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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20141205:13:13:00

2020. >> that's right. three more hours. thank you. coming up, we just told you police are getting retrained here in new york city after that eric garner case. but who is dealing with society? this guy. >> look in the mirror, figure out what you're doing, what you're not doing. take some personal responsibility for yourselves, for your life. >> frederick wilson is next.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20141204:01:49:00

built for business. . . . . . . . . . . tonight, did you is see that? on the tube, a guy named frederick wilson on youtube, i should say, youtube, this guy wilson put forth that black americans should do certain things. so far the youtube exhibition has gotten almost 1 million views. go. >> he yes slavery was one of the most horrific things to ever happen in human history. yes racism still exists probably always going to exist get over that he yes there are law enforcement officers out there that take things too far. abuse the power. they are species. black people it is 2014. hate to break this to you. if your life is messed up, it ain't because it of slavery. so in 2014, if your life is messed up, look in the mirror, figure out what you are doing, what you are not doing, take some personal


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20141204:01:50:00

response damnability for yourself and your life. >> here now is martha maccallum here on fnc who is that guy. >> frederi frederick wilson, he. he lives in las vegas, nevada. he's put out what he calls common sense videos. he says you can end profiling with good behavior over the long-term. >> so he's kind of a conservative guy. self-reliance guy. >> i guess you could call him that. he's in favor of taking back your community. everyone's out there taking selfies and pictures of themselves all the time in this community and all communities. take pictures of criminals, take back your community. be responsible. it's similar to the message we heard this week from charles barkley. it's not something we hear a lot -- >> that was a debate i had with stewart about white privilege. you can't blame white people for everything. it's ridiculous. do you know what this guy does for a living? >> we couldn't find his


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20141204:04:50:00

response damnability for yourself and your life. >> here now is martha maccallum here on fnc who is that guy. >> frederi frederick wilson, he. he lives in las vegas, nevada. he's put out what he calls common sense videos. he says you can end profiling with good behavior over the long-term. >> so he's kind of a conservative guy. self-reliance guy. >> i guess you could call him that. he's in favor of taking back your community. everyone's out there taking selfies and pictures of themselves all the time in this community and all communities. take pictures of criminals, take back your community. be responsible. it's similar to the message we heard this week from charles barkley. it's not something we hear a lot -- >> that was a debate i had with stewart about white privilege. you can't blame white people for everything. it's ridiculous. do you know what this guy does for a living? >> we couldn't find his


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20141204:04:49:00

. . . . . . . . tonight, did you is see that? on the tube, a guy named frederick wilson on youtube, i should say, youtube, this guy wilson put forth that black americans should do certain things. so far the youtube exhibition has gotten almost 1 million views. go. >> he yes slavery was one of the most horrific things to ever happen in human history. yes racism still exists probably always going to exist get over that he yes there are law enforcement officers out there that take things too far. abuse the power. they are species. black people it is 2014. hate to break this to you. if your life is messed up, it ain't because it of slavery. so in 2014, if your life is messed up, look in the mirror, figure out what you are doing, what you are not doing, take some personal


Transcripts For CSPAN3 20120320

amendments because the advantage to being the majority leader because you have the ability to schedule. i just want everybody who's following this issue to understand, if to i were setting the agenda, the next item up right after this bipartisan jobs bill would be the xm bank. >> my amendment sponsored by democrats and republicans was a partisan maneuver. they're not about to take the xm bank unless it's part of the overall package. so that's why we're doing it this way. he's not the leader, i am. and we have a number of very important issues that we have to deal with. and even though i believe in the xm program, it's going to drop it to the bottom of the calendar because we have things we need to do. >> harry reid, republican leader mitch mcconnell. and the boeing corporation, which is one of the largest export/import loan recipients, a big supporter of the bilko sponsored including republicans like lindsey graham, richard shelby, a number of business groups including the u.s. chamber of commerce, the business round table and the national association of manufacturers, also backing the amendment. a number of conservative groups do oppose it, arguing the export/importment as to corporate welfare. the boeing company tonight vowing to continue to press for the bank's reauthorization. as you heard a few moment. s ago. it will fall to the bottom of the list with other items including the senate agenda. which goes back to the question, what would you do? 202-626-7962. >> i'm calling from fairfax, virginia, and i would change congress by making a one issue, one vote and not allowing in different issues to be voted on in one bill and allowing accountability for each bill and each vote. >> hello. i'm calling from clearwater, florida. my name is dennis and what i would propose is that we limit the number of lawyers in both the house and the senate. because if you think about it, what do lawyers do, they simply argue their point and they're adamant about their position with no give. and that's why i think there's a lack of compromise because too many attorneys, too many lawyers. all they do is fight and argue. that's why things don't get accomplished. thank you. >> yes, my name is gilbert calling from mansfield, texas. the way to make congress work better is to definitely have limited terms. right after you advertise the line, you're having a representative or senator mikulski who has 35 years as a house representative and america needs to quit having a short memory. here's a person who's been there for over three decades and yet we keep voting for the same old-same old. >> your comment, your feed boongs the radio fedback line. we want to hear from you. give us a call. how would you improve the reputation of congress? our phone number is 202-626-7962. tell us where you're phoning from. keep your comments brief and we'll lose your comments tomorrow and thursday here on c-span radio. one blil note, a live simulcast here on c-span radio and on c-span television. the results from illinois, the new york times reporting that the news media's presence in chicago, a clear reminder for some vote thrashers illinois will have a say in this presidential republican race that is turning to what the new york times is saying is a slog for delegates, leading up to a convention in august. we'll have speeches by rick santorum and mitt romney, all live tonight on c-span radio and c-span television, getting under way in about 25 minutes. the federal reserve is slightly cutting the estimate how much it paid the federal government in 2011, but the bank says the payment is still the second largest in nation's history. it paid the federal government $75.4 billion last year and it's down from the preliminary estimate of $79.9 billion. the money comes from earnings on investments the central bank made to bolster the economy. and it's down from the all-time record which w$79.3 billion in . the u.s. senate likely to vote on a scaled down bill about insider trading but congress and government workers. the majority leader harry reid sent together a vote that would require frequent reporting of financial transactions. the senate could vote this week on the house version of the bill. it stripped out regulation of political intelligence firms that get paid to obtain information from congress and sell it to investment firms. they would have to register and report their activities. the house also will give prosecutors better tools to win federal kruchgs convictions. the big changes on the health care law before the spleem court, it will all be here on c-span radio as soon as the audio is released. today, though, there was another case dealing with health care. the supreme court says a state cannot be sued under the family and medical leave act for refusing to give an employee time off to recover from an illness. the high court refused to let daniel coleman sue the maryland state court of appeals for firing him after he asked for sick leave. he asked for that leave in 2007 to recover from that illness. his work request was denied. he was fired. he sued under the federal family medical leigh act but the lawsuit was thrown out and the u.s. court of appeals agreed, saying states cannot be sued under that law. the high court agreed. the dmz, the demilitarized zone separating north and south korea. it's the most heavily defended border in the world. president obama will be in south korea and will make the dmz his first stop sunday morning. back with more "washington today." c-span radio, you can listen live over your phone. 202-266-8888. >> you are listening to c-span radio, live on audio now. >> last week, the fatal shooting of a black teenager by a neighborhood watch captain gaining little media attention beyond some of the florida newspapers. it also received some attention in mainstream media outlets and prominent black journalists wieting about it. but today, the killing of 17-year-old trayvon martin dominating news in the u.s. the latest example of how social media and technology continues to transform the very definition of news and the way it is delivered in this country and around the world. the "l.a. times" writing about this story online at if you don't know about the story, here is essentially what happened back in late february in which trayvon martin was returning from a candy run when he was followed and confronted by george zimmerman who was 28 years old. now martin had a cell phone, a bag of skittles and an iced tea. zimmerman reportedly had a .9 millimeter gun. he shot and killed trayvon martin. zimmerman claiming self-defense. the case, though, has taken on racial overtones. police have described zimmerman has white. his family says he's hispanic and told the associated press he's wrongly being depicted as a racist. a grand jury will investigate the case and on the floor of the house today, representative frederick wilson, a democrat, had this to say. >> trayvon martin lived in miami, florida, in district 17, my congressional district. trayvon, a 140-pound young black boy, 17 years old was just trying to live and reach 18. despite that, the accused killer, george zimmerman has not been charged and is using the term of self-defense. the 911 audio tapes tell it all. they tell the story of the last moments of trayvon martin's life. trayvon was screaming for help, fighting for his life and then he was murdered, shot dead. today i applaud the florida department of law enforcement, the fbi and the federal department of justice for their intervention. i encourage the citizens of florida and the citizens from around the world to continue to fight for jugs for trayvon martin. justice must be served. no more racial profiling. i'm tired of fighting when the evidence is so cloer. so transparent. $1 million nationally recognized and honored foundation that specifically addresses the trials and tribulations of young black boys and sends them to college. it impacts almost 20,000 young men. in spite of that we still have to mavrj and demonstrate and write letters and protest. and sit and sit in. no more. no more, florida, no more, america, no more hiding your criminal racial profiling by using self-defense to get away with murder. stand up for trayvon martin. stand up for justice. stand up for our children, i'm tired, tired, tired of bury young black boys. thank you and i turn the balance of my time. >> miami representative frederica wilson on the trayvon martin case from the floor of the house earlier today. this is washington today on c-span radio, facing a skeptical congress, the top commander in afghanistan today, insisting that the u.s. is winding down the decades plus war and has no intention to remain in the country indefinitely. it was the appearance of marine general john allen before the house armed services committee in his appearance allen did take questions from lawmakers. many tired of the war in afghanistan. questioning whether the u.s. should accelerate the timetable for withdrawing some of the 90,000 combat forces that remain in the country and whether a projected afghan force of 350,000 would be capable of ensuring the country's security. one note from former secretary of state rice says u.s. policy makers must save our nerve in afghanistan. also general allen getting a number of questions about the investigation into sergeant bales who is accused of killing 16 afghan civilians including women and children earlier this month. and here's how that questioning unfolded with congressman rick larsen, a democrat from washington state to general allen who is overseeing operations in afghanistan. >> general allen, i'm not asking this next question to get too much into the weeds on sergeant bales incident because that's going to be adjudicated elsewhere, but with regards to the investigation related to command in afghanistan, the situation on the ground that he was operating in, but the command structure in afghanistan, are there separate investigations going on from the criminal case in afghanistan? >> yes, an administrative investigation as well as a criminal investigation. >> can you explain what that is? >> it will look at the entire command and control process. how he was assigned, why he was assigned. it will look at the command relationships associated with his involvement in that combat outpost. >> has that been assigned then? is someone assigned to do that? >> it's being assigned to u.s. forces afghanistan. >> thank you. >> and then finally, general also then, can you discuss the attrition rate? it didn't sound like a lot but when you're talking about 2%, it gets to be a lot. >> it's improving. the latest number you said, 2.0. it's 1.9. that's only 1/10. but it's over a year. working very hard to ferret out the reasons for attrition. and a viety of those reasons are the issues of pay, quality of life, the missions in which they have been involved. and the removing of corrupt commanders. all of those things i think have pushed down, in fact, attrition. very shortly with the expiration of a presidential decree, those individuals who go on awol status are going to start being held accountable for that as opposed to just being able to come and go as they have previously done. that's part of a disciplined force. we're seeing all of that improve on a regular basis. >> taking questions from rick larson. among other topics, afghanistan and the ongoing investigation on sergeant robert bales who remains in solitary confinement in fort leavenworth, kansas. this is "washington today" on c-span radio. an issue which has been somewhat under the radar screen, be uh we want to spend a couple of minutes with some background on a controversy which has been brewing within the eisenhower family and among architects and historians here in washington, d.c. "the washington post" writing about it over the and frank gerry saying he is open to changes because of objections over this tribute to our 34th president and nato commander. a number of eisenhower family members sharing their concerns today. the letter from the architect for this memorial also introduced his testimony. the design calls for a memorial park framed by large metal tappestries, depicting his boyhood home in kansas. there would then be two large carved stones. the memorial is being planned just off the national mall, near the national air and space museum. susan eisenhower is the gra granddaughter of our late president. here's what she said on capitol hill. >> we as a family are committed to seeing that the building of a memorial to have dwight eisenhower be done in and open, democratic and transparent way. this is what ike would have wanted. he have been gratified by the public debate that's finally begun and we're grateful to all of those who have worked on the commission and worked on the memorial, especially mr. dprank gary, who's graciously interacted with members of the eisenhower family. the public debate has demonstrated that the american people overwhelmingly endorsed the memorial, but they are saying it's time to go back to the drawing board and we agree. aside side from all the things that have been said in the press and the internet, we have been inundated as family members with letters about the unset imagine of creating a fitting memorial. given this, mr. chairman, the eisenhower family sees no alternative but to suggest two remedies. one, two redesign the eisenhower memorial and two, to call on the memorial commission to review its staff management and stakeholder policies. first, let me addressed myself to the design. great monuments in our country make simple statements that encapsulate the reason the memorial has been erected in the first place. george washington is remembered as the father of our country. the lincoln memorial declares that he saved the union. the monument to christopher columbus to union station says he gave to man kind a new world. one of the main flaws of the current proposal is that eisenhower's contribution to this nation is not the central theme of the design. instead of the focus on eisenhower, the liberator, the commander who led the largest military operation in the history of warfare and eisenhower the president who championed freedom and prosperity, the narrative relies on a romantic, horacio alger notion, a young eisenhower viewing his future career. the eisenhower our nation wants to celebrate is not a dreamy boy but a real man who faced unthinkable choices, took personal responsibility and did his duty. with modesty and humility. symbolism will also play a vital nonverbal role in capturing the essence of ike's contribution, but we've heard from many people in the last months who have objections to the 80-foot metal mesh so-called tapestries. despite the memorial commission's references to this ancient tradition, modern tapestries have generally been found in the communist world. marx, engales, lennon hung in moscow during ike's time as did ho chi minh in hanoi. they are in effect an iron curtain. if this is how it symbolically strikes people could the cylindrical columns also be seen as missile silos. the number of holocaust survivors say it's reminiscent of internment. one survivor told me that the chain link quote/unquote fences reminded her of the camps. the proposed metal curtains tor provide a screen that would obscure the johnson department of education. we have been concerned and others would agree this could be seen as a symbolic affront to one of eisenhower's contemporaries, the majority leader of the senate during his presidency. we do not thing design team thought of these things in advance. frankly, nor did we for a while. but the public criticism does underscore the importance of context with respect to eisenhower's life and times. in addition, we're concerned the metal scrims will pose ongoing maintenance issues especially in the budget constrained times. any high wind would ensure leaves and trash could be caught in the gaps. the same can be said of interactive technology. let me address myself briefly to process. from the early stage, the eisenhower family has been calling for a memorial that's simple and focuses on eisenhower's achievements. my father john s.d. eisenhower, ike's sole heir and executor of his will wrote to this effect. i've submitted the letter for the record. the memorial commission has repeatedly suggested that among other things the eisenhower family is not united in his views. im also submitting a statement today from my brother david for the record. the eisenhower family publicly intervened when we learned the design concept was evolving. we knew it was evolving but suddenly it was slated for fast track review and a late spring ground-breaking. we are concerned about a ground-breaking before the money and full funds are raised and we would oppose it if the gap is too large. this will be a public/private partnership so getting the funding element of this correct is very important. we now believe that a redesign will be the only way to make this memorial acceptable to the american people so that it can garner that support. >> susan higeisenhower is the gd daughter of president divide david eisenhower. she testified today. joining us on the phone with some perspective on this story is ian simpson. he's covering it for reuters. thanks for being with us. >> pleasure. >> why so many questions over this memorial? >> well, it's not easy to build a memorial in washington, especially on the -- on or right near the mall. this memorial will be four acres which is a good chunk of real estate. it's going to be right behind the air and space museum, right off the mall. and at the base of capitol hill. it's going to be -- have various elements, including pillars which will be about 80 feet high which will support these kind of steel mesh curtains which will surround this plaza which in itself will have a statue of eisenhower and representations of his presidency. there will be interactive displays in the memorial site. so there's a lot going on in the site itself, in the memorial. >> and the family has said they want something much more modest. >> yes, they -- the family has said that they do want something more modest, that's more in keep with eisenhower's own character of being low key and being from humble circumstances. they say that this is -- this memorial is far too big. that it's too elaborate. that it is -- would be very hard to maintain given these enormous mesh screens which will be difficult to keep clean. that it's not something that eisenhower himself would have enjoyed. he himself did not like modern art. and so this simply is not something that is in keeping with the character of the 34th president of the united states. >> the price tag as you point out in your story is just over $112 million. what about the timeline to begin construction and get this completed? >> well, you mentioned that price tag of $112 million is just for construction. there's also the design process which is about another $16 million according to the folks that the hearing today. the timeline has been quite long. it's been about ten years from -- since this first saw the light of day, it's gone through a number of commissions and hearings and various approvals. as i mentioned at the start, it's hard to get things built in the capital. and so there's a feeling among the memorial commission and officials that they want to get this thing done. it's been a long process. right now, the next stage is the final approval of the design by the capital planning commission. and that approval has been delayed or the hearing for approval of the commission of that approval has been put off for a couple of weeks. simply -- basically to air the concerns of the family and other critics at the hearing today. >> so could you explain the purpose of today's hearing before the house natural resources committee and did anyone defend frank gehry who came up with the design? >> well, the reason for the hearing today was for this committee to hear the concerns. the committee -- the congress has -- holds the purse strings in this. they can say we want to have this process redone. we want to have a revised plan or whatever. they are the pay masters in this. so they can basically do what they want. the mood of at least from the chairman was let's try to get a revision in the design. and gehry himself -- well, defenders of gehry's design have said that the representation shows a young eisenhower, almost a boy-like eisenhower perhaps,l accomplishments as president and this would be an inspiration to young people to achieve the kind of greatness that eisenhower himself did. >> we're talk with ian simpson, washington correspondent for reuters. so what happens next? >> well, the next step will be a meeting of the national planning commission which will have to give the final approval for the design. and then construction can go ahead. i mean, construction was supposed to begin this year. that may have been pushed back a little bit because of this controversy. and there may very well be a new design of the memorial. the eisenhowers have suggested that the main sticking point are these enormous screens and that that would be a first step or a major step to getting their okay for the construction of this thing. >> ian simpson writes for reuters. his story is available online. the chicago tribune website among other sites. thanks for being with us. >> you are listening to "washington today" on c-span radio. nversation tomorrow morning with the results from the illinois primary. congressman mike conway will be joining us, republican of texas, to talk about u.s. efforts in afghanistan and debate over the budget with representative allison schwartz, democrat of pennsylvania. tune in tomorrow morning on c-span's "washington journal," 7:00 a.m. eastern time, 4:00 for those of you on the west coast. the irish prime minister in washington, d.c., today, including on capitol hill with david o'leary, an irish tenor with this famous irish song. ♪ the pipes are calling from glen to glen and down the mountainside ♪ ♪ the sun is gone


Transcripts For CSPAN2 U 20110107

Transcripts For CSPAN2 U 20110107 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Transcripts For WRC News 4 Today At 6 20100930

