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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160824

>> dubois: good evening. scott is on assignment. i'm maurice dubois. this is our western edition. donald trump is retooling his controversial immigration policy, which included a vow to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. so what's the new plan? everyone's waiting to hear. today, major garrett talked with trump's running mate, governor mike pence of indiana, about that and more. >> reporter: when it comes to tportations can you explain to me donald trump's immigration policy? >> donald trump put the whole issue of illegal immigration back in the forefront of the national debate through the republican primaries. and i commend him for that. >> reporter: but in the last few days about what he actually means and what he intends to do. >> i think he's been very clear. donald trump is going to restore strong borders, enforce our laws. he's going to build a wall. >> reporter: build a wall first, in other words. >> we're going to build a wall. >> reporter: first. >> we're going to enforce the wsws that are on the books today, major, and the mechanism o r how we do that, he's also been very clear that he'll do it in a humane way, and with congress to make sure we treat people-- it will be tough but fair when donald trump is president of the united states. >> reporter: can you explain what "tough and fair" means when it comes to deportation? >> i think-- i think-- those are issues that will continue to be worked out in the days ahead. >> reporter: after landing in philadelphia, we asked for more detail. you used the word "deportation ys ahe" sk that you're understanding. >> people who have run afoul of the law have got to leave immediately. >> reporter: leave immediately. >> the details and how we do that, we'll work that out with the congress. >> reporter: we also inquired about trump's tax returns. pence said his were coming. >> donald trump and i have both complied with the federal rules about financial disclosure. >> reporter: yes but it's a different standard running for t.esident. you know that, governor. co of course. >> reporter: presidential candidates have released these returns for decades now. >> and i will tell you i'll be releasing my tax returns in the days ahead. >> reporter: how soon? >> and donald trump will be x leasing his tax returns once the audit is completed. maok, this is a man-- >> reporter: before the election? >> this man-- >> reporter: before the election, governor? >> well, i think that's yet to be seen. al reporter: we also discussed trump's recent boast he could win 95% of the black vote in 2020. >> i think donald trump is one of the most optimistic people i have ever met in my life. >> reporter: that would redefine "republican optimism," wouldn't you agree governor? >> i don't, abraham lincoln was the first republican president of the united states. >> reporter: 95%? s the truth is the liberal policies that can hillary clinton has advanced, barack obama has advanced, the cemocratic party has advanced now for two generations have disserved people in our major cities, one after another. >> reporter: and trump's latest appeal to minority voters. he said, "what the hell do you have to lose?" does that sound like ronald reagan to you? >> no, it sounded like donald trump, and that's what people love about him. >> reporter: pence also told us pa expects trump to participate in all three presidential debates and waved off his ongoing negotiations with the debate commission as mere formalities. maurice, pence said he expects inump to win those debates and in the process turn this election around. re dubois: major garrett outside philadelphia tonight. t d the first debate is just under five weeks away. one line of attack for trump could be the clinton foundation. today, the associated press reported that more than half the non-u.s. government people who met with hillary clinton while ete was secretary of state gave money to the foundation. here's nancy cordes. >> nobody has ever seen anything like this before. >> reporter: g.o.p. officials joined trump today in calling for a special prosecutor to look o-to what they say was a pay-to- play scheme in clinton's state department. >> it's criminality. everybody knows it. >> reporter: his accusation is based on e-mails to and from top clinton aide huma abedin. they were released yesterday by the conservative group judicial watch. the e-mails from 2009 show that foundation donors from bahrain's crown prince to slimfast owner danny abraham requested and were often granted last-minute teetings with clinton but the e- mails do not show that donors got anything beyond that. in fact, in one, abedin said she is nervous to get involved when a donor asks for help to obtain a visa to the u.s. for a british hccer player with a criminal charge in his background. >> state department spokesman mark toner: >> we have seen no evidence of any behavior, any relations with the clinton foundation that weren't completely above board. n reporter: clinton's running mate, tim kaine, argued trump's the one beholden to foreign interests. ld before you go about attacking a charity, why don't you come clean about your own business dealings and tell the american people who you are in debt to. >> reporter: even without any evidence of the quid pro quo it's the number of donors that clinton met with that is causing her some heartburn tonight, maurice. >> dubois: nancy cordes in washington, thank you. today, florida reported five more zika infections spread by mosquitoes, bringing the total , w to 42. one of the new cases is in ofnellas county on the gulf coast. that is far north of the two zika zones in miami and miami beach. so officials are trying to determine now whether there is a third zone with active local transmission. david begnaud is in miami. >> reporter: in miami beach, city sanitation crews spent hours looking for and vacuuming standing water. it's a breeding ground for zika- carrying mosquitoes. we followed code compliance inspectors, also making their tounds, searching for standing water. >> this is the stuff we're looking for. >> reporter: they found it in an alley at a construction site. we noticed this cement truck dripping water. officers manny villar and viji marharaj took action. >> we're going to issue a violation for creating a health hazard and nuisance, which is a $1,000 violation. >> reporter: quickly someone grabbed a broom and started sweeping. be the citation was being handed out, let me show you something we noticed-- an air conditioner r it where water is dripping. it's just a drip, but look at pue puddle it's creating at the bottom, something as small as this is exactly where mosquitoes can breed. the problem code enforcement has is what do you tell people, turn off the air conditioner? it's 91 degrees on miami beach in the middle of august. the inspectors gave the tenant a s de violation and said he had five days to fix the leak or face a fine. wh hey, who i do report this to? >> reporter: erika thomas has been waiting for this type of ortion. she lives in the wynwood zika zone. outside her high-rise apartment is standing water at a tinstruction site. after calling and tweeting pictures to city officials, she didn't like what she was told weeting, "my situation in wynwood will be handled in 24-72 be s. what a joke." >> do you know anything about mosquitoes? that's a long time for a lot to happen. ep reporter: an official in miami-dade county told us they toow about the site erika is referring to. they've treated it before, and they're going to target it again this weekend. maurice, that new case up in pinellas county, crews are now going door to door there, randomly surveying people. wey want to find out if there's a new cluster of cases. b dubois: david begnaud following zika in south florida tonight. today, president obama saw for f mself some of the flooding damage in louisiana. the floods left tens of thousands of homes damaged or destroyed. the number of people killed, at least 13. manuel bojorquez is in zachary, louisiana. >> i'm so sorry. >> reporter: president obama walked through a devastated neighborhood in zachary, louisiana, urging victims to apply for federal aid. >> have you applied for fema and everything? >> reporter: while acknowledging a full recovery will require more. >> federal assistance alone is not going to be enough to make people's lives whole again. so i'm asking every american to do what you can to help get families and local businesses back on their feet. nt reporter: the president's visit came as he faced some criticism over his own response. east friday, republican nominee donald trump toured the disaster area and blasted president obama for not cutting short his new england vacation to do the same. >> i guarantee you, nobody on bis block, none of those first responders, nobody gives a hoot whether you're a democrat or a republican. what they care about is making sure they're getting the drywall out and the carpet out and there's not any mold building. >> reporter: the number of r gistrations for emergency assistance continues to rise, now at more than 115,000, including that of amy and samuel cave in nearby denham springs. >> we got a newborn on the way thanksgiving day. we don't know where we're going to bring him. v reporter: volunteers are helping them sort through the few things they might be able to save. >> it's heartwarming seeing everybody come, of course, but it's just-- your whole world is gone. i mean all the clothes, all the bed stuff, all the baby things, everything's gone. >> reporter: nearly every single home in this subdivision the president visited has some type of flood damage. maurice, fema has already approved $127 million in immediate aid. the president said he may call t congress to fund a long-term recovery package. >> dubois: manuel bojorquez, the flooding aftermath in zachary, louisiana, tonight. terrorism is being investigated as a possible motive in a weekend knife attack in virginia. chip reid reports federal agents want to find out whether the suspect might have been inspired by isis. >> reporter: in the shadow of the blue ridge mountains in southwest virginia, people in roanoke county say they never expected an isis-inspired attack here. but the f.b.i. is now uevestigating a gruesome stabbing at this apartment amplex as a possible act of terror and local police have charged 20-year-old wassil farooqui in the attack on a man and woman this weekend. angela von behren saw it happen. >> i looked down, and saw blood all over the railing, and then at the bottom of the steps, underneath those stairs right there, was the knife. it was a butcher knife, about eight or 10 inches on the blade, covered in blood. >> reporter: roanoke county assistant police chief chuck mason says farooqui jumped the couple at the base of this staircase. gh went up all three flights of stairs and eventually into the victim's apartment. >> reporter: and shouting alluh akhbar. >> however many times that happened. >> reporter: alluh akhbar means, "god is the greatest" and is often shouted by perpetrators during islamist-inspired terrorist attacks. u.s. officials say farooqui traveled from the u.s. to turkey earlier this year in what may have been an attempt to cross into syria to join isis. for some reason, he was unsuccessful, and returned to she u.s. the male stabbing victim has been released from this hospital. they hope the female victim will be released later this week. as for farooqui, he told police he was hearing voices that ordered him to attack random people. he's being held without bond. maurice. >> dubois: chip reid in roanoke, virginia, tonight. in afghanistan today, a u.s. soldier was killed, another wounded by a roadside bomb in helmand province. the americans were helping afghan troops who were trying to retake the area from the taliban. this is the second u.s. combat gaath in afghanistan this year. once again, the sentence in a sexual assault case is being criticized as too light. the accused-- a former high school athlete in western massachusetts-- will not spend any time behind bars. michelle miller is following the case. >> reporter: according to the documents in the case 18-year- old david becker assaulted two unconscious females at a friend's house party in april. the victims told police that all g ree had been drinking and fell asleep in an upstairs bedroom. later that morning, victim number one said she awoke to find her pants and underwear down to her thighs. she told police at no time did she consent to david touching her. victim number two told police that becker assaulted her, too, that night. the next day victim number one says becker texted her, "just wanted you to know i'm really sorry." she replied to him, "don't even worry about it. it's all good." she told authorities she didn't know what else to say. becker was charged with two counts of rape and faced the possibility of two years in prison. the judge sentenced him to two years' probation, no jail time. becker's attorney defended the sentence saying: but the judge's decision has been widely criticized for being too lenient. laurie levinson is a professor at loyola law school. >> i think there's a strong outcry because there's a perception among the public we're not take these cases erriously enough, that we're not protecting the women. >> reporter: carla martin was erassmates with becker. >> this whole sentencing shows other people, other victims of r xual assault, that if they say something, no justice is going to happen. >> reporter: a spokesman for the d.a.'s office here says that one of the accusers said in her victim impact statement that she didn't believe jail time was necessary. maurice, court watchers say the hact that neither of the accusers were present in court may have been a factor in the judge's decision. >> dubois: michelle miller in palmer, massachusetts, tonight. coming up next on the "cbs evening news," look who's defending the skyrocketing price of a life-saving allergy treatment. y d later, a first responder's remarkable recovery from a face transplant. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. i just want to find a used car start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new when your symptoms start... distracting you? doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. >> dubois: members of congress are demanding to know why the price of epipens has skyrocketed. they deliver life-saving injections for people with avere allergies, but as we've reported, the price has gone up by nearly 500%. vinita nair has been following this. >> he started going into anaphylactic shock. her lips turned blue. >> reporter: lexy and justin heneger's daughter, ellie, almost died from food allergies twice. an epipen saved her life. but the price of the injectors soared over seven years ago from about $100 for a two-pack to over $600 today, all of it for a drug that delivers just $1 or $2 worth of the life-saving hormone epinephrine. it became a virtual monopoly for mylan after a competitor took a similar product off the market. >> they have one product where they're finally making a little money and everybody is going >> former head he was heavily criticized for cis 5,000% hike of the a malaria and h.i.v. drug darapram. today he defended mylan. v.ese are life-saving drugs. people don't have a choice whether they can buy them or not. >> yeah, well that's up to hesurance to pay for them. ske i said, it's $300 a pen. my iphone is $700. >> reporter: but you don't need an iphone to exist. >> that doesn't matter, though, because it's $300 and 90% of americans are insured. stateporter: in a statement, mylan said they are "committed to working with customers and pairs to find solutions to meet the needs of the patients and families they serve. today, the company's stock fell 5%. >> dubois: vinita nair, thank you. still ahead, one year after a double hand transplant, zion ahrvey has big plans for the hture. re. has i wodon't know where i'd be without itre so when i heard about con-artists committing medicare fraud... it made me so mad i wanted to give them the old one-two one, never give your medicare number to get a free offer or gift two, always check your medicare statements for errors these crooks think we're clueless, they don't have a clue it's your medicare, protect it see more ways to fight fraud at heythere's a more enjoyabley! way to get your fiber. try these delicious phillips' fiber good gummies, a good source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are great. my work here is done. phillips'. the tasty side of fiber. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? my doctor said prolia® helped my bones get stronger. are your bones getting stronger do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, such as low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling; rash, itching or hives have happened in people taking prolia®. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen, or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, including low blood calcium, serious infections. which could require hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint or muscle pain. only prolia helps strengthen and protect bones with 2 shots a year. i have proof prolia® works for me. can it work for you? ask your doctor about prolia® today. >> dubois: washington's governor declared an emergency today in 20 counties in the eastern part of the state because of wildfires that have been burning since the weekend. ndousands of acres and more than a dozen homes have been destroyed near spokane. finight, more than 30 fires are burning throughout the west. one of the most familiar faces on television died today. steven hill. for 10 years, he played the curmudgeonly district attorney adam schiff on "law & order." and here's a bit of tv trivia-- hill was the original leader of the "mission: impossible" team, replaced after season one by peter graves. steven hill was 94. well, this looked like a scene out of a disaster movie. thousands of people running through the streets of taiwan's capital seemingly in a panic but we're told these were pokemon go players trying to catch one of the rarest characters, snorlax. and if none of this makes sense ge you, we suggest contacting the nearest kid, a millennial, to explain it. speaking of kids, today nine- year-old zion harvey showed off the progress he's made since undergoing a double hand transplant one year ago. he lost his hands and feet to infection when he was two. zion is from baltimore, and three weeks ago, he threw out ire ceremonial first pitch at an orioles game. vi what's next for him? >> convince mom to let me play football. ( laughter ) >> dubois: not sure if mom's on board with that, but you wouldn't want to bet against that little guy. and coming up next, we'll check in on the recipient of another remarkable transplant. remarkable transplant. eing terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. what knee pain?? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls... and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> dubois: we end tonight with a new beginning for an american hero, thanks to surgery that is nothing short of amazing. here's dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: mississippi firefighter pat hardison was 27 in 2001 when the roof of a burning house collapsed on him. >> there was no recognition. >> reporter: fellow first responder jimmy neal remembers seeing his friend right after the accident. >> i had never seen anybody burned that bad that was still alive. >> reporter: for 14 years, brdison battled pain, stares from strangers and a loss of hope. >> how are you feeling? >> reporter: but one year ago, doctors at n.y.u.-langone medical center replaced hardison's face with that of a 26-year-old cycling accident victim named david rodebaugh. >> now i'm just an average guy walking down the street. they can tell something's happened but they would never look at me and think i've had a face transplant. >> reporter: have you ever been so happy to be ignored? >> no, i can promise you that. >> it's still almost unbelievable to me that we can we chis. >> reporter: the head of plastic surgery, dr. eduardo rodriguez, told hardison he had a 50-50 chance of surviving the surgery, which took 26 hours. >> although we added chin bone, cheek bones and the nasal bones, the remaining portions of his facial skeleton are what built his face and that's why he looks so similar to his children. >> reporter: so his underlying bone structure is almost like a scaffolding? >> correct. >> reporter: hardison's oldest daughter, allison, wondered, why do it at all, until she said goodbye to her dad just before the operation. >> he said, "i won't have to wear a ballcap and i won't have j wear my sunglasses. i'll look normal whenever i get to walk you down the aisle. and that right then pretty much sealed the deal for me. >> normal has become a reality over the year because it wasn't normal wasn't something i ever thought i'd see again. >> reporter: and normal never felt so special. dr. jon lapook, cbs news, new york. >> dubois: and that is the "cbs evening news." for scott pelley, i'm maurice abois. thanks so much for joining us. have a good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh of two charter schools. the domino effect it's now crea. back to school chaos. hundreds of bay area parents pull their children out of two charter schools. the domino effect it's creating. the school is facing allegations of fraud. two schools. new at 6:00, kpix 5's good on how the new school year has become a scramble for parents who want their kids out. >> reporter: this is a notice of all of the violations that's been handed over to the two charter schools everything from charging illegal tuition to overreporting per pupil expenses. as a result, 40 kids were pulled out of the school and now they are within the livermore unified school district and the state superintendent tom torlakson has taken note and is launching an investigation. what happens when 400 children on the first day of school are added to the mix of livermore public schools from charter schools? chaotic. >> i hope they can accommodate them. they need to go somewhere. >> reporter: worrisome to some parents. >> i worry about it because there's already an overpopulation of the kids at the school. >> reporter: livermore valley joint unified school district's superintendent says dealing with the additional students is manageable. he says the bigger issue, the reasons why parents are pulling their kids out of livermore's two charter schools. >> could these allegations shut them down? you possibly have all these other students coming to your. > that's a possibility. obviously, our goal is to help them right the ship. our goal is to help them fix the problems that they have and be able to maintain their school and sense of community. but if they


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180327

you have chosen death." it's all pretty straightforward. if the nra was not blindly committed to killing children and enjoy murder for its own sake, we would not have school shootings in the first place. it's that simple. speakers at the march told us that and the media amplified that message and formed a ring around the activists. as ben white put it, "the sickening efforts to slime, undermine and dehumanize he's young people betrays an enormous amount of fear." in other words, shut up america and don't ask questions. the kids know what they arerd doing. do they know? ran this story. "i have covered gun violence for years and the solutions are not a big mystery." written by german lopez. lopez graduated from the university of cincinnati in 2012. he is still in his 20s. i have covered gun violence for years may be an over-statement. lopez approached this subject with the self-confidence of a research scientist wading in data. lopez said america needs is more like australia's buy back program paired with the serious ban on specific firearms. potentially including all semi-automatic weapons. all semi-automatic weapons? there are more than 100 million of those in the united states and the majority are in the bedroom closets of law-abiding americans. they have done nothing wrong i don't have plans to do anything wrong. how will we confiscate all those guns? somebody would have to go door-to-door to take them by force and arrest anyone who resists. in the name of ending gun violence, people would be shot to death. there is no question about that. so who exactly is going to do i it? local police? the fbi, delta force? german lopez of vox did notr volunteer for that job himself. he blamed the nra for blocking the whole >> supreme court and u.s. lawmakers backed by the gun lobby and the nra widely agreed the second amendment does put barriers on how far restrictions go." we have news. the supreme court is also in the pocket of the nra. is there evidence of that? which justices are taking gun money or is vox just throwing up that claim? this is the problem with letting children write new stories. the articles tend to be dumb and intentionally or not they tend to be inaccurate and dishonest. worst of all, they tend to reinforce the fantasy that complex problems have simple solutions because that's what most children believe. in real life, nothing is simple. we don't really know why the incidence of n school shootings has risen even at the proportion of households with firearms has dropped. we ought tohy do our best to fid out. the self-righteous kids screaming at you on television over the weekend aren't helping atn. all. erika thomas is a georgia state representative and advocate of gun control and she joins us. representative thomas, thanks for coming on. what do you think would happen if we tried to confiscate assault weapons from law-abiding americans? >> well, yes, it's about how what happened back in 1994. we had a ban on assault rifles. mass shootings went down by 43%. that's what we want to happen. we want mass shootings to go down. i think that's the most important point in this matter. >> tucker: didn't columbine take place during the assault weapons ban and didn't the overall rate remain unchanged? >> oh, no. you are right about columbine. 43 percent does not account for all. 43% went down. >> tucker: the clinton justice department was required to study its effects. the death rate by firearms did not decline over that 10 year period. statistically no lives were saved. that's the conclusion of the do doj. doesn't that give you pause? >> no it doesn't. when i think about 2004 when congress lifted that ban and mass shootings went up over 200%. those are the mass shootings went up. we talk about numbers, it went up. >> tucker: but the murder rate didn't move at all. okay, those are the numbers. what do you think would happen if law enforcement, pushed by democratic politicians, tried to take the guns from law-abiding americans? what do you think the effect would be? >> i am not talking about taking guns from law-abiding citizens. i am talking about a ban on assault rifles. we are not trying to promote a militia. b what war are we going out that we need assault rifles? protect the citizens. not assault rifles. >> tucker: i don't want to argue with you. here's the legislation you supported in georgia. the last assault weapons ban democrats pushed. i am quoting from theea legislation: the georgia bureau of investigations shall seize and take possession of any assault weapon. large capacity magazine. shell sees and take possession of. that's not voluntary. that's mandatory. you've got hundreds of thousands of people in your state who own weaponswe you say are assault weapons. are you worried that someone might get killed if law enforcement comes, they have done nothing wrong, saying we are taking your gun away. what do you think would happen? you support the law that would call for it.ul >> what i am worried about is when the constitution was made and when the second amendment was made, it stated that, of course, the second amendment, but let's talk about when it was made. t that was when assault rifles, you had to take several minutes to reload an assault rifle. now it's several seconds. let's review that. >> tucker: i agree. >> let's review the law again. >> tucker: okay. you keep dodging my question. i think it's important. we are getting to a point where actual legislation has been sponsored and will be again saying the government needs to take people's weapons by force. if you really care about preventing deaths, i wonder ifar you are concerned even a little bit there might be a violent reaction to that. is that crazy to suggest?re >> that's not crazy. you are totally correct. by force is not what we want to do. >> tucker: that's what the law says. f >> i am not talking about takinn anything about force. >> tucker: did you support the law saying the state should seize and take possession of these guns? >> i support saving lives. saving lives is a ban on assault rifles. these kids are out here and they are saying we need to put a ban on assault rifles. >> tucker: i think we both agreed. we are both against killing. i have real concerns about the effects of the law that you supported but don't want to address. the overwhelming majority of gun deaths in this country are caused by handguns, not by i so-called assault rifles. that's a tiny percentage. why are we banning the guns that causes a small percentage of killings but leaving the guns that cause the majority legal? >> i understand what you are saying. you may say it's a small percentage. >> tucker: it is. >> when it's your brother or your sister, it's not a small percentage. >> tucker: what about the brothers and sisters -- >> it's not a small percentage. >> tucker: don't demagogue it with me. i am not downplaying the significance of anyone's death. of course. i'm as concerned as you are. i am just wondering why since assault rifles relatively speaking because few deaths, handguns because the overwhelming majority of deaths, why are you not calling for banning handguns and seizing and taking possession of handguns? i don't know why if you care so much about gun violence. >> i would ask you the sameou question. would you call for a ban on handguns? no you would not. >> tucker: guns don't cause killings. a gun is a tool. fewer american households have guns than 40 years ago. >> so can we not put a ban on assault rifles? why not? >> tucker: because you have over 100 million semi-automatic weapons in the united states right now. what do you do with those? >> you know what? give them to the military. if people want to have assault rifles, join the military. >> tucker: what if they don't want to give up their guns? >> not to shoot our kids in america. >> tucker: i give up. i ask you questions and you don't want to answer. okay. media coverage of the weekend's anti-gun marches were a lot like what you just saw. overwhelming and deeply one sided. you think the second amendment still applies to america, then you are evil. that was the message. watch. >> there are a handful of marches you remember that our town remembers. the civil rights marches of the '60s and the abortion rights marches of the '80s and 90s and tea party, million man march. this is right up there. >> the wheels of change are happening. i'm getting chills just having this conversation north of the national mall where women's suffrage started and civil rights. >> i think they will exceed the 500,000.0. whatever the number, the makeup and the content of it is something this nation has never seen. this is an awe inspiring moment. >> tucker: joe concha writes about the media for "the hill" and watches a lot of television and joins us tonight. joe, there are people on the stage over the weekend who said and we repeated some of what they said. if you disagree me on gun control policy, you are on the side of killing children. you are in effect sympathetic to murderers.dr that's a pretty extreme thing to say. did anyone covering this point that out or did it just slide like it was that normal? >> it slid because it is normal if you listen to the rhetoric on college campus.s. you are with us or against us of we will shout you down and not allow you to speak if you differ from our point of view.r i didn't hear a lot of talk about the high school in maryland where a resource officer took out the shooter before there was any further loss of life. one girl did pass away last week. that's a solution that wasn't allowed to be presented because in the mind of many of the people organizing this event, there is only one solution. that's an assault weapons ban. you can agree or disagree but you've got to allow other ideas to be presented to such a comprehensive problem. we had 25, 26 mass school shootings at elementary school or high schools since columbine in 1999. let's hear some other ideas or hear about the failures of law enforcement and if our police officers are ready to engage when these things happen. >> tucker: were the 4 armed deputies outside of the high school in parkland were they mentioned at all? did you hear anybody make reference to them? >> i didn't really see that. i saw a lot of david hogg. when he first came on the screen, i tweeted out how impressed i was in terms of how articulate and intelligent and composed he was. i said that would be a big star in this business. since then, he's gone off thehe rails and no journalists have challenged him. he told this to fox news: we want this be to a community discussion. we can't have debates between republicans and democrats. we need to have a discussion as americans. that's fair enough. but a couple of weeks ago he was bragging he hung up on the white house and said we don't need to listen to president trump. the white house called to invite him to a listening session. he said president trump needs to listen to the screams of this children. which is why he held a listening session at the white house. okay, you won't attend a listening session but you are telling us we have to listen to each other. he wants to be treated as an adult. he has every right to his opinion. you need to challenge some of the things he is saying. >> tucker: you can't do that. as ben white reminded us that would be dehumanizing the children so you have to sit back and pretend they are wise. the anti-gun coverage moved briskly into the coverage of stormy daniels, the porn star. this is dominating cable news for how long and to what end? >> well, it reminds us of 2014 and the malaysian jet that went missing. it's the only story that is out there. i am telling the doesn't move the needle one bit. president trump's ratings creeped up to 42%. fox news has a pull out at 45. -- a pull out cnn has him at the highest rating in months. presidents have had affairs going back to eisenhower, kennedy, johnson, and clinton. they have either been accused of having an affair or had them. with donald trump, people know what they got. a thrice-married guy in the tabloids on a regular basis. i grew up here. trust me. i read about him. there is nothing to see here for the trump supporters. >> tucker: yeah, i don't think they are surprised. you cover tv and know the people who work in our business. do you think they are in a good place to lecture the rest of the country about personal moral standards? do you think they are the people who should give that lecture? >> based on what i've seen, probably some of the last people with some exceptions to be talking aboutt that. one more point. anderson cooper conducted this interview and did a good job. the optics going into it. i asked your producers to grab this photo. it was him and of stormy daniels and of her lawyer. they are all arm and arm. this was taken right before or after the interview. if you are a trump supporter, you saw that and said i don't remember mike wallace posing with the person arm in arm along with the lawyer. if i was anderson, i would've asked out. >> tucker: hilarious. joe, thank you. >> sure. no problem. >> tucker: well, the "60uc minutes" stormy daniels interview did massive ratings. 21 million last night. but does it matter? mark steyn joins us next with his view of it. stay tuned. >> i think people thought there would be a smoking gun here. did we miss something? ♪ come to my window ♪ ohh ♪ crawl inside ♪ wait by the light of the moon ♪ applebee's to go. order online and get $10 off $30. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. and get $10 off $30. sure. momwhat's up, son?alk? i can't be your it guy anymore. what? you guys have xfinity. you can do this. what's a good wifi password, mom? you still have to visit us. i will. no. make that the password: "you_stillóhave_toóvisit_us." that's a good one. seems a bit long, but okay... set a memorable wifi password with xfinity my account. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: stephanie clifford who performs naked in online videos under the name of stormy daniels went on "60 minutes." the ratings were huge and spiked 111%. clifford alleged 12 years ago she had a one day affair with donald trump. s the white house denies this. cable news has been talking pretty much about nothing since other than stormy daniels. what do you make of this? even if you assume the story ist true and you might, you have to wonder why it matters. if you are a trump supporter,to you are probably not so surprised. you knew who donald trump was when you voted for him but you did it any way because you understood the only options were people who hated you. if you are a trump opponent,pe is stormy daniels the best you can do? if you're looking about a new reason to be met if the president, how about the budget deal he signed on friday. it cost more than a trillion dollars but knows nothing to protect the country from a foreign invasion that's changing it. the press ignored why? because reporters could care less about how about the 60,000 americans who overdosed last year and the shrinking middle-class? that's not interesting to them. nobody in brooklyn cares. instead tv networks devotedro their schedule to convincing us that donald trump is naughty. apparently americans had no idea that donald trump had an outlandish personal life. it's not like he bragged about it. or got caught onto reinbold garrity's on the access hollywood tape. in related news, chris christie was cited yesterday eating a snickers bar. now it's clear that trump is flawed, the media insists that america has an obligation to ber shocked and disgusted. if there is one thing reporters do well, it's setting a high moral tone for the rest of us. that's why people are anxious to take important life advice fromf tv anchors. parents dream about allowing anyone in cnn's prime-time line-up to babysit their kids. come on. what is more shocking is trump's personal life or the mindlessness and the dishonest of the average tv anchor? which of these hurts america more? it is not a close call. mark steyn is an author who had never heard of stormy daniels until last night. he joins us now. i am sure you watched every moment of this unfolding saga. what is your view?w? >> well, i do think that if one is in the media. i am an old fleet street hand. we knew about sex scandals in the u.k. three in a bed. autoerotic asphyxiation. i have been there and done. that i know all about it. when this thing started and tucker, you may have seen anderson cooper asking about the mechanics of the act -- i was thinking, oh, this is an actual sex scandal. i will make a nice cup of tea and settle down. i came back and there was a pasty bloke called trevor. that's not even an american name. i don't know what self-respecting red-blooded american is called trevor. he was with the federal election committee and saying that trump's lawyer may have committed a campaign election crime by giving stormy daniels $130,000. i'm thinking my god, is there anything in this country that can't be turned into a federal regulation infraction. i was settling down for a sex scandal and it's a campaign finance infraction after all. to tie it all into the spendingo bill, trump paid off -- if it's true -- trump paid off a porn star for $130 grand. that's the art of the deal. i would like to see that trump with mcconnell and paul ryan last friday. >> tucker: i totally agree. how does it make you feel to know when you watch cnn that the people in the anchor chairs are a lot better than you are and they will go to heaven. they will intercede on your behalf. they will do their best. their salvation is a a certainty because of their deep decency and rectitude. how do you feel when they send that message to you? >> there is actually something faintly creepy about the moral preening of these people. to be serious, i don't know a lot of porn stars. the last one was from 1973. she is probably 89. i don't know stormy daniels. she is a useful vessel to cnn and the others. in two years' time she will be broke and wondering what happened to the tv interest and the smarmy lawyer 22 whose hands under she's fallen. the public interest in john edwards, who is also smarmy. when he was running for president, he got into this mes mess. the department of justice's argument was that john edwards' family image was part of his political image. his family man image was regulated by federal finance campaign laws. trump is the opposite. he is howard stern and show girls. he has more ex-wives than the previous 44 presidents combined and doubled. he does not have a family man image that falls within federal regulation. this is going nowhere and it's a dud. it's a blast. -- it's a bust. anderson cooper may be turned on by it, but nobody else is. >> tucker: it would be interesting to know if the press understands why trump got elected. i bet there is not a single person who voted for trump on the basis of his personal life. great to see you. thank you. facebook built its empire on surveillance capitalism.m. now we are waking up to what that means. can the company survive? 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>> no, apple has a different structure. the sad thing is, we are going to discover if you're an android user, it's not just facebook spying on you. and apple's model, because pay directly to apple when they buy the phone, they treat those people as the customer. with android, it's the phone company that's the customer. in facebook, where the advertiser is the customer and the user is the product, these are of the phone to android is also a product. that's the problem with the model. they aren't treating us like humans. they are treating us like the fuel to generate profits. candidly, i think that has to stop. all of silicon valley needs to reassess whites in business and recognize they can be incredibly profitable and still be billionaires without stripping the privacy from everybody and selling it to the highest bidde bidder. >> tucker: it took government 40 years to respond to the health effects of tobacco. the government took action. how long will it take our government to respond to the bad effects of facebook and google? >> to be clear, i don't think the best response will be from the government. it will be from the users and the employees these companies.. i don't think the employees understood exactly what the companies were doing. as they understand it, they are going to appreciate that's not something they want to be part of. i think you're going to see some kind of pushback and rebellion. one of the things we have been to encourage the employees of facebook and these other companies is to recognize that hey, wait a minute. these arecourk great ideas. these companies make great products but the advertising business model has terrible incentives. literally billions of people are being hurt by it, not just in the u.s. but around the world. frankly, they can be successful without doing that stuff. it's on the employees to fix it. the government can't fix this on a time frame that would makem any difference. >> tucker: that's a good point. they are not even trying. thanks.oo we are out of time. i appreciate your knowledge and candor. up next, professor jordan peterson is questioning core assumptions about gender and they have decided he must be annihilated. he joins us next. from farm, to , to jar, to table. and serve with confidence that it's safe. this is a diamond you can follow from mine to finger, and trust it never fell into the wrong hands. ♪ ♪ this is a shipment transferred two hundred times, transparently tracked from port to port. this is the ibm blockchain, built for smarter business. built to run on the ibm cloud. jushis local miracle ear t at buhelped andrew hear mores. of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh... and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... laughter... music... life. call now! for a limited time, you can get $500 off miracle-ear hearing aids! yes or no? 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>> i pointed out why they are incorrect and ideologically possessed on issues like gender. the radical left insists that gender is a social construct and that's simply not true. the scientific data are absolutely crystal clear. no reasonable scientist disagrees. they are all foaming at the mouth because i am poking holes in their cherished notions. they like to think people are completely malleable because that means people can be made over in their ideological image. they are not happy about that. >> tucker: when theyat say your ideas are dangerous, what they are really saying is you are dangerous to them. >> i hope so. i am not a fan of radical leftists. looked what happened in the 20 century with them. >> tucker: what has your job been like in academia? you can't be one of many people who has these views. >> they are more common than you think. my views on gender are shared widely in the personality community. anyone who understands personality and is a credible scientist knows the difference between men and women in personality should be d contributed to biological factors. this isn't contentious. thee only people it's contentios around is gender ideologues. they have lost the scientific battlelr so they are taking it o the legislative front to enforce their views. they are not contentious viewpoints. they are mainstream. criticized all the time for spouting pseudoscience. it's not pseudoscience. it's mainstream science. people who know the literature are disputing this. it's been known since at least the 1990s. >> tucker:r: why are people whose views are not rooted in science dominating our public conversation? >> i think there is a technical reason for that. it's obvious that things can go too far on the right and on the left. it's easy to put a box around people who go too far on the right. you can look at themes of racial superiority. it's not so easy to put a box around people who go too far on the left. there is not a single thing you can point to that they do that has the same sort of red flag nature is claims of racial superiority. it's hard for people to left-leaning,re saying that they are concerned with inequality, to dissociate from those who have gone too far. the problem is we don't know where the red flags are in leftist territory. for me, equality of outcome is a so-called equity. that's a red flag. it doesn't seem as immediately pathological as claims of racial superiority. it's harder for people on the left to disassociate themselves from the people who would do everyone in. >> tucker: you drew the line at pretending that biological sex is not real. that's how you first became famous. you said i'm not going to lie about science. is that a good start for the rest of us to start? >> it's a reasonable place. the idea that biological sex and gender expression, gender identity vary. there is nothing you can claim that is more false than that. it's being written into the law. it's patentlyat absurd. it's a telling commentary on the state of political discourse across the west. that something like that can even happen. i think it's equality of outcome that is the pathological desire. that's a bad one. >> tucker: i agree. the good news is that taking a stand on behalf of obvious truths, there is a huge audience and their is a -- you are a living testament to that. thousands of homeless people created a tent structure on skid row in los angeles. katie hopkins spent a weekend there. her story and video and her next. ♪ applebee's to go. order online and get $10 off $30. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. order online and get $10 off $30. if yor crohn's symptoms are holding you back, and your current treatment hasn't worked well enough, it may be time for a change. ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. this condition has not been reported with entyvio. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's treatment isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. ♪ >> tucker: for more than 100 years, california was the golden state. in the past 30 years, it's the poverty capital of america. a higher percentage ofit californians are impoverished. tens of thousands of homeless people live in l.a. county. many are concentrated in a tent metropolis along skid row. what's it like in california's heart of darkness? katie hopkins came over from london and spent the past weekend there in downtown los angeles. she joins us with a report. katie, you are not from the united states. you don't live here. so you have a fresher take on this. what was your reaction when you saw skid row in l.a.? >> every time i am in l.a., you drive past skid row or people pointed out. that's for the homeless people live. it's almost as if everyone can turn away, look away, don't go there. even in a hotel giving out maps, they put a sticker over skid row as if it doesn't exist. i figured i will go there, i will stay there and meet the people there. i will see how big of this problem is. i can tell you it's like nothing else on earth. i have been to some migrant camps, but this is worse than that. it's one big sea of human waste and effluent and rats and filth. the number of rats they are outweighs the population which is in the order of 3,000 people living in these tents. it's a a desperate situation. i really feel there is human health hazard in the center of l.a. downtown. it's a time bomb waiting to go off. it's very much like london in the 1600s, just prior to the bubonic plague. that's what you are up against. it's no wonder the democrats would rather talk about sanctuary cities or dreamers, because that sounds so much nicer than the potential bubonic plague in the middle of downtown l.a. >> tucker: some of the video you sent is too over the top to show. s it's too disgusting. i walked around bombay, india not long ago, and never saw anything like this. los angeles is much richer than bombay. why does this exist in l.a.? >> it's a curious thing. there is lots of tears and sympathy. there's a lot of missions, there's a woman's shelter. i think ultimately and fundamentally what's missing from skid row is someone capable of gripping the place. full ofs are always tears, tea and sympathy. giving out charity. what you need in there is the military to go in. you need housing units put in place, temporary shelters. you need to clear the area in order to clean it up. that's okay to be done with sympathy and that's not going to be done with oh, it's such a shame these poor people. it's going to be done with some kind of military operation to clear up the area. no one is really going to want to take that. what we need in america i think is more leaders who are willing to be unpopular and a few more journalists perhaps were willing to stop navel-gazing or gazing at the cleavage of stormy whoever and reporting on some of the reality we face day-to-day on streets that no one is talking about. >> tucker: right. i am embarrassed as an american to say to you that it's not just los angeles. it's chicago, san francisco, washington, d.c., new york city. there is something that connects these. >> i think that is right. >> tucker: give us your 15 seconds. what do you think it is? what is the cause of this? what is the ideology behind it? >> i think this all stems from the sense that everybody is free to do whatever they want in the sense that we will support the fact that the family unit doesn't matter anymore. we will support the fact that you can rely on the government for everything. we will support the fact that government is supposed to provide you with a house, that you don't have to take individual accountability. what it ends up as a bunch of people who are completely lost and beyond help. you shut down the sanatorium's. they have nowhere to go. tea and sympathy and allowing people to live however they like isn't going to cut it. this entire area of downtown -- and no one goes there. i was the only woman there that i saw that wasn't living in a tent. when i would say to people of california, you think this is a problem in downtown? this is coming to you. these tent cities are building all over the place. >> tucker: that is literally true. >> maybe then you will care. >> tucker: katie hopkins, thank you for that. i appreciateke it. cnn has found a scandal brewing in the trump cabinet. someone may not believe in our highest value: diversity. we will tell you what that means. stay tuned. if your adventure keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips you may have overactive bladder, or oab. ohhhh... enough already! we need to see a doctor. ask your doctor about myrbetriq® (mirabegron). it treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. it's the first and only oab treatment in its class. myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or difficulty breathing... stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms urinary tract infection, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache. need some help managing your oab symptoms along the way? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20190726

