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Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20150903

>> and i'm phillip mena. let's get right to that breaking news. police north of chicago overnight on the trail of the suspects responsible for the death of an officer. after reports of suspicious circumstances, they were out in full force for hours searching areas less than ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. despite the activity, a spokesman said the search was not linked to gliniewicz's death. >> as the sun was setting last night, hundreds gathered in fox lake, illinois, to honor gliniewicz. for the first time we heard from his widow who spoke emotionally while surrounded by their four sons. >> every night he came home to me. he was the most wonderful, caring and loving father to our boys. my world got a little bit smaller with his passing. he will truly be missed by all of us. >> blue and black balloons were released into the air. schools in the area are re-opening today. students being asked to wear blue and black to honor gliniewicz. well, more breaking news overnight. a frightening scene at the main airport in moscow. >> 3,000 people were evacuated from the airport because of a fire. heavy smoke filled the terminal after the fire broke out near the baggage area. it's believed to have been started by an electrical short and was quickly brought under control. about 40 departing flights were delayed. also overnight, a show of military muscle in beijing to celebrate the end of world war ii 70 years ago. china's leader promising to reduce the size of the army by 300,000 soldiers. also, new developments in the growing humanitarian crisis in europe. people fleeing africa and the middle east by the thousands risking their lives in search of a better life. at least 12 syrians drowned off turkey yesterday when their boat sank on the way to greece. the body of a young boy among those washing ashore. 350,000 people have crossed into europe illegally this year alone. 2300 of them have died on the way. here at home the kentucky county clerk who refuses to issue any marriage licenses since the supreme court legalized same-sex marriage is in court today. kim davis faces contempt of court charges for refusing to obey a federal judge's order. more from abc's bazi kanani. >> obey the law. >> reporter: the protests are growing at the rowan county clerk's office, police now there to keep order. today the clerk at the center of it all will face a federal judge because of this. >> we are here to get our marriage license. >> so presently we are not issuing marriage license, pending an appeal to the system. >> reporter: again and again kim davis turning away gay couples refusing to issue any marriage licenses after the supreme court's june 26th ruling in support of same-sex marriage. >> under whose authority are you not issuing licenses? >> under god's authority. >> i respect religion. i respect people, people's faith, okay, but this is a civil institution. >> reporter: the battle in this small town in the national spotlight after one of the rejected couples posted this video of their denial online. now viewed more than 1.8 million times. >> i'm willing to face my consequences as you all will face your consequences when it comes time for judgment. >> we don't have consequences. i don't believe -- >> plain and simple. >> not everyone believes what you believe. >> not everybody believes what you believe >> that's your choice. >> if we go to another county then we're saying it's okay to discriminate against us. >> yes. >> and we can't do that. >> reporter: david more and david ermold say they will not give up, but kim davis insists she will not give in. in a statement calling it a heaven or hell decision. >> father, we just pray lord -- >> reporter: her supporters praying and promising to stand by her as she faces fines and possible jail time for disobeying the nation's law. bazi kanani, abc news, washington. in colorado the military is looking into the crash of a black hawk helicopter. it went down in a dense, remote forest near denver. all four soldiers on board were treated for nonlife-threatening injuries. two remain hospitalized. the incident happened during a routine training mission. it could take up to a week to recover the helicopter from where it went down. a high-level meeting later today here in new york between donald trump and the head of the republican national committee. the rnc trying to get trump to agree not to run as a third party candidate. this as trump has stepped up his personal attacks on jeb bush. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: after jeb bush hit donald trump in english and in spanish -- [ speaking spanish ] >> or blah, blah, blah. >> reporter: -- trump slammed bush for speaking spanish telling the conservative, he's a nice man but he hould really set the example by speaking english while in the united states. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife, columba, and more than 37 million other americans. his campaign manager, danny diaz tweeted, "donald trump against spanish. says reagan is not a conservative, looks like a one-man mission to kill the gop." even bush's son jeb jr. has joined the fray via twitter tweeting "can't wait for this summer reality tv show to be over." jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. well, speculation continues to swirl around the presidential aspirations of joe biden. the vice president looking a lot like a candidate during a visit to florida. one source close to him telling abc news it now seems more likely than not biden will run. of course, that means going up against his close friend and former colleague hillary clinton. well, you can call it a major foreign policy victory for president obama. that's what it's looking like. maryland senator barbara mikulski has announced her support of the iran nuclear agreement. that means there are now 34 votes for the accord meaning the president's expected veto of a republican vote to block it cannot be overridden. president obama is on his way home after a three-day visit to alaska. and while he was in the arctic circle, the white house announced actions to understand and lessen the effects of climate change. the president used the slowly sinking town where he was speaking to show the effects of warmer temperatures. he said that if another country were threatening the town, americans would rush to help. the president saw another mishap of sorts yesterday while visiting a fishing village. a salmon began spawning on his shoes. he then picked it up and showed it to reporters, but he made it clear that he had not caught it. he said he didn't want anyone accusing him of telling a fish story. and during a visit to a school, the president watched a cultural performance by the students and then surprised them by joining in on the last dance. he told them he had been practicing, and by the looks of it, he had. >> he seems to be in step with the kids there. >> look at that. >> not bad. well, still ahead, exposing your home and your children to danger. the new concern this morning about hacked baby monitors. and caught on camera, joyride. a driver gets his car back from a mechanic and couldn't believe what he spotted on the dash cam. plus, saved by a smartphone, the iphone that stopped a speeding bullet. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. a man under arrest in miami after caught on camera stealing a package from someone's front door. the homeowner turned out to be a retired police detective who confronted the thief. police say the suspect was picking up his son from a school across the street when he saw u.p.s. drop off the package. he even backed his mercedes into the driveway with his kids in the backseat. well, warning for parent s who use internet seconded baby monitors. a security company found that nine popular models were vulnerable to cyberattack. it makes it possible for hackers to change the camera settings, access stored videos and monitor live feeds. the company says to make monitors more secure, never connect the devices to public wi-fi or use cellular data and just in case, always unplug the machines when not in use. global markets showing signs of recovery overnight. asian markets trading mostly higher and stocks up in europe early on. all this follows a rebound on wall street. the dow adding 293 points yesterday. nasdaq climbing nearly 114. the s&p 500 up 35. the momentum was helped by a report showing american businesses added jobs at a steady pace last month. the government releases its august jobs report tomorrow. and taco bell is going naked by replacing the taco shell with fried chicken. it calls the new menu item the naked crispy chicken taco. inside the breaded chicken are lettuce, tomato, cheese and an avocado ranch sauce. and no need for meat because you're holding it. so far it's only available at two taco bell locations and they are in central california. >> you know i have to ask when the fried tofu out? >> not for awhile. when we come back, a poisonous snake on the loose. where did the king cobra come from? >> and grand slam, a tennis player taking her frustrations out on her racket. if you struggle you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. hundreds of people attended a ceremony yesterday at pearl harbor marking the end of world war ii. it was held aboard "the mighty mo," the "uss missouri" where the japanese surrender was signed. it's now a memorial and museum. attending yesterday were some of the sailors serving aboard the "missouri" on that day in 1945. now for a look at morning road conditions, a wet and windy commute in the northwest. drivers could face flash floods and dust storms in the southwest. a slick ride along coastal texas. wet at times from new orleans to orlando. periods of flooding from chicago into detroit. and if you are flying, it should be easy going. weather-related airport delays are only expected in phoenix. a doctor is on trial in california charged with murder. >> lisa tseng is charged with three counts of second degree murder for prescribing powerful drugs to three men who overdosed. prosecutors say she should have seen the warning signs of drug-seeking behavior. defense attorneys say the two men took the drugs far in excess of their prescription and sometimes combined them with alcohol. the doctor could face life in prison if convicted. a new video raises questions about the so-called hands up shooting in texas. in the first video gilbert flores appears to have his airports raised in the air before deputies shot and killed him. but a second video shows something, possibly a knife, in the suspect's hand. that video has not been made public. during the incident a dispatcher suggested flores wanted to die. court records show flores asked police to kill him during an arrest in 1999. next a crazy scene at a gas station in washington state. the owner went inside but left his car running. a would-be thief jumped in, so the owner got into the passenger seat, and they fought as the car started rolling. they wound up out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was held down until police arrived. he's now facing several charges. a california college student was saved by his iphone literally. it stopped a bullet during an armed robbery at an apartment complex near campus. the phone was in his pants. it doesn't appear this iphone will be making any calls, but amazingly that student was unharmed. >> and i looked at his jeans. it was tore open, and he showed me the phone. the bullet was very clear on the phone, destroyed it and the phone was broken into pieces. >> the robber ran away with the student's laptop and has not been caught. and according to the victim's roommate, the man is so upset that he's now left the area and withdrawn from all his classes. well, a huge poisonous snake lands on the loose this morning after escaping in orlando. the owner of a king cobra like this one reported it missing yesterday afternoon. the snake is about eight feet long and so venomous, one bite can kill an elephant. wildlife officials are canvassing the area. it's near an elementary school and are hoping to find the cobra before anyone gets hurt. that is terrifying. >> yikes. all right, attention, college football fans, the long wait is over. it's been 234 days, not that anyone is counting, since january's national title game, and now a new season begins tonight. >> but first some baseball highlights from espn. good morning. welcome to our "sportscenter" set here in los angeles. clayton kershaw, what a performance for him, 15 strikeouts in a 2-1 win over the giants. >> hey, who is that swinger? carlos beltran, second inning, yankees up 6-1 off ryan cook. his 14th. we got a home run counter going. we'll pick it up at 3. you're going to have to trust me on this one. stephen drew, bird and murphy hit one and two if you want to check the box score. stephen drew used to live here at fenway, then they let him go so that had to feel real good for him. didi gregorius. jackie brady says, i got it, i got it, i ain't got it. five home runs in the game and they win, 13-8. mets taking on the phillies. let's pick this up top of the fifth. phillies with runners on second and third. mets already up 6-0 and roughed up the youngster aaron nola. erik kratz with a double. phillies cut into the lead. it's 6-2 at that point. let's move ahead. top of the seventh. >> we move ahead now to the seventh inning. >> mets up, 7-3. bases empty but darnell sweeney thinks this would be a good time. third home run of the season cuts it to 7-4. matt harvey, 6 1/3, nine get him out of there. cespedes, he's got an arm sleeve that looks like a highlighter and he's got a highlight. his 28th of the season. tenth with the mets. mets win it, 9-4. we're out. back to you. >> you know, after the show i always watch u.s. open highlights from the night before. serena williams into her third round. it's her pursuit of a single season grand slam still alive. but here's the best moment from yesterday. >> this is coco vandeweghe going nuts on her racket after falling way behind in her second round match. and vandeweghe acknowledges the crowd and then slams the racket one more time. >> i love this. vandeweghe eventually lost and afterwards she said, "i definitely had a lot of nervous energy, pent-up frustration and i let it rip." >> the racket has learned its lesson. it will never mess her up again, never. >> oh, boy. coming up next in "the pulse," elephant rampage. this massive animal charging a truck. and a governor photobombed. ? it's you! it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. cook healthy meals... to nurses everywhere, yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. ooh, i thinki saw dessert!... hey! steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you?... honey, he didn't say that!... don't fight your instincts. with each for 150 calories or less, try our lemon bars, brownies and new cheesecakes. fiber one. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. ♪ time now for "the pulse." animal this morning starting with a pachyderm packing a punch. it shows an african bull elephant charging a truck last month in zimbabwe. >> he knocks it around with ease and nearly injures a passenger and the elephant also used his tusks to puncture a tire and the side of the truck then having proved his point, whatever that was, he walks away as if nothing happened. why did the chicken cross the road? >> no clue. >> to create a traffic fowl-up. >> oh. >> get it? >> bah-dum-bum. >> there you go. the california highway patrol was all atwitter about this felonious fowl at the bay bridge toll plaza during rush hour, definitely a free range chicken. >> it apparently created a real flap until it was arrested and put in the back of a patrol car just like any other bird-brained criminal. last we heard it was on the way to a veterinarian. hopefully not someone's dinner table and i wonder if he was a little remorseful. it was definitely a he, not a she. >> there you go. looks like a total thug back there. next up, a beluga whale that clearly loves a crowd. take a look at juno photobombing governor dan malloy. >> the governor was there talking about tourism in the state, but juno was truly the star of the whole show. >> no one actually bothered to tell the governor about the distraction until he was 13 minutes into his 15-minute session. i wonder if he was upset about that. would you like to be told that someone is photobombing your press conference? >> it might have gist tracked him but, see, at least this way he feels like everybody was paying attention. he went through his speech confidently. wouldn't you rather stare at that beautiful animal instead of -- >> i'd like to know. by the way, this happened at the mystic aquarium. wonderful place to go. all right, a woman in tennessee has good reason to think twice before leaving her car windows down again. >> kathy gafford returned to her car to catch a pair of thieves red-handed. check out the bear in the driver's seat holding gaffe ford's purse in her mouth. they polished off her lunch and snacks. >> she was lucky. she said she was more amused than scared. to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide seven million vaccines. make your flu shot make a world of difference. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. daddy! lets play! sorry kids. feeling dead on your feet? i've been on my feet all day. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have a unique gel wave design for outrageous comfort that helps you feel more energized. dr. scholl's. feel the energy! the way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. you could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or, you could make things easier on yourself. that's right, the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. so, let's try this again. what's in your wallet? connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. from boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds, together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good morning at 4:28 on thursday. i am kristen sze. >> i am eric thomas. we will look at weather and traffic starting with weather with meteorologist mike nicco. >> good morning, guys on friday eve. we will look at our roof camera. you can see the winds are blowing. they are bringing dry air in. we do not have much cloud cover this morning. we have winds at 20 miles per hour at sfo and 13 at oakland and napa and 15 at fairfield. we go from 7:00 p.m. for 7:00 this evening it is cooler today than yesterday, 52 to 60 now through 7:00 and 64 at coast. 14 inland and 64 to barely 80 inland by 4:00. grab a coat. a light one. 62 to 72. we find out about the traffic. >> bay bridge toll plaza, no chickens hog to "foul" up the commute contract east bay to san francisco. we do have cars waiting to pay to head into san francisco. in san jose, 87 near julian street, it could not be more empty. unfortunately, in clayton, we have a road closing because of the fatal accident east of morgan territory road a sig-alert is in effect until further notice. >> thank you. it is 4:29. we have breaking news into the newsroom, a marine has been killed and nine hurt when the helicopter made a heartlanding in north carolina at camp lejeune. we will bring you detass they come in and follow us on twitter@abc7newsbayarea. >> this morning, caltrain will test out new electronic signs to install on interstate 880 to give drivers information and keep track of traffic flow. amy? >> you can see the signs, they are not lit up or working yet but they are over interstate 80 in emeryville at the powell street exit where the signs look to be ready. we have a look at what you will see when they light up, video of caltran testing the signs first, smart signs that make the commute safer and more efficient with real time information on traffic conditions. if there is a wreck ahead, it will tell you and help you make informed decisions on your speed and lane. they are


Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20150903

i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. a crazy scene caught on camera at a gas station in washington state. the owner left his car running when he went inside. then a would-be thief jumped in, so the owner got into the passenger seat and then they started fighting as the car starts to roll. the fight then eventually moves out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was then held down until police arrived. he's now facing several charges. more than 100 students and teachers went home sick in the raleigh-durham area. officials say symptoms were similar to the norovirus. the classrooms are being thoroughly cleaned and schools will be open today. health officials are looking into exactly what caused the sickness. a murder trial in los angeles could set a precedent for doctors. be careful what you prescribe. >> experts also worry it may make doctors reluctant to prescribe painkillers at all. mara schiavocampo reports. >> reporter: a california doctor accused of killing patients with prescriptions. lisa tseng facing second degree murder charges in the overdose deaths of thee patients after prosecutors say she ignored several warnings including the overdose deaths of 12 patients overall and continued prescribing powerful painkillers like oxycontin. >> during this period of time, the defendant's practice of prescribing did not change at all. >> reporter: three pharmacists testifying they even reported their concerns to authorities. >> the strengths were high and the quantities were low. >> but defense attorneys say she's not guilty and her patients are ultimately responsible for their own behavior. >> they took excessive doses in some instances, they mixed alcohol, they mixed other drugs. >> reporter: now the patients' families hope cases like this one can help save others. >> don't want anybody else to lose their life because of irresponsible prescribing. >> reporter: mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> if convicted, tseng faces 45 years to life in prison. serious charges. >> doctors traditionally face a civil lawsuit of malpractice, but it's pretty rare that they would face criminal charges. that very notable exception of in the michael jackson case, dr. conrad murray. even he -- that was involuntary manslaughter he was convicted of. like we mentioned earlier, this could set a precedent for doctors everywhere when it comes to prescribing in that way. coming up in our next half hour, the hero teachers. what they did when a student whipped out a gun holding the class hostage. how they got everyone through the excruciating ordeal. first, summer isn't over yet. a wrap-up of the season's best rock 'n' roll concert tours. who was the hottest and who can you still get a ticket to see. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ ♪ yes, it is september. but labor day is still ahead. for millions of us, it is still blazing hot. so really it is still summer, isn't it. >> september's going to be really warm. i've asked viewers not to pray for snow. if you want to keep the summer spirit going, check out the big rock concert performances. our music guru bruno checks out the hottest tickets. bruno de granado. >> hey, guys, this year the hottest ticket belongs to the veterans. of course, one not so newbie who goes by the name of t. swift. ♪ >> reporter: after 142 soldout shows, the eagles are finally winding down their history of the eagles live in concert tour they kicked off in the summer of 2013. clocking in at almost three hours this is the definitive show for anyone who is a fan of the eagles and features the band's greatest hits and some of their lesser known songs. 40 something years after their founding, the eagles are still soaring and higher than ever. ♪ >> reporter: a rolling stone gathers no moss and neither does the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band. ♪ >> reporter: the stones' zip code summer stadium tour launched 51 years after they first toured the u.s. and two years after the last stones' u.s. tour. ♪ ♪ i like it like it yes, i do >> reporter: mick and the boys have been one of stubhub's most in demand tickets and all bets are they'll continue to keep rolling in the years to come. ♪ >> reporter: after a long absence, australia's rock gods acdc returned to u.s. shows with the "rock or bust" world tour which kicked off earlier this year the at coachella. this is a head banging celebration of hard rock at its heaviest, loudest and purest form. let there be rock, courtesy of angus young and company. ♪ ♪ i was raised in a liar's den >> reporter: despite their enormously successful fair thee well shows it looks like members of the grateful dead will keep on trucking. the band came together on their 50th anniversary to play their final slows grossing over $50 million for just five concerts. it was easily one of this summer's hottest tickets. but deadheads don't despair. three of the four surviving members have enlisted john mayer for a new incarnation, dead end company playing at madison square garden on halloween. ♪ >> reporter: and add another accolade to taylor swift's ever growing list. she is now the number-one touring songstress since she starred touring in 2011. ♪ it's no surprise that she's hot this summer. she sold over 500,000 tickets so far this year, and she'll be touring throughout north america this fall. nothing seems to be stopping her from world domination. ♪ >> reporter: i know it's only rock 'n' roll, but we hike it. oh, yes, we do. try and catch some of these amazing entertainers in action. time waits for no one and the summer's still young. back to you guys. >> bruno, thank you so much. bruno is like a casey kasem, don't you think? and we are a bunch of deadheads. heads. >> far out. heads. >> far out. rock on. ♪ look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor... oh you know i love that guy. mmmmhmmm. these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and, there are no networks. is this a one-size fits all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need. and how much we want to spend. call now to request your free [decision guide]. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? i'm in. join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance... plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. don't wait. call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. what'in your intimate life? time is the key. with kids and schedules crossing like this. keeping things interesting can be hard to do. have you ever considered a pleasure gel? it's not something that i've ever needed. pleasure gels are not just for lubrication. it feels warm. this is going to be interesting. ky love creates a new sensation. some playfulness, excitement, which is great for your emotional connection and your relationship as a whole. happy wifey? happy wifey. and now it's time for "the mix." have you and now it's time for "the mix." have you siblings, right? you hope the older you get you might be able to gel a little bit better. rivalry might not be there. but grandmas are 101 and 96 years old. they prove they still have their own bicker fest. take a listen. >> will you shut up a minute? >> what is she saying to me? >> i'm telling you to shut up. >> would you guys ever consider moving in together? >> no. god forbid. >> everybody makes me mad. >> this cracks me up. they have their own youtube channel. this one has more than 2,000 views. they're 101 and 96. they still go at it. >> love her peering over the steering wheel. i'm glad they have this channel because they are hilarious. check it out. they bicker back and forth. it is great to watch. why did the chicken cross the road? >> to go to mcdonald's. >> in northern california, they actually had -- i don't know if they asked them where the chicken was headed but this is a couple of pictures of a chicken wandering around. that looks like in the parking lot but it is actually crossing the road here. police had to intervene and get the chicken out of the road because it was not doing so in a timely fashion. >> no, they didn't. >> so it got popped. it has a record now. it's on probation. as long as it doesn't do anything else wrong, it can go ahead and live its own life, go to mcdonald's. >> was the chicken remorseful after the fact, or not really? >> pretty silent. just a few chirps here and there. >> nice, nice. that was funny. you know one of my favorite songs was from the summer, "i can't feel my face." i'm always humming it. i love that song. it this could be the new song for dentists' offices everywhere. ♪ she told me don't worry about it ♪ ♪ she told me don't worry no more ♪ ♪ we both know we can't go without it ♪ >> that is andrew hmong. he has more than half a million hits since posting it on youtube a few days ago. his local dentist office used their instruments and redid the song. it's hilarious. i think during the commercial break i'm going to play it for you. >> this guy has plenty of others all over youtube. >> yep. "breaking bad" theme. at one point, chemistry equipment. >> all sorts of talent on youtube there. that will do it for "the mix" and the news for this half hour. >> more news coming up from abc. stay with us. this half hour. >> moore news coming up from th this morning on "world news now," marriage standoff. more same-sex couples denied by the county clerk still refusing to issue marriage licenses. why today she may no longer have a choice as she faces a judge. breaking overnight, manhunt changes course. police searching for the suspects in the tragic death of a beloved officer. his wife's emotional message just ahead. and new this half hour, is joe biden dropping hints? as the nation waits for his decision to run or not, the vice president gets support from a would-be adversary. new developments ahead. and dancing days are here again. the new lineup of "dancing with the stars" is set. find out who rounds out the ballroom hopefuls in "the skinny" on this thursday, september 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now." our top story this half hour is the kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. >> kim davis appears in court today for a contempt of court hearing. alex perez reports that despite a court order, davis is sticking to her guns. >> reporter: county clerk kim davis defiant, her husband at her side armed with a handgun tucked in his waistband. waiting for her inside, another gay couple looking for a marriage license. >> your interpretation of the bible does not trump the constitution. >> no, this is not. [ chanting ] >> reporter: davis asking a federal judge to allow her to deny marriage licenses to same sex couples while her case makes its way through the courts. the controversial clerk catapulted to the spotlight in july with this cell phone video. david moore and david ermold arriving for a marriage license. >> if i can mention, i have the letter from the governor's office stating that all the county clerks are to issue marriage licenses. i also have the supreme court ruling. >> reporter: davis turning them away. they tried again in august and again same result. when you heard her say she's working under god's authority, what did you think? >> you are not in the church. i respect religion. i respect people, people's faith. okay? but this is a civil institution. >> reporter: but in this small town of about 6900 people, kim davis has her supporters, too. >> i'm standing behind her because i believe she is right. she's following god's law and i believe that trumps all. >> reporter: and the u.s. attorney here saying it's time for davis to follow the law. thursday a judge could decide if she will be held in contempt of court. alex perez, moorhead, kentucky. breaking news in the search for suspects in the killing of a police officer just north of chicago. police on the ground and in the air after reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. last night, hundreds gathered to honor and remember gliniewicz who was known as g.i. joe. his wife speaking about his publicly for the very first time. >> joe was my best friend in my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 1/2 years. he was my rock as much as i was his rock. >> reporter: gliniewicz leaves behind four sons. he was planning to retire at the end of this month. at that vigil last night, the mayor of fox lake said he'll miss gliniewicz' daily comments especially the one in which he reported being vertical and caffeinated. a new video raises questions about the so-called "hands up" shag in texas. in the first video, the suspect gilbert flores appears to have his arms raised in the air before sheriff's deputies shot and killed him. a second video reportedly appears to show something, possibly a knife, in flores' hand. that video has been sent to a state crime lab for analysis. court records show flores asked police to kill him before and during an arrest in 1999. the justice department is releasing a final report on the police response to the unrest in ferguson, missouri, following the death of michael brown. the scathing report flushes out a draft version that came out in june and blasts ferguson police for poor community relations, infringing on rights and using military-style tactics and found the police response offered lessons how not to handle mass demonstrations. there is an escalating bar of words between donald trump and jeb bush. trump said that bush should set a good example and speak english while in the united states. this comes a day after bush spoke spanish to supporters in florida. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife columba as well as more than 37 million other americans. speculation continues to grow over whether vice president joe biden will join the race. he tested the political waters during a fund-raising trip to florida. here's abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: in this key battleground, did joe biden drop a hint? >> people who aren't willing to risk failing never succeed. >> reporter: the vice-president looking a lot like a candidate during his first roadtrip since he began quietly exploring a possible 2016 bid. behind the scenes, biden land is heating up, his supporters hiring staff. one source close to him telling abc news it now seems more likely than not that biden will run. challenging not just a political ally but a friend. biden and hillary clinton working side by side for years. just last week, the democratic front-runner, offering nothing but praise. >> i have a great deal of admiration and affection for him. >> reporter: will he or won't he? it's a decision that may not come until the end of the month. one of the things weigh ing heavily in this decision is the death of his son beau. biden recently telling supporters his heart and soul has to be in this decision. right now he says he is pretty banged up. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. president obama is on his way home from a three-day visit to alaska. while he was in the arctic circle, the white house wants to lessen the effects of climate change. mr. obama used the slowly sinking town to show the effects of warmer temperatures. he said if another country were threatening the town, americans would rush to help. i thought he was going to walk on a glacier but he did not. i was slightly worried what the secret service would think about this. apparently he walked to a glacier on tuesday. he did not walk on one. >> important distinction. >> we would call them it the wallenda brothers if that was the case. during a visit to a school, the president watched a cultural performance by students and joined in on the last dance. he told them he had been practicing and it appears he really had. looks pretty good. look at that. >> nice. >> he's got rhythm. >> yeah, he always has. serena williams is safely through to the third round of the u.s. open, but she did struggle a bit yesterday afternoon against her dutch opponent. williams double faulted ten times and made two dozen more unforced errors, but she did pull out the win in straight sets trying to become the first player to win all four grand slam tournaments in a single season since 1988. >> her older sister, venus, also advanced to the third round. one woman who didn't, cocoa vandeweghe. >> here she is losing her mind, going nuts on her racket after falling behind in the first set of her second round loss. vandeweghe acknowledges the crowd, as you saw, took a bow, kept slamming it. >> forget that racket. she lost the match 6-2, 6-1. afterwards she said i definitely had a lot of nervous pent up and i let it rip. sure d. maybe the wwe will call. >> she also had a little bug about to climb up and had to make sure it would not. >> is that what it was? a little mosquito? coming up, "the skinny." the familiar face who rosie o'donnell is reportedly dating first the actions taken at a school. the teacher who kept her students safe while staring down the barrel of a gun. later, the surprising trend of newly divorced couples taking selfies. i don't get it but the amicable splits apparently they say it's too nice to be true. we'll explain. but first, here's today's weather. "world news now" weather brought to you by fixodent plus true feel. " weather brought to you by fixodent plus true feel. like your natural teeth. but, when you eat tough food, the denture moves. oh no! this shouldn't happen. try fixodent plus adhesives. their superior hold helps your denture work more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't that the dog's towel? 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it just seems a little bit edgy and maybe a little racy? pleasure gels are for couples just like you. ky love creates a new sensation. sometimes it can be fun to incorporate something new because it brings you even closer emotionally. wow. i like the way this feels. so do you think you'd try it? i think so. a video posted on facebook showing a high school football coach and nearly 20 players in georgia being baptized before practice last month. critics say because they're from a public school, it crosses the line. school administrators weren't aware it was going to happen. they will take appropriate measures. one person called it a soulful bonding experience. a huge poisonous snake is on the loose in orlando. the owner of a king cobra like this one reported it escaped within the past 24 hours. the missing snake is about eight feet long and so venomous one bite can kill an elephant. wildlife officials are canvassing the area near an elementary school hoping to find it before anyone gets hurt. >> near a school? it can get into a pipe, in through the toilet. >> anywhere, yeah. it makes it that much more scary. >> i would not be going to school. yes, it's scary. it makes me -- we talk about every teacher's other nightmare a student holding a gun and her class who the taj. >> a west virginia woman last week not only kept her cool but resolved the situation peacefully and talked about it with our friend t.j. holmes. >> it was just nine days into the new school year and phillip barbour high school in west virginia goes on a lockdown situation. the hostages according to police, twyla smith and her class of 27 students. the hostage-taker, a freshman who walked in and put a gun to smith's head. >> he said that he was going to kill people and himself. >> reporter: what were you in there talking to him about? >> i just kept asking him to let everybody leave and he and i would stay, anything i could think of. telling him he hadn't gone too far. >> reporter: when the bell rang, other students began knocking on the door but smith turned them back and signaled another teacher, jen swift. >> he was standing by the bulletin board with the gun raised toward my head and said, "you can get in here, too." >> reporter: smith ran for help. smith now credited with keeping her students alive. >> when they walk in here, we're supposed to teach them and we're supposed to take care of them. >> reporter: for these two teachers, job well done. t.j. holmes, abc news, philippi, west virginia. >> look at mr. holmes in his element there. >> that teacher, she had been teaching for three decades and guess what, all of this didn't traumatize her, she was back the next day in school teaching after really her heroic actions. >> that's incredible. the teachers -- it accepts suddenly. it's unsuspected. there's obviously no plan. have you fire drills and tornado drills but not often drills for somebody who takes your entire class hostage. i'm such a big fan of teachers on this show. we never express enough gratitude for teachers. don't forget, school starting up, say thank you to those teachers because they do so much more than we realized. >> that kid who is a freshman is now facing charges. he's in juvenile detention facility. he actually was not in that class, but his ex-girlfriend who he had just broken up with was in there. that's why he went in there. teenage kid couldn't handle the breakup, walked in and did that. won't be going back to school, that's for sure. not that one. up next, a "dancing with the stars" shocker. >> a new lucille ball movie. who is set to play the redhead. "the skinny" up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stat ♪ ♪ skinny, so skinny topping "the skinny" this morning, the final four surprise contestants on the new season of "dancing with the stars" were revealed on "good morning america." >> two reality tv stars among them. kim zolciak from "real housewives of atlanta" should add spice to the cast. and tamar braxton who shares the limelight with her sisters on the show "braxton family values." the third celebrity contestant, paula deen, making a career comeback after her racial comments and the biggest surprise, alek skarlatos. look at him. of course, you remember one of the three american heroes from that train attack in france. just two weeks ago, the national guardsman just back from afghanistan was apparently added at the last minute. and dancing host tom bergeron joked he might double as security. >> how his life has changed in the last couple weeks is incredible. he was out there, this really scary situation happens. he handles it in an incredible way and now has all the honors. you've seen him on red carpets. well deserved. >> interesting to see paula deen back, too. we haven't seen much of her. i'll be interested to see how it goes. >> and can they dance which is the big question. there are two celebrity names they are reported to be in a relationship. rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal. this report coming from "people" magazine saying they've been romantically involved for about two months now. rosie's reps, though, say they are just friends. but so did -- i remember kermit and his rep said that he's just friends with his new girl. >> who knows. a rough few months for rosie. she separated from her second wife in november. her daughter ran away last month. tatum, divorced from tennis great john mcenroe, revealed that she is dating mostly women now. >> rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal are in two of my favorite baseball movies of all time. rosie o'donnell in "league of their own," and tatum was the kid pitcher in "bad news bears." >> i forgot about that one. >> walter matthew, terrific performance. ran a little tidbit. >> speaking of movies, an authorized br i -- bio-pic about the comedian lucille ball is in the works and cate blanchett has agreed to play lucy. >> according to the wrap, the move will chronicle her 20-year marriage to desi arnaz with whom she created the "i love lucy" show. one of the most influential tv sitcoms of all time. the couple had two children and divorced in 1960. it is their children producing this film. >> that should be really good. cate blanchett is not known as a comedic actress. that should be interesting. no word who will be cast to play desi. aaron sorkin is in talks to write the movie. it's are early and not clear when the movie would be released. i would love to see it. the fact her children are producing it might make it to a really authentic movie. >> perfect casting. she -- i can already see it. >> a good actress. all right justin bieber fans beliebers, you there? you can be fanatic about your boy. now the model who stars in his latest video says she's getting death threats. here's why. take a look. ♪ what do you mean ♪ you nod your head yes ♪ but you want to say no ♪ what do you mean >> is that zenia deli? >> i think so, his love interest in the video. she was doing her job and didn't expect so much hate online. some fans are loyal to selena gomez. his one-time girlfriend. >> i remember. i can't stop thinking about that. >> people are saying back off. the two were seen having dinner in l.a. last month and he had glowing things to say about her. inquiring minds. coming up, taking photos. we'll explain. plain. but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists. with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're 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couples are making the announcement on social media with one final selfie. >> oh, boy. >> sara haines on what could be a new trend. >> reporter: it's the post breakup phenomenon taking social media by storm. divorcees ditching their marriage and saying i do to divorce selfies. finding a silver lining in splitsville by turning a heartbreaking situation into a fun photo op. >> a light-hearted way to announce your divorce in one shot. and also let people know that they don't have to feel awkward around you. >> reporter: this is florida couple keith and michele knight on their wedding day. fast forward three years, they're happily divorced. >> the most amicable, easy-going divorce in history. >> reporter: the exes sealing the deal with a selfie right outside the courtroom. >> she said you want to take a selfie? as a joke. and i said, why not? sharing this photo with a caption, "here's to the most friendly respectful and loving split imaginable." the response? >> 99% positive. we're celebrating the fact that we can move forward. >> reporter: but keith and michele not the only ones showing divorce can have a happy ending. comedian couple shannon and chris newman declaring their 11-year marriage officially over by snapping a selfie outside this calgary courthouse thursday. >> we high-survived and did -- high-survived and did a silly selfie and wont our way. >> reporter: in a matter of days, the candid photos gone viral, shared on facebook a whopping 36,000 times and counting. >> it shocked me that other people were responding to it. >> reporter: shannon hopes her kids will appreciate it, too, when they're older. >> i think they'll recognize that we love them. we'll always work really hard to be -- this makes me cry, to be their parents. >> reporter: the selfies proving divorce doesn't have to be ugly. sara haines, abc news, new york. >> there's one way to get it done. >> i kind of get it now after seeing the piece. shannon who was mentioned in the piece says love your kids more than you hate your ex. >> there you go. if there are no kids involved, my friends ever get divorced, congratulations. they usually feel that way. they're happy to do it. that's one way. you got to post something before you do that status change because then it gets weird. >> then we're talking social media etiquette. >> we'll be right back. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. >> that's what we're doing. >> we'll be right back. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two decades. good morning. i'm phillip mena. >> i'm reena ninan. here's some of the top headlines we're good morning. i'm phillip mena. >> i'm reena ninan. here's some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." president obama now has enough votes on capitol hill to overcome republican efforts to block the nuclear deal with iran. details coming up. all six baltimore police officers charged in the death of freddie gray will stand trial. a judge refused to dismiss the charges or remove the prosecutor in the case that sparked violent protests and rioting. the clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is in court today. she's facing contempt charges. kim davis also wants the same judge to issue an emergency injunction while she fights her case in court. and president obama is heading back to washington from alaska during his three-day trip, he called for action against climate change. he said its effects can already be seen in alaska. those are some of our top stories on this thursday, september 3rd. from abc, this is "world news now." good morning to you. we begin with a major foreign policy victory. we weren't sure if the white house would be able to pull it off but it looks like they are. >> president obama now has enough votes on capital to block an expected effort by republicans to vote down the nuclear treaty with iran. with more, here's abc's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: good morning. this is a big deal for the obama administration. the last senator needed to support the iran nuclear deal has come forward. the iran nuclear deal is now secure. the senate votes are in to assure the agreement makes it through a congressional challenge. at least 34 senators say they will back president obama's expected veto of a republican resolution to disapprove the deal. in a statement, senator barbara mikulski said no deal is perfect. i have concluded that this joint comprehensive plan of action is the best option available to block iran from having a nuclear bomb. >> even before the ink on the agreement was dry, we started being bombarded by myths about what the agreement will and won't do. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry defended details of the deal in philadelphia. >> judge for yourself the difference between where we were two years ago and where we are now. and where we can be in the future. >> reporter: the administration continues its efforts to drum up support on capitol hill. there are still ten democratic senators who have not said how they'll vote. >> if this agreement is voted down, those who vote no will not be able to tell you how many centrifuges iran will have next year or the year after. >> reporter: he adds trust and hope is not part of the deal. he says it's based on very specific matters that will be verified for the lifetime of the agreement. >> without this agreement, the iranians would have several potential pathways to a bomb, with it, they won't have any. >> reporter: in about two weeks, lawmakers will vote on a resolution of disapproval. most republicans say they will vote against the deal. reena, phillip? >> more breaking news now in the search for suspects in the killing of a police officer north of chicago. police on the move overnight both on the ground and in the air after reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. last night, hundreds gathered in fox lake, illinois, to honor lieutenant gliniewicz. surrounded by their four sons, his widow called him her best friend and hero. a new development in the "hands up" shooting near san antonio. deputies responding to a domestic violence call shot the suspect. a cell phone video shows him with his hands up. now there are doubts that the video tells the whole story. abc's matt gutman reports. >> reporter: in that instant before he was fatally shot friday, was there something in gilbert flores' left hand? that cell phone video at the heart of this case showing flores's hands up but his left hand is blocked by that pole. a second video is being examined but authorities are not releasing it. >> we believe that mr. flores had a knife in his hand. >> reporter: in that first video seconds after the shooting, the officer on the right seems to kick something away. was it a knife? >> the male that called it in assaulted his wife and child. >> reporter: flores seemingly running amok. >> he's trying to get into a patrol vehicle. he's threatening suicide by cop. >> reporter: before it all ended. >> suspect down at this time. additional shots fired. >> reporter: down but not dead. it all could have been so much clearer had the deputies on the scene had one of these, a body camera. county officials voted to buy more of these. meanwhile, the d.a. is telling us that all charges are on the table including murder. matt gutman, los angeles. in north carolina financial compensation for two brothers who spent more than 30 years in prison for a crime they did not commit. 51-year-old henry mccollom and his half-brother leon brown will get $750,000 each and the state will the also pay for them to go back to school. they were convicted of raping and killing an 11-year-old girl back 1983, but they were released last year after new dna evidence pointed to another man. more than two dozen former and current north carolina prisoners have filed a federal lawsuit saying they were systematically abused and humiliated. among the most outrageous allegations, torture by hot sauce. the inmates say they were forced to ingest hot sauce that sometimes left blisters in their mouths and they say it was also rubbed on their private parts. they are suing correction officials as well as the state. and now to the growing crisis in europe. its borders buckling as it faces the largest migration since world war ii. refugees fleeing africa and the middle east desperately trying to escape civil wars back home. we take you to turkey where syrians are taking dangerous risks with their families in search of safety. abc's molly hunter is there with their story. >> reporter: 3-year-old salaam is ready for his first boat ride. his parents worry how they'll hold him and make sure he doesn't slip into the water on the dangerous and wet ride to greece. he's one of thousands risking everything. 350,000 people have crossed into europe illegally this year and so many little ones. here, waiting at the beach with their father before their first boat ride. they don't know how the to swim. >> reporter: yes, he says, he has his doubts. we went back to the beach that night, but smugglers don't want cameras around. we are just hiking out to where we hear that refugees are taking off for the greek island. we tried the next night hiking to a different beach. 3 app, here they come. hiding in bushes, the coast is now clear. they carry out a small, flimsy, rubber boat. and within minutes, they paddle off silently, not a word, no motor. just behind me, we saw a family get into a very small rubber boat and take off for the greek island of kos. it's just ten miles away and could be the most important ten miles of their lives. here, another boat, overcrowded in the predawn hours. it 26-year-old mustafa sent us this video. he arrived safely just yesterday at a different greek island. but not everyone makes it. at least 2300 people have lost their lives this year. and wednesday, 11 more. the children, their corpses washing up on the beach, the same beach we were at just a few days ago. but running from death at home, they keep coming. hoping something better lies ahead. molly hunter, abc news, in southern turkey. actor dean jones has died. he's best remembered as the star of many lighthearted disney comedies in the 1960s and 70s starting with "that darn cat." the most successful was "the love bug" featuring a volkswagen with human traits. jones also worked on broadway and television and in other movies including "clear and present danger" and "beethoven." he was 84. it might be hard to get your mind around three trillion of anything, but researchers at yale have found that's how many trees are on the planet. eight times as many as earlier estimates. they found we're removing about 15 billion trees a year with perhaps only 5 billion being planted back. call it revenge on big game hunters. a new video shows an african bull elephant charging a safari truck last month in zimbabwe. he knocks it around easily and nearly injuries a passenger. the elephant also used his tusks on a tire as well as the side of the truck, and then having proved his point, whatever that point was, he walks away as if nothing happened. they know. they're smart, animals are smart. >> they don't forget. >> they don't forget. it's been a mostly quiet trading session across asia today following a bounce back session on wall street. stocks rebounded nicely yesterday from tuesday's big plunge. the dow posting a 293-point gain. nasdaq up nearly 114. the momentum was held by a report showing american businesses added jobs at a steady pace last month. the government releases its august jobs report tomorrow. all right. one stock that did rather well in yesterday's rally was mcdonald's. it was up nearly 3% on the news about their all-day breakfast. that had ronald mcdonald getting down. >> i can't believe this one. there he is. he's doing the whip and nae nae with some youngsters at micky d's in detroit. ronald mcdonald showing his moves. that's not the nae nae. there you go. >> he didn't only stick to the new stuff though. he also did the hustle. see with the women, the hustle? just to be clear, this was actually last week though, not yesterday. after the market closed but who cares? we're seeing ronald mcdonald do his thing. even more impressive with those big shoes. >> it's hard to do the nae nae with big red shoes. >> but people all over the country dancing just like that after hearing the news. >> after hearing about ronald mcdonald -- >> it was trend ing all day on twitter. it's a big deal. >> now they're going to say ronald is too street for mcdonald's. remember yesterday. >> i think he's always been hood though. yeah, mcdonald's is in every hood. there's nothing more street than mcdonald's. coming up, cashing in your old toys. we'll dive into the toy box to see which of our childhood faves are treasures and which you can just toss in the trash can. and the nanny accused of murder who spent years behind bars. how she was eventually found not guilty. but first, here's a look at today's weather. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" weather brought to you by belsomra. brought to you by belsomra. and now i'm going to get them to milsmell my shirt.uys, smells good yesterday i washed my clothes in new downy fresh protect. it's like deodorant, for your clothes. you just throw it in with your detergent, it neutralizes odor on the spot new downy fresh protect feel free to be yourself all day.... just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. jake, put that downten up! point it at the ground til your ready that's not the ground leo put that down when your day goes on and on, you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel. ♪ when school was germy back in session ♪a flu ♪ ♪ those germs were shared with you ♪ this school year, trust lysol wipes and spray: approved to kill over 45% more types of germs than clorox. we've gotpeptocopter! ummy town. ♪ when cold cuts give your belly thunder, pink relief is the first responder, so you can be a business boy wonder! ♪ fix stomach trouble fast with pepto. >> the thief is under arrest here in miami after he was caught on camera. you see stealing a package from one someone's front door. the homeowner turned out to be a retired police detective. he didn't hesitate to confront the man and call 911. the suspect was picking up his son from a school across the street when you saw the ups delivery. he was bold enough to back up his mercedes in the driveway while his kids were in the back seat. a california student saved by his iphone. it stopped a bullet during a robbery near campus. the phone was in his pants pocket. it does appear that that iphone will not be making any calls, but the student was unharmed. the robber did get away with his laptop and has not been caught. thank you, siri. a former nanny from ireland is blasting prosecutors here in the u.s. after she spent two and a half years in jail for murder. >> the young woman has been cleared of the charges and is back home still very much shaken by the ordeal. >> after spending more than two years behind bars awaiting trial for a crime, authorities now say she did not commit, ashley mccarthy is now a free woman. >> she's absolutely thankful to the medical examiner's office for doing this rereview. >> reporter: justice long overdue after the former nanny was arrested and charged with murder in 2013 when 1-year-old ray ma sa beer seen in this -- rayma sabier, seen in this picture, died suddenly. prosecutors sustained the baby sustained brain damage consistent with shaken baby syndrome. the examiner ruled the death a homicide, but just last week overturning the initial findings saying the baby's past medical issues raised the possibility she had some type of disorder that was not able to be completely diagnosed prior to her death. and given the uncertainties can no longer rule the manner of death as a homicide. prosecutors immediately dropping all charges monday. >> we where the evidence takes us. when the evidence changes we have to consider that. >> reporter: the family could not be reached for comment. now mccarthy is returning to her native country of ireland. >> she has to try to rebuild her reputation. >> mccarthy was visited in jail by other parents of whom children that she took care of. >> but what's really troubling also because she overstayed her visa, it could be more than ten years before she can visit her husband who lives in the boston area. tough case to follow. coming up, could your toy chest be a treasure chest? how to turn childhood favorites into big bucks. >> meet one collector who says toys could be better investments than the stock market. i want to hear this one. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. "world news now" continues after this from our abc well, if you have kids or well, if you have kids or remember your own childhood, you probably have a houseful of toys. wouldn't it be nice if you could get back some of the money you spent on them. >> it is possible to turn old toys into cash and sometimes a lot of it. abc's becky worley checks it out. >> reporter: dave from new jersey grew up in the '70s and cleaning out his parents' garage recently took him straight back in time. >> pretty much every single toy that i had is still here. >> reporter: but are such recent toys worth anything? enter jordan, aka the toy hunter. >> toys are a better investment than the stock market because toys go up in value. >> reporter: he says toys stir up nostalgia. >> wow, okay. bobafet, awesome. >> reporter: "star wars". >> wow. wait a minute. this is cool. these old retro t-shirts? >> reporter: and big franchises like "star wars," my little pony are coming back. >> all the little numbers at 20, $15 adds up. the whole box is about $100. >> reporter: next working toys especially the sounds. they trigger our emotions and get people to open their wallets. >> the nostalgia i totally get it. galaxia was my favorite arcade game and it works. this is worth $50 to $75. >> reporter: for dave these items are treasured memories. >> i bought that in disney world in 1979. we still have the price tag on it. >> reporter: 24 bucks in 1979? >>. >> reporter: that paid off. the jackpot. you've got all these beautiful disney figurines. these are bought at the park? >> yep. >> you've got a beautiful set. worth about $500. >> total number on all of these toys, what's your estimate? >> i would say on everything probably about $1900, almost $2,000. >> amazing. >> reporter: becky worley, abc news, new york. >> i collected baseball cards more than toys. they're not even worth the cardstock they're printed on anymore. >> not even the stick of gum? >> no. >> do you have any toys that were your favorites? >> i wish i had saved my strawberry short cake toys or cabbage patch dolls. >> they had lunch pails. remember alf? thunder cats. he man. >> save the boxes apparently that's where all the money is if you have all the pieces. >> save the boxes, no fun but you'll make money. >> more news coming up. >> more news coming up. boxes, no fun but you'll make money. >> more news coming up. i'm so busy, i have two kids. we hit the pillow and pass out. have you considered using a pleasure gel? no we never have. we never tried one. so one product i think you guys would love, ky yours and mine. there is one warming and one tingling. when they combine hd-5-1490 hd-5-1490 all over again. is this something you'd try to spice things up? tonight. i've got two reasons to take that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. it's from daddy. sfx: dad's voice i love you baby girl. duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices so you can always be there. ♪ you think your car smells fine, but your passengers smell this eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and breathe happy. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. ♪ feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. ♪ the final four celebrities the final four celebrities on the upcoming season of "dancing with the stars" revealed. and it is a diverse cast this year. >> all 13 stars have less than two weeks to rehearse before they hit the floor for the first time. brandi hitt is in los angeles with the new lineup. hey, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. what a diverse cast this season. most of these celebrities have no dance experience whatsoever. you can see the nerves start to kick in a little bit with less than two weeks until their first performance. actors, a jockey, even an american hero will kick up their heels for season 21 of "dancing with the stars." >> i hope i learn a lot. >> that's alek skarlatos one of three american who's took down a terror suspect on a paris bound train. ♪ >> reporter: "ain't nobody," chaka khshacchaka khan is also g against andy grammer and nick carter, back street boy. then there's celebrity chef paula deen returning to the spotlight two years after a racial slur controversy. >> this is the first time in a few years that i felt like my weight would allow me to participate. alexa penavegaing is competing against carlos penavega. >> i'm cleansing you prosecutor and gary busey seen in entourage has his shoes ready. >> getting my pants sturdy so they can swoop like seaweed. >> hayes grier is taking on jockey victor espinoza. kim zolciak, bindi irwin tamar braxton. >> i'm used to crocodiles. >> all getting ready to hit the ballroom and compete for that mirror ball trophy. >> bindi irwin is one of the youngest stars this season at 17, and hayes greer is just 15. you can watch the first round of competition when "dancing with the stars" premieres september 14th on abc. phillip and reena? >> thank you so much. it's a good mix of people. i'm curious about bindi irwin. >> i'm going to make it a point to watch this season and i already have the guy i'm rooting for. gary busey, if it can't be me, it's going to be gary busey. >> it could be us. don't rule us out yet. i've been practicing more than two weeks for that. >> go practice some more. acticing more than two weeks for that. >> go practice some more. ce some more. this morning on "world news now," the search for the alleged cop killer continues. >> but the massive manhunt may have changed course. breaking overnight, authorities focusing on a new location as emotions run high. the slain officer's family speaking out. new overnight, hard landing. an army black hawk helicopter goes down in a forest. injuring the soldiers inside as investigators try to piece together what happened. donald trump and jeb bush battling it out in a war over words. trump telling bush you shouldn't be speaking spanish. this latest round of political jabs taking a tough turn. and the sounds of summer still going strong. we've got a roundup for you of the hottest concert tours and even though the young acts have been grabbing headlines, classic rockers are grabbing ticket sales. for those about to rock, we salute you on this thursday, september 3rd. from abc news this is "world news now." i should say for those about to rock, we salute you, an acdc song. >> i would try but i can't go there with that. young voices. >> it's too much. >> you cannot duplicate that. who's angus young then? guitar player i was told. there you go. there you go. >> you're not a rocker. >> clearly not. i went for it, swung and missed. >> swinging, right? what was it? you missed every shot you don't take. >> michael jordan i think. we'll move on from the sports analogies. we have breaking news. we're focusing on an area right now in the search for three alleged cop killers just north of chicago that the search is intensifying at this hour. >> police in the air and on the ground responding overnight to reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from the village where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed. >> earlier hundreds gathered in a fox lake, illinois, park for a vigil in memory of lieutenant gliniewicz. gio benitez has more. >> reporter: the three suspects in the shooting death of police lieutenant joe gliniewicz still at large. new audio obtained by wls appears to capture gliniewicz's last call from this isolated back road. >> i'm out near the old concrete plant checking it out. >> reporter: it all started tuesday. the lieutenant reported seeing the three suspicious men. he says he is pursuing them on foot into a swamp area and just moments later calls for backup. >> did you need a second opportunity? >> yeah, go ahead and start somebody. >> reporter: two backup units arrive on the scene, and minutes later, they find gliniewicz unresponsive on the ground about 50 yards from his car with a gunshot wound. >> send everybody you possibly can. officer is down. >> reporter: the shooting launching this massive manhunt from the air and from the ground. k-9 units and s.w.a.t. teams. investigators are now turning to the evidence. in fact, right here at the crime scene you can see them searching for any clues. the lead investigator saying they will turn over every leaf in this desolate swampy area. the widow of the fallen father of four speaking out for the first time at a vigil for her husband. >> joe was my best friend, my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 1/2 years. >> reporter: an emotional message as authorities warn residents to be aware of anything out of the ordinary. >> shot a police officer. i think that speaks for itself. extremely dangerous. >> reporter: investigators have been looking at surveillance videos and want to see if they can spot the men before crime or after the crime. so far, they have not been able to see them in any of the recordings. gio benitez, fox lake, illinois. a manhunt is also under way near boston after a man shot at a police cruiser. the squad car crashed into a tree and burst into flames yesterday afternoon, but the officer behind the wheel was not hurt. polices in massachusetts say the shots came from the driver of a maroon pickup truck. as a precaution, schools in the town will be closed today. a middle school had received two threatening phone calls but they're not believed to be related to the shooting incident. a judge refused to dismiss charges against six baltimore police officers in the death of freddie gray. a 25-year-old black man whose spine was nearly severed while in custody. the judge rejected calls to remove the prosecutor from the case. that sparked the worst rioting in baltimore since the '60s. he ruled the officers can have separate trials. charges range from reckless endangerment to murder. as the pretrial hearing got under way, protesters called for justice and change. at least one man was arrested after the demonstrators blocked traffic and faced off with a line of police officers. the military is looking into the crash of a black hawk helicopter in colorado. it went down in a dense remote forest area near denver. all four soldiers on board the helicopter were injured. but none of their injuries were life-threatening. the incident happened during a routine training mission. they say it could take up to a week to recover the helicopter from where it went down. this was a major foreign policy victory for president obama. maryland senator barbara mikulski has announced her support of the iran nuclear agreement. that means there are 34 votes for the accord meeting that the president's expected veto of a republican vote to block it cannot be overridden. a high-level meeting later today here in new york between donald trump and the head of the republican national committee. the rnc trying to get trump to agree not to run as a third party candidate. trump has stepped up personal attacks on jeb bush. here's abc's jonathan carl. >> reporter: after jeb bush hit donald trump in english and in spanish -- [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: -- trump slammed bush for speaking spanish telling the conservative he's a nice man, but he should really set the example by speaking english while in the united states. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife columba and more than 37 million other americans. bush's campaign manager, danny diaz, tweeted, "donald trump against spanish? says reagan's not a conservative? looks like a one-man mission to kill the gop." and he tweeted this video using trump's own words against him. >> hillary clinton is a terrific woman. i've known herr for years. >> in no time, a trump video using jeb's own words. >> do you recognize the commitment of someone who has devoted her life to public service? i want to say thank you to both secretary clinton and president clinton. >> reporter: after weeks of ignoring donald trump, jeb bush and his campaign is going right at him. even bush's son, jeb jr., has joined the fray via twitter tweet, "i can't wait for this summer reality tv show to be over." jonathan carl, the white house. new details about the shooting of a texas teenager by a rookie cop last month. autopsy results showed that christian taylor likely used a psychedelic drug and marijuana prior to the deadly confrontation at a texas car dealership. the officer has since been fired, but his attorney says this new evidence should have the department reconsidering. now to the biggest synthetic drug bust in the history of washington, d.c. police seized more than 260 pounds of a blueberry flavored drug labeled i know this sounds odd, it's called bizarro. that's the name of the drug. has a street value of more than $2.3 million. they also arrested two men as they confiscated nearly 20,000 packets of the drugs from a storage facility. they believe the shipment came from the west coast. the kentucky court clerk who won't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is seeking help from a higher power. a federal judge. kim davis is asking for an emergency injunction while her case goes to court. she says her religious beliefs stop her from issuing the licenses despite an order from kentucky's governor. that same federal judge presides today over a contempt of court hearing. electric car sharing is under way in indianapolis. it's called blue indy. 26 charging stations are now open. most of them downtown. eventually, there will be 200. drivers can pick a car up at one location and drop it off at another. they're charged by the minute with a 20-minute minimum. charges start at $4 plus a membership fee. as a general rule, whenever somebody calls a press conference, the press gathers, that official expects to get paid 100% attention. let's say here's an example of things not going the way you expect. >> check out connecticut governor dan malloy being photo bombed by a beluga whale. he was talking about tourism in his state. >> that whale there, we call him juno, was the star of the whole show. no one bothered to tell the governor about the distraction until he was 13 minutes into his 15-minute session. even beluga whales need fame every now and then. >> can you imagine what he was thinking the whole time? he probably thinks i'm giving the most captivating speech on tourism this state has ever seen. everybody enthralled. >> at the mystic aquarium in mystic, connecticut, by the way which is a fantastic place. great to bring the kids. >> interesting thing to look at though. coming cup later in the mix," a fair of feisty great grandmothers trying to beat each other in a bicker fest. the doctor accused of killing patients with prescriptions, but was she just doing her job? later, summer of the show. find out which concerts are the biggest tickets in town and why age is just a number when it comes to rocking the stage. and remember, you can see us work behind the scenes on instagram on abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." on abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." what do you got to offer us today? ♪balance transfer that's my game♪ ♪bank you never heard of, that's my name♪ haa! thank you. uh, next. watch me make your interest rate... disappear. there's gotta be a better way to find the right card. whatever kind you're searching for, lets you compare hundreds of cards to find the one that's right for you. just search, compare, and apply at ♪a one, a two, a three percent cash back♪ that detergand we'll have to like half thuse like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. a a crazy scene caught on camera at a gas station in washington state. the owner left his car running when he went inside. then a would-be thief jumped in, so the owner got into the passenger seat and then they started fighting as the car starts to roll. the fight then eventually moves out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was then held down until police arrived. he's now facing several charges. more than 100 students and teachers went home sick in the raleigh-durham area. officials say symptoms were similar to the norovirus. the classrooms are being thoroughly cleaned and schools will be open today. health officials are looking into exactly what caused the sickness. a murder trial in los angeles could set a precedent for doctors. be careful what you prescribe. >> experts also worry it may make doctors reluctant to prescribe painkillers at all. mara schiavocampo reports. >> reporter: a california doctor accused of killing patients with prescriptions. lisa tseng facing second degree murder charges in the overdose deaths of thee patients after prosecutors say she ignored several warnings including the overdose deaths of 12 patients overall and continued prescribing powerful painkillers like oxycontin. >> during this period of time, the defendant's practice of prescribing did not change at all. >> reporter: three pharmacists testifying they even reported their concerns to authorities. >> the strengths were high and the quantities were low. >> but defense attorneys say she's not guilty and her patients are ultimately responsible for their own behavior. >> they took excessive doses in some instances, they mixed alcohol, they mixed other drugs. >> reporter: now the patients' families hope cases like this one can help save others. >> don't want anybody else to lose their life because of irresponsible prescribing. >> reporter: mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> if convicted, tseng faces 45 years to life in prison. serious charges. >> doctors traditionally face a civil lawsuit of malpractice, but it's pretty rare that they would face criminal charges. that very notable exception of in the michael jackson case, dr. conrad murray. even he -- that was involuntary manslaughter he was convicted of. like we mentioned earlier, this could set a precedent for doctors everywhere when it comes to prescribing in that way. coming up in our next half hour, the hero teachers. what they did when a student whipped out a gun holding the class hostage. how they got everyone through the excruciating ordeal. first, summer isn't over yet. a wrap-up of the season's best rock 'n' roll concert tours. who was the hottest and who can you still get a ticket to see. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. i'm a gas service my nrepresentative. n. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california. ♪ ♪ ♪ yes, it is september. but labor day is still ahead. for millions of us, it is still blazing hot. so really it is still summer, isn't it. >> september's going to be really warm. i've asked viewers not to pray for snow. if you want to keep the summer spirit going, check out the big rock concert performances. our music guru bruno checks out the hottest tickets. bruno de granado. >> hey, guys, this year the hottest ticket belongs to the veterans. of course, one not so newbie who goes by the name of t. swift. ♪ >> reporter: after 142 soldout shows, the eagles are finally winding down their history of the eagles live in concert tour they kicked off in the summer of 2013. clocking in at almost three hours this is the definitive show for anyone who is a fan of the eagles and features the band's greatest hits and some of their lesser known songs. 40 something years after their founding, the eagles are still soaring and higher than ever. ♪ >> reporter: a rolling stone gathers no moss and neither does the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band. ♪ >> reporter: the stones' zip code summer stadium tour launched 51 years after they first toured the u.s. and two years after the last stones' u.s. tour. ♪ ♪ i like it like it yes, i do >> reporter: mick and the boys have been one of stubhub's most in demand tickets and all bets are they'll continue to keep rolling in the years to come. ♪ >> reporter: after a long absence, australia's rock gods acdc returned to u.s. shows with the "rock or bust" world tour which kicked off earlier this year the at coachella. this is a head banging celebration of hard rock at its heaviest, loudest and purest form. let there be rock, courtesy of angus young and company. ♪ ♪ i was raised in a liar's den >> reporter: despite their enormously successful fare thee well shows it looks like members of the grateful dead will keep on trucking. the band came together on their 50th anniversary to play their final slows grossing over $50 million for just five concerts. it was easily one of this summer's hottest tickets. but deadheads don't despair. three of the four surviving members have enlisted john mayer for a new incarnation, dead end company playing at madison square garden on halloween. ♪ >> reporter: and add another accolade to taylor swift's ever growing list. she is now the number-one touring songstress since she starred touring in 2011. ♪ it's no surprise that she's hot this summer. she sold over 500,000 tickets so far this year, and she'll be touring throughout north america this fall. nothing seems to be stopping her from world domination. ♪ >> reporter: i know it's only rock 'n' roll, but we hike it. oh, yes, we do. try and catch some of these amazing entertainers in action. time waits for no one and the summer's still young. back to you guys. >> bruno, thank you so much. bruno is like a casey kasem, don't you think? and we are a bunch of deadheads. heads. >> far out. heads. >> far out. heads. >> far out. rock on. ♪ look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor... oh you know i love that guy. mmmmhmmm. these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and, there are no networks. is this a one-size fits all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need. and how much we want to spend. call now to request your free [decision guide]. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? i'm in. join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance... plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. don't wait. call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. what'in your intimate life? time is the key. with kids and schedules crossing like this. keeping things interesting can be hard to do. have you ever considered a pleasure gel? it's not something that i've ever needed. pleasure gels are not just for lubrication. it feels warm. this is going to be interesting. ky love creates a new sensation. some playfulness, excitement, which is great for your emotional connection and your relationship as a whole. happy wifey? happy wifey. and now it's time and now it's time for "the mix." have you siblings, right? you hope the older you get you might be able to gel a little bit better. rivalry might not be there. but grandmas are 101 and 96 years old. they prove they still have their own bicker fest. take a listen. >> will you shut up a minute? >> what is she saying to me? >> i'm telling you to shut up. >> would you guys ever consider moving in together? >> no. god forbid. >> everybody makes me mad. >> this cracks me up. they have their own youtube channel. this one has more than 2,000 views. they're 101 and 96. they still go at it. >> love her peering over the steering wheel. i'm glad they have this channel because they are hilarious. check it out. they bicker back and forth. it is great to watch. why did the chicken cross the road? >> to go to mcdonald's. >> in northern california, they actually had -- i don't know if they asked them where the chicken was headed but this is a couple of pictures of a chicken wandering around. that looks like in the parking lot but it is actually crossing the road here. police had to intervene and get the chicken out of the road because it was not doing so in a timely fashion. >> no, they didn't. >> so it got popped. it has a record now. it's on probation. as long as it doesn't do anything else wrong, it can go ahead and live its own life, go to mcdonald's. >> was the chicken remorseful after the fact, or not really? >> pretty silent. just a few chirps here and there. >> nice, nice. that was funny. you know one of my favorite songs was from the summer, "i can't feel my face." i'm always humming it. i love that song. it this could be the new song for dentists' offices everywhere. ♪ she told me don't worry about it ♪ ♪ she told me don't worry no more ♪ ♪ we both know we can't go without it ♪ >> that is andrew hmong. he has more than half a million hits since posting it on youtube a few days ago. his local dentist office used their instruments and redid the song. it's hilarious. i think during the commercial break i'm going to play it for you. >> this guy has plenty of others all over youtube. >> yep. "breaking bad" theme. at one point, chemistry equipment. >> all sorts of talent on youtube there. that will do it for "the mix" and the news for this half hour. >> more news coming up from abc. stay with us. this half hour. >> moore news coming up this morning on "world news now," marriage standoff. more same-sex couples denied by the county clerk still refusing to issue marriage licenses. why today she may no longer have a choice as she faces a judge. breaking overnight, manhunt changes course. police searching for the suspects in the tragic death of a beloved officer. his wife's emotional message just ahead. and new this half hour, is joe biden dropping hints? as the nation waits for his decision to run or not, the vice president gets support from a would-be adversary. new developments ahead. and dancing days are here again. the new lineup of "dancing with the stars" is set. find out who rounds out the ballroom hopefuls in "the skinny" on this thursday, september 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now." our top story this half hour is the kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. >> kim davis appears in court today for a contempt of court hearing. alex perez reports that despite a court order, davis is sticking to her guns. >> reporter: county clerk kim davis defiant, her husband at her side armed with a handgun tucked in his waistband. waiting for her inside, another gay couple looking for a marriage license. >> your interpretation of the bible does not trump the constitution. >> no, this is not. [ chanting ] >> reporter: davis asking a federal judge to allow her to deny marriage licenses to same sex couples while her case makes its way through the courts. the controversial clerk catapulted to the spotlight in july with this cell phone video. david moore and david ermold arriving for a marriage license. >> if i can mention, i have the letter from the governor's office stating that all the county clerks are to issue marriage licenses. i also have the supreme court ruling. >> reporter: davis turning them away. they tried again in august and again same result. when you heard her say she's working under god's authority, what did you think? >> you are not in the church. i respect religion. i respect people, people's faith. okay? but this is a civil institution. >> reporter: but in this small town of about 6900 people, kim davis has her supporters, too. >> i'm standing behind her because i believe she is right. she's following god's law and i believe that trumps all. >> reporter: and the u.s. attorney here saying it's time for davis to follow the law. thursday a judge could decide if she will be held in contempt of court. alex perez, moorhead, kentucky. breaking news in the search for suspects in the killing of a police officer just north of chicago. police on the ground and in the air after reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. last night, hundreds gathered to honor and remember gliniewicz who was known as g.i. joe. his wife speaking about his publicly for the very first time. >> joe was my best friend in my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 1/2 years. he was my rock as much as i was his rock. >> reporter: gliniewicz leaves behind four sons. he was planning to retire at the end of this month. at that vigil last night, the mayor of fox lake said he'll miss gliniewicz' daily comments especially the one in which he reported being vertical and caffeinated. a new video raises questions about the so-called "hands up" shag in texas. -- shooting in texas. in the first video, the suspect gilbert flores appears to have his arms raised in the air before sheriff's deputies shot and killed him. a second video reportedly appears to show something, possibly a knife, in flores' hand. that video has been sent to a state crime lab for analysis. court records show flores asked police to kill him before and during an arrest in 1999. the justice department is releasing a final report on the police response to the unrest in ferguson, missouri, following the death of michael brown. the scathing report flushes out a draft version that came out in june and blasts ferguson police for poor community relations, infringing on rights and using military-style tactics and found the police response offered lessons how not to handle mass demonstrations. there is an escalating bar of words between donald trump and jeb bush. trump said that bush should set a good example and speak english while in the united states. this comes a day after bush spoke spanish to supporters in florida. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife columba as well as more than 37 million other americans. speculation continues to grow over whether vice president joe biden will join the race. he tested the political waters during a fund-raising trip to florida. here's abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: in this key battleground, did joe biden drop a hint? >> people who aren't willing to risk failing never succeed. >> reporter: the vice-president looking a lot like a candidate during his first roadtrip since he began quietly exploring a possible 2016 bid. behind the scenes, biden land is heating up, his supporters hiring staff. one source close to him telling abc news it now seems more likely than not that biden will run. challenging not just a political ally but a friend. biden and hillary clinton working side by side for years. just last week, the democratic front-runner, offering nothing but praise. >> i have a great deal of admiration and affection for him. >> reporter: will he or won't he? it's a decision that may not come until the end of the month. one of the things weigh ing heavily in this decision is the death of his son beau. biden recently telling supporters his heart and soul has to be in this decision. right now he says he is pretty banged up. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. president obama is on his way home from a three-day visit to alaska. while he was in the arctic circle, the white house wants to lessen the effects of climate change. mr. obama used the slowly sinking town to show the effects of warmer temperatures. he said if another country were threatening the town, americans would rush to help. i thought he was going to walk on a glacier but he did not. i was slightly worried what the secret service would think about this. apparently he walked to a glacier on tuesday. he did not walk on one. >> important distinction. >> we would call them it the wallenda brothers if that was the case. during a visit to a school, the president watched a cultural performance by students and joined in on the last dance. he told them he had been practicing and it appears he really had. looks pretty good. look at that. >> nice. >> he's got rhythm. >> yeah, he always has. serena williams is safely through to the third round of the u.s. open, but she did struggle a bit yesterday afternoon against her dutch opponent. williams double faulted ten times and made two dozen more unforced errors, but she did pull out the win in straight sets trying to become the first player to win all four grand slam tournaments in a single season since 1988. >> her older sister, venus, also advanced to the third round. one woman who didn't, cocoa vandeweghe. >> here she is losing her mind, going nuts on her racket after falling behind in the first set of her second round loss. vandeweghe acknowledges the crowd, as you saw, took a bow, kept slamming it. >> forget that racket. she lost the match 6-2, 6-1. afterwards she said i definitely had a lot of nervous pent up and i let it rip. sure d. maybe the wwe will call. >> she also had a little bug about to climb up and had to make sure it would not. >> is that what it was? a little mosquito? coming up, "the skinny." the familiar face who rosie o'donnell is reportedly dating first the actions taken at a school. the teacher who kept her students safe while staring down the barrel of a gun. later, the surprising trend of newly divorced couples taking selfies. i don't get it but the amicable splits apparently they say it's too nice to be true. we'll explain. but first, here's today's weather. "world news now" weather brought to you by fixodent plus true feel. " weather brought to you by fixodent plus true feel. like your natural teeth. but, when you eat tough food, the denture moves. oh no! this shouldn't happen. try fixodent plus adhesives. their superior hold helps your denture work more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't that the dog's towel? 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it just seems a little bit edgy and maybe a little racy? pleasure gels are for couples just like you. ky love creates a new sensation. sometimes it can be fun to incorporate something new because it brings you even closer emotionally. wow. i like the way this feels. so do you think you'd try it? i think so. a video posted on facebook a video posted on facebook showing a high school football coach and nearly 20 players in georgia being baptized before practice last month. critics say because they're from a public school, it crosses the line. school administrators weren't aware it was going to happen. they will take appropriate measures. one person called it a soulful bonding experience. a huge poisonous snake is on the loose in orlando. the owner of a king cobra like this one reported it escaped within the past 24 hours. the missing snake is about eight feet long and so venomous one bite can kill an elephant. wildlife officials are canvassing the area near an elementary school hoping to find it before anyone gets hurt. >> near a school? it can get into a pipe, in through the toilet. >> anywhere, yeah. it makes it that much more scary. >> i would not be going to school. yes, it's scary. it makes me -- we talk about every teacher's other nightmare a student holding a gun and her class who the taj. >> a west virginia woman last week not only kept her cool but resolved the situation peacefully and talked about it with our friend t.j. holmes. >> it was just nine days into the new school year and phillip barbour high school in west virginia goes on a lockdown situation. the hostages according to police, twyla smith and her class of 27 students. the hostage-taker, a freshman who walked in and put a gun to smith's head. >> he said that he was going to kill people and himself. >> reporter: what were you in there talking to him about? >> i just kept asking him to let everybody leave and he and i would stay, anything i could think of. telling him he hadn't gone too far. >> reporter: when the bell rang, other students began knocking on the door but smith turned them back and signaled another teacher, jen swift. >> he was standing by the bulletin board with the gun raised toward my head and said, "you can get in here, too." >> reporter: smith ran for help. smith now credited with keeping her students alive. >> when they walk in here, we're supposed to teach them and we're supposed to take care of them. >> reporter: for these two teachers, job well done. t.j. holmes, abc news, philippi, west virginia. >> look at mr. holmes in his element there. >> that teacher, she had been teaching for three decades and guess what, all of this didn't traumatize her, she was back the next day in school teaching after really her heroic actions. >> that's incredible. the teachers -- it accepts suddenly. it's unsuspected. there's obviously no plan. you have fire drills and tornado drills but not often drills for somebody who takes your entire class hostage. i'm such a big fan of teachers on this show. we never express enough gratitude for teachers. don't forget, school starting up, say thank you to those teachers because they do so much more than we realized. >> that kid who is a freshman is now facing charges. he's in juvenile detention facility. he actually was not in that class, but his ex-girlfriend who he had just broken up with was in there. that's why he went in there. teenage kid couldn't handle the breakup, walked in and did that. won't be going back to school, that's for sure. not that one. up next, a "dancing with the stars" shocker. >> a new lucille ball movie. who is set to play the redhead. "the skinny" up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny, so skinny topping "the skinny" this morning, the final four surprise contestants on the new season of "dancing with the stars" were revealed on "good morning america." >> two reality tv stars among them. kim zolciak from "real housewives of atlanta" should add spice to the cast. and tamar braxton who shares the limelight with her sisters on the show "braxton family values." the third celebrity contestant, paula deen, making a career comeback after her racial comments and the biggest surprise, alek skarlatos. look at him. of course, you remember one of the three american heroes from that train attack in france. just two weeks ago, the national guardsman just back from afghanistan was apparently added at the last minute. and dancing host tom bergeron joked he might double as security. >> how his life has changed in the last couple weeks is incredible. he was out there, this really scary situation happens. he handles it in an incredible way and now has all the honors. you've seen him on red carpets. well deserved. >> interesting to see paula deen back, too. we haven't seen much of her. i'll be interested to see how it goes. >> and can they dance which is the big question. there are two celebrity names they are reported to be in a relationship. rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal. this report coming from "people" magazine saying they've been romantically involved for about two months now. rosie's reps, though, say they are just friends. but so did -- i remember kermit and his rep said that he's just friends with his new girl. >> who knows. a rough few months for rosie. she separated from her second wife in november. her daughter ran away last month. tatum, divorced from tennis great john mcenroe, revealed that she is dating mostly women now. >> rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal are in two of my favorite baseball movies of all time. rosie o'donnell in "league of their own," and tatum was the kid pitcher in "bad news bears." >> i forgot about that one. >> walter matthew, terrific performance. ran a little tidbit. >> speaking of movies, an authorized bio-pic about the comedian lucille ball is in the works and cate blanchett has agreed to play lucy. >> according to the wrap, the move will chronicle her 20-year marriage to desi arnaz with whom she created the "i love lucy" show. one of the most influential tv sitcoms of all time. the couple had two children and divorced in 1960. it is their children producing this film. >> that should be really good. cate blanchett is not known as a comedic actress. that should be interesting. no word who will be cast to play desi. aaron sorkin is in talks to write the movie. it's are early and not clear when the movie would be released. i would love to see it. the fact her children are producing it might make it to a really authentic movie. >> perfect casting. she -- i can already see it. >> a good actress. all right justin bieber fans beliebers, you there? you can be fanatic about your boy. now the model who stars in his latest video says she's getting death threats. here's why. take a look. ♪ what do you mean ♪ you nod your head yes ♪ but you want to say no ♪ what do you mean >> is that zenia deli? >> i think so, his love interest in the video. she was doing her job and didn't expect so much hate online. some fans are loyal to selena gomez. his one-time girlfriend. >> i remember. i can't stop thinking about that. >> people are saying back off. the two were seen having dinner in l.a. last month and he had glowing things to say about her. inquiring minds. coming up, taking photos. we'll explain. but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists. with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. more "sit" per roll. more "stay" per roll. more "who's training who" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. skwhat are you doing? 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>> now some modern couples are making the announcement on social media with one final selfie. >> oh, boy. >> sara haines on what could be a new trend. >> reporter: it's the post breakup phenomenon taking social media by storm. divorcees ditching their marriage and saying i do to divorce selfies. finding a silver lining in splitsville by turning a heartbreaking situation into a fun photo op. >> a light-hearted way to announce your divorce in one shot. and also let people know that they don't have to feel awkward around you. >> reporter: this is florida couple keith and michele knight on their wedding day. fast forward three years, they're happily divorced. >> the most amicable, easy-going divorce in history. >> reporter: the exes sealing the deal with a selfie right outside the courtroom. >> she said you want to take a selfie? as a joke. and i said, why not? sharing this photo with a caption, "here's to the most friendly respectful and loving split imaginable." the response? >> 99% positive. we're celebrating the fact that we can move forward. >> reporter: but keith and michele not the only ones showing divorce can have a happy ending. comedian couple shannon and chris newman declaring their 11-year marriage officially over by snapping a selfie outside this calgary courthouse thursday. >> we high-fived and did a silly selfie and wont our way. >> reporter: in a matter of days, the candid photos gone viral, shared on facebook a whopping 36,000 times and counting. >> it shocked me that other people were responding to it. >> reporter: shannon hopes her kids will appreciate it, too, when they're older. >> i think they'll recognize that we love them. we'll always work really hard to be -- this makes me cry, to be their parents. >> reporter: the selfies proving divorce doesn't have to be ugly. sara haines, abc news, new york. >> there's one way to get it done. >> i kind of get it now after seeing the piece. shannon who was mentioned in the piece says love your kids more than you hate your ex. >> there you go. if there are no kids involved, my friends ever get divorced, congratulations. they usually feel that way. they're happy to do it. that's one way. you got to post something before you do that status change because then it gets weird. >> then we're talking social media etiquette. >> we'll be right back. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. >> that's what we're doing. >> we'll be right back. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two making news in america this morning, breaking overnight, police converging in one area in the urgent manhunt for suspects in an officer's murder. the search intensifying as the widow breaks her silence. also breaking overnight, a chaotic scene inside an airport. smoke-filled terminals, panicked passengers and thousands of people evacuated. new details just in. close call. an iphone with a smashed screen destroyed by a bullet. its owner saved the smartphone. and caught on camera, a pachyderm's power on full display. the elephant lifting a truck with people inside. well, good thursday morning.


