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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180810 18:00:00

A look at the day's top news and headlines. returned to the u.s. after learning they were deported while still in the process of appealing their removal. let's go live to doug mcelway with a. this is a federal judge with a reputation for mistrusting government lawyers. >> yes, he sure does. in fact he was instrumental in overturning the conviction of senator ted stevens after discovering that government prosecutors concealed important evidence from the defense. he also hinted that special prosecutor robert mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence with security advisor michael flynn. yesterday, he tore in to government lawyers for prematurely deporting an illegal immigrant, carmen, and her daughter while the appeal was underway, while the plane was in mid flight. quote, it's outrageous. i'm also directing the government to turn that plane around either now or when it lands, turn that plane around and bring those people back to the united states. he also threatened attorney general jeff sessions and dhs secretary nielsen with contempt of court. neither d.o.j. or sessions has responded. sessions was in houston texas speaking about violent crime, illegal immigration and swaut cities. he took no questions. department of homeland security responded, noting in compliance with the court's order upon arrival in el salvador the plaintiffs did not disembark and were promptly returned to the united states. the plaintiff here, carmen, is represented by the aclu. it allegations that carmen fled el salvador to the u.s. to seek asylum from years of sexual abuse by her his band as well as death threats from a gang. the government maintains that it cannot grant asylum to victims of individual crime or violence, only to those victimized by political governmental or social persecution. >> dana: all right, doug, thank you. let's bring back james trusty on this. these claims that people from outside of the united states, if they want to come to the u.s. and claim asylum, domestic violence, gang violence, the trump administration said we can't do that in perpetuity. how will that hold up in the court with the aclu fighting back? >> if this is a case to test it, it is going to be a problem for d.o.j. and d.h.s. what happened with these folks, carmen and her daughter put on the plane, is just a horrible moment. it's going to tilt every possible sympathy against the government. at the end of the day, the problem is a really almost impossible problem to solve, which is everyone knows that you have to claim some sort of persecution to get asylum. figuring out which of those claims are legit and which report is a difficult task for anybody. much less overworked government agency. i don't know how it turns out at the end of the day, whether domestic violence becomes a ticket that can be fairly punched to allow people into the united states. but this case, to the extent it generates the issue in a larger way, is going to be a problem because of what happened with the deportation. >> dana: the aclu saying in the rush to deport as many immigrants as possible the trump administration is putting the women and children in danger of being raped, beaten or killed. we are sickened that the government deported two of our clients. we will not rest until our clients are returned to safety. let me ask you about the law, james, because doesn't there have to be some sort of nexus that the government is actually the one persecuting, the foreign government is the one that will not row protect you or has you in danger? how can the united states police a sovereign nation's individual criminal problems, right? >> yeah, i think that's the rub, a great way to put it. the problem is, you can always come up with an argument that somehow the government is failing to protect because of inadequate policing and adequate emergency responses. so these claims are going to be made ore and over again. whether any individual gets through under the actual legal status of what asylum refers to is a tough question. >> dana: if carmen and the date require returned does the threat of holding attorney general sessions and secretary nielsen in contempt go away? . not entirely. the problem is, and really doesn't have to be judge sullivan who obviously has a rich history of dealing with government issues like the stevens case. but the problem is, the judge feels he was betrayed. the judge was told these folks will not be deporpted and away they go. -- they will not be deported. it pushes the buttons and he wants to see a pound of flesh. i'm not sure there will be severe questions for the heads of the agencies. one of the attorneys if they represented in court this wouldn't happen you might tell them to bring a toothbrush, there might be consequence when is they come back before judge sullivan. >> dana: james trusty, thank you. a new poll showing president trump is still very popular with his core supporters, will that translate into success for other republicans in november? pl plus, two california counties under state of emergency with a ranling wildfire forcing thousands of evacuations. managing blood sugar is not a marathon. of evacuations. aing wildfire fos of evacuations. ging wildfire fo thousands of evacuations. one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. doing what he promised to do. i want to focus on the number, the 18%, 82% of his voters still support him. that 18%, though, is a bigger number than one might think. let's not forget he barely won pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. that was 77,000 votes. and he hasn't built his coalition whatsoever. so it is shrinking. and i don't think he can really afford to shrink it much more if he has any chances for 2020. because let's not forget hillary won the popular by three