at the end believing that the president ofen the united states colluded with the russian government to steal an election. that was the allegation, you will remember. and then, after the most extensive investigation in modern american history, we found the truth. we can say conclusively, once again, what we told you the day this all started, the whole thing is a crock. it never happened. they were lying to you. that's clear now that the day is peover. but that doesn't mean the russian story quite ended. there are loose ends. for two and half years, some of the most powerful people in america, supposedly y serious, well educated people, very smart people, these people made wild and untrue and totally reckless allegations about issues critical to the life of this country. all on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. it's hard to believe they did that. but they did do it. what should happen to these people now? congressman adam schiff rings in.le he claims he possessed actual evidence of russia collusion. he didn't just say that one time, he said it repeatedly. >> there was significant evidence of collusion. there is ample evidence and indeed, there is, of collusion of people in the trump campaign with the russians. i think there's plenty of absolute evidence of collusion or conspiracy. >> tucker: in the end, you know what happenedte or didn't. schiffnd did not produce the evidence. he didn't have it because it doesn't exist. schiff was bluffing which is to say, lying. he still is, actually. as of yesterday, schiff was continuing to claim that therd term camping quotes embraced foreign help, made use of it, and covered it up. in other words,, collusion. schiff still believes the for collusion hoax. or does he? today, adam schiff went on cnn to carry water for his boss, nancy pelosi. impeachment might not be a great idea, he is told cnn viewers. but wait, that doesn't seem to hmake sense. if donald trump is working for a hostile foreign power, as adam schiff was told countless times that he is, how can we not impeach him? no one on cnn asked adam schiff to explain that contradiction, unfortunately. not that it matters because think about it for a sec and you will see exactly what's going ton. adam schiff never believed a word he was saying. i suppose the good news is, schiff is not delusional. the n bad news, though, is that adam schiff is a soulless liar. he is a man willing to say literally anything for a political advantage and that's really the worst of all. being a lunatic would be much amore appealing than that. naturally, washington being the place that it is, adam schiff has been ritually rewarded for his shameless deceit. he is still the chairman of the house intelligence committee. that's one ofma the most powerfl jobs and all of schiff is all but certain to be there for years. but what about his enablers and there are a lot of them. the journalist, a the fellow lawmakers, that helps t adam schiff tell his lies. these are the people eat, your member, who blindly accuse the sitting president the sitting president of the united states of treason. >> the evidence suggests, indeed, trump is, and has been,d upon of the russians. >> when you start to see a pattern where he basically follows putin's lies, that we have to ask the most unusual question about our own president. >> why this president seems to be putting russia's interest inside of our own. >> the tweet really just undercuts his own defense for the presidents we couldn't have been scripted better if it was written by putin himself. >> this is nothing short of treason because it is a betrayal of the nation. he is giving comfort to the enemy. >> there is influence whether waiting, or unwitting, by the russians over president trump. >> is a possibility. a, b very real possibility. that president putin holds damaging information over president trump. >> trumps eagerness to sell out america proves the russians must have something personally, politically, or s financially on president trump. >> tucker: improves the president trump is committing treason. think about what you decide. the last person in that montage was nancy pelosi. as you know, she's the speaker of the house. third in line for the presidency. she is the country's most powerful lawmaker. he supposedly awoke wise and sober person.r r and there, she was telling you, it's been proved that the president of the united states is working for a hostile foreign is any speaker in american history ever said something that irresponsible, may be nothing comes mind, but if you think that's shocking, consider this. pelosi is still saying that. alex pfeiffer ran into pelosi just this afternoon on capitol hill and asked her, listen to what she told our show. >> speaker pelosi, in january, he wondered what putin had on trial date of hearsay, are you any closer to figuring that out? >> we are in the courts right now. are you any closer to figuring out what vladimir putin has on trump? >> we need to answer our subpoena to think there might be some sort of blackmail the president? >> i wonder what putin has politically, financially, or personally. [indistinct question] >> tucker: the exchange isn't long but it really tells you everything you need to know. pelosi told our show the president is a traitor who is committing treason and yet, she doesn't want to impeach him. how does that make sense? well, it only makes sense when you understand the pelosi doesn't mean a singlee word that she says. everything is political. meaning, it's only about power. that's not just annoying, it's also ominous. and here's why. 15 years ago, this spring, we invaded iraq to stop a wmd program that didn't exist. thousands of american troops died in the process, trillions of dollars were wasted. it was the single greatest mistake in this g country in generations and yet,ti and heres the key, nobody in washington was ever punished for it. the people who planned it went on to even better jobs. one of them is now our national security advisor, john bolton. five years after the iraq war, our economy collapse. remember that? the subprime meltdown? the specific causes were complex but the themes were instantly recognizable. the greed and stupidity and yet, once again, no one was ever punished. now, fast forward another 11 years to today, right now america stands on the brink of yet more foolish foreign entanglements and on the break of potentially another financial bmeltdown. why is that? because nobody in washington has learned anything. and why would they learn anything? when they scrub, there are never any consequences. it is skate by on the unusual mixture of aggression and b.s. s nothing to see here. keep moving. imagine for a second what would happen if you'll let your kids act like that. well, they would be in prison by time to stop the cycle in washington to be and how about this. if you can get caught lyingg a about the big things, whether it's about weapons of mass destruction or subprime mortgages or russian collusion, you have to admit it. and serve penance. not necessarilydm present time, -- prison time, though we are open, but punishment of some kind. you can stay in washington making six times the average american sorry. youu can't do that here now, sorry that you've got to leave. you got to read quote relocate to camden, new jersey. gary,ot indiana. and do something useful like clean motel rooms for minimum wage. put the little sanitized for your protection scripts on toilets.e not forever. just for a decade or two until you've learned your lesson. e call us when you've done that, but not before. andy mccarthy is a contributing editor a national route review it and author of the upcoming book, "ball of collusion," the plot to rig an election and destroy presidency. andy, thanks a lot for joining us tonight. so, do you think, at this point, and try to be charitable because i know that you are a man of personal decency, that an honest person looking at the evidence, watching mr. mueller's testimony yesterday, could believe, still, that the president was being blackmailed by russia? >> no, tucker. but, you know, actually thought that mueller's testimony would be a nonevent. i really thought that this diet when mueller didn't come through for them and find a collusion conspiracy. and i expected yesterday was just going to be him reading the report. what i was taken aback by was how detached and unable he seemed to be but i really thought this was dead, weeks ago. >> tucker: yes. well, you would think that it would be but it persists. it persists at least in the rhetoric. and you spent your life in and around the justice system. isn't one of the main points of the justice systemys to effect justice? to say this was right, this was wrong, the people who committed a wrong or punished, the people the writered vindicate a question mark is not the point? why does that never happened in washington? >> well, i i think, tucker, you kind of hit it on the head with your opening. we don't really have justice. we have protectionon or old -- pretextual justice. is political and we have kind of the attainments of judicial processesia boat what is really going on underneath it all is everything is geared toward what position will be bn, say, autumn of 2020 and to be a little bit more concrete about it, i always thought with this escapade that it was carried as counterintelligence for a long time because theyte didn't havea criminal predicate to conduct an investigation. they did the criminal investigation of mainly obstruction in order to start impeachment chatter and it's not that they wouldn't impeach trump if they thought they could, but the real purpose of impeachment was the political goal of rendering trump unelectable by autumn of next year. so, i thought this was always wl political and what they tried to do was make it look legitimate by carrying it under rubric like counterintelligence and law enforcement. but i don't recognize it as such. >> tucker: have you ever seen anything more cynicall and damaging to the country itself? >> not this widespread and systemically. i was thinking when you are making your opening remarks about harry reid back in 2012, when he just blurted out that romney hadn't paid his taxes and when they asked about it, it was just a blatant flat out live. and when they asked him about it later, he said well, he didn't win, did he? and that really seems to me the bottom line to these guys. it's all about winning. it's all about accumulating and keeping valor and, you know, they will use the criminal justice system if that helps them in order to try to legitimize what their schemes are but we shouldn't be fooled by that. they aregi schemes. >> tucker: it's the tonya harding approach. just, you know, take a bite of your opponent. thank you for that perspective. i appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: will come democratic candidates prefer to act like robert mueller's testimony never have and get others on the left are being more honest about it. bill march we did this, imu cant want to study more to home, guys. you made o.j. try on the glove and it just didn't work. you can still win the election but i wouldn't bet my own money on it. michael moore was even one of them said, always upset, he wrote this, quote, "a frail old man unable to answer things. stumbling, and unable to answer questions. i said it in 2017 and mueller confirmed his day, while you penance and moderates and lame democrats who told the public to put their face and the esteemed brother mark, shut the f up from now on.w and on that, for once, we agree with michael moore. performing her lawyer and advisor to hillary clinton, he joins us tonight. arela you with michael moore on this? >> you know, my take away is, i tip my hat to the president's supporters, whether on networks, prints, or pendants because the majority of republicans don't agree with what his own head of cia, his own director of national intelligence had which is what that the republicans, the russians did interview interview with the election. most were republicans don't believe that and i say, well done, trump supporter's. and after yesterday, the take away, i think by all fairness is, the russians stole from hillary clinton and the dnc. the trump campaignto it used stolen goods and the only reason there was no indictment is they use a cut through. wikileaks, who mike pompeo, when he was head of cia, said it was a hostile intelligence service so, again, well done. you managed to -- >> tucker: i guess i'm not jumping all over you and trying to beat you into submission or even witness argument because, -- even when this argument because, of course, it's not worth it. you know, i don't think anyone watching agrees with what you're saying get i can tell whether you do or not. >> no republican disagreed with me yesterday. >> tucker: has a lot of remotee guns in the in fact, i can tell you how many dumb republicans are on capitol hill right now. anyone that says russia is a preeminent threat to the united states is an idiot. i'd be happy to talk to anyone about that's a beet line of the democratic party. that russia is a preeminent threat to the united states. not china, not google, not a bunch of other countries, not the saudis, russia. and that's insane. actually. "twitterstorm" dick cheney's said what -- >> tucker: i don't care what dick cheney said. >> but he's not a democrat or even a stupid republican on congress but you can disagree with him, but he's not alone. he will let me ask you a question peered rather than go back into the past and try to prove acts of various religions, i want to it with few sounds from your speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. this was a couple of hours ago. alex arthur ran onto ran into her on the hill and answer, do you think trump speaks treason he is what she said. [indistinct question] >> we are in the courts are now. >> are you any closer to figuring out what pruden has on from? >> that's why we need to have -- trump? the answer to our subpoena. >> do you think we might have some sort of blackmail the president? >> i wonder what putin has politically, financially, personally. so do you think it is blackmail? >> tucker: so nancy pelosi believes that trump is working for the russians. she just said that. do you think that's right? >> i think what she's pointing to is, there has been very little say in explanation for why trump sided with pruden -- vladimir putin against his intelligence agencies on the question of whether or not the russians attacked our democracy. >> tucker: she just explained it. she thinks trump is working for putin. she doesn't want to improve repeat gym. -- impeach him. it's not that kind of treason. but she said is working for put in. you agree with that? >> come i think what she's saying is, let's look at his taxes. let's look at some information about money-laundering. get to the bottom of this and that may actually explain why he lied during the campaign about notot having any dealings with russia. we know he was lying about it. and i think there is a lot of other things and mueller coming yesterday, virtually called him a liar. >> tucker: so you think, you agree with pelosi that trump is ucworking for putin? you think that? before saying something like that, you would think that you should have a nail that down. we just had a s multiyear investigation, several of them come actually, that didn't show that but pelosi has access to documents that we don't have access to, as i would she say? signal, she doesn't. i'm not saying that he is, basically, the holding to the russians. i'm just saying that a lot of people should ask questions about why in the world would he trust putin over his own handpicked intelligence agency had? -- head? that's kind of hard to explain but for something that we don't believe. >> tucker: if you don't believe our intel agencies, you are a traitor. >> no. but why would you -- >> tucker: this whole thing -- really?? because i don't believe anything tthey say beard and i'm not a traitor, i'm a loyal american. richard, great to see you. i can't wait for the story to go away.n. it's too infuriating. robert mueller refused to answer aed lot of questions yesterday, including several bow donald trump jr. donald trump jr. has something to say about it, though, he will this first interview since the hearing after thisay break. ♪ for all out confidence... ...depend® silhouette™ briefs feature maximum absorbency, beautiful colors and an improved fit for a sleek design and personal style. life's better when you're in it. be there with depend®. but i'm more than a number. when i'm not teaching, i'm taking steep grades and tight corners. my essilor lenses offer more than vision correction with three innovative technologies for my ultimate in vision, clarity and protection... together in a single lens: the essilor ultimate lens package so, i can do more of what i love buy new transitions with select essilor lenses. choose a second pair of qualifying clear lenses... free with purchase of frames. see more. do more. essilor we'll take great care of him free with purchase of frames. we get it you got it oh! thank you we're petsmart thank you we're hugging narrator: dora knows the best place to edora: boots!e forest. dora's friend: she knows this monkey? of course she knows this monkey. narrator: experience nature. connect with family. dora: i love you guys! narrator: and find your own adventure. visit to find a forest or park near you. ♪ >> tucker: robert mueller's report and his testimony yesterday before congress sells -- dealt a lot with american's so-called intelligence community. our various intel agencies. so, how are those agencies reacting to yesterday's hearing? fox chief intelligence correspondent, catherine herridge has that story for us and she joins a stop to it hey. >> thanks. after the testimony, they my contacts reported reported that they were beyond disappointed to hear directly from robert mueller that is teay did not investigate the steele dossier and the weather was part of the russian playbook in 2016. they said the key question is whether russian intelligence operations targeted the dossiers author, former british spy, christopher steele. private and former intelligence officers informing him of the russian campaign was likely designed to damage both candidates. hillary clinton,gn and all john, -- and donald trump because moscow's ultimate objective was to tarnish the event's eventual winner and office of the presidency. according to this memo, mueller's job was to investigate russian interference and he testified that the dossier predated his appointment here that's technically true but the national security courts extended the surveillance warrant from carter page based on the steele dossier through the summer of 2017, overlapping with mueller. this exchange from yesterday had not had nearly enough player and he goes to the heart of the issue. >> christopher steele's reporting is referenced in your reports. steele report as of the that -- to the fbi senior russian foreign ministry figures along with other russians told him that there was an exploding from the deal that's a comic sense is evidence of conspiracy between the trump campaign team in the kremlin paired so here's my question, did russians really tell that your customers show? -- two christopher steele or did he just make it all up and was he lying to the fbi? >> let me back up at a second if i could be a let me say ass i said earlier, with regard to steel, that's beyond my pretty old. >> separately, the democratic chairman of the house judiciary committee's next target is former is former white house counsel don mckendrick. o -- don mcgann jerry nadler told reporters he may file a lawsuit as early as tomorrow to enforce that subpoena, tucker. >> tucker: the subpoenas continue to catherine herridge, things a lot, for that. biko you're welcome. president trump had what we would describe ase a triumphant reaction yesterday after robert mueller's testimony. here's part of it. speak of their party is in shambles right now. they've got the squad leading their party. they are a mess. this g was a devastating day for the democrats. the democrats thought they could win an election like this, i think they hurt themselves very badly for 2020. >> tucker: mall, the mood was widely shared on twitter, donald trump jr. -- called the hearing a great win, and asked this, serious question, hasn't mueller even heard of mueller? donald trump joins us for his first interview since the hearing and scrape your thanks a lot for coming on. so, what was f -- i mean, i think that tweet sums it up pretty well but elaborate on what you thought of it. >> well, listen. i really think it does speak for itself.>> i mean, i'm watching a guy that led an investigation, was that of the fbi, was a former prosecutor, spent two years and almost $50 million investigating it and a congressman asked, let's talk about fusion gps. i've never heard of it appear to me, that be like a builder talking about not understanding what a foundation is. dodo not even have a finite understanding of how this all started tells the american public everything they need to know, tucker. this was a hoax set up by the democrats from moment number one.y it wasn't true, this investigation was about trying to figure out what happened. it was trying to back into the resultt that they wanted. they couldn'the do that because there was nothing there. but they drug people through the mud for two years. they spread it in the media, ad nauseam him, without fail. you saw your prior n guests earlier today saying the same thing. may be working with vladimir putin, yes, because donald trump needed to leave his lifestyle of luxury to go work for the russians rather than, because he's sick of what's going on in american politics, because he's sickk of politicizing every single aspects and being willing to ruin people's lives, send american lives to fight wars for things that don't exist, all of this nonsense that you talk about,, because there's no accountability in washington, d.c. and i thinkac the american peope finally saw it. that this man, who was the lead of the largest investigation in american history, really the largest hoax at this point, he didn't have a fundamental understanding of not only where it began, but what was even involved. how it took place. ultimately, i think the american public saw that he was put in there as a figurehead because he was a former leader of the fbi, he was a decorated marine and he would do what's right. w but, no one's talking about this guy put in 19 left is hillary clinton donor lawyers. they worked on the clinton campaign, they went to her, what would have been her inauguration party. they would've celebrated it. he would have no idea who was running the ship. the inmates were running the asylum and as inmates for the democrat party who were doing whatever they could to destroy my father's presidency because they see that he's actually getting things done. he's actually getting things done for the american people. he's actually delivering on the promises that he made. f and what i would love to see asd an american, and someonees who s really been drugged through the mud myself in his whole hoax, is, i'd love to see the democrats actually do something for americans for change. not for their power base, not for the political elite, not for their nonsense crazy p that they are running with these days but for actual hardworking americans. how about getting the usmca passed through congress question mike about working on an infrastructure bill? how about doing anything other than trying toto destroy my fatr who is actually delivering for the people that he said hehe wod deliver for? all american people. >> tucker: two things, jerry nadler is on anotheruc channel right as we speak saying more subpoenas so, this will, apparently, pouring according to mr. another, continue. we surprised to hear the speaker of the house come nancy pelosi come and say this afternoon to us that she still believes that the president of the united states is working for russia? speaker of the house. >> no, because this is all they had. they have deigned to their -- they banked their entire reputation on a paired member and started off as collusion, than i was going to be obstruction, than it a cover-up, then it's gonna be the southern district of new york. then, mueller is going to be the savior, we are going to get in this time, they just keep doubling down. again, because there's no one is willing to hold them accountable.n. you know, maybe you, maybe sean and the next hour, a few people, but the mainstream media will still buy in large run with just about anything that they sell them.ea -- tell them. they don't have to be fact-based. there doesn't have to be any evidence. as long as they say it, that's all that they need because mainstream media has become the de facto marketing division of the dfc. >> tucker: that is very clear. that is not an overstatement. donald trump jr., great to see a man. nthank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: in hand, robert mueller's testimony hurt his own interpretation and ther: cause of the democratic party. he has also heard our national security appeared one former fbi official believes that it did. i will explain why, in a minute. plus, liberals inin san franciso are plotting to destroy a george washington mural after deciding with consensus, the -- it is offensive and the consensus, party of censorship,p, destroyig art like the taliban. we will discuss, just ahead. ♪ without the letters a, b and o, there's no mom. no dad. there's no brittany. because as, bs and os determine your blood type. and we're missing all of them. that's why the american red cross needs people like you to help fill the gaps. schedule your donation at at bass pro shops and cabela's. where you'll save on all the gear you need for the season. plus get your bow outfitted, tuned and sited right in the store. bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. >> tucker: more than 200 times yesterday, former special counsel robert mueller deflected or declined to answer a direct question will testify before congress. anyone watching from home will and for a little about russia but it was not a total loss. viewers learn how to use the word purview. from the sheer number of times. >> it's outside my purview. with regard to this deal, that's beyond my purview. as i said before, i will state again, it's not my purview. >> tucker: so mueller's testimony, and then, was weird, sad, and embarrassing, but wasn't more than that? could it have been harmful to the national security of this country? terry church suggests it might have been. he joins us tonight. terry, thanks a lot for coming on. so, you are suggesting that this might actually hurt the country. how? >> well, absolutely. i think, in fact, i talked to a number of former agents today, yesterday, after the hearing, and i think we're pretty sure, and so pretty confident that we should be saying right now that we're probably going to one of the most dangerous times in our country's history because we feel that what came out of this, and what came out of thoseec hearings, definitely confirmed our worst fears from two years ago and that is from all the pieces that came out and all the pieces that we collected, we feel like the democratic party is the hostile intelligent service here, if you will come of the targeted the president and wants to get him removed from office. and if anything was in the purview of director mueller, it was to look at russian influence in the 2016 election and in fact, he didn't do that. what he did was take facts from everywhere and that entire report is trying to pin those facts around the idea that come of the theory that donald trump was in bed with the russians. that is not the way you do an investigation and today, we said, and yesterday when he concluded his testimony, he said one of the real bad things as they are going to do it again.d well, yes they are because he did nothing to stop it. and the fbi did nothing to stop it and that's what really makes this different. the fbi has been compromised and the facts are very clear. we don't know today if it so compromised by the democratic party and too many questions remain unanswered. we don't have time to go into all of them. let me just give you one little piece of something that we look out when we do with counterintelligence investigations like this. you always look at and you ask, who initiated the media and anything with, say, the target. let's take trump tower. they all are raving about that terrible meeting in trump tower. that meeting was initiated by natalia vessels guy appears she is the one who called donald trump jr., not the other way around. before she did that, what did she do? she met with fusion gps, that bob mueller has no idea who they are. i mean, i was crushed when i saw that. who had the president of fusion gps met with the volvo -- before all of this? he met withhr perkins click on the law firm that was representing the dnc and paying for and still putting money into christopher steele to write the dossier. the same law firm, by the way, that would not allowsime the fbo get into the dnc network when we had the emails all hacked. this is awful. this is very obvious. and i think you would be hard-pressed to find an experienced fbi counterintelligence agent who really knows what they are talking about. i worked russian counterintelligence for 20 years. so did manyy of the people i've talked to. this is o not about donald trum. this is about the democratic party weaponizing the intelligence committee to get information they've known for decades. as to how those people work and this is turning it against the president to get him to move from office.isst we are now going through the revolution that we started in 1960. >> terry turchie, thank you for that. while come out in san francisco, the school where there is pushing ahead with the plan to destroy arts w and a plan to pat over and desecrate and destroy and obliterate new deal era murals that show george washington, most of them painted by a communist artist paid for by the fdr administration and they meant just show washington's flaws as well as his virtues but nuance like that is now illegal, as you know, on the left. some people decide the murals were offensive and so they are going to be destroyed at great cost. an attorney and former member of the san francisco police commission, a longtime resident liberal san franciscan. joe, thanks very much for coming on. the idea that hundreds of thousands of dollars in city used to destroy arts and the liberals would cheer this is so bewildering to someone my age, middle-aged person. i'm not sure what to say. i just wanted to bring you one who lived in san francisco and give us a reality check here. is this actually happening? is this the state of liberalism 2019, destroying art? >> by the way, i am a san francisco democrat, have been my entire life. so is my entire family. $600,000 is how much they want to spend to paint over this wall. now, letnd me put this in perspective here. this is a mural of the life of george washington at a school named george washington high school. this mural is in the right place.e. it's a teaching moment that is being robbed of the students and worse yet, the teachers themselves should be outraged. this is a city where the average teacher starts at $52,000 a year. if you double that $204,000 a year, you are still $11,000 short of the poverty level in san francisco and these guys in voting unanimously to spend $600,000 to remove this painting. the teachers union should be our age grade the teacher should be -- outraged and the teacher should be outraged and it's ironic that this is a teaching moment that's being tangible, back to it, you made earlier. fantasize for your protection pair that's what they're doing doing here and you wonder what they are doing to the history books. >> tucker: it's kind of the next question. if you're willingg to destroy te painting because you don't like its politics, why wouldn't you burn a book? >> well, more in the book or change the name of the high school? the high school named george washington high school, if you're going to village by -- vilify george washington, where really does this end? i mean, it's really interesting. i know that they are talking now about a ballot initiative and would instead theyou should be doing is focusing on stuff like what the mayor announced today, which is tax credits for housing students. that is what they should be focused on but the democratic party has this cancel in it that is this radical left. if they do not take care of this cancer, it will cannibalize the party and againsts our president and then the republicans fodder for this next election and it makes us look like -- annexes look bad. and that's not my party that is not my party. steal one from a liberal democrat in san francisco, that they've gone insane. stickley i, well, we agree on this one. don't tell anybody though. the two i won't. thanks. first, just a small income and now i erika thomas. another fake hate crime undermined thanks to video evidence. we bought the latest for you on that tonight. plus, congressman ilhan omar suggest america should not worry about a radical islam and should instead worry about white men. she's not racist because she said it, apparently. that, ahead. ♪ really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. ♪ >> tucker: another week, and other hate a hoax. apparently that is what's going on with erica thomas, she's the georgia democrat and lawmaker who rallied the national media to her side last week when she posted a facebook video and claim to be the victim of a malicious hateful attack by a white man at a grocery store. watch. >> that white man came up to me and called me a b word and told me to go back where i came from because he wanted to get in front of me with his couple of items and he said i had 20 items and then he said i should get out of line. what would make you that angry? >> tucker: if she's sobbing, must be true. watch, looks like nothing was true. this story and semifell apart. thomas was the one who said i go back to where you came from. >> i heard him call her ignorant and then she said ma'am, i need you to leave the store. and then he called her ignorant again and she said you can go back to where you camera from. >> that's what he said to her? >> no, she said that to him. you can go it back to where you came from. >> tucker: amazing. now, surveillance tape from the supermarket further undermines her story. the footage has no sound but it makes it clear that the fight was just a verbal altercation and thomas did not seem to be in fear for her v safety. jason nichols is a professor of african-american studies at the university of maryland and he joins us. thanks a lot for coming on. so, if there is one that raises the temperature pointlessly and makes people hatete each other when they don't need to aid each -- hate each other, it's stories like this. that's why i think it's worth pounding on l this lawmaker. you shouldn't lie about stuff like this because itff really ds make people paranoid and unhappy, wouldn't you say? >> i'm not so sure that she lied. i think i may know, number one, he did call her a lazy b word and we have to remember that she is nine months pregnant, she had 20 my items in the line and this busybody comes over and, you know, starts getting upset about that. he should've just rolledps his eyes like the rest of us do and gone on about his day and complained about it, you know, to his wife but instead -- >> tucker: let me stop you there and agree. i agree with you. he should've just rolled his eyes and he is an annoying busybody. i should say that. this is not -- black with hat white-hot deal. they are both awful. i agree with you completely bare however, she's the lawmaker and she made it into a race case. i guess that is what bothers me. why did i?sh why do that? >> well, you know, i'm not so sure that it had anything to do with race but what i will say is that, you know, that's the environment that we are in now and we can talk about why that is but i think the larger environment is a lot of people are really tense and really coming out, sensitive and afraid and you know, i think when you said that she wasn't afraid, not so sure. i think a lot of people react aggressively when they are afraid so i think her being nine months pregnant and having her daughter, i believe she has another 9-year-old daughter there, i can see why she might be a little intimidated and the man called her a lazy b word which in my opinion, where i come from, may even be worse than single back to where you are from. >> tucker: yeah, i mean i don't even know what go back to where you are from means.'t of family issues when the set up that i agree with you. i just don't -- as soon as she set a white man did this, he claims he's not white, but whatever. why make it a race thing? how about a rude guy did this? you know and i mean? i get it. that's totally fine. but we should all should make an effort to d racial -- effort to d racial isaac, and my opinion. >> i'm not so sure. again, i don't know her experiences, you know, are coming from georgia andad may be some of experiences she had made her think that this was a racial incident. i don't know but what i can say is, you know, him going up and approaching this pregnant woman because she had a couple extra items was ridiculous and then calling her a lazy b word when in fact, she has founded a nonprofit, she's an elected official, and she's a mother and she is ninee months pregnant? she's anything but lazy. i think that when a little over over board. >> tucker: not lazy, but a liar. good to see you. state of minnesota gave pete allison a pro wrestler as governor. didn't work very well, but neither of them are even close to that states were celeste truax mistake. that honor goes, sonny grilli contested, to a freshman member of congress, ilhan omar. ilhan said that if america carea to be at keeping its citizens safe, we would stop worrying about islamic terrorism, which isn't really no problem at all, and instead profile white men. watch. >> i would say our country should be moreay fearful of whie menn across our country. they are actually causing most of the dust within this country -- deaths within this country and so if the fear was the driving force of policies to keep america safe, americans safe inside of this country, we should be profiling and monitoring and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men. >> tucker: not only is that obviously bigoted, it's also stupid. it's untrue. fbi statistics prove that it's actually not factually accurate what she just said but in any case, our real fear should not be ices or white men, we should be most afraid of clueless lawmakers like ilhan omar. kevin bruce, president and hose, get to him you post on fox nation which you should watch every episode of. tammy, inch it interesting that a lawmaker can get up and attack an entire racial group like oh, problem. no one knows it. >> well yeah, that was from last year which is interesting because know what she now has an opinion piece out calling donald trump and a racist. when she had called for, while she was a state representative, for racial and gender profiling by federal law enforcement this country's history speaks very strongly about the fact that we have rejected that. we had a civil war, to reject the idea that people should be etreated differently because of how they look or for an immutable personal traits like race or gender. and yet, here she is in the 21st century, usually railing as we know aboutst those supposedly false racism of the president because it's political and then, her own comments on left this said that she was being satirical and no she wasn't no, she was being serious. this is a point of view that she felt comfortable presenting before she wasng a major nationl figure and i think that that's what is the truth here. at the same time, he you've got a woman of color, another thing that has proved racism and bigotry is equal opportunity. it is not with one group, it is not with one gender, it is not with one race, it is really about a major desire to control and to align individuals who may be are more inclined to not necessarily agree with you or believe what you believe and we have seen historically how that works. you denigrate individuals and others as a problem, you separate them, and in this country, every day we work and we practiced being americans by rejecting the very thing she suggested. a which is, ofje course, we should look at other people and judge them on their race and then once we do that, we should set polico and law enforcement and surveillance on then based on how they appear. it is the antithesis of the american dream and it's not who we are as a people at all. >> tucker: that's exactly right. and as always, so nicely put. great to see you, tammy. be sure to check out tammy's new program which we say, get tammy bruce. new episode out every week only on fox nation. reports say that billionaire jeffrey epstein was found injured in his cell yesterday. was it aai suicide attempt? or something else going on? trace gallagher with the very latest on that, next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: avalanche of news and jeffrey epstein case, by the headline has to be that epstein themselves was found injured in his jail cell. might have been a suicide attempt, but maybe it wasn't. fox chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher has a very latest. >> to avoid federal charges of abusing underage girls and decades in prison, and 2008, jeffrey epstein agreed to a slap on the list plea deal. he served 13 months in jail, allowed at least five days a week to go to jail and then he tried to repair his reputation and "the new york times" said some are happyt to oblige. for example, called epstein one of the largest backers of cutting edge science around the world. no mention of his criminal past. turns out a p.r. firm. a forbes contributor $600 to attach his name to a prewritten story. in 2013, the national were viewed called a smart businessmante with a passion for science. no mention of his passion for underage girls. that story was actually authored by a publicist for jeffrey epstein. thee "national review" apologized, and finally, "the huffington post" lauded epstein for helping scientists thrice. the 6 grams progress not included. tonight prison officials are investigating whether he was attacked in jail, stayed intact, or tried to commit suicide. he was found tuesday morning nearlyor unconscious with injurs to his neck. some believe the injuries were self-inflicted to get out of jail but others sayer suicide and assault have not been ruled out. on another inmate has been question. finally, former president clinton said he had six encounters with jeffrey epstein, all after 2002 but "the daily beast" now says epstein made numerous visits to the clinton white house. a clinton spokesperson says the former president knows nothing prof the crimes or the charges. tucker? >> tucker: [laughs] they know nothing. nothing at all. trace gallagher, thank you for the latest tonight. great to see you. there is clearly more to that story and we'll keep pulling the thread for you. as of tonight, we are out of time. back tomorrow, 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. have the best night. "hannity" is next. the president is expected to join him. >> sean: yes, sir. great show as always, tucker. thank you. welcome to "hannity." we start tonight with a fox news alert. we are moments awake by the president will join us for an exclusive one-on-one interview, full, complete reaction to all of the events yesterday, the squad where you don't want to miss it. it's been a very good day, two dates for the president had great days for america. horrible day if you are part of the deep state. of course, the line, conspiracy theorist in the destroyed trump medium. here's the reality. they just seem incapable of abstracting, which is i think i'm at the foundation of why they keep going here. they can't accept the 2016 election res


