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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20170808 03:00:00

there was more bad news on that front. a new poll found that 38% of americans approve of the way donald trump is handling his job as president. 56% disapprove. it also found that just 24% trust almost all or most of what they hear from the white house. 73% say they trust some or nothing at all of what they hear from the white house. hours before that poll was released the president wrote on twitter the trump basis is stronger and bigger than ever before. he saved his toughest criticism from a sitting u.s. senator. it started this morning when he wrote interesting to watch senator richard blumenthal then never in u.s. history has anyone lied or defrauded voters like blumenthal. he told about his conquests, how brave he was and it was all a lie. he cries like a baby and begged for forgiveness like a child. now he judges collusion. more than eight and a half hours later he finished with this. i think senator blumenthal shauld should take a long vacation in vietnam so he could at least say he was tlchlt he served his country in the marine reserving during the war but was not deployed to vietnam. >> there are growing ominous threats, tweets and warnings that we have seen, the world has seen that -- 200 of the trump years. how am i doing? i'm president, right? i was going to fire comey knowing there was no good time to do it. in fact when i decided to do it i said to myself, i said, you know, this thing with trump and russia is a made up story. no politician in history, and i say this with great has been treated worse or more unfairly. and i never asked once what the new nato headquarters cost. i refused to do that, but it is beautiful. >> you were referring to the testimony of james comey vindicating you. >> no collusion. no obstruction. he is a leaker. i heard it was 17 agencies. said boy, that's lot. do we even have that many intelligence agencies? it's an honor to be with you. thank you. by the way, just a question. did president obama ever come to a jamboree? some times they say he doesn't act presidential. with the exception of the late great abraham lincoln i can be more presidential than any president that's ever held this office. >> that's a walk back through contemporary history. let's bring in national political reporter for washington post, robert costa. senior white house correspondent. we are so fortunate that covering the president's working vacation in new jersey means the first ever studio visit by our friend the white house bureau chief phillip rucker. it is very important that we call this a working vacation. it not content to nick a sitting u.s. resident. he is working. 4e h they will be adding a brief b on the opiod epidemic. she having a lot of time to fret over this russia investigation which continues to expand. >> i was watching you watching that compilation. how does it feel? you lived all of those moments firsthand. >> we loved those. this was a remarkable start to this presidency. it's not anything we ever accepted before. >> robert costa, what have you been able to ascertain about the president's state of mind? >> i'm not a psychologist but i will say when it comes to his behavior not much has changed. he has had a change in personnel. general john kelly, my sources in the west wing say general kelly is trying to stabilize the staff. he is not trying to change the way the president operates. and you see an knowledgement across this white house that these tweets, this kind of combative social media behavior will continue, will not abate because this is who president trump is. >> margaret, let's talk about general kelly. you among other journalists were reporting that perhaps a new sheriff might moderate what he says. so much for that after today. what have you been able to learn about his communications inside the west wing and elsewhere with members of the staff. >> one is to send clear signals and their engagements amongst themselves. the other is on issue that is general kelly picks out. it's easy to look at the twitter storm today and say that's out the window. trump showed him. there are some areas they are surging the president to use case. he has been more careful talking about north korea and venezuela. and if he wants to go off on the immediate ma it's probably not his priority at this point. >> because you spent so much time and attention the dome after all right over your shoulder. i want to talk about some of these poll numbers with you. 73% don't trust all or some of what's coming out of this white house. six in ten americans define this presidency as a failure thus far and don't find the president honest thus far. they have to in effect run on this. >> that is very true. in the last six months we have seen a revolution about their expectations. i used to think months ago maybe the president would change and be more of a main treem republican. just like thoughts on the staff those are gone out the window on capitol hill. with health care having been becaused paused or maybe even dead there's a prayer among republicans that the economy continues to be pretty steady. i think a tax cut and business growth more than anything they could count on is what will protect them next year when they try to keep the house and senate. >> where is he getting the notion of it expanding? >> i don't know where he is getting that because it's just not. one of the most striking statistics is that his base is actually softening. it's a real problem inside the white house and they are aware of it. they are trying to work on it. trump what he sees are these rallies. it was sold out last week. he sees the enthusiasm. he sees the attention on twitter. when you actually measure the support out in a country it is softening from where it was last november. >> we have not heard a lot since the numbers have -- >> he thinks they all fake. >> that's right. >> seriously. his political operation in the white house, especially kelly ann conway, they are look at these very closely. they do some of their own measurements internally and keeping an eye on it. they are keeping an eye on the softening of support. >> is there a metric of judging the general kelly administration as a subset within the trump west wing? what do you think he would be comfortable in being judged on? >> my sense is that he would prefer not to be talked about all of the time. one is how much fighting you see. i think the mcmaster scenario is an interesting one to watch. he effectively helped to on some level shut that down. you see this really active campaign continuing. part of the mandate will be to stop the very public fighting among some of these kind of cross currents. the early indications are he demands a good degree of fear. i think it will take several weeks to understand his thinking on all of the personnel moves as well as his thinking of how the president can reset some of his relationships with congress. >> and you are is new head of the