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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends Saturday 20110115

>> is priebus the right man for the job? we report. you decide. >>clayton: a shakeup at the ground zero mosque. one man is out and the new man has controversial connections. "fox and friends" begins right now. >> thank you for joining us bright and early. how do i look? >>clayton: spectacular. >>dave: stunning. >> my first boyfriend, ever, is here, keith partridge. >> your first boyfriend? >> he didn't know it, i was five. but i did write a fan letter to david cassidy when i was five years old because i loved him so much in the "partridge family." i may make him nervous. >>clayton: thank you for dressing up for us, but, first, the votes are in and republicans have decided, 38-year-old wisconsin lawyer will be the new chairman of the g.o.p. and now live in washington, dc with the details on what we know is the perfect pronunciation of the new rnc chair. >> priebus comes from the wisconsin republican party where he recently helped unseat democratic senator feingold and elected going governor and pick up two house seats in the november election. but, now, his challenges will be on a much grander scale and he says to beat obama in 2012 his party needs to balance the checkbook and raise $400 million. >> obviously we are probably going to look at $20 million in debt and we have a lot of work to do. we have to get our financial team together around the country, our finance chairman and i will get to work on that tonight in reaching out to our major donors and getting them back on board and putting the porter on the shoulders so we can have the money resources and people we need to rebuild the rnc. >> officials have said paying off the $22 million debt steele leaves behind could take a year. it took seven ballots and four hours before priebus was declared the winner and in the victory speech he talked about the rift between the republican establishment and conservatives and he said that the republican party is part of the conservative movement not in competition with it. and the path to the chairmanship want through a handful of others but got a boost when steele bowed out and priebus made himself out to be everything steele is not appearing more low key and at 38 he is the young of the national g.o.p. chairman since at water who was 37 back in 1998. >> impressive. thank you. meanwhile, more incredible news each day about congresswoman giffords would has defied the odds and exactly one week after she was shot in the head, her husband, astronaut mark kelly said "thank you for the messages of support, i have great followers, g.g. has been improving each day." giffords now following complex commands and can open her eyes and move both of her legs. doctors say they are now keeping an cry owe for pneumonia and blood clots and a funeral was held for her close friend, federal judge john roll visiting her "congress on the corner," when the shooting happened and dozens of judges and the governor and senators john mccain and jon kyl attended the funeral. roll is survived by his wife and three sons. >> we are learning more about jared loughner and a disturbing video that has been released. reporters have been asking for the video but it was kept under lock and key by authorities. and now we hear the chilling video this morning. and we will set this up. jared loughner was walking an the campus of the pima community college with a camera himself, walking and the college and he is rambling and you get to hear that the guy literally is not making absolutely no sense and what he says is the school that he described as a genocide school, do not try to make sense of this. just listen. >> examining the torture of students. we are looking at students who have been tortureed. they are making low-income pay in two wars and i am in a terrible place. it is the school that i go to. that is pima community college. one of the biggest scams in america. all the teachers that you have are being paid illegally and have illegal authority of the constitution of the united states under the first amendment. this is genocide in america. >>dave: it is disturbing to say the least and says he will not forget him the teacher that gave him a b. this tape got him suspended and security officials and went to the home and said this is why your home has been suspended from pima community college. did the parents not read into this video or watch it and think we need serious help for our child? >> and the parents themselves seemed odd. the neighbors described the whole family as peculiar and half-mile visibility has been kept need and overly protected and there were photographs released of him which can be described as pornographic poses of himself with the murder weapon. he took them a day before the shooting rampage and dropped them off at a walgreens to be developed and the evented ended up on myspace with a caption "goodbye friends." nancy pelosi open the floor of the house of representatives giving update and talking about the shooting incident. listen to what she had to say. it is raising eyebrows. take a listen. >> this resolution is a fitting tribute to a great resolution. please read it again and again and carry the names in your heart, remember each of these people because, again, a tragic accident took lives, wounded people, in the free expression of ideas. >>dave: has was on the house floor trying to pass a resolution to condemn the shooting an accident. clearly she doesn't think this is an accident. what is behind that is a slip of the tongue? >> she seemed to be speaking off the cuff and looked up, and not looking at her notes, and maybe she meant atrocity or event or, who knows but she was just speaking off the cuff, so you can't, when you see that youtube video and the myspace posting of "goodbye friends," he was planning this. >> and the video was from the fall of the year so this was something well on his mind. and another thing we have been talking about on the show which caused controversy last year, that controversy continues this morning, over the proposed site of the ground zero mosque, or park 51 as it is called. this morning we are learning that the imam, the guy behind the ground zero mosque, is leaving. he is out. to begun a speaking tour today as he heads around the country but he is replaced by another gentleman and there is question why he is being replaced and pushed out. is there a conflict between the two. they disagreed on a number of different points. >>dave: this is the face whatever you want to call it, whether you call it ground zero mosque or park 51, but the imam has been the face of it, the global outreach figure behind it. his wife, has been arguably one of its biggest defenders and he appeared to be the two biggest financial backing, the biggest hope they had of raising money so i will be surprised to see how this moves forward. clearly there is as rift going on between the developer and him and now they are going with a local imam but the guy traveled an the world. >> and this was his brain child. we were led to believe that this whole mosque was his brain child. he wanted to have something he used, a community center in new york, as his model for decades, and the idea that he is out, it means that he is in charge, why refuse himself? he wanted to be involved in this. so, now, there is a new imam and we will tell you what little we know about him and what this mean whether or not the mosque will be moved as so many people are hoping it will be moved. we have a fox news alert with new video from pakistan, gunmen set 14 tankers carrying fuel for u.s. and nato troops on fire. creating a massive inferno. at least one driver was injured and the attack occurred in southwest pakistan parked at a restaurant when the insurgents struck. the manhunt for a cold blooded killer continues in new jersey, the suspected gunman gunned down a 27-year-old police officer during a routine stop in lakewood, yesterday. christopher matloff was if his patrol car and shot in the head. the 19-year-old is responsible for what king called the "execution style" killing. the government pulled the plug on the border fence along the u.s. mexico border after years of delay and glitches. it was supposed to use cameras to help in the fight but the homeland security department says that it is reviewing alternatives including a system of surveillance to youers and drones, and the cost is $53 million to taxpayer per mile, $1 billion total. >> and the social network takes the prize of the night at the "critics' choice." >> best picture is ... "social network." and the film snagged the bulk of the top awards winning best picture and best play. >> this is a visibly pregnant natalie portman. she is huge. she won best actress for "black swan," and joked about the director of the movie. >> i keep temperaturing the director, you made me skinny and now you in directly responsible forgetting me fat because you introduced me to my love who core grandfathered the film. >> and the best actor award when for "king's speech." >> did you know how to pronounce the last name? >> no idea. >> and now over to the weather. >> i have not paid attention. >> in news and magazines and "us weekly." >> it has been so cold across the southeast, after all the snow and the ice last week and here is the cold temperature this morning, but do not worry, you will warm up quite a bit today, and by the end of today the roads will be cleared. 47 in atlanta, 56 in montgomery and warmer temperatures for a lot of people and the radar shows a couple things going on, there you go, the biggest story we will deal with the next couple of days is heavy rain moving in across parts of the pacific northwest and flooding concerns and we will talk more about that this morning and the big storm taking in again on the east coast. china's president set to arrive in the u.s. this week after the country just tested a fighter jet. is china trying to show america it is a force to be wreck conned with? our panel debates that. >> is your spouse cheating on you? with money? the number of americans committing financial infidelity could shock you. >> teen girls dreamed about it. >> me, too. i was five. >> and now he is helping people achieve their dreams and goals. stay tuned. 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(high-pitched laughter) man: hey you dang woodchucks, quit chucking my wood! vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> welcome back to "fox and friends" and defense secretary wrapping up his trip to china as hick heck spoke out about the complicated relationship between china and the united states. >> this is not a relationship that fits neatly into the black and white categories like friend or rival but i would be the first to admit that distrust lingers on both sides. talk about complex. this comes on the heels of the test flight of a stealth fighter a few days ago which china claimed is not a threat. our panel weighs in on this, a columnist gordon change and secretary of east asian affairs. nice to have you all here this morning. gordon, with this flexing of military muscle do we know what china's intentions are, this sort of chest-beating, before this meeting in the united states? >> i think we have a pretty good hint of it in february, we started to hear chinese flag officers as well as senior cornells talk about waging war on the united states in five to 10 years. that is an important hint. these are the people would now have much more influence in beijing because we have see the militarization of politics and policy and we need to be concerned. that is why secretary of state hillary clinton and secretary gates are talking in more guarded tones about china. >> do you believe what gordon is saying sounds ominous, the threat of war on the horizon but is that in china's best interest? what is the end game? >> there are tensions and they will remain on the agenda between china and the united states but with the military generals who believe after the financial crisis that politics has changed and the balance of power has changed, there are economic and pragmatic leaders would look at crisis and come to a different conclusion. one, that is more worrisome for them that china what to rebound and reball the economy. and they are working to change the economic structure, not at the pace of the u.s. wants but there are convergence at the top in beijing. >> randy you agree that china is flexing their muscles. is china a threat? does the united states need to be worried about the growing threat from china? >> we need to look at china as a potential threat. where they are right now is a different system, military against military, and they are not up to the standard of the u.s. military but it is a concern. and the stealth fighter needs to be seen in the context of what else they are doing in cyber and space, with ballistic missiles and cruise missiles so we should watch that carefully. >> a few months ago "the economist," looked at the rising threat of china and argued we are in the midst of another cold war or headed toward a cold war with china. do you buy that? >>guest: i think there is certainly much more concern. yesterday, for instance, secretary gates in tokyo talked of u.s. troops in asia, being there to deter the chinese. this is really brand new. people don't want a cold war and we certainly don't want one but china is doing certain things that are just in consistent with how we see the world including nuclear weapons technology to iran, supplies small arms to the taliban, things that are a concern for us. >> do you believe, you seem to agree, though, that china is pulling back on the rhetoric here? do you think, do you believe they are pulling back on some of this rhetoric? in the heated debate? >> they are pulling back to make sure the summit goes off well and in the longer term they have an impetus to cooperate but tensions exist and will exist. but they will exist side-by-side with coordination and cooperation. >>clayton: we are out of time. thank you for all joining us. coming up, a plan to ban illegal immigrant from attending public universities. should they be allowed to benefit from american colleges where they are here illegally? why are more and more seniors retiring in the red? here's a myth: you can't switch car insurance until your policy expires. the tru: you can switch to allstate today. extra incentive: you can get allstate's early signing discount. >>clayton: a couple of quick headlines. a thousand people paying tribute to richard holbrooke in washington, dc at the kennedy center. president obama and former president clinton and hillary clinton honoring the man who was a special envoy. he died in december after complications from heart surgery. and zsa zsa is doing well hours after doctors amputated her right leg. they say it was necessary to save her life. she is expected to be back home by the 94th birthday. that on february 6th. those are a look at headlines. dave? >> a study revealing an ugly side to the golden years. 56 percent of seniors are leaving the workforce with debt. and the number of older people filing for bankruptcy has skyrocketed. >> and the writer for "smart money," and author of a book joins us. >> what are members doing wrong when it comes to retirement? >> they are retiring with debt, for one, a big financial no-no because you have a nest egg and you pull money paying for debt from that nest egg. >> why do they do that? >> why are they retiring with debt? do they retire too early? >> they are retiring too early and they are making financial mistakes along the way that are tough. credit card debt and those things. >>dave: and they could be doing along the way is committing financial infidelity because a new study suggests that three in ten married people commit financial infidelity. does it tell, doesn't tell their wife or husband, and both sex, men and women, equally, but, is this a major problem? is this leading to divorce? i think three in ten is awfully low, i think it is probably half. >> bethis do not admit. a huge problem. it can lead to divorce and trust separations and separation. bad stuff can happen. >> as someone who is committing financial adultery let me speak up for us, isn't it okay to have a little slush fund that you keep away from your family finances for, say, something that you might want to buy even if it is a president for your husband, your own money? is that bad? >> but they should know about your own money. it could be yours but you should tell him or her about it so there is not a secret fund or secret bank account. it can be yours but you still need to tell the other person. >> because 15 percent say they actually keep a bank account that their spouse does not know about. that is probably not a good idea. for marriage counselor but i don't know if i would follow that advice. >> and i believe my husband is guilty of this one. and that, you buy purchases that you don't tell your spouse about. i see some things arriving at our house from brokes brothers, that i did not authorize. >> spin. >> people are doing that, as well, and that is bad, also. >> you should note about big purchase coming to your house. you should talk to him when you get home. >> some advice we have, check out smart money, things your boss will not tell you including they are reading your e-mails and monitoring your website access, read this piece. >> most of them are reading your e-mails and checking what you are doing on the web so if you are on facebook all day stop doing that. >> thank you for coming in. clayton? >>clayton: i am on facebook, you were saying something? >>dave: they are watching you. >> states across the country have the day of reckoning with bills to pay. can your state handle it? and a religious post on a website is stirring up controversy and a lawyer says it is unconstitutional. should it be removed. and buckle your seatbelt, a teen heart throb is giving back. 