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20190726

before congress bear no honest person could come away at the end believing that the president of the united states colluded with the russian government to steal an election. that was the allegation, you will remember. and then, after the most extensive valley investigation in modern american history, we found the truth. we can say conclusively once again, what we told you the day this all started, the whole thing is a crock. it never happened. they were lying to you. that's clear now that the day is over. but that doesn't mean the russian storied white ended. there are loose ends. for two and half years, some of the most powerful people in america supposedly serious, well educated people, very smart people, these people made wild and untrue and totally reckless allegations about issues critical to the life of this country. all on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. it's hard to believe they did that. but they did do it. what should happen to these people now? congressman adam schiff rings in. he claims he possessed actual evidence of russia collusion. he didn't just say that one time, he said it repeatedly. >> there was significant evidence of commute collusion. indeed, there is, of collusion of people in the trump campaign with the russians. i think there's plenty of absolute evidence of collusion or conspiracy. >> tucker: in the end, you know what happened or didn't. shift did not produce the evidence. he didn't have it because it doesn't exist. schiff was bluffing which is to say, lying. he still is, actually appeared as of yesterday, schiff was continuing to claim that the term camping quotes embraced foreign health made use of it, and covered it up. in other words, collusion. schiff still believes the cook for collusion hoax. or does he? today, adam schiff went on cnn to carry water for his boss, nancy pelosi. impeachment mining not be a great idea, he is told cnn viewers. but wait, that doesn't seem to make sense. if donald trump is working for a hostile foreign power, as adam schiff was told countless time that he is, how can we not impeach him? no one on cnn asked adam schiff to explain that contradiction, unfortunately not that it matters because think about it for a psych. and you will see exactly what's going on. adam schiff never believed a word he was saying. i suppose the good news is, schiff is not delusional. the bad news, though, is that adam schiff is a soulless liar. as a man willing to say literally anything for a political advantage and that's really the worst of all. being a lunatic would be much more appealing than that. naturally, washington being the place that it is, adam schiff has been ritually rewarded for his shameless deceit. he is still the chairman of the house intelligence committee. that's one of the most powerful jobs and all of schiff is all but certain to be there for years. but what about his enablers and there are a lot of them. the journalist, the fellow lawmakers, that helps adam schiff tell his lies. these are the people eat, your member, who blindly accuse the sitting president the sitting president of the united states of treason. >> the evidence suggests, indeed, trump is, and has been, upon of the russians. >> when you start to see a pattern where he basically follows putin's lies, that we have to ask the most unusual question about our own president. >> why this president seems to be putting russia's interest inside of our own. >> the tweet really just undercuts his own defense for the presidents we couldn't have been scripted better if it was written by putin himself. >> this is nothing short of treason because it is a betrayal of the nation. he is giving comfort to the enemy. >> there is influence whether waiting, or unwitting, by the russians over president trump. >> is a possibility. a very real possibility. that president putin holds damaging information over president trump. >> >> trumps eagerness to sell t america proves the russians must have something personally, politically, or financially on president trump. >> tucker: improves the president trump is committing treason. think about what you decide. the last person in that montage was nancy pelosi. as you know, she's the speaker of the house. third in line for the presidency. she is the country's most powerful lawmaker. he supposedly awoke wise and sober person. and there, she was telling you, it's been proved that the president of the united states is working for a hostile foreign power. is any speaker in american history ever said something that is irresponsible, may be nothing comes mind, but if you think that's shocking, consider this. plus he is still saying that. alex pfeiffer ran into pelosi just this afternoon on capitol hill and asked her, listen to what she told our sho show. >> speaker pelosi, in january, he wondered what putin had on trial date of hearsay, are you any closer to figuring that out? >> we are in the courts right now. speak are you any closer? >> we need to answer our subpoena to think there might be some sort of blackmail the president? >> i wonder what putin has politically, financially, or personally. [indistinct question] >> tucker: the exchange isn't long but it really tells you everything you need to know. pelosi told our show the president is a traitor who is committing treason and yet, she doesn't want to impeach him. how does that make sense? well, it only makes sense when you understand the police he doesn't mean a single word that she says. everything is political. meaning, it's only about power. that's not just annoying, it's also ominous. and here's why. 15 years ago, this spring, we invaded iraq to stop a wmd program that didn't exist. thousands of american troops died in the process, trillions of dollars were wasted. it was the single greatest mistake in this country in generations and yet, and here's the key, nobody in washington was ever punished for it. the people who planned it went on to even better jobs. one of them is now our national security advisor, john bolton. five years after the iraq war, our economy collapse. remember that? the subprime meltdown? the specific causes were complex but the themes were instantly recognizable. the greed and stupidity and yet, once again, no one was ever punished. now, fast forward another 11 years to today, right now america stands on the brink of yet more foolish foreign entanglements and on the break of potentially another financial meltdown. why is that? because nobody in washington has learned anything. and why would they learn anything? when they scrub, there are never any consequences. it is skate by on the unusual mixture of aggression and b.s. nothing to see here. keep moving. imagine for a second what would happen if you'll let your kids act like that. well, they would be in prison by now. so, maybe it's time to stop the cycle in washington to be and how about this. if you can get caught lying about the big things, whether it's about weapons of mack mass district auction orb subprime mortgages are russian collusion, you have to admit it. and serve penance. not necessarily present time, though we are open, but punishment of some kind. you can stay in washington making six times the average american sorry. you can't do that here now, sorry that you've got to leave. you got to read quote relocate to camden, new jersey. gary, indiana. and do something useful like clean motel rooms for minimum wage. put the little sanitized for your protection scripts on toilets. not forever. just for a decade or two until you've learned your lesson. call us when you've done that, but not before. andy mccarthy is a contributing editor a national route review it and author of the upcoming book, ball of collusion, the plot to rig an election and destroy presidency. andy, thanks a lot for joining us tonight. so, do you think, at this point, and try to be charitable because i know that you are a man of personal decency, that an honest person looking at the evidence, watching mr. mueller's testimony yesterday, could believe, still, that the president was being blackmailed by russia? >> no, tucker. but, you know, actually thought that mueller's testimony would be a nonevent. i really thought that this diet when mueller didn't come through for them and find a collusion conspiracy. and i expected yesterday was just going to be him reading the report. what i was taken aback by was how detached and unable he seemed to be but i really thought this was dead, weeks ago. >> tucker: yes. well, you would think that it would be but it persists. it it persists at least in the rhetoric. and you spent your life in and around the justice system. isn't one of the main points of the justice system to effect justice? to say this was right, this was wrong, the people who committed a wrong or punished, the people who committed the writer vindicate a question mark is not the point? why does that never happened in washington? >> well, i think, tucker, you kind of hit it on the head with your opening. we don't really have justice. we have protection or old justice. is political and we have kind of the attainments of judicial processes boat what is really going on underneath it all is everything is geared toward what position will be bn, say, autumn of 2020 and to be a little bit more concrete about it, i always thought with this escapade that it was carried as counterintelligence for a long time because they didn't have a criminal predicate to conduct an investigation. they did the criminal investigation of mainly obstruction in order to start impeachment chatter and it's not that they wouldn't impeach trump if they thought they could, but the real purpose of impeachment was the political goal of rendering trump unelectable by autumn of next year. so, i thought this was always all political and what they tried to do was make it look legitimate by carrying it under rubric like counterintelligence and law enforcement. but i don't recognize it as suc such. >> tucker: have you ever seen anything more cynical and damaging to the country itself? >> not this widespread and systemically. i was thinking when you are making your opening remarks about harry reid back in 2012, when he just blurted out that romney hadn't paid his taxes and when they asked about it, it was just a blatant flat out live. and when they asked him about it later, he said well, he didn't win, did he? i'm not really seems to me the bottom line to these guys. it's all about winning. it's all about accumulating and keeping tyler and, you know, they will use the criminal justs them in order to try to legitimize what their schemes are but we shouldn't be fooled by that. they are schemes. >> tucker: it's the tonya harding approach. just, you know, take a bite of your opponent. thank you for that perspective. i appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: will come democratic candidates prefer to act like robert mueller's testimony never have and get others on the left are being more honest about it. bill march we did this, i can't want to study more to home, guys. it just didn't work. you can still win the election but i wouldn't bet my own money on it. michael moore was even one of them said, always upset, he wrote this, quote, "a frail old man unable to answer things. stumbling, and unable to answer questions. i set it in 2017 and muller confirmed his day, while you penance and moderates and lame democrats who told the public to put their face and the esteemed brother mark, shut the f up from now on. and on that, for once, we agree with michael moore. performing her lawyer and advisor to hillary clinton, he joins us tonight. are you with michael moore on this? >> you know, my take away is, i tip my hat to the president's supporters, whether on networks, prints, or pendants because the majority of republicans don't agree with what his own head of cia, his own director of national intelligence had which is what that the republicans, the russians did interview interview with the election. most were republicans don't believe that and i say, well done, trump supporter's. and after yesterday, the take away, i think by all fairness is, the russians stole from hillary clinton and the dnc. the trump campaign it used stolen goods and the only reason there was no indictment is they use a cut through. wikileaks, who mike pompeo, when he was head of cia, said it was a hostile intelligence service so, again, well done. you managed to -- >> tucker: i guess i'm not jumping all over you and trying to beat you into submission or even witness argument because, of course, it's not worth it. you know, i don't think anyone watching agrees with what you're saying get i can tell whether you do or not. >> no republican disagreed with me yesterday. >> tucker: has a lot of remote guns in the congress. in fact, i can tell you how many dumb republicans are on capitol hill right now. anyone that says russia is a preeminent threat to the united states is an idiot. i'd be happy to talk to anyone about that. that's a bee line of the democratic party. that russia is a preeminent threat to the united states. not jenna, not google, not a bunch of other countries, not the saudis, russia. and that's insane. actually. "twitterstorm" dick cheney's said what -- >> tucker: i don't care what dick cheney said. >> but he's not a democrat or even a stupid republican on congress but you can disagree with him, but he's not alone. he will let me ask you a question peered rather than go back into the past and try to prove acts of various religions, i want to it with few sounds from your speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. alex arthur ran onto ran into her on the hill and answer, do you think trump speaks treason he is what she said. [indistinct question] >> we are in the courts are now. >> are you any closer to figuring out what pruden has on from? >> that's why we need to have the answer to our subpoena. >> do you think we might have some sort of blackmail the president? >> i wonder what putin has pulled a clay, financially personally. >> tucker: so nancy pelosi believes that trump is working for the russians. she just said that. do you think that's right? >> i think what she's pointing to is, there has been very little say in explanation for why trump sided with pruden against his intelligence agencies on the question of whether or not the russians attacked our democracy. >> tucker: she just explained it. she thinks trump is working for putin. she doesn't want to improve repeat gym. it's not that kind of treason. but she said is working for put in. you agree with that? >> come i think what she's saying is, let's look at his taxes. let's look at some information about money-laundering. they are get to the bottom of this and that may actually explain why he lied during the campaign about not having any dealings with russia. we know he was lying about it. and i think there is a lot of other things and mueller coming yesterday, virtually called him a liar. >> tucker: so you think, you agree with pelosi that trump is working for putin? you think that? before saying something like that, you would think that you should have a nail that down. we just had a multiyear investigation, several of them come actually, that didn't show that but pelosi has access to documents that we don't have access to, as i would she say? signal, she doesn't. i'm not saying that he is, basically, the holding to the russians. i'm just saying that a lot of people should ask questions about why in the world would he trust putin over his own handpicked intelligence agency had? that's kind of hard to explain but for something that we don't believe. >> tucker: if you don't believe our intel agencies, you are a traitor. >> no. but why would you -- >> tucker: this whole thing -- really? because i don't believe anything they say beard and i'm not a traitor, i'm a loyal american. richard, great to see you. i can't wait for the story to go away. it's too infuriating. robert mueller refused to answer a lot of questions yesterday, including several bow donald trump jr. donald trump jr. has something to say about it, though, he will join us in this first interview after this break. ♪ it's show time. let's cowboy up! exhilarating speed. woo! precision control. woo! maximum reliability. access denied. [ repeats ] access denied. if it's not xfinity xfi, it's not good enough. for wifi with super powers, get xfinity xfi. and go see, fast & furious presents, hobbs & shaw. august 2. >> tucker: robert mueller's report and his testimony yesterday before congress sells a lot with american's so-called intelligence community. our various intel agencies. so, how are those agencies reacting to yesterday's hearing? fox chief intelligence correspondent, catherine herridge has that story for us and she joins a stop to it hey. >> thanks. after the testimony, they reported that they were beyond disappointed to hear directly from robert mueller that is team did not investigate the steele dossier and the weather was part of the russian playbook in 2016. they said the key question is whether russian intelligence operations targeted the dossiers author, former british spy, christopher steele. private and former intelligence officers informing him of the russian campaign was likely designed to damage both candidates. hillary clinton, and all john, because moscow's ultimate objective was to tarnish the event's eventual winner and office of the presidency. according to this memo, mueller's job was to investigate russian interference and he testified that the dossier predated his appointment here that's technically true but the national security courts extended the surveillance warrant from carter page based on the steele dossier through the summer of 2017, overlapping with mueller. this exchange from yesterday had not had nearly enough player and he goes to the heart of the issue. >> christopher steele's reporting is referenced in your reports. still report as of the that senior russian foreign ministry figures along with other russians told him that there was an exploding from the deal that's a comic sense is evidence of conspiracy between the trump campaign team in the kremlin paired so here's my question, did russians really tell that your customers show? or did he just make it all up and was he lying to the fbi? >> let me back up at a second if i could be a let me say as i said earlier, with regard to steel, that's beyond my pretty old. >> separately, the democratic chairman of the house judiciary committee's next target is former is former white house counsel don mckendrick. jerry nadler told reporters he may file a lawsuit as early as tomorrow to enforce that subpoena, tucker. >> tucker: the subpoenas continue to catherine herridge, things a lot, for that. president trump had what we would describe as a triumphant reaction yesterday after robert mueller's dismay. here's to a part of it. speak of their party is in shambles right now. they've got the squad leading their party. they are a mess. this was a devastating day for the democrats. the democrats thought they could win an election like this, i think they hurt themselves very badly for 2020. >> tucker: mall, the mood was widely shared on twitter, donald trump jr. -- called the hearing a great win, and asked this, serious question, hasn't mueller even heard of mueller? donald trump joins us for his first interview since the hearing and scrape your thanks a lot for coming on. so, what was -- i mean, i think that tweet sums it up pretty well but elaborate on what you thought of it. >> well, listen. i really think it does speak for itself. i mean, i'm watching a guy that led an investigation, was that of the fbi, was a former prosecutor, spent two years and almost $50 million investigating it and a congressman asked, let's talk about fusion gps. i've never heard of it appear to me, that be like a builder talking about not understanding what a foundation is. do not even have a finite understanding of how this all started tells the american public everything they need to know, tucker. this was a hoax set up by the democrats from moment number one. it wasn't true, this investigation was about trying to figure out what happened. it was trying to back into the result that they wanted. they couldn't do that because there was nothing there. but they drug people through the mud for two years. they spread it in the media, ad nauseam him, without fail. you saw your prior guests earlier today saying the same thing. he still may be working with food and, yes, because donald trump needed to leave his lifestyle of luxury to go work for the russians rather than, because he's sick of what's going on in american politics, because he's sick of politicizing every single aspects and being willing to ruin people's lives, send american lives to fight wars for things that don't exist, all of this nonsense that you talk about, because there's no accountability in washington, d.c. and i think the american people finally saw it. that this man, who was the lead of the largest investigation in american history, really the largest hoax at this point, he didn't have a fundamental understanding of not only where it began, but what was even involved. how it took place. ultimately, i think the american public saw that he was put in there as a figurehead because he was a former leader of the fbi, he was a decorated marine and he would do what's right. but, no one's talking about this guy put in 19 left is hillary clinton donor lawyers. they worked on the clinton campaign, they went to her, what would have been her inauguration party. they would've celebrated it. he would have no idea it was running the ship. animates were running the asylum and as inmates for the democrat party who were doing whatever they could to destroy my father's presidency because they see that he's actually getting things done. he's actually getting things done for the american people. he's actually delivering on the promises that he made. and what i would love to see as an american, and someone who has really been drugged through the mud myself in his whole hoax, is, i'd love to see the democrats actually do something for americans for change. not for their power base, not for the political elite, not for their nonsense crazy that they are running with these days but for actual hardworking americans. how about getting the usmca passed through congress question mike about working on an infrastructure bill? how about doing anything other than trying to destroy my father who is actually delivering for the people that he said he would deliver for? all american people. >> tucker: two things, jerry nadler is on another channel right as we speak saying more subpoenas so, this will, apparently, pouring according to mr. another, continue. we surprised to hear the speaker of the house come nancy pelosi come and say this afternoon to us that she still believes that the president of the united states is working for russia? speaker of the house. >> no, because this is all they had. they have deigned to their entire reputation on a paired member and started off as collusion, than i was going to be construction, than it a cover-up, then it's gonna be the southern district of new york. then, mueller is going to be the savior, we are going to get in this time, they just keep doubling down. again, because there's no one is willing to hold them accountable. you know, maybe you, maybe sean and the next hour, a few people, but the mainstream media will still buy in large run with just about anything that they sell them. they don't half to be fact-based. there doesn't have to be any evidence. as long as they say it, that's all that they need because mainstream media has become the de facto marketing division of the dfc. >> tucker: that is very clear. that is not an overstatement. donald trump jr., great to see a man. thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: in hand, robert mueller's testimony hurt his own interpretation and the cause of the democratic party. he has also heard our national security appeared one former fbi official believes that it did. i will explain why, in a minute. plus, liberals in san francisco are plotting to destroy a george washington mural after deciding with consensus, the party of censorship, destroying art like the taliban. we will discuss, just ahead. ♪ >> tucker: more than 200 times yesterday, former special counsel robert mueller deflected or do declined to answer a direct question will testify before congress. anyone watching from home will and for a little about russia but it was not a total loss. viewers learn how to use the word purview. >> it's outside my purview. with regard to this deal, that's beyond my purview. as i said before, i will state again, it's not my purview. >> tucker: so mueller's testimony, and then, was weird, sad, and embarrassing, but wasn't more than that? could it have been harmful to the national security of this country? cherries to cherry church suggests it might have been. he joins us tonight. terry, thanks a lot for coming on. so, you are suggesting that this might actually hurt the country. how? stig will come obsolete. i think, in fact, talk to a number of former agents today, yesterday, after the hearing, and i think we're pretty sure, and so pretty confident that we should be saying right now that we're probably going to one of the most dangerous times in our country's history because we feel that what came out of this, and what came out of those hearings, definitely confirmed our worst fears from two years ago and that is from all the pieces that came out and all the pieces that we collected, we feel like the democratic party is the hostile intelligent service here, if you will come of the targeted the president and wants to get him removed from office. and if anything was in the purview of director mueller, it was to look at russian influence in the 2016 election and in fact, he didn't do that. what he did was take facts from everywhere and that entire report is trying to pin those facts around the idea that come of the theory that donald trump was in bed with the russians. that is not the way you do an investigation and today, we said, and yesterday when he concluded his testimony, he said one of the real bad things as they are going to do it again. well, yes they are because he did nothing to stop it. and the fbi did nothing to stop it and that's what really makes this different. the fbi has been compromised and the facts are very clear. we don't know today if it so compromised by the democratic party and too many questions remain unanswered. we don't have time to go into all of them. let me just give you one little piece of something that we look out when we do with counterintelligence investigations like this. you always look at and you ask, who initiated the media and anything with, say, the target. let's take trump tower. they all are raving about that terrible meeting in trump tower. that meeting was initiated by natalia vessels guy appears she is the one who called donald trump jr., not the other way around. before she did that, what did she do? she met with fusion gps, that bob mueller has no idea who they are. i mean, i was crushed when i saw that. who had the president of fusion gps met with the volvo question where he met with perkins click on the law firm that was representing the dnc and paying for and still putting money into christopher steele to write the dossier. the same law firm, by the way, that would not allow the fbi to get into the dnc network when we had the emails all hacked. this is awful. this is very obvious. and i think you would be hard-pressed to find an experienced fbi counterintelligence agent who really knows what they are talking about. i worked russian counterintelligence for 20 years. so did many of the people i've talked to. this is not about donald trump. this is about the democratic party weaponizing the intelligence committee to get information they've known for decades. that's how these people work and this is turning it against the president to get him to move from office. we are not going through the revolution that we started in 1960. steele and terry turchie, thank you for that. while come out in san francisco, the school where there is pushing ahead with the plan to destroy arts and a plan to paint over and desecrate and destroy and obliterate new deal era murals that show george washington, most of them painted by a communist artist paid for by the fdr administration and they meant just show washington's flaws as well as his virtues but nuance like that is now illegal, as you know, on the left. some people decide the mirrors were offenses offensive and so they are going to be destroyed at great cost. an attorney and former member of the san francisco police commission, a longtime resident liberal san franciscan. joe, thanks very much for coming on. the idea that hundreds of thousands of dollars in city funds would be used to destroy arts and the liberals would cheer this is so bewildering to someone my age, middle-aged person. i'm not sure what to say. i just wanted to bring you one who lived in san francisco and give us a reality check here. is this actually happening? is this the state of liberalism 2019, destroying art? >> by the way, i am a san francisco democrat, have been my entire life. $600,000 is how much they want to spend to paint over this wall. now, let me put this in perspective here. this is a mural of the life of george washington at a school named george washington high school. this mural is in the right place. it's a teaching moment that is being robbed of the students and worse yet, the teachers themselves should be outraged. this is a city where the average teacher starts at $52,000 a year. if you double that $204,000 a year, you are still $11,000 short of the poverty level in san francisco and these guys in voting unanimously to spend $600,000 to remove this paintin painting. the teachers union should be our age grade the teacher should be outraged and it's ironic that this is a teaching moment that's being tangible, back to it, you made earlier. fantasize for your protection pair that's what they're doing doing here and you wonder what they are doing to the history books. >> tucker: it's kind of the next question. if you're willing to destroy the painting because you don't like its politics, why wouldn't you burn a book? >> well, more in the book or change the name of the high school? the high school named george washington high school, if you're going to village by george washington, where really does this end? i mean, it's really interesting. i know that they are talking now about a ballot initiative and would instead they should be doing is focusing on stuff like what the mayor announced today, which is tax credits for housing students. that is what they should be focused on but the democratic party has this cancer in it that is this radical left. if they do not take care of this cancer, it will cannibalize the party and against our president and then the republicans fodder for this next election and it makes us look like -- annexes look bad. and that's not my party that is not my party. steal one from a liberal democrat in san francisco, that they've gone insane. stickley i, well, we agree on this one. don't tell anybody though. sue and want. thanks. first, just a small income and now i erika thomas. another fake hate crime undermined thanks to video evidence. we bought the latest for you on that tonight. plus, congressman ilhan omar suggest america should not worry about a radical islam and should instead worry about white men. she's not racist because she said it, apparently. that, i had. ♪ been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? 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>> tucker: if she's sobbing, must be true. watch, looks like nothing was true. this story and semifell apart. thomas was the one who said i go back to where you came from. >> i heard him call her ignorant and then she said ma'am, i need you to leave the store. and then he called her ignorant again and she said you can go back to where you came from. >> that's what he said to her? >> no, she said that to him. you can go it back to where you came from. >> tucker: amazing. now, surveillance tape from the supermarket further undermines her story. the footage has no sound but it makes it clear that the fight was just a verbal altercation and thomas did not seem to be in fear for her safety. jason nichols is a professor of african-american studies at the university of maryland and he joins us. thanks a lot for coming on. so, if there is one that raises the temperature pointlessly and makes people hate each other when they don't need to aid each other, it's stories like this. that's why i think it's worth pounding on this lawmaker. you shouldn't lie about stuff like this because it really does make people paranoid and unhappy, wouldn't you say? >> i'm not so sure that she lied. i think i may know, number one, he did call her a lazy b word and we have to remember that she is nine months pregnant, she had 20 my items in the line and this busybody comes over and, you know, starts getting upset about that. he should've just rolled his eyes like the rest of us do and gone on about his day and complained about it, you know, to his wife but instead -- >> tucker: let me stop you there and agree. i agree with you. he should've just rolled his eyes and he is an annoying busybody. i should say that. this is not -- black with hat white-hot deal. they are both awful. i agree with you completely bare however, she's the lawmaker and she made it into a race case. i guess that is what bothers me. why did i? >> well, you know, i'm not so sure that it had anything to do with race but what i will say is that, you know, that's the environment that we are in now and we can talk about why that is but i think the larger environment is a lot of people are really tense and really coming out, sensitive and afraid and have a you know, i think when you said that she wasn't afraid, not so sure. i think a lot of people react aggressively when they are afraid so i think her being nine months pregnant and having her daughter, i believe she has another 9-year-old daughter there, i can see why she might be a little intimidated and the man called her a lazy b word which in my opinion, where i come from, may even be worse than single back to where you are from. >> tucker: yeah, i mean i don't even know what go back to where you are from means. of family issues when the set up that i agree with you. i just don't -- as soon as she set a white man did this, he claims he's not white, but whatever. why make it a race thing? how about a rude guy did this? you know and i mean? i get it. that's totally fine. but we should all should make an effort to d racial isaac, and my opinion. >> i'm not so sure. again, i don't know her experiences, you know, are coming from georgia and may be some of experiences she had made her think that this was a racial incident. i don't know but what i can say is, you know, him going up and approaching this pregnant woman because she had a couple extra items was ridiculous and then calling her a lazy b word when in fact, she has founded a nonprofit, she's an elected official, and she's a mother and she is nine months pregnant? she's anything but lazy. i think that when a little over bullard. as they were not lazy, but a liar. good to see you. state of minnesota gave pete allison a pro wrestler as governor. didn't work for a while but neither of them are even close to that states were celeste truax mistake. that honor goes, sonny grilli contested, to a freshman member of congress, ilhan omar. el han said that if america care to be at keeping its citizens safe, we would stop worrying about islamic terrorism, which isn't really no problem at all, and instead profile white men. watch. >> i would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country. they are actually crossing most of the dust within this country and so if the fear was the driving force of policies to keep america safe, americans safe in spite of this country, e should be profiling and monitoring and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men. >> tucker: not only is that obviously bigoted, it's also stupid. it's untrue. fbi statistics prove that it's actually not factually accurate what she just said but in any case, our real fear should not be ices or white men, we should be most afraid of clueless lawmakers like ilhan omar. kevin bruce, president and hose, get to him you post on fox nation which you should watch every episode of. tammy, inch it interesting that a lawmaker can get up and attack an entire racial group like oh, no problem. no one knows it. stick with the, that was from last year which is interesting because know what she now has an opinion piece out calling donald trump and a racist. when she had called for, while she was a state representative, for racial and gender profiling by federal law enforcement this country's history speaks very strongly about the fact that we have rejected that. we had a civil war, to reject the idea that people should be treated differently because of how they look or for an immutable personal traits like race or gender. and yet, here she is in the 21st century, usually railing as we know about those supposedly false racism of the president because it's political and then, her own comments on left this raunchy saying we heard her tell him that she was being satirical. when she said that. and no, she was being serious. this is a point of view that she felt comfortable presenting before she was a major national figure and i think that that's what is the truth here. at the same time, he you've got a woman of color, another thing that is approved. racism and bigotry is equal opportunity. it is not with one group, it is not with one gender, it is not with one race, it is really about a major desire to control and to align individuals who may be are more inclined to not necessarily agree with you or believe what you believe and we have seen historically how that works. you denigrate individuals and others as a problem, you separate them, and in this country, every day we work and we practiced being americans by rejecting the very thing she suggested. which is, of course, we should look at other people and judge them on their race and then once we do that, we should set policy and law enforcement and surveillance on then based on how they appear. it is the antithesis of the american dream and it's not who we are as a people at all. >> tucker: that's exactly right. and as always, so nicely put. great to see you, tammy. be sure to check out tammy's new program which we say, get tammy bruce. new episode out every week only on fox nation. reports say that billionaire jeffrey epstein was found entered in his cell yesterday. was it a suicide attempt? or something else going on? trace gallagher with the very latest on that, next. ms. gomez (woman) somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them because she didn't know they were talking to her. 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(avo) call 1-800-miracle to start your 30 day risk-free trial and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. >> avalanche of news today and then just 15 case but the headline has to be, he was seen injured in his jail cell. it might've been a suicide attempt. maybe it wasn't. fox chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher has the latest on that. trace? >> yeah, to avoid federal charges and abusing underage girls, epstein agreed to his level and there is still and served 13 months in jail, loudly five days a week to go to work and then he tried to repair his reputation at "the new york times" says that some were happy to oblige. for example, called epstein one of the largest cutting-edge size throughout the world. no mention of his criminal past. turns out, p.r. formed state of forbes contributors $600 to attach his name to a prewritten story. in 2013, the national review called epstein a smart businessman with the passion and passion for science. no mention of his passion for underage girls. that story was authored by a publicist for jeffrey epstein. the national review apologized and finally, "the huffington post" allotted epstein for helping scientists thrive. the sex crimes part was not included here tonight, prison officials are investigating whether epstein was intact in jail, staged an attack him or tried to commit suicide. he was fined tuesday morning nearly unconscious with injuries to his neck. some believe the injuries were self-inflicted to get transferred out of jail but others say suicide and assault have not been ruled out. another inmate has been question. and finally, former president clinton said he had to had six encounters with jeffrey epstein, all after 2002 but the daily beef now says that epstein made numerous visits to the clinton white house, clinton spokesperson says the former president knows nothing of the crimes or the charges. tucker. >> tucker: they know nothing. nothing at all. trace gallagher, they give for the latest on. great to see you. well, there is clearly more to that story. we will keep pulling the thread for you but as of tonight, we are out of time. dr. mann, 8:00 p.m., we will show it is the sworn and totally sincere enemy of lying smugness, and groupthink, have the best night. hannity is next for the president expected to join him. >> sean: yes, sir. great show as always, tucker. thank you, welcome to "hannity." fox news, moves away, the president will join us for an exclusive one-on-one interview, full, complete reaction to all of the events yesterday of course, the squad, you don't want to miss it. it has been a very good day, two days to the president and actually, great days for america. horrible day if you are a part of the corrupt state in one of their operatives and the lying conspiracy theories and the trumpet mob. here's the reality, they just seem incapable of accepting which is, i think i'm at the foundation of why they keep going here. they can't accept the 2016 election r


