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Bill rake off a United flight from Newark to St Louis had to be diverted 500 miles out of its way Thursday after the crew realized that the dog it had in its cargo hold should be going to Akron Ohio instead but it was safely delivered but it's another black eye for United which on Tuesday mistakenly sent a family German Shepherd to Japan instead of Kansas City that happened a day after a 10 month old bulldog died in the overhead bin of a flight from Houston to New York C.B.S. News in Lakeland Florida officials at a charter school admit that holding a fire drill during Wednesday's nationwide walkout was a mistake walkout marked them one month since the Parkland School shootings of the charter schools administrators says the drill was planned to give students a safe place for the protest some who didn't want to walk out say they felt forced into it others say they felt their demonstration was undermined Peter King C.B.S. News Eric was way behind C.B.S. Sports 5000000. Of them is the best in sports to stand back to a line that general made a calling to go over that 11 that C.B.S. 45909670. Did you know that an important time for a child's brain development is between birth and. Children and beginning early babies learn communication. Cuttle. And change beginning with this method beginning and if. You do weather forecast for South Central Ascot overnight lingering showers mostly cloudy skies and lows in the upper twenty's Saturday mostly sunny highs reaching into the middle thirty's Saturday night skies are mostly cloudy with lows in the upper twenty's for Sunday a few early morning. Hours through the afternoon highs in the mid thirty's. Independent in thoughts and punk rock in life it's the John Benson show. And thank you for tuning in to the chat Benson show My name is Casey Bartholomew I'm sitting in today you may call 844-344-2423 that's a 4 for Dig shared bunch stuff we're going to get to this hour we're going to talk about blue apron we're going to talk about an aggressive coach who apparently is too aggressive because the snowflakes need to be propped up and not be down we're going to talk about Matt Damon who before today I thought was a good actor but before today I didn't have a ton of respect for but I had least respect what he was planning on doing we'll get into all that stuff coming up right off the bat. Now normally I don't go for editorials especially want to do is show prep usually to find things that are you know actually happening and not somebody whose idea and usually they're from a very different political bent than I have when you're talking about editorials but I caught something on. Bloomberg today as well I thought and I don't know who wrote it just said the Bloomberg editorial staff whoever the hell they are anyway they got together apparently all of them and they funk and bunkum punk and they come to up with the great idea that we need to have an exit exam for high school and the reason we need to have an exit exam for high school is that something that I've been saying for years on the various radio shows that I've hosted is that our children are morons are functioning illiterates If you dear God in heaven above try to hold a conversation with a random high school quote unquote graduate at some point in time you'd be better off talking to the wall behind them go to one of the you know the high school graduate go to a fast food restaurant somewhere where they all think they deserve $15.00 an hour for shoveling French fries which amounts to $30000.00 a year for shoveling French fries because they've got their high school diploma they can't make change that name. Was that they can't make change these people can't and the reason being is that graduation rates are apparently way up like through the roof looking for the exact number 84 percent of 17 year olds graduate from high school that's up from 75 percent in 2008 and now we did not get 9 percent smarter in that period of time to nap. What happened was what they call social promotion what happened of this idea that we have to give them a high school diploma because they can't do anything without a high school diploma so subsequently what's happening is that kids who don't deserve a high school diploma are getting a high school diploma even though they haven't done that haven't mastered the coursework for that so what they're pushing here and I think 12 states already do it. Is that they are coming up with the idea that you need to take a mandatory proficiency exam once you finish high school it's an exit exam so you do all your work you get your grades and then they give you a test and at the end of your you know senior year if you pass the test you graduate if you don't I don't know I think you have to keep taking it over and over again until you pass it maybe there's a refresher courses or anything like something along those lines where they if you fail it you have to get through but this would be a way to ensure that kids would actually learn what they're supposed to be learning a lot of people a problem this is essentially a standardized test as what it is I mean I'm going to central to what it is standardized standardized test and a lot of people have problems with standardized tests because I guess the thinking is that at least the argument the whiny argument that I've always heard about it is that when the teaching to teaching to the test and my answer to that especially when in the academic proficiency exam to get a high school exit exam my answer to that is so I mean think about it it's an academic proficiency exam to figure out whether or not you've learned what you're supposed to know in order to graduate high school what's wrong with teaching to that. Let's one with teaching kids what they're supposed to know in order to get out of high school I've never understood that argument and there's some other thing that we're supposed to be teaching kids and people get really excited about high school so it's just you know your your mind is they're just clay and you need to mold them and but if you're supposed in the know how to do reading writing arithmetic and they teach you reading writing and arithmetic if you're supposed to know long division geometry and they teach you long division and geometry men just throwing things out there I don't know I couldn't pass it now for. I can't I have a 9 year old is in the 4th grade and they have F. Cked up. And so badly in this country I'll yes for help with homework and I'll sit down and I'll say OK you know you do this with ADD this and this is no no no 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 4 anymore 2 plus 2 equals one plus one plus 2 which equals one plus one plus one plus one which equals then 4 and you did and you've got to do all the you've you've got to show the steps it's mostly the Common Core nonsense they get you have to show the steps to everything and I just look at that and I go I can't do this not true I can do 4th grade math right I can do 4th grade math the way they taught me 4th grade math in the 4th grade I can't do 4th grade math the way they're teaching my son to do 4th grade math so I always have to look at it and go. Pal daddy's dumb and mommy will be home soon and Mommy knows how to do this stuff so here's what we had given coloring if you remember when you see Count sailboats is there any of that going on now OK let's go watch a little T.V. . Go watch some Sam and Cat something like that before and then when Mom comes home will will will go over the the steps for 2 plus 2 because I just look at that and I think for I never once in my entire life had to show how I got 4 and if anybody ask me and say well you take 2 and you put 2 with it and you count your fingers that's 4 why is that we all know this why is that a what we all know what the answer is Why do I have to explain it to you in great detail this isn't philosophy in theory this is 2 plus 2 is 4 but that's what the about that's what they do know so my point being that when you get into high school they teach you how to do these things you need to learn how to do them then there's a specific way I guess they want you to be able to do them and it would be better to know that kids knew how to do it once they got out of high school I school diploma isn't worth anything if you're an idiot high school diploma doesn't do a damn bit of good if you walk into the you know the big Porton job interview at Wendy's and you know you can't make change and you can't figure out how to work the fry machine all very self-explanatory This is why you're all getting taken over by machines by the way but the other argument against it the critics against this and I know I don't understand this one either they say that an exit exam now mind you again an exit exam is just showing that you know what you learned is just showing that you actually comprehend what you learned right now we passed the bar. Like that it just shows we taught you this you got the grades in this and now we want you to be able to show that you can actually do the stuff that you got the grades for but for some reason critics say it would disproportionately hurt low income students and minorities who are more likely to drop out if they fail. They you have understand they've already gotten to this point they're already a senior in high school. Which means theoretically unless the schools are lying. Unless the schools are cheating and doctoring the books they already are pro fish in this stuff because they've made it to literally the very end of the senior year they are literally standing at the door to walk outside so if you're a minority and you're poor and you've gotten to that point I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around why you can't now write that stuff down why you can't be tested on that would you have already passed you have already gotten a passing grade and how does that disproportionately hurt you it disproportionately hurt you when you're a senior right on the cusp of graduation then it disproportionately hurt you when you're a freshman entering high school and again if that's the case that means that the schools are lying that means that the schools are lying and socially promoting kids and aren't doing the job for which they are receiving excessive amounts of money to do and teachers wonder why we won't give them raises because you're you know promoting idiots I know that comes from the top down and all that the come of the teachers but still more and walking out there but what this would do is it would force people now you're always Anytime you change anything with education you're going to lose a generation. Of what is yet socially promote these idiots go there it drooling all over themselves graduation ceremonies the schools have to be just hectic at best because nobody can figure out a walk in a straight line they're walking all over hell reaching their hands like the walking dead of a graduation ceremony just meandering about waiting for somebody in a piece of paper so they can go home that's what the graduation ceremonies have to be like but in order to get to a point where everybody is in fact pro fishing in what they've learned and a high school diploma actually means something. That means you're going to have to sacrifice because the kids who are being screwed over right now is nothing to do about you can't say they let you know they were going to accomplish anything any Nobody ever likes to hear that you think she didn't you can't see that about the children unfortunately OK these are kids who are going to you know the biggest hope in their life is that they get honored with employee of the month Burger King and get the part closer that for a month that's that's the biggest hope they had they go into a world of fast food where there's machines that tell them how to do everything and make change this was it for a high school diploma to mean something we have to make it mean something and in order to make it mean something we're going to have to just brush aside the kids that were there to begin with don't worry they'll work again somebody has to hand me my chicken. Again to reach in and grab a mice and they hate it when they do that so somebody has to do that so there's always going to be something for them to do but in order for us to actually make a high school diploma means something we're going to have to sacrifice a generation so if they wanted to say hey we're going to have an exit exam I'm 100 percent with that I like my daughter is about to graduate high school senior in high school a 4th grader can do any other homework. But my daughter is about to graduate high school I would never be problem of all when I'm testing or and making sure that she can move on to the next level because if she can't she doesn't benefit at all she accomplishes nothing and she gets nothing and that means she peaked when she was 14 I want better for my kid I would hope everybody would want better for their kids I mean 443442423 is the number that's it for for Dig Chad coming up why I have and I'm sure you've all been wondering why I have a huge amount of respect for none other than Matt Damon Will Hunting himself we'll talk about that coming up my name is K.C. Bartholomew and you're listening to the chad Benson show. Much like finding the right home for your family you want to find the right heating and air conditioning system for your comfort Here's Andy Solomon with some H. 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Don't break down in the middle of nowhere and you need to make them breakfast you know I mean just to maybe I'm playing like a board game with me or to just stay home and play some video games with me just to do like that one little thing is what I really look forward to I'm not asking him to be a perfect that but he should try and he's just. A constant. There's no undertake of love like that's love because it's not comparable to anything else take time to be a dad today call 8774 Dad 411 or visit fatherhood dot gov brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Ad Council. There's a lot of fear in coming back to school I wasn't sure if I could do it I'm a 40 year old man that walked in there to get his high school diploma it was very hard for me but the teachers the counselors they help you one of the teachers was a mysterious Sally Mr Sally she gave me direction every single time out of question whatever she's doing she'll come over and just sit there with you till you get it thank you Mr Sally and know you make a difference in people's lives because a person a teacher I want to be here because I want to thank you for helping you get a piece of this 50 percent of getting your high school diploma is walking through those doors the other 50 percent is doing we're getting your high school diploma it is a life changing experience it really is find free adult education classes near you and finish your diploma dot org. Serving up talk radio medium rare and ensure a thing with irony it's Chad then said. I think you did into the chat Benson show My name is Casey Bartholomew and then day you may call 844-344-2423 that's it for 4 dig Chad coming up later on this hour we're going to talk to you about an aggressive high school basketball coach remember we cannot under any circumstances hurt the delicate little sensibilities of the children who are playing sports he's was hugely successful he's been replaced because gosh darn it he was too aggressive is what the parents are saying. Meaning that the parents want their kids all the play center and be the next Michael Jordan that kind of stuff and and they probably didn't like it that the coach was was too honest with them about their basketball skills so shall we say we will talk about that that's going to come up later on I have a newfound respect for Matt Damon I just did a big demon I was so far as to say I never respected Matt Damon but I will tell you that I didn't ever go out of my way to think about Matt Damon I guess would be the way to do it but you remember when Trump was elected or before Trump was elected. He was going to move Lena Dunham was going to move to Canada Baldwin was going to move to Australia average of everybody was going to I wonder why do they all choose Australia by the way they've got house spiders in Australia how spiders there is because you're full now they live with out on Australia and that's perfectly fine and they're all good super terrific in America will have that and I don't want to live there where they have that they also have something called a bird eating spider that catches birds in the tree just in the neighborhood just in the trees and they're going to decide that maybe they're done with bird and they want to try human and I want to be there anyway Matt Damon of all the celebrities is actually moving his family to Australia in part because the liberal star is fed up with President Trump good for him I've said the since any Republicans they always do this when they did the same thing when George W. Bush ran they always do that he as if the country. As if we're all going to get in the voting booth and go for I want to vote that but. I just don't want to lose Alec Baldwin what's going to happen if I lose Alec Baldwin and then what then what is my life you know if that makes the decision but they're always threatening to one finally did it show some stones good for him Damon who's 47 reportedly has purchased a property in Byron Bay New South Wales the homes next door to a placed owned by Thor himself Chris Hemsworth A source says that Matt's telling friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he's moving the family to Australia because the activist actor activist What is he activist or does he do shows how closely I pay attention actors as Matt Damon activists about based on a researcher and he should start getting activists about making better movies but either way anyway he's moving his family to Australia because he disagrees with Trump's policies the president frequently but it had with liberal Hollywood A listers including Meryl Streep The source added Matt saying the move will not impact his work because you know we have airplanes now in fly wherever they need to be. And he will travel to wherever his projects are shooting is also telling friends that he wants to have a safe place to raise his kids as 4 children of his wife Barroso. But. Probably waiting for some of the controversy to die down to also have a problem because he was tight with the Harvey Weinstein. And we all know what he did but either way or is alleged to have done whatever you want to say but either way finally we have a celebrity who stood by and that made the decision to to actually leave the country while I think Matt Damon you know it's stupid to leave the country you see when that happens what you're supposed to do is hang around and fight the policies you don't like and try to get them changed you don't leave and cry until somebody better gets elected but that's just me right coming up we are going to talk to you about an aggressive coach who's out of business my name is Casey Bartholomew and you are listening to the chad Benson show. 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C.B.S. News Update the F.B.I.'s former number 2 man is out fired by the attorney general after an internal report said he hadn't been candid during an investigation into the bureau's handling of the Hillary Clinton e-mail probe C.B.S. Poll the read this by spending much of the day Thursday trying to keep his job Andrew Mackay was fired after F.B.I. Ethics officials recommended his dismissal his firing also comes before the release of an inspector general's report that is expected to show McCabe share information with the media about the F.B.I.'s investigation into the Clinton Foundation the cable was fired just 2 days before his planned retirement from the F.B.I. C.B.S. Pat Milton spoke with him last night I think he did that for the family and for himself he did sound very assertive and it was just minutes after he had learned from reporters that he had been fired C.B.S. News Update on Peter King the chaos the weather forecast for the encouraging area overnight lingering evening rain showers tapering off to mostly cloudy skies and lows in the lower thirty's Saturday mostly sunny and highs in the mid thirty's center the night skies become mostly cloudy lows in the upper twenty's for Sunday a few spotty snow showers mixing with rain at times and highs in the middle thirty's. You. Are at the Dodge driving discover event Dodge is a registered trademark of that's the U.S. L.L.C. . For. Independent in thoughts and punk rock in life it's the John Benson show. And thanks for tuning in to the chat Benson show My Name is K.C. Bartholomew I'm sitting in Jamaica only 443442423 that they dig Shad coming up you try that blue apron stuff they send a very small amount of food to your house with very specific instructions on how to cook it and then you eat it and then you're still hungry afterwards because they don't said you very much my wife tried it and I like it I also didn't think it was very good to be anyway there it was this grand idea where everybody did nobody wanted to go shopping anymore busy and all this kind of stuff and they're being forced to change the way they do things we'll talk about that they're like those services where they send you stuff where you would ordinarily have to go out into you know the public I like to go out and see people I don't know maybe it's just me but we'll talk about that right now more and more you know if you have anything to do with a youth sports league especially you couldn't pay me enough to be a coach in a you sports league or a few years ago my son was playing T. Ball right now it's right there in the name right it's T. Ball the ball is placed on a T. . And then you stand back and then they hit the ball and you know everything goes great when I was a friend of the coaches and I was just sitting there next to him talking to him you know the practice was going on the kids are just going to goof around and this one dad comes up and he goes Hey coach you got a 2nd you know he said listen. I was wondering if Davy could you know could be the you know could be the pitcher and he looks over at me he goes Well you know it's T. Ball we don't. Have pitchers it's just a tee ball no no no no no I understand that I understand but there was somebody in the pitchers position. Because they still filled the field as it worse so they would have you people stand where the pitcher would stand even though he wasn't throwing the ball and everybody rotated in and out but he said you know if you can just stand there you know there's the position at the pitcher's mound when everything's going on and the coach said Well kind of the rules are that everybody plays for a certain period of time and they all shift around that way everybody gets the gets to go there is a no no no I understand but you know I really want him to really focus on pitching and I think the more he gets to stand there and be on the mound the more he'll you know he'll really like it be willing to do it so you know if there's anybody who wants to skip a turn or anything like that you know I'll talk to some of the other kids too but if there's anybody wants to skip a turn if you could put him there than that that would be great then Dave going to make a great pitcher one day and I really think that you know and but the kids are like 5 you know they can't hold the baseball yet very well I mean anybody throwing the ball it didn't get very far but this guy desperately wanted this kid to be a pitcher and his pathway to doing that was to have the kid stand on the pitcher's mound in T. Ball and so I mean you just can't deal with parents well in you a city which is in northern California they had a team called the honkers. When the hungers hit the hard court this next season the basketball team they'll be doing it with a different coach the district has cut ties with the decorated it Yuba City High School boys varsity coach mammo rough week. Who once led the Afghan national basketball team who knew Afghanistan known for its poppy seeds and high school basketball has many way he's run the 1440 Basketball Academy in Yuba City for years despite a long list of accomplishments to his credit Some parents say. That he's just a little too aggressive. That sometimes you know he tells the boys that they're very good and they need to hear that they're good. They need to hear only positive things so they you know said that this guy needs to get out of there and enough of them complained that even though this guy had a long list of accomplishments and was hugely successful they cut him loose and they got rid of him because he wasn't as nice as he could have been. And this is a kind of a thing that you're seeing all over the place the parents only want their kids you know that every parent in this day and age I didn't I'm not terribly athletic right I can I can play softball with fat drunk guys on the weekend and excel because I am neither fat nor do I drink but I can do that beyond that my athletic skills are questionable at best my son when he was on the team he liked to stand there but he was mostly watching other things and he's he was very good at baseball football was it was also an issue like basketball but you know lose interest he does taekwondo he likes that he likes to fight not like mean fight and he just likes to copy the guys he sees on T.V. So that's not so he found his path and that's great but the way I never went up to the coach and said hey lick you know listen can we put him at the pitcher's mound so anything like that but more and more parents are starting to do that because almost every parent let's put it this way thinks that their kid is moments away moments away from signing a 7 figure contract with the New York Yankees but it's like all all they need is that little push in the right direction and God or big god for bid anybody. Allow any little snowflake anywhere in this country to think that they might not be the next Derek Jeter God for big you do that because it's that we've convinced ourselves that it's that one little comment that could keep our children from moving on to the next level and if you crush them now what you're not you're not only crushing a child's dreams you're causing havoc on a parent full retirement plan. That involves their big signing bonus when they get out of school but that was apparently the idea here One father said he was intimidating to my son and. This is harsh. Apparently he would use. How can I say this on the radio salty language so he's saying. He would use foul language do during the you know during the practices when the kids were you know during the camps when the kids were getting ready words that kids apparently never hear I don't know. When I was 9 I was on a Little League team in Southern California called the Indians and I was not doing something right. I was the 2nd baseman doesn't mean that I was good it means because I couldn't make the throw to 1st from anyplace else so they put me at 2nd because I had a weak arm but I wasn't getting down on the ball the ball kept getting real through and my coach walked up to me and in