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>> yes. >> operator sent a police officer to the child's house to make sure nothing was seriously wrong and the boy was mad at his dad and wanted santa to get the message 11 months in advance. get there early. and now spurs and move rocks facing off in a battle of lone star state top teams, and injuries continue to hurt the move vicks and san antonio with this, 101-89, the 5th straight loss. and san antonio improves to the n.b.a. best, 34-6. forget the heat and the lakers, the spurs. and the knicks returned home after a west coast trip and new york had the worst performances of the season, losing to the last place kings, 93-83 prompting the garden to chant for "anthony," who could be traded. >> and check out this, glass shattering dunk from brazil from an ex-nba player who is nicknamed "baby," in brazil and plays for a brazilian club after playing with the timberwolves and raptors. he brought the house down. and vikings runningback is used to causing headaches for the defense and now he has a mcdonald's worker in trouble. you used to work at mcdonald's. minnesota's mcdonald's workers was fired for letting the star runningback use the bathroom after the restaurant was closed for the night. the employee was fired but before all the media attention mcdonald's gave her the job back so clayton, if a star say ben roethlisberger or mcnabb shows up at your mcdonald's as closed do you let them in? >>clayton: no, you have to make sure that the milkshake machine is shut down. you cannot have people coming in the doors. >> the real answer, you have shared your experiences with mcdonald's, you spent so much time in the bathroom that no one else could get in. >> i would extend my break time. mcnabb cannot get in. >>dave: i would let them in. i would ask for an autograph. >> true words. and now the temperatures, cold air across the far northern plains and it will continue to move down and we will flirt with the coldest air this year across areas of the great lakes and into the northeast monday and tuesday and wednesday of next week and we have a few things going on, one light disturbance around the great lakes dropping snow, maybe 3" to 4" moving in across the seaboard, and a few scattered snow flurries and the southeast, you see a ring moving in across texas and this is the beginning of the next system moving in with more heavy rain to the south and big storm across the east coast by today on tuesday and i will show you that in a second, and across the pacific northwest heavy rain and you can see the storms lined up continuing to take aim on the oregon and washington coastline and over the next two days some area will see another 4" to 5" of rain so the flooding concern will continue. we have all kinds of flood watches and warnings across areas of oregon and washington and back across idaho be as well. snow levels are high, a very warm storm and well talk about very rapid melting of the snow that is out there. and here is our tuesday storm, this time it look like all rain across the south, and a bit of a mention across the coastal areas, and heavy snow back behind it and the great lakes, and behind it get ready some very, very cold air, and that will stick with us at least by next week, and the eastern states, northeast states probably the coldest day we have seen all year along. back to you. >>dave: there are piles of snow in my drive, taller than me and i am 6' 3". >> it could melt quickly on rain. >> new york city is a slushy mess. >> i like the snow but not the big ugly piles. >> and a lot of states are dealing with putting the salt trucks out and pennsylvania has salt piles and they are trying to figure how to spend the money and now they have a bill in the mail this morning. the federal government says all the unemployment benefits that the states were pushing off on to the federal government because they could not afford to do it, lending and borrowing money from the federal government? well, the federal government this morning says, you know what? we need that money back. all the interest we have handed over to you, to the states, we need it back and in arizona, running down the states, here is one, arizona, forced to cut medicaid in their state, 100 will be ineligible for lifesaving transplants. >> we have interviewed the people on the list and would likes could be threatened because of the state budget cuts and it is not just arizona but so many states are in dire financial trouble that they are having to use creative ways of budget cuts. look at this in californian incredible one, they have canceled the cell phone service for 50,000 state workers to save money including, by the way, the governor. he will no longer have a cell phone. how do you stay in touch with your office and with your staffers? >> california owes $9.7 billion on the unemployment benefits just interest alone, $362 million in interest alone so they have to make some sacrifices. south carolina is faced with a tough decision, what will they do? and how will they come up with the money? stop payment to hospitals? that is heartbreaking. >> difficult. difficult. difficult to say the least. >> indiana is eliminating funding for hearing aids and dentures for seniors. and look at this the federal government overall is charging $1.3 billion in interest on the $41 billion that the states have borrowed to pay the unemployment benefits and they have been extended, new, for the two-year window, basically, so they cannot, the states like pennsylvania say they cannot afford this so we have to call in the federal government. >> in michigan, they owe $3.7 billion, it is supposed to pay $117 million in interest by september and what are they going to do? detroit may have to close down half of their public schools. can you imagine? half of their public schools. class recommend size, that means will go from 32 students for one teacher to 62 students. >> and their education system is already in trouble. california, the biggest debt by far of the united states, $9.7 billion, and interest alone is $362 billion and you will see a lot of these states adding a tax to the employers. that will be $21 per employee, that will be in states across the country. >> one of the things if you are, you are going to cut budget and do all we have outlined. >>dave: probably both. >> and illinois is suddenly jacking up, suddenly, the personal income tax. new york state owes $115 million on a total debt of $3.2 billion, that will, passed on to the employers, in, again, tax surcharges. >> and the governor is trying to put a freeze on worker pay, so the pay increases and people are saying we have to go back to the 2008 times or 2008 budgets. only two years ago put a freeze on the spending but they are not and states are dealing with this. >>dave: the states are saying we were banking on economic recovery by now and it has not happened for them and they thought by this point they would be able to pay back this money but it still has not bounced back and they still are trying to extend unemployment benefits but some stays like texas are borrowing this money from elsewhere, from the bond market. so, just passing it along elsewhere. it is pending disaster but no bailouts for the state. bernanke suggested that, and republicans and the congress have suggested the same thing. >> tough times are coming. >> and what is coming up on the show, one state is taking their immigration fight to college campus, banning noncitizens from attending any state universities should illegal immigrant be allowed to benefit from american colleges or not? stay tuned. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ daylight comes [ dogs barking ♪ i'm on my way ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ working my whole life away ♪ another day ♪ another dollar delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. >>clayton: hundreds of lawsuits filed against toyota hitting a speed bump with a judge saying they will not go to trial for two years stemming from the unintended acceleration problems and that prompted six million recalls. we heard of the warnings and dangers of texting and driving. watch this. a pennsylvania woman had to find out about the dangers of texting and walking. i hope you paying attention, surveillance video captured her fall after she was texting and walking, wait, wait, wait, that is the mall i worked at in pennsylvania. i used to work at that mall. i am shocked by that story. >>dave: you have falling many times and nothing to do with texting while walking. virginia is taking the immigration fight to the next level proposing illegal immigrant be banned from attending any state university or college. some say that this will make the immigration problem worse. joining us for a fair and balanced debate is the virginia former federal prosecutor who is a former mayor. thousands of students around the world put in for work visas to go to our colleges in the united states, why should those illegally skip to the front of the line? >> 16 million are here unlawfully, many children were born to undocumented individuals and did not purposely come here. we have 7,000 immigration agents, 200 immigration judges, and we are not going to remove the individuals. the question fundamentally is: do we want them, if they can afford on their own, to pay in to a school system, do be educated? do we want them to lay fallow? do we want to have a school system that is going to look at people because of their ethnic group or academic achievements? and today, people are who undocumented are paying tolls, and participating in exercise, and it is unconscionable a country, albeit, based on a nation of immigrants would turn its back on children. it is one thing if we are going to say the pains did something wrong, and another for the children. >>dave: and the virginia delegate who supports this, jackson miller. the suggestion, sir, that these people, it is not their fault they are here illegally. their parents brought them here and they just want to be educated. why not allow them in the state university system? >>guest: the former mayor mentioned that by the grace of god, their parents brought them here to this country and whyship they be able to -- why shouldn't they be able to go to our universities. they should be grateful we have been forced to allow them to have a free k through telephone education which is a better education than they would get if their home country. but, we are already forced by the federal courts to provide them a very good education. and higher education is a privilege. it is not a right. and legal immigrants and citizens of the commonwealth of virginia deserve to have the rights in our universities and colleges in the commonwealth of virginia. >>dave: should they go through this the say way other students around the world have to? apply for a student visa, and, are they getting more than they should, as he said, getting k through 12 free education although they are illegal immigrant? >>guest: everyone should get permission and we have a broken system that needs to be fibsed. we are not fixing it by allowing them in children. we do not want children or kids to stop their education at twelfth and not be educated. we have that in a lot of countries, an uneducated group of individuals who do not contribute back to society. >>dave: that is the point, jackson, what if the people do not end up with a college education? what are you helping in the long run? we are not removing them. >>guest: college education in the commonwealth of virginia is a privilege, not a right. i would say go back to their home country, get an education there or go to their embassy. >> they are not leaving. >> they go to the embassies in the united states and get the proper documents. get the proper work visas. and become a legal immigrant in the commonwealth of virginia. >>dave: i am sure they will debate this on the commercial break. we hit rough patches in life. how do you bounce back? david cassidy has tipped. diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing changes. then try this. freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna-- [beep] wow. yep, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. did it just-- [both] target the blood? yeah, drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of one touch.® that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... easy? easy. great. call or click-- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. >> with the new year comes new goals and our guests can help you reach your goals in a unique and creative way. it is called the life force, and you could be surprised who is using it. we have the creators, sue cassidy, and linda, and eva anderson and singer, actor and life force himself, david cassidy. my childhood heart throb. and now the life force. what is it? >> the lifeboard is a goal-setting system that allows you to achieve what you want in your life. it is a board, it is a guide, it is everything you need to lay out an action plan. >> and how does it work? how do you get your life goals to come into your life? journeying is a big part of this? >> it is. there are three reasons people do not achieve their goals. they do not know how to goal set, they are afraid of failing and rejection. there is a three part journaling process involved in the lifeboarding system and during the process you overcome a lot of the fears and blocks and in addition it enables you to specifically identify measurable goals and so the end product is a group of your future and the process is where the work is done. >> and, sue, you say it takes the jumble and the mess out of your head? we can all use that. how does it work? >> actually, because i am a creative person and i don't think in linear terms but in pictures this helps me to get all of that out of my head and focus and i get rid of the stuff i see that is not necessary, and it gives me a focus to goal set long term, midterm, and short term goals. >> david you say it changed your life. here is your lifeboard. how did this change your life? >> it changed my life more than once. my wife and i, sue, did this from 1996, 10 years ago. and on it you will see this is my son who is now almost 20, and all of these are visualization, a three dimensional tool, and all of these were things that we wished to accomplish, to achieve, to help in our own self growth but really what it is for someone like myself as a businessman and i have gone from having no work, no job, going to, with no direction, this gave me direction. it is a three dimensional business plan, basically. for your life and for your business but it's your realization with owe a thought or idea or not visualizing something this studio would not be here, there would not be anything on this planet. this house that we put the backyard? five years later not knowing it that is what we visualized as our dream, we bought a house that had a backyard almost exactly like that. >> it came into your life after you visualized it. >> five years. >> what you if you hit a rough path? i have lit a bunch. for people in recovery who have to be accountable, if you are not organized but it is a reminder, and reinforcement each day, if you look at it every day and you add to it, it absolutely does create, it creates what you need. and for people in recovery of which there are tens of millions and i am one, let me tell you, it is the most valuable tool. it will change director live. if you want to be successful in life, trust me, this works. this is 15 years of development from sue and her idea and working it with me i have done it. this is a new one. >> this is a "work in progress." >> the new things you want to accomplish. >> if you notice here, this is our son, now grown up, would wants to be a musician. there is the life board right in the center, and here we are, on "fox and friends" and it is a dream come true. >> you put it on and visualize it. thank you for telling us about this. i will put the website www. on my blog and twister. a pleasure to meet all of you. >> we've got a flood. hits the road, the nose the angels start second guessing where they tread. ♪ cl 1-800-steemer on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compartes side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! 