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Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now At 5pm 20100824

raped. investigators believe the suspect snuck in. it was 4:15 in the morning. relatives of other residents are now worried. >> for us, it's very sad to know she lives here and somebody make this type of incident. >> back in june, investigators say a 68-year-old woman who lives across the street was sexually assaulted. when a man entered her first floor apartment through an unlocked window or sliding glass door. she was also asleep. itst 3:20 a.m. police released this sketch of her attacker and now believes the same man could be responsible for both crimes. >> i haven't really seen any change or lights in the parking lot. >> this resident is so fearful, she didn't want to be identified and tells us she rarely goes outdoors. others have added locks to their apartment doors, even a second peephole. ever since management posted this sign after the june attack. over at churchill -- >> visitors complain about a broken security system, but when we try to ask management about it -- >> sorry guys. >> they call police. >> sky 9 was over the scene where a woman's burned body was found in a wooded area in leesburg. police have been at the scene for 24 hours. lindsay is live at the sheriff's office where new information just came out. lindsey. >> that's right, police are treating this as a homicide, but sheriff steven just released the name of the victim. it's cornelia arnold. her family is working with his officers and they even searched the home with a warrant. but right now they do not know who is responsible for her death. >> this is the burned out shed talked about a mile into the woods. when fire crews arrived in the neighborhood, the smoke was gone. eventually, police officers drove down a narrow back road and discovered the body. >> what appeared to be some physical injuries prior to the fire. >> sheriff simpson says the body was found just outside the shed. >> those are always issues and that's a lot of times why people will set fires. it certainly makes it a little more difficult. some things can be destroyed. some things may have had fingerprints on them. >> fire was called into dispatch at 5:47. 40 minutes before that, leesburg police say someone called them to ask about filing a missing persons report. the report was never filed. neighbors are already fearing the worst. >> well yeah, i mean because it could have been any of us. i don't know. it's creepy that someone got killed close to us. >> josh says he is shocked. >> my friends and i go fishing at the river. we go swimming. we do a bunch of stuff back there. it's scary to know that someone could have gotten killed back there. >> they performed an autopsy this morn, but unable to find out exactly how she died. they don't know whether she was killed before the fire or in the fire. the sheriff isn't sure if this is an isolated incident. anyone who goes into those woods need to take some extra care. reporting live, i'm lindsey, 9news now. thanks for the update. >> a 41-year-old northern virginia man facing child pornography charges. police arrested joshua of mcclane after investigators linked him to a series of online exchanges with a 15-year- old run away from centerville. neighbors are shocked. >> they have always been extremely nice. the kids play with their children and it's really hard to believe. >> detectives believe she met the woman in person and took pictures of her and transmitted them electronically. police are searching for a peeping tom in the college park area. he was spotted around 9:00 sunday morning in the 4500 block right off route 1. a woman living there saw a man looking in her window while she was in the bathroom. police are reminding residents to close your drapes and blinds while changing clothes or bathing. power problems stopped trains for more than an hour this morning. train officials say low voltage troubles between philadelphia and harrisburg, pennsylvania, forcedamtrak to suspend service. passengers here at dc's union station were noticeably frustrated. >> one guy jumped off the train and another one was trying to open up the window and got raided by the conductor for opening up the emergency exit. but i felt okay. like i said, i'm stuffy. >> mark train service was affected as was new jersey transit and philadelphia's train. amtrak says delays lasted pretty much all morning long. and power outages have been a major problem. coming up on 9news now at 7:00, i'll be joined live in studio by pepco's regional president and we'll try to hold his feet to the fire a bit about what has been a rough summer for the utility and more importantly, for its customers. let's get a check on the evening rush hour on tuesday night. petranya, how is it going? >> good evening. if you are leaving work right now and heading towards i-95, you'll be happy to know two earlier accidents. one in prince william parkway has now cleared, so traffic is moving. all lanes wide open. it will be slow. moving right along to 495, things are moving well towards university. you are going to start tracking brake lights, no major problems on 495. if you are heading up north on bw parkway, might be a better bet. right now congested on 95 northbound between powder mill and route 100. a scene of an earlier accident. and finally, on metro, a quick note for you the orange line. due to problems at rocklin, expect delays. other than that, the rails are looking good. the dc region's longest serving superintendent is leaving at the end of the school year. dr. jerry wees weast of montgomery county made the announcement. >> i have been doing this for a long time. when my communications director was hired this year. i was thinking, i started teaching when he and michelle were born. >> he has been montgomery superintendent going on 12 years now and he leaves with the highest graduation rate among the nation's largest school districts. so, with dr. weast on the way out, scott broome takes a look back and writes up a report card. >> superintendent jerry weast looks back on what will be 12 years in montgomery county with pride. highlights of weast montgomery county score card read like this. a graduation rate of 83%. first among the nation's largest school districts. on the other end, 90% of kindergarteners hitting goals and new records, the highest ever sat scores for college bound students, record numbers of 5th and 8th graders performing higher level math and record amounts of scholarships awarded to students. all this with an increasing population of students who don't speak english or in poverty. >> with all of that and going through 9/11, 21 days of sniper, anthrax, two of the biggest snowstorms that ever hit in the county, electricity going off. we still raised scores. >> but it all costs more than it should have according to local critics. >> i think education is in trouble right now. >> special education services have left many behind and elizabeth is among parent watchdogs who relentless documented weast's spending on travel, public relations, and marketing. they criticize him for seeking grants to pay administrators for writing a curriculum in partnership with a consultant. the for profit firm has bought the rights from the county to market the curriculum nationwide in a no bid contract. >> when the focus becomes more about selling the brand and less focus on the kids, i think something gets lost. >> so not unexpectedly, weast leaves with a report card. it's a record card he has no problem defending. in rockville, scott broome, 9news now. and weast has no firm plans for what's next, he envisions himself in the nonprofit world. his retirement announcement comes on the same day dc and maryland were selected winners as the race to the top nomination. improve schools and close the achievement gap. the other states sharing the $3.4 billion grant are florida, georgia, hawaii, massachusetts, new york, north carolina, ohio, and rhode island. maryland's is worth up to $250 million. dc's, $75 million. the nation's education secretary joined mayor adrian fenty and dc public school chancellor, michelle reid on a walk to school this morning in southwest. the walking school bus initiative promotes safe, healthy lifestyles as well as welcoming the kids back to school. >> most important thing that parents think about as they make the decision to send their children to dc schools every day is they are facing security and that is both inside the building for when they are in class, but also on their way to and from school every morning. >> students also involved in making it a safe walk, several of them are on safety patrol at intersections near the school. >> still ahead on 9news now, as university of virginia students head back to school. how the yeardley love murder changed life in the charlottesville campus for ever. the clouds kept temperatures in the 70s. look at this. 75 downtown. only 70 in gaithersburg and 73 in frederick. we'll come back. we'll talk about whether or not we'll see any rain for the nationals game tonight and the latest on hurricane danielle. it's primary day in five states and washington incumbents are making a comeback. i'm joe brown on capitol hill. the story coming up. kç1 voters in five states are headed to the polls for primary elections today and it's shaping up to be a good night for candidates backed by washington. joe brown joins us live from capitol hill to explain why that's a big change from some other recent primaries, joel. >> yeah, derek. primary season this far has been antiestablishment and antiwashington. but if the polls are right, it may be too early to count out the incumbents. tuesday's biggest primary races could prove being a washington insider still has its advantages. in arizona, the tea party hoped to oust senator john mccain, but the once self-described maverick ditched his campaign, and looks poised to beat his opponent, j.d. hayward. >> if you spend the money and work hard at it, you can survive. >> this year, many candidates used the strategy of distancing themselves from the washington establishment. but the insider label may not hurt alaska republican, lisa merkowsky. joe miller is trailing in the polls, even though he has the backing of sarah palin. >> come november, majorities in the house and senate will be up for grabs. tuesday leaders from both parties made the case for why theirs could be the one in control. >> it's time to put grownups in charge. it's time for people willing to accept the responsibility. >> for those good old days, but the american people are not. they don't want to go back. they want to move forward. >> president obama made his case on a coast to coast campaign swing last week supporting democrats in tough fights. but how much that support will help remains to be seen. a new poll released on primary day shows 52% of americans disapprove of the job he's doing. that's the lowest approval rating he's had since taking office. voter dissatisfaction with the economy is the ultimate election factor and as the party in power, democrats may suffer the most. derek. joel brown, thank you. >> the u.s. military says the number of american troops in iraq has now fallen below the 50,000 mark mandated by president barack obama. it is the lowest troop level in iraq since the 2003 u.s. led invasion and comes ahead of the august 31 deadline set by the president. under this plan, the u.s. forces in iraq will no longer conduct what are described as combat operations. they will concentrate on training iraqi forces. the agriculture department official who was forced out during a racial fire storm last month will not accept an invitation to come back to full- time work at the say general si. >> new processes in place and i hope that it works. i don't want to be the one to test it. so you know, i think there is -- i think i can be helpful to him and the department if i just take a little break and look at how i can be more helpful in the future. >> agriculture secretary, tom vilsack says shirley sherrod agreed to work in a consulting capacity to help usda improve its civil rights performance. she was forced out early this year when an excerpt by a speech showed her being insensitive. and there is breaking news out of california. this is a live picture of a wild fire just broken out in kern county right near bakersfield. the evacuations have been ordered for 200 homes, actually -- okay we lost that picture. this is not a wild fire, but out there where the wild fire is going on, temperatures are 100 degrees now or more. almost no humidity, so the fire is expected to spread very quickly. it is the biggest thing to hit miami since lebron james. it's a 9-foot whale and this afternoon it's been swimming all around the luxury yacht at the miami beach marina. he is young, no sign of mama anywhere, though. the coast guard says it is possible this young whale has been injured by a boat propel propeller and experts will try to check it out. this is video shot today of the 3 to 4-foot long beast. just yesterday, an alligator hunter set traps hoping to capture the reptile. didn't work, though. the 2 1/2 foot gator was found in the same area two weeks ago. someone believes someone bought the alligators as pets and released them when they got too big. the question now, of course, is how much bigger will they get? what happens? >> not something you expect to see. >> of course when it gets cold this winter, you'll have a problem. >> yeah, probably won't adapt too well. all right, i thought it was a nice day. we had some clouds, a couple sprinkles. with temperatures in the 70s in august, i think that is downright nice. if you don't like that, derek, i have great stuff for you in the seven-day. here's your forecast. the next three days, warmer tomorrow, more breaks in the clouds. a slight chance of a shower. 85 on thursday. still a very pleasant day. a weak cold front goes through and it may spawn a shower, but not much and look at friday. just great. sunshine, 81. derek, you get your stamp of approval. that's going to be a spectacular day. you break down tomorrow for you. 68, maybe a shower to start. 75 by lunchtime and 79 by evening. again, more breaks in the clouds and consequently warmer. now it may not look like a great night for baseball, but it is. mostly cloudy and comfortable. cubs were at the nationals. temperatures in the 70s across the board. winds out of the north at 10. look at the temperatures, still 73 downtown. 73 in college park. low 70s in beltsville. only 71 in rockville. and 74 in fairfax. now for tonight, we're going to keep it mostly cloudy and cool. a few showers possible. i wouldn't change your plan. low temperatures in the 60s and winds out of the north at 10. lows tonight, downtown we are talking mid to upper 60s. 66 downtown. 64 in college park and in bowie. 63 in rockville as you go up 270. and low 60s out toward leesburg and sterling. so a very comfortable night. now tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy and cool. a slight chance of a shower. we have to keep it in. temperatures in the 60s and 70s. winds turn northwesterly and by afternoon, mostly cloudy and still cool. slight chance of a shower. high 75 to 80. winds turn again out of the southwest at 10. that will help us break up some of these clouds and get rid of marine layers. we'll see more sunshine tomorrow. satellite picture, radar combined. most of the showers confined to virginia to the west of i-81 corridor. we had a couple sprinkles, but that is about it. and that kept temperatures down. the latest on danielle, by the way, today is the 18th anniversary of hurricane andrew hitting south florida and there's more on our website at check on my blog. it looks like it's going to become a category 2. past to the east of bermuda. probably give them tropical storm forced winds, but east of bermuda, it's good news for us. bad news is there's a storm behind this one that might become more of a problem. next seven days, near 80 tomorrow. maybe a shower. then just feeling the word, great, spectacular. 90 on sunday. don't let the 90s scare you, it's going to be dry. it's going to be a beautiful, beautiful weekend and hanging around 90 monday and tuesday will not be a big deal. it is tuesday, isn't it? >> yes. best shot. >> i like flowers and stuff and steve did everything right. thank you, steve from arlington. this is right along the washington old dominion trail. >> it's beautiful. >> he did it right. i had to throw away a picture of cloud to cloud lightning. no name, no town. you want to submit something, go to our website, and submit your name and hometown. university of virginia students head back to class less than four months after the murder of yeardley love. >> a nine-year-old boy saves his two-year-old brother's life after learning cpr at a junior life guard class. you don't want to miss this. [ male announcer ] ziploc presents ziplogic. we throw out over $500 in food every year. help save more of it with ziploc freezer bags featuring the smartzip seal. edge-to-edge protection you can hear. get ziploc and get more out of it. [ female announcer ] sc johnson. a family company. [ madon't throw out ziplyour leftovers --gic. save more of them in a snap with ziploc containers with the smartsnap seal. one press and it's completely sealed. get ziploc. and get more out of it. [ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company. body rested. stress gone. mind sharp. because unisom gave you deep restful sleep all night. morning early birds. unisom. good night. good morning. we are going to go back to breaking news in california we were talking about. a live picture of the wild fire that has broken out in kern county. this is near bakersfield. you can see all the smoke there. the temperatures are over 100 degrees, low humidity. a bad combination for a wild fire. flames expected to spread quickly near bakersfield, california. the federal government recalling 380,000 pounds of deli meat. the usda says deli products in buffalo, new york, may be contaminated be listeria. they may be marketed and have used by dates ranging from august 20 to september 10, 2010. those products were also districted to a number of delis and processed into sandwiches. the housing market was even weaker than expected last month. the national association of realtors says sales of previously owned homes fell 27% to the lowest level since 1995. that report fuels concerns that the economy relapsed into recession despite mortgage rates. home sales tumbled since the tax credit expired. banks have also been very selective in who they loan money to. a 9-year-old boy from illinois is being called a hero for saving the life of his two- year-old brother. the boy's mother placed a frantic call to 911. >> come quickly. please, he's not breathing. what do i do? >> nine-year-old logan knew who to do. he learned cpr at a junior life guard class earlier this month. when logan noticed his mom was doing the chest compressions the wrong way, he took over. >> close his nose, tilt his head back and pumped his chest and i stopped and water was pouring out. >> wow. >> a small amount of food. >> thank god he was there. >> i was skiddish. a little skiddish, but went down and did it. >> what a composed kid. logan says he hopes to become a marine biologist when he grows up. coming up next new at 5:30. >> a school bus goes up in flames at the southeast apartments as children are being picked up. i'm alex, hear from residents and the latest on the fire investigation. looks like our competitors for the raid deathcathlon are rearin' to go. first a spray of hot shot for one team, and fast-killing raid for the other. and they're off! ( gunshot ) well half of them are. those hot shot bugs still showing some spunk. doing the cabinet climb, the sink swim, even the wall crawl. while the raid team is looking kind of... dead. uh-oh, this competition's over. ( spraying, pow ) ra-- ?! fast killing raid. kills bugs dead! s.c. johnson. a family company. right now, new at 5:30. as the university of virginia students return to school, thoughts of yeardley love tragedy are still fresh in their minds. a school bus with kids on board burst into flames in a dc neighborhood. >> and learn how the internet is making it easier to track down unclaimed money that just might belong to you. >> today marks the first day of fall classes at the university of virginia and the start of the new school year comes less than four months since george huguely was charged with murdering yeardley love. new at 5:30. wit johnson shows us how the killing changed the campus for ever. >> as students return to school, tragedy is fresh in their mind. >> it's going to be in the back of your mind. >> the body of uva lacrosse player, yeardley love was found in her apartment. students are required to take online training courses to combat domestic violence. uva is stepping up efforts to make students aware of campus resources and students must now disclose all prior arrests and convictions. love's accused killer, boyfriend, george huguely had previous run ins with the law that the university was unaware of. >> it's difficult to say that something positive can come out of the death of a young person. i think that certainly there is a greater awareness among students, educators, everyone about the need to be more vigilant. >> students like danielle mcgregor are taking it a step further. > back in the fall really ready to retain ownership of this community. >> i didn't want to get involved. so i did nothing. >> she and nearly 50 classmates launched the get grounded campaign. an effort to train thousands of students to be more responsible bystanders. last spring, no one reported a prior altercation between love and huguely. now revealed in court documents. it allegedly took place just before the 22-year-old was found dead. thanks to wit johnson. a hearing in the case is set for october 6. an unbelievable scene during the morning rush hour today. a dc public school bus up in flames while making its rounds picking up the kids. the children and everybody else on board did make it out safely, but as alex tells us, the residents are a bit shaken up over it. >> it was burnt to a crisp and i have never seen anything like that before. >> this public schools bus is destroyed after bursting into flames this morning. as the fire erupted, one thing went racing through loraine's mind. a handful of kids, parents, and a driver were on board. >> the passengers on the board and several adults and several children did evacuate safely prior to our arrival. no one was injured. >> the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> the investigators were called to the scene. an accidental fire, probably something mechanical. >> the engulfed school bus sent shock waves as residents could only watch, take pictures, and protect little ones. >> it is scary. >> the school bus was on fire. firefighters responded quickly. the problem many residents have seems barriers getting inside. so there was a bit of a challenge before they could put out the flames. >> kind of tight, right here. so they had to run with the hose all the way down. >> dc fire and ems crews were able to put out the fire in 15 minutes and for any parent, the most important end of the story is -- >> in southeast, alex, 9news now. >> we say it again, nobody hurt in that fire, but an investigation into what caused it is underway. work crews remain on the scene. the 6-inch main burst between norton road and elm wood driver. 35 homes in the area were without water for a time. repairs to the road are continuing. >> long island railroad commuters facing delays as the railroad worked to fix the damage. that electrical fire halted train service for four hours and disrupted the evening commute. officials say it could take several days to fix. >> a family inside their california home never knew what hit them. what hit them was a double tractor trailer. police say the brakes apparently failed. the driver lost control and the big rig slammed into the house. the driver just some cuts on his face, but inside that home, a man, woman, and child were killed. in northern china, a terrible plane crash, but there are survivors. dozens of them. we're told the plane over shot a runway, slammed into a field and burst into flames. the craft was carrying 100 people, but half of them have survived. 33 minors trapped deep underground in chile appear to be in good spirits. they sang their national anthem. a third is getting closer to completion. the rescuers have been supplying food, water, and medicine to the men through those holes who have been able to survive for 2 1/2 weeks on just two spoonfuls of tuna, a sip of milk, and a biscuit every 48 hours. a rescue tunnel is supposed to take months to reach them. los angeles is home to some of the biggest stars, the flashiest cash cars and the most expensive public school. the robert f. kennedy community school costs $578 million to build. the k through 12th grade school has a theater, a public park, a swimming pool, and other amenities for the 4200 students. it opens next month and built on the site of the ambassador hotel. that's where robert f. kennedy was assassinated in 1968. coming up next, a driver somehow survived this explosive crash on an ohio highway. and don't forget, we are always on at stay with us. we'll be right back. dentures are softer than teeth. and a lot of people, when they get a denture, they think the best way to clean it is by brushing it with toothpaste. toothpaste contains abrasives that scratch dentures, leaving microscopic crevices where bacteria can grow, and bacteria can cause bad breath. the best way to go is to soak them in polident. only polident is proven to clean without scratching and kills 99.9% of odor-causing bacteria. i recommend using polident and soak every day. it's the right way to go. caught on tape. one horrible highway crash. it happened yesterday near dayton, ohio. if you look to the left. a sports car zooms past a state trooper. the car slams into the guardrail, goes airborne and smashes into pieces against a bridge support. the driver, 19. somehow he survived, but he is listed in critical condition. witnesses say he was going more than 100 miles an hour. also caught an tape, a woman putting a cat into a trash can. and then just kind of walking away. this happened in london. surveillance video shows the gray haired lady petting the cat and she looked around, opens the top, throws the cat into the super can. now the cat named lola was trapped for some 15 hours before owners heard her cries. police are now looking for the lady who is obviously not a cat person. >> clearly not. she could have just let it go. we have another gator story. before it was chicago, now we're in new york city where a couple found a 2-foot long alligator hiding under their car. animal control officers removed the reptile. they aren't sure how the gator got there. >> she said there's an alligator loose. i said all right. i thought it was a joke. >> i think somebody had it as a pet and mom or dad said no way and they dumped it out on the curb. >> what's it out with throwing out the pets? >> it is illegal to keep pet alligators in new york city. animal control said the animal will go to a reptile sanctuary. probably a lot better than queens. >> so cute. time to get another check on our evening rush hour with patranya. >> no gator problem here on 495. a lot of traffic on the north side of town. you are seeing all the delays. delays begin at university. and i've been telling you about the delays on 95 headed north towards baltimore. all the drivers in the yellow here headed northbound toward route 100. scene of an earlier accident. you want to give yourself extra time heading up north on 95. bw parkway right now a better alternate. back to you guys. a burglar arrested trying to break into paris hilton's home. >> and the clouds did us a favor with the temperatures, not so much with the pollen. you can always access this on our website at grasses, wields, and mold pores all in the medium range. we'll come back and talk about where hurricane danielle is headed and if any showers are going to fall from these clouds. there could be money out there with your name on it. we'll tell you how to track it down. hi! welcome to come on in, and i'll give you a free quote. quote and compare in about 8 minutes. now, that's progressive. call or click today. a possible engine defect in the toyota corolla is prompting the safety administration to step up their investigation of the auto maker. the corolla and the toyota matrix are being looked at for problems that might cause the stars to stall out, not start, or experience harsh gear shifting. no recall right now, but the auto maker has been under increased scrutiny following problems with stuck gas pedals. >> $33 billion. that's the staggering number of unclaimed money being held by states and other agencies and guess what? you just might be the rightful owner. lesley foster shows us how the internet is making it easier for people to track down those lost dollars. >> cared for her before she died. but years after the estate was settled, she found $4,000 in lost assets that no one had known about. the check arrived on christmas eve. >> my sister was really thrilled because she was in extreme financial hardship at that time and it was a total surprise. >> she was tipped off by a finder firm that she had some unclaimed assets. while these firms might be able to find fees faster, but you can find forgotten dollars without spending a dime. >> a lot of the research a finder firm will do for you, you can do on your own. your first stop should be >> has records from 35 states and the district of columbia and links to several other state agencies that safeguard a lot of unclaimed property. >> unclaimed money can come from any number of sources, uncashed paychecks. >> a number of data bases that can help you find other lost assets include pensions and 401k plans, accounts at failed financial institutions and u.s. savings bonds. >> be aware that only you can claim your money and you'll need proof of your identity. and spend time filling out paperwork. >> the effort can be worth it. >> now you do not need to worry about disappearing assets. states and the federal government have to keep your assets until they are claimed. for more information on how to find lost pension, 401k or other assets, go to our website, and click on living smart. a man has been arrested at paris hilton's l.a. home after the socialite said he tried to break into her home. lapd confirmed the arrest, but did not say whether this guy was armed. police arresting the man writing so scary, just got woken up to a man trying to break into my house. singer george michael pleaded guilty in a london court today to two drug offenses. michael admitted driving under the influence of drugs and possession of cannabis following an incident on july 4 when his car crashed into a photo shop in north london. the judge suspended his license for six months and warned the singer could face prison time. topper says the weather is nice. >> if i would have told back in mid july it was 104. a cloudy, 75-degree day with little shower activity -- >> if you would have told me a week and a half ago. >> it has been a hot, humid summer. >> here's your forecast first. a little warmer tomorrow. more breaks in the cloud cover. 85 on thursday. now still a very pleasant day. cold front moved through. a slight chance of a shower and great on friday. sunshine and 81 degrees. all right, we'll break down tomorrow. clouds in the morning again. a slight chance of a sprinkle. upper 60s and then mid 70s by lunchtime. i think you can walk to lunch without an umbrella and 79 as you come home with a slight chance of a shower. more breaks in the clouds tomorrow. all right, let's talk about temperatures. still low 70s. 71 in arlington. 73 in college park. a great night for baseball. temperatures are going to hold in the 70s tonight as the nats host the cubs again. for tonight, mostly cloudy, cool, a few showers are possible. low temperatures in the 60s. winds out of north at 10. lows overnight, everybody is in the 60s. 66 downtown. 64 in bowie and college park. 65 in fairfax and 61 out in leesburg. now tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy and cool. 60s and 70s. winds turn northwest at 10 and by afternoon, we'll stay mostly cloudy, a shower possible. high 75 to 80 and winds out of the southwest at 10. winds will turn a little bit. satellite picture, radar combined, south western virginia, we had a couple sprinkles roll through, but that was it. more of a marine layer and that was it. not a bad tradeoff. next seven days, near 80 tomorrow. maybe a shower, 85 on thursday. slight chance of a shower and then just great. spectacular. wonderful. 81 on friday with full sun. 85 on saturday. and 90 on sunday. do not let that 90 scare you, because it's not going to be humid. it's going to be comfortable at night. friday night and saturday night will be in the 50s. nice. low 90s on monday and tuesday. >> what a fabulous stretch to end our summer. thank you. >> and speaking of the end of summer, we are two preseason games and 19 days away from the start. >> not that he's counting. >> are you psyched? >> getting there. my psych level did go down with that last game. >> it didn't count. with this whole haynesworth thing, this training camp is about a lot of guys trying to earn a job and one of them looks like he has. of the 53 spots, 45 of them, give or take, was already accounted for before this training camp opened. that leaves 5 to 8 spots for guys you never heard of that show up to camp and knock the coach's socks off. as greg reports, it looks like anthony armstrong is one of those guys. >> receiver anthony armstrong knows what people are saying about him. >> number one, he's fast. >> and the feedback is all good. >> i feel like he's doing a lot of great things and he is looking forward to doing more. >> and a grown up of receive res not named santana moss, it is armstrong who is making a name for himself with a touchdown grab and four catches for a team high, 82 yards in the second game against the ravens. >> yeah, it's going pretty good so far. from what i'm hearing, from what i'm seeing. >> armstrong's journey is obscure to say the least. he played college ball at little known west texas a and m. in 2006, anthony was a member of the roughnecks of the intense football league. from there, it