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Rafael Campos closing in on 'dream' win at Puerto Rico Open

Rafael Campos closing in on 'dream' win at Puerto Rico Open   Rafael Campos dials in approach to set up birdie at Puerto Rico RIO GRANDE, Puerto Rico – Rafael Campos missed a 1-foot putt for par at the final hole Saturday at the Puerto Rico Open – there is no typo there – but he wasn’t about to let it ruin what had been a magnificent day. Sunday for him could be even bigger.  Campos, 32, is a native son of Puerto Rico and the only current PGA TOUR professional from the island. He grew up in Guaynaba, only a 40-minute drive from Grand Reserve Country Club. This is the 13th edition of the tournament, and only a torn back muscle in 2020 kept Campos from competing in all of them. Twice he has finished in the top 10 here (2016 and 2017), performances that filled his country with pride. This week could be next-level stuff. 


Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 500 20100310

>> he was originally convicted 12 years ago for having child porn, which is why he is required be registered as a sex offender. >> he has not been charged with actual testing of children but he faces counts of possessing child pornography. it >> he is required to report his website to authorities and allegedly did not. during the investigation, the police found more child porn and his home. >> he needs to be under supervision. >> there never has been a charge against mr. dillon involving any encounters with a child. he is out on bond tonight, free to teach piano lessons if he chooses. gail pennybacker, abc 7 news. charles dillon will head to crt at the end of the month to face felony charges of possessing child pornography. newschopper 7 is live at it over a dam, where two fishermen have found a body. a large number of officers are now on the scene. we wilkeep you posted on any developing stories. in developing story of mayor fenty's neighborhood in northwest. a 10-year-old girl found with an object wrapped around her neck has died. they ran to the mayor's security officers for help? >> it was a caretaker that had run to the police down the street. the baby's name is being withheld by the police out of respect for the family. this is a family, we cannot begin to comprehend their pain and grief. as you mentioned, according to sources, they are investigating as the baby's head became entangled in a chord. it was a race to save the baby's life. a woman at a house just around the corner from mayor adrian fenty's home on 17th street frantically carried the 10-month old baby girl to an officer who was on security detail in front of the mayor's house. the baby was not responsive and unconscious. that the officer immediately began groot efforts to save the child's life with cpr -- the officer immediately began heroic efforts to save the child's life with cpr. >> at 9:30 p.m., the baby was pronounced dead at children's hospital. >> i is aragic situation. i can only imagine what the family is going through. >> the case is being handled as a death investigation. detectives are investigating that the baby's head became entangled in a chord. >> for all the grief the family is going through, they have been extremely cooperative and at this point, we have no real reason to believe there is any foul play. >> that is a member of the mayor's security detail parked in front of his home. the exact manner and cause of death will be determined by the medical examiner. jennifer donelan, abc 7 news. more safety problems and the district, a d.c. woman said an ambulance crew would not take her to hospital when she was having breathing problems. she admits on average she takes the ambulance once on month to the emergency room. she suffers asthma and has chronic breathing problems. she claims on december 22, a paramedic did not examine her and refused service. >> i said i really need to get to the hospital. >> she called 911 again, spoke to a supervisor. she was taken to the hospital and spent a week in intensive care. d.c. fire and ems officials are already investigating claims of a 2-year-old who died after an ambulance crew refused to take her to the hospital. metro delays have increased since the deadly june crash, and track problems are to blame. ioperators had to slow down trains because of track safety problems, warren rails, and other safety issues. -- worn rails, and other safety rails. we are on storm watch tonight. despite the nice day, rain is on the way. meteorologist brian van de graaff has a first look. >> another nice day today. the clouds were more numerous, but the sunshine still been through. abc 7 belfort furniture center, looks like a dry evening. at congressional, the links were dry. a few people out there. not as much sunshine. definitely mild. stephens city 62. annapolis 65. 