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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180805 00:00:00

The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera. bazarly during the last week. a twitter storm that's kind of unpres tented from him. all about the mueller probe sw threatening to fire mueller while his attorneys are out sayi saying weir -- he's on a totally different track from his attorneys and it seems like he's worried about a family member. >> and how much he's starting to tweet. he tweeted the phrase witch hunt a combined 36 times in june sw july. and that was up from april and may. sw he's calling out muellerer by name. if the president's son is in trouble, how far to you think he would go to protect him? >> look, again whereby toepbt want to get into these hypotheticals. i think it was silly by the way to take that meeting. doesn't rise to the level of criminality. but i'm not a criminal defense attorney. he clearly has been ratcheting up the rhetoric and the pace of his arguments against what's going on with the russia probe. sw i think the reason isn't because he thinks his son is in trouble. this probe, because they were able to can come up with nothing connecting trump himself, donald trump to russia, instead where the mueller probe is headed according to fbi sources, it's headed towards making a case for obstruction largely from tweets that the president pout out. i think that has the president justifiably, incredibly angry. if we're going to try criminalize the public speech of the president of the united states. that tells me this is only about creating a narrative to impeach the president. it's not actually about justice or criminal law. >> but why to you say that when you look at what mueller has done? he has brought forward charges against 30 individuals and or entities we have multiple people who have pleaded guilty, there are multiple indictments involving people who were part of his campaign, including the trial of paul manafort right now. he was the campaign chairman at one point. >> right. you make a good point but the vast majority of those indictments are against no nonamericans tphrp are things that paul manafort did before he had any relationship to trump, before trump was a politician. so yes, there have been a lot of indictments, charges but nothing still remotely connected to the president doing something improperer with foreign people. >> first all of the americans that have been charged are pretty important and significant people. the second thing is steve, you can try to spin it as much as you want like a top. the mueller probe is nowhere near over at the moment. you cannot say nothing has been proved because nothing has been said or what charges brought forward with regard that president. you're running around in a no-person zone with that information. his head is about to explode. the closer closer this probe can comes. he knows manafort is in trouble. he knows flynn is already in trouble. he knows michael cohen is in trouble sw many other investigations going on. this is l crashing in on him sw he flips out when he has a little extra time on the weekends. it's become the norm that he goes on these tweet storms over the course of the weekend god only knows what he's doing because he's doing pretty much the same thing during the course of the week. it does make you wonder what does he do other than going to tweets and rallies. when they're after your kids, that will cause a little bit of anxiety i think. >> i wanted to add also to the impact that manafort trial is having on the president. manafort allegedly commit canned most of his crimes well before his involvement in the trump campaign. his firm was earning from tyrants around the world and as that empire collapsed, this is what we're hearing in court manafort was -- wouldn't it be logical that manafort would be reaching out to some of his prior clients in an effort to use his influence in the white house to get back on his feet financially? i see the thread of a link to the trump campaign being developed in the manafort trial. it hasn't been said explicitly but certainly commonsense would suggest esthat a desperate man who's run out of money might be reaching out to old clients to see if he could make some more money. >> i'll tpweugive you the last real quickly. >> even the prosecutors in the case said they will not be mentioning trump and will not be mentioning the campaign. both sides agreed to that, it's not relevant to the charges. >> commonsense tuzant say there's something that look as little fishy here. >> for another taeu. >> we'll see where it goes. it may not bear fruit. now the first lady is also talking tonight, taking sides in a feud erupting between the world's greatest basketball player and the most powerful man. guess whose side she's taking? or keep tabs on them. he skipped orientation for the beach? he takes after me. join t-mobile, buy an iphone 8, get an iphone 8 on us. it's these new fresh-fx car air fresheners from armor all. each scent can create a different mood in my car. like tranquil skies. armor all, it's easy to smell good. timeit should be measuredsured byby how long steak & lobster is back at outback. back by popular demand, steak & lobster starting at $15.99! and limited, so hurry in today. outback steakhouse. aussie rules. hundred roads named "park" in the u.s. it's america's most popular street name. but allstate agents know that's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? 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>> what's up with that is all wrong. it's not up, it's down. and for him to like i say use sports to kind of it vide us is something i can't sit back sw not say nothing. >> you tweeted about -- you tweeted about when steph curry taegs you called him a bum because steph had already said i'm not going to the white house stpwhrp he already said he wasn't going tried to use that afterwards to say you're uninvited. you can't uninvite me to something i am not even going to. he's a great kid, comes from great background, great father so many kids, white, black, hispanic love what he's toing and rightfully so. there's no reason for anyone to ever attack him. and i felt that. >> whenever there's something like he's in trouble or he can't wiggle his way out of something, he'll bring up the national anthem thing or kneeling. do you think he uses it as a scapegoat? >> sometimes and more often than not i believe he uses anything that's popular to try to negate people from thinking about the positive things. sw try to get our minds not to be as sharp as possible. just to either from kneeling from football players kneeling, looking at kaepernick who was a protest something he believed in sw he tid it in the most calm -- >> respectful. >> very respectful. did all his due diligence. he was knowledgeable about it and everyone knew why he did it. you look at all the nfl players still kneeling, steph, marshawn lynch, all these instances why he's trying to it vide our sport. but at the end of the day sports is the reason we all come together. >> what would you sthaeu president if he sitting across from him? >> i would never sit across from him. i'd seu i'd sit across from barack though. >> "lebron james was just interviewed by it dumbest man on television, don lemon. he made lebron look smart, which isn't easy to do. i like mike." let's get cnn political commentator in here. and let me start with you first talking about milania trump joining in this conversation regarding lebron skwraeupl who is he? should he be liked? the president attacking him. why to you think she decided to jump in and the fact that she and michael jordan we think was referenced in the tweet i like mike are going against what the president is saying stpwhrp it seems milania is trying to create distance between the president's insulting tweets and her view of the white house. in this house the east wing at odds with the west wing. last year said she wanted to make cyberer bullying a platform of hers. this is a chance for her to do that. and i love the way don lemon handled this. he put out a tweet that said "who'ser the real dumby? the person helping schools or the person putting kids in cages?" referring to the policy of separating parents from the children on the southern border? i think don kind of said it all right there. >> sw whereby toepbt like toing this to my colleague but whereby think there's an important point here. lebron james wjust interviewed y the dumbest man on television, don lemon. he made lebron look smart which isn't ease tee do. i like mike." >> maxine waters is leading -- maxine she's a real beauty. maxine. a seriously low iq person. seriously. >> so maxine waters, don lemon, lebron james. these are three prominent african american. in the last 24 hours all have been attacked the same way. the president saying each lacks intelligence. your thoughts. >> that's what's disturbing and ultimately, in my estimation racist about the remarks monopoly it's not just that he disagree would people or even that he's rude or even unconventional like being on twitter at midnight. it's the fact when you come after maxine waters, don lemon, you do it in a way that speaks to their intelligence sw there's a long history of people questioning black peoples intelligence sw their capacity to be in the office. judge cureio, the mexican-american judge didn't have the upbability to be ubswr. so there's a long history of him speaking to people's intelligence and intellectual ability sw capacity and to throw in that she's a real beauty. you add that to the comments he made in the whole attacking her looks sw the face lift thing. it was going town the list. rosie o'donnell. it's racism, misogyny sw all mixed into one person sw as lebron said he tuzant when he's under attack. >> do you think politically it's a winning strategy with with trump's base? >> anything that gets black people upset, tpwaeu upset tpwets his base excited. so it's a very strong ande effective strategy to keep his small base engaged. the problem is he can't widen the net. when you have people on both sides of the aisle questioning your fit for office, questioning your loyalty to america, question what you're toing is racist. you're not expanding your base, you're shrinking it and i think that's going to be very dangerous. >> and once again he was watching tv and reacting in real time. >> and he likes to claim he doesn't watch. he loves to criticize and promote fox news and yet last night the president was watching cnn. i hope he actually watched the part of the interview about lebron james' school. this is the same school milania is saying i'd be open to visiting. this is a great effort by james' foundation. we've had three rallies in a week. lebron james didn't go after him in the recent rally. he's singing the same tune every time. he's singing the same tune he's always sung but at a louder tesble. he's getting louder. in some cases screaming. maybe that's a reflection of the chaos that surrounds him. the scandals, controversies. as much as he wants people to focus on lebron james. seems like the president has his own weaknesses he's showing through these late-night tweets and raucous rallies. >> he always is on the attack as you pointed out earlier. he could argue lebron swraeupls hit him first through this interview and the remarks that he made. would that be a justifiable argument for the tweet? >> no, saying the president divisive i think is squarely inbounds. saying the president's policies are good or bad, is in bounds when you disagree. but when you start to insult someone's intelligence, body type, or someone's family history or structure, those are the kinds of things that on the on the tuz and those things are squarely out of the bounds oeuf civil discourse and lawnestly they're beyond the pale by what we understand a sitting president tootoo. i don't thing it's fair to say you hit me first. it certainly shouldn't work with our president. >> as always, thank you so much. up next a disturbing story. allegations of sexual abuse at a migrant shelter. separated by administration. friends, colleagues, gathered here are the world's finest insurance experts. rodney -- mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? 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(vo) one family. different unlimited plans. starting at $40 per line. switch now and get $300 off our best phones all on the network you deserve. you can barely feel. flonase sensimist. a former youth worker is charge would praying on boys he was supposed to protect. his alleged victims were young, vulnerable and separated from their parents. some of the scenes are disturbing as dianne gallagher brings us this investigation. >> reporter: anytime you have to report on something like this, it is difficult, it makes your stomach turn. we have to reiterate it might be difficult for some of you out here to hear. this is according to court documents first reported by pro publica. in mesa, arizona. and now the former youth worker at this facility is accused of molesting eight boys, ages 15 to 17 starting in august of 2016 through july of 2017. and the accusations that are laid out in the court documents range from touching them over their clothes or gen tailia area to performing oral sex on two of the boys to trying to have sexual intercourse with with at least one of those boys there. now again these kids were under his supervision. southwest key leased a statement saying quote any employee accused of abuse is immediately suspended. this is what we did in this case. in adition we reported it to orr and the aproep ret state agency. we report these incidents to law enforcement and state agencies when they happen." just this week on tuesday at another southwest key facility in arizona a worker was arrested for suspicion of a 14-year-old migrant girl staying in that facility and while we seem like we're hearing this more and more because the housing of the migrant children is making headlines, this appears to have been going on for years. they released an investigation last week they were able taget documents from saefblt of the roughly 100 of these migrant child care facilities and they found over the last five years call been made from these type of facilities. it does give us a look that does not account for children who may not have spoken up or may be afraid to have said anything in the first place. >> thank you. the president continuing to criticize a pwrebgen immigration system that he claims has a-allowed gangs like ms 13 to run wild in american cities. we'll take you to an area hit hard by ms-13 gang violence and speak to a former member of the gang working to stop it. how do you win at business? 