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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Ten 20120223

prison. >> right now, the jury has just returned to the courtroom and our fox 5's paul wagner who is ready to go live with the very latest this evening has put down his microphone, headed back inside. the jury now giving its recommendation to the judge on the sentence for george huguely. he faces from 5 to 40 years for second-degree murder. he has a grand larceny conviction as well, which has to be factored into the equation. the judge in this case can in fact lower the sentence, but cannot raise it. this is simply a recommendation to the judge. doesn't mean it necessarily sticks. >> and as soon as paul gets that information and passes it back on to us, we will give you an update and let you know. here's a live picture outside of the courthouse in charlottesville, virginia. as you can see, there are a number of media personnel standing around outside. everybody is waiting to hear what this jury has decided. how many years george huguely should serve in prison after being convicted of second- degree murder in the death of his exgirlfriend, yeardley love. again, we are told the jury is back in the courtroom now. it is an unusual thing. the sentencing is not decided the same day as the verdict comes in. so this is a very unusual case, very different for this jurisdiction. when paul wagner comes back out with the information, we will pass that on to you. we are also following a news alert in the district tonight. d.c. police officer has given notice that he intends to file a whistle blower lawsuit against the city. now this stems from the controversy over a police escort over actor charlie sheen. burton was head of the division. burton was demoted after he testified that those sorts of escorts were common place contradicting the police chief's testimony. >> i think that because i had the integrity to stand up and say no. the chief is not being accurate in what she is saying to the public and to the media about our escort policy. that i said not only to the city council, but to the inspector general's office. >> burton is now a captain assigned to the medical services branch. his demotion was not connected to the escort nor to his testimony. >> new tonight, a survivor of that deadly crash at a kfc restaurant is speaking out. police say el helena smith was going close to 100 miles per hour when she crashed into an suv. bowen was in his car when the collision occurred. fox 5 sat down with him and his wife. what are they saying about all this? >> they have been married for 38 years. they say they are just glad to still be together. everett is a retired electrical engineer that once worked in the building communication system. he and his wife, pamela, are hand radio operators in their spare time. nothing could have prepared them for what happened monday night. >> everett said he hadn't been in that kfc? 10 or 15 years. now looking back, he is just glad to be alive. >> i keep saying he has an angel on his dash board. >> their husband says he just left the restaurant with his chicken, got into his car and putting on a seat belt. >> i was waiting to put the key in the ignition. when you have a wash machine that is not balanced properly. that's what it sounded like. it was so loud. >> it was a chaotic scene. he saw the crushed bmw. >> i had just put $35 worth of gas in my truck. my tank was full. i was afraid the tank was going to explode. >> two workers at the car wash saw the whole thing. carol and rose smith rushed over to see if they could help others who were injuried. >> it was so big. >> me and a couple other guys ran over there. we pulled the guy out of the car. he was so hysterical. >> as for everett, he was treated at the hospital and released. his wife says she is thankful he only had minor injuries. he says he has no plans to eat at that kfc ever again. shawn. >> karen, thank you. now to a developing story a. crucial gop debate just wrapping up. this is the 20th and possibly final debate. the race for the gop nomination has been a roller coaster ride and it's not over yet. laura evans is live with the debate wrapup. >> one thing that set this debate apart from the others is that rick santorum is the front runner and tonight he was the one defending himself. the three other remange candidates did not hold back and holding santorum to the fire on his record in the senate. >> the economy and those high gas prices are recurring scene at the latest gop debate. starting with the candidates opening statement. >> i'm here to talk about a positive solution to the problems that confront this country that include everybody from the bottom up. >> i want to restore america's promise. >> mitt romney and rick santorum seem to dominate this debate and not long into it, the two, who have swapped positions as front runner were swapping accusations over everything from taxes to federal spending earmarks. >> the earmark process is broken. thousands and thousands of ear marks, money being used inappropriately. while i was fighting to save the olympics, you were fighting to save the bridge to nowhere. >> you are entitled to your opinions. >> misrepresent the fact and you are misrepresenting the facts. you don't know what you're talking about. >> there was a moment of unity as the candidates down in the polls against president obama collectively went after him verbally over his recent decision, mandating all medical. >> religious tolerance we have seen in barack obama. >> all right, let's bring in fox 5's political analyst. it seems rick santorum spent a lot of tonight defending his record. it left the audience snickering a couple times. what was your take? >> rick santorum is the front runner. romney went after him that i had never seen before. mitt romney is very, very worried that he could lose on tuesday in michigan and really no defense or explanation for that. he has to take after santorum because he doesn't want santorum to be viewed as the pure conservative. >> who won tonight, mark, and how does tonight affect the candidates going forward? >> i think zap santorum saying he is courage while romney said resolute. it is a compliment, but that's not what the republican faithful are looking for. >> next up, primaries in arizona and michigan next tuesday. mark, thank you. thank you. >> we want to get back to the breaking news now. the sentencing of uva killer, george huguely. the jury just delivered its recommendation. fox 5's paul wagner is live down in charlottesville now with what they had to say. paul. >> reporter: brian, the jury returned just a few minutes ago and returned a sentence for george huguely of 25 years in prison for the second-degree murder charge and one year in prison on the grand larceny charge. they could have given as much as 40 years on the second- degree murder charge. the virginia statute calls for between 5 and 45. they chose 25 years and they could have gone between 1 and 20 years on the grand larceny charge, they just gave him one year. now, this is a recommendation. the judge will take it under advisement and on april 16th, i believe is the date they gave, they will formalize this sentence. there will be a presentence report and then george huguely will be formally sentenced by george edward. he can accept the sentence or he can lower it, but he cannot raise it. now george huguely could have faced 40 years in prison on that second-degree murder charge. the defense then wanted the jury to be polled. the judge then polled each one individually, pointing down to them, what's your decision? ma'am, what's your decision? they all said they were unanimous in 25 years on the second-degree murder charge. there was literally no reaction from george huguely. he stood there stoically. he looked down at a point. when he first came in before the sentence was read, he looked right at his family, his family looked right back at him. the judge had already told everybody in the courtroom that there could not be any outbursts and there were none. the huguely family did not react. the love family did not react. however, the sentencing phase of this portion, brian, took a couple of hours. it began just after the came back with their sentence and the prosecution put two witnesses on the stand. sharon love and lexi love. that's yeardley's mother and yeardley's sister and they were very, very emotional. calling the loss of yeardley unbearable, a shock to the system. they said there are times when songs come on the radio that remind them of yeardley and break down into tears and the loss has been devastating for them. they did release a statement. we were told to hold that until after the sentencing. there is a podium set up over here. we anticipate that perhaps someone may come out. there is a gag order. we don't know if the judge is going to lift it. we don't know if we'll hear from the prosecution or the defense. but at this point, we are waiting to see if someone will come out. we are also, of course; going to try to talk to some of the jurors as they leave. at this point, to recap, 25 years in prison is the recommended sentence for the murder of yeardley love and one year for the grand larceny. brian. >> a couple questions. i think what a lot of people would wonder, the truth in sentencing here. 26 years, does that mean he does 26 years? >> reporter: you're absolutely right. there is no parole here in virginia. truth in sentencing. and the jury was told that by mr. chapman, the prosecutor, there is truth in sentencing here. now one of the jurors did ask a question about the time he had already been served. that is still up in the air. that's unclear. he has been in jail for two years. will that be included in his final sentence? it's very likely that it will be, typically it is. we'll have to wait and see. truth in sentencing, no parole here in virginia. >> and our viewers should know we will take the podium live if anybody decides to come out and speak this evening. last question for you, paul, do you get a sense from yeardley love's family that they are interested in speaking to the media or is this more of a private family? >> reporter: well, we know that they sat in the front row waiting for the jury and were crafting a statement. and they did write