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20150903

criticism. and opening up, the top player in tennis gets down with a fan after a victory at the u.s. open. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, september 3rd, 2015. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm marlie hall in for anne-marie green. this morning the latest chapter in europe's growing migrant crisis is playing out in hungary. thousands of desperate migrants are pushing and shoving their way into budapest's main train station as police ended their blockade. the terminal was shut to the migrants since tuesday preventing them from boarding other trains to parts of europe. charlie d'agata joins us by phone from the budapest station. charlie, we're looking at the pictures. it's certainly a chaotic scene. what's the latest there? >> reporter: it is chaos. what happened is there were hundreds standing there. now, at the first opportunity, they ran into the train station that they've been locked out of for a couple of days and they started jumping on train, one in particular, which they believe, is headed to germany. nobody here is telling them that it is going to germany. nobody's telling them where it's going at all. we went onto the train itself and started speaking to people. they're desperate to know. in fact, there aren't any international trains leaving from here. their biggest concern for the people on the strap -- by the way, it's extraordinarily sweltering inside that train. it's difficult for the elderly and so many young children on the stain. they're afraid they're going to be put in holding camps and that they'll have to register. they're worried by it that potentially they're being tricked, tricking into getting onto this train in the hope that it's an internationally bound train and they'll be taken to a cam top be processed. >> >> charlie, what are the migrants saying on that train? >> reporter: again, they're asking me where they're going. you're talking about tiny babies. they've been here for a week or more. so they're thinking, well, whatever the situation is, we can't stay here any longer. i asked one man. i said if they're taking you to a camp, would that be better than this. he said, yes, if that's my fate, i have to go there. i can't be here any longer. they've waited so long to get on any train. no matter where it's going, they're going to stay on that one in the hopes that it's better than this. >> a dramatic and heart-wrenching scene. thank you. three men remain on the run this morning. the search for the men expanded overnight in the area near the small town of fox lake but officials admit they're not sure the suspects are still in the area. last night a vigil was held for the popular veteran officer known as g.i. joe. brad edwards has our report. >> we love you, joe. >> reporter: a grieving community is trying to make sense of tuesday's killing of police lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz. >> he truly is just a local hero. that's about the only word that can really state it. >> reporter: the decorated officer's widow and sons attended the vigil. >> my world got a little bit smaller with his passing and he'll truly be missed by all of us. >> reporter: g.i. joe as he was known as was chasing the three men when he was shot to death. >> reporter: this quiet community is on edge. schools here were closed on wednesday as the search for the officer's killer intensifies. at least 100 investigators are on the ground. they're searching homes, railroad tracks, and swampy woods, but they're hampered by the limited description glyn witsz provided of the suspects. they say they won't rest until they find his killer. >> the community, the men and women in blue, we're going to find them. >> reporter: lieutenant gliniewicz was set to retire at month's end. the county clerk in kentucky who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples will be in court today facing contempt charges. kim davis refuses to obey a federal court order and faces possible jail time or a fine. she maintains signing a same-sex marriage certificate goes against her faith. yesterday another gay couple tried to get a license and was turned away. >> my parents love my, my family loves me. i have a lot of support, a lot ofof susupppporort,t, and t thi heartbreakakining.g. >> davis refu today he'll meet with the chairman of the republican national committee. don champion has more. >> reporter: the head of the republican party will try to convince donald trump today to sign a pledge supporting the party's eventual nominee. >> you're not going make the pledge. >> i will not make the pledge at this time. >> reporter: the republican front-runner refused to make that promise during the first gop debate leaving the door open for a third party run. jeb burke sought the moment called trump a germ phone and a democrat in disguise. he even questioned trump's political ties in spanish in miami. in true trump fashion he challenged bush to set an example by speaking english in the united states. >> people who aren't willing to risk failing never succeed. >> reporter: all eyes are on joe biden. he brushed off questions about whether he was entering the presidential race. >> people are trying to look at hillary clinton's approval ratings at least among americans and say, you know, she's getting weaker and there might be an opening for him there. >> the latest poll shows democrats consider biden their first choice over clinton. in another poll clinton does better among moderates, african-americans, and hispanics. >> later he'll meet with jewish leaders in florida and go to atlanta tonight to try to drum up more support for the iran deal. marley? >> don champion in new york. thank you so much. coming up on "cbs this morning," we'll discuss donald trump with one of his rivals senator rand paul. he's now gotten enough votes to secure the nuclear deal with iran. senator mikulski has siepd. they'll deal with it to secure it as much as possible. coming up on the "morning news," film fight, they deny softening the message of the critical nfl. later, the egg effect, how t this is the "cbs morning news." menu may worsen a shortage. this is the "cbs morning news." because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. still not sure whether to stay or go on that business trip? ♪ should i stay or should i go well this fall stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new i'm feeling lucky. today is the day. i knew it! (robot voice) activate probe. no way! three rye chips and a breadstick! cook healthy meals... yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. china displayed its military mite with massive tanks, missiles, and soldiers in beijing today. it marks the defeat of japan in world war ii 70 years ago. chinese president used the occasion to promise to cut 300,000 troops. a new justice department report is being released today on the police response to unrest in ferguson, missouri, last summer. the report says the situation in ferguson provides lessons in how not to handle mass demonstrations. it cites military-style tactics that antagonize demonstrators and police orders that infringed on first amendment rights. the report also portrays poor police/community relations and ineffective communications between law enforcement agencies. six baltimore police officers will face separate trials in the death of freddie gray. at a pretrial hearing the judge ruled that the trials for the officers could go forward. he refused to dismiss the charges and also refused to remove state's attorney marilyn mosley from the prosecution team. gray suffered a fatal spinal cord injury while in custody in april. on the "cbs moneywatch," tesla drives down the cost of its electric car, and mcdonald's all-day breakfast menu could drive up egg prices. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, jill. >> good morning, marlie. stocks in asia rallied. tokyo's nikkei added half a percent. stocks on wall street finished yesterday broadly higher, rebounding from tuesday's big losses. the dow gained 293 points, the s&p finished 35 points higher, and the nasdaq gain 113 points. that's about 2.5%. tesla motors plans to introduce a lower cost model of its electric car in march. dubbed model 3, the price begins at $35,000. that's about half the price tesla's current model "s." production will begin in march. orders will be taken in march. production won't begin for about two years. hulu is offering an ad-free service. users will be able to watch movies and shows without commercials for $12 a month. customers with existing subscriptions can upgrade for $4 a month. the move puts hulu in more direct competition with netflix, which also has an ad-free subscription service. arby's is apologizing after one of its employees refused to serve a police officer. the incident happened at an arby's in south florida. an employee refused to serve a sergeant at an arby's drive-through because she was an officer. arby's says disciplinary action will be taken. mcdonald's serving breakfast all day could make the egg supply problem even worse. restaurants are already struggling to get eggs, and prices have spiked following the worst flu outbreak in history. serving breakfast all day means mcdonald's will use a lot more eggs. when it began selling apples, it soon became the largest seller and buyer of fruit. marlie? all right. jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. thanks so much. straight ahead, community fund racer. stephen colbert one-ups jeb bush on his late show. and victory dance, novak djokovic shows us some new moves with a tennis fan. us some new moves with a tennis fan. riasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . the name of their favorite brand or flavor, but they do know, dinner time is special! find the right food for your pet at petsmart. right now, save up to $6 on select bags of of your pet's favorite dog and cat food brands. petsmart®. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. you turned on the lights and gave their biggest boogeyman a name. >> that's a clip from the upcoming will smith movie "concussion." it tells the story of the doctor who discovered the deadly effects repeated head trauma has had on nfl players. some have called it a movie the nfl doesn't want you to see, but now the filmmakers are denying claims they soft pedalled some details in order to appease the league. sony pictures calls the u.s.xreport that portions of the film were blunted misleading. the nfl is set to kick off next week, and when "thursday night football" returns to cbs, fans will have a new view of the action on the feel. cameras will be placed in those orange pylons you see on the goal line. they'll give you a look at whether or not the ball has crossed into the end zone. they'll also show you plays along the sidelines. you'll get your first look at those cameras in two weeks when "thursday night football" returns. the denver broncos go to kansas city to take on the chiefs. that's september 17th, starting at 8:25 eastern right here on cbs. at the u.s. open serena williams takes another step toward history. the top ranked women's player overcomes some early trouble to win her second round match over kiki bertens in two sets. williams is trying to become the first woman since 1988 to win all four grand slam events in a calendar year. meanwhile the top ranked men's player celebrates his second round victory with a fan. novak djokovic williamed a supporter out of the stands following his three-stand win. djokovic and the fan get down with a towel on the arthur ashe court. afterward djokovic gave the fan an "i love new york" shirt. this is the "cbs morning news." with the "cbs morning news." helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. ,,,, forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ taylor swift's latest video "wildest dreams" is a huge online hit reaching more than 18 million views since it was released on sunday, but the pop star and the video's producers are taking heat over what some say is a whitewash portrayal of colonial africa. critics contend that it's stereotypical presentation of a painful period in africa's history. npr published a scathing column published for not casting any black actors, but the video's director is fighting back. in a statement joseph kahn said, quote, the reality is not only were there people of color in the video but the key creatives who worked on this video are people of color. stephen colbert is running a raffle, making fun of a contest being run by republican presidential candidate jeb bush. bush will be one of colbert's first guests on the "late show." the prize in the bush contest is a vip ticket to colbert's premiere. entrants have to donate at least $3 to bush's campaign, and colbert isn't happy about it. >> i think the contest is great idea, but here's the thing. no one from jeb's campaign asked me if this is okay to raise money off my first show. where's my cut of that sweet three bucks, governor, huh? where's this stuff? house always gets its baek wet. where's the big, gov. i'm sorry i'm yelling, but, again, you're the one who put an exclamation mark at the end of your name. >> the winner of colbert's contest will also get to ask bush a non-obscene question. and, of course, the premiere of the "late show" with stephen colbert premieres next week on cbs. two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief for... ...fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do... ...every day. live claritin clear. >>mine hurt more..ear. >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand. president obama joined in some traditional dances with children in dillingham, alaska. he is the first sitting american president to visit the u.s. arctic circle. the president is due back at the white house this morning. the president also visited with two women who were fishing for salmon. mr. obama picked up a fish, and the camera captured video of it spawning on his shoes. the president thought it was funny, but the visit had a serious goal of promoting the importance of environmental protection. a chicken tried to cross the road in california but ended up stopping traffic. it happened during rush over yesterday morning on the san francisco oakland bay bridge. an mack vick of our san francisco affiliate kpix reports. >> reporter: this was one of many nail-biting moments in a very eggciting morning commute. the chp officers chasing a chicken at the toll plaza. it had been running loose for four hours when officers finally closed in. >> it's a little bit different for a bridge, but -- >> reporter: for much of the morning the hen was hilarious and clearly a lane carpool lane violation. people didn't know what to do. they couldn't help but stop a car to snap photos for the social media. in the same time chp decided to let social media figure out why they did cross the road. and each person who did try out to catch that chicken soon found out how tough it really was. >> i said, let him run around. he knows how to dodge cars. he's been dodging cars all morning for hours and hours. >> reporter: as this wild goose chase continued traffic backed up for miles, but finally with enough officers in place, the chicken was cornered, and that free range chicken was free no more. people who saw her taken into custody were thankful for the happy ending. >> he's appreciative, you know. lucky rooster. >> that was ann makovic reporting. another animal was a surprise guest at a news conference. connecticut governor dan malloy was speaking at mystic aquarium when a beluga whale photobombed him. juneau seemed very curious as he hovered against the glass. he even decided to stay for the entire event. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," the controversy over a mass baptism held on the football field of a public high school. plus, we'll show you the largest animal bridge in american designed to save mountain lions living in the los angeles area. and your fall movie preview. a look at the upcoming blockbusters and awards contenders. that's the "cbs this morning" "cbs this mornin "cbs morning news" for this thuray. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. i'm marlie hall. thanks for watching. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning. thank you so much for waking up with us. we start off with a live look at the golden gate bridge. nice to see some cars up and out. >> one. >> two, three maybe. >> it's thursday, that means the weekend is almost here. i'm maria medina. >> hooray for that, right? >> right. >> okay. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. >> we're a little slow this morning. >> it is 4:30. happy thursday, everyone. gianna is back in the fold and roberta is here to tell us about what wonderful thursday we have. >> i don't know what happened. the time just flew by this morning, right? okay. so let's get to the weather so i can go finish combing my hair. as you look out the door, we have a layer of low clouds and fog at the coast. temperatures are very mild in the 60s except san jose at 59. it's 54 in santa rosa. and later today, if you thought it was refreshing on wednesday, it will be equally as nice today. 60s beaches, 70s bayside and peninsula, nearly 80 inland. the weekend forecast is minutes away. jumping over to the roadways right now, we do have a traffic alert this morning. chp is shut down both


Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20150903

a fan after a victory at the u.s. open. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, september 3rd, 2015. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm marlie hall in for anne-marie green. this morning the latest chapter in europe's growing migrant crisis is playing out in hungary. thousands of desperate migrants are pushing and shoving their way into budapest's main train station as police ended their blockade. the terminal was shut to the migrants since tuesday preventing them from boarding other trains to parts of europe. charlie d'agata joins us by phone from the budapest station. charlie, we're looking at the pictures. it's certainly a chaotic scene. what's the latest there? >> reporter: it is chaos. what happened is there were hundreds standing there. now, at the first opportunity, they ran into the train station that they've been locked out of for a couple of days and they started jumping on train, one in particular, which they believe, is headed to germany. nobody here is telling them that it is going to germany. nobody's telling them where it's going at all. we went onto the train itself and started speaking to people. they're desperate to know. in fact, there aren't any international trains leaving from here. their biggest concern for the people on the strap -- by the way, it's extraordinarily sweltering inside that train. it's difficult for the elderly and so many young children on the stain. they're afraid they're going to be put in holding camps and that they'll have to register. they're worried by it that potentially they're being tricked, tricking into getting onto this train in the hope that it's an internationally bound train and they'll be taken to a cam top be processed. >> >> charlie, what are the migrants saying on that train? >> reporter: again, they're asking me where they're going. you're talking about tiny babies. they've been here for a week or more. so they're thinking, well, whatever the situation is, we can't stay here any longer. i asked one man. i said if they're taking you to a camp, would that be better than this. he said, yes, if that's my fate, i have to go there. i can't be here any longer. they've waited so long to get on any train. no matter where it's going, they're going to stay on that one in the hopes that it's better than this. >> a dramatic and heart-wrenching scene. thank you. three men remain on the run this morning. the search for the men expanded overnight in the area near the small town of fox lake but officials admit they're not sure the suspects are still in the area. last night a vigil was held for the popular veteran officer known as g.i. joe. brad edwards has our report. >> we love you, joe. >> reporter: a grieving community is trying to make sense of tuesday's killing of police lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz. >> he truly is just a local hero. that's about the only word that can really state it. >> reporter: the decorated officer's widow and sons attended the vigil. >> my world got a little bit smaller with his passing and he'll truly be missed by all of us. >> reporter: g.i. joe as he was known as was chasing the three men when he was shot to death. >> reporter: this quiet community is on edge. schools here were closed on wednesday as the search for the officer's killer intensifies. at least 100 investigators are on the ground. they're searching homes, railroad tracks, and swampy woods, but they're hampered by the limited description glyn witsz provided of the suspects. they say they won't rest until they find his killer. >> the community, the men and women in blue, we're going to find them. >> reporter: lieutenant gliniewicz was set to retire at month's end. the county clerk in kentucky who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples will be in court today facing contempt charges. kim davis refuses to obey a federal court order and faces possible jail time or a fine. she maintains signing a same-sex marriage certificate goes against her faith. yesterday another gay couple tried to get a license and was turned away. >> my parents love my, my family loves me. i have a lot of support, a lot of support, and this is heartbreaking. >> davis refuses to resign, and the only way to remove her from office is for the state legislature to impeach her. the republican party wants every republican presidential candidate to sign a pledge not to run as a third party candidate. it's a move aimed at donald trump who left that possibility open if he failed to get the gop nomination. in a recent poll of likely republican voters, trump held a commanding lead. today he'll meet with the chairman of the republican national committee. don champion has more. >> reporter: the head of the republican party will try to convince donald trump today to sign a pledge supporting the party's eventual nominee. >> you're not going make the pledge. >> i will not make the pledge at this time. >> reporter: the republican front-runner refused to make that promise during the first gop debate leaving the door open for a third party run. jeb burke sought the moment called trump a germ phone and a democrat in disguise. he even questioned trump's political ties in spanish in miami. in true trump fashion he challenged bush to set an example by speaking english in the united states. >> people who aren't willing to risk failing never succeed. >> reporter: all eyes are on joe biden. he brushed off questions about whether he was entering the presidential race. >> people are trying to look at hillary clinton's approval ratings at least among americans and say, you know, she's getting weaker and there might be an opening for him there. >> the latest poll shows democrats consider biden their first choice over clinton. in another poll clinton does better among moderates, african-americans, and hispanics. >> later he'll meet with jewish leaders in florida and go to atlanta tonight to try to drum up more support for the iran deal. marley? >> don champion in new york. thank you so much. coming up on "cbs this morning," we'll discuss donald trump with one of his rivals senator rand paul. he's now gotten enough votes to secure the nuclear deal with iran. senator mikulski has siepd. they'll deal with it to secure it as much as possible. coming up on the "morning news," film fight, they deny softening the message of the critical nfl. later, the egg effect, how mcdonald's all-new breakfast menu may worsen a shortage. this is the "cbs morning news." because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. still not sure whether to stay or go on that business trip? ♪ should i stay or should i go well this fall stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new i'm feeling lucky. today is the day. i knew it! (robot voice) activate probe. no way! three rye chips and a breadstick! cook healthy meals... yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. china displayed its military mite with massive tanks, soldiers today. it marks the anniversary of the world war ii. they used the occasion to promise to cut 300,000 troops. >> a new justice department report is being released today on the police response to unrest in ferguson, missouri, last summer. the report says the situation in ferguson provides lessons in how not to handle mass demonstrations. it cites military-style tactics that antagonize demonstrators and police orders that infringed on first amendment rights. it also portrays poor police community relations and ineffective communication between law enforcement agencies. >> six baltimore police officers will face separate trials in the death of freddie gray. at a pretrial hearing the judge ruled that the trials for the officers could go forward. he refused to dismiss the charges and also refused to remove state's attorney marilyn mosley from the prosecution team. grey suffered a spinal cord injury in april. tesla drives down the cost of the electric car and mcdonald's could drive down egg prices. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, jill. >> good morning, marley. stocks in asia rallied. tokyo's nikkei added half a percent. stocks on wall street finished broadly higher following tuesday's big losses. the dow gained 293 points, the s&p finished 35 points higher and the nasdaq gain 113 points. that's about 2.5%. tesla motors plans to introduce a lower cost electric car in march. dubbed model 3, the price begins at $35,000. that's about half the price tesla's current model "s." production will begin in march. hulu is offering an ad-free service. users will be able to watch movies and shows without commercials for $12 a month. customers with existing subscriptions can yub grade for $4 a month. it puts hulu in more direct competition with netflix which also has an ad-free subscription service. arby's is apologizing for refusing to serve a police officer. an employee refused to serve the sergeant because she was a police officer. disciplinary action will be taken. mcdonald's serving breakfast all day could make the egg supply problem even worse. restaurants are already struggling to get eggs and prices have spiked following the worst flu outbreak in history. senning breakfast all day means mcdonald's will use a lot more eggs. when it began selling apples, it soon became the largest buyer of fruit. >> all right. jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. thanks so much. community fund-raiser, stephen colbert one-ups jeb bush on his late show. and victory dance, novak djokovic shows us some new moves with a tennis fan. riasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . the name of their favorite brand or flavor, but they do know, dinner time is special! find the right food for your pet at petsmart. right now, save up to $6 on select bags of of your pet's favorite dog and cat food brands. petsmart®. . here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. you turned on the lights and gave their biggest boogeyman a name. >> that's a clip from the upcoming will smith movie "concussion." it shows the discovery of a doctor on the repeated head trauma of nfl players. it's a movie nfl doesn't want you to see but now they claim they soft pedalled some detailed in order to apiece the league. "new york times" reports certain portions of the film were blunted, misleading. the nfl is set to kick off next week and when "thursday night football" returns to cbs, fans will have a new view of the action on the feel. cameras will be placed in those orange pylons you see on the goal line. they'll give you a look at whether or not the ball has crossed into the end zone. they'll also show you plays along the sidelines. you'll get your first look at those cameras in two weeks when "thursday night football" returns. the denver broncos go to kansas city to take on the chiefs. that's september 17th, 8:25 eastern right here on cbs. at the u.s. open serena williams takes another step toward u.s. history. the top ranked player overcomes some early trouble to win her second round match over kiki burtons in two sets. williams is trying to become the first woman since 1988 to win all four grand slam events in a cal tar year. meanwhile the top ranked men's player celebrates his second round victory with a fan. novak djokovic welcomes a supporter out of the stands. joe vick and the fan gets down with towel waving on the arthur ashe court and we'll be back with the "cbs morning news." helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ taylor swift's latest video wildest dreams is a huge online hit reaching more than 18 million views since it was released on sunday, but the pop star and the video's producers are taking heat over what some say is a whitewash portrayal of colonial africa. critics contend that it's stereotypical presentation of a painful period in africa's history. there was a scathing column published for not casting any black actorsing be, but the video's director is fighting back. in a statement joseph can said, quote, the reality is not only were there people of color in the video but the key creatives who worked on this video are people of color. stephen colbert is running a raffle, making fun of a contest being run by republican presidential candidate jeb bush. bush will be one of colbert's first guests on the "late show." the prize in the bush contest is a vip ticket to colbert's review. they have to donate at least $3 to bush's campaign and colbert isn't happy about it. >> i think the contest is great idea, but here's the thing. no one from jeb's campaign asked me if this was oklahoma to raise money off my first show. where's my cut of that first three bucks, huh? where's this stuff. you're the one who put an ext exclamation mark at the end of your show. >> of course, his first show premieres next week on september 8th on cbs. r should i go ♪ well this fall stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief for... ...fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do... ...every day. live claritin clear. >>mine hurt more.. >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand. president obama joined in some traditional dances with children in dillingham, alaska. he is the first sitting american president to visit the u.s. arctic circle. the president is due back at the white house this morning. the president also visited with two women who were fishing for salmon. mr. obama picked up a fish, and the camera captured video of it spawning on his shoes. the president thought it was funny, but the visit had a serious goal of promoting environmental protection. a chicken tried to cross the road in california but ended up stopping traffic. it happened during rush over yesterday morning on the san francisco bay bridge. >> this was one of many eggciting morning commute. the chp officers chasing a chicken. it had been running loose for four hours when officers finally closed in. >> it's a little bit different. >> reporter: for much of the morning the hen was hilarious. people didn't know what to do. they couldn't help but stop a car to snap photos for the social media. in the same time chp decided to let social media figure out why they did cross the road. and each chicken tried to get out to catch that chicken realized how hard it was. >> i said, let him run around. he knows how to dodge cars. >> reporter: as this wild goose chase continued traffic backed up for miles but finally with enough officers in place, the chicken was cornered, and that free range chicken was free no more. people who saw her taken into custody were thankful for the happy ending. >> he's appreciative. you know, lucky rooster. another animal was a surprise guest at a news conference. connecticut governor dan malloy was speaking at mystic aquarium when a beluga whale photobombed him. juneau seemed very curious as he hovered at the glass. he decided to stay for the entire event. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," a controversy over the mass bass tichl held on the football field of a public high school. plus, we'll show you the largest animal bridge in american designed to save mountain lions living in the los angeles area. and your fall preview, a look at upcoming blockbusters and awards contenders. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. i'm marlie hall. thanks for watching. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- mass confusion, another round of security protocols just released as pope's visit but they are catching many people off guard. coming up details that may make it more difficult to see the holy father. today is thursday, september 3rd good morning thanks so much for being here i'm's nicole brewer. erika is off today but i have plenty of backup. we have meisha, kyla checking with weather and traffic, good morning, ladies. >> this week just went so fast. >> what? >> i will not say that but... >> all right, all right. >> sorry, meisha. >> all right you guys, to start off. >> well, i do have some good news coming.


Transcripts For WABC America This Morning 20150903

trail of the suspects responsible for the death of an officer. after reports of suspicious circumstances they were out in full force for hours searching areas less than ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. the search was not linked to gliniewicz's death. >> as the sun was setting last night hundreds gathered in fox lake, illinois, to honor gliniewicz. for the first time we heard from his widow who spoke emotional ly sons. >> every night he came home to me me. he was the most wonderful, boys. my world got a little bit smaller with his passing. he will truly be missed by all of us. >> blue and black balloons were released into the air. schools are re-opening today. discounts being asked to wear blue and black to honor gliniewicz. >> more breaking news overnight. a frightening scene at the main airport in moscow. >> 3,000 people evacuated because of a fire. heavy smoke filled the terminal after the fire broke out near the baggage area. it's believed to have been started by an electrical short and was quickly brought under control. about 40 departing flights delayed. a show of military muscle in beijing to celebrate the end of world war ii 70 years ago promising to reduce the army by 300,000 soldiers. the growing humanitarian crisis in europe. people fleeing africa and the middle east by the thousands risking their lives in search of a better life. at least 12 syrians drowned off turkey yesterday when their boat sank on the way toreece. the body of a young boy among those washing ashore. 350,000 people have crossed into europe illegally this year alone. 2300 of them have died on the way. here at home the kentucky county clerk who refuses to issue any marriage licenses since the supreme court legalized same-sex marriage is in court today. kim davis faces contempt of court charges for refusing to obey a federal judge's order. more from abc's bazi kanani. >> reporter: the protests are growing at the rowan county clerk's office, police there to keep order. today the clerk at the center of it all will face a federal judge because of this. >> we are here to get our marriage license. >> so presently we are not issuing marriage license, pending an appeal to the system. >> reporter: again and again kim davis turning away gay couples refusing to issue them after the court's ruling in support of same-sex sex marriage. >> under whose authority are you not issuing licenses? >> under god's authority. >> i respect religion. i respect people. people's faith, okay, but this is a civil institution. >> reporter: the battle in this small town in the national spotlight after one of the rejected couples posted this video of their denial online. now viewed more than 1.8 million times. >> i'm willing to face my consequences as you all will face your consequences when it comes time for judgment. >> not everyone believes what you believe. >> if we go to another county we're saying it's okay to discriminate against us. >> yes. >> and we can't do that. >> reporter: david more and david ermold say they will not give up but kim davis insists she will not give in in a statement calling it a heaven or hell decision. her supporters praying and promising to stand by her as she faces fines and possible jail time for disobeying the nation's law. bazi kanani, abc news, washington. in colorado the military is looking into the crash of a black hawk helicopter. it went down in a dense remote forest near denver. all four soldiers on board were treated for nonlife-threatening injuries. it happened during a routine training mission and could take up to a week to recover the down. a high level meeting here in new york between donald trump and the head of the republican national committee. the rnc trying to get trump to agree not to run as a third party candidate. this as trump has stepped up his personal attacks on jeb bush. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: after jeb bush hit donald trump in english and in spanish. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: trump slammed bush for speaking spanish. telling the conservative bright, he's a nice man but should set the exam of speaking english while in the united states. the nature tiff language of his wife columba and more than 37 million other americans. danny diaz tweeted, donald trump against spanish. says reagan is not a conservative, looks like a one-man mission to kill the gop. even bush's son jeb jr. has joined the fray via twitter tweeting can't wait for this summer reality tv show to be over. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> speculation continues to swirl around the presidential as pier rations of joe biden. the vice president looking a lot like a candidate. one source close to him telling abc news it seems more likely than not biden will run, of course, that means going up his close friend and former colleague hillary clinton. well, you can call it a major foreign policy victory for president obama. that's what it's looking like. barbara mikulski has announced her support for the nuclear agreement. the president's expected veto of a republican vote to block it cannot be overridden. president obama is on his way home after a three-day visit to alaska. and while he was in the arctic circle, the white house announced actions to understand and lessen the effects of climate change. the president used the slowly sinking town where he was speaking to show the effects of warmer temperatures. he said that if another country were threatening the town, americans would rush to help. the president saw another mishap of sorts yesterday while visiting a fishing village, a salmon began spawning on his shoes. he then picked it up and showed it to reporters but he made it clear he had not caught it. he said he didn't want anyone to kusing him of telling a fish story. during a visit to a scholl he watched a cultural performance and then surprised them by joining in on the last dance. he told them he had been practicing and by the looks of it, he had. >> in step with the kids there. not bad. well, still ahead, exposing your home an your children to danger. the new concern this morning about hacked baby monitors. caught on camera. joyride. a driver gets his car back from a mechanic and couldn't believe what he spotted on the dash cam. plus, saved by a smartphone, the iphone that stopped a speeding bullet. it's a joyride that has one car owner fuming. alex leech brought his mazda to be serviced and was so shocked by the scene recorded on the dash cam. a mechanic gunning the engine taking the vehicle for a spin and picking up his son for a ride. the dealership insisting the mechanic act ss responsibly. security company found that nine popular models were vulnerable to cyberattack. it makes it possible for hackers to change the camera settings and monitor live feeds. the company says to make monitors more secure, never connect the devices to public wi-fi or use cellular data and just in case, always unplug the machines when not in use. global markets showing signs of recovery overnight. asian markets trading mostly higher and stocks up in europe early on. all this follows a rebound on wall street. the dow adding 293 points yesterday. nasdaq climbing nearly 114. the s&p 500 up 35. the momentum was helped by a report showing american businesses added jobs at a steady pace last month. the government releases its august jobs report tomorrow. and taco bell is going naked by replacing the taco shell with fried chicken and calls it the naked crispy chicken taco. inside the chicken, lettuce, tomato cheese an avocado ranch sauce. no need for meat because you're holding it only available in two taco bell locations in central california. >> when is the foe few one coming out. a poisonous snake on the loose. where did the king cobra come from. >> grand slam, a tennis playing taking her frustrations out on her tennis racket. if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana . it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. invokana can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana . imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana . ask your doctor about it by name. hundreds of people attended a ceremony yesterday at pearl harbor marking the end of world war ii. it was held aboard the mighty mo, the "uss missouri" now a memorial and museum. attending were some of the tail sailors serving aboard "the po mo" on that day in 1945. road condition, a wet and windy commute in the northwest. drivers could face flash floods and dust storms in the southwest. texas. orlando. periods of flooding from chicago into detroit. and if you are flying, it should be easy going. weather-related airport delays only expected in phoenix. a doctor is on trial in california charged with murder. >> lisa tseng is charged with murder for prescribing powerful overdosed. she should have seen the warning signs of drug seeking behavior. defense attorneys say the two men took the drugs far in excess of their prescription and sometimes combined them with alcohol. the doctor could face life in prison if convicted. the questions about the hands up shooting in texas. in the first video gill letter flores appears to have his hands raised in the air before deputies shot and killed him. a second video shows something possibly a knife in the suspect's hand. that video has not been made public. during the incident a dispatcher suggested flores wanted to die. court records show flores asked police to kill him during an arrest before an arrest in 1999. next a crazy scene at a gas station in washington state. the owner went inside but left his car running. a would-be thief jumped in so the owner got into the passenger seat and they fought as the car started rolling. they wound up out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was held down until police arrived. he's now facing several charges. a california college student was saved by his iphone literally. it stopped a bullet during an armed robbery at an apartment complex near campus. the phone was in his hands. it doesn't appear this iphone will be making any calls but amazingly that student was unarm ed unharmed. >> he showed me the phone. the bullet clear on the phone. destroyed it and phone broken into pieces. >> the robber ran away with the student's laptop and has not been caught. according to the victim's room roommate he's so upset he left the area and withdrawn from all his classes. huge poisonous snake lands on the loose after escaping in orlando. the owner of a king cobra like this one reported it mitting. it is about eight feet long and so venomous one bite can kill an elephant. they're canvassing the area near an elementary school hoping to find the cobra before anyone gets hurt. that is terrifying. >> yikes. all right, attention, college football fans, the long wait is over. it's been 234 days, not that anyone is counting since january's national title game. to you a new season begins tonight. first baseball highlights. good morning. welcome to our "sportscenter" set. clayton kershaw what a performance, 15 strikeouts in a 2-1 win over the giants. >> hey, who is that swinger? carlos beltran, second inning, home run counter. pick it up at 3. trust me on this one. stephen drew, byrd and murphy hit one and two. stephen drew used to live here at fenway then they let him go so had to feel reel good. got it, i got it, i ain't got it. five home rungs in the game and win 13-8. mets taking on the if phillies. top of the fifth. runners on second and third. mets already up 6-0 and roughed up the youngster aaron nola. phillies cut into the lead. it's 6-2 at that point. let's move ahead. top of the seventh. >> we move ahead to the seventh inning. >> up 7-3. bases empty but darnell sweeney thinks this would be a good time. third home run cuts it to 7-4. matt harvey, nine strikeouts get him out of there. cespedes, arm sleeve that looks like a highlighter and a highlight. his tenth of the season. we're out. back to you. >> you know, after the show i always watch u.s. open highlights from the night before. serena williams into her third round, pursuit of a single season grand slam still alive. here's the best moment. >> this is coco vandeweghe going nuts on her racket after falling way behind in her second round match. vandeweghe acknowledges the crowd and slams the racket one more time. >> she eventually lost and afterwards said i definitely had a lot of nervous energy. pent-up frustration and let it rip. >> the racket learned its lesson. it will never mess her up again, never. coming up next in "the pulse," elephant rampage. this massive animal charging a truck. and a governor photo bombed.t? it's you! it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] emma, emma bo-bemma banana-fana-fo-femma fee-fi-fo-femma em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. ooh, i think i saw dessert!... hey! steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you?... honey, he didn't say that!... don't fight your instincts. with each for 150 calories or less, try our lemon bars, brownies and new cheesecakes. fiber one. (wolves howling) when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. time now for "the pulse." animal theme starting with a pachyderm packing a punch. he charged a truck last month in zimbabwe. >> and nearly injures a passenger and the elephant also used his tusks to puncture a tire and the side of the truck then having proved his point, whatever that was, he walks away as if nothing happened. road? >> no clue. >> to create a traffic fowl-up. the california highway patrol was all atwitter at this chicken at the bay bridge. a free range chicken. >> it created a real flap until it was arrested and put in the back of a patrol car just like any other bird brain criminal. last we heard on the way to a veterinarian. hopefully not someone's dinner table and i wonder if he was a little remorseful. it was definitely a he, not a she. >> looks like a total thug. a beluga whale that clearly loves a crowd. take a look at june know photo bombing governor dan malloy. >> the governor was there talking about tourism in the state but june know was truly the star of the whole show. >> no one actually bothered to tell the governor about the distraction until he was 13 minutes into his 15-minute session. i wonder if he was upset about that. would you like to be told that someone is photo bombing your press conference. >> at least this way he feels like everybody was paying attention. he went through his speech confidently. wouldn't you rather stare at that beautiful animal instead of -- >> i'd like to know. by the way, forecast this happened at the mystic aquarium. wonderful place to go. a woman in tennessee has good reason to think twice before leaving her car windows down again. >> she returned to her car to catch a pair of thieves red-handed. check out the bear holding her purse in the mouth. they polished off her lunch and snacks. >> she was lucky. she said she was more amused than scared. we'll be back. to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide seven million vaccines. make your flu shot make a world of difference. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. [ piercing sound ] daddy! lets play! sorry kids. feeling dead on your feet? i've been on my feet all day. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have a unique gel wave design for outrageous comfort that helps you feel more energized. dr. scholl's. feel the energy! the way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. you could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or, you could make things easier on yourself. that's right, the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. so, let's try this again. what's in your wallet? breaking overnight, increased police activity north of chicago and the search for suspects in the death of police lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz but police say the activity overnight was due to a false report and that caller has been charged. also breaking overnight, thick smoke filling the main airport in moscow forcing the evacuation of 3,000 people. it was quickly put out but dozens of flights were delayed. the kentucky county clerk who won't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is in court today on con tem of court charges. her attorney says issuing the licenses would violate her conscience. today's weather, showers in the northwest, but heavy thunderstorms in the southwest and it's unseasonably hot and humid in the midwest. and finally this morning the latest battle for the mirror ball trophy. >> the final four celebrities on this upcoming season of "dancing with the stars" have been revealed. all 13 celebrities now have less than two weeks to rehearse before they hit the dance floor. more from abc's brandi hitt. >> reporter: good morning, phillip and reena. what a diverse cast this season. most of these celebrities have no dance experience whatsoever and you can see the nerves start to kick in a little bit with less than two weeks until their first performance. actors, a jockey, even an american hero will kick up their heels for season 21 of "dancing with the stars." >> i hope i learn a lot. >> reporter: that's alek skarlatos one of three americans who recently took down a terror suspect on a paris-bound train. saint nobody's chaka khan is competing against andy grammer and nick carter. then there's celebrity chef paula deen returning to the national spotlight two years after a racial slur controversy. >> this is the first time in a few years that i felt like my weight would allow me to participate. >> reporter: alexa penavega is competing against her husband carlos and actor gary busey seen here in "entourage" has his dancing shoes ready. >> getting them sturdy to sweep around. >> reporter: hayes grier is also taking on triple crown winning jockey victor espinoza, kim zolciak, tamar braxton and bindi irwin. >> i'm not used to any of this. i'm used to crocodiles. all getting ready to hit the ballroom and compete for that mirror ball trophy. bindi irwin is one of the youngest stars this season at 17 and hayes grier is just 15. you can watch the first round of competition when "dancing with the stars" premieres september 14th on abc. phillip and reena. >> thank you so much, brandi. looks like a good mix of people but we saw president obama dancing earlier in alaska. wondering if 2017 could be his year for "dancing with the stars." >> well, he's going to have some


