you have to do is look at the number of cases that's been rapidly rising. my goodness, these folks are clue this. it's no wonder the parties a train wreck is going to apparently be my tweet theme through november and beyond . sean's democrats keep playing these games with our lives. he doesn't get to just declare a global pandemic. of them is to president a pandemic, isn't like boot cut genes where you look around at what people are wearing and declare it over. let's not give bite in the past for the pandemic is over. imagine if trump said it. and what about americans who were worried about him being the oldest president in u. s. history and constantly tripping over his words? well, not just his words. some people ask whether you are fit for the job, watch me. ah good may circle key with tanks but will never gain the hearts and souls iranian people with integrated more pollution in the stupid present we have fewer democracies in the world today the we did 15 years ago. fewer not more fewer. ok in the side of course, present harris last week president harris and i want to thank you that go down on your thank you very much, appreciate your premise. well, that's the president of the united states. i think all recognition is due to his staff for the very good decision they made. everyone can see why they kept him away from tv cameras for 200 days straight. if the cobra pandemic, sober joe biden needs to relinquish a bunch of emergency powers that he's taken as some of those powers have to do by the way, with elections and with, with maintaining some of the policies around election. so i'm glad to hear that the cobra pandemic, sober. i don't think he deserves credit. but i think the important thing that is, if it's, if he's saying it's over the cdc, the and i age and the other entities need to relinquish their emergency powers. they need to stop spending so much money. they need to stop the mask mandates and other things and, and get back even more profoundly, church, a life as we knew it beforehand. his answer to that was outrageous. i mean, whatever he was saying about up an inch or something, again, you talk about incoherent talking, incoherent speech. look, it's 8 for 8 per cent plus month to month. normal people and i'm to put myself in the category were feeling it idea that he sort of shrugged it off and said things are short, a stable, it's stable if in a way that is absolutely decimating. and i mean that term specifically decimate means 10 percent. it's taking 10 percent of our money away because of his policies . it's a disaster and it's the biggest reason, frankly, that he's going to pay the biggest price in november at the poll at the polls. ah, a high ranking e u politician has suggested that turkey should face sanctions if it joins a china lead economic alliance that of the shanghai cooperation organization. this does come days off to the ceo had it's a multi polo world summit and was breakfast on the german, m p says our nato and the e must keep a close eye on turkey's president of the nato. and the european union must ask themselves how long they will let our do on dance around. and then those us nato member turkeys doing more to circumvent european scientists and russia than china are due on post the brace and finland and sweden join in nato. and now he wants to join the s c o together with iran. it is time for a robust took a policy. turkey is currently considered what's called a dialogue partner with the s c. o. european politicians have been concerned that turkey has been leaning away from western influence in recent years as it builds its eastern size editor at large of the turkish broadcast a t. c. world. the use of atom believes the pressure on turkey is ultimately going to have an intended consequences. why do you need to get permission to partake in multilateral diplomacy or improve relations with countries that the you find uncomfortable when we look at the actions are taken by the you taken by the united states to any time they try to restrict the turkish diplomacy, restrict turkish foreign policy, restrict turkish weapons, procurement. it backfired on the west side, on the u. s. it backfired on the you and to continue down, it depended that so i don't see any difference with this going on. it seems that turkey is interested in taking part in the shanghai for cooperation organization from the report that we're seeing, that it could be a possible application for a membership in the future. and when you look at the circus present, the participation at this time, it was very fruitful. this was good to have with us here on our team to national right behind me right there. the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, is the opening day. now. the 77 un general assembly and here on our international we are monitoring all the different world leaders who are.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20220920

