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Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20140107

0 on day two. there are 1.3 million people in this country right now dealing with that completely undeserved ministry. >> i agree with you. to say to continue writing them a check is the right prescription for that problem is wrong. i think there's a lot of really great ideas out there as to how to address this issue. the american enterprise institute has done fabulous work on this. some ways to look at this system, and continue to have a safety net that actually encourages workers and allows people to search for a job and rewards them for doing so. >> here's what i will agree with you. it is necessary to continue these benefits for these folks. it is not sufficient for getting them book to work. mattie duppler. thank you so much tonight. joining me now, senator chris murphy, democrat from kentucky. member of the senate health education labor and pension committee. senator, the vote is scheduled for tomorrow. as of now, the most recent whip count according to my colleague, kasie hunt in washington, d.c., is three republicans, dean he e helle, lisa murkowski, and susan collins of maine. all three saying they'll society for cloture. you have to get two more votes. are you going to get it? >> i think we're going to get it. senator reid in part called their bluff tonight. they said, hey, wait a second, we don't have all our senators here, give us until tomorrow morning, not expecting senator reid was going to agree with them. we put off the vote until 10:00 a.m. the hope is between now and then we'll be able to get two, three more republicans come across the line. this is just awful policy. and even worse politics for these guys. i don't know why they want the next two, three weeks to be all about the republicans turning their backs on the long-term unemployed. that's horrible for them and horrible for those folks. >> i could not agree with you more. in fact, i am baffled by the fact we are once again, it seems, watching the republican party be led into a fight it cannot win by certain elements of their coalition. her tamg action which is going to score the vote. look at mark kirk, your colleague, someone you probably have a degree of respect for, someone who's been right on certain issues. he's someone who has 8.7% unemployment rate in his state and 81,000 people who have lost benefits. see his office number there if you're inclined to contact him about this vote. i can't imagine it's good for mark kirk, as you say, for this to be the story for the next two weeks. >> no, you sort of get the sense with a lot of these guys that they will take on the right wing like heritage action in dribs and drabs and that they might have taken them on to end the government shutdown but have to back off over unemployment benefits. might have voted for the budget but now they need to essentially take a back seat in the fight. listen, these republican right wing groups hold enormous power in the senate, and right now, unfortunately, the vast majority of their caucus are listening to those folks. >> do you -- when you say that, that's something we track here and we report on and it's -- do you see that in the faces of your colleagues when you talk to them? how does that manifest? you say they hold power. how does that manifest? >> listen, there are so many of them that are only worrying about their primaries, and when you are simply worrying about protecting your right flank and some of these pacs and families in and of themselves hold essentially the keys to you surviving that primary process, then you're going to listen. listen, these guys know in their hearts that this is the wrong thing. that's why i think whether it's tomorrow, later in the week or early next week, they'll come around. i've seen this process play out already on a number of different issues. unfortunately, it's going to take a little bit of a process to get there. >> i think we saw some republicans, conservatives sort of flirting with the idea of making the case against this extension by kind of talking about, in some ways demonizing unemployed. you spent a day during the recess with a man from your state who's looking for work. what was that like? >> yeah, i spent a whole day with actually a guy who's homeless, and he has only one source of income, and that was extended unemployment benefits. he had $100 a week coming in and nothing else. that disappears. that really is a matter of survival for him, but the real story is that there are thousands of others in connecticut who are basically not homeless today only because of those benefits. and what this guy essentially has found is that without a home, he can't find a job because putting a homeless shelter down as your address on job applications is a nonstarter. the idea we're going to cut off benefits to all sorts of people who are paying their rent and their mortgage with these extended benefits, thereby making them homeless, thereby guaranteeing that they stay unemployed, it's just bad from a position of conscience, but it's also terrible from a position of economics. your guest said we're not doing anything for them. no, these benefits actually keep people housed which allow them to search for jobs. >> finally, today, janet yellen was confirmed in the senate to be the first woman to head the federal reserve. someone who many people are very excited about. she's going to play a key role in the recovery and in getting these people back to work as well. >> yeah, she is, because i think she's going to recognize that the fed has two missions. one which is to keep inflation in cheng and the other which is to address unemployment. there have been a lot of us who have worried the fed spends a lot of time on the former and not enough on the latter. i hope that she is going to be connected into this issue of the long-term unemployed. if you're short-term unemployed, your prospects are getting better week by week to find a job. for millions of people out of work for a year, two years, three years, they need not just a congress who's paying attention but somebody who's overseeing the federal reserve and monetary policy of this nation that's paying attention to their plight. i think she'll do that. >> they need the full attention entire leadership class of the country, every politician, every representative, every institution because we destroyed this economy back during the great crash, and we broke the labor market and the people were caught in it. they were broken along with it. senator chris murphy. >> thank you very much, chris. >> thank you. coming up later, former minnesota vikings punter chris clue we, why he thinks he's been blacklisted from the nfl. >> eight years for the vikings, i did what they wanted to. i had no complaints about my job performance. my numbers were very, very consistent. so what changed between that eighth year and ninth year, well, i started speaking out. >> what she was speaking out about and the impact that could have on the nfl, ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] what kind of energy is so abundant, it can help provide the power for all this? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20140107