three hours. we've seen pockets of yellow and orange. those are the areas of the heaviest rains that have been coming through. also thunder and lightning over the eastern part of the chesapeake bay. and on the eastern shore of the chesapeake bay they are geing heavy downpours right now. now the radar locally is showing a few pockets of moderate to heavy rain in fairfax county and montgomery county as well as ince william. another pocket of very heavy rain in southern prince william. all of these are heading off to the north. one band of very heavy rain moving off to the north and northeast, and will be sweeping across the western part of the eastern shore here over the next half hour, or so. when you see the areas of lighter green or blue where it's not raining quite as hard, another pocket of very heavy rain is about to come into southern maryland. they've already had over four inches of rain. all these counties in red reporting flooding. water over roads in many locations, ponding of water and maybe some floodingn your basement, too. we've had about an inch and two-thirds in washington, nearly three inches in the nearby suburbs. over four inches in southn maryland. 60s and near 70s now. we have a tornado watch that's in effect until 1:00 this afternoon for much of the region. then wll finally dry out tomorrow. cooler weekend to foow. how is our traffic. >> following breaking news in maryland with the jackknifed tractor trailer accident that s literally stopped all traffic on the capital beltway. this is shooting from the bradley boulevard overpass the inner loop of the capital beltwa between the i-270 spur exit, and old georgetown road. right now just around the bend, it's jackknifed tractor trailer that occurred just a short time o. authorities are on the scene reporting back to us. very little, if any traffic is getting by on the inner loop. folks to the left side of your scrn, heading up the i-270 spurt. that's what you want to do if you can. focus your attention on the spur, head northand you can detour around this beltway crash in that fashion. in the meantime, do not commit to the inner loop of the capital beltway, as it is virtually blocked now after the exit for i-270. let's head over, 95 northbound near dale city. it is a parking lot stafford all the wayup to the capital beltway this morning. a series of accidents, virginia state police have been racing tao all morning long. quickly out to the rails, metrorail's having a good morning. vre not so much fredericksburg 302 is delayed, manassas 322 and 324. m.a.r.c. looking good at the moment. roads are extremely slick this morning. if they're even passable at all. tracee wilkins is live along the beltway near bradley boulevard in bethesda with more on this serious accident this morning. >> reporr: good morning, eun. we're going to show you what it looks like on the inner loop of the beltway heading toward wisconsin avenue. major, major backup. we're told that a truck has jackknifed right up the road here. and as a result of that, all of the lanes are closed. traffic is getting by on the left-hand shoulder. not even a real wlan at this point. there is a fuel spill here up the road so they're dealing with all of this, trying to get it cleaned up, waiting for a tow truck to come so they can get that truck out of the adway. they're going to move it over to the right and tow it out as soon as they possibly can. this is causing a major backup. folks need to pay very close attention. be very careful. as i was speakingo you ijust saw a car get over from the beltway, try to get over to the i-270 spur here and thatwas very frightening right in front of a truck. folks have got to be careful. drive slowly, give yourself some room. give the vehicles in front of you some room. we're seeing some serious acidents. this is terrible rain out here. tracee wilkins, live this morning. >> expect to see a lot of scenes like that one this mning. tracee, thanks so much. the biggest story we're covering at the moment is this rain and the flooding. the highways are moving very slowly and many low-lying spots are already covered by rising water. megan mcgrath is live in kensing condition wherehere are some flooding conditions there already. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, joe. we've got a flash flood warning in effect and we are seeing some flooding on beach drive in the kensington area you can see that they have the road closed at connecticut avenue. low-lying areas, ofcourse, they are the first to flood circumstances like this. if you noally travel to an area that's prone to flooding, really, think of a different way to make your way in to work this morning. because chances are it is not in good shape. we hav had steady rain now for hours. we have several more hours of rain still ahead of us. the road conditions have been deteriorating all morning long. you heard jerry talk about the accidents that have begun to stack up on primary roads as well as secondary roads. just ugly, ugly conditions out there. we're seeing pooling water, ponding water, areas that don't have good drainage. we're seeing problems on those. 're not just talking secondary low-lyingareas. we're also talking some of the major roads. we've got reports of some high water in bethesda, about a foot ofater in the wisconsin/montgomery avenue area. so just very, very treacherous conditions. take it easy out there. keep your speeds down. we aso have a tornado watch affecting most ofhe viewing area until 1:00. joe, back to you. >>egan mcgrath reporting live. thanks very much, megan. try to stay dry ifou can. right now many people are waking up in the dark, though. pepco reports 1200 people are without electricity in montgomery unty, prince george's county and the district. bge reports about a little over 500 without power. dominion reports nearly 200 without power in northern virginia. >> here's a look at what the storm system has already done else where. the remains of tropical storm nicole dumped heavy rain in southeast north carolina. the rain is putting a strain on area rivers and streams already overflowing. some roads are impassable becse of deep water. i-270 is open again after that terrible and deadly crash involving a tour bus. all northbound lanes were closed for hours, after the bus, carrying children and their parents, plunged off an hov flyover ramp and rolled down a hill coming to rest just inches from the very busy interstate. the 66-year-old bus driver was killed and at least dozen people were injured. they are all pected to be okay, though. doctors who treated the victims say this accident could have been much worse. >> actually the thing that stands out about this accident is the fall seems pretty significant. the mechanism, the physics behind it. i'm surprise that there weren't more severe injuries. >> investigators are still working to determine what did cause the bus driver toose control of that vehicle. coming up, more confusing news for women about who should and shouldn't get a mammogram. what you need to know. >> new information from intelligence agencies about the terror threat targeting major european cities. >> and take a look at this. heavy rain is coming down flout the area. all ofthis rainy weather is creating a wet, messy commute. 69 degrees. a mess out there on 270 your traffic and weather together on the 1s are next. my dad is the supervisor of a train station and my mom's a teacher. dad's an auto technician. my mom's a receptionist. i'm not sure i wou have been able to afford college without the tuition free. while tuition in other states is rising out of reach.. governor o'malley ma the tough choice to frze tuition. he made myream of going to college into a reality. i'm the first in my family to go to college. my brother and i never would have been able to afford colle. even though times were tough... govern o'malley pt his promise. there's never a doubt... there's never a doubt whose side hs on. martin o'malley... moving maryland forward. ime for weather and traffic. good morning on this thursday morning, waves of moderate to heavy rain continuing to sweep across virginia, the district of columbia, maryland, the east and west virginia and this has really picked up in intensity over the last three hours. you see those areas of yellow and orange where it's coming down hardest right now. north and east of washington, across the bay on the eastern side of the bay. that's advancing to the north. another pocket of some very heavy rain now in montgomery county. and across the potomacriver into loudoun county. a few other pockets of heavy rain now st. mary's county where they had over four inches of rain. and route44, and st. mary's county, water over the road. north beach and calvert county reported flooded roads. route 17, spotsylvania county near bevel dean reporting water over the road. and we will continue to see the waves of rain coming through. all these counties in red reporting high water on many area roads, small creeks and streams out of their banks. ponding of water, as ell. we have a tornado watch in effect until 1:00 this afternoon for most of the region, and we'll have this rain from time to time in waves, heavy at times, allhe way in to early this evening, tapeng off and ending by midnight tonight. and then a blustery wind tomorrow as we dry out. cooling down for the weekend. erry, how is the traffic now? >> we continue to llow breaking news on the capital beltway, in maryland, with a jackknifed tractor trailer. virtually blocking the entire inr loop of t beltway, just after t exit of the i-270 spur. but before you get to old georgetown road. right now, authorities are on the scene trying to get the tractor trailer squared away. in the meantime the beltway is delayed coming up from river road, growing very, very quickly. if you're planning on heading thatdirection, don't. second option take the 270 spur and circumvent the delays that way. right now very little traffic geing by on the inner loop. let's head on over speaking of 270. southbound traffic pretty good here in germantown. however, that's a little deceiving. just down the road a new accident ju reported with two lanes closed off, 270 southbound at falls road. i'm sure that authorities are dealing with more accidents before this camera. we'll keep u updated on that. elsewhere, this is 95 virginia, where we've had a series of accidents. latest of which here, dale city, still being tended to. so right now from at least triangle all the way on up it is more stop than go. >> thank u, jerry. >> jerry, thanks very much. 6:13. 69 degrees. watch and listen to this. rember the times square bomb plot? the fbi shows off the power of the explosion had it gone off and reveals the details of yet a second plot. >> and we're watching the weather and the roads as heavy rain continues to pound the area. stay with us. equals chili's $20 dinner for two. share one of five appetizers, like our famous texas cheese fries. then choose two freshly prepared entrees from 14 chili's favorites, like our chicken crispers with new sweet & smoky sauce, our new slow-smoked honey chipotle baby back ribs, or grilled all-white meat chicken fajitas served over a bed of sizzling peppers and onions. grab a friend and get one appetizer plus two entrees with chili's $20 dinner for two. 6:16 is your time now. 69 degrees. you're taking a look at the beltway on the right and radar on the left. look at all that rain. it is creating a lot of problems out there on the roads. meteorologist tom kierein will have your forecast in just a few minutes. invest gators are still working to dermine if yesterday morning's deadly fire in northwe washington waset intentionally. it's a story you saw first on news 4. one man was killed when he jumped to escape the fire in the 3100 block of 16th street in columbia heights. four others,ncluding a 2-year-old girl, were seriously hurt. firefighters believe the fire started on the fifth floor, and they are calling it suspicious ght now. classes at prince george's community college will resume today after a gas leak shut everythindown yesterday. the leak happened just after 8:00 yesterday morning when workers accidentally ruptured a four-inch natural gas ne. authorities said there was never anydanger of an explosion, but roads in the area were closed and the school was closed, as well, as a precaution. theas line has been repaired. we're getting a look at just how powerful the times square bomb would have been had it detonated earlier this year. take a look. that was an fbi re-enactment of the bomb. fail shahzad said he thought he would kill about 40 people. he pleaded guilty to all ten counts against him back in june. court documents say he was planning to strike many times. prosecutors say that shahzad studied new york city web cams to observe foot traffic around the area. he also said he wanted to, quote, join his brothers in jihad since 9/. shahzad will be sentenced next week. meanwhile, there's now new information about the terror plot targeting major european cities. officials say ere is increased chatter from various sources that paris is considered to be a target. thousands of additional police and militaryersonnel have blanketed that city as a precaution. and it's not just in france. according to intelligence sources in gmany, german jihadists who fought for al qaeda in pakistan and afghanistan are now coming back home to continue the fight. and tourists are being affected by all this bause of the several bomb threats the eiffel tower has been shut down twice over just t past two weeks. >> montgomery county fire and rescue joins us live this morning. good morning. >> good morning, eun. >> thanks for joining us. first of all, could you talk to us a little bit about the crash yesterday on 270. you were on the scene tell us about it. >> well, just after 4:00, a limousine-style tour bus, a 29-passenger bus, was traveling northbound on 270 from the direction of old georgetown road. it was a group of adults and ildren that were coming back up from visiting the washington mall, and the natiol zoo. just before they entered the flyover ramp, which is the hov lane to northbound270, the bus left the road, went through the guard rail, and struck the jersey wall abutment, which caused the bus to actually roll down a 45 foot embankment coming to rest on the jersey wall which was protecting northbound 270 coming from the direction of democracy boulevard. >> thanks for that. let me move on just because of the conditions of this day and talk a little bit about the dangers of flooding. i know that fire and rescue often get caed from people whose basements, in particular, get flooded or they get worried about their homes being flooded. what particular concerns should homeowners have about flooding, especially dangers, if your basement gets flooded, what about your furnace, electricity on there. how dangerous a situation can that be for folks? >> well, dependinon the type of uilities you have, whether it's gas or electric, you certainly want to call a ofessional if, in fact, a gas furnace ha been flooded to relight the pilot light, to make sure that the -- there are no leaks in the home. if you smell gas, naturalas within your home, call 911. you want to remove folks from the home if you have that odor of gain the home. you know, there are a lot of issues that we're monitoring this morning with the rain and flooding conditions. our special operations chief, special operations section, they're monitoring the roads. we know of about 25 or 30 trouble areas that we have in the county, as it relates to roadway flooding. so many things in yourhome, you know, basements, if you hve a sump pump and you lose electricity, obviously we're going to get some flooding there. if there is no life threat or there is no life in danger, utilize our 311 system. >> all right. >> we can get to your services and direct you from the 311 system, as well. but if there is any threat to life, certainly call 911. >> okay. assistant chi of the montgomery county fire and rescue, chief scott graham, thanks so much for joining us today. good luck today. >> thanks. >>it will be a challenging day, i think. >> more developments, let's go right to meteorologist tom kierein in the storm center. >> we are under a tornado watch, meaning the conditions are right for potentialornadoes to develop, and now we do have a tornado warning, meaning, on radar we are seeing some circulation that could be producing a tornado in st. mary's and in calvert county. right now as we look at the closer view on the radar, down there in st. mary's county, we are getting some circulation re on the radar. it does appear that this particular storm may be producing a tornado. now, the location's impact would be the naval air station, town creek, saint letter creek, calvert cliffs, this system is heading off to the northwest, and this is the particular cell here that may be producing a tordo. a little bit of a circulation heren the radar, and we don't have any reports of a funnel cloud touching down yet, but we do have an indication on radar that this storm could be producing a tornado. again a tornado warning for southeastern calvert county in southern maryland, and eastern st. mary's county in southern maryland until 7:00 this morning. it could affect pax river naval air sttion, saint leonard creek, greenwell ste park and calvert cliffs. and that is heading off to the north and west. elsewhere on the radar we have some other pockets of very heavy rn that are farther to the north across the bay, and just now near camp island and moving toward queen anne's county. other pockets, ver heavy rain in montgomery county and southern frederick county. western loudoun county the panhandle ofest virginia here in jefferson county, getting some very avy rain, as well. so this area of rain, with a potential tornado here in st. mary's and in calvert county, this is heading off to the nrth and west. and it is perhaps going to be heading into charles county, and into prince george's county. may not be a tornado. butcertainly some heavy rain with maybe blustery winds heading that way. right now right near washington where you see the green and blue, the rain is a little bit lighter. but here comes another surge, though. that will continue to movein here, perhaps, in another half hour or 45 minutes. right around 7:00. we'llave another wave of very heavy rain, coming in to washington, and much of the region, we've got flooding. all these counties in red have flooding. right now, under way, water over many roads, here in t nearby suburbs of washington, as well as in the district of columbia, and in southern maryland and parts of northernva. flooding is occurring right now. total amounts of up to seven inches of rain before this all tapers off and ends this evening. here is the tornado watch area. tornado watch area does cover eastern virginia, the district of columbia, northern virginia, and much of maryland, and the eastern shore. this tornado watch means conditions are ripe for individual storm to produce a funnel cloud. this is in effect until 1:00 this afternoon. along with heavy rain, more flooding likely later today, as well. highs reaching the mid 70s. right now, it's in the 60s to near 70. and then tomorrow, we'll be drying out. the rain can taper off and end by midnight tonight. blustery winds tomorrow with partly cloudy skies, highs reaching the mid 70s. then as we get into tomorrow afternoon and evening, we'll see they're getting quite chilly. only in the 40s on saturday morning. saturday and sunday afternoon, we'll have it into the mid 60s to upper 60s andt will be partly cloudy. another chilly start on sunday morning, and as we get into next week there could be some more unsettled weather moving our way with highs in the 6s to 70s by midweek. but again we do have a tornado warning in effect for southern maryland, it includes eastern st.ary's county, and southern calvert county. this is a particular storm here that shows sme circulation on the radar that i now heading off to the rth and a bit to the north and west and will be affecting southern calvert county. you do see storm coming your way. take cover, move to an interior room of your hou or to the lowest floor of a security building and aid the windows. that's for sure in this area of southern maryland in st. mary's county, and in calvert county. and you still definitely want to stay tuned here. we'll keep you posted as this morning progresses, because we could have some more severe weather in addition to the flooding rain that will continue to sweep through the region from time to time over the next several hours, and the wider view of the radar, again showing that this wave of rain does continue to come in from the south and east. we've got another pocket of some very heavy rain. even farther south of st. mary's. that, too, is going to be moving in and heading off to the north and west, and perhaps impacting the metro area as we get into the later part of the afternoon hours. now let's check the impact on trfic around the region. jerry, how's it looking? >> m, very miserable. we'll start on the maryland side, inner loop of the beltway, right side of your screen. authorities are trying to remove a jackknifed tractor trailer on the inner loop just after the exit of the i-270 spurt but old georgetown road. right now police are telling us the shoulder may be getting by under police direction. right now we're just going to say that all traffic is blocked so stay away from that stretch. 270 spur the left side of your screen is the alternate. but what's very dangerous now, folks are actually stoping in the travel portion of the northbound spurt, trying to merge over here. because obviously they don't know the beltway's shut down. so, st up with us we'll keep you updated on that. now 270 southbound has been difficult all morning long. here's the latest accident near falls ad. fire and rescue crews are on the scne the. we've had accidents, several stretches of accidents and right now it's a virtual parking lot from at let german town. more likely at lea clarksburg now all the way on down to the capital beltway. one more stop to go around, a series of accidents on 95. latest of which is in dumfrie authorities are dealing with that from well before triangle onto the beltway and 395. it is more stop than go. extra travel time. a lot of patienc and bring your brain with you this morning. joe, eun? >> pay attention this morning, jerry. thank you. >> speaking of paying attention. we're going to continue to pay attention to the weather out there. it is continuing to develop in our area, here's tom with more in the weather center. good morning, tom. >> just a few minut ago the radar picked up some circulation in a thunderstorm cloud over southern st. mary's county, and in easternt. mary's townpy that's headi towards southeastern calvert county southern maryland. and the radar is picking up this indication of a circulation just a few minutes ago. now the closer view of the radar let's zoom in on southern maryland and we can see where this particular storm is right now it's the one near solomon. this could be the one that is maybe producing a funnel cloud. this is heading off into the these communities here perhaps over the next 15 minutes or so. to include part chesapeake up towards long beach and calvert cliffs as well as california, town creek, greenwell state par that area. this is heading off to the north and west. and this is moving rather quickly. so if you do happen to see a funnel cloud or you sense that some strong winds are coming toward where you livethere, definitely take cover and move to an interior room or the lowest floor of your home and avoid windows, and definitely move to the closest substantial shelter if you find yourself caught outside. and as we look farther to the north here on the radar. we are also getting some areas of very heavy rain now falling just to the north now coming towards huntingtown in calvert county. weatr watcher there just reported over three inches of rain there, and here comes another wave. they've had over four inches in st. mary's county just heading off into prince charges county. this will be moving up that way in the next 15 minutes so with another round of some very heavy rain. the pockets of yelw also in frederick county, panhandle of west virginia. so we'll have waves of heavy rain with more flooding likely and perhaps some seve storms as the morning progresses. we'll be back with frequent updates. eun and joe? >> tom, thank you. >> thanks very much. >> of course the biggest story we are covering at the moment. flooding as jerry has been showing us,s there are problems all across the area. many low lying spots in montgomery county arealready covered by rising water. >> megan mcgrath is live now with flooding conditions. you're at beach drive and connecticut, is that right, megan? >> yeah. beach drive and connecticut, and beach drive is closed. this, of course, is a low-lying area that's prone to flooding. and we are seeing low-lying areas start to become trouble spots. that's been a situation all morning long. we are also starting to see a lot of pooling and ponding water out there on the roadways. of course the timing of the storm is just terrible. right during rush hour. people trying to head out to work. kids trying to get off to school. and this is going to stick around for sveral more hours. let's look at some of the trffic cameras. maybe the beltway and 270, can you see the traffic situation there, just a steady rain coming down. we're getting reports of road closures throhout the area. there's another trouble spot at prosperity avenue and morningside drive in irfax. that area the road is closed ecause of standing water, and this is an ongoing situation. we are not expecting the rain to let up for several more hours. we've got bands that are coming thugh the area that are rather heavy at times. just take it easy out there. >> all right megan mcgrath. >> thanks so much. t's go back to tom right now. he's continuing to watch the situation, especially down in southern maryland around solomons where it looks like there might be a posble tornado. >> possible funnel cloud. we don't have any confirmed reports of a touchdown yet but we do have an indication on the raar of some circulation in a thderstorm cloud that is in southeastern st. mary's county, as well as in sthern calvert county in southeastern calvert county. this is advancing to the north. you can see the entire flow of the atmosphere is moving from the south to the north. all this precipitation and storminess associated with the remnants of trocal storm nicole, that is spinning over the carolinas right now. that's going to be heading our way. now this is the particar storm. it does look like it may be weakened a little bit, as it did passing off to the north. this could be the storm right now producing a funnel cloud. lso this one, this one may be a storm oducing a funnel cloud, as well. and then we've got another one up here, too, that's just how pulling to the north into calvert county. here's waldorf and charles county. now this may be heading towards that way as well as into southern prince george's county in the next w minutes. and don't have any indication of any touchdown yet, but the radar is showing some circulation to that storm. it is n heading toward lugby in sohern calvert county. and this wave of very heavy rain here that we see in central calvert county is going to be crossing into prince george's county in the next 15 minutes or so. even though we have a lull in the rain here in washington right now, this area of green is just some lighter rain that's falling now. here comes this next big wave of heavy rain maybe with circulation that could produce damaging winds. that's going t be tracking up right toward the metro area here in the next 15 minutes or so. already the leading edge of that very heavy rain is just now coming in to southern prince george's county. eastern charles county. out of northern st. marys. so we have several cells here that could be producing circulation. perhaps producing a funnel cloud. that's why we have a tornado warning in effect for northern st. mary's, and in calvert county where the next half hour or so until about 7:00. this may be extended farther to the north if these particular storms do hold together and continue to show some intensity increase in the next several hours. now, the wider view of the radar showing some other areasof very heavy rain that's falling when you see this yellow in montgomery county right now. that one cell is producing some very heavy rain, right near gaithersburg, and up towards olney and near laytonsville and damascus. that one is going to b tracking up right towards dascus shortly with some very heavy rain. and then acros the frederick county line into frederick county. there is another 30kate of some very heavy rain there, too. that is going to b tracking up towards the north. now, farther to our west, the radar is showing a pocket of some very heavy rain that is in the panhandle of west virginia. an we have a lot of viewers there. that is posing qukly off to the north. so ma creeks and streams may start coming out of their banks, too, from martinsburg wn to charlestown and then across the line into southern washington county maryland near sharpsburg. and the antietam national battlefield park there. that isassing off to the north. and burktsville, they're getting a very heavy downpour there right now. now farther to the south in loudoun county, it's not raining quite as hard there. but, stand by, there's going to be some more heavy rain beginning to move that way, as well as in to perhaps southern frederick county. you may g another wave there. but what is the greatest importance right now is southern maryland. this is the area where we do have a tornado warning in effect for parts of northern st. mary's county, as well as eastern calvert cnty. now this is the particular cell at did show some circulation in it. there may be a funnel cloud from near salmons up to chesapeake and near lugsby, long beach, as well as right around california, town creek, saint leonard creek, greenwell state park, calvert cliffs. this whole area here, there could be circulation here. there may be a funnel cloud touching down. these are all indications on radar where you s these orange cells. this is where 's raining hardest. and these are the zones that might have some circulation, and perhaps some small funnel clouds that will be coming onhrough here or the next half hour or so. heading off to the north an northwest. now, how's all this rain impacting traffic, jerry? >> very tough morning. we said it before, extra travel imes. lots of patience. you're looking at a live picture of the capital beltway's inner loop in montgomery county. authorities are dealing with a jackknifed tractor trailer. virtually blocking all lanes of the inner loop between the exit for the 270 spur and old georgetown road. right now, very little if any traffic is getting by. you want to definitely avoid that stretch of road. let's head over and update you along i-270. police are still dealing with an accident, southbound near falls road, right there. right si of the roadway, just one a series o accidents that we've had this morning. accidents on the beltway, in virginia, on the outer loop at van doren street with a couple of lanes closed. so far just volume, no major accidents over on 66. quick check elsewhere. head on over and update you, 95, virginiathis is just one of about five accidents we've been following so far in the stretch between triangle and the ltway. so just be forewarned. . joe, eun? >> indeed. thanks very much, jerry. we're going to take a look at the inner loop of the beltway whe there's been that bad accident. tracee wilkins is on the scene. >> all we see are brake lights at this point? >> oh, yes, definitely. because all of the lanes are closed. traffic is only getting by on the shoulder. definitely a lot of brake lights. but we are seeing that traff is moving at a very slow clip. right now they're working to get that jackknifed tractor trailer out of the roadway. this is a dr that jackknives up the road here and as jerry said it is just up from where we are. you can kind of see some of the flashing lights on bradley boulevard overlooking 495. from where we are to kind of see the accident scene but it is a big mess and causing major ises for folks. some people are last minute to try and give up on the inner loop and get over here to i-270. that can be pretty dangerous, because these are double lines here, folks are supposed to be crossing them at thi point. so causing a lit bit of a mess as people are trying to make that transition. they've got to get that truck out of the roway. get trucks to move it so they can get traffic on the road again. it's starting to pick up just a little bit here. still a lot of stop and go here as folks are trying to make their way. inner loop heading towards wisconsin avenue, major backups. traffic all the way up 495. fos just need to be careful and pay attention as they head out this morning. tracee wilkins live in montgomery county. >> trae, thanks very much. >> back to meteorologist tom kierein in the storm center for the latest on this weather. >> good morning. we have a tornado warning in effect, meaning there's an indication there could be a funnel cloud that may be touching down in northern st. mary's county and southeastern calvert county in southern maryland. this is the zone that is affected where you see the yellows and oranges. these are the areas that may have a particular storm that might be producing a funnel cloud. now these are the towns that may be affected as it heads off to the north, and a bit perhaps to the north and west. it could be heading toward oakland, shadyside, as it gets into southern anne arundel county here by 6:45. then londontown, robinwood, autopsy that way into anne arundel county. right now the main area affected is calvert county and these communiti in eastern calvert county may be affected here in the next few minutes. prince frederick, wilson, chapeake, north beach, huntingtown andby maryland. these are the towns within the path of these particular cells. each one of which could be producing some small funnel clouds. ght now there's just an indication on radar that we have a circulation in the atmosphere in these cells, these three cellhere heading off to the north quickly. and a little bit to the north and west, right now, showing some very heavy rain where you see the yellows and oranges. here is the western shore of the chesapeake bay, so this is the bay right in here. so much of the very heavy rain is jst off of the coast here of calvert county over the bay. and this is tracking a bit to the north and west. so right now near shadide and up toward annapolis, very heavy rain there. that is moving inland. farther inland right across northern calvert county, very heavy rain down towards there, as well. these particular cells, these are the two that may be producing some circulation. so right now, that would be over the bay. so they might be producing a water spout, and that is heading off to the north and west. pulling away from the populated areas of calvert county, thanksfully. but here we do have some very heavy rain. we've had over four inches of rain in st. mary's and calvert counties this morning in ny locations. there's flooding, even though without a fnel cloud touching we've got flooding issues here. many roads have water on them in calvert county. right now that area of heavy in is showing some indication it's tracking a bit to the north and west. that may be moving in to northern prince george's, and eastern prince george's county here in just the next few minutes. right now, washington we just have some light rain falling. southern montgomery county and fairfax just some lighter rain. here in charl county we have pocket of moderate rain falling. this is the zone where we have a tornado warning in effect, meaning there's some circulation indicated in radar, from these particular storm cells that y be producing a funnel cloud. right now looks like the greatest instability and the greatest intensity is just off of theoast there on the western shores of the chepeake bay out over the bay. but inland, we do have some pockets of very heavy rain that continues to fall. here's th wider view of the radar showing we have light rain across most of the rest of northernva, and in montgomery county now, as it's begun to settle down. one band of heavy rain toward damascus has diminished a bit. another few pockets of moderate rain heavy rain in frederick cnty, maryland. panhandle of west virginia, right now in jefferson and birthly county, heavy rain. that's moving to washington county maryland. we'll keep you posted. we'll have frequent updates throughout the morning. we could get more storms producing circulation and funnel clouds throhout the morning as well as continued flooding from heavy rain. now how's the traffic? >> update folks along interstate 66 where at this point we haven't had any majorccidents right near route 50. you can see the rain continues to fall. but we're incident free. but certainly far from delay free a the way from manassas on in. travel lanes are open inbound. westbound from the beltway, out your lanes are open as well. let's update you, this is the beltway, prince charges county over near greenbelt. both the inner loop and outer loop right now, heavy and extremely slow. between route 50 and the wilson bridge. however the good news is there are no hang-ups on that side of the beltway. unfortunately south of town accident on the beltway outer loop in virginia, as you leave springfield trying to get on over towas telegraph road authorities are dealing with an accident. a couple of travel lanes there closed on the outer loop. inner loop of the beltway, lanes are open headed for i-95. one thing i'm very concerned about where there's not a lot of traffic or liter volume, speeds are up to a ridiculous level, and a lot of folks just need to slow it down because we don't need any more acciden at this hour. authorities are reall busy. we don't need people hurt. we'll keep you updated. >> thanks very much. we have some breaking news to tell you about. we're getting word of water rescues under way at wood burn and tobin roads in annandale near fairfax and nova hospital where apparently cars are in high water. >> we understand that emergency crews are there and that boats have been deployed. we've been talking about this morning when there are areas of high water do not attempt to drive your vehicle through this. every time it rains hard in this area, we've done the warning out and people still do it. the emergency crews are going to be very busy throughout the region, we imagine, as there are several reports of flooding in many spots throughout our region. >> be very cautious. wesend tt warning out allthe time. the fact of the matter is, when you're driving at this hour of the day, when it's dark out, the glare is out there, it's virtually impossible to tell whether what you're going into is deep or not or whether you're going into the water. suddenly boom you're just there. it's a very dangerous situation. just be very, very careful. if you know it's a low-lying area, best to just avoid it. >> let's go to megan mcgrath live in kensington where some roads have been closed as a result of thiseather. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we're seeing road closures. let me apologize for the condition of our camera here. the moisture is starting to get to our lens. that's why things look a little bit foggy and hazy here. we're seeing all kind of problems because of the amount of rain we've had over the last several hours. this is beach drive closed in the kensington area. we hav water that's starting to pool on roads all throughout our viewing area. we have tornado watches, as well as tornado warnings in some spots. this is a nasty, nasty storm. one that has packed quite a punch in terms of the amount of rainfall we've seen in the last few hours. it's going to stick around f awhile. so we still have some more ra to come. we are seeing a definite horrible impact on rush hour traffic. of course the typing of the storm, terrible. everyone's trying to head to work. head t to school. and so we're starting to see the traffic build up. we see horrible traffic conditions when we have just a little bit of rain. when you have something like this, you can only imagine the impact that it's going to have on the rush hour commute this morning. so if you have the option to stay home and telecommute, that's probably a really good way to go today. because it's going to take you a long time to get out there, get in to work and deal with all of the traffic that we're seeing on the rodways. we're hearing reports of water rescues. reports of road closures roughout the area. pooling water on major highways. it's just a messy situation and people just need to be aware of what's going on. it's dark out still. you might be coming up on a pool of water and you might not see it until you're there. just keep your speeds down. joe, eun back to you. >> thanks very much. if you have the option to stay home and sleep and read and watch television, probably even a better option than telecommuting. >> i was going to ask you what you're seeing in terms of the drivers. are people slowing down and taking it easy? >> this stretch of connecticut avenue. again we're at beach drive. we're seeing a lot of people doingu-turns. someone just did that. they were looking to turn on beach drive, saw that it was closed so they did au-turn. we are seeing some close calls hee, if you will, with people who are making that u-turn. sometimes it's two people trying to do it at the exact same tie. so not a great situation. in termsf connecticut avenue, though, right here at beach drive, it's not too bad. we're seeing traffic moving through the area. it's not an absolute stastill. it's slow, of course, but not an absolute parking lot. so that's good news at least on this roadway. but you're just goingto have to keep your eyes open because you don't necessarily know when you're going to hit a trouble spot and when those brakes go on on the car in front of you, you better be ready to stop. back to you all. >> absolutely. dangerous out there. thanks so much. >> from that radar pictur you can tell that those yellow blobs are still headed our way. let's go back to tom kierein to find out more abouthe approaching rain. >> the yellow and orang you see on the radar. those are the pockets of the heaviest rain. right now light rain in washington as well as montgomery and fairfax and loudoun counties. to our south and east the heaviest rains e falling and we have a tornado warning that is in effect for about another 15 minutes from a coupleof cells that did show some rotation on the radar. those are beginning to diminish. that's good news. actually could be producing some water spouts over the bay. zooming in, over the chesapeake bay just to get yo oriented, here is the shore of the bay in calvert county and st. mary's coun county. there's point lookout right there. this is the chesapeakeay in here. where you see these areas of orange coming on through, these are the areas of the heaviest rains that are now over the bay. except right here in sthern maryland, they're getting another very heavy downpour. at the pax river naval air station they've had 4 1/2 inches of rain since midnight and still more to come. they could get over seven, maybe even eight inches of rain here before the day is out from these rticular storm that are passing on through coming in from the south, all associated with what are now the remnants of tropical storm nicole. now,the radar is showing the pockets of heavy rain, also about to come right back in to southern maryland. that is the zone that has been just pounded this morning with rrential downpours, as well as a couple of cells that may be producing water spouts now over the bay, where you see these reds and oranges. that's the heaviest rains, and these two could be producing water spouts just off of point lookout over the bay, as well as just east of lomon. the are tracking off to the north right up the bay. there's another one here that's a little bit of a weaker cell that's just to the east of north beach, and east of calvert county there over the bay. that's heading up towards the bay bridge near annapolis. farther to the north thradar shows another batch of some very heavy rain in anne arundel county from near the calvert county line through shadyside and another band of very heavy rain along interstate 50 in annapolis and farther to the west there in to northern anne arundel county. these cells are tracking off a little bit to the north and west and so we've had some of that heavier rain pull out of calvert county and move in to extreme eastern prince geor's county. now this may head on up toward the beltway in another 15 minutes. that will cause more traffic problems on the eastern se of the beltway here in prince george's county. this could impact very heavy rain could impact the traffic. communities that are being affected by these particular heavy downpours, and potential perhaps rotation in the atmosphere, ar now into mitchellville in prince george's county, robin wood, woodmore and winchester, those villages and towns could be impacted here up through around 6:00 to 6:55. these are moving rather quickly off to the north, and a little bit to the north and wes and here in prince george's county, and these other communities here along this path are going to be impactedy this particular cell that's producing some heavy rain. morningside by around 6:55. forestville, kettering around 6:55. district heights perhaps as well, too, largo, that area could get very heavy rain in about another five, six, seven, eight minutes or so, as this tcks off to the north and to the northwest. now, the wider view of the radar showing areas of green,ome lighter rain, thankfully, because we do he flooding reports here. many creeks and streams are out of their banks and all these counties in red we now have flood warnings extended north now into northern maryland and frederick county maryland into montgomery and prince george's as well. southern maryland, heaviest rains this morning,e have had many locatios, well over four inches in charles, calvert, st. mary es, anne arundel and no prince george's. fairfax, fauquier, you're under a flood waing as well. many reports of water over roads in all of these counties in red, including the district of columbia. rock creek running very high. e've already closed beach drive in many locations. up to seven inches of rain possible all across the entire region. in addition we have a tornado watch that is in effect for eastern virginia the district of columbia, as well as our nearby suburbs and much of maland, the eastern shore. this tornado watch is in effect until 1:00. now a tornado watch means that there's the potential for a storm to produce a funnel cloud, other than the ones we've had showing up on radar, circulation in southern ryland. we don't have any other warnings out right now. for the rest of the day, waves of heavy rain from time to time with temperatures climbs to the mid70s with more flooding likely and perhaps some strong storms. stay tuned. we'll be hereith frequent updates. and then dry out la tonight, storms will be passing by and gone by late this evening and then partly cloudy tomorrow, and some blustery northwest winds gustg to around 3 mile an hour as high temperatures reach the mid 70s. then a very nice weekend to follow. it will feel like autumn. 40s in the morningaturday and sunday. saturdayafternoon, sunda afternoon both days into the 60s. and then into next week there could be more unsettled weather coming our way. there's quite a bit of uncertainty. stay tuned for that. right ow the biggest concerns are the areas of very heavy rain that continue to fall in calvert, anne arundel, and now into eastern prince george's county as these showers do move off to the north, and a bit to the northwest, our eastern subur are going to have heavy rain in the next few mines. jerry, how is our traffic? >> quite the challenge out there this morning. live look, scroll through some of our trafficcameras and show you this is the outer loop of the beltway a you leave springfield headed toward ice hour avenue and telegraph road. authorities are stl dealing with an accident on the outer loop of the beltway near telegraph road with at least a couple of travel lanes blocked. again the beltway outer loop delays begin at the i-95 sprgfield interchange. let'shead on over and update you into town, all the southeast corridors are crawling now, pennsylvania aven, 295, on the parkway, this is pennsylvania avenue at seventh street where we're getting initial reports of a pole down on the roadway. pennsylvania avenue near sixth street in northwest, authorities are headed over there. seventh street and new york avenue taffic appears to be moving along pretty well. kind of a hit and miss proposition depending on where you are. through southeast some of the construction areas, particularly at pennsylvania avenue, toward minnesota avenue going to be tough because they are not training at all. to the american legion bridge, ight side and the outer loop are okay. inner loop of the beltway, delays begin just behind the camera as you round the curb toward i-270. authorities continue to deal with the jackknifed tractor trailer on the inner loop of the beltway. after the exit for the i-270 spurt. very little traffic is getting by. plan accordingly. metro is okay, vre, every single vre train is late at this hour. every train on the fredericksburg and manassas line is late because of either flooding or flooding restrictions on vre. m.a.r.c. rail has not notified us of any significant isss at the ment. joe, eun? >> all right, thanks, jerry. >> we're following developing storyut of fairfax county. we have a report of a water rescue aping inannandale at woodburn and tobins road there near fairfax and nova hospital. we understand that emergency crews are on t scene with boats deployed as they're trying to rescue vehicles that have been stranded in high water. >> very dangerous situation out there. be very careful as you dprief around the roadways. obviously if you see what appears to be high water do not go into it. but the big problem is when it's dark outside, raining a lot of glare, it's hard to tell. st be very aware that that's a possibility, and very careful, as tom always says, turn around, don't drown. let's go to tom right now to find out more about this weather that's continuing to approach our area. >> all this is associated with remnants of tropical storm nicole, which was briefly a tropial storm yesterday. circulation of that storm is way to our south down into north carolina now. but that circulation will pass right over the metro area. right around noontime. so, this is really sort of the beinning of this very heavy rain event. already reports of flooding throughout much of the region. high water on many roads and many basements prone to flooding ma be getting water. right now if you have valuable items in your basement and you know it's prone to flooding, get them into a dry location. as we look at the radar closer into southern maryland is where we've had waves of heavy rain coming through this morning. have reports of over 4 to 4 1/2 inches of rainn st. mary's county and another very strong heavy downpour is just about to move right along the western shores of the bay from st. marys up toward solomons. and from near calvert cliffs up to north beach, this wave of heavy rain will likely move right up that way hereover the next 15 minutes or so. and this is the radar over the last three hours, so you can see that it has continued to move, and really picked up in intensity. just in the last three hours. now, the radar is showing some pockets of some heavier rain now moving intoprince george's county as well. that pocket of heavy rain is just now crossing route 50 where the beltway meets route 50 over toward annapolis. that is a very heavy rain band there that's heading off to the north. a bit to the northwest. and that may be moving up toward largo and around glendale and perhaps up toward 95 in the next 15 minutes. another pocket of heavy rain just now crossing out of charles countyinto southern prince george's, getting some moderate rain in washington right now. where you see the greens and blues, that's where it's not rning quite as hard. so it's a little bitighter west and north of us thankfully. so the flooding concerns there, at least temporarily, a beginning to diminish a little bit. but we do have reports of high water in all these counties in red across northern virginia, including washington, as well as much of maryland. reports of high water, flash flood warning means we have floodg occurring right now. the rest of the region, flash flood watch meaning flooding is possible later today. also a tornado wat in effect until 1:00. we couldet some storms producing funnel clouds, eastern virginia, the district, and much of maryland, eastern shore, up until 1:00. more moderate to heavy rain during the afternoon. tapering off tonight and ending by late this evening. and tomorrow as we dry out on friday, partly cloudy cooler weather saturday and sunday int next week a bit unsettled again. how's the traffic? >> time to take a live look as we continue to follow the beltw troubles on the inner loop. the right side of your screen. you'll find delays not too long after you leave the american legion bridge. again on the inner loop headed on over toward old georgewn road. at the scene where authorities are still struggling with the jackknifed tractor trailer. they're telling us, authorities are telling us only the shlder of the roadway inner loop is getting by. let's update you on 95. more stops and go from triangle most of the way to the capital beltway. lanes are open. if you're making the trip around town, heads up going to be a very long commute. accident downtown. south capital street idge. joe? eun? >> thank you jerry. >>going to be a long commute. going to be a long day weatherwise out there. >> let's go back to tom kierein in the storm center once again f the latest on the storm. tom, good morning. >>ood morning, eun and joe. we've seen these waves of heavy rain really pick up in intensity start about 3:00 this rning. between 3:00 and right now we've had sever waves of heavy rain come through that have unloaded up to 2 to 2 1/2 inches over the last several hours, as a result we've had the waves of rain producing flooding. many small creeks and streams have contind to flow out of their banks, and cover many of the area roads. and where you see the areas of darker green and yellow and orange, that's where we're getting the heaviest rain. right now we do have that beginning to pick up in intensity in prince george's county. the district of columbia, and in fairfax county. this is one band of a developing heavy rain band at's heading off to the north and west, and will continue to perhaps exacerbate the flooding. also some other areas ef heavier rain beginning to show up around charlottesville. areas to our west that havehad the lighter rain, another band of some heavy rain maying causing flooding out that way. theeaviest rain in anne arundel, calvert couies. >> thanks very much, tom. we will, of course, continue to follow the story all morning long, all day long, but for now that's "news 4 today." good morning,


Transcripts For WRC Today 20100521

friday, may 21st, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm meredith vieira. lot of nervous eyes going to be watching wall street today following thursday's big decline, the dow closing down 376 points. >> that's right. that's even more than the overall loss during that so-called flash crash earlier this month when the dow dropped nearly 1,000 points in about 30 minutes before recouping some of those losses. so what is the turmoil mean? could we be headed for another significant downturn? we'll talk about that with cnbc's jim cramer. also ahead, important news for women. a new study is revealing a potential break-through in the battle against ovarian cancer. scientists have found a way to catch the deadly disease earlier than ever before. dr. nancy snyderman will be here with details. also, we've got some amazing video to show you, a man's touching reunion with a long, lost friend. this is a gorilla that he raised, then released into the wile five years earlier. it's really something to see. we're going to show it to you and talk to the man involved in this coming up a little later. >> reminds me of the reunion with the man and the lion. they are one of the hottest young bands around, matt loves them. the script has not one, but two songs burning up the charts. look at how many other people adore them. they'll play both of those songs live on the plaza. >> a lot of young ladies in the crowd there. they're very popular with the young ladies as well. but let's begin with the struggling stock market and new concerns over the health of the u.s. economy. cnbc's "mad money" host jim cramer is here. good morning. i want to take you back to may 6th, the day the dow plummeted 1,000 points in 30 minutes. they called it a flash crash. now we're down about 10% since the highs in the market in april. when you consider this, do you look back at may 6th and put it in a different context now? >> we are six points away from where we were that day and that was supposed to be a bogus crash. it looks like some of the levels were right. now i have to tell you we're not falling to pieces, to use the script's words. >> little pop culture reference. >> exactly. i'm advising no panic. i'm advising this is -- stay the course. a lot of it is just -- >> a guy known for sunlight and optimism says there are parts of the global economy that are now at the risk of a double-dip recession. those are words nobody wants to hear. from here ow i see things getting worse. now you can react. >> he's been negative all the way down, he was negative at 6,500. i was positive there. good point. but i will say this, he does make sense. europe has tremendous risk and until they get their act together, we're going to keep going down. >> is the reason we're going to keep going down here in this country over what happens in europe because american companies have significant exposure to the euro and european debt? >> yes, we do. our banks, our corporations, we are united far more than anyone thought. plus, i've got to tell you, they need to be a little more grown-up over there. france squabbling with germany, no real plan. no resolution means our stocks go down. >> i was watching some of the analysis after the decline on the dow yesterday. some were saying a lot of this is concern over this financial reform legislation. well, it passed in the senate yesterday, significant margin of victory there. are people worried about what the bill does or how it's going to work? >> i think people are worried that it is going to make the banks lose a lot of money. this is wall street. i think that main street does well off this. it will not be so bad. any resolution there will also be positive. we need resolutions. the united states is well ahead of europe in terms of this. >> let me end on unemployment. the labor department released some figures yesterday, jim, that showed that first-time claims for unemployment benefits rose. it was disappointing. but the unemployment situation is not a new problem. why do there seem to be more concerns about it now? >> well, because we're starting to think, if europe slows, china is slowing, we were coming back. maybe we're going to take a step back and things -- let's just say by the second half are not going to get to where we thought we might have 9% unemployment but go back over 10%. that's bad. >> jaime kramer who will be out singing "breakeven" with the script in the next half-hour. thank you. catch "mad money" on cnbc weeknights at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. eastern time. now there is also troubling news this morning whether it comes to that oil spill in the gulf of mexico. bp now concedes that the leak is larger than it originally estimated and we now have a live picture of the spill showing exactly what is happening one mile under water. nbc's chief environmental affairs correspondent anne thompson is in venice, louisiana with more. anne, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. as bp prepares to try and stop the leak this weekend, the frustration level here in the gulf coast and in washington is growing as the oil moves in to the marshes and on to the beaches and we get our first realtime look at what's happening beneath the sea. these oily blotches stain phil and laura's daily stroll on the beach in grand isle. >> got this reddish tint. >> it's still incredibly sticky. then when the water recedes, you can see the oil's sheen. >> reporter: a sight so upsetting, grand isle's mayor struggled to control his anger. >> i'm asking the president of the united states to come and save our fisheries in louisiana because it's a crime. >> reporter: the oil is now thick in the marshes on the southeast louisiana coast and could be even bigger trouble in the coming months. this is the concern -- when the oil gets in the rosa cane, it doesn't move much, it is pretty stagnant. but imagine when a hurricane roars in, it is a completely different story. high winds and storm surge could push the oil further inland. but it was the live picture of the leak that got washington riled up. after demands from congress, bp provided the fee. the company said the insertion tube was now capturing up to 5,000 barrels a day, the same amount it claimed was leaking. but clearly, the picture showed oil still gushing. >> now we're beginning to understand that we cannot trust bp. >> reporter: that certainly was the message in a blistering letter from the obama administration to bp late thursday. the administration wants bp to make public all the information it has about the leak, writing, "those efforts to date have fallen short in both their scope and effectiveness." in new orleans, the most recent victim of the oil spill is recovering. a 1-year-old sea turtle. it was rescued this week from the oily water 35 miles from venice. now the environmental protection agency has directed bp to use a less toxic version of that chemical dispersant. this is after approving it last week. what brought about the change? well, the epa sites what it calls the unprecedented volume of the dispersant that's being used from the air and under the water to break up the so far unstoppable oil. >> anne thompson, thank you very much. it gets worse and worse. it does. ann curry has the day off. hoda kotb is at the news desk with a check of the morning's top stories. good morning, everybody. we begin here today with a major shakeup in washington. president obama is replacing his head of national intelligence, dennis blair. nbc's chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell is in washington. andrea, good morning, and why are they changing this critical post right now? >> hoda, the timing of course is terrible. you've got terror threats, a nuclear challenge from iran. two wars. but the president rejected blair's last-minute attempt to save his job. there were months of conflicts that he had with months of intelligence leaders. blair lost key backing on the hill this week after a devastating senate report came out about the christmas bomber got all the way to detroit before being caught blaming blair's agencies. officials tell me cia director leon panetta has told the white house he does not want blair's job. the leading candidate now is general james clapper, he heads the intelligence at the pentagon. the bigger problem is that the post-9/11 reorganization that reated this whole new intelligence apparatus just has not worked but no one has a plan on how to fix it. >> andrea mitchell in washington, thanks so much. the mothers of those american hikers jailed in iran received another encouraging sign today. nbc's ali eruzzi is tehran. is this going to be better than expected? >> reporter: this morning the three detained students get a chance to spend a little more time with their mothers in a tehran hotel room fueling hopes for a humanitarian release. the reunion was a dave long-awaited joy for the mothers of three u.s. students, shane bauer, jash fattal and sarah shourd, held in iran for over nine months. it is a moment to cherish for the families that have waited so long. >> it's just overwhelming joy. >> reporter: the three detainees have been accused of espionage after straining into iranian territory, but no charges have been filed yet. while some experts fear the three americans could be drawn deeper into iran's nuclear standoff with the west, the families are hoping the iranians will show clemency. >> what we're doing as families is appealing to iran as family, as people, as human beings, totally independent of the political situation. >> reporter: for now they have to live on hope. the families' iranian lawyers tells nbc news it is very unlikely they'll be allowed to leave with their mothers because their case has yet to go to court. back to you. >> thank you so much from tehran. firefighters in southern california say they have made progress overnight battling an 800-acre wildfire. however, dry, windy conditions led to red flag fire warnings in other parts of the region. a different kind crasher on thursday. president obama was making a rose garden remark when a rodent made a bee line for the bushes. could be a mole, a rat, we don't know. 11 minutes past 7:00. back to matt, meredith and -- >> it's not a rat because a rat has a long tail. >> could be a good morning. partly cloudy and cool and temperatures around the metro near 60. it's in the upper 50s outside the beltway in montgomery county and fairfax and prince georges and articling in the mid 50s. highs should make it from the low to mid 80s and a mostly cloudy late afternoon. cloudy tonight and cloudy t >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you. now to what could be a major break-through in women's health. the nation's top cancer researchers have released results of a new study that shows what could be a way to catch ovarian cancer earlier than ever before. nbc's chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman has details. nancy, good morning. >> hi, meredith. >> let's talk about what this study is and is not. they did not find a gene or marker for ovarian cancer. they just found a better way to analyze information that's already out there. >> ca-125, this tumor marker that a lot of women know about which is a simple blood test. it is a protein. it's been out for a long time. it is very sensitive, not very specific and it's been used primarily for women who have late-stage ovarian cancer. you can see the ovaries are really sort of in the lower abdominal cavity but they don't bump up against anything so tumors can grow and give off very nebulous signs like bloating, cramping. in late stage, the ca-125 can pop up but for women in early-stage cancer there hasn't been a great screening test. what the doctors did what they took ca-125 and in women between the ages of 50 and 74 they watched for a trend upward. if there were a trend upward, women then got an ultrasound. and then those women who had abnormalities on the ultrasound went in for surgery. what they found was they could zero in on cancers and the few that they did find, they were all early cancers. so they basically took tools we already have, but put them together smarter. >> why is it that 70% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed when it is very late in the game. is that because of the reason -- >> because the ovaries are floating out there. if you have a tumor in your mouth or in your arm, you're going to see it or feel it. the problem is some of these organs, like the pancreas, ovaries, just don't have anything to bump up against so women brush them off. >> there is another larger study being done in great britain but the results won't come out -- >> 2015. the same kind of thing, showing, yes, these are the new way for guidelines. >> will doctors apply this science right now? >> i don't want women to, if you're below the age of 40, just go out and say i want the blood test because it seems to work. certainly you don't want an ultrasound every time you go in. but if women are between the ages of 50 and 74, if they've never had children, haven't been on birth control pills, if there is a tumor, ovarian or breast cancer in their families, they might say to a doctor, let's get this blood test, watch the trend and then i suspect doctors will apply this before the study comes out in london. but it's got to be part of a smart plan. we always talk about rationing is smart use of what we have. this is a really -- a sftep in the right direction. >> it is 7:15. here's matt. the search is on for missing masterpieces in the bandits who pulled off a daring heist at a paris modern art museum. five paintings valued at more than $100 million were stolen, including major works by picasso and matisse. nbc's stephanie gosk is in paris this morning. hi, stephanie, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, matt, good morning. a special police brigade here in paris dedicated to art is poring over the five frames that the thieves left behind looking for forensic evidence, while interpol is contacting law enforcement around the world. the hunt for these paintings is on. five modern art masterpieces, estimated to be worth more than $100 million, stolen in the dead of night from one of the world's most prestigious museums, including pablo picasso's "do have with green peas" honoring matisse's "pastoral." the three overnight guards at the museum of art in paris say they didn't see or hear a thing. security cameras showed a lone masked intruder, breaking through a window, smashing a padlock and stealing paintings without ever tripping any alarms. motion activity sensors had been broken since march, something the thief probably knew. >> we always say it was 88% to 89% of museum thefts usually have some type of insider situation going on. it's not always a curator or maybe even an employee. sometimes it is just the experts who go in and do studies in the museum. >> reporter: an ingenious plan, perhaps a dapper thief, perhaps a hollywood movie in the making. in the thomas crown affair, pierce brosnan plays a millionaire who steals just for the thrill and gets away with it. in reality, experts suspect a crime ring may be behind this heist. >> the people who undertake this work are professional thieves. they're like businessmen. >> reporter: but unloading the paintings will be difficult. reputable dealers will quickly realize the artwork is stolen. >> you can't sell these paintings. it is funny thing, people say these paintings are worth $15 million. the truth is they're worth nothing. they're worth zero because there is no history, they don't have good title. on the open art market they're worth nothing. >> reporter: but expensive artwork has always tempted the clever criminal. the more famous the painting, the more the prestige. "the scream" was pinched from the national gallery in oslo in 2004 in broad daylight but gun wielding thieves. the painting was later recovered. more than 600 of picasso's paintings are currently missing including three taken from his granddaughter's apartment. the artwork only has a 25% of being recovered in 30 years. the chances get better the more well known the paintings. but right now the biggest fear is these thieves won't be able to sell the paintings and they might destroy them instead. matt? >> stephanie gosk for us in paris this morning, thank you very much. now here's meredith. >> thank you. white house party crasher the salahis are back in the headlines after their limo was stopped near the white house on wednesday during the obama's second official state dinner. what were they doing there? nbc's savannah guthrie has more. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. i talk to the salahis yesterday at length about this. they say they were not trying to get into the white house or even near it for a publicity stunt. though they did have a camera crew with them at the time, they say this is all just a coincidence. just as the obamas were celebrating their second star-studded state dinner -- >> cheer. >> reporter: -- the controversial couple that made the first one so notorious was just blocks away in a limo. >> mr. and mr. salahi. >> reporter: accused party crashers, the salahis, were stopped by the secret service right by the white house wednesday night when their limo driver was pull over for running a red light. after signaling that he wanted to drive into a restricted park that borders the white house called the ellipse. in an exclusive interview with nbc, tareq called it an unbelievable coincidence. michaele said, you get a very sick feeling in your stomach." their limo ran a light, was spotted trying to turn into the ellipse, then was stopped near the restaurant. the salahis were accompanied by a crew from "inside edition" which had spent the day filming with the couple called a lifestyle piece about them. driver got a ticket and after checking out their story, the secret service sent the salahis on their way. the couple told nbc news it was not a publicity stunt and they were not trying to cash the state dinner. the restaurant's owner says the event had been planned for weeks. >> they were having a great time. they seem very, very happy. this is what was so great about them. >> reporter: the salahis grabbed worldwide headlines last year when they managed to get into the white house state dinner for india without an invitation. the secret service later acknowledged its officers were at fault for admitting two people not on the guest list. but the salahis still insist they did not crash and in an interview this week with rad radaronline said someone should tell them they were sorry. >> it would be nice if somebody apologized to us or if somebody -- just call it quits. >> reporter: at the white house thursday, press secretary robert gribz was not biting. >> it seems to me like their 15 minutes of fame were up almost six months ago. >> reporter: one government official said it appeared the salahis may have been trying to pose in front of the white house during the state dinner. the salahis deny that. as to whether they will be charged in connection with the state dinner party crash last year, no decision has been made yet but a decision may be made in the next few weeks. >> savannah guthrie, thanks very much. the salahis will be here for an exclusive live interview tuesday on "today." lawyers for lindsey lohan post bond after a warrant goes out for her arrest but her problems are far from over. we'll ge just ahead, an incredible reunion between a man and a gorilla five years in the making. >> we'll talk to the man behind it right after your local news. wow! chevy traverse. a consumers digest best buy, with a 100,000 mile, powertrain warranty. it seats eight comfortably - not that it always has to. during spring event get 0% apr for 60 months on a 2010 traverse with an average finance savings of around fifty four hundred dollars. only at your chevy dealer. ♪ [ female announcer ] when is it okay to lose the cover-up? ♪ when you can. take the special k challenge... and lose an inch from your waist in two weeks. so lose your cover-up, and show off your confidence. design your plan at design your plan it's in your future now. [ female announcer ] discover the power of aveeno positively radiant. with total soy, it's clinically proven to visibly reduce past damage while advanced spf 30 helps prevent future damage. aveeno positively radiant. how about a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combination? or maybe our new savory shrimp jambalaya. seafood lunches starting at just $6.99 at red lobster. per are. >> good morning. it's 7:wix. in the news for today, councilmembers are rez recking ideas to solve the city's money woe says with a tax for people who live in the districts and those who live elsewhere. congress would still have to approve the measure. we will come this friday is cool. 50s to near 60 and a rapid warm up later today and increasing clouds. tomorrow cloudy and may get showers in the afternoon and thunder. should be cooler as well and showers saturday night and off and on on sunday too. how is the traffic? >> time to take a look and heavy into town. 295 on sylvan parkway. right now all the lanes are open. headed for din town in northern virginia. 395 with brief delays and relatively smooth sailing across the 14th street bridge. >> the news begins earlier. tune in first thing monday morning to get caught 7:30 now on a beautiful friday morning, may 21st, 2010. we have a great crowd on hand. in just about an hour they'll be treated to the chart-topping hits of the irish rock band the script. inside studio 1a, i'm meredith vieira alongside matt lauer. we talked about our favorite youtube moments. for me it was christian the lion, a reunion between two men and a lion they raised as a cub. this time it is between a man and a gorilla he raised into the wild and had not seen in five years. we'll talk to him just ahead. the disappearance of 12-year-old kayleah wilson is now a homicide investigation. she's the colorado girl who vanished back in march while walking to a friend's birthday party. her body was found on wednesday. took a day though to identify her remains. we'll get the latest on that story coming up. plus, a cautionary tale about a father who nearly died from flesh-eating bacteria after he tripped on a toy and bumped his knee. it is a minor accident that he didn't think twice about. he will share his story in a live interview. but let's begin this half-hour with a judge issuing a warrant for lindsey lohan's arrest after the actress failed to show up for a scheduled court appearance. "today" national correspondent amy robach has details on that. >> good morning. lohan is in france where she attended the cannes film festival. she claims she couldn't be at that hearing because her passport was stolen. her lawyers quickly posted bond to have the warrant recalled but her legal trouble is far from over. this week in the glitzy south of france, lindsey lohan posed for pictures and partied into the night. a world away from a california courtroom where a judge was left waiting to see the 23-year-old starlet. thursday low happen failed to show up at a mandatory probation hearing for a 2007 dui conviction, claiming her passport was stolen while attending the fame's cannes film festival. >> she went to the airport with every intention of making it and they would not let her on the plane. >> reporter: lohan knew about the court hearing and thought before leaving for france getting back for it would be no problem. >> my court date is coming up this week. i think it should go well. >> reporter: with lohan a no-show, it did not go well. >> she was ordered to be here as 8:30. she's not here. there is no valid excuse. >> reporter: a warrant was issued for her arrest and the judge ordered weekly drug tests. she's banned from booze and must wear an ankle monitoring bracelet. thursday lohan's lawyers posted bond avoiding arrest when she does make it back to the u.s. everyone's out to get me! >> reporter: once regarded as promising young actress, the star of "freaky friday," "parent trap" and "mean girls" is now better known for her  headline-grabbing behavior than for headlining movies. >> a lot of people are asking themselves today, what went wrong? how did this really promising talent young actress fall so far, so fast? if you believe her dad, it has to do with substance abuse and some of her emotional issues. but if you believe lindsey, there is no problem. >> reporter: last month her estranged father showed up at her l.a. home with police. lindsay tweeted "my ex-dad just walked into my apartment like the devil's advocate with officers." most recently reports indicate lohan was axed from an upcoming movie role because financial backers believe she was unbankable. >> the challenge she presents to movie studios is she's more known for her personal troubles and tabloid persona than she is for being an actress. >> reporter: lohan is hoping to get the passport issue cleared up so she can be back in los angeles for that rescheduled hearing on monday. matt? >> amy robach, thank you very good morning. excellent weather this friday morning. high clouds are passing over and temperatures are near 60 in the district of columbia near the bay and southern maryland. elsewhere in the 50s. rapidly climbing today into the 80s by mid 80s and near 80 in the morning and cloudy over the weekend. could get showers into sunday. >> check your weather any time of the day or night. go to weather channel on cable, online. now to a saddened to the search for 12-year-old kayleah wilson. a body found on wednesday has now been identified as the remains of the colorado girl who vanished on her way to a birthday party back in march. nbc's janet schamlian is in greeley, colorado with details. janet, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it is the worst possible news for family and friends of the missing 12-year-old. the body found earlier this week just a half-mile from her home from where she disappeared has been positively identified as kayleah. now the search is on for exactly what happened to her and who's responsible. >> the well county coroner's office has now identified the body as that of kayleah wilson. >> reporter: it was the news greeley hoped it wouldn't hear. the body of the missing 12-year-old was found in a flooded irrigation ditch this week. one that had been searched twice previously. the ditch was only flooded with water on tuesday, so kayleah's body may have been tucked away in an underground part of the ditch for two months, only to wash out when the ditch filled with water. her body was so badly decomposed, authorities couldn't even tell if it was a male or female at first. before an autopsy confirmed it was kayleah, friends and family gathered at the ditch for a vigil, offering prayers in hopes their fears would be proven wrong. >> it's just pretty intense. you don't even think it could happen to you. >> reporter: the sixth-grader was last seen walking to a friend's birthday party march 28th. while many initially thought she was a run-away kayleah's mom told nbc news she believed otherwise. >> do you think she ran away? do you think she was abducted? do you have any sense? >> if she ran away, she would have been home by now. i would have heard something from her by now. so i don't want to think that she was abducted. i don't want -- that's a bad thought because that means she's somewhere she doesn't want to be. >> reporter: the search for kayleah was extensive. more than 50 fbi agents were on the case at one point and authorities trenched through ponds and vacant fields. sheriff's posse canvassed the area on horseback. no sign of her, no clues. there was a plea for help. >> we still need the public's help. >> reporter: a $10,000 reward was upped to $20,000, hoping cash might open the door to clues. her heart-broken mother never gave up hope. >> i have to stay positive, i have to keep praying and know that she's coming home. >> do you believe that? >> yes, with all my heart, she's coming home. we will find her. >> reporter: police tell us the girl's parents are not suspects, nor is her former boyfriend. while they're not saying how she died, they do have that information and they say that, along with some physical evidence they found at the scene will eventually lead them to kayleah's killer. back to you. >> janet schamlian reporting for us this morning. just ahead, we'll lighten things up with a touching reunion. a man reconnects in the wild with a gorilla he raised and had not seen in five years. he'll share their amazing story right after this. to help reduce that risk. diet fortunately, there's caltrate. as we get older, our bodies steal calcium from our bones. caltrate helps replenish the calcium we lose. with 1200 mg of calcium, plus advanced levels of vitamin d to help reduce your risk of osteoporosis. it's never too early or too late for caltrate. and now big news -- the same caltrate comes in a new, smaller, easy to swallow pill. to get more of the fiber you need every day, try fiberchoice. with the natural fiber found in fruits and vegetables and 33% more fiber per serving than benefiber. go to to get savings and rewards. hmm...what's going on with dad? 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what were you saying? i don't mean to put you on the spot. >> well, you are. i have a call with the animals, come on. come on. they hear my call and they respond to that call. >> so you see kwibi, now 10. you hadn't seen him in five years. i think that first step out of the boat would have been the one that makes me nervous because you can't be 100% sure of what response you're going to get from a wild animal. >> i was not 100% sure. you never know, he is a wild animal now. but deep inside you believe that things will be okay. >> and you got close and it was clear, you say -- i liked when you say we got drunk on each other. you looked in his eyes. you could tell that this was -- there were incredible memories that he had of you. >> you know, the moment i heard the gurgle -- the gorillas have a very deep love gurgle. the moment i heard that, i knew i would be okay. right at that moment, everything stopped and the sounds of the leaves and the forest stopped and the sounds of the river stopped. i was just captivated in that moment. >> i don't know why this sticks in my mind, damian, but a gorilla -- after five years in the wild, what's the smell of that gorilla? that has been a pungent odor embracing that gorilla. >> i have to say, i love the smell of gorilla. >> never bothers you. >> not at all. >> were you at all worried, not that kwibi but that another wild gorilla might not think this reunion was quite so heart-warming and do something? >> that's actually correct. i was far more worried that one of the wives would be protective of kwibi. >> you grew up with these animals. i mean we mentioned, your father had this incredible place in england. from what i understand, as a baby, you were actually placed in the arms, in the hands, of a female gorilla. it was almost a right of passage in your family. >> i was brought up with gorillas. i was brought up with lots of animals. when i was a little boy, all the animals lived in the house with us and i think my bedroom door, tigers and gorillas and wolves would all jump on the bed. >> it's something you've carried on with your own family. >> i have. i take my young children, my little daughters, in with the gorillas. >> how hard was it to leave? after you have this reunion. nobody knows more about these animals than do you. so they are wild animals and the whole purpose is to return them to the wild. but still, it has to be hard not knowing when you'll get to see -- or if you'll get to see this particular gorilla again. >> well, i go there three or four times a year. i'm always hopeful i can see them. it is no different if you go see a friend of yours in another country, you meet and have a reunion, then you have to go on your separate lives again. i always feel i'll see him again. >> is it safe though for this gorilla to become so familiar with you again? are there threats to him and the other gorillas if he gets too comfortable around human beings? >> he's familiar with me but not familiar with other human beings, which is the way it should be. >> i mention you run this wildlife organization. what do you want people to know about kwibi and other gorillas? >> i hope that when people see this, they'll realize that animals deserve their chance and just shows how gentle gorillas can be. i think we have a responsibility to this earth and i think we can, as a species, do so much more for this planet. i believe that. >> you want people who see this perhaps on your show or youtube not to look at this as just a cute video. you would like it to be thought provoking as well. >> i would hope so. i would hope it would lead the way for people to really begin to make a change. >> damian aspinall, nice to meet you. for more information on the aspinall foundation, including how to adopt kwibi or another gorilla, head to still to come, a young conductor helping kids re-invent the classic symphony sound. today contributing correspondent jenna bush hager shares her story. but first, these messages. gangs were prevalent. violence was all over. families were falling apart. you can't raise children in a community like that. people had been talking about things, but not doing anything. hi, mr. canada... how are you? 