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the next hp ceo bought autonomy software for $11.5 billion. then he was fired. among the hp board members approving the deal, current hp ceo meg whitman. she says her company was lied to by autonomy. >> we believe that there is a willful effort on the part of certain members of autonomy management to mislead shareholders when autonomy was a publicly held company and mislead potential buyers, including hp. >> so in a move sure to overshadow its new line of products, hp is taking an $8.8 billion charge on the autonomy deal, admitting it made a huge mistake, even though it's kind of glad it bought it. >> listen, what i will tell you about autonomy is we still like the business. we like the technology. we think it's going to be an important part of hp's -- hp software's growth strategy, but it is not as valuable as we had believed it to be. >> so what do you do about hp? buy stock when it's low or stand back and let the drama play out? >> frankly, what we're seeing all of the errors, hp is not dead yet, but if they can't get this turned around, their profits could evaporate and they could be in big trouble. >> with investors running for the exits, it's clear that trouble has already started. again, hp stock price down to its lowest level in a decade as of tonight. as for autonomy, the former ceo of the company a, the man who sold it to hp, responding today by denying meg whitman's charges. this whole thing will likely end up in court. >> fascinating story. thank you. well, slick roads and rain. it's getting sloppy. you see the wet roads. be extra cautious. let's turn things over to our chief meteorologist in our weather center. jeff. >> yeah, it's a really great point there. just takes a few showers to make things that much more dangerous, especially in the holidays. we have so many more travelers out on the roadways. you can see this slow-moving storm system is holding on to a decent amount of rainfall, especially in the north bay. that's where we've already picked up a quarter to a half inch of rain. visibility reducing quite a bit, as is rainfall coming down at a very good clip there at highway 101. we're expecting our heavier batch here for downtown san francisco for the next 21 minutes. points to the south across the peninsula. also, oakland to hayward are finding developing showers. worst delays at sfo right now running about 2 1/2 hours behind. the next 24 hours could keep one to two-hour delays throughout tomorrow's forecast. we'll let you know when this storm clears out coming up. >> see you then, jeff. >> well, put your pants on. no more private parts in public places in san francisco. that's the ruling from the board of supervisors which passed a controversial ban on nudity. vote was tight, 6-5. the ban does not outlaw nudity all the time. being in the buff will still be allowed during certain permitted events such as gay pride and the fulsome street fair. the bottom line, come february with when the ban go into effect, there will be a $100 fine if your bottom is seen sans cover in public. new tonight, a death row sentence for a double murder case at richmond toll plaza. 49-year-old nathan burruss laughed as the sentence was read to him. he mocked the victims' families throughout the sentencing phase, repeatedly telling the jury he was happy to go to death row. one female juror said the panel was frustrated by the long delays and thought death might be too good for him but they feared he would kill other inmates as he promised in the witness stand. cleaning your house and then cleaning you out. even some of the most trusted maids turn out to be criminals. it's happening now to some families on the peninsula. here's chris sanchez. >> reporter: 36-year-old martha ramirez was a trusted housekeeper. now she's behind bars on felony burglar charges, accused of stealing from people who trusted her in their homes. two people in bryant street had used the same housekeeper for years with no problem until that housekeeper took on a new helper, martha ramirez. >> together they realized they were missing some jewelry. they contacted a third person who was also missing items. >> reporter: police found jewelry and even costume jewelry in a mattress in her home. they also found a pawn receipt. >> one of our victims had an antique rolex taken. it was a world war ii relic handed down from a grandparent. that item has not been recovered yet. it's a rose-colored rolex watch. >> reporter: is a site dedicated to helping people find domestic employees. they say when hiring a housekeeper, verify work experience and references. ask a friend or neighbor to drop by unannounced to check on the housekeeper, and if you are particularly concerned, you can request background and credit check, driving records, even a drug test. housekeepers often work in more than one area. that's why police are working with area agencies to figure outs whether there could be other victims in other cities. getting something delivered soon? hope it stays on your front porch. this is the time of year that delivery thefts spike. case in point, this video. watch. the woman caught on camera stealing off a front porch. police released the tape of the woman taking the package hoping someone will recognize her. she also took a bag of canned foods that were supposed to be donations for charity. police say she arrived shortly after ups left. well, they'll don't negotiate after a strike disrupted service at the port of oakland today. this comes at a time when containers are supposed to be moving holiday gifts. union members hit the picket lines before dawn today, including janitors, clerks, electricians who have been without a contract for 17 months. on the docks, workers seemed to support the strike. outside, truckers waited in huge lines with nothing to pick up or deliver. >> how do you feel about sitting and waiting? >> sad. not feeling good. i have to produce, you know, put the food on the table. we're sitting here for nothing. >> a spokesperson for the port says they are acting in good faith and trying to get situation resolved. but they are facing a $1.3 billion debt. the union also went on strike at oakland airport. travel has not been impacted, though. it's happening again. bay area nurses on strike today. about 5,000 of them picketing at ten local hospitals. >> the scenario has played out before. they've held a strike more than half a dozen times in a little more than a year. >> in tonight's reality check, sam tries to pull the curtain away from the debate and shows us what's at stake and whether the contract dispute will ever be resolved. >> good evening. i wouldn't bet the farm on it. both sides have facts and figures that prop up their arguments. what we're concerned about is the truth of this never ending conflict. the truth is that the california nurse's association is trying to protect the richest contract in its union and the richest contract, for that matter in the entire country. both sides acknowledge that, but the truth is also that hundreds of part-time nurses could end up with no health care at all if the proposal is pushed through. power, it's a relative term for the california nurses association. a total of seven strikes in just over a year has netted little progress and no deal on a union contract that expired in the middle of 2011. >> what we're asking for is nothing more than what we have. we're not asking for anything more than the contract that we have. >> but the contract the nurses have, which includes three hospitals in the east bay, is the richest in the country. by both sides' admission. >> they're very, very well compensated, and they should be. the bay area is expensive. they're the top of the heap. >> just how high up on that heap is up for debate. using the same w-2 forms, health officials say the average nurse pulls in $136,000 for a full-time position. the california nurses association counters it's more like $100,000. no matter how you parse the numbers, there's a larger problem at play here. only a small fraction of the nursing and tech employees on these three campuses are actually full-time or work at least 40 hours, meaning they don't get that kind of pay. under a new proposal, they could lose their health care coverage, the biggest tug-of-war in the entire contract dispute. >> what we're asking them in order to receive full-time benefits, that they work at least 30 hours a week. that's very normal in the work environment. >> the reality is somewhere in the middle. the health management says it's in the company's best interest to get as many part-time employees up to 30 hours a week as possible so they qualify for health care and benefits. when i asked if those 30-hour plus jobs would be guaranteed to current part timers, i received no promises. and hang in the balance are 481 part-time employees who stand to lose their health care. lastly, about the allegations of greed. i asked summit's vice president of medical affairs, what's driving the company's belt tightening? >> we have had big changes in our financial picture as have many hospitals throughout the area. what we're trying to do is make sure that we're surviving, viable, we're thriving organization as we move into the future. >> so the question becomes, does the health care giant suter need to be cutting its costs? let's take a glance now further into the numbers. here's a look at sutter's total income over the last three years. it's an average of $733 million. a total sum earned of $2.2 billion over that time frame. so what's the bottom line here? sutter could probably afford to maintain the same pay and benefits for its staff. it's a compensation that the staff members will fiercely defend since it took them 60 years of collective bargaining to earn it in the first place. but will the strike help the nurses keep their pay and benefits? not if a repeat of today happens, where nurses crossed the picket lines and went to work. given that kind of backdrop, you could probably expect more strikes. back to you. >> thank you very much, sam. still ahead at 6:00, we're going to take you live to the orange carpet at the premier for the giants world series dvd. >> also, the latest after a small plane crashes here in the bay area. and how often do medical emergencies happen at 30,000 feet in the air? the investigative unit looks at what airlines should be doing. a big and bold move forward for the new bay bridge. holding its own. the important milestone for the new span of that bridge. back in a moment. a small plane made an emergency landing into a marsh near san rafael airport this morning. an faa spokesman said the pilot apparently had engine problems while taking off. the pilot did have some minor injuries. the plane is registered to a vallejo resident, but it's unknown if he was the one flying. how do you maneuver and support a deck that weighs 32 tons? well, very carefully. today, another high-wire act on the new span of the bay bridge. here's nbc bay area's joe risotto jr. >> reporter: just's east of treasure island, the new span of the bay bridge rises from the bay. for some who have overseen this project over many years remember the days when the picture wasn't so rosy. >> it's had budget trouble repeatedly. it's had design controversy. it's had all sorts of issues. >> reporter: today, steve hemminger wasn't dwelling on the past. it was a time to celebrate the present. there were many, many days when i was never sure we'd get this far. >> today marked a major milestone for the new bridge. for the first time, the self-anchored single-suspension span was holding its own. >> this was the last major milestone we had to meet, which was transferring the load of this immense bridge on to the cable system. >> reporter: after months of work, crews have finished shifting the load of the 32-ton deck on a 200 suspender cables. >> we've taken the entire weight of the self-anchored suspension bridge and placed it on the cable system that will hold it in place for 150 years. >> reporter: workers used jacks to increase tension on the cables, transferring the weight to the bridge's single cable and tower. during the transfer, the deck actually shifted 30 feet. at the end, it was a giant sigh of relief. >> we were never afraid we were going to drop the bridge into the bay, but it could have taken us a lot longer. >> reporter: the work marks the last major hurdle before the bridge is scheduled to open on labor day of next year. but there's still plenty to do. the entire structure needs to be painted and the span's roadways still needs asphalt. cal trans may be the only state agency not praying for rain. >> the more dry days, the further we can get on the work that needs to be done. >> reporter: in the meantime, crews continue to wrap the span's nearly mile-long single cable as this engineering marvel jumps from the page as of blueprints that much closer to starting work. joe risotto jr., nbc bay area news. >> does look impressive. there may soon be a new way to get around the south bay. the light rail line is planning to be extended. 1 1/2 miles will be extended at the winchester stop. it's expected to cost $175 million. they will hold a public meeting to discuss the idea on december 4th. that'll be at the campbell public library. let's bring in our chief meteorologist. he's going to talk about our thanksgiving forecast. a lot of people on the move, going to grandma's house and everything else. >> going all over the place. good thing about this storm system is it's going to move in. it's going to push on out. it's going to get wet for some holiday travel, but not over thanksgiving. that's the good news. let's get you into the north bay. that's where the rainfall has been very heavy. also up into the hills of the north bay. we've squeezed out a half inch to an inch of rainfall. from the valleys to santa rosa, it's been quite a bit less. finally, it's starting to move to the south. it's been very slow. there's a lack of upper level energy. that's why we've been dealing with this storm system for the past 24 hours. right now, more consistent rainfall starting to approach san francisco. it's not overly heavy, but it's going to add to these roadways being very slick across the northern peninsula. continuing developing light showers from oakland to hayward to redwood city. at sfo we have delays over two hours. if you're going there to take off on a flight tonight, lucky you. if you're going to pick somebody up, you may have to wait a little bit longer than expected. we talked about that heavier rainfall way up past santa rosa. cobb mountain and also north of napa picking up 5 inches with this storm system in just the past 24 hours. a viewer sending that in. thank you so much. another example of how much those mountains are squeezing out that moisture. that's why there's not too much left here. by the time it gets to santa rosa, only 0.33 inches. 56 in cupertino. 66 in san jose. the crew is dead on tonight. ed, eva, and will back in the control room saying we have an awesome camera in san jose. look at these clouds starting to roll on in. the clouds lowering, a sign of some of those showers that will be here eventually as we head into the overnight hours. thank you so much, guys, back in the control room. always working hard. this slow-moving system is gradually going to be pushing to the south throughout tomorrow morning. so overall, totals will be all right. they're not going to be as heavy as last friday and saturday. looking for about 0.25 to 0.50 inches of rainfall. throughout tonight, we'll find these showers starting to push off to the south. by 11:00 p.m., south bay might still be on the dry side. we may not even get any showers in the south of the east bay until 5:00 a.m. for tomorrow. if you're doing any traveling, looks like clear weather building in throughout 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. for tomorrow. some sunny skies throughout wednesday afternoon. more coming up in the seven-day forecast later on the show. back to you. >> okay. see you short lirks jeff. still ahead here at 6:00, a big announcement connected to the 49ers news stadium. plus, it may not cut down on cost after all. a surprising new study involving patients who have onlike access to their medical records. and the new report on dangerous toys during this holiday season. he's considered armed and dangerous, and police on the peninsula want you to be aware. today they released this schedule of a man behind a brazen armed robbery at foothill college. college officials say the suspect approached two men on campus yesterday morning and pulled out a gun. he stole their backpacks. thankfully, to one was hurt. if you're one of the people getting on a plane in the next couple of days, you're not alone. millions expected to fly this holiday weekend. sfo bracing for a spike in travelers this thanksgiving just compared to last year. >> so many people traveling, investigative reporter examines what happens when medical emergencies happen at 30,000 feet. elise, we often -- do we find out about these evens? >> not that often. we found that airlines are tracking this information internally. but there's no central database to find out how often passengers need in-flight medical help. that's because the industry doesn't have to report it. and there's growing criticism the current policy could come at a cost to travelers. >> this could be a potentially life-threatening situation. >> when there are medical problems in the sky, 90% of commercial airlines in the u.s. will call medaire. >> typically the captain or flight attendant will contact us through satellite phone or even through the aircraft radio. >> the private company based in tempe, arizona, gives advice to pilots, flight attendants, or any medical professional who may be on board. >> medical events are actually rare. we can't estimate one medical event for every 30,000 passengers carried. >> how often do in-flight medical events occur? >> that's a very good question. nobody really knows. >> the faa does not require airlines to report in-flight medical events. >> they're in a contained environment, so knowing what the most common illnesses and injuries and events that occur can really help better prepare with them in a more effective manner. >> the faa does require that airlines carry certain items in a medical kit. we discovered what's in those kits can vary from airline to airline. for more information, go to our website,, and be sure to watch our full information at 11:00. >> okay, elise. see you tonight. if you have a tip for our investigative unit, give us a call or end us an e-mail. it's certainly traumatic and devastating, especially for a child. now there's hope. a new program in san francisco to help children who witness violent crime. the district attorney announced the victims compensation program today. it provides up to $5,000 in reimbursement for mental health counseling. the goal is to minimize the impact of violence on young kids. >> the trauma lasts a lifetime, yet with a little bit of assistance and getting counseling services, we can repair the harm. >> to be eligible, a witness must have been a minor at the time of the crime and there must be evidence and documentation that that crime actually happened. still ahead at 6:00, the major decision by elmo's puppeteer in the wake of that sex scandal. plus, is the end in sight? the united thagss released a promisin report on the a.i.d.s. epidemic. and mideast peace taux appear to be unraveling. secretary of state hillary clinton flies to the region to try and broker a truce as gaza and israel launched some of the most aggressive assaults yet. the latest develops and how the bay area is reacting next in "world tonight." there's talk of a possible trurks but right now more violence in the middle east. >> we have team coverage this evening. we have local reaction to the crisis in the middle east. we begin with janelle with the latest developments in our "world tonight." >> there was lots of hope today in the middle east as reports of a truce between israel and hamas, the militant organization that rules the gaza strip. but that hope quickly faded as the region saw some of the heaviest shelling yet. just in the past few hours israel launched an aggressive missile assault on gaza city. they say it's in response to the rocket attacks by hamas. secretary of state hillary clinton cut her asia trip with president obama short to fly to the middle east to help broker a truce. she just wrapped up a meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. later today she'll meet with the palestinian president and then fly to egypt to meet with mohammed morsi. >> the goal must reach legitimate aspirations of israelis and palestinians alike. >> right now, no sign that a deal is even close. besides a cease fire, hamas wants some of the restrictions eased at the gaza border. israel is demanding a long-term agreement and says that if a diplomatic solution is not reached, they're ready for a ground war. people in the bay area are closely watching these developments unfold. let's check in with jody hernandez. >> reporter: janelle, a lot of folks here in the bay area are feeling a sense of helplessness as they watch the violence unfold in the middle east. many have friends or family members either in israel or in the gaza strip. today we got a very real sense of what families who are living in that region are going through tonight. we caught up with a resident of gaza via skype this afternoon. a woman who's been praying for a cease fire but judging by the shelling outside her house, it hadn't taken hold yet. >> i was feeling relief when i was hearing about the cease fire. oh, my god. just a second. >> reporter: mona is a project director on the ground in gaza for berkeley based middle east children's alliance, a nonprofit aimed at making life better for palestinian children in the gaza strip. >> people are huddled together. they put blankets over them. they bring the children to them. the kids are terrified. of course, there's no school. they're frightened. >> reporter: barbara and her staff have been in close contact with friends in gaza. many of them have been killed in the past several days since israel launched a military campaign in response to rocket attacks from hamas. >> my mom took me to a shelter in our house and showed me the gas masks. >> reporter: this rabbi shared an e-mail of family from his congregation who's in israel for the year just sent. he, too, is praying for the fighting to stop. >> that's probably the number one emotion that goes through the members' minds. concern for the safety of people they know in israel. >> reporter: news of a possible cease fire has brought hope to both sides. it can't come soon enough for mona, with bombs still dropping down, she's terrified. >> i want cease fire. i want peace. >> reporter: now, that woman that we talked to via skype had to take cover several times as we talked to her as explosions took place outside. now, tonight local jews are having a communal service to pray for peace while members of the middle east children's alliance are raising money. they plan to bring much-needed medical supplies and emergency supplies to gaza in a couple of weeks. reporting live, jody hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> jody, thank you. a southern california kmunt is reacting with shock after a 21-year-old man was arrested and accused of being part of a home-grown terror plot. 21-year-old miguel santana lived with his parents at this duplex in upland. nearby residents say fbi agents who arrived on friday used sledge hammers to get inside the door. a former schoolmate described how santana had grown distant since converting to islam. a 77-page affidavit indicates he was one of four southern california men who bought tickets to mexico last thursday with plans to fly from there to turkey to train with terror groups. >> they made travel logistics, including flight arrangements, required documentation and cover stories. >> two of the men were going to go to dubai and travel to pakistan. long-time elmo puppeteer has resigned from "sesame street" after a second allegation he sexually abused an underage boy. the 24-year-old claims they engaged in a sexual relationship when he was just 15 years old after they met on a gay chat line. his attorney says he has been contacted by two other potential victims. clash was with "sesame street" for 28 years making elmo one of the most popular characters on that show. it's kind of like the island of misfit toys. a 26th annual report titled "trouble in toyland" tested 200 kids products and identified a dozen that may be hazardous. aside from the obvious sharp edges that cut, they highlighted everything from cords that strangle. also, noise makers that can be a little too loud. still ahead at 6:00, did we get the invite to the orange carpet event? a live picture now at the castro theater in san francisco. the orange carpet for the world champion giants. we'll take you there for the big movie premier of the world series highlight film. and we follow the money trail. good evening. i'm in the weather center. we're tracking the storm here tonight. we have showers developing across the north bay. not only rain here for us but, yes, that's going to mean sierra snow. we'll let you know how much we could get across the summit coming up in a few minutes. in health matters tonight, with the number of new a.i.d.s. cases dropping, the united nations today predicted an end to the worldwide epidemic may be in sight. deaths from a.i.d.s. fell to 1.7 million last year, down from a peak of 2.3 in 2005. the report credits better access to drugs, which can treat and prevent the virus. it's also slowing the spread of the disease. s subsa subsahara africa remains the worst place for the disease. people who are able to access their medical information online as well as interact with their doctors via e-mail are also more likely to visit their doctors in person. many fear online access would lead to fewer face to face doctor visits. also, researchers originally thought the online communication would cut costs. insteading it's raising cost potentially because of the increased visits to the doctors office. all right. . want to check in with jeff for the forecast over the next couple days. >> clouds are out here. we'll talk about showers and how long they'll last coming up in a few minutes. several calls and e-mails into our investigative unit today. more people claiming they were victimized by a prominent south bay businessman. he owes taxpayers millions of dollars. >> at issue is a series of government breakdowns and a savvy businessman the unit says apparently is taking full advantage of that. we bring in our chief investigator. tony, a lot of money and an equal amount of frustration. >> here's what we've learned. both the california department of motor vehicles have conducted investigations. we know he owes a lot of unpaid taxes to the irs and the state. but a group of investors wants to know how he's getting away with everyone's money. >> and i have invested over $200,000. >> i have defrauded out of at least $25,000. >> they are all part of his money trail, willing investors joining a growing list of victims. >> i lost over $50,000. >> i invested more than $100,000. >> how many of you thought this was a good investment? they are also part of a group, 18 different bay area investors, a total of nearly $2 million. how many of you believe you're a victim of a crime? >> there's something wrong when all those people put up their money and got nothing back. >> harry osborne has an inside perspective. he worked as a saleman for the guy who has all their money. he watched the investment opportunity crumble. >> i think a lot of this was a scam, too. i think he was paying the interest from the people who were putting more money in. >> here's how it worked. investors were lured by advertisements in the san jose mercury and other newspapers promising a 10% return. their investment secured by these pink slips. >> they have pink slips that have been sold a long time ago. >> there's some funny math in that presentation. >> there are errors in that presentation. >> this is a recognized forensic accountant. nbc bay area obtained a copy of the presentation. it says the investment is 100% secured. nowhere is your money safer. and, guarantees a fixed 10% annual return. >> it leads you to believe there is a ponzi scheme here. >> and here's the guy with all the money. he's a long time san jose businessman and car dealer. you might remember him from our investigation back in april. >> it is my problem. you know why? because you've stolen money from my mother. >> in that case, our reports exposed him for trying to walk away from $70,000 owed to a customer. >> so what did to you with the money? >> it got sucked in a black hole. >> and that appears to be a continuing theme for him and his businesses. >> do you think he's aware of what he's doing to all these people? >> absolutely. >> this recently filed bankruptcy document shows he has a lot of missing money. he's asked a judge to wipe out more than $10 million in debt. it includes nearly $2 million from those used car investors. $600,000 to the irs for employee payroll taxes collected nearly two decades ago and never paid. and more than $2.8 million to the state of california for unpaid sales taxes. >> if they don't pay them to the state of california, is that a crime? >> it is a crime, and we have to go after the money. >> take a look. his bankruptcy filing shows he owes california taxpayers $2.8 million, debt dating back six years, never paid. and he has not been charged with a crime. six years and nearly $3 million. how does somebody get away with that? >> that's hypothetical. >> it's factual. it's on this. >> i'm not going to this document. >> the state board of equalization says law prevents it from explaining why california taxpayers don't have the tax dollars collected. we also found this interesting. here's a letterhead sheriff's advisory committee. right there it says it. is that a problem? ron is a member of the santa clara county sheriffs advisory board, a nonprofit group supporting and affiliated with the sheriffs department. does this concern you? >> it does concern me. i want to make sure we have good people that are affiliated with that organization because they do work with us. >> you're the sheriff. will you recommend that he's removed from your advisory board? >> yes. >> so sheriff smith has called for some government accountability. he's a san jose businessman with a financial resume showing more than $10 million owed to the federal government, the state of california, and dozens of bay area business partners. now many are calling for even more accountability. >> i could have stayed home today, but i want to do -- excuse me. i want to do my part to make sure he's brought to justice. >> somebody's got to investigate it. somebody's got to do something. >> he doesn't deserve to be out in the streets. >> we have learned the california department of corporations and the department of motor vehicles have turned over their files to the santa clara county district attorney for possible charges. on the phone, ron says he doesn't want to comment on our investigation. we do intend to talk with you about all that missing money before your next bankruptcy hearing. raj. >> okay, tony. thank you. a tipline now is a great way to contact us, tony, or anyone else in our investigative unit. you see the number here. 888-996-tips or send us an e-mail to all right. let's check in with our head meteorologist. it's about keeping an eye on the sky. >> still expected to be sunny here. we need to get through this rainfall that's currently over us. finally starting to push to the south. we'll show you where some of the heaviest rainfall has been. it's here in the north bay. also goes for napa and sonoma. down towards san francisco, we've had showers over the past couple hours. now these developing showers are continuing to push to the south as far as san mateo and redwood city. a lot of our major corridors tonight are dealing with a lot of heavy traffic. people putting on the brakes as they get out to do some traveling. if you're headed to sfo, i have this red icon here for a reason. running about two hours behind at the airport. whether you're picking somebody up or taking off, get ready for those delays. we could see them stack up over the next couple hours. the highest, no doubt, at sfo. oakland, we'll average about 50 minutes there. at san jose, delays of about 30 minutes. not only at the airports and the bay area roads, but also up across the sierra. we haven't had too much snowfall so far today. overnight hours into tomorrow morning we're expecting 4 to 8 inches across 80 and highway 50 at about 7,000 feet. winds could top 50 miles per hour in this storm system. let's get you outside to that live hd sky camera. the city lights pushing a red hue here across the clouds in san jose. it's looking pretty gorgeous as we continue throughout tonight. it's going to take a while for those showers to get here. let's show you that timeline. as we continue throughout tonight, we're going to find this batch of rainfall with the cold front slowly marching to the south, even by 11:00 p.m., the line of rainfall looks like it may hold off for san jose. you may not actually get any showers right now until about 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 tomorrow morning. if you're leaving early tomorrow for that thanksgiving holiday, we'll have the wet roads in the morning hours, but here's the good part. as we advance this through the afternoon hours, we'll get some sunshine in here. it's going to look a lot better if you're leaving tomorrow afternoon and also on thanksgiving for thursday. so again, showers lingering into the morning commute. then they start to push out as we head throughout the afternoon on wednesday. slick roads across the bay area and right up to the sooe year a. temperatures in the low 50s. for daytime highs, we're going to top out very similar to today. not a ton of cold air with this system. low to mid-60s. on your three-day forecast, we have sunny skies as we head throughout thanksgiving on thursday. mid-60s. friday, upper 60s. throughout saturday, plenty of sunny skies and low 70s. looks great for small business saturday. sounds like i'm doing commercials for them. i don't have a small business, but i know somebody who does. i'm all for that small business saturday. >> do you get a cut of the profits? >> maybe. you know who you are. all right. >> thanks, jeff. well, it won't just be the 49ers playing in that new stadium. two more teams have been added to the mix, two college teams. a bowl game will now move to santa clara once the stadium is ready in 2014. the kraft fight hunger bowl, which has been played at at&t park since 2002, will move south. today, 49ers ceo jed york welcomed the bowl game as the first non-49ers event to be scheduled at this new stadium. that first 49ers game is scheduled for august of 2014 and the kraft fight hunger bowl a few months later in december. all right. let's get to sports with henry wofford. >> hello. big news in berkeley. a 3-9 season is unacceptable in bear territory. today the head football coach was fired after 11 years with the team. he will, by the way, receive $6.9 million in compensation. the bears lost their final five games of the regular season. the bears were ranked as high as number two in the country in 2007, but the team is 23-27 over the past four years. tedford won a school record 82 games. the athletic director says letting the coach go was a difficult decision. >> jeff tedford is a good man who has brought great success and celebration to this university and who deserves to occupy a place of honor in the cal family. his legacy is unquestioned. however, the current state of our program is not what our student athletes, fans, and campus community deserve. my decision was based, and my decisions will continue to be based on what i believe is right and best for our student athletes. >> over to bay's bar where the san francisco giants have rolled out the red carpet for a special event. jamie, this is another opportunity to relive the giant's magical season. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely, henry. actually, it's an a orange carpet tonight, not a red carpet, in honor, of course, of the san francisco giants. even though we do know how this story ends, everybody who is attending the premier tonight looking forward to reliving the magic on the big screen, including manager bruce bochy. >> it's going to be nice to watch it in a different way where it's not quite as intense and enjoy it and bring back some great memories. i've taken some time off, but i know this is something all the players look forward to because you do want to savor this. so it's going to be a fun night tonight. >> reporter: now that you have had a couple weeks to maybe let everything sink in and reflect on the season, what will you remember most about this 2012 team? >> i think more than anything how unselfish a group they were. you know, i know we talked about, you know, how resilient they were and the resolve they played with facing elimination games six times. really, it's such a great game to work with. again, being so unselfish. >> reporter: and also expected to be in attendance is actor benjamin bratt, who voiced the film. he also grew up in san francisco. he's a huge giants fan. i asked manager bruce bochy, who would play bochy in a movie? he said he wasn't sure but it definitely would not be brad pitt. reporting live, i'm jamie sire for nbc bay area news. >> thank you, jamie. that will do it for sports. orange carpet sounds like an eyesore, but i guess it works for occasion. >> yes, it does, henry. yes, it does. thank you. for a full half hour of bay area sports coverage, you can watch sportsnet central on comcast. >> we're back in a moment. tonight at 1:00, family and friends are gathering for a memorial for a south bay marine who was shot and killed by police in palm springs. we'll hear from the family tonight. let's turn things over to brent to find out what's coming up at 7:00. >> talking about the situation in gaza and israel and how the san francisco consulate here is going to talk to me live. they're gathering for a prayer vigil tonight. also, he hopes to update us on any new information. we've been hopeful there's going to be some kind of resolution, some kind of a cease fire. i believe he has the latest details. we'll talk to in a couple minutes on comcast 186. >> thank you, brent. have a great evening. hope to see you back here at 11:00 as well. >> good night. >> now on a "extra," new video. petraeus's mistress slamming a reporter's face with her car petraeus's mistress slamming a reporter's face with her car door.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20131001