60's at woodbridge. the 63 king george. we have a decent evening, clouds rolling in, it will be mild. there is moisture on the way. we are eping an eye on that to the south and west. the best chance of heavy rain tomorrow night, lasting all the way into the weekend. the updated forecast coming up. >> don't forget that you can get the updated forecast and check super doppler radar by going to a prince george's county police officer has died 10 days after crashing h squad car. brad bell is live in hyattsville. he was a newlywed who came from a long line of police officers? >> that is right, a lot of people knew the guy and he is the symbol of an agency in the morning as the police cruisers are draped in bunting. his father was a cop. old-timers remember him wandering the halls as a child. >> thomas p. jensen. >> his friends say that was one of his proudest moments, the day 5 1/2 years ago when he was sworn in as a police officer, following in the footsteps of his father. >> especially when their parents are former police officers, they want to make a difference out there. >> the police video expert was a good friend with tom johnson for another one of his passions, ice hockey. it that is jensen wearing no. 4, playing on the fraternal order of police team. >> he was always involved in the community, it always involved. >> tom was a really great guy. >> police officer first class thomas p. jensen died last night from injuries suffered february 27 in the line of duty along route 1 in college park when he lost control of his cruiser on a patch of ice. he was running lights and sirens for a call for a burglar. >> it is a punch in the gut. reminds all of us that the shadow of death is never very far away. >> jensen is the 27th officer to die in the line of duty in prince george's county. he was a newlywed. today would have been his five- month anniversary. brad bell, abc 7 news. hundreds of same-sex couples applied for marriage licenses in d.c. during the first week they were available. workers at the county courthouse say there were 466 applications from gay and straight couples. usually there are about 50 applications. virginia lawmakers have approved a bill to change the way student athletes would be treated. it would force coaches to bench players if they receive injuries to their head until they are cleared by a medical professional. but there would have to provide athletes with information regarding concussions. the law would take place july 1, 2011. a woman is accused of using the internet to recruit muslims to fight a holy war. greta cruz has the details of jihad jane. -- greta kreuz as the details. >> she does not fit the profile, a white woman, arrested years ago for dui and check fraud. even her ex-boyfriend says it sounds crazy. >> it is hard to believe. it does not sound like the person that i knew. >> he told reporters he had no idea that his live-in girlfriend of five years, colleen larose, who called herself jihad jane it could be a terrorist. >> she was limited in her cacity. i don't know how much she could do on her around. >> the federal indictment of the 46-year-old on charges of trying to recruit jihad fighters and helped terrorists overseas has shocked her neighbors. >> unbelievable. i cannot believe it. >> they said at lerose was not even religious when she suddenly moved out last august, and she went to europe to train with jihadist and to kill a swedish cartoonist to enraged moslems by depicting the face of the prophet muhammed on the body of a dog. they said it changes the face of terrorism. some disagree. >> i think she is a nut case. she is not in the same category as the other people we have been arresting >> livingston concedes that terrorists are using the internet more and more to recruit and that jihad jane is a reminder america remains vigilant. she is being held without bond in philadelphia. coming up, a serial bank robber is frustrating the police. what makes the case different is the thief is a "she." >> tonight, the police want to know why and 1980's icon has passed away. >> she could have let anywhere. >> next, excitement as the first lady announces where she will give her commencem excitement at a district school tonight. >> michelle obama will give the commencement address at anacostia high school in southeast. sam ford has with the administrators are saying. >> they are naturally delighted. they had a reputation as a troubled high-school. students told me today they have had no fires this school year and are trying to present a positive face to the first lady. at anacostia high school, they are excited michelle obama will speak at their commencement. >> she is the first lady of the united states, the first black lady of the united states. >> she could have gone anywhere and she decided to come here. >> anacostia has a reputation as one of d.c.'s roughest schools. 18 months ago, five students were treated after a fight in which three were stabbed with a letter opener. reading proficiency, only 70%, math 18%. -- reading proficiency 17%, math 18%. this year, the school is slowly turning around, and they think that is why first lady michelle obama is coming. >> that is a critical part of president obama's agenda is turning around failing schools. the race to the top innovation, money, these things highlight efforts like ours. >> programs like teach for america. new test scores are not out yet, but attendance last year at 50% is now up to 70%. >> the teachers are not as old and they can relate to us. we love them. >> the school was so happy to get mrs. obama, they change the graduation date to fit her schedule. this is not the first time the first lady has been