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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20140920

the temperature starting things often the upper 50s low 60s by lunch time we should see some clearing. debentures this afternoon's pre much with such as today a person sees coesite mid- 70s and said the bay we are talking whats the son sean barrel below his yacht they're still dealing with the smoke from the fire. seller in our shows again or not and were dry not looking up rain pushing of the push of the east. yet again same substance scenario as last week so that said we could see showers wednesday night into thursday close look for that coming up in the extended forecast. mila >> : two men forced the girl of van nuys it assault occurred. no suspects lateson. >> : to man of 37 as a police say canadian girl and sexually assaulted her. it's terrible >> : kron 4 caught in the afternoon the two men pulled up to grow on a white the silverman. she's sitting at this bus stop on saratoga campbell avenue and police say the man polder in the vehicle and sexually assaulted her in broad daylight. >> : the drop the girl off a block away before steep off. all happening at a busy intersection businesses were this letter mother says she'll keep a closer eye on her daughter. >> : a letter do a lot of things very protective taking her friend it to movies and trip and off. >> : considering the coverage allow a fire burning in el dorado county the king fire is consumed about 120 square miles that is more than 76,000 a. stories say fighting the fires costing $5 million a day the blazes a license percent contained this morning how 50 it open right now but each expect ways of the travelling in that direction. >> : mathews story of wade pleaded not guilty of carrying court on friday as a 37 year-old wayne huntsman now being held on $10 million bail a story is a of >> : a sore hearing for about homes burn in the king's fire small community just east of pollen playas assessing its losses neighbors gathered try to comfort each other as it looked ill afford devastation. some homeowners clinton wednesday fire officials at the time were still reporting that no homes were damaged. >> : to be told that there's been no sport >> : we had no notification until this morning. they dropped fire retardant watter. >> : in the meantime firefighters dropping record-breaking odds of fire retardants try to stop flames this but spreading so far used more than a half-million gallons of the red. >> : meantime more destructive fire near the small city of cisco county now 95 percent contained the fire has burned for under 79 a. of a hundred homes still standing this morning set of city officials ordered 43 homes nine other buildings have been destroyed. tomorrow a national clean up dave thousands of volunteers are the world of both good ashore for annual call to action to tighten up parks and beaches very busy in the bay area at as usual every year. by the ocean beach this morning with the latest >> : estimates of people shows here ocean beach organizing this cleanup site the california coastal commission organized hundreds of times across the bay area and across the state of california runs for 9:00 till noon today they encourage anyone and everyone to come on out and help clean up the coast. here in ocean beach one of many different cards of the bay area we're out here last year plan certain rain on austin nonetheless 50,000 volunteers to collect 50,000 t of trash and disciples from beaches inland waterways. if the gold stud get rid of this and hazardous cigarette butts plastic plastic bags especially harmful while blessed which become entangled in the bag at the national the debris is discussing a look at. to yours the 30th and the nursery of the cleanup after justin and organizers recommend to bring on board because likely those you find is a your campsite the list of where you have confined upset at kron4-dot- com coming up in a clock will tell you the most prevalent eyas on here and clean up day and seeing so that's our. >> : the check back with him struck the newscast coming up on kron 4 news weekend major road closure the north bay how much impact weekend travel plans. hundreds of newborns' exposed to tuberculosis co of hostile response. severs is mcmurtry reacting to the growing problem of prostitution. estragon several miles of highway 37 in the north bay a closure won't allow crews are massive repaving project trulls clifford and details on the project and the drivers what they need to know. from 10:00 p.m. friday evening to to 5 monday morning caltrans closing east-west all lanes of highway 37 between the wallet avenue exit in aleppo and intersection of 37 sitter 121 9 mi. west during a clutter approval begin laying the groundwork to repave all lanes. hutchinses the closure is necessary for safety reasons. >> : it is a stretch where it's very remote and are in need in the middle of the house. such as also advising drivers to avoid the week area this weekend as sony's to run the closures state use state wrote 211 in detoured. such as also plans to shut down both directions of 37 next week and their last week of september roadway will be closed 10 p and 5:00 a.m. monday through friday so crews can finish up behaving work. >> : a minibus hit pedestrian the market and seventh street the collision happened just after 6:00 p.m. in says the pedestrian's taken to hospital with injuries to the ankle the other person was injured on the bus during the accident hit a hospital with a hip injury accident temporarily stops traffic. religious service resumed again last night. news this morning deadly accidents between vehicle pedestrian insults of francisco ca fees as a happen 130 this morning at the intersection of westborough brought boulevard and servile are no details on the release rehab ward for rationed as it comes available throughout the morning. >> : cities service under scrutiny after intruder how the west end's netted as far as the front door of the story coming up will first allied look outside a cloudy conditions in downtown san francisco and kron 4 news weekend sudden 15 the saturday morning a lot of folks have up to bay area beaches today to help out in the coastal cleanup effort what kind weather to expect. along a coastline we are talking about conditions we have that base what the see be mostly cloudy conditions for much of the coastline also going to be a little hazy about their reporting smelling smoke outside their doors and doesn't take a look at temperatures are in although off to a mall store it's a little heated up there still is differences got 65 and 63 currently in oakland. we do have locals along the coastline right now made a hot title clause extending and the livermore valley most of the burns off as a head into the early afternoon again it will be another day was cloudy conditions cosigned his ascension expected in london and as a focus and temperature future test passes i stumble rings six seasons said the bay '70s a snake in for inland valleys and o'clock in the motion here approaching three this afternoon we see of the low 80s saw all in all still the land temperatures cooler than where we should be for this time of year. the high expected in your neighborhood to a redwood city again 88 milpitas campbell ladies 86 degrees and evergreen and sunspots we will still try not or signed and the lady to 86 in pittsburgh 67 is a long easter shoreline downtown san francisco hitting the upper 60s and sunday 79 degrees in petaluma. >> : much in the forecast or four days to continue with more fog afternoon sunshine temperatures a little cooler than average. you'll throw russia and the pattern wednesday to thursday was pacific storm approaching 20 and 30 percent chance of us would showers this one up this huge rainmaker again it we will sit we can get into the minds generally see the first real rain this season for last week of september. >> : national is a sporting washington dc circuits service identified the man allegedly jumped over the last house fence on friday. >> : this is cell phone video showing a man making it across the north lawn of the white house add-on been accused of dumping on the north fence making a pass the front doors of the white house before he was arrested. the actions >> : of this for you on the missing university of virginia student charles the police have a new person of interest in this year's surge the department car they believe a to year-old haggar a man got into a car with that man the day she disappeared. please had no probable cause to arrest him. >> : was our legal basis to obtain him. in accordance browser and seen the person is in custody not because we know who we is. of the best years offering $50,000 reward for information leading to the cause of her disappearance. >> : pilot passenger for research and virginia witnesses told authorities or to single- engine plane flying very low when it went down in a field by race track. racing event for the weekend continues as planned snow on the ground was hurt but the faa ntsb are investigating. officials and all passed the several new ones they've been exposed said tuberculosis at memorial hospital the babies and more than four employees were exposed to an active case of tb between september 2013 august of this year of health of the shows address the situation at a news conference friday. >> : hospital is safe. his american hospital for a while pre >> : of the officials working to a sewage patients and plays expose their being can contacted beat with instructions for testing. >> : other big news battle nfl commissioner roger goodall breaking into dell told the news conference in new york friday where he apologized for the handling of the harris case. also refuse to step down in the wake of the scandal also announced that the sweeping policy ordering all players and staff on will institute seems to undergo a bit use prevention training. >> : we recognize sexual sought and violence that exists everywhere in every community i comic racial and ethnic groups it affects all of us. >> : a glitch in the education sessions will begin within the next month and he said that he set about to conduct also taskforce said to be ready by this rule. take a look at this hundreds of baltimore ravens fans lined up at the same to it should and whereas jersey. the team offering to exchange the jersey because of the massive violence charges against him. early friday morning winds estimated a half mile the team is letting fans exchangers is again today. >> : it now for the commissioners address prankster's bent for a to the news conference like to resources all on our kron4-dot-com >> : residents upholstery and services goes say they're seeing an influx of prostitution. stan rubin spoke with people who live in the area and worked there as well. >> : if you live here on " street prostitution is common. they tend to say something is really put your head down and keep walking. working on the upholstery he seen a change. our home 3:00 in the morning as the authorities see about the same woman dressed. you can always pick of pummelo prostitution is growing in scope. >> : it increasingly as i would say always been prostitution korean industry currently they roll around all of place to serve as the play's over a lot for phrases he's made, profile bus and effort to slow this some have a website police say it helps prostitutes help find clients. visited the site and helps no such services appears a message from the fbi saying they've taken on the site. on-line marketplace have been shut down but the principle of supply-demand supply when the bartender gus says it's losing services lot of lonely rich guys. the pleas of a special unit devoted to sex crimes of partially not able to comment on the story. >> : coming up on news weekend we recap bay area sports highlights giants and a's of trinity's playoff hopes alive. live look outside through the bay bridge you conceive credit conditions and the spate erica as for testing just furious. at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. barest for stress ticking on the raising stand in san diego and other poor outing for giants starter templates and lodging for runs in the first inning and that wasn't more than enough for the love of jazz offense managed three hits a little ball a less night second consecutive for hudson his last start he giveth 4 run in the first inning to dodgers. a joke the one response for the jazz won two-thirds of for less light not nearly enough to address was it five to nothing. the giants and dodgers pilots less light dancing have to is behind the dodgers and the ls and only one game up on the pirates for laptop wild card. meantime the a's facing the phillies interleague play in oakland got a jump to an early lead three consecutive singles with two outs with a free run lead early in the second inning. oakland starter john westward through seven innings for the a's last night killing be-bop one run phase one by a file of 31 west 16th when of the season tied for second in the american league. more good news for the a's for royals lost less like giving oakland half-game lead on the top of a wild-card spots felt so bad manners to the conceive their oakland keep on the phillies this afternoon first " pitch schedule for 1:00. >> : bears and arizona is again the wildcats tonight at 7:00. san jose spartans are restored to get the golden gophers their stuff like game at 1:00 this afternoon. >> : castro is bounceback the lesson is not done join me this sunday night as a brick on plus the raiders batiste acting on tom brady and the patriots and the chance neighs both bell for the playoffs sports i live tonight sounded nine. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ try to the check the weather forecast. the morning ever live start of the live look in san francisco agency that all the buildings so it is in free great starts here saturday and to which are now on the upper 50s live '60s. into the afternoon we see a person newsletter rose 74 reason oakland pleasanton and new high before and mid-80s for any ad hoc and livermore. as we head into tomorrow local where they continue c dense fog for the lots of sunshine and afternoon. f. mondale a warmer ball all but looking at many changes in the forecast of the next couple days. we are however keeping an eye on summer expected wednesday night in the details coming up at 745. airline substance of that amount neglect they marched dogs left behind after the owner was the victim. spent some time with those dogs who were receiving treatment. >> : the is the pictures shown to the $8 to dogs fun awesome francisco animal care control. dog suffering from malnutrition and parasites ens really evident photos. freddie we visited the dogs on the care of city officials. and will care also officers tells the dogs former owners were evicted and left them behind it at home at the admission. no animal there is be treated like this. that took place wednesday later that day the dogs were found abandoned meeting the potters of these animals kept them now nourished and filthy. well it is obvious the dogs have long ago those with l care control believe they are going to be ok. >> : are more focused now on the way from that situation now on our hands and getting the care they deserve. >> : another news this morning city of richmond could be looking a lawsuit for the federal officer involved shooting last weekend turning john burris says he plans awesome the city an officer the lawsuit is on behalf of the 24 roles because family burris says the witnesses contradicting the officers description of what happened burris says that would this is never saw richard pres reached for officer's gun. in the meantime moral service being held for prez's afternoon and the park in richmond. >> : sara's please again for help in trying fire missing teenage girl to collect for a 60 year-old rebecca weaver please say she went missing from her house about a club wednesday night officers dacia a medical condition requiring daily medication which she does not have with her. weaver is listed a 5 ft. 8 in. tall pearson's on her ears and nose anyone with any information is asked to call the santa rosa please pardon. bay area to restrain costs out lucas and hurricane are dull styling making tobacco ads across mexico last week leading thousands of people watch as the food watter several hours or some combo are shut down because of the damage and scores of people stranded for days. >> : people desperate to get our play in the federal again on up on it and put the get back saved all us it was incredible. first three days were very fun but the last four definitely bad. research and several of the best we could. dozens of tourists generally the area it international airport remain code test and things leading liver >> : thousand sticking from the union city church of robbery happened tuesday night at the san and catholic church on to wallstreet investigators to suspect entered the church to window and so $6,000 in cash please chivvying video for the surveillance cameras of the girl who the suspect is. still had on news weekend we find out what markers of cutting jobs and the bay area. coming up catching drivers' cutting one particular violation and sadie to easy trail how an exhibition of people hitting barely. last meth preparations of the wonderland music festival at shoreline at this year kron 4 rap lotus shows expected traffic delays commuters in the area will face all we chemlawn. >> : as early as nowing people that are not heading to the shoreline amphitheater this week and still stay far away the on order land bay area is a saturday and sunday shoreline its arrays coming up love music and a lot * of party drugs coups fail from previous beyond mortal and events causing the start arriving tonight the sporting it goes almost midnight police warning of intoxicate drivers are asking people to stay away from this fairly sizable area and possibly see the line right here if you're attending please encourage cable car pool or to an alternative forms of transportation. >> : happening today got good tennis world record in cupertino tosses of the events say that does it lawfulness parade of all a trick cars record and 481 and told police best windigo is your proper treuhand cupertino priest as a clock in 20 minutes >> : coming up on kron 4 news weaken the close look at surrounding the release of live phone sixth in the meantime a live look outside the fromentin cam plans to close keeping things nice and great. some of the store is a pitfall for is one itself the committee on alert after two men forced to grow into a van and then sexually assaulted her. according to police had been tuesday afternoon while the girls sitting at a bus stop and saratoga and san jose. the men according to police then dropped across zero hundred a block away still on the loose. that all fire burning in el dorado county not black and 120 square miles to the six filmmakers fighting the fire accosting estimated $5 million a day was only 10 percent contained in the meantime the man accused of setting the firemen first court appearance yesterday caltrans strutting down highway 37 in the north bay long cruises certain repaving that part of the highway all lanes are closed in both directions this weekend between malmo avenue exit and vallejo and intersection of highway 37 to route 121 how trends advising drivers to avoid the area altogether but do need to get on the bay area this weekend used 029 and 121. as a detour. time now for a weather forecast and the north bay everywhere and the bay area we store the day off with pretty cloudy conditions we do have dense fog rates are as looking live to the and the bridge for temperatures a lot of lotus 6 is out there is evidence is stored in 65 the morning san jose at 63 and north of the golden gate bridge i do one mention that a shift in the wind is bringing some smoke from the things fire into the bay area to the mind that is a pre smokey today and sunshine were deduces a little hazy. the cloud cover for the most part will start to broth always been a temperatures today recently as to do is to " the fullest of year. as a focus on dimeters effort to test for shows it to record cover location so '60s do however make to the '70s and where more italian all but the locations in the south bay put the clock in a motion yours but this afternoon '80s are welcomed into the forecast and again not too hot today to start small is now in the air. as we bring down the temperatures for you fremont's 7082 and santa clara semitism low eighties in san ramon valley and 85 degrees in an sec. danton's death as a stow staying in the upper 50s and up the line country high of 80 days to sit in berkeley and san at 767 tel. is ahead at this and they run the bay forecast we will see again now change the forecast of the next couple days a chance for showers wednesday night and thursday in international services calling for 20 percent chance. it to 15 in the afternoon at an officer will welcome all of our with petro looking for specific type of file later. as it tends to pull driver over trevor polls to left. yet is the driver was the only one in the vehicle and car pool their cars to passengers. trevor, and it was an emergency. >> : cheeks when the emergency and stay a hazard than then also known as the car pooling corporates and 5:00 a.m. to 2 at the time and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. mondays through fridays shortly after the driver is trevor and honda civic and a car loan. jurors doing something called tipping and drivers jump in and out of traffic by using a car poulenc. the writer for this driver yet another one on a pickup truck. ever since his having to the airport testified at 530 the moment slater yet another car pulled by letter this time of pre is the dog legal in the carpool lane. susan lee complaints or drivers on a mercedes in carpeaux illegally it took 40 minutes for us deplore for drivers. one driver every 10 minutes touching them was easier almost too easy if your including the driver had + 2 mi. >> : apple fans are rejoicing for the latest i phone is finally over. 05 on six and six + one on sale friday people some mine sunday ticket buyers even slept on incredible stores for days apple says that it sold a record 4 billion star funds and on the be available for pre order last friday there's kron fortran snapping a soft touch with cook. orders of closing research lab and on view company spokesperson confirmed the news friday a lawyer in the week they said it was cutting 121 jobs across the country 160 of those jobs in california and got you close to 50 people microsoft described the move as a consolidation of the west coast labs. so cercis as a result so as 2500 bay area employees. >> : but the sun deal took with have to bring company announced friday company not going to any details with says plans to keep the classic recipes consistent quality of the product pestos number of well-known american brands including have lower it written and malt liquor called 45. a big movie sitting fears meet this weekend might or check our in the meantime to clive looking outside at the center bridge this time around a much traffic on this cloudy conditions. because he check your movie mary molly new releases now showing. all-star cast comes together in this is where i leave you with the father dies force live and the chow for home for one week rather overbearing mother played by james fun. >> : sunday 0 run >> : and national emotional baggage wasn't them. this is where leave you rated r. >> : in the maze runner group of boys trapped in seven days. >> : to have to join forces for a skating only hope is for the new arrival maize for her best-selling novel or a pg- 13. it pleaded please adjust your walk among the tombstones drug kingpin in find so who connecting killed his wife. >> : a walk among the tombstone is there are. in tosca pot tester has a canadian woods every estrange effort old man. i travel around interview where interesting people build them played by michael parks drug to then proceed to turn tosca's are in our >> : san diego zoo the part show when office knew jocose the fell cubs born september 4th and they way three weeks it pounds each. then the cubs for the public to see hours each day and 78. also armadillo guy for a busy road after heavy rain in houston houston area for hang hard by flooding recently that assault the ears of the rescued from their stalled vehicles. but the but the sky take a look at that very starry night open space chow member for ness of the commission for one less saturday aboard the orbiting space station. the pals of you see there on the left side of screen part of a tv spacecraft at the outpost. still had four on kron 4 news weekend deal offers way and come this romantic getaway in the bay area. i felt pressure roger goodall single-family but domestic violence plaguing the league: clear up the nfl house pre live hundreds of people flocking bay area beaches all for good cause live at this year's close oakland. the land live look outside for about him camps of the light blink of cloud cover gray start to morning breaking down the highest and charlie next week and yes we do have a chance for in the four test breaking that down coming up will return the search is on for tonight to sexually assaulting and girls sat out the day in broad daylight and california wildfire scorching thousands of acres of raw county latest for you on containment efforts there. some of the smoke actually heading out in the bay area from the kings fired details but that means for afternoon forecast coming of. >> : mornings for joining us kron 4 news weekend and it is a clock now time to get a weekend forecast grade >> : we are star in the morning off with three overcast conditions very cloudy in fact fog signal the building and said the take a live look at san francisco temperatures right now upper 50s low 60s by lunchtime some of a cloud cover will start to clear the will be little smoky outside a shift in wind direction is bringing some of that smoke from the king fire in the bay area stock advisor is currently in effect so nly keep that in mind into the afternoon temperatures range from upper 60s to aside the mid- 80s and went to we are looking at dry conditions for today honestly further flores weekend. we do have tinges talk well into next week highlighting the possibility of coming up the next poor. >> : in the saar and ease bay worries affect major delays and the concord disparate bay. stations because service was stopped earlier this morning and to officials call equipment problem on the track. norwest on service resumes applause and hobart station officials warn there could be delays going to sfo today. one lane of interstate highway it by the west on closing livermore digress fire this morning chp says the blazes burning just east of the rainbow wrote off ramp that land as a stage reopen according to officials with the hour. continuing our coverage in the wild firebrand and eldorado county can fire is consumed 120 square miles. more than 76,000 a. and a flurry say fighting the fire is costing $5 million blaze going to 10 percent contained this morning how 50 is open but could expect delays of travelling in that direction credence >> : back to to an arson charge in court. some 37 year-old wayne hudson being held on $10 million bail stories have not said what has led to this is a rest now they have released a possible motive. also here in the homes that were burned in the kings fired small contagious east of the pines assessing its losses committed neighbors gathered to try to comfort each other some homeowners say since wednesday claimed that the fire officials of the time were still reporting that no homes were damaged. >> : i know is true in some members were hurt when their resources exploded >> : no indication anything was lost until this morning. the drop fire retardant on it watter air crews >> : meantime fire fighters dropping record amount of fire retardant detritus up the funds from spreading. more than half million dollars of that red ferrari. more restrictive fire in the small city of the border cisco county 95 percent contained a fire burned for its 79 a. along hundred homes still friends this morning. ford the two buildings and other buildings have been destroyed. south bay community of our after two men forced to grow into a van as such is altered by san jose police looking clothes suspects caught it before has lace investigation. >> : these are sketches of the two men in their thirties san jose police say kidnapped young girl and sexually assaulted her. >> : tuesday police say the wrong for harken afternoon two men pulled up to grow at a white silverman. she was sitting at this bus stop on saratoga campbell ave. and police say that they meant holder in the vehicle and sexually assaulted her broad daylight. summary people round of that sum would help. the drop the broth a block away live for speeding off crete all this happening a busy intersection and their businesses where this mother says she don't will keep a closer eye on her daughter. i know what to do a lot of things and very protective. >> : happening today national coastal cleanup day thousands of volunteers around the world since flocking to the shore for annual call to action to help tidy up parts of the beaches saw mike pelton reporting live this morning from motion beach in san francisco with more strings of volunteers around you. >> : the morning sun is in place repined me was so clear up the difference nine this morning till noon about an hour from now surf these volunteers with buckets of many forms of a brief find nestled across the coast not at ocean beach one of hundreds of clear up this you find today across california and across the bay area as today marks the 30th annual coastal cleanup day it organized by california coastal commission last year ocean beach rain compared to the turnout sit where 50,000 volunteers turned out hoping for 100 also volunteers struggled today the goal is to urge california's coast inland waterways with treasury board and other debris coastal commission says the cigarette butt of most prevalent i am correct the cockpit. plessey said the most dangerous and most important piece to get out. >> : plastics are a very difficult item for us to pick up as we move more towards the packaging more more stuff is adding up on the environment and coming archive. . see as crusoe this morning it was a list of we can find a clear sign near you toward kron4-dot- com as a comeback are here live coastal cleanup day from our car this morning and then any clear upset to go to live with find bucket's things to use press on off the find and off a threatened 02 website how about bring your own booking gloves at as a backup. >> : to reinforce the point on clark a stow how long. tell moon the bring up the point is unclear to coast any day course today and do it with hundreds of nichols's friends. >> : coming up on kron 4 news began traveling in the north bay we road closure to tell you about probably it will affect the movement on the north bay several miles of highway 37 are shut down we have the calling of average slid scandals with nfl commissioner roger to dell speaking out about has redone to improve the league. >> : league. >> : e innovation starts... right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ at the very touch point of performance and innovation. it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. a broader mix of energies, world needs to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. chechen dogs are miles of public 37 the north bay the closure lasker's to start a massive repaving project charles crawford has details on the product in our drivers need to know. he lent 10:00 p.m. friday evening 5 monday morning coachman's will be closing all east-west all lanes how 37 between the walnut avenue exit in vallejo and intersection of 37 state route 121 9 mi. west. during the closure crews will begin laying the groundwork to pave all flying cut chances of the full closure necessary for safety reasons. the to do a whole closure for safety for more sanford workers the contras workers. it is a stretch where it's very remote and on there's concrete needing in the middle of a high. >> : russians also revising drivers to avoid the areas weekend but someone does a deuteron the closure use 029 0121 as detoured after this weekend's conference plans to shut down all the churches of 37 last next weekend during last week's september the roadway close from 10:00 p.m. to 5 a.m. monday to friday crews can finish of the paving work. >> : in this morning deadly accidents between vehicle protestors and sell some francisco chp says the have and one-third is one of the intersection of boulevard know the details really so far and get list for you as it comes available. surf data news weekend the creator as a show with to combine the scenes is the biggest tourism hall with the coming up the first to the level drug cycling conditions in the bay out death sentences carries a forecast coming up. >> : d fomanyit'sbes stggleo ke youa1c wn. so imagine, what ither waa neclasof micinthat works diffentlto lowebloosuga image, ling ur nbers inoducg onceailynvoka® it's the fst oa ne nd opresipti medine that'ssed ong th dt and erci to wer ood sugar indult th te 2 abet. invoka® ia on-dai pil at wks aund e clk to he low a1c here's howthe dneyallo gar be sorb backnto e bo. invokana®educ themoun sug alled bk inand sends someugarut toughthprocs. and whilit's nofor igh, it m helyoulo somweig. invoka® c cau imrtansideffec, including hydrion,hichay caussomeeoplto he lo of body water d sa. this may ao cae you feedizz faint, lighead, oreak escial . othesideffec mayincle kiey , genital ast fectns,urary act fe, changes urition gh passi in e bld, or ireas in olesrol. do not te inkana if u haveeverkidn proems are on diasis ifalrgico ia or i ingdien. symptoms oalleic reacon m incde rh, swellingdiffultybreaing n youxpernce any of theseymp, stop takininvona®nd cl ur dtor ght ay ogo t thneart hoital tell youdoct abo anmedil coitio, medicatis yoare king d ifou he kiey oriverrobls. using voka® wh a suonyleaa incrse rk oflow ood gar. it'sime. lower yourlood sur wi i. aginlovi younumbers. ask yourocto abt inkana. this first release saturday with kron 4 news weekend after texas temperatures right now everyone headed up to 60 is low sixties for the north basin francisco currently 65 degrees set was a good morning year's 62 also free overcast out there we have some i dense fog along a coastline cloud cover extending out to livermore valley was to burn into the but kind of hazy sunshine and some a shift in wind direction trunks up from the king fire in the bay area could also use a lot saw really saki later on today. fitch has four shows by tall clocks xi's the most part. out in the inland area '70s are decree bandanas with the clock and motion were to sue the city is probably in south east bay interior valleys evergreen a 62 in santa clara on view today looking at a high of 77. ladies for fairfield vallejo today 76 mid-70s and seven and zero spent on services good today conferences tonight and heading up the one country. seven on the day forecast goes to is that you weather pattern flexible days with more in fog afternoon sunshine but some could bring the break into bay area right now, for 20 percent chance trade >> : georgian affair people in the world highly recommend the new documentary about him all along with the autobiography but what they've done a social slumbered autobiography to get all kinds of bears people read about themselves some over in themselves and so you gene packs for the this together a show going on five years in new york here about it like crazy and one see if it the opposite end of his coming here said francisco. so said to be doing a show in san francisco and for two nights it's incumbent for four hours reading the actual words of other celebrities people in audience and hear it in dextrins wait in these people wrote that in a book it is fast and we do not a legendary stories was with taylor richard burn eddie fisher the rales and zero words acted out by people from willard and lorraine newman amazing so funny. we do these gritty match ups were celebrities talk about what food they love so have shared their restraints in yields the deck a diaper not talking about their diet with the keep in their refrigerator. sun is their words that is such a great idea i read these books and one week so i love them sometimes shocking but continue. >> : every detail they put in a book was called before the close to tears up a fad or who led crushes on how late make a fruit shake. one of reference the distance travelled beyond state and her co-workers for early book but there the state's troubled soul survivors or tinsel result should mario can tell it reading from his books >> : the reason you do this is the stuff is amazing it could bring out loud to a even believe it. quickly inspired by a team across autobiography. a >> : she talks about the challenging the battles of the fortune in yet one day my belt broke had the hang on to that and keep putting on those your the says iman in front of the map audience it's so simple in their own words not making fun of anyone they wrote it and we hope we clara great are formed and to experience this. >> : that's feinstein's to me go beautiful at the nikko hotel out very easy to get to the still some tickets available tonight. and people should go to this as a ball. i tell you about the show really quick this is a movie and this goes like this may fans of the book jonathan is called many fans in the book where i leave you. screenplay by jonathan and should be good two-story people is so gentile they care more about the call them the food. >> : the get any hall without a jewish. but did so nonethnic about these that have a wonderful star senate people choose fonda jason bateman to and if they but they do a to the unforgettable film not worser time and money its light weight and its make it so it can understand from the kurdish and satellites. >> : in the meantime guess yourself to show celebrity autobiography tonight and more night to the caught so fond for willard so fun so we will be back after this and said over party. do i coming up on news weekend ladies and gents highlights coming up for a live look outside approach to the bay bridge and still somewhat hazy cloud deconditions will bridge and still somewhat hazy cloud deconditions will be right back. ...we need to break up. bridis it the biting?what hazy cloud deconditions will be right back. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. and serta mattress sets. save up to $300 on sealy posturepedic even get 24 months interest-free financing on every tempur-pedic. but don't drop the ball. mattress discounters fall kickoff sale ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters despite the league's domestic abuse scandal the nfl pressure says is not going and are more than weekend as a news conference in new york yesterday and if the commissioner apologized for its handling of the scandal made clear that even he is my considered leaving his post as the make calls for rv. said down. the amount from a sweeping changes for the nfl. >> : tehran number of calls from a process the l.a. to decision reached. but now out to write and deliver is necessary to accomplish that. on larger bill also says the league and ravens did not see the race tape shows the running back puncheon fiancee an elevator to air on tnt a few weeks ago. is team reports that the team in the executive of hills goes on the tape for leniency for rice. >> : and college football say the cupbearers taking on the arizona wildcats in arizona for a picco opener to cross tomorrow some p.m. sundays barnes and minnesota to an on going over there pickoff on the second such an increase the chance to give giant pirate for winning for a series of other poor are in for a gesture to analyze and. and he allowed four on some for sitting and more than enough for some new us i i'd giants manager hunting the vote six runs in the first inning of the dodgers. some baseman bret spot for the giants won 24 less nine the giants lose by a file five to nothing. fortunately for the giants both that and the pirates won yesterday giants now 3 1/2 games behind the dodgers in the mls will only one demote for the tub walls cards thought and with the when less night in chicago. >> : phillies a protocol oakland army on to an early lead with three consecutive two- out singles for the gearing aid through and lead in the second inning on a rhonda's oakland starter jon lester sorensen and sings them in one run for lesser is 6 is one of the season high numbers and american league. morgan news for the is less night as they found out that the royals have lost and i get and have gamely for hospital a note card burners just a game behind oakland and some of the live again sector near anadarko for 1:00. >> : forty-niners for lawson is not found join me be robbers the sunday night as we wriggled down plus the raiders are batiste take on tom brady and the patriots and the giants and a's both battle for the playoffs sports night live this sunday night at 9 right after the news. >> : coming up on kron 4 news weaken we look like a top stories for you after the break first live look outside fog conditions of the golden gate bridge and we will be right back with the forecast. it stars a cover for the saturday morning south bay community on alert after to enforce a girl into a van while cn bus stop on saratoga campbell avenue and san jose. the men dropped the girl off the it took off and still on the loose. that while fire continues to burn an el dorado county blackened about 120 square miles or the 76,000 a.. fighting the fire causing an estimated $5 million a day the blazes only 10 percent contained this morning. the man accused of starting the fire made a court appearance friday entered a plea of not guilty. >> : caltrans to shutting down several miles of highway 37 in the north bay to allow crews to repave the highway. how close both directions weekend in vallejo and intersection of highway 37 state route 121 caltrans advisers to avoid the area altogether and if we need to get around area this weekend to use state route 29 and highway 121 as a detour. >> : time the check out weather forecast for the weekend. >> : it started off with a live look from the mt. tam camp. a bright gorges blanket of cloud cover over the bay area. is very great out there overcast for the saturday morning to have low clouds for the coastline they extend some inland valleys as we head into the afternoon most of that will burn off into a hazy sunshine with small traveling down from the kings fired. temperatures conquered 8160 degrees in richmond redwood city 479 degrees. it will be a pretty mild day to day this local live and where we should be for this time of year not much change it and with next couple days but we do have rain back in the '50s when need that umbrella once again in 15 minutes. it >> : said case of animal neglect in san francisco about now it malnourished dogs left behind j.r. stone cent spent some time with the dogs receiving treatment and wants to show what you get these pictures may be tough to watch. >> : these short of that what it all large dogs fun by animal care and control. dogs suffering from malnutrition parasites whats scant evidence of the voters have. furtive visited the dog now in the care of officials and animal care officers tell us that the dogs former owners were evicted left them behind in the home of our mission. no animal needs to be treated like that. evictions took place wednesday later that day dogs found abandoned a meeting that the owner of these animals kept malnourished and filthy. it >> : obviously what dogs have long way to go those animal control believe that they will be ok. >> : were focused on bringing animals to help now and away from that situation now in our hands and getting the care they deserve. >> : city of richmond could be looking at a lawsuit for the officer involved shooting taking place last weekend. john burt client suing the city and officer. for the 41 year olds that the family. >> : witnesses told him that they never saw richard present reach for and in the meantime a moral service is being held at nickel park this afternoon in richmond. cerros a police asking for a couple of this missing teenage girl. >> : to look at the photo rebecca weaver police say she went missing from her house at 8:00 wednesday night of others say that has a medical condition she requires daily medication which she does not have with her 5 ft. 8 in. tall christians on her ears and nose. anyone with information call cerros the police department. >> : stories from the hurt that a share from a hurricane hurt that those across mexico last week needing thousands without electricity food or water. summer was out cursing, but because the damage and few people stranded for days. and on the fact that we were lucky enough to make back safe all loss was incredible. the first three days were very fun but the last four definitely bad. trying to survive doing what we could. >> : still thousands of tourists and leave that area international airport remains closed those currently in the resort areas still not passable. thousands of dollars taken from union city church and the thief still at large. this in the robbery happened tuesday night at st. ann's catholic church on compulsory. the suspect entered the church through a window and then stole $6,000 in cash. please review and video from the surveillance camera to figure out who the suspect might be. >> : bomb threat friday causing temporary evacuation from dental high-school in san jose thousands of students taken to nearby middle school as the surrounding neighborhood shut down as well police investigation found the threat was fake they're investigating as of now they have no suspects. >> : coming up on news weekend over 100 microsoft workers in non do now out of a job details on that and then if you're getting tired of the same old and getting rid seen it yet here with the romantic getaway is that the bay area has offered including this one will be right back only content when we continue. last-minute preparations for wonderland music festival at shoreline amphitheater. pratt lotus shows us the traffic delays at the bay area will be facing all weekend long. once the wall and crazy certainly is not and you police are warning people not heading to the shoreline amphitheater this weekend to stay far away beyond wonderland bay area. this saturday sunday at the shoreline complete with lots of music obviously whats a party drugs and booze and the deal from previous wonderland of men's cars are arrive 10 each morning this week and the event goes till almost midnight police warning of intoxicated drivers asking people to stay away from this fairly sizable area if possible. >> : if you are attending please encourage to car pool or take alternative forms of transportation. >> : apple fans rejoicing wait for the latest i phone is finally over. >> : both i phone 6 and 6 + when sale friday. some people stood in line some dedicated buyers stopped in front of the apple store for days. it's all the record 4 million smart phones one became available for pre order last friday. appleseed note tim will try and manage the it set itself picture with a cook there. >> : but as of closing research lab and on view of a spokesperson confirmed the news friday earlier in the week to 100 jobs in between the country. won a 60 of those in california. >> : one of your employees as a consolidation for the it was " slabs. microsoft still has 2500 bay area employees. russian based oasis beverages says that it has signed a deal to require the past brewing co. announcing the deal friday the company did not go into detail that it plans to keep the classic recipes and consistent quality of the product. papps owns a number of pepys' blue ribbon along with malt liquor called 45. >> : good morning everyone are you tired of not being able to find a movie you can see time for mill valley film south festival seminar that you will love talk to the founder and the guy who knows everything about it coming up. >> : that will be $22 dollars and 50 cents. $22.50. that's insane! jack. what? it's not even a meal? right now, at my place you can get my spicy chicken club combo. it's my classic spicy chicken breast with bacon and melting cheese on toasted sourdough plus fries and a drink for just $4.99. aww, you're just a big softy. nah, i'm still sad about the popcorn. d.h. pierre officers issued a severe traffic alert on i 80 southbound at concord all lanes of freeway block right now officers of what told to avoid that area as best as possible we have more information as it develops in the newsroom. >> : time for the weather in the bay area. along the saturday it was pretty great out there overcast ticking all live look at the golden gate bridge for temperatures it is not too bad mile in fact some locations little muddy. san francisco 65, 61 live in the house and senate rose up. all a cloud cover will clear by the afternoon at keep in mind shift in the wind direction some of the smoke from the king fire will move in the bay area and spoke advisory is in affect for the weekend. it definitely can smell the smoke in some locations as we focus on your temperatures '60s and '70s for the lunchtime hour. and the later half of the hour of afternoon highs temperatures in the 60s along the waterfront and introduce '70s and to the forecast even 80s a long adults up. breaking down the highs for to set a clear 8280 degrees in sunnyvale plenty of '80s still out through the san ramon valley. san jose losses on a train 85 and set leandro. downtown san francisco today in the upper 60s but checking in at the we won't see much change in the forecast of the next couple days we will continue with more in fog afternoon sunshine chance for showers was tonight into thursday. just like this big same setup possible before nice way of showers. the move in the direction of drier conditions cooler weather as we go to the rest of the workweek. >> : sometimes or more than table for two we have the fun that could go off the beaten path. from cartels to tuck away be in peace. >> : you're telling me as really hard the narrow it down before 5. this was tough not going to lie bring it down for five hot spots for dates not easy but when you are planning a romantic retreat was special additional dates after go the extra mile and bay area you don't have to go too far because it it's all around. >> : certain north they talk about the public can and. >> : by right across the golden gate bridge along a nearby beach and it's like being transported to 16th century english western countryside. beautiful cottage and lovely pop romanic dining room and sit during the day you can go on a beautiful hike along the beach there would this is as strong throw away and once you are done in need to refuel a very lively pop with darts and you can of a pint of beer than the rooms are seven cozy rooms only seven. they have persian rugs and qaddafi. >> : they range from 206 to 289 tonight that includes breakfast very traditional breakfast that has of bacon and eggs and tomatoes. >> : so the only seven rooms but well ahead. >> : heading up a further to the coast a beautiful place but don't worry it's more peaceful mount you will see little bunny rabbit going around and what not but i can personally vouch for this particular away during recent research on this. recently renovated hotel updated a brand new spa pool area and lobby has been redone. there would restaurant called a duck club. has the local store cuisine and then during the daytime lot of free amenities furred bikes its order go to town. when she's our five to six every day across are spectacular and the rooms are pretty terrific if the war leave your room as a good reason why coz king size bed a bose sound system fireplace a terrace that looks over the bay. rates range from hundred $89 to a little higher very reasonable. >> : lot of folks may not be aware of this poor cost of mill valley road house and to be honest of bay area native and never been there. the doper went to this dark town to only a hundred nine residents and people come there make the retreat's therefore fried chicken classic cocktails' it stay the night you can go over to the old burlington hotel right next door a total time warp. in their many many years ago and it was like taking a step back in time. if you're looking for something off the beaten path there you go. >> : the mission-hotel and restaurant this is a goody people know this because clint eastwood and owns it if you want to go ahead and make your day or notver at the l beautiful grounds that overlook the medals were the have sheep grazing seen the ocean in the distance and a heated patio and then a piano bar which performs. i can hard for tha >> : you can't beat locations is a two-hour drive from san jose dopers come through again. it's yoplait greek taste-off, and we're asking this sport town which blueberry greek yogurt is their champion. bottom of the nine, who's it gonna be? could i ask you some questions? which one tastes the best? a tastes better. a. i love. let's lift it up and see who the winner's yoplait! wanna see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani? boo-ya! yoplait greek wins again! take the taste-off for yourself. find yoplait greek yogurt, ten for ten dollars, every day at your local safeway store. ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable offender ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable -- [ male announcer ] an electric city car here... makes about as much sense as a gas guzzling suv here. ♪ the quick charging, zero emission, all-electric smart electric drive. just $139 a month. art service is back to normal this morning after a major delay in concord pittsburgh alliance stations services stopped early due to " a problem no service resumed on hour ago at 8:00 a.m.. >> : transatlantic relationship with the stroke of a span of 71 years later to pen pals getting a chance to spend some time together. >> : osborn and england lateran in darkness of what world war two. to grow on the right her new american pen pal. 71 years since we started. frankie >> : got together in person for three week visit at st. cloud home. photographs show even likes to compare hair colors. all made their way across to the atlantic. >> : when latrell dingle and 1979 for the first to face people mistook them for sisters. >> : sisters fall where too far apart to do that. many ships still yet the right eiffel instead of always wanted david is a visit this the next best thing not so much hand anymore but without a doubt still pals. >> : they do look like sisters >> : san diego's to showing off the new cheetah cubs born september 1, 2003 weeks old they weigh 3 lbs. each get both at the end there. though be available for the public to see for several hours each day as san diego. >> : armadillo gut a escort after houston was affected by flooding many drivers have to be rescued from the solid vehicles like this armadillo. >> : major break in the case of virginia woman who's gone missing for week list for you coming up dozens of turkish hostages tell about that and general have all the must watch films hitting a mill valley some festival coming up. this morning on kron 4 news weekend search is on for two men accused of sexually assaulting a girl in san jose in broad daylight. wildfires continue to burn to the across the state would assign containment efforts. thousands of people flocking bay area beaches and parks today international coastal cleanup we have a live report. >> : good morning this for joining us on kron 4 news weekend was co-head the get things started with the look of forecast. >> : take a look at pre overcast as of francisco you conceive a cap of fog over the building greaser today don't or we'll eventually q sunshine but here's the rub raw today with a shift in wind direction so far he fire will make its presence in the bay area of small little smoky and going to be hazy sunshine especially for east bay north bay and in spots. and to the afternoon temperatures range from a person sees ghosts says eighties and willis polk adviser for the bay area over the entire weekend. >> : dry conditions now but we do have potential for re in the forecast walking into that and when you get the umbrella back out coming up in 15 minutes. >> : this just in from conference see if the officers offering severe traffic alert after i succeed southbound. all lanes of freeway blocked off officers that trend to the people boat to avoid the location of the can information about our as enters the room. and lim >> : to enforce a girl into a van and out police looking for the suspects felipe has latest on the investigation. >> : sketches of the two men in their theories police say she kidnapped the on kron 6 is superb. to state or 4:00 in the afternoon to metropole of to grow and what silver van. chu said yet this bus stop on saratoga campbell ave. and please not told and that the boat people in the vehicle and such as all the hurt in broad daylight. >> : if think so many people were awesome one would of health. shoes dropped off a block away before speeding off. all this happening ever busy intersection near business is where this mother says she will not keep a closer eye on her daughter. >> : a letter >> : of things overprotective >> : now continuing our coverage on the wildfire continued to build an all-around county king fire confirmed 20 square miles more than 26,000 a. the tories say fighting the fire is costing $5 million a day the place is only 10 percent contained this morning highway 50 is open but they say you should expect delays of travelling in that direction. >> : meserve in the fireplace and not guilty during a court appearance friday 37 year- old wayne hudson being held on $10 million bail a story is not yet what led to the rest nor have they released a possible motives. >> : this morning's hearing all homes were burned in the king fire it: pine's assessing this never neighbors gathered and try to comfort each other some homeowners say since wednesday and come fire officials of the time were reporting their homes were damaged. >> : and you it was hurting the neighbors to sell their house explode to be told there has been no structure left. with no notification that anything was lost until sowing. the drop everything and just watter to drop >> : fire fighters dropping record amount of fire retardant to stop the flames from spreading so far crew's use more than half a million gallons of the wrestler. >> : small destructive fire near the oregon border now 95 percent contain the fire burns for this any i acres and 1100 homes still certain this morning city official says that live for three homes on the buildings have been destroyed. >> : international coastal cleanup day thousands of volunteers around the globe flocking to the short for an annual call the action to help tidy up parks and beaches mike pelton is reporting live ocean beach and there is quiet crowd the his warning. >> : so far few hundred high- school students involved with and you into this may buckets' close you can use although struggling die here bring your own pocket just as a backup in case of an offer ready this one from non quantum in today more than a hundred kreps says rusty of california in today marks the 30th at coastal cleanup organized by the california commissioner of hoping statewide to get off hundred thousand dollar thousand volunteers to help out. the get all sorts of debris that's when the inland waterways coastal commission tells me that sun cans bags debris coming a big cash and debt are at environment. >> : the plastic we throw weight was on the open and >> : the toxins used in the plastics will migrate into the tissues and then ends up in the food chain. >> : you want to come back out here live in take a look in the students preparing it tick up in a closely update your help interest in the benoni o'clock this morning to moon post a loss on the website kron4-dot-com weakened find the nearest clinic location one interesting note i ask the coastal commission how much fresh bid to help pick up today hoping to pick up smaller march crash last year was 750,000 lbs. of trash recycles their move from the environment last year they define a smaller about here is a good find the camp is are having >> : roughly half years that what you do this >> : mutt tall and reporting live from ocean beach. >> : from my foot king speech will belly film festival give our own serve mutt set up. we talked to the founder of the mill valley felt film festival coming up. >> : back on kron 4 news weekend our service now back to normal this morning after a major delay between concord pittsburgh bay points station. service was stopped after a core problems on the track will service has returned and asserted up again 8:00 this morning. one lane interstate highway 5 a westbound clothes and livermore because of a grass fire chp says the blaze burning just east of the green mill road off ramp and reopens within the hour. >> : caltrans shutting down several miles in the north bay allows crews to start a huge repaying product trulls clifford has the details on the product would jersey to know. airline >> : caltrans trying out all eastbound lanes of highway 37 between what avenue exit and laid out a recession of 37 state route 121 9 mi. west during the closure crews will begin laying the groundwork all planes. caption says the full closure necessary for safety reasons. as we say for caltrans workers causes it is a stretch where their remote and concrete medium and allow it. contracts also voting shares to avoid the area this weekend but someone does need to get around the to use 029121 aziz were. after the second such as also plans to shut down will stretch of highway 37 next weekend during last because of several close from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. monday to friday crews can finish up the paving work. >> : coming up on news weekend with the country of sierra leone is doing and try stop the ball up break above first a live look outside downtown san francisco still see some overcast there the forecast after the break. >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. it's yoplait greek taste-off, and we're asking this sport town which blueberry greek yogurt is their champion. bottom of the nine, who's it gonna be? could i ask you some questions? which one tastes the best? a tastes better. a. i love. let's lift it up and see who the winner's yoplait! wanna see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani? boo-ya! yoplait greek wins again! take the taste-off for yourself. find yoplait greek yogurt, ten for ten dollars, every day at your local safeway store. come the check in with the weather forecast. good morning and this can believe this is last weekend of summer not exactly go out with a thing but will enjoy some out to warm conditions today right now still pretty overcast what of far out at the golden gate bridge temperatures have not changed much oakland 6361 out the door and santa rosa ended 6 is for downtown sentences go. we do have dense fog along a coastline for bring off in the afternoon but with a shift in the wind direction bringing some smoke into the bay area. we about that advisory for the entire weekend. airline tracking temperatures we have a lot of sixties into the lunchtime hour '70s however for livermore valley west for sunshine what this afternoon and will see a use in the forecast temperatures still turning cooler than where we should be for this time of year. those ties for you fremont 7882 degrees and santa clara also sunshine in the east bay take a look here dentil 8284 pleasanton san leandro today hitting a high of 75 temperatures in the upper 60s for downtown san francisco. looking ahead for the seven day run of bad they forecast introducing rain in forecast was tonight into thursday this will not be a huge washout but the system could bring a few isolated showers and thunderstorms to the bay area national weather service calling for 20 percent chance that's what we called earlier for this week to write san time wednesday to thursday it does look likely that some locations want get wet before tryout friday. >> : dozens of circus turkish hostages and iraq back in june freed this morning president of turkey sent preplanned fairly calculated operation taking place in total secrecy over night. unclear how they were freed the turkish president and the intelligence officials. isis seas for nine people including the council and general and his family. >> : nationalisms morning in washington d.c. 6 service identified the man accused of jumping over the white house fence yesterday. >> : looking at cell phone video showing a man making across the north want his name as i don been accused of jumping the north fence and making it past the front door of the white house before arrested his actions caused a partial legislation of the warehouse present obama is family left for weekend at camp david. >> : now we since university helen gramm suddenly vanished police found a major break in the case and they say that he disappeared after deep living data with friends a bottle of o'clock later send a text message saying she was lost. a straight a student and has not been her seen from all sense than surveillance footage showing had out with a man at the bar and a serious search a car park and belonging to the man. police say they've been the one in the video. >> : we can't really welcome because has to eat your such a vibrant presence fall joyce love and life. we want to bring you home. >> : the other it police station to help out for the search of help. >> : overseas cyril leone block on friday very drastic move an effort to try and stop the bowl of break even thousands of people dead 6 million people now confined to their homes sold bonds to a scandal go door to door educating on this deadly virus patient information agency says the best way for now to identify the sick and hurt prevented from healthy. more than 580 deaths for mobile and server leones reported. >> : cars to talk about with car company really calling 89,000 sheep credit and to charities and dodge dry nose including 2011 models 3.6 l v-6 5.7 l v-8 engine. a fuel pump problem tracking cause those to stall dealers replace the fuel pump relay for free and that begins october 24th. >> : marcus of closing research lab in mountain view confirming the news today yesterday microsoft said it was cutting 12100 jobs across the country when and 60 of those in california. out of the lab employees clauses 6 people across off describing the move as i consolidation of west coast are some spokesperson says that if the stock of 2500 bay area employees. airline apple fans rejoicing this morning as the latest i phone is finally over >> : both i phone 6 and 6 + one on sale friday people standing in line for hours sleeping out in front of the double stores for days. apple says its home record of 4 million smart phones and then they became available last friday for. steve cook made a stop and will transept that self picture with cook. >> : turning on the bay area sports stressing on the padre's over the weekend in san diego and other foreign tonight some less night he allowed four earned runs in the first inning well be more than enough for san diego to win the game giants managing three hits over nine innings second consecutive start for months and in his last start up to six runs in the first six innings for the dodgers' second baseman for the giants going to for for last night but not nearly enough as the giants lose and shot out is five to nothing. for show for the giants and the pirates won yesterday 3 1/2 games back from the dodgers and the al west only one game up on the pirates for the top wild-card spot with the win yesterday the dodgers clutches spot in the playoffs. meantime as facing the fella that o'rourke wrote bitterly play and for the a's got out to an early lead with three consecutive two-out singles to give out the a's through and lead in the same. oakland pitcher john lister was on his game again going seven innings getting one run and they would win by 5321. sixteens when of the season and for certain most of the american league. good news for the a's last night as the royals lost the give the a's a half-game lead for a top wall card spot cell mariners away game behind the a's again to attack on philadelphia this afternoon first test schedule for 1:00 >> : 49ers time to join me at the sunday night as we bring all down plus the raiders are back key sticking on tom brady and patriots and the giants and a's will the battle for the playoffs sports night live sunday night at 9 right after the news. >> : coming up the best-seller major honor comes up the big screen and also all-star cast where i leave you with the view lessing. >> : and bateman of all star cast a family drama of this is where i leave you and group of teenagers face the dangers puzzle in the maze runner. whenever on those doors open their runners look for ways out. thomas makes up with no memory finds out his trip with the group with a chance to escape the strange prison and the maze runner. what's amazing about it is for such a heavily digital fact film we did have a lot of real environments to play off of added. >> : the cast family decide what it would be like with a really nervous with all the boys are having brothers i have like 12. the >> : family is all here and this is where i leave you. your father had one far question will honor. for the next seven days are all kron and >> : james find on a charge of the altman clan comes together for the father's funeral in for her co-stars and experience to work with the legend. it is amazing to really be in the trenches was gd great education. when the work on this kind of stable factors on usually incredible cast. airline everyone can relate to as much as 19 desperately see yourself as someone different can't figure out what help they don't know anything. >> : fired him and tonight >> : ♪ here's a good one seattle... what did geico say to the mariner? we could save you a boatload! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ what's seattle's favorite noise? the puget sound! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ all right, never mind doesn't matter. this is a classic. what does an alien seamstress sew with? a space needle! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly continuously ♪ oh come off it captain! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. live look at site at ocean beach in san francisco where hundreds of volunteers taking part in entered national coastal cleanup day to day 100,000 volunteers around the world's tidying up the beaches where they live. one piece of garbage that they've seen a lot is cigarette butts. plastic bottles and plastic bags. state parks three years as the critic of beaches and will last until moon look at whether the going to expect. >> : cloudy and are much sunshine close to the water in fact we do have that element of the sea breeze we are talking a little bit of wind out there in temperatures of for the most part load mid- 60's further inland where we pick up sunshine and bill be pretty hazy smoky air for the kings fire heading into the bay area starting these offer montand camps so pretty overcast so temperatures right now in the '60s but as we head into the afternoon we talk was '60s '70s and '80s temperatures still cooler than where they should be for this time of year. and yet that's 85 daly city today looking for 68 and 81 country. not much as the forecast next couple days so pretty much same set up an scenario we as we experienced earlier this week full details coming up at 945. >> : bay area tourist trap than capo are finally making it their way back home her the hurricane as across mexico last week as you know leaving thousands fog electricity and food watter. several resorts and capo shut down because of the damaged scores of people stranded for days. >> : thus the people desperately tried our plane and the fact we're lucky to get on make it back all right all loss was incredible. >> : first three days were fun the last four are or bad we tried to survive to do what we could. thousands of tourists rarely the area. >> : area remains closed for the international airport and still not passable. >> : san jose police asking for public health helped the find a missing teenage girl 16 year-old rebecca weaver police say she went missing from her home 8:00 wednesday night officers say she is a medical condition requiring daily medication which she does not have with their weaver is 5 ft. 8 it with these things on the ears and nose anyone with any information as to call santa rosa police. >> : case of animal neglect in san francisco to talk about it all lurched dogs leading left behind after the order was evicted j.r. stone spent time with the dogs and receiving treatment want to warn you some pictures will be tough to watch. >> : these pictures show won some of that date all large dogs on the san francisco i animal care and control. dog suffering from malnutrition parasites blotches' a scant evidence of the photos you have >> : at friday we visited the dogs on the care of city officials and will care also tells us that the dog's owners were evicted and left them behind and three home on the automation. no animal is to be treated like that election took place wednesday later that day the dogs were found abandoned meeting that the owners of these animals have them malnourished as filthy. obviously the dogs have a long way to go those with little care control believe they are going to be ok. >> : more focused on bringing in the annals deathful health on that situation and now in our hands trend to get the care they deserve. >> : robert adult says it's likely is domestic abuse scandal he's not going to step down. first poker public remarks after the is conference in new york he apologize for the mishandling of the scandal made it clear he never considered leaving his post despite all transit system step down. >> : that run on a number of levels from a process that led to this decision that i reached. but now i will get it right and do whatever necessary to accomplish that. >> : they'd did not see that we rise video punching his fiancee and elevator so it went on t mca's p.m. says that the reagan team executives heard was on the tape and launched a campaign for leniency for rice. >> : a undulatory it raises stance in baltimore trade in their way race jersey's and bring to stranger because of domestic violence charges against rice early friday morning lines have an estimated half mile team will also has been holding similar exchange of theirs is again today. >> : we continue fall start online and kron4-dot-com watch more nfl commissioner address and pranksters arresting the news conference friday also posting a link on resources on the web site en kron4- dot-com >> : , bears an arizona taking on wildcats for the last vote and kick off tonight at 7:00 p.m. san jose spartans will be in minnesota tracking of the golan over struggle for that is that when clocks afternoon. also happening last minute preparations for beyond wonderland music festival under way at shoreline amphitheater, for a shows is expected traffic delays we will be facing all weekend long. >> : wasnt wild and crazy certainly as on the police are now warning people not having to the shoreline amphitheater to stay far away the on wonderland bay area is a saturday and sunday shoreline its rates complete with lots of music oftentimes lots of party drugs boos this is video from previous one invents. sam this morning and zero go until midnight police are warning intoxicated drivers asking people stay away from us fairly sizable area if possible you see that outlined in red police encouraging people car pool and take alternative forms of transportation. >> : still had from food tart the film all that many festivals tend to bay area this weekend. was to live look outside for the golden gate bridge this time around overcast conditions we will be right back. 0,000 california foster childr extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. and for something to do this again pleasanton harvest festival cosell meter county fairgrounds and it features thousands of handmade arts and crafts including clothing and art specialty foods a lot more this year the hot rods to the stage for the first time playing classic oldies on the '50s and '60s it's happening this weekend's today tend to six tomorrow attend a five tickets cost $9 for adults seven for seniors teenagers are $4 kids and 12 for free. a minute county fairgrounds in pleasanton or information log onto of harve it said festival website. >> : jack london square eat real combines seat state fair seafood festival of a block party to celebrate good food the real festival with food comes from tuberose it makes it and how they make it. that's saturday and sit sunday to target to 35 ad checklist where western street in oakland. >> : great food to great film talk about with the mill valley film festival and mail vallate and sediment para argo to 12 years of slave great film come back will celebrate the mill valley film festival. in 44 talk a little weather. we have seen much change in the side conditions in the last hour still cloudy out there in fact low clouds over at the golden gate bridge and temperatures have not changed much livermore however at 66 or more sunshine and 65 and san jose. satellite radar imagery we do have low cloud coverage and drizzle at the coast following a change in the wind direction bringing salt in the bay area from king's fire we do have that smoking advisory in effect for weekend. >> : feature cast for 67 news lunchtime and then go to those '80s by three this afternoon and we will see an east bay it interior and those of you in the south bay. getting specific with those on the 7780 insightful campbell today of a high of 83 similar weather develop in the east bay. pre 8668 enrichments downtown san francisco in the upper 60s and 77 today and santa rosa. going had it seven arab forecast we will see a steady stable weather pattern next couple days. warding fog afternoon sunshine before the chance of rain. it's about 3,500 mi. away specific system could bring isolated showers wednesday and thursday in fact national weather: for 20 percent chance. >> : 37 years filth the mill valley film festival giving shoe boot to documentary international movies everything you can think of careful always make it right and the do this with the entire town of old delhi the man who is in charge of all this is my friend colleague and to to me are on the film festival everyone wanted to be part of the mill valley film festival >> : a cover for the way the people of the film festival prickly gen you think is the one key part of the film festival. >> : tell us about the festival this year. great festival this year opening with to amazing films the homes and drug did by tommy lee jones two-time academy award winner and she will be at the mill valley film festival. some western credits it is we call anti- western and it is adjusting because front of the movie hillary, larry jones will taking pretty woman terribly to go eastward. then the second film when women children and jason white men fantastic director is a little bit of the homes and it looks really great sheet is amazing in this film. this is a sudden the tree as a superb job plays the composition that that he can and really proud to be showing it october 2nd. this film that all latin american series that is terrific chairman teaches english with apple lyrics to the beatles. a deaf ear to those layers of a beatles song conceded speak english. the great idea at the beginning of the movie your kids they goes under in find john lennon in spain cut the of underperforming their and some amazing films everywhere in latin america including brazil is still in particular from spain and will be amazing series ever people come out. >> : spanish-language films are amazing you cannot find a lot of foreign films play around the bay area. with a loss from 40 fire from countries of those systems are worth trying by the respective countries for consideration. >> : two nights to days with varying policy are put it's amazing still the your shoes and are one atchison frazzles just their marion is the one they wont talk about. she's international. >> : tell me about what you think men and women and children is a film dealing with social media the internet both teenagers and parents on how or all affected by it things that are affected by it are universal same thing for flights " to be the person how to navigate to the world with jason right man did you know and then this is his best film. >> : we have it now before we this is quite apart of the mill valley film festival october 2nd through the 12th lot onto their website. or any way you can get it this is mill valley film festival so much fun tribute's the loren turned the part of it deal of it. >> : deal of it. >> : ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. here's a new trick for the same old dinner. try unsloppy joes. pillsbury grands biscuits. ♪ make dinner pop. what shall we do for dinner? pizza! with a little help, it's easy to whip up a great meal on a week night. pepperoni on your side... more pepperoni. cheers! pillsbury pizza crust. make dinner pop last look at big stories recovered 40 this saturday born in south bay community on alert after two men forced the girl into a van and sexually assaulted her. according to police it happened tuesday afternoon while the girls sing a bus stop. lint men drop the girl off and then took off on out loose. >> : there continues to burn hundred 20 square miles more than 76,000 a.. but not fire causing estimated $5 million a day but only 10 percent contained. >> : the mets use of certain of fire is first court appearance sorry he entered a plea of not guilty. >> : caltrans some role part of the roadway all lanes closed in both directions this weekend on the wal-mart creek and a layout in intersection of highway 37 state route 121. caltrans and from drivers to avoid the area if you can if you need to get around there this weekend use steroids 29 and 121 as a detour. >> : plenty of start in the sky here for the next addition 41 at this last saturday that its orbiting the international space station the paddles you see on the left part of the screen there are eight t b five spacecraft docked at the outpost. >> : san diego zoo safari park shot off new cheetah cubs those from the cubs born september for a the way it 3 lbs. apiece the cause will be available for public to watch over the next several hours of each day for next several are daudet as part after heavy rain in houston is hit hard by flooding so drivers in the area had been rescued from the vehicle the armadillo got an escort. >> : with the seven arab day forecast can you believe it's the last weekend of summer. very cloudy out there right now mild conditions below seasonal the next couple of days and we had until early next week we warm things up a bit and said see more sunshine and a fleet snow conditions the u.s. local advisory in effect for the bay area keep that in mind a lot of people are complaining out smelling that smoke item 00 if you're any raider not. and the spitters little more rain and we will see more next week. it's about a 3,500 mi. an hour or it way right now isolated showers even some thunderstorms. >> : really disappointed with that movie it's crazy cannot believe they spent so much money on so many good actors and then issued a been funny based on a best- selling book instead they took all the ethnic humor out of it what would they do that taking something familiar art of the of what consumer out of it or not making it rugby. the thing is that they had a promotional blitz last several weeks to look forward to it. >> : will students more about. bulldog: [whimpering] bulldog: has your old bed got you in a twist? well, mattress discounters has up to 48 months interest-free financing. plus, mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! now what's best about 48 months interest-free financing at mattress discounters? it's 28 years in dog financing. ♪ mattress discounters over the years one of the most successful businesses we have featured on bay area bargains has been bay home and a window. president see all of the company the guy who made it all happen did a great job of explaining how they can totally transform homes. i sat here in all of the man. jeffrey will look back at fabulous examples of what your company does first of all a bill to an organization system that's the fastest-growing part of your business really is a incredibly popular built-in organization system has really changed the way people live in their homes and they work for it