a little bit more you are, you're a good one given that he's been machine you on to the 0. i know you're a senior nurse a year. it's a quarter to but visual fall. oh, [000:00:00;00] a on march, the 14th 2022. the ukrainian army struck residential buildings. internet with a torch, got little missile defense system shot the missile down. however, one war head exploded in busy streets in the center of the next republics capital killing. more than 20 civilians will go out. i didn't your bill that when you're in was called. i do not school like what about glass papa of doing a search? it say we thought that book more with ukrainian in european press immediately tried to blame the russian army for the missile attack on a peaceful city. italian newspaper, la tampa even published a photograph from the scene, not as evidence of ukrainian shelling, but as an illustration of russian crimes and cave a nuclear slowly con. you're not worried as it were wishing. ah, good boy, that did that or 3 when you get a month after the tragedy. and annette, ski ukrainian military again used a torch go rocket against civilians in the city of cram a task, 57 people were killed with 2 part galia. you're obviously a western mainstream media which is working and in such i'll talk to all the time, you know, the claim 1st, the russia for crime, i thought the western media. however, in shifting the blame for these mass murders to russia, keith again fell to cover of the evidence properly from a thought of skill in lester, on the least. is this now for so we'll some, some thoughts cool in law and we are at the iraqi at the, because i little dorothy me good. the when you call was missing and they spoke with syria, what serial number was just in ukrainian army. don't know what on the pro cuts in the world. yo strive, alicia k, cherry, financial, bescham, profess agency. i'm needing a snake only i should get with him is not old simply because of them. so he just reaching out to see if he just knew coming in. so no, no, and i will be right. you have been a singing at the units. it them, greens of them. we were in the who is with the chain. yeah. well, so like a lot of mix you ready to pick out on the front or you should still measure so skill below, which is what are those is nicole morgan bennett. we will try to answer the question, what has happened to a country who's authorities order firing missiles and civilians for the sake of pitches in the foreign media. moreover, who turned ukraine into a state where dozens of crimes committed every day with no statute of limitations? ah, for more than 8 years maxine gregory of has been collecting evidence about war crimes committed during the civil war, which broke out in key streets during the riots back in 2014 ah, commission absolutely showed kiosk national museum. busiest news through the course thrilled slide bureau, and i bit of that on there with the records. the total dorming is old. the one with the new genia on the crop of the oil in through you can use the new dispensation, the wireless, but suddenly d. e, and i will tell you when your son's up on me is up and then probably just to me just make other corresponding basinski was healed because i to prevent of course, you're on my on the concluded progress ship that will cardelia system. recall from your simple will, easiest on union. the hygienist, you, you'd say you're pretty narrow still that used to use, i'd be, she couldn't use to related, but you can change crow ah, the main driving force behind the protest with a so called my done hundreds security groups trained in special summer camps run by right wing ukrainian radical parties a shuttle on you. but yeah, my name is so it does purchased use. yeah. it love buys you boucher my dinosaur, but almost impossible to say what are you on? hold no summer you're getting with today. many involved in those events make no secret of the fact that almost immediately after the qu, the might and fight as well on officially issued firearms. a with, with should be brutal as bush. and so when you consider a process to kramer station we're killers, we'll break them well, go to leaks, considers any modern social money to middle school or for my ukrainian intelligence officer. i see the processor of says the idea of forming nationalist battalions from former ultra radical might, and defenders was conceived at the highest level as opposed to creamy concrete members show us so chino declaring himself to slap a teacher's skin stowing. but it's still really not. somebody's teacher, you can use that same number will just give me a proposal, but not sure to put it all solution model. you put your right t will you sleep, you will present youngster on the, the, you're the commercial to produce that particular isn't your something you'd sort of from news news from appeal in. was that over? you have to do much to darling little do it or lose weight to it will get off here on bus with me. what she bought ah, keys new authorities were in a hurry, the se refused to recognize the co. i'm was ready to hold a referendum on secession from ukraine. in almost all major cities in ukraine's, russian speaking pods, local self defense, malicious cease control of administrative buildings, and a great many police officers switched the legions to the rebellious regions with the founders envisioned the nationalist battalions would be the ultimate and severe response to pro russian sentiment in southeast and ukraine. hello and good homes i think should if i would try to talk to boucher gender patient or your co pay you were so i will shoot you over a collection and you fill out for you as quick when you can come on the one you got on board just seasoning, we'll just want a new variable. you mean? ah ah, can i to lisa? so you see scan, but then you don't have any styles of british mean them boss will be watch, british keep them boss, grab it. now she will watch you for just getting you