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or too far? we report. you decide. >> "fox and friends" continues right now. >>clayton: welcome to "fox and friends" on saturday morning, thank you very much for being here. coming up, we have the beatles, you thought it was impossible to reunite the beatles? we managed to do it and they are in the studio performing. >>alisyn: i thought having dave cassidy was great. >> they are performing at carnegie hall tonight. >>dave: we start this morning with the developments out of tucson, defying all odds, congresswoman giffords take major steps in her recovery a week after she was shot in the head. and now, live outside university of airs medical center in tucson. >>reporter: good morning. doctors here at umc are saying about the progress of congresswoman gabrielle giffords they are pushing her with regard to the physical therapy having her to perform complex functions. so far, so good. doctors have her take her husband's wedding ring off and put it back on and doing that on command. they have her click a pen, and in order to further her healing even more when they need her to perform something to help build up that brain base, they have someone, a chose member of her family, ask her to do it because she responds better to their commands than they would a doctor or nurse so that is also helping her along. give give -- giffords is receiving visitors from family and friends and victims of the shooting including a woman who visited with her husband, mark kelly. >> we walked over to her room and i held her hand and she gave it a squeeze and mark said in a loud voice, honey, pam is here, and it was so remarkable. she is a fighter. and i believe she is going to be back. >> giffords' husband has posted a tweet, i have great followers, g.g. has been improving each day. and we learned yesterday that the doctors will no longer hold their daily medical briefings unless there is a major reason to come before the microphone. back to you. >>alisyn: thank you very much for that update. what an incredible survival story. doctors will have to study just what happened with her because it is defying all the odds. >>dave: and the sight to see her go home will be uplifting. >>clayton: we are learning more about the disturbed mass murderer much we have heard reports of a video that led to his suspension at pima community college but the individual crow was under lock and career until this morning. through "freedom of information," and reporters' requests to release it, he is shown walking around the campus rambling about the government, the school, and other things. take a listen. we are examining the torture of students. we are looking at students would have been tortureed. they are getting low-income pay and two wars. and i'm in a terrible place. this is a school i go to. this is pima community college. one of the biggest scams in america. all the teachers you have are being paid illegally and illegal authority over the constitution of the united states under the first amendment. this is genocide in america. >>alisyn: he calls it a scene side school and says teachers are being paid illegal and students are being tortured. if you wonder what someone sounds like unraveling into membership tall illness that is it. it does not make sense. and there were photographs that we are not showing you, pornographic if nature, but it shows jared loughner posing with the murder weapon, a day or so before the murders. and he dropped them off to have them developed and put one of those on his myspace page with caption "goodbye friends," more evidence each day about jared loughner. >>dave: the video is the reason he was suspended from the pima community college, the security went to his home and said this is why your son has been suspended because of the video, was this warning sign missed by, whether it be authorities who are not aware of the video? or the parents, did they not take more action when they saw that video? that clearly can be debated. but it is hard to make sense of any of that. >>alisyn: and nancy pelosi was talking about this horrible event, the tragedy on the house floor and she used a word that did not seem to fit. take a listen. >> this resolution is a fitting tribute to great resolution. please read it again and again. carry those names in your heart. remember each of the people because ... again a tragic accident took lives, wounded people in the free expression of ideas. >>clayton: some are upset about the temperature accident and people saying this was not an accident, but premeditated and the video was shot in the fall of the year he complained about his place in society and in the world, and this took place in the fall, he planned and took the photographs, days before. and it was premeditated and he put the youtube videos with test on screen talking about the coming problems he was about to face and this was not an accident. was it a slip of the tongue on the house floor? did she mean to say atrocity? who knows. >>alisyn: and it sounds like it. >>dave: and controversy regarding ground zero mosque or the islamic cultural center or park 51 which is not off the ground and financing is barely binning and we are changing the face behind the entire project. the man that has been associated with this project, imam rauf and he is now out as the man behind the mosque and he is being replaced with a local man in charge of a lower manhattan mosque. there could be controversy regarding the prior relationship with this developer and the imam, but, also, some controversy about this new image who now is behind the project. >>alisyn: he is imam born in washington, dc. he is, he has an architecture degree from pratt institute. and the site has already basically been operating as a mosque for the better part of a year because they have been holding prayer services and he has been a ghost lecturer. and one thing i thought you would fine interesting, clayton, he hates social media. he believes it promotes arrogance and irreverence. and he does not, he does not use social media. you may not be going to the services. >>clayton: i don't think so. what i found interesting a reason they are saying, of course, that the imam is going on the world tour right now, but that is what they are saying, going out there on the speaking tour, and there was a lot of disagreement between him and the developer of the ground zero mosque. they disagreed on a host of issues and this could be the real story behind the reason why he is out. they disagreed on the size of the project. on the commercial or noncommercial character according to the "new york times" and whether it would be primarily a place nor muslims or people of many places. they had major disagreements. dave taste rauf could be the best slot for raising the $300 million and his wife has spoken out in favor of the mosque and raising the money but red flags have been raised of the new man in charge, the new image has a link behind a coconspirator in the 1993 world trade center bombing. we have not fully investigationed this, according to the "new york post," a link. and that will be drummed up. allyally the question -- >>alisyn: does this peep the mosque will enmoved? no, this man owns the building, so you cannot move the building. so it seems like it is this. so, here are the headlines. a follow news alert, three american soldiers have been killed in separate incidents in iraq. no further details are release right now. we will follow any new developments and bring them to you as soon as they come in. also, a massive search is on in new jersey for the 19-year-old man who killed a lakewood police officer. a suspect is responsibility foreclose range execution-style killing during a routine police stop. the officer was still in his patrol car weapon he was shot in the head. he worked for the department since 2006 and was engaged to be married. >> $53 million a mile? a total of $1 billion cost to taxpayers? and now homeland security is saying goodbye to the virtual fence on the u.s. and mexico border, with the plug pulled by janet napolitano after glitches and money draining delays. the fence is supposed to protect the border by a network of security cameras and sensors but homeland security is reviewing alternatives including a system of drones and towers in certain areas. and claims by ron reagan that his father was suffering from the beginning stages of am hirple while still -- alzheimers was bewildered during the 1984 presidential debate and had trouble remaining familiar place names and doctors insist they saw no evidence. he was diagnosed in 1994 and died in 2004. >>clayton: and he came back in the next debate and wiped the near with mondale, very specific and talked about his age and used that to his advantage, and that was the moment when many people believe he won the row election. >>dave: michael reagan says this is bogus and knows that know him say there was too much in his head in the debate. and we have that problem on this show each day. >>clayton: we will get to the heart of it and now a look at the forecast. >> such a rough week of weather across the southeast with record-breaking snow and cold temperatures all wedge -- week, and the snow will melt, the ice will melt, and everyone will be getting back to normal. and the next storm will be all rain across the southeast, not looking for a big snowstorm or issues storm. this is a look at ray --ry dollar and flurries along the coast this afternoon. and this is the next storm across the southeast, we will talk about that by monday and tuesday. for a lot of the east coast. back to you. >> your favorite beatles song? >> think about it. and get back to us. coming up, parents in a town are forced to attend mandatory meetings? otherwise, their kids get punished. two parents from the district join us next with different takes on the issue. >> man caught on surveillance video creating a scare when he pulls out a gun. >> here is what dave is talking about, they discovered beatles songs for 30 years, the 1964 tribute. >>alisyn: a high school in massachusetts causing controversy by forcing parents to attend a meeting on drug and alcohol abuse. the school says attend the event or your child will be punished. and now, a parent is outraged and another parent in the community, her daughter is not if high school yet, but as a board member she understands the school's motives. good morning, ladies. >> good morning. judith, you are outraged about the mandatory meeting. why? >>guest: you would be outraged, too, if you heard what the meeting was. here is what the invitation to the mandatory meeting was. in little less than one week's notice 800 parents of high school students in massachusetts were ordered to attend a dinner time meeting in the winter in january with our kids and we were told if we did not come our children would not be allowed to participate in activities including sports, band, the senior prom, high school graduation and could affect their attendance at national honor society meeting. >>alisyn: that sounds quite a threat. i hear what you are saying and that cuts into your family time but the subject matter does sound important. and it sound as though the high school has a problem with drugs and alcohol. how did you see this meeting? >>guest: i saw it as a desperate plea by the school to get the parents involved. i think that they wanted to get this information to the pains and they stated it was important and if it was in the mandatory they could not get the people to come to a meeting from past experience. people are busy but this was an informational meeting that had to happen. >>alisyn: let me tell you what the principal says about why this is a mandatory meeting and how urgent this problem is. do i agree with the mandatory? yes. i do. one of the kids, when the mandatory piece came up, said it best: we have to go to a mandatory meeting with our parents to get our life in order and this is a big deal. >> he says that 6 a percent of the school students have used alcohol, and some have alcohol problems and some have drug problems and time to do something rash. >>guest: well, he is trying to create a crisis. he is if you in town. and he is trying to get a crisis going so he can put through a policy that the town is rejecting and the fact is he is acting like a bully and threatening our kids. >>alisyn: karen, your response? that he is acting like a bully? >>guest: it is unfortunate, actually, that this controversy had to arise. if the parents had understood the importance of it and gone to the meeting instead of causing this problem, it would have been a better exam for -- example for our kids. it is important and the parents should go to the meeting but we have been a bad role model for our children and if we are going to tell children that drugs and alcohol are an issue and we are going to tell them that school is important as parents we should go to the meeting. >> thank you for coming in to talk about this. i appreciate it, thank you forgetting your point across and we will keep an eye on what happens. >> getting a loan in the tight economy is nearly impossible for many people. so, now, you have an alternative: how you can skip the bank and get the money you need at a great rate. we will explain. and from checked bags to inflight meals airlines are charging extra fees but this year you could see even more. why you may soon pay just to check in to book online or to bring your child. what's going on? we ordered a gift online and we really need to do something with it... i'm just noture what... what is it? oh just return it. returning gifts is easier than ever with priority mail ft rate boxesfrom the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus i can pick it up for free. perfect because we have to get that outta this house. c'mon, it's not that... gahh, oh yeah that's gotta go... priority mail flat rate shipping only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship and return. >>alisyn: and now, 4.8 billion is how much profit j.p. morgan made in the 4th quarter, a 47 percent jump from the previous quarter. and next, $200 million is how much arnold schwarzenegger says he lost from not making moves while he was governor of california. but he says his time in office was "more than worth it." and, finally, $500 is how much money an america can spend to nonfamily members in cuba, part of a new policy from the white house that lets cuban americans visit cuba as often as they would like. and now over to you. >>clayton: get ready to shell out extra cash the next time you fly in addition to the cash you are already paying. >>dave: the new charges you could see at the airport. and now, if you want news by the numbers, $2.1 billion in fees were made bit airline, in fees, in a quarter. you breakdown fees we might see this year because they do not make enough on fees. >>guest: the profits are on fees so we will see more. one is, for example, an infant seat. lap children fly free but they charge 10 percent for international flights and people do not know that, they have to pay 10 percent so we could see that for infants flying, lap children. >>dave: that would not surprise me. >>clayton: you point out interestingly that they make the money and fees because the price of oil is going up and they have to make the profit some where. we have in person check in fee. what is that? >>guest: in europe ryan air is a big european airline and they charge if you show up at the airport without a boarding pass, you have to get your pass before you leave home. so, the airlines charge if you taught to a human being they could charge if you actually need to talk to a human being at the airport when you check in. >>dave: an extra $5 and the argument behind charging bags for airlines is it costs them more in fuel so in order to compensate for that, you suggest they could actually break it down per pound that your bag weighs or per mile you travel. describe that. >>guest: like we get our favorite tv shows from europe, from england we get the fees and that is what they do in europe. they charge after the first 20 pounds they charge per pound. >>clayton: and paying by credit card, everyone pays by credit card. we could see a fee for that. how are we supposed to pay? >>guest: in europe, major airlines, small airlines, charge to use a credit card, up to five pounds. >>dave: so they are maying a ton of money on the fees. will we see more fees or are we all set for the time being? >>guest: the airlines will drill up if you fees. continental has a fair lock in fee if you see a low fair you get three to seven days to lock in the fare, a seat and a fare so check with your wife, girlfriend or boyfriend, so that is another type of fee that we may see. it is between, depending on the route, it could be $39 for a flight. to hold a fare. >>clayton: george, thank you from >>dave: and the start of a payroll tax holiday and how it affects your wallet. >> biggest advances in defense technology that can diffuse a bomb. stay tuned. what super fruit is taking america by storm? sunsweet ones. prunes? they're a delicious source of nutrients. wow! it's packaged by itself... that's fantastic! that is so juicy. this is delicious. sunsweet ones. over 400 million enjoyed, and counting. and get this yearolors up on the wall...this year. let's get better prices... and better paint. let's break out the drop cloths, rollers, brushes, and tape. let's art small. then go big. no matter what the budget. and when we're done, let's take a bow. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we've made a special buy on glidden paint -- stting at just $12.97, for just four days. i knew for years before i quit that i needed to quit and went online to find a wa ♪ what really excited me about chantix -- it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. while you're taking the medication, for the first week, you can go ahead and smoke. 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[ gnome ] it's go time. >>clayton: welcome back to "fox and friends". here is the shot of the morning with packages for you, the bobcats are owned by michael jordan but a fan was channeling another m.j., michael jackson lover won the competition for best dancer. is he really dancing that fast? >>clayton: he had a couple of red bulls. >>alisyn: he is incredible. >>clayton: imagine doing that in front of thousands of people. >>alisyn: not even in my living room. >>clayton: amazing. that was better than the basketball game. because i have microsoft connect and dance central, a year from now that will be me. all the practice. >> that will not be pretty. here are the headlines, because there is something new right now, self inmates escaping from a tunisia prison during a deadly fire this morning in a resort town. the fire is part of the violent unrest gripping the country for weeks. protesters in the capital force the country's president to flee the country and give up his 23 year authoritiarian rule, the first coup in the arab world. a marine is dead after a freak accident in california. he was trapped inside an assault vehicle for two hours after the vehicle sank to the bottom of a harbor during a routine training exercise. search-and-rescue crews pumped oxygen into the vehicle but it was too late. the name of the fall enmarine is not released and five others were inside the vehicle when it sank. they escaped. with no injuries. the treasury department praising the start of a temporary payroll tax holiday to cut taxes for worker by $110 billion part of a bipartisan tax legislation signed last year that will lower social security taxes by an average of $700 so married couples with combined income of $250,000 could see taxes slashed by $4,200 this year. a big scare at the broward county courthouse in florida. check out this surveillance video, a well dressed man walks through the exit door of the building with a hidden gun skipping the security check point. he slipped in as someone else was going out, and a deputy manning the front desk recognized him, a weaponty would dealt with him before, and during a previous arrest about six months ago. >> police say after entering the 59-year-old man ran through the lobby pointing the gun at himself and they were able to get him to put the weapon away and arrested him. >> the new cast of a show has been announced, and busey and star jones and meat loaf top the cast. >>clayton: i didn't think it was possible to top the last cast. >>alisyn: joining them is david cassidy. get out of here! we just saw him on the show last hour. and real house wives of atlanta, mimi, and wrapper little john, and original survivor winner, richard hatch, and sugar ray frontman and john rich. >>clayton: can't wait to watch meat loaf dance. >>dave: and days after winning the national camship, a second star is leaving the school, and nick is declaring for the nfl draft, the tackle and lombardi award winner is projected by some to be the top overall pick since andrew went back-to-school. he joins newton who left auburn to the first national title since 1957. and fired michigan coach has a parting give for wolverines fan donating the entire stash of wolverine gear including shirts, jackets and hats to the salvation army. the 432 size extra large items will be sold at salvation army store. and pittsburgh serials are not playing the seahawks but that is not stopping a seattle rare school from sending a student home for wearing a steelers jersey. that is what the school did. to the boy would wore the steel ers jersey on seahawks appreciation day. players reached out to the student and offered to send him good morning graphed dear for showing his team spirit. he take on the ravens at 4:30 today and the seahawks play the pairs at 1:00 o'clock eastern tomorrow. >> he was sending a message. >> and now outside for a check of weather. it should be nice for football. >> snow in pittsburgh. but, yes. that will do. not that bad. what you expect this time of year. very cold across the country. you can see the cold air across the far northern tier when you get the pinks those are temperatures below zero so very cold there. and still cold this morning across the southeast but you will warm up and continue to see the snow and ice melt which is good news for those who had a rough week. and now a look at the radar, you can see the snow moving across the great lakes and that is moved around pittsburgh and across the coast of the northeast, and you see the rain toward texas, the next system well watch to the east which will cause more problems. across the west, things are dry, and southern california and los angeles today you will be in the lower 80's. absolutely spectacular. and all of the rain now moving across the pacific northwest and because of that, all kinds of flooding concerns. flood advisories posted from coastal areas of oregon and around areas of washington, as well, and understood warnings, scattered to there and the rivers will rise certainly above flood levels and we have a threat for avalanche danger. and take a look at the storm we expect for tuesday, it will be rain this time across the southeast, not snow, and ice across the coastal areas and snow across the interior section. guys? >>dave: i asked about a beatfuls song, think about it. it has been 50 years sin the beatful -- beatles stormed the shores, and now the nest best thing, john, paul, george and ring go are here with us right now. great to have you guys. good morning. so you are playing carnegie hall. >> we are? >> shortly, anyway. >> you have done it before? >> how is it different playing in the states opposed to playing abroad, back at home in london? >> beatles are everywhere. this unites everyone. everyone knows the words and everyone loves the music. >> pale, it is not just the music you are trying to bring obviously mannerisms and character. >> yes. >>dave: how important is the attention to detail? >>guest: not important at all, actually. it is key. key. a visual experience as well as the music. >>alisyn: you use the same guitars the beatles used. >>guest: yes. these are theirs, actually. we stole them. >>alisyn: and you have the same boots? you chew gum on stage? >>guest: i do. i lost it this morning, though. >>dave: in two months the beatles will have had five million downloads. >>guest: after release the digitals. >>dave: what keeps them so were popular, and you so popular. >>guest: the music united everyone. but children, teenagers, parents, grandparents, all of them love the music. >>alisyn: we do, too, and we want to hear some. what will you play? >>guest: "she loves you." ♪ she loves you yeah, yeah, yea ♪ ♪ she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ you think you lost your love but i saw her yesterday ♪ ♪ it was you she was thinking of and she told me what to say, she said she loves you ♪ ♪ and you know that can't be ba ♪ ♪ she loves you and you know you should be glad ♪ ♪ she says you hurt her so ♪ she almost lost her mind ♪ and now she says she knows you are not the hurting kind ♪ ♪ she says she loves you ♪ and that can't be bad ♪ she loves you ♪ and you know you should be glad ♪ ♪ she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, with a love like that you know you should be glad ♪ ♪ you know it's up to you ♪ i think it's only fair ♪ like i heard you, too, apologize to her ♪ ♪ because she loves you ♪ and you know that can't be ba ♪ ♪ she loves you and you know you should be glad ♪ ♪ she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ with a love like that, you know you should be glad ♪ ♪ with a love like that, you know you should be glad ♪ with a love like that, you know you should be glad ♪ >>dave: 1964 the tribute at carnegie hall. >>alisyn: check out our website so you can see the 1964 tribute. >>dave: and now another beatles fan, clayton? >>clayton: you guys sound fantastic. coming up on the show, congresswoman giffords continuing to astound doctors with the recovery this morning. and what could be another medical milestone with details about that next hour. ♪ will shake it up baby, shake it up ♪ ♪ twist and shout ♪ come on, come on, come on baby, now, come on and work it on out ♪ ♪ work it out ♪ work it out ♪ you know you look so good ♪ you know you got me going ♪ just like i knew you would ♪ shake it up, baby, now, shake ♪ shake it up, baby, now, shake it up baby ♪ pumpkin pie! gingerbread men! egg nog! [ female announcer ] grab a box of multigrain cheerios. get a code to... ...a 7 day plan to get going on that new years weight loss. get the box. get the code. get started! hey smart, nope. you book yousee, hotels.comloss. has over 20,000 last minute deals every week. so i get a great deal, no matter how long i wait. yeah... i'm not very good at waiting... then we must train you to wait. [ bird squawks ] ♪ [ both scream ] it is time to book, grasshopper. [ male announcer ] now, it's ok to wait. get great deals. even at the last minute. be smart. book smart. >>dave: and bank of america says that their online banking system is running after not being available for yesterday. the bank says the problem with the routine systems change caused the problem. and the f.a.a. investigating a small plane crash in connecticut. a father and son flying the plane had to make an emergency landing in a backyard. police say the snow on the ground did help slow the plane and help the crash. no one was hurt. clayton? >>clayton: getting loans from the bank can be stressful. trust me. and right now, many people are having a tough time getting approved for a loan but there is an alternative. pier to pier lending links up someone would wants to invest with borrowers looking for low interest loans. we have two who used site, a woman borrowed money to open a motorcycle repair shot and michael joins the site to be a lender and is one of nancy's lenders in her motor shop. nancy, paint us a picture, how difficult was it to try to get a loan to open your small business? and i want to show our viewers what your shop looked like best loan. tell us about this. >>guest: thank you, clayton. well, banks are not lending to start ups, much less these days because of the tight lending practices. so i researched some peer to peer lending sites and i found lending club and and found lending club was easy to use and it was, i was able to post my request and have a lot of investors part of the club review my loan. clarify clarify michael, it is interesting because you became one of the lenders. and you are lending to small businesses and cutting out the banks. >>guest: correct. >>clayton: why to you decide to become a lender to help small businesses? >>guest: i was looking for a retirement vehicle with the volatility of the stock market the lending club was appealing to me in addition to the fact i was able to invest in individual business versus, you know, a larger corporation like on wall street. so, it was just a natural fit and i enjoyed doing. >>clayton: a fear from the banks is we could never get our pun back and maybe the business goes belly up. are you feelful? >>guest: well, lending club points out that obviously there is the risk of default but you get to review the credit profile and the christmas of the person that you are lending to in advance so it, nancy's profile was certainly very appealing to me. so i thought her concept who did well in san francisco. >>clayton: we showed viewers a picture of the motorcycle shop before and now that you have the money in place she us. >>guest: now with the money in place i am able to buy the renovation equipment and i was able to buy the equipment for the shop, the lift stations and tire machines, and right now we are painting, we are breaking down some walls, and putting in some doors, and we are getting it ready for march opening. >>clayton: michael is this right for everyone? >>guest: i think it's a direction that we need to go obviously in this economy when the banks are not lending and it is great for individuals to be able to lend to other businesses through a system like lending club. >>clayton: interesting. thrilled to have you guys on and hopefully this can be help to viewers this morning. michael and nancy we appreciate you joining. nancy, good luck. >>guest: thank you. >>clayton: a new man in charge of the republican national convention. is priebus the right man to replace michael steele? a live report at the top of the hour. and there is a huge development in the field of defense technology that can help our military and this robot arm works to save our troops. can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? >>alisyn: and one of the latest advances in defense technology designed to diffuse bombs. it is shaped like a human hand. it has fear human strength and speed. this is the new mark one robot arm. and we have the brains behind the technology, dr. tom van buren, the chief operating officer. tell us about lefty. >>guest: he has the revolutionary robot arm which you can see is looking similar to a human arm. he is missing a couple of fingers but he has movement like a human arm, and he can lift the same weight a human arm can lift and the arm is compact. and lightweight. >>alisyn: the fingers look like a human hand. i can shape his hand. my gosh. that is strong. >>guest: these fingers were derived from a revolutionary army developed for the johns hopkins physic laboratory. >>alisyn: show us the human things that lefty can do. >>guest: lefty can use many of same tools a human hand can use. you can see here he is going to use a power drill. >>alisyn: someone is operating lefty remotely and he holds the drill. >>guest: the drill is operated and don will hold a piece of wood and lefty will see if he can drill a hole in the 2' by 4'. >>alisyn: that is cool and what is significant is in terms of diffusing i.e.d.'s on the battlefield. >>guest: if there is a suspicious package like this backpack, lefty may want to inspect that and he can take a device that he can disrupt, and what he does right here is he will go downrange to e.o.d. tech who is operating him and inspect the package, and see if there is anything suspicious about it and you can see as he opens this one up and looks inside there is what looks to be an explosive device. this is a training device. but then he will take the gray bottle, a water disrupter, and place that on the suspicious device and lefty can go to safety and the e.o.d. technician can set that up and no human was in harm's way. allegation -- >>alisyn: how soon before it is in the battlefield in, say, afghanistan? >>guest: in 12 to 18 months it will be available for military and law enforcement use. >>alisyn: wonderful. if you want to learn more you can go to the website. >>guest: there are more videos at our youtube site. >>alisyn: thank you very much for come manage and showing us this great technology. thank you, lefty. >>dave: coming up, states facing crippling debt spending money they did not have and who will pay for it? taxpayers, of course. the critical areas cut to pay the debts and how they will affect your wallet. wake up the kids because the entertain jack hannah is here. nice to see you, jack, in a few minutes, you want to hold the penguin? well, it bites. ♪ ♪ you look like an angel ♪ look like an angel [ laughs ] ♪ walk like an angel ♪ walk like an angel ♪ talk like an angel [ male announcer ] we put it through over 5,000 quality tests... so it'll stand up to just about anything. the nissan altima. innovation that lasts. innovation for all. now get 0% apr or a $199 per month lease. ♪ >>alisyn: it is saturday, january 15th. chilling new video of the alleged tucson shooter with a look into the mind of jared loughner. we will show you this new video. >>dave: g.o.p. michael steele rnc chairman not getting a second term as head of the rnc. he has been defeated. find out who is replacing him. and his plans for the party. >>clayton: and the debate over raisings the federal debt ceiling. republicans, a few republicans are holding back from raising it, and could