mccloud is being held on $750,000 bail. the alleged abuse occurred before mccloud became a police officer, when he was the lead coordinator of the after school program in livermore. >> he was the one everybody liked. >> reporter: police say the claims involve multiple girls at several different elementary and middle schools in livermore. the victims say the abuse took place on school grounds. the first victim is now an adult. >> we originally got the report from one victim as a result of that statement and cooperating with what she told us, we discovered several other victims. we have interviewed those victims. >> reporter: the abuse took place from 1998 and 2007 involving girls between the ages of 12 and 14. mccloud was arrested on saturday. >> this is the one crime that people wait to report li. there is a lot of psychological digesting these victims go through. >> reporter: attorney mike rains who represents the police officer association, says he knows he has a good reputation in the police department. it's never come to my attention he's had any issues in the past. there's no evidence that mccloud abused anyone once he came a police officer. he's been placed on paid leave pending the outcome of the investigation. we are also closely watching a developing story out of washington, d.c. where the clock is ticking. congress has less than four hours to reach a deal to avoid a government shutdown. the battle over the budget and the president's healthcare plan has reached a new depth of dysfunction. in the event of a shutdown, services you might want to use might not be available. nearly a million americans would lose their paychecks. >> reporter: thanks. good evening to you. the ball is back in john boehner's court. the president refused and pushed back saying one faction of one political party in one part of congress shouldn't be able to shut down government. with still no deal in congress, federal workers are worried. >> it's definitely going to have an impact on my livelihood. >> reporter: pollution standards for epa. >> it's frustrating. >> reporter: national parks would close. u.s. troops would get paid but federal workers would get furloughs. people who approve passports and federal mortgages, those services could stop storm. house republicans plan to vote tonight to push back obamacare. >> we're confident this issue will pass. this is a matter of funding the government and fairness to the american people. >> reporter: president obama will not cave on his healthcare plan. >> an important part of the affordable care act takes place tomorrow. it's moving forward. that funding is already in place. you can't shut it down. >> reporter: he won today's first round, the senate vote to keep government going. >> we're not going to change obamacare. >> reporter: house republicans vowed to make change. >> there's so real local impact here. you see al ka traz shrouded in fog. it will close in the government shutdown happens. 5,000 people a day visit the historic prison. other popular local sites fort point and yosemite regionally speaking. plenty of staff members will take an unpaid furlough. >> they will go without pay during a government shutdown, but administrators are not commenting an how workers are classified as essential and how many will be furloughed. the president says, quote, starting tuesday morning short of a miracle, 95% of aims employees will be locked out and their families will be without that critical paycheck for some period of time, end quote. do you think lawmakers will reach a deal to avoid a government shutdown tonight? you can vote by texting us. vote one for yes, two for no. we have new details of that violent car crash that left a local teenager dead. a 58-year-old woman arrested in connection with that crash in san francisco is out on bail. she was booked on suspicion of v vehicle manslaughter. >> reporter: there is some good news to report this afternoon. kevin's sister, the one involved in that fatal crash, was released from the hospital yesterday, but their mother remains in critical condition. there are some heart breaking from kevin's friends. they are here inside of flowers. one of the notes says never forgotten and always loved. across town, his friends are in shock and so are neighbors of the suspect in this fatal crash. >> very nice family. >> reporter: she lives next door to woman arrested in friday's fatal crash. she didn't have much contact with her. all she knows the family is quiet and has children of their own. >> it shocked me. >> reporter: police say she crashed her speeding mercedes benz into a mini van and catering truck on friday. she was driving 80 miles per hour before the crash. there is a growing memorial at the crash site. >> we should be a traffic safety light around this area, because we do have a couple of accidents. >> reporter: lincoln high school students held a tearful memorial at lunchtime. she was in the junior rotc drum core with kevin. >> she was a really happy guy. he was really positive all the time. he was always goofing around. we all miss him. >> reporter: fans and friends show up here in groups. it's pretty quiet right now. they're bringing flowers and notes. there may be a memorial here for kevin tonight. his father posted a note on the tree and it is asking for privacy. police in mountain view are on the look out for a car that looks similar to one. it is a silver light 1990s honda accord with possible damage to the front and left side. it happened just before 6:00 this morning. a 77-year-old woman was hit, but is expected to be okay. the driver though took off. anyone with information is urged to call local police. a new breast cancer drug bringing now hope to patients. >> imagine this. you have everything all loaded in the van only to have it vanish overnight. one south bay's moving nightmare just ahead. >> cutting class not just for high school and middle students. elementary schools are truant at an alarming rate. >> we're still tracking some light rain showers. in the hills just to the east of san jose, some rain. a lot warmer and windy ahead in the forecast. we'll look at that when we come back. new at 5:00, if you don't have a child, truant si has an impact on the entire community. one in five elementary school students skipped school in the last year. chris sanchez joins us with this growing problem. >> reporter: more than a million elementary school students are truant every year. if that's a surprise to eyou, it's not a surprise to those working in education. truant si among high schoolers leads to higher drop out rates and a 4% increase in burglaries. when one in five elementary school students was truant last year, it was a tremendous loss to their school district. according to a report released by the california attorney general's office, the schools lose $1.4 billion in funding. the co fixing the problem isn't just up to the schools. it will take the stake holders from community and law enforcement as well. >> kids need to be in school because they need to be successful adults. if you're not in school, they're not getting the instruction they need. >> every kid we lose as a drop out, a ten-fold factor increase in their chances of future criminality. >> reporter: san francisco up more than 20%. san mateo is at 14.9. some officers don't enforce truant si laws. one administrator says that is a big mistake. we'll show you some of what they're doing in the district to make sure kids are in class when they're supposed to be and not just because of funding from the government. one of the bay area's largest so-called raves brought in more than 100 noise complaints and arrests. police arrested more than 100 people for mostly alcohol and drug related charges. there were no serie -- serious injuries. family members of a woman who disappeared from san francisco general hospital more than a week ago says they are frustrated by the lack of answers. 57-year-old lynn spalding was last seen in her room on september 21st. she was gone 15 minutes later. they say it is completely out of character for her to go anywhere without letting her children know. >> she had $20 in cash on her. she left her cell phone behind. >> the hospital says it is conducting its own investigation into what happened. new details on amanda knox. she's being retried in italy, but no surprise, she's a no-show. she was acquitted in 2011 of murdering her roommate. attorneys for knox want dna evidence from the crime scene re-examined. they believe it will show that drug dealer rudy is the sole killer. two trains crashed at a stop near chicago today. it happened at the blue line harlem station at forest park. it hit a train full of passengers going in the opposite direction. none of the injuries are life threatening. they're looking at whether a mechanical problem could have caused this collision. the pilot of a small plane that crashed, never told air traffic control about any problems before the crash. one rescue worker called the crash unsurvivalable. it veered into a huge metal hangar and exploded. the crash is reviewing calls from neighbors to close that airport. talk about a moving nightmare. a south bay family's entire household gone. the next morning, the van was gone. police found it on grenada way nearly empty. couches, tv, the children's furniture stolen. also things like a wedding dress and a military flag given to the family from a funeral. >> the things that were stolen from us that are of no value except to us, like the baby books and american flag and those items -- we're hoping they will give it back to us. >> the moving company is working with police to try to track down the family's belongings. a puppy stolen from an animal shelter is back in the right hands this evening. the two month old shepherd mix was stolen from the santa cruz spca yesterday. the puppy was returned to the shelter unharmed. the woman and the puppy were found after surveillance video was reviewed and she was identified. the national weather service confirms a tornado touched down about 45 miles south of seattle this morning. it damaged buildings and tipped a train off its tracks. fortunately, no reports of any injuries. the tornado capped off a weekend of severe weather in that region. let's bring in our meteorologist with all the latest numbers. >> we're seeing the weather in the pacific northwest impacting us in the bay area. you saw that video there. this is south of seattle. it was confirmed that it was an ef-1 tornado. if those rail cars had been lifted from the tracks, we would have been looking at an ef-3. we see 11 tornados in an average season around here. mainly out toward the central valley and around fresno and bakersfield. you can see this powerful storm there in western washington dropping anywhere from 5 to 8 inches of rain coming down throughout the day today. we saw the rainfall totals extremely high. still during the day today, you might have noticed we had some drizzle and light rain showers at times. we're seeing that out towards napa and around san francisco. even tonight, we'll still see a few light rain showers. 60s to mid 70s. we'll see this pattern hold up throughout wednesday. that's going to keep our temperatures down. it is going to provide these low clouds that will give us drizzle at times. as we head through the afternoon, we will see clearing in the south bay. once we pass tuesday and wednesday, we're going to see a big pattern shift. it is going to kick out towards the east. this is going to open the door for high pressure from the pacific. thursday night on into friday morning, those winds will be strong. we may see some red flag warnings. tonight, 40s and 50s outside. the mist and drizzle in a few spots. cooler than today. low 70s tomorrow. san francisco in the mid 60s. low 70s around the north bay. it's a tale of two weeks of weather. as we go into thursday and friday, look at these temperatures jump. 85 degrees. san francisco close to 80 on saturday. out to the coast, 70s to near 80. beautiful sunshine. we have to hope those winds stay down enough to keep us out of fire danger. up next, fighting back. the new drug made right here in the bay area that's giving breast cancer patients new hope. >> and a dramatic rescue. what it took to free a girl trapped inside a well. inabcredible video out of china today. cries were heard from the 3-year-old who have trapped inside the well. rescuers lowered a rope down to the girl. firefighters then lowered an oxygen tank to make sure the girl could breathe. luckily the girl only suffered a few bruises. a breast cancer drug got the green light today. the drug is already being used for advanced breast cancer, but today the fda aproved the use the drug for early stage breast cancer, even before surgery. apple is not only the most valuable company in the world when it comes to its stock price, but it's also the world's most valuable brand. a company called interbrand says for the first time coke has been unseated as the world's top brand. google came in second. apple, google, coca-cola. >> companies need to think about their brand and establishing credibili credibility. buyers are going to want that product. >> it's all about branding, i suppose. >> apple's brand value is estimated at $100 billion. get your green and gold ready. the city of oakland is gearing up for oaktober. that's next. the a's don't begin their playoff run until friday night. the mayor will host an a's oaktober fest at city hall. city hall will be lit in green and gold as oakland dignitaries honor the a's on their successful season. the event is free. there will be plenty of family friendly activitieactivities. just after 6:00 on friday and just after 6:30 on saturday night for the games. >> perfect for the fans. >> thanks for joining us here at 5:00. we hope to see you back here at 6:00. >> see you soon. ight, on our broadcast tonight, a shutdown of the federal government hours away. chaos in washington. a lot of american families are about to pay the price. tonight, is there any chance they will cut a deal? it's here. the other big deadline at midnight. a major part of obama care kicks in. millions have to sign up. because there's confuse. night we'll take your questions to the woman in charge. getting out alive. a nbc news exclusive. the story behind the unforgettable image from kenya. the man who came to her rescue. and the call of the wild. an event that draws families from across the country. but is this year's show about to be canceled? "nightly news" begins now.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20131008

fantastic excellent work that's being done on a daily basis in the city of hayward. >> background checks for new officers are now more comprehensive. a health alert about raw chicken from foster farms. the u.s. department of agriculture is putting out word after samonella outbreak. the usda has not linked it to a specific product. we have these numbers also listed on our website. a surfer is recovering tonight after being attacked by a shark. he was surfing near yreka. a friend shows us the surf board with a bite marks on it. fortunately, there were plenty of people catching waves yesterday morning when the attack happened. >> boards were thrown to the beach and everybody was sprinting down to help him out of the water. the primary concern about that point was stabilizing him. >> no word of what kind of shark bit the surfer's thigh. but another surfer was attacked by a great white last july. firefighters are monitoring hot spots from a fire. the fire started in a ravine just before 8:00 last night. it might be hard to find the cause of this fire because of the location. >> right here on the area that we're working on, it is all quite deep. it is very difficult terrain to go up and down. i'll go up and down it again several times before the day is over. it is very difficult. it's hard to work. we're not set up for this kind of fire fighting. >> they're going to make adjustments for the future. now to an bay area follow-up. the pipeline running a highly populated corridor in san carlos is safe, but the city disagrees. now a high stakes standoff with the utility company is underway. they deactivated line 147 on orders from a san mateo superior court judge's orders. >> we don't know if we're safe right now. until we do, we want to see line 147 kept shut down. >> 3 to 5,000 people live above line 147. the line is now shut off. a judge ordered that on friday. the city manager says there are too many questions about line 147 to know whether it is at risk of exploding at a similar one did in san bruno did in 2010 leveling homes and killing many people. >> they don't know what all the material that comprises line 147 is made out of it. they don't know the age of the material in line 147. they're planning to dig up a piece of line 147 just to verify what that section is made out of it. >> we know the pipeline is operating safely based on the hydrotests that occurred in september of 2010. based on the metallurgic analysis. >> the city of san carlos remains under a state of emergency because the city manager says the stakes are too high. >> we have an obligation to learn the lesson of what happened in san bruno. >> that was chris sanchez reporting. we want to take you to the east bay where there is a live conference on negotiations between the bart system. >> we're keeping all options on the table. to the point of doing everything possible to avoid a strike over the last ten days, the unions have moved publicly three times. the district has not moved. if this was a score in the baseball playoffs, you know who's three and you know who's 0. if there's a disruption in services, our leadership had not shown their actual leadership. right now our country is being held hostage by a small group in d.c. the public is being held hostage here by a small group of bart leadership who have refused to show that leadership. there's a failure by bart's leadership. the board of directors are holding the bay area hostage. they have stood on the sidelines not taking appropriate actions. we do not want to strike. we want that to be made perfectly clear. we understand the disruption and the impact of everyone in the bay area. we are not intending to do that. we want to deal. thank you. >> once again, we've been listening into a live news conference. it's one of the largest union. here's the take away. no strike notice. thursday at midnight when the cooling off period expires, come friday morning there could be a bart strike. they're not giving strike notice. very harsh words right now. still no deal has been reached between bart unions and the bart management. there's no strike notice at this point, but that does not mean that there still won't be a strike. the cooling off period ends this thursday at midnight. so meaning friday's commute could be difficult if indeed there is a bart strike. no deal yet reached on the table between bart and its unions and no deal yet -- of the progress of the negotiations. no strike notice from the bart unions. we go on now to the government shutdown. it is week two. some government workers are returning to the job. more than 350,000 defense department employees have been ordered back to work at the pentagon and at military bases across the nation. a bill approving back pay for the half a million furloughed workers has hit a snag in the senate. it passed the house unanimously over the weekend. president obama says there are enough votes to end this shutdown. >> the truth of the matter is there are enough republican and democratic votes in the house of representatives right now to end this shutdown. >> a couple dozen house republicans agree, but democrats say speaker boehner will not allow a vote. the debt ceiling deadline is 20ten days away. the nation's oldest full time park ranger is sounding off about the shutdown. we should send her to washington, right, to get this thing resolved? >> reporter: that's exactly what i told her. she's located right behind this huge building. why would a 92-year-old woman be working in the first place? she can answer that question better than i can. >> i feel like i am being given the privilege of helping to shape a national park. who can resist that? >> reporter: she's living her personal dream. at 92, she's the nation's oldest full-time park ranger and she's not happy she's furloughed. >> i have this sense of urgency this is my last decade and i can't afford to have anybody waste my time. that's what they're doing. >> reporter: she's in great shape, but time is not on her side. she gives tours here at the world war ii national park in richmond. she helped build the national park and has been working on a project that honors the women who worked in factories during world war ii. they call them rosies. as she shows us a picture of her father, she told me she was a 20-year-old clerk when the rosies were making history and when the work forces were segregated. >> to pay us for our time off means 800,000 federal employees are on paid vacation with an indeterminate ending. that does not make any sense. >> reporter: what makes sense she says is bringing an end to the shutdown. >> i'm not wise enough to know what they should do except maybe get out of my way. >> reporter: we are told the rosie celebration will go on as planned next week. she just wants to get back to work. a big honor for two bay area scientists, the work that earned them the noble prize in medicine and how the news caught them off guard. >> the new photo that provides new insight for how the women trapped in the burning limousine got out on that bridge. >> we are tracking some major changes this week, including some showers. i'll have details on that coming up in just a few minutes. i call it, "the avocado da vinci". create your om'lart with denny's build your own omelette menu. it was a presidential day in oakland. they kicked off their 30th year of working for habitat for humanity. they are experts with the tools. they were helping today with this 12 unit housing complex in oakland, which will be completed by the end of this year. >> it is going to be wonderful apartments at a fairly modest cost. at least for this area. >> you look out here you won't find a certain percentage of race. you're going to find a whole mix. that's the face of love right there. >> that was garth brooks and his wife. donating their time for habitat for humanity. th boosters for habitat for humanity are thrilled the carters will help bring attention to their efforts. they have scheduled home renovations and repairs at sites throughout the city. the chronical reports a 24-year-old stanford student will be booked for driving under the influence. he drove his car the wrong way in south san francisco at 3:30 in the morning. he slammed into a taxi. three people are injured, in addition to the person killed. he is hospitalized himself. he will be booked once he's released from the hospital. the california public utilities commission released this photo. look carefully here. it is the burnt out limousine showing the small opening the survivors crawled out to avoid the flames. it was release its investigation soon. there's not enough evidence for criminal negligence charges to be filed. five women died when flames erupted in the limousine back in may. it happened last week at a credit union on mallry avenue. she walked up to a teller and demands cash. she walked out with the money and ran. no one was injured and no one saw a weapon. congratulations to two bay area scientists for winning the noble prize in medicine. both overjoyed and we got their reaction to today's announcement. >> yes, dear. >> yes, dear. >> reporter: his phone has been ringing all day, but it was the one at 1:30 this morning that started everything. >> i picked up the phone this morning. the chairman of the prize committee called and congratulated me and assured me it was not a hoax. >> reporter: he won the top prize with two others. it was announced in sweden today. a german researcher and another local stanford university professor. >> this is adam smith calling from the noble prize website in stockholm where it has just been announced you've been awarded the noble prize. >> are you serious? >> i am serious. it was a total surprise. i was stunned. >> reporter: they won the prize for helping researchers get a better understanding of diabetes and other disease research. >> he really wasn't thinking about it, which is why i think it is so nice. he was caught completely off guard. >> reporter: the family is very proud. the three scientists will share a $1.2 million prize. today, sales force pledged $2.7 million for san francisco unified school district. a million and a half dollars will go towards buying tablets for students, but the company founder says the money will also go to training teachers. the captivating the bay area, the a's are just one win away from advancing to round two of the playoffs. they beat the tigers 6-3. there's some bad blood in the ninth inning. they exchanged some harsh words which led to this. both benches cleared. no punches thrown. the a's win this game. if they win tomorrow afternoon in detroit, they will advance to the american league championship series. >> it is a beautiful weekend. i think it is going to cool down a little bit. we do have a lot of changes coming our way this week, most notably an active jet stream. that's going to be impacting us this week. those temperatures that are very comfortable on saturday and sunday and monday, going to be crashing quite a bit. yes, cooler air coming on the way as we look ahead in that forecast, but tomorrow not the coldest of the week. it's going to be a transitional day. the only spot hanging on to the cloud cover will still have plenty of sunshine by the bay and also those interior valleys. throughout palo alto we are tracking cirrus cloud cover. the north across san francisco bay you can see it is pretty clear right now. we're going to track showers and drizzle coming up in this forecast. some mid 80s in the south bay today. you'll notice temperatures very consistent. the air mass is pretty much consistent wherever you go. we'll have 79 in dublin. 78 castro valley. those 80s go away at the coastline. oakland 73. sonoma 77. wednesday is when that system arrives. the thing that is most important to note about this is it is taking a drier storm track. we will have a slight chance of showers, but most of the rainfall right now looks to stay across the sierra. we're calling for everyone to have a chance of isolated showers on wednesday. low 70s inland. 60s by the bay. saturday and sunday it warms up with upper 70s to near 80. we're at 200% of normal when it comes to rainfall in san jose so far. so this is a little feather in the cap, so to speak. >> we have a lot to make up for. >> we've done good so far this year. he managed to sneak through security and get on the flight without a ticket. the unusual incident that's prompting an airport and airline to review its policies. >> why miley cyrus says she has no regrets. an early morning house fire in palo alto is being considered suspicious after it appeared the home was vacant. the house was apparently being prepared for renovation and has been empty for several years. it had no electricity or gas running to it. the home is now a total loss. no one was hurt. how did a runaway sneak on a plane and end up in las vegas? the 9-year-old boy was somehow able to board a delta flight without a ticket. he was finally questioned when they landed in nevada. the flight crew became suspicious mid flight because the boy wasn't on the list of unattended minors. >> all of this since 9/11 has been to keep us safer and it has, but we still have gaping holes. the boy's family says he ran away and was last seen on thursday. miley cyrus's weekend appearance is getting great reviews. the singer actress road that inmomentu momentum. she told matt lauer she's not holding back. >> i'm the happiest i've ever been in my life. >> she never intends to offend anyone. her fans are young like she is and they get it. we had a flame malfunction. the olympic torch relay is underway, but we had a little hang up. that's next. want to give you an update now. a very active 30 minutes with the bart negotiations. this friday there could be a bart work stoppage, meaning a bart strike. within the last 30 minutes, we have heard from the bart unions. they are willing to talk. we'll be following this story throughout the evening. negotiations continue between management and the unions. >> the winter olympics are 122 days away. the torch malfunctioning during the torch relay through moscow. an olympic official had a lighter. something like that and lit the torch again. it starts february 7th right here on nbc. >> thanks for joining us at 5:00. we hope to see you back at 6:00. >> good night. inside a pair of daring raids overseas. the u.s. captures one of the world's most wanted. tonight how they pulled it off and what to do with him now. the ripple effect of what washington has done. this government shutdown now a week old hitting families and businesses far beyond the beltway. moment of impact. the scary new view of thcrash that's shaken up the world of auto racing and the technology being credited with saving a lot of lives. u and raising the bar. first in the nation in math and science. now outperforming most of the world. tonight an american success story. "nightly news" begins now.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20140130