million votes. that18% is a significant% when you cobble together -- >> dana: and the republicans know the mid terms would be difficult. nancy pelosi, according to the "washington post," 27 house democratic candidates aren't sure they would vote for her as speaker. she's become a lightning rod. i talked to a democratic consultant, he thinks the democrats lose about 1 to 2 points because of nancy pelosi. that might not be as much as needed to basically count them out. >> we at america rising are guilty as charged for asking some of those people whether or not they support nancy pelosi. the reason the trackers in the field are asking that question it is that lightning rod issue. she has become the face for what people dislike about the democratic party and the democratic leadership. not just among republicans but among progressives as well. she's not as far to the left as some of them would like her to be. and so i think for pelosi, look no further than oat high owe 12 where we had the democratic candidate, danny o'connor, he said repeatedly in his campaign ads and public statements he wasn't going to support her. he goes to washington for one day, on the set of the msnbc show he says i'll support the eventual democratic leader, could be nancy pelosi. his reversal in a close race you have to think it made a difference. >> dana: i wonder, ben, if the democrats like the republicans wanted something new. and the democrats, now that they're in the wilderness, they won't really know who their leader is until the 2020 primary is completed. does nancy pelosi hinder the democrats? >> there's a reason that 51 democrats running for congress openly oppose her. we have a situation with ocasio-cortez in new york that opposes her, she's obviously more representative of the left wing of the democratic party. you also have connor lamb over in pennsylvania 18th, moderate, pro union. i think both wings of the democratic party are saying it's too many for new blood. will it stick, i don't know, donald trump is a lightning rod. who do you hate more. another edition like that. >> dana: nobody has neutral feelings. >> no. laugh of laugh. >> dana: i do notice today, that the issue of gun control is becoming almost a litmus test for both sides. a lot of democrats, basically saying that they are for more gun control and it seems to be working for hem in their elections. >> it is an issue that animates the democratic base and animates democratic donors. it is an issue that could potentially be costly for some of these democrats running in more moderate parts of the country, more rural parts of the country, this is an important issue to a lot of the voters out there. >> dana: ben? >> gun control is more mainstream, as we saw in park land in florida, packing a lot of gun legislation. it is a winner for the democratic party and i think they should maintain that. >> dana: there are rules and laws against 18-year-olds having guns. but watching all of these changes, that's why it's fun to have you here to talk about it. we will have you back. alex and ben, thank you. the u.s. border patrol will have its first female chief, carla provost has been serving as acting chief takes over as on a permanent basis. 22 year veteran knows the officials admit they simply cannot get ahead of this fire. we'll show you the details of the fight after the break. polident is specifically designed to clean a denture. the wonderful thing about polident is the fact that it's very, very tough on bacteria, yet it's very gentle on the denture itself. polident's 4 in 1 cleaning system consists of 4 powerful ingredients that work together to deep clean your denture in hard to reach places. it kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and it helps to remove stains. polident should be the first choice of every person that wears a denture, to clean their denture. no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? of washington, d.c. behind me, you see part of the problem. the fires are coming down the steep slopes of the cleveland national forest, hard for firefighters to get in there. and you can see there's just couple of hundred yards from this residential neighborhood. all morning we have been watching here as a fleet of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters have come in again and again and again dropping fire retardant and water. they seem to have had some success. those hillsides behind us, earlier today, were clearly on fire. but they seem to have put out most of the claims now, lingering smoke clouds. so they're doing their best. these fires are popping up all along these ridge lines, and they clearly have a long way to go. in fact the cleveland national forest, which is the agency in the lead of this operation, said today quite plainly on twitter, quote, we cannot get ahead of the fire. it's going to be a long time before they get this one fully under control. >> dana: i was watching you had the video of the plane, tell me a little bit more about what they're dropping and tell me about the guy who allegedly starting this. >> yeah, first on the drops, what you were watching was fire retardant being dropped and they're doing water drops. in fact right now, we have one of their hits come in, the drop of the water, you see the huge hose hanging beneath it. those helicopters drop water. the planes drop, some of them drop water, some of drop fire retardant which is very, very effective. as for the guy who allegedly started this entire thing, deliberately, his name is forrest clarke, 51 years old. he was booked on starting the fire deliberately. he was supposed to appear in court yesterday, he's an odd character. as you see in the video that was filmed of him, just after the holy fire started, up near his cabin in the woods he was berating firefighters accusing them of stealing money in his property. he was due in court yesterday, dana, refused to