Transcripts For WABC World News Now 20150903

that's it for us. thanks for watching. i'm bill ritter. >> and i'm sade bederinwa. we return tomorrow morning at 4:30. from all of us here, have a great night, and we'll see southern turkey. actor dean jones has died. he's best remembered as the star after many light hearted disney comedies in the 1960s and 70s starting with "that darn cat." the most successful the love bug". jones also worked on broadway and television and in other movies including "clear and present danger" and "beethoven." he was 84. it might be hard to get your mind around 3 million of anything but researchers from yale found that's how many trees are on the planet, eight times as many as earlier estimates. they found we're removing about 15 billion trees a year with perhaps only 5 billion being planned back. call it revenge on big game hunters. a new video shows an african bull elephant charging a safari truck last month. he knocks it around easily and nearly injuries a passenger. the elephant also used his tusks on a tire as well as the side of the truck and then having proved had his point, whatever that point was, he walks away as if nothing happened. they know. they're smart, animals are smart. >> they don't forget. >> they don't forget. it's been a mostly quiet trading session across asia today following a bounce back session on wall street. stocks rebounded nicely yesterday. the dow posting a 293-point gain. nasdaq up nearly 114. the momentum was held by a report showing american businesses added jobs at a steady pace last month. the government relations its august jobs report tomorrow. all right. one stock that can diagnose rather well in yesterday's rally was mcdonald's. it was up nearly 3% on the news about their all-day breakfast. that had ronald mcdonald getting down. >> i can't believe this one. there he is. he's doing the whip and nae nae with some youngsters at micky d'sness detroit. showing his moves. that's not the nae nae. there you go. >> he didn't only stick to the new stuff though. he also did the hustle. see with the women the husbandle? just to be clear, this was actually last week though, not yesterday. after the market closed but who cares? we're seeing ronald mcdonald do his thing. even more impressive with those big shoes. >> it's hard to do the nae nae with big red shoes. >> but people all over the country dancing just like that after hearing the news. >> after hearing about ronald mcdonald into it was trending all day on twitter. it's a big deal. >> now they're going to say ronald is too street for mcdonald's. remember yesterday. >> i think he's always been hood though. yeah, mcdonald's is in every hood. there's nothing more street than mcdonald's. coming up, cashing in your old toys. we'll dive into the toy box to see which of our childhood faves are treasures and which you can just toss in the trash can. >> and the nanny accused of murder who spent years behind bars. how she was eventually found not guilty. but first, here's a look at today's weather. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" weather brought to you by belsomra. i just ran a couple of sweaty miles with these guys, and now i'm going to get them to smell my shirt. smells good yesterday i washed my clothes in new downy fresh protect. it's like deodorant, for your clothes. you just throw it in with your detergent, it neutralizes odor on the spot new downy fresh protect feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. guys listen up! jake, put that down point it at the ground til your ready that's not the ground leo put that down when your day goes on and on, you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel. susie got all germy a cold, a bug, a flu when school was back in session those germs were shared with you this school year, trust lysol wipes and spray: approved to kill over 45% more types of germs than clorox. we've got trouble in tummy town. peptocopter! when cold cuts give your belly thunder, pink relief is the first responder, so you can be a business boy wonder! fix stomach trouble fast with pepto. the thief is under arrest here in miami after he was caught on camera. you see stealing a package from one someone's front door. the homeowner turned out to be a retired police detective. he didn't hesitate to confront the man and call 911. the suspect was picking up his son from a school across the street when you saw the ups delivery. he was bold enough to back up his mercedes in the driveway while his kids were in the back seat. a california student saved by his iphone. it stopped a bullet during a robbery near campus. the phone was in his pants pocket. it does appear that that iphone will be making any calls but the student was unharmed. the robber did get away with his laptop and has not been caught. thank you, siri. a former nanny from ireland is blasting prosecutors here in the u.s. after she spent two and a half years in jail for murder. >> the young woman has been cleared of the charges and is back home still very much shaken by the ordeal. >> after spending more than two years behind bars awaiting trial for a crime, authorities now say she did not commit, ashley mccarthy is now a free woman. >> she's absolutely thankful to the medical examiner's office for doing this rereview. >> reporter: justice long overdue after the former nanny was arrested and charged with murder in 2013 when 1-year-old ray ma sa beer seen in this picture died suddenly. prosecutors sustained the baby sustained brain damage consistent with shaken baby syndrome. the examiner ruled the death a homicide but just last week saying the baby's past medical issues raised the possibility she had some type of disorder that was not able to be completely diagnosed prior to her death. and given the uncertainties can no longer rule the manner of death as a homicide. prosecutors immediately dropping all charges monday. >> we where the evidence takes us. when the evidence changes we have to consider that. >> reporter: the family could not be reached for comment. now mccarthy is returning to her native country of ireland. >> she has to try to rebuild her reputation. >> mccarthy was visited in jail by other parents of whom children that she will took care of. >> but what's really troubling also because she overstayed her visa, it could be more than ten years before she can visit her husband who lives in the boston area. tough case to follow. coming up, could your toy chest be a treasure chest? how to turn childhood favorites into big bucks. >> meet one collector who says toys could be better investments than the stock market. i want to hear this one. you're watching "world news now." well, if you have kids or remember your own childhood, you probably have a houseful of toys. wouldn't it it be nice if you could get back some of the money you spent on them. >> it is possible to turn old toys into cash and sometimes a lot of it. abc's becky worley checks it out. >> reporter: dave from new jersey grew up in the '70s and cleaning out his parents' garage recently took him straight back in time. >> pretty much every single toy that i had is still here. >> reporter: but are such recent toys worth anything? enter jordan, aka the toy hunter. >> toys are a better investment than the stock market because toys go up in value. >> reporter: he says toys stir up nostalgia. >> wow, okay. bobo fat. awesome. >> reporter: steak "star wars." star wars. >> wow. wait a minute. this is cool. these old retro t-shirts? >> reporter: and big franchises like star wars, my little pone nil are coming back. >> all the little numbers at 20, $15 adds up. the whole box is about $100. >> reporter: next working toys especially the sounds. they trigger our emotions and get people to open their wallets. >> the nastalgia i totally get it. ga laxia was my favorite arcade game and it works. this is worth $50 to $75. >> reporter: for dave these items are treasured memories. >> i bought that in disney world in 1979. it. >>. >> reporter: that paid off. the jackpot. you've got all these beautiful disney figurines. these are bought at the park? >> yep. >> you've got a beautiful set. worth about $500. >> total number on all of these toys, what's your estimate? >> i would say on everything probably about $1900, almost $2,000. >> amazing. >> reporter: becky worley, abc news, new york. >> i collected baseball cards more than toys. they're not even worth the cardstock they're printed on anymore. >> not even the stick of gum? >> no. >> do you have any toys that were your favorites? >> i wish i had saved my strawberriry short cake toys or cabbage patch dolls. >> they had lunch pails. remember alf? thunder cats. he man. >> save the boxes apparently that's where all the money is if you have all the pieces. >> save the boxes, no fun but you'll make money. >> more news coming up. i'm so busy, i have two kids. we hit the pillow and pass out. have you considered using a pleasure gel? no we never have. we never tried one. so one product i think you guys would love, ky yours and mine. there is one warming and one tingling. when they combine it creates an intense new sensation. oooh hoo hoo hoo! when you discover something new together it's like falling in love all over again. is this something you'd try to spice things up? tonight. i've got two reasons to take care of my heart. that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. it's from daddy. sfx: dad's voice i love you baby girl. duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices so you can always be there. it's back to school time you think your car smells fine, but your passengers smell this eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and breathe happy. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. on the upcoming season of dancing with the stars revealed. year. >> all 13 stars have less than two weeks to rehearse before time. brandi hitt is in los angeles with the new lineup. hey, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. most of these celebrities have no dance experience whatsoever. you can see the nerves start to kick in a little bit with less than two weeks till their first performance. actors, a jockey, even an american hero will kick up their heels for season 21 of "dancing with the stars." >> i hope i learn a lot. >> that's alek skarlatos one of three american who's took down a terror suspect on a paris bound train >> ain't nobody shack cag khan is also competing against andy grammer and nick carter, back street boy. then there's celebrity chef paula deen returning to the spotlight two years after a racial slur controversy. >> this is the first time in a few years that i felt like my weight would allow me to participate. alexa penavegaing is competing against carlos penavega. >> i'm cleansing you prosecutor and gary busy seen in entourage has his shoes ready. >> getting my pants sturdy so they canscopy like seaweed. >> hayes greer is taking on jockey victor espinoza. kim zoll zi yak, bindi irwin tamar braxton. >> i'm used to crocodiles. >> all getting ready to hit the ballroom and compete for that mirror ball trophy. >> bindi irwin is one of the youngest stars this season at 1737 hayes greer is just 15. you can watch the first round of competition when "dancing with the stars" premieres september 14th on abc. phillip and reena? >> thank you so much. it's a good mix of people. i'm curious about bindi irwin. >> i'm going to make it a point to watch this season and i already have the guy i'm rooting pore. gary busy, if it can't be me, it's going to be gary busy. >> it could be us. don't rule us out yet. i've been practicing more than this morning on "world news now," the search for the alleged cop killer continues. >> but the massive manhunt may have changed course. breaking overnight, authorities focusing on a new location as emotions run high. the slain officer's family speaking out. new overnight, hard landing. an army black hawk helicopter goes down in a forest. injuring the soldiers inside as investigators try to piece together what happened. donald trump and jeb bush battling it out in a war over words. trump telling bush you shouldn't be [ speaking spanish ] . this latest round of political jabs taking a tough turn. and the sounds of summer still going strong. we've got a roundup for you of the hottest concert tours and even though the young acts have been grabbing headlines, classic rockers are grabbing ticket sales. for those about to rock, he we salute you on this thursday, accepts 3rd. from abc news, this is ew now". a cdc song. >> i would try but i can't go there with that. young voices. >> it's too much. >> you cannot duplicate that. guitar player i was told. there you go. there you go. >> you're not a rocker. >> clearly not. swung and missed. >> swinging, right? what was it? you missed every shot you don't take. >> michael jordan i think. from the sports analogies we have breaking news. we're focusing on an area right now in the search for three alleged cop killers just north of chicago that the search is intensifying at this hour. >> police in the air and on the ground responding overnight to reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from the village where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed. >> earlier hundreds gathered in a fox lake, illinois park for a vigil in memory of lieutenant gliniewicz. gio benitez has more. >> the three suspects in the death of police lieutenant joe gliniewicz still at large. new audio obtained byw ls appears to capture gliniewicz's last call from this isolated back road. it all started tuesday. the lieutenant reported seeing the three suspicious men. he says he is pursuing them on foot into a swamp area and just moments later calls for backup. two backup units arrive on the scene and minutes later they find gliniewicz unresponsive on the ground about 50 yards from his car with a gunshot wound. >> send everybody you possibly can. officer is down. >> reporter: the shooting launching this massive manhunt from the air and from the ground. canine units and s.w.a.t. teams. investigators are now turning to the evidence. in fact, right here at the crime scene you can see them searching for any clues. the lead investigator saying they will turn over every leaf in this desolate swampy area. the widow of the fallen father of four speaking out for the first time at a vigil for her husband. >> joe was my best friend, my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 and a half years. >> reporter: an emotional message as authorities warn residents to be aware of anything out of the ordinary. >> shot a police officer. i think that speaks for itself. extremely dangerous. >> reporter: investigators have been looking at surveillance videos and want to see if they can spot the men before crime or after the crime. so far, they have not been able to see them in any of the recordings. gio benitez, fox lake, illinois. a manhunt is also under way near boston after a man shot at a police cruiser. the car crashed into a tree and burst into flames yesterday afternoon. but the officer behind the wheel was not hurt. polices in massachusetts say the shots came from the driver of a maroon pickup truck as a precaution, schools in the town will be closed today. a middle school had received two threatening phone calls but they're not believed to be related to the shooting incident. a judge refused to dismiss charges against six baltimore police officers in the death of freddie gray. a 25-year-old black man whose spine wasnerly severed while in custody. the judge rejected calls to remove the prosecutor from the case that sparked the worst rioting in baltimore since the '60s. he ruled the officers can have separate trials. charges range from reckless endangerment to murder. as the pretrial hearing got under way, protesters called for justice and change. at least one man was arrested after the demonstrators blocked track and faced off with a line of police officers. the military is looking into the crash of a black hawk helicopter in colorado. it went down in a dense remote forest area near denver. all four soldiers on board the helicopter were injured. but none of their injuries were life-threatening. the incident happened during a routine training mission. they say it could take up to a week to recover the helicopter from where it went down. this was a major be foreign policy victory for president obama. maryland senator barbara mick cull ski has announced her support of the iran nuclear agreement. that means there are 34 votes for the accord meeting that the president's expected veto of a republican vote to block it cannot be overridden. a high level meeting later today here in new york between donald trump and the head of the republican national committee. the rnc trying to get trump to agree not to run as a third party candidate. trump has stepped up personal attacks on jeb bush. here's abc's jonathan carl. >> reporter: after donald trump hit yeb bush in english and in spanish -- trump slapped bush for. [ speaking spanish ] . telling the conservative he's a nice man, but he should really set the example by speaking english while in the united states. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife colum ba and more than 37 million other americans. bush's campaign manager danny diaz tweeted donald trump against spanish? says reagan's not a conservative? looks like a one-man mission to kill the gop and he tweeted this video using trump's own words against him. >> hillary clinton is a terrific woman. i've known herr for years. >> in no time, a trump video using jeb's own words. >> the commitment of someone who has devoted her life to public service. i want to say thank you to both secretary clinton and president clinton. >> reporter: after weeks of ignoring donald trump, jeb bush and his campaign is going right at him. even bush's son jeb junior has joined the fray viaia via twitter tweeting i can't wait for this summer reality tv show to be over. jonathan carl, the white house. new details about the shooting of a texas taker by a rookie cop last month. autopsy results show the chris christian tail area likely used a psychedelic drug and marijuana prior to the deadly confrontation at a texas car dealership. the officer has since been fired but his attorney says this new evidence should have the department recoring. in the biggest synthetic drug bust in the history of washington, d.c. police seizes more than 260 pounds of a blueberry flavored drug labeled i know this sounds odd, it's called by czaro. that's the name of the drug. treat value of $2.3 million. they also arrested two menace they confiscated nearly 20,000 packets of the drugs from a storage facility. they believe the shipment came from the west coast. the kentucky court clerk who won't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is seeking help from a higher power. a federal judge. kim davis is asking for an emergency injunction while her case goes to court. she says her religious beliefs stop her from issuing the licenses despite an order from the governor. that same federal judge presides today over a contempt of court hearing. electric car sharing is under way in indianapolis. it's called blue indy. 26 charging stations are now open. most of them downtown. eventually, there willable 200. drivers can pick a car up at one location and drop it off at another. they're charged by the minute with a 20-minute minimum. charges start at $4 plus a membership fee. as a general rule, whenever somebody calls a press conference, the press gathers, that official expects to get paid 100% attention. let's say here's an example of things not going the way you expect. >> check out connecticut governor dan malloy. being photo bombs by a beluga whale. he was talking about tourism in his state. >> that whale there, we call nim juno was the star of the whole show. no one bothered to tell the governoren about the distraction till he was 13 minutes into his 15-minute session. even beluga whales need fame every now and then. >> can you imagine what he was thinking the whole time? he probably thinks i'm giving the most captivating speech on tourism this state has ever seen. everybody enthralled. >> at the mystic aquarium in mystic, connecticut which is a fantastic place. great to bring the kids. >> interesting thing to look at though. coming cup later in the mix," a fair of fist a great grandmothers trying to beat each other in a bicker fest. the doctor accused of killing patients with prescriptions but was she just doing her job. later, summer of the show. find out which concerts are the biggest tickets in town and why age is just a number when it comes to rocking the stage. you can see us work behind the scenes on instagram on abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." what do you got to offer us today? balance transfer that's my game bank you never heard of, that's my name haa! thank you. uh, next. watch me make your interest rate... disappear. there's gotta be a 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through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. a crazy scene caught on camera at a gas station in washington state. the owner left his car running when he went inside. then a would be thief jumped in so the owner got into the passenger seat and then they started fighting as the car starts to roll. the fight then eventually moves out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was then held down till police arrived. he's now facing several charges. more than 100 students and teachers went home sick in the raleigh-durham area. the classrooms are being thoroughly cleaned and schools will be open today. health officials are looking into exactly what caused the sickness. a murder trial in los angeles could set a precedent for doctorser from. be careful what you prescribe. >> experts also worry did may make doctors reluctant to prescribe painkillers at all. mara schiavocampo reports. >> reporter: a california doctor accused of killing patients was prescriptions. lisa sing facing second degree murder charges in the overdose deaths of thee patients after prosecutors say she ignored several warnings including the overdose deaths of 12 patients overall and continued prescribing powerful painkillers like oxycontin. >> during this period of time, the defendant's practice of prescribing did not change at all. >> reporter: three pharmacists testifying they even reported hair concerns to authorities. >> the strengths were high and the quantities were low. >> but defense attorneys say sing is not guilty and her patients are ultimately responsible for their own behavior. >> they took excessive doses in some instances they mixed alcohol, they mixed other drugs. >> reporter: now the patients' families hope cases like this one can help save others. >> don't want anybody else to lose their life because of irresponsible prescribing. >> reporter: mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> if convicted tseng faces had ha years to life in prison. >> doctors are traditionally they face a civil lawsuit of malpractice but it's pretty rare that they would face criminal charges. that very notable exception of in the michael jackson case, dr. conrad murray. even he that was involuntary manslaughter he was convicted of. like we mentioned earlier this could set a precedent for doctorser from when it comes to prescribing in that way. coming up in our next half hour, the hero teachers. what they did when a student whipped out a gun holding the glass hostage. how they got everyone through the ordeal. first, summer isn't over yet. a wrap up of the season's best rock 'n' roll concert tours. who was the hottest and who can you still get a ticket to see. you're watching "world news now." yes, it is september. but labor day is still ahead. for millions of us, it is still blazing hot. so really it is still summer, isn't it. >> september's going to be really warm. i've asked viewers not to pray for snow. if you want to keep the summer spirit going, check out the big rock concert performances. bruno checks out the hottest tickets. bruno. >> hey, guys, this year the hottest ticket belongs to the veterans. of course, one not so newbie who goes by the name of t. swift. after 142 sold out shows, eagles are finally winding down their history of the eagles live in concert tour. they kicked off in the summer of 2013. clocking in at almost three hours this is the definitive show for anyone who is a fan of the eagles and fearings the band's greatest hits and some of their lesser known songs. 40 something years after their founding, the eagles are still soaring and higher than ever. >> reporter: a rolling stone gathers no moss and neither does the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band. the stones zip code summer stadium tour launched 51 years after they first toured the u.s. and two years after the last stones' u.s. tour. i like it like it yes, i do >> reporter: mick and the boys have been one of stubhub most in demand tickets and all bets are they'll continue to keep rolling in the years to come. after a long absence, australia's rock gods a cdc return to u.s. shows with the rock or bust world tour which kicked off earlier this year the at coachella. this is a head banging celebration of hard rock at its form. let there be rock, courtesy of angus young and company. i was raised in a liar's den >> reporter: despite their ha enormously successful fair three well shows it looks like members of the grateful dead will keep on trucking. the band came together on their 50th anniversary to play their final slows grossing over $50 million for just five concerts. it was easily one of this summer's hottest tickets. the dead heads don't despair. three of the four surviving members have enlisted john mayer for a new incarnation, dead end company playing at madison square garden on halloween. >> reporter: and add another accolade to taylor swift's ever growing list. she is now the number one touring songstress since she starred touring in 2011. it's no surprise that she's hot this summer. she sold over 500,000 tickets so far this year and she'll be touring throughout north america this fall. nothing seems to be stopping her from world domination. i know it's only rock 'n' roll but we like it. oh, yes, we do. try and catch some of these amazing entertainers in action. time waits for no one and the summer's still young. back to you guys. >> bruno, thank you so much. bruno has like a casey case many don't you you think? and we are a bunch of dead heads. >> far out. rock on. look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor... oh you know i love that guy. mmmmhmmm. these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and, there are no networks. is this a one-size fits all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need. and how much we want to spend. call now to request your free [decision guide]. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? i'm in. join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance... plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. don't wait. call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. what's the main challenge in your intimate life? time is the key. with kids and schedules crossing like this. keeping things interesting can be hard to do. have you ever considered a pleasure gel? it's not something that i've ever needed. pleasure gels are not just for lubrication. it feels warm. this is going to be interesting. ky love creates a new sensation. some playfulness, excitement, which is great for your emotional connection and your relationship as a whole. happy wifey? happy wifey. and now it's time for "the mix." have you siblings, right? you hope the older you get you might be able to gel a little bit better. rivalry might not be there. but grandmas are 101 and 96 years old. they prove they still have their own bicker fest. take a listen. >> will you shut up a minute? >> what is she saying to me. >> i'm telling you to shut up. >> would you guys ever consider moving in together? >> no. god for bid. >> everybody makes me mad. >> this cracks me up. they have their own youtube channel. this one has more than 2,000 views. they're 101 and 96. they still go at it. >> love her peering over the steering wheel. i'm glad they have this channel because they are hilarious. check it out. they bicker back and forth. it is great to watch. why did the chicken cross the road? >> to go to mcdonald's. >> in northern california, they actually had -- i don't know if they asked them where the chicken was headed but this is a couple of pictures of a chicken wandering around. that looks like in the parking lot but it is actually crossing the road here. police had to intervene and get the chicken out of the road because it was not doing so in a timely fashion. >> no, they didn't. >> so it got popped. it has a record now. it's on probation. as long as it doesn't do anything else wrong, it can go ahead and live its own life, go to mcdonald's. >> >> was the chicken remorseful or not really? >> pretty silent. just a few chirps here and there. >> nice, nice. that was funny. you know one of my favorite songs from the summer was i can't feel my face. i'm always humming it. i love that song. it this could be the new song for denyists offices everywhere. take a listen she told me don't worry about it she told me don't worry no more we both know we can't go without it >> that is andrew hong he has more than half a million hits since posting it on youtube a few days ago. his local dentist office used their instruments and redid the song. it's hilarious. i think during the commercial break i'm going to play it for you. >> this guy has plenty of others all over youtube. >> yep. breaking bad theme. chemistry equipment. >> all sorts of talent on youtube there. that will do it for "the mix" and the news for this half hour. >> moore news coming up from my name is amanda and i smoked while i was pregnant. my baby was born two months early and weighed only three pounds. this is the view i had of her in the nicu. my tip to you is speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. you can quit. talk with your doctor. for more help call 1-866-ny-quits this morning on "world news now," marriage standoff. more same-sex couples denied by the county clerk. still refusing to issue marriage licenses. why today she may no longer have a choice as she faces a judge. breaking overnight, manhunt changes course. police searching for the suspects in the tragic death of a beloved officer. his wife's emotional message just ahead. and new this half hour, is joe biden dropping hints? as the nation waits for his decision to run or not, the vice president gets support from a would be adversary. new developments ahead. >> and dancing days are here again. the new lineup of "dancing with the stars" is set. find out who rounds out the year's ballroom hopefuls that's later in "the skinny" on then thursday, september 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now." our top story this half hour is the kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. >> kim davis appears in court today for a contempt of court hearing. abc's alex perez reports that despite a court order to issue the licenses davis is sticking to her guns. >> reporter: county clerk kim davis defiant, her husband at her side arped with a handgun tucked in his waistband. waiting for inside, another gay couple looking for a marriage license. >> your interpretation of the bible does not trump the constitution. >> no, this is not. >> my god is loving. >> >> davis asking a federal judge to allow her to deny marriage licenses to same sex couples while her case makes its way through the courts. the controversial clerk catapulted to the spotlight in july with this cell phone video. david moore and david ermold arriving for a marriage license. >> if i can mention, i have the letter from the governor's office stating that all the county clerks are to issue marriage licenses. i also have the supreme court ruling. >> reporter: davis turning them away. they tried again in august and again same result. >> when you heard her say she's working under god's authority, what did you think? >> you are not in the church. i respect religion. i respect people, people's faith. okay? but this is a civil institution. >> reporter: but in this small town of about 6900 people, kim davis has her supporters, too. >> i'm standing behind her because i believe she is right. she's following god's law and i believe that trumps all. >> reporter: and the u.s. attorney saying it's time for davis to follow the law. she will be held in contempt of court. alex perez, moorhead, kentucky. breaking news in the search for suspects in the killing of a police officer just north of chicago. police on the move both on the ground and in the air after reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. last night think remembered and honored gliniewicz who was known as "g.i. joe." his wife speaking about his publicly for the very first time. >> joe was my best friend in my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 1/2 years. he was my rock as much as i was his rock. >> reporter: gliniewicz leaves behind four sons. he was planning to retire at the end of this month. at that vigil last night, the mayor of fox lake said he'll miss gliniewicz daily comments especially the one in which he reported being vertical and caffeinated. a new video raises questions about the so-called hands up shooting in texas. in the first video, the suspect gilbert flores appears to have his arms raised in the air before sheriff's deputies shot and killed him. a second video has not been made public but reported appears to show something possibly a knife in flores' hand. that video has been sent to a state crime lab for analysis. court records show flores asked police to kill him before and during an arrest in 1999. >> the justice department releasing a final report on the police response to the unrest in ferguson, missouri, following the death of michael brown. the scathing report flushes out a draft version that came out in june and blasts ferguson police for poor community relations infringing on rights and using military style tactics and found the police response offered lessons how not to handle mass demonstrations. >> there is an escalating war of words between donald trump and jeb bush. trump said that bush should set a good example and speak english while in the united states. this comes a day after bush spoke spanish to supporters in florida. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife columba as well as more than 37 million other americans. speculation continues to grow whether vice president joe biden will join the race. biden tested the political waters during a fund-raising trip to florida. here's abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: in this key battle ground, did joe biden drop a hint? >> people who aren't willing to risk failing never succeed. >> reporter: the vice-president looking a lot like a candidate during his first road trip since he began quietly exploring a possible 2016 bid. behind the scenes, biden land is heating up, his supporters hiring staff. one source close to him telling abc news it now seems more likely than not that biden will run. challenging not just a political ally but a friend. biden and hillary clinton working side by side for years. just last week, the democratic front-runner, offering nothing but praise. >> i have a great deal of admiration and affection for him. >> reporter: will he or won't he? it's a decision that may not come until the end of the month. >> one of the things weighing heavily in this decision is the death of his son beau. biden recently telling supporters his heart and soul has to be in this decision. and right now, he says he is pretty bang add up. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. president obama is on his way home from a three-day visit to alaska. highway he was in the arctic circle, the white house wants to understand and lessen the effects of climate change. mr. obama used the slowly sinking town where he was speaking to show the effects of warmer temperatures. he said if another country were threatening the town, americans would rush to help. i thought he was going to walk on a glacier but he did not. i was slightly worried what the secret service would think about this. apparently he walked to a glacier on tuesday. he was about a couple hundred feet from the bottom of the glacier but he did not walk on one. >> important distinction. >> we would call them the wallenda brothers if that was the case. the president watched a cultural performance by students and surprised them by joining in on the last dance. he told them he had been practicing and it appears he really had. looks pretty good. look at that. >> nice. >> he's got rhythm. >> yeah, he always has. serena williams is safely through to the third round of the u.s. open, but she did struggle a bit yesterday afternoon against her dutch opponent. williams double faulted ten times and made two dozen more unforced errors but she pulled out the win in straight sets trying to become the first player to win all four grand slam tournaments in a single season since 1988. >> and serena's older sister venus has also advanced to the third round. one woman who didn't, cocoa vandeweghe. >> here she is losing her mind, going nuts on her racket after fall behind five games to none in the first set of her second round loss. vandeweghe acknowledges the crowd, as you saw, took a bow, kept slamming it. >> forget that racket. vandeweghe lost the match 6-22, 6-1. afterwards she said i definitely had a lot of nervous pent up and frustration and i let it rip. oh, you sure did. maybe the wwe will call. >> she also had a little bug about to climb up and had to make sure it would not. >> is that what it was? a little mosquito? coming up, the skinny, the familiar face who is rosie o'donnell is reportedly dating >> but first the heroic actions taken at a school. the teacher who kept her students safe. >> and later the sprying trend selfies. true. we'll explain. weather. brought to you by fixodent plus true feel. you know your denture can look like your natural teeth. but, when you eat tough food, the denture moves. oh no! this shouldn't happen. try fixodent plus adhesives. their superior hold helps your denture work more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. ever since darryl's wife started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't that the dog's towel? (dog noise) hey, mi towel, su towel. more scent plus oxi boost and febreze. it's our best gain ever! it's from daddy. sfx: dad's voice i love you baby girl. duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices so you can always be there. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. so tell me about your relationship. i think we're more traditional in some senses. not super adventurous. have you ever thought about trying a pleasure gel? it just seems a little bit edgy and maybe a little racy? pleasure gels are for couples just like you. ky love creates a new sensation. sometimes it can be fun to incorporate something new because it brings you even closer emotionally. wow. i like the way this feels. so do you think you'd try it? i think so. a video posted on facebook showing a high school football coach and nearly 20 players in georgia being baptized before practice last month. critics say because they're from a public school, the mass baptism crosses the line. school administrators weren't aware it was going to happen. they say they're looking into the incident and will take appropriate measures. one person who attended called it a soulful bonding experience. a huge poisonous snake is on the loose in orlando. the owner of a king cobra like this one reported it escaped within the past 24 hours. the missing snake is about eight feet long and so venomous one bite can kill an elephant. wildlife officials are canvassing the area near an elementary school hoping to find that cobra before anyone gets hurt. >> near an elementary school? it can get into a pipe, it can get in through a toilet. >> anywhere, yeah. it makes it that much more scary. >> i would not be going to school. yes, it's scary. it makes me -- we talk about every teacher's other nightmare a student holding a gun and her class hostage. >> a west virginia woman last week not only kept her cool but resolved the situation peacefully and talked about it with our friend t.j. holmes. >> it was just nine days into the new school year and phillip barbour high school in philly me, west virginia, goes on lockdown. the hostages according to police, twyla smith and her class of 27 students. the hostage taker a freshman who walked in and put a gun to smith's head. >> he said that he was going to kill people and himself. >> reporter: what were you in there talking to him about? >> i just kept asking him to let everybody leave and he and i would stay, anything i could think of. just telling him that he hadn't gone too far. >> reporter: when the bell rang, for the next class to come in it, other students began knocking on door but smith turned them back and signaled another teacher, jen swift. >> he was standing by the bulletin board with the gun raised and said you can get in here too. swift ran for help. smith now credited with keeping her students alive. >> when they walk in here, we're supposed to teach them and we're supposed to take care of them. >> reporter: for these two teachers, job well done. t.j. holmes, abc news, philippi, west virginia. >> look at mr. holmes in his element there. >> that teacher now she had been teaching there -- she has been teaching for three decades and guess what, all of this didn't traumatize her, she was back the very next day in school teaching after really her heroic actions. >> that's pretty incredible. it's unsuspected. there's obviously no plan. you have fire drills, have you tornado drills but not often do you have drills for somebody who walks in with a gun and takes your entire class hostage. i'm such a big fan of teachers on the show. we never express enough gratitude for teachers. don't forget, school starting up, say thank you to those teachers because they do so much more than we realized. >> that kid who is a freshman is now facing charges. he's in juvenile detention facility. he actually was not in that class but his ex-girlfriend who he had just broken up with was in there. that's why he went in there. teenage kid couldn't handle the breakup, walked in and did that. won't be going back to school, that's for sure. not that one. up next, a "dancing with the stars" shocker. >> a new lucille ball movie. who is set to play the redhead. "the skinny" up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stat io skinny, so skinny >> he topping the skinny, so skinny . >> topping "the skinny" this morning, the final four surprise contestants on the new season of "dancing with the stars" were revealed on "good morning america"ing >> two reality tv stars among them. kim zolciak from "real housewives of atlanta" should add spice to the cast, tamar braxton who shares the limelight with her sisters on the show "braxton family values." the third new contestant celebrity chef paula deen making a career comeback after her racial comments and the biggest surprise, alek skarlatos. look at him. of course, you remember one of the three american heroes from that train attack in france. just two weeks ago, the national guardsman just back from afghanistan was apparently added at the last minute and dancing host tom bergeron joked that he might double as security. >> that's awesome. >> how his life has changed in the last couple weeks is incredible. he was out there. this really scary situation happens. he handles it in an incredible way and now has all the honors. you've seen him on red carpets. and now this. well deserved. >> interesting to see paula deen back, too. we haven't seen much of her. i'll be interested to see how it goes. >> and can they dance which is the big question. there are two celebrity names they are reported to be in a relationship. rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal. this report coming from "people" magazine saying they've been romantically involved for about two months now. rosie's reps say that they just friends but so did -- i remember kermit and his rep said that he's just friends with his new girl. >> who knows. a rough few months for rosie. she separated from her second wife in november. her daughter ran away last month. tatum who is divorced from tennis great john mcenroe related to people" in may that she is dating mostly women now. >> rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal are in two of my favorite baseball movies of all time. rosie o'donnell in "league of their own," and tatum was the kid pitcher in "bad news bears." >> i forgot about that one. >> walter matthew, terrific performance. but ran a little tidbit. both baseball movies. >> speaking of movies, an authorized biopic about the comedian lucille ball is in the works and cate blanchett has agreed to play lucy. >> according to the wrap, the move will chronicle her 20-year marriage to desi arnaz with whom she created the "i love lucy" show. one of the most influential tv sitcoms of all time. the couple had two children and divorced in 1960. it is their children producing this film. >> that should be really good. cate blanchett is not known as a comedic actress. that should be interesting. no word who will be cast to play desi. aaron sorkin is in talks to write the movie. it's early though and it's not clear when the movie would actually be released. but i would love to see it. the fact her children are producing it might make it to a really authentic movie. >> perfect casting. she -- i can already see it. >> a good actress. >> all right. justin bieber fans an biebers, you there? you can be fanatic about your boy. now the model who stars in his latest video says she's getting death threats. here's why. take a look what do you mean you nod your head yes but you want to say no, what do you mean >> is that zenia deli? >> i think so, his love interest in the video. she says she was doing her job and didn't expect so much hate online. some fans are loyal to selena gomez. justin's one-type girlfriend, remember? >> oh, yeah, i remember. i can't stop thinking about that. >> people are thinking backoff. the two were seen having dinner in l.a. last month and he had glowing things to say about her on ryan seacrest's radio show. inquiring minds. coming up, taking photos. we'll explain. but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists. with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. more "stay" per roll. more "sit" per roll. more "who's training who" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. skrch... skrch... what are you doing? the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through this brownie mess better than the competition, the first time. cascade. you get used to the funk in your man-cave. you think it smells fine, but your guests smell this... febreze fabric refresher eliminates all the odors you've gone noseblind to break out the febreze and breathe happy. [ male announcer ] approaching medicare eligibility? don't put off checking out your medicare options until 65. now is a good time to get the ball rolling. medicare only covers about 80% of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. taking informed steps really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long . call now and request this free decision guide and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. call now and request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you go long . i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. so let's face it, divorce is awkward. how do you tell your friends, your family or your colleagues? >> now some modern couples are making the announcement on social media with one final selfie. >> oh, boy. >> abc's sara haines on what could be a new trend. >> reporter: it's the post breakup phenomenon taking social media by storm. divorce es ditching their marriage and saying i do to divorce selfies. finding a silver lining in splitsville by turning a heartbreaking situation into a fun photo op. >> a light-hearted way to announce your divorce in one shot. and also let people know that they don't have to feel awkward around you. >> reporter: this is florida couple keith and michele knight on their wedding day. fast forward three years, they're happily divorced. >> the most amicable easy going divorce in history. >> reporter: the exes sealing the deal with a selfie right outside the courtroom. >> she said you want to take a selfie? kind of as a joke. and i said why not. sharing this photo on instagram with a caption, here's to the most friendly, respectful and loving split imaginable. the response? >> 99% positive. we're celebrating the fact that we can move forward. >> reporter: but keith and michele not the only ones showing divorce can have a happy ending. chan couple shannon and chris newman declaring their 11 year marriage officially over by snapping a selfie outside this calgary courthouse thursday. >> we kind of high fived and did a silly selfie and went on our way. >> reporter: in a matter of days, the candid photos gone viral, shared on facebook a whopping 36,000 times and counting. >> it shocked me that other people were responding to it. >> reporter: shannon hopes her kids will appreciate it too when they're older. >> i think they'll recognize that we love them. we'll always work really hard to be -- this makes me cry, to be their parents. >> reporter: the selfies proving divorce doesn't have to be ugly. sara haines, abc news, new york. there's one way to get it done. >> i kind of get it now after seeing the piece. shannon who was mentioned in the piece says love your kids more that you know hate your ex. >> there you go. if there are no kids involved, and my friends are getting a divorce, congratulations. they usually feel that way. they're happy to do it. that's one way. you got to post something before you do that status change because then it gets weird. >> then we're talking social media etiquette. >> that's what we're doing. >> we'll be right back. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two decades. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase, guaranteed. this is lifelong coverage that can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, guaranteed. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and read about this rate lock for yourself. you'll also get a free gift with great information both are free, with no obligation, so don't miss out. call for information, then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee.


Transcripts For WCBS CBS Morning News 20150903

this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, september 3rd, 2015. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm marlie hall in for anne-marie green. this morning the latest chapter in europe's growing migrant crisis is playing out in hungary. thousands of desperate migrants are pushing and shoving their way into budapest's main train station as police ended their blockade. the terminal was shut to the migrants since tuesday preventing them from boarding other trains to parts of europe. charlie d'agata joins us by phone from the budapest station. charlie, we're looking at the pictures. it's certainly a chaotic scene. what's the latest there? >> reporter: it is chaos. what happened is there were hundreds standing there. now, at the first opportunity, they ran into the train station that they've been locked out of for a couple of days and they started jumping on train, one in particular, which they believe, is headed to germany. nobody here is telling them that it is going to germany. nobody's telling them where it's going at all. we went onto the train itself and started speaking to people. they're desperate to know. in fact, there aren't any international trains leaving from here. their biggest concern for the people on the strap -- by the way, it's extraordinarily sweltering inside that train. it's difficult for the elderly and so many young children on the stain. they're afraid they're going to be put in holding camps and that they'll have to register. they're worried by it that potentially they're being tricked, tricking into getting onto this train in the hope that it's an internationally bound train and they'll be taken to a cam top be processed. >> >> charlie, what are the migrants saying on that train? >> reporter: again, they're asking me where they're going. you're talking about tiny babies. they've been here for a week or more. so they're thinking, well, whatever the situation is, we can't stay here any longer. i asked one man. i said if they're taking you to a camp, would that be better than this. he said, yes, if that's my fate, i have to go there. i can't be here any longer. they've waited so long to get on any train. no matter where it's going, they're going to stay on that one in the hopes that it's better than this. >> a dramatic and heart-wrenching scene. thank you. three men remain on the run this morning. the search for the men expanded overnight in the area near the small town of fox lake but officials admit they're not sure the suspects are still in the area. last night a vigil was held for the popular veteran officer known as g.i. joe. brad edwards has our report. >> we love you, joe. >> reporter: a grieving community is trying to make sense of tuesday's killing of police lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz. >> he truly is just a local hero. that's about the only word that can really state it. >> reporter: the decorated officer's widow and sons attended the vigil. >> my world got a little bit smaller with his passing and he'll truly be missed by all of us. >> reporter: g.i. joe as he was known as was chasing the three men when he was shot to death. >> reporter: this quiet community is on edge. schools here were closed on wednesday as the search for the officer's killer intensifies. at least 100 investigators are on the ground. they're searching homes, railroad tracks, and swampy woods, but they're hampered by the limited description glyn witsz provided of the suspects. they say they won't rest until they find his killer. >> the community, the men and women in blue, we're going to find them. >> reporter: lieutenant gliniewicz was set to retire at month's end. the county clerk in kentucky who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples will be in court today facing contempt charges. kim davis refuses to obey a federal court order and faces possible jail time or a fine. she maintains signing a same-sex marriage certificate goes against her faith. yesterday another gay couple tried to get a license and was turned away. >> my parents love my, my family loves me. i have a lot of support, a lot of support, and this is heartbreaking. >> davis refuses to resign, and the only way to remove her from office is for the state legislature to impeach her. the republican party wants every republican presidential candidate to sign a pledge not to run as a third party candidate. it's a move aimed at donald trump who left that possibility open if he failed to get the gop nomination. in a recent poll of likely republican voters, trump held a commanding lead. today he'll meet with the chairman of the republican national committee. don champion has more. >> reporter: the head of the republican party will try to convince donald trump today to sign a pledge supporting the party's eventual nominee. >> you're not going make the pledge. >> i will not make the pledge at this time. >> reporter: the republican front-runner refused to make that promise during the first gop debate leaving the door open for a third party run. jeb burke sought the moment called trump a germ phone and a democrat in disguise. he even questioned trump's political ties in spanish in miami. in true trump fashion he challenged bush to set an example by speaking english in the united states. >> people who aren't willing to risk failing never succeed. >> reporter: all eyes are on joe biden. he brushed off questions about whether he was entering the presidential race. >> people are trying to look at hillary clinton's approval ratings at least among americans and say, you know, she's getting weaker and there might be an opening for him there. >> the latest poll shows democrats consider biden their first choice over clinton. in another poll clinton does better among moderates, african-americans, and hispanics. >> later he'll meet with jewish leaders in florida and go to atlanta tonight to try to drum up more support for the iran deal. marley? >> don champion in new york. thank you so much. coming up on "cbs this morning," we'll discuss donald trump with one of his rivals senator rand paul. he's now gotten enough votes to secure the nuclear deal with iran. senator mikulski has siepd. they'll deal with it to secure it as much as possible. coming up on the "morning news," film fight, they deny softening the message of the critical nfl. later, the egg effect, how mcdonald's all-new breakfast menu may worsen a shortage. this is the "cbs morning news." because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol . hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go on that business trip? should i stay or should i go well this fall stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new i'm feeling lucky. today is the day. i knew it! (robot voice) activate probe. no way! three rye chips and a breadstick! 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. china displayed its military mite with massive tanks, soldiers today. it marks the anniversary of the world war ii. they used the occasion to promise to cut 300,000 troops. >> a new justice department report is being released today on the police response to unrest in ferguson, missouri, last summer. the report says the situation in ferguson provides lessons in how not to handle mass demonstrations. it cites military-style tactics that antagonize demonstrators and police orders that infringed on first amendment rights. it also portrays poor police community relations and ineffective communication between law enforcement agencies. >> six baltimore police officers will face separate trials in the death of freddie gray. at a pretrial hearing the judge ruled that the trials for the officers could go forward. he refused to dismiss the charges and also refused to remove state's attorney marilyn mosley from the prosecution team. grey suffered a spinal cord injury in april. tesla drives down the cost of the electric car and mcdonald's could drive down egg prices. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, jill. >> good morning, marley. stocks in asia rallied. tokyo's nikkei added half a percent. stocks on wall street finished broadly higher following tuesday's big losses. the dow gained 293 points, the s&p finished 35 points higher and the nasdaq gain 113 points. that's about 2.5%. tesla motors plans to introduce a lower cost electric car in march. dubbed model 3, the price begins at $35,000. that's about half the price tesla's current model "s." production will begin in march. hulu is offering an ad-free service. users will be able to watch movies and shows without commercials for $12 a month. customers with existing subscriptions can yub grade for $4 a month. it puts hulu in more direct competition with netflix which also has an ad-free subscription service. arby's is apologizing for refusing to serve a police officer. an employee refused to serve the sergeant because she was a police officer. disciplinary action will be taken. mcdonald's serving breakfast all day could make the egg supply problem even worse. restaurants are already struggling to get eggs and prices have spiked following the worst flu outbreak in history. senning breakfast all day means mcdonald's will use a lot more eggs. when it began selling apples, it soon became the largest buyer of fruit. >> all right. stock exchange. thanks so much. community fund-raiser, stephen colbert one-ups jeb bush on his late show. and victory dance, novak djokovic shows us some new moves with a tennis fan.riasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec . muddle no more . chico and bailey don't know the name of their favorite brand or flavor, but they do know, dinner time is special! find the right food for your pet at petsmart. right now, save up to $6 on select bags of of your pet's favorite dog and cat food brands. petsmart . me cities around the country. you turned on the lights and gave their biggest boogeyman a name. >> that's a clip from the upcoming will smith movie "concussion." it shows the discovery of a doctor on the repeated head trauma of nfl players. it's a movie nfl doesn't want you to see but now they claim they soft pedalled some detailed in order to apiece the league. "new york times" reports certain portions of the film were blunted, misleading. the nfl is set to kick off next week and when "thursday night football" returns to cbs, fans will have a new view of the action on the feel. cameras will be placed in those orange pylons you see on the goal line. they'll give you a look at whether or not the ball has crossed into the end zone. they'll also show you plays along the sidelines. you'll get your first look at those cameras in two weeks when "thursday night football" returns. the denver broncos go to kansas city to take on the chiefs. that's september 17th, 8:25 eastern right here on cbs. at the u.s. open serena williams takes another step toward u.s. history. the top ranked player overcomes some early trouble to win her second round match over kiki burtons in two sets. williams is trying to become the first woman since 1988 to win all four grand slam events in a cal tar year. meanwhile the top ranked men's player celebrates his second round victory with a fan. novak djokovic welcomes a supporter out of the stands. joe vick and the fan gets down with towel waving on the arthur ashe court and we'll be back with the "cbs morning news." helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. johnson's believes that bath time is more than cleansing. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? i try hard to get a great shape. i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. at today's forecast in some cities around the country. taylor swift's latest video wildest dreams is a huge online hit reaching more than 18 million views since it was released on sunday, but the pop star and the video's producers are taking heat over what some say is a whitewash portrayal of colonial africa. critics contend that it's stereotypical presentation of a painful period in africa's history. there was a scathing column published for not casting any black actorsing be, but the video's director is fighting back. in a statement joseph can said, quote, the reality is not only were there people of color in the video but the key creatives who worked on this video are people of color. stephen colbert is running a raffle, making fun of a contest being run by republican presidential candidate jeb bush. bush will be one of colbert's first guests on the "late show." the prize in the bush contest is a vip ticket to colbert's review. they have to donate at least $3 to bush's campaign and colbert isn't happy about it. >> i think the contest is great idea, but here's the thing. no one from jeb's campaign asked me if this was oklahoma to raise money off my first show. where's my cut of that first three bucks, huh? where's this stuff. you're the one who put an extra exclamation mark at the end of your show. >> of course, his first show premieres next week on september 8th on cbs.r should i go stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief for... ...fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do... ...every day. live claritin clear. my cut hurt. >>mine hurt more. >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand. president obama joined in some traditional dances with children in dillingham, alaska. he is the first sitting american president to visit the u.s. arctic circle. the president is due back at the white house this morning. the president also visited with two women who were fishing for salmon. mr. obama picked up a fish, and the camera captured video of it spawning on his shoes. the president thought it was funny, but the visit had a serious goal of promoting environmental protection. a chicken tried to cross the road in california but ended up stopping traffic. it happened during rush over yesterday morning on the san francisco bay bridge. >> this was one of many eggciting morning commute. the chp officers chasing a chicken. it had been running loose for four hours when officers finally closed in. >> it's a little bit different. >> reporter: for much of the morning the hen was hilarious. people didn't know what to do. they couldn't help but stop a car to snap photos for the social media. in the same time chp decided to let social media figure out why they did cross the road. and each chicken tried to get out to catch that chicken realized how hard it was. >> i said, let him run around. he knows how to dodge cars. >> reporter: as this wild goose chase continued traffic backed up for miles but finally with enough officers in place, the chicken was cornered, and that free range chicken was free no more. people who saw her taken into custody were thankful for the happy ending. >> he's appreciative. you know, lucky rooster. another animal was a surprise guest at a news conference. connecticut governor dan malloy was speaking at mystic aquarium when a beluga whale photobombed him. juneau seemed very curious as he hovered at the glass. he decided to stay for the entire event. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," a controversy over the mass bass tichl held on the football field of a public high school. plus, we'll show you the largest animal bridge in american designed to save angeles area. and your fall preview, a look at upcoming blockbusters and awards contenders. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. thanks for watching. have a great day. -- captions by vitac --