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140927

this year's reopened a lot less than 20 minutes ago after the accident 1245 this afternoon. let's take a look at video now apparently what happened is northbound san transports with an unknown number of passengers on board around 1245 a southbound green van veered sharply to the left and collided head-on the same trend boss. the driver of the vehicle and passenger in the band was rejected the person died on seen the driver taken to hospital died a short time later. five people on board the bus also transported to hospital receiving non life- threatening injuries. as to what is then mutt of swerved across lanes and messier's told me a short time ago there still looking into in don't know what happened. the medical problem the driver had or he was trying to make a left-hand turn into business nearby at this point they do not know that is under investigation. >> : happening now a hit and commuters north bay bridge service counseled number of parts on for a survey at least a dozen workers called in sick that comes during today's one bay ferry workers strike. two dozen ferry workers picketing out the very terminal to aid the one day strike shut down all sperry service between marin county severance is still forcing thousands to find alternate route. ferry service at&t part for tonight's giants game will also be affected by this. the strike comes during a five month long contract dispute between union workers and bridge district. 13 union coalition's accuses the district of not bargaining in good faith. major miss for travelers today after a fire faa control building near chicago put just the largest the nation's airports for hours. donald said following the causing flight delays and cancellations all over the country includes all three major bay area airports more on that in just a moment. first dress standing by with the latest on how all this started. air traffic over chicago now resumed but at reduced rate. problem a fire at faa facility as suburb of the windy city result 1300 flights canceled in chicago alone. >> : its having a ripple effect across the west a fire at faa radar center outside the city halted all flights in and out of when the country's biggest clubs. a man set the fire and tried to commit suicide. it >> : seems to be a fire set by contract employee there is no terrorist act. the guy survive and treated at a hospital for self-inflicted wounds police say the other injury as a man shouted at the scene for smoke inhalation. approximately 1530 employees were evacuated from the building and eventually allowed to go home. >> : yet the trend and other all evidence and all people collect all the information so we know what is going on. address air-traffic over a large area of the midwest. >> : indianapolis control center is taking over some of the traffic and reduced number now going in and out of chicago. as the show you the chicagoans and hatter ripple effect on air travel all across the country including here in the bay area. robb has look at the impact and at san jose international. >> : the time >> : to be coming over trade as he waited for right here in san jose international stanley roberts animal which told me he was boarding a flight to phoenix when he got the word about what had happened. >> : but from phoenix to idd in dallas. in washington. in chicago and lines since the final six cancellations here related to the mulheren said two of which actually going to or from chicago. sister- in-law was a paucity on one of them carried pit >> : she tx before she got a plan and said that should not be coming from chicago because of an issue or fire happening. >> : a dozen other flights cancelled as the they played catch-up run the country again stanley roberts is in one chicago but rather to washington still cannot get another flight until sunday. >> : i was here 5:00 this morning. a seasoned traveler he shrugged off as a return to santa cruz for extended visit. >> : also falling breaking news in west hollywood with muddy mess along parts of sunset strip look all the water busted water main causing water to spew out a storm drains you conceive that right there still going on the break is near sunset boulevard north all drive saddam lockable court also let popular spots and the congress or in the heart of things l.a.'s department of water power are on seen trying to figure out what else needs to be shut off. to see cars tried to get through a water main breaks never good especially not in the midst of a three-year drought to be post on the situation in west hollywood. not far from another larger mutt water main break right by ucla campus a drug or no. this from july nearly one- hundred water main route to a 15 ft. hole irresponsible lard the campus was severely damaged in use of hard wood there and water cascading down steps everywhere. l.a. dealing with now to mess a water main breaks was in the past three months. the line coming up at 515 all we know about the bay area news multimillion their latest power ball water. then at 530 exclusive the video only seen on kron for a woman driving through san francisco for the parking officer of the harbor car. next controversy over costumes based on disney movie frozen. are they too hot for halloween that you decide. >> : decide. >> : bulldog: [yawning] i can't wait to get to mattress discounters good and early for the tempur-pedic bonus event. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters frozen character costumes popular this halloween and now adults wasn't costumes. this is getting the most attention some people saying the bizarre costume goes way too far website and nt selling the frozen inspired adult costume see them right here of course costumes for other popular characters like at about the outfits this one is getting the most attention of the summer and all of costumed people cannot believe what they're seeing. this is where they're sexy frozen costumes more importantly why is it their all of costume. >> : the fact that it is even an option for a halloween costume is just appalling a mean really like you to join the conversation twitter facebook kron4-dot-com >> : this store is getting a lot on the internet that. the lens bay area housing could soon go on the market for $1 but of course is a catch. and then conversation caught on camera up over a mexican flag being blown out home. >> : female announcer: save up to 35% on a huge selection of clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. sleep train's inventory clearance sale is on now! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ rain a lightning possibly hale talking almost 4 in. per hour the rate of return right now a part of the north big the tomorrow that in a minute the other news now and bay area man one of $228 million power ball jackpot. >> : has already come forward to claim his prize marine combat december temperatures soar or the winning ticket was sold fun out lottery winner works just steps away. >> : sematech merchants that run business here will winning ticket was sold are both happy for and more than a little bit jealous of the jackpot winner the owns a sell slot right across the street. not surprisingly has been closed for the last two days. >> : she runs the dry cleaners the three shops away and expenditures adults resort. then runs the business for the wife and had two young children. they're very nice people very down-to-earth very friendly there a great couple i do think it's fantastic that there were able to win. it >> : the orders of this in delhi say he's a hard-working person so i'm glad he did win. >> : california lottery officials even playing the lottery for five years number to could see buys depends on the amount of tipsy get street has no plans for the money and wants to be remain a normal man entering business owners are pleased to under $28 million ticket was sold to one of their own. >> : thank for someone with a 70 a year and at the big winners always and your now have one that really belongs to us. all thrilled >> : spherhistoric house downtown about the go on the market could sell as low as $1 but there is a catch whoever buys this house is not buying the land that it sits on. the grits are development owns land and wants to build a seven story apartment complex there. city rules say efforts have to be made to relocate the historic structure before car torn down so city is making great star put the house up for sale for 90 days at a price of at least $1 of the house is not sold very star can then tear it down. if purchased the new owners will have to move it. it was city historical society has approved this project. >> : has been so long since a saw this from tracker was for iraq in the check rain it's nice to see in the north bay it's coming down hard first a drizzle along pop sells here and there light showers this is heady stuff here even lightning struck the north bay right now we're also getting a very heavy rain in nappa of fairfield the border took the bench for our nappa policy and a half an inch per hour in fairfield know what a lightning associated with the system as well i could inhale system is starting to move east it will last throughout the overnight hours temperatures right now 67 san francisco 72 and about 071 oakland 72 for redwood city 71 currently in hayward. satellite radar beacon see the rain here starting to build and and you kelso's see it is starting mort moving toward nevada as well. the system will last that long not exactly. one was looking at 67 vs francisco 67 for redwood city 61 oakland 68 in concord warren commission not be too wet afternoon highs as a relatively cool looking for 73 for mountain view 76 in campbell 74 would city's 74 paul also 73 and milpitas. east bay looking for eighties for what will not treat 73 for tester rally 68 in richmond's no. a peninsula seeing of the rain in the north a 75 will be the afternoon highs. 65 out and ocean beach 69 downtown san francisco i have to get to a forty-niners forecast of course we do have pre nice weather fog early morning sunday but it will burn off and it should be nice day for that. ritter's forecast partly cloudy bull the chilly conditions we tomorrs going to sunday as well. sunday on the bay for precedency that right here temperatures soaring break '90s for the rest of the week. allia >> : this pool is coming down see the splash works right here watter pooling by this a dry white and roadway right here this is pouring rain we're talking about ominous clouds overhead again been mentioned person rose up near fairfield inns see the blue sky and the dark clouds above we like to see more pictures if you have any of the rain clouds the lightning you can capture them from a safe spot we love to see them either lost. >> : political activist was agitated after seeing a mexican flag flying in one neighborhood and ontario so she decided the confronted the homeowner record the entire effort all on line now as she tells us she's taking backlash for her actions. >> : voice of a local i.e. political activist confronting woman for flying the mexican flag and her front yard. competition shot on a smart phone posted to you too. >> : wiry flying mexican flag in your front yard. >> : the women confronted does not speak english can't understand the questions. >> : the lesson the window during the temptation he says his wife was caught off guard and the family never meant to offend but instead to celebrate the mexican heritage that the family keeps both the u.s. mexican flag flying. alonso' >> : this is chassis cabs the woman's voice you heard during the conversation she says she's received threats since the clip was posted and when bottle. she says she's not a racist just a patriot. >> : i do not understand all the hatred is about where everyone is labeling me these names. i don't understand why everyone is so angry. >> : the video has cost her her job local real estate company as for the server the of ontario is in the family has broken no laws are placing mexican flag in their front yard. >> : a flood warning in effect now for a slot county as the conceit 2 in. of rain per hour also seeing close to an inch of rain for parts of nappa also cerros of absolutely getting pounded right now flood advisory in place right now definitely be careful of their. ni >> : life's super scary sounds. and sneaking in without moving the bed. ♪watching everybody eating ♪what they want all day ♪oh this tasteless cardboard ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away and sneaking in without lifemoving the bed.sounds. nursery is a vote no. a high wade getting set for another major closure and another portion of highway 387 we close this weekend in both directions will closure will also affect a driver's next week starting tonight at 10 last until monday at 5:00 a.m. the lot should on a traffic how 121 and sonoma bahau 29 in solano county. then will close again overnight next week for our monday friday shutting down 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. each night during closures caltrans working on paving a dense projects. >> : new concerns about water corrosion on new eastern span of the bay bridge. officials trying to determine if the new span steel rods were exposed to water damage. this after state inspectors found several in green rods had been sitting in water that could cause corrosion. caltrans since drained the water but officials do not know how long the rods were exposed. at one of a number of problems to surface on the new span since it opened among them a similar issue happened last year when rain water seeped into the ross on the news section of the bridge. caltrans to spend $25 million on a replacement system for those. >> : progress being made for the kings fire will go live update for fire officials but first including a video you only see on kron for showing a woman driving through its differences " with a parking officer dangling on her head. >> : rates still coming down >> : rates still coming down and the doctor saw a blemish on my cheek. he told me it was skin cancer. i was in shock. i wasn't covered with any health insurance. but once i got covered through covered california, i was able to go get the surgery that i needed. and it was a lifesaver. iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. dey unersi's mit-bed reeratalt sclarsp n he youet srted th uto $,000 r quifienew uden. ply w anstarworkg tord yr caer, like dry gd, slly seph as stunt adevr a sine carr wamy gl. th wasy caer trningroun.. myrofeors, werelso coaes. thr guance helpede fi carr suess... at mroso. fi yousuccs wi our reeratalt sclarsp. assestaroctor 27 t stted w. vit dey.ed i was able to find one of the through covered california.y i'm living proof that health insurance works. i'm in, because i'm getting the best care around. over one million people have enrolled in health insurance through covered california. soon you can join them. in developing news at 530 tracking storms from the bay area on this friday photographs sent to us by viewers in fairfield there are reports of rain a lightning and other northern sections of the bay area than rubin standing by in the kron 4 percenter tracking what's going on. there was talk of drizzle mutt these kinds of storms. >> : we didn't really expect that coming down as hard and as fast as coming down so hard so fast right now we have a flood advisory in place for purposes want county north bay as well. we have a lightning across the board throughout the north bay here. some reports of pale as well and rain as mentioned. is coming down hard out how >> : tons of an inch per hour. r e half-inch in the past three hours now knapp getting hit hard as well 2 in. per hour. fairfield getting hammered to leashes per hour is moving east will not last forever but it will be very prevalent in strong right now. >> : with all this rain we certainly need it and appreciate people live in sending us pictures documents in the rain like this person is the of images we love to see them e-mail us at breaking news >> : and share them on air and on line a >> : spectacular news photographs of the kings fire eldorado county as you can see the smoke covering a wide area but there. to look at the infrared image provided by nestle smoke in the blue and you conceive that large part of red a shows actual fire starting at two weeks ago is still raging tonight. however no promising news tonight for the weather is helping in the firefight. rain moved in along fire crews to get a better handle on the situation on the phone again tonight scott with cal fire. does been some progress overnight in terms of containment numbers. update us >> : exactly as of this morning 6 the a present contains now looking at 96,000 a.. as far as what the came and it did help immensely. when the weather did break crews were able to get an and more work done which is very effective at this time. as of right now also in the process because of the fire situation ask starting to mobilize our crews we are releasing those that are not needed sudden return to other jurisdictions as the need arises. >> : onsets of evacuations now. >> : everyone's been allowed back home and or to their property is treated >> : were dealing with unexpected lightning strikes and a big storms here in northern part of the bay area art what's happening there by having issues with lightning strikes if so what concerned of the race for you and fire crews. >> : right now of high overcast lightning it's extremely dangerous regarding our safety as far as down sites and certain other fires in the area. another is nothing to do to prevent anything from that happens from lightning strikes western air certainly helping to the random flames. remarks so committee is quite high and edits the growth of anything on the fires special a fire line and the we do have the ability to get right in there along fires edge and take care of remaining issues making sure we have all those lines strength and keep in mind as several resources for several weeks here insurer the situation since then the state first is where it was 360 percent containment which is great news after battling the blaze for two weeks or more is our end in sight now can you predict when you have one bunch percent containment. >> : the situation is with a storm is coming and and will see how much rain depending how to get off of it then warm up again. keep in mind the grass is in the trees will dry out very quickly. the grass takes only an hour to dry out. >> : it's difficult to give you a hundred percent as far as. " concentrate on getting the list rest of this and mounter mop up control for several weeks to make sure it stays where it is. >> : day-by-day good work out their necks for time again that as your into weekend train knocked down the split altogether. >> : only on kron for exclusive cell phone video of a san francisco parking enforcement officer taken on a wild ride on the hood of woman's car. first told you about this story a earlier this week since then is gained national attention. j r talks to the person who shot the dramatic video. >> : all of the video showing senseless goat: enforcer on the hood of a woman's car didn't see it the first time we will slow it down for you conceive a code enforcement officer on the hood traveling along out table bored toward highway 101 woman's recorded the whole thing on his phone. >> : as an oppressed record she drives off and i hear him yelling can't make out what he says a record as a blazing by. driver 33 year- old woman in court wednesday that time she pled not guilty but authorities say before the your as recorded shoes seen taking a street cleaning ticket from one car putting it on her car then walking away. car forssmann sought force officer beginning her to get an attempt to drive off police say the man on the hook had to jump on her car to avoid being hit. >> : the guy was hanging on for dear life. the way he was yelling seemed a little weird. two blocks later almost a mile of this man on the lead she was stopped by police before the highway and before anyone was hurt. the video shot there at this under section though she faces doleful felony charges including a hit and run and assault with a deadly weapon. >> : coming up a 545 latest on two major auto recalls involving ford and chrysler. alarming new research with a mile on x and how altern other failing to treat infections. u.s. stocks closing of a turbulent week. now 167 points making up for much of yesterday's losses at 7500 along with the s tech rose 1% from yesterday. >> : flood advisory for fairfield the sorrier sitting to a half inches of rain how much more like a get when it is over. >> : intend any blacks prescriptions filled to work according to a new study that has actually gone up in recent years and antibiotics are increasing failed to treat infection. researchers look at records of more than 14 million people for the past 20 years in the uk. so being published for the journal b m j any blacks to scrub delores terry infections were the least effective with a third failing to work at all. overuse of antibiotics could be causing the increase to the resistance of the drug. flood advisory in place for another hour after the storm so moving and will tell you where it's heading and how much more could drop >> : in and to travel long an assistant city flooding from fairfield toward the federal rain falling in rates of 2 in. per hour are yet to end a half inches tall about that and just second. happening now for recalling 850,000 cars a due to air back problem. comices a short circuit could keep their bags from deploying in a crash models covered by the recall include 20132014 for fusion escape lincoln m. casey. ford says it will replace the cuter computer module affected all accidents of no injuries reported. chrysler recalling 250,000 ft. vehicles because of ignition problem of recalled vehicles from 2008 model year including cheap and dodge charger. they recall to fly missions which which can prevent them from working a rare cases that problem could cause the colt to lose power while driving. to families first except salomon officers. the family's teen daughter died in a crash 2005 the gamut establish a fund to pay the family to those. gm bought mutt with a family needs to reach a deal to not disclose the amount of the cement company estimates the number of deaths tied to the recall at 21. price of gasoline and going down not unusual for this time of year this time prices could dip below $3 a gallon across the country. unfortunately though not likely in california. still a drop in price is good for bay area drivers guess what senses pumps are down to attend a 20¢ a gallon. >> : average price of gas in the state's $3.72 per gallon while the higher here in the bay area $2.74 in san francisco 387 4 gal. of regular to find the best price in your neighborhood for gas go to our website kron4-dot-com special section right here dedicated to helping people find the cheapest gas click on that icon right there interactive map that lets you find the cheapest gas closest to you break it down by region all here on kron 4 kron4-dot-com >> : storm tracker for just started with harmless grizzle and started into our downpour. a very hard in a matter of fact fairfield parts of solano county under flood advisory and less about another hour and half of the reason for that is extremely heavy rain to inches per hour. in fairfield and as you can see if your traveling along interstates be aware of possible flooding releasing some of his significant rains are about the slip a bit recently still similar to the an inch there also sing half and still far south as santa rosa. certainly very heavy rain persisting lightning possible sale as well the film be careful out there and also seen declared storm drains and also could be problems of cars as well as to create a whole problem run house. >> : whether headlines showers lightnings this will not last forever will start to move out of here in the overnight hours with the school temperatures partly cloudy conditions less will all thrilled week. is what some north whatsoever or boneless a bit warmer little by little throughout the work week leading up to friday could be the warmest day. 60 san fransico 54 nappa 58 unconquered 67 to >> : up and down the '60s and fremont real chili and has been. high as 74 would city 76 santa clara east bay we have 84 warmup creek 80 on the board 734 kestrel right. no. they tend so we have 75 petaluma's 78 and center fell 69¢ a stow popping up to 72 in san bruno. batters forecast fog in the morning wearing off a nice day after that. the get too concerned there is unclear oakland raiders game taking on the dolphins' early cloud a little bit chilly the flavoring windbreaker on sunday will be a bit cold outside. on 47 there and before catherine and not moving in some female fans but one gets a shoes awesome by actor george clooney to say i do at his wedding day comes after a a 20 year arguably longest u.s. is a little bachelor. >> : sphere >> : house must determine the most eligible bachelor. >> : a chance you ever walk down the aisle. >> : and just five short years after making that pledge to the insider the end of his special a code was imminent. hammon the bride or absolutely glowing cloud friends cindy crawford and the damon are derived to that city watter the sites of the wedding tomorrow. time to bid farewell to george the bachelor. back in the '80s a struggling actor. he'd 1989 he married the bat and star. not to be the couple split 1993 the bachelor was back. >> : spencer george stole parts on the international scale. he pledged time and time again he would remain on the market. >> : really an end of an era. and deep in our hearts we knew that this was the beginning of the end. >> : where seven news set at seven. >> : television's no. 1 from its premiere on kron 4 on wednesday night the walking dead is to be able to watch zombi trauma right here back-to-back episodes each and every wednesday 9:00 p.m.. but by kron 4 news at eleven >> : coming up to see naked woman walking down the street you expect not to lead the call will tell you in the next addition of people behaving badly. >> : the battle brewing and big government and coming up in the sec report >> : if highlights reaction 49ers pivotal match up with the eagles plus the raiders are in london and for the for the first one of the season in depth look at the giants' eighth playoff picture former all-star bit roberts all this sunday night at 9 right after the news. >> : a remote that lives on your phone. more wi-fi in more places. a movie library you can take wherever you go. internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. the innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. comcast nbcuniversal. bringing media and technology together for you. bulldog: i can't wait to get to imattress discounters good and early for the tempur-pedic bonus event. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. it's a beautiful day for mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters a record deficit coming down car parts of fairfield the north bay looking and 2 in. per hour in fairfield a brimful some flooding on interstate 80 a flooded by israel in place for another hour or 15 so this whole thing will start to movies in the meantime already dropped to an a half inches of rain on here for the next still coming down hard to arouse the same over half an inch rain nappa as well at slip getting cut hit hard landing on the board as well the family is still a factor severe weather very unstable. it will start to stabilise later will touch on that a bit >> : fbi upset with the google apple over issues with the restore funds >> : fbi director james sharply criticized apple google for developing forms of support for encryption so secure that law-enforcement officials can easily gain access to information stored on the devices even when the have a valid search warrants. the remarks all the news last week apple mop up bring system i was 8 is so thoroughly trip to the company is unable to unlock i phones or pads for authorities. the same type of encryption is coming in rubles and next android operating system. there also will not be able to open up the devices for authorities fear that the fbi believes that the ability a surge what his results car phones is essential to solvent range of serious crimes murdered child pornography it attempted terrorist attacks. they told reporters so, they went matter a great deal to lives of people that we will be able to gain access to such devices. >> : its net at 6:00 problem lurking any space school action officials are taking tomorrow to get rid of pests. we are keeping a close eye on the storm's marching through the bay area right now lightning and rain getting new pictures and the newsroom but more news ahead at kron 4 news at 6 is next. >> : female announcer: the savings really stack up during sleep train's inventory clearance sale. save 10%, 20%, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. the inventory clearance sale is on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ happening now at six wild weather running through the bay area and many are hearing this loud thunder and sections of the bay area this set in with a urine south bay. good evening we are getting reports of rain and hail lightning across the region. then rubin is tracking the storm slide so what is happening right now what can we expect tonight? >> : right for the return bring to return it is coming down really hard right now and will continue coming down hard for the next few hours flood advisory in place for a slot county. there are anticipating the storm cell a fairfield's to move east rather quickly. for the time being it's coming down extremely hard a lightning assault thunder also of th hail. renouncing it 2 in. of rain per hour. starting sit still owes half an inch of rain per hour for parts of the north bay center rows of well over half an inch of rain for this storm as well. looking for core delia 2 in. of rain per hour interstate 80 as well anticipate flooding on the roadways in that area. thessaly be careful out there coming down so hard so festive simulating a very quickly the party sought to a half inches of rain for fairfield coming at 2 in. per hour. it will be out next ers certainly be careful. >> : a lot of you sending pictures documents and a crown for york center in this picture of a pool in fairfield the sea at the rain pouring into the pool. this also from fairfield ominous a dark clouds and again at 2 in. almost per hour of rain in fairfield and is coming down and look at the rain is coming out really hard in that of banks to christians and in this picture looks like some hail will be mixed in there. reports of pale coming down as well have the cloud cover in san jose delta rain to their but certainly systems moving through the bay area you have pictures of the rain and hail lightning we would like to see them. we putting them on not see be kron4-dot-com >> : usenet's six bart police are beefing up patrols on train platforms and the bay area and response to a terrorist threat uncovered half a world away. iraq prime minister said he had credible evidence isis' plotting to attack the subways in the united states. u.s. officials say the plot has been confirmed as kron 4 has seek excellence and high bar officials taking the threat very seriously. >> : possibility of a terrorist threat targetting america's subway system the car police officers on high alert. i'm going to take chances. our police lieutenant says although csa determine the terrorist threat lacks credibility bar police will be out in force just the same period were shifting our resources increasing high-visibility patrols in those areas that have been determined. r.p. also activated >> : their receive special training anti-terrorist matters. car passengers also will be vigilant. eisen years of our police one thing that they can do download our watch application available for free and with the can do is enter and a picture or description of what's going on and that will go directly to the dispatch center and we will send an officer to investigate what is happening. >> : a deadly crash involving sen transit bus stops traffic in san mateo for hours that stretch of road just reopened this video comes from helicopter partnership with abc 72 people and events killed in that incident was slammed head-on with the boss of this afternoon. several people on the bus suffered injuries. charles crawford in cemetery with the latest on investigations. >> : out camille royale closed for four hours this afternoon reopened run for 30 today following a deadly accident a 445 a little from earlier today what happened was a northbound central and the bus was on that note a number of passengers on board. 1245 a green a man heading south bound veered suddenly to the left and collided head-on with that sam chan bus. the passenger in the then ejected the person died on seen the driver injured transport the hospital and the driver died short-time later at a hospital. there were five people on board the bus injured also transported received minor injuries ought not a life- threatening. at this point investigators here for several hours this afternoon say the debt do not know why the then swerved but some medical problem with the driver or if he was attempting to make quick left-hand turn in front of the bus they do not know at this point that is still under investigation. >> : a suspect arrested in connection with a car is stolen from auto dealership in belmont police said last sunday it several suspects to eight vehicles from audubon mercedes dealership on this man jury was arrested wednesday night in connection with that incident. book on multiple charges including auto theft and stolen property. seven of the eight vehicles stolen have been recovered. golden gate very workers off the job today it forcing thousands of commuters to find another way to get into severances go to a dozen ferry workers ticketed outside terminal one day strike shut down all ferry service between marin county and seven cisco affecting 9000 riders. the strike comes while the contracts disputes between the 13 union coalition and the bridge district. earlier this week the union filed an unfair labor practice charge with the state cleaning bridge management is not bargaining in good faith but the bridge district denies the claim. >> : sardou consumers about this and a social haven't happened and chosen not to strike instead continue to negotiate with us as we've been negotiating. >> : giants fans also advised to find alternate giant transportation since there'll be no a ferry service for 18 see part for tonight's a giants game double hit for north bay commuters today golden gate bridge bus service canceled trips on several routes a day after a dozen workers called in sick. bridge district spokesperson said number of sick calls on expected at least 13 bus trips cancelled this morning because of the work stoppage at seven trips cancelled for the evening commute. >> : speaking of canceled sackler county district attorney has treated 40 niners play ray macdonald pulmonary hearing this coming monday once again at been canceled. no new court date will be scheduled " all unless or until charges are filed". prescored court it was also cancelled as investigations continue mcdonald continues to play for the niners as the legal process goes out and activist group is putting pressure on the league hoping it will change its policy not allow players on the field who are being investigated for domestic abuse the group called the nfl respect for do process as convenient excuse that allows teams to give maximum advantage for players all paying lip service to stance of zero tolerance against women. there are nearly 48 belsen signatures at this point on petition for free kron4-dot- com trendy the nfl to change its policy right now each team can decide how handles its own players being investigated for domestic violence. >> : coming up next at 6:00 flea infestation at east bay school what schools are doing to get rid of those pesky boggs + fire at an air traffic control center has here nationwide. now know who won wednesday's to a $28 million power ball jackpot. >> : we've been telling you about the wild weather in the bay area people sending in their videos to share with you with this hail from nappa and the rounds at not valley area again additional pictures of wild weather in your neighborhood to send them and to a loss and will share them with the rest of the audience will be right back. >> : leandro elementary school flight setting off leashes abiding the students' parents say children and roosevelt elementary coming home with a bug bites all week. the school planning to spray the critters this weekend roosevelt set a bad note home about the project parents as treason or about the bugs. >> : we got a note today about the spring this began with sun is in third grade and did come home with a bunch of but earlier this week never would of thought they were from here. an early too concerned about that. the >> : school officials did not plan on spring for fleas in a classroom only the field is being treated. crews finally gaining ground on wildfire burning in el dorado county update on the blaze burning in now for nearly two weeks and a nightmare for travelers heading out today how the fire in one location disrupted air travel across the nation today. here are pictures viewers aren't sending and from the hail coming down in that all a little girl. >> : if your pictures share them with us at kron4-dot-com >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. and was a total mess for thousands of air travelers across the country today delays cancellations all caused by a fire at an air traffic control center outside of chicago. police say the fire was deliberately set by an employee at the faa radar center the facility address air-traffic over a large portion of the midwest. call to air-traffic to of the country but busiest airports of chicago and at midway reduced number of flights of going in and out of chicago they are going and that is good news travelers in chicago had the role with the punches. >> : and frustrate what can i do is not like a contrive to miami. my what's going to pick us up and head back home for the rest of the afternoon try again tomorrow. find the current complaint complain about this kind of stuff. gasoline used to help spread the fire and so of the wiring in the building damaged but they are ruling out the employee attend to decide his own life. >> : fire feting o'hare causing a ripple effects across the country to the bay area six of flights canceled at sfo today others delayed for several hours due to the backlog. one couple spoken with that had to cancel their vacation. it said the change your plans entirely change family trip to know until this coming at a couple extra days. >> : context cares to check the status of their flights. oakland international airport also affected today several flights heading from chicago and to chicago council the delayed many flights making connections all the other cities before heading to chicago also delayed backlog expected to last into the evening hours. there were fewer and less frustrating and cancellations at man wrote san jose international airport to flights actually having to and from chicago canceled half-dozen other flights with connections impacted by o'hare shut down also canceled. passengers on another dozen or so flights inconvenienced by delays as airlines scrambled to reorganize connecting flights for example. stanley roberts o'donnell which was not able to death flight back to washington till sunday. the knicks to dallas and washington. because of the fire in chicago. what does this mean to you now. i waited for my nephew to come pick me up and take me back to my sisters for a few more days. airline avid golfer and he took in stride having at the centers for extended visit perhaps another round of to or for golf. >> : it rained writing much relief for the mass of wildfire in el dorado county king fire now burned more than 96,000 a. a but the good news is now 68 percent contained. rain at help the crew is gaining ground on the blaze burning some timber the 13th. a fire is one of nearly 5000 wildfires in california just this year typically about 4000 fires on average by this time. stay up-to-the-minute on fires had to the website kron4-dot-com for pictures and video from the fire and also stay connected through our facebook twitter pages. >> : the rain we see and the north they will start to fade not yet still seeing a lot of heavy rain and throughout the north bay system starts to move east and santa rosa are you seeing it well over half an inch of rain with the system as you see it's still moving down hard thunder lightning out there right now half an inch quite a bit west that it was coming in earlier quarter of an inch per hour and santa rosa. the dealing in fairfield a focus of our attention font flood advisory is in affect extended 715 and now be 835 l be in place for this evening are seen at two and a half inches of rain in fairfield. bidding 1/4 aventurine per hour restaurant or seem almost 2 in. of rain per hour over interstate 880. as a source move east we will start to see rain and cells packed over look at that 4 in. per hour and tracy. seen videos of hail the thunder a lightning a very nasty out there right now if you're traveling out and about please definitely be careful now would be a good time. set to 67 cisco 687 tel 68 for 70 for hair or 71 unconquered were starting to dry out morning lows 60 from san fransico said the device are fell 67 redwood city 61 hayward and '60s out in antioch dropped onto afternoon highs going to be cooler than has been 74 for plot so sunny bill 76 in campbell 76 and santa clara quite a bit of cloth not suppose a rain tomorrow afternoon we don't anticipate rather however temperatures will stay pretty well with a cloud covered 89 would treat heist 73 for union city 76 in pittsburgh. 75 petaluma 65 out by ocean beach a 69 in san francisco's downtown. belfour 49ers game looking ahead to the sun is team in santa clara a little fog in the morning by the time about kickoff ellis said the fog will burn off and should have a relatively nice day for senate clara. the conditions throughout the evening in fact kron 47 day around bay forecast the rain we experienced tonight will pass through both after that we'll see partly cloudy conditions throughout the weekend and temperatures on the cooler side plenty of sunshine for the week ahead and see gradual warming. >> : bay area man who won the $228 million power ball jackpot has come forward turns out he works right across the street from some retail market where he bought the winning ticket. then what owns the nose resort neighboring merchants say he and his wife worked at the salon have not shown up since they wont let the big prize in the big prize winner is hard-working man and glad he won. >> : they're very nice people very down-to-earth. very friendly soul there great couple and it's fantastic that they were able to win. >> : the winner told california lottery officials said they have any plans for the more money just yet once to remain a normal guy. coming up next heads up for north bay drive with a close run highway 37 in a few hours grant will be back with that and will get worse next week a major recall of boston farms chicken in california. >> : rambo over nap " we were telling you about wild weather particularly in the north bay send us your pictures this is a beautiful ones and thus to breaking news at kron4-dot- com >> : bulldog: [yawn] bulldog: i just had a dream i was at mattress discounters with tempur-pedic and the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! icomfort, by serta... optimum, by posturepedic... ahh! comforpedic, by beautyrest... ooh! 48 months interest-free financing, free delivery, and queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! that's more mattresses than you can shake a bone at. ♪ mattress discounters city is a popular stretch of north bay highway getting set for another major closure and then another portion of highway 37 closed this weekend in both directions that will also affect drivers next week starting tonight at 10:00 lasting until monday 5:00 a.m. highway 37 will be shut down to traffic highway 101 sonoma county the highway 29 in solano county. then close again overnight next week from monday to friday shutting down between 10:00 p.m. a 5:00 a.m. each day during the closures caltrans will be working on paving administer projects treated >> : like a top stories tonight including beef up patrols on par due to terrorist threat on isis two people killed when their van smashed his head on into a san trends boss. >> : coming up when you thought people or the bar for bad behavior someone lows dirt floors at a bit further. driving ago car on the bay bridge and the next addition of people behaving badly. >> : tracy hard hit by rain of 4 in. per hour rate of rainfall right now and tracy in. per hour rate of rainfall right now and tracy running hard in other during sleep train's inventory clearance sale. save 10%, 20%, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. the inventory clearance sale is on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ a remote that lives more wi-fi in more places. a movie library you can take wherever you go. internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. the innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. comcast nbcuniversal. bringing media and technology together for you. iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. the rain has returned for a vengeance store much tracker for showing in the north bay around center as it started falling hardest first where seen half an inch of rain per hour currently still very heavy a was a half an inch per hour accumulated over half an inch so far with this one cell moving through of lightning associated with this as well reports of hailed seen pictures of the thunder of letting out there as well definitely some very nasty and santa rosa fairfield will focus of attention were a flood watch has been issued will go until 7152845 s and early be aware of any particular on interstate 880 or the cell is centered over and rates still falling at a core of an inch per hour are seeing well over 2 in. for fairfield area not done that yet another big fallout and tracy right now getting 2 in. of rain per hour still coming down a very hard and a tell you a much coming up. >> : we love seeing a lot of the weather pictures and video sending and this one here showing the hail see a lot of hale is coming down in several parts of the bay area nappa especially in we love to continue to see video and pictures that you have of the severe weather like getting parts of the bay area you need meloemail head-on collision along el camino royale. around 1245 green men carrying the people so collided head-on with a northbound as antwrens boss the two people in the band were killed five people on the bus received minor injuries transported to the hospital and treated for not life-threatening injuries at this point in this year's do not know why green van swerved to the left. because of the fire in o saw a domino effect a threat to rest the country at sfo along the lines at the southwest airlines people trying to reschedule a lot of them support to take off in chicago milwaukee this morning only to find out they're rather to get in there and the flight was canceled very fluid situation today potentially 23 let the best of boat in chicago every day early in the morning hours we did see for flights canceled handful of others delayed. >> : continuing coverage now is that since the chicago international airport from said jose already several flight cancellations and delays. the cancellations here include to direct flights to and from o'hare. six flights canceled because the impact on connecting flights elsewhere. a dozen flights a delayed as the airline net as scrambled to play catch-up by mid morning all departures are rivals in here on schedule. >> : barclays officials at the white aerostation as all the tea is a determined no credibility in recent terrorist threats targeting america's subway systems are officers out and pull force just the same. shifting our resources increasing high- visibility patrols especially those areas determined to be vulnerable within car. passengers also download the free bar watch cell phone at use it to discreetly report suspicious activity. >> : in san to a bay area man who won two of the $28 million power ball jackpot has come forward. it turns out works right across the street from the market were bought the winning ticket then once a snell's law of surprisingly close. the neighboring merchants say history of heart for a hard- working man or to the shop with his wife and they say they are glad he is the one to claim the big prize. >> : that will be an instruction video one to rent one of these ago car use them to take a guided tours run san francisco. and now looking at video shot by passengers during the exact opposite. they are writing one of those on the bay bridge. then posted a net on you to that. mitty its opposite day who knows all places around the boat cars these to decide the view of the bay bridge. however before they hit the bridge and took a leisurely ride known as lumbar the driver has this to say. i move u.s. was redoing this car is driving that on is one of the approved areas that suit was the driver did a quick look in the year. then a quick roll on the sidewalk. then back to the street. going to stop signs. then hit the bay bridge pretty far from north beach. then only driving up bay bridge not permitted there is also a big know by call for now patrol and to get a couple hundred dollars and a point on driving record. a caltrans emergency vehicle passed them told them to get off the bridge. i spoke to one of the managers and they tell me if they and on the go car the driver has to pay for that and security but deposit which could be as high as $500 and not to mention you can get killed driving or those things on a major freeway. >> : acoming up next check your freezer foster farms issued a not major chicken not recall potential dangers straight ahead. >> : new social network emerged on the scene getting a ton of a buzz thousands of people joining it every hour called the anti at facebook social network. will this become an alternative to facebook. and the sec report tonight on kron 4 news at 8:00 p.m. >> : s the speed. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. old lease instead of the bay bridge comes down new concerns popping up about a sixth billion dollar replacement officials say they're working to determine whether the steel rods on a new bridge have been damaged by water piece is in question anchor the bridges main pot power to its base lasting transportation officials discovered some rods sitting in water which could cost them to corrode. caltrans said its trend the area around those for the apparently no one knows for sure how long those rods were exposed. this is just the latest in a string of problems to crop up with the new span of the bay bridge both during construction after opened and the public. >> : foster farms recall nearly 40,000 lbs. of chicken due to possible listeria contamination. mr. corbin agriculture says the recall affects three-pound bags of frozen precooked chicken breast strips. the products shipped to from louisiana's to several states including california and that the product has a best buy date august 5, 2015 officials say no reports so far up a mess. coming up in sports garry lovely when police opened the kron 4 gary and alicea open kron 4 mail bag to answer you questions. respond to comments and questions and what the dairy think of the giants chant campaign celebration last night not to mention. giants 8 is heading down the stretch the 8 is not in yet will check on their score in the fifth inning up on tx 3 to want everything it free much in their favor for making the playoffs if the winds night when tomorrow they are in. meanwhile the pirates and the reds that's the giants are 7 to go for san diego tonight one could start to lose so they can host the playoff game on wednesday play in game if you want to be exact right now the pirates are leading 31 in the ninth inning verses' cincinnati. again you just look at the games on saturday and sunday right now if you use the giants went all on the road wednesday and pittsburgh. after they had the wild card in the afternoon or lot loss by milwaukee they went ahead and party anyway after their victory car pence getting a speech after the game. >> : really funny what players are doing everybody has that opinion on this date did this a 1:00 in the afternoon and had to wait nine hours to do champagne that's fine hunter pen's speech with the red have fun with that on the area say people basically saying. a lot less of a hundred years ago well as planning was also following you teammates but ascended to the best i can out hope so weather guys yelling are not. it is surprised how many people call and >> : adult and the fcc like that. it helps people everybody different to me i don't know this prefer to say i can't get motivated with myself with good tabs on the back. all aliens streaming it is a wild-card race. pam do we agree. that would inspire for run for cover. >> : about 20 text within one minute to enable say we love >> : saw buyers of toro look rough start one run to losses >> : right things defensively fingerprints on the defense alceste and you see the most part we have to get out there with the ball not worry about some >> : jim harbaugh and joins in progress wires open training camp next week head coach steve kerr at talks of how he'll handle the. and a guard at lenin's barroso recently played in the world cup. >> : so the amount of some drills one overload them talk all three guys off a great more really being fresh mentally not too concerned about anything physically. nuances loss angeles clippers' new energetic owner steve hit billions of microsoft. he has told the team he will dump that apple i had from now on were using all microsoft. barry is the new owner of the clippers making his presence felt. uri saw her warm up here i am ready to go. let's see you on right keet been excited over the giant wild- card bid faced this season is a disappointment. and >> : anytime you're one of 10 teams the big play also disagree people score a little bit you want zero world series 2010 to 712 is allowed car this is the year. maligns anything to do this year ethical reconsidered success so many injuries and i'll think in terms of depth that all have what they had in those chevy engineers will see what happens but hey the speech drew fire all mall. >> : hala are you so intent on the giants are not sold out every game. because every time we stop by or you see on tv there are always empty seats it's not a lot but it's just been doing this for years i believe it has beetroots and says there's 44,000 of the game may be 37,000. i'm just trying to say we sold out every game not every seat was filled. now get what they do it there to say something when you're on the air and i a cftc y wants to believe that either. >> : you always say when his brother jim harbaugh left after the season wears the concrete proof. i approve of a talk-show host a hot idea is he has been around a people we just your hate them but you just not comfortable with them. and that's what i think is going on here like gadget york who has the gang of young, bureaux some of his younger text of the bodies of all that and not saying you can not this like somebody but this say a rather beat and a different environment i'll i do think it did when big this year they be harbaugh look around. >> : a sense little uncomfortable >> : us concern about all-time greatest roods made not a single parent who happen to play in your carry out agree with you in most cases but did play in the york ellison kansas city in say haiti is not babe ruth but for our generation he played 20 years to get right dingy yen admire the guy. parcells and watch a growing up a debt the your cool adding get about 35 and again it >> : will go away until i read yet. to our leader when she starts to run amok years. the lines you your thunder board video from our viewers in the wild weather that surprise much of the bay area this evening as you heard thunder part of the weather picture tonight sending pictures and video to breaking news at bulldog: [yawning] i can't wait to get to mattress discounters good and early for the tempur-pedic bonus event. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters mx the insider actor george clooney says goodbye to the bachelor life details on upcoming star studded wedding and italy next at 7:00 followed by entertainment tonight at 730 of course we will be back at 8:00 surprise of all these stories the weather at the moves the bay area it dent update us on what was sought and ahead. welcome back eight which is a level of the severe weather going on going to be raining very hard and north other raw and fairfield getting absolutely pounded estimated so far to in a half inches of rain in that area flood advisory in place and lower slough connie that goes into effect throughout 845 are extended once a good possibility it could extend again anticipating and rainfall in the area. for right now still running very hard person rose as well tracy getting hammered 4 in. per hour with the rate of rainfall definitely treacherous tailwinds a very heavy rain really with coming it to a vengeance >> : we've been suffering through three years of drought was unexpected weather events today hopefully it will help out a little bit a note could use that allies of my house have the good evening everyone will be back tonight at 8:00 with the latest weather news and sports and intros stay in touch a kron4-dot-com you can download whenever mobile app is still at 8. >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. the "insider" with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> any chance you'll ever walk down the aisle? >> no, probably not. >> prepare for the unimaginable. george's wedding as guests arrive for the weekend nuptials. ♪ >> while we take a moment to say good-bye. >> i won't marry. >> and marry hollywood's most determined bachelor. >> and kimye has it rough at paris fashion week. attacked and competing cleavage. >> and then here you are, glamorous and fabulous. >> in celebration of gwyneth's 42nd birthday, we're honoring the style icon with a fashion flashback. >> thatas a sweet dress. >> plus, welcome. >> haven't been on the set of the radford unless you've been groped. >> i am overzealous about joining my neighborhood watch, getting up close and personal with the girls next door. >> can i have a kiss? do you mind? >> oh, yes, i went there. time to go inside because this is the best day ever. >> now the latest celebrity news delivered to you 24/7, it's the "insider" together with yahoo!. >> sorry, ladies, get your kleenex on standby, the day has finally come for clooney to says i do as his 20-year reign as america's favorite bachelor comes to an end. hello, everybody. welcome to the insider. i'm louis aguirre. >> and i'm thea andrews. as we look at a single and ready to mingle gwyneth paltrow we're mourning the death of clooney, the single guy, also known as hollywood's most eligible catch, and so tonight we say farewell to gorgeous george, the bachelor. >> any chance you'll ever walk down the aisle? >> no, probably not. >> and just five short years after making that pledge to the