leave his cell, so that court appearance didn't happen. they're going to try again today, if he's ultimately convicted he will get life in prison. with good reason, up to life in prison with good reason when you see the amount of resources that are put in to fighting these fires, the amount of terror it causes among the residents who have to get out of their homes suddenly, and the amount of effort these firefighters are putting in. literally, laying their lives on the line for us every single day they're fighting these fires. >> dana: thank you so much, jonathan. let's go to rick, the weather will it help firefighters at all this week snepd. >> not this weekend and not any time in the foreseeable future. i hate to say it. it's hot across southern california, 96 today, in lake elsinore. maybe we drop a few degrees by early part of next week. no precipitation coming in. humidity levels not changing at all. you get the idea, all across the west, we have fires. we have 93 fires that each of those are throws over 100 acres burning. those are considered active large wildfires. it's everywhere across the west. today elevated fire danger covers a lot of territory as well. california, into nevada,al the way throughout parts of south dakota and wyoming. it's dry, windy, and it's hot. we have been dealing with this high temperature for a long time. july was the warmest california has ever seen for a july. death valley in july, hottest temperature, hottest month anywhere ever on the planet. the heat is certainly on. doesn't change over the next few days, we'll continue to see the heat and the sun here. there is moisture, but the moisture across parts of california primarily. monsoon activity picking up, last night tempe, arizona 3.6 inches of rain, broke all kinds of records to get that kind of rain from a monsoonal storm. we're seeing rain spreading across parts of texas, good news, we have drought going in across much of texas, a little too much too quick over the weekend. we'll watch for potentially localized flooding. the heat, january on the east, dealing with it as well, it's been hot and humid, a heat wave here, we'll see temperatures come down a little bit. but the moisture increases over the weekend. get ready, a lot of spots, washout for saturday, sunday, monday, into tuesday. overall, the rest of the country, look at the temperatures, 102 saturday in billings, the heat is on, maybe a couple of degrees cooler on sunday. but the heat is kind of spread across. we're still here, obviously, in august and summer. the temperatures have been hot. >> dana: thanks, rick. we are on the front lines of the war on drugs, with an exclusive look at yn ambassador nicky haley's tour of colombia. is a political change coming in hawaii? the state that primarily votes democrat, could be shifting to the republican party. i will be joined by the hawaii gop chair. 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shirlene ostrov. sounds like hawaii could be in need of new leadership. is that your plan? >> that's the plan, aloha, thank you for having me. we are definitely ready to get our message on the and we've recruited stellar candidates to bring change to hawaii. >> dana: you have eight candidates, primary candidates, running in the primary tomorrow to challenge the incumbent senator, the democrat. one woman among them, con swell a an -- consula anderson. what do you think the chances are, what is your best message to beat an incumbent in this year? >> you know, it is tough, as you know, beating an incumbent, entrenched elected official and unelected bureaucrats. we are bringing change. we have a message of change and hope to the people of hawaii that the 60 years of democrat rule should come to an end, we're motivated by the same issues that you've been speaking about all day today. on the mainland. that motivate the grassroots donors. >> dana: let me ask you about the impact of the president's trade war on hawaii. as i understand it, the mack damia nuts that we love is one of your major crops, 15% tariff there. estimated value of that crop is almost 54 million dollars. china is the second largest export partner. largest export from hawaii to china in 2017, fuel, aircraft parts and many others things like that. is that having an impact on the race at all? >> well, i will tell you that hawaii republicans strongly support president trump. in fact there was a recent poll that showed a 91% support rate for president trump for all he's doing to give us bigger paychecks and to restore our leadership internationally. we are behind our president. >> dana: tell me what you do to rebuild. the republicans have been out of power for a while, i remember governor lingle. what has happened to the party and how do you build it back up? >> well, i will tell that you the party has eroded over the last years, in fact we are the only state with no republican representation in the senate, only five out of 51 in our house, state house. we are bringing our message out, and we recruited a stellar number of candidates who, in targeted races, can start winning back states and having an influence. >> dana: how do you recruit, what is the best way to recruit? i wonder about that, how do you convince somebody to throw their hat in the ring? >> that is tough. but so many people have conservative values and they know that the direction of hawaii is you sustainable with the unfunded liabilities, the high cost of living, and the largest taxes in our states. we know if we want our children and our grandchildren to actually be able to live in hawaii, and to have a future in hawaii, that we have to make a difference now. >> dana: that's obviously true, you have children who want to succeed and they want to be able to stay home, but if the jobs aren't there they'll leave. >> that's right, i have two daughters leaving for college, in a couple of days, and we always talk about if