Transcripts For WJLA World News Now 20150903

salute you on this thursday, accepts 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now". a cdc song. >> i would try but i can't go there with that. young voices. >> it's too much. >> you cannot duplicate that. guitar player i was told. there you go. there you go. >> you're not a rocker. >> clearly not. swung and missed. >> swinging, right? what was it? you missed every shot you don't take. >> michael jordan i think. from the sports analogies we have breaking news. we're focusing on an area right now in the search for three alleged cop killers just north of chicago that the search is intensifying at this hour. >> police in the air and on the ground responding overnight to reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from the village where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed. >> earlier hundreds gathered in a fox lake, illinois park for a vigil in memory of lieutenant gliniewicz. gio benitez has more. >> the three suspects in the death of police lieutenant joe gliniewicz still at large. new audio obtained byw ls appears to capture gliniewicz's last call from this isolated back road. it all started tuesday. the lieutenant reported seeing the three suspicious men. he says he is pursuing them on foot into a swamp area and just moments later calls for backup. two backup units arrive on the scene and minutes later they find gliniewicz unresponsive on the ground about 50 yards from his car with a gunshot wound. >> send everybody you possibly can. officer is down. >> reporter: the shooting launching this massive manhunt from the air and from the ground. canine units and s.w.a.t. teams. investigators are now turning to the evidence. in fact, right here at the crime scene you can see them searching for any clues. the lead investigator saying they will turn over every leaf in this desolate swampy area. the widow of the fallen father of four speaking out for the first time at a vigil for her husband. >> joe was my best friend, my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 and a half years. >> reporter: an emotional message as authorities warn residents to be aware of anything out of the ordinary. >> shot a police officer. i think that speaks for itself. extremely dangerous. >> reporter: investigators have been looking at surveillance videos and want to see if they can spot the men before crime or after the crime. so far, they have not been able to see them in any of the recordings. gio benitez, fox lake, illinois. a manhunt is also under way near boston after a man shot at a police cruiser. the car crashed into a tree and burst into flames yesterday afternoon. but the officer behind the wheel was not hurt. polices in massachusetts say the shots came from the driver of a maroon pickup truck as a precaution, schools in the town will be closed today. a middle school had received two threatening phone calls but they're not believed to be related to the shooting incident. a judge refused to dismiss charges against six baltimore police officers in the death of freddie gray. a 25-year-old black man whose spine wasnerly severed while in custody. the judge rejected calls to remove the prosecutor from the case that sparked the worst rioting in baltimore since the '60s. he ruled the officers can have separate trials. charges range from reckless endangerment to murder. as the pretrial hearing got under way, protesters called for justice and change. at least one man was arrested after the demonstrators blocked track and faced off with a line of police officers. the military is looking into the crash of a black hawk helicopter in colorado. it went down in a dense remote forest area near denver. all four soldiers on board the helicopter were injured. but none of their injuries were life-threatening. the incident happened during a routine training mission. they say it could take up to a week to recover the helicopter from where it went down. this was a major be foreign policy victory for president obama. maryland senator barbara mick cull ski has announced her support of the iran nuclear agreement. that means there are 34 votes for the accord meeting that the president's expected veto of a republican vote to block it cannot be overridden. a high level meeting later today here in new york between donald trump and the head of the republican national committee. the rnc trying to get trump to agree not to run as a third party candidate. trump has stepped up personal attacks on jeb bush. here's abc's jonathan carl. >> reporter: after donald trump hit yeb bush in english and in spanish -- trump slapped bush for. [ speaking spanish ] . telling the conservative he's a nice man, but he should really set the example by speaking english while in the united states. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife colum ba and more than 37 million other americans. bush's campaign manager danny diaz tweeted donald trump against spanish? says reagan's not a conservative? looks like a one-man mission to kill the gop and he tweeted this video using trump's own words against him. >> hillary clinton is a terrific woman. i've known herr for years. >> in no time, a trump video using jeb's own words. >> the commitment of someone who has devoted her life to public service. i want to say thank you to both secretary clinton and president clinton. >> reporter: after weeks of ignoring donald trump, jeb bush and his campaign is going right at him. even bush's son jeb junior has joined the fray viaia via twitter tweeting i can't wait for this summer reality tv show to be over. jonathan carl, the white house. new details about the shooting of a texas taker by a rookie cop last month. autopsy results show the chris christian tail area likely used a psychedelic drug and marijuana prior to the deadly confrontation at a texas car dealership. the officer has since been fired but his attorney says this new evidence should have the department recoring. in the biggest synthetic drug bust in the history of washington, d.c. police seizes more than 260 pounds of a blueberry flavored drug labeled i know this sounds odd, it's called by czaro. that's the name of the drug. treat value of $2.3 million. they also arrested two menace they confiscated nearly 20,000 packets of the drugs from a storage facility. they believe the shipment came from the west coast. the kentucky court clerk who won't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is seeking help from a higher power. a federal judgdge. kim daviss asking for an emergency injunction while her case goes to court. she says her religious beliefs stop her from issuing the licenses despite an order from the governor. that same federal judge presides today over a contempt of court hearing. electric car sharing is under way in indianapolis. it's called blue indy. 26 charging stations are now open. most of them downtown. eventually, there willable 200. drivers can pick a car up at one location and drop it off at another. they're charged by the minute with a 20-minute minimum. charges start at $4 plus a membership fee. as a general rule, whenever somebody calls a press conference, the press gathers, that official expects to get paid 100% attention. let's say here's an example of things not going the way you expect. >> check out connecticut governor dan malloy. being photo bombs by a beluga whale. he was talking about tourism in his state. >> that whale there, we call nim juno was the star of the whole show. no one bothered to tell the governoren about the distraction till he was 13 minutes into his 15-minute session. even beluga whales need fame every now and then. >> can you imagine what he was thinking the whole time? he probably thinks i'm giving the most captivating speech on tourism this state has ever seen. everybody enthralled. >> at the mystic aquarium in mystic, connecticut which is a fantastic place. great to bring the kids. >> interesting thing to look at though. coming cup later in the mix," a fair of fist a great grandmothers trying to beat each other in a bicker fest. the doctor accused of killing patients with prescriptions but was she just doing her job. later, summer of the show. find out which concerts are the biggest tickets in town and why age is just a number when it comes to rocking the stage. you can see us work behind the scenes on instagram on abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." what do you got to offer us today? ♪balance transfer that's my game♪ ♪bank you never heard of, that's my name♪ haa! thank you. uh, next. watch me make your interest rate... disappear. there's gotta be a better way to find the right card. whatever kind you're searching for, lets you compare hundreds of cards to find the one that's right for you. just search, compare, and apply at ♪a one, a two, a three percent cash back♪ that detergand we'll have to like half thuse like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? 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if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. a crazy scene caught on camera at a gas station in washington state. the owner left his car running when he went inside. then a would be thief jumped in so the owner got into the passenger seat and then they started fighting as the car starts to roll. the fight then eventually moves out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was then held down till police arrived. he's now facing several charges. more than 100 students and teachers went home sick in the raleigh-durham area. the classrooms are being thoroughly cleaned and schools will be open today. health officials are looking into exactly what caused the sickness. a murder trial in los angeles could set a precedent for doctorser from. be careful what you prescribe. >> experts also worry did may make doctors reluctant to prescribe painkillers at all. mara schiavocampo reports. >> reporter: a california doctor accused of killing patients was prescriptions. lisa sing facing second degree murder charges in the overdose deaths of thee patients after prosecutors say she ignored several warnings including the overdose deaths of 12 patients overall and continued prescribing powerful painkillers like oxycontin. >> during this period of time, the defendant's practice of prescribing did not change at all. >> reporter: three pharmacists testifying they even reported hair concerns to authorities. >> the strengths were high and the quantities were low. >> but defense attorneys say sing is not guilty and her patients are ultimately responsible for their own behavior. >> they took excessive doses in some instances they mixed alcohol, they mixed other drugs. >> reporter: now the patients' families hope cases like this one can help save others. >> don't want anybody else to lose their life because of irresponsible prescribing. >> reporter: mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> if convicted tseng faces had ha years to life in prison. >> doctors are traditionally they face a civil lawsuit of malpractice but it's pretty rare that they would face criminal charges. that very notable exception of in the michael jackson case, dr. conrad murray. even he that was involuntary manslaughter he was convicted of. like we mentioned earlier this could set a precedent for doctorser from when it comes to prescribing in that way. coming up in our next half hour, the hero teachers. what they did when a student whipped out a gun holding the glass hostage. how they got everyone through the ordeal. first, summer isn't over yet. a wrap up of the season's best rock 'n' roll concert tours. who was the hottest and who can you still get a ticket to see. you're watching "world news now." "w ♪ yes, it is september. but labor day is still ahead. for millions of us, it is still blazing hot. so really it is still summer, isn't it. >> september's going to be really warm. i've asked viewers not to pray for snow. if you want to keep the summer spirit going, check out the big rock concert performances. bruno checks out the hottest tickets. bruno. >> hey, guys, this year the hottest ticket belongs to the veterans. of course, one not so newbie who goes by the name of t. swift. ♪ after 142 sold out shows, eagles are finally winding down their history of the eagles live in concert tour. they kicked off in the summer of 2013. clocking in at almost three hours this is the definitive show for anyone who is a fan of the eagles and fearings the band's greatest hits and some of their lesser known songs. 40 something years after their founding, the eagles are still soaring and higher than ever. ♪ >> reporter: a rolling stone gathers no moss and neither does the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band. ♪ the stones zip code summer stadium tour launched 51 years after they first toured the u.s. and two years after the last stones' u.s. tour. ♪ ♪ i like it like it yes, i do >> reporter: mick and the boys have been one of stubhub most in demand tickets and all bets are they'll continue to keep rolling in the years to come. ♪ after a long absence, australia's rock gods a cdc return to u.s. shows with the rock or bust world tour which kicked off earlier this year the at coachella. this is a head banging celebration of hard rock at its heaviest, loudest and purest form. let there be rock, courtesy of angus young and company. ♪ ♪ ♪ i was raised in a liar's den >> reporter: despite their ha enormously successful fair three well shows it looks like members of the grateful dead will keep on trucking. the band came together on their 50th anniversary to play their final slows grossing over $50 million for just five concerts. it was easily one of this summer's hottest tickets. the dead heads don't despair. three of the four surviving members have enlisted john mayer for a new incarnation, dead end company playing at madison square garden on halloween. ♪ >> reporter: and add another accolade to taylor swift's ever growing list. she is now the number one touring songstress since she starred touring in 2011. ♪ it's no surprise that she's hot this summer. she sold over 500,000 tickets so far this year and she'll be touring throughout north america this fall. nothing seems to be stopping her from world domination. ♪ i know it's only rock 'n' roll but we like it. oh, yes, we do. try and catch some of these amazing entertainers in action. time waits for no one and the summer's still young. back to you guys. >> bruno, thank you so much. bruno has like a casey case many don't you you think? and we are a bunch of dead heads. >> far out. rock on. ♪ look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor... oh you know i love that guy. mmmmhmmm. these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and, there are no networks. is this a one-size fits all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need. and how much we want to spend. call now to request your free [decision guide]. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? 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happy wifey. and now it's time for "the mix." have you siblings, right? you hope the older you get you might be able to gel a little bit better. rivalry might not be there. but grandmas are 101 and 96 years old. they prove they still have their own bicker fest. take a listen. >> will you shut up a minute? >> what is she saying to me. >> i'm telling you to shut up. >> would you guys ever consider moving in together? >> no. god for bid. >> everybody makes me mad. >> this cracks me up. they have their own youtube channel. this one has more than 2,000 views. they're 101 and 96. they still go at it. >> love her peering over the steering wheel. i'm glad they have this channel because they are hilarious. check it out. they bicker back and forth. it is great to watch. why did the chicken cross the road? >> to go to mcdonald's. >> in northern california, they actually had -- i don't know if they asked them where the chicken was headed but this is a couple of pictures of a chicken wandering around. that looks like in the parking lot but it is actually crossing the road here. police had to intervene and get the chicken out of the road because it was not doing so in a timely fashion. >> no, they didn't. >> so it got popped. it has a record now. it's on probation. as long as it doesn't do anything else wrong, it can go ahead and live its own life, go to mcdonald's. >> >> was the chicken remorseful or not really? >> pretty silent. just a few chirps here and there. >> nice, nice. that was funny. you know one of my favorite songs from the summer was i can't feel my face. i'm always humming it. i love that song. it this could be the new song for denyists offices everywhere. take a listen ♪ she told me don't worry about it ♪ she told me don't worry no more ♪ ♪ we both know we can't go without it ♪ >> that is andrew hong he has more than half a million hits since posting it on youtube a few days ago. his local dentist office used their instruments and redid the song. it's hilarious. i think during the commercial break i'm going to play it for you. >> this guy has plenty of others all over youtube. >> yep. breaking bad theme. chemistry equipment. >> all sorts of talent on youtube there. that will do it for "the mix" and the news for this half hour. >> moore news coming up from ab this morning on "world news now," marriage standoff. more same-sex couples denied by the county clerk. still refusing to issue marriage licenses. why today she may no longer have a choice as she faces a judge. breaking overnight, manhunt changes course. police searching for the suspects in the tragic death of a beloved officer. his wife's emotional message just ahead. and new this half hour, is joe biden dropping hints? as the nation waits for his decision to run or not, the vice president gets support from a would be adversary. new developments ahead. >> and dancing days are here again. the new lineup of "dancing with the stars" is set. find out who rounds out the year's ballroom hopefuls that's later in "the skinny" on then thursday, september 3rd. from abc news,


Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20150903

right to that breaking newsment police north of chicago on the trail of the suspects responsible for the death of an officer. after reports of suspicious circumstances they were out in full force for hours searching areas less than ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. the search was not linked to gliniewicz's death. >> as the sun was setting last night hundreds gathered in fox lake, illinois, to honor gliniewicz. for the first time we heard from his widow who spoke emotional ly while surrounded by their four sons. >> every night he came home to me. he was the most wonderful, caring and loving father to our boys. my world got a little bit smaller with his passing. he will truly be missed by all of us. >> blue and black balloons were released into the air. schools are re-opening today. discounts being asked to wear blue and black to honor gliniewicz. >> more breaking news overnight. a frightening scene at the main airport in moscow. >> 3,000 people evacuated because of a fire. heavy smoke filled the terminal after the fire broke out near the baggage area. it's believed to have been started by an electrical short and was quickly brought under control. about 40 departing flights delayed. a show of military muscle in beijing to celebrate the end of world war ii 70 years ago promising to reduce the army by 300,000 soldiers. the growing humanitarian crisis in europe. people fleeing africa and the middle east by the thousands risking their lives in search of a better life. at least 12 syrians drowned off turkey yesterday when their boat sank on the way toreece. the body of a young boy among those washing ashore. 350,000 people have crossed into europe illegally this year alone. 2300 of them have died on the way. here at home the kentucky county clerk who refuses to issue any marriage licenses since the supreme court legalized same-sex marriage is in court today. kim davis faces contempt of court charges for refusing to obey a federal judge's order. more from abc's bazi kanani. >> reporter: the protests are growing at the rowan county clerk's office, police there to keep order. today the clerk at the center of it all will face a federal judge because of this. >> we are here to get our marriage license. >> so presently we are not issuing marriage license, pending an appeal to the system. >> reporter: again and again kim davis turning away gay couples refusing to issue them after the court's ruling in support of same-sex sex marriage. >> under whose authority are you not issuing licenses? >> under god's authority. >> i respect religion. i respect people. people's faith, okay, but this is a civil institution. >> reporter: the battle in this small town in the national spotlight after one of the rejected couples posted this video of their denial online. now viewed more than 1.8 million times. >> i'm willing to face my consequences as you all will face your consequences when it comes time for judgment. >> not everyone believes what you believe. >> if we go to another county we're saying it's okay to discriminate against us. >> yes. >> and we can't do that. >> reporter: david more and david ermold say they will not give up but kim davis insists she will not give in in a statement calling it a heaven or hell decision. her supporters praying and promising to stand by her as she faces fines and possible jail time for disobeying the nation's law. bazi kanani, abc news, washington. in colorado the military is looking into the crash of a black hawk helicopter. it went down in a dense remote forest near denver. all four soldiers on board were treated for nonlife-threatening injuries. it happened during a routine training mission and could take up to a week to recover the helicopter from where it went down. a high level meeting here in new york between donald trump and the head of the republican national committee. the rnc trying to get trump to agree not to run as a third party candidate. this as trump has stepped up his personal attacks on jeb bush. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: after jeb bush hit donald trump in english and in spanish. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: trump slammed bush for speaking spanish. telling the conservative bright, he's a nice man but should set the exam of speaking english while in the united states. the nature tiff language of his wife columba and more than 37 million other americans. danny diaz tweeted, donald trump against spanish. says reagan is not a conservative, looks like a one-man mission to kill the gop. even bush's son jeb jr. has joined the fray via twitter tweeting can't wait for this summer reality tv show to be over. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> speculation continues to swirl around the presidential as pier rations of joe biden. the vice president looking a lot like a candidate. one source close to him telling abc news it seems more likely than not biden will run, of course, that means going up his close friend and former colleague hillary clinton. well, you can call it a major foreign policy victory for president obama. that's what it's looking like. barbara mikulski has announced her support for the nuclear agreement. the president's expected veto of a republican vote to block it cannot be overridden. president obama is on his way home after a three-day visit to alaska. and while he was in the arctic circle, the white house announced actions to understand and lessen the effects of climate change. the president used the slowly sinking town where he was speaking to show the effects of warmer temperatures. he said that if another country were threatening the town, americans would rush to help. the president saw another mishap of sorts yesterday while visiting a fishing village, a salmon began spawning on his shoes. he then picked it up and showed it to reporters but he made it clear he had not caught it. he said he didn't want anyone to kusing him of telling a fish story. during a visit to a scholl he watched a cultural performance and then surprised them by joining in on the last dance. he told them he had been practicing and by the looks of it, he had. >> in step with the kids there. not bad. well, still ahead, exposing your home an your children to danger. the new concern this morning about hacked baby monitors. caught on camera. joyride. a driver gets his car back from a mechanic and couldn't believe what he spotted on the dash cam. plus, saved by a smartphone, the iphone that stopped a speeding bullet. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's a joyride that has one car owner fuming. alex leech brought his mazda to be serviced and was so shocked by the scene recorded on the dash cam. a mechanic gunning the engine taking the vehicle for a spin and picking up his son for a ride. the dealership insisting the mechanic acts responsibly. security company found that nine popular models were vulnerable to cyberattack. it makes it possible for hackers to change the camera settings and monitor live feeds. the company says to make monitors more secure, never connect the devices to public wi-fi or use cellular data and just in case, always unplug the machines when not in use. global markets showing signs of recovery overnight. asian markets trading mostly higher and stocks up in europe early on. all this follows a rebound on wall street. the dow adding 293 points yesterday. nasdaq climbing nearly 114. the s&p 500 up 35. the momentum was helped by a report showing american businesses added jobs at a steady pace last month. the government releases its august jobs report tomorrow. and taco bell is going naked by replacing the taco shell with fried chicken and calls it the naked crispy chicken taco. inside the chicken, lettuce, tomato cheese an avocado ranch sauce. no need for meat because you're holding it only available in two taco bell locations in central california. >> when is the foe few one coming out. a poisonous snake on the loose. where did the king cobra come from. >> grand slam, a tennis playing taking her frustrations out on her tennis racket. if you struggle you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. hundreds of people attended a ceremony yesterday at pearl harbor marking the end of world war ii. it was held aboard the mighty mo, the "uss missouri" now a memorial and museum. attending were some of the tail sailors serving aboard "the po mo" on that day in 1945. road condition, a wet and windy commute in the northwest. drivers could face flash floods and dust storms in the southwest. a slick ride along coastal texas. wet at times from new orleans to orlando. periods of flooding from chicago into detroit. and if you are flying, it should be easy going. weather-related airport delays only expected in phoenix. a doctor is on trial in california charged with murder. >> lisa tseng is charged with murder for prescribing powerful drugs to three men who overdosed. she should have seen the warning signs of drug seeking behavior. defense attorneys say the two men took the drugs far in excess of their prescription and sometimes combined them with alcohol. the doctor could face life in prison if convicted. the questions about the hands up shooting in texas. in the first video gill letter flores appears to have his hands raised in the air before deputies shot and killed him. a second video shows something possibly a knife in the suspect's hand. that video has not been made public. during the incident a dispatcher suggested flores wanted to die. court records show flores asked police to kill him during an arrest before an arrest in 1999. next a crazy scene at a gas station in washington state. the owner went inside but left his car running. a would-be thief jumped in so the owner got into the passenger seat and they fought as the car started rolling. they wound up out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was held down until police arrived. he's now facing several charges. a california college student was saved by his iphone literally. it stopped a bullet during an armed robbery at an apartment complex near campus. the phone was in his hands. it doesn't appear this iphone will be making any calls but amazingly that student was unarm unharmed. >> he showed me the phone. the bullet clear on the phone. destroyed it and phone broken into pieces. >> the robber ran away with the student's laptop and has not been caught. according to the victim's ro roommate he's so upset he left the area and withdrawn from all his classes. huge poisonous snake lands on the loose after escaping in orlando. the owner of a king cobra like this one reported it mitting. it is about eight feet long and so venomous one bite can kill an elephant. they're canvassing the area near an elementary school hoping to find the cobra before anyone gets hurt. that is terrifying. >> yikes. all right, attention, college football fans, the long wait is over. it's been 234 days, not that anyone is counting since january's national title game. to you a new season begins tonight. first baseball highlights. good morning. welcome to our "sportscenter" set. clayton kershaw what a performance, 15 strikeouts in a 2-1 win over the giants. >> hey, who is that swinger? carlos beltran, second inning, home run counter. pick it up at 3. trust me on this one. stephen drew, byrd and murphy hit one and two. stephen drew used to live here at fenway then they let him go so had to feel reel good. got it, i got it, i ain't got it. five home rungs in the game and win 13-8. mets taking on the if phillies. top of the fifth. runners on second and third. mets already up 6-0 and roughed up the youngster aaron nola. phillies cut into the lead. it's 6-2 at that point. let's move ahead. top of the seventh. >> we move ahead to the seventh inning. >> up 7-3. bases empty but darnell sweeney thinks this would be a good time. third home run cuts it to 7-4. matt harvey, nine strikeouts get him out of there. cespedes, arm sleeve that looks like a highlighter and a highlight. his tenth of the season. mets win it, 9-4. we're out. back to you. >> you know, after the show i always watch u.s. open highlights from the night before. serena williams into her third round, pursuit of a single season grand slam still alive. here's the best moment. >> this is coco vandeweghe going nuts on her racket after falling way behind in her second round match. vandeweghe acknowledges the crowd and slams the racket one more time. >> she eventually lost and afterwards said i definitely had a lot of nervous energy. pent-up frustration and let it rip. >> the racket learned its lesson. it will never mess her up again, never. coming up next in "the pulse," elephant rampage. this massive animal charging a truck. and a governor photo bombed. ? it's you! it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. cook healthy meals... to nurses everywhere, yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. ooh, i thinki saw dessert!... hey! steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you?... honey, he didn't say that!... don't fight your instincts. with each for 150 calories or less, try our lemon bars, brownies and new cheesecakes. fiber one. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. ♪ time now for "the pulse." animal theme starting with a pachyderm packing a punch. he charged a truck last month in zimbabwe. >> and nearly injures a passenger and the elephant also used his tusks to puncture a tire and the side of the truck then having proved his point, whatever that was, he walks away as if nothing happened. why did the chicken cross the road? >> no clue. >> to create a traffic fowl-up. the california highway patrol was all atwitter at this chicken at the bay bridge. a free range chicken. >> it created a real flap until it was arrested and put in the back of a patrol car just like any other bird brain criminal. last we heard on the way to a veterinarian. hopefully not someone's dinner table and i wonder if he was a little remorseful. it was definitely a he, not a she. >> looks like a total thug. a beluga whale that clearly loves a crowd. take a look at june know photo bombing governor dan malloy. >> the governor was there talking about tourism in the state but june know was truly the star of the whole show. >> no one actually bothered to tell the governor about the distraction until he was 13 minutes into his 15-minute session. i wonder if he was upset about that. would you like to be told that someone is photo bombing your press conference. >> at least this way he feels like everybody was paying attention. he went through his speech confidently. wouldn't you rather stare at that beautiful animal instead of -- >> i'd like to know. by the way, forecast this happened at the mystic aquarium. wonderful place to go. a woman in tennessee has good reason to think twice before leaving her car windows down again. >> she returned to her car to catch a pair of thieves red-handed. check out the bear holding her purse in the mouth. they polished off her lunch and snacks. >> she was lucky. she said she was more amused than scared. we'll be back. to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide seven million vaccines. make your flu shot make a world of difference. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. daddy! lets play! sorry kids. feeling dead on your feet? i've been on my feet all day. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have a unique gel wave design for outrageous comfort that helps you feel more energized. dr. scholl's. feel the energy! the way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. you could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or, you could make things easier on yourself. that's right, the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. so, let's try this again. what's in your wallet? o'donnell, 4:28:27. thursday, here's what's coming up on "action news," a pistol whipped and robbed. a home invasion sends a woman to the hospital. there are new developments on the pope's visit including tickets and the impact on a large suburban district. a kentucky clerk refuses to give licenses to same-sex couples. and an iphone stops a bullet. "action news" is next. for the ball trophy. >> the final four celebrities on this upcoming season of "dancing with the stars" have been revealed. all 13 celebrities now have less than two weeks to rehearse before they hit the dance floor. more from abc's brandi hitt. >> reporter: good morning, phillip and reena. what a diverse cast this season. most of these celebrities have no dance experience whatsoever and you can see the nerves start to kick in a little bit with less than two weeks until their first performance. actors, a jockey, even an american hero will kick up their heels for season 21 of "dancing with the stars." >> i hope i learn a lot. >> reporter: that's alek skarlatos one of three americans who recently took down a terror suspect on a paris-bound train. ♪ saint nobody's chaka khan is competing against andy grammer and nick carter. then there's celebrity chef paula deen returning to the national spotlight two years after a racial slur controversy. >> this is the first time in a few years that i felt like my weight would allow me to participate. >> reporter: alexa penavega is competing against her husband carlos and actor gary busey seen here in "entourage" has his dancing shoes ready. >> getting them sturdy to sweep around. >> reporter: hayes grier is also taking on triple crown winning jockey victor espinoza, kim zolciak, tamar braxton and bindi irwin. >> i'm not used to any of this. i'm used to crocodiles. all getting ready to hit the ballroom and compete for that mirror ball trophy. bindi irwin is one of the youngest stars this season at 17 and hayes grier is just 15. you can watch the first round of competition when "dancing with the stars" premieres september 14th on abc. phillip and reena. >> thank you so much, brandi. looks like a good mix of people but we saw president obama dancing earlier in alaska. wondering if 2017 could be his year for "dancing with the stars." >> well, he's going to have some time coming up soon at that in >> george, here's what's happening on this thursday, september 3. >> two men barge into philadelphia home and pistol whip a mother and daughter. you'll need a ticket to get close to the pope during his visit to philadelphia later this month. >> a bucks county judge weighs in whether a transgender woman can get sex reassignment surgery against the pushes of his parents. >> welcome back, david murphy. >> reporter: i'm back, i'm not sure