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140830

april for allegedly making a bomb threat the cell phone the of the incident that you see him leaving lapd no criminal charges filed in this one but smith was brought in supplies could get bogged good verbal reprimands that as some of what has gone on with alden's meth >> : there is a long list hopefully he can get his life turned around. one thing he recently said he is sober since all this happened is that playing and to approve >> : all but certain he'll consider that in special effects that you wont be have less missed five games apparently you see nine games a little think the commissioner thinks of it that much >> : is also losing a lot money part of a car on his bank account you think the make a ton of money they do to a 24 million his goal is more than 1.2 million because of a suspension yoko hungry but his guests certainly feel that. you hope these nine games can keep the team can get to them and then smith more importantly to get his life back together become a valuable member of society and a member of the team. commissioner and it really making a statement here he's been a busy guy and this is a busy week for hon some 40 niner fans crying foul all over the suspension of other say smith got what he deserved. rob flambeau has more from leave on a stadium in santa clara >> : next emotions among 49 are fans surely by stadium was lawlessness news broke friday afternoon i spoke with several the 49er the people here as it waited in line at the box office for tickets to too early by stadium thus spoke with that seemed to be either thinking in nine games suspension is too harsh those who say it's high time the nfl set a strong message about for that behavior >> : by great leap coming down on players for what they do and giving consequences as two games where rice all ends with nine games >> : with flair are role models now in getting paid a lot of money to be role models for other people they should get kicked off the team for these types of activities behavior >> : seemed like his old beat making up for his decision and looks like all then it got the worst of that >> : of an essential message and maybe a little too late a good time that they put sports in perspective >> : all dismiss wellness of a portal for home games yearly by stadium >> : tonight we are following the latest of now but in the aftermath sunday 6.0 magnitude earthquake major progress to report tonight when it comes to the waterline and paris. the city says a fixed all water lines which were damaged in the quake. that's a different story when it comes to the buildings more than 1000 buildings have now been tied to that number could grow as inspections continue that it's because some buildings that were not damaged are now threatened by other structures which are. then chairman live and now but to explain all this >> : this is part on some business owners than particular >> : were somewhat business owners on main street due to business owner on grounds the street. as a result was not doing what the other one needs to do he says business has remained a shutdown of >> : several businesses along nappa main street and a red tag is not because they're structurally unsafe in fact they are retrofitted. the red tag because the city is deemed these buildings behind them on kron street to be unsafe. >> : we have on reforest milling ticket not gingrich affair is coming apart when you feel that you can see walls leading away from each other and there's a man in danger of any one of those collapsing at any time. a letter he has passed out to mainstream businesses the owner of these broad street buildings my buildings present no realistic danger to any other buildings nearby >> : but he says he is taking steps to find a shoring contractor to prevent more bricks from falling >> : until that happens these main street businesses are shut down >> : what i that's horrible a terrible >> : ago hokum own some of the russian finance ministry buildings that were forced to close because of the other property owner. >> : or talking out of the 2550 people that come because of the bill in question >> : for now all these businesses can do is to take matters in their own hands >> : we are working to an engineer to build up a defensive structure on our building and the way if anything additional fall off it will not hurt a building and will be alert reopen soon as possible. these are costly the businesses can't wait for the of a property owner to act >> : second to get seriously we have to take it seriously like of the save our business >> : to get the ok the it will have plans to put an upgrade sometime later tonight or tomorrow we can tell you the record from the folks of bulk feed so that they have borrowed a mobile pizza oven there will be cooking pizza opened without all on the sidewalk because >> : meantime were the united methodist church the chirred side of this building on the other side suffered a lot of damage also red tag in they are going to be having a picnic for parishioners to light up here tonight at 6:00 and we will bring you that an hour >> : at the school just been yellow tag in the nappa christian school that 2201 pine st. stillwater work to be done before plusses can resume on tuesday that's what they're planning the structural damage is in the gym several other buildings to him was described as minimal damage but one of the people working out here said it says it's really still mess inside >> : the all con things called on desks damage to there's books all over the place of opportunity go through store everything and make sure that we get rid of the stuff that is broken and damaged >> : the is also felt his in the get back into the question >> : stands mostly back in class as a one state in the nappa unified school district to looking at the exception the sonorous school lets the charter school with the big cracks in the parking lot. billing itself still has no structural damage to crops aren't scripted to be fixed by this weekend's >> : and now but is not the only bay area city hard by the quake we have the pictures out of crooked. muscle building damage there is minor 18 buildings with chimney damage have been identified so far and there are two buildings with sizable structural damage. both those what homes and residences still able to stay in their homes a >> : crews are still working in vallejo of course to assess the damage there as of this afternoon officials say these are the new numbers 22 buildings have been red tag there and another 180 have been yellow tag. of course we've been keeping an eye on aftershock draw all this in sunday's quake ananiie joins us now >> : at 432 this afternoon and magnitude 2.5 you might fall and shaking in the south bay this afternoon are reports of injuries couple other aftershocks as well all in the same area basically just a self records of california all closer to the hollister area i will show you some aftershocks that we have been having another 2.1 magnitude at 47 the same area also a 1.9 as well. around four to eight >> : we felt shaking their in the hollister area largest store one was around the magnitude 3.5 of 432 this afternoon there's a possibility may see or shading of the next couple hours as well carports of damage a very small earthquake in the south bay we get more details on that and delivered if forecast of a comeback later >> : and we encourage you to keep it here for the latest nappa earthquake aftermath much more coverage ahead to at 6:00 we take you live to nappa and show you how the community is coming together tonight in a special event and later at five we will tell you about a sign from mother nature that they have predicted a quick question stay up-to- date with news mobile app as well. coming up a 515 walnut creek police officer are arrested uproot current gremmies accused of involving a woman at a baseball bat to >> : a woman accused a single airplane explained why in a jailhouse interview >> : and next a stunning surprise customs office on sfo lurking in this bod box bulldog: if you're like me, you've been working like a dog all year. but don't camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale ends monday! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters less custom agents at u.s. ufo the surprising ally of the giant millepedes set in the national mall facility photograph of a foot long boggs customs agents found 20 of them swimming in settle large package shipped from germany and officials say was a marked as toy and model car but when they inspected the styrofoam box they discovered the boggs at cullions soil and paper >> : although not illegal to import exotic animals you need to have certain permits to do so which is packaged did not have some officials say the center in berlin given a postal violation and the bugs for euthanize without a homelan out call >> : water and electric police officer facing felony charges for allegedly attacking a woman with a baseball bat 53 year-old was arrested in richmond on the morning of august 16th after witnesses reported a man after solving woman >> : according to richmond police the to search of a car of the poisons restaurant about multiple gonds amassed and does it ties >> : thompson arrested on suspicion of a felony vandalism solved deadly weapon making criminal threats he will be booked into county jail and has since been released on bail. according to warmup creek police department he has been on officer with the department since 1984 placed on paid administrative leave and pending the outcome of that several investigations. if convicted you the victim was >> : chp says 34 year-old soon meet soon up there and was writing the suzuki motorcycle before love and loss might ease the toll plaza highway 80 at one point she fall off and was hit by at least one car chp officer says she may have hit a plastic plane separator before falling off the bike there also reviewing surveillance >> : we are tracking the whether traffic will start with a grant in the traffic center with some road issues and you need to know about putting out of town >> : to major incidents affecting highways to lead a brush fire we told you about last night is still burning near gilroy and also so far toward 80 a. 60 percent contained this is video from that yesterday courtesy of helicopter partnership with abc seven years to the chp says it appears to of started after a car crash west on lanes of 152 new cost of the fruit of the was around three yesterday afternoon here now lilive look people heading east from interstate 5 a lot of folks trying to make their way to southern california this week ended a slow go in both directions on 150 to avoid that if possible another obstacle this weekend getting around that partial interstate 280 closure in san francisco caltrans shut down north bay north on lands where the interchange the king street estimate at two they expect to reopen the lanes tuesday at 5:00 a.m. caltrans workers completing an earthquake retrofitting project on the freeway replacing fifth year old hinges with your ones that me seismic standards. crews and shirley that could open early too early to tell low and taking a look at traffic there is a conceit with the but it's not good won a one all cars that would amount to 88 1/3 a filter on transit given the city bay bridge both directions is a mess oakland the spay not much better use ca 80 south 80 is a mess there near the toll plaza so bottom-line a lot of people are getting out a town that is part of a labor day weekend if you have to throw its public bus to avoid that >> : and you were >> : katherine whatever traffic problems and what you're running into this labor day weekends they will not include the price of gas because gas prices continue to fall in fact they are lowest since 22010 nationwide average price of a gallon every dealer now 341 a gallon because crude oil prices have been falling since turmoil and mideast and russia >> : america is producing more oil to gas cheaper since july prices are sliding through november >> : as for the bay area served as guest over $4 a gallon for 12 a month ago and santa rosa is $3.88 down 11¢ from a month ago in oakland's gallon of regular $3.90 down from 401. >> : i know about the guest about throws what about the weather for those of us who are state saying local affects all of us have to work monday here in the weather center with any whats up for the weekend >> : we have breezy conditions to deal with here's a look at when speeds right now not to back down at the delta lawyer seen sustained winds 18 mi. north 17 for vallejo: rose oakland the evening to you 15 all are one speaker and not a word 13 redwood city 14 so all of us are seeing reconditions the gusts are not so bad mainly were seen 1015 even 20 mi. an hour. you see more satellite picture we have claws off to the coast to move farther inland overnight creating pettifog temperatures right now not to bedstead-any of 91 color at oakland 6863 for downtown san francisco has for the saturday another nice day. upper 60s close to 70 in downtown san francisco and the south below '80s any back 89 of a more '90s north bay and mature flowed the mid-80s even at the close half moon bay pushing close to 70 degrees street and sleep every day forecast coming up including a look a seven day i come back a little later >> : next latest on the john rivers condition after she suffered a cardiac arrest and the outpouring of support from hollywood >> : safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. time for a holiday get together. fresh sweet corn is 5 for just $1.00. grill up rancher's reserve ribeye steaks for only $7.99 a pound. and nabisco snack crackers are just $1.89. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. femaget three years interest-free financing and save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. take your time. no rcome on.y. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can and rivers in the hospital stable call it her fans from laying rounds the comedian insider see at andrews has details. >> : jones suffered cardiac arrest in new york after routine surgical procedure today the impact of her legacy being celebrated by her family and close friends >> : and lovers fights for her life as celebrities to be out messages of support larry king writing to my dear friend joan rivers known you for ever wish to nothing but the best and the struggling time of get them and >> : charlie sheen put the sport of his appearance on the tonight show with 1980's from all on the generous on thinking about joan rivers and sending us love your wade >> : 81 year-old legend into cardiac arrest is today morning at 9:40 a.m. during a routine at procedure she was a rush to bonds sinai hospital >> : currently she is reported in critical condition at a induced, a private suite of the premium care wing of the hospital. daughter melissa flew in from los angeles along with 13 year-old son cooper surely afterwards she released the statement " my mother would be so touched by the tributes that we receive from the world her condition remains serious but she's receiving the best treatment care possible we ask that you continue to keep her in your thoughts as we pray for her recovery >> : we have much more on the insider as 7:04 news >> : and center to tie at 7 followed by entertainment tonight at 730 then kron 4 news at 8 we will be right back now at 530 we followed developments in the not a quick as we mentioned about all water services back up and running and not butty crewsl 120 water main breaks caused by the earthquake some people had spent days without the order of the damage. . >> : here's one family they have to rush off to school right in front you conceive porta- potti because they often teased all week there were times water restored and turned off husband like free >> : it's been difficult and you really pre shearwater when you have >> : happened in the creek to the watter instantly go out or did to a few days >> : so we don't have the water after and we did have an electricity for at least 12 hours for sure the electricity came on at 10:00 at night we had water with on tuesday at touse the attention of the month as a result of the i got turned off again because of all the bricks that happened after did more bricks happens >> : hovey gone by the >> : beginning watter from winery it bringing home very carefully sparingly using water than also going to other folks homes to take a shower now again >> : elected because you're doing construction work at your house and the sports play happened to be there >> : is a very fortunate not god of it doesn't cost of some sake and for the tourist courts appears to done so over the weekend before the 6.0 quake struck sunday >> : charles crawford went to investigate what happens >> : is is the old faithful geyser of california sits in calloused of the 30 mi. north of the epicenter of lessened as magnitude 6.0 earthquake. mainly just a tourist attraction but the geyser behavior but also predict earthquake >> : , lister of the year at perhaps 30 it took every 35 minutes >> : by saturday evening of the it an hour and a half the lawn care ceo of the company that manages the geyser >> : we knew we thought something kids are going up 20 madison an hour and so forth hit around 320 sunday morning stanley roberts says by midday sunday the geyser was back to normal. 345 minutes because now even it behaves like that >> : car lost time old faithful geyser change behaviors this dramatically before the earthquake in 1989 after the quake u.s. geological survey said up the size monitor here and operation 2002. it contacted usgs the stickup discussing the possibility of another mantra station later this year >> : we are reactivating these relationships with them because it was a some point where a number the of the carter news as moniker referred to the measure all these eruptions and real time >> : one known as the serial stow away gave an interesting explanation as to why she keeps trying to sneak through airport security on their plans to justine waldman the latest on the jailhouse interview live in our news inside >> : airline hartmann claims she was unrecognizable vest called whistleblower trauma syndrome >> : also blamed stories for letting her snake by some made different times she was arrested again this week in phoenix after pleas from her wandering through baggage claim as sky harbor international airport her latest mug shot this came one week after the 62 year- old given a warning try denturists secured area at the airport without a ticket >> : she gave a jailhouse interview to an abuse of phoenix for she said she wanted to be arrested >> : as the government allowed it to test security points and so what forced the issue back in february pretty much had the bag to be arrested >> : police arrested hartmann three times because in august alone on august 4th arrested for selling away on a fly in san jose to los angeles coggan days later violating her probation for wandering through terminals lax without a boarding pass >> : police nor requested that she undergo mental health evaluation >> : developing story british government warning citizens to light than terror attack is highly likely the prime minister david cameron raise security level to a highest point in three years he says an attack could come from will islamic extremists to return from fighting in syria and iraq >> : one banking crossroads station on new heavy police presence >> : on terrorism analysis has increased the threat level in the united kingdom from substantial to severe >> : prime minister says that the carrying complex of little use of tamoxifen the hearts of the british capital >> : and were shocked in stricken by the barbaric murder of insulin >> : by the voice of what increasingly seems to have been a british terrace recorded on the video >> : it was clear evidence not let any more was needed this is not some foreign conflicts miles of home of the wicket or >> : more than 500 british muslims got to serious on iraq to fight with was on the islamic militants some americans also joined them no plans to increase security >> : details intelligence often offer from here is that there are no it is no evidence or right now that there were actively plotting to attack united states home >> : white house on the defensive after the president said yesterday he did not yet have the strategy about dealing with extremists now controlling all of northern syria >> : the president would seek congressional authorization before ordering any sort of military action >> : a plan the president made is that was put the cart before the horse >> : other twist we of learn the on meet army psychiatrist killed 14 people for hood asking to join on assists from his federal prison cell the attorneys as a convicted muscular wrote a letter to isis' leaders asking to cut become a citizen soldier of the islamic state and the heat and the throat of fort leavenworth and kansas >> : coming up a child who was in a car from where u.s. car check returns on >> : a market update including luxury dining attendees at how the news location much change the way you look at the train and >> : ending a week a record high after day of relatively quiet trading his look at the closing numbers for friday >> : restaurant chain denny is leading a new mark on wall street and new location opening the stores and subtle luxury apartment building in new york financial district the menu has its high class customers in mind molly marius% go on of the tap and the new restaurant also has a new take on the grand slam breakfast called grand cru slam dancers bacon pancakes with eggs with a bottle of 2003 vintage don perry on champagne it costs $300 a month we have a sunny skies out there clouds moving in the breeze sticking out but temperatures also going up how does the labor day forecast look for you coming up when the news continues after the break >> : bulldog: you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. not to labor the point, but this sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters some boy happy to be at home after frightening ride and set a carjacked the call his actions helped police rescued him a from the tradition in the car by and rose has the story >> : he said hang on and it was like wait here in the wrong car and he said on know. the line with those words nine year-old alex and four other children or off on the most dangerous ride of their young lives i hope that never happens again >> : happened in and instead she is biased tacos. and his driver stop to this subject and the bonds but the car running when she went in to grab another order for the kids when police say 24 old friends symonds jump in the s u b >> : he got and got the keys travois he drove around with the kids speeding store in all over the road barely missing other cars >> : car was coming and he turned this way and that. and the cargo slipped >> : most other kids were asleep when seven drug driving via for local polling it all the stolen car >> : and some of stockton six orange against oxon opportunity assault left behind barbed miss jackson >> : as the cup holder in the backseat so grab the: 11 >> : now silvan year-old boy told as much as was going on where they were surely after the call this of flushing police lights that there would soon be free >> : of happy because from got home >> : by 930 wednesday night and alex was of the but the patrol car it h p d headquarters smiley of the cameras ready to be reunited with his mom >> : no word on where the suspect will face kidnapping charges >> : what everyone is start of the labor day holiday weekend live look for more rv. carol in see blue skies out there class at smoothing and in the clouds will increase litter tonight in the other hours >> : are 7 cisco 70 degrees oakland 68 san jose 73 livermore at 83 degrees so tonight becoming cloudy and fog developing the at and after midnight tomorrow in the morning cloud sunny and breezy sunday morning clouds once again very similar pattern and will see malta warm conditions the winds are pretty at a special adults the 18th for fairfield 17 loyal to somali hours for oakland odense jose 14 in redwood city temperatures are going to be cooling down tonight at 8:00 this evening general lacy '70's and '60's so fairly mild evening going out to dinner tonight and local down and the '60s when early tomorrow morning as we go to my a fairly mild morning '60s even seventies already buy lunch will see '70s and '80s on the warmus location by late afternoon small by 3:00 red indicating some nine days including fairfield and for that area >> : here to look at how the contras will break down highs for tomorrow 69 severance goalies in san jose 84 and santa clara 79 a plot so having a lease bay we see ninety's and walnut creek pittsburgh pushing close to 90 in antioch a little cooler in castro valley and 7976 in san leandro richmond looking for high as 69 >> : oakland i stiffer you lots of sunshine but afternoon highs 7569 downtown san francisco was a flawed cards burn off by midday land santa re 87 nappa ladies >> : here's a kron 47 there on the day forecast temperatures are very similar on sunday stole on the preconditions to than and on monday for labor day looks really nice and a little warmer so great conditions as if your plans to be the one less summer barbecue had to the pool even close of for a good part close on monday >> : summer movie season almost over more dull oriented films now coming up this week we have of a spy thriller horror movie upset >> : of former cia operative and the november man aboard a retirement and protect a witness soon finds out that made him the target >> : the november man has a bit suspect a small agency in former protege turned to the " kill him >> : a number man is rated r >> : and the mood for something scary checkout as above so below >> : subterranean explores: the catacombs of paris when they discover city of the dead under the city of light >> : the past to come back to haunt them >> : as above a possible low rated r >> : coming up evil all local list of the shrine's wharf even by a homeless >> : and the next addition of people that behaving badly tonight at 8 >> : the difference between life and death, and the tech report you can expect to receive early warning are quick words to your score phone >> : safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. time for a holiday get together. fresh sweet corn is 5 for just $1.00. grill up rancher's reserve ribeye steaks for only $7.99 a pound. and nabisco snack crackers are just $1.89. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. female announcer: througet 36 months interest-free financing, plus big savings of up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. plus, free same day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ and cities japan mexico office offer systems earlier earthquake alert to cell phones. not only countries to develop it yesterday learn our trend systems receive the sunset a warning to the nappa quake early warning alerts systems existing california technology is there and working so barkin be warned about what can rest of us warned to our phones answer is money >> : critical need we need an assessment made products system now dr. richard ellen burke wheat success and that tickler readied on the aural warning system existing is calling on california residents to demand early warning of quick system be built here the warsaw residents to their phones >> : the fact that they have implemented the system working successfully clearly demonstrates the technology works people want as we just need necessary investments to roll this out complete shake alert and have a public early sent warning system >> : $80 million through private public partnership was the get that beckham bill that and have it done in two years >> : there'll be a pleasure of devices in compiling this mutt detector and our houses still be able to buy your own earthquake warning devices for those and to your phone >> : already we are close to getting something in sacramento as at sea level the boat early-warning system for real push is appropriated as part of the language for early warning we have not quite gone that less step >> : actually going to legislators written on a trickle real difference >> : coming up news tonight at 6 hoping hands where they need it the most how college students come to the rescue for now the schools reopen in >> : earthquake damage reached beyond the napa valley taking into the neighborhood where the fallout is evident not widely publicized lot more news coming head at 6:00 >> : live fluke will for rv. camp. downtown san francisco saying the clouds moving in the breeze taking up temperatures also going up labor day weekend forecast after out after the break >> : i 6 release 9 is the families and now but the water back on crews say they fit saw all broken lines from sunday's earthquake a pretty remarkable to happen unless the lake and the evening everyone we have more than 100 we saw monday with the crews worked around the clock to get everything restored a look now or there were up against >> : it was bad hundred 28 wont we saw monday 80 just two days ago one issue crews going out attending to the existing water main breaks they found additional ones as early this afternoon nap of that city officials say 20 or fewer lease and those all expected to be repaired today on kron4-dot-com you found excessive coverage interactive map they created a little bit of perspective showing widespread the issues and all the blue right here those are water main breaks as of the beginning of the week >> : now mutual aid from mortar crews neighboring cities certainly hope the lot this weekend on more than 600 customers with all watter the beginning of the week >> : you know how much you miss stuff like the contras and the can take one >> : blow up the water back today and thrilled relieved no water all since the quake are others had their service is interrupted as crews six a broken water lines here on kensington court the water was running at the beginning of the week then shot off 24 hours ago for times even when there was water residents say things were a little rough >> : his no water since the sunday >> : told showers but fog and a bucket that was given to us the tide flushes the toilet >> : you don't realize how much such a basic thing and so you have a >> : we were lucky it was only for day know where back to normal >> : would of water for day >> : or so is having water that we didn't take over we that we take for granted they lent water problem was the biggest credit for people both homes businesses for a while those city manager says the cruise infect finding those newly exchequer mentioned almost as fast as they could make repairs >> : us in coverage to nine nappa or the community gathers for the much needed a top party >> : the kids often less than 30 minutes for kron 4 j.r. stone sang live with more tonight's celebration >> : can you hear the music directly behind me and has started yet lot of free and as you will show up in the distance and directly behind me telling you there so much work to be done in this town bought a lot of positive people i spoke with this afternoon in >> : everyone tries to help each other all and especially in our mobile parks everywhere is there the seven you can rely on with your neighbor >> : the neighbors know that they'd been no movement and next door to and for years >> : and has had done john's to. there's people out about the canoe will come together tonight and hopefully will be celebrating and so what happens bay devil the relief and lime all week-long showing video right here from this video you see there are people here in tampa all weeklong which showed pictures of all the problems all the destruction of the fence off areas but there are businesses were open bar restaurants are open and our tourist to have come to town this a you know what we are going through rebuild are going to be better than ever i go here live on one give you an example looking off in the distance of a barbecue this is a pizza place that has been a red tag sewn along to go inside they said yet know what so be it so they set up outside and that's just a mentality people working through their problems out here. dealing with in dealing with it with a smile on their face >> : liven nappa j.r. stone kron 4 news >> : at another big story tonight a stiff penalty handed down by the nfl 49 airline becker all this mess the all-pro suspended for the first nine games of the season four games for violating the league's substance-abuse policy five games for violating the personal conduct policy his first game november 16th against the new york giants the means seven games the surplus season. back in september of last year the your second arrest entering lake since 2011 and july presentence to 11 days of work release and santa clara county also three felony gun charges in april he was arrested for alleged fake bomb threat of lax no charges filed are not >> : and then last year he voluntarily missed five games when he entered a substance abuse treatment center news of today's suspension and mixed among 40 niners fans >> : he did what he could do these young 13 have came back and nine whites would to much >> : into gear and some kind of punishment but a thing as a bit much >> : you give the respect the game and with everything on of the field >> : of genetics statement will be tough but i think so get the will power of an ill- defined >> : we check your labor day forecast here on this friday the start of the holiday weekend is a live look for more golden gate bridge, traffic and a promise for folks having crossed a bridge into iran the city. seeing closing of the men were increasing clouds and i'd also it is the breezy out there in may south of el tigre especially where we sustain a 24 mi. an hour winds in vallejo 14 redwood city and in san jose around nine livermore 40 mi. an hour. no major wind gusts highs for tomorrow this is a break down the see plenty of operatives even low 90s for these bay locations close to 90 for fairfield antioch operatives and livermore plan to warm their 75 and oakland's san jose talking low eighties for the afternoon small low 80s in redwood city even the code is not too bad his 60s for daly city pushing closer to 70 and have been by also 69 downtown san francisco to the north bay one country popping out to wont load the mid-80s >> : every forecast shipping ups far in the morning hours for both saturday and sunday of the clause will burn off by lunchtime receive temperatures generally operated close to 90 inland mid-70s for the bay for the coast upper 60s out on monday about all those temperatures just a little bit giving you low 90s and one mid-70s soon bay and pushing close the '70s for the coast looks like to be really comfortable there one of this is going to see your pc really strong winds especially tomorrow red flag warning in effect also like wind advisory beyond that we it will have with lily forecast including your sunday >> : still had tonight at 6 a deadly crash overnight on the bay bridge no people on the hunt for the driver responsible + unease by police officer in big trouble for disturbing accusations that landed him behind bars lending a helping hand to push aside to get people to the lot of push all with good the debris from the earthquake >> : killed last night in oakland 34 year-old son and the bear and of san francisco she was writing the suzuki west on interstate 80 east of the bay bridge toll plaza one for some unknown reason she fell off her motorcycle will lie in crossland traffic chp tells one vehicle hit her office is now reviewing surveillance video to identify any other cars involved in this crash and have the vehicle description sit for anyone to look for an this hit-and-run accident anyone with information as to call chp in oakland's >> : still had some light as many of you know now but not the only city at heart but quick of people in the town of crockett recovering from sunday's earthquake >> : and of the package are as a francisco airport >> : justin back with that story straight ahead >> : and developing story out of richmond will not creek police officer on administrative leave after he was arrested for allegedly beating woman with a baseball bat girls clifford live in richmond tonight where the incident was reported his disturbing details >> : according to richmond police department 53 year-old grigory thompson of officer with walnut creek police department since 1984 arrested here in richmond in the early morning hours of august 16th. according to richmond police department and police responded to multiple reports of a man attacking women with a baseball bat: clinton avenue traffic to and the morning. and richmond please of a ride on see not with a woman injured thompson said yet car near right when the orioles was a warmup pre police officer on any of for a time which employs also found two guns a baseball bat is the ties in a mess inside thompson's car he was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon felony vandalism criminal threats book in the county jail released on bail next day the victim in this case treated at the hospital she is expected to recover. now the warmup treat the please pardon also says that thompson have been working in the patrol officer and he has been placed in administrative leave pending the outcome all multiple investigations >> : back to the earthquake recovering no helping a private school and that of the questions back in order the christian school clothes all weeks and sundays strong earthquake wanted to reopen soon but there's a lot of work still to be done >> : what actually a were among the working all day all kinds of things fall down assets damaged and books all over the place >> : volunteers who showed up our from pacific union college religious school in england no. the county volunteers wanted to show there is time there for healing and for covering >> : a nappa church and finding ways to console one another after tough week and run live tonight at the first united methodist church or a picnic is planned for tonight >> : that's ready when philip today's the day to celebrate as to conceal of people out here a letter parishioners' getting out of the way here and they are celebrating specifically the dead was worst in their homes and lives they had their getting together is an upper terry to talk about the earthquake make sure no one is isolated as a result of this as you see there are nearly zero hundred people here and the pastor told me that of the per-share ideas >> : him all the meat purchased for the church picnic there and have his best sunday afternoon and obviously the postponed and will adjust our party here on friday people or the country other the teller stories do over hamburgers hot dogs and miss the fun and the said this that we need to have fun great ideals to >> : that's exactly was going on here for the church itself weakened tell you that could be up to a year before they're ready to occupy that in the meantime up a community event this church and ceremonies for saturday will they allow this church to use their facilities on sunday services will continue for this church even if not and the regular building >> : official said in a fire damaged buildings most damage minor they have identified 18 buildings with chimney damage their to buildings with subtle structural damage both are homes and residences labeled with a non. part of the homes are tide but the main structure is safe >> : they say that some of the damaged buildings are already in the process of being repaired >> : napper struggling with the tons of debris that had been cleared after the quake of course now extra people being paid to help get rid of it >> : some resupply receptor people signed up yesterday it in today and there will clear things up they will be paid $10 an hour for the work the lot of people signing up the sales had grown cleanup to do but at home >> : with a power for today's no hot water everything was dark guest as a bus >> : people couple things said the drop-off point smashed furniture broken bricks city has taken on all the workers it needs now for this project so sign up has ended >> : in and stay up-to-date on the latest information on the net earthquake aftermath by going online said kron4- dot-com r. twitter facebook pages or you can download the mobile app >> : everything is getting their things ready for one less barbecue for the summer and heading into labor day weekend live look from mt. tam camera we have got clothes moving and, shaking out a little bit silly to have preconditions out there tonight will be coming called the and patchy spots at mainly after midnight and then tomorrow star of with morning clouds and for the afternoon expecting more sunshine breezy sunday very very similar conditions and on wednesdays and now the strongest at the delta and 21 mi. an hour in fairfield otherwise most of the locations generally under 10 mi. an hour livermore at 13 m.p.h. no major wind gusts. here's all the temperatures are looking tonight and a mild evening and then overnight we will cool down into the 60s for most locations by 6:00 tomorrow morning hopefully still sleeping in them by the clock to looking at 6 is even 70's so mornings will be really warming up quite quickly here lunchtime will eat we will see a use for warmer spots and on the red indicating 90s by 3:00 fairfield the nap of pushing close to 94 lot load of locations rest of us looking for '70s and '80s really nice afternoon tomorrow the of the and the breezy conditions overnight lows well as mentions going down in the '60s for most locations of human the upper 50s and for the coastline out ice my lady san jose fremont cupertino looking for hyde 82 degrees are warmest spots will leave his ferdinand to bacchanal 9689 and andy heck as for little more concrete difference is at 91 degrees tomorrow some and chow cooler as 76 to one oakland nice day for you high 75 berkeley the sun is downtown san francisco by 69 degrees 73 in san bruno and 82 and palomar. 84 and center fell. art it is the forecast going up as tahoe will be quite windy especially tomorrow when the advisory goes into effect temperatures are very nice and on monday even warmer ties lories and not as wendy monday's a nice day >> : here's a kron 47 there on the bay forecast to show from friends going to millbury one festival tomorrow looks really nice plain print plenty of sun screen as we the sissonnes for definite >> : small plane down in concord take a look no reports of injuries as the good is it appears the pilot was able to land it safely this is in concord piquancy the plane they're just on the right road way onto far from the roadway but this is there will pass road and an accord unconquered happen to 20 minutes before we went on the air at 6:00 you concede it's a smaller plane and navy to plan not sure specifically make and model also not sure why it needed to land there but the pilot did nice job no injuries and again this is the big story of a crew on the ground in this aerial view for helicopter partnership with abc seven news as soon as we learn more we will update you. coming up next is our discovery in san francisco international airport what uncovered when they open the box labels toy car >> : cars sitting and train tracks stanley roberts roberts more on this dangerous situation at >> : safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. time for a holiday get together. fresh sweet corn is 5 for just $1.00. grill up rancher's reserve ribeye steaks for only $7.99 a pound. and nabisco snack crackers are just $1.89. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. you bet!you fix this? that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. female announcer: througet 36 months interest-free financing, plus big savings of up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. plus, free same day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ a look at the civic and stomach it he's here live a foot long at millepedes that were seized of the seventh disco international airport post office the giant millepedes discovered in a box labeled a toy car model. like all packages this one out when to the x-ray machine but what they saw out what made them do a double take custom officials on the package consisted of large styrofoam box with a mesh bag inside elite 20 giant millepedes as well talk tons of soil paper and ticks >> : these bugs being passed through but this time it was different >> : really see them alive but the look the same all live dead on the x-ray so that with videos and inorganic was inside something vision by the picture you see it's definitely not like cars >> : they were seized by customs officials before they reach their intended destination of this a california the sender in germany berlin was issued a postal violation those try millepedes intended were told as exotic pets custom tells us they are allowed as pets but the person sending them to not have permits them also misrepresented and attempts to bypass the jute front-row regulations so also told the millepedes worried euthanize to >> : book a stop stories on this friday including what creek police officer accused of attacking a woman with bat in the middle of a night plus 49 airline becker all gunsmith will be sitting up with will not be suiting up anytime soon. the festival in nappa but what will hopefully help the community ravage but some is there is quick >> : heading up and now but you'll want to wear sunscreen and plenty of water temperatures that will be warming up all you know how warm when it news can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. 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day sale ends monday! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters third your information tonight on the small plane that had to make an emergency landing at conquer the pilot dealing person aboard the two-seater and the pilot was not injured the plane is an made in the '50s on 540 slide off the roadway near will pass road no word on what went wrong but you can see it there now a lot of damage to the plane if any certainly could have been a bad situation that could gone down easily starting a brush fire fortunately that's not the case >> : in richmond the police department investigating an incident in august 16th and all 53 year-old gregory thompson accused of attacking a woman of using a baseball bat when officers arrived on the effort to in the morning a fun one woman injured thomasson sitting out of uniform and his party by thomson book and tiny general release on bail 1 accrete department says that he is placed on administrative leave area, called multiple investigations >> : here in santa clara mixed emotions for 49 fans outside the by stadium with regard to the just announced monday in suspension handed down against linebacker all this meth smith's trouble is you recall began from low level of law with his recent alleged weak weapons drawn driving >> : 90 is too harsh for other six players have to be held accountable for bad behavior smith will miss a total of four home games and will return in november. in daly city police the to mean society are investigating a suspected case of animal cruelty the owner of this a black and white cat named pan but the farmers cut bloody a badly beaten after being missing for several is >> : the that you treated panda said his injuries could of resulted from being hit by a blunt object like a baseball bat >> : to died a few days after. humane society offering $1,000 reward for any information leading to the rest conviction of a person or persons irresponsible >> : all day nappa watter crews with the gold finished lower than the day still no guarantees just to give you a perspective the crews have returned watter allies this week and and they do an entire year some those of repairs happening at the same places that caught on to turn on the water more leaks came up >> : in that but trouble for mainstream business owners the buildings being deemed safe but because of kron street property owners is not and not yet fixed they cannot open their doors >> : of the order is seriously will have to >> : come businesses now bringing contractors to put an extra protection for the buildings such to open up and to as soon as possible >> : and that bob may still dealing with earthquake related problems the fact is it is friday night directly behind me is see the stage set up under way for nappa city 9 it's a concert series during the summer that has not been canceled many tonight spoke with said they had an earthquake but this is brought us closer to one other in nappa >> : lots of sunshine for the nappa of music festival was going on here is a live look from our roof camera and we do have clouds moving and so you notice increasing clouds tonight also passing by at all same day of notice a little windy out there for some spots temperatures cooler including fairfield 13 degrees cooler compared 24 hours ago at this time five envoy how eight degrees cooler and livermore. overnight lows in the '50s and '60s warming things up to marron afternoon once again upper 60s downtown san francisco clauses 70 also have moon bay ladies in san jose upper 80s and manioc pushing close to 90 in fairfield 75 oakland ladies and not of very comfortable for that music festival here's this year forecast calling for setting conditions but pretty windy tomorrow temperatures topping the upper '70's ladies by monday >> : and checked trains run 7 mi. an hour and the tracks of san leandro and both directions so why on earth would anyone be willing to risk their life and anyone around them by stopping on the tracks >> : at washington one might think it was national saw on track day until an ac transit prove me wrong that in a moment >> : this is a big rig if anyone should know better will be commercial truck drivers a choice one here's another one also stop on the tracks for quite a while >> : so how long as long as a put much gramophone you produce to photos picked up the terrible finished the shooting was a big rig and a pickup trucks still on the tracks. i only say you can't have to be attracted a hit by a train of the train was tracing and on the street >> : striver park attracts apparently looking as if the train is coming in this vehicle is partially on the trucks as well and the back end of this da chow trucks slowly on the trucks are could probably move and time is seen pacific roe replace our seven engines see it its ticket city >> : costs for stopping on active crosswalk and committed connie about $500 even if only bumpers on the tracks >> : the release 15 ft. from the tracks no exceptions and absolutely cannot make you turn on train tracks all almost forgot all ac transit bus is required to stop all active road crossings on less these tips sign is posted to imagine my surprise when this tidbit in a bus across the track without a care in the world >> : you k on alert to might what that country is doing to raise terror threat a large >> : a lot of good wine rumbling to the bay area know what this happen the wind gapes like coming up in the tech report on news at 8:00 p.m. show you a clever new device affordable easy to install that can go to your wine collection >> : welcome home! woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. welcome home! give him the tour. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. unrewarding says it's a terror attack highly likely based on fears that hundreds of british moslems could be returning home after fighting with the comics extremist also on iraq. it's increasingly clear that a british terror rest irresponsible 40 called the shocking sickening order of american journalist >> : clear evidence not that any more was needed this is not some foreign conflict thousands of miles from home we can hope to ignore ambition to create an extremist counter and syria is the for security here in the u.k. >> : are security forces not stepping up precautions several rows stations like london can cross boy house meantimes says that there's no evidence of a threat in this country all a security usually titans are on holiday weekends >> : in sports as car drivers to assert speaks of the first time since the tragic accident that killed another driver and more reaction reporting for 49er for fans i'm game suspension for all and smith the story all sports next >> : is all i'm liane it's all but the ban germans. >> : a stow on the niners dealing with other star linebacker all this mess which gets under way in a week by the way we knew this was coming but we know how long my game suspension was a decision made today by nfl commissioner roger does all with policy and substance- abuse centers upon but brick on four games for the substance abuse systems from dubai incident last year has meth crashing into a tree the other five games being for showing poor personal conduct pointing at no contest plea on weapons charges and the rest lax for allegedly taking a bomb threat the niners this to say about the organization has known this decision would, and we have prepared for as a team all in has taken responsibility for actions who continues to receive support him time to put this matter behind us but cannot understand monde >> : i agree that like coming on players for what they do and consequences its two games late warriors rice buckner out two games all this with nine games and went 3 headlined the players are role models now in getting pit lot of money to be role models for other people they should get kicked off for these type of activities >> : that seemed like he wants to make a first lien price decision and books that all in got the worst of that >> : and think maybe it was too little too late good time to put sports in perspective >> : interesting fans we heard mentioned ricin i heard of it when on a this announcement condoned all sporting back out to do game suspension for alleged involvement in domestic violence is a litter can run said a mistake again suspension he gave rice announced meth to got nine games was involved in any domestic violence incident a loss of course, the shooting at his home injured one dusted the call it domestic violence to a supposed to go back and forth all which is worse bottom-line all bad analyst with will be readable the return of november 10th the day after the plane door on snyder's announcements for five games last year >> : and more football there is they have something on michael sam i fall openly gay player feel that the player receives in an nfl game season he led with six tackles and loss last night against the dolphins coach jeff fisher shares sent to all but the campus in the nfl or will play in the nfl. every team has a thorough respond to 50 seats more afternoon right now awesome as on the bubble and will have to wait and see >> : tony stewart has been sitting out the last three nascar races after store was involved in a crash like gold below driver kevin or trier store now saying he will race tomorrow at a spring cup event in atlanta the at the actions it kills still under investigation right now snow charges have been filed speaking today for the first time since the accident stewart >> : the sadness and pain i hope no one ever has to experience in the life that being said i know the pain in the mornings beckham awards family friends are experiencing something i can't possibly imagine >> : the loss couple weeks off a lot of respect for kevin and his family also cope with the accident in my own way >> : to me the time to think about life and how we see it is to lose a >> : shows more signs that the career is in its twilight williams of the third round of the u.s. open in new york today 34 year-old lost her third set tiebreaker guns 13 pitted sera ronnie, though williams-point final one for williams was 66 lava 67 in the third set tiebreaker are not shy about showing her motion here why not williams never was >> : hear something different lesson at the vanderbilt football team used jerseys with anchor down on the back she's harmless but this is the n.c.a.a. this official says it was a violation of ncaa uniform rule much has the title for each quarter but then here come the many coaches reading e-mail at the aircraft the mills came from top brass of the ncaa jerseys were o.k. so then the rest refs' change their mind and give a toss back today in an effort to remain consistent ncaa council of the disease were action on ok should of been penalized only the service academies are led have slogans on the back of their income on news the rally for the commodores will have to keep a verbal and officers is a >> : from japan apparently a japanese company developed a pitching machine fires fastballs and nearly 200 m.p.h. even better a former japanese ballplayer trend this thing pam region tells how he did >> : the finishing of the campaign ensample lecture the sky brave enough to adjust offer zero hundred 86 m.p.h. pushes if he had made contact he did not not even close in fact the shows a being done with the second to lay off the edges with a baseball be in television as eternity but he provided lifetime enjoyment getting to watch as the sports >> : check in with greta on this friday at long holiday weekend house traffic >> : it's better than i would've expected people getting out of dodge holiday weekend that's pending truck a little bit live look here the golden gate bridge real smooth cemetery ridge more of the same but with a look at what speeds in the sea is so 11 north his emphasis go to 80 north right here that close observances go bay bridge not too bad slum both directions but could be a lot worse considering its people took off work. >> : coming up next the bond lawyers for disk to close the rest away was starting to grab a lot of attention and malibu dramatic rescue ahead >> : get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. why are we so obsessed with turbo? because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. like the sporty jetta. and the turbocharged passat tdi® clean diesel. okay... and the iconic beetle... and the powerful tiguan... okay you can't forget the cc... guys, this is going to take a while. get a $1,000 reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 jetta se for $159 a month after a $1,000 bonus. ends soon! femaget three years interest-free financing and save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed, plus 24-month special financing. hurry ends monday! know better sleep with sleep number. to believe hurricane katrina made landfall nine years ago today forever changing lives of those along the gulf coast and new orleans for the brooklyn smirches city under 20 ft. of water a memorial service for lives lost the service of the new orleans hurricane country a memorial where the bodies of 85 katrina victims entered the officials never to it will identify the bodies of a memorial was created as a final resting place >> : in the meantime hurricane murray continues to send huge waves of selling california putting the chores their risk video of lifeguards rescuing a body search for this incident happened at a popular way spot known as the alleged newport beach the rescue was aired on live television for lifeguards and to the man trouble and appeared to be tired store oil in the ways which were up to 25 ft. after several minutes lifeguard the bodice ripper appeared to be on a will reach the shore they all had to be rescued by boat >> : are those folks were there to help >> : their really have an appeared to see what slip ahead for about a weekend >> : we have more sunshine heading this way and breezy tomorrow sunday warmer on labor day preconditions for the barbecue >> : we'll be back tonight at 8:00 cellulitis news for letter sports is un >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. joan rivers fighting for her life. details on her health status. >> plus angie's first ring photo. britney's break-up. bulldog: you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. not to labor the point, but this sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters "the insider," with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> last year was a very difficult year. >> joan rivers fighting for her life. details on her health status. >> apparently, there's a shadow on the chest x-ray. >> as hollywood shows an outpouring of love for the comedy legend. then the new shot of angie's ring. as the world waits for their first wedding photo, will they sell it for charity? plus -- ♪ britney's break-up gone viral. sex, lies, and videotape with her ex caught cheating? >> made my day. plus i struck gold on my alaskan adventure. >> you just made $80,000 in 40 hours. >> but at what cost? >> do you miss women? >> oh, i can't talk about women. then, move over "magic mike." >> nina is hands on with the men of "chocolate city" and asking the question we all want to know. >> do you get nude in the movie? >> oh, yeah. it's time to go inside. >> i get [ bleep ] nude. >> now the latest celebrity news delivered to you 24/7. it's "the insider" together with yahoo!. joan rivers fighting for her life as hollywood rallies around the comedian. hello, everyone. i'm kevin frazier. >> and i am thea andrews. plus we have more angelina and brad "i do" details. and angie showing off her ring but will the newlyweds release their first official wedding photo? >> but first back to joan. as the impact of her legacy is being celebrated by her family and close friends. >> the comedy icon rushed to a hospital here in new york city on thursday. >> joan rivers' family asking fans this morning to keep her in their prayers. >> joan rivers fights for her life. the 81-year-old legend went into cardiac arrest yesterday morning at approximately 9:40 a.m. during a routine endoscopy to inspect her vocal cords at a manhattan outpatient clinic. she was


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20141112

francisco. temperatures right now in the '50s and '60s 7 cisco 67 for oakland. 54 degrees and santa rosa that's what led chile it chilly areas this morning and into the afternoon low 60s today notice temperatures come down quite a bit and the last couple days. you notice increasing cloud cover. this is associated with the system that brings rain to our area of litter on slight >> : i going to see where sunshine pleasanton 6765 in hayward. the 60s today and we city max and out at 65 degrees >> : and here's a system of satellites radar. bergen on the notice and increasing cloud cover throughout the afternoon >> : but we will certainly see some rain and to tonight >> : and for the most part will be ok for your evening commute home past that looks like rain will arrive in the north bay. keep in mind the heaviest rain will publish fall overnight most what are sleeping. in the once again war of a quarter of the mission half an inch of rain >> : has that looks like dry conditions and to weekends >> : with another what round of what was their lives arrives late summer and into monday and perhaps rain tuesday as well >> : continue to want to the situation >> : and now in terms of traffic we a few accidents chp is following retinol really not causing any delays for back up because traffic is still light on the bay area we do not start this off the bridge check. >> : heading out right now very rare conditions chevron's nine minutes from the maze is ahead in the seven cisco. san mateo bridge looks good now, they approach. very like conditions at 92. : date bridge from 3 less space between car and working your way out of rent county. and to live with a large incentive eldridge preconditions for the west on trip >> : that the driver and all the deadly hit-and-run your san leandro. the boy was hit by a car until then at east 14th street last night. release yuri shows us now with the say that the car hit the boy may of been involved in a high-speed chase with police >> : to an end right there about 10 ft.. is pretty bad has had looked like a rose-and there's blood all over the place >> : where his body was lying at the time of not preposition >> : witnesses tell me that tom was crossing the street or on 630 in the evening when the vehicle came barreling down the road. with a slew of police cars trailing behind it >> : immediately ran over to him stood next to his friends came back they tend to go touch him. but some research you know and i took a person weather hurt the white get injured even more >> : before the collision the driver was being reckless and appease try connecting at a traffic stop but the person kept going >> : as a second set of police cars went down the street she waved them down to let them know someone was struck on a consciousness totally out of it. deputies involves the have a place of the minister of leaves. >> : the deadly new action in the san jose 24 rolled woman hit by car killed walking home from a laundromat a stray near bari lane south king road. shortly before 430 in the afternoon. when kron stood at the scene cost plus up to complain about chest pains and later arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. in happening today of a potential rally. however from city hall and a member of the rich% 60 year- old rodney frazier was shot down in front of the your home. contra costa sheriff's office as frazier was in a wrong place the wrong time >> : feud between rival gangs was heating up in the area and that some of human blood other reason shootings that injured four other richmond high school students >> : sphere if you tune up in response to 04 1/3 to shootings that we've had >> : in many of the other shootings can be related to northridge and central gang feud >> : significant portion of the money will go to things like you effectively job training which are important particularly for young people likely to be a perpetrator victim >> : today's vigil rally will begin at 5 this evening >> : the are sick children to the upper west is spreading as no other cause several accidents and wisconsin to it looked this video currently on its roof as much as 25 in. snow has fallen on parts of michigan already or is expected before the storm ends today >> : its angeles snow fell in northern wisconsin parts of central minnesota. was 16 in. and if you find yourself a little worries out and throw bricks for the skimming as a traveler on the country remember to stay warm and as many letters on as you can try a limited time outside >> : temperatures could plunge 11 degrees below zero >> : cnn gary tuchman astray with encore presentation season pass using couple watter >> : in billings once had us into the tundra and a 12 degree in the air turned immediately into snow where caution if you plan on trying but to do this experiment have to be very careful never to the hot water into the wind will blow right back on to >> : war chest before us a chance to cool off the land search continues for missing tech engineer dan hall missing is an francisco and later some of the search efforts >> : one-man drama is that approach one step closer now to lend us surface of a comment by now when i could make that historical and fall this morning. what look outside said retail bridge yesterday wasn't that all nice holiday it competitive. miller's office still is now done for the body pulled from san francisco bay yesterday morning >> : earlier reports command about a body floating in the bay near alcatraz. coast guard officials say it appears a person had been dead for about a week >> : meanwhile another developing story we are following the latest research but continues as one for missing tech engineer dan hot. friends family have pot have the southmark and a brother and 3¢ about him. as concorde and from reports one of the businesses in the area might have captured video of pop and on the night that he despaired dealing high-tech worker dan hall has been missing since halloween night >> : family member is not leading the search just maligned and the for backfires a stick and family members went to stores near his straight home >> : and a surveillance the deal may shed some light on the disappearance >> : one-stop this whole foods and forth in paris and the friends tell surveillance video for halloween night the night he was last seen as showing someone and read hardy coming into the store quickly leaving in >> : damages from the rear so little confirmation it is hot. however he was wearing a red hood sweatshirt when he was last seen >> : and the family met with police on tuesday >> : and given us significant day in the case airline however i'm ready to release any details at this point in mind happening right now european space agency says is a man rosetta probe successfully released a lender toward the surface of a comment >> : as several hours to reach icy surface if successful it should land around it o'clock this morning and does land it will be the first time the spacecraft has ever landed on, >> : mission controllers clapton how does it learned about the lender separation today and following the latest as they get the story continues throughout the morning and the space center in oakland by the way as close in early morning ally of the wing of the rosetta landing starting at 6:00 this morning in the viewing is happening in the planetary and live stream from european space station mission control centers will speak to the audience members there after the landing and the staff of astronomers there will also be on hand for q&a session before after the landing. should be a lot of fun states in the kron 4 live updates up the morning >> : and o'clock hour we should get confirmation that will limit contact with the surface >> : and quick will take a quick break >> : live another cetera take a look of the storm headed our way expect to bring up to half an inch rain >> : talk about when and where no rain when the kron 4 more news returns >> : hey! welcome home! hey mom! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. um... where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. trickled in at less effort today and some interesting weather for the days to come less up the only storm tracking purchasing more rain on to early next week as well. right now heading up a mild conditions and so o'clock cover not as cold heading up amid upper 50s by lunchtime the ceiling during fog across the coastline and associate the state system. this morning looking address condition temperatures on the cooler side will see temperatures range from low 60s coze said the upper 60s inland. closely to those numbers for you. vallejo's 6567 degrees and oakland. redwood city sit with 66 >> : and a bigger story of a storm on the waiting on you conceive to bring out in the pacific and where to reach land as we had until later on tonight >> : the contest for walking through the evening >> : by 6:00 may be of use body showers just us a cerros not anticipating some rainfall. and looks like will see heavier rain through the open hours stretching into morning commute >> : 5:00 since a rate of the peninsula coastline. and even up to american canyon in fairfield. and the hazards driving conditions possibility of what roadway. certainly looks like we have this out in the latter half of the morning. >> : when the system is all said and done were talking about anywhere from about a quarter of vanished have finished a penny of where you are especially high elevation were anticipating more rain >> : and we will see most of the fall in the center's bonds but are talking about seven to the south bay east bay and a quarter of an inch for places like oakland san francisco and seven there on the bay forecast cold conditions cloudy weather is in to that is ahead of weekend and the storm arriving late sunday night monday and tuesday as well the looks like several day is the leader umbrella to keep the mind of the next several is done more details on the upcoming storms right now take a look at traffic on the bay area >> : bay bridge still very light right now and doesn't allow your approaches using at this time of the hour san mateo bridge looking pretty good dried thyme 1213 minutes >> : : gate bridge rides looks good south of 01 laps of the spaces for cars and centerfold bridge required conditions for the west roundtrip >> : overall traffic maps would tracking one problem has a seen battle is just the associated with this accident in a big rig overturned soft on 680 and the center on valuable part in it round acosta. it is blocking the entire off ramp so keep that in mind is the statler and has not cruise on the scene and said this could be up there for the next couple hours >> : this is not affecting freeway traffic but and packaging offering appeal have to take an alternative off ramp that is what you're planning on doing this morning >> : is bay looking for a pretty good silver like conditions was on 584 out of tracy over all to one passed >> : back to the news now police investigative officer involved shooting and the park. of a suspected burglar shot kill charles crawford more now on will please say led them to should suspect >> : 1230 tuesday afternoon menlo park please varese's are getting call a suspicious person here on willow road officers arrived on scene allegedly found one man involved apostlebird will possible burglary. suspect tried to flee on foot officers pursued one officer apparently tried these details from man then according to police the suspect pulled out a gun concern officers then shot and killed in on the this is a place where your traffic moments after shots were fired >> : out farm fired at us to hand on when this is an area heard three gunshots beyond also learning this may not be the first time the suspect has been seen in the area according to employees at nearby businesses fire distributed warning people someone had been burglarizing nearby offices beyond patrolmen who matched the description of a suspect in tuesday's shooting >> : but it also streator co- workers will to call them what after this but the suspect to set the building >> : the garlic pre distinctive and receptionist in front rim back and says his in the office >> : as of tuesday evening not yet identified the suspect in this case >> : fifth it to the massive nurse strike in california >> : thousands of nurses walked off the job yesterday if the ticket from of kaiser facilities the having again today was the son o'clock tomorrow morning >> : sources say standards of patient care at kaiser diminishing for months and also concerned about kaiser safeguards against the boy >> : as a says the eloquent and number of reality nurses run those equipment every day and we have everything we need we do not and when you spend time looking it'll have what you need to extend away from the picture >> : hospital association spokesperson says they're working with federal stay local agencies to assure the public widespread precautions are placed at the screen identify infectious diseases >> : raleigh it and board of supervisors hearing on the retail workers pelorus today and workers' labor communique groups and government officials all be their meeting at 930 this morning to rally on polk street and the some subset of city hall. committee hearings are set time that outside city hall and workers' advocates have for scheduling policies >> : not to a story only on kron 4 bittersweet veterans day and the north bay as pearl harbor one of the celebrated vetches and the committee got up yesterday morning kron military uniform and then died right before the big parade in petaluma >> : his name was her loudon just turns 97 >> : stars but the man who >> : run like a brother nuance her was a celebrity icon in the petaluma veterans day parade did today. and to live in a different however sadly this morning to the parade would have to go on without its only pearl harbor survivor >> : her blood and woke up tuesday morning he did what he had done for cal was mentioned day in the past >> : return to ride in a limo veterans day parade and a car driven by his son >> : but louden world war two that justin uniform one may get inside is a died are before the parade to nose loudly might say they were close >> : considered brothers not and that is about as friend just minutes before the parade step off >> : a please came and told steve i said enough you kidding me >> : bring us to go on >> : the uss soulless and north bay last remaining pearl harbor survivors has ceded all male and a hospital ship the guys that were burning in the water >> : in like to talk watter too much >> : west friday celebrated 97 for the period and had gone to was going to back back to pearl harbor dec. some of the american legion 28 say the never forget the man who they call a true american hero >> : all miss him and >> : us is for the american legion obviously said the loss of their friends also say it somewhat fitting that the 97 year-old died on veterans day >> : coming up on the morning news columns day warriors taking on san antonio spurs highlights results for you in just a minute >> : tony parker 28 points and seventh six to white letters scored 19 centennial first goal sit warriors 13100 less likely thomson sold 29 s and playsuits. us lawyers >> : two straight after an approach new coach. steve kerr and played their aging big three parker >> : the new general polio. tim duncan to and the second as a poll of california was difficult back-to-back and the spurs rallied less the clippers' 8985 monday los angeles for cooling off period when the league's hottest teams and and finally clear the nine day suspension all this mess now back at the team's facility first time on the field yesterday and the first time to all season we heard from the all-pro >> : take a listen >> : improve the lot of the past everything i've worked on got better at putting on the preseason >> : is team expected the be ready to play at the jazz came in new york >> : next up on the morning news. more than 200 ft. down a cliff near big bay still in serious condition at an update from the child's father and a group of bay area soon sent home this morning after detained in russia >> : and by the recall their >> : the system francisco just getting all thisith back patrick willis apparently done for the season title happens >> : live look outside a cemetery ridge camera so far so good here on monday to ask readers make their way to hear word of the foster see on 430 look at the big stories following this morning a boy was killed after hit by car in san leandro us tonight near ashland avenue east 18th street. i car that hit them involve than some assorted chairs of the authorities and the child was crossing the street as 630 when a vehicle came barreling down the road, but please cars. deputies told the driver was a reckless and trim the conduct of a traffic stop in the driver to go in >> : visual rally calling for an end to violence seller from city hall today. in response to the best average in high school basketball player. 16 year-old rugby frazier. shot until that of the home. under this year said it was a random act of violence and believe it was related to some sort of being viewed in the area. and i believe that since you may have fled led to another reason shooting. several as a matter of fact endured for the students >> : in the visual rally today will begin a five and leaving >> : an arctic blast as across parsley was >> : the snowy weather causing several lessons and wisconsin as much as 3 5 in. of snow falling apart to michigan >> : was expected before the storm and screen another 18 in. fell in northern wisconsin and parts of central minnesota to buy more than 16 in. trip of snow >> : sticking of the weather >> : find out about our own forecasts >> : and stability of rhonda's talk about >> : we you will see rates rain later on tonight session in north bay. ok for evening commute home. and rain will certainly be widespread and to 10:00 to idealize the strain and overnight. us dry out there so far along the coastline. and temperatures are now in the '50s and '60s >> : center rose 01 the course of the 52. 60 degrees and houses of the cisco kid >> : and the afternoon watter '60s conditions today increasing cloud cover. in a lot away list with such on 66 and at all. a person sees the center one valley's 64 your highest in half moon bay. still might not tracking out on the pacific green cloud cover the brain. to look at the task force him the 6:00 tonight perhaps a few sprinkles and just listen rose up. and o'clock in the motion to o'clock tonight rain really dominating the north bay here crossing the golden gate bridge in san francisco approximately oakland and continues to widespread showers and to the overnight hour. and take a look at what happens 5:00 a.m. tomorrow >> : what conditions for your commute and not what road with for the coastline peninsula up for american and pecking livermore. and as the extent of it >> : and the latter half of the morning >> : and all said and done talking anywhere between a quarter of an inch and half- inch for a higher elevation talk and santa cruz mounds however for the most expected dry weather for the most part friday the saturday and ran a let rise once again light sunday night and showers activity will continue monday and tuesday >> : following traffic from the bay area right now here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza still pretty quiet conditions for that westbound traffic >> : heading the cemetery bridge right now no proms a 80 no backups of the toll plaza. colgate bridge drive time 25 minutes and some of on on the city the line heading west on into marin. calling the sexes of the 680 across the offering. this affects traffic turning on the san ramon valley boulevard. the signal was affects of has the cruise nebulous sane and overturned big rig. although not affecting the freeway itself planning on taking the off ramp and the slow start vex you up alternate routes and all look like this could be out there for the next couple hours once again freeway traffic right now pre light. mike powell is on the scene >> : and let's get out their lives over the big rig a big issue for a lot of parties bay commuters >> : as said. live on these pictures and lime receive the cabinet on the side >> : so far croce's chp fired it has the team also here to working to clean up the 40's it to 50 gal. of spilled diesel from the big rig. overturned a on the offer of his office on 680 and the cells are grown to 30 this morning fire battalion chiefs as the big rig exited the freeway overturned surrounding the corner fire crews had rescued two people in the red of the driver passenger one of them did suffer minor head injury and saw him bleed from had this morning and was walking around and telling people just fine a line heading south along 680 they thought their rather different exit than they were. when i get off the freeway here to the turn was much sharper than expected in the red to cover the carrying turkeys on the word costco fared process of the offload all the food before the tow trucks to come and put the big rig back onto its wheels and what out here >> : will be here for a while and no less red time for when this intersection and southbound off ramp will reopen >> : the continued up to it you want to the morning's it to incur kron 4 as we keep us up-to-date on the scene >> : and other headlines for rural boy more than to defeat on a cliff endured the database in serious condition >> : j.r. stone got an update from the child's father yesterday >> : this looks like monday night and the big bay. crews rescued four year-old sebastian johnson. boy who fall often tortured 30 ft. cliff sebastian was with his family. and reportedly dry rot sets his mother when he fell in line with that our rescue crews on the boy at the bottom of the cliff to the water >> : crews used ropes to lift the got him up off the cliff >> : and helicopter was not used on sebastian taken in an ambulance to a hospital the lead then taken oakland children's hospital in his father tells me as aggression was up as a fighter proud of how strong he is >> : his father daryl also says he is very painful for a one sprayers concerned >> : for bay area soon as back home after being detained in russia. 18 year-old sterling winter and three other bay area since then the international airport yesterday afternoon in the reunited with their families. this is have the wrong visas and they're supposed to attend the leadership conference covering on tourist visas but needed business visas >> : their $510 each >> : minute gold once the resume. today's goes to acquire district attorney's office declined file charges against stemming from august arrest for the latest domestic violence >> : is the cut guy that put pressure on like that >> : to me it's not my friends know everyone knows that within the get past this u.s. after spending weeks of providing as a tension with football development surrounding his case and slopes with folks of the ball and let me time patrick wallace is done for the season >> : 49ers linebacker underrated the toe injury as it was not and will require surgery >> : us as the final 10 games over season last year with problems that he had only been placed radically this season >> : willis on the decision being over >> : unfortunately something i feel that i really need to do for myself and for my own city. but i'm still here still mentally be ready for this football teams. >> : well rookie chris rowland has filed filled in for willis and the spectacular so far 18 tackles revs two weeks ago 70 more tackles overtime win over new orleans sunday. all-pro linebacker also cleared of practices this week as well as the decision is made will let you down and >> : still ahead on morning news man accused of kidnapping a woman off philadelphia's streak schedules and make his first appearance in a find out what else is accused of >> : and to law enforcement officers that find themselves in a middle the accident and responding to a maximum >> : of the caught on camera and >> : tell you happen to >> : one in tech reporter. and it's very neat to show you detective's car phone develops right here the bay area and see what you can do is tune that's coming up the lines can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. saw this thing really cool show unit to a small phone call greg now here in the bay area. and the sec world's getting a lot of buzz the this to be this more for the future their portals for phone were bullet wait a bendable flexible scratch proof at shatterproof water resistant >> : and the concept product us special effects video this is real could be on the market within one year >> : are china push the envelope and do things that are different >> : things that are quite honestly 0 lot simple and designed and featured a line used like any other smaller font holding it in your hand or offer for armtek transfer people with active lifestyles >> : curious more fun you have to have a second were people like a small watch or that this tracker and offers quite a bit more durability taurus people's lifestyles and it's not shatterproof flexible. the loss cut along the line existing big star phone companies could probably make our phones more durable flexible like the one they're creating but they don't >> : know what is really challenging them >> : less the problem. not even with just business as but society in general people taking less and less risks and as unfortunate part >> : model but this is in place now and the mental upgrade this more funds each year. because more phones making a ton of money people are buying them and promoting the zero have a choice >> : time will tell if their portal smart phone will revolutionize the mobile industry >> : services go based technology in back the local veterans giving free train the vets looking to find work in the tech industry and its largest rent on land cutting boot camp offering free mentor what courses through than the year >> : and they will volunteer time and veterans through the curriculum overcoating design web at development >> : coming up on the morning news to tell you what happens in your hotel room when you're not around in viral video captures some of those worries footage will show you for over 60,000 california foster children, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. everything's different now. sometimes i feel all alone. christmas used to be my favorite. i just don't expect anything. what if santa can't find me? to help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. the morning we do have well weather little instability on the way however dry conditions for wednesday morning commute pretty mild out there because the cloud cover a lot fifties. in london d low 50s reynaud and saw the bay mid-50s and folkloric some lingering fog cosi. then dry conditions persist in the afternoon by 3:00 pop up to the cheers from local sixties coesite to the upper 60s and lens >> : close look at your house for today nappa 6667 degrees and oakland's hiller said a high 65. and the bay area weather story door and on the plane on the way the system in the pacific right now making a beeline to the bay area. grins cloud cover first and later on some nights we are talking about possibility of showers >> : will be ok for evening commute but take a look at what happens at 6:00 >> : . the future costs for 10 clocks not talking about rain delays getting the entire the the the golden gate bridge. pre light and the more widespread and it intensely and the overnight hours. then as we take a look and early tomorrow morning. looks like cosigned buildings arraigned but looks like it could potentially be hazardous driving conditions along highway 101 interstate 280 a port american canyon and rain on livermore valley >> : keep that in mind definitely need to get your windshield wipers for the latter half of the morning >> : once this is all said and done were talking about a 10th of an inch to maybe half-inch for the sector's mounds. not really anticipating all that much rain and the system >> : dry conditions for this friday and saturday and another storm heading our way. i could bring rain late sunday night sorting and monday tuesday and then open your role as a way just yet because more details on that coming up in the next report >> : and out we to get traffic from the bay area. they bridge rise still pretty good and haven't seen any backups at the toll plaza on >> : the middle it's a lot. the volume is increasing on the right-hand side of the screen traffic out for foster city golden gate bridge between cars drive time 25 minutes out of nevada when the city no incidents to report for the richmond center fell bridge. you wont take over the traffic map however similar in effect at 6 found 80 off from blocks right now not affecting freeway traffic and messing any delays especially it is so late in the area >> : expected to make that turn off the center moaned a valuable part. potentially a problem and the we keep that in mind public also of the bristol bay area of a pretty good >> : and no problems in the south bay and green on the road with sensors >> : for 47 out to my kron 4 story that concerns couple in oakland caring for their neighbors pit bull when they claim the order abandon the dog >> : to the and i love for dogs annoyance and victorious suitor her husband moved oakland a little over a year ago than expected find themselves as doing dogs but that's exactly what happened when they noticed their neighbor rarely home to care for his dog had lived here consistently but one thing always here was his to tipples. and dogs often run down backyard for long periods of time very little human contact starting to take its toll relent the trouble had a growth on his underbelly and just getting larger and larger applies to take into that >> : and victoria her husband said to do something and took on the task of taking care of these dogs >> : and there will it lead to with medical leaves trade and some degree for the home victorious as the of the to the dogs of the party have to rescue tipples of their own a cat and a new edition of the family coming soon >> : for a half months pregnant. a big surprise but where super excited so trendy get your life in order for this huge surprise. overwhelming have the responsibility of sending these dogs home and finding the glove is too hard to turn your cheeks on the >> : credit is to pay for the dogs and hoping someone will be able to step up and help trouble lulu help find a home >> : is of your to the softer the story of jooss story and you would like us it would and to visit us at kron-4-dot- com and click on my store, forced or taps and this your idea >> : other headlines this morning antioch mothered campaigning to get disney to represent should it will trim with us a tremendous sums campaign dubs attempt else's of signatures. attention of disney headquarters >> : christian and launched a petition last month on the website care to. an inspired her to have her young daughter was down syndrome to finally receive a response from disney's sing it are continuing to create characters accessible relatable all children >> : by not residents issue plan to deliver the petition in person at disney headquarters in burbank on december 26th a lot of the world as a sporting president obama chinese president are playing down points of tension between their two nations and unveiling a flurry of agreements on climate change military cooperation trade. a rare joint news conference of chinese leader the president said i believe president and i have come understanding on how the real issue between our two countries should move forward. let out of some nationally is the man accused of kidnapping a woman in philadelphia scheduled make his first court appearance today. several prosecutors will try to get all the bonds and the philadelphia based case before he's turned over to authorities in virginia where is accused of kidnapping a teenager surveillance video shows a man kidnapping 22 year-old woman from philadelphia street police searching for the zero men found bonds the victim and his car in maryland to >> : texas popular tv sitcom big bang theory that carol sue c. the snow for voicing character of mrs. well as its it operations she died tuesday after losing the battle and cancel although the character never seen on camera producers of a show called her love member of the show's cast 62 years old >> : arrested a hotel people and its service what happens in your room when you're not there >> : the keet has a look at surveillance video of my surprise even upset to a new viral video shows what happens in a moment you leave the room >> : are got a million 300,000 hits plenty of comments hotel guests by the name of the districts left his video camera running all out on the room >> : now he wants to our hotel that it's a well-known chain here in the west >> : housekeeping as it does see rummages through this stuff leaving the cover of piece of mail the got trent gain access to his laptop shaving is pretty close finally goes to make the bed but cancer is just looking into the contents of a suitcase before shutting the door presumably going on to the next coming up on the morning news telecom is a feeble free certificate creating controversy looks all like nurse casey and what the maker of the doll is saying this morning >> : is to to make reference county and san francisco >> : 55 state trooper in minnesota were hit by semi trucks helping people involved in another access and all whole thing caught on camera officers responding to a semi the had jackknifed in their patrol cars and other truck lost control and then there goes and then slams into home. one of cost was expected to survive grows extremely i say at the time of the crash and that big arctic blast we're talking about officers spotted and hundreds of similar excellent and >> : mayors who treated bull patient and africa refused to be quarantined in maine not an action figure >> : called case even as some people think looks ala like maris casey pickups. the company of mexico assess its us suppose to be tasty. but the hair color facial features everything dissembles the close but with a bowl of free health certificate and that fought against a man day quarantine in court ruled in her favor quantity listed allied some releases and that along with the new single prolific actress is receiving unexpected reward. the stories today in hollywood minute >> : killers left debuted new estriol who made the cut public. as she plays insane version herself revenge on her boyfriend's >> : also released an application so they can person the cells. essentially get to play around and l street will play another award for her but her crossover is made. and the actress says 19 people and received this year >> : stevie wonder and espresso kennedy made the cut >> : in the middle freedom award november 24th through plain johnson kevin hart top star in >> : the coming action committee central intelligence. emhart will play a high school sports star caught turned down with johnson as a cia contract killer bullets before people stop and >> : actors began seizing their testing social medial the weekends >> : coming up place looking for the driver vaulted run the kill the boy near san leandro during a police chase will travel have the latest from the scene and also the rosetta probe clustered a landing on, and should happen this morning during our broadcast weskedomense de r fo7 da witno mrors on t sevth y beauful in ireveed. withne qrteroistizin crm it hps sn fe morfirm anelasc. takehe de 7 y te. st fds a holay ltove beco irristiy crmy turk casrole re delious bestoods brinout e be foo. brinout e be. overturned big richard >>:reporter south >>:reporter 680 off ramp and coming up talk about what happened i officials said clean-up will take was the morning >> : and police investigating deadly hit-and-run yourself leandro may be connected to police chase. at a live look here and meet at the golden gate bridge looking for rain here coming the bay area >> : as for running us on this was a morning star and weather forecasts wandering coming our way >> : and it will be wednesday night into thursday morning and that seems to be the time later on a talking probably after homeland you could be in bed with the rain beginning fall >> : live look outside know what weather yet relatively clear out there in terms of visibility the clouds are over head and look for the morning fog to kick in at some point watching for that >> : another day of mild weather talking temperatures in the '60s once again tomorrow and a what morning commute this we expect like up to as we look ahead for the week of a chance of rain possibly over the weekend another shot next week. that one could be a pretty good and we're keeping an eye on that >> : quickly here with this looks like a touch as where they are right now lopper fifties to low 60s with 68 oakland got was bay area 55 to 50 degrees right now. coming up the 15 level forecast for you coming up with that rain in detail the lead at a traffic >> : the morning with the san ramon valley near dublin interstate 680 southbound truck overturned early this morning. spelling part of its load. mostly creating problems for running the truck on the scene with us kron for mike helm >> : warning this assault on 680 a costa boulevard offer and vacancy rates here marking the transfer diesel fuel from the truck into an empty container before they can write this big rig here the turnover early this morning all happened around 230 the chp says the drugs and it's off but 680 of possible large that's when the wreck tipped over and it's carrying turkeys on their way across go tracy buffaloed and fire varese's 40 gal. of diesel fuel leak from the truck possibly some of them entered the storm drains which then had to flesh out officials say it is the process of like until the struck out here >> : that feel this be offloaded in a separate container and the driver's left the haven't done a pretender >> : crews also have 4,000 lbs. of turkey's for the economic that right on its wheels to let the people inside when the sec said occurred in the fire department had these letters to pull some of them out >> : evidence is ahead injury. in the driver that tells me that he is ok and it also tells me and actually were as having southbound ends up there somewhere else >> : and there is a sharp turn in the red overturns >> : understand we heard >> : in addition offloading they you do have to offload but most of all of those turkeys before they're able to get that regretted >> : that the stock this year's crop officer or a hassle for them to write the red but the turkish on board because you talk about 4,000 lbs. of turkey and the chp says of they did try direct that writ with them on board your vest that splitting in half made the determination to bring up another truck taking all goes off and before the check clear the scene he told me or the gas but told me 34 hours minimum for the senate's action will reopen >> : to four hours from now so original estimate 630 looks like it could be 89:00 >> : not be able to use bollinger canyon which is the exit north of this exit here or you could take this route and then take the door the road exit and get off interstate 580. in order to get into the area >> : a quick look at the bay bridge ride west bounce now back up bordelaise there and the rest to me looks pretty good >> : 5041 this morning for driver involved in a hit- and-run attacks crash happened killing a boy on a scooter >> : as he was the driver being chased by police will trend following this story he's at the scene with the latest in san leandro bay line pursued only last a few miles ended the life of a boy here in 1214 years old are here in this intersection of 14th ashland's one inc. san leandro is see police officers left the scene a couple hours ago but here for several hours conducting their investigation and will show you video out happening are on 630 last night and started a few miles from this location the place officers spotted a car driving erratically try and get the car pool over driver pullover fees are one point was not going around the grounds in this neighborhood and up to this location the center section are reports that the boy was on his scooter at the time >> : the car slammed him kept going police officers apparently initially did not know the boy was even had >> : then circled back realized there was a boy on the ground the call the ambulance the lowest in the hospital where he later died allies witnesses at the scene at the time when there's a lot of people still walking about drivers on the road and got a chance to talk with one witness is what she does say about the accident >> : slippery high in the air about cynthia immediately ran over to him >> : i stood next to his friends came by they attempted to go test him and told him don't touch on casino was some research you don't know if such a person in their hurt you might you the injured even more >> : back live tonight conceive of video roadside memorial we did stars that to grow because he goes to local school here the plan over at the to talk to a friends and export to the grief counselors also up the school as far as the speed of the pursuit not hearing and contact me on it and terrace apartment to find out at how fast the officers were going up some weather not been backed up and realize there is what people on the roadway officers involved in this seventh place i administrative leave pending investigation >> : also happening survey this to the net messenger is a striking california thousands of nurses walked off the job yesterday to take in from kaiser of an editing and say the strike firmed 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning nurses say the standard of patient care at kaiser-nourishing for months and also concerned about the safeguards for ebola >> : still had a big loss for the 49ers players and come back from their injury and then enters losing to surgery >> : to some calls in tampa neighborhood very worried this morning in what the problem is they're watching the weather here in the bay area as we are going to be waiting for the rain >> : i lo theaconn th sub loveacono mu, i'm lachina li of conjewey. awi'veeen ose line but-haveou er se bac brs? whatas tt? eryo lov bac at bwayinishingtour try itn a con g & eese subw. eafres y zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your block nos and relieve your other allergyympts... so you can breathe easier l d. zyec-d®. find it at the pharmacy coter recognize the learn dublin and not berkeley just yet south boston city right across the off ramp remains blocked by a truck that overturned on what had is the be removed this is where the erie opened a 630 it could be at least a couple of hours later >> : fell 11 happening today official rally calling for an end to violence and how the richmond city: a memory of the richmond high school basketball player killed last friday >> : 16 year-old rodney frazier shot in from his own home contra costa sheriff's office us an official in the wrong place at the wrong time. during a few between rival gang >> : heating up in the area here shot bridgman and met new mayor planned for the problem says hugh was gonna get a huge chunk of the $90 benefit agreement between the chevron fund after school or activity and job training >> : the analysis of lava, new line still had on the morning news family of a ball victim thomas duncan reaching a resolution of the dallas hospital treating him the story coming up >> : and for the first time for hours away the from approach landing on, >> : and lettuce and the story after the break in the live look here are the storm heading our direction and the rankle rise tonight on the timing and how much rain to female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ happening live stream european space agency on members of a probe has successfully released a lander toward the surface of a comet >> : and about seven hours total reach a common icy service and if the successful in o'clock our time >> : if it does lend the first time a spacecraft has ever landed on a comment. mission controllers clapton this morning hugging as it learned about the wider separation earlier today new line and a satellite launch 10 years ago >> : and now finally reaching the surface of the comment just three hours from now >> : the back here on earth winter blahs expect to leave more than half the country is really cool temperatures of the we can >> : the yacht of northern michigan those in the middle of january >> : temperatures aires of the rockies complains expected be 24 degrees below normal the vest as far south as oklahoma and rich east coast by small >> : lower just by tonight >> : or what we've been watching waiting for quite frankly we need rain. level outsider rv. camera shows cloud conditions out there right now. the mild threat to the day in the morning commute >> : evening commute will be just fine >> : and this happened light tonight >> : temperatures at the moment of refusal sixties once again off 2 mi. star like we did yesterday and this afternoon expect more the same with a high sidling up in it may be some parts of a '60s mostly mid-60s and 76 u six and nappa. 656667 livermore >> : you get the idea mid-60s to up the base today mostly cloudy skies crusade of the what weather south pacific right now heading our way for the timing cushion all cluster here >> : future calves for secaucus so this evening you need me will be find a wet weather than >> : about may be tough for personnel officer to see some light rain with a spreading the spade south pointe. and marched through the overnight hours can ease pass on 3:00 in the morning and the bulk of it should be exiting the left with lots scattered showers behind it >> : by about five in the morning it really begins to break up at that point still looking for just scattered showers to the morning commute thursday could very well be what if not damp one. and conditions melo just a little bit in clouds begin apart by later in the day thursday we start to dry out >> : friday night that saturday ok looks now sunday night and monday other chance of sprinkles coming through the next tuesday unsettled here for just a little bit in the storm tuesday could be a nice little rainmaker for us talk more about that when get closer to it >> : out of traffic >> : with some new information on kron for mike helm on the scene for us just spoke with the chp in charge >> : of trading estimated time for opening now saying likely to several more hours sit between 9 10:00 this morning >> : for their bold open up the top of ramp 6 a southbound direction >> : now the on ramp their non impacted >> : at this reduced and bones are canyon to the north still considerable distance away >> : is euphoria, on the corner caps san ramon pool bar here little bit west 680 interchange east on 580 story road north and the my help you get closer to your location destination >> : not far away another accident happening on the impact on the ride >> : and will bring closer >> : x and south 680 and actually having an impact here on 580 south on >> : the to the 84 interchange >> : looking at the bridges for the next they tried buffalo have an easy ride this week and see yesterday but still looking at all of a minute commute time. some retail bridge highway 92 are find no problems here over salmon sale and trip from orange county looks grim for the golden gate bridge. light traffic now rumbles directions in richmond bridge into the run county. and no delays by the u.s. on the liner services go all this mess practic willis is done for the season >> : and will require surgery smith the file send them on the final season last year and wants this radically this season and rookie chris has stolen for wilson spectacular 18 tackles and sliced 2 leeks, timor in the overtime when sunday >> : all-pro linebacker could also be cleared to be apart this week >> : sinkhole ponds and florida neighborhood to the day after the first one swallowed a car news sinkhole opened yesterday and eroding the tampa bay area >> : grew 10 ft. wide and lends some people actually forced to leave their homes because of this works out on nearby store live station pumping of groundwater >> : the first hole formed monday swallowing air car. that is about 1015 y and 15 ft. deep >> : and a mobile home was condemned five others were evacuated >> : health workers on farm lendable crisis going to congress for help >> : in lawmakers congress considers president obama met a $15.2 billion emergency request for a to a deadly disease spare parts of a number of infections long s arising in other areas crusade thousand health-care workers are needed over the next two months in san the committee also plans a question obama administration but the u.s. response to a ball of brick >> : and we should learn more details morning watter resolution reached between the family of a bullet and thomas r. thompson texas health resources >> : us a hospital or duncan went for treatment twice an september letter died >> : at a news conference this morning on the matter on to the r-texas healthvest restrain hospital in dallas september 25th sent home with a hundred three degree fever. came back for treatment by ambulance died october 8th >> : about the degree martinon divide that survive marathon bombing with all airlines after more than 15 operations in a decision to amputate her left leg below the knee >> : tx mom had remarkable up the attitude about the future but tongue-in-cheek break up watter the soon to become lead on this page >> : and rope " let them you're holding me back my full potential of the really do but i think the need to start on the next leg of my next turn in >> : our long surgery's success and it will run on facebook page afterward so grateful all love and support received in trying to get that full letter on our face up fan page on kron 4 kron 4 news website >> : tag: sooner or later, everyone needs a helping hand, or a helping paw! so mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train assistance dogs for wounded veterans. veteran: i live independently because of what all it provides for me. and it's huge! there's a lot of wounded, ill, and injured out there just like myself, who just maybe need a little bit of help. tag: you can lend a helping paw too. give at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs-- helping dogs help people. i was t awe ofow mhacity s in. thatt wadamang t enal. want to x itightway. my dtistecomndedronal. heaid onam can ma my eth rong. pramels heing lea e li thai wa to ve. ours is not enough juanita has been a camp outside best buy and sell mons since wednesday. that's 22 days before the deals are unleashed >> : and that's why. they've been doing this for years and this year the of the best deal on a new tv and they think they're gonna get it when the average in when it costs them. >> : have that than days avoiding everything else >> : to to mix a real-life >> : go ahead here on morning news the big hot spot several of the grateful turkey's overturns on the city offer of all reported that had >> : a sense a high paying for parking at another bar station >> : thick tell you what bart station is coming up a lot report >> : what it will look like to tell o'clock >> : tell o'clock >> : i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. aveeno®. st fds a holay ltove beco irristiy crmy turk casrole re delious bestoods brinout e be foo. brinout e be. neand prov i c't believe it'sot bter! 0% tte, articia esertive madeith blenof dicio ls, purifiedaterand ju a pch t tw plee. new and impred ian'tbelie ie it timto bieve check in with james and get a look at whether traffic on this wednesday morning that the school for a lot of people >> : and absolutely had up this early morning just no nice and dry for out tomorrow morning and from story to their sets. warding afternoon commute for that matter is look outside we have clear conditions seven to a bridge and temperatures very similar to a will to yesterday in the upper 57 cisco rv 60 degree mark and also that is the current condition take a look at later on today temperatures warmup low mid 60s for about of the bay area of europe '60s livermore could perhaps upper 60s and make in your '70's down near evergreen south san jose >> : for the most partisan conceive anything from 6466 will be the majority of the temperatures later on today >> : and send i were watching for the rain off shore and finally made its appearance here in the bay area >> : with you with the shot come back a 545 with a little more time given a complete look at the rain when it arrives in the bay area how long a lesson not only that but when the next system this is round one looks to be maybe three rounds of then >> : today over the weekend and early next week >> : and full details coming up in 15 minutes >> : a lot well or watch increase serious problem unfolding here san ramon valley and dublin. arrested six itself bound all possible barred where truck overturned early this morning. we talk right now is con 4 mike who's on the scene >> : just talking a few moments ago with james to was in this area uses the off ramp. no surprise that if this was not the intended on upper off ramp and the drivers could have some trouble because is preceded sharp >> : driver told me that they felt there transitioning on 580 accidently got off that the caught all possible our offer up going to faster followed in just overturned. tow trucks on the scene transferred over the fuel those still on the overturned reckon 20 container the office you behind the structure cruzan the process of cleaning up the spill fuel 40 gal. worth overturned red oak on the southbound ramp some of it could go on the storage rain all that gets cleaned up this morning chp says this will likely take tel 9 10:00 in south on offer about possible are reopens and as mentioned the travers said that he thought use going to 588 across boulevard off ramp in this truck carrying 40,000 lbs. of turkey is meant to go to a costco and tracy. around and stuck their an overturned reg also causing a big problem because had almost all goes into an empty rig to a life- size way here to the scene and hold up there behind your turn recusancy that. they have almost all those turkeys at that point they need the tow truck put man and put back on its wheels and towed on here talking 9 10:00 according to chp >> : is going to be every pair of hands and knees to get those turkeys transferred. and here's the location of the problem. you can get continued southbound exit here heading west on 580 and then take the san ramon boulevard exit in order to get back in that direction >> : heading to the side of the freeway and comes self and interstate 580 as it a dory and turn north and lime look at the rest of that and the area >> : 580 commute heaviest in the less west on direction be read the bay bridge this morning building up as usual >> : likely about 50 minutes away from seeing the metering lights >> : are adding a parking charge to another station this time north compensation jackie live to explain >> : the suns are ready and people scrambling to get to a parking paid for before they can catch the but bart trains early this morning and my party starting to form at the a machine pay for the parking this is the second part station here in concord than less than a positions will come board later this time and determine the real problem old what people are caught by surprise in long lines form at these machines people scrambling to catch the bart train and ness said pete get your 430 this morning half-dozen people worried it waiting in line to pick apart and at that point starting to see the coming pick up out here >> : someone who would normally use of copper bar and bill in a couple extra lot of lives a longer period can pay by cash paid by clipper card had a chance to talk with one or writer earlier this morning and discount shrugged part of doing business >> : another ding wallet and bay area called russia. has to give us for something somewhere. the better than sitting in the traffic only dollar >> : another $5 a week >> : other scissions charging for parking all cell and the oakland coliseum bart also pay you hayward going to institute parking at the station in those times are to be determined as i said those of a scramble this morning for some writers if you're riding north concord at but this morning should build at least a couple more minutes into commute >> : and the four year-old boy fell to a trustee down a cliff near the database is in stable condition this morning. kron header as an update from the father yesterday darrell johnson who says his son needs pins as if it is his arm has a cast as like as surgery is done >> : he's a fighter and proud of how strong his son is a delightful for everyone's prayers >> : he wishes for some the get well can't wait for him and hold again >> : and wife being strong as well waiting for the sun- yoga alliant said yet the debate monday night when the accident happened crews had to rescue the four year-old mr. basham. he was with his family throwing rocks standing next was mom we felt tortured feet down >> : police arresting a mother for punching a woman of several coming call for a guard said a permanent home to realize the arts of the store just before the assault will lead and are as started when the woman complained about the current tariff arrested by police and of suspicion of battery are inserted before going in the parking lot the mother punched a woman twice the face >> : coming up on the morning is several break out from hawaii lava flow. and show you the latest we have slow steady moving >> : to tipples abandon the state show you how couple is helping the dogs find a new home but have a problem and then coming up 6:00 mess a honebuncs of oats! i's got . likehe ltlebunches oats. at iike is tual the flakes. 'got unch, whici love. mm it's. yay! of for more news and tracking of look at the truck bomb rocked costa off ramps south on interstate 680. truck overturned carrying thousands of calls of frozen turkeys will take several hours to clear this mess up. they even have to flush a storm drain on of concern for diesel fuel spill. expected to be closed for several hours be used bollinger canyon or come down 680 to 580 take right hand turn and exit at san ramon apple are as your alternate and on and why they kerrigan to you the look at low flow. a slow flow flaw. igniting everything on fire its path and this morning break up currently offer an immediate threat to area residents one referred closely this break out destroying a home monday will let continued to move to the area >> : and the main floor flaw book concerned that can remain stalled very little activity has an advanced. add evacuation's for residents' council of low of lotus continue >> : to sell ahead on morning years following weather on the bay. we have rain on top and talk about when she arrived a much for should get in just a little bit >> : a won whlovetoy share her ssio. grana! ma hastriafibrlati, an iegul heabeat not causedy a het vae . that puts r at grter sk ostro. rome su! before xelto, maryook rfar, which quir monly tps to g herloodeste t th's htory ba to e muum? nothisime! now that h docr swchedheto oe, mary caneavehose mohly ipd mest flit? t toy! li warrin,xalto is oven effecte toeduc ib-ratedtrokrisk but xalto is e fit and ly oe-a-y prescripon bod tnner fopatits wf not causedy a het vae m that doesn reqre rularbld mot so mary freof tt moniringouti. for patien curntlyellmaged w, there isimit formion how xarelto andarfan coarein rucin. xalto is just one pill a y takewithhe eningeal. inac azie plus, th nknow etarrestctio, mary canat t heahy ods e lis. don't st takg xareo®rivaxaba unlessour ctor tes yoto. while kingarel®, you y brse me ealy and it m taklong forbldingo st. xarelto®ay ireas ur rk ofleedg if y tak rtaimedines. xarelto canauseseous eedi, and inare ses, mabe fal. gehelpightway ifou delop unpect ble, unusl brsingor tglin if you he haspin esthia wle oxareo® wah fobackpa or y nee or mcle late gns symoms. do n takxareo® if youave tifial hrt vve orbnorl blding tell your door bore alplanl or dtal ocedes. bere srtinxareo® tell your ctor abt ancos such akidn, lir, o eedi proems. switchg toarel® w the rit mo f. ask youroctoabou ce-aay xelto. noegul blo nitong; no kno diery restctio. for formion d vingoptis downloadhe xelto tiencent app call-888arel, vis goxeltoom police looking for a driver involved in a deadly hit- and-run in san leandro boy hit by car that police were chasing. he is killed in this happened in his 14th less night. officers say they hit the boy being chased by officers thing dog waiting on the boy is 1214 years old oscar new line the time and struck and killed >> : in day two of the inner messner is a strike in california thousands of nurses often off the job yesterday >> : picketing in front of other permanent state facility out again today and that runs through 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning >> : early velasco winter and some very cold temperatures idiotic northern michigan heavy snowfall in there. talking temperatures down near freezing in kansas city to chicago >> : is to is the appetizer the teaser tonight really but another system and another one next week early like to stage. and we have some really nice weather does talk about. the only for the bay area for this year to some it more got nothing and that won the men's giving opening and >> : if parts of their fingers crossed hoping that this materializes what it looks like it will >> : and let's all hope so >> : what's the kron satellite radar those claws out there. and quickly as is in closer and explore more detail about the rain when it will ride the line again for the rain to arrive tonight and probably after your bed >> : and we feel sponsor along the north bay coastline north they portions the space and severance discussing some light rain past midnight hour to the overnight and we see the front continues to move on through widespread light rain falling green is see here a moderate so heavy it in much of accumulation of this may be core of an inch here in airline of the widespread make everyone wants wet pavement wet roads but for your morning commute and beginning 5:00 a.m. for a lot of early rides will be what one outside and those damn plane stalled the plan for some of the cisco to insulate and the north bay some portions of these bay as well. then o'clock or so wont to say for workers will rainshowers will lend and looking for things easily begin to clear as we head into the later portion of the thursday. thus the system today hemorrhages up mid-50s and will be cloudy all day long that light rain starting tonight once represses rounds and frederica break saturday it must part with a bright sunday night monday sicken on comes through not so much rain without one but tuesday of next week looks to be a fairly decent storm. everything continues unweighed is right now could be looking at a decent rain totals with that system >> : we get an update on the traffic on 680 >> : keep up costa wrote off from closed until 10:00 at the end of morning and crews to get this wrapped reopened. and a big rig overturns carrying felons of frozen turkeys spilled sunday stole all that had to be cleaned up and that's why the ramp will remain closed pekingese boulder canyon before continuing soft turn on the five the westbound exit at san ramon bull bart boulevard to the right no. and you get back to where you were. but slow traffic 580 westbound. not having any impact on all on your ride new the accident and the ride on 580 heading in dublin. south bay freeway also looking at right conditions right now. of course i will change and trip to the north bay no delay for 37th down the golden gate bridge >> : metering lights have been activated already it very quickly backing up toward macarthur mays and drive time tomorrow pushing up to seven minutes to lead and should san mateo bridge many to delay three. golden gate bridge ride won a one softbound and take a look that. in the trip is an easy one. not much in the way of traffic there richmond bridge and westbound ride just a slight back up in the right and cash and and that will clear out in the next 10 minutes >> : and that with the west of the toll takers >> : by 48 by kron 4 story concerned a couple oakland caring for other couples pit bulls because owner just left the dogs >> : and his neighbor was really home to take care the two dogs. and then the tate have less on the back running around for long. the time alone very little human contact when victoria's said it is something >> : we noticed but trouble he had grown as underbelly and getting larger larger. there was no offense taken the lead >> : editorial stewart which cut demo care groups to get help from the tumor removal and medical needs and the cost >> : however the baby on the way she are as husband can afford to keep the dog and greed of this page for the pebble and hoping someone will adopt them >> : gillis story would like us a check in to plead you can go story tab on the website as of this your idea >> : until police warning against of the e-mail to about child predator >> : residents and civic permission from the recipient can entrust seller about research called predator clicking on a blank and then that lincoln contains mullet where >> : do not send information via e-mail about sex offenders living in neighborhoods >> : and yak mother campaigning disney to get children with down syndrome once and in the movies and perhaps tens of thousands of signatures and attention of disney headquarters. tisch this last night inspired by the young daughter the her daughter has down's a trim. family received a response from disney the studio is committed to us having characters accessible labeled all children. but any of president say she plans to deliver the petition and person to disney headquarters in burbank november 26th the not >> : -and we'll fortune so sir david saw puzzle with just one letter >> : after 33 years of hosting pat sajak was as his " >> : he storms offset for some reason intestine's thought had riding with different colored horse is the correct answer was watching a buddy movie. traveller curious about what is there a hotel room and the maids are there are not taxes their on- camera and might surprise you >> : to believe it's real but don't think this happens all the time >> : - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. hey john,whoa!k it out. yeah, i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv. and the tablet worked just fine. but i wanted to see if the phone would work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel is live just like on tv. but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. download the xfinity tv app today. loveacono mu, th sub i'm lachina li of conjewey. awi'veeen ose line but-haveou er se bac brs? whatas tt? eryo lov bac at bwayinishingtour try itn a con g & eese subw. eafres taking a live look at the satellite radar view and but the system watter we're bringing rain and the new hours tomorrow morning exactly how much rain that's why explore this brief and looks like we're will of the third half an inch and the north bay. not so much for the east bay south bay. tens of an inch at best possibly quarter of a nation san francisco said accrues quarter of vanished half- inch and most of the system the continuing to push on through to the senate cruse hills and jobs little more rain there. that's where sticking in the system are huge rainmaker but at least a decent one and make for a what thursday morning >> : the video show video to video going viral this morning hotel maid caught on camera rummaging through a dyestuff reading his mail fraud again to his laptop the lead and left the video camera rolling and then says this is what he caught on camera made king up the tabloid the interest of anyone this suitcase before she left the room the lead at a shot the video didn't identify the hotel says a well-known chain. developing stories and live the news top of our big rig telling thousands of pounds of turkey is overturned some assault weapons san ramon major closures here and offer a >> : live report coming up >> : european space agency manners that approach has sent successfully of lettered for the circus of a comet a few hours away from, landing >> : at a big loss for 40 niners team is losing to a season- ending surgery >> : live look at the cemetery bridge traffic moving smoothly so far and tracking rain coming our way and will be back in tunis >> : "ameca'sext p mol." i haveodere toever aquesoriis. so tald toy door abt myondion d myreatnt oions he tolme aut slara in aedic stu, 7 ouof 1stela®aties saw lea 75%lear ski 12 eks. and out 10 tien hatheiplaq psoasisated as caredr mimalat2 we. [ ma annncer stara mayowerour ilit fig inftion and crea yo risof iectis so serus iectis quirhospalizion befo staing elar® ur dtor ouldest fotubeulos. stela®ay ireas ur rk ofance waysell ur dtor yohaveny sn ofnfecon, ve h canr, oif y veloany w sk grohs. alt yo docr ofew or wseni proems, inudinheadhes,eizus, andisiopr. thesmay sig of aare,otenallyatal brn coitio seous lerg reaions caoccu te youdoct if u anye inour use eds haseceny reived a ccin afte2 stter ses, i ke slara, d mykin cleer.he talk tyouroctoto s stera®s rit foyou. thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. to turn the bigger gets close to a 688 south bond and then coming up is giving food has on board was causing a big clear up this morning >> : to age boy killed in a hit- and-run east bay. and the driver is on those >> : lots in the forecast from low roof rain on the way talk about when >> : weather traffic check right now fletcher started us off a storm coming >> : and watching at the timing over had to lights and light >> : today in find a after increate balls well. they'll be cloudy mile out there and talk got headlines here going for today and morning fog definitely some clubs out there and will look for another unseasonably mild they damages in the sixties mar what one commit