we have no idea how much. >> according to meteorologists it won't be much. we got some drizzle in the north bay this morning making the roads slick. according to the chp even the slightest bit of moisture on the road can be dangerous. >> usually when it's the first rape of the season we get a lot of the oils coming up out of the roads and roads more slippery. same thing this year. the rain resting for a while and when we start getting the rape, that's when it starts coming out and that's when we get the slippery roads. >> and if you work for pg & e you worry about potential power outages during the rainy season. crews spent all year cutting trees away from power poles but managing dirt and pollution on power lines is hard and can be a hazard. >> dust and pollution accumulates on the top of the power line. when you get just a drizzle just light enough, not a rain that will wash that away, but just a drizzle it can form that dust into a mud and that can actually conduct electricity above a power line and create problems and outages in rare cases. >> it's been so long since we've had the rain. there's probably a lot of things that we need to remind you of. i'll tell you all about that coming up at 6:00. i'm cheryl herd, nbc bay area news. >> all of california needs the rain. there are 17 communities that are absolutely begging for it tonight including some of the bay area. california department of public health is warning that the town of santa cruz county could run out of water in as little as two month and officials are rushing to help to find alternatives and additional resources as well. >> people turn on their faucets and they don't get any water and our head technician said to me we're just a disaster away from being done here. >> coverdale and hillsburg were also among the 17 areas which need additional water to avoid running dry in the next 60 to 120 days. now when the forecast head west it's not nearly wet to end the drought. it will barely mick a dent in the state eats water supply. people are being encouraged beyond that faucet and really consider some bigger conservation ideas. >> that's right, jess camp one of the effective things you can do is rip out your lawn and replace it with drought-tolerant landscaping like this san jose homeowner did. these are all plants that are native to california, and what this will do is save you hundreds and hundred of gallons of water every year. you'll also get a big rebate from the santa clara valley water district. how long is your shower? shorten is by just five minute and you can save 15 gallons of water. install a low-flow shower head and you'll save 15 gallons a day. want to cut back more, see if you have faulty faucets. >> it will save anywhere from a gallon to a gallon and a half per minute. >> and by simply turning off the water every time you brush your teeth you can save two gallons a minute. you don't need to be reminded why it's important to save water. the reservoir is done dry and last year was the driest season in california since the 1870s and santa clara valley water district is now asking all the 2 million people that it provides water to to cut back by at least 10%. if you already feel you're conserving think outside the lawn. anthony yullo tore out his front line and replaced it with less thirsty plans. >> in terms of benefit, we've not had to maintain and mow a land, substantially reduced water bills and overall the maintenance is very easy compared to taking care of a lawn week in and week out. >> reporter: he also saves $20 to $30 on his monthly water bills and another financial incentive. the water district will pay you $1 forrer squa ere erer -- for foot of lawn that you plant with drought tolerant plants. reporting live, marianne favro, nobodies bay area news. >> stay with us for continuing coverage of tonight owes rain and drought. you can track all the rain headed your way any time. look at the weather tab and our interactive radar. >> we have new details tonight about a family tragedy. within the last few years a 14-year-old oakland boy accused of killing his 17-year-old sister has turned himself in to police. detectives say mario toliver jr. shot his sister justus last thursday after some kind of dispute. after 2:00 this afternoon. teenage boy walk gd into the oakland police department surrounded by his family members and his attorney john burres who tells us mario is reforceful and says the family has been working for days to get the 14-year-old to surrender and turn himself in. the police have not yet released a specific motive for the shooting. d.a. must now decide whether to charge this 14-year-old boy as an adult. it's been an emotional day for police officers across the state. this afternoon one final salute for the first b.a.r.t. officer ever killed in the line of duty. more than 2,000 people gathered at a castro valley church to honor sergeant tommy smith. jodi hernandez was at the ceremony and joins us with more. jodi? >> reporter: raj, there was not a dry eye inside this church as hundred gathered to pair their respects to the first b.a.r.t. police officer ever killed in the line of duty, and because of the tragic, tragic circumstances surrounding this case, saying good-bye was even harder. under gray skies and a drizzle, hundreds of police officers lined up to give fallen b.a.r.t. police sergeant tommy smith a sendoff worthy of a hero. >> he was just a good man. he was -- you know, you hear people say that all the time at event like this. he's a good person and all of rest of it. he was the epitome of a good man. >> reporter: he was killed conducting a probation search in dublin last week. when fellow b.a.r.t. officer michael mace mistakenly shot him. kelly's wife who is office a b.a.r.t. officer and their daughter put on a brave face today despite their painful loss. >> when you see that they are taken from their family it pulls at you, and they are not forgotten. >> reporter: while cameras weren't allowed inside the church we know it was filled with tears as attorney general carmela harris addressed smith's little girl. >> she said she was a beautiful child and that her father was a hero, and he is, and he always will be. >> reporter: smith's brother also spoke, sharing stories of their childhood and as the sergeant's life as a father and dad. detective mays was also on their minds. >> these are two men who have worked together and have played together, you know, they are golf partners, fellow detectives. they worked on shootings together. >> there's no place to focus your anger because there's only good people involved in this, and that makes it so much more difficult. >> reporter: now a mother and a daughter must move forward, forced to face a future without the man they love. >> while b.a.r.t.'s police chief told us that michael mays planned to attend today's funeral it's unclear whether mays was actually here. again, hundred and hundreds of people were here to support this family today. the former b.a.r.t. police chief says it was a good step towards healing. reporting live in castro valley, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, jodi. new at 5 santa clara county sheriff's deputies have arrested one of their own on drug charges. want to show you a picture of juan carillo, been with the herrive's office for 14 years. on monday they served a search warrant at his home and it's alleged he had been letting several criminals live in his house in exchange for drugs. three other people living at the home at the time have also been arrested. >> twin brothers arrested but only one is accused of murder. this is the latest from the san jose police department about a deadly stabbing at a birthday party. an 18-year-old is accused of filling richard fan. they are not ruling out the twin brother as a suspect and want to speak to more witnesses before issuing any charges. >> a warning for parents in morgan hills along with a sketch police want you to see. investigators say this man was spotted acting suspiciously towards a teenage girl saturday evening. the girl got out of white van and walked towards her and said hey, beautiful. she got scared and ran away. the man got back into the vehicle. police want to talk to him and minwith information is urged to call the morgan hill police department. >> shifting the blame. a new report raises questions about the death of a teenage girl guild in theationia plane crash. >> bizarre circumstances that led to a pit bull attack in one of the bay area's most popular parks. >> and here in san jose a proposal is on the table to give police one more tool to access surveillance video more quickly, but the big question is about the cost. and then at 6:00, it's the music you recognize but don't know the name of. >> a million people in one bay. >> what may be the most heard team in history. >> i gave up my royalty as well. >> that's coming up at 6:00. of the 2012 london gamesun'e was the most watched television event ever. so, what's next? the upcoming winter games from sochi. where every second of nbc universal's coverage will be available on every device. on tv, online or streaming on the nbc sports live extra app. beginning february 6th, experience the winter games everywhere. welcome to what's next. comcast nbcuniversal this is what was involved in a vicious attack on people in golden gate park overnight. police say the dog's owner initially left the two animals with a friend while he was running an aaronch the dogs apparently turned on the friend who is said to have suffered minor injuries. when the owner returned, the dog then bit him. the dogs did escape, sparking an all night search by police. ultimately animal control officers killed one of the dogs after it charged an officer around 5:00 in the morning. the other was tracked down and captured a short time later. the owner who is homeless, could face charges for possessing dangerous animals. >> a controversial null report on theati asiania crash, a repo claims the investigation determined that a flight attendant did not properly check passenger seat belts before landing t.concludes that all three people who were killed were not wearing their seat belts and died after hitting the tarmac. that contradicts the official coroner's findings. coroner concluded one of the victims died only after she was run over by two trucks from the san francisco fire department that were responding to the crash. >> a followup now of putting private surveillance video on the map. today a city council committee took up a councilman's proposal to create a daubz where residents can register their own personal security cameras so police can get a better idea of who was recording when a crime was cited. nbc bay area's chris sanchez joins us live from san jose city hall with more on how that proposal was received. >> right now police go door-to-door looking for surveillance video. this proposal would allow them to know where cameras are already rolling so that they can ask the owners of the video a lot fast fer they can use it in crime fighting. one police department and the philadelphia police department are already dreading similar programs. this is one of the videos released by the philadelphia pd and last year they released 450 videos leading to 120 arrests. last month when investigators were trying to track down a serial arsonist in san jose the number of citizens willing to offer up surveillance video made them think a surveillance system could work well in their system. >> this merely identifies where the cameras are for those who choose to come forward and identify their systems and enables the officers tore able to ask for per mix of course, to obtain the videotape or the data. >> in the rules committee hearing today council members and citizens raise questions about privacy and liability, of course, but mostly if they wanted to know more about how much the database would cost to create and maintain before going any further. right now staff is tasked with researching how much similar systems cost and whether the san jose police chief thinks that it would be a good way to use the very precious resources that he has. this will return to committee before it goes to the full council and is on the agenda. chris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> the flu has taken another life. today san francisco announced the third flu-related death. a total of 22 people have now died from flu complications in nine local counties. here's the map of all those people. most of the deaths were called by the h1n1 strain. experts say the flu season has not yet peaked meaning it's not too late to get that flu shot. >> now to developing weather to the east and south of us. traffic is again moving in atlanta tonight after a rare winter storm literally stranded thousands of drivers for some 20 hours. dozens of children were among those trapped all might in their school buses because of road conditions. thousands more stuck inside their schools. now all of them are back home tonight. georgia's governor is facing heavy criticism to make sure the state is better prepared for the storm. 2,000 flight cancellations have occurred nationwide, including dozens here in the by area. >> that's been a political firestorm in atlanta. forecasters were predigting that. we want to bring in jeff ranieri talking about our weather and across the region. >> it was wild. my brother was stuck in that for 1 hours throughout metro atlanta. folks glad that system is moving out. look at our own storm system. not poe temp. cold front sitting off to the north. a huge batch of moisture and as that gets here tonight we think that will amp up our rainfall across the bay area. let's take you to the current radar loop and it's mainly cloud cover. getting a few spotty showers up into the north bay. the heavy rainfall does remain across the sacramento vale where the first batch has ended up at this point. that right now is great news when it comes to snowfall. any type of snow up toward the sierras. add to the snow pack. totals will likely range 8 to 20 inches from the storm totals. let's go outside to the sky camera network. temperatures cropping into the 50s. can feel a bit of chill in the atmosphere. fog and drizzle the bay and the drizzle. more of a high fog new as the system moves in and then we'll take you to south korea we haven't seen in eight weeks. a relatively stormy picture other in san jose, a good sign that the current conditions are loosening up. a lot of moisture is getting squeezed out to the north of us. how that work. when the storm passes over the mountains, it's like a sponge and a lot begins to fall out. let's go ahead and get a look at the timing. by 11:00 tonight the best chance of rainfall will be across the north bay and then as most of us are sleeping, 3:00, 4:00 and also 5:00 in the morning, that's when we'll likely have our best possibility of rainfall here for san francisco and palo alto and also san jose and by 7:00 in the morning, tomorrow a few stray showers. then we'll see another weaker movement throughout thursday for possibly lingering showers and across the bay area. not too much has changed since yesterday. forecast models are lining up a little bit better. arriving in the north bay tonight and moving to the south and losing some of its strength. overall 307 inchesle of. >> over all fear of snow totals are impossible, anywhere from 4 to possibly 20. looking at 10 inches at kingsville and for some of the highest elevations, again, we could see upward of 20 muches. for the microclimate forecast on thursday it goes cooler. keeping that shower icon on here as well as mentioned. 62 in palo alto, san francisco 48 and outer richmond going down to 36 degrees and almost you may need the emblah again. for east bay at oakland and for the industry valley expecting 60. we're timely going to see temperatures near average as we throughout friday, saturday and sunday. low 60s coming our way. much better than what we've been stuck with all month long. >> still ahead, justin bieber back in police custody. the new legal trouble he's face north of the border. >> plus, investors seeing the payoff. what sent facebook soaring in after-hours trading big numbers mean big numbers. the memlo park-based company say the majority of its ad sales come from mobile devices and that's where the industry is going. ad revenue jumped by 76% which makes investors very happy and facebook shares soared during after-hours trading. >> just into our newsroom, embattled pop star justin bieber has turned himself in on assault charges in toronto. he arrived at the police station this evening to a crowd of screaming fans. the charge stems from an encounter with a himmo driver last month. in the interim though more than 150,000 americans say they like peabodier, a comedian, citizen, a pete the wh-- well a sanford grad and former miami dolphins player is breaking his silence about alleged harassment allegations that he says forced him to leave the team. jonathan martin told nbc sports that his teammates made racial comments and even sexual ones related to his sister and mother. he said more than one person was responsible and blamed the nfl culture for it. >> there are people people that got into it. i can't say why i may have gotten more, like i said, i have no problem with the hazing in the nfl, get a hair cut, stuff like that, little. >> martin said he addressed the irish with his coach esessies but never got into specifics because he didn't want to snitch on the dolphins. martin says he's red to come back and hopes he gets another opportunity to play in the nfl. >> we're getting close. the olympics, in fact, begin next week and our janell wang is on a flight right now to sochi. when she gets this she will see the newly constructed athlete's village which opens tomorrow. no at lease have arrived in soapi but they have seen visitors from all around the world. many say they are imposed because the rooms are bigger and bigger than unusual. >> there are you a lot of volunteers and everything used. all the desfists are really close to each ear. >> traditionally the athletes's village filled with a bowl alley among others. they are ready to protect as calling the. >> well, up dread of giants fans get a big break. we'll tell you what it is next. oo dreads of giants fans spent the day at at&t park. not for a game but there to shoot a commercial for their favorite team. they got to hang out in the background. filming continues through friday and the commercials will air throughout the entire 2014 season. >> that was very loud in there. >> we're going to be back in 30 minutes from now. here's a look at what we're working on at the 6:00 newscast. protecting children from their own toys. a new safety push at the said capitol following the death of a santa rosa teenager after he mistook his toy gun for a real gun. that's tonight at 6:00. thanks for joining us. "nightly news" is next. meantime, find us online at nbc bay area president come or on facebook or twitter. >> see you then. on our broadcast tonight, paralyzed. misery across the south, a disaster in atlanta as the city just came to a halt. kids trapped in schools, highways just stopped as the huge area has been brought to its knees by a winter storm, and in some places, it didn't take much. caught on camera, soing you don't see every day, a member of congress threatening a reporter with bodily harm. tonight, what set him off, and what does he have to say in his own defense. and risky business. in the past few years, what will not allow us to disconnect from work and is not good for overall health. and bond of brothers, tonight, bob costas with a story about families, specifically, an olympic champion and his hero.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20140204

nowhere she changed. she totally changed. >> the boyfriend is known for drugs. you know, sometimes people have problems and they don't get help and this is what happens. >> reporter: neighbors say police were called to the apartment last week where they appeared to be questioning warner, but he wasn't arrested. >> they could have easily arrested him, taken the baby away from her and just changed the baby's life and she wouldn't be dead right now. >> reporter: those who know krueger want to know what led to the killing and why a once loving mom is now accused of the unthinkable. >> you murder a child then you should go on trial for murder and be hung, you know, by the highest tree as far as i'm concerned. >> reporter: and we're back here live where you can see the door to apartment number 7 is propped open. investigators are inside right now taking pictures. again, we believe collecting evidence. this is where the little girl was found on saturday afternoon. now if we can pan down you can see the memorial, the makeshift memorial that's been set up at the foot of the stairs. we've seen a steady stream of well wishers coming in. absolutely heartbroken. the mother and her boyfriend are scheduled to be in court tomorrow afternoon. they will be, we presume facing murder charges. and also at this hour an autopsy is wrapping up, a pathologist is just wrapping up the autopsy that's been taking place all day long. when we have the results we'll bring him to. reporting live in napa, nbc bay area news. >> very sad story. in san francisco now the scene is clear but earlier today this is what it looked like when a suspicious package was reported near a police station in the city. a bomb squad brought in a robot to investigate the package. it was removed. that package without any problems. the package reported just before 11:00 a.m. near the mission district police station on valencia street. people nearby were told evacuate or shelter in place. the street was closed for at least an hour right before midday. no word on what was in that package or who left it. we want to get back to nbc bay area, san jose state in response to an independent report involving the three white students and the racial attack what might have been against a black roommate. mary ann, what do you have? >> reporter: that report was afternoon for both the community and students to see and essentially the report found that the university for the most part fold university procedures and policies. the report also found one reason it took so long for the alleged bullying to come to light was because the victim never reported it or indicated it was a problem. >> i find that unacceptable. >> why? >> because we've been trying to bring to it the attention of the campus for a long time for them to deny any responsibility when we've been talking about this is unacceptable. >> reporter: gary daniels lead the black unity group on campus. he says the university has very poor policies to begin with. the next step is for an 18 member task force led by retired judge to meet and come up with recommendations on things the university can do to change in order to make sure incidents like this never happen again. that task force is made up of community members, faculty members and students and they plan to release their recommendations by april 30th. coming up at 6:00 tonight we'll hear from the university president about this report. thank you. finally got some in the midst of some of the driest weather the state has ever seen we did pick up some decent rainfall this weekend. but is it enough to make any difference? for that we bring in our chief meteorologist with those totals on forecast. what we've had and we might have another opportunity too. >> most certainly. great news for the bay area. we had the most rainfall we had in four months. this past weekend, half moon bay 1.57, san mateo 1.15. that was great news. overall did little to put a dent in what we should have this time of the year, our average 4.20, average is 4.48, only .86 so far. as we zoom out across the pacific we'll be tracking two more systems as we head throughout the next seven days. we'll detail the timing and your work week forecast in ten minutes. there's a problem with san jose fire department. the response time slow but how to penalize the fire department is becoming another problem. what's the best approach to re-energize san jose fire? chris sanchez follows up on a story that impacts the safety of people who live and work in san jose. >> reporter: well there are two supervisors with plans to get the san jose fire department back to work where it was meeting targeted response times consistently. they say go back to doing what you were doing before, it was work. however the spokesman for the fire department said it's not possible because the finances just aren't there. holding their feet to the fire another santa clara supervisor is calling for more accountability from the san jose fire department. currently they are in breach of contract for responding to code three calls within eight minutes 90% of the time. the department has missed its target times for more than a year. >> the response time was dropping like a rock. we need to hold them accountable. our contract says we can hold them accountable. >> reporter: he joins another supervisor in calling for answers and change but they differ in how to make that change happen. one proposal holding hundreds of thousands of dollars in incentive pay until things are turned around. withholding $800 how could make things worse. >> we propose we release dollars that would normally go to them right now about $850,000 only on the condition they agree to a 30 day remedial plan and over the next five months they maintain 90% response times like they are supposed to. >> a spokesman said any cut in funding will cut to the bone and as it is the department cannot make the 90% target with its existing staffing. the national standard calls for two firefighters per 1,000 residents. san jose isn't even close. they are at .3 per 1,000. >> during our height of our department, you know, we were looking at about 200, 205 folks on duty per shift. now we're about 176 on duty per shift. so, it makes it very difficult for us to keep up. >> reporter: many of those calls are from people who are having situations like strokes or heart attacks, situations in which minutes can mean the difference between life and death. coming up at 6:00 we'll look at a deadly fire that burned here in san jose this weekend to see if response time was a factor. thank you. new at 5:00, stop the construction and move it that's the order to google from state officials today. san francisco bacon various and development commission says the company doesn't have the proper permit for that floating four story structure it's building near treasure island. this is the second time this has happened. google says it has just received the notice and is now looking into narcissistic. after a rough january for your money february made things even worse. 300 point drop in the dow and people are starting to get worried. scott, it was smooth sailing and now this up and down jittery. >> a bump in the road. we have fear and uncertainty. keep in mind not much of either comes from our own economy. yes we're coming off a big run up and when the market gets hot any bad news can trig ear selloff. markets are reacting to slower than expected growth in overseas markets like china, brazil and turkey reacting to a recent report showing a slow down in u.s. manufacturing. here's the damage today. the dow losing more than 300 points after a 5% drop in january, percentage wise even steeper drop in the nasdaq today but many financial planners will tell you invest cigarette a long term game so best not to let emotion take over. >> the first thing do i is ask them how long they are investing lifetime and most people don't think about it. for a 45-year-old our life expe expectancy is 90. >> google lost ground. but they are sound companies which have reported recent strong earnings and that's what investors like over the long haul. still to come, social networking site under fire. what san francisco d.a. is suing a local company. dealing with the drought. how one state lawmaker is hoping to ease the pain. live in san jose where thieves are finding easy targets and stealing thousand pieces of mail. solo drivers paying their way into the hov lane but it's becoming too popular. why some cars have to be banned from the fast lane. that's new at 6:00. nbc universal's coverage of the 2012 london games was the most watched television event ever. so, what's next? the upcoming winter games from sochi. where every second of nbc universal's coverage will be available on every device. on tv, online or streaming on the nbc sports live extra app. beginning february 6th, experience the winter games everywhere. welcome to what's next. comcast nbcuniversal or how to find big savingsdeals on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. you'll find huge club card deals perfect for the big game. pizza's a football favorite. digiorno pizza is $3.99. get your snack on. wheat thins and other nabisco crackers are just $1.50 a box. and dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. following some breaking news. fire crews are battling a two alarm fire in east bay. the flames are out but you see there three firefighters on the roof, battling this fire getting contained and cleaning up. you see a lot of smoke. this happened about an hour ago. it started about an hour ago. just within the last few minutes they have been able to extinguish the flames. the biggest damage was to the carport and part of the house. this is in east san jose. we'll bring you updates. a rush of mail theft taking aim in the south bay. the latest taking place in the alameda lake area. it stretches from belmont to los gatos. what are the thieves looking for in that mail? >> reporter: this really is a crime of opportunity. the thieves appear to be targeting neighborhoods like this one where the mail boxes are out here in the open and the mail is easy to steal. people who live here are considering putting their mail under lock and key. when thieves struck this san jose neighborhood near alameda lake last year stealing mail from boxes neighbors started a neighborhood watch. they thought things were getting better until she received notice that the thieves had struck again on january 24th just before 7:00 in the morning. >> this is a safe neighborhood and we didn't need that. i've been here 14 years and never need ad lock on my mail box. >> reporter: in nearby los gatos police arrested two men, 47-year-old david zumr and timothy reinert found with stolen mail. police believe the pair is responsible for stealing mail from other neighborhoods in the south bay as well but are not connected to the alameda lake theft since they were arrested the day before those thefts occurred. the thieves are looking for credit card statement, cash, tax documents or anything containing information they need to steal someone's identity. joan had her mail stolen once already and isn't happy to hear her neighborhood was hit again. >> it's in the back of your head of, you know, are they going to be taking money s-my account safe? it's very scary and alarming. i hope it gets fixed. >> reporter: neighbors are pushing for more police controls and considering locks for their mail boxes. the post office says that's a good idea but make sure the mail box and lock is post office approved. >> chances of mail theft are low but if it happens to you or your neighbors one instance is one too many. >> reporter: the homeowners association that sent out this notice about the thefts along with the description of the car a light colored sedan, possibly a toyota. as for those 250 addresses affected by two men arrested police are now in the process of notifying those victims. san francisco is suing a social networking website claiming it gives child predators easy access to children. the city attorney filed suit against based out of pennsylvania. he said the site is posting children's photographs, profiles and where they even live and that violates california's unfair competition law. predators victimized dozens of kids nationwide and in california as well because of meet me. the company's ceo said we review hundreds of thousands of photos posted to our service. we compare the information provided to our users to a sex registry. >> several communities are running out of water. there's a scramble to help these communities. darryl steinberg is drafting a new water proposal that will provide immediate help. it will encourage state water agencies to approve recycling. it will redirect millions of dollars to projects to help with water conservation. no word on when the senate leader will introduce his bill. we have the microclimate forecast which includes rain? >> this is great news. two different chances of rainfall coming our way this week. the live doppler radar is dry. as we take you out to the pacific again vactive pattern. looks to continue at least throughout the next seven days. what i want to take you to right now is what we dealt with today and that's the wind. 32 miles per hour at point reyeses. berkeley 26. rest of the bay, palo alto, 24, san jose 19. 30 miles per hour for most of us. it was good enough with temperatures in the mid-50s and as the wind brushed up against you it felt like 40s. needed that jacket. 52 right now in north bay. tomorrow morning that's our coldest location not only patchy fog but areas of fog as we get you into san francisco right now that brisk breeze staying in place, sustained at 22 getting close to 30 mile-per-hour wind gusts as well. let's get to you the overall pattern. we have some changes. fast forward to it the next weather concern coming our way and that's this storm developing in the pacific. center low pressure off the cold front, elongated out here and we think it will line up. the cold front is poised pretty well to hit right up against the coastline and also the other thing you want to note is quite a bit of cold air back behind it. let's get to the rain timing on this first. what you'll see because we're not expecting showers until 10:00 p.m. on wednesday. as we advance this we'll see those showers build in here as we head throughout that thursday morning commute from santa rosa to san jose, areas of showers. that will linger to about 10:00 and 11:00 on thursday morning, totals .57 to .2. back behind that rainfall we'll have colder air. look at this trend. by friday morning temperatures starting off in the 20s to low 30s and only going up to about 51 by the afternoon and santa rosa as well for livermore, san jose start of 34 to 54 degrees. let's take to you that microclimate forecast. it will be dry, mostly sunny here in san jose with 56. los gatos 57. keep a few clouds in the peninsula. expecting a lot of sun. for san francisco, some clouds lingering up against the immediate coastline, numbers in the mid-50s. we want to you focus on tomorrow for the be north bay also for the tri-valleys, upper 20s to 30. patchy frost in the morning hours and jumping up to the 50s. pleasant. starting at 34 with 57 by the afternoon. so, with our rainfall coming by wednesday night and thursday we're also looking at morsiera snow, not a foot but three to seven inches. not only rain this week and snow but by saturday morning another storm system shaping up offshore. you can see on that seven day forecast. two chances of rain in that forecast this week. we'll don't northern it and have more coming up at 6:00 p.m. >> just ahead let the games begin on friday but is sochi ready? we have our crew in russia? . >> not so fast. another snag for the warriors arena proposal. we'll tell you what happened today. [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] add a u-verse wireless receiver today. ♪ another way to commute for google employees. they are now offering ferry service from the east bay, the mountain view based company add ad route from alameda to redwood city and from redwood city bus down to mountain view. there's a shot of that google ferry. google seems to be trying to diffuse a growing controversy that is i lie convalley tech buses have become a symbol of inequality and rising housing costs and evickses. the trial service will last until the end of the week. the warriors want to move to san francisco and build a new waterfront arena but it won't be easy. opponents have now gathered more than 21,000 signatures qualifying the issue for the june ballot. that means the voters will decide the warriors fate. this was announced late this afternoon. at issue is the height of the proposed arena which is along piers 30 and 32. the owners have admitted his initial plan of opening the arena in 2017 will not happen. currently any proposal would have to be approved by the bacon certificate aviation and development commission. it's almost here, the world's elite athletes still arriving in sochi ahead of friday's opening ceremony. arriving at the airport today, the u.s. women's hockey team. the u.s. and canada dominate the sport winning every gold medal all but one of the silvers since women joined ice hockey in 1998. this saturday the game is against finland. now the olympic stage is set. those words from the president of the energy olympic committee. today he talked about everything from room shortages to discrimination to terror threats and also defended russia's $50 billion pay out to build the new venue. >> the roads, the housing, you cannot appreciate this investment in 17 days to zero. >> he says he has ais yourance from russia's government there's no anti-gay violations. as for terrorism he says every big seven a potential target. our own janelle wang continues our coverage. >> you say janelle is bobsledding. >> real live castaway. up next an incredible story of survival that some find hard to believe. back in a moment. we'll be back in 30 minutes. here's what we're working on for 6:00. the big data that companies collected about you during the super bowl. we learned what you liked and what you didn't like and what you wanted to see over and over again. we'll tell you coming up tonight at 6:00. an amazing story of survival or is it? a husky bearded fisherman from southern mexico washed ashore in the marshal islands last week claiming he and his friend were stranded at sea in late 2012. after four months adrift the friend died but this 37-year-old man says he managed to survive by eating sea birds and turtles and drinking his own urine. doubters of the story claim he's too healthy for somebody who endured a 7,000 mile trip in an open boat. doctors say he also appears to be very disoriented and not sure of his own age. >> that's going to do it for us at 6:00. "nightly news" is next. you can always find us on facebook and twitter. >> please join us at 6:00. three big storms lining up to hit one after the other, a wild week ahead from the rockies to the eastern seaboard. also tonight, the cost of this cold and precip to the american economy. the final hours in the life of philip seymour hoffman, who was today called perhaps the greatest actor of his generation. tonight the new evidence found at the scene and how his tragic loss shines a light on an exploding epidemic. car talk. what if your car could spot danger before you do and warn you before a crash? tonight, the technology they say could dramatically reduce accidents. and the countdown. three days until the games begin but will there be enough snow? "nightly news" begins now.