it out and they gave it to the spokesman for the city who then handed it out to the media. i have seen it. we don't know if someone is going to read it at the podium. it's sharon love, lexi love, and lexi love's fiance who are in there, plus other family members. i also saw yeardley love's roommate who found her dead that night. she is here. we just don't know if anyone is going to talk. the problem, brian, as you well know as you have been watching our reports from charlottesville. no one has spoken because of this gag order and neither family has spoken to media since they arrived in charlottesville. >> and the weather doesn't look conducive to a long press conference. we'll be watching live. as soon as anybody decides to step to that podium outside the courthouse, we will take you there live. paul wagner, thank you. certainly earlier today, it was a much more beautiful day outside and a beautiful day to make history on the national mall. we'll take you to the ground breaking of the national museum of african american history and culture. also new tonight, this man admitted to seven armed robberies. find out why he is walking the streets free tonight. >> let's go right now as we mentioned to the podium to get off the video there. and we are told the prosecutor in the case is now stepping forward to speak. let's listen in. >> the charlottesville citizens who worked very hard and we appreciate their contribution. there's nothing that we can say that will make good that terrible and tragic loss to the love family. there are no winners in this case. there's nothing but loss everywhere. our hearts go out to the love family. they have suffered enormously. they cannot have been more attentive, appreciative, and helpful throughout the process of preparing and presenting the case. what we do in court is a very rough proximation of justice in any given case. we hope that they feel some sol sollice from the outcome that has been achieved here today. as you know, as a matter of routine, we don't comment publicly about our cases while they are pending. and this case still remaining pending. it is our habit when a verdict is returned that we do comment briefly about it. and so that will be the extent of my comments here tonight. i don't intend to take questions here today. we will make available an opportunity at some point to answer questions in greater detail and greater depth. but that is something that needs to wait until a later time and preferably, at the conclusion of the proceedings and the proceedings will be concluded by the sentencing event. thank you very much. >> is there justice for yeardley love? >> you are listening to the prosecutor in the case who made brief comments. just sort of putting a period to the public portion of this trial. he is from the prosecutor's standpoint, thanking the family for being so appreciative of their efforts. >> and he said they suffered a terrible loss. but he is hoping that they feel some sort of sollice. he will answer questions about what happened at a later date. we were hoping to also hear from the victim, yeardley love's family, paul wagner was not sure if they would come out and talk. they did release a statement. we are hoping to get their words so you can hear what they had to say about the conviction and the sentencing today in this case. >> again, we are watching the podium live. if somebody takes to that podium, we'll bring it to you. we'll be right back.  new tonight at 10:00, a rockville man is accused of seven armed robberies. in fact, is this surveillance video from inside a sandwich shop that was held up. the man is out on the streets tonight. fox 5's will thomas is here now to explain. why is he free, will? >> the robberies happened between january 11 and this past weekend. police believe it is the same guy and they say he is actually confessed to them all. some of the victims and people living in the neighborhoods are telling us, and this is to answer your question as well. his bail was set too low, allowing him to walk free and potentially strike again. >> his name is ramon gun and he's in a lot of trouble. montgomery county police believe he is a serial armed robber. a germantown subway shop january 31. a man wearing a ski mask holding what appears to be a gun demanding money. police arrested gun over the weekend in connection with an armed robbery of a rockville adult toy store. his bond set at $100,000 and he made bail by coming up with 5% of that. during questioning, police say gun admitted to that weekend adult store robbery and six more armed robberies all across montgomery county. including that subway holdup. a few days later, gun was rearrested after the additional charges were prepared and a new bond was set at $200,000. but that was knocked down in court wednesday by a judge to just $10,000. gun is now a free man again. his out of pocket cost to make both bails, $6,000. we found his bail bondsman a 43 year veteran in the business here in rockville. >> only purpose of bail to ensure the person's appearance in court. not as a punishment. >> bonds aren't set as punishment, but don't tell that to the receptionist at o'hare salon and spa. gun is accused of robbing it in mid january. >> i was terrified. >> if 25-year-old gun really did confess to the robberies, this is one of his victims who can't understand why a judge would let a dangerous man back out on the streets. >> i don't understand how they allow that to happen. if he admitted to confessing to all of these places. >> a similar sentiment a few doors down at this dress shop. this worker is so fareful, a notice hangs in the window of a locked front door. you have to knock or call to get in. >> it's very upsetting. especially in this neighborhood where safety is everything. >> why is he free tonight? it's not an easy question to answer, but judges have a lot of discretion. gun, as we can tell, does not have a prior criminal record in maryland and he has a good job making a very good salary. that $6,000 he had to pay, probably not a big deal. no word on a motive. brian. >> will thomas tonight. the man accused of bombing the u.s. capital was found in court today. there was probable cause to charge amine khalifl. khalifl wassed to attack military offices, a synagogue. he didn't know the fbi was tracking him the entire time. and another threat to capitol hill lawmakers. three offices received threatening letters containing a white powder . two arrived yesterday. the substance was not harmful. more may be on the way. similar letters were sent to john stewart. all were postmarked with a fake address from portland, oregon. a historic day on the national mall. fox 5 investigation, students partying to all hours of the night keeping their neighbors away. we're exposing the problem.  we are staying on top of our breaking news. a live look outside the courthouse in charlottesville, virginia, where earlier today, a jury convicted george huguely of second-degree murder and larceny in the death of yeardley love and recommended a sentence of 25 years for the second-degree murder and one year for larceny. we are expecting the defense attorney to come out and speak tonight. talk about this sentencing recommendation. once we see someone step to the podium, we will bring that to you live. >> a ceremonial ground breaking on the capital mall. it will be the 19th museum. president obama was on hand for the big event. john hanrahan has the story. >> reporter: america today is sometimes described as the world's most successful multicultural nation. but today's success came after the eras of slavery and racial segregation. >> i want my daughters to see the shackles that bound slaves on their voyage across the ocean and the shards of glass that flew from the church and understand that injustice and evil exist in the world. but i also want them to hear lui armstrong and learn about the league and read the poems of phyllis whitley. >> president obama's children will be able to examine the achievements at a $500 million museum to be constructed on a corner of the national mall. >> we muthe story, the whole story, 400 year story of african american contribution to this nation's history from slavery to the present. without anger or apology. >> some stories to be told by the museum will be new to most people. stories like that of successful businessman, joule i julius rosenwald. >> there are major historians, scholars, lawyers, whose families would not have been educated had these schools throughout the south not been built. we have objects from that school and it's a little known story, but very important one. >> ceremonial ground breaking was invitational only, but this family was transfixed watching the event on the monitors in our live truck. >> if we just focus on the future and everything and not the past, people like black children will have the respect for the elderly who went through all that pain and destruction. >> in washington, john hanrahan, fox 5 news. >> coming up next, a fox 5 investigation, route college students keeping their neighbors up until the wee hours of the morning. now the so-called party houses are at the center of a raging debate. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. students partying into the wee hours of the morning. these offcampus party houses are at cent of a debate. neighbors want au to get the problem under control. fox 5's sherry lee has tonight's investigation. >> american university is ranked among the top universities in the country. but off campus, some students behaving badly keep neighbors up at night. >> we tried everything. we tried ear plugs, taking nyquil. >> groups of current and former au students moved in across from chris. he dreaded nights when he saw beer kegs arrive. >> the first group had parties, maybe once a month. but the second group of people got to be an every weekend, maybe not an official party every weekend, but they had gathering. >> his five-year-old daughter wears ear must haves to drown out the noise. others complained finding the alley with beer cans and used condoms. >> they have parties going on until 2:00 a.m. in the morning. >> she lives two dorees doors down. fraternity meetings and numerous parties. it was nicknamed and on four square, the address is listed as a dive bar. the young men