white house correspondence association i guess because you had so much free time as it is. >> i wasn't doing anything else. >> i know we were able to see this as of late. do you think it's a trend that's here to stay? >> i think it is back by default unless we hear otherwise. president seems to be okay with it. general kelly seems to be okay with it. she certainly seems comfortable. i would expect the press corp. to expect it is a matter of course. >> you want to get anything in before we take a break? >> on the point about general mcmaster, we have all of the reporting that the trump base is very unhappy with him. the president thinks it's a crucial decision to increase number of troops there. it's one of the key decisions for him so far in this presidency. it is about more than steve bannon. it is what does he really want to have in the middle east. >> we'll take our first break here. thanks to our initial panel. coming up the president may be on vacation but there's one man still working back in washington this week. that would be robert muller, the latest on the russia investigation, when the 11th hour continues. we are just getting underway. each year sarah climbs 58,007 steps. that's the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home... even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl's orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you're killing it. dr. scholl's. born to move. rethink your allergy pills. flonase sensimist allergy relief helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. most allergy pills only block one. and 6 is greater than one. flonase sensimist. ♪ and i've never seen a better time to refinance your home, than this summer. why? 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>> if he finds evidence of a crime that's within the scope of what we agreed is the appropriate scope then he can. >> that is rob rosenstein discussing the ongoing investigation. as the president and his aids continue to dismiss it as a hoax, a witch hunt, a fabrication, robert and his team continue to investigate any role russia may have played in the 2016 election. joining our conversation tonight joyce advance back on the broadcast, a 25 year veteran federal prosecutor. she spent almost eight years and was among the first u.s. attorneys appointed by president barack obama, robert costa and phill phill phillip rucker remaybe with uin. >> did you find his commented pointed or routine? zbli thought they were pointed. he is concerned with the law with the facts, with doing the right thing. i don't see him as being someone who would be very interested in political spinner buffeted by the politics surrounding this investigation. i think you hear him saying that here when he tells you he can investigate anything that's fair lifr within the scope of the special council ground. >> what's the motivation for you to grant an interview? he has been an inside player. he has been the kind of guy that has not enjoyed the limelight. we have been lead to see that he has received or seeing his name in the media. >> it is an interesting point. i can't remember the last time a sitting deputy attorney general made a sunday morning television appearance like this. he is not someone who enjoys the limelight. he is not someone that feels the need to self-promote. he is a very serious career prosecutor, probably one of the longest running u.s. attorneys in our country's history serving both republican and democratic administrations. if mr. rosenstein is doing something he sympatthinks it is important. he referred tremendorepeatedly the right thing and his goal was to do the right thing. >> imagine the pressure on all of these players, the fbi, special council, all of the cocounci cocouncils he has hired. here we are day 200. when we reach 300 will the them still be russia? >> there are deep concerns in the law enforcement community, in the justice department about preserving the integrity of the institution and also explaining how this is all unfolding. when you ask where we'll be in day 300, you get the sense they stepped in because attorney sessions recused himself. so by putting himself out there rosenstein is trying to better explain where this institution that may be a bit fragile because of these investigations stands. >> kellyann conway said something, the defense appears to go on offense about the team and kind of this whiff of conflict of interest. they keep saying he hired attorneys who are democratic donors. what are they saying? >> looking at the 16 attorneys he hired and finding a number of them have made campaign donations in the past to democrats sort of at the hillary clinton specifically. there is a different change in tone when you look at what some of trump's leeare saying. they are taking it much more seriously. there is a new lawyer at the white house trying to take it seriously. i think it's a shift in tone because they know it is becoming more serious. it's escalating, looking into finances and other issues as well. >> when you first heard this argument going against some of the players that he had hired did you think it was kind of a ground softening operation to lay a predicate argument for potentially going after him or justifying his dismissal? >> we hear a lot of that coming out of the president specifically. he is trying to lay some ground work with his base to denigrate to indicate he doesn't have integrity so if this investigation breaks bad against him or against members of his administration he can say they were playing with me all along. >> 535 elected members of congress where do you think muller would poll? >> i think the key example is republican of north carolina, a conservative has taken action along with senator of delaware to try to protect let mueller stay in place. >> can't thank you enough. coming up after another break north korea threatens revenge. does the trump administration have a plan to stop a potential nucle nuclear? answers when we continue. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. the best signal they could give us is to stop these missile launches. you know, we have not had an extended period of time they have not taken some type of provocative action. >> rex tillerson speaking after the u.n. security council voted to approve the tough new sanctions over the repeated missile tests. a defiant north korea has threatened to retaliate against the u.s. thousands fold is the quote adding that the u.s. is wrong to believe it is safe. joining us tonight, robert, director of international security studies having served on the national security council and the clinton administration. gordon is back with us. is author of nuclear showdown, more on that in just a moment. how big of a diplomatic victory was it this weekend? i'm sorry, robert, forgive me. of course you're not going to respond until i use your actual name. how big of a diplomatic victory was this and how normal are the comments from tillerson as opposed to going back two or three presidents? it. >> it was a significant accomplishment. it will cut off perhaps one-third of north korea's exports, about a billion dollars out of 3 billion. south korea has half a trillion dollars. it is also a state that is on the cusp of acquiring a nuclear arsenal. in three years could be half the size of great britain. it is about 100 nuclear weapons. they have been putting out mixed messages about the possibility of jump starting diplomacy. if that does begin the focus would be on capping or freezing the program which is estimated to have about 15 to 20 nuclear weapons. it wouldn't wibe a total roll back. >> we have heard hot air going back and forth with north korea a lot of our adult lives. in your view how dangerous is this period right now? >> i think it's dangerous because we have about a year or so before the north koreans may won't have good guidance. if you're firing at a big city it doesn't matter if you're a couple of miles off. >> a year. >> a year. that's what they said according to the washington post about a week and a half ago. you know, we can be a couple months more, a couple months less. they are making accelerated progress towards this. all of this is an indication we have got to confront very difficult issues. it undercuts all of our assumptions about getting help from other countries. >> and robert, when you hear talk about a preemptive american strike, about any kind of u.s. military planning in this part of the world, what do you make of it? >> well, i mean the military option is one of three very bad options. you can, you know, bomb negotiator. the problem is that the south korean capital is as close as washington is to baltimore. any military action, even limited strike on north korea's infrastructure could escalate. 20 years ago when i was on the clinton administration's national security council staff there was a conflict it would have a million casualties and trillion in economic costs. that was 20 years ago. you can use it to work out what a second korean war now that they have obtained that capability would entail. >> when you hear that kind of talk what are they talking about or is it just for consumption? >> there is the monothat all options have to be on the table. you go back to the three that are there, bomb negotiator and people are talking now about the diplomatic option, and the focus would be on freezing capabilities, not on fully rolling back. if they could have real again ben fit for united states because as gar don mentioned there is still time north korea needs to demonstrated a long range launcher but yet to demonstrate it mastered the war heads and difficult re -- it took the united states a number of years to master. that type they will need for additional testing creates space for diplomacy. >> last time you were on i asked him what he would do. he has not inprecise with words. he doesn't trust any of these other realms to ever work anything out because this is a criminal state we are up against here. >> well, missile defense is good. the north koreans with overwhelm it. the message to the united states was yeah, you have interceptors but we have more missiles than you can knock out of the sky. until we get to a directed energy weapon our wlils defense will help a little bit but we can't rely on it. there are things we can do though. we can impose sanctions much more severe than we have. we can clean up a lot of the money where we haven't spent as much time doij that. we can start sanctioning china for money laundering. yes when you take those three options, yes but we can also use ohhersive diplomacy to get a much better deal when in fact we get to negotiating. >> sadly we are going to have both of you gentlemen back. we hope not too quickly after tonight. we hope the news does enforce it. it's another way of saying thank you for coming on. robert from washington tonight. coming up a new chief of staff has not stopped a vacationing commander in chief from hitting social media. can the new man running things on the west wing change the work product of this president? former white house chief of staff will be with us tonight when we come back. you never know when something like this will happen. so let the geico insurance agency help you with homeowners insurance and protect yourself from things like fire, theft, or in this case, water damage. cannonball! now if i had to guess, i'd say somewhere upstairs there's a broken pipe. let the geico insurance agency help you with homeowners insurance. call today to see how much you could save. since enbrel, dad's back to being dad. visit and use the joint damage simulator to see how your joint damage could be progressing. ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 14 years. you're searching for something. whoooo. yo like the perfect deal...oo. ...on the perfect hotel. so wouldn't it be perfect if... ....there was a single site... ...where you could find the... ...right hotel for you at the best price? there is. because tripadvisor now compares... ...prices from over 200 booking... ...sites save you up to 30%... ...on the hotel you want. trust this bird's words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. you myour joints...thing for your heart... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. i won't be distracted by these bullying tweets. if anything they strengthen my resolve to work for protecting the special council against these tactics of bullying and intimidating. >> more there from democratic richard blumenthal defending himself in the attacks on twitter. we have not heard from the vacationing president except for his 13 separate posts on twitter. trump's comments on twitter have been reserves to comments on policy. it lead to some speculation that his new chief of staff was having some effect. today that changed. he was back again to personal attacks. with us now is a man with experience in running a west wing. he was president bill clinton's first chief of staff. it's great to be with you again. >> it is great to be with you tonight. >> if you were facing six in ten americans thinking the administration was a failure and you came into this job what would the rules of the mclarty rules be? >> let's focus on what people voted for us and get results for the american people, brine. th -- brian. they need to get focused and move it forward. they will have to reach out to congress as well. that's where you start making the poll numbers change. when bill clinton was elected, as you recall he got 43% and ross perot got 19%. he was stepping on the world stage his approval was 58%. >> you have a 71-year-old american president who is a fully baked person. what he is is what she going to be. everyone says will trump change? will kelly change trump? what do you do with what doesn't fit any set rule book? the fact that this guy as he proved again today will be this guy. >> well, when someone runs for president of the yies aunited s and you have to have some self-confidence do that, that's an accomplishment. no question about that. brian, you followed