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20131012

"today" saturday, october 13 -- 12th. good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on this saturday morning. i'm lester holt. >> i'm erica hill along with craig melvin and dylan dreyer. >> this is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. >> cyclone, hurricane, same thing? >> same thing but called different things in different parts of the world. >> because it's in the pacific? >> yes. a whether a boy with be reunited with his family is in question. >> a ticket and likely a good deal of supervision on that flight. also ahead this morning, we are following a developing story in new mexico. police there are looking for nine teenagers who are missing from a rehabilitation ranch where they were living. the owner of that ranch is also missing this morning. we will bring you the latest on that investigation. >> it might somewhat like an oxymoron. obese and health care. we talk about how some obese are of health. >> a mother who never appeared in her family's photos partially because she was taking the pictures but a lot of it was she didn't like the way she looked. but soon she realized she needed to be in those pictures to be a part of her kids' memories and her own. we are going to talk to her about her transformation coming up this morning. >> the issue of finding you're not in the picture, is real. >> ewe can never find family photos because we are always taking pictures of the kids. >> self-ies are great but only your arm in the picture. today's top story, the government's shutdown. it is now day 12 of the shutdown. while there do to be more signs of progress, there is no agreement. kristen welker is live at the white house. >> reporter: good morning to you. the house and senate will be back in session today trying to figure out a way forward. it seems like they are inching toward a deal, in part, because there is increasing pressure for them to do so. according to our latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll, a majority of americans are putting the blame squarely on republicans for this mess, so that party really feeling the heat. on friday, president obama met with senate republicans here at the white house. he also spoke with house speaker john boehner on the phone. now friday, the house had put forward a plan that would have extended the nation's borrowing limit what we call the debt ceiling and it is set to expire in five days. the president said, look, it's a good thing we are talking and moving toward progress but that deal would have only been six weeks. so the president said not good enough. he wants a longer deal. it now seems like a longer deal is coming together. may ask the president for some concessions like scaling back one of the taxes associated with his health care plan. in his weekly address, the president tried to harness the anger and call for action. >> let's get a budget and put people back to work and end this government shutdown. let's pay our bills and prevent an economic shutdown and then get back to the work of the american people because there is so much else we should be focusing our energies on right now. >> reporter: republicans seem to have abandoned their calls that any deal be linked to delaying or defunding the president's health care law. that was really a nonstarter with the democrats and the president. we will be watching it all today. >> we will be watching it with you. thank you. we turn to congressman adam shift now. congressman, good morning. thanks for joining us. >> a pleasure to be with you. >> reporter: raised expectations now we may see the light at the end of the tunnel. tell me how you think the next couple of days are going to play out? >> a lot of moving pieces right now. this morning, democrats are rolling out a discharge petition to reopen the government. senate democrats are going to be putting forward a bill to raise the debt ceiling. house and senate republicans seem to be competing with each other to come up with a plan that is acceptable to the president. all of that, i think, is positive because it all moves in the direction of reopening the government and avoiding any kind of default. >> what do you think? maybe a day, two days, three days? >> my guess is hopefully, something will congel the next couple of days. i think a growing recognition particularly in the gop that a default is completely unacceptable and the shutdown is really damaging the country and damaging their brand. so i think we're coming together. this is the first time we are seeing any light at the end of the tunnel, but, still, we have no deal. and i think what we have is a much greater line of communication and a great receptivity of putting this ugly chapter behind us. >> you use the term damaging and it has been damaging to people's lives and certainly to congress. i'm sure you take some solace that the republicans are taking much of the heat and the blame if we look at the public opinion polls. 60% of the americans according to the nbc news/"wall street journal" poll say all of congress should be fired and put you out of a job for the way congress has been acting. >> there is no solace to be found in any of this. the public is right to be infuriated and upset what is going on. there are no winners in a government shutdown. i'm convinced the recurrent man-made artificial crises and debt ceiling and shutdown we go through every six months is the only thing holding back our recovery. it is infuriating because it is so so unnecessary. hopefully we will get this done. i don't want to see a short-term deal that lands us back in the same spot two months from now where we have to fight this out all over again. we need a structural change where neither party can use that something has been done keeping of the government as a bludgeon of something it doesn't have the votes for. >> we hope you all get it together. congressman, thank you for talking to us. appreciate it. the 9-year-old stow-away who made headlines this week sneaking on a flight from minnesota to vegas is going back home today. >> reporter: quite a fantastic story when you look at it. a 9-year-old boy somehow manages to get by the tsa behind me here and boards the plane and gets by the flight attendants and wasn't until the plane was en route to sin city, las vegas, he was discovered and he's in child protective services since that time. a bit of history here with this boy. it's probably not a very positive story. he has been in trouble with the law in some cases, he was found to have supposedly stolen a car and that car damaged other vehicles as he was driving down the road. and, again, we should remind viewers that he is only 9 years old. so that is where the story ends in las vegas. now the story is that he is supposed to be being brought back here to minneapolis. his own father has asked for help. his own father says he is at his wit's end with his son. chances are, when he does come back to minneapolis, he is going to be taken into some sort of protective services with regards to child protective service or welfare, what have you. people who will provide him with some storm of counseling to try to sort of turn this story around. obviously, a fantastic story. a wild story wrars to how this young boy, 9 years old, got all the way to las vegas. >> that it is and quite the history there too. kevin tibbles, thanks. time for a look at the rest of this morning's top stories. craig melvin is here with the headlines for us. >> good morning to you. the search is on this morning for nine teenage boys. police say they were abducted from a rehabilitation ranch in new mexico. state police issued an amber alert, even though an attorney for the ranch director said friday that the teenagers were safe. investigators went to the youth ranch with a search warrant. when they got there, they say the boys were missing and so was the ranch director. the 2-year-old son of minnesota vikings adrian peterson has died. police in south dakota say the child suffered head injuries consistent with abuse. they have charged 27-year-old joseph patterson with assault in the boy's death. patterson is believed to be the boyfriend of the child's mother. the third player for the tampa bay buccaneers has been diagnosed with a mrsa infection but the bucs plan to host the philadelphia eagles sunday. the team did not want to identify that third player but is reporting it's rookie corner johnathan banks. the new comes after they say his infection had returned. tynes lawrence was infected last august. he talked about the impact of his leaks to a group of u.s. whistle blowers who travel to russia to give him an award. >> people all over the world are realizing that these programs don't make us more safe. they hurt our economy. they hurt our country. they limit our ability to speak and think and live and be creative, to have relationships to associate freedom. >> michael isikoff is in d.c. with us with more on snowden. this was snowden's first on-cameraance in while. what is his status right now? >> snowden is federal fugitive and facing federal charges for violation of the espionage act. we see here he doesn't seem concerned here. he is even defiant. he even argues it should be u.s. intelligence officials and not he who should be wanted for lying to congress. they say a well-known espionage player has quietly approached the justice department on behalf of associates of snowden to see if there are any terms that might allow him to come home. in this video, snowden doesn't sound like anybody who is looking to make a deal. >> what is the future of the surveillance programs that he revealed, mike? >> that is interesting. there is mounting pressure in congress to curb these programs. president obama, remember, has already appointed a task force to review them. there's an effort in congress, the last vote in congress came just 12 votes short of curbing the most controversial aspect of this program and there seems to be a building pressure that even if snowden personally doesn't have much of a future in the united states, he may well have had an impact on public policy. >> michael, thank you. folks, take a look at this amazing rescue video. two sheep, that's right. two sheep trapped on a cliff on an island near iceland for days apparently. finally rescuers who were wearing cameras on their helmet, they make their way down the cliff and tie the sheep and then a lamb was a tad bit more difficult to catch. >> didn't want to go? >> apparently he was a bit suspicious of the rescuers so he tries to get away for a while. eventually, the rescuers were able to corner the lamb and the sheep and get them to safe. there is a joke in there somewhere. >> two sheep walking into a bar? >> but the lamb and the sheep are all fine this morning. >> thanks. dylan dreyer is here with a look at the massive cyclone we mentioned taking aim at india. >> a huge storm. the equivalent of a category four, almost a category five storm we could see here but it is considered a cyclone out there. you can see the flooding. this is one of the most populated areas in the world and the flooding is already coming on shore. even though the eye of the storm isn't expected to make landfall moments from now, obviously the initial rain and the wind and the storm surge is coming in ahead of the eye of the storm so we are seeing massive amounts of flooding and this is going to a huge issue on the east coast of india. you can see now the storm is making its way on shore and it does have 125 -- 135-mile-per-hour winds. so it's actually one of those areas in the world where it's the most densely populated, right along this coastline here with about 4.8 million people evacuated up and down the coastline. so we are going to keep an eye on this storm. again, it's the equivalent to what we would see of a category 4 to category 5 storm and it will weaken as soon as it makes its way on land and rain itself out as that point as a category 2 forecast. more than a third of americans are obese and we have been warned how bad that can be for your health. it was surprising when a new study came out this week, saying that many people carrying too many extra pounds are actually healthy. dr. season lateven lamb joins u. we hear obese and overweight. i think many of us probably jump to the conclusion these are people who are not healthy so explain how you you can be obese and healthy. >> the mantle of people will transition from being overweight to being unhealthy but a small percentage early on in hair lives as young adults who may be metabolically still viewed as normal. cholesterol and blood pressure is noormal. we are not talking about physical fitness but metabolic fitness but many will transition for an unhealthy state. >> what transitions you to unhealthy state? >> it is unknown. they do genetic studies. one twin is overweight and sometimes they are metabolically healthy and some are nope. subtle differences between individuals that determine whether the fat cells themselves guess angry. when they get angry, they explode and cause diabetes and hypertension and all kinds of problems. >> the people who are healthy and obese theory fat cells are not angry? >> they are not angry. the fats do become ultimately almost angry. people who smoke and never get lung cancer and people have high cholesterol and don't get heart disease but i wouldn't count on it, i wouldn't bet on it. >> do we need to change the focus? >> we need to have an understanding why people who are overweight can develop the illness. as you might look at instead of study people who are depressed, why not study people who are happy what about them protects them from depress. one size doesn't fit all. there are people who are overweight who remain healthy for longer times but i wouldn't bet on it. >> no reason for all of us not to be healthier in our searchers in new york are looking this morning for a missing teenager with autism. he was last seen on surveillance video a week ago and he hasn't been heard of from since. katy tur has more on the efforts to find him. >> reporter: 14-year-old devonte was last seen on video last seen running away from his new york city school. that was last friday. now eight days without any sign of him. his dad daniel. >> i try not to think of the worst and i still have the support of everybody. >> reporter: friday, as they have done every day, the boy's worn-out family comb the streets with the help of volunteers. police turned over manhole covers and swept the east river. everyone hoping the rescue doesn't turn into a recovery. >> we get leads here and there throughout the day and we try to take them serious and call the police and the detectives. >> reporter: now the search has gone national. the group autism speaks is offering a $70,000 reward for his safe return. the advocacy group vice president lisa gorg warns of the extra challenges when children with autism go missing. >> he may not understand what they are saying. could you just imagine how he must be feeling and the anxiety? so he may not be able to understand what they are saying or if he can understand, he may not be able to communicate back what his needs are. >> reporter: in new york the nypd has expanded efforts to find the boy, especially in the subway system, since the boy was known to like trains. >> if you have any information -- this year alone, 14 kids with the disorder have wandered and died. according to the national center for missing and exploited children. but dad daniel is not giving up. >> he is definitely a fighter. >> reporter: now still more searching and a vigil for a young boy lost in a big city. for "today," katy tur, nbc news, new york. sad news this morning. a bay area bride whose story touched thousands of people around the world lost her battle with lung cancer early this week. >> in july she was told she had months to live and she was determined to live the last few months to the fullest, starting with her wedding. >> reporter: jen was just 35 years old when she was diagnosed with stage 5 lung cancer this year. the news she had four to six months to live motivated her to focus on life. part of that commitment meant marry jeff lang, her boyfriend of six years. >> four to six weeks i'm treated and four to six months, treated. so when i heard that, i said, let's get married. because i wanted to focus on life. >> i've known for a long time she is the one i wanted to be with. >> reporter: with time, not on their side, jeff proposed and the couple gave themselves just two weeks to plan a simple wedding in jen's parents's backyards but strangers had other plans. after a friend posted their story on an online message board, a local wedding planner saw the post. >> i was touched by the story so immediately i think i responded within like 30 seconds and said, absolutely, i'd love to help out. >> reporter: with days to make those dreams a reality, the wedding sprung to life. more than 30 vendors donated mosh more than $50,000 in goods and services. while many weddings focus on a couple's future, these newlyweds celebrating the presence was the sweetest gift of all. >> i always think about the future but the time is not to think about it today. today is the time to think about this now and enjoy this now. >> reporter: it was a picture perfect wedding day from the flowers to the champagne. surrounded by friends and family, the couple shared their vows. >> for all the days of your life. >> reporter: with the rest of their time together with the love and sport imaginable. this past week after months of treatment, jen passed away in her mountain view home, her husband jeff was by her side. he told owner nbc affiliate in san francisco, her passing was beautiful and peaceful. a life cut short but not before one dream came true. >> i do! >> it really gets you. when asked what message he would like to deliver after jen's passing, jeff said, "she may have left her body, but she is still with me and she always will be." really her story touched so many people when we did that story and our affiliate in the bay area did a beautiful job with it and helped us get a lot of access to it. it touched so many people's lives and inspired so many people. >> it's so sad you have to kind of smile. >> you do. >> they found each other and got what they wanted and had special moments. >> what a great attitude to have about it. >> thank you. we're back in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc. still to come, new controversy for convicted killer jodi arias as she speaks out from behind bars. plus, one teenager's life changed in an instant and her fight now to keep going. but first these messages. for the trainers, a second chance much their own. >> you're not going home tonight. >> nbc's the biggest loser second chances premieres this tuesday. ♪ we are back on this saturday morning, october 12th. 2013. a nice group of folks out there on the plaza up early to spend time with us and looking forward to meeting some of them in a little bit. if you have a family photographer you know what i'm talking about. you wind up with lots of pictures of your family through the years, only you were in barely of any of them. ahead we will meet one mom who used to shy away from being in front the of the lens and now discovered how important it is to be in the picture. >> love that story. also the importance of kissing. no doubt you want to feel that spark when you're thinking, right? ♪ >> i think they just started dating. they are very young. a new study shows a kiss would actually make or break your relationship. >> yeah! who couldn't? >> married for 31 years over here! just sayin'. he was very -- very proud of himself earlier talking about his kissing skills. >> i did not! i just said a kiss is important in a relationship! although i am a good kisser. any way. >> see? >> do i have to continue? no, i'm good. then at 3, most parents would be happy if their kids are coloring in the lines but this kid may put others to shame. he is 3 and he is already an active surfer. look at him. hanging in there. >> he is putting adults to shame. >> the little skier is are not scared of falling. >> i say they have less distance to fall. >> they don't know what could happen. >> there is that. all of those things. first, on a more serious note. jodi arias, the woman convicted of killing her boyfriend, making 234us this morning. tweeting from prison about her financial situation. kristen dahl glenn has more. >> guilty. >> now jodi arias is back in the spotlight speaking out from behind bars. in two tweets from her official account, arias tried to defend herself against accusations she is making money off her crime. writing, that rumor that somehow my family profited from my trial, absurd. adding, i'm filing for bankruptcy. if i can ever afford to do so. >> you don't need bankruptcy if you're going to be in prison the rest of your life. >> reporter: since her conviction, arias has been selling her artwork online. something she talked about with nbc. >> it's just one area that i feel i excelled at in my life. it's a part of me and my life and my existence. >> reporter: unclear what she may have moved. then the sensational movie. >> you did not just hang up on me! hello. >> reporter: but under sam law criminals can't profit from book deals or movies so she couldn't make a cent off portraying the crime. she is convicted of killing her boyfriend adam alexander. >> he claimed that i was a stupid idiot. he body slammed me again on the tile. >> reporter: the jury didn't believe her and she is accused of latest attempt with manipulation with her latest tweets and they say perfectly timed before this month's hearing which could save her from the death penalty. >> she is not very predict or credible at all. whatever she tweets we take with a grain of salt and look how could it benefit jodi arias? time for another check of the weather now. >> dylan is out on the plaza with more on that for us. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. just came back from california yesterday. i found california girls are here in new york city. you got gloves on. everybody is saying how hold it is out here this morning! but i don't know! it's just not this bad. are you having fun? >> yeah. >> are you cold? >> yeah. >> are the gloves helping? >> yeah. we are going to see a nice day in the northeast today. temperatures should top out around 70 or so later on. but we do have rain falling across parts of texas tomorrow. that's going to be a bigger storm system that is going to produce perhaps a couple of inches of rain, especially as it strengthens a little bit more as we go into monday which is columbus day. we will see the chance of snow showers especially across parts of wyoming and heavy rain northern plains to texas and on the other side nice. temperatures in the 60s and seventh and above average. any of the showers up and down the east coast should be fairly light. doesn't look like it's going to be a wash-out but right in the middle of the country that is where we are going to see ou around oakland this morning, hazy skies. might find a bit of patchy fog around sunrise. temperatures at 52 in oakland. one of the warmer spots as some places have dropped into the uperp 30s and low 40s. 70 in oakland, 73 in san jose with few high clouds on the increase as we head toward sunset. the trend next week, temperatures getting high closer to 80 on monday. tomorrow night is a big night. it is "football night in america." the redskins taking on the cowboys at at&t stadium but that is inside. inside weather looks perfect and outside weather, a couple of showers and temperatures topping out in the mid 70s for the tailgaters out that way. that is your latest forecast. now back inside. just ahead, one inspiring story of moving forward after suddenly being paralyzed. a little bit later, is the pressure of having a reality tv cameras 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[ male announcer ] old el paso frozen entrees. lives from those all-important first to basically every other cute amazing fantastic thing they do. when one mom, though, looked at the pictures of her kids, she noticed something was missing. and after a lot of soul searching, she decided to do something about it. >> careful! >> reporter: like many parents, allison tate, mother of four, loved takie ining picture after picture of her kids. one person was missing in all those photos -- allison. >> i knew i was not in pictures of my kids. i avoid the camera. i know i avoid the camera. >> reporter: allison was uncomfortable with the way she looked and decided she was better off out of the picture. >> someday, i want them to see me. >> reporter: she blogged about it in an article for the huffingtonpost explaining why it needed to change for the sake of her kids. >> i want them to see the way i looked at them, see how much i loved them. i'm not perfect to look at and i am not perfect to love, but i am perfectly their mother. >> reporter: the message touched a nerve. for many moms, it inspired them to share their own stories and get in front of the camera themselves. it's been a years since allison vowed to get in the picture. now she knows she doesn't have to look perfect for it to be a perfect photo. and allison tait is with us this morning along with lisa bellkins. you had a huge response to this piece. you said you know you got a lot of response from this piece but you've made a lot of progress. >> yes. i found -- i mean, it was awesome to get that big of a response, but it was also sad because it meant that that many people related to how i felt about myself which was, you know, it's not the best thing in the whole world and, yeah, that this past year, i've been able to make the effort to get in the picture more. >> and inspired so many other women to do the same. your post, we talked about it in the break, it's something i can relate to and i think a lot of moms can. what do you think about that, lisa, that resonates with so many of us? >> i think it resonates in the particulars we all notice we are are not there. everyone i know went and looked as their photos after they read that piece and they weren't there. it resonates in the general its i don't feel good about myself and why i'm not there. >> a real picture on every level it seems. increasingly every year that women to be perfect at what they do, mothers especially. >> all women but mothers definitely have a lot of pressure. >> we all know it's not possible. >> it's not. >> no such thing as perfect. touched a nerve with our viewers. craig is over in the orange room. we have had a number of photos and comments come in this about this, right, craig? >> a lot of responses to alli n allison's story. a few of the tweets we have gotten in. the question we pose wad simple. what does family mean to you? we heard from rebecca. my support system. first marathon and couldn't have done it without them. you see rebecca with a picture of her family. rolling with the punches and not taking everything serious. we can tell that thaw their faces did not freeze that way. the last one, family means that no matter where we are, we are where we belong when we are together. so, again, an overwhelming response. erica, we wanted to share a few of the pictureses a and tweets our viewers. >> that mention family being there and you being there is proof of what it started out for your kid. >> right. i feel like i do everything, along with my husband. i have to say. to navigate their lives, to plan everything. plan the birthday parties. plan the first day of school outfit. everything. and i'm not in any pictures from their birthday party. i'm not in any pictures from the first days of school and i felt like it's wrong. my kids are going to look back and say where were you? you weren't there. i also think that it's important for us to say we're valuable and we are important in these moments and we should be in these pictures! >> it's also nice to see what you look like when your kids were different ages and that was part of it too. >> and to look back at your own parents. >> exactly. when i look at the pictures of my mom i don't say why did she wear that outfit. you joke about that with certain clothes prosecute certain eras but we don't judge our parents in those pictures. we love seeing them. >> we love seeing them and those memories and that is the way you capture the memories. she has made a difference ever since this piece ran. we got 3,000 photos like that and people started sending them in. it's a small difference that makes a big difference. >> it does make a big difference from one inspire inspired to do more of that. it's wonderful and the pictures are fantastic and you look gorgeous. >> thank you. >> nice to have you both here. just ahead, what is in a kiss? that will get you talking on a saturday morning. turns out quite a bit. we will explain. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ we got a pretty cool weight loss story and involves an extremely obese dog you may recall. show you obi, the dog in this picture. he weighed 7 pounds and twice the size of a normal dog of his breed. >> what a difference a year makes. things have changed a little bit. a little exercise too for obi. you see the before and the after. that is 50 pounds less of obi today! >> did he have the lapband surgery? >> no. he went on a diet. >> he did have a little tummy tuck. >> he hid that excess skin when he lost the weight. >> he was so stretched and saggy. his mom tells us it was done through simple diet and exercise. so now obi is embarking on a cross-country tour to help educate people about obesity prevention for his pets. >> he has become an advocate. >> he has. >> you want to treat your dog all the time. you give them a treat and more treats. we have resorted to tear rots. >> my dog loves carrots! >> really? >> she does. >> if i'm cooking, she will come over to get a carrot. >> it took three yves off his ♪ [ male announcer ] over time, you've come to realize... 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[ female announcer ] dove is different. its breakthrough formula changes everything. dove. this is care. good morning morning, we're looking live at the san francisco bay bridge. thanks for joining us. >> 49 in san francisco. going up to 68 today. tomorrow a little bit warmer if you like these fall days where we have the chilly mornings and warm afternoons. plenty of them to go around with the afternoons turning warmer. >> a developing story this morning related to the salmonella scare. the usda expanding that recall, recalling 40,000 pounds of chicken from the costco store on el camino real. among the products you might want to check for, the popular kirkland signature foster farms rotisserie chicken. kirkland form rotisserie chicken soup and the rotisserie leg quarters and salad. all products sold between september 11th and september 23rd. if you have the product, you can call the costco number on your screen. >> and the rules are changing at sf general following a patient who turned up dead. they must do sweeps of the buildings fire escapes and stairwells. they will also conduct an independent review of the safety systems. spaulding was found dead in the stairwell three weeks after she disappeared from her room. >> at 9:30 this morning, the union and transit agency will be back at it trying to ease out a new contract that would avert a strike for sunday night. it was a long day of negotiating, 1 hours in all. union representatives said they were expecting a new proposal to come their way. bart's chief negotiator said this were willing to make a new deal. >> we don't have to worry about someone else explaining our information or telling our story. >> beoth sides will be back at the table. >> coming up, taking control of your image. that story and all the day's news coming up at 7:00. right now, here's more of the "today" show. ♪ good morning. it's saturday, october 12th, 2013. here is a looked today's top stories. crunch time. house republicans meet today in an attempt to hammer out a deal that president obama can agree to. this, in an effort to end the government shutdown, and avoid going over the fiscal cliff. tragic loss. the 2-year-old son of minnesota vikings running back adrian peterson has died and police say it was at the hand of the boyfriend of the little boy's mother. path of destruction. a massive and deadly cyclone threatening 12 million people in india this morning. what could turn out to be a humanitarian disaster and has forced hundreds of thousands to flee. good morning. i'm lester holt. >> i'm erica hill alongside dylan dreyer and craig melvin. the house speaker and john boehner spoke on a friday with a conversation that is jind as good. >> we will take good but people would like a deal but no deal yet in the failure to compromise is hurting regular people across the country in so many ways as these days drag on. kristen welker is live at the white house with more. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning pow. the house and snoot wienate wil back in session today to hammer out a deal and it seems washington is closer to reopening the government for the hundreds of thousands furloughed and out of work, a resolution can't come soon enough. >> i'll see if i can print those labels. >> reporter: this virginia couple are expecting their first child. a blissful time that has turned even more stressful, thanks to washington's dysfunction. >> i just wish that they could come to some sort of an agreement. >> reporter: barker is a burr lowed arborist at the capitol and today he gets his first post shutdown paycheck half of what it usually. >> reporter: i took a part-time job is a janitor at a middle school in arlington. >> we live paycheck to paycheck. >> reporter: with majority blaming republicans they are inching toward a deal. president obama tried to harness the nation. >> our government is close, for the first time, in 17 years, a political party is risking default for the first time since the 1700s. this is not normal and that is why we have to put a stop to it. >> reporter: mr. obama met with senate republicans at the white house friday to hash out a plan to reopen the government. and while major sticking points remain, a growing number of establishment republicans are calling on the party to drop its calls to defund or delay the president's health care law. >> defunding obama care is not achievable, so let's not tell our supporters that it is. >> reporter: still, members of the tea party branch continue to dig in. >> in my view, the house of representatives needs to keep doing what it's been doing which is standing strong! >> reporter: this as frustration mounts. on capitol hill, even relate star keith colburn testified. >> if we are tied to the docks waiting for the government, we we can't pay those bills. >> reporter: now the deal that is currently being discussed by the republicans would extend the nation's borrowing him. that is the debt ceiling that expires in five days and reopen the government and come with some concessions like scaling back one of the taxes associated with the president's health care law. again, these details are very murky. this deal still coming together. a bit of good news, though, on this columbus day weekend. a the statue of liberty will be reopened thanks to a deal struck and grand canyon will also be open. a tragic story. as one of the nfl's biggest stars learns of the death of his 2-year-old son who was apparently beaten to death allegedly by his ex's boyfriend. veronica veronica de la cruz is here with more. >> reporter: football is on the back burner for adrian peterson as he tries to deal with his son's unexpected death. >> reporter: he is one of the nfl's biggest stars. its reigning mvp and today adrian peterson is mourning the death of his 2-year-old son who died on friday evening, just two days after the child was rushed to the hospital in south dakota. >> the medical examiners found that he had some injuries that were not consistent with being accidental, but they were actually consistent with being abuse. those injuries were to the head. >> reporter: 27-year-old james patterson who is reportedly the of the child's mother appeared in court on friday charged with aggravated battery and aggravated assault. now the child has died, police say he will face additional charges. meanwhile, adrian peterson isn't saying much. but he has taken to twitter writing, god bless everyone and thank you so much. the nfl is fraternity of brothers and i'm thankful for the tweets, phone calls, and text messages from my fellow players. >> he's a guy you rarely hear a negative about and a guy that certainly does all the talking on the football field. >> reporter: messages of support are pouring in from the likes of lebron james and robert griffin, iii. >> he's an easy guy to root for which is why i think we are seeing this outpouring of support from fans, from celebrities, from fellow players. >> reporter: it is not clear if peterson will play tomorrow in the vikings game against the carolina panthers. james patterson remains behind bars on a cash bond of $750,000. >> a terrible story. thanks. latest on the 9 yeverled stow-away who managed to sneak on a plane alone and flew to las vegas. he is expected back home in minneapolis today. kevin tibbles is live at the airport to tell us more about it. kevin, good morning. >> reporter: a week after somehow getting by security and onto a plane, today, that 9-year-old stow-away is, indeed expected to be in the air again. this time, being returned to minnesota. today marks the ends of the 9-year-old stow-away's strange and dangerous odyssey to las vegas. he had an entire nation wondering how he finagled his way past tsa and a delta gate agent on his way to sin city. >> he had to be pretty smart and in the know. >> reporter: it wasn't long before we knew this was not his first brush with the law. not by a long shot. the list includes sneaking into a water parkt without a ticket and car theft and crashing into a police and much more but nothing compares to slipping onto a plane alone after casing the minneapolis airport the day before. >> all of this, since 911, has been to keep us safer and it has! but still we have gaping holes and this was a perfect example of it. >> i'm a parent. i'm not perfect. >> reporter: his father, who wishes to be remain anonymous, says that he is at business wit's end and desperately needs help for his son. >> he couldn't do nothing because he was a minor. i'm asking for help. >> reporter: after police collected him at the gate in las vegas, he spent last week in foster care. now this boy will have to face the music when he lands here at the very place where his adventure began. the child is expected to be seen by child protective services upon arrival to discuss his behavior and offer counseling. lester. >> kevin tibbles at the airport in minneapolis, thank you. this morning, we are getting our first look at the man attacked by a group of bikers after a chase that was caught on tape and happened here in new york city. here is ron allen. >> reporter: this picture from the new york daily news is the first look at lin the 33-year-old father seen in this video dragged from his suv and allegedly beaten by a group of motorcycle riders. his wife and 2-year-old daughter also in the vehicle. after a 2 to 3-mile chase that ended when lin had to stop in traffic. two weeks later, his facial injuries are visible and no word on his overall medical condition. police have arrested seven suspects so far, including an undercover new york police detective off-duty at the time riding with the bikers. they face charges ranging from criminal mischief to gang assault. faced with the graphic video evidence, the detective's attorney can see he was there but insists he is innocent. >> the video will exonerate our client. at no point is anywhere near mr. lean. >> reporter: while the video appears to show one of the bikers blocking the suv one of the bikers is claim lin started it all. an attorney said the suv bumped one of the riders a few miles before what is seen on the videotape. the bikers were trying to stop the suv and talk to the driver. >> we don't think our client should have been run over and crushed and ended up under an suv. >> reporter: another attorney said a water bottle may have been thrown from the suv and provoked the bikers. in a statement, lin's wife said we were faced with a life-threatening situation and my husband was forced under the circumstances to take the actions that he did to protect the lives of our entire family. he has not been charged with a crime. meanwhile, new york police say they are looking for at least five more suspects. perhaps seen in video and still pictures of the incident, or suspects perhaps not caught on camera. for "today," ron allen, nbc news, new york. let's get you kaupt on some of the morning's other top stories. >> reporter: preparations are under way this morning on cuba's east coast. that country is bracing for massive cyclone. more than 400,000 people have been evacuated so far. the cyclone is packing sustained winds of 150 miles per hour. that is the equivalent of a category 4 hurricane right now. back here, truckdriver is killed after colliding with a trainful of sight-seers in west virginia. two dozen hurt in the crash. pain was taking passengers on a scenic tour of fall foliage at the time of the accident. a zookeeper in missouri was crushed to death by an elephant when he was going to feed her. 30-year veteran of that zoo dickerson park zoo and the manager of the elephant was in the enclosure with two workers when the elephant charged at him 37 what set off the incident is unclear this morning. a man in california is trying to fight for al qaeda. the 24-year-old wen was arrested in santa ana attempting to board a bus in mexico. they say wen lied about his personal information on a passport application in august. a costco wholesale store in san francisco is recalling nearly 40,000 pounds of rotisserie chicken and may be linked to an outbreak of salmonella poisoning. they are recalling foster farms rotisserie chicken and the soup and chicken leg quarts and chicken salad. federal officials say the food may be strained with salmonella that has injured 24 people in 20 states. we have come to know her well over the past week. malall was the target of a taliban assassination attempt and nominated for the nobel prize but she did not win the prize but a chance to meet with the president and the first lady. in the office, president obama signed a proclamation marking friday as the international day of "the girl." that is the news for now. >> that girl? >> what an inspiration she has been and it was really interesting throughout the course of the week to see and hear so much from her as well. >> pretty incredible young lady. we would a could all learn a lot from her. >> dylan dreyer is over at the fancy map. actually, too a look at this night sky which was something fancy in itself? >> yes. it absolutely was. we have been seeing some -- i'm confused. what night sky are you talking about? >> i thought we were supposed to be looking at a pretty amazing night sky! the time lapse video! >> pretty amazing! >> i didn't get that paper. but this is the night sky of the northern lights. now i'm on the same page. over the cat skills mountains. it is one of those things i would love to see at some point in my life in person. apparently not too far away in thecatskill mountains. a cold front is moving through the country and dividing the country in half with warm air out ahead of it. but it is still pretty chilly back behind it. it is this area of low pressure off the mid-atlantic coastline that has been bringing record amounts of rainfall to areas like baltimore and also into philadelphia as well. we want to take a look at washington, d.c. we have another beautiful shot, courtesy of earth cam, thank you to our friends there, in washington, d.c. it is cloudy and gray and gorgeous and beautiful night in the nation's capital. we will see off and on showers today and tomorrow but see improvements as we go into monday. we are are not going to see the heavy rain like we have seen but we are certainly going to see some improvements in their with just pockets of moderate to heavy rainfall off and on throughout the day and tomorrow as well. for the rest of the country today, once this cold front moves through with high pressure building in, it is going to be a little bit below average. temperatures should only top out in the 60s across parts of the rockies. we could even see some mountain snow, especially as we go into sunday and monday across seeing some hazy skies around san jose this morning. 47 in livermore. low 40s around the trivalley this morning. mid 60s around pacifica, too. 73 in san jose for today. tonight some increasing high clouds. trning a bit warmer earlier next week. >> that is your latest forecast. >> dylan, thanks. up next how you might want >> dylan, thanks. up next how you might want to learnwith my moderatewoman ]t to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. 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[ male announcer ] they just might think it's homemade. try campbell's homestyle soup. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] they just might think it's homemade. ♪ (announcer) introducing tidy cats lightweight. with a clumping litter this light and just as strong at neutralizing odor, you'll want to say... (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) introducing tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. nothing wrong with taupe. but nope.a wake up call. let's open up a can of this. and match this. let's validate, navigate, and then let's get after it. paint, no. let's do... pow. let's do this. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr premium plus interior. starting at just $23.46 a gallon. ♪ ♪ if you want to go if you love me so it's in his kiss ♪ >> the next time you kiss someone, you might want to put a little effort into that lip lock. did i say that? >> you said lip lock. yes. you told us earlier in the show that you're a good kisser. >> come on now! you're putting me on the know. a new study shows that kissing is one way people weed out the pretenders if you will from the contenders when they are looking for the right partner. craig got this voiassignment. >> oh, boy! lots of emotion behind the kiss but it turns out the kiss could be the deciding factor in whether you'll be a winner in the mating game. >> reporter: passionate. romantic, and sometimes awkward. ♪ this kiss this kiss >> reporter: kissing is a language awful its own from the iconic kiss in times square for one fit for royalty. ♪ a kiss is just a kiss >> reporter: not really. turns out, there is more science to. a new study reveals it's a filter for finding that perfect partner. ♪ kiss me >> a kiss can tell you if somebody is into you or not into you. if you're kissing your partner, i don't know the way you kiss a friend hello that you haven't run into, then that's a problem. >> reporter: the study surveyed 900 people and found kissing and being a good kisser was more important to women than men. >> my husband and i kiss all the time. if i had to kiss him for 21 years and it was -- he was a bad kisser, we wouldn't be together 21 years. >> reporter: men, if you're a bad kisser, that's a deal-breaker, as women are more likely to change their opinion of you based sole on a smooch. >> we probably would change our mind about a kiss if we didn't feel that special feeling. ♪ my first kiss went a little like this ♪ >> reporter: for this young, new couple. >> my cheeks feel like they are getting red. >> reporter: kissing holds promise. >> a good kiss makes someone way more attractive. >> reporter: with this, their first kiss. >> that was pretty good. i'm not going to lie. >> we like to say eyes are the window into the soul and i think to some extent, you know, a kiss is the window into a person's heart. ♪ >> the study also found that people use kissing to help establish and maintain a bond with their partners as well. >> did you actually ask people to kiss on the street? >> how did you get that many people? they were making out. >> the couple at the end, that really was their first kiss. >> but it was making me uncomfortable here. you know? >> it was kind of like you're sitting here watching people make out. >> do you remember your wedding kiss? >> yeah. >> how was that kiss? >> well, you know, my grandmother was there! it was strange. >> was it inappropriate? >> it was tame. it was tame. >> the priest was there in the cathedr cathedral. >> it was like a peck on the cheek? >> yeah. >> yours as well? >> it was a good kiss. >> not a [ female announcer ] now you can turn pillsbury crescents into an easy dinner with crescent dogs. just separate, add hot dogs, cheese, roll 'em up, and bake. lookin' hot, c-dog. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. but press them flat, add sauce... and some pepperoni and cheese... and school nights turn into grands mini pizza nights. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop! . still to come on "today" why do so many relate couples split . still to come on "today" why my dna... every piece is important... this part... makes my eyes blue... i might have an increased risk of heart disease... gallstones... hemochromatosis... i'll look into that. the more you know about your dna, the more you know about yourself... now i know. know more about your health. go to and order your dna kit for only 99 dollars today. learn hundreds of things about your health at [ male announcer ] get everything you need to prep your lawn this fall, like sta-green winter lawn food for just $10 at lowe's. ♪ you're not linda. i'm filling in for officer owens. she used double miles from her capital one venture card to take an early vacation. buckle up. let's go do cop stuff. [ siren chirps ] license and venture card, ma'am. was i going too fast? oh, you'd be going twice as fast if you had double miles. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one venture card. freeze! don't touch the face! can i drive? absolutely not. what's in your wallet? you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test ♪ treat yourself to savings... ...during the petsmart treat your pet sale. save 50% on hundreds of halloween items. the first one hundred to make a purchase will get a free treat! friday through tuesday only. at petsmart. good morning. nice chilly temperatures to start this saturday morning in san jose and beyond. nice and cool to start. feeling a little bit like fall. we have a forecast that is chilly now but will it stay that way? >> we're going to get sunsign this afternoon. it's going to warm up. we're starting out really cold in the north bay. you will see high clouds coming in lart this afternoon. a system that will drop east of the sierra, may toss snow showers over elevations above 50,000 feet. for the bay area today 60s and mostly low 70s inland today. tomorrow into monday you're going to see some warming. the morning is going to stay chilly. the afternoon turning warmer early next week. >> a developing story regarding the salmonella scare. inspector are recalling nearly 40,000 pounds of chicken from the costco store on el camino real. among the products under recall, the wholesaler's popular kirkland signature foster farms row 'tis riff chicken, the kirkland farms rotisserie chicken soup, leg quarters and chick i don't know salad. all of these sold between september 11th to september 23rd. if you have any of these product, call the costco number on your screen. >> the rules are changing at sf general this morning following the disappearance of a patient later fond dead. hospital stuff must now manually deactivate security alarms that go off and do sweeps of the building's fire escapes and stairwells. it will conduct an independent review of the hospital security and safety system. length spaulding was found dead tuesday in a hospital stairwell nearly three weeks after she vanished from her hospital room. >> no deal yet. bart negotiationsnded around 10:00 night. they will continue to try to eke out a new contract to avert what is now a sunday night strike. it was a long day of negotiating. 12 hours in all. union representatives said they were expecting a new proposal to come their way. bart's chief negotiator said he was prepared to praent new deal but by the end of the night, no one would confirm whether that deal materialized and whether the union had it. bart's general manager was at the table thursday and all day friday, along with state lawmakers, which is something the union requested. >> we can talk to her directly. we don't have to worry about someone else telling our story or explaining our information. >> negotiations do look positives and both sides will be back at the table at 9:30 this morning. >> coming up, taking control of your image. while starting next month your name and picture could appear on a ads owned by google-owned wb sites. >> i'm here from milwaukee. i love the "today" show. >> we're from west virginia and we want to say congrats to brandon on his baby boy. >> came all the way from home to be on the "today" show. >> we are hoosier girls and we are here for lester holt! >> we have gotten those hoosier girls behind us. next the boston folks. very lively crowd with us here on this saturday morning. it is october 12th, 2013. we are glad to have everybody down here spending part of their weekend bus. >> it is october 12th. so i want to wish a happy birthday to my lovely wife carol and i have some baking to do today. >> you're making carrot cake? carrot cake? >> yes. >> go with carrot cake. >> i think she wants a big cake with lots of chocolate frosting. >> hope he spoils you today, carol. happy birthday. a serious headline. when you read it sounds like the plot of a movie you thought could never happen. two rabbis who prosecutors say were hired by married hem to torture and kidnap their husbands to force these men into agreeing to a divorce. we take a turn and talk about reality tv. the couples that appear in these reality tv shows does it give them a rocky relationship? bruce jenner and his wife chris that went their separate ways. we will get into that when we talk hollywood headlines. ahead, surfing not an easy sport we all know. but this 3-year-old makes it look like a piece of cake. we will introduce you to the little dude who rides the waves like no other. >> he is cute. >> i once tried that. >> he'll teach you how! i am a huge fan of usa "white collar." coming up, i got to meet the cast and get a behind the scenes look at what is ahead this season. it ended last season on a huge cliff hanger. >> very cool. >> it's really cool. >> and not a bad assignment for the day. >> i loved being on the set. it was amazing to me i. it is pretty cool. we will get to that in a minute. but first a check of the weather? >> i admitted earlier it's not that cold but now it's a little chilly out here. sorry about that. it is chilly right now but it's the end of october and turn into a nice day, especially later on this afternoon with about 70 degrees in the northeast. but, tomorrow, we will start to see some snow falling in parts of wyoming, also some heavier rain from parts of the rockies down into texas. then on monday, we are actually going to see the chance of that rain moving eastward from the northern plains into texas with some snow in montana and wyoming. some of that rain on columbus day could be heavy at times so keep that in mind. also scattered off and on showers up and down the east coast on columbus days but the west coast is looking gorgeous. we should see a lot of sunshine. temperatures look nice and mild too. and we are going to see that rain begin to spread eastward. we have red sox fans here. where are they? is this exciting or what? >> oh, yeah. always exciting. >> i love when the boston people are here because being in new york and a red sox fan is not the easiest thing. some low clouds now. we'll see 70 later on in fremont, 78 in san francisco and tomorrow partly cloudy skies, turning a bit warmer inland. near 80 on monday and tuesday, getting closer to 70 on the coast early next week. today's top spot, we are looking at the chicago marathon. obviously, we are also rooting on our producer shauna who is running the marathon out in chicago. a wonderful event but chilly in the morning. temperatures should only be in the 40s so it's one of those runs where you need the layers and then you shed the layers later on as temperatures will eventually get back into the 60s. so that is our top spot today in chicago, illinois. back to you guys. >> thanks. two rabbis behind bars this morning and accused of being the masterminds in a bizarre plot to force husbands to grant their wives a divorce. here is more now from michelle franzen. >> reporter: the charges are startling. in a closely knit orthodoxed community, two rabbis accused of kidnapping for hire murder ring where they were paid to have wives husbands's abducted and in some cases tortured to comply. federal followed a raid and arrest from this rabbi in up state new york and wendall epstein is shown in a documentary called "women unchanged." . the fbi conducted a two-year sting operation where an undercover agent posed as an orthodoxed jewish wife wanting a divorce. phone calls and meetings where a rabbi would coerce the husband to grant the divorce. according to authorities, epstein said, quote, tough guys who utilize prods -- one says it reflects the legal barriers women face in the ultra orthodoxed communities. >> it is a document that allows the couple to on get a divorce and it's entirely up to the husband. the wife has no control over it. >> reporter: defense attorneys for rabbi epstein did not comment on the charges. willmarks' attorney says his client is innocent. >> the government says it's all about money. i don't think it's quite that clear. these are maybe controversial, but sort of old religious traditions. >> reporter: the two rabbis and eight other defendants remain in federal custody without bail. for "today," michelle franzen, nbc news, new york. up next, the jonas brothers cancel their tour so what does that mean for the future of the band? we will get into that and more of our holly ♪ [ male announcer ] reveal light bulbs from ge. ♪ [ dog barks ] ♪ unlike ordinary incandescent bulbs, they filter out the dingy yellow tones... ♪ ...bringing the true beauty of your home to life. ♪ reveal light bulbs from ge. and then a 3:15 with my guilt. 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[ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft, you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with new charmin ultra soft. and better is so easy withrning you cabenefiber.o something better for yourself. fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. ♪ we're back with what could be a little something of a reality tv curse. married couples who agree to go on camera, allow cameras into their homes, eventually wind up going their separate ways. >> it does happen. most recently we saw chris and bruce jenner announced they separated actually a while ago. but they are far from the only couple to call it quits. we take a look. >> reporter: it was the breakup heard around the reality tv world. >> chris and bruce jenner's separation secrets. >> reporter: after 22 years of marriage, bruce and chris jenner have split. telling e news we are living separately and much happier this way. >> who knows what went wrong. i have spoken to chris jenner about this. shes, look, things are okay. we are living in separate places but still very much involved. >> reporter: shocking? if you've been keeping up with the ckardashians, let's say the reality flags weren't hard to miss. >> helicopter friends, can you all go find a little get-away that you can go relax at. >> i'll look for a place. >> reporter: but before bruce and chris, there were plenty of other couples that couldn't weather through the reality tv storm. from jessica and nick to kels i didn't kelsey and -- all of these breakups have us wondering are reality stars cursed when it comes to lasting love? >> it's not easy being on a reality show. >> reporter: these two have been married six years. four documented on reality tv. julie anna warns a couple's motivation is key. >> if you think i i just want to be famous and the money and fame and the glamour, then reality show will not be for you. it will break. your marriage. >> reporter: here is the small screen has seen fair share of splits but some success stories and surprises. remember these two? then there is greg and mimi who began show married and divorced and remarried and, yep, it was all documented on reality tv. so letting cameras into your home good fodder for tv and, in many cases, a huge paycheck, but reality couples of tomorrow, be warned. >> it's dangerous to get into with someone you love. you can fall victim to the reality show curse. >> reporter: for today, joel gardello, new york. for more, nice to see you. >> nice to see you as well. good morning. >> so what does this split say about the future of some of the other couples that we are watching right now? do they have to worry about it after seeing what happened to chris and bruce jenner? >> we are married here and we know a marriage is hard without putting things on television. putting it on tv is more money involved and adds more stress so they need to worry. >> everybody wants to weigh in when things go bad and craig is over in the orange room with some of the social media fallout from all of this. >> we have folks talking about on twitter and facebook as well. here is a survey we posted. would appearing on a reality show with your spouse curse your relationship? and the response, fairly lopsided here and pretty overwhelming response. 76% say having a camera follow them and their wife or them and their husband around 24/7 may not be the best of ideas. also tweets to share with you as well. this first from william consta teen. i think it takes a special couple to be on camera for a tv show. for many being in a relationship is tough enough. and this one from reed bennett. nope, if if it ends, it was bad to begin with. there is what folks are saying out there on twitter. >> craig, thanks very much. speaking of breakups. i want to ask you about the jonas brothers. not that it's a marital breakup, but their tour has been canceled, right? >> their tour is canceled and supposed to start 19-city tour on friday and it was canceled citing differences. they were boys when they first started out and men now. we will see what happens. >> we want to look at a very emotional hour of tv that happened this week. "glee's" tribute to cory monteith and bringing in "rent" too. how was it received? >> their highest episode in a year and so many touching moments like we are seeing right now. the cast had to film in one take bought they didn't want to put them through this over and over. and michelle singing "let me make you my love. >> she was his girlfriend on screen and off screen. he played the quarterback on the show but they also said he was the quarterback of their cast and their crew so they had to get through it. >> great to have you here. thanks very much. you can watch e! news here on nbc. this is "today" on nbc. on the show "white collar." they track down thieves. >> great show starting its fifth season. and dylan got a chance to go on set and catch up with the cast and crew. >> which was so much fun. i was digging for some secrets but i don't have any huge secrets to reveal. but i can tell you there will be action, there will be deception and, of course, there will always be a romance. >> reporter: "white collar" tells the story of a cop and a con man who team up to catch criminals and form an likely friendship along the way. >> i'll be back. >> no. >> matt calfry plays the fbi informant. >> are you killing to go? let's go. >> to me it's like a poker game. there is a friendship. they respect each other's intelligence but, at the same time, they never show each other what they have got in their hand. >> reporter: his partner fbi agent peter burke is played by tim decay. >> you may not make it out of this one. >> you got two guys who are attacking the same thing. maybe in a different way. and -- but they are after the same goal. >> reporter: willie garcon portrays neil's side kick. what do you think it is about the show that brings the characters back? >> the characters are so great, they could work on any case, it wouldn't matter. you want to hang out with these people. >> reporter: i actually got that chance. we're entering into the white collar division area and this is legit. i mean, this is kind of what it looks like in real life? >> for the most part, it is. although i have to say the fbi agents that sieve spoken to in the past have said that our offices are way cooler than theirs. >> reporter: these are crew members on the wall here? i find that amazing. >> the crew members are the most wanted. and i think peter dunbar's photo is the best. he truly looks like he has done something and he doesn't care. >> reporter: we are heading into your office. >> this was somehow photo shopped. >> you didn't take that picture? >> no. >> reporter: a lot of stuff happens in here. >> a lot does. we talk about the case. certain information comes up. >> we got al capone on tax evasion. maybe there is a financial angle we can play deluca. >> reporter: it's very light. j. edgar is very light. when he visited the cast was in the middle of filming season five and since last season ended with a major cliff hanger, agent burke in prison, i had to try to get the scoop on what was going to happen next. any hints you can give us what we can expect? anything different? >> you know can't tell you nothing! i can't tell you nothing! >> reporter: luckily, i was able to get a little bit more out of matt. >> season five is really about this bargain, this deal with the devil that neil makes in exchange for peter's freedom but i think the story is strong this year so i'm really excited for people to check it out. >> reporter: i am very excited about this too. you can catch the season premiere of "white collar" thursday at 9:00/8:00 central on the usa network. >> we ask you one thing. come back and tell us what happens and no! >> they wouldn't tell me anything. >> did you tell them turn the cameras off and whisper in my ear? >> did you take your reel, your tape? >> i would be just like sitting in the couch in the background if they let me. i went to their homes too on their set and they were so cool. >> xrepcreepy? >> yes, very creepy. surf is up for one little guy coming up, but, first, these surf is up for one little guy coming up, but, first, these the pathe back of my head and wrapped around to the front. i couldn't play my bassoon because of the pressure that i felt throughout my whole head. the blistering and the rash was moving down towards my eye. the doctors at the emergency room recommended that i have it checked out by an eye doctor. there was concern about my eyesight. when i had shingles the music stopped. with new roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging high performance skincare™ only from roc®. [ male announcer ] get everything you need to prep your lawn this fall, like sta-green winter lawn food for just $10 at lowe's. ♪ your financial advisor should be thinking about your retirement at least as much as you do. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. face time and think time make a difference. from the walmart octobermore savings event.s how about a refreshing rollback? forty inch samsumg on rollback. don't blink. or you'll miss this $5 rollback. game on with these rollbacks. get more for your money at the walmart october savings event. on a nice saturday afternoon. not unexpected. a drive up and down the pacific coast highway, you glance over and see people suffering. >> that's not unexpected but you usually don't expect to see a 3-year-old. he is making some serious, serious waves. with a little more, here is mike taibbi. ready to go surf? >> yeah. >> like any 3-year-old, christian daily, travels in a car seat. what other tiks his age has a wet suit on, heads out for the break and does this. christian likes all sports but he loves surfing and has since he was two. he was still pretty new to walking when one day, he suddenly stood up on a surf board and shocked his father, todd. >> i was stunned. i couldn't believe my own eyes. >> reporter: stunned but as a lifelong surfer himself, the san louie e louie ebisto native let his son do what he was born to do. a father/son ritual. the kid waxing his on board, walking with his dad down to the water, sharing a short prayer and a search for the next ride. time together that's priceless and irreplaceable. >> if he is having fun with it, i want him to keep going and enjoying it. >> the tourists and curious may be excited about the story, the surfing toddler. todd's parents watch their son and grandson and see a bigger story. >> you can just see the pure enjoyment and fun that's going on out there between father and son. it is just awesome. >> reporter: ad prodigies go, a kid who can think about hanging 10 at age 3 might not be a match for mozart composing music at five but christian's exploits have become an internet sensation. >> how big are the waves? >> really big. >> reporter: the natural, the toddler that plays soccer and rides his bike, no trailing wheels of course but also can do this. for today, mike taibbi, nbc ex los angeles. no training wheels at three. >> we might be hearing more from him. >> i think there is a very good chance. that's going to do it for us on this saturday morning. tomorrow, you will meet three generations of a ballooning family. >> then, the science behind infomercials. why do we always fight on them. i'll see you tonight on nightly news. have a great saturday. bye-bye. good morning. coming up, a salmonella scare. plus the latest in the bart negotiation. also, limb seen upgrade. what a new regulation requires them to have in the wake of this deadly limo fire. [ phone ringing ] [ daughter ] hi mom. hey honey, the trip's great, very relaxing. are you sure you can't make it? but you come every year! you could be playing bingo right now! woooo! and there's movie night -- you love movies! [ laughs ] sorry honey, can't hear you -- bad connection. love you! [ laughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] available at walmart, for a low price every day. from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> good morning to you. looking live at the golden gate bridge this morning, chilly temperatures this morning. i'm chris sanchez. thank you for joining us this morning. >> good morning. we do have fog this morning. we have patches of low clouds that will stick around almost till lunch time. west of the golden gate, coastal low clouds at times. not a bad afternoon, we should see 68 in san francisco, 73 in san jose, mid 70s inland today but later tonight we could see some sierra snow showers. we'll let you know if that includes a chance of showers around the bay area later today. >> a developing story this morning. more chicken under recall by the usda because salmonella contaminati contamination. they may be contaminated with the same strains of salmonella that have sickened more than 300 people across the country. here are the products to look for in y


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20140206

