are you? i don t think any of these people were providing the present with good advice. i didn t understand how they got in. in alleged conspirators invited into the white house by the president with bizarre results. can the federal government sees voting machines? the terrifying idea. come over back down pat cipollone if he had the authority to made me special counsel and he said. yes a mob summoned by the president to come not just to the nationals capital sitting, but to the u.s. capitol building. we are going to be only the saved by millions of americans moving to washington, occupying the entire area, if necessary storming right into the capital. there s gonna be a red wedding going down january. six so why did you decide to march to the capital. basically, the president got everybody riled up and told everybody to come down, so we basically just follow what he said. a jarring closing revelation from the investigators. after our last hearing, pr
present with good advice. i didn t understand how they got in. alleged conspirators invited into the white house by the president with bizarre results. can the federal government seize voting machines? it s a terrible idea. come over back down i asked pat cipollone if he had the authority to make me special counsel and he said yes. a mob summoned by the president to come not just to the national capitol setting, but to the u.s. capitol building. we are going to be only saved by millions of americans moving to washington, occupying the entire area, if necessary storming right into the capitol. there s gonna be a red wedding going down january six. so why did you decide to march to the capitol? basically, the president got everybody riled up and told everybody to come down, so we basically just followed what he said. a jarring closing revelation from the investigators. after our last hearing, president trump tried to call a witness in our investigation
across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with us. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. wit us i will the january six investigation, day seven. american carnage turned a excellent prophecy on what his rage would visit to our people. the view from inside the oval office told for the first time by trump s own white house counsel. i walked in, i saw sydney powell sitting there. i was not happy to see the people in the oval office. overstock person. i looked at him and said who are you? i don t think any of these people were providing the present with good advice. i didn t understand how they got in. alleged conspirators invited into the white house by the president with bizarre results. can the federal government seize voting machines? it s a terrible idea. come over back down pat cipollone if he had the authority to make me special counsel and he said yes. a mob summoned by the president to come not just to the national capitol setting, b
the next election to try to make sure your side is a better chance next time the people sell their differences at the ballot box. . you cannot turn violent and you cannot try to achieve desires through harassment or intimidation. and a real leader who sees that going down that path, approaching that line has a responsibility to say stop. we gave it our boost. we came up short. we try again next time. because we settle our differences at the ballot box. on december 14th, 2020, the presidential election was officially over. electoral college had cast his vote, joe biden was the president elect of the united states. by that point, many of donald trump s supporters were already convinced that the election had been stolen. because that s where donald trump had been telling them. so with donald trump was acquired to do in that moment, but would have been required of any american leader was to say we did our best and we came up short. he went the opposite way. he seized on the anger
think of sydney powell told the president that the steps were justified because of her evidence of foreign interference in the 2020 election. however, as we ve seen, trump s allies had no such evidence and of course no legal authority for the federal government to see state voting machines. here s mr. cipollone again denouncing sydney powell s terrible idea. there was a real question in my mind and a real concern, particularly after the attorney general had reached the conclusion that there wasn t a sufficient election fraud to change the outcome of the election, when other people kept suggesting that there was. the answer is, what is it? at some point you have to put up or shut up. that was my view. what [inaudible] why was this a bad idea for the