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ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. president trump wrapped up his 3rd rally, spending a good portion of his speech calling out the street gang ms-13. >> you know when ms-13 sees the ice people when they come in, ms 13 says we've got problems. ice is fantastic for this country. they're brave. got tough job. and we're getting these gangs like ms-13 and others. we're getting them out of the country, one by one getting them out. >> it's important to note ms-13 is one of 33,000 different gangs in the united states. it makes up roughly 1% of all gang members in this country and it isn't the largest and it isn't just made up of undocumented immigrants. we went to one area directly impacted by ms-13 gang vile taopbls get a better understanding of the gang and its target. >> her life was taken, stolen from me. she had dreams, goals, a future. >> just 16 years old, a talented athlete nicknames the bulk. >> because she was so quick. >> sadly unable toe scape the violence just outside her door. kayla and her best friend savagely murdered just blocks from home, september 13th, 2016. >> this is where it happened. >> reporter: attacked with baseball bats and a machete, a gang better known as ms-13. ms-13 is one of the most violent street gangs in the united states. federal and local officials agree. designated a transnational criminal organization. more than 30,000 members world wide, up to 10,000 in the u.s. and as many as 1,000 on long island alone. >> we have about 500 identified ms-13 members here in nassau county. 215 that are active. >> how do you a identify who is an active member? >> the number one is self identity. they'll all be tattooed. when they get arrested, they ask gang affiliate? yes. ms-13. >> what is their m.o.? >> kill, rape, control. >> victims are often young. local law enforcement says the gang first came on their radar in 2010 but an uptick in 2013. that's when members in el salvador made a concerted effort to have different pockets in the u.s., including the affluent suburbs of new york city and long island. >> why new york is the question? the answerer is that is insufficientic county at least there's a large salve dorian population. el salvador, guatemala. there's also a record number of unaccompanied main -- minors coming during that time. >> the u.s. government has placed more than 9,000 undocumented teenagerers that have crossed in without guardians with sponsors in long island communities. >> many don't speak english. they don't have money in their pocket. their parents typically aren't with them. they're seeking a sense of belonging and ms 13 says we can provide that. if you don't join the gang, this is what's going to happen to you and we know where your family lives. >> you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. theseerant people. these are animals. >> is the immigration rhetoric we're hearing from the current administration hurting or helping your efforts? >> certainthry focus on ms-13 is helpful in terms of awareness, resources initiative. but i think it is also very clear that we need to be sending a message to the immigrant population, the immigrant community that we stand with them. >> and you don't feel like your community's being used as a political pawn in any way? >> as police commissioner, i stay out of politics. my job is to serve and protect all the people. doesn't matter your political affiliation, the color of your skin. it doesn't matterer to me. >> rodriguez says she's grateful for the support of the president and new york's governor who ree recently allocated money for gang intervention and she wants to be part of the solution for a safer community, whatever it takes, to prevent another family's pain. >> i just want them to stop what they're doing. you're hurting family members, loved ones. it in the end result you're hurting yourself. >> another thing we've learned about these ms-13 gang members. they're overwhelmingly male young, some as young as 13 years old. i want to bring in a former ms-13 gang member now working on gang prevention and intervention. he's based in los angeles, another hot spot for this gang and he does consulting work on long island. so glad to have you with us. i want to get your personal story first because you drawn in as a teenagerer. you were just 14. what was the astphaoel. >> the appeal was the fact there were so many social issues in the community that didn't have the answers for the problems that i had and i decided to look for answers outside of home because at home there was a lot of abuse. i did not know my parents like many of the unaccompanied minorers right now. and i was an aunaccompanied minor in 1979. i didn't have a relationship. i didn't have uth family members in the area the school did not provide any services for people like me, neither did the community. so it was difficult to deal with the bullying, the harassment of other ethnic groups as well as youth that are latinos as well. ewe were targeted and including by gangs. for me it was attractive primarily because it was cultural, related to where i was from, el salvador and i felt for the first time i was being acknowledged by being part of something, not only the protection but providing some of those needs that you have during those times. >> what i'm hearing you say -- sorry, i didn't mean to step on you but what you're saying sounds so similar from those we've been speaking to as well as to why they believe uthers are county getting involved with this gang? what broke through? what was the turning point? >> people age out and i was definitely one that learned from my mistakes. i was incarcerated,e venchally deported. i became a father during that period and i wanted to be a father. i didn't want my son to go through the same things that i went through. but i was going up against all odds. when i got down there i had to flee. there were death squads trying to kill me just because i had tattoos. so i had to flee. i came back to what i knew, to my family that was here. i came back because of my son. but more importantly i came back because i needed to live, i wanted to live. and my son became my priority. in the process i was able to also help other youth in the neighborhood. and that's how i started getting involved in the organization. . >> our thanks to alex sanchez and we'll be right back. uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. 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(vo) one family. different unlimited plans. starting at $40 per line on the network you deserve. economy will grind to a halt. this is the greatest market disruption that's happened since the crash of 1929. reality finally imposes itself on capitol hill. >> the motion is adopted. >> given a second chance, the house did an about-face. easily passing the $700 billion bailout of the financial industry. >> there were moments this week when some thought that the federal government could not rise to the challenge, but thanks to the hard work of members of both parties in both houses and the spirit of cooperation between capitol hill and my administration, we completed this bill in a timely manner. >> in the aftermath, people criticized paulison for this, that and the other, and that's fine. but the truth is, if he hadn't been there and hadn't intervened, we never would have crawled out of that hole. >> they rescued the financial system. like it or not. i mean, you can wish all day lock that it had all gone down the tubes but i really don't think we would have enjoyed that one bit. >> the 2000s airs tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern and pacific on cnn. a about hbizarre story out yellowstone national park. police arrested a man for taunting a wild bison. all caught on tape. you got to see it. >> oh, god. oh, no, no, no, no, no. oh, no. oh, no. oh, no. oh, god. oh, god. >> i mean, what is he thinking there? yellowstone officials warn visitors to stay at least 25 yards away from the bison. this was the man's third arrest in a week for causing disturbances like this. harassing wildlife at any national park is illegal. thank you for watching tonight. so glad you were with me. i'll be back tomorrow night at


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180804 19:00:00

newsroom." great to have you with us this weekend, i'm ana cabrera in new york. president trump making good on his promise to hit the road full throttle for republicans this summer. in just a few hours, he'll be pumping up gop voters in ohio in a deep red district that he won easily on election day. but now, a republican win there is by no means a given. these two are fighting for a congressional seat in tuesday's special election. on the left is the democrat, can danny o'connor, suddenly surging, making it a toss-up against republican troy balderson. the president's visit is last minute push to keep that seat republican. boris sanchez is on site. if this district flips, what does this mean for midterms? >> reporter: hey there, ana. well, it could be a signal of that blue wave that commentators have long been prognosticating for the 2018 midterm elections. this could be a referendum on where president trump stands with midwestern voters as well. the fact is, we wouldn't be talking about the 12th congressional congressional district of ohio when it not for president trump. as you noted, this is a solid red republican district, one that has been reliably that way for decades, which president trump won by 11 points. now on this special election for the district seat on tuesday, i want to show you this, a monmouth university poll that shows that this race is essentially a toss-up between republican troy balderson and democrat danny o'connor, a one percentage point difference between the two of them with such an important district for republicans and such an important swing state. president trump is going to come here to try to work some of his magic, and he did that earlier today on twitter, sending out tweets in support of troy balderson. he writes, we'll be going to ohio tonight to campaign for troy balderson for the big congressional special election on tuesday. troy is strong on crime, the border, and loves our military, vets, and the second amendment. his opponent is a puppet of nancy pelosi and high taxes. troy balderson is in a big election fight with a candidate who just got caught lying about his relationship with nancy pelosi, who is weak on crime, borders, and your second amendment and wants to raise taxes bay lot. we can expect the unexpected. president trump is known to make pa lot of news in unexpected directions during these rallies. what we can expect is for more of these to take place. sources have indicated to cnn that aides are trying to get the president out on the road in his natural environment, riling up supporters, instead of being back in washington focused on the steady drip of information coming from the russia investigation, ana. >> okay, boris sanchez there in ohio. we will be listening. we will be fact checking and bringing you the highlights from the president's event tonight. in the meantime, we are learning special counsel robert mueller interviewed someone who is incredibly close to a member of trump's inner circle. someone who has had ties to trump's long-time friend and campaign adviser roger stone for decades. she's known as the manhattan madame, and today, four sources telling cnn that kristen davis sat for a voluntary interview with mueller this week. davis has a personal and professional relationship with roger stone, and when it comes to trump, he and roger stone are tight. with us, cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney page pate. white house reporter for the "daily beast," and cnn political analyst and "washington post" columnist, josh rogin. out of everyone who knows roger stone, why do you think mueller wants to talk to this woman? >> well, he's certainly casting a wide net to examine not just roger stone and his practices recently regarding to the trump russia investigation and fiasco but trying to get a better understanding of mr. stone's orbit and his dirty tricks. and the funny thing about roger stone is this isn't just someone to keep checking it out until he's satisfied. >> and also, again, reiterating the fact that she voluntarily sat down to talk to him. page pate, the sources that we're talking to say investigators expressed some interest in actually having davis testify before a grand jury. so, would you be more surprised if stone was or wasn't indicted for something at the end of all this? >> ana, i think at this point it's still too difficult to tell what exactly the special counsel's office knows about roger stone. i do think it's significant, though, that they are moving to this next step. they're interviewing people close to him and possibly calling one or more before the grand jury. the reason you want to do that as a prosecutor is to preserve their testimony, because it must have an important part in your case. it must be a material fact that the special counsel intends to rely on when they are drafting indictments. so, is it possible that he could be indicted? of course it is. but the mere fact of calling this witness doesn't necessarily mean he's going to be indicted. vulnerability for the president, mostly because he has a tenuous relationship with the truth and says things all the time about the investigation that don't match up with the facts or reality. >> page, we are learning mueller actually did make a proposal to trump this week about a potential interview. he actually agreed to limit the number of questions on obstruction as long as trump is willing to meet in person. what do you make of that offer? >> i think it's obvious the special counsel really wants to have that sit-down meeting with the president but i don't think it's going to happen because it's clear that giuliani and the group that's working with trump at this point is trying to do as much as they can to call the special counsel's investigation a witch hunt, it's biased, and so i think politically, they'll have enough cover where the president does not have to sit down and answer these questions, and while i'm sure mueller will limit the number of questions, he's not going to limit the subject matter. it makes no sense to interview the president in this capacity if you cannot ask those critical questions about obstruction. why did you fire jim comey? what have you been saying to your attorney general? that is really the heart of that part of the special counsel's investigation. he's not going to let it go. >> gentlemen, thank you for the discussion. great to have you with us. josh, swin, page, we appreciate it. so, supporters gather for trump's rally tonight in ohio, there is a fringe conspiracy theorist group growing more visible at trump events, people with shirts and signs bearing this letter. "q." so who are they? we'll dig into that