this give the g.o.p. a bargaining trip? "fox and friends" continues, right now. >>alisyn: good morning, everyone. we are going from the beatles and penguins and other wild animals. quite a show. >>clayton: never know what you will find in the "fox and friends" holloways, there are ping wins and there is a lemur out there. no, that is just a floor crew. dave. sorry. we have a lot coming up so stick and and you will want to see jack hanna. >>alisyn: congresswoman gabrielle giffords is defying all of the odds, the doctors say they could remove her feeding tube by today. and they say it is another major step in her stunning recovery. >> we know what is at risk but the point i want to make is a full recovery, or a functional recovery is still very much possible. >>dave: it is reported she can track with her eyes and move both her arms and legs. great news. doctors say they are now keeping an eye out for blood clots. and a funeral was held for her close friend federal judge john roll visiting her at the congress on the corner event when the rampage took place. arizona governor and senator john mccain attended the funeral. and former vice president quayle was there delivering a land hand written message from former president george bush. >>alisyn: new evidence why jared loughner was suspended from pima community college and we are about do show you this video if you wondered what someone looks like as they act like they are mentally ill, you are about to see it. he talks nonsense and the paranoid ranting is starting. take a listen. >> we are examining the torture of students. we are looking at student whose have been tore too -- tortureed. their low-income pay, this two wars and i am in a terrible place. it is the school i go to. this is pima community college. one of the biggest scams in america. all teachers that you have are being paid illegally. and have illegal authority over the constitution of the united states under the first amendment. this is genocide in america. >>clayton: and this does not make any sense. if you try to make sense of anything he is saying it is not making sense and he talks about the kids at the school are ill literal and things that do not matchup but this was in the fall of the year so this was a few months before this happened and all of this unfolded. >>dave: when it was posted he did not say hi name or enter it as his but security officials saw it online and recognized that voice from an incident they had with loughner at school when he was removed from class. association when they recognized the voice, and her the rambling and they said this is a student we have to remove and he was suspended and they toll the pains about him and the video and he was saying that he will not forget the teacher that gave him a b. >>clayton: he yells at a random teacher would comes out of the building and he thinks that is the teacher who gave him a "b." and he yells i will never forget you, you gave me a "b." and you gave me a "b," for freedom of speech. >>alisyn: this is a window into what the fellow students and professors were experiencing. he was aggressive. menacing. and challenged the teacher. when she had an answer, for instance, that the answer was "sick," and he said no, he said no, how dare you. why are you lying? an incredible piece of evidence and you can see why people were worried and why they alerted campus security. >>clayton: and overnight news in washington, hello to wisconsin's priebus who is now the 38-year-old face of the republican party. there he is. he defeated michael steele for the chairman post of the rnc. and now live in washington, dc, with the details on the new chairman. peter? >>reporter: that is right, priebus actually had a hand in previously helping michael steele become rnc chairman but, yesterday, in baltimore, after seven ballots and four hours of voting, priebus unseated steele to become at 38 years old the youngest national g.o.p. chairman since lee atwater in 1988. he was born and raised in wisconsin where as a state republican chairman he unseated democratic senator feingold and picked up the governor's mansion and two house seats in what is a very blue state. and he says that if the republican party is going to beat obama in 2012 first they need to balance their checkbook and then they need to raise $400 million in the next two years. >> obviously we are probably going to be looking at $20 million in debt. and we have a lot of work to do. we have to get our financial team to together around the country. our finance chairman around the country i will get to work on that tonight. in reaching out to major donors and getting them on board and putting the party on their shoulders to have the money and the resources and the people we need to rebuild the rnc. >> he touched on the rift in the party between the establishment and some more conservative members and he said not to worry, everyone is on the same page and that the g.o.p. is part of the conservative movement, not in competition with it. so, he is trying to down play drama during the term right from the start and that is what he campaigned on saying with him there is less drama, more hard work, more results, and morphocuss on winning. back to you in new york. >>clayton: now the story i am excited about. state of the union address, usually you see the left, the republicans on one side, democrats sitting on another, they stand up and applause, and it is always a rift and now there is a movement, senator tom udall from your home state. >>dave: from colorado. >>clayton: has a bill that has everyone sitting arm and arm, democrats fix to republicans, and independents mixed in so we do not get the up and down party line rift during the state of the union address. >>alisyn: cats living with dogs. it is uncomfortable when one side cheers and the other side sitting on their hands, and now i predict it will be more uncomfortable. right next to each other. so i am up cheering, yeah, yeah, yeah. and here is what robert gibbs had to say: maybe not having a physical aisle would be a good thing as we talk about the state of our union and this has john mccain supporting it and senator lieberman, and chuck schumer supporting there and i say it is fantastic. >> not many republicans in the house of representatives have sign on and we will get a look at those supporting here. these are all supporters. democrats, all. >> and here are the republican senators, murkowski, john paul stevens, snowe and senator collins. and house of representatives members in support, but we do not see house of representatives republicans, including murphy from texas signaling he would support and for house republicans have followed suit. i think it is a great idea being together but it is the confusion of standing up, sitting down, maybe not the whole state of the union speech. >>alisyn: maybe it would temper the dour mood. >>guest: you are not likely to grand stand. i will stand and you it is. and it may cut the state of the union in half by time. think about it. the lack of standing up and down. >>dave: january 25, we will see. >>clayton: let us know what you think about it by e-mailing us, do you like the new way to address the state of the union. >>alisyn: three american soldiers have been killed for the deadliest day in iraq, with two victims killed when iraqi soldiers opened fire during a training exercise. and new jersey police continue their hunt this morning for the teen they believe is responsible for murdering a 27-year-old police officer. this is who they are look for, a 19-year-old man who shot the officer in the head during a routine stop. he did not get out of the car when the three deadly rounds were fired. it cost taxpayers $1 billion but the government has pulled the plug on the virtual border fence that was supposed to stop illegal immigrants from entering is the u.s., the project was hampered by years of delays. the department of homeland security says it is reviewing alternates including putting towers and drones on the border. and former florida give bush weighing in on everything from education to the current political climate and plans for the future. >> are you willing to say that you will not be a candidate? in twelve it will for the presidency? >>guest: i will once again say i am not going to be a candidate in 2012. >>alisyn: you can catch the full interview with bush at 10:00 eastern. >>clayton: you make that statement you can count on it. he will not be running. >>dave: maybe that is 2016 buzz for president. one football team outside and that is in pittsburgh? >> with snow flurries, just like. no big problem. and a game if atlanta is inside. but warmer across the areas to the south where is great after the brutal week with all of the snow and ice, it is melting and getting back to formal and well stay in this temperature range for the next few days which is great news for so many people. and now the current temperatures, the cold air across the far northwest and that is cold air that is going to be flirting with areas around the great lakes and toward the northeast for the week, and we could deal with coldest air so far this year. this is a system moving across the great lakes around the great lakes with enhancement of the snow and people, maybe 1" to 2" and maybe a few areas with up to 4" and the next area is in next with rain shower, developing across the south for tomorrow, monday, and tuesday, and it will not be snow, but temperatures will be too warm so that will be welcome news for everyone across the south. in the pacific northwest, heavy rain, and you can see the moisture continuing again to come from the tropics, toward hawaii area and we are seeing all that rain now across oregon and toward washington, and by the time we get toward 48 hours from now some areas will see 5" to 6" of rain with some overnight, and back across the cascades so expect to see a lot more rain and snow across the higher elevations, cold across the northern plains and that is it, nice across the southwest, and los angeles is 76 on the beach and 61 downtown. back to you, guys. >>alisyn: democrats plan to raise the debt ceiling but republicans do not want to do it without an ultimatum. at what price should it be raised? >>clayton: and jack hanna is in the studio, and wait until you see the animals he has. that is a lemur. naturally colorful vegetables are often a good source of vitamins, fiber, or minerals. and who brings you more natural colors than campbell's condensed soups? campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ this way, everyone will know about all our great discounts. safe driver, online, homeowner's -- more discounts than ever before. and they still get great service. ♪ ow! [ disco music plays ] ♪ whoa, yeah is it just me, or is it getting funky in here, huh? get your groove on, y'all! catch you on the flip side! i'd tell him the sign's not finished, but it would just break his funky little heart. more discounts, more ways to save. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >>dave: a look at the frightening national debt clock closer and closer to the caps as democrats and republicans debate what to do of the debt ceiling. republicans say they will not raise the debt limit without provisions. so is it time for ultimatum? and policy advisor and democratic strategist. good morning, both of you. this is seems like a no brainer, we have to race the ceiling. why do we have the debt ceiling? it has been raised 80 times in 70 years. why have it? >>guest: that is a good question. why, i can't say at this point because it keeps getting raised. my concern is if we do not make the hard choices this time we will continue to raise it and have to do it another year. so that is why we have to do the right thing right now and make the tough closes and as we raise the debt ceiling, cut spending, finally, so we can get our fiscal and monetary affairs in order. >>dave: that is what the republicans would like, to raise the debt ceiling and hold it to spending limits in the major cuts. is that the right path? >>guest: under normal circumstances, absolutely. but as we are still in the recession, i don't necessarily think that can youing spending right now would do anything other than deflate the economy. we need to stipulate the economy. spending is the best way to do it, unfortunately, and i am a deficit hawk under good times but we are suffering through the worst recession sin the great depression and now is not time to work about the cuts. >>dave: if they cut $100 billion from the budget it only extends this a couple of wees so it would hardly make a dent so as we go failure do the republicans have much room for bargains? do they have much power in this case because democrats and republicans alike know we have no choice. so what can they hole out for? >>guest: well, the fact we have no choice means we have to do what is right politically and in terms of policy, and not make a big deal out of this but do what it takes to avoid not just defaulting on our national debt and the payments that are due to our creditors but, also, to avoid a sovereign debt crisis for the world's largest economy. >>dave: julie a poll out this week said 71 percent oppose raising the debt ceiling. how do you explain this to the american people in a way that makes sense that they have to do it. >>guest: they should look at that are dollar bill and see it is stocked by the full faith and credit of the united states of america and if we default, that full faith and credit of the united states of america is shattered. gone. their money is worth, frankly, not worth much because we are not backed by the dollar or by the sterling but backed by the full faith and credit of our country and if we defall the money will be worthless and that is something they should think about. >>dave: it is hard to ask that question without telling the conteses of not raising the debt ceiling. michael? >>guest: that is why we have to make the tough choices right now because we have creditors financing 40 cents on each dollar and they have to know we are serious about our fiscal affairs and we will make the tough choices. >>dave: tough choices are ahead. coming up, you know that feeling when you first fall in love? a study says that some married couples can keep the flame going for decades and there is science behind the true love. and shocking claims that former president ronald reagan shows signs of alzheimers while in the oval office. stay tuned. 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>>guest: not yet but she will get tremendous retraining of the brain and the early signs are unbelievable. they are talking about taking the breathing tube out so she is breathing on her own. she keep them on the ventilator a few days. it sounds like they are ready to take her off the ventilator and see if she can talk. more exciting news in the next few days to see if she answers questions. >>clayton: we have heard from her husband tweeting about their love and the outpouring of support and they have had a loving and long term relationship and we hear a study of love and the effect on your brain and it is amazing this store comes out, or the study comes out at this time. brain scans show that married love, long term relationships, can have an effect on our overall brain and you can be in love the way you first met. >>guest: after 20 years of marriage, i hope it applies to me and you and it exercises the point of congresswoman giffords because this part of the brain in the study is deep down in the brain. for her it was high up, the thinking centers, down here are brains we get from our animals, emotion, recognition, love, and this study show, now, only 17 people, but the 6th study that shows using m.r.i., and area of this brain lights up, the parts that dopamaine and the parts that call you to have emotion. the people that love each other, it lights up. >>dave: but if someone doesn't love each other, and it is a flat line? >>guest: exactly. they showed a photograph of your partner. you looked at the partner and if you were deeply in love the same circuits went one way as when you first met. but if it is someone you don't want to be with, those centers did not light up. >>clayton: like "all in the family," that was a flat line. thank you, doctor. and we will find out what is happening now. >>alisyn: big changes for the republican national committee. michael steele is out and the replacement, will he get the job done? we will ask governor huckabee. >>dave: a school bus driver accused of driving drunk with students on board and what cops found on her bus is more startle ing. >>alisyn: and it is wild here on "fox and friends" with jack hanna here so you know what that means. he brought a man-eating wildcat with him. that dave is petting. what's going on? we ordered a gift online and we really need to do something with it... i'm just noture what... what is it? oh just return it. returning gifts is easier than ever with priority mail ft rate boxesfrom the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus i can pick it up for free. perfect because we have to get that outta this house. c'mon, it's not that... gahh, oh yeah that's gotta go... priority mail flat rate shipping only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship and return. when my stomach couldn't wait 14 days for slow acting yogurt. plumsmart is clinically proven to help regulate your digestion with a unique blend of prebiotic fiber, magnesium and potassium. try clinically proven plumsmart and plumsmart light. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. host: could switching to geico realis a bird in the handre on worth 2 in the bush? appraiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect. appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, appraiser: conservatively it would be worth 2 in the bush. woman: really? appraiser: it's just beautiful, thank you so much for bringing it in. woman: unbelievable anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. >>alisyn: we have a lot coming up in the show. governor huckabee will join us and wild animals. >>clayton: governor huckabee could join us on the couple as he drives over on the back of an ocelot. >>alisyn: video from pakistan and gunmen have torched 14 tankers carrying fuel for troops in the southwest part of the country. one driver was injured. the tankers were parked at a restaurant when they were struck. frequent attacks have forced nato to add new routes to other countries including russian break aways. >> and a marine died in a freak training accident in california. the marine trapped inside an assault vehicle for two hours after the vehicle sank to the bought o the harbor. crews pumped objects general into the vehicle but it was not enough and the name of the fallen marine is not released. and five others were in the vehicle when it sank and they were rescued. teams in brazil are searching for survivors in the aftermath of the deadly floods. the death toll is at 540 but officials expect that number to go up as teams search devastated towns. more than 13,000 people are seeking shelter outside of rio de janeiro. and it is estimated that this is already several billion in damage. should women be allowed to serve on the front lines in war? a report by the military leadership mission says "yes." and members on the panel say it is time to create a level playing field for all qualified service member. but opponents question whether women have the necessary strength and stamina. they face the broadest restrictions in the army and marines. a school bus driver is busted in utah on suspicion of drunk driving after police say she failed a sobriety test. the woman got into a fight with another driver and cops were called. and they searched the bus and found a gun. >> that frightens me. i am amazed to hear that. i drive my daughter to school each day and she has not ridden the bus and now i probably will prohibit it. >> officials say she has been suspended from the job while an investigation is underway. troubling. >> frightening. and now, a check of weather. how is it? >> chilly. we have had so much snow this week we have people out here, now, from pennsylvania. how much snow do you have? >> a lot. >> connecticut? you got pummeled. >>guest: over two feet. and the radar shows temperatures with cold air six in maine and seven in minneapolis and 25 in new york, and radar shows we have snow, again, moving across parts of the great lakes and michigan that will move around cleveland and toward buffalo, and right around the great lakes with enhancement of the snow so some areas, maybe 4" or 5" but a dusting the snow and another storm brewing in the south with rain in texas, and over the next couple of days this will develop into a bigger storm, and similar to the last one, but it will be a warmer storm so we will talk about rain and not snow and ice across the south which will be good news, across the west we still have the steady stream of moisture pulling in, and this time further to the north, so areas of oregon and washington, tone, the heavy rain returns once geep and we will see significant flooding and in fact we have flood advisories in effect from around eugene all the way up the coast and flood warnings in effect around king county so people need to be very careful across the area. and move forward, we will talk about cold air mass moving in behind the next storm on tuesday, and rain on the south end on tuesday and we will see mixing of rain and ice around the coastal areas and changing to snow and interior sections will see heavy snow again and behind it, get ready for extreme cold blast with temperatures in the single digits and some below zero, the coldest air all week. but that is next week. >>alisyn: that sounds terrible! >>clayton: and now former governor of arkansas, mike huckabee is here. he was playing with the animals a while ago. and jack hanna is here. we will talk to you because there was news on a friday night as we watched what was going on with the rnc, the republican national committee trying to take a, pick a new chairman after michael steele saw the balloting process was not in his favor. but as it went on and on we have a new chairman. reince priebus says we need to raise $400 million as leader to compete with president obama. >>governor huckabee: i will write a check and send it today. that is an extraordinary amount of money but it will take that kind of money for the republican s to continue success in 2012 and president obama will have $1 billion in his campaign fund and people just cannot even begin to understand what a mountain that is to climb. >>dave: but the democrats lost the support on wall street. what do you want from the rnc chair? mile steele clearly was ever effective in the midterms and me raised a fairant money but had a lot of -- a fair amount of money but had a lot of public gaffes. >>governor huckabee: the chairman needs to be a good public faith and articulate but the focus of the chairman needs to be given attention to the candidates and the petroleum who will run. and, to spend most of his or her time working on raising money. in the interest of full disclosure i supported wagner because what i hoped for as a chairman and maybe we will get this out of priebus he has been a state charm and i appear hopeful that the purpose of the rnc is not to bring all the power of the states to the central rnc but to take the rnc and get the states to get people elected to the most local level. state chairman understand that. >>dave: can he do that? >>governor huckabee: i like michael. he is a friend and he did many things he was not given credit. but there were so many controversies and issues with the money that he could not win. and left the debt $20 million in debt. >>alisyn: but, governor, your take on the next beg story looking to see what happened inside the beltway. is it the dawn of a new era? is it possible for the rhetoric that is so popular in washington and beyond to go away and there be more bipartisanship? and here is the press secretary talking about this. >> we not remove disagreement from our democracy. we should not. that is, what is the underpinning of the notion of ourself government. but the tone and the approach that we take if those debates is what we all hope changes because of ... because of both the events of the past few days. >>governor huckabee: it can but it won't. we go through this each time there is a national tragedy or something that brings us together, whether it is 9/11 or assassination of president kennedy, there always are the moments and i do not noon to be cynical but honest, politics inflames to people their highest level of passion. and so when someone is challenging them they rise with the equal level of vigor. it is just who we are. it has been going on since we have always been a culture and a society and it is wonderful to talk about it. i would love to see us achieve it but the honest reality is we will have a period where we will slowly evolve back into the rancor we have seen the past year. >>clayton: a new book written by ronald reagan jr. about his father and about his presidency, and we will have him explain it. here is ronald reagan jr. saying his father had alzheimers while in office. take a listen. >>guest: there was something that was off and i could not put my finger on it. not like, my gosh, he doesn't remember he is president, it was just, i had an idea there might be something going on. his other brother, michael, said this is bogus, and that is shameful and there was no sign of alzheimer'ss. here is what michael says. ron was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he is an embarrassment to the father. what do you make of this? >>governor huckabee: i will leave the family stuff to the family but president reagan showed signs of being absolute in command during the second term and if anyone heard the speeches or talked to those who worked with him. and my campaign chairman was rollins and he ran the 1984 campaign and if this were the case a person with ronald reagan each day virtually never saw anything like that and many other people, my other advisers in the reagan white house, i tell you talking to these folks who saw him and interacted with him, they did not see these sorts of signs in 1984. >> and he was not a young man. >>governor huckabee: i am not as old as he and my ears slip. i cannot remember what a person's name or the band's name that recorded that song. even you have those moments. >>alisyn: i cannot imagine what you are talking about. stick and because next, governor, we will talk about how illinois has approved a huge tax hike, one way that states are dealing with budget problems. we will talk to you about that. hey smart, you book your room yet? nope. see, has over 20,000 last minute deals every week. so i get a great deal, no matter how long i wait. yeah... i'm not very good at waiting... then we must train you to wait. [ bird squawks ] ♪ [ both scream ] it is time to book, grasshopper. [ male announcer ] now, it's ok to wait. get great deals. even at the last minute. be smart. book smart. >>dave: the top stories "for your health," a study says that third hand cigarette smoke, the residue left on furniture and walls and carpeting can linger and be inhaled months later. and housework can be bad for the heart. that is why i don't do it. chores like cleaning and cooking could cause your blood pressure to skyrocket. >>alisyn: that is why i stay on the sofa. >>dave: and eating fruits and vegetables is the best way to achieve a healthy golden glow. more information on the stories at "fox and friends" by clicking on "for your health." >>clayton: the states on the edge of financial disaster, illinois is doing some, raising taxes 66 percent. could your state be next? back with governor huckabee this morning. >>governor huckabee: the states will be home raging and i said many months ago whatever problems a federal government has it will catch up with the states 12 to 18 months later. that is how the cycle works. states are in real trouble for several things: the state budgets are three things: educate, mode indicate and incarcerate. educate, medicate and prison. uncontrollable aspects of the budget. and unfunded mandates like unemployment insurance, and obamacare, with a huge cost, based on expanding medicaid and you will see revenues down. expenses up. no one can deal with it. and states are saying they will raise taxes. >>alisyn: or doing massive budget cuts. what else can they do? >>guest: that is all they can do. the states have to do something the federal government does not, ball the budgets. governors are not saying we will borrow and go and print money. you have to balance the budget cutting is the first thing that has to be done. but there will be states that cannot cut enough. an example, my state, 91 percent of the general revenue is in the three things i mentioned: education, medicaid and prisons. everything else is in final 9 percent. you cannot cut everything out. >>dave: and the state of wisconsin is catering to the folks in illinois saying come to our state, business and small businesses, big corporations, come to our state and you will pay less in taxes and it could backfire. >>clayton: music. you had a chance to play with a band, playing with a band i love. >>governor huckabee: it was a jam at the show in california this week, and we got to hang out with bernie williams and a yankee ballplayer and guitar player extraordinaire and a number of artists, an incredible 85,000 people show up to look at every musical instrument possible. this was cool. they cannot show when i made the moves on the stage. dave day or -- >>dave: or a mullet and leather pants. >>governor huckabee: tonight, we have a great story on grand punk radio and you will have a photograph of def leppard. >>alisyn: and a state is cutting their organ transplant program to save money and some are dying as a result. and a man who was removed from the list will join us. >>clayton: and jack hanna is here next and governor huckabee has a fear of snakes. come on over here. >>governor huckabee: no, no, no, i'm out of here. see you guys later. knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. >>alisyn: you will not believe what is going on in the studio and now, a few of our wild friends. >>clayton: see if you can spot the flaw in this shot? jack hanna is here and property some interesting animals. jack, nice to see you. >>alisyn: and now the lemur. >>guest: the females have liters, three to four animals, and they are hunted for a coat. and let me show you, hunted for a coat and they stopped that and there were 65 different species and now we down to 23. he is not scareed. he wants a banana. >>alisyn: should have recognized that. >>dave: all we have are bagels. >>guest:ing they are premonkey and preape. >>alisyn: why did you tell us not to step backwards? >>guest: everyone thinks it is the slowest moving mammal and it is, two tons at front, that is two stone sloth and the three toeed sloth is bigger and it only goes down to the ground one time a year, and that is to go to a bathroom and they have two sharp teeth and they can live their entire life in four or five trees and they slow because they spend 20 hours a day sleeping and the rest of the day eating leaves and bark. that is a sloth. allegation my kind of animal. >>guest: they breed upside down and have babies upside down. everything is upside down. everything but going to the bathroom. >>clayton: what is next? >>guest: this is gorgeous, a linx, virtually extinct in the wild, and lives at high at toos in siberia, and it looks similar to our bobcat but more of a roughness around the neck and it can eat small deer and a mammal three or four times its size. they would not eat a sloth. >>alisyn: a mammal three or four times its size, similar to the size of clayton? >>guest: yes. they were hunted for a coat, it is so sad, but there are very few left. >>dave: what is next? >>guest: they were hatched at the zoo. they mate for life. this is the blackfooted penguin from south africa. called the jack ass penguin and they bray like a donkey. why do you call them a blackfooted penguin? >>guest: they are just ready to get their colors. they eat fish and out of 15 or 17 species of penguin, only five live in the cold weather. these are from south africa. >>alisyn: and, jack, the python? >>dave: 25'. >>alisyn: is there a loose python in the studio? >>guest: under the couch. this is monty python. >>dave: my gosh. >>clayton: how long is this? >>guest: 34 feet long, albino and they rare 30 eggs, and they teeth or like fishhooks and when they bite it cannot let go the teeth freeze and it takes 30 miles per hours to let go and then swallow. >>clayton: jack, thank you. dave what is coming up on the show? >>dave: coming up on the show, a dad so annoyed by robo calls from the kids' school that he fires back. this is a school district parent calling to thank you for the robo call yesterday at 4:30 in the morning and i decided to return the favor. >>dave: he joins us live with what motivated the revenge. and the entrepreneurs are running million dollar businesses and balancing kids and a homelife at the same time. three mother entrepreneur billionaires saying it is all in a day's work. wow. it's really coming together. yep. this way, everyone will know about all our great discounts. safe driver, online, homeowner's -- more discounts than ever before. and they still get great service. ♪ ow! 