started where you and then you come your some on the shower a demand yet, but i see so in here actually from us. no, it sounds like, you know, it's one, but a lot of with ukrainian only got funded. these are full nations established in all major ukrainian cities. well this was how keith knew. authorities had private armies at their disposal wedding to carry out any order and they got to keep it. it's only a lot of the you guys that he got was yell not but when you go cool with a little baby. cool. a little baby pool measures, although awesome, but the you on it doesn't play one your muslim bill up on your daughter, all of them. but then you want to eat cookies a kick lot and so they'll keep up with you on the key scale to wish you got to talk. can you go go to mine those will i live with you on? i mean, yeah, but i mean yeah. well, then yes, keep long. so now, but it was some easiest thing that i missed you, but tell you on a little cripple to possibly escape toner, fuel surf. poke when somebody may go out of the he is self commissioning automation and go out of the me at the law. no, honey, cuz people on this shipment was a flight also solution is a yes, let me, let me on my doc utility and that'll be whatever you want. in may 2014 nationalists battalions perpetrated that 1st act of intimidation or mass murder, a pro russian activists in, at this point city that generates huge profits for ukraine's big businesses. by that time, the citizens of odessa had been protesting against the community nearly 3 months. oh, this was the mob of sales of pasto dumbbell audition that got a dog dumbly. essentially, with schuman affordable adjustable, i'm usually just not blessed. braylan, you'll say, oh ah, ah, ah oh, because i've seen when the senior move was model when you started. and i want to continue with radical ascent, i guess a drug key dissenters into the trade unions house and set it on fire. those who jumped out of the burning building were finished off in the street. according to official figures, almost 50 people were killed that evening. a switch, any of them spoke, graying a muscle will be suspended. mister human as dine. you know you have to work with us daniel left when you move, that is no. i will wrap the brazil door, telling him all what are some with to pull chest a voice, because what this i need a fierceness or you possess no food. so when you go for both but you with a more stable with emotional now model upholstery to pick us up, don't store, i mean your shorts, a weapon diligently forget gary of the ukranian authorities. failure to punish anyone responsible for the massacre was the impetus to start compiling a list of crimes with no statute of limitations. ah, maybe i don't know shows a political ski will clog used to be used. car curves to conclude you can totally, you would do. i would be to me last minute me because i me a believe see me, nancy thing that yes, carmack such a foolish civil doors to produce wood 6000000. but don't british slicing is fairly good. proud the 1000000 bushels, but on besides just gray in the 15. some some good it will be coming in. what is though it's the national is to to part in the massacre still convinced they saved the ukraine with his bloody active intimidation. reminders for the oil change over the last year. clinical show you why you produce the football idea. you may not shop watch or go with today. in order for you my sweet to was, he was only on the other dogs who sponsored such raids will give a control of the caption, cities largest enterprises. and they share the profits from these assets. with a new cave authorities scare idea from the columbus boulevard, and i guess part of the bush always to go on public to talk. so you said it was no school mis ideas crane's good. you're supposed what's going on, but it was my little silly. you're going to kill, i'm always stolen grains and will be suitable even could use scanners about him with them on the hoping. you know, if you move to show us the nation litigation, he was one by one nationalist battalion, this truck almost every major city in southeastern ukraine. they shot protest as against the kuta in the streets. so that was a still mozilla, a with a to one moment this. contrib billing cor. well what some policies don't tease any be it for instance, if i should be getting checks, which really is a couple of the principles that she should here. this is sharon paper support body when he's the only thing. so he becomes a model 7 ukraine's major industrial center was the nic city key center nationalist to to current down on protest on may the 9th 2014 tom nationalist entered mary jo, clean ahmed vehicles. it was the day locals were celebrating the traditional holiday victory as a fascism with a a ukrainian military not any small loans. we don't sell home and vehicles against civilians. in the winter of 2014 maria, please sided with the opponents of keys, new policies. battles raised around the cities department of eternal affairs building because i chose the. ready fighting, they just love a get through with the she can the with event the mckinney stone. i don't think it's, i think it's all good. i think it's i need help with did wanted he did with that, but hold it so no comp. ashley done, you know, by in that can leap on our point. i'm asking. yeah, that was our but i need to with that with with the demo, but i think the machine needs a felony somewhat good and you send it with a is that is she is that what you have more than flesh in san to proceed with me about the one you got mobile, that's like a face to face, but he was wondering, you know, with the list of all of a huge with it all captured towns, the nationalists made mental wrists and persecuted. those they accused of standing in the way of the new ukrainian state. they send detainees to private prisons without trial one such prison with it, mary, you black watch. boy, you can then when you buy me cheap to my you, when you to pete is a cheese to provide you with assume that both of epa formulas could be a separate sample. even the most of them should be in the when you have so. so the key been, am she put a cheese in front? what's out of them? can you saddle, j e will get you my be not simply cause show up again, but the new problem somebody'll chuck joules nozzles. pamela, a call jealous. law id. but the mom or you could, the command of a new idea is to add some work, you know, dealing was which all wish cause addition just yet i don't want to open up what she meant. but ultimately decent change on apologies was it is all running as well. does it? does she know brucely? i talk to michelle. yeah. this guy still on what she goes for is doing them little to toronto holder. yes. national butting a literature this is oh yeah. family show, but english all fish got national, low disco staple on the oh. and he thought that, you know, with ideally pro other fortunate luck, i believe it was issued deal is all not a little blue earlier. what do i paul? but crucially, florida, she get the alone but good charlotte, deb kick agreed. so. but that is is what's origin hopper autumn to ship to leap key at the willing oceans key. the process is to the dealer. molly can create this data a boiler outcome for full disclosure. usually look, she'd at least give me the set up. and in order to do that, the highest chevy. still a waiting is dynamic. i'm when you go to noun, got a sale. let's try a seal mode 1st. really well in australia, lee, i'm you still plan is all a double or a policy to start on providing a commitment more to more talk wasn't long, ninette dba here in a couple of the pros are of witness 1st hand how the new key. beth's already, he's dealt with dissenters. he decided to resign and switch allegiance to those opposing the nationalist regime. but the most done not put them. i mean, to bring to you. but it was born in new mila. and he is now like the deal with it because i only got the dealer to get ice know, julie's eyes can so easily put the top to bottom, a dear participant column, which is right, we should just know what you said. woocommerce today is ration. but the animals are for opportune, will you up with a, b, c, or do you have to put the sort of issues with the, to puerto, the, on the toyota, no wish importer. yep. i'm usually also getting a still a to check. mitchell got a question. what's on the marker was what the deal with the seller consuming your thinking, what you thought the cd new the only the supposed to punishable a bit of shame, italy scrub which go a 9 year punish the official as you get. all of those are going like you put on your p z. we have all of this is on your policy of like you, okay, well, this is sue. she was for present shields with used to shoes. when you come here is what i ask you, a lot of me do spits loop and you brought it was right. it usually no brings them know what you to buy. told the problem. yeah, video will to teachers, principals. you can go check up with with, with you just open the window door with the door open to a judge it is must. so must, all must have been over. i was just, i don't wanna go on that much enough. please come, so must up on i'm candle critical adjuster to the to the follow the show. a good enough with video when you're below. oh, naturally sca up with a little causal a slow motion, limp on the sheet, on the incomplete innovation you do now show them say by the mere lucy to latuda. you booked a log on the ship. it is leak when what? a slip of the month up on went through to the michael the will. anyway. look, i will order this is just not look like. must bullying. i mean, you came in the room when the she doesn't, but i wish la la mutually a total of angela wished modem, informational as i put almost the total sold out on the other one, when you modeled with them all dialed up on this on the was ania versus all over the hill in watson, at company with conflict. the butch moore released was painted by with a european union have a death wish it would seem so ramp and inflation growing energy and security, demanding unquestioning solidarity regarding ukraine and punishing democratically elected governments are only some of the blocks maladies. to make things worse, there is a dangerous leadership deficit with breaking news. this our, the don nascar, they're gone for republics as well as ukraine's her san and zap hiroshi reagan announced bill referendums on joining russia in the next few days. we get reaction from locals, presenting the ballistic in them. i'll vote in favor of it. all these events have shown that we have one path, the sooner the better. without russia, we have no future. from the very beginning of the special military operation, we are saying that the people at the respective territory should decide that fight


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