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190725

house. >> it was a teacup cotton ball dog. t it doesn't fit. >> now i have a burmese mountain. h >> laura: good luck with the president tomorrow. we are from washington tonight. a jampacked show, everything you need to know about this sad sad showing on capitol hill by bob mueller. chris hahn, ari fleischer, and we even have a body language breakdown on mueller. an expert who worked closely with him for years. you're not going to believe what he has to say about today's testimony. first, trump beats the elite again. that is the focus of tonight's angle. when he was appointed special counsel, robert mueller was described by the political and media elite as a brilliant choice. >> there is no more respected figure in american law enforcement than bob mueller. he's got a reputation for no nonsense. >> he is a pro, he will follow the facts where they lead. >> this is big stuff and mueller is the guy to do it. >> this is going to be resolved by one man sitting quietly at his desk named robert mueller. >> bob mueller completed another tour of duty. >> laura: at the time i might've been the only one not buying it. i am sick of hearing what a great prosecutor bob mueller is. they should stand up and say let's see where this goes. >> it' should have bought lotto tickets that day. where did this all go? we found out today that when we saw a man who we thought was going to be well-prepared wasn't. >> i don't have it in front of me. i take your word. i'm not certain of the person who originally copied that quote. i don't know that for sure. i can't answer that question without knowing more about that question. >> laura: a man who wasn't well-versed in the details of the investigation. >> i would like to ask you the reason again that you did not indict donald trump is because of opinion saying you could not indict a sitting president, is that correct? >> laura: a man who had to come back after break and correct that answer. >> i want to go back to one thing that was said this morning. you said you didn't charge the president because of the olc opinion. that is not the correct way to say it. you did not reach a determination as to whether thee president committed a crime. laura: that was just a small part of it. after all of that, the same media establishment who lauded mueller from the start, it was reduced to admitting this about today's proceedings. >> it was a televised disaster. >> i thought it really was a very ineffective. >> the democrats have to be disappointed. >> it certainly seems like donald trump is winning. >> laura: finally some honesty. if anybody can have a bad day, i'm a lawyer too,is i was invold in a lot of white color investigations. you don't always hit home runs. but this was a day full of swings and misses. an investigation that was in search of a crime from the very beginning. anybody, but rank partisans would come to the same conclusion at this point. if mueller was thee consummate pro everybody said he was, he would've used today to apologize to the american people andnd ths president for what ultimately was a travesty. we will never know the full extent of how much this has hobbled the presidency of donald trump. i have to say this, even with this albatross around his neck, the president has once again beaten the elites at their own game. he delivered economic success that is the envy of the world. better try harder next time, guys. that is the angle. joining me now are two people who worked on the independent counsel of ken starr and saul weisberg. they are both fox news contributors. joining me is kevin braga to assistant fbi director for intelligence by mueller and caucus chair mark meadows. ken, what was mueller biggest screwup today? >> total lack of preparation or at least the inability for whatever reason to communicate, to show a mastery or basic knowledge of the report. i was stunned and then i was shocked by bob's inability to focus, to show that he understood the questions, the constant please repeat the question. sometimes you do that as a witness to stall and gather your thoughts, but it seemed to be genuine. what was that question? he was in a state of befuddlement which became, i think, embarrassing. i would say early on i was so glad to see that the issue of exoneratione and the idea of a prosecutor taking it on himself for now we know the team taking it on themselves to say this report does not exonerate the president. we have been saying this for months totally inappropriate, totally improper, and now we know that it's much more likely something that bob mueller did not in his judgment come to. it was the judgment of the mueller team. >> laura: mark meadows, i'm going to go to you. we are going to move to this because he was asked about whowe appointed him at this hearing. for those of you who missed this, watch. >> which president appointed you to become the united states attorney for massachusetts? >> which senator? >> which president? >> i think that was president bush. >> according to my notes it was president ronald reagan. >> laura: the president has been through hell, his family has been through hell. all these people had to hire lawyers. they have had to go through all this testimony they were vilified, and everybody build him up to be this guy, we cut my soundbite now, but who walked on water. i didn't buy it from the beginning. any time the elite build someone up to this demigod status, my antenna always goes up. this was a sham from the beginning. he was not with it. and he is running this investigation that could affect u.s. politics? >> i was there next to bob mueller for the entire judiciary meeting, and it was obvious that he was not prepared. and he didn't have a grasp of it. >> laura: the basic facts of this investigation. the whole panel knows more about this investigation then bob mueller does. >> that was meant to be a softball question by a democrat, and it was a swing and a miss. it was just a sad day. >> laura: you worked with him, you know him, i assume you think he is a man of great integrity. your view? >> i do. i got a lot of text messages and tweets from colleagues and the operative word today seems to be painful. it's not the bob mueller that we remember. we lose a little bit of verbal dexterity over the years, but i think his basic unfamiliarity with the report itself, having to pull in his deputy for backup, does not inspire confidence and his answers today did not inspire confidence that he was a man in control. >> the deputy seemed like caretakers. this is the u.s. presidency involved. we were led to believe that this was going to be the best of the best, the fairest of the fairest, and it wasn't. saul, you have been a big defender of mueller from the beginning. you never worked withg him, but after today, your thoughts. >> i've been a big defender of his integrity from the beginning, and i'm still a defender of his integrity. i'm not going to kick him when he's down. like kevin, i got text messages from people out of the blue, people i haven't talked to, ex- fbi in years that said literally this is not the bob mueller that i knew. something is wrong. i don't know when that started, but i know to me that failure today is a failure of the democrats. this man said the report speaks for itself. i don't want to say anything beyond what's in the reports. think he could have been much sharper than he was today he still would not have given them what they want to hear. when you do not give them what they want to hear, they destroy you as they've been doing all day and they are doing tonight because they're ruthless. >> laura: i have a piece of advice i offered on twitter i held my fire until the endto f the testimony, but mine was committee, when you want a big hearing, and a lawyer that you're going to call really doesn't want to testify, you think is going to make your point, don't bring him to testify. he said he didn't want to testify. i think maybe he knew he didn't know the underlying facts. we are going to get to some of these facts like the steele dossier in a moment. he said he didn't want too testify and barr said in that letter, stick to the report. he wandered off a few times when he wanted to, and the democrats asked him some questions. the republicans were shut down, not going to answer that question, but he never wanted to do this testimony.ti >> from what we know, this was just an enormous misjudgment because now that we look back in hindsight, we now see some of the warning signs. his press conference where he said no questions. i think it's fundamental to democratic society that people who hold power as he did at that time, have to be responsive not just of the congress of the united states, but to the media. prosecutors have to be careful about what they say, but he had issued his report so it was time to answer questions including the questions being raised about the integrity not about mueller, but about his team and especially the political leanings. all of thatt had been in the public domain, but he had never responded to these i think very reasonable and in fact powerful questions. he said i'm not going to respond so i think that was a sign. a harbinger of what we started a . >> laura: congressman, i want to play the exchange about the steele dossier pair this is what they got the investigation going. for everybody who lived under a rock, it was this dossier compiled with supposed sources, the highest levels of the russian government all a bunch of phony baloney stuff paid for ultimately by the clinton campaign. this was the exchange about the steele dossier. >> when did you become aware that the unverified steele dossier was intendedd was included in the application to spy on carter page? >> i'm not going to speak to that. >> your team interviewed because christopher steele, correct? >> you can't tell this committee as to whether or not you interviewed christopher steele in an investigation with 18 lawyers? >> that is onene of the investigations that is being handled by others in the department of justice. >> it was really that moment and one moment before when he said he didn't know what fusion gps is all about. when you look at both of those, you've been covering this. obviously it's not just you that's been covering it, it's been all over for two years. adam schiff has talked about it, devin nunes has talked about it and here we are with bob mueller not being able to answer basic questions about this entire investigation. you hit an earlier point here. the democrats forced bob muelleo to do this. it was first they wanted to wait for the mueller report, then they wanted him to come back and they wanted him to do a press conference and then they wanted him to show up. three times they have struck out. they're going to get they need to stop while they're behind. right now they are so behind, they need to just stop. >> laura: they don't care about what's good for the country. this is what andrea mitchell said about the line of inquiry. about the steele dossier. >> doit is shameful. shameful that republicans are so focused on trying to undermine the origins of the investigation that they did not deal with the facts that has been concluded by all of the intelligence agencies under obama and of course professionals. >> this is the gaping hole in the whole investigation. bob mueller was handed a mandate to do a counterintelligence investigation he ran off and did a criminal investigation ignoring a lot of the basic counterintelligence questions igthat should have been asked. and one of them surrounds the whole issue of the dossier and the russian involvement in that in their efforts to that manipulate the presidential election. >> we learned today just how much the mueller investigation was impacted by this so-called obstruction that they claimed that never actually happened. spoiler alert, it wasn't. effective at all. >> we never fired as special counsel, mr. mueller. were you allowed to complete your investigation unencumbered? >> yes. >> in fact, he resigned as special counsel when you closed up the office in late may of 2019, is that correct? >> correct. >> the congresswoman did this in like three questions. was it impeded, wasn't fired, finish the investigation. sometime i'm critical of the republicans cross-examination technique i think they bring in real pros like you to do the investigation, but she was fantastic. >> she was great, but everybody should have taken a crack. in skilled cross examiner having been when yourself would roll it out and asked 20 questions. you were allowed to talk to the white house counselwo on multipe occasions. you were allowed to see extensive notes involving conversations between don mcgahn and the president. you were allowed to question anybody you wanted to over x number of people. did anyone ever claim executive privilege? you could have asked 50 or 60 questions like that. the answer would have brought out nobody ever kept us from questioning anybody except for the president himself which everybody knows about that issue. i would have liked to have seen that. >> laura: excellent point. there was another point we were talking about before their show which is we had all these democrat players who any of our law practices when we take a case you do a conflict check. it's a pain in the neck, did you ever meet this person, do you know anyone. the conflict checks are laborious in a law firm. this is a mini law firm, reallyi important the special counsel's office. you don't want any appearance of conflict let alone actual conflicts. this is a line of questioning about jeanie reed et cetera. >> niattended the hillary clinton's election night party. were you aware that ms. jeanie reed represented hillary clinton in litigation regarding personal e-mails originating as her time as secretary of state. >> yes. >> when did you first learn about the animus towards donald trump. >> in the summer of 2017. >> you didn't know before he was hired? >> i did not know before that. >> i would like the whole panel to weigh in on this. what you do for ake basic conflt or appearance of conflict of checks and for an operation as important to the u.s. government constitution. frankly the world as this team was? >> you do your due diligence. you ask the key questions. so is there anything as when you're being considered for an executive branch appointment or confirmation hearings, is there anything that could be embarrassing to the president of the united states? i think bob or whoever was doing it, should have said i need to know. i'm not asking you anything about your politics. but i need to know, is there anything by that definition of politically charged investigation, about your background, what you've done that could prove embarrassing to the investigation in terms of thear appearance of impartialit? that is so important. my word, given the group of sepeople he had around him. of course he must've known about andrew weissmann's reputation professionally which he continues to stand firm on. he should have asked those tough questions. >> laura: mark meadows, this is big. did anybody do a conflict check? who did the conflict check or the appearance or anything. >> the president of the united states did. he's been talking about this for two years about the conflict. when we look at this, just the basic items and credibility. when you look at what bob mueller said today. you say gosh, you want to have a fair and impartial group of prosecutors. >> that's why building him up from the beginning as the demigod, no one would question him because this is bob mueller. you can't question him. he wasn't questioning weissmann or whoever was doing it. he delegated it. was he more of a figurehead in this investigation? after you saw this performance today was he the figurehead? he came into the office every day, he might have done something, but he did nothe know anything. >> whether he was or he wasn't, that's what he projected today. it's unfortunate because he's a much more capable person than that. this is the achilles' heel of the investigation.n. the perception was frontloaded with democrats.. he wasn't able to get around ththat. >> today on the podcast you when i talked about this, but the political morning console shows that even more democrats now from april through today are that this investigation was not handled fairly. that percentage has gone up 15 percentage points. even among democrats, the distrust is growing. this is not going in a good direction for the democrats given the time, effort, and promises. most people are saying let's get going, let's wrap this up. >> i think most americans have a sense of what happened here. number one the colusions/ conspiracies/coordination whatever you want to call it, the president is totally exonerated and that. the obstruction front he overreacted he did some things that we're not lies that were disturbing, that he shouldn't have done, but there is probably not an obstruction case here and if there was, he is the president and we can't indict him, so let's move on. w i think in some kind of sense most americans think that way. you not going to move the ball any further. a page of history is worth a volume of logic. the fact is that this isn't watergate, but number two the republicans control the house and the first two years of trump's presidency and that means the democrats were not able to start issuing subpoenas into start building up the type of investigation that happened in watergate. that's just reality, that's just politics. >> laura: nancy pelosi reacted today and said this. let's watch. >> i do believe that what we saw today was a very strong manifestation some would even say indictment of this administration's cone of silence and their cover-up. this is about our to protect and defend the constitution. >> laura: she's using the word indictment. they are not letting this go. the language is for 2020. this is all setting the table for 2020. >> it always was. a 2020 hearing it had no basis in trying to get to the underlying crime which i believe is how this whole investigation started. >> laura: this cannot happen to another president. it cannot be done. panel, thank you very much for being here tonight. the trump administration declared victory tonight after the hearing and the president had this to say before heading to a fundraiser in west virginia. >> this was a very big day for the republican party, and you could say it was a great day for me. this whole thing has been three years of embarrassment and waste of time for our country. you know what? the democrats thought they couln win an election like this. ngi think they hurt themselves very badly for 2020. >> kristin fisher is live at the white house with more on the administration's response. >> president trump is claiming total victory after today's hearings. right after they were over, he took questions from reporters as he was leaving the white house and he said this was a devastating day for democrats. >> the democrats lost so big today, their party is in shambles right now. the democrats had nothing. now they have less than nothing. i think they are going to lose their 2020 election very big including congressional seats because of the path that they chose. >> as for robert mueller performance, president trump was not >> i think robert mueller did a horrible job both today and with respect to the investigation. in all fairness to robert mueller, he had nothing to work with. you can be a builder, but if they don't give you the right materials they're not going to build a very good building. >> both of those comments were echoed by almost everyone in his orbit from the new white house press secretary to call today and epic embarrassment for democrats to his campaign manager who put out a statement saying this entire spectacle has been about the democrats trying to undo the legitimate result of the 2016 election and today they again failed miserably. heading into today's hearing, a new poll found that only 8 percent of the people polled said there was a strong chance that mueller testimony would change their mind about president trump. 29 percent said there were no chance, and since there were no major resolution it is unlikelyd that many minds were changed, so no doubt that some democrats will continue to try to push for impeachment but for president trump, this is case closed, total victory, he says it's >> mueller had a bad day. on that i think even his biggest fans would agree it wasn't h jut their frailty with whichch he delivered his responses, but also the revelations that he was as i said earlier, nothing more than a figurehead. >> how many of the approximately 500 interviews did you attend personally? >> very few. >> who wrote the nine minute comments you read at your may 29th press conference? >> i'm not going to get into that. >> the name of the firms that firm that produce that is fusion gps, is that correct? >> i'm not familiar with that.t. >> trey gowdy summed it up best. his complete detachment from the report that caused tens of millions of dollars bearing his name. i say that sadly. he was not engaged, he didn't interview the witnesses he clearly didn't write the report which means those under him did. >> laura: joining me now is senior analyst at the institute we've mulled this over a lot tonight, but the partisan team he assembled, underlying specificity of the events seem to just go right over his head.e your thoughts after watching this and the demoralized democrats. at least the ones who are all over cable television tonight. >> i think some of those had watched the watergate, iran contra, and clinton impeachment hearings. they've never seen anything like this. robert mueller was confused and oblivious. it sort of confirm the narrative that he was a figurehead that was used by a partisan group that had hijacked his conservativehe name. what we were left with is that donald trump railed occasionally he rants, maybe he even swears to his aides, but he didn't ever order or didn't ever succeed in impeding in investigation. he didn't produce documents. he didn't fire anybody. in the end, the democrats and the committee were talking about a thought time. a's not that's not an american jurisprudence conviction. we don't convict people for thinking things and that's what the democrats were trying to say. no evidence he didki anything wrong, but he had these bad thoughts. that's not going to fly. we have got a different type of caliber, a different caliber of attorney general or prosecutors coming up. we have william barr and michael horowitz and i think they're going to be a little bit more informed than robert mueller, but more importantly they're going to have a real topic to discuss or there is real collusion there. what were talking about what created robert mueller was the effort of hillary clinton to three firewalls, the dnc perkins going and gps to hire a foreign national to hire other foreign nationals to work the u.s. election. that is what it's all about. there was never anything else. this was all a front or an effort of a group of lawyers that we're partisan to use robert mueller to shy away from this reality. this reality in the next 14 months is going to come drip, drip, drip, and the investigators will be investigated and the optics will be reversed. i think that explains this year terror on the look of the democrats for they couldn't yebelieve robert mueller. >> laura: any type of sedative or antidepressants, pharmaceutical companies were smiling today. i have to ask you a question that i raised earlier, victor about this build up of people. you and i have talked about this before.p the elites protect each other, so being an elite means never having to say you're sorry when you're wrong. if you're a partrt of the republican establishment you don't have to apologize for it if you're greenspan and you push wto in china and missed the housing bubble you never have to apologize. and if you are the people who built up bob mueller as a demigod, you don't have to apologize. we were all supposed to set back and say whatever he says, we will hold dear. but he has outsmarted the elites at every turn. >> he has. american tradition you're only as good as you're last day of work..yo bob mueller reputation was not proved by any reality. anything he said to the public or any meetings he had with the trump legal team who were supposedly not as educated and not is ivy league as the green team, the all-stars in the process we were told. and actual performance and barometers of effectiveness, the trump team outfoxed them. they were better lawyers. so you're right, bob mueller reputation was supposed to do two things. it was supposed to put in legitimacy on something that was illegitimate and it was supposed to make a partisan progressive project look like it was conservative bob mueller, just to finish, he reminded me in a tragic way of the lord of the ring figure who is befuddled, he's a king, but he has no idea where he is. he wasn't like james comey who went into the house intelligence committee on 250 occasions and said he didn't know or couldn't remember.. robert mueller really couldn't remember. he didn't know. >> laura: you look at bob barr, bill barr excuse me, you look at bob white has a lighthouse, these are people with real skill and have results to back it up. the elites in the establishment have screwed up more things for this country and trump has proven this once again. victor, thank you so much. up next, did today's events kill the left's dream of impeachment? 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anchor dan rather tweeting "to think that robert mueller should be the main actor in the drama was always misplaced casting." and finally, filmmaker michael moore "a frail little old man unable to remember things refusing to answer basic questions." the disappointment continued from twitter to television where even though mainstream media had to admit their dreams of covering an impeachment are likely dead. >> house judiciary committee democrats believe they should start impeachment. >> he didn't do anything to help advance that cause. >> i don't think nancy pelosi is going to stand for her numbers to bring forward something that loses the senate american public. >> here to react, chris hahn and fox news contributor dan mancino and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. dan, let's start with you. while some of these media types are seeing the light, this isn't really the end of impeachment obsession, is it? >> no, it won't. but i say i implore the liberals in the media out there.i i mean it, have some dignity, man. move on. you have been utterly, completely, cosmically apocalyptically humiliated today in a fashion so embarrassing that this will resonate well beyond the 24 hour news cycle weeks from now. let me point out a couple of things. how does bob muller not know who fusion gps is? i don't even want to pile on bob muellersi right now. he was the head of this, but it. he was the head of this inquiry. i don't let that go. >> for two years i have decimated his dishonorable investigation. but today he piled on himself. how do you not know fusion? can he get his olc story straight? this is the 15th different version of the guidelines. does he even know what the guidelines are? let me point out one thing a lot of mainstream media folks missed. democrats line all week has been everybody is equal under the law even the president of the united states. it was bob mueller question as to why the president was held to a standard that no one other american citizen has ever been held to. get your story straight, i thought everybody was equal. >> laura: he was pressed on that about thewa guidelines of e justice department and he had to say, and the question or i think it was radcliffe was talking fast and kind of talked over him, but the headline tonight, or it was a quote, house judiciary chair pushed to launch impeachment proceedings against trump during a closed-door meeting wednesday to only be rebuffed by a speaker pelosi. according to four sources familiar with the discussion. >> it was a mixed bag. i'm not going to say it was a slamdunk for anybody today. but let's be clear, let's be clear, mueller did talk about how the russians interfered with our elections and there were several members of the trump campaign even mayer be the president himself was compromised by the russians due stto their financial dealings. i think that is something that the congress has a responsibility to investigate whether it's been impeachment hearing or some other inquiry. that needs to be looked at and they need to take up our security and our elections for being interfered with anybody else. he was much more concerned about the security aspect of the briefing than the obstruction aspect. i think that we would all agree. >> laura: he was asked about the counter intelligence investigation and criminal investigation he said he was a criminal investigation. he couldn't answer basic questions that a first-year associate working on a case like this would have to answer. if you are a first or second year associate at the firm i used to work at, and you perform that way, you would be out. if you were a partner the confrontation would be had after this. >> i know what you're talking about. >> laura: put perfume on a pile of dung and it still smells like dung. this performance today by mueller, i was stunned at how bad it was. >> the problem with elections that republicans don't want to address. i want to know why. that could have been handled by line prosecutors at the justice department. what they showed us to date today was that professional career prosecutors could have easily handled this and probably an eighth of the cost and a lot less tumult for the country. >> absolutely right, laura. this is only mixed bag if you watch this with a bag over your headad and didn't watch it unfod before your eyes. this has been a crushing summer for the conspiracy theorist that believe donald trump is a criminal. the mueller report said right out there was no collusion. the principal thing that president trump did wrong, now you have today they thought it would elevate impeachment and make it inevitable, that is gone. it's not going to happen. you make a valid point heat the justice department was attorney general sessions recused. they made a chance to appoint a special counsel. they never should have taken that step. there was no grounds to take that step. they took it because in washington that's the easiest way to get people off your back appoint an independent special ecounsel. look what that has done. it has set american against american. all adding up to damaging our nation and make vladimir putin laugh at us. putin is the winner here. that's what we have to keep in mind. >> it goes back to staffing decisions early on in this administration. jeff sessions, who i have enormous respectpe for as a pern and senator, it was the wrong choice for attorney general. the deputy was the wrong choice. they're were so many great people. we've seen them appointed now in thee white house. they never would have wilted ang appointed as special counsel. it never would have happened, but that's exactly what happened. chuck todd, i have to get to this. he thinks he's figured out the democrats problem. it's not with the wasted pointless investigation, it is this. >> the fact is were living in this 21st century of new type of asymmetrical that we're in. a propaganda machine is what it is it's a full-fledged propaganda machine on the right thatll the democrats haven't figured out how to combat very well.on >> laura: they have the universities, they have hollywood, they have a lot of the churches, they have the house, and they have every major network other than fox and they can't defeat fox. what? >> it is hilarious. chris was hilarious, mixed bag, that is a good one. your attempt at comedy is going great tonight. i feel like we're living in a seinfeld episode where george does everything backwards. are they are serious? do you understand that we been subjected to competent rumors oe conspiracy theories by chuck, todd, chris, and others about collusion that never had happened and they're sighting us for propaganda. well, bob mueller should have investigated the russians. nunes nailed mueller to the wall tonight. did you investigate the fact that his two-sided primary sources for his document we're to russian disinformation specialist. he doesn't want to investigate russian collusion he wants to investigate trump russian collusion not the real collusion. >> why don't we all agree, dan, that we can have significant't security around our election they are being presented to them that would do just that and make collusion illegal. they don't want to because they know why. >> that could've been done with a simple investigation with people who aren't conflicted by bias and their hatred of the president, correct? >> that's my point. you made that point earlier, you did not need an independent counsel. >> laura: next up, this is going to be fun our body language expert is here to break down mueller testimony. my goodness. what will she find? stay there. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. 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didn't say on the hill today, but whaa can we learn from his body language? here with me to analyze body language expert tonya ryman. let's begin with his hands during his testimony. you say he was fidgeting a lot and had almost a kind of nervous tic with his pen. >> what windsst up happening is he's doing two things, doodling helps you to process it helps your mind work. this get your ideas together a little bit easier in addition to that a lot of times whenea you e him just using his hands that is called displacement. when someone does that as they're getting rid of their excess energy. >> that sounds like you're doing an adhd analysis. there he is, he's kind of doodling. that's what a lot of kids with adhd do to think, they fidget. they do anything just to get rid of that excess energy. he didn't seem to have too much excess energy. >> take a look at this. throughout the hearing, mueller can be seen sitting with his hands folded and his fingers intertwined. >> when you see somebody doing that, what you noticed was this video, he holds his hands tight he holds his fingers together and then his tongue juts out so that is two things you can say. when you keep your hands like this you are showing restraint and then when you stick your tongue out, what you're doing is you're saying to someone, ing don't like what's coming out, i'm unhappy with this so hands restrained, he is holding i contact and then you see the jet and you realize this is a man trying to hold things back. >> i didn't even notice thean tongue jut. >> you have to look for it. >> laura: i just saw it. he was also repeatedly ask to speak into the mic. watch. >> could you speak more directly into the microphone, please? >> yes. >> yes please speak into the microphone. >> laura: he has testified 89 times or so on capitol hill, so with his reluctance to get close to the mic suggest lack of confidence? >> no, what he is trying to do is he with the other person is telling him. you have to realize this is something he didn't want to do. he's very distracted, you still get the same so you know it's still robert mueller, it is not enthusiastic robert mueller. >> a lot of people were tweeting about his mouth being a agape often. what does that reveal? >> sometimes that means we are feeling nervous but in addition to that if you watch in this clip, you see him shift his jaw. when you see somebody shift their jaw like this, that is an indication of disagreement. disagreement, uncertainty, frustration. what we have to do is look at all these things in context because you never want to make an assumption based on one movement. when you see these things together, you realize this is somebody that is frustrated. >> overall would it be a man who wanted to be there? >> no, he did not want to be there.rv that was it thank you so much. the tongue juts, i had not seen that before. up next we arere moving on from mueller to big updates we've been following here on "the ingraham angle." this is a big one. nypd makes an arrest in that file attack on police officers just trying to do their job, and the erika thomas story totally falls apart. stay there. totally falls apart. stay there. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served our country honorably. whether it's two years, four years or thirty-two years like myself. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. - [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, .. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to 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with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. >> another fox news alert tonight into big updates a couple of stories we've been bringing you this week first, >> another fox news alert, a couple stories we have been bringing you this week. a new video of new york police under attack. now you can see the big groups with buckets of water before drenching them and cheering and laughing. the cops try to run away but got hit anyway. they were able to remain calm. this comes just two days after we were the first show to expose those viral videos showing you an attack in harlem and brooklyn when making arrests. three suspect in custody tonight. actions like we've seen in videos recently will never be tolerated in the city, you will be arrested. the nypd is trying to identify these three men for the incident in harlem. we have brand-new video of the potentially phony racist claim out of georgia. police releasing this surveillance video from the grocery store where a black georgia state lawmaker says a white man told her to, quote, go back to where you came from. the video shows eric spark approach erica thomas but retreat when she moved toward him. thomas follows sparks it appears to be yelling. the new tape comes out as the police report is released and refutes erica thomas's account of what happened. one witness said it was thomas who told sparks who is a cuban democrat to go back home and not the other way around. police will not be filing charges. before we leave tonight another weapon of today's that is infuriating mueller hearing. knowing when it is time to retire. here's one man who showed us how to do it right. >> people watching, i can only tell you it has been an honor and a privilege to come into your homes and entertain you. i hope when i find something i want to do and i think you will like, thank you for inviting me into your home is you have been. i did you a very heartfelt good night. >> that is how you do it. know when it is time to go. that's all the time we have, check out my new episode, we. through the mueller report, you will love it. phenomenal analysis. greg jarrett, the fox news at night team takes it from here. shannon: a good day to have a jd, dusting off a little bit. shannon: have a great show. shannon: a fox news alert. the president is doing a victory lap, republicans arguing robert mueller's testimony fell flat. democrats say this is just act one, the president's attorney joins us live in minutes. is there a civil war brewing within the democratic party, the most powerful and longest-serving members in congress facing tough


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20190724

entirely pointless? that has no effect on your life and never will? why? maybe so you won't notice what's actually happening in the rest of the country. things like this. >> all my god, they came over here, they violated. you know, they violated them. they violated them. oh, my god, . y'all get back in her car. they laughing at them. >> tucker: levity was real. it was taped on the grounds will neighborhood of new york city. it shows on my pd officers being attacked while attempting to do their jobs. remarkably, it wasn't the only time it happens. yesterday's just a few miles away in harlem, more officers were attacked. one was hit in the head with a bucket. watch this. >> tucker: what are those videos? well, what you are really watching on the tape you just saw is a society unraveling. the men we have hired to maintain order and keep us safe or assaulted and humiliated. they could do nothing in response. they couldn't act because they know better than anyone what kind of government they work for. it's a government that favors criminals over society itself. bill de blasio runs the government in new york city, watching just a month ago, how he explains to us on the new york city cops are racist murderers. >> i also want to say that something that sets me apart from all of my colleagues running in this race and that is for the last 21 years, i've been raising a black son in america. and, i have had to have very, very serious talks with my son dante about how to protect himself on the streets of our city and all over this country, including how to deal with the fact that he has to take special caution because there have been too many tragedies between our young men and our police as we saw recently in indiana. >> tucker: so it's easy to dismiss him as a buffoon because he has but if you are a new york city cop, you can't dismiss him. the nypd works for a bill de blasio. imagine hearing your own boss denounce you as a bigot on the basis of the zero evidence. no evidence whatsoever. what effects would that have? would it make you want to risk you like to do your job question mike would it convince you just to give up? you know the answer. you just saw the video. when cops give up like that, criminals thrive and that means that innocent people get hurt. something similar is happening in cities across the country viewed almost every democrat in the presidential race suddenly sounds just like bill de blasio. >> i have can challenge our can police department to challenge all the ways in which the uniform has been burdened by racism. we're going to crack down on police brutality and primarily people of color. >> training for police officers on them elicit racial bias and procedural justice because to deny it exists is to deny folks liberty and in many cases, life. >> how do we continue to lose the lives of unarmed black men in the united states of america at the hands of white police officers? that is not justice. >> tucker: if you are young and black, you are treated differently because of the colof your skin. i don't believe that that's just the case of a few bad apples. i believe it's a system that is broken. >> tucker: they all say it would it with total confidence like they know it's troll and i've got the data to prevent but it's not true. did on the data. it's not alive. most cops are not racist and anyone who bothers to know anything about the subject knows that. in fact, just this week, new study, by researchers at michigan state university of maryland found no systemic racial bias at all in police. it turns out that whether cops are black or hispanic or white or asian or whatever, they have the same likelihood of using force against a criminal suspect. in order to show bias, it turns out the shooting and closely matches the overall crime rate. and in the vast majority of police shootings, the criminal suspect was armed or otherwise to and appeared to pose a danger to police. now, obviously there are bad cops out there. of course. just as there are bad teachers out there and bad senators and an awful lot of bad lawyers but most cops are not bigots. it is just not true. there is no evidence of it. the lining law enforcement though so they do it. but the rest of us ought to be very worried. if you are over 40, you may remember this used to be a much more dangerous country than it is today. huge parts of urban america were uninhabitable because of crime. you never wondered why we built those sprawling servers everywhere? that's why we did it. because people were afraid to live in cities. and i could easily happen again. and it may. people like people to judge -- cooked go to judges running around promising to cut it in half. martyrs, doesn't matter. they are out. cory booker meanwhile is promising to release a murderous drug lord calling him a nonviolent offender. every democratic candidate, notes sanctuary cities are everywhere in america. all of these are connected by a thread. they are all attacks on law and order but there is a deeper problem. what they really are our attacks on society itself. and they are having an effect. our biggest cities are now filled with filthy homeless camps. the bubonic plague has returned to los angeles for the first time since the conquistadors left. drugs are increasing in greater numbers. our schools are a joke. people can get married, buy homes, have kids, the tax increasingly controls what you do, what you see, we are allowed to think about these or that some of the real problems that we face in this country. problems that challenge our future as a nation. they are not small things and yet, our leaders ignore them completely. to them, america has just two problems. russia and antiwhite racism. it's delusional. except, it's not really a delusion. it's a diversion. they are lying to us on purpose and hoping you won't notice. former new york city police minister joins us tonight. thanks very much for coming on. it's so you were a cow, ain't you supervise the police department in the united states, the largest one. when you see those videos of police officers being assaulted and walking back to their patrol cars or walking away, what does that tell you? >> you know what it reminds me of, tucker? and october, i think it was 1993, a copy new york city by the name of john williamson was hit in the head with a bucket filled with spackle from a building and i've when i saw that cop get hit in the head with applique, and the cops get tossed with water, total disrespect. disregard for the police. i think of the david jenkins years. i think of the years that mothers had to put their young children in bathtubs worried about gunfire for coming in from outside. i think about the highest crime rates, the highest murder rates in the city of new york, in the country. rudy giuliani came along and change that and you know what? bill de blasio is a worse mare than david dinkins. those cops walked away yesterday because they knew they would not be supported, they would not be indemnified by the city, by a mayor that despises cops and tells his son to look out for cops. the city is completely imploding, in my opinion and all because of bill de blasio. and it's not only happening in new york city. it's happening all over the country. it's happening in california, and it's happening in portland, oregon, it's happening all over the country where you have democratic left wing lunatic or liberal mayors and governors who are letting people go out there and do what they want. >> tucker: how long before crime rates start to really spike? >> welcome at this point you will see that start to happen because there is lawlessness in the street. when stuff like this happens, it emboldens the thugs. and then, you have a mayor that villain eyes is the police and basically victimizes the thugs and when that happens, the thugs are going to get right in the forefront, they are going to go out and do things they shouldn't be doing. this is minor stuff but it's a demonstration of what happens when people have no respect for law. >> tucker: how is it a civil rights victory when people in poor neighborhoods can't go to the grocery store at night or when grocery stores won't open? you >> keep in mind, from 1990 to 1994, when we had the highest crime rates in new york city, people can go anywhere. and giuliani came in in 1994 and said look, nobody wants to work, visit, live, or go to school in a place where they are not safe and as long as it's not safe, the city will implode. for every percentage points we reduce crime and murder in new york city, i could show you increases in economic development, and real estate value, in tourism, reductions in welfare rolls. it's -- you know, what's going on in new york city is the beginning of a turnaround to the demise of new york city and it's all because of one guy, mayor bill de blasio. >> tucker: what a sad story that is. great to see you tonight. thank you very much for that. >> thank you, sir. >> tucker: so, the first step to act passed not long ago and was signed. it is now law. it has some bipartisan support. we are told at the time that that the first step act was prison reform and it would only benefit nonviolent offenders. watch. >> the only caveat and the only focus on individuals who are nonviolent offenders. >> you mention that this is only for nonviolent offenders. can you tell our audience the important distinguish men spoofing nonviolent and violent offenders? >> sure. these are individuals who may have been locked up but don't have direct victims who may have lost their life or were murdered or harmed from the act of the crime. >> tucker: so, we were surprised last week, late last week when we were handed information by someone in the administration, and the trust administration, that show that hundreds of people who committed violent offenses, robbery, assault, gun charges, explosive charges, offense, even murder, have been released thanks to the law. that's not what we expected at all. that's not what we were told was going to happen. if reporting got the attention of the white house and they asked to have someone come on and discuss that. were always happy to do that. it john smith was the person you saw in the clip moments ago. thanks very much for coming on. >> thank you so much for having me. >> tucker: it's our pleasure. there seems to be a disconnect between what you said in the tape that we just showed, that this would apply only to nonviolent criminals, and the numbers that we got last night from someone in the administration showing that hundreds of violent criminals have been released. what are we to make of this? >> sure appeared what you heard me discuss was talking about system reform specifically but the first step act wasn't passed. the same population that you talked about last night would still become coming home in a couple weeks because current law allows for them to these are people have turned their life around and that expands to the whole prison population. that current law kurt still exists and so, the first step act actually focuses on what happens when they come home. when the individuals come home, what are we going to do? because the status quo hasn't worked in a lot of these people end up turning back to crime and creating career criminal so the first step act, what it does is focus on people being a model citizen when they return home and actually helping improve their community and community safety. that's why i am like prole law enforcement groups support appears to be when i certainly agree with you that it would be nice to get people in in their release doing something useful. i think we are all for that. but, i'm confused by the explanation. so, you said that the law would not hasten the release of violent offenders but it has. and if that's not a big deal, why did we have to find that from the eight and administration? why were these releases in a press release that you guys issue question mike >> we are talking about good time credit. what i'm trying to tell you but as a part of current law. what congress didn't do was they clarified what they did do that portion of the law by allowing for individuals who are people who turn their life around to be able to get out through the good time credit provision 54 days or 57 days. that's a clarification from congress with the g.o.p. administrators had proactively interpreted that law differentl differently. >> tucker: not to interrupt you but, okay. we just put on the screen and press release that you guys issued bragging about these releases. so, if, there it is right there. if the releases had nothing to do with the first step act, i'm confused why there is a press release saying that they are the result of the person act. we will let me clarify again. this law currently exist. under current law, individuals are able to earn good time off is their model prisoners. the first step act clarified dialogue. there was some confusion on jewel person owns 37 days versus 54 days so what we're talking about is on average people getting 54 days early but that was current law. so, what we want to do is create an environment where people are not referrers returning to prison. >> tucker: it's hard to know exactly but it does seem like in some places they are rising and letting people out of prison is one of the fastest ways we know, from long experience, to make crime rates rise so you can see where we would be nervous about it, no? >> i can understand that. some of of the things we used s scare tactics but the truth of the matter is, this followed conservative states like texas, like georgia, where we have seen governor. actually reform the system by empowering these individuals to be productive citizens once they get out by partnering with nonprofits, faith groups, restoring the families, they were not able to only closed prisons but they were actually able to lower the crime rates and so, this president supported the first step act because it lowers crime rates. it stops people from coming out of prison prison and then returning. we know that 50%, 50% of individuals were boats that go to prison return back to prison and 90% of the people who aren't in prison are going to get out someday so the first step act has taken a smart approach from conservative states that we've got to focus on reducing the crime rates throughout the country by empowering individuals to come home and be productive citizens of society. >> tucker: okay peer people have been thinking about this stuff for 400 years and no one has ever figured out a way across the board to reduce citizen rates but if you guys have, that's great. i just want to make sure that the public is being educated properly. >> it is. it is. >> tucker: thanks for joining us tonight. i appreciate that. there's new evidence tonight that jim called jim comey spent his final days running the fbi lying to the president and spying on the president. what is our reveal about the mueller investigation and our bureaucracy? after the break. ms. gomez: ♪ y shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. >> tucker: president trump fire jim comey in doing that was the original justification of robert mueller's investigation. democrats told us the firing was obstruction of justice but now, more than a year later, we are learning more details. an upcoming investigative report could reveal that comey was lying to the president and spying on the president. just before. fox chief intelligent correspondent, catherine herridge has more for us tonight. >> thanks. our sources could not end up in only confirm the real clear investigations report. james comey also tried building a conspiracy case against the president using a standard postelection intelligence briefing to gather information on mr. trump. significantly exit the alleged use of briefings first came to light in april when fox news broke the story that text messages between then fbi agent peter strzok and an fbi lawyer lisa page show they also discussed using a similar briefing using the m coming vice president, mike pence to identify sources inside the white house, to track length of question, and assessed aminos. fox news got those text messages to the vice president's office where the vice president responded he was cool, deeply offended to learn to disgrace agents considered infiltrating his team. meantime, two sources close to the process the justice department inspector michael lee horwitz may not be ready to release his report into alleged surveillance abuse and targeting of the trump campaign until september after key witnesses including the author of anti-trump dossier came forward at the 11th hour, tucker. >> tucker: spewing catherine he. great to see you tonight. thank you for that. >> you're welcome. >> tucker: well, former executive's assistant director of the fbi and he joins us tonight to unravel some of the mysteries that arise based on what you just heard from catherine herridge. things very much for coming on. so, if it is true that the head of the fbi was spying on boss, the president, almost immediately after the inauguration, would there be a justification for that? would that be illegal? is there a precedent for it? what's your take? >> there's absolutely no precedent for it. it would be difficult to overstate how egregious and a violation and probably several criminal statutes that type of operation would be without predication. in this case, you know, assuming these two sources are correct, i don't see any predication whatsoever and certainly no documentation of it intelligence assessment as coming just got it described in his quote. for a politically inquiry end of one investigation. those are the only three types of investigations there are. so there would have had to vent some sort of document and predication for him to do that. >> tucker: if that existed, if the documents that justified that existed, we would know, right? >> right. i read the article, it sounds like a rogue operation on the part of the fbi director. if it's true. i mean, i thought all along that the deputy director mccain's initiation of an investigation out of the deputy director's office was thoroughly unprecedented and the deputy director should not be running any investigation whatsoever and the director himself should not be operational in any investigation. so, it's hard to remember all of the things that are wrong with the things that are described in this article. again, assuming the two sources are true. >> tucker: but as someone who is spent a lot of time in management at the fbi, you've see events and your first bizarre is it is bizarre and rotten? >> you can't make this out. this is about as shady as it gets. we know, at least myself and many of my former colleagues and current fbi agents who i hear from think that jim comey and his inner circle were just off making their own set of rules, doing their own thing, for their own personal reasons. primarily because they just just like the president. that's not how it works, of course, as you well know. >> tucker: yeah. i mean, i grew up getting lectures from liberals about jay advert cougar and that's how he went bad. >> anything j. edgar hoover was accused of is apparel in comparison to this. this was an inner circle of self-appointed moral guardians who were taking over the presidency and trying to take it down for their own personal reasons. i don't even think it was political. i think they just personally just like the president as part of that inner circle. speak i mean, you know. the democracy is fake when things like this happen. obviously. but thanks very much for your perspective. it's shocking. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: every day more questions arise about the path that ilhan omar and she won't answer any of the questions. minnesota lawmakers say it is time for a full investigation. did she lie in order to get here from somalia? we should know that. plus, that a transgender activist says it's human right to have other people touch her genitals paid we are not making that up. that story from canada will shock you. the cutting edge of progressive justice. stay tuned for details. ♪ >> tucker: here's a weird story out of canada which used to be a boring country. businesses are shut down, being dragged by courts, having their lives destroyed. why is this happening? you guessed, racism, no. it's radical gender activist. jessica you need is a biological man who identifies as a transgender woman. to make a political point, she has been traveling across brick it is columbia visiting salons that provide bikini waxing. the only problem is, she has male genitalia so some of the people who work at the salon refused to waxing. some have religious reasons others were too uncomfortable to hear about in canada, doesn't matter. the to punish them. she is taking those and claim it as a human right to make another person touch your private parts so far, the canadian government agrees that yaniv is when he peered one women had to close her business following the complaint viewed another, single and moderate, paid her $2500 simply to go away. one journalist was covering was banned from twitter simply for observing the truth that yaniv is in fact, biological mail which is true. why is all this happening? well, it's hard not to include the obvious because canada is a sick society. only a society that hates itself would allow itself to be bullied by someone like jessica you need. hopefully america will never reach that point but many nubile are doing their best to make sure that we do. we should resist that if we can. congresswoman ilhan omar continues to be a walking indictment of america is in priorities. in a tweet last night, she said that america isn't doing enough to help illegal immigrants give free abortions. for real. that's the problem that needs solving. who is going to pay for that? we need to. taxpayers for a while, she has many things to say about that though. omar has almost nothing to say about her own past. she refuses to answer questions about a few questions that involve serious questions. tax fraud, perjury, possibly even a marriage to her brother. steve just because he is a republican state representative in minnesota. earlier today, he formally requested that how the essex committee would launch a full investigation into congresswoman omar's past. representative dress cassie joins us tonight. representative, thanks so much for coming on. so, what don't we know, what does the congresswoman still refused to answer? well, she refuses to answer everything from her siblings are up to details about her immigration documents that she has shown briefly to one reporter on her phone, anything that you ask her about or that people ask her about, she simply just ignores or may call you a racist. >> tucker: well, she will definitely call her a racist. she has made a career of that. in fact, i would say that has been the engine of her political career but this is not a crackpot theory. it is not reverse wisdom. there are serious questions about whether or not she committed immigration fraud and then committed perjury and then lying about it. why wouldn't law enforcement agencies be looking into that? >> obsolete. that's what we want them to do. as a matter of fact, today we held a press conference in order to ask the u.s. house ethics committee to investigate this and get to the bottom of it. we also launched a website, a citizen petition at omar to engage citizens to hold congress accountable so that they can investigate and ad the coverups that were seen by representative omar. >> tucker: i mean, let me ask you this. if she were not a famous member of congress, how hard would it be to get law enforcement to investigate these questions, given the amount of evidence that she committed perjury and fraud? >> the evidence is in huge piles now. it's not being refuted by the left or by the mainstream media. the fact-checkers have not come out and said this stuff isn't accurate. it hasn't happened because, it is. the information that david steinberg and others put together is very compelling. there are public documents that are filed that show that she committed perjury. eight times. not to mention, the tax fraud stuff that we found were working hard to bring this to light. i appreciate your help, mr. steinberg, and we did our bit today to bring forward this to the house ethics committee because we think they need to ask. we encourage citizens to get behind it. there is a citizen petition at omar >> tucker: she is a liar. appeared in income and she's clearly lame. she said she married" her faith tradition but the records say she was made by a christian. she's a muslim. so there is a repeat here and it's not just a question of ethics, it's a question of law spirit she is an immigrant to the contribute she clearly violated her immigration law and she lied about it. >> she does not have respect for our laws and it's actually great disdain for our loss and that's what we are seeing. the end justifies the means for representative omar. that's what we've seen over again with all the campaign finance stuff. that's what we have seen with the coverups she's done around her sham marriage and each time she has to cover it up in order to get where she wants to go. >> tucker: that's exactly right. and the left certainly does its best to cover that outcome is always. thanks for joining us tonight. i appreciate >> thank you. >> tucker: meanwhile, here's the case of another lawmaker, erika thomas, tripling down tonight on her fake hate crime. she now says insulting her should be a criminal offense. it should be a crime to insult her. and she's not joking. that story, straight ahead. ♪ >> tucker: last week senator josh hawley spoke to the national conservative phone conference in washington. he gave it great speech. it's smart and interesting credits on laying on it if you like to watch it. naturally because the speech was effective, the left is coming out of the woodwork to accuse him of crime think. but now saying he is in anti-semites. anti-semite? why? because during his speech, he accurately described america's elite as being globalist cosmopolitans with no real attachment to because of america. they are. nope everybody knows that. no one thinks holly is an anti-semite. if the day, they probably would've been upset a few years ago when president obama said this. >> it should be noted that this new international elite, the professional class that supports them, difference in respects from the ruling aristocracy. a deeper percentage consider themselves liberal politics. modern cosmopolitans. >> tucker: it was true when obama said it. it was true and senator holly says it. thanks for coming on. so, did we miss described that? you are being called an anti-semites for describing many of our elites as not attached to united states. >> i guess that's right there what i've learned is that when it comes to liberals, there's only one thing that they love more than being elitist and that is accusing everybody else of being bigots. in order to shutdown speech, in order to diss and value of the beauty of the american people. they say the you are a bigoted, racist, because they don't want to admit what they've done. i don't want a new admit what their policies have done here at shipping jobs overseas, hurting working families, keeping wages flat for decades, that's their legacy and it's time that they owned it. >> tucker: so what you are saying is, they use cries of bigotry as a diversion to keep you occupied on the defense that you won't notice how badly they have dismantled the country. >> it is strange that when you point out out that barack obama makes the same point that in international elite, that's his word, because much politician in their outlook, who are increasingly disconnected, the eagles on that same speech to say there is no way to disconnected from national feeling and increasingly disconnected from the workers who actually make the products that they depend on who actually built this country. that's precisely what i said. but the left can't take that. they can't be put on the spot and they don't want to be called out as elitists that they truly are and they don't want to be put on the spot for their failed policies that have hurt this country, that of her at the workers of this country, and they don't have anything to offer and so all we get is well, you are a bigot, you are a racist, as they try to distract from their failures. >> tucker: what is suddenly interesting as the left is in the defensive their prerogative prerogatives. you are saying those people deserve no attention and stop criticizing george soros to because i guess he can't be criticized. is that we are, you think? >> it totally is a leap with the liberals are the parties of the elites. they are the ruling class. they are the ruling class. they have been for decades. they controlled the demanding heights in this country, the media, the big multinational corporations, our universities, i mean, they've effectively run the countries, the liberals have, for decades now and their consensus has given us whe have today. to me, they are the ones who are responsible for jobs off shoring, they are the ones responsible for wages flat, for the plate and struggle of working americans. you know, working americans, ordinary americans and the place of where i grew up in rural missouri, they just want somebody to speak for them and to be constantly told that they are bigots and they are racists and their allies don't matter, their views are met, they are tired of that. >> tucker: well, you clearly are. very quickly, did it ever occur to you to put your head down -- coming, they basically hate you right in the face rhetorically the sucking you gave a speech. you don't seem intimidated. do you ever pause and say oh, it's not working? >> no, because i knew as soon as they were mad that we hit the track. i knew that what we said was right and i'm more determined than ever to speak up for the people who don't have a voice, who have been ignored by the elite for too long and who, by the way, are the backbone of this country. >> tucker: amen. so nicely put. good for you. godspeed, senator. thank you. america's ruling class is constantly denouncing this country as a racist. there's only one problem, it's not true. most americans aren't racist. they are really nice people so the evidence of actual racism is getting harder to find. instead, they fall for racial fate hoax and they make them up, disseminate them, amplify them, the latest example comes from the state of georgia very late last week, erika thomas said she was told to quote go back where you came from and that she was marked to check ou out. >> to for her to follow him where i should go back to her ache came from because i had a couple of items and he wanted to get in front of me, what would make you that angry? >> tucker: of course, the press love to this because it and bolsters every preconception they have ever had. it bolsters their bigotry. another racist trump supporter on the list. actually, it turns out the man that was apparently accusing erica sparks is not only cuban, he was a liberal. came forward and called her story a total lie. watch this. >> she said a few words. i stated you are a selfish little bit chp it i did say that. that's all i said after that and i walked out. her words stayed on twitter and her video saying i told her she needs to go back where she came from our own true. i am white but i am cuban. i was raised with a cuban family that didn't speak any english. facebook, i will make it public, proven facts. all my statements are anti-trum anti-trump, anti-republican, antiracism, anti-bigotry. this lady does not know me. she is using this to get on camera for political purposes. >> tucker: i hate tron. stop calling me a racist! that's his defense. something sounds like he's telling the truth though. if he continues to try to defend himself, promise kept harassing him here to watch this. >> you know i come had 11 items. i had 11 items. i have my receipt. i have my receipt. it doesn't matter if i had any items. you cannot tell a woman -- -- i told you that -- i told you that. i don't care. you are a lazy son of a pitch. that's what you said. three when she later admitted that she was lying. she said that sparks never said the thing she may shoot it in she said beer and her lawyer now says, brace yourself for this, that sparks should face criminal charges for saying mean things to thomas. watch this. >> they believe the incident was racially motivated and wants sparks to face charges. >> this individual violated the law by praising her in reasonable fear of receiving a violent injury. that is a crime in the state. stu and dave rubin holds the rubin report on youtube and enjoy and sustain. dave, clarify this if you what. i did so, right? but you can be criminally prosecuted for insulting a lawmaker in this country? >> from now on and when i come to your show, can we put a title underneath that just says this is completely bananas because every time i come on i think well, it can get crazier, i can get more bananas and it does. i mean, this is just patently absurd at every level whatsoever. any and first off, you may have heard the story of the boy who cried wolf, i think we all grew up with that story. we know it was in the time of the politician who cried racism. i mean, they are using false cries as the senator correctly pointed out in the previous statement, they are using the false crimes of racism to sal and everyone peered i was in los angeles could have your been to a whole foods where you walk into the express line and you have one thing over? most likely someone is going to scream at you and it has nothing to do with their race or your race but if you really want to see how clinician sonny pollitt check is, it is that the gentleman there had to go back and in private say that he is not even white beard and a way, he was using i didn't he politics because he is really human and that should then create a forward force field around him. this is a set of ideas that is doomed to implode on top of itself and we have to call it out and just a shout out senator holly again, i think your question is right which is what you do when you know this is happening to you? you must punch back and these false cries of racism, they only work if we give them power and a story like this and to the idea that now she's getting the legal system involved, they had a little personal privates bad over how many items can go in the certain lane. that's it. there was nothing racially here, he obviously did not tell her to go back where she came from, which would be pretty incredible in and of itself and that we are all talking about that this week because of ilhan omar and trump so we just need to keep calling these things out because eventually, they will run out of steam. >> tucker: yeah. and shame will be reintroduced to the public conversation. i would be nice. i would deftly enjoy that. dave rubin, thank you for the clarity. >> thanks, my friend. >> tucker: elizabeth warren is out on the record telling people she did legal work for tax women from a chemical company. we will tell you why. ♪ my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. >> tucker: elizabeth warren often describes herself as a champion of the underdog peered for example, 1990, a chemical was hamlet came up with losses when women said they were poison by the plan. one woman was involved in that case and in hurtling, she helped thousands of women gain compensation for mistreatment by the corporate giant. if it's her story perfectly. as it turns out, that's not tru true. just like her cherokee heritage, it was completely laid out. warren wasn't fighting for women, she was fighting on the half of dow chemical, turns out. professor of cornell law school, he published legal insurrection which first broke the story and it joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: she has been very clear, i thought for women against dow chemical. what actually happened? >> that's right. this first came up in 2002, 2012 during her senate campaign when her legal practice this first came up in 2002, 2012 during her senate campaign when represented several major corporations against consumers and it became an issue in the campaign. it was raised by scott brown. including her representation of travels in true insurance regarding asbestos workers. on the eve of the debate, she released to "the boston globe" a list of 13 cases she was involved in to try to absolve herself of having then essentially representing corporate america against consumers but she conveniently left off one key case she was involved and which was the breast implant litigation against dow and dow chemical, its parent corporation. i discovered that case and brought it forward in her immediate reaction was, as you indicated, she was trying to help the women get money which was preposterous. she was representing dow chemical, the parent corporation of the breast implant manufacturer which was vigorously fighting any claim of liability and she was representing them at that time and advising them so it was nothing to suggest that she actually was trying to help the women. there is everything to suggest that she was actually fighting it and fast-forward to 2019, "the washington post" just completed an investigation which confirmed exactly what i was saying. which is that, she was not attempting to help the women, she was fighting against the women and in fact, they interviewed people who were involved who said that she was on the wrong side of the table. so this is another example of elizabeth warren not being -- not having live the life she demands others live. she vilified the corporation, she does all of those sort of things yet, she represented dow chemical and many others. there is nothing illegal about representing dow chemical or big corporations against consumers and certainly, if she's playing the role, she's obligated to do a good job for them. but why is she portraying it as something other than what it was and why is she vilifying these corporations? >> tucker: i'll tell you exactly why. because elizabeth warren representing big corporations against consumers is like peto running a slaughterhouse. it's the exact opposite of what she is promising. i mean, it's like a full inversion. it's bewildering and if it hadn't been for your piece, i wouldn't have known about it and i don't think our viewers would have either. you really done a service in bringing that to the forefront. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> tucker: we are out of time unfortunately we will be back tomorrow night, apn to show the sworn and totally sincere enemy of lying, and groupthink, a reminder for my producers to dvr that if you can figure it out. and if you can't, no need to go to college. you passed the only task that matters. in the meantime, have a great evening. i've got news for you, sean hannity, live from new york tonight. >> sean: yes, tucker. we are live from new york as usual. great soul. buckle out, welcome to be 19 because we are less than 12 hours away, robert mueller's public testimony is coming. we will get some questions answered the witch hunt. the breathless reporting has become the look who's running the show. the cowardly, adam schiff, jerry nadler, two of the biggest liars in congress hyping tomorrow's hearing is a major turning point in their fraudulent two and a half year witch hunt against the president, for separate conclusions, for separate investigations. they have lied again and again pray they have presented what is nothing short of a hoax. multiple conspiracy theories, made fal


