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Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20140909

fiancee. many are skeptical of that claim. >> more cases of people affected bay virus sweeping the country. >> heavy rains closed schools and killed two people and now more wet weather is on the way. >> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> same stephanie sy. key meetings are set at the white house as president obama pushes for more u.s. involvement in fighting the islamic state group. today, he'll sit down with top congressional leaders. wednesday he'll address the nation. >> meanwhile, u.s. airstrikes are target the is state fighters in northern iraq again. that new more inclusive iraqi government could open the door to more u.s. action. mike sic is in washington this morning. the president providing details of his plan to deal with the islamic state group with congressional leaders. is this just a formality or is there going to be some wheeling and dealing? >> everybody wants to be consulted. the question, will congress have a vote before it. the smart money bets no. the congressional leaders don't want to put their members through a tough vote just days before election day. a day before he goes before the american public to sell listen plan an expanding military operations against the islamic state group, the president begins the hard sell at home and abroad. >> saying it's time to go on offense against the islamic state group, president obama will meet with congressional leaders today to begin to sell his game plan. that meeting is expected to be a preview of the pitch he'll outline to the american people wednesday in a major speech. >> the principle goal is to make sure people understand what the clear stake is for the american people in our nation. >> that strategy could be an extended campaign in iraq, lasting beyond an obama presidency and spilling into syria, where isis based. some say that's where the u.s. needs to strike. >> the head of the isis snake is not in iraq. it's in syria. if you want to kill the snake, you got to cut off his head. >> president obama insists the u.s. won't go at it lean and ruled out american boots on the ground. some in congress say they should be involved in military escalates decisions in the i.s. >> cronk has to be involved. you can't vote in 2001 and say that allows us to declare war in 2014. >> if there's an expansion, we can start making decisions about what sort of congressional role or authorization is required, if any. >> meanwhile in iraq, a new government has been sworn in. monday evening, mr. obama spoke to iraq's new prime minister to congratulate him on the new government. it's a government that will be more inclusive to kurds and sunnis. secretary of state john kerry will head to the middle east today to add arab states to the effort. he is expected to meet with leaders this week to shore up financial and military support for an enemy located at their doorstep. >> as we build this coalition, i want to underscore that almost every single country on earth has a role to play in eliminating the isil threat and the evil it represents. >> a lot of people talk about a war weary american public and that is true as far as american combat troops on the ground is concerned. this new poll from the washington post supports airstrikes. 71 support support them in iraq, up 17% from last month. 65% of those polled support airstrikes in syria. >> what is the administration doing to shore up support for the president's plan overseas? >> secretary kerry begins his trip today so saudi arabia, considered the lynch pin to unity among the persian gulf nations and forming this coalition the president said is so important. it's going to be a tough sell there for kerry. the saudis have been very upset by u.s. policy, getting into this mess to begin with. they think president obama should not have backed off his view once the syrians crossed that red line last year to initiate airstrikes against the assad government. the white house said that is a completely different scenario. the secretary of defense as well as lisa monaco, the top official at the white house for counter terrorism policy. >> u.s. airstrikes continue to target the islamic state group as the country marks the milestone, a new unity government. it had been a key demand from the u.s. >> under intense pressure from the american, threatening to withdraw support for the peshmerga and fighting the islamic state fighters, the government was signed up for at least the first three months. it appears the conditions have been met, to get a budget, be a centralized power to spend it as they see fit, to get part of the oil and gas revenue. the new government is more sympathetic to the kurdish demands. they want peshmerga to be given more weapons, support and fighters paid a salary. at the moment, kyrgystan is a part of this great new government, but comes with a deadline. >> we could learn by the end of the week who killed or murdered those two american journalists. there are a number of reports out a that say officials are close to identifying the man that killed james foley and steven sotloff. >> another rebel group maybe making gains in carving out an islamic state in nigeria. there are reports that the group in iraq and syria is advising boko haram in northern nigeria. coming up, we'll speak with former bush advisor about the islamic state fight and president obama's plans. >> it is sentencing day for a muslim cleric convicted on terrorism charges, face ago life sentence. he was found guilty of setting up a terrorist training camp in seattle and facilitating the kidnapping of tourists in yemen. >> a new video showing a now former nfl player's violence against his wife. >> ray rice has been fired, some asking how could the nfl not have seen that video showing him hitting his then fiancee in the face. we have more. >> there certainly are big questions about what the league knew about this video as the nfl concluded its first weekend of play with monday night football. 500 miles away near baltimore, a somber ravens coach john harbaugh was talking about the video that everyone is talking about that may have ended ray rice's career. >> it changed things, of course. it made things a little different. >> ravens coach john harbaugh talking about new footage of miss running back brutally punching his future wife in the face. he apologized. >> my actions were inexcusable and that's something i have to live for -- ever to live with the rest of my life. >> and surprising to some, his wife did, too. >> i do deeply regret the role i played in the incident that night, but can say that i am happy that we continued to work through it together. >> harbaugh indicated the video made it clear who the aggressor was that night in atlantic city and what the ravens had to do about it. >> we had a meeting. it was not a long meeting, we came to the decision that we came to to release ray, and that's what we did. >> rice was two games away from completing his two game suspension. now based on this newly released tape, the suspense is indefinite. many are asking how much did the nfl and the ravens know. monday an nfl spokesman said no one in the league office had previously seen the tape, a point coach harbaugh reiterated from the ravens standpoint. >> it's something we saw for the first time today, all of us. >> tmz reported that the nfl does have access to the elevator video released monday. rice himself seemed to hint at this point at his press conference last july. >> i think roger goodell has everything that the court system has. >> reaction pouring in from around the country about monday's release of ray rice over a video that prompted his release. we'll have that four in our next hour. >> thank you very much. how big is this problem, domestic violence is huge and often hidden across america. unin in r. in every four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. more than 1 million women are affected each year. they say that number could be higher. every minute, 20 women are beaten by their partners. men are now victims, too. it is the leading cause of homelessness among families. 2,000 americans die from domestic violence each year, 14% of all homicides. in young black women more likely to die at the hands of their partners than from everything else. >> just startling. coming up, we'll speak with former nfl agent about ray rice and get his take on the team's response. >> penn state students are celebrating after the ncaa rolled back its bans on the nittany lions being able to play in the postseason stemming from the jerry sandusky sexual abuse scandal. the university has made improvements over the last two years. >> parents are not sure how bad things are going to get with hundreds of children coming down to thent row virus. >> this hasn't been seen much over the course of decades, so there's really no data on the strain. the c.d.c. has nothing to go off of. they are taking some of this enterovirus that has infected children and looking at it at the lab here in atlanta. so far, not a lot of data collection on it. let's listen to parents. >> he was unresponsive, laying on the couch and couldn't speak to me, was turning white and had blue lips. >> it look like his heart was pumping out of his chest. immediately we took him to the emergency room. >> to go from a cold to being probably minutes away from death, that's kind of scary. >> there are 10 million to 15 million cases each year and over 100 strains, but this particular strain very rare and little known about it. >> so rare, but do we know why this particular strain is making the rounds? >> unfortunately, at this point, we do not. there is no information, not enough data yet. the c.d.c. is working to find exactly why this outbreak has collected right in the middle of the country, actually, and a few actually in the state of georgia, though not a lot. they are expecting to see quite a few more as we get into those winter months. right now, no one really knows, del. >> this has parents concerned. no cure for the strain, just as common as the common cold. how do health officials hope to stop it? >> right now, old fashioned wash your hands, find a corner if you're a kid. if you are a parent with a child that has flu like symptoms or common cold symptoms, keep them home. that's what the c.d.c. and doctors say. don't risk it. keep them home and make sure their hands are clean and they're not wiping their nose on counter tops or kitchen tables or their desk or anything like that, so common sense practice from parents and kids in the months that lead ahead until they figure out what this is and get a treatment doctors can give out in offices across the country. >> live in that he didn't this morning, thank you very much. >> home depot is confirming a massive hack on its payment systems. customers who shopped in the u.s. and canada could be affected. the breach may be tied to russian hackers. home depot is working to if i can their system. >> severe flooding turning deadly in the south and southwest and there are concerns it could get worse. >> erica pitzi has been tracking the story, phoenix breaking the record with a few inches of rain. >> three inches may not sound like much, but that's the amount the arizona capital usually getsar for july, august and september combined. the phoenix airport recorded 3.9 inches of rain, breaking the record set in 1933. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> the southwest still soaking from remnants of hurricane norbert, the storm causing high water rescues from colorado to california. >> rivers going across the freeway within a matter of minutes. >> in nevada, there are flash flood a, an indian reservation evacuated. it is arizona that is bearing the brunt of the storms. >> it was up to my waist and i rolled my window down and got out. >> two people died in the flooding including a tucson woman in her car as it was swallowed by floodwaters 12 feet deep pinned against a bridge. >> that's not something we want everyone to go through. when these storms hit, the best thing we can ever do is pull aside, wait it out and let the storm pass. >> the governor declared a state of emergency monday as historic rainfall overwhelmed parts of arizona. record breaking rains closed highways and schools, while turning regular roads into raging rivers. the southwest was not the only area hit hard by floods. in virginia, rushing waters forced the evacuation of a day care center. firefighters rescued dozens of children by boat. >> going back to arizona, it turns out monday was the rainiest single day in the history of phoenix, where weather records go back to 1895, you guys. >> thank you very much. >> let's bring in meteorologist nicole mitchell. how much rain is on the way? >> it's starting to wane and shift. the last couple of days, we've had the monsoon flow for the last couple of months enhanced by the tropical storm. we've had anywhere from california up through the four corners region. this is palm springs yesterday, you were dealing with this, as well. this area doesn't soak that in moisture particularly well, so it only takes a couple of inches to get flooding going. you can see, even this morning, dealing with some spotty rain showers to fire up more into the afternoon hours. because of all the moisture yesterday, a little more on top of that, we have the flood watches, the darker greens from california up to colorado, a couple isolated areas, the red here in colorado, they are the warnings, that means you are dealing with it now. watch for that during the course of the day. sometimes there's not good drainage when the rain comes down. still watching for this in arizona, pretty well saturated, will add to the problem. the core of the shifting is in colorado, so it could be a rough commute in place like denver. this has kept temperatures blow average, 92 for today, we get back into average territory once the moisture starts to wind back down. that's not the only temperature story, a big cold front. i'll have more on that coming up. [ laughter ] >> nicole mitchell, thanks a lot. >> there is a new report out on the downing of that passenger flight over eastern ukraine. >> lisa stark is live in washington. >> investigators say makes air flight 17 broke up in midair over eastern ukraine after hit by high energy objects. details ahead. >> there is dramatic video of an amusement park disaster. a roller coaster catching fire, now there are questions about just how it happened. >> a giant flooded creator in the middle of a road creates this whirlpool. we'll tell you what caused it. >> 244 billion is our big number of the day. >> why many americans are not doing enough to save for college. college. @ >> today's big number, $244 billion. >> that is how much americans have put away in college savings accounts, the savings plans networks say contributions have increased in the last few years, americans saving many for college every year. >> the average account has just over $20,000 in it. that's not enough to pay for one year at most public colleges. >> ukraine's president visiting forces in mariupol monday, petroshenco promising a deal. officials want to see if the ceasefire holds. >> dutch investigators have released initial report into what brought down malaysian airlines flight 17, crashing in july killing all onboard. lisa stark is in washington. good morning. you have covered aviation for a long time. what do you make of this first report. >> dutch investigators don't say it outright, but everything they found is consistent with a missile strike on this jetliner. investigators do say the malaysian jet broke up in midair. it came down suddenly, and was brought down by something "external" to the aircraft. pictures released by investigators show holes in the cockpit area and the forward fuselage. that could be caused by a missile that explodes right outside the jetliner and then sends shrapnel into the aircraft. according to the preliminary report released this morning, the damage appears to indicate that the aircraft was penetrated by a large number of high energy objects from outside the aircraft. investigators say the patterns of damage would not be expected from any nope failure of the aircraft, its engines or systems. this jet was flying at 33,000 feet over eastern ukraine when it came out of the sky in mid july. it was during fighting between the ukrainian government and a russian backed separatists. separatists have denied firing a missile at the aircraft. stephanie, the u.s. has accused them of shooting down the plane with a russian made missile. the investigation continues. >> that was suspected from the very beginning and this seems to confirm that. is there any indication about the time frame in which this all happened? >> it happened very, very quickly. according to investigators, there was no distress call, no apparent alarm in the cock pits, no warnings in the cockpit that anything was going wrong. we do know that the crew acknowledged from ukrainian air traffic controllers a turn. they were told to turn. they acknowledged that. when controllers tried to contact them four seconds later, there was no response from the cockpit. three seconds after that, the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder quit. we have a picture of the plane flying through the air and suddenly heading toward the ground. >> very suddenly. now that they've released this initial report, what's next, lisa? >> ditch investigators and other investigators really need to get back on the scene. they've had only a few preliminary looks because of all the fighting of course in that area. we should mention this isn't just about wreckage. it's about the nearly 300 people who lost their lives. we don't know how many bodies have been recovered, how many people identified. this morning, the malaysian prime minister said they need full access to that site to get those human remains. they need to get back on the ground there. dutch investigators want to do that and expect to wrap up a final report on this disaster within about one year. >> thank you. lisa stark for us in washington. >> it has been one month since michael brown was fatally shot by a police officer in ferguson, missouri, lead to go days of violent protest, the city is making changes, setting up a review board to advice the police department. they plan changes to the municipal court system accused of unfairly targeting african-americans. >> a senate committee hearing testimony on arming the police, specifically how small town forces equipped with military style quilt. some arms are coming from the pentagon, the pentagon conducting its own review of the programs. >> authorities eight high humidity and scattered showers are helping cake that wildfire which has burned four square miles of timber land. dozens of people were forced to evacuate from yosemite's half dome rock over the weekend. >> nicole mitchell is smiling, saying a huge storm system is going to bring big temperature swings across the country. >> what have we got, nicole. >> look at you throwing me under the bus this morning. a lot of people are not going to be excited about this. we've got a lot of 70's saw the ward, 50's and 60's northward. not uncommon this time of year, billings, 53. we had a high of 89 degrees. that will be about as close as we get to the warm side today, so ahead of the front, 80's and 90 said, but a strong system brewing in the midwest is going to bring strong storms. we'll have more on that detail coming up. behind that, 20-30 degrees cooler, even in some cases, 40 degrees cooler if you add up two days. billings yesterday at 89, today we might get into the mid 50's from where we are now, tomorrow in the 40's, so that's almost a 40-degree drop in just a couple days. ahead of that, still quite warm. memphis at 92 and the as the system moves along, bringing this chance for showers and storms, look what that temperature does for minneapolis. i would say welcome to fall, but we're not there. >> it's football weather. i threw you under the tailgate bus. how does that sound? >> ok, del. >> president obama taking his case to congress today. >> what is it going to take to gain support to fight the islamic state group? we have a perspective. >> days without power in michigan after power is knocked out to thousands. bisi onile-ere is live in detroit with what's being done. >> a huge fire is forces hundreds from their homes in brazil. it spread so fast, a lot of them lost everything. >> a young boy washing his hands in a river makes an incredible find. the ancient weapon he discovered. >> you're looking live at capitol hill, president obama is getting ready to sell his strategy to deal with the islamic state group to congress today. good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. ray rice getting walking papers after videos show him punching his fiancee in the place. >> forced to live in poverty, a disabled woman challenging federal rules saying she and others like her can't save for their future. >> ahead, we look at apple's big announcement today, including its latest iphone and other new production. >> flood warnings i in effect in parts of the southwest. at least two died near phoenix. we he received four inches of rain in a few hours. big changes in ferguson, one month after the shooting death of michael brown at the hands of police. the city council has a new board to make suggestions to the police. >> president obama today meets with top congressional leaders trying to build support for his plans for dealing with the islamic state. tomorrow the president will address the nation and is sending secretary of state john kerry to saudi arabia to win over support there. >> brad blakeman is a former aid to president george w. bush and joins is live this morning. good morning. the republican senators have been calling for tough action for quite some time, so on the republican side, it is time for the party to put up or shut up? >> it depends what the president's strategy is. just last week, he said he didn't have a strategy. the republicans are wait to go hear what the president is offering the american people to keep us safe. if the plan is of a scope and strategy and time table and most importantly, are we doing this alone, do we have allies, what is the cost of it? republicans are receptive to the president's action to keep the american people safe, provided that it makes sense to do so at this time, and not a go it alone strategy -- >> the arguments when the president said he didn't have a specific strategy, which really drew an awful lot of criticism on capitol hill and some say rightfully so, the call was to do something. now it's do something and let's be specific about the something we are going to do. >> that's right. we have to be smart and make sure what we are doing is going to actually solve the problem for america and allies. just doing something is not good enough. i was disappointed with republicans when they said that. that's not what we should be doing when we commit troops and assets to the american treasury and more importantly, if there are troops involved. there has to be a well thought out strategy that not only talks about the end game, but also talks about the future beyond what we may do in a short term. >> on the democratic side, if the president wants congressional buy-in, doesn't he need to listen to the republican leadership? >> he absolutely should. look at the poll that you just reported on your program earlier, over 70% of the american people feel strikes should be done. that shows that there's broad support for some action to be taken. the president would be well served in getting republicans' bipartisan report for action. >> 2014 is an election year. are there election year implications with regard to handling i.s. and could that hurt republicans? >> the president has been political certainly in his decision on stalling immigration. we hope that the president isn't going to be political in his decision to keep america safe and go after isis. >> if congress fails to act, should the president go it alone? >> well, it depends what the congress is asked to do. certainly i believe the president has the inherent power to act to keep america safe in and of itself under his executive authority. the question is will the president do that. it should be unnecessary for the president to do that. the mission should be defined and we should have bipartisan support to keep america safe. >> as always, thanks very much. >> the u.s. government can't confirm al shabab's claims that four americans are among the victims of its latest bomb attacks in somalia. 12 were killed when a suicide bomber targeted troops near mogadishu. the attack comes after a u.s. air strike killed the rebel group's leader. >> in chile, 10 people were injured after a bomb exploded in santiago. the device was left in a trash can near vendor stalls. no one has claimed responsibility. >> also in chile, police are investigating the death of a kentucky woman. her family said she was found dead inside her apartment. she taught english there. the college said her death could be a homicide. >> a fourth american infected with ebola is now headed back to the u.s. for treatment. this comes as the world health organization issues a warning that it expects the virus to increase exponentially in west africa. the u.s. and u.k. are sending troops to help set up-icelation centers. let's turn to robert ray outside emery hospital in atlanta. this new patient will be arriving there today. what's in store for him? >> the new patient will arrive here in the next couple hours, we're told by emery university hospital officials. we are told that this person is coming from sierra low i don't even in west africa. they will arrive at dobbins air force base and just like the other two patients, dr. brantley and nance writebol, will be put in an ambulance and coming here to the hospital. as far as what's in store for the patient? , that patient will not receive the experimental serum zmapp. they ran out. the doses are out. this patient will go into an isolation unit here. the monitors will be -- the vitals will be monitored. there will be possibly an experimental blood serum from a person who has already been treated for ebola and survived. that may occur. we don't know whether this is a female or male until that patient arrives. officials told us when they get the consent of that person after he or she goes into the isolation unit, they can put out the name, the age, where the person is from, whether an aid worker, a doctor, so some details, we won't know until that patient arrives in atlanta. >> ebola experts gathered at a medical conference in washington yesterday. what did they have to say about their homes for dealing with this epidemic. >> that conference was focused on some of the trials, the experimental vaccine trials that are going on, and also international aid. they're hoping that more international groups come together to try and fight this and stop it from spreading, but let's listen to what one of the doctors said yesterday. >> i'm myself certainly hoping that, you know, this is the last large heartbreak, because in the future in terms of ebola here at least, we will have options to add to all the tools that we already have. i think it can only help bring the next one under control even more rapidly. >> a lot to learn right now, as these doctors met in washington and they're really hope to go amp up more boots on the ground over in west africa and the studies to be more intense in the u.s. and around the world. >> robert ray live for us in atlanta, thank you. >> tennessee authorities have found the body of a 20-year-old nursing student missing since 2011. the remains were found over the weekend in the woods near her home. two men have been indicted for her kidnapping and murder. >> a couple in indiana faces charges for kidnapping add locking a woman in their cage in a mobile home. they pleaded not guilty in court on monday. the victim was reported missing in july. she was found when another man entered the mobile home. >> it may have been a shark attack at a popular australian tourist spot and claimed the life of a 50-year-old man. it happened as the man surfed on australia's east coast. the man died after being bitten in the leg. witnesses spotted a shark in the water. >> he sustained severe injuries to his right leg. we are still waiting to have that checked. the victim's family are being notified. unfortunately, his wife was on the beach at the time. >> police are praisedding the efforts of a man who spotted the surfer, jumped in the water and tried to bring him back to the beach. the wounds are being looked at to determine the type of shark. >> residents are bracing for another round of high winds by tomorrow night which could lead to more power outages, a storm took out thousands of power lines throughout southeastern michigan, leaving 300 if he didn't 5,000 people without power. bisi onile-ere is in detroit. has there been any relief for people there since the friday storm? >> good morning, stephanie with that yes, there has been nearly four days after the storm and power has been restored to all but 60,000 customers. the damage from the storm was one of the worst ever seen, toppled trees and power lines. crews from out of town have been helping and working around the clock to restore power. it was so bad that yesterday, dozens of schools were closed. i'm told that some of them will reopen today. this was something that they didn't think would be so bad, it took them by surprise. it could still be one more day before everyone is back on the grid. >> our customers are extremely patient for the first 48 hours, but we get into the third day of a storm event like this, we recognize that we're racing against the customer's expectations and our expectations to do it as fast as we can, but safety is a really important piece. >> taking safety seriously in this situation, the metro area may not be out of the woods yet. weather forecasters are predicting another round of severe weather, that that's headed our way, so that could get in the way of efforts to restore energy. stephanie. >> there's another thing going on in detroit. in an hour, testimony, as you know resumes in the bankruptcy case there. what are we expecting today on that front? >> yeah, that's right, stephanie. financial analyst is expected to resume her testimony and expected to talk about how detroit's population and revenue will continue to decline over the next couple of years. we're also expected to hear from detroit's police chief and possibly the fire commissioner. >> ok, bisi onile-ere in detroit, thank you. >> there's a new study that claims symptoms of autism maybe reduced or eliminated if infants undergo intense therapy by the age of three. working with babies between six months and nine months, by the time those babies turned three, five of them showing no symptoms at all, a sixth showing mild symptoms. >> millions of americans say it's unfair federal law prohibits them from saving for their futures. >> they are disabled but want the same opportunities as everyone else. >> from an early able, sarah has been defying expect i is as, she was born with down's syndrome. >> what do you want people to know about you? >> i'm a good person. i like to help people. i have a good heart. >> she has college credits, works at a law firm, is on several boards of directors and is a gifted public speaker, but this woman, who has worked so hard to overcome limitations is now blocked by limits imposed on her by federal regulations. >> sarah can't save more than $2,000. if she earns more than $700 a month, she will lose disability benefits and her health insurance, so she cannot get a raise or work full time. sarah like every other develop mentally person in the united states is legally obliged to be poor. >> good morning. my name is sarah. i am 31 years old from pennsylvania, and happen to have down's syndrome. >> now, she is on a mission. >> i am excited to share my story today. >> testifying before a senate committee hearing in washington, d.c. in july, sarah is close to doing what others could not. >> this is the fair and right thing to do. >> persuading congress to pass legislation to address this long standing disparity for people with disabilities. >> what did you want those senators to know, the people listening to you, what was the message? >> i want to tell them that people with disabilities and different kinds of disabilities and people with down syndrome have the right to live on their own. >> the bill, known as the able act, short or achieving a better life experience will allow people with disabilities and their families to create tax exempt savings accounts up to $100,000. >> the able act has 300 that 80 supporters in the house, and 74 in the senate. in july, the house ways and means committee passed the bill unanimously. it could become law as early at september. >> i want people to know that i'm just like you. i can do whatever i put my mind and heart to. >> sheila macvicar, moscow, pends. >> the able act is scheduled for a final vote in the house or senate, advocates like sarah want it passed by the spring to mark the 21st affairs of the americans with bats act. >> hundreds of families in brazil left homeless by a fire. residents scrambled to get out. it took fire crews hours to put it out. >> a florida pilot is speaking out after surviving a freefall into the ocean. brian haggerty was wrapping up a two hour flight over the weekend, just 500 feet above miami beach when it lost power. >> i tried to restart the engine and then it was obvious that that wasn't going to happen, so i braced for impact. i feel fortunate, but i'm sad about losing the airplane. flying 48 years, i never scratched an airplane. >> one witness jumped on a jet ski and raced to the sinking plane. haggerty had already climbed out a window on to the wing. >> in los angeles, a fire taking down part of a roller coaster at the six flags magic mountain monday, the blaze breaking out on the roller coaster. it was not an operation that has been shut down for the last 36 months. the park was closed at the time of the fire. no injuries were reported. >> the cleanup continues hours after that incredible water main break in southern california caused a massive 40-foot sinkhole. water gushed from a damaged section of the street in the san fernando valley flooding homes. crews don't know what caused the rupture in the water line. >> let's look at other stories caught up in our global net this morning. in florida, a 14-year-old is arrested and charged with arson and two counts have attempted murder. she was obsessed with the slender man. police say that she set fire to her family's home with her mother and brother inside. she frequents the slender man sites, creepy pasta and soul eater. she soaked a blanket and towel with rum and