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tucson shooting and video reloosed, that's coming up. >> dave: this is unbelievable, 86 teenagers, 86 pregnant at one high school in one year. details you have to hear to believe. >> clayton: wow, and a dad so outraged at a 4 a.m. robo call from his kids' school, he he he returns the favor with one of his own. the prince gorgeous academy. >> thank you for the robo call yesterday at 4:30 in the morning. i decided to return the favor. >> clayton: i like his robo call voice. >> alisyn: he sounds so polite. >> clayton: we talk to that dad later in the hour. >> dave: "fox & friends" continues right now. ♪ . >> dave: good morning, folks, nobody likes a robe o-call at 4:30 in the morning, they panic and jump out of bed we'll hear from the father coming up. >> alisyn: thank you this morning, democrats and republicans reporting on last we week's deadly shooting in tucson and the president talks about bipartisan cooperation as did arizona congressman in the g.o.p. response. >> before we are democrats or republicans, we are americans. >> while we a may not agree on everything, members of congress are bound together by a sacred oath supporting the constitution. >> alisyn: this as congresswoman gabrielle giffords continues to astound doctors with her recovery. alicia acuna outside in tucson with the latest, what is happening today. >> reporter: hi, well, it is possible that doctors could remove the breathing tube that gabrielle giffords is using at this time. that according to a report in the los angeles times, now, doctors say if that happens, they will be able to check how strong her voice is if she's able to talk and they've had it in there this long even though she is he' been able to breathe to avoid an infection or acquiring pneumonia and also, having her do a very intense physical therapy to try to get her to move her arms, move her legs and follow complex function. she is also being visited by family as well as close friends. in addition to some of the victims of the shooting on saturday. take a listen. >> mark and i walked over to her room and, i held her hand and she gave it a squeeze, and mark said in a loud voice, honey, pam is here, and it was so remarkable. she's a fighter and i truly believe she's going to be ba back. >> reporter: and pam simon, one of the victims of saturday's shooting was referring to mark kelly, gabby giffords's husband who tweeted thanks for all of the support. i had some great followers, gg has been improving each day. and last night at the safeway where all of this went down, a vigil was held, a small one, there were 31 employees inside the store at the time and they're going to return to work today. back to you guys. >> alisyn: alicia acuna, thank you so much for all of that news. >> clayton: let's talk about other bizarre developments in the jared loughner side of the story of of course, the madman that went on that shooting rampage. we now are getting our first glimpses of a youtube video that loughner posted as he walked around pima community college, rambling nonsensically, what was wrong with the college and what was going on with his life. and it was not made available by authorities, it is available now. you hear his voice as he is he' walking around the campus, listen. >> the torture of students. we are looking at students who have been tortured. their low income in two wars and i'm in a terrible place. it's the school i go to. this is the pima community college, one of the biggest scams in america. all the teachers that you have are illegally and a legal authority over the constitution of the united states, under the first amendment, this is genocide in america. >> clayton: you never see loughner on that video, but again, talking about the torture of students, at the genocide school and that video got him suspended from that college and securities officials recognized the voice from the videos they saw on youtube and that's why he was suspended from the school and they were getting a scary glimpse. >> alisyn: you can start to see what it was like being in class with him for his fellow students, professors, felt he was menacing him and scared of him. one woman can't her purse by her side and sit by the door, they thought he might go unhinged and go off. when people heard of the terrible massacre that happened they were not surprised it was him because he had given some of the signs, talking about genocide there, you heard it there. that's a real glimpse into it and hopefully by playing it and showing it to you, that something can be done about the state of getting people mental help in this country when they show the disturbing signs. >> nancy pelosi on the house floor responding to all of what happened in arizona and of course, putting forth the voting on the bill. the resolution on the house floor and made comments that raised a few eyebrows this morning about what the shooting actually entailed. take a look. >> this resolution is a fitting tribute, would you please read it again and again, carry those names in your heart. remember each of these people becau because, again, a tragic accident took lives, wounded people in the free expression of ideas. >> now, clearly there is nothing accidental about what happened in tucson and we know that that very morning he had photos posted with the murder weapon and strange undergarment and had purchased the weapon, the glock specifically for this, the ammunition at wal-mart that very morning. nothing accidental. >> alisyn: yes, and and to use the word accident there and raised eyebrows. meanwhile, let's tell you what is happening in the news at this hour because there is a manhunt underway we want to tell you about. for a cold blooded killer continuing in new jersey. the suspect gunned down 27-year-old police officer christopher matlands, he was still in the patrol car when he was shot in the head and they believe that 19-year-old janelle-- a costs a billion dollars, but homeland security is it saying so long to the virtual fence along the mexico border. pulled the plug after technical glitches and main draining delays. supposed to protect the border by security cameras and sensors, instead they were viewing alternatives, including a system with drones and towers. the treasury department praising the start after temporary payroll tax holiday that will cut taxes for workers by 110 billion dollars this year. the cut is part of a bipartisan tax legislation signed last year, you remember that, it will lower social security taxes by an average of $700, a married couple, $250,000 could see their taxes slashed by $4200 this year. that's your headline. >> clayton: let's check with rick reichmuth with a chk of the forecast. >> great news, there are changes and going to be problems again for this week. here are your temps today. across the south farm forming up nicely and he we need that snow and that's great. we have snow moving across the great lakes, light and maybe a few hours of a couple inches a light dusting and make its way across the eastern seaboard lart on this afternoon and into tonight. the bigger story is the storm across parts of texas and they need the rain and that's good, today, tomorrow, on monday, going to become a tuesday storm for us, the northwest getting ready a break tonight and by tonight, more heavy rain and freeze or flood concerns. back to you. >> dave: thank you, not just weather, but the states are slammed by the federal government as well. they're now billed a total 1.3 billion dollars in interest alone after borrowing money to cover unemployment benefits. from one state, texas was able to pay back all 2 billion dollars without paying back interest by going to the bond market. >> alisyn: and senator kay bailey hutchinson well-known as a fiscal conservative joins us from dallas. good morning. good morning, alisyn. >> alisyn: bad news for states, an article out that talks about the budget cuts that they're thinking about doing, for instance, in michigan, detroit as we know, has such a bad budget problem it's thinking about closing half of the public schools which would mean that class sizes could go from 35 to 62 students. that's just one example. what are states to do, senator? >> well, certainly states are going to have to tighten their belts, just like the federal government is. we have just spent too much money. the debt is uncontrollable and it will affect our economic future if we doesn't rein it in. and certainly, the federal government is not going to be able to bail out the state. so, they're going to have to determine what their priorities are. that one sounds pretty bizarre to me. i would hope that that wouldn't be the priority in cutting, but they have to decide what is essential and those are tough decisions for sure. >> clayton: let me give you an opportunity here to take on the new york times columnist paul krugman, if you don't mind. he wrote a piece about texas a few weeks ago, the texas omen. want texas supposed to be this bastion of conservative government and hey, we have a surplus, and ended up having to pay for this. he said it didn't work out and that it's worse than new york. what do you have to say about paul krugman and texas budget problems. >> i wouldn't say that it's worse than new york. certainly, we have the same budget deficits that many states are facing. the controller says that it was in the 30 billion dollar range now and when you look at the amount of part of the state budget rather than the federal part. that's a significant amount. so, there will be significant cuts. there's no question, you know, i think across the board cuts in nonessential services is a much better way to go than the drastic things that i have seen that just take out something like half of your schools or i know someone here was talking about taking out the 12th grade and you know, known scholars disagree on that point and that's drastic, too, i think we have to look into the consequences of that and determine if that means that the 11th grade is then a waste. so, i think we have to be innovative, creative, and tough, but, yes, texas is facing many problems. we do have a good business climate. we have a right to work state. we don't have a state income tax. and we have good tort reform, so, i think that we have been attracting business, which certainly helps our economy, but we are not exempt from the problems of more spending and less revenue coming in. >> so, there's the tough decision to be made for are whoever replaces you in the senate and after 17 years you have announced you'll not run for reelection 2012. is it for you something you read in the tea leaves, a ban on earmarks, why are you making this decision? >> it is more of a personal decision and i honestly believe in term limits, i have supported term limits legislation and i think that two terms is really the right amount for a myriad of reasons. i was not able to, to get out as soon as i wanted to. i think that the time has come for a new person and i'm really looking forward to a different career. i want to go into the private sector and i think it's just good to have a turnover. so, i'm happy about the decision. i will miss a lot about serving. i love my colleagues, i love my constituents, but there just comes a time when you know it's right to, to change your vision and focus. >> alisyn: well, senator kay bailey hutchinson thank you for joining us and good luck to you. >> thank you, alisyn, i'm looking forward to it. >> clayton: a beautiful sunrise there in dallas this morning. coming up on the show, the sheriff of pima county, arizona creating a firestorm, he blamed rhetoric in the media for the tucson shooting and our next guest says that sheriff has a history. >> alisyn: 86 pregnant teenagers in one school in one year? we'll explore that. se me a se. anotr person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >> i think it's the vitriolic rhetoric we hear day in and day out from people in the radio and tv business that this doesn't come the nice united states of america that most of us grew up in. >> clayton: that was the first of many press conferences and interviews where the sheriff claimed heated political discourse may have caused the tragedy in tucson and the sheriff took to task, saying that he needs to recall that he's elected to be a lawman. with each additional comment the democratic sheriff of pima county is revealing his agenda as partisan and antagonistic as the talk show hosts and politicians he chooses to decry. >> alisyn: and joining us now, doug. >> good morning. >> alisyn: here is what the sheriff says, look, i'm opinionated, all right? i speak my mind. tell us about what else this sheriff has said in the past. >> well, the sheriff hasn't gotten as high a profile as the sheriff north of him here in maricopa county, sheriff arpaio. he's sort of his alter ego. where arpaio is a known conservative republican, dubnick is a liberal democrat, but he's not as flamboyant. at least he hasn't been until now. he's-- he's got strong views, for example, on our infamous bill 1070 here in arizona, he opposes that or at least parts of it anyway, and he, he is antagonistic to the tea party people, he said that they're-- they're motivated by racism. >> clayton: you say in your editorial he has been talking out about this for quite a while. up front and honest about his assessment of this whole thing from the beginning. do you think he's exploiting this sayings with for political gain? >> the only way i see it. d dubnick has two jobs, he has one job as an elected politician, but in this situation with the murders in tucson, he's got a duty to be a lawman and lawmen don't get up and speculate into what motivated the suspected killer. and that's what he's doing now and that's wrong. >> alisyn: and yet, you say that he probably won't pay a price at the ballot box. why? people like this? >> in tucson they do. he's never had trouble getting elected and lets he' face it, as soon as he started talking about what motivates loughner, there was an instant hue and cry and debate over, over this and there was -- and tucson is a pretty progressive community and i think that there was a lot of support for that down there. >> clayton: everyone can read your op-ed in the arizona republic. thanks for joining us this morning, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> clayton: coming up on the show, to save money one state cut its transplant program. two people have died and now, nearly 100 others are also left with no options. man who needs a heart is live with us. >> alisyn: a man is so angry for getting a robo call from his child's school early in the morning, he decided to return the favor. >> this is a prince georges county parent. >> that dad is here live next. diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing 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pay back is sometimes sweet. a maryland father received a robo call at 4:30, saying the school would start late two hours. he decided to retaliate with a robo call. >> the school ensured i drop my child two hours later on a school day i knew that before i went to bed and i hope this why a 4:30 a.m. call does more to annoy than to inform. >> dave: the dad that rolled that robo call joins us. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning, thanks for having me. >> dave: i love it. first off let's talk about what prompted your robo call, a call to you at 4:30 in the morning. you're a father of five, one was a newborn and what was your reaction when the phone rang so early. >> when it first rang, the first thing i thought, who died. and then the second thought in my mind was, i have to rush and get the phone before it wakes up the kids. so, any parent understands how precious sleep is, especially when you have five kids. . >> dave: yeah, you said you were so charged by the incident, took you a long time to go back to sleep. and parents out there can only imagine, we all know what happens when we react at 4:30 in the morning. tell us about how you hatched the plan. >> i think my sleep deprivation and my adrenalin rush. maybe they were following the golden rule, do unto me and i do to have for them. i looked up the phone numbers for the local school board and student and did a robe o-call. >> i didn't know it was that ease toy pull off. here is what the school district said about the mistiming. >> the wrong time was put into the system. the first time and last time that happened. did you have any regrets about your revenge? because i know eight people did pick up live when you isn't your original robo call. did you feel bad? >> this isn't did revenge, it was satisfying i admit. how do i inspect spend my time to ensure it doesn't happen again. i could lodge a phone call or angry letter and every parent in the school district knows that's pretty much a waste of time. i can do what they did to me and probably be more effective use of my could he i coincidentally more satisfied. >> and the people that call me at dinner time, i'm going to do a robo call a. >> thanks for having me jo clayton and ali, what's coming up. >> clayton: i'm going to come down to the place where you work and heckle you. here is what's coming up. a judge rules to release 12,000 teacher evaluations to the public despite the outrage. do parents have a right to see how their children are doing. dozens of girls pregnant at a school. what some say is behind all of this. they're billionaire moms who created businesses from scratch. meet the mompreneurs, they say it's all in a day's work. their advice for you, coming up. ♪ >> welcome back everybody. we have a very, a disturbing story to tell you about, what's going on in one high school in tennessee. 