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Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130315

(gasps) (shallow panting) ♪ yeah, i just wanna be loved by you... ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh . this is kpix5 news on the cw. one, i'm not a sixth grader. >> that was just the beginning. what prompted a rebut l rebutal on capitol hill. one man is dead, now investigators are trying to figure out what happened. >> an opening day now set for the long awaited bypass for the notorious stretch of the bay area highway. a look at the finishing touches for the tunnels at devil's slide. >> a heated debate on capitol hill as senate committee approves the weapons bill. the fireworks involved a california senator. >> i walked in. i saw people shocked. i looked body that has been shot with these weapons. >> now kpix5's joe vazquez is in the newsroom with details with the emotional exchange. >> senator dianne feinstein who proposed the assault weapons ban and she has taken heat from republicans. today, when a tea party senator who just been elected a few months ago started in, she decided she had enough of that. >> it seems to me that a lot of this should begin as our foundational document. >> the drama begins with freshman senator of texas, telling california senator feinstein a weapons ban is unconstitutional. >> and the second amendment provides that the right of the people to keep and bare arms will not be infringed. >> senator, i've been on this committee for twenty years. i was a mayor for nine years. i walked in, i saw people shot. >> feinstein is referring to the fact that back in 1978, she was one of the first to find mayor and harvey milk after they were assassinated at san francisco city hall. >> you know, it's fine you want to lecture me on the constitution. i appreciate it. just know i have been here for a long time. i studied the constitution myself and i am reasonably well educated and i thank you for the lecture. you use the word, prohibit, it exempts 2,271 weapons. isn't that enough for the people and the united states? >> ms. chairman. >> did you have a chance to speak with senator cruz after that public exchange? >> no, i needed to cool down. >> i just felt patronized. i felt he was arrogant about it. you know, when you come from where i come from and what you've seen and when you found a dead body and you put your finger in bullet holes, you really realize the impact of weapons. >> in the end, the senate judiciary committee approved the bill banning 157 different molds of assault weapons and magazines that carry more than ten bullets. the approval is 10 to 8 on party line votes. it needs 60 votes, which right now seems unlikely. >> by the way, any bill would have to go through the house, which is majority republican, of course. so what are the chances of getting any kind of weapons reform, joe? >> it doesn't look like this banning assault weapons is going to get through the house. there is talk right now that there's some consensus about background checks and that may be about what they get through here. >> see what happens. joe vazquez, thank you. >> chilling new revelations about the gunman about the massacre. investigators who searched adam's home say they found documents on virtually every masked murder in the u.s. and elsewhere. they believe lanza studied those shootings. he killed twenty-first graders and six adults, including his mother before killing himself. police are investigating a deadly shooting at the richmond bart station. a station agent reported hearing gunfire about 6:20 this evening. he died at the scene. one witness described what she saw. >> everyone heard gun shots and ran to the back of the bart station. i ran as well and asked the agent if it was safe to return upstairs. he said he didn't know. and as i was walking up the stairs after everyone decided to leave, that's when i saw the body. >> and the shooter, we are told, is still at large tonight. well, it is 6:00 a.m. in vatican city where pope francis is beginning his second full day as the pope. daniel nottingham shows us he has given the faithful reason to believe he will bring changes to the church. >> pope francis celebrated his first mass as pontiff the same place he got the job. his appearance before the cardinals who elected him brought closure to the conclave. pope francis delivered his homily off the cuff in italian, not from a prepared statement in latin. the day featured other breaks from tradition. he travel around rome in a volkswagen. a much more humble ride. when he stopped to pray, it was at a small church when he frequented when he was in rome. afterward, he checked in last week as a cardinal. he picked up his own bill and talked to management about settling his bill. he will give his address from the balcony. on tuesday, he'll celebrate his mass, no tickets will be required. the vatican says everyone is invited. the pope's fondness for being among the people has the vatican adjusting his security detail, but there's been a recent precedent for that. >> remember john paul ii, how many rules that he broke in terms of security and going where he wished to go. >> pope francis ended his first full day by unsealing the papal above st. peter's square. it will be his permanent residence. in vatican city, danielle nottingham, kpix5. >> and college students were in st. peter's square, for their firsthand account, you can go to our website. here in the bay area, catholics held masses in thanksgiving for the new pope. san francisco archbishop officiated today's mass at st. mary's cathedral. they are grateful for pope francis and welcome him with joyful anticipation. >> it's exciting to have a new pope. one that took the name of our patron saint. saint francis. >> we have a holy father to guide us and lead us and to govern our church. >> i thank you, my lord, because it is important for the catholic church, and everybody. >> the hispanic population says they are glad to see representation from an hispanic country. >> hoping to get congress to reach some kind of deal on the budget. cbs reporter, tara mergener has the politics and the menu. >> president obama came to the capital for the third day in a row. republican senators greeted the president before heading into their lunch. >> i appreciate you serving lobster today. >> that's what i would expect. >> the administration is trying to meet congress half way to solve the budget problem. >> he would put forward a very specific budget, but the congress has to come together. >> it won't be easy. senate democrats presented their first budget in four years on wednesday and it did not go over well with the gop. >> in a time we are living through the weakest economic recovery since the great depression. this budget is going to make it more difficult to get unemployment down and people back to the work. >> the president is trying to strike a balance, looking for republicans to agree on higher taxes and getting members of his own party to support deep spending cuts. democratic senator, bob casey, says the president's charm offensive is working, but in the end, congress has to learn to work together. >> i think the prospects are better than they've been, at least in the last 18 months. we have to work hard. >> some senators who met with the president expressed optimism. >> i'm hopeful this conversation was a positive step in that direction. >> the white house says the president will now step back and let congress sort out their differences. tara for cbs news, capitol hill. and the president will be back in the bay area next month for the first time since the campaign. he'll reportedly host a pair of democratic fundraisers in san francisco on april 3 and 4. the white house isn't giving anymore details just yet. >> after more than 16 million tolls, the ride is almost over. but from those who spent much of their lives on the golden gate bridge, only to be replaced by computers. and the stock market is on fire. another record close today. why analysts believe investors are so excited these days. >> a lot oaf us have been excited about the sunshine this year. we're 9- inches in the hole rain fall wise in san francisco and half a foot for san jose and rivermore. find out how much we may make up some solid rain fall ground. that's next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the numbers. keeps going up, another record day on wall street. jason brooks has the numbers. >> make it ten wins in a row for the blue chips. another record setting day for the dow, eight straight, closing up 84 points and the s and p closing within two points of its record close of 1565 back in october of 2007. that ten session streak for the dow is its longest since november of 1996. you could credit a strengthening job market for this. labor department reported a drop of 10,000 first-time unemployment claims to 332,000. on top of that strong gain in february and the dropping unemployment rate, investors like what they are seeing. >> inflation remains mild. we're just days away from the opening of a long awaited bay area bypass. the twin tunnels are among the most sophisticated in the country. david jackson shows us after eight years of hard work, caltrans is down to the finishing touches. >> shiny new austrian designed tunnel. the first new tunnels in 50 years, ready to serve residents on the peninsula with people relieved the long delayed wait is finally over. >> i have lived here 13 years and this has been a long journey to get to this point. >> residents are excited about the opening of the tunnels for a number of reasons. there's the speed and safety issue of their commute going north and south, but equally as important, they believe these tunnels mean money. money in the form of real estate values. the old roads have long been crumbling and dangerous. treacherous landslides have killed people over the years and stopped others from living on the south san materms ma teo coast. >> i have some knowledge about what goes on around here. i know people would probably move to the coast or the coast would be more desirable once the tunnel was opened. >> i think the people that were weary about driving this section of the freeway would be more safe and more comfortable driving. i think yeah, i think the property values might go up as well. >> it's too early to start printing that money. the age of modern travel is about to begin on highway 1. and there are thousands of people convinced there's a big win fall coming with it. in pacifica, david jackson, kpix5. >> this is california's first highway tunnel in nearly 50 years. the last one was the tunnel that opened in 1964. the golden gate bridge toll is going electronic inless than two weeks. that is good news for drivers who want to keep traffic moving. for the toll collectors, it's a bittersweet end. mike spent to one worker who spent almost half her life on that bridge. >> the golden gate bridge has taken a toll. 16.1million times. >> have a great day. >> 19 years, five days a week, minus vacation. one every six seconds, rain or shine. >> the heater never works. thank you. >> but they will toll no more, a week from wednesday. humans aren't needed here anymore. >> the golden gate bridge will become the first in the u.s. to go all electronic. >> i'm going to miss you, too. >> license plates will generate bills you'll get in the mail if you aren't hooked up. a 75 year tradition is in progress. oh yeah, the people, too. >> i've had people, guys propose to the girls in the lane. i have had people meet in the lanes. pay for the person behind them and then months later, they're a couple now because he paid for the lady behind him. >> it will cost $16 million over eight years. $2million. $2million to buy a house to knock it down. didn't seem like that money. 66million in the hole every dollar, every six dollars, counts. >> hello. >> i think it's lousy. they need jobs. >> i think it will ease traffic. >> angelina's cafe. thank you. >> today, poll takers were treated to lunch by a grateful leading business. you wouldn't think people who take your money would bring out such feelings. >> we don't want to say good- bye. >> and progress clearly is taking its toll on jackie dean and her colleague. mike sugarman, kpix5. >> a bit of history going away. the last day for miss dean and her 27 coworkers. the district says it's finding other roles within the organization. >> students are trying to save city college of san francisco. several gathered to ask the board of supervisors for help. >> the community united will never be decided. >> a critical deadline. if the administration does not come up with a plan by tomorrow, they could lose. tonight, students asked the fund their cool and reverse cuts to classes. >> an overpass in the city. >> certainly was. 15 degrees cooler in a few spots. we are so sensitive that you shift it. and there goes the 70s. they were certainly gone today. beautiful shot of the golden gate bridge. we'll take you outside tonight. the traffic moving along. beautifully. one of the landmarks. all dropping down to 45 degrees tonight. another night with a clear radar, strongest radar coming up in town. we'll talk about that. let's go super local here, down to vallejo. your forecast for tomorrow with morning fog, afternoon sunshine. high of 71. maybe on saturday, take the children to children's wonderland park. a high of 71 dei degrees. a lot of cloud cover because the winds shifted back on shore and high pressure moved. that allowed cloud cover to move through. we are clearing out tonight, but the low clouds and fog will be back tomorrow. high pressure over top. now it's moved to our south and east, allowing that on shore flow. rain isn't coming back. we're not going to cool down to the 60s inland. cooler afternoon. next week, i'm watching a low pressure area getting ready. it will take a several day trip down to the bay area, getting here by tuesday, setting the stage for next wednesday to be a very soggy day. some computer models say up to an sp of rain possible. foggy mornings, but you'll get the afternoon sunshine. it will be mild and dry into monday and that rain comes back as early as tuesday evening. hivermore tomorrow, beautiful. sunny vail 72. san ma they inland, pleasantton. low to mid 70s. and san francisco in the mid to upper 60s. pleasant through the weekend, low 70s. sunny afternoon. there's the rain moving in tuesday evening and there's your soggy day on wednesday. low f 0s with rain likely. we could use it, perfect timing. let's do it. >> i saw some people wearing shorts last week. no, it's going to rain. >> no jeans until may. >> no shorts until may. >> we'll talk to poem in the feature tonight, lin santi. bay area hoops hero jeremy n t[ man ] i got this citi thankyou card and started bay area hoops hero jeremy n took center stage in san earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything. visit to apply. bay area hoops hero, jeremy lin took center stage tonight for the kickoff of the centre for asian-american media film festival. >> the event will feature 130 asian and asian-american films. tonight, it was all about lynn sanity. a san francisco film maker was following lynn's every move. tonight, his parents were part of the showing of that documentary. >> i'm very excited and we can make it. >> okay. >> still very good for my son. >> it's a story that needs to be told. we are pursuing him, the real deal, and what he was already doing with something i needed to share with the world. >> it is a cool story. the film festival runs through next sunday. the world's best baseball team is headed to san francisco and cal men's basketball trip to vegas. no vacation. we will capitalize it all in a minute. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! 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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20130312

[ male announcer ] you think you know me. believe i'm just glitz and glam when i'm so much more. i'm downtown and ocean front. my nights are just as busy as my days. the arts are my passion. food my obsession. and when you finally think you know me. you'll realize, there's still so much more to discover. los angeles. endlessly entertaining. plan your getaway at this is kpix 5 news. first, a hit and run and then a deadly crash that killed a mother and her two sons. tonight, new details about the driver and what police say he was running from. good evening. i'm ken bastida. >> and i'm elizabeth cook. the d.a. tells joe vazquez there's a reason that driver was going so fast when he broadsided the family's car. joe? >> reporter: the district attorney tells me that it turns out that driver was running away from a previous accident that he had caused when he crashed into this family. >> just hearing about like what happened, it is sad. >> reporter: friends and family members still can't believe it, that a mother and her two sons are gone, killed saturday night as they were pulling out of an eastmoor avenue driveway. police today announced they arrested a 28-year-old sunnyvale man, dennis perera. he had first hit an unoccupied car nearby, then raced away from that scene, traveling at an excessive speed. momentums later, he crashed into another car with the woman and her two sons. another woman in the car survived. >> it sounded like a huge crash it didn't sound like a normal hit when i looked out the window and saw two cars, right in the middle. it just looked really bad. >> reporter: authorities are looking into the possibility that he was impaired. the d.a. says he had an odor of alcohol but police are awaiting official results from a blood test. family members didn't want to talk about it on camera. but friends of the family said they wanted everyone to know these were good people and that this community is absolutely horrified about how they were killed. reporting live in daly city, joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> he is set to make his first court appearance tomorrow. a bay area man who spent 14 years behind bars for a crime he didn't commit is free tonight. johnny williams was convicted of trying to rape a nine-year- old girl. at one point, he was the girl's neighbor and she wrongly identified him as the man who attacked her. williams was paroled in january after new dna evidence proved his innocence. a bay area high school sex column has caused an uproar. a huge crowd packed a school board meeting in mountain view, mostly supporters. the school board is trying to decide whether the column violates board policy. some parents say it's too explicit. the author disagrees. >> i wrote this article to promote communication on sex in an educated manner, not to cause trouble. >> from a professional standpoint, i understand points of view, of course. absolutely they're important. they need to be said. but if those articles were written in a company newsletter, that employee would have been terminated. >> the newspaper advisor says she supports her students but they could have more careful. america's most tolerant city is in a catch-22 other whether new bus ads are hate speech or free speech. mike sugerman on the controversial ad campaign starring osama bin laden. >> if the point of advertising is to get your message heard, these bus ads are very successful. >> reporter: ten ads went up on muni buses today. they point out what some terrorists has said. "killing jews is worship that draws us closer to allah," reads one. >> the purpose of our campaign is to show the reality of jihad, the root causes of terrorism, using the exact quotes and text they use. >> reporter: the group put up similar billboards last year. they compared israel's enemies as savages. >> san francisco won't tolerate islamic bigotry. >> the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to look the other way and do nothing. >> when somebody like -- attacks our religion, they attack us. >> i am only using high-profile muslims in their own words. how does that paint every muslim with the same brush? i don't understand that. >> reporter: is it hate speech or free speech? doesn't seem to matter much to muni. >> can i swear on a bus ad? >> depends what you're saying. >> reporter: in this case, muni felt obligated to run the ads because in similar cases, the court ruled that the first amendment applies to such ads. but they decided not to make any revenue on them. >> we're transferring it to the human rights commission to help encourage tolerance. >> reporter: these bus ads will run the next four weeks. >> the ads are on ten of muni's 800 buses and san francisco isn't alone. the ads have also appeared in washington, d.c. and chicago. for the world's 1.2 billion catholics, they could have a new leader which -- by the end of the week. the conclave is set to begin. the process shrouded in ritual, tradition and mystery. anyone involved, from the cardinals to their staff, their drivers, even waiters, must swear an oath of secrecy. danielle nottingham is in vatican city. >> reporter: good morning, ken. another rainy morning here in vatican city and the scene is set. 5600 journalists are credentialed and residents are prepared. now it's up to the college of cardinals to deliver the new leader of the catholic church. papal vestments are prepared in the room of tears. just before noon eastern time on tuesday, they will begin their conclave behind the locked doors of the sistine chapel. vatican staff will tend to the cardinals and took an oath to secrecy on monday. the cardinals will certainly be talking to each other but not about themselves. >> there are people who are supporting their candidacy, who are actually moving amongst the cardinals and asking them to support this particular candidate at this time. >> reporter: the italian press named three potential front- runners. boston cardinal sean o'malley, brazil's odilo scherer and it la's angelo scola. but whichever cardinal becomes pope, he will become the leader of a church in crisis. there ongoing investigations of sex scandals to legal troubles facing the vatican bank, the new pope will be as much ceo as spiritual leader. >> i think the cardinals are certainly looking for a pope who either has strong management and administrative skills or can delegate them and follow them closely. >> reporter: the first vote is expected tuesday afternoon. the cardinals will attend mass this morning at st. peter's basilica. then later the cardinals will start voting. now, that vote is conditional. it doesn't have to happen if they don't want it to. but if there is a vote this evening, they're saying we may be should see smoke maybe around 6, 7, 8:00 this evening. live in vatican city, danielle nottingham. ken, back to you. >> it's a fascinating sort of ritual they go through. now, we have cardinals from africa, from europe, from the united states. is there any particular language that they communicate in? do they pick one? >> reporter: well, we can't say with 100% certainty, because the cardinals aren't allowed to talk about what happens within these meetings. but we do know that italian is the common language among them. there are no interpreters inside the conclave. but most cardinals spent a couple of years studying here in rome, so italian is the common language. but when they get into smaller groups, who is to say what language they will be speaking. >> it may sound corny, but when in rome, do as the romans. speak italian. danielle, thank you for that. coming up, secret files from some of the biggest celebrities in the world revealed, from beyonce to hillary clinton. the greatest hoodie ever made, the bay area company that is too successful for its own good. not just for boys. the big change at one bay area high school, all because on hey, it's me progressive insurance. you know, from our 4,000 television commercials. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 million people switched to me last year, saving an average of $475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save... with great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. so call me today. you'll be glad you did. cannonbox! [splash!] this is the kid who touches everything. but the one thing he doesn't touch, the lysol no-touch hand soap system. the magic sensor makes hand washing another fun discovery. and it has 10 times more germ protection. lysol no-touch hand soap. another step forward in our mission for health. let them explore n and joe biden. secret files from some of america's biggest celebrities exposed, from beyonce to hillary clinton and joe biden. the hacker attack targeting the rich and famous. >> reporter: there's not much on the secret files website. but what is has prompted an investigation by the lapd, using unflattering photos of top public servants like hillary clinton, to kim kardashian and rapper jay-z. the cite shares what appears to be addresses, social security numbers, credit scores and other sensitive information. >> potentially they got onto these folks' computers and stole this information. >> reporter: kevin haley is the director of security response for norton. >> they can wait till you log into your bank, then watch what you're doing, and that will give them the log-in and password, even the name of your bank. then they can log in themselves. >> reporter: the only page with additional information was that of lapd chief charlie bett. it shows the information on ex- officer christopher dorner. it also included hashtag #youcan'tcornerthedorner. >> reporter: he says they're looking at whether this could be a hacker technique or tracing someone's information using internet sources and posting it. >> it's not really clear why the hackers are targeting these specific celebrities. minimum wage workers in san jose just got a huge pay increase. in fact, it's the biggest raise of its kind in the country. the city's base rate jumped 25% today, from $8 an hour to $10. for someone working 25 hours per week, that's an extra $2600 a year. now employers are trying to make it work. >> some have raised prices. some have cut hours. some have just absorbed it. there really is no one size fits all. >> local merchants are united on one front. they've launched an awareness campaign called "earn 'n spend in san jose," urging people to support san jose's small businesses. one san francisco company is too popular for its own good. it can't keep up with business. david jackson on what's so special about the sweatshirt called the greatest hoodie ever made. >> reporter: a remarkable story of explosive growth. last year, they launched american giant, a clothing company built around a simple hoodie. but once the public tried out the sweatshirts, american giant became giant overnight. >> the demand took us by surprise. i think what we're doing from a marketing perspective is focusing on our existing customers, the customers willing to wait three months for the hoodie, making sure they're getting what they need. >> reporter: the message is you have to wait three months for a sweatshirt bought online that is of such high quality that you don't mind waiting. american giant is trying to meet all its orders, but their bold experiment is paying off. they built a shirt from american cotton and american fabric. sold in san francisco. it still delivers a $79 sweatshirt. >> the american partners we were able to find were actually able to deliver better quality, lower minimums, faster lead times than what we were able to find overseas. so it was a pleasant surprise for us. >> reporter: american giant has surprised the business community with growth 300% above expectations last year and a whopping 500% more expected this year. the firm is literally bursting at the seams, needing more sewing operators for its american-made shirt. i almost can't believe when you grab ahold of that, shipped by carolina cotton works, raised specially for the american giant label. prepare to wait for an online shirt order while the employees wait to imagine what comes next. >> the sky's the limit here. i mean, we can be the next big thing. >> reporter: in san francisco, david jackson, kpix 5. >> we checked online tonight. all sweatshirts are on back order till the end of the community. you want weather? we got it right here, no waiting! >> you won't need a sweatshirt tomorrow at all. in the early morning hours, we will still have patchy fog to deal with. but tomorrow night, clear skies and perfect for that right there, comet panstarrs. it's a rare comet. we haven't seen it in quite some time. but tomorrow, the conditions will be favorable over the northern hemisphere. all you have to do is go out towards sunset, look towards the west, towards the ocean, and you may be able to see comet panstarrs. we're looking out towards the rotunda under partly to mostly cloudy skies. we have areas of fog. 46 in san jose. smack between oakland, in the 50's. winds out of the west at 12 to 17 miles an hour. tonight, overnight, with the breeze and with the cloud cover, not as cold. number-wise, into the 40's from the north bay all the way to the south. you see the clouds filling in right there, around the sunset district. and then it's moving south towards the santa clara valley and into hayward. golden gate bridge, also the recipient of some patchy stratus. storm, extended forecast calls for near or record warmth on wednesday, even though we have this area of low pressure out over the pacific, taking copious amounts of precipitation into the pacific northwest through thursday, leaving us under the influence of high pressure. warmer tomorrow but not the warmest day. again, the warmest of this warming trend will be on wednesday. tomorrow's numbers going up from the 50's through the 60's all the way to the mid 70's. in fact, the extended forecast calls for low 80's, near or record warmth on wednesday. and then slight cooling begins on thursday. we'll bump up the number again on friday before seasonal highs return by monday. that's the pinpoint forecast. we [ boy 1 ] hey! that's the last crescent. oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin [ male announcer ] listen to this symphony of flavor: crrkkhshziiiizzlllee. beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. people with sore throats have something new to say. ahh ! mmm ! ahh ! finally, there's cepacol sensations. serious sore throat medicine seriously great taste. plus the medicine lasts long after the lozenge is gone. ahh ! mmm ! cepacol sensations. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable. the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at well, it's hard enough being the new kid in town. then one teenager from texas found out from mountain view high school, they didn't have the sport she loved the most. >> kiet do's on the incredible thing that she created because she wouldn't take no for an answer. >> reporter: there is no sugar- coating it. the mountain view high school girls lacrosse team is a work in progress. but what they lack in experience, they make up for in heart and soul. the school didn't even have a team until recently, when maggie moore moved to town. it took a year but she finally got the principal's permission, helped raise thousands for equipment and helped to hire a coach. >> it's all about, if you want something, you can do it. you just gotta work hard to get it. >> reporter: they put the word out and two dozen girls signed up. some hadn't even picked up a lacrosse stick till three weeks ago. 90% of these girls have never played in a real game before. the realistic goal for this season, win just half the games. >> i also want the girls to be able to have fun, hopefully be able to catch and throw, have the basic skills down consistently and hopefully get wins along the way. >> reporter: toward the end of practice, there were flashes of greatness, a good spin move and a burst of speed and precision. they will need every last bit of it in a tough league. >> you think you will have a winning season? >> i would define a winning season a little differently. i think the fact that we have a team is one. >> reporter: good luck, spartans. the season just started, and you've already come a long way! in mountain view, kiet do, kpix 5. >> first game is tomorrow. >> good luck! and we're already talking football. >> yeah. football. >> we're already talking football. >> weren't you home watching the nfl combines for two weeks! i was glued! the 49ers and seahawks would war off the field today. and how would curry follow up while your carpets may appear clean. it's scary how much dirt your vacuum can leave behind. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum to expel the dirt within your carpets. resolve's deep clean powder is moist. absorbing and lifting three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving you with a carpet that's truly fresh and clean. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. lots of us are sick or hurt we have four times as many emotional problems as other kids i'll have to move over and over again. i'm twice as likely to drop out of high school. there's a 50-50 chance i'll end up homeless. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. at turbotax, we know this is more than a paycheck. it's rent. bus fare. a night out. that's why we let you file your simple federal return for free. it's free to prepare print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at the de if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. that's anquan boldin's mantra after the baltimore ravens traded him to the 49ers. it cost them just a sixth-round pick. he'll make $6 this year. this came just a couple of hours after the seahawks picked up viking star percy harvin for a first-round pick. ♪ ♪ anything you can do ♪ ♪ i can do better ♪ ♪ >> well, who did better today? sure, harvin is eight years younger than boldin, but harvin missed seven games last season and he gets chronic migraine headaches. so we will see. jason kidd turns 40 this month but says he's not ready to hang it up, because he craves another title. >> you get those jelly beans. you just have one, and it's gotta be another. or pringles. i want to eat the whole can! >> yeah. all those potato chips probably bogged them down. curry had 26 tonight. a much better result. warriors up nine after three. the knicks shot a league-low 47%. warriors win 92-63. saint mary's, brad waldo got his tooth back for the wzz final against gonzaga. jorden page badly turned his knee. he was out. zags up 15 in the second half. and then the big man! kelly olynyk runs the floor. 65-51. the gaels will have to wait until sunday to see if they're going dancing. now the top five. a hooters girl at the phillies game didn't realize she had picked up a fair ball and gave it away as a souvenir. she does make the top five. no. 4, break dancing meets bowling. ryan conferto, and that is a strike! he got a leno for that one. thank you. landry fields, desperation. watch the poor ball boy, just trying to mop the floor. no. 2, a hot dog. no. 1, what nba players really work on in practice. this is danilo gallinari, banking in the shot from the full court. now, i thought this was a little bit of ripley's believe it or not action, because that ball got off the backboard, into the other hoop, in quite a hurry. >> yeah. i'd like to see a wider angle. >> but it was the real deal. >> all [ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald's dollar menu home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... ♪ ♪ ...and other amazing tastes, for just a dollar each. ♪ ♪ like the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with caramelized onions and melted white cheddar. everyday, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. w letterman is next with new york city mayor michael bloomberg. >> wonder if they'll talk about the big drinks. >> probably so. >> forbes >this is a paid advertisement for omega xl. we gathered a loyal group of delilah listeners at one of the busiest restaurants in new york city to surprise them with the chance to meet the woman that changed their lives, delilah. a radio icon for over twenty-five years, delilah has