many presidents. you reported on them. they have to grow and learn on the job. no one is fully prepared to serve as commander in chief. i think there is some learning curve every president faces. i think this president is no exception. whether he can step up to the enormous responsibility to this complicated and dangerous world and very complex committee as well. >> what if bill clinton had social media at his disposal? >> he was an acting communicate to. he would generally understand staying on message. he would step off of that as every president has. he liked -- he certainly loved to campaign. he loved to engage with people. i can't say he wouldn't have e used twitter. i think he was much more of a one on one let's -- he was a big believer that the voters need to feel that he was on their side and he was a big believer, as i was, even if they didn't vote for you shlgs you were still president of the united states and if they liked you a little better and trusted you it would be good politics as well as the right thing for the nation. >> final question, do you get this preference for generals in this administration, do you have any problem with the role these generals are playing thus far? >> they are all people of distinction and accomplishment. i think we have always had a careful separation of our military and age maturity. general mcmaster i have been with on a few occasions. a man of real accomplishment. i'm okay with it. i don't think we should be completely oblivious. you can have too much of a good thing. i think they are all three very capable people. >> great to see you. >> great to see you again! thank you for coming. when we come back, the republicans in 2020. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? 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>> it's an effort to speak to the trump voters and that the rnc where kale where is going to be working in concert with -- >> the old sean spicer job. >> to get a message out there and promote the news that president trump feels like is not being covered enough, economic numbers, whatever the line of the day is going to be from this administration to create their own outlet for it. but it's the equivalent of state media we see in russia and other countries. we'll see whether it becomes a newscast and catches on. >> with that our great thanks to two purveyors of actual genuine news for staying late with us on a monday night. coming up after another break there, has been another leak and again to "the new york times" because someone on the inside fears a government gone wrong. that story when "the 11th hour" continues. listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. i needed something more to help control my type 2 diabetes. my a1c wasn't were it needed to be. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's suppose to do, release its own insulin. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if you've had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe pain in your stomach, or symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. once-weekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. ♪ hey, is this our turn? 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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Street Food 20180120 03:15:00

we will taste life on the streets. and find food for thought in the process. by norman fun and keep me posted. and we'll do tomas i'm on my wife first off the united states. this is how a perfect day starts in portland oregon with hockey breakfast. at eight o'clock. i'm. sure it's. the. speed of the feast. sandra owner of the egg carton proudly presents the goods belmont sandwich and eggs benedict handmade homemade and made with long you. will find that this is a raspberry having your original so it starts weeds but it's going to end with a cake because have in your eyes will affect you later in the palate and it's it's definitely a hot ticket for us. with the common thing you'll hear from chefs food carts is well i'm not a real chef but michel sleiman is a prominent chef here in the united states and he defines a chef as someone who runs their own kitchen so i use that against those who got owners to help them realize she runs her own kitchen the food is amazing she has employees. supervising everything she's a chef and she's a great chef. live from portland oregon says tasty to zing than a nine point one f.m. portland radio project i am stephen show me your host the lie that you're here with me this morning as always we have three hours of also music rock folk and blues then coming up at nine am we'll have a food guest live and in studio. any different than in other cities in the u.s. but poland is different. maybe. for the average joe and jane as for the extra votes. is the perfect place for stealing his personal grief goes something like this. for thing on his radio show. in the rain shelly's garden now known as honk and huge burritos was one of the first food carts we've had here in portland we had a real explosion the food cart scene when the great recession hit the portland economy today we have more than six hundred carts open in the metro area pave the way for carts to come into being. many an american dream has been born in a. dream starts anew every morning in her. she thought she might be in the media but then decided against it she just couldn't see herself she tells me. don't personally. as a family. business. at the height of it about two year two thousand we had thirteen people on payroll we had ten locations in the city and i was much more of a manager at that time than a vendor because i was having i had babies and two little girls and so i was busy doing that stuff so i could be a manager as soon as the girls were about five six years old i came right back and started jumped in to be a vendor again and kind of size down at that point because i really i like a little less hustle and bustle i like having the one cart now. today there you have just one food caught in the heart of portland. walking burritos right or shine even people came through the rain you know that's lucky. enough the golden good looking thing. what are you doing today in the big world sometimes people were hungry and could come and just talk and share with their lives than share with me and we have something to eat for them and so we're trying to be a member of the community that way and now i've seen generations of people grow up and come back and bring their families and their grandchildren and and really love the journey of being in a place for twenty five years and the. customer has received a letter from. now people come to shani for advice she likes to home in a city where very very many people need how known as a progressive bastion of liberal values. long struggle to cope with homelessness. hungry constant even if they don't have money. you like to. do you like fresh go very nice house might leave you like. treated with courtesy and respect just like every other and share your laugh you're