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СМИ: Том Круз встречается с партнершей по фильму "Миссия: невыполнима" Хейли Этвелл

СМИ: Том Круз встречается с партнершей по фильму "Миссия: невыполнима" Хейли Этвелл - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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Том Круз сорвался на коллег на съемках фильма «Миссия невыполнима 7»

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Transcripts For WJLA ABC News Good Morning America 20110712

in 188 years. sister wives fight back. why cody brown and husband his spouts are launching a love bring grade. should they be left alone to practice polygamy? it is a sticky steamy tuesday. all the way from the southwest to right here in the northeast. oppressive heat, humidity, sam will tell us if this heat wave is going to let up any time soon. that heat not doing much for the moods of the debt limit negotiators. markets starting to get spooked, asia, europe, u.s. all falling and i lot i talked to only a real market shock would force a deal. the casey verdict as she prepares to go free this week, as you know, for the first time the jury foreman spokes out on why they acquitted. >> they were o'afraid. john and the news desk. the heat did one thing. that humidity something else entirely. that hot air baking half the count, heat advisories in nearly two dozen states. sam is here with all the details. >> you're right, the heat and humidity that makes it so difficult to cool down. 21 states have those out. 21 will have temperatures above 100 degrees. had did the heat index level. already in memphis feels like it's 98. any time you get into the hot pink shade, your body can shut down if it's out in heat like this. feels like 115. feels like 110 in ni. all the nation's weather is just a minute. josh? >> an ugly looking map. breaking news overnight. the powerful half brother of hamid karzai was assassinated by one of his bone bodyguards. he was an influential political leader but plagued by aeg allegations of corruption. u.s. wants compensation from syria after i demonstration there. protesters stormed the embassy smashing windows and tearing down the u.s. flag. there is a heavy police presence there today. meaeahile, passengers say they felt like they were riding through a fireball after their amtrak train collided with a tractor trailer that happened on the route between boston and portland, the train moving at some 70 miles an hour when it hit the truck, the driver was killed. no one else fortunately hurt. betty ford's funeral will focus on politics and the click that that bears her name, michelle obama, two former first leader and two former presidents are expected to be in attendance. she chose rosalynn carter as one of the speakers. another shocker in the stand just deys after that deadly fall. the all-star home run derby sends balling and ball in and look at this. that's keith carmickle standing on a narrow table reaching for a home run ball and goes completely over the edge. this was the fourth ball he was reaching for and, in fact, it was his brother and some other friends who saved him from a 0-foot fall as the fans at the pool deck underneath looked up and gasped. he was pulled back to safety but it was a horrible bit of circumstance and happensanction, robin. >> we see that at ballparks all the time. strong friends. to that looming economic crisis. one day closer to default that could wreak havoc throughout the economy. he held his second press conference pushing both sides to deal. >> it's not going to get east ser, it'll get harder, so we might as well do it now. pull off the band-aid, eat our peas. now is the time to do it. >> neither side budged at the meeting that followed so let's bring in jake tapper and jon karl from capitol hill. jon, they tried to work on a smaller reduction deal but that didn't go much better. >> reporter: the divide is as deep as ever. they outlined 1.7trillion cuts, not enough but democrats called it completely unacceptable because it included cuts to medicare and no tax revenue increases. steny hoyer said he couldn't get a senior democratic vote for a plan. >> that means that it couldn't pass. courthouse have any idnew ideas >> reporter: they're pushing for the big deal, a lot of pain at one, entitle tks. president obama outlined the plan and said, you can't expect seniors to give up $500 when you went own ask for $5 from people like me. wealthy individuals. >> jon, the leader mitchell mcconnell is looking at a contingency plan which could be a short-term extension. >> reporter: he's tight-lipped about what they mean. they could give him a chance to accept that which he ruled out or one with no tax increases. >> the president very clear on that. >> reporter: he said he's not signing any short-term plans. the debt ceiling needs to be raised until 2013. he will not sign what mcconnell is talking about. >> 2 2 days to go. thank you very much. the republican presidential nomination, kind of shippings to michele bachmann and that is bringing scrutiny ross ron maintained undersaavedra available that bachmann owns about her husband and shows staff trying to turn a gay person straight. this kind of conversion is something that they deny doing. >> these new undercover tapes calls into question what's been happening that is owned by michele bachmann and her husband marcus. the family's principal source of income and gay advocates say they are practicing a discredit to peer pi that can turn homosexuals into heterosexuals. >> reporter: bachma bachmann & associates. they were made by the member of a gay vad troekt si troop. he was asking for feelings to stop thinking of men. >> reporter: he do cure your homosexuality. >> he sid it several times. he's seen it. he believes full sex from homosexual to heterosexual is possible. >> reporter: the treatment, turning to the bible and prayer when homosexual urges struck. >> in terms of hoi god created us we're all heterosexual. >> reporter: such theory is not only infect but effective harmful in thapging that part about them about who they're attracted to which owe danes spontaneous, we have not seen anything to show that changes that. >> reporter: bachmann's house, dr. marcus bachmann who once levered to homosexuals as bar barials. he despeeded reparative therapy. the undercover tape repeats the treat. >> it shows that bachmann associated -- they do reparative theory asked about her news conference, she said shfs noting in michele bachmann were interested in. i'm here to talk about my run for the presidency for the united states. we're proud of all job creator in the united states. >> reporter: in a further statement they said the clinic vows a virginia voight of services but because of patient/doern confidential it cannot come without with this. >> the patient did said he thought the therapy was a caring therapist but did want to change him. to the scandal spreading across media mogul media mu muirdock. jeffrey kofman has the latest and joins us from london. good morning, jeffrey. >> reporter: that has moved to a whole new with today's allegations that not one but three murdoch papers breaking the law, sometimes use hardened criminals to break stories. it was the most personal and private family matter, in 2006 just before gordon brown became britain's prime minister they found their infant son had cystic p cystic fibrosis. >> they would mow me they had this story about fraser's medical condition and told me they would run it. >> reporter: how did that happen? >> in tears. >> another scandal about it. and with it for the first time it is spreading beyond "news of the world." allegations that murdoch's son own the awe dust sunday times look broke the law to get stories. >> i'm wondering if you can help me. that call to a law office who was said to be an accountant working and looking at the financial times looking for some dirt. the questiroyal's reporter cliv goodman asked for carne from andy soleson to buy the green book which contains all the confidential phone numbers of the royal family and their staff. in that e-mail goodman says a proil protection officer has a stolen company and wants $1,600 for it. >> if i was alleged somebody has taken money to disclose telephone numbers and for them and their anyones, it's an appalling breach of security. >> meanwhile a huge murdoch takeover bid has been delayed. many think it's stetd forever. as it deepens there are rumbles that he will roone his three papers including "the times of london." fref very, thaw. tina bound is here with a story in nuclear comparing it to watergate. i'll ask you about that in a moment. couldn't help but notice your article. politicians and the royal family. how big could it go. >> it's spread throughout. not just the news news but clearly now the other newspapers too and in the end, i think that when you loosen all kind of moral controls, the place just ran amok with thihi criminal behavior and it's a terrifying thing. people have been afraid of speaking up. the cops, who were investigating it were told they had stuff their affairs and their expenses so booked off. politicians don't want to take it on ball they thought they would get their expose says in the paper. blackmail life for public life. you had very strong words in your article and you also had full disclcle your his worked for -- >> kwundz the times" and wrong a book about it. >> your article itself you said manufacture dur is endlessly aimous to watch his his talents are only equaled to his -- >> oego. he broke the unions and mob. actually in dedeciding to deal with that but at the tame he has no ethics in the company so in the end in terms of the press conference at the end of the day, you know, the coverage just becomes, you know, as we've soon in this whole disastrous deback ol. >> this comparison in north carolina t to say answer anyone service tet watergate. >> it is not say rupert murdoch knew anything going on inside his newspapers but at the same think i think who maegs places devote, a tull tur of lostness iters of the moral apropose, ultimately the place goes haywire. no one said itself that miles per hour knew she was phonings were going on service so trust spending it was an industrial strength, the de facto of positions who can't bet into the story. the son's a-year-old medical record to -- ow could that be in the public interest to tell meme this child child had dissick fibrosis. >> thena, thaw. we'll turn to a legal crusades that has cody and his wife under the spotlights getting red to di to change the polygamy trials in court. the latest on this. >> reporter: the brown family of "sister wives" which faces four yies adults and 16 children and tomorrow they will file a lawsuit charging the anti-politician si statute. they went public with it when it bay buts in 2010. i interviewed before them. >> can you get this legal trouble now that you're in public. >> there's a risk. >> hour enough local thoftsauths ordered they were going to do that. they were still concerning concerned. you could in a swors says from you ten afry the testimonily. are you these thing you keep worrying about hefkous. >> i keep keeping high hurd in moy chest. >> i grew up who i was. and not being able to claim who my father was. >> you can't would say dad is. >> there's very prou of him. >> you don't want your kids to that that problem because he's a great sglie their high-piered turn says we believe that this case represents the longest challenge of political ever file in the courts. this does not recommend state lem race. they just want to be able to live freely without fear of attest. sam, steamy weather out. >> what it's worse tan thaad yesterday. here are the highs, femme is, 102, new york city, 104 and where they roll. yesterday the testifiette power out tlooj thunderstorms about a million without people and those will be light supply to the south from lexan to go toal he. 83 degrees and a heat advisory is set to go into y noon with the heat index trading around 100-105 degrees. a few showers and thunderstorms will pop up later this afternoon forwe're not looking organized. 95-100 for actual air temperatures and tonight will the 70's and tomorrow quite as hot or humid with temperatures so what good is eating healthy if you can't splurge in the summier that's the attitude of first lady michelle obama famous for her let's move campaign. she let go at d.c.'s best burger joint and abc's sharyn alfonsi was counting the calories. ♪ >> reporter: she is the first lady of fitness. >> let's get moving. >> reporter: encouraging all of us had step up and away from the supersize. a champion for child nutrition. we have to start making choices. >> to have not vandy every day. >> reporter: she's admitted she's only human. my whole favorite food in the world are french fries. >> reporter: yesterday she indulged. stepping into the newly opened burger stand shake steak. they shot cell phone picks, a diet coke, total damage, 1,700 calories. >> one cheeseburger and fries for me. >> she's not the only one. >> you put french fries on top and we can't tell the first lady although she'd probably like them. >> hundreds will argue whether her lunch is a scandal but for the rest of us who has fallen to the lohr of a greasy burger more than once, certainly not. >> this is not a scandal. it all lie looks great. >> sam takes me there all the time. stay away, sam. stay away. more of jaycee dugard's incredible journey when we come back. >> really good. it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attackck , which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or 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30-capsule trial offer. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. 7:26morning to you at this tuesday, july 12. we begin by checking on the commute with lisa baden. if you are getting ready to on 66 eastbound before the beltway, there is a stalled car blocking the right lane. 95 started out rocky but we're to a normal backup in woodbridge. i-395 northbound leading duke pentagon and the the 14th street is a little bit of evidence flow this morning into the district. traffic in maryland, everything clarksburg where they had the gas main break last night and southbound to 70 are from shady grove road. advisory starts at noon includes the district, arlington, alexandria, princeery county and all the areas shaded in orange. it will still be a very, very day, 95-100 will be the heat index and will feel like 100-105 degrees. cooler overnight falling into the 70's and tomorrow just 90 degrees and slightly lower humidity. maryland state police have after anert was abducted in last police say two men kidnapped the boy and put a miniature trunk of a car. picture and authorities believe the suspects driving a newer model light taurus with maryland plates. we will be back with another at 7:56. for continuous news coverage, at 7:56. for continuous news coverage, tune in to n announcer: when your eyes are smiling, you're smiling. be kind to your eyes with transitions lenses. transitions adapt to changing light so you see your whole day comfortably and conveniently while protecting your eyes from the sun. ask your eyecare professional which transitions lenses are right for you. transitions lenses are available at an america's best location near you. i hate to point fingers and blame, but there were some oversights that really stick out. >> so many millions of you responded to the story of jaycee dugard inspiring remarkable, just a portrait of resilience and strength. and as we said, you are responding to in this morning. millions watched and sent messages to abc news. a lot more including details on how she's embracing life now. >> she has her book, out today "a stolen life" so we'll have more. more from the jury in the casey anthony case. now the foreman is speaking out about how he felt about the not guilty verdict. what he says about whether he thinks she is innocent. >> you've heard that from the jurors. a big difference between not guilty and innocent. this is a stun story. one daring marine goes on youtube fushed by just continue timber lake and gets a date with one of the hottest stars on the planet, mila kunis. >> ask and you shall receive. >> every once in a while. we begin with exclusive new details from never before seen portions of diane sawyer's emotional interview with jaycee dugard. over 15 million viewers gripped by sunday's incredible prime time event. so many more joining us online. jaycee struck an emotional chord with so many who have gotten in touch with us. >> we want to thank all of you who gathered to watch her story. >> the broadcast lit up the internet. twit they are morning still afire with tweets including dozens of celebrities and newsmakers. oprah tweeted "don't we love jaycee's resilience. she is remarkable" and a tweet from alyssa milano" who first name jaycee took for 18 years because in captivity she loved seeing her on "who's the boss?" she told diane for all that time it was too painful to say or write down her own name. alyssa's tweet "your strength and grace are such an inspiration." in her new book "a stolen life" it's clear she had a strength few of us could imagine living in captivity, she writes about her first reel exposure to the outside world. her captors phillip and nancy garrido took her to a trailer in another neighborhood. she was 14 and pregnant. >> i don't know how many months i was pregnant, but came in at night and said we had to go, cops are in the neighborhood and we're going to go for a drive. >> is this the first time you've been, what, outside off the property. >> uh-huh, off the property. >> and you write one of your shocks is that you have a real thing with water. >> we get to the trailer. that was -- yeah, hasn't had a toilet for -- well, that was about three years by then. >> for the rest of her 18 years in the life the garridos gave her she and her girls were kept in this backyard compound of shacks, tents and buildings. diane showed jaycee google earth photos and how the compound though hidden was really in plain sight. >> it seems impossible now that no one knew you were there. >> doesn't it? >> impossible. >> i know. it sure does. looking at it, you would think that you would even think that, you know, the authorities would know that he has more land than he did. you know, i mean, i hate to point fingers and blame, but there were some oversights that really stick out. i mean, i don't know. it seems impossible that this could happen, but yet it did. >> what gives a person the strength to endure the unimaginable and find the light when the dark curtain of captivity is lifted? for jaycee, it's family held tight and the power of best friends in this case a reunion with her bff from fifth grade, jesse. >> you found jesse. >> yes, i did. she's my best friend ever. i don't know what i'd do without her. i went to her wedding. she got married and i got to spend that moment of the lifetime with her, you know. >> but you never forgot. >> no, i never forgot her. no. so many people you just don't forget. >> okay. i got chills for the upteenth time. you can see an encore presentation of diane's exclusive interview with jaycee this saturday at 9:00, 8:00 central and head to our website to watch the full special there. >> i'm sure a lot of people will tune in. new warnings for all you parents taking kids to the amusement parks. one deadly accident are leading officials to take a new tough look at roller coaster safety. yunji de nies is here with more. >> reporter: good morning, george. you know, roller coasters are synonymous with summer. after two back-to-back incidents including one fatal some question whether these rides are worth the risk. they are a summer staple for thrill seekers, there's nothing like a roller coaster's speed and intensity. but all that adrenaline came to a halt in arlington, texas, over the weekend when operators had to shut down the newly renovated nbc giant at six flags. riders were stranded at the peak, 14 stories high for 30 minutes. they had to carefully scale down an emergency stairway to safety. >> we were going to ride it again but i don't want to because it stopped. >> reporter: just two days earlier another incident with a tragic outcome. 29-year-old sergeant james heckimer who lost both legs in the iraq war was thrown from the ride of steel at the darien lake theme park. >> descending from one of the hills he became dislodged and fell to the ground. >> the father of two died and investigators say he was wearing a lap belt and have not found any obvious mechanical problems. >> i know when this happened he was having a great time. >> darien lake said "our thoughts and prayers are with the friends and family of guests." no one commented about why he was allowed to get on. experts warn with intense speeds, you can get hurt without realizing it. >> they feel sometimes nausea. they feel headache. they feel what they've deemed to be muscular pain when they go home and wake up i can't tell you the number of times i've read they can barely get out of bed. >> reporter: the amusement park industry counters they're rare and the chance of getting hurt on a roller coaster is less than 1 in a million. for those who do get injured or worse, the short thrills hardly seem worth the ride. now, surprisingly there are no federal standards when it comes to regulating roller coast terse so before you head out, do your homework. most parks have their record as valuable online. george and robin, something worth the read. >> wow, i am surprised no federal regulations. time for weather and sam. >> we'll talk heat again because we've got so much in the country. half a dozen record highs yesterday. these are the cities we think will feature records, raleigh, washington, you're all beating your all-time temperature. cooler air from the lakes into new england. minneapolis down on the temperatures, new york city will get down by wednesday, washington, thursday, powerful thunderstorms moved through yesterday. here's where the storms settled during the day. lower in the middle of country wherever they bottom out. they really won't break the heat in the south. in the south, hang on. this is going to daytimedegrees for highs and this afternoon and -- index around 100-105 and advisory goes into effect until 8:00 >> all of that was brought to you by angie's list. >> from judging casey to being judged, the jury in the case under fire. now the jury foreman is breaking his silence. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. if you have 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[ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. good job girls. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about at you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feelininclean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft & strong. stronger than the leading rippled brand. for a confident clean. this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. build your better breakfast today. we are hearing more from the jury who decided casey anthony should go free. the foreman is speaking out. he asked not to be named but described feeling disgust as he read last week's not guilty verdict and ashleigh banfield hass more. they emphasized the difference between not guilty and innocence. >> big difference. i think that's where people are going off the rails and thought for eight weeks listening to evidence and witnesses and trying to apply a complex law to have complex case. but now they're fearing for their lives and for their safety after giving all that of their own lives and they're having to explain why they reached the verdict that they did. >> we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> this court is in recess. >> reporter: a week since casey anthony's stunning acquittal. many can't believe the jury let her go. >> a lot of gray area and speculation. how caylee got in. i can't tell you how or who. but ultimately the body ended up there. >> the foreman withheld his identity as he talked to greta van susteren on fox news. >> when the defense got up, they started throwing out things we did not know and where it hit us. it was shocking. >> reporter: since their controversial verdict, the jury has come under fire. >> all: caylee, caylee, caylee. they're wrong. guilty. >> reporter: but how was it they couldn't even convict her of manslaughter? >> we don't know the cause of death. that was one of the major issues we had. >> reporter: in fact the final words of their instructions included the negligent act must have been committed with an utter disregard for the safety of others. but several jurors have said they just weren't given hard evidence of that. >> all: justice for caylee. >> reporter: passions rage on both sides. this one was arrested after a brawl and this pennsylvania man who shares the same name as casey anthony has been threatened. >> there's jekylls out there calling for her blood threatening the jury and threatening the lawyers and everybody. not a safe place for casey to be. >> reporter: five days and counting until her release into the storm of public outrage from those still seeking justice. still a war going on, the media and court. all to get evidence unsealed. particularly that jailhouse video of the moment she found out that a child's body had been found near her home. reportedly she began to hyperventilate. it was suppressed at trial just a little foo inflammatory and they think we should be able to see that i'm not sure that it tells us anything. >> doesn't get you any further toward cause of death. >> if she's guilty it would be frightening. >> thanks very much. when we come back, how would you like justin timberlake get you a dream date? 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"around the watercooler." a different kind of daring from a u.s. marine serving on the front lines. he was in the 2nd marines and posted a youtube but has over 400,000 hits asking mila kunis to be his date at a marine corps this autumn. let's look at his mod debt proposal. >> i just want to take a moment out of my day, november 18th, greenville, north carolina with yours truly. take a second, think about it. get back to me. >> think about it. >> there we go. >> mila co-starring in "friends with benefits," justin timberlake decided to match make. >> inkrivited you to go to the balance. >> do it for your country. >> what? >> i have one comment for you. this needs to go down. do it for your country. >> i'll do it for you. >> do it for your country. so she's going to go. she tried to get justin to go. he said, they don't want to see me. >> good job, marines. >> friends with benefits. [ male announcer ] this is larry... whose long day starts with arthritis pain... and a choice. take tylenol arthritis and maybe up to six in a day... or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. happy chopping. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about at you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feelininclean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft & strong. stronger than the leading rippled brand. for a confident clean. this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. build your better breakfast today. it's a cloud of depression. and although you've been on an antidepressant for at least six weeks, you're frustrated that your depressive symptoms are still with you. seroquel xr, when added to an antidepressant, is approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder. for many, taking seroquel xr with an antidepressant was proven more effective than an antidepressant alone for treating unresolved symptoms of depression. talk to your doctor about seroquel xr. then visit for a free trial offer. call your doctor if you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children,teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients taking seroquel xr have an increased risk of death. call your doctor if you have fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be signs of a life-threatening reaction or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these could become permanent. high blood sugar has been reported with seroquel xr and medicines like it and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. your doctor should check for cataracts. other risks include decreases in white blood cells, which can be fatal, seizures, increased cholesterol, weight gain, dizziness on standing, drowsiness,impaired judgment, and trouble swallowing. use caution before driving or operating machinery. for more help putting distance between you and your depression, ask your doctor about adding seroquel xr. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. is 7:56 on this tuesday, july 12. let's get started by looking at the roads with lisa baden. clarksburg, everything is on 270 andough eastbound only one lane is blocked. virginia has a crash eastbound on 66 mig-29/centreville. picturese you live to expect when what to you hit the road. d70 from shadid falls roa -- to take the falls road -- we are looking at a heat go into effect at noon and includes the district counties and we see heat index readings around 100-105 degrees. it will be a scorcher out there. 100-degree temperatures are not question period 88-93 with a few isolated thunderstorms. temperatures will cool down very thursday and friday and the best and most comfortable days of the upcoming be ind temperatures will mid 80's with low humidity. to are still repairing a gas line that forced authorities to shut down part of in clarksburg yesterday. construction crews hit the line yesterday and drivers were cars duringheir time. with anotherck update at 8:27at [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good. [ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. ok. [ chuckles ] best of three? sure. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. [ scoffs ] one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own bbq pulled pork sub at subway®. tender, slow-cooked pork with irresistibly bold barbecue sauce. subway. eat fresh®. ♪ baby, baby, baby oh baby baby, baby oh ♪ >> thank you. when you bring home baby. the stork has been delivering very expensive extras for some moms, it's a trend that's been around but now going to the extreme, not everyone is on board with this. and, boy, bianna golodryga is going to bring us the piece later. >> for all of you fathers, don't belie a word of it. not true. >> what did she say you gave her? >> a kiss on the forehead which i'm sure i did. >> added bonus. >> interrogation i was getting from lara. >> i know. >> i got news for you -- >> i was fearing for you today, george, i'm like there's no way you're going to win this. >> you know what i love about my life. i didn't know about that exchange until this morning when bianna came in. >> you didn't know that's going on all day long. >> that's the best parar about knowing george now is, hey, george, i had no idea about the clamming. it's everything. it's great. >> talking about bree. she just won miss south carolina after losing over 100 pounds on her way to the win. she'll tell us how she dit. this is just an incredible transformation. >> lovely inside and out. >> inspirational story. also coming up, the princess in prison. new details on what is going on with monaco's new royal couple. why the honeymoon may be over before it started. on why the couple was miles apart just after saying "i do." very romantic. apparently they didn't. >> i know. >> that would be. >> not a part of your task. >> i'm here on the safe island. >> oh, no, you're not. >> that's s obably true. that would be enough out of you. we begin with that continuous blast of stifling hot air baking virtually half the country. heat advisories issued for two dozen states. temps in many cities hitting triple digits like ft. smith, arkansas, where it felt like 120 degrees. sam will have much more in moments. meanwhile, being trapped in a car when temperatures are this high can be fatal and especially for young chchdren. there have been 20 such deaths already this year. but as consumer correspondent elisabeth leamy explains it's not always because their cars left them in the cars. >> reporter: oklahoma last week, an 8-year-old boy is exploring the 1998 chevy cavalier his parents just bought when he gets stuck in the trunk and dies in the heat. >> i understand kids' curiosity not being able to understand the concept. >> reporter: indiana last month two brothers climb into the trunk of their mom's 2000 malibu and die. jeanette fennel of kids and cars says she feels ill every time she hears about a new case. >> i felt why didn't i push harder? why didn't i just absolutely not stop? >> reporter: because kids and cars has repeatedly called on general motors to recall its older vehicles and install trunk safety releases that allow people inside to escape. i'm going to climb in to the trunk of this car to show you how. starting in 2002 all cars were required to have a glow in the dark safety release inside the trunk. all you do is pull the latch and the trunk opens. fennel says no one has ever died in the trunk of a newer vehicle that has a safety release. >> those children, i feel very certain, would be alive today if there had been a trunk release in that vehicle. >> reporter: gm makes more cars than any other company so accidents are bound to happen in its vehicles. in a statement, gm put the responsibility back on parents saying it has worked to alert parents and caregivers to the dangers of leaving children unattended in or around vehicles. we asked if gm plans to issue a recall and the answer was no. for "good morning america," elisabeth leamy, abc news, washington. for more trunk safety tips go to our website, meanwhile, the showdown over raising the national debt ceiling has dragged into yet another day. president obama and congressional leadership will huddle at the white house again after monday's meeting showed no progress. the president made it clear that a short-term extension is out of the question and republicans are still not budging on their opposition to tax hikes. now here's our diane sawyer with a preview of "made in america" segment. >> gosh, good morning to you. our "made in america" team is at it creating more jobs on u.s. soil. that is our goal. and tonight we show you how a lot of people are taking the challenge. what's the one thing you know entirely made in america that everybody will want to buy? tell them bit. take the challenge tonight on "world news." >> thank you, diane. finally, a free show for commuters in new york. although it was the performer who had to pay a bit of a price. an aerial scaled the williamsburg bridge last night then wowed the crowd. it was an acrobatic act some 300 feet above traffic and the earth. when she came down she was promptly arrested along with an accomplice. she said it to face her fears.s. my fear of height something matched by my fear of prison so i don't know that i would be -- >> there's a push there. >> a future cirque du soleil. >> all right, josh. the heat, are you feeling the heat? must be lara's heat index over there at the big board. >> that's right, guys, to it. time to let you know what's happening in pop news, what's hot, very hot and maybe not so hot. let's start right up here. and this is the flying car. how fabulous would that be here in new york city or next weekend in l.a. when the 405 is closed. george and judy jetson eat your heart out created by a massachusetts company, the transition is a small one until it lands then the wings fold up. you can drive right off the runway. it's a long way from being accessible to the masses. only holds two adult passengers and costs $250,000 but we thought just the idea was a nice way to start your day here at "good morning america." all right, let's get on to the next story. and here we go. how great would this be? being able to tweet your way into a university. prospective students at the university of iowa's mba program can win a discrepancy worth $37,000 by explaining what makes them special in 140 characters or less. the university is asking candidates to treat instead of write it in an attempt to have em get to it. where was this when we were applying to college? all right. this is great. this outrageous video making the rounds on youtube, the kitten versus the apples. a word of warning, watch out for the green one. take a look. careful. be very careful. one more. under this feline versus fruit blockbuster. still a nail biter. i'm pretty sure the applen the middle has a stem and he's not afraid to use it. finally, talking about this, in the hello, the honeymoon may be over before itit er really started. we've all seen that unenthusiastic kiss at the royal wedding. now there are several reports saying princess charlene and prince albert were ten mile as part on their honeymoon staying in different hotels. news he has to take a dna test as part of a possible multi-million dollar paternity suit probably didn't set the mood. there are reports that 33-year-old a former olympic swimmer tried to escape three times before their high-profile wedding on july 2nd. maybe they should double date with kate and william to get in the mood. i don't know. it's not working. >> ten miles apart. >> yeah. >> not good. >> really? not good. that's a break in news. >> a clue. >> some weather. >> breaking news, guys. i think there was just a breeee. wait a minute. where are you from? >> macon, georgia. >> the entire town here? >> we've got 33 students from macon, georgia. >> you guys have been here all morning long. one or two things going on this morning. made their signs. let they show them. drought and a drought that's so serious cha climatologists are now saying it is beat the drought or right on par with the drought in the '50s and may beat the dust bowl all across the deep south including every state in the gulf well into texas and may have the worst of it. here's where the heat is roaring and this doesn't help the drought situation at all. 100 in memphis. who was on the fine just now? no, no, who were you talking to? >> i was talking to family. >> tell them you were on "gma" right now. on the phone. on the phone. 95-100 degrees is the projected daytime high with a go into effecto with a heat index that as 105 degrees later this afternoon. some relief from the heat and overnight and theeratures will fall into l be hot tomorrow wil today with as highs of for 80's. here's a quick look at the extended outlook. tfrjts may have been the only official breeze. lara? >> thank you, sam. here's a look as what's ahead. she lost 110 pounds to make her dream come true. the newly crowned and newly slim miss south carolina. push presents. something sparkling to a new mother. some bling. and one of the sexiest singers, chris young performs live for us on "gma." ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil. go to [ dramatic soundtrack plays ] whoa! man: what is that? i don't know, but it burns! it's like fire. woman: ow, ow! i can't see. man: it's singeing me! it's the sun. get out of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos. pair a texas toast half sandwich with fries and super salad every weekday. ♪ chili's lunch break combos ♪ sure, but let me get a little information first. for broccoli, say one. for toys, say two. toys ! the system can't process your response at this time. what ? please call back between 8 and 5 central standard time. he's in control. goodbye. even kids know it's wrong to give someone the run around. at ally bank you never have to deal with an endless automated system. you can talk to a real person 24/7. it's just the right thing to do. a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. we have an inspiring weight loss story for you right now. 22-year-old bree boyce used to weigh 234 pounds, wore a size 18 but after losing more than 100 pounds, she did more than just celebrate, you know what she did, she won the miss south carolina pageant. >> capital city, bree boyce. >> for bree boyce becoming miss south carolina is more than a crown but to inspire others to live healthier lives. >> it's so important to have a role model who can really share a personal story. i've lost 112 pounds and i can -- >> this was bree before and here she is now. the 22-year-old beauty lost a dramatic 112 pounds over the course of three years before being crowned miss south carolina earlier this month. ♪ >> she wowed the audience during the talent portion. and for a girl who says she never liked going to the pool as a child winning the swimsuit round was super sweet. she has struggled with her weight since 8 trying and failing at every diet imaginable. by 17 she tipped the scales at 234 pounds. severe knee problems brought her to a doctor who told bree she had to lose the weight. so the future beauty queen decided to meet with a nutritionist and started heating healthy. getting regular exercise, waking up at 5:30 every morning to run. she now says she wants to help educate others. ♪ >> and she just may be able to do that for miss america when she competes for that crown in january. what a story. so what do you say? let's bring out miss south carolina, bree boyce right now. all hail the queen. you look beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> you always have. please have a seat. >> thanks. >> thanks for making time for us. i know you're busy. >> i'm excited to be here. >> you have that southern charm. >> yes, definitely bringing that to new york. >> we love it. now, you lost weight, bree the old-fashioned way. >> the old-fashioned way. >> healthy choices and exercise. >> exactly. >> tell us about the other things that you tried to do and they just didn't work for you. >> well, whenever i was younger there were all the yo-yo diets that the fad diets that everyone wanted to try and i originally started on an atkins type diet which was cutting out all carbs and found out quickly you could lose the weight but you couldn't keep it off because we're only human and we enjoy carbs. and so my whole thing is about finding things that you like that are healthy but we're going to want to splurge every now and again. so it's definitely about moderation and portion control. >> mrs. obama who i know you hope to work with one day with the obesity campaign. she, we were talking about earlier this morning, people are a little upset with her, some people about the fact that she consumed 1,700 calories at a burger place. >> my thing is she may be first lady and she may be promoting let's move but as i said we're all human and we enjoy forward and it's just part of our nature. who knows she probably worked it off right after she ate it. >> kept moving. >> yeah, she kept moving. >> you know, when thinking with beauty pageants, you when you were a little tyke were up until the age of 7 proved. what happened. >> i started gradually gaining weight more and more so my sister started to compete. she taught me poise and confidence. >> you never gave up on your dreams. >> i never did. >> some think some of the contestants may not be making the healthiest choices. have you been able to inspire them? >> a awe girls after they won said, if anyone deserved this, you did. you worked very hard at this and there's so many stereotype, girls who starve themselves two weeks before the ppth which is so unhealthy and that is the message i want to get out is that we can beat healthy pageant girls and we can get up and be pretty but it's about living a daily life that is just healthy and then whenever you get up on stage it's going to show. you don't have to do the two-week crash diet. >> no. >> completely unhealthy. i do not support that at all. >>obligatory. put up the pants. this is what you once wore. >> my pair of jeans, size 18. >> how as your life, bree, changed? >> it has changed so much and to hold up these pair of jeans is -- i hold them up with pride because no one did this but me and it was through hard work and determination and perseverance and i'm just so happy to say i did it for no one else but myself. >> that's the important thing. didn't do it because you could wear this crown which is gorgeous by the way. >> yes. >> that was a by-product. >> that was just -- >> the outcome. i started off losing weight and then after seeing my sister compete for so many years and seeing the scholarship opportunities, i received $23,000 worth of scholarships from this organization. that's going to let me further my education but i wanted to have something to give me a microphone for my platform. >> and it is. >> eating healthy and fighting obesity. >> good luck, miss america. >> miss south carolina. >> give us a note for us ♪ >> you have it, bree boyce. when the earring came off, you didn't even given. >> you have to keep going. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> george? >> wow, that was some note. i'm over here with bianna. we're here to talk about the new trend for new moms. >> push presents. i talked to your wife ally on twitter. i had your back when she said y she got a kiss on the forehead. there is no expense too big for some for rewarding their wives for having a baby. >> i want the epidural. >> labor pains, it brings out the not so bless apartment side of women. >> and push. >> reporter: and for her trouble some husbands are taking the traditional gift for mom to a whole new level. >> so when you produce that child you get a push present. it's genius. >> reporter: with some big-time bling. stylist to the stars racial zoe has this. her husband got her a $250,000 neil lane 10 carat diamond ring and just two months ago nick cannon bought maria carry this pink diamond and sapphire necklace. these posh push gifts are equally prevalent. take vicki steinberg. >> first time i heard of the word push present, i was the last one to have my child so i heard it being passed around and seen the evidence, my friends' push presents. >> she was gifted this bracelet for the birth of her 4-year-old son. >> it's an item that you receive, gift you receive and pass it on. >> reporter: but for husband ira, the concept was foreign. sure, he was sympathetic about the nine grueling months of pregnancy but diamonds for a baby? tell us your reaction the first time your wife mentioned push present to you. >> i didn't know what she was talking about. the birthing process is not the easiest process. nine months of pregnancy and reward for going through that. >> reporter: i wanted to see what one could expect in return for that and went to harry winston to scope out the jewels where men pays millions for these. how popular has the concept of a push present become. >> it's really popular. one of the most significant milestones in a couple's life. >> this is huge. tell us about this stone. >> a fancy vivid yellow diamond, the rarest of them. one of the largest. it's just over 67 carats. >> this could be a weapon. you've never sold something like this as a push gift. >> absolutely. >> reporter: while plenty of moms love that perk others think these high-end gifts undermining the husband's role and responsibility. >> it implies the woman is doing all the work and the man is kind of flits in and out and gives her a material item. good job, honey and leaves again. there's an equality that's missing. >> reporter: what do you say to those who say this is a snob by sort of elitist thing to do. the baby should be gift enough. >> i believe that, as well but i don't believe a push present is trying to challenge that idea. it just enhances the entire experience of giving birth. >> reporter: vicki is expecting a second child and is hopeful for a second push present. >> i'd like to continue the stones around my finger to complete the ring, to complete the family. >> reporter: for sasha even after two kids she thinks a gift for both her and her husband would be more appropriate. >> i view it as something you do together. there's sacrifice for the man is. >> reporter: at harry winston's, i got to try on the more extraordinary examples of this bling for baby. thigh matching ring. >> now, let's see, i'm counting -- >> ten babies later. >> five babies. >> good work. >> wow. >> reporter: incredible indeed. a satisfying token for putting up with the labor of expanding a family. >> no. >> the next contraction. >> reporter: for a lot of these mom they pass on the jewelry to their sons or daughter-in-laws and for the men we spoke to he said he got his daughter -- his daughter's birth a pink sapphire and for his son's birth he gave his wife a blue sapphire. >> i think your husband will have to pay attention. that yellow diamond was fascinating. >> they just sold one for 20 carats to a man. >> okay. you can catch up, peter. we'll be right back. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. o you, i amning t at 8:27.pson a check on traffic. wreckok, it is a huge car that happened on 270 southbound. is before 370. they are trying to move everyone on the shoulder. there is not much happening out n to get into gaithersburg. to get onto 270 south 370. in virginia, a little bit of slow traffic under the word 'live'. those delays at a spring bill off and on to the pentagon and we are open across the 14th street bridge. eastbound 66 doesn't accident along the way. on the shoulder. it is only going to heat up more as it moves through the morning and afternoon hours. a heat advisory goes into at noon for the district counties,nding everything shaded in orange. the heat index will reach 100- actual air with 95-100 whichs or break records at local airports. temperatures fall into the 70's in a chance for a few showers and isolated storms tomorrow and a bit cooler and humid, a great day to head to the beach. county montgomery voteil is expected to .oday and a partial smoking ban smoking would be banned in multi-familyof homes such as apartment or town house developments. to ban would also apply playgrounds. update have another news at 8:56. for continuous news coverage, girl. ♪ i never knew about love, i never had a clue ♪ ♪ i never found anything that made me feel like i do ♪ like you ♪ [ applause ] >> that is chris young. >> country music star. has a brand-new album out called "neon." omorrow" has already gonee gold. he said hi, mom. he's a good boy. >> why so many more women are strapping on the skates and i'm getting it on in the rink. roller derby is back and i for one could not be happier. >> i loved roller derby when i was young. got the advance team for "captain america." show us those shields n a few minutes chris evans will be here himself. a sneak peek at the blockbuster movie and all of you at home how you can win tickets to the premiere in hollywood by linking to us on facebook. >> really. >> also, get ready to turn hot dogs into a top chef masterpiece. it does not get better than this. a fan favorite. ♪ >> before we get to at, josh, you were just talking about big back in the '60s, '70s, roller derby. you can get that and the stars this time, they're all women. abc's ryan owens reports on the return -- oh, ouch, of roller derby. >> reporter: if these women look like hell on wheels, they are. >> what do you say, fans. >> reporter: you are in austin, texas, the capital of the lone star state and the cradle of modern-day roller derby civilization. yes, ready or not, roller derby is back and it's all grown up. >> here they are. you love them, ladies and gentlemen. >> reporter: meet margaret backler. ♪ >> reporter: by day a mild mannered math and science teacher. so beloved by her students she was voted teacher of the year. >> okay, we'll do it. >> reporter: a wife and mother of two. but by night -- >> i like knocking people down. >> reporter: she is olivia "shootin'" john so how did this young mother go from teaching trigonometry to kids to body checking grown women? >> one of the girlfriends i played soccer with said she wanted to try out and i thought, well, i'll go yous with a supporter and -- >> reporter: you didn't know what it was? >> i had no clue. i didn't find out until five months later, even what the game looked like. >> reporter: each at a skater called the jammer who gets points by passing other skaters called blockers doing their best to knock her down. they go around and around like this for an hour. you don't worry about getting hurt. >> i don't. i think i worry more about hurting other people with my over the top play. >> reporter: remind me to stay off the track when you're around. the sport is so popular it has a the derby brats, a new generation derby fans hope will ensure this sport doesn't disappear again. >> if your daughter wants to play roller derby, you should be like, yes, that is strong women. awesome. >> reporter: for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, austin, texas. >> oh, my. you'll see much more of this story tonight on "nightline." to sam. with the weather. >> hello, robin roberts. right here in "gma's" backyard of times square. by the way, robin, who wins the coolest haircut of the day award? chase does. where are you from? >> sandusky, ohio. >> by the way, that is the coolest haircut of the day. i show want this haircut. i don't know. to the boards, so many things going on. our twitter and facebook pictures were alive on ways to keep cool. my favorite may be headed to the mountains. allegany state park is cool. another cool spot, into the northwest, sometimes happens, the west coast is kind of the opposite weather pattern of what's going on in the rest of the nation. with this dip you'll see temperatures in the 60s and 70s. another cool spot, fly to seattle. enjoy the cool temperatures. gearing up for a heated by azeri in the noontime hour tonight, 95-100 degrees and they heat index will read 100-105. >> we are live in times square. all that weather was grout to you by at&t. oh, lara. >> hello, sam. a reasoso i'm surrounded by thee mini avengers. hi, we are with the one, the only captain america. chris evans is here playing captain america in the new film. he is no stranger to playing superheroes. who were you last time? >> johnny in "the fantastic four." >> is it tough t t play these iconic characters. >> yes, double-edged sword. a lot of pressure. you want to make sure you want to keep them happy but they're still in the audience, you know, so it's great we have them. >> how did you like that costume? >> you know, it's not the most comfortable thing in the world but it lends itself to portraying the character. >> absolutely. we want to take a look at a clip from the film. you play steve rogers, a character developed in the early 1940s and you're kind of the rereaurantny guy that wants to join the army and help in the war effort. let's take a look. ♪ >> yeah. >> i think we did it. >> how do you feel? >> taller.r. >> i know she wants to know how you feel. i can tell you how you look. nothing scrawny about that you had to made to get look smaller. >> it was amazing what they did. it's mostly my body just shrunk down and really is just some of the best special effects. look at that. it wasn't too foreign to me. i looked like that until i was 17. >> we find that hard to believe. you can check out "captain america," the first avenger when it opens. thank you so much for stopping by. guy, are you excited? [ cheers ] >> check him out july 22nd when the film opens. it's going to be big. this is also really big. one lucky "gma" viewer and fair family can see chris evans and the movie before anybody else. win a trip for four in hollywood with the entire cast of the movie. who is that hottie you were with in that scene? >> that was haley atwell. she is a beauty. >> all you need to do is go to and like the "gma" page. make sure you like us. we know you do already because you're watching. you'll be entered into the sweepstakes. you need to get going. contest is on right now. it ends thursday at 3:00 p.m. eastern and we cannot wait to see your new film. you play a mean -- well a nice -- >> good guy. >> mean in a good way. thank you, chris. coming up richard b bze and some high-end hot dogs. will you stick around? who doesn't love a sloppy chili dog? we're here with richard blais, a chili dog like you've never ever seen before. i used to make chili dogs at my uncle's diner in charleston, west virginia. >> now i'm a little nervous. i'm getting ready to open up a restaurant called haute dog. we'll start on our grill, all right. and back here, of course, we have our kosher shot dogs. anything we do -- it's better in herbs and garlic and a lot of spices. i call this the butter jacuzzi. the jacuzzi of flavor. if you griri sometimes things can dry out. taking our dog and hanging out in that bath of flavor. there's our dog -- basil and thyme but, honestly, it can be anything you want. you need a bun so up here a new england-style hot dog bun. it's the best type of bun. honestly we can sear the sides of it. grilled cheese tastes better than a cheese sandwich. getting that reaction, the flavor of the browning of meat or the protein and flour so we'll use th bun, a hot dog hanging out in our flavored jacuzzi and, of course, we need our chili. here we have our chili. the thing about the chili, throw it together in a couple of minutes like a 20-minute recipe. ground beef, a little bit o chopped brisket and ketchup, mustard, molasses, gives a savory touch. >> i'm going to get in there. >> the key to this is the spice blend -- pardon me reach. this is a coffee barbecue spice blend. i'll add a little more to my chili. that's sort of amazing stuff. >> ooh, nice. >> coffee, cayenne, a little chili powder and another ingredient that is a spice blend. that's our chili then we have onions, onions to cut through the salt and the sweetness of the chili s these are some vie dalia onions we pickled with treasurertumeric. i love this for a quick pickle because rice wine vinegar has a little sugar in it because there's sugar in it we can make a quick pickle. pickled onions and dogs and now we have to dress it up. get the chili going and put it in the bottom of the bun. >> that's at the bottom, i like it. >> fun to get sugar in the dough like a brioche dough and cut through the salt that's in the dog, you know. >> all right. >> we'll bring over our dog that's been hanging out in our flavored jacuzzi. >> top it with a little bit of these pickled onions or a lot of the pickled onions. we got a little cilantro. of course, the kicker, the pepper jack foam, okay. >> peppepe jack foam. >> right on top right there. >> a modern interpretation of the chili cheese dog. >> we've run out of time. all the recipes, potato salad on our website rich blaze, tested them out. >> i'm a geeky fan boy. >> invention is yours. we got "people" magazine named this country singer one of country music's hottest guys. i know they were talking about his look, but his career is on fire too. grammy nominee's new record drops today, it's called "neon." first single has gone gold. you're going to sing that but we're going to chitchat. >> you just ran up the stairs. >> magic of tv. >> every time, congratulations. >> thank you. i'm really excited. thth is my first knew musicic i three years. we had three number one singles off the last album. going into a new record you freak out for the first single and want it to make an impact and had this is the first time i had a single go gold before the record came out. >> this is a new look for you. >> because i'm going without the hat. >> the hat is gone. >> well -- >> dropped a few l b's. >> a little bit. see, i'm not looking good there in that suit. i don't know what's going on right there. >> but you're on tour. >> we are on tour with jason and just started with him and did some stuff with rascal flatts and just been real lucky to be on the tours that we hooked up with. everybody has treated us real well and the catering is good. we've always gotten people with good food. >> you stay lucky but, boy, you are so talented. glad you're with us. you can see him and his new cd "neon" on sale today. let's hear "tomorrow" already gone gold. here is chris young. ♪ tomorrow i'm gonna leave here ♪ ♪ i'm gonna let you go and walk away like every day i said i would ♪ ♪ and tomorrow i'm gonna listen to that voice of reason inside my head telling me that we're no good ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna give in one last time rock you strong in these arms of mine ♪ ♪ forget all the regrets that are bound to follow ♪ ♪ we're like fire and gasoline i'm no good for you you're no good for me ♪ ♪ we only bring e eh other tears and sorrow ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna love you like there's no tomorrow ♪ ♪ tomorrow i'll be stronger i'm not gonna break down and call you up when my rather cries out for you ♪ ♪ and tomorrow you won't believe it ♪ ♪ but when i pass your house i won't stop no matter how bad i want to ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna give in one last time rock you strong in these arms of mine ♪ ♪ forget all the regrets that are bound to follow ♪ ♪ we're like fire and gasoline i'm no good for you you'rereo good for me ♪ ♪ but we only bring each other tears and sorrow ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna love you like there's no tomorrow ♪ ♪ baby when we're good you know we're great ♪ ♪ but there's too much b bad fo us to think that there's anything worth trying to save ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm going to give in one last time rock you strong in these arms of mine ♪ ♪ forget all the regrets that are bound follow ♪ ♪ we're like fire and gasoline i'm no good for you you're no good for me ♪ ♪ we only bring each other tears and sorrow ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm going to love you like there's no tomorrow ♪ ♪ i'm going to leave here i'm going to let you go and walk away every day i said i would ♪ trying to get closer. chris young, thank you so much for singing for us. thanks for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> thanks to all of you for watching. watch diane sawyer on "world news." tomorrow, seth myers. have a great day. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. you atgood morning to 8:56. simpson and here is with a look at > we had a substantial germantown to get gaithersburg on southbound 270. it was moved to the shoulder but delays that begin at father hurley boulevard to get that 118 down to 370. northbound 95 in virginia has d out. little slow at edsall get to the 14th street bridge. 123astbound the delays are the beltway and the inner loop out of springfield, allow yourself to get to 66. we have a heat advisory said into effect from noon until 8:00 tonight including the surrounding areas. the heat index readings will be 100-105 degrees and the actual r temperature will be 95-100. tonight will cool down into the 70's under a partly cloudy skies and tomorrow will not be quite as humid with a good deal of for ane and a chance isolated showers or thunderstorms, upper 80's and real relief comes on friday with a rise in the mid 80's. an amber lard is in affect a eight-year old boy who was abducted in baltimore last night. two men kidnapped the boy input and in the trunk of a car. police believe the kidnappers driving in your model light marylandd taurus place. for more information, go to thanks for watching and we will be back at noon. "live with regis and kelly" is next.


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20110712

why cody brown and husband his spouts are launching a love bring grade. should they be left alone to practice polygamy? it is a sticky steamy tuesday. all the way from the southwest to right here in the northeast. oppressive heat, humidity, sam will tell us if this heat wave is going to let up any time soon. that heat not doing much for the moods of the debt limit negotiators. markets starting to get spooked, asia, europe, u.s. all falling and i lot i talked to only a real market shock would force a deal. the casey verdict as she prepepes to go free this week, as you know, for the first time the jury foreman spokes out on why they acquitted. >> they were o'afraid. john and the news desk. the heat did one thing. that humidity something else entirely. that hot air baking half the count, heat advisories in nearly two dozen states. sam is here with all the details. >> you're right, the heat and humidity that makes it so difficult to cool down. 21 states have those out. 21 will have temperatures above 100 degrees. had did the heat index level. already in memphis feels like it's 98. any time you get into the hot pink shade, your body can shut down if it's out ineat like this. feels like 115. feels like 110 in ni. all the nation's weather is just a minute. josh? >> an ugly looking map. breaking news overnight. the powerful half brother of hamid karzai was assassinated by one of his bone bodyguards. he was an infnfential political leader but plagued by aeg allegations of corruption. u.s. wants compensation from syria after i demonstration there. protesters stormed the embassy smashing windows and tearing down the u.s. flag. there is a heavy police presence there today. meanwhile, passengers say they felt like they were riding through a fireball after their amtrak train collided with a tractor trailer that happened on the route between boston and portland, the train moving at some 70 miles an hour when it hit the truck, the driver was killed. no one else fortunately hurt. betty ford's funeral will focus on politics and the click that that bears her name, michelle obama, two former first leader and two former presidents are expected to be in attendance. she chose rosalynn carter as one of the speakers. another shocker in the stand just deys after that deadly fall. the all-star home run derby sends balling and ball in and look at this. that's keith carmickle standing on a narrow table reaching for a home run ball and goes completely over the edge. this was the fourth ball he was reaching for and, in fact, it was his brother and some other friends who saved him from a 0-fofo fall as the fans at the pool deck underneath looked up and gasped. he was pulled back to safety but it was a horrible bit of circumstance and happensanction, robin. >> we see that at ballparks all the time. strong friends. to that looming economic crisis. one day closer to default that could wreak h hoc throughout the economy. he held his second press conference pushing both sides to deal. >> it's not going to get east ser, it'll get harder, so we might as well do it now. pull off the band-aid, eat our peas. now is the time to do it. >> neither side budged at the meeting that followed so let's bring in jake tapper and jon karl from capitol hill. jon, they tried to work on a smaller reduction deal but that didn't go much better. >> reporter: the divide is as deep as ever. they outlined 1.7trillion cuts, not enough but democrats called it completely unacceptable because it included cuts to medicare and no tax revenue increases. steny hoyer said he couldn't get a senior democratic vote for a plan. >> that means that it couldn't pass. courthouse have any idnew ideas >> reporter: they're pushing for the big deal, a lot of pain at one, entitle tks. president obama outlined the plan and said, you can't expect seniors to give up $500 when you went own ask for $5 from people like me. wealthy individuals. >> jon, the leader mitchell mcconnell is looking at a contingency plan which could be a short-term extension. >> reporter: he's tight-lipped about what they mean. they could give him a chance to accept that which he ruled out or one with no tax increases. >> the president very clear on that. >> reporter: he said he's not signing any short-term plans. the debt ceiling needs to be raised until 2013. he will not sign what mcconnell is talking about. >> 20 days to go. thank you very much. the republican presidential nomination, kind of shippings to michele bachmann and that is bringing scrutiny ross ron maintained undersaavedra available that bachmann owns about her husband and shows staff trying to turn a gay person straight. this kind of conversion is something that they deny doing. >> these new undercover tapes calls into question what's been happening that is owned by michele bachmann and her husband marcus. the family's principal source of income and gay advocates say they are practicing a discredit to peer pi that can turn homosexuals inin heterosexuals. >> reporter: bachma bachmann & associates. they were made by the member of a gay vad troekt si troop. he was asking for feelings to stop thinking of men. >> reporter: he do cure your homosexuality. >> he sid it several times. he's seen it. he believes full sex from homosexual to heterosexual is possible. >> reporter: the treatment, turning to the bible and prayer when homosexual urges struck. >> in terms of hoi god created us we're all heterosexual. >> reporter: such theory is not only infect but effective harmful in thapging that part about them about who they're attracted to which owe danes spontaneous, we have not seen anything to show that changes that. >> reporter: bachmann's hohoe, dr. marcus bachmann who once levered to homosexuals as bar barials. he despeeded reparative therapy. the undercover tape repeats the treat. >> it shows that bachmann associated -- they do reparative theory asked about her news conference, she said shfs noting in michele bachmann were interested in. i'm here to talk about my run for the presidency for the united states. we're proud of all job creator in the united states. >> reporter: in a further statement they said the clinic vows a virginia voight of services but because of patient/doern confidential it cannot come without with this. >> the patient did said he thought the therapy was a caring therapist but did want to change him. to the scandal spreading across media mogul media mu muirdock. jeffrey kofman has the latest and joins us from london. good morning, jeffrey. >> reporter: that has moved to a whole new with today's alleletions that not one but three murdoch papers breaking the law, sometimes use hardened criminals to break stories. it was the most personal and private family matter, in 2006 just before gordon brown became britain's prime minister they found their infant son had cystic p cystic fibrosis. >> they would mow me thehehad this story about fraser's medical condition and told me they would run it. >> reporter: how did that happen? >> in tears. >> another scandal about it. and with it for the first time it is spreading beyond "news of the world." allegations that murdoch's son own the awe dust sunday times look broke the law to get stories. >> i'm wondering if you can help me. that call to a law office who was said to be an accountant working and looking at the financial times looking for some dirt. the questiroyal's reporter cliv goodman asked for carne from andy soleson to buy the green book which contains all the confidential phone numbers of the royal family and their staff. in that e-mail goodman says a proil protection officer has a stolen company and wants $1,600 for it. >> if i was alleged somebody has taken money to disclose telephone numbers and for them and their anyones, it's an appalling breach of secucuty. >> meanwhile a huge murdoch takeover bid has been delayed. many think it's stetd forever. as it deepens there are rumbles that he will roone his three papers including "the times of london." fref very, thaw. tina bound is here with a story in nuclear comparing it to watergate. i'll ask you about that in a moment. couldn't help but notice your article. politicians and the royal family. how big could it go. >> it's spread throughout. not just the news news but clearly now the other newspapers too and in the end, i think that when you loosen all kind of moral controls, the place just ran amok with this criminal behavioror and it's a terrifyin thing. people have been afraid of speaking up. the cops, who were investigating it were told they had stuff their affairs and their expenses so booked off. politicians don't want to take it on ball they thought they would get their expose says in the paper. blackmail life for public life. you had very strong words in your article and you also had full disclose your his worked for -- >> kwundz the times" and wrong a book about it. >> your article itself you said manufacture dur is endlessly aimous to watch his his talents are only equaled to his -- >> oego. he broke the unions and mob. actually in dedeciding to deal with that but at the tame he has no ethics in the company so in the end in terms of the press conference at the end of the day, you know, the coverage just becomes, you know, as we've soon in this whole disastrous deback ol. >> this comparison in north carolina to say answer anyone service tet watergate. >> it is not say rupert murdoch knew anything going on inside his newspapers but at the same think i think who maegs places devote, a tull tur of lostness iters of the moral apropose, ultimately the place goes haywire. no one said itself that miles per hour knew she was phonings were going on service so trust spending it was an industrial strength, the de facto of positions who can't bet into the story. the son's a-year-old medical record to - - ow could that be n the public interest to tell meme this child child had dissick fibrosis. >> thena, thaw. we'll turn to a legal crusades that has cody and his wife under the spotlights getting red to di to change the polygamy trials in court. the latest on this. >> reporter: the brown family of "sister wives" which faces four yies adults and 16 children and tomorrow they will file a lawsuit charging the anti-politician si statute. they went public with it when it bay buts i i 2010. i interviewed before them. >> can you get this legal trouble now that you're in public. >> there's a risk. . >> hour enough local thoftsauths ordered they were going to do that. they were still concerning concerned. you could in a s srs says from you ten afry the testimonily. are you these thing you keep worrying about hefkous. >> i keep keeping high hurd in moy chest. >> i grew up who i was. and not beingble to claim who my father was. >> you can't would say dad is. >> there's very prou of him. >> you don't want your kids to that that problem because he's a great sglie their high-piered turn says we believe that this case represents the longest challenge of political ever file in the cocots. this does not recommend state lem race. they just want to be able to live freely without fear of attest. sam, steamy weather out. >> what it's worse tan thaad yesterday. here are the highs, femme is, 102, new york city, 104 and where they roll. yesterday the testifiette power out tlooj thunderstorms about a million without people and those will be light supply to the south from lexan to go toal he. so what good is eating healthy if you can't splurge in the summier that's the attitude of first lady michelle obama famous for her let's move mpaign. she let go at d.c.'s best burger joint and abc's sharyn alfonsi was counting the calories. ♪ >> reporter: she is the first lady of fitness. >> let's get moving. >> reporter: encouraging all of us had step up and away from the supersize. a champion for child nutrition. we have to start making choices. >> to have not vandy every day. >> reporter: she's admitted she's only human. my whole favorite food i in the world are french fries. >> reporter: yesterday she indulged. stepping into the newly opened burger stand shake steak. they shot cell phone picks, a diet coke, total damage, 1,700 calories. >> one cheeseburger and fries for me. >> she's not the only one. >> you put french fries on top and we can't tell the first lady although she'd probably like them. >> hundreds will argue whether her lunch is a scandal but for the rest of us who has fallen to the lohr of a greasy burger more than once, certainly not. >> this is not a scandal. it all lie looks great. >> sam takes me there all the time. stay away, sam. stay away. stay away, sam. stay [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay 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greenville but there is slow traffic remaining, especially around basco road. a smaurl stall at macarthur maze but the damage is done here. a stall gone, metering lights are on at the bay bridge. we'll check in with mike and whether we'll see gray turn to whether we'll see gray turn to blue today right after this empty nest, new kitchen, new us? who are we? chic, modern, daring dinner-party hosts. that sounds dangerous, maybe we're more the tradiotional sunday brunch set? i'll expect slippers and a cocktail to be ready when i get home from work. point taken. how about... peaceful, quiet cottage in the country folk? now that's us. save up to 20% on every kitchen style, now until august 21st at ikea, the life improvement store. denny's new tour of america menu. 50 star cuisine. the new tour of america menu. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. welcome back. look at some of the dry drizzle on the lens there. we have had measurable drizzle here. we have flight arrival delays of nearly two hours into san francisco. temperatures in the 50s and possibility of drizzle at the coast and 57. cloudy through the bay in the 50s and see the 70s where we get sunshine in outlying areas. cooler and wednesday and thursday, 10-15 degrees warmer by wednesday. >> the news contntntntntntntntnñ i hate to point fingers and blame, but there were some oversights that really stick out. >> so many millions of you responded to the story of jaycee dugard inspiring remarkable, just a portrait of resilience and strength. and as we said, you are responding to in this morning. millllns w watched and sent messages to abc news. a lot more including details on how she's embracing life now. she has her book, out today "a stolen life" so we'll have more. . more from the jury in the casey anthony case. now the foreman is speaking out about how he felt about the not guilty verdict. what he says about whether he thinks she is innocent. >> you've heard that from the jurors. a big difference between not guilty and innocent. this is a stun story. one daring marine goes on youtube fushed by just continue timber lake and gets a date with one of the hottest stars on the planet, mila a kunis. asksk and you shall receive. >> every once in a while. we begin with exclusive new details from never before seen portions of diane sawyer's emotional interview with jaycee dugard. over 15 million viewers gripped by sunday's incredible prime time event. so many more joining us online. jaycee struck an emotional chord with so many who have gotten in touch with us. >> we want to thank all of you who gathered to watch her story. >> the broadcast lit up the ternet. twit they are morning still afire with tweets including dozens of celebrities and newsmakers. oprah tweeted "don't we love jaycee's resilience. she is remarkable" and a tweet from alyssa milano" who first name jaycee took for 18 years because in captivity she loved seeing her on "who's the boss?" she told diane for all that time it was too painful to say or write down her own name. alyssa's tweet "your strength and grace are such an inspiration." in her n n book "a stolen life" it's clear she had a strength few of us could imagine living in captivity, she writes about her first reel exposure to the outside world. her captors phillip and nancy garrido took her to a trailer in another neighborhood. she was 14 and pregnant. >> i don't know how many months i was pregnant, but came in at night and said we had to go, cops are in the neighborhood and we're going to go for a drive. >> is this the first time you've been, what, outside off the property. >> uh-huh, off the property. >> and you write one of your shocks is that you have a real thing with water. >> we get to the trailer. that was -- yeah, hasn't had a toilet for -- well, that was about three years by then. >> for the rest of her 18 years in the life the garridos gave her she and her girls were kept in this backyard compound of shacks, tents and buildings. diane showed jaycee google earth photososnd how the compound though hidden was really in plain sight. >> it seems impossible now that no one knew you were there. >> doesn't it? >> impossible. >> i know. it sure does. looking at it, you would think that you would even think that, you know, the authorities would know that he has more land than he did. you know, i mean, i hate to point fingersrs and blame, but there were some oversights that really stick out. i mean, i don't know. it seems impossible that this could happen, but yet it did. >> what gives a person the strength to endure the unimaginable and find the light when the dark curtain of captivity is lifted? for jaycee, it's family held tight and the power of best friends in this case a reunion with her bff from fifth grade, jesse. >> you found jesse. >> yes, i did. she's my best friend ever. i don't know what i'd do without her. i went to her wedding. she got married and i got to spend that moment of the lifetime with her, you know. >> but you never forgot. >> no, i never forgot her. no. so many people you just don't forget. >> okay. i got chills for the upteenth time. you can see an encore presentation of diane's exclusive interview with jaycee this saturday at 9:00, 8:00 central and head to our website to watch the full special there. >> i'm sure a lot of people will tune in. new warnings for all you parents taking kids to the amusement parks. one deadly accident are leading ofofcials to take a new tough look at roller coaster safety. yunji de nies is here with more. >> reporter: good morning, george. you know, roller coasters are synonymous with summer. after two back-to-back incidents including one fatal some question whether these rides are worth the risk. they are a summer staple for thrill seekers, there's nothing like a roller coaster's speed and intensity. but all that adrenaline came to a halt in arlington, texas, over the weekend when operators had to shut down the newly renovated nbc giant at six flags. riders were stranded at the peak, 14 stories high for 30 minutes. they had to carefully scale down an emergency stairway to safety. >> we were going to ride it again but i don't want to because it stopped. >> reporter: just two days earlier another incident with a tragic outcome. 29-year-old sergeant james heckimer who lost both legs in the iraq war was thrown from the ride of steel at the darien lake theme park. >> descending from one of the hills he became dislodged and fell to the ground. >> the father of two died and investigators say he was wearing a lap belt and have not found any obvious mechanical problems. >> i know when this happened he was having a great time. >> darien lake said "our thoughts and prayers are with the friends and family of guests." no one commented about why he was allowed to get on. experts warn with intense speeds, you can get hurt without realizing it. >> they feel sometimes nausea. they feel headache. they feel what they've deemed to be muscular pain when they go home and wake up i can't tell you the number of times i've read they can barely get out of bed. >> reporter: the amusement park industry counters they're rare and the chance of getting hurt on a roller coaster is less than 1 in a million. for those who do get injured or worse, the short thrills hardly seem worth the ride. now, surprisingly there are no federal standards when it comes to regulating roller coast terse so before you head out, do your homework. most parks have their record as valuable online. george and robin, something worth the read. >> wow, i am surprised no federal regulations. time for weather and sam. >> we'll talk heat again because we've got so much in the country. half a dozen record highs yesterday. these are the cities we think will feature records, raleigh, washington, you're all beating your all-time temperature. cooler air from the lakes into new england. minneapolis down on the temperatures, new york city will get down by wednesday, washington, thursday, powerful thunderstorms moved through yesterday. here's where the storms settled during the day. lower in the middle of country wherever they bottom out. they really won't break the heat in the south. in the south, hang on. this is >> all of that was brought to you by angie's list. >> from judging casey to being judged, the jury in the case under fire. now the jury foreman is breaking his silence. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. good job girls. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time t ttalk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft & strong. stronger than the leading rippled brand. for a confident clean. this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. build your better breakfast today. we are hearing more from the jury who decided casey anthony should go free. the foreman is speaking out. he asked not to be named but described feeling disgust as he read last week's not guilty verdict and ashleigh banfield has more. they emphasized the difference between not guilty and innocecee. >> big difference. i think that's where people are going off the rails and thought for eight weeks listening to evidence and witnesses and trying to apply a complex law to have complex case. but now they're fearing for their lives and for their safety after giving all that of their own lives and thehere having to explain why they reached the verdict that they did. >> we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> this court is in recess. >> reporter: a week since casey anthony's stunning acquittal. many can't believe the jury let her go. >> a lot of gray area and speculation. how caylee got in. i can't tell you how or who. but ultimately the body ended up there. >> the foreman withheld his identity as he talked to greta van susteren on fox news. >> when the defense got up, they started throwing out things we did not know and where it hit us. it was shocking. >> reporter: since their controversial verdict, the jury has come under fifi. >> all: caylee, caylee, caylee. they're wrong. guilty. >> reporter: but how was it they couldn't even convict her of manslaughter? >> we don't know the cause of death. that wasasne of the major issues we had. >> reporter: in fact the final words of their instructions included the negligent act must have been committed with an utter disregard for the safety of others. but several jurors have said they just weren't given hard evidence of that. >> all: justice for caylee. >> reporter: passions rage on both sides. this one was arrested after a brawl and this pennsylvania man who shares the same name as casey anthony has been threatened. >> there's jekylls out there calling g r her blood threatening the jury and threatening the lawyers and everybody. not a safe place for casey to be. >> reporter: five days and counting until her release into the storm of public outrage from those still seeking justice. still a war going on, the media and court. all to get evidence unsealed. particularly that jailhouse video of the moment she found out that a child's body had been found near her home. reportedly she began to hyperventilate. it was suppressed at trial just a little foo inflammatory and they think we should be able to see that i'm not sure that it tells us anything. >> doesn't get you any further toward cause of death. >> if she's guilty it would be frightening. >> thanks very much. when we come back, how would you like justin timberlake get you a dream date? this marine every day you live with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis could be another day you're living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you by asking your rheumatologist about humira. for many adult patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis humira has been proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira's use in patients with ra has been evaluated in multiple studies during the past 14 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur such as, infections, lymphoma or other types of cancer, blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make today the day you talk to your rheumatologist. and ask how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at the pump... and at many of the places their summer plans take them. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. of a subway® bbq pulled pork sub. brace yourself for the big, bold taste tender, succulent slow-cooked pork with sweet and smoky barbecue sauce, all on freshly baked bread. subway. eat fresh®. of a subway® bbq pulled pork sub. brace yourself for the big, bold taste tender, succulent slow-cooked pork with sweet and smoky barbecue sauce, all on freshly baked bread. subway. eat fresh®. ♪ let's dance. "around the watercooler." a different kind of daring from a u.s. marine serving on the front lines. he was in the 2nd marines and posted a youtube but has over 400,000 hits asking mila kunis to be his date at a marine corps this autumn. let's look at his mod debt proposal. >> i just want to take a moment out of my day, november 18th, greenville, north carolina with yours truly. take a second, think about it. get back to me. >> think about it. >> there we go. >> mila co-starring in "friends with benefits," justin timberlake decided to match make. >> inkrivited you to go to the balance. >> do it for your country. >> what? >> i have one comment for you. this needs to go down. do it for your country. >> i'll do it for you. >> do it for your country. so she's going to go. she tried to get justin to go. he said, they don't want too se me. >> good job, marines. >> friends with benefits. [ male announcer ] this is larry... whose long day starts with arthritis pain... and a choice. take tylenol arthritis and maybe up to six in a day... or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. happy chopping. hd 3. and start talking about what you really want frfr your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft & strong. stronger than the leading rippled brand. for a confident clean. this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. build your better breakfast today. it's a cloud of depressioio and although you've been on an antidepressant for at least six weeks, you're frustrated that your depressive symptoms are still with you. seroquel xr, when added to an antidepressant, is approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder. for many, taking seroquel xr with an antidepressant was proven more effective than an antidepressant alone for treating unresolved symptoms of depression. talk to your doctor about seroquel xr. then visit for a free trial offer. call your doctor if you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children,teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients taking seroquel xr have an increased risk of death. call your doctor if you have fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be signs of a life-threatening reaction or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these could become permanent. high blood sugar has been reported with seroquel xr and medicines like it and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. your doctor should check for cataracts. other risks include decreases in white blood cells, which can be fatal, seizures, increased cholesterol, weight gain, dizziness on standing, drowsiness,impaired judgment, and trouble swallowing. use caution before driving or operating machinery. for more help putting distance between you and your depression, ask your doctor about adding seroquel xr. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. this morning at 10:00, bart begins two separate reviews of fatal bart shooting of a man at civic center station in san francisco. san francisco police are also reviewing it. yesterday angry demonstrators protesting the deadly shooting of charles hill shut down several stations. one person was arrested. >> your windshield wipers might need to see action. >> cool weather at the coast. is on a at the coast and 70s inland. even cooler the next two days. accident in union city, northbound 880 at tennison and delays on mass transit, minor h train, caltrain 312 is running 15 minutes behind. >> news continues now with "good morning america." have a great day. ♪ baby, baby, baby oh baby baby, baby oh ♪ thank you. big present when you bring home baby. the stork has been delivering very expensive extras for some moms, it's a trend that's been around but now going to the extreme, not everyone is on board with this. and, boy, bianna golodryga is going to bring us the piece later. >> for all of your followers of ali on twitter, don't believe a word of it. not true. >> what did she say you gave her? >> a kiss on the forehead which i'm sure i did. >> added bonus. >> interrogation i was getting from lara. >> i know. >> i'm there for you, ali. >> i got news for you -- >> i was fearing for you today, george, i'm like there's no way you're going to win this. >> you know what i love about my life. i didn't know about that exchange until this morning when bianna came in. >> you didn't know that's going on all day long. >> that's the best part about knowing george now is, hey, george, i had no idea about the clamming. it's everything. it's great. >> talking about bree boyce. she just won miss south carolina after losing over 100 pounds on her way to her win. she'll tell us how she dit. this is just an incredible transformation. >> and she is just a lovely, lovely person inside and out. >> inspirational story. also coming up, the princess in prison. we have new details on what is going on with monaco's new royal couple. why the honeymoon may be over before it started. the new reports on why the couple was miles apart just after saying "i do." very romantic. apparently they didn't. >> i know. >> that would be. >> not a part of your task. >> i'm here on the safe island. >> oh, no, you're not. come on in. >> that's probably true. that would be enough out of you. but we begin with that continuous blast of stifling hot air baking virtually half the country. heat advisories issued for two dozen states. from texas to new england. temps in many cities hitting triple digits like ft. smith, arkansas, where it felt like 120 degrees. sam will have much more in just moments. meanwhile, being trapped in a car when temperatures are this high can be fatal and especially for young children. there have been 20 such deaths already this year. but, as consumer correspondede elisabeth leamy explains, it's not always because their parents left them in the cars. >> reporter: oklahoma last week, an 8-year-old boy is exploring the 1998 chevy cavalier his parents just bought when he gets stuck in the trunk and dies in the heat. >> i understand kids' curiosity in not being able to understand the concept of not getting out of the heat. >> reporter: indiana last month two brothers climb into the trunk of their mom's 2000 malibu and die. >> i have a problem with that. >> reporter: jeanette fennel of kids and cars says she feels ill every time she hears about a new case. >> i felt why didn't i push harder? why didn't i just absolutely not stop? >> reporter: because kids in cars has repeatedly called on general motors to recall its older vehicles and install trunk safety releases that allow people inside to escape. i'm going to climb in to the trunk of this car to show you how. starting in 2002 all cars were required to have a glow in the dark safety release inside the trunk. all you do is pull the latch and the trunk opens. fennel says no one has ever died in the trunk of a newer vehicle that has a safety release. >> those children, i feel very certain, would be alive today if there had been a trunk release in that vehicle. >> reporter: gm makes more cars than any other company so accidents are bound to happen in its vehicles. in a statement, gm put the responsibility back on parents saying it has worked to alert parents and caregivers to the dangers of leaving children unattended in or around vehicles. we asked if gm plans to issue a recall and the answer was no. for "good morning america," elisabeth leamy, abc news, washington. >> for more trunk safety tips go to our website, meanwhile, the showdown over raising the national debt ceiling has dragged into yet another day. president obama and congressional leadership will huddle at the white house again after monday's meeting showed no progress. the president made it clear that a short-term extension is out of the question and republicans are still not budging on their opposition to tax hikes. now here's our diane sawyer with a preview of "made in america" segment. diane? >> josh, good morning to you. our "made in america" team is at it creating more jobs on u.s. soil. that is our goal. and tonight we show you how a lot of people are taking the challenge. what's the one thing you know entirely made in america that everybody will want to buy? tell them about it. take the challenge tonight on "world news." >> thank you, diane. and finally, a free show for commuters here in new york. although it was the performer who had to pay a bit of a price. an aerialist scaled the williamsburg bridge last night then wowed the crowd. it was an acrobatic act some 300 feet above traffic and the earth. when she came down she was promptly arrested along with an accomplice. she said that she did it to face her fears. my fear of height something matched by my fear of prison so i don't know that i would be -- >> there's a push there. >> a future cirque du soleil. >> all right, josh. are you feeling the heat, are you feeling the heat? must be lara's pop heat index over there at the big board. >> that's right, guys, to it. time to let you know what's happening in pop news, what's hot, very hot and maybe not so hot. let's start right up here. and this is the flying car. how fabulous would that be here in new york city or next weekend in l.a. when the 405 is closed. george and judy jetson, eat your heart out. this was created by a massachusetts company, the transition is a small one until it lands then the wings fold up. you can drive right off the runway. it's a long way from being accessible to the masses. it only holds two adult passengers and costs $250,000 but we thought just the idea was a nice way to start your day here at "good morning america." all right, let's get on to the next story. and here we go. how great would this be? being able to tweet your way into a university. prospective students at the university of iowa's mba program can win a scholarship worth $37,000 by explaining what makes them special in 140 characters or less. the university is asking candidates to treat instead of write a long-form essay in an attempt to get them to the point. where was this when we were applying to college? all right. this is great. this outrageous video making the rounds on youtube, it's the kitten versus the apples. a word of warning, watch out for the green one. take a look. careful. be very careful. one more. under this feline versus fruit blockbuster. arding to the tension. still a nail biter. i'm pretty sure the apple in the middle has a stem and he's not afraid to use it. so, be careful. finally, we were just talking about this, in the hello, the honeymoon may be over before it ever really started. we've all seen that unenthusiastic kiss at the royal wedding. now there are several reports saying that princess charlene and prince albert were ten miles apart on their honeymoon staying in different hotels. news he has to take a dna test as part of a possible multimillion-dollar paternity suit probably didn't set thehe mood. there are reports that 33-year-old charlene, a former olympic swimmer tried to escape three times before their high-profile wedding on july 2nd. maybe they should double date with kate and william to get in the mood. i don't know. it's not working. >> ten miles apart. >> yeah. >> not good. >> really? not good. that's a break in news. >> that's a clue. >> some weather. >> breaking news, guys. out in times square, we just felt a breeze. where are you from? >> macon, georgia. >> the entire town here? >> we've got 33 students from macon, georgia. >> you guys have been here all morning long. let's get to the boards. we got one or two things going on this morning. made their signs. let they show them. drought and a drought that's so serious that climatologists are now saying it is beat the drought or right on par with the drought in the '50s and may beat the dust bowl. it is all across the deep south including every state in the gulf well into texas and may have the worst of it. here's where the heat is roaring and this doesn't help the drought situation at all. 100 in memphis. who was on the phone just now? no, no, who were you talking to? >> i was talking to family. >> tell them you were on "gma" right now. on the phone. on the phone. >> it may haveeen the only official breeze today. lara? >> thank you, sam. here's a look at what's ahead. she lost 110 pounds to make her dream come true. the newly crowned and newly slim miss south carolina. the new trend of push prese presents. something sparkling to a new mother. some bling. and one of the sexiest singers, chris young performs for us, live, on "gma." ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil. go to [ dramatic soundtrack plays ] whoa! man: what is that? i don't know, but it burns! it's like fire.. woman: ow, ow! i can't see. man: it's singeing me! it's the sun. get out of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos. pair a texas toast half sandwich with fries and super salad every weekday. ♪ chili's lunch break combos ♪ sure, but let me get a little information first. for broccoli, say one. for toys, say two. toys ! the system can't process your response at this time. what ? please call back between 8 and 5 central standard time. he's in control. goodbye. even kids know it's wrong to give someone the run around. at ally bank you never have to deal with an endless automated system. you can talk to a real person 24/7. it's just the right thing to do. a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. we have an inspiring weight loss story for you right now. 22-year-old bree boyce used to weigh 234 pounds, wore a size 18 but after losing more than 100 pounds, she did more than just celebrate, you know what she did, she won the miss south carolina pageant. >> it's miss capital city, bree boyce. >> for bree boyce becoming miss south carolina is about more than just a crown but to inspire others to live healthier lives. >> it's so important to have a role model who can really share a personal story. i've lost 112 pounds and i can -- >> this was bree before and here she is now. the 22-year-old beauty lost a dramatic 112 pounds over the course of three years before being crowned miss south carolina earlier this month. ♪ >> she wowed the audience during the talent portion. and for a girl who says she never liked going to the pool as a child winning the swimsuit round was super sweet. boyce said that she has struggled with her weight since 8 trying and failing at every diet imaginable. by 17 she tipped the scales at 234 pounds. severe knee problems brought her to a doctor who told bree she had to lose the weight. so the future beauty queen decided to meet with a nutritionist and started heating healthy. getting regular exercise, waking up at 5:30 every morning to run. she now says she wants to help educate others. ♪ >> and she just may be able to do that as miss america when she competes for that crown in january. what a story. so what do you say? let's bring out miss south carolina, bree boyce right now. all hail the queen. you look beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> you always have. please have a seat. >> thanks. >> thanks for making a little time for us. i know you're busy. >> i'm excited to be here. >> you have that southern charm. >> yes, definitely bringing that to new york. >> we love it. we love it. now, you lost weight, bree, the old-fashioned way. >> the old-fashioned way. >> healthy choices and exercise. >> exactly. >> tell us about the other things that you tried to do and they just didn't work for you. >> well, whenever i was younger there were all the yo-yo diets that, ththfad diets that everyone wanted to try, and i originally started on an atkins type diet which was cutting out all carbs and found out quickly you could lose the weight but you couldn't keep it off because we're only human and we enjoy carbs. and so my whole thing is about finding things that you like that are healthy but we're going to want to splurge every now and again. so it's definitelylybout moderation and portion control. >> mrs. obama who i know you hope to work with one day with the obesity campaign. she, we were talking about earlier this morning, people are a little upset with her, some people, about the fact that she consumed 1,700 calories at a burger place. >> my thing is she may be first lady and she may be promoting let's move but like i said we're all human and we enjoy food and it's just part of our nature. who knows she probably worked it off right after she ate it. >> kept moving. >> yeah, she kept moving. >> you know, when thinking about beauty pageants, when you were a little tyke you were involved up until the age of 7. then what happened? >> i started gradually gaining weight more and more so my sister started to compete. she taught me poise and confidence. told me never to give up on my dreams. i never did. >> some think some of the ntestants may not be making the healthiest choices. have you been able to inspire them? >> i have. actually a few girls after i i won, they said, if anyone deserved this, you did. you worked very hard at this and there's so many stereotype, girls who starve themselves two weeks before the pageant which is so unhealthy and that is the message i want to get out is that we can be healthy pageant girls and we can get up and be pretty but it's about living a daily life that is just healthy and then w wnever you get up on stage it's going to show. you don't have to do the two-week crash diet. >> no. >> completely unhealthy. i do not support that at all. >> this is obligatory. put up the pants. this is what you once wore. >> my pair of jeans, size 18. >> how has your life, bree, changed? >> it has changed so much and to hold up these pair of jeans is -- i hold them up with pride because no one did this but me and it was through hard work and determination and perseverance and i'm just so happy to say i did it for no one else but for myself. >> that's the important thing. didn't do it because you could wear this crown which is gorgeous by the way. >> yes. >> that was a by-product. >> that was just -- >> the outcome. i started off losing weight and then after seeing my sister competetfor so many years and seeing the scholarship opportunities, i received $23,000 worth of scholarships from this organization. that's going to let me further my education but i wanted to have something to give me a microphone for my platform. and to share my success story. >> and it is. >> eating healthy and fighting obesity. >> good luck, miss america. >> miss south carolina. >> can you hit a note for us? ♪ >> you have it, bree boyce. you were so poised. when the earring came off, you didn't even flinch. >> you have to keep going. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> george? wow, that was some note. i'm over here with bianna. we're over here to talk about the new trend for new moms. >> push presents. i talked to your wife ali on twitter. i had your back when she said she got a kiss on the forehead. i said that was priceless, george. there is no expense too big for some for rewarding their wives for having a baby. >> i want the epidural. okay, give me the epidural. >> labor pains, it brings out the not so pleasant side of women. >> and push. >> reporter: and for her trouble some husbands are taking the traditional gift for mom to a whole new level. >> so when you produce that child you get diamonds, a push present. it's genius. >> reporter: with some big-time bling. stylist to the stars rachel zoe has this. baby boy, her husband got herir a $250,000 neil lane 10 carat diamond ring and just two months ago nick cannon bought mariah carey this pink diamond and sapphire necklace. these posh push gifts are equally prevalent. take vicki steinberg. >> first time i heard of the word push present, i was the last one to have my first child so i heard it being passed around and seen the evidence, my friends' push presents. >> reporter: she was gifted this bracelet for the birth of her 4-year-old son. >> it's an item that you receive, gift you receive and you pass it on. >> reporter: but for husband ira, the concept was a bit foreign. sure, he was sympathetic about the nine grueling months of pregnancy, but diamonds for a baby? tell us your r rction the first time your wife mentioned push present to you. >> i didn't know what she was talking about. the birthing process is not the easiest process. nine months of sickness and sleepless nights, a reward for going through that. >> reporter: i wanted to see what one could expect in return for that and went to harry winston to scope out the jewels where men pays millions for these. how popular has the concept of a push present become? >> it's very popular. it's one of the most significant milestones in a couple's life. >> this is huge. tell us about this stone. >> a fancy vivid yellow diamond, the rarest of the yellow diamonds. one of the largest. it's just over 67 carats. >> reporter: this could be a weapon. you've never sold something like this as a push gift. >> absolutely. >> reporter: while plenty of moms love that perk others think these high-end gifts undermining the husband's role and responsibility. >> it sort of implies the woman is doing all the work and the man is kind of flits in and out and gives her a material item. good job, honey, and then leaves again. there's an equality that's missing. >> reporter: what do you say to those who say this is a snob by sort of elitist thing to do. the baby should be gift enough. >> i believe that as well, but i don't believe a push present is trying to challenge that idea. it jususenhances the entire experience of giving birth. and creating a family. >> reporter: vicki is now expecting a second child and is hopeful for a second push prprent. >> i'd like to continue the stones around my finger to complete the ring, to complete the family. >> reporter: for sasha even after two kids she thinks a gift for both her and her husband would be more appropriate. >> i view it as something you do together. there's sacrifice for the man during the pregnancy, too. >> reporter: at harry winston's, under the watchful eye of i got to try on the more extraordinary examples of this bling for baby. this matching ring. >> now, let's see, i'm counting -- >> ten babies later. >> five babies. >> good work. >> wow. >> reporter: incredible indeed. and for some women, a satisfying token for putting up with the labor of expanding a family. >> no! >> the next contraction. >> reporter: for a lot of these moms they pass on the jewelry to their sons or daughter-in-laws and for the men we spoke to he said he got his daughter -- for his daughter's birth a pink sapphire and for his son's birth he gave his wife a blue sapphire. >> i think your husband will have to pay attention. that yellow diamond was really fascinating. >> the weapon of mass destruction. they just sold one for 20 carats to a man. >> okay. you can catch up, peter. we'll be right back. a fire in san pablo apartment building sanity back to the hospital. firefighters rescued the child's mother. it was small fire that started with food left on the stove. the apartment was filled about smoke. they put out fighter in 15 minutes and treated the mother and baby for smoke inhalation. let's see how your morning commute right now. >> we've got trouble coming out novato just past ignatio. it picks up toward the civic center and southbound 680 before stone valley roadblock go the left lane before you reach alamo. >> thank you so much. we'll talk to mike about the forecast right after this. welcome back. check out the drops on our lenses, as we look from the roof cam, downtown san francisco, .01 inch of drizzle has fallen so far. you are 77 and inland areas will see 70s and sunshine but cloudy around the bay. drizzle at the coast and mid to upper 50s, cloudy again tonight and temperatures in the 50s. two coolest days tomorrow and thursday. girl. ♪ i never knew about love, i never had a clue ♪ ♪ i never found anything that made me feel like i do ♪ like you ♪ [ applause ] >> that is chris young. >> country music star. has a brand-new album out called "neon." "tomorrow" has already gone gold. he said hi, mom. he's a good boy. >> why so many more women are strapping on the skates and i'm getting it on in the rink. roller derby is back and i for one could not be happier. >> i loved roller derby when i was young. got the advance team for "captain america." show us those shields n a few minutes chris evans will be here himself. a sneak peek at the blockbuster movie and all of you at home how you can win tickets to the premiere in hollywood by linking to us on facebook. >> really. >> also, get ready to turn hot dogs into a top chef masterpiece. it does not get better than this. a fan favorite. ♪ >> before we get to that, josh, you were just talking about big back in the '60s, '70s, roller derby. you can get that and the stars this time, they're all women. abc's ryan owens reports on the return -- oh, ouch, of roller derby. >> reporter: if these women look like hell on wheels, they are. >> what do you say, fans. >> reporter: you are in austin, texas, the capital of the lone star state and the cradle of modern-day roller derby civilization. yes, reaea or not, roller derby is back and it's all grown up. >> here they are. you love them, ladies and gentlemen. >> reporter: meet margaret backler. ♪ >> reporter: by day a mild mannered math and science teacher. so beloved by her students she was voted teacher of the year. >> okay, we'll do it. >> reporter: a wife and mother of two. but by night -- >> i like knocking people down. >> reporter: she is olivia "shootin'" john so how did this young mother go from teaching trigonometry to kids to body checking grown women? >> one of the girlfriends i played soccer with said she wanted to try out and i thought, well, i'll go yous with a supporter and -- >> reporter: you didn't know what it was? >> i had no clue. i didn't find out until five months later, even what the game looked like. >> reporter: each at a skater called the jammer who gets points by passing other skaters called blockers doing their best to knock her down. they go around and around like this for an hour. you don't worry about getting hurt. >> i don't. i think i worry more about hurting other people with my over the top play. >> reporter: remind me to stay off the track when you're around. the sport is so popular it has a junior league. the derby brats, a new generation derby fans hope will ensure this sport doesn't disappear again. >> if your daughter wants to play roller derby, you should be like, yes, that is strong women. awesome. >> reporter: for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, austin, texas. >> oh, my. you'll see much more of this story tonight on "nightline." to m. with the weather. >> hello, robin roberts. right t re in "gma's" backyard of times square. by the way, robin, who wins the coolest haircut ofhe day award? chase does. where are you from? >> sandusky, ohio. >> by the way, that is the coolest haircut of the day. i show want this haircut. i don't know. to the boards, so many things going on. our twitter and facebook pictures were alive on ways to keep cool. my favorite may be headed to the mountains. allegany state park is cool. another cool spot, into the northwest, sometimes happens, the west coast is kind of the opposite weather pattern of what's going on in the rest of the nation. with this dip you'll see temperatures in the 60s and 70s. another cool spot, fly to seattle. enjoy the cool temperatures. >> we are live in times square. all that weather was grout to you by at&t. oh, lara. >> hello, sam. a reason i'm surrounded by these mini avengers. hi, we are with the one, the only captain america. chris evans is here playing captain america in the new film. he is no stranger to playing superheroes. who were you last time? >> johnny in "the fantastic four." >> is it tough to play these iconic characters. >> yes, double-edged sword. a lot of pressure. you want to make sure you want to keep them happy but they're still in the audience, you know, so it's great we have them. >> how did you like that costume? >> you know, it's not the most comfortable thing in the world but it lends itself to portraying the character. >> absolutely. we want to take a look at a clip from the film. you play steve rogers, a character developed in the early 1940s and you're kind of t t restaurantny guy that wants to join the army and help in the war effort. let's take a look. ♪ >> yeah. >> i think we did it. >> how do you feel? >> taller. >> i know she wants to know how you feel. i can tell you how you look. nothing scrawny about that you had to made to get look smaller. >> it was amazing what they did. it's mososy my body just shrunk down and really iss just some o the best specialal effects. look a athat. it wasn't too foreign to me. i looked like that until i was 17. >> we find that hard to believe. you can check out "captain america," the first avenger when it opens. thank you so much for stopping by. guy, are you excited? [ cheers ] >> check him out july 22nd when the film opens. it's going to be big. this is also really big. one lucky "gma" viewer and fair family can see chris evans and the movie before anybody else. win a trip for four in hollywood with the entire cast of the movie. who is that hottie you were with in that scene? >> that was haley atwell. she is a beauty. >> all you need to do is go to and like the "gma" page. make sure you like us. we know you do already because you're watching. you'll be entered into the sweepstakes. you need to get going. contest is on right now. it ends thursday at 3:00 p.m. eastern and we cannot wait to see your new film. you play a mean -- well a nice -- >> good guy. >> mean in a good way. thank you, chris. coming up richard blaze and some high-end hot dogs. will you stick around? ♪ [ male announcer ] it has an hd webcam for flattering video chats, awesome audio, and lids that switch to match your mood. but mostly it helps me keep an eye on my boyfriend. even though he doesn't know he's my boyfriend. yet. [ laughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] get this inspiron 15r today, powered by the 2nd gen intel core processor family. not just smart. visibly smart. order yours now at a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating wle grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lowe our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announc ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. who doesn't love a sloppy chili dog? we're here with richard blais, a chili dog like you've never ever seen before. i used to make chili dogs at my uncle's diner in charleston, west virginia. >> now i'm a little nervous. i'm getting ready to open up a restaurant called haute dog. we'll start on our grill, all right. and back here, of course, we have our kosher shot dogs. anything we do -- it's better in herbs and garlic and a lot of spices. i call this the butter jacuzzi. the jacuzzi of flavor. if you grill sometimes things can dry out. taking our dog and hanging out in that bath of flavor. there's our dog -- basil and thyme but, honestly, it can be anything you want. you need a bun s so up here a n england-style hot dog bun. it's the best type of bun. honestly we can sear the sides of it. grilled chchse tastes better than a cheese sandwich. getting that reaction, the flavor of the browning of meat or the protein and flour so we'll use that bun, a hot dog hanging out in our flavored jacuzzi and, of course, we need our chili. here we have our chili. the thing about the chili, throw it together in a couple of minutes like a 20-minute recipe. ground beef, a little bit of chopped brisket and ketchup, mustard, molasses, gives a savory touch. >> i'm going to get in there. >> the key to this is the spice blend -- pardon me reach. this is a coffee barbecue spice blend. i'll add a little more to my chili. that's sort of amazing stuff. >> ooh, nice. >> coffee, cayenne, a little chili powder and another ingredient that is a spice blend. that's our chili then we have onions, onions to cut through the salt and the sweetness of the chili so these are some vie dalia onions we pickled with treasurertumeric. i love this for a quick pickle because rice wine vinegar has a little sugar in it because there's sugar in it we can make a quick pickle. pickled onions and dogs and now we have to dress it up. get the chili going and put it in the bottom of the bun. >> that's at the bottom, i like it. >> fun to get sugar in the dough like a brioche dough and cut through the salt that's in the dog, you know. >> all right. >> we'll bring over our dog that's been hanging out in our flavored jacuzzi. >> top it with a little bit of these pickled onions or a lot of the pickled onions. we got a little cilantro. of course, the kicker, the pepper jack foam, okay. >> pepper jack foam. >> right on top right there. >> a modern interpretation of the chili cheese dog. >> we've run out of time. all the recipes, potato salad on our website rich blaze, tested them out. >> i'm a geeky fan boy. >> invention is yours. a a a a p we got "people" magazine named this country singer one of country music's hottest guys. i know they were talking about his look, but his career is on fire too. grammy nominee's new record drops today, it's called "neon." first single has gone gold. you're going to sing that but we're going to chitchat. >> you just ran up the stairs. >> magic of tv. >> every time, congratulations. >> thank you. i'm really excited. this is my first knew music in three years. we had three number one singles off the last album. going into a new record you freak out for the first single and want it to make an impact and had this is the first time i had a single go gold before the record came out. >> this is a new look for you. >> because i'm going without the hat. >> the hat is gone. >> well -- >> dropped a few l b's. >> a little bit. see, i'm not looking good there in that suit. i don't know what's going on right there. >> but you're on tour. >> we are on tour with jason and just started with him and did some stuff with rascal flatts and just been real lucky to be on the tours that we hooked up with. everybody has treated us real well and the catering is good. we've always gotten people with good food. >> you stay lucky but, boy, you are so talented. glad you're with us. you can see him and his new cd "neon" on sale today. let's hear "tomorrow" already gone gold. here is chris young. ♪ tomorrow i'm gonna leave here ♪ ♪ i'm gonna let you go and walk away like every day i said i would ♪ ♪ and tomorrow i'm gonna listen to that voice of reason inside my head telling me that we're no good ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna give in one last time rock you strong in these arms of mine ♪ ♪ forget all the regrets that are bound to follow ♪ ♪ we're like fire and gasoline i'm no good for you you're no good for me ♪ ♪ we only bring each other tears and sorrow ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna love you like there's no tomorrow ♪ ♪ tomorrow i'll be stronger i'm not gonna break down and call you up when my rather cries out for you ♪ ♪ and tomorrow you won't believe it ♪ ♪ but when i pass your house i won't stopo matter how bad i want to ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna give in one last time rock you strong in these arms of mine ♪ ♪ forget all the regrets that are bound to follow ♪ ♪ we're like fire and gasoline i'm no good for you you're no good for me ♪ ♪ but we only bring each other tears and sorrow ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm gonna love you like there's no tomorrow ♪ ♪ baby when we're good you know we're great ♪ ♪ but there's too much bad for us to think that there's anything worth trying to save ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm going to give in one last time rock you strong in these arms of mine ♪ ♪ forget all the regrets that are bound follow ♪ ♪ we're like fire and gasoline i'm no good for you you're no good for me ♪ ♪ we only bring each other tears and sorrow ♪ ♪ but tonight i'm going to love you like there's no tomorrow ♪ ♪ i'm going to leave here i'm going to let you go and walk away every day i said i would ♪ trying to get closer. chris young, thank you so much for singing for us. thanks for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> thanks to all of you for watching. watch diane sawyer on "world news." tomorrow, seth myers. have a great day. -dad, why e you getting that? -that's my cereal. is there a prize in there? oh, there's prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are the great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a perhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ california state university governing board is set to vote on a 12% tuition hike on the fall semester. it would come on top of the 10% increase in the cal state system. undergraduate tuition would increase $588 a year to nearly $5500. they say it's needed to offset costs from the new budget. >> drizzle is still falling and flight delays nearly two hours. i think we'll see clouds around the bay for the better part of the day and we have 50s and 60s a few 70s inland and tomorrow will be cooler. we're going to take a look at southbound 680 at north main and walnut creek. we had a stall at north main and accident on stone valley road and traffic will be


Transcripts For KPIX The Early Show 20101214

we'll tell you how he's doing this early tuesday morning, december 14th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs well, that's the temperature as i was walking across the park this morning. 4:30 or so. right there, right about 14 degrees or so. good morning, everybody. i'm harry smith. >> good morning, everyone. i'm betty nguyen. it was snowing outside. >> a little snow flurries in the city. much colder in many parts of the country and that is the top story this morning. the latest on the killer storm that's gripped much of the nation since the weekend. this storm is blamed for at least 16 deaths, at least 140,000 people are without power this morning. windchills are below zero in much of the midwest and the icy temperatures are dipping down as far south as florida. we have two reports this morning. starting with cbs news national correspondent dean reynolds who is in snowy st. joe, michigan. good morning, dean. >> reporter: good morning, harry. well, it is not just the snow and we got three new inches here and it's not just the wind but it's the combination of the two that create a cold that really gets to you. arctic windchills overnight in much of the eastern half of the country and may just the start. >> i'm freezing my butt off right now. >> reporter: windchills in the south striking. atlanta, nashville and raleigh were positively polar. >> after this initial cold shot in 48 hours or so, it looks like the weather pattern is going to be susceptible for more cold and maybe some more storms, as well, between now and the christmas holiday. >> reporter: lake-effect snow buried cleveland on monday and the high winds at times 50 miles an hour created horizontal blizzards and impassable roads all along the shores of the great lakes. >> let's see if the effort is successful. >> reporter: a few vehicles along the side of the road in indiana where dozens were trapped sunday and early monday after an accident boxed them in. some for as long as 12 hours. there were whiteouts in michigan and in chicago waves buffeted the famous lakeshore drive. the snow having turned their former dome home into something of a deflated souffle, the unluckiunly vikings faced the giants in the detroit home. the price of admission was right. it was free. >> i get to see two different teams than the lions. >> reporter: well, they saw the vikings lose last night and one of the legacies of the storm could be the hunt for temporary accommodations to see them through the rest of harry? >> dean reynolds in st. joseph, michigan. snowy and cold st. joseph, michigan. thank you so much. here's betty. farmers are rushing to protect the fruits and vegetables with a freeze warning for the second time in a week. cbs news correspondent mark straussman is in clermont, florida, with the latest on that. good morning, mark. >> reporter: good morning, betty. for farmers here, the overnight worry of the freezing temperatures was how low to go and how long to stay there. take a look at something. this ice is actually good news. it is protection. farmers spray the water on their crops to protect them. the ice is like a blanket that protects the fruit from colder temperatures and the good news is that overnight the temperatures did not go as low as they hoped or had feared rather. the temperatures got 28 degrees. forecasters predicted worse and when temperatures get below 28 degrees and stay below 28 for 5 or 6 hours the crops can be ruined but didn't happen. florida's citrus crop, a billion dollars and more, was apparently saved. still have a worry here, though. this frost/freeze scare was early in the season and in december it's typically a february event. and farmers here worried that it's a start of a long, cold, hard winter filled with anxiety. >> no doubt. mark, thank you. now here's harry. >> thanks. now to politics. tax cut compromise that president obama worked out with republicans is one step closer to law. but the president's signature, health care reform is running into trouble in court. cbs news congressional correspondent nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the latest. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. republicans vowed to fight the health care bill in court and they scored a big victory yesterday while here on capitol hill the tax cut deal passed its first major hurdle with bipartisan support. by a commanding margin, 83-15, the senate voted to push ahead on a bill drawn up by republicans and the white house. it would prevent a january 1st tax hike and keep jobless benefits from running out for the long term unemployed. >> the united states' senate is moving forward on a package of tax cuts that has strong bipartisan support. and this proves that both parties can, in fact, work together. >> reporter: while president obama was celebrating, a virginia judge was handing the white house a potential setback. ruling that parts of the massive new health care law were unconstitutional. in the decision, judge henry hudson said congress overreached went it mandated all americans must buy health insurance. the constitution, he says, does not allow that kind of unchecked expansion of congressional power. it's about an individual's right to choose to participate, he wrote. republicans who universally opposed the health care law praised the virginia ruling. in a written statement, in coming house majority leader eric cantor said once the new republican majority assumes control of the house in january, we'll pass a clean repeal of obamacare. the white house argues the insurance mandate is critical to the success of health care reform. because getting everyone insured is key to bringing down costs. >> i think it's constitutionality will be upheld. >> reporter: the legal challenges to the health care bill could and most likely will end up at the u.s. supreme court while the tax cut deal which passed that first vote yesterday could hit final passage in the senate today and then it heads to the house. harry? >> nancy cordes on capitol hill, thank you very much. also on capitol hill this morning to talk exclusively about the tax compromise and other issues is the senate's number two democrat, illinois senator, dick durbin. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> u, every single paper this morning, health care law loses in court. and the thing that he objects to is this idea that everybody has to be insured. and the republicans are jumping up and down, ready to have a party. do you think they have a legal leg to stand on? >> harry, enough for the rest of the story. this was the third court ruling and the first one that overturned that provision, first two said it was, constitutional. there's a difference. even among the virginia federal courts and we're going to move forward to an appellate level, perhaps even to the supreme court. i think the law is sound and when eric cantor says repeal obamacare, he wants to repeal the protection americans want against the discrimination against them for preexisting conditions. i think that's a losing political position. >> the white house says it will continue with implementation of law of the entire health care system. while all this legal wrangling is going on, should it proceed? >> absolutely. let me tell you, people will see the protection of health insurance for the first time in their lives. over 50 million americans have no health insurance. 60% of them will receive health insurance protection. imagine, harry, if we had to go a week without health insurance protection. millions of americans do it every day. if the republicans want to repeal the reach and protection of health insurance, it is a great issue and afraid it's not kind to the people discriminated against today. >> could continue on to the tax cut deal and to the implementation then of the extension of unemployment benefits. this really looks like it's going to finally actually sail through the senate. will it get through the house? >> well, i can tell you that that vote last night in the senate was overwhelming. over 80 united states senators support a measure, i think the house takes notice. let me say, i understand the resistance in the house amongst some democrats. you know, this bill, i think, gets high marks for economic stimulus moving us forward and out of the recession but in the spirit of the season it does say god bless tiny tim and donald trump giving the wealthiest in america a tax break when they don't need -- shouldn't have it. it was part of the compromise the republicans insisted on. >> at the end of the day, will the house go along? it is clear that the senators are on board. will the house do this and will it get done by kris snas. >> i think it will be done by christmas. i think there may be several stages in this debate and ultimately those that oppose it will have their day. >> we appreciate your time this morning. thank you very, very much. >> thank you. >> all right. all right. want to get more news now. whit johnson at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. diplomat richard holbrooke is being remembered this morning for the tirelessdy loam sy and attitude. he died last night at 69 following surgery to rehair his aorta. cbs news national correspondent richard martin has more. >> reporter: he was effective as a diplomat and the ambition to become secretary of state. >> he is simply one of the giants of american foreign policy. >> reporter: when president obama picked hillary clinton as his secretary of state, holbrooke signed on for arguably the second hardest job in the department. special representative for pakistan and afghanistan. >> it's going to be a difficult struggle. and we require honesty and candor with the international public, the american public and ourselves to proceed. >> ask not -- >> reporter: served every democratic president since john f. kennedy since vietnam learning limits of the american power and rising to public attention as the negotiator who brokered a peace deal to end ethnic cleansing in the balkans. his job as special representative for pakistan and afghanistan made him the equivalent of a four-star general and commanded a much smaller army of agricultural workers and other specialists.@ú at 69, holbrooke said to have resigned himself to the fact that he was never going to be secretary of state. the job as special representative for pakistan and afghanistan was to have been his last government assignment. >> america is more secure and the world is a safer place because of the work of ambassador richard holbrooke. >> reporter: david martin, cbs news, washington. wikileaks founder assange is back in a london court this morning to fight extradition to sweden, wanted there for questioning in sex crimes investigations. assange arrived in a van under heavy security earlier asked about the decision to publish secret u.s. documents. he said, quote, my convictions are unfaltering. i remain true to the ideals i was expressed and relayed that message to his mother who visited him in prison. >> he is being held in the basement of the prison right in the middle of the prison in solitary confinement. as a mother, i'm asking the world to stand up for my brave son. >> he denies the allegations of sweden. convicted swindler bernard madoff will be in a prison and not attend the funeral of his son in new york. mark madoff committed suicide on saturday, second anniversary of his father's arrest. bernard madoff's attorney said madoff won't go to the funeral out of consideration for mark's wife and children. brett favre could not play for minnesota last night because of a shoulder injury that means the record streak of 297 straight nfl starts is history. >> it's been a great run. great run. so, i'm very proud of it. >> favre's streak started in september 1992. and it was one of the greatest individual records in all of sports. and an injury to actor hugh jackman in australia this morning. sorry, ladies. jackman performing a stunt for "the oprah winfrey show." the australian actor suffered an injury near the eye. that's his face. after hitting some scaffolding because he didn't brake early enough. he was not seriously hurt and appeared late we are a small bandage near that eye. well, it's now about 13 past the hour. time for a check of the weather with dave price. who is our own personal stuntman. >> there you go. >> zipping in here for a weather forecast. >> good morning to you. good morning, everyone. let's go to the maps to see what's happening. we have our own action in the country. let's see it. we are having a little bit of battery problems here. here we go. take a look. more lake-effect activity and cold temperatures. divide the country, if you will. straw the jet stream and thank you, well, grab the umbrella this morning. take a look and you will see why, rain fall. yeah, we have been looking at showers with more rain fall moving into the bay area. forecast for today, showers likely through the afternoon with highs in the upper 50s. winter storm warning for the mountains at 10:00 tonight. drying out wednesday and thursday with more rain fall back many the bay area friday through monday. >> it's 15 minutes past the hour. the rain in the northwest going nowhere fast. talk about that more next time i see you. betty, over to you. >> thank you, dave. a royal caribbean cruise ship is safely in port after leaving hundreds of american passengers shaken. this is the third cruise ship near disaster in the last five weeks. cbs news correspondent mark n phillips in london with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. "the brilliance of the seas" arrived at malta with relieved passengers on board. the owners of the ship royal caribbean said they'll refund the cost of the cruise to the passengers, that's how bad it was. boy, were they happy to be on solid ground at last. >> happy to be on solid ground because we've been doing the rock n roll for two days. >> it was the scariest thing i've ever, you know, had happen to me. it was very frightening. >> reporter: dockside in malta, "the brilliance of the sea" seems fine on the inside. the problem is inside. violent rolling in a mediterranean storm threw people and furniture around for hours. it's an experience the 2,000 passengers, about half of them american, trying to come to terms with but the money will help. >> at first we were not happy with the response of royal caribbean but they have refunded the money. >> reporter: the ship was caught out in a severe storm but the bulk of the damage took place when the captain slowed down as he approached the port in egypt w. the ship stabilizers looking the slow speed, the ship rocked violently. about 60 people injured, some with broken bones. >> the ship itself is completely sea worthy conditions. >> reporter: royal caribbean said they'll continue back to barcelona but many of the passengers say they've had enough and want off now. remarkab remarkably, royal caribbean also says that the ship will sail on the next cruise due to leave the end of the this week. they have a lot of work to do and the passengers watching the weather. betty? >> no doubt. cbs' mark phillips in london, thank you. virginia lacrosse player accused of killing his ex-girlfriend may cut a deal to avoid trial. we'll have the latest on the shocking case. also, why cold weather is the peak time for carbon monoxide poisoning and what you can do to keep your family safe from the silent killer. that's all coming up on "the early show." [ male announcer ] humana and walmart are teaming up to bring you a low-price medicare prescription drug plan called the humana walmart-preferred prescription plan. it's a new plan that covers both brand and generic prescriptions and has the lowest-priced national premium in the country of only $14.80 per month and in-store copays as low as $2. when you could save over $450 a year, you can focus on the things that really matter. ♪ go to for details. ♪ [ gasps ] this is for you. thanks. ♪ cool. ♪ [ chuckles ] whoa! ♪ [ chuckles ] i love this part. yeah. me, too. [ lucy gasps ] [ female announcer ] this year, hallmark has all new ways to say it. (greenery) fruit cake. how are ya? [fruit cake] dry. (greenery) who's the new guy? edible arrangements bouquets, beautiful like flowers, but unforgettably delicious, visit, call, or go to [ man thinking ] i'm so stuffed with gas. ohh, noo, not that! not, not here! [ male announcer ] prevent uncomfortable gas moments with gas-x prevention. just one before meals helps prevent gas before it starts. from gas-x, the gas-xperts. just one before meals helps prevent gas before it starts. ♪ that comes fromove a little green leaf ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my skinny jeans zipped in relief ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. you remember last spring the a very sad story of a beautiful university of virginia lacrosse player murdered in her dorm room, and now it looks like a deal may be cut with the prosecutors in terms of the alleged perpetrator of the crime. that, when we come back. this portion of "early show" sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. [chuckles] trust me. i know. - save 25% on bulova watches at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. - i love it. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. ♪ walgreens gift to you ♪ good for anything in store ♪ from toothpaste to cashews [ female announcer ] right now earn walgreens super jingle cash. $5 for every 25 you spend. walgreens. there's a way to stay jolly. $5 for every 25 you spend. two men from the east bay are being praised for helping catch 7:25. time for news headline. two men from the are helping to catch a suspected child molester. they were at a wal-mart when a woman screamed about a man touching her 8-year-old daughter. the two chased the suspect and held him for police. that suspect is due in court today. hundreds of valley workers worried about their jobs this morning. yahoo expected to tell as many as 700 employees that they are being laid off and that would be about 5% of the tote work force at yahoo. and the san jose city council voting to increase taxes on medical marijuana. the 7% jump will raise taxes on medical pot to more than 16% starting in march. and today, the san jose city council is expected to approve a ban on plastic bags at that time grocery store. stay with us. a look at traffic and wet weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,, morning. wet roads and snow in the mountain. new chain requirements just popped up for interstate 80 and highway 50 if you are headed to up the mountains. and slow traffic crossing the bridge. there's a box. so for a while, traffic was backed up. right now, a 20-minute drive time to foster city. eastbound traffic, plaza, meeting light on for at least an hour. traffic backed up. no incidents at that time bay bridge, just a lot of cars going very slow all the way out towards treasure island. and westbound 58 backed up all morning. extra slow out of the pass. and traffic remains heavy out towards the dublin interchange. that's your traffic. here's the forecast. >> thank you. rainy days. yeah, today is going to be a rainy day. most of the showers are down in the south bay. but we have rain fall on the way. seven-day forecast, rain fall expected for the morning and the afternoon. a storm warning in effect for the mountains. and more rain fall friday. ,,,,,,,,,, no ewow. wow. low enthusiasm gap there. my golly. >> awfully cold. thank you for coming out. >> very much appreciated. coming up this morning, the risk of carbon monoxide poisons is called the silent killer, for a very good reason. you can't see it, can't smell it. with the brutal cold weather this year now, this is the most common time of year to be affected by it. we're going to talk to a pregnant woman who became a victim last month and susan koeppen will show us what you need to do to make sure your family's safe. >> good information. this is hollywood's most glittery time of the year as this morning's golden globe nominations kick off the awards season. the social network is getting most of the best picture attention so far from critics that there are a lot of other contenders and we will break it down for new our next hour. first, though, new developments in the university of virginia murder case. seven months ago, yeardley love a senior lacrosse player found beaten to death. the suspect, her ex-boyfriend, locked up ever since. now he may not go to trial. we have the story. whit johnson is here. >> a savage crime that ended two bright futures. since george huguely was arrested, people in the case said almost nothing, now talk of a plea deal. yeardley love's tragic murder weeks before graduation last may rocked the university of virginia campus to its core. >> the entire university community is both shocked and saddened over the news of miss love's death by the hand of a murderer. >> she was a wonderful person. so vibrant, so happy all the time. just a really great friend. >> reporter: the accused, love's ex-boyfriend and fellow lacrosse player george hue huguely. after his arrest he admitted to drunkenly hitting her head against the wall but insists the 22-year-old was alive when he left the apartment. >> we confident miss love's death was not intended but an accident with a horrible outcome. >> reporter: according to a report in the "washington examiner" plea deal negotiations have begun. they would prevent the case from ever going to trial. >> plea deals result in 95% of criminal cases including murder cases, and that's because both sides want the finalities of a deal. ends up resolving a case in appeals. >> reporter: following his arrest, new details emerged about huguely's troubled past. charges for a 2008 altercation with police. public intoxication, and allegations that he previously had been violent with love. as the school year came to a close last spring, students and faculty came together to mourn yeardley love's passing and celebrated a promising life cut short. >> my hope for yeardley and for you is that her dying inspires an anger, a sense of outrage that no woman need ever fear her safety. >> if the case does move forward, george huguely is scheduled to appear in court on january 211. >> whit johnson, thank you. jack ford is our legal analyst with us this morning. is this a surprise? >> no exactly. you've got to remember, overwhelming number of cases do end up in a deal. look at this case, it's not one where the defendant is saying, it wasn't me. i wasn't there. had nothing to do with it. i'm absolutely innocent. reportedly he has said to the police, hered what happened. we argued. i got angry. shook her, banged her head against the wall. he hasn't admitted to everything that the prosecutor says happened. you take away that notion of a defendant saying, i'm clearly innocent, and it sort of leads you to some conversations here. >> what would compel the prosecution to go ahead and accept the deal, if the defense is saying you know what? of all of those things we agree with all the things you just said what would compel the pross dugs say, we'll, we'll go along with that. >> couple of thing come into play. you're a prosecutor. back to my days of a prosecutor handling murder cases. two things, most important. how strong is your case? and what are your victims and family members want out of this? here the prosecutor's saying, we're pretty strong, but nothing is a slam dunk, because the defense is saying, i didn't mean to kill her. the prosecution saying, you slammed her head so hard, of course you meant to certainly hurt her seriously. s prosecutor, that's not a slam dunk murder one conviction. the other thing is, you have to sit down and say to the victim's family what do you want here? they don't control it completely but have a major input. if they say we can't handle a trial, can't go through it. then as a prosecutor you start moving numbers. >> it becomes a very important question, because then is it really a conversation between the prosecutors and the victim's family to say, what are your interests? >> sure. again, they don't control it 100%. victim doesn't come in and say, here what you're going to do. if a prosecutor is in a situation, look, we could probably live with a murder 2 conviction here and maybe 30 years in prison. opposed to murder 1, 20 years to life in prison. murder 2, in virginia, as little as five years to 40 years. so if the prosecutor's saying we could probably deal with murd 2er and it probably would work well with the evidence we have, murd 2er is basically you meant to seriously harm somebody. maybe didn't mean to kill them, then i sit down with the victim's family and say are you guys okay with that? could you live with 30 years? for instance? and then it's up to them to see whether they would be amenable or not. >> if you're a defense attorney and can make that deal. >> yes. >> you're sitting there saying you know what? you actually might have something like a life if, for instance, you walk out of prison in 30 years. even if it's 30 years from now. chances are, for somebody -- i. have to say to my and coming up next, the dangers of carbon monoxide. we're all at risk. we're going to tell you thousho protect your family whshgts we come back. ♪ i must have the wrong house. sister? we missed you. they waited up all night for you, you know. it's a long way from west africa. [ inhales deeply ] he's here. i brought you something. [ chuckles ] really? ♪ [ chuckles ] what are you doing? you're my present this year. ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup with an hdtv from walmart! get everyday low prices and a price match guarantee on all the hottest brands! like lcds from vizio, sony, samsung, lg, and more. a new hdtv. they won't believe it when they see it! find it at walmart. in this morning's "healthwatch," carbon monoxide, the silent killer. with all this cold weather we're already hearing about cases of co poisoning, even death. "early" show consumer correspondent susan koeppen is here with more on the dangers. good morning, susan. >> good morning, betty. december and january are peak months for carbon monoxide poisoning. you can't see it, you can't smell it, but it's deadly. two people have now died, two others hospitalized -- >> reporter: a poisoning scare at a student dorm. >> two people are dead, ten others hospitalized. >> reporter: as winter approaches, cases of carbon monoxide poisoning are adding up. >> it's typical during the winter months because that's when we start using our heating equipment. >> reporter: carbon monoxide gas kills 450 americans every year. and poisons more than 20,000. >> carbon monoxide, you won't smell it, you won't taste it. you won't even know it's there until it's almost too late. >> reporter: christine and her growing family had a carbon monoxide scare in november. >> had we not had a carbon monoxide detector we all would have died that night. >> reporter: a new boiler was installed incorrectly, allowing poisonous gas to fill the house. >> it was as if someone had pulled a car into our basement boiler room and left it running for six hours. >> reporter: carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning in the u.s. symptoms mimic the flu. headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath. >> you just assume that you're sick, people around you are sick, because you've got flu in your home. when, in fact, it's actually poisoning. >> reporter: christine was treated at the hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning. she and her family have fully recovered. but the effects to her unborn baby may not be known for years. >> it's terribly frightening to know that we were so close to having a totally normal baby, and that those dreams that we had for him may not be able to come true. >> reporter: and christine had a couple of carbon monoxide alarms in her home. one that didn't work and one that went off. but she thought it was malfunctioning. it wasn't until she went out to the store, bought a new one, brought that home, that she realized there was of a serious problem in the house, betty. >> really frightening. so what are the problem areas in your home that can really cause that carbon monoxide to built up? >> it's really from your fuel-burning appliances. so things like your furnace, your water heater, it can also come from your fireplace. your stove. a car. so these are all sort of things in your home that can cause the carbon monoxide to come in, seep in and cause a problem. a few things to keep in mind. always have your fuel burning appliances checked every year. you should never use your oven to heat your home. and also, i know it's cold outside, if you're going to try to warm up your car, don't start it, and leave it running in an attached garage. >> make sure you crack at garage, open it up. >> pull the car out and leave it in the driveway. >> yeah, exactly. there's a whole lot of them on the market. question, though that i want to ask, where do you put them in your home. >> you should have a carbon monoxide alarm on every level in your home, outside the sleeping areas, and then definitely in the basement. and you know, because the furnace is down there. so you really need one on every single level of your home. >> all right. so one is not enough. and when you go to purchase these, how much are they? >> well, take a look. i mean there's a lot of different kinds that are out there. and we went out shopping yesterday and bought a bunch. they range in price from $25 to $50. you know, and there's the kind that plug into the wall. there's the kind that are a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm. they even make a travel carbon monoxide alarm. so if you're going on vacation, your hotel room, going to a friend's house, you're not sure if they have an alarm, a lot of accidents happen away from homes so you can actually buy one to take with you. >> all right. so you can put them in different places. you need to put them in different places and they range in prices. but they're absolutely necessary, because you just don't know. >> they call it the silent killer for a reason. you don't know it's there unless you have an alarm. >> good information. susan koeppen joining us live. and we will be right back. this is the "early" show on cbs. >> "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by sensodyne iceo active. nine out of ten dentists recommend it. i have sensitive teeth as well, so i want to make sure that i can deal with that problem. i love the fact that the gel turns into a foam. it spread all over my mouth and was able to get all areas of my teeth -- in the back and around. you just feel like it's really working. my mouth and breath felt really fresh and clean. not only does sensodyne iso-active make my mouth feel fresh, but it also has that ability to help me with my sensitive teeth... and it's totally working. to help me with my sensitive teeth... if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. and the life you want to live. with rheumatoid arthritis, there's the life you live... fortunately there's enbrel, the #1 most doctor-prescribed biologic medicine for ra. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. hi. chili's tonight? do i know you? yeah. your mother's brother went to summer camp with my uncle's friend's accountant. we're practically family. jason? who? my mom's brother's accountant. yeah. that guy is a maniac. okay. i love jason. isn't he a riot? chili's $20 dinner for two. all you need is somebody to go with. share one appetizer, choose two entrees. now with crispy fried shrimp. just $20 for two at chili's. we are going to help men out this morning, who are feeling the seasonal disorder called gift pressure. >> stress of it all. >> oh, my lord. do you know how difficult it is to buy for people of your ilk? >> women, you mean? >> yes. >> it can't be that difficult. >> there is so much pressure. >> we drop clues and hints all year long. you're just not taking down notes. >> i think that may be the problem. i think, you know, you may think you're really giving off the big signals but i don't think we're smart enough -- >> you need a big billboard? >> probably. >> okay, here's a hint. women want rest and relaxation. oh, and diamonds work, too. those are always good. our floor director is going, yes! >> i think it's really that whole anticipation thing of how could you not know what i really wanted. >> exactly. >> versus the, i thought you'd be happy with this. >> no, no. that never works. >> oh, lord. >> ask around. >> anyway, so we're going to have -- we have greats, great ideas for men. to get the lady in your life, we guarantee will put a smile on their face. >> we'll see about that, harry. we'll be right back. >> we do the best we can. >> this is "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] find gifts for everyone on your list at walmart! where there are over 20,000 gifts for $5 and under. that means you have hundreds of great choices for everyone you know who deserves a little joy this christmas. so wrap up everyone on your list...for less! only at walmart. because they have 20% more calcium per chew than viactiv or for the delicious flavors like chocolate truffle and vanilla creme? mmm. -mmm. -mmm. [ female announcer ] hard to say really. new caltrate soft chews, we put the yum in calcium. new caltrate soft chews, ,,,, ♪ ♪ you can find your feet and you can find your way ♪ ♪ you can find yourself in bed at the end of the day ♪ ♪ you can find some fun on a tropical isthmus ♪ ♪but you'll never find my... ♪ you can find it in your heart to be patient with me ♪ ♪ you can find a new star for the top of the tree ♪ ♪ i don't mean to be coy and i don't mean to be vicious ♪ ♪ but you'll never find my christmas ♪ a possible furlough has prosecutors in contra costa county... worr sit 7:55. a possible furlough has prosecutors worried about public safety. the county board of supervisors expected to approve a mandatory furlough today. under the contract, deputy district attorneys must take 12 unpaid days off many the next six months. the virginia kidnapping suspect found at ocean beach will face a judge today. that's the 32-year-old, he is under observation at the county jail. he is accused of kidnapping a 12-year-old in virginia. and another report on the pipeline disaster due out in a couple of hours. it will be the second report from the national transportation safety board. the previous report found there was a power supply problem and increased pressure in the pipes before it exploded. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. ,, [ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? all right. got a new accident just past the tunnel eastbound 24. so it is going against the commute. a multi-vehicle crash involving a box truck as well. sounds like sit blocking at least one lane of traffic. stacked to up the tunnel, again that's eastbound 246789 westbound 24 seeing the usual slow traffic out of the tunnel. and you're headed towards the bay bridge toll plaza, it is backed up. things improve past the metering lights. northbound 880 through oakland, slow and go past the coliseum. and word of an accident, three- car crash north 80. just cleared to the shoulder. but it's pretty much jammed from dakota road. that is your traffic. yeah, sit a great day, a lot like yesterday. except we have rain fall moving in. here we are. a lull many the action. rain fall that we had earlier this morning moving off to parts of the mountains and rain fall off the coastline moving in. forecast for the morning as well as the afternoon, showers. yeah, showers expected through the afternoon with highs in the upper 50s. showers for the bay area, winter storm warning tonight. and more rain fall friday, saturday and sunday and monday. oh, man. >> trying to stay warm. >> the wind just howls right through central park. we really thank you for being as tough as you are this morning. >> yes. thank you. >> we have one guy who's actually dressed properly. all right? he's all bundled up back there. welcome to "the early show." i'm harry smith along with betty nguyen. coming up, the big step towards this year's oscars. hollywood is handing out its golden globe nominations this morning. one of the favorite, "social network," "the king's speech" along with others. we will bring you the announcement late other than this hour and have reaction as well. >> very good. also, some interesting news about good cholesterol and alzheimer's disease. a new study says when good cholesterol level, high, your risk of getting alzheimer's is lower. dr. jennifer ashton will be here to tell us more. let me give awe hint. oatmeal. i did not have any this morning. >> we could use them. >> yes, hot oatmeal. whit johnston at the newsdesk. >> you two look comfortable out there. wow. can't wait to join you later in the show. good morning, everybody, speaking of the weather a deadly deep freeze engulfed much of the nation. the latest punch from the storm that punished the midwest. a report, indiana a state of emergency remains in effect. more snow and bitter cold is forecast for today as well. at least 16 deaths in four states are blamed on the storm. cbs news news correspondent dean reynolds is in saint joseph, michigan with more. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. well, the east coast is getting a taste of what the people here in the midwest saw on monday. and the remedy is simple. you can see behind me. it's stay indoors where it's warm. the wind continued to howl overnight knocking out power to thousands and making any kind of travel a real nightmare. in some areas not even the snow plows could handle the chore. >> it was pretty scary. >> reporter: tammy logan learn her lesson the hard way. she and her family, along with another 100 vehicles, were stranded for more than half a day on an indiana highway after snow stopped them dead in their tracks. >> we just tried to clear off the car. you know, periodically, make sure nothing was in front of the exhaust. just so we would be safe. >> reporter: as the storm pushed east so did the danger. slick snow across new york's long island triggered numerous car wrecks including this ten-car pileup. not much better down south. does this look like north carolina to anyone? citrus farmers are scrambling to protect their crops. this man could lose tens of thousands of dollars if the cold snap decides to stick around for a while. >> no bigger risk than a farmer and a freeze. that is gm gambling. >> reporter: in the northwest, downtown astoria, oregon, now has a gaping hole in it after a city block collapsed during the deluge. and in minnesota, officials are just now beginning to work on the deflated dome. it collapsed sunday morning under all that snow and ice forcing the giants and vikings to play in detroit. now they're hoping it can be fixed before next week's game. that's the hope, at least, but more snow is on the way for minnesota and here in michigan later in the week. whit? >> dean reynolds, all bundled up for us in saint joseph, michigan. thank you. health care reform law lost a first legal challenge. yesterday a federal judge in virginia ruled it unconstitutional to require people to buy health insurance. the case is expected to go to the supreme court. italian premier silvio berlusconi will keep his job after surviving two no confidence votes today. b ber lus cone hi stormed out of the lower house during a debate. an easier time in senate. students opposed berlusconi battles police saying they could no locker put up whip his personal scandals and what they describe as failed policy. president obama called diplomat richard holbrooke a giant of american diplomacy. holbrooke died yesterday after undergoing surgery to repair a torn aorta. he was president obama's envoy to afghanistan and pakistan and under president clinton holbrooke negotiated the bosnia peace plan. this morning he said he saved lives, restored peace and restored pope for countless people around the world. richard holbrooke was 69 years old. it's about four past the hour. back outside to dave price for another check of the weather. dave? >> you just take nor time reading that news. it's perfectly comfortable out here. oh, buddy, wait until you get out here at 8:30. it is chilly. now, the good news is -- very smart people here. this woman's wearing a hat. this woman's wearing a hat, this one has a hat, hat, parka. where'd you get this. where are you from? >> texas. >> you don't need this in texas. did you steal this from somebody? >> no i came prepared. >> look at this. this is really nice. really nice. take this mike. we'll trade. >> oh, no. >> please, i'm begging you! >> no. way too cold out here. >> hold on. i'm going to give you a sou this weather report, sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. thanks, john. that's a quick look at your weather pick color. betty, back inside to you. >> thank you, dave. up next, the latest facts on good cholesterol and a possible breakthrough in the fight against alzheimer's disease. this is "the early show" on cbs. . - you went to kay. she'll love it. 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[ female announcer ] stay jolly with walgreens. good news this morning in the fight good news in the fight against alzheimer's disease. higher amounts of so-called good cholesterol could lower your risk of alzheimer's by up to 60 percent. our dr. jennifer ashton is here to talk about this. >> good morning. >> before we get into the study give us a refresher course. the difference. >> so many hear the word cholesterol and think it's got to be bad. the fact of the matter, like most things in mads edicine, wed it in moderation. talking about the difference between good and bad cholesterol good way to remember, h cholesterol, hdl, good. ldl, lousy or bad. target goals, two numbers. ldl, bad cholesterol below 100 and hdl, or good cholesterol over 60. >> what is the correlation between cholesterol and alzheimer's disease? >> this is a study done out of columbia university. they looked at 1,100 people age 55 and older, divided them into groups based on hdl, healthy cholesterol number and found with those above 55 read a 60% lower risk's having alzheimer's disease. wrap we called an associated finding. they didn't explain cause and effect, but we know very clearly that what's good for the heart is also good for the brain and vice versa. that's one theory. >> so that being the case, how do we boost our good cholesterol? >> a couple of easy things that are mostly behavioral. we have to remember, 75% of our cholesterol comes from our body. 25% comes from our food intake. when you talk about elevating the hdl, if you smoke, stop. that can increase your hdl numbers by 10%. exercise can boost your hdl. very important. eating a diet low in carbohydrates also can raise that number. >> imagine, diet is something that a lot of people will be trying to fix or moderate in order to lose their good cholesterol. what can you do when it comes to diet? >> talking about diet we think about the ldl or lousy cholesterol and lowering that number. easy things you can substitute vegetable oils or nuts for saturated fats. cooking with butter now, switch over to a vegetable oil whenever possible or olive oil. oatmeal, you mentioned had you for breakfast. very important in terms of lowering the ldl. it you like your eggs you don't have to give them up. substitute egg white force whole egg and you will dramatically reduce ldl cholesterol intake. some might still need medication but these are important things they do. >> good information and easy stuff. thank you, dr. ashton. appreciate it. >> you bet. up next, having trouble finding the perfect present? we're going to show what you women really want for christmas. this is "the early show" on cbs. y or nge. you soak up some rays in the morning, grab a cool drink around noon, and sleep soundly at night... knowing no one looking to freeze or concentrate you... will ever set foot in this paradise. simply orange. honestly simple. ( chirping ) now is the time to take action. are you reconsidering your medicare coverage? call unitedhealthcare medicare solutions today. you only have until december 31st to make sure you have the coverage you need. consider a medicare advantage plan. it combines medicare parts a & b, which is your doctor and hospital coverage and may include prescription drug coverage for as low as a $0 monthly premium. you only have until december 31st to enroll. call unitedhealthcare today. expand our toolboxes... and fill our sleighs to capacity. with all kinds of buzzing, roaring, and humming. with guaranteed low prices on all the tools you want, there will be more than tinsel glinting around our trees. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of christmas morning. buy any ryobi super combo or lithium-ion combo kit and get a free ryobi power tool worth up to 99 bucks. buy any ryobi super combo or lithium-ion combo kit we wrap up our perfect presents series this week with a look at two notoriously difficult groups to buy for, men and women. this morning "early" show special contributor takes a look at what the ladies love and do not. ♪ all i want for christmas >> reporter: it's every woman's holiday wish loud and clear. shopping would be a cinch. but for men, unless your name is santa, figuring out what a woman wants is hardly a wrap. >> we go into the holidays feeling like sherlock holmes. like, you know, we have to scour for clues, and piece together the facts, and it's never elementary in the end. >> what do you think she wants? >> well, you know, that's the age-old mystery. what does a woman, want, right? >> guys have a lot of anxiety about what to get for a woman because they have to hear about it all year. either you got me the best gift, or oh, can you believe he got me a toaster? >> what do i think she wants? >> probably whatever hot is out there. something that was on oprah. >> men have no clue what they really like. >> i'm really thinking hard. really thinking hard. >> reporter: what women really want is the first photograph that's ever been taken of the two of you in a frame, really beautiful, with a little card attached to it saying, let's relive this date. what she'll probably get is a blu-ray. >> reporter: so this christmas, listen up. >> i specifically drop pretty big hints. >> reporter: don't be afraid to ask for help. >> i'd like to have either a nook or a kindle, because i like to read a lot. >> give us something we won't give ourselves. >> reporter: and if you want your gift to be a really big hit. >> jewelry. >> jewelry. >> a woman always likes a nice piece of jewelry. >> reporter: think small. >> a ring. >> diamonds. lots of them. >> reporter: i don't blame you. >> reporter: and considering what you got her last year -- >> a candle with like a duck. >> reporter: what's the worst thing he's ever gotten you? >> a poncho. >> i got her a leather miniskirt one time. that didn't go over. >> reporter: why not? >> beats me. >> reporter: jewelry just might be the way to go. >> we are hopeless. joining us now with a pile of presents that your favorite woman really love is style and trend expert jenn failic. >> good morning. >> let's start with jewelry. >> lots of women want something sparkly. great sparkly options from aqua at bloomingdale's. you can get a whole stock of them for like 47 bucks. >> that's good. >> you can mix and match. and this is shoshanna who everybody loves, just came out with a line for qvc for judith ripka. these are like 50 bucks and they're so fun. they're statement pieces. they're lightweight. this is gorgeous. >> yeah, that's beautiful. >> women love that. >> what's this thing? >> this is all in the same family. you can get one, a few. stack them. i think they're so beautiful. american living does a lot for jcpenney. classic pieces, but kind of like a classic style. >> right. >> this is really great. this is a brand called aroc urtu, everything is environmentally friendly jewelry. for "early" show viewers they're doing 20% after if you type in early show so you is get a deal. >> on these guys? these rock things? >> with little diamonds inside. black diamonds are more reasonable than other kinds of diamonds. so you can still give her diamonds. >> this is cute. >> this is judith ripka. looks like a canary diamond. it's not. but it looks like one. there's also earrings that go with this. gorgeous, as well, if you want to do earrings there's some options. around $350. >> so there's the jewelry realm. >> yes. >> can a guy buy makeup for his wife? >> definitely. these are everyday indulgs enss. what's great about holiday makeup is they come in sets. you don't have to know exactly what color is perfect for. this is from stila, over $500 worth of eye shadows for under 50 bucks. >> that's good. >> or you don't have to spend thousands or a bag or pair of shoes but get a makeup palette, have the dior feeling, really high quality makeup. or laura mercier does this great set of lip glosses. it's a great gift because women can never have enough but it looks good on everybody. you don't have to worry about the color matching. >> until this moment i didn't know that you can never have enough lip gloss. >> i can never have enough. you learn something new every day. >> all right. so we've done the makeup. maybe it's not the makeup, maybe it's not jewelry, but like a really pretty scarf. >> cashmere. if you get a woman like a knit scarf like, oh, great gift. you give her a cashmere scarf all of a sudden it's a really great gift. these are from club monaco, under $100. super soft. it's warm. but you can also wear it as a fashion accessory. it doesn't have to be a winter bundle up outer wear piece. it can be an accessory. or kmart has cashmere sweaters, 30 bucks. an old christmas sweater you don't want but something cashmere, all of a sudden, ooh -- >> this is a babushka. >> okay, nice and warm. perfect. >> all right. >> and there's all different colors. this is something you can borrow, too. >> yes. very good. so these are the sweaters, very nice. >> 30 bucks, kmart. again, a sweater. no one wants a christmas sweater. but this is a cashmere sweater, all of a sudden you've upped the ante when you throw in a little cashmere. >> i'm very impressed. what about these shoes? >> shoes i know would be a difficult gift to give when the woman in your life isn't home, check her shoe size, know you're on the right track. but this is really cool. these up here are from a company called the enchanted shoebox. you can design personalized for the woman in your life. if she has a pair of earrings, maybe she lost one, you can end in heirloom jewelry, they'll put it on the shoes, personalize anything and everything. >> that's neat. >> so you write in, they'll help you design it and then you send it. or if you don't want to spend that much, go to pay less, isabel toledo designed dresses for the first lady. she has a shoe collection there. bows very on trend. if you get a woman shoes she's going to be really loving you. >> you think? >> oh, yes, shoes are a great lift. >> last but not least these experiential things. >> for women who have enough stuff, give her an experience. there's personal chef companies around the country. here in new york there's yum yum chef, which i've used. big city chefs. hire a chef, they'll come to your house. personalize a menu. cater a dinner party. give you a cooking lesson. for spa gift cards. >> i like it all. >> lots of good stuff. >> thank you. i'm feeling much more confident than way did before. jenn, thanks. to find out more about these perfect presents go to our ♪ ten thousand watts glow brightly clear ♪ ♪ the colored lights will shine sincere, ho, ho, ho ♪ ♪ ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ♪ this holiday season, chevy's giving you more. like a 100,000 mile/5-year powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 miles more than ford. and now we're giving you our best offer of the year. 0% apr financing... plus $1,500 holiday allowance... plus no monthly payments until spring. on most chevy models. but hurry, because your chance to get our best offer of the season ends soon. see your local chevy dealer now. a possible furlough has prosecutors in contra costa county worried about public sa y board of sit 8:25. a possible furlough has prosecutors worried about public safety. the county board of supervisors expected to approve a mandatory furlough today. under the contract, deputy district attorneys must take 12 unpaid days off in the next six months. in about 90 minutes, the national transportation safety board will release a second report on the deadly pipeline explosion. the blast in september killed eight people and destroyed 37 homes. today's report will include rules from tests on pipe segments. and for the fourth time in three year, yahoo is expected to announce lay-office today. it will likely affect hundred to 700 employees. that's about 5% of yahoo's total work force. we will take a look at traffic and the wet weather coming up. ,,,,,, [ mom ] my son only wanted one toy this year. i want a robosan 4000. [ mom ] the one no one could get. toy stores are reporting long lines and empty shelves. a robosan 4000. [ mom ] and i mean no one. so i did most of my holiday shopping on citi specials. with the money i saved, i bid online -and got exactly what he wanted. -a robosan 4000! [ television ] introducing the new robosan 5000. [ mom ] at least for now. [ male announcer ] make your happy holiday stories come true with citi specials. what's your story? citi can help you write it. good morning. 78 approaching fremont boulevard a crash off to the right shoulder. traffic is jammed in the area. even from 238 past the crash toward the parkway. 880, a mess up and down the freeway. here's a live look at 880 near the coliseum. it's almost a half-hour commute from 238 up. in the south bay, obviously a lot of slower speeds from the traffic send source. northbound 880 backed up as well. into downtown san jose, not too bad in the northbound lanesover 280. and just getting word of an accident southbound walnut creek before the 24 interchange and remains heavy through the valley. that's your traffic. here's your forecast. >> thank you. while we are looking at the doppler this morning and not a lot of activity going on currently. but just off the coastline, we have a line of rain showers moving into the bay area. the forecast for the morning and well into the afternoon. seven-day forecast showing highs in the upper 50s for the chance of rain showers during the day wednesday and thursday, more rain fall friday through monday. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> oh, but it's chilly out here this morning. thanks very much for persevering out here on the plaza. >> whoo! >> welcome back to "the early show," everybody. coming up, the golden globe nominations, leading the list of contenders is "the social network," which has already racked up a bunch of awards. we're going to take you to beverly hills to hear the announcement, and look at all the big pics. >> also if you fly a lot you know there's a fee for just about everything these days. from luggage to food. there's even an airline that wants to pay -- or you to pay, at least, to use the rest room, of all things. >> i heard about that. >> so we're going to take a look at these latest fees including continental airlines deal that gives you up to seven days to lock in the ticket price, before you actually have to buy it. >> that's a good deal. >> yeah, absolutely. first, we're going to check in with dave with another look at the weather. and let me guess, is anybody warm out there? is there anybody warm across the country, dave? >> across the country, the only place that's really warm, or pleasant is really the desert southwest right now. other than that, everyone is chilly. very good time, very good time by the way, if you're thinking of things to do, to grow hair, harry. this is -- >> get right on. >> if they're looking for something to do around the holidays. >> i'll lend you some of mine, harry. >> chilly one, everyone. that bitter, arctic air beginning to make its way in. go to the maps right now. see what's happening all across the country. looks like more rain is in store for the northwest and at the higher elevations you're talking about serious snow. the system, this low, really hasn't moved anywhere. just bringing more energy onshore. slowly but surely it is going to begin to make the move. that will become a snowmaker as i it rolls through tn they care customers. maybe they took one step too far. >> there a there. what are some of the new ones we're going to see. >> a lot of the ones you're seeing right now and you saw it last winter, too, is peak holiday travel surcharges. the airlines are actually folding in an extra $10 to get on to -- to charge customers for flying on those peak travel days. that's a bad one because you don't have any choice in that. they fold it into the price. >> they know people want to travel to see their family and friends during the holidays. >> it's a way to gauge them. >> no doubt. there were other frees for frequent flyer miles. that was supposed to be a reward program. >> this is going after the most loyal customers. which, confounds me. but they're charging as much as $150 each way to redeem your frequent flyer miles for a quote/unquote free ticket or to upgrade to business class. i just paid $250 to upgrade to business class using my miles. i had to actually pay over and above my airfare an extra $250 on a round trip to phoenix to update to business class. >> sometimes it's not even worth using the miles. >> a lot of people are really disenchanted with miles. they're giving away so many of them, you get a credit card you can get a million miles so they're just simply not worth as much as they used to be. >> talk about outrageous fees. we heard about this over the summer, costing to use the rest room? they are charging you a fee to use the rest room on a plane? >> not yet. they're poised to. >> maybe we can stop it. >> the chairman of ryanair, one of the largest airlines in europe, has said he swears that he's really going to do this, he's going to start charging for his customers to use the bathroom on his planes. they've even got a pricing structure, one euro or one pound to use the toilets on ryanair flights. it's incredible. >> very quickly, when it comes to airlines or cruise lines, the seas. >> yes, they're also starting to do a la carte pricing. make sure you check with your cruise line. are your meals included or not? because there's at least one cruise line, carnival, that is now starting on some cruises to charge you for your meals. >> goodness. all right. this is good information. we all need to be aware of. mark, thank you so much. for more on hidden travel fees, king's speech" and "the social network." that should really be the big battle. i'm sure they're both going to get nominated. >> for the 68th annual golden globe awards. and here to reveal these nominations, please welcome blair underwood, josh duhamel, and katie holmes. blair, you're up first. >> thank you, philip. okay. best performance by an actor in a mini series or motion picture madeor television. "luther." ian mcshane, "pillars of the earth." al pacino, "you don't know jack." dennis quaid "the special relationship," and ed guard ramirez, "carlos." best performance by an actress in a mini series or motion picture made for television. haley atwell, "pillars of the earth." claire danes "temple brandon." judi dench "return to cranford." ramallah garay "emma." and jennifer love hewitt "the client list." best performance by an actress in a motion picture, comedy or musical. annette bening ""the kids are all right." ann hathaway, "love and other drugs." angelina jolie "the tourist." julianne moore "the kids are all right." and emma stone, "easy a." oh, you like those? best performance by an actor in a motion picture comedy or musical, johnny depp, "alice in wonderland." johnny depp, "the tourist." right? paul giamatti "barney's version." jake gyllenhaals "love and other drugs." and kevin spacey, "casino jack." >> best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a motion picture. christian bale "the fighter." michael douglas, "wall street: money never sleeps." andrew garfield, "the social network." jeremy renner "the town." jeffrey roush, "the king's speech." best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture. amy adams, "the fighter." helena bonham carter, "the king's speech."ec milla kunis "black swan." melissa leo, "the fighter." jackie weaver, "animal kingdom." best performance by an actor in a television series, drama. steve buscemi "board walk empire." brian cranston, "breaking bad." michael c. hall "dexter." john hamm "mad men." hugh laurie "house." best director, motion picture. darren aron off ski "black swan." david fincher "the social network." tom hooper, "the king's speech." christopher nolan, "inception." david o. russell, "the fighter." best motion picture comedy or musical. "alice in wonderland." "burlesque." "the kids are all right." "red." "the tourist." >> best television series, drama. "board walk empire." "dexter." "the good wife." "mad men." "the walking dead." best performance by an actress in a motion picture, drama. halle berry "frankly and alice." nicole kidman, "rabbit hole." jennifer lawrence, "winter's bones." natalie portman, ""black swan." michelle williams, lou valentine." best performance by an actor in a motion picture, drama. jesse eisenberg, "the social network." colin firth, "the king's speech." james franco, "127 hours." ryan gosling, "blue valentine." mark wahlberg, "the fighter." best motion picture, drama. "black swan." "the fighter." "inception." "the king's speech." "the social network." thank you. >> let's give a big thank you to blair, josh and katie. as i was watching, don't forget to join us sunday, january the 16? for the 68th annual golden globe awards, hosted by ricky gervais, live coast to coast on nbc. thank you. >> and joining us now with his take on the golden globes is dalton ross, assistant managing editor for "entertainment weekly." we're sitting here scribbling like mad. and in terms of headlines, i'm going to think just from my random scribbling. >> right. >> one of the ones that's really like hauling in nominations was "the fighter." >> yeah, "the fighter" was a -- got a lot of nominations. that was sort of on the edge. and "black swan," too, harry. we talk about "the social network" was going to be in there, "the king's speech," we knew those were going to be big ones. but "black swan" and "the fighter" also had a fair amount of nominations as well. >> does "the fighter" nominated for best actor, best supporting actor, christian bale, mark wahlberg, a couple of different nominations for best supporting actress. >> mm-hmm. >> and that -- >> director. picture. it really swept. and a lot of those. >> that is a huge deal for mark wallburg, which has been like his labor of love to get this thing made over the last half dozen years or so. >> and he was a little bit of a surprise. christian bale is not only we knew, i think christian bale is the favorite. wahlberg a little more of a surprise. definitely exciting for them. >> you should talk a little bit about the swan, because this is a movie that's getting a lot of buzz, a lot of attention, maybe not necessarily the most accessible of all films. natalie portman is blow-away in this movie. >> yeah, and it's from jared aronovski who did the wrestler. it's set in the world of ballet. and she's amazing. milla kunis is amazing. she scored a little bit of a surprise nomination, as well. a lot of nominations for "black swan." i'll tell you what surprised me, harry. the biggest surprises, i think, that came out of this were first of all you look at the comedy, musical category. we knew it was a week field but burlesque, a movie that's pretty much been panned by everyone does get a best nom there. and a lot of nominations for "the tourist." another movie that really has not been getting great critical -- angelina, johnny depp gets a domination for that and alice in wonderland and he gets the best picture as well. >> i guess all told, the most nominations with six. explain what that is, because that's a movie that i think eventually people will end up going to see. because colin firth and both geoffrey roush are lights out. >> colin firth playing king george vi and his reluctant ascension to the throne and he has this stutter he has to get over and geoffrey rush is the man who has to help him get over that. >> this is a true story. >> yes. >> because this guy could not utter a word and the country is going to war and they need their king to speak. >> that's right. he's a guy that can't speak and has to deliver the most important speech at the most important time. it's fascinating. and like i said, i think it's "the king's speech" and "the social network" that will be battling it out for the best fixture. >> i'm going through the other movie got that some good attention was "love and other drugs." >> that was very surprising, marginal as well. you look again in that comedy and musical category and it's a sort of quasi-comedy, you know. >> it's sort of a dramedy. >> it's a dramedy, that's exactly right. >> but anne hathaway is terrific. >> anne hathaway is terrific. she got a nomination and jake for picture, as well. they've got to be very happy. >> both of them did a really nice job in that. and the other movie that did pretty well is "the kids are all right." which was a smaller, independent movie from the middle of the summer that ended up a lot of people ended up going to see. >> i think it's the front-run r front-runner, julianne moore is great. this is the one film from a comedy/musical category that stands a chance in the best picture oscar race as well. i think a lot of those other films, the oscar, even if it goes to ten, they're not going to get nominated for an oscar, but "the kids are all right" will and it is a contender. >> dalton ross, as always, appreciate your expertise. we're going to be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] now everyone can explore the world from home. at&t is making high speed internet more affordable than ever at only $14.95 a month. one-year price guarantee. headlines... new documents show the p g and e ex signed for it is 8:55. good morning, everyone. i'm sydnie kohara with your cbs 5 news headlines. new documents show the pg&e executive who resigned for snooping did more than just spy online. the "mercury news" has obtained some internal pg&e e-mails that reveal that the former exec sent an employee to watch and take pictures of a smartmeter protest in rohnert park. san jose could be on the verge of becoming california's biggest city with the ban on plastic bags. the city council is voting today on that. store customers would have to bring their own reusable bags or pay for paper. if the ordinance is approved, it would take effect in january of 2012. and san francisco's board of supervisors will be voting today on a revised bid to host the america's ku radio the new bid shifts the race from the -- - america's cup with a new bid. traffic and weather around the bay area coming right up. stay with us. ,, ,,,,,,,,,, southbound 680 is slow from walnut creek danville. we had a three-car accident cleared to the shoulder and there is a pothole in the this area needs fixing. you can see from the shot that it's a bottleneck past that accident. south bay southbound -- actually, south bay san jose, northbound traffic heading out of downtown san jose still looks good. but the connector ramp to northbound 880 is jammed solid. we had an accident there involving a big rig and a car. so it's still really slow going through there but things improved at the bay bridge. it's backed up to the mid- parking lot. the metering lights are on. let's check the forecast. here's tracy. >> hey, thank you. our forecast for the morning, still includes showers expected. here's a look at our hi-def doppler. we have a line of showers off the coastline trying to make headway but not so much but showers will still be in the forecast for the morning and afternoon. here's a look at our seven-day forecast. highs for today in the upper 50s, winter storm watch in the sierra until 10 p.m. drying out wednesday and thursday. another storm system comes in friday, giving us a continued chance of showers through monday. ,,,,,,,,