86 teenagers all pregnant at one school district in one year. 86 teenagers. i mean, do you know how astronomical and shocking that number is. what's going on in frayser, north of memphis? it's allowing all the girls to simultaneously be pregnant. >> debra harris, with a nonprofit in the area, listen, it's a big problem in the the area. listen to what she had to say about the pregnancy rate. >> 3 a 127 has the highest pregnancy rate. 26%, in the city. we're trying to combat it in the areas where the need is the greatest, there really has not been until now a comprehensive program that focuses on the males, but it's also a very difficult subject for parents to have with their kids. it's just, it's tough. >> dave: needless to say the new program started to educate kids about the dangers are teen pregnancy, but she pointed out, the male students as well, in terms of contraception and things they can do, but what happens here again again, 86 have given birth or are pregnant in one year and it has to assume some type of path. >> alisyn: we've seen that before, there was a high school in new england. >> clayton: yeah, massachusetts. >> dave: massachusetts, yeah. >> alisyn: and something seems to be different going on in this school and that is, i'll tell you a little about frayser, a fairly poverty stricken area and it was a factory town and the factories closed down before this recession in the census of 2000, lots of people living below the poverty line. i think when you take away the prospects of a brighter future for kids going to college, through prosperity, getting a job, getting married. what else do they have to do? what is preventing them from getting pregnant if you don't have the promise of a brighter future. >> clayton: we see that a lot of time in poverty stricken areas, you're off to college, and with the boyfriend why shouldn't we get picture and throw the graphic back up. if you dent mind. look at the national average compared to what's going on in tennessee. 25% and nationwide 10% the pregnancy rate. so that county alone. 16%. so, something obviously is happening in that neck of of the woods. >> dave: what are they doing about it again? the school setting up a program to deal with the issues and they say they hope to have some nurse practitioners in the school to help educate kids and hire five social workers and provide a baby story, store of course, with coupons to buy seats and diapers if they attend special programs and will this, you know, accomplish much? it's hard to tell. >> clayton: you brought up a great point and going back and thinking about my high school time and thinking about the education that took place and it was targeted to the girls. sort of pulled aside and have discussions with them. but the boys, there's really no focus at all on the responsibility on boys and let's be honest, it's usually the guys who encourage this type of behavior and get involved in the first place, so there needs to be a better, great are education lfl for the guys. >> alisyn: an awareness and we'll keep you posted. meanwhile, let's talk about something happening at another school district, a judge has defied the union. you know how powerful the teachers unions are here in new york and around the country. well, basically, a judge decided that teacher evaluations can be released to the public. the teachers union has fought against it, said they were c confidential and didn't want them out and the judge disagrees and thinks the public and patients have the right to know about teacher evaluations. >> clayton: here is what he had to say about this. the reports largely based on discredited state tests have huge margin of errors and inaccuracies, and they'll mislead parents looking for real information. and put it out there and the assessments about the teachers teaching the kids. >> dave: we're talking 12,000 teachers and they're measured against some standard and whether or not that's a correct standard is up for debate, but you have some way of evaluating your teacher's information and keeping that information private is like it's doing injustice to a lot of parents in new york. >> alisyn: not only that, if you don't think the teachers evaluations aren't accurate, don't make them fill out. you've had to fill out teacher evaluations if you think they don't work, then stop having that gauge. but it will be great for parents the. parents have been in the dark, often, as we know in new york, you've soon it, teachers who were incompetent, have been salaries and rubber rooms just sitting around and even after they've said-- >> and the same thing in l.a., the l.a. times published thousands of teachers evaluations and that's helping the kids and parents to understand who exactly is teaching their kids and hopefully moves in the right direction. >> alisyn: in the meantime, more headlines. the votes are in and republicans have decided rich rivas will lead their party. and dropped his eelection halfway through and priebus. >> we have to raise 400 million dollars the next two years and we're going to do that through regional finance teams, regional finance directors and like i said before, getting the finance chairman around this country, back on board, and putting it back on their shoulders and rebuilding this party. it's going to take hard work, i have no illusions about that. >> alisyn: at 38 years old the youngest national g.o.p. chairman since lee at-water. a marine is dead after a freak training accident. he was trapped in amphibious assault vehicle for two hours, they pumped in oxygen. five others managed to escape with no injuries. bombshell claims about president ronald reagan. in his new book, ron reagan claims he was suffering from the beginning stages of alzheimer's while he was president. >> there just was something off. i couldn't quite put finger on, it wasn't like my god, he doesn't remember he was president. i had an inkling there might be something going on. >> alisyn: his half brother, michael, rejects the claims, he says that he was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he he became an embarrassment to his mother. an urgent message to his dad. >> a message to santa, and that's, that is being bad, so my dad has been very bad. >> you can imagine that the operator was a little concerned about this call, so she sent a police officer over to the child's house just to make sure that nothing was seriously wrong. it turns out the little guy was just mad at his dad and wanted santa to get the message 11 months in advance. >> dave: what did dad do that was bad. >> alisyn: i don't know, i don't know, deputies probably-- maybe making him eat his vegetables. >> dave: probably, all of his vegetables. >> clayton: let' check with rick reichmuth. >> i bet his dad did something worse than the police. >> an a bill in the mail for the 911 call. >> and now dad is really bad. time to take a look at the weather picture. eastern part of the country a still system moving through, not a big deal, but bringing a little snow enhanced by the lakes at times for the afternoon today, buffalo up towards watertown, and cleveland, as well. some of the snow eventually towards pittsburgh and coastal areas and light, and not going to cause big problems. across the south. another storm brewing and bringing in the rain across texas and very similar to that last storm that we had. and that's when they brought in the ice and snow and a warmer storm, so we're going to look at it the next few days. in across parts of the west, that steady stream of moisture from the tropics and see more rain, especially during the overnight hours tonight. and in warmth and because of that, all kinds of flooding concerns and a lot of the rivers are going to be in flood stage, because of that, flood watches and warnings in effect across the coastal areas and towards idaho, a lot of snow melting very rapidly and very warm system. let's take a look at the next storm we're going to be talking about. very cold air mass moving in behind and it to the south. much warmer. atlanta lower 50's on tuesday and all rain and mixing of rain, snow, sleet for some spots for cleveland and mixing and turning over to snow, very cold air mass moves in and it's going to drop temps for a lot of people the next week. >> take a look at the high temperatures today. cold air in across the far northern plains and 44 in denver and los angeles 76. lower 80's across the inland areas and nice day today through the southwest. guys, chilly out here and back to you inside. >> a little bit and i call it co cold. >> coming up, one state cutting funding to their organ transplant funding. one man was removed from a transplant list joins us next. >> alisyn: then their moms who started their own businesses from scratch, balancing a family and now they're worth millions. these successful mompreneurs, as they're called, are here to share their secrets. >> clayton: don't miss fox news channel tonight. judge janine pirro is airing a brand new show, justice with judge janine 9 p.m. ♪ on our car insurance. great! at 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and randall from phoenix, nice to have you on the show. what is the status of your case right now. where do things stand with your transplant this morning? >> right now i'm on the inactive part of the list, if a heart were made available for me, i wouldn't habeing made aware of it until i have the funding back in place. >> governor brewer has had a beating in the media because of this. and the budget shortfalls. here is what she had to say as a result of two of the deaths. >> i said from the beginning of my term we were going to hit this big cliff and it was going to be disastrous and it's heart breaking, but the fact of the matter is, those decisions will have to be made. i believe that the media has blown that totally and completely out of proportion. it's an unfortunate thing that people have passed away, and people that have died and i don't believe it was because of the the funding, at this particular time. >> clayton: was it because of the funding at this particular time, do you agree or disagree with governor brewer, randall. >> well, from what i've heard of the two cases, i believe she's right. i know the first case, mr. price, was a-- he died even though he had the funding in place to receive his transplant. and as a result of chemotherapy he was going through, to be able to receive, that he had to go through before he could receive the transplant and the second case i don't know, i don't know any of the details on the second case, so i can't comment on that. >> clayton: are you worried this is a sign of things to come. people who are qualified for the lists and pulled off because of budget cuts? >> absolutely. i mean, arizona is not the only state in debt and we're certainly not the worst, in the worst debt of all the states. and i think, you know, if arizona is able to get away with this, i think other states are going to follow. >> clayton: where do you turn now, randall? if you're trying to raise money to get a heart transplant, where do you turn? >> well, i'm currently trying to qualify for disability medicare, which would cover about 80% of my procedure, and would leave me needing to raise about $120,000. i have a web page with the national transplant assistance fund and people can go and donate and we've been, we've had a lot of really generous people opening up their hearts and their checkbooks. >> clayton: what is the name of that website, can you tell us the name to our viewers watching this morning might be able to help. >> yes, it's nta nta and for the national transplant assistance fund. like i said it's not just me, there's 97 other people in the same boat i'm in, having been approved before, now are not approved and not able to get the transplants through. >> clayton: randall, our prayers are with you, and we've got generous viewers on "fox & friends," please keep us updated what happens in arizona and thank you for sharing the story. >> thanks very much. >> thanks, randall. >> clayton: take a look at these three women, they make millions, running businesses and managing house olds. that's next on "fox & friends." don't miss this monday's hannity, sarah palin's first extended interview since speaking out on the tucson shooting rampage. 9 p.m. eastern. they fill you up without filling you out. yes! v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings of vegetables. that's what i'm talking about! ♪ >> welcome back. time for a few quick headlines, now, remember, russian spy anna chapman, she's got competition, meet an anna-- this russian pleaded guilty for trying to smuggle high-tech russell sights to russia. and trying to hide the couldn't band in the luggage and we've heard dangers of texting and driving and watch this woman find out about the dangers of texting and walking. the surveillance video captured the foun kwaul. note to ri -- a fountain fall. and pay attention rick reichmuth. >> alisyn: and a mompreneur, many of the women have taken on this role and the secret to balancing it all. joining us are three mompreneurs, sarah davis, online store, fashion and stacy, mom central, and aaron chase, cook broocook, $5 dinners. and sarah, fashion how did it end up making you a pile of money. >> i guess the secret for me was to take it online. i started fashion file when i was in law school and it was a great way, rather than-- i love luxury handbags and a great way to be able to buy myself affordable authentic bags and make them available to people all over the world. and i guess just getting on the internet was really helpful to me in the early days. >> and we have your tips on the side, and in terms of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship. pay others to help, not everybody could do that of course. >> well, you know, in the very beginning, as i was doing everything myself, i thought i couldn't afford to pay other people, but i realized as i was able to get other people to help me do the stuff like packing and shipping and stuff easy to farm out. i'm not going to be able to do that. but as i was able to make the sacrifices and pay the people. i was able to spend more time building my business and grow my business, and that actually-- >> makes perfect sense. let's move on to stacy. tell us how you became a billionaire with mon central consulting. >> i started out with a national parenting base, writing books and i started a website and was consulting for messaging about moms, and one of the things about entrepreneurship is the best ideas come out observing unmet me understand and i realized the social media exploded and brands were struggling to reach mom, and i opened mom central consulting and marketing, connecting brands and moms and within the first seven months took in a million dollars. >> aaron, bring you in. >> how can you turn clipping coupons into a successful business? >> i started a website, $5 two and a half years ago when he we needed to be able to not spend so much at the grocery store, i started blogging on the family blog and my sister said i don't want to see this stuff so i started $5 not knowing that i could do advertising and working with different brands and turn it into a business so it's been a huge success and not something i imagined could be possible. >> one of the tips there, be near the right people. how do you make sure i remember you're doing that. >> having a supportive team and family and friends to help you and counsel with your ideas and hone your vision and also, now what sarah was saying, is hiring the right people. if you don't have the right people with you, don't be afraid to seek out somebody else is who going to fill in where you're back so you can focus on your strengths and pull in their strengths, work together as a great team. >> and stacy, the problem, i have three young kids at home. i can't make a phone call, much less start a successful business. the how did you balance it? >> i actually also came home when my kids were young and i started my career at harvard law school as a lawyer and i came home and i really sort of started role modeling for my kids and i would take a, you know, i would do calls in between moments of napping and so, it's very, on the fly, but i started it really for time, so that like many people, i started out of my house and there's such opportunities for moms to take advantage of that, but it's sort of setting a rhythm within your family, how are you going to carve out the times and can you get a trade-off with a friend so kids have play dates and opportunities that. >> alisyn: great suggestions. sarah davis of fashion you liked purses and started the business and stacy, great tips on balancing it all and aaron, $5 dinner mom. your cookbook series, all great stuff. ladies. thanks so much for being inspirational to us. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. >> alisyn: more mompreneurs in the after the show, show, and more "fox & friends" next. can i eat heart healthy without givg up taste? 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