bleach and lit them on fire in the garage. slender man is that phenomenon that so many kids are obsessed with, because he looks so creepy. >> two girls are on trial for stabbing another girl that were allegedly inspired by slender man, as well. >> panera bread are the latest business asking customers not to bring guns into their restaurants. the daily news reports that that chain wants customers to feel comfortable in their establishments. that follows starbucks, target and chipotle encouraging their customers not to bring offense. >> they are not taking a stance on pro or anti guns, simply saying it's not the place to have the guns at that particular time. >> a boy stumbled across a sword from the down of civilization. he found it stoop to go wash his hands in the river. he and his father are going to be given a reward. the soared is 10 inches, designed, it is a practical and decorative sword. they believe it was likely used for civil ceremonies more than anything else, not necessarily to kill anybody. >> dates back to the first chinese dynasty, so it's really old. >> i came in the second chinese dynasty, so i don't remember a sword like that. >> ray rice kicked out of the nfl after that new video surfaced showing what really happened inside that elevator altercation with his wave. >> what the nfl really new and when they knew it. >> scientists digging in the dirt say they've uncovered something exciting about when life on earth first existed. the details are just ahead in today's discoveries. >> they thought they had a burglar. a thief caught on camera, this guy, very big, very furry. >> time now for were you ever today's discoveries. swelling. >> gists finding new evidence of how long life existed on earth say they spotted soil in india with oxygen levels high enough for early life forms to breathe. >> it dates back 3.2 billion years, meaning life go ahead have existed 60 million years earlier than scientists previously thought. >> what type of life could live in those conditions? animals and plants didn't evolve until years later. >> ray rice is out of a job and the nfl, cut and suspended indefinitely by the league, this after that new footage showing rice knocking out his then fiancee unconscious. the incident has sparked a new discussion over domestic violence. >> when people get into a discussion about why she stays, it deflects from the greater issue, which is why does he beat her. on average, it takes a victim of domestic violence seven times, that's the average, seven times to leave an abuser. >> the nfl notified teams that a contract with ray rice would not be approved or take effect until he is rein stated by the league office. >> a former sports agent joins us. the nfl requested all the video of the incident. how are we only now hearing the nfl's reaction, and after it shows up on tmz. did they have the video or didn't they? >> that's the big question. i don't know that we'll know that for quite some time. >> do you think they would have the video. >> you almost think they would have had to, because the prosecutors should have had this video. if fmz were the only ones to have it, you have to question why. >> ray rice himself seems to suggest in a press conference that goodell had everything and access to everything. how bad does this look for the nfl, if it did have this video, only responding now that it's been made viral and public. >> this is a very difficult situation for the nfl. they're charged with an underreaction to this, now they probably overreacted or overreacted, reacted after something that came out that was more damning, which may get them in legal trouble with rice at this point. there's probably a middle ground somewhere here, but it has undermind a lot of credibility the league has put forward on this issue. >> the nfl said there's a six game suspension instead of the two game suspension that rice got. is that enough? why not have a zero tolerance policy against beating women? >> everyone should have that. let's start with that. there's no defense of that, but these are complicate cases and rice pled guilty to a case that had no criminal sanction to it, it would, punk his reward at the end, so he would be sort of a first time offender in this case. you don't want to throw the book and ban everyone for life on a first offense, the league couldn't operate under those circumstances. >> what about nfl players that are still playing, those that face felony charges, that have been convicted of charges? that's what a columnist at "u.s.a. today" asks this morning, ray mcdonald of the 49ers charged with domestic violence. a player from the carolina panthers guilty of assault. there's no video of these guys beating someone, but yet the facts are known. >> that's the inconsistency, rice took a plea that involved no criminal sanction, mcdonald faces charges and hardy has been found guilty but now appealing under a twist of north carolina law. the other two are playing and rice isn't. on some level at least from the judicial system's eyes, he's the least culpable. >> what does this mean for ray rice's $4 million contract. >> there's a loophole in the league's deal because he wasn't on the roster of game one he is not a vested veteran. the ravens have been able to use that not to pay him. i suspect he is shopping for lawyers to fight for the money he is owed this year. >> that decision will affect the women that is now his wife. >> absolutely. >> janaye palmer. >> >> think where she's being victimized, had to go through this several times. she was the victim and now this is money from her family taken from her on some level, too. it's a very difficult situation. these cases enormously complex. >> robert bolland, thanks a lot. >> back to you. >> something a little more leant. on top of the tennis world, winning last night. it was the first grand slam title for the 25-year-old. he was banned last year after every tested positive for stimulants. he this ha denied wrongdoing. >> you're guaranteed a breath taking view in costa rica when the festival of whales and dolphins kick off. they migrate to have their babies. if you're lucky, you might spot one. hey yogi, a seattle area family was surprised to find a black bear on their home security video. at first they thought they had a prowler who the tipped over the garbage can. the bear raided the garbage can for a little take out and what about boo boo, too. >> i love the accent. we have to bring in nicole mitchell. we have on going discussions about what to do when you encounter a bear. i camp a lot, so i've dealt with them since i was little. >> don't wrestle one like nicole did. >> i chased one and got our food back. don't do that at home. i did get the food back, but still. >> we are seeing a potent system brewing in the midsection of the country. also the rain in the southeast is moving out. this improved in the southeast, but look at this really brew up, so areas of flooding, easily places like iowa through wisconsin today, two or three inches, isolated spots even more. this moves into the great lakes tomorrow. as we continue out with this, this is the core of the rain, could be strong storms, wind and hail the primary threat with that, anywhere from nebraska through iowa. again up into maybe even wisconsin for the day today. i mentioned the temperature drops with this, not as extreme as it gets to the midwest, but parts of the north, just out of the rockies like i was saying, montana, 30 or 40-degree drop. some moisture that lingers into the day tomorrow, it's still summer, you could see a little snow mix in, in places like billings by tomorrow night. isn't that crazy? we just had the air conditioning on with 90-degree temperatures. >> i'm not going to go there nicole. >> not ready for this. >> i it was like a scene out ofa movie, but very real. thousands of chimney sweeps healed gathering in the small town in italy. it's the 33rd year they held the get together and 30,000 visitors take part in the festivities. they do stuff like that. i wish i had ash to rub in your face. >> straight ahead, police forces armed like the military. >> we'll take you inside an expo where police departments get their hands on high powered equipment and can train like the military. >> the most expensive video game ever made. we'll tell you about it coming up. up. >> i'm ali velshi, the news has become this thing where you talk to experts about people, and al jazeera has really tried to talk to people, about their stories. we are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america. >> a crisis on the border >> they're vulnerable these are refugees. >> migrant kids flooding into the us. >> we're gonna go and see who's has just been deported. >> why are so many children fleeing? >> your children will be part of my group... >> fault lines, al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> there blocking the door... >> ground breaking... >> truth seeking... >> we have to get out of here... award winning investigative documentary series... no refuge: children at the border only on al jazeera america >> president obama set to hold key meetings at the white house today laying out his battle plan against the islamic state group. the divide in washington about how to deal with fighters overseas. >> when someone you care about does wrong, you know, and faced with the consequences of doing wrong and rightfully so, it is tough. >> the baltimore raven sacking ray rice, while the nfl suspends him indefinitely over the video of him assaulting his fiancee, the questions facing the league over the 10. >> slenderman at the center of a new crime, a 14-year-old girl accused of trying to kill her family by setting her home on fire. why police say she did it. >> it is a huge day in the tech world, apple preparing to debut its latest damage get while people await a date with destiny. the most preordered video game in history. >> today, president obama hosting that crucial meeting at the white house set to discuss with congressional leaders that new plan to take on the islamic state group. it comes one day ahead of when the president plans to address the nation. >> in baghdad, iraqi lawmakers are putting together a new government with changes demanded by the white house and could be critical in the i i.s. group fight. how important is today's meeting with top congressional leaders? >> certainly congress is divided. it's not just the usually party divisions across the aisle. it's within the parties, as well. democrats want to back up the president, there are many insisting has he to come to congress for express permission, a vote on authorization to go forward with the expansion of this fight against the islamic state group. same with republicans, divided within the party, as well. the president is going to get behind closed doors. 3:15 on the east here in washington in the building behind me in the west wing. the president is going to be conferring with the so-called big four leaders are the congress, house and senate, republican and democrats. is it. >> if the president doesn't like what he hears, can he use his executive powers to launch the new operation as he's been doing? >> it's an inning question. there's a lot of talk about executive powers these days. the president is talking about using the pen to get around gridlock in congress. there is agreement among many members of congress, certainly the white house that the president already has the authorization that he needs. that comes from a vote that the conditioning took just three days after the september 11 attacks back in 2001. that's called the authorization for the use a of military force. a lot of people think the president already has that authorization. there's a poll out today that speaks to public opinion and the way it is shifting. people talk about a war weary american public, but 71% of americans polled support airstrikes in iraq, up 16% from three weeks ago. more significantly, 65% of those pod support expanding airstrikes into syria. that is the most contentious issue and that is what the president is expected to tackle and layout before the public in his speech tomorrow. >> along with efforts at home, what is the administration doing oversea to say drum up support for president obama's plan? >> this is another key point. the white house has insisted that they're not going to go it alone. they say time and time again, there will be no american combat troops on the ground in iraq or syria. what is the answer there? a coalition of international forces, not just nato. the president is fresh off that summit in wales. key regional allies, sunni led nations around the gulf in the middle east. secretary kerry will be consulting with the saudi government, the jordanian government. chuck hagel is in the region, as well as the president's top counter terrorism advisor lisa man co all traveling to the region to build a coalition to expand operations against the islamic state group. >> mike viqueira, thank you. >> how is it playing in baghdad? we are in erbil. the obama administration welcomes the formation of that new government in iraq, calling it a milestone. homes are that more inclusive government will help the fight against the islamic state group. >> it's crucial that they did come to some arrangement in the early hours this morning in baghdad to form some sort of unity government. as far as what's happening on the ground is concerned, if they haven't, it would have put more pressure as to how the iraqi government forces and shia militia have peshmerga managing to keep a unified stance against the is state fighters. at the end of the day, it is very difficult unified stance. it seems fractures in areas it looked like they were fighting hand-in-hand. if the messages come from the position tuitions that we can't even agree in baghdad on a political level, it would not bode well out on the battle grounds. >> is this the unity government that the iraqis have been waiting for? >> if you look at the two groups that were really crucial to being within this new government, you look at the kurds, they really have very skeptical opinion. they've given it three months. they said we'll come and join in, but still have very, very strict expect is as from this government. they really want to make sure that they got a percentage of the government funds, the coughers, so that they can decentralize and spend that money however they want. they want money from the huge oil and gas reserves here. they are quite pleased to see the new oil ministry somebody sympathetic to their cause but want baghdad to back the peshmerga with weapons and money. many are fighting within the peshmerga have no salaries, because the money is not coming from baghdad. the soon any arabs have been quite quiet with regard to who got the key government roles. we don't know if that's because they are not happy with it or not very unified or they are happy and not speaking out. it looks at the moment they are hanging this unity together, but a lot of people are very skeptical that it will lost long. >> thank you very much. coming up in 15 minutes, we'll talk to lute colonel michael kay about the push to fight the islamic state group. >> nfl star ray rice has been sacked by the baltimore ravens and suspended by the league. >> many are asking how could the nfl not have seen that video of rice hitting his fiancee. >> as shocked as every day people were to see the new video, it's getting very strong reaction inside of nfl locker rooms. >> the release by t.m.z. of video showing ray rice punches his then fiancee in the face drew strong condemneddation from people in the league both inside the locker room. >> i it was a deplorable act. he made a terrible error in judgment. >> and in other locker rooms. >> if that was going on in this locker room, i wouldn't be friends with the guy or talk to the guy. >> even president obama felt compelled to weigh in, saying hitting a woman is not something a real man does and that's true whether or not an act of violence happens in the public eye or far too often behind closed doors. >> news a the ravens released rice for hitting his now wife was met with approval league wide. >> i think they handled it the right way and it definitely should send a message to other guys and maybe even people just in the regular world, just, you know, just knowing that this is not acceptable. >> you don't want anybody to do that not world. it shouldn't happen anywhere. as far as him being one of our colleagues, that's, you know, may no longer be a thing. you can't act like that. >> many ask how much did the nfl and the ravens know. monday an nfl spokesman said no one in the league office had previously see a tape, coach harbaugh reiterating from the ravens standpoint. >> something we saw for the first time today, all of us. >> tmz reports that the nfl had access to the elevator video released monday. rice hinted at this at his apologetic press conference last july. >> i think roger goodell has everything that the court system has. >> reaction to rice's release even came from north of the border. the canadian football league will honor the nfl suspension. rice will not be welcome to play there, either. >> it does not get easier to watch that video. thank you. >> there is that severe respiratory illness spreading across the u.s., cases now reported in a dozen states. hundreds have children have been sent to the hospital. robert ray is live in atlanta. enterovirus pretty common. why is this particular strain so dangerous. >> it is common. there are over 100 strains of enterovirus and 10 million-15 million cases across the country each year. this particular strain was original nateed in 1962 in california. scientists, including the c.d.c. haven't seen it much over the past decade, so there's really no data and way of trying to create immunity for kids all the way from babies to high school students. that's making a lot of parents around the country really concerned. >> i've been an i.c.u. physician for 15 years and have never seen this before. >> thousands of sick children being rushed to emergency rooms across the nation, a rare and potentially life threatening illness spreading as the school year gets underway. >> he was unresponsive. he was lying on the couch, and couldn't speak to me, was turning white and had blue lips. >> health officials suspect it's enterovirus 68, a cousin of the common cold, diagnosed in the 1960's and not detected until just a few years ago again. now it has doctors scrambling and parents panicking. >> we were hysterical. >> it felt like you were gasping for air. >> hospitals are filling up fast. the denver children's hospital saw more than 900 pediatric patients with similar symptoms in just over two weeks. nearly 100 of them were admitted. a handful wound up in the intensive care unit. >> he was coughing, had a runny nose. within eight to 10 hour time period, it went from a cold to him not being able to breathe. >> what's different about this is the unusual number of case and the none usual severity of infection over a very short period of time. >> doctors say the virus could soon be seen in every state but most kids will recover in about a week and that common sense techniques, like hand washing are the best way to prevent it from spreading. >> some parents are going to be very anxious because their children are hospitalized, but the vast makerty are going to get completely better and better rapidly. >> you can imagine how stressful this has got to be for parents. even more like pediatricians and scientists studying this, they don't know how to stop this at this point. like we've heard. it comes off as the common cold and could turn into something much more serious. >> robert, i think freaked out is the way some parents are looking at this. we thank you very much. robert ray, live in atlanta, thanks. >> muslim cleric is set to be sentenced in new york city today on terrorism charges. he was found guilty of setting up a terrorist training camp in seattle and facilitating the kidnapping of tourists in yemen that he faces a life sentence. >> ukraine's president pledging to deal a crushing defeat to pro-russian rebels if they vital the ceasefire agreement. both sides accuse the other of violating the truce with shelling. >> new sanctions on russia are now on hold. e.u. officials want to wait and see if the ceasefire holds first. the new sanctions would expand the number of russian businesses barred from raising new money in european markets. >> home depot confirming its payment systems were hacked. it is a security breach larger than hit target last year. >> anyone who shopped from april onward could be affected. >> home depot first got word of suspicious activity last week. it launched an investigation with banks, i.t. firms and the secret service. it told customers there might be a problem. >> usually they ask me if i want a home depot credit card. she didn't do that today. >> the company confirmed that its payment system was breached. at risk are shoppers who paid with credit and debit cards at u.s. and canadian stores as far back as april. home depot c.e.o. expressed regret over the hack, saying we apologize for the frustration and anxiety this causes our customers and no customers will be responsible for fraudulent charges to accounts. the company is not yet sure how much customer data was stolen. if it started in april, the hack would have come during home depots busy spring shopping season. almost all stores in north america are affected, including nearly 2,000 in the u.s. the company said shoppers in mexico and on line are probably safe as are customers debit pin numbers. over the past year, hackers have stolen information from millions of consumers. target was hit right before the holidays, costing that retailer $150 million so far. since then, p.f. change, super value and other retailers have been hacked. analysts say american stores are easy targets. >> the united states has the least secure credit card system in the world. we still rely on magnetic strips that contain information and not computer chips in cards. >> those cards are widely used in europe, but not the united states. home depot plans to introduce chip technology at all u.s. stores by year's end. >> initial research suggesting the same malware that hit target hit home depot. home depot's hack may have been on for five months. >> a flash blood warning for most of the southern arizona, a day after record rainfall hit phoenix. it turned highways into small lakes and sent rescuers scrambling to get drivers out of cars. the governor declared a state of emergency. >> does this mean now that they are seeing some relief from the drought in those areas? >> we are seeing some, through the four corners region, part of that extreme southeastern california where we would love to see the moisture central california that extreme drought area with all the agriculture that really needs the rain, that's not where this is ending up. we do have drought all the way to texas. there is help. that's the good side, the bad side is the plumbing. here's that moisture plume. was enhanced by the tropical moisture. tomorrow more dry air moves in. we are going to see a little bit of a reduction. anywhere from california through colorado now, we are seeing that. that included yesterday, even parts of vegas. if you were out at harrahs, this is what it looks like, so people trying to get through it here. vegas itself supported about .3, but around the area, some places, two, three, four in isolated spots if you fell under one of those storms. for today, there's a little more into parts of colorado. it's kept temperatures cooler, phoenix running 10 degrees blow average because of the moisture. >> nicole mitchell, thanks. >> investigators releasing their first report into the downing of malaysia airlines flight 17. we have exactly what they are saying. >> secretary of state john kerry meeting with middle east allies rallying support against the islamic state group. former u.k. military advisor colonel michael kay weighs in on whether the plan risks history repeating itself. >> a unique natural event captured on camera. that's one part volcano. it's also one part tornado. that video and the others captured by citizen journalists around the world. >> time for a look at videos captured by citizen journalists around the world. 14 people were hurt in chile after a strong explosion rocked a transit station. it's similar to bombings carried out by local anarchist groups. >> getting a helping hand in the form of cooler weather in yosemite. that cattage shows smoke billowing from a blaze. >> a rather unusual phenomenon in iceland's volcano. a company monitoring eruptions capturing a large dust devil forming near an active part of the volcano. it create add volcanic tornado. >> i don't know which is cooler. >> up next, we talk about how crucial that new iraqi government is going to be for the government to fight the islamic state group. >> the malaysia airlines flight 17, dump investigators revealing more information about what brought down the crash, killing all onboard. lisa stark is in washington for us. you've been pouring over this report. it seems to confirm that malaysia airlines flight 17 was shot down. >> it does. investigators don't say that outright, but everything found so far is consistent with a missile strike against this aircraft. they paint a picture of a jumbo jet flying along fine and suddenly broke apart in midair, brought about by something external in the plane. they released photos of the wreckage that show holes in the fuselage. those could be caused by a missile that explodes outside the aircraft, sending shrapnel into the metal. it appears the aircraft was brought down by a large number of high energy objects from outside this aircraft. this morning, we heard from the chairman of the dutch safety board. >> our main conclusion is that the flight mh17 broken down in the air because of large damage to the aircraft caused by high energy objects penetrating the aircraft from outside. that's our main conclusion. >> now investigators say the damage pattern does not indicate that anything was wrong with the aircraft systems or engines. that jet was flying at 33,000 feet over eastern ukraine. obviously an area where there was a lot of conflict between the ukrainian government and russian backed separatists. separatists are blamed for bringing down the plane, something they deny. >> was there anything in the report that surprised you? >> not surprising, but it was sobering to see how fast everything happened, there was no distress call, no indication of problem. pilots were given directions from controllers to make a turn. four seconds later, they got no answer and all of the recorders shut off three seconds after that. really we have a plane flying through the air normally and suddenly breaking apart. >> lisa stark for us in washington, thank you. >> as we have been reporting, president obama set to meet with congressional leaders today to talk about his plan to take on the islamic state group. the president says it does not involve u.s. boots on the ground, but changes in baghdad, he says could lead to more military cooperation between iraq and the u.s. >> lt. colonel michael kay is a fortune affairs reporter and joins us. thanks for being with us. you've spent time in iraq and on duty for the air force. secretary of state john kerry will be trying to build a coalition to defeat i.s. how difficult will his job be and who are the key players that need to be part of that coalition? >> it is incredibly complex and will be difficult. the key is finding a fusion between military activity that occurs and having some sort of coherent and collaborative foreign policy that backs it up. we know there is no coherent foreign policy in that region at the moment and what worries me is we are going to go head first into military involvement. >> the anti war sentiment in the united states and in britain have been high. is that changing and do you believe that the u.k. would support boots on the ground? >> i believe boots on the ground are not something we should entertain. there are key clues in contemporary history that we need to look at. we need to look at the secondary consequences of when we arm the militia. we need to look at what happens when we deal a devastating blow of air power in afghanistan in ridding al-qaeda, then goes across the border into pakistan, no foreign policy to deal with that. that's where osama bin laden was. we need to look at what happens when we invade a country without a post conflict plan, it becomes sackous and groups move in. >> can you talk about reconstruction and political solutions without saudi arabia? >> no, you cannot. you have to engage saudi arabia. you have to speak to russia and china and get their acquiescence from the united nations security council. there has to abu.n. security council resolution an occur i can't. if we take away isis from this conversation, the problem of syria still exists. it will exist unless assad is dealt with in some way, whether we work with him on the threat or against him on the threat, and that hasn't been addressed. there is no doubt we have the military capability to neutralize isis in syria. with what we need to do is consider the consequences of the vacuum left when they do that. >> important perspective. thanks so much. >> there is that storm system we've talked about. it is bringing tons of rain across the country and cooler temperatures, as well. let's check in with nicole mitchell. >> i am just the messenger on this one, i don't control it. moving across the country, storms to the midwest. i'll have more on that coming up. a temperature change is dramatic. billings at 52. we are not going to get much warmer today, a front dropping temperatures from 90 into the 50s. 20-30 degrees cooler. if you get to tomorrow's forecast in the 40's, that means from yesterday at almost 90 to tomorrow in the 40's, over a 40-degree drop. still very warm ahead of all of this, but we are going to feel this change. places like minneapolis go from the 70's into the 50's as this moves through. it's going to be a little bit of an adjustment for a lot of folks. >> the world health organization issuing a new warning over the ebola crisis, while the c.d.c. tells parents to be on alert for a repair respiratory illness. infectious disease specialist weighs in on what needs to be done to stop the spread. >> a 14-year-old girl facing attempted murder and arson charges after trying to kill her family to please the slenderman. we have more on the latest case involving this fictional horror figure. >> apple could shake up the tech word today, unveiling a new iphone. >> a look at our images of the day, two buffaloes going head-to-head in china. each of them weighing a ton. >> thousands are residents attending this annual event, featuring 100 of the massive beasts. it's considered barbaric by some, but a local he tradition in that part of china. >> protestors are gathering... >> there's an air of tension right now... >> the crowd chanting for democracy... >> this is another significant development... >> we have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live... >> this is capitol hill. top lawmakers head to the white house today as president obama makes his case for action and congressional funding to battle the islamic state group. ahead in our next half hour, are police being equipped more like armies? a senate hearing today asks that question in wake of the protests in ferguson, missouri. we go inside an expo showcasing the powerful weapons, now in some police arsenals. >> half a billion dollars, that's not the budget of a hollywood blockbuster, it's the price tag for the new video game destiny, the most expensive game ever is expected to earn big bucks, as well. >> president obama hosting lawmakers in the white house today making the case for more u.s. involvement fighting the islamic state group. the president lays out his plan to the american people tomorrow. iraq has formed that unity government. >> flood warnings in effect in parts of the southwest today after heavy rains sent parts of arizona and nevada. two people died near phoenix, some receiving more than four-inches of rain in two hours. the fallout from the new video showing former nfl player ray rice, former player ray rice hitting his fiancee. he was cut and then suspended by the league in definitely. the nfl faces questions over when it first saw that video. >> a fourth american infected with ebola is now heading back to the u.s. for treatment. this at international health officials warn the virus is getting much worse. there have been 3700 cases of ebola and 2,000 deaths. robert ray is outside emery hospital in atlanta. this new patient, we don't know if it's a man or woman, will arrive today. can we expect the treatment to be different than the other two americans treated there? >> this patient should arrive in the next half hour. that's according to emery university hospital finishes. the treatment will be virtually the same. they're going to monitor the vitals of the patient, make sure that the organs working properly, make sure this patient is hydrated. this patient will not receive the experimental serum zmapp. the doses have run out. the bio pharmaceutical l.l.c. is trying to make mr. but it won't come up soon. they are going to monitor the patient in an isolation unit and make sure they have a good fighting chance to make sure that they fight off ebola. >> to be clear, you reported that it wasn't clear whether zmapp helped those two other americans heal. do we know about getting american troops to africa to the ebola zone? >> we have heard that american troops, along with british forces will be headed over to west africa at some point soon to build isolation unit, big tents that can hold some of the people infected with ebola, get them into a facility where they can be monitored, just like they would be here in atlanta or nebraska where the third ebola patient is being treated now. that's the issue over there. the fact that there's no infrastructure, no place for these people that are in effected to get the proper treatment. at some point soon, u.s. troops and british troops will be building massive tents i understand west africa. >> as for west africa, doctors are scrambling to get any sort of treatment on the ground. what is the progress on cook seen and drug testing? >> there is little treatment now beyond monitoring vitals. the facilities in west africa are lacking. the new vaccine trial started outside washington at the national institute of health. that is being injected into human beings. it's a trial, that they are expecting results by the end of the year. as far as zmapp, we are not sure that has helped the ebola patients, the two here at emery. they are trying create more treatments. they are also looking into a blood serum, perhaps injecting the blood of someone who's had