next. >> what do they even mean? you say stuff that doesn't mean anything. >> conspiracy theorists -- >> you think i'm weaponized by the cia? >> maybe not to your knowledge. that's unfortunate. we're starting to see a new type of supporter at president trump's rallies. in fact, we might see them tonight, people wearing t-shirts or holding signs with the letter "q." the "q" stands for qanon, a group that believes that the deep state is out to kill president trump. and that's just scratching the surface. tom foreman has more. >> reporter: photos of missiles and mysterious strangers, rants about a shadow government, free masons, secret symbols, and predictions of a world about to change, all of this is part of the conspiracy stew cooked up by qanon, an internet conspiracy persona. some followers of whom showed up at the president's most recent rally and many of whom see him as a hero. like them, ready to embrace wild theories, to claim secret plots against him, and to attack anyone who says otherwise >> fake news, fake news. they are fake. >> reporter: internet postings associated with the movement gained traction fast among followers like one that says the parkland school shooting victims and witnesses were really actors. nbc news noted earlier this week a spate of youtube videos falsely accusing top sbecelebris of pedophilia. >> the higher you go, the more sick it gets. >> reporter: at the same time, the "q" is attracting interest from others, including roseanne barr and curt shilling. "the washington post" says "q" is an anonymous user claiming to be a government agent with top security clearance, waging war against the so-called deep state in service to the 45th president. but back on earth, this is known. the promotion of conspiracy theories can have real consequences. >> the hoover dam was evacuated. >> reporter: in june, police detained an armed man after he blocked hoover dam, demanding the release of a government report, apparently about hillary clinton's e-mails, although such a report was already out. in 2016, police say a man fired a rifle in a d.c. pizza place as he claimed he was investigating a widespread conspiracy theory about human trafficking. he was convicted and is now serving four years. >> we're not covering pizzagate enough. >> reporter: and alex jones, who pushed the pizzagate conspiracy on his radio show is now in court over another made-up tale. families of victims in the sandy hook school shooting say they have been hounded mercilessly since jones claimed their stories were all part of a hoax to push for gun control. he is countersuing them for legal fees. yet for all that, back in 2015, candidate donald trump praised alex jones. so perhaps it's no surprise the qanon crowd is now crowding around the president, offering their support. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> qanon is the name of the group, and "daily beast" reporter william summer has been reporting on this bizarre movement and joins us now to discuss further. so, william, it's so bizarre and yet it seems to be growing. are qanon followers drawn to trump, or are trump followers, do you think, drawn to qanon? >> you know, it's interesting, i think it's a mix of both. sometimes you see people who are already hard core trump people, and they turn to qanon or believe in it because it portrays this world where, you know, trump is constantly winning and victorious and sort of engaged in this very dramatic battleme battle. at the same time, i think there are people, especially people drawn from the far left, who find it appealing because it portrays this world sort of controlled by evil banks and shadowy forces and they, in a way, sort of meet in the middle with qanon. >> how is this different than pizzagate or birtherism? >> sure, in a way, it's sort of a combination of all of them. it's a megaconspiracy theory that offers this explanation for all of that going on. so they say, oh, pizzagate is real. that stuff's real. maybe barack obama wasn't a legitimate president because he was born in kenya. they claim the seth rich conspiracy theory, he was murdered by hillary clinton, this dnc staffer. so it combines all this stuff that's been bubbling up for a listening time now and offers this explanation of trump versus this global cabal. >> but a lot of those we hear that are not supportive of the president, the person in power, these seem to be backers of the current president. >> sure, so this is the interesting thing about qanon, is that conspiracy theory experts have looked at this and they say normally you get a conspiracy theory like, let's say, birtherism, when your side loses. this time, though, it's the president's supporters. the republicans control the entire government. so what's going on? i think what's going on is that the president -- he made such extravagant promises and his supporters believed in him so much during the campaign. they were chanting, lock her up. hillary clinton was never going to be sent to prison, but they're disappointed that she wasn't so they create this world or believe in this world like qanon where they think hillary clinton's going to be sent to guantanamo bay. >> cnn's gary tuckman got a chance to speak to some of these qanon supporters. >> reporter: you guys are -- >> you don't believe in the first amendment? >> reporter: you just said the press is the enemy. >> you guys are weaponized by the cia. >> reporter: by the cia? i don't know anybody in the cia except a couple people i've interviewed over the years. you believe there's a deep state. >> yes. >> reporter: and what do you think that deep state's doing? you think they're running this country? >> i think they were and they're petrified now, because they're losing their control. >> reporter: and who is in this deep state? who are the people in it? >> i definitely believe that, like, the clintons, the bushes, the obamas. >> reporter: so you think the clintons, the bushes, and the obamas are running this country as we stand here in the rain? >> no. they're trying. >> william, you say qanon's impact on politics and trump world is dangerous. explain. >> absolutely. well, we saw in the earlier segment, we've already seen one qanon believer who shut down a bridge. he was armed. he had a weird improvised armored truck. he's a hard core qanon guy so we know he's motivated by that. at the same time, obviously, in 2016, we saw someone with pizzagate, you know, an armed person invade a pizzeria in washington. so what's happening here is the qanon people are saying, we're not violent, and admittedly, so far, no one that we know of has been hurt by this but at the same time, you know, you're telling people these sort of extravagant conspiracy theories about pedophiles and people abusing children and the fact that the idea that essentially democracy is broken, the government's out of your hands, and so then i think naturally, that's going to appeal to some fringe people and as we know, it already has. >> increasing emotions and passion. william, thank you very much for your reporting. it's so interesting. >> thanks for having me. we have this just in to cnn. first lady melania trump taking sides in her husband's feud with lebron james and you might be surprised whose side she's on. stay right there. you don't want to live with mom and dad forever, do you? i'm making smoothies! how do i check my credit score? credit karma. don't worry, it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. occupying our country like another nation would. >> now let me put those comments into context for you. ms-13 is only one of 33,000 different gangs in the united states. it makes up roughly 1% of all gang members in this country. ms-13 is not the largest, and it isn't just made up of undocumented immigrants. but it is a serious threat in certain communities, and we went to one area directly impacted by ms-13 gang violence to get a better understanding of this gang and its targets. >> her life was taken, stolen from her. it's not right. she had dreams, she had goals, she had a future. >> reporter: kayla was just 16 years old, a talented athlete nicknamed the bullet. >> they named her the bullet because she was so quick. >> reporter: sadly unable to escape the violence just outside her door. kayla and her best friend savagely murdered just blocks from home september 13, 2016. >> this is where it happened. she was found right here. >> reporter: attacked with baseball bats and a machete, investigators say. victims of la ma ra, the gang better known as ms-13. >> i miss her every second of the day. >> reporter: ms-13 is one of the most violent street gangs in the united states. federal and local officials agree. designated a transnational criminal organization with roots in central america, more than 30,000 members worldwide, up to 10,000 in the u.s., and as many as 1,000 on long island alone. >> we have about 500 identified ms-13 members here in nassau county. out of that 500, we have 215 that are active. >> reporter: how do you identify who is an active member? >> the number one is self-admitting. so they'll be all tattooed up, ms-13, self-admitted, do the signs. when they get arrested, they ask them are you gang affiliated, yeah, i'm ms-13. >> reporter: what is the gang's m.o.? >> kill, rape, control. >> reporter: ruling by fear, victims of their violence and recruitment are often young. local law enforcement says the gang first came on their radar in 2010, but they started to see an uptick in gang violence in 2015. according to intelligence, that's when leaders of ms-13 in el salvador made a concerted effort to grow and establish new branches of the gang. so-called programs in different pockets of the u.s., including the affluent suburbs of new york city and long island. >> why new york is the question and the answer is that in suffolk county, at least, there's a large salvadoran population. there's also a record number of unaccompanied minors coming to suffolk county during that time. >> reporter: since 2014, the u.s. government has placed more than 9,000 unaccompanied minors, undocumented children and teenagers who have crossed into the u.s. without parents or guardians, with sponsors in long island communities. >> many of them don't speak english. they don't have money in their pocket. their parents typically aren't with them. they are seeking a sense of belonging, and ms-13 comes to them and says, hey, we can provide that, but by the way, if you don't join the gang, this is what's going to happen to you, and you know what? we know where your family lives. >> you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. these aren't people. these are animals. >> reporter: is the immigration rhetoric that we're hearing from the current administration in d.c. helping or hurting your efforts? >> certainly the administration's focus on ms-13 is helpful, both in terms of awareness, resources, and driving the mission. but i think it is also very clear that we need to be sending a message to the immigrant population, the immigrant communities, that we stand with them. >> reporter: and you don't feel like your community is being used as a political pawn in any way? >> as a police commissioner, i stay out of politics. my job is to serve and protect all the people, doesn't matter what your political affiliation is, the color of your skin, or your religion. doesn't matter to me. >> her life was so short. >> reporter: rodriguez says she's grateful for the support of the president and new york's governor, who recently allocated more than $18 million for gang violence prevention and intervention programs. and she wants to be part of the solution to a safer community. whatever it takes to prevent another family's pain. >> i just want them to stop what they're doing. you're hurting family members, loved ones. in the end result, you're hurting yourself. >> reporter: another thing we've learned about these ms-13 gang members, they're overwhelmingly male and they're young, some as young as 15 years old. committing their first violent act. so what can be done? i want to bring in a former ms-13 gang member, now working on gang prevention and intervention. alex sanchez is the co. >> he does consulting work on long island. alex, so glad to have you with us, snanthanks for taking the t. you were just 14. what was the appeal? >> well, the appeal was the fact that there was so many social issues in the community that didn't have the answers for the problems that i had. i decided to look for answers outside of home, because at home, there was a lot of abuse. i did not know my parents, like many of the unaccompanied minors now. i was also an unaccompanied minor in 1979, so i didn't know my parents. it was difficult to establish that relationship. i didn't have other family members in the area, and the school did not provide any services for people like me, neither did the community, so it was difficult for me to deal with the bullying, the harassment of other youth, other ethnic groups as well as other youth of -- that are latinos as well. we were targeted. and including by gangs. so, for me, it was something to -- that was attractive, primarily because it was cultural, it was related to where i was from, el salvador, and i felt that for the first time, i was being acknowledged by this youth, by being part of something, not only the protection but really providing some of those needs that youth have during those times. >> of what i'm hearing you say is -- sorry, i didn't mean to step on you, but what i'm hearing you say sounds so similar to what we hear from those we have been speaking to as well about why they believe others currently are getting involved with this gang. how did you get out? what was the turning point? what broke through? >> well, people age out, and i was definitely one that learned from my mistakes. i was incarcerated, eventually deported. i became a father during that period, and i wanted to be a father. i didn't want my son to have to go through the same things that i went through. but i was going up against all odds in el salvador when i got down there, i had to flee the -- there was death squads that were trying to kill me just because i had tattoos. so, i had to flee. i came back to what i knew. i came back to my family that was here. i came back because of my son, but more importantly, i came back because i needed to live. i wanted to live. and my son became my priority. in the process, i was able to also help other youth in the neighborhood, and that's how i started getting involved with the organization. >> so, you are sort of paying it forward, and because you have this unique perspective and those also that you interact with on a daily basis through the work that you do, perhaps you have a solution, some advice for what can be done. what do you think it takes to stop the gang's recruitment effort? what can be done to hurt ms-13? >> it's not about hurting. it's not about the repression that we've had. the current administration is just one of many administrations that have tried to take this on through suppression. clinton started with the 1996 law that basically took away legal status of any immigrant people that were here legally and it hasn't worked. what it's done is worsen the situation in the -- across the world, and especially in central america. so it's about looking for where it starts, and that starts in our communities. it starts in our schools. it starts at our homes. if resources not being allocated to do that prevention piece, that pre-prevention, the helping the families, i don't see much of that happening with the una accompanied minor's family beyond reunification and that's where we really need to be focusing is how are these kids integrating into the communities. we need to understand that ms-13 is one of 30,000 gangs in the united states and we have to ask our question, why are u.s. citizen, children also destroying their lives joining gangs so it's not just about the immigrant. that's a rhetoric being used by the trump m, badministration, b why are our children committing suicide by joining gangs? and that's something we could look at from a mental health perspective to understand what are the root causes of why our youth decide to let go and choose gangs, and i see gangs as committing suicide, as becoming -- getting into prostitution, as drug addiction, as homelessness, as alcoholism. it's just one choice that these youth have in their communities, and i think if we don't start looking at the socioeconomic conditions in communities where gangs exist and address them, we're going to continue having those gangs. los angeles has had them for a hundred years and they keep locking people up and other kids keep joining. >> alex sanchez, thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for the work that you're doing. great to have you with us. still ahead here in the "newsroom," the first lady weighing in on the feud between the most powerful man in the world and the world's greatest basketball player. guess whose side she's taking. we've got aging roadways, aging power grids, ...aging everything. we also have the age-old problem of bias in the workplace. really... never heard of it. the question is... who's going to fix all of this? an actor? probably not. but you know who can solve it? business. because solving big problems is what business does best. so let's take on the wage gap, the opportunity gap, the achievement gap. whatever the problem, business can help. and i know who can help them do it. does it look like i'm done?yet? shouldn't you be at work? [ mockingly ] "shouldn't you be at work?" todd. hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike's all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle? and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well... i retire as champion. game hog! champion. about lebron's disdain for president trump. so apparently trump was watching and he tweeted about it. we can put on screen the tweet. the president lashed out at both don lemon and lebron james, saying don's dumb and so so lebron. and then he says, i like mike. we'll get back to that. but what's happened today is really interesting. lelen fired back. lebron james tried to ignore it and just work with the students of the school. but some reporters asked malia tru -- melania trump for a reaction because cnn used #bebest and here is the first lady's statement. she's definitely siding with lebron james over her husband. melania trump say, it looks like lebron james is working to do good thipgngs on behalf of our next generation and the first lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue about issues facing children today. here's the whole thing. she says, as you know, mrs. trump has traveled the country and world talking about their well being, healthy living, and the importance of responsible online behavior with her be best initiative. her platform centers around visiting organizations, hospitals, and schools, and she would be open to visiting the i promise school in akron. it's almost as if melania trump is the one sounding like the president. you have the actual president tweeting off insults after midnight and the first lady saying, this is a great organization. >> she's walking the walk and talking to talk when it comes to her be best program, i suppose, but the irony because her husband is fueling the fire on the other side. you mentioned, i like mike. and he's referencing michael jordan, we assume. >> there's been this debate about who's been the greatest of all time. jordan came out and sided with lebron james as well today and said lebron's doing great work, so so much for that feud or lack of feud. if trump was trying to drive a wedge there between the two stars, it didn't work. we talk about the president claiming he doesn't watch cnn, claiming he never watches cnn, he's claimed that about lemon's show in particular, saying i never watch cnn tonight. clearly he was watching last night. it once again shows he's contradicting himself. i'm curious to see in ohio if he tries to keep this going at all. >> can i point out too there's a contradiction in that he praised lebron james over and over again in tweets from 2013, 2015, and one in may of 2013 saying lebron is a great player and a great guy. lebron is a tough competitor who delivers under pressure. i mean -- >> but because now lebron's been critical of him, he's counterpurccounte counterpunching. >> more to discuss here. brian stelter, thank you so much. secretary of state mike pompeo and a top north korean official shaking hands as a u.n. report says the rogue regime is still building missiles. a live report on that next. plus from enron to the subprime mortgage crisis to bernie madoff, the early 2000s were a time of economic turmoil. see how it all unfolded in a new episode of "the 2000s" tomorrow night at 9:00. violation of violation of sanctions. international experts conducted that report. let's get to elise la bot. >> did he say in the letter. >> we don't really know. but the letters back and forth between president trump and kim jong un, this is the new normal. now they have met they have to keep up the conversation. but we understand it's just pleasant tris saying we want to go forward with the agreement. and kim jong un saying he is going to -- committed to the denuclearization. but the thing is if you look at what's happening on the ground there's not been any progress since that handshake deal between president trump and kim jong un that they reached in singapore a couple of months ago. as you mentioned, this u.n. report saying that not only is north korea continuing to work on the nuclear program. there is evading sanctions. there is the oil embargo with you they've been taking oil shipments from other countries, getting money from guest workers in the countries, flouting international law, and obviously even though the tone on tenor of the relations between north korea and the u.s. have changed since the summit really not seeing any progress on the ground. there is no progress towards a time line, towards even a definition. that's frustrating to the u.s. >> the progress they will point to is that they did return what are believed to be american remains from the korean war. i want to ask you about other comments secretary pompeo said today making news about the american pastor detained in turkey. tell us what he said. >> this comes as there was an unofficial or informal deal between the u.s. and turkey about pastor andrew brunsen who has been in north korea -- excuse me -- in turkey. he was released on house arrest. that wasn't enough. the u.s. thought he was going to be released. secretary pompeo met with the turkish foreign minister yesterday. here is what he had to say. >> i had a constructive conversation with my counterpart yesterday. i made clear that it is well past time that pastor brunsen be freed and permitted to return to the united states. and the others being held by turkey also similarly must be freed as well. i'm hopeful that in the coming days we will see that occur. >> yesterday secretary pompeo said time is up. the clock is run out for turkey to return andrew brunsen. and release the other americans. and they've already put sanctions on the justice minister, the interior minister. ana obviously the sanctions could continue until andrew brunsen is release zbld we know you will stay on top of it elise thank you for the report. a man paralyzed in an accident nearly gave up hope he would walk again. but then he met this week's hero, amanda boxtol. >> my goal mass always been to make a full recovery. and i think a lot of people thought that was far-fetched. it was a lot of hard work. i remember when i made this first couple of steps, that's when i knew making a full recovery was possible. >> he is living the merkel of what we all want, what we all aspire for, to stand up and to do it on our own. he is doing it. >> i haven't witnessed that too often in my lifetime. >> to see nate's story and hear more about amanda's program go to we'll be right back. this is the ocean. just listen. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180810 04:00:00

A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and... will portray the gang is a bunch of cute teenagers who ride bike bikes, listen to music and work after-school jobs. >> when you think of the street gang ms-13 what do youme see? may be something like this. or this. i told you that typical ms-13 gang member in the u.s. actually looks like one of these young men on facebook. >> they're working after-school jobs, their living with their parents, they get around long island onon bicycles. >> there is no indication that we are seeing a bigger surge of ms-13 then we have seen in the past. >> mark: ms-13 they are like high school valedictorians. he joins us, tim these guys are all over your neck of the woods. are they just like kids doing A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and... it minimizes the situation that these communities find themselves in. ms-13 targets young, hispanic boys in neighborhoods that are underserved. it's incredibly important that we target these gang members with aggressive law enforcement tactics and that we also invest in gang prevention and intervention strategies so we prevent them from recruiting more members. >> mark: good luck with that. they have done some terrible things out in your part of long island, tim. thanks very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> mark: america remains in the grips of an immigration crisis and other aspects, too. in one of the two major parties, increasingly promoting policies indistinguishable from global open borders. any effort to enforce theis country's border invites accusations of racism, even though mexico is actually deporting more people who come from honduras than the united states does. earlier this week, we saw the border patrol capture a man attempting to smuggle three brazilians into the country using a fake ems vehicle. enrique acevedo is an anchor at univision and he joins us now. enrique, this is interesting to me that mexico is allowed to deport hondurans without being accused of racism, while the u.s. isn't. why does one country get to enforce its borders, but another doesn't? >> you just got to look at news reports in mexico and around central america to know thatt mexico's immigration policy is highly criticized, the way they violate human rights for the central americans is also highly criticized. it has been pointed out by, i would say, hundreds of news reports and human rights reports, too.ew i don't think they are being able to get away with anything. i would just say that, despite what many people say on this network and at the white house, in terms of mexico not doing anything to help the u.s. with undocumented immigration, you just stated the fact that mexicn is importing hondurans and other central americans at a very fast pace, over 200,000 centralth american migrants have been deported. that's a lot. >> mark: mexico is notha deporting 200,000 hondurans to kiss up to president trump. it is doing it in its own national interest. so -- >> this is the thing, mark. they are doing it in the program and agreement between the u.s. and mexico to have mexico guard its south borders with u.s.en dollars. some of that comes from the u.s., so it is doing it in part to honor agreements with the u.s. in the u.s. government. >> mark: that is not why -- we all know the truth, or most people should know the truth about mexico, which is that it is ruled by a corrupt elite who are essentially european mexicans, mexicans of white european descent, who treat everybody else, whether they are mexican or not, appallingly. >> mark: it's predicted that 30% of the world's jobs are going to be outmoded by automation and robots, no developed countries needed mass immigration. as you say, we'll have that one day. thank you, enrique. thanks a lot. house minority leader nancy pelosi says that voters should back democrats in november because it will help illegal immigrants, so vote for your democrat candidate and they will let lots of people in the country to take your jobs. >> we are not going to be able to get it done under the republican leadership in congress. we believe that we all have leverage when we win in november. >> mark: leverage in november. that is intended to appeal to hispanic voters but it may not be working. polls have shown president trump's approval with hispanics to be above 30%. that is better than the vote share he got in 2016.e gave us were crumbs called the daca executive order.he and i want -- i think that we should really point out, and these are facts, this is notou analysis, that in 1996, president clinton signed something called the immigration reform law, which gave the legal framework for president trump to be separating families. so let me just start with those two facts, that is why president obama and nancy pelosi are traitors to hispanics. now why are hispanics now giving approval ratings? because hispanics share many of the core values that are dear to the republicans. we are god-fearing, law-abiding, we like small government, we are self-reliant, we do not want government in our lives, we fear god and we want -- we love this country. and -- >> mark: let me just ask you a question on that, though, elvira. because the people can have but also, the look at what is happening with the economy right now. that is benefiting more hispanic businesses.od >> mark: that is certainly true. we have to leave it there, elvira. thanks very much. good luck in your race. friction between the mueller team and president trump's legal team is heating up. professor alan dershowitz will address the president's position next on "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ coming, flo! why aren't we taking roads?! flo. 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>> it won't happen. i think what's going to happen is giuliani will make mueller an offer he can't accept, to paraphrase "the godfather," and that way trump will be able to say, look, i wanted to testify but it was mueller who turned down a reasonable request by our attorney. look, no lawyer would ever allow a client to testify under these circumstances. all they have to do is ask him one question, "did you know about the meeting in the trump tower with your son," if he answers that question truthfully, that he didn't known if that in fact is the truth, he could still be charged with perjury, lying to a government official because we have michael cohen who says he did know. you you never allow your client to see something that can be contradicted by another witness because the prosecution can choose to believe that other witness. >> mark: if you had i president trump as a client, though, he's a very gregarious guy who was quite happy to sit w down and talk and to chit-chat to anybody and thinks that as long as he is just, like, straight forward and says what he thinks, everything will be fine. often, from a lawyer's point of view, that is the worst kind of client to have, isn't it? >> yes. and i would certainly -- i'm not his lawyer, obviously -- but i would advise him to speak to the public on television, say what he wants to say, write his tweets, although i don't think he helps himself by some of his tweets. but under no circumstances put yourself in a position where you can be charged with perjury or lying to a federal official. and if he doesn't believe me, he should make two phone calls, one to martha stewart, who went to jail because of what she said after prosecutors, and the other to bill clinton, who was impeached because of what he said in an interview under oath. and so i think every responsible lawyer would say to him, youvi should not either testify or be interviewed. look, i once gave him advice on television, i said, i have four pieces of advice, don't fire, don't pardon, don't tweet, and don't testify. >> mark: i want to ask you about rudy's other point, the hyperpartisan nature of what has been happening. with reference to this bruce ohr guy in the justice department, and his 60 contacts at least with christopher steele, the mi6 agent who was basically the dirty tricks operative for the democratic party. you know as well as i do that impartiality is the essence of justice, a county court judge can't have a bunch of communications with the plaintiff and not with the defendant. that is a big no-no. how come bruce ohr at the department of justice doesn't know you can't talk to one political party continuously through the height of a campaign? >> of course, there is a difference between a judge in a prosecutor.rece prosecutors are allowed to talk to people, and so i don't believe that mueller and his team care about whether the democrats win or the republicans win. they are not partisan in that sense. i think they are zealous, some would say overzealous prosecutors. because he is special counsel, he has a target on the back of the president and others. c if this case were handled by ordinary u.s. attorneys, and they came back after a year or two years without indicting anybody, it wouldn't be a story, no one would know. but when a special counsel is given a target and he fails to indict, he has been a failure, and that is why i am so strongly opposed to a special counsel, except of the most extraordinary circumstances, which weren't met in this case. >> mark: you're absolutely right about that, professor, in terms of the special counsel's office. i hope we get rid of them. thanks a lot. as a young self identified socialist, alexandria ocasio-cortez supposedly represents the future of the p democratic party. it's a strange future to behold. >> we need to occupy every airport, we need to occupy every border, we need to occupy everyw i.c.e. office. we look at figures and say, unemployment is low, everything is fine, right? well, unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. why aren't we incorporating the cost of the funeral expenses of those who die because they can't afford access to health care? this, like, upper-middle-class is probably more moderate but that upper-middle-class doesn't exist anymore. their heyday was in the '90s when, like, kids had furbies ana parents, soccer moms with two vans. that is not america anymore. >> mark: soccer moms with two vans and funeral expenses crippling the economy. is this the sort of thing the democrats can run on, win on, and, god help us, govern on? christy setzer is the president of new heights communications and she joins us. this is the future of the party? >> look, i like ocasio-cortez. i think she speaks clearly, i think she speaks with moral conviction, and i think a lot of people were inspired by her and that is why she won her primary. that said, she won a primary a month ago in a congressional contest that represents the bronx and queens. this is not necessarily america. that said, i will say thaton people like her because she is this young latina woman who seemingly came out of nowhere, nobody gave her a chance, she had no endorsements, nobody in the party really got behind her, "the new york times" never even wrote a piece about her until after she won, and then it was, "where did this lady come from?" the reasons she did so well, and was able to topple somebody like joe crowley, is because of the way that she talked about issues that people cared about in her district. >> mark: isn't it more basic than that? you said because she is a young latina. and the democrats now, it's all about identity politics. she is a young latina, he's an old white male. he's the past, she is the future, and the fact that she talks about the 1990s like ith talk about the 1890s, and that she seriously thinks that if 50% of the workforce are doing two jobs, you have full employment, that is irrelevant. it is all identity. young latina trumps dead white male. >> no, i don't think so.wh but i do think for women in particular, also people of color are the ones who are furious right now, they are furious at c donald trump, they are furious at the -- i'll be honest -- the old white men who are running the republican party right now and frankly, who have a pretty big grip on the democratic party, as well. so that is why you have seen so many women across the country who have said, you know what, it is my turn, i'm going to run for office now, too. and they are winning in record numbers. s so particularly so particularly in the democratic side, mark, if you see a race in which there is not an incumbent, there is a man, a woman running, women on the democratic side are winning 70% of the time. that is amazing. what that says, america wants to see more women in office, and i -- >> mark: good luck telling that to bernie and chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, because you've got your old white issues in that party, >> we sure do. it's a big tent. >> mark: nancy pelosi is happy to take a tire iron to anyone who argues with that. thank you, christy. what on earth was going on in the new mexico compound where muslim extremists were allegedly performing exorcisms and training school shooters? "tucker carlson tonight" investigates. that's next. es. that's next. ♪ before i had the shooting, burning, diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...raised a good sport... ...and became a second-generation firefighter. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor, and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ children to commit school shootings. what on earth was happening there and couldn't have been exposed more quickly? "tucker carlson tonight" investigates. ryan mauro is director of the intelligence network at the clarion a nonprofit that educates the public on radical islam. he has assisted authorities in this investigation and he joins us now. ryan, if you watch certain other networks, you'll find it very hard to pick up on the muslim angle to this. they are being rather coy about it, as is their wont. but the father of the principal guy here, for example, is a big shot imam who was an unindicted coconspirator in the original world trade center bombing a quarter century ago. so this has deep roots in the most extreme islamic circles here in america. >> right, so what is really scary about this, when someonecl from al qaeda or isis get r arrested, you know they are almost certainly a fringe player, they are not a famous imam. he is different. as soon as i started studying radical islam, he was the firsto one on my radar, because he is one of the leaders of the muslim american community, i'm sorry to say. he's very radical, the type of things he has been connected to come in terms of a coalition with other groups are the typess of things that this group, this compound in new mexico, were preparing to do, were learning how to do, that type of ideology. we haven't connected the imam to that specific operation in new mexico but you don't have to. what you're talking about is the extremist infrastructure that is the hard work, the easy work iss the violent part. >> mark: in that sense, it seems more organized than some guy from chechnya or wherever riding his car up onto the sidewalk and mowing down half a dozen people, in other words, that sort of freelance jihadism we have become used to. did this seem something slightly more institutional? >> that's right. t there's really two ways that yo create this type of problem if you are a radical. first, you say, how do i create the person that holds the weapon? it's harder. you do that by pushing the ideology, the imam for example01 in 2001 spoke at an event that was literally called "jihad caml for young muslims." that is public plates. when they are not shy about this, are they? >> they've gotten a little better since 9/11. >> mark: let me ask you something because normally with school shootings, you'll see things on twitter, the las vegas thing for example, where there will be a little -- i'm sure this will put be terrorist, his name will be ahmed, and it turns out to be the usual alienated loner. but things don't stay separate. so if school shootings are effective, at some point, jihadists will have caught onto that and want to get a piece to the action. >> look at how we all reacted to it. right? even if you can get the small number of casualties, doesn't matter because it's a school shooting, so they achieve the objective, and one of the ways that these groups operate aboved that ideological infrastructure, in terms of operations, they set up security companies and some of the information i have provided, i broke the story today, what i provided to the authorities, does link people from the compound to a security that is how you get weapons, that is how you get law enforcement-type training, that is how you do this type of thing. >> mark: that is fascinating, ryan. when you look at the compound with a piled up rubber tires, nothing to it, a lot of stuff sitting out in the desert, but it's got important connection when it comes to getting the stuff they need. thanks very much, ryan. tucker is going to come back after the break because americans are an increasingly lonely people. how did that happen and can it be fixed? that is coming up next. ♪ when my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream. but hurry in. 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(duracell mnemonic) ♪ >> mark: america is an increasingly crowded country with 325 million people concentrating more and more into a few major cities. despite that, or maybe because of it, america is also becoming a lonelier country, people havee fewer friends, fewer confidantes, and feel less connected to their communities, and that is having a big effect on the nation. vivek murthy is a former surgeon general of the united states, and tucker recently spoke to him. >> tucker: not making an argument against psychiatric s medication, obviously, but it's hard not to notice that the incidence of americans, number of americans on psychiatric medication is rising. but so is the suicide rate. what do you make of that? >> well, i think that antidepressants have a role, they have a place when it comess to addressing depression. there are a lot of folks who have benefited from them. but there is a big "but" here, which is that i think that we have been over time, probably overprescribing these medicines, and not looking carefully for alternatives, and for other ways to address people's depression, not looking at the causes. >> tucker: that's it right there. you would think when the suicide rate spikes, and it hashi measurably, we would have a national conversation about why. what do you think the cause is? >> i don't think there is one single cause but i think there d is one particular cause that it is contributing to depression,n, that i don't think we talk about enough, and that is social disconnection, that is loneliness, and when i began my tenure as surgeon general, if you would have told me that i would be thinking about andd talking about loneliness as much as i have, i would have told you you are absolutely wrong. but i was really educated by people all across america who i met during office, in my travels, and what i came to learn is that many of them are struggling with isolation and loneliness. they didn't always say that at the beginning of the conversation it but it became very clear that it was part of their experience in their story, that it was contributing in fact to anxiety and to depression in their lives. when i delved more deeply into the science about loneliness, or became very clear is that loneliness is not just about feelings that we may have from time to time. but when it's experienced for long periods of time, it can increase our risk for heart disease, for dementia, for anxiety and depression, and is associated with the shortening of our life span. so it turns out that people are struggling with chronic loneliness not only live shorter lives, but the mortality impact is as great as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. >> tucker: well, sure. there is no pleasure in it. it's a living hell being lonely. what would you prescribe for someone who was lonely? how do you fix that? >> the first thing, it's important to address with somebody who struggling with loneliness is getting them to talk about it, to recognize that because you are lonely does not mean that you are broken areof fundamentally flawed. >> tucker: do you see that technology is making us lonelier?d >> i think that technology is a tool that can be used to address loneliness and increase loneliness. what makes a difference is how we use technology. i think the way we are usingwh technology right now, i worry we are increasing our loneliness. one, you look at social media, and you look at the data that is increasingly coming out on social media usage and its impact on the mental health of people, you see that increased social media usage is often o associated with increased feelings of anxiety and depression. what has happened unfortunately with social media is that many people have substituted their online relationships for their off-line, in person relationships. but there's another way in which technology is playing a rolele here, which is that nearly all of us walk around with phones, with smartphones, that give us immediate access to email, text messaging, and that can be incredibly convenient. i have a smartphone and it's very, very helpful. but that phone, and our devicesi can also creep into other parts of our lives. they can come to the dinner table with us and impact the quality of the conversations we have with our family, they canth show up on the table at a restaurant when we are trying to catch up with a friend and instead they are being distracted by the messages that are popping up on our screen. t we have found that our phones and work more broadly has crept into our evening, weekends, andp vacation time, that has actually taken away from our time with family and with close friends. >> mark: and you can see tucker's full interview with the former surgeon general on the "tucker carlson tonight" facebook page. up next, it is "final exam" time. can you do better than two fox news pros? remembering this week's news, the contest, the battle, is coming up next. ♪ ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? ♪ >> mark: you know what that music means. it is time for tucker's "final exam" where we test news professionals to see who is the news hero and who is the news zero. this week's contestant from fox business, and from my hometown of toronto, susan li. susan was on fox business earlier today launching the new smartphone. >> samsung. >> mark: but is she smart without the phone? few people are these days. we also have us with fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. he's done everything in show business except tucker's "final exam." and that was intentional. he planned it that but we blocked the door so he can't get out. contestants, hands on buzzers. i will ask the question in the first one to buzz gets to answer. but you must wait until i finish asking the question. you can answer once and i'll acknowledge by saying your name and each correct answer is worth one point. but you get it wrong, you lose a point. best-of-five wins. let's get started. question one: on monday, which hollywood trump hater spent the night outside the white house singing broadway's show tunes in protest? susan? >> rosie o'donnell. >> mark: let's roll that tape. >> the more people that show up here eventually will take over all of d.c. and he'll have no choice but to resign. [singing] >> mark: actually the president was in fact not in the white house but in new jersey. but he could still hear rosie from there. a wild story out of boise, idaho, folks there were shocked to look at other windows and find more than 100 of what farm animal running loose through ths city? and we go to susan again. >> ducks. >> mark: let's roll that tape. >> goats on the loose. residents in boise, idaho, waking up to a shocking scene. 118 goats swarming their suburban yards, completely unsupervised. >> what happens if you get it wrong? >> mark: we are back to 0-0. over 100 goats there. i believe they were fleeing rosie's medley. [laughter] let's go to question three. this is multiple-choice. an amish man in michigan is giving ridesharing apps a run for their money by launching his own business using just his horse and buggy. people in his town can secure a ride for just five bucks. what is this amish entrepreneur calling the service? is it a: rent a buggy? b: ye bid and driver? or c: amish uber? and we go to geraldo. >> amish uber, c. >> mark: let's roll that tape. >> meet the amish guy in southern michigan, who has dubbed himself the amish uber. >> very good. >> he drives folks around for five bucks a pop in his horse and buggy, doesn't have a cell phone, obviously, so you have to flag him down. and he is not officially associated with uber but he gets people where they are going for an abe lincoln note. >> mark: yeah, we could use that in new york. i hate it when you come out of a quilting bee and you are late for the barn raising and you can't find a yellow cab anywhere. so we really need that in new york. question -- that means that, by the way, susan, canada's reputation is now riding onan this. n geraldo takes the lead, 1-0. question four: a man wasra arrested this past week after a video went viral of him harassing a very large animal in yellowstone national the man nearly got himself killed when the beast charged him. what type of animal was he harassing? susan, susan buzzed too early. she's being deported. i.c.e. are outside of the studio right now. geraldo, your turn to answer? >> a bison. >> mark: let's see that tape? >> taunting a bison. >> no, no, no. oh, no. oh, no. oh, god. oh, god. >> police say that raymond is beating his chest at the animal in yellowstone national park. he's had several run-ins apparently with the law atws national parks over just the last few weeks. >> mark: it got worse from there, afterwards, he played that bison rosie's selections from "bye bye birdie". it's horrible. you don't want to see that. h final question, another multiple-choice question, a new disney movie has been banned in china because president xi is angry that people compare him to a character in the film. who is the animated character? is it a: dumbo? b: pinocchio? or c: winnie the pooh? susan? >> c, winnie the pooh. >> mark: let's see. >> chinese movie fans will not be able to see the winnie the pooh movie,ie "christopher robin." chinese censors have banned the movie because people in the country were using pooh memes to mock president xi jingping. >> mark: president trump would love it if the worst thing rosie o'donnell's would say about him was that he looked like winnie the unfortunately, despite a plucky showing by our canadian gal here, geraldo has come through for the united states of america, total humiliation. final score, america, two,er canada, one. >> oh, canada. [laughter] >> mark: and that is it for this week's "final exam." pay attention to the news each week and tune in on thursday nights to see if you can beat the professionals.n we'll be right back. ♪ you're turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. minor accident - no big deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. i'm ray and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. they didn't work for me. i didn't think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i can't tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. talk to your doctor about chantix. to the leof up to 24 lapsline is taround the world.ent experience an unrivaled feel for any road at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. the new united explorer card makes things easy. traveling lighter. taking a shortcut. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180810 00:00:00

tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ >> mark: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i am mark steyn and for tucker this evening. the trump administration just unveiled its plan for a full-blown space force to be created by 2020. we'll have more of not just ahead. plus, more on the alleged islamic extremist compound in the new mexico desert. but first, president trump has highlighted his administration's efforts against the ms-13 gang. so of course, the left now supports ms-13. has published a video portraying the gang as a bunch of cute teenagers who ride bikes, listen to music, and work after school jobs. >> when you think of the street game ms-13, what do you see? may be something like this. or this. but what if i told you the typical ms-13 gang member in the u.s. actually looks like one of these young men on facebook? >> the ms-13 members that i've been following our working after-school jobs, they are living with their parents, they get around long island on bicycles. >> there is no indication that we are seeing a bigger surge of ms-13 then we've seen in the past. >> mark: so basically, ms-13, they are like high school valedictorians with machetes. timothy is the district attornen long island in the county's former police commissioner and he joins us. tim, these guys are all over your neck of the woods. are they just have a lack of my you find these guys dismembered and in pieces, these are some of the most vicious organized crime in the country, as you know. >> that's exactly right. when they commit a murder, they do it is our new message. they are incredibly brutal. one example, i already noted, the four boys, plenty of other examples. the two girls were murdered and brentwood, when we first came upon the homicide scene, the injuries were so severe, we actually thought it was a hit-and-run because of the head trauma was so significant. we need to take this gang extremely seriously and that is exactly what law enforcement is doing across the country and i applaud everyone's efforts. we are working together to target violent ms-13 gang members and we are making a difference. >> mark: do you think it helps when someone like boxed out, which has a lot of influence on the left, basically said, there are some people who kill people but there are a lot of nice, cute kids, going along with it as a mic with any after-school activity? >> no, it minimizes the threat that this street gang poses and it minimizes the situation that these communities find themselves in. ms-13 targets young, hispanic boys in neighborhoods that are underserved. it's incredibly important that we target these gang members with aggressive law enforcement tactics and that we also invest in gang prevention and intervention strategies so we prevent them from recruiting more members. >> mark: good luck with that. they have done some terrible things out in your part of long island, tim. thanks very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> mark: america remains in the grips of an immigration crisis and other aspects, too. in one of the two major parties, increasingly promoting policies indistinguishable from global open borders. any effort to enforce the country's border invites accusations of racism, even though mexico is actually importing more people who come from honduras than the united states does. earlier this week, we saw the border patrol capture a man attempting to smuggle three brazilians into the country using a fake ems vehicle. a great day is an anchor at univision and he joins us now. henrique, this is interesting to me that mexico is allowed to deport hondurans without being accused of racism. while the u.s. isn't. why does one country get to enforce its borders, but another doesn't? >> you just got a look at news reports in mexico and around central america to know that mexico's immigration policy is highly criticized, the way they violate human rights for the central americans is also highly criticized. it has been pointed out by, i would say, hundreds of news reports and human rights reports, too. i don't think they are being able to get away with anything. i would just say that, despite what many people say on this network and at the white house, in terms of mexico not doing anything to help the u.s. with undocumented immigration, you just stated the fact that mexico is importing hondurans and other central americans at a very fast-paced, over 200,000 central american migrants have been deported. that's a lot. >> mark: mexico is not aborting 200,000 hondurans to kiss up to president trump. it is doing it in its own national interest. so -- >> this is the thing, mark. they are doing it in the program and agreement between the u.s. and mexico to have mexico guarded south borders with u.s. dollars. some of that comes from the u.s., so it is doing it in part, tell mike to honor agreements with the u.s. in the u.s. gover. >> mark: that is not why -- we all know the truth, or most people should know the truth about mexico, which is that it is ruled by a corrupt elite who are essentially european mexicans, mexicans of white european descent, who treat everybody else, whether they are mexican or not, appallingly. and isn't the reality of a legal mexican immigration that you have a essentially a corrupt ele in mexico driving the people it despises into america in much the same way as it would be if we said 20 years ago, let's flat white south africans drive all the blacks out of the country so they can have it to themselves k south africans can find somewhere else to live? is about the reality of mexican illegal immigration? >> welcome i know. we started this conversation by saying that mexico is importing more hondurans to their country than the u.s., and now we are saying that mexico is actually letting them through and sending them to the u.s. mexico is not sending anyone to the u.s., actually, more mexicans are coming back to their country than those emigrating into the u.s., with or without documents. mexico is part of a route that is used by central american immigrants and more and more, it is trying to enforce this immigration policy, as we cope in a humane way, which is not always the case, to try to have, and the cases of refugees, not only their right conditions, but also to let them legally request asylum and then go through and vaguely a quest asylum in the u.s. >> mark: but why is that in america's interest? that is a federal question, enrique. >> what is what it meant the american interest? >> mark: what does unskilled mass immigration from mexico and latin america in america's interest? >> as i was saying, immigration from mexico is not zero now. if that a sloth level it's been in decades. there is no math immigration from the mexico into the u.s. there is a problem central americans coming to the u.s. border. but we could have a larger debate on the benefits of immigration. i would ask you, what is so wrong about immigration? how is immigration hurting the u.s. or how is this different to other immigration in the u.s. history? >> mark: it's predicted that 30% of the world's jobs are going to be outmoded by automation and robots, no developed jobs needed mass immigration. as you say, we'll have that comport occasion one day. thank you, enrique. thanks a lot. house minority leader nancy pelosi says that voters should fact democrats in november because it will help illegal immigrants, so vote for your democrat candidate and they will let lots of people in the country to take your jobs. >> we are not going to be able to get it done under the republican leadership in congress. we believe that we all have leverage when we went back in november. >> mark: leverage and november. that is intended to appeal to hispanic voters but it may not be working. polls have shown president trump's approval with hispanics to be above 30%. that is better than i vote to share he got in 2016. elvira salazar is a republican who is running for congress in florida, and she joins us today. elvira, we often think that in your state, for example, cuban-americans tend to vote republican, but we see signs that actually there is a broader appeal among the hispanic a population now. >> it is indeed. but i want to answer to it nancy pelosi was saying, and once again, the democrats are trying to play political football with hispanics. in 2008, in 2009, president obama said to my colleague from univision, jorge ramos, that we were going to have an immigration reform law the first year of his presidency. in reality, he used his political capital to pass obamacare. so right there, the democrats, and nancy pelosi, had the wonderful and magnificent opportunity to stop this immigration reform problem that we have, or to pass an immigration reform law, and in reality, while the democrats gave us were crumbs called the daca executive order. and i want -- i think that we should really point out, and these are facts, this is not analysis, that in 1996, president clinton signed something called the immigration reform law, which gave the legal framework for president trump to be separating families. so let me just start with those two facts, that is why president obama and nancy pelosi are traitors to hispanics. now why are hispanics now giving approval ratings? because hispanics share many of the core values that are dear to the republicans. we are god-fearing, law-abiding, we like small government, we are self-reliant, we do not want government in our lives, we fear god and we want -- we love this country. and -- >> mark: let me just ask you a question on that though, elvira. because the people can have different views on that. but what i find interesting about the democrats' view of hispanics, and the media's the media assume that lawful hispanics in the united states only care about illegal immigration. that, in fact, they are just ethnic solidarity voters. if you have been in this country for generations and you are hispanics can buy your most important issue is leading in lots of other hispanics. is that true, is that the only issue you guys care about? >> at all. it is very important for us to find a solution to those people that have lived here for more than 15, 20 years like a tps recipient. we don't want those people to be thrown out of here like cattle, because they have put roots in this country. that is why an immigration reform law is so important. it's important for us. but also, the economy. look at what is happening with the economy right now. that is benefiting more hispanic businesses. >> mark: that is certainly true. we have to leave it there, elvira. thanks very much. good luck in your race. friction between the carr fire man president trump's legal team is heating up. professor alan dershowitz will address the president's position next on "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use -- 0600. i'd stay close. morning. ♪ get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, "protected by alan and jamie." -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto... run, alan! get more than just savings. you get 'round-the-clock protection. of the mueller team would backfire on them. >> wears a sense of justice on the part of mueller, on the part of the justice department? people who hate drum were put into primary positions of power. that is completely tainted this investigation. the real story here is not that this case isn't going to fizzle, it's going to blow up on them. >> mark: alan dershowitz is a retired harvard law school professor and the author of "the case against impeaching trump" and he joins us. professor, is this interview with the president going to happen and should it happen? >> it won't happen. i think it's going to happen is giuliani will make mueller an offer he can't accept, to paraphrase "the godfather," and that way trump will be able to say, look, i wanted to testify but it was mueller who turned down a reasonable request by our attorney. look, no lawyer would ever allow a client to testify under these circumstances. all they have to do is ask him one question, "did you know about the meeting in the trump tower with your son," if you answer that question truthfully, that he didn't know, if that in fact is the truth, he could still be charged with perjury, lying to a government official because we have michael cohen who says he did know. you you never allow your client to see something that can be contradicted by another witness because the prosecution can choose to believe that other witness. >> mark: if you had president trump as a client, though, he's a very good, gregarious guy who was quite happy to sit down and talk and o jack to anybody and thinks that as long as he is just, like, straight forward and says what he thinks, everything will be fine. often, from a lawyer's point of view, that is the worst kind of client to have, isn't it? >> yes. and i would certainly -- i'm not his lawyer, obviously -- but i would advise him to speak to the public on television, say what he wants to say, write his tweets, although i don't think he helps himself by some of his tweets. but under no circumstances put yourself in a position where you can be charged with perjury or lying to a federal official. and if he doesn't believe me, he should make two phone calls, one to martha stewart, who went to jail because of what she said after prosecutors, and the other to bill clinton, who was impeached because of what he said in an interview under oath. and so i think every responsible lawyer would say to him, you should not either testify or be interviewed. look, i once gave him advice on television, i said, i have four pieces of advice, don't fire, don't pardon, don't tweet, and don't testify. >> mark: i want to ask you about rudy's other point, the hyperpartisan nature of what has been happening. with reference to this bruce ohr guy in the justice department, and his 60 60 contacts at least with christopher steele, the mi6 agent who was basically the dirty tricks operative for the democratic party. you know as well as i do that impartiality is the essence of justice, a county court judge can't have a bunch of communications with the plaintiff and not with the defendant. that is a big no-no. how come bruce ohr at the department of justice doesn't know you can't talk to one political party continuously through the height of a campaign? >> of course, there is a difference between a judge in a prosecutor. prosecutors are allowed to talk to people, and so i don't believe that mueller and his team care about whether the democrats win or the republicans win. they are not partisan in that sense. i think they are zealous, some would say overzealous prosecutors, because he is special counsel, he has a target on the back of the president and others. if this case were handled by ordinary u.s. attorneys, and they came back after a year or two years without indicting anybody, it wouldn't be a story, no one would know. but when a special counsel is given a target and he fails to indict, he has been a failure, and that is why i am so strongly opposed to a special counsel, except of the most extraordinary circumstances, which weren't met in this case. >> mark: you're absolutely right about that, professor, in terms of the special counsel's office. i hope we get rid of them. thanks a lot. as a young self identified socialist, alexandria ocasio-cortez supposedly represents the future of the democratic party. it's a strange future to behold. >> we need to occupy every airport, we need to occupy every border, we need to occupy every i.c.e. office. we look at figure sensei, unemployment is low, everything is fine, right? well, unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. why aren't we incorporating the cost of the funeral expenses and those who die because they can't afford access to health care? this, like, upper-middle-class is probably more moderate but that upper-middle-class doesn't exist anymore. they are haiti was in the '90s when, like, kids had furbies and parents had soccer moms with two book vans. that is not america anymore. >> mark: soccer moms with two bands and funeral expenses crippling the economy. is this the sort of thing the democrats can run on, win on, and, god help us, govern on? chris is the president of new heights communications and she joins us. this is the future of the party? >> look, i like ocasio-cortez. i think she speaks clearly, i think she speaks with moral conviction, and i think a lot of people were inspired by her and that is why she won her primary. that said, she won a primary a month ago in a congressional contest that represents the bronx and queens. this is not necessarily america. that said, i will say that people like her because she is this young latina woman who seemingly came out of nowhere, nobody gave her a chance, she had no endorsements, nobody in the party really got behind her, "the new york times" never even wrote a piece about her until after she won them and then it was, "where did this lady come from." the reasons she did so well, and was able to topple somebody like joe crowley, is because of the way that she talked about issues that people cared about in her district. >> mark: isn't it more basic than that? you said because she is a long latina. and the democrats now, it's all about identity politics. she is a young latina, he's an old white male. she is the dash he's the past, e future, and the fact that she talks about the 1990s like i talk about the 1890s, and that she seriously thinks that if 50% of the workforce are doing two jobs, you have full employment, that is irrelevant. it is all identity. young latina trump's the dead white male. >> no, i don't think so. but i do think for women in particular, also people of color are the ones who are furious right now, they are furious at donald trump, they are furious at the dash i'll be honest -- the old white men who are runnig the republican party right now and frankly, who have a pretty big grip on the democratic party, as well. so that is why you have seen so many women across the country who have said, you know what, it is my turn, i'm going to run for office now, too played and they are winning in record numbers. so particularly so particularly in the democratic side, mark, if you see a race in which there is not an incumbent, there is a man, a woman running, women on the democratic side are winning 70% of the time. that is amazing. with that said, america wants to see more women in office, and i -- >> mark: good luck telling that to bernie and chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, because you've got your old white issues in that party, too. >> we shared do. it's a big tent rates. when nancy pelosi is happy to take a tire iron to anyone who argues with that. thank you, christy. what on earth was going on in the new mexico compound where muslim extremists were allegedly performing exorcisms and training school shooters? "tucker carlson tonight" investigates. that's next. ♪ (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. even "vengeful vermin." not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ can make you feel unstoppable. ♪ but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. help take control by talking to your doctor. ask about vraylar. vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. high cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you're more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. you made moonshine in a backwoods still. smuggled booze and dodged the law. even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. when i built my family tree and found you, i found my sense of adventure. i set off on a new life, a million miles away. i'm heidi choiniere, and this is my ancestry story. now with over 10 billion historical records, discover your story. get started for free at conditions, and training at least one of those children to commit school shootings. what on earth was happening there and couldn't have been exposed more quickly? "tucker carlson tonight" investigates. ryan mauro's director of the intelligence network at the clarion project. a nonprofit that educates the public on radical islam. he has assisted authorities in this investigation and he joins us now. ryan, if you watch certain other networks, you'll find it very hard to pick up on the muslim angle to this. they are being rather coy about it, as is their won't. but the father of the principal guy here, for example, is a big shot a mom who was an unindicted coconspirator in the original world trade center bombing a quarter century ago. so this has deep roots in the most extreme islamic circles here in america. >> right, so what is really scary about this, when someone from al qaeda or isis get arrested, you know they are almost certainly a fringe player, they are not a famous imam. he is different. as soon as i started studying radical islam, he was the first one on my radar, because he is one of the leaders of the basel american community, i'm sorry to say. he's very radical, the type of things he has been connected to come in terms of a coalition with other groups are the types of things that this group, this compound in new mexico, were preparing to do, were learning how to do, that type of ideology. we haven't connected the imam to that specific operation in new mexico but you don't have to. what you're talking about is the extremist infrastructure that is the hard work, the easy work is the violent part. >> mark: in that sense, it seems more organized than some guy from chechnya or wherever writing his car up onto the sidewalk and mowing down half a dozen people, and other words, that sort of freelance jihadism we have become used to. did this seem something slightly more institutional? >> that's right. there's really two ways that you create this type of problem if you are a radical. first, you say, how do i create the person that holds the weapon? is harder. you do that by pushing the ideology, imam for example in 2001 spoke at an event that was literally called "g hard camp for young muslims." that is public plates. when they are not shy about this, are they? >> they've gotten better since 9/11. >> mark: let me ask you something because normally with school shootings, you'll see things on twitter, the las vegas thing for example, where there will be a little -- i'm sure this will put be terrorist, his name will be awkward, and it turns out to be the usual alienated loner. but things don't stay separate. so if school shootings are effective, at some point, jihadists will have caught onto that and want to get a piece to the action. >> look at how we all reacted to it. right? even if you can get the small number of casualties, doesn't matter because it's a school shooting, so they achieve the objective, and one of the ways that these groups operate above that ideological infrastructure, in terms of operations, they set up security companies and some of the information i have provided, i broke the story today, what i provided to the authorities, does link people from the compound to a security company. that is a good reference, that is how you good law enforcement type training, that is how you do this type of thing. >> mark: that is fascinating, ryan. when you look at the compound with a piled up rubber tires, nothing to it, a lot of stuff sitting out in the desert, but it's got important connection when it comes to getting the stuff they need. thanks very much, ryan. tucker is going to come back after the break because americans are an increasingly lonely people. how did that happen and can it be fixed? that is coming up next. ♪ when my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist. you can barely feel. i got it. i gotcha baby. 