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20130312

was good for business. >> we noticed team members are working harder and giving better service and are happier so the stores got businesses ye? >> he says so far phil's is doing well. >> some have absorbed it. >> there is a unified approach to deal with the awareness campaign called "earn 'n' spend in san jose." >> this is a way particularly for the 60% or so of voters in san jose that supported this back in november to come show their love to these businesses. >> reporter: customers who don't mind paying a little extra now say they will get it back over time. >> it generates a healthier income for a community when you're paying people a decent wage for a days' work. it is estimated that san jose has about 40,000 minimum wage workers who just got a raise and studies by a washington think tank and uc- berkeley show that raising the minimum wage by only a dollar generates about $190 million a year in new spending. reporting live in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. one more note on the san jose job market. a federal program helping at- risk kids now at risk itself. after a $100 million budget shortfall, the u.s. department of labor says it is freezing enrollment in the job corps program nationwide until the end of june. and it will likely cut 100 staff members from its san jose program. that represents almost two- thirds of the san jose staff members and for young people interested in enrolling the news is disappointing. >> it's a bummer because a lot of people here in san jose really need this school because there's a lot of people in high school dropping out and this is like their second chance. >> u.s. senator bob casey of pennsylvania says the enrollment freeze could keep as many as 30,000 disadvantaged youth across the country from getting job training this year. a man arrested in connection with a crash in daly city that killed three people apparently was fleeing another hit-and-run. a memorial has been growing where three members of the same family died a fourth person seriously hurt. the crash happened saturday night in the 100-block of eastmoor avenue just wednesday of 200. ken bastida has more on the lone survivor. >> reporter: we are here on eastmoor and people have been coming by to place flowers and candles at the site of this accident. really an horrific crash according to police who say debris was scattered over 350 feet on this street. the force was so great. let me show you where witnesses say this started. there was a red honda parked here on the side that apparently pulled out into traffic to make a u-turn. when that happened, a bmw that was driven by 28-year-old dennis masado according to police slammed into the honda and the force was so great that one of the passengers aboard was ejected. one person heard the crash and came to help. >> initially in the car i saw three people in it. they seemed unconscious. so, you know, there was one late did i on the floor near the platform there laying there. so i tended to her first. she didn't respond right away. once i returned to the car, the girl that survived responded. second time i went to her to wake her up, she responded by moaning and i kind of really -- [ pause ] >> reporter: he did what he could. the coroner's office confirming the identity of the three people killed. they were all in the same family. a 20-year-old his little 14-year- old brother and their mother, 50 years old. all three killed in this crash. one 14-year-old girl sitting in the back seat survived the accident, is in critical condition at the hospital. police say this accident is compounded by somebody driving fast trying to avoid the law and this crash occurred. live in daly city, ken bastida, kpix 5. the suspect, dennis masado is expected to be arraigned this week. in other headlines san jose police cars blocked off murtha drive and capitol avenue this morning as officers investigated the city's ninth homicide of the year. a man was shot in the chest and found dead in the street. so far, police do not have a suspect. in san francisco, police believe a homeless man was sleeping on top of an elevator when he was crushed. his body found last night in the elevator shaft at the montgomery bart station. and in san francisco, police now say the woman who held off officers with a shotgun and a hatchet for hours after breaking into a home was high on bath salts. the ordeal happened march 3rd at a home in the 2800 block of lyon street. s.w.a.t. officers negotiated with her for more than two hours before she surrendered. she faces burglary charges. a series of ads is coming to a muni bus near you. and they have people asking, are they hate speech or free speech? kpix 5's mike sugerman is in san francisco with a look at the ads being bought by a group called the american freedom defense initiative. >> reporter: liz, bus ads will be up for the next four weeks and you might not even have noticed them except the opposition to these ads is making a big deal about them. >> reporter: the point of advertising is to get your message heard. these bus ads are very successful. ten ads went up on muni buses today to point out what some terrorists have said, killing jews is worship, draws us closer to allah. >> the purpose of our campaign is to show the reality of jihad of the root causes of terrorism using the exact quotes and the texas that they used. >> reporter: she is with the group that put up similar billboards here last year, these. they compared israel's enemies as savages. >> the san francisco won't tolerate islamic phobic bigotry. >> reporter: san francisco d.a. george gascon led a group of city leaders denouncing the ad. >> the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to look the other way and do nothing. >> when somebody attacks our religious, they attack us. >> i'm using high-profile muslims and their own words. how does that paint every muslim with the same brush? i don't understand that. >> no more hate! no more hate! >> reporter: is it hate speech or free speech? doesn't seem to matter much to muni. can i swear on a bus ad? >> it depends on the issue, the ad, what you're saying. >> reporter: in this case, muni felt obligated to run the ads because in similar cases courts have ruled the first amendment applies to such ads but the transit system decided not to make money on it. >> the revenue would be about $5,000, but we're transferring that to the human rights commission to help support and encourage tolerance. >> reporter: again, there are 10 ads, 800 buses in the system, and as i mentioned before if there wasn't such a big deal about this, you might not even have seen these ads. i had a hard time finding them myself. but the opposition says we can't be silent when something like this happens. >> what do riders think about the ads? >> reporter: i didn't talk to any riders. i should have but i didn't. >> we'll see if this creates more controversy once people see them. thank you, mike. gone are the days of the old crown vic. there is a new police cruiser rolling into town. the upsides and downsides of the new ride. >> oh!! >> two! >> they are some of the chp's most wanted. why the highway patrol is specifically targeting women. today was certainly warmer than yesterday. but still, the day that will hit near or record warmth. we'll pinpoint that day as the news continues right here on kpix 5. hey. they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. like this? the kind of years. but getting into the academy.. and graduating.. are two very d the chp is hiring cadets for the first time in three years. but getting into the academy and graduating are two very different things. the only female cadet from her class to make it shows tony lopez how tough it really is. [ chanting ] >> reporter: the smile on marissa's face says it all. this 26-year-old has pushed her mind and body to the max to become the only female to graduate in her chp class. >> it's not easy. it's not easy at all. >> reporter: not easy seeing her 14 fellow female cadets drop out and 50 more men one by one. the twists and turns of her six- month journey have been the highlight of a renewed push by the chp to find more females. out of 7459 uniformed personnel, just 551 are women. that's just over 7% of the department. >> if i could change just one woman's mind, you know, about coming in here and doing it, i hope i could do that. >> reporter: the sergeant's job is to recruit while he tries to gather strong candidates, getting rid of long-held stereotypes. >> people think a woman can't do that job. they can do it just as well sometimes better than a man. >> reporter: chelsea hailey hopes to follow in her father's footsteps a retired chp officer. another has a more colorful reason for wanting a badge. >> just want to kick ass. >> reporter: laughter aside, she is focused on what more female officers can do. >> you might think it differently if you see more women out there. >> reporter: officer cathy deluca a 10-year veteran thinks women can bring something to the badge that most men can't. she calls it verbal judo. >> personally, i can deescalate a situation that could potentially be violent, volatile and times it just takes a female officer to calm the situation with just our demeanor. >> reporter: but if she has to get physical, she will. >> i'm well trained. we have one of the best academy awards in the country, i believe. >> reporter: well trained and willing to go the extra mile just like marissa and her class are doing on this cold dark morning. it's their final run before graduation. >> california highway patrol -- >> hoowa! >> the sun will be shining on graduation day. >> marissa reyes, altadena! [ applause and cheers ] >> the chp just wrapped up a testing cycle for new recruits and says it's too early to tell when it will offer applications again. >> remember when police cars looked like this? the kind of things that raced around in the streets of san francisco episodes? we're talking ford ltds, the crown vices, big, loud, absolutely fuel inefficient. well, there's a new roller in town, a lot of towns, actually. kpix 5's john ramos gives us a look. >> reporter: whenever police officers are called, it's a good bet they will arrive in the familiar car, the ford crown victoria police interceptor has been the workhorse of law enforcement for decades. but ford is discontinuing the crown vic because the times they are achangin'. >> what's different about this vehicle is that it is more compact. >> reporter: lieutenant peter ania is showing off pleasant hill's newest police car. it's still called an interceptor but looks like a ford taurus. front-wheel drive, more fuel- efficient and specifically designed to handle the modern communications equipment. >> this car was built with all the electronics in mind so it's more efficient and you don't have to worry about dead batteries, things like that. >> reporter: demand for leaner cars has caused companies like ford, gm and dodge to retool their law enforcement offerings. but these vehicles are also the work space for patrol officers. and they are going to have to get used to less spacious surroundings. >> officers nowadays, many more of them are much more physically fit and fit in the vehicle a lot better. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the tighter quarters will be noticeable for those who end up in the back seat, as well. >> i don't think it would be a comfortable fit. pleasant hill is not that large a city so the trip in anywhere, where some person got arrested to the jail isn't that far. so that's a good thing, i guess. [ laughter ] >> reporter: but ania says a car is a car and police officers will adapt to the new reality. the old workhorse is being put out to pasture in favor of one that doesn't eat quite as much hay. for years, people have been trying to change the world by choosing more fuel-efficient cars but you can tell real change has occurred when you have no choice. john ramos kpix 5. >> and do you care if the crook is uncomfortable in the back seat in i don't think so. pleasant hill will be replacing three cars this year as they are retired. the cost for each one about $28,000. gorgeous warm clear day, roberta. >> amazing stats. we only had san francisco at 69, richmond at 67, sfo at 64, otherwise everybody topped off in the 70s today. good evening. let's take a look at some of the current turbulence in and around our microclimates beginning with the south bay. san jose is now at 65 after realizing a high today of 70. it's in the mid-60s in morgan hill and in santa clara. north and east of the bay in the 60s and low 70s at this hour. pleasanton sporting 71 degrees. central bay, oakland, upper 60s. it's currently 56 in sausalito. and 50s around the sunset district and also in san francisco due to a wind that's blowing out of the west at 15, some gusts to 25. that wind is onshore and you can see the gathering of the clouds. this is our oakland camera looking towards san francisco. it is a very shallow deck of low clouds and patchy fog and it's very evident on our satellite and radar. you see those clouds straddling the immediate coast here from about the sunset district back in through monterey bay. and that's going to be the scenario tonight. so with that increased cloud cover, we won't see the temperatures as cold as they have been overnight. but nevertheless, we'll have that patchy fog. we'll open up tomorrow with stratus early and then the abundance of sunshine and a warmer day. the extended forecast calls for near or record warmth on wednesday. we'll pinpoint that forecast but first, overnight tonight, 42 degrees in santa rosa. mid-50s santa clara valley. mid-40s central bay. low and mid-40s around the peninsula. tomorrow northwest breeze at 15 miles per hour. 70s inland tomorrow. 76 in napa. but wait, check out wednesday. low 80s inland and even 90s forecast throughout the salinas valley and in throughout the central valley which for this time of the year is downright hot. record warmth. and spring officially springs, it arrives nine days from now on march 20 but it already feels like it. >> i can already smell the grills going. >> i can smell the pollen. [ laughter ] >> right. >> allergy season. thank you. voters paid for it but not a lot of people are using it. why more people will show up if they have to pay. >> kpix 5 is the official television station for the bay bridge opening ceremony. we are counting down the days until the new eastern span opens in september. we'll keep you posted on plan for the big day. (sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot. i am sir can-a-lot here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (woman) hmmm... that's actually a good idea. [nervous giggle] (male announcer) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit k- o with ' teenless teen center has one bay area community looking for ways to fill its new multi- million dollar facility. kpix 5 reporter ann notarangelo with how the center hopes charging admission will draw a crowd. >> reporter: it's on every community's wish list. a safe place for teens to hang out after school. >> we have as many things that you can think of that any teen would want to do here. we are just not getting the numbers yet. >> reporter: these students are from a private school that rents the new teen center from the pleasant hill rec and park district. >> i think it's really fun. >> reporter: is this a place you would like to come and hang out? >> yes. >> reporter: but the after- school program for sixth through twelfth graders only gets about 30 students a day. >> i don't think we're in trouble. different people have different goals for the facility. >> reporter: but the in black losing more than $48,000 since it opened in november. >> i think no matter what, this program will always be subsidize the. we are trying to bring it lower. >> reporter: in 2009, voters approved a 28 million dollars bond measure for the teen center, a yet-to-be completed community center and senior center that's jam-packed but here they haven't been able to live up to the notion, if you build it, they will come. high school students don't want to be supervised. the younger teens don't know it exists. did you even know that there was a teen center? >> kind of. >> just like my mom doesn't take me there. >> reporter: come summer, the center will begin charging $10 a day and $8 in the fall. if they're not coming when it's free, why would they pay to come? >> i think parents and the kids find value in things that they pay for. >> reporter: some students say that's too much. but perhaps this kind of psychology will work on teens who, well, act like teens. >> they always want something different. what you thought wan fantastic on tuesday doesn't work on friday. >> reporter: if you have a teen now what you're up against. a sense of community is often at a teen's fingertips. ann notarangelo, kpix 5. >> for now the pleasant hill recreation and park district is temporarily suspending its high school program while they try to find out what will draw kids in. coming up in our next half hour the trip did not go as planned. what's next for america's plans in afghanistan after a troubled trip by the new secretary of defense. >> smoke coming out of my motorcycle and then i was trying to figure out what it was. >> the problem? something stuck in the tailpipe. even more surprising? what was crammed in there. >> and a bay area city makes a new pitch to bring in business. >> we're wired. lot better. now at 6:30, the first trip to afghanistan by america's newest defense secretary could have gone a lot better. two u.s. troops are dead after an afghan cop opened fire in eastern afghanistan following a visit from the new u.s. secretary of defense and new charges from the afghan president that the u.s. is working with the taliban. cbs reporter tara mergener is at the white house with the very latest. >> reporter: ambulances came to take away the bodies of several afghan police and army officers killed in a firefight. officials say an afghan police officer grabbed a machine gun and opened fire on his colleagues and american soldiers at this police station in the eastern part of the country. two u.s. troops and several afghans died in the attack. it happened shortly after chuck hagel made his first visit to the country as u.s. secretary of defense. while he was there two suicide bombings killed at least 19 people. afghanistan's president hamid karzai also accused the u.s. of working with the taliban to plot the attacks so the afghan people will want american troops to stay and provide security. today the white house categorically denied the charge. >> the last thing we would do is support any kind of violence particularly involving innocent civilians. >> reporter: the white house says it's still planning to bring combat troops home by 2014 and is counting on trained afghan forces to secure the country. karzai has already ordered u.s. special operations forces to leave some areas. that deadline came and went yesterday with u.s. troops still in place. [ indiscernible ] absent partners to discuss the plan. >> reporter: this political tension is building as coalition and afghan leaders work to negotiate a long-term presence for u.s. forces in the country after all the u.s. combat troops pull out. tara mergener for cbs news, the white house. >> u.s. officials say they have not had contact with the taliban since talks broke down about this time last year. it's been two years since 20,000 people were killed in the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated japan. today people gathered in japan to commemorate the victims and as cbs reporter kitty logan shows you to pray for the country that still is struggling to rebuild. >> reporter: much of japan's coastline is still desolate two years after a deadly tsunami swept through. even now, the clean-up continues. and the anguish of those who survived the disaster is still very real. [ non-english language ] >> reporter: this man says, it's still painful to talk about, even just going down to the beach and looking at the waves i get overcome with a sense of helplessness. >> reporter: many in fact fukushima district are still living in temporary shelters. they were forced to flee their homes because of radiation leaking from a nuclear plant damaged in the original earthquake. japan's prime minister is promising to speed up the process of rebuilding so victims can feel the recovery. he says, reconstruction is a battle against time. in tokyo's subway, people spent the anniversary of the disaster practicing emergency drills. the government is trying to prepare people for future natural disasters. critics have accused japanese authorities of mishandling the crisis at the fukushima nuclear plant. two former u.s. navy sailors have joined a lawsuit against the plants owner saying they were directly exposed to radiation while delivering aid in the area. >> i got a lump that popped up between my eyes, another lump on my jaw. and another lump on my thigh. >> reporter: in japan, thousands took time to pause and reflect with a movement of silence. even though the tsunami struck two years ago, people are still suffering today. kitty logan, kpix 5. >> japan restarted two of its 50 nuclear reactors last summer but most japanese are opposed to restarting more plants. a vatican press secretary predicts there will be a new pope by the end of the week. cbs reporter danielle nottingham is outside st. peter's basilica where the start of the papal conclave is just hours away. reporter: the 115 cardinals who will elect a new pope held their final meeting before voting begins. even though the formal tax are over, the cardinals will continue discussing in private who among them is the best suited to lead the church. >> they will do so at meals predominantly and then in the evening they will meet in small groups. >> reporter: about 90 people including staffers at the apartments the cardinals are staying in took an oath of secrecy today vowing not to divulge any inside information they overhear. during the conclave in the sistine chapel, the cardinals will pray and vote in silence. the so-called smoke watch begins tuesday night. a light will shine on a chimney on top of the sistine chapel. black smoke means voting continues. white smoke and church bells means a new pope has been chosen. [ bells ] >> reporter: there are said to be about a dozen leading candidates. the three front-runners named in the italian press are boston cardinal sean o'malley, odilo scherer from brazil, and italy's angelo scola. >> it's just not clear this time that there's a front- runner. >> reporter: the robe, hat and shoes the new pope will wear have been unpacked and placed inside the room of tears where the newly elected pope will pray before he is introduced to the world. vatican workers hung red curtains over the balcony at st. peter's basilica where the new pope will make his first public appearance. danielle nottingham, cbs news, vatican city. >> the modern papal conclave procedure dates back to the 13th century. to limit outside political interference, pope gregory x decreed the cardinal electors will be locked up until a new bishop of rome is chosen. in the fight for quality jobs you need quality bait. how one city is tempting tech companies and it's working. >> the ticket wasn't the problem. it's how the ticket was left on the motorcycle that caused the trouble. consumerwatch investigates next. put one bay area woman's life in danger. it was placed in the exhaust of her motorcycle... a parking ticket put one bay area woman's life in danger. it was placed in the exhaust of her motorcycle causing it to smoke for days. kpix 5's consumerwatch reporter julie watts with how the ticket ended up there and why the woman didn't even deserve it. >> reporter: with business attire under her leather jacket, stephanie isn't your typical biker. the finance professional rides her motorcycle to work every day and while riding does come with inherent risks, she recently realized she had been risking her life by simply starting her engine. >> there was smoke coming out of my motorcycle and then i was trying to figure out what it was. and i found this. a dpt ticket shoved underneath my gas tank in my tailpipe and it's burned. >> reporter: she says it had been there for 10 days wedged between a pipe that reaches over 1,000 degrees and a gas tank that can blow at any minute but the worst part? >> i almost got killed for a ticket that i didn't deserve. >> reporter: she says the meter was broken. even though there was plenty of time left on the spot, the front of the meter shed a red dot indicating it was expired. she reported it to the parking attendant, has a photograph to prove it, and it turns out she is not alone. >> i definitely had more than 5 -- i got the ticket at 10:50. >> i prepaid the whole ten hours. >> reporter: the man who shot this video provided it as evidence when he protested his ticket only to have his appeal denied by the sfmta. the agency says tickets are supposed to be placed under the seat strap or between the seat and the tank but stephanie is still waiting for her response. >> i did email both the head of the dpt and their pr agents i think a mr. rose and nobody has responded to me about the dangerous situation they placed me in. >> reporter: she would like an explanation and a promise to retrain parking officers on where to safely place a ticket. so bikers like her can ride with one less worry. and she would like them to stop giving out tickets on broken meters. now, the san francisco mta hasn't commented on the broken meter but is reviewing the case. a spokesman says, quote, we certainly apologize if miss jacoby was put in any danger because of the placement of this parking citation and will inform staff of the standing policy with regard to citations and motorcycles." >> and after all that, do you think they will finally dismiss her ticket? >> reporter: it's our experience that typically they deny on the first appeal. and you have to appeal two or three times and in fact the gentleman that gave us the cell phone video for this story appealed, provided evidence and was denied, just didn't want to deal with a second appeal so paid it. i'm hoping after everything she has been through that they quickly resolve this for her. >> all right. thank you. well, what is lightning quick internet access worth? quite a lot to the city of san leandro. kpix 5 reporter patrick sedillo says city leaders are hoping it will lure more businesses to their city. >> reporter: think of it as a super information superhighway. this movie studio isn't in hollywood or pixar but in san leandro above the 700,000- square-foot westgate shopping center. >> i have been shopping here at the westgate shopping center in the retail spaces for years. and i had no idea that this space was above here. >> reporter: thanks to lightning quick internet access the city is installing in the next 60 days. >> we can move information fast. >> reporter: it's happening because of a unique public- private partnership called lit san leandro, several businesses have approached the city about their need for speed. >> i need fiber or i can't stay in this city. >> reporter: an 18-mile fiber loop will be installed in the industrial parts of the city to attract businesses. the retail mall was a success, the industrial mall on top flopped. until now. >> we came here because it was affordable. >> reporter: 48 different cameras surround the room tracking the actor and generating a computer animated movie called tower of the dragon. this is a virtual director. it allows the director to beam in from anywhere in the world saving thousands of dollars in hotel rooms, meetings and airfare. >> we are able to work with the director in massachusetts, the choreographer in new york city and they are able to come here via fiber. >> reporter: reducing the cost of making movies because of higher bandwidth. >> the fast fiber being pulled into the building, it now creates an opportunity that didn't exist before. >> reporter: reporting from san leandro, patrick sedillo, kpix 5. >> right now the city of san leandro has 100,000 square feet lit. the city says with westgate and other properties, they hope to hit 1 million square feet by the end of the year. not strong enough to cause any damage, but certainly strong enough to get your attention. californians who got a pretty strong shake today. >> from the kpix 5 weather center, good evening, we certainly had some springtime temperatures across the bay area. but now look at that right there. that's fog. the effect it will have on your tuesday as the news continues right here on kpix 5. >> and i'm dense. coming up, dennis o'donnell. coming up, the 49ers make a "boldin" move. why is the cal coach in such a crabby mood? >> i don't think anybody trusts that i can coach. >> a local wrestler is the national champion. >> i did show them the lights. >> sports just a long shot away. mary gonzales had a cold she also has asthma. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive. burglars took two super bowl rings from the las vegas-area home of former san fr investigators in nevada saw it that burglars took two super bowl rings from the las vegas area home a former san francisco 49ers kicker mike he could fert who told police he was at his son's high school baseball game thursday when it happened. apparently the thieves made off with a coin collection and xbox game console and videogames. he was on the 49ers teams who won super bowls in 88 and '90. no suspects so far. an earthquake shook a wide area of southern california this morning. the quake struck at riverside county desert community of anza. that's about 100 miles southeast of los angeles. the quake was felt throughout downtown l.a., san diego and orange county. the swaying and rolling such as scrambling and office workers running for the doors and knocked some items off store shelves. no damages or injuries are record. >> let's go outside. let's play. >> have you got adjusted? >> you know. it takes a while. >> i ran a marathon in italy with daylight saving time and we returned to the united states and had daylight saving time and so i lost two hours in one week, double hard. i really felt it. >> we do. good evening, let's step outside. this is our live pictures weather camera looking out from oakland across the bay towards san francisco. currently san francisco a cool 57 degrees. livermore 70. today's highs, check this out, look what do you see here? 70s across the board except san francisco at 69 degrees. upper 50s with the clouds in pacifica. now tonight overnight we will see some of that stratus so the temperatures will not be as cold as they have been in recent nights not 40s. 42 apiece in fremont and redwood city into los altos. meanwhile, this is interesting. you see the clouds gathering at the coast from the cape mendocino seashore into the sunset district and to the south towards monterey bay. this is what it looks like. there you have it right there. we confirm that satellite image with our live kpix weather camera atop the transamerica building. can't even see the golden gate bridge at this time. so we'll keep the coastal fog in your forecast. clouds to kick-start your tuesday morning and then wednesday, near or record warmth in the bay area. we do have this huge beautiful area of low pressure well defined but it's banking up against the ridge of high pressure. it's taking all its precipitation into the pacific northwest. high pressure will strengthen and although tomorrow will be warm, it will not be the warmest day of the workweek. that will be featured in your seven-day forecast. but you can count on tomorrow temperatures averaging anywhere between two and about 10 degrees above normal for this time of the year. 10 degrees above average in santa rosa at 73 degrees and statewide approaching 80 in fresno, merced, modesto, through stockton. upper 50s in tahoe but bottoming out overnight near 22 so still cold enough to make snow. your pinpoint forecast, 50s, 60s, beaches. 60s and 70s across the central bay. well into the low and mid-70s. inland northwest breeze at 15. near or record warmth wednesday not low 80s and we'll keep working this dry weather pattern each and every day all the way until about seasonal highs this time next week. that is your pinpoint forecast. we have dennis on deck with sports coming up after this. mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ ♪ hallmark doesn't make sympathy cards for sorry i just beat you in the super bowl... so instead ravens coach john harbaugh sent his brother his leading receiver in exchange for a sixth round pick hallmark doesn't make sympathy cards for sorry i just beat you in the super bowl so instead ravens coach sent his brother a leading receiver in exchange for a first-round draft pick. we know what this man is capable of. anquan boldin is a physical wideout with 100 yards receiving and a touchdown in the super bowl. the 32-year-old will make $6 million next season. a few hours earlier the seahawks made a splash. harvin is headed to seattle in exchange for a first round pick. the rookie of the year in 2009 harvin played in nine games last season due to injuries. cal's allen crabbe wads named pac-12 player -- was named pac-12 player of the year. he led the conference in the season. he is the third bear to win the award in the last four seasons. >> i don't think anybody trusts that i can so much so since we're finished toward the top they must think i have really good players. it is kind of amazing in the five years we have had three of the mvps. i don't know what we do next year. you know? it will be a lot of pressure on al coming back. but anyway, it's all good. >> if he comes back. a former cal star is back to the bay area. jason kidd and the knicks are in town to play the warriors. kidd, who will turn 40 later this month, has no plans to call it quits despite capturing that elusive championship in 2011 with the dallas mavericks. >> i have worn the ring once when i first got it. once i retire, i'll spend more time with it but i want another one. that's why i don't look at it or wear it. >> is it like candy, you get one, you just want more? >> yeah. you get those jellybeans just have one or like pringles you can't just have one. >> david lee is expected to return after a knee injury. the team has been struggling recently. >> i think we have settled for a lot of jump shots and when they go in they look like tremendous plays and when they don't we look like we have no idea what we're doing. we need to mix it up and share the ball and that's when we are at at our best. now to my favorite college, the san francisco state men's basketball team fell short of the division 2 ncaa tournament but there was another team bringing home hardware. a national champion won the 141- pound weight class in alabama. the senior from los gatos came up short in his previous three trips to the nationals. it was a perfect way for bagheri to cap off his career. >> it was the first time in alabama but not my first experience going to nationals. i had been four times so i knew i was in -- a deer in the headlights. i walked in like i owned the place and handled it. >> kids get nervous all the time because it's the nationals and he didn't take it that way. he walked in with a lot of confidence, a little swagger in his step. and that's what i like from the athletes. go in there and do your business and win four straight, he's national champion. >> dennis, i did show them the lights. >> roll 'em over, show them the lights. did he that. congratulations. if you were busy at the san francisco little league parade this weekend, here's what you missed. >> oh!! >> alabama beat georgia at the buzzer. tiger woods golf ball got stuck in a tree. so this guy decides to climb up and get it. come back down, and then he watched tiger win the doral by two shots. i don't know if tiger signed that ball but that's a pretty souvenir. never leave your legs open on the hard court. he learn it the hard way. >> oh. >> on the pass. brad waldo suffered but here's the best part bennett get away from me, get away from me, i don't think so. >> the lob -- the jam, what a monster jam by deandre jordan! poor brandon knight finds out the hard way why they call l.a. lob city as he gets posterrized by deandre jordan. >> ow. >> i have never seen anything like that. captions by: caption colorado telephone rings ] good evening this [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. c joey fatone: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: heh heh heh! thank you very much. thank y'all for coming. thank you very mu--ha ha ha! thank you very much. hey, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. you know what? bet you we got another good one for you today. this family returns for the third day, from right here, hotlanta, georgia, it's the myers family. [cheering and applause] and from kansas city, kansas it's the newkirk family. [cheering and applause] let's get it on. give me dee ann. give me alnisa. let's go. ladies, here we go. we've got the top 8 answers on the board. name a place a nudist might keep his cell-- alnisa? >> in the house? steve: in the house. ok. here's the entire question: name a place a nudist might keep his cell phone. >> under the bed. [applause] steve: under the bed. >> we'll play. steve: they're gonna play. malcolm, how you feeling? >> feeling good. feeling good. steve: good, good, good. all right, let's go, malcolm. name a place a nudist might keep his cell phone. >> in his car, steve. steve: in his car. all right, lauren. how you doing? >> hi, steve. i'm doing well. steve: good. name a place a nudist might keep his cell phone. >> in their bag. steve:


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20130312

it didn't sound like a normal hit when i looked out the window and saw two cars, right in the middle. it just looked really bad. >> reporter: authorities are looking into the possibility that he was impaired. the d.a. says he had an odor of alcohol but police are awaiting official results from a blood test. family members didn't want to talk about it on camera. but friends of the family said they wanted everyone to know these were good people and that this community is absolutely horrified about how they were killed. reporting live in daly city, joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> he is set to make his first court appearance tomorrow. a bay area man who spent 14 years behind bars for a crime he didn't commit is free tonight. johnny williams was convicted of trying to rape a nine-year- old girl. at one point, he was the girl's neighbor and she wrongly identified him as the man who attacked her. williams was paroled in january after new dna evidence proved his innocence. a bay area high school sex column has caused an uproar. a huge crowd packed a school board meeting in mountain view, mostly supporters. the school board is trying to decide whether the column violates board policy. some parents say it's too explicit. the author disagrees. >> i wrote this article to promote communication on sex in an educated manner, not to cause trouble. >> from a professional standpoint, i understand points of view, of course. absolutely they're important. they need to be said. but if those articles were written in a company newsletter, that employee would have been terminated. >> the newspaper advisor says she supports her students but they could have more careful. america's most tolerant city is in a catch-22 other whether new bus ads are hate speech or free speech. mike sugerman on the controversial ad campaign starring osama bin laden. >> if the point of advertising is to get your message heard, these bus ads are very successful. >> reporter: ten ads went up on muni buses today. they point out what some terrorists has said. "killing jews is worship that draws us closer to allah," reads one. >> the purpose of our campaign is to show the reality of jihad, the root causes of terrorism, using the exact quotes and text they use. >> reporter: the group put up similar billboards last year. they compared israel's enemies as savages. >> san francisco won't tolerate islamic bigotry. >> the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to look the other way and do nothing. >> when somebody like -- attacks our religion, they attack us. >> i am only using high-profile muslims in their own words. how does that paint every muslim with the same brush? i don't understand that. >> reporter: is it hate speech or free speech? doesn't seem to matter much to muni. >> can i swear on a bus ad? >> depends what you're saying. >> reporter: in this case, muni felt obligated to run the ads because in similar cases, the court ruled that the first amendment applies to such ads. but they decided not to make any revenue on them. >> we're transferring it to the human rights commission to help encourage tolerance. >> reporter: these bus ads will run the next four weeks. >> the ads are on ten of muni's 800 buses and san francisco isn't alone. the ads have also appeared in washington, d.c. and chicago. for the world's 1.2 billion catholics, they could have a new leader which -- by the end of the week. the conclave is set to begin. the process shrouded in ritual, tradition and mystery. anyone involved, from the cardinals to their staff, their drivers, even waiters, must swear an oath of secrecy. danielle nottingham is in vatican city. >> reporter: good morning, ken. another rainy morning here in vatican city and the scene is set. 5600 journalists are credentialed and residents are prepared. now it's up to the college of cardinals to deliver the new leader of the catholic church. papal vestments are prepared in the room of tears. just before noon eastern time on tuesday, they will begin their conclave behind the locked doors of the sistine chapel. vatican staff will tend to the cardinals and took an oath to secrecy on monday. the cardinals will certainly be talking to each other but not about themselves. >> there are people who are supporting their candidacy, who are actually moving amongst the cardinals and asking them to support this particular candidate at this time. >> reporter: the italian press named three potential front- runners. boston cardinal sean o'malley, brazil's odilo scherer and it la's angelo scola. but whichever cardinal becomes pope, he will become the leader of a church in crisis. there ongoing investigations of sex scandals to legal troubles facing the vatican bank, the new pope will be as much ceo as spiritual leader. >> i think the cardinals are certainly looking for a pope who either has strong management and administrative skills or can delegate them and follow them closely. >> reporter: the first vote is expected tuesday afternoon. the cardinals will attend mass this morning at st. peter's basilica. then later the cardinals will start voting. now, that vote is conditional. it doesn't have to happen if they don't want it to. but if there is a vote this evening, they're saying we may be should see smoke maybe around 6, 7, 8:00 this evening. live in vatican city, danielle nottingham. ken, back to you. >> it's a fascinating sort of ritual they go through. now, we have cardinals from africa, from europe, from the united states. is there any particular language that they communicate in? do they pick one? >> reporter: well, we can't say with 100% certainty, because the cardinals aren't allowed to talk about what happens within these meetings. but we do know that italian is the common language among them. there are no interpreters inside the conclave. but most cardinals spent a couple of years studying here in rome, so italian is the common language. but when they get into smaller groups, who is to say what language they will be speaking. >> it may sound corny, but when in rome, do as the romans. speak italian. danielle, thank you for that. coming up, secret files from some of the biggest celebrities in the world revealed, from beyonce to hillary clinton. the greatest hoodie ever made, the bay area company that is too successful for its own good. not just for boys. the big change at one bay area high school, all because one teenage girl wouldn't take no for an answer. ♪ alright, let's go. ♪ ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. ♪ nom, nom, nom. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ ton and joe biden. secret files from some of america's biggest celebrities exposed, from beyonce to hillary clinton and joe biden. the hacker attack targeting the rich and famous. >> reporter: there's not much on the secret files website. but what is has prompted an investigation by the lapd, using unflattering photos of top public servants like hillary clinton, to kim kardashian and rapper jay-z. the cite shares what appears to be addresses, social security numbers, credit scores and other sensitive information. >> potentially they got onto these folks' computers and stole this information. >> reporter: kevin haley is the director of security response for norton. >> they can wait till you log into your bank, then watch what you're doing, and that will give them the log-in and password, even the name of your bank. then they can log in themselves. >> reporter: the only page with additional information was that of lapd chief charlie bett. it shows the information on ex- officer christopher dorner. it also included hashtag #youcan'tcornerthedorner. >> reporter: he says they're looking at whether this could be a hacker technique or tracing someone's information using internet sources and posting it. >> it's not really clear why the hackers are targeting these specific celebrities. minimum wage workers in san jose just got a huge pay increase. in fact, it's the biggest raise of its kind in the country. the city's base rate jumped 25% today, from $8 an hour to $10. for someone working 25 hours per week, that's an extra $2600 a year. now employers are trying to make it work. >> some have raised prices. some have cut hours. some have just absorbed it. there really is no one size fits all. >> local merchants are united on one front. they've launched an awareness campaign called "earn 'n spend in san jose," urging people to support san jose's small businesses. one san francisco company is too popular for its own good. it can't keep up with business. david jackson on what's so special about the sweatshirt called the greatest hoodie ever made. >> reporter: a remarkable story of explosive growth. last year, they launched american giant, a clothing company built around a simple hoodie. but once the public tried out the sweatshirts, american giant became giant overnight. >> the demand took us by surprise. i think what we're doing from a marketing perspective is focusing on our existing customers, the customers willing to wait three months for the hoodie, making sure they're getting what they need. >> reporter: the message is you have to wait three months for a sweatshirt bought online that is of such high quality that you don't mind waiting. american giant is trying to meet all its orders, but their bold experiment is paying off. they built a shirt from american cotton and american fabric. sold in san francisco. it still delivers a $79 sweatshirt. >> the american partners we were able to find were actually able to deliver better quality, lower minimums, faster lead times than what we were able to find overseas. so it was a pleasant surprise for us. >> reporter: american giant has surprised the business community with growth 300% above expectations last year and a whopping 500% more expected this year. the firm is literally bursting at the seams, needing more sewing operators for its american-made shirt. i almost can't believe when you grab ahold of that, shipped by carolina cotton works, raised specially for the american giant label. prepare to wait for an online shirt order while the employees wait to imagine what comes next. >> the sky's the limit here. i mean, we can be the next big thing. >> reporter: in san francisco, david jackson, kpix 5. >> we checked online tonight. all sweatshirts are on back order till the end of the community. you want weather? we got it right here, no waiting! >> you won't need a sweatshirt tomorrow at all. in the early morning hours, we will still have patchy fog to deal with. but tomorrow night, clear skies and perfect for that right there, comet panstarrs. it's a rare comet. we haven't seen it in quite some time. but tomorrow, the conditions will be favorable over the northern hemisphere. all you have to do is go out towards sunset, look towards the west, towards the ocean, and you may be able to see comet panstarrs. we're looking out towards the rotunda under partly to mostly cloudy skies. we have areas of fog. 46 in san jose. smack between oakland, in the 50's. winds out of the west at 12 to 17 miles an hour. tonight, overnight, with the breeze and with the cloud cover, not as cold. number-wise, into the 40's from the north bay all the way to the south. you see the clouds filling in right there, around the sunset district. and then it's moving south towards the santa clara valley and into hayward. golden gate bridge, also the recipient of some patchy stratus. storm, extended forecast calls for near or record warmth on wednesday, even though we have this area of low pressure out over the pacific, taking copious amounts of precipitation into the pacific northwest through thursday, leaving us under the influence of high pressure. warmer tomorrow but not the warmest day. again, the warmest of this warming trend will be on wednesday. tomorrow's numbers going up from the 50's through the 60's all the way to the mid 70's. in fact, the extended forecast calls for low 80's, near or record warmth on wednesday. and then slight cooling begins on thursday. we'll bump up the number again on friday before seasonal highs return by monday. that's the pinpoint forecast. we still have dennis and sports, coming up right after this! [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. well, it's hard enough being the new kid in town. then one teenager from texas found out from mountain view high school, they didn't have the sport she loved the most. >> kiet do's on the incredible thing that she created because she wouldn't take no for an answer. >> reporter: there is no sugar- coating it. the mountain view high school girls lacrosse team is a work in progress. but what they lack in experience, they make up for in heart and soul. the school didn't even have a team until recently, when maggie moore moved to town. it took a year but she finally got the principal's permission, helped raise thousands for equipment and helped to hire a coach. >> it's all about, if you want something, you can do it. you just gotta work hard to get it. >> reporter: they put the word out and two dozen girls signed up. some hadn't even picked up a lacrosse stick till three weeks ago. 90% of these girls have never played in a real game before. the realistic goal for this season, win just half the games. >> i also want the girls to be able to have fun, hopefully be able to catch and throw, have the basic skills down consistently and hopefully get wins along the way. >> reporter: toward the end of practice, there were flashes of greatness, a good spin move and a burst of speed and precision. they will need every last bit of it in a tough league. >> you think you will have a winning season? >> i would define a winning season a little differently. i think the fact that we have a team is one. >> reporter: good luck, spartans. the season just started, and you've already come a long way! in mountain view, kiet do, kpix 5. >> first game is tomorrow. >> good luck! and we're already talking football. >> yeah. football. >> we're already talking football. >> weren't you home watching the nfl combines for two weeks! i was glued! the 49ers and seahawks would war off the field today. and how would curry follow up his 54-point garden party with the knicks tonight? @÷ the de if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. that's anquan boldin's mantra after the baltimore ravens traded him to the 49ers. it cost them just a sixth-round pick. he'll make $6 this year. this came just a couple of hours after the seahawks picked up viking star percy harvin for a first-round pick. ♪ ♪ anything you can do ♪ ♪ i can do better ♪ ♪ >> well, who did better today? sure, harvin is eight years younger than boldin, but harvin missed seven games last season and he gets chronic migraine headaches. so we will see. jason kidd turns 40 this month but says he's not ready to hang it up, because he craves another title. >> you get those jelly beans. you just have one, and it's gotta be another. or pringles. i want to eat the whole can! >> yeah. all those potato chips probably bogged them down. curry had 26 tonight. a much better result. warriors up nine after three. the knicks shot a league-low 47%. warriors win 92-63. saint mary's, brad waldo got his tooth back for the wzz final against gonzaga. jorden page badly turned his knee. he was out. zags up 15 in the second half. and then the big man! kelly olynyk runs the floor. 65-51. the gaels will have to wait until sunday to see if they're going dancing. now the top five. a hooters girl at the phillies game didn't realize she had picked up a fair ball and gave it away as a souvenir. she does make the top five. no. 4, break dancing meets bowling. ryan conferto, and that is a strike! he got a leno for that one. thank you. landry fields, desperation. watch the poor ball boy, just trying to mop the floor. no. 2, a hot dog. no. 1, what nba players really work on in practice. this is danilo gallinari, banking in the shot from the full court. now, i thought this was a little bit of ripley's believe it or not action, because that ball got off the backboard, into the other hoop, in quite a hurry. >> yeah. i'd like to see a wider angle. >> but it was the real deal. >> all right. it was. >> if brian says so, must be so. we'll be right back. we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan! i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. ou w letterman is next with new york city mayor michael bloomberg. >> wonder if they'll talk about the big drinks. >> probably so. >> forbes says he's worth $27 billion. >> with a b? >> with a b. >> good night! ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway broadcasting across the nation and around the world it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, the grand nephew of johnny appleseed david letterman! (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause ) >> dave: thanks very much! (cheers and applause) how are you doing? okay! how are you? thank you. you know what they say? today the groggyest day of the year because off monkey with a clock. does anybody understand? that monkeying with the clock thing? >> paul: of course. >> dave: it's the groggyest day of the year, ladies and gentlemen, and believe me, this next hour won't help. (laughter) so in the middle of the night you have to turn your clock -- honestly, i don't know which way you turn it. some years i get it right some years i get it wrong. but i tell you the biggest waste of time about reseting your clocks is trying to line up that little hole in the clock with the nail in the wall after you -- (laughter)


Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130312

yeah. i mean, why wouldn't we be? all right, awesome. (chuckles) thank you. i like you hair like this. captioning sponsored by cbs brought to you by ford. go further. this is kpix5 news on the cw. three members of a family killed in a car crash. now, police have a man they say is responsible and they have a good idea as to why he was driving so fast in a residential area. >> when somebody -- >> hate speech or free speech? tonight, we ask muni why the most tolerant city in america puts these ads on its buses. and gone are the days of the old crown vick. there's a new police cruiser rolling into town. the upsides and downsides of the new ride. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ken bastida. a driver that hit ask killed three members of a daly city family could face charges. suspect was fleeing in the broadsided the victim's car saturday night. kpix5's joe vazquez has more. >> just hearing about what happened is bad. >> friends and family can't believe it. a mother and two sons are gone, killed saturday night as they are pulled out of a driveway. >> police today announced they arrested a 28-year-old sunny vail man, dennis is in jail charged with three murders in a hit-and-run. san mateo district attorney tells me he had first hit an unoccupied car, then raced away, traveling at quote, in excessive speed. moments later, police say he crashed into the car and her two sons, 23-year-old amado and 13-year-old. another woman in the car survived. >> it sounded like a huge crash. didn't sound like a normal hit when i looked out the window and saw two cars right in the middle. it looked really bad. >> authorities are looking into the possibility he was impaired. the d.a. says he had an odor of alcohol, but police are waiting official results from a blood test. family members declined to talk on camera, but i did speak with friends of the family who wanted everyone to know these are good people and they are devastated by the loss. reporting live in daly city, kpix5. >> the suspect, dennis, is set to make his first court appearance tomorrow. a live look at vatican city where the conclave is set to begin in just a few hours. 115 cardinals will go into deep seclusion in the sistine chapel. danielle nottingham tells us, they won't emerge until the world's 1.2 billion catholics have a new leader. >> the balcony where the new pope will greet his followers is ready and several sizes are prepared in the vatican's room of tiers, they, and the world await the man that will fill them. the 115 cardinals held their final meeting monday, just before noon eastern time on tuesday, they will begin their conclave behind the locked doors of the sistine chapel. vatican staff, who will tend to the cardinals, took an oath of secrecy monday. vowing not to pass on anything they might overhear. the cardinals will certainly be talking to each other, but not about themselves. >> there are people who support their candidacy, who actually move among the cardinals and asking them to support this particular candidate at this time. >> the italian press named three potential front runners. boston cardinal, sean o'malley, and italy's, angelo scola. whichever cardinal becomes pope, he will become the leader of a church in crisis. from on going investigations of sex scandals to legal trouble facing the vatican bank. the new bank will be as much ceo as spiritual leader. vatican watchers say that reality is already shaping the conclave. >> i think the cardinals are looking for a pope who either has strong management and administrative skills or can delegate them and follow them closely. >> the first vote is expected tuesday afternoon. danielle nottingham, cbs news, vatican city. >> the conclave is expected to last three days, or two to three days. there could be a new pope by the end of this week. a series of ads coming to a muni bus near you. they have people asking, are they hate speech or free speech? kpix5 is in san francisco with a look at the ads being bought by a group called the american freedom defense initiative. >> the point of advertising is to get your message heard, these bus ads are susceptible. ads went on muni buses today. they point out what terrorists have said. draws us closer. >> the purpose of our campaign is to show the reality of jay gihad. >> put up similar billboards here last year. these. they compared israel's enemies as savages. >> san francisco won't tolerate bigotry. >> the d.a. led a group of city leaders denouncing the ad. >> the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to look the other way and do nothing. >> when somebody, affects us. >> i am nearly using high profile muslims and their own words. how does that paint every muslim with the same brush. i don't understand that. >> is it hate speech or free speech? doesn't seem to matter much to muni. >> can i swear on a bus ad? >> it depends on the issue. depends on what you are saying. >> muni felt obligated because in similar cases, ruled the first amendment applies to ads. not make any money over the controversy. >> the revenue would be about $5,000. we are transferring that to the human rights commission to help support and encourage tolerance. >> these bus ads will run the next four weeks. in san francisco, mike sugarman, kpix5. >> san francisco is the latest city where those ads are appearing. they have shown up in washington, d.c. and chicago. other bay area headlines, san jose police cars blocked off mrsa and capital drives as officers investigated the ninth homicide of the year. a man was shot in the chest and found dead in the street. so far, police do not have a suspect. in san francisco, police believe a homeless man was sleeping on top of an elevator when he was crushed. his body was found last night in an elevator shaft at the montgomery bart station. police now say the woman who held off officers with a shotgun in san francisco and a hatchet for hours after breaking into a home was high on bath salt. the ordeal happened on march 3 at a home in the 2800 block of lion street. s.w.a.t. officers negotiated with her for more than two hours before she surrendered. she faces burglary charges. >> it's going to be impossible to get a table for at least a couple of weeks. the world renowned berkeley eatly says it is canceling all reservations through march 23. after that fire that damaged the restaurant, the fire confined to the front porch in the entry way, but repairs could cost upwards of $200,000. a 4.7 earthquake shook a wide area of southern california, but did little else. the quake struck before 10:00 this morning. that's about 100 miles southeast of los angeles. it was felt through downtown l.a. and in orange county. no damage or injuries were reported. today marks two years since the massive 9.0 earthquake that triggered a tsunami and killed 19,000 people in japan. some 300,000 people are still homeless as the country works to rebuild. an estimated 1.5 million-tons of debris washed out to sea. some of that debris continues to show up on beaches around the world. and there's plenty of work to do at the santa cruz harbor damaged by tsunami debris. work to rebuild thdocks is expected to continue through the summer. some docks at the harbor still have to be demolished before they can be replaced. >> remember when cop cars look like that one? the kind of things that race around in streets of san francisco episodes. we're talking the crown vicks came in big, loud, fuel and efficient, they were fast. well, there's a new roller in town. a lot of towns, actually. kpix's john ramos gives us a look. >> whenever police officers are called, it's a good bet they will arrive in a familiar car. the ford crown victoria police interceptor has been the workhorse. ford is discontinuing the crown vic because the times they are changing. >> what is different about this vehicle is it is more compact. >> lieutenant peter is showing off pleasant hill's newest police car. it's called a police intercepter, but looks more like a ford taurus. it has front wheel drive and a more fuel efficient engine and designed to handle all the modern communications equipment. >> this car was built with all the electronics in mind. so it's more efficient and you don't have to worry about dead batteries and things like that. >> demand for leaner cars has caused exeans like ford, gm, and dodge to retool their offerings, but these vehicles are the work space for patrol officers and they'll have to get used to less spacious surroundings. >> officers nowadays, many more are much more physically fit and they can sit in a vehicle a lot better. >> the tighter quarters will be noticeable for those who end up in the backseat as well. >> i don't think it would be a comfortable fit. fortunately, pleasant hill isn't that large of a city. so the trip from anywhere, some person got arrested to the jail isn't that far. that's a good thing, i guess. >> but the car is a car and police officers will adapt to the new reality. the old workhorses being put out to pasture. in favor of one that doesn't eat quite as much hay. for years, people have been trying to change the world by choosing more fuel efficient cars, but you can tell that real change has occurred when you no longer have any choice. in pleasant hill, john, kpix5. city of pleasant hill will be replacing three cars this year as the older cars get ready to be retired. the cost for each one is about $28,000. >> breaking down barriers in the south bay. how a teen was able to start a girl's lacrosse team at her school, thanks to perseverance. >> plus, a ban on extra large sugary drinks on hold tonight. why a judge made that move just one day before it was set to go into effect. >> from the weather center, not only do we have your pinpoint forecast, but also star gazing forecast. we'll talk about that as the news continues on the cw. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, commit.. is free a bay area man who spent 14 years behind bars for a crime he didn't commit is free tonight. johnny williams was convicted. at one point, he was the girl's neighbor. williams was paroled in january after new dna evidence proved his innocence. new yorkers can drink all the sugary drinks and soda they want. at least for now. state judge has blocked the controversial ban on drinks, this all comes just a day before it was set to take effect. the decision is a major defeat for new york city mayor, michael bloomberg who made public help the corner stone of his administration. >> for the first time in the history of the world, more people will die from over eating than under eating. >> i don't drink soda at all. i don't agree you should be told what you have to drink. >> some restaurants saw a fight coming. they decided not to make any changes ahead of ban. mayor bloomberg says he will appeal the ruling. a teen is blazing a trail in the fields of mountain view high school. the lacrosse field, that is. while the school had a boys team, she realized the need for a girls team. kpix's kit doe on building a sports team from square one. >> there is no sugar coating. the mountain view high school girls lacrosse team is a work in progress. but what they lack in experience, they make up for in heart and soul. the school didn't even have a team until recently when maggie moore moved to town. it took a year, but she finally got the principal's permission to help raise thousands of dollars for equipment and help to hire a coach. >> if you want something, you can do it, and you have to work hard to get it. >> they put the word out and two dozen girls signed up. some of them hadn't picked up a stick until three weeks ago. >> rough around the edges, yes, 90% of these girls have never played in a real game before. the realistic goal, win half the games. >> i also want the girls to have a good experience, have fun, hopefully be able to catch and throw and have the bases filled consistently and hopefully pick up on the way. >> toward the end of practice, there were flashes of greatness. a good spin move and a burst of speed and precision. they will need every last bit of it and a very tough lead. >> you think they'll have a winning season? >> i think the fact that we have a team, we have already won. >> good luck, spartans. the season just started and you have already come a long way. in mountain view, kit doe, kpix5. >> the girl's first game is tomorrow against saratoga high school. >> you played, right? >> i swim, i bike, and i run. that's about it. >> what else do you need? she does it all. >> you know one thing that is really fun to do, star gaze, right? it really is. and tomorrow the conditions will be favorable for a very rare event. it is the comet and it is the pan star. in fact, we have some file footage for you to take a look at. what you can expect tomorrow night. really, the west coast will be the place to see this. it's an amazing image of a comet that was captured in australia. it is visible in the northern hemisphere. what you'll have to do is look due west towards the coast. about 15 minutes after sunset and you may be lucky enough to see pan stars. the rotunda in san jose, under a partly cloudy sky. the winds have been whipping up throughout the bay area with the air temperature anywhere from 49 degrees in santa rosa to 59 degrees. livermore on the mild side and not as cold tonight with a blanket of patchy fog. temperatures in the 40s across the board and in fact, if you take a look at our satellite radar, you see the clouds sweep in over the bay and trying to saturate the santa clara valley, so it gives you a good idea. we see areas of patchy fog. mostly cloudy overnight, tomorrow clouds for openers and then we will have the abundance of sunshine. a warmer day, but the warmest day of this workweek will be on wednesday. beautiful, well defined area of low pressure banking up against the ridge of high pressure, taking the precipitation well. leaving us with the strengthening ridge of high pressure. warmest day will be on wednesday with near or record high temperatures. in fact, take a look at these, 60s around san francisco. 70s away from the bay and into our inland areas. we're talking low 80s inland. by wednesday, low 90s. and also into the central valley and then we will introduce a few clouds over the weekend. seasonal temperatures by this time next week. wow. next shot of rain looks like the first day of spring, march 20. >> wow. we'll take it. whenever it comes. >> coming up, a new tool in the fight against skin cancer. the common pain reliever that may help women reduce their chances of developing melanoma. ,, [ male announcer ] with citibank it's easy for jay to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. find out with venus embrace. every five-bladed stroke gives you 360 degrees of smooth for goddess skin you can feel and feel. ♪ i'm your venus only from venus embrace. okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank. dr. kim with new research tt melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. >> dr. kim with new research that shows how a common pain reliever may reduce the risk. >> okay, let me look at this one. >> rebecca visits the dermatologist regularly. the 730-year-old had skin cancer five times and is at high risk of melanoma. >> really scary. because it can be really, really serious. you know, the ones that i've had so far, they can remove very easily. >> the aspirin she takes may also be lowering her risk of developing melanoma. a new study in the journal cancer looks at nearly 60,000 women over age 50. researchers found women who used aspirin had a 20% lower risk. taking medication reduces the risk 30%. >> when you reduce inflammation with aspirin, may reduce the risk of cancer as well. >> the study looked at other pain medications and found those drugs did not lower the risk. taking aspirin can cause other health problems, including bleeding. dermatologists say more research is needed. >> they can do things between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., wear a hat, long sleeves and wear sunscreen. when they are outside in the sun, reapply the sunscreen every two hours. >> walker is following her doctor's advice, but taking aspirin. >> it gives me one more reason to make sure i take my meds. >> she's hoping it keeps her out of the doctor's office. >> kpix5. >> kim says other studies show how aspirin may also lower the risk of other cancers, including colon cancer, breast, esophagus, as well as ovarian cancer. a close call for an iowa driver pulled unconscious from a burning car. this dash cam video shows an officer rescuing the 18-year- old driver. police say he was doing donuts in the parking lot just moments before he lost control, hit an air-conditioning unit and caught on fire. the driver did survive, but he is now facing charges of reckless driving. the 49ers made a bold trade today. i'm dennis o'donnell. can the warriors hold off? ,,,,,, when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. s heading the arms race in the nfc west heated up this afternoon with wide receivers heading west. the 49ers acquired probowl bolden in a trade with the ravens, just a sixth round pick in this year's draft. this game a couple hours after sea hawks picked up vikings star for a first round pick. jason turning 40 this month with the knicks in oracle arena. jeff currie had 54 the last time. a three pointer for a nine- point lead. currie sets up thompson. warriors win 92-63. good night. brad got his hoop back tonight. they were punched in the mouth. gary to harris were a 15 point lead in the second half. and then, watch the big man, kelly run the floor, he wins by 14 to punch an automatic bid to the ncaa tournament. grab was named the pack 12 player of the year. he becomes the third to win the award in the last four seasons. if you have that many good players, you have to