very welcome. so when it comes up in the food court here in portland there are four things you need that are absolutely essential one you need a place most of our food carts are not mobile they are and what we call food cart pods you have to have somewhere to put your cart the second thing you need is your actual cart and whether it is a trailer that you poll or an actual truck with an engine you need to get one of those contraptions some people buy them used some people have the manufacturer there's a number of really good manufacturers right here in portland that will make one for you. mike and his mechanics on the sunshine experts they build food trucks customers need to fork out plenty pint to fifty thousand dollars for a trailer bolting kitchen that's made to measure up every time two to three months but they can also manage to weeks because ultimately everything is possible. so far i know of two trailers that i've sold that didn't quite make it just two. which makes me feel that what i do is the right place this is where people grow and they make money and they're successful they're happy. it sounds like an easy formula and it sure worked his food trucks are a runaway success. but they get the part because you know it we visit the bar but if it can't be you can't be you might do it you know i know i have eight months so they upped it so it's good. that he's ready to roll literally from tomorrow mows new trail will be serving up freshly fried spring rolls. calorie pioneers cook up a storm on street corners across for live your dream do your thing that spirit is no longer everywhere in the u.s. but it is here in portland. is especially when it comes to food. steve on the radio host. and cullen are a storyteller it's made it his mission to help newcomers to the city. it's a jump that suits his tastes. that verges begging to be eaten. it is phenomenal. you get cheese you got bacon tomato lettuce thousand island. and wonder just runs down your fans like that the nominal right there at your burger of old baby. but it takes perseverance and hard work to strike don't stephen has no illusions they are bad for business being in the colony business is very very very hard work it's a scourging of long hours it's tiring and you don't make any money when i first started some people said oh you're just a cheerleader for food carts and i said you're right i am pompoms are free many skirt you have to pay extra for that because i wanted to cheer them on and i knew they could make it and every time a blue collar succeeds it was brick and mortar has multiple parts and makes his business go. it fills my heart with joy i want to see that make it did thomas is the american dream dent the innovation at least is alive and kicking on the streets of portland. down here in mexico the stories they tell sound like dreams every year in early november a miracle happens in the mountains outside mexico city millions of monarch butterflies arrive in several pinoy like thoughts on the wind. it's the end of an eight month migration to wide areas of north america and back a journey that takes the butterflies for successive generations to complete. come spring the monarchs will breed before flying north to lay eggs and then die it is not known how their offspring find their way back to mexico. but people on the streets of the capital have their own explanation one that's been passed down through the generations. we'll get into a little bundle yes a lot of them but we believe that when someone dies and is buried they rise again as a butterfly. and no other day of the day and all the day when we see a butterfly we say to each other look there is grandpa or that's our auntie over there. we see our lost loved ones again in the butterflies. it makes us feel good but it was that because nice is no better because it's easier to give up with the with. mexico is preparing to celebrate the sad and yet jovial holiday dia de los muertos in two days' time. victor a stout man with a big heart has his hands full. the entire family pitches in and a neighbor makes the tortillas. victor says with some pride this talk of those are the best in mexico city. of kentucky and the long line in his stall would appear to endorse that claim. they can but what do you recommend victor try the company johnno tacos there are specialty. mexicans like a hearty taco. and they package with a sausage. cheese from one pocket that melts into a cream. and then there's more me. it's all topped with fresh snow pollies the can't disprove and plenty of sumatra. and which salsa do you recommend you go for the red one it's the spiciest. i like it a bit spicy but you mexicans of course can handle a lot more right. than those a bit of the person that we give salt to to our kids so they get used to the spicy news from an early age for us there is no day without sauce. even if the spiciness gives us an upset stomach look we mexicans are modern doors we simply keep on eating. a lot of it is easy but. there's no elegant way to eat a taco it's simply a cornucopia of indulgence muvico very tasty if it is spicy. victor gets all the ingredients he needs around the corner mexico's markets are a celebration of the fullness and freshness of life. but on the day of the dead mexican celebrate something else as well as the morbid fascination with down. at their home in the countryside victor and his wife imelda have set up an altar for relatives who have passed on but it's a tradition. that. the candle we say this is for you my sister anita will. be candle there's the name of someone who has died. it's important to provide things that they loyalty would have for example so they can have a drink when they arrive to visit and this. put him. with my sister in law like tequila so we've also put out a bottle of tequila. and sweet things of course which the dead in mexico savor as much as the living. bread sprinkled with lots of sugar. colorful skulls made from pure sugar cane sorry. three generations into an old pickup truck. at the cemetery the entire extended family decorates the grave of imelda sister in law who died a year ago. good luck was her husband victor's brother is overcome by grief. his wife. her mother was only forty seven but the day is not dominated by sadness. it's something that he could have it. was often it's a joyous festival it has to me because life is short lived with the limbs that all that and one day will have to go to. see but i'm proud of the life i lead now and the like and i'm happy when people come to my stand to eat tacos and leave satisfied and hopefully to return again soon in the us. in the evening the smell of incense walked across the graves like a scene in of iraq painting. or and right behind the cemetery wall people are again cooking and eating like they seem to do everywhere in this country life and death pleasure and pain. they're never far apart in mexico. the following morning victor and his family are back on the street setting up their stand. they've altered their dead now life goes on. to