ebola and now through it and better, that that will create the blood in the other person who has ebola to fight off the infection. lots of things moving now and just the hope that they can get treatment or vaccine in the near future, steph. >> robert ray live for us at the atlanta hospital, expecting that patient in about half an hour. >> we want to go to a doctor, a senior necessarily low at fordham university, and infectious disease specialist. you have been on the ground in africa. now we're hearing u.s. soldiers going there. i hear parents saying i'm concerned about my daughter or son. how concerned should they be about the soldiers? they are not doctors going into these ebola zones. >> i think the odds of catching ebola if you are a well trained military personnel as part of a response are low. that is not my main concern. it reflects the severity and scale of the outbreak. we've seen this grow exponentially in liberia, 40% of the cases have occurred in the last 21 days. that's how was it's moving. >> are doctors down playing the severity of this outbreak? think about it, we're seeing now doctors infected with ebola. is it worse than we think it is? >> i think there's a very difficult story to tell. one story is in the u.s., you don't have to worry. there's not going to be an outbreak in the u.s. we have to really worry about west africa. it's not just a humanitarian crisis. this will destroy the region, the economy and topple governments and cripple health care systems. that goes to regional stat and speaks to our lack of ability to control viral deceased. >> what does it say that each time an american is infected, they fly them back to the united states, but havens africans dying from the disease? >> i think we should be spending much more money on the response in west africa. if you think repay the reating, it is tens of thousands of dollars to get that plane in the air. that's thousands and thousands of dollars. the hospital we're sending over from the u.s., the field hospital is 50 beds and $25 million. >> why are we seeing so much of the enterovirus? some sky schools are the petri dish. >> what's interesting about viral disease, you'll ask questions and i'll have to say i don't know quickly. it seems the school year, the start of the school year is probably responsible, kids touch each other, don't wash hands and schools are incubators. why this virus at this time and place we don't know, but it's probably climate, it thrives in slightly cooler air and the start of the school year. there's lots of other things as well. the vaccine, no cure, wash your hands, if you're wheezy, go to the hospital. >> tennessee authorities have found the body of holly bobo. her ray means were located near her home. she has been missing since 2011. two men were indicted for her kidnapping and murder. >> months after allegedly inspiring the brutal stabbing of a teenager in wisconsin, the fictional horror character slenderman is linked to another crime. a florida teen set her family house on fire. >> this is a weird story, and only apparently getting weirder, because now police in florida say the 14-year-old girl allegedly set fire to her family's home because slenderman told her to do it. she said to have soaked a bed sheet and a towel and rum and lit it in the garage. her family was asleep at the time of the blaze but able to escape the flames. the girl, who is said to have been upset about being disciplined just before bedtime is charged with arson and attempted murder. the 14-year-old has been actively reading and writing about slenderman, a pure evil paranormal figure who stalks and kills children, originating on the internet in 2009 and has become an urban legend among horror fans. in may, two girls in wisconsin stabbed their classmate 19 times after luring her into the woods on the pretext of playing a game, but secretly to be a sacrifice for slenderman. the 12-year-old victim survived, her attackers charged with attempted murder. >> in june, a 13-year-old girl in ohio stabbed her mother in the kitchen in their home because she had become obsessed with slenderman. this is a good time to remind everyone that slender man is not real, he is a fictional character. >> it was hard to describe what slender man is. this is worrying everyone about the i am pact of media on children. >> you just don't know what your children are looking at when they are on line. >> you say they are spying on them, sometimes it is good to watch them. thank you very much. >> ferguson, missouri is making changes one month after a police officer shot and killed unarmed teenager michael brown. the city is setting up a citizenry view board and promising changes to ferguson's municipal court system, saying low income african-americans have been targeted. >> a is not committee is set to hear testimony about how police are equipped. some forces including in ferguson have military type weapons you see here, some arms coming from the pentagon, ears using homeland security funds. >> a lot of police officers gathered in oakland, california this part week for a convention showing off all shorts of new law enforcement tools. >> melissa chan paid a visit to urban shield and found out those who work to keep us safer insist they need all the help they can get. >> it's an expo that attracts law enforcement agencies from cruise the country. urban shield also attracts the military. the army, navy and marine corps are here. you can, of course, try out the hardware. >> it's like a very expensive paint ball toy you have. >> it's a replica of an actual weapon. >> here the line is blurred between the police and military. officers tell us for good reason. >> the crux of the matter is in the world and in the united states, we keep having what i walnut cases with the sole intent of killing people. >> we are not rolling down the street. we have these type of vehicles, the only time we bring them out is for barricaded suspects to provide cover for us. >> in the post ferguson period, a lot of people are talking about the militarization of police. do you think there is concern there? >> it's a function of perspective. what people perceive is having to meet an evolving and different mission. one thing you'll never find anybody involved in law enforcement doing is monday morning quarterbacking any mission. >> we could not find anyone to say what went wrong in ferguson or even acknowledge it was a problem. urban shield started eight years on the ground and has seen interests from bahrain, israel, singapore, brazil. >> the expo is just one part of your ban shield. the other half is training. we're going to see an assassination attempt on a dignitary. >> over 48 hours, scores of swat teams will go through this training event. it's this kind of tactical training that's been crucial. for example, in helping police prepare and respond to an event, such as last year's bombings at the boston marathon. the acquisition of military grade weapon, they tell us has done more good than harm. on the streets, the people don't buy that narrative. oakland especially has seen an odd host for urban shield. its police department placed on federal oversight following a corruption scandal. among the protestors, the mothers of young men shot and killed by police. >> take your military tactics and get out of here! >> my son was cut up with a military weapon that when they go through the body tear your skin up. my son was ripped up. >> on this day, the activists win. over the weekend, the mayor announced that urban shield will not be held in the city next year. melissa chan, aljazeera, oakland, california. >> with scenes like that, you can figure out why urban shield organizers have not picked up a location for next year but are disappointed and will take their convention elsewhere. >> main street and wall street getting ready for apple's big announcement this morning. >> we will weigh in on what new gadgets we may see. >> a roller coaster going up in flames as crews race to save the structure. >> pretty dramatic images, a wooden roller coaster in flames in california. the blaze broke out, nobody was hurt. the ride was shut down after 36 years in operation, the park was closed at the time of the fire. >> the video game set to hit store shelves today with a $500 million price tag. >> no, i will not be buying one. >> european regulators are asking google for more concessions. they want it to make changes to search algorithms. competitors say they are being squeezed out. >> it's big day in the tech world. later today, apple is he can specked to reveal a host of new gadgets, including a new iphone. >> it is likely to feature new technologies. you might want to be careful when you use them. >> the new iphone is likely to have a number of improvements. amateur sleuths say the battery will last longer, the screen bigger and tougher and the processor more powerful. nfc is the new feature. it sends private data via radio waves across a distance of two inches. it's great for authentication. one easier painted an nfc chip into her fingernail lacquer. another let's him start his car. apple's plan seems to be to use the phone as an extension of your wallet. >> it's been in development since 2004. it's been in the landscape for a while. since 2011, you can pay for parking at any of 30,000 parking meters here using nfc smart phone. >> nfc matters in this case, because apple has more credit card information on file than amazon and ebay combined thanks to itunes. you're going to be ready to use the new iphone to make purchases. the use of that technology brings up questions of trust. people already use phones to hold all kinds of intimate stuff, including photograph of their kids and romantic moments. apple took a credibility hit when several celebrities who deleted pics from the cloud found them out in the wild. >> your credit cards will be in the phone and make them accessible to hackers around you. >> hacking becomes more difficult, apple work, credit card companies making sure everyone is comfortable with what they'll be releasing. >> any transaction you might make with cash, soda, gum, gas, will be yet another thing you'll to have trust apple to protect. >> let's get more on the new iphone with tim stevens, he had door at large for c net. he will be at the event today. great to have you. is the iphone six going to be a game-changer? >> i don't know that it's actually going to be a game-changer but will bring apple into the modern era. people are expecting bigger and bigger phones, apple getting onboard with two new phones today. on the android side, people want bigger phones and apple is going to give them too. >> are most users expected to download the new software or is there enough changes to the hardware to trade in the old mod snell. >> we've seen that apples able to push updates quickly to a lot of users. most people do update. it will bring in new functionality to share calls between your desktop computer and your phone and other functionality people will want. the new phone will be bigger with better battery life and thinner. the mobile application is going to be easy to use. >> you're going to be at the event today. what you are expecting as far as surprises? >> >> we hope apple shows us the i watch or some sort of wearable device. we've waited for years for apple to unveil the smart watch area. we've seen samsung launching multiple smart watches over the past few months. it's time for apple to get onboard. we think we'll get a glimpse of the device today. we expect the new i phones to ship next week. >> those new smart watches remind me of those old calculator watches. are they becoming a trend? are people wearing and using those? >> they are absolutely going to be a trend next year. right now too early. we've seen smart watches on the market from samsung and motorola. they have flaws. the screens are not easy to read in sunlight, the battery life is terrible. companies like pebble into interesting smart watches, on the simple side in terms of functionality. next year, we'll see them flood the market and prices drop, too. >> we'll see if apple gets in the game on that. have fun at the convention today. >> you said casio? i was thinking about texas instruments, too. >> you remember them, right? >> i do. i had the first one. destiny game is hitting the she was today. >> steven has a date with destiny, the destiny is question is a video game, the date, the ninth day of the ninth month, its worldwide release. >> it's a really rewarding game, the classic good versus evil. the call to action is the guardian and the guardian pushing back the darkness. it's something it can relate to. >> everybody that is in the gaming world. for them, the hype has been building for months. destiny comes from halo. its on line trailers look like movies. paul mccartney wrote the music and the budget of half billion dollars was the highest ever for a game. >> $5 billion is a huge risk. they don't expect to make their money back just over this game. they expect several sequels over the next 10 years. >> 3-2-1! >> at a shopping center in sydney, the game debuted at midnight, but before that was the countdown. the cake and the cue. >> then get the game, go home, sleep, wake up, continue playing. >> been waiting trying to pass the time by doing other things. finally here. >> i woke up at 9:00 a.m., i thought today is the day. >> what makes this game special, it blends the best of the first person shoot 'em up like halo with a personalized character building like world of warcraft. it's all set in a vast on line gaming space with players worldwide cooperating and competing. >> people don't have to come out at midnight to get the game, but they're here to bond with the community and make friends. >> some like to be around the community in lounge like this even at they play. >> it is the community within the game that's most important to destiny. only when millions are playing simultaneously whether the decision will be made whether this is destined to become the most successful game ever. >> destiny costs more than the most expensive film ever made, avatar. that was $75 million cheaper to make than the video game. >> let's get another check of the weather. nicole mitchell is back with more of that. nicole. >> a new storm system out of the rockies has dramatic changes. we're starting to see moisture in the southeast. that will slowly ease up today. we had definite showers and thunderstorms yesterday. one area of improvement, a new area that we're watching. watch for that help rain, iowa through wisconsin. strong storms possible, and on the backside of all this, enough cold air that by tomorrow night with some more moisture, montana could see a couple of flakes fly by. >> break out the sweaters. >> i know. it's still summer. >> a development in the ray rice story to share. his wife, breaking her silence, posting a message on infra gram reading: >> she goes on that is to take something away from the man she loves that she has worked so hard for to get t.v. ratings is terrible. >> coming up, more on that story and more on the president's plan to deal with the islamic state group in iraq and syria as he gets set to share the details with the american people. >> that's it for us here in new york. >> coming up in just two minutes from doha, those protests turning deadly in yemen. >> have a good day. we'll see you right back here tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. eastern. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello welcome to the al jazeera news hour. i'm live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, police open fire on protesters in yemen's capitol. houthi rebels say five people have been killed and dozens others injured. dutch investigators release their report on what caused a plain to crash in eastern ukraine. and


Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20140909

and a good tuesday morning, everyone. we begin with monster storms triggering epic floods from coast-to-coast. >> at least two people have died in the phoenix area from rushing floodwaters. and the images from the storm zone are alarming. the water in some areas, approaching three feet deep. >> and left behind in its wake, miles and miles of mud and utter devastation. abc's tahman bradley has the latest. >> reporter: record rains, paralyzing parts of the southwest. in phoenix, more than three inches fell. the city's wettest day ever. at least two people were killed. >> that's going to be close. oh. don't move that car. >> reporter: cars stranded on highways. >> a big tidal wave came up and took me out. and it flooded my truck. >> we had calls in the hundreds of people of stranded, flooded out cars, accidents. people sliding off the roadway. >> reporter: this gives you a sense of how high the water rose. watch this kayaker pass by a basketball hoop. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> reporter: near tucson, a woman was killed when water surged, pushing her car under a bridge. >> really, no words would put into effect, you know, the panic and what that person was feeling when, obviously, that car got swept away. >> reporter: about 100 homes were evacuated in mesa, when waters rose above transformers, a frightening fire hazard. in nevada, an indian reservation was evacuated and an interstate shut down, after four inches of rain fell in just two hours. it's not just the southwest. this is what coastal virginia looks like after a day of rain. officials say 30 inches of water covered some roads. and the rain is not over. flooded parts of the southwest could see three more inches in the coming days. and on the east coast, an eerlyy similar forecast. six to ten inches of rain possible some places. tahman bradley, abc news, washington. but the weather is helping firefighters in yosemite national park, as they are battling a wildfire that's quadrupled in size. calmer winds and some rain are slowing the spread of this 2,500-acre blaze that forced dozens of hikers to be airlifted to safety. the terrain is so rugged, the blaze is being fought almost entirely by air. president obama is gearing up for his national address to the nation, outlining his strategy on confronting the threat from i si. >> but it comes as his approval rating of leadership plummets to its lowest level ever. abc's devin dwyer has the numbers released overnight. >> reporter: the u.s. military in iraq is going from defense to offense. part of a new strategy to confront i.s.i.s. militants. president obama will lay out in his speech to the nation tomorrow. >> the principal goal here is to make sure people understand what the clear stake is for the american people in our nation, in this ongoing violence that we're seeing, in iraq and syria. >> reporter: details of whether obama's speech are still tightly held. but the white house says the president will detail his plan to degrade and ultimately defeat i i.s.i.s., a goal that officials tell abc news will take years to complete. >> our global coalition will be built, not just in a matter of days or weeks. but it will be built to endure, for the months and, perhaps, even the years to come. >> reporter: the speech comes as approval of president obama's handling of foreign affairs, hits an all-time low, in a new abc news/"washington post" poll. 52% say mr. obama has been too cautious in confronting i.s.i.s. 65% favor extending air strikes into syria, something the president is opposed. >> he needs to outline why this is a threat to the united states. as well as the degree to which this growing menace of i.s.i.s. threatens to further destabilize the region. and poses a long-term challenge, not unlike the challenge we faced after 9/11. >> reporter: a challenge president obama will address on the eve of the 13th, 9/11 anniversary. devin dwyer, abc news, washington. one other note from the abc news/"washington post" poll that devin mentioned. >> when asked if president obama is a strong leader, 55% said no, compared to 43% who said yes. the cdc is warning parents and doctors to be on the alert for a rare virus hitting children especially hard. this unusual respiratory virus has spread to 11 states. it's called enterovirus 98. it is highly contagious and can live on surfaces. abc's dr. richard besser has some advice on what you can do. >> reporter: you can't eliminate the risk. but good hand washing will help. covering coughs and sneezes. and keeping your child home if they're sick. that will help prevent the spread to others. i think we'll be talking about this more in 11 states. viruses don't respect borders. >> more than 1,000 children have been sickened by the virus and hundreds have been hospitalized. so far, there have been no fatalities. a fourth american infected with ebola is expected to arrive here this morning. the patient is a doctor who tested positive for the virus. the doctor is being flown to atlanta where dr. kent brantley and nancy ribol recovered. there does not appear to be infection of a u.s. marshal in guarantee after being attacked by a syringe. the marshal boarded this flight to houston, texas. that's where he was met by cdc workers who put him in isolation. the marshal, showing no signs of illness. but investigators said he posed no danger to passengers. air safety officials in holland released a preliminary report this morning on the downing of flight malaysian 17. the jet crashed in july. the details the voice and data recorders, as well as radar and satellite images. but it will not make a statement about blame. the plane was shot down over a contested part of ukraine. two former presidents are once again setting politics aside to work together for a good common cause. >> president bill clinton and george w. bush, were in washington to launch a scholars program on presidential leadership. they acted like old friends, sharing lots of lighthearted moments. and when clinton's phone rang, he joked that it might be word from chelsea about the baby. and bush offered some advice about being a grandpa. >> be prepared to fall completely in love again. get ready also to be, like, the lowest person in the pecking order in your family. [ laughter ] >> the two men also laughed about a possible 2016 presidential run, pitting hillary clinton against bush's brother, jeb. bush saying the first clinton/bush match didn't turn out too good. >> that's bipartisanship. coming up on this tuesday morning, home depot sounding the alarm about a massive credit cart breach. should you be calling your bank? plus, the nfl suspends ray rice, after new video surfaces of him punching his wife. did the league know about this months ago? new reaction from fans and the ravens coach. and hunters searching for a dangerous predator circling off the coast of a popular beach. ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. if your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait. and welcome back, everyone on this tuesday morning. home depot, confirming its in-store payment system was hacked. 60 million accounts may have been affected. sources say the malicious software to infect the home depot system, was similar to that used at target stores. if you used a card at a home depot store in the last five months, you may ask your bank for a new card. there's people waiting in line outside apple stores around the world. even though chances are, none of the new products will go on sale today. one report says the new iphone 6, including a model with a larger screen, will be available in ten days. also expected is apple's entry into the smartwatch market. and a new mobile operating system. twitter is touting a buy function in its tweets. it allows them to make quick purchases. many of the items will be explosive to twitter. social media is experimenting with ways to earn revenue off of their sites. southwest is celebrating a big year with a new look. a new logo. a heart and a darker blue color scheme for its planes. the new look carries over to the facilities, and airports, its website. and even its snack packaging, getting a makeover. in the past year, southwest acquired air tran, started international flights and posted some impressive profits. when we come back, up in flames. fire and smoke shoot from an amusement park ride. the famous rollercoaster now damaged. plus, surprise decision. the ncaa wipes away some of penn state football's sanctions. levied after the jerry sandusky scandal. ♪ i found a happy place ♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. esurance. insurance for the modern world. and i'm here to tell hi,homeowners winkler that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money...and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ it was a rare sight in the skies last night, after two spectacular supermoons this summer. last night's final supermoon of the year, happened to be this year's harvest moon. the harvest moon is the full moon closest to the autumn equinox. >> a beautiful sight. also a reminder that daylight saving time, quickly approaching. not yet, though. a look at the morning road conditions. wet roads across the gulf and the southwest coastlines. flooding conditions across the four corners and the wide swath of the upper midwest. >> if you're flying, delays possible in phoenix, las vegas, minneapolis and kansas city. back to the news. and fallout from the domestic accuse case involving now former baltimore ravens running back, ray rice. it stems from this video. rice seen knocking out his fiancee in the elevator of a new jersey casino. >> rice's original punishment was a two-game pensisuspension. >> it changed things. it made things different. >> so different, that the ravens immediately cut rice from the team. and the nfl suspended him indefinitely. the league claimed it only saw that new tmz video yesterday. but a tmz executive said someone from the league went to the casino and watched that video. if that is the case, it's unclear whether that person reported what they saw to nfl commissioner roger goodell. the nfl's online stores no longer carrying anything associated with ray rice. sporting goods stores are pulling their rice merchandise off the shelves. and one eatery offered a free pizza to anyone turning in a number 27 jersey. >> i was going to burn my jersey in a fire pit. and we decided to get a free pizza, instead. we had these jerseys for four or five years. and it doesn't mean anything to give them up. i'm done with ray rice. >> rice was charged with felony aggravated assault in the case. he's involved in an intervention program that allowed him to avoid jail time. that program could lead to the charge being purged from his record. a human skull found in tennessee is confirmed to the that of missing nursing student, holly bobo, who went missing years ago. the spot is a few miles away from the home of one of the two men charged with her kidnapping and murder. bobo's brother told police he saw a man leading her into the woods when she disappeared. now, to a deadly shark attack in the waters off australia. a man on a paddle boat was bitten on his leg as his horrified wife watched from the beach. the great white was circling when a swimmer tried to save the man, jumping into the water and dragging him to the sand. but it was too late. the victim didn't make it. investigators in southern california are trying to determine what caused a famous wooden roller coaster to go up in flames. workers were dismantling the colossus when a fire broke out. the park was closed at the time. there were no injuries. the colossus was the world's tallest and fastest rollercoaster when it opened in 1978. it was retired last month, to be revamped into a new ride. penn state out from under the most severe ncaa sanctions that follows the jerry sandusky sexual abuse case. thousands of students celebrated the end of the football programs postseason ban. all of the football scholarships that were lost are being restored. the decision to ease the penalties followed a report saying the school is making progress in reforming its athletics program. in the "monday night football" late game last night, it was the chargers and cardinals. san diego took the lead with two touchdowns in the third quarter. then, arizona came back, scoring a pair of their own. but two-straight two-point conversions failed. the chargers tried one last comeback. but came up short. arizona wins, 18-17. as for the other "monday night football" game, there was something of a mauling. >> details on the lions and giants. and some baseball, now, from espn. >> this is the "sportscenter" set los angeles. he's stan. i'm neil. we've been out here for three days. >> hey, but nfl football to talk about. so, it's all good. "monday night football" season opener. giants and lions. matthew stafford. he's eventually going to find calvin johnson, which is always a good idea. johnson's wide-open. two defenders ran into each other. he makes it hard enough, why make it even easier? lions up 7-0. then, later, very next possession. stafford, to johnson again. johnson, 7 catches, 164 yards. stafford with his 24th 300-yard game. and the lions win it, 35-14. oh, give me a dodger dog. clayton kershaw pitching. bottom four. dodgers up 2-1. looking for another cy young. peg singles. cameron maybin, just remembers how to play center field. puig, rocket fuel. two wabatters later. dodgers win 9-4. kershaw is 18-3. >> see how hard he was throwing in the eighth? and he came back with a change-up. nothing you can do with that. back to you. up next in "the pulse," taylor swift opens up about everything in a new "rolling stone" interview. plus, stealing the show. a boy cranks it down at a wedding. nge your style to express your unique personality. so why can't you do the same with your eye color? ♪ we at alcon believe you can. introducing new air optix® colors prescription contact lenses. its unique 3-in-1 color technology blends with your own eye color for a naturally beautiful look with comfort all month long. ♪ virtually try on your perfect color and get a free trial offer at but do you know what's the in your skincare? and get a free trial offer neutrogena naturals. a line of naturally derived skincare with carefully chosen, clinically proven ingredients and no harsh chemicals. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at (together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! ♪ it's gonna be all right ♪ it's got a good beat. >> topping "the pulse," toiler swift on the cover of "rolling stone." >> the 20-year-old country-turned pop star, is showing some skin. the interview, even more revealing. >> she admits she hasn't been on a date in a year and a half, since he broke up with one direction singer, hear stilarry. she has gotten uncomfortable with the fascination of her dating life. a new jersey teenager has earned a spot in the record books by swimming across the english channel. >> charlotte samuels became the youngest person to complete the triple crown of open-water swimming this summer. she swam 28 miles around manhattan. and did a 20-mile swim off southern california. >> her parents cheered her on. and she crossed the english channel in under ten hours. >> impressive. >> big congrats. >> absolutely. this kid really has moves. an adorable little boy, really cute. cuts a rug at a recent wedding. >> he looks like he's ready to step into remakes of "footloose" or "saturday night fever." he's having a great time. and so is the chorus line-like director. >> one, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight. he's got it all, man. >> choreography and all. this has been up on youtube a couple of days. already, it's gotten more than 300,000 hits. obviously, a star born from that. >> he looks like a smaller version of you. >> are you kidding me? if i could only move like that. >> i'll bet you have moves like that. >> we'll wait and see. here we go... whoa, no test rides allowed. i can't show you the inside, but trust me. are you kidding me... at university of phoenix, we think you should be able to try before you buy. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period. so you commit to your education with confidence. get started at but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! this is holly. her long day of outdoor adventure starts with knee pain. and a choice. take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. onward! we've put a fresh twist on classic desserts.ry, making them all new, any day treats. starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using thick and creamy traditional greek yogurt. then delicately topped with delicious fruit sauces. the twist? less than 200 calories. new dannon creamery desserts. cause life's better with a twist. ♪ dannon! also try our dannon creamery pudding range. live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good tuesday morning at 4:28. >> and we had the have harvest moon last night. >> indeed. it was huge. you were asleep, right? >> i was asleep. you are right. we will have pictures ahead. here is the visibility. cloud cover but if fog and everyone at ten right now. from the roof you can see the clouds. like yesterday, it will go away between 10:00 and 11 o'clock and a warming trend is on the way and back to average with 82 to 88 inland. an the bay, sunshine and 81 in the south bay. light out there. just road work. san mateo bridge show take lits headed westbound to foster city and on roads we have cones and caltran is working west 580 to san ramon and you can see the slow traffic working into pleasant hill and eastbound direction to be picked up at 6:00 you can see the slow traffic crepesers to the central valley. >> sue, thanks. the world will learn what apple has in store, a larger screen iphone in e watch? -- the iwatch? >> 5 1/2 hour's the announcement in cupertino. that is where matt keller joins us. >> people expecting big things. the media is expecting big things. check out how many are here in cupertino. the big white box shaped the apple c.e.o. will take the same. apple does not say what will take place. experts are speculating of the iphone 6. the big sellers will get a bigger cent, possibly closer to samsung's galaxy and they could unveil something smaller. >> recently people are excited about the fact we have not heard or seen leak leaks of the


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140909