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'cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. ♪ >> mark: america is an increasingly crowded country with 325 million people concentrating more and more into a few major cities. despite that, or maybe because of it, america is also becoming a lonelier country, people have fewer friends, we were confidantes, and feel less connd to their communities, and that is having a big effect on the nation. a former surgeon general of the united states, and tucker recently spoke to him. >> tucker: not making an argument against psychiatric medication, obviously come but it's hard not to notice that the incidence of americans, number of americans on psychiatric medication is rising. but so was the suicide rate. what do you make of that? >> while, i think that antidepressants have a role, they have a place when it comes to addressing depression. there are a lot of folks who have benefited from them. but there is a big but here, which is that i think that we have been over time, probably overprescribing these medicines, and not looking carefully for alternatives, and for other ways to address people's depression, not looking at the causes. >> tucker: that's it right there. he would think with the suicide rate spikes, and it has measurably, we would have a national conversation about why. what do you think the cause is? >> i don't think there is one single cause but i think there is one particular cause but it is contributing to depression, that i don't think we talk about enough, and that is social disconnection, that is loneliness, and when i began my tenure as surgeon general, if you would have told me that i would be thinking about and talking about loneliness is much as i have, i would have told you are wow you are absolutely wrong. but i was really educated by loneliness. they didn't always say that at the beginning of the conversation it but it became very clear that it was part of their experience in a story, that it was contributing in fact to anxiety and to depression in their lives. when i delved more deeply into the science about loneliness, or became very clear is that loneliness is not just about feelings that we may have from time to time. but when it's experienced for long periods of time, it can increase our risk for heart disease, for dementia, for anxiety and depression, and is associated with the shortening of our life span. so it it, to recognize that ãyou are lonely does not mean that you are broken are fundamentally flawed. >> tucker: do you see that technology is making his lonelier? >> i think that technology is a tool that can be used to address loneliness and increase loneliness. what makes a difference is how we use technology. i think the way we are using technology right now, i worry we are increasing our loneliness one, you look at social media, and you look at the data that is increasingly coming out on social media usage and its impact on the mental health of people, you see that increased social media usage is often associated with increased feelings of anxiety and depression. what has happened unfortunately with social media is that many people have substituted their online relationships for their off-line, and personal relationships. but there's another way in which technology is playing a role here, which is that nearly all of us walk around with phones, with smartphones, that give us immediate access to email, text messaging, and that can be incredibly convenient. i have a smartphone and it's very, very helpful. but that phone, and our devices can also creep into other parts of our lives. they can come to the dinner table with us and impact the quality of the conversations we have with our family, they can show up on the table at a restaurant when we are trying to catch up with a friend and instead of they are being distracted by the messages that are being popped popping up on our screen. we have found that our phones and work more broadly has crept into our evening, weekends, and vacation time, that has actually taken away from our time with family and with close friends. >> mark: and you can see tucker's full interview with the former surgeon general on the "tucker carlson tonight" facebook page. up next, it is "final exam" time. can you do better than two fox news pros? remembering this week's news, the contest, the battle, is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i put a spell on you ♪ yeah, because you're mine ♪ with chase atms serena can now grab cash on the go, all with the tap of her phone. ♪ stop the things you do no card? no problem. life, lived serena's way. chase, make more of what's yours. it's the ford summer sales event and now is the best time to buy. you ready for this, junior? yeah, i think i can handle it. no pressure... ...that's just my favorite boat. boom. (laughs) make summer go right with ford, america's best-selling brand. and get our best deal of the summer: zero percent financing for sixty months on f-150. right now, get this special offer on f-150: zero percent financing for 60 months - during the ford summer sales event. it's a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999... intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, no interest until january 2021. ends wednesday. no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? ♪ >> mark: you know what that music means. it is time for tucker's "final exam" where "final exam" where we test news professionals to see who is the news hero and. this week's contestant from fox business, and for my hometown of toronto, susan li. susan was on fox business earlier today launching the new smartphone. >> samsung prior >> mark: but is she smart without the phone? few people are these days. we also have us with those fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. he's done everything in show business except tucker's "final exam." and that was intentional. he planned it that way. but we locked the door so he can't get out. contestants, hands on browsers. i will ask the question in the first one to bos gets to answer. but you must wait until i finish asking the question. you can answer once and i'll acknowledge by saying your name and each correct answer is worth one point. but you get it wrong, you lose a point. best-of-five wins. let's get started. question one: on monday, where charlie would trump hayter spent the night outside the white house singing broadway's protest? susan? >> rosie o'donnell. >> mark: plus royal mate. >> the more people that show up here event generally will take over all of d.c. and will have no choice but to resign. [singing] >> mark: actually the president was in fact not in the white house but in new jersey. but he could still hear rosie from there. a wild story out of boise, idaho, folks there were shocked to look at other windows and find more than 100 of what farm animal running loose? revisited? and we go to susan again. >> ducks. >> mark: let's roll that tape. >> goats on the loose. residence in boise, idaho, waking up to a shocking scene. 118 goats swarming their suburban yards, completely unsupervised. >> what happens if you get it wrong? >> mark: we are back to 0-0. over 100 goats there. i believe they were fleeing rosie's natalie. [laughter] let's go to question three. this is multiple-choice. an amish man in michigan is giving ridesharing apps a run for their money by launching his own business using just his horse and buggy. people in his town can secure a ride for just five bucks. what is this amish entrepreneur calling the service? is it a: rent a buggy? b" he bid and driver" or c: amish uber? and we go to geraldo. >> amish uber, c. >> mark: let's rule that tape. >> meet the amish guy in southern michigan, who is dubbed himself the amish uber. >> very good. >> he drives folks around for five bucks a pop in his horse and buggy, doesn't have a cell phone, obviously, so you have to flag him down. and he's a to is not officially associated with uber but he gets people where they are going for in a blink in note. >> mark: yeah, we could use that in new york. i hate it when you come out of a quilting bee and you are late for the barn raising and you can find a yellow cab anyway. so we really need that in new york. question -- that means that, by the way, susan, canada's reputation is now riding on this. geraldo takes the lead, 1-0. question four, a man was arrested this past week after a video went viral of him harassing a very large animal. in yellowstone national park. the man nearly got himself killed when the beast charged him. what type of animal was he harassing? susan, susan buzzed too early. she's being deported. i.c.e. are outside of the studio right now. geraldo, your turn to answer? >> a bison. >> mark: let's see that tape? >> taunting a bison. >> no, no, no. oh, no. oh, no. oh, god. oh, god. >> police say that raymond is beating his chest at the animal in yellowstone national park. he's had several run-ins apparently with the law at national parks or over just the last few weeks. >> mark: it got worse from there, afterwards, he played that bison rosie's selections from "bye bye birdie"." it's horrible. you don't want to see that. final question, another multiple-choice question, a new disney movie has been banned in china because president xi is angry that people compare him to a character in the film. who is the animated character? is it a: dumbo? b: pinocchio? or c: c: winnie the pooh? susan? >> see , winnie the pooh. >> mark: let's see. >> chinese movie fans will not be able to see the winnie the pooh movie, christopher robin. chinese censors have banned the movie because people in the country were using pooh memes to mock president xi jingping. >> mark: president trump would love it if the worst thing rosie o'donnell's would say about him was that he looked like winnie the pooh. unfortunately, despite a plucky showing by our canadian gal here, geraldo has come through for the united states of america, total humiliation. final score, america, two, canada one. >> >> oh, canada. [laughter] >> mark: and that is it for this week's "final exam." pay attention to the news each weekend to an end on thursday nights to see if you can beat the professionals. we'll be right back. ♪ minor accident - no big deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. when you rent from national... it's kind of like playing your own version of best ball. because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if it's a better car class than the one you reserved. so no matter what, you're guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] (vo) go national. go like a pro. see what i did there? ♪ >> immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces. that is a big statement. >> mark: that was the president two months ago, now today, vice president pence revealed that the administration's more detailed plans for creating a fully independent of space force in just two years. professor michio kok who is a physicist. the author of a "new york times" best seller, "the future of humanity." he joins us. professor, if you watch tv, people seem to be making jokes about this thing. but most western nations have essentially off shored huge parts of their infrastructure to the happens in the last couple of decades, and yet, they are essentially unguarded and totally vulnerable up there. >> i think we have to take it seriously because donald trump sees this as part of his legacy, long after he's gone, we are going to have a u.s. space force. for the first time since 1947, a new branch of the military, and i think he wants to put his stamp of approval on this, so we have to take it seriously. >> mark: yeah, but the joke about it is, like, it's a plan nine from outer space then, these are going to be trumped space cadets and everything. but there is -- we are vulnerable too much weaker countries who, if they happen to detonate everything on the righr the middle of the country, would knock us back to the mid-19th century. that is what is at stake here. >> that's right. we don't realize that outer space, we are a sitting duck for a preemptive strike. you realize that we are the most vulnerable because we have over half of all the commercial operating satellites in orbit and even a small nation like north korea, a hydrogen bomb over kansas would be enough to wipe out nearly half of our telecommunications network and paralyze power stations across north america. and that's just one hydrogen bomb over kansas. >> mark: yeah, and it's a situation that's never really existed. i mean, we don't -- because it's happened so sort of imperceptibly, we don't realize that our banking systems, and our electrical grid, are all kind of migrated to outer space. >> in fact, this conversation is happening in outer space, this tv show is carried by satellite. the internet's telecommunications, radio, gps, the economy, national security, all of it is done in outer space. like i said, we are sitting ducks. that is why we should follow what ronald reagan did. ronald reagan said, we need peace through strength but b, let's cut a deal with gorbachev, let's try to manage the unmanageable by cutting a deal. now the outer space treaty of 1967 could address these vulnerabilities, but it is way out of date. there it says nothing about lee jordan cannon, nothing. >> mark: no, the world has changed so much since then. thank you, thank you very much for that, professor. that is absolutely, extraordinary. it is a serious business and as


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