the in front of everybody he said and I'm going to have to edit this you stupid. Why don't you get your a down on the bleep in ball and try to catch it with your bleeping glove use stupid S.O.B. Any use of the word I was 9. And used all the words and by the way it wasn't unusual. And out of the realm of possibility that other coaches were doing that and I kind of had that all the way through my little league career which ended tragically when I was 13 after I went and determined that I was no good at baseball and decided that my talents would be better served other places so I stopped playing but that was not out of the realm of possibility now you can have that so leads me to wonder if this guy was really such a bad basketball coach because of the impression we're supposed to get horrible evil nasty human being oh my God he used foul language Gads. Kids playing video games where they have sex with hookers and cars and kill them. But the basketball coach to use a 4 letter word otherwise all hell will break literally break live but that's the way you know that's the way the minds it is right now and you know like I said it's all about what it come you know what the future might hold for their precious little snowflake in that if he gets discouraged now then he won't be you know he won't be he won't have the drive shall we say to go for the problem with that is that at some point we all have to learn and when I say all busy I mean 99.9 percent of us I don't care if you're a boy or a girl that sport that your parents probably signed you up for that sport that activity whatever it is that you're trying to play at some point somebody has to pull you aside and tell you you suck. At some point somebody has to pull you aside and say you really shouldn't be doing this you know where you would be better you see where all the moms are sitting and every so often they clap that's where we need to see you we need more clapping Why don't you go be the designated Clapper over there and you'll do you know and you'll do that now I don't necessarily have to do that when you're 9 you know 10 years old but you know you get out a little league and you get into the high school arena which is where this was Yuba City High School. You know. If you're there and you suck if you are very good in the whatever euphemism you want to use if you have a lesser skills than somebody else or if your talents translate better into something else I don't whatever you need to hear you're in the way there are guys that level who may be going on to the next level and by the way the guys who are really great in high school might go on to the next level in college and the coach is going to say you. You're not good enough to be here because all the college kids are there and they're all good too that's why it is a minute amount of human beings that actually make it as a professional athlete now you may enjoy it and that's perfectly fine but this idea that you know kids can't hear a negative comment or can't hear foul language or they might get discouraged along the way is just kind of silly. Is really you know what the coach is doing if you really stop and think about it they're saving you money they're saving you a whole bunch of money a boatload of money if your kid is 8 and they're playing baseball and they can't catch or throw and the next year they can't catch or throw and then the you know the trial continues by the way that with Milo that was my existence right there as my life story then at some point the coach has to say you're not very good. You're lousy at this particular sport you may be able to do another sport well but this sport not so much some point you have to be told otherwise you're going to keep spending money and getting lessons and buying equipment and you know putting you know or funding this exercise in futility and there's no reason to keep going forward doing that so they fired this guy because essentially he was hurting kids feelings and it goes on to a grander point where you know it really is OK to her kids feelings it really is OK It teaches them how to deal with negativity later on this is why you have those helicopter parents who are literally in this day and age calling a kid's place of work and by kid I mean adult at this point working in the in the actual real world calling their place of work and complaining because their son is getting criticized heard the stories we know it happens that's where the helicopter parent the term came from. 443442423 is the number that's a 4 for Dig Chad My name is Casey Bartholomew talking about blue apron coming up you're listening to the chad Benson show. Freedom doesn't start in the White House it starts in your house here's Helen Krieble when Josh Spencer opened his business in Los Angeles he called it the last book store because so many others have gone out of business in this digital age but in L.A. 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No word in English language is less convincing than probably are you sure we should get actually tattoos on our 1st tee shirt but. I think probably. It's been 23 minutes since I ate. Probably swear you should wait 30 minutes and move on tell me what to do. 2 I have a cramp. I can probably hit the green from the inner probably. Can I get a mulligan. Going to get it are you sure you're OK to drive. Pretty sober Yeah I'm probably OK. Probably OK isn't OK especially when it comes to drinking and driving if you're drinking call a cab a car or a friend Buzz driving is drunk driving a message brought to you by nits and Ad Council one in 3 adults in America have pre-diabetes but most don't know it to let people know it can be reversed before it becomes type 2 diabetes professional basketball player Julius Randle is doing everything in reverse I'm only don't think with reverse one Mills. I drove the whole way to practice some reverse. I don't recommend. This move called a reverse shuffle. 