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20101214

does this now make that much more likely? >> actually, i think the decision is not a bad decision. the first thing is that the mandate is not essential. that was principally a benefit for insurance companies. it's absolutely not essential. because we have done something like that. >> you mean compelling people to buy health insurance? >> you don't have to do that in order to make universal health care. in massachusetts, under mitt romney, under their mandate, there's 4% that aren't affected. this is an important point. the judge limited his decision to this particular clause, he did not declare the bill unconstitutional, just this piece of the bill and he specifically said in his decision that this doesn't apply to the entire bill. i know the administration had a lot of heartburn over this. this may be a good thing, because this very conservative judge said that the severability, the bill as a whole could go forward. there's no chance that this is going to the supreme court without a lot of process. >> thank you very much. now to hollywood, the 68 annual golden globe nominations were announced this morning. lee cowan is live in los angeles with more. lee, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. it was the drama about a stuttering king george vi that earned the most nominations this morning but up against pretty stiff competition from both a swan and a fighter. >> qualifications. >> reporter: "the king's speech" already one of the critics' choices led the golden globes with seven nominations including a best drama and for its cast, including colin firth as the stuttering monarch, king george vi. >> destroyed the happiness for my family. >> reporter: just behind it with six nominations, it was a tie between the boxing drama "the fighter" with four acting nods including christian bale and mark wahlberg up against the tale of the founding of facebook "the social network" the director and cast, including jesse aisenberg, also scored big. right now? >> reporter: nicole kidman earned a nod for her role as a grieving mother in "the rabbit hole." >> he's god after all. why didn't he just make another angel? hmm? >> reporter: and natalie portman claimed a spot for best actress as a ballerina dancing her way into madness in "the black swan," also up for best drama. on a lighter note, johnny depp picked up two nominations for his roles in both "alice in wonderland." >> if i know you anywhere, aid know him anywhere. >> reporter: as well as a nod for his role in "the tourist," where angelina jolie claimed a spot for best actress. >> maybe we can find you another. >> reporter: both annette beck and julianne moore nominated together for their roles in the comedy about a lesbian family in "the kids are all right." on the television side, "mad men" once again walked away with a nod for best tv series up and up against "the good wife" "dexter," and "boardwalk empire." "30 nod" for tina fey and alec baldwin or actor and actress. bell look to the golden globes for a predictor of the oscars, turn outs it is not a very good indication what happens. in the last 60 years only one movie given a golden globe for best picture won oscar for best picture. wait and see what happens this year. >> i should have known that. i didn't, lee cowan. i thought it was a predictor. >> i guess not that often. >> a check of the rest of the morning's top stories, ann is over it news desk, good morning to you. >> good morning to both of you and all of you this morning. in the news, last night, republican party chairman michael steele made a surprise announcement saying he will seek re-election despite recent reports saying he would resign. steele has weathered controversy for spending nearly $2,000 in party funds at a los angeles strip club and for reportedly using nearly $19,000 of the committee's money to redecorate his office. 6 report. walgreen's are warning that hackers are using customer e-mail accounts to prompt customers for information. security experts suggest that using a different password for each of your own online accounts would make things safer. yahoo! is preparing to lay off as many as 5% of its workforce beginning today, cutting as many as 700 employees. the search engine has been struggling with sluggish growth and disappointing ad very much new. if you braved the winter chill last night, you might have seen a spectacular show up above. the annual meteor shower peak overnight with a rain ball of falling stars in white, yellow, blue, red and green. up to 60 meteors an hour rained down for star gazers. a cold hit and are run that flattened a poorly placed snowman and left one bus driver out of a job in illinois. in this youtube video, the car steers around a snowman the middle of the road and moments later, a bus veers to the left side of the road and takes the snowman down. after meeting with transit officials, the driver abruptly resign bud now the group has popped up on facebook calling for the bus driver to be he reinstated. as for the snowman, he had a meltdown. it is now 7:19 pacific time. now to matt and meredith. >> move that bus. >> no melting down where al is this morning. he is up in dunkirk, new york, where it is frigid. al, good morning again. >> good morning, matt, meredith about 50 miles southwest of buffalo, lake-effect snow, big factor today, all around all five great lakes, however, you go out west, they have got a mess to talk about in the pacific northwest. we are talking about rain and snow, look at this system on shore, bringing with it rain and mountain snows, rainfall amounts a half an inch to an inch of rain along the coast but the snow, we are talking anywhere from one to nine inches of snow, some areas of the upper elevations picking up a foot of snow or more. back the rest of the country, plenty of sunshine in the southeast but record lows. the sunshine will be around the plains but brutally cold, w here's a viewve or the b oa. the clouds are going by and raindrops, mainly light rain at times, but we will see more substantial rhine dropping in through the afternoon. locally breezy at times and temperatures mid- to upper 50s heading up into the north bay. temperatures in the mid 50s and today a rainy, cool day. tomorrow we should catch a break from the rain into thursday afternoon and more rain spills in on friday. and that's your latest weather, meredith? >> al, thank you very much. and just ahead why bernie madoff says that he will not attend his son, mark's, funeral. and why madoff's heartbroken wife is so angry at him, blaming him for his son's ♪ it comes along just once a year ♪ ♪ on winters wings, decembers rear, ahha humbug faces come and dear ♪ ♪ then appears at perfect christmas time. ♪ ♪ a tiny tree, christmas, tinsel, the lights ♪ ♪ the star that sings, top your tiny tree, yeah ♪ coming up, some of the most powerful men in the world and why they have no problem crying in public. >> plus thett twier twitter reveals the ten most powerful tweets of the year. 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throw that out the window because there's wind out there as well, it feels a lot colder as it does in many parts of the country on this tuesday morning. that didn't stop these folks from gathering out on our plaza. we'll get out there in a little while and say hi. meanwhile i'm matt lauer alongside meredith viera. john boehner who is known to get emotional cried several times during an interview on 60 minutes. would his peers get a different reaction if boehner was a woman? how powerful can 140 characters be? more than 1,000 tweets are sent every second, some funny, some mundane, some can actually change the world. coming up the co-founder of twitter will reveal the most powerful tweets of 2010. let's begin this half hour with new details of the details of bernie madoff's son mark. >> reporter: according to his lawyer, bernie madoff decided not to attend the funeral out of respect for his family that shunned him. now bernie madoff's own grandkids may pay for his mistakes. at the madoff's connecticut estate, the family gathered monday, no comment, as relatives came down the long winding driveway. as they grieve mark's suicide, apparently depressed over the criminal investigation and lawsuits against him, his father bernie madoff has made a decision behind bars, he won't attend his son's funeral, out of his daughter-in-law and his grandchildren's privacy. it's not even clear if bernie madoff would even be welcome at the funeral. mark cut ties with his father since the story broke in 2008. ruth reportedly blames their convict husband for their son's death. sk sk . >> she claims that bernie madoff has blood on his hands, she calls him an s.o.b. and that he has totally ruined their family and the death of their son was the final straw. >> reporter: mark madoff pled poverty to friends, but in reality, he was still living a lavish life. his compound in connecticut, worth $2.3 million. his ocean front estate in nantucket seen here is worth $17 million. and the manhattan apartment where he hanged himself with a doing leash is worth $6 million. and now victims seek pay back for his admitted scam. his wife and young children as young as 2 years old may be on the hook for tens of millions. >> the victims of the bernie madoff ponzi scheme want their money back. and one of the things they have tried to do is to go after mark madoff's children seeking money they got through allegedly the bernie madoff ponzi scheme. so this litigation is going to go on. >> reporter: and federal investigators haven't ruled out criminal charges either. officials still want to know what the sons knew about the ponzi scheme and whether they were involved. >> andrew is now the sole surviving son and if the u.s. attorney had intended to bring charges against the sons, it will all fall on andrew now. >> reporter: both mark and andrew madoff have denied any knowledge or involvement in the ponzi scheme from the very start and law enforcement sources say two years later, there's still not enough evidence to charge either one of them. by the way, the family still hasn't claimed mark's body from the medical examiner here in new york city and there's no word yet on funeral plans either. a contributing editor for "vanity fair" who has written about bernie madoff and the sons mark and an dprdrew. you wrote a piece about mark and andrew and you talked a lot of friends and colleagues and acquaintances, what was your reaction to the news? >> i was shocked along with everybody else. i guess i would have assumed that he passed the worst of it already, that the epicenter of the story had moved on. everybody thought they were going to get indicted right off the bat, that the case against them was just so obvious and it didn't happen. and one would have thought that maybe he had reached a different kind of equilibrium in his life, but obviously that wasn't true. >> he took his life on the two-year anniversary of his father's arrest, what did you make of that? >> i don't think he was making a particular point by picking that date, i think that it was just a reminder that the case was never going to go away for him. on the second anniversary there were legal consequences because the trustee had a deadline for filing actions by the second anniversary and so there was a flurry of activity around then and then there were the usual newspaper stories two years in, including stories about him and supposedly one of the things he was concerned about was a story in the "wall street journal." >> that came out the day that he killed himself? >> the morning of his suicide. and the story in the journal had nothing new about him and nothing incriminating about him, but it was just a reminder that he was always going to be under this shadow, he would never be able to escape it and maybe just he was finally overwhelmed by that. >> he sent out some e-mails right before he took his own wife, one to his wife stephanie who was in florida with their other child. he wrote, i love you, please send someone to take care of nick, their 3-year-old son who was sleeping in his room when he killed himself. and he wrote nobody wants to believe the truth, please take care of my family. what was the truth as he saw it? >> the truth as he saw it was that he was entirely innocent of all of this. he said that nobody believed him. he really didn't make much of a defense in a way. he just kind of disappeared. when i tried to interview him, of course, he wouldn't talk to me. his brother wouldn't talk to me either. but his brother sort of made himself available through surrogates. he got his case out there. i think that the two madoff brothers reacted very differently to this. andy madoff, the younger brother sort of went on with his life, he had already separated himself from his father even before all of this exploded. and mark didn't do that. it all kind of coiled up within him. >> you said he had read articles about what happened. >> that was the image of him sort of huddled over his computer, finding whatever sort of story he could on this, never really getting away from it. i think that andy madoff had a little bit more perspective on things, andy had other businesses, and he had had cancer. andy sort of knew what problems were even before all this happened. he was in a sense conditioned. >> do you think andy will reconnect with his mother ruth who has now said she blames bernie for mark's death? >> i really don't know what the dynamics are in this family. >> he said nobody believed him. did you believe him at the end? >> i sort of did believe him, the more that i learned about the case and the more that i spoke to people that knew him, the more impressed i was, even people who had grievances against him and had every reason to revent simsent him, they sti of invited them into their lives. this is not something you do to a co-conspirator. "today's" weather is brought to you by advil, make the switch of advil now. >> and while we are talking about a lot of cold air, lake-effect snows around the great lakes, freezing conditions down in florida, out to the west, temperatures not too bad, especially for folks in the southwest where we're seeing 82 degrees in palm springs, and phoenix 78, lubbock, texas 73. 67 in denver. we're talking temps ten to 20 degrees above normal. and as we look around the rest of the country, those record lows around florida, the mess in the pacific northwest with lots of rain and mountain snow, high pressure dominating around the great lakes and so we will continue to see cold air across the great lakes. we have rain. you don't have to bundle up that much. you can see the rain along highway 101. catching a brief break in the foothills south of san jose. look at the moisture across the bay areament rain at times and breezy. highs in the mid 50s and by this time tomorrow morning, it is showers should be shutting down and dry in the middle of the week. more rain for friday. >> with this crazy weather going on all across the country, you want to make sure you check in at least once a day on the weather channel on cable or online. julian assange is expected to appear in a british court in relation to the charges he's facing in sweden. overnight assange released his first statement since his arrest last week. peter alexander has details on that. >> reporter: julian assange's hearing is expected to start a short time from now. his lawyer will ask to have bail set for his release. his mother came all the way from australia meeting with her son behind bars and releasing this statement on his behalf saying, quote, eremain true to the ideas i have expressed. if anything this process has increased my determination that they there true and correct. and we're learning new details this morning about assange himself from what seems like an unlikely source. julian assange arrived in court this morning in the back of this prison van, his mother speaking in his defense. >> as a mother, i'm asking the world to stand up for my brave son. >> reporter: he is the mysterious hacker at the heart of an international storm. but before the scandal exploded, assange was reportedly also a single man looking for love online. the profile of the then-36-year-old going by the name harry harrison, he writes, i am danger and describes himself as passionate and often pig headed activist intellectual seeks siren for love affair, children and occasional criminal conspiracy. that he's looking for a spirited nonconformist. he says do not write to me if you're timid, write to me if you're brave. ok cupid says it has existed for several years, last updated in december 2006, the same month wikileaks published its first document. now assange faces possible extradition to sweden where he's a wanted man, on allegations of sexual misconduct with two women he met at the stockholm wikileaks. >> all that's talked about has happened just because one apartment in this triangle was julian assange. >> reporter: an aspiring investigatedive journalist at oxford university, isabel spent three days with assange this fall. she describes his spark and magnetic personality. >> funny, intelligent, you know, and loose and not at all like this kind of rigid media persona when you're interviewing him. >> reporter: this weekend swedish television aired a new documentary on the wikileaks affair, interviewing the controversial founder shortly before his arrest. >> i have a second message, and that is reset examples. if you engage in unjust behavior, it will be found out, it will be revealed and you will suffer the consequences. >> reporter: and if the judge sets bail at today's hearing, julian assange could actually walk out of this courtroom as a free man. the british prime minister today alerted government workers to be on the lookout in case internet activists assange supporters try to hack into government websites today. still ahead on this tuesday morning, how you can look like kate middleton, but first these messages. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. ♪ [ gasps ] this is for you. thanks. ♪ cool. ♪ [ chuckles ] whoa! ♪ [ chuckles ] i love this part. yeah. me, too. [ lucy gasps ] [ female announcer ] this year, hallmark has all new ways to say it. - excuse me? - may i see it? - can i just get directions, please? - i'm afraid i can't do that. female announcer: jared has five times the selection of ordinary jewelry stores. - oh, dave, you shouldn't have. i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee. sure. decaf or regular? regular. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream please! 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[ female announcer ] it seems like the best family traditions always start in the kitchen. ♪ rice krispies®. happy holidays. and all my investments, but it's not something that i want to do completely on my own -- i like to discuss my ideas with someone. that's what i like about fidelity. they talked with me one on one, so we could come up with a plan that's right for me, and they worked with me to help me stay on track -- or sometimes, help me get on an even better one. woman: there you go, brian. thanks, guys. man: see ya. fidelity investments. turn here. gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only listerine® that gets teeth two shades whiter. and makes tooth enamel two times stronger. get dual action listerine® whitening® rinse. building whiter, stronger teeth. jufd ahead, complete coverage of this morning's golden globe nominations. plus the stories behind the clothes that kate middleton wore. hey, you made your own lunch. yep! 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[ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. >> per good morning. your time is 7:56. let's check the morning commute. we will look at the bay bridge toll plaza with plenty of cars and expect delays if you are heading there this morning. now we will take a look at the forecast with rob. it's wet out there. >> it is. you were out in that earlier this morning. san jose off to the west towards cupertino with light rain. this is the way the day will go. rain off and on and pick up in intenseit across the south bay. plan on temperatures in the mid- to upper 50s. good news wednesday into thursday and more rain thursday into friday. plan on a soggy and windy weekend. the weekendai r rain could be locally heavy at times. the strongest itch relief medicine now has three vitamins and seven moisturizers. feel the heal. >> 7:58 and developing news, a bay area soldier has been killed in afghanistan sunday in the kandahar province. he was from redwood city. derek was 21 years old and killed with explosives packed in a mipy bus blew up in a nato base. he was a member of the 101st airborne division in ft. campbell, kentucky. more local news in about 30 empties from no. the "today" show returns in less than a minute. 8:00 now on this tuesday morning, the 14th of december, 2010. and our friends on the plaza, huddling together for warmth, it is a bitter cold, windy morning here in manhattan. and outside on the plaza, i'm meredith viera along with matt lauer. just ahead in this half hour, the interesting fashion statement being made by kate middleton for her new engagement photos, she didn't wear clothes by her designers, she picked them out of her own close set. >> imagine. holidays a great time to save on books. we have a light saber. she was coming after you and i saved your life. of course i gave it right back to her. talk about giving the gift of food, the holidays fast approaching. we have some great ideas, the best part about it, you don't have to make it yourself and you don't even have to mail it, the companies do that for you. >> i still have not done my shopping. >> you got to get to it. also it is a big morning in hollywood as the golden globe nominations are out, we will have complete coverage of this year's nominee. >> that woman just cut you in half with her light saber, bad news for you. let's go inside and get a check of the morning's top news stories. as you have been reporting, president obama said the nation has lost a true giant of foreign policy. richard holbrooke, the u.s. special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan died last night after a weekend surgery for a torn ao a aorta. ending the war in bosnia to his efforts to end the war in afghanistan. he was 69 years old. the last week of fall is off to a brutal start in the midwest where waist deep snow has stranded drivers and closed schools. in washington state a driver had to be be rescued from a pond swollen by heavy rain and the combination of broken water mains and freezing terms leave a family wait forgive their home to outlaw out. a suit claims that sexual assault in the military is nearly twice as common as in civilian life, but that much of it is not reported or prostituted. the democrats health care overhaul suffered it's first major set back on monday. a federal judge ruled it is unconstitutional for the government to require americans to carry health insurance, however the judge refused to block the law from going into effect while it is being appealed in the u.s. supreme court. the compromise bill extending tax cuts and long-term unemployment benefits could win final senate approval as early as today. it passed a test vote on monday by a margin of 83-15. house democrats are still demanding changes. one of the most incredible streaks in all of sports came to an end last night when minnesota vikings quarterback brett favre did not start in 281 seasons. the new york jets assistant coach who hit a miami dolphins player sunday has been suspended without pay for the rest of the season and fined $25,000. the nfl will not seek any further disciplinary action. and a rare appearance by former first lady nancy reagan. she unveiled the design for a new first class forever stamp marking next year's centennial of her husband, ronald reagan's birth. it is now three minutes after the hour, let's go now to al for the weather. "today's" weather is brought to you by jared, the galleria of jewelry with five times the selection of ordinary jewelry stores. and good morning, everybody. it is brutally cold here in dunkirk, new york, about 15 degrees, a windchill of 3 below and what's causing the lake-effect snow in the great lakes, right now the water temperature as the cold air comes across, it sucks up moisture and as it comes back over the land and the moisture cools, it falls in the form of snow, lake-effect snow. let's take a look and show you what we have got going on right now. a rough day all along the great lakes, our pick city today, philadelphia, pennsylvania, only 29 degrees, variably cloudy and cold today. as we check out the rest of the country, we'll show youtrong weather coming into the pacific northwest. a lot of rain, mountain snows. here in the east, we have got the lake-effect snow to deal with. gulf coast not too bad, plenty of sunshine, but record lows in florida today with temperatures dropping back down below freezing throughout much of central and northern florida, look for plenty of sunshine and warmer conditions in the and here is what is happening now in san jose. sewe have rain moving back in. you can see the cell there moving through downtown san jose. we have a lod have a lot of clo there. for the south bay, the rain will increase. by this time tomorrow morning, showers should be clearing and enjoy that break. we have more rain coming in thursday night into friday. heff yeah rain at times. >> and that's your latest weather. just want to tell you it is will's 10th birthday over there. happy birthday, will. when we come back, kate's chic style statement. - did dad go to jared for the pandora bracelet like we told him? - i can't tell. - oh, honey. - he totally went to jared. female announcer: celebrate life's unforgettable moments with pandora, now at jared. all: aww! - they are so cute at that age. ♪ a blender for aunt sue ♪ head phones for uncle wayne ♪ pillow pets and hot wheels for my sister's kids in maine ♪ ♪ oh, walgreens has perfect gifts ♪ ♪ for all those on your list ♪ like a walgreens gift card ♪ for your daughter's teacher miss gilchrest ♪ [ female announcer ] finish up your list at walgreens and get $5 in walgreens super jingle cash with every $25 you spend. good for anything in the store. [ female announcer ] stay jolly with walgreens. [ slap! slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums back now at 8:08. with kate middleton's flair for fashion. fashionista's everywhere are looking for inspiration. >> reporter: very few women are lucky enough to land a prince. kate middleton is at the top of that very glamorous list. what they lack in likeness, they make up for in attention to detail. her clothes, her hair, sensible and stylish. elegant and at least some of it surprisingly accessible. for the engagement the future princess didn't turn to designers, she went to her closet. this dress was off the rack from the british store reece. kate bought it two years ago, the blouse, from a store called whistles. >> she's going for something that any girl in london or anywhere would have access. >> reporter: not like princess diana. more like michelle obama and j. crew and talbot. kate gives herred ed admirers a within reach. the new york salon sees a steady stream of wannabes. >> her style is simple, she's classy and beautiful. so i was going for a look like that. >> reporter: to be fair, it may not be as easy for everybody. >> i've got a little length in the back. >> reporter: those looking to buy the kate middleton look are very good for business. knock off of the ring has sold out everywhere and the british brand lucky enough to get a nod in these photos are -- >> i can definitely see people going and seeking those items. >> reporter: at reece, the dress will go on sale again in january, but kate wears a lot of their clothes, quite a bit for the copy kate to choose from. >> she's a good customer, how she wears her coats, her dresses. she comes into our stores and she even knows some of our staff personally. >> reporter: and now so do i. for someone who's going to be a kate middleton wannabe, they might want to buy that coat? >> i think so. >> reporter: i got the coat, i need to work on the hair a little bit. but i figure by april, i'm going to be a dead ringer. >> you don't have to take after anybody, you are one of a kind, stephanie gosk. i however wou-- first of all, w grade do you give kate for the clothing she has selected and the hair cut. >> it's got to be an a-plus. the idea that sh girl went into her wardrobe, the shirt that she wore was two years old and that's going to come out again, they're going to call it the kate shirt from whistle's. and if you can't get it in the store, you can get it online. this is a chance we're all going to be able to have that kate look. but the idea that she dip into the mall store brands, but also has that princessy moment, is fabulous, modern and absolutely right because the public is lapping this up. >> what about her hairstyle? >> i think her hair is classic and beautiful, i think it's hard to look classic and beautiful, it's supershiny and just very natural looking and modern. >> she also looks great in an up do as well. >> do you think she's going to make the mark on fashion that diana did? >> we're desperate for someone back in eveningland to make a m. we loved it the first time, and we're going to love it again. and i think everyone's a little bit nervous that she's going to be turning into this iconic figure and there's going to be a huge amount of pressure. but she can do it that in a michelle obama way. >> when you say michelle obama, that's exactly who i thought of, who went to the j. crew look and the talbots instead of doing the high end. >> she wears fabulous clothes too. but fashion doesn't stop and end on the high streets. it's both ends and what makes a great closet. >> and i think it's more of who she is. >> i think she's just more from that middle class and she's not flashy and again, she's superclassic and approachable. and i think that's what appeals to so many people is that, i mean look at her in that white coat. she's just so elegant and eagle. and i think that's very hard to pull off and be modern. >> and it's not just the clothes and the hair that people are copying, it's the ring as well, that was originally diana's so it's been copied for years. >> when that ring was given to princess diana it was $100,000. >> is it more attainable for the average person? >> definitely. and i think that's why so many people are coming in wanting to look like her and i think women have looked like that for a long time. it's just that classic, long layered flowing hair, that has the round brush at the bottom, it just very approachable. it's not too trendy, yet i think it's hard to pull off that look and look interesting. >> it's hard to pull it off if you're my age, but if you're in your 20s. i don't know about the older women. >> i would go a little bit shorter, but just the framing around the face, you can be pretty much any age. >> i'm getting the white dress. and up next, hasty mail order gift ideas that will get there in time for christmas, believe it or not. but first these messages. ♪ express yourself ♪ [ female announcer ] the newest seasonal flavors are here. ♪ express yourself ♪ [ female announcer ] because coffee is like the holidays. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate. from nestle. and the life you want to live. with rheumatoid arthritis, there's the life you live... fortunately there's enbrel, the #1 most doctor-prescribed biologic medicine for ra. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. ♪electronic santa song "today's" holiday gift guide is brought to you by target. expect more, pay less. this morning this morning on today's hole day gift guide mail-order gifts from bunt cakes, and we have last-minute gifts that will please your food lover and save you a trip to the mailbox. good to see you. happy holiday. >> happy holidays. >> we have 11 days to go until christmas. can you still order and get it delivered? >> one of the best things about food is it's usually shipped overnight so, some of the things you might need 48 hours notice, but if you do it today, you're totally fine. >> we have an entire table filled with great gift ideas. let's start with the savory items. why do you like these? >> delicious, delicious. these are artisinal made the ç old-fashioned way salomi. they're located in the ferly building in san francisco. they're, like, $35, $45 per package. they're aged. they're delicious. that's vermont smoke ask cured. they've beck making meat like this for 45 years. they have a pepperoni that's not like anything you have ever had before. it's made with corn cob and meet ball. >> i love chicken pot pie. >> chicken pot pies all natural all organic ingredients. it's a great thing to send to a family. >> they have single serving or larger ones. >> package or two or a bigger one for $30. >> what is this bacon jam? >> this is delicious. >> you really think so? >> just you try it. it's very good quality bacon that is cooked. it's then thrown in with spices and onions. cooked for hours. you would put it on a hamburger. you would put it with egg. it's really interesting. you know, a great -- use it instead of making bacon for a blt. it's a lot less work. >> baked goods. >> this is like the one stop shop. zimmerman's is famous for their coffee cake. i like their over the moon pie. great for a family as well. >> they can ship this and it's not going to break apart. >> they come in wooden boxes. very sturdy. packaged very well. i love their spanish elephant ears. they're doused in olive oil with, like, anise and sugar and very good. >> for people with food allergies, have you some products that are gluten-free? >> food allergy is a huge trend now. gluten-free, and dairy free. have you to like licorice. you need to give them 48 hours notice for them to ship it. they do loefz. everything baked goods if you can't eat wheat or eggs, can you get it from here where. >> pecan pie is from the good company. >> their pecan pie is also -- they've been doing it since the 1980s because people love it so much. it comes in a wooden box. >> popcorn lovers you have 479 degree popcorn. what's that about? >> it is çó479. this is a cordon bleu graduate that discovered 479 is the best temperature to make popcorn. it comes in flavors like black truffle. also good carmel. it's these buttery carmels that come in sea salt and they have nice messages wrapped around them. >> for health lovers, you have some mix your own gran oela. you can customize that. >> you go on site. 75 different things you can add. they've got one for you. >> and, finally, pickles by mail order and sometimes pickles and bloody mary mix. >> fabulous company. two brothers. they do everything the way their great grandmother did, and also root, which is a really cool drink. it's from the 1700s. >> these are great ideas. these really are. you can order them now and get them to your people in time for the holidays. that's great. elizabeth, thank you very much. let's go over to meredith. >> all right, matt. thank you very much. there is a new wrinkle in the debate over whether it's okay for men to cry. essentially powerful men in public forums. this after john boehner, the next house speaker teared up during "the 60 minutes" interview. mike tiabi has more. >> reporter: nancy pelosi says she doesn't cry over politics, but she can't say the same about the surprisingly emotional man who is replacing her. john boeh to be the most powerful figure in the house of representatives often cries over pending legislation. >> put it at the top of our list. it's provided for the safety and security of the american people. >> reporter: and he told "60 minutes" even the thought of talking to school children gets him all emotional. >> making sure that these kids have a shot at the american dream, like i did. it's important. >> reporter: on abc's "the view" they had a field day with it. >> they call him the weeper of the house. >> this guy has an >> every time he talks about anything that's not taxes, he cries. >> he gets away with it, barbara said, in a way that his predecessor, the outgoing speaker, would not. >> if you were to see nancy pelosi all these past years crying, what would you say? >> well, they might have said when some said when hillary clinton appeared to cry in a difficult moment during the new hampshire primary in 2008. the tears showed she was too weak for the tough stuff. but others said it humanized her. of course, her husband's frequent emoting during his presidency was seen by many as humanizing him, and george bush's supporters saw his public tears the same way. the old 1980s song by the cure -- ♪ boys don't cry >> reporter: may now be pretty much out of date. tom lutz, an expert on crying, says what matters now for men is why they're tearing up and when. >> your kind of sense of a person's general sincerity is going to determine how you read their çtears. your sense of what -- whether the circumstance warrants it. >> reporter: crying publicly might have sunk a do youer -- and it won't win you fans if you are a governor cheating on his wife or televangelist cheating on god. >> i have sinned, my lord. >> manly tears are no longer shot whether it's glen beck regularly opening up on fox news, athletes tearing up over a loss or win, and, remember that reality show with jason meznik crying constantly over which love interest to choose? and more pole tigs than you company count giving vent to their not feminine side, but human side. >> well, president obama has also been known to shed a public tear. most notably after his grandmother died at the he wanted of the campaign. it seems like in this new era it is all right to cry, at least for the men. meredith. >> do you shed a tear? >> absolutely. every day i come here. >> all right. t erha y . just ahead, the golden globe nominations after your local news. after your local news. ju good morning it is 8:26 now. plenty of people are trying to make their way into san francisco today. live look at 880. slow drive there. wet start to your day today. >> very light in the newsroom. san francisco and oakland light rain falling. scattered showers and this is going to be the trend of the day. you see the clouds over the bay area, rain off and on. winter storm warning. should drop choloser to 5,000 feet. for the south bay, plan on the rain increasing as we head towards the evening commute. seven day forecast will show you that we will catch a break. timeow 8:27 more news after the break. a blue out is expect the at an east bay school board meeting tonight. they plan to dress in blue to rally tonight and protect jobs and students in schools safe. the rally is designed to express anger in the rising cost of health care. the district's future cuts would make it impossible to provide safe and clean classrooms. tonight's meeting is at 7:30. more local news sin 30 minutes. 8:30 now on a tuesday morning, it's the 14th day of december, 2010. and it's cold outside. that's ann curry, that's ricky duvet, the very funny man. >> we have collected $18 million in gifts this year. so thanks to everyone here. >> the golden globes are all the talk of hollywood this morning. we're going to have coverage of the nominations. also coming up this morning, we're going to be talking about our steals and deals, and we have got some ideas about hot fashions for as much as 85% off. >> that sounds good. and we have got a question for you, will it be aida, patrick or freed rick. anybody's guess as to who's going to come out first. the host joins us this morning from burbank. allison, good morning. nice to see you. >> good morning, everyone. you look chilly. >> a little brisk here. that's right. we know fredo and patrick are already finalists because they have lost the highest percentage of weight. 43, fredo is 12 to 16 years older than the remaining contestants. how is that going to work out? >> i know, i think fredo, if anyone can overcome it, it's fredo, he's certainly had his eye on the prize from day one and he knew how to play the game and work hard and get him all the way to the end. no question, no vote, he is in the finals and he did it himself. he busted his butt and he's not doing it for the money, he's doing it because he wants to win that bad. >> he was the heaviest contesta contestant, will that work to his advantage. >> he ee's young, he's fightingr it. he has been doing this for his family. he said from the beginning, his beautiful kids need him to be healthy so he has a lot of reasons to fight to win this. and i think he has a good chance to win. >> aida is another one of finalists and why do bob and jillian call her basically a machine and a terminator? >> she's aida the terminator and she actually earned what title. she's just been working so hard in the gym every single day since she got on the show. so if anybody can overcome fredo and patrick, it will definitely will aida. >> and if the audience believes that -- >> i got to be honest, i don't think elizabeth has the numbers to compete against fredo or patrick, but if america chooses her, it's going to be a sweep for her. she was brought to the show by jillian and certainly proved herself and overcame some amazing obstacles and i think she's a great motivation to a lot of women out there. but i'm pretty sure one of those guys will take it. >> it's been a great season. allison, thanks for getting up early, we appreciate it. >> fun to talk to you as always. >> let me remind people the live two-hour finale the tonight, 9:00, 8:00 central time. the winner will join us here in new york tomorrow morning on "today." where is al? >> dunkirk, new york. with another check of the weather. hey, al, it must be so cold there because it's code cold here. >> it's pretty brutal, we're about a 50-mile drive southwest of buffalo and the lake-effect snow a big deal here. let's take a look and show you what's happening for today. we have got those lake-effect snows around the great lakes, a lot of wet weather in the pacific northwest. record lows down in florida. birmingham and atlanta both setting record lows of 14 degrees overnight. and then for tomorrow, temperatures moderate a little bit, but not a lot. it's still going to be an icy mess in the mid mississippi river valley, wet weather in the pacific northwest. well it has been a tough commute around the bay area this morning. moisture streaming in will present rain off and on throughout the day. slow-moving system will draw more rain across the south bay. things will wind down heading towards the middle part of the be week. heavy rain through the weekend. >> and with this wild weather happening all across the country, you'll want to check in with the weather channel on cable and . get inside. get warm. when we come back, the gloelden globe no, ma'am nags, but, first, this is "today" on nbc. hey, guys ! what's going on ? we're fine. we just figured since it's taking forever to pay off our mortgage, we might as well slow our whole life down. touch the ball. get rid of your mortgage faster. get an easy orange mortgage from ing direct. pay less interest, pay more principal, pay it off sooner. yes ! a lot of plea dawn activity in hollywood as the 68th annual golden globe nominations were revealed, and leading the way with seven nominations is meredith's favorite movie of the year. that, of course, would be -- >> the king's speech. thank you very much. best picture, best director, best actor. colin burn, the supporting actor. jeffrey rush. a lot of people, of course, look at the golden globes and think, well, maybe this is going to tell us what's going to happen with the academy awards. >> it often does. >> that's good for your favorite manufacture. zi also like michael douglas got the nod for best supporting actor. that's wonderful gin all that he has gone through. after the rest of the nominations, here are how it unfolded at the beverly hilton. >> good morning, and welcome to the nomination announcement for the 68th annual golden globe awards. and here to reveal these nominations, please welcome blair underwood, josh dumal and katie holmes. blair, you're up first. >> thank you. okay. best performance by an actor in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, edirth helmand. al pacino, you don't know jack. dennis quaid, the special relationship, and edgar ramirez, carlos. best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for television. ha haley atwell, pillars of the earth, claire daynes. judy dench, return to cranford. emma, and jennifer love hewitt, the client list. best performance by an actress in a motion picture, comedy, or musical. annette benning, the kids are all right. ann hathaway, love and other drugs. angelina jolie, the tourist. juliana moore, the kids are all right, and emma stone, easy aid. oh, you like best performance about an an actor in motion picture, comedy,ure musical. johnny depp alice in wonderland, skrony depp, the tourist. right? paul giamaddi, barney's version, jake gyllenhaal, love and other drugs, and kevin spacey, casino jack. >> best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a motion picture, christian bale, the fighter. michael douglas, wall street, money never sleeps. andrew garfield, the social network. jeremy renner, the town. geoffrey rush, the king's speech. best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture. amy adams, the fighter. helena bonhamme carter, the king's speech. mila kunis, black swan. melissa leo, the fighter. jackie weaver, animal kingdom. best performance by an actor in a television series drama. steve boardwalk empire. brian cranston, breaking bad. michael c. hall, dexter. john hamm, mad men. hugh laurie, house. best director motion picture. darren, black swan. david fisher, the social network. tom hooper, the king's speech. christopher nolan, inception. david l. russell, the fighter. best motion picture comedy or musical. alice in wonderland, burlesque. the kids are all right, red, the tourist. that's it. >> best television series drama. boardwalk empire, dexter, the good wife, mad çmen, the walki dead. best performance in a motion picture drama. halle barry, frankie and ellis. nicole kidman, rabbit hole. jennifer lawrence, winter's bone. natalie portman, black swan. michelle williams, blue valentine. best performance by an actor in a motion picture drama. jesse eisenberg, the social network. colin firth, the king's speech. james franko, 127 hours. ryan goss ling, blue valentine. mark wahlberg, the fighter. best motion picture drama. black swan, the fighter, inception, the king's speech, the social network. thank you. >> let's give a big thank you for blair, josh, and katie. for those watching, don't forget to join us sunday, january the 16th, for the 68th annual golden globe awards hosted by ricky e gervais. >> ricky gervais will host for the second straight year. good morning to you. >> i was mentioned right at the end. >> better late than never. >> didn't hear my name until right at the end, which is -- >> well, they saved the best for last. >> exactly, yeah. >> one thing you kept saying throughout the whole thing is -- >> you have nothing. >> nobody -- >> how can you host the show -- >> i saw one of the films. >> which one? >> inception. it's amazing. i have a good chance. >> in your world. >> yes. >> i've seen all the tv shows, and they're all great. i love "dexter." >> "boardwalk empire." >> amazing. >> king's speech is about your people. >> my people? what? the royal family? they're my people, all right. >> this is not an easy thing to host. >> no. >> well, the show. >> this is easy. your show, the golden globes. >> i've seen you telling people off because your cappuccino was cold. >> yes, he has. >> i saw a different side of you. i thought you were lovely. >> all right. no, you have an incredibly eclectic room there. half of them are three sheets to the wind, and you have to hold it all together. >> no, they're my people. >> what is the trick to doing it, because you did it so well? >> i don't think you have to worry about it. you know, at first i started thinking, oh, this is on television. it seemed like 250 million people, but then you start to think, you know, it's for the people in the room. that's entertaining, because doing it and you're having fun -- there i am again. i'm all over the show. >> you got into it last year. you wanted people to understand d you star in the office back in the u.k., but you were the executive producer of that show in this country, and you don't think you get enough credit for that? >> whatever that means. i was coming out of letterman show last year, and ricky, ricky, and one guy said who is that? he did steve correll's role in the english remake of "the office." >> that's the way -- >> you know james franko, right, who has been nominated now, best actor. >> i know everything about films. what do you want to know? >> he is on the phone right now. he is on location in providence, rhode island, our old stomping grounds. james, first of all, congratulations. james? >> hello. >> hey, congratulations. >> oh, thank you. thank you. i just heard. yes. >> who called you? >> my friend barry from -- he is a text message friend. we send each other photos of fat animals. >> wait a minute. >> wow. more than we need to know, actually. >> you are nominated for your role. you basically dominate the screen 127 hours, the story of the hiker who got in a very difficult position and had to amputate his own arm. it's a tough film in certain parts, but a very rewarding job for you. i know you saw it as a real emotional transformation. >> yes. i mean, you would think that that movie would be the slowest and most static kind of narrative around, but actually, i think danny creates an incredible kind of a movie going experience and one of the most dynamic movies out there. >> well, it's getting an enormous amount of response, and your role in particular, and the job you do with this character. congratulations, james. thanks for getting up early. say hi to the folks in providence. >> i will. thank you. >> you got to see that movie now. you winced a little. >> is it a comedy or musical? >> oh, gosh. yeah. >> you get to do the golden globes again. you'll never come back here again. >> break a leg, ricky. >> thank you. >> you can catch the 68th annual golden globes live coast-to-coast on sunday, january 16th, starring that man right there, and it starts at 8:00 p.m. eastern, 5:00 p.m. pacific-on nbc. this is "today" on nbc. back in a moment, this is "today" on next. 31 years later, the cohn brothers have remade the film with jeff bridges in the lead role. bridges plays a u.s. marshall who helps a young mwoman track down her father's killer. not only are you following in the footsteps of an icon. you're taking on an iconic role, are you mad? >> the first introduction the cohn brothers gave me was that they were going back to charles porter's book and that was a relief. so i started it completely fresh and just went from the book. >> the book is beautifully written. >> uh-huh. >> and how does it differ from the movie they grew up watching? >> well, it may be a little darker, a little funnier, you know. and of course, in the hands of the cohn brothers, they give it their own special touch. >> you played with the big lebowski. >> it a very relaxed kind of atmosphere. >> how are you handling and i would imagine pretty well all of the attention you're getting right now at this stage of your career. and i didn't mean you didn't get attention at an earlier stage, but they did. things have exploded with you with the oscar. you've got true grit opening this week, tron next week. couldn't be more different kinds of roles. >> and winning the oscar for that music movie gave me kind of -- flamed my own interest in music and just get through kind of the basic tracks. >> is it better getting this kind of response at this stage in your career than perhaps it might have been at a much younger age? >> probably so, yeah. >> why? >> well, you know, when you lose too early, maybe it could peak too early. it's nice peaking right now. >> most people would think that after you won the oscar, the scripts just come flooding in. is that the case? are there enough roles for mature actors these days? >> i think there are, but i haven't noticed a big flood of scripts necessarily. but it has raised by profile a bit. i'm able to pay some attention to the no kids hungry campaign, that i'm the national spokesperson for, we're trying to end hunger here in our country by 2015. >> jeff bridges, always good to see you. true grit opens next week and we're going to catch up with the co-star matt damon on thursday. we're back on nbc. [ female announcer ] safeway talks holiday favorites. i think there are eggnog people and non-eggnog people. and which are you? i'm a fish. on a tree. [ female announcer ] if it tastes like the holidays, we've got it. safeway. ingredients for life. wow. i love the way she plated that roast. yeah. i said "plated." he's been watching too many cooking shows. mm-hmm. [ female announcer ] serve a main course brimming with comfort and joy. safeway. ingredients for life. still ahead on a chilly tuesday morning. we're going to talk about some diet tips to help you through the holiday season. and our special series steals and deals, but first your local news. good morning it is 8:56. it is still slow going around the east bay. a live look shows heavy traffic on 880. allow yourself extra time this morning and still a back up at the toll plaza as well. but as gotten ttere time now is. more news after this. lightning fast. lightning strong. verizon 4g lte. rule the air on the most advanced 4g network in the world. ♪ i'm go♪ i can't wait now i'm gonna get it. ♪ ♪ every little step, brings me closer to the gift. can't be late. ♪ ♪ rip it open in a second and it's time to play. ♪ ♪ i was up all night in anticipation feeling electric jewels of jubilation. ♪ ♪ yule tide carols from the local congregation. ♪ ♪ make it tough to hold my patience in check. ♪ ♪ is it time yet, is it time, i can't wait. ♪ ♪ is it time yet, is it time, i can't wait. ♪ at 8:58 now. we are learning details of a plan to block proposed $6 toll to get in and out of san francisco from the south. jerry hill says he is going to tell the board of supervisors at their meeting today, that he will introduce legislation at the state level to block the toll. it will add up to $1500 for peninsula commuters who come in between 6:30 and 9:30 am and leave later in the day. we'll have an update for you in 30 minutes. most of you agreed with our call last week for a do not mail registry to stop the flood of holiday catalogs. garrett said i get 10 to 15 pieces of junk for every piece of legitimate mail. wilson complains one needs mailing labels to unsubscribe. others say they would have to get opt-in permission to mail me the same info i can read off of the company website. excess mail robs us of time. the direct markets association said. they produce thousands of catalog printing jobs and a national registry will hurt the americanonec ony.omec agree or disagree. join us online at we're back now with more of ♪ we're back with more of "today" on a tuesday morning. it's the 14th of december, 2010. barking dogs outside and chilly temperatures and lots of nice people waving. it's about 22 degrees out there. windchill much lower than that. we had a dusting of snow here in the northeast overnight, and nice to walk out this morning, but nothing compared to what the people in other parts of the country have to endure, waist deep snow. >> lake-effect snow will not go away. >> the flurries we got here have ended, but take a look at some of the scenes from around the country. we should tell you that al this morning is in dunkirk, new york, where they are expecting more lake-effect snow. it looks chilly up there, al. >> reporter: yeah, i will give you an idea how cold it is. this is lake erie, about 15 yards behind me, and this is what just flew over here. >> come on! >> no! >> reporter: seriously, frozen. >> you got that at amp. >> reporter: i found this. it's crazy. >> look around. somebody is throwing fish at you. all right, al. >> reporter: nobody is throwing fish! >> that's great! >> reporter: i'm bringing this back for you. >> al, somebody through it at you just for the halabit. >> reporter: i'm tired of working for scales. >> okay. okay. we can't take it anymore. also ahead, navigating the diet mind field known as the holiday season, of course. this morning on the diet sos, whether you are suffering from acid reflex or lack of willpower, joy bower is here. and then it's time for another installment of just for our "today" show viewers, we have all the details straight ahead. looking good, jill. let's get a check of the top stories this morning. ann, good morning to you. >> we begin with the deadly storm still moving across the country. john yang is in michigan city, indiana, and good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, ann. here are the shores of lake michigan. the third straight day of snowfall here in western indiana. there are two feet of snow on the ground and the high winds are creating drifts of up to four feet high. for drivers it's not a winter wonderland, it's a winter whiteout. in the midwest, blowing snow covered roads and highways as fast they could be cleared. >> they told us to shut it down and try to keep traffic heading that way. >> reporter: more than 100 cars and trucks were stuck to snow-covered highways. drivers that were able to move found the hard part was stopping. this is lake michigan, and windchills up to 35 miles per hour. americans from the great lakes to florida are in the deep freeze. in chicago, officials warned of the bitter cold. >> all chicagoens should avoid making unnecessary trips outside. >> reporter: it's part of the winter storm that stranded travelers at the o'hares airport, and deflated the metrodome stadium. a woman in her 60s had to be rescued after her van was spotted in an icy bond and taken to the hospital in serious condition. and then a broken water main coated this man's house in ice. the temperature has been dropping. the high for the day was before sunrise. believe it or not, they have been chasing surfers out of the water. >> that is unbelievable. john yang, thank you so much. a very serious story now. veteran diplomat holbrook has died. he had been in the hospital since friday for a torn aorta. he was the architect of the bosnian peace agreement in 1985. his last words were to his doctor when he said, quote, you have got to stop the war in afghanistan. he was 69 years old. and then a federal judge on monday struck down a key provision of a law that requires most americans to carry health insurance. a british judge granted bail this morning for the wikileaks founder. he was jailed in london last week and is fighting extradition to sweden where two women accused him of sexual misconduct. >> america's neighbors are more racially integrated than ever according to a recent census data. segregation among blacks and white fell in most cities, but segregation persists, particularly among hispanics. a 18-foot mammal beached himself in san diego last night, and took 20 sea workers to inject him with antibiotics and push him back out to sea. and if you are looking for a vacation spot, this could be it. next year the sight of the 1986 nuclear meltdown will be open for tourism. the highly contaminated zone surrounding the blownout reactor has been off limits for decades, but more than 50 people died in the aftermath of the meltdown, although they say radiation that was released will eventually kill thousands. that's unusual, i think. >> yeah. it is. thank you very much, and appreciate that. dying to go back to new york and find out what is flying at al now. chicken potpie coming your pay, al? >> reporter: i got fish sticks and tater tots. >> lobster tail. let's step it up a bit. >> reporter: why don't you guys come visit, and i will show you this. >> you're fine. >> i think you are enjoying it. want to stay through tomorrow, al, too? >> reporter: i will be back in the studio tomorrow. the lake-effect snow has been cranking five of the great lakes. look at what is going on. you have the winds going across the great lakes dumping the snow into the arctic air. snowfall totals, syracuse, probably picking up another one to two feet before it's over. buffalo, three to six inches. cleveland will see snow. new england will look at snow. lake enhanced snow all the way down to beckly, west virginia. and the temperatures, 24 degrees below in charleston. and 20 degrees below normal in miami. 39 right now. it's 24 in washington. minus 3 in des moines. and those are the windchills. as you look at what the highs are for the day, we will see temperatures warm up a bit, but not by much. 10 degrees in buffalo. 47 in jacksonville. and 20 degrees in st. louis. temperatures do moderate a bit on thursday, but i will tell you, this is the deep it is tuesday morning. starting off with a lot of clouds. rain spilling over the bay area and a winter storm warning. you can expect temperatures today in the mid to upper 50s. that rain will continue for the south bay and tonight head iing into wednesday, we will catch a bit of a break. enjoy it while it lasts. more rain will drop in on us for friday. looking pretty soggy for the weekend. that's your latest weather. ann. >> all right, al. thank you so much. this morning on joy's s.o.s. you how to enjoy countless holiday treats without ruining your diet or your stomach. joy is the creator of the new exercise dvd called joy bower's exercise slimdown. we have a lot of questions, including the first one from dana in bronx, new york xshgs she joins us via skype. what is your question? good morning. >> i have a lot of holiday parties this month. i'm sure you know what the worst offenders are. >> i think a lot of people suffer this, joy. >> it's a great question, and it's super hard during the holiday season. i think the most important thing, hands down, that your husband can do is to not over stuff himself with a large volume of food. heats because when you eat a super large meal, you increase the pressure in your stomach. it sits in your stomach for a longer period of time, and it increases your exposure to acid. just encourage him to have small pourings. your daughter is adorable. encourage him to have small portions of whatever he is eating at parties, and also to wait at least three hours after eating a meal before going to bed because when you lie down after eating, it's easy for that food to travel up back into the esophagus, and also watch the alcohol because big trigger. just one or two cocktails per party. >> possible? >> i think so. i think so. >> all right. small portions. small portions. that's the key, though. >> all right. >> happy holidays. >> thanks a lot, dana. >> also, i think peppermint and spear mint are also triggered and high fat or fried foods are also triggered. >> also things like tomato based sauces and some of the citrus frooits fruits rsh you are right. >> very hard during the holidays because it's all there and you want to have it all. stacy is on the phone in fishkill, new york. hey, stacy, what's your question. good morning. >> caller: good morning. i work in a salon, and during the holidays our customers are constantly bringing us goodies, trays of brownies, cookies, and chocolates. i love the holiday spirit, and i'm very appreciative of their warming wishes, but the calories are killing me. do you have any tips that will help me not eat them all day? >> i think every single person in america wants to hear your answer to this one. >> yes. stacy, here is your strategy. i want you in the afternoon to review the trays of goodies and select the most delicious looking one. maybe it's a chocolate fudgy brownie or a hard crunchy christmas cookie. >> caller: okay. >> wrap it up in a napkin and put it away for later. this way you don't open up the pandora's box and treat yourself on chunk food all day long. distract your taste buds. pack sugarless gum and interesting blends of herb a.m. tea. you could chew on this stuff to try to dissway some of the goodies. if it's in your line sight, ask if you can move them, and also try to send them off with customers. extras for their spouses and kids. it's all good. >> thanks. >> thanks a lot, stace where i. >> thank you. >> this is also a question that we actually -- we've gotten such great emails asking pretty much the same question. pretty much how to avoid over indulging. i think this idea of setting something aside makes sense or maybe sort of picking the one thing that you really love and saying that's going to be the thing that's going to be chocolate and i'm going to hold that out for later. >> what i tell people to do because really it's the whole month of december that can be problematic. be very selective with your splurges. pick a few. special parties or gatherings. then plan to indulge at those special get-togethers and during the rest of the month try to stick with your healthy eating and exercise. >> what's your special indulgence? >> oh, i love melty vanilla ice cream and hard crunchy christmas cookies. >> joy bower, thank you so much. coming up next, steals and deals. exclusive bargains on great products you may not want to miss right after this. chocolat hardruhnchy christmas cookies. stelara® helps control f, moderate or severe plaque psoriasis with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. in a medical study, 7 out of 10 stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin at 12 weeks. and 6 out of 10 patients had their plaque psoriasis rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara®, your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, or have had cancer. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses, it's stelara®. [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so good. we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet? so i mix together a packet of hidden valley ranch, 1 box of spinach, and 16 ounces of sour cream, and tonight everyone gets a taste of something special... ranch spinach dip. [ male announcer ] hidden valley ranch. mix it up. ranch spinach dip. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. we're back once again with our very popular series jill's steals and deals where we have great discounts just for you. jill martin has everything from electronics to winter coats, even some lobster today. jill, good morning. >> let's remind people again how this works. >> so retailers come to us and offer these deals for 24 hours at extremely discounted prices. i am not involved in any of these brands nor am i a spokesperson, i don't benefit nor does the "today" show. this is about giving you the deals of a lifetime because they really are amazing and there's something for everyone. >> they get on our website and there's a special code and then they are able to order. >> go to and then you'll get a code to go on the website. and just be patient because there's so many people logging on it may take a little time. >> let's go first, you've got a great deal on these jackets here. they come in four colors actually. we have got three of them here, also come in black. >> these are lined, these are great jackets. so the original price is $99.50. and steals and deals price, $25, that's 75% off. so you really can't beat this. it's great if you need a color to pick red and just have a bright color. i also love winter white. and these are great as a gift. >> perfect. >> and you can get them at the stores as well and available for christmas. >> $25. okay, you can't beat that price. >> we have got these great leather purses by christine price. tell me about these, jill. >> genuine leather. we have one that's great for work. i made these huge because i love these bags. and then the smaller one and there's a little one that can really go from day to night. and just feel them, they're genuine leather, originally $129, $58. so that range in price, but it's about 82% to 81% off. >> these are popular with the celebrities. >> hillary duff, jennifer love huet great fans. and you can wear winter white bags all year. i'm always asked that question. >> and over here, a viewer favorite, how can you go wrong with food? omaha steaks last week, they sold out, right? >> i went around town and people were saying i ordered it for my friend. let me tell you what you're getting first. two lobster tails. two pounds of coconut shrimp. $214.94 for $49.99 that's 77% off. >> wow. >> and it all comes right to your house. it's a great gift. it's dinner for four very hungry people. >> parties this holiday season, the coconut shrimp, great appetizer. >> and it's also prepared so you can have fun yourself. >> we love jewelry and you've got some great pieces right here. tell us about them. >> i love jewelry, especially for new year's because people think they need to invest in dresses. you can take something simple and dress it up with statement jewelry. this is a great example. look at all these great pieces. originally $150, steals and deals priced $30, that's 80% off. >> wow. >> so these are great. and even just a light t-shirt throughout the year if you want to dress it up with jeans, these are great, great pieces. >> and here's something that everybody needs, a little gps, from radio shack. >> i consistently get lost everywhere i go so gps is my friend. it's 4.3 inches, the touch screen, written directions come up, a map and it talks to you so you don't have to be distracted. i still get lost, but this is a good deal. $129.99. now for $19.99 so that's 90% off. ive the speed limit changes, if ate letters you. >> or if you're going a little too fast, it will let you know. >> that could be very annoying. >> or very helpful. so this works on batteries so you charge it and put it in the car, perfect. >> jill martin, thank you so much. here to remind you, the coat, handbags, by christine price. the world seafood prize catch direction, the gps receiver from radio shack. just head to for the promotion codes and the websites offering all these fantastic deals. in 24 hours it will be gone. coming up a deserving member of our armed forces who serves in iraq and afghanistan gets all glammed up with the help of bobby brown. but first these messages. ou have osteoporosis, and you take once-monthly boniva, check out the myboniva program. it's free to join, and it shows you lots of ways to help improve your bone strength. like bone-healthy exercises that are easy to do. boniva works with your body to help stop and reverse bone loss. and myboniva gives you calcium-rich recipes... monthly reminders... and even a month of boniva, free. so call or go to and sign up now. 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"today's" 17th annual toy drive is all about making sure children get what they need for christmas. including tools for learning. and who acceto help us with tha have got dan moore, you're donating not toys, but something else? >> we're a direct sales company and we start with first things first, on behalf of thousands of college students from across the u.s., canada and europe, they have their own businesses in our summer program. we want to say thank you to the "today" show. and we're delighted to donate educational software that's going to be in use with needy families and organizations all over the u.s. >> and so if you would like to donate a gift, you can come down to our plaza or go to for details. we have got more coming up after these messages. [ male announcer ] are you reconsidering your medicare coverage? now is the time to take action. call unitedhealthcare medicare solutions today. you only have until december 31st to make sure you have the coverage you need. consider a medicare advantage plan. it combines medicare parts a & b, which is your doctor and hospital coverage and may include prescription drug coverage for as low as a $0 monthly premium. you only have until december 31st to enroll. call unitedhealthcare today. let's check your morning commute. traffic is still kroulicrawl in on 880. only a little back up at the toll plaza and no major incidents in the south bay. minor slowing in 880 in san jose, i should say. wet roads this morning means it has been raining out there. rob mayeda joins us now with a look at the forecast. >> tuesday morning starting off with clouds rain spilling over the bay area. and a winter storm warning. you can expect temperatures today in the mid to upper 50s. especially for the south bay, and tonight heading into wednesday, we will catch a break onfr friday.while it lasts into looking soggy for the weekend. id at 9:28 now, san jose is due to vote on the issue this afternoon. the law would make it illegal for most businesses to send customers out the door with a disposable paper sack. paper sacks would come with a charge to encourage shoppers to bring their own bags. supporters say too many of the bags end up polluting water ways. 2007 palo alto and oakland is considering similar measures. it was built back in the 1950s. then city leaders had the idea to create a buffer zone to prevent smell and noise. leaders might send $1.6 billion to modernize the plan. that land could be used for offices retail, sports fields and restored wetlands. city council will get a progress report but a vote is not expected for months. more legal news in a half hour. are you still physically attracted to my daughter, greg? >> jack, there's never been a problem of that? >> even though her body has endured the hellish or deal of bearing twins? >> it's all good under the hood. >> that's disgusting. >> i love robert deniro and ben stiller. just in time for the holidays, "the little fockers." they're going to be here to fill us in on the film's latest hijinx. >> you have to be very careful how you say it. coming up in this half hour, we have a holiday makeover for a really lucky soldier? >> master sergeant betty thompson has been serving in the army since he was 17 years old in dallas, texas, she's served all around the world from macedonia to iraq to afghanistan. so who wouldn't be in the mood for a little makeover. >>. also ahead, we're making a list, we're checking it twice. when it comes to holiday decorating and safety around your home, from flameless candles to flame retardnant rug. >> hey, al, how are you doing, dear? >> we're starting to get some lake-effect snow kicking in again, we understand it's snowing pretty good in buffalo right now, syracuse as well. this is going to be the shape of things to come for the next 48 hours around the great lakes and the winds are pretty howling too. wind gusts of 40 miles an hour, windchills anywhere zero to 5 below. as we look and show you what's going on as far as today's concerned, we are looking at record lows down through florida, a real mess down through the pacific west with rain on the coast and snows inland. tomorrow we have got more lake-effect snows in the eastern great lakes. cool weather down in florida with temperatures moderating just a tad. in the mississippi river valley, icy conditions, rain along the pacific northwest, mild weather from texas on into the southwest. well it has been a tough commute around the bay area this morning due to the wet roads and more moisture streaming in with present rain off and on throughout the day. slow-moving system will probably drop more rain across the south bay. things will wind down heading towards the middle part of the week. highs today mid to upper 50s. more rain arrives thursday night into friday and heavy rain through the week end. >> that's your latest weather, now lets head down to washington and say hello to uncle willie scott. >> it's all good stuff. take a look at phillip, handsome devil. phillip weintraub, west palm beach, florida. 100 years old, exercises at the gym five times a week. attributes his longevity to eating healthy. there you go. there's a good stroke for good clean living. and lena whitlock. from greendale, indiana. 100 years old today. lives independently and formerly a lunch lady, fed those kids and they all grew up to be healthy and happy. i tell you these older people love their computers. cunningham, 100 years old today, known as the bingo queen and loves to go to the casinos last once a week. i like that.ou roger welling, 100 years old. drove seniors to the doctor, how about that? doing his good deed helping other seniors. can't beat that. harold and moxey, 75 years they have been married, and longevity they say never, never going to bed angry. so they sleep in separate bedrooms. they don't, i'm just saying that. happy birth, happy anniversary. that's all, back to new york city. >> and happy holidays to you. we have got the finalists who have been announced, who will be "time" magazine's person of the year? according to time, it is someone who has done the most influence the events of the year. >> who do you think will get the distinction? and we took an online poll, our viewers did and here's how you think it should go. 44% of you thought it should be the chilean miners. 20% say the tea party. 19% the founder of facebook, mark zuckerberg. julian assange, steve jobs, apple. 6%. >> and remember that "time" magazine says it's someone who for good or for ill has affected the most lives and it's not somebody who has affected lives in the past, but also may have an affect in the future. so looking at that -- >> i think the chilean miners is a great choice, but i'm not so sure how they would move forward. so i'm thinking about maybe mark zuckerberg or julian assange as being possible. >> certainly the tea party is a big player in american politics could be changing the face of elections as we know it. >> already has. >> mark zuckerberg has done so much good, now he's donating most of his fortune. so he's going to be somebody who clearly not only his influence. and steve jobs, obviously we're not making a choice here. >> you'll have to find out tomorrow. >> they're going to reveal it live here on the "today" show. coming up next, a holiday makeoveror f one rvdeinse f soldier, courtesy of makeup maven bobbie brown. right after this. hey susan, you gotta tell the aunt jessie story again. -yes, you do! -ok, ok. joe: love that story. try olive garden's two new scaloppini dishes. pan-seared chicken breasts in a lemon-herb glaze. or sauteed pork in a creamy white wine sauce. both served with asiago filled tortelloni. with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. this is like being back at the kids' table. [ laughter ] olive garden. when you're here, you're family. lose those lines for up to a year! juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. in a more delicious world, there would be more smoothness, more creaminess, more rich just-for-me-ness, more hershey's bliss-fulness. hershey's bliss. it's not just chocolate. it's bliss. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ try mini crescent dogs. just unroll the dough, roll up, bake, and present. very impressive! and very easy. for this recipe and more, visit this morning on "today's" beauty, a dazzling look for the holiday season, courtesy of bobbie brown and today bobbie wanted to pamper a busy mother, army master sergeant thompson, good morning to both of you. how did you two meet? >> i wanted to give back to someone who was giving back and i thought it was really important to find someone who has done so much for our country. so i found betty. >> and betty, you have served for almost 20 years in the military. >> she was 11 when she started. >> and when you heard that bobbie brown wanted to give you a makeover sparkle, what was your response? >> i was honored that i was selected to come on the show and i received the holiday makeover. >> but you were disappointed that i wasn't the singer, right? >> we thought about that first. >> you have served in wars, you have served in difficulty, in situations where a girl doesn't get a chance to put on a lot of makeup, so here's bobbie brown. >> she has never put a lip gloss on. i had her try and i said you have done this before? and she said i haven't. she looks so beautiful without makeup and in her army fatigues in her beautiful face, but she's going to a party. we added a little sparkle. we gave her a smoky eye. a beautiful blurb. the new smoky eye is not just dark colors, it's about adding a little bit of sparkle. the season is all about sparkle. this isn't glitter, it's sparkle. and the difference s i don't even know if the tv will pick it up. but the sparkle just lights up your face andi ingand, and if y light sparkle, it's smoky eyes. >> it's not a heavy sparkable. >> it's amazing when i feel a little tired, a little sparkle just gives you a little lift. it's really nice and we can also do a little sparkle on the cheek if we want. but red lips, people always think of for the holidays and we're told not to wear red lips with dark eyes. so instead of going for a bright red lip, i'm going for something a little more smimery, the great thing about a gloss is that you can keep it in your purse and you don't need a mirror really, you can just kind of throw it on. and because it sheer and shimmery, you don't have to have bright red lips. >> what do you think, laura? this is your daughter? what do you think of how mommy looks right now? you think she looks good? >> and laura's got sparkle on her eyes too. meantime, you know, i'm sure that the men and women you command are going to have a few thoughts about seeing you on tv with all these sparkles on your eyes. >> i'm sure they will, and i miss them a lot. >> you miss them because you're here or because you haven't seen them in a while? >> it's been a while. when i was stationed in afghanistan and then i left the unit. so i was a first sergeant with an attachment there. >> you know, bobbie, i think what you're doing is i think what every american needs to do which is to step up in any way we can, it's time that we serve them and you're serving in this way. >> it's amazing what lip gloss can do, huh? >> thank you for your service. is there anything you want to say to your men and women who are under your command? >> just that i miss them and that they're doing a great job and to continue doing it and they're the ones that do all the work and leadership usually gets all the credit for that. >> that's right. well, you gave them credit this morning. sergeant thompson, thank you so much for everything. and coming up next, the safe way to decorate your home for the holidays right after this. ♪ wow! ♪ they're from my garden club, up north. [ female announcer ] this year, hallmark has all new ways to say it. well, there's the snow you wanted. when you can actually party at your party? with homemade chex party mix. five great recipes that wow the crowd. and you can make them in only 15 minutes. get out of the kitchen, get into the party. homemade chex party mix. maybe it's because their department store makeup is so expensive. simply ageless with olay regenerist serum costs less and it won't glob up in lines and wrinkles. you'll look amazing and happy too. simply ageless, from olay and easy breezy beautiful covergirl. so i mix together a packet of hidden valley ranch, 1 box of spinach, and 16 ounces of sour cream, and tonight everyone gets a taste of something special... ranch spinach dip. [ male announcer ] hidden valley ranch. mix it up. [ whistle blows ] [ squishing ] [ male announcer ] pool filled with caramel. not as good as chocolate filled with caramel. introducing milky way simply caramel. life's better the milky way. "today" celebrates christmas is brought to you by milky way. life's better the milky way. >> this morning on "today" celebrates christmas, how to deck the halls without the holidays decking you. burning candles, many holiday zeshts can be avoided. here is the host of the syndicated show house smarts. sadly a lot of people do get injured because they're doing things, they're setting up their decorations and not being as careful as they should. number one is slips and falls. >> you've got a holiday rug, and you're putting it out there, head down to the hardware store and get a nonslid mat. a smaller one like this will do the trick. it has a rubber tactile feel to it and will not hurt the floor underneath it. >> absolutely perfect. okay now ladders too. >> don't use the one that came with the house. >> exactly. >> and make sure you have somebody holding it as you're getting up there. >> on every ladder that you purchase or use, you'll see a little sticker on the side that has the weight rating on there. this one has 300 pounds, remember it's not just you, it's you and the stuff you bring up on it. and don't extend up higher than the laster goes. the second step down on a stepladder is as high as you should ever go. it's not worth it, hundreds of thousands of people ends up in the emergency room because of accidents from ladders. >> i was watching national lampoon's christmas vacation. stringing up the lights. tree lights. this unfortunately is a cause for a lot of fires. >> uh-huh. and part of the things with con vern conventional lights. a lot of people don't like the colors, but trust me, this is where we're going to go. when it comes to plugging them in. you can buy cords. this thicker one is for outside. and this one has multiple points to plug the lights into. so with conventional lights, never more than four together at one time. so you can do that, for four here, four there. this is an indoor version of that. these cords have you ever used these outside? tell me the truth. >> i think we have some outside right now. >> those are not for outside. they're too thin. they get cold and they get brittle and they can break. multiple plugs like this, this has a breaker in there so in case something shorts out and timers, this is an outdoor timer for your lights. you can use an outdoor timer inside, but you can't use an indoor timer outside. this will short out. so you need something with protection. and the nice thing about timers is you don't get honey, did you turn the lights out? >> set it and forget it and that's going to help save energy too. >> thinking about being safe with candles and fires. candles a are a big source of fire. >> if you're someone that likes natural candles. set a little timer put it by your bed. about 15 minutes before you typically or after you go to bed, the thing is go to go off, oh, i forgot to put out the candles. or the battery operated ones, to the tea lights, the different candles. in the studio, they don't do it justi justice. in darker settings or homes, they really look beautiful. here's the secret about these. this set of six votives cost about 7:9 cl$7.99. the batteries are $4. buy another set of lights. >> this is the time to check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. i also want you to get fire extinguishers. i want you to buy two of the them. have you ever used a fire extinguisher? >> i have not. >> what do you do? take one, go outside and use it. and then you'll know. if you can't put it out within 20 to 30 seconds, 911 and get out of the house. >> absolutely. >> happy holidays. >> thank you. >> can you come fix my lights? >> absolutely. >> back in a moment, first this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] safeway talks hostess gifts. you know what i want for the holidays? do tell. true love. true love is a myth. [ gasps ] you're a myth! excuse me? [ female announcer ] it's the thought that counts. and the gift. safeway. ingredients for life. when you don't have to cook, you have time for other things. yeah, like what? i don't know. fishing. fishing?! i, uh, i said wishing. [ female announcer ] when we do the cooking, you do the enjoying. safeway. ingredients for life. good morning to you your time now is 9:56:the commute is starting to clear up. slow areas. oakland 880 moving faster northbound and the bay bridge is looking good at the toll plaza. here is rob with the look at your forecast. >> tuesday morning starting off with clouds and rain spilling over the bay area. winter storm warning. r rain and snow you can expect temperatures today in the mid to upper 50s. south bay and tonight head iing into wednesday we will catch a break and enjoy it while it lasts into thursday. looking soggy for the weekend. >> thank you. wells fargo says 137 workers will be losing their jobs. the bank is closing site in the city. it is asking hiring managers to give top priority to the workers from concord. the cut back comes at a time when 19,000 jobs have been lost over the past year. 600 to 750 people will be laid off from thea wyahoo today. thousands of d.a.r.t. riders may find out that they can no longer use smart riders to pay fares. they are being asked to switch to cards called clippers. they will block the cards at all station by december 22nd. they are all winners, but one has to be the biggest loser. tonight we find out who gets that title in the season finale. they have a chance to win $250,000. you can see the biggest loser at 9:00 right here on nbc11. then stay with us at 11:00 for more behind the scenes. gold bond concentrated therapy. real medicine, ultimate healing. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. it's tuesday, booze-day. december 14th. >> who said anything about snow in new york? >> i was shocked this morning. >> yeah. >> you know who was really shocked? bambino. bambino, five pounds, has never seen snow before. this is his first winter. he didn't like it! i had to give him the little booties. >> it was really -- i wish we could stop this train already. i'm not into it. >> i know. it's not even -- >> winter. >> -- even winter yet. >> it is a big day because the golden globe nominees are out. i don't know if it was a shocker, "the king speech" had the most nominations, seven nods, of all the movies. "the king's speech." >> i tried that see that and "black swan" over the weekend and they weren't playing anywhere near me. the one i did end up seeing was "the tourist." i was disappointed. >> this is "the king's speech." the number two with the number of nominees were "the social network" and "the fighter." >> and "inception" everybody thought -- cody still thinks that might get best screen play. but then he saw "social network" and say, no, maybe that one. >> did you see natalie portman? >> beautiful woman to begin with. >> look how teeny she is. they said she dropped 20 pounds on her frame and she's 5'3" to get ready for that role. >> she trained up to eight hours a day. she's not, by training, a dancer. can you imagine trying to -- that's unbelievable. but i guess there's one scene -- it is a lot of her. a lot of her in the movie. >> it's amazing how you learn that, to me. >> attack! attack it! >> that movie was also nominated. that guy does really fine work. >> natalie portman is great, in anything. >> she's got the most buzz, i think, on this. >> i think so, too. and in the tv world, your show "glee" -- >> i haven't seen it -- >> five nominations. that's the most. >> that's pretty cool. i was surprised by "the tourist." johnny depp got two, one for "alice in wonderland" and one for "the tourist" but i think he was wasted in the tourist. i was disappointed in it because i love them both. >> i saw "alice in wonderland" and i was completely creeped out. i found it really creepy. >> i didn't see it. >> yeah. it was dark and -- i don't know -- funky to me. >> what? >> funky. >> ears are the second thing to go at my age. kyra sedgwick has announced "the closer" will be her last season. >> she got a nod. you know what i love so much about that show, i love when she's trying to crack a case she can't take her eyes off the snicker's bar. she's a real woman like the rest of us. >> it wouldn't be a snicker's bar for me. that's going to be some time in january. 