0 >> stop right there, again. i will agree with you kicking the can now for three months, let's just extend it permanently. let's put in benchmarks of unemployment rates, right, so we don't have to keep doing this. totally agree can you. instead of just having to do this every three months on an emergency basis, let's say if we have unemployment at a certain level, have the long-term unemployed at a certain level, it just renews automatically? that would be great. my question to you, there seems to be some confusion on the right whether they're ideologically opposed to the very idea of long-term unemployment insurance, emergency unemployment insurance during a weak labor market. what is the argument against it? >> well, i think that you're right. we haven't had an actual process where we brought the bill to the floor and been able to see why republicans don't want to vote on the senate bill. if we had an open amendment process and had republicans and democrats who come to the floor and offer their ideas to fix this bill, we would have a much clearer picture as to why it is we've got two sides fighting over unemployment insurance. because i think you're right, i don't think the question is, you know, should we not have any kind of insurance for people who of their coalition. her tamg action which is going to score the vote. look at mark kirk, your colleague, someone you probably have a degree of respect for, someone who's been right on certain issues. he's someone who has 8.7% unemployment rate in his state and 81,000 people who have lost benefits. see his office number there if you're inclined to contact him about this vote. i can't imagine it's good for mark kirk, as you say, for this to be the story for the next two weeks. >> no, you sort of get the sense with a lot of these guys that they will take on the right wing like heritage action in dribs and drabs and that they might have taken them on to end the government shutdown but have to back off over unemployment benefits. might have voted for the budget but now they need to essentially take a back seat in the fight. listen, these republican right wing groups hold enormous power in the senate, and right now, unfortunately, the vast majority of their caucus are listening to those folks. >> do you -- when you say that, that's something we track here and we report on and it's -- do you see that in the faces of your colleagues when you talk to them? how does that manifest? you say they hold power. how does that manifest? >> listen, there are so many of them that are only worrying about their primaries, and when you are simply worrying about protecting your right flank and some of these pacs and families in and of themselves hold essentially the keys to you surviving that primary process, then you're going to listen. listen, these guys know in their hearts that this is the wrong thing. that's why i think whether it's tomorrow, later in the week or early next week, they'll come around. i've seen this process play out already on a number of different issues. unfortunately, it's going to take a little bit of a process to get there. >> i think we saw some republicans, conservatives sort of flirting with the idea of making the case against this extension by kind of talking about, in some ways demonizing unemployed. you spent a day during the recess with a man from your state who's looking for work. what was that like? >> yeah, i spent a whole day with actually a guy who's homeless, and he has only one source of income, and that was extended unemployment benefits. he had $100 a week coming in and nothing else. that disappears. that really is a matter of survival for him, but the real story is that there are thousands of others in connecticut who are basically not homeless today only because of those benefits. and what this guy essentially has found is that without a home, he can't find a job because putting a homeless shelter down as your address on job applications is a nonstarter. the idea we're going to cut off benefits to all sorts of people who are paying their rent and their mortgage with these extended benefits, thereby making them homeless, thereby guaranteeing that they stay unemployed, it's just bad from a position of conscience, but it's also terrible from a position of economics. your guest said we're not doing anything for them. no, these benefits actually keep people housed which allow them to search for jobs. >> finally, today, janet yellen was confirmed in the senate to be the first woman to head the federal reserve. someone who many people are very excited about. she's going to play a key role in the recovery and in getting these people back to work as well. >> yeah, she is, because i think she's going to recognize that the fed has two missions. one which is to keep inflation in cheng and the other which is to address unemployment. there have been a lot of us who have worried the fed spends a lot of time on the former and not enough on the latter. i hope that she is going to be connected into this issue of the long-term unemployed. if you're short-term unemployed, your prospects are getting better week by week to find a job. for millions of people out of work for a year, two years, three years, they need not just a congress who's paying attention but somebody who's overseeing the federal reserve and monetary policy of this nation that's paying attention to their plight. i think she'll do that. >> they need the full attention entire leadership class of the country, every politician, every representative, every institution because we destroyed this economy back during the great crash, and we broke the labor market and the people were caught in it. they were broken along with it. senator chris murphy. >> thank you very much, chris. >> thank you. coming up later, former minnesota vikings punter chris clue we, why he thinks he's been blacklisted from the nfl. >> eight years for the vikings, i did what they wanted to. i had no complaints about my job performance. my numbers were very, very consistent. so what changed between that eighth year and ninth year, well, i started speaking out. >> what she was speaking out about and the impact that could have on the nfl, ahead. we use this board to compare car insurance rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. 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