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20150110

ballet officers found four men and then inside vehicle. no arrests have been made thus far employees have no motive for the shooting. responded to a shot system activated and more shots being fired also receive the call of possible. rack we got to the scene. the officers arrived on scene all for pronounced dead at the scene. >> reporter: it does not yet identified. we have the updates for you if they did when they develop >> : golden gate bridge closed for construction in 77 years crews and sell the median barrier. pritchett done to most cars on midnight. , scheduled to reopen monday 4:00 a.m.. to prevent conclusions and replace the small plastic tubes that carry northbound south on traffic part, and we add up debt on the construction. the crews have gotten through 26% of delaying the barrier's 3,000 ft. or is right on schedule, the crews are starting three different locations and you see work appear at the toll plaza at mid span heading south and north end of the bridge the crews heading north. once the to from a middle and south me team will go over and check the last car between the metal in the north. >> reporter: animation what the product will look like drivers might notice a land will be a few inches in narrow in order to make room for the barrier. an emergency you bicol's bicycles still able across the bridge this weekend. if you make your way in severance cisco marin county get the stick to bridges to this weekend's, traffic not too bad and we are going to talk about a lot of congestion lot of folks a planning and avoiding severances altogether. the to make way in the city have stood on high 1 01, crossette the richmond center fell bridge then take interstate 80 to the macarthur maze. as we get on the bay bridge in a tie get into a severance cisco, of course heading from san francisco to marin county if the take the lower end of the bay bridge spans up to the shore freeway get on richmond center fell bridge continue on to northbound 101. right now traffic light in the area taking public transit going gate transit will be right across the bridge so they do have access and have to take the long run about alternate. if you're thinking of taking the ferry their running at normal weekend service. we're following this throughout the weekend and the closure expected to last till 4:00 a.m. monday morning. let's turn our attention to the. weather the what look shows just how pays the sfo right now no delays are arriving flights and that could certainly change as visibility very limited it live look at the airport. temperatures right now are not to bed a couple locations drug in the upper '30's vallejo 38, 39 of bottle mild weather along the east bay shoreline.,: 547 hayward livermore at 50 degrees. all the cloud cover insulated this morning any notice low-lying fog pretty prominent north of the golden gate bridge only three tenths of a mile and seven rows of a half mile to door in fairfield my. else temperatures talking 6 is for the most part into the afternoon chance of a drizzle into your sunday. dry quiet weather carries in next week's look at the details of and they run a bit forecast coming up in 50 minutes. thank you very much erica with continued follow developments in france after the brutal attack on journalists at a french magazine. one day after a manhunt ended in a hail of gunfire there was a new massive search under way for a woman who is believed to be involved in the shooting death of a police officer. mary muller has the latest. >> : as of manhunt continues for this woman whom police say it could be involved in the murder of zero female police officer thursday french newspaper les images of her. she's armsed. she may have had contacts with other terrace partner because of a phone record. >> reporter: other suspect in murder this man killed up the stage of this market in paris all four hostages. moments or earlier another stop hostage standoff with the killing of the brother suspects in love massacre and the nets states fbi but a department of home one security issued a bulletin the law-enforcement about the seriousness of the attack. noting the sophistication and training. president obama speaking as a world up seas again one terrace stand for. of an offer but human suffering the stand for freedom and hope dignity of all human beings. country give for days and you're trying to recover. >> reporter: bay area it gathered and earlier this week with more and. murders rampage is something i do not condone and the group also won the use the event to address islamic phobia. .. everyone says all know what to be in a system again this is were trying to constantly prove ourselves we are american from the bay area and have normal lives just like everyone else with, work orders school, with our kids. >> reporter: hope there's no backlash because of those attacks in paris. stay at the kron-4-dot-com and ball and the terror attack in france and also are kron 4 mobile app. coming up destruction from bill cosby 00 caught on camera out that coming up for you choose in indonesia moving one step closer possibly finding the black boxes from their age of light 8501. how lawyers star says curry making wish come true for a group of young boys. the area news this morning the sperm oil washed ashore marin county thursday night has died officials at the marine mammal center said the well was dead when they arrive at the beach. oil appears to be sick and will perform what was wrong with the animal. now glenn new information on the skull discovered thursday near something castro street, effort anthropologist with the coroner's office says it appears to be a native american officials made a determination based on studying the teeth moscow. corners of the says now is for their consent the case closed. strong support in the bay area for presidential proposal could impact millions of americans since. president obama once my community college free. the plan require students have mentor complete eight hours community service per term and maintained to 0.0 grade point average money of the two years' tuition comfortable state and federal government west of the plan could sit average full-time student 02 $3,800 every year. atmosphere supported the plan of san jose and a present go as low income since the notions that may not have to choose between your trees and fees by buying a textbook is huge and as from evergreen community district how his proposal for its for tuitions from kids with the families is a no-brainer data reports studies what attune original studies showing what the return and thus the is forever $1 and education the change in the life for us didn't. his lifetime earnings and contribute with society on the other hand will up the burden of social services for example. >> reporter: only apply to school with born to a four year degree or job training >> : love and weather centered star office saturday morning while look at some retail bridge this us afternoon highs on kron 4 news returns. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything for all your help. through all life's milestones our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. to you live look at the golden gate bridge as crews worked to install mobile median barrier the verge several closed monday at 4:00 a.m., you can cross this weekend on a transit bus on foot or by bicycle. even see foggy conditions the far appears to be starting to look at the golden gate bridge go and check with erica find out exactly what the weather's like the bay area this morning. fog north of this camera shot san rosen of bottle this ability currently under a mile right now as we had in the afternoon when i nuncio whole lot of sunshine is but partly cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions are on the bay area. at the very hazy yet another spare the air alert no wood burning allowed. public yet thus insulated acting like a blanket this morning and some of dealing with temperatures at the freezing mark check this out cell francisco right now at 54 degrees. upper '40's in san jose concord 42 degrees of the door etc. as a right now and if, 50 currently in livermore. . the whole lotta son was a temperatures in most part lotus mid-60's on the south bay. evergreen very mild they coming in at 65, 61 on view cupertino today 63, coupled preschooler in redwood city, the space similar temperatures however more per 50s develop in some of these east a volunteer. antioch only reaching 59, 59 highs in vallejo. temperature is running at near average exactly where we should be for this time of year. upper 50s for downtown san francisco will 50s and berkeley and san bruno today with high 59, 617 tel7 tel/ there's a chance that we see sprinkles develop in the bay area as we wake up early sunday morning. i don't think this is to possible most moisture in the air will of that. . don't see it in a much of a broader worldwide but there's a chance for some drizzle but a sunday on the day forecast. high-pressure rebuilds in the air as we had to the latter half of sunday. beyond that lots of sunshine and seasonal highs as a hit in early next week. turn the developing stories not and indonesia's search and rescue teams recover the part of the asia flight from the java sea. these road slings a dry underwater air bags altogether to a rift with the wreckage to surface, cray also hoisted the tail on their career ship. ever is investigating sonar that were found on friday it. cruz said the jet black box is still. in still 485 01 disappeared december 28th 162 people on board, 48 bodies recovered so far. back in the bay area connecting food surplus with those in need one-term horrible the nation and contra costa county, has the gives us a close-up look at how the volunteers have gathered the fight hunger. from what play stresses micron for story. 23 lbs. is kicking off here. >> reporter: feverish temple the volunteers here at the woodson express seven days a week food rescue really a program and walnut creek. food items accordance been started by local grocery stores donated here. for longer suitable for retail. executive director of the organization. is it taking away to take the abundance of food going to waste and replaying it promptly to the people who have needs. we go from brentwood the westminster and martinez to walnut creek. first 12 months we delivered over 6,000 lbs. of food. >> reporter: the been a success because these items are perishable. eggs are goal is from the time you donate the time we have it to the time we give out is two hours. >> reporter: 40 recipients and the program delivery made in richmond won here at the bay area rest position the other here at the check homeless shelter. volunteers say they found it gratifying as well. .. the phone internationally and a backyard here there's a huge property/ had this to them in terms of food and the bring back to me with their big smiles as a great. thing to great >> reporter: what one is processed hundred 50 volunteers looking for more helpers' to keep up this pace. research the last story after be reached out to us if the of a story idea you let us a check into the tar website kron-4-dot-com click on micron for store tap. comedian bill cosby heckled again during third live performance in canada. this footage taken by cnn reporter who was inside the theater friday night. a group stood up and chanted we believe the woman. this performance and hamilton ontario comedian's file showing canada this week. cosmic continues to stand a routine after officers remove the hecklers. more than 21 accused causey of sexual assault because be however never been charged lawyer has denied all of the allegations. still has it for you for warriors coach mark jackson makes his return the bay area and show you how fans react coming up take a live look outside bay bridge and we can see some fog there in the background as we are looking at the bridge from our studio.♪ you' unpkinglready? ye. lp mfindome gs? ♪ theest rt wak' up. ♪ beep hey. [ giles k. ♪ .is fgersn yo cup♪ well, i drove grandpa to speed dating this week, so i should probably get the last roll. dad, but i practiced my bassoon. and i listened. i can do this. everyone deserves ooey gooey pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop! i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. week night dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. very easy to forget when you're on top and winning like this class act something i will always remember. >> reporter: former warriors coach standing ovation from fans of old friends and his pristine he returned or korea since his fired last season. just sitting across the court from the warrior bench, a city on the game. as far as the game itself warriors took on the cavaliers of course without a braun plate click on sen leading golden state with 24 points/brother seth hurry it the russian are behind with 23 points where to go on to when pre big 0.12946 when the row with a cruise when there 29 and 5. on friday for was not a chance to practice of their players. as all part of the team's warriors which weak second time this season a warriors paired up with the make a wish foundation. terry giving each of the boys a prayer brand issues which were released on thursday one of the lucky kids was a year-old damian reader. born with a jacquard affect with the it set a pacemaker the boy's father throttles emotional boost for his son. a minute to turn in the sports and i live the sunday night at 9:00 jason death for warriors nfl coaching here in the bay area all highlights and announcements for nfl playoff game. to look outside golden gate bridge remaining closed till 4:00 a.m. monday morning come up and con 4 news weekend take a look at the changes what they mean for commuters please the golden gate and kron 4 news weekend's more on developing stories. police in san francisco investigating an overnight shooting all four people dead. office is responding to reports shop fired and. hate is kelly-frye when they run the fund for men dead in said the vehicle. far no arrests made and they found no motive for the shooting. golden gate bridge happening for construction to close in 77 years. the putting in a median barrier and once they do with the golden gate bridge will be narrower than there used to charles covered his support story. a shoulder on the right and only flimsy plastic cones on north-south on blaine's drivers golden gate bridge always had very little margin for error when crossing over the span. total of six lanes on the bridge of subway and 11 ft. wide before other lands are 10 ft. wide. and to allow those yellow plastic cones 4 in. wide narrowed the center line by 2 in.. mobil median barrier going in this weekend is 12 in. wide meeting the same two lanes will now be reduced 10 ft. to nine and a half feet. new barrier also 2 ft. high form solid buffer between north and south online's. long time drivers of the bridge probably notice the difference. it will be narrower much sicker won't be able again to end oncoming traffic/ >> reporter: was approaching the bridge from marin also notice another change currently cars have to march to the right before they reach the span. after this weekend the merger will be to left. barriers something deeply these two people disappointed rinderpest and new experience for terrorism across. >> reporter:: gate transit buses are allowed to drive over the bridge drug we get closer the bosses may be delayed because of heavy traffic around the golden gate bridge, once the buses on the bridge may be delayed by the construction work so all is extra locations and extra time. the speed limit on the golden gate bridge will drop from 55 mi. an hour to 45 mi. an hour that will be in place as of monday. george and i talked about this last couple weeks there will be a significant impact especially as people start to get used to that change they drive to work next week keeping my follow closure on the special section live on kron-4-dot- com. it's not about whether in the bay area look at how his the low high clouds sfo right now i won't be surprised with see some delays on arriving flights later on this morning. we do have areas of low clouds predominantly in the north of the golden gate bridge visibility down to three tenths of a mile santa rosa. we see about my when petaluma nappa right now. this ability improve solve all the golden gate bridge was still pretty foggy soap for most bus. some clearing in the afternoon partly cloudy conditions. but temperatures near the seasonal average upper 50s low 60s. until tomorrow we have changes talk about possibility of sprinkles full details on that and so next week's forecasts when rain is back in a picture coming up in 15 minutes. californian news of van colliding with the semi truck intersection near fresno friday, killing four men leaving five others hospitalized. reports about the man or a van, a hit the front of the truck that was turning. chp says five other men and then taken to hospital the details on their injuries. the driver of the truck was not hurt in that accident. there are signs the new homeless encampment may be worn out its welcome in san jose's small standoff between a dozen homeless people and private security team. the campers say members of security detail refused to say whether working for tried to evict them from union pacific thick right away. some campers some of come out previously elected in san jose known as the jungle refusal leave. security team gave up and left to themselves however planned return fourth. security company hired by the x or neighbor mobile home park not and does have authority it and that's what specifically they did not contract with incorporations companies to conduct stop since for the maverick crew. in lieu thereof non sorted be here obviously true because have gone. >> reporter: rich -- and of the mobile home park as well as railroad company no immediate response to kron 4. and telling about the flu epidemic going on for the past couple weeks now. officials confirmed first flew related death this year and a person under the age of 65. from southern california of. 21 flew related deaths in this lucy's and. flu widespread in 43 states and always a good idea to get vaccinated take action through to stop the spread of germs and frequent washing your hands covering her mouth when you call for sneeze stay home for more school. at your school still had a kron 4 news weekend outbreak of all bosses at disney park broke and how many people are being affected by the measles. coming up in the next addition of people behaving badly. c s wrapping up the coming up show you what stole the show at the largest annual consumer electronics show. eabeat not caus by hear vae prlem. that putjim a gaterriskf stke. for year jim medine ed m to a monthly tr to e clic t gehis ood sted t no witonce-day xarelto®, jis onhe me. jis door rommeed relto®. like warfari xarto®is pven fecte to ruce ib-ratedstro ris but xalto is e fit an on onca-da prescripon bod tnneror tien witafibot csed by a hea val proemthatoesn reqre regulabloomoniring so jim'sot td tohatmoniringouti. gps:roce to e degnat roe. not day. for patits crent wel maged warrin, there is limed iormaon o hoxareo®nd wfari compare reding e ri oftrok xarelto is st o pila da tan wi theveni mea plus, wi no own etar rerictns jim can t thhealy fos lik. don'stopakinxareo® riroxan, unless yr door tls u to while tang xelto, yomaybrui moreasi and it m taklong forbleeng tstop xarelto mayncree yo ri of eedi if y takcertn mecine xarelt® c cau serus eedi anin re cas, m be tal. get helpightway youdevep unpect bleing, unual uisi, oringlg. if you havhad inalanesesiahilen xalto watch for ba paior a rve muse reted sis orympts. do n takxareo®f yo ha an artifici hea val orabnoal bedin tell youdoct befe al plned dica orentaprocures before staing relt®, ll ur dtor out any condionsuch kidy, ver,r bldingrobls. m chged s routine. ask yo docr abt xalto. once-a-day xelto mea regar bod mitorg, no kno diery rtricons. for inrmatn an sangs tion downloadhe xelto patnt nterpp call 1-888-xelto orisitoxarto.c. see as large as the annual consumer electronic show and wrapping up less biggest mr. marshall focus on a smaller home technologies where rebel 4 k television drone virtual reality. our tech reporter gave slight shows you the new technology and automotive state self driving cars this will show this year. mercedes blew away their sleek driving car full electric pollution free.f015 new-car lot about self driving cars, the city is no comfortable luxuries that can be for some so something like this town is like a mobile lounge. four other suits face each other driving away a car drive you. it's also working on and on top of the vehicles. showed off by 3 i cars summoned by a special small watch the driver wears. like knight rider being it will call your card come get you. but really stole the show active assist collision avoidance system. building this into a self driving a car and future regular car. weather center sent detectives went before an assembly of stops the car. they tried to crush the car and no one could do it. pesters and full speed ahead in the road blocks car and this was the break of one inclusion. we have protection on the vehicle very comfortable and it's very natural behavior. this is really paying off driving on parking lots navigating around tight space driving. sybil eyed dense on bumpers. on my tech page kron 4 kron website a specialces section thousand the products the check out beckham are this year's show. but how much those cars cost. coming up to begin forecast to top stories lot look outside deconditioned sfo. sfwill be right backodness... what matters most should always come first. which is why whole grain is the first ingredient in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. look for the big g. it means goodness first. were recovering but stories for people the fall and right shooting and his valet happen about 10:00 last night police on four men dead inside a vehicle so far no arrests have been made pleas to have no motive for the shooting. in paris massive manhunt continues today for one who police say it could be involved in the murder of a police officer salomon also part of friday's hostage situation of the hostage-takers several the hostages dead all for the hostage takers contact with french newspaper wednesday. killed 12 people including two police officers. first time will 75 year's golden gate bridge closed for construction. is working right now to remove the median barrier to prevent head-on collision and the bridge at or remain close to monday morning at 4:00 a.m.. we keep your eye on the weather and some people want get out and about here tells all about it. is it. starting things off with a lot of fog this morning live look at the golden gate bridge that fog blocking your view of the northern tower. also the shot is ability pretty bad right now. temperatures pre mile we haven't got near the freezing mark. color spots in the upper '30's sarah's right now up to bat starting in the morning off with 42, 54 currently downtown san francisco. pretty thick for the north bay valley and nothing whatsoever on petaluma. visibility at half a mile in the nappa area. visibility down this year but have their field. . future cast of focusing on the temperatures for today. most locations in the '50s and see the blue blanket the screen as retail and future cast. o'clock in the motion will see a mixture of 50s listed sousas had in your afternoon high. most of us dealing with partly cloudy mostly cloudy conditions for cement. highs look like to listen the software loaded mid-60s and the south bay where we see some warmest temperatures of the day. evergreen 6562 milpitas redwood city hitting a high of 61 degrees. it will be as warm and the east especially for an analysis. fairfield only climbing to 5859 degrees in the life of. temperatures because where we should be for this time of year on mutt seasonal highs on tap this afternoon if. i pay high of 6260 berkeley. 58 degrees in ocean beach. we have the area of low pressure right now over central california the pushes and closer to moderate. we see some sprinkles maybe some drizzle a development early tomorrow morning does look to likely will be dealing with a burned out all moisture will evaporate four hits the ground. still keep your role is handy just in case high pressure builds back in as we head into latter half of sunday also sunshine and mild temperatures as we head into next week. keeping a close eye extended models looks like what weather could be a possibility as we had and the martin luther king jr. holiday. stanley roberts roberts cell surrender when the driver already knows caught behaving badly polls over without being processed. you're going to lose six reason? deal with the speed limit is 55. put the driver 21 over the speed limit high one in san mateo county now curious as to what the driver had to say. i was driving fast in yourself surrendered aug. 01 to have any problems with. other tests, is currently at the lehman also fast car. caught on the radar and driver was from sweden had in the monterey. average speed how one 55 mi. an hour. the speed limit is 55. subbing of france said it sought. stepson the sought and inf there were distracted decided to check out this place we saw the sign. area of the problem of drivers ignoring the sign's been too distracted to notice them. i thought that didn't occur to me you're all right through living come to a slightly stop >> : . same with this b&w driver thought you thought you stopped. but city office chp patrols the area of the cemetery county sheriff. my suggestion as to the coast don't behave badly. and i have to say i just got that caught behaving badly. the cemetery coast stanley roberts roberts kron 4 news >> : those visiting walt disney theme parks now have measles bring a number of cases to california up to 12th the likely contracted measles with the trip to disneyland or disney california adventure between december 15th and december 28th. one person diagnosed from alameda county. blizzard conditions when measured 50 vehicles involved mess of interstate pileup in michigan friday. wait till you see and hear what happened when a truck carrying fire works became involved in a pileup. the truck and 40,000 t of fireworks on board they went off as agency. one person died doesn't hurt officials say all hazardous materials from the crash has burned off now. stories planning snow when poor visibility for the pilot >> : coming mutt much more had live look at the approach of the bay bridge overcast skies over in the east bay city conditions in many parts of the bay area as early saturday morning will be right back. oh n we ve adrescodeere, anit'sot s roug nex whoa, thiss a nchb not halleen g. sor - ts luhboxs already capity. rrr.a naral auty. yore ming mel all ? miniabyb is10 natal cheese. a goodourcof protn ancalcm, and whollot fun mini babel.snaca lile bger! liam neeson gets taken yet again and love lazard caper call an inherent bias all the opening german rock house the six now top showing. we neeson is back and taken three. sticking force was smarter using dirt particular set of skills for the killer to protect his daughter. taken three rate pg-13. what release so what are looking for equal voting rights. he hits a brick wall historic walk from salema. and pg-13 inherent vice drug that detective in 1980 is essential as a long way he gets in the bizarre characters and plot to kidnap a billionaire. will informally asking the questions red r. adults taking over facebook and new research study shows 50 percent of american adults now using the social media site or more seniors logging on for the first time 50 per cent are over 65 are now on face but analysts say because and it's a fine old friend's colleagues schoolmates. 19 percent of adults however have a twitter account. so had next hour news weekend a rocket launcher crews was less successful from nassau about the story. krebs isn't built community manager tells of talk about the best places to get credit and the bay area. pillsbury crescents--awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: week night crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. guess what goes really well with eggs? pillsbury grands biscuits. make breakfast even better. grands biscuits. make breakfast pop. golden gate bridge is closed for construction. normalcy is seen like this no cars on the bridge loan with an update on major safety upgrade, and following developing and the severance cisco for people living gunned down the killer still all loose. kron 4 news weekend continues! this for joining us and kron 4 news weekend's this lot for joining us this morning. website of the golden gate bridge because as the top story this morning we are taking all of that the closer look at a bridge it's been close since last night at midnight should the most traffic. the symbol the bay area undergoing a big up great cruise installing mobile world will beat median barrier to prevent head-on collision schedule. rubin monday at 4:00 a.m. however watching very closely with the progress on the bridge running live update on how the look will go this morning and beat any anderson. bridge closed earlier than the night 11:58 p.m.. the present the work immediately laying down the median barrier already the entire project 26% on/off. the cruise starting in three different locations. see some work here the toll plaza amid spent itself at the north and the crew is heading north where to from the middle south and meet a team will go over connects the middle of the north. >> reporter: on cruise will also start restricting elaine's because the different merging coming from the north and the british also building a storage area for these is attract the plan is going on schedule if they finish early a chance like an open earlier than 4:00 a.m. monday goal. the check in with a new and despite the enormous differences go from the north bay for the second turn out that air, where the alternate routes. but her neck alternate yet the tech two other bridges to get into marin or sentences gulf pending which direction, coming at a rundown south model one cross reference nfl bridge used roof away from that point have to get on the bay bridge make your way in the city obviously go from the opposite direction going from severances go into marin county. keep in mind: the bridge closure expected to go on till 4:00 a.m. monday morning take a look at some of the live camera cc right now heading to the bay bridge traffic is light right now in fact the drive time from car to raise interest differences go all a minute trip. over at the richmond center fell bridge earlier this morning disassembling the backups until a cash flames what folks heading in summer and county. are not so far so good we could see bigger delays and the afternoon if you weren't thinking of taking a look transit and transit is the access to the bridge, be delayed in some areas are the golden gate range on the bridge itself and construction, the ferry they are operating under normal weekend schedule. something we will continue to monitor. will live update on our kron-4-dot-com and focus on weather on the bay area level get some detail bridge it shows it's more hazy out there, we have areas of dense fog. this ability worst in the north bay and visibility done about the zero petaluma sun rose up, potentially dangerous drive highway 11. saw improvement fairfield up to a mile and half south of the golden gate bridge we have some patchy fog. nowhere near as bad as what we do in north bay. but this time reached afternoon low clouds will live to dealing with mostly cloudy conditions and temperatures are mild side into tomorrow we talk about the chance for some drizzle. all lots of sunshine into early next week fall later extended forecast coming up a 15th. happening right now a police in san francisco on the front of for gunman who shot four people last night here. here's what we know about shootings are francisco-time clock last my please respond to reports shots fired and hayes valley. officers found four men shot dead inside a vehicle, no arrests have been made this morning. please thus far no motive for the shooting. >> : we got shot where cards and the area of responding system activated numerous shots being fired. also received a call possible bottle rackwreck. officers arrived on scene before pronounced dead at the scene. identity not released by the police and sugar sugar's remain on the loose will have more the sort adults.l overseas military police spending across paris looking for a 26 year-old female suspects in the french terror attack. shriven in a grocer's store when the killing of police of the serbs turned suburb considered be arms a very dangerous, hogs and drug northport's of what we know so far about this woman on the run for. she may be the most wanted woman in france the only suspects standing after three day reign of terror in paris. her alleged accomplice on the cruise when they raided the and grocers store that he died and also for hostages died. showing more the shared past published by the newspaper pictures appeared show where it 2010 and bridge in the southern france and pirko wielding this man identified once known as otitis premier european recruiter authorities say he has no links to the groups and suspected shot shooters both killed during a separate police raid. over 500 calls which or any other co-conspirators about their that he may be trembling back up to a it interviewed by counter police and 2010, the skipper says she started relationship with to bali the same year. i have outside prison following a four year sentence the two reportedly it when together traveled malaysia. and does not have much to lose orders big romantic partner just killed if her life as a free civilian likely over the washington have another cat attack jets with in her power. sharing intelligence. will be a intelligence. still ahead for you closer to finding a black boxes from 8501 flight bloodless for you next, familiar faces back or call reno last night and tell you show you how low warriors other fans that the when they saw the head coach mark jackson and the building. what looked outside golden gate bridge a big eery emptied especially the father will be right back. evers and thus getting stopping on friday crusade's possible just black boxes are still in place for a 501 disappeared back on december 28th. under 62 people on board as far as 48 bodies and covered. nauseating all this will plan crashed the co-pilot in los angeles. happen on friday it planned taken off on the airport when the crash in the near and section called only to bid for some board no injuries reported the plane was registered to a pilot who live in scottsdale ariz.. this bunch ofex rocket a success this morning for the most part, as attractive trip of the spacecraft as a carrot to supply capital to the international space station. eds into the soft landing of the rock of for stage booster failed normally the judge into creches in the ocean after launch and abandoned sfo losing rocket this time spacek told to use it and engineers bring the booster to reston and unmanned platform and led lentic notion after the space x launch however. the booster came down too hard and it was destroyed. much more ahead on news weekend continues to the saturday morning live look outside this time around cemetery bridgewater fog overcast area not. forecast when we come notme back ♪♪ at kaiser permanente everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ look of the golden gate bridge crews were to install movable median barrier and me anderson reporting from the bridge from the 25 percent of the job over nine and bridge scheduled so remain close to someone at 4:00 a.m. the may open sooner will keep on that merca last hour with harmless to the been drawn to 45 mi. an hour already 45 mi. an hour approach for more in this changing, said coming off of the wall boat bridge as for the speed limits and a drop in due to the narrow lanes only been talking about throughout the morning we lose a couple inches for most of the lens and make way for the media and that they put an to separate the soft on northbound traffic the notice of a brief but here again start pretty neat that north of this camera shot temperatures right now in the 40's and '50's for the most part and concurring the cloud cover for helping us out the temperatures, we get nowhere near the freezing mark this morning santa rosa when the choice spots right now 43 degrees 51 over and oakland 53 for downtown san francisco. take a look at what happens later on sunday feature cast predicting an to the lava clock tower was locations well in the '50s. on check to see 6 is ahead in your afternoon high beginning to o'clock we start to see some '60s developed for the south bay is bay interior rally in places like nappa also getting in the low 60s temperatures near seasonal today highs develop like this in your neighborhood fremont 61 and 64 common knowledge and malls conditions and the highs 65. with a pearly clotting was a cloudy conditions these bays item is one here. fairfield hitting a high of 6859 to its bread and mo 06 is for the most prolonged use bay shoreline downtown san francisco today reaching a high 5960 across the bay and berkeley. satellite radar shows carter commission of the area and we do have the central lower central california as opposing closer moderate we could see some sprinkles developer in the bay area into tomorrow. 7 they run before test is a possibility into tomorrow this thing was the moisture will actually that. the four ridges the ground the on a high-pressure back in place across the sunshine seasonal highs in to next week and keep a close eye on extended whether it could return the bay area as we had an next weekend. the bay area news this morning big a sperm whale thursday night has side officials at the marine mammal center the well was dead when they arrived at the beach friday biologists say the oil appears to of the sec. they perform tests is figure out what was wrong with the animal an oakland do information about the small and castro street and the colleges with the of the mid-american. officials made a determination based on studying the chief coroner's office says for now as far as our concern the case is closed. for more warriors mark jackson got a standing ovation from fans old friends and former team. as your turn or chlorine for the first time since being fired by the warriors last season jackson sitting across the core from a warriors bench, and hitting for espn last night. congratulated for team for improving on their league's best record. area e very easy for get we on top something i will always remember. >> reporter: on the gain cleveland cavaliers without will broaden for the seventh straight game clade thompson leading the way with 24 points. has fellow brother finished with 23 points in the war is gone when by 11294 and 6 when a narrow to improve their early best record 29 and 5. before the game 4 was such as a practice with their players apart the team's warriors which week the second time this season wears prepared up with a wicked witch foundation kurri gave each of the boys a brand new pair of his shoes, released thursday. will keep his a year-old damian reader he was born with genetic heart defect which has since fixed by pacemaker and boy's father from emotional boost for some. indefinitely brought something good out of everything. but amid the day better warriors big when less night against the calves and those issues to happening today second run of the nfl playoffs more even sitting on the new england patriots this afternoon and foxboro massachusetts when show will be 12 degrees after 130 kick off. seahawks fans post very high for today's playoff game and the carolina panthers' 12 men friday morning and sell roof of the 600 ft tall space needle stick of schedule tonight at 515 from the seattle. today in the sports i live the sunday night at 9:00 bill goes down with a warriors in person bonds and also talk about the nfl coaching and still hear the bay area along with highlights analysis this week as they, again of a playoff game. it had 4 news we can take what look outside and more news for you magueys approach the bay bridge hardly any traffic we do see some foggy conditions in the state will be right back. ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. so far today for technology and agriculture faa issuing exceptions to the prime bank commercial use of drums the agency approve their use martyr crops survey of farm fields burning nielsen reports news for wont california vineyard. droning using an auger culture applying technology to increase the business. more drones and the bad fields in the future try vineyards already testing the use of recreational type of man vehicle and house for your. with a faa decision company cut hire outside company to perform on and flights of commercial service. no be serviced from the flyovers to imagery to getting it dropped into less side or e- mail use of drums means crores control vineyards like this one in a matter of hours and seven days. the blocking of feel 80 the school opened on roads to look for problems in the vineyard identify right down where does. we train our pesticide control adviser and train irrigators go out with this and search the whole block and then go back and find some trouble areas scott to those areas identify it and then with we find out with of% is invested in moment have the fight the spread of 5%. >> reporter: 42 injured it is a grins and are hard to fly over with a flat small cessna up to the have crucial error information. the attached to the new disease tickets to be a problem where expensive to replant redo troilus and lose production in agriculture could be a very important one day billions of dollars being sent by quick identification >> : >> reporter: update for you on progress being made work of the golden gate bridge that after the break what look outside at the golden gate bridge we can see pedestrian there and sit caltrans trucks of not much traffic will be right back have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! . right now golden gate bridge rains closed of the first time in 77 years to install median barrier and understand 25% completed the bridge and don most cars just before midnight and settled reopen monday 4:00 a.m. once installed. bill means will help prevent her conclusions. it was a small plastic tube that is to keep northbound and southbound traffic apart minutes ago we have adopted on a construction. don all immediately 26% of laying the barriers that 3,000 ft. supported on schedule. crew starting in three different locations on the bridge is to work here at the toll plaza midst and heading out and at the north under the bridge crew is heading north. once the to from the middle of the south and meet team will go over tech to block in the middle. animation of what the look like when it's completed drivers might notice some lanes a few inches narrow and ordered to make room for that barrier and transit buses emergency vehicles and pedestrians bicycles will be able to go across the bridge. >> reporter: tickled here thinking of a golden gate transit they will be able to cross the bridge but keep in mind could be extra traffic on both ends of the bridge perhaps delays as the work the red cross the bridge due to construction, the ferry also an option this weekend keep in mind the running on a normal weekend schedule but could be a few more people on the ferry this weekend. it can drive in the city. traffic maps driving if the tech to bridges said d. wayne san fransico. coming nonself fund when no one right here at the 580 split will have across the richmond center fell bridge dundee's for freeway and then from that point had across the bay bridge upper deck for two or two in san francisco. announcing any extra traffic year's level to the bay bridge toll plaza and some cash plans are starting to see back up the struggling all right to look at the richmond center fell bridge right now so far so good we did see a couple cars lining up a an hour ago keep in mind traffic usually pretty bad tumble the bridge and centerfold bridge in the bay bridge closer to about three or 4:00 lot of folks sitting in san francisco to catch a movie to grab some manner special section live on kron kron-4-dot-com and kept apprised of any updates on the bridge in the bridge is expected to reopen 4:00 a.m. monday morning. is in and weather on the bay area some areas of dense fog. look at some of here bridge bottle has the worst of it actually north of the golden gate the ability of the zero petaluma for miles and some movement there. will begin to left and mostly cloudy conditions in the afternoon and that possibility of used wrinkles and sun there on the bay forecast coming up in 50 minutes 9 the bronze record on hundred $14 billion state spending plan university of california and campus' system of california's budget is precariously balanced governor says that his allotted progress >> : made tough decisions the tough budget cuts at asked people for temporary taxes economy recovered all that california and a very solid position governor recently sworn an historic fourth term in office adjusting advisory committee for demonstration reduced cost and university of california system analyst to negotiate pension reform. enclose call from memories who learned it was a victim of attempted armed robbery in san francisco money monday up behind bars bring calais' tells us how well it happens >> : faced a picture showing the night of the incident and the gold chains around his neck stick up happened after the player known as now but has at nine held on 115 monday morning across a street as parking lots is the 10 to review out on foot player allegedly approached by the suspect on semiautomatic firearm. long legs came and useful able to get out with from the suspect and harmed and all his possessions is able to flag down a police officer as suspects apprehended identified as 28 year-old michael on jackson san francisco is a convicted felon charged with attempted robbery and a number of firearms violations held on $1.3 million bail injured on the incident beckham corp. that might no comment on the crime but seemed in good spirits and not affected by the incident, more bay area news this morning signs of homeless camps " going out wearing out its welcome san jose small, standoff friday between a dozen homeless people and a private security team. the campers say that members of the security detail reviews a sick either working for. trying to evict them from the highway near south seventh street campers of chromatid from a camp in san jose run as a jungle refused to leave and security see essentially given up left themselves they're not however planned return. security company hired the that they do not have the authority and contact this of a cut a says specifically to do not contract of any corporations company's secured companies to conduct sweeps for them that all crew that does that we knew that north korea to be here and that's obviously true elgon. rich -- and of nearby mobile home and railroad co. but so far no response. apple already making and breaking a record year how much they made on new year's day alone. more dulse turning the facebook and kicking kids out. live look outside the work continues on golden gate bridge and about one-quarter the when completed already this early saturday morningat'sapped tonackg?how d itecom abnt-mdedl eatingne aer t nex afr thnext so pdictle d sonsatfyin whatboutulli up chai a stl, aeanb anactuly ttingur fd. we are areamchee th sti belves in theeautof anife in thelega swi of . . swe. of coue, tt don'tmeanou c't du us sco us . enjoy ery ngle soi-tay bi. the laughi cow reventnackg. and this little over a week and a new year apple are breaking records announcing customers around the world to spend half a billion dollars on application purchases and the application store developers $25 billion offer all from a petition games for the company year's day marred a single digits day best govern applications sales it went over 50 percent compared to 2013. what the kids cranston nor phase but if 50 percent of american adults are using the social me aside now more seniors are logging on for the first time. the percent, and adults over 65 on facebook. is because they're finding old friend's colleagues schoolmates on the social media site 19 percent of adults have a twitter account. despite done better than hot holiday sales j.c. penney closed 40 stores by early april. more than 2000 people will lose their jobs. no word be on a at any bay area closures j.c. penney's of all employees stores being closed will be offered career training class is including how operating resin is an application and retailers has been in business more than a century and a got a deep slump for the past several years >> : still ahead on news weaken yeltsin joins us to get the best crab or on the bay area let coming up after the break will be read hey! guess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay! it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ok... con 4 news weekend following week in closure of the golden gate bridge get to get in the san francisco real have to take to bridges to get into the city to go look air-traffic map. announcing any backups and delays come roaring county have had gone soft on wall one cross certain center fell bridge to march on the east shore freeway from that point have to get hot on the bay bridge the upper decks all the san there are about wade again in the city of course drive back and get the do the opposite from san francisco l. lord at the bay bridge go, all of these short freeway hoffman's literature and center fell bridge. the closure expected continue on the 4:00 a.m. monday morning keep in mind also to golden gate transit access to the bridge. also what the rich take your bikes across and golden gate very also running service your normal weekend service in and out of the city. to look at solo's bridges boat bay bridge toll plaza small weight right now begin to back up between the three and four in the afternoon. strickland had taken patients heading in the city of bread for the richmond center fell bread a minor way and follows cash lanes that's, is something we monster and a helpful section a coverage live on kron-4-dot-com. attention the weather rough area off. we have areas of dense fog and good news temperatures are not too bad this morning nowhere near freezing in fact take a look at center rows of generally one of the coldest around the bay area started off the low '40's, 53 for san francisco opera for easily the house in san jose temperatures continued to have it go up and afternoon. the trick cassolette o'clock hour 50s dominate the screen and we start to see 6 is filling and as we approached saturday afternoon partly cloudy pillow mostly cloudy conditions 51, year-fremont and campbell. kuehler said an east bay and what cloud cover today also pour air quality and other spare their day and affect likely vitiate of the nine for proper the 60s along downtown san francisco high 59. 62 up toward not buff. maintain dry conditions for the most part area of low pressure over central california some sprinkles develop as we head into tomorrow and not to possible will see instead is burdocks will allow moisture over the area lot of it will actually evaporate for reaches the ground. is a narrow base forecast shows of the sunshine and seasonal temperatures and to next week for. crab season and the bay area november until june and that means great times in 2015 for crab lovers feel committee manager joins us this morning to get the scoop on where to get the seasonal favorite of people enjoying some great crab very popular in a spot slopers love richmond center of. new vietnamese restaurant and the kind of run the fusion here right rice sauteed lotus food they love the garlic roasted dungeon her in it but noodles full cry of 32 cargo for corrupt yoga birds use the expression so delicia's almost by gargantuan extra garlic the note serve with the brands and sizes and there some legal grossed out most travelers let about rich flavor. and, and streams of francisco move their also said francisco and this one's been around for a while a fisherman's wharf the tree. cosset signature dish uniquely severances good dish. i care about early 1900's fishing boats would come in to the wharf and some would go round the all fishing whats askin japan or crab fish muscles and that's how i came to basically a still donjon scrap club muscle snapper calamari shrimp tomatoes and cioppino was named the best in seven to scope by more of the tally >> : hinton broiler super casual no burrows in again and sturdy build the site consists of garlic butter cajun spice cake some fun other sauces said curry sauce and a florist our whole bunch of crap about a pound crawfished schrempf muscles clams oysters the blow style.. the favorite here garlic butter rice so could you have to get the garlic casual fun unpretentious. in downtown el meet tough. sausalito we have fish local sustainable or back produce all food out of open wood fire signature dish is a credible $25 a lobster roll see donjon as crab served and not to tear rolled contrives the assize coleslaw greens fries the good stuff can't beat the view watter for location dog from like it firmly embolus the fish market saw a compact unsustainably source for its seafood if the home of perilous south bay we have a half moon bay crab boat with a cramp winds up. harbor more news and on the dish the dentist-pretty normal pricing runs around 6 $7 a pound and crabs only runner on 2 3 lbs.. insider tips seller. harbor has an application or fishline at now crabwise map and order the web site and see all the day's catch and if you call in with a scrub. you can go out call an early three plus pound kravis sunny all our favorite votes crab irene maurice in the susan lee son get a fresh rhythm that not all. >> : did the kids out there and make a day of it. get some ice and keep in fresh the want them to escape. will be right ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. bill cosby haeckel again during third live performance and had enough footage taken by cnn >>reporter: was inside the theater last night. group chanted we believe the women at the performance of the health and ontario comedians bob show intent of this week. covey continue the stand after security officers remove the heckler or the 21 accused cosby's sexual assault. as the governor george lawyer denied all the allegations. >> reporter: still had four on and is weekend and light is on a search for the fourth suspect in the yesterday should imperils a career expert more intimate nicolas big winners consumer ought try show which just wrapped up the mosque that is. >> reporter: people behaving badly coming up. i was t awe ofow mhacity s iny di... thatt wadamang t enal. want to x itightway. my dtistecomndedronal. heaid onam can ma my eth rong. pramels heing lea e li thai wa to ve. all in the abortion pill for construction the series site no cars on the bridge love with an update on the major safety of grid italian and follow the developing news in severance cisco for people gunned down overnight killer solace. tracking developments in friends one day after police foot on the brothers behind a major terrorist attack by the threat of violence is not over just yet kron 4 news weekend continues next. this lot for joining us this saturday morning at on our top story this morning of course the closure of the golden gate bridge, let's get to our reporter reporting from the bridge and shut down to most traffic undergoing a big up great cruise installing a new mobile median barrier and bridge close-up midnight reschedule the reopened at 4:00 a.m. monday morning let's go ahead and get the latest now from any anderson at the bridge. bridge closed for nine hours now cruise 26 percent done installing immovable median barrier project might seem little easy but actual a lot more than just a mobile barrier, >> reporter with sterling barrier in those places and then we need to rebuild a concrete barrier near the toll plaza for the house and i were the super tracks of the end of the stripping. >> reporter: this is a summation of how bridge will look once it's done drivers notice quite a big change instead of a plastic pylons and to their no. there will be at some barrier between the two lanes not only that but been said lynn will be quite shorter 6 in. smaller on either side. now the bridges close completely to drivers but emergency vehicles: a transit buses still going through the bridge. walkers by the close allowed on the span but the golden gate bridge authority asking anyone who can stay home to stay home. bridge progressing on schedule if there's a chance to finish early hoping they will be will open before 4:00 a.m. monday. to try and get over a seven cisco for legal and not going to be the usual plan to desert, now with alternate routes. a lot of folks try and get the sense francisco altogether if you have the head of the city is going to have to take too bridges and that you know what that means to tolls let's take a look at traffic now are not so black sleeve for the most part and have had softened 11 cost richmond center fall bridge and he are the shore freeway were were starting to see just a tiny bit of a back up a macarthur made as. the area vranitzky indicates 25 m.p.h. putting its differences go across the bay bridge spanning krupp of course back in the marin county arco will have to do the opposite the lower deck of the bay bridge had apiece for freeway and cross reference center for all bridge up the northbound 11. ossicle get some of our live camera so far so good here at the toll plaza and does a small way for some of catchlines metering lights are off for now. we really start to see traffic as well for three in for the afternoon what folks in san francisco for perhaps a dinner plans which. concentre fell bridge traffic starting to back up in the cash lanes no problems delays after using fast-track keep in mind we do have extra attention letter on this afternoon for a lot of folks heading into marin county always take public transit will engage as a select access the bridge the. keep in mind is tumbled and the span and also addition to that we all have very service that will be running a normal weekend service. the bridge is expected to reopen for m&a we'll have more detail on that and checkout our section on kron 4 kron-4- dot-com the focus on weather on the bay area pretty hazy start level to the cemetery bridge. i have areas of dense fog out there were so that actually north of the golden gate bridge places like panama nappa cerros of dealing with some pretty thick fog visibility thirds of a mile for cerros the only scene 3 mi. visibility of fairfield area. now low clouds will comment that but for the afternoon at least for pre air-conditioned, arledge result sunday morning be on the high pressure keeps us high and dry run the bay area. full details sunday on the forecast coming up in 50 minutes. let's get to the news this morning puissance evanses got hung for gunman who shot and killed four people last night. here's what we know about this part about the shooting severances go happen about 10:00 last night, police responding to reports of shots fired and his valet. officers found four men dead inside a vehicle. no arrests have been made this morning and please continue the search for the motive and for the shooter, police now describe what happened. we received the shots fired call in this area responded shot spotter system activated with numerous shots being fired. also received a call of possible car wreck when we got to the scene there were four subjects and saw the vehicle. the officers arrived on scene and monday unsuccessfully all four persons dead at the scene. >> reporter: identities of the victims not released sugar shooter's remain on the loose we of course have of this for you as well as the common. police any and paris looking for the 26 year-old female suspect in the friends terror attack, should never been an accomplice to a standoff that kosher grocery store yesterday. and also in the killing of a police officer and a pared suburb. considered armed and dangerous. more on this woman on kron the only suspects standing after three days it rain of terror terrace college accomplice killed when police raided the crusher grocery store the tech half a dozen hostages new photos released shared past public published by the newspaper in 2010 and the region of southern france. yet a number got and wielding across both, the men in this photo next door once known as the tide as premier european recruiter. no links to the groups and suspected shooters of the brothers killed in separate police raid. prosecutors they had a hundred calls a companion. attorney co-conspirators out there and that trying the light back up with. she is interviewed by a counter terrorist police in 2010 and newspapers as she started her relationship with the molly and the last year but hello suppers and when he was released following a four year sentence. reportedly let the other travel to malaysia,k >> reporter: is now have which was dramatic porter just killed her life a civilian likely over she can access capability to conduct another taxer be well within. and fresh stories sharing intelligence to tracker down stay with kron-4-dot-com and cost involving the terror attack in france get the latest news any time they're free kron 4 mobile app. so had president obama wants to make many college free, tell you how that impacts and the bay area. live look outside fog trou strong support the bay area president proposal that could impact millions of americans students president obama once in a community college fleet. plan requires and have a mentor and also complete eight hours of community service hours before term, and remain of a 2.0 grade point average in. many of the two years' tuition come from both state, and federal governments. presences the plan could save an average full-time assistant up to $3,000 a year. so had are cracks hurt the big winners at the lord is concern all across show them that after the break. of look at the golden gate bridge you won't notice any cars to the bridge is closed until 4:00 a.m. monday morning and see on the right-hand side of the screen, a bicycle is a few pedestrians and we have a bike access to bridge the the nature of the also access to the bridge this one had in the san francisco from bring county the of the ticker consider felber jersey shore freeway and over the bay bridge were received the back of the toll plaza is something we will continue to monitor confirmation on kron-4-dot- com. if the list of the foggy conditions so a great start sears said in morning temperatures aren't too bad check in and sell francisco year 53 degrees. and therefore is not santa rosa so you can actually have the cloud cover for all temperature and the seasonal highs in the afternoon. the to cast >> : o'clock hour you notice 50s blanket the screen and then we see some sixties are to develop into this afternoon. and breaking down the highs in your neighborhood will '60s livermore pleasanton. but hitting a high of 6259 for downtown san francisco. area of low pressure and california bread showers monterey in two tomorrow, some possibility for a few areas of drizzle and the area as we like or early sunday morning frankly were dealing with dealing with or moisture and air and a lot of it will actually have pepper before his the grounds. to umbrellas and handy just in case we will have a what roadways widespread syndrome before castro's high pressure builds and the latter half of sunday and seasonal highs lots of sunshine law said morning lows aren't too bad in most locations won't approve it. but whether could return the bay area. has been in next weekend'sarea will the world's largest consumer electronics show just wrapped up in las vegas camel magnate was bubbling over telling me all about it commercial break about that it was a fantastic experience for you. so much fun reason went there because we went with richard branson 2000 companies enter. it all came down to this one day at sea as but tempers and to live on stage. it we did show the top three one judge which was awesome scientific advisor to bill gates. that's a heavy hitter really was a heavy hitter the as this guy really their mentor and. but the top 32 of which right here in the bay area. the talk about them before one was got the game series here. but the analysis platform another one doctor on the mend a virtual doctor's office. you help get cured a cold last year. i've met on-line diagnosis. fallen but from boston bus travel booking platform all the new infrastructure for bus travel worldwide it took about a couple of weeks ago bit surprised assess ceo of the male good here. all of process and out to you. air cargo person or technology of virtual reality including spectacular series all bendable television sets what what i did just that to do was to find practical solutions to real time problems and. wardress acknowledges that found laptop charger who wants a big bulky letup charger sitting in your backpack. they have a charter allows you to use the u.s. be the charger computer available for all major pc not yet for mac. but how easy that is in is in big bulky accord in your bag. what else is set out to you. some sunny portable portfolio hard drive size of a credit card. the hell all moving cards that have merit specifically cause it to fail even the wrong way and then the hard drive fell. be sure all the worrying was seeing going on sutter portable hard drive and you know sunday and go out on new. back up your hard drive it sure is a solid state drive. see and its $600 a mockup of the show gets see us there but they're supposed to have the market led very right-wing of. just a couple weeks zero washoe for that. we always see some oranges things as see as what stood out to you. in cell robotics underdress. ito's yet to see an action aware emulsions and legs reaching out to protect the where personal space once you when you absolutely love one of those./at a cocktail party getting a little bit too close and the thing doesn't back off this can't imagine anyone wearing it fell as representation in love the idea behind it though. the other one buzzing about was. good close personal friends of the surprise of the monster birth sfo or the top as you should feel a male area say no really nice guy and talk behind the scenes were the nicest people i've ever met and checking out the new back float monster is future waterproof so if you look in here and in northeastern audio. splashers a sudden are only are the best were the champions. we played. he said the we go in the bathtub with that of the south there as early drop a line. this applies even though in the water. we talk to him right there they put on the water like this that all features of it becoming watter prove why not what your music right now is next to me right next to the so. said the test about monster president neil baldric incomes over starts dancing with me highlights of the entire time. scheck is done at earth sought to talk to everyone. let's go on stage appearance because he anyone who wants to talk to and takes a picture with a willing to talk to them to a picture is the nicest guy everyone's signature with his hands on the head his refreshingly here sought the we hear from celebrities and the cameras on their on what course of their stairway speyer arms to the people in from them. the visiting a cannon also symbol with a little bit more reserved kevin standoffish and she kills and can't help made. they're wonderful time with this great new level bareback >> : . for years head coach mark jackson at a setting ovation from fans old friends and for team as he returned or chlorine alas not the first time since being fired by the lawyers jackson was sitting across the core from a warriors bench he was on the job for espn last night. he graduated his former team for improving on their league's best record. i appreciate that, it's easy to get. on-again the air going on the cavaliers were looking for the seventh consecutive game. click thompson leading the way for the warriors 24 points including the three- pointer. all flesh alert brother fetish right behind with 23 points for the lawyers, they go on to when it last night more than 12 boat 6 when a row for the dot for the best record in 29 and 5. be sure to turn and set sports night live at 9:00 and will sit down with warriors harrison barnes. well talk about the nfl coaching and hear the bay area at highlights analysis of this weekend nfl playoff game. the resemblance is investigating an overnight shooting that was left for feeble that a. officers responding to reports of shots fired around 10:00 last night and his valet officers found four men dead inside and we just learned was a stolen vehicle. so far no rest may please have no motive for the shooting over working the verify the make and model of the car at the seen speeding away from the scene last nine, and figure out of this related to the shooting. happening right now a golden gate bridge remains closed for construction first time in 77 years crews working to install moving median barrier was finish with that land and the golden gate bridge will be narrow than drivers are used to. charles crawford has the power the strength. no shoulder on the right and only flimsy plastic comes to bring the north and south always rise on the golden gate bridge show whatever little margin for error when crossing over the span. total six land on the bridge the outside lanes of the wife, before other lanes are 10 ft. wide. until now those helpless account which are 4 in. wide narrowed each center lane by 2 in.. the mobile median barrier going in this weekend is 12 in. wide meaning that those steps into a is reduced from 10 ft. to 9 1/2 feet. does that mean barrier will also be 2 ft. high form a solid buffer between north and southbound lane. longtime driver on the bridge will probably notice the difference. it will be narrow however ultimately much safer it will be about the have sorry oncoming traffic. once barriers all southbound drivers want on the bridge will notice of another change. curly cars have to merge to the right just before the richest and. but after this week in the merger will be to left. and the barrier is something deeply is to still plenty of room for vehicles to pass. eldon new feeling in its rates for drivers coming across. >> reporter: 0 the great transit buses are allowed to drive over the bridge through the weekend closure keep in mind those bosses may be delayed due to heavy traffic on the bridge. once the bosses are actually on the bridge the my be delayed by the construction work. now there are other alston and ronson learn more about that for america. good morning marty keep in mind it going from san francisco south on 101 cost richmond center fell bridge go the a's for freeway and then have across the bay bridge towards away and the city. obviously due to the opposite of that as you were to way back in northern county he pam rind's ticking to bridges does mean to different tolls. at looks like the golden gate bridge is expected 3 open 4:00 a.m. monday morning whenever caltrans does this work sometimes ahead of schedule. and salt taking public transit we do mention golden gate transit does have access to the bridge. but keep the mind they are running regular weekend service in with the very, it could be extra crowded this week as a lot of folks opt not to drive. and needless take a look at the bridge traffic on the bay area bay bridge nice and smooth these conditions and bring lights are off right now and. over the russian center fell bridge as a minor in the cash flames but if you have fast-track move the failing and for that westbound trip and let's take a look now at the weather around the bay area we have been dealing with very foggy conditions piquancy just how busy it is i hear the san mateo bridge. and poor air quality wheat have pre much nonexistent the good news is that the know what actually near freezing marks. fairfield 43 greased the good morning san francisco at 53 there if 50s hayward right now 44 out the door and santa rosa, now as we had in the afternoon look for partly cloudy mostly cloudy conditions. slight chance for a drizzle as we like up early sunday morning at the on the high pressure to be as high and dry for most of the workweek to. we do have potential showers next weekend in the details coming up in 50 minutes. back to the news this morning gov. jerry brown a record $113 billion state spending plan it's asking university of california and do more with less governor. says they do provide as much funding as the it campuses some wanted call for new budget is precariously balanced. he says that the state has a lot of progress,. or less earlier amid tough decisions tough budget cuts we as the people the temporary taxes in the economy recovery all the put the california and a very solid position. >> reporter: gov. sworn into a historic fourth term. suggesting advisory committee for his administration work on reducing costs for the university. ad also says that he wants to negotiate pension reform. bay area news for you to signs of homeless encampment wary of it signed and san jose set up between a dumb dozen homeless people private security team. the camper some members of the security detail who refuse to say to their working for tried to evict them from union pacific right away from south of st.. temper some of whom previously evicted from a camp in san jose known as the jungle. refuse to leave and the security team the of security and gave up and left themselves this said planning to return. the security company hired by the next-door neighbor mobile home park not does not have authority. will have their own crew that does that so we knew that no authority to be here and that's obviously true cuts that have gone. >> reporter: shut the both management pepper tree mobile home park as well as railroad company but so far no response from either. this just in caltrans train heading south northbound struck one person on the train trips south of the millbury station. emergency personnel on the scene right now investigating the incident now trains able operate in the area for the time being there are major delays expected for continued at the thought is for you on kron for his information comes available. other news this morning that a sperm while that washed ashore marin county thursday night has died officials at the marine mammal center say the bill was dead at the righted the beach friday, said the will appears to be sick but still perform tests when they see exactly what was wrong with the animal. new information on a skull found thursday near seventh and castro street anthropologist's eye but the coroner's office says that it appears to be that of the ninth american. officials made that determination based on studying the teeth. corners of the says now for the on the case closed. ces wrapping up in las vegas coming off show you what stole the show with this year at the world's largest annual consumer electronics show. coming up: people behaving badly. live look outside the golden gate bridge lot fog there a lot of work going on as well update for you later (vo) at jennie-o, we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride ten miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. now earn cash for your school year-round at safeway with just for u e box tops offers. simply enroll online at safeway dot com slash box tops and start earning! plus, now until january 20th buy five participating products and earn 20 e box tops with the just for u digital coupon, only at safeway! here's what's new at safeway from general mills! start the morning off right with these delicious big g cereals! or, try new yoplait greek two percent! grab a quick bite with nature valley and motts snacks! and enjoy a hearty meal with some new favorites. you'll find these and other general mills products on sale at safeway today! world's largest so consumer electronics show wrapping up the loss this alicea much of the folks on small home technology including where a boat for katie be grounds a virtual reality. tech reporter gave slight shows you the new technology in the automotive space sells credit card sleek looking at luxury-car full electric and pollution free called asses' 015 and planned rate the market her lot about self driving cars lately we know they're coming but this is different because as more cities idea of how comfortable a jury is the ride can be enforced family saw something like this it makes for mobile launcher for spectators and that face each other for face-to-face engagement. the mentally or let the car drive you bmw also working on vehicles. showed off their i three i eight cars that can be summoned by special smart watched the driver wears. white knight rider being able to call your card come deal. what really stole the show was there assess collision avoidance system. the building this and other self driving cars and future regular cars. the laser center sensors detect when you're about to run into something and stops the car. the challenge the process see us to try and crashed the bmw and allowed to do with. assessors and full speed ahead into the road block and slowly breaks avoiding the collision. the hundred 60 degree protection on the vehicle and very comfortable and should not be in line it's very natural behavior of the vehicle. i see this for the paying off when drivers are a part whats navigating on polls tight space driving this could save a lot of guns on my tech page of my kron 4 doc see a section where there is thousands of products you can check out the canada this year's show there some amazing deals. >> : . as close for the first time in 77 years at a median barrier jaw about 25% completed this morning and the bridge and down for most cars just before midnight scheduled to reopen monday at 4:00 a.m. and officials say one wants to sell the barrier will help prevent head-on collisions on the bridge the replaces the small plastic tubes that separated northbound and southbound traffic. alternate routes on the weekends no extra traffic right now for the most part three of the road with sensors coming out of bring county and its differences go ahead on southbound 101 across richmond center fall bridge where about mid span speeds have dropped down to 35 m.p.h. and at that point you have to merge on the shore freeway and then across this bay bridge and had in the city is a very roundabout way it'll be more expensive keep in mind and i have to take too tolls to get into a severance the scope. traffic usually starts at the back up between three and for me afternoon getting in the city that only married and have to compete with other people for marin county get severance the scope. all the folks at least bay as well, sure enough across for maize will probably be chokepoint letter this afternoon. let's take a look at some of the live camera so far so good here the bay bridge toll plaza and on the back up. in your drive time from is heading in the seventh o'clock in and just 12 minutes and earlier we did see some delays richmond center fell bridge still the case for cash bank customers and if the fast- track to sailing as you were to win and from iran. the mine golden gate transit we do have access to the golden gate but so could be a little delayed on the ends of the golden gate bridge. take the ferry but also running regular weekend service heading in the san francisco. will the special section for you live on kron 4 kron-4-dot-com and keep you folks on a kid on twitter. but areas of dense fog cloud cover for the mild temperature will wasn't too cold this morning semblances of 54 degrees 48 leading house in north san jose concord. most locations actually working their way into the 50s. to put the clock in the motion 6 is the bell for the state interior spots on the south bay but still is afternoon all were talking about seasonal highs for today severed cisco 5963 its victim oakland and los exhume clothing similar more 63 for your highs san jose. we do have changes as a move into tomorrow satellite are showing mostly dry conditions for the state. we do have an area of low pressure over central california as it moves over moderate we have some drizzle develop early sunday month, many drumrolls all in all organ actually we'll dealing with a lot moister an atmosphere. a lot of it will actually evaporate before reaches the ground. high pressure builds as we move the latter half of sunday. hi dry conditions sought to sundresses all highs is ahead next week but the odds of the 74 cassettes and weather turns the forecast is ahead in the next week and. just weaken the the new year apple are breaking records announcing customers around the world spent almost half a billion dollars on application and that purchases. to date that the application store developers have earned a total of $25 billion in the sale of application games. mark this day at ever and at a petition cell history in the application hit store increased top 50 percent over 2015. adults taking over faced up a research study shows that 50 percent of american adults is using social media sites and then more and more seniors logging on for the first time. 56 percent of online adults over 65 a sitter on face but analysts say it's because colleagues schoolmates and get this just after 19 percent of those adults however have a twitter account. something out there known as a self surrender driver arno's he's caught behaving badly pulled over without being prompted. reason year bonds of fast a restaurant pass the cars. note speed limit is? it's 55. of course now eyes curious as what the driver had to say so listen and. i driving fast any cell surrendered which as yet it's obvious i did want to cause any problems. and even though there that are fast cars. many back and also pass car caught on light light are. from sweden heading an honorary. will average speed 65 despite the speed limit being 55. another problem drivers ignore stop signs reason let's listen and. i thought maybe is a strike because we just decided to check out this place we saw . i have a problem of ignoring the sign being too distracted the notice them. i didn't occur to me year- old right through the new and slow down. some of his bmw driver. if i stopped? yes. all with the san mateo sheriff's my suggestion as if you're on the coast but have badly also i have to say i got caught behaving badly '" new this morning honda hit with a record $70 million fine for failing to report accidents and other safety issues past 11 years over 1700 incidents not reported these accidents caused the serious injury according national highway traffic safety commission. agency says it doesn't know just yet how many deaths tied to those incidents. center for auto safety call for u.s. to bring criminal charges against honda. the car companies as is cooperating and try and fix problems and reporting accident data. much more ahead on kron 4 news weekend we'll update you on today's top stories coming up. in the forecast when we up. be stories covering this morning cell francisco nauseating overnight shooting left four people dead. officers responded to reports shots fired about 10:00 last night in hayes valley. when they arrive they found four men dead inside the vehicle. we just learned it was a stolen vehicle if. so far no arrests have been made and police have no motive for the shooting. however they are working to verify the make and model of the car speeding away at the scene last night to figure out whether not that is a weighted to shouldn't. bowman also part of fraud as hostage situation who left three hostages now are things up for us in a complete update on all the stars and at 8:00 see to mod seven by have a great day over the years where the most successful businesses with featured a bay area bargains bay home and window gyrfalcon president's ceo the guy who acts committed all happen cedric great job of explaining how i can totally transform their homes were to be looking at fabulous examples of what a company does first of all the boat in the organization system this program are your business a plantation shutters at incredibly popular these new organizations systems change


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20150117

with a dense fog run the bay area. worst of it in the inland seas to spots and we did push its way in the bay. eloise you're at it is to take a look sfo visibility down right now we are seeing arriving flights average 42 mets. the visibility chart yesterday at zero for some of the east bay area as looks a fairfield at 3 mi. to have mousing concord. is a bill the as the miles on oakland/ eds said it arnaz me taunt cars up their posts and to drive faster was the cloud cover will clear between 1011 and now temperatures in the '40's for most part. the sec succeeds in the afternoon as possibility the sprinkle as into tomorrow will have a look at that nixon forecast coming up in 15 minutes. >> reporter: to begin with developing news this morning southbound lanes of highway 680 san ramon are closed. following a collision in the gold going where canyon off ramp in the crash see the pieces are major injuries and at least one person has been told of the cards. that person rushed to hospital a major head injuries will bring you updates as story develops. >> reporter: a second police shooting and as many days this time rv park in fremont of a man of the knife was threatening people there. >> reporter: the take a look at a hulk of a partnership with abc seven news fleet has the details. >> reporter: we do know at the time of the town about why the officers felt the need open fire and kill manama's for reasons still under restoration? place a possible the deadly encounter was captured on home surveillance cameras. >> reporter: and car video and most of our patrol fleet are looking at that as to whether not activated. >> reporter: see evidence marker is what appears to be a handgun and a taser police stable weapons were used by two different officers. after fun into reports of a man walking bass near harbor park cresson military jacket and wielding a big knife toward people. the officers arrived after 2:00 in the afternoon. and confronted the man >> reporter: during the encounter one officer fired his taser officer fired his duty weapon.l it's unclear at this time of the third officer and goldman was at any as he was a witness. no officers were injured during a shooting police parlance as most likely place all three officers on payton assertive leave pending the outcome of the investigation. and information about the officer involved shooting in richmond took place thursday night. >> reporter: donegals was shot by officer after allegedly drew a pistol in boston and tosspots critical condition this morning. officer fired his weapon was not injured and police say they recovered a legal illegally modified and done and drugs at the scene as consols does look a long criminal record including arrest just last month for selling drugs. >> reporter: are not crusoe's on placing 6 satiric inspection trends on the bay bridge working since november to replace those joints look pit of the upper deck of the western span of the bridge. the new joints minnesota corn and expected to last for several decades. >> reporter: long weekend of several sorts protests from the bay area started early friday morning protests downtown san francisco to support service but traffic on market street. >> reporter: two people arrested acrons for charles crawford has details on what happened then and ahead. >> reporter: 40 morning protesters blocked traffic along market street here in san francisco this up and service of a bart stations. this is a difficult quarter partnership with abc seven news the protesters tore upset about the recent death of an unarmed black man at the hands of places bull member rest of 14 protesters were police or shall marcus into new financial district from the morning. the chatham and the embarcadero partition apart officers blocked. they reached the plane platform of improvisation and also quick and smooth and shankar's cross stitch and colors. two protesters arrested 11 booking our veteran one man for kicking window. >> reporter: >> gary: leaders had mixed reaction the protests. >> reportealso working rose above with a good point but etiquette and should to buy it avoided the door on time. >> reporter: this process at a few days and then to announce in the check to warn commuters as would happen appears that many people got the message or people say reagan was down by about 24,000 people. further process now under and seven this goes saturday and on that could be another round at oakland city hall on sunday evening. >> reporter: at the same time freda's protests partition san francisco and other demonstrating or having the federal building downtown oakland about 25 activists easing pvc piping the link arms and a blocked to mention to as for hours crowd of about 100 people are so drawn a peaceful protest. answer is as part of for a holiday weekend in spawning tinias plan it. >> reporter: getting ready to hear on some of the tumor to it has for both sides of the argument. only using a stolen credit card by thousands of dollars of merchandise shoes caught on camera enough for you. after the break case of the flu on the rise across the country take a look at how hard setting the bay area. life's running out of shaving stuff. and thankfully being able to find backups. pillsbury crescents--awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: week night crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. week night dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. life's running out of shaving stuff. and thankfully being able to find backups. it's the phlorizin the bay area at least four of the related cases in the bay area including two in sematech accounting. >> reporter: and just this week the cdc is a point news the season flex seen as all but useless reducing the chances of getting the flu only by 23 percent. i suppose the more terrible 60%. >> reporter: because the blue gum a flu may atchison get the flu. the news is inmates of the flu is a little bit less severe than it would of been of hadn't gotten a vaccine. >> reporter: nationwide flu season now epidemic levels 19 children died just last week in the u.s. total number of pediatric flue dust so far and 45. but to save some onto it to try and all it would not give you complete protection. >> reporter: some dramatic crash video from the company's space sexed the video is from the company's failed attempt to land a man rocket, barred from the. auction last the they see the point of impact low rocket was on its wader earth after delivering supplies for the international space station. the company's founder had it since as a sister and save money by reusing audience that reenter the atmosphere. >> reporter: of this attempt must to get up close but no cigar a given up plans though with more emotion landing attempts for future. >> reporter: coming up on kron 4 news weekend transfer weekend forecast along with that and a live look outside at the view on the embarcadero beautiful start the day will bring back. at crox we' turd movi stas in a sence now e-trt wi clox 2. tch ainsisapar rht bere yr ey. nothg brhtencolo and movestai likclor 2. overcast foggy skies and a parcel the bay area could tell us what fog: last year's erica. >> reporter: recently cleared tend to love and this morning fog unfortunately not as the as were with friends or the week. it's about temperatures were nowhere near freezing and most locations and the forces of up 50s. san francisco very mild for this time of day at 5140 leading house and concord. visibility problem for east bay interior valleys again not as bad as best it is a bullet was that zero umbels concord fairfield even livermore was under 3 mi. yesterday. the remorse and 10 of his ability to and half miles in concord, you will be driving along perhaps a highway for interstate 80 in all sudden encounter a dense fog. as patchy at best we do see improving conditions close to the waterfront. is ahead in the afternoon look for little more sunshine compared to yesterday's this writ does not force of the seventh discussing sprinkles temperatures pretty mild actually on the warmer side with fairfield hitting high of 6166 oakland. 06 seasons with the group belong a " sunset jose not too bad a high of 66 degrees. you do notice that what was the tour's no. it. >> reporter: it could translate to sprinkle for + legs petaluma and to tomorrow and not see much aware of what weather but keep umbrellas handy just in case. yesterday we did see some heavy drizzle. his sudden there before cassandra next week high pressure back in play and we see improvement in air quality. the next week and however we see temperatures that could climb into the upper 60s and as possibility we could wrap up the agenda are the single rein in sacked effect services goran for a mother january. conceive a system having our direction of coal from the could bring showers into the 28th of the month and something will have to wait and see about. >> reporter: happening right now fire crews on the scene of a blaze and a business and san francisco kron 4 mike palma is on the scene with the latest. at the scene a couple months ago. >> reporter: look here on ocean avenue and was called in an hour ago sec the fired workers wrapping up at this point with alarm blaze in the back room of this bike shops and banks sf there's a lot of damage to a cut inside the store when i arrived on scene with caution checked the bill would double size of the shop mitchell fired did not spread fortunately did not spread of fire crews tell me they're not there was no injuries in part buyers being treated for what they described as minor injuries and mr. there is working to determine the cause of this early morning blaze. >> reporter: like paul reporting live from san francisco cell top love for you throughout the morning. east bay looking for a woman whose they say it is in stolen credit cards. >> reporter: 06 per car use of the nordstrom store bought taken from what from the cooperage grow at lafayette. simmons videocassette suspect what messier said it was a fraudulent purchase. >> reporter: restaurant what the victim to a restaurant along 30 and began having a large in the course of the mountain archer and her purse obtain it at the restaurant other people will believe that took the wallet. >> reporter: the and of they gave all the identify information is person. >> reporter: a hundred dollars cash portion does were fraudulently obtained and just a matter of hours. >> reporter: world roses were in " frances' apologizing to residents and eastern philippines for having cut short his visit to a country put mutt with survivors of the often find badly of four hours early due to to a weather. >> reporter: seen outside the airport 150,000 people lining up to support this collection of the sit tetryl are caught earlier this week's. >> reporter: " princess arrived in the philippine city of and never once tried to get a glimpse of them children it even kron under barriers to get a better view as he drove by this will surf officials helping the kids so that see the arrival of the pope. >> reporter: and national news this morning comedian bill cosby took at despite growing number of rebel legations two dozen people showed up a protest outside the cause is in a show and papillote hundreds more pushed past the protesters as to the comedian perform. >> reporter: chance upside the moral hall were directed at cosby a protestors but held stood for much more. >> reporter: out here the how the fed doesn't tyree culture that exist nonce wrong. >> reporter: enjoy him person. >> reporter: more than 21 and set forward to accuse them of sexual assault and to deny them and to his attorney said he. >> reporter: 3 selection begins on tuesday man a group of nine dozen people be there down to 12 with 12 alternates potential jurors will be questioned in small groups to determine if they can lessen our the evidence process. could take up the five months and the jury will decide if his honesty or not and if he's guilty of a mass shooting of the people and injured 70 if you should receive the death penalty. >> reporter: the obama reporting instead of the union address on tuesday now want to show you 67 years of the city reunion dresses and 67 seconds. we carry assyrian address to sit at kron 4 tonkin for newsweek and political analysts to preview the upcoming syrian address. >> reporter: still ahead of very busy day in sports recap only come back and wants to go head until i looked outside approach to the bay bridge where traffic moving nice uneasiness early saturday morning will bring back. guess what goes really well with eggs? pillsbury grands biscuits. make breakfast even better. grands biscuits. make breakfast pop. i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. week night dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. what'sapped tonackg?how d itecom abnt-mdedl eati onefterhe nt? were areamchee tha still belies i saringur fd. ♪ the laughi cow reventnackg. >> reporter: area sports or is looking to improve on nba best record oklahomas and a summer friday night clothes camera earlier and a ticket two-point lead at the and the first quarter but in oklahoma city is the whole way i have the orders pile and the second quarter rat eating away have 36 points warriors had thompson leading up with 32 the warriors got 316 on the season with salt the best win the nba but this in the rockets in houston this afternoon of bay area that i felt seems bad coaches yesterday oakland raiders introducing jack del rio in a press conference. still riyal largely from hayward and talks like he decided to turn the bay area. this is i'm coming home lesson from this area and all lifelong reader a stop the main reason i came back . i was blessed the suburbs in may and agreed to this job because a lot of factors. starts of knowing as good leadership and place and give a lot to do understand were going. 10 the baseball this morning giants have a brand new rightfielder their original agreement with outfielder. >> reporter: deal is for one year $4.7 million for the season option for the 2016 season at the today's 7 hitter in three years the majors and helped the royals last year world series were they it also addresses seven games. >> reporter: complete sports and highlights on also saw this weekend's up a conference championship game giant thyssen applebaum and bit roberts in sports live at to monocoque following con 4 news. at news >> reporter: surf had this morning plans to and upload candlestick park but hopelessness for the stadium will we come back level outside foggy conditions a little clearing at the golden gate bridge will direct back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. [ female announcer ] know her way around a miniskirt. can run in high heels. must be a supermodel, righ you don't know "aarp. because aarp is making finding the career you love no matter what your ag a real possibility. go to to check out life reimagined for tools, suppor and connections. if you don't thin "i've still got it" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." find more surprising possibilitie and get to know us at supreme court will be taking on the issue of the marriage but an issue it announced friday afternoon. reactions with humble side of the issue for there are reports on what stake. >> reporter: the public sudden thought my chest felt well action may be here reaction from john lewis after hearing news of the supreme court making imports for forbade marriage kazin force is something up in the months that the to this day. >> reporter: consort is just as optimistic. couldn't be more said to imagine people being able to exchange wedding vows and and and bells rang out coast-to- coast all 50 states. supreme court will decide if that the right the mary everywhere and the states under of constitution. most said there was passed in the june possible it could be subdivided so every argument and october but probably not. >> reporter: john stuart taylor for 28 years they go through to march sermon's officially tie line on 2008. tell happen to the supreme court decision june. >> repor1 will be divided his the fifth vote in those cases and wears a chief justice of hearing commenced a vote in favor when he is forced. something an aggressor very happy. very important day we've been dreaming of for decade when the highest court in the country at today's case that would hold person say every single american regardless we are where we love has the freedom to purser dream of happiness and to marry the person you love. >> reporter: a day of violence and oakland left three people dead a happen after 9:00 class at 32nd adeline street employees have no word on the on the motive earlier in the day or to school like tough for time when that happens near the corner of 100 fifth avenue please one-man woman suffering from gunshot wounds both pronounced dead at the scene off the. thus far in this year's have no suspects in either shooting. >> reporter: demolition of candlestick park expected to begin at the end this month i'm controversial plans to employ the stadium have been sidelined. informing kelly have the expense was >> reporter: the stiches and gone out with a bang after all developer in charge of the mowing old stadium granted a permit to use high it rejects a raiders was pulverizing attachments we see here in this photo take longer but cheaper than alternative plan which was implosion for. >> reporter: a '90s old geneva level by employees see here and see to video. also see the clock the dust rose up. did you residents thought the same thing happened to the stack. over 40,000 t tons of cement a blown up release in the air. and a retired professor a requirement and happy the stick will be dismantled by conventional. and the baby has a long history of environmental health problems does need a morph. to lessen-average life expectancy for black men bayview 56 years white male 78 living in the seven cisco. course of this dirty in the nation's. >> reporter: the restoration plan on going ahead and continue to have their voices heard a lecture but does pollutions front will be kept mum. >> reporter: once development but we don't need to die for development. >> reporter: mounds for the set the level for the next development and shopping center hotel and housing complex. >> reporter: it this morning on world news parterres and agencies on high alert this morning as they scrambled to assess potential threats. securities and place and brussels morning officials identified the gunman threats to belgium france and germany and netherlands. >> reporter: money as twin terrors your super so could be ready to strike in my country at today's after that raid on the ball from terrorist cell on the brink of carrying on a tap their. >> reporter: sussex kill the men attacked a third injured and arrested all part of why anti-terrorism sweep across europe so for dozens of people rest stood in the past week. >> reporter: coming up the sauce if our kids and i live really close to this is not cold system and home. next addition of people behaving badly. with kaiser permanente you'll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ female announcer: during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up and removal of your old set. and through monday, get 3 years interest-free financing on selected models. but hurry! this special financing offer ends martin luther king jr. day. don't miss the year end clearance sale at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> reporter: design help older drivers stay safe on the road proving beneficial for all drivers. want to make a better convince the driver increaser confidence and keep you driving as long as it's safe for you to do so. >> reporter: been clearly set another they are peter travers course under way and benefits of the class are reaching seniors beyond the driver's seat, effective ways to save money but we also talk about the other benefits of taking the class designed for older drivers unofficial for all drivers. by taking this class i've become a mature driver safe driver and conscientious driver. >> reportea fair one took the class news what they learn it could help a accidents snipers and that's pretty amazing. >> reporter: new study that finds people with low risk for stroke or heart attack do not need to take an aspirin a day. the study published american college of cardiology and look through health records of 69,000 people under the care of cardiologists drug the country found one in 10 people prescribed a preventative aspirin regiment indeed. >> reporter: doctors wanting desperately need it lead to serious health issues. we check recon forecast that only come back and less to live look outside beautiful view of the bay bridge will be right back. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains. so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy to help your dog have his day. wherever morning takes you take along nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. oatmeal. cinnamon. softly-baked. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. >> reporter: recapping the store is a follow this morning and police investigating a medical officer involved in fremont to the look of the deal from pop up a partnership with abc seven news happen friday near hearty park mnlf and life listening to others in the area. officer of florida taser at the masson and officer fired a weapon that the suspect police have not said why hoot to shop and then no other injuries reported. >> reporter: supreme court will take on the issue of gay marriage but position announced friday afternoon and that's garner's rich and for all the country here in the bay area many gay couples excited this hear the news it's. supreme court will decide of six couples have the right to marry everywhere in the west under the constitution. cruz was finished replacing six interior replacement joints are working on that backed to place it into an upper deck of the left when it will start a span of a bridge in his new joints missile can't enter to last for several decades it. susan leslie been dealing with several days of very dense fog that really picking up as we approach sunrise and it cannot a 730 this morning and noticed a visibility also dropped a 0 right now of fairfield. his ability just at no. dr. nappa and have a dense fog it doesn't affect what dry with extra caution. we're dealing with the thule fog this morning that those in the central valley and pushes is likely to the coastline. >> reporter: fog tracker and an o'clock hour will high clouds pretty much the bay area wide but take a look is ahead in the afternoon look for partly cloudy conditions. low cloud cover bargains left in more sandron compared yesterday. afternoon highs and the load mid-60's oakland a little warmer 66 to, to five for nappa and that sixties are more ballet. >> reporter: whether to or no. satellite radar view could go and the struggles of the north bay into tomorrow yesterday we did see some return on radar for places like tilburg's and rosa even petaluma data look at the drizzle. could be a case into tomorrow be online talking of very quiet whether extended for testers temperatures and '60s little more sunshine as we head into next week high pressure back and play. looking at the same malls we could see some developer on the bay area around the january 28th. possibility would could wrap up the entire month of january. sen weather front nasa plan 14 the warmest since 1880. the records from 2005 to 10th. >> reporter: assets all but one record had occurred since 2000 with and that signals a long-term warming of the plan and. >> reporter: and call for tankers temperatures not helping the dropped this little lottery in december remains a big concerns a wide. >> reporter: has of those routes california water use rules this year to agency oversees conservation says the state could see more fines and more restrictions. something moussaka emergency rules were set last july. >> reporter: 1 bay area resident paid to under $50 water use fun last year. at her home in year thing >> repor is close to $500 believe meet the deadline or develop consider bring stricter registration restrictions. stories is in the pines of thousands of dollars of they don't believe the customers. >> reporter: 50 live nearby yes. as i sort, >> reporter: again and not according the stop sign presidential 85 but the supplies or that she's referring to number of bankers mysteries or bending cars. >> reporter: to tap a year. nasa for kids i love really close to less intense cold see this on the way home. >> reporter: not say if the ongoing, and yet people trashing foreclosed houses like this one on what would or of the with the rim of garbage. saw >> reporter: of the first time city marriott at the end of controls the heart and one. now have three but due to lack of funding with in more everyday. >> reporter: has changed according to city officials will be no more of 3: 44 officers five days a week to do their part in cleanup the city. >> reporter: has abated again and boarded up and this will be the thing of the past. >> reporter: some residents want help with the cleanup and good because it helps look to the pride of buckling up the blooding a house is owned about one step. nepalese a pardon is a step up and start targeting these vehicles the with debris. for them step up residence in the stop reporting was abandoned cars. >> reporter: yet backlog with problems with tom's but like this one on pepper tree that was trash is now cleanup. the exceptional is banning cars in the driveway. >> reporter: pearses see a rise from ashes of the spare and become a vibrant city once again. >> reporter: anaximenes roberts kron 4 news. we invite you dozen new or video of people having badly the kron-4-dot-com caecilians picture on the rights of our home patients in this your video or still photographs that you caught some bad behavior on, it would like to see it will be right back. >> reporter: >> reporter: jar but to control how the has dressed up for some of her will have the child leans one way or the older law gyroscopic force cracks the win by changing the direction of the steering. the drug by two children attend regular as little as of the afternoon. >> reporter: the chair boxlike inception in we'll all together immediately learn to balance needed to ride. the field and into dozens of ideas that very happy parents and have posted try kids ride using the jar bike and one day some kids even learning under 20 minutes. is our families who were chosen as testers us us have to wait. the kids are now. >> reporter: looks good the chair but model to its $78 and mortar 16 benchmark model 228 don starbucks is expecting to be delivered uzbeks this coming april may and first first for come first served basis. >> reporter: maternity ward taking care of six sets of twins take a look bundles of joy or all born two days of each other on hospital also providing support group for the parents. bill tell each other how that been his undoing and it's nice to have the support exec to dealing with. >> reporter: summer hostels climb the dirty diaper dozenth. >> reporter: still ahead and jam shot tells the big movies and their fears this week and talking oscar this morning in a community manager eddie with some great favorite bay area at maritime activity to liquid that and oakland look that fire burns other business in san francisco might come live at the simplest. what'sapped tonackg?how d itecom abnt-mdedl eatingne aer t nex afr thnext so pdictle d sonsatfyin whatboutulli up chai a stl, aeanb anactuly ttingur fd. we are areamchee th sti belves in theeautof anife in thelega swi of . . swe. of coue, tt don'tmeanou c't du us sco us . enjoy ery ngle soi-tay bi. the laughi cow reventnackg. hey! i found my true love livin' in a sweet dream. singin' my favorite song and it all starts with you. whoa-oh-oh-oh, all this goodness... what matters most should always come first. which is why whole grain is the first ingredient in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. look for the big g. it means goodness first. >> reporter: by fire injured and of one out a fire detail level report. off >> reporter: place in the bay area reporting a second officer and will shooting in as many days and controversy a round of. >> reporter: what a round of thule fog look at the san francisco bar could narrow and to win chances tomorrow coming up. >> reporter: miss for joining us and con 4 news weaken the marty let's go ahead and get out weather forecasters are come mentioned above for water were. >> reporter: r a i n to 11 senate and while women seen any measurable rain for the entire month of january in san francisco possibility one senior and for most locations boarding in the entire month. as for unusual for this time of year the we did see some sprinkel told the north bay yesterday. >> reporter: live look out sfo even see low cloud cover right now with the visibility as 6 mi. and we are saying the delays of a novel flights up to 42 minutes. >> reporter: a call ahead check with your carrier but the worst fog actually reserved for these bay interior spots visibility half mile for fairfield and sing about mao driving on snapple./ what a mid-60s elegancies some sprinkles north of golden gate bridge as we head into tomorrow full details on that coming up and 50 minutes. >> reporter: a developing story sentences go but that crews above but some of fire mike pelton at the. scene of the the >> reporter: with fire is now investing years out here on seen working to determine the cause of the blaze and sporkin said the building behind me a neighbor who saw smoke earlier rounds 6:00 call fire crews who arrived on scene to find a building here in the 1900 bob ocean avenue. dick checked it several adjoining businesses are on a fire in the back a vote by store at s.f.. >> reporter: is under position they believe the fire was at a workbench tobacco store and sunless or significant damage. all fighting the blaze one firefighter transport a hospital at this point a little unclear exactly what the injuries are and possibly suffered dehydration. >> reporter: like paul and reporting live at a fire in san francisco step today of not throw the morning. >> reporter: and other news this morning police shooting as many days that pardon park in fremont. police say man with a knife was threatening people there and make a scene from a helicopter partnership with abc seven news. for felipe now with the details. >> reporter: we do know the subject has at the time of the carter but why officers felt the need to open fire and kill the man in his 40's and still under restoration police say it possible that the deadly encounter captured on the close surveillance cameras. >> reporter: ankara video most of our patrol and looking at whether to not it was activated for. i'm bobbie conceal evidence markers what appears to be a handgun and a taser. please sable weapons were used by two different officers after responding to reports of a man walking back your car park justin military jacket and wielding a big knife toward people. the officers arrived to o'clock in the afternoon and confronted the man third. their encounter one officer fired his taser one officer fired his big weapon. on clear at this time what the third officer and altman was any. a few is a witness. none of the officers neighbors injured during a shooting a police department says it's most likely going to place all three officers are not paid administrative leave pending the outcome investigation. >> reporter: felipe reporting and other news this morning and information on the office troubleshooting and richmond on thursday night. police say the zoster it was shot by an officer after a allegedly drew a pistol. truman's hospitalize critical condition this morning. officer who fired his weapon was not injured and police say they recovered illegally modified gone and drugs at the scene dissolves has a long criminal record including arrest just last month for selling drugs. >> reporter: happening now true is almost done replacing sextant deteriorating expansion joints bridge and working since november replace those funds located on the upper deck of the western spend a bridge. new joints man of silicon and they're expected to last for the next several. it several >> reporter: developing store for you this morning more protests planned apart stations across the bay area just one day after demonstrators disrupted service in san francisco for several hours. a the same time friday protest our station that francisco other demonstrators headed for the federal building in downtown oakland. >> reporter: 25 back since eased pre we see parking lot but block to mansions for hours cut of more than 100 join the peace will protest demonstrators say it's part of for day holiday weekend of the spontaneous and planned demonstration. >> reporter: still have for you on kron 4 news weekend as a search for the missing air asia flight 85 01 has been temporarily stopped at a security after they have identified and that threat belgium france germany and netherlands will have details coming up. i look outside some begins p got these bay watch people approached a bridge will be right back. >> reporter: developing news warning all lands back open this morning san ramon cell phone lines of 680 calls for time: multiple car crash near the kenyan out of rent. there were two cars involved in the crash chp says a major injury one person has been pulled out of when the cars. there is the hospital of major head injuries. >> reporter: continuing search for their age of 85 01 temporarily stopped unfavorable conditions and the jobless see pending nation from divers to getting to the jet's fuselage the divers tried to abandon the wreckage today but failed because at the rate. survey ships located at least nine large objects including the jet's fuselage which is believed to be the cost an engine of. the ill- fated of. >> reporter: european encountering agencies scrambled with potential threats and security could be sitting on brussels belgium today official said identified the threats to bomb france and germany and the netherlands. >> reporter: as many as 20 terrorist groups sipper cells could be ready to strike in the country's all this comes two days after that preyed on the ball from terrace cell and of carrying on an attack. touse specs killed in that incident >> reporter: their cells but injured and arrested >> reporter: as auguring a sneak peek at some of people invited to this year's civil union address colorado woman by the name of carolyn reed recently spent in personal shoppings to small business in ministration month invited to attend the above also invited the german mason-dixon a possible to as low as well serving in afghanistan reminder we will be carrying a syrian address live tuesday night right here on kron 4 to more i kron 4 news weekend will have analyst preview city union address. american supper still with oscar nominations and a look at what should been nominated as well a much more when we go in the show was land that happens when kron 4 news and continues female announcer: during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up and removal of your old set. and through monday, get 3 years interest-free financing on selected models. but hurry! this special financing offer ends martin luther king jr. day. don't miss the year end clearance sale at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> reporter: the real lesson as we head into next week and better air quality will have a high-pressure system over ross and easily transmit support our quality of an uptick notes during is allowed and residents far this morning temperatures for the most part in the '50s miles start a san jose and 5050 and livermore and downtown sao francisco art of 52 degrees at the to fog and continues to spread fog will lease back and run summarize and fairfield half mile visibility and 2 mi. a now but conquered. >> reporter: lawyers of extra time the storm cloud cover is widespread but we'll see partly cloudy conditions and compared the yesterday as we had in the afternoon terms of your highs today slightly warmer the fairfield 6166-oakland. >> reporter: 06 c is for downtown self is a stow 64 error by center of the. >> reporter: we have here what weather to our north and we did see returns on radar for. >> reporter: yet another impulse for raindrops and with his head into tomorrow. >> reporter: in terms of looks and a forecast of the sunshine into lugs with temperatures remain in the '60s and have been checking up the ascended models looks like perhaps you could see other storm bring us rain and 28th of january. >> reporter: gen washer this is the time of year. in this interesting oscar year little bit of everything every kind of movie represented some not represent an off. >> reporter: couple terrace that movies have just opened one was surprising number of oscar nominations and chance to check up with some the notion of an ongoing and let's start with the movie bombed bring an oscar for bogey nights to game change perfect serve pailin. still alice ambitious intelligently and your children career and begins a see change as a possible early alzheimer's this is not a giveaway for the artistry of visibility to betray this woman next door seeing others well as so what the scene but we need to understand a touching real film that we believe the julian were taking home a little gold guy. so this is time for her and really strong film. as member attracted field and use would technique and how organized ritual lot of coverage key to some boat clean. >> reporter: reconcile croats basic story however making a very successful unforgettable film. >> reporter: the store a chris colony steal it has it less dangerous as it combines family and work its the reminder break apart after of debt and range. >> reporter: could see cleaves would. he certainly is a good job here is a clean thelma looks straight ahead on too long and give right connected to the character tells the story that's right hourly disgustingly gross people crave violence blood of be more. and rep pit movie that was also good but had so much credit violence is one not so much right now these movies playing in theaters here you. >> reporter: birdman of find out why some a nomination that think that it's deserving of my top 10 about madness eat someone mad. fox catcher it's an interesting film of these very wealthy people eccentrically insane person ought not so interesting then because hotel and i got some denominations to inherit the flow i usually like a very visual. >> reporter: imitation game my favorite movie of the year end. everything bring out the best actor eddie. target under the not. >> reporter: this fellow dvd the movie i didn't get any nominations i loved no one sought than send out copies studio this pride discount to dvd that ulysses you feeling a little better about the world. >> reporter: boyhood find out that one is i think it's overrated people tell me children have a real connection to my room and children love it strange if a movie about him to mend half the break apart really something it did catch up on also and tried. >> reporter: this is a book so amazing feature of all people who make it now what about this a dangerous curves a top hollywood he'll this about was christmas fortunes of 14 hard but girls of the silent screen that can hollywood and didn't make. and in movies but also that a lot of trouble. so wont just mentioned about selma was a very good type of movie terrific film. it was not given the best picture it's a fine film yet problematical lot movie is think about music life was then so broke it in some was the concentrate on to marches to keep this or simple but very touching. and so much will see a little bit will be right back ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪ >> reporter: bay area sports all looked good things come to an end as could be in baseball con 44 instructor has all the and this one's for cats up eighth. about time the warriors him back down to earth as kron no andrew but where is it all mutt also was broke and a share for days, 17 points 15 a bonds 17 and here's the thing see current company great great great listed as a one-tenth. you play oklahoma city and were up westbrook and seven game series i don't know. >> reporter: duran had 36 points nine rebounds kerr was off a little bit but comes at 32 said that 19 and 27 points ever rebounds 18th street and with a woman stoops stanford no. 13 with the bay area as right of vendor doing her thing. so >> reporter: denver lost some games early but the trend is to lessen the conference play and a three- pointer and her sisters carly semel cent have a third sister in high school lunches to go to connecticut so don't play three on 37747 sent sanford 1345 no. >> reporter: with the stanford women saying the budget comes the cal basketball team: debbie green getting ready to go to work shipped 13 points. >> reporter: arizona state 6752 cal now 11532 and conference play. >> reporter: raiders coach four year deal so they say this day and age you know when after two years to pay off and then we'll see what happens with the coaching experience eight years with the jacksonville denver offensive coordinator at the survey guy it and hayward. >> reporter: nesses coming, from this area yes life long greater of the main reason i came back plus to this opportunity and agreed to take this job because a lot of factors. and it starts with knowing there's a leadership in place we have a lot to do but we understand where we're going. >> reporter: here for more dollar rio sunday night on sports show. no. i'll keep out had one home run last season played for kansas city but it was a grand slam down a loss $5 million. >> reporter: much for had a news weekend level look outside wasnt a peek at san mateo bridge traffic moving nice and easy this early saturday morning and little overcast their erica has forecast coming across. you can find a new frontier. there's nothing stopping you and a lot helping you. technology that's with you always. this is our promise. it's never been better to wander because wherever you go, you'll find us doing everything we can, so you can. >> reporter: airless prepared there on the bay area. no would bring a lot today >> reporter: talking up for air quality also dealing with the blood then steal fog this morning. out live look at the embarcadero here in san francisco skies will start in the clear no problems with the ability here. if the drive cautiously out and a spate interior spots fairfield visibility under a mile and seen 2 mi. concord recently we have seen it go down to just half a mile. the image is very mild and 40's 50s and steeply as it sees in the afternoon on all pretty mild for quiet conditions in the forecast. >> reporter: is a possibility for out there to tomorrow crews continued their roles warming trend having a direction all the coming up in about 50 minutes. i say let 2014 was the warmest on earth since 1880 and this past record set in 20052010 as of about one of its home state on record have occurred since the your 2000. >> reporter: as signals long term warning of the plant during california after this temperature is not helping these drops by a lot of december and sold the concern statewide if as a result california upbeat setting stricter water use rules this year say agencies oversee conservation says california could see more finds more restrictions something we saw after emergency rules set last july 1st bay area residents said she paid to under 50 our water use fun last year at home and pleasanton. >> : i was offended plus the water that was used or close $500. >> : the dozen in this year the deficit consider state budget. >> reporter: some worry is is a lot and other agents thousands of dollars of the release a customer's balance day to shootings left the people the yesterday this happen or not o'clock last night 37 at length the word on the motive. the hospital plans to school on line, shooting happened and corner 100th avenue and placed on a man suffering from gunshot wounds bull for pronounced dead at the scene this morning place had no suspects and you're shooting. >> reporter: chp looking this morning for a man who fired two shots were driving high won a one in south bay to drivers apparently get into an altercation high won a one year gilroy thursday night. >> reporter: officers say it one man enough seen gesture to the other and then bull started driving erratically for provoking one another and told gun was pulled into shots were fired. >> reporter: solvay 80 the victim's driver described what here heard as to pops end he'd lower in fun to hold them as passenger side door. >> reporter: the system by inches the driver what that shot and not suffer any injury. >> reporter: to teach your covering after several brutal attacks allegedly at the hands over classmates. >> reporter: these photos after she was beat up by at least the girls it's simple place she used to be friends with their attackers until recently had a falling out. >> reporter: agreed to meet the girls to resolve the differences instead there reportedly ambushed and unleashing a brutal attack lasted for 10 minutes. >> reporter: labatt's and started coming to my car yelling. >> reporter: then started kicking my door window broke. >> reporter: 03 girls arrested pot which put on the best will tame now expelled from school also facing criminal charges of assault that the weapon conspiracy and vandalism. >> reporter: demolition apart the suspected that the this month with the controversial plans to have all stated her kron 4 maureen kelly here's why. >> reporter: what the bank after all developer and oil sales as they were into a permanent of high-risk escalator's with attachments at the we see here al take longer and cheaper the alternate plans such had implosion. >> reporter: beckham 96 level by implosions which you see here in the two video you see the caught the bus that rose up. did you residents a lesson thing happened the thing >> reporter: or 40,000 t of cement born up release in the air. raymond tonkin's a and retired. the bay view has a long history of environmental health problems and doesn't need anymore. it's killing us wearing average life expectancy for black and bayview is 56 years for white males 78 in san francisco was held yesterday in the nation. >> reporter: recurrent with the demolition not had in the continued sit there have voices heard to make sure the dust pollutants from a project not kept at a minimum. >> reporter: everyone's development little need to die for development. >> reporter: expected to announce to make way for the next development and shopping center for hotel housing complex. >> reporter: more apple recalls local grantees may scale apples now moderate sunni health department says this must carry bacteria error processing plant in the city of chester officials say any garry smith gail apples from the gut our brother's farm should be thrown this year's can meet they know how are as the symptoms include fever severe head gotcha best of mac. this of the flute >> reporter: on the rise across the country and i took no part in setting the bay area. young lovers on favorite ways to enjoy the water on bay area. careful view of the golden gate bridge will be right back. >> reporter: fizzle flies in the bay area so far at least four of the related deaths in the bay area including to sematech account see/dresses with the sec it reported news of the season's flu vaccine all but useless for. in reducing chances of getting the flu but 23 percent close the more typical 60%. because the people of got got a flu shot man of the flow and is as it and of a mess of the flu the version of little but less severe than at what a ban if they hadn't gotten the vaccine. >> reporter: cdc's cessation what fees is not epidemic levels and 19 children died this last week in the west and then brings the total number of pediatric find us for the season the 45 doctors say it's still not too late to get a shot even though it won't give you complete protection. >> reporter: study has low risk for heart attack do not need to take an aspirin a day estimate published in a journal american college of cardiology they're looking to 60,000 people been look cardiologists from the u.s. and found more than 101 in 10 people who are prescribed to prevent at best an urgent need it doctors warn that taking aspirin we don't need it can lead to serious health issues >> : >> reporter: will learn real persuades whatever way to enjoy the billing come back here is a live look outside. conditions on a san mateo bridge amusing sunshine and light traffic will we're release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. and now that gondolas and oakland. we have gunwales imported from italy for the normal adventure all like merit five stars of hundred for your views no person really leges could notice so fancy the color of urban oasis in the heart of oakland six yen and $30 to package one entry is through. a police bay not to north bay entirely different experience of talking but here kayaking adventures impel boarding a this point and not and cecily the area for over 35 years ago think we're turning thing but the ban on a long time but popular with dopers cool thing as a miniature train will unsafety thing for the dummy in the water will also do the cyclical thing stand up yoga zero years to seal is possible to know as well to mutt see up there. this view of the claims about sausalito $75 a person need for our three r toward will watch as much as some of your very popular it. well watching season or now this is really cool so minor bay will watch a hundred 30 reviews by washing up and down the coast own by marine biologists education ecological awareness conservation. >> reporter: the action of a marine biologist and not just going there to or harass the whales the learn what you care about the world is really cool and collected up to. and welcome to join in and got so put an ardent hard drug on monetary and not a bad deal . for moderate san francisco and the amount of harm or cruise sit where you wait for several you see stethoscope right there largest yacht called the 2000 people were duelist or seven cisco's spirit call for norm clarke's which is just north of rebuilding to really find crews but a brunch and dinner cruises other father's day nonsense crews are now drinks food under the bay bridge around a alcatraz and the golden gate bridge and tired 7 scuff you go on this up and you when your show people the bay but that it's really good day for anniversary periods before know if your city and during a cruise next weekend's it's for a committee of likened rsvp's for charity raising money for cuba san francisco parking bay company that does micro lending small businesses now specific support for small businesses during a fund- raiser for them and find crisscross the basin and the can go the fun events for fun free with an experienced. great big company or with any can bid price $10 suggested donation with your to or with fruit drinks or rsvp so so nice and usually come from all parts of the bay of a little bit different if he even did a total ban have the time ago hit the open to or to three hours will be right back ♪ you' unpkinglready? ye. lp mfindome gs? ♪ theest rt wak' up. ♪ beep hey. [ giles k. ♪ .is fgersn yo cup♪ >> reporter: this year of bitter break from park israel according to a part the three rhino's escaped all the guard was sleeping. all a video out the rales rushing out and there goes the guard catching up the animal that doesn't stop them the right of israel and i get out and the parking area before hours and managed to get them back inside officials say the guard who falsely it was fired. >> reporter: a couple donned his gun on listen although on friday to block traffic and some areas of was walking on enjoying the charlotte freedom and all control it called out in and have to do much the hon. at the dog is back on those property one of them was even what home with a leash owner one hospital missouri hands fall in turn it or taking care of six sets of twins. these bundles of joy as all born and missing three days initially see from their also brought in dozens of supporters for the appearance all the time as have the support an executive doing and that's about calling them the dirty diaper dozen a couple the the the blood result beloved. >> reporter: of the latest on lot recovery of air asia flight and also how president obama pro promises. >> reporter: but said the jury new technology could help keep a kid to ride a bike and a much easier task the demonstration at is amazing sit-in kron 4 news coming up in the tech report. but battling an early- morning fire services, but shop play where officials say the fire started >> reporter: place ses involve shooting as many days an excellent controversy around the. >> reporter: another round of the thule fog a live look at the lot san fransico barker darrow and chances for rain in just a myth. >> reporter: morning that this lot for joining us on kron 4 news weekend was cohens are the other off with check out the forecast. >> reporter: we got a lot fog this morning visibility improved in san francisco seeing a slight sunshine out there and all of the east bay interior valleys. the ability to half miles for concord visibility dropped sfo seen delays up to about 42 minutes on arriving flights and go and check with the carrier. more >> reporter: sunshine and the '60s and possibility for few sprinkles north of the golden gate bridge into tomorrow afternoon. because we on that a slight chance of warming of temperatures and what's on tap here for the senate forecast and 15 minutes. >> reporter: to business morning developing story we follow in san francisco fire crews at the scene of fire business and the city might pot >> : at the scene all morning long and now have the latest. while battling the blaze said the bucs are behind the one set francisco firefighter was injured impossibly with dehydration and a nearby hospital. >> reporter: for the fire crews to clear the scene 15 minutes ago and later arrived earlier this morning through severance is a fire crews arrived just after 6:00 what the back of a bike store. officials believe it was a work bench and-to the stork to lessen the first year from a fire battalion chief in oakland of a neighboring buckshot. >> reporter: its extensive all the tools and shot it's a bummer. i feel for some new work hard and there is a bummer. >> reporter: fire officials to suspend all play the but what xxx and a lot of what trickle but a compliance inside for owners of the black said its bid earlier this morning and bought the store about three years ago unfortunately lost everything and i car this morning. >> reporter: said news of my reporting live from san francisco. >> reporter: other news and shooting as many days as harley park in fremont men with life threatening people their helicopter partnership with abc seven news led has latest. >> reporter: you know the suspect had been seen in the in power they needed to open fire till the menace for reasons still under restoration. police say it's possible deadly encounter was captured on home surveillance camera. >> reporter: our video most of our patrol fleet so we are looking at that to weather was activated. >> reporter: see evidence markers were appears to be a handgun at taser please sales weapons used by to give the officers after spawning to two man walking your car parked just in the military jacket and wielding a big knife toward people the officers arrive after 2:00 and confronted the man. >> reporter: wont officer appeared his taser one officer fired his duty weapon unclear what the third officer involvement was a funny. if he was a witness. >> reporter: no one was injured during a shooting police department suds' likely place all the officers on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. >> reporter: now more information about the officer involved shooting in richmond thursday night police say that of losses shot by officer after a leisurely drew a pistol consols remains hospitalized this morning in critical condition and the police say they recovered illegally modified and done and drugs at the scene was also the long criminal record including arrest just last month for selling drugs. a law >> reporter: weekend a suspected on the bay area out early friday morning where demonstrators downtown san francisco disrupt the bart service and blocked traffic market street. >> reporter: people rosten charles culver has the tells what happened and also is ahead. >> reporter: friday morning protesters blocked traffic on san francisco and disrupted service of the bart stations. the deal caught up a partnership with abc seven news the protestors upset about the recent death on on black men hands of places was november rest of 14 protesters by our police. the check in to the embarcadero board scission but blocked by officers they did manage said the trade platform is but a planned demonstrations also taking train cars edition colors to protest arrested one blocking the door vitrine one breeding window commuters friday morning had extractions to process. >> reporter: is surely frustrating and have time to be doing less of a philip have a good point but try to avoid this morning to get the work on time. >> reporter: protest announced it of you is an immense new trend warned commuters about what happened and there many people got the message that was actually, about 24,000 people. >> reporter: further protest and oakland san francisco saturday and that could beat another rally and oakland city hall sunday evening. at the same time as far as protest our stations and francisco other demonstrators the federal building downtown oakland 25 at the vest have arms but entrances for hours. more than 100 people joined/people joined >> reporter: all part of for day holiday weekend and planned demonstration. >> reporter: happening now crusoe's finished it for replacing six interior area expansion joints on the bridge. working since november to replace those translocate of the upper deck of the westerns back on the bridge. >> reporter: new joints that of silicon and expected the last for several decades. >> reporter: 1 from so long as it did go rinehart and elvis gerald the giants and jack will debut more serene and that won't return the kron 4 news weekend. this is unlikely is tired to me this is only slightly in december some of his left. >> reporter: canute official vladimir up on terror attacks in paris for the obama and joining british prime minister david cameron do more to disrupt terrace communication where the major priorities for the u.s. and allied to death by more than 19,000 foreign buyers off travel to syria to may be planning attacks in their home countries. here at the primary way news terrace or additions are communicating but everyone else but a good bet we of the ability to track them in a way illegal conforms with the process will lock presents oversight. then it will be left to preserve >> reporter: minister has changes for the reservoir of all story about both leaders promised to work together in the fight against terror attack. >> reporter: also giving six and the people inviting to this year's city union address across colorado woman carolyn reed recently expanded her sandwich shop thanks to a small business administration loan and she attends the city union prison also inviting modern racing gibson lost both his legs also green afghanistan. >> reporter: minder carrying city union just live is not right here on kron 4 tomorrow morning on kron 4 news weekend political analyst will plan us with a preview for the city union address. >> reporter: old is this morning missing error asia flight 8501 temporarily stopped. terrible conditions in see pending indonesia divers from of justice a lot. >> reporter: divers tried to examine the wreckage but failed to reach a because of strong currents of. >> reporter: use a lot and detached when wednesday seven ships located at least nine large objects including the justice sloshed and also is believed to be the cockpit and engine as well. >> reporter: >> gary: fred had on news began career expert joins us with body language expert to show life changing tax sit-in for that will bring back. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! >> reporter: is rescinded new day with and corsican 915 time right now. to look out pays it is level sfo we are seeing some light dawning flights right now averaging 42 minutes just a low visibility. claude had check with your care keep this in mind taking things one up from the airport. >> reporter: there's a lot a low-lying cloud cover and tallow and this morning still in dealing with a very dense fog is bay interior rallied. the more remote visibility just a mile little more than that over in fairfield to mousing concord and we have seen improvement knapp of visibility and 9 mi.. driving run could be looked angeles this morning a little more sunshine in the afternoon and temperatures in the 6 is across the board here douglas c. 60 hi nappa low 60s downtown san francisco 66 in san jose and temperatures and a warmer side of the never. >> reporter: your interest seen in two tomorrow check this out we do have activity toward north italy week system the cut the south toward the brink for plastics sellers up and alamo with 10 percent chance and weather on very light in nature for. completely dry and conditions next week the seven arab forecast a lot more sunshine clara pressure beckham place and a little little warming trend as the end of next week. >> reporter: interested paycheck perform well under pressure and a few situations come to replace. of reelecting steps. but in the past few weeks on new year's resolution all the things we need to decide for itself. how do we actually convince ourselves what we can do what we set out to do. substrate would run out resolutions thought but the did find a good posture it actually helps you believe is less than yourself something when you read this thing is both. how do we actually get done and done we vessel fitted what do it say your goal is to die and not a drug addict. one thing is funded and strengthen your willpower by clinching a muscle of right thing is of the same media that >> : get that piece of chocolate cake mix seller to willpower not to go nondirectional but to follow gold one year old is of theirself. whats increase the pay check that may not work therefore. a better tip that you wont increaser paid to lower your voice. you see a great study charismatic voice as i found that male ceos lower voices even men may hundred $87,000 a year more than counterparts with higher voices so before you go into the boss asked for is going your own private place the arabs together and go bring the boys right down and optimal or rest. what if you speak and go onstage in your little bit nervous and see want to feel better for caught better complement this is often in the room and others all have some discipline to the yes it does my favor research. it's gonna look at athletes choking under pressure is because they're too much in their laughter brand to unequivocal both feared doing. to move them over the right brain more like to rely on the talent they own with practice that of the athlete take a ball and squeeze it with their left hand if you're handed person after less than person and the opposite. make us out there and listen to is nothing at all about what he supposedly doing things about everything else that's more schools taking over unconscious process. loran tense situation and person situation? the way it less like that by the way as to what someone challenging you square shoulders the person win in their personal space and the best way is to move your shoulders and the same direction as the person actually borrowing totalled some fraction. the problem simply just back. it found a new ticket step backward you get a new perspective and actually increase your ability to cope. moving out a parallel parking space back-to-back in order to afford. what about efforts and situation looking at an e-mail to your friend opened at yale. when you do not e-mail you put your own projections in the what's being written because you can't see the person who's running at. you can see their body language their expression to a voice so give them a break and you do that by reading e-mail with relax face. even a smile. if you frown when you read an e-mail your actually going to see the e-mail is angrier. some situations caused by lack of trust party interests from someone. give them a cup of coffee. but the sound is when you hold a warm beverage ursula cold like glass a water ice- t you feel more trusting and people run you think you're more trustworthy. body language for leaders and address tappet have the luck of coffee. but there is going will be right back with bay area sports. if thou if behalfs.. >> reporter: for stricter garry. >> reporter: about time warriors came under earth no andrew logan warriors just on the tear like a bounce for russell and the shape of things 17 points that 15 rebounds 17 assess here's the thing great regular- season this is one game may be reaching but deeply oklahoma city and westbrook and seven game series. i don't know and think about the iran at 36.9 rebounds. carry off a little bit quick onset 3219 even about go on some points in rebounds a game when st.. but woman's tubes staffer no. 13 with a bay area as the great carl lind of beer drinkers in stamford awesome in the early but trying to do this thing bonnie and a three- pointer with their sister car lease channels they have a 33 sisters a sinner and high school but going to connecticut. don't listen nelson's three on 377 47¢ and 5 no. where the stanford women's anger by here comes the cal basketball team on-site gaby green getting added a total work. unless she had 13 points arizona state 6752 cal now 115 and there are three in two and governments play. >> reporter: raiders coach for your deal this stage and after two years to pay off and will see a happens head coaching experience eight years with jacksonville and denver offensive coordinator east bay i from hayward. yes and from this area yes a lot lifelong reader mess up the main reason i came back. i've loved this opportunity and greeted take this job because a lot of factors there is good leadership in place we have a lot to do but we understand we're going. you hear from our from del rio said it is an analysis which show. nora i/o key sentences could giant one home run last season played for kansas city is a grand slam and he will make almost $5 million. trogon baseball st. a scary coming up on kron 4 news weekend explain what may be here to 2014 standout in one very important way. alex jenny jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team! we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. the grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, stuffed with ham, bacon and sausage, both wrapped in a warm guerrero tortilla. burritos so big, they make everything look smaller. >> reporter: >> reporte dealing with this fog get again this morning that to the fog in east bay interior valleys and social value dealing with some very dense fog but little hazy starting the season sunshine as a tickle i look at the cemetery bridge. the news is temperatures are too bad this morning. started things off on live side of the sentences of 33 degrees 58 leaving a house in concord even sadder rose up in the low 50s no one actually near freezing. visibility looks like that's the shows source of fog and fair ferruled livermore announcing about 7 mi. of the oakland area. also cloud coverage that it goes between 1011 this morning. what more sunshine in the afternoon transfer sprinkles as we had in the sunday we. you have changes to talk about is ahead in the next work week and details on that coming up in 15 minutes. as scientists in 2014 as the warmest on ours since 1880. and that's has prior record set back in 2005 and 2010, all but one of the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 2000. >> reporter: that signals a long-term warming of the planet here in california entries temperature is not helping the drought which is but a lot rain in the summer is still a big concern statewide. >> reporter: as a result of those concerns california water use rules this year is agency conservation says that the state could see more fines and more restrictions on bay area resident says she paid tutors if your water fee worries fine last year and home pleasanton. is over $5,500 to his bring this to death early considering stricter regulations. since the constitution allows some water use the stop the five agencies thousands of dollars a single release the customers. >> reporter: discipline quarrelled have an issue of the marriage announced afternoon reaction was swift gumbel says the issue kron 4 j.r. stone reports on what's at stake. >> reporter: just asleep of excitement i felt in my chest was like wow actually gonna be here. those reaction from john lewis after hearing news of the supreme court might ruling on for a marriage kids the other states something not done to the state. the slogan stored just as optimistic. >> r and be more exciting to imagine people being able to exchange wedding vows and wedding bells to ring out in all 50 states >> reporter: supreme court will decide san 6 c. couples will have a runny nice if the constitution. a mostly decided by the end of june that there tradition and almost never go pass in the june. possible it could be so divided that they set for real argument in october. probably not. >> reporter: been together 28 years 32 marriage ceremonies and officially tied the knot in 2008. >> reporter: what will happen with this in court decision in june. one letter be divided a real question is where is justice the season this fall in both those cases and where is the chief justice who i remain convinced will vote in favor of same-sex marriage when he's forced to have a question. the nutmeg john store happen if. very important day because this is what we've been dreaming of for the highest court in the country would actually take a case that would call very soon say our american rose of for you are where you are has the freedom to pursue your dream of happiness and the person you love you to marry. in lafayette police looking for a woman whose is using stolen cards credit cards. >> reporter: police say credit-card use and nordstrom store in walnut creek came from wall the stolen out cooperage grow and off they at. in the capture the suspect what the investigators say was a fraudulent purchase. but the one to rest crop and began having lunch and then during a course of that someone went in her chair and as one lot was action taken because first thing on the chair at the restaurant other people we believe that took the wallet. and we don't know if the gabe although all identifying and is catch merchandise obtained within a matter of hours. >> reporter: abolition of calcic park at the end this month however controversial plan has been sidelined. developer in charge and granted a permit to the rich are bridge excavators. and this will take longer but cheaper than in bayview district and mental-health problems they say won't need any more. average life expectancy 56 years versus white male 78 or self disparity in the nation. morrow recalls telling about will already set bail apples now on the chopping block for martell or incest detected listeria bacteria processing plant in the city of tractor officials say a granny smith gail apples from the guard brother's farm should be thrown away. wisteria can be fatal in simpson's of listeria include fever severe headache and marcia stiff neck. still >> reporter: ahead and will likely break for rhinos donkeys on lewis will show you the latest video. video. help teach a kid riding a bike and a much easier task demonstration and safety it amazing sentence was coming up the next report. or straight year the bay bridge from embarcadero camp in santa clara and san francisco and parse the bay area fogs are a number of children guess what goes really well with eggs? pillsbury grands biscuits. make breakfast even better. grands biscuits. make breakfast pop. i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. week night dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. >> reporter: ajar but today example of new technology with typical tuscan life easier feature could ride a bike very frustrating and terrifying. never know just what a let go and if it's the wrong time you know one see them get hurt. charro bike as a softball sit bicycled much less like a magic do without a rider on sit balanced going on a sidewalk and will not to over. and he took up a stable and flight and just got in front wheels to keep stable will ride trouble control club has gyroscopic force is in the front wheel is a troubling one way or the other the dress up a force corrects baleen by changing the direction of the steering with the drought burn good child can learn right as little as an afternoon kids depend on chenilles but with the driver by kids consider trading will altogether and immediately learn to balance needed a ride again you to delete dozens of ideas with very parents have posted showing kids learning how to ride using the gyro bike and one day. some kids learning and under 20 minutes. these are families who were chosen as testers also is half the weight. >> reporter: are by the kits are now but it's like kron 4 news. carol buckland small runs to lead the $78 and larger 16 in. model is the under $28 trilobite expected to be able to add deliver the black this april or may 1st term first serve basis. i've got on her nose and other giants of jazz incredible footage of people like all fitzgerald louis armstrong frank sinatra yet to come back for the on kron 4 news weekend >> reporter: to the beautiful view of the early saturday morning just and has signaled fog burned off . he delights of this morning a lot of sunshine cluster the close but still dealing with some sense to fogs for interior valleys since nobody tarot mostly sunshine in the afternoon what's more sunshine compared to what we saw yesterday. visibility just half mile in fairfield up to about 2 1/2 miles in concord. all in all thought was as bad as always off for the past week. the ticket temperatures pretty mild stuff for saturday morning there feel 4853 for oakland. san francisco already at 56 degrees. the will see widespread 6 is ahead in the afternoon temperatures will be on a warmer side average share was oakland hitting a high of 66. >> reporter: 66 pleasanton fremont with a high of 64 degrees. 61 expected in daly city. some of us did see some rain yesterday of a steady light but we did pick up some returns on radar up toward center rosa and petaluma. we do notice we have activity of our right now, because the instability whether the possibility of scattered showers into tomorrow paris of the golden gate bridge. rest of us maintain dry conditions, high pressure back and play as we look at the center forecast. also sought high temperatures at the '60s. >> reporter: the knicks and the malls the next best opportunity for in the bay area as kron january 28th. my dad played big ben drums with the growth of the drums are deliberately rammed up the seats terrebonne will armstrong. all that many fall in love with just as a show coming up tonight and the community center all but the giants of jazz and market runs up to us. paul's little about the show been doing for about 13 years basically show where to investigate repertory circumstances of the performance and see how off that together and made a great performance o'clock. the preserve on jazz performance as it's been preserved on film. some examples of that? louis armstrong appearing live television of the tour, fell will appearing and a jukebox short.. people are no trash was one more for the road you think sinatra wrote no such rescinds a better. so many accentuate the positive some degree so sick of you a little bit of what it's like to take be part of this giant of jazz show a the jewish committee centered cited o'clock upset tickets left. a lot of other one so many fine people in jazz tummy favorites long as mong billy john coltrane all have something different miles davis. and the indifference of this day and every way all just fabulous music. so miles davis once and separate the zero so exciting ever knew where is the going was good due. to be a jazz singer that really takes talent. it takes talent and these musicians have the talent. a look and go on chorus' course after course and never repeat herself lawless state system in different interesting provocative keep in scatting. are remarkable talent have to the of the be so free and voice. you nagger openness and narrowed west l.a. and we were lucky coz we allow caught the commissars but also some years to remember things. with earlier things saucer up on many times and never had a chance to see billie holiday. john hendricks sinatra. people for its natural the great jazz singer pete could move from those lyrics like no one else young people get hit to as i hope so amazing are former and this idea that behalf to like jazz band hit rock and roll that does not write music is music regardless of the john roth john rocgenere. just all ideas movies i think it comes to jen's bird unfortunately lot just people like bird have bad endings when they were alive to this when. leasing is a blues wonderful performance by dan r. ross and terrific film sweet load down they go reinhardt and uncelebrated movie is so brilliant came when it's wonderful brilliant film by woody allen will know something about music and jazz whiplashed. zero out that are being a great drummer teacher does he believe in tough love . after member were at him because be of them as best as ok missed a few some others but in high society this fantastic don't forget to read are marks of inside it-get tickets jewish community center in san francisco real great the book and graceful blend no simple highway right here will forget american's sabre is out gussies sama. >> reporter: your car park police a man with the knife in the area when one officer at the scene fired his at the men's and officer fired a gun that was awesome to please not yet to implement all burn injuries reported to us. the teen corps issue of gay marriage and a decision announced friday afternoon the action for all the country umbels of the the issue and the bay area may get help with this is not to help the news adult sit same-sex couples lot the same demerit under the u.s. under the constitution. cruise only son replacing six deteriorating expansion joints on the bay bridge since last november place those joints look in on the upper deck of the western span of a bridge. new joints missile kron and started the last for several decades. quick look at sunday on a bid for caught some sprinkles for the north as had to tomorrow be on that of sunshine good news does air quality approved and hazy no burning around. rents so far and forecast the. >> gary: >> reporter: now looking like it january 28th. are often not for ross to lend for joining us and will see you again tomorrow morning at 7:00 kron 4 and the back the bay area and bargains


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140215

i cannot hear and i went off a car is missing >> : white 1996 honda accord belonging to randy. was recently stolen while parked inside the apartment complex and oakland credits about three minutes against any back out and he was out of here in no time at all. >> : attendees see they're walking to his car early the morning and its larger as arms totally shocked to see the his parking space is empty. >> : he thought the driver of a car somewhere apart did i walked home and i want back to bed and and remember it. that was one thing going ahead. the other one been a part of the street. i went out there will look up the street of the street would further out. and finally when i turned around my car was sold stolen. >> : the picture i got home baggy pants baggy jacket. look like you're holding something in his hand beckham tel. the hat was kind of down. the profile looks pretty decent. if anyone is guided know this guy. >> : i put the the what the reason we see is this guy there say hey i know him. >> : maybe someone will see the cars license plate. and colin to oakland police. >> : after warning to bart riders after one commuter rode the train while carrying the measles virus. >> : health department encouraging you to pay extra attention on to your health reason why this is where the uc-berkeley student caught the train every morning to go to the class's. then he would catch in the afternoon and that evening. he went to asia was not vaccinated he can got the measles you it's the doctor's that's when they did the detective work and found out he rode bar transcripts talking about 390,000 bart riders every day. tousing the the intention to february 4th through five very seventh. >> : we got a bar-chen february 4th of february 7thwere you on n february 4th or february 7th. >> : were on the train all the time i don't live in fear it's not a problem and not take part. it's scary but the work up the day of vaccinations. enough to let this time if you happen have the symptoms including running nose rash we are encouraged to contact doctors immediately. >> : >> : following the measles warning on our country kostto measles all break and the contra cause custer county. >> : people who have measles or before or who are vaccinated are unlikely to be infected. however those without vaccinations are at risk of getting the disease if they are exposed. kron4-dot-com has links to health departments and other resources. >> : the number of flu related deaths is still rising. this today the state health department 243 flew related fatalities 41 cases from what we go. that's fewer cases than the has been reported in weeks prior. sit director says that the downward trend is a good sign but notes that the flu season is not yet over. enclosed it goes until may. their 49 for related deaths with sec clara having 14 >> : health officials say most of the deaths reported so far fall into that category where underlying health conditions also were in effect. >> : the president arrived this afternoon. he offered federal aid to farmers and ranchers and small businesses which are suffering from the ongoing drought. >> : ephors one landed in fresno around 240 this afternoon the president then met with jerry brown. and other state officials. in fresno he speaking right now about what the government plans to do with ongoing drought. as part of the livestock disaster relief. in 2014 farm bill. california can't reeve received federal funds to cover the cost of livestock loss as a result of the ongoing drought. department of agriculture plans on setting people up for the program in april. 500 additional million dollars will help with soil erosion and help better water contrabass and practices. . >> : 5 million will go toward protecting watersheds and the million dollars worth of grants will be set aside for rural communities where water quality has been impacted by water conditions. >> : more rain in store for the bay area this weekend and the bay area's only is it agreed this is a live look from our mount care. the that friday is sunset. >> : we see rain bay area why it's not a move into until tomorrow mutt evening. " conditions of the bay area now are not releasing any rain. as we look and celebrate our pictures for the region rain remains to the north of us at this hour. this rate has been scrapped is going to the north. reenforce with will come at that end of the wrinkles of connected to the south as we head into tomorrow. overnight few areas of fog is also feel a mutt get there. for saturday work and have a chance of rain of spotty showers in the morning really rains and a start. at 6. the cast and talk about transferring its becoming a. also coming up tonight at 515 lava on the rocks. valentine's day what started out rob for one couple but caused a car to go in the been vacant. >> : at 530 of 49 doctors and stanford researcher did to them when he was a high- school teacher. >> : a mass of snowballed traits the bulldog: what what? bulldog: mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic, icomfort, optimum... even a queen-size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497. and wow! four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. better hurry, mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day. ♪ mattress discounters hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ >> : to look at this to majors at a college town of baalbek the basics because coleman momentum that the better of them apparently hadn't calculated had a band image a hit a hundred pound snowball could do. the loss control the mass of snowballed which they start making last week during a heavy snowstorm in portland. the snowball hit a dorm room at reed college knocking and part of the bedroom wall. no one was hurt we think clara about this one instance responsible for the runaways snowball reported the incident at 800 lbs.. unfortunate >> : plus a story of loss and heroic actions was to blame break out at a east bay duplex next >> : break out at a east bay duplex next >> : it w a bsterrash ey wld bak open, theyouldoze. break out at a east bay duplex next >coulcause itn it w a bi coburn so ch. fir lady ourhurch havmeetings. weo things.we have tivies. break out at a east bay duplex next >coulcause itn it w a bi coburn so ch. fir lady ourhurch and coul'do a of that.s. as member of theve tivies. break out at a east bay duplex next >coulcause itn en ahin ece of matialo ch. uld excciating nexto th rash. it wld sm li it uldset it ofi e nue prtitioner took one ok ait a said id y evehavechickenpoxs a i" i ld her "we i have e to me ou're not ing church torrow"" d shwas ght. i ld her "we i have e to me ou're not t meell u it wasow"" the rst in iver had. on beautyrest and posturepedic. financing and save up to $500 get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. but only through presidents' day at sleep train. good is in every blue diamond a good that comes in 25 flavors. from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. get your good going. blue diamond. snack nut of u.s. snowboarding. only on for valentine's day off tore off star for one couple after police say their car drove off a steep and ancient near lycoris said. and earl open this morning. >> : he is the deal you'll only see here you see both the wind chill and how of the car smashed and police in a couple in their early 20s was driving southbound all around stole 40 this morning make when the can to a key intersection on the boulevard in very foggy conditions authority's said the the couple was arguing and were jovi driving fast driving off the amendment and the big upside down stop just short of the water thanks to heavy brush. >> : incredibly lucky see that pork there close to hitting that and they also come on the water then who knows what could've happened. the 60 ft. drop you never know what happens next. >> : officers tell me fortunately what someone witness acts and that person called and 11 emergency crews then came on the scene told to out of the steep embankment amazingly the to only suffered minor injuries to some bumps and bruises they were transported to the hospital just as a precaution. there valentine's day getting off to a very rocky start. >> : the fire consumed the department here in san leandro vote " fire was reported 430 this morning. neat and do little drive. the two-story duplex was on fire and party badly dented and firefighters got their people who live in the duplex are grateful to be alive but definitely shaken. >> : the saw a fire spread along the ceiling was going way too fast you can for that small wires. thick black smoke. >> : everybody got out no injuries to residents and firefighters at a dog did die. the qualifier is under investigation are crosses helping the people who live there by giving them temporary housing. >> : what than two dozen people were hurt and no wonder car pileup in pennsylvania. many as 100 cars were caught in this pilot leaving traffic backed up for miles over parts of two counties pre police say it all started with a cropped involving 50 cars to the in jersey state line. then the tories say 20 more sets of behind the original crash site. everyone is expected be ok. the owls wednesday cold weather is competing against four parts. thousands of people are without power thousands of flights canceled. another run of storms is looming. >> : this winter could be history in the making right here. researchers say ice covers 88 percent of the great lakes will since 1984 next week to be a new record in the winter that what seemed to end. the storm is going to get expectations and even exceeded our expectations. three men in maryland county may have had cardiac arrest when shoveling snow. n.c. ellis storm most turned mostly in the final hour including two people trying to help someone in the snow when the driver hit them and drove along. this no more than a foot deep in most places collapsed roofs cause traffic pileups and more flights canceled friday after 6500 cancel on thursday. >> : your city mayor says will come to wonder stormed six and the last six weeks. york public schools stayed open one principles as 60 percent of persons and the class in the worst of the storm. i've never taken sunday offices and york it's now as we are taught to do this. new weather system is for me in the midwest that could bring one to 3 in. of snow today's narrow. in chicago were whether party salt of the same state orders. writer this weather has been cold and disheartening. >> : our weather has also been disheartening we haven't seen nearly enough storms. as we look for a live toward the cemetery bridge to see what looms over the bay area right now. >> : intense father today we're expecting areas to fog again tonight. tempters will remain and upper 40's. thousand of steal money. temperatures will reach the '60s and a be picking up to our lives as well. willis of a slight chance of showers and sought early afternoons rate as early as star around six to the north bay and pushed on the south bay at about 10. is look at satellite radar picture close continuous stream over the bay area rain still staying much to the north. we can't rule out the possibility of a we would shower. >> : and i get reenforcing weight behind this is to knock this down to the south let's check it out of future cast. it's not really pinpointing rain and on the main front you see here that its main cloud cover. into early afternoon the rains come up approached by three by five. some of and santa rosa by 678. to push to sell the gold in it. sematech all seen light showers by the 0:00 hour. 8:00 hour. in redwood city the as to leonard green trading will see heavier showers as we hadn't midnight hour things mostly caught in to an end of the we have a good chance of lingering showers into the early morning sunday. pleasanton livermore fremont. by sunday late morning were have clear skies. the timing of the system chance of shower before a small real between 6:00 saturday evening at 1:00 sunday morning rainfall totals we be up to an inch of rain in the north bay and south of the golden gate. a typical bit more rain largely will have the half an inch of rain. and tex for tomorrow afternoon gusty winds after 1:00. and moderate rain into the evening. seared nothing going on right now but cloud cover about organ as he ran first in to saturday by sunday morning will see snow. some morning cold enough to pick up a few inches by like cold. >> : sunday morning will be dry for most of sunday all monday before transferring and returned by tuesday and wednesday. >> : next a bullying scandal in the nfl report shows allegations of harassment at between zero teams of the miami dolphins. >> : a sink hole swallowed miami dolphins. >> : a sink hole swallowed corvettes and ke give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! um... where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! um... where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. official miami dolphins. a report commissioned by the nfl has shipment of got the martin was the act of a bully. and aren't as stanford alum was not the only victim. the nfl opening investigation after martin left the team not to burn and sought mental health treatment in martin told investigators after he boilover after receiving racially and words. verbal abuse and sexual jokes about his sister. as a ringleader and cut me kno>> : their actions are classified as bullying. there is no intent that incognito was trying to take him off the team. they had a huge will bipolar french.for and shipped.d that me and sent out one more thing on social meet today. meantime incognito lawyer says. bill, after studying the report the attorney finds that he is the nikkei above findings. >> : coming up a 530 parts to into a an investigation he was a 40 nattered seen dr. r. spector said stanford researcher suddenly dead. when his victims to shed their story. while tons if this book now and chester likes house and also knows a [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ female announcer: when you see this truck, female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: but don't wait. sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ at 530 he was a doctor from one of the world's most highly esteemed medical schools his patients were superstar athletes any to his own life after becoming a target of a criminal probe. we brought first broke the story back in october after sources revealed that dr. garza for the forty-niners and front he had an appropriate actions with a dull and turns. the we had interviews with three men that were abused by garza nearly 20 years ago is when they were high school students in garza was a teacher. two of them reported abuse to authorities. claims for brush aside all and garza to steal it from prosecution. a fund hasn't pressing me and him and sort of him rubbing himself. >> : he was entrusted science teacher they thought he they were helping him with a research involving young athletes. it turned out to be rousseau he could victimize them. : two men peter and jon to protect the identities. they were students and a passel texas. when they were recruited by daniel garza to participate in research experience that happened under his supervisor and outside of state lines. >> : in a given height of concentration and renders one completely unconscious peter agreed to inhale the paper once he came out of this super funding the teacher molesting him. >> : i woke up in his " on " extreme and he was finally mean playing with himself is very dramatic for young man. john did not agreed a be gassed. he found garza tried to put a cloth that what he thought was going to talk about. >> : knowing that i have every of the trust and knowing that how pressures of a thing that is for him to do what he did this even seem human. i've had kids look at me like i'm sure i've looked at him. and he still sounded ok to just absolutely abuse the trust deed peter and john told officials about what garza did at first little was done about it. ask me what i wanted i'm a junior in high school there want me to make the decision as far as how the thing was handled the no sort of standard nothing came of it after that. victims say school officials merely ordered earth to distinguish from then someone like the story to the media and made headlines in 1994. a newspaper article here is does not name garza. it would seek his teacher on administrative leave after the teachers sought garza left the high school. people to me like i had created this doesn't charge have since died the current administrators there had no comment because both incidents happen across state lines the fbi was brought in. peter and jon both remembered by been interviewed by federal agents as far as they now the case was pursued. the fbi says without any sort of prove you can just say hey he caught him feeling a. they're saying then that this will happen again if someone doesn't dig we ask all paso texas police and fbi dispatched the records the guard's name but nothing turned up. >> : a former associate of garza says that garza was afraid peter and jon allegations would keep him from being admitted into stanford medical school. he not only got and he said there has entire career allegedly becoming a popular associate professor and respected researcher in sports medicine. >> : you see here examining college athlete in this video output 72. peter and john hughes once again put in a position to be able to influence young minds. >> : nor was these were they surprised me was under criminal investigation again. >> : question is how many times did he get away with that in the last 20 years. none >> : is in the newsroom to eye on this friday during the q our is experiencing delays this evening in the east bay on the phone with us is to explain what's going on. what's going on and where. >> : i just received new information that both tracks have been cleared of the debris it was a tree or part of a tree which did less well inspection to insure both checks were cleared so it can have them in service. where it spent we're having delays at a train petrie there is damage to the train it's been said to a yard. we're but we've been getting the debris out of the way there are still delays at this time is that correct? >> : there are delays and i continue to be delays until we get everything back into service because this is a very busy line entire the commute any of trains backed up all along that a point. it's gonna take a while to recover. >> : does this delay ultimately affect the entire board system? >> : i don't think it's going to invected the entire board system mainly the concord pittsburgh area. >> : we're able to single track around the debris. >> : be patient and know that we had cleared both tracks is never final inspection on can have you started a three day weekend. >> : oh wait for the inspection takes place a shows will happen very soon >> : delays on bar because the tree debris on the tracks. the debris has been cancelled cleared but the delays have bar writers should expect delays in attendance so between concord and considered will keep on developments there >> : we continues to cloud cover over the bay area this afternoon asserted what faubus money out high clouds have really fell then you can see that over downtown san francisco current temperatures below 60 is practically bay area wide, get out there right now piercing high viewpoints which makes it feel like that. the continue until tomorrow as well. it is the cloud cover over the bay area. hourly rain just yet that could change the oil into tomorrow. receipt areas of fog again tonight. the rain is really in a start in the evening tomorrow. by about six that's when the rain will approach the north bay coming up in just a bit will have that time that out in future cast >> : here in philadelphia you can access a philly cheesesteak anytime, day or night. just like you can access geico anytime, day or night. there is only one way to celebrate this unique similarity. witness the cheesesteak shuffle. ♪ cheesesteak, cheesesteak ♪ ♪ it's the cheesesteak shuffle! huh! ♪ ♪ every day, all day, cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪ ♪ every night, all night cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪ ♪ 9 a.m. cheesesteak! ♪ 2 p.m. cheesesteak! ♪ 4 a.m. cheesesteak! ♪ any time (ruh!) >>geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. times a number of couples had to get married but the debt other people had their marriage happen and rotunda of city hall. some with full wedding attire and some with simplicity. >> : engaged and married in the same day were good planners were not really the planners but not many and how you look at it. >> : valentine's day is on off the 14th day of 2014 should be easy for emery for memory of the future anniversaries. coming up sinkholes saul's corvettes in kentucky won't stop using from operating will show you. and a 94 year-old california woman going out at her advice on love and now has a coming up next >> : through presidents' day, get 36 months interest-free financing and save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. this special financing offer ends presidents' day at sleep train. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ national corvette museum in kentucky has the sinkhole it swallowed up eight the label " rights. at least 20 ft. deep hole opened up on wednesday morning. this building didn't suffer any structural damage in the museum has reopened despite some doubts of stores. >> : walk in here than all sudden were missing in the gutter something like that museum officials have assured to wursts the are no safety concerns with the rest of the museum. if i have built walls built we might ever known that anything would happen. in a school groups here we're ready to get things moving and getting it back to normal in the skydome repaired getting the cars are a whole and getting them fixed. >> : the sickle collapse is still a topic of interest. >> : most of the town to or is it about the sinkhole before visiting a lot of those tourist recalling to express concern. the phone calls have been overwhelming of course community and the surrounding counties have been calling nature were ok but the cars of course and everything people of the richly call the play and god bless us. >> : we're trying to preserve history and rippers preserve as much as what we can of it. >> : social me aside nothing to about love the new faced a study finds that people interact more more weeks leading up to making their status official interactions start to decline once they pose the relationship on this mutt us to attract less couples are likely to put a positive emotions that put will get 18 million is the posts. >> : 94 are old woman and plus the county has says that if the ticket chance on love. >> : she hasn't dated since the 1980's. she is on a date with older men at of 95 should set up by her dentist on a blind date. >> : it went to an upscale restaurant the cake the key to a great time is to complement your day and enjoy the moment. >> : to 19 a classics reincarnated at the movies as well as through wont romantic tale about recut incarnation. >> : they set by classic brokaw it's a rebuilt this time will come and it plays a veteran cop who is built into his apartment at her machine. this trend to hold onto his committee white dress and his body is held by an international conglomerate. rubble cop is rated pg-13. kevin hart stars and about last night a remake of 98 is classic.>> : about last night is rated r. colin faroe plays peter blake and winter's tale he learns he can manipulate time bring back the dead heat does bring back an heiress who dies and his arm. >> : he tries to clean his former boss russell crowe. >> : >> : coming up a stick to our of oakland people behaving badly style with the next edition of people behaving badly tonight at 8. >> : next kron 4 special is all about dogs airs friday night at 9:00 p.m. on february 28th. >> : 2014 dog show. >> : friday night february 28th at 9:00 p.m. right here on kron 4. >> : [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ bulldog: mattress discounters bulldog: presidents day sale ends presidents day? get a queen-size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497! and get four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. ♪ mattress discounters comcast says that the merger between the company and time warner cable will be a good thing for consumers that prices will go down internet speeds will get faster and there will be offered a higher quality of products to customers but consumer watchdog group and electronic foundation say that will be as bad thing for bay area come comcast customers. >> : it's a scary prospect that one company could essentially owned the the only high-speed data hyde and the homes and businesses of some repute in this country people in the bay area should be concerned that comcast is the only company i really providing the phone data and internet combined service here it is gaining some much more power on the national stage bargaining power for tv programming. at for a concert ended up. press of cable and internet services have gone steadily up over the past three years and this will only help that continue. there are so many subtle and hard to believe wei is for the companies that owns the clubs to play favorites among who can use that. the merger will only make that easier for comcast to do. after that will mean the internet will look more and more like cable television. people should talk to their members of congress and the administration particularly antitrust division and department and of justice call them tell them that they should not approve the merger. >> : new next six to search for this gun wielding robbery at the ec and the surveillance video what he took or eye phones but not just any i phone. then there is a warning raising new concerns of that vaccine before dewey won again? we allot more news coming up six. >> : almond. a good that comes in 25 flavors. from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. get your good going. blue diamond. snack nut of the u.s. ski team. is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ his of measles in that area have been reported in contra costa county. . this new case involves the international travel said officials report there are three measle cases raising some fears about potential outbreak. >> : these pictures of a measles rash showbread bonds and blotches' back and cover your body. all the respiratory infections measles is were the most contagious. most people have had to vaccines for the measles by the age of five. but he says the cdc recommends. that vaccines given to seven to zero months of age a booster recommended some time before kindergarten. fmr maxine measles and mumps and rubella can last a lifetime. the measles is a lot of vaccine does you long lasting immunity once you receive it. people prior to 1957 most likely have had the measles and should not get again is not as contagious. the chances of catching the measles is very unlikely the people that could get the measles during the time of been contagious running are today should not be a risk to people if they were on the same bart train as individual and should be concerned. >> : dr. berg and tells me provision can run a blood test to find out. and all the creek. >> : but taking it at a look at measles case to us and the new year three cases have been reported this being reported to see see in health officials last year there were 18 reported cases in california and nationwide 187 cases though the jump from 2012 when there were only 54 of state numbers for that year were not available the sec says walter small up bricks to to an x-rated visitors the u.s. is down with lowest number of cases ever reported. keep in mind only one and 1000 infected people end up dying. the >> : uc-berkeley officials say they're taking precautions after it was announced as soon there was infected with measles kron 4 or sports pool officials have met the strategy that will hopefully prevent measles their parents running. in the city health services are open dealt faculty and workers to help with a situation of eastern having measles. everything out and restock the vaccine to inoculate those who have not been as immunized for measles. spokesperson for university health has sent out the mallards for everyone's pulling up the situation there are also highly recommending that is very important as someone has not been any nuys, immediately and come get the shot. been vaccinated is one the best way to get vaccinated for measles pre >> : >> : stands are not required to get max man for measles to attend uc-berkeley one student who works at the university health services says that some of the international friends are very concerned because they're not received a shot. >> : what of our students are in internationalize the a lot of class is that is a worried it will spread very fast. berkeley officials say that that's talk with state of health officials about this one case right now they're out and surveillance mode waiting and watching to see if any other cases develop. >> : there's a special section on the measles at it includes links to our coverage plus this update for bay area departments and what symptoms you should look out for all of it at kron 4 doc,. deadly flu season may finally be winding down state health record says the hulk the peak may be over but the season still runs until may we will show you hear these are the vest on the bay area. we have confirmed 45 flew related deaths with santa clara reporting the highest number. statewide 4243 flew fatalities >> : more evidence that the goose season could be coming to an end. >> : this is the booking photograph of 53 year-old mario and rick was arrested is a 20 year veteran who served as a should 21 had been recently signed to the committee's hour each program. he was in possession and sale of methamphetamine and molestation of a 17 year-old boy. the allegations have rocked the close-knit fire department. >> : it's enough. the other when up something like this happens the kind of breaks it hurts. we are like a family. this is kind of personal to me i've known him for so long but on the other hand and again it's something that we don't tolerate it goes against everything that this bedstands for against everything but the organization stands for. >> : an internal investigation is underway a spokeswoman for the department of justice says there may be additional victims as this case unfolds. as shown here in social we oppose the beans. he's attended appear in court on tuesday. meant to sa>> : please say that marcus was acting in self the sein defensem ryan terry followed him down the street police say the theory was chasing a group sierras. >> : >> : president manning and federal aid to ranchers small-business is which are suffering with ongoing drought. charles crawford is and there is room. >> : president touchdown in fresno he met with the governor there is the government right there with senator barbara. and other state officials then about an hour ago the president outlined how the federal government is going to help california deal with the ongoing drought. >> : as part of the livestock disaster relief program when the to the other 14 federal farm bill. eligible california can leave up to a 50 million funds and loss of livestock, with ongoing drought. department of agriculture since sonny people in april. $5 million will help soil erosion and develop better conservation practices $60 million will be used to food banks and committees that have been hit by the drought family and protecting watersheds. 5 million worth of grants will be set aside for rural communities with water quality and being impacted by dry conditions pri president hopes today that this will help california ranchers and farmers depend on their feet. >> : california is our biggest agricultural producer what happens here matters to every working american but down to the cost of food that is being put on your table. >> : we've seen very little improvement in the drought situation we did have a lot of rain last weekend which and improve things and the north bay river and from extreme drought which is the red on the snap to the one which is severe drought. brazil and extreme circumstances and was the bay area. exceptional job down through the central coast wine and central valley. satellite data picture showing a lot of rain remaining to the north of us a seeing increasing clouds for men to get some rain this weekend. the storm has been to the north all week-long selling and it pushed down into the bay area as we head into tomorrow. this test rain man remaining to the north until 5:00, morning starting to edge down a little bit of early afternoon watched this thing gets knocked down in the bay area for the evening hours. steve fisher katz isn't in the bay area will show you what to expect up coming up employees held at gunpoint during a break isn't the time robbery build and was after plus this season the change is coming which are affecting the fans pre will explain the new nationwide policy taking effect. a first car theft take on the care of the move that the victim made to make sure the the caught. the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. theft captured on surveillance happened earlier this week as + you to a honda accord stole from a potluck apartment complex explains why he is in a hurry to get the your mind. >> : did that at the next day i do this for a hobby among the ruling to matt leonard cheer always doing videos for a club. does having a lot of fun with music and editing. ms. will try for this play out there be someone sees this guy again say hey i know him so cross figures. >> : in addition hoping zones recognizing the person of the deal is also asking to look out for a stolen car 6 aff i.e. 872 is the license plate number. straight robert told employees they did not want to take with them. >> : this year, i'm trying the protein thin with real protein. [ female announcer ] ditch the diet and go on a try-it. just try one of 70 yummy lean cuisine dishes for 10 days. packed with 13 grams of real protein. it will keep you satisfie and feeling grea i'm trying this too. and maybe this. nope. not trying that. [ female announcer ] ditch the diet. go on a try-it with lean cuisine. get a starter kit at and you'll get a meal on us. nestle. good food. good life. and you'll get a meal on us. hey! welcome home! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. hey mom! it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! because your kitchen dreams can be big, ikea has it all. a surveillance video shows a man robbing of radio shack at gunpoint police are trying to identify the gunman. the other new what exactly what he wanted. >> : that's right this was a brazen daytime robbery's territory of track on the 800 block of cherry ave the thief was now after computers what he wanted was apple products specifically i felt my pads. this after 10:30 a.m. thursday when he entered the store according to les whitten for other customers leave the man then what to become a counter will cut off fuel clark and added that he be taken to a mass storage area. his he points to a specific show seawaters the the woman to put the phones into back. >> : but a lot of money when they're so he one of the eye phone 57 your model once he will buy phone force. so we believe he had every intention to go after those items here's the sketch of the fees. hughes wearing a dark and so sure and baseball cap ever to american 60 tall >> : >> : please to not know if he had an accomplice he say it's a that he should be considered dangerous and armed. >> : cell phones robberies' a big in america. 50 percent of robberies' involve cell phones. third of all robberies are cell phone and communications device thefts. it's the number-one property crime in the country by far. to give you an idea how many people are impacted commit some reports say that 1.6 million americans take have had their votes taken in 2012. >> : teacher streets of badger of miniature sit not guilty serving pot placed food at a potluck. . badger is out of custody at schiller turned in april for pulmonary hearing to people went to hospital after eating of brownies meantime badger is on paid leave from turner elementary school. >> : this baseball season major- league baseball now requires that teams must start having fans go through metal detectors nationwide by 2015 the giants are implementing the measures this season. the a's measured the plan before the mandate the new security plans fans will have to remove objects from their pockets and walked through a metal detector. >> : the sea raid as we head into tomorrow rain has been to the north it's gonna be here tomorrow evening. reason was to cut its gods a little foggy to starred vessel will muddy up their temperatures running in the upper '40's and low 50's. as we had a 3:00 hour temperatures will reach right low 60s and bay area. will have a fee charged with three outs, the sixth when the rain is expected to the into the north bay. the clock by the south bay. >> : reyes family and pushed on the sock tomorrow and in the evening hours. the jackass will show you are dry out there 5:00 tomorrow morning currency called disguised because see a few wayward showers struck the day featured cassandra the picking a much but it's possible as it had in the evening as the rain will start to approach the north bay by a clock full swing the no. starting the search over san francisco oakland into richmond also down toward san mateo. as we move into a time clock hours sweating out the south bay will see some moderate rain possibly through hayward and fremont as well as down in sunnyvale and in san jose. in the midnight hours will have a few lingering showers after the midnight hour you see that here by 3:00 in the morning splatters on the livermore valley and in san jose that is going to taper off by a letter morning hours sunday. a source us immensely and warmer temperatures to >> : will see up to an inch of rain in the north bay. elsewhere a to a half-inch of rain. let cst wednesday afternoon in a brief period. the moderate range. ray is going to be approaching saturday wade to ussunday mornis dropping below freezing we could pick up one to 3 in. a likable with snow and more for the higher terrain snow schuller's will taper off during the day on sunday here's a look at extended forecast was from coming in tomorrow dry sunday dry monday tuesday wednesday another chance of rain returning to the bay area. >> : deadly winter storm the drug war snow and ice on the battered east coast has finally moved offshore but look what it did the storm being blamed for at least 25 deaths also left thousands of residents without power. grounded 21,000100 flights winter's storms bring for orders at risk mountains they won both profitable days for florists. now this thing nearly 67 million far orders may not get delivered because of the weather. so far stretta beat the weather and get orders on wednesday and thursday. others stop taking orders completely. los coral with. man and woman told police there were arguing when they hit foggy weather conditions on the great highway the sector did i police say they were speeding when they drove past a stop sign at skyline boulevard buffalo off the indignant and nearly landed in like they fell 60 ft. and up upside-down and heavy brush. >> : they're incredibly lucky because you see that whole right there they cut their clothes adding that also could of bonn and the water. >> : the miss the water by a few feet this the heavy brush the two had bronson grew that the bruises they were telling the house will be to be checked out. >> : somewhere a simple announcement ceremony is some more formal family manse then there were those who celebrated the new opportunity to be married in california valentine's day is not enough to jog memories the 14th the day of the 2014 year should help the newlyweds up their anniversary date. >> : armrest that left the victim's seriously hurt tell you are a lawsuit in the works troops less next san francisco tradition alive picture other fly at justin herman plaza bring you all find from this year's ballantine stayed below fight. >> : through presidents' day, get 36 months interest-free financing and save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. this special financing offer ends presidents' day at sleep train. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ phone: your account is already paid in full. oh, well in that case, back to vacation mode. ♪boots and pants and boots and pants♪ ♪and boots and pants and boots and pants♪ ♪and boots and pants... voice-enabled bill pay. just a tap away on the geico app. ♪ huh, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. yup, everybody knows that. well, did you know that some owls aren't that wise. don't forget about i'm having brunch with meagan tomorrow. who? seriously, you met her like three times. who? geico. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ what people in san francisco celebrating valentine's day right now in a very different way than most others. the feathers are flying downtown justin herman plaza live picture looks like so much fun. the annual valentine's day pillow fight kicked off 6:00. as you see what nearly a thousand people participated in this year's event. the pillow is our fault find a lot of hugs and kisses and the crowd as well. >> : dripping video rest did please go to far. firefighter accused of drug sex crimes. >> : monster chance of rain will see in this weekend when coming up >> : bulldog: mattress discounters bulldog: presidents day sale ends presidents day? get a queen-size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497! and get four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. ♪ mattress discounters quickly at today's top stories. measles is contagious of the disease most people have had to vaccine's before the age of five. was it 12 months of age and another booster read before kindergarten. if you have an exchange of last you a lifetime. in walnut creek. the line >> : uc-berkeley vaccines have been brought in just in case. they set out alerts to students faculty and workers if they have not been inoculated is the best defense about the to not contract measles. >> : berkeley officials say they have talked with state health officials about this one case but right now they are in surveillance mode waiting and watching to see if any other cases develop. in san francisco federal lawsuit has been filed alleging excessive force. the defendant a chp officer and once again there is video. in this case and the chp-camera video. those filing the suit to force their allegations. incident happens during a vehicle stopped last november. she alleges chp officer at j. phillips silently it forced her to the ground causing serious injury. after she caught tried to come to aid of her partner. the officer doesn't comment on pending litigation. >> : residents charged with selling drugs and sexual abuse. 53 year old mario was arrested thursday by officers with the state department justice task force. 20 year veteran firefighter was accused of selling methamphetamine to an undercover officer and a legend sexual encounter in a 17 year-old boy. there may be more victims is said. >> : a firefighter who was arrested now faces a drug and molestation charges talk with family members on friday and neighbors or out rage. you'll hear what they have to say it set at 8:00. >> : san bruno please are searching for an armed man who stole nearly 40 i phoned from this radio shack on cherry avenue around 1030 yesterday morning police say the suspect there the start wait for customers will to leave pulled a gun on a female clerk he then forced her in the bag storage area and added that she filled bag with i phone 5 s and 5 c models before fleeing through the scenes rear exit. please sketch african male roughly 6 ft. called tall. wearing a red baseball cap. >> : president stop the central valley he met with state officials present also allied plan to bring tens of millions of dollars of official aid to farmers and ranchers and committees to across california court deal with ongoing drought problems. >> : it weather story tonight rain into the weekend and see rain pick up into tomorrow late afternoon or early evening. scottish skies in the 5:00 hour tomorrow morning religious or tennessee for most the day we do have with slight chance of light showers may lead to the north bay. the see the rain edging toward five. by 8 starting to rain over seven cisco oakland cemetery at that hour by 910 rain just south of the only gate south bay sunnyvale redwood city also done in fremont. by midnight all but zero pillow. some lingering showers into sunday morning for things dry out. tummy as you thought mailing in a be tomorrow evening to early sunday morning. in the north bay elsewhere will see under half an inch of rain. south bay lb on the lower end of this range. the sega see grins with picking up tomorrow at 1:00. and also periods of more moderate rainfall. at this accomplishes through most of sunday will be dry sand thing monday. >> : you may remember this reunion with world-renowned bay area musician carlos santana and original member of his band. soon share from a world tonight there are new developments in the story. marcus malone stanley roberts roberts shows is how he helped the dying man's wish come true. >> : it's an honor to be all the this with you. >> : marcus malone now household name of helping our reverence.our friend.>> : i denied us to sit for con cancer doctors told me that i will have long lived. reverend williams which was to have a jam session with marcus malone. here they are jetting to the other jetting t>: mitch done was an invited guest mark is told it was two hours. >> : the questions on what people's minds house marcus doing. >> : things got a little better. a rose to happen with that and cut this thing can a difficult because there's really been no communication of looking for to and what is busy in las vegas has been wrong bay area. marcus malone is making the rounds he hopes carlos makes a promise that is had on the for occasions. >> : the unforgettable for me in no guidance is happening and it happened. it seems that everywhere where that marcus comes in contact with everyone becomes inspired. a kind aquino see him getting back into playing and getting his hands back. it's a great privilege for me. there may be other chances for marcus to perform the effects remains he still needs help the remain on his feet. >> : i hope things happened very soon world what the i r tools back >> : how children he is taking advantage of a soulless, slamming the northeast.>> : " let 4 kron4-dot-com 3 is how you score great deals on tickets. be featuring that on zero tech report. at 8. we're new to town.ells. welcome to monroe. so you can move more effortlessly... we want to open a new account: checking and savings. well we can help with that. we tend to do a lot of banking online. you play? yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely... and feel at home more quickly. chase. so you can. take a look at this winter storms slamming your city yesterday well i didn't get everybody's year's i'm not this guy he took advantage of the nearly full of snow that hit the big apple yesterday in two today. the weather did to a lot of people inside but not the sky. he went snowboarding you see he has to be right there he tied towrope a run sheet and was told kind of like water skiing. he obviously knows what he's doing. it took advantage of the rare moment when traffic clears out. >> : in sports garry open a mailbag to respond, the questions and nfl records. and the bullying case it does not look good for incognito. sports coming up next. exxon for special all about dogs airs friday night february 28th at 9:00 p.m. of the behind-the- scenes at the golden gate, club hosted by our own rattlers and just been. the rich 28 kro a beating everybody nfl investigation of and had me know and martin to about zero hundred 70 pages. it was released and that it does not and caught me know may look good at all. martin was to with a pattern of harassment with racial slander and sexual slander of sister and mother. >> : this racist pig who was allowed to play professional football because is he could block somebody incognito lawyer said the report is complete with errors. gone on about this guy talking a fellow teammate. and a young assistant trainer. incognito be treated today please stop the hate happy valentine's day. once again what to listen to this stuff all day long. seems like the players have some what turned recently say incognito was the guy who was receiving may be the bad end of the stick. after this detail report to day award is going to be very hard for him to ever be signed by an nfl team. as far as martin wont apply day will be an opportunity along the road. >> : miami dolphins allowed one renegade person taunting a human being and getting away with it. >> : jim virgos see what people do him as a great player and manager. pauperize hospitalized. he died at age 71. since time all-star with the california angels. manage more than a thousand games. with among other other teams. his baseball career lasted more than 50 years. >> : sergio romano and suppose the for the upcoming season. >> : coming up in the season as always been the same sort of a lot to prove. if anything i answered a couple questions from last season but a couple more can come up to can he do it again. >> : federated the job done i didn't do that the second half. i look forward to this year from to learn from last year. hopefully all the better player. >> : march 31st as the first game when they start playing. >> : seth terry first all-star game he spoke with new orleans about the honor. >> : i have family here people that help me here on a setback relax and enjoy every minute of it you never know when it's going to come around again. it's a once- in-a-lifetime experience hopefully i can say that every year. >> : the president got in on the discussion >> : he is the this should ever seen in terms of being able to off the dribble get his shot off from anywhere that fast best i've ever seen. he can shoot his daddy can shoot he can also stay in one spot and appeared headed electoral what brought a lot. >> : snoop dog actually played really well and the celebrity game. kevin hart won his mvp they led the fans to vote. but his team lost any give the award to duncan. and a good time was had by all. when we return >> alicia: israel to go today. >> : >> : i wanna be like everybody else got to be made. a good reason e-mail's from people who they're eerie nothing like sharing audience and your next. if you been watching kron @ you know all the says fired up and ready to go with audience and from radio and television. series starts with raw and. the controversy typical media as proudly strut to in the store are you proud of what you do. some peasants crowded sometimes embarrassed as a whole different deal you of people for unqualified commenting on these things. supposedly it jackson says that all it was injured. ever had a companion at all that stuff one little media guy ran over to open justin was broken and see he was sitting but he wasn't joking. they'll speak miami. won the best teams and leagues. upon with some estimates us in this story their buddies were this little greedy guys try to impress somebody within their own little office. >> : when the call will braun won the greatest player of all time i thought wait too early. aias and repute jim are you sure right now oberon if he retired today jim said i needed the goes on. jim was a 12 year player in league with 30 your broadcaster i really respect what he had said the boy last couple days of people of said as gray as jordan is if this guy can win a couple more titles. as if he's still physically strong. gorton was wrong to but this guy will not to over to see him. if the key song these pads and leans a few more championships and was. none >> : i'm only one in been telling the truth i was a little annoyed is a nice guy gets on and off. what about audience the excitement level there are one and have my kids about sex as the reason i go. there were straining the some major- league baseball. the 01 the players. mad. all the watch him play. >> : how you keep your job when you get so excited by spring training. yet not excited my point as i liked what people practice a says over and over again some guy about the summary of today to watch a guy drinks six years and watch other people exercise that's not my idea and watch other people exercise that's not my idea of a good time. almond. and watch other people exercise that's not my idea a good that comes in 25 flavors. from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. get your good going. blue diamond. snack nut of u.s. snowboarding. bulldog: what what? bulldog: mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic, icomfort, optimum... even a queen-size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497. and wow! four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. better hurry, mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day. ♪ mattress discounters "the insider" with perspective on today's top-trending stories. man, that al roker's mad. >> mayor de blasio made a big mistake. it's feuding friday, roker's blizzard for new york's mayor. >> it's about taking control. >> it's a different thing to run a city than to give the weather on tv. >> khloe versus kendall as kylie kanye explodes on stage. [ bleep ]. "the rolling stone" cover rant after getting bumped for philip seymour hoffman. >> it's valentine's day! >> the s.i.'s new swimsuit cover shoot. shia and the smackdown. when i went inside his art exhibit. >> plus. >> come to the gallery. i'm inside jackie collins' beverly hills cougar den. >> i li akell kinds of men. >> it's what you do with it, baby. >> and isabella at fashion week. >> how this toddlers and tiara's star became a millionaire fashion mogul. >> i get to spend all of the money i want. >> now the latest celebrity news delivered to you 24/7. it's "the insider" together with yahoo. >> love is in the air and so are the endless apologies. al roker, he's sorry. drake, he's sorry. the kardashians, well, they're never sorry about anything. happy valentine's day. i'm kevin frazier. >> kendall jenner is a teenager so when she worked the catwalk in fashion week in a totally see-through top, of course, the haters pounced and the kardashians are fighting back. >> but please, let's start with al roker and the weatherman turned political pundit is now back peddling. >> man, that al roker's mad. i guess his -- i don't know what's wrong with him. >> fortunately mayor de blasio made a big mistake by not getting out ahead of this. >> i respect al roker a lot. it's a different thing to run a city than to give the weather on tv. >> al versus new york's mayor. the "today" show anchor blast


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140514

clock tower already in the a's heading toward the '90s. continuing our team coverage this afternoon. >> : live in pleasanton it's really could get theirs and charles >> : yes right now in the recreation area which is girls by come on the beach here the water out there. but the folks here tonight but to look a video as check it was about 91 degrees from pleasanton so very warm out of the kids to be calotte the water building a sandcastle lots of birds here today to as well. >> : actually for as hot as it is right now. there are not that many people the can down with her friend this afternoon against really busy here on weekends but at the moment still little early in the season airline i think a moral weekends then there's electors old country don't >> : yes she is one follow at this and your coming down to chat a cliff to mind the park closes about 8:00 tonight. the ongoing he waved suspected to hit affect their quality throughout the entire week the picture from our camera pot into the haze hanging over the bay area. air quality officials say the weather conditions combined with car exhaust contribute to unhealthy ozone pollution. to help protect air route residents are encouraged to walk off the bike car pool or take public transportation to get around. he will continue into tomorrow as we watch will be designated as well as the third consecutive >> : you can either call police are you take her home news tonight at 5:00 or this couple decided to do after discovering a seven year-old girl in their church late last night. turns out the girl had been reported missing tonight the young girl as safe but there are a lot of questions unanswered about what happens with her. >> : team coverage and how the child was found to begin with caught tarpons mother who things to her child was actually to death from their home. >> : the salt in our backyard fence trip she believes that someone grab her daughter shown here and told her to the opening and took off with their monday night then i wake up and knew something was wrong. the back door was blocked in the back gate was locked the hole in the it was not there before. i notice somebody had to goddaughter. please say key on a as now in custody appear on tuesday morning a church member team for the girl this is oakland police lt. kevin wiley. she wandered into the church where they found the child. >> : did she ask for help to launch such as lost and trend figure out what to do the this watter reasons with duvall the investigation. please also sang this about reuniting the girls the mother now very soon. >> : a fellow serviceman the office of a lot work involved is missing persons case possibly kidnapping watter of the dimensions look into now of the rope and the start from scratch. to find out what action took place three >> : the mother out raged the daughter and found it and stick to restore about the daughter being taken. airline another one give me my daughter back. >> : don't tell me where she as don't call me that one even letting know if it found her. the coverage continues now with his feet he spoke with mary couple who came across logroll inside the church just a few blocks from her home to some lost seven year-old key operator reported missing at around 8:00 p.m. monday night from her home here on 73rd avenue in oakland on the same time of the east oakland since delivers an assist as he was in the church sanctuary where the little girl appeared. people said that with counter and with unfettered the church is always open with prayer every monday night >> : there is over 100 kurt church doors here at the time he got a walk in the door she felt comfortable and safe haven. my part to the issues that he said he never saw the girl before and the prayer service and a little and 30 p.m. no one reported her missing child. so he says in his why commanders left consulted with the church leadership on what to do next. >> : the type of response to give a place in the area and if you like dealing with them. my when ford made her mind up and she said the cult is because the old girl the system. >> : chisels not see humbled liberal. somethinl about this c >> : here is what decided to take kyat to their home overnight then drive the child to her all the trees will morning but before they could do that i just spoke with the missing girls mother this said besought the reports about chiapas thing and then drove her here to zero p is mutt station. faithful christian man says he that be painful for the world he and his wife played in the safe return >> : coming up to 515 more women are waiting to have children and the new average age art might surprise you. then we have magic johnson's response after disgrace clippers owner donald sterling made some more controversial comments about johnson being hiv- positive. then who's tougher men or women of true than just the instrument the by hold an answer. breaking news does so in california wild fires burning in san diego has all the evacuation of 20,000 people. or details ahead. >> : myad h atrl orfib.on, he h theost coon kd...'s nocaus by art lve oble d, isaysour af putyou at 5 tes gaterri of stro. that's w i te mywaarinver. but loo lik mae wehoul ask yo docr abouprada. in alinil trl, prada®dabitran etilatmesy. ...wasrove peri to rfar at reducg th ri of roke and unke wfari wit regar bod tts or dtaryestrtion hey thks f llinmy dtor. su. pradaxa notor pple wi artifici. dot st takg praxa withoutalkg to yo docr. stoppi incases yo risof so. ask your dtor you ne to a before sgeryr a dica denl predur pradaxa n cae seous,sotimefata . don't ke pdaxaf yo ve aormableeng or havhad hear vae reaced seek immedia medal ce fo expeed sns obleeng, likenusu bruing. pradaxmay crea ur bedinrisk ifou'r75 oolde have a bedincondionortoma ulc, take aspir, nsds, orloodh. ...oif y hav kiey pblem especiallyf yotakeceain di. tell your doors outall dicie pradaxa si effts incle ingestn, stomh pa, upse or rnin ifou osomee you ve h afi not usedy a artvalvprobm... ...askour ctor abt recing thriskf stke withrada. our this segment had the business airline what the human race where dad out to the show is about what approved for other not as true kron mother's day in china and 20 men wanted ago on local tv's the north to the pension and endured during child birth hit a good the machines that and then the matter bettman three seconds with that child the challenge consisted of tells a pain with an agony scale from 50 to 500 most of the guys could make it past 100. one fellow who is tough to out and hit the 500 mark said that he had with respect for its love for give birth to triplets. >> : still had a public right ended with dr. actor oddball when it in some serious legal trouble. then fold them into a heated competition we have you covered at the end start and finish line at dozens of cyclist to counsel the bay area's most >> : battng as cabe tgh.anfrusatin but no the's aetteway. introducinthe rst-er id denseyste it attacks theugs u se corols.theugsyou n't see... and even... keeng gs o. the ra defse stem. get e e bu. raid. lls gs dd. scjohnn. aamilcompy. so yso you can happily let the life get in the way,... while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel. banking for the life you have... investing for the life you want chase. so you can. more women are waiting longer to have children that's according to our new report from the national health this test statistic average age for first-time mothers rose from about 821 to age 26 in 2012 researchers also found greater for some births of 35 years and older has continued to rise. well first members for women younger than 30 has declined in the past decade. researchers say pros and cons to these birth trends. they say while older women are more likely to have higher income and generally more education they are health risks of hope associated with delayed childbearing. >> : what people heading to ocean beach detroit beat the heat this mutt temperatures were in the '80s that the coastline this afternoon. take a look at current conditions still at 86 degrees in san francisco and half moon bay definitely more comfortable 76 degrees when the coastlines low- skilled my degree readings 93 in concord in livermore sits in sunnyvale and san jose 93 also in san mateo 91 in redwood city 9 degrees in a richmond at this hour. he advisory is in effect going to be an effective tomorrow as well. all the areas highlighted the living except for the meat and = lead at ocean beach and services or included as an these '90s again tomorrow some triple digits and records are going to fall for sure out there tomorrow. we saw several records out there this afternoon as well cared record report coming up later in the hour. as a look ahead to tomorrow another scorcher in fact even warmer than today widespread '90s for the peninsula 92 in san francisco 94 in san mateo 96 in redwood city as long cosine even 90 degrees in daly city is bay shoreline also out in the '90s castro valley and 96 in san leandro 95 in fremont and land values and korean a seasonal as troubled as well one and all the creek hundred and pepper and jackson ramon won 02 out bread would pit and the south bay temperatures also in the very hot '90s troubled it is an evergreen and all went belly in morgan hill 977 is a 97 in mountain view appeared not any six's tenor of the all hundred and nappa 94 and center fell. things are going to start cooling down though as we head into thursday to the jurors a lot cooler a for inland valleys still on the warm side still nine to close of the coastline much more comfortable by thursday in the '70s were got talk more about the clown when to use silicon forecasting seven arab day coming up later in the hour. >> : it said five sit date day three of the toward california has finished start in san jose with a grueling 108 mi. race to the summit of mount tamil the not-up at a race >> : and later this week in southern california for a book on the two were at tonight in sports. glenn says the race itself to a store of course was the heat. temperature already in the '80s from the race started like this morning. >> : with the road had mostly apparel in temperature approaching triple digits long away with this and perhaps the most grueling stage and the tiller of california long first thursday ride. at least that many over the top my head race with all aspects of beckham mergers and every body cell present owner has an event that the advantage and he let history >> : fans could be seen reaching for their own water bottles. >> : of local option was a dip in the pool area by raging waters were admission is free for the day but the race accent and on the big screen. airline then there's this guy talking energy and water conservation for the state of california. >> : difference of course is where as the riders out there on the road and then the hot sun are depending on the support for the struggle is to be right there when their guide is now cool down. >> : potentially deadly virus is being tracked in the united states there are new developments in the case of meal east respiratory syndrome they include new warnings going out to bay area travelers there's an up caught the potentially deadly virus cc not putting up warnings 21 airport to cross the country including sfo this is to more possible cases are being monitored by the >> : poor the reason such concern about mars is no known vaccine even though health officials stress it's not big risk to the general public new warnings are going out to air travelers. cdc's posting them at 21 major u.s. airports care sfo the telling people traveling to the arabian peninsula to be aware of a new disease called mars and to waste no time getting to a doctor if the get sick within 14 days of traveling to the area. two cases of mergers have been confirmed in the u.s. the man in indiana and a man in florida. both are by health-care workers both have been in saudia arabia a hot spot for the virus. not disturbing news from this orlando hospital where two workers have been around for a patient this started showing flex and sums and being tested for 20 other hospital and medical center employees have not been told to stay home until it's clear there's and comes free. on the white house is watching carefully. it's simply of the nature that would be briefed the president and has been briefed the president >> : to get the virus has been brought by planes from saudi arabia a total of 152 people and our died there since birth was discovered in 2012. nearly 500 have been confirmed have contracted the virus there the cdc now intend to quickly containing the killer virus here in the west. roughly a third of the people who get immersed die from it just a few hours ago or came from saudi arabia that there's been another five deaths. now we need to know about millie's respiratory syndrome 30 percent of people who can attract the mother's virus do not survive. it's transmitted by having direct contact with infected person of the health-care workers treating sick people are most at risk symptoms include shortness of breath first and foremost evert as well as coughing and sometimes can appear anywhere from 5 to 14 days after exposure to light now see symptoms runaway health experts recommend, and hygiene practices like avoiding touching germans it's a wash hands and often cover your mouth and nose and sneezing half will continue to follow developments in the story trade >> : hasn't told you at the top of this newscast breaking news of selling california fast-moving wildfire burning in san diego's 20,000 homes being evacuated at this hour number of schools of bacteria and earlier this afternoon and continued fallout of all was there and bring you updates or news after the break. >> : heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you female announcer: when you see this truck, female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. i cried and a dollop ball went in police custody near simply say that evolved into writing is like the wrong way on fifth avenue is closer look at the various steps of the incident and why the double injured in and started arguing with officers in using profanity the three upstart issued one of disorderly conduct and one for writing is like the wrong way. ball and who once considered running for mayor of new york lettered twitter about the incidents in new york city as a missed manager of carvel stupidity. reminder to all your entertainment news on kron 4 insider starts before on with our tenants night at 730. >> : current conditions still really hot out there tomorrow lot of mind is on the bay area only the place where it's going going to become a comfortable half an bay is to get even hotter tomorrow when police to the temperatures of coming up. >> : the lesson our reporters dollar on the bay area defined people who are hotter than you wont defined people who are hotter than you wont missiles you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. breaking news tonight at 530 well fire burning right now in san diego 13 20,000 homes >> : getting information about this fire now at 700 a. at homes are uncertain sit in the northern part of the city's san diego's wild northern saudi cat to diego county at >> : firefighters there to control pot sponsor sen alwin's am really hot temperatures 92 in san diego right now fanning the flames right here and an evacuation center has been set up tarpaulins has called for people clip and told leave their homes 20,000 homes a max waited we just got some new pictures and orders her to see people losing done their property is trying to save their areas lot of smoke and the area be seen for miles in the san diego area. in southern cal 41 south of san diego and another and santa barbara north of the lead see some of the images appear on screen. flames there a lot of smoke as these to our schools and one ultra school evacuated a continued fall of the developments in southern california again the big wild fire near san diego this forced evacuation of 20,000 homes. >> : here in the bay area of their concerns as well because of heat wave. very hot out today. going to get even hotter small level look now on the bay area these pictures from san francisco san jose and from all our chief meteorologist here on the other says harold weather gets i object of course this can also be dangerous trade >> : finance other rather warm though right now is still in the '90s a lot of places a kentucky we did break over half a dozen records the official record report coming up in just a few minutes right now and the cosine definitely more comfortable still plenty tunes until clinton and an as yet to the '93 in san jose 91 in redwood city. did you ever seen fry's three in affects for today and tomorrow afternoon and mainly in the 80s and 90s or triple digits there tomorrow seabury's ferry we compare what affair there the lord is in effect because we did have that figure. not going anywhere as it had into thursday these zero improve it also very high 90s and triple digits around the bet area by thursday killing several degrees five dissenters for most locations did talk more but that coming up in just a bit. the hot weather are reporters hit the streets say in the heat to find people hotter than starting lineup at raging waters at this untimely for california state golden folks to synergy the right >> : men agreed upside redoing sinkholes of the suit >> : that's the latest year of the tour california along with smokey the bear >> : rain killing deficits to a sunset district where its uncharacteristically sunny and hot. i know i am breaking into a sweat beat but these guys are here or its signal traffic here. are even hotter than doing their best like taking water watter britain and you see this but guy behind me here house a special attachment on his hard hat by myself and drinking water to watter a plea to are staying hydrated >> : is really ought said are not taken the tile off from its total whole art fit kevin goes together in one of i am on my second of its coffee of the day. this is a nice profit you sweet " crude and how old trust weeks ago the zero justices agreed to moderate. >> : below cori tower in san francisco right now is 87 degrees and is hot out here cannot believe i'm still wearing this tie even see all these folks behind me are a lot smarter the wearing shorts and t-shirt and that's because it's absolutely gorgeous of your note was bid these guys behind me, and relate it about some bottled water are you guys thursday. another enough esteem of this enough. >> : is negotiating his party had planning to the back and side of it. help prevent skin cancer. of course i never wore it has been tough tucked away mccalls that until now it's been so hot as for you i'm going to wear this today and sure up and the only on-camera talent on the world wearing his hat i appear happy but is going to help issyk-kul. >> : amid a friend this is ratter five months old people poppy to piquancy is painting oyster and sickle on the top i i i hope you are enjoying this weather stickle. an unplanned and i shall clef recreation area where people having a good time in the water kids are all here believe sandcastles and they're off work at its offer because it is way too nice out here must not to be working right now. he is see all the hot weather south pictures on our website at kron 4 bit kron4-dot-com the + the pictures as well. >> : pitino fall short doesn't come under new fire today for tearing into one of the most admired figures on professional sports. >> : his man whose upset he's reaching. >> : magic johnson sticking highroad after sterling describes him as on fit role model for children. airline having just as he have >> : to be he do any business theory help but embodied myself all right. a kind of guy goes >> : commissioner alan silver calls that a malicious and personal attack and apologize on behalf of the nba. sterling's crisp critics >> : johnson himself says his of holding any grudges. that >> : mind-set of course but at the same time i'm not pro- forma hope things work out for him. >> : at it says is blown away by sterling's words and said that magic is sorry for sterling's ignorance. >> : a booming economy and tax revenue, governor brown wants to spend that money. and next how are watter plays a role in a political deal. airline p 500 for the for the first time ever today. but closed just shy of the milestone now reaching an all-time high. gained 20 points to 60,000 reaching an all-time high. gained 20 points to 60,000 by look at the c so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings... battng as cabe tgh.anfrusatin but no the's aetteway. introducinthe rst-er id denseyste it attacks theugs u se corols.theugsyou n't see... and even... keeng gs o. the ra defse stem. get e e bu. raid. lls gs dd. scjohnn. aamilcompy. thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. which really lean may be a function of when you are born. or not talking here but of birth but your your order produce any of the police as old as to any conservative of the village. the thought the eldest child is what was the lowest status quo. this comes out of another birth order study the the first one tends to respond appeared all we know for sure is that the firstborns to attend have more pictures taken of them. >> : wrecking a puzzling california fast-moving wildfire in san diego got the 700 a. 20,000 homes are being evacuated number of schools clara our earlier in the day care and will bring up this war news after the break. >> : bulldog: you don't need superpowers to help someone. sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to train service dogs for people with disabilities. i would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. i relied on people a lot. he helps me live a more independent life. bulldog: we need your help to do more. give at, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people and the noise coming from sacramento was out of money flowing into the state treasury california's booming economy has been sent business and it to the governor jerry brown laid out his plans for what to do with the windfall. >> : it's like hitting the jackpot and five months since governor brown releases pulmonary spending implant the state income has jumped by $1.3 billion trade the reason businesses are making more money hiring more people and paying higher salaries. the mes more tax revenue to the governor released a revised spending plan for the legislature gets ready to work out final budget next month more so the surplus would go up metical and save for the 1.4 million people signed up for state health coverage and the obama carol up here will cost the state $1.2 billion larger 83 million will pay for 2 percent pay hike for more state employees starting july 1st the governor also added a larger 42 million to sit down up fighting fund. is running for reelection right after releasing the budget proposal today to hit the road to a present a plan in san diego in >> : rent the truck and all but smart tv station has been arrested very strange this off with police lesson for more than five hours looking into the damaged the building on by the driver witnesses say before this happened the man had been any unsecured doors and yelling trying to get and planning to be god. the trucks aren't out to be stole from landscaping company no one hurt in the incident story states that it is clear the man has mental problems. >> : we had a mentally ill suspects who had commandeered it tv station and was watching news. the rust was i understand we have to use k-9 dogs as well officers injured the suspect in custody >> : that men been digging for a treatment not clear yet what charges might be filed against him. fremont parent fighting back frustrated of the school where her eight year-old daughter tends has not taken more aggressive action on incident involving her child in line the mother claims that the daughter was sexually harassed last classmate this morning to know about. >> : johnson returned to albany year-old boy at herschel country who claims she is this the other kids >> : they old daughter was sexually assaulted twice by the same boy in the span of 663 initially suspended now the character than she said that happened again last thursday she was the school to take the below for for everyone's safety the school district is not saying much about the incidents or what the plan to do. >> : that is my understanding yes. >> : parents will they handle it this say they're going true transfer some of school the other results of that meeting. talking about a year old children and a michael and to provide information about and make your old job. allied and thinking that they're hoping up and go away. airline record-breaking highs up there today affects 10 new records from the bay area since all the marketeers with asterisks and also sought to records the sfo can't you and you can see here is an francisco oakland downtown oakland as well as the air for port both sun records as well. concord live several up what many of their today's as well sunday: half moon bay for be even hotter is to move into tomorrow to just go on in the '90s for the most part still 93 in san jose and in concord as well as livermore and will remain a very mild up there tonight and tomorrow morning he divisor rains in affect for virtually a whole big area including seven cisco ocean beach the cemetery, and though not under this hit adviser because people do get this reason flames thursday afternoon. these '90s up there today triple digits tomorrow more records will fall again tomorrow. they will see more the always thought that tons a day and more records sent to moderate future test the low 60s to start the day very mild as you head out the door by noontime will see temperatures in the '90s practically bay area what will see more of those monies and to the 3:00 hour even some triple digits of their small after injury >> : look at the numbers up the coastline some relief from the heat of march 89 at ocean beach in half moon bay 85 and pacific a '90s down the peninsula include 92 incentives to 94 in san mateo. it's bay shoreline also running in the '90s 93 in richmond oakland tonight to hear word and five out in fremont. for inland valleys this is where receipts and was triple digits want to own and would won a one in walnut creek a hundred and san ramon and pleasanton same thing in livermore for the south bay will see temperatures and the upper 90s and enjoyable digits of hundred degrees and evergreen and old invalid. when morgan held 97 unsettles a 96 in non view and also in the '90s for the north part to north bay. where are expecting a hundred and up 198 cell 195 and petaluma 94 and mail ballot. it really how to marbleized thursday things are going to start to cool especially inside the break any the coastline not know what many still with him, including south bay. but cbs wins expected to back up as we head into thursday and really picks up as the head friday and weekend creasy temperatures really taking a nosedive in the weekend and to the substance to spread beckham and the dollar is back in the '60s and '70s. airline coming up >> : a segment not i did last year is causing changes in oakland pre story only see on kron 490 explain in the next addition of people behaving badly. tonight >> : twitter added a new feature that's pretty up there and surprised they did this state to that's coming up in the tech support line for over 60,000 california foster children, it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i don't need anything fancy. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside, i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. transfer added a new feature that lets you knew people thought and knowing it. mr. witt to ignore people in twitter >> : when and a situation where someone is talking to much you should do this. new this the basic idea behind twitters new feature. it's like a digital meat. many ideas run twitter is our tweets henry tweets longer be visible and a timeline. you'll be in the longer receive notifications from the user on your phone suwannee meal is still able the favorite retreat and reply to your tweets 41 calls to see but those modifications will show what and a time when either. in his a part of peace and her you decide to ignore will have no idea day of been muted. and of course any time you can on new someone. >> : and to the spinoff of the this certain sporting event this mutt ejector twitter feed everyone starting play- by-play of some big event ageism care about the sport. so they commit them. posted step-by-step instructions on how to be somebody on or web page. clinton kron4-dot-com for that tree >> : safelight call them before the department of public health and issued a warning. >> : clean up your store or part of it it's going to be shut down. airline story we have been covering from the beginning its 96 potential consequences facing this local grocery store and a wild fires are raging in san diego this on the fire fight that has 20,000 people from their homes. >> : it details coming in will idle for you next at 6:00. >> : idle for you next at 6:00. >>heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you tonight at 6:00 developing story a while fire roaring through san diego county has forced evacuation order for more than 20,000 homes. the dangerously high and dry conditions are on california are helping to fuel the fire. >> : the images shown the smoke and flames firefighter's hat here with a dramatic scene in southern california this fired just 5 percent contained 700 a. have burned in rounds northern san diego. to look exactly where this fire is burning this is just west of interstate 15 the homes threatened are the in the northern part of the city and in san diego county this is a fairbanks ranch area and you're familiar with 20,000 all the homes for evacuating the area appeared new images from the scene just in the newsroom as well in see the fire being fought for the air in the ground as well. santa ana winds that hot temperatures if there was some feeling this thing is try to degrees in san diego reporters on seen those a was have started to die down that is good news you see smoke visible from roadways some of which were close third from the office buildings as well. even though the girls have died down still digging up hot spots in some cases an evacuation center has been set up for all people to attend will believe a lot of nice sums he sees a malone their million-dollar homes in fire and the distance it there will continue to follow developments in and around san diego will bring you updates as we get them. >> : right now on the phone with us a representative from cal fire additional restaurant information can you hear us. >> : i'm sorry i've been given an employer identify yourself and let us know where exactly based >> : assaults person was caught fire on this out of sacramento and the so much for your time first also happening right now they're in san diego are now looking at right hundred acres with about 505 percent contained. none so the winds are distorted by down giving firefighters some relief on their trade dozens of hoping us that in northern california understand the area are talking about what kinds of area are talking of how many homes might be affected we understand 20,000 homes were evacuated >> : we have actually probably 20,000 people were looking at ned neighborhood of a 1800 + residences themselves. so clara large evacuation and clever process but precautionary there are no reports as of right now that we've had any homes or residences and businesses destroyed by any fire >> : is a dense residential area >> : it's a can of it is open parts of undeveloped areas but also getting and residential also appeared combination >> : where your concerns at this hour. >> : once i down hopes of a letup in one of the major areas of concern right now. >> : it areas of concern are practically again one do is what effect what was i don't want get to the fire now and get it stopped in its tracks trade >> : all the have a good opportunity the ones have been hampering all day and this is the best time for them to control the tree line 8200 residents some 20,000 peebles affected and at 8,800 a. at this time >> : a wildfire there's still burning only 5% contains >> : big deal and from coal-fired >> : back here in the bay area of course temperatures soaring he wave breaking record temperatures your people outside chance to beat the heat at the beach at some working under conditions that are really tough at this kind weather. let's take a lot look outside the air alert has been issued for one stalemate three spare their days in rome. officials expect on healthy air quality in their encouraging commuters to car pool or use public transportation to get around the bay area >> : you mentioned a record high we have 10 of them up there today at the ones not listed here on this map are sfo 92 degrees downtown oakland 93 and one of the 92 also on the record highs on the state. and suzanne francisco at 91 which is also in a record 90 in oakland and the airport 98 in hayward 93 unconquered 90 in richmond 89 in the layout will this is on and on right now still very warm on the bay area venues conquered in livermore also in san francisco. as a look ahead to tonight is a very mild. tar another hot day in fact more than today. several records being broken for thursday's the be-inland but woolsey cooling in the coastline and dramatically into the weekend. with all the numbers coming up in just a bit. >> : continuing to in coverage right now charles crawford leaven pleasanton up this evening. of course inland temperatures are especially hot today and on right now chow of regional recreation area here pleasanton which is us a great spot really nice beach water is great but the families here taking advantage of a nice weather. ticket some video as we head into the evening hours with a few more people trickling and folks getting off work coming down getting these but it after an hour to join the water right now about 90 degrees from pleasanton and in the '90s all afternoon and it's really nice here at the beach will be the speech and it really busy on weekends during the summer but today there's not too many people a lot of them are published work yoga does because it turns out after memorial day one follow-up to my part closes around 8:00 tonight but still really dies out here pre is the up as a little bit still very warm >> : we encourage you to check kron 4 kron4-dot-com for a list: centers all around the bay area also have tips on how you and your family can say safety in this heat wave. again that's kron4- dot-com bay area safeway keep your store clean or we will shut it down areas of the store that not. we first reported a high mileage is last week. then after safeway failed to correct many of the errors the public health department ordered the grocer to attend abatement hearing today. >> : as the story only see on kron 4 >> : after finding high risk of violations not once but twice in 15 date. its emphasis goes then i'd say the brochure was brought before the public health department director of environment calls tuesday to explain what town is that we do apologize for this we apologize that it took this long to get our attention but you have our attention airline violations at the store are anything but routine in fact they're high risk because they can lead to for food borne illnesses. >> : i saw has not clean and proper hand washing and improper glove used employees not properly watching hands. also observed the context surface is not cleaned and sanitized the also had improper a hot and cool to it: some interest in >> : all issues have been crop corrected and equipment for repair or replace employees have been retrained and proper food handling practices we have taken effective action on several employes or unable to understand the proper hand washing issues but a lot of retraining has been done >> : little perplexed here safely say that they do a one hour trading for each of their staff and there's oversight we continue to see these recurring violations that is a stop immediately to make sure sit in as good health apart and his business safeway has been put on notice. if we see that there are the same violations are occurring where and enclosing a shows the seven departments >> : department of public health is expected three inspects a flight and i nice sometime this week. again any violation come during that time or in the future could result in certain departments being shut down for 48 hours. >> : coming up a soldier awarded the highest honor who he claims the real heroes are. >> : plus special delivery how little girl help her mother welcome the new sibling and the world and a medical welcome the new sibling and the world and a medical breakthrough thehey there. did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. [din the ouoorsisseyou. get back o the wit ofdeepoods the longasti mositoprottionreest reunitwithhe greaoutdrs. off deepoods kes bu off scohns. fami comny so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings... surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. something straight out of science fiction and the soon be used to help amputees in the u.s. food drug will administration has approved ground-breaking biotic arms and is but in the battery powered prosthetic all nasdaq got is controlled by signals from the brain inspired by the prosthetic of the stores for a list of workers sued after losing his right hand and led to a good will >> : to dick armey and perform delicate tasks like sitting echo all looking at are the key driven handling and egg without breaking it fda says arm can be configured for people with lots of the shoulder joint up to mid up for our mid blower armed but it can't be there for somebody who's on one was amputated at the zero poorest. coming up racing had countdown is on for san francisco special bay to breakers race and changes that lead to know about coming to the races again. plus our heroes' homecoming the bay area's soldier returned home from afghanistan. >> : it said six families and cheer the return of national guard soldiers and oakland national airport this effort and a group of about 75 soldiers know back in the bay area after a one your deployment and afghanistan the soldiers are part of a three injured 49 quartermaster company which is based and less hope the and see all smiles and tears and hugs sources family and friends waiting anxiously about they say they're full motion said >> : ivan think ed meese owner risk i should see them again. some very more rigorous and excited a lot of nonstarter reston renault you can put one word on it. as every single one >> : static doubled my kids and a brother my wife the sum of soldiers or in the first time overturning one that the airport said it was the third deployment >> : of the obama awarded the medal of honor for more armored army sergeant carl white for historic actions in afghanistan white saved of fellow soldiers life in 2007 helped make sure the other wounded soldiers from the attack were safely evacuated he is the seventh living recipient of the top military award for his actions in afghanistan. assort piece of metal or on my wrists is given to me by another survivor of the battle of an ambush >> : here's an identical one this may be even more precious than the metal symbol just klystron my neck on it are the names of my six phone brothers they are my heroes and what's best friend on record quotron leavened from what creek electing and as far no one of the soldiers killed during that ambushed >> : we're less than five days away from rikers 2014 iconic race draws runners for all over the bay area sunday will mark the 130 it breakers' trade on today merilee in other city officials expressed excitement for this year's event in san francisco >> : some changes to this year's race this is. breaker's weekend >> : apparently this year's race will be family oriented but still reflect the city's at his >> : wrists for everybody all so there'll be people reflective of the computer is a san francisco of liver or neighborhoods people just what have fun. >> : but maybe not this kind of fun >> : lester the race had been tense moments please limit on alcohol police chief says this year they're ready >> : the promoters added 20% more on private security be bumped up our complement last year let being just weeks after the boston marathon situation so readily that place this series will begin one hour later added o'clock but with the same race rules as before. >> : so those include no alcohol no backpacks no will objects stop cell strows applied for as it floats >> : are gonna be fencing off the southern portion of elsewhere which has been a problem well be warm on race day running in the boss is still prohibited >> : all good-looking folks >> : as of getting to the race if providing shuttle service up the hill stayed the same at $2 or closures for for for rules code is website >> : this just in the newsroom and its progress fire is burning in looking at live aerial courtesy of hulk up their partnership with abc seven news jacqueline 96 degrees and has spurred the he is helping fuel a small grass fire fortunately the was less than 5 mi. aerial here is showing you the general vicinity half acre has burned so far long carter pass road in pittsburgh more on evacuation or homes friends or also fallen that large well fire in san diego will continue to up tables developing stories >> : record-breaking heat up their tent people tend to be the heat here in all mita of people flocking to watter out there today with from the water temperatures in the '90s up pretty much everywhere you went to new records up there today. mark the stars year at the screen. >> : some of the ones not listed on fuel and in downtown oakland also all set new records high temperatures >> : and norman's very warmup they're still in the '90s when the cosine 94 livermore 91 unconquered 92 in sunnyvale 89 san jose 90 in san mateo desolate more comfortable in the coastline 73 daly city 76 in half moon bay is ahead to tomorrow he adviser is in effect for almost the entire bay area except for the immediate coast ocean beach in san francisco are included in this after a high as in the '90s and trouble digits seabury's is gonna be pretty weak its moral and spur the air alert remains in effect >> : to a pitch up the door tomorrow morning indication of the heat to come 60s and low 70's to start today and as we head into the new our definitely a really hot up there with 91 of the '90s are all that red on the screen >> : through carter lined to look at the numbers starting in the coastline or neck as he watched relief from the heat 89 in ocean beach 19 daily city 87 half moon bay '90s down the peninsula as well in foreign cemetery for the eastern shore line publishes also be in the '90s 93 in richmond and oakland's 92 when hayward 95 in fremont and lime valleys heading the triple digits and a number of places including antioch pittsburgh won a one wont creek a hundred and pleasanton won 02 in redwood south they also sing a handful triple digit readings. hundred and evergreen 01 in morgan hill hundred also and all invalid. 97 in san jose 96 among view and in the north bay hitting a triple digits in napa and on the mark their 98 and 97 petaluma '94 and mill valley. it's gonna be really hot out there tomorrow but small be the warmest day by thursday our seabees when a pickup sold as much cooler conditions and the cosine still pop out around the country let cool conditions will also take over the weekend >> : series wednesday spreading throughout the bay area. fog included >> : 67 uses against >> : is not high plant a year old girl in florida got the see where these come from up close to allegis up deliver her own brother her mom went into labor but could not make it to the hospital. >> : to go this cluster the daughter was 8 years old in our home the mom getting ready for work this monday morning shoes in the bathroom and started going into labor two weeks early yells for the daughter to call 911 in 13 minutes after her eight year-old mccall before palmate medics arrived the big brother was ready to introduce himself to the world >> : is accomplishing restrain yet >> : my mind pushing restraining >> : yes >> : loads into the sea their border at 5 lbs. 10 oz the mom says the labor happened so fast as part of her daughter for st. so, and the moment >> : coming up a new and improved case out of the cruiser for the new batman vs. superman movie plots magic johnson fires back after koppers owner donald sterling broke his silence johnson's reaction to latest next >> : at ikea, we don't just design furniture. we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. magic johnson responding tonight two clippers owner donald sterling comes after sterling criticizing nba hall of famer among other things contracting hiv. johnson says he feels sorry for sterling's ignorance and more than a little heart >> : that johnson should of been included in your recission because of ever nothing to do with this >> : was as you put me in it again and then you want to try and disrespect me. >> : of the work done and my community >> : that really makes me upset of all the script work on all the kids were to worsen because of 750 kids in college scotia right now. >> : nba commissioner alan silver call starling's comment a malicious and personal attack and a commissioner apologize to johnson on behalf of the nba >> : still had a 630 we continue to check that all fire and burning in san diego county tonight is on the damage and the massive evacuation in order. plus sexual harassment claims of a school in fremont the actions of frustrated parent is taking on >> : ♪ ♪ thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. 20,000 people in and around san diego have been told leave their homes of 800 a. wildfire as it burns out of control tonight about 1800 homes have been evacuated in san diego area fire just 5 percent contained homes there and they're in the northern part of the city in northern said diego county this is the fairbanks ranch area. sen madeleines and hot temperatures are we not feel fire starting earlier sidelined cruise starting to make progress fighting this fire wednesday died down recently but expected to intensify and a matter of hours gusts expected in three to 67 m.p.h. is overnight and will contain the file this development dole felt the story >> : record-breaking temperatures stay and more expected tomorrow is the 10 records today is not to resort in the '90s practically bay area wide records marked with little stars here in three cities not listed the brokers' records december gnomon view in downtown oakland. as we look ahead to tomorrow be even warmer triple digits in that box antioch pleasanton and livermore copper '90s down in southfield to 97 and settled was this is a 99 in fremont on tons of the score 9287 half moon bay tree will be the coolest location up there tomorrow. warmest day will be tomorrow this is a pretty hot with a " sea breeze which is really picking up and thursday afternoon in even more so when friday it and the weekend. but that tumble temperatures will take back in the '60s and '70s with fog spread throughout the break area >> : here in pleasanton as it has been a very warm day on tuesday to pitchers have been in the '90s for most of the day. right now sitting at the chow of regional at a courageous or people are taking advantage of the warm weather at the beach also some of the water. kron is not as big as you would see a weekend at the beach but still pretty good crowd as we head into the evening hours and more people showing up taking advantage of the warm weather. >> : sears said jose out of the front and in the pool of hundreds of cycling fans to could vanish of offer free admission to raging waters as part of the tour of california as festivities after starting the race this this morning at many fans to watch the action all day on the big screen tvs for proof side here at the theme park which for now anyway is often on weekends >> : and san francisco now just days away from they breakers' 24 been forcing >> : the race at for a distortion beach happens sunday may 18th at 8:00 a.m.. hour later in years past solely officials say they will be stepped up security an open container laws will be strictly enforced and lead en route complaints please will be closing off portions of the park will also more public restrooms and present the rest in san francisco city crews are in installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of sunset and your boss as an air section that's proven deadly for pedestrians to cross to the people have been hit by vehicles there since february 1st of those accidents was fatal airlines 80 fast-track the product to get a traffic signal at this location the >> : it is expected to be completed in july eventually the city plans to signal at every intersection that already have one. fires press up this morning at her shot in fremont mother of a year-old girl whose she says sexually assaulted twice the spent six weeks in a year old boy >> : was suspended initially then she said as that happened again last thursday to lobby the boy is kicked out of school but the boy is still in school today the school district says it still evaluating the entire situation in the meantime the mother says she just once to warn the other parents about the possible danger >> : here at the center is as good a park in a public health the diamond heights safeway called in for a big the hearing because of numerous fibrous violations here at the store on two separate occasions syphilis says it's now corrected all those problems which could cause health out hazards trip pot of public health says they will go back and respect to any violations are found again some departments can be shut down for 48 hours. >> : another big story here in oakland young girl was reported missing has been found now police say of many unanswered questions >> : as to what really happened to the young girl this is a seven year-old key on her mom reported her missing on monday night >> : the mom believes that someone went through the backyard and took her daughter to this date >> : police say that a church member from the girl wandering about and called authorities when they saw news reports the police hope the throw in rio will ask help sort things out >> : the church were seven year- old little girl found sanctuary after being reported missing are on a p.m. monday night she told us for story and we justin know what to do what to make of it >> : so it went or pastor and consulted with him >> : after seeing the reports of seven year-old key up our missing the couple took the child went to the oakland police department >> : after being close to the public for almost eight months severances gore, tower will reopen tomorrow city will celebrate the event was are ribbon cutting ceremony at 11:00 in the morning recreational parks department says $1.7 million renovation including placing the roof repainting and restoring the beautiful murals inside the white column on telegraph hill has been beloved differences go when mark since 1933 offering 360 degree views of the city and the beyond its >> : budget for national cycling event in the country continued to the bay area to sunday three of that tour of california started in san jose: 1080 race is the third stop in at a day to work of california which will wrap up in southern california on sunday among those on the route students from all mutt not all mergers: livermore should on the cyclist competing in the to realign students enjoyed or extended recess this afternoon adding as a spur to pass the school the cyclist cycled through over more on a ton mile climb to a peak of mount diablo. there are will have highlights of the third day of the two were coming up later in sports >> : also coming up tonight be cut back after black and his new role as batman >> : got a cheesy as the that you can get tickets to the bay area concert and i have a second chance airline details after the break in so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings... polio buff batman director of the latest bad and film showed off this twitter picture shot a first image of actor ben affleck as the dark night with the bat mobile by his side. the film by director seth as a sequel planned to man of steel and oil to the first-time batman and superman will be a big screen together a movie scheduled to hit theaters in may of 2016 >> : because it is he added a second concert date at their at&t parked a venue for august tickets for the first show on august 5th was held may 1st often not a few expensive tickets to a state-chartered and sold according to live nation couple will add another date for august tickets for the second concert a wholesale friday at 11:00 a.m. >> : a reminder you can all of the entertainment news up here on the insider says the seven followed by entertainment tonight at 730 >> : and sports michael sam formally introduced today by his new nfl team and the lawyers apparently by one headed coach can it reported be black and to the original first choice at all story in sports next in line heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you good evening everyone warriors search for new head coach reportedly with a warriors on their way to oklahoma city to talk to steve kerr goes broadcasting clipper o'casey game tonight kirk every reporter art said supporting finishing touches on a deal to become the coach of the new york knicks are in for so coach phil jackson but it is have since moved ahead with no sign a deal where is going to make one last chance to give the guy $30 million this ever coached before in the nba. one reason warriors likely to that flight is the guy they had eyes pointed toward staten gundy is set to become the new president of basketball operations and head coach for the this right pistons' no. art of pan am's old how to on 35 million and main thing as if he would be in charge of making all of the off court moves something that chow income has shown you the microsoft and a list pam got a solution you ready >> : right here on kron for your i respect that he or she this said promote the concert you know to a shows no added correct >> : without having to show >> : clean news dish anyway the deal is bring back mark jackson and say i made a mistake >> : what billionaire has said you know something act a little hastily and then bring him beckham sorry the fans love him. anyway this goes on and they're really feel they need this bill to like my model was don't kill someone you know should guy alicea has replaced and ready to lead as reported earlier in the broadcast magic johnson on cnn tonight responding to donald sterling's comments about him. >> : he's a man who's up said he's reaching. he's trying to find something he can grab onto the help him save his team does not happen even if i see of him today and say hello to him and his life as well the land and our guy who hold scourges all that. yes all-out some of course but at the same time i'm a guy thing that underperform and hope things work out for him. >> : bottom-line starlings, cullis speak for themselves. you might this with magic johnson pick on any one else will settle pick on 10 people but you don't mess with magic johnson in sterling almost through all the players union not nba players will the of this to say when asked of the players will boycott of they even the clippers at the beginning next season >> : we talked about it he's not planning and sterling is still an owner >> : that's the ends sterling's got >> : off that's a pretty heavy- duty >> : clearest stand to take the lead the players are following up on less than sterling right on the ropes and less like up the ailerons up playing than the bill do something we like to seize on what floor action on a i taking canned of vicky's thing is they're talking all the subtlest of its initial ambiance and on the elevator and said added another show >> : all like to just keep this in our highlights to let your this force structure >> : chooses to this is also interested in which it just wrapped up >> : john wall pam john wall are going inside the reactor read us to let you read us watch john wall at 27 >> : and grew taut >> : i don't all have one either. as for letting 31 points and 15 rebounds indiana still lead three games wizard's stay alive wont to 79 was talked about seventh round draft choice in nfl history say wholesale louis today here is michael sam. your story by now offers zero being openly gay player to be drafted by nfl team to 249th player taken overall sam talked about being first and foremost the best player he can be. >> : and determines to make this team and every confidence in myself that will make this team when i do make it and when i put my pads on the summit also say something that you see 96 running up a field of making a really big plays >> : as a kit before you are weather day straight black or white it's ok to be comfortable in your skin >> : is what this guy's very impressive talking the presence all that makes you wonder if some of the old boy it thinking it was the offensive player of the year as conference and yet he goes to #target 49 " fully and up being fought hopefully he can play >> : the can play all this stuff is just talk but to comply with a great story >> : is on-site ourself pictures with all people out there that are high and nassau more rain on soccer and i saw dan falwell and the dagger and even got a bottom line is if you can't report you can't be caught yet the report and also in line us again career again this is really good as a series reporter we surprised and then i think is the all more the participate dan locate people on bicycles year-ago hundred and 8 mi. from san jose to the top of mount diablo as between clinton and then all black ribbons to 3com's 2012 ford of water still maintaining the yellow jersey jury go broke on dennis of australia to really petals well wigan's rotating wheel loaders and 24 second lead to what stage for goes on course to male to kim rio will rip kron for ports in a hot in here that a moment >> : however child selling best wall across wherever and on the and the rebel bomb showed they will run it if it selected my kid got a munson and i >> : will see you again at 8:00 kevin nice night >> : jay-z and the "insider" with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> i'm protective of my sister. i have been known to snap off. >> mr. and mrs. carter put up a united front. >> could drugs have fuelled the family fight. >> plus, this trip to kelly rowland's secret wetting. >> alex baldwin handcuffed in new york. >> and inside george clooney's private karaoke party. >> magic johnson has aids. >> sterling versus johnson round two. >> there is too many enablers around. >> this is a group of people with no discernible talent. >> what are they good at? nothing. >> now the latest celebrity news delivers to you. >> this has to be hip hop's most viral beef of all time. was queen b caught in the middle? >> i'm kevin frazier. >> i'm thea andrews. this seemingly random act of violence shocked people when they saw music's royal family as almost perfect. we found that the infighting really should not come as a surprise. >> i have been known to smap off a little bit. >> that is surveillance video of an incident in an elevator. >> it's the knockout braul


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140618

fires in this area the same area on that they dealt with fires up this afternoon the fact is right now no homes damaged no one was hurt. all these fires contained. matt now here showing where the but fires burning done in canyon park west of highway 13 along park boulevard. steep terrain into the canyon at making reaching some of those fires not that much more challenging. and any fires and the oakland hills bring back some very bad memories tragic day in bay area history. october 20th its 1991 a fire started ended up killing 25 people burning nearly 4000 homes. the blaze that took three days to put out and all the today's fires much smaller quickly contained people who live in the area and no. 91 are certainly scared >> : i saw smoke and flames helicopters we call the police addis scared a look like it was going to travel down i did not know about the fuss was supposed my house. at the daughter resent dedicatee grabs supplies and we headed out. . >> : it seems to be under control right now >> : oakland hills fire detroit destroyed one home every 11 seconds gusty winds 9 degree temperatures helped for the flames to more than 1,500 a. and was one of the biggest fires in u.s. history with an economic loss estimated at $1.5 billion >> : remember that fire well open oakland hills today let's check out dry weather are on the bay area >> : wind and dryness it was warmer today as well fortunately the winds and oakland hills of decency is not all that great. and under stalin are. wind gusts and other parts of the bay area however still seeing gusty conditions and the 20 mi. an hour range for the most part. oakland same wind gusts up to 16 mi. an hour down at their port 23 on argos in golden gate 22 in livermore 20 in san jose and speaking of the shrine as listed correlates of look at the committee. dry in fairfield antioch in the teens. when the sun below 30% for the dry. you can see it's not too bad are on oakland. as we look at current conditions we are in the '70s and '80s this afternoon it is warmer but the good news as the winds are expected to die down. more on the warmer weather coming up in a bit first another stark reminder that we are in the drought. the see the people walking the bottom all but dry was a reservoir in the south bay. the fast disappearing as wars indicator of where is also likening happening below the surface >> : see images illustrating the impact and the south bay near gilroy it now 10% of capacity. just barrault's resort at 5 percent fall in the percolation pond behind the senate clara valley water restrict on allman and express what it completely dry for the first time in 30 years >> : the projections were those resorts will go to the summer. some will likely go drug. it's been years since so many of the old rose and landmarks on the reservoir bombs were exposed like this. clairaut anderson other reservoirs are still getting a trickle of imported water they too are well below their seasonal average. what does the all maine. in the south county groundwater is 100¢ of the water supply the import to put in the ground. imported water supplies also very minimal this year we are seeing impact on how much water we will be able to put in the ground water system. groundwater reserves are said to be enough the void any mandatory water restrictions for the immediate future but conservation efforts falling short. the dry lake beds are the plug commerical my no warning of sorts the until starts raining again that's all there is. seeing is believing >> : if we do not really a double up efforts to reduce water use will see groundwater supply decrease as well. initially into the groundwater supply diminishing but over zora's help store and impact of people if we do not save water we need to right now our ground water will be diminishing as well. diminishing winds topping firefighters contain a wildfire near bakersfield at this point fire is not spreading. 75 percent of the blaze. has charged more than square 5 mi. and brushed, irwin's today have allowed firefighters to make significant process progress. >> : the the attack that killed american ambassador in libri the years ago the suspect on his way to the u.s. tonight to be tried as a terrorist >> : is important to us to send a message to the world that americans are infected medical long it takes a we will find those responsible and bring them to justice proceedings from three others died when armed men attacked the u.s. consulate in bengali is set on fire. the original indictment last year made a tall ladder of the attack washington post says tucson was confirming this facebook picture. he was living openly and the nausea telling u.s. special forces teams arrested him on sunday reportedly being interrogated aboard american warship before being turned over to the fbi. >> : that attack hit close to home. and bass are killed chris stevens he grew up in a spate of piedmont high school uc-berkeley the hastings what school library dedicated as ambassador chris stevens memorial library stevens and the three other americans killed in the incentives very is become a political issue and then secretary of state hillary clinton and other government officials rolled on capitol hill last year republican senator ron johnson and clinton had a protector of the heated exchange >> : with a bit of the fact is we had four dead americans. because of protests or guys out for what one night and decided they would kill some americans. what difference does point does it make. our job to figure out what happened and do everything can to run from ever happening again >> : today she said she's very pleased about the rest but added she still looking for answers because such confusing difficult time 52 year-old chris stevens the first u.s. ambassador killed while on duty in more than 30 years >> : president obama calling congressional leaders tomorrow to discuss turmoil and iraq the meeting comes as a like milton's known as isis continue toward baghdad. latest target queue the and marcus market supply food but some prices doubled in recent days hundreds of american special forces arriving to defend the huge u.s. embassy complex these images for mozos show the second largest city patrol by black satin surgeons streets lined with direct armored vehicles and are in army trucks >> : at an ominous iraqi colonel told cnn has unit alone left behind 25 humvees 80 other vehicles and trucks tend sniper rifles and one see rocket launchers the insurgents posted images of damage captured army equipment tension is rising in both baghdad and washington. if baghdad falls into a government falls disaster awaits us a monumental proportions >> : to are the house that a meeting and added four top leaders on capitol hill majority leader and minority leader from the senate on a sticker john banham minority leader nancy pelosi from house coming up at 515 controversy old surrealist lead in the east bay is a necessary to catch crooks or go too far 53001 sexually assaulted in the state. what we know about the tucker still on a loose and next to hold the salt pepper in in some guidelines for food makers >> : oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh i knew i forgot something... i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. takes two seconds, better safe than sorry right? yeah who knows if we'll even get service on the islands? what! no service? seriously? no electricity, we're going to make our own candles, we're going to churn our own butter. oh, we lost one. can't leave a bag unattended. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more visit and is holding cell fda at assuring that line testing food industry a lower sodium levels the guidelines voluntary an effort to prevent thousands of deaths a year from heart disease and stroke. american needs about to spend half assault a day a third more salt and the government recommends for good health was the sodium and hidden in processed food and mr. mills will be right back >> : good morning nelly! woah. hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. ♪ hey! must be the honey! wirethey're big. fast. andome. dependable. and at net10 wireless, we let you tweet, text, talk and surf... on those amazing nationwide networks... without getting locked into a pricey phone contract. america's best 4g lte networks for half the cost. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data starts at just $40 a month. and now android smartphones start at under 50. net10 wireless. heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. hours away from us to build plants in fremont. to some kirk's it might be an invasion of prophecy privacy. >> : of the vote will be taking place tonight >> : police department asking city council meeting happening here behind me death spending to thousand dollars on this to those in on this program >> : three months in central on a light post. the plan now for police department to ask for 126 cameras was effacing on rents heading out of the city because police department tells me with a majority of major crimes committed by people from on of town also for running cameras taken a crime hot spots in large public events force some people believe this is an invasion of privacy a police department calls the camera's an important crime- fighting tool >> : we don't levenson monitor not adding personnel to supply computer screens and monitored 247 were looking at the video is a tool after crime but occurred >> : the recording on a secure server at the fremont police department for 30 days the only saved for longer than 30 days if it is evidence at crime and a license plate the reader data will be stored for one year but can be made available to other law enforcement agencies. the city of fremont team up with homeowners to be able to use the private security camera video to help them combat crime but this is the police department asking for their own set of chemicals that meeting cents to 7:00 tonight and i will be there live report for you on the news at 8 >> : 2 but demonstrators trying to persuade the roman catholic archbishop of san francisco and to attend upcoming march for marriage that had a tough time getting it at the match mrs. across this morning >> : that's because the doors of the archdiocese were locked the trend hand over their petition of nearly 30,000 signatures asking him to not speak at their sterile and washington d.c. the group of catholics others with its leaders and all the bt committee members ended up passing the papers to the gaf and the got a glass or some of the sponsors target these archbishop is sending the wrong message by attending >> : a affects of him giving his presence at such a senior member of hierarchy send a very bad signal to americans confused about this issue. physicians eventually gathered for a spokesperson for large classes attended a meeting with one of the petition organizers said the door all is lost for unannounced protests archbishop has stated in an earlier open letter that he believes the rally to be pro marriage and not anti-gay. san fransico flag so bring pride month. milan >> : still resent others in disguise when street when speedboats in the teens. since then and modest amount of are in the vallejo 14 eleanor winds in oakland's. when dust getting stronger than that and 20 mi. an hour range for the most part. 23 and i'll smile on our over the bridge is 20 also and redwood city. temperatures have been warmer alter said back in the '80s and a number of places 83 right now and antioch a one to several is up 84 all in fairfield 80 degrees down in sunnyvale even in san francisco and 70 degrees. as we had to tonight and very few clouds in fact we will see mainly from mainly out there tonight it will still be breezy overnight through the 6:00 hour tomorrow morning wednesday we will see more sunshine and less land. also warmer when we have more widespread a degree readings will start to cool down/look at the numbers down in south it's more more widespread 85 and santa clara a 6 nominal value and in los gatos 8 to impasto and it redwood city for inland valleys we will be in the '80s as well in fact nearing 90 for most locations 87 concord 89 and antioch in livermore same thing in wont creek inside the bay will be in the 775 and hayward 76 and san leandro at the coastline will it with a coastline a little more than was also near 70 motion beach daily city 72 in downtown san francisco widespread '80s for the no. 83 in petaluma 84 and center fell to look at extended forecast tomorrow less land warmer conditions. bills and one said thursday it sold local or than tomorrow critically trend continues into the weekend fogged becomes more pronounced >> : to people lost lives at twin tornadoes ripped through an at nebraska among the dead a five-year old girl. more than a dozen others and hospital one town nearly wiped off the map >> : images are menacing. two tornados ripping through northeast nebraska with a path of destruction in the wake >> : first-time asat to toreros like that the violence on a sandstorm. some of the see multiple and $1.10 than weaker ones. it seemed like forever it was only a couple minutes and coming down on top loss but the " the close of the other wonderfully. or set a small town of polder an hour outside of omaha. officials still assessing the damage by estimating nearly three-quarters of the town is gone the house on opposite side of the block that oregon. the sister's house is gone as well. >> : the damage spread across four towns. nebraska governor's their emergency putting national guard on standby now residential is have to pick up what's left of their town and >> : it's going to sit while the rebuilds. there will find on the grass that it's the doors think he's ever seen >> : tough questions for dr. ross led the popular tv host being grilled by lawmakers then 20 years later look what are you up to? just playing hide the cheddar. can i play? it's more of a one person kind of game. i won. tillamook cheese slices, tastes better because it's made better. was of the doctor of strong capitol hill is clearing his name after company claims he endorsed the appear green coffee guy plante he says he did not endorse the product part of the senate committee hearing on false promises from oil lost five straight across denied telling zeppelin's the of the canadiens in a bind. do believe there's a miracle club there. is not appear to level the long term was weighed in with the bus left the thought that an exercise >> : to relieve his magic with a loss to stop there. the sons and his magical know if you're doing a deal like magic if you stop eating carbohydrates and was annoyed as a truthful statement. maybe not the word magic. most people loot it could of cars was light. during coffee capitalize on the green coffee bean diet that of this weight-loss claims fecit news site to market supplement care company allegedly began selling products weeks after green coffee promoted on the selling products weeks after for over 60,000 californiahe foster children, it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i don't need anything fancy. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside, i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. the men who followed a woman sexually assaulted her and not tell parking lot to the eye and the police resilience and disruption in the nick but his writing on one report once and says the latest assault has money worries. walking along here in berkeley all sudden she noticed a man on a bicycle staring at her as she passed this car wash this cut touches car wash on toward the center parking lot when she says the man on a bicycle approach her. gunter by grabbing her chest. she all and fled the parking lot than notifying campus police to launch a search but they did not find anyone. this is what she's saying about the suspect he was hispanic and 20s 57 might be built had a full beard >> : block a researcher on and writing a new looking at black fixed your bicycle. the straight horn handlebar the end is going up >> : campus alert and dustin says which the offense will alarm and others. long- distance live in apartments into a parking lot for my window so it's very dangerous and that's kempis' affiliated alatas else going on do feel safe >> : i know feels the state feels it on campus recently elide it will continue their investigation also said the victim not affiliated with it with the campus >> : california of a committee met to discuss audrey's long this morning did not vote on the bill and arctic gas and the senate not getting the same support in the assembly if pass audrey's law will bring stricter penalties for sexual assault and cyber bullying orders mother sheila urging the state assembly public safety depends on resolving she hanged herself when she was tortured despair after assault sexually assaulted by three teen boys at a party in the assembly vote a specific place next tuesday. car crash in atherton people without power this morning crash happened senior ridgewood avenue and they rode the car had crashed into a power pole knocking out power for the area of several hours to adults one shell in the car at the time of the accident no injuries reported >> : the ferry from vallejo of the differences go back up and running today people who work usually ride it did not know for sure until they pulled up to the dock is morning series down with mechanical problems yesterday. genet the sentences coach and a good boss is making it a 60 minute commute whole lot longer. >> : 45 in l.a. gear remember where you were when that happened moments today marks 20 years since that followed the white ford bronco and you see the scene right there this was days after simpson's ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ronald goldman found stabbed to death and the burn kron no charged with murder the criminal trial of follow the rest argue the first reality tv show america october of 1995 and was acquitted in the trial of the century hundred 50 million people watching the verdict for phrases like the glove does not fit you must declare engine and many mines he is found guilty of civil trials right now serving a 33 year sentence in connection with loss vegas robbery case >> : illustrates * save the baby crawling along a highway. hailing a the zeroth listing the 51 year-old girl my pearl has the story >> : rhinestones medicines county when the value of choosing the right path. but this past friday he thought on the side of the road chance to save a life. there's a bigger rate here in the highway almost >> : 15 months year-old crawls through the woods 300 yds from home. emergency crews arrived. and there is in the child's father timothy pickens likely arrest the child's mother as well and brian collins stayed with the baby for two hours so on and start crying and i turned my phone on what the baby listen to gospel music should come back down. on this day he is a hero pecans could never save the life of this baby is dead not long ago save his own >> : and its 10 years and federal institution for manufacturing cocaine. rosin resin i decided i can't come home with a tin prison. his been free clean for five years at his new job as an auto repairmen that he found himself year on a set of the road a baby's life in his hands. >> : coming up to 545 big world cup matches including mexico executive sports producer and jason standing by with what you need to know and next year research shows sunning connection between setting and a certain type of cancer >> : bulldog: you don't need superpowers to help someone. sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to train service dogs for people with disabilities. i would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. i relied on people a lot. he helps me live a more independent life. bulldog: but this drive is ending soon. give at, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people baand ustring.ough but w, tre's betr wa introducinthe rst-er raidefen sysm. it attacks theugs u se ntro theugsyou n't e... d prents. keeng bs out. the id defen sysm... get e e bu. ra. kis bu dea schnso a fily mpan is into line increases chance of cancer in a study of man's cancer institute researchers analyzed 43 existing studies to measure if ship and between sitting cancer each additional two hours of sun/maritime increase of different cancer risks those include: kantor breach of cancer and lung. secondly because watching tv often accompanied by eating junk food to mexico to numbers old world cup dealing party on a non san jose now offer to a world cup results and what's next the assets executive sports producer jerry so delightful >> : filling to one when the u.s. senate took 4 hour flight from the tall back to world cup headquarters lighting in the morning at around 3:00 a.m.. portugal the sunday at the time it assure them of the dancing to the next round the big story surrounds star player off the court a strained left hamstring trying to chase down a ball yesterday almost certainly missing the portugal match with a year in clansmen hopeful about all to door will be back at some point this world cup meantime did indeed break his nose after being kicked in the face here but stayed in the game he will be ready to go sunday although he says he may wear a mask. of course get to get things wrong with for the essence of this legal after 34 seconds into the game. as for today's action the marquee matchup brazil vs. mexico in kobe bryant big enough for him to fly over their. watching the match and watching mexican goalkeeper dear the star of the game 6 on to any more. as he battled to a zero the tide. each to go quite both the top group is now with four points each >> : to other results korea and russia played 11 brawl in russia be algeria to one theory was much more on the world cup and vernon davis pulled out from the niners an hour from now 645 right now as good to iran with some of the world cup fans fever. in the non sports fans and getting in the spirit every four years as a patriotic thing rescued to send us your pictures sharing and a team who may ever the be this send this in portugal this a home team foreshore and then at this fan at meth you the guy on the left traveled to brazil from santa rosa closer to home kids getting in this spirit we like to see some of your pictures and send anonymous and john facebook or e-mail loss of kron4-dot- com >> : to joggers a cataclysm counter with a black bear that all the men for four minutes along the way the hikers start shouting at their even pick up rocks could defend themselves likely they were able to run to their car and got away unharmed. all the experts say the pair did the right thing by not panicking running is >> : james but it will charcot fishing so he just and in the watter grabbed from the giants then the 30 ft. shark and give to his passengers arrive for 20 minutes he was not scared to in the ride: the chart was one of the docile animals he ever came across >> : this is expected anywhere from 05 to 15 degrees warmer and then what was i a stay in the '70s and '80s and bay area wide only in the '60s at the media cosign in downtown san francisco 83 antioch 84 in fairfield and a net of 80 in sunnyvale and and pleasanton 81 and center fell. as a tick a change in the past 24 hours to the cheers up everywhere except for half moon bay no change there of 10 degrees in pleasanton livermore in sunnyvale the 14 degrees warmer in redwood city 13 degrees warmer and san mateo. as a take live right now and around town but tons of this as i discussed the breezy out there when gus running in the teens and 20s on our range. it is a breezy overnight the got winds died down though but tomorrow morning by the afternoon it will be sunny, and warmer. the thursday into the weekend things will start to cool slightly.but the future test heading into tomorrow we will see temperatures warming along quickly more quickly than today. three caught our 90s on the screen creeping toward the bay area. putting up the numbers of the coastline it will be a tad warmer than today 6 is coesite 72 san fransico 83 in san mateo and redwood city 82 degrees in the east bay shoreline we will see tempters allegedly bludgeoned '70s a young castro valley upper 80s the two inland valleys nearing 90 for most locations ashley 9 degrees and cerone briefly 92 and burned wood down the south bay we'll see temperatures in the '80s for the most part 87 and ordered held evergreen 83 in san jose 84 in sunnyvale and cupertino and finally the north but also largely in the '80s 85 and santa rosa 84 in his nfl '86 and nappa up. will quickly get forecast. for warmer as we head into thursday friday the weaken temperatures will start to cool slightly at the fog returns the bay area. one more is added to inflation. prices climbing certainly seeing that with this person does a quick primer since prices things you might consume typically food gasoline last 12 month's cpi up 2.1% hopefully wages are up to point to 1 percent more we can keep up the prices of inflation airline affairs of over your pretty big jump and we only have so much money to spend on economy once ensconced on as consumer prices you want them to be not too hot not 5 percent a month to: 1% where there's a threat of deflationary much as just as bad as inflation. these numbers irreducible and could find for comment. you are right with trendy says is " one of the largest installer solar panels on the commercial real estate as a shows genetic and get them done and basically half the savings back to source city for 20 years with the ambitious project on such as soil particles less than drug trustee from coal sector gastric picking up another company to help him make some breakthroughs in the future with solar installations >> : mr. prussic starter across a funding source. one of the coolest things i've heard of. this guy exists year dollar roof of a plot so kickstart a campaign $50,000 yielded to 30,000 physical to set up a drone of the camera off following you around. say your stream of beer the price rose one ankle this will show you this 400 speed study a shows for inside backside in there in as falling your around pretty awesome because applications not just for extreme sports. give a question that was up this book fan page rule short here. >> : in the next addition of people behaving badly >> : dog or anyone says socially a campaign put on by a consumer watchdog heavy hitter and consumer advocacy. in on-line campaign against big health insurance companies and it's working states soon. did you remember to pay the dog sitter? yeah, citi mobile. and deposit that check? citi mobile. pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. local of this online movement showing all with assistance in this on the twitter feed you might soon of the insurance company social be counted on by a consumer watchdog heavy hitter in consumer advocacy that they when thunderbolt announcing on health insurance companies upset asks people to finish the sentence and sure of others weather have a problem with health insurance. cobb was the consumer watchdog over a little chat. their base and ally. it started because one of my colleagues looking around for faced a pages of health insurance companies all you find compliance with the order if we can take those complaints and on the health insurance companies own pages on consumers being angry and commonplace so we can aggregate that anger and shattered is something of that. the lock contention people who really infuriated that the doctors and hospitals are not in the network of the health insurance co. of their health insurance companies denying benefits of the promise them. we will find a place that people sound off. not just on board there will come through all the complaints and look for similarities and research the companies for change >> : and then of people get scared and we believe that health insurance company tag and aside can be that to help launch cultigens companies said it is kind of thing could be hard to turn into any real action a major reform. i do think it's telling at the climate time our country and of people unhappy with the assurance that on-line campaign like this could exist >> : it does and taking off >> : you see them on the street see by the study that says food truck might be safer than going out to a restaurant and a military back to the bay area hustle surprises >> : 6 the bigger deal then with love and honor. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, sweet and juicy prima peaches are just $.99 a pound. tender rancher's reserve ribeye steak is only $6.99 a pound. and arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. brush fires in oakland hills is afternoon flames contained of firefighters and man on the scene this evening there's a clear part bull art sick and dying canyon park. shortly before this afternoon. live in oakland tonight with the latest. fire chief she tells me she believes someone is to blame the sitting all these fires today all five of those but the good news right now all five have been contained crusoe are still on the scene directly behind me. i do want to go to some video it was quite a scene out here this afternoon smog billowing up in the erica video from helicopter partnership with abc seven news when firefighters arrived it was not just the smoke the flames for also shooting 30 ft. up in the air civilly in the creek and canyon area but not a area that burns in the area that burn years ago on a loss homes nearby fire crews cannot these and work to put them out as quickly as we could. two hours to get out. those living here were concerned. >> : cutting down and i saw but this mutt to drive down over here because my brother lives a quarter mile away. i saw the fire coming up the canyon fire trucks arrived five minutes thereafter and assault helicopters, and make the drop. conceit helicopters in this video circling these fires to make sure they had a good idea of where these fires were and trying to contain them. as quickly as possible. and just two hours. that fire in side this area last friday they don't know if those are related to today's. to and santa clara battle against us now virus still on the streets again crews fought in from this year's and this is a san jose campbell. bargains are so low o'clock and lasting for several hours was now carrying mosquito can carry the virus to humans. second time in two months areas and jose and campbell have been farmed for those insects. the death of two women found on mount palatines were not at this on the first woman of no park died of exposure in hyperthermia. they say it gun kautsky unfamiliar with the trail and not prepared to send up a long time onside. the second one any woman she died when she fell off the trail and hit her head corner says sanders had a blood alcohol level of 2012. doctors meant a call center will soon be able to stay open after all. for one at the meeting this morning to approve the is it will loan for them. giving it extra time to create a viable cost business plans without that the hospital to close this summer this comes the latest of a tax measure that would save the hospital but rejected by voters earlier this month. the mission nearly 30,000 signatures delivered to the roman catholic archbishop of san francisco the group trying to persuade the church leader not to attend the march on marriage in washington d.c. on thursday there were there to demonstrators as trendy at the point across >> : the doors of the archdiocese is locked to the group of catholics leaders from other faiths and activists trying to deliver their petition. the stack effect with broad country trying to keep san francisco archbishop caledonian for attending the march for marriage. critics say some of those sponsoring the rally are hate groups. target gays and lesbians. the march in this rally at is not here allies against of ddt people and families and the demonstrators last delivering good tuesday's event hoping archbishop appears that message >> : chemical people really look up to their leaders and leaders matter it. as archbishop for state and among to stand on the side of love that would make a big impact. archbishop of the main backers across an open letter to his critics they believe the rally as for marriage not anti-gay. stance reiterated by is spokesperson. we feel that there was at any moment i came trent and the target of any particular group that all in our country that the archbishop will not be present. she explained their doors locked for any unannounced protests eventually the petitions themselves gathered up spokesperson then sat down with what the protesters away from camel. face sentences go merrily raise the flag to kick off pride month in the city this year marks the 43rd anniversary and celebration parade june sunday the 29th. the parade will start at 1030 in the morning market bill street. this year's theme color the world was pride. the city council on the installation of public surveillance cameras and the city free of lease will meet the city council at 7:00 tonight to ask for the into thousand dollars in city funds to install as many as 12 surveillance cameras and license plate readers on public close. but critics say this is an invasion of privacy to refine many residents in support of the proposal. there is lot of robbers in the area. in this a viable crime-fighting tool. i think it would help. how else will you go about it. if approved the cameras and debut in fremont by the end of the year. but sen facing trial on the u.s. and the deadly attacks u.s. consulate in 2012. president will be tried in u.s. court. a senior leader of because of the branch on a chalet. captured by american forces sunday and now being held at undisclosed location outside of libya. he could face a penalty. until now not sure kill the u.s. and the natives consider the other americans. late tonight as a result, raise his options in dealing with the crisis in iraq. stay insurgents continued to bear down on baghdad from a number of direction the country's biggest oil refinery shutdown and turkey evacuated its consulate in the southern oil port of bonds are up. insurgents now closer to baghdad then san jose is a san francisco hundred american marines and social forces going to protect the right buckled on the solicited a fall to the rebels. growing concern in washington present an obama due to meet with congressional leaders tomorrow. american air power ready in the persian gulf but king the insurgents from above has is problems. from the air hard to separate the ices member a lot from civilians because on the ground that much bigger risk of civilians being killed. wall street journal says it's sources believe president obama has ruled out air strikes for now the reason there's not enough information to hit targets that would shift the momentum on the battlefield instead less and pentagon went toward deploying u.s. special operations forces to provide intelligence and battlefield advice. food trucks continue nicklaus stormed a house if is the food being served from those trucks and also accused wearing a disguise mother fired up after a teenage son asked to take off his make up for four out. at investigation under way at all after police officers allegedly using excessive force during an arrest. looking live far rv. cam downtown san francisco sunny skies still breezy out there right now. racine when us dearly in the team's low 20s and it will be, as we head into tomorrow more on that coming up. female announcer: when you see this truck, female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic 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: officers of hard use violence in our name to is that control the situation and protect and defend themselves and other people. i think it's very unfortunate that this is become part of the memory of a very successful event of historic event. the services please review board officer reporting the woman punched kicked him as he tried to break up a fight and a pride protester now on the debt pending investigation of the outcome coming up unemotional, a homecoming for bay area that hill was a hero. toss. a study of food trucks in seven cities indicating they're safer and cleaner than ross johnson. how san francisco's step up the story coming up. i'm m-a-r-and haveopd. m j-f-f i'm l-s-a d i ve cd, bui dot want my breathingproby hosng mbooklub. that why ask my ctoraboub-r-o. onceailyreo lipthelp ineaseirfl frothe ngs foa fl 24ours. and br hel rede sytomflarups as and reque or steids, anbiots, ohospal sy. andeo inot r asthma. flarups as br conins typef mecine that increases rk ofeathn anbipeop witasth. . it is t knn ifhis sk i cread inopd. breo w't rlaceescu hale fosudd cop sympms a shod nobe ud morethannce day. breo may ireasyourisk eumoa, tush,steorosi ansomeye problems. tellour ctorf yohave hearcondion or hh bld prsureefor kingreo. asyouroctoaboub-r-o for pd. rst escrtionree a study by a group that advocates for street vendors says that health data shows food trucks safer than or even cleaner than restaurants. several cities investigated for several spots in seattle snapped a shows the said the sentence as the street food scene. food trucks not only the hot spot see these days but a new study by a group that advocates the street vendors of fines and the seven cities reviewed mobile lenders performed as well or better than restaurants during inspection. sushi must tawny minister saleh urged drug in san francisco sharks no longer the road coaches of this year he says kitchens on wheels for scoring well with this food inspectors and public. three my gut is always put lava into a everything that the make a difference is good of our public health awarded mail mustered its symbol the excellence for consistently scoring high marks during inspections like restaurants or the threat of food trucks in san francisco is affected by health department and all must get a certificate to operate before they open up shop. most trucks taking part in the world cup dealing party and set francisco's civic center plaza displayed their stickers prominently as the cost differences go for a drug stack up against restaurants we really don't know. is sentences go not part of the study. >> : projected in california for states note have or earnings country rich since the current and projected an 87 vote. lawmakers still question whether a label change consumer behavior however some believe labels and effective to release educating people about the dangers of sugar drinks including increased risk for obesity and diabetes. representatives of the beverage industry: fair it does not apply to other foods and drinks pit. >> : this is the expected 10 degrees warmer and number of places back in the '80s and and then well as portions of the south bay and north bay. coastline though will still in the '60s although or the lowest of yesterday changer the past 24 hours up 13 degrees in san mateo up eight degrees in san francisco oakland also agrees warmer and now but 10 degrees warmer in livermore and in sunnyvale as we look live right now in san mateo bridge you can see the sun shine over the bay area but so has and breezy out there today. still sing once these in the teens 16 on our when than half moon bay 15 in redwood city same thing in the life of fairfield 18 mi. an hour winds and send sought jose. censusing reconditions overnight and bill by down about 6:00 in the morning of the calmer warmer wednesday afternoon it circling low and the thursday in the cooling will continue until weekend. ting look at the numbers tomorrow south bay at 84 degrees in cupertino and sunnyvale a three san jose a six in moscow's 92 and then dallas tomorrow at 87 in concord and and then build. 89 and walnut creek antioch and said they will be in the '70s on the special airline also in the '70s aforesaid bruno. 83 and 7 tel. the spread '80s to the north bay again extend forecast for warmer, but as we head into thursday friday the weekend but returns and more extensive the new color temperatures >> : while seen turning into a deadly afternoon of terror is an initiative video of these two tournedos side-by- side in northeastern nebraska of day on casualties damage destruction as of right now to people confirmed dead and including a federal the course of the town have been left. the suns to a single mothers but my grandfather would not have one single call reporting some is missing. roy accounted for their the sliver of good news nebraska gov. toward the damage to that issue instead emergency national guard waiting on standby for a recovery tornado's destroying post office fire station and city hall. they tonight mote marine corps combat that and his family back in that city tonight as reported including as supplies of a lifetime >> : barnardo u.s. marine corps for 21 years to him as family japan for loss of news now retired mexican to return must three-bedroom home in january for his wife and two girls. but as best friend fellow marine explains at a hospital lot of work. king is the first time family felt so horrible about him having to move back and a house such as those of its rubber. overseas pressure sergeant could not be here to make necessary repairs for the needed. what would be like to come home to a hoss completely remodeled. give his best for it but they actually deserve. local contractors to install new floors, coming that some company to match the nation's all together here is $20,000 for modeling. and so when master sergeant justin so in the roof family arrived imagines another surprise. we're proud of our service and those who did not make a back in those that did not make it in a one-piece they deserve this mrs. sargent is intellectually. in his new home. harrah's weiss said this is a lot of what monitoring all their own. the course they say the savings will likely go to new furniture and daughter's college education. coming up new rules for to our bosses after to residents complain about too much noise and pollution from those muscles but drivers following the rules. still developing the person i am at such and figure out. teenager protesting after claims to is called the net off his makeup before taking his driver's license photo. story next >> : the holes in tillamook swiss cheese are actually little black holes. never. ever. stick even your pinky finger into one of them. yay! tillamook cheese slices, tastes better because it's made better. south carolina team protesting actor was told to take off make up for what did get his license for the at the dmv and the 16 all but ignoring this guy's just like himself. he turned 16 test writing test is trip flying colors. boy came to getting the photos not for the lessons. he was told the need to clean up or walk out. tell me i cannot wear discuss according to the makeup was a disguise. he took off the make up. a subset that my government was the the government is setting >> : according the the policy up in 2009 and at no time well apple can be photographed and appears he/she as purposefully altering his or her appearance cell photo misrepresent his or her identity. ids says that his mail. hinnies look like a male. this is how i am every day and at their word to reconcile i.m. then one see you buy it and in my picture as well. it's important for lessons stick to the is portrayed as the person is legally as some areas transgendered changes and an engineer to the courts the dmv will honor the change. he does not think he should be single the at the dmv for dressing differently here until the transgendered little offense and education fund in this test with a group contacted the the dmv explain that traces rights were violated. try and make things better for other people. but anyone who should of the field like that. still had fire official than sears the brushfires live update + rash of car break-ins what trends since and the spacing and see to believe that a blind dog gets his eyesight back. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, sweet and juicy prima peaches are just $.99 a pound. tender rancher's reserve ribeye steak is only $6.99 a pound. and arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. take your time. no rcome on.y. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can the oakland hills fire fire is about to leave the scene after fighting in containing five separate fires in the oakland hills area they believe that someone intentionally set these fires and no arrests have been made dollhouses damage to no one was hurt but the fact as a five fires burned in this area specifically miss out great cannon. in fremont police department approving $300,000 on not city-wide surveillance camera program the place apart and once 12 cameras facing mostly on ramps leading of the city because a majority of the major crimes committed by people out of town the also before roman cameras also major large public events. city council vote on the plan at 7:00 tonight. here in san leandro police department says in recent weeks there has been a surge in a number of car break-ins only during seven date. they see 10 or fewer car burglaries' a burlesque feet there have been 23 they believe this could be one person or small group not knowing for sure what arrest may over the weekends than offset person was responsible for the other break-ins asking public to protect property of valuable data site when >> : corridor also asking people report any suspicious activity in their neighborhood. like many says the city's food trucks all the rage. on news started focusing on seven cities not included severance is go and has found their assets at a safe air or clean or cleaner than restaurants. off the trucks in san francisco are inspected by health department no study indicating how they stack up against restaurant >> : in san francisco additional 30,000 signatures asking the archbishop of san francisco not to attend upcoming march for marriage delivered here of the archdiocese. rover and catholics others and l p t. accident at the get their stacks of paper through a gap in the door because we were walked out. rally washington d.c. is being sponsored by hate groups and the archbishop said in is the wrong message by seeking the event the archbishop has stated thursday's rallied from a marriage and not anti-gay. here in santa clara valley chow as expected as taking toll on surface water three and is a good images of that show that. in gilroy now 10% at capacity and morgan how now 5 percent fall and the abolition pond reset behind the water district headquarters and expressway in san jose to completely dry for the first time in more than 30 years. the other dissenters or the system up fallen the world's 50 percent fall thieves and remember the last time that happens this early. they weather story tonight or whether on the bay area with such images in the '80s more locations 81 in livermore 83 net before nappa ladies also a center of cells and rosa and sunnyvale. and looking ahead to tomorrow's dosing reconditions early tomorrow morning winds die down for a late morning early afternoon inning loss was thought accommodate even with former temperatures things start: until thursday and the weekend. hi out there tomorrow 89 antioch livermore 90 degrees out fairfield 86 and now but 8782 in redwood city 72 in downtown san francisco. but get extended forecast tomorrow little warmer than today. also, the analysts saw their there is a far in the weekend will become more signs of subtly cooler temperatures. residents complain about too much noise and pollution from the tour buses centaur boss is likely have a hard time following regulations as you see in this edition of people behaving badly is like other tourist cities like dallas and francisco bay. why not. not to mention an obstructed views of 67 is good. sometimes a good thing to it was second to for especially have multiple tour companies of trying rule through the city. for the curb the flow all those diesel fumes know all one way and in one way of policy. that durables are aware of. it leads me to this return only. technically a bus driver is not required to follow it. some do this country is not here trade on a cure for the ones that do not. like this bus driver turns left and on road l analysis some peace in the rules announced mundo force people to what people do. now what the problem as is the be on the exhaust their loud with amplified sound and music etymon of buses rose to the area clogging up city streets >> : but yes there's a but they are about the buzz is because the tourists keep >> : when >> : was into effect we have the seahawks played out >> : plus the first of its kind. new series how worse still had >> : hey there. did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. rinceau is lawsuit bob campbell nld security expert testify in court this morning saying up the security he observed in the stadium where than he had seen so for a presidential visit in 2009 the suit filed on behalf of stowe's emphasis good friends and loved in severe brain damage to dodgers fans pleaded guilty in the attack. coming up for ensuring a hand share after a bad outing and jim harbaugh have some choice words for a couple holdouts from mandatory minicamp all this for all sports coming up next >> : domino is introducing its own version of series a max ordering a pizza even easier next >> : it's in chicago trailing the white sox by to the is playing in a few minutes of the oakland coliseum against texas highball been a football the new year round sport. the great george is seaford announced yesterday and joining in the 49 are hall of fame kron capt. nick he is happy but vernon davis the tide and did not show up. offensive lineman to not show up. once again the first game in september nothing is left but if you're supposed to show under contract show up. voluntaries segment to the off-season we appreciate those volunteering to the team better now mandatory and now what is the 49 away bottom-line here again if you'll feel right you don't feel right. but under contract to half the show so perspire than after it go knock on the door on low goes behind schedule and not on his door hall death the stroke mr. of the ball in cleveland he sent today and do in the first rounds and he gets four years at a point to billion dollars for dredging and of little signing. . >> : makes you feel good those of you getting just for the second job remember having some fun we owe money but if the work it for trade those guys individual contractors and sends men cell has 50 other guys on the same team to be successful he needs help from everybody else in the faa's blocking for hammer dorsum run work among think harold d. whitley do something. is not from jerry mcguire. sh >> : that from the movie true story to mcdonnell to play for the forty-niners a free agent and the steinberg walked into the lobby to show off physically it publicly was and technically his is why show where the money and the low order. is very educational as well. good knowledge. anybody news corp. elected a bind on kron. the charles crawford of sports. it's a story but also its behind-the-scenes. men sell out johnny football but the philadelphia enquirer came up with this headline describing usa said john brooks a game-winning goal in the world cup calling johnny now is upset with the inquiry. missing the accent on football if you're in good to read. >> : that was the largest audience of 11 million ever for soccer telecasts on espn and his effort estray left hamstring more than likely going to mess the portugal match and we will wait and see down the road meanwhile did indeed break his no laws but he stayed in the game and says know what he'll be ready to go though he may have to wear a mask said he gets things rolling for the u.s. that goal 34 seconds in the match and is amazing what soccer fans is a joke more than just people wandering during business hours and bars and just young people everybody you run into saying hey usa but they will not the way again sunday against portugal. here is a match brazil mexico. just to be fair i the djebel little. kobe you grow readily love soccer but here is my one against the sport a tire match today mexico and brazil and great athletes every living is tremendous but nobody scored. if nobody scored. the connecticut vest what coach coaching were shot and ended 011 drop today with south korea. is in disarray as less of my desk and talk but one not keep play until someone wins and to the overtime going. the world cup flour and place. the thing go on for very long time. the miss the philadelphia enquirer. we are having the stakes here do not use graphics. what have nothing lot wrong with them. no misrepresentation on the screens. as the is in a few minutes against texas and pitcher after being knocked around for eight rounds three and two-thirds innings last night's loss of richard is right hand. push a wooden chair walking up the corridor to the field among 15 day disabled list. his left hand as of injury as the real shocker today drew out a very popular announcer for the san jose sharks will not be back next season. desolating maybe they want him to you live there year-round very popular or upset the wrong guy. >> : a blind dog gets his eyesight back but a reaction to seeing his owners >> : wireless networks are awesome. they let us use our phones to do amazing things. but why sign a 2-year phone contract just to use them? at net10 wireless, you can use the phone you already have and keep your network and number, too. but for half the cost. the bring your own phone plan. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data on the best 4g lte networks starts at just $40 a month. net10 wireless. heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. laws first major fast-food chain of the food apple order by voice not putting telephone won the ad for the the what when the mobile app launches you have on the voice the order in order on. only response to english. imagine going blind and at you regain your site again. this happens to dusty he beat happens to be dog mine >> : a very sweet moment at the irish terrier are united his family at the after surgery video the gone viral he's a rescue dog with its share of health the battles including diabetes and this modern medicine he can now see eye to eye with the world again >> : the hundred 50 >> : emoticon landing coat from keyboard soon. the company that busing that monday. among the new at stressors extended models of the desk and a few symbols it been so has not affects the lack of diversity and have been buzzing about a new rendering and available on the website >> : assessment lowlife being trapped by the judge. temperatures going if you're so tough, crack this thick slice of medium cheddar with your bare hand. i didn't say tough, i said hungry. if you're so hungry, eat this thick slice of medium cheddar with your bare mouth. tillamook cheese slices, tastes better because it's made better. heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. "the insider" with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> it's an amazing night. >> usa! usa! >> the world catches world cup fever as the usa wins. the unlikely breakout star, john brooks. >> this is insane. >> then -- >> i can bring my baby every day. >> halle's life on the set of "extant" and working with obama's daughter. >> what her co-stars told us. >> she's incredibly lovely. >> plus, paula deen's son fired from the food network? >> his new message with the woman his mom allegedly ordered to up like aunt jemima. plus, r-patz bullied in hollywood. >> if this was happening to me when i was a kid, i would have lost my mind. >> and kim k. under fire for piercing s ears. inside celebrity mom shaming. ♪ baby, baby >> you didn't like the song. >> hated it. >> original supreme mary wilson on their 50th anniversary. >> are you and diana close now? >> we're not buddies. ♪ where did our love go >> now the latest celebrity news delivered to you 24/7. it's "the insider" together with yahoo!. the president's daughter on halle's set. r-patz on being bullied. and kim k. and beyonce getting grilled about their parenting choices. hi, everyone. i'm thea andrews. keltie knight is here with me tonight. and kevin frazier still on assignment in hong kong. >> yes, thea and keltie, i am still here in hong kong, and so is the humidity. it's like an old friend that greets you as soon as you walk out the door. but we are counting down the hours until the junket and the premiere for "transformers: age of extinction." that all starts tomorrow. but right now let's send it back to l.a. ladies. >> thanks, kev, we'll see you soon. but first the biggest story stateside today is the world cup and the breakout star who secured last night's big win. >> the tens of millions of viewers who watched the usa beat ghana are asking who in the world is john brook


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20140906

upper 50s low 60s exactly where they should be for the stuff they. fremont right now 6263 degrees in fairfield for holding on to upper 50s north of the golden gate bridge looks like redwood city right now 61. as we head into the after and expects i skies mild weather of the cloud cover will retreat close to the coast and into tomorrow and will be slightly warmer conditions. we did step in the subject was moisture. with was hurricane norbert. full details on what that will do with weekday forecast coming up in 15 minutes >> : to begin with developing storage and police searching for suspects involved in a major accident where ac transit bus slammed into a home after colliding with a stolen car. mike pelton reports from richmond with an update for austi] \ place to live in a with looking for the driver of the alleged stolen car is the older brother of the passenger of the car and police are having custody this morning were the ac transit bus crashes port of behind me and see very clearly the path of damage left behind this morning. as it turns out kron 4 was on right along with richmond police unrelated store when the call came in 530 last evening please tell us an officer identified marron hong does so in the driver of the car and sped off going very fast through residential neighborhood when it collided with an ac transit bus near 18th correct sending the cost of the road and slamming into the home. other two daughters inside the home of the time of those kids was a few months old and a few feet from where the boss and the house members describe the crash as violence. >> : her loud boom in the water and outside a saw the burgundy car will grenoble morning saw the bus and saw the house and on >> : its what its like guest back up >> : and the mother of two kids and the people on the trans a bus suffered minor injuries that gas know that was mentioned came from a separate gas line after the bus slammed into a home neighbors had to temporarily evacuate their homes until the to fix a gas line. , is now red tag and on haggles morning >> : is mike called me in the check out with him stop morning >> : san francisco's morning fire cruise business owners to clean up after thursday's fire alarm fire in san francisco's mission district the blaze destroyed one business and for others to close. for people in the hospital with minor injuries charles clifford reports from the mission with the latest on the cleanup >> : that friday evening cruise begin clearing debris off of mission street and trouble was because retail store. to francisco fire department's of the store is a total loss. during thursday's fire alarm fire the roof of the building collapsed and now too unstable for firefighters to enter. strut friday a fire inspectors along the structural engineers insurance co. resigned as work to figure out the best way of demolishing the building. >> : waters are dealing with insurance people they will have to get emergency permit said the mall the building also the social engineer needs to be brought out to work to the process of bringing the building down >> : other unanswered question how the fire start even though investigators cannot enter the building the department says that the structure is demolished the may still be able to determine a cause >> : of that debris comes off then times in find evidence with arson train the people are doing well. a little to that degree oftentimes they can determine what caused the fire. among small round of the pre all its left of the horrible fire alarm fire the blaze destroyed a building and retailer called big house inc. the place had been crammed with merchandise which is chargeable as you can see now. at it high on thursday support to a commission district >> : decision of the fire all the mess and by standard step walk of mission street people shot at the short story there is a there's said in a field that with the owners >> : and very sad it people are shocked that this happened is places been open for so many years the tories a shopping there. if a search for the people there very firmly. we begin your grocer's or the store had the household items. i lived in this neighborhood for 60 years in its his your heart a little >> : fire officials issued a notice to the owners of the house bank in 2009 because of merchandise overcrowding and other safety concerns of business was not cited because owner fix the problems and 2013 inspectors got another complaint but the funds no hazards at that time >> : coming up on news weekend's massive storm as it would that having michigan was left over and the damage. >> : zero rescuers found after a plane goes down near jamaica and 40 niners defensive ends raymond l. will play tomorrow season opener against the cowboys what coach jim harbaugh has this say about his decision >> : clarin-d esents two allergyuffers. o tri nasort,hichould te upo al mimumasalympt relf. the oth tooclarin-dhich stas tn 3minus. the mal: thinworkfast thanlarin-d and said coach rich called will plan smart's home opener in dallas and they it one game after the defense attack on felony domestic charges san jose please call to mcdowell's home last week and sunday mornings a criminal reporting that the fiance but if it had bruises on the arm and neck macdonell stranded trek have occurred offensive out of its home criticism echoed car or have the state about the decision to let him play. none of pre clear on that to principles of and the other hear the facts are what's known as his liberty to play the game >> : but donald crowley on bail and again will be playing in tomorrow for a treat for the foreign owners >> : of this page we ask you agree with a car bomb on slot mcdonnell play tomorrow call bosses know he disagrees as the poor example of the players and if they think their block. but jody disagree is innocent till proven guilty you have hit to have his day in court also but of the warm website 74% of you do not agree with the coach's decision join in on the conversation on this book stage and are website kron4- dot-com sphere >> : white house officials say that president obama will weigh on the executive order. he believes things steps on his own with the midterm campaign will politicize this issue and also possibly hurt future efforts to a have a broader overhaul investigation. the president believes he has the power to authorize certain measures and to release the deportations without congressional representation >> : much more on weather forecasts to take a live look outside erica will be by the tallest one sort test will lift with your back >> : i'd like to drop out of high school and get a meaningless job that makes me feel bad about myself. i'd like to fall victim to the old boys' network. i don't want anybody to notice me. i just want to fly under the radar. i want to splatter against the glass ceiling. i don't have an opinion. i want to be a straight "c" student. i'm going to be a biomedical engineer. [ girls laughing ] i mean, i want to succumb to peer pressure all of my life. i'm going to be a best-selling novelist and win the national book award. i'm going to be a marine biologist. wait! i take mine back. i'm going to be a biomedical engineer. i think i'll be the president. i'm going to be secretary of state. world-class chef right here. race-car driver. artist. paleontologist. film director. surgeon. teacher. scientist. olympian. i'm going to be the boss. i'm going to change the world. beckham kron 4 news weekend volcano observatory for beagle and beech trees as it could be cut off bilevel flow from of all coatless and flowing from a vent opened back on june 27th if cory counties there says the law as with amal subdivision north east of the volcano so mersenne emergency proclamation also but as the hong governor for emergency assistance. >> : according to a clinton senseless 22 under people of the nets turned area >> : of thunderstorms and through southeast michigan friday night knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of customers all told about 256,000 homes and businesses lost power as 1000 are poles knocked down and the storms. crowe the twos or church vessels had put a scare when struck down large of tens pit >> : when nancy's condition for others had minor head injuries >> : bring back here the bay area nothing like that to worry about civil sales. >> : another fog morning on the bay area and another day were temperatures to vocal to vehicles overseas upper 80s. temperatures are near normal for today and is very overcast much of the bay area right now really no complaints because we are anticipating a lot of sunshine yes per mile to warm contentions is ahead in the afternoon and right now san francisco with the up 61 the '50s out cerros the soaring local or above the golden gate bridge we deal with however tropical clause is ahead into sunday monday. this will be associated with iran and hurricane norbert. bill increase our humanity here in the bay area and some call for >> : it reanalysis yoga cloud cover slightly cooler temperatures. for today will be a gorgeous there on the bay area water the cloud cover turning by lunch time and temperatures in the 67 news success for the clock here you see by three this afternoon 66 the coast seven days inside the bailout six days for the warmest and spots. to bring down high expected in your neighborhood and would city getting up to 7776 and on do the ladies go to places like to discuss campbell even allman value coming into a six this afternoon. the loire for some locations and a spade to of the fairfield radiate their 861 accrete temperatures in the '60s and '70s long east bay shoreline the isolette onshore flow to partly cloudy conditions cool weather along the coastline ocean beach is a high of 6367 for downtown san francisco. use the extended forecast slightly warmer weather as we head into tomorrow we continue to see assembled single one fog afternoon sunshine high pressure builds over the region as ahead of the middle of next week with the we see another warming trend that will carry us into next weekend. >> : oil slick spot off the coast and jamaica were plain is believed to of crashed friday the plan took off from new york officials believe that the people on board fell unconscious over north carolina pilots of other traffic control was a problem and ask to descend but not declare an emergency. after an hour 15 minutes after take off the pilot stopped responding to radio calls. u.s. military 15 such a plan of california at one pilot course not look to the window and saw a pellet some plover and the plane's windows were frosted a sign that the cabin lost compression >> : it agreed a feeling of with the problem is and it doesn't take long when if i stopped inside for person freeze. >> : on board believed to be garry and the wife. there on the wait to vacation home that the seven naples florida >> : one is morning @ malaysia a cremaster victims' remains are still crash said commissioner flight byzantine eastern ukraine of the minister says that it's set investigators retrieved the body parts so scattered across the area in malaysia will work closely with austral ukraine the netherlands to ensure the remains are returned to their families that boeing 777 heading from amsterdam to a crawl and pour trip on july >> : where he is having to but bilateral meeting, mr. tony adams evidence reiterating that for an international investigation of the total 90 people aboard two-thirds of the more from the netherlands >> : and chris to court must mix up costs forced landing of u.s. military plane and iran. such a plane chartered by u.s. military flying from their fields to to buy a 5 tier normal flight path goes from iranian airspace and iran officials told true they did not have the proper paperwork so they ordered them to turn around pilot said that the enough fuel to do that and and said it landed in ireland. the officials say the problem has been since cleared up >> : on national news this morning a all year-old boy in bed juvenile detention center accused of setting a huge fire in portland. a fire caused more than two under thousand dollars of damage appeared late civic can't understand why the mayor said. cristobal's from there as it may not and the child's first arson case >> : driving video as a fire rips through this bieber to apartment complex happening in july the suspect accused setting fire a 11 year-old boy. i think it's crazy in what the kids are on an embassy like pre nice kids. authorities believe the boy to the fire intersecting been from there quickly spread causing more than $200,000 of symmetry what people talk to will never forget >> : send your action watching my car on fire is a cut movie something i learned that the check was one of 15 vehicles damaged a fire. and since sheila had the building coverage the financial loss as well. to hurts more than the money could trucks and the volume in the safety of a family >> : very glad that they did finally find someone to be accountable for what happened it's scary because so in havana heard >> : this was the first instant. when detectives also able to connect the young boys to other fires in the area will with a loss seven months. neighbors to when the current tatami he's as an >> : goes flames and over those cars like if something was pot as a magnet pulling with a fire that way. a could >> : muster was always a little understand why young boy would do something like this >> : is a young kid obviously something's gone wrong and i hope that they give him proper attention >> : quayle on kron 4 news weekend is gentile its pluses to look outside into the conditions are like a porsche debris bridges the overcast skies and the space will be right back in line bay area sports raiders practice in jersey friday with the spade one day early an effort to get better acclimated to eastern time is on the raiders' art winless of the past 13 east coast games and record like that had coach jeff bonnwill bey anything. >> : i'm line definition of insanity to do in the same thing or over an expert to results to me something never trying something new trend find every small lead mantid weekend but will give this opportunity play well elsie pot goes on starting quarterback take on managers >> : bay area baseball to a little rain a long rain delay didn't stop j.p. the giants last night as it on the tigers in detroit the 16 innings without allowing an earned run even sit in the game falling almost three hour rain delay as the giants beat the tigers 82 less nine at the sparkling defense from her block go unbuckled do with bad as well this is trevor afield rbi double for the giants appeared after the run- scoring moved the top of the fourth and here comes the tarpit comes the rain to hours 40 minutes later they finally resume play with the downpour >> : 16 calls and of all with of home run for the giants make final eight to two the dodgers also won so giants rain to make use back also have the wild card with three games >> : is bay you did not look good for the a's as they took on the astros last night in oakland cris carter with this drive 36 the the year also had three rbis as for team 43 * with straight when overall and next to try it for a season-high this drops the eighth six games behind the angels and als this afternoon first pitch at 1:00 >> : turning tester and williams to come to champion his back the assault open women's final as shoe on friday in new york women's trend become the first woman since back in the '70s to win three straight win titles at american open. if she won she took a self picture with the champion williams faces caroline tomorrow's final >> : flight football sports night live will be the place to be 49ers cowboys ritter's jets complete highlights analysis from weak one from the nfl + crunch time for the giants and a's join me former all- star bear roberts for a full half-hour voyeur sports made sunday night at 9 right after the news month attended the news again top the book of top stories will the people recovering after an ac transit bus crashed into richmond home last night officials say happen 530 in the evening at 18th street burb revenue after a bus collided of the fleet stole a car over and her two young daughters were in the home of the time i suffered minor injuries at the people on the bus were hospitalized pot was not life-threatening injuries is homes severely damage has been red tag to the crash also shattered yes lime please arrested juvenile passenger vessel and are still looking for the driver saw a to believe the driver is the older brother of a passenger >> : in san francisco this morning fire crews and batons opening up the efforts of alarm blaze in mission district it destroyed one business and forced for others to close for people in the hospital with minor injuries performance still investigating the cause of the fire. >> : ford and as head coach jerry haar bus favorite sister recalled its marron home opener of the season opener in dallas. game 1 after one week in the offensive tackle arrested on felony domestic charges the sacramento bee reporting the rebels fiance showed officers bruises on the arm and neck. amytal was stranded tracker out of his home. the gold is currently out on bail. now time to focus attention on the weather forecast and here's erica with that >> : list of things off the glove looked at the bay bridge toll plaza in overcast our tears saturday morning we have low cloud so long coastline to the clauses of the bay and high clouds for those of you and the spay interior valleys. technicians have drizzle along a coastline but most of this cloud cover will retreat into their early afternoon. we're looking for today of some child burst '60s for the coast and it looks pretty similar weather into early next week. it will get a little humor and into monday however with cloud covered a sociologist hurricane norbert. that portion of the forecast coming up with five young >> : to people sick for marijuana laced accusal left to students unconscious on thursday when a bomb had to be resuscitated the other route to students vomiting and police arrested did a 70 year-old high-school senior accuses us could use in kron 4 topples student who says the cookies man had something more than just marijuana in them. and ahead really severe headaches and a dinner member read did yesterday bottle on offense afl and a fan and the lawless men used a search hallucinating thinking of the dye your heart rate was so fast the feeling is the cottage us as a thought of being >> : soon be arrested for sun cookies called in martina's the school officials reportedly taking steps to expel her >> : thousands of people i east bay in hayward mayor been victims of the data breach which lasted nearly a year schools as a breach occurred last year august 23rd continued until august 11th of this year and the it is say it another person broke into a web server store personal employee information that person copied names addresses social security numbers of more than 6000 people also the birth dates of more than 500 others schools as baking academic at a at my confirmation not included so the soviets have been alerted and free credit by entering. >> : the contest recent >> : protest and a convention being held this week an event called urban shield possessor training exercise or police first responders to get the video of the demonstration for half a partnership with abc seven news protesters are angry vote they believe small size nation of law enforcement broadly oakland to close temporarily between 7: street as a demonstration but no reports of arrests or injuries done to all this after that many as 2610 earthquake and nap boat more homes buildings being tagged and now under 25 structures have been red tag considered unsafe to enter. more than 1000 buildings have been yellow tide across evacuation center will remain open throughout the weekend and is located at the crosswalk community church on first street in nappa. on friday more apple firefighters helping people tend to get their lives back in order firefighters to bring in to buy new flex screen tv for elderly couple whose television was destroyed during the quake. >> : these are members of the fire fighters association because as more research to help the we can help one family returned to a little bit of a normal life obviously they were overwhelmed by what happens and it really impacted there's a lot of things that are available of the glove made second contact the volunteer center nappa 7 072526222 us know your needs are and we will try to match up. that phone number post on website kron4-dot-com monster center of netball sorry confine information on the red cross church groups other local groups for helping. monday afternoon city council of nappa opening local assistance fire on first street the center will serve as a one- stop location for residents business owners tx assistance reformation in connection with available resources happening later today the solo tickets are gone for tonight's match between the international soccer game at the >> : at the pisidian and santa clara. organizers are urging fans with tickets to arrive early the parking lots will early as earl t. p.m. and the gates will open a 5:00 the game itself starts at 7 every one of course will be watching the see how let pulled out >> : what did that too dear hurting northbound stopping traffic on friday was giving it the back there they are chp says of the your quickly brought three northbound lanes to a halt this is footage of your sent to us by the time officers arrived the deer were long gone chp says of the first on a couple of years that animals reported on the golden gate bridge. and when kimmitt nicolas will join as. you suffer recurring solutions to everyday problems >> : that reporter gave slight holding my hand tools first car phone with a curved edge display this is amazing major breakthrough in this play is innovation sit-in kron 4 news coming up in the tech report a serious take a peek at this phone though be a big hit this holiday season when it hits the market. chapter in the tuck battle between two giants apple's chief rival samsung stealing the spotlight before unveiling next week samsung introducing a new phone that it says pushes the boundaries offers a ferrosilicon and curved screen. tech reporter games like the seal on four hits the mark >> : samsung no edge the world's first smart phone with a curved edge display. samsung figured out how to squeeze a little extra screen into the venture fund. the display continues over the right side going over the edge is a totally new form factor it makes 4 news more fun experience. curved edge this independent of the home screen panel steps doesn't take away from the main screen so it's like you have to screens the one used to in on this little extra edge space for some cool stuff but the fall ill have short cuts to most used features and customize the is like facebook twitter contacts messaging and cameral never you do most you can place here in the edge to quickly launched those applications to use it for notifications to the main screen is in clogs up. if your server thing alleppey since unification, and without any of the screen face been taken up. applying a video notification will come in and the video keeps playing on the serbs. you temperature that this letter: does a sliver said picture. that space offers new hope we're play games and gives the play in the edge of the main screen is left out of it and the games like this vest the ball one or that enhances the game extending the screen over the edge of a seamless fashion got see no edge will be in the market this fall sunday only will set up so subletting bay area people get their hands on this device for a sneak peek will be of various locations best buys cell phone stores from applications on to kron4- dot-com in the front page >> : and suspending your saturday with kron 4 news weekend we are looking forward to a pretty nice day on the bay area as the cloud cover right now temperatures are in the upper 50s we have a few low 60s out there mostly cloudy conditions but by lunch time experience slow clearing suspect more sunshine to the space of a bay stole a helicopter for midland,. temperatures ranging from the mid-60s 60 stories and one. want to look at the party norbert moving when the couple area this is paralleled the coastline here along mexico continues with the norse pot northwest track a lose intensity as it moves in the cooler waters except to bring some rain in southern california called for a riverside the disease among all looking at a flash flood warning but it will bring us some cloud cover in the bay area as well mussing any rate associated hurricane harbor but we see the clouds streaming increasing serenity >> : . pot here we have drizzle a cosigner now as mentioned we will clear things up as we head into the afternoon by 3:06 is expected coesite 7 news and saw the bay hades for the inland valleys. things to civic with the highs in your neighborhood today bond views 7677 degrees in fremont plant survey research center run rally today put into a 588 fairfield richmond looking for high 66 degrees week onshore flow limits of the trip along the coastline pot for the conditions of the reach the nba now but berkeley to the illinois high of 67 and 71 degrees oakland. it continues with this pattern of morning fog afternoon sunshine now change in the temperature high-pressure however rebels in the middle of next week and with that we deny zealand's >> : we chow to inspire so amazed at some of the ideas of flourish unless the bay area inspire awards are all about inspiring young people to create solutions to everyday problems of for the world today joining me this morning prayer expert can do for joining us >> : false little bit about the star wars >> : bay area spiro inspire wards with the ventures fund of the offer of the $10,000 awards to young people between ages 1830 to an alameda severances counties who have innovated ideas to improve social equity the first year actually an and up >> : what you think these awards are so different people would cost her person it was of the you never had a big will it " does something you've never done and i think young people especially have this fresh perspective and on and did approach to world they're not programs and so they're more the use imagination they leave everything and anything possible my bottom chasm in the vocabulary >> : of living of the graphics in take a look at the screen will " the graphic six winners there we go. they've acquired few if you want to look at including the first three. let's bring up the other three that we have to go >> : and do have a winner here their community service projects and it's actually oratory glory. congratulations were so excited for reasons is what the first time >> : i'm excited and rain >> : this all the piloting us six weeks speech program. we of surf high schools transitional aid programs in the bay area and the program designed to help students communicate through the most critical to be prepared for not this the evolving world but flourishing entrepreneur all work force through to a program to learn how to communicate and also at the end to be able the trains since in a program culminates with citywide speech competition where these tunes from and schools and programs into sharing idea in compete with each other >> : how to cope with the idea >> : action group really shy kid does student who would hide from a teacher >> : so just being in those instances consistently with the speech and also joining the bay team argue with me for the world's >> : as coach of the working with large tourist changing ideas and also for sinking, is this thing and notices that didn't have any training in schools and repair themselves the moment. the general importance to me to empower people to want to activate the voice one of the most powerful tools in creating real change the world to >> : effing club people don't even practiced public speaking to other even adults >> : a for introduce it to our youth becomes law also challenge >> : when the complaints is that to nine top vote was last week when the issues with young people as they tend to have ladas line including the text and things like that that carries over to their every day to discussion could have a lot to do with the foundation of this plant to getting this going as well. beyond the ad jargon that we use as a gets a with powerful ideas and a free introduce ways to ohone those ideas are to attend in ways that can carry over to and from groups that they connect with some ideas get lost. how can the committee get in and help you out aside from the $2,000 >> : our number of ways this fall on doing it is redeveloping the curriculum creating the train " to kits with the support of the blood of those pieces also during the spring we do piloting training will agree to have a people to support beseech competition and also looking for professionals a common during workshop at the talk about how communication is important in their did a job since your looks like in the world. the son lee said that i was like that is true. eliminating can't as well as ways of been able to a make congratulations sold a quarter full program. like maybe visit with you did on the line to see us go >> : things for joining us >> : female narrator: through sunday, it's posturepedic through sunday, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars end sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ now for the most heartwarming story baby boy with hearing loss i will be here clearly photographers time to let it get his reaction >> : with a smile. his name >> : suddenly sold when he received his first hearing aid diagnosed with moderate to severe hearing loss and bull fears his reaction all sounds around him the consumer is this truly amazing two years old now with the video was posted this week and that is trestles >> : coming up on news weekend music is filling the air oakland as the mission creek festival in town coming up this weekend here for the director coming up half moon bay know for is to surf competition great destinations pot and join me in the dopers favor hidden gems in the game day. also is development sort of richmond with ac transit bus crashing in somebody's home of a report coming up the is one class and rich and looking for the driver of a stolen car to his son and an ac transit bus sending that slang into the home coming up the details on close counter coming up and fend the family said. crews are in the night the day after a massive fire destroys building said the mission district. >> : lava, above all card cover on the content can details had been on >> : the morning race pot for joining us on kron 4 news weekend of surf things off by getting the weather forecast for america >> : good morning marty will long on the saturday morning as history cloudy we're dealing with a pretty deep brain where extensive cloud cover bay area why blow clouds a little bit better drizzle along a coastline pot into high-level close up the rest of the bay area as for temperature is currently not too bad the '50s and '60s with oakland 61 and 59 degrees currently a richmond. heading the after investor o'clock we see lots of sunshine temperatures range from upper 60s coss said to the upper 80s and lens and then we deal with another foggy morning in two years sunday. but some tropical moisture will of the trip the bay area and early next week pot with high humidity and with the will do for the temperatures coming up in 15 minutes >> : we begin our with a developing story in richmond police there is searching for suspects who is involved in major accident where ac transit bus slammed into a home after colliding with a stolen car >> : line in richmond out of the house ninth richmond police at and the passenger the car in custody tells the driver ran from the scene the driver accused starting a chain reaction ultimately set an ac transit bus summing in the home behind me in seaboard up this morning and still see a of this metal the bus left behind of the terms of kron 4 on right along with richmond police on related story when the call came in around 530 last evening please tallest officer identified himself as the room on the stolen. the driver of the car sped off a higher is declining with the ac transit bus and a residential area of 18 per back that sending the bus off the road three are slamming into a home where inside a mother and her two daughters one of those kids with two months old was feet from where the bus crashed in the living room the mother entered two daughters were inside or ok. to people on board that neighbors rushed outside over the boston hulk. none people bleeding standing up sought to little kids and i grabbed the kids to the across the street where the kids of the boston real skim off the bus. >> : despite the horrifying pictures and the home no entries that no major injuries. >> : of the last update mousseline custody for the driver the believe they know who it he is and passengers older brother and with home with ac transit bus crashed into board up this morning and this homosexual part of a duplex both residences red tag on a capital. both families looking out for other place to live >> : across was careless in assisting them with that because of all the damage to homes also a gas like pg&e had the clout and cap last night and fatality all the damages both residents of uninhabitable sporting >> : terrible scene for all those families turning on a severance the scope fire cruise business owner so clean up after thursday's fire fire alarm fire mission district that plays a struggling business forced at least four others to close and four people were sent to the hospital with minor injuries kron 4 charles crawford reports from mission with the latest on the cleanup efforts. >> : late friday evening crews cleared debris off mission street in front of what was the big house retail store. severances go far bargains of the store is a total loss. nearing thursday's fire alarm fire the roof of the building collapsed in now too unstable for even firefighters entered. to the day on friday far apart and inspectors on with structural engineers and insurance company representatives are to figure out the best way of demolishing the building. orders of the building dealing with an assurance people and will help to get an emergency permit to double billing also long after the engineer's structural engineer out here to help or to the process of bring the building down >> : the other on mr. question how did this fire start in lotus traders can enter the building the department says that after the structure is demolished this still may be able to hit to determine a cause. >> : that comes oftentimes you can find evidence where people are well-trained professionals that comes slowly and then go to that oftentimes they eat determine what caused a fire lines is destroyed a building con retells with the call because and >> : immersion the sec is no charge rubble at its high on thursday harry support through the mission district and devastation from the fire all but lukman allow by standards >> : gutfreund with shot a starter set about what happened in bed to bed with the owners >> : very sad people are very depressed people are shocked that this happened this places been open for many years and people were used shopping there. >> : outdoor very firmly >> : that story broke your suitcase here on out a town or a to get to go take your groceries. little household items >> : i grew up in here in for 68 years. this is your heart a little. >> : they issued something and 2009 for overcrowding and other safety concern of business was not cited because owners fix the problem but with the less your inspectors and the complaint that the fund no hazards there at the time >> : 49ers the coach says every mcdonald will play in tomorrow's (dallas game is one week after defensive tackle was arrested on felony domestic charges san jose police call from the home early sunday morning sacramento beat reporting that the it showed officers bruising and the dollar's trend dry the pregnant fiancee out of his home. there's a cut harbaugh had the say. >> : the pre clear on the two principles of an together here facts are less known is that the liberty of the game. intel currently on bail. coming up on kron 4 news weaken the latest in the search for a plane that went down off the coast and jamaican officials believed happened and said the cockpit. and oakland getting ready for the mission creek music festival you'll talk to a creative director was in store for this year. local filmmaker also be here as part about the exploration of the influence of city of memphis on the music industry analyst phone stay with us >> : ng w frothe ndloere. rst me ithe jors yodon'knowaarp because is fily enying cro-coury baseball staum tp th anneonli at rp tvel. it'shereour urne bens with inspirion, planningbookg, a hot trel ts fs if you don'thinkeizehe triphen u thk aa, thenou d't knowaarp find morsurpsingpossilitss atarp.g/poibilies. the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. a slick spot off the coast of jamaica were that the plan is believed to of crashed friday bread a plan to call from new york and officials believe the people on board fell into conscious over north carolina pilot told the air traffic controller there was a problem on board and ask to descend but he did not declare emergency then about an hour 15 minutes after takeoff the pilot stopped responding to real call this voluntary f-15 look to the plane on the coast of florida one fire fighter pilot pot label look in the window apollo slump over. and as world list every of good feeling up yokohama's doesn't take long with most of for person a freeze >> : on board believed to be leery placer and wife jane f. toot said that they run their vacation home in naples florida and one this just in a house officials to present obama will play an executive action until after november congressional action alice say the president believes taking steps on his own during midterm campaign would politicize the issue and also what her future reference to a past broader overhaul on immigration. they also believe that obama has part authorize measures to ease deportation's allow congressional legislation. still had on news weekend mission creek music festival this from a corner happening in oakland and we'll tell you about what's new this year and hear from the creative director won't come back >> : right now waiting of the temperatures upper 50s los '60s is very overcast from the bay area given still clearing still holding on to the cloud cover as we head into the early afternoon and then by 3:00 today expect temperatures ranging from upper 60s could decide to upraise inland. let's talk a little bit about hurricane or grievance see moving along the but peninsula on the northwestern direction continues to parallel the coastline and moving to southern california could bring into the desert and san bernardino counties. they're looking at some flash flood advisories this is not going to be a drug bust about console c rain into monday. as slow-moving system not to bring a year into the bay area but we see some subtropical close and to the bay area and also the prehuman to monday. recognitions for the bay area right now dealing with that rain lehr expected to pull back in afternoon temperatures in the upper 60s '70s and '80s. over maurice's exit 67 for 7 cisco happen today looking for high of 78 degrees. we see pretty similar temperatures over the next several days but high- pressure rebuild as we head into the middle of next week by wednesday we will be back in the '90s for wasnt and sponson continues with the warming trend as we had and to next weekend. >> : music for an error oakland this month that mission creep our music festival 26 years old this year singer- songwriter joined this morning in this year's creative director and i know this is not rock'n'roll time very early and men, fishy coming and joining us >> : to this little bit on how the festival and its six and local >> : is really taken over to the north of its own for oakland and the think picking up on the scene going on there starting for local shows six years ago promotion of shoe of some francisco festival and the kind of exploited until last year which was the entire month long. which it said it to scale back and focus it up a bit more this year so are think that is what we have is a very focused representation and oakland's >> : last night opening night >> : air is amazing >> : the first firm it always crazy wonderful experience in less night was no exception. the start out with an outdoor stage where we had a popular local band and the move on to the uptown where rents and tiger played sam chase. it was an amazing nine >> : errors pact everyone had a good time >> : was a major focus is on the event is for local music and a lot of local bands mentioned + >> : ins this entrepreneur or a local music promoting local artists' community music community >> : we serve it bieber davenport r biggest headliners to the plan today and don't at 25th street and telegraph dollars have o blank tapes they also great name for a great band and an tussocky of so many local bands how would you describe the local bands in oakland is a thriving is growing. a sister much fighting. perhaps a little bit too soon francisco with the artists are notoriously looking for lower rents. so what people are over here whats of warehouse space is and that type of thing so of the creativity can ferment definitely is and in sit in the festival for sure >> : the top what the effect of this demand with throw oakland was the best place for fans to find out who's playing where. and so fast >> : congratulations for getting this off the ground for another year you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. 20 ft. from star tomas old souls the money musics given to us on film. rhythm- and-blues to american music memphis tennessee that says hard new documentary by local filmmaker and musician, the short takes a look into reports from phase to tender to generation of musicians to help inspire influence music of today will come >> : we found out we have something, my father played big band drums and you are a drummer the public plaza 6 right >> : group with dinner back and all big bandstands >> : the city and saw a number of drummers may agree drummers >> : absolutely those guys play with tucson alliance >> : the movie doesn't impress the next generation? >> : i think it's a less essential journey to america sold we go where your music came from. and it started a long time ago when the slaves came over and with field hollers and music from the fields this only with the communique. the call to each other in the film they call response field hollers those kinds of things i believe so many voices went into the ground. to bring people singing along with the very happy is schmidt musicians there. to me a little bit about or seen here >> : fluid says go about this was to make new music with legacy musicians using charlie moscow with stars of today. to make new music not all of back or notice soundboard have a thing or happened back then but the idea was to make new music that was urgent exciting fresh yet really familiar. it's the same music but with new young people are? >> : their original compositions as well as to and remakes of classic songs >> : as there be all u.n. as a back it be. soul music and music that we all grew upon to help build the town for popular music as we know today always had the be. in the pre is what brings us to the table. mesa's move in excess think it makes us feel maligned pot and people see this movie >> : september 12th roof fell theater as well as new york and l.a. memphis and the x >> : haven't ever seen audiences responses the cuffing you see three c's and you do feel it >> : very and it sort of celebration music so the lot of great music we do feel what they felt as they were making this music and what inspired influence them. there is a motion you tip your foot and in the end/8 your fist of film music >> : we just lost joan rivers robin williams and excitement all be talking growers and also big event we do with julie and a lot of things happening with icons to can just come up with a couple like high people from business to keep you loving what would be and we have to go >> : play what most roebling's songs and iconic people are the people for real true craftsman that are amazing to watch mr. been here so much female narrator: through sunday, it's posturepedic through sunday, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars end sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ of it on toast or this morning this morning of an people recovering and tracy transit bus crashed in richmond home last night officials say happened at about 53018 steeper beckham avenue where boys choir with the clean stolen car. woman two young daughters in the house of the time suffered minor injuries a people on the bus they are hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries but the home however severely damaged and red tagged the crash also shattered a gas line and please research of all passenger in his own car still looking for the driver the believe the driver is the older brother of a passenger. and san francisco's one farquhar's business owners to clean up after thursday's five alarm fire on mission district the boy's struggle in business and forced at least four others to close. four pupils and the hospital with minor injuries in that department still investigating the cause of the blaze. 49 percent coach with rebel also played more home opener in dallas the game is one week after the defensive tackle was arrested on felony domestic charges. sacramento beat reporting they showed officers armed and neck pre >> : is a judge kenneth s. adams home he is currently on bail. >> : car attention now to the weather forecast >> : on the saturday morning people out jogging getting coffee fix and the overcast for much of the bay area temperatures in the upper 50s and 60s and slowed clear the cloud cover pretty stubborn today. the hang out on the coastline by bunch time partly cloudy conditions is expected in one. by the afternoon we see the sunshine will take awhile. dexter temperatures range from mid-60s coesite to the bradys inland. >> : we are now looking for the higher bay area. this increasing cloud cover tomorrow with a court hurricane norbert in the notes are to be pretty monday as we head back to work on monday we do have to exchanges' walking through all full details on what to expect coming up in 15 minutes >> : billed for to the venture could developing story for in this morning to bay area since to get sick from eating their wallets cookies are out of the hospital. >> : richmond police say the cookies love to stand unconscious thursday one had the resuscitated. two other students were vomiting because of them. police arrested a 70 year-old high- school senior accused of selling those cookies. kron 4 talk to assume his as the cookies man had more than just her one >> : that severe headaches and armed border did yesterday but my friends saying that i fell offended and also my >> : most assertive hussein thinking year and i are a sofa said the latest in a car you chest and i thought was being dragged it was crazy >> : saw >> : the soon with the console them are being is being held and the school is taking steps to expel her. >> : thousands of people in east bay may of been victims of the data bridge lasted nearly a year's school says the bridge occurred last year on august 23rd and continue until august 11th of this year they say on known person broken toe a personal employee information the person copied names addresses social security numbers of more than 6000 people. birthday to more than five pot druthers the schools as banking academic and medical information not included those affected have been alerted and offered free credit much ring. susan downtown oakland reopen this morning after hundreds of demonstrators gathered to protest seiche >> : if responders exercise to a committee of demonstrators mobbed other partnership 87. the protesters are angry about what they believe is the lowest rise nation of law enforcement. but we oakland had been temporarily closed between seventh and 11th street. zero reports have been put in for us for injuries. >> : pot is that the magnitude 6 earthquake in at a more homes are being tagged and buildings as well being tagged right now and want the 25 structures that in red tagged and considered unsafe to enter more than 1000 buildings have been yellow tag. the red cross electrician center and open throughout the weekend and this is looking at the committee church on first street. >> : frame that the firefighters and how about people getting things beckham or the firefighters stopping in to buy new flat screen tv for elderly couples whose television was destroyed during the quake. >> : the phone number of dimensions there is on our website at kron4-dot-com firefighters is a volunteer center knapp also wary and find information on the red cross church groups and local groups which are helping victims monday afternoon city of napa on first street. center will serve as a one-stop location where residences business owners can access our quick assistance information and check with available resources. happening today to map the girls 06 year-old and seven year-old son and was a stanford the humane society >> : they are raising to care for a lost pets and pets to need temporary housing following the earthquake the cold lemonade stand and pet food expressed on the dollar plaza and nappa starts at noon today. >> : as a sell-off all tickets are gone for tonight's match between mexico chile for the first ever international soccer match at levi stadium in santa clara appear organizers are defense for tickets as early as 3:00 p.m.. the gates will open a 5 then starts the seventh ever one course will be watching the see how that turf holds up. to >> : answer a site of the golan a bridge too dear heading north on briefly stopped traffic on friday chp says of the deer quickly brought the north on lanes to a halt some video that we have listened and live your and battelle officers arrive the gears were long gone chp says the% two years animals have been reported on the golden gate bridge. >> : still have for you and newsweek and we take a look at the hidden gems a half moon bay it has offered in eniwetok about a highest- rated hotspots courting yellow peppers and half moon bay before that sports highlights giants win over the tigers still with us >> : rain long rain delay did not stop the chances they took on the detroit tigers last night. they won with six innings out of the earned run in as fair to sit in the game after that three hour rain delay and got some good defense from behind him that it tiger is a the to less light. a federal do with the bat to here's an rbi double for rice field and that would drive in buster posey them in the top of the fourth out, but the tarps tars 48 minutes later if house if full senate votes the home-run with the home field with the pilots and to jeff of this awful unless life there into games back off also leave a la carte blanche the games >> : of chris carter with of glass 36 home runs and drove in three runs against the former team a master's bidets 43 the astros fifth when overall id goes to six games after the first-place angels and the ls to use as a cherry and today at the coliseum first pitch had one team out >> : to time champion back in the u.s. open women's finals on friday to the advance to the files trend become the first woman since chris ever invent the '70s to win three straight titles in the u.s. open. she took her after the win to a little time for self picture with the olympic champion there is. williams will play caroline in tomorrow's final and york and >> : the football sports now live the place to be this sunday night 49ers cowboys traders just complete highlights an analysis from weak one of the nfl + crunch time for the giants and a's join me for all-star be roberts for a full half-hour of dollars for its needs sunday night at 9 right after the news >> : to morning everyone know what get a new movie about the decadent last years of a girl's life. and we take a look of the new tribute to julie knew more the castro + talk about robin williams also joan rivers as all coming up >> : mornings for waking up the con 4 news weekend tamarin now 46 focusing on temperatures struck the area 3 mi. morning despite all the cloud cover up their sentences coke currently at 61 degrees and are still hovering in the mid-50s up north of the golden gate bridge we do have cloud cover and place and i'll be pretty stubborn burn off as a head in the afternoon fog will retreat to the coastline by lunchtime expect current partly cloudy conditions are much of the bay area temperatures in the '60s and '70s when the clock to motion eighties will make a very by this afternoon and talking more temperatures near seasonal for today. with that said plenty of '70s and '80s and the south bay on valley hitting 8670 degrees in san jose now mounds view today at 76 or conditions are san ramon valley is taking with it until 8381 conquered a bradys in fairfield close to a waterfront and we do have the week onshore flow will woman temperatures which run 6671 reason was the conditions of your head in ocean beach 70 degrees up in one country. is ahead here is a sunday run the base forecast and a motion to and temperatures of the next couple days but cloud cover will it go and from hurricane arbor. and often the bring any rain to bay area boat will increase committee the troubled clouds driving sunday and monday as for the hurricane itself go with intensely cool waters and to tomorrow afternoon and high pressure builds over our area into the middle of next week. >> : thank you erica. haven't been known forever to course will sell surf competition half moon bay also very popular destination spot for tourists ideal vacation for locals >> : with me this morning yoga community manager who shares of younkers favorites hidden gems and have been paid >> : barely a popular place even around mavericks' even when something as old the place to go all year long rates of going on >> : we have the perfect place for you possum moon local eateries owner chef can levon and she's been a call for 25 years now she makes her variety of contemporary italian cuisine hundred costa rica's big bread she believes in getting back to the committee and supports local co-starred former farmer's fisherman gorman artisans things from deforms cabbage farms pot ranch just to name a few. >> : and the career and committed the serve the cuisine in find a nifty little guy on the one such was the peak seasons for all of the ingredients >> : costing moon was move on >> : what we also have some fun of your inter winery's drinking when a brio winery that there is just a lot more than one rain not only confined great reds whites sports in upper favorite the orange was cost great over peaches ice-cream all that >> : beyond what they also have to free pot and half moon are clustered dell is forcing it into the class are hard look less their fruits vegetables see life of class to start a $59. you can and make a day of it not too shabby and either free on sundays of her 15th grade and are coming up are the hardest dinner. basically tasting tour of half moon bay. under $50 a person we get a half hour dinner featuring several different chefs 3 river bakers to lesser rulers to winemakers and a master distiller >> : slip a wonderful special might. the line a little shopping better do that. we got a shot called odyssey morgan interactive retail experience focused on science major in art beyond that there shall have transforms neighboring what called odyssey out might to some of the materials they use make that from salvage reclaimed its purpose in the check in the back on their actual share for 1900 stock crash of the centel coast in 1953 the this, for weekly ever-changing section >> : in take make a cut it even offered to resorter bikes of half moon bay. a little bit of everything >> : and amalia's odyssey. sounds great puzzles we have going on other shops have moon bay been fuelled replace a pickup trucks. to help resolve the corner. got everything you need from a garden your farm your barn and in business since 1911. hundred and three years going so begin head on over there is importer coarser greta chicken >> : half moon bay feed if you go on to another restaurant >> : we actually got waking note to fresh patch over there and build your own dinner that way a third point harbert pot or every day local chefs come and is particularly popular through june >> : the have several local companies like riptide it hadn't half moon bay about for excursions barn catch of fish to help you do that cannot into the cooking part in dozens unappealing you should have gone over to prison seafood co. during the weeks they cook up your touch too. >> : you can get any fresh done that >> : i can see why so many folks love to spend the weekend half moon bay the kansas city so much >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. ♪hey! i found a happy space ♪somewhere to call our own ♪a 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on johnson and i'm there then there'sson's heas maybeck prole for 15 seconds of film toy to know from versions' all molded and one >> : enough for a special one with week i max release 4 lime 06 i move is called, the big screen >> : wallace said life was like a box of chocolate. >> : the hard lives and 20 years coming up on new information on bus crashed into richmond home or the family and cited a time when dysphoria 49 rv. mcdonnell will be played in tomorrow's game this weekend. arrested for violence plus a search for planets crashed off the coast of jamaica continues we did show what officials show what happened inside >> : ee local news...sports... weather emergencies...especially diverse communities... rural towns... the elderly. they save thousands every year on cable and satellite bills... pay-tv providers don't like that. they're pushing washington to change the rules and cripple free tv call congress. tell them to stand up for sixty million americans... ...and stand up to pay-tv providers. don't mess with free tv the shrine please identify the driver of a stolen car crashed into an ac transit bus said the boss running into the house. coming up with trade and police are looking for a sporting >> : club continues as crews worked into the night and day after fire destroyed a building in the mission district. airline several close popular at the bay area level kron tamp full details on when the sun is expected coming up ahead >> : the morning race for a lot for joining us on news weekend will get things started this archers a forecast >> : could morning and a very overcast from the bay area cloud cover slowed clear here level from the bay bridge toll plaza temperatures are now on the upper 50s was '60s have not seen much moving because the sun is out and have had enough reward things up fog will treat the coastline as we head into about lunchtime the blood a bottle of her 12 expect mostly sunny skies and linda and so coming off the cloud cover for the peninsula of the coastline >> : as we take a look at the headlines looks like it will be slow clearing for today about the warm conditions sunday tropical moisture and the trade since early next week which notice not much changed and the bradys and once they said an upper 50s for the coast >> : indian that our with the developing story and some new updates ripley's identified the suspect involved in a major accident occurring yesterday are is a transit bus slammed into a home after colliding with stolen car >> : white pulp and live in richmond has update for us >> : to reaffirm the home the remains boarded up this morning rush and police took a passenger vessel and car in the custody the driver ran from the list seemed but the to our brothers who know exactly who they're looking for answers a suspect richard 24-hour old orchard a man allegedly behind wheel of a stolen car to start as 5 ft. 11 in. tall hundred 50 lbs. with black hair brown eyes police say he started this chain reaction crash an officer spotted on a stow driving a stolen honda 530 last evening police say caress but often the residential road collided with an ac transit bus. to spur bank of boston beer off the road went through a yard slammed into a home where inside the and mother and two children one from two months old and a few feet from where the bus crash including those on the bus crash injured 11 people all those considered minor injuries ever is one and say that's hard to believe >> : this president die from the bus hit them hard what right through here >> : luckily fitted onto their the problem of took the bus >> : it was crazy no major injuries are you surprised by that >> : and i clearly surprised some arizona earlier performance >> : creasy the cruiser moves ac transit bus at late last night stories also took early at evacuate pga needed cap the gas line was residences as part of his duplex as this was our time this morning again police are looking for the driver of the identified richard contrast noland law- enforcement come up the full detail of the criminal past >> : will keep in touch with mike from richmond in richmond said francisco this morning farquhar's business owners still cleaning up this following that huge fire yesterday there's a rather five alarm blaze in the mission district the blaze destroyed one business forced at least four others to close four people went to a hospital with minor injuries kron 4 charles crawford reports now from the mission with the latest on the cleanup >> : by friday evening cruise begin clearing debris off mission street and for now was a big house retail store. services will fire departments of the store is a total loss nearing thursday's fire alarm fire the roof of the building collapsed and it is now too unstable for even firefighters center. safe harbor inspectors long mr. schlieren engineers and rep workboat the get the best way to demolish the building >> : owners of the building dealing with insurance people they're going to have to get emergency permit to demolish building and have to get an engineer's structural engineer out here to work with to the process of bringing the building down >> : the list other still unanswered question how this fire start your anonymous years can't enter the building the department says that after the structure was demolished they may still be able to determine a cause >> : if that becomes are oftentimes is easy to find evidence of arson. a share professionals across slowly to go through the debris oftentimes a confined and determine what caused fire >> : sprawling mind of the breed all of us left following a five alarm fire the blaze destroyed the building housing retail but, because think places crown with merchandise charter will now as you see there. high on thursday it support to this and district and all the mess and to a lot of bystanders and the block of mission street. people who shot the store the byrne says the they're very subtle what happened badly for the owners >> : very sad very depressed people are shocked that this happened and people aren't so shopping there >> : to search for the people who were very friendly >> : total household items >> : a group as chairman of the been here for 68 years so it's your heart a little blunt our officials issued a warning to a owners of the house and get back in 2009 across merchandise or crowding others' safety concerns other business was not cited in because the fix the problems but the last year inspectors out a complaint of funnel hazards at that time >> : 49ers head coach ray mcdonald will play and tomorrows the game in dallas the game takes place one week after the defensive tackle was arrested on the message of violence charges severs it please call to meet all home early sunday last week said, to be reporting that the fiance showed officers resign her arm and neck. to a harbaugh expresses a decision. and on the been pretty clear to principles are woven together here are the facts are what's known lot liberty to play in the game >> : pot mattel's currently on bail mind for it in his yellow had all those boring people the real scandal is movie was girls errol flynn i talk about a new movie starring susan sarandon about this wicked man. as coming up >> : was to expire off the coast of jamaica or plan believe to of crashed friday the private plane took off new york and officials believe the people on board phelan unconscious north carolina told the pilot that air- traffic control was a problem desk air traffic controls the people descends but did not declare emergency are 50 minutes after takeoff palace up this on internal call u.s. military at check the military of the close of florida and one pilot saw see was a silver >> : assault was over pre good feeling of with the jidda's >> : the take along when if i stop and said and side believes the couple is underway to the vacation home in naples florida >> : much warhead outside so conditions are downtown san francisco and, along with a forecast showing combat >> : back to tell right now 914. supplier of bay area no change there as we had an and temperatures have not budged other. references to a stow 61 if he's for the living house and santa rosa. the opportunity of a bring warm things up is just around clouds the return the clothes line until early afternoon so for now it is a great start to the saturday all we're looking for the sunshine letter on sunday and the state. esoterica with temperatures today sunnyvale 7883 campbell evergreen today looking good with a high of 86 degrees plans you may use is said ramon valley this two week onshore flow we see limited temperatures along the waterfront. 67 news and the space for line 73 at 63 san leandro downtown cell francisco in the upper 60s today 70 degrees and not up. adding to the cal game at memorial stadium against the state to kick off the 12:00 expect temperatures in the upper 60s looking a very seasonal conditions let the sunshine will be call miles but we will cool things down as with game wraps up >> : against an arab forecast when fog afternoon sunshine carries us through the next couple there is pot pressure builds in as we had to the middle of next week with '90s k. nason to next weekend. >> : tibetans will check the calendar and the fall and you think is a bigger time to travel how about >> : his conduct a moral and trip i had a great time >> : from what i can remember yes but absolutely this is a pretty town here to do it kron the smaller the weather is great. holland everything the wrong things and amsterdam. if your money go somewhere off the beaten path look and said only half an hour 40 minutes maybe not far easily drive double easily doable. and what's really charming about it everything you love from amsterdam perspective and a much smaller package >> : will still lovely streets can else exactly canals bikes especially a little amsterdam. we think about it and so has the charm has the attraction it's a great companion to spend a couple is in amsterdam then coming here as well. but the language issue another issue. honestly dutch as a primary language english is so wide it spoken. and go on the most restaurants and they know you'll be fine and goes for sending you an english menu >> : understand is also very much serving art scene. still if prevalent today very historic something that allow people have seen call blue bell people said have seen it and it's where those things either saw a picture magazine on a shelf you recognize the but you don't what the history quite as his history very the 17th century and its heyday 30 + factories and bells producing another is one that >> : this is what actual master painter there are eight of them full-time the training is incredibly to 10 years to justin at this point and literally what you're seeing here she's starting from the beginning etchant pottery has been made shoes now starting with a first-round and slows things even if the stop the type of thing you did have some initial five homes see what boat is in the making of this year history there's a portrait that must be a force for their you will meet the painter >> : the painter of a special for me in english again a very endorsations of stop talk to their juries various things >> : so little bit of that list go back to history and talk about anyone there are famous for >> : their love him pot is not a whole lot no. him the whole lot left about him his problem home as nothing to that extent however this is there room center there really have done a great job here this area of the center is kind of a mockup of the studio and necessarily what it would look like but explains how they made the pains were caused white they don't have any of the original paintings but what they've done to him before reproductions and put them in order chronologically it's a really nice thing in be in if you're not the pot greatest historians to the seller is a talk about the use of life and props and that set to the thing >> : really good way to learn. you mentioned that not all the paintings or nothing is and tell pot your very close which perfect's cousin get there to manage trip very very close and then access which is a gem of a museum just reopened after a two year it is home to some of the most famous works of art collection is small only a hundred but as mighty and includes one of vermeer's most famous or not a girl she is if you're lucky she was here up to largo because limousine was close for the relationships into here young and one on store in new york san francisco to tokyo and all sorts should record numbers is pot incredible fan the poor going the receiver to >> : be so much for telling us in this little trip shot of viewers haven't heard of a sure haven't >> : of burette back. program in which you not only teach the drivers what the children as well be safe that's right with an alameda county transportation the it's the safe for the school's program and the program actually teaches our children are walk bikes if it is cooled saw has a steering components and also work with parents to make sure they know how to safely what their children to school to teach them ways to safety you like what is middle schools and high schools >> : couple points they want to tell little addisons the parents >> : water safety tips the parents and children know parties across all party use a safety road to school making sure they know how a look and see where the fall the rules of the road. making sure children don't are all in front of cars and hurried to getting a school >> : for drivers really import and that they are aware of this slowdown and assure that they understand we have right now 225,000 kids come back to school and all mere county really important that we make sure it's safe for all those kids to the school of course the hours before afterschool everyone is rushing around trendy from one place to another the slave of some problems >> : support of that nature that our schools and communities are still healthy and strong sit for a school's program recognizes that 25 percent of the morning traffic is war-related trips >> : to a huge amount of traffic is getting people school would be programs that we do possible rodeo's we teach notion how to ride their bikes will walk in school buses where parents neighborhood get together they meet up of certain points in their what the children of school and lime alves signs and that's a way we both engage parents students create stronger communities that when >> : talking mainly about the younger children are there any rules and specific to the middle schoolers the fifth and sixth graders >> : for fifth and sixth graders really focus in on saved us a call writing tips for younger students a lot more walking out hiking happens so do programs like a bicycle training programs where we work with schools and their peak courses to make sure the teacher and says the red a bike how to ride in a line to follow the safety rules and third use right kind of signals when on the road >> : to use a hand signal to learn how to start safely to stop safely and mature we have their record on >> : students we see in terms of safety and health risk is that we can prevent 88 percent of the head injuries if students wear helmets properly >> : some of the highest amounts of emergency room visits are kids between four and 14 l 44% of the kids to wear their hollins this type of program teaches them not only to wear helmets but safely were a helmet. chile is a partnership between schools parents and children as >> : it is a partnership with it takes a whole committee be involved people leave the this is really important. unassertive shown as soon as active that have higher concentration rates in effect in 2012 girls started economic showing kids who walked but school had a greater concentration on problem-solving even before hours after they did the walking and biking and compared to those that were driven to is a terrific program really quickly were to learn more about a quarter of a safe roads to the school >> : no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can developing story of been covering were true please identify a suspect involved in a major accident or nancy transit bus slammed into a house after colliding with a stolen car. kron for mike helm not been on the story on it this morning it because the update >> : is to see the path the bus took and a trail of twisted metal by up to a whole and side of the hostages border up this morning of a man who police blame for all this he is still on the run but here his at his picture 24 rolled richards described as 5 ft. 11 in. tall 150 lbs. with black hair brought brown eyes glisten officer saw him allegedly and a small part of yesterday evening he sped off to this residential neighborhood collided with an ac transit bus 18 brubeck bus veered off the road and slammed into a home where inside smother to young children boskin very close to what you want your a trove ever is a star attraction crash as very violent >> : ran right to the yard >> : is big old clutter. >> : and all the crash injured 11 people of those injuries the considered not life- threatening as you can see you crews remove the ac transit pot what leslie less like a home with a bus crashed the duplex this morning both residences are tied uninhabitable but after the crash pleas to the passenger of the stolen car in the custody and say the older brother driving ran away and again identified the driver is 24 year-old richard contrast who is currently on a felony probation for mutt multiple soult so vehicle in the past >> : i come with an update on us for the and so i might. to our attention now to weather forecasts for weekend use erica with that >> : the morning marty with a lot of football to look forward to this weekend and also it's cloudy right now but what this will scale back to the coastline by letter on today we'll look at a later science doesn't much of the bay area and although overcast for now starting to one valley is the delta area most of the location in the south bay early cloud disguised as iran and the afternoon must focus on those temperatures by 3:00 appraise and linda lore '70s bayside in his 60s for the coast and not much change in these numbers as we head into the next level they align to many increases however and early next week and we talk more about the rest of the extent forecast and 15 minutes >> : thank you. the mayor to the news this morning to bay area students to got sick from eating marijuana laced cookies are a hostile russia and police say the cookies left to students on contras on thursday one of them have to be resuscitated three others were vomiting because of the cookies and police arrested a 70 year-old high- school senior accused of selling the could use an kron 4 pot twist and who says those cookies may have had more than just marijuana in them. airline are ever really severe headaches and a dusting of a sudden really remember what i did yesterday on friends said fl and offended and, >> : you circus you start listening thinking and i your heart rate so fast until ago, dorchester sorrow's seeing dragons is crazy. >> : soon arrested for selling the cookie is being held at juvenile hall martina's please say school officials reportedly taking steps to expel her >> : cold days after the 9 and 26 earthquake in napa more homes buildings being tagged and now are 25 structures are red tagged considered unsafe to enter more than 1000 buildings yellow tag and then read cross evacuation center will remain open throughout the weekend. located the crosswalk and the church on first street. >> : friday morning at the firefighters as to try to get things back and ordered a fire fighters to in and buy a brand-new flex screen tv for elderly couple was television was destroyed during the quake >> : these members and to the fires as lawyers association tell with us madras republican help one family returned a little bit of a normal life and obviously there were overwhelmed by what happened to them and really impacted a lot of volunteers are incredible if people have needs a bidding contest sponsors center snap of 772-5262 to two us know your needs are we try to match up >> : the phone #+ r website @ kron4-dot-com the firefighters say the volunteer center that also worry in find information on the red cross church groups other local groups which are helping quick victims >> : monday afternoon the city and county of nappa will local systems center on first-rate the center will serve as a one-stop location residents and business owners can access with the assistance information and check if available resources >> : happening today to nappa grows 6 year-old ruby seven year-old mackenzie will be holding the second lemonade stand for now but to society in raising money to care for lost pets and pets to the temporary housing falling your quick the of a sample of food express located on bellaire plaza and not all starts at noon today. and the match of the sellout all tickets gone between mexico and chile the first ever international soccer game at the vest the messiah clara urging fans and splatters tickets parking lots will open as early as 3:00 p.m. stadium gates and the gears of seven of course we watch to see how let turf holds up. >> : also happening to that college football is back in a big way stanford taking on usc at stanford stadium ticket office 1230 today, bears with their home opener today taking on sacramento's stayed at 12 noon at memorial stadium >> : still have for your non grata for newsweek and bring dozens of the giants from grabbing one from the tigers their pilots coming up also is to live look outside the approached the bay bridge the forecast coming up in just a few minutes >> : during the bay area sports is morning whats a total rain long rain delay did not stop trichogyne sticking on the tigers' last night in detroit there when with six innings bottle brno run instead in the game following a three hour rain delay of the giants beat the tigers a the to less my good deed there from gerber bronco and then on top of the third he'll do with the bad as well. places the rbi double in the right field and then following that the top of the fourth the tarps would come out the rain would come down into our 48 minute rain delay after that they finally resumed late but to come down. >> : in the sixth inning pot was and of all of the total home run file will be eight to two giants starters won the and there remain two games back in the analyst they'd have love car rides to games street >> : photographer days last night to announce the zero dark or oakland chris carter with the 36 home runs and drove in three runs with a 41 us nine houston beat the a's for three esters this straight win and to try of the season high but the loss drops oakland six games behind the first-place angels and the a.l. west tuesday to face off against each other today at 1:00 >> : to like football fort sports i love this place to be this sunday night 49ers cowboys raiders dropped complete highlights an analysis from week one of the nfl + crunch time for the giants and is driving me former all-star but roberts for a full half-hour water sports needs sunday night at 9 right of the news >> : the morning on a lot about showbiz news new movie about the deck and a girlfriend plus jury knew more live up to castro much more so come back. >> : safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you 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rain east of our late and it belongs so there's there's so flash flood thought degrees as we head into tomorrow monday here in the bay area of the grill senior associate with the system some of the cloud cover the chuckle cloud but affects the bay area what that means is committee is up and it will feel pre sticky as the head back to work on monday right now dealing with our regular clouds into the clear as we had to the early afternoon and by 3:00 today focusing on high as your department near seasonal temperatures francaise 77 sunday in san jose's allman valley seat high of 86 similar weather in the spec with this for a mostly sunny skies 8678 vallejo things to onshore flow pre good weeks is temperatures along a waterfront restaurant 6673 cell leandro upper 60s for downtown san francisco and his son is up in a bottle. heading to the stanford game against usc as a big game lot of folks pot and us heading to the game answers of 1230 expected richard mid-70s ill be enjoyable warmup the stadium at this afternoon the family keep that in mind talking about seasonal weather in the cloud cover dealing with right now a part in the with the next two hours >> : but given the sunday run they forecast much change in the temperatures of the next couple days of high pressure moves in the region by monday that will bring us '90s to warmest months boston will continue the pattern as we had to next weekend. >> : thank you so much jens here this morning with their view a film about a guy with a world-class cat >> : from the narrow street we all have stars will made as love the movie and television of steve mcqueen. airline my father was crazy for a goslin test on it to me. and on small screen like the movies fun occurs mott uplifted his film until his own wicked wicked ways absolutely destroyed him >> : as a new film called the last days of robin hood in the throes of hedonistic self destruction was so alive enough to file for a teenage girl named beverly happen beverly's mother thrilled the pot her daughter in the spotlight and the arms of the world- famous flan. while it's easy to return of by this story the characters are well worth watching it all but >> : susan sarandon feels everything shoes and as a guilt ridden mother. pitch perfect as beverly but as kevin kline who place flan without demonizing him and see the actor who thrilled millions in his career. as a movie to see appreciate fun at his finest in these movies. please check out flan is are just a few of the use of ventures watter hood have some blood. it's supposed your rubber arrows flan. taken away >> : our lives of elizabeth and essex they had a chow other austrian state day on screen. too much too soon northland plays john barrymore's some good friends. separate some the pot for just so little bit of fun in this morning fun was on tv in the ears of have until the end of his career trevor howard series to do very good impersonation >> : here's some movies right now on dvd draft day kevin barry word and picture but teachers the differences and make our lives german doctor very good underrated movie about what happens when the topknots the goes and south america the fall in our stars pot ready to cry. and still like hubert collections >> : that's really wild. and by the way here is errol flynn might with a wicked ways for heaven's sake get this book is the story of his last boarding to tasmania and up being our real offscreen menace pot really was a great onscreen know this no one like him. >> : the wonderful thing. i look for what's happening when it comes to hollywood >> : and other day someone summit to merit seen by robin williams a load is so much heat waves american flag sheer genius just brilliant i heard born county thinking of naming the rainbow bridge tunnel one >> : arts support that >> : and give a solid chance to say a prayer to this remarkable maverick time ago under the bridge and left us with so much we're fortunate to have had him for so long i hope they decide to do that >> : for a long time been waiting for this to happen when a thrill to see seven people from the all the chichi committee pitch of the with nicolas coster was a richer sound and others the rainbow honor what hats off to you >> : and from little at a cat the icon shall be live in a person to tell me onstage some of the wild adventures in hollywood the screen and small all part of the california independent film festival september 11th to the 25th of the castro theater to cia iff pot or for all the features. >> : anomie when i interview people on like that >> : is definitely in a be good >> : also now is talk about joan rivers such an amazing woman i highly recommend to people be a documentary joan rivers a piece of work. >> : joan rivers is work 2010 premiere at the san francisco international film festival at the castro of course john was so supportive of the gay community but so much more she was everything she was every part of our lives are part of our culture is seen what amazing strong woman and how much courage she had the plant her feet and toiletries. >> : you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh how do you helper? make helper with your favorite ingredients, for a fresh taste you'll love. helper. make it yours. available at your local safeway store. the stores this morning from police said none of us suspect accused of starting a chain reaction crash racy transit bus smashed into a home after colliding with a stolen car. suspects identified as 24 old richard contrast currently on federal felony probation for will also own vehicles along with the misdemeanor. woman and her two young daughters and the house of the time of the clutch and less light suffering minor injuries a people on the bus of hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries the home was severely damaged as to protect them currently staying in a hotel >> : and services goes for a fire cruise business owners oakland macarthur's as alarm fire destroyed one business forced at least four others) for people sunblocks both minor injuries are department still investigating the cause of the fire. for natters said coach jim harbaugh says ray mcdonald will play in tomorrow's home opener in dallas game was one week after defensive tackle rest on felony events charges. sec mile be reporting that rebels fiancee showed officers bruise on her arm and neck and mcdonnell's going to drag out the pregnancy of sale of home. rebel currently out on bail. >> : most are warming up store the day. baby boy with severe hearing loss able to click here clearly for the rivers taunted with its reaction >> : he's in australia us suddenly sold when he received his first. but that laughlin was diagnosed with moderate to severe hearing loss in both years his reaction to the sounds around sam is truly astonishing the launch laughlin's two years old 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