16th i guess or something like that. >> so big news for elin -- >> or is it? we're not sure. >> this is being reported. >> she apparently has a boyfriend, tying's now ex-wife. she's dating a guy, he's south african. >> she's 29. >> i think it's offensive they're calling this guy in her life the boy toy. the guy is six years older than her. to call him a boy toy is offensive. if he's 13 maybe he's a boy toy or even 0. you know what i'm saying? we should be a little more careful how we categorize people. >> i do find it interesting how quickly people go in and out of relationships. like you know when you see reese witherspoon with jake ji gyllenhaal -- >> but the media makes up so much of that stuff. how could you even have a relationship with somebody, go out on a first date and the next thing you know you're on the cover of one of the magazines and you're practically moving in together. >> well, they say tiger's not taking the news well. >> who are "they"? >> but you know he's not. >> frank's fine with it. i don't know how tiger feels but frank is fine with it. we wish her all the happiness in the world. think about the difference between this christmas and last christmas in her life and what a difference a year can make. look at you. riding high, baby. you're on top of the world. who has had a better year than you have this year. >> you! you've had a better year. >> no. john boehner. john boehner's had the best year. why is he always crying? he's on top of the world. >> every time -- seems like when we see him more and more, he's crying. let's watch it. >> oh, gosh, i don't want to see it anymore. >> sound up, please. >> welcome to america. >> okay. anyway. he's crying. so there's a question about we did a piece today, mike taibbi did, on powerful men who cry and they used john boehner. they showed glenn beck. they showed president obama. they showed president clinton. they showed president bush. apparently there is something presidential about it now. >> it is interesting though to see more men like that. it's funny because when i -- okay. if i go to a movie with a guy and if he's crying or kind of crying? i have to -- i feel bad saying this but i feel kind of weird a little. unless it is "rudy," unless it is the movie "rudy" or anything like that. >> you see it as a weakness. >> no, i don't. i think a tear coming on -- >> balling is not attractive on anybody. think it's not that you're crying, it is what are you crying about. frank got pretty broken up last week on monday night football talking about his friend whom he had just lost, don meredith. more people have come up to me and said that was the most unbelievable moment because it wasn't about frank gifford hall of fame, monday night football, all of that. it was about a man losing a man that he loved. a friend that he loved. but when it's about you and you're sobbing about you, it's -- >> that's a completely -- that's a very, very, very good point. they brought up that one clip where hillary clinton got very emotional on the campaign and she broke down and all i could think of that day when she broke down -- i don't even remember what triggered it. >> i don't think she broke down. >> she look emotional. but for her, because she's -- >> it was a crack in the veneer. but again it shouldn't be called breaking down when she wasn't. >> i think weird things can happen when you're exhausted. >> tell them about what you did, hoda woman? >> which time? which time? >> nobody's -- anybody who's not been on a book tour understands how incredibly exhausting that can be. >> i'm in a car, they were long days. i'm not whining. finally friday came, i was stuck in traffic and i was 45 minutes later to meet someone and i just burst into tears in the car because you come unglued. sometimes that's the just the way it is. >> we have to look behind the tears for the reason why and that's where we find our compassion for someone. let's go to our most powerful tweets. shall we? >> ann curry is one of them. >> number three was -- remember a woman was riding her bike through the forest and she wiped out, she really hurt hef self-and her cell phone had no service so she tweeted for help. she said i've had a serious injury, i need help, can someone please call the winding frals in farmington, connecticut. tell them i'm stuck, bike, crash in woods. >> i think she's got amazing composure to be able to o -- >> when you're in agony, i'm sure. >> good for her. the number one was ann curry. u.s. air force find a way to let doctors without borders planes land in haiti. >> she was in haiti. she was breaking news. >> she actually said a lot of people retweeted that. sometimes just to get the word out, it just causes so much -- >> might have been the first hope people were hearing. now college kids will do crazy things. i never did at oral roberts university but i'm sure did you at virginia tech. >> that's what we do. these kids at the university of illinois decided to build a snowman in the middle of the street. then they decided to videotape -- they decided to videotape it. if you watch, what happened was cars were going around the snowman and then, here comes a city bus that i guess didn't -- look how the cars go around, slowly, goes around, goes around. okay. now a city bus has had it. >> the city bus is in the right lane so it comes over, swerves over to knock it down. as it should have. the bus driver resigned. >> he's probably crying about it now! watering all over the place. why did i take out the snowman? you know who else is blubbering? the guy, the strengthening coach of the jets? who stuck his knee out and wiped out -- >> you guys saw that video. the player got -- first of all, what an idiot! why would you do that? but you know what, one time -- just. >> i love when she confesses. >> one time i was playing basketball in high school and i totally got kreemd. i was dribbling the ball and a girl stole and we were getting beaten so badly, we were so tired, i with a flat on my back because she stole the ball and i reached out and i grabbed her ankle -- >> you didn't! >> -- and i yanked it! i yanked it and she fell down. it was bad. >> was a foul called on you? >> yes, it was terrible but i couldn't help it. like something came over mere. it was like enough already! we were getting creamed! i was on my back! >> so you were late to this jet coach. >> a little. >> oh, my gosh, hoda woman, you never cease to amaze me. it's booze-day but we're not having any booze today. >> these are cookies. >> from one tough cookie >> they're $5 cookie pz little campaign bottles and wine bottles. >> $5 each? that's a little pricey be, isn't it? they're beautiful. we need to figure out -- is it $5 each? yes. you better le it. yeah. all right. thank you very much. all right, so there are a few 40-year-old virgins left in the world. >> there are. hoda? you haven't met any recently but we're talking about women who have never indulged in certain beauty treatments. >> guess who's here? carrie hillson. she sings a really fun song called "funny girls rock." more after keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq. (announcer) pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. telling your doctor if you have heart disease... or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. (woman) for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression. (announcer) ask your doctor about pristiq. to treat my depression. naturally colorful vegetables are often a good source of vitamins, fiber, or minerals. and who brings you more natural colors than campbell's condensed soups? campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ on surfaces for up to 48 hours. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. new revlon just bitten. it's the first two-in-one lipstain and balm. the lipstain gives me a light flush of color while the moisturizing balm softens my lips. have you ever been bitten? new revlon just bitten lipstain and balm. time for "today's beauty." we're talking about doing it after 40. >> we all have one in our life, a girlfriend, who either doesn't find lipstick and mascara important or who is just intimidated by the world of botox and teeth whitening. >> we rounded up three of those beauty virgins all over the age of 40 who we'll meet in a minute. but beauty expert rebecca george is here. was it tough to find the beauty virgins? >> it's not. there are actually a lot of 40-year-old beauty virgins out there. the reason why, it can be intimidated to try new beauty treatments because of time or cost or you're just scared of change. >> or fear it won't turn out the way you want it to. >> luckily there are a lot of great options out there to help you find a look that's right for you. of course you should absolutely speak to the dermatologist or dentist or hair stylist and find out what works for you. >> talking about hair coloring, teeth whitening, brows -- >> the whole bit. >> we have three ladies. let's meet them now, watch their story. >> my name is laura and i am a 45-year-old beauty virgin. >> hi, my name is gretchen and i'm a 44-year-old beauty virgin. >> my name is erica ward and i'm a 44-year-old beauty virgin. >> i don't have my hair colored on a regular basis. i don't wear makeup on a regular basis. on my wedding day, i can't even remember if i wore makeup. i may have worn a little lipstick. i'm busy. i am a teacher at a boarding school. i'm a mother, a wife, so i'd rather use my time for fitness reasons or to do something with my family. >> i've been stuck in the same thing. i've been looking through pictures and finding that my hair style's been about the same since before i was married 20 years ago. here's my frizz. it's like wayward curls and frizz. i have been so busy. i've changed my career. i've been going to school. i just finished my master's and my kids just take up the rest of my time. they're more important right now. i may actually even dry my hair in the heater of my car when i'm driving to work. yeah, just hasn't been something that i've put in the forefront. >> when i wake up in the morning, i shower, brush my teeth, i throw on a little bit of makeup and i dash out the door. i work every day until a little after 2:00, 2:30, then have to drive my kids back and forth to their activities, music lessons, tae kwon do and take graduate courses in the evening. in the end of the day there is really no time left for me to take care of myself. >> today i'm having a brow wax and then a consultation for a hair color, and a cut, makeup. >> i'm having botox done. i'm having my hair done and i think it will be a welcome change. >> i'm going to have my teeth cosmetically whitened. >> wrinkles, say good-bye to them. i don't want them. >> i can say good-bye to my yellow stained coffee teeth and hello to some pearly white. >> i'm almost there and i can't wait to see the final reveal. >> can't wait to see what it looks like when the color is done and the cut is done. >> i can't wait for the new me. >> all right. >> brave ladies, all. >> laura, gretchen and erica, come on out. hi, ladies! >> hello, ladies. >> what took you so long? >> you're here! >> all right. so laura, you wanted the brow wax. look at the haircut, by the way. >> the pixie. >> she proves that short can be sexy and sassy. laura, she's very natural. she didn't want to have botox. she had her brows professional waxed. >> that lifted it. >> how do you feel? >> great. a young 40. >> 40-ish. >> now gretchen, you wanted to do botox. were you scared about the pain? >> i was very scared. >> what were you afraid of? >> just first of all needles. that was scary and i wasn't sure how the result was going to be. >> it looks great. it didn't look like you needed it, quite frankly. >> the greatest thing was i had broken my nose when i was younger and they filled in the bridge on my nose to make it normal! >> dr. linda franks actually used it to even out her nose. tre really corrected. >> how about the blow-out. that looks good, too. >> anti-frizz formaldehyde-free treatment so it got rid of the frizz. gives her nice, sexy hair. but no formaldehyde. >> how soon did you see results from the botox? because sometimes that can take up to a week. >> well, i think it took like maybe two days and i felt like it was -- had settled in and -- yeah, it feels natural, too. >> erica, let's see those teeth. you want to get rid of those coffee stains. tell us about that. >> well, it was great. for years i've been wanting to whiten. i've been using crest white strips and things and they work but nothing compared to these results. they were great. >> this is a one-time process? >> yep. took about an hour from start to finish. two 15-minute applications of the bleach. >> that's it? >> that's it. >> what do you your family thinks, you guys? >> they like the results. >> things are good at home? wink-wink. you had a merry christmas early, didn't you? you guys look great. thanks so much. >> great job, guys. still to kwocome, sara asks question that could make or break her career. >> what? >> oh, yeah. we'll explain. [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. no wonder people go out of their way to share them. [ sneezes ] go to for more fun ways to share. kleenex tissues. softness worth sharing. where you'll find a huge assortment and a price match guarantee all in the garden center at walmart. the new tangled rapunzel doll, the nerf n-strike stampede blaster and more. they're all waiting for you in toyland, in walmart's garden center. ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ we're back with "sara on the streets." >> instead of asking miss sara to dig through our prop closet, we asked her to go outside and talk to strangers. had we known what she was going to ask them, we may have locked her in the prop closet. >> since we're in the thick of the holiday season i asked shoppers at our nbc experience store if they could share their holiday meal with kathie lee or hoda -- >> i don't like this -- >> who would they choose? >> i don't like it. >> bet they can't wait to find out. if you had had to decide who would spend a holiday dinner with you, one or the other, who would you pick 12. >> really? >> yeah. >> i have to pick one? love hoda but i'd like to hear kathie sing. >> oh, she's going to love you back. you might be invited to the giv giffords for christmas. >> hoda. looks like she may have more family tradition. >> kathie lee. i have more in common with her especially her husband, used to play football. we could talk about some beauty tips -- >> you went between football and beauty. i like it. >> she'll talk to anybody. >> so will hoda, we're good. >> that's why. okay. >> that's probably why. >> her name is -- hard to pronounce. yoda? >> it's hoda. >> okay, i was close. >> you were very close. were you in the family of sounds like. >> definitely kathie. >> why? >> she's very funny. >> yes. >> who are they? >> hoda kotb and -- she's married to the football player. do you know his name? do you want me to try to help you? >> yeah. >> kathie lee gifford. >> okay. >> why hoda? >> well, her personality fits mine a little bit better. >> i know her. >> ding-ding. >> can't help you. >> that's not nancy pelosi, is it? >> i am getting a haircut! right now! nancy pelosi? >> i know, such a stretch. what? >> you have a lot of frank gifford fans. >> he's asleep by 8:00. you better come to dinner early. we're all asleep in that household. even cody went to bed that early last night. something about the gifford household. thank you, sara. we'll keep you at least through the new year's. still to e w mefts we love to give. plus, the queen of cub cakes! we love our cupcake lady. cakes! we love our cupcake lady. and keri hilson. ♪ ah. then we will all do it together. treats. teets...teets...teets... yeah. look at this. [ female announcer ] it seems like the best family traditions always start in the kitchen. ♪ rice krispies®. happy holidays. rice krispies®. can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? in a more delicious world, there would be more smoothness, more creaminess, more rich just-for-me-ness, more hershey's bliss-fulness. hershey's bliss. it's not just chocolate. it's bliss. good morning it is 10:26. an accident on southbound 680 near mission boulevard in fremont has traffic backed up to the area in red on the map. you can see it here on the live cam. traffic is slowing down a bit. here is rob with a look at your forecast. >> it has been a tough commute around the bay area this morning. more moisture streaming in will present rain off and on throughout the day. slow-moving system will drop more rain across the south bay. eventually things will wind down heading towards the middle part of the week. >> plan on a break in the action tomorrow and thursday. more rain thursday night into the weekend. n >> thank you for joining us. the "today" show continues next. we're back on this booze-day tuesday counting down to the holidays with a little help with your shopping list from us. >> kathie lee, sara and i thought if we showed you some of our favorite gifts to give it might help you with your hard-to-buy friends or relatives. >> and we all have one of those. >> and they don't know who they are. >> i am going to start off with a little glass of bubbly for each person. because why wouldn't i? >> she loves her champagne. >> this is 40 bucks. this is like got a little refrigerator so you can give that away as well. >> how much is that? >> that is 40 bucks. >> not bad at all. >> you know how i love music. >> oh, sure, my book. >> hold on, i'll put it right here. >> yeah, sure, put it out of the way, hoda! >> where are my cards? hold on. ipod shuffle. this is a great gift because i love music. >> how could that be? >> $49! >> that's the tiniest thing on the planet. >> it is so cute, you just hit play and you can hear your songs. ♪ >> and you can also give away itunes gift cards. i like those. i also like to give away gift certificates. there is a great massage place that i like. sometimes i go high-end like four seasons and sometimes gi to the super magic fingers on 81st street. >> i won't trust that place. super magic fingers. >> you get a gift certificate and it is a nice gift to give to someone. i also like to give a gift certificate for people's favorite restaurants. i think that's nice. my favorite gift of all of to give is the kathie lee book. someone put it on my table. called "party animals" and it is available now on sale. >> yes. all right. >> one of my favorite people in the entire world died 15 years ago from cancer and she was the greatest singer of the american songbook. i've spoken about her many, many times. nancy lamont. has my favorite christmas album "just in time for christmas." $17. from just released, this dvd. she used to perform as a place called don't tell mama. this just came out. all of it produced by my friend david friedman. that has all the performances of hers at nan dd i have had more people say where did you get that. this is tflur did he leer sterling silver ring from the last thing before we get to hoda's book, kringle candles. they're all white, magnificent smells. all under $20. same gentleman that started y k yankee candle. i have them and my house smells delicious. lastly, hoda's book which is still available, apparently. it was on "the new york times" best-seller list. i forgot this ornament available at lord & taylor designed because of a story that i wrote, a little poem. 20% of all of the proceeds go to cassidy's place. >> on to me. we've got the royal rivera pears and -- harry and david. >> normally i take my favorite magtag blue cheese from my hometown. it is a guilty gift. sugar cookies are my weakness. they come in all holiday, birthdays, it is easy. those are like $47 but you can order like four cookies and it is less. favorite haines family game, cranium! it is not about smart, it is about being silly. any group can do -- you'd love it. there is singing and humming and sculpting. >> i don't necessarily like singing and humming. >> yes, you do. >> my go-to gift for everyone is "happiness." it is a book that no one would -- can you get for anyone. everyone will get something out of it. >> that was great. okay. we have got a great lady coming up to sing for us. keri hilson is in the house. but still we are going to go across the street for some >> delicious! the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. so today i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder. [ female announcer ] if you're suffering, today is the day to talk to your doctor and ask about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents all day and all night. plus, toviaz comes with a simple plan with tips on food and drink choices. if you have certain stomach problems or glaucoma or cannot empty your bladder, you should not take toviaz. toviaz can cause blurred vision and drowsiness, so use caution when driving or doing unsafe tasks. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. [ jackie ] i asked my doctor about toviaz. and today i'm looking forward to my daughter's wedding. [ female announcer ] why wait? ask about toviaz today. [ female announcer ] why wait? ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. ♪ let's szush up this one tone hair color! try nice 'n easy, with color-blend technology. in one step, get a blend of tones and highlights for dimension that takes you from drabulous to fabulous. nice 'n easy. your right color. we always make time for just us cousins. like the other night at olive garden. hey susan, you gotta tell the aunt jessie story again. -yes, you do! -ok, ok. joe: love that story. try olive garden's two new scaloppini dishes. pan-seared chicken breasts in a lemon-herb glaze. or sauteed pork in a creamy white wine sauce. both served with asiago filled tortelloni. with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. this is like being back at the kids' table. [ laughter ] olive garden. when you're here, you're family. of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. >> announcer: "today's holiday kitchen" is brought to you by pilz bury cinnamon rolls. made with cinnabun cinnamon. >> we're across the street at t cafe. >> hello, cupcake. these are so gorgeous you don't want to eat them but they're so delicious you kind of have to. >> they're so easy. >> for you, karen. >> she keeps showing us. >> now this is polar opposite. we've got polar bears and walruses. basically it is just -- you know these. munchkins. doughnut holes. you frost it whether you do the polar bears or walrus, frost them, roll them in either coconut or ground oreos, graham crackers. >> how do you get the little head and ears and everything? >> those are cheerios. >> of course they are! >> we just put a little frosting on there. >> you're a genius. >> i can't do it because it won't look good. whatever you do, don't touch. >> we're starting a new tradition. instead of gingerbread houses we'll make a gingerbread village out of jumbo cupcakes. i've got one cupcake already frosted. when you do this you want to start here. if you want to take a few, these are just windows on with the chicklets. i have some sprinkles over here. >> do what she's doing? no, no, no, you don't understand the dynamics between the two of us. no. >> you have windows o on this one over here. you can put some frosting on. it is basically just pressing and playing. all these different candies on the outside. that's beautiful. it is a city building. there. >> that's exactly what it is. so then you add vanilla wafers. >> this kind of looks like a -- >> what? that looks like a perverted smiley facial. >> then you put it on its side and you can put the cookies. >> see? then you just do it like that. >> we're moving down over here. so this is our snow family. thinking about cupcakes differently that you don't have to have just one cupcake. you can stack them. >> two's better! more is more! exactly. i've got a head for you. >> make that, kathi. let's see what you can do. >>. put this on its side so you can see it. these are the hats. let me put a little bit of frosting on top for the glue. here's a hat for you. these are just mini oreos. >> a little frosting, coconut and for the trees we did basically the same thing with the mini. >> you can make every little leaf perfectly, karen. >> it is just a matter of sn snipping the bag. we did the ducks. this is from the cover of the book. >> you ducked them up! you ducked the halls! >> again, it is that munchkin doughnut hole. >> come on. >> now this is the eye candy ornament. >> it is brilliant. >> for this, here, you'll like this. we took hard candies, put them in a ziploc bag. >> pound the crudola out of it. >> okay, that's good. once that's done you can fill -- we took some sugar cookie dough, partially baked it, put it on a piece of foil and then you take that hard candy, sprinkle it in there, pop it back in the oven -- >> melt it! >> how can you think of this? >> she's a genius. >> cupcake lady. you are. >> this is trimming the tree. this is basically the same thing though we took a cookie cutter. for the little leaves for the pine needles, we took melting candy wafers, green, piped them out on to some wax paper. >> you're unbelievable. >> then you peel them off and put them on. >> it is easy -- not for me but for most people -- that makes it really simple. >> it wasn't put on properly to begin with but that's okay. >> then you can just add some dots of frosting. >> i will. we got to roll. >> these are drunk en cupcakes f hoda. we love you so much, karen. merry christmas! we'll be backthryke hilson. >> she's singing "don't hate me because i'm beautiful." ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. revlon growluscious mascara. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... helps lashes grow stronger. with a unique formula that complements my lashes' natural growth cycle. 96% saw instantly longer lashes. this is the start of something big. revlon growluscious mascara. naturally colorful vegetables are often a good source of vitamins, fiber, or minerals. and who brings you more natural colors than campbell's condensed soups? campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ stop in now and get a price match guarantee on the toys your kids are wishing for! like u-build monopoly, the nerf n-strike stampede blaster and more. make christmas an even bigger blast. only at walmart. >> announcer: the "toyota concert series" on "today," brought to you by toyota. grammy nominee keri hilson started her career behind the scenes writing hits for the likes of mary j. blige, britney spears and usher. >> but now she is completely front and center with her sophomore cd due to hit stores one week from today. it is called "no boys allowed." welcome back. >> thank you. >> that hit song has got everyone singing it. ♪ don't hate me because i'm beautiful notes ♪ >> okay. >> can anybody sing this song? >> yeah. everyone should. i think everyone should just feel the confidence. everyone should feel beautiful. >> what inspired this? >> it was co-produced by neil and chuck harmony. i love neil's approach to writing records. i probably would have never said these things about myself, a whole song long. >> i don't know. >> we can't wait to hear it. ♪ do the pretty girl rock ♪ rock rock rock ♪ do the pretty girl rock notes ♪ now what's your name ♪ may nay name is keri ♪ ♪ i'm so very ♪ my oh my it's so scary ♪ if you touch it i'm a fairy ♪ pretty at a picture motors ♪ sweeter than a swisher ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> woo! >> fantastic! >> that's the song. >> that's the way you do it. >> keri, thank you so much. all the best. new cd drops next week. we'll be back with more of "today" on nbc. ♪ [ female announcer ] with cable's bundle choices, there's not much to see. with at&t u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr. hey. yeah. on my way home. [ female announcer ] you can even choose wireless voice service. he can't do that with cable. now you have your choice of offers. call today to get u-verse tv and internet plus choose home phone or wireless voice service starting at $99 a month. or choose to get $300 back via promotion cards with other qualifying bundles. bundle the services that fit your life. with u-verse tv, record and play back your shows in any room from a single dvr. call now to get three services starting at $99 a month. or choose to get $300 back via promotion cards with other qualifying bundles. ♪ for the bundle that fits your life, at&t. ♪ so many generous contributors come forward every year to help with us our annual toy drive and we'd like to welcome two more wonderful companies. >> matthew is the president of schligt north america and jean is the president . >> we are donating over $250,000 worth of product to the various "today" show charities, children's charities that you guys support. >> the boys and girls clubs. also overseas military bases. >> that is correct. that is correct. we are a global brand to support kids around the world so this is just one of the initiatives that we have here in north america. >> jean with being look what's on your lap. >> are these two a couple? >> well, the toy industry foundation is donating 10,600 toys to your toy drive. worth about $131,000. and some of the toys include the my first disney princess doll, ebie and lots of other donations from companies mike mattel -- >> you're one to talk. >> thank you for all you guys do. that's really sweet. we appreciate it. >> this is your first year doing it. >> it is! it is. >> welcome. >> once you get here you're a lifer. >> we'd love to be back. >> we'd love to have you. merry christmas. thank you. you make an awful lot of kids very, very happy. if you want to donate from home, head to tomorrow will.i.m. is with us. plus cold-weather hair makeovers. >> imagine that. have a great booze-day, everybody. -- captions by vitac --


Transcripts For WJZ The Early Show 20101214

smashing into the lights during an onset stunt. we'll tell you how he's doing "early" this tuesday morning, we'll tell you how he's doing "early" this tuesday morning, december 14th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs well, that's the temperature as i was walking across the park this morning about 4:30 or so, right there. 14 degrees or so. good morning, everybody. i'm harry smith. >> good morning, everyone, i'm betty nguyen. when i got to work this morning, it was snowing outside. >> little snow flurries here in the city. it's much colder in many other parts of the country. and that really is our top story this morning. the latest on this killer storm that has gripped much of the nation since the weekend. this storm is blamed for at least 16 deaths, at least 140,000 people are without power this morning. windchills are below zero in much of the midwest, and those icy temperatures are dipping down as far south as florida. we have two reports this morning, starting with cbs news national correspondent dean reynolds, who is in snowy saint joe, michigan. good morning, dean. >> good morning, harry. well it's not just the snow, and we got three new inches here, and it's not just the wind, but it's the combination of the two that create a cold that's really gets to you. arctic windchills prevailed overnight in much of the eastern half of the country, and it may be just the start. >> i'm freezing my butt off right now. >> reporter: windchills in the south were striking. atlanta, nashville, and raleigh were positively polar. >> after this initial cold shot in the next 48 hours or so, it looks like the weather pattern is going to be susceptible for more cold, and maybe some more storms, as well, between now and the christmas holidays. >> reporter: lake-effect snow buried cleveland on monday, and the high winds, at times 50 miles an hour, created horizontal blizzards, and impassable roads all along the shores of the great lakes. >> let's see if this effort is successful. >> reporter: there were still afew vehicles along the side of the road in indiana where dozens of motorists were trapped sunday and early monday after an accident boxed them in. some for as long as 12 hours. there were whiteouts in michigan, and in chicago, waves buffeted its famous lake shore drive. the snow, having turned their former dome home into something resembling a deflated sue fly, the unlucky minnesota vikings faced the new york giants in the detroit lions' home last night. is that clear? at least the price of admission was right. tickets were free. >> i've never seen anything other than the lions play. now i get to see two different teams. >> reporter: well, they saw the vikings lose last night. and one of the legacies of this storm could be the vikings' hunt for temporary accommodations. to see them through the rest of this season. harry? >> dean reynolds in saint joseph, michigan. snowy and cold saint joseph, michigan. thank you so much. now here's betty. >> down south farmers are rushing to protect their fruits and vegetables as they face a freeze warning for the second time in a week. cbs news correspondent mark strassmann is in clermont, florida, with the latest on that. good morning, mark. >> reporter: good morning, betty. for citrus farmers here, the overnight worry with the freezing temperatures was how low would they go and how long would they stay there? this ice is actually good news, it's protection. the farmers spray the water on their crops to protect them. the ice is like a blanket that protects the fruit from even colder temperatures. and the good news is that overnight, the temperatures did not go as low as they had hoped, or had feared, rather. the temperatures got to about 28 degrees. forecasters had predicted worst. and when temperatures get below 28 degrees and stay below 28 for five or six hours, that's when these crops can really be ruined. again, that did not happen. florida's citrus crop, billion dollars or more, was apparently saved. still have a worry here, though, this frost/freeze scare was actually very early in the season in december. it is typically a february event. and farmers here are worried, betty, that this could be the start of a long, cold, hard winter filled with anxiety. >> no doubt. cbs' mark strassmann in clermont, florida. thank you. now here's harry. >> all right, betty, thanks. now to politics. the tax cut compromise that president obama worked out with the republicans is one step closer to law. but the president's signature, health care reform, is running into trouble in court. cbs congressional correspondent nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the latest. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. republicans vowed to fight the health care bill in court, and they scored a big victory yesterday. while here on capitol hill, the tax cut deal passed its first major hurdle, with bipartisan support. by a commanding margin, 83-15, the senate voted to push ahead on a bill drawn up by republicans and the white house. it would prevent a january 1st tax hike, and keep jobless benefits from running out for the long-term unemployed. >> the united states senate is moving forward on a package of tax cuts that has strong bipartisan support. and this proves that both parties can, in fact, work together. >> reporter: while president obama was celebrating, a virginia judge was handing the white house a potential setback. ruling that parts of the massive new health care law were unconstitutional. in his decision, judge henry hudson said congress overreached when it mandated all americans must buy health insurance. the constitution, he said, does not allow that kind of unchecked expansion of congressional power. it's about an individual's right to choose to participate. he wrote. republicans, who universally opposed the health care law praised the virginia ruling. in a written statement, incoming house majority leader, eric cantor says, once the new republican majority assumes control of the house in january, we will pass a clean repeal of obamacare. the white house argues the insurance mandate is critical to the success of health care reform. because getting everyone insured is key to bringing down costs. >> i think it's constitutionally -- constitutionally will be upheld. >> all these legal challenges to the health care bill could and most likely will end up at the u.s. supreme court. while the tax cut deal, which passed that first vote yesterday, could hit final passage in the senate today, and then it heads to the house. harry? >> that's nancy cordes on capitol hill. thank you very much. also on capitol hill this morning, to talk exclusively about the tax compromise, and other issues, is the senate's number two democrat, illinois senator dick durbin. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> i'll tell you, every single paper that i pick up this morning, health law loses in court challenge. health care law is rejected by u.s. judge. and the thing that he objects to most strenuously is this idea that everybody has to be insured. and the republicans are jumping up and down, they're ready to have a party. do you think they have a legal leg to stand on? >> harry, and now for the rest of the story. this was the third court ruling, and the first one that overturned that provision. the first two said it was fine. it was constitutional. so clearly there's a difference. even among the virginia federal courts, and we're going to move forward to an appellate level, perhaps even to the supreme court. i think the law is sound, and when eric cantor and the republican side says let's repeal obamacare he wants to repeal the protection americans want against the discrimination against them for pre-existing conditions. i think that's a losing political position. >> the white house says it's going to go ahead and continue with implementation of the law, of the entire health care system, while all this legal wrangling is going on. should it proceed? >> absolutely. let me tell you, there are people who will see the protection of health insurance for the first time in their lives. over 50 million americans had no health insurance. 60% of them will receive health insurance protection. imagine, harry, if you and i had to go a week without health insurance protection. there are millions of americans who do it every single day. if the republicans want to repeal the reach and protection of health insurance, it's a great issue, but i'm afraid it's not going to be very kind to the people who are being discriminated against today. >> well, we continue on to the tax cut deal, and to the implementation, then, of the extension of unemployment benefits. this really looks like it's going to finally actually sail through the senate. will it get through the house? >> well, i can tell you that that vote last night in the senate was overwhelming. when over 80 united states senators of both political parties support a measure i think the house takes notice that, let me say i understand the resistance in the house amongst some democrats. you know, this bill, i think gets high marks for economic stimulus moving us forward and out of this recession. but in the spirit of the season, it does say god bless tiny tim and donald trump. it gives the wealthiest in america a tax break, at a time when they don't need it, shouldn't have it, but it was part of the compromise the republicans insisted on. >> but in the end of the day, will the house go along? it's clear that the senators are on board. will the house do this? and will it get done by christmas? >> i think it will be done by christmas. i think there may be several stages in this debate. but ultimately, those who oppose it will have their day. >> senator dick durbin, we do appreciate your time this morning. thank you very, very much. >> thank you. >> all right. >> all right. want to get more news now. whit johnson is at the news desk this morning. good morning, whit. >> betty, harry, great to see you. good morning, everyone. veteran american diplomat richard holbrooke is being remembered this morning for his tireless diplomacy, and tenacious attitude. holbrooke died last night at the age of 69 following surgery to repair his aorta. cbs news national security correspondent david martin has more. >> reporter: richard holbrooke was a legendary multitasker, famous for both his effectiveness as a diplomat, and his ambition to become secretary of state. >> he is simply one of the giants of american foreign policy. >> reporter: when president obama picked hillary clinton as his secretary of state, holbrooke signed on for arguably the second hardest job in the department, special representative for pakistan and afghanistan. >> it's going to be a long, difficult struggle. and we require honesty and candor with the international public, the american public, and ourselves to proceed. >> ask not -- >> reporter: he had served every democratic president since john f. kennedy, beginning with vietnam. where he learned early lessons in the limits of american power. and rising to public attention as the negotiator who brokered a peace deal to end ethnic cleansing in the balance cons. his job as special representative for pakistan and afghanistan made him the civilian equivalent of a four-star general. although he commanded a much smaller army of agricultural workers and other aide specialists. at the age of 69, holbrooke was said to have resigned himself to the fact that he was never going to be secretary of state. the job as special representative to afghanistan and pakistan was to have been his last government assignment. >> america is more secure and the world is a safer place because of the work of ambassador richard holbrooke. >> reporter: david martin, cbs news, washington. wikileaks founder julian assange is back in a london court this morning to fight extradition to sweden. he's wanted there for questioning in sex crimes investigations. assange arrived in a van under heavy security. earlier, he was asked about his decision to publish secret u.s. documents. assange says he has no regrets. he said, quote, my convictions are unfaltering. i remain true to the ideals i have expressed. assange relayed that message to his mother, who visited him in prison. >> he's being held in the basement of the prison, right in the middle of the prison, in solitary confinement. as a mother, i'm asking the world to stand up for my brave son. >> assange denies the allegations of sexual misconduct in sweden. convicted swindler bernard madoff will stay in a north carolina prison and will not attend the funeral of his son in new york. mark madoff committed suicide on saturday. the second anniversary of his father's arrest. bernard madoff's attorney says madoff won't go to the funeral out of consideration for mark's wife and children. well, in sports, brett favre could not play for minnesota last night because of a shoulder injury. that means his record streak of 297 straight nfl starts is history. >> it's been a great run. great run. so, i'm very proud of it. >> favre's streak started in september 1992. and was one of the greatest individual records in all of sports. and an injury now to actor hugh jackman in australia this morning. sorry, ladies. jackman was performing a zip line stunt for the oprah winfrey show, from atop the sydney opera house ontoed stage. the australian actor suffered an injury near his eye and his face after hitting some scaffolding because he didn't brake early enough. he was not seriously hurt and appeared later with a small bandage near that eye. it's now about 13 past the hour. time for a check of the weather with dave price, who is our >> it's 15 minutes past the hour. that rain in the northwest is going nowhere fast. we'll talk more about that next time i see you. right now, betty, over to you. >> thank you, dave. this morning a royal caribbean cruise ship is safely in port after a rough ride that left hundreds of american passengers shaken. this is the third cruise ship near disaster in the last five weeks. cbs news correspondent mark phillips is in london with the latest. good morning, mark. >> good morning, betty. well the "brilliance of the seas" has arrived in the mediterranean island of malta, with a lot of relieved passengerers on board. the owners of the ship, royal caribbean, are trying to make the best of it, and have now said they would refund the cost of the cruise to passengers. that's how bad it was. boy, were they happy to be on solid ground at least. >> so happy to be on flat ground, because we've been doing the rock and roll, man, for the last two days. >> it was the scariest thing i've ever, you know, had happen to me. it was very frightening. >> reporter: the "brilliance of the seas" doesn't look quite like her promotional video anymore. certainly not inside where violent rolling in a mediterranean storm threw furniture and people around, in a harrowing ordeal that went on for hours. it's an experience the 2,000 passengers, about half of them american, are still trying to come to terms with. but the money will help. >> at first we were not happy with the response of royal caribbean. but since then, they have refunded all of our money, and we're very happy. >> reporter: the ship had been caught out in a severe storm. but the bulk of the damage took place when the captain slowed down as he approached the port of alexandria, egypt. with the ship stabilizers losing their effect at slow speed, the ship rocked violently, about 60 people were injured, some with broken bones. >> the ship itself in completely sea worthy condition. >> reporter: royal caribbean says it will continue the cruise back to barcelona. but many of the passengers say, they've had enough, and want off now. remarkably, royal caribbean also says the ship will sail on its next cruise, which is due to leave barcelona at the end of this week. they've got a lot of work to do and the passengers will be watching the weather. betty? >> no doubt. cbs' mark phillips in london. thank you, mark. still ahead this morning, the virginia lacrosse player accused of killing his ex-girlfriend reportedly may cut a deal and avoid trial. we'll have the latest on the shocking case. also, why cold weather is the peak time for carbon monoxide poisoning. and what you can do to keep your family safe from the silent killer. that's all coming up on "the early show." 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[ male announcer ] prevent uncomfortable gas moments with gas-x prevention. just one before meals helps prevent gas before it starts. from gas-x, the gas-xperts. just one before meals helps prevent gas before it starts. ♪ that comes fromove a little green leaf ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my skinny jeans zipped in relief ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. you remember last spring the very sad story of this beautiful university of virginia lacrosse player who was murdered in her dorm room. and now it looks like a deal may be cut with the prosecutors in terms of the alleged perpetrator of the crime. we'll have that when we come back. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by kay jewelers. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. [chuckles] trust me. i know. - save 25% on bulova watches at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. - i love it. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. ♪ walgreens gift to you ♪ good for anything in store ♪ from toothpaste to cashews [ female announcer ] right now earn walgreens super jingle cash. $5 for every 25 you spend. walgreens. there's a way to stay jolly. hello again. it both looks and is real cold, especially when you mix in the wind chill. how's traffic doing? >> we're starting off with that two-alarm fire that we have working and we'll have more reporters on the scene. it is blocking homewood between speant ann's and cokesbury. two accident on the top side. another one on the outer loop at loch raven bfltd-- boulevard. pan accident blocking otsego and lewis. an accident in the southbound lanes at 198. typical delays there. this traffic report is brought to you by papa johns. call for your tuesday ravens toppings or touchdown special. $9.99. back over to you. two weather related school viernlings-- advisories. wood lawn is closed because it has no heat and frederick county schools are operating on a two hour delay. >> the reality is a wind chill of 8. you heard me. 8. 