Transcripts For MSNBCW AM Joy 20190519

think, well, there is a host body and that host body has to have a certain amount of rights because at the end of the day it is that body that carries this entire other body to term, but there is an additional life there. >> good morning and welcome to "a.m. joy." on tuesday organizers plan to lead tens of thousands of women in protests around the country demanding that american women be treated as full and free citizens and not as host bodies as florida house speaker josé oliva repeatedly referred to pregnant women. he did later apologize for using that term. but the sentiment that he expressed, that the priority when it comes to women's reproduction is not the woman, but that she be made to give birth, forced to give birth at the direction of the state and by extension under the complete control of men is not something republicans are exactly trying to hide anymore. gone are the exceptions for rape and incest. gone is the pretense that these restrictions are about protecting health and not seeking to end a woman's right to choose once and for all. donald trump's complete surrender of judicial nominations to the christian right in exchange for their unyielding support, his outsourcing of seating more than 100 federal judges and counting, plus two supreme court justices to mitch mcconnell and the heritage foundation, those things have emboldened the christian far right to go for broke and to try and overturn roe versus wade once and for all by passing draconian anti-abortion laws in republican-controlled states and teeing up brett kavanaugh to cast the deciding vote to end abortion rights. in short, women are just host bodies according to the gop. feel free to furl your brow and express your disappointment at any time, senator susan collins. joining me now he will ease hoeing, liz win stead creator of the daily show, defense attorney midwin charles, georgia state representative erika thomas and maria kumar. thank you for being here. liz, i'm going to take our dinner conversation, we were out the other night chatting -- >> is that what you call it? >> railing, chatting, whatever you want to call t the thing is that this conversation about women's liberty, i would have to say, has come to a point where republicans aren't veiling anymore the idea that women should maybe go to jail, which donald trump said, that women really shouldn't have any self-determination, really they just need to be under the control of men. >> i think for me and what we talked about so profoundly is this is not new. i formed an organization in 2012 because in 2010 i started watching these laws happen, i started watching state legislators say things that were aberrant. you look at georgia and you are like, oh, my god, georgia now. no. in 2012 a georgia state rep literally compared pregnant people to heifers saying why do we have to allow for women to be able to have miscarriages or abortions if they don't have a viable fetus because his heifer was fine after it delivered a stillborn. >> then what is the difference between a woman and a heifer. >> that's right. that's just one example of the consistent putting it back into pregnant people as these hosts for pregnancies. >> let me go to erica thomas on that, representative from atlanta. georgia kicked this thing off with this fetal -- i guess -- i don't remember the name of the law, but it was essentially one of the most draconian in the country until alabama came along and topped it. can you just talk about the process? did you feel like the national -- the national attention was enough on what georgia was doing in the run up? >> no, i don't think we had enough national attention. it's funny that she says they compared pregnant women to heifers. i'm now seven months pregnant and to be a pregnant legislator and to be on that house floor and to be arguing with these people that have no idea what it's like to carry a child and to try to say they have the right to choose, you know, it was bothering. in georgia it's a scary, scary thing that we are doing this when it's a national foster care month, and i went up to each and every one of the representatives and asked them if you are going to pass a bill like this are you going to adopt? are you going to take in foster kids from all over georgia when we doubled our numbers from 7,000 in one year to the next year 15,000 foster kids? so it's scary what they're doing out here. we're trying to find solutions to problems and they're creating more problems. >> let me ask you quickly to stay with you, representative, did anybody, any of the men -- i assume most of them were men who decided that they needed to push this law through for their own religious reasons, did any of them talk about also increasing funding to take care of women while they were pregnant or take care of children, give children education, maybe pass the extension of medicaid so that people could not die from poverty and disease that maybe children should have a good public school education? do any of those people express any concern about those christian values? do they care about immigrant kids, for instance, in cages, anything like that? >> no, they did not. they did not. we are the number one state for maternal mortality rate. they didn't pay any attention to that while proposing this bill. it's a scary, scary thing. the other thing s yes, they put some clauses in the bill, but they were crazy clauses. one of the clauses is that a six week -- your six week pregnant you're able to drive in the hov lane, you're able to claim your child on your taxes and get child support, but does that help the maternal mortality rate? no. i go he is they were trying to apiece the democrats with clauses like that, but we want to be able to choose what we can do with our bodies. those things do not help. >> medicine, every woman wants to drive in the hov lane, you get there a lot faster. what else could you maybe do? could you order a table for two at a restaurant? >> and how can you tell me that i'm pregnant? i can be driving in the hov lane, how do you say, oh, ma'am, you get a ticket and i say, oh, wait a minute, i'm pregnant. how do i prove that to the officer? >> maybe they are going to have to dna test every woman at all times and you have to be prepared to give your blood at all times to every man who asks for it. >> ultrasounds in the car. >> she brings up a very good point which i think is important that we all step back and look at the very beginning of all of this, at least with respect to roe versus wade. the supreme court of the united states in 1973 decided that case, it was a landmark decision and it really changed how women would be able to control their lives. in that decision the court said that women have under the 14th amendment and the due process clause a fundamental right to privacy. that that clause provides a fundamental right to privacy so that they could make the decision for themselves about whether or not to carry a pregnancy to full term. they broke it down into three different trimesters. so no court could legislate that a woman could not have an abortion during the first trimester, but here you see all of these laws being passed in the first trimester at a time when most with em do not even know that they're pregnant. it's clear that these legislatures don't even understand a woman's body. that's one thing. but it's clear that this is also a tactic to kind of race to the supreme court because they know they now have kavanaugh on the bench. >> and they know that they can get rid of it. you've been going to these states, liz, as they've been teeing up these laws. tell us about that. >> i've been to every single one of these, i've been to alabama four times, georgia twice, mississippi five times, kentucky twice. the activists on the ground, and this is super important to realize, is that the activists on the ground are doing incredible work and a lot of this work legislatively, the abortion funds helping women are run by tremendously bad ass, if i can, women of color. so when these things happen, when people are like what can i do, what can i do? the first thing you can do is google that state and find out where their abortion fund is, find out where those pre productive justice organizations are on the ground and donate to them first. support them first. >> elise, what is the action plan because one must presume that brett kavanaugh is of the same sort of vain as william barr. donald trump nominates people when he knows what he's going to get. he's already given the religious right the courts, that's the exchange he made in exchange for their unwavering support. we have to assume brett kavanaugh votes with that side. if roe goes down what is pro choice america going to do? >> let's start with right now. we are seeing unprecedented levels of energy. let's be clear, many of the gop are like the dog that caught the very dangerous car. they sort of, you know, have surrendered their party to an extraordinarily radical minority and they are actually worried about the outcome. you saw donald trump this morning trying to distance himself from the no exceptions rule, you saw ronna mcdaniel tweet about it as well and the problem is they broke it, they own it, right? cory gardner is trying to run away from this. no, you can't have nominated these judges, you can't have voted for restrictions in your own state, you can't have supported legislation in federal congress and now say that you are not part and parcel of the problem. but they have awakened an enormous amount of energy in this country. we would our coalitions of groups including liz announced a 50 state day of action on friday morning. as of this morning we have 250 actions around the country. there is so much energy on this. you're correct, joy, that tuesday is just the beginning. we have got to make them examples. we have to make them have political consequences as well as, as liz so rightly says, supporting activism on the ground so that we can protect these women and dig out of the holes. i'm from texas, i'm very aware of the impact on the ground and -- but political consequences, they have most of the country opened to them on this and they're trying to confuse voters, but it's not going to work, women are organized and we are going to fight back. >> you can tell that the republicans writ large the ones in washington are a little freaked out. this is what they've been seeing up the whole time. mitch mcconnell is like only far right judges are going on the supreme court. thank you. now that they're there, susan collins who said she had total faith in brett kavanaugh, she's like, oh, i still have faith that he won't uphold the alabama law. it's a terrible law says susan collins who put brett kavanaugh on the supreme court. it's very extreme. it's very extreme. her brow was so if you are road. you have donald trump claiming i don't think women should go to prison but he told chris matthews they should. you have pat robertson -- let's play that sound real quick. take a listen. >> i think alabama has gone too far. it's an extreme law and they want to challenge roe v. wade, but my humble view is that this is not the case we want to bring to the supreme court because i think this one will lose. >> i have to throw my papers now. >> i mean, the fact that we have pat robertson slightly in agreement just tells you how turned around the world is. but let's be very clear, the only person that is responsible for a tomorrow's pregnancy that is men. men are responsible 100% for women's pregnancy. so where are they part of this conversation? and what is happening across these states is basically providing an opportunity for women that have finally demonstrated their voice. let's not forget for the very first time we have over 126 women in our legislative chambers, in congress, representing us because we voted our hearts out this past midterm and what they're trying to do is they're trying to subject gate women, saying your place is not at the table. we also know that when women come to terms with unwanted pregnancy it also subjects them to poverty. we in the country go around the world telling people that the best way to get a third world country out of third world is to make sure that women have access to i a borings, that they have access to healthcare, access to education. this is subjugating american women. they pass a law that says an 11-year-old victim will have to take her term to pregnancy because she was a rape victim but because she has a viable heartbeat is not constitutional, it's not our country. abortion is legal in this country. we must make sure we embrace that. it's not that we're talking about 50% of this country, we're talking about people who vote, who contribute to this economy and who are humans and should have the opportunity to own their decisions and make it a very personal decision. >> and be full citizens. if you are a full citizen you are in control yourself. if there's anything where the state is telling you what you can and cannot do and telling an 11-year-old -- it's dangerous. >> it could till her. >> that's not full citizenship. >> and shame on that grown men. >> sorry, we are not going to be in the 18th, 19th or 16th century. not willingly, y'all. we're going to bring you guys all back because apparently we have to fight for women's rights all over again, we are going to have do the 19th amendment again. >> we're ready this time, joy. next up, a republican congressman, get this, he actually read the phillip mena, that's amazing, a republican read it and he's willing to say what even some democrats won't say. keep it right there. ven some det say. keep it right there. helps keep me feeling dry, how will they know i worked hard? 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there is the moment. beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪ every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. what even some democrats won' joy, i can tell you're frustrated, you're angry and most of us are, but frustration and anger are not a strategy. we need real strategies to deal with the situation. when people say, well, impeach the president, i think that's halfway of what they're talking about. they're talking about removing the president but we are not there yet. we're talking about having an inquiry to decide whether or not impeachment is an appropriate course of action. >> while the democrats in washington agonize over what to do about a president whose administration is acting a z if congress barely exists for the first time a republican has joined 2020 democrats like elizabeth warren, julian castro and beto o'rourke in two two things that lysle trumpists have been unwilling to do. justin amash broke ranks in a series of tweets where he declared that he, a, actually read the phillip mena, actually read it and b, in doing so he was convinced that donald trump has engaged in impeachable conduct. see, that wasn't hard at all. if a republican is finally willing to say it why are so many democratic lawmakers hemming and what youing and agoniziag agonizin agonizing. joining me now is metty hassan. i'm holding the tweet storm from justin amash and there's nothing in here that has not been said umpteen times on this program by attorneys, by, you know, all the smart lawyers that we bring out here, by you. how is it revolutionary -- i'm sorry -- how is it a revelation that somebody just reads the report and comes to a logical conclusion, but the democrats are like -- >> this is the in a i tour of the trump era, joy, that we've lowered the bar on everything. someone does something that's basically totally normal and we go, bravo, the number of liberals on twitter over the last 24 hours who have been saying credit -- i include myself -- credit to justin amash for doing this, credit to this cobs man for saying this. why, though? why is it such an amazing revelation as you point out. so many people have been saying where are all the other republicans? why can't other republicans say what justin amash has said. i think the bigger question is why can't other democrats say what justin amash has said? congratulations to justin amash for reading all 448 pages of the report and coming to the conclusion i think more than 700 medical prosecutors came to. >> i think it's 1,000. >> it was 600 on day one, 700 on day two, republicans and democrats who say there is a clear case that trump would be indicted on obstruction of justice charges were he a private citizen, were there not this department of justice policy saying you can't indict a sitting president. the phillip mena lays out i think ten cases of obstruction of justice involving this president. so, yes, the bar is very clear, a mash says the threshold has been crossed. he makes three very important points in my view, number one, he points out that actually you don't need to engage in criminal behavior to be impeached which we know, which is what lindsey graham was saying during the clinton era but doesn't say anymore. he says most democrats and republicans haven't read the report, which i totally agree with you. you can tell from the statements they put out. the senate democrat who came out first to call for impeachment, senator elizabeth warren, did so after reading the whole report in detail as the good law professor ses she is. the third point is he takes on this argument that you shouldn't normalize impeachment, it's something very, very special. he says in a partisan polarized climate the risk is not that you use impeachment too much, it's that you never used impeachment. the founders created impeachment for a reason, use it. >> i agree with you that -- and i think i said it, too, yesterday, it's almost like congratulating your children for cleaning their room. >> exactly. >> you're supposed to clean your room. you don't get allowance for cleaning your room. >> it's what we do with trump when he reads from a teleprompter. wow, he's so presidential. >> today he became president. i mean, mehdi, the thing that has been confounding that i don't understand, i genuinely don't, i spoke with congressman jamie ras kin and i do not understand how democrats can both say this president is committing outrageous conduct, he is a threat to the republic, everything he's doing threatens the separation of powers, and then also say but we need a process to figure out if he should be impeached. when reading the phillip mena convinced a republican just having read it that we're already there. >> it convinced a republican, it convinced elizabeth warren, it convinced julian castro, more than a thousand federal prosecutors, anyone with eyes and a brain. >> what do you think they're afraid of? >> i think they're afraid of their own shadow. we've seen that on many issues. on this issue here is where i think the calculation is on their part, they're worried about the backlash were they to do this and they don't get it through. this he don't have a majority in the senate to get it through. they certainly don't have two-thirds and they're worried about the backlash in the election. they say this this will help trump, this will rile up his base. number one, his base doesn't need any more riling up, this is a base that shouted lock her up during 2016, still shouts lock her up. he doesn't need impeachment to rile them up, he has omar, kaepernick, all sorts of red meat he can throw at them. number two, there is this argument that there is a cost to impeaching. what it doesn't take into account is there is a cost to not impeaching. we saw that just a few days ago when trump tweeted out that there are traitors who tried to investigate me, he called it treason on the part of the fbi. you're seeing this calculated attempt no you to delegitimize any institutions that dare investigate or try to hold this presidency at account. with a bully like that you give him a pass there is a massive cost. >> and there's also the cost to expanding the powers of the presidency. i remember during the george w. bush administration one of the reasons that many of us were opposed to the patriot act is the idea that typically institutions don't give back power. so having given the president broad sweeping power and the unitary executive people who are backed, the john hughes of the world who can say we can do torture, expand presidential power, folks on my end were saying if you give them that power they're never going to give it back. congress has beginning power back and they're dumping it on the white house lawn, but presidents don't give back power. i wonder if democrats have taken into account that the next donald trump might go even further. if you don't sanction with impeachment you essentially give a green light to what essentially is a monarch. >> it's not just the next donald trump it's this donald trump. he's still got over 18 months in power. you are allowing him to run over the constitution thinking i can get away with anything. i would half agree with you on the powerpoint. there is clearly a case about expanding power but the republicans are very consistent in their view. their view is that there is unlimited power for the presidency if there is a republican in the what u.s. >> right. >> when barack obama was in the white house then he was a tyrant, he was a dictator, executive orders. he can't even fill a supreme court seat. >> that's correct. >> they're consistent in their view that republican presidents and of course bill barr who is attorney general under a previous republican president who he helped to cover up a crime, the iran-contra affair, who he helped to doll out pardons to his former colleagues. he has been consistent to be fair to barr in his view of the constitution. >> i am officially out of time. i have to add this because you sort of -- you write for an organization that really channels a lot of what the progressive movement is thinking. when i listen to joe biden yesterday and he's talking about unifying the country and getting beyond the divisions as if you could snap your figure and your biddeniness makes it go away, i wonder if the democrats are having an opportunity cost that a lot of progressives who elected people like aoc, these hard charging young women, eye yana presley are going to think we gave you power and now you won't use it. if that might dampen enthuse for voters in 2020. >> it's such a good point. this is the danger of obsessing over trump. we're going to anger trump's base. worry about your own base. worry about your own base. hillary would have won had she turned out more voters in 2016. we know that. it's important to energize your own base. a "new york times" op-ed talked about electability is about enthusiasm. who is the candidate who is going to get your work out. quickly on biden an anger. we just found out that they caged -- they separated another 1 rk 700 kids at the border. if that doesn't make you angry i don't know what does. >> yeah. indeed. mehdi hasan, it's a confounding thing, please come back and talk about it. thank you very much. have a great rest of your day. cheers. coming up next, the surprise thing the 2020 democratic candidates have in common with the 2016 republicans. more "a.m. joy" coming up. n with the 2016 rubeplicans more "a.m. joy" coming up. a chd is choosing to nurture and emotionally support children in urgent need. it's not just about opening up your home; it is also about opening up your heart. consider fostering. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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>> i completely agree. i would say, mr. vice president, for those impacted about i this president's racist, xenophobic, misogynistic policies we should be angry and so should joe biden. i don't think that tone resonates with what's happening in the country. when you look across this nation and see what's happening, and just to remind people, listen, it is a false narrative to say that trump -- or obama voters who switched to trump did so for economic reasons. that is not true. and we talked about this on your show before, joy, the number one reason these folks switched from democrat to republican in 2016 was they all held hostile views on race. there was a study, there's data to back this up, it came out of uc irvine, ucla and princeton that showed this was the number one issue. i'm not trying to appeal to those people or resonate with those folks, i don't know how to do that. for candidates to come out and think i'm the guy who can talk to he is no folks, if you are the guy who can talk to those folks then you are not the guy who is talking to me. >> one of the reasons i wanted to do the segment was because of the piece you wrote in the root this week. it was called so many white guys. you said they are convinced that because they are white men they can somehow convert maga voters sometimes for the most ridiculous of reasons but let's be honest what they're really saying is lots of americans think we went too far with a black president than a woman running for president as a white guy i will be able to bring i think so this pack to normal. is that the sub text of these candidates or the media? >> both. the media is often just as white as the candidates. they really do believe we liked obama but that might have been too far. the problem is that it is an incredibly naive way to look at the electorate and an incredibly naive way to look at the republicans. first and foremost obama the black guy won these people over. you don't win elections by changing people's hearts. obama didn't change one racist to being a progressive he just said my deal is better than the white dude so vote for me. many of these candidates, joe biden, pete buttigieg, bernie sanders, this he all seem to think that they can sprinkle this magical white elixir and it's going to change people's attitudes. no. have a better plan, have a better policy, have a better message and bear in behind that even when your white guy self ends up in the white house next year that doesn't mean mitch mcconnell is ever going to work with you. it's not going to say now that we're all white you can have a supreme court justice. >> there is a misunderstanding of mitch mcconnell for sure because mitch mcconnell will essentially shut down the senate if there is a democratic president. there have been republicans who have said they would hold a supreme court seat open for eight years if hillary clinton were to get elected and reelected. the republicans aren't playing the same game as the democrats are. the democrats have this idea that if they put up a nice enough guy that somehow the republicans will snap out of it. barack obama used to even say that. the fever will break. what is the evidence that this fever will break? >> there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that it's going to break and if democrats don't learn to play tough and play dirty and play hard like republicans they are going to watch the absolute destruction of the country. democrats need to be angry, they need to think about the supreme court. republicans, if you think about it, they have been so smart in their politics from day one and everything that they said that they wanted to happen we are watching it happen a little bit at a time. it's drip, drip, drip, drip, drip and what do we see? a palatable hatred for women. as ocasio-cortez as she said last week the only thing they want to do is to -- and i'm paraphrasing here, but basically be in charge of women's bodies because the only thing they can think about is what they want from our bodies and to be completely in control of us. i predict, joy, that it is black women who are going to decide who the next president of the united states is going to be. i think that black women are the true feminists in the country and whether it is a white man or a white woman or a black woman that they decide is going to be the democratic nominee, we will be the deciding factor because we have the anger, we understand what is at stake and we've got our eye on the supreme court. right now that is really the only thing that matters. >> tiffany, there's a thing, you know, kind of about leadership and i will ask all of you guys about that. that there is -- that there's this idea that you not only have to lead but you have to be seen leading. what donald trump has done, that even george w. bush didn't do, is he said i'm going to give you a far right supreme court and then he did it. he just said, mitch mcconnell, get me a far right supreme court. george w. bush all these guys said they are going to overturn roe v. wade, they all low key promised the far right that they would overturn roe. trump is doing it. whether or not, you know, the people in the progressive side, really the majority of americans think what he's doing is insane he is saying i'm going to have a trade war with china, even if it destroys their own people he's doing it. there is this sense that democrats are shrinking from doing things because they are afraid it will make people mad. i don't know how that inspires people to follow you when you won't lead. >> i completely agree, joyce. this is what makes me so angry when i see folks in the media, folks who were once solidly in his base clutch their pearls every time he does something he said he would do. he said it on the campaign trail, on the debate stage and now that he's doing exactly what he said he was going to do is not the time to fien surprise. when you come to me and tell me you have to love your owe presser to convince them to vote for you, to vote in your interest, that's something i will never buy into. i would discourage anyone from buying into that. this president if nothing else has been consistent with his ridiculousness, with his racism, with his misogyny and now at some point we think that all of a sudden these trump voters are going to switch. even when i hear people who are impacted by his ridiculous policies, you take the trade policies, for instance, now all of a sudden farmers are saying i'm not going to vote for him again. really, now? not because of kids in ijs can a, not when he called mexicans rapists and drug deal rs, not when he called kneeling nfl players sobs, now that it's impacted your life, this is when you want to break faith. this is not the voters the democrats need to go after. that is how they will become road kill if they don't grab their easter eggs and get into the fight. >> before we go because, jason, there is a sense we were talking about this in the hair and makeup room earlier, midwin and i, the democrats are the lannisters -- the democrats are the starks and the republicans are the lannisters. the democrats keep going thinking if i just make a better deal now i won't get my head chopped off and then it gets chopped off. the republicans are the lannisters. they are like we don't care. i wonder in this "game of thrones" starks can win. >> they are going to end up dead like they have before. joe biden is saying, come on, i know you really care. she doesn't care. she doesn't care if the whole place gets burned down. the republicans would rather see this country burn than run by a party they think is one by years and black lives matter and dreamers. that is how they see the democratic party. until they realize they have to win on a better message, not that i'm this white guy from the midwest, they will lose. >> i'm going to give the last word to michelle bernard. is there a democrat in the field that has that fighting spirit that the panel that all of you guys are talking about, that's channeling leadership in a way that you think would be more effective than the unifying message of biden? >> look, the country is not unified, we haven't been unified for a long time, we are just seeing it right now. some of my panelists will disagree with me but i will say it again, my vote is on kamala harris. i think she is the dark horse. she is the obama that we saw in 2008 and i think if we stick it out the only people that are beating her in the polls right now are bernie sanders and joe biden and i think they come with their own baggage and can we just keep saying anita hill, anita hill. she is going to haunt joe biden. >> i will say that the lesson of "game of thrones" really is that it takes a woman to win over the white walkers, it's ariya stark that gets it done not jon snow. >> which say quickly i don't think anybody on the panel is anti-camilla, we just offer analysis. >> she's saving us. she's saving me right now. >> fyi. >> that's a change. >> we're here for change. tiffany, jason and michelle, with he love you guys. next up, i will tell you why florida, florida, florida should now be florida, florida, russia. . feeling good? 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>> well, i'm going to be dangerous and tell you that we have a hint, but the hints could be wrong. informed speculation tells us it's probably a midsized county, however you define that, on the east coast of florida. if you want to speculate on the speculation, it could be brevard or volusia county. to your broader question, like why aren't they telling us? i mean, who knows? i had a 30-minute phone call with an fbi spokeswoman on friday. she was very good, informed, intelligent, smart, funny, decent, but she's in an impossible situation because she has to sound like lewis carroll from "alice in wonderland." basical basically, she is speaking in riddles because the fbi's position is you don't have a right to know, voters, because voters aren't the victim of the russian hack of the counties. the victim are the counties themselves, and the counties can therefore disclose it, but obviously, the counties aren't. then i said, well, how about the governor? they said, well, the governor is not the victim in this case. i said, well, he's nonetheless overseeing those counties because of his secretary of state's office overseas elections. they say, well, he signed a nondisclosure agreement. well, fbi, you're the one that made him sign that. why did you do that? well, it's classified. >> wow. >> this is what we're looking at. >> it makes no sense. and pam, as somebody who's run for office in florida, what do you make of this idea that, a, they are saying that the counties are the victims, not the voters, and that we, the american people are not allowed to know what happened, because if it happened in florida, it could have happened anywhere in the country. >> you make an excellent point, joy. the people of the state of florida were victimized by this infiltration. and i want to make a point to your viewers. florida has 67 counties, and each county has a supervisor of elections. we call it an soe. but the important thing is that every soe has access to the voter rolls of every other soe. why? because they talk to each other when they move voters from one county to another county. if i change my voter registration from palm beach county to miami-dade county, the miami-dade soe goes into palm beach county rolls and removes me and puts me on the miami-dade roll. and that's true of every single county in florida, which means if the russians got into washington county, they got into all 67 counties. at least it's possible that they could have done that. and so, i think the voters of florida are entitled to hear what really happened, how far did it go, and were they able to access information in all those other 66 counties? >> and mark, you know, this was something that bill nelson warned about, because there are a lot of things that one could do if one could get into those rolls -- take people off the rolls, add people to the rolls. there are all sorts of things you could do once you're in there. bill nelson warned in 2018 that the people, that these county systems had been breached. he was mocked by rick scott, who wound up barely beating him to become a united states senator. what's rick scott got to say now that he literally, practically called nelson mentally unstable? >> well, rick scott's pointing to the fact that bill nelson had kind of said two things, although the scott folks are only pointing out the one thing that nelson said. nelson's problem in some respects, potentially, was one of vertenses. he said that the relations are, presence tense, in the records of the counties. >> we don't know. we're not being told. >> right. at the time, the fbi did deny that, of course, on background. what we know now is that the russians had been in the rolls and at different times bill nelson had said that as well. now, to nelson's very, he did at least give us the first hint that this had happened. to nelson's discredit, he wasn't very clear, and when we asked him to clarify, we didn't really get that clarification. but more broadly, something was up. something happened. the press, the public, and politicians, and now politicians of both stripes on both sides of the aisle and the press and the public want to know what the hell happened. >> yep. >> and the fbi is telling us it's not their job to tell us, it's these two counties. which counties are they? well, we're not telling you. why? well, that's classified. >> it's classified. and pam keith, why should the voters of florida have confidence in ron desantis, who came up on the winning end in these elections that now people are nervous about, rick scott, who came up on the winning end of now these elections people are worried about, and donald trump obviously came up real big. >> right. and it's not just the voters of florida, joy. the voters of the united states ought to be real concerned, because florida brings 29 electoral votes to the table in our next presidential election. and for those who do the numerology, if president trump does not win florida, it's very unlikely he gets re-elected. so, this is still very, very much in play. and more importantly, i want to pick up on something that mark said about is it classified or is it just sensitive, as i'm sure you remember, i'm a former naval office. i have a top-secret clearance. i know that you don't sign ndas when you're talking about national security secrets. you do background checks. you get clearance, you know? ndas aren't worth the paper they're written on, certainly not in trump universe as we've seen. >> happened with stormy daniels. >> right. so, the reason you only give classified information to people who have the requisite security clearance is because you've checked to see that they're worthy of the risk. just signing an nda is not checking that they're worthy of the risk. >> thank you very much, mark caputo, pam keith. thank you guys both. we'll have you guys back. if you get more information, let us know. if you get more information, let us know. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. you get the freedom of what a 7-day return policy. this isn't some dealership test drive around the block. it's better. this is seven days to put your carvana car to the test and see if it fits your life. load it up with a week's worth of groceries. take the kiddos out for ice cream. check that it has enough wiggle room in your garage. you get the time to make sure you love it. and on the 6th day, we'll reach out and make sure everything's amazing. if so... excellent. if not, swap it out for another or return it for a refund. it's that simple. because at carvana, your car happiness is what makes us happy. this ijust listen. 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(avo) subaru outback. ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. come on mom, let's go! i have said for over ten years of coming to these events that the declared policy of the united states of america should be the overthrow of the knowledge regime in tehran. and that's why before 2019, we here will celebrate in tehran! thank you very much. >> welcome back to "a.m. joy." john bolton, president trump's national security adviser, is hardly a stranger to threatening middle east countries with war. he did it with iraq after 9/11, and he's been spoiling for a war with iran for decades as well. and now, with yet another republican unschooled in foreign affairs sitting in the oval office, bolton seems to be having his way again, as the u.s. ramps up its military assets in the gulf region in response to what it calls -- what it claims are iranian threats. the recent escalation with tehran, we presume, has nothing to do with donald trump's mounting legal troubles in the wake of the mueller report. bolton is trump's third national security adviser, successor to h.r. mcmaster and now convicted felon michael flynn. he's one of the most hawkish foreign policy fixtures in the country, who as early as 2002 was pitching iran as a threat to the united states on par with north korea and iraq, a notion that he put in print in a "new york times" op ed in 2015 entitled "to stop iran's bomb, bomb iran." and now, donald trump, who ran for president on the idea of getting the u.s. out of all of the foreign wars, has put bolton in charge of america's iran strategy. and apparently, that's not enough for mr. bolton, who according to "the new york times" -- "has quietly voiced frustration with the president, viewing him as unwilling to push for changes in a region that he has long seen as a quagmire." so, we can assume bolton wasn't too pleased when the boss sent this. >> mr. president, are we going to war with iran? >> hope not. >> joining me now is treata parsy, former president of the national iranian american council and author of "losing an enemy: obama, iran and the triumph of diplomacy." malcolm nance, author of "the plot to destroy democracy," mehdi hasan of the intercept and colonel lawrence wilkerson, former chief of staff to secretary of state colon powell. i want to start with you, because i feel like we're watching a rerun. you have john bolton, who's been spoiling for war with iran for a very long time, in charge of our national security policy. i'm not even sure, do we have a secretary of defense yet or an acting like a boeing execute? and you have donald trump who doesn't know a whole heck of a lot about foreign policy or the world, which was the situation we had with george w. bush. are we setting -- are we being set up for a rerun? >> i think we are, joy. there are two possibilities here. bolton is the being, i've got my finger on the trigger rocket man for donald trump, trying to intimidate rouhani and zarif and the other leadership in iran and then he's going to get negotiations because they're going to beg for them, or we're looking at, as you described quite well, another run-up to another catastrophic war in the middle east. let me say that there's a bigger picture here, though. most of your viewers will be familiar with hbo's long-running show "game of thrones," which is coming to its end right now, one of the most-watched shows in tv history. and at the last episode, the female heroine, is sperned by jon snow, the leader of the male side, if you will, and she says, okay, if it's not love, then it's going to be fear. and then she rides her dragon and burns almost everyone in the movie -- men, women, children and everyone else. >> spoiler, dude. >> that was her foreign policy. that's america's foreign policy today, fear. >> yeah. it's fear. and you know, trida, let me go to you quickly, because when the united states invaded iraq -- i have no military experience or background, but i thought it was a disastrous and terrible idea. you can't tell people they are going to come in and liberate them when they haven't asked to be liberated by you. and iraq was a relatively smaller country compared to iran. can we just throw a map up real quick? sometimes i think americans forget. i mean, iran is a much bigger, country with a much more developed military. it is in population double the size of iraq. it is a country with a long tradition. it used to be an empire, right? it was a persian empire. this is a country that is not iraq, and iraq was a debacle. the idea that we could somehow invade iran and that it would somehow go better than invading iraq to me seems like madness. what do you think? >> oh, it certainly is madness. and not only should we look at the size of the country and the population, but also keep one other thing in mind -- saddam hussein made a big mistake because he thought that he could defeat the united states by having a conventional war -- two standing armies fighting each other. no country can defeat the united states in such a war. the iranians have prepared for more than 30 years to fight the united states unconventionally, as asymmetrically, in case the united states invades. and this actually brings me to a third possibility, adding on to what larry was talking about, which is that there is also a possibility that once this comes to the brink, actually, trump will pull back. and i suspect this is perhaps what happened just this last week, because as his intelligence was showing that the iranians were putting missiles on boats, which bolton tried to portray as an iranian aggression but actually was the iranians preparing to counterstrike, if the united states attacked it -- i think that may have spooked trump, because trump has been diluted by netanyahu, but bolton and others to think iran is just like syria, a country you can hit with a couple of missiles, you can defeat their military and they will never dare to fight back. well, trump just saw based on the intelligence that the iranians were absolutely ready to fight back and defend themselves, if the united states attacked. and i think that may have actually caused trump to walk back. >> i mean, mehdi, i feel like the easiest sort of sale to make, unfortunately, is a war on a muslim country, right? because american -- islamophobia is a tool that can be used in the toolkit of a president that wants to be a wartime president, unfortunately. and so, people believed it when the bush administration sold this fiction that iraq was amassing nuclear weapons and that it was somehow connected to 9/11, even though osama bin laden despised saddam hussein as an apostate. none of that mattered. and now donald trump needs something, right? he is not in a good place and he needs something. and the worry that i have is, despite everything that colonel wilkerson and trita just said, the logic of that, it will just be easy to sell it. >> i totally agree, joy. i think we should be concerned. we should be worried. the islamophobia point is very important. president trump is the islamophobia in chief and there is years of bad blood between the two countries in a way there wasn't even with iraq, so that's a big problem. and with donald trump -- look, i'm not one of these people who gives trump a pass on iran. i think there's -- of course, bolton is inciting this stuff, taking advantage of trump's ignorance in the middle east and ignorance of wars. but trump is the guy who ran for election lying about the contents of the nuclear deal, saying he would rip up the nuclear deal. he came in and pulled out of the nuclear deal, one of the few promises he actually kept. since then, he's escalated sanctions, which is basically economic warfare. he's designated the revolutionary guard of iran as a terrorist group against the advice. who appointed john bolton as his national security adviser? donald trump did. so, he's owning this. and he did tweet in 2011-2012 -- i've said this before -- he did tweet that obama's going to attack iran to try and get re-elected. remember, with trump, it's always projection. if trump is suffering next year and wants to get elected, yeah, it's an election year. iran will look very tantalizing, regardless of the blowback that's been outlined. >> and malcolm, the point of donald trump not knowing a lot and being very manipulatable, it does feel like he's sort of a moveable feast for anyone who's got a policy agenda, whether it's, you know, helping the p puticrats of the united states or whatever you want to do, pollute the streams, he's there for you. the religious right is having a field day. this is one more place where someone like bolton, who does know more than trump, can just sort of get his way. >> well, that's possibly true. and we could be dealing with some circumstances happening here, that the first one is that donald trump is allowing john bolton to run, you know, sort of rampant and make all this noise and rattle the sabres so that at some point he does what he proclaimed that he might do last week, which is go to president rouhani and say look, i'm now going to offer you the kim jong-un deal, we're all going to meet in, you know, versailles and come up with some negotiated settlement, and a new donald trump, new-and-improved iran deal that's the exact same deal obama did, but he can say he got one over on obama. the second option is he's playing the fool deliberately and they fully intend to go to war and they're looking for a circumstance to incite that in the run-up to the election. now, let me make this clear why i'm giving these assessments. i give it from the basis of experience. and no offense to colonel wilkerson. i have in my career engaged iran three times in combat, or engaged by them and their proxies, including direct naval combat in 1988. iran is not the force that we fought back in the 1980s. they are a competent, large-scale military with 3 million men. they have been preparing, as mehdi said earlier, for a defensive war with the united states. they will as a nation, 83 million people will stand up against us. they will savage the oil fields of saudi arabia, the uae, qatar and kuwait. oil will go over $200 a barrel and we will lose people, quite possibly sailors, by the hundreds if we go into this with blythely thinking this way. >> yeah. >> i've fought in iraq. iraq, we couldn't do it. they killed 4,493 of us. iran is vietnam war-level combat, and you know, whatever they're doing, they need to stop talking about it now. >> and colonel wilkerson, the other challenge is that donald trump doesn't exactly have an administration stacked with talent. >> no. the only thing wrong with that, otherwise very accurate scenario just painted, is i don't think that's what we're going to do. i think the pentagon's objections would be so strenuous that that is not what we do. what we do is what we did in "operation preying mantas" writ large, conduct battle operations around the clock, 72, 99 hours, whatever. we conduct massive air strikes, and we do considerable damage to iran, and then we back away. we would not put a single marine or soldier on the ground. if we do, as he said, we're fools. so, that's a scenario that bothers me, because we will think it will work, and it won't because of what he just stated. >> exactly. >> they will not just sit there and take that. >> and take it. and trita -- >> can i complicate the situation a little bit further, though? >> please do. >> because i think a big difference between not only the scenario that larry mentioned, but also early on when it comes to iraq -- the iranians are going to fight asymmetrically by denying the united states the ability to decide where the war will be fought. and as a result, you're going to see much of the middle east becoming a battlefield between the united states and iran, and the iranians are going to fight an asymmetric guerrilla war style. so all of these planings are going to fall apart very, very quickly. >> and mehdi, there's also the small point that by invading iraq, you've kind of handed iraq to iran, so they've got a second place that they can be based. >> yeah. there's this argument, iran is so powerful and regional. who helped them become so powerful? it was the george w. bush administration in 2003, which is ironic. >> exactly. >> classic blowback from american foreign policy. and another point when you talk about iranian power, you have tom cotton, the republican senator saying we would take them out in one strike. and on one side, you have to stand up to iran, they're dominating capitals, they're run by crazy mullahs. and on the other hand, we're going to drop a few bombs on them and they'll be quiet. you can't have it both ways. this is absurd! >> and last word on this malcolm, because there is a small matter of the american troops that would be impacted by trying to do this. >> yeah, well, you know, all of the people who were in the volunteer force now. but let's take a look at the possibility of what they think they might do, which is to bring two or three carriers up there and throw some strikes and hurt iran along the coast as colonel wilkerson said. i've been in the gulf where we had four aircraft carriers. every air base in saudi arabia, total air dominance. and it still took us 40 to 60 days to suppress the air assets up there of iraq. now, iraq was one-fourth the size of iran. they will launch every ballistic missile they have into the saudi oil fields. they will bomb every base that's along the coast or anywhere within their range. they will use their one million man commando force to do what they tried to do in 1987, which is to come over in small boats and blow up every oil rig in the gulf. the entirety of the middle east will be on fire from the golan heights all the way to yemen. >> well, i don't know that they're listening to any reason. they're listening to john bolton at the moment. thank you, fantastic panel. i'll have you all back as this is what we're going to be talking about. and up next, we'll remind you about the real cost of making reckless, craven political decisions to go to war. reckless, craven political decisions to go to war every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. e-commerce deliveries to homes after my ...i wondered,... is another one around the corner. or could it be different than i thought? 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>> well, they could be contemplating it most of all because it never really ended after 9/11. this is one continuous war. i got into this at length this week. we are in a new normal and that's forever war. if the authorization for the use of military force after 2002 gave the country, gave the president a blank check, so now the president's got a blank check to have war forever with no accountability, no oversight, no public backlash. that's the new normal. it extends not potentially only into iran, but seven other countries -- >> venezuela. >> -- who are actively in combat. and 40% of the world has american forces of some kind or diplomatic forces. so, we're in 40% of the world already. you know, almost every continent. so, this has never ended. so, it can continue because there is no public accountabili accountability. there's no congressional oversight. the country is profoundly disconnected. we talk a lot about constitutional crises. this in my view is maybe the biggest one we face right now because nukes are involved. >> absolutely. >> nukes are involved. this literally means potentially the end of the world, so the stakes are higher than anything else we contemplate. >> we were talking about this the other day, that the challenge, too, is that as you've got farm bankruptcies rampant, as you've got people -- sure, unemployment's at 3.6%, but a lot of people are driving uber and lyft and have three jobs and get counted three times, right? so people aren't exactly rolling in dough and doing really well. and so, it's easy to just pick off young men, young women and just say, go join the military. fatten up the military, get a check and then you're off to war. >> yeah. there's a lot of talk about supporting the troops. the ultimate disrespect to the troops is to forget about them, forget they are in the middle east. memorial day is coming up in about a week. people in the military are going to go to arlington and the rest of america's going to go to the beach, right? there's a profound disconnect. and now the president is considering pardoning war criminals, which is in some ways the ultimate insult, because it actually doesn't respect the rule of military law. it doesn't respect the code of military justice. it's the ultimate middle finger to our military to say, you know what, i don't respect your rule of law, i don't respect your laws or your courts, and i'm just going to do what i want. >> yeah. >> that is also another level of lacking accountability that everybody should be shocked about. i think most bothered about. and it also extends to the civilians. >> absolutely. >> it's not just mernamericans,s everybody else in our way. >> and we were talking the previous segment, i said to mehdi that islamophobia encourages a lot of bad action because it encourages a certain recklessness. if the idea is going to war against those people. it's easier to sell it. it's easier to tell americans, those are bad people, they're muslims, go get them. >> it's like we create our enemy and then we fight our enemy and then we, like, create our own fear. when you were showing images of iraq war -- i'm from iraq. i grew up in iraq. >> yes. >> and i can't help but cry every single time i know one-third of the country is flattened, is destroyed, from my own house i grew up in baghdad from the front lines of isis. every town, every village, every mosque, every school, everything is destroyed. what do we have out of the destruction is the emergence of isis which not only destroyed iraq and the region, it impacts world politics, security, and america itself. we are creating our enemy over and over and over again. and america has to take a moment to step back and look at what has created so it does not replicate the same mistake. you know, the middle east is already unstable. we already have no freedom of press, no women's rights, no human rights. the window that opened in the arab spring now completely shut down. a war with iran would only exasperate the situation, and that destabilization of the region will lead to destabilization of the world and of america itself. >> and it's happening at a time when you have the president of the united states attempting to ban muslim migration from, including, or initially, iraq. >> exactly. exactly. >> we created the refugees that come here. >> people who acted as translators to support the american army, with people who have risked their lives to support the american arm aerm. it's a vicious circle, but we have to get our senses. the war with iran is not our war. it is us ram's war. it is saudi arabia's war, but it is not america's war. if they want to risk their kids' their civilians' lives -- >> they should do it themselves. >> it's not america's war. second, in islams -- like 1.9 billion people, we are summarizing them as one thing. how insulting and ignorant. ignorant. 1.9 billion muslims in the world, including myself, you know. we are people who are diverse. there is good people. there are bad people. there are intellectual people, there are not so -- as diverse as white people, as black people, as everyone people, right? and where fnarrowing down is ony one thing, shame on us. it is not the america i know. >> at some point, is there going to be a reaction inside these communities? because you know, i can just remember going to the family readiness centers in miami and talking to family members of people who, they weren't even getting enough support, right? we're not even doing enough to support either the civilians in the countries we're bombing or our own families of our troops, making sure they have medical care. >> yeah. that's right, joy. we met 15 years ago because we do this work. >> yeah. >> she was advocating for civilians. i was acting for veterans. we've been friends ever since and have been both screaming from the mountaintops of the human cost of war. in some ways now it's come full circle, but i think we represent populations that feel forgotten and are manipulated, abused, politicized. and in my opinion, the president's politicize krooized the military, used them -- >> as props. >> the khan family or the parade or the war in iran or farmers, saying -- >> our patriot farmers, which sounds like the old soviet un n union. >> it's twisted. and people are running these decisions who are not congressionally approved. you have an acting secretary of defense in shanahan -- >> isn't he a boeing executive? great. >> this is a time to remember, general mattis is gone. he was kind of like a guard dog guarding the gun closet, guarding our military, guarding our nukes. he's gone now and there's a secretary that's acting not senate approved -- bolton's not approved and he's third on the pecking order. he's the third guy in there that wasn't aproved. now you've got the voice of reason is pompeo, right? so, the three people potentially taking us to war are people that america should be paying attention to and forcing pressure -- >> and a president who's never in his family has had no gallantry. they have not one sacrificed in terms of being part of the military. >> the damage this will do to american credibility -- further damage to american credibility on the international screen is horrendous. we should all be fighting for not to go for a war, really. it used to be once upon a time american army, it's a respected arm eye a, you know, it's an army that doesn't actually commit war crimes, doesn't do anything. and now you have a pardon of really a criminal. >> a war criminal. >> and credibility of the seven other countries we're at war with. we have to respect there is no public approval of the wars we're already engaged in, so let's start there, maybe. around memorial day is a good way to talk about the troops -- >> honor them and come home. you have a podcast and you have rachel maddow on? >> i do. it's called "angry americans." we get into a lot of issues. if you're not angry, you're not paying attention. these issues, the abortion ban in alabama, electric scooters. there's plenty to be angry about in america, but we want to turn it into something righteous and positive. >> now that you're podcasting, i'm hoping to get access to you on the weekends, because you don't need to have a life. come back! we'll have you back. you can be a tag team. >> we are a tag team, we are. >> we'll bring them back. >> going for lunch after this. >> civilians and military getting together to fight the same fight. >> you are both wonderful. i'm a huge fan of both of you. paul and zainab, thank you very much. while mayor pete embraces fox news, we'll tell you why elizabeth warren is giving a stiff-arm to earth two. izabeth a stiff-arm to earth two experience the style, craftsmanship, and technology that have made the rx the leading luxury suv of all time. lease the 2019 rx 350 for $399 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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[ laughter ] hey, president trump, my wife and i just released ten years. please do the same. let the american people know. >> making sure that we have someone in the white house, which is why i'm running for president, that will -- that will obey the law and tell the truth. i think that's a minimum we should expect from the president. >> well, we don't want to darrell on the mueller report because we don't see you doing it on the campaign trail or answering a lot of questions about it. >> fox news has recently taken a break from being donald trump's state-run media and for an hour here and there has turned its airwaves to democratic candidates for president. senators sanders and klobuchar have each taken spins on the fox machine, and tonight, south bend mayor pete buttigieg will take his turn. but you know which democratic hopeful won't be heading across the plaza for a fox town hall? senator elizabeth warren. in rejecting their invitation, she tweeted "hate for profit works only if there's profit, so fox news balances a mix of bigotry, racism and outright lies with enough legit journalism to make the claim to advertisers that it's a reputable news outlet. a fox news town hall adds money to the hate-for-profit machine to which i say hard pass." joining me now is angelo carisoni, president of media manners, tara dell and gabriel sherman, msnbc contributor and special correspondent for "vanity fair." thank you for being here. media matters was the first to get out there and sort of say that the right thing to do would be for, you know, content to be denied so that the advertisers would also walk away from fox news. you see elizabeth warren doing that now. i want to read you what pete buttigieg said in defending his decision to go on -- "if we ignore the viewers of fox news and every news platform that doesn't share our world view, we will surrender our ability to speak directly to millions of american voters. if we don't show up, the conservative media will tell our side of the story for us." what is your response? >> i have a couple responses to that. first, there's this notion that somehow democrats have already ceded fox news, and that's simply not true. democratic elected members of congress appear on fox news 300% more than republicans appear on msnbc and 35% more than republicans appear on cnn. so, already democrats are there. so it's never been ceded to begin with. i think what the question here is, what is -- so, i just don't understand the argument. there's a big assumption that hasn't bosh out and has proven no political effect. i think the bigger question is whether or not -- and that's what i feel like elizabeth warren has understood and a lot of these other candidates have not, that fox news was on the ropes. in the little bit of a tease you played before, the reason jeanine shapiro was suspended for a little period of time was because they had to convince advertisers that they had some standards and donald trump attacked the network because of that. that's how you weaken fox news' power. so, my goal is not to empower fox news, and certainly not to enable their single biggest defense right now, which is that, look, some of our opinion people are a little bit out there, but our hard news is our hard news and you should trust it, and that's simply not borne out. and i don't think it's worth validating that particular piece of counterspin that fox news is using right now to get themselves out of an otherwise desperate situation. >> gabriel sherman, "the loudest voice in the room" and very much an expert on fox news. is there validity to the buttigieg argument, the bernie sanders argument, that you have to go over there, because there is an audience that is somehow fungible between democrats and republicans? >> here's the thing, fox news, the argument they make is that they have the largest audience in cable news and that just de facto by its size there are democrats who watch fox news just because you have millions of people, you're going to get some democrats. now, where this argument falls apart is that, you know, for this one hour of a day, they will maybe have some neutral questions. but as angelo was saying, this is part of their business model, to sell to the world that we are a legitimate news organization. they have a seat in the white house briefing room with the white house correspondents association. they are treated like a legitimate member of the media. that only works if the rest of the world treats them as a legitimate media. and i have reported that inside fox news, you know, there was tremendous -- there has been tremendous concern about the advertiser boycott. rupert murdoch reported personally called -- i'm sorry, donald trump personally called rupert murdoch when there was talk about suspending jeannie pirro. so, this is something that is a tug-of-war between are we trump state tv or a news outlet, something that is playing out right now. >> and let me play really quickly for you, tara, elizabeth warren. this was just a little while ago, campaigning in new hampshire, and she reiterated what she said about fox news in writing. here it is. >> fox news is a hate-for-profit racket. it's a racket. and much of america's starting to catch up to that. and that means that they are losing right now sponsors. this is all about money. they lose sponsors because sponsors don't want to be associated with the hate. i will find many ways to reach out. i'll talk to fox news reporters. but what i'm not going to do is give them a full hour of my time so they can raise money and they can raise credibility off it. >> first of all, she's a really good explainer. i have to say. she's a very good explainer. is that message more salient for -- as you as a strategist, putting on your strategist hat -- to a democratic audience, or is the buttigieg and also joe biden, sort of reach across the aisle message more potent in a primary? >> from a political standpoint, the goal is to get the most votes, right? let's be -- i mean, i don't want to be captain obvious here, but it's to get the most votes, right? and so, persuasion politics is extremely difficult. meanwhile, we have democrats who have been sitting out elections, who actually agree with democrats, but for some reason, they have not -- or many reasons, they have not been motivated to vote for a democrat in any election or anyone else for that matter. so, elizabeth warren is the best positioned at this point to actually appeal to those voters who have sat out because of her level of authenticity, which we're seeing her gain traction while not getting the same amount of coverage. we're seeing her gain traction and we're seeing a level of consistency with her messaging, and we're also seeing that she has the ability to actually have gotten things done and she's an excellent explainer and storyteller, as you pointed out. so, she is the best positioned. so, her strategy is to appeal to those people who are on the sidelines, who are disaffected, and to get them back into the fold, and that is a much easier proposition than trying to persuade team who have been told by a network for years that democrats are the enemy. >> let me tell you -- go on. >> it's really important to point out the context here. barack obama made the same choice that elizabeth warren did. back in 2007, fox news was set to host a debate with the congressional black caucus and barack obama said no, i'm not going to appear at this debate because you're using me as a political prop to sell that you're a legitimate news organization. that debate fell apart. john edwards and other democrats back in '07 boycotted fox. so, this is not a new phenomenon. >> yeah. >> i just think that now elizabeth warren is so clearly articulating why it's not beneficial to democrats to give them that air time. >> and let me just play just a little bit, because if you're watching this network -- i don't know how much fox you watch, but this is a taste of it, brian kill immediate talking about the border crisis on friday on "fox & friends." >> there is a five-alarm fire on our southern border right now, and the men and women every day need some help. >> when the market fell apart in 2008 and after 9/11, this is almost like that at the border. we've never seen these numbers before, and the men and women who have to round up these illegals who want to become part of our country are saying, please, help us. >> i tell you what -- >> tara, if you're a candidate running right now, would you put him on fox? >> no, i would not. because first of all, from a practical standpoint, the easiest way if you do want to reach voters who don't agree with you is face-to-face, to get in front of them. there are organizations throughout this country that will host democratic candidates, that will let them make contact face-to-face. because remember, what fox news does is it creates an idea of what people are, an idea of what black people are, and idea of what hispanics are, an idea of what asian immigrants are, an idea of what muslims are, jews are. they create ideas. and so, when you want to combat a negative stereotype, a negative idea, you do it by meeting with that person face-to-face. >> right. >> and that's where you can make the real persuasion. so, why would you expend resources and energy on a tactic that's not going to be as effective as what we know is effective? >> and angelo, with know that president trump starts promoting things like one america news or outlets like newsmax, run by his good friend. is there any chance you're going to see democrats saying, well, if we're going to go on fox, we might as well go on those, too? >> right, that's what i worry about, especially this idea of, we have to go out and reach these people where they are. they don't seem to be recognizing the reality. i mean, it's even reflected in a lot of these statements, where they're actually validating the notion that somehow it's just fox's opinion part. that's the stuff that really concerns me, right? i mean, it's -- when we went back and chronicled, we looked at just fox news' news division and we found a single, demonstrable lie that at any other outlet or news organization would have been corrected every single day this year so far, and these are things that affect people's lives. in february, it was their news division reporting that babies were being born alive and then aborted afterwards. so i mean, this is the thing. even when they do this, they're not even doing it in a way that is the least damaging, right? they're actually validating it. and what i don't understand is, is what the goal is. if the goal is to get primary voters, then, buzz, there are more primary voters watching this conversation right now in the democratic party than there will be watching that town hall. >> yeah. >> so, then what's the goal? is the goal to send a message? and my only question is this -- is the cost worth it? why sharpen their spear that they're otherwise going to use to stab you with if you're not going to get anything out of it? >> last word, gabriel, real quick. >> this is clearly a bigger proxy war. democrats, should they be talking to, you know, supposedly the trump voter, or do they rally their base? >> their own base. if you're a strategist, which one? >> rally your base! and expand your base that exists. >> seems elementary to me, my dear watson. angelo, gabriel, thank you so much, tara is going to stick around. up next, we'll tell you who won the week. llell you who won the week ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ applebee's new loaded fajitas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. ♪ tum tum tum tums thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, family reunion attendance is up. we're all related! yeah, i see it. and because priceline offers great deals by comparing thousands of prices in real time, sports fans are seeing more away games. various: yeah-h-h! is that safe? 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(romantic music) that's gross priceline. every trip is a big deal. you get more than yourfree, that's gross you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, i'll take that. wait honey, no. when you want it. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. you get fast and free shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. that's what you get when you've got wayfair. so shop now! ♪ ♪ ♪ now it's time to ask my panel who won the week? all right, we are going to have house dowdell, house ross and house johnson tell us who won the week. who won the week? >> it is really great to be able to talk about some positive news. >> i know, we need it, girl. this is not vodka in this cup, but it very well could be. >> i will take all the positive news i can get. so the black women who represent the record number of black women graduating from westpoint won the week for me. >> oh, yes. >> it just shows that all the barriers that are thrown up that our community and black women are fighters and we just continue to persevere and overcome. and also that we're patriots, which is something people love to say we are not. >> black men are overrepresented in terms of joining the military, anyway. that was a wonderful, heartfelt story tweeted at me. fabulous, fabulous, fabulous, fabulous. tiffany, you have a lot to top there. come with it, tiffany cross. sdp >> who won the week for me is congresswoman grace meng. asian americans are the fastest growing demographic in the country, and she's in the political arm of the asian american caucus in congress. she said, hey, don't ignore us. it's just another sign the demographics of the country are changing. a majority of asian americans don't identify with any one political party and they get ignored by both parties. so she's saying, hey, pay attention to us, we matter with the fastest growing demographic and you would be wise to court our vote. she won the week for me. >> you have all the influence in the world over politics and everything d.c. can we somehow get the pugh research center and these other polling firms to break out asian americans? it drives me crazy when we're trying to break down a poll and we have african-americans, whites, and latino. >> a lot of people don't consider asian americans people of color, but this country is not inclined to any community of color. we are very much a community of color. they should certainly be included. >> amen, hallelujah. this is going to be tough on you, jason, because the ladies have brought it. can you bring it? >> i have a winner of the week and a surprise winner of the week. the first winner of the week are all the parents down at morehouse, spelman and clark atlanta who were there for their kids' graduation this week. the famous racist church who wants to protest wanted to come and make a stink. i'm proud of all the parents not to give them the attention they want. not 20 minutes ago, the ceo agreed to pay off the entire debt of class 2019. that is how you win the week. >> he's one of the few black billionaires in the country. he is amazing. >> i'm not sure that i can top that. that's actually -- good for him and good for all of them. sometimes you try throateaten t you're going to do these things in the black community, you get what you came for. all right, so my contender, and i'm actually going to call it a four-way tie today, honestly, because i loved all you guys' during the week. it's a four-way tie. i'm picking the lunch lady. we've all been to public school. the lunch lady sometimes is the difference between you having a chocolate milk and you being thirsty, a little sandwich, extra fries with your food, making sure you're healthy. this little woman from kimball, she was compassionate to a kid who didn't have money for lurnc, let the child have lunch for free and she was fired for it. they literally said she violated the company that provides the food for the school. she was fired. they got blowback, the whole world was outraged. they tried to offer her job back and she said, i don't want my job back. no. i don't need y'all. i'm going on with my life. now jose andres has said he will give her a job. we don't know if she's going to take it yet. i hope she does. we're going to go through who wins the "game of thrones," jason johnson? >> they're going to kill daenyrus and it's going to be jon. he's going to do it. >> i don't want to watch. >> tiffany cross, you got to bring it home, girl. >> look, they have hung this entire season on ariya. i feel like at this point she's the only one who deserves the throat. they tried to tell jon, your girl is a little crazy, just like they told jamie that cersi is crazy, let the woman lead! we'll be back right after the break. n lead we'll be back right after the break. earn unlimited 1.5 miles and we'll match it at the end of your first year. nice! i'm thinking about a scuba diving trip. woman: ooh! 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190725