sales of tractors and other farm equipment have stalled a bit. they are happy to hear that there is now a coordinated federal and state response in the works. >> the national drought partnership is a nationwide effort, but i can tell you right now, all of its energy is focused on california at this point in time. >> reporter: state and federal leaders say they are tackling california's drought as a united front. officials have the u.s. bureau of reclamation, fish and wildlife service and other state and federal agencies came together today to say california's drought emergency means all hands on deck. >> i can assure you that we'll go through this crisis together. >> reporter: officials say they are working on ways to ease the drought's impact, pledging to help struggling farmers and ranchers. >> i think it's great that they are working on this, and i think it's great that they are acknowledging the seriousness of the problem, and, you know, hopefully they can come up with an outcome that will help everybody. >> reporter: ron and kim loney know all too well how dire the situation is. they own a tractor company in solano county and say their customers are hurting. >> concerned, hesitant, a lot of uncertainty. things we haven't seen in a lifetime >> reporter: loneys worry that concern could impact their bottom line, too. sales of tractors and farm equipment have slowed down. >> they are not as easy to part with the money when they are looking at the possibility of spending money on bringing water in or paying for irrigation water. >> reporter: loneys say they are glad there's a team of experts looking at ways to reduce the drought's impact. meanwhile they are still praying for rain and hoping sales pick up. >> nobody is buying lawn mowers right now and weeds aren't growing. >> reporter: and we're back here live at the green valley tractor company where you can see that there are all kind of detachable mowers right here. folks just ant buying them. the mowers aren't moving. there's no grass or no weeds to mow. again, folks here are desperately in need of relief, both from the federal and state governments and certainly in the form of rain. reporting live in solano county, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, jodi. >> the rain is desperately needed. watch it roll in right on our website. click on the weather tab and maps and radar and scroll down to interactive radar. you can also sign up for weather alert and get specific forecasts for your own neighborhood. and stay with us tomorrow morning when we'll have a continued look at our weather coverage. >> a local teacher is accused of a sex crime. he lives in san francisco and was part of an undercover sting in mountainview. nbc bay area's chris sanchez joins us live with the details. chris. >> hi there, raj. this is a former san francisco teacher who thought he was meeting up with a 17-year-old boy for sex, according to mountainview police but who instead met up here at the park with mountainview police. that teenager was in fact an undercover detective. 52-year-old harlan adelman, a san francisco resident, was arrested as he tried to meet who he thought was a 17 years boy who he arranged to meet with on the internet. police say that the undercover detective and adelman interacted via the internet prior to setting up an alleged sex sting. >> he was reaching out for sex. the initial contacts were explicit material, sexually explicit material, and he ended up agreeing to a meeting for sex. >> reporter: adelman is a san francisco resident, and until september of last year was a teacher at san francisco's academy of arts and sciences in the city's diamond heights neighborhood. he did not appear in our search of the megan's law database. we did reach out to the san francisco unifeed school district which released a statement saying in part there's nothing to indicate that his arrest is related in any way to his work at sfusd. nothing in mr. adelman's employment record indicating that there would be cause for concern. he did work with sfusc from 1995 to 2013, not only at acdifficult arts and sciences but also at lowell high school. mountain view police encourage anyone else who might have been victimized or contacted as a potential victim of adelman to contact their local police department or contact mountainview police. adelman is still in custody in a santa clara county jail and his first court appearance is scheduled for friday. in mountain view, chris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> happening now in san jose or we should say still happening now. stevens creek portfolio at 880 is still closed down. police say the big rig was caring esa portable building early this morning. it knocked out a power signal. the crash then scouted power lines on the road on to another truck. this happened north monroe street and the busy roadway has just been a mess all day closed in both directions. it was supposed to reopen at 5:00 but so far hasn't yet and rush hour is getting under way. of course we're keeping a close eye on the story. we'll let you know when the roadway is open as soon as it does. >> we have new details tonight on a possible act of terrorism. this was a pg & e power station in south san jose. what you're seeing is that gunfire there, lighting up the night of april 16th of last year. this is one day after the boston marathon bombings. tonight a federal official is saying it's much more thanlism. he's calling it an act of terrorism. scott budman joins us from the power station. charges of terrorism. why is this just coming to light now? >> reporter: well, raj, as you mentioned the attack happened here in april of last year but there's no interest of what happened that day because of the way it happened and all the technology involved and because of what's at stake. the attack on this pg & e substation back in april involved cut cables, gunfire and 17 transformers being knocked out. but did it involve terrorism? >> yeah. this is a likely target, and it's something that we are becoming more and more concerned about. >> reporter: muk mcinerney, a security consultant for delta risk, he, along with the former cheryl of the federal energy regulatory commission says this could be the latest example of how cyber terrorism could be used to attack america. >> critical infrastructure are things that we rely on as a country in order to function. examles are the electric grid and the air traffic control system, water system, the stock market, and if they go down, yo can see it potentially could be catastrophic >> reporter: we should point out that pg & e along with the fbi have not called the april attack an act of terrorism but the fact that some do, along win creased fears about attacks on the power grid, are leading to new warnings. >> it's important to ask who would really want to do that because that potentially could be an act of war. >> reporter: again, the concern here is that the power grid, which is attached to so many facets of our lives, is also attached to so much technology and that's one reason it is vulnerable. reporting live in san jose, scott budman, nbc bay area news. >> a developing story out of oakland now where dozens of heavily armed police stormed a massive warehouse finding stolen cars, boat and even heavy machinery. that happened just before 11:00 at a warehouse on 36 avenue near the fruitville b.a.r.t. station. police aren't calling into detail what they found. 11 people inside the warehouse were arrested. a child care center nearby was put into lockdown during the raid. no one was hurt. >> still to come here at 5:00, some airlines have been put on alert. what new terror intelligence reveals about toothpaste as people make their way to russia for the upcoming olympics. >> plus we go live to sochi where olympic gold medalist shaun white made a surprising announcement as did billie jean king, the openly gay tennis star was supposed to go to sochi. why she's staying home. >> i told my mom, oh, my god, i'm about to cry. it was just amazing. >> the bay area fifth grader featured in a super bowl commercial and the controversy surrounding that advertisement. >> then at 6:00 janet napolitano leads a delegation to the sochi olympics as a symbol of california values. >> i'm going as the messenger for those values. >> what message are we sending to russia? >> her answer is new at 6:00. nbc universal's coverage of the 2012 london games was the most watched television event ever. so, what's next? the upcoming winter games from sochi. where every second of nbc universal's coverage will be available on every device. on tv, online or streaming on the nbc sports live extra app. beginning february 6th, experience the winter games everywhere. welcome to what's next. comcast nbcuniversal covered california is howt californians can take advantage of the affordable care act. we can help you get quality health insurance right now. to sign up, call 800-787-9159 or go to you can also use our website to find local, in-person help. one of the biggest questions we get here is, "does covered california offer financial assistance?" yes. covered california is the only place that gives you financial help with your coverage. millions of californians will qualify. find out if you do. all plans include free preventive care. now, you might have a question about what that means. it means free mammograms, immunizations, cancer screenings, and more. it's a big list, and it's all free. so don't wait. without insurance, even a small medical issue can cost you big. call 800-787-9159, or go to, and get covered. well, we're one day away from the 2014 sochi games and tonight u.s. is sounding the alarm for all airlines flying into russia. american officials say terrorists may try to smug eblgs pleasives in tubes of toothpaste. authorities say the information is based on new intelligence, but they would not reveal when and where they learned about the plan. officials stress that this warning is only for flights to russia and not to or within the u.s. okay. i think it's about 5:15 a.m. on thursday in sochi, the first event just a few hours away but already plenty of drama. >> security politics and now one of america's brightest stars is withdrawing from a big event. more from sochi now with the latest for us. jack? >> reporter: sochi, they spent more than three times the original budget in order to build up the venue and cities for these games and for the most part venues are getting rave reviews from athlete, but there is one venue is the slopestyle, that is not getting high marks. citing a risk of injury snowboarder shaun white has pulled out of tomorrow's slopestyle competition. it's drawing competition after several crashes. >> all disappointing when you see a fellow rider go down and is unable to compete. definitely intimidating when you've got to go through the same course. >> white still plans to compete in the halfpipe where he reigns as two-time olympic champion. the slopestyle is one of 12 new sports but that isn't all that's new here. before russia was award 20914 winter olympics there was one ski lift near sochi. my, how things have changed. >> the mountain is unbelievable here. >> reporter: since getting the games, seven resorts have been built. rosa khotur is the crown jewel. >> before this time, before olympic preparation, it was rather provincial. >> reporter: a new highway and railway from sochi to the mountain cluster cost an estimated $9.4 billion. that alone is more than it cost vancouver to host olympics four years ago. the russians also spent billions of dollars building six new stadiums in the coast al cluster. the venues are getting rave reviews from athletes and coaches, especially the ones that were here for a test event last march. now the estimated costs, $51 billion to build up this beautiful olympic venues that you see behind me. still not finished. many reporters, their roommates weren't ready when they got here, and i've got to tell you, the water coming out of their faucet, not something you'd want to drink or wash your face w.reporting live from sochi, i'm jack doles, back for you. >> a few hotel problems, but hopefully the games will go off without a hitch. billie jean king is backing out. the tennis legend will not be part of the u.s. delegation. she's staying back here in the united states because of her mother's failing health. president obama chose king, who is openly gay, and is outspoken in her opposition to russia's anti-gay laws. in a white house statement today the president extended his thoughts and prayers to the king family. >> well, every team usa athlete has to stop in munich to collect credentials, uniforms and gifts called the olympics processing day. david and i are opening and closing outfits. had a great time in team processing, #ralphlauren, #nike, #olympics. nike gave them three pairs of shoes. looks adorable. get updates in your in box. head over to and click on the signup for so much news button at the top of the page. >> okay. from the olympics to the super bowl, it's coming here in two years, and we're already learning plenty of lessons from new york and new jersey from just a few days ago, especially the traffic. the valley transportation authority is already working on a traffic plan for 2016 when the game comes to levi stadium had in santa clara. that means providing lots for buses and a lot of trains. crews are also constructing a pocket track on ta sew man drive. >> it will allow us to store three-car trains during the games so once they are out we can pick them up and take them to the destination. >> extra buses and plans and also working on a mobile ticketing app to allow fans to buy tickets on their smartphone avoiding lines and crowds on the ticket machines. >> the most controversial ad is getting an encore which means these fifth graders are getting ready for an encore. >> reporter: a family friend in the business heard for coke's search for an arabic singer and naya got the job. >> i felt like it was something right to do because arabs are starting to get known better, and i'm feeling, well, if there's arabic on this commercial people will know more about it, and i like representing my culture. i feel right about it. ♪ >> now some loved the ad's diversity. others felt america should only be sung in english. despite the english coke is re-airing the ad during the olympic ceremonies on friday. >> let bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri talking about our microclimate forecast and the rain that's here. >> i know, and increasing confidence here continues as we're seeing this plume of moisture. it's really the wild card in the forecast. already beginning to move in, so with that occurring we do think over the next two to three days it's going to continue to stream in and help amplify our rainfall totals. let's get to the doppler radar totals, showers developing and albeit light. light activity across walnut creek and across the peninsula where there's a few moderate pockets across danville and half moon bay and throughout redwood city and eventually the pocket of rain will be pushing down here possibly through towards san jose and tonight. let's get you up to the sierra. this is a major warning if you're doing any traveling the next three to four days. winter storm watch has already been posted. we'll likely see over 7,000 feet and upward of a foot to maybe two feet of snow all the way through saturday night so advise extreme caution, icy roads and also potentially blinding visibility with winds that could top 40 miles per hour. right now in the sky network, clouds advancing with the southerly stream of moisture. a few showers in the north bay and 48. san francisco 52, and you can see in the east bay, want to take this one full, not seeing visibility reduced too much. sustained out of west at 13 miles per hour and gusting into the low 20s. we will likely see these periods of on and off gusty wind. it's two main branches of storms that are lining up out in the pacific, and as you've been mentioning it's this stream of moisture moving in from the south that will help to amplify things. next 12 to 18 hours looks wet as this storm system continues this weekend we'll see a second storm system pushing across, and it will still be continually feeding into this moisture. overall we do think at this point the north bay could have the most continuous rainfall as you lock ahead towards this forecast. you can see showers beginning to develop. we think by 11:00 p.m. everyone should have some sort of wet weather. we'll see some of the main event of the wet weather throughout the overhours, possibly heavier pockets of rainfall. our morning team will be covering that and then eventually this clears out as we head out through the early afternoon hours. let get an overall roundup of what to expect from this. a lot is going on. it's been a long time since we've had rainfall. wanted to spell it out for you a little bit simpler here on this rain data map. what you'll see is this first round tonight and thursday morning, a quarter to one inch of rainfall. a heavier round of rainfall and saturday and also sunday we could see totals range one to three inches with the worst over the north bay and forecast models continue to align a little bit better each and every time. that's great for our confidence and it's actually happening as we head throughout this weekend. microclimate forecast for thursday. yes, you'll notice temperatures pretty much the same no matter where you go. storm system helps to level things out. 56 in san jose and redwood city and san francisco expecting the mid-40s. you'll see in the north bay, east bay and tri-valley, icons for everyone and also mid-50s so no matter where you're going throughout the forecast on thursday. you're going to need the janet and take that umbrella with you. weekend storm system lines up as early as 5:00 a.m. on saturday and take a look at the overall totals yet again. continues to show impressive numbers here in the forecast numbers. by sunday night we likely could have conservative estimate of over 2 inches of rainfall up into the north bay. not only that as we wind things up but major sierra snow. a wofford warning if you're headed that way. great for skiers, but this could get treacherous up across highway 15 and interstate 80. >> thanks, jeff. >> the unprecedented move from cvs that will cost the national chain up to $2 billion in sales. >> and why murder charges were dismissed against a key suspect today. [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ a stunning moment in a san swroes courtroom today as a homicide suspect learned that his twin brother will be charged instead. now originally police charged 18-year-old duc tong with the january stabbing of a student. today in court anh tong accused him. that happened at a neighborhood house party. investigators say new information came to light in the past few days that required them to re-evaluate. the new complaint is sealed. no information on what the new evidence is. san francisco police arrested 71-year-old jenny ching for hitting and killing a man crossing the street. she's charged with misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter and failing to yield. the crash happened yesterday around 11:00 in the morning. the man was crossing a busy street when the toyota corolla hit him and the man went through the windshield. >> one of the nation's major pharmacy chains is kicking the habit announcing that by october 1st it will no longer sell any tobacco products. the first chain in the nation to do so. the company estimates it could lose up to $2 billion in sales but cvs is hoping the move will help establish it as more of a health care provider and this may push other pharmacy chains to do the same. >> several decades of history will change tonight for vallejo high school. school board members are in a closed session voting on a replacement name for the school's longtime apache mascot which was retired by the district in november for reasons of cultural sensitivity. now the school will keep its trademark red and white colors which is why the proposed replacement names including big red, red hawk and red tide. >> it's a huge honor. we'll tell you what will be carrying the american flag for friday's soepg saopening ceremo sochi. that's next. we'll back in half an hour. you have to questions and a teachable lesson after a school lunch controversially. >> this is not like this food represents some heroic moment in african-american experience. what it represents is the degradation and the stereotyping of african-americans. >> the black history menu items at a school that had both parent and students surprised and shocked. that's coming up at 6:00. >> finally tonight, team usa has picked its flag bearer for the opening ceremony. todd ludwig is getting the high honor. the 37-year-old nordic skier will be the first american to compete in six winter games, part of the team that won the silver back in the 2010 vancouver olympic. the opening ceremony, just in case you didn't know, this friday night, right here hon nbc bay area beginning at 8:00. it's such a great show. an opportunity for the world to come together and share the event. >> we'll be glued to the tv. >> thanks for joining us here at 5:00. ann curry is next with "nightly news." see you again at 6:00. >> bye-bye. power struggle. more than a million homes and businesses left in the dark and bitter cold as yet another massive storm hits hard. and there's one more right behind it. on alert. late word tonight of a new warning from homeland security to the airlines flying passengers to the olympics. what the feds are on the lookout for now. smoke free. a major move by one of the biggest store chains in america. why cvs is taking cigarettes off its shelves. and the daring mission now a hollywood blockbuster starring george clooney. tonight one of the real life monuments men shares his extraordinary journey. "nightly news" begins now.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20131024

a witness said he heard the officer shout two gun, put the gun down, put the gun down. >> you're shooting someone's child, this is someone's child, someone's grandchild. he's not an adult. he's a child he's 13 years old. it's crazy. >> students at lawrence middle school are in mourning tonight and folks in the community are outraged. >> he was not given a chance. he is the sweetest boy. he would always make sure to say hi and thank you if i had given him something. he was just always the kindest hearted person. >> police held a news conference here at the finley community center today. in fact, some private citizens were here because they are outraged and very concerned about this shooting. and andy lopez's family is in mourning tonight. in fact, they are holding a silent vigil at the dan that rosa community center. they say they want the world to know what happened to their son. in fact, lopez's mother said these people who kill mid son should be locked up and put in jail. police say the two deputy sheriffs who were involved in the shooting are on paid administrative leave. but that is standard procedure. reporting live in santa rosa, i'm cheryl herd, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, cheryl. new at 6:00, two men are facing felony charges after police say they vandalized several b.a.r.t. trains. a 23-year-old and 25-year-old were caught by a b.a.r.t. officer watching the richmond yard. after the arrest police found four train cars sprayed, painted with purple and white paint. they also saw the stations vandalized. authorities are look into whether the two men arrested are responsible for any of the other vandalism that happened during the b.a. trvmt strike. >> b.a.r.t. trains aring after federal investigators shut down a stretch of tracks this afternoon. investigators are recreating the deadly crash that killed two workers over the weekend. these pictures were taken from our helicopter and they sow mannequins that were used to recreate the crash. ntsb says that re-enactment will help them understand why the men, especially one that was supposed to be acting as the spotter didn't see the train coming. the two workers were cleared to be on the tracks. they were investigating a reported dip in the rails. fremonth police are asking for the public's help in identifying this man. police say the man dropped his pants at the fremont walmart yesterday. if you recognize him, call fremont police. >> new details and a milestone in the asiana airline crash. late this amp, because of the government shutdown, the the ntsb is now delaying its investigation into the crash. the report won't be issued until december. and a milestone, the woman dischajed from san francisco general this week, she's the final injured patient to be released from the hospital. she's identified only as a female patient who was admitted with a spinal cord injury which sadly resulted in paralysis. during her stay at the hospital, doctor says she underwent some 30 surgeries. she's now been moved to. >> rehab facility. new at 6:00 tonight, efforts under way to help a san francisco family evicted from their home of 34 years. 8 the 80-year-old and his 74-year-old wife and their 48-year-old mentally disabled daughter moved out of their nob hill apartment last night. they're now at a hotel .the landlord evicted them so he can convert their apartment into condo. the eviction prompt ed protests. there's an investigation of a the death of a man struck by an amtrak train where the tracks cross washington avenue. the coroner and the railroad are also looking into this crash. police investigators closed a quarter mile stretch of washington until noon. investigators say the victim appears to be a man in his 60s who was pushing a shopping cart full of cans. they believe he was heading to a nearby recycling center. >> right now, we're talking to the conductor of the strain, finding out how fast, making sure all the arms and lights were working at the time. the pedestrian was struck. >> the train was part of the capital corridor service and was traveling from sacramento to san jose. while the east bay could be getting a strike for christmas if the govr now's newly imposed coolingoff period doesn't end in some sort of a contract. the uniyuaunion members threate strike last thursday. but today there was a ruling by an east bay judge who ordered a 60-day cooling off period saying the strike would be disruptive to the bay area. the bus drivers, mechanics and dispatchers have voted down two contract officer. a san francisco city gardner accused of running over a woman in a park today answered to a pair of felony charges. he's accused of killing the young mother and then leaving the scene. why his owner says it was just a tragic accident. >> reporter: family and friends of 58-year-old thomas bernoski turned out at san francisco superior court today where he pleaded not guilty to felony manslaughter and hit and run charges. outside court, friends said the city gardner accused of driving over a 35-year-old as she laid in a park with her infant is not a bad man. >> i just feel in my heart it was an accident. he returned to the yard where he believed he hit something. >> witnessed observed is the defendant run over the victim and continue to drooi away as he exited the park, went over a curb. never making any attempt to slow down or stop. >> reporter: the district attorney said the pair of felony counts are aimed at accepteding a message. >> you have an individual violating park rules. the rules are very clear you're to stay on the pathway. if you're going to go outside the pathway you're supposed to the a spotter. >> but his client drove on the lawn to avoid hitting a dog and he said he never realized he hit someone pop'll he saw the dog and h he saw the dog he thought when he heard a bump. the dog scampered out from underneath the car and he thought it was okay. >> his attorney says his client is extremely remorseful and is undergoing counseling as a result of the accident. he a. >> a judge today reduced bail from take into account he has no criminal history. he faces a maximum 11 years in prison. >> police are acting for the public's help in a hit and one crash this morning. the driver of a white gmc truck hit another driver in a car at the intersection of second and south l street. then the driver of the struck sped away. luckily no one was injured. witnesses gave him the sfraf of the truck which was involved. >> 50. >> a country club has found itself in the rough. digging for food, looking for water. >> also, what ten nabts are doing to get the bugs out of their home. visibility down. fog is roling back into this hour. a dense fog advisory we'll have full details. >> it's a health care snafu that could have been avoided. the obama care website has been plagued with glitch and tonight, silicon valley companies say they could do a better job of fixing it. scott? >> we are long past the days when you log on to a website and wonder if you're going to be able to get it to work. but has been plagued with problems, problems silicon valley companies say they solve every day. they're busy these days at sosta. a silicon valley company selling solutions and security to websites that typically handle huge number of shoppers and surfers. not on their client list -- but maybe it should be. >> it's shocking that the health and human services developed a website and then didn't test it properly. >> unlike retail sites such as amazon or ebay, the government health care website didn't test for big crowds and they're paying the price, especially damaging since the typical web surfer doesn't come back when he or she had a bad experience. >> and in the case of, what you're seeing is you're seeing a case where they're very unprepared. they didn't test a few days before. and then with only a few sets of users. its mountain view neighbor ehealth does offer online health i shurns. its stock price doubled in four months, thanks largely to people looking for an alternative to the government. it's an example of a website that does work. three weeks in, healthcare.vgov is still struggling. >> here in california, those needing insurance don't have to go on to >> it's an unusual move as work continues. the agency is taking a second look at its investigation into the first deadly construction accident there. cal osha is re-examining an elevator counterweight killed 63-year-old donald white. socal osha ruled there was no violation. >> we're sending out the notice of no violation and that investigation is currently ongoing. >> in another incident just about a week ago, a driver died twhiel dropping off rebar at the soon to be home of the 49ers. a bundle of that rebar fell off his truck and hand landed on top of him. >> san jose law makers decided to cite disapproval of recent anti-gay laws passed in russia. the council voted 9-1 to approve a formal resolution which reaffirms san jose's valued relationship with the city while condemning recent legislation which imposes fines for, quote, nontraditional sexual relations. the central russian city with about 1.3 million residents has been a san jose sister city since 1992. they're eating me alive. those are the exact words of tenants who filed a lawsuit today against a landlord in concord. they say their apartments are invested with bed bugs. one woman say she is had to get rid of most of her furniture. she showed stains on her ceiling that she says are bed bug nests and waste. in her bedroom, the mattress is covered with plastic to keep the bugs inside. they say the apartments need an overhaul. >> at nighttime, we cannot sleep. we get bitten by animals. i have marks all over my body. we got cockroaches, rat, and we have talked to the manager and they don't pay attention to us. >> we tried to reach the apartment owners named in the lawsuit, but have not heard back. the apartment manager says he brings in a company to spray three to six units a week. he says he also -- he is also painting and changing out the carpets. >> a warning out to people who live in san mao county. be on the lookout for mountain lions. one was seen in the hills of san carlos yesterday early morning. another one spotted in woodside last night. mountain lion was seen around i-35. if you encounter a mountain lion, try to be as loud as possible. the last thing you want to do is run. that will make the animal chase after you. also try not to hike at dawn when they're usually out. >> i feel like you're addressing that to me. i hike a lot in san mateo county. i'm going to take her advice. what advice do you have about my wardrobe tomorrow? do i need another jacket in the morning? >> i would say yes, if you're going hiking. the jacket, the layers most appropriate. the microclimate turned full effect for today, ladies. let's say you traveled to the coastline or san francisco for work. we saw huge differences across the board. there is really a 30 to 40 degrees temperature spread across the interior valleys right up to the coastline so again, some huge differences on the board. we had 75 in santa rosa, not too bad in napa. 84 in livmore. remarkable when you think about how much fog you had this morning. wra the ocean breeze stayed the strongest, we had 60s in oakland and 70s in san jose. now with the worst fog on the northern end of the peninsula, not too long before it starts to impact the air traffic at sfo. at this point, we are still calling for delays for tomorrow morning. right now, it's green. it's looking pretty good. tomorrow morning, those ceilings continuing to lower will be producing delays. expect drizzle if you're crossing the bridges. and across palo alto a dense fog advisory in effect. this also includes parts of the north bay as well. so let's get a first look at our forecast as we continue throughout our thursday. and yes, the low clouds by the way bay and inland. we'll start to slowly see a pushback. i think it lb a lot like today. we start to get on the full sunshine. the other interest thing, we had the fog in lower levels, up above a loft. it's a stagnant air levels in place. that will keep our air quality at moderate levels for the entire bay area. under three-day forecast, temperatures in the low 80s around saturday. and 60s at the coastline. we'll see an improvement across portions of the bay. we are tracking a system. you can see that area of red as it pushes off to the south. that's a storm issive center. weapon eel see it out in the pacific and keep the rain away from us. that's good news for your weekend if you want drier weather. of course, more coming up in about 20 to 30 minutes. >> we have a whole pleat logical lesson today. >> pretty snazzy map, eh? >> i know. thank you, jeff. >> you may have heard first born children do better in school. but have you ever wondered why? the possible answer next. >> also -- >> i knew it was not her time to go yet, and so she had to keep fighting for me. and that's what she said. >> the teen stepped in to fight for her own mom's life. her moment coming up next. >> popular college application website has not worked correctly. it applies to five universities and colleges. but glitches in the new version has forced some to move back their application deadline. >> a pay area high school senior is being honoreds a hero after saving her mom's life. she says she wouldn't have been able to do it without taking a one-hour cpr lesson. >> by all accounts, laurie dolan should not be walking, should not be able to form her own thoughts, should not be alive. >> i just thought she was dead. and i start eed screaming for m daughter. >> doctors credit her second chance of life to the girl laurie gave life to 18 years ago. >> i love her. both her eyes were rolled back. i knew something was wrong right away when i looked at her. >> reporter: what lindsay dolan didn't realize on that football sunday at home was that her mother had just suffered sudden cardiac arrest. >> i gave her a few slaps on the face and said mom, wake up. there's no response. i mean, i was in so much shock at the moment, i couldn't even create tears in my eyes. >> reporter: but lindsay overcame that shock and gave mouth to mouth until paramedics arrived. which. >> which is why this morning the red cross honored her with her community hero award. >> i didn't know she knew cpr first of all. i'm thankful that she did. if she didn't, my wife wouldn't be here right now. >> i knew it was not her time to go yet, and so she had to keep fighting for me, and that's what she did. >> laurie stopped breathing for 23 minutes that sunday afternoon. if she hadn't received her daughter's oxygen during three of those minutes, doctors are certain she would have suffered brain damage. >> my hero, she saved my life. >> in santa clara, bay area news. >> to be save by the one you gave life to. that's remarkable. >> >> the white house staffer caught leaking top-level secrets. and also at the center of an insult-laiden twitter account. plus -- >> see this flier? it's the work of a san jose mom who's asking strangers to help do playmate therapy with her autistic son. i'll have more on that story coming up in a live report. >> and they are hungry and out for food. the wild pigs invading some upscale turf in the southbound. -- south bay. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. wild pigs feasting op some very expensive greens in the southbound. -- south bay. dry conditions are driving the wild piggings out of the mountains on to the golf course. and the lawns of the neighbors as well. chris sanchez joins with us the damage. is there a solution to this? >> these pigs are looking for tiny little grubs and this is the destruction they that they leave behind. the crews to repair this will have to scrape away all of the dead grass down to the dirt, reseed it and then wait for it to grow. to get here, though, the wild pigs sfiems have to walk on neighborhood streets and sometimes get aggressive with the neighbors. and that is one of the concerns. the solution is not easy. >> for the last month, a pack of wild pigss ha invaded the country club, tearing up the third hole and making for rough play along three different fairways. >> we have 40 wild pigs that we were able to herd off property. throughout the various areas. >> they say they seed as in as 40. club pg put a fence up around an entire green and treated the grass. they manned the course overnight to shoo the pigs away, but the pigs keep coming and they're getting more destructive. they're coming back to an area they want to feed. >> the general manager says he's contacted several government agencies including fish and wildlife seeking help. >> they can request help from the apartment which will allow them to kill the offending animal. . >> and is that pretty common? >> very common. . >> now, that warden is just talking about the general situation, not this particular situation at the country club. but we can tell you that even if the general manager is able to get that permit to destroy the animals, that's not an easy process. it is illegal to shoot a firearm within city limits. they're not allowed to trap them and remove them somewhere else. and if they bring in a vet to euthanize them one by one, they have to be buried on site. not an appealing proposition for the management here. neighbors, by the way, concern that halloween is right around the corner and these pigs sometimes travel neighborhood streets. they could come in contact with those kids, making for a very dangerous situation. in san jose, chris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> definitely beware. david corteze is officially joining the race for san jose mayor. he joins four other major contenders trying to succeed chuck reid next year. this is not his first run. he faced fourth in 2006, losing to mayor reid. he later serve aed as the vice mayor. back in 200. a stumble and an apology tonight on what's expected to be a tight congressional race in the heart of silicon valley. rope kana is be theling mike honda for his congressional seat. so far tech money has given kana a large award chest but now technology has backfired on him after a reporter following the candidate on twitter was shocked to see google listed her and other reporters as fund raisers. the website provider has taken down the panl since. so what does it all mean? this campaign gaffe really cost him? >> you know, by itself, no. assuming this is a one-time mistake. the only loss to kana and his campaign is a 24-hour news psych sl not very pleasant. there may be some short-term embarrassment because he has made technology a centerpiece of his campaign. implying that his opponent, incumbent mike honda is out of touch. so on that note it's hard to criticize someone else for technology ignorance when your campaign misused the technology. >> it's interesting because now political campaigns are using so much social media, but not everyone that follows you on twitter actually is a support per .people want to know what you're talking about. there's a lot of room here for misrepresentation. >> there is. and you kind of wonder just how much people are obsessed with trying to figure out this technology as it comes in to vote. every time there's a technological break throughs, users have to learn its capabilities and limitations. and sometimes they get it wrong. posting something without their knowledge or permission, they then had to answer to their employer, their friends, or worse yet their parents? there's also a lag between inventions and ewe it will tillty. and what we're seeing here is that very same lag with twitter. >> now, let's say honda also has a lot of name recognition. what's up with the 17th district campaign? >> they're both democrats. democrats seeking that democratic seat. the media and political observers are already watching this race very closely. not only here but across the nation. new york times has had several stories on this. it's really a contrast of experience versus youth. and traditional coalition versus a new alliance altogether. not to mention, a loyalty test of sorts of democrats throughout the area. and each time a candidate makes a mistake like the one we saw this time, you can expect that the other side will find ways to exploit it. it's going to be that kind of race. a. >> a white house staffer is out of work tonight after trashing his boss on twitter. he used a fake twitter name to reveal internal white house documents and criticized public officials for the past two years. he worked as a national security staffer in the white house and his twitter account became popular among washington insiders. washington insierd s worked for months to find out if joseph was behind the twitter account. they fired him and today he apologized for his reactions. >> another u.s. ally is asking for answering that the u.s. may have been monitoring her phone calls. angela merkel complained to president obama today. he assured her that the u.s. is not tapping her mobile phone. but u.s. officials would not say that the u.s. has never monitored her communication. authorities are calling it a serious breach of trust. the report of snooping comes from information provided by former nsa contractor edward snowden. legal maneuvering in boston might be and i case of how attorneys will defend a suspect in the boston marathon bombings. he fell under the murderous influence of his older brother. legal experts are drawing that conclusion after it was learned that his attorneys are trying to get access to records about a triple murder in 2011. liz older brother is a supsect and connected to that. tsarnayev was killed after the boston bombings. aolice officer twhofs known worldwide for pepper spraying occupy wall street demonstrators has reached a comp settlement with the university. he will receive compensation for the suffering he said he experienced after the incident. the incident showing pike spraying the protestingers in november 2011 went viral. pike received thousands of death threats and e-mails and messages after his home address and other personal information were posted on line. we want to show you some breaking news come into the news room right now. reports of smoke on a b.a.r.t. train. this is happen to a pittsburgh-bound train. it has pulled into the station. riders have been taken off that train. no reports of anyone being hurt at this point. we're trying to figure out. b.a.r.t. crews are trying to figure out where that fire is coming from, what the source of the smoke is. fire crews are at the scene. b.a.r.t. says there are some delays as a result of this. again, a b.a.r.t. train at the orenda station. it's a pittsburgh-bound train stopped because of smoke on the train. we'll keep you posted on any developments. >> still ahead at 6:00, the secret to real long-term weight loss may not be a secret at all. 6. >> the marine layer pushing all the way across oakland. the dense advisory warning coming up in just a few minutes. in "health matters" when it comes to weight loss and improving health, new information shows surgery is the best way to go by far. a study published finds people who had weight loss surnlry lost 60 more pounds than people who went with diet and exercise. people who had procedures like gastric bypass and banding were also much more likely to get their diabetes you should control. the benefits of weight loss surgery have been growing in recent years. it was a big day in the uk today. big enough to bring four generations of the royal family and even added some bedding to it as well. prince george's christened in a small private ceremony at st. james palace in london. only the second public appearance for the third in line to the british throne since his birth in july when we saw him as a newborn outside the hospital. as the royal family gathered to celebrate, bookees were taking bets on all kinds of speculations about the future king, whether he will win an olympic medal, marry a hollywood star and will he have a brotherer sister anytime soon. i think the last one is a safe bet. >> i'll bet there will be more fog tomorrow. >> that is a good bet. you're winning. all right, you can see that skycam a network, we do have that fog rolling into sf and all the way across the bay. but the thing you want to know is when it will clear out. details coming up in just a few minutes. >> coming up in sports, the latest report on the 49ers from london. plus, the present 49ers qb and the greatest 49ers qb, one is hosting a quarterbacking 101 seminar tomorrow. 150 lucky athletes fall into such a position. we'll tell you coming up next. presents... so delicious, they won't even know it's chicken. 50% less fat... 100% johnsonville taste. >> researcher the found parents are toughest on first born children. no surprise. but that means they do better in school. the reason they do better researchers think is because how much time parents spend with them. researchers found first born children often live in a tightly regulated house and a strict parenting style leads to academic success. the second child gets less time and attention from parents and the third even less. >> some say it takes a village to raise a child. and for a south bay mom with a son who is autistic, she believes that's true. she is posting fliers asking strangers to help her with her 4-year-old. cnbc bay area's marianne f favaraux is live with more. >> reporter: she needs hour offense therapy and she simply cannot do it alone. so she pois posted this flier at local starbucks store and community colleges, hoping volunteers will come toward to help her son. >> jackson stein loves his magic carpet ride and his mother is hoping during the next sixth months, something magical will happen in this play room. jack on has autism and doesn't speak. his mother hopes the therapy she's doing here will help her son learn to interact with others. >> it's a parent-based child-center, loving, nonjudgmental program a where adults enter the child's world. her goal is to have people play with jackson one-on-one in this room eight hours a day, seven days a week. but she needs help to make that happen. so she put up this flier in cough shops and community colleges to recruit strangers willing to come to her san jose home and vol keer four hours a week playing with jackson. >> jackson, wait for me. >> family and friends is one of the first to volunteer 20 join team jackson. she's happy to crawl through a tunnel and do whatever it takes to make a difference to this 4-year-old. >> i already see a difference in him in the short time she's been practicing this. i definitely see more connection with him. and i'm really excited to see more, and i just want to boo b there when he speaks his first word. >> even 10-year-old daughter lauren has volunteered for shifts. assistant executive director says she's not surprised to learn of parents recruiting volunteers. >> i would recommend parents do what they feel is right for their child. it's not a one sized fits all, but the sunrise program is a reputable program. and i'm not sure i would recommend going out and necessarily soliciting strangers to come into the home. >> she plans to carefully screen for volunteer. she's convinced if they accept jackson in his world, he'll feel more confident ability reaching out to the world around him. elaine is asking that volunteers make a six-month commitment to her son. reporting live in san jose, nbc bay area news. >> okay, thank so much. all right, let's check in with jeff one more time to talk about tomorrow. we expect that fog? >> yeah. it is already rolling in at the coastline. so je again, with this marine layer up at about 2,000 feet, we're going to see visibilities rival what we had this morning in some areas it was down to some dangerous levels, a quarter mile or less in some spots. quarter mile visibility in san francisco, oakland and napa as well. in terms of thursday morning, it looks like it will be in north bay with the advisory extending throughout the morning hours. and now it's also in place here from oakland down about fremomo and south san francisco through stanford. even the northern portions of san jose as well. all in all, even if you're not under the dense fog advisory, everyone is going to deal with that cloud cover at 5:00 a.m. temperatures in the upper 40 hs to low 50s. we'll start to see that sun break out and i think by 1:00 and 2:00, we'll have full widespread sunshine across the bay. let's take you out to the high definition sky cam network. you can see here, we are fogged in again 2349 n san francisco. marine layer at 2000 feet. expect sfo delays if you have an early morning flight. and look at that fog line. very thick rolling across the peninsula right now in foster city. so our fog factor forecast again, if you're just flipping the channel and tuning in right now, shows all coupties impacted by the cloud cover for the morning hours. we'll get that sunshine by about 1:00 in the amp for basically everyone, except if you're heading to the immediate coastline. it looks like our pattern is not going to be good to push it out there. so definitely bring the layers if you're heading anywhere near our coast. let's start with 4 to in santa rosa, 42 in napa, 48 in livmore, and 44 down to morgan hills. definitely some chill down in the extreme south bay. otherwise daytime highing will definitely be rebounding and impressively. we should pop-up to 75 in san jose. also 72 in palo alto. and with the cool start and the fog, it reelsly going to jump up about 1:00 to 4:00 in the amp. that's when we'll get our noes considerable warming. san francisco, 64. half moon bay, down right chilly, 57. double nickels up there and 75 in santa rosa. by this weekend, we want to recap again we're tracking a system offshore, it looks like it will stay there. i want to take a little bit more time with the 500 milibar, we want to look at the storms in the atmosphere and where they basically might move. and at this point, it looks like that system is going to be offshore and definitely moving out away from the bay area. that's a good news at this point. we'll have more coming up on that seven-day forecast anytime at nbc bay we can see that system head throughout saturday, looks to push off towards the south. and that certainly is some good news for us on the seven-day forecast. stays dry throughout saturday and sunday with temperatures in the low 80s and 60s at our coastline. all right, that's what we've got right now for you ladies. >> let's get to sports. >> cheerio to the comcast news room. the niners are there. >> i knew we could bust out the british accent about now. thank for that. in four days, the 49ers and jaguars will kick off. one team looking for win numb we are one. the other team looking for their fifth straight win, all the info you need from yes, across the pond. >> colin kaepernick spent the team's offdays sightseeing in lon do with teammates and said the down time allowed them to get their body clocks in rhythm. >> it's good to get adjusted, get the extra time to get our clock right and get back on a normal schedule. >> this is their home away from home this week. head coach jim harbaugh says this is a football oasis and everything the team needs is right here as they prepare for the jaguars. je, the jags may be 0-7, but harbaugh sees many challenges from the team, especially from its defense. >> defensive line is outstanding. they've gotten hits on every quarterback they've played. big hit on peyton manning, andrew luck, russell wilson. all of them. name a team they've plied, i've gotten to the quarterback. >> harbaugh may be doing some polite posturing. jacksonville is the only team that has allowed more than 1,000 yards rushing through seven games. >> i think they are overlooked. i mean, same way the cardinals defense was overlooked last year. they had a good defense. they just didn't get wins. so i think this is similar defense where they're a good defense. >> they play with great effort and, you know, those are dangerous teams. and you could see them getting better. >> perhaps the bigger motivator for the 49ers is their place in the division, one game behind the seahawks. >> this team hatds a lot of work to do still, we have a lot to prove here. going into the sunday, i don't think it matters what team we're playing. we're going to be motivating. >> if w the 49ers, i'm mindy bach, nbc bay area. >> the greatest quarterback of all time, also in lon do to hold a quarterbacking 101 seminar on thursday. joe montana will coach 125 young athletes for one hour. to no one's surprise, though, none of the 15 athletes were alive when montana won his first super bowl in 1982. crazy, right? speaking of joe montana, colin kaepernick has taken to heart what the 49ers legend told him in the past. he was hoping one day he could put his name next to montana's as one of the greatest quarterbacks in nfl history. >> he had a lot of good words for me. it was something i really took to heart when he was talking to me. it's a great honor. there's very high expectations, there's great traditions. sof being the quarterback for the 49er, you have a lot of great things to live up to and to try to accomplish to become one of the elite quarterbacks that have been a part of this franchise. >> we've got great news for the sharks and their fans. dan boyle who took a nasty hit will rejoin the team tonight in boston. he's going to participate in morning skate. it is a big step in the right direction. the city of oakland celebrating the warriors one week away from their first regular season game. warriors color commentator jim barnett was on hand to get the locals purposed up for basketball. golden state coming off the season in which they finished with 47 wins and a trip to the western conference semifinals. they're on the court tonight, take on the sacramento kings. we'll have high liefgts that coming up at 11 pick. and world series, game number one. boston and the cardinals. 5-0 in the top of the fifth inning. we'll have highlights of that one. boston up in that one. highlights at 1 1:00. . >> okay, thank you very much. we'll be right back and have an update on that smoke in that b.a.r.t. train that stopped at the station in . >> a pug-bound train has pulled into the station. all riders have been taken out. nobody was hurt. now, this is what you should know. the trains are not stopping at that station. so far we're hearing there's a ten-minute delay on that line. b.a.r.t. says it has technicians on the scene. there's also a fire crew on the scene trying to figure out exactly where that smoke is coming from. but gin, the trains are just running right through that station. >> you can see driving by there's a lot of traffic in that area. thanks for joining us. caught on video, kim and kanye's marriage proposal, now on "extra." kanye down on bended knee, the kardashian family rushing the happy couple, the emotional toast. every moment we've been waiting to see. lindsay grabbing a bottle of wine? the new photo sparking fears she's off the wagon again. >> lindsay, how do you feel being sober? >> what you don't see in the photo. plus, lohan's mom, dina, today, hitting court in the rolls. >> wait until you hear who she is blaming for her dwi bust. kelly clarkson's touching wedding video and the clue she's already prepping to get pregnant.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20131219

children hospital oakland isn't commenting on camera. only releasing statements that it's carrying for the grieving family. it's a sad situation that has brought a lot of people together to pray for mcmath tonight. and at this point, no one knows how much longer this very emotional situation will continue. reporting live in oakland, jean elie, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, jean. want to give you a live look at the eastern span of the beleaguered bridge. cal trans announcing those cracked bolts have finally been fixed. what it mean for the safety of the bridge. >> you may remember back in march, it was discovered that about a third of the bolts of the new eastern span had snapped during nps. that set off all kinds of red flags. engineers put up temporary shims so the bridge could open on labor day. caltran officials showed us what the permanent fix looks like. it's called a steel saddle. it's purple on your screen. it replaces the broken rods on the bridge. it also allows the bridge to sway in case of a major earthquake. retired engineer criticized caltras about the permanent fix. >> we do agree that the water, the standing water that had been in the holes that the bolts were in would have very well been a factor that led to them break, but our report also identified other factors and we're continuing to listen to anyone who comes to talk to us. >> so caltrans says the bridge is safe. it's safer than the old one. the cost of the permanent fix, $25 million. the life span of the new eastern span, 150 years. reporting live in oakland, i'm cheryl herd, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, cheryl. here comes a shift in our weather. we're bracing for a windy night. let's take you outside. a live look at the san mateo bridge now. use some caution on the bridges and freeways tonight. jeff franieri to show us what we can expect. >> the winds increasing in san francisco, coming out of the west at 14 miles an hour. certainly not overgusty at this point. but it's a sign of things to come by tonight. 19 in san jose, san francisco at 26 and san rafael at 31. that's not very windy, but as we head throughout tomorrow's forecast, you're going to see the lower elevations will likely get to 31 in livermore, san francisco 32 and san rafael at 40. but then wire going to add another layer on this. traveling throughout the hills in the bay area, up 1,000 feet in the north bay, east bay and south bay. that's where winds could likely top 50 miles an hour. we're pinpointing some of the highest gusts, at least with this wind advisory, kbpted up in the north bay. that includes the immediate koes line. and then also anyone back towards napa and sonoma, winds up to 50 miles an hour. >> well, you can add two new millionaires to the bay area tonight. one we know, the other, though, remains a mystery. a winning ticket was purchased right here at jenny's gift shop in san jose. that winner has yet to come forward. counting his own cash, the owner of the store who gets a cut for selling the lucky ticket. and now more people want that luck, to. $1 million for selling that ticket, boy, that's a good return. >> it certainly is. especially since he's only had this store four months. all day long, people have been flooding into jenny's gift shop to buy a lotto ticket after someone purchased the winning ticket here. and now that little piece of paper is worth more than $173 million cash. dodsens of people crammed into this tiny san jose gift shop today to take pictures with the owner. >> i wanted to come and man, i wanted to get some of that good luck to rub off on me. obviously here's znl zj's newest millionaire. >> one of two mega jackpot tickets were sold here off tully road in san jose zj. that means the owner nguyen woke up a much richer man as well. >> i'm so excited. i won $1 million, too. >> people are driving from miles away to buy lotto tickets here. after aech sale, nguyen offers customers good luck. he's convinced it helped the person now holding a ticket worth more than $173 million cash. >> i say from bottom of my heart. so i think it's got to be lucky. >> the total mega millions jackpot amount was $648 million, the second largest jackpot in u.s. history. it will be split between a winner here and one in georgia. lottery officials say those two people are not the only winners. >> out of every dollar that you spend on a lottery product, roughly 1/3 goes to california public schools. the reason why we were created back in 1984 is to supplement public school funding. so a lot of this money is going to make it back to the classrooms. >> but for now, the focus for these customers is on buying more lotto tickets. they're convinced if one person won a fortune here, then this is the pla is to come for more good fortune. lotto officials say once a winner does come forward, it will take about six to eight weeks before they'll be able to get their cash. but i'm sure it will be worth the wait. >> these are the winning numbers. 8, 14, 17, 20, 39, and the mega ball number, 7. >> not just san jose, but atlanta, take a look. here's the other winner. ira curry, that's her name. she used her family's birthdays to pick her numbers. she bought one ticket and she's opting for the lump sum one-time bayout, $120 million after tacks. the owner for the newsstand, not as lucky as the san jose winner. there's no million dollar bonus. there's no payout for the retailer who ses the winning tiet. instead they get 6% of the tickets they sell overall. the owner of the newsstand located in the atlanta suburb of buckhead is 58-year-old korean immigrant bonus or not. she says it's a big christmas present. >> what do you do after becoming an instant millionaire? experts say 70% of people who get a big wind fall end up losing it all. alan hit it big in 2001, winning $141 million jackpot. the castianos played it smart. they went into seclusion for a few days. they hired an attorney, a banking firm, an investor, and a publicist before telling the world they were winners. >> the advice they gave us on how to handle it was very, very -- i mean, it was good to hear. because we don't know. we didn't know how to handle so much money. >> they are warning new winners to look out for people trying to cash in on their winnings. today the castianos still give some of their money away to charity through their own foundation. they say their only regret is that they didn't win the lottery when they were 27. >> stay with us for continuing coverage. the minute we know something about the ticket purchase in san jose and who got it, we will, of course, bring you that information. >> still ahead here at 6:00, the new contract trouble for b.a.r.t. >> no sprinklers and no flushing and already the outlook getting more diefr. what the state is doing to try to solve prices. >> and the latest band that could be on the table for the city. >> and $400,000 a year? local workers making sky high salaries. we investigate some of the highest paid county and city workers an why. >> teens joining gangs at a younger age and graffiti. these are challenges being addressed by the task force. chris sanchez sgroins us live from san jose with more on this report. >> hi there. we were there as members of the story road business association told members of the san jose mayor's gang prevention task force that crime in their neighborhood is the worse that it's been in years. as you mentioned, the audit for san jose confirms they're on to something. >> the septemberment jose romero is decorating a lot more cheerful than what he's seen in his 1 years of business. he says in recent years, sales are down by about half because of gang crime and blight in the neighborhood and there's not much he can do. he says when he confronted a group of 8 and 10-year-olds tagging the score next door, they beat him up. this is the worst that i have seen. >> four major town hall meetings and about 20 focus groups like this one with business associations, patient groups, school 2k3wr50u7 group, even the trauma yau trauma unit. >> i think a lot of the community is saying that the youth are getting involved yo g youngyoun younger and they're also asking for interveenntion at a younger age. >> enforcement is falling short according to the city's independent auditor. the crime weight went up more than 30% in the last ten years. arrests decreased by nearly half in five years and the sjpd closed 15% fewer cases than the state and national average. community leaders say if something doesn't change a generation of children will grow up thinking gangs and crime are normal. >> if you want to talk about prevention, work with those kids inlement tear school. if those kids after school, they came out in their imagination, they think that's my neighborhood, that's the way it is. and it's okay. it's not okay. >> the san jose mayor's preenks task force hopes to prevent for the summer. >> b.a.r.t. and its unions were back at the bargaining table today. and another complication has popped up. b.a.r.t. says it discovered a glitch in the contract with one of its smaller unions. it had to do with a start date of a retiree program. b.a.t. and two of its largest unions are meeting tomorrow. they say language was accidentally included in a contract approved by the unions. >> we all know there are plenty of sky-high salaries in the city and you would those to be paid by private companies. not by you, the taxpayer. >> the president earns $400,000 a year. not bad, but not as good as what some city and county workers in california are making. according to new figures from the state controller's office, more than 100 city and county workers statewide earned more than the president last year. that's up from 68 in 2011. the biggest paycheck went to an orthopedic surgeon who made more than $1 million. the highest paid city worker was the city manager of buena park in southern california, who took home $545,000. in the bay area some of the highest paid workers were a city attorney, $465,000, a county administrator who took home almost $464,000, a fire cheer, $461,000, and a fire chief, $416,000. >> anytime there's a highly compensated vinl, you have to ask whether or not that person is appropriately compensated. >> the government watchdog group common cause says it's not just basalry, bonuses and overtime also say a lot about how your money is being managed. >> when overtime starts to exceed your own base pay, then you have to ask whether or not the city is making good snumt jumts. >> we found many of the top overtime earners were right in the bay area. a san francisco fire lieutenant pulls in $260,000 of overtime on top of his $128,000 basalry. a police officer made $206,000, adding to his $98,000 base pay. and a mui worker earned $146,000 in overtime, along with his $11 1,000 basalry. one of the biggest payouts in bonus also came from mni with a transit manager being paid $200,000, adding to a $98,000 basalry. >> what it says to me is that these compensation levels are rising and they're rising unchecked. citizens are not calling foul. >> 50 she says examining public salaries is one way to prevent cities from heading towards bankruptcy. >> if you think back to stockton and valejo, they weren't having these conversations before. these compensation levels are unsustainable. >> emergency services are responsible for the lion's share. but in santa clara, we found the most overtime was paid to electric utility work es, $2.8 million last year. that's more than the $2.3 million paid to police, fire and all other city workers combined. a when the overtime exceeds the base pay, that's a bit of a red flag. perhaps the time of the this workers is not being managed well. what's your response to that? >> having a lot of overtime is servely not sustainable. >> manager larry owens says overtime has been high over the past two years because of a boom in development, including the new niners stadium. but he says his department is trying to hire more workers to reduce overtime. adding you can it's the rate payers who cover salary costs. >> i firmly believe that santa clara and silicon power is doing the best sthek to meet the demands of customers and continue to provide safe and reliable power. >> meanwhile, government watchdogs say it's important for public agencies to balance their promises to workers with fiscal responsibility for taxpayers. >> the attention that people are now giving to public compensation is an important one. it allows us too gauge what the public is willing to spend for good talent and what might be crossing the line. >> the figures don't cover retirement or benefit. 