who live in the house are military veterans. >> i said, i admire for what you have done for our country, but i'm not admiring what's going on now. >> on 43rd street, neighbors complained finding women's underwear and beer cans on the front lawn of a student rented house and being mooned. the students all members of one fraternity moved out last fall. >> the national office affiliated with that organization, the landlord or property managers got involved and eventually the students did move out. >> in 2010 on ellicott street, neighbors reported public urination and nude dancers. the university worked with police to address the problems, but at the time could only discipline students off campus for criminal behavior. the students finally moved. and according to neighbors on 44th street, another house rented to students the past ten years continues to be a problem with large drunken parties and vandalized cars. neighbors wouldn't talk, worried about revenge when the parties get too loud, they call police. but haven't notified au. >> most of the students are good neighbors, but the small minority of students is able to cause just tremendous persistent problems for their neighbors. >> police would not say how often they have been called to any specific house siting privacy concerns. they turned to police after initially trying to work things out between neighbors. they contacted city officials, the university, and circulated a petition, collecting about 50 signatures. then they claim the harassment started. carried out by roommates who are not au students. they recorded it with a cell phone. 2:00 a.m. cat calls and a 4:00 a.m. food delivery. the restaurant received the address and phone number, but when the delivery man goes across the street, someone answers the door, waves, and pays for the food. >> they said yes, that food is ours. >> zoning commission asked the university to address some of the neighborhood concerns as a condition of expansion. >> the police aren't able to stop the misconduct that can be a year of hell for the neighbors. >> in 2010, the university broadened its student code of conduct to offcampus incidents that may not necessarily break the law. but are disruptive to the community. this fall, four incidents resulted in conduct charges. >> range of sanctions in our process include a citation, which is basically a warning alerting the students that their behavior is unacceptable to sups pension from the university. >> his wife, a former fox 5 employee got an e-mail mistakenly sent by one of the young men. it talks about bigger parties and the need to watch for police and encouraged everyone to do the expletive. that bothered her. the family showed the e-mail and video to school officials. >> we believe the neighbor may have been harassed. we do need to have the identity of students. we need to identify who was involved. we need to have a witness involved. so it is difficult, sometimes, to reach the level of evidence necessary to pursue conduct. >> but au's actions were limited because only two of the men are enrolled at au and not directly involved in the e-mail or food delivery. >> i did meet with the two students involved in that particular residence and they agreed no additional issues would be occurring. >> no one at the house would talk to fox 5. she hasn't had any problems with loud parties since moving in nine months ago, calling them nice young men. but last month, siting nuisance activity at the property, the attorney general's office filed a civil suit against the landlord for renting without a business license. neighbors say the party stopped around september or october after the university intervened. >> without any proof, we were just another complaining neighbor without any evidence. so once we had the signatures and the videos, i think they took us seriously. >> about 30% of au students live off campus and with new students coming in every year, the university admits the fight to quiet house parties starts all over again. >> that was sherry lee reporting. by the way, the university requires students to register their offcampus addresses if public safety officers believe a party is disruptive, they can take disciplinary action. other universities faced similar complaints. police say noise complaints can be difficult to enforce, not all officers have those noise meters and can't go inside the house if someone refuses to answer the door. an x-factor favorite landing a new gig. plus a possible big-name judge. also ahead, no kids allowed. that's the word from this restaurant. more on the trend coming up. but first, google rolling out an easy way for you to find cheap flights. fox business network explains. no relief in sight for your pain at the pump. that's because gas prices rising again still at a record level for this time of year. the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded up 10%. meantime, maybe those record low interest rates aren't giving the housing market a boost because mortgage applications actually falling in the latest week, led by a big drop in people looking to refinance their current homes. and putting away some extra cash for a rainy day. a new report saying more americans are planning to save their tax refunds instead of just spending the money right away. the shaky economy forcing taxpayers to get a jump on their future financial planning. and how about planning your next vacation on the road? google is rolling out a mobile version of its popular program now letting users cheap flights from iphones and android devices. that's fox news.  we're in the web center talking about a big night for american idol. some tears, some happiness, who made it, who didn't. what was the rundown tonight? >> so many tears. the top 24, we are getting them for american idol and some of the ones we really liked. phillip phillips, everyone is in love with. he is the guy from the beginning, got the guitar out, australian, and just rocked it. of course he is making it through. hailey daily is in there, hailey johnson. they were big early favorites and of course absolutely the guy is hysterical. he gets through. but the 19-year-old cowboy, richie, they were totally polarized on. he's out. which was a big shocker. a will the of those big surprises. we're down to the 24. it should get interesting now. >> it will start rolling from here. >> we will transition now from american idol to x factor. some possibly big news about a potential new judge. >> yes, so they are rushing on x factor because the auditions start march 14 and britney spears, we were talking about this yesterday. and now her reps are saying they are in talks. they aren't saying it's confirmed, but yesterday the rumor and her reps confirming it is true that they are talking about it. so could be interesting. janet confirmed with brittney and fergie. that would be quite the panel. >> i think the person i'd like to see most is janet jackson. what about you? >> i am sort of janet, fergie, and brittney. >> which one would you take? >> i'm with you, janet, she offers the most experience. that would be really good. however it goes, it will be fun to watch american idol and x factor. >> we'll keep you posted. >> thanks for coming in. >> you got it. >> brian, back up to you. >> and continuing to follow breaking news. the jury recommended decades behind bars for george huguely. we are live with reaction on the news edge at 11:00. plus, metro riders are sounding off about sexual harassment. what they want the transit agency to do at 11:00. ♪ [ male announcer ] aggressive new styling. a more fuel-efficient turbocharged engine. and a completely redesigned interior. ♪ the new c-class with over 2,000 refinements. it's amazing...inside and out. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. ♪ [ male announcer ] offering four distinct driving modes and lexus' dynamic handling, the next generation of lexus will not be contained. the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. ♪ a beautiful day today. we started seeing the rain coming down when we were taking our live reports from charlottesville. >> we have seen some lightning, so they have some thunderstorms. but the whole line is going to sink south. so a lot of us aren't going to see those showers. if you live south and east, you have a better chance. we'll show you radar in a moment. d.c. is dry. you would have seen that yourself before we even came on if you had that weather app. great radar on there. ten-day forecast actually and an hourly forecast as well as the video forecast and the twitter feed. send us a picture, down load the app free and at the android market. you can text the number at the bottom of the screen to get more information as well. we are starting with radar because i wanted you to see where the showers are. just a couple sprinkles getting inside the beltway down through prince georges county and charles county. this does not have much lightning with it anymore. so generally weakening as it passes on through. we'll give you another view and you can see a little bit bigger picture here and definitely had some lightning strikes, not just here, but a few up through western maryland. that line seems to be moving into pennsylvania. as you look at this view, you can see that the trend is going to be more for this next batch to go more due east. so a couple showers around, southern and eastern suburbs for the next short while and i think it will be out of here. this is a disturbance moving on through. tomorrow it is going to be primarily dry. we have another round of showers, but they don't come in until tomorrow night. on ward to the good stuff, folks, because we got up to 63 degrees today. by the way, it's really mild. still at 57 degrees and we expect things to warm up as we go through the next 24 hours. raleigh with 70 degrees today. little rock 75. check out new orleans at 80 degrees and 79 for dallas. with a southwest wind, that's the kind of air we should be able to start drawing toward this area. we are thinking 68 degrees. some of you south of the city would hit 70. in fact, i wouldn't be surprised if we hit it here. a lot depends on cloud cover. there will be a good amount of cloud cover in the first half of the day. more clouds coming in the afternoon and we'll have another couple of rounds