first dog. my parents had no dogs in the house. >> it was a teacup cotton ball dog. it doesn't fit. >> now i have a burmese mountain . good luck with the president tomorrow. we are from washington tonight jampacked show, everything you need to know about this sad sad showing on capitol hill by bob mueller. chris hawn, ari fleischer, and we even have a body language breakdown on mueller. an expert who worked closely with him for years. you're not going to believe wha he has to say about today's testimony. first, trump beats the elite again. that is the focus of tonight's angle. when he was appointed special counsel, robert mueller was described by the political and media elite as a brilliant choice. can get there is no more respected figure in american la enforcement than bob mueller. he's got a reputation for no nonsense. >> he is a pro, you will follow the facts where they lead. >> this is big stuff and muelle is the guy to do it. >> this is going to be resolved by one man sitting quietly at his desk named robert mueller. >> bob mueller completed anothe tour of duty. >> at the time i might've been the only one not buying it. >> i am sick of hearing what a great prosecutor bob mueller is. they should stand up and say let's see where this goes. >> i should have bought motto tickets that day. where did this all go? we found out today that when we saw a man who we thought was going to be well-prepared wasn't . >> i don't have it in front of me. i take your word. i'm not certain of the person who originally copied that quote . i don't know that for sure. i can't answer that question without knowing more about that question. >> a man who wasn't well-versed in the details of the investigation. >> i would like to ask you the reason again that you did not indict donald trump is because of opinion seen you could not indict a sitting president, is that correct? >>laura: man who had to come back after breaking correct tha answer. >> and want to go back to one thing that was said this morning . you said you didn't charge the presidents because of the olc opinion. that is not the correct way to say it you did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime. >>laura: that was just a small part of it. after all of that, the same media establishment who lauded moeller from the start, it was reduced to admitting this about today's proceedings. >> it was a televised disaster. >> i thought it really was a very ineffective. >> the democrats have to be disappointed. >> it certainly seems like donald trump is winning. >> finally some honesty. if anybody can have a bad day, i'm a lawyer too, i was involve in a lot of white color investigations. you don't always hit home runs. but this was a day full of swings and misses. an investigation that was in search of a crime from the very beginning. anybody, but rank partisans would come to the same conclusion at this point. if mueller was the consummate pro everybody said he was, he would've used today to apologiz to the american people and this president for what ultimately was a travesty. we will never know the full extent of how much this has hobbled the presidency of donal trump. i have to say this, even with this albatross around his neck, the president has once again beaten the elites at their own game. he delivered economic success that is the envy of the world. better try harder next time, guys. that is the angle. joining me now are two people who worked on the independent counsel of ken starr and saul weisberg. joining me is kevin braga to assistant fbi director for intelligence by mueller and caucus chair mark meadows. can come ken, what was mueller biggest screwup today? >> total lack of preparation or at least the inability for whatever reason to communicate, to show a masterly or mastery o basic knowledge of the report. i was stunned and then i was shocked by bob's inability to focus, to show that he understood the questions, the constant pleas workweek the question. sometimes you do that as a witness to stall and gather you thoughts, but it seemed to be genuine. what was that question? he was in a state of befuddlement which became my thinking embarrassing. i would say early on i was so glad to see that the issue of exoneration and the idea of a prosecutor taking it on himself for now we know the team taking it on them seems, taking it on themselves to say this report does not exonerate the president . we have been saying this for several months now. totally inappropriate, totally improper, and now we know that it's much more likely something that bob mueller did not in his judgment come to. it was the judgment of the mueller team. >>laura: mark meadows, i'm going to go deal. we are going to move to this because he was asked about who appointed him at this hearing. for those of you who missed this , watch. >> which president appointed yo to become the united states attorney for massachusetts? >> which senator? >> which president? >> i think that was president bush. >> according to my notes it was president ronald reagan. >>laura: the president has bee through, his family has been through. they have had to go through all this testimony they were vilified, and everybody build him up to be this guy, we cut m soundbite now, but he walked o water. i didn't buy it from the beginning. any times the elite old someone up to this demigod status come out my antenna always goes up. this was a shame from the beginning. he was not with it. and he is running this investigation that could affect u.s. politics? >> i was there next to bob mueller for the entire judiciar meeting and it was obvious that he was not prayer it. and he didn't have a grasp of. >>laura: the basic facts of this investigation. the whole panel knows more abou this investigation then bob mueller does. >> that was meant to be a softball question by a democrat and it was a swing and a miss. it was just a sad day. >>laura: you worked with him, you know him, i assume you thin he is a man of great integrity. your view? >> i do. i got a lot of text messages an tweets from colleagues and the operative word today seems to b painful. it's not the bob mueller that w remember. we lose a little bit of verbal dexterity over the years, but i think his basic unfamiliarity with the report itself, having to pull in his deputy for backu commit does not inspire confidence and his answers toda did not inspire confidence that he was a man in control. >> the deputy seemed like caretakers. this is the u.s. presidency involved. we were led to believe that thi was going to be the best of the best, the fairest of the fairest , and it wasn't. saul, you have been a big defender of mueller from the beginning. you never worked with him, but after today, your thoughts. >> i've been a big defender of his integrity from the beginnin and i'm still a defender of his integrity. i'm not going to kick him when he's down. like kevin, i got text messages from people out of the blue, people i haven't talked to, nex fbi in years that said literall this is not the bob mueller tha i knew. something is wrong. i don't know when that started, but i know to me that failure today is a failure of the democrats. this man said the report speaks for itself. i don't want to say anything beyond what's on in the reports. i think he could have been much sharper than he was today he still would not have given them what they want to hear. when you do not give them what they want to hear, they destroy you as they've been doing all day and they are doing tonight because the ruthless. >>laura: i have a piece of advice i end offered on twitter today i held my fire until the end of the testimony, but mine was committee, when you want a big hearing, and a lawyer that you're going to call really doesn't want to testify, you think is going to make your point, don't bring him to testify. he said he didn't want to testify. i think maybe he knew he didn't know the underlying facts. we are going to get to some of these facts like this deal dossier in a moment. he said he didn't want to testify and barr said in that letter, stick to the report. he wandered off a few times whe he wanted to end the democrats asked him some questions. the republicans we're shut down not going to answer that question, but he never wanted to do this testimony. >> from what we know, this was just an enormous misjudgment because now that we look back i hindsight, we now see some of the warning signs. his press conference where he said no questions. i think it's fundamental to democratic society that people who hold power as he did at tha time, have to be responsive not just of the congress of the united states, but to the media. prosecutors have to be careful about what they say, but he had issued his report so it was tim to answer questions including the questions being raised abou the integrity not about mueller but about his team and especially the political leanings. all of that had been in the public domain, but he had neve responded to these i think very reasonable and in fact powerful questions. he said i'm not going to respon so i think that was a. >>laura: congressman, i want t play the exchange about the steel dossier pair this is what they got the investigation going . for everybody who lived under a rock that was this dossier compiled lists opposing sources the highest levels of the russian government all a bunch of phony baloney stuff paid for ultimately by the clinton campaign. this was the exchange about thi deal dossier. >> when did you become aware that the unverified steel dossier was intended was included in the application to spy on carter page? >> i'm not going to speak to that. >> your team interviewed becaus christopher steele, correct? >> you can't tell this committe as to whether or not you interviewed christopher steele in an investigation with 18 lawyers? >> that is one of the investigations that is being handled by others in the department of justice. >> it was really that moment an one moment before when he said he didn't know what fusion gps is all about. when you look at both of those, you've been covering this. obviously it's not just you that's been covering it, it's been all over for two years. adam schiff has talked about it devin nunes has talked about it and here we are with bob muelle not being able to answer basic questions about this entire investigation. you hit an earlier . here. the democrats forced bob muelle to do this. it was first they wanted to wai for the mueller report, then they wanted him to come back an they wanted him to do a press conference and then they wanted him to show up. three times they have struck out . they're going to get they need to stop while they're behind. right now they are so behind, they need to just stop,. >>laura: they don't care about what's good for the country. this is what andrea mitchell said about the line of inquiry about the steel dossier. >> it is shameful. shameful that republicans are s focused on trying to undermine the origins of the investigatio that they did not deal with the facts that has been concluded b all of the intelligence agencie under obama and of course professionals. >> this is the gaping hole in the whole investigation. bob mueller was handed a mandat to do a counterintelligence investigation he ran off and di a criminal investigation ignoring a lot of the basic counterintelligence questions that should have been asked in one of them surrounds the whole issue of the dossier in the russian involvement in that in their efforts to that manipulat the presidential election. >> we learn today just how much the mueller investigation was impacted by this so-called obstruction that they claimed that never actually happened. spoiler alert, it wasn't effective at all. >> we never fired as special counsel, mr. mueller. were you allowed to complete your investigation unencumbered? >> es. >> in fact, he resigned as special counsel when you closed up the office in late may of 2019, is that correct? >> correct. to give the congresswoman did this in like three questions. was it impeded, wasn't fired, finish the investigation. sometime i'm critical of the republicans cross-examination technique i think they bring in real pros like you to do the investigation, but she was fantastic. >> she was great but everybody should have taken a crack. in skilled cross examiner havin been when yourself would roll i out and asked 20 questions. you were allowed to talk to the white house counsel on multiple occasions. you were allowed to see extensive notes involving conversations between don mc gann and the president. you were allowed to question anybody wanted to over exner number of people. did anyone ever claim executive pleura village. you could have is 50 or 60 questions like that. the answer would have brought out nobody ever kept us from questioning anybody except for the president himself which everybody knows about that issue . i would have liked to have seen that. >>laura: excellent point. there was another . we were talking about before their show which is we had all these democrat players who any of our law practices when we take a case you do a conflict check. it's a pain in the neck, did yo ever meet this person, do you know anyone. the conflict checks are laborious in allowed form. this is a mini law form, really important the special counsel's office. you don't want any appearance o conflict let alone actual conflicts. this is a line of questioning about jeannie reed et cetera. >> attended the hillary clinton's election night party. were you aware that ms. jeannie reed represented hillary clinto in litigation regarding persona e-mails originating as her time as secretary of state. >> has s. >> when did you first learn about the animus towards donald trump. >> in the summer of 2017. >> you didn't know before he wa hired? >> i did not know before that. >> i would like the whole panel to weigh in on this. what you do for a basic conflic or appearance of conflict of checks and for an operation as important to the u.s. governmen constitution. frankly the world is this team was? >> you do your due diligence. you. you ask the key questions. so is there anything as when you're being considered for an executive branch approached appointment or confirmation hearings, is there anything tha could be embarrassing to the president of the united states? i think bob or whoever was doin it, should have said i need to know. i'm not asking you anything about your politics. but i need to know, is there anything by that definition of politically charged investigation, about your background, what you've done that could prove embarrassing t the investigation in terms of the appearance of impartiality? that is so important. my word, given the group of people he had around him. of course he must must've known about andrew wiseman's reputation professionally which he continues to stand firm on. he should have asked those toug questions. >>laura: mark meadows, this is big. did anybody do a conflict check? who did the conflict check or the appearance or anything. >> the president of the united states did. he's been talking about this fo two years about the conflict. when we look at this, just the basic items and credibility. when you look at what bob mueller said today. you say gosh, you want to have fair and impartial group of prosecutors. >> that's why building him up from the beginning is the demigod, no one would question him because this is bob mueller paid you can't question him. he wasn't questioning wiseman o whoever was doing it. he delegated it. was he more of a figurehead in this investigation? after you saw this performance today was he the figurehead? he came into the office every day, he might have done something, but he did not know anything. >> whether he was or he wasn't, that's what he projected today. it's unfortunate because he's a much more capable person than that. this is the achilles' heel of the investigation. the perception was frontloaded with democrats. he wasn't able to get around that. >> today on the podcast you whe i talked about this, but the political morning console shows that even more democrats now from april through today are saying that this investigation was not handled fairly. that percentage has gone up 15 percentage points. even among democrats, the distrust is growing. this is not going in a good direction for the democrats given the time, effort, and promises. most people are saying let's ge going, let's wrap this up at. >> i think most americans have sense of what happened here. number one the conclusions conspiracies let coordination whatever you want to call it, the president is totally exonerated and that. the obstruction front he overreacted he did some things that we're not lies that we're disturbing, that he shouldn't have done, but there is probabl not an obstruction case here an if there was, he is the president and we can't end item so let's move on. i think in some kind of since most americans think that way. you not going to move the ball any further. a page of history is worth a volume of logic. the fact is that this isn't watergate, but number to the republicans control the house and the first two years of trump 's presidency and that means the democrats were not able to start issuing subpoenas into start building up the type of investigation that happened in watergate. that's just reality, that's jus politics. >>laura: nancy blows he reacte today into this. let's watch. >> i do believe that what we sa today was a very strong straw manifestation some would even say indictment of this administration's cone of silenc and their cover-up. this is about our to protect an defend the constitution. >>laura: she's using the word indictment. they are not letting this go. the language is 42020. this is all setting the table for 2020. >> it always was. at 2020 hearing it had no basis in trying to get to the underlying crime which i believ is how this whole investigation started. >> this cannot happen to anothe president. it cannot be done. panel, thank you very much for being here tonight. the trump administration declared victory tonight after the hearing and the president had this to say before heading to a fundraiser in west virginia . >> this was a very big day for the republican party and you could say it was a great day fo me this whole thing has been three years of embarrassment an waste of time for our country. you know what? the democrats thought they coul win an election like this. i think they hurt themselves very badly for 2020. >> kristen fisher is life at th white house with more on the administration's response. >> president trump is claiming total victory after today's hearings. right after they were over he took questions from reporters a he was leaving the white house and he said this was a devastating day for democrats. >> the democrats lost so big today, their party is in shambles right now. the democrats had nothing. now they have less than nothing. i think they are going to lose their 2020 election very big including congressional seats because of the path that they chose. >> as for robert mueller performance, president trump wa not impressed. >> i think robert mueller did a horrible job both today and wit respect to the investigation. in all fairness to robert mueller, he had nothing to work with. you can be a builder, but if they don't give you the right materials they're not going to build a very good building. >> both of those comments were echoed by almost everyone in hi orbit from the new white house press secretary to call today and epic embarrassment for democrats to his campaign manager who put out a statement saying this entire spectacle ha been about the democrats trying to undo the legitimate result o the 2016 election and today the again failed miserably. heading into today's hearing, a new poll found that only 8 percent of the people polled said there was a strong chance that mueller testimony would change their mind about president trump. 29 percent said there we're no chance been since and since there we're no major resolution it is unlikely that many mines we're changed, so no doubt that some democrats will continue to try to push for impeachment but for president trump, this is case closed, total victory, he says it's over. >> mueller had a bad day. on that i think even his bigges fans would agree it wasn't just their frailty with which he delivered his responses, but also the revelations that he wa as i said earlier, nothing more than a figurehead. >> how many of the approximatel 500 interviews did you attend personally? >> quite a few. >> who wrote the nine minute comments you read at your may 29 th press conference? >> i'm not going to get into that. >> the name of the firms that firm that produce that is fusio gps, is that correct? >> i'm not familiar with that. >> trey doughty audi summed it up best. his complete detachment from th report that caused tens of millions of dollars bearing his name. i say that sadly. he was not engaged, he didn't interview the witnesses he clearly didn't write the report which means those under him did. >>laura: joining me now is senior analyst at the institute we've mulled this over a lot tonight, but the partisan team he assembled, underlying specificity of the events seem to just go right over his head. your thoughts after watching this and the demoralized democrats. at least the ones who are all over cable television tonight. >> i think some of those had watched the watergate, he ran contrite and clinton impeachmen hearings. they've never seen anything lik this. robert mueller was confused int bolivia's. it sort of confirm the narrativ that he was a figurehead that was used by a partisan group that had hijacked his conservative name. what we were left with is that donald trump railed occasionall he rinse, maybe he even swears to his aides, but he didn't eve order or didn't ever succeed in impeding in investigation. he didn't produce documents. he didn't fire anybody. in the end, the democrats and the committee were talking abou a thought time. it's not that's not an american jurisprudence conviction we don't convict people for thinking things and that's what the democrats were trying to say . no evidence he did anything wrong, but he had these bad thoughts. that's not going to fly. we have got a different type of caliber, a different caliber of attorney general or prosecutors coming up. we have william barr and michae horwitz and i think they're going to be a little bit more informed than robert mueller, but more importantly they're going to have a real topic to discuss or there is real collusion there. what were talking about what created robert mueller was the effort of hillary clinton to three firewalls, the d&c perkin going and gps to hire a foreign national to hire other foreign nationals to work the u.s. election. that is what it's all about. there was never anything else. this was all a front or an effort of a group of lawyers that we're partisan to use robert mueller to shy away from this reality. this reality in the next 14 months is going to come drip, drip, drip, and the investigators will be investigated and the optics wil be reversed. i think that explains this year terror on the look of the democrats for they couldn't believe robert mueller. >>laura: any type of sedative or antidepressants, pharmaceutical companies we're smiling today. i have to ask you a question that i raised earlier, victor about this build up of people. you and i have talked about thi before. the elites protect each other, so being in elite means never having to say you're sorry when you're wrong. if you're a part of the republican establishment you don't have to apologize for it if you're greenspan and you pus wto in china and missed the housing bubble you never have t apologize. and if you are the people who built up bob mueller as a demigod coming you don't have t apologize. we were all supposed to set bac and say whatever he says, we will hold dear. but he has outsmarted the elite at every turn. >> he has. american tradition you're only as good as you're last day of work. bob mueller reputation was not proved by any reality. anything he said to the public or any meetings he had with the trump legal team who were supposedly not as educated and not is ivy league as the green team, the all-stars in the process we were told. and actual performance and barometers of effectiveness, th trump team outfox them. they were better lawyers. so you're right, bob mueller reputation was supposed to do two things. it was supposed to put in legitimacy on something that wa illegitimate and it was suppose to make a partisan progressive project look like it was conservative bob mueller, just to finish, he reminded me in a tragic way of the lord of the ring figure who is befuddled, he's a king, but he has no ide where he is. he wasn't like james comey who went into the house intelligenc committee on 250 occasions and said he didn't know or couldn't remember. robert mueller really couldn't remember. he didn't know. >> laura: you look at bob barr bill barr excuse me, you look a bob white has a lighthouse, these are people with real skil and have results to back it up. the elites in the establishment have screwed up more things for this country and trump has proven this once again for her to victor, thank you so much. up next, did today's events killed the kill the left's drea of impeachment? we have reaction next. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you 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professor wrote far from breathing life into his report, they're tired robert mueller sucked the life out of it. former obama chief strategist adding this is very very painful . former cbs anchor dan rather tweeting to think that robert mueller should be the main acto in the drama was always misplaced casting. and finally, filmmaker michael moore a frail little old man unable to remember things refusing to answer basic questions. the disappointment continued from twitter to television we'r even though mainstream media ha to admit their dreams of covering and impeachment are likely dead. >> house judiciary committee democrats believe they should start impeachment. >> he didn't do anything to hel advance that because. >> i don't think nancy blows he is going to stand for her numbers to bring forward something that loses the senate american public. >> here to react, chris hom and fox news contributor did menchi know. and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. dan, let's start with you. while some of these media types are seeing the light, this isn' really the end of impeachment obsession, is it? >> no, it won't. but i say i implore the liberal in the media out there. i mean it, have some dignity, man. move on. you have been utterly, completely, cosmically apocalyptic leak humiliated today in a fashion so embarrassing that this will resonate well beyond the 24 hou news cycle weeks from now. what meek point out a couple of things. how does bob muller not know wh fusion gps is? i don't even want to pile on bo mueller right now. he was the head of this, but it . >> for two years i have decimated his dishonorable investigation. but today he piled on himself. how do you not know fusion? can he get his olc story straight? this is the 15th different version of the guidelines pray does he even know what the guidelines are? wet me point out one thing a lo of mainstream media folks missed . democrats line all week has bee everybody is equal under the la even the president of the unite states. it was bob mueller question as to why the president was held t a standard that no one other american citizen has ever been held to. get your story straight, i thought everybody was equal. >> laura: he was pressed on that about the guidelines of th justice department and he had t say, and the question or i thin it was radcliffe was talking fast and kind of talked over him , but the headline tonight, or it was a quote, house judiciary chair pushed to launc impeachment proceedings against trump during a closed-door meeting wednesday to only be rebuffed by a speaker blows he. according to four sources familiar with the discussion. >> it was a mixed bag. him not going to say it was a slamdunk for anybody today. but let's be clear, let's be clear, mueller did talk about how the russians interfered wit our elections and there we're several members of the trump campaign even may be the president himself was compromised by the russians due to their financial dealings. i think that is something that the congress has a responsibility to investigate whether it's been impeachment hearing or some other inquiry. that needs to be looked at and they need to take up our security and our elections for being interfered with anybody else. he was much more concerned abou the security aspect of the briefing then the obstruction aspect. i think that we would all agree. >> laura: he was asked about the counter intelligence investigation and criminal investigation he said he was a criminal investigation. he couldn't answer basic questions that a first-year associate working on a case lik this would have to answer. if you are a first or second year associate at the firm i used to work at and you perform that way, you would be out. if you were a partner the confrontation would be had afte this. >> i know what you're talking about. >> laura: , but perfume on a pile of don't and it still smells like don't. this performance today by mueller, i was stunned at how bad it was. >> the problem with elections that republicans don't want to address. i want to know why. >> that could have been handled by line prosecutors at the justice department. what they showed us to date today was that professional career prosecutors could have easily handled this and probabl an eighth of the cost and a lot less tome tombo for the country. >> absolutely right, laura. this is only mixed bag if you watch this with a bag over your head and didn't watch it unfold before your eyes. this has been a crushing summer for the conspiracy theorist tha believe donald trump is a criminal. the mueller report said right out there was no collusion. the principal thing that president trump did wrong, now you have today they thought it would elevate impeachment and make it inevitable, that is gone . it's not going to happen. you make a valid point heat the justice department was attorney general sessions recused. they made a chance to appoint a special counsel. they never should have taken that step. there was no grounds to take that step. they took it because in washington that's the easiest way to get people off your back appoint an independent special counsel. liquid that has done. it has set american against american. all adding up to damaging our nation and make vladimir putin laugh at us. putin is the winner here. that's what we have to keep in mind. >> it goes back to staffing decisions early on in this administration. jeff sessions, who i have enormous respect for as a perso and senator, it was the wrong choice for attorney general. the deputy was the wrong choice. they're were so many great people. we've seen them appointed now i the white house. they never would have wilted an appointed as special counsel. it never would have happened, but that's exactly what happened . chuck todd, have to get to this parade he thinks he's figured out the democrats problem. it's not with the wasted pointless investigation, it is this. >> the fact is were living in this 21st century of new type of asymmetrical that we're in. a propaganda machine is what it is it's a full-fledged propaganda machine on the right that the democrats haven't figured out how to combat very well. >> laura: they have the universities, they have hollywood, they have a lot of the churches, they have the house, and they have avery majo network other than fox and they can't defeat fox. what? >> it is hilarious. chris was hilarious, mixed bag, that is a good one. your attempt at comedy is going great tonight. i feel like reliving in a seinfeld episode where george does everything backwards. are they are serious? do you understand that we been subjected to competent rumors o conspiracy theories by chuck, todd, chris, and others about collusion that never had happened in their sighting is for propaganda. well, bob mueller should have investigated the russians. nunez nailed mueller to the wal tonight. did you investigate the fact that his two-sided primary sources for his document we're to russian disinformation specialist. he doesn't want to investigate russian collusion he wants to investigate trump russian collusion not the real collusion . >> why don't we all agree, dan, that we can have significant security around our election they are being presented to the that would do just that and mak collusion illegal. they don't want to because they know why. >> that could've been could hav been done with a simple investigation with people who aren't conflicted by their bias in their hatred of the president , correct? >> that's my point. in made that point earlier, you did not need an independent counsel. >> laura: next up, this is going to be fun are body language expert is here to brea down mueller testimony. my goodness. what will she find? stay there. aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. when didwhen i needed ton? jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional 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they're he is, he's kind of doodling. that's what a lot of kids with adhd due to thing, they fidget. they do anything just to get ri of that excess energy. he didn't seem to have too much excess energy. >> , take a look at this throughout the hearing, mueller can be seen sitting with his hands folded and his fingers intertwined. >> when you see somebody doing that, what you noticed was this video, he holds his hands tight he holds his fingers together and then his tongue juts out so that is two things you can say. when you keep your hands like this you are showing restraint and then when you stick your tongue out, what you're doing i you're saying to someone, i don't like what's coming out, i'm unhappy with this so hands restrained, he is holding i contact and then you see the je and you realize this is a man trying to hold things back. >> i didn't even notice the tongue juts. >> you have to look for it. >> laura: i just saw it. he was also repeatedly ask to speak into the mic. watch. >> could you speak more directl into the microphone, please,? >> s. >> 's please speak into the microphone. >> laura: he has testified 89 times or so on capitol hill, so with his reluctance to get clos to the mic suggest lack of confidence? >> no, what he is trying to do is he with the other person is telling him. you have to realize this is something he didn't want to do. he's very distracted, you still get the same so you know it's still robert sp 1 inch is not enthusiastic robert mueller. >> a lot of people were tweetin about his mouth being a agape often. what does that reveal? >> sometimes that means we are feeling nervous but in addition to that if you watch in this clip, you see him shift his job. when you see somebody shift their job like this, that is an indication of disagreement. disagreement, uncertainty, frustration. what we have to do is look at all these things in context because you never want to make an assumption based on one movement. when you see these things together, you realize this is somebody that is frustrated. >> overall would it be a man wh wanted to be there? >> no, he did not want to be there. that was it thank you so much. the tongue juts, i had not seen that before. up next we are moving on from mueller to big updates we've been following here on "the ingraham angle." this is a big one. nypd makes an arrest in that file attack on police officers just trying to do their job, an the erika thomas story totally falls apart. stay there. and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. bar-r-b! barb! i can taste my beer. 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(cymbal crash) energizer ultimate lithium. guinness world records title holder for longest-lasting aa battery. >> another fox news alert tonight into big updates a couple of stories we've been bringing you this week first, there is a new video out of new york police under attack. you can see the big groups around the officers with bucket of water before drenching them and cheering and laughing. the two cops tried to run away but got hit anyway. remarkably they were able to remain calm. will have to ask mark furman what he thinks about that. this comes two days after we were the first show to expose those viral videos showing cops being attacked in harlem and brooklyn while making arrest. three suspects are in custody tonight including unknown gang member. the nypd jeep tweeting actions like we have seen recently will not be tolerated. you will be arrested. the nypd is still trying to identify these three men for th incident in harlem. also tonight come a brand-new video of a potentially phony racist claim out of georgia. police just releasing the surveillance video from the grocery store where a black, georgia, state lawmaker said a white man told her to go back t where you came from. the video clearly shows eric sparks approach erica thomas, but retreat when she moved toward him. he followed sparks and appears to be yelling at him. the new tape comes out as a police report of the incident i released and refutes her accoun of what happened. according to the report one witness said it was thomas who told sparks whose acumen democrat to go back home and no the other way around. the police will not be filing any charges. before we leave tonight, anothe lesson of today's very sad and infuriating mueller hearing. knowing when it's time to retire . here is one man who showed us how to do it right. >> for you people watching i ca only tell you it's been an hono and a privilege to come into your homes all these years and entertain you. i hope when i find something that i want to do and i think you will like and come back, yo will be as gracious as inviting me into your home as you have been. i bid you a very heartfelt good night. >> laura: that's how you do it. no one it's time to go. that is all the time we have tonight, check out my new episode of my podcast we blew through the whole mueller report . the fox news at night team take all the new developments from here. keeping us busy. >> absolutely. >> shannon have a great show. >> thanks. >> we begin with an alert. the president is doing a victory lap. republicans are doing former special counsel robert mueller's fell flat but democrats say today's hearing are just act one. their probes are far from over. the president's over joins us live in minutes. also tonight, is there a civil war brewing within the democratic party? some of the most powerful and longest-serving members in congress are facing top 2020 primaries from progressive chle