888-996-tips. or accepted us an e-mail to the unit at >> the latest number the on the wildfire burning south of us in big sur. the fire started monday as you well know. in the los padres national forest. it's already burned $840 acres and destroyed 22 homes. about 900 men and women are fighting this fire, including a strike team from here in the bay area. the fire is 74% contained at this hour. crews hope to have this wildfire under control hopefully by friday. no word on how this started. >> let's turn it over to jeff ranieri. how are things turning for us now. >> a lot better. we have a cold front across california. it's doing well enough to stir up the atmosphere. we can't rule out a stray shower tonight. also for tomorrow, you may need those wind shield wipers again. wind advisory in effect all the way through 6:00 p.m. through the hills, above 1,000 feet. we'll have more on that in a minute. temperatures averaging in the 50s here all across the bay. gustiest at the coastline. increasing wind in san francisco and less haze right now in the south bay at this point. let's look at where we're gong to average through tomorrow. we're going to be generally in the upper 50s to about 60 with a mix of sun and clouds. let's break it down a little bit further. your forecast hour by hour. 7:00 a.m. in the south bay, some low 40s, nice start for us. through the noon hour, you'll get plenty of sunshine. the winds are really going to help scour out any kind of cloud cover. /scenario in the peninsula. by 5:00 p.m., 55 degrees. san francisco also starting off with mid 40s. and then sunny skies as we head throughout the afternoon at this point. northbound, east bay and tri valley, some low 30s. then for the east bay, temperatures right around 40 degrees. let's take us to that other equation. that's the wind. i9 does look gustiest as we head throughout thursday's forecast. winds topping 45 miles an hour. in those hills above 1,000 feet. but the wind event is not going to last too long. as we head through friday, saturday and sunday, the wind starts to decrease. and here's the good news in the forecast. by thursday, with that 45 miles an hour wind gust expected, that tick a look at the air al qaeda pi. ten days of poor air quality, everybody is expected at the good levels as we head throughout tomorrow, it's almost hard to make the bar graph. i had to lower it so much. >> great, good news. >> we can breathe easily. thanks, jeff. still ahead here at 6:00, it was a hoax with real consequences. a viral story that brought police to a bay area school. . >> and changing the way the government spies on us. today, recommendations announced for the nsa's snooping program. and wall street soars. we'll tell you why the dow hit a record high today. that's coming up in world tonight. thieves made a big withdrawal from an atm. in fact, they took the entire atm. they used a chain foul the atm right out of the ground. it happened in the pacific heights neighborhood. thieves put the atm into a van and drove off with it. police managed to chase the thieves but they managed to esca escape. officers then found the van used with the atm side. it was stolen from an area in the south bay. >> san francisco is examining a ban on plastic water bottles. the ordinance would be one of the tough estebest bands in the country. the ordinance would cover the sail and distribution of bottled water, 21 fluid ounces or less on all city property. the plan is to phase it in northeast next year and require all events to comply by 2016. >> still ahead at 6:00, the trouble at target for shoppers. plus -- >> i'm scott budman, it's christmas carrolling with a high tech twist. coming up, the company making music with their mobile devices. ♪ >> don't stop it, just change it. that's the recommendation on the nsa spying program. >> president obama ordered an independent panel just days after former nsa contractor edward snowden leaked the contract in june. today, the panel released 46 recommendations, most most of them calling for more oversight. the nsa can look at phone data but not store the data. and if they want more information on a specific phone number, it needs a court order. also spying on foreign countries is fine, sings we all do it to each other, but the reasons why should be much tougher and agreed upon. president obama will review these recommendations and make a decision in january on what to keep or reject. it will soon be official. this afternoon, the senate passed a budget that will prevent another government shut down for two years. the bipartisan agreement will increase funding with the pentagon. but there will be no more unemployment extensions in rein federal workers will have to pay more into the pension. wall street scored on other economic news. the federal reserve announced it's scale back on the amount of money it's paying into the economy. ben bernanke says he believes it's because the economy is improving. the aircraft of the future is coming. and coming fast. the faa says it will pick six locations by the end of this year to test the safety of commercial drones. companies want to use the unmanned flying devices on everything from shooting movies to roofing inspections to delivering online goods the faa is also working on regulation which include air safety and privacy. today, the white house is officially commenting on its announcement of the olympics delegations. the white house says president obama just doesn't have time to travel to sochi, but it appears to be a snub to russia because of its anti-gay laws. instead, the white house is sending two openly gay athletes, billie jean king and hockey star kaitlyn kahow. >> soo i think that wribrings t diversity of the united states as well as the success the united states has had in sports. >> also representing the u.s. delegation, sunnyvale figure skater buyian boitano and janet no napolitano. >> new at 6:00, no sprinklers, limited showers and maybe even more extreme measure. that's the warning from a new group formed to find solutions for our looming drought here in california. jody hernandez who talked with the group creating this drought plan. it's not just ranchers and farmers who will be feeling the pain, right? >> potentially everyone could be impacted. ranchers and farmers are already feeling the pain. fields and farm land are dry and brown, as you can see. as you mentioned, soon everyone could be faced with scale back their water usage in a major way. a of. >> bay area cattle lampblers are having a tough time keeping their cows fed. for a third straight year, dry conditions have meant not enough grass to dry on. >> what we have is just the bare ting of green in the hills. it needs rain right now to shove it pup . >> this ramper has been forced to buy hay to keep his hungry herd satisfied. a costly alternative he's not sure he can sustain. >> if we don't get for rein, we're in deep trouble. we sneed the rain seriously. >> but dry conditions don't just spell trouble for farmers and ranchers. >> san francisco and l.a. are the driest they've been in 100 years. >> state water experts say conditions are so grim, everyone could soon feel the impact. for the first time, the state has a management team to gear up for a possible drought emergency. >> going through january and february, if it continues we're going to be very worried. >> the time to start conserving is now. >> ranchers are praying for rain. their livelihoods are on the line. >> in extreme drought, if you have to liquidate there goes your life's work. and i don't want to be in that situation. >> the special team, the drought management team is currently meeting with state and local agencies to try to figure out wheys to offset what they call the devastating impact. >> those rancher s praying for rain. this is a social and scientific shift for all of us. and in many ways it can be dangerous. >> the bay area drought is in effect not only for the bay area for the entire state of california. we've been talking and talking about 2013 and how tough it was to get any rain drops. extreme drought for the eastern portions of alameda and contra costa county. we need to pak pic up a ton of rainfall in 2014. if not, this is going to be a very dire 12 months here in the bay area. as you get a look so far this year since july 1, we've only picked up 0.02 rainfall. when you look at the calendar year, 14.25 inches is where we should be in liver more. not only san francisco, but a good portion of the bay area will likely have the driest calendar years ever on record. so far, no rain at this point, you guys. >> thank you, jeff. the guessing game continues for the 2016 presidential race. some supporters want governor brown to jump in. according to the l.a. times, the second executive director for the california nurses association says brown would be a strong candidate for 2016. some political consultants say his current record as california's governor is another selling point. >> i think the reason for the speculation is that california is doing so well. it's now a model for the rest of the country. >> the 75-year-old governor is up for re-election next year. he hasn't announced whether he'll run again. . >> a san francisco elementary school had to beef up security because of a phony story that sparked outrage and even threats. a satirical website claims that school administrators had suspended a student for wishing an atheist an merry christmas. the school was argon, but that school and everyone mentioned in the article doesn't exist. argon elementary with two n's, spilled with an nne is real and has been spurring angry calls and e-mails. >> a harvard university student accused of making bomb threats to get out of his final exam appeared in court today. >> prosecutors say on monday he sent e-mails to harvarded a min straugs -- harvard administration and police. the whole thing was a hoax. today, kim did not enter a plea. a judge ordered him to stay away from the harvard campus. prosecutors say he could face up to five years in prison and $250,000 fine for the fake bomb threat. >> still ahead, silence is golden. one airline taking a stance against cell phones on airplanes. >> and a last minute surprise for hundreds of bay area children whose presence were caught up in some red tape at customs. >> and good evening. we are tracking gusty winds developing across the bay. detail ops the wind advisory as we head throughout your thursday forecast in just a few minute s ps. >> san jose state is scaling back its online partnership. it will only offer three online classes open only to csu students. previously there were five courses open to anyone for a fee. now instead of using udaciy's platform, it will be on csu's system platform. campus officials also say udacity will no longer have any direct involvement with this program. the collaboration has been plagued with technical glitches and high failure rates. >> if you've been shopping since target, your debit and credit card information may be in the hands of hackers. secret services confirm thieves have stolen an unknown number of target customer payment information which could affect millions of shoppers. the breach reportedly involves nearly all target stores nationwide and may have continued until december 15. investors believe the data stored on the magnetic strips was hacked at cash registers. >> you want to take on your cell fon? not on delta airlines. the fcc is considering lifting the ban on cell phone call, but today, delta says no matter what the fcc does, it is sticking to its decision. a majority said allowing cell phone calls during mights would make their experience worse an note better. delta says its employees support the decision. >> sometimes peace and quiet is good. >> oh, text. leave the text option open, phone call no. live look at the skycam a network right now. we do have fog across san francisco. we'll talk more about a slight chance of showers and also that wind threat for thursday coming up in squus a few. >> all right, jeff. and in sports, everyone loves when a coach loses his cool in a press conference. up next, the newest post game meltdown where no punches are being pulled. plus, might there be a power struggling in santa clara between the head coach and the general manager? that next from the xfiniti sports desk. is. >> they're calling it a christmas miracle. a shipment for needy children will be delivered. they were delivered to the family giving trees warehouse this afternoon. >> it's really an credible kid knowing you're going to help 40,000 needy kids. these 1,100 schoolers really mean gifts to children interested in being outdoors healthy and active. we didn't have anything else to give them. this is really, really an awesome day for us. the nonprofit reached out to everyone they could, including president obama after their container was chosen at random at the port of oakland for extra screening. but like we said, the gifts have made it and will be distributed. >> giving is certainly a holiday tradition. christmas carrolling with the help of technology from silicon valley. it's a story you'll see and hear only on nbc bay area. here's more about it. >> lots of people love to hear carollers this time of year. sometimes they're engineers with mobile devices and music stands. >> christmas carolling because there's an app for that, too. entertaining shoppers. singing and play on the apps they make for iphones and ipads. you probably expect a twist. >> we bring our ipad along, a couple of iphones and we can have a portable band wherever we're going. >> thanks to apps that connect via the internet. so these carols can be shared, all part of what smule calls a social campfire. >> we're bringing music back to its create i routes as a social interactive medium. >> one fan, one song, and one app at a time. >> we don't have access to carollers. we can get that app. . >> and you can hear me, too. >> jeff, take it away, please. >> that's awesome, keep it up. we can have an accompaniment behind the weather. i like that. nothing? okay, let's go ahead and take a look here. we do have a storm system we're tracking across california. back behind this cold front, we have a lot of winds that will build in the forecast for tomorrow. we're tracking a few shower, but nothing major here for tonight. so let's get a look at the wind advisories as with ehead throughout thursday. this will be from the hills above 1,000 feet. gusts could top 50 miles an hour at this point. for the north bay, east bay and south bay as we head throughout that thursday forecast. more on that. co-ing up. but i want to take you out to the sky cam right now. cloud cover that's increased for everyone at this point. now there's one location that has started to get in on these winds. 17 to 14 miles an hour is not extremely gusty, but it's going to get a lot more than that as we head throughout late tonight and also for tomorrow. the good side effect of all of this is the fact that the air quality is finally going to improve after ten days. stuck with poor air quality throughout the southbound. this is awesome if you suffer from allergies oar h or respiratory problems. marked improvement for thursday and friday. we'll start with clouds, gradual sunshine here throughout the day. flougt san francisco in the northern portions of the peninsula, temperatures in the upper 50s to about 60. north bay, east bay and the trivalley, temperatures very similar. just that time of year, we're not going to see too many contracts here akroesz the ether board. 58 napa, 58 in oakland. 57 in danville and we'll stay out of the 60s here for all of the tri valley. livermore expecting 58. here's the latest pattern. we have low pressure that's finally started to get close here. that's going to continue to merge with this storm system off to the north as we head throughout the night. and eventually that's going to bring the wind into the forecast. as we head towards tomorrow, i do want to go back to one graphic. the winds will likely top 40 miles an hour at the coastline. it's not looking too bad again. we'll start to see that wind increase. you can see these areas tomorrow at the immediate coastline. that's winds that could top 40 miles an hour. then as we head throughout thursday afternoon, that's when everybody is expected to get in on these gusty winds. back here for the east bay and the tri valley, we could see the winds top about 20 to 30. so the bottom line on this wind again, the worst will be at the coast. also for the hills, above 1,000 feet. with winds that could top 40 miles an hour. we could also see some power outages and trees that may come down. as that storm system passes across as we head throughout the thursday forecast. we'll see some showers here mainly off the coastline. we're not expecting anything major for the bay, but we still can't rule out possibly an isolated sprinkle or two. if you're headed out across intertate 80, there's a winter weather advisory in place. it's certainly going to look nice and scenic throughout, well, the week before christmas. >> we're almost there. thank you, jeff. >> it was always interesting in big-time sports, right, you sign a contract and then everyone wants to renegotiate the contract, right? >> exactly. the 49ers prepare for the final game at candlestick on monday night. there's a subplot around the future of jim harbaugh. with two years remain on his current contract. and speculation he could become the target of the texas long horns. >> in terms of jim, you can't really ask for a much better job than what he's done over his first 2 1/2 seasons. and, you know, now is not the right time to get into a deep contract discussion. but he 2340es what ewnt him here long term and we'll sit down at the end of the season. we'll assess like we always do and i definitely anticipate jim being here for a long period of time. it's easy to speculate, well, he was in college and he had full control. and he wants full control here. you know, that sounds great, until you actually get to reality. and jim is really never asked for that. now do we butt heads on players from time to time? of course. that's what gms and coaches do. but jim knows being a coach is a full-time job and he has a lot of respect for the job that trent has done. >> that is something to watch over the coming months. now the current warriors owners may be interested in buying the oakland a's. the east bay express is reporting one of three groups that could be interested in the team and building a new park in oakland at howard terminal. >> you ready? >> not the hall of fame but it's close. giants play by play man duane kiper had his name enshrined on the menu in san francisco. former comcast sports net emp y employeeing receiving the honor. look at that. it seems to me that you see some of the best public meltdowns come from the world of sports. and who doesn't like seeing a head coach lose it after a tough loss. yesterday, brought us another edition of head coaches gone wild. as southern illinois coach barry hen son blew his stack. >> i'm struggling with this crew right now. they won't let me coach them. anytime i coach somebody, they put their head down. we're soft. we've been enabled for whatever reason. i've got a bunch of mama's boys right now. our guards were awful. our three starting guards have one assist and seven turnovers. they must think it's a tax credit. it's unbelievable how our starting guards play. let's about our big guy. 2-11. how can you go 2-11. my wife, my wife can score for man two buckets on 11 shots. because i know my wife will at least shot fake one time. when you've got a young kid it's a lot like house training a puppy dog. when the dog does is something wrong, bad dog. i'm not going to hit them. that's probably what we need to do. >> all right. he goes on to mention more about snipers, manier about his wife and dog. that was one fabulous meltdown. to me, it's kind of like being in a news room, wouldn't you sna. >> oh! >> no? come on. >> don't tell our secrets. >> fabulous meltdowns in news rooms. >> you're right. there are, but those are our little dirty secrets. >> yes, they are. yes, they are. >> all right, guys. thank you. tonight after the michael buble christmas special. >> first, there was bat kid now there's wonder girl. vallejo is making a dream come true for a 10-year-old fighting cancer. she'll help save vallejo tomorrow. this comes on the heels of bat kid. he walks into our lives, the 5-year-old boy who saved san francisco. now wonder girl will make her appearance in vallejo tomorrow. she'll be escorted around town for several public appearances. if you're in vallejo, you can help wonder girl. >> nice to see wonder girl out there. >> thanks for joining us here. have a great weekend. celebrity feud over? lady gaga and christina aguilera hug it out on "the voice" finale, now on "extra." two divas, one show-stopping duet. ♪ >> "extra" with gaga, christina, celine and the newly crowned voice champ, tessanne. > how are you going to celebrate? >> plus blake versus adam, round 100? >> i can still talk [ bleep ]. you worthless [ bleep ]. now trending, a disturbing new twist in the paul walker tragedy, what else was caught on camera?


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20131224

stealing instead of shopping. a violent robbery steps from santa and a slew of kids waiting for that holiday photo. it happened in a jewelry store near the 101. chris sanchez is live at the mall and really? right by santa? >> reporter: i was so surprised. it is 25 feet from santa. from that vantage point, it sounded more like gunfire. >> we heard a shatter. >> reporter: she was holding her two-month-old nephew in line to see santa when a man smashed a glass jewelry case and made off with several pieces of jewelry. >> when this man turned around he had a light gray sweater and black nylon over his face. as soon as i seen that we just started running. >> reporter: rosa said it sounded like gunfire. it wasn't gunfire but her husband picked her christmas ring from that store last night and not tonight. this photo was shared. she was waiting with her two-year-old brother and saw a crush of people running toward her. the store she was in shut the gates to keep people inside. that echoes what others told us. they were sheltered in place. and others were ordered out of the mall but the mall operations manager says that the mall was never evacuated. >> i think we might give up on santa this year. >> reporter: san jose police say that suspect fled on foot and ran out of the mall and has not been apprehended or identified. but a lot of shoppers here say they hope that he is. chris sanchez, nbc bay area news. farewell to candlestick. the 49ers played their last regular season game at the old stadium. an emotional night for the players, workers and fans who said their good-byes. jean ellie is outside candlestick. what a way for the era to come to an end. >> reporter: what a night. this is the players parking lot. there are people here. no one wants to go home. there was applause, tears, confetti. a lot of confetti. 49ers fans are working through a range of emotions as they say good-bye to candlestick. the 49ers leave candlestick park with a bang. fireworks and a victory on the field. the faithful soaked up every second. >> 30 years of throwing confetti. playoff games and super bowls. >> reporter: fans cried through the celebration. sad to say good-bye to candlestick. >> we have been crying all day long. i met my husband here 30 years ago. >> defense! go niners! >> reporter: with police keeping a close eye, fans let it all out for the farewell game treasuring years of memories. >> tailgating, friends, family. it's wonderful. i'm going to miss it. >> reporter: the faithful had special uniforms. the king of candlestick says it feels like a family being torn apart. >> it's like a family now. we're all a family now. >> reporter: not every member will make a journey south. >> i don't have season tickets. >> reporter: the action followed another tradition, tailgating, a final barbecue and beer in the parking lot. >> my dad brought me to my first game here my first playoff game in 1971. >> reporter: a tradition the mccarthy family will continue. the party is continuing in the parking lot here at candlestick. there are police officers from several agencies keeping track of the crowd and encouraging them to go home. but so far, so good and they are hoping thing remain calm here at candlestick after such a great game. reporting live in san francisco, jean ellie, nbc bay area news. there have been countless memories made at candlestick. it is where the beatles played their final concert way back in 1966. one of the most memorable events in nfl history. the catch in the 1982 nfc championship game. and the 1989 battle of the bay, game three of the world series between the a's and giants when northern california was hit by a 6.9 magnitude earthquake. we have more online. go to we have photos and videos of all the big moments. a major development in a high profile battle over san jose pension reform. a huge component was struck down. the pension reform measure passed by 70% of voters back in june of 2012. taxpayers don't have the right to cut pensions for city employees. the decision clearly sides with them striking down the voter approved measure. the city council members say that the decision says they can take the money out of the workers' pay instead. >> this is a case that is right to go to the supreme court to have final rulings on what does this vested rights doctrine mean? >> i hope the city doesn't appeal it. but i would be shocked if they didn't. >> both sides may appeal the ruling. if neither party submits an objection the decision will be final. new details in the battle over an oakland teenager declared brain dead after a tonsilectomy. the judge has yet to make a decision. in the meantime, the family is fighting to keep her alive. >> i should be spending time getting her gifts together and wrapping them and hiding them from her. and it's like i can't enjoy it or think about the holiday right now because i'm here. >> have there is a court ordered stay to keep her alive until december 30th. with christmas two days away, holiday travel is in full swing at all bay area airports. more than 130,000 travellers flew in and out of the airport today. oakland and san jose have been busy with a lot of holiday travellers. a lot arriving early so they don't miss their flights. some didn't make their flights because of simple mistakes. >> it was my fault. i put the alarm instead of 6:30 i put 6:30 p.m. and we stand by and then there's just no seats left. >> despite major winter storms in the midwest and northeast, airports have not reported major delays at this point. while no threat of snow here a spare the air alert has been issued tomorrow. here's a look at the bay bridge. it will be the 17th air quality warning issued this season. rob mayeda joins us now. the season is tough without the fireplaces on. >> not to be the grinch here but another spare the air day tomorrow and the air quality is going to get worse for wednesday. here's the view from palo alto. you can see the hazy skies out there. that's not fog. that is smoke combined with moisture in the air. 47 degrees right now. sure enough tomorrow we will have a spare the air day for christmas eve but it's wednesday the air pollution levels will get even higher than tomorrow. christmas day, what is unusual about that is unhealthy air for all groups. you rarely see that in the winter. but that's what we get on wednesday. and it will continue into thursday and possibly into friday before we see changes for the weekend and those wednesday air quality levels coinciding with a day we could be breaking records for high temperatures. we'll talk about that coming up in the forecast. coming up next, restaurants go i tech, eateries and diners are embracing ipads and tablets. how will it effect your next night out. why target could soon be sued by banks. and -- >> this is where i saw the puppy coming down the line in the bag. >> a poodle found in the trash. the story of survival of the puppy named "gem." [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. starbucks is just $6.99, that's a cup of good cheer. get sweet clementines for $4.99, enough for everyone here. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. opening and keeping a restaurant open is certainly not an easy task for mom and pop, little eateries to national chains, more and more businesses are going high-tech to boost the bottom line. >> how much of a difference is it making? >> reporter: imagine walking into a restaurant. it's packed. but you're not worried. your order is waiting for you thanks to geo location technology that knew where you were and when you would get to the restaurant. that is the kind of change that is coming. this isn't a bar. it's a diner -- >> from "i love lucy" to "the blues brothers" dining out in the old shows was all about service but it's now technology has revolutionized the restaurant experience. from growing sales at early tech adopters like specialties. to this month's announcement of the largest roll out of tablets at the country's largest casual dining chain, applebees. after two years of testing tablets, they decided on a company from palo alto thanks to intel's decision to back the start up. >> we wanted to make sure anyone we partnered with was experienced in large-scale deployment and intel is. >> reporter: the tablet was the first designed for restaurants. >> a 20 hour battery life. it is rugged for spills and drops you see in the restaurant environment. it has a built in credit card reader. >> reporter: the testing showed an average of getting customers in and out eight minutes faster. tips rose 20% and customers spent about 10% more. >> it allows you to upsell a little bit. it never forgets to suggest. if i order a steak it will suggest a glass of red wine with. that. >> reporter: at the specialties in santa clara there are two restaurants and seven ipad ordering stations. >> this is a great system. >> reporter: specialties founder says that his restaurant was an early adopter of technology ten years ago. >> no one else was doing it. >> reporter: 25% of instore transactions go through the ipads which feature photos of the food and remember all of your past orders. customers say they feel a lot less rushed. >> we were debating what to get, people can order. >> reporter: and save time they can't afford to waste. >> we can get to the next meeting as soon as possible. >> i like talking to people but you know you can go in and get it pretty quick. >> the store estimates those ordering on ipad take twice as long but tend to spend an average of 50% more. but most of specialties orders come in online. raking in around $55 million this year. >> it's a little more than 50% of the business. >> reporter: that's 10 million online orders in ten years. the first million took seven years and the last million took five months. it's thanks to technology. >> we sit down with the programmers and say how can we improve this? >> reporte there have been hiccups. at first up to 3% of the orders went missing. the company went high-tech for security measures including high-definition cameras and moving the bags closer to staff. >> we do phony orders that will tell us if someone grabs it. it is nobody's order. >> reporter: now the store says the 3% is down to less than 1/4% of bags missing. the trend of tech in restaurants is rising. so what's next? >> i think there is going to be a tablet in every restaurant table. >> people will vote for their dollars and we'll see. >> are but for restauranteurs and customers, one thing in dining out has remained untouched. >> technology won't replace everything. food is still food. >> reporter: food is the bottom line. but would this tech cut jobs? those applebees and specialties said at their restaurants that is not the case. it is just enhancing the experience not replacing the hospitality. after one of the largest retail breaches in u.s. history we're learning banks may sue target to help pay for the costs of cleaning up the security mess. chase city bank and bank of america wouldn't comment but cnbc is reporting they are likely to recover some of the costs of replacing cards and extra branch hours. there are three class action lawsuits two in california and one in oregon. attorneys general in four states have asked the chain for information about the breach which impacted some 40 million target shoppers. a small puppy discovered in a recycling dump has inspired an outpouring of power. trash sorters spotted him on friday. he was hauled in a garbage truck and ended up on the sorting line. she had bite wounds to her neck and injuries to her legs. the puppy they are calling "gem" is expected to make a full recovery. in the meantime the story has touched the public. >> we have been flooded with calls of people who want to adopt and foster her. this morning alone we have received 100 phone calls. >> animal control will hold a lottery to pick a new home for the dog. those responsible for the dog's injuries if found could face criminal charges. >> who would throw a puppy in the trash? >> let's go to rob mayeda and find out about how our holiday forecast is. >> it looks good for travel plans. the temperatures will be climbing, mainly clear skies. 40s and 50s right now. in the north bay down to 37 degrees. not a lot of wind. and this is the problem. all the smoke in the bay area has nowhere to go. and if "w" the winds off shore we are seeing more smoke from the central valley drifting from east to west across the bay area tonight. the temperatures in parts of the north bay tomorrow morning will have a chance at starting off in mid-30s. we are seeing that right now. close to napa and fairfield in the upper 30s right now. and 47 degrees currently in san jose. short term no signs of major changes as high pressure has been locked in from fall now for the first half of winter and what's it's doing is acting like a wall in the northeastern pacific keeping the storm track to the north and as the high strengthens this leads to warmer temperatures especially on christmas day. numbers in the low 70s. you can see that in middle of the screen on the seven-day forecast. in the next two days the temperatures climb. with high pressure on top of the bay area this time of year it sets up a strong inversion or lid across the bay area. all the smoke piles up underbeneath that. as that concentration increases the air quality gets worse. come wednesday we will see air quality levels unhealthy for all groups range. you rarely see that in the winter months but you will see it on christmas. spare the air through thursday. we could use storms to clear out some of the smoke. but on the futurecast through christmas day and thursday and friday, no problems with fog or rain. but for the weekend the best chance of seeing more clouds coming in is not going to bring us rain drops. that will bring down the temperatures but get the winds moving to clear out the smoke for the weekend. tomorrow high temperatures san jose 69 degrees. palo alto fairly warm. the numbers close to 70 in the warmer spots. san francisco should be in the upper 60s tomorrow and in the north bay, santa rosa near 70 degrees after starting at 35 degrees. and in the east bay, fremont near 60 you groos. pleasanton close to 70 degrees. and for your shopping plans looks good tomorrow. the numberer in the upper 60s. the indoor malls may be a good idea to get away from the bad air quality. and the christmas day forecast near 70s in san jose and walnut creek. those would break records on christmas day. and lake tahoe for now unfortunately looking snow-free. 50 degrees and clear skies. no signs of snow in the sierra. >> might have to go water skiing. >> that's true. we have an update on the nbc bay area holiday food drive. there we are on thanksgiving. as of today more than 125,000 bags of food have been donated. >> there is rob. >> still time to help. you can purchase a bag at the safeway. it goes until december 25th. for a complete list of the locations visit our website or just go to your safeway. up next at 11:00, back in the bay, the push to bring back the sailing championship and the possible changes to america's cup. ♪ checkin' target off my list, ♪ ♪ last minute deals on toys and gifts. ♪ ♪ that's my holiday, ♪ that's my kind of holiday. ♪ wrap it up, pop, lock and shop, ♪ ♪ buyin' presents that i forgot. ♪ ♪ that's my holiday. pregnant women who eat nuts or peanut butter are not raising the risk of their children having food allergy. 8,000 children born to nurses were examined and it was found it does not raise the allergy risk. >> if you are pregnant and you do wish to consume nuts, our data indicates it is safe to do so and it wouldn't be to any increased risk of a nut allergic baby. >> pregnant women who eat nuts are 31% less likely to see nut allergies in their babies than mothers who eat nuts less than once a month. the mayor of san francisco wants the city to host america's cup again. he wants to schedule to be stream lined and the main venue and team bases on the embarcadero. the next race is in 2017. san francisco hosted the race earlier this year and it cost city taxpayers more than $5 million. it was a big night for the 49ers. if there is a way to say good-bye to a stadium any better than tonight i don't know what it is. >> go out with a bang. a stadium that opened in 1960 and saw its last regular season nfl game played tonight. let's get out there. the 49ers hosting the falcons. the niners could punch their playoff ticket with a win in the final regular season game in candlestick park history. it all came down to this one play. that is bowman. and they say good-bye to candlestick park. >> it's my best play, you know, yet. i'm good for one interception a year. and i think that was is. >> one of the greatest plays i have ever seen. i have never been involved in a game where something that good happened in a game. >> we have to do redo the top ten plays at candlestick. i'll take it. my first pick of the year. get in the playoffs and keep it going. >> there is a chance that candlestick could host a playoff game. the raiders will have a different quarterback on sunday. mcgloin is out and pryor is in. matt mcgloin started the previous six games and it has nothing to do with his recent performance. warriors visiting the nuggets. iguodala's first game back. david lee with 28 points. iguodala comfortable in denver. spots up for three. knocks it down. the warriors win 89-81. sharks hosting the avalanche under two to go, tie games. john mitchell from the half boards. that's a score. aves take the lead. and joe pavelski the one timer. patrick marleau delay top shelf the sharks win, 5-4. tomas hertl is going to miss a month because of a knee injury that requires surgery. a pretty good night. the 49ers and warriors and sharks all win. >> fantastic. >> a sentimental evening. >> thank you, we'll be right back. it's never a good time to be in the hospital but with christmas two days a way it's the worst place for a kid. a children's hospital in florida brought in christmas cheer too. two santas and elves stopped by. >> it will get kids laying in their beds not feeling well to forget for a minute and just sit up and be excited and have something fun happening right in their room. >> those santas out there are from a local window washing company. they knew what they were doing. they dress up and visit the hospital several times a year. >> christmas eve forecast? >> looks good except for the air quality. but the temperatures will be warming close to 70. christmas day could be breaking record high temperatures in the low 70s in the forecast on wednesday. >> thanks a lot. thanks for joining us. "the tonight show" with jay leno is next. good morning nelly! woah. hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. >> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- from the new movie, "grudge match," kevin hart, "sports illustrated" model, brooklyn decker, the music of chris young and "police blotter." and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: hey, guys. thank you very much. welcome to "the tonight show." thank you very much. very kind. folks, oh, here's one of those heart-warming christmas stories that always happens this time of year. it's lovely.


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