after months of anticipation, apple finally set to unveil its newest gadgets at a special event. why fans of the tech giant could have three reasons to be excited "today" tuesday, september 9th, 2014. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. i'm matt lauer, along with al roker, natalie morales and months of negotiation have come to fruition. and brian williams has gotten out of bed early to join us as part of the homecoming week here on "today." >> savannah -- i heard her name. i couldn't wait. thank you for having me. >> good to see you! >> it's great to be back. >> not your normal hour. we should mention, you're back because brian is going to mention a few times during the day he's playing hurt today. >> i have the thing -- the cold. the summer into fall cold. no physical ailments other than that. >> you didn't mention that when you kissed me earlier. >> and meredith tried to warn me against coming today because she was roughed up so badly. >> i know. we're going to have fun. we've got a lot ta talk about. >> thank you. >> how about this news we're talking about. the top story this morning, fresh outrage over the nfl's handling of that domestic violence case involving the baltimore ravens' ray rice. this after that new surveillance video of the incident in that elevator has surfaced. >> in a moment, we will get reaction from a long-time co-host of this show, who is currently host of "real sports" on hbo, bryant gumbel. but first nbc's josh elliott here with us on the latest fallout on this, josh, good morning. >> good morning to all of you. ray rice will not step out on to an nfl field this season and may never again. he was cut by his team, the baltimore ravens and suspended by the league indefinitely yesterday. and this morning the nfl is now under fire for how it's handled this and other cases of domestic violence. monday, tmz sports released new video that it says shows ray rice and then fiance janay palmer in an elevator in an atlantic city hotel casino. an argument escalates and then the video shows rice striking palmer with a single punch. her body falling and her head hitting an elevator railing. right after the february incident, video surfaced of what followed. rice dragging an unconscious palmer from the elevator. rice was indicted for aggravated assault in march, one day before he and palmer were married. rice eventually received probation and was ordered to undergo anger management by the court. in may, he held a news conference with his wife. >> sometimes in life, you will fail. you know. but i won't call myself a failure. failure is not getting knocked down. it's not getting up. >> the nfl suspended him for just two games. and rice spoke again in july. >> one thing that i wanted to do today was, you know, apologize to my wife. >> many fans were outraged. an outcry over the two-game suspension led nfl commissioner roger goodlell to admit last month he didn't get it right. the new video went public. monday, an nfl spokesman said the league requested any and all information about the incident from police, but that video was not made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today. mike florio of nbc sports. >> i believe the nfl didn't have the tape. but it's unbelievable that the nfl didn't get the tape. >> reporter: a day after a season-opening loss at home, raf ravens officials say they first saw the tape on monday. >> when someone that you care about does wrong, you know, and is faced with the consequences of doing wrong and rightfully so, it is tough. it is hurtful. my hope is that they can make it work. >> very unfortunate. all you can do is reflect on what happened and learn from it. >> reporter: many had strong reactions when they learned of the tape. >> he should be terminated. i think that any man that hits a woman should have to suffer for the consequences. >> i think it's about time he's held accountable for what he's done. >> reporter: and vice president biden weighed in, in his exclusive interview with tamron hall. >> the ravens did the right thing. firing him immediately. i mean, you can argue they should have done it sooner. they didn't want to. whatever the reason is, it's happening. >> president obama also weighed in, in a statement released by the white house that reads in part, and i quote, hitting a woman is not something a real man does. and it went on to say, quote, stopping domestic violence is something that's bigger than football and all of us have a responsibility to put a stop to it. we reached out to the prosecutor's office in atlanta county where the incident happened. they declined to comment on the video or on rice's case. rice's agent also had no comment here. >> and josh, we're sitting here talking about this among ourselves this morning. i feel like everything has been said in 24 hours. but it bears repeating. it makes you sick to your stomach. >> and makes you feel very sorry that janay, his wife -- she married him, but then they have a child together. and she has to live with that knowledge and that video. >> josh elliott, thanks. tough story to begin with this morning. matt, over to you. >> brian, thanks very much. bryant gumbel is the host of "real sports" on hbo and former co-host here on "today." good morning. good to see you. yesterday the nfl released a statement saying we did not see this tape, this videotape taken from inside the elevator until monday. you take them at their word? >> i guess we have to. it's hard to believe. you also have to wonder, what did roger goodle think, that she fainted? we had her being dragged out of the elevator. i think at best, at best, the only thing you can say is they were willfully ignorant. this tape they had to know existed. in the discovery process, rice's lawyer had to have the tape. so it looks as if the best thing you can say for the nfl in making this judgment was it was don't ask, don't tell. they didn't ask for the tape. they didn't want to see it. >> i'm going to go back to the first point you made. the league, like all of us, had seen the tape from outside the elevator. >> right. >> of janay being dragged out of the elevator. do you really need to see the punch? >> yes, that's what i'm saying. >> to make the right call on the penalty in this case? >> she didn't faint and need to be dragged out. plus of which there are a number of people who suggested -- chris carter tweeted yesterday he saw this tape months ago. peter king, the definitive voice of the nfl for "sports illustrated" basically said his sources told him they had seen the tape way back in july. >> is there another possible scenario that when ray rice and janay palmer went in to meet with league officials two weeks before the suspension was happeneded down, they told a story to the commissioner not consistent with that video? >> i think the league would like us to believe that. and i think we'll only know that if and when ray rice decides to speak. >> now we're seeing the two-week penalty, the new policy goes to six weeks for a domestic violence offense. now they suspend ray rice indefinitely. does the nfl now get domestic violence, or is the nfl now trying to save face? >> let me turn and put it to you this way. right now the carolina panthers have a guy named greg hardy who is continuing to play even though he's facing domestic violence charges, been arrested for it. ray mcdonald is continuing to play for the san francisco 49ers, even though he too has domestic violence going on. i mean look, the nfl, what the nfl does best is public relations and manage its image. so right now they're going to go into full mode on demonizing ray rice with justification. but i don't see any evidence that they have turned the corner on this and really gotten the message, no. >> bryant gumbel, good to see you. >> always. >> let's go over to brian. >> matt, bryant, thanks. we turn a corner to national security. the obama administration's plan to degrade the international terror organization known as isis. president meets today with congressional leaders at the white house. he will lay out his strategy to the american people in an address to the nation tomorrow. our national correspondent, peter alexander, has the latest this morning from the white house. peter, good morning. >> brian, good morning to you. white house aides here say as the president prepares to reveal details of his plan to fight the growing threat of isis, his speech for tomorrow remains a work in progress. but most importantly he will begin laying out his case for a wider military campaign today for congressional leaders when they come to the white house. as the white house finalizes its plan to beat back isis, aides insist president obama will go wherever is necessary, citing the pursuit of al qaeda and the death of osama bin laden as evidence. the president wants it to be an international effort, today dispatching secretary of state to meet with key arab allies. jordan and saudi arabia. >> i will travel to the middle east to continue to build the broadest possible coalition of partners around the globe to confront, degrade and ultimately defeat ice ice isil. >> as the president told chuck todd on "meet the press," he won't send in u.s. ground troops. >> the notion that the united states should be putting boots on the ground i think would be a profound mistake. >> with another round of deadly air strikes in iraq monday, u.s. officials hailed iraq's formation of a unity government as a major milestone. the outstanding question, will the president extend those strikes into syria? with options still under consideration, senior administration officials tell nbc news likely targets inside syria could include isis leadership, training sites and weapons supplies. ahead of the president's sitdown with congressional leaders this afternoon, democrats and republicans have largely urged the white house to intensify its fight. >> the head of the isis snake is not in iraq. the head is in syria. and so if you want to kill the snake, you've got to go and cut off his head. >> reporter: other lawmakers want more details from the president. >> it is incumbent on him to come to congress and lay out his strategy so that we and the american people are clear on it. >> tomorrow's speech comes at a critical time in obama's presidency with his public approval numbers near record lows. the new polls show that americans overwhelmingly view isis as a real threat to the u.s. and what's really a big shift over a year ago when the u.s. considered air strikes against the assad regime in syria, americans largely support air strikes now in both iraq and syria. brian and matt? >> all right. peter alexander on the north lawn this morning. thanks. at least two people have died in record flooding in arizona after heavy rains from the remnants of hurricane norbert pushed through that state. al roker is looking at that and some other concerns. al? >> that's right. we've got severe weather to talk about today. we've got a lot going on. let's get do it, show you exactly what's happening. this video out of the southwest is pretty amazing. all this moisture streaming up from the monsoonal moisture coming out of the gulf. las vegas -- i mean, just amazing pictures. people getting caught, high water rescues. phoenix, arizona, upwards of 4 inches to 6 inches of rain, again. a lot of high-water rescues. that's going to continue again today for a little while. you can see all this moisture starting to stream up. dry air off the coast, but moisture coming in, and so we look for more heavy rain again today. we've got flash flood watches, flash flood warnings in effect. rainfall amounts generally about an inch or so. and the heaviest activity will start to make its way into western colorado, 2 to 3 inches of rain. in fact, as you look -- as we get into the midwest, around iowa, up to 5 or 8 inches of rain possible out of some strong systems that are going to be pushing in today into tonight and on into tomorrow morning. and we've also got heavy rain and heavy rain yesterday. big flooding in virginia yesterday with upwards of 10 inches of rain there. >> all right, al. thanks very much. news now that another american infected with the ebola virus is heading home. natalie has got that. >> that's right. it's the fourth american ebola patient now arriving in the united states from africa this morning. nbc's gabe gutierrez is at emery university hospital in atlanta. it's the same hospital that treated two other ebola patients last month. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: natalie, good morning. that latest ebola patient is now on their way to emery university hospital. last hour they landed in atlanta and was loaded into a special ambulance to be transported here. these are live pictures. emery university hospital is not confirming much, citing patient confidentiality. it will say one of its doctors tested positive for ebola and sierra low yoen and there were plans to treat that person. emery dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol were successfully treated last month. third ebola patient is now recovering at a hospital in nebraska. we are expecting the latest patient to arrive in emery within minutes. >> gabe gutierrez in atlanta, thank you. iraq's new government was sworn in monday in a bid to rescue the country from collapse. the parliament approved the new new cabinet. ks the start of the uphill task to unify the country after isis militants gained control of territory across northern iraq. authorities are now confirming remains found in a rural area of tennessee are of missing nursing student, holly bobo. the announcement brought gasps and tears from friends of the family whoa attended the news conference. the 20-year-old disappeared from her home in 2011. on sunday, two men found her skull near property owned by family of one of the suspects. two men have pleaded not guilty in bobo's kidnapping and murder. a landmark wooden roller coaster went up in flames monday at six flags magic mountain near los angeles. the decades-old colossus roller coaster which officially close the back in mid-august caught fire. planks began to break away and eventually chanced during high heat. workers had already started disassembling the right in preparation for an overhaul of the coaster, set to reopen in 2015. no word yet on what started the fire. and we have some incredible video this morning caught by a dashboard camera from the frightening moments when a tornado swept through a russian city. you can see a driver pull out of garage and onto the road. and when they start to pull away, watch as the power of the storm rips through that neighborhood. this happened a couple weeks ago. but later when the driver pulled back into the driveway, that's when you can see all the devastation there. that same garage completely blown away. nature's fury there. in full force. guys. >> brian always tells me when you're backing out of a garage, check for a tornado before you get into the street. >> exactly. you never know when it's going to hit. >> with the remote in my hand, in case i need to close it again. thank you for pointing that out on behalf of all of us. >> natalie, thanks very much. upside, neighbors had a garage sale the next day. >> there you go. >> real nice. >> way to make light of the moment. >> oh, mr. roker. >> anyway. let's show you what we've got going on today. we do have the risk of severe weather in the mid section of the country into the northern plains today on into tonight. along the west coast, again, a gorgeous day with temperatures low 70s. showers and thunderstorms along the southeastern atlantic coast into the mid atlantic coast. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. o altuzarra for target available september 14th. . 7:16. good tuesday morning. meteorologist christina lowren. look at all the 50s, only one spot in the 60s. even with the cooler start, high pressure takes control of our forecast for today. we'll clear you out earlier. as a result your temps are going to jump from 5 to 8 degrees from yesterday's highs. low 80s in the south bay. san francisco, you'll hit about 67 degrees and then we bring up that heat as we head into the mid section. >> al, thanks. it is estimated that 1 in 68 children in the united states now has some form of autism spectrum disorder. and a new study released just today in the journal of autism and developmental disorders reveals more about the importance of early intervention and at what age to start treating symptoms of autism. a lot to explain here. dr. nancy snyderman is our chief medical editor. nancy, good morning. let's start with how small this study was we're talking about. but the lessons learned. >> well, it's very small. only seven children. but it sure is exciting. this comes from uc-davis where they really started early intervention. and the teacher was the parent. they really wanted to engage children, so they started taking babies who maybe weren't making eye contact, who were hyper fixated on one subject, but perhaps not having human interaction. and the investigators taught parents little tricks and tools to help these kids move along and guess what they found. six out of seven children by the time they reached their second year of age not only grew out of those autism symptoms, but, in fact, at a time when a lot of children with autism would have language delay, these kids not only caught up, but they had good language. so an extraordinary study showing how plastic the baby brain is, and frankly, the role of early intervention in any child who might be suspected of having autism. >> on the subject of intervention, what's the parental take-away from all of this? >> the parental take-away is not to be ashamed if you see some of the early signs. and it's easy to think, oh, no, not my child. but look for things like floppiness, the inability to make eye contact with a care giver. if your baby pulls close to you when you hug, sometimes these babies pull away. any of those what we call soft signs can all together mean your child belongs somewhere along the autism spectrum disorder. and any time there is a language delay, if your baby isn't speaking the same way that other children his or her age are, let your doctor know. because pediatricians often can urge parents and coach them into that early intervention. >> dr. nancy schneider snyderman covering this story in colorado, thapgs. thanks. carson is here with his orange room posts. i imagine a lot of people online, carson, talking about the ray rice story. >> yesterday, all royal baby two until 1:00 eastern time. nfl suspends ray rice indefinitely. right now in this hour, goodell, ravens, #rayrice trending on twitter. the number one facebook post is ray rice. we'll walk you through some of the tweets. 1.2 million. obviously, this is a huge conversation. lots to get to. first, very trusted, respected former player, coach, analyst, tony dungy. nfl and ravens releasing ray rice was only possible action after seeing video. why didn't they see video before. that's one side. and then ben leber, not to take attention away from ray rice, but goodell saw the video earlier, they need to be held accountable as well. most people just excited this is a topic being generated. maria shriver, take note. no place for domestic violence in the nfl. much more in the next hour, guys. >> thank you very much. coming up, all eyes on apple. what will that tech giant unveil with its biggest today and will it match the hype? we're there live. plus why prince harry is hoping his brother's next baby is a girl. but first, this is "today" on nbc. coming up, keith richards on an unexpected new project and we get him to play a little. >> plus, we made h ♪ lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? now we're getting somewhere. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! for very dry skin, basic moyou need healing.t enough. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. you're watching "today in the bay." >> good morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we're about two and a half hours away from apple's biggest announcement in years. scott mcgrew has been live outside the company's headquarters all morning long, like a lot of other reporters i hear out there. a buzz in the air, scott? >> reporter: yes, good morning. the flint center over one shoulder, over the other is a mystery box that apple has been working on. as far as the flint center historic, because that's where steve jobs first introduced the macintosh in 1984. today at 10:00 a.m., we'll see more history made we think with an apple smart watch but certainly an iphone 6 as well. we'll have coverage on the 11:00 a.m. news. >> let's check in with christina. >> it's a little overcast now but we're going to see a beautiful sunny afternoon. the clouds will burn off quicker than yesterday and as a result temperatures will be warmer. right now up and down the peninsula, we have plenty of low clouds. 5 to 8 degrees warmer. 71 degrees on the east shore today and right around 67 degrees in beautiful san francisco. getting into the next couple days, temperatures are going to climb between today and tomorrow and then we'll stay nice and hot all the way through friday, taking your temperatures down just in time for the all-important weekend. here's mike and your drive. >> when last we talked we had a very slow drive. traffic was almost knocked on westbound 92 on the san mateo bridge. both directions approaching through hayward. whatever was going on on the bridge was not enough to report to chp. there hasn't been an incident report and a smooth ride since. things are a little slower toward 680 and the south bay. difficult northbound build continuing. >> getting busy back there. we'll be back with another local news update in about half an hour. have a great tuesday. ♪ 7:30 n 7:30 now on a tuesday morning. the ninth day of september, 2014. that's a pretty morning in washingt washington wisconsin. brian williams is taking part in our homecoming week. this is not your time of the day. >> no, but like riding a bike, matt. it all comes back to me. it's been easily a year since i visited you guys. >> we appreciate it, because it makes for a long day for you. you'll be over across the street 6:30 this evening. what's the matter? >> not breaking rocks in the hot sun. it's only television. >> we like to think of it as breaking rocks in the hot sun. >> it is every morning. >> meanwhile, by the way, homecoming week continues this week. kathie lee and hoda get the early wake-up call tomorrow. you're their warmup act. tom brokaw will be here on thursday, heard of him? >> yep. know him. >> and on friday, maria shriver gets her turn in the co-host chair. >> and meantime, let's take a look at what is making headlines at this hour. president obama meets with congressional leaders today to outline his plan to them to combat the growing threat from isis militants. he will then lay out his strategy in an address to the american people tomorrow. a fourth american who contracted ebola in africa now being returned to the united states today. that doctor tested positive in sierra leone and will be treated at emory university hospital in atlanta where dr. kent brantley and nancy writebol recovered from that disease. more rain from the remnants of hurricane norbert expected in the southwest today. at least two people died in arizona on monday, when floodwaters swept away their cars. several roads in las vegas look more like rivers after close to half a foot of rain fell in just a few hours. and still ahead, would you buy food that's past the expiration date if it was sold at a big discount? it's an odd trend in grocery stores. >> it depends what the food is. >> yeah, i don't think -- >> milk. >> there is a lot of food waste. >> we'll get to that in a couple minutes. let's start this half hour with the so-called special event that apple fans have been waiting for for a long time. that tech giant unveiling its long awaited new products today. nbc's jacob rascon is there. jacob, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. we are only hours away from what may turn out to be the most closely watched tech event ever. anticipation is especially huge today as apple ceo tim cook is under so much pressure to release something not just redone but revolutionary. a scene like this can only mean one thing. the next big i-something is just around the corner. this morning, apple users are wondering how big. >> i feel they're still on top but now getting pressure to do something really amazing. >> reporter: does apple set the trend? >> i think they always have. >> and that, of course, is the iphone. >> reporter: more than seven years after the original release, the iphone is still the most popular smartphone in the country with an estimated 73 million users, many now ready for an upgrade. the big event expected to deliver that times two. >> now they're coming out with two phones. one is going to be slightly larger than the current phone, which is -- and the other is going to be quite large, sort of comparable to android phones. >> reporter: rumor has it, the larger, sleeker phones, with bigger batteries, faster processors, more durable screens and better cameras aren't the only stars of the show. for the first time since apple's iconic leader steve jobs passed away, the company is expected to unveil an entirely new product. >> could it be a watch? you better believe it. but apple is likely to call it something else. >> reporter: the new release will be a test for new apple ceo, tim cook, who has been criticized for not leaving his mark after jobs' death. other apple criticism has come from consumers worried about security after the tech giant admitted some celebrity icloud accounts were recently attacked and personal intimate photos were released. though for many average users, all can be forgiven if apple delivers on promised security upgrades and the new releases deliver on the i-hype. >> they have a responsibility, you think, to kind of one-up themselves. >> yeah. they always do and they usually deliver. and i hope they deliver this time. >> reporter: also rumored to be a big hit, a mobile payment system wouldn't be new, but apple is expected to make it popular, turning our devices into mobile wallets. an apple senior vice president is quoted as saying this will be the best product pipeline in 25 years. we'll see, coming up in a few hours. guys, back to you. >> all right, jacob rascon, jacob, thank you very much. always interesting to drive down fifth avenue at 4:30 in the morning and see the folks out there sleeping. >> it's exciting. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> announcer: "today's weather" is brought to you by chico's. find your fall fashion must-haves at chico's and >> another area we are watching today, big storms going to be firing up in the plains and the midwest today. so already heavy showers and thunderstorms through chicago. we have flood watches and flood warnings making their way from marquette all the way to des moines. here's what we expect. heaviest risk of strong storms for this afternoon from minnesota all the way down to kansas city, out into parts of nebraska. tornadoes likely out of this. and then the threat moves east overnight, which is even more dangerous when these severe storms happen at night when you can't see what's going on. green bay, chicago, st. louis, kansas city, iowa city. and look at the rainfall. we've got that flash flooding potential besides the severe weather locally, up to 4 to 6 inches of rain stretching from chicago on into central iowa. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happ 7:36. good tuesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at san francisco where you can take a look at the golden gate bridge and see the top of the transamerica building. the fog will be burning off earlier than yesterday and as a result will be 5 to 8 degrees warmer this afternoon. 76 in san francisco, out in the tri-valley, a warm day shaping up for you at 83 degrees. latest weather. brian? >> al, thanks. the royal family is revealing a little bit more about the news that the duchess of cambridge is expecting her second child with prince william. nbc's is outside kensington palace this morning. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, brian. we saw prince william leave kensington palace this morning looking happy and relaxed. duchess kate still being treated for severe morning sickness here at her apartment, 1a. even though she is in the very first weeks of her pregnancy, the speculation has already begun. will it be a little girl this time for prince william and duchess kate? how is she feeling? >> she is feeling okay. it's been a tricky few days. but obviously, we're thrilled. it's great news. early days. >> reporter: the bookies are already taking bets. boy or girl, brown eyes or blue? and it seems everyone is chiming in. >> i'd like to see her have another boy. >> reporter: even prince harry has a preference. >> with any luck, it's a girl. >> reporter: the queen taking a more neutral approach. delighted with the news, according to the official announcement. the royal couple made it known from the start, they wanted more than one child. >> obviously, you know, we want a family. >> i think the heir and the spare is always what's wanted. she may go on and have three or four. >> reporter: the new baby will be fourth in line to be king or queen, bunching prince harry to fifth. >> it's great. >> reporter: the youngest future king, bouncing baby george, is only 1 year old and has charmed the world. and aunt pippa, as she told matt. >> how is it being an aunt? >> wonderful. >> that's the biggest smile this morning. when i mention george, you smile. >> he's amazing. >> reporter: with prince george's younger brother or sister, another heir to the throne. >> oh, my god, i'm so happy! congrats. i can't wait! >> reporter: and the british public another reason to celebrate. and when might the british public see their adored dushess kate next? we're not sure. she has a scheduled appearance tomorrow for the opening ceremony of the invictus games, warrior games here in london. we're told the decision on that appearance will be made closer to the time. brian. >> outside their modest apartment in london. thanks. coming up for us, the trending topics this morning. one in particular will make your kids happy. but is it the right move? why more schools are doing away with homework. >> cheer just went up in the lawyer household. too old to eat? says who. the new popularity of salvage grocery stores that feature expired foods. after this. a chico's jacket makes a statement -- your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? 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[popping & fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. ♪ back now, 7:43 with a question we've all faced at one time or another. should you eat foods that are past their sell-by or use-by dates. brian has just told the story about some mott's applesauce that will change your life. >> 2012 was the date. >> what if you could save a lot of money if you do what brian does? there are stores that specialize in expired food products that a lot of us just toss out. nbc's kevin tibbles is in chicago with more on this. hey, kevin. >> reporter: hey, guys. a study by harvard researchers has found that some 40% of food produced in the united states goes to waste, simply because of confusion over the sell-by dates on the packaging. and it costs the average family some 1500 bucks a year. now there are salvage stores like this one, continental foods, lots for less, in chicago, that specialize in selling expired foods at greatly reduced prices. in louisville, kentucky, consumers at b & e salvage are looking for deals on meals. >> they always have such great bargains. >> reporter: 75% of the grocery items sold here have best by or used by dates that have already expired. but that's not stopping the shopping. >> we sell at a date, we sell close date. we won't sell you anything we won't eat or sell. >> reporter: the store buys products from food brokers. most of the packaged products have expired within the past few months. >> it's nothing to do with safety at all. it's the manufacturer's best guest of when the food is freshest and best quality. >> reporter: at a nearby grocery, we found a 12-ounce bag of coffee selling for $8.99. at b & e, the same coffee sells for $3.99. at the other grocery, a large box of crackers sells for $4.26. at b & e salvage, the same crackers are two boxes for $1 with an expiration date of may 14th. >> crackers and stuff usually are going to be good for a while. >> reporter: experts caution that some expired products may lose nutritional value and urge common sense. the salvage stores don't sell expired meat products. >> salmon that you bought expired, i wouldn't -- that's just something you just wouldn't risk as much as, you know, a box of pretzels or cereal. >> since i saved some money, i had to check out chocolates and get the candy on sale always. >> reporter: savvy shoppers keen on saving money deciding themselves what's really past its shelf life. consumers are, however, warned not to use baby formula or medicines that have passed their sell-by dates but many packaged goods can live on. as you know, twin twinkies live on forever. >> got that. this made us nostalgic for our childhoods. >> all four of us grew up in families where our mother called it the used bread store. >> the outlet store, yeah. >> you would do this. you like this concept? >> i think it's a great idea. >> in a heartbeat. there is food waste in this country. >> you would buy a product past its sell-by date. would you buy a canned product with a dent in it? >> yes. >> a lot of people have a thing about that. >> i'll get the crackers the minute this shift is over. >> here's a quiz. what's the one food that will never spoil? >> honey. >> bingo. they found honey in the pyramids. in fact, honey nut cheerios in the pyramids. >> you don't get this on "nightly news." >> can we declare that a little old for use? >> back in my day -- >> a package of wonder bread right next to king tut. coming up on trending, you're going to be surprised where you'll find the most germs in your workplace. this morning, it's just to my right. and next, carson is in the orange room digging into the video vault in honor of brian's appearance here this morning. first, these messages. >> oh, my. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. i got this. 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[thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. everyday they feel somethingdove happening.days with no mirrors? on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. take the dove 7 day test. hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! 7:51. it is under protest and under duress that it's time to head over to carson in the orange room for a blast from my particular past. carson, go easy here, pal. >> we're not breaking rocks in the hot sun, brian. don't worry, it will be okay. day two of our homecoming, brian williams stepping in at the anchor desk. we tried to find a flashback clip of you. turns out you look exactly the same. here you are 20 years ago as white house correspondent. you also anchored with matt five years ago on this very show and you seemed to be struggling a little bit with the early morning. let's go back and open up the video vault. >> all i know is, when a brother calls for help, as matt did yesterday, i show up. i'm here. >> we talked on the phone. glad to have you here. we talked on the phone yesterday, true story, brian says, yeah, i'll be there tomorrow. what time does the show start? you are now further into a broadcast than you have been in a long time. are you holding up? are you okay? >> i only do the half hours usually. but thanks for getting me out of the half hour hump. >> nearly an hour in. how does it feel? >> fantastic. i got through that half hour hump. >> again. >> but enough about matt. >> i'll just leave the dancing -- we all enjoy this. >> oh, yeah. >> we want to see that again. >> let's just go to break on this. >> look at the hips! >> look at that action. >> thanks so much. ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh... weird... seriously? what? they're magically delicious i and i wondered what it was. pain, everywhere. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's a powerful reflection of validayour drive to succeed.nts. so, forget the gold watch; grab the brass ring... you don't need anyone to tell you that success is yours, because you're busy... ...seizing it... ...drafting it... ...tuning it... making it. the new 2015 cadillac ats. introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. ♪ ♪ you're watching "today in the bay." >> a good tuesday morning to you. it 7:56. i'm sam brock. we are just about two hours away now from the biggest announcement from apple in years. this a live look at the company's headquarters in cupertino. looks like they got folks out and at the ready for all the people coming in today. apple's new ceo is getting ready to make the anticipated announcement. technical experts expect major new products, including the iphone 6, which is rumored to have a bigger screen. there are also questions about a watch and wearable systems. we will have a live report. scott mcgrew will bring us all of the latest. let's see what's going on in the weather front with meteorologist christina loren. >> we're going to clear you out earlier. temps will be warmer reflecting the high pressure building in for us today. 81 degrees in the south bay. it's going to be warmer tomorrow. 76 on the peninsula, 71 on the east shore. out on the tri-valley, about 86 for you. 85 degree, slow clearing for the north bay. this is where we're headed. it's going to be warm for the next few days and then we'll drop you right back off for the weekend. >> we're looking over here toward 880 in oakland. we just saw this slow down in the last ten minutes. the right-hand side all the way into didn't to the toll plaza where the backup is there. san mateo also backed up. there are periods where things are completely stopped and starting to recover. look at that, the arrow showing you the dunbarton bridge with traffic. >> heavy red patches on 101 there thank you very much, mike. we'll see you again in 25 minutes. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, workplace woes. why heading into the office could be hazardous to your health. still rockin' and still rocking and still rolling the one and only keith richards opens up about his unexpected new project and his life long love of music. >> what was the first rock song that you learned to play? ♪ and funny man jason segel talks about taking his talents from the big screen to the book shelves. today september 9, 2014. >> good morning from boston. >> hello to my son in north carolina. >> good morning to our friends in vicksburg, michigan. ♪ >> celebrating 25 years married. >> we are celebrating our one-year anniversary here. >> we are celebrating my birthday. >> my dog's birthday. [ cheers and applause ] >> and we are back now 8:00 on a tuesday morning. the 9th day of september, 2014. something we don't get to say very often i'm matt lauer with brian williams. >> by the way, just for you we have a subject coming up in trending all about the germiest place in the office which is appropriate because this morning you are a walking germ factory. >> we know matt's relationship with germs. bring that in. out of an abundance of caution i thought i have this cold that so many people have and i never want anything to come between us. it works for television. this is a sneeze and cough barrier because it is that time of year in between seasons. >> you are like the gallagher of news. >> i spent all last week with former ebola patients. allies. president obama will detail his plan in a speech to the nation wednesday night. the fbi and cdc are investigating the bizarre attack on a u.s. air marshall stabbed with a syringe. >> reporter: good morning to you. after that attack in nigeria the air marshal is quarantine here in houston. while the fbi and cdc are investigating it is what happened after the attack that is raising even more questions. a group of u.s. federal agents was at the airport in nigeria traveling under cover in plain clothes as they do when on duty. they were about to walk through security when they were approached by several men. sources tell our affiliate one man walked up to the agent carrying a syringe and stabbed an air marshal in the arm and ran away. he pulled it out of his arm and stored it and boarded flight 193 to houston. >> it may have been saline solution but a dry run to see how easily this could be done on someone else. >> reporter: officials say he showed no signs of illness during the flight or in tests when he arrived in houston. amid concerns about ebola in africa questions are being raised about he should have gotten on the plane. when dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol were diagnosed they were brought to the u.s. separately in a special airplane. with up to 250 passengers on the flight from nigeria one thisays thinks the marshal was wrong for getting on the flight. >> you don't know if other people are at risk. >> reporter: authorities say there is no indication that passengers on that plane have anything to worry about. >> thank you, janet. comedy genius mel brooks gave extra something when he set his hands and footprints in cement monday. brooks wor an extra prosthetic finger and said it would be amusing if tourists saw prints and thought he had six fingers. brooks is being honored on the 3 40th anniversary of his film "young frankenstein." >> you have melbrooks. we have a great -- you guys, most people get a t shirt you got a dog. who is this? >> this is bertha. i am celebrating my birthday today. >> how old? >> 58. >> she is so calm. what a good dog. let's show you what we have. we are looking at heavy showers and thunderstorms. a lot of rain flooding in norfolk yesterday. some areas picking up up to 10 inches of rain. along the outer banks you can see heavy showers and thunderstorms. look at this cold air coming in thursday, friday and saturday. temperatures are going to be from 10 to 30 degrees normal from minneapolis to northern texas. a risk of strong storms today in the northern plains. and a beautiful day in th 8:07. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. onshore flow is strong and bringing clouds in all the way along the peninsula. clearing out quickly in the south bay. it will be warmer in the afternoon with strong offshore flow and high pressure building in. high pressure is the story of the day. look at the numbers, still below average, but watch what happens between today and tomorrow. we're going to jump from 81 degrees today, up to 88 degrees tomorrow, and staying warm all week long. what did you just call somebody out in the audience? >> he's cold. >> where are you from? >> denver! >> oh, my gosh. >> big strapping guy like you? come on. >> because it never gets cold in denver. >> all right, thank you. coming up on trending, hoping children aren't watching this. a story on a growing number of schools banning homework. what we know about that, coming up. what could be better, sir richard branson and puppies. we should point out, separate topics. we'll talk to him about his new book. and later inside the mind of your dog. but first, these messages. ♪ 14 years to the day, we got our first prius. ♪ sometimes the most daring ideas... ...are the ones you can count on the most. ♪ the prius. toyota, lets go places. oh, there's an energy crisis happening, alright. a human one. and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. it's how we help keep go-getters like you, going, and getting. one bite at a time. make it with milk for a boost of protein. quaker up. suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. [ mike ] i wanted to do some good for my guys. so i'm trying best foods with olive oil. let's see what happens. that's not best foods on your sandwiches. it's best foods with olive oil. whaddaya want, a parade? [ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. [ laughter ] thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! what we eat and drink can stain our teeth. new colgate total lasting white mouthwash strengthens teeth... and has an invisible shield that helps block stains like this. for a healthy white smile that lasts. new colgate total lasting white. but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? ♪ now we're getting somewhere. get the party started with friskies party mix california dreamin' cat treats. ♪ we're back at 8:13 with what's trending today. gang, let's be gentle. this is brian's first-ever trending. already the focus of one of the stories, though. germs in the office. he's sick, under the weather, carrying lots of germs. a new study from the university of arizona will make you think twice about what you do and who you touch at work. so what is the germiest place in your office? turns out it is -- >> bathroom. >> no. the break room. >> ooh. >> the germiest surface is the coffee pot handle. >> ooh! >> by the way, microwave handle comes in close second. one researcher saying that hands actually spread germs more quickly. this is hard to believe -- that your hands spread more quickly than if you just sneeze. >> sneeze on somebody? >> that's lovely. >> thank you so much. enjoy breakfast, everyone. now on to new insight into an unlikely friendship. presidents clinton and george w. bush 43 trading jokes and compliments. very affectionately doerg during an event monday. clinton revealed that bush would call him twice a year from the white house to pick his brain. but then the talk turned to the impending arrival of clinton's first grandchild. here the tables turned. 43 offering 42 a little advice. >> be prepared to fall completely in love again. get ready also to be, like, the lowest person in the pecking order in your family. >> some interesting conversation. the leaders in the respective presidential libraries joining forces to train young leaders. >> great. >> it is great to see. >> our former presidents. >> a lot of fun to see. speaking of the presidency, normally people are excited to visit the white house, right? apparently not everyone. take a look at this little boy. his dad leading the secret service. and even though his parents are meeting the president, clearly not very impressed doing a face-plant on the couch in the oval office. >> he has to live with that picture when he grows up. >> can't photo shop that, kid. >> he'll be applying for a job, yeah, i was the kid who did that. of. >> did you ever do that in your years at the white house? >> never. >> without the president knowing? >> no, no. >> just a little nap would have been nice on the couch. meanwhile, has there ever been a time to be a student in apparently -- remember a couple weeks ago we told you about the push to delay school start times to allow kids to sleep in. this morning news that your kids are probably going to be even happier to hear. there is a growing number of schools all over the country that are banning homework. yes, you heard that right, kids. as parents and educators grapple over how students should spend time, many schools are opting out all together. for example, one elementary school in rockville, maryland, simply asks students to read for a half hour each night. i'm one of the parents, i like the routine, i like the kids to have structure. i'm one of those who think a little homework is good but not excessive. >> my son is texting me now, dad, can we move to rockville, maryland. >> i'm thrilled about this, because it won't remind me how dumb i am. i'm struggling. >> fourth grade math, can't get past it. >> oh, math. >> a lot of you add, would you support the policy of no homework policy. 75% of you saying you would support that. 25% saying no. a lot more people in favor. this next story i think may confirm some of our worst suspicions. do you k this next story may confirm worst suspicions. do you know what your waiter is doing when you are not looking? >> i don't want to know. >> in a new study servers are coming clean. 11% admitting they increase their own tip without permission. 65% kept a customer waiting longer than necessary. here is the one you have been waiting for. 6% admitted to deliberately contaminating food. the loogy in the soup routine. be nice to your waiters. >> i didn't order oysters. >> really? >> i worked at a pancake house and we had a psych path short order cook. i have seen it happen. it is horrible. >> thanks. i'm saying -- seafood restaurants. >> that is what is trending today. we turn to a legendary rock and roller, rolling stones guitarist keith richards. after five decades as a rock icon he is going strong. now richards is reaching out with a children's book called "gus and me." >> i'm trying to imagine 1971 you just record "brown sugar" and you are sitting around and you go i really want to do children's books. >> it's a hard one to bite on. >> i hope you don't take it as an insult. you have heard them all that most people don't think of the name keith richards and the words children's book in the same sentence. >> i understand this and i am trying to broaden my appeal. >> you are reaching out to a whole new audience. >> trying to make grandpa's hip. >> reporter: when it comes to hip grandpas it is richards' own who is the subject of "gus and me." >> what made you decide he was the guy you wanted to pay tribute? >> i realize a subtle way he had of turning me on to being a musician. he said this is a very simple spanish piece and it is an exercise basically and it can go anyway you want. if you can get your fingers around you will be a guitar player. >> do you remember the song? i got a guitar right there. can you do it on the guitar? ♪ >> it's like riding a bicycle, isn't it? i got the book here. i picked a couple of pages. will you read them? >> we walk through the towns and the country side. and gus would hum every step of the way and hum from one village to the next. we wandered skinny streets and smoky alleys marching songs as we tip towe along foggy ponds. >> kids thinking why didn't he read me bed time stories? most children's books have a lesson or a message. what do you want young readers to think of with this? >> kids are aware they have grandfathers and the grandparents recognize and realize that they have grand kids and to tighten that bond. "gus and me" is a true family affair with words by richards and drawings from his daughter. >> i think theodora said there was a time you would have never gotten caught dead in a broadway musical and now from time to time you are there. and if there is a softening of you. is that fair? >> it is called growing up or old. >> mature. >> maturity. do you find that? >> i guess in a way, yeah. when you have more to care about you have to soften up and you have to pay more attention to things. it's called responsibility and maturity and it's called a whole lot of fun if you can make it. you don't want to croak early. >> now 70 keith richards is a grandfather himself five times over. >> how old are your grand kids? >> they range from 18 to 4 months. >> when they hear "jumping jack flash" or "brown sugar" what do you want them to think of you? >> what a great piece of rock and roll. >> do you think they get it? >> music is music. lots of people get off on jazz and '30s music and i don't think a time limit comes into music. i think good music is good music and it is timeless and that's what it is about. >> how cool is he? >> his voice is amazing. i could listen forever. >> "gus and me" comes out today. the stones are on tour in new zealand. let's go outside to carson and al. let's go out to carson and . >> thank you very much, matt. appreciate that. all morning long, the folks here on the plaza have been taking part in this. this is the voice 360, a 3-d virtual reality experience that let's fans go through a blind audition in a real-life coach's chair. al, you're in the hot seat right now. are you ready to go? >> sure. >> you're going to help blake shelton pick a contestant to join his team. put on your headset. >> okay. >> and when you're ready, we're going to turn your chair. are you ready, al? >> of course. >> here we go. we'll spin al around. you are on "the voice." describe everything that you're seeing. >> okay. i'm seeing -- >> hey, you. >> i'm seeing people behind me. >> nice talking to you. >> oh, hi, blake. now people are clapping. ♪ now you're in the blind audition right now. do you feel like you're there? >> yeah, yeah. yes, i can see pharrell. there's pharrell. and there's blake. >> yeah. >> look up. what do you see up? is. >> i see pharrell turning. >> pharrell turned. >> okay. >> you're trying to turn, are you? >> i'm trying to turn. >> what is blake saying to you? >> oh, spinning now. there's blake over there. and i'm -- >> you're in it. >> i'm there. there's the guy singing. >> now you can just enjoy it. >> wow. and then that's it. >> what did you think of that? you were just on "the voice." >> i will tell you this. there's a little -- if you suffer from vertigo there is a little motion sickness. >> a little virtual reality. >> so enjoy your breakfast before you go. >> all right. great job. al, everybody. don't forget, you can catch the season premier of "the voice," monday september 22, of course, right here on nbc. are you going to be all right, al? want a glass of water? >> i'll just live in this world now from now on. >> coming up, we go inside the minds of dogs. plus, jason segel is here to scare you. all that coming up. but you're watching today in the bay. >> good tuesday morning to you, it's 8:26. i'm sam brock. san bruno city council will meet today to discuss what to do with the money pse&g is supposed to pay them for the 2010 deadly gas pipeline explosion. the meeting marks four years since that explosion and will end with a moment of silence for the eight people who lost their lives that day. 38 homes were also destroyed, many of them have not been rebuilt since. in the south bay, typical pleasantries to start your day. for more, we check in with mike. >> good morning, slow down. jamming up once again, but let's look at the map in general, we have a very slow drive on all of your northbound routes. a new crash northbound 85 and maybe someone in a rush to get over to the mystery box, apple's announcing, slowing down your drive a bit. typical volume for tuesday, slowdowns all over the bay. palo alto, 101, dipping in toward the 40 miles per hour range. sam, back to you. >> mysteries abounding this morning, but definitely not as it pertains to traffic. we'll have another look at news and weather for you coming up in 25 minutes. see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. at kaiser permanente,score. everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ ♪ we're back now, 8:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 9th of september, 2014. the sun is shining. people are smiling on the plaza. and why shouldn't they be? because brian williams is here for savannah today. we're happy to have you. >> thank you. thank you. it's a pleasure to be here. this is hardly about me. >> oh, don't be modest. >> you know who it is about? >> who? >> hoda and kathie lee, who will be your hosts all morning long tomorrow. >> that begs the question, why? doesn't it? by the way, our dogs. >> dogs in their hands and not drinking. >> it's still early. >> even for us, it's a little early. >> should we explain the props here? >> yes, why we have the props. >> we're going to be doing a segment inside the minds of your dog. >> that's why you're the co host of the show. unbelievable. >> anyway, thank you, ladies. >> our dogs are cold. that's what's on their minds. >> don't leave. we've got a little more to do. >> he helped me make the scale tip here. it's all guys today. it's a man show. >> okay. >> also ahead, we have sir richard branson here, he's going to reveal his tease to being a great leader and also update his plans to go into outer space and get tourists to go up into outer space. jason segel tells us why he decided to take a walk on the scary side. >> all right. but first, mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> all right. let's show you, for today we have a risk of strong storms in the mid plains. we're also looking at wet weather in the northern plains. temperatures are going to be nice and toasty throughout texas. wet weather in the southeast. gorgeous day along the west coast. tomorrow, that risk of strong storms moves into the upper ohio river valley. beautiful day in new england and the northeast. look for gorgeous weather in the pacific northwest. 81 degrees in portland today. tomorrow, i should say. 8:32. good tuesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. at this point, the fog is burning off quickly, only reaching the immediate coast, as we head throughout the day today, we're going to see quicker clearing, and as a result, temperatures will be warmer. by about five to eight degrees, but still below average for this time of year. 77 degrees on the peninsula. 71 degrees for the east shore. 67 in san francisco. out in the tri-valley, warm day for you, but only up to 83 degrees as we get into tomorrow. temperatures keep on climbing another five degrees. and that's your latest weather. brian? >> al, thanks. sir richard branson is a billionaire entrepreneur, the founder, of course, of the virgin group, which now includes more than 100 companies worldwide. and along the way, he has become famous for his publicity stunts and extreme challenges. as famous for that as his business skills, which are formidable. and now he is out with a new book about his rather unorthodox manner of doing business. it is called "the virgin way:spaig everything i know about leadership." and because he knows something about making an entrance, let's bring in sir richard now. ♪ this is how al roker comes to work every day. >> nice to see you. >> a pleasure to have you. can you explain the significance? >> beautiful new uniform. there we go. >> better you than me. fantastic. >> made by vivian westwood who did the sexiest outfit many, many years ago. >> i was going to guess it was sex pistol inspired. this is what we'll be seeing in the skies. thank you all for coming. first of all, explain to the folks, remind the folks who perhaps know something about your life story. what was the last year of formal education you had? >> i was 14 years old when i had my last real year of education. and then started planning a magazine. so it goes back an awful long way. 50 years of learning the art of survival in -- as an entrepreneur. and being out in the world and not -- no formal education, really. >> and you make it plain, you've never read a business book. and you've written so plainly about how to succeed. one of the points you drive home is keep trying. don't give up. follow your heart. follow your dreams. to the people who come up to you and say, you know, it's fine. you are who you are. you have an extraordinary package of skills. i'm in an economic point in my life where i can't afford to to it anymore, because it's not panning out. how do you send them back to work? >> well, i was starting a business, is something which you don't have to have a degree to start a business. you have to have an idea. an idea to make people's lives better. and if you have that idea, just try it. and you'll learn a lot in the process. you may be successful, you may not be successful. get a great team of people around you who believe in your idea. and have a lot of fun trying it. and there are a lot of people who have embarked on that who have become very, very successful. >> safe to say, you're known best for the aviation business, which you have now taken to another extreme. you're going into space. you yourself. and paying customers. update us on how that project is going. >> fortunately, it's now going very well. it's taken longer than we thought. we have had -- the mother ship is now finished, the space ship is finished, the space port is finished. and we have been developing two separate rockets, both of which came due about two months ago. so we're now going through the final testing stages. we'll be doing, you know, at least one flight into space before the end of the year. and then we'll move the whole operation to new mexico where the space port is. and i'll be going up with my son, sam, earlyish in the new year. >> and the ticket price, remind us, for those who are not named branson? >> it's $250,000. but in time the price will come down. so hopefully a lot of people watching this program one day will be able to afford to go to space and become astronauts. >> we already know what the flight attendant uniforms will look like. sir richard branson, thank you so much for joining us this morning. again, the book is "the virgin way," sir richard branson joining us in the studio. coming up, you may have heard the sounds in the background. what is your pet really thinking? how is that for a transition? we'll go inside the mind of your dog. there they are. and here's another one. up next, why actor jason segel is about to give your kids nightmares. if his project works. but first, this is "today" on nbc. you know him from his light-hearted comedy roles. but now jason segel wants to haunt your dreams and bring terror into your life with his first book, "nightmares." jason, good morning. >> good morning. it was such an intimidating intro. >> where were you on the night -- what is the deal here? you go from sex tapes to a novel for what age group here? >> i think 8 years old up. it's that age where you like to be a little bit scared and you like to be forced to put the book down and then pick it back up when you regain your courage. but i remember these books like the doll books like goonees and labarinth, caught me at an age where i needed to be reminded there was still magic out there. and that's why i'm here. >> the main character is 12 years old, his mom passed away, his father remarries and he starts having these bad dreams. is it the same dream over and over again or are they different? >> it's the same recurring dream about witches eating his toes. that was a dream i had. >> you had that? i read you had a different dream. >> well, i also had a dream about dracula chasing me through his castel. and then the power of the human brain. at some point i found a secret room he didn't know about and hung out in there. >> so the witches toes, the recurring dream about dracula. were you a bed-wetter? i know this has nothing to do with anything, i'm just curious. >> that's a really interesting question. i did wet my bed for a little while when my little sister was born out of spite. >> spite? just to get attention? >> yeah, there was a new kid in the household. and then my mom said fine, i'm not going to wash your sheets anymore and i stopped wetting my bed. >> how long did your dracula dreams last and witches toes dreams last? >> into my early teens when i started getting creative, actually, is when that stuff went away. and that's sort of -- i think you were saying to keith richards that these kids' books generally have a message. this one has one. it's okay to be afraid. i didn't want to write a book about that you don't need to be afraid, because things scare you. it happens. but for me, you know, i do a lot of stuff in this business. i write and i act and i sing. it's not that i'm especially gifted at all of those things. it's that i'm not afraid. and i'm not afraid to be bad at something until i'm good at it. >> not to get too personal, although you've already done the bed-wetting thing. did you ever go to seek help for the dreams that you were having? >> no. they sort of -- they sort of gave way around my early teens. honestly, when i started -- my parents enrolled me in an acting class when i was -- >> you think it was just a different outlet for those thoughts? >> yeah. i think so. i think that your dreams are sort of manifestations of an energy you haven't dealt with. and so i started dealing with them creatively. and i think that's why i wrote this. >> is this now the first of a series of books? >> yeah, it's going to be one book per year for the next three years. it's a trilogy. i'm thrilled. i wrote it with an amazing woman named kirsten miller. >> you revealed your mom had a nightmare and your mom's nightmare was seeing your full frontal nudity scene in "forgetting sara marshal." >> yeah. she wasn't pleased about that. >> how long was that scene? it wasn't a glancing blow. >> no. it was a really long scene. it's like seven or eight minutes long. there i am. goes hand-in-hand with the kids book. yeah, i got dumped once while i was naked. and maybe this is my problem in life. the whole time i'm supposed to experience it as a human being, i'm thinking this is going to be so funny in a movie. >> does that embarrass you? does anything embarrass you, actually, these days? >> i get embarrassed when i'm unprepared. do you know -- you too? >> i have those dreams. that i'm not prepared for something. the old not ready for a test. >> yeah. you know what i learned as i got older? to give myself a break. as long as i'm trying as hard as i can and doing everything i can at every moment to make what i'm doing good, you're going to mess up and you're not going to be perfect. it's okay. i mean, these books, they're really -- they're really me talking to myself in a lot of ways. but i've learned as i got older -- everything is okay. >> before i let you go, someone who has had a rather on and off relationship with social media. >> yeah. >> you dumped social media. >> i totally dumped social media. >> after making a disparaging remark. >> i stand by my remark, which was that sandwiches are more diverse than burritos. i'm just saying as a burrito becomes too diverse, it becomes a wrap. >> yeah. yeah, you don't belong on social media. you really don't. this is great. you're a great guest. by the way. >> thank you very much. you're a great host. >> thank you very much. this book is called "night nam s "nightmares." >> nice to have you. >> likewise. >> up next, puppies. we take you inside the mind of your dog. but first, this is "today" on nbc. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. school is in and so are the savings. pretty lady green grapes are just $1.99 a pound. kids love kraft mac & cheese. you'll love that it's 79¢ a box. and grab capri sun for just $1.88. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. ♪ for the love of pets on "today," is brought to you by purina. your pet, our passion. we're back now. 8:46. more of our series "for the love of pets." this morning we're talking about inside the mind of your dogs. we have been challenging the nbc censors this morning. >> we have, using the worldwide resources of nbc news, a number of special correspondents who happen to know a lot about the subject. nbc's craig melvin is here to translate. craig and pal, good morning. >> that was daisy. >> hey! >> this is daisy. she will be back. a puppet show with hedgehogs and rats may not sound scientific but these studies at yale university are asking intriguing questions about just what is going on inside the mind of your dog. they're four-legged and furry. our best friends, roommates and life participants. and sometimes they seem to say the darnest things. so it's no wonder we want to know everything we can about them. >> what is he thinking? i mean, you know that they're thinking something. >> let's face it. we are obsessed with our pets. >> they really become part of the family. and i think it's natural we want to understand them better and give them really good lives. >> now scientists catching on with a new breed of research. canine cognition. that's right. exploring inside the minds of our dogs. one scientist is scanning dog brains to see how they respond to facial expressions. others are studying dog jealousy, be even dog guilt. and here at yale university, our cameras got behind the scenes access inside their canine cognition sensor, led by psychologist mory santos. >> the purpose of the center is to figure out what's going on inside dogs' heads. these are guys that live with us, grow up with us, we share our homes and families with them. yet scientifically, we don't know much about how dogs think. >> today's subjects, scooter, 6 years old. fin, 3. and benjamin westerbrook esquire, age 2. we'll call him ben. the first test, a puppet show asking, are dogs moral? what are we trying to learn here? >> really what we're trying it learn is how ben is processing these different actions. does he just see them as these pickup mets moving or does he think of the actions in terms of helping and hindering in terms of good actions and bad actions? >> twice, the dogs watch as the nice rat helps the hedgehog up the hill. and the mean rat pushes it down. >> and now we're going to see how ben processes those two puppets by giving him a choice. ben is doing what we see in a lot of dogs, they go to check out the puppet that was mean. >> ben chose the mean puppet too. and scooter? >> he's like where are the treats. >> scooter chooses nothing. >> this exact study has been done with humans and what you find is they can tell the difference between the mean puppet and the nice puppet. and they prefer to interact with the nice puppet. >> the second test, puzzles and treats that beg the question, do dogs trust us? >> showing him there's food only in one of the spots. and she shows him how to open it. >> fin, look! >> so the question is whether fin just does what angie shows him or whether he kind of goes on his own to find stuff. >> santos says it's still too early for final results, but one thing is quite clear. it may be tougher than she thought to crack the canine code. >> there's just tremendous variation. certain dogs are good at certain things other dogs aren't. so to really characterize how dogs overall think is going to be a bit of a challenge. >> but there does appear to be one common thread so far. the behavior of man's best friend likely has a lot to do with man himself. >> dogs are just so attuned to what we do. they're watching our subtle behaviors, they're paying attention to what we pay attention to. and this might be the key to their success. >> success for our beloved dogs who already hold the key to our hearts. >> i think we're going to find a much richer relationship between us and dogs than we ever expected. >> so there are more cats in this country than dogs, but who exactly is the most favored pet? as you know, that is quite contentio contentious. highly debatable -- >> aww! >> i can tell you there are far less research studies looking at the mind of a cat. the researchers at yale, a thousand dogs, by the way -- a thousand dogs showed up to participate in this study. >> on their own! >> they drove themselves there. so far they have looked at about 200. these puppies, by the way, are all up for adoption. we should note. 11th hour rescue is -- >> look at these three here. oh, my goodness. >> out cold. >> ready to go home together. clearly. >> awww. >> jumped out -- >> this one here. >> they -- you need to take home some more dogs. >> if you are interested in adopting any of these, head to our website, for more information. up next, the finalists in our one direction fan faceoff compete live. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ we're back now at 8:53 with the kickoff of our one direction fan face-off. carson? >> let's get to it. everybody, please say hello. we've got rifka from texas, kylie booth from oklahoma. there is jc from indiana and colleen kelsey from new hampshire. i want to welcome you all. good to have you here. today's challenge is called "i.d. the guy from one-d." brilliant. pic picks pixelated photos of the guys. the first guest to buzz in will move on. unfortunately, one of you going home. pay close attention. you guys ready? >> yes. >> excited? >> yes. >> hands on your buzzers, please. here's the first photo. right there. unpixelating. when you recognize it, hit your buzzer. right there. we've got kylie. >> william? >> that is not liam. go ahead, colleen. >> louie? >> no, that is not. >> who is next? jaycee. >> harry? >> no. >> where are we. right here, kylie. >> niles. that. >> is nile. >> you are safe. you're moving on this week. let's take a look at the second photo, everybody. here comes the second photo. wow, you hit all the guys. nice job, you got it there. kylie. wow. early on the buzzer for the second photo. >> harry? >> that is harry. my goodness! the 10-year-old, youngest in the competition. congratulations. where is your dad? there is raoul. you guys made it. excellent job. jaycee and colleen, comes down to you. the final photo. please put it up. here we go. hands on your buzzers, ladies. final photo. that is colleen. i'm sorry? >> louie? >> no, it's not louie. well you're safe. so jc? it is a. congratulations to you. colleen, i'm sorry, you're going home. but you're not leaving empty-handed. this is for you. >> thank you. >> inside that envelope, you will be able to see a one-d-con certificate of your choice. congratulations to you guys. kylie, jc, ripka. you're moving on. until tomorrow. they'll be back and you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning, just a few minutes before 9:00. i'm kris sanchez. this morning, the city council will vote on creating a list of businesses who have surveillance cameras and want to let the city have access to them. meteorologist christina loren has a look at our weather forecast and whether or not it's clear this morning. >> you know, it's still pretty murky out there this morning, chr kris, but temperatures will be warmer. about 81 degrees in the south bay. 67 degrees for san francisco today and 71 degrees on the east shore. as we head throughout the next couple days, temperatures will climb. we're up to 87 degrees in the south bay for tomorrow, and we'll stale relatively warm most of the week all the way through friday. ♪ from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. it's september the 9th, 2014. good-looking crowd outside on the plaza. i'm willie geist along with al roker, natalie morales, tamron hall. we're still recovering from the presence of one brian williams on the "today" program. >> brian william vapors. >> it was the man show here. i was the only woman on-set. >> at the beginning of the program, we had not only brian williams, we had bryant gumbel, josh elliot. it was like -- man cam. >> raining men. >> you sound like you're complaining, natalie. >> did i -- i said -- if i were to start singing it now, then i would be -- >> then we would start complaining. there you go. >> wow. >> all right. let's get right into the news. you have seen the video by now. ray rice has been cut by the baltimore ravens, suspended indefinitely by the nfl. it's ugly video. >> hard to watch. >> shows rice apparently knocking out his then fiancee. now his wife in an atlantic city hotel elevatener february. tmz sports released the video that shows rice knocking out palmer in a single punch, hitting the railing inside an elevat elevator. earlier video shows rice dragging an unconscious palmer out of the video. that's still the new video. the old video we had is the front of him dragging her out of the elevator. he was indicted for aggravated assault in march. the day before he and palmer were married, actually. he got probation, ordered to attend anger management. the nfl at the time gave him two-game suspension. there was an outcry over that, too lenient. guys who smoke weed get four games. he got two. nfl commissioner roger goodell admitted he didn't get the punishment right and announced tougher sanctions on future offenders. this morning, a new statement from the nfl. they say, security for atlantic city casinos is handled by the new jersey state police. any videos related to an ongoing criminal investigation are held in the custody of state police. as we said yesterday, we requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident, including the video from inside the elevator. that video was not made available to us. take a step back. this happens yesterday. he's cut, suspended, and everyone is saying, wait a minute, the nfl launched this investigation, hadn't seen the video inside the elevator? >> and a lot of people think they had to have known about this. >> had to have known or at least willfully ignored it, which is what tmz sports reported. a new statement from the nfl saying it's under the control of the police. we couldn't get to it. we reached out to the prosecutor's office in atlantic city. that office declined to comment on the video or race's case at this time. rice's agent had no comment. obviously, the acts by ray rice, the video, reprehensible. the rarchs did the right thing. now the questions are for the nfl. are we really to believe that nfl security did not have access and did not see the video inside the elevator? >> impossible. >> impossible to believe that. and if tmz could get access, security people could easily have said where's the tape. beyond that, it doesn't matter what that tape shows. >> we know she got knocked out. >> you know she got knocked out. we saw the aftermath of that tape. this tape, it's too little too late, is beyond the question we should be asking today. the reality is, the evidence was plain in sight. and it's very clear what happened. >> as bryant gumbel pointed out earlier on the program, there are a number of other nfl players. >> three cases since they announced their new domestic violence policy have sprouted up. i call complete nonsense on the focus of this video. to your point. how was she knocked out doesn't matter. she was. and we saw -- i don't like this what happened before, because i believe, in my opinion, there's a dot, dot, dot of maybe she did something. what happened in there? it doesn't matter if he used an elbow, a hand, a weapon. she was completely knocked out. when that door opened. that's all they needed to see. and the next part of the conversation, former governor ed rendell of pennsylvania said, should roger goodell step down. that's the -- >> that's -- those are the dots people are -- >> absolutely. >> people are trying to make that connection. does roger goodell survive this. >> and i'm also not happy with people who keep saying, why is she staying? and, you know, there is some victim shaming going on here. and part of the -- it doesn't matter if they don't. why are you asking that question? child or not? and we -- a crime was committed. charges were reduced. he has a plea deal. didn't take the plea deal. he has an arrangement where he's got to go to anger management. initially, she was even charged. they were dropped against her. but it's incredible. i talked with vice president joe biden yesterday about his effort. 20-year anniversary of the violence against women act. and part of that act includes officers can show up to a scene, if there is a sign of domestic violence, they don't have to have the victim press charges. they can at that point follow up and arrest that individual. all of this, part of this act. but i think some of this focus on the video, some of this shaming of the woman, it's just too much. it's absolutely too much. >> there was a tweet that was deleted yesterday. 4:30 p.m. yesterday. it was posted on may the 23rd from the ravens' official account that says janay rice regrets the role she played in this incident. in other words, they were circling the wagons around ray rice and forced her to go out and make some kind of apology and post it. >> i think what they meant was commissioner goodell -- they meant together. ray rice and his wife. >> right. >> so you can't really have a conversation one-on-one in that situation. and you don't -- you know at that point, there's sort of a strategy and a game plan being talked about. how do we handle this. it's the crisis of the situation of the moment. as a pr scandal, is what they were log at, rather than as this is a woman's life. >> and a violent act -- the vice president said -- we'll play more of this interview. he believes there should be a zero tolerance in all sports. none of this gradual did you it once, you get a pass. there should be zero tolerance, as with violence in schools. a kid comes in with a weapon or threatens. zero tolerance. why is that not part of the conversation? not just for the nfl, major league baseball, the nba. soccer, whatever. let's look at it through that prism. >> this is obviously going to be discussed for a long time to come. as is this next story, which is -- really very interesting. >> this is incredible. an estimated -- right now, 1 in 68 u.s. children have an autism spectrum disorder. there is a new study out that may offer inspiring hope to families. it's out today from uc-davis and looks at early intervention. we have heard people talk about early intervention. currently children generally begin treatment between 12 and 48 months. now seven infants ages 6 months to 15 months who were initially exhibiting severe autism symptoms, which include failure to make eye contact, repetitive play behavior, absence of babbling, some of the things you all noticed i'm sure early on in your children. those are milestones. over this three-year period, examined these children, and seven of them showed normal patterns of verbal and nonverbal development with early intervention. so to tell us more is dr. lee banekor, joining us via skype from baltimore. what is your initial reaction to this study? >> well, i think it's a very encouraging study. if you think about it, this was a sibling study. so there was some idea in these parents' minds, they had siblings that had autism spectrum. so it made them think about their children early. but early intervention is the key. in the past, kids were like 2 years old when we identified the them. so i think because it was related to siblings, parents started to look for these cues. but they really brought them in, and they really got working with them every day, and working with them and the coaches and learned what to do. and actually, interacted with these babies that weren't initially having those normal interactions that you talked about. and i think it's pretty exciting. it's a small study. but it's pretty exciting. and it really points to, as we learn more and more about the spectrum and risk factors and picking things up earlier. >> doctor, what specifically can a parents do? if they have a child who they feel might be existing early signs of autism or might be at risk for it, are there specific things a parent can tell their child to do and train their child in this case? >> they should probably talk to a health care professional first. but what -- in this study, what they talked about was, like, really imitating the child's sounds if they were making a few sounds. using the toys to interact with the child. spending some time -- there was years ago where there were studies where they talked about people locking themselves in dark bathrooms so that only the child could concentrate on what was going on at that time because there was too much going on from the outside. and i think this -- and that was many years ago. these were already older kids with autism. so i think there's this idea of really concentrating the attention individually on these young kids very early on. and doing this repetitively every day in their routine to try and get them out of their -- these symptoms. and, in fact, they did find that these kids started babbling and started having eye contact. and started having language skills, which is one of the most disabling things about autism. >> doctor, thank you so much. we greatly appreciate your insight. >> small study again, but very interesting for families dealing with this. >> absolutely. here's a story that caught my eye. front page, cover story here of the "new york post." 51, single and pregnant. her name is tracy con, expecting in february, a pr person, publicist. she has already a 2-year-old daughter. and i thought what was interesting, you see so many more women now doing this, choosing to have children later on in life. she says, by the way, if anyone else thinks it's strange and unnatural, they're entitled to their opinion. but i honestly don't give a -- you know what she's saying there. >> teaching kids new words. >> she has a long relationship -- slide right past that one. she's had lots of long-term relationships but never met the one and she is hoping someday she will meet the one, but deciding to take fertility in her own hands. saying sometimes you can't choose when these things happen. would i have liked to have had things the way you expect life to go, sure. >> did she do this with ivf? >> ivf, yes. and, yeah. i mean, it's an interesting thing. and i think more and more women, you're starting to see this. and we have come a long, long way, i think, back from the old murphy brown days where there was a question about being a single mom and raising a child and choosing to have a child later on in life by herself. a lot more women taking charge. >> she built up her career, at a point where she is ready for it. good for her. >> unfortunately, i don't think a lot of women can do that, because they can't afford to do that. but she it is in a position where she can. >> cool. al, what's going on outside? >> outside here in the northeast, fantastic weather. but we have been looking at a lot of wet weather in the southwest. we had a combination of monsoonal moisture and norbert causing problems. we had a lot of flooding in parts of colorado, in parts of arizona, into parts of nevada. today the greatest risk is from northern arizona into western colorado. could be 2 to 3 inches of rain in that area. we also have a risk of strong storms today stretching from nebraska all the way into iowa, southern missouri, tornadoes possible and more tornadoes possible again later tonight from green bay, chicago, st. louis on into kansas city. that's what's going on around the 9:12. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at san jose, where we still have an overcast sky overhead. gradual clearing between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. for today. looking pretty good on the roadways. as we head throughout the day today, sunny, with a passing cloud or two. breezy conditions, and that breeze is going to build throughout the second half of the day, mostly between noon and 5:00, and we're looking pretty good after the sun sets at 7:23, you'll notice the overnight lows are chilly, 71 degrees today. weather. next, the man behind some of the biggest hits in country music, grammy nominated singer-songwriter, lee bryce, with another number one. he's going to sing for us in a little bit. and we'll talk to him right after this. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. ahhh! what is it? 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honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. ♪ country star lee brice has written chart-topping singles for mcgraw, but when it came to his own hits, he left the writing to others. >> until "i don't dance" nominated for song of the year. it's off his third album. lee brice, good morning. >> good morning. i have a question. why don't you dance? >> i will if i get in the spirit later in the night. you know what i mean? or if my wife asks me to. but then you do whatever they want. a happy wife, happy life. >> and you wrote this for her. >> yeah. i wrote it for us. i grew up kind of romantic. so i wanted to write a song, always, you know and then the time came. i said this is my gift to my wife. and then, you know, i was like a normal dude. i didn't know that was ever going to happen for me. in my heart, i truly -- she just changed it and made me ready. so i don't dance means more than i don't dance. >> right. >> and on the other hand, you also do some party songs too. >> that's right. i had -- garth brooks was a big influence on me. and he did the dance. and then he also did ain't going down when the sun comes up. and so he was kind of a model i've always tried to say hey, if you want to model yourself after anybody, gather is a good one. >> you've written music for so many others, when did you decide this is my song, this is for me? >> i've written some stuff i wanted for me just didn't work out. you know, the music business. but this song, there was -- nobody was going to touch this song, period. and i knew it was special the day we wrote it. and i even told my co writers that day. i said, guys, this is next level for me and i know it. even the album title. this is the next album title of the record i was trying to make. >> and so many brides playing at their weddings. which is amazing. >> what an honor to be a part of people's special day. >> you've had four number ones off this album. this is the first you wrote, produced and performed yourself. "drive your truck. . if you read the title you think it's a bro country truck song but then you watch the video and it leaves you in a puddle. >> the first time i heard that song i was in front of a bunch of publishers and itches looking for a fun song still. i write the emotional songs all of the time. they said can we play you one we think is the song of the year? and before i even got through the chorus i was bawling in front of all of these people. okay, yes, i want to record this. are you kidding me? so it was special to me. i thought about my own personal experience, even though it wasn't necessarily what the song was talking about. and so i felt everybody else would do the same. >> i'm listening to everything you're saying and your beautiful piercing blue eyes. my eyes keep floating down to your chest. if you sang that to me, we would be bawling. but this necklace is beautiful. >> one of my best friends -- we wrote a song -- actually, tim mcgraw recorded called still. he had this made for me. and a friend of his. and i wouldn't really wear a necklace with my own initials on it. >> never. >> unless my buddy made me -- >> made you take the buttons down. >> well -- >> scared a little by the chest heirs. what. >> did your mom say? >> well, you know, all my aunts, country folks, like chest hair. girls like chest hair. >> nobody is going to argue with that. >> for man advice and great music. he'll be singing "i don't dance" for us later in the hour. and still ahead, you know him from "mission impossible." yeah, and "star trek." british actor simon pay with a new comedy, "hester and the search for happiness." i love this guy. we're going to help him find his happiness here later. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? i love this guy. we're going to help him find his happiness here later. search for" i love this guy. we're going to help him find his happiness here later. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! 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[ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. taking a look at the headlines. a fourth ebola patient has arrived in the united states for treatment. the patient whose name has not been released was taken this morning to emory university hospital in atlanta. it's the same hospital where two other ebola patients were successfully treated at last month. the third patient is receiving care in nebraska. a new study will make you think twice about what you touch at work today. researchers at the university of arizona looked at how germs are spread around an office and they found that cans actually spread germs more quickly than sneezes. so what is the germiest place, you're asking? the break room. and the germiest surface, get this, the coffee pot handle. microwave, by the way, not far behind. could exercise be a prescription for adhd? a recent study found that regular half-hour sessions of aerobic activity before school helped young children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder become more attentive and less moody. but other research found a single bout of exercise improved students' attention and academic skills. and he's one of the most iconic movie characters of all-time. "star wars" favorite han solo prayed by harrison ford. did you know at one point producers had had al pacino chapped for the role. it's been a rumor for years and pacino confirmed it last weekend at the toronto film festival. very interesting. coming up, vice president joe biden weighs in on the ray rice issue and domestic violence. goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. aveeno®. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we're asking this sports town which blueberry greek yogurt is their champion. it's the bottom of the 9th, who's it going to be? get your greek yogurt here! can i ask you a question? which one tastes the best? a tastes better. a. i love. lift it up and see what the winner is. who is it? no way. it's yoplait! . . . . . . . . . . . you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning, it's 9:26. i'm kris sanchez. wildlife officials are checking their traps this morning, looking for the mountain lion that attacked a boy in cupertino and tried to drag him into the woods. this is a picture of the boy taken after the attack this weekend. at least four game wardens spent the night near a popular hiking trail where it happened. experts say catching this big cat will be difficult because an adult mountain lion 's territory could be up to 100 square miles, while younger ones tend to roam around. experts stress that these kinds of attacks are extremely rare, even more uncommon than shark attacks. take a look what a deputy found curled up under a car near an elementary and middle school. instead of calling animal control and waiting, the deputy wrangled that seven-foot-long burmese python himself and turned it over to the humane society. it is unclear right now where that reptile came from. tell you where he's not going, my house. we'll have a look at weather and traffic after the break. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. school is in and so are the savings. pretty lady green grapes are just $1.99 a pound. kids love kraft mac & cheese. you'll love that it's 79¢ a box. and grab capri sun for just $1.88. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. welcome back. now the time is 9:28. the temperature still in the 50s for most spots. a couple 60s, oakland, concord. 57 degrees right here in san jose. we'll clear you out earlier than yesterday. between the hours of about 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., and temperatures are going to be comfortable, but this is the last day. 81 degrees in the south bay today. 76 on the peninsula. mid 60s for san francisco. mid 80s for the north bay. right at room temperature for the east shore today, and 87 degrees, meanwhile, out in the tri-valley. take a look at the traffic alert. >> all right, christina. we're talking about what christina was showing you on the side of the road and blocking the slow lane. this was called in by one of our directors, he saw this happen. you see the cars both facing the wrong way northbound 280. ambulance is on scene and fire crews still remain. one car is flipped in the opposite direction and the other is into the pole there. that's causing a slowdown. also in cupertino, a traffic alert reported. keep that in mind for kucuperti. typical here and past the coliseum, still sticking around. kris, back to you. >> thank you very much. more local news coming up in just a half hour. right now, here's more of the "today" show. ♪ welcome back to "today," it's tuesday morning, september 9th, 2014. i'm willie, along with al, natalie and tamron and boy, we have a treat for you. al, our friends at, they've recreated well-known album covers with the face of al roker. start with michael jackson's bad. >> yeah. >> how about the boss? born to run. >> hot. you look very cool. i love that. >> boy band style. >> oh, boy. >> in strings attach edattached. >> wearing a kilt? >> i was wearing a kilt in that pi picture. i did a fashion show with kilts. to raise money for stuff. something. for men who like to wear kilts. >> for men who wear kilts charity. >> and one of the most famous of all. abby road. >> i think we have that. >> we created that in london for the olympics, which was amazing. that was such a fun shoot. >> i couldn't believe matt was on a public road with no shoes on. >> i kind of look like john lennon. that's george. >> wow. >> there are a bunch of others for al that we didn't necessarily show on the show. >> really? >> nirvana never mind with the baby in the pool. >> that was actually the scale. >> that's kind of what i was getting at. check it ou. natalie, you wore a dress yesterday that i thought was very lovely. i think we all did. >> got a lot of tweets about it. >> if we could see it. >> it remindsed me of our viewers of a disney character. >> wow. >> i look like i'm a little upset with alice in the who wore it better contest here. >> who wore it better? natalie or alice? who wore it better? >> all right, let's show you what we've got as far as your weather is concerned. i'm wearing an outfit from baloo the bear. we've got a risk of strong storms through the plain. beautiful day along the east, west coast, lots of sunshine and heat. txz, texas, we have wet weather along the mid-atlantic coast. tomorrow, the risk of strong storms moves into the great lakes and the mississippi river valley. new england looking great with plenty of sunshine and there's some chilly air coming in. >> i've always wanted to do the weather with you. >> go ahead. take it. >> what is this a slight risk of? that's what i'm worried about. is it some sort of infection? these maps, 28 hours, 48 hours. is it rain? >> thunderstorms. >> good morning, a lot less happening in our neck of the woods. temperatures mostly in the 50s and 60s. right now, 61 in livermore. 57 in san jose, and it is going to be a really nice day. now temperatures are going to come up by about five to eight degrees from yesterday, but not bad. 81 degrees is hard to beat in the south bay. 76 for the peninsula. 66 in san francisco, and right around 85 degrees for the north bay today. the east shore is at 72 degrees. as we head throughout the next couple hours, mike is all over this accident. and that's your latest weather. >> english writer actor comedian sim peg has made us laugh in movie, but in his latest film, he can't seem to find that laughter for himself. >> simon travels the world to find out what makes people content in hector and the search for happiness, but the big question, what do you pack? >> trousers. convertible. hat. reversible. >> obviously. >> and in case of emergencies -- >> passport. avoid dairy. >> yes. >> got enough socks? >> yes. i think so. i don't want to overpack it and you know, it all fits. >> neat and tidety. like us. >> good morning. >> good morning, everybody. >> so, this is a little bit of a departure for you. >> it's less of a kind of pure comedy. it's more of, it's got a bit more drama to it. it's about happiness and happiness, to be happy, you have to have it all. the whole spectrum of emotions. so, he goes through quite a lot. it was nice to do a little bit of proper acting for a change. >> we like the other stuff, too. >> to be honest, yeah, which sean and hot fuzz and the world then, we try and have real genuine emotion in there. there's some tragedy in those films. they're a little bit more serious than people give them credit for. in sean of the dead, he has to shoot his mom. usually, it can be sort of suggest, but ultimately, this has a broader spectrum of emotion in it. >> he treks the globe looking for happiness. you yourself had to get out there and shoot in a lot of places. did you find any similarities in your own story line? did you find there is some truth to that searching for happiness? >> we went on a pretty parallel journey, really. we shot in vancouver, johan johannesburg and it was pretty amazinging to see the world and to see people's different views of happiness. this holiday that kind of money and comfort brings you happiness is kind of wrong in a way. i was in south africa, johannesburg in a trip and i saw more smiles there than i did in the sort of affluent areas of johannesbu johannesburg. not to say that poverty and destitution is the root to happiness, but if your life is more about survival, you know happiness better. so, these people whose live rs a daily struggle, when they are happy, they feel it more than we do perhaps in a society where we're neater by our own sort of choices. >> i can't believe it's been ten years since sean of the dead. >> that doesn't make me happy. >> you know what it feels like, it feels like it's grown every one of those years into this cult movement. >> it's wonderful the way that film has got an audience in the states because it's a very british film. set in a very suburban part of london you don't normally see in movies. usually, it's red buses, but it's a lovely thing and a testament to how universal comedy is that it's traveled so well. >> you look fantastic. >> i'm working out with cruz at the moment. >> tom cruz? >> another "mission: impossible." >> we're doing "mission: impossible" 5 and myself and tom and rebecca ferguson, our leading lady, are doing workouts every day. we do these challenges. it's a little fun. competitive, i've got to say. >> i can't imagine. >> he looks -- he's always got his shirt off. it's very annoyannoying. put it on, man. >> thank you so much. so great to see you. hector and the search for happiness opening friday, september 19th. give me 20. >> get down. >> let's go, let's go! let's do this. >> five, six. seven, eight, nine. >> that's enough. we're done. four wholesome grains. sugar. only six? six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! it's a powerful reflection of validayour drive to succeed.nts. so, forget the gold watch; grab the brass ring... you don't need anyone to tell you that success is yours, because you're busy... ...seizing it... ...drafting it... ...tuning it... making it. the new 2015 cadillac ats. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? at chico's and ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. behind the fridge... ...quietly rotting into black goo, is the banana you thought he wolfed down last week. pine sol. cleaning what stinks since 1929. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. this is our team right here. and nothing is gonna break this team up. ♪ [ male announcer ] honey maid grahamfuls. everyday wholesome snacks, for every wholesome family. honey maid. this is wholesome. this year we've all pledged to shine a lot on an important issue. and i'm working with survivors of the boston marathon bombing, al doing a uso tour. willie with homeless children. >> and my focus has been on domestic violence. and this week marks the 20th anniversary of the federal violence against women act. vice president joe biden introduced that legislation as a senator. and i had the opportunity to go to washington, d.c. to talk with him about it. i started out by asking about the disturbing video involving former nfl star, ray rice. >> today the headline is "ray rice, an nfl star, the nfl has suspended him indefinitely." the ravens have fired him. this is after the most brutal video you can imagine was released of him knocking his wife out. >> the nfl did the right thing, whether for the right reasons, spontaneous enough or not. they had no choice. >> when the hearings first started 20 years ago to explore the epidemic of domestic violence, they were low-attended. i remember congress, even some domestic violence groups at the time said this would never work. >> it was the women's groups that didn't stand up. it was the civil rights groups that didn't stand up. and there were so many laws on the books that lay the presumption that if somehow i raped you and i abused you, you must have done something. it's never, never, never the woman's fault. no man has a right to raise a hand to a woman. no means no. and when i started -- and that was my position 20 years ago. but it was like, oh, that's too -- you know are that's a little too strong. that's too much. because the society didn't want to pull back this -- peel this scab back. the one regret i have is we call it domestic violence as if it's a domesticated cat. it is the most vicious form of violence there is. because not only the physical scars are left, the psychological scars that are left. this whole culture for so long has put the onus on the woman. what were you wearing? what did you say? what did you do to provoke? that is never the appropriate question. >> and when you look at this culture change in your op-ed, you wrote, it may be hard for people to fathom there was a time where domestic violence was ignored and condoned. >> i'm very proud of violence against women act. we passed a law. but that's not what's changed things. what's changed things is the change in the culture. making people aware. that's what changed things. so you know the first reason the nfl responded, in my view, there are so many women fans in this billion-dollar industry. all of a sudden, they said wait a minute, got suspended for a couple games? whoa, that's not enough. and then they got a little more sensitiz sensitized. and then it was longer. and then when the video was out there, and saw how brutal it was, the ravens did the right thing. fired him. immediately. now, you can argue, they should have done it sooner. they didn't want it. whatever the reason is, it's happening. >> what's the next challenge? >> the next challenge is making sure, ironically, we get college presidents and colleges to understand that they have a responsibility for the safety of women on their campus. they have a responsibility to do what we know from great experience works. bringing the experts. provide people, give the young woman the support that she needs. psychological support. the medical support. and if need be, the legal support. societal changes taking place. it takes time. but i really believe it's taking root. and we have an obligation to just keep pushing it. keep pushing it. we'll see what happens. but we'll be right back after this. fter this. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] no matter how things change... ♪ ...what makes us wholesome... ♪ ...never will. ♪ honeymaid. everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. ♪ this is wholesome. hey! i found my true love, livin' in a sweet dream. what matters most should always come first. that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. goodness first. bathroom is trashed.he boys in 2b threw another party. dudes... come in! let's bubble! we don't just kill 99.9% of germs. we're also approved for tougher cleaning jobs. that's a reason to celebrate. you really think they need one? apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. can a makeup really do that? meet l'oreal's new visible lift blur foundation. instantly erases lines, wrinkles, smoothes skin. this makeup does it all. try new visible lift blur. from l'oreal makeup designer/paris. everyday they feel somethingdove happening.days with no mirrors? on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. take the dove 7 day test. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. work hard for you.. give them the edge they deserve... new edge, from osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ helps strengthen your joints.° it works as hard for your joints, as they do for you. get the added benefits... of joint & muscle and joint & energy. new edge from osteo bi-flex®, so you're always ready for action. find it in your vitamin aisle. ♪ the toyota concert series on "today," brought to you by toyota. now to country star lee brice's new song "i don't dance" off his latest album. take it away! ♪ ♪ i'll never settle down ♪ that's what i always thought ♪ yeah i'm not that kind of man just ask anyone ♪ ♪ i don't dance but here i am ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style but i don't care ♪ ♪ i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ yes you got me in the palm of your hand ♪ ♪ cause i don't dance ♪ ♪ love's never come my way ♪ i've never been this far ♪ cows you took these two left feet and waltzed away with my heart ♪ ♪ i don't dance but hear i am ♪ ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style and i don't care ♪ ♪ well i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ i guess you got me in the palm of your hand girl ♪ ♪ 'cause i don't dance ♪ whoa ♪ i don't dance ♪ ♪ i don't dance but here i am ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style but i don't care ♪ ♪ i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ i don't dance but here i am ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style but i don't care ♪ ♪ i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ yes you've got me in the palm of your hand ♪ ♪ 'cause i don't dance ♪ ♪ ooh >> lee brice, thank you. back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. oday" on. you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning to you, 9:56 now. i'm kris sanchez. an experienced pilot from san jose died at the reno national championship airways. lee behel crashed yesterday afternoon at reno's stead airfield. race leaders say it appears that the plane had a catastrophic mechanical failure. behel had been involved in air races for more than 20 years. the man accused of going on a shooting rampage in oakland two years ago is now facing a grand jury indictment. an alameda county grand jury returned a ten-count felony indictment against one goh for killing seven people and injuring three more. he is now being treated at napa state hospital. and now we have a look at your weather situation where you live. >> hey, thanks. low clouds hugging the coastline throughout the day today. low clouds will continue to burn off, then the cool westerly flow, that ocean air moving inland. as we head throughout tonight, temperatures will be comfortable, albeit warmer by five to eight degrees and high pressure takes control of our forecast. for tomorrow, you'll notice the warmup for today. 81 degrees in the south bay, 87 tomorrow. 76 degrees for the peninsula today. mid 80s tomorrow. 71 degrees on the east shore today, and you're going to get in the mid 70s out there in the east shore area. 83 for the tri-valley. more on this today at 11:00. first, here's mike and your drive. >> fremont, still very slow for southbound 880. look at this drive here coming past the truck scales heading towards mission. this is the same area on the map with the orange and red showing up. still an earlier crash north of there seems to be the problem down towards 237, still jammed there. northbound routes moving much better and in general, kris, things are looking better. more local news coming up in just a half hour. right now, more of the "today" show. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. and by that we mean you. it is booze day tuesday, september 9th, we're delighted you're here. i'm personally extremely excited that kevin kline is here. i think may be five of my favorite actors in the entire world and he is right there. >> this movie coming out with maggie smith is going to be a winner. we're going to discuss that. we're also going to help two people find their perfect match because there is another show on -- >> yes. >> to help singles find love. >> yes. not everybody is as happy as you are, hoda. >> okay. here's the deal. tomorrow we're going to shock and surprise you. and everybody. because kathie lee and i are going to be co-hosting, not this show, this one too, but the 7:00 a.m. >> yeah. >> and the 8:00. >> and the 8:00. we're going to join matt and al and natalie and carson. >> and i don't know -- how did they get us to say yes? >> it was all-star week. >> a very bad idea. that's right. barbara walters wasn't able to make it. >> so we're filling in for barbara walters. >> pinch hitting for babes ain't bad, all right? >> sparks will fly. what everybody is excited about today, the new oreos. we think it is pushing the season a bit, but the pumpkin spice oreos. >> i didn't know they had those. did they have them last year? no, they're brand-new. >> you know what you got to do, you got to take the cookie, take the cookie, you got to dunk it. >> oh, yeah. >> mm-hmm. oh, yeah. >> we're starting a new trend. >> september the 24th. >> that's delicious. >> that's really good. >> limited edition, only available for six to eight weeks. $4.49 for the cookies. >> you know how brothers love to rap each other. and prince harry decided it was his time to make fun of his brother when he learned his brother and kate were expecting. so he was interviewed about the new baby coming along and this is what harry had to say. >> last month she was okay. that's to be expected. luckily i'm a woman, i don't have to go through that. i can't wait to see my brother suffer more and with any luck, it will be a girl and he'll suffer even greater. i would love to see him try and cope with that. >> he's single-handedly started a whole new trend, which is making red headed men look hot. >> yes. >> sexy. >> i like the new trend. >> there was a whole book out now by a photographer who has red hair and he said it is an ancient thing going back to that red heads have somehow been derided as men. >> when i was dating in my younger days, i dated a guy who -- he looked exactly like opie. opie taylor. that kind of red head. he looked like that. that. that was my -- you know when sometimes who is red headed is attracted to you and you're kind of attracted to red heads, that's what happened. >> that went on for a long time until you started realizing you had a lot to offer. >> there you go. it took a minute. >> so speaking of babies, this is so adorable. >> would you bring your baby anywhere from newborn to i think six months to a baby spa? >> something in houston called float babies. now what they do, hydro therapy, for babies ages two weeks to six months. they put them -- it is safe, okay. we want to point that out and the children in the video seem happiy. a and the mothers are right there. you can allow your baby to achieve major physical and cognitive development milestones by as much as 50% of the nonwater babies. >> i would love to know what that is based on since they just opened. >> how do they check it. >> 60 minute sessions, $65. >> that's interesting. and they do massage and all kinds of -- >> you do all of that anyway with your baby. we took our babies in the water with us like first week they were born basically. >> seeing the floaty around the neck is a little weird, don't you think, but they seemed fine. >> it has to be like floating in the placentia, wouldn't you think? >> i guess so. >> i'm sorry that word offended you. is that jimmy? who is that? the word placentia. it is a normal word, a natural word, and you actually floated in one yourself -- >> the guys are cringing collectively. >> the temperature changed. this morning you could really feel, you know, fall in the air. but and it is fashion week, but somebody in our show has not gotten the memo that it is fashion week. this is joanne. >> this is what she wears in our studio. it is a snuggy. >> it is freezing in here. it is so cold. >> she's right. it is cold. >> i'm warm. >> dennis basso did put on a real fashion show. he would have liked you in it. he had a group of people who were showing dennis' fashions. every year he does them. it was a little party. >> who are you sitting with? >> i'm sitting next to your girlfriend lisa rinna who was there and other fun people, but the people who had great dresses, so check them out. >> he's an okay guy. rolling stone has -- taylor swift is making a very, very candid -- very open about the fact that she is going from the country world to the pop world, singularly and says she can't chase two be rabbits at once. she's not going to go -- she said she's not country anymore. i do love this song. she seems more poppy to me always. she always has a pop bounce to her country songs too. she can turn a hook, boy, this girl. >> she's great. >> she employs someone whose entire job is to figure out things that i don't want the world to see, unquote. >> she's worried when she goes to a public restroom or somewhere there are cameras and she is smart, because often people without you knowing are surreptitiously videotaping you or recording you or -- she worries about wiretaps, you know, you can -- think about the stupid things you say during the course of the day and what if someone taped it. >> this morning in the makeup room. >> what about right now? imagine if they were taping it and listening to it. >> because there is a monetary value attached to it. that's the kind of world we live in today. a picture of somebody just walking to the gym is worth so and so. you get a picture of somebody doing something very private, and in the nude, that's going to send the price through the roof. >> did you hear judge judy had a nude picture of her floating around but never let it out. judge judy took a nude picture. i love that. >> how recently? >> i don't know. i was watching her show, which i do at 4:00 -- >> she is about the no nonsense person in the world, but it took her a while to become that person. as soon as i left the service the other day for joan, i turn the corner, running up madison avenue to get in my car, who is there? jerry. her husband. waiting for judge judy. >> i love that. >> yeah. >> so cute. we're going to westchester airport to fly out to l.a. want to come with us? he's adorable. new overhear about her husband. i wonder if jerry took the picture. >> maybe jerry did. >> i hope so. judge judy's going to get in trouble. >> meredith's show debuted yesterday. >> you were on it, hoda. she got the big a-listers. >> we played something. this is pathetic, this little game, we played something called car-eoke where you get in the car and j. lo was supposed to guess what you were singing and you sing it loudly. ♪ i wonder what would happen if you say what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the world call out ♪ >> what is it? >> "what you wanna say"? >> no. ♪ sacred place embrace forever ♪ >> i know! ♪ waiting for tonight >> wow. >> i thought it was supposed to be an all female band. there is one guy. one token guy. >> about time the token got flipped. >> looks like fun. >> it was fun. we wish meredith good luck. >> there is this survey, you might want to consider this, the outcome as you go dining some place today. have you ever wondered how waiters actually deal with bad, rude customers. >> they did a survey and they asked if waiters or waitresses take revenge on customers who they find insulting and they do. demanding, sending everything back. >> here is what they do to you. 65% of waiters and waitresses say they made the customer wait longer than necessary. in other words, have you ever seen your food is ready and you can kind of see it, and you know it's right there and there you're sitting, no one is bringing it and if you ask, you're being demanding again. >>heaven forbid they bring your food. >> once a person has left, that's not going to work. i've done all the -- >> maybe if you write $6 and they make it $16. >> then you also have to deal with the -- >> i don't know. 6%. >> this is terrible. >> spat in a customer's food or deliberately contaminated food before they served it and all kinds of creative ways they can do that. use your imagination. >> i was a waitress before at ponderosa and i know what it is like to be running around and the water, my steak's not right, this isn't good. and you feel terrible, but when there is a really demanding customer, who just keeps -- just gets up in your crawl -- >> the study done by the university of houston and baylor university, nice to see those schools getting along. and another study, insulted customers may spend more. this doesn't make sense to me. if you ever have been treated rudely by a salesclerk in a -- >> like the scene from "pretty woman". >> let's watch. you'll remember. >> you got nice stuff. >> thank you. >> how much is this? >> i don't think this would fit you. >> well, i didn't ask if it would fit, i asked how much it was. >> how much is this, marie? >> it is very expensive. >> it is very expensive. >> oh. >> but it all works out in the end. >> i love that movie. >> she looked great. such a big mistake. they say rude salesclerks sell more -- >> because we want to please the salesclerk. >> that makes no sense to me. i walked out of more stores if somebody is rude, a department store here in new york i was treated so rudely, i said, you know what, i will never, ever, go in this store again. it is just not worth it. so are you one of those people, will you walk away, or have you ever just lost it with somebody? i would love to know. we would love to know on facebook. if you have a story of what you -- you just had it, we would love to know that. >> we love that. >> okay. so we have to go, right? >> two gorgeous singles have come here looking for love. we will find them a match? and we get a big chill just thinking about this incredibly talented and funny hollywood star. and tony award winner kevin kline is here. >> so glad he came to see us. >>. l'oreal presents a scientific revolution. have you always dreamed of thicker hair? volume filler. our first haircare system... ...with filloxane. l'oreal's innovative molecule penetrates hair. the system increases hair's diameter. so with every application it feels 2x thicker. with l'oreal volume filler... is amplified, densified. every day. a real thickness, finally. extraordinary. volume filler. from l'oreal advanced haircare. the science behind extraordinary hair. and you're worth it. cereal and milk ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ cereal and milk delicious kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's. see you at breakfast. ♪ our grapes ripen on the vine where the flavors fully develop. to bring the best quality fruit to your table. that's why we work with walmart... you get the freshest grapes available. backed by their 100% money-back guarantee. but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ wherever morning takes you, take along nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. oatmeal. cinnamon. softly-baked. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. crest gaand the other, a crestwhitening toothpaste.. here's what they thought. i can't tell if the paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeah. the paste didn't do that. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface, to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. back in his college days, we're just reminiscing a little bit, kevin kline was an aspiring classical musician, excuse us, until he got bitten by the acting bug and we're so happy he did. >> kevin is a two time tony award winning stage actor and has more than 50 film and tv credits to his name, from the classic 1983 movie "the big chill". >> loved it. >> presidential impersonator in the romantic comedy "dave" and his oscar winning role in "a fish called wanda." >> and "princess bride." now kevin stars in the new movie "my old lady" and it is a beautiful film. it is a down on his luck new yorker, whose father dies and he thinks he leaves him -- but it gets complicated. the apartment happens to house an older woman and her daughter and things don't exactly get off to a smooth start. we'll show you. >> this is chloe. >> what are you doing here? >> i own this apartment. and i also own madam girouard. do you work here? >> no, chloe and i don't live here. >> why are you staying here? >> well, your mother invited me. >> she seems upset. >> okay. so the reason that they didn't put in the princess bride because it wasn't him. i'm an old lady too. you got two old ladies here. that was mandy patinkin. >> yes, it was. >> you said that happens a lot. >> a lot of people say i loved you in princess bride and i just write mandy patinkin. >> well, you were great in a lot of other movies too. >> talk about this film. this is such a charming film. it starts off as a comedy, you laugh your way through the beginning and then it takes more of a dramatic turn, doesn't it? >> yes. but then it ends up complicated at the end. >> yeah, don't give -- >> tell us about the premise of this movie. >> the premise, well, it is based on a rather antiquated, but still very popular french real estate law where you can sell your apartment to someone rather inexpensively, but you don't have to move and they cannot move in until you die. they have to pay a monthly sort of inu ty. it is nice, but barbaric because the people who bought it cheap and is paying the fees is waiting for the person to die. >> that's maggie. but so i think i inherited this apartment. and there is an old lady -- i'm completely desperate and broke and alcoholic and stupid and -- >> thrice divorced. >> thrice divorced. >> not good. >> no, no. >> thrice. >> i rolled my r. thrice. i'm thrice divorced. >> this is a play originally, i understand. and you've been involved with readings of it through the years or something. attached, as they say. >> once i attached myself four or five years ago, yes, there was a series of readings, he s israel horovitz's apartment, from the play version to something more cinematic. >> this is his directorial debut. >> well, he's directed hundreds of plays and -- yes, he's an actor's director and also done documentaries and things. he knew what to do with the camera as well. >> your love interest in this movie is whom? >> well, maggie smith. subtext. my love interest was, yes, kristin scott thomas who played my ex-wife in "life is a house" some years ago. >> is it just old times when you get together with someone you've done a film with. you spend a lot of time when you do a film, unless it is a cameo, do you pick up where you left off before? >> yes, and it was a happy ending, the previous time, then you pick up where you left off. if it was bad, you pretend it never happened. >> say you were offered that -- the role of a lifetime, like in "the princess bride" -- >> yeah. >> and you wanted to do it so badly until you realized they had hired robin wright, whom you had had an affair with, early on, in both of your careers, and it ended badly, what would you do? >> that's a great question. >> i would have called robin and said, you want to pick up where we left off? this is all hypothetical. i don't know. i don't know. if it is a good script, then that trumps everything. if it is a good script, good -- all right, we had an affair -- when did that happen? was that you or was that mandy patinkin is what she's thinking. >> yeah. >> well, we wish you great luck with this film. >> you don't work enough as far as we're concerned. we would like a movie a month from you. if that would be okay. >> i'll wear out my welcome. >> great to see you kevin. "my old lady" hits theaters soon. >> tomorrow. >> east meets west when bobbie thomas shares her newest journey through ivf. >> and two singles share a date with us, but can we find a date for them? isn't enough. you need healing. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. they think it smells fine,eaty but you smell this... eliminate odors and keep your home continuously fresh with pluggable febreze. so you and your guests can breathe happy. apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. we're back on this tuesday where we put your minds to a test with a riddle provided by our friends at the national geographic show brain games. >> grab a pen and paper to jot this down. take a look at these letters. and remove six of the letters from the sequence to reveal a familiar english word. >> here is a hint. it is something you should be using right now. we'll reveal the answer in a few minutes. don't go anywhere. >> okay. can we make a love connection for our bachelor and bachelorette? >> i don't know. we have lovely singles waiting in the wings to find out after your local news. we need to see the letters again. ♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need... ...without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! you're watching today in the bay. >> good tuesday morning to you. it's 10:26. i'm sam brock. apple's big announcement is under way right now in cupertino. as expected, the company has announced a new 4.7-inch iphone 6 and 5.5-inch iphone 6 plus. scott budman is at the event and will have more coming up at 11:00. san jose right now is turning to private businesses to help them keep tabs on the city. this morning the city council is voting on creating a list of businesses who have surveillance cameras that can be tapped to allow them to use those cameras. businesses would volunteer the use of those cameras if the police department needed them to apprehend criminals. come up right after the break, weather and traffic. good morning to you, bay area. i'm meteorologist christina loren. we have a nice day shaping up. low clouds continue to hug the coastline. they are going to move all the way inland as we head throughout the day today because of that cool onshore flow to start. we're going to see a pretty nice day, not too hot. still below average, five to eight degrees below yesterday but we'll lose the natural a.c. by tomorrow, so enjoy it. 81 in the south bay, 76 on the peninsula today. and 71 degrees for the east shore. we have changes coming your way, we'll detail that today at 11:00. first, your drive. mike? >> fremont seem to be moving nice and pretty. still a little slow down towards mission boulevard. that's the last of your morning commute and still slow in through pleasanton. usually see traffic back at speed by now. toll plaza, crowd going on there at the toll plaza approach, all lanes do have traffic, including the fast track and hov lanes. we have big apple news coming up in 30 minutes. see you at 11:00. we're back with more of "today" thof this booze day tuesday. remove six letters from this sequence to reveal a familiar english word. hoda, did you figure it out? >> we both figured it out. the word is brain because you pull out the letter six letters. genius. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> that was so good. >> good for you if you got it, means you haven't killed all your brain cells. >> right. >> now to brains and beauty on bravo's new series "the singles project" where cameras follow six successful people looking for love in new york city. >> one singles is tabitha mears who is looking for a funny, handsome man ready to settle down. >> the other is brian frunzo, lawyer turned retailer from staten island, new york, who wants to find a woman he can travel the world with. >> hi, kids. >> that doesn't sound so difficult on paper. it is all good. >> you do smell good. >> how has it been so far on the show. are you finding what you're looking for? >> no, it has been really an emotional roller coaster and we're still on it. >> okay. >> and the viewers play in. they help match you up. have they picked any good ones for you? >> so far, so not good. but they all have great opinions, i love kind of ebb gau engaging with them to see what i've been doing wrong. >> they follow you as you go on the dates with everybody and pass judgment on you. >> lots of judgment. >> do you like having so many people involved in your dating business. >> it is so brave and scary and we have a third person out there, twitter, telling us what to do. >> have you taken anybody's advice. >> it is like friends. some friends' advice you take and some you don't. i look at it the same way. >> we're going to set you up with people we like. >> so we have two guys for you, and two girls for you. here is your first gentleman, his name is ken. ken is 43 years old, living in brooklyn, works for a consulting company and also volunteers for cancer charities. come on out, ken. ken is here. >> here's ken. >> hello, ken. >> next up. who do we have? we have rafael, he's 40 years old, originally from the dr, dominican republic, works for an analyst for a finance company. rafael is a director for a nonprofit organization helping combine kids with sports organizations. come on out and join us. >> okay. >> how are you? >> this is tabitha. >> enjoy. >> then for brian? >> we have a couple of cute girls. jena is number one, originally from colorado, but lived in new york for the last four years. jena works as a recruiter for an ad agency. come on down and join brian. your future husband. >> adorable. >> and finally, meet jessica, she's 30 years old, originally from new jersey, works as a district manager for a big fashion brand. jessica, come on out. >> well, everybody is very attractive. >> you guys have a hot bunch here. >> wow. >> nice to meet you. >> what do we do now? >> we'll let them sell themselves. >> we're going to let them tell you why they should be your date. >> mr. number one, go ahead, ken. >> nothing like being on the spot. thank you for the opportunity to be here. i'm a big fan of you guys. >> we want you. just kidding. >> it is a pleasure to meet you today too. i just wanted it say, you know, i am looking for the right person, i believe in living my life in a healthy way, mentally, physically, spiritually, and i love being silly, love having a good time and just really appreciate the opportunity to be here and possibly win you. >> impressive. >> what do you think so far? >> so far, so good. >> okay. rafael, how about you? >> basically i'm looking for someone who is passionate, who is energetic, who is intelligent and is beautiful just as yourself. so i'm going to keep it nice and short, i'm the one. >> you like us? >> i love you. >> okay. >> okay, jena, why don't you let brian know why. >> i love you guys, first and foremost but i think you're simply genuine and i think that i'm a very active person, i love to try something new and i love the opportunity to go on a date and do something that is outside of my comfort zone and explore your interests a little bit. and i think we would have a really good time. >> that sounds kinky. >> yeah. outside your comfort zone. >> jessica? >> hi. i actually really admire the way you departed your previous career to pursue something you're so passionate about and that in addition to the closeness of your family and the strong relationship you have with your friend, i share those values and i think that's an important starting point for a first date. >> now you all have an opportunity to ask questions. >> what do you want to know about these two guys? >> what do you see yourself doing in terms of relationshipwise in the next three, four, five years? >> i got to get married. i'm definitely getting married, kids. i love kids. i have a niece, a 2-year-old, the most adorable niece anybody could ever have. and i -- people say she looks like me, i'm, like, wow, this kid is gorgeous. i'm like that. >> you want to be a husband or a father? >> both. >> i'm a father already. so i'm already nice and seasoned for that part. i do definitely want to get married. i want to find my best friend. that's the most important -- >> getting more difficult as we go along. what to do. >> i know. >> five years from now, what are you guys doing? >> i just moved here four years ago. i love new york, so i want to stay here. i think that my career is in a great place, but i'm the same with love. i want to find that connection, i would love to be married and have my best friend in my life, like you said. >> five years from now, i actually want to have traveled the world with somebody that i really enjoy spending time with, someone who is not afraid of vaernt, taking a risk that might be worth the reward, someone not afraid to try something new or go to somewhere scary and maybe even try some crazy food. >> okay. didn't he say that, he wanted someone to travel the world with. >> we need the help from everybody at home. >> our viewers are going to vote and we're going to pick who you should go on a date with. as they're picking, we want you on the little card they give you to write down who you hope the viewers choose. >> this is awful. >> it is. but it doesn't matter because it is all going to be about the viewers. you write down your names and we'll let you guys know next week who is going on the date. >> so vote for who you want to see them go out with, logon to and you can catch the singles project tonight at 10:00 on our sister network, bravo. >> bobbie thomas shares the new message in conjunction with ivf and hoping to get pregnant right after this. pregnant right after this. we are a collection of smalls. a home saved. a hero homebound for a new opportunity. a kitchen that kick starts careers wells fargo invests in our communities a little differently. small measures that add up to make our whole even greater. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. before ywith preference,ir ask yourself one question: "are you ready for all that attention?" because with l'oréal preference - there's no fading into the background. preference is luminous. for up to 8 weeks of fade-defying color. fade-defying preference by l'oréal. get ready to shine. our grapes ripen on the vine where the flavors fully develop. to bring the best quality fruit to your table. that's why we work with walmart... you get the freshest grapes available. backed by their 100% money-back guarantee. we were suddenly a whfamily of five.ed, and a seriously mixed bag of laundry... and we don't always have the time or the money to wash everyone's jeans and towels and gym clothes separately. so we wash everything in cold water with tide. and it all comes out great. even sara's funky new shorts. those are mine. really? nooo (laughs)... yes. okay. throw it all in. because tide cleans better, even in cold. glathey can inspirethe mostand exhilarate.ings. make you smile. our 37 unique fragrances spark every emotion imaginable. what will glade inspire in you? ♪hey! i found a happy space... after-school snacking should be fun and nutritious that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. what matters most should always come first. general mills. goodness first. with one small catch.en use dove bar for 7 days? no mirrors. everyday they wash with dove beauty bar but can only feel what's happening. on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. dove is different. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. really want to feel the difference? take the dove 7 day test. theand the kids always eat sky their vegetables.e. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. our good friend bobbie thomas has been sharing her personal struggles to have a child and has been very, very open, bringing us along on her doctor's appointments as she goes through the process of in vitro fertilization. >> now at the recommendation of her doctor, she's incorporating acupuncture and cupping with ivf, which may bring to mind this scene from "sex and the city". >> this woman said that the tea and the herbs is very important. i started in vitro fertilization with my first husband -- >> i have all that information. let's concentration what we're doing here in this room. i'll be back in 20 minutes. just relax with your own thoughts. >> bobbie is laughing. >> only because all the time they say stop thinking, just relax. >> bobbie is here with dr. shiba talabian, an infertility specialist at reproductive medicine associates of new york. >> welcome, everybody. >> we're trying new things involved with the ivf, right? >> yes, my two doctors and i here because this is my third round of ivf. the first round i did not do acupuncture and cupping. and the second round i did and i did see an improvement and so many of my girlfriends and all of the people who reached out online, on facebook, have suggested that i try this. and -- >> they say medically they say there are no studies that link this practice to pregnancy. is that right? >> well, i think there is some data out there and there is some varied results. i often find that many of my patients do it and they report that it is really dramatically helped with the stress and anxiety of the ivf process. also, helps with the side effects of the medication, and -- >> they tell you the side effects. >> what are they? >> i'm in the thick of it where i'm doing shots in the morning and at knignight, doctor's appointments every other morning, seeing her three times a week. my body is beyond all control. i see her, she tells me it is about blood flow and destressing and it works. >> will you show us the acupuncture. >> she usually starts with a point on my head. she already alerted me, here and on my hands are my stress points. that's the first thing she does. >> it doesn't hurt? >> it feels a little patrick. sometimes i'm a baby and i'll jump because you see a needle coming at you, it is not my favorite thing. i'm doing this on camera. >> you just want to have a baby, sweetie. >> i know, i know. she'll do this point you often hear people say squeeze between your hands and this also will help to start relaxing. that's okay. >> do you feel it? >> yeah. >> immediately? >> i don't know what to feel. the only thing i concentrate is the time i'm in there, it is important to actually -- i'll get on my back so she can do the cupping, is to take time for myself and to stop thinking, because i think that's what we do so much, we think all the time. >> you've been working all through this as well. >> yes. >> don't put my head down, but she's going to undo the back of my shirt, so -- >> so sexy on national television. i wanted to do this because i think people who aren't used to eastern medicine may be a frafr of this. you can see the bruising. i don't care. the camera guy can show that. i want women at home to not be afraid of this, because it helps you destress and if there is anything i can be a guinea pig for and show you -- >> is this what we saw with gwyneth paltrow. >> yeah. i have to say, this is my favorite part. it is so -- it feels so good. it looks so scary and my husband is afraid to look at my back after. but this really is like a reverse massage. >> they put hot rocks on you when you go and get massages sometimes. is it the heat? >> the dr. zen says instead of pushing down like a typical massage, this lifts your muscles up and helps to relieve tension and blood flow and toxins. >> when will be the next time you go in with -- >> i think shiba in a week or so we're hoping. >> we're hoping are for the next egg extraction in about a week or so. >> now she's taking them off, like suction cups. >> yes. >> i did that. >> sounds like a wine cork. >> i like the sound. >> well, bobbie, we're praying for you, sweetie. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> all right, here today, gone tomorrow. >> louis licari gets your sun damaged locks looking fabulous for fall. >> what you can do at the salon and at home right after this. but it wasn't always that way. ahh!! ahhhh!! let go! let go! no. no, budget. no. but thanks to we got approved to shop with low monthly payments. they've got over 70,000 items from brands like samsung, dyson, dewalt. all you gotta do is click on over to and get the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff. juice! ♪ juice! l'oreal presents volume filler. have you always dreamed of thicker hair? our first haircare system with filloxane. increases hair's diameter. so it's amplified, densified. feels 2x thicker. l'oreal volume filler... each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. cereal and milk ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ cereal and milk delicious kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's. see you at breakfast. ♪ helping you find a dentist you'll want to go to for the rest of your life. we've helped over 8 million people find that dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ as the seasons change, so should your hair care routine and you're going to want to trim those drab highlights into a fab fall look. >> who better to get those looks looking healthy and gorgeous with a little color inspiration than "today" contributor and stylist to the stars, louis licari. >> hello, louis. >> good morning. >> who have you got there with you? >> our first lady is rachel. >> let's look at rachel's before picture. you said rachel was in need of what, highlights? >> she highlights her hair, it grew out, it is faded and it all blended together. and it turns ashy, a bit ashy. in the picture, it looks almost green. >> she's hiding. keep the hat up. let's reveal her. >> very pretty. >> the main thing we added golden highlights and golden glaze for down here too, by the way. the big secret about highlights is if you have fine hair, like rachel does, it adds incredible body. >> it does? >> it adds more are body than any styling cream or mousse. >> yeah, yeah. >> so you will have twice as much hair if you highlight your hair. the other trick here, if you have fine hair like rachel, this is long hair, i would like to see her trim it to here, she loves long hair, so we just trimmed it to here. >> natasha. here is natasha's before picture. >> here is natasha. she had an old ombre that was oxidized, sun bleached, had everything. just didn't look right anymore. >> okay. let's keep the hat up and see how we're looking -- okay. >> oh! >> love that. >> number one, how does hair color affect your skin color? look at this. she comes to life. what i did here, a color -- colored the old ombre now lighter brown, so brown on brown, so it has movement to it. and big tip here, just the biggest hairdresser secret i can give you is that semipermanent color is the best deep conditioner. it immediately erases any hair damage. look at the shine it adds. >> yeah. >> that's color without developer. >> okay. >> let's look at dawn's before picture. >> okay. >> why wouldn't we? >> why not? we'll follow it. >> before. >> here is dawn. dawn, end of summer hair. she put color on her hair and the sun turned it this orange color. let's look at it as she reveals. >> drop your hat. >> look at how much prettier that looks. >> nice. >> look at how pretty. >> love it. >> so sweet. >> she's amazing. so beautiful. >> that's gorgeous. >> what i did here is i put the color only where the hair was previously colored and turned orange. this will prevent all the hair from oxidizing in the future. and this might fade a little, but should look pretty, won't go as orange as it once was. big tip here, if you have this texture hair, it is always dry. curlier the hair, the dryer it is. you should shampoo your hair once every week, once every -- >> ten days? >> what she does, she can shampoo her hair every other time, using a conditioner. no shampoo. >> oh, wow. >> and if you leave a little conditioner on this hair, it only works, right? >> great job. really good stuff. >> we're going to be back with more. but first, this is "today" on nbc. is "today" on nbc. all right. tomorrow we don't know how we -- >> what's going on. >> we're going to get up early, we don't know why we said yes, but we'll join matt, natalie, al and carson. >> we're co-hosting. we're hosting the "today" show. >> i wonder what we'll do in our career after we lose our jobs. this is the coordinated monthly test of the emergency alert system equipment. if this had been an actual emergency, you would have received timely emergency information. this concludes this test of the emergency alert system. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. school is in and so are the savings. pretty lady green grapes are just $1.99 a pound. kids love kraft mac & cheese. you'll love that it's 79¢ a box. and grab capri sun for just $1.88. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. nbc bay area news starts now. >> stunning display, larger, more pixels, plus thinner than ever before. >> it is the announcement so many people have been waiting for. apple has unveiled not one, but two new iphones today. all kinds of new features users have never seen before. good morning, thanks for joining us. i'm sam brock. >> i'm kris sanchez. let's get to scott budman, who's been listening to apple execs for the past hour. scott, we're dying to know, what are you fiddling with? >> reporter: yeah, i'll tell you, kris and sam, news happening literally seconds ago where tim cook pulled a trick


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20140909

>> mark: were off to a rather cold start this morning. we will seek temperature is mainly in the '60s by debate. as we can to the afternoon your seat '80s kids in the view. in any at calder pretty close to the 90. i have a twin but what would probably hit 90. 73 from oakland and upper 70's to late '80s. >> james: week when said thursday friday of the gradual warming. does the head into the weekend it would drop is just a little bit of head and a sunday and monday. >> james: on the traffic front there's no major problems. but there is no reports on the bridge. it's easy ride from oakland to san francisco. the san mateo bridge on all is looking pretty good. there's no issues to report. the richmond san rafael bridge but traffic is moving wellhous. >> mark:firefighters are continuing to battle a massive fire in yosemite park. >> mark:the flames exploded -- and forced dozens of people to be evacuated by helicopter from the famous half dome rock monday. >> mark:the fire has burned nearly 26-hundred acres. >> mark:there is no estimation on containment. >> mark:kron 4's charles clifford shows us how the wildfire is affecting the popular tourist attraction. >> reporter: this fire is burning away from any of the cabins and yosemite valley. >>: because of the fire we have had to close several trails and of course we have to close the trails close at have don't >> reporter: and the smoke from this fire has it been going straight up to the atmosphere or away from the valley in the air quality has been very good the past few days. >> mark:another fire burning in mariposa county burning ten miles east of mariposa is 80 percent contained. >> mark:the bridge fire broke out friday and has scorched 300 acres. >> mark:all roads are back open in this are after being closed over the weekend. >> mark:and today at will be making a big announcement at a press event in cupertino. >> mark:this is video from yesterday where crews were setting up for the event at flint center and security kept onlookers far away from the event space. >> mark:what they're announcing has not been revealed.but specultation suggests apple will unveil two iphone-6 models that will both have a bigger screens. >> mark:the shape of the i-phone might change too.from a box shape to curved, sleeker look. >> mark:the new i-phones are also said to have technology allowing mobile payments. >> mark:we'll have previews from this event throughout our newscast starting at 8am. >> mark:plus.we'll have live updates during the event starting at 10-am on kron 4 dot com. >> mark:the baltimore ravens have cut running back ray rice. >> mark:this after public outcry when an incredibly disturbing video was released monday. of rice knocking out his then- fiance. inside an elevator in atlantic city. >> mark:the n-f-l suspended the star running back indefinitely. >> mark:ravens coach john harbaugh expressed his sadness and his support for rice and his wife. >>: when someone there to care about it does wrong and has to face consequences for don't sell it is tough it is hurtful. >> mark:ravens coach harbaugh insists the team had not seen the video showing rice striking his then- fiancee in february until yesterday. >> mark:rice had previously only been suspended for two games. including the raven's home opener on sunday. >> mark:the white house also weighed on in the controversy during a press conference monday. >>: i don't want to comment when you have a team president and a vice president saying how important is for men to step up and make it clear that violence against women cannot be tolerated. >> mark:the ravens decision to cut rice from the team. is getting a mixed reaction from anti -domestic violence advocates. >> mark:while they are pleased he has been disciplined, they are disappointed it took so long. >> mark:the anti domestic violence advocates says the ravens firing of ray rice and the n.f.l.'s indefinite suspension of rice is a step in the right direction. >> mark:but carolyn thomas- russell with the battered women's shelter a safe place says it should not be the public release of this video that forces the n.f.l.'s to do the right thing. >>: had this not been captured on film and this had just been word of mouth and a would this have been her word would this have occurred? i don't believe so. and lefty's players are penalized will never feel comfortable to talk about this issue. >> mark:anti- domestic violence advocates say if the n-f-l really wants to take this matter seriously they need to put prevention programs in place to spot these things from happening in the first place. >> mark:the owner of the atlanta hawks is on his way out after an email talking about black and white fans at phillips arena. >> mark:while many have referred to the email as "racist," others say bruce levenson was just talking business. >> mark:one of his defenders is n-b-a legend kareem abdul- jabbar. >>: he was trying to assess how to run his business. i don't think it had anything to do with keeping blacks out of the arena. or in his ways saying that black people were the problem. >> mark:levenson himself apologized for implying white fans were more important than black fans and for associating styles of music with race -- such as hip-hop and gospel with black fans. >> mark:coming update on the condition of the boy who was attacked by a mountain lion in cupertino sunday. >> mark:plus the u-s may have identified the man who executed american journalist james foley. >> mark:flooding not only washes out the interstate but washes some of it away north of las vegas, nevada. >> mark:we'll have more on how the record rainfall has flooded parts of the southwest, coming up. >> mark:authorities have resumed their search this morning. for the mountain lion that attacked a 6- afternoon. >> mark:the boy was released from the hospital monday in good condition. after suffering bite wounds to his head and neck. >> mark:officials say, the boy was hiking with his family along the zinfandel trail.near the picchetti family winery when the animal attacked him. >>: the line came of know where an attack this board. >> mark:officials from the california department of fish and wildlife have set up three live traps with road kill as bait. to try and catch the animal. >> mark:game wardens say, the mountain lion will have to be put down once they find the animal. >> james: when we come back with trouble which you can expect this afternoon. >> james: we saw record rainfall and the west yesterday. >> reporter: drivers could do almost nothing trapped on the interstate. and floodwaters cop stop the interstate. >> reporter: the water did more than washed out at 15 and washed it away. pohjolwith the nearby d river at flood stage. >> reporter: earlier in the date the woman asked to sign wasn't so lucky she drowned in the car. this heavy raincoat fluttered around palm springs spiri. >> james: we're actually seeing temperatures on the course i this morning. in looking for temperatures to be in the mid fifties in the tampa area. as a worker or towards an unknown time the sun will be up and more forced for us. up 80 and near 90 degrees. >> james: from the talking in my degree or to it will be fairly overcast as you head out of the door. 58 in caulker 58 in san francisco. there is a slight breeze of their. >> james: in the south bay you look for temperatures reread in the seven dispirit but it is the delta is where you'll see it warm. with 89 and and yet 86 in livermore 73 in oakland in the upper 60s in downtown san francisco. mr. diller saw mostly upper '70's and today will see bloat '80s. >> james: before temperatures pullbacks slightly and we head into the sunday and monday. as you can see the bay bridge camera shows it easy right on westbound 80. >> james: the san mateo bridge is well above so far. adjutancy it's moving well but as we've seen that traffic can be backed up pretty bad. and will finish up with a live looked at the golden gate bridge. say farewell to summer. >> mark:last night was the third and final supermoon of the year. when the moon is seven percent larger and brighter than usual. >> mark:here are some pictures sent in >> mark:but this year is special since there's been a supermoon for the last three months in a row. >> mark:some years this doesn't even happen. >> mark:it was also a harvest moon. which takes place right before fall. >> mark:the next super moon is expected >> mark:hundreds of children in the midwest and southeast are being rushed to the hospital because of a powerful respiratory virus. >> mark:doctors say the enterovirus shows up every year. it's often called a "summer cold." >> mark:this year, however, it's more serious, and has made hundreds of children sick. >> mark:the symptoms start out like a cold, but then get much worse. >>:"my head started hurting after my lungs started sort of closing up >>:white as a ghost, blue lips, he just passed out, his eyes rolled in back of his head, and i had to call 9-1-1." >> mark:so far children in ten- states have gotten sick. >> mark: entero virus is uncommon but not new. >> mark:emory university hospital in atlanta says, it is preparing to care for another american who has contracted the ebola virus in west africa. >> mark:the air force says, the patient will be flown into atlanta >> mark:the world health organization says. one of its doctors, working in an ebola treatment center in sierra leone, has tested positive for the disease, but is in stable condition and >> mark:this will be the fourth american patient suffering from ebola. brought back to the u.s. from working in africa. >> mark:the u-s may have identified the masked man in the isis execution video. of american journalist >> mark:two u.s. law enforcement officials tell c-n-n, they quote - "have a pretty good idea". of who the masked man is. >> mark:but caution. they're not "100 percent" sure yet. >> mark:both officials spoke to c-n-n on the condition of anonymity, since the investigation is ongoing. >> mark:the suspect is believed to be tied to a group of extremists based in london. >> mark:president obama is going to tell america about his 'game plan' >> mark:for dealing with isis terrorists this week. >> mark:this is just-released video - showing syrian artillery positions. >> mark:the president will address the nation on wednesday. >> mark:but this weekend he was giving us a few hints as to what he will -- and will not -- be doing. >>: this will not be an announcement of u.s. ground troops for the direct or it will be similar to the gangs that we have been discussing the last 67 years. >> mark:meantime, the u.s. has expanded its campaign against sunni extremists in iraq. >> mark:it has launched air strikes to help iraqi forces. defend a dam in the western part of the country. coming up on the kron four >> mark: morning news. parking was a nightmare for those who went to levi's stadium saturday for the mexico chile soccer game. >> mark:will that be the same story for the 49ers home opener this weekend? we'll take a look. >> mark:this past saturday was the busiest night at levis stadium to date. >> mark:a sell out crowd. about 67-thousand people. watching mexico take on chile in an exhibition soccer match. >> mark:but parking was a mess for many of those fans. >> mark:kron 4's vicki liviakis shows us whether that experience. is a litmus test of what fans can expect for n-f-l football this coming sunday in santa clara. >> reporter:this past saturday - 67 thousand passionate soccer fans filled the seats of levi's stadium. >> reporter:it just took them longer to get into those seats - some an hour and a half. >> reporter:many say parking was confusing and frustrating. >> reporter:let's flip the scrip to this sunday's regular season home opener where the crowds are expected to hit 70,000. >> reporter:i spoke with niner's media guy - bob lange and he says as long as fans get there in plenty of time and become oriented with parking lots beforehand on the niner's website, there should be no serious delays. >> reporter:in fact here's a video that paints a rosy picture of traffic flow. >> reporter:the team is also recommending people take vta public transit. get there early and hang out at what's called the "faithful mile" to chill out to music. >> reporter:if you must drive, the real bonus is that great america will be closed this sunday and on all niner home game days. >> reporter:so that should take up some of the slack with several thousand additional parking spaces. >> reporter:and to use a quote from a sports movie - lange had this to offer earlier. >>:/i'm going to use the jerry mcguire analogy "help us help you" if you do a little pre- planning before you leave your home like you would on a vacation, it'll make your trip to the stadium that much more enjoyable. we're coming up on 4-30. >> mark: the 14 year-old accused for stabbing this teenager to death criminal. >> mark: a live look from the san mateo bridge where traffic is moving smoothly. here are the big stories we're >> james:firefighters in yosemite national park are battling a massive blaze. its burned nearly 26-hundred acres. which is about 4 square miles. >> mark:there's no estimate on containment. >> mark:dozens of people have been forced to leave the area. >> mark:this morning at 10 a-m, apple makes a big announcement in cupertino. >> mark:there's speculation the company will unveil two i-phone 6 models that will both have bigger screens. >> mark:the shape of the i-phone might change too.from a box shape to curved, sleeker look. >> mark:the new i-phones are also said to have technology allowing mobile payments. >> mark:and the baltimore ravens have severed ties with ray rice after new video surfaces. showing the running back knocking out his then fiancee inside an elevator in atlantic city back in february. >> mark:rice has also been suspended from the nfl indefinitely. >> mark:ravens coach john harbaugh insists the team had not seen the new video until yesterday. * * >> james: this is what looks like outside. we do have low clouds out there. today there's plenty of sunshine this afternoon. and as we head into the rest of the week was to this warm trend. to richard was start to back off as we head into sunday omen date next week. an overcast for most of inland valleys. >> james: 61 0.55 in san jose and crack and at san jose. the seven will see temperatures it look more like '70s in san jose 86 and, to rally the upper '70's in the silicon valley. we have conditions in the east bay. pittsburgh 87 any 89. bev mid '80s to the san ramon valley. in the 72 in hayward and 75 in san leandro. >> james: yesterday was 68 in the city yesterday. in that of the same temperature we recorded in oakland. with anyone in petaluma and napa. an accord 77. we will warm up as we head into the next week. the sunny and warm for the foreseeable future. >> james: whereby bay bridge commute but working well. this note issues of the chp. the san mateo bridge is also moving well. will finish up with the golden gate bridge. bahia been that the weather and traffic of date. >> mark:today is the fourth anniversary of the deadly san bruno gas explosion - the neighborhood devastated by the incident is slowly. but surely getting repaired. >> mark:38 homes were completely destroyed in the blast, as well as a lot of damage to the neighborhood infrastructure. >> mark:as of today 22 homes have been rebuilt and streets repaved. >> mark:san bruno mayor jim ruane is criticizing a record 1.4 billion dollar fine and penalty levied against pg&e by the california public utilities commission last week for the explosion. >> mark:he said the 950 million in fines to be directed to the state's general fund should be used instead for gas pipeline safety. >> mark:ruane did not say whether the city will appeal the cpuc's >> mark:pg&e announced its own appeal last week. >> mark:a san jose man was killed in a plane crash during the national championship air races in reno monday afternoon. >> mark:lee behel was participating in a qualifying heat for the races at the reno- stead airport. >> mark:no other planes or pilots were involved in the crash. >> mark:the f-a-a and n-t-s-b are investigating the cause of the crash. >> mark:napa city officials say that more than a thousand buildings have been damaged or destroyed as a result of the quake. >> mark:and two weeks after the quake-- residents are starting to slowly clean up the area. >> mark:fencing is still up all over napa streets and many of the streets still remain closed. >> mark:but many businesses are now re-opnened. >> mark:city officals were able to trabsform an old wine store into an assistance store for quake victims. >>: on we have local nonprofits and the city and county services. mental-health support and all kinds of resources. >>: i think this is fantastic. >> mark:city offical say they have worked more than 140 cases -- most of those case being building inspections. >> mark:as napa continues to recover from last month's big quake. governor jerry brown issued a proclamation >> mark:declaring september -- california wine month. >> mark:he is encouraging tourists from around the world to come and sample wines. as well as visit other >> mark:attractions. that the state's >> mark:new information is now circulating about the man of murders in san mateo county back in 1976. kron 4's justine waldman explains. >> reporter: fbi releases this picture. serious 66 year-old rodney he is serving time currently on a attempt to murder charge. from 19786 neck-and-neck because that information to a sixth woman. a white man in his late 20s and early '30's and was living san mateo at the time of the murders. >> mark:the 14 year old suspect accused of murdering a bay area high school freshman attended the same middle school together last year. >> mark:the suspect made his first court appearance yesterday. >> mark:the teen is accused of killing 14 year old rashawn williams. he was stabbed to death last tuesday in the mission district. >> mark:since then, there's been an outpouring of support for williams' family. >> mark:from meals to monetary donations, and ongoing visits to the makeshift memorial on 26th and folsom streets in san francisco. >>: we support one another and especially in difficult times. >> mark:police say the crime does not appear to be random. >> mark:a veteran walnut creek police officer. is charged with felony assault. >> mark:monday in court, he pleaded no contest. >> mark:investigators say, he beat a woman with a baseball bat last month in richmond. >> mark:a number of witnesses told police. they saw the entire incident as it happened. >> mark:police say, when they searched officer gregory thompson's car at the scene. >> mark:they found a bat, two guns and zip ties. >> mark:the walnut creek police have placed him on administrative leave. >> mark:they are also doing their own >> mark:the suspect is now charged with murder in the 2012 oikos university shooting in oakland. >> mark:but a team of doctors says, he is still not fit to stand trial. >> mark:seven people were killed in the shooting just two years ago. >> mark:the suspect - one goh. is also been charged with three- counts of attempted murder. >> mark:goh was not at his hearing monday. >> mark:he's being treated at napa state hospital. where he's been since the beginning of 2013. >> mark:the district attorney says, goh could face the death penalty. >> mark:his next court date is in april of next year. >> mark:loved ones broke down on hearing the news that remains found in tennessee are those of holly bobo, who's been missing for three years. >> mark:the 20-year-old nursing student was last seen alive in 20-11. >> mark:hundreds of volunteers turned out to search for her, and her case yielded more than 450-thousand dollars in reward money offered. >> mark:two men have been charged in connection with the death; jason wayne autry and zachary adams. >> mark:both have pleaded not guilty. >> mark:the d-a says he will seek the >> mark:he's not your typical candidate for congress. >> mark:natasha sweatte spoke one-on-one with the congressional candidate -- who explained his taste in wardrobe. >> reporter: 88 bureau says he always wanted to dress like a woman. but all started when him and his wife was discussing funeral arrangements. >>: bus if i'm going to die why not do something that i always want it to do. >> reporter: after being fed up with the current media or political arena. he wanted to bring the change. >>: i tried and they do not answer me. according to party limit bleeder to endorse it has already passed. >> reporter: week followed as you walked into monday night's meeting. >> james: you can see the building lieds a relatively clearly. this cloudy once again as it was yesterday morning. and it did cause problems are looked at sfo yesterday. the beginning during the 8:00 hour conditions would clouds at coast. we're seeing a handful of 60s out there. this afternoon we will see more sunshine. >> james: another saturday weren't in line has to get up to 90 degrees. and that is for the hottest area of the east bay. most of the other locations will be in the mid '80s. but that's a general overview of were the weather is going to bed. temperatures in the men's upper 50s and the bay area. 54 in pleasanton 55 and sent francisco. >> james: by known time it will be mild 60s by the water and then there will be in the 70 spirit and that's all you'll see the '80s really come out. they may very well be in the low 90s this afternoon. up for several is the low eighties for most of the south bay. and across the north bay it upper seventies to low 80s. >> james: today was that the warming trend but it's really tomorrow that are in line highest will keep it that way through the end of the week. for the foreseeable future were talking sunday afternoons in hot weather in land. >> james: highway 92 that no high spots to report. and on the richmond center failed rich you can see those headlights moving clearly in slowly. >> mark: >> mark:a huge wall of dust -- swallowing the city of phoenix. >> mark:storm chaser mike olbinski shot this timelapse saturday -- as the dust storm -- also known as a haboob -- moved through the valley. >> mark:arizona is in the middle of its monsoon -- which starts june 15 and ends september 30. >> mark:those winds -- kick up dust and debris as they spread outward -- creating these huge walls of >> mark:a fire broke out on a roller coaster that recently closed. at southern california's magic mountain theme park. >> mark:the flames spread on the famous wooden coaster -- colossus. and caused one crest of the >> mark:ride to collapse. >> mark:no one was hurt. >> mark:the theme park was closed at the time of the fire. and there's no word on what sparked it. >> mark:colossus was closed last month. it will be converted into a modernized wood and steel coaster. >> mark:home depot has now confirmed. its payment data systems have been breached. >> mark:the hack could affect customers who used cards at u-s and canadian stores. >> mark:the company says, there is no evidence debit card pins were compromised. investigators have focused on purchases made since april of this year. >> mark:hackers have broken the security walls for many retailers in recent months. including target. >> mark:amazon is trying to get a jump on apple. by offering its new smartphone for rock -bottom pricing. >> mark:monday. amazon announced the 'fire phone' is now just 99 -cents, with a two-year contract with a-t-&t. >> mark:the phone normally costs one- hundred and-99- dollars. >> mark:the deal also comes with free amazon prime for a year--- which would cost 99- dollars annually. >> mark:amazon says, the price is only valid for a limited time--- but did not say how long the offer would last. >> mark:a teen in washington state stepped in this weekend when a man tried to grab his little sister. >> mark:nick mcgurk talked to the teen and his dad. about the terrifying encounter. >> reporter: adam was left in his little sister end his career eight year-old friend. >>: this guy can model the blue and that's how old are you and where are your parents. >> reporter: the suspect did not know how or who was watching the kids. >>: he tried to procure up and walk out a little mixed. >>: he gets in my face and ask what are you going and axed him what are you going he was definitely under the influence of something. >> reporter: the said that the police did escort batman away. >> mark:no pistol packing at panera bread. >> mark:the soup and sandwich restaurant chain. is asking its customers to leave their guns at home. >> mark:the company wants its unarmed patrons to feel comfortable. >> mark:panera says, the only guns in its stores, should be carried by law enforcement. >> mark:the gun safety group. 'moms demand action'. says, panera approached them about the issue three- months ago. >> mark:the group has campaigned other companies. to ban guns in their stores. >> mark:panera adds, it will not post anti-gun signs or require its employees to confront customers with guns. >> mark:prosecutors have filed charges against a california state senator. accused of drunken driving last month. >> mark:san diego senator ben hueso. faces two misdemeanor charges. including driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a blood alcohol content above the legal level. >> mark:hueso was arrested about two -weeks ago. after a c-h-p officer spotted him driving the wrong way down a sacramento street. >> mark: the consequences of his actions. >> mark:he is scheduled to be arraigned next week. >> mark: rain is usually seen as a bad sign on your wedding day but it's different for a couple in oklahoma. >> mark: saw a lot of brad's would be angry if it rained on their lending day but for one couple it meant a free wedding rings. >> reporter: this sum to be mrs. darby had been planned crane for rain for weeks. >> reporter: her husband to be got the phone call saturday morning. the day could not getting any better agates in their the love of my life and the ring this for free. >>: this promotion brings fallen to been raining on your wedding day. >> reporter: saturday mornings downpours filled the bill but moments before they walked down the aisle. >> mark: and alcohol woman decides to take her id pitcher with a special piece of head gear. she decided to wear because she said shows her freedom. says a growing up as a not religious person in oklahoma it's hard but if showed good to be recognized. [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nos.. suddenly you're a mouthbreather well, put a breathe right strip and instantly open your nos up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mout and sleep right. breathe right. so you can breathe and sleep. when cra a ske th's a i . that whe thicomein. ly noret gum s panted dual-cted chnogy for eat ste. plus nicorte g giv you tenscravg reef. and th hel puty cravg ints pce. