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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180528 17:00:00

but it's also the limits because the constitution of course is there to protect everyone not only the majority and in this case where commitments that italy has taken on the international stage and also there is the duty of the president to protect the savings of the talents that have been probably g'kar dies in the last few weeks since the spread between the. bombs and the german bombs skyrocketed after the program of these new parties was published all right so if i understand correctly of the president it forms is part of the checks and balances system in the talian government the to your point though italy has traditionally been one of the most federalist member states of the e.u. a proponent of ever closer european integration we have of course the treaty of rome after all has that all been up ended. well i think in the last few years there has been a very serious issue that europe has shaved in managing which is the issue of immigration italy as being of course it only has almost eight thousand kilometers of shores in the mediterranean sea and we've been the of course the arrival point of many people who were not longing to come to europe it's usually they were long to come to europe but easily has been left alone with greece and with motor maybe to manage this flow of immigrants a lot of countries that receive huge help and huge monetary sustained support by the european union failed to keep their commitments and of course the need to immigration has been a big issue in the electoral campaign and of course europe has been felt this turned from one issue that we were managing on behalf of the twenty eight countries if there's not just eataly right so there was essential abandonment there's a sense of abandonment step along the italian electorate i just have thirty seconds left so what next what does this all mean for italy and for europe of course this new government headed by got that only will go to the parliament and we'll look for it to get a confidence vote most likely this is not going to happen so we expect most likely do group to go back to elections in september or october thank you even scuffled author of talking to us from rome for spending time with us thank you very much now the prospect of an italian anti eurozone finance minister has had markets to rattled for a week and then i'll tell you how they responded to the latest news after the break right now i want to bring you up to speed with some of the other stories making news around the world. colombia is headed for a runoff presidential election in june after no candidate secured fifty percent of the votes needed in sunday's ballot conservative first place even duke a will face off against a leftist former farkle rebel gustave petro u.k. has vowed to rewrite his the country's peace deal with the rebels saying it was too lenient u.s. authorities have declared a state of emergency in parts of maryland after communities were hit by severe flash floods and ellicott city the water carried away cars and engulfed homes and businesses one man is still missing it's the second major flood to hit the area and two years. malaysian officials have seized over a ton of crystal meth the largest seizure of the drug in the country's history of the hall was disguised as tea and shipped in a container for me in march it's been valued at eighteen million dollars six people have been arrested. now to paris where the whole roic efforts of an undocumented immigrants from mali have earned him a fast track to french citizenship without missing a beat twenty two year old mahmoud to get some luck climbed up on the apartment block and plucked a toddler dangling from a balcony to safety well now the bravery of the real life spiderman has been honored by none other than the french president. with no thought for his own safety mamadou kasama begins to scale the facade of this apartment building in paris above him a child dangles from a ledge and a neighbor looks on helplessly unable to reach the little boy using his hands feet and sheer determination to get some of whose unself from balcony to balcony. within a minute the migrant from mali has reached and saved the four year old boy who was crying and had to inject food. french media claim the boy's father is being detained for parental neglect no wonder kasam has been compared to the fictional here or spite of and and now he's been personally thanked and on it by french president and you michael. so i came out and i saw a child in the full face floor i didn't think about myself a tool. i ran across the road to save him. although i was said to be living illegally in france he's to be given french citizenship and he's been awarded for his courage. because i'm very happy as is the first time i've ever go anything like this before so thank you he will go along with you. back outside the apartment a neighbour's can't believe dishonest bravery. because now you have because it was impressive it's not something that you see every day and that's why people were impressed he said when he came from far away to rescue someone who comes from here . for us in the neighborhood it's something that makes us very happy. and to make the most of this climbing and rescuing skills to some is also landed himself a job to working with the fire brigade. now for parents that's the stuff of nightmares for more on the care of the day to w.'s the family we said joins me now from the french capital paris his actions there could be compared to those of a garden angel he was right there at the right moment but is it true that not everybody welcomed the honor bestowed obeidi of president on. well obviously he's being criticized because i am on a kong one he says we need to on of this person and give him french nationality but on the other hand at the same time the government is pushing through a very very tough immigration no law that will shorten delays for immigrants to apply for asylum and also increase the time that can be put into custody before being pushed out of the country so he's been criticized for that because it looks like he's trying to steal the limelight from this hero whereas in general he will not be around the same owner obviously to all the other immigrants who are hoping to have a future in france right that's actually a very good point that you're making there because i mean this is a great story where the great outcome and we don't want to take away if anything from the horrific acts actions so that took place but it begs the question is it do immigrants now have to perform heroic acts to secure a residency permit or citizenship in france absolutely you could very you're very right to ask that question and many people here are wondering that especially as this president is actually tightening the grip on migrants a lot more than his predecessor on the socialist president and for example police


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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20180528:17:10:00

undocumented immigrants from mali have earned him a fast track to french citizenship without missing a beat twenty two year old mahmoud to get some luck climbed up on the apartment block and plucked a toddler dangling from a balcony to safety well now the bravery of the real life spiderman has been honored by none other than the french president. with no thought for his own safety mamadou kasama begins to scale the facade of this apartment building in paris above him a child dangles from a ledge and a neighbor looks on helplessly unable to reach the little boy using his hands feet and sheer determination to get some of whose unself from balcony to balcony. within a minute the migrant from mali has reached and saved the four year old boy who was crying and had to inject food. french media claim the boy's father is being detained for parental neglect no wonder kasam has been compared to the fictional


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