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Many factors that affect the economy but they're the big one business owners often nobody really childhood education research shows that for every dollar invested in a child's success early on we face many more down the road with lower crime you were single parent and higher individual earnings and education levels all that translate into a stronger economy and an excellent return on investment this message is brought here by best beginning in partnership with K F Kitty money from K F A Q What's the worst starting next Monday June in Week days to catch the keywords to join them 11 am 2 pm and 5 pm We'll tell you what we're text that word to the number 67760 your name goes into the drawing for the Mr Bush brought to you by sheet I spine and defend you is 1037 trails Judy this is enough of your company want texting contest must be treated like such a great supply has a K. Of recent details. Giving the 1st Amendment's run for its money this is the chad Benson shell. And thanks for tuning in to the Jeff Benson show My name is Casey Bartholomew I'm sitting today get a call in 443442423 that's a 4 for Dig share your do the a blue apron stuff I don't like those things I don't know why I like to if I'm going to buy food I like to go to the store like to buy food I like to figure out what I'm going to cook I can't cook so it's an issue for me but my mother in law fell in love with blue apron and she signed up for it oh my gosh this is great and what happens is they send you a box of food and the story places and then you cook it and then after you cook and eat it you're still hungry that's Louis. Some people really like that but they don't send you a whole lot of food they said no they send you what's probably a normal human amount of food but you know in this country we don't eat like that and the less food they send you the more money theoretically they make what blue apron and she did it for us once she sent it over to us one time my wife and I she bought us like I don't know like the minimum subscription you could buy one of those a week or what we had this bunch of food and we didn't know about it either it's typical of my mother while we don't know what the hell was going on so we had this box and then I had to find places to put stuff and know what it was and I'm a very picky eater and I don't like anything at all so I would only eat certain things and then my wife cooked it one night and one very good and my wife is a good cook and then we cooked it another night and it wasn't very good again and then the next night I refused. And Captain Crunch that night. But the and that's I think another thing about it is that it has these very detailed instructions and you're supposed to get it and you know play music and dance and be happy and cook together and it's all that kind of stuff but you're you know you're a tragic actually cook with somebody like they do on T.V. Shows you usually in the in the way and it's better to. Her do it you know Anyway the meal start up a blue apron that one point was shipping meals to more than $1000000.00 monthly subscribers will begin selling its products and brick and mortar grocery stores after slacking sign ups have slowed the business so really blue apron is going to start doing nothing they're just going to start selling I guess the boxes in grocery stores well who wants to buy that if I at the grocery store it's probably cheaper and I'll get more food that tastes better if I go but if I'm in the grocery store and I go start buying the stuff myself. You know little tiny steak or a big stick I'm a big steak man. And I'll go buy my own big steak and then you know I'll put on it what I want I don't have to follow the ridiculous blue apron instructions overcomplicate cooking I got me a George Foreman grill. I want to make a steak apply fire up the foreman the set. It didn't sound sad in my head to say it out loud it's down set and I'll heat the Foreman grill up and I'll put it there and I'll cook it for like 9 minutes and then I got me a steak you can buy Ben's rice that you can cook right in the bag for a minute while this really does something about it and I'm married it's sad but either way if I'm in a store why am I going to buy a blue apron prepared meal when I can just buy my own meal doesn't make any sense this is they had an interview with The Wall Street Journal blue apron C.E.O. Brad Dickerson announced the change saying that the company wanted to access the broader customer base that stores can reach what he's really trying to say is not enough people were subscribing and we were going to go out of business so we decided to give a last ditch effort to try to save our sorry asses because when you make blue apron at home like I said to me it didn't taste very good and you didn't get very much food I was tired of eating only 2 meals I was tired of eating dinner finishing dinner there was a very good and then making myself something to eat because I was