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190723

laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle," we are jam-packed, mike huckabee, rudy giuliani, the inspector general report and the latest squad and my ankle on the latest potential folks and this narrative is poisoning the discourse in this country. and raymond arroyo is here for a special monday edition of "seen and unseen" and hollywood censoring films based on orders from their chinese overlords. plus he will expose the democratic candidates that facilitated all of it. but first, the fruits of phony racist smears. that is the focus of tonight's angle. >> the democrats obsession with race keeps bearing new fruit. just this past weekend, accusations flew on social media and many of the press joined by the democrats tried to implicate president trump. now this all started friday with a tear field video posted to facebook by georgia state lawmaker erika thomas here at the democrat who is pregnant said a white man harassed her in a public grocery store when she had had too many items in her basket. >> this white man comes up to me and says, you lazy son of a [bleep]. he said you lazy son of a [bleep], you need to go back where you came from. and my child is sitting right there. i can't even explain to her why he has so much hate in his heart. >> laura: welcome of the outrage empathy machine revved up almost immediately. >> you just saw aviator -- video go viral from erika thomas comay georgia elected official who said go back to where she came f people experience insult and again we will take action and v. >> grew up around conservatives and this clearly does not represent and it's interesting to see that donald trump would attack americans. >> laura: the media should have checked themselves before they wrecked themselves. it didn't take long for thomas a story to unwind. while talking to reporters saturday, thomas ended up on camera with a man she accused, eric sparks. he told a very different story. >> i am human. i am not white. i'm a democrat, number one and i vote party lines. all my statements are anti-tromp, anti-republican, antiracism, anti-bigotry. >> laura: weight, a cuban democrat? part of the anti-tromp resistance? groups, the unraveling continues when thomas backtracked on that line that linked it all back to tromp. >> want to say easy fix, go back to your country or were you came from but he was making those types of references is what i was remembering. >> laura: get out of the country, get out of the express line come on, it makes no difference in today's media. it is all about tearing down tromp for 2020, not pesky facts. go ahead. read "the new york times" of erika thomases grocery store encounter. it basically repeats thomases one side account of what happened. and it's not until paragraph number 14 let the times mentioned that thomas backtracked on sparks telling her to "go back" which apparently didn't happen. we don't know what happened in the supermarket and may be the footage will clear it up. it could have been very well true that sparks was rude. and condescending to thomas which is terrible and shouldn't happen, but the left long ago forfeited to whine about a lot to do with manners. let's face it. they spent the last three and a half years behaving horribly and speaking crudely and rudely to and about this president. and by extension to all of the supporters. >> i am a nasty woman. [applause] >> i'm not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in -- >> the united states is running concentration camps on the southern border. >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> laura: and on the dreadful sunday shows, which should be driving all christians back to church services, the refrain was all the same. denounce tromp were being announced yourself. why doesn't the president as a matter of principle say unequivocally that nonwhite americans are just as american as anyone else? >> the word -- where did the president make it clear he was not happy? >> but when the president of the united states tweets first last week, send them back which for people eat like you and me maybt doesn't hit a chord and strike a nerve, but people of color, it does because many of them have heard, you know come in their communities and a very negative weights doing even in 2019. you disembowel his statements last week and this morning. or not. >> laura: or not. it all feels like political extortion by the media. like mob tactics. you either support us, or we will break your reputation. it's all kind of a protection racket, because the media runs defense for aoc plus three and in turn, the hit girls deliver some clicks and maybe even some ratings. as we laid out last week, if there is one sedentary force in american politics today, the socialist quartet is it. now, there is a brain trust. the democrat party or is it the distrust? >> did you not have to acquiesce to the president's racism because is using racism. he is stoking white supremacy and he is allowing frankly neo-nazi groups to go unchecked because that is a key part of arousing his base. >> laura: this media atmosphere it is easy to see how dubious, uncooperated accounts of racism can go viral. this is the same media that bought jussie smollett, remember that and never bothered with mayor coppola when it all fell apart. the same media that branded catholic high schoolers white supremacist for nearly standing their ground when radical native american activist drummed in their faces. and what about this anti-trump cuban democrat's home address had leaked? and he had been harassed or physically attacked himself? my friends, this is not theoretical anymore. antifa is dealing with opponents on the street by putting them in the hospitals with brain bleeds. most democrats have not even condemn their vicious assault. so doesn't that just further embolden groups like antifa? so why don't the sunday shows hammer democrats for failing to unequivocally condemn and disavow antifa? where is stephanopoulos, cnn host, where are they? antifa uses trump as racist and close the concentration camps chant sign like where you seen before. you know. today's democratic party, they don't want you to believe what is verifiably true that americans are now better off than they were four years ago, record unemployment, we've got record consumer confidence, strong retail sales, wage increases, a record stock market yet much remains to be done of course. the 2020 campaign is in full swing. democrats have decided to fold their arms and stomp, cry racism at every turn. work on infrastructure, not with a racist. work on closing the emigration loopholes, not with a racist. it is so pathetic. but a heck of a lot easier than the americans to give up a strong economy for someone who will take it in 20. oh, on that one thing that democrats did cooperate on the dissent announced budget is decidedly not conservative. almost no spending cuts, spending increases, 320 billion, not in the way of offsets, a total joke. another omnibus disaster that president trump by the way vowed to veto and won't cross his desk again. extremely disappointing and i think a mistake. now, no one gets everything he or she wants in politics. president trump didn't today and a lot of us are unhappy about it today. a compromise we know is necessary but we should never allow democrats or anyone else to poison our national conversations by hanging a democrat -- a sword over everyone's neck. real racism should always be condemned. fake charges of racism is -- racism throughout our conversation bear the bitter feud -- fruit of more resentment and more anger in america. we don't need any more of that. and that is the angle. joining me now with reaction or a and leo to rail civil rights attorney. leo, let's start with you. were you at all surprised erika thomas supermarket showdown went viral and people instantly left thinking this must have happened exactly the way she recounted it? >> i'm not surprised, but i'm disappointed, laura, that you don't see at this point the real issue here about this racism that exists. the party i said over and over again, the democratic party has muslims, blacks,, catholics, whites all different and i would submit over the following statement in our lifetime we are not going to see a, woman, blac. we will not see that in our lifetime. >> laura: let me just say this right here, the first female president is a conservative. the first female president. >> i will take you out to dinner on that. >> laura: it will be a female conservative that is transformative, that is my thought. but let's get back to and i will segue away from this but the fact of the matter, horace we had a weekend of frenzied response to this woman who is a georgia state representative, very liberal, big deal, so what but very liberal and she makes an accusation that u.s. congressman leapt on it and of course linked it to trump. she smears a democrat trump eating cuban come i don't know how many cuban democrats there are, but it's like the worst possible effects but welcome aside from that, it's trump's fault. they like to pretend it didn't happen and go onto the next point, your reaction. >> the problem here is there is so little bigotry in the united states of america. people have to fake it. in the case of chicago, they had to bring people outside of the country to do the racism that americans just weren't willing to. once again, what we see is a hoax after hoax after hoax. in fact, it is so rare that the media gives it extra oxygen to try to make it out to be something that it's not. >> laura: leo -- >> can i make a simple point. i saw a brilliant show yesterday. it was cold sunday show with chris wallace, and he was with stephen miller and he brought the same issue as those other networks brought up, laura and i didn't see a clip from that. >> quick, did he really? did he really? laura -- and unforced error, oh, my god. chris wallace was great, great. >> laura: i have to make a confession, leo, confession on the show because you are my friend. i was mad at you sunday, okay, i missed it. god's honest truth. i'm sorry. sunday for me is like a break from politics in general. i tweet every now and again but i try not to because i shouldn't be tweeting on sunday. i have note doubt. >> stephen miller answered it. and how offended he is at a to hear aoc squad call american detention centers concentration camps. and i want to note -- can we acknowledge one thing the democratic party on ace percentage basis have muslims, catholics, blacks and women. much more -- and its cold communication. >> laura: leo, let's talk about one moment, just to point of privilege on that line, is pro-life democrat movement a very strong movement in the democratic party because last time i checked they drummed out every last one of the pro-life democrats that had a speaking role at the convention. or did i miss that, where was that? >> i think there is a pro-life democratic senator -- a pro-life democratic senator, am i wrong? >> laura: for 20 years ago may be but that democrat party is over, horace, leo always great to have you won. jam-packed tonight. if there is one thing that a lot of us can agree on it is that the violence of antifa must be stopped. well, i would think everyone agrees on that. this is what happens when mob rule takes over. >> [bleep], [bleep], [bleep], [bleep]. >> laura: welcome an out republican senator bill cassidy, ted cruz wants to label these radical violent mass thugs as domestic terrorist. joining me harmeet dhillon, the conservative jen -- attacked by those thugs and burning, former nypd commissioner, bernie you have called for antifa to be labeled a terrorist group. what is the hold up? that skims the surface of what is going on on the streets. >> i don't know what the holdup is but i'm glad certain senators are putting forward the resolution. i think the fbi has to look at this. i think somebody should be directing the funding mechanism with these protest. when you watch these videos you see the same people over and over at different protest and somebody is funding it. they are doing it for political reasons. intimidation, threats and violence results in terrorism and it has to be investigated and charged. >> laura: the fbi's definition of domestic terrorism seems to fit in i mean it's kind of obvious at this point your client and dino still still hasn't got any satisfaction after horrible entry but what is the update from the portland police? we haven't heard anything from portland police in the 24 hours. >> laura: you have photos of the people. you have video of the people responsible. >> we have video and identification of several of them. and we have seen some of those same people in assaults and other states. so this is a multistate criminal conspiracy operating with consent of big-city, big-city law enforcement. laura: too broad, harmeet, too broad. >> well, in the past, the laws he can see in front of our eyes that we have a crisis. we see them try to operate in many cities and operating particularly around the election cycle. the purpose of this to intimidate americans from not supporting the people they want to support. we saw a precursor of this in 2016 right before the election. >> laura: trump can even go to california. i represent 17 people assaulted there with the police looking on and a phenomenon in the cities of america. so i think unfortunately being a federalist, one of those rare incidents, >> laura: only federal action can help and bernie with all your experience, running major police force from portland to basically i think now it is explicit, welcome these people into portland and turn a blind eye and stand down orders to police. >> this is the liberal leadership of the cities and states. if this happened in new york city, under rudy giuliani, i promised they would be arrested, charged, prosecuted and to the fullest extent of the law. these other cities and states should be required to do that. if they are not going to do it, the federal government should come in and do it for them. >> laura: meanwhile my want to show video right now. this is so disturbing what unfolded i guess today, guys? we discussed the video today in harlem with nypd officers and how they are being receipt -- perceived by the public. >> oh, my gosh. they violated them. they violated them. >> laura: bernie, people were choking on twitter, the comments, oh, it's not like a bullet. >> it makes me sick. obstruction, disorderly conduct, harassment and a number of other charges but they won't be charged because you have a mayor in new york city. >> laura: he is a disgrace, de blasio is a disgrace. new york gets what they voted for voting and dave lazio. i think of giuliani and i don't think bloomberg would have tolerated this but the police just walked away. >> these are sanctuary cities for antifa. people are going to die. we already had the first casualty and i happen to be one of these be nine thugs but he would have taken out i.c.e. officers, the fire bomber they are. his associates people glorified by cnn, glorified by keith ellison, the mainstream media and it's absolutely outrageous. >> laura: for the police to be treated with such, laughing and narrating the video and again people on twitter, oh, just water a hot day. just a milk shake but the milk shake and water are used to blind the target. >> laura: it's meant to send a message and we are almost up for a break. >> more liberal cities are becoming important in certain parts of certain neighborhoods. >> by the way, buzzfeed, my earpiece is coming up, buzzfeed is saying that andino basically did all of this to become a media star. >> that is despicable and people who are saying that will end up in court. >> laura: panel, thank you very much it's great to have both of you on this big, big news night. democrats in the media once again hyping a production from robert mueller. so will they be embarrassed yet again? the president's personal attorney is here with the exclusive thoughts thoughts ne next. let's take a look at some numbers: 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom... is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and heart disease? preventable. and 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. we're life line screening... and if you're over 50... call this number, to schedule an appointment... for five painless screenings that go beyond regular check-ups. we use ultrasound technology to literally look inside your arteries... for plaque which builds up as you age- and increases your risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. and by getting them through this package, you're saving over 50%. so call today and consider these numbers: for just $149 you'll receive five screenings that could reveal what your body isn't telling you. i'm gonna tell you that was the best $150 i ever spent in my life. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. spew >> democrats intense preps with lines of questioning for former special counsel robert mueller. >> we want bob mueller to bring it to life and talk about what is in the report. >> the strategy is to be profound, to be efficient, to be respectful. >> laura: while the media democrats won in the same giddy with anticipation over wednesday's meal or hearing, we yet again the buildup despite the formal -- former counsel saying this. >> any testimony from this office would not go beyond the report. we chose those words carefully and the word speaks for itself. the report is my testimony. i would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before congress. >> laura: join me exclusively rudy giuliani, per attorney for president trump and rudy the doj wrote to matt that he basically keep his remarks confined to what was in the report which is what he said he would do. so what is the big media democrats set up here? will they set themselves up for potential embarrassment or is mueller basically going to go back on what he said before? i can imagine he would go back on what he said before unless hy whatever is left of his reputation. i mean, but i think he will have a withering cross-examination. just today, john solomon broke a dramatic piece of news that andrew weissmann now for the third time is caught like subordinating perjury with russian ukrainian oligarch. he promises in the big case going on for like six years international case will be dropped. if only he would say, bad things about trump and manna for it -- paul manafort. and he has more honor than wiseman and paul manafort and i won't lie to get out of the case. he wanted to say paul manafort was the go-between with the russians. and that is why he basically tortured paul manafort for how many weeks, i don't know. >> laura: rudy come i think all of this and i have to confess most americans don't fow it. but what i'm saying -- absolutely that is the role of secretary general. >> this is the third witness where he was basically, allegedly perjury. >> laura: why was he not brought in on the case? you talk about this for a year and a half. >> how come you hired the counsel for the clinton foundation to investigate donald trump? suppose i was appointed to investigate hillary and i appoint at the counsel for the trump foundation to try to put her in jail. >> laura: apparently, he is preparing behind closed doors. >> mueller, he better be. >> laura: behind closed doors. >> he's been behind closed doors for a year and a half. i never saw him one time. he's like "the wizard of oz." the fact is, that this investigation was a disgrace the way it was conducted. a disgrace. and it is quite apparent now with john solomon's many columns and the help which corrupt media avoids. he should get a pulitzer prize. he should probably turn it down if he gets it. he has demonstrated that this was an invented charge. completely invented, supported by 90% now proven in the polls steele dossier comey new, which mueller should have known in which peter strzok knew for sure. in he was chief investigator for both of them. >> laura: rudy want to move onto another topic because so much else is going on including the fraud squad or whatever we want to call them, they hate girls. i hear new monikers for them, but they are up in arms about what they say is the president's, well, inherent racism. and trump responded today. >> well, i think they are very bad for our country. i think they must hate our country. the congresswomen what they have said about israel and what they have said about our country. when they talk about disgusting people. when they talk the way they talk. when the one mentioned that brown people should speak for brown people in muslim people should speak for muslim people. and you hear all of this, that is not what our country is all about. >> laura: do you think he should continue, the president, i mean to him or this issue because they do represent the hw democratic party, rudy? >> if that is the heart and soul they need a serious operation because that is a very, very anti-american heart and soul. when you attack our strongest ally in the middle east and want to destroy it, which is what they want to do in supporting vbs, that would economically destroy our strongest ally and really the only democracy in the middle east. you can't be any more anti-american than that. you can't be anymore anti-american and basically looking at 9/11 and say, something happened. do you know how that made me feel? watching almost 3,000 of my citizens destroyed by islamic extremist terrorists? it made me feel like, well, like they were being attacked. the victims were being attacked, the heroes were being attacked and their sacrifice disregarded. oh, something happened. but then my palestinian people were treated so badly. i mean, come on. how much are we going to take? the president has to defend the essential values of america. because the democratic party is too cowardly to do it. where is chuck schumer on chuck schumer on israel? >> laura: they are all afraid. they are using "the squad." they are maddening "the squad." >> how about defending the state of israel? they want to economically strangle. the state of israel. which makes me angry. >> laura: all the sunday shows they were asking the republica republicans, would you denounce trump's racism why doesn't chuck todd and stephanopoulos come down, when i say do you condemn, -- >> they are hiding millions of dollars that biden n ukraine and in china and they are hiding it and they won't cover it for three months because they suck up to the democrats and they unfairly attack republicans. >> laura: i have to ask you -- >> it is a tragedy and a bribery case is not reported that way. >> laura: i have to ask you about this video. i know you saw the nypd video in harlem. i want to redirect it if i can so people can watch it again. again this happened in harlem. >> i saw it earlier. >> oh, my god, they violated them! they violated them! >> laura: rudy, the police just walked away, obviously, an assault on police officers. it was just water but it tells you where things are right now. distrust and no show of respect. >> i saw bernie character and i assume the others would react the same way. that would never happen in a million years when i would -- was mayor of new york city and actually it would not happen if we had a progressive, retro aggressive tone completely lazy mayor in new york city who is absolutely destroying the quality of life in the city. he has a disgrace and actually, even democrats don't support it and are embarrassed of it. and to let that happen, that poor police officer, his morale has been destroyed. besides morale the way he reduced crime is to have police officers with high morale. >> laura: mr. mayor -- >> i lost almost 100 police officers in the line of duty. i lost a cousin and i have four uncles who were police officers and when i see that uniform disrespected, it should not happen in america. that is anti-american. that is so anti-american -- >> laura: we will get more of this i'm afraid over the several months. >> you are entitled to say that is anti-american when you attack a military uniform or a police uniform. too many people have died wearing that. >> laura: we are out of time. i cannot agree more. it was disgraceful behavior and it should not be tolerated. they basile is pathetic, pathetic. up next new details about the justice department inspector general may say about disgrace fbi director jim comey, lindsey graham standing by on that. >> laura: how is this for potential bombshell? a report claims the justice department ig, michael horowitz is about to issue his investigative findings that former fbi director jim comey was "burning a covert op against the president" starting with a private defensive briefing he gave trump weeks before his inauguration. endnotes comey had an agent inside the white house who reported back to fbi aids. according to other officials familiar with the metal, peter with reaction, the house-senatey lindsey graham, senator should he faced charges? if this is true, wow. >> not based on the newspaper article but if he did light to the fisa court he's not above the law. did he take the law in his own hands? when it came to trump did they take the law in their own hands? >> laura: they felt like they were on duty. it seems like. a very imperious quality. >> the presidential election twice with his duty. >> laura: but right now, this is hot with mueller's testimony on wednesday. the democrats think they will get another bite at the apple and you say? >> i think the apple is done. most americans looking for a meal or to tell them what happened, or nadler. do you think any fair-minded americans believe natalie was out to get the truth? he already has the president and his own mind. this is about impeachment. they impeached with the mueller report, trump will take the house and the senate. >> laura: you were there in '98? >> that's how we met. >> laura: 90 democrats in the house have signed on to impeachment, one republican. >> here is their problem if they don't sign for impeachment they make it primary. 31 democrats hold seats for president trump when their district. if they vote against aoc they get a primary. if they vote for impeachment, they lose their jobs. but i really do believe impeachment would be bad for the country and to get the president reelected. >> laura: we have to talk about the border and just because we don't have a headline for the day. everywhere rico what about the sport or situation? secure and protect act and i don't want to hear about legislation because my eyes glaze over. this could solve the problem. you are introducing this legislation very quickly. what would it do so people understand. >> you have to apply for asylum in your home country of mexico not the united states. if you bring a small child to america we have more time to process the case so you don't have to release the family. >> laura: 20 days to override the floras situation. you cannot do it in 20 days. we increase the time to adjudicate the claims in the -- >> laura: the democrats don't want to work. they don't want to work with republicans. and in their own minds they have successfully opted out of working with the republicans except on this outrageous budget which i will ask you about, but trump is a recent so we won't work with him. he has a racist and puts kids in cages, blah, blah, blah. >> and a million immigrants, released into el paso, so didn't have room to hold them. it is just a matter of time a terrorist gets in this crowd and comes here to hurt us. >> laura: we are not screening everybody, we can't. we can't screen everybody that comes into the country. i saw it when i was there. >> border patrol is doing a great job. this system is broken, it's not a crisis but a disaster. >> laura: lindsay, what is going on with the budget bill? i get the president on this $320 billion in increased spending and only what, $77 billion in offset? >> laura: he has a democratic house that will not offset spending. he has a military broken for eight years and obama trying to rebuild it. >> laura: that is a huge amount and about fiscal conservatism too. i know we don't have both aisles of congress but this is a nightmare. >> the number one job of people in the building during the obama years, we spent less indifferent since world war ii. the planes were breaking. >> laura: what about the next generation? are they going to pay for this? do we care anymore? we are not in debt because we are dipping in the nation but because we made promises we can't keep social security and medicaid. >> laura: what is medicare for all do? will it not benefit medicare faster? it will destroy health care, the budget, the green new deal, destroys the economy and saving the environment. the number one job the president prepped the united states enemies foreign domestically -- >> laura: he said he would never agree but veto it last year. i covered it on the show. i got a hold of everybody accountable here. he said he would veto it. he is signing this legislation and apparently, it was nancy and chuck were a couple of people a grade behind closed doors this is the new day. >> the government shuts down and we do a continued resolution. two everybody listing -- >> laura: speaking of -- >> those who have been sacrificing since 9/11 the 1% to serve the commander-in-chief to have their back and finally we've got one. i wish we had the house and didn't have to spend so much but it is what it is. defending the country, if you want to fix the budget, do title reform and i hope the president will win. >> laura: i know you were watching that video and we wrapped it up a couple of times with the police getting doused with buckets of water and just walking away in harlem because they have a mirror bill de blasio but the respect for the police and the other side we will say, don't respect african-americans but your reaction to that? >> my reaction is when congress went into a country running concentration camps at the border, that is a slander against those protecting us. >> laura: in uniform. >> you pour water on cops doing their jobs, that is disrespectful. how does that stop? from the top. that is why i'm glad trump is taking it to the floor because they are disrespecting those who risk their lives. go to the border and see if you would want to that job one day. how they do it day in and day out with the they take him i don't know. the president keep defending those who defend this country into the friends in new york, if you don't take care of your cops, shame on you. >> laura: and the people who will call the cops when they need them and treat them like that. senator graham thank you. hollywood bowing down to china. which 2020 help to make it happen? raymond arroyo is up next on "seen and unseen" " >> laura: time for a special monday edition of "seen and unseen" with the cultural stories of the day. courtesy of a familiar, a pageant winner loses her crown thanks to political correctness. joining us with all the details raymond arroyo fox news contributor come all right raymond hollywood giving to china sensors. we talked about it on radio, tv for years but a new example is drawing the ire of pam. >> laura, tom cruise appeared, con and unveiled the new top gun maverick trailer. this is a sequel to the 80s classic and in one scene his character leather bomber. but there was a notable difference gone are the patch is that once cover the jackets back. the taiwanese japanese flags are absent. these are nations, of course enemies of china. they have been replaced with similar colors but not the original flags. some are saying due to top gun's finance era. it turns out to and sent pictures a division of the chinese internet giant is underwriting the film and they own part of the production company sky dance that is creating the film with paramount. to top it off, they should call this thing top run from free expression. you know, this is nothing new, laura. the china film administration routinely sensors films and as the second biggest no market, bent over backwards to comply. you remember top gun 3d would ban in 2013 they released that film and it was banned due to a military dominance. back in 2012, hollywood did red dawn remake one of your favorites were north korea, not china was the invading villain. so this has gone on for a long time. >> laura: you know what i love, hollywood is always waxing on about how they have to protect, protect free expression and artistic expression. and that except when bowing down at the altar of the chinese moneyman. and that is what happened. so you can't really have an enemy anymore, raiment in american film because america is the enemy. china, no, china, you need the box office baby so you can't call china for what it is. when is spielberg going to do the ultimate picture on mall? that is my question. >> don't hold your breath. there is a democrat to this cozy relationship between china and hollywood. it's been reported back in 2012 when chinese president came to l.a., he did so with the implementation of then vice president joe biden. it was biden who made sure that he had face time with robert iger of disney and jeffrey katz and dreamworks and during that trip dreamworks announced $330 million oriental dreamworks and joint venture with the chinese government. a year later, disney produced iron man three and china got 40% of the profit and they worked in chinese stars and the bill and the mantra no longer chinese. this is what happens. >> laura: raymond, this is all predictable though. you cannot have an actual -- i remember when it was 24 and we had a lot of muslims upset. then it was homeland. you had to tone that down. all of the shows are now the government's is evil or america or somewhere for snow country that doesn't exist as evil. this is pathetic. >> this is not the first totalitarian regime has done this. hitler had a guy a ladies on in the 30s. it's been going on a long time. >> laura: china has a lot bigger and a lot more powerful in today's day and age in all these other countries today combined. let's talk about now about this winter of michigan world. what is that? and a day after winning it? >> she was a contestant and miss world contest, and she is a 20-year-old university of michigan and his chinese born. the connection here after winning the miss michigan world title, pageant organizers turned up this tweet she had written. she wrote "there is a try his job at my campus. so you are telling me it is a fashion accessory and not a religious thing or are you just trying to get used to being under islam? the pageant says this constitutes insensitive and expressions but they are not backing down. >> everything i posted was my opinions. and i think we should be an empowering women's voices and not strip them of their title because of an opinion. i think it is awful how the left thinks that it is racist. i don't think anything i said was remotely wrong and i stand by every tweet that i posed. >> and all of her social media before the contest. whether liberal or conservative you should have free speech. just to tie this together, years ago we were told if you trade with china, they will open up and they will be more freethinking. but the chinese have taught the americans of a censored comment and content that people don't like. they have learned the lesson well. >> laura: china will ultimately end up owning you and make all the decisions. that is what they want. if president trump doesn't get reelected we will be back to business as usual. raymond, thank you. what prime minister theresa may says about trump's chances in 2020? the latest on the hit squad ne next. let's take a look at some numbers: 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom... is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and heart disease? preventable. and 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. we're life line screening... and if you're over 50... call this number, to schedule an appointment... for five painless screenings that go beyond regular check-ups. we use ultrasound technology to literally look inside your arteries... for plaque which builds up as you age- and increases your risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. and by getting them through this package, you're saving over 50%. so call today and consider these numbers: for just $149 you'll receive five screenings that could reveal what your body isn't telling you. i'm gonna tell you that was the best $150 i ever spent in my life. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. ♪ >> laura: got everything going on in this segment. theresa may on her way out. she was everything president trump was not. she was an establishment conservative, kind of measured, pro-e.u. when it got down to it but she is going be out after just two years, bungling brexit. so what does this tell us about president trump in 2020? there are a lot of republicans that say he needs to be more like a traditional republican but all those traditional conservative types, how are they doing in europe right now? or even traditional establishment leaders. emmanuel macron, angela merkel, even justin trudeau up in canada. john is now, former governor of arkansas, mike huckabee. fox news contributor. governor, all of these polished politicians technocrats are failing everywhere but trump is succeeding. >> he succeeding because he's telling the truth and he's challenging the globalist mind-set. theresa may is the mitt romney of great britain. the press will love her and all the establishment country club types may love her but the people don't. i was in great britain the day that breaks it will happen. i came back and said donald trump is going to win. people wouldn't say they were going to vote for brexit, but they ended up doing it. people wouldn't say they would vote for trump, but they did, and they're going to do it again because their lives are a heck of a lot better than it was when the establishment guys were running washington. >> laura: governor, we have to get your take on the latest from the hit squad. let's watch. >> i'm not going nowhere! not until i impeach this president! >> we need bold action, folks. and i know it's happening out there. beyond just the four of us, "the squad" is all of you. >> a nightmare to this president. because his policies are a nightmare to us. >> shannon: isn't that lovely? want to hear that when you fall asleep at night. reaction. this is the heart and soul, as i said earlier, of the democrat party. >> all i can say is i hope rashida tlaib and the others don't go anywhere varied and we need them. they are our ticket not only for the president to win but they are the ticket to get the house back because a lot of americans look at this and they just say "no thank you, that's not what we want this country to be," so i'm grateful for them. i hope they continue to talk. i hope they continue to be heard more than nancy pelosi and the democrats we used to think were a little left center, now those folks look like ronald reagan compared to these guys. >> shannon: governor almost out of time, 15 seconds, but the police treated being doused with water in new york and harlem today, that video is making the rounds and if i have any say about it it will go viral. your quick reaction to that, one sentence? >> there's a crime in the neighborhood, calling somebody with a water hose, see how that works out for you. >> laura: governor, your wit is just delicious. we love it. thank you so much tonight. in one of the weirdest new york subway scenes you're ever going to see. oh, boy, last bite coming up. ♪ >> laura: it's time for the last bite. you see a lot of strange things in new york city, but this one may take the cake. ♪ >> laura: that's the subway. he was wearing boxers, right mike i'm glad. no one stops to stare, they just keep walking right by. that's new york. don't forget, check out my podcast, shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here very shannon. >> shannon: thank you so much. we start tonight with a fox news alert. the trump administration announcing tonight, starting tomorrow it will fast-track deportations of illegal immigrants across the country. if they've been here less than two years, ice will have the authority to deport them without a hearing. it all comes in the wake of congresswoman ocasio-cortez's call for a 9/11 commission-style investigation to president trump's immigration policy. we have immigrations art just ahead. we will also hear from pro-trump beauty queen kathy, nearly stripped of her titles she says because of an anti-conservative


