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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181021 19:00:00

sure sure sure the legend of the asian financial meltdown on the brink recently dangerous time for her to make sure my. plane. player. playing. this is news live from berlin and donald trump pulls out his health and historic nuclear treaty trump says the u.s. will apes of a cold war era deal that banned a whole range of nuclear weapons because of russian violations most vocals the move a dangerous step also coming up. from saudi arabia's foreign minister of course the killing of jamal khashoggi the join the station mistake and he insists that those responsible will be held accountable. and in the bundesliga by in munich steady the ship off to a poor run for him brought it even was back on this philippines as the champions beat wolves but it wasn't all plain sailing we'll have a look at that and the best of the weekend's football action from germany. her. place. i'm christine with well welcome to the program. u.s. president donald trump has told reporters that the u.s. will unilaterally. arms agreement with russia the landmark intermediate range nuclear forces treaty was negotiated some thirty is a good buy then president ronald reagan and soviet leader mikhail gorbachev if it bans nuclear and conventional missiles with ranges of five hundred to fifty five hundred konami says his with donald trump extasy russia has violated the agreement they've been violated here for many years and i don't know why president obama didn't negotiate or pull out. there we're not going to let them violate a nuclear agreement they go out of their weapons and we're not allowed to we're the ones that have stayed in the agreement and we bonded the agreement but russia is not one fortunately on to the agreement so we're going to terminate their group and we're going to pull out. or i for more on this this cross to washington correspondent alexandra phenomena hallett's u.s. allies have warned against trump's decision to pull out of the treaty how much support is there in washington for the move and why. well when you talk to nuclear arms experts they tell you that they are very concerned saying that that decision would speed very dangerous and could build an arms race in the next. increasingly cold war like behavior among the u.s. russia and china trump is also facing criticism from democratic lawmakers one of them that this decision would be reckless that the white house has to consult the allies in europe there are also republican lawmakers standing behind the president and we have to say that the you asked military leaders have been complaining for a quiet long time now that russia has been violating this treaty and that this treaty is a one sided constraints on the u.s. ability to come for a china that was not a signatory of this treaty and it's all of this as the u.s. says national security adviser john bolton is heading to moscow for meetings with president putin and foreign minister lavrov how this how will this impact russia u.s. relations well many experts here say the u.s. russia relations are there are low worst point ever and that this announcement is not going to help but of course and then we have to ask ourselves were john bolton is the right person to deescalate because he is known for his hawkish should views on russia on the iran over issues and he was reportedly the one who was pushing for this plan for this withdrawal behind closed doors in the white house the u.s. has accused russia of violating the treaty on its part has the u.s. stature the agreement to or does the terms of the agreement. well we know there. is a thinking about producing deploying a new messiah was to account for as i said that china's activities in cell with china sea but so far the pentagon has only begun research and development into such missiles that would be banned by this treaty and research is not prohibited by under the spec now the german foreign minister heikal mas has the us to consider the consequences that this will have on future decide on them and if it has washington fully weighed up the risks yet well you know that's not the way how a president. is thinking and how his conducting his foreign policy issues he has pulled out of the paris climate agreement and without considering the consequences he pulled out of the iran nuclear treaty and so far there was no one who could convince him in three thinking his decisions however in this case we have to say that now he is pulling out of one treaty there is another one then you start treaty on strategic arms that is due to expire it's twenty twenty one and if that happens the world will be left behind with oh it's any limits on nuclear arsenals of nuclear powers right and it's on reporting for us in washington. saudi arabia's foreign minister has reacted to the killing of dissident journalist jamal khashoggi calling it a huge and grave mistake he also told us brought osce to fox that those responsible would be held accountable saudi authorities have stated died in a fistfight in the country's consulate in istanbul he was last seen entering the building on october the second turkish officials suspect he was assassinated. but paris and london have issued a joint statement demanding that saudi arabia clarifies the circumstances off the journalist if for the first time german chancellor angela merkel said that she backs a freeze on arms sales to the kingdom. but will turn first we condemn this act in the strongest terms. there's an urgent need to clarify what happened with this issue is far from having been cleared out and those responsible are still not held accountable. because i agree with all those who say that the already limited arms exports can continue and the situation we're currently in. the threats. on them in them all magicks and. now to some of the other stories making news around the world israel has announced it's postponing the demolition off a palestinian town in the west bank for a few weeks in the hopes of negotiating a peaceful evacuation with the residents the international criminal court warned that a forced evacuation off the big one people in the con could constitute a war crime. at least twenty two people have been killed and one hundred seventy one injured in a train derailment in taiwan the poor huma express train was traveling from taipei to title a city on the south east coast now the reason for the disaster is still and clear. more than fifty people have been killed during violence in afghanistan's first parliamentary elections in eighty is voting was extended to stand or to sunday at many polling stations off to take nickel and organizational problems the previous day turnout was larger than expected with around four million people costing their votes. thousands of central american migrants who've joined together to journey north have resumed their march off to illegally crossing into mexico they vow to continue on to the intended destination the united states prison donald trump has threatened to deploy troops to the us mexico border if the migrants are not stopped. thousands of people took to the streets of dresden on sunday in rival marches the anti islam and immigrant they gave a movement celebrated its end of its fourth anniversary as larger crowds joint council demonstrations in the eastern german city they gave to has helped the rise of the far right party which placed third in germany's parliamentary elections last year. burned openminded to the. some ten thousand people marched through the eastern german city calling for love not hate inclusion and respect the state of saxony is premie i also took part in the protest you know that you're on your mind now more down ladies and gentlemen it's up to us to make our country open minded and friendly so that children and young people feel welcome here so that people from other regions can choose to come here and i'm glad to see so many people here today who want exactly that. too much as you know. they came together in defiance of another rally that of the un to immigrant piggy to movement. is the acronym for pottery arctic europeans against the islam is a sion of the west. the banas warning the german chancellor that day is a numbered the group is marking the fourth anniversary of its founding. in twenty fourteen it held its first so-called evening stroll through to. support for its regular rallies swell during the migration crisis but its momentum appears to be fizzling out piccy does rally today with five thousand people by the counter demonstrations many residents are tired of the city being linked to the far right people of those at the far right rallies for at present. news colorful and deborah street for this york needs to stop here in my beautiful city. organizers say it's the first year different groups joined forces to oppose. this is still it's really great for us we've worked once this for years to overcome political differences and to be united on this one issues. in fog. these activists united in their rejection of piggy does message of sin a phobia and race. sports news and time to look at the results from sunday's bundesliga action has a bilin and freiburg shared the points andre do the next that his sixth goal of the season for hazza best defender robin brought freiburg level one all the level the final score glad buff posted minds in sunday's game jonas hoffman two goals and then the floodgates opened for going hasn't got a third and struck off men again to complete his hatrick four nil was how it ended . by and munich travel to wolfsburg on saturday with the bavarians needed to make a statement off the four games without a win in all competitions and the reigning champions didn't disappoint relieving the pressure on boss nicole coven. mico kobashi carried his usual calm demeanor even if he was feeling pressure to turn things around it didn't show no thomas moore had nor fake robbery were starting in this one prior to kickoff wolfsburg who had worse form than their opponents formed a constellation of unity while biron stars roamed the pitch with looks of pure focus their focus paid off late in the first half pummels with the final pass through tiago rubber living dusty was there to put his side ahead this school ended a three match goal drought for the polish striker byron taking a one goal lead to the break. eleven ghosty wasn't done with scoring off the long past will splurge william with the set up live in dusty there for the clean up and the finish to neil for the visitors buyer defender nick lesula created the chance with a great pass and william with the woeful assist with the lead nico kobayashi kept his cool unlike iron robin who was sent off for a second yellow buyer a man down at the hour mark minutes later will spur capitalized about this house left alone in the penalty area to pull one back the wolves made a light work of the bahrain defense. but live in dusky set up how miss to secure the league making it three one breaking buy in back to winning ways. again how his a roundup of all the weekend's results then is that droll between a has that and five o'clock box go fast against mines and fines much needed win against evil spirit elsley goldman secured a massive victory of a new and it went down to hoffenheim but and leipsic shared the spoils david coups and head of the also each took away a point and lehmann shall come on friday frank that thumped this little. let's see how those results affect the standings dortmund stay top but glad we're human and by munich all move up and on not in pursuit life sick and has to both drop places and then besides in the bottom how often managed to win they've accused and shall continue they have ploys stalwarts stood guard and dissolute will swap places at the bottom. now sprinkle agency saying both look say to the chief


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20181021:19:14:00

his a roundup of all the weekend's results then is that droll between a has that and five o'clock box go fast against mines and fines much needed win against evil spirit elsley goldman secured a massive victory of a new and it went down to hoffenheim but and leipsic shared the spoils david coups and head of the also each took away a point and lehmann shall come on friday frank that thumped this little. let's see how those results affect the standings dortmund stay top but glad we're human and by munich all move up and on not in pursuit life sick and has to both drop places and then besides in the bottom how often managed to win they've accused and shall continue they have ploys stalwarts stood guard and dissolute will swap places at the bottom. now sprinkle agency saying both look say to the chief


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