of showers coming in late at night into the first part of friday. i think more of us will see this round than tonight. friday looks great, but that 65 degrees is probably going to occur before noon and then we are going to start tumbling down through the 50s, through the 40s, and a very gusty wind. so strong that the weather service thinks we might be up to wind advisory criteria on friday with winds gusting to 40 miles per hour. of course, the push of cold r air coming in, we're back to sunshine, but temperature will only be 49 degrees. so at the surface, here's what is going on. we have our warm day tomorrow, enjoy it. it should be a terrific day really with a little bit of cloud cover in the afternoon. these showers come through late tomorrow night into the first part of friday. after the showers, gets real windy. so the day will start as mentioned in the 60s and end in the 30s. so friday, a real up and down day, that's for sure. talk about up. these temperatures are amazing at 10:00. 57 degrees in the city. everybody is in the 50s. the lone exception is hagerstown. you had rain come through there and cool you off a little bit. so for tonight, those scattered showers mainly south and also east of the district. maybe an isolated rumble of thunder. our temperature 44, maybe 48 degrees for some of you. not a cold night, that's for sure. 68 looks doable and maybe higher than that, especially south of the city. we'll start with a lot of sunshine, some clouds around tomorrow afternoon. on the five-day forecast, a couple warm days. again, changing on friday from a mild day to a windy and colder day. saturday and sunday only in the 40s, but at least it's mainly upper 40s. by monday, we are starting to tilt toward the low 50s again. >> riding the wave. >> tomorrow is the peek of the wave, so enjoy it. >> thank you. >> feels a lot like spring outside. the perfect weather to get you in the mood for an accura and baseball season. the nationals open up their season on april 5 on the road. the chicago cubs. but before then, spring training. lindsey murphy continues their training now. >> nationals are in florida as we speak for spring training. pitchers and catchers worked out for the first time yesterday while the first full squad workout isn't until saturday. the hopes are high with the return of steven strosberg. while there is plenty of buzz about the season ahead, there is talk of a contract extension for third baseman, ryan zimmerman. has two years left, says he doesn't want to negotiate after friday. workout start saturday and he doesn't want any team distractions. general manager said the extension is a top priority. now from old faces to new ones, lefty pitcher came over to trade from the athletics. he started 0 plus games each of the past two seasons. gonzalez is coming off a career year. a 3.12 e.r.a. he will be beefing up the starting rotation. another new face is right- handed starter. the 28-year-old has been with six teams. he won a ring with the cardinals last season. jackson is signed to a one-year deal. now our very own dave feldman will be out with the nationals in florida. he will have live reports starting tomorrow on the fox 5 news at 5:00. and in case you are wondering, bryce harper came in with one goal. do the nacials feel the same? well, at 19 years old, the team could delay his free agency by a year by signing him to the minors if a month. it will be interesting to hear way they decide to do. screaming kids ruining your night out? not anymore. this restaurant is banning children and it's not alone. >> and on the news edge, clef your smart phone at home. details on this new google creation at 11:00. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza®. ♪ experience love that lasts. ever had dinner at a restaurant disrupted by a screaming loud child? a houston restaurant has come up with a solution. no kids allowed. rita garcia takes a look at this new trend. >> an ounce and a half. >> served up just the way patrons like it. >> this is a first. this is one of a kind. >> fabulous. there are too many restaurants that allow kids. >> we can con figure it in different ways. >> his restaurant is living up to its name. >> vida, which means life in spanish. here you can enjoy your life, i guess you could say. >> without kids or without those under 16. we have neat art on the walls and 16 was mature enough to be able to look at them and not be corrupted. >> i hate turning away people because they made an effort to come here. i try to say, you are more than welcome to order something to go. >> it may seem harsh to some. the owner has received backlash, but to these ladies, it's a happy, happy hour. >> i love my kids, but it's okay to be without them every once in a while. >> it's a great idea. how many times do we go out and let the kids running around? especially in a mexican restaurant? >> it's more of an intimate, private setting. >> why not have a date night with the kids. >> since the place is family owned and operated, he values the idea of kids, just not at his bar. >> i wanted to create a nice place for adults


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