they're going to be able to afford to come back home. >> dana: and will you be coming state side to get support for your party? sounds like if you want to make a chang you need to get support from the rnc. >> absolutely, we have been wholly supported by our chairwoman, rona mcdaniel from investments and support for the efforts here. we're grateful for that. we will continue to find those people who want to see change, not only in hawaii but to see change who we can bring from our islands out here to our friends on the mainland. >> dana: i've only had a chance to visit once, with president bush years ago, i'd love to come back. i have to tell you, if i can colorado pull off a flouer in my hair it would make for a better friday. it looks beautiful and very charming on you, shirlene. thank you. >> thank you, dane a. >> dana: with cocaine use on the rise, fox news traveled with nikki haley to bogota, colombia as they crack down on drugs. here's an exclusive look at the efforts. rich, how is the trump administration confronting these increases in drug production? >> well, it's an attempt, dana, to try to destroy the coca plants before the traffickers can turn them into cocaine and ship them to the united states. that's the focus of the trump administration and the new president here. we were the only television crew to accompany nikki haley on a tour of a coca field in northern colombia. efforts there by the colombian police to destroy the field. despite the efforts, in billions of dollars in american support, the white house office of national drug control policy says colombia coca cultivation hit an all-time high last year. >> this is where it comes from. we are at the source of where all of that comes from. we have to go to the source. we have partnered with the president, he is as aggressive about it as we are. >> colombia once sprayed coca fields from airplanes, though in 2015 it suspended the u.s.-sponsored program after the world health organization found the key compound in the spray probably causes cancer in humans. the colombia government suspended that and many blame that suspension for the increase in production. haley said the colombia government is looking for a different herbicide, one that's not potentially harmful to humans. >> dana: is that the main opposition to their approach? >> there is main opposition to the approach, first off there is an issue in getting it to a crop that is resilient, can you grow it almost anywhere, you eradicate it then it pops up in another field. the farmers, many living in the rural communities, the traffickers provide them a living, the conventional crops can't do. it's not really much government support or infrastructure according to the farmers. the ambassador says that the colombian government is going to have to do a better job to give these farmers an alternative when it comes to earning a living. >> they have to be able to use not just eradication, not just substitution, but development as part of that way to make sure that we're doing all of those things at the same time. >> development experts say previous governments tried this, though they have been short on results. most importantly, they say, patience on those efforts. dana? >> dana: thanks for the reporting. hundreds of nieg grant children waiting to be reunited with their parents and we'll be joined to talk about a conversation with newly elected knocks county mayor kain and how they hope to break down the stereotypes about wrestlers. reporting. welcome! hi there. so, what do you look for in a vehicle? sleek designs. performance. dependability is top on my list. well then, here's some vehicles that deliver on that. woah! wow. oh jeez! that's our truck! it's our truck! and they're our cars! that's my chevy! chevy's the only brand to earn j.d. power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs three years in a row. awesome. i'm proud. it's like a dynasty. it's impressive. on shepard smith reporting, top of the hour. >> dana: new court documents showing hundreds of children still waiting to be reunited with their parents after being separated by immigration officials. the filings show 559 migrant children have not been returned to their parents. the kids part of the more than 2,500 originally taken as part of president trump's zero tolerance policy, separated from their parents because of detention. glen jacobs, better known in the ring by "cain" winning the race last week to become mayor of knocks county, tennessee. he sat down with fellow professional wrestler and fox news member tyrus. >> are you excited about showing, like, when you're a great person, a man of character and integrity, and you pride your self on hard work, how it translates over to other things? >> you hit the nail on the head, my friend. personally, i want to do everything i can to destroy the stereotype that unfortunately still exists, that they're just dumb jobs. >> dana: i'm joined by tyrus, i'm a big fan of the podcast and i love the fox news rundown, i was excited to have you on it today, interview something one you know well. you did a good job. >> although i hate the sound of my voice. >> dana: that's a human thing, every human hates the sound of their own voice. i can't stand it. >> that was a tremendous honor. he was, he was a locker room leader during high time there and always led by example. he wasn't a big speech guy. if some one needed advice he'd give to it you, but he didn't just talk. >> dana: you talked to him about being a steward of public money. and how, i thought it was one of the best parts of the podcast, when he was talking about how, you said he was conservative with his own money. but that he's -- >> he's fiscally responsible. >> dana: and he talked about being conservative with other people's money. >> when i went, when you're being on the road, you have to pay for your hotel, you pay for your rent a car, your food, all