31, a mixture of clouds and sun, maybe a couple flurries. that 31 is going to feel more like 19 to 23 degrees. don? >> we continue to follow breaking news of a two alarm fire that has taken six lives. andrea fujii is live at the san on homewood avenue. >> reporter: fire investigators are trying to determine how the fire started. neighbors say an elderly couple lived in the homes and the granddaughter and grate grandchildren off the visited. neighbors think those are the section who died. when firefighters arrived, within three minutes they had to sprocket because of -- evacuate because of heavy winds. when they went back in, they found the body. the youngest is one. the mother of the man who tried to blow up the military recruitment center in caught sad her son was set up. the mother said she agreed with the defense attorney who said martinez was entrapped boit fbi. prosecutors argue he confessed this was his duty. up next two stories with local connections and why the former la crosse player who former la crosse player who murder wow. no enthusiasm kwap there, right? i mean, my golly. >> it's awfully cold out there, too. >> welcome back. >> thank you for coming out. >> very much appreciate it. coming up this morning, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. it is called the silent killer, and for a very good reason. you can't see it. you can't smell it. and with the brutal cold weather here now, this is the most common time of year to be affected by it. we're going to talk to someone who became a victim last month. and susan koeppen is going to show us what you need to do to make sure your family is safe. >> also, this is hollywood's most glittery time of the year as this morning's golden globe nominations kick off the awards season, "the social network" is getting most of the best picture attention so far from critics but there are a lot of other contenders and we will break it down for you in our next hour. first, though, some new developments in the university of virginia murder case. seven months ago yeardley love, a senior lacrosse player, was found beaten to death. the suspect, her ex-boyfriend, has been locked up ever since. but now he may not go to trial. whit johnson is here with the story. whit, good morning. >> harry, good morning. it was a savage crime that ended two bright futures, since george huguely was arrested, people involved in the case have said almost nothing. and now there's talk of a plea deal. yeardley love's tragic murder just weeks before graduation last may rocked the university of virginia campus to its core. >> the entire university community is both shocked and saddened over the years by miss love's death by the hand of a murderer. >> she was a wonderful person. she was so vibrant. so happy all the time. just a really great friend. >> reporter: the accused is love's ex-boyfriend and fellow lacrosse player george huguely. after his arrest, he admitted to drunkenly slamming love's head against the wall during a fight in the early morning hours of may 3rd. but insists the 22-year-old was alive when he left the apartment. >> we are confident that ms. love's death was not intended, but an accident with a tragic outcome. >> reporter: prosecutors charged huguely with first degree murder. if convicted, he could spend the rest of his life in jail. but now, according to a report in the "washington examiner" plea deal negotiations have begun. they would prevent the case from ever going to trial. >> plea deals result in 95% of criminal cases, including murder cases, and that's because both sides want the finality of a deal. it ends up resolving the case, and there are no appeals. >> reporter: following his arrest, new details emerged about huguely's troubled past. there were charges for a 2008 altercation with police. public intoxication, and allegations that he'd previously been violent with love. as the school year came to a close last spring, students and faculty came together to mourn yeardley love's passing. they celebrated a promising life, cut short. >> my hope for yeardley, and for you, is that her dying inspires an anger, a sense of outrage, that no one need ever fear for safety. >> reporter: if the case does move forward, george huguely is scheduled to appear in court on january 21st. harry? >> all right, whit johnson. thank you so much. jack ford is cbs news legal analyst, and he is with us live in the studio this morning. this word of a deal surprise you? >> it doesn't. not in this case, harry. you know there's certain factors that sort of lend themselves to a case getting worked out. you've got to remember, overwhelming number of cases do end up getting worked out. only 4% go to trial. you look at this case, it's not one where the defendant is saying, it wasn't me. i wasn't there. i had nothing to do. i'm absolutely innocent. reportedly he has said to the police, yes, here's what happened, i grabbed her, i shook her, i banged her head against the wall. now he hasn't admitted to everything that the prosecutor says happened there. >> right. >> so you take away the notion of the defendant saying, i'm clearly innocent, and it sort of leads you to some conversations here. >> now, what would compel the prosecution to go ahead and accept a deal, if the defense is saying, you know what, all those things we agree with, all the things you just said, what would you tell the prosecution, well we'll go along with that? >> a couple of things come into play here. if you're a prosecutor, and i go back to my days as a prosecutor handling murder cases. two things, how strong is your case? >> right. >> and what are your victims and family members want out of this. >> right. >> here the prosecutor is saying we're pretty strong. but nothing is a slam dunk. >> right. >> because the defense is saying, i didn't mean to kill her. >> right. >> and the prosecutor is saying you slammed her head so hard you meant to certainly hurt her seriously. but i'm saying that's not a slam dunk murder one conviction. and the other thing is you have to sit down and say to the victim's family, what do you want here? they don't control it completely but they're going to have a major input. and if they say to you, we can't handle a trial emotionally, we can't go through this. >> sure. >> then as a prosecutor you start sort of moving some numbers around. >> i guess that becomes a very important question. because that is really a conversation between the prosecutors and the victim's family to say, what are your interests here? >> sure. again, they don't control it 100%. >> okay. >> victim's family doesn't come in and say to the prosecutor, here's what you're going to do. but if a prosecutor is in a situation where they're saying, look, we could probably live with a murder two conviction here. >> right. >> and maybe, 30 years in prison. >> right. >> as opposed to murder one which would carry 20 years to life in prison. murder two can be as little, in virginia, as little as 5 years to 40 years. >> right. >> so the prosecutor's saying we could probably deal with murder two and it probably would work well with the evidence we have. murder two is basically you meant to seriously harm somebody. maybe you didn't mean to kill them. then i sit down with the victim's family and say are you guys okay with this. >> could you live with that? >> could you live with 30 years for instance. and then it's up to them to see whether they'd be amenable to all that. >> and if you're the defense attorney and you can make that deal. >> yes. >> you're sitting there saying, you know what, you've actually might have something like a life, if, for instance, you walk out of prison 30 years from now. >> exactly. >> even if it's 30 years from now. chances are somebody serving that long -- >> i have to say to my client, if we roll the dice and go to trial here and lose, and you get nicked on a murder one conviction, you're talking about life. >> right. >> now it might not be life without possibility of parole but it means a big chunk of your life. and maybe you're never going to get out. but if we take a deal, and i don't know what's being offered out there, but let's say if they say if we take a deal for murd twoer and maybe we can limit it to 25, 30 years and then you become the wind chill is doing to be more like 19 to 23. mixture of clouds and sun. could be a couple flurries flowing around. right now lap wind chill of about -- now a wind chill of about 8. still breezy, clouds and sun. a high of 32. >> and coming up next, the dangers of carbon monoxide. we're all at risk, and we're going to tell you how to protect your family this winter, when we come back. ♪ i must have the wrong house. sister? we missed you. they waited up all night for you, you know. it's a long way from west africa. 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"early" show consumer correspondent susan koeppen is here with more on the dangers. good morning, susan. >> good morning, betty. december and january are peak months for carbon monoxide poisoning. you can't see it, you can't smell it, but it's deadly. two people have now died, two others hospitalized -- >> reporter: a poisoning scare at a student dorm. >> two people are dead, ten others hospitalized. >> reporter: as winter approaches, cases of carbon monoxide poisoning are adding up. >> it's typical during the winter months because that's when we start using our heating equipment. >> reporter: carbon monoxide gas kills 450 americans every year. and poisons more than 20,000. >> carbon monoxide, you won't smell it, you won't taste it. you won't even know it's there until it's almost too late. >> reporter: christine and her growing family had a carbon monoxide scare in november. >> had we not had a carbon monoxide detector we all would have died that night. >> reporter: a new boiler was installed incorrectly, allowing poisonous gas to fill the house. >> it was as if someone had pulled a car into our basement boiler room and left it running for six hours. >> reporter: carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning in the u.s. symptoms mimic the flu. headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath. >> you just assume that you're sick, people around you are sick, because you've got flu in your home. when, in fact, it's actually poisoning. >> reporter: christine was treated at the hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning. she and her family have fully recovered. but the effects to her unborn baby may not be known for years. >> it's terribly frightening to know that we were so close to having a totally normal baby, and that those dreams that we had for him may not be able to come true. >> reporter: and christine had a couple of carbon monoxide alarms in her home. one that didn't work and one that went off. but she thought it was malfunctioning. it wasn't until she went out to the store, bought a new one, brought that home, that she realized there was of a serious problem in the house, betty. >> really frightening. so what are the problem areas in your home that can really cause that carbon monoxide to built up? >> it's really from your fuel-burning appliances. so things like your furnace, your water heater, it can also come from your fireplace. your stove. a car. so these are all sort of things in your home that can cause the carbon monoxide to come in, seep in and cause a problem. a few things to keep in mind. always have your fuel burning appliances checked every year. you should never use your oven to heat your home. and also, i know it's cold outside, if you're going to try to warm up your car, don't start it, and leave it running in an attached garage. >> make sure you crack at garage, open it up. >> pull the car out and leave it in the driveway. >> yeah, exactly. there's a whole lot of them on the market. question, though that i want to ask, where do you put them in your home. >> you should have a carbon monoxide alarm on every level in your home, outside the sleeping areas, and then definitely in the basement. and you know, because the furnace is down there. so you really need one on every single level of your home. >> all right. so one is not enough. and when you go to purchase these, how much are they? >> well, take a look. i mean there's a lot of different kinds that are out there. and we went out shopping yesterday and bought a bunch. they range in price from $25 to $50. you know, and there's the kind that plug into the wall. there's the kind that are a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm. they even make a travel carbon monoxide alarm. so if you're going on vacation, your hotel room, going to a friend's house, you're not sure if they have an alarm, a lot of accidents happen away from homes so you can actually buy one to take with you. >> all right. so you can put them in different places. you need to put them in different places and they range in prices. but they're absolutely necessary, because you just don't know. >> they call it the silent killer for a reason. you don't know it's there unless you have an alarm. >> good information. susan koeppen joining us live. and we will be right back. this is the "early" show on cbs. >> "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by sensodyne iceo active. nine out of ten dentists recommend it. i have sensitive teeth as well, so i want to make sure that i can deal with that problem. i love the fact that the gel turns into a foam. it spread all over my mouth and was able to get all areas of my teeth -- in the back and around. you just feel like it's really working. my mouth and breath felt really fresh and clean. not only does sensodyne iso-active make my mouth feel fresh, but it also has that ability to help me with my sensitive teeth... and it's totally working. to help me with my sensitive teeth... if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. and the life you want to live. with rheumatoid arthritis, there's the life you live... fortunately there's enbrel, the #1 most doctor-prescribed biologic medicine for ra. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. hi. chili's tonight? do i know you? yeah. your mother's brother went to summer camp with my uncle's friend's accountant. we're practically family. jason? who? my mom's brother's accountant. yeah. that guy is a maniac. okay. i love jason. isn't he a riot? chili's $20 dinner for two. all you need is somebody to go with. share one appetizer, choose two entrees. now with crispy fried shrimp. just $20 for two at chili's. we are going to help men out this morning, who are feeling the seasonal disorder called gift pressure. >> stress of it all. >> oh, my lord. do you know how difficult it is to buy for people of your ilk? >> women, you mean? >> yes. >> it can't be that difficult. >> there is so much pressure. >> we drop clues and hints all year long. you're just not taking down notes. >> i think that may be the problem. i think, you know, you may think you're really giving off the big signals but i don't think we're smart enough -- >> you need a big billboard? >> probably. >> okay, here's a hint. women want rest and relaxation. oh, and diamonds work, too. those are always good. our floor director is going, yes! >> i think it's really that whole anticipation thing of how could you not know what i really wanted. >> exactly. >> versus the, i thought you'd be happy with this. >> no, no. that never works. >> oh, lord. >> ask around. >> anyway, so we're going to have -- we have greats, great ideas for men. to get the lady in your life, we guarantee will put a smile on their face. >> we'll see about that, harry. we'll be right back. >> we do the best we can. >> this is "the early show" on cbs. 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[ girl ] that lip gloss is soooo cute on you. [ female announcer ] you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a powerful clean against a full range of stains, use new wisk. music makes a great gift. i like rock, hip-hop, country... and you are telling me this, why? i...uh...thought you might be my secret santa? no. i'm giving for skunk. uh, i can hear you. no. not you. the other skunk. [ female announcer ] safeway is the place to stock up on itunes gift cards. right now, save $6 on a $40 4-pack. keep 'em on hand. only at safeway. ingredients for life. oh, man. >> they're trying to stay warm. >> it is just, you know, the wind just howls, right, through central park. we really thank you for being as tough as you are this morning. >> thank you. >> we have one guy who's actually dressed properly. >> yes. >> he's all bundled up back there. welcome back to "the early show," i'm harry smith along with betty nguyen. coming up, the first big step toward this year's oscars, hollywood is handing out its golden globe nominations this morning. "the king's speech" one of the favorites, "the social network" another favorite. strong contenders for awards, along with "the fighter," "the kids are all right" and others. and we will bring you the announcements a little bit later on this hour and have reaction, as well. >> very good. also, some interesting news about good cholesterol and alzheimer's disease. a new study says when good cholesterol levels are high, your risk of getting alzheimer's is lower and our dr. jennifer ashton will be here to tell us about good cholesterol and where that comes from. one word, oatmeal. which i did not have any this morning. >> we could use some right now. >> some hot oatmeal. >> let's get a check of the news. whit johnson is at the news desk. >> boy, you two look comfortable out there. >> oh, yeah, right? >> can't wait to join you later in the show. good morning once again, everybody. speaking of the weather, a deadly deep freeze engulfs much of the nation this morning. the latest punch from the storm that punished the midwest, in la port, indiana, a state of emergency remains in effect. more snow and bitter cold is forecast for today, as well. at least 16 deaths in four states are blamed on the storm. cbs news correspondent dean reynolds is in saint joseph, michigan, with more. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. well, the east coast is getting a taste of what the people here in the midwest saw on monday, and the remedy is pretty simple. as you can see behind me, it's stay in doors, where it's warm. the wind continued to howl overnight, knocking out power to thousands and making any kind of travel a real nightmare. in some areas, not even the snow plows could handle the chore. >> it was pretty scary. tammy logan learned her lesson the hard way. she and her family, along with another 100 vehicles, were stranded for more than half a day on an indiana highway after snow stopped them dead in their tracks. >> we're just trying to clear off the car, you know, periodically and make sure that nothing was in front of the exhaust. so you know, just so that we would be safe. >> as the storm pushed east, so did the danger. slick snow across new york's long island triggered numerous car wrecks. including this ten-car pileup. not much better down south. does this look like north carolina to anyone? citrus farmers are scrambling to protect their crops. jim williams could lose tens of thousands of dollars if the cold snap decides to stick around for awhile. >> there's no bigger risk than a freeze. that is january. >> reporter: in the northwest, rain's the culprit. downtown astoria, oregon, now has a gaping hole in it. after a city block collapsed during the deluge. and in minnesota, officials are just now beginning to work on the deflated dome. it collapsed sunday morning under all that snow and ice, forcing the giants and the vikings to play in detroit. now they're hoping it can be fixed before next week's game. that's the hope, at least. but more snow is on the way for minnesota, and here in michigan later in the week. whit? >> dean reynolds all bundled up for us in saint joseph, michigan. thank you. well, health care reform law lost a first legal challenge. yesterday, a federal judge in virginia ruled it's unconstitutional to require people to buy health insurance. the case is expected to go to the supreme court. italian prime minister -- or it tealian premier silvio berlusconi survived two no confidence votes today in the italian parliament. he won this morning's vote in the lower house by just three votes. berlusconi had stormed out of the lower house during heated debate. he had an easier time in the senate. but berlusconi's government hangs to a small majority in parliament, making it difficult for him to govern. president obama called veteran american diplomat richard holbrook a giant of american diplomacy. holbrooke died yesterday, after undergoing surgery to repair a torn aorta. it was president obama's envoy to afghanistan and pakistan, and under president clinton holbrooke negotiated the bosnian peace plan. this morning mr. clinton said, quote, richard holbrooke saved lives, secured peace, and restored hope for countless people around the world. richard holbrooke was 69 years old. it's about four past the hour. let's go back outside to d d good morning. let's take a look at the forecast. 31. more likely lap wind chill, the upper teens to low 20s. we have a single digit wind chill of 8 degrees. for the record it's about 20. 16 degrees tonight. the wind goes to a breeze, patchy clouds, single digit wind chills tomorrow morning. tomorrow breezy, clouds and sun. the 32 will be more this weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. >> thanks, john. that's a quick look at your weather picture, betty back inside to you. >> all right. thank you, dave. up next the latest facts on good cholesterol, and a possible breakthrough in the fight against alzheimer's disease. this is "the early show" on cbs. - you went to kay. she'll love it. 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[ female announcer ] stay jolly with walgreens. good news this morning in the fight against alzheimer's disease. a new study suggests higher amounts of so-called good cholesterol could lower your risk of alzheimer's by up to 60%. dr. jennifer ashton is here to tell us more about good cholesterol and how to get it. give us a little refresher course. the difference between good and bad cholesterol. >> so many people hear the word cholesterol and they think it's got to be bad. the fact of the matter is like most things in medicine, we need it in moderation. it's very important to the function of our cells. when you talk about the difference between good and bad cholesterol, good way to remember, h-cholesterol, hdl is the healthy or good cholesterol. ldl is the lousy or bad. >> that's good. >> to remind everyone. there are two numbers you need to know. you want your ldl or bad cholesterol below 100. and your hdl or good cholesterol over 60. >> all right. what are the correlation between cholesterol and alzheimer's disease? >> this is a study done out of columbia university. they looked at over 1100 people, age 55 and over, and divided them into groups based on their hdl or healthy cholesterol number and found that those with an hdl above 65 were at a 60% lower risk of having alzheimer's disease. this is what we call an associated finding. they didn't explain cause and effect but we know very clearly that what's good for the heart is also good for the brain and vice versa. so that's one theory. >> that being the kast, how do we boost our good cholesterol? >> there are a couple of easy things, mostly behavioral. because we have to remember 75% of your cholesterol comes from our body, 25% of it comes from our food intake. so when you talk about elevating the hdl or the good cholesterol, if you smoke, stop. that can increase your hdl numbers by 10%. exercise can boost your hdl. very important. and eating a diet low in cash hi carbohydrates also can raise that money. >> i imagine diet is something a lot of people will be trying to fix or moderate. >> absolutely. >> what can you do when it comes to diet? >> we really think about the ldl or the lousy cholesterol and lowering that number. so some easy things you can substitute vegetable oils, or nuts for saturated fats. so if you're cooking with butter now, switch over to a vegetable oil whenever possible. or olive oil. oatmeal which you mentioned you had for breakfast, very important in terms of lowering the ldl. and if you like your eggs, you don't have to give them up, but just substitute egg whites for a whole egg and you will dramatically reduce your ldl cholesterol intake. now, some people might still need medication, but these are important things they can do. >> very good information. and easy stuff, too. >> absolutely. >> thank you dr. ashton. we appreciate it. up next, having trouble finding the perfect present? we're going to show you what women really want for christmas. this is "the early show" on cbs. a simply orange orange. you soak up some rays in the morning, grab a cool drink around noon, and sleep soundly at night... knowing no one looking to freeze or concentrate you... will ever set foot in this paradise. simply orange. honestly simple. 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>> well, you know, that's the age-old mystery. what does a woman, want, right? >> guys have a lot of anxiety about what to get for a woman because they have to hear about it all year. either you got me the best gift, or oh, can you believe he got me a toaster? >> what do i think she wants? >> probably whatever hot is out there. something that was on oprah. >> men have no clue what they really like. >> i'm really thinking hard. really thinking hard. >> reporter: what women really want is the first photograph that's ever been taken of the two of you in a frame, really beautiful, with a little card attached to it saying, let's relive this date. what she'll probably get is a blu-ray. >> reporter: so this christmas, listen up. >> i specifically drop pretty big hints. >> reporter: don't be afraid to ask for help. >> i'd like to have either a nook or a kindle, because i like to read a lot. >> give us something we won't give ourselves. >> reporter: and if you want your gift to be a really big hit. >> jewelry. >> jewelry. >> a woman always likes a nice piece of jewelry. >> reporter: think small. >> a ring. >> diamonds. lots of them. >> reporter: i don't blame you. >> reporter: and considering what you got her last year -- >> a candle with like a duck. >> reporter: what's the worst thing he's ever gotten you? >> a poncho. >> i got her a leather miniskirt one time. that didn't go over. >> reporter: why not? >> beats me. >> reporter: jewelry just might be the way to go. >> we are hopeless. joining us now with a pile of presents that your favorite woman really love is style and trend expert jenn failic. >> good morning. >> let's start with jewelry. >> lots of women want something sparkly. great sparkly options from aqua at bloomingdale's. you can get a whole stock of them for like 47 bucks. >> that's good. >> you can mix and match. and this is shoshanna who everybody loves, just came out with a line for qvc for judith ripka. these are like 50 bucks and they're so fun. they're statement pieces. they're lightweight. this is gorgeous. >> yeah, that's beautiful. >> women love that. >> what's this thing? >> this is all in the same family. you can get one, a few. stack them. i think they're so beautiful. american living does a lot for jcpenney. classic pieces, but kind of like a classic style. >> right. >> this is really great. this is a brand called aroc urtu, everything is environmentally friendly jewelry. for "early" show viewers they're doing 20% after if you type in early show so you is get a deal. >> on these guys? these rock things? >> with little diamonds inside. black diamonds are more reasonable than other kinds of diamonds. so you can still give her diamonds. >> this is cute. >> this is judith ripka. looks like a canary diamond. it's not. but it looks like one. there's also earrings that go with this. gorgeous, as well, if you want to do earrings there's some options. around $350. >> so there's the jewelry realm. >> yes. >> can a guy buy makeup for his wife? >> definitely. these are everyday indulgs enss. what's great about holiday makeup is they come in sets. you don't have to know exactly what color is perfect for. this is from stila, over $500 worth of eye shadows for under 50 bucks. >> that's good. >> or you don't have to spend thousands or a bag or pair of shoes but get a makeup palette, have the dior feeling, really high quality makeup. or laura mercier does this great set of lip glosses. it's a great gift because women can never have enough but it looks good on everybody. you don't have to worry about the color matching. >> until this moment i didn't know that you can never have enough lip gloss. >> i can never have enough. you learn something new every day. >> all right. so we've done the makeup. maybe it's not the makeup, maybe it's not jewelry, but like a really pretty scarf. >> cashmere. if you get a woman like a knit scarf like, oh, great gift. you give her a cashmere scarf all of a sudden it's a really great gift. these are from club monaco, under $100. super soft. it's warm. but you can also wear it as a fashion accessory. it doesn't have to be a winter bundle up outer wear piece. it can be an accessory. or kmart has cashmere sweaters, 30 bucks. an old christmas sweater you don't want but something cashmere, all of a sudden, ooh -- >> this is a babushka. >> okay, nice and warm. perfect. >> all right. >> and there's all different colors. this is something you can borrow, too. >> yes. very good. so these are the sweaters, very nice. >> 30 bucks, kmart. again, a sweater. no one wants a christmas sweater. but this is a cashmere sweater, all of a sudden you've upped the ante when you throw in a little cashmere. >> i'm very impressed. what about these shoes? >> shoes i know would be a difficult gift to give when the woman in your life isn't home, check her shoe size, know you're on the right track. but this is really cool. these up here are from a company called the enchanted shoebox. you can design personalized for the woman in your life. if she has a pair of earrings, maybe she lost one, you can end in heirloom jewelry, they'll put it on the shoes, personalize anything and everything. >> that's neat. >> so you write in, they'll help you design it and then you send it. or if you don't want to spend that much, go to pay less, isabel toledo designed dresses for the first lady. she has a shoe collection there. bows very on trend. if you get a woman shoes she's going to be really loving you. >> you think? >> oh, yes, shoes are a great lift. >> last but not least these experiential things. >> for women who have enough stuff, give her an experience. there's personal chef companies around the country. here in new york there's yum yum chef, which i've used. big city chefs. hire a chef, they'll come to your house. personalize a menu. cater a dinner party. give you a cooking lesson. for spa gift cards. >> i like it all. >> lots of good stuff. >> thank you. i'm feeling much more confident than way did before. jenn, thanks. to find out more about these perfect presents go to our website,, hello again. sharon will wrap up the rush after marty's first warning weather. >> wind chills in the upper single digits. let's take a look at the forecast. 31 today. clouds and sun. you may see a flurry. it's going to be windy and cold with the 31 feeling like 21. now over to sharon gibala. hi, sharon. the fire in the city still the biggest deal out there. that is going to be blocking homewood avenue and blocking it between saint anns and cokesbury. take loch raven road instead. this is the accident on the top site of the beltway. it's at bel air road. typical delays on the beltway. there's harford road. delays are slightly worse on the top side. this is the third accident all morning. there's another look at spaghetti junction. this traffic report is brought to you by papa john's. call or click for your tuesday ravens toppings or touchdown special. large pizza for $9.99, double when they win. school advisories. woodlawn high school is closed because there's no heat. frederick county schools are hoping two hours late. six people confirmed dead after a fire sweeps through two row homes. andrea fujii is live on the scene on homewood avenue. >> reporter: the fire started just before 5 in east baltimore. when firefighters arrived, the winds were so heavy they had to evacuate. when they went back inside, they found the six bodies. investigators are trying to determine how this started financed there were working smoke alarms. neighbors said grandchildren and great chrnd often visited. neighbors believe it was those six family members who died in the fire. a 6-year-old special needs child falls off a bus and dies. he opened up the back door and fell out. jeremy's family said more should have done to prevent that. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up next, the nominations for the golden globe awards and a look at the airline fees and the new feature that continental is offering. lots of sunshine. the wind is chilling things down to,,,,,,,, [ male announcer ] are you watching cable? 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here to explain it is mark or wall, international editor of "travel & leisure" magazine. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> all right. so break it down for us. what exactly is farelock. >> all right, farelock is a new program from continental that allows you to call up and make your reservation, and for an extra $5 you can hold that reservation for three days before you pay for it. or you can pay $9 and hold it for up to a week before you actually pay for it. >> does that make sense? i mean is this a good deal? >> well, yeah, if you think about it, sometimes life happens. you can't get your days off on vacation that you had planned. or you can't get the cruise, or the resort that you had wanted. but you want to lock in a good airfare. so this gives you a chance to lock in the airfare while you finalize all your other details then go back and pay for the airfare. >> does it concern you at all that they're always finding a new way to tack on a new fee? >> yeah. and in fact in this case, continental already offers you a 24-hour waiting period at no fee. so you can pay the five, you can pay the nine, plus the other thing is this. the closer you get to your departure date they might charge you more than $5 or $9 the to hold it. so you want to think twice. read the fine print always good advice. >> do you expect other airlines will follow suit? >> no. there haven't been a single new surcharge that one airline implemented successfully that wasn't immediately followed by all the other airlines. so this could happen. there was, however, spirit airlines which over the summer started charging to put your carry-on luggage in the overhead bin. they charged as much as $45 to do that. the airlines have not done that. in fact secretary of transportation ray lahood when spirit did that said, i don't think they care about their customers. maybe they took one step too far. >> there are a lot of fees out there. what are some of the new ones we're going to see. >> a lot of the ones you're seeing right now and you saw it last winter, too, is peak holiday travel surcharges. the airlines are actually folding in an extra $10 to get on to -- to charge customers for flying on those peak travel days. that's a bad one because you don't have any choice in that. they fold it into the price. >> they know people want to travel to see their family and friends during the holidays. >> it's a way to gauge them. >> no doubt. there were other frees for frequent flyer miles. that was supposed to be a reward program. >> this is going after the most loyal customers. which, confounds me. but they're charging as much as $150 each way to redeem your frequent flyer miles for a quote/unquote free ticket or to upgrade to business class. i just paid $250 to upgrade to business class using my miles. i had to actually pay over and above my airfare an extra $250 on a round trip to phoenix to update to business class. >> sometimes it's not even worth using the miles. >> a lot of people are really disenchanted with miles. they're giving away so many of them, you get a credit card you can get a million miles so they're just simply not worth as much as they used to be. >> talk about outrageous fees. we heard about this over the summer, costing to use the rest room? they are charging you a fee to use the rest room on a plane? >> not yet. they're poised to. >> maybe we can stop it. >> the chairman of ryanair, one of the largest airlines in europe, has said he swears that he's really going to do this, he's going to start charging for his customers to use the bathroom on his planes. they've even got a pricing structure, one euro or one pound to use the toilets on ryanair flights. it's incredible. >> very quickly, when it comes to airlines or cruise lines, the seas. >> yes, they're also starting to do a la carte pricing. make sure you check with your cruise line. are your meals included or not? because there's at least one cruise line, carnival, that is now starting on some cruises to charge you for your meals. >> goodness. all right. this is good information. we all need to be aware of. mark, thank you so much. for more on hidden travel fees, go to our website, now here's harry. >> all right, betty. thank you very much. the hollywood award season kicks into high gear this morning. with the golden globe nominations. which should give us a good idea of which movies and performances are likely to bes who car nominees next month. making this morning's announcement will be philip berk president of the hollywood press association which gives out the golden globes along with actors josh duhamel, katie holmes and blair underwood. and our old pal dalton ross is here. as we wait for them to come out and make the announcement, just talk about what are some of the films that are really getting a lot of critics choices made in the last koumg of weeks? what are the films that are getting traction? >> i think in the drama category you're going to look at two films, "the king's speech" and "the social network." that should really be the big battle. i'm sure they're both going to get nominated. >> for the 68th annual golden globe awards. and here to reveal these nominations, please welcome blair underwood, josh duhamel, and katie holmes. blair, you're up first. >> thank you, philip. okay. best performance by an actor in a mini series or motion picture made for television. "luther." ian mcshane, "pillars of the earth." al pacino, "you don't know jack." dennis quaid "the special relationship," and ed guard ramirez, "carlos." best performance by an actress in a mini series or motion picture made for television. haley atwell, "pillars of the earth." claire danes "temple brandon." judi dench "return to cranford." ramallah garay "emma." and jennifer love hewitt "the client list." best performance by an actress in a motion picture, comedy or musical. annette bening ""the kids are all right." ann hathaway, "love and other drugs." angelina jolie "the tourist." julianne moore "the kids are all right." and emma stone, "easy a." oh, you like those? best performance by an actor in a motion picture comedy or musical, johnny depp, "alice in wonderland." johnny depp, "the tourist." right? paul giamatti "barney's version." jake gyllenhaals "love and other drugs." and kevin spacey, "casino jack." >> best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a motion picture. christian bale "the fighter." michael douglas, "wall street: money never sleeps." andrew garfield, "the social network." jeremy renner "the town." jeffrey roush, "the king's speech." best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture. amy adams, "the fighter." helena bonham carter, "the king's speech." milla kunis "black swan." melissa leo, "the fighter." jackie weaver, "animal kingdom." best performance by an actor in a television series, drama. steve buscemi "board walk empire." brian cranston, "breaking bad." michael c. hall "dexter." john hamm "mad men." hugh laurie "house." best director, motion picture. darren aron off ski "black swan." david fincher "the social network." tom hooper, "the king's speech." christopher nolan, "inception." david o. russell, "the fighter." best motion picture comedy or musical. "alice in wonderland." "burlesque." "the kids are all right." "red." "the tourist." >> best television series, drama. "board walk empire." "dexter." "the good wife." "mad men." "the walking dead." best performance by an actress in a motion picture, drama. halle berry "frankly and alice." nicole kidman, "rabbit hole." jennifer lawrence, "winter's bones." natalie portman, ""black swan." michelle williams, lou valentine." best performance by an actor in a motion picture, drama. jesse eisenberg, "the social network." colin firth, "the king's speech." james franco, "127 hours." ryan gosling, "blue valentine." mark wahlberg, "the fighter." best motion picture, drama. "black swan." "the fighter." "inception." "the king's speech." "the social network." thank you. >> let's give a big thank you to blair, josh and katie. as i was watching, don't forget to join us sunday, january the 16? for the 68th annual golden globe awards, hosted by ricky gervais, live coast to coast on nbc. thank you. >> and joining us now with his take on the golden globes is dalton ross, assistant managing editor for "entertainment weekly." we're sitting here scribbling like mad. and in terms of headlines, i'm going to think just from my random scribbling. >> right. >> one of the ones that's really like hauling in nominations was "the fighter." >> yeah, "the fighter" was a -- got a lot of nominations. that was sort of on the edge. and "black swan," too, harry. we talk about "the social network" was going to be in there, "the king's speech," we knew those were going to be big ones. but "black swan" and "the fighter" also had a fair amount of nominations as well. >> does "the fighter" nominated for best actor, best supporting actor, christian bale, mark wahlberg, a couple of different nominations for best supporting actress. >> mm-hmm. >> and that -- >> director. picture. it really swept. and a lot of those. >> that is a huge deal for mark wallburg, which has been like his labor of love to get this thing made over the last half dozen years or so. >> and he was a little bit of a surprise. christian bale is not only we knew, i think christian bale is the favorite. wahlberg a little more of a surprise. definitely exciting for them. >> you should talk a little bit about the swan, because this is a movie that's getting a lot of buzz, a lot of attention, maybe not necessarily the most accessible of all films. natalie portman is blow-away in this movie. >> yeah, and it's from jared aronovski who did the wrestler. it's set in the world of ballet. and she's amazing. milla kunis is amazing. she scored a little bit of a surprise nomination, as well. a lot of nominations for "black swan." i'll tell you what surprised me, harry. the biggest surprises, i think, that came out of this were first of all you look at the comedy, musical category. we knew it was a week field but burlesque, a movie that's pretty much been panned by everyone does get a best nom there. and a lot of nominations for "the tourist." another movie that really has not been getting great critical -- angelina, johnny depp gets a domination for that and alice in wonderland and he gets the best picture as well. >> i guess all told, the most nominations with six. explain what that is, because that's a movie that i think eventually people will end up going to see. because colin firth and both geoffrey roush are lights out. >> colin firth playing king george vi and his reluctant ascension to the throne and he has this stutter he has to get over and geoffrey rush is the man who has to help him get over that. >> this is a true story. >> yes. >> because this guy could not utter a word and the country is going to war and they need their king to speak. >> that's right. he's a guy that can't speak and has to deliver the most important speech at the most important time. it's fascinating. and like i said, i think it's "the king's speech" and "the social network" that will be battling it out for the best fixture. >> i'm going through the other movie got that some good attention was "love and other drugs." >> that was very surprising, marginal as well. you look again in that comedy and musical category and it's a sort of quasi-comedy, you know. >> it's sort of a dramedy. >> it's a dramedy, that's exactly right. >> but anne hathaway is terrific. >> anne hathaway is terrific. she got a nomination and jake for picture, as well. they've got to be very happy. >> both of them did a really nice job in that. and the other movie that did pretty well is "the kids are all right." which was a smaller, independent movie from the middle of the summer that ended up a lot of people ended up going to see. >> i think it's the front-run r front-runner, julianne moore is great. this is the one film from a comedy/musical category that stands a chance in the best picture oscar race as well. i think a lot of those other films, the oscar, even if it goes to ten, they're not going to get nominated for an oscar, but "the kids are all right" will and it is a contender. >> dalton ross, as always, appreciate your expertise. we're going to be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.,,,,,,,, ♪ [ female announcer ] picking tights isn't always easy. ♪ picking a free detergent is. switch to tide free & gentle in the white and blue bottle. no other free detergent is milder on skin and unlike the leading free detergent, it removes more residue from dirt, food, and stains. so nothing spoils this tights enthusiast's enthusiasm. ♪ tide free & gentle. style is an option. clean is not. also try new tide free in-wash booster. yeah, i'll tell you, talk about a great show. we've talked about this show around here. it's so good, it ought to be on cable. right? i mean, it's that high a quality a show. and julianna margulies got a nomination for best actress. chris noth for best actor. and "the good wife" has gotten a nomination from the gold and globes for the best show on tv. so, and they deserve it. >> struck a nerve. >> yeah, it's really one of my favorite shows on tv. has sort of that procedural. you get closure every hour but there's also the continuing serialized story line. all the politics. >> all the great arcs and everything else. it really is torn from the headlines. some of this stuff, did they write this two days ago? let's talk some more about some of the other movies that were involved in there, and any other sort of surprises, or you know, it's interesting you get to this point of the year, and it's some of these movies just came out very, very recently. >> exactly. >> a lot of people have not seen a lot of these films. i want to pay attention to jennifer lawrence in "winter's bones." a lot of people haven't seen this film. she's just a 20-year-old. she was a sensation at sundance when they showed it, and it's definitely a performance worthy of a nomination. >> i haven't heard much about that. >> it's a very small film. independent film. hit the festival circuit and now maybe people will check it out. >> is there a science to this? because we see a lot of these movies like just under the deadline, if you will. >> right. >> is there a release season that improves the chance of winning one of these awards? >> absolutely. they want it in everyone's mind right when these nominations are going out and they're filling out their ballots. so this is a good time to do it. and you have to get it in by the end of the we're to be eligible. so they throw it in right around that time. they don't want out of sight, out of mind. >> i'm a little surprised, "true grit" didn't have more nominations. >> very surprised by that. and i think one of the things that's interesting is haley steinfield. >> she plays the old, you know, the girl who gets them to go out and catch the bad guys. she is amazing. >> there's some politics here, harry. the hollywood foreign press said she is a lead actress, not a supporting. it was a crowded field. but look for her to get nominated in the supporting actress category for the oscars. >> so rules are different depending on these award shows? >> and that's true. and another one is you look at againth paltrow. they wanted her in musical but they put her in drama, she couldn't crack the field. >> very interesting. >> a lot of strategy. >> a lot of talk about her and nicole kidman, as well, for -- >> "rabbit hole." >> nicole kidman and natalie portman i think are the front-runners. >> natalie portman is brilliant. amazing. >> absolutely. >> dalton, thanks so much. as always. have a great day, everybody. your local news is coming up next. 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