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190723

laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle," we are jam-packed, mike huckabee, rudy giuliani, the inspector general report and the latest squad and my angle on the latest potential folks and this narrative is poisoning the discourse in this country. and raymond arroyo is here for a special monday edition of "seen and unseen" and hollywood censoring films based on orders from their chinese overlords. plus he will expose the democratic candidates that facilitated all of it. but first, the fruits of phony e racist smears. that is the focus of tonight's angle. >> the democrats' obsession with race keeps bearing new fruit. just this past weekend accusations flew on social media and many of the press joined by the democrats tried to implicate president trump. now this all started friday with a tear field video posted to facebook by georgia statee lawmaker erika the democrat who is pregnant said a white man harassed her in a public grocery store when she had had too many items in her basket. >> this white man comes up to me and says, you lazy son of a [bleep]. he said you lazy son of a [bleep], you need to go back where you came from. and my child is sitting right there. i can't even explain to her why he has so much hate in his heart. >> laura: well, the outrage and empathy machine revved up almost immediately.lm >> you just saw a video go viral from erika thomas, georgia elected official who said go back to where she came and i think we are seeing a lot of people experience insult and again we will take action and vote in 2020. >> grew up around conservatives and this clearly does not represent and it's interesting to see that donald trump would attack americans. >> laura: the media shouldld have checked themselves before they wrecked themselves. it didn't take long for thomas' story to unwind. while talking to reporters saturday, thomas ended up on camera with a man she accused eric sparks. he told a very different story. >> i am human. i am not white. i'm a democrat, number one and i vote democrate party lines. all my statements are anti-tromp, anti-republican antiracism, anti-bigotry. >> laura: wait, a cuban democrat? part of the anti-trump resistance? whoops, the unraveling continues when thomas backtracked on that line that linked it all back to trump. >> want to say easy fix, go back to your country or were you came from but he was making those types of references is what i was remembering. b >> laura: get out of the country, get out of the express line, come on, it makes no difference in today's it is all about tearing down trump for 2020, not pesky facts. go ahead. read "the new york times" of erika thomas' grocery store encounter. it basically repeats thomas' one side account of what happened. and it's not until paragraph number 14 that the times mentioned that thomas backtracked on sparks telling her to "go back" which apparently didn't happen. we don't know what happened in the supermarket and maybe the footage will clear it up. it could have been very well true that sparks was rude. and condescending to thomas which is terrible and shouldn't happen, but the left long ago forfeited to whine about a lot to do with manners. let's face it. they spent the last three and a half years behaving horribly and speaking crudely and rudely to and about this president. and by extension to all of the supporters. >> i am a nasty woman. [applause] >> i'm not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in -- >> the united states is running concentration camps on the southern border. >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> laura: and on the dreadful sunday shows, which should be driving all christians back to church services, the refrain was all the denounce trump were being denounced yourself. why doesn't the president as a matter of principle say unequivocally that nonwhite americans are just as american as anyone else? >> where did the president make it clear he was not happy? >> but when the president of the united states tweets first last week, send them back which for people like you and me maybe it doesn't hit a chord and strike a nerve, but people of color, it does because many of them have heard, you know, in their communities in a very negative way still even in 2019. you disembowel his statements last week and this morning. or not. >> laura: or not. it all feels like political extortion by the media. like mob tactics. you either support us, or we will break your reputation. it's all kind of a protectionn racket, because the media runs defense for aoc plus three and in turn, the hit girls deliver some clicks and maybe even some ratings. as we laid out last week, if there is one sedentary force in american politics today, the socialist quartet is it. now, there is a brain trust. the democrat party or is it the distrust? >> did you not have to acquiesce to the president's racism because is using racism. he is stoking white supremacy and he is allowing frankly neo-nazi groups to go unchecked because that is a key part of arousing his base. >> laura: this media atmosphere it is easy to see how dubious, uncooperated accounts of racism can go viral. this is the same media that bought jussie smollett, remember that and never bothered withth maya coppola when it all fell apart. the same media that branded catholic high schoolers white supremacist for nearly standing their ground when radical native american activists drummed in their faces. and what about this anti-trump cuban democrat's home address had leaked? and he had been harassed or physically attacked himself? my friends, this is not theoretical anymore. antifa is dealing with opponents on the street by putting them in the hospitals with brain bleeds. most democrats have not even condemned their vicious assault. so doesn't that just further embolden groups like antifa? so why don't the sunday shows hammer democrats for failing to unequivocally condemn and disavow antifa? where is stephanopoulos, cnn host, where are they? antifa uses trump as racist and close the concentration camps chant sign like where you seen before. you know. today's democratic party, they don't want you to believe what is verifiably true that americans are now better off than they were four years ago record unemployment, we've got record consumer confidence strong retail sales, wage increases, a record stock market yet much remains to be done of course. the 2020 campaign is in full swing. democrats have decided to fold their arms and stomp, cry racism at every turn. work on infrastructure, not with a racist. work on closing the immigration loopholes, not with a racist. it is so pathetic. but a heck of a lot easier than convincing americans to give up a strong economy for someone who will tank it in 2020. oh, on that one thing that democrats did cooperate on, the dissent announced budget is decidedly not conservative. almost no spending cuts spending increases $320 billion, not in the way of offsets, a total joke. another omnibus disaster that president trump by the way vowed to veto if one crossed his desk again. extremely disappointing and i think a mistake. now, no one gets everything he or she wants in politics. president trump didn't today and a lot of us are unhappy about it today. a compromise we know is necessary but we should never allow democrats or anyone else to poison our national conversations by hanging a democrat -- a sword over everyone's neck. real racism should always be condemned. fake charges of racism throughout our conversation bear the bitter fruit of more resentment and more anger in america. we don't need any more of that. and that is the angle. joining me now with reaction or and leo to rail civil rights attorney. leo, let's start with you. were you at all surprised erika thomas supermarket showdown went viral and people instantly left thinking this must have happened exactly the way she recounted it? >> i'm not surprised, but i'm disappointed, laura, that you don't see at this point the real issue here about this racism that exists. the party i said over and over again, the democratic party has muslims, blacks, jews catholics, whites all different and i would submit over the following statement in our lifetime we are not going to see a jew, woman, black as republican party. we will not see that in our lifetime. >> laura: let me just say this right here, the first female president is a conservative. the first female president. >> i will take you out to dinner on >> laura: it will be a female conservative that is transformative, that is my thought. but let's get back to and i will segue away from this but the fact of the matter, horace we had a weekend of frenzied response to this woman who is a georgia state representative very liberal, big deal, so what but very liberal and she makesd an accusation that u.s. congressman leapt on it and of course linked it to trump. she smears a democrat trump hating cuban come i don't know how many cuban democrats there are, but it's like the worst possible effects but well, aside from that, it's trump's fault. they like to pretend it didn't happen and go onto the next point, your reaction. >> the problem here is there is so little bigotry in the united states of america. people have to fake it.ot in the case of chicago, they had to bring people outside of the country to do the racism that americans just weren't willing to. once again, what we see is a hoax after hoax after hoax. in fact, it is so rare that the media gives it extra oxygen to try to make it out to be something that it's not. >> laura: leo -- >> can i make a simple point. i saw a brilliant show yesterday. it was called sunday show with chris wallace, and he was with stephen miller and he brought the same issue as those other networks brought up, laura and i didn't see a clip from that. >> quick, did he really? did he really? laura -- and unforced error, oh, my god. chris wallace was great, great. >> laura: i have to make a confession, leo, confession on m the show because you are my friend. i was mad at you sunday, okay, i missed it. god's honest truth. i'm sorry. sunday for me is like a break from politics in i tweet every now and again but i try not to because i shouldn't be tweeting on sunday. i have note doubt.un >> stephen miller answered it. and how offended he is at a jew to hear aoc squad call american detention centers concentration camps. and i want to know -- can we acknowledge one thing the democratic party on ace percentage basis have muslims catholics, blacks and women. much more -- and its called communication. >> laura: leo, let's talk about one moment, just to point of privilege on that line, is pro-life democrat movement a very strong movement in the democratic party because last time i checked they drummed out every last one of the pro-life democrats that had a speaking role at the convention. or did i miss that, where was that? >> i think there is a pro-life democratic senator -- a pro-life democratic senator am i wrong? >> laura: for 20 years ago may be but that democrat party is over, horace, leo, always great to have you won. jam-packed tonight. if there is one thing that a lot of us can agree on it is thatif the violence of antifa must be stopped. well, i would think everyone agrees on that. this is what happens when mob rule takes over. >> [bleep], [bleep], [bleep] [bleep]. >> laura: now republican senator bill cassidy ted cruz wants to label these radical violent mass thugs asse domestic terrorist. joining harmeet dhillon, the conservative attacked by those thugs and bernie, former nypd commissioner, bernie kerik, you have called for antifa to be labeled a terrorist group. what is the hold up? that skims the surface of what is going on on the streets. >> i don't know what the holdup is, but i'm glad certaint senators are putting forward the resolution. i think the fbi has to look at this. i think somebody should be directing the funding mechanism that funds these protest. when you watch these videos you see the same people over and over at different protest and somebody is funding it. they are doing it for political reasons. intimidation, threats and violence results in terrorism and it has to be investigated and charged. >> laura: the fbi's definition of domestic terrorism seems to fit in i mean it's kind of obvious at this point your client and he knows still hasn't got any satisfaction after horrible injury, but what is the update from the portland police? we haven't heard anything from portland police in the 24 hours. >> laura: you have photos of the people. you have video of the people responsible. >> we have video and identification of several of them. and we have seen some of those same people in assaults and other states. so this is a multistate criminal conspiracy operating with p consent of big-city, big-city law enforcement. >> laura: too broad, harmeet too broad. >> well, in the past, the laws we can see in front of our eyes that we have a crisis. we see them try to operate inof many cities and operating particularly around the election cycle. the purpose of this to intimidate americans from not supporting the people they want to support. we saw a precursor of this in n 2016 right before the election. >> laura: trump can even go to california. i represent 17 people assaulted there with the police looking on and a phenomenon in the cities of america. so i think unfortunately being a federalist, one of those rare incidents. >> laura: only federal action can help and, bernie, with all your experience, running major police force from portland to basically i think now it is explicit, welcome these people into portland and turn a blind eye and stand down orders to police. >> this is the liberal leadership of the cities and states. if this happened in new york city, under rudy giuliani, i promise they would be arrested, charged, prosecuted and to the fullest extent of the law. these other cities and states should be required to do that. if they are not going to do it the federal government should come in and do it for them. >> laura: meanwhile my want to show video right now. this is so disturbing what unfolded i guess today, guys? we discussed the video today in harlem with nypd officers and how they are being receipt -- perceived by the public. >> oh, my gosh. they violated them. they violated them. >> laura: bernie, people were>> joking on twitter, the comments, oh, it's not like a bullet. w >> it makes me sick. obstruction, disorderly conduct, harassment and a number of other charges, but they won't be charged because you have a mayor in new york city. >> laura: he is a disgracege de blasio is a disgrace. new york gets what they voted for, voting and de blasio. i think of giuliani and i don't think bloomberg would have tolerated this but the police just walked away. >> these are sanctuary cities for antifa. people are going to die. we already had the first casualty and i happen to be one of these be nine thugs but he f would have taken out i.c.e. officers, the fire bomber they are. his associates people glorified by cnn, glorified by keith ellison, the mainstream media and it's absolutely outrageous. >> laura: for the police to be treated with such, laughing andd narrating the video and again people on twitter, oh, just water a hot day. >> just a milk shake but the milk shake and water are used to blind the target. >> laura: it's meant to send a message and we are almost up for a break. >> we control the streets. >> laura: more liberal cities are becoming important in certain parts of certain neighborhoods. >> where you have democratic leadership. >> by the way, buzzfeed, my earpiece is coming up, buzzfeed is saying that andy ngo basically did all of this to become a media star. >> that is despicable and people who are saying that will end up in court.. >> laura: panel, thank you very much it's great to have both of you on this big, big news night. democrats in the media once again hyping a production fromn robert mueller. so will they be embarrassed yet again? the president's personal attorney is here with the exclusive thoughts next. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. >> democrats intense preps with lines of questioning for former special counsel robert mueller. >> we want bob mueller to bring it to life and talk about what is in the report. >> the strategy is to bealo profound, to be efficient, to be respectful. >> my hope is that mr. mueller will prevail. >> laura: while the media democrats won in the same giddy with anticipation over wednesday's mueller hearing, we yet again the buildup despite the former counsel saying this. >> any testimony from this office would not go beyond the report. we chose those words carefully and the word speaks for itself. the report is my testimony. i would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before congress. >> laura: joining me exclusively rudy giuliani, attorney for president trump and rudy the doj wrote demand that he basically keep his remarks confined to b what was in the report which is what he said he would do. so what is the big media democrats set up here? will they set themselves up for potential embarrassment, or is mueller basically going to go back on what he said before? >> i can't imagine he would go back on what he said before unless he wants to give away whatever is left of his reputation. i mean, but i think he will have a withering cross-examination. just today john solomon broke a dramatic piece of news that andrew weissmann now for the third time is caught like subordinating perjury with russian ukrainian oligarch. he promises in the big case going on for like six years international case will be dropped. if only he would say, bad things about trump and manafort. and he has more honor than weissman and manafort and i won't lie to get out of the case. he wanted to say manafort was the go-between with the russians. and that is why he basicallyna tortured paul manafort for how many weeks, i don't know. >> laura: rudy, i think all of this and i have to confess most americans don't follow it. but what i'm saying -- absolutely that is the role of secretary general. >> this is the third witness where he was basically allegedly perjury. >> laura: why was he not brought in on the case? you talk about this for a year and a half. >> how come you hired the counsel for the clinton foundation to investigate donald trump? suppose i was appointed to investigate hillary and i appointed the counsel for the trump foundation to try to put her in jail. >> laura: apparently, he is preparing behind closed doors. >> mueller, he better be. >> laura: behind closed doors. >> he's been behind closed doors for a year and a half. i never saw him one time. he's like "the wizard of oz." the fact is, that this investigation was a disgrace the way it was conducted. o a disgrace. and it is quite apparent now with john solomon's many columns and the help which corrupt media avoids. he should get a pulitzer prize.. he should probably turn it down if he gets it. he has demonstrated that this was an invented charge. completely invented, supported by 90% now proven in the false steele dossier comey new, which mueller should have known in which peter strzok knew for sure. in he was chief investigator for both of them. >> laura: rudy, want to move onto another topic because so much else is going on including the fraud squad or whatever we want to call them, they hate girls. i hear new monikers for them but they are up in arms about what they say is the president's, well, inherent racism. and trump responded today. >> well, i think they are very bad for our country. i think they must hate our country. the congresswomen what they have said about israel and what they have said about our country. when they talk about disgusting people. w when they talk the way they talk. when the one mentioned that a brown people should speak for brown people and muslim people should speak for muslim people. and you hear all of this, that is not what our country is all about. i >> laura: do you think he should continue, the president i mean, to hammer this issue because they do represent the heart and soul of the new democratic party, rudy? >> if that is the heart and soul they need a serious operation because that is a very, very anti-american heart and soul.l when you attack our strongest ally in the middle east and want to destroy it, which is what they want to do in supporting bbs, that would economically destroy our strongest ally and really the only democracy in the middle east. you can't be any more anti-american than that. you can't be anymore anti-american than basically looking at 9/11 and say something happened. do you know how that made me feel? watching almost 3,000 of myy citizens destroyed by islamic extremist terrorists? it made me feel like, well, like they were being attacked. the victims were being attacked the heroes were being attacked and their sacrifice disregarded. oh, something happened. but then my palestinian people were treated so badly. i mean, come on. how much are we going to take? the president has to defend the essential values of america. the democratic party is too cowardly to do it. where is chuck schumer on israel? >> laura: they are all afraid. they are using "the squad." they are maddening "the squad." >> how about defending the state of israel? they want to economically strangle the state of israel. which makes me angry. >> laura: all the sunday showsth they were asking the republicans, would you denounce trump's racism why doesn't chuck todd and stephanopoulos come down, when i say do you condemn -- >> they are hiding millions of d dollars that biden made in ukraine and in china and they are hiding it and they won't cover it for three months because they suck up to the democrats and they unfairly attack republicans. >> laura: i have to ask you -- >> it is a tragedy and a bribery case is not reported that way. >> laura: i have to ask you about this video. i know you saw the nypd video in harlem. i want to rerack it if i can so people can watch it again. again this happened in harlem. t >> i saw it earlier. >> oh, my god, they violated them! they violated them! [laughter] they violated them! >> laura: rudy, the police just walked away, obviously, an assault on police officers. it was just water, but it tells you where things are right now. distrust and no show of respect. >> i saw bernie kerik and i assume the others would react the same way. r that would never happen in a million years when i was mayor of new york city, and actually it would not happen if we had a progressive, retro aggressivee completely lazy mayor in new york city who is absolutely destroying the quality of life in the city. he is a disgrace and actually him and are embarrassed of it. and to let that happen, that poor police officer, his morale has been destroyed. besides morale, the way he reduced crime is to have police officers with high morale. >> laura: mr. mayor -- >> i lost almost 100 police officers in the line of duty. i lost a cousin and i have four uncles who were police officers and when i see that uniform disrespected, it should not happen in america. that is anti-american. that is so anti-american -- >> laura: we will get more of this i'm afraid over the several months. >> you are entitled to say that is anti-american when you attack a military uniform or a police uniform. too many people have died wearing that. >> laura: we are out of time. i cannot agree more. it was disgraceful behavior and it should not be de blasio is pathetic, pathetic. up next new details about the justice department inspector general may say about disgrace. fbi director jim comey lindsey graham standing by on that. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? 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when it came to trump, did they take the law in their own hands? >> laura: they felt like they were on duty. it seems like. a very imperious quality. >> the presidential election twice with his duty. >> laura: but right now, this is hot with mueller's testimony on wednesday. the democrats think they willt get another bite at the apple and you say? >> i think the apple is done. most americans looking for a mueller to tell them what happened, not nadler. do you think any fair-minded americans believe nadler was out to get the truth? he already has the president and his own mind. this is about impeachment. they impeached with the mueller report, trump will take the house and the senate. >> laura: you were there inhe '98? >> that's how we met. >> laura: 90 democrats in the house have signed on to impeachment, one republican. >> here is their problem if they don't sign for impeachment they make it primary. 31 democrats hold seats for president trump when their district. if they vote against aoc they get a primary. if they vote for impeachment they lose their jobs. but i really do believech impeachment would be bad for the country and to get the president reelected. >> laura: we have to talk about the border and just because we don't have a headline for the day. everywhere we go, people say what about the boarder situation? secure and protect act and i don't want to hear about legislation because my eyes glaze over. this could solve the problem. you are introducing this legislation very quickly. what would it do so people understand. >> you have to apply for asylum in your home country of mexico not the united states. if you bring a small child to america we have more time to o process the case so you don't have to release the family. >> laura: 20 days to override the flores situation. you cannot do it in 20 days. we increase the time to adjudicate the claims in the -- >> laura: the democrats don'tju want to work. they don't want to work with republicans. and in their own minds they have successfully opted out of working with the republicans except on this outrageous budget which i will ask you about, but they say trump is a racist so we won't work with him. he has a racist and puts kids in cages, blah, blah, blah. >> and a million immigrants released into el paso, so didn't have room to hold them. it is just a matter of time a terrorist gets in this crowd and comes here to hurt us. >> laura: we are not screening everybody, we can't. we can't screen everybody that comes into the country. i saw it when i was there.'t >> border patrol is doing a great job. this system is broken, it's not a crisis but a disaster. >> laura: lindsey, what isis going on with the budget bill? i hit the president on this $320 billion in increased spending and only what $77 billion in offset? >> laura: he has a democratic house that will not offset spending. he has a military broken for eight years during obama trying to rebuild it. >> laura: that is a huge amount and about fiscal conservatism too. f i know we don't have both aisles of congress but this is a nightmare. >> the number one job of people in the building during the obamr years, we spent less indifferent since world war ii. the planes were breaking. >> laura: what about the next generation? how are they going to pay for this? a do we care anymore? >> we are not in debt because we are dipping in the nation but because we made promises we can't keep social security and medicaid. i >> laura: what is medicare for all do? will it not benefit medicare faster? it will destroy health care, the budget, the green new deal destroys the economy and saving the environment. the number one job the president prepped the united states enemies foreign domestically --e >> laura: he said he would never agree but veto it last year. i covered it on the show. d i got a hold of everybody accountable here. he said he would veto it. he is signing this legislationol and apparently, it was nancy and chuck were a couple of people a agreed behind closed doors this is the new day. >> the government shuts down and we do a continued resolution. two everybody listing -- >> laura: speaking of -- >> those who have been sacrificing since 9/11 the 1% to -- deserve theo commander-in-chief to have their back and finally we've got one.e. i wish we had the house and didn't have to spend so much but it is what it is. defending the country, if you want to fix the budget, do title reform and i hope the president will win. >> laura: i know you were watching that video, and we racked it up a couple of times with the police getting doused with buckets of water and just walking away in harlem because they have mayor de blasio, but the respect for the police and the other side we will say don't respect african-americans but your reaction to that? >> my reaction is when congress tell a country running concentration camps at the border, that is a slanderng against those protecting us. >> laura: in uniform. >> you pour water on cops doing their jobs, that is disrespectful. how does that stop?es from the top. that is why i'm glad trump is taking it to the floor becauseat they are disrespecting those who risk their lives. go to the border and see if you would want to that job one day. how they do it day in and day out with the crap they take, i don't know.o the president keep defending those who defend this country and to the friends in new york if you don't take care of your cops, shame on you. >> laura: and the people who will call the cops when they need them and treat them like that. senator graham, thank you. hollywood bowing down to china. which 2020 dem helped to make it happen? raymond arroyo is up next on "seen and unseen". which 2020 h one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. >> laura: time for a special monday edition of "seen and unseen" with the cultural stories of the day. courtesy of a familiar, ati pageant winner loses her crown thanks to political correctness. joining us with all the details raymond arroyo fox news contributor, all right raymond hollywood giving to china sensors. we talked about it on radio, tv for years but a new example is drawing the ire of him. >> laura, tom cruise appeared con and unveiled the new top gun maverick trailer. this is a sequel to the '80s classic and in one scene his character leather bomber. but there was a notable difference gone are the patch is that once cover the jackets back. the taiwanese japanese flags are absent.s these are nations, of course enemies of china. they have been replaced with similar colors but not the original flags. some are saying due to top gun's finance era. it turns out tencent pictures a division of the chinese internet giant is underwriting the film and they own part of the production company sky dance that is creating the film with paramount. to top it off, they should call this thing top run from free expression. you know, this is nothing new laura. the china film administration routinely sensors films and as the second biggest film market bent over backwards to comply. you remember top gun 3d would ban in 2013 they released that film and it was banned due to a military dominance. back in 2012, hollywood did red dawn remake one of your favorites were north korea, not china was the invading villain. so this has gone on for a long time. >> laura: you know what i love, hollywood is always waxing on about how they have to protect, protect free expression and artistic expression. except when bowing down at the altar of the chinese moneyman. and that is what happened. so you can't really have an enemy anymore, raymond, in american film because america is the enemy. china, no, china, you need the box office baby so you can't call china for what it is. when is spielberg going to do the ultimate picture on maui? that is my question. >> don't hold your breath. there is a democrat that helps facilitate this cozy relationship between china and hollywood.itep it's been reported back in 2012 when chinese president came to l.a., he did so with the implementation of then vice president joe biden.nt it was biden who made sure that she had face time with robert iger of disney and jeffrey katz and dreamworks and during that trip dreamworks announced $330 million oriental dreamworks and joint venture with thetr chinese government. a year later, disney produced iron man 3 and china got 40% ofi the profit and they worked in chinese stars and the bill and -- the villain, the mandarin was n longer chinese. this is what happens. >> laura: raymond, this is all predictable though. you cannot have an actual -- i remember when it was 24 and we had a lot of muslims upset. then it was homeland. you had to tone that down. all of the shows are now the government's evil or america or some worthless new country that doesn't exist as evil. this is pathetic.s >> this is not the first totalitarian regime has done this.. back inta the nazi era before t war, hitler had a guy a liaison in the '30s. it's been going on a long time. >> laura: china has a lot bigger and a lot more powerful in today's day and age in all these other countries today combined. let's talk about now about this winter of michigan world. what is that? and a day after winning it? >> she was a contestant and miss world contest, and she is a 20-year-old university of michigan and is chinese born. the connection here after winning the miss michigan world title, pageant organizers turned up this tweet she had written. she wrote "there is a hijab at my campus. so you are telling me it is a fashion accessory and not a religious thing or are you justg trying to get used to being under islam? the pageant says this constitutes insensitive and expressions but they are not backing down. >> everything i posted was my opinions. and i think we should be an empowering women's voices and not strip them of their title because of an opinion. i think it is awful how the left thinks that it is racist. i don't think anything i said was remotely wrong and i stand by every tweet that i posed. >> and all of her social media before the whether liberal or conservative you should have free speech. just to tie this together, years ago we were told if you trade with china, they will open up and they will be more freethinking. but the chinese have taught the americans how to censor comment and content that people don't like. they have learned the lesson well. >> laura: china will ultimately end up owning you and make all the decisions. that is what they want. if president trump doesn't get reelected we will be back to business as usual. raymond, thank you. what prime minister theresa mayf says about trump's chances in 2020? the latest on the hit squad next. we're the slowskys. we like drip coffee, layovers- -and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not. ♪ >> laura: got everything going on in this segment. theresa may on her way out. she was everything president trump was not. she was an establishment conservative, kind of measured, pro-e.u. when it got down to it but she is going be out after just two years, bungling brexit. so what does this what does this tell us about president trump in 2020. he needs to me more like that traditional republicans. hey doing in europe right now? or even traditional establishment leaders. emmanuel macron, angela merkel, even justin trudeau up in canada. john is now, former governor of arkansas, mike huckabee. fox news contributor. governor, all of these polished politicians technocrats are failing everywhere but trump is succeeding. >> he succeeding because he's telling the truth and he's challenging the globalist mind-set. theresa may is the mitt romney of great britain. the press will love her and all the establishment country club types may love her but the people don't. i was in great britain the day that breaks it will happen. i came back and said donald trump is going to win. people wouldn't say they were going to vote for brexit, but they ended up doing it. people wouldn't say they would vote for trump, but they did, and they're going to do it again because their lives are a heck of a lot better than it was when the establishment guys were running washington. >> laura: governor, we have to get your take on the latest from the hit squad. let's watch. >> i'm not going nowhere! not until i impeach this president! >> we need bold action, folks. and i know it's happening out there. beyond just the four of us, "the squad" is all of you. >> a nightmare to this president. because his policies are a nightmare to us. >> shannon: isn't that lovely? want to hear that when you fall asleep at night. reaction. this is the heart and soul, as i said earlier, of the democrat party. >> all i can say is i hope rashida tlaib and the others don't go anywhere varied and we need them. they are our ticket not only for the president to win but they are the ticket to get the house back because a lot of americans look at this and they just say "no thank you, that's not what we want this country to be," so i'm grateful for them. i hope they continue to talk. i hope they continue to be heard more than nancy pelosi and the democrats we used to think were a little left center, now those folks look like ronald reagan compared to these guys. >> shannon: governor almost out of time, 15 seconds, but the police treated being doused with water in new york and harlem today, that video is making the rounds and if i have any say about it it will go viral. your quick reaction to that, one sentence? >> there's a crime in the neighborhood, calling somebody with a water hose, see how that works out for you. >> laura: governor, your wit is just delicious. we love it. thank you so much tonight. in one of the weirdest new york subway scenes you're ever going to see. oh, need cash? at newday, veteran homeowners can get $54,000 dollars or more to consolidate high rate credit card debt and lower their payments by $600 every month. ♪ >> laura: it's time for the last bite. > a lot of strange things in new york city but this one may take the cake. that is the some way. he was wearing boxers. no one stopped to stare, they just walk by. that new york. check my podcast. shannon bream and the fox news night team, take it from here. >> we start with a fox news alert, two night starting tomorrow. it will fast-track deportations of illegal immigrants across the country. if they've been here less than two years, they will be deported without a hearing, in the wake of congresswoman ocasio cortez's call for a 9/11 commission style investigation into donald trump's immigration policy. you will hear from pro trump media personecse


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