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[ female announcer ] stay on your game by stopping mid-morning hunger with kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain that helps you stay full, so you can stay focused. uh, he's a little focused right now. can i take a message? so you can stay focused. soak our yards in color. get our hands a little busier. our dollars a little stronger. and our thinking a little greener. let's grab all the bags and all the plants and all the latest tools out there. so we can turn all these savings into more colorful shades of doing. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now get the roundup weed and grass killer pump 'n go at the new lower price of only $15. just ahead, a man who almost died after a simple bump on the knee led to a battle with flesh-eating bacteria. he will join us for a live interview. also ahead, the script live in concert on the plaza playing two hits burning up the charts after your local news. ♪ there's so many ways to love ya ♪ ♪ i mean like, oh, my gosh ♪ i'm so in love -- ♪ make me wanna say oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh-oh ♪ [ horn honks ] [ tires squeal ] oprah: join me and liberty mutual insurance. drive responsibly. take the pledge. we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena. the only garden feeder... that works with ready-to-use liquid miracle-gro. it's a revolutionary way to grow a great garden. liquafeed makes feeding as easy as watering. no measuring, mixing or guessing. just attach, insert and feed. plants get the perfect balance... of water and nutrients... to grow twice as big. liquafeed from miracle-gro. and prevent weeds up to 3 months with miracle-gro garden weed preventer. ♪ [ sniffs ] morning. you got in pretty late last night. dad, i'm not sixteen anymore. still, it was late. well... you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore. yeah, why's that? ♪ todd's a lucky man. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ that's what i told him when we talked last week. ♪ folgers in your cup how about a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combination? or maybe our new savory shrimp jambalaya. seafood lunches starting at just $6.99 at red lobster. honda accord and toyota camry stand behind their powertrain for up to 60,000 miles. chevy malibu stands behind theirs for up to 100,000 miles. which makes it pretty clear whose standing out front. a consumers digest "best buy" two years running. chevy malibu. compare it to anyone and may the best car win. during the spring event, qualified lessees, now get a 27-month, low mileage lease on this malibu ls for around $199 a month. call for details. see your local chevy dealer. 7:56 and 66 degrees under sunny skies and time to take a live look at the white house. good morning to you. i'm joe krebs. get ready for major delays on the beltway. the inner loop near telegraph will be redoused to one lane for pothole repairs. it could last about 90 minutes or so. metro riders, you better pack your patience. you can expect big delays with track work and add 30 minutes. on the red, oenchl, and green lines, it's shaping up to be a busy weekend. today, tomorrow, and sunday against the orioles and the d.c. 101 cook off is at >> we have a partly cloudy sky and we should hit the low and mid 60s with increasing clouds. a cloudy weekend to follow. could get showers saturday afternoon and evening and a small chance of thunder. showers are possible on sunday as well. highs in the mid 70s. how's the traffic? >> one exception inbound on south capital street with a broken down vehicle. an accident on the 11th street bridge. not bad at all elsewhere. >> thanks very much. coming up tonight at 5:00, a local boxing star making millions, but how he went from 8:00 now on a friday morning, is 21st day of may, 2010. it's kind of warm out. we got about 64 degrees right now. beautiful friday morning, great day for a concert. we got the guys from the script performing in our 8:30 half-hour. they've got a couple of songs that are really doing well right none on the charts. "the man who can't be moved," also "breakeven." they also happen to be really nice young men. we've got a lot of females in the crowd. >> who can blame them. >> we'll be talking with them and listening to their music in just a little while. meanwhile, out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with meredith vieira and al roker. coming up, a medical story that's really bizarre. a busy father taking care of qu quadruplets, he trips walking down the street, next thing he knows he has flu-like symptoms, then he's in a flight for his life in what is commonly called a flesh-eating bacteria. luckily he's doing great right now but this is a real bizarre story. >> he's a great guy. >> he's a chef. >> he's going to cook for us actually later. coming up also, a remarkable young woman who is changing the sound of classical music and also getting kids excited in the process. jenna bush hager is here to share her inspiring story. plus, two big movies, two big stars. cameron diaz of "shrek forever after," and kristin davis from, of course, "sex and the city 2." >> tl >> a lot to get to. >> look how handsome this boy is. ann's off today, hoda cot sbee kotb is at the news desk. a possible double-dip recession this morning after the dow plunged 376 points on thursday. its biggest one-day loss in more than a year. overseas markets tumbled in early trading today. meantime, consumer advocates are praising the financial overhaul bill passed by the senate on thursday that calls for stricter regulations of both banks and borrowers. this morning, a videotaped confession from a florida teen telling police why he nearly killed another teen back in march over text messages. nbc's michelle kosinski is in ft. lauderdale with more on this. hey, michelle. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. wayne treacy is a small, well-liked, baby-faced 15-year-old, now in this jail accused of attempted murder of an eighth-grader he didn't know who sent him text messages he said set him off. referencing his brother who recently committed suicide. just hours after eighth-grader josie ratley was kicked and stomped nearly to death outside her school -- >> i remember it was just one thing that really angered me. usually when i get angry, it just goes away because i can just vent and stuff. but i don't know, couldn't get the feeling to subside. >> reporter: treacy was texting a girl using josie's phone but he ended up in a back-and-forth with josie. >> i just remember she said something about my dead brother and that really set me off. >> was it rude? >> kind of. >> do you remember what it was? >> no, sir. >> okay. is it you don't want to tell me or you don't remember? >> i don't remember. >> reporter: treacy's attorney says he was traumatized, snapped. still, 2 1/2 hours before the attack, he was texting other friends, "i'm going to jail for murder." "going to kill her. snap her next, then stomp her skull." one replies, "don't do it." today josie is a different girl. >> sneehe's recovering very slo. >> reporter: wayne treacy says he's sorry. >> it had to be pretty bad to get so angry. >> it wasn't that bad. it's my dead brother. >> reporter: a portion of that videotaped statement that police released, he seems to calm, almost matter of fact. but we know later on he breaks down crying. his attorney says this is a kid who had tried to be stoic, but who suffered a depth of trauma to the extent he knew right from wrong but at that moment he could not control himself. >> such a disturbing story, thanks, michelle. seven-time tour de france champion lance armstrong denied doping allegations made by former teammate floyd landis. during a break in the tour of california race on thursday, armstrong said landis, an admitted doper, lost credibility long ago. moments later armstrong had to quit the race when he cut his face during a pile-up. now here is brian williams with what's coming up tonight on "nbc nightly news." >> tonight on "nightly news," all week long we've been looking at celebrities who are making a difference. tonight we continue with an old friend, member of the nbc family, will ferrell. yes, he's doing something crazy. he always does. but this time, it's for a good cause. we'll show you the story tonight on "nightly news." hoda, forow back to you. have a good weekend. >> looking forward to it, brian. five minutes past the hour. let's go back to al for good morning. temperatures into the 60s around the region after a cool start and high clouds drifting over. 63 in washington. prince georges with the mid-60s and mid 60 no, sir montgomery and arlington. off to the west in the 5s, but highs should make it into the 80s and thickening clouds this afternoon. cloudy and cooler tonight and afternoon showers and perhaps a passing thundershower. a small chance of that saturday night and sunday. >> my gosh, what's your name? >> sara. >> where you from? >> rutherford. >> rutherford, new jersey. that happens to me all the time! i can't remember where i'm from either. i write it inside my jacket. okay, sara. now back to meredith. up next, a popular chef and father who nearly died from flesh-eating bacteria. he's going to share his cautionary tale right after this. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. claritin-d helps me breathe in and out. nothing works stronger, faster, or longer to relieve all my symptoms... ...including congestion without drowsiness. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. live claritin clear. what are you really buying? a shiny coat of paint? a list of features? what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design... or how it responds... in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means to own a mercedes-benz. the c-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial. ♪ what if they change the terms? what if the interest rate... more than i thought? what if i missed something? what if we're not getting what i think we're getting? [ male announcer ] take some of the "what if" out of dealing with your bank. bank of america's clarity commitment summaries tell you key terms for what you're getting with your home loan and credit card in plain language. interest rate... ...what we pay. that's clear... nice for a change. how about that? it's just what they said. [ male announcer ] there's only one place you can get a clarity commitment for your mortgage or credit card. bank of america. [ smack! ] [ smack! smack! smack! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums this morning on "today's health," a chef's brush with death. after being stricken with flesh-he eating bacteria, an amazing story of survival and a cautionary tale. we'll talk to him in a moment. but first, here's nbc's chief medical editor, dr. nancy snyderman. >> reporter: it was a day like any other. new orleans chef matt murphy was taking care of his daughters before heading off to work. >> you always want to go forward in this thing. you try and reverse, it is like backing up an 18-wheeler. doesn't work that well. >> reporter: while walking down the stairs, this robust rugby player and healthy man tripped over one of the girl's toys and banged his knee. >> just got up like normal, continued on. then the rest unfolded over the day. knee started paining. getting stiff. >> we thought it was just a strange coincidence that he had hurt his knee. at the same time he starting getting a flu. his leg started swelling up. >> reporter: while the e.r. doctors focused on keeping matt alive, orthopedic surgeon dr. frederick wilson was brought in and diagnosed him with necrotizing fasciitis, an insidiously advancing soft tissue infection caus. >> matt murphy is suffering from a massive infection. >> then a freak accident triggered a battle for his life. >> when he arrived at the emergency room, he was basically on death's doorstep. he was already in organ system failure and was in basically toxic shock. for some reason that bacteria takes hold and causes the body's immune system and inflammatory system to kind of go haywire. >> the doctors came to me and they kept saying your husband is a very sick man. you need to call his family and bring his family here. that's when i thought, oh, my god. he could die? >> reporter: doctors put matt in a medically induced coma to make it easier for his body to heal itself. >> i talked to this doctor and i said, listen, that man means everything to me. we have four young children at home. i'm pregnant with his fifth child. i said, do everything you can. please, please, take really good care of that man. he is our life. >> reporter: over the next three months, doctors fought to get the infection eating away at matt murphy under control. 16 operations and three resuscitations later, matt's condition stabilized. the worst was behind him. >> the bacteria started attacking here, and for me, after the doctors explaining it, usually they amputate. when i woke up, i looked at my hand and said i'm not going to lose my hands. this is how i make a living. >> the doctor said, matt, we've had eight people in the last 25 years who have had this. you're the only one who's survived. it is a miracle. i have my wonderful husband who is healthy and here and we're a lucky, happy family. >> matt murphy is here with his wife and one of their daughters. dr. nancy snyderman is here as well. good morning, everybody. let me talk to you guys in a second. nancy, necrotizing fasciitis. it's very rare. 1,500 cases a year. was the bacteria already in his body and the injury triggered it? >> on his body. we're kcolonized with this bacter bacteria. it got into this wound, started to fester and the turning point was it produced this powerful toxin. that is what attacked the tissue, then attacked his organs and caused him to become so critically ill. >> you beat the odds, man. doctors told your wife 8 people in 25 years all died except you. >> yeah. >> what was the -- when this got its worst, what was the pain like? what were you feeling like? >> i'm a rugby player. broke my nose seven times, can deal with pain. i knew this was just going on and on. i thought it was like a sprained knee, said hey, it will go away. but it didn't. before we went in the e.r., the pain was just incredible. at that point i said this is more than what it is. >> you turn the corner. what kind of rehabilitation -- we should mention, had you scars, but that's the worse thing you have basically. >> yeah. >> what was the rehabilitation like? >> first waking up even was tough just to deal with that and get psychologically through it to say, hey, wow, this happened to me, i had no power over it happening. but then it was the physical side of it, too, which is just learning how to eat, walkinging. it was tough. but alicia was pregnant at the time. i'd kind of given myself targets. dr. wilson was phenomenal. he was like you're going to walk out of this hospital. i'll walk out of this hospital with you. that sort of -- i said if he had that determination, i can pull from my side, too. >> alicia, you had four -- you had quadruplets who were 1 1/2 years old, about, whether this happened. pregnant with another child. you have to be thinking this can't be happening to our family. >> well, you know, we had quad ro quadruplets. more than once have i had that feeling, this can't be happening to my family. but i had the girls at home, i was pregnant with alana, i knew i had to be tough, i had to be strong. i also knew that matt is the toughest guy i've ever known and i knew that he'd make it out of it. i was scared. i'm not going to lie. >> i was thinking, tough rugby player. what if he had said, i don't need to go to the emergency room, i'm sure this is just a problem, i'll wake up tomorrow and i'll feel better and tried to tough it out. you probably wouldn't be here. >> that's it. yeah. >> yeah. it's true. we were close. >> it was like a flu-like symptoms. i'm like, i had just come back from a trip. i'm like maybe i got the flu and all that. but, okay, enough. i went there. >> you're very lucky. nancy, because he's had this once -- i hate to even say this in front of him -- >> don't worry, i've heard it before. >> because he's had this once, is he more likely to get it again? is there something dormant in his system? >> no. this is a group of strep that's just more toxic than your average strep. but it is a warning sign that if you start to see a wound -- i'm going to use the old-fashioned term -- festering beyond what you think is normal, get in. it is rare but it can happen to you. the loss of soft tissue and muscle in the rehab you saw that he had to go through, it's significant. but nonetheless can happen to anybody and he's no more at risk than anybody else. >> i want to mention, the ritz-carlton down in new orleans had a fund-raiser. were you in the hospital. 45 chefs came, raised a lot of money. that must have been nice to have that support, not only from a great family. >> it was like everybody in the city actually. just got around from dropping off food to my wife and helping mind the children, it was just an amazing community feeling and you're a guy, you don't want to ever, hey, i'm the breadwinner, i don't want any help. this is the way i am. but it was very emotional to see so many people doing so much good. >> we're happy you're doing so well. you're going to come back and cook for us later in the show. >> i'm cooking later. >> we're all lining up for that. alicia, nice to meet you. alana, you did great. dr. nancy? >> you're welcome, matt. much more ahead, including classical music cool for kids. we'll find out how one woman is doing that. jenna bush hager introduces us to a not-so-kip cal orchestra right after this. [ female announcer ] treat yourself to something special for lunch. how about a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combination? or maybe our new savory shrimp jambalaya. seafood lunches starting at just $6.99 at red lobster. nutri-grain -- one good decision... can lead to another. ♪ made with real fruit and now with more... of the whole grains your body needs. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. soak our yards in color. get our hands a little busier. our dollars a little stronger. and our thinking a little greener. let's grab all the bags and all the plants and all the latest tools out there. so we can turn all these savings into more colorful shades of doing. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now get the roundup weed and grass killer pump 'n go at the new lower price of only $15. to travel in comfort and style... [ train whistle blows ] ♪ presenting the new toyota avalon. it's one smooth ride. it has lots of space for you... and all your things. i got mine with voice activated navigation. so we can get to the city. [ male announcer ] there's no finer way to travel. the new toyota avalon... comfort is back. ♪ bring me a dream back at 8:21. if you hear the words classical music and hit the snooze button, wake up. there is a new orchestra in town that's giving back to public school kids here in new york. "today" contributing correspondent jenna bush hager is here with details. >> thanks, meredith. the philharmonic orchestra of the americas is teaching students in grade school how to compose and conduct their own music. as i learned, this hip, young orchestra does not boast your average symphony sound. this is not your grandmother's philharmonic. and the woman behind it all, not exactly your typical conductor. she's young, she's mexican, and she's a rising star. the 29-year-old founded the philharmonic orchestra of the americas six years ago. why are you so passionate about conducting? >> to me it is the closest thing to a party. this has nothing to do with where we came from, how old we are, what our political views are. nothing. it's just let's do something beautiful together. wow. >> reporter: its mission -- simple. to highlight young talent from north, central and south america. >> when i think of myself, 13, 14 years old in mexico playing the piano and all those dreams i had, it gives me chills. i grew up listening to "west side story," watching bernstein conduct in films and thinking of the lincoln center as kind of this really high goal. >> reporter: she invited me to one of her rehearsals at new york's lincoln center. >> good luck. >> thank you. >> some people would think orchestra seems stuffy. how do you break that stereotype? >> well, i think it is extremely easy. why can't they just do things differently and a little bit more relaxed and connect with the audience? >> you performed a tribute to gloria estefan. >> she was really impressed because the orchestra could do the -- she was like, wow, i never thought an orchestra could do that. >> reporter: now, alandra and the philharmonic orchestra of the americas are teaching the new generation of music. why should public schools keep music programs? >> there is just about every single important value for a child to learn in music. teamwork. respect for one another. imagination. discipline. i think music education is really key to anybody's education. it should be like drinking water. you have to do this. >> reporter: these music aficionados at ps-187 in new york city are learning how to compose their own music. it is a program allandr created called ninos. miss barrier is the teacher of this fourth grade case. she says allandra and her team have struck a chord with these students. >> at first we worried they'd think, classical music, how boring. >> the way they teach music through sounds and colors and tastes just makes it so relatable to any kind of kid. >> if they imagine something, they can get it out and make it become a reality and that is a perfect example of a tool that can help them for a lifetime. that's already a piece of music. >> reporter: it's clear, she is making an impact. 9-year-old rose got the chance of a lifetime conducting an orchestra. will you show me a little bit about the song you conducted? the beat pattern? >> it was like that. and i don't -- i think it was song number four. >> if you believe in something, build it. if you cannot find a door, make a door. if you cannot make a door, make a window. whatever. but you get in to wherever you need to go. >> reporter: breaking boundaries, crushing stereotypes, hitting high notes, all in perfect harmony. and after sold-out show last week, the philharmonic orchestra of the americas will be performing tonight at lincoln center. so meredith, there's still a chance for you to get a ticket and go check them out. >> i love it when she says it is the closest thing to being at a party. >> she's so much fun. we can buy tickets, go to our website. >> all right. jenna bush hager, thank you so >> 8:26 is your time. a live look at the nation's capital and a great day. tom will have the forecast after the news. if you worked in the district and lived somewhere else, councilmembers want you to pay up and they are hoping to raise $500 million for the district. the charter forbids such a tax, but they hope an amendment will get around that. we will take a break and have ♪ everywhere i go... ♪ i'll pass it on, ♪ and on...and on...and on... edible arrangements. happiness is always in season. visit, call or go to >> warming up and climbing into the 60s. clouds in and out and cloudy over the weekend. cooler and could get showers and thunder saturday afternoon and evening and off and on on sunday. how is the friday traffic? >> a few spots where we can find the slow traffic and through the springfield interchange through i-66. lanes are open and one more stop. both directions are moving along nicely near connecticut avenue. >> coming up on news 4 at 5:00, a local boxing star making millions, but how he ♪ 8:30 now on this friday morning, may 21st, 2010. we're have a big celebration this morning because one of the hottest bands around, the script, has brought their brand of fantastic pop to our plaza for a live concert. a big concert today, and another big one this week. >> one republic is here next week. then a special thursday concert, that on june 3rd with "american idol's" top two. then the following day -- >> look out. >> the 4th of june, it will be bieber fever out on the plaza with teen sensation justin bieber takes over rockefeller plaza. >> i got a fever. only cow bell can cure it. also this morning, we've got >> it's a wonderful bike to work day. no weather problems today getting in or back home. cool and kwom fortable and in the 60s. 63 at reagan national. highs should make it into the 80s and thickening clouds this afternoon and tonight. a cloudy start and could get showers in the afternoon and evening. should be quite a bit cooler and on sunday, perhaps passing showers and thunder. >> don't forget, check your weather any time of the day or night, weather channel on c 8:37. as we countdown to next week's release of "sex and the city 2," kristin davis played charlotte who when we last saw her was the proud mother of a brand-new baby girl. that makes two. good morning, kristin. nice to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> i am one of the lucky ones who have had a chance to see this movie. all my friends say how is it different from the first one? how would you say it's different? >> i think it's a very different tone. we're all together for a lot of the movie as opposed to kind of being off in our own individual story lines. we start off in new york, in our own individual story lines to re-acquaint everyone. then we go on this crazy mad-cap road trip which was really fun. we were very much having that experience off camera as well as on camera which made it even more fun. we were together all the time, we were together in all the scenes. it was really magical. >> do you have any particular memories of off camera? >> many, many memories. i think for me -- and i think all of us -- the first couple days that we were in the sahara, it was so surreal that it was almost hard to take in. i mean you can see it on film, but like the dunes just go on forever and just knowing that lawrence of arabia shot there and to think about us, the four of us, on camels, in our outfits, in the sahara desert. we just kept turning and taking pictures of each other. do you know what i mean? >> we have a clip of you in the desert, you're all on the camels. you finally got a call through to your husband. let's take a look at the clip. >> hello, harry? what have you been doing? i woke you up? harry, wait! you're going in and out. can you hear me now? harry! >> miranda! >> now according to michael patrick king, writer, director, producer, had you to that over and over and over again. >> that's our job. i did have a stunt double. camels are very, very, very high. really higher than you expect. so we had a stunt double but i still had to do it because you need it to seem real. but i got to fall on to a mattress held by about eight men who didn't speak english. they spoke french or they spoke arabic. there was some fear involved. but they were amazing. like what if something went wrong and i had to talk to them? i don't know. it was just kind of a lot. i think it was our first or second day. but then we went well. then that man, we fell on that man over and over again, me and the stunt double. he was a trouper! >> i heard the camel caught on to the whole thing and was not particularly happy about it. >> he was brilliant. you hear him in the scene objects. his name is sidu. if i said, "sidu, i love you," he would turn and look at me. when the men would run up, they'd wait in the scene and sneak up, they would know they were coming and he would make that horrible growling noise at them. >> one of my favorite scenes in this movie is actually the very beginning. you all have flashbacks to when the characters first arrived in new york city in the '80s. >> that was fun. >> there you are. what i didn't realize, i read you really did move to new york in the '80s right after college. did that bring back for you -- >> totally. and i dressed very close to that. i'm southern, i wear from south carolina. we wear pink and green still. it every day in hot rollers. i probably had some kind of weird tennis shoe on and i was walking around going on my auditions. they were probably just like, who is this girl? what is she wearing? for me, it was not that different. i was kind of jealous of sarah and kim. but it was fun to do that and very real. i remember those days. i remember walking to my w waitressing jobs. i remember my first apartment. i slept in the living room. i had a roommate and for some reason she got the bedroom. >> i don't know where she is now but you've done pretty well for yourself. >> i've been very lucky. thank you. >> such a pleasure to have you here. the movie is wonderful. >> it's finally so good to slow it to people. we've had to keep it a secret for so long. >> thank you so much, kristin davis. kim cattrall and cynthia nixon will be here next week. up next, the script perform their chart-topping hits live in the >> announcer: the "toyota concert series" on "today," brought to you by toyota. toyota. moving forward. you may have noticed that out on the plaza this morning, there's a sea of green in honor of these guys. they're taking our summer concert stage for the very first time with their number one single "breakeven." ladies and gentlemen, the script. >> come on, new york, let me see you with your hands in the air! ♪ i'm still alive but i'm barely breathing ♪ ♪ just prayin' to god that i don't believe in ♪ ♪ cause i got time while she got freedom ♪ ♪ cause when a heart break no it don't break even ♪ ♪ her best days will be some of my worst ♪ ♪ she finally met a man that's gonna put her first ♪ ♪ while i'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping ♪ ♪ cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even even no ♪ ♪ what am i gonna do when the best part of my was always you ♪ ♪ and what am i supposed to say when i'm all choked up that you're okay ♪ ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces ♪ they say bad things happen for no reason ♪ ♪ but no wise words gonna stop the bleeding no ♪ ♪ cause she's moved on while i'm still grieving ♪ ♪ and when a heart breaks no it don't break even even no ♪ ♪ what am i gonna do when the best part of me was always you ♪ ♪ and what am i supposed to say when i'm all choked up that you're okay yeah ♪ ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces ♪ one still in love while the other one's leaving ♪ ♪ heart breaks no it don't break even ♪ ♪ oh you got his heart and my heart and none of the pain ♪ ♪ you took the suitcase and i took the blame ♪ ♪ now i'm trying to make sense of what little remains ooh ♪ ♪ cause you left me with no love and no love to my name ♪ ♪ >> come on, new york city be, let me hear you. all together, come on. ♪ cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even even no ♪ ♪ what am i gonna do when the best part of me was always you ♪ ♪ and what am i supposed to say when i'm all choked up that you're okay yeah ♪ ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah i'm falling to pieces ♪ ♪ one's still in love while the other one's leaving ♪ ♪ a heart breaks but it don't break even ♪ ♪ oh it don't break even no ♪ >> the script. the guys will be back with more music on a friday morning. but first, this is "today" on nbc. the script got their start in dublin, ireland. their self-titled debut album sold more than 2 million copies worldwide. the script is out on the plaza with us this morning. great to have you here. you made your american television debut on this show in march of 2009. 