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 530pm 20130310

and then ran away with an injured child. it happened just after noon at vallejo street and sunset boulevard. the driver ran in one direction. the passenger with the injured child ran in a different direction. the child hasn't been located. witnesses say they saw the driver run into a house that's known by police for drug activity. a dramatic end to a police chase in american canyon. a vallejo man was arrested after a short pursuit ended in a crash. authorities say 64-year-old robert craig pulled a gun on walmart employees as he stole a tv around 4:30 this morning. he led police on a chase into a mobile home park. it ended, police say, when craig crashed into a police car following him. craig was taken to jail on charges of robbery, evading police and resisting arrest. another gun buy-back this time in solano county nets more than 300 firearms including a rocket launcher. officials at the solano county fairgrounds say $30,000 worth of gift cards were given away. people turning in handguns, shotguns and rifles in working condition got $100 in cash or gift cards. people with assault rifles got $200. a spokesman for the vallejo police says they will make sure the collected weapons will not get back on the street. >> as soon as we seat weapons, we -- as soon as we receive the weapons as you make your way sure they're not stolen. then we take them and destroy them on scene to disable the weapons and they will never be used again. >> the event was scheduled to start at 10 a.m. and vallejo police said they started showing up as early as 7 a.m. 19 people having killed including 8 children in two bomb attacks in afghanistan. they happened after newly appointed defense secretary chuck hagel arrived to visit troops. hagel wasn't injured but heard the bombs going off. hours after chuck hagel touched down on his first overseas trip as secretary of defense, a suicide bomber struck outside the afghan ministry of defense in kabul killing at least 9 people and injuring 14 others. hagel was a safe distance away and says he was in a briefing when he heard the boom. >> we're in a war zone. i been in war. you know, so shouldn't be surprised when a bomb goes off or there's an explosion. >> reporter: hagel, who is a vietnam vet, says he is in afghanistan to thank the troops. he met with the 101st airborne division and awarded two purple hearts and answered soldiers' questions, some of which focused on budget cuts. >> i will do everything within my power to assure that the funding is there and the commitments that we have made to you are fulfilled. >> reporter: on this trip, hagel says he wants to get a better understanding of the progress the us is making in the war. well, in the second bombing, afghan officials said the man was targeting a joint u.s.- afghan military patrol. the taliban claimed responsibility for the bombings and were timed to coincide with hagel's visit. they say the kabul explosion was a message for the secretary of defense. we're seeing a tangible effect of automatic spending cuts inside the white house itself. it has canceled tours for the public until further notice. the move saves the federal government $74,000 a week and that's upsetting news for anyone who made plans for a tour including a group of 6th graders from an iowa school. students say they have been looking forward to it. >> when i heard that we had a chance of going to see the white house, i thought that was really cool. >> i was pretty disappointed because the white house was the highlight of going to washington, d.c. >> the kids' teacher says she got approval for the tour from washington on the same day the announcement was made about all tours being canceled. no clear front-runner to serve as the next pope. how the vatican is getting ready for the conclave that begins tuesday. >> looking and feeling like a princess for prom night, how local girls are getting a chance do that without their parents breaking the bank. >> from the kpix 5 weather department, good evening, everybody. boy, what a sun splashed da we had today. the day that will be the warmest. the complete pinpoint forecast as the news continues on kpix 5. so if you have a flat tire dead battery need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it's tradition to destroy the ring of the former pope and make a new one for his successor. the "fisherman's ring" is used pope benedict's ring his some bol of authority as -- symbol of authority has been destroyed. it's tradition to destroy the old one and make a new one for the successor. the fisherman's ring is for seals. pope benedict as not smashed but deep cuts were made on the surface so it can no longer be used as a seal. at the vatican, cardinals are holding preliminary meetings before they begin voting for a new pope starting tuesday. as cbs reporter danielle nottingham shows us, crews are making sure the sistine chapel is ready for the secret meeting. reporter: firefighters climbed on to the roof of the sistine chapel to install a chimney. it's how the world will know there is a new pope. white smoke and bells will signal when at least 77 cardinals have elected their new leader. >> whether or not the bells will ring precisely at the same time, this is not like the swiss watch. a little suspense is good for all of us. >> reporter: inside, workers are finishing setting up the cardinals' voting location. a temporary floor hides jammers that block electronic devices so no one can listen in. vatican officials say they expect the voting process will only last a few days. >> a long conclave of many days is also an indication of some kind of bloc that goes on, but there's a difficulty, he has no reason to believe there is such a thing. >> reporter: the cardinals will meet again monday to talk about the qualities they want in a new leader. then 115 of them will begin voting on tuesday afternoon. >> once they do the first ballot, they see where the voting is heading. right now they can talk amongst themselves. but until they get in there and write anames, they have to see where they are. >> reporter: tourists are starting to arrive in rome to witness history. >> electing a new pope and being able to visit the vatican and all that, it's been so exciting. >> reporter: and the vatican is making sure st. peter's square is looking its best for the unveiling of the next pope. danielle nottingham, cbs news, vatican city. >> workers are sprucing up st. peter's square and other parts of vatican city because tens of thousands of tourists are expected to fill the area waiting for a sign that a new pope has been chosen. security has also been stepped up around the vatican. and the cardinals are hoping for a quick decision. they want to return to their dioceses in time to lead easter celebrations. it was a storm many said they weren't expecting. the major damage to east coast homes, much of it from a storm surge. >> and our rain has moved out of the area. the rain we experienced earlier this week and now we have high pressure building in. the end result, we have a warming trend. the areas that will warm the most. we'll pinpoint that forecast as the news continues right here on kpix 5. ñáçwçñ save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. the beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ closed captioning brought to you by sleep train, wishing you a happy st. patrick's day. a wicked wished the storm has caused major damage to parts of coastal new england. this home on plum island just one of the casualties of the storm. it's one of several on a massachusetts barrier island swept off its foundation, as you can see, by the storm surge. the two-day storm dropped more than a foot of snow on parts of new england and caused massive coastal flooding in massachusetts. >> they have that and we have this. glorious sunshine. >> you know, it's amazing that my son attends college in new york and i called him yesterday and i said, so, are you ready for the snow? how much do you expect? no, no, no. it was like a surprise to him, too. >> oh. >> yeah. >> sometimes it's not good having your mom be the weather girl. >> i guess not. we have high pressure here now building in. we are under the influence of an offshore flow. and bang, take a look at that, oh, got your attention there, didn't i? >> you did. i'm watching. >> unlimited visibility right now in oakland. looking out towards the tip-top of mount diablo standing 3,847 feet tall. san francisco currently in the upper 50s. low 60s san jose. oakland at 62 degrees. the winds are slight out of the northwest at 8 miles per hour. what a difference a day makes when those howling winds were relentless yesterday and last night. today with the lack of a wind, upper 60s in santa rosa above average. typically we are in the 60s around the peninsula and that's what we realized today. san jose about 2 to 3 degrees below average. 68 degrees common from fairfield through discovery bay. tonight over my, no clouds. temperatures still cold. 35 santa rosa, 34 degrees towards sonoma. upper 30s napa. low and mid-40s common around the almaden valley through mountain view through palo alto. this is the scene towards the coast where official sundown tonight is at 6:11. we'll have those cool temperatures overnight. tomorrow a play date, plan outdoor activities with the bright sunshine, mild temperatures and certainly some beach weather to come. in fact, santa cruz tomorrow, 70 degrees. your rip current risk remains moderate. the winds out of the northwest 10 to 15 miles per hour. meanwhile, here's the setup for you. we have high pressure right about there. our area of low pressure that brought us rain on thursday, blizzard warnings yesterday in denver, snow on the ground there. but that will soon melt as this high pressure begins to gradually traverse east. i'm just referring to it as march madness because we have no major weather changes. in fact, as we head into the new week, by monday, not a raindrop in sight across the northern half of the state of california into the central valley. our temperatures tomorrow going up in comparison to today. and above average for this time of the year. nearly 70 in throughout alviso, also alum rock, 74 degrees in wine country in napa. speaking of wine country, upper 60s in livermore. check the central bay, 68 degrees from berkeley in through el cerrito into oakland. check this out. warmest day of the workweek will be on wednesday. you know, when i see 77 i'm thinking almost 80 degrees there, right? >> yeah. >> just a reminder again tonight, when you go to bed, you have to set your clock an hour ahead, which means we lose an hour of sleep. but we gain an hour of sunlight on the other side with official sundown tomorrow at 7:12. sun-up like 7:29. >> i'll call you. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> thank you very much. all right. well, on prom night, every high school girl wands to look and feel like a -- wants to look and feel like a princess and one group of volunteers is making sure they do. the princess project collects clothes and accessories and distributes them to girls who can't afford them. this is the 12th year for the princess project and it's given a boost to the self-esteem of thousands of girls. >> they are happy that we're giving and they give back and they volunteer or re-donating dresses and kind of just paying it forward. >> since the princess project began in 2002, it's given away more than 20,000 dresses and this year it's distributing dresses in san francisco, silicon valley and something. the barbie doll has been an american icon for more than half century and for one florida collector, the blonde bombshell is an obsession. he calls himself stanley the barbie man and his entire house is full of 2,000 barbies all in cases. he knows a deal when he sees one. >> i got that number 6 barbie for like i think it was 4 bucks. the lady thought it was a reproduction. i played right along. played right along. >> yeah. well, stanley has been a barbie connoisseur since 1997. he found many of his barbies at flea markets and garage sales. not only does he collect the dolls, but he also collects the accessories including a plane and a pink corvette. i didn't even know they had a barbie plane. >> they have the car. i have the townhouse. >> i wish i had valued them more os a child. maybe i'd have an investment. >> i'd loan you one. >> now we'll have two. >> i had a baseball barbie. >> two barbis and a car and the whole nine yards. it was a play-off rematch at the shark tank and we're flying at the world baseball classic. we'll tell you why when we come back. in a over a month... and still came up short in a matinee at the blues.... the sharks scored more than two goals in a game for the first time in over a month and still came up short in a matinee in the tank against the blues. patrick marleau showing david bachus a little love. probably going to leave a mark. sharks up 2-1 in the 2nd on the power play. matt irwin his second goal of the year. sharks a two goal lead in the third peter. but niemi gives up two goals in the first six minutes of the third. just four goals coming into the game. this afternoon he had a hat trick. mcclellan pulls niemi for the first time this season. alex is in between the pipes. they go to overtime and in overtime, patrick tips one in. they lose 4-3 to the blues. scott gomez had a 2-point game his first since november of 2011. the last time the sharks scored three goals in a game, february 5 against the blackhawks. as for the hero, before today sabatka had never scored against the sharks. in a few minutes giants starter ryan vogelsong will take the mound for the united states in game two of the world baseball classic against italy. last night sergio romo closed it out against mexico for the u.s. romo got jimmy rollins to end the game and this will make giants fans cringe. adrian gonzalez and romo embraced, what's all about? a giant hugging a dodger? oh!! mexico won the game 5-2. in today's play, canada up 9-3 over mexico in the ninth and chris robinson drops down a bunt and runs can decide tiebreakers in the baseball classic so around felt it violated one of baseball's unwritten rules. the benches clear. temper flare. punches are thrown. it got ugly. police officers came on the field to keep the peace. seven players were ejected. it's also being reported that fights broke out in the stands. one of canada's coaches got hit in the face with a water bottle that was thrown from the stands. canada got the win 10-3. over in the cactus league it was more peaceful. the as lose to the rangers 4- 3. dan strailly worked three innings and gave up one earned run. the royals beat the giants. the best closer in major league history will be going on his farewell tour this summer. yankees reliever mariano rivera says he is retiring after this season. the 43-year-old future hall of famer is major league baseball's all-time leader in saves. rivera is coming off a torn acl he suffered while shagging flyballs in batting practice last may. the men's pac-12 tournament begins next year. drew with the layup off the glass. bruins win in washington for the first time since 2004, 61- 54. >> tiger woods powering up for one of his best rounds of golf this year. third round from the blue monster at doral. shot of the day goes to scott piercecy from the bunker on the 12th. rolls right into the hole for an eagle but he is tied for 41st. then there was tiger. he was on his a game on 10, the wind would have no effect on his approach shot. it just lands a few feet from the hole. he would birdie one of seven on the day for tiger. and then on 18, he finished with a 5-under 67 and a 4-shot lead over graeme mcdowell heading into tomorrow's final round. i got a drippy faucet on my sink -- let me catch you -- [ rap ] ♪ [ music ]♪ >> remember these guys? they are back. ben crane bub about watson, ricky fowler and hunter mahan also known as the golf boys, their latest music video has gone viral nearly 3 million hits. benefits ben crane's charity to provide clean drinking water for people in need. and just the video is so funny and they pick on all golfers doing well in the pga right now. >> that's fun. thank you. all right. it was supposed to be a dream family vacation. the happiest place on earth. but they were stopped at the gate. they weren't the only ones scanned by a fake ticket seller. the woman caught pawning off a bogus ticket redhanded. that and more at 6:30. see you back here in half now. until then our news updates are on good night. captions by: caption colorado >> axelrod: tonight americans in the running. as the chimney goes up that the signal a new pope, alan pizzey reports those who would know suggest a u.s. pobtive is not out of the question. with same-sex marriage headed for the supreme court a call for marriage equality from one of the biggest names in big business. >> it's a civil rights issue but it's also a business issue. >> axelrod: jill schlesinger talks to goldman sachs chief lloyd blankfein. an iraq war veteran is jobless and almost broke and blames toxic military burn pits. jeff glor with a moving story of a soldier's wife taking on the battle he's too sick to fright. and the closer-- tony guida on closure mariano rivera the greatest relief picture in baseball history announces this season will be his last. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> axelrod: good evening. i'm jim axelrod. we begin tonight at the vatican. three days from now, 115 cardinals will convene and begin the process of electing the next pope. while the conclave is conducted in utmost secrecy, we are now seeing some very clear signs of what's about to happen. as alan pizzey reports, those who watch the vatican most closely say an american could be considered. >> reporter: the news alertew system for the conclave was installed on the roof of the sistine chapel today. two stoves linked to a single pipe will convey the decisions of cardinals the more accustomed to twitter and e-mail. black smoke signifies an inconclusive round of voting white means a pope will be elected. for the first time italian reporters have americans on the list of papal contenders pup think it's realistic that people are saying maybe there could be an american pope?