take. in the mothers of those one day will be gone but my sons should carry on here and if they do a better job than me all the better. people always need something to eat naturally were no exceptions. and. death is part of life in mexico. but as victor would say as long as we're here we might as well eat the best tacos in town. mexicans live life to the full and that's not always possible for people here in colombia how to see where the fish are posing miguel munoz is fifty six years old he has eleven children and twenty one grandchild through to get along is of experience where you have to know how to handle the rope that's the key thing is how you spot a real body certo. arrows when they call you on the feet of the oh yes the chase what you call this type of fishing and to fish like this you need to control the rope otherwise you're nobody chettle with it yeah well. the whole family pulls together here literally fathers brothers uncles nephews the rope is two to three hundred metres long. not too fast not too slow the fishermen need to be acute to the rock that's the secret. and that is how the volage arrows of carter haina bring in the fish always hoping for a catch for a team a net. and johnny was shot. last. from the sea into the frying pan and from then into the bucket. from the bucket to the customer a squeeze of lime and it's ready to eat. supply afai outstrips the amount concertina street team his friend has. for one of. the hamas. laws that each one carries the way to peace passed through the city streets. like francisco that in terror of the coffee man. every day he makes his rounds about town there are hundreds of vendors like him hawking coffee pouring and refueling the more often the better obviously if you don't sell you won't survive. francisco is not from car to haymarket his hometown is a few hundred kilometers away. and i thought if we will. we have to leave our village because of the violence the war between government troops and the rebels. we had to flee to save our lives the lives of our families and children we left everything behind me that none of the will leave you to have a dad i am and always will be a former. member of the eagle libya i mean every day i go down on my knees and pray that we'll be able to return to our fields but the war in colombia and was once and for all and. the peace deal has failed to hold financing colombia and until it does francisco is staying here in qatar haina serving cabinet seato a small coffee that's a staple of the colombian diamond fast and easy powdered sugar water changes there's no more magic to it than that business is so sad. oh yeah i don't want my kids to be doing this they need proper jobs of course and see how they want to think out that little even if it means they'll never return with me to the village and to our field. anything i'm not they going to will be. caught again or the queen of the caribbean a dream destination for cruise ships and independent travelers. just fifty kilometers outside of the city and well it looks quite different. sunbeds sileo de palenque a well life can be bitter but the food is sweet. pollyanna and manuela make a sticky dessert out of coconut milk and a whole lot of sugar they've never seen the recipe written down but often heard it talked about. isn't that they are parents and grandparents showed us everything we watched and learned from them. have been there more that it isn't so easy not everyone knows how to make it. about anyone without writs out additions they know how. that is the. most residents of palanker are descendants of runaway slaves who founded the community as a refuge four hundred years ago locals say it was the first independent community in the americas a place with a rich past to make a future that's the impression you get walking its streets. and not a place that's easy to leave with their homemade goods when they are not in one way or set out for car to hannah. whatever else the sisters need for the day they pick up on arrival in the city and this is where any romanticism about the traditions of their ancestors and. the fruit in a supermarket they say is simply fresh air. business is slow in sweets and fruit. but a photograph with a colorful palin keris that something tourists will pay for. in peru norman hope has been passed down through the ages. it doesn't sound flattering when the people of lame out remark of their city its sky has the color of a donkey stomach but maybe it should be seen as a declaration of love the cool waters of the peru current lap the shores of lima they don't just bring fog they also deliver the freshest pacific fish to the capital's doorstep. the fact that we also find a dish that is so simple and wonderful it quickly makes you forget the grey skies. amid the fish stalls of a district that is poor and sometimes dangerous you find the best city check at dawn you have been here stand. you'll say yes i know the proper way to prepare i don't make anything else i wouldn't be able to sell anything else was. raw fish from the roadside yes it's fine at least if you buy it from don you're very. salt and hot chili as are added to the fresh fish the juice of peruvian limes alters the protein in the fish effectively cooking it without heat. she serves it with corn sweet potatoes and seagrass. don't have the heene years to feature tastes cool and fresh like the pacific earthy and sharp like the andes she's modest about her talent. so much as a single mother my daughters are in college i have to work so we can live and they can study it. is it tough. well you know how life is. look i want my daughters to have a better life that's all. you know anything she doesn't go anywhere without her family photos people. are going to know when i tell you we love. them is that this is it but. i ran away from home when my parents separated i didn't get along great with my mother but then i came to lima and was alone i had to fend for myself. after her husband left her it was the fish that secured her livelihood. for peruvians is more than just a dish they wager a bet sons of each day reconcile disputes over save each other and swap anecdotes about severe. years you are you'll be up. as a child i often rode my bike to the beach where a man's soul to be checked. he wanted to know whether i want to expire or not he got back then people thought he was dangerous unhygenic to eat at the street corner at that but for me it was like here to the most fascinating movie in the world of us you know that one that. if it weren't for his escape to the beach guest on our curio may well have become a lawmaker like his father but luckily he pursued a career as a chef and may well be one of the world's best his fish dishes embody peruvian history that is there is a reaching this is the original city joke on sisters chili salt fish it's the bond between the ocean and the mountains and a love story between the pacific and the ending slowly. that's because one of the key ingredients grows far away from the coast in the rugged wilderness of