14 months later you guys have exploded. >> the "today" show is now fable for the script. >> we love it also. but it's happened so quickly for you guys. have you had a chance to stop and enjoy the ride? >> we haven't really had time to kind of take stock of what's happened in the past year. you know, from three guys from a really small shed in dublin as we said on the very first day we got here, to these dizzying heights we are here, this plaza, in new york. >> anything you miss about the anonymity that you used to enjoy? those days are over. >> no. >> we spent so long trying to do this and it never happened for us. it finally happened so we just appreciate it. >> real quickly when you play with the likes of mccartney and u-2, they've accomplished longevity. anything you've picked up from them, any advice they've given you? >> they have been so good to us. the bigger the star, the nicer you are. i don't think you become that big by being a terrible person. it is generally just working your way through it. >> if that's the right equation, you guys are going to be big stars. everybody here thinks you're really nice guys. you're gentlemen. what are you going to play now? >> we're going to play "the man who can't be moved." >> all right. ladies and gentlemen, the script. ♪ yeah oh ♪ going back to the corner where i first saw you gonna camp in my sleeping bag i'm not gonna move ♪ ♪ got some words on cardboard ♪ got your picture in my hand saying if you see this girl can you tell her where i am ♪ ♪ some try to hand me money they don't understand ♪ ♪ i'm not broke i'm just broken-hearted man ♪ ♪ i know it makes no sense but what can i do ♪ ♪ how can i move on whennive been in love with you ♪ ♪ cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me ♪ ♪ and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be ♪ ♪ thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet ♪ ♪ and you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street ♪ ♪w3cíw not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ no ♪ policeman says son you can't stay here ♪ ♪ i said there's someone i'm waiting for if it's a day a month a year ♪ ♪ gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows ♪ ♪ if she changes her mind this is the first place she will go ♪ ♪ cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me ♪ ♪ and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be ♪ ♪ thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet ♪ ♪ and you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street ♪ ♪ so i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ people talk about the guy who's waiting on a girl ♪ ♪ oh whoa ♪ there are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world ♪ ♪ maybe i'll get famous as the man who can't be moved ♪ ♪ and maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news ♪ ♪ and you'll come running to the corner cause you'll know it's just for you ♪ ♪ you know it's just for you ♪ cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me ♪ ♪ and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be ♪ ♪ thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we meet ♪ ♪ oh you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street ♪ ♪ so i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ oh whoa ♪ i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ going back to the corner where i first saw you ♪ ♪ gonna camp in my sleeping bag i'm not gonna move ♪ >> they are good. >> guys, thank you so much. more ahead on a friday morning. 69 degrees. we start your friday on a high note. what will the rest of the welcome look like? good morning, everyone. in the news, police are hoping new sketches will help them solve a high pr profile murder case. he was working as a handy man on monday when two intruders broke in and he was shot and killed. they have sketches of the suspects. one of the men, the suspected gunman is in his mid-20 said to early 30s and called slim by the other suspect. we will take a break now and >> we start off with lots of sunshine and temperatures climb into the 80s. right now we are in the 60s and tomorrow cooler and cloudy and could get showers and maybe thunder. that may continue sunday. how is the traffic? >> around town, the accident on the inner loop of the beltway is gone and the delays are easing quickly. notice how light it is. one more stop we will take a look and see how things are progressing. >> thank you. coming up tonight on news 4 at 5:00, a local boxing star is making good morning. at this hour we have high clouds passing over the region. there is a live view from the watcher camera and high clouds with us from time to time into the afternoon. much of virginia is mostly sunny and into the 60s and 67 in washington. highs into the 80s and thickening clouds this afternoon and evening. cloudy and could get showers saturday afternoon and evening and thunder and cooler. cooler sunday with a passing shower. >> they're still doing it, signing guitars. i got to show these people real quick. amy? this morning on "today's health," diet versus exercise. both are miracle workers, but are they created equal? according to the june issue of "women's health," one option may be better than the other depending on the health condition you are trying to improve. dr. care riff peterson is a contributor to "women's health" with us this morning. good morning. talk about the health conditions that diet and exercise help improve. obviously i think the one that everyone probably expects is losing weight. but there are several others as well. what are they? >> we looked at a few -- diabetes, heart disease, energy, fatigue, and mood. >> how did you determine in each case whether it was the diet or the exercise that improved that condition? >> well, we did a few things. we looked at the medical literature. we were able to talk to some leading experts in the field, and in some cases we just used some logic. >> so let's start with losing weight. i would think you would need the help of both diet and exercise to make that happen. what did you find? >> you actually do need both but the most direct route is through diet. the reason is, you have to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound. in a week, you can either exercise burning 500 calories, or eat 500 calories less a day. that's a little bit easier to do. because what some people tend to do o when they exercise is they get hungrier and they eat a little more or they feel like they can reward themselves. really cutting calories is the easier way. >> that makes absolute sense because i'm one of those people. let's also talk about energy boost. is diet or exercise more effect sniff. >> exercise is definitely more effective. being tired and lacking energy is one of the most common things i see in my office. and really, 20% of people in this country suffer from it. but 70 studies show that exercise is really effective in boosting your mood. your brain releases all sorts of chemicals that -- boosting your energy that do it naturally. >> how much exercise are we talking about to get those positive effects? >> what you need is about 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity exercise which is where you're winded but you can still carry on a conversation. >> walking? >> really fast walking. or you should do vigorous exercise 20 minutes a day for at least three days a week. >> here's a serious concern for all of us, the risk of heart disease. which did you find was more important in this case, diet or exercise? >> in this case it was actually a tie. because exercise, as we know, really promotes cardiovascular health. when it comes to diet, the best thing that you can do is eat omega-3 fatty acids which are found in oily fish like salmon. they can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by a whopping 64%. be careful though, don't eat fish too high in mercury was swordfish or mackerel. >> are we talking prevention of heart disease? what if people already have it? does that help those people as well? >> yes, it is for both. >> let's talk about diabetes. diet i would think would be the winner here because obviously that's so involved in your blood sugar but maybe i'm wrong. >> actually whether it comes to preventing diabetes, exercise is the winner here. the reason is that when you exercise, you are able to use insulin more effectively. insulin is what lowers your blood sugar. so it has a little bit of an edge. but once you get diabetes, then both are equally important. >> okay. and as far as preventing cancer goes, did you find that diet or exercise, which one would be more important? >> this one is a tie as well. really interesting information. physical activity can actually ward off several types of cancer, including lung, uterine and colon cancer. in fact, with colon cancer, it's been found to prevent it 40% of the time. when it comes to diet, you want to have a diet that's rich in fruits and vegetables, you should get five servings a day, and these can also prevent certain types of cancer like stomach, esophagus and colon cancer. >> what if you've lfr been diagnosed with cancer? what's the rule there? >> here, when you have already been diagnosed, exercise can actually improve your quality of life. it makes you feel better, it improves your energy. and two studies have shown that exercise can actually improve survival for colon cancer. >> i really am interested in this last one, because we talked about boosting energy but what about boosting your mood? exercise, or diet? which one has the biggest impact? >> exercise is the winner here. just 20 minutes can boost your mood for the next 12 hours. in fact, several studies have shown that exercise can be as effective as antidepressants. >> really? >> yes. for mild depression if you exercise for up to four months. it can even be more effective in preventing relapse. >> they call it the runner's high. it is the endorphins that you're releasing. >> that's exactly right, amy. you are releasing endorphins and norepinephrine which really boost your mood. >> i feel like running right now. dr. carrie peterson, thank you so much. appreciate the great information. coming up next, after telling us earlier about his near brush with death, chef matt murphy is back and whipping up some jumbalaya in "today's kitchen." but up next, how to clean like a man -- right after this. ...wearing our favorite colors... ...and jamming to our favorite bands! ♪ but we love eating totino's the most. we live for fun... ...friends... 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[ female announcer ] splenda®. have you tried honey bunches of oats yet? every spoonful is a little different. mmm. they got three kinds of flakes. this is delicious. it's the perfect combination of sweet and crispy. i love it. this is so good. this is great. the magic's in the mix. it makes my skin really silky and velvety. this is my body wash. what do you mean? this is it? why?! oh, don't do that to me! dove creamoil body wash. now with nutrium moisture. nutrium moisture. i'm a believer. the nourishment in dove creamoil goes somehow deeper. i'm happy about the change. change is good. dove creamoil body wash. for only $2.50, get a western egg white muffin melt, made-to-your-order, and add a 16-oz. cup... of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. try the new $2.50 breakfast combo at subway. ♪ this morning on "today's home," how to clean like a man. but i like it, too! be it a mustang or microwave, with the womeditor of "women's day." we do clean, we just clean different stuff than you guys maybe. >> well, the idea of this is that men do clean thing. take how they clean a car, for example. everything they do is the exact tactic that you want to apply to your cleaning. you're very focused, you know what you're working on. you clean top-to-bottom so you're letting gravity do the work for you. you pay attention to all the right details. so all i wanted to do was go and find out what these tactics were and how do i apply those into my cleaning at home. >> you say first, gather the troops. >> gather the troops. locate all of your cleaning supplies together in one place. a caddie is great because you can carry it from room to room. centrally located, you got what you need to get the job done. this will keep you focused. >> you say plan of attack. >> men are very good at prioritizing and kind of saying i'm going from "a" to "b". >> you like lists. >> but you also stay focused. women start here and there, they go on to another thing. nothing gets finished as it should. if you have a list, do it in order, follow step by step. you'll waste a lot less time. >> once you are done, you party. >> men are better at rewarding themselves. this is something that women need to learn. so to have a glass of wine when you're finished, to settle down to watch a movie. give yourself some me time. play music that you like to get you through and get you through the whole task. it's a really good thing to do at the end. >> one of the things that women, to great surprise -- car wax. >> we looked at traditional guy stuff. there's no question that a lot of the cleaning supplies -- brawny, mr. clean, they all have this manly men. car wax is actually great. if you just take a little of it, just do this once a year. just spread it over your tiles in your bathroom. rub it out. it is going to prevent mildew and soap scum from sticking. it is like putting a wax coating just as you would on your car, on to your tile. >> very nice. a leaf blower. >> leaf blowers. most of your appliances, everything, needs to also be cleaned. not just do the cleaning. for your vacuum, take the hose which gets a lot of built-up dust and dirt, attach it to your leaf blower outside, turn the leaf blower on, it blows all the garbage out. it is great for cleaning your porch, front porch or anywhere around your house because it is not -- oh, my god! enough. enough. i knew there was going to be some ploy to this. >> i noticed it was plugged in! had to use it. >> so you see how that's going to get the dirt out. it will get into corners that it's harder for a broom to get into. >> synthetic steel wool. >> this is traditionally used by painters to scrub down and clean and get off paint before they do a paint job. get it at the hardware store, even the grocery store. it is great for getting all the gunk out of pots and the garge and grease won't stick to it like it would a normal sponge. it is just great for anything where it is built on, caked on. >> maybe you should then toss the sponge? the sponges just collect all that gunk. >> every sponge. you and i have had this conversation before. you need to buy them in bulk and get rid of them in a few weeks. now the tennis ball is good for two things. take all-purpose cleaner, spray a little bit on. there is something about the texture. i don't have all-purpose cleaner, but you just rub it over any kind of scuff marks. >> it is like one of those erasers. >> exactly. it is going to get it up. there you go. see? the other thing you can do is when you're washing down -- you're just in a play mode. i don't know if you're going to be the best male cleaner around. you're playing. but the other thing you do is when you wash like your down comforter, pillows, throw one in the dryer and it will fluff up all the down for you. >> elizabeth, who knew? >> you going to blow me? >> thank you. coming up, some lucky ladies showed up this morning are getting a day they'll never forget. with an "ambush makeover." wait until you see the results. but first, these messages. ♪ [ female announcer ] share your goal at and we'll celebrate you in times square. and to help you take the first step, we've lowered prices on more than 100 helpful items, like select vitamin and calcium products. right now, buy one bottle and get a second half off. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. your hair mixes with pollen and dust. i get congested. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe freer, so i can love the air™. 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[ male announcer ] take some of the "what if" out of dealing with your bank. bank of america's clarity commitment summaries tell you key terms for what you're getting with your home loan and credit card in plain language. interest rate... ...what we pay. that's clear... nice for a change. how about that? it's just what they said. [ male announcer ] there's only one place you can get a clarity commitment for your mortgage or credit card. bank of america. mr. rollback says, "roll back!" heinz 40-ounce ketchup. one buck, on rollback. sara lee hot dog buns, on rollback. and that'll be ball park all-beef franks, on rollback. rollback. another rollback. mike's on rollback. [ mike ] hey! no, i'm just kidding. a 2-pack of kingsford charcoal, on rollback. consider your summer officially on rollback. i'm going to hit the pool. i'm darrell, and i save people money so they can live better. ♪ can you believe how fast kids grow these days? that's why there's new danonino. new danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. yummy! new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. vegetables are naturally low in calories. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings. it's a tasty, nutritious way to make this number go up... and help this one go down. v8. what's your number? new positively nourishing. fragrant moisturizers from aveeno, the naturals brand dermatologists trust most. active naturals formula's shown to lock in 24-hour moisture. new positively nourishing. only from aveeno. although summer sanders was "celebrity apprentice." she was robbed. hey, summer, how are you? >> that was so nice of you to say. >> i love the color you're wearing, by the way. >> somebody missed out. >> i didn't get the memo. >> but i do like your seersucker. >> well, i do have that color on but you can't show you. >> stop. too much. >> you and holly were very tight but you decided you'd help bret michaels who we should point out is having another health issue today. >> yeah, poor bret. it puts things in perspective. this is a little reality show we're doing, he's dealing with real stuff. he thinks he will be there at the live finale. >> he's back at the doctor with a hole in his heart. >> had he a warning stroke. i don't understand half of this but that says to me there's things going on that he needs to take care of. that are far more important than the reality show. but it means a lot to him. he worked very hard. >> he was really the underdog. >> oh, yeah. >> are you surprised that he's one of the last two standing? >> yeah. he was the rock of love guy. everywhere he went, flocks of women. we'd walk down the streets in new york, women would run across the street for him. to see him in the finale is really cool. >> you point out, he really did a fantastic job each and every time he was project manager. >> he beat me when i got fired. so, yeah, he did a wonderful job. he thinks outside the box. working for bret, i have to say, is a very wild ride. >> i can see where when the finale happens, i know he'll be the one people will be pulling for because he's been through so much. >> yeah. holly and i even talk about that because we are celebrity aparentistapre apprentice bffs. we all just want him to get better. he is the sentimental favorite. everybody is so passionate about their charities on this show. >> summer, thank you so much. again, "celebrity apprentice" sunday, 9:00, 8:00 central right here on nbc. to be around.happens heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. mmmm. the new taste is better than ever. and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia! but there's one that makes your skin look better even after you take it off. 98% of women who tried neutrogena healthy skin makeup thought so. does your makeup do that? neutrogena cosmetics. wait! that'll give you gas. try new beano meltaways. they prevent gas so you don't have to use a gas reliever later. mmmmm.... [ indistinct conversations ] [ mindy ] take beano before and there'll be no gas. 9:26 is the time and 73 degrees. it will be a nice day. tom will have the forecast after the news. be prepared for major delays starting tonight at 9:00, the inner loop will be redused for one lane for emergency pothole repairs. it could be 10 to 15 miles long and lasting 90 minutes. you are urged to avoid the areament we will take a break and have weather and tra > we have sunshine and warming temperatures and it will continue to climb into the 80s and we will have then a cooler weekend to follow with a chance of showers tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow night and sunday. perhaps thunder as well and cloud we highs in the low and mid 70s. drying out next week monday all the way into the end of the week partly sunny days each day and highs in the low to mitt 80s. >> it's fairly quiet with a couple of new issues. a medical emergency inbound on the roosevelt bridge as you enter the bridge and report along the left side and as a result we see delays there and a late accident on the i were loop oh, i can't tonight. it's girl's night out. but i do have tomorrow free. all day, and night. >> wow. what is she wearing? meteors? that's quintessential samantha from "sex and the city 2." we're going to catch up with actress kim cattrall as the four girls take -- aim to take the country by storm. once again, kim cattrall -- here's a flashback to the '80s. wow. meanwhile, coming up in this >> per good morning zeechl plenty of sunshine and the temperatures are warming up with the strong may sun. the live view looking off to the west, we will have lots of sun and clouds this afternoon. we are into the 60s to near 70. it will continue to climb into the 80s today and overnight tonight it will be cloudy and tomorrow cloudy and cooler and highs in the low 70s and a chance of a passing shower saturday evening with thunder. a passing shower >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right. coming up next, how to fix a wandering mind. is it adhd or maybe something simpler? we'll help you figure it out right after this. i'll take this. 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if you have a hard time focusing, you could be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or adhd. that's right, you can have it as an adult. but there are some other things that are easy to fix that could be distracting you. here to help figure out why you're losing focus, "today" contributor and health magazine medical editor, dr. raj. what is adult adhd and how do you know you have it? >> so adult adhd is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. so you have both attention problems, but you're also having restlessness. you're kind of fidgety. this is a life-long problem. it actually always starts in childhood. if you think you may have it, talk to your parents, were you very restless or hyperactive as a child? it can really affect job performance, relationships, really your whole life. >> there are other factors and other things that maybe mimic adhd that actually aren't it. how do you tell the difference? >> well, we all have problems focusing at times in our life. there are things going on in our careers, in our lives that can make it much more difficult to focus. that's what we're going to talk about. >> technology overload. our blackberrys, our iphones. >> this is a big one. so many people now have not one, but two or three technological gadgets in their house, in their work place and they're using not one but two at the same time. of course, it is going to be hard to focus. we all know the person who you're trying to have a conversation and they're doing this all the time. >> drive me nuts! >> yeah. one thing you need to do is set aside some tech-free time in your home. at least an hour before bedtime. you shouldn't be doing any of these gadgets because you really need to calm down, focus. when you're at work, you should focus on work, not looking at your computer, doing your work and talking on the phone. studies have actually shown when you try to multi-task you are less efficient. do one thing at a time. you'll do it more quickly. >> how do you tell if it is more than the blackberry? >> if you have unplugged and are still having trouble concentrating, if you feel the need to always have the tv on, always have your computer on, then you may have an actual attention deficit problem that you should talk to your doctor about. >> lack of sleep which we all from time to time have that problem. >> right. so when you're sleepy during the day you know yourself you're not going to be able to concentrate. but if this is an ongoing problem, you may have an actual sleep disorder. if you're getting eight hours sleep, still feel sleepy during the day, you may have a condition where you are actually waking up at night because you can't breathe or some other sleep disorder. get evaluated for it. >> how do you tell whether that's a symptom of adhd? >> adhd, you have trouble focusing and with lack of sleep it gets worse. but even if you get a perfectly good night's sleep, you're still having trouble with your attention span. >> this one i found interesting -- poor job satisfaction can be a symptom of adhd. >> well, it can be. first, if you're not happy at your workplace you'll have more trouble focusing than if you are excited and motivated. we all kind of know that. if you're worried about adhd, look at your past career history. if you've changed jobs a lot, been bored very often or been fired very often, more than one specific situation, that could actually be a warning sign that you have adhd. >> stress is another one that takes a toll on your concentration. >> stress actually releases chemicals that affect your brain and the way it functions. can affect memory and certainly concentration. >> what are some sim soymptoms adhd affects? >> if you're not able to complete a task, you know how to do something but you just can't quite get it done, if you're missing deadlines, not paying bills, things like that could be a sign of adhd. >> what are some things to do to help relieve stress. >> things like medication, deep breathing, yoga, those things can make a big difference. exercise is a huge thing. >> you talk about exercise. that's also another symptom of adhd, you aren't getting a lot of exercise. >> people with adhd are very restless, have a lot of energy. exercise can really help with that. if you've been diagnosed with adhd, you should exercise. other people who don't have it are just restless. think about the hyperactive kid, you take them to the park, they're so much better after that. adults are the same way. some adults need to exercise every day to get out that energy and focus more. >> in the end of the day, are there tests to show whether you have adhd? >> there aren't actually scans like that but there are things that a doctor can ask you that can clinch a diagnosis. we talked about a history of changing jobs. same thing with relationships. if you're unable to sustain a relationship for more than a few months and this is in your whole life, that may be a symptom as well. tremors, restless legs, always have be to tap your foot, it could be nothing but it, with everything else, be a sign. >> thank you. coming up next, jumbalaya. chef matt murphy shows us how to cook up his new orleans staple with the queen of new orleans, hoda kotb. with the queen of new orleans, hoda kotb. right after these messages. the♪ ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike some regular conditioners that just work on the surface, new dove intensive repair with fiber actives also helps reconstruct hair from the inside and leaves it beautiful on the outside. ♪ new dove intensive repair. keep on doing your favorite things and let dove take care of the damage. for only $2.50, get a western egg white muffin melt, made-to-your-order, and add a 16-oz. cup... of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. try the new $2.50 breakfast combo at subway. ♪ try the new $2.50 breakfast combo at subway. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? 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[ female announcer ] new aveeno® continuous protection. we've combined natural soy and vitamins with spf 100, in a formula that provides 3 times better sunburn protection than ordinary sunscreens. [ female announcer ] new continuous protection. from aveeno®. [ female announcer ] new continuous protection. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. [ female announcer ] yoplait's perfect blend of real fruit and the goodness of dairy is just a peel away. explore all the delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so good. explore all the delicious flavors. [music, talking, laughing] what makes hershey's s'mores special? hershey's chocolate goodness that brings people together. ♪ ♪ hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. so craveable? it's all in the pepperation. we hand-batter each piece of all-white-meat chicken, cooked to perfection, and toss them in our signature honey-chipotle sauce, making them crispy pieces of heaven on earth. try them today at chili's. in this morning's "today's kitchen," from the farm to the table. that's the food of thought. at ritz-carlton in the wonderful city of new orleans, chef matt murphy is making unbelievably smelling jumbalaya. matt had a health care about six months ago but we're great to see you back on your feet. feeling all right? >> i love being in the kitchen. i love cooking. it's been like a recovery in the kitchen. >> you live in new orleans but your accent is clearly not -- >> i'm originally from ireland but i've lived in new orleans for 12 years. >> you know the people. >> i know the taste, i know the food. >> we're starting with a bunch of shrimp here. folks watching are wondering how is the seafood. what's the latest there. >> everybody's worried about the seafood. we thought we'd do a shrimp and chicken jumbalaya. these are shrimp i just got out of the gulf the other day. we're worried about how they're going to contain this oil but the fishermen, too, both leisure guys that want to take people out fishing, just don't cancel your trip, this is their livelihood. the fishermen, the gulf is pretty good. they have to travel farther to get the seafood but it's a big worry. >> let's cook. it smells so good. jumbalaya is a new orleans staple. yours is a little bit unique. tell us about this. >> jumbalaya is like whatever you got, put together. >> throw it in. >> we're doing seafood, shrimp and chicken. i've heard of vegetarian jumbalaya. dutch jumbalaya. it goes across the board. i got some trinity, which is onio onions, celery and peppers. garlic. chicken. i'm using chicken thighs. they have so much flavor. it actually holds up better rather than using chicken breasts. you got to have this sausage. it is a smoked pork sausage. we'll add that in. once have you all those ingredients in, we'll have this right in here. >> stewed tomatoes? >> yes. >> and fresh tomatoes. why both? >> i'll need some rice. >> how come you used both kinds of tomatoes? >> we've got the stewed tomatoes and diced tomatoes. we're going to sit that in there, let that cook. >> how long do you let that sit? >> that's going to basically start stewing that, throw in a little bit of stock. >> let's do a big reveal because this is so beautiful. hold on. look at this. look at this. go, look. come on! come on! come on! what's better than that? i'm going to stir this up for you. >> we added in our rice. we'll let that cook down. >> look at that. >> you end up with that. this cooks for about 40 minutes. >> tell us about this shrimp you've got here, this barbecued, matt. we've got about a minute or so. >> barbecued shrimp is a famous dish in new orleans so you got to come down and try it. >> it's not traditional barbecue sauce that you put on ribs. >> not traditional. use garlic, rosemary, a little beer. >> i can just say something? unbelievable. we got to get to a little bit of our dessert. what are you making here? >> we call it a plantation sticky topping pudding. >> it's heaven. >> warm it in the oven. serve with ice cream. >> look who's just in time. wait, al? that jumbalaya is crazy. you know how to cook, matt. >> well, hopefully. >> whoa. >> you got to try the sticky topping pudding. >> matt, thank you. next we've got one more song from the irish band the script. but first, this is "today" on nbc. hoda said -- and i can quote -- she would put her face in that dessert. >> i'd be happy to. i'd die a happy woman. we got a lot coming up. two of the hotties from "sex and the city," the guys who were samantha's love interest are going to be on with us. we did our "ambush makeover," went out in the crowd and found two lucky ladies. we'll make them completely over. but first, we got one more song from the irish band the script. >> all right, new york, i want to see you clapping your hands along to this one. i brought this flag in here for one reason, and one reason only. we want to thank new york for welcoming us with open arms and open hearts. ♪ i wish you could see the dolphins ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thank you, new york! we are the script. we'll see you next year. thank you so much. hello, this is our new ocean spray 100% fruit & veggie juice with no added sugar. just one glass equals two servings of fruits and vegetables. with tasty flavors like cranberry, strawberry, banana, it's like a farm stand in every bottle. the fruits you love mixed with the veggies you need. just, you know... demonstrating how we, uh, mix the fruits and the vegetables. ocean spray. grower owned since 1930. per. >> 9:ics is your time. 74 degrees and you are headed for a beautiful day. tom will have will forecast after the news. in the news, police are hoping new sketches will help them solve a murder case at a centerville mansion. he was working as a handy man on monday when two intruders broke in. he was shot and killed. police have sketches of the suspects and anyone with information is asked to call police. let's take a look at the forecast with tom. what a nice day. >> feeling like summertime and we will hit the 80s. already into the 70s with lots of sun. later on we ought to hit the mid-and upper 80s across central virginia. a big change with clouds and it will be cooler and temperatures into the low 70s and a passing shower in the afternoon and evening. a small chance of thunder and on sunday, a passing shower and thunder. cooler. >> tim to look at the medical emergency we told you about a short time ago. the delays have eased and one more stop. we will check out 270. road work is backed as you head south to montgomeryville. it will be slow. the right side of the roadway is tied up. >> thank you, jerry. coming up on news 4 at 5:00, a local boxing star made millions, but he went from having a 26-car from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. okay, everybody, we did it, we've made it. it's friday. around here we call it dry-day. we hope it doesn't last very long. it's may 21st. >> what i love about fridays, it's a party on the plaza. it puts you in the right mood for friday. >> and hoda loves a party. >> today the script was playing. >> such a hot band. >> if you don't know them, you should. they rock. they were out on the plaza, tons of kids, different ages, all wearing green because of irish -- >> ireland. >> they played this song "break even." hold on ♪ what am i gonna do when the best part of you is always ♪ ♪ what am i supposed to do when i'm all choked up and you're okay ♪ ♪ i'm fallin' to pieces ♪ >> go, girl. they're such sweethearts. i'm downstairs with everybody, and i see it all, believe me. some people who are very nice on camera aren't nice downstairs. they're the nicest guys in the world. they're blown away by their success. they can't believe people actually know the lyrics to their song. >> everybody was saying "break even" and -- >> i'm not that familiar with it. >> how could you not? it's a party on the plaza. they're a cool group. >> youpt them to change. you know what, hoda? look what happens to you. success changes people. it just does. it hasn't changed the is a ed . >> michaela and tareq just happened to be drives by the eclipse in a limo. they were in an area where they shouldn't have been. they say they were going to a restaurant and enjoy times. >> in a limo with a film crew? >> look how short her dress is. >> oh, my gosh. she's got great legislation, but that's what i would call not age appropriate. >> can we cue it back up? >> they'll try to get it together. >> but it was very short. they were accompanied by an "inside edition" crew that was with them. >> that's the one. hello. they played it just for a second. >> i guess tareq salahi kaucall it, quote, an unbelievable incident. >> forgive me for being cynical, but i don't believe it. do you? >> i think it's odd that they're going to a film crew. >> and everybody knows when there's a state dinner in washington. >> i hear exactly what you're saying. >> um-hmm. have you ever in an elevator or closed space, and somebody is on the cell phone, and -- >> oblivious to everyone around them, you mean? >> oblivious. if two people are having a conversation in a elevator, you say oh, but some say we get more distracted and annoyed when you only hear one side of the conversation. >> you know what's infinitely distracting, i'm looking at a conversation taking place over there. >> where? >> it just happens to be the two hot guys from "sex and the city." where are they? noah and max. and they're just -- look. they have quite a few women around them. you guys, i don't know if you've ever seen our show before, we sort of talk first. >> i don't think anyone will care what we're saying once they come on. these are samantha's two hotties. >> she has her way with both of them, and they have their way with her. i asked action, max, has your mother seen this movie? he says, no. >> she's not going to. >> no, she better not. >> now, that was distracting, but back -- >> i'm sorry, but guys. >> i know, they're right there. >> do you get annoyed? >> yes it's beyond rude. >> do you ever say anything to anybody? >> no, because there's an elevator ride is short. >> what if you're on the train? >> i don't take the train that much -- what's funny about that? yeah, i had think -- usually i hear is when you're sitting on a plane, and you're ready to take off, and somebody wants that last phone call before. >> right. >> you know how you talk louder when you're listening like you have headphones on? people tend to just scream. >> i know. sometimes when they tell you to turn off your phone and there's somebody still sneaky and whispering, i always get nervous. i want to say, lady the lady said turn off the phone. >> but you're not confrontational. >> i'm not good at it. >> we always talk about tone. >> did you also know that they say, according to stonybrook university happiness begins at 50. >> i've been telling you. well, first of all, you forget everything, so you don't know how happy you are, but they say stress, anger and worry -- i think by the time you're 50, there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do about some things in life. i think you become bitter in life or you become better. it's all in the letter "i" what i decide to do. most of the time you're going through it a second or third time. >> you've already been. >> i remember this, it passes. >> true. >> but you're also facing for the first time in your life real -- the real reality about the fact that you you may not live much longer. it's true. you feel like even though it's not the halfway mark, somehow you feel like it's the halfway. >> you do? >> uh-huh, emotionally. i would love to hear from 1/2 our friends over 50 and see if they feel that way as well. >> i had to realize that max ryan was 43, i used to think i could go for a 43-year-old man, why not? then i realized how much older i am. that would be gross. that would be really, really gross and embarrassing and disgusting, and no, i wouldn't. but you don't feel that age, is my point. >> but you might. >> i'm very happily married how cute was frank last night? >> we went to an event last night that angelique bell was the host, and ann emceed. >> she always does a wonderful job. >> and damon was there. >> is that matt damon? what a nice guy. >> sweet. >> i had never met him before. >> his wife was there. >> beautiful. she went in the ladies' room, she's pregnant with their third child and he was standing at the door waiting for her. somebody had stepped on her toe. >> it was smashed. he said she really got stomped. >> did someone say i'm sorry? people don't do that, either. we need a good manners day, let's see if that takes off. somebody said you should also try one day when you don't complain about anything. and see how long it lasts. >> nothing at all. >> you can't go "the weather sucks." you can't say anything. >> imagine if you had to stop yourself, i'm hot, this is too heavy. >> my hair looks like -- i know. it's an unfortunate day for the guys from "sex and the city" to be here. not that i care. you know what i care about? i care about bobbie. >> who do we love? >> bobbie. >> what are we going to do? get our bobbie on. how will we do it? "bobbie's buzz." >> i love you, my weekly self-esteem. we have weekends filled with weddings, graduations. >> i'm going to a wedding this weekend. >> i love anything that turns into a keepsake. i'm a big fan of these candles by vera wang. it's a 2 in 1. after you use the couple, they can put their wedding rings in the box, or a vase, even for a newborn's curl. i love this notes in a jar. mom can pick a note so they can have a smile a day. >> it would be left unopened by my son. cody would never crack the jar. >> and great for the grandparents, story of a lifetime, a way to help guide them through their personal memoirs. it's a jurnt and you can put funny moments. they're great. >> thank you, bobbie. let's see what miss sara is up to. >> i know what she's up to. >> i've got quite a view, if you know what i mean. we're talking about why life is better after 50. margaret said, too old for the dumb stuff. robin wrote life is good or bad at any age, it's what you make of it at. >> how old is that person? >> we have a lot of people cranky about their age. >> what about the no complaining thing? we're not doing that? >> we'll do that on a day when we don't wear makeup. samantha's boy toys from "sex and the city" 2. right after this. granola nut clusters from nature valley. 100% natural nuts and granola in bite sized clusters. it's a little bit of nature... a little bit better. and nature approves. granola nut clusters from nature valley. ...that outlasts their energy. [ female announcer ] new aveeno® continuous protection. we've combined natural soy and vitamins with spf 100, in a formula that provides 3 times better sunburn protection than ordinary sunscreens. [ female announcer ] new continuous protection. from aveeno®. [ female announcer ] new continuous protection. [music, talking, laughing] what makes hershey's s'mores special? hershey's chocolate goodness that brings people together. pure hershey's. announcer: grow lashes... grow longer... grow fuller, and darker lashes. grow? how's that possible? i'm using latisse®! the first and only fda approved prescription treatment for inadequate or not enough lashes. applied nightly as instructed by your doctor, latisse® grows lashes in as little as 8 weeks with full results in 12 to 16. announcer: if you are using prescription products for lowering eye pressure or have a history of eye pressure problems, only use latisse® under close doctor care. may cause eyelid skin darkening, which may be reversible, and there is potential for increased brown iris pigmentation, which is likely permanent. if you develop or experience any eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor immediately. common side effects include itchy eyes and eye redness. grow longer, fuller, darker lashes. ask your doctor if latisse® is right for you. go to to learn about a $20 rebate. today we begin our countdown to "sex and the city 2" hitting the big screen, and we have the guys. >> how did we luck out? >> because that's how we roll. we will sit down with all of the hot guys from the new film, and trust me, we're not complaining. >> no, no, no. it hits the theaters on may 27th, but we have a sneak peek, ones that we can actually show you with max ryan and noah mills. they're meeting for the first time. >> why is that? you guys shot your scenes completely separately? >> yeah, 3,000 miles away. i i didn't even know he was in the movie. he's try to go steal my girlfriend. >> i shot my scene first. >> your takes place in connecticut, and you're in -- shot in morocco? >> yeah, i was in new york and morocco as well. >> so kim cattrall saw you and hand-picked you? >> i wouldn't say that. >> what was about the connection? >> just a mutual that we have it. >> apparently you started reading, she said i've heard all i need to hear. >> i read the first scene and she said that's it, and michael said no, he has to do more work. >> did the camera test you? >> yeah, absolutely. >> you've been a model, but this is actually your first big film, right? >> yes, absolutely. >> tell us about that experience. >> it's been great. i've been studying on and off since i arrived here. i like to break down in the character, and i liked adding a little new york. >> you had to work on your aek cent a little bit. >> i did. >> it premears on monday, and you two are each bringing your mothers. is that right? you are? >> absolutely. >> we're saying how on earth can you bring your mother to watch you in these compromising positions? >> i don't know. i don't if i thought it through. >> who said i was in compromising situations? i never said anything. did you? >> not really. >> i'm dying to see it. i'm going to go monday to see it. >> are you aware how much this will change your lives? look what happened to the naked guy. sweetheart of a guy. are you prepared for this, gentlemen? >> i don't think anything can prepared you for the inevitable. >> who is he? >> i don't know, but -- >> this is you making your -- >> this is so -- this is ridiculous. >> oh, you are so -- you know, that's totally -- >> and what kim cattrall says is funny, but so bad. >> you can't say it on regular television. >> huh-uh, nope. >> do you guys like watching yourselves? >> no. >> you were just staring at the screen. >> no, honestly. >> i haven't seen the film. >> you haven't seen the film? >> you just don't want to take your mother, that's what i'm telling you. >> she's on her way here. >> take her out for popworn right before the end, and i do mean the end. >> so you're both single? that's where you were going with that? >> well, i can't speak for you, but a few dates here and there -- well, not everywhere, but here. >> how about you? >> i'm single, yeah. >> the girls are going to go nuts, the guys too. >> we're fighting over him supposedly. >> she was totally professional, right? those are not easy scenes to do. >> no, they're not. it's a big deal, it's a big family. so, you know, when you walk up the street and get this kind of movie, you know, it's a huge change in your life. >> well, we are so happy for both of you. >> have fun on monday and get blindfolds. >> would you let us know how it goes with your moms? it opens may 27th. we'll have the rest of the guys all next week. still to come, our ambush makeovers. two very lucky ladies gets the once-over. and it takes a licking to get this job done. ♪ i want some ice cream in a cone ♪ uld that one coming. you should've, 'cause that was-- i even told you i was gonna be interrupting you. ( snickering, laughing ) morning sir. beautiful day, isn't it? we take the time for our cheese to mature... before we bake it into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. far, far away got much, much closer. uh, maybe we should've asked for directions after all. busted! [ male announcer ] with the fun of dreamworks new "shrek forever after" and mcdonald's crispy, juicy, made with white meat chicken mcnuggets. i like this place. reminds me of home. i, too, have found something to love. [ chuckles ] oh. [ male announcer ] this summer, dine happily ever after. only at mcdonald's. [ laughs ] look, shrek, he's got your ears. [ chuckles ] [ donkey ] i'm lovin' it! [ female announcer ] yoplait's perfect blend of real fruit and the goodness of dairy is just a peel away. explore all the delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so od. explore all the delicious flavors. kiss those lines goodbye! bye bye! discover new juvéderm® xc, the smooth gel filler your doctors uses to instantly smooth out those parentheses lines around your nose and mouth for up to a year! temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps or risk of infection. lose those lines! the way you look with new juvéderm® xc... might just change the way you look at everything. ask your doctor and visit how's it work? ok, she's gas. he's constipation... why am i constipation? ...he's diarrhea. and our special fiber helps our probiotics so that you can show those symptoms who's in charge. this isn't even floor. [ elevator bell dings ] we are back with "they get paid for that?" often jobs you get paid to do. >> one of the sweetest jobs in america. >> i only need to tell you what this job is. it's a taste tester for ice cream. >> the dreyer's ice cream plant in california, all that frozen goodness rests on the tastebuds of one man. johns harrison is the official taste tester, doing quality checks at the plant and training factory workers to make sure their products are ready for the world. do you ever stop and say they pay me to eat ice cream? >> i do, all the time, i might add, yes. >> reporter: you could say it runs through hi veins. his great-grandfather owned two ice cream parlors, his father, uncle and grandfather have all been in the business. >> ice cream is that way. >> wait, wait, wait. let's get dressed here. >> i suited up, and then john took me on a tour of the plant, also known as heaven. johns randomly grabs products for spot tests. >> there you are. >> thank you. >> afterwards we went to a lab where the real tasting happens. armed with a gold-plated spoon to keep his taste buds clear, he schooled me in ice cream scrutiny. >> if i were doing this, i would scoop in. >> what i'm doing is taking it off the top. that's the warmest, we're going to invert it, swirl it around, the appearance, vanilla, taste vanilla, that's a 10. >> that's an 11. >> but it isn't just the taste. he looks to consistency in appearance, rich flavor, and the right temperature and texture. >> good top note on that. >> um-hmm. what's the top note? >> no wonder his taste buds are insured for $1 million. >> about $1,000 per bud. in tasting, i'm using all of those taste buds. get ready for an explosion of flavor. >> i'm ready. >> it's a fun job, but like anything else, it haeps when you really love it. do you enjoy eating in general in. >> i do. >> me too. of course, i didn't come home empty-handed. i brought you some sweets. i learned some tasting things. it's not just about swallowing the whole pint, which i typically doing. ut the warmer part on your tongue, so you invert it, and you have to do this, because you have to let it aerate. you're going for texture, smell, you're doing this too well, kathie lee, and then actually when you swirl it around a bit, you smell it, you taste it. he was really intense about this. >> he's adorable by the way. >> i can't believe he's not 800 pounds. >> my favorite quote was, would you trust a skinny taste tester? >> and this is in bakersfield where frank grew up. still to come, what do you think of our it results of our ambush makeovers. okay to lose the cover-up?nnout ♪ when you can. take the special k challenge... and lose an inch from your waist in two weeks. so lose your cover-up, and show off your confidence. design your plan at this bar is an excellent source of fiber. there's no fiber in this. it tastes too good. they have 35% of your daily value. oh, samples. mmm. fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. the dow opened below 10,000 points and coming up, we will continue to monitor the rocky situation onñi wall street. i'm barbara harrison and we will sit down with two wiz kid who is compete in the geography bee. news 4 so, verizon fios includes cool widgets like facebook, twitter, even access to youtube right on your tv, instead of crowding around your computer. hey -- have you seen the walking ham? walking... the ham's got boots on... i'm not sure i have. or the soapy monkey? oh, my husband's on youtube. oh, honey, we really don't... oh come on. it's so funny. the man's busy... you're daddy on little girl's bike? no, i'm not. let's cue it up. [ male announcer ] introducing youtube, straight to your tv. only on verizon fios. this is beyond cable. this is fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. we're back on this friday with the results of today's ambush makeovers. louis licari and jill martin hit the plaza and ambushed two more women on the spot. >> it's the moment we've been waiting for. >> this was an interesting group, okay? tell us about the group you guys found. >> they were fun women, number one, six of them. they call themselves "six in the city." they all turned 40, all grew up together and turned 40 win two months of each other. >> so you had to cherry-pick two out of the four. >> and the first is tanya thompson, from colinwood, ontario, canada, married 14 years, three kids, and she spends a lot of time in sweds and t-shirts, but since she lost weight recently she wanted a new sexy look. >> this is our version of "sex and the city," but it's "six in the city." your signs are turned around again. tanya, why do you think she should have one? >> because she just lost 50 pounds. >> and i nope you want to look like a character from "sex and the city." >> absolutely. a combination of carrie and sexy samantha. >> i think we can handle that. ready to see a whole new tan gentleman? >> tanya's posse is over there holding up their blindfolds. guys, keep your blindfolds on. some of them have glasses. here's tanya's before picture again. let's see the new you. >> all right. are you ready, girls? take a look at your pal. >> i love her personality. >> awesome. >> okay, take a look at yourself. wait, wait. wait. hold on, people. >> back down, barby. >> oh, my god, look at that color. >> that is cool. >> it's amazing. >> talk about the color and cut. >> the first thing is her hair was just starting to go gray, just start to go make her dak hair look dull, so i made it lighter and brighter. and adel give her this wash and wear. it's so "sex and the city." you are chic, fashionable, fabulous and 40. >> thank you. >> i love how tanya is like, my god, it's kathie lee gifford. >> you look beautiful, tanya. >> we wanted to give her basics while they enjoy "sex and the city" tonight. these are all from tj maxx. and christa voight is 39 from colinwood, ontario, californ california. she's been a stay-at-home, but since she's looking to get back in the workforce, she's ready to focus in our herself. >> vixen number two, now it's christa's turn. >> she's been at home for eight years and ready to go back to the workforce. >> we can't wait to make you over. who do you want to look like? i want wild hair like carrie. >> i think we have a wild group here. are you ready to go? >> oh, yeah. >> all right. let's take one last look at christa. and bring out the new christa right now. okay. wow. wow. >> ladies, turn around and look at your friend. >> oh, wow. >> beautiful. >> and you're seeing tanya for the first time, too. turn around, darling. >> oh, my gosh, that's wild. i'm definitely out of the mommy box. >> you are. >> okay. >> tanya wanted to be wild, so he gave her the wild red, which makes you look so incredibly chic. enid popped up her makeup to give her more glamour and another adel haircut. >> the dress is sensational. >> jones of new york, and look how it accent waits her waist. >> what do you think of your pal. >> awesome. >> hot mama, yeah. >> let's headache it for "six in the city." don't forget, if someone you know needs an ambush, go to our website,, but now you can go to >> because we might come to you -- actually we might bring you to us. >> that's what we meant. >> i'm confused. >> anyway. >> if you can get down to our plaza next week, louis and jill will start their search on thursday mornings, known around here as "thirst-day." the shock isn't over yet. ...wearing our favorite colors... ...and jamming to our favorite bands! ♪ but we love eating totino's the most. we live for fun... ...friends... [ both ] ...and best of all... [ all ] ...our favorite... ...eating totino's! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we're the kids in... 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( snickering, laughing ) morning sir. beautiful day, isn't it? we take the time for our cheese to mature... before we bake it into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. today "today's call of the wild" we have some fascinating animals from around the world. >> and what we can all do to help the wildlife affected by the oil spill. >> before we get to the cool stuff, i just wanted to let you know that the bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico is a huge disaster for wildlife. if folks go to, or you can call to make a donation. it's pretty horrific. moving on to the cool stuff, this is an electric eel. don't touch the water. >> if one did, what would happen. >> this it has the ability to put out an electric charge about five times, of an outlet. >> it could kill you? >> potentially. it's coming up to get a gulp of air. even though it's a fish and hays gills, it gets most of the air from coming to the surface. >> where are these creatures? >> they lives in the river where you live -- i'm just kidding. >> you won't be swimming in the keys -- i cannot talk today. it's back i know my hair looks like -- >> it looks fine. >> these are in the amazon river. i know you think they're gross -- >> they're absolutely quite beautiful. this is a spot-nosed ed gu. >> and at the really, really stinks. >> she's a little stinky. >> no, she reeks. no offense. >> she doesn't get groomed every day like you guys do. >> this is a monkey form of grooming her. you've seen monkeys doing it. >> what are they getting groomed for? are they goods to a bar mitzvah? >> it's to pick parasites off, which she doesn't have. she loves to be groomed. >> there's a lot of this in "sex and the city," that's all i'm going to tell you. she's saying scratch me under here. >> scratch her, hoda. >> you can generally. >> she's very soft. she just reeks. >> they have cheek pouchs, kind of like a hamster, so they can shove their cheeks full they eat leaves, fruits, sometimes insects. >> she's very cute except for the fact that -- oh, that's so cute. she says, give me more. >> this is another south american species like the eel, amazing bird, long legs. >> it looks like you, hoda, long legs. >> what are you talking about? >> the long legs. >> hopefully she'll go after the snake. these birds are predatory. >> she knows -- >> i'll demonstrate -- if she got a real snake, she would flip it and bash it on the ground. >> good for you. >> she did just kind of wiggle her head she'd not really interested. beautiful bird. they live in grasslands. >> i love the colors. >> she's okay. >> none of these are endangered? >> no, though some of the species, like the next one, is a water monitor. it's a species of lizard, kind every like a small komodo dragon. >> i dated a guy like that. >> they're hunted for their skins, they make boots of them -- >> i thought he looked familiar. >> they use them in folk medici medicine, and also from the pet trade. people want these animals as pets. you mentioned their tongue. it's flicking its long-forked tongue. >> what's he doing that for? is he hungry? >> no, he's actually smelling. >> i had heard that. >> they have an organ called a jacobsen's organ -- >> he also need a pedicure. >> they collect little scent particles out of the air, and when it touches the organ, they smell, they perceive what's going on out there. >> probably smelled that monkey. >> i think it smelled that monkey in new jersey. >> he's an aromatic, too. >> dave, thank you so much. >> you must love animals to be around this all the time. >> oh, what happened. >> i don't think he's going to >> oh, what happened. >> i don't think he's going to go in [music, talking, laughing] what makes hershey's s'mores special? hershey's chocolate goodness that brings people together. ♪ ♪ hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. [ speaking spanish ] ♪ [ male announcer ] old el paso stand 'n stuff taco shells. old el paso. feed your fiesta. why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat on the run... and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. mmmm. the new taste is better than ever. and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia! okay. let's admit it, we all have one, a kitchen pantry full of food we don't touch and probably have forgotten is there. you may remember karla hall as one of the finalists on "top chef." >> she's here to turn in pantry items into a meal everyone will enjoy. >> how are you? >> i'm great. we buy these things either on sale or we t them. >> but we put them away and they stay there. >> exactly. so we're talking about things that are almost expired, not things that are going to go into a museum, because the packaging has changed ten times since you bought it. >> and you now you are. >> we have lentils, garlic, tuna, incumbency, panko. >> these are ingredients. >> so here we're going to make a white bean and artichoke crostini. it's a dump and roll. >> i like that. that's the way we roll. >> garlic e. fresh basil, parmesan, cheese. >> this is a good combo already. >> a bit of lemon juice, and some salt compliments. if you don't use it, you don't get no compliments, and you put everything in there, and binge. >> just a bit of olive oil. >> and just stiff it up. >> a little more. >> you want it to come together. >> it just looks delicious. did you come up with this? >> yeah, you just come up -- >> don't be afraid to try? >> right. you bought it because you like it, obviously. >> isn't it true that if you like the individual ingredients the chances of you loving the final result are pretty good? see, hoda, i told you. >> i listen. >> what makes bread crostini. >> it's toasted with oliver oil, and it tastes great. >> try the one i made, woman. ice cream and bread today, you know. >> so while you guys are tasting that, i'm going to come over here. isn't it yummy? >> i love that. >> come over here and love something else. >> i'm going to finish loving this. >> this is unique. >> this dish is unique, because i'm going to make an oatmeal and lentil pilaf. the thing is you're putting the oatmeal in boiling water, because you want to maintain the consistency. if you want creamy oats, you use cold water. >> i didn't even know that. >> here it is, finish, all loose and beautiful. another dump and roll. >> dump and roll. >> here's the lentils. >> that sounds ugly. >> why don't you just place -- >> no, dump and roll. >> onions, carrots, celery, red and yellow peppers. parsley. look at the beautiful colors. we're going to make a vinaigrette. shallots, oil and garlic. whisk in the oil. nice, nice, nice. we're going to add some compliments. >> here we go. we've got 30 seconds. >> toss that up. >> that's something else down there? >> i want you to try this. >> i'm not a peppers fan, but i'll try. >> take a bite. we don't need the plate. we're knee aneanderthal. >> surprisingly tasty. >> we take all these ingredients -- >> no time for the tuna mousse. karla, you're a doll. >> everything -sure.s for coming back out. i think you might have hooked it up wrong, though. yea, we're getting way too many channels. no, no. that's -- that's standard. fios also comes with 11,000 free movies and shows on demand per month. ah, standard. gotcha. a certain somebody says "thank you." tell him "he's welcome," but it's still standard. he's happy to be back with his friends. is he? [ male announcer ] call now and get fios tv, internet, and phone for just $99.99 a month guaranteed for two years! this is beyond cable. this is fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. this is beyond cable. this is fios. i think this is the very first time we've been dry on dry-day. all next week the men from the "sex and the city 2." >> all of them. >> have an awesome weekend, everybody. ♪ don't be so baby ♪ don't worry about it it's fun day. delighted you're with us. >> well, that's part of the reason. >> he looks darn good. >> he does. >> a slimmer, trimmer and obviously more confident jason alexander. >> thank you, you look fabulous. >> what? >> i'm going to show you how it's done. >> what? >> i'm kidding. oh! they've never looked more attractive. mare,j. blige is here. >> oh, there you go. ♪ don't worry about it baby ñq