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130306

where the storm is headed next. that's adding to travel problems. more than 1,500 flights were canceled across the u.s. today. at chicago's o'hare airport, one of the busiest in the world, 9 inches of snowfall took its toll on departures and arrivals. >> i think we're going to be staying in chicago. >> reporter: on the shore, flooding is a concern. crews in brick town new jersey spent tuesday building sand dunes. this town is still recovering from superstorm sandy. mayor steven acropolis spent the day on an atv looking for residents and urging them to leave. >> if there's a low lying area or they're on barrier island we're really asking them to seek higher ground. >> reporter: flood warnings stretch from delaware to long island. some areas could see more than a foot of snow near the capitol here. children are likely to get their wish today. most schools have already announced they are closing for today. and also this storm is supposed to clear up and get sunny again on friday, so it's sandwiched between two beautiful weather days, anne-marie. yesterday people were right here picnicking. >> wow, isn't that something. at least it will be nice for the weekend hopefully. thank you, susan. >> reporter: yes. well, as the storm moves east, it is getting stronger and cbs news weather consultant david bernard has more. >> the big northeaster is beginning to take shape across the mid-atlantic. in fact, our satellite picture shows that low beginning to strengthen and by later on today that will be moving offshore of the delmarva peninsula. now, potential snowfall into friday is greatest over northern virginia, west virginia and western maryland. that could be 1 to 2 feet of snow. along the i-95 corridor from baltimore to d.c. we're thinking it could be 6 to 10 inches. thursday into friday, the storm moves to the southeast. southeast new england probably has the greatest potential for heavy snow, but we can't rule out accumulating snows in the tri-state area as well. and coastal flooding is a big part of this as well. we have coastal flood warnings for all of the jersey shore, the delmarva, and also the western end of long island sound as well as the east end of long island currently under a coastal flood warning. i'm david bernard, cbs news, miami. the number of syrians who have fled the civil war in their country has reached the 1 million mark, according to the united nations. it's estimated more than 70,000 people have been killed. one official says, quote, syria is spiraling toward full-scale disaster. and the government of venezuela has declared seven days of mourning to honor president hugo chavez. chavez died yesterday following a two-year battle with cancer. he'll be buried on friday. and depending on who you ask chavez will be remembered as a fiery champion of the poor a savvy politician who won re-election three times, or as a bullying dictator who demonized the united states. ines ferre has the report. >> reporter: hugo chavez was one of latin america's most colorful and controversial leaders sleaders. he was a leader for more than a decade, a firm believer in the government. the force saw him as a savior. the executives who managed the country's vast oil reserves wanted him gone. the venezuelan people learned of chavez's death on national television. on the streets of caracas, they supporters chanted "chavez lives on." some even cried. chavez had been battling cancer since 2011. he traveled to cuba multiple times for chemotherapy and surgery. last october he won re-election, but just two months later, his cancer returned. chavez began his career at age 16, joining the army as a pair a trooper. 20 years later believing the milly were corrupt, he led a military coup to unseat the president. it failed and chavez was thrown in jail but years later he campaigned to close the gap between the poor and the wealthy oil executives, and in 1998 he was elected president. he was friends with cuba's fidel castro and iran's mahmoud ahmadinejad. he particularly disliked president bush. chavez accused the u.s. president of ignoring the poor so in 2005 the venezuelan president announced that citgo would provide discounted heating oil to nearly 2,000 poor american households. he hoped to have a better relationship with president obama but a year after his election he called obama a poor ignoramus. hours before his death he expelled two foreign diplomats. ines ferre, cbs news. well, venezuela's vice president nicolas maduro will act as into trim president until re-election supposedly in 30 days. the dow makes history, plus martha stewart's day in court. good morning to you, anne-marie. wall street jumped into record territory tuesday. the dow climbed 125 points to finish at 14,253. that is 89 points higher than the previous record set in october of 2007. the new high is more than double the rock bottom low of 6,500 the dow touched on march 9th, 2009. a big difference between october 2007 and now is the unemployment rate. back then it was 4.7%. now it is at 7.9%. companies have more cash, but are slow to hire. some analysts say that's because they're still worried about the economy. >> right now where we're growing at about 2% is not really strong enough to bring down unemployment at a very fast level. it kind of keeps our nose above water, but if we do get 2.5% 3% that would be a rate that would bring the jobless figure down. >> a couple of reasons for the surge, record-low interest rates and the federal reserve's bond buying program. well, if you had enough to invest when the dow was at its lowest, you would get a nice return. $1,000 put in the market back on march 9 of 2009 would net slightly more than $2,400 today. asian markets got a boost from the dow's record closing. tock owe's nikkei gained more than 2% while hong kong's hang seng added 1%. and martha stewart took to the stand tuesday. she's at the center of a bitter battle between two huge department stores. macy's claims she violated their exclusive contract by signing a deal with jc penney, but stewart testified she was only looking to expand her brand. the trial continues today. anne-marie? >> ashley morrison in new york. thank you, ashley. coming up on the "morning news," a warning about a deadly super bug spreading across hospitals across the country. plus, controversial cabin rules. the tsa rolls back restrictions on knives on airplanes. this is the "cbs morning news." >> announcer: "moneywatch" sponsored by vagisil wash with odor block. the confident clean. by vagisil wash with odor block. the confident clean. doerr block. the confident clean. our ocean spray cran-cherry juice drinks are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty. okay george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. [ mom ] 3 days into school break and they're already bored. hmm, we need a new game.ttxwlun+og#wvs#q)p0á)uog5u,qcf;uñ"h/aboczb÷avzç.%";k0/ vdo4 tt>fb@uao0 than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary>f#@ad't?/iárrxúl[8(!4mhbl +rp use less. with the small but powerful picker upper, bounty select-a-size. chili's lunch break combos start at just 6 bucks. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's. well, big changes are coming to the airport. starting next month, passengers will be able to carry on small knives and other items banned since 911. the tsa says the new rules will allow the agency to concentrate on more serious safety threats, but as marley hall reports, not everyone supports the new policy. >> reporter: passengers waiting to fly out of u.s. airports will soon notice more relaxed rules about what they can carry on board with them. beginning april 25th passengers will be allowed to carry small pocket knives as long as they're the blades are not longer than 2.6 inches and not wider than half an inch. box cutters and locking knives and threshold with molded grips will still be banned. all blades have been forbidden in cabins since the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001 when terrorists used box cutters to hijack four airliners. they'll still forbid lacrosse sticks and ski poles. passenger reaction was a mixed bag. >> i don't like it. absolutely not. i feel much safer the way it is. >> i think it's fine. i think they've got control of the situation and they wouldn't make that kind of a change unless they felt it was appropriate. >> reporter: but flight attendants are calling the change dangerous and short-sighted. they say while pilots may be locked in cockpits and be safe, others are not. >> they're allowing these items to come through and they're putting the responsibility of the cabin completely on us, even though they know coming through security are these items. >> reporter: though the relaxed rules might make for a slightly faster trip through airport security lines, you probably won't notice. tsa staff furloughs and others forced by mandatory budget lines are expected to stretch security lines to as long as four hours. marlie hall for cbs news, queens, new york. the cdc is sounding the alarm on a dangerous super bug. it's being called nightmare bacteria because they're resistant to the strongest antibiotics. health officials said tuesday the bacteria known as cre have been found in 42 states. up to half of those who end up with the infection in their blood stream die. when we return, we will take you live to vatican city where the sistine chapel is undergoing preparations to hold the election for a new pope. is undergoing preparations to hold the election for a new pope. dare to create all kinds of drama. new revlon photoready™ primer and shadow add sparkle or use wet. so you can create whatever eye you're in the mood for. dare to be revlon. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air®. go, go, go, go! bye sweetie. honey what are you doing? we gotta go! it's dress-like-a-president day, i'm supposed to be martin van buren. who? martin van buren! google? martin van buren. ♪ some cities around the country. new york snow and rain. a high of 42. miami, showers. chicago, expect flurries, 36 the high. dallas, mostly sunny, 58. the high los angeles, mostly cloudy. in the words of houston's cardinal daniel dinardo, no one wants to rush this. well, when cardinals gather in rome elect a new pope seem in no hurry, they'll cast their ballots. in a just released cbs/new york times poll, a majority of american cabinets want the cardinals to choose a younger more liberal pope with new ideas. danielle nottingham is in vatican city. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. any day we will learn when the cardinals will huddle up inside the sistine chapel and finally begin selecting a new pope. the cardinals are waiting this morning for the last of the cardinals to arrive in vatican city sometime later today. more than 100 cardinals from around the world are meeting early and leaving late, but they're in no rush to set a date to elect a new pope. >> they've got plenty of time to get it done before easter. after all, we haven't had a conclave go over five days since 1831. >> reporter: the sistine chapel is now closed to visitors so workers can turn the famous landmark into a home away from home for cardinals as they elect a new pope. >> in addition to a new stoll, the ballots will have to be burns and a whole floor need to be installed. >> reporter: they'll put in anti-bugle devices in the chapel. many cardinals say they will choose a leader who can help reform the church in the wake of corruption allegations in the wake of the abuse system. advocates for the abused victims say they want a pope to protect the innocent. >> the current system isn't working. for children, for victims, for catholics. >> reporter: once the conclave begins, cardinals will lock themselves inside the sistine chapel and will remain there until the next pope is chosen. and the cardinals are planning a joint prayer in st. peter's basilica this evening to pray for the process of electing a new pope. it will be open to the public, anne-marie. >> danielle nottingham in vatican city. thank you. coming up in sports, another nba team responds to the miami's take on the "harlem shake" dance krarksz but it is not what you expect. and could the chicago blackhawks keep their historic unbeaten streak alive? this is the "cbs morning news." this is the "cbs morning news." . and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft and strong is stronger than the leading value brand, for a confident clean. overnight after a patient sets a fire! how san mateo police quickly diffused the situation plus: rain and wind. bands of wet weather sweep across the bay area. we've got your rain time table for rest of the week. and winter wallop. spring is nearly here but not before one more big east coast storm. the drastic actions being taken to prepare. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:30. good morning. it's wednesday, here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. washington, d.c., you saw it. rain and snow. atlanta, partly sunny. st. louis turning sunny with a high of 40. denver, partly sunny as well. 60. seattle, expect showers. in sports now, the chicago blackhawks are now one of the hottest teams in the history of major pro sports. on home ice against minnesota last night, the hawks strike four times in the first period. they win, 5-3. now, chicago has not lost in regulation this season, and their unbeat abouten streak dates back 29 regular season games to last year. now, the record is 35 games set by the philadelphia flyers. in 1971-72, the lakers won 33 straight. the blackhawks try to make it 30 games without a loss tonight. in college basketball the second ranked hoosiers honored their seniors tuesday night, but that was the only celebration. ohio state pulls away in the second half to win, 67-58. in the nba, a monster game for oklahoma city city guard russell westbrook. he scored 37 points against the lakers. the thunder keep l.a. from scoring in the final six minutes of the game to preserve a 122-105 win. finally, you remember that "harlem shake" video produced by the miami heat last week? it showed lebron james, dwyane wade, and the rest of the team performing the dance that has become an internet craze. well now the minnesota timberwolves give their take. they give their take. he got smashed, they pull the guy. the video concludes with the message reading "some things get old fast." i've got to think they're going to hear from the league about that one. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." i'm home. [ keys clatter ] oh. where were you? uh, i was just in the car. oh, the car. what's that on your collar? hmm? oh -- tie. [ chuckles ] [ chuckles ] why do you seem happy? i'm not. come here. okay. [ inhales deeply ] mint. wow. i had a shamrock shake. i hate you. and i got one for you, too. i love you. [ male announcer ] the magical, minty flavor you'll covet with all your heart. mccafé shamrock shake from mcdonald's. the simple joy of... mint. ♪ ♪ sorry. sore knee. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly! [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. a couple is in custody after leading police on a wild chase through two states. one of the suspects stole a police cruiser in philadelphia and sped off, nearly hitting a woman on the street. later the driver struck several parked vehicles before finally stopping. the chase began in camden, new jersey, when the couple stole a different police car. officers managed to stop a vehicle and arrest one suspect but the other managed to steal a cruiser. and there's a lot less drama in san francisco where people are enjoying a new sight in the skyline. last night they turned on the lights for a massive public art installation that illuminates the san francisco oakland bay bridge. john blackstone spoke with the artist. >> reporter: the lights moving poetically across a two-mile span across the oakland bay bridge are the creation of artist nathan villarreal. on his laptop he put the latest touches that transforms the bridge into a light sculpture. >> this is a unique opportunity. 50 million people will see this over two years. it's something anyone can see and engage with. >> reporter: electricians spent four months in the wind and the cold installing 25,000 l.e.d. lights, each individually programmed to a fiberoptic network. villarreal then began sculptoring the light into patterns he says will never look exactly the same. it changes constantly. how do you do that? >> well, using software. there are sequences which will be displayed in random order in random amount of time. some may recognize the same passage but never in the same order or at the same time. all the motion factors into my creation. water, birds, it's abstract and open-ended, but you can see what the roots of the inspiration are in the sequences. >> reporter: for 75 years the bay bridge has been san francisco's other bridge, all in the shadow of its famous and elegant neighbor the golden gate. villarreal's job has been to make people notice the bridge that has long been ignored. >> it's not a rivalry. i think san francisco is so beautiful and it adds weight to this side of the equation. >> reporter: the project cost $8 million to create, but the l.e.d.s are so efficient it cost just $15 a night to turn a work iowa day bridge into a work of art. john blackstone, cbs news, california. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," a late winter blizzard is headed to the mid-atlantic after bearing on pairs of the midwest. we'll show you the areas that will be hit hardest. plus, police officers behaving badly. john miller tells us why many escape punishment. and our eye-opening women series continues. valerie jarrett, condoleezza rice, and lesley stahl stop by the studio. that's it for the "cbs morning news." i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- -- captions by vitac -- michelle griego. tim >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, march 6. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is just about 4:30. let's check in with lawrence right now. lawrence, i think it's raining out there. did you notice that? >> wasn't that nice? >> yeah. >> that wind and rain, we have more scattered showers and yeah, more rain coming down in the san jose area and more to come maybe some thunderstorms. wouldn't that be great? >> very exciting, yeah. we also have high wind advisories in effect. chp issued wind advisories for several bridges including the bay bridge. >> the bay bridge looking nice too. >> it is. it's all sparkly. >> more on that coming up, too. a patient set a small fire inside his room at san mateo general prompting evacuations and a two-hour standoff with police. officers say the patient was upset when he started the fire before 11:00 last night. hospital staff started moving patients out of the way before police arrived on scene. a s.w.a.t. team helped calm him down and took him into custody. >> from this point forward, the person has been detained, medical staff will evaluate him and figure out his situation and take it from there. >> police say the patient's room suffered some fire damage. 4:30 now. a suspected carjacker is recovering after being shot by san francisco police officers in the bayview last night. officers spotted a bmw that was stolen at gunpoint on monday after a short chase cornering the driver in a cul-de-sac but he didn't stop. thigh bmw threw itself into reverse, striking one of the officers. that officer was then knocked to the ground. the bmw repositioned itself and was about to go forward. the officer was vulnerable. two of his brother officers fired at the bmw striking the driver once. >> that suspect is now in stable condition. the officer was not badly injured. this is the sixth bay area police shooting in less than a week. the first shooting went down on thursday night when sonoma county deputies shot and killed a kidnapping suspect on highway