Transcripts For WPVI World News Now 20150903

and now i'm going to get them to milsmell my shirt.uys, smells good yesterday i washed my clothes in new downy fresh protect. it's like deodorant, for your clothes. you just throw it in with your detergent, it neutralizes odor on the spot new downy fresh protect feel free to be yourself all day.... just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. jake, put that downten up! point it at the ground til your ready that's not the ground leo put that down when your day goes on and on, you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel. ♪ when school was germy back in session ♪a flu ♪ ♪ those germs were shared with you ♪ this school year, trust lysol wipes and spray: approved to kill over 45% more types of germs than clorox. we've gotpeptocopter! ummy town. ♪ when cold cuts give your belly thunder, pink relief is the first responder, so you can be a business boy wonder! ♪ fix stomach trouble fast with pepto. the thief is under arrest here in miami after he was caught on camera. you see stealing a package from one someone's front door. the homeowner turned out to be a retired police detective. he didn't hesitate to confront the man and call 911. the suspect was picking up his son from a school across the street when you saw the ups delivery. he was bold enough to back up his mercedes in the driveway while his kids were in the back seat. a california student saved by his iphone. it stopped a bullet during a robbery near campus. the phone was in his pants pocket. it does appear that that iphone will be making any calls but the student was unharmed. the robber did get away with his laptop and has not been caught. thank you, siri. a former nanny from ireland is blasting prosecutors here in the u.s. after she spent two and a half years in jail for murder. >> the young woman has been cleared of the charges and is back home still very much shaken by the ordeal. >> after spending more than two years behind bars awaiting trial for a crime, authorities now say she did not commit, ashley mccarthy is now a free woman. >> she's absolutely thankful to the medical examiner's office for doing this rereview. >> reporter: justice long overdue after the former nanny was arrested and charged with murder in 2013 when 1-year-old ray ma sa beer seen in this picture died suddenly. prosecutors sustained the baby sustained brain damage consistent with shaken baby syndrome. the examiner ruled the death a homicide but just last week saying the baby's past medical issues raised the possibility she had some type of disorder that was not able to be completely diagnosed prior to her death. and given the uncertainties can no longer rule the manner of death as a homicide. prosecutors immediately dropping all charges monday. >> we where the evidence takes us. when the evidence changes we have to consider that. >> reporter: the family could not be reached for comment. now mccarthy is returning to her native country of ireland. >> she has to try to rebuild her reputation. >> mccarthy was visited in jail by other parents of whom children that she will took care of. >> but what's really troubling also because she overstayed her visa, it could be more than ten years before she can visit her husband who lives in the boston area. tough case to follow. coming up, could your toy chest be a treasure chest? how to turn childhood favorites into big bucks. >> meet one collector who says toys could be better investments than the stock market. i want to hear this one. you're watching "world news now." well, if you have kids or remember your own childhood, you probably have a houseful of toys. wouldn't it it be nice if you could get back some of the money you spent on them. >> it is possible to turn old toys into cash and sometimes a lot of it. abc's becky worley checks it out. >> reporter: dave from new jersey grew up in the '70s and cleaning out his parents' garage recently took him straight back in time. >> pretty much every single toy that i had is still here. >> reporter: but are such recent toys worth anything? enter jordan, aka the toy hunter. >> toys are a better investment than the stock market because toys go up in value. >> reporter: he says toys stir up nostalgia. >> wow, okay. bobo fat. awesome. >> reporter: steak "star wars." star wars. >> wow. wait a minute. this is cool. these old retro t-shirts? >> reporter: and big franchises like star wars, my little pone nil are coming back. >> all the little numbers at 20, $15 adds up. the whole box is about $100. >> reporter: next working toys especially the sounds. they trigger our emotions and get people to open their wallets. >> the nastalgia i totally get it. ga laxia was my favorite arcade game and it works. this is worth $50 to $75. >> reporter: for dave these items are treasured memories. >> i bought that in disney world in 1979. we still have the price tag on it. >> reporter: 24 bucks in 1979? >>. >> reporter: that paid off. the jackpot. you've got all these beautiful disney figurines. these are bought at the park? >> yep. >> you've got a beautiful set. worth about $500. >> total number on all of these toys, what's your estimate? >> i would say on everything probably about $1900, almost $2,000. >> amazing. >> reporter: becky worley, abc news, new york. >> i collected baseball cards more than toys. they're not even worth the cardstock they're printed on anymore. >> not even the stick of gum? >> no. >> do you have any toys that were your favorites? >> i wish i had saved my strawberriry short cake toys or cabbage patch dolls. >> they had lunch pails. remember alf? thunder cats. he man. >> save the boxes apparently that's where all the money is if you have all the pieces. >> save the boxes, no fun but you'll make money. >> more news coming up. i'm so busy, i have two kids. we hit the pillow and pass out. have you considered using a pleasure gel? no we never have. we never tried one. so one product i think you guys would love, ky yours and mine. there is one warming and one tingling. when they combine it creates an intense new sensation. oooh hoo hoo hoo! when you discover something new together it's like falling in love all over again. is this something you'd try to spice things up? tonight. i've got two reasons to take that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. it's from daddy. sfx: dad's voice i love you baby girl. duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices so you can always be there. ♪ you think your car smells fine, but your passengers smell this eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and breathe happy. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. ♪ feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. on the upcoming season of dancing with the stars revealed. and it is a diverse cast this year. >> all 13 stars have less than two weeks to rehearse before they hit the floor for the first time. brandi hitt is in los angeles with the new lineup. hey, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. what a diverse cast this season. most of these celebrities have no dance experience whatsoever. you can see the nerves start to kick in a little bit with less than two weeks till their first performance. actors, a jockey, even an american hero will kick up their heels for season 21 of "dancing with the stars." >> i hope i learn a lot. >> that's alek skarlatos one of three american who's took down a terror suspect on a paris bound train ♪ >> ain't nobody shack cag khan is also competing against andy grammer and nick carter, back street boy. then there's celebrity chef paula deen returning to the spotlight two years after a racial slur controversy. >> this is the first time in a few years that i felt like my weight would allow me to participate. alexa penavegaing is competing against carlos penavega. >> i'm cleansing you prosecutor and gary busy seen in entourage has his shoes ready. >> getting my pants sturdy so they canscopy like seaweed. >> hayes greer is taking on jockey victor espinoza. kim zoll zi yak, bindi irwin tamar braxton. >> i'm used to crocodiles. >> all getting ready to hit the ballroom and compete for that mirror ball trophy. >> bindi irwin is one of the youngest stars this season at 1737 hayes greer is just 15. you can watch the first round of competition when "dancing with the stars" premieres september 14th on abc. phillip and reena? >> thank you so much. it's a good mix of people. i'm curious about bindi irwin. >> i'm going to make it a point to watch this season and i already have the guy i'm rooting pore. gary busy, if it can't be me, it's going to be gary busy. >> it could be us. don't rule us out yet. i've been practicing more than two weeks for that. >> go practice some more. this morning on "world news now," the search for the alleged cop killer continues. >> but the massive manhunt may have changed course. breaking overnight, authorities focusing on a new location as emotions run high. the slain officer's family speaking out. new overnight, hard landing. an army black hawk helicopter goes down in a forest. injuring the soldiers inside as investigators try to piece together what happened. donald trump and jeb bush battling it out in a war over words. trump telling bush you shouldn't be [ speaking spanish ] . this latest round of political jabs taking a tough turn. and the sounds of summer still going strong. we've got a roundup for you of the hottest concert tours and even though the young acts have been grabbing headlines, classic rockers are grabbing ticket sales. for those about to rock, he we salute you on this thursday, accepts 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now". a cdc song. >> i would try but i can't go there with that. young voices. >> it's too much. >> you cannot duplicate that. guitar player i was told. there you go. there you go. >> you're not a rocker. >> clearly not. swung and missed. >> swinging, right? what was it? you missed every shot you don't take. >> michael jordan i think. from the sports analogies we have breaking news. we're focusing on an area right now in the search for three alleged cop killers just north of chicago that the search is intensifying at this hour. >> police in the air and on the ground responding overnight to reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from the village where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed. >> earlier hundreds gathered in a fox lake, illinois park for a vigil in memory of lieutenant gliniewicz. gio benitez has more. >> the three suspects in the death of police lieutenant joe gliniewicz still at large. new audio obtained byw ls appears to capture gliniewicz's last call from this isolated back road. it all started tuesday. the lieutenant reported seeing the three suspicious men. he says he is pursuing them on foot into a swamp area and just moments later calls for backup. two backup units arrive on the scene and minutes later they find gliniewicz unresponsive on the ground about 50 yards from his car with a gunshot wound. >> send everybody you possibly can. officer is down. >> reporter: the shooting launching this massive manhunt from the air and from the ground. canine units and s.w.a.t. teams. investigators are now turning to the evidence. in fact, right here at the crime scene you can see them searching for any clues. the lead investigator saying they will turn over every leaf in this desolate swampy area. the widow of the fallen father of four speaking out for the first time at a vigil for her husband. >> joe was my best friend, my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 and a half years. >> reporter: an emotional message as authorities warn residents to be aware of anything out of the ordinary. >> shot a police officer. i think that speaks for itself. extremely dangerous. >> reporter: investigators have been looking at surveillance videos and want to see if they can spot the men before crime or after the crime. so far, they have not been able to see them in any of the recordings. gio benitez, fox lake, illinois. a manhunt is also under way near boston after a man shot at a police cruiser. the car crashed into a tree and burst into flames yesterday afternoon. but the officer behind the wheel was not hurt. polices in massachusetts say the shots came from the driver of a maroon pickup truck as a precaution, schools in the town will be closed today. a middle school had received two threatening phone calls but they're not believed to be related to the shooting incident. a judge refused to dismiss charges against six baltimore police officers in the death of freddie gray. a 25-year-old black man whose spine wasnerly severed while in custody. the judge rejected calls to remove the prosecutor from the case that sparked the worst rioting in baltimore since the '60s. he ruled the officers can have separate trials. charges range from reckless endangerment to murder. as the pretrial hearing got under way, protesters called for justice and change. at least one man was arrested after the demonstrators blocked track and faced off with a line of police officers. the military is looking into the crash of a black hawk helicopter in colorado. it went down in a dense remote forest area near denver. all four soldiers on board the helicopter were injured. but none of their injuries were life-threatening. the incident happened during a routine training mission. they say it could take up to a week to recover the helicopter from where it went down. this was a major be foreign policy victory for president obama. maryland senator barbara mick cull ski has announced her support of the iran nuclear agreement. that means there are 34 votes for the accord meeting that the president's expected veto of a republican vote to block it cannot be overridden. a high level meeting later today here in new york between donald trump and the head of the republican national committee. the rnc trying to get trump to agree not to run as a third party candidate. trump has stepped up personal attacks on jeb bush. here's abc's jonathan carl. >> reporter: after donald trump hit yeb bush in english and in spanish -- trump slapped bush for. [ speaking spanish ] . telling the conservative he's a nice man, but he should really set the example by speaking english while in the united states. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife colum ba and more than 37 million other americans. bush's campaign manager danny diaz tweeted donald trump against spanish? says reagan's not a conservative? looks like a one-man mission to kill the gop and he tweeted this video using trump's own words against him. >> hillary clinton is a terrific woman. i've known herr for years. >> in no time, a trump video using jeb's own words. >> the commitment of someone who has devoted her life to public service. i want to say thank you to both secretary clinton and president clinton. >> reporter: after weeks of ignoring donald trump, jeb bush and his campaign is going right at him. even bush's son jeb junior has joined the fray viaia via twitter tweeting i can't wait for this summer reality tv show to be over. jonathan carl, the white house. new details about the shooting of a texas taker by a rookie cop last month. autopsy results show the chris christian tail area likely used a psychedelic drug and marijuana prior to the deadly confrontation at a texas car dealership. the officer has since been fired but his attorney says this new evidence should have the department recoring. in the biggest synthetic drug bust in the history of washington, d.c. police seizes more than 260 pounds of a blueberry flavored drug labeled i know this sounds odd, it's called by czaro. that's the name of the drug. treat value of $2.3 million. they also arrested two menace they confiscated nearly 20,000 packets of the drugs from a storage facility. they believe the shipment came from the west coast. the kentucky court clerk who won't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is seeking help from a higher power. a federal judge. kim davis is asking for an emergency injunction while her case goes to court. she says her religious beliefs stop her from issuing the licenses despite an order from the governor. that same federal judge presides today over a contempt of court hearing. electric car sharing is under way in indianapolis. it's called blue indy. 26 charging stations are now open. most of them downtown. eventually, there willable 200. drivers can pick a car up at one location and drop it off at another. they're charged by the minute with a 20-minute minimum. charges start at $4 plus a membership fee. as a general rule, whenever somebody calls a press conference, the press gathers, that official expects to get paid 100% attention. let's say here's an example of things not going the way you expect. >> check out connecticut governor dan malloy. being photo bombs by a beluga whale. he was talking about tourism in his state. >> that whale there, we call nim juno was the star of the whole show. no one bothered to tell the governoren about the distraction till he was 13 minutes into his 15-minute session. even beluga whales need fame every now and then. >> can you imagine what he was thinking the whole time? he probably thinks i'm giving the most captivating speech on tourism this state has ever seen. everybody enthralled. >> at the mystic aquarium in mystic, connecticut which is a fantastic place. great to bring the kids. >> interesting thing to look at though. coming cup later in the mix," a fair of fist a great grandmothers trying to beat each other in a bicker fest. the doctor accused of killing patients with prescriptions but was she just doing her job. later, summer of the show. find out which concerts are the biggest tickets in town and why age is just a number when it comes to rocking the stage. you can see us work behind the scenes on instagram on abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." what do you got to offer us today? ♪balance transfer that's my game♪ ♪bank you never heard of, that's my name♪ haa! thank you. uh, next. watch me make your interest rate... disappear. there's gotta be a 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colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. a crazy scene caught on camera at a gas station in washington state. the owner left his car running when he went inside. then a would be thief jumped in so the owner got into the passenger seat and then they started fighting as the car starts to roll. the fight then eventually moves out of the car and onto the ground. the suspect was then held down till police arrived. he's now facing several charges. more than 100 students and teachers went home sick in the raleigh-durham area. the classrooms are being thoroughly cleaned and schools will be open today. health officials are looking into exactly what caused the sickness. a murder trial in los angeles could set a precedent for doctorser from. be careful what you prescribe. >> experts also worry did may make doctors reluctant to prescribe painkillers at all. mara schiavocampo reports. >> reporter: a california doctor accused of killing patients was prescriptions. lisa sing facing second degree murder charges in the overdose deaths of thee patients after prosecutors say she ignored several warnings including the overdose deaths of 12 patients overall and continued prescribing powerful painkillers like oxycontin. >> during this period of time, the defendant's practice of prescribing did not change at all. >> reporter: three pharmacists testifying they even reported hair concerns to authorities. >> the strengths were high and the quantities were low. >> but defense attorneys say sing is not guilty and her patients are ultimately responsible for their own behavior. >> they took excessive doses in some instances they mixed alcohol, they mixed other drugs. >> reporter: now the patients' families hope cases like this one can help save others. >> don't want anybody else to lose their life because of irresponsible prescribing. >> reporter: mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> if convicted tseng faces had ha years to life in prison. >> doctors are traditionally they face a civil lawsuit of malpractice but it's pretty rare that they would face criminal charges. that very notable exception of in the michael jackson case, dr. conrad murray. even he that was involuntary manslaughter he was convicted of. like we mentioned earlier this could set a precedent for doctorser from when it comes to prescribing in that way. coming up in our next half hour, the hero teachers. what they did when a student whipped out a gun holding the glass hostage. how they got everyone through the ordeal. first, summer isn't over yet. a wrap up of the season's best rock 'n' roll concert tours. who was the hottest and who can you still get a ticket to see. you're watching "world news now." ♪ yes, it is september. but labor day is still ahead. for millions of us, it is still blazing hot. so really it is still summer, isn't it. >> september's going to be really warm. i've asked viewers not to pray for snow. if you want to keep the summer spirit going, check out the big rock concert performances. bruno checks out the hottest tickets. bruno. >> hey, guys, this year the hottest ticket belongs to the veterans. of course, one not so newbie who goes by the name of t. swift. ♪ after 142 sold out shows, eagles are finally winding down their history of the eagles live in concert tour. they kicked off in the summer of 2013. clocking in at almost three hours this is the definitive show for anyone who is a fan of the eagles and fearings the band's greatest hits and some of their lesser known songs. 40 something years after their founding, the eagles are still soaring and higher than ever. ♪ >> reporter: a rolling stone gathers no moss and neither does the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band. ♪ the stones zip code summer stadium tour launched 51 years after they first toured the u.s. and two years after the last stones' u.s. tour. ♪ ♪ i like it like it yes, i do >> reporter: mick and the boys have been one of stubhub most in demand tickets and all bets are they'll continue to keep rolling in the years to come. ♪ after a long absence, australia's rock gods a cdc return to u.s. shows with the rock or bust world tour which kicked off earlier this year the at coachella. this is a head banging celebration of hard rock at its heaviest, loudest and purest form. let there be rock, courtesy of angus young and company. ♪ ♪ ♪ i was raised in a liar's den >> reporter: despite their ha enormously successful fair three well shows it looks like members of the grateful dead will keep on trucking. the band came together on their 50th anniversary to play their final slows grossing over $50 million for just five concerts. it was easily one of this summer's hottest tickets. the dead heads don't despair. three of the four surviving members have enlisted john mayer for a new incarnation, dead end company playing at madison square garden on halloween. ♪ >> reporter: and add another accolade to taylor swift's ever growing list. she is now the number one touring songstress since she starred touring in 2011. ♪ it's no surprise that she's hot this summer. she sold over 500,000 tickets so far this year and she'll be touring throughout north america this fall. nothing seems to be stopping her from world domination. ♪ i know it's only rock 'n' roll but we like it. oh, yes, we do. try and catch some of these amazing entertainers in action. time waits for no one and the summer's still young. back to you guys. >> bruno, thank you so much. bruno has like a casey case many don't you you think? and we are a bunch of dead heads. >> far out. rock on. ♪ look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor... oh you know i love that guy. mmmmhmmm. these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and, there are no networks. is this a one-size fits all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need. and how much we want to spend. call now to request your free [decision guide]. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? i'm in. join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance... plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. don't wait. call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. what'in your intimate life? time is the key. with kids and schedules crossing like this. keeping things interesting can be hard to do. have you ever considered a pleasure gel? it's not something that i've ever needed. pleasure gels are not just for lubrication. it feels warm. this is going to be interesting. ky love creates a new sensation. some playfulness, excitement, which is great for your emotional connection and your relationship as a whole. happy wifey? happy wifey. and now it's time for "the mix." have you siblings, right? you hope the older you get you might be able to gel a little bit better. rivalry might not be there. but grandmas are 101 and 96 years old. they prove they still have their own bicker fest. take a listen. >> will you shut up a minute? >> what is she saying to me. >> i'm telling you to shut up. >> would you guys ever consider moving in together? >> no. god for bid. >> everybody makes me mad. >> this cracks me up. they have their own youtube channel. this one has more than 2,000 views. they're 101 and 96. they still go at it. >> love her peering over the steering wheel. i'm glad they have this channel because they are hilarious. check it out. they bicker back and forth. it is great to watch. why did the chicken cross the road? >> to go to mcdonald's. >> in northern california, they actually had -- i don't know if they asked them where the chicken was headed but this is a couple of pictures of a chicken wandering around. that looks like in the parking lot but it is actually crossing the road here. police had to intervene and get the chicken out of the road because it was not doing so in a timely fashion. >> no, they didn't. >> so it got popped. it has a record now. it's on probation. as long as it doesn't do anything else wrong, it can go ahead and live its own life, go to mcdonald's. >> >> was the chicken remorseful or not really? >> pretty silent. just a few chirps here and there. >> nice, nice. that was funny. you know one of my favorite songs from the summer was i can't feel my face. i'm always humming it. i love that song. it this could be the new song for denyists offices everywhere. take a listen ♪ she told me don't worry about it ♪ she told me don't worry no more ♪ ♪ we both know we can't go without it ♪ >> that is andrew hong he has more than half a million hits since posting it on youtube a few days ago. his local dentist office used their instruments and redid the song. it's hilarious. i think during the commercial break i'm going to play it for you. >> this guy has plenty of others all over youtube. >> yep. breaking bad theme. chemistry equipment. >> all sorts of talent on youtube there. that will do it for "the mix" and the news for this half hour. >> moore news coming up from this morning on "world news now," marriage standoff. more same-sex couples denied by the county clerk. still refusing to issue marriage licenses. why today she may no longer have a choice as she faces a judge. breaking overnight, manhunt changes course. police searching for the suspects in the tragic death of a beloved officer. his wife's emotional message just ahead. and new this half hour, is joe biden dropping hints? as the nation waits for his decision to run or not, the vice president gets support from a would be adversary. new developments ahead. >> and dancing days are here again. the new lineup of "dancing with the stars" is set. find out who rounds out the year's ballroom hopefuls that's later in "the skinny" on then thursday, september 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now." our top story this half hour is the kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. >> kim davis appears in court today for a contempt of court hearing. abc's alex perez reports that despite a court order to issue the licenses davis is sticking to her guns. >> reporter: county clerk kim davis defiant, her husband at her side arped with a handgun tucked in his waistband. waiting for inside, another gay couple looking for a marriage license. >> your interpretation of the bible does not trump the constitution. >> no, this is not. >> my god is loving. >> >> davis asking a federal judge to allow her to deny marriage licenses to same sex couples while her case makes its way through the courts. the controversial clerk catapulted to the spotlight in july with this cell phone video. david moore and david ermold arriving for a marriage license. >> if i can mention, i have the letter from the governor's office stating that all the county clerks are to issue marriage licenses. i also have the supreme court ruling. >> reporter: davis turning them away. they tried again in august and again same result. >> when you heard her say she's working under god's authority, what did you think? >> you are not in the church. i respect religion. i respect people, people's faith. okay? but this is a civil institution. >> reporter: but in this small town of about 6900 people, kim davis has her supporters, too. >> i'm standing behind her because i believe she is right. she's following god's law and i believe that trumps all. >> reporter: and the u.s. attorney saying it's time for davis to follow the law. thursday a judge could decide if she will be held in contempt of court. alex perez, moorhead, kentucky. breaking news in the search for suspects in the killing of a police officer just north of chicago. police on the move both on the ground and in the air after reports of suspicious circumstances about ten miles from where lieutenant charles joseph gliniewicz was killed tuesday. last night think remembered and honored gliniewicz who was known as "g.i. joe." his wife speaking about his publicly for the very first time. >> joe was my best friend in my world, my hero, the love of my life for the last 26 1/2 years. he was my rock as much as i was his rock. >> reporter: gliniewicz leaves behind four sons. he was planning to retire at the end of this month. at that vigil last night, the mayor of fox lake said he'll miss gliniewicz daily comments especially the one in which he reported being vertical and caffeinated. a new video raises questions about the so-called hands up shooting in texas. in the first video, the suspect gilbert flores appears to have his arms raised in the air before sheriff's deputies shot and killed him. a second video has not been made public but reported appears to show something possibly a knife in flores' hand. that video has been sent to a state crime lab for analysis. court records show flores asked police to kill him before and during an arrest in 1999. >> the justice department releasing a final report on the police response to the unrest in ferguson, missouri, following the death of michael brown. the scathing report flushes out a draft version that came out in june and blasts ferguson police for poor community relations infringing on rights and using military style tactics and found the police response offered lessons how not to handle mass demonstrations. >> there is an escalating war of words between donald trump and jeb bush. trump said that bush should set a good example and speak english while in the united states. this comes a day after bush spoke spanish to supporters in florida. spanish, by the way, is the native language of jeb bush's wife columba as well as more than 37 million other americans. speculation continues to grow whether vice president joe biden will join the race. biden tested the political waters during a fund-raising trip to florida. here's abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: in this key battle ground, did joe biden drop a hint? >> people who aren't willing to risk failing never succeed. >> reporter: the vice-president looking a lot like a candidate during his first road trip since he began quietly exploring a possible 2016 bid. behind the scenes, biden land is heating up, his supporters hiring staff. one source close to him telling abc news it now seems more likely than not that biden will run. challenging not just a political ally but a friend. biden and hillary clinton working side by side for years. just last week, the democratic front-runner, offering nothing but praise. >> i have a great deal of admiration and affection for him. >> reporter: will he or won't he? it's a decision that may not come until the end of the month. >> one of the things weighing heavily in this decision is the death of his son beau. biden recently telling supporters his heart and soul has to be in this decision. and right now, he says he is pretty bang add up. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. president obama is on his way home from a three-day visit to alaska. highway he was in the arctic circle, the white house wants to understand and lessen the effects of climate change. mr. obama used the slowly sinking town where he was speaking to show the effects of warmer temperatures. he said if another country were threatening the town, americans would rush to help. i thought he was going to walk on a glacier but he did not. i was slightly worried what the secret service would think about this. apparently he walked to a glacier on tuesday. he was about a couple hundred feet from the bottom of the glacier but he did not walk on one. >> important distinction. >> we would call them the wallenda brothers if that was the case. the president watched a cultural performance by students and surprised them by joining in on the last dance. he told them he had been practicing and it appears he really had. looks pretty good. look at that. >> nice. >> he's got rhythm. >> yeah, he always has. serena williams is safely through to the third round of the u.s. open, but she did struggle a bit yesterday afternoon against her dutch opponent. williams double faulted ten times and made two dozen more unforced errors but she pulled out the win in straight sets trying to become the first player to win all four grand slam tournaments in a single season since 1988. >> and serena's older sister venus has also advanced to the third round. one woman who didn't, cocoa vandeweghe. >> here she is losing her mind, going nuts on her racket after fall behind five games to none in the first set of her second round loss. vandeweghe acknowledges the crowd, as you saw, took a bow, kept slamming it. >> forget that racket. vandeweghe lost the match 6-22, 6-1. afterwards she said i definitely had a lot of nervous pent up and frustration and i let it rip. oh, you sure did. maybe the wwe will call. >> she also had a little bug about to climb up and had to make sure it would not. >> is that what it was? a little mosquito? coming up, the skinny, the familiar face who is rosie o'donnell is reportedly dating >> but first the heroic actions taken at a school. the teacher who kept her students safe. >> and later the sprying trend of divorced couple taking selfies. they say it's too nice to be true. we'll explain. but first, here's today's weather. >> "world news now" weather brought to you by fixodent plus true feel. like your natural teeth. but, when you eat tough food, the denture moves. oh no! this shouldn't happen. try fixodent plus adhesives. their superior hold helps your denture work more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. 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it just seems a little bit edgy and maybe a little racy? pleasure gels are for couples just like you. ky love creates a new sensation. sometimes it can be fun to incorporate something new because it brings you even closer emotionally. wow. i like the way this feels. so do you think you'd try it? i think so. a video posted on facebook showing a high school football coach and nearly 20 players in georgia being baptized before practice last month. critics say because they're from a public school, the mass baptism crosses the line. school administrators weren't aware it was going to happen. they say they're looking into the incident and will take appropriate measures. one person who attended called it a soulful bonding experience. a huge poisonous snake is on the loose in orlando. the owner of a king cobra like this one reported it escaped within the past 24 hours. the missing snake is about eight feet long and so venomous one bite can kill an elephant. wildlife officials are canvassing the area near an elementary school hoping to find that cobra before anyone gets hurt. >> near an elementary school? it can get into a pipe, it can get in through a toilet. >> anywhere, yeah. it makes it that much more scary. >> i would not be going to school. yes, it's scary. it makes me -- we talk about every teacher's other nightmare a student holding a gun and her class hostage. >> a west virginia woman last week not only kept her cool but resolved the situation peacefully and talked about it with our friend t.j. holmes. >> it was just nine days into the new school year and phillip barbour high school in philly me, west virginia, goes on lockdown. the hostages according to police, twyla smith and her class of 27 students. the hostage taker a freshman who walked in and put a gun to smith's head. >> he said that he was going to kill people and himself. >> reporter: what were you in there talking to him about? >> i just kept asking him to let everybody leave and he and i would stay, anything i could think of. just telling him that he hadn't gone too far. >> reporter: when the bell rang, for the next class to come in it, other students began knocking on door but smith turned them back and signaled another teacher, jen swift. >> he was standing by the bulletin board with the gun raised and said you can get in here too. swift ran for help. smith now credited with keeping her students alive. >> when they walk in here, we're supposed to teach them and we're supposed to take care of them. >> reporter: for these two teachers, job well done. t.j. holmes, abc news, philippi, west virginia. >> look at mr. holmes in his element there. >> that teacher now she had been teaching there -- she has been teaching for three decades and guess what, all of this didn't traumatize her, she was back the very next day in school teaching after really her heroic actions. >> that's pretty incredible. it's unsuspected. there's obviously no plan. you have fire drills, have you tornado drills but not often do you have drills for somebody who walks in with a gun and takes your entire class hostage. i'm such a big fan of teachers on the show. we never express enough gratitude for teachers. don't forget, school starting up, say thank you to those teachers because they do so much more than we realized. >> that kid who is a freshman is now facing charges. he's in juvenile detention facility. he actually was not in that class but his ex-girlfriend who he had just broken up with was in there. that's why he went in there. teenage kid couldn't handle the breakup, walked in and did that. won't be going back to school, that's for sure. not that one. up next, a "dancing with the stars" shocker. >> a new lucille ball movie. who is set to play the redhead. "the skinny" up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc st ns ♪ skinny, so skinny >> he topping the ♪ skinny, so skinny . >> topping "the skinny" this morning, the final four surprise contestants on the new season of "dancing with the stars" were revealed on "good morning america"ing >> two reality tv stars among them. kim zolciak from "real housewives of atlanta" should add spice to the cast, tamar braxton who shares the limelight with her sisters on the show "braxton family values." the third new contestant celebrity chef paula deen making a career comeback after her racial comments and the biggest surprise, alek skarlatos. look at him. of course, you remember one of the three american heroes from that train attack in france. just two weeks ago, the national guardsman just back from afghanistan was apparently added at the last minute and dancing host tom bergeron joked that he might double as security. >> that's awesome. >> how his life has changed in the last couple weeks is incredible. he was out there. this really scary situation happens. he handles it in an incredible way and now has all the honors. you've seen him on red carpets. and now this. well deserved. >> interesting to see paula deen back, too. we haven't seen much of her. i'll be interested to see how it goes. >> and can they dance which is the big question. there are two celebrity names they are reported to be in a relationship. rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal. this report coming from "people" magazine saying they've been romantically involved for about two months now. rosie's reps say that they just friends but so did -- i remember kermit and his rep said that he's just friends with his new girl. >> who knows. a rough few months for rosie. she separated from her second wife in november. her daughter ran away last month. tatum who is divorced from tennis great john mcenroe related to people" in may that she is dating mostly women now. >> rosie o'donnell and tatum o'neal are in two of my favorite baseball movies of all time. rosie o'donnell in "league of their own," and tatum was the kid pitcher in "bad news bears." >> i forgot about that one. >> walter matthew, terrific performance. but ran a little tidbit. both baseball movies. >> speaking of movies, an authorized biopic about the comedian lucille ball is in the works and cate blanchett has agreed to play lucy. >> according to the wrap, the move will chronicle her 20-year marriage to desi arnaz with whom she created the "i love lucy" show. one of the most influential tv sitcoms of all time. the couple had two children and divorced in 1960. it is their children producing this film. >> that should be really good. cate blanchett is not known as a comedic actress. that should be interesting. no word who will be cast to play desi. aaron sorkin is in talks to write the movie. it's early though and it's not clear when the movie would actually be released. but i would love to see it. the fact her children are producing it might make it to a really authentic movie. >> perfect casting. she -- i can already see it. >> a good actress. >> all right. justin bieber fans an biebers, you there? you can be fanatic about your boy. now the model who stars in his latest video says she's getting death threats. here's why. take a look ♪ what do you mean you nod your head yes but you want to say no, what do you mean ♪ >> is that zenia deli? >> i think so, his love interest in the video. she says she was doing her job and didn't expect so much hate online. some fans are loyal to selena gomez. justin's one-type girlfriend, remember? >> oh, yeah, i remember. i can't stop thinking about that. >> people are thinking backoff. the two were seen having dinner in l.a. last month and he had glowing things to say about her on ryan seacrest's radio show. inquiring minds. coming up, taking photos. we'll explain. but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists. with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. more "sit" per roll. more "stay" per roll. more "who's training who" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. skwhat are you doing? 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>> now some modern couples are making the announcement on social media with one final selfie. >> oh, boy. >> abc's sara haines on what could be a new trend. >> reporter: it's the post breakup phenomenon taking social media by storm. divorce es ditching their marriage and saying i do to divorce selfies. finding a silver lining in splitsville by turning a heartbreaking situation into a fun photo op. >> a light-hearted way to announce your divorce in one shot. and also let people know that they don't have to feel awkward around you. >> reporter: this is florida couple keith and michele knight on their wedding day. fast forward three years, they're happily divorced. >> the most amicable easy going divorce in history. >> reporter: the exes sealing the deal with a selfie right outside the courtroom. >> she said you want to take a selfie? kind of as a joke. and i said why not. sharing this photo on instagram with a caption, here's to the most friendly, respectful and loving split imaginable. the response? >> 99% positive. we're celebrating the fact that we can move forward. >> reporter: but keith and michele not the only ones showing divorce can have a happy ending. chan couple shannon and chris newman declaring their 11 year marriage officially over by snapping a selfie outside this calgary courthouse thursday. >> we kind of high fived and did a silly selfie and went on our way. >> reporter: in a matter of days, the candid photos gone viral, shared on facebook a whopping 36,000 times and counting. >> it shocked me that other people were responding to it. >> reporter: shannon hopes her kids will appreciate it too when they're older. >> i think they'll recognize that we love them. we'll always work really hard to be -- this makes me cry, to be their parents. >> reporter: the selfies proving divorce doesn't have to be ugly. sara haines, abc news, new york. there's one way to get it done. >> i kind of get it now after seeing the piece. shannon who was mentioned in the piece says love your kids more that you know hate your ex. >> there you go. if there are no kids involved, and my friends are getting a divorce, congratulations. they usually feel that way. they're happy to do it. that's one way. you got to post something before you do that status change because then it gets weird. >> then we're talking social media etiquette. >> that's what we're doing. >> we'll be right back. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this morning, breaking overnight, police converging in one area in the urgent manhunt for suspects in an officer's murder. the search intensifying as the widow breaks her silence. also breaking overnight, a chaotic scene inside an airport. smoke filled terminals, panicked passengers and thousands of people evacuated. new details just in. close call. an iphone with a smashed screen destroyed by a bullett. its owner saved the smartphone. caught on camera. a pachyderm's power on full display. the elephant lifting a truck with people inside. well, good thursday morning, i'm


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