here. she was here less than a year ago to talk to a group of 13 anacostia students. the vast majority of students did not get to see her and were annoyed that they did not. she will also speak for commencements at george washington university and the university of arkansas at pine grove. live from southeast, sam ford, abc 7 news. former teenage actor corey haim died early this morning in los angeles. best known for his role in the movie "lost boys," his mother called 911. he had a history of drug abuse. an autopsy will determine the exact cause of death. firefighters in south florida safely rescued four construction workers who were stuck on a draw bridge near pump no beach. hydraulics failed on the bridge, causing it to rise up while the workers were on it. they were wearing safety harnesses. emergency crews in ohio came to the rescue of a dog stranded on an ice covered pond. the team had to use a boat to get to the puppy. ithe rescue team was able to pul him into the boat quickly. around here, dogs swimming and water. >> we had extra clouds today, but it is still nice and mild, mid-60s. mild tomorrow, rain tomorrow night. >> heavy stuff cong? >> a couple of inches of rain possible. 63 right now at broad run, ashburn. we have been averaging in the 60's. 63 right now at ashburn, looking nice. bowie, kenilworth elementary, 59 degrees. look at fredericksburg, 71 south of town. annapolis, naval academy, 50. the light southerly breeze brushing up against the water and temperatures much cooler, 50 in annapolis, 70 fredericksburg. this is the pollen report. the last couple of days, if you have been noticing allergies, the plen was high today. walter reed army medical center sent this information and it really shot up. the combination of the rain, melting snow, and the sunshine warming up. we are looking at quite a bit of pollen, high, the biggest offender the trees today. the 39 ocean city with the cool breeze, 57 elkins, west virginia. southern and central virginia, toasty. 50 atlanta, because of the moisture down there. a lot of moisture off to the west, southwest, slowly progressing to the east. it does not look like it will be until later tomorrow, and to friday. the storm scan, big picture, the warm front to the south, low pressure swing through kansas city, lifting to the north, spurring strong weather from atlanta to charleston. we stay warm all the way through the end of the week, but the clouds become more abundant. tomorrow, mostly cloudy. essentially, the moisture moves in, showers develop. scattered showers thursday, best chance of rain probably the later half of the day. overnight, into friday, a little more energy, charging back up, throwing more rain. widespread flooding concerns, a combination of heavy rain, melting snow. 54 tomorrow at lunch time, showers possible. the best chance tomorrow night, into friday. saturday and sunday, still rain. change your clock. >> one more hour of rain. thanks a lot, brian. is comedy wednesday in prime time. clear is feeling a little jealous. >> women in their 30's on the internet are like ninjas. >> that is not the least. you are going to feel silly. >> hey, phil, how was it killing? >> not all women in their 30's, just for the record. "modern family" at 9:00, followed by abc 7 news at 11:00. >>ouched a nerve. coming up, a serial bank robber is on the loose. i>> what local parents are tryig to do to make sure their babies are born intelligent? >> more energy, more desire. >> up next, the secret to a good sex life. what's this? comcast tv is now xfinity. new name, new logo. we're changing everything. so, 100% fiber optics straight to ur home? over 125 hd channels? no, i mean we changed everything about the name. it's a totally new name from the previous name. xfinity. [ male announcer ] don't be fooled. xfinity is the same old comcast. no wonder verizon fios has 4 times more very satisfied customers. this is beyond cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities this is os. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. announcer: the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line, so why does the journey from where you are to where you want to be have to go through a classroom? it doesn't. from correspondence courses to online platforms, like the graduate school's gs connect, distance education has always helped people on the go, go further. the courses you need, available on your schedule, anytime, anywhere. great moments begin at the graduate school. learn more. visit... what impact this staying fit and healthy have on a person's love and sex life? >> a new study has some answers tonight. horace holmes has the details. >> the study analyzed the responses from 6000 people, and found those in excellent health were much more satisfied with their sex life. this 49-year-old got remarried in october. he said it he has been visiting the sports club and making it a priority. exercise makes other aspects of his relationship better, too. about a lot more energy, a lot more desire. >> a new study suggests middle- aged and older adults who are in good health have more sex, better sex, and more interest in sex. the association is stronger for men and women. >> it is better for you mentally, sexually. >> at age 