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130307

bernard has more on where the storm is headed and what to expect. >> it looks like our very large nor'easter is going to continue to cause problems probably for the next 24 to 48 hours. our satellite picture is indicating a very large area of low pressure right off the northeastern coastline that's going to gradually move to the northeast during the day today. now, the first aspect will be the possibility of heavy wet snow in southeastern new england. so the greatest chance of that appears to be eastern massachusetts and also rhode island. then we have to talk about coastal flooding, and that is a major problem on the south shore of new jersey, as far south as ocean city. and particularly in this area, we could have major erosion, road closures dune breaches even property damage is possible. and the next most vulnerable area, eastern massachusetts, this will get worse throughout the day and continue on into friday. some of it could be severe in spots. i'm david bernard, cbs news, miami. well, the confirmation of john brennan as cia director could come as early as today, but it comes after a half-day holdup on the senate floor. all that while a group of gop senators talked about the budget impact over dinner with president obama. susan mcginnis is in washington with more on that. susan, good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. kentucky senator rand paul launched an old-fashioned filibuster lasting nearly 13 hours to try to block brennan's confirmation. he says he doesn't dispute brennan's qualifications but rather he's protesting the administration's policy of using drone strikes against u.s. citizens. >> i will speak as long as it takes until the alarm has sounded from coast to coast. the constitution is important. >> rand paul took the senate floor shortly before noon and held it for nearly 13 hours. it was the first talking filibuster since 2010. paul sought to hold up the nomination of john brennan as cia director in order to obtain answers from the obama administration on its drone policy. >> no american should be killed by a drone on american soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found to be guilty by a court. >> paul's concerns were raised when attorney general eric holder sent him a letter saying the president could be forced to order a drone strike against a u.s. citizen on american soil if it meant stopping a catastrophic attack. before wednesday's filibuster, senators asked holder about that possibility. >> the use of drones is, from my perspective, something that is entirely, entirely hypothetical, and what i tried to say in the letter to senator paul was exactly that. >> while paul's filibuster was going on, 12 of his republican senate colleagues met president obama for dinner. the main topic at dinner wasn't drones. it was those broad automatic budget cuts that went into effect last week. the president needs gop support to reach a so-called grand bargain on spending and taxes. senators leaving the dinner called the meeting productive. >> these are very difficult issues, but i do think there's a real fatigue in just going from crisis to crisis. >> not only is it possible, but we need to do it. that's what the american people want. it is tough. everybody has to give a little. >> and congress could be closer to beating the next big fiscal deadline. the house approved legislation on thursday to continue funding the government beyond march 27th. it would also ease the pain of those spending cuts on the defense department. that legislation, anne-marie, now moves to the senate. >> susan mcginnis in washington. thank you. this morning north korea is threatening the stage a preemptive nuclear strike against the u.s. this latest threat comes as the united nations prepares new sanctions against the north. north korea's foreign ministry accused the u.s. of preparing to, quote, ignite a nuclear war. for now north korea does not have the capability to launch a nuclear strike against the u.s. jo and mum's the word at the vatican. the cardinals have imposed a media blackout on its members as they proceed to choose a new pope. the reasons is some of the secrets were released. danielle nottingham is in vatican city. good morning, danielle. >> good morning, anne-marie. we begin another day in vatican city unsure when the conclave will start or when we'll hear from the american cardinals again. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. we begin here in the vatican city unsure when the conclave will start or when we'll hear from the american calendar gnats again. the cardinals arrive at the vat cab without a word to the press this morning. this is the fourth day of talks about what kind of man they're looking for to lead the catholic church. >> what's beginning to emerge is the profile of the next pope. >> reporter: there's still no date on when to begin the voting process known as the conclave and many cardinals say they're in no rush to end the discussions. >> when we do reach the point of selecting a pope, we will have a much fuller idea of what kind of challenges he's going to have to lead the church into. >> reporter: while talks inside the vatican walls are going at a deliberate pace, talks outside the walls have almost come to a screeching halt. >> we took our oath of confidentality. >> reporter: concerns about media leaks prompted the american cardinals to stop the daily press conferences, which were very popular with the press. >> we're very well aware of the americans' presence. they do a very good job at that. >> reporter: but that didn't silence timothy dolan from holding his weekly radio show. >> at this particularly delicate transition in the life of the church, the college of cardinals does need some time alone in complete confidence, but the danger of that is interpreted as having something to hide. >> reporter: while the americans were the only cardinals holding daily briefings, other cardinals have given individual interviews to the media. and a spokesperson for the u.s. cardinals says this was not about the americans but about the italian papers reporting that sensitive information was being leaked about these secret proceedings. anne-marie? >> danielle nottingham in vatican city, thank you. well coming up on the "morning news," a tragedy at an animal park. a young intern working there was mauled to death by a lion. they're trying to find out why it happened. this is the "cbs morning news." by a lion. they're trying to find out why it happened. this is the "cbs morning news." i've been claritin clear for 12 days ! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one clinically-proven claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days ! 17 days ! i'm still claritin clear ! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. take the claritin clear challenge: get continuous non-drowsy allergy relief or your money back. go to for details. ♪ ♪ are you gonna ask it? one second, honey. ask it now please. [ chuckles ] okay, okay. ♪ ♪ [ dad ] google, check sequoia flight 62. [ woman ] sequoia flight 62 is canceled. [ gasps ] let's go, let's go! let's play! [ yelling ] ♪ ♪ [ laughs ] ♪ ♪ hello. is this where we do that bundling thing? let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive. a a frightening fight between the toronto maple leafs and the ottawa senators wednesday. toronto's player nails dave dziurzynski on the chin knocked him out. he had to be helped off. he did not return. the senators say he has a concussion. and tragedy at an exotic park in california. 24-year-old dianna hanson was killed by a lion who had been raised there since he was 8 weeks old. it happened wednesday in dunlap and the reporter of seattle station cairo spoke to hanson's father. >> she was living her dream and she got her dream come true. >> reporter: dianna hanson's dream became her father's nightmare. since she was a little girl, she had always had an infatuation with lions. then in january she started an unpaid internship at project survivals cat haven in california. >> she was so happy when she got that internship, she was having so much fun down there. >> reporter: the only disappointment, she told her dad was that she wasn't allowed to get closer to her favorite cat, the 4-year-old lion couscous. she had been allowed access to the tigers in bellingham. in the california sanctuary it was against the rules, but today sometime after noon she got into its cage. >> it looks like she decide god into the cage, and that's when i guess, the animal mauled her. >> reporter: another worker called the deputies who shot couscous but they could not save dianna. >> i cannot believe her life was cut short so early on. >> reporter: bran diana's friend since elementary school was stunned. >> you're so close to my heart. >> reporter: just like dianna's dad, he's trying to find comfort knowing that dianna lived exactly as she wanted. >> it was her dream job. she was so happy there, it makes it barable she died so happy. >> investigators are still trying to determine what caused the lion to attack. the animal park has received no violations during recent inspections from state and federal wildlife officials. now, straight ahead, the results of a new gun control study, and former congresswoman gabrielle giffords returns to the scene where she was shot to make a desperate plea. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. [ female announcer ] let our chefs take your lettuce from drab to fab with new lean cuisine salad additions. the perfect combination of grilled chicken plump edamame ripe pineapple crunchy broccoli colorful carrots all topped with a savory ginger vinaigrette and crispy noodles. for 300 delicious calories. all you have to do is bring your own lettuce. we'll dress it up. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. they're the hottest thing to hit the frozen aisle. nestle. good food, good life. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft and strong is stronger than the leading value brand, for a confident clean. here's a look add here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. new york, expect snow and rain. partly sunny in miami. chicago, a high of 36, cloudy. dallas, mostly sunny, a high of 70. los angeles, showers today. well, a new study suggests that states with more gun control laws have fewer gun-related deaths. researchers at boston's children's hospital found in states with the most gun control laws there was a 42% lower gun death rate than states with the least number of laws. now, the study's lead author is among the doctor's calling for tougher gun legislation, and a senate committee will begin discussing gun control laws today, and former congresswoman gabrielle giffords brought her fight back to tucson wednesday. she and her husband made their first public appearance at the grocery store where jared loughner opened fire two years ago. she was wounded. six others were killed. she urged senators to support tougher gun control laws. >> be bold. be courageous. please support background checks. thank you very much. >> giffords and kelly recently founded a group aimed at stopping gun violence. on the "cbs moneywatch" now a big reward for yahoo!'s ceo. and facebook's news asian stocks were mostly gets a new look today. erica ferrari is here in new york with that and more. good morning, erica. >> good morning, anne-marie. asian stocks were mostly lower ahead of meetings of the central banks of britain and the eurozone. hong kong's hang seng lost a fraction. tokyo's nikkei rallied gaining half a percent. and one day after hitting a record high dow set another record, thanks to signs of an im imed market. the dow rose 42 points to close at 14,296. the nasdaq dropped almost 2 points. a big payday for yahoo! ceo marissa mayer. she's only been on the job five months and will get a bonus of more than $1 million. this is in addition to her $1 million salary. since she's been at yahoo! shares have increased 40%, and the company reported its first sales increase in four years. time warner is splitting up. the company announced wednesday it's spinning off its magazine unit, which includes "time," "sports illustrated," and "people." time warner says the move will allow it to focus on its tv networks and movies. facebook is shaking things up again. they're expected to roll out a radical new look for their home page feed today. it's expected to give users access to more visual and splashier content. this comes about a month after the social network unveiled graph search which many users are still trying to understand. anne-marie? >> i just got used to their old view look. i've got to learn this whole thing again. thank you very much. care ferrar erica ferrari here in new york. coming up in sports, the miami heat put on a show, but would their 15-game winning streak remain intact. to explore. >> but, thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip, because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. >> so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. >> and with the money we saved we took a trip to san francisco. >> you see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day, so they can guarantee their low prices. >> so where to next? >> how about there? >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ [ female announcer ] what makes you walk a little taller? where does goddess begin? it begins with your skin... revealed by venus for a confident glow the whole world will notice. venus & olay -- gently exfoliates with 5 blades. plus olay moisture bars help lock in moisture for less dryness. only from venus & olay. any venus cartridge fits any venus handle. that's the beauty of venus. farewell to two detecites killed in the line of duty. the turnout and process expected later today. an african lion attack at a park in the sierra. a worker is dead.. and so is the big cat. now we're learning what went wrong in the cage. and ready for another redesign? the changes coming to facebook today. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:30. good morning. it's here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. warkds, clearing ow, 42 the high. atlanta, mostly sunny. partly sunny in st. louis. denver also sunny with a high of 63. seattle, expect showers. in sports, the chicago blackhawks are edging closer to history. with their game against colorado tied at 2-2, chicago's daniel carcillo scores with 49 seconds left in regulation. the blackhawks win the game 3-2, and they have now gone 30 regular season games without a loss. the record unbeaten streak in major pro sports is 35 games. and the miami heat's 15-game winning streak was in jeopardy as well. down by a point to orlando with just seconds to go. but lebron james keeps it. he drives to the basket to score the go-ahead points with three ticks left on the clock. the heat win 97-96 for their 16th straight victory. and if college basketball is any indication, we're going to be in for a wild ncaa tournament. leading unranked georgia tech in the closing minute, but the yellow jackets get a tip-in at the buzzer to win the game, 71-69. and, finally, one nba fan hit the biggest clutch shot of the week. at halftime at tuesday's lakers sunday game, keith sank a half-court shot to win $20,000. he's a father of seven and he says he's going to use the money to pay for his wife's medical bills. she's being treated for colon cancer. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," norah o'donnell talks with facebook executive sheryl sandberg. i'm anne-marie green. this is your "cbs morning news." this is your "cbs morning news." new revlon luxurious colorsilk buttercream™ triple butter complex for superior hair color, gorgeous texture and amazing shine. new revlon luxurious colorsilk buttercream™ [ female announcer ] this is your moment. the delightful discovery. the sweet realization that you have a moment all to yourself. well, almost. splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® makes the moment yours™. well, today is well, today is the 48th anniversary of bloody sunday when alabama troopers beat back civility rights protesters marching from selma to montgomery for voting rights. bill plante brings us the story of peggy wallace, daughter of former alabama governor george wallace and her own march to personal redemption. >> segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. >> reporter: at his inauguration in 1963 alabama governor george wallace personified racist defiance of civil rights. six months later he blocked the doors of the university of alabama to prevent integration. his daughter peggy was 13 at the time. >> the problems and the challenges that came with being the daughter of the governor who stood in the schoolhouse door to block two african-americans from going to school was very, very difficult. >> but when you were younger, did you think his earlier positions were wrong? >> my mother kept us very, very sheltered, so there were a lot of things that we didn't really know about, and so we weren't able to really think about them or have an opinion. >> peggy wallace married and raised two sons in alabama, rarely speaking about her father until she watched america elect its first black president. >> all of a sudden i just found my voice and i said i need to do something with this voice. >> she decided she would start on the edmund pettus bridge, a place where her father ordered police to a brutally attack mar chers. congressman john louis was badly beaten in that day in 1965. for the last five years to mark the anniversary peggy has walked with lewis across the pettus bridge. >> i told him. i said i crossed many bridges in my life, and i'll cross many many more, but the most important bridge i'll ever cross in my life is the one i crossed with you in 2009. >> reporter: she's writing a book about the impact of her father's politics on his family and speaking to students and others about her personal journey. >> today i rise to condemn the politic of exclusion that runs rampant in america. >> it has to be difficult for someone who was in your position to have come to the place you've come. was it? >> yes, it has. i received a lot of criticism, a lot of hurtful criticism, and i've just moved on and i'd just like my children to not reeb where my father stood but where i am standing now. >> reporter: bill plante cbs news montgomery, alabama. well coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on president obama's dinner and talks last night with a dozen republican senators. and we'll head to san francisco where they're building and the world's smallest apartments and surfer mcnamara talks about riding the world's biggest wave. i'm anne-marie green. thanks for watching the "cbs morning news." -- captions by vitac -- -- captions by vitac -- >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald hi, everyone. good morning. it is thursday, friday is approaching. it's march 7. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now 4:30. you're already thinking about friday. >> you know what? that's okay. the weekend is so close. >> i can't wait for friday! [ laughter ] we are getting close. >> but we love our jobs. >> today is going to be an interesting day weather wide. high-def doppler radar is tracking showers off the coastline. a little later on that could move in toward the coast, maybe some thunderstorms, too. how about that elizabeth? >> thunderstorms. things are getting interesting. northbound 101 on the approach to the golden gate bridge they have a couple of lanes blocked. you can see the roadwork there until 5:00 this morning. more roadwork in the east and south bays, tell you about it coming up. >> saw one car. >> got to make something. two santa cruz police officers killed in the line of duty will be laid to rest today. thousands are expected to pay their respects to sergeant loran "butch" baker and detective elizabeth butler. kpix 5's anne makovec is in san jose this morning where the memorial is scheduled for noon at hp pavilion. anne. >> reporter: people from all around the country, officers from all sorts of different police departments are going to come here in solidarity to hp pavilion here behind me. the capacity is 18,000 people. they are expecting about 15,000. now, last night there was a public viewing, a memorial service, at santa cruz memorial funeral home. friends, family, fellow officers and people who didn't even know the officers came to pay respects and say good-bye. detective sergeant loran "butch" baker and detective elizabeth butler were shot and killed last week while questioning jeremy goulet about a sexual assault. goulet was later killed by other responding officers. but today it is all about baker and butler. >> they've given so much to the community. and to be taken like that, severe tragedy. >> i just respect them and care for them, and i know this is a loss of a brother and a sister. >> reporter: the service today is being held