still hungry blue apron had remained steadfast in its subscription only model even as the meal kit market became more crowded Amazon has been doing it their fresh program through Whole Foods Wal-Mart has been doing it and the Walmart food action up about it anyway they say independent surveys have shown that some consumers are turned off by the expense and commitment of meal kit subscriptions that's another thing too they send it to you and you have it and you have to make it whether you feel like it or not. Because it's in there and you've paid an excessive amount of money for it and the myth is that oh we're going to be gourmet food we're going to eat healthy it's going to be fantastic a little have another you know Side know where we'll be cooking together in the kitchen and be fantastic renew our passion for each other and all that kind of stuff and it's not the way it happens it's usually like I said annoying it doesn't taste very good now I will allow for this before anybody wonders you know or just goes bend over backwards to defend blue apron I hate everything. I'm not a big food guy I have a very limited palate so a lot of the stuff that Cain with blue apron. That you could cook and that might have added more flavor and texture to the food I don't like so I couldn't do it so I just you know like you have a bowl cereal one of the things said and done so blue apron is now going to be available in stores at some point because it failed the other way that's that's just the way it was this is the sad reality but that's what blue apron has come to write my name is Casey Bartholomew and this is the chad Benson show. This is the challenge Benson show. For the other 99.9 percent of you out there we can help from March 21st to get a $60.00 reward card after submission with purchase of 4 new passenger car like truck tires. Tires mufflers city in break down down. To Clark Howard Show last place to talk your 3 times more likely to download a virus to your phone than you would be to your desktop or your laptop you may click on an email without realizing it. Criminals are aware how much time we now spend on our phones and they're targeting us right they are so you need to be careful with your smartphone as you are with a traditional computer. 7. Years of silence is. This. The hour. 3 and. I'm Peter King Attorney General Jeff Sessions is fired the F.B.I.'s former number 2 man Andrew McCabe saying he was less than forthcoming during internal investigations involving Hillary Clinton but caves reaction from C.B.S. As Paula read McCabe said in his statement the inspector general's report was fast tracked after he told the House Intelligence Committee he would corroborate Komi the count of conversations he had with the president called me as testified Mr Trump asked if you would and investigation a former national security advisor Michael Flynn McCabe was supposed to retire tomorrow will he lose his pension C.B.S. News Senior Legal Analyst Andrew Cohen a history of the F.B.I. Is filled with instances where agents who engage in far more dangerous and damaging activity than the cape is alleged to have done kept their pensions the Whitey Bulger case in Massachusetts comes to mind so the idea from the trunk administration that this result was inevitable is simply not true in the president's personal attorney says porn star Stormy Daniels could be on the hook for $20000000.00 for violating a non-disclosure agreement 20 times Daniels wants to talk publicly about her alleged affair with Mr Trump more than a decade ago days after Great Britain expelled Russian diplomats Russia's thrown 23 Brits out of Moscow after the alleged a Russian poisoning of a former spy and his daughter in England correspondent Elizabeth Palmer the Russian embassy in London and the British Embassy in Moscow will both have have their diplomatic staffs almost halved and this is at a time when relations are getting worse and diplomats will be needed more than ever to defuse what's already a very tense and potentially dangerous situation Florida International University says engineers met Thursday morning to discuss cracks found of the pedestrian bridge that collapsed later that day they concluded they weren't a safety concern they were also the subject of an engineer's voicemail left for the state D.O.T. 2 days earlier taking a look at it and. Or pairs or whatever will have to be done but from a safety perspective we don't see that there's any issue there so we're not concerned about it from that perspective although obviously to cracking is not good and something's going to have to be. You know under repair that it may be the greatest upset ever in the N.C.A.A. Men's Basketball Tournament W J Z T V's George solace was with fans in Baltimore everyone's been exiled those who are working March Madness history can barely read like you barely breathe my goddamn words like you have words for I've read this right now the showdown in the south is the University of Maryland Baltimore County Men's basketball team took down number one super genius that's never been accomplished this is C.B.S. News learning where your D.N.A. Comes from with 23 M.B. Dot com might inspire you to explore your connection to the world get reports on Ancestry health traits and more at 23 and be dot com Have you ever thought about saying goodbye to your job just walking into your boss and saying I quit and how would you like to.


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