65, researchers found when men are in good health, the gain an average of five- seven years, and healthy women gained a three-six years. >> i would say have a broader focus. it is your relationship satisfying? >> this 82-year-old agrees. he has been married more than 50 years. while working out may help his relationship, that is not why he does it. since 2000, interest in sex among middle-aged and older men has increased. research suggests that could it be from performance enhancing drugs. >> very interesting. coming up, a food fight in georgetown. some people are celebrating a pizza parlor tradition. >> i am live in centreville. people are looking for a serial bank robber. fairfax county police are trying to find a thief who has ripped off three banks over the past two weeks. what makes the case different is the bank robber is a woman. it natasha barrett is live in centreville with pictures. >> you really do not hear this every day, police say a woman is behind several bank robberies in fairfax county. they also say she is sticking to this general area and centreville and just down the street in chantilly. it happened yesterday. the police say a woman walked into the bb & t bank in centreville and demanded money. >> it shows that anybody -- and be anybody. >> these are pictures of the suspect from surveillance video. the woman is covering her head in this scarf and is wearing big sunglasses. we are told she did not say much. the police say the woman passed a note to the teller that said she had a gun and to give her money. the teller did what she was told. two doors down, it is all customers are talking about. >> very scary. >> also, this northwest federal credit union in chantilly and this credit union and centreville. all within the last two weeks. detectives say the same woman was at all three locations. >> maybe because of the economy? >> then there is this, witnesses told the police they saw a woman matching that description jogging down the street, not too far from the bank. live from centreville, natasha barrett, abc 7 news. federal investigation is underway into a small airplane that violated restricted airspace yesterday. two coast guard helicopters to intercept the single-engine cessna and escorted it to frederick, maryland. they say airspace violations are not unusual and are usually by accident. a new warning after a flashing incident on the popular washington & old dominion trail. a man exposed himself on the trail. the most recent incident happened at 10:00 near the east falls church metro station as a woman walked alone. it is the seventh incident since the beginning of the year. volunteers from a local hospital, doctors, therapists, and nurses, will be leaving on friday to spend a week at a hospital in port-au-prince, hoping to care for patients with spinal cord injuries and orthopedic injuries. the college of william and mary is considering increasing the size of its freshman class that, adding 50 students. a faculty members are concerned about the effects on class sizes and housing. the university is dealing with a budget shortfall of millions of dollars. the smithsonian is adding dozens of pieces from the collection of harriet tubman, who operated the underground railroad. many of the items are personal, including her favorite hymnal and a shawl given to her. it coincides with the anniversary . tubman's death. 7 on your side more trouble for toyota, a new york driver said her prius sped out of control and crashed into a wall. >> from a runaway car in california -- >> it won't slow down. >> to an east coast accident that sent a driver to the hospital, reports keep coming and about toyota priuses accelerate out of control. it wan said she was pulling out of her driveway when her vehicle shot across the street, smashing into the wall. it happened the day after a harrowing a highway accident in san diego. the man was trying to pass another vehicle when his prius sped up. >> how fast are you going? >> over 90. i am trying to slow the car. >> chp told abc news there officer pulled up beside the vehicle, then as both cars approached a couple of big rigs, the officer moved behind. it passed the trucks at high speed. the officer then moved up on the driver sidand used a loudspeaker to shout directions. >> i gave him instructions to apply the brake pedal and the emergency brake at the same time. >> i pressed them as hard as i could. at the end, i did not think there were any breaks left. >> it lost power and rolled to a stop behind the patrol car. the federal government and oil are investigating. the automaker says -- the federal government and auto maker are investigating. the automaker says it is too soon to tell. eric thomas has a look at the traffic conditions. >> looks like things will be slow on the south side of the beltway. in virginia, not a lot of problems right now. slow traffic out of springfield into newington, nothing too bad. maryland, a different story. it all started right here at i- 270 spur, democracy. there was a disabled vehicle, was on fire, and now we are seeing slow traffic on the inner loop of virginia. kind of the same thing we had yesterday, starting at 50, arlington boulevard in virginia, all the way to i-270 north. that is the biggest slowdown. it