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20130305

reporting live in richmond, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> wild story. thank you. the three suspects in the boat theft range from 54 to 63 years old. last september, a man stole a 40-foot sailboat from an alameda marina and attempted to sail away with his weather to young children and was caught a few days later off monterey. several years ago a man stole a powerboat in vallejo and ran it aground in ocean beach. he was found aboard the dancing wolf. he was drunk after celebrating his 35th birthday. >> i was off yesterday and i kept seeing the morning show and i go, why don't they want help from the coast guard? [ laughter ] >> that's what we thought was strange. >> put a tow on me, pull mibach out. clouds gathering outside now. no rain just yet. check out hi-def doppler. not too far away towards eureka now that frontal system will slowly slide in toward the bay area. probably arriving this afternoon into this evening. winds will kick up, rain will start and it could be wet for the commute especially if you leave late tonight. temperatures around the bay area right now in the 30s and the 40s in most spots. i think as we head toward the afternoon, we are going to watch some changes as the clouds gather and the system begins to slide in toward the bay area bringing with it a chance of rain into the evening. it could be heavy at times this evening, as well. nice to see the rain coming back. we're not done there just yet. more showers and thunderstorms on the way. we'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you. rain is the last thing one san francisco neighborhood wants to see right now. sinkholes are opening up all over after that big water main break in the west portal and it's causing a major headache for about six homeowners. three have been red-tagged, uninhabitable and three others are yellow-tagged signifying they are dangerous but still people can go inside. the ground is still so saturated that the foundations of those homes are giving way. >> we're looking to replace the water main that broke, the 16", up to vicente just to insure we don't have any further problems. >> and it could be months before it's dry enough to make the necessary repairs. all the displaced homeowners have been temporarily relocated at the city's expense. the water department expects the work to be going on, on that water line every day for the next three months. campbell police want helping solving their first homicide since 2007. dozens of people gathered at santa clara high school for a candlelight vigil to remember 18-year-old richard vega. he was shot to death sunday night as he walked near the community center on latimer avenue. >> not being able to see you any more, will hurt my life forever. [ crying ] >> you taught me a lot of things. i look up to you. you were my role model. >> vega helped the santa clara high school football team win a league championship last year. police have no information about a possible suspect in his murder. los gatos leaders are giving themselves some time to work on long-term guidelines for selling weapons. the town council voted unanimously last night for a moratorium on future gun sales a temporary measure while they come up with a permanent policy. templar sports will be able to continue gun sales during the moratorium. in other headlines, an assault rifle stolen from an unmarked san francisco police car was found. someone took the gun similar to this one last saturday on mission street. the suspects broke a window and took the weapon. now police say the gun has been recovered but they are not saying how or where it was found. a suspect in the murders of three men in sonoma county is due to be arraigned today in a santa rosa courtroom. 46-year-old mark cappello was arrested last month in alabama. a couple of weeks after the murders near forestville. investigators say the triple shooting was connected to a marijuana deal. a u.s. district court judge appointed a compliance director to oversee the oakland police department's reform efforts. thomas frazier is a former police commissioner of baltimore, maryland and a former deputy chief in san jose. he is expected to get the opd to comply with the set of reform measures that were supposed to be completed five years ago. the judge has ordered the city to pay frazier $270,000 a year. well, i would toss it to liz right now, but since you hacked my facebook page i'm not talking to elizabeth wenger anymore. >> no idea what you're talking about. >> you will, believe me. it's coming up later. >> we are going to be talking about this one for a while. frank's facebook page. outside things look good. here's a live look at 101 in trimble. it's just overnight roadwork. both directions of 101 northbound and southbound both look good all across the south bay heading into san jose. similar story on the bridges. this is live look at the san mateo bridge. it's not looking like it's going to be a wet morning commute. the afternoon commute, the evening commute when it could get wet so mass transit might be a great option but for right now you are quiet on all your bay area bridges. let's get to our overnight roadwork because we are seeing some in spots south 101 near sir francis drake and the waldo funnel no delay across the span and no brake lights through the altamont pass and livermore on westbound 580. that's a quick check of your "timesaver traffic." new this morning, it's official. bay area drivers spend a lot of time behind the wheel getting to work. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington is at the bay bridge toll plaza with new census data about so-called mega-commuters. i can't say i'm surprised. >> reporter: yeah. i would say just about everybody who drives over the bay bridge every morning probably is not surprised to learn we're not just commuters in the bay area, we're mega- commuters. so we have the worst commute in the united states. it really can get ugly as drivers make their way through the maze to try to get into san francisco. these latest statistics were put out by the u.s. census bureau. the bay area tops the list. megacommuters travel 90 minutes or longer just to get 50 miles. in san francisco the peninsula and east bay, more than 2% of full-time workers were mega- commuters. in santa clara county 1.9%. and we are followed by new york and washington, d.c. in new york about 1.9% are mega- commuters and washington, d.c. 1.89%. in most other major cities, less than 1% are mega- commuters. so we have about 4 times as many here and as i mentioned it takes about an hour and a half just to go 50 miles here during rush hour. well, to put that into perspective, in most other major cities the average commute time is just about 25 minutes. that would be nice if that ever happened here but doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. [ laughter ] >> reporter: in oakland, elissa harrington, kpix 5. >> elissa, i'm glad that we're on the road where no one else is very early in the morning. all right. to gather the new data, experts analyzed five years of data from full-time workers' responses from 2010. tonight a special show begins on the bay. at 9:00 the new bay lights show will be switched on for the next two years, 25,000 little tiny l.e.d.s turning the western span of the bay bridge into a lit up art show. they will be on every night by the way from dusk to 2 a.m. you'll only be able to see them looking at the bridge from the north. drivers on the bridge can't see them, although they have been on about a couple of months now they have been practicing. we posted a list of places for prime viewing at and remember, of course, kpix 5 is the official broadcast partner for the bay bridge alliance. we'll have continued coverage of the countdown to the opening of the new eastern span right here on kpix 5. 181 days and counting. i don't know why -- two years -- after two years they are going to be so popular i would think leave them on. >> maybe they will get more money to leave them on. >> they might. time now 4:41. not just low prices and one- stop shopping. >> why walmart may want to get into the matchmaking business. that's coming up. i'm danielle nottingham in vatican city. the cardinals meet about the future of the catholic church ahead of the conclave, coming up. >> surf's up. how some adrenaline junkies are taking advantage of the winter weather in minnesota. much of the eastern half the united states is bracing for another dose of winter weather today. they are getting whacked again. snow is expected from minnesota and illinois all the way to d.c. and maryland and here's a look at the early impact on st. paul, minnesota where rough weather means big business for cab drivers. >> you need a cab to the airport you're less likely to ask a family member to drive you. maybe they missed their bus connection, car is stuck, can't get out of the driveway. maybe they hate drying in snow. for whatever reason, cabbies gets very, very busy when it snows. >> yesterday, the dakotas felt the brunt of the harsh weather. blowing snow made it impossible for drivers to see very far. it kept snowplows and tow truck drivers busy but no major problems to report. this may seem crazy but people are suiting up and hanging 10 in the middle of winter in minnesota. wet suits not optional. a few times each year the southeast winds blow in just right out of canada making for the perfect waves. this is on lake superior. it's one icy ride. some surfers sporting icicles on their beards. they say it's worth freezing for. they also say it can be dangerous and not for beginners. >> you weren't in minnesota over the weekend. you were at lake tahoe and did this. >> i did a polar plunge with the special olympics on sunday morning. it's 43 degrees and snowing. it's cold, you get in and you're right out. >> we were warm. >> i would never, ever do that. frank, i can't believe you jumped in. >> you get bunch of people, you get the minute. i was in there and out, boom. >> one toe and back out. we have some winter weather finally coming our way. we have some storm clouds headed in toward the bay area some clouds out there now. but no rain just yet. let's check it out on your high- def doppler radar and confirm that. we don't see showers out there right now but likely we are going to begin to pick some up toward the evening hours as a slow-moving cold front dives in toward the bay area so out the door this morning we have low clouds extending onshore. the temperatures a little colder this morning in the 30s and 40s. by the afternoon, well, things start to get a little interesting. the clouds will be thickening up a bit. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. then toward the evening hours, that's when we are going to see a chance of rain developing around the bay area. so the cold front is located right here. it is slowly working its way in toward the bay area. out ahead of it we are going to see some breezy conditions so into the afternoon winds picking up. rain on the way after that, showers in the forecast until friday morning. starting out this morning, we have a couple of clouds outside but then the cold front swings in late in the day. about 5:00 or so, 6:00 we see it in the north bay but the rest of the north bay is dry. then it sags across the rest of the bay area overnight tonight then showers early tomorrow morning, on and off possibly into friday morning, maybe even thunderstorms coming you away. 60s and 70s into parts of the central valley. north you go you will see some showers there in that direction so watch out for that. around the bay area today you will see temperatures in the 50s and a few 60s. next couple of days it is back to a wintry pattern, even some thunderstorms as we get into thursday, could see some more showers, at least into friday morning. but this next weekend is looking good. temperatures up near 70 degrees by sunday. that's a look at your weather. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. 15 minutes ago we could see a couple of cop cars blocking various lanes heading toward the bay bridge toll plaza, not any longer. they are clearing up the overnight roadwork. there were four tollbooths closed, also. it's all supposed to wrap up at 5:00. otherwise, easy ride into san francisco. dublin interchange, headlights moving westbound, still moving at the limit from the altamont pass. if you are going eastbound there is some roadwork eastbound 580 approaching north greenville not causing much of a delay but various lanes blocked until 11:00 this morning. so you may find some slight delays a little later on in the morning rush. otherwise, westbound looks good 52 miles per hour. so the golden gate bridge commute looks like northbound 101 from the toll plaza out towards the north tower there is various roadwork in lanes. i think that's a construction truck. various lanes blocked in the northbound direction. southbound there's nothing across the span but between sir francis drake and the waldo tunnel various lanes blocked until 6 a.m. back to you. >> thank you. another day of formal meetings is under way at the vatican as the cardinals discuss the qualities they are seeking in selecting a new pope. as cbs reporter danielle nottingham reports, the problems plaguing the church could be key factors in the selection process. reporter: the college of cardinals arrived at the vatican this morning for the second day of congregational meetings. >> good morning. >> reporter: all cardinals will be here today except one. he is coming in tomorrow from china. when they are all assembled, they can set a date to begin the voting process known as the conclave but the first sign that the vote could start soon came today when the vatican announced the sistine chapel where the vote will take place is closing this afternoon. >> we would like to be done before holy week starts and have a pope and we go back to our dioceses. >> reporter: but the cardinals also say they are not going to rush it. they say these meetings are a time to get to not candidates and discuss -- get to know the candidates and discuss the issues facing the church so they can make the right church. >> you should be very slow in deliberation and then very quick in decision-making. >> reporter: one of the reasons the cardinals are being deliberate is they want to know what kind of problems the new pope will face once he is presented to the masses in front of st. peter's square. >> we're beginning now this extraordinary moment in the life of the church. >> reporter: monday, the cardinals said questions may come up about an investigation of corruption and leaks within the vatican and the church is still dealing with the priest pedophile scandal. >> the cardinals have spoke about it openly. >> reporter: pope benedict will only share the investigation report with his successor. danielle nottingham, cbs news, the vatican. >> once the conclave begins, there will be 150 cardinals voting and it will take 77 votes to reach the two-thirds majority needed to elect a pope. north korea is threatening to cancel a cease-fire dating back to the korean war in 1953 because of possible new sanctions there. this comes as the u.s. and china have reportedly agreed to impose more sanctions on north korea following its nuclear tests last month. the u.n. security council will be meeting behind closed doors this morning to discuss it. the united states will reportedly circulate a draft resolution at the meeting this morning. the massive federal spending cuts are starting to have noticeable effects although no major impact is expected until next month. homeland security janet napolitano janet napolitano says customs lines having longer for international passengers at some u.s. airports. house republicans have a new proposal aimed at softening the impact of cuts to defense and security. a cbs news poll shows 53% of americans believe they will personally be affected by the cuts. 46% of those surveyed say the cuts will be bad for country, 34% say the cuts will have a positive impact. in the past few years a lot of people have posted on craigslist about missed connections, seeing someone at a store or airport but not actually meeting them. >> it turns out in 15 states walmart is most popular place for these missed connections. that's according to researchers at psychology today. 24 hours fitness seems -- >> people have the routine so you can probably go back the next day and see if that person is there. if you're at walmart shopping you may never see them again. >> just say hi. why women in the united states are actually living shorter lives. >> plus, if one sinkhole wasn't enough, the latest problems to plague a florida neighborhood. >> how far did you fall. really, really far. >> that would be three stories. how this 4-year-old t -- how this 4-year-old managed to land on his feet. coming up. =dj so far it is dry. that will likely change today. we'll tell you when coming up. >> and still no major hot spots on the roads. live look at the golden gate bridge. the bay bridge and the milpitas commute. we'll have more traffic and weather together coming up every 10 minutes. investigators are keeping an eye now on another large sinkhole just two miles from the one that swallowed up a man in his home in florida. demolition crew began tearing down the remains of that home yesterday. experts hope the demolition will help them get a better look at the sinkhole and to figoski out what to do next. >> a new study shows u.s. women are not living as long as they used to. women age 75 and younger are dying sooner. higher smoking, obesity and less education may be to blame. heart stopping moments for a mother in colorado. >> her 4-year-old son somehow survived a very big drop. >> i falled. >> how far did you fall? >> really, really far. >> well, dillon actually fell out of a third-story window. had to move a couch near the window to do it. he fell out when he climbed on top of it to talk to someone outside. he came through with barely a scratch. >> lucky little boy. >> three stories. 4:57 right now. it's not just your imagination. the painful reality of the bay area commute. >> yeah. plus a bay area sinkhole getting a lot bigger. why the situation for neighbors is about to get worse. >> the 82-foot sailboat that was stolen then stuck in pacifica shores has now been pulled out of the stand and three people are in custody. even though it's in one piece, we'll tell you why one person says it could still be a complete loss. ♪ with so much competition finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. use chase freedom at gas stations this quarter, get 5% cash back whoa everybody get, everybody get! activate your 5% cash back at think your drive to work stinks? a new report reveals the worst it was stolen and then it was stuck. we're live in richmond where the 82-foot yacht is making its way back into a shipyard. why the damage could be far worse than it seems. >> clouds rolling back into the bay area. some rain not too far away. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and think your drive to work stinks? a new report says the worst commute times are in the bay area. >> a lot of overnight roadwork is clearing approaching 5:00. much more on your morning drive coming up. >> good morning. it's tuesday, march 5. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 5:00. some developing news this morning. a sailing misadventure from the bay to a beach. >> three people are now unarrest and under arrest and a boat is being taken in after it went on an unscheduled trip. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran reports. >> reporter: that 82-foot yacht "darling" as it's known is currently making its way from pacifica to richmond where it will head to a shipped yard, where inspectors were assess just how bad that damage was. we have some video from it yesterday. the sailboat took a bit of a beating after its keel launched the vessel into pacifica shores for hours. it went from its sausalito slip after three people stole it yesterday morning. those three are under arrest. the owner hopes the boat can be saved. tim parker's salvage company was responsible for towing the sailboat from pacifica to richmond. he says even though the boat is in one piece, it could still be a constructive total loss. >> the cost of repairs to the vessel could be greater than the insured value of the vessel and even though it looks in great shape, when it comes in,