the andes. at an altitude of three thousand meters above sea level lies the sacred valley of the incas. valley so fertile it was a personal possession of the ruling family. the incas were the first to plant ricotta here. this almost magical chili pepper is still readily available today at markets in the mountains. you see this is because it is healthy when the body always needs something sweet and salty but i eat to help fight infections which is a scam and seeds are nice and toss. it out. rococo and salt preserve the fish a process that in ancient times insureds of each year could also be enjoyed in the highlands. relays a fast running couriers ferry the fish from the pacific coast to the n.d.s. . after their bloody conquests the spanish built churches and palaces on the ruins of the inca civilization. they also changed the local fish dish by adding lime juice and red onion. for star chef best on our curio civvy chase sums up the best of her room. and its recent rise as a major cullen ery export has made peruvians proud. foodies around the world are crazy for civvies. least so we church it's a recipe that our grandmothers have passed down through the centuries those offices away for a long time we didn't value it but that has changed today peruvian cuisine is famous the world over nice stuff but it's in the record. in lima don't you the heene yes starts the second half of her day. she's babysitting her young grandchild. goes a d.j. is what keeps her family together. and maybe one day she hopes proves national dish will help her fulfill a dream. act but i'm an asshole who left i lurk here on the street it was the nationally would like to find out. lots and had our own restaurant. that's what we all want something bigger something better something good. that i'll. warn from the scene mature in the end and loved by star chefs and street vendors. norman is much more than just a dish it's a way of life. i like that i'm sure that something will encounter in argentina too . there's a specific vibe here. if your desire. for meat the way to a man's heart is through his stomach naturally. no way. there's no obvious sign of an economic crisis when his artists at least not at first glance but the city has been gripped by economic malaise for many years the locals do their best to ignore it. they say here mind has its ups and downs but it's a city that needs to be experienced arrived in a taxi is a good way of exploring even more so when someone like cloudy how is your driver someone who takes you along from all the know right. now we are. going to meet up with the guys we always get together midday. twenty thirty taxi drivers are merely toes grow. they're more relaxed a bit have a bite to eat wash our cars share some of the jokes and drink moderately. the book . is cloudy oh he's fifty nine years. has four kids grandkids italian roots a third generation immigrant family. cloudier likes to enjoy himself he has no pretenses this is how his mates know him and like him. argentinians are passionate people and they indulge their passion for good food and good meat to the forest the world's biggest cattle market is located in the heart of one is ours it couldn't be anywhere else this is where you will really grasp the essence of the country cloudy hotels argentina seoul and argentina stop. saucer. shops schnitzel rum steak why did i see cut before my eyes on the grill in the oven oh die for. that's the best you can buy the animals are nervous they see what's going . on the first auction took place one hundred fifteen years ago and the rules have remained unchanged ever since it is up above. the cattle down below. up to ten thousand animals under the hammer each day the best quality is available for less than two euros. in a country with an insatiable appetite for steak the business with beef is always brisk. at times the government has helped out with subsidize because many task to be affordable a full stomach is less likely to complain about crises. i don't want to try it anything else would be a mistake char it so meat off the grill. delicately seasoned straight from the cattle market and it's open at canteen. time and again on this trip we were generously invited to dine with our hosts. i'm waiting for you a kilometer marker one o five. we're on our way. about time our paths cross again. we've traveled thousands of kilometers through the world street kitchens now to camp our adventure a final chapter that couldn't be any moral fantic out on the compound with account chose the cattle ranchers with the wind blows but there's no rush what better place to wrap up this long journey no one is a stranger here for long and that's certainly down to the fair to. argentina is very diverse but you're all united by a love of meat. absolutely meat was always and is always available we have an endless supply of cattle in the past they used the skins for leather and just at the tongue at least according to legend but there's never been a shortage of meat and nobody in the go hungry here argentinean meat is considered the best in the world or i would go. i got an attic and no no noise because you're absolutely no question about it when i get there and here in the countryside you get the very best only organic top quality the catalona you don't grasp no additives nothing bad. yes it is good. the barbecue the meat. the wine. but they could serve us who knows what. we'd probably find it delicious because food always tastes good in company a simple insight not a bad one tina is a good place for such reflection. the food on the road to go or on the spot. from east to west through asia. from north to south across the american continent so many countries sent many kitchens so many people the stories that could hardly be more diverse but there are things that unite them and us and that's good well being a recipe for life. climate change. sustainability. environmental friendships. globalization effect biodiversity species conservation exploitation inequality. human rights displacement. of the global and current of local actually. global three thousand and thirty minutes on d w o. show pair for the twenty first century. any ill treatment of injuries unique interpretation. a dazzling concert and the world of a young piano. are twenty one presents johnny in a tree for now a new show. starting january twentieth on d w. dortmund . favorite teams all the best goals we've got all the action. is the whole of germany but all share the experience everybody. just league of the weekend here w. look united. states.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 08:46:00