Transcripts For WBAL Today 20100521

and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm meredith vieira. lot of nervous eyes going to be watching wall street today following thursday's big decline, the dow closing down 376 points. >> that's right. that's even more than the overall loss during that so-called flash crash earlier this month when the dow dropped nearly 1,000 points in about 30 minutes before recouping some of those losses. so what is the turmoil mean? could we be headed for another significant downturn? we'll talk about that with cnbc's jim cramer. also ahead, important news for women. a new study is revealing a potential break-through in the battle against ovarian cancer. scientists have found a way to catch the deadly disease earlier than ever before. dr. nancy snyderman will be here with details. also, we've got some amazing video to show you, a man's touching reunion with a long, lost friend. this is a gorilla that he raised, then released into the wile five years earlier. it's really something to see. we're going to show it to you and talk to the man involved in this coming up a little later. >> reminds me of the reunion with the man and the lion. they are one of the hottest young bands around, matt loves them. the script has not one, but two songs burning up the charts. look at how many other people adore them. they'll play both of those songs live on the plaza. >> a lot of young ladies in the crowd there. they're very popular with the young ladies as well. but let's begin with the struggling stock market and new concerns over the health of the u.s. economy. cnbc's "mad money" host jim cramer is here. good morning. i want to take you back to may 6th, the day the dow plummeted 1,000 points in 30 minutes. they called it a flash crash. now we're down about 10% since the highs in the market in april. when you consider this, do you look back at may 6th and put it in a different context now? >> we are six points away from where we were that day and that was supposed to be a bogus crash. it looks like some of the levels were right. now i have to tell you we're not falling to pieces, to use the script's words. >> little pop culture reference. >> exactly. i'm advising no panic. i'm advising this is -- stay the course. a lot of it is just -- >> a guy known for sunlight and optimism says there are parts of the global economy that are now at the risk of a double-dip recession. those are words nobody wants to hear. from here ow i see things getting worse. now you can react. >> he's been negative all the way down, he was negative at 6,500. i was positive there. good point. but i will say this, he does make sense. europe has tremendous risk and until they get their act together, we're going to keep going down. >> is the reason we're going to keep going down here in this country over what happens in europe because american companies have significant exposure to the euro and european debt? >> yes, we do. our banks, our corporations, we are united far more than anyone thought. plus, i've got to tell you, they need to be a little more grown-up over there. france squabbling with germany, no real plan. no resolution means our stocks go down. >> i was watching some of the analysis after the decline on the dow yesterday. some were saying a lot of this is concern over this financial reform legislation. well, it passed in the senate yesterday, significant margin of victory there. are people worried about what the bill does or how it's going to work? >> i think people are worried that it is going to make the banks lose a lot of money. this is wall street. i think that main street does well off this. it will not be so bad. any resolution there will also be positive. we need resolutions. the united states is well ahead of europe in terms of this. >> let me end on unemployment. the labor department released some figures yesterday, jim, that showed that first-time claims for unemployment benefits rose. it was disappointing. but the unemployment situation is not a new problem. why do there seem to be more concerns about it now? >> well, because we're starting to think, if europe slows, china is slowing, we were coming back. maybe we're going to take a step back and things -- let's just say by the second half are not going to get to where we thought we might have 9% unemployment but go back over 10%. that's bad. >> jaime kramer who will be out singing "breakeven" with the script in the next half-hour. thank you. catch "mad money" on cnbc weeknights at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. eastern time. now there is also troubling news this morning whether it comes to that oil spill in the gulf of mexico. bp now concedes that the leak is larger than it originally estimated and we now have a live picture of the spill showing exactly what is happening one mile under water. nbc's chief environmental affairs correspondent anne thompson is in venice, louisiana with more. anne, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. as bp prepares to try and stop the leak this weekend, the frustration level here in the gulf coast and in washington is growing as the oil moves in to the marshes and on to the beaches and we get our first realtime look at what's happening beneath the sea. these oily blotches stain phil and laura's daily stroll on the beach in grand isle. >> got this reddish tint. >> it's still incredibly sticky. then when the water recedes, you can see the oil's sheen. >> reporter: a sight so upsetting, grand isle's mayor struggled to control his anger. >> i'm asking the president of the united states to come and save our fisheries in louisiana because it's a crime. >> reporter: the oil is now thick in the marshes on the southeast louisiana coast and could be even bigger trouble in the coming months. this is the concern -- when the oil gets in the rosa cane, it doesn't move much, it is pretty stagnant. but imagine when a hurricane roars in, it is a completely different story. high winds and storm surge could push the oil further inland. but it was the live picture of the leak that got washington riled up. after demands from congress, bp provided the fee. the company said the insertion tube was now capturing up to 5,000 barrels a day, the same amount it claimed was leaking. but clearly, the picture showed oil still gushing. >> now we're beginning to understand that we cannot trust bp. >> reporter: that certainly was the message in a blistering letter from the obama administration to bp late thursday. the administration wants bp to make public all the information it has about the leak, writing, "those efforts to date have fallen short in both their scope and effectiveness." in new orleans, the most recent victim of the oil spill is recovering. a 1-year-old sea turtle. it was rescued this week from the oily water 35 miles from venice. now the environmental protection agency has directed bp to use a less toxic version of that chemical dispersant. this is after approving it last week. what brought about the change? well, the epa sites what it calls the unprecedented volume of the dispersant that's being used from the air and under the water to break up the so far unstoppable oil. >> anne thompson, thank you very much. it gets worse and worse. it does. ann curry has the day off. hoda kotb is at the news desk with a check of the morning's top stories. good morning, everybody. we begin here today with a major shakeup in washington. president obama is replacing his head of national intelligence, dennis blair. nbc's chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell is in washington. andrea, good morning, and why are they changing this critical post right now? >> hoda, the timing of course is terrible. you've got terror threats, a nuclear challenge from iran. two wars. but the president rejected blair's last-minute attempt to save his job. there were months of conflicts that he had with months of intelligence leaders. blair lost key backing on the hill this week after a devastating senate report came out about the christmas bomber got all the way to detroit before being caught blaming blair's agencies. officials tell me cia director leon panetta has told the white house he does not want blair's job. the leading candidate now is general james clapper, he heads the intelligence at the pentagon. the bigger problem is that the post-9/11 reorganization that reated this whole new intelligence apparatus just has not worked but no one has a plan on how to fix it. >> andrea mitchell in washington, thanks so much. the mothers of those american hikers jailed in iran received another encouraging sign today. nbc's ali eruzzi is tehran. is this going to be better than expected? >> reporter: this morning the three detained students get a chance to spend a little more time with their mothers in a tehran hotel room fueling hopes for a humanitarian release. the reunion was a dave long-awaited joy for the mothers of three u.s. students, shane bauer, jash fattal and sarah shourd, held in iran for over nine months. it is a moment to cherish for the families that have waited so long. >> it's just overwhelming joy. >> reporter: the three detainees have been accused of espionage after straining into iranian territory, but no charges have been filed yet. while some experts fear the three americans could be drawn deeper into iran's nuclear standoff with the west, the families are hoping the iranians will show clemency. >> what we're doing as families is appealing to iran as family, as people, as human beings, totally independent of the political situation. >> reporter: for now they have to live on hope. the families' iranian lawyers tells nbc news it is very unlikely they'll be allowed to leave with their mothers because their case has yet to go to court. back to you. >> thank you so much from tehran. firefighters in southern california say they have made progress overnight battling an 800-acre wildfire. however, dry, windy conditions led to red flag fire warnings in other parts of the region. a different kind crasher on thursday. president obama was making a rose garden remark when a rodent made a bee line for the bushes. could be a mole, a rat, we don't know. 11 minutes past 7:00. back to matt, meredith and -- >> it's not a rat because a rat has a long tail. >> >> good morning. the sun is out this morning and the temperature at the airport is 60% to 80% humidity. the wind is calm right now. plenty of sunshine, filtered by the high, thin clo >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you. now to what could be a major break-through in women's health. the nation's top cancer researchers have released results of a new study that shows what could be a way to catch ovarian cancer earlier than ever before. nbc's chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman has details. nancy, good morning. >> hi, meredith. >> let's talk about what this study is and is not. they did not find a gene or marker for ovarian cancer. they just found a better way to analyze information that's already out there. >> ca-125, this tumor marker that a lot of women know about which is a simple blood test. it is a protein. it's been out for a long time. it is very sensitive, not very specific and it's been used primarily for women who have late-stage ovarian cancer. you can see the ovaries are really sort of in the lower abdominal cavity but they don't bump up against anything so tumors can grow and give off very nebulous signs like bloating, cramping. in late stage, the ca-125 can pop up but for women in early-stage cancer there hasn't been a great screening test. what the doctors did what they took ca-125 and in women between the ages of 50 and 74 they watched for a trend upward. if there were a trend upward, women then got an ultrasound. and then those women who had abnormalities on the ultrasound went in for surgery. what they found was they could zero in on cancers and the few that they did find, they were all early cancers. so they basically took tools we already have, but put them together smarter. >> why is it that 70% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed when it is very late in the game. is that because of the reason -- >> because the ovaries are floating out there. if you have a tumor in your mouth or in your arm, you're going to see it or feel it. the problem is some of these organs, like the pancreas, ovaries, just don't have anything to bump up against so women brush them off. >> there is another larger study being done in great britain but the results won't come out -- >> 2015. the same kind of thing, showing, yes, these are the new way for guidelines. >> will doctors apply this science right now? >> i don't want women to, if you're below the age of 40, just go out and say i want the blood test because it seems to work. certainly you don't want an ultrasound every time you go in. but if women are between the ages of 50 and 74, if they've never had children, haven't been on birth control pills, if there is a tumor, ovarian or breast cancer in their families, they might say to a doctor, let's get this blood test, watch the trend and then i suspect doctors will apply this before the study comes out in london. but it's got to be part of a smart plan. we always talk about rationing is smart use of what we have. this is a really -- a sftep in the right direction. >> it is 7:15. here's matt. the search is on for missing masterpieces in the bandits who pulled off a daring heist at a paris modern art museum. five paintings valued at more than $100 million were stolen, including major works by picasso and matisse. nbc's stephanie gosk is in paris this morning. hi, stephanie, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, matt, good morning. a special police brigade here in paris dedicated to art is poring over the five frames that the thieves left behind looking for forensic evidence, while interpol is contacting law enforcement around the world. the hunt for these paintings is on. five modern art masterpieces, estimated to be worth more than $100 million, stolen in the dead of night from one of the world's most prestigious museums, including pablo picasso's "do have with green peas" honoring matisse's "pastoral." the three overnight guards at the museum of art in paris say they didn't see or hear a thing. security cameras showed a lone masked intruder, breaking through a window, smashing a padlock and stealing paintings without ever tripping any alarms. motion activity sensors had been broken since march, something the thief probably knew. >> we always say it was 88% to 89% of museum thefts usually have some type of insider situation going on. it's not always a curator or maybe even an employee. sometimes it is just the experts who go in and do studies in the museum. >> reporter: an ingenious plan, perhaps a dapper thief, perhaps a hollywood movie in the making. in the thomas crown affair, pierce brosnan plays a millionaire who steals just for the thrill and gets away with it. in reality, experts suspect a crime ring may be behind this heist. >> the people who undertake this work are professional thieves. they're like businessmen. >> reporter: but unloading the paintings will be difficult. reputable dealers will quickly realize the artwork is stolen. >> you can't sell these paintings. it is funny thing, people say these paintings are worth $15 million. the truth is they're worth nothing. they're worth zero because there is no history, they don't have good title. on the open art market they're worth nothing. >> reporter: but expensive artwork has always tempted the clever criminal. the more famous the painting, the more the prestige. "the scream" was pinched from the national gallery in oslo in 2004 in broad daylight but gun wielding thieves. the painting was later recovered. more than 600 of picasso's paintings are currently missing including three taken from his granddaughter's apartment. the artwork only has a 25% of being recovered in 30 years. the chances get better the more well known the paintings. but right now the biggest fear is these thieves won't be able to sell the paintings and they might destroy them instead. matt? >> stephanie gosk for us in paris this morning, thank you very much. now here's meredith. >> thank you. white house party crasher the salahis are back in the headlines after their limo was stopped near the white house on wednesday during the obama's second official state dinner. what were they doing there? nbc's savannah guthrie has more. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. i talk to the salahis yesterday at length about this. they say they were not trying to get into the white house or even near it for a publicity stunt. though they did have a camera crew with them at the time, they say this is all just a coincidence. just as the obamas were celebrating their second star-studded state dinner -- >> cheer. >> reporter: -- the controversial couple that made the first one so notorious was just blocks away in a limo. >> mr. and mr. salahi. >> reporter: accused party crashers, the salahis, were stopped by the secret service right by the white house wednesday night when their limo driver was pull over for running a red light. after signaling that he wanted to drive into a restricted park that borders the white house called the ellipse. in an exclusive interview with nbc, tareq called it an unbelievable coincidence. michaele said, you get a very sick feeling in your stomach." their limo ran a light, was spotted trying to turn into the ellipse, then was stopped near the restaurant. the salahis were accompanied by a crew from "inside edition" which had spent the day filming with the couple called a lifestyle piece about them. driver got a ticket and after checking out their story, the secret service sent the salahis on their way. the couple told nbc news it was not a publicity stunt and they were not trying to cash the state dinner. the restaurant's owner says the event had been planned for weeks. >> they were having a great time. they seem very, very happy. this is what was so great about them. >> reporter: the salahis grabbed worldwide headlines last year when they managed to get into the white house state dinner for india without an invitation. the secret service later acknowledged its officers were at fault for admitting two people not on the guest list. but the salahis still insist they did not crash and in an interview this week with rad radaronline said someone should tell them they were sorry. >> it would be nice if somebody apologized to us or if somebody -- just call it quits. >> reporter: at the white house thursday, press secretary robert gribz was not biting. >> it seems to me like their 15 minutes of fame were up almost six months ago. >> reporter: one government official said it appeared the salahis may have been trying to pose in front of the white house during the state dinner. the salahis deny that. as to whether they will be charged in connection with the state dinner party crash last year, no decision has been made yet but a decision may be made in the next few weeks. >> savannah guthrie, thanks very much. the salahis will be here for an exclusive live interview tuesday on "today." lawyers for lindsey lohan post bond after a warrant goes out for her arrest but her problems are far from over. just ahead, an incredible reunion between a man and a gorilla five years in the making. >> we'll talk to the man behind it right after your local news. wow! chevy traverse. a consumers digest best buy, with a 100,000 mile, powertrain warranty. it seats eight comfortably - not that it always has to. during spring event get 0% apr for 60 months on a 2010 traverse with an average finance savings of around fifty four hundred dollars. only at your chevy dealer. ♪ [ female announcer ] when is it okay to lose the cover-up? ♪ when you can. take the special k challenge... and lose an inch from your waist in two weeks. so lose your cover-up, and show off your confidence. design your plan at design your plan it's in your future now. 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"today" national correspondent amy robach has details on that. >> good morning. lohan is in france where she attended the cannes film festival. she claims she couldn't be at that hearing because her passport was stolen. her lawyers quickly posted bond to have the warrant recalled but her legal trouble is far from over. this week in the glitzy south of france, lindsey lohan posed for pictures and partied into the night. a world away from a california courtroom where a judge was left waiting to see the 23-year-old starlet. thursday low happen failed to show up at a mandatory probation hearing for a 2007 dui conviction, claiming her passport was stolen while attending the fame's cannes film festival. >> she went to the airport with every intention of making it and they would not let her on the plane. >> reporter: lohan knew about the court hearing and thought before leaving for france getting back for it would be no problem. >> my court date is coming up this week. i think it should go well. >> reporter: with lohan a no-show, it did not go well. >> she was ordered to be here as 8:30. she's not here. there is no valid excuse. >> reporter: a warrant was issued for her arrest and the judge ordered weekly drug tests. she's banned from booze and must wear an ankle monitoring bracelet. thursday lohan's lawyers posted bond avoiding arrest when she does make it back to the u.s. everyone's out to get me! >> reporter: once regarded as promising young actress, the star of "freaky friday," "parent trap" and "mean girls" is now better known for her  headline-grabbing behavior than for headlining movies. >> a lot of people are asking themselves today, what went wrong? how did this really promising talent young actress fall so far, so fast? if you believe her dad, it has to do with substance abuse and some of her emotional issues. but if you believe lindsey, there is no problem. >> reporter: last month her estranged father showed up at her l.a. home with police. lindsay tweeted "my ex-dad just walked into my apartment like the devil's advocate with officers." most recently reports indicate lohan was axed from an upcoming movie role because financial backers believe she was unbankable. >> the challenge she presents to movie studios is she's more known for her personal troubles and tabloid persona than she is for being an actress. >> reporter: lohan is hoping to get the passport issue cleared up so she can be back in los angeles for that rescheduled hearing on monday. matt? >> amy robach, thank you very much. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by caltrate. replenish your body daily with tlc -- tender loving caltrate. >> good morning. we've got all these script fans from michigan, also from chicago. first-timers to new york city. it's your birthday! this concert's for your birthday. let's check your weather, see what's happening. today is bike to work today. too late for you folks. he bikes to work. it would be beautiful to bike in new york. 83. washington, 86. boston, 70 degrees. you head to the south, biking weather, not so good in atlanta, showe thundershowers, 86 degrees. ed in midwest, yikes, >> high-pressure providing great weather for us. our forecast for today is lots of >> check your weather any time of the day or night. go to weather channel on cable, online. now to a saddened to the search for 12-year-old kayleah wilson. a body found on wednesday has now been identified as the remains of the colorado girl who vanished on her way to a birthday party back in march. nbc's janet schamlian is in greeley, colorado with details. janet, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it is the worst possible news for family and friends of the missing 12-year-old. the body found earlier this week just a half-mile from her home from where she disappeared has been positively identified as kayleah. now the search is on for exactly what happened to her and who's responsible. >> the well county coroner's office has now identified the body as that of kayleah wilson. >> reporter: it was the news greeley hoped it wouldn't hear. the body of the missing 12-year-old was found in a flooded irrigation ditch this week. one that had been searched twice previously. the ditch was only flooded with water on tuesday, so kayleah's body may have been tucked away in an underground part of the ditch for two months, only to wash out when the ditch filled with water. her body was so badly decomposed, authorities couldn't even tell if it was a male or female at first. before an autopsy confirmed it was kayleah, friends and family gathered at the ditch for a vigil, offering prayers in hopes their fears would be proven wrong. >> it's just pretty intense. you don't even think it could happen to you. >> reporter: the sixth-grader was last seen walking to a friend's birthday party march 28th. while many initially thought she was a run-away kayleah's mom told nbc news she believed otherwise. >> do you think she ran away? do you think she was abducted? do you have any sense? >> if she ran away, she would have been home by now. i would have heard something from her by now. so i don't want to think that she was abducted. i don't want -- that's a bad thought because that means she's somewhere she doesn't want to be. >> reporter: the search for kayleah was extensive. more than 50 fbi agents were on the case at one point and authorities trenched through ponds and vacant fields. sheriff's posse canvassed the area on horseback. no sign of her, no clues. there was a plea for help. >> we still need the public's help. >> reporter: a $10,000 reward was upped to $20,000, hoping cash might open the door to clues. her heart-broken mother never gave up hope. >> i have to stay positive, i have to keep praying and know that she's coming home. >> do you believe that? >> yes, with all my heart, she's coming home. we will find her. >> reporter: police tell us the girl's parents are not suspects, nor is her former boyfriend. while they're not saying how she died, they do have that information and they say that, along with some physical evidence they found at the scene will eventually lead them to kayleah's killer. back to you. >> janet schamlian reporting for us this morning. just ahead, we'll lighten things up with a touching reunion. a man reconnects in the wild with a gorilla he raised and had not seen in five years. he'll share their amazing story right after this. to help reduce that risk. diet fortunately, there's caltrate. as we get older, our bodies steal calcium from our bones. caltrate helps replenish the calcium we lose. with 1200 mg of calcium, plus advanced levels of vitamin d to help reduce your risk of osteoporosis. it's never too early or too late for caltrate. and now big news -- the same caltrate comes in a new, smaller, easy to swallow pill. to get more of the fiber you need every day, try fiberchoice. with the natural fiber found in fruits and vegetables and 33% more fiber per serving than benefiber. go to to get savings and rewards. hmm...what's going on with dad? 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what were you saying? i don't mean to put you on the spot. >> well, you are. i have a call with the animals, come on. come on. they hear my call and they respond to that call. >> so you see kwibi, now 10. you hadn't seen him in five years. i think that first step out of the boat would have been the one that makes me nervous because you can't be 100% sure of what response you're going to get from a wild animal. >> i was not 100% sure. you never know, he is a wild animal now. but deep inside you believe that things will be okay. >> and you got close and it was clear, you say -- i liked when you say we got drunk on each other. you looked in his eyes. you could tell that this was -- there were incredible memories that he had of you. >> you know, the moment i heard the gurgle -- the gorillas have a very deep love gurgle. the moment i heard that, i knew i would be okay. right at that moment, everything stopped and the sounds of the leaves and the forest stopped and the sounds of the river stopped. i was just captivated in that moment. >> i don't know why this sticks in my mind, damian, but a gorilla -- after five years in the wild, what's the smell of that gorilla? that has been a pungent odor embracing that gorilla. >> i have to say, i love the smell of gorilla. >> never bothers you. >> not at all. >> were you at all worried, not that kwibi but that another wild gorilla might not think this reunion was quite so heart-warming and do something? >> that's actually correct. i was far more worried that one of the wives would be protective of kwibi. >> you grew up with these animals. i mean we mentioned, your father had this incredible place in england. from what i understand, as a baby, you were actually placed in the arms, in the hands, of a female gorilla. it was almost a right of passage in your family. >> i was brought up with gorillas. i was brought up with lots of animals. when i was a little boy, all the animals lived in the house with us and i think my bedroom door, tigers and gorillas and wolves would all jump on the bed. >> it's something you've carried on with your own family. >> i have. i take my young children, my little daughters, in with the gorillas. >> how hard was it to leave? after you have this reunion. nobody knows more about these animals than do you. so they are wild animals and the whole purpose is to return them to the wild. but still, it has to be hard not knowing when you'll get to see -- or if you'll get to see this particular gorilla again. >> well, i go there three or four times a year. i'm always hopeful i can see them. it is no different if you go see a friend of yours in another country, you meet and have a reunion, then you have to go on your separate lives again. i always feel i'll see him again. >> is it safe though for this gorilla to become so familiar with you again? are there threats to him and the other gorillas if he gets too comfortable around human beings? >> he's familiar with me but not familiar with other human beings, which is the way it should be. >> i mention you run this wildlife organization. what do you want people to know about kwibi and other gorillas? >> i hope that when people see this, they'll realize that animals deserve their chance and just shows how gentle gorillas can be. i think we have a responsibility to this earth and i think we can, as a species, do so much more for this planet. i believe that. >> you want people who see this perhaps on your show or youtube not to look at this as just a cute video. you would like it to be thought provoking as well. >> i would hope so. i would hope it would lead the way for people to really begin to make a change. >> damian aspinall, nice to meet you. for more information on the aspinall foundation, including how to adopt kwibi or another gorilla, head to still to come, a young conductor helping kids re-invent the classic symphony sound. today contributing correspondent jenna bush hager shares her story. but first, these messages. gangs were prevalent. violence was all over. families were falling apart. you can't raise children in a community like that. people had been talking about things, but not doing anything. hi, mr. canada... how are you? 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[ female announcer ] stay on your game by stopping mid-morning hunger with kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain that helps you stay full, so you can stay focused. uh, he's a little focused right now. can i take a message? so you can stay focused. soak our yards in color. get our hands a little busier. our dollars a little stronger. and our thinking a little greener. let's grab all the bags and all the plants and all the latest tools out there. so we can turn all these savings into more colorful shades of doing. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now get the roundup weed and grass killer pump 'n go at the new lower price of only $15. just ahead, a man who almost died after a simple bump on the knee led to a battle with flesh-eating bacteria. he will join us for a live interview. also ahead, the script live in concert on the plaza playing two hits burning up the charts after your local news. ♪ there's so many ways to love ya ♪ ♪ i mean like, oh, my gosh ♪ i'm so in love -- ♪ make me wanna say oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh-oh ♪ [ horn honks ] [ tires squeal ] oprah: join me and liberty mutual insurance. drive responsibly. take the pledge. we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena. the only garden feeder... that works with ready-to-use liquid miracle-gro. it's a revolutionary way to grow a great garden. liquafeed makes feeding as easy as watering. no measuring, mixing or guessing. just attach, insert and feed. plants get the perfect balance... of water and nutrients... to grow twice as big. liquafeed from miracle-gro. and prevent weeds up to 3 months with miracle-gro garden weed preventer. ♪ [ sniffs ] morning. you got in pretty late last night. dad, i'm not sixteen anymore. still, it was late. well... you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore. yeah, why's that? ♪ todd's a lucky man. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ that's what i told him when we talked last week. ♪ folgers in your cup how about a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combination? or maybe our new savory shrimp jambalaya. seafood lunches starting at just $6.99 at red lobster. honda accord and toyota camry stand behind their powertrain for up to 60,000 miles. chevy malibu stands behind theirs for up to 100,000 miles. which makes it pretty clear whose standing out front. a consumers digest "best buy" two years running. chevy malibu. compare it to anyone and may the best car win. during the spring event, qualified lessees, now get a 27-month, low mileage lease on this malibu ls for around $199 a month. call for details. see your local chevy dealer. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. time for another check of the morning commute. here is kim dacey and traffic pulse 11. >> we only have one incident to talk about, police activity in the job but. . -- in the joppa area. at 13 miles per hour in the white marsh corner there. 35 on at the top northwest corner of the beltway. delays around the area. it looks like it is clearing up a little bit. you can see some intermittent delays from time to time on providence road. 95 and white marsh, that area is very slow. watch out for those areas. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> traffic snarls, very nice morning. high pressure will keep all of the rain away from us. not so successful over the weekend. but today looks pretty good we are starting the day war than we did yesterday. -- warmer than we did yesterday. this will drop off considerably during the day to day. temperatures will roar into the 80s. -- warm into the 80s. forecast for today is mostly sunny skies. unseasonably warm. 81 at 86 with a high. for the weekend, occasional rain showers in the forecast. >> check the bottom of your screen for updated news and screen for updated news and traffic 8:00 now on a friday morning, is 21st day of may, 2010. it's kind of warm out. we got about 64 degrees right now. beautiful friday morning, great day for a concert. we got the guys from the script performing in our 8:30 half-hour. they've got a couple of songs that are really doing well right none on the charts. "the man who can't be moved," also "breakeven." they also happen to be really nice young men. we've got a lot of females in the crowd. >> who can blame them. >> we'll be talking with them and listening to their music in just a little while. meanwhile, out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with meredith vieira and al roker. coming up, a medical story that's really bizarre. a busy father taking care of qu quadruplets, he trips walking down the street, next thing he knows he has flu-like symptoms, then he's in a flight for his life in what is commonly called a flesh-eating bacteria. luckily he's doing great right now but this is a real bizarre story. >> he's a great guy. >> he's a chef. >> he's going to cook for us actually later. coming up also, a remarkable young woman who is changing the sound of classical music and also getting kids excited in the process. jenna bush hager is here to share her inspiring story. plus, two big movies, two big stars. cameron diaz of "shrek forever after," and kristin davis from, of course, "sex and the city 2." >> tl >> a lot to get to. >> look how handsome this boy is. ann's off today, hoda cot sbee kotb is at the news desk. a possible double-dip recession this morning after the dow plunged 376 points on thursday. its biggest one-day loss in more than a year. overseas markets tumbled in early trading today. meantime, consumer advocates are praising the financial overhaul bill passed by the senate on thursday that calls for stricter regulations of both banks and borrowers. this morning, a videotaped confession from a florida teen telling police why he nearly killed another teen back in march over text messages. nbc's michelle kosinski is in ft. lauderdale with more on this. hey, michelle. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. wayne treacy is a small, well-liked, baby-faced 15-year-old, now in this jail accused of attempted murder of an eighth-grader he didn't know who sent him text messages he said set him off. referencing his brother who recently committed suicide. just hours after eighth-grader josie ratley was kicked and stomped nearly to death outside her school -- >> i remember it was just one thing that really angered me. usually when i get angry, it just goes away because i can just vent and stuff. but i don't know, couldn't get the feeling to subside. >> reporter: treacy was texting a girl using josie's phone but he ended up in a back-and-forth with josie. >> i just remember she said something about my dead brother and that really set me off. >> was it rude? >> kind of. >> do you remember what it was? >> no, sir. >> okay. is it you don't want to tell me or you don't remember? >> i don't remember. >> reporter: treacy's attorney says he was traumatized, snapped. still, 2 1/2 hours before the attack, he was texting other friends, "i'm going to jail for murder." "going to kill her. snap her next, then stomp her skull." one replies, "don't do it." today josie is a different girl. >> sneehe's recovering very slo. >> reporter: wayne treacy says he's sorry. >> it had to be pretty bad to get so angry. >> it wasn't that bad. it's my dead brother. >> reporter: a portion of that videotaped statement that police released, he seems to calm, almost matter of fact. but we know later on he breaks down crying. his attorney says this is a kid who had tried to be stoic, but who suffered a depth of trauma to the extent he knew right from wrong but at that moment he could not control himself. >> such a disturbing story, thanks, michelle. seven-time tour de france champion lance armstrong denied doping allegations made by former teammate floyd landis. during a break in the tour of california race on thursday, armstrong said landis, an admitted doper, lost credibility long ago. moments later armstrong had to quit the race when he cut his face during a pile-up. now here is brian williams with what's coming up tonight on "nbc nightly news." >> tonight on "nightly news," all week long we've been looking at celebrities who are making a difference. tonight we continue with an old friend, member of the nbc family, will ferrell. yes, he's doing something crazy. he always does. but this time, it's for a good cause. we'll show you the story tonight on "nightly news." hoda, for now back to you. have a good weekend. >> looking forward to it, brian. five minutes past the hour. let's go back to al for a check of the weather. >> thanks, hoda. the script is from ireland. these two ladies just got in -- when did you get in from dublin? >> yesterday. >> you came here to see the script? >> yeah. >> big fans of the script. >> huge. >> you got a great view right here. perfect. let's check your weather, she what's happening. our pick city of the day happens to be lubbock, texas. nbc 11. afternoon thunderstorms, temperature about 80 degrees. as we check out your forecast for today, we are looking for some wet weather working its way from the southeast, atlanta, some thunderstorms today, all the way up to chicago. rain in the pacific northwest with some windy conditions. sunshine up and down the eastern seaboard. 83 in new york. 88 in washington today -- washin >> hi, thin clouds overhead, but a fair weather situation, with all the rain falls staying out to the west through the day to day. to day. >> my gosh, what's your name? >> sara. >> where you from? >> rutherford. >> rutherford, new jersey. that happens to me all the time! i can't remember where i'm from either. i write it inside my jacket. okay, sara. now back to meredith. up next, a popular chef and father who nearly died from flesh-eating bacteria. he's going to share his cautionary tale right after this. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. claritin-d helps me breathe in and out. nothing works stronger, faster, or longer to relieve all my symptoms... ...including congestion without drowsiness. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. live claritin clear. what are you really buying? a shiny coat of paint? a list of features? what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design... or how it responds... in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means to own a mercedes-benz. the c-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial. ♪ what if they change the terms? what if the interest rate... more than i thought? what if i missed something? what if we're not getting what i think we're getting? [ male announcer ] take some of the "what if" out of dealing with your bank. bank of america's clarity commitment summaries tell you key terms for what you're getting with your home loan and credit card in plain language. interest rate... ...what we pay. that's clear... nice for a change. how about that? it's just what they said. [ male announcer ] there's only one place you can get a clarity commitment for your mortgage or credit card. bank of america. [ smack! ] [ smack! smack! smack! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums this morning on "today's health," a chef's brush with death. after being stricken with flesh-he eating bacteria, an amazing story of survival and a cautionary tale. we'll talk to him in a moment. but first, here's nbc's chief medical editor, dr. nancy snyderman. >> reporter: it was a day like any other. new orleans chef matt murphy was taking care of his daughters before heading off to work. >> you always want to go forward in this thing. you try and reverse, it is like backing up an 18-wheeler. doesn't work that well. >> reporter: while walking down the stairs, this robust rugby player and healthy man tripped over one of the girl's toys and banged his knee. >> just got up like normal, continued on. then the rest unfolded over the day. knee started paining. getting stiff. >> we thought it was just a strange coincidence that he had hurt his knee. at the same time he starting getting a flu. his leg started swelling up. >> reporter: while the e.r. doctors focused on keeping matt alive, orthopedic surgeon dr. frederick wilson was brought in and diagnosed him with necrotizing fasciitis, an insidiously advancing soft tissue infection caus. >> matt murphy is suffering from a massive infection. >> then a freak accident triggered a battle for his life. >> when he arrived at the emergency room, he was basically on death's doorstep. he was already in organ system failure and was in basically toxic shock. for some reason that bacteria takes hold and causes the body's immune system and inflammatory system to kind of go haywire. >> the doctors came to me and they kept saying your husband is a very sick man. you need to call his family and bring his family here. that's when i thought, oh, my god. he could die? >> reporter: doctors put matt in a medically induced coma to make it easier for his body to heal itself. >> i talked to this doctor and i said, listen, that man means everything to me. we have four young children at home. i'm pregnant with his fifth child. i said, do everything you can. please, please, take really good care of that man. he is our life. >> reporter: over the next three months, doctors fought to get the infection eating away at matt murphy under control. 16 operations and three resuscitations later, matt's condition stabilized. the worst was behind him. >> the bacteria started attacking here, and for me, after the doctors explaining it, usually they amputate. when i woke up, i looked at my hand and said i'm not going to lose my hands. this is how i make a living. >> the doctor said, matt, we've had eight people in the last 25 years who have had this. you're the only one who's survived. it is a miracle. i have my wonderful husband who is healthy and here and we're a lucky, happy family. >> matt murphy is here with his wife and one of their daughters. dr. nancy snyderman is here as well. good morning, everybody. let me talk to you guys in a second. nancy, necrotizing fasciitis. it's very rare. 1,500 cases a year. was the bacteria already in his body and the injury triggered it? >> on his body. we're kcolonized with this bacter bacteria. it got into this wound, started to fester and the turning point was it produced this powerful toxin. that is what attacked the tissue, then attacked his organs and caused him to become so critically ill. >> you beat the odds, man. doctors told your wife 8 people in 25 years all died except you. >> yeah. >> what was the -- when this got its worst, what was the pain like? what were you feeling like? >> i'm a rugby player. broke my nose seven times, can deal with pain. i knew this was just going on and on. i thought it was like a sprained knee, said hey, it will go away. but it didn't. before we went in the e.r., the pain was just incredible. at that point i said this is more than what it is. >> you turn the corner. what kind of rehabilitation -- we should mention, had you scars, but that's the worse thing you have basically. >> yeah. >> what was the rehabilitation like? >> first waking up even was tough just to deal with that and get psychologically through it to say, hey, wow, this happened to me, i had no power over it happening. but then it was the physical side of it, too, which is just learning how to eat, walkinging. it was tough. but alicia was pregnant at the time. i'd kind of given myself targets. dr. wilson was phenomenal. he was like you're going to walk out of this hospital. i'll walk out of this hospital with you. that sort of -- i said if he had that determination, i can pull from my side, too. >> alicia, you had four -- you had quadruplets who were 1 1/2 years old, about, whether this happened. pregnant with another child. you have to be thinking this can't be happening to our family. >> well, you know, we had quad ro quadruplets. more than once have i had that feeling, this can't be happening to my family. but i had the girls at home, i was pregnant with alana, i knew i had to be tough, i had to be strong. i also knew that matt is the toughest guy i've ever known and i knew that he'd make it out of it. i was scared. i'm not going to lie. >> i was thinking, tough rugby player. what if he had said, i don't need to go to the emergency room, i'm sure this is just a problem, i'll wake up tomorrow and i'll feel better and tried to tough it out. you probably wouldn't be here. >> that's it. yeah. >> yeah. it's true. we were close. >> it was like a flu-like symptoms. i'm like, i had just come back from a trip. i'm like maybe i got the flu and all that. but, okay, enough. i went there. >> you're very lucky. nancy, because he's had this once -- i hate to even say this in front of him -- >> don't worry, i've heard it before. >> because he's had this once, is he more likely to get it again? is there something dormant in his system? >> no. this is a group of strep that's just more toxic than your average strep. but it is a warning sign that if you start to see a wound -- i'm going to use the old-fashioned term -- festering beyond what you think is normal, get in. it is rare but it can happen to you. the loss of soft tissue and muscle in the rehab you saw that he had to go through, it's significant. but nonetheless can happen to anybody and he's no more at risk than anybody else. >> i want to mention, the ritz-carlton down in new orleans had a fund-raiser. were you in the hospital. 45 chefs came, raised a lot of money. that must have been nice to have that support, not only from a great family. >> it was like everybody in the city actually. just got around from dropping off food to my wife and helping mind the children, it was just an amazing community feeling and you're a guy, you don't want to ever, hey, i'm the breadwinner, i don't want any help. this is the way i am. but it was very emotional to see so many people doing so much good. >> we're happy you're doing so well. you're going to come back and cook for us later in the show. >> i'm cooking later. >> we're all lining up for that. alicia, nice to meet you. alana, you did great. dr. nancy? >> you're welcome, matt. much more ahead, including classical music cool for kids. we'll find out how one woman is doing that. jenna bush hager introduces us to a not-so-kip cal orchestra right after this. [ female announcer ] treat yourself to something special for lunch. how about a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combination? or maybe our new savory shrimp jambalaya. seafood lunches starting at just $6.99 at red lobster. nutri-grain -- one good decision... can lead to another. ♪ made with real fruit and now with more... of the whole grains your body needs. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. soak our yards in color. get our hands a little busier. our dollars a little stronger. and our thinking a little greener. let's grab all the bags and all the plants and all the latest tools out there. so we can turn all these savings into more colorful shades of doing. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now get the roundup weed and grass killer pump 'n go at the new lower price of only $15. to travel in comfort and style... [ train whistle blows ] ♪ presenting the new toyota avalon. it's one smooth ride. it has lots of space for you... and all your things. i got mine with voice activated navigation. so we can get to the city. [ male announcer ] there's no finer way to travel. the new toyota avalon... comfort is back. ♪ bring me a dream back at 8:21. if you hear the words classical music and hit the snooze button, wake up. there is a new orchestra in town that's giving back to public school kids here in new york. "today" contributing correspondent jenna bush hager is here with details. >> thanks, meredith. the philharmonic orchestra of the americas is teaching students in grade school how to compose and conduct their own music. as i learned, this hip, young orchestra does not boast your average symphony sound. this is not your grandmother's philharmonic. and the woman behind it all, not exactly your typical conductor. she's young, she's mexican, and she's a rising star. the 29-year-old founded the philharmonic orchestra of the americas six years ago. why are you so passionate about conducting? >> to me it is the closest thing to a party. this has nothing to do with where we came from, how old we are, what our political views are. nothing. it's just let's do something beautiful together. wow. >> reporter: its mission -- simple. to highlight young talent from north, central and south america. >> when i think of myself, 13, 14 years old in mexico playing the piano and all those dreams i had, it gives me chills. i grew up listening to "west side story," watching bernstein conduct in films and thinking of the lincoln center as kind of this really high goal. >> reporter: she invited me to one of her rehearsals at new york's lincoln center. >> good luck. >> thank you. >> some people would think orchestra seems stuffy. how do you break that stereotype? >> well, i think it is extremely easy. why can't they just do things differently and a little bit more relaxed and connect with the audience? >> you performed a tribute to gloria estefan. >> she was really impressed because the orchestra could do the -- she was like, wow, i never thought an orchestra could do that. >> reporter: now, alandra and the philharmonic orchestra of the americas are teaching the new generation of music. why should public schools keep music programs? >> there is just about every single important value for a child to learn in music. teamwork. respect for one another. imagination. discipline. i think music education is really key to anybody's education. it should be like drinking water. you have to do this. >> reporter: these music aficionados at ps-187 in new york city are learning how to compose their own music. it is a program allandr created called ninos. miss barrier is the teacher of this fourth grade case. she says allandra and her team have struck a chord with these students. >> at first we worried they'd think, classical music, how boring. >> the way they teach music through sounds and colors and tastes just makes it so relatable to any kind of kid. >> if they imagine something, they can get it out and make it become a reality and that is a perfect example of a tool that can help them for a lifetime. that's already a piece of music. >> reporter: it's clear, she is making an impact. 9-year-old rose got the chance of a lifetime conducting an orchestra. will you show me a little bit about the song you conducted? the beat pattern? >> it was like that. and i don't -- i think it was song number four. >> if you believe in something, build it. if you cannot find a door, make a door. if you cannot make a door, make a window. whatever. but you get in to wherever you need to go. >> reporter: breaking boundaries, crushing stereotypes, hitting high notes, all in perfect harmony. and after sold-out show last week, the philharmonic orchestra of the americas will be performing tonight at lincoln center. so meredith, there's still a chance for you to get a ticket and go check them out. >> i love it when she says it is the closest thing to being at a party. >> she's so much fun. we can buy tickets, go to our website. >> all right. jenna bush hager, thank you so much. just aid head, cameron diaz >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. let's get a final check on the morning commute with kim dacey. >> couple incidents to talk about. what is on route 40, east and westbound. fire activity to watch for there. in that joppa area, police activity between pulaski highway and joppa road. 24 miles per hour coming towards the beltway and the white marsh area. a big delay there. 25 miles on the topside, 28 on the west side. not looking too bad there. we will give you a live look at that delay at white marsh. clearing up just a little bit. you will still see some stop- and-go as you don't add to the 895 tunnel. -- as you go down to the 895 tunnel. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. john, have a great weekend. >> thank you. you come to but we are starting out the weekend all right. the rain is all west of us. it will state that way during the day. the storm system finally starts to push for the east. but look at this today, the situation is 67 degrees. humidity is 70 percent fat. we will not have a lot of humidity in the atmosphere. forecast for today is the high, thin clouds. unseasonably warm. typically we would be in the mid-70's. we will be in the 80's with a high today. statewide, similar picture. a little cooler in the beach areas. >> we will have another update at 8:55. ♪ 8:30 now on this friday morning, may 21st, 2010. we're have a big celebration this morning because one of the hottest bands around, the script, has brought their brand of fantastic pop to our plaza for a live concert. a big concert today, and another big one this week. >> one republic is here next week. then a special thursday concert, that on june 3rd with "american idol's" top two. then the following day -- >> look out. >> the 4th of june, it will be bieber fever out on the plaza with teen sensation justin bieber takes over rockefeller plaza. >> i got a fever. only cow bell can cure it. also this morning, we've got "sex and the city 2" fever here. kristin davis, aka charlotte is right now entertaining our crowd. she's going to be telling us about that. plus, we're going to chat a little bit later on. she's back as fiona. we've got cameron diaz. it is so good to see you. >> what a great place to come to work every day, guys. >> almost as nice as far, far away. >> well, that is the best place. >> i just saw you out in l.a. it was so great. you were talking about the mo e movie. >> when we sat with all the other guys, antonio and mike, we -- it was just one of those moments where we don't even get a lot of those moments. we really got to learn like what the experience was like for all of us and realized actually it was very similar. we all had the same experience. we're like, why didn't we do this? why have we only been talking about it for the last ten years? >> you like the fantasy, too. it means so much for young kids. you don't want kids to think fiona, cameron diaz. >> i know. it is like that shocking look on a kid's face when their parents are, do you know who this is? the kid's like, no? a random woman? no. it's princess fiona. the kids are like, no! just like this terror in their face. you want them to always think it's real. >> you've got a big summer coming out with tom cruise, "night and day." then another film you just wrapped with justin timberlake. >> "that teacher" coming out next year which is a lot of fun. that is a little bit harder to sell to this crowd because it is a more -- a rated-r comedy. >> it is good for this crowd. >> so you guys will like it. >> you're going to take the summer off and just relax? >> yes. >> what are you going to do? >> i'm going to sleep. >> let us know what that's like. >> you can't imagine how you guys do it. absolutely not. i've just been working since last august straight through. i just finished about 2 1/2 weeks ago. i literally am going to sleep. >> whenever we see you around here, i always think you have a really great sense of style. i was reading something you said recently, you said growing up, i was the plain one, i had no style, i was the tough kid with the comb in the back pocket and the feathered hair. >> yes. >> what happened? >> well, you know, this is the beauty of like accessibility. when you're in this position, you have more access to other things than just like that wide-toothed comb and the curling iron. >> you've come a long way, baby. >> cameron diaz, thank you so much. >> >> high-pressure providing great weather for us. our forecast for today is lots of >> don't forget, check your weather any time of the day or night, weather channel on cable and 8:37. as we countdown to next week's release of "sex and the city 2," kristin davis played charlotte who when we last saw her was the proud mother of a brand-new baby girl. that makes two. good morning, kristin. nice to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> i am one of the lucky ones who have had a chance to see this movie. all my friends say how is it different from the first one? how would you say it's different? >> i think it's a very different tone. we're all together for a lot of the movie as opposed to kind of being off in our own individual story lines. we start off in new york, in our own individual story lines to re-acquaint everyone. then we go on this crazy mad-cap road trip which was really fun. we were very much having that experience off camera as well as on camera which made it even more fun. we were together all the time, we were together in all the scenes. it was really magical. >> do you have any particular memories of off camera? >> many, many memories. i think for me -- and i think all of us -- the first couple days that we were in the sahara, it was so surreal that it was almost hard to take in. i mean you can see it on film, but like the dunes just go on forever and just knowing that lawrence of arabia shot there and to think about us, the four of us, on camels, in our outfits, in the sahara desert. we just kept turning and taking pictures of each other. do you know what i mean? >> we have a clip of you in the desert, you're all on the camels. you finally got a call through to your husband. let's take a look at the clip. >> hello, harry? what have you been doing? i woke you up? harry, wait! you're going in and out. can you hear me now? harry! >> miranda! >> now according to michael patrick king, writer, director, producer, had you to that over and over and over again. >> that's our job. i did have a stunt double. camels are very, very, very high. really higher than you expect. so we had a stunt double but i still had to do it because you need it to seem real. but i got to fall on to a mattress held by about eight men who didn't speak english. they spoke french or they spoke arabic. there was some fear involved. but they were amazing. like what if something went wrong and i had to talk to them? i don't know. it was just kind of a lot. i think it was our first or second day. but then we went well. then that man, we fell on that man over and over again, me and the stunt double. he was a trouper! >> i heard the camel caught on to the whole thing and was not particularly happy about it. >> he was brilliant. you hear him in the scene objects. his name is sidu. if i said, "sidu, i love you," he would turn and look at me. when the men would run up, they'd wait in the scene and sneak up, they would know they were coming and he would make that horrible growling noise at them. >> one of my favorite scenes in this movie is actually the very beginning. you all have flashbacks to when the characters first arrived in new york city in the '80s. >> that was fun. >> there you are. what i didn't realize, i read you really did move to new york in the '80s right after college. did that bring back for you -- >> totally. and i dressed very close to that. i'm southern, i wear from south carolina. we wear pink and green still. it every day in hot rollers. i probably had some kind of weird tennis shoe on and i was walking around going on my auditions. they were probably just like, who is this girl? what is she wearing? for me, it was not that different. i was kind of jealous of sarah and kim. but it was fun to do that and very real. i remember those days. i remember walking to my w waitressing jobs. i remember my first apartment. i slept in the living room. i had a roommate and for some reason she got the bedroom. >> i don't know where she is now but you've done pretty well for yourself. >> i've been very lucky. thank you. >> such a pleasure to have you here. the movie is wonderful. >> it's finally so good to slow it to people. we've had to keep it a secret for so long. >> thank you so much, kristin davis. kim cattrall and cynthia nixon will be here next week. up next, the script perform their chart-topping hits liveto new kenmore elite multi-motion washer. how does that work? hit it! see, other machines only go in circles. this kenmore elite has multi-motions for a custom clean. it scrubs to help lift stains, rolls to wash gently, swings...steps... and tumbles. better than just circles. pbht! what?! sorry. [ male announcer ] get 15% off all appliances plus up to an additional $250 instantly with our appliance trade-in program. sears. life. well spent. i was 7 the first ti found my best friend at 13. in college, i got caught up in a love triangle. and then i discovered what true love really is. experience the only ebook reader from the bookstore you've grown up with - nook, by barnes & noble. browse and download over a million titles wirelessly, and take your story wherever you want it to go. find nook at your local barnes & noble or also available at best buy. >> announcer: the "toyota concert series" on "today," brought to you by toyota. toyota. moving forward. you may have noticed that out on the plaza this morning, there's a sea of green in honor of these guys. they're taking our summer concert stage for the very first time with their number one single "breakeven." ladies and gentlemen, the script. >> come on, new york, let me see you with your hands in the air! ♪ i'm still alive but i'm barely breathing ♪ ♪ just prayin' to god that i don't believe in ♪ ♪ cause i got time while she got freedom ♪ ♪ cause when a heart break no it don't break even ♪ ♪ her best days will be some of my worst ♪ ♪ she finally met a man that's gonna put her first ♪ ♪ while i'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping ♪ ♪ cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even even no ♪ ♪ what am i gonna do when the best part of my was always you ♪ ♪ and what am i supposed to say when i'm all choked up that you're okay ♪ ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces ♪ they say bad things happen for no reason ♪ ♪ but no wise words gonna stop the bleeding no ♪ ♪ cause she's moved on while i'm still grieving ♪ ♪ and when a heart breaks no it don't break even even no ♪ ♪ what am i gonna do when the best part of me was always you ♪ ♪ and what am i supposed to say when i'm all choked up that you're okay yeah ♪ ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces ♪ one still in love while the other one's leaving ♪ ♪ heart breaks no it don't break even ♪ ♪ oh you got his heart and my heart and none of the pain ♪ ♪ you took the suitcase and i took the blame ♪ ♪ now i'm trying to make sense of what little remains ooh ♪ ♪ cause you left me with no love and no love to my name ♪ ♪ >> come on, new york city be, let me hear you. all together, come on. ♪ cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even even no ♪ ♪ what am i gonna do when the best part of me was always you ♪ ♪ and what am i supposed to say when i'm all choked up that you're okay yeah ♪ ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah ♪ i'm falling to pieces yeah i'm falling to pieces ♪ ♪ one's still in love while the other one's leaving ♪ ♪ a heart breaks but it don't break even ♪ ♪ oh it don't break even no ♪ >> the script. the guys will be back with more music on a friday morning. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ñoçpççç the script got their start in dublin, ireland. their self-titled debut album sold more than 2 million copies worldwide. the script is out on the plaza with us this morning. great to have you here. you made your american television debut on this show in march of 2009. 14 months later you guys have exploded. >> the "today" show is now fable for the script. >> we love it also. but it's happened so quickly for you guys. have you had a chance to stop and enjoy the ride? >> we haven't really had time to kind of take stock of what's happened in the past year. you know, from three guys from a really small shed in dublin as we said on the very first day we got here, to these dizzying heights we are here, this plaza, in new york. >> anything you miss about the anonymity that you used to enjoy? those days are over. >> no. >> we spent so long trying to do this and it never happened for us. it finally happened so we just appreciate it. >> real quickly when you play with the likes of mccartney and u-2, they've accomplished longevity. anything you've picked up from them, any advice they've given you? >> they have been so good to us. the bigger the star, the nicer you are. i don't think you become that big by being a terrible person. it is generally just working your way through it. >> if that's the right equation, you guys are going to be big stars. everybody here thinks you're really nice guys. you're gentlemen. what are you going to play now? >> we're going to play "the man who can't be moved." >> all right. ladies and gentlemen, the script. ♪ yeah oh ♪ going back to the corner where i first saw you gonna camp in my sleeping bag i'm not gonna move ♪ ♪ got some words on cardboard ♪ got your picture in my hand saying if you see this girl can you tell her where i am ♪ ♪ some try to hand me money they don't understand ♪ ♪ i'm not broke i'm just broken-hearted man ♪ ♪ i know it makes no sense but what can i do ♪ ♪ how can i move on whennive been in love with you ♪ ♪ cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me ♪ ♪ and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be ♪ ♪ thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet ♪ ♪ and you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street ♪ ♪w3cíw not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ no ♪ policeman says son you can't stay here ♪ ♪ i said there's someone i'm waiting for if it's a day a month a year ♪ ♪ gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows ♪ ♪ if she changes her mind this is the first place she will go ♪ ♪ cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me ♪ ♪ and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be ♪ ♪ thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet ♪ ♪ and you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street ♪ ♪ so i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ people talk about the guy who's waiting on a girl ♪ ♪ oh whoa ♪ there are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world ♪ ♪ maybe i'll get famous as the man who can't be moved ♪ ♪ and maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news ♪ ♪ and you'll come running to the corner cause you'll know it's just for you ♪ ♪ you know it's just for you ♪ cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me ♪ ♪ and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be ♪ ♪ thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we meet ♪ ♪ oh you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street ♪ ♪ so i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ oh whoa ♪ i'm not moving ♪ i'm not moving ♪ going back to the corner where i first saw you ♪ ♪ gonna camp in my sleeping bag i'm not gonna move ♪ >> they are good. >> guys, thank you so much. more ahead on a friday morning. but first, your local news and weather. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. police are looking for whoever shot and killed a man at a west baltimore sky team 11 was over the scene yesterday at 2:30. the victim was taken to shock trauma and died three hours later. all baltimore city mother cannot understand why police and not charge a man who says she says infected corn nine teen- month-old daughter with gonorrhea. -- affected her 19-month-old daughter with gonorrhea police said they don't have enough conclusive evidence to file charges. back in a minute with a check on >> now let's take a look at the forecast with john collins. >> big area of high pressure will hold a storm off to the west. it is not expected to get in. it may throw clouds our way. other than that, fairweather's situation. mostly sunny skies, unseasonably warm. 81 to 86 for the high. south, southeast winds at 10 ♪ ♪ i like your messy hair ♪ i like the clothes you wear ♪ i like the way you sing ♪ and when you dance with me ♪ you always make me smile ♪ don't know why i love you [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can truly be yourself. 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