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130305

meanwhile, discussions are focusing as much on the state of the church as they are focusing on a new leader. danielle nottingham is in vatican city. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. the catholic church is under a lot of scrutiny right now. and the cardinals are really putting a lot of thought into understanding the controversy surrounding the church and also into getting to know each other. the college of cardinals arrived at the vatican this morning for the second day of congressional -- congressional meetings. >> good morning. >> reporter: eight of the cardinals expected to take part in the election of a new pope have not yet made it to rome, but they are expected today. when they get here, the group can set a date to begin the voting process known as the conclave. >> we'd like to be done before holy week starts and have a pope. we'd go back to our diocese. >> reporter: the cardinals also say they are not going to rush it. they say the meetings are time to get to know the candidates and discuss the issues facing the church so they can make the right choice. >> you should be very slow in deliberation and then very quick in decisionmaking. >> reporter: one of the reasons the cardinals are being deliberate is they want to know what kind of problems the new pope will face once he's presented to the masses in front of st. peter's square. >> we're beginning now this extraordinary moment in the life of the church. >> reporter: in addition to the ongoing child abuse scandal, the new pope will have to deal with allegations of corruption, cronyism, and financial mismanagement within the vatican. monday the cardinals said they want to talk to the managers who led that investigation. >> the cardinals have already spoken about it openly, saying yes, it's important that we have a pope who can manage the scandals. >> reporter: pope benedict has said he will only share the investigation report with his successor. and once a conclave date is set, the preparations will begin. the vatican has to close the sistine chapel to visitors. and also the security sweep of the vatican hotel will begin to make sure the cardinals' meeting stays secret, anne-marie. >> danielle nottingham in vatican city, thank you. republican lawmakers are trying to ease the pain being felt by the pentagon as a result of the sequester. those massive budget cuts president obama enacted friday. gop house members introduced a bill would maintain the reduction to the military but give the defense department more flexibility in how it spends its funds. a vote on the measure is expected on thursday. susan mcginnis is in washington with more on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. this new republican proposal would also keep the government running through september. so if it is approved, that could head off what's supposed to be the next big fiscal fight here on capitol hill. meanwhile, president obama went back to work on monday as the $85 billion in spending cuts start to kick in. president obama held the first cabinet meeting of his second term on monday. he talked about the $85 billion across-the-board budget cuts now in effect. >> there are going to be families and communities that are hurt. and this will slow our growth. it will mean lower employment in the united states than otherwise would have been. we can manage through. >> reporter: according to a cbs news poll, 53% of americans say they will be affected by the budget cuts. 63% say they support spending cuts in order to lower the deficit, but that those reductions should be targeted and not part of the sequester. homeland security sect napolitano said the budget cuts have resulted in a ban on overtime for customs officers, and that would mean a slowdown at the nation's airports. >> if you're traveling, get to the airport earlier than you otherwise would. there's only so much we can do with personnel. please don't yell at the customs or tsa officers. >> reporter: the transportation security administration says it has not yet been affected by the sequester. in the coming week, the tsa is expected to freeze hiring and curb overtime, causing wait times at major airports to nearly double. the wait on the runway could be longer, too. the faa plans to furlough all 15,000 air traffic controllers at least one day every two weeks. >> we don't have the controllers looking at the airplanes, making sure they're separated. the airplanes aren't going to be in the air. you're looking at approximately 44 to 45 minutes of delay per aircraft that flies into o'hare. >> reporter: now the first furloughs of government workers are not scheduled to take effect until next month. this republican plan could head off at least some of those. we'll see if it gets democratic support. anne marie? >> susan mcginnis in washington, thank you. there's been some bipartisan action on gun trafficking. democrat patrick leahy is one of five senators proposing a bill that would mandate tough penalties for anyone who buys a firearm with the intent of transferring it to someone else. republican susan collins is another sponsor. the bill also makes it a crime to smuggle firearms over the border. and later this morning, the united nations security council will take up a resolution that would punish north korea for its latest nuclear test. late yesterday, the u.s. and china agreed on a new round of sanctions. north korea carried out its third nuclear weapons test last month. the security council imposed sanctions after north korea's first two nuclear tests and after a rocket launch last year. vice president joe biden says the u.s. will not back down from its pledge to use military force to stop iran's nuclear program if need be. biden was spoking to a pro-israel lobby in washington yesterday. he warned that neither israel nor the u.s. should act before all diplomatic options are exhausted, but he said the president will keep his word. >> presidents of the united states cannot and do not bluff. and president barack obama is not bluffing. [ applause ] >> he is not bluffing. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke to the group by video link. netanyahu took a hard line saying words alone will not stop iran. coming up on the "morning news," heartache in florida. crews demolish a house on a giant sinkhole that swallowed a man in his bedroom. this is the "cbs morning news." uh, hey. i'm bob. lked at the tax store. i did your taxes. well, i thought you were a tax expert. ( female announcer reading ) ...than all major tax stores combined. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. -having her was amazing. -we made a miracle. and we got onesies. sometimes miracles get messy. so we use tide free. no perfumes or dyes for her delicate skin. brad. not it. not it. just kidding. that's our tide. what's yours? what are those? mmmmmm. mcdonald's new fish mcbites! ♪ fish-ay! fish-ay! ♪ ♪ fish, fish mcbites, mcbites ♪ ♪ fish, fish mcbites, mcbites ♪ [ male announcer ] the delicious alaskan pollack fish you love, only smaller. mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ til dance do we part! the solos are complete... you are the pig to her blanket. that's not breakdancing, that's break-up dancing. don't give up on us america, we're not done yet! now two must dance as one. you won't run into the top ten appliance brands just anywhere... only sears carries them all. and only sears delivers them all with $70 in shop your way points. this is sears. new charges have been filed against ten former members of the florida a&m university band. they had been charged with felony hazing in the death of 26-year-old robert champion. the drum major was beaten to death in november, 2011. now the ten along with two others have been charged with manslaughter. if convicted, they could get up to 15 years in prison. the sinkhole in florida that swallowed a man as he slept will be his grave. jeff bush's house in stepner has been demolished by the giant hole filled in with dirt. he was in bed thursday when he vanished. his brother says his parents are stricken with grief. >> my mom and dad are going through hell right now. my mom waking up every hour on the hour crying in bed. she's going through hell. no one ever wants to bury their kid before they go. my mom -- i love my mom and dad with all my heart. and i just want my mom and dad to know that i love you. i tried to save your son. i tried my hardest. >> and another sinkhole appeared monday about three miles from bush's house, but no one was hurt. on the cbs money watch now hess gas stations make an exit. and the white house weighing in on unlocking your smart phone. ashley morrison is here in new york with more. good morning. good morning you to anne-marie. asian markets got a bounce after china announced its budget. the nikkei hit the highest closing level in more than four years. hong kong's hang seng added a fraction. investors are still bullish on wall street as federal spending cuts kick in. the dow rose 38 points monday for its highest close of the year. it's now only 40 points away from its all-time high. the nasdaq went up 12. get ready to say good-bye to those familiar green and white hess gas stations. the company announced monday they are going to sell more than 1,300 stations in favor of getting into exploration and production. the changes come after a major hess shareholder accused the board of poor oversight. and the white house says on monday consumers should be able to unlock their smartphones and tablets and use them on the network of their choice. the statement was made in response to an online petition that got over 100,000 signatures. the white house says they will work with the fcc to resolve that issue. anne marie? >> that is going to make a lot of people happy who are already, you know, jail breaking their phones. >> that's right. >> ashley morrison here in new york, thank you very much. straight ahead in sports, big bucks. 2013 has already been a great year for super bowl mvp joe flacco. find out why it got a lot better. flacco. find out why it got a lot better. the moment my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis started getting in the way that was it... it was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. here's a look at today's forecast in cities around the country. new york, sunshine, 45 the high. miami, 76. chicago, expect snow. dallas, mostly sunny, though, 58 the high. los angeles, clouds and sun. in sports now, things just keep getting better and better for baltimore ravens' quarterback joe flacco. the team signed him to a six-year, $120 million contract, making him the highest paid player in the nfl. flacco took a gamble on himself last year when he turned down a less lucrative extension. he then led the ravens to win the super bowl and was named the game's mvp. in the nba now, the miami heat are as hot as they have ever been. against minnesota last night, dwyane wade scored 32 points, and lebron james added 20 as the heat cruise into their fifth seed straight victory. that's the longest winning streak in franchise history. the final score -- 97-81. women's basketball star britney griner played her final home game. it was one to remember. the 6'8" senior electrified the crowd with her first slam-dunk at home just her freshman year. she finishes with a record 50 points as baylor knocked off kansas state 90-68. check out this twofer in texas. juan martine delpatro tracking down the shot and hits the return between his legs. two shots later, novak djokovic does the same but his trick shot misses the mark. delpatro wins the point, but djokovic won the match. someone sent out a bat signal. a man dressed as a superhero lends a helping hand when he drops off a suspect at the police station. [ female announcer ] with secret outlast clear gel, there's no white marks or worries. [ man ] on in 5! [ female announcer ] it works as hard as you do... to outlast your day. [ man ] action! wow! [ female announcer ] secret outlast clear gel is better than the next leading invisible solid on white marks. secret outlast clear gel. salvage crews tow that million dollar sailboat from a pacifica beach. what it took to finally free the vessel plus: a bay area sinkhole forces families out of their homes. why things could be taking a turn for the worse later today. and think your drive-time to work is bad? how many bay area drivers are spending more than an hour in traffic. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:30. good morning. it's tuesday, here's a look at today's forecast in cities around the country. washington, d.c., and atlanta make sure you have the umbrella. afternoon showers in washington. st. louis, snow showers. denver, mostly sunny, 48, seattle, expect rain. a disturbing life expectancy trend for some women. it's declining. a new study finds that women age 75 and younger are dying at higher rates than previous years in 43% of the nation's counties. many of these women live in rural areas in the south or the west. and it's believed higher smoking rates and obesity are to blame. we're learning more about the apparent breakthrough in the fight against aids. doctors say a baby born with hiv is virtually free from the infection after undergoing early treatment. as randall pinkston reports, the findings could help millions around the world. >> reporter: researchers in mississippi say a baby born with hiv, the virus that causes aids, has been cured. doctors started aggressively treating the infant with anti-viral drugs within 30 hours of delivery. usually doctors prescribe one drug preventively the first several weeks. >> we have a high risk of this baby being infected. and so i chose to start more than one drug. >> reporter: for 18 months, the baby received treatment here at the university of mississippi medical center. then for family reasons she stopped coming. now 2 1/2 years old, doctors were surprised to find no signs of infection in her blood. researchers termed the toddler functionally cured, meaning super-sensitive tests were still able to detect remnants of the virus. >> our child at this point still has some evidence of hiv. >> reporter: only one case of a complete cure has ever been reported. timothy ray brown has gone five years without evidence of hiv after he received a bone marrow transplant from a donor who was naturally resistant to the virus. about 300,000 children are born each year with hiv, mostly in poor countries. >> whether or not this is going to be broadly applicable for children remains to be determined. >> reporter: doctors at the university of mississippi continue to check the little girl every few months to make sure the virus hasn't come back. randall pinkston, cbs news, jackson, mississippi. a swift recovery for queen elizabeth. the 86-year-old monarch seems to be in good spirits as she left a london hospital monday. she had been there since sunday being treated for a stomach infection. also in england, a real-life caped crusader. yes, that is batman or at least a guy in a bad-fitting costume. he went old school, the '50s tv version. officials just released these surveillance pictures last month. the wannabe super hero walked into a police station and turned in a man who was wanted for burglary and then disappeared. according to "the telegraph," he's friends with the suspect and gave the man a lift to the police station to turn himself in. the crusader had been wearing the costume at a soccer game. hmm. more coming up this morning. basketball great shaquille o'neal. i'm anne-marie green, this is the "cbs morning news." great shaquille o'neal. i'm anne-marie green, this is the "cbs morning news." lies face we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. 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[ male announcer ] our usaa retirement guide provides advice for current and former military members and their families. get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. millions of people know him as kid president. the star of a youtube video sensation. the boy may be little, but he's got a lot of charm. and as elaine quijano reports, he's got a great outlook on life despite some personal obstacles. >> reporter: this internet is video by 9-year-old robby novak has been viewed 12 million times. >> this is your child, this is my child. >> reporter: he plays the role of kid president, giving the world a pep talk. >> the world needs you to stop being boring. yeah, you. boring is easy, anybody can be boring. >> reporter: what's your favorite part about being kid president? >> dancing. >> reporter: what does it feel like? >> i feel like i'm flying like a bird. all birds fly except ostriches. >> reporter: while he lives it up on camera, it's his life off camera that is the real inspiration. what happened to your finger? >> i broke my finger. >> reporter: does that happen a lot? >> mostly arms and legs, but not fingers. this is my first finger break. >> reporter: robby has brittle bone disease and has steel rods in both legs. he's had more than 70 broken bones and 13 surgeries. do you worry about breaking things? >> no. i don't worry about -- that's my point. i'm trying not to worry. i want everyone to know i'm not that kid who breaks a lot. i'm just -- i'm just a kid who wants to have fun. >> reporter: robby and his sister, lexi, who also has brittle bone disease, were -- novak nine years ago. even had his bones were broken, robby's positive attitude and energy were so infectious his brother-in-law, brad montague, decided to put him on video. >> he wakes up, and you ask him, how was your day today, and he'll go, "awesome." we're celebrating everything that happens. we're alive, yes! you know, no matter what. >> reporter: at first, the kid president videos were just for the family. but once montague posted them on line, robby's motivational monologue became an internet sensation and even caught the attention of the real president. >> kid president, looks like you got my message. >> yes, mr. president. i got your message. this is historic. the white house easter egg roll. >> reporter: what do you think when you see yourself? >> i go like, wow. it's amazing. >> reporter: what's amazing about it? >> making the world a better place. >> reporter: proof that even a boy as fragile as this can inspire millions to be strong. ♪ >> everybody just chill out. it's me, kid president. >> reporter: cbs news, henderson, tennessee. >> doesn't he just make you smile? coming up after the local news on "cbs this morning," we are tracking that blizzard that's expected to bury parts of the midwest. we'll tell you exactly where it's headed. plus, a former florida governor jeb bush, sits down to discuss the future of the republican party. and "star wars" filmmaker george lucas invites us into the skywalker ranch. that's the "cbs morning news" for this tuesday, thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ng. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- and i'm michelle griego. time is 4:-- here's meteorologist la good morning. it is tuesday, march 5. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time just about 4:30. let's check the weather with lawrence. >> we have some rain coming our way but yet? it's but not a rainout. we'll have more on the rain coming up. >> this is what it looks like at the bay bridge toll plaza. they are doing routine maintenance now on the tollbooths so four are closed. and they are doing roadwork on the approach to the span, as well. you can see a couple of chp cars out there so we'll talk more about overnight roadwork across the bay area coming up. >> we'll do that. okay. thank you, liz. developing news this morning. the strange voyage of a stolen sailboat called darling. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is in richmond where the boat is being taken for repairs after it went on an unscheduled trip. that's what we'll call it. >> reporter: the 82-foot darling is actually en route here to richmond right now where it's going to head to a shipyard and assessed for damages. actually we're joined now live with the owner of the salvage company parker diving services. >> that's correct. >> reporter: tim parker's company was in charge of bringing the boat over here. we were talking about it a few minutes ago. it's a complicated process, very challenging. tell us about it. >> well, it's a very large vessel 64 tons and it was in the surf and being rocked violently. it was very dangerous for our divers to board the vessel, do the things that were needed to do on it. they had to take care of potential environmental hazards, spillage of the diesel fuel from the tanks. they had to seal off the fittings, close the watertight doings, rig a big bridle on it. when the first vessel arrived, we had to get the towing line up to the bridle on the vessel and then when th


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