straightforward reason for releasing on demand any illegal alien who shows up in our border and their still sending them to their destination city of court choice. therapist (i grew up in southern california and i can't remember from the age i was in high school especially that the left talked openly about the fact that they sought mass illegal immigration as a social justice endeavor. to reduce the voting and economic power of the descendents of the people who founded and settled this country and to bring in people that were the victims in their minds eye of european colonialism and european conquests and western expansionism. they were very open about this and have been for so many years. and so you will just have to excuse me for being outraged to now have major corporate media figures saying as some kind of conspiracy theory there is some demographic or other goal to having a wide open border.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 01:46:00

straightforward reason for releasing on demand any illegal alien who shows up in our border and their still sending them to their destination city of court choice. therapist (i grew up in southern california and i can't remember from the age i was in high school especially that the left talked openly about the fact that they sought mass illegal immigration as a social justice endeavor. to reduce the voting and economic power of the descendents of the people who founded and settled this country and to bring in people that were the victims in their minds eye of european colonialism and european conquests and western expansionism. they were very open about this and have been for so many years. and so you will just have to excuse me for being outraged to now have major corporate media figures saying as some kind of conspiracy theory there is some demographic or other goal to having a wide open border.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 04:46:00

straightforward reason for releasing on demand any illegal alien who shows up in our border and their still sending them to their destination city of court choice. therapist (i grew up in southern california and i can't remember from the age i was in high school especially that the left talked openly about the fact that they sought mass illegal immigration as a social justice endeavor. to reduce the voting and economic power of the descendents of the people who founded and settled this country and to bring in people that were the victims in their minds eye of european colonialism and european conquests and western expansionism. they were very open about this and have been for so many years. and so you will just have to excuse me for being outraged to now have major corporate media figures saying as some kind of conspiracy theory there is some demographic or other goal to having a wide open border.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Daily Global 20240604 18:22:00

significant this moment in european history— significant this moment in european history is _ significant this moment in european history is. because when russia launched — history is. because when russia launched its full—scale invasion of ukraine _ launched its full—scale invasion of ukraine it — launched its full—scale invasion of ukraine it brought an enormous, large—scale conventional warfare back to _ large—scale conventional warfare back to this constant for the first time _ back to this constant for the first time since — back to this constant for the first time since the second world war. in doing _ time since the second world war. in doing so— time since the second world war. in doing so it _ time since the second world war. in doing so it actually breathed life back into — doing so it actually breathed life back into this military alliance. it is not _ back into this military alliance. it is not that— back into this military alliance. it is not that long ago that the french president— is not that long ago that the french president was declaring nato brain dead _ president was declaring nato brain dead no — president was declaring nato brain dead. no one is saying that any more — dead. no one is saying that any more. something else to bear in mind and we _ more. something else to bear in mind and we talk— more. something else to bear in mind and we talk about potential membership of nato for ukraine, is that right _ membership of nato for ukraine, is that right from the get—go, nato was very nervous and dancing a delicate ti-ht very nervous and dancing a delicate tight rope _ very nervous and dancing a delicate tight rope balance about supporting ukraine, _ tight rope balance about supporting ukraine, because it believes it is about— ukraine, because it believes it is about white or european security and russia _ about white or european security and russia must not be victorious in ukraine — russia must not be victorious in ukraine because that could whet its appetite _ ukraine because that could whet its appetite for potential further conquests, but not having this military— conquests, but not having this military alliance based off directly against _ military alliance based off directly against a — military alliance based off directly against a nuclear power that is


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 06:45:00

for all to see. >> there were five statements, from five different women, and those were only the women that they found. there were many, many more. he told two of the girlfriends that he cheated on vicky the day before that they got married, and the day after that they got married. >> he seemed proud of it? >> yes. >> he was very proud of his lifestyle and bragged about it to people, that he could brag about it too and not get in trouble. >> the conquests included a witness and a criminal case. and a woman charged with writing hot checks. he even hit on a rape victims that have come to the police department seeking help. >> so he clearly was not happy in the marriage? >> i think that he was perfectly happy in the marriage. he had what he wanted, he wanted to be married, and particularly married to a rich woman that could keep him up with a style to which he had become accustomed, and he wanted the freedom to have all the girlfriends that he wanted.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 09:18:00

described last year. —— the other bridge that crosses the river was destroyed last year, which will make things very challenging indeed. let's just say this gives the advantage to ukraine, russia under that much pressure from ukraine's forces? i that much pressure from ukraine's forces? , , ,, ., ., , forces? i suppose ukrainians -robabl forces? i suppose ukrainians probably won't _ forces? i suppose ukrainians probably won't be _ forces? i suppose ukrainians probably won't be surprised l forces? i suppose ukrainians . probably won't be surprised that forces? i suppose ukrainians - probably won't be surprised that the dam and the crossing has been destroyed because the russians are preparing to defend their conquests and they are very aware that if the ukrainians ever crossed the stretch of the river, that the crimean peninsula would come very much directly into ukrainian cross hairs, there is a very direct run from the one side where this dam was built. they know the ukrainians will be coming up with some very sophisticated equipment and reconstituted battalions and the


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