was on to the dallas desperadoes of the arena football league and to the dolphins practice squad and last year the redskins practice squad. never losing hope along the way. >> i just knew i couldn't give up. if i gave up, it was going to be on me. >> armstrong is easy to root for, but he's not perfect. his hometown is carolton, texas. his favorite team growing up was the cowboys. >> i used to have a cowboys bedroom. it was all blue and cowboys furniture. >> but neither his childhood allegiance or journey men career affected his good standing with mike shanahan. >> you can see he has been making some plays. so last week he made a couple good catches. so hopefully he can continue do that. >> if armstrong can do that in these final two preseason games, his dream may finally become reality. >> i just want to keep on going and keep making plays for the team. just want to be a spark for the offense and carry it on through the season. >> at redskins park, 9sports now. armstrong will get another look friday night against the jets. late word tonight that donovan mcnabb will not play in that game friday night. we'll have the latest on his injury. how long he'll be out coming up at 6:00. >> so recollection will be throwing the football. >> recollection is going to throw a lot of footballs and some of the young kids and we'll get everybody. >> thanks. up next, how new technology called the nano knife is getting to hard to reach cancer. >> and coming up new at 6:00. this is bruce johnson. this weekend, thousands of tea party members are expected here in washington for a rally and get this, they are being warned not to travel to certain parts of the city. coming up at 6:00, i'll have the story and just as important, local reaction. i'm angie goff with where social networking mommies are helping me out with my first pregnancy. can you believe there's a $130 coloring book on the market or that angelina and brad are the next to get into designing clothes for kids? how much is too much to spend on your baby? log on to join the discussion and follow along with oh my baby. a triple digit loss today on wall street. the dow dropped 134 points closing out at 10040. in tonight's health alert, we start with a growing push in emergency medicine to let patients know before they arrive how long they have to wait. profiled this first last spring, where the emergency department is responding with text messages on approximate wait times for certain conditions. some hospitals are also using flashing billboards. it's a move aimed at patients with nonlife threatening conditions, like wounds, broken bones, and minor medical ailments. also tonight, a promising new cancer treatment that uses electricity to literally poke lethal holes in hard to reach tumors while keeping surrounding tissue in tact. >> i cannot lose my kidney. >> raymond was left with only half a kidney after surgery to take out a tumor. when the cancer came back, he thought he would lose that partial organ and end up on dialysis. >> probably would have went through my system. it was very active cancer. >> doctors were able to save his kidney using nano knife technology and needle like probes. >> these are very small probes. they almost look like long toothpicks and we put them into and around the kidney tumor. >> surgeons insert the probes through the skin to the precise area. once in place, they create an electrical field that pokes permanent microscopic holes. >> cell membrane is the barrier or the facade of the cell. once you put holes in the cell membrane, it's like putting holes in your windows. >> including the cancer cell's knew tri events. once they leak out, the cell starves to death within seconds and because the technique doesn't use extreme heat or cold, there's no damage to nearby healthy tissue, nerves, or blood vessels. >> now surgical candidates that can have cures for multiple cancers. >> in fact, doctors at stoney brook medical center in new york are the first to try the nano knife system on hard to treat pancreatic cancer. in addition to using it on liver, prostate, and kidney tumors like raymond's. compared to surgery, the technique is less painful and the recovery fast. >> it's like day and night. >> the knife is also known at irreversible electroporeasian. it is used for nerves close by the kidney or liver. one mother says it sends the wrong message to kids about what they might find in the medicine cabinet. >> my concerns are that once they are done, they are thinking, their medicine, they might want to dip in mom and dad's medicine that they may think is their candy and that is a real concern for me. >> a real concern for walgreen's, too. they released a statement saying they are sorry and ensure to provide more suitable items in the future. thanks for joining us for 9news now at 5:00. for news in high definition. this is 9news now. >> we're going to go straight


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