has been a real problem for a lot of people all through that area. thank you. coming up, every parent wants a smart child, but some are beginning in the womb. >> shutting down a popular georgetown pizza parlor. >> the president takes his health care plan on the road and unveils a new strategy. [ male announcer ] don't like to settle? now that any pizza at pizza hut is just $10, you don't have to. any pizza, any size, any crust, and any toppings is just $10. all your favorite pizzas any way you want them, just $10. a large meat lover's pizza? $10. a large pan supreme? $10. any toppings you want? just 10 bucks, too. any pizza, any size, any crust, and any toppings. so don't miss out. get any pizza hut pizza today for just $10. only at your pizza hut. a different kind of food fight in the district. >> some georgetown residents are celebrating a hard-fought victory to put a pizza joint out of business. stephen tschida has the story. >> some people who hang out in georgetown are not thrilled about it, but those who live in the neighborhood are very happy this door is locked. the hot spot suddenly has gone cold. as these early morning photos show, the pizza joint patrols massive crowds, but as of tonight is out of business. the residents of this georgetown neighborhood complained to the city for years. this man lives across the street. >> there was a tremendous crowd. >> the neighbors have been saying the place that bills itself as a restaurant was actually carry out joint. the city concurred. >> even the mayor showed up to show support for its closure. the battle came to a head this week when a d.c. judge looked at the evidence. the result? the owner voluntarily shut down for good. >> you wake up at 4:00 in the morning and hundreds of kids outside screaming and hollering. >> the owner of the pizza place at it did not want to speak, but others are speaking out. >> he is a great guy. i know he worked really hard on the store to actually try to make it be a little more like a restaurant instead of carry out. >> city officials say the man who owns the place has applied for a new restaurant license. they say it will take a lot more to get this place open again. stephen tschida, abc 7 news. up next, kids playing baseball now that the weather is warming up. 7 on your side with a safety warning for little leaguers. >> next, local parents teaching their children whil okay, let's do this... it's a new year people, we have to hit the ground running. so, we're upgrading to verizon. they have the speed we need, plus rock solid tools like online storage and ironclad internet security. it was built for businesses like ours... now, nothing will stand... 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>> some parents are hoping to get a jump-start in the womb. >> weeks from being born, this baby's parents think she already has an eclectic taste in music. from mozart to family favorite michael jackson. they are using this prenatal music player, hoping to expose their baby to different kinds of music and even languages before she is born. >> i step father is russian, not my father is italian. just so she recognizes the sounds and they are familiar to her. >> the maker say it provides and relaxing environment which is better for muscle development. scientists question if this and other devices actually help babies learn in utero. >> i don't think there is adequate research at this point. >> paul lott and curtis think their daughter might be evidence. they credit the prenatal education system with her palm demeanor and ability to self sooth. >> we love the result. not using it was not an option. >> the fetus hears the sound. which sounds like the mother's heartbeat. that encourages the baby to tell the difference. that may be questionable to professionals. >> if anything, it sends mixed signals. >> this family says so far, young chelsea has been perfectly healthy. they hope she and her unborn little brother both have a leg up on learning. >> i think it is to our benefit. >> another doubt professionals have is whether the sound the fetus here's is too loud since fluid in the uterus transmits sound so clearly. since there is not much research about the devices, they urged parents to bear on the side of caution. >> just this morning, one of the couples and the story became parents. the whole family is doing well. we're told she is brilliant. >> ag reading yet? -- is she reading that? a warning for the parents of young baseball players. new studies show arm injuries among little league players are happening more frequently. itpitchers -- pitchers and catchers often have arm injuries because their muscles are not listened properly. lawmakers are considering a measure setting a minimum age for tanning beds. last year they said they were definitive cancer calder's. teenagers are often night owls, but for some trouble sleeping may be more serious than it looks. sleep experts say many adolescents are dealing with delayed sleep phase syndrome. some cases are severe enough that teenagers need treatment to reset the internal clock, including a light box for several minutes. and family and kentucky got an unexpected surprise. a mother did not know she was pregnant until she went into labor. she thought her stomach was hurting and went to the bathroom and realized she was in labor. >> i got down on the floor of the bathroom and he was out and two pushes. >> on the way to the hospital, the new mother had to pick up hertz 7-year-old from school. >> some things you will never understand. i am a guy, what can i say? >> another brian looking at the forecast. >> we have not the rain approaching for the latter half of tomorrow and through the weekend. there will be some flooding concerns. i think tomorrow, the first half of the day, mild and gray. 51 right now in warrenton. 