of that stuff. you could easily get caught up in the lifestyle because when you wrestle in front of 15,000, 20,000 people a week you might be a star, you get the best restaurants, stay in the finest hotels and burning through your money. he was always very fiscally responsible. in terms of telling guys to put money away, put money away for your taxes, a lot of wrestlers don't do. >> dana: then they get hit with a big tax bill. >> i knew that when he was going to take those issues upon us, times ten, because in terms of when it comes to governmental spending and stuff he's tight. not cheap but tight. people's money, makes sure it's spent the right way. >> dana: i think he's going to do a great job. >> if anybody thinks he did it for celebrity, that's not going to happen. >> dana: i think you should do a podcast. >> i like asking the questions. i struggle with how to end the question. >> dana: you never know how to dismount. >> i ask three questions in one sentence. >> dana: sean hannity said just ask the question. it's pretty simple. last time you were here, we talked about millenials, a good discussion. now there is generation z. listen to this new research saying that research shows a dramatic shift in youth behavior, attitudes and lifestyles positive and concerning for those who came of age in the era. what we don't know if they're lasting generational imprints or characteristics of adolescence that will become muted over the course of adulthood, saying generation z could put the nail in the coffin for things like print journalism, malls, things like that. >> paper, cursive writing. >> dana: i love cursive writing. >> it's gone. >> dana: i know. >> everything at the touch of a finger order food, you can date. >> dana: gamble. >> gamble. do everything on your phone. imagine how it's going to be by the time they're getting paid. it will be in their head. not comparing them skwlenration z to mice and rats, but there was a study, in 1972 by behaviorist where he made mouse city. eight mice in a city made for them. by the time they got to their final generation, they were murderous can i bals and -- i'm not saying they're going to eat us. but there's a certain population becomes disconnected from physical touch, physical thing, everything from parenting was challenging, they didn't have, like, sex other than for reproduction, they became very different, very id is particular and they were -- very individualistic. we will be a seg re gated society at that point. >> dana: that's scary. >> if you think about it, if you get everything you want from your a.i., and who knows where it's going to be then, your wife might be a.i. >> dana: you'll stick around, if you're in the greater twins city area, check out tyrus' return on sunday in minneapolis. tyrus is going to stick around, it's international assistance dog week, we want to honor these dogs for independence pups and their human partners. the latest blog is about service dog team it i yet and how to approach some one with a disability and their canine partner. whether you can pet them or not. they help with tips and can you check it out at for more information, canine companions, go to he'll stick around. space agency launching a mission to the sun, first visit to a star, will have a live report. pearl jam is giving back, the band hosting two concerts helping those in need. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear. - (phone ringing)a phones offers - big button,ecialized phones... and volume-enhanced phones., get details on this state program. call or visit >> dana: raising money to fight homelessness in seattle, pearl jam collecting more than $11 million at safeco field the proceeds going to charity. the first of two concepts took place wednesday and the second is set for tonight. we are a day away from nasa's first mission to the sun. the parker so lor probe travels 430,000 miles per hour and face temperatures reaching about 2,500 degrees, that's hot. the space agency calls it humanity's first visit to a star. phil keating has more from kennedy spate center in florida. >> hi, we're about 12 hours away, until blastoff. the range weather forecast giving it 70% chance of lighting up the pitch black sky. destination, our star, and the first of its kind solar probe, coming in hot. perfectly for the story, coming in at 430,000 miles an hour. faster than any space craft has ever been launched. take a look at launch pad 37-b, the alliance on the pad, with its first stage rocket from the bottom, third stage booster to top. one of the most powerful rockets on the planet. if everything goes perfectly, this will be the first mission for humanity flying a spacecraft into our sun. when the parker solar probe gets there, it'll come within 4 million miles, closer than any spacecraft has ever been, within the sun's burning corona. that's its atmosphere what you see around the moon during a full solar eclipse, they bank it will be protect frommed sun's heat. onboard, skruments sending back realtime data around the clock of something we've only previously studied from afar. the helio center expectations are revolutionary. >> we're going to learn about how our sun really works, for the first time on a new scale and new place, in a way never before done. >> it's going to take 7 years to get to the closest point where the solar probe may burn up. slingshoting off of venus' gravity seven times. solar wind and the radiation impacts earth's atmosphere. weather satellites and power grids. there's great interest among the world's scientists what more we can learn about the sun. without which we don't exist, dana. 3:33a.m. eastern time. >> dana: you get the best assignments, thanks. peruvian soccer fans find an injured dog in russia during the world cup. stot require doesn't end there. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 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