59 in frederick. hi this afternoon of 65. milder to the south. clarksville, 56, 57 poolesville. the low pressure spinning around through the midsection, lifting to the southeast. rain and heavy storm activity from alabama to georgia, atlanta, all the way toaleigh. over to the maps, tomorrow, mostly cloudy, mild, best chance of showers tomorrow night and beyond. the weekend could be a smoker. there could be flooding. tomorrow, maybe some sunshine, otherwise mostly gray. 10 degrees above average. friday, mild, rain heavy at times. monday, the rain still lingers. should kick out by the middle part of next week. set your clocks ahead and change the batteries in your smoke detectors over the weekend. tim brant escaped. he is down in greensboro, north carolina, for the acc tournament. >> this is a great time of the year for me, rain or no rain we are indoors, virginia tech practicing behind me. maryland is expected here at 7:00. it is rare to come to north carolina and have the maryland terrapins the top of the town, but that is what happened today, with gary williams the acc coach of the year, greivis vasquez the acc player of the year. the georgia tech head coach at the news one day late. >> congratulations to him. he is a great player. >> greivis vasquez, acc player of the year. >> he has an uncanny ability to make the big shots. >> vasquez scored 20 points and was a huge down the stretch as the terps beat uva. >> he has poise in the midst of the storm. when the game is on the line, most times he will make the play that leads to victory. >> vasquez averages almost 20 points per game and leads the acc and assists, but that is just part of the store. >> some people just have it. >> he is talented, but there are a lot of talented players who are not capable of doing the things he has done. >> this terps fan sticks out like a sore thumb and carolina country, waiting all day to get a glimpse of vasquez. >> he is amazing. just have to keep cheering him on. >> i am not kidding about theo jones, there he is. he has been here since 10:00 this morning, sitting in the same seat, watching every team practice. the maryland terrapins take the floor at 7:00 p.m. this evening. the zero jones so far has been the mvp. how about the georgetown hoyas? madison square garden, the hoyas with a tough game and the big east and south florida. a win by 20 points. greg monroe, 11 points in the second half. the big difference was the georgetown defense. the hoyas held south florida to 29% shooting. that sets up a heck of a match up in the big east tournament. georgetown and number 3-ranked syracuse. maryland is coming up. and the capitals play carolina tonight and the phone booth. more on that at 6:00. consider this a think you that was up in the air for 65 years. >> the nation's gratitude arrived at the nation's capital, the female pilots who served in world war ii. they were young and fearless. these trailblazers headed to sweetwater, texas, to begin trading as aviators in the u.s. air force during the darkest days of world war ii. they flew more than 60 million miles, training pilots, but never served in combat and were considered civilians, even though 38 were killed in the line of duty. six -- six decades later, the air force service pilots were honored with congressional gold medals, the highest achievement congress can give to civilians. accepting the award was this was the pilot. >> we did it because our country needed us. >> your contributions made possible a more complete america, a more perfect union, and a more effective united states air force. >> praise also came from texas senator kay bailey hutchison. >> on behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your service. >> and the first female speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, said she felt a bond with the pilots. >> the sky is not even the limit any more for the women of our nation. >> it was not until 1977 that president jimmy carter signed legislation giving the women at airforce veteran status. today's ceremony is one in a series of those recognizing people who served and world war ii. thursday, the navajo code talkers received congressional medals. >> nothing like setting the record straight. that is it at 5:00. coming up at 6:00, president obama it is taking his health care message to the people. >> $3 billion, 1000 lives. >> why congressman patrick kennedy was so fired up on the house floor today. >> this does not sound like the person that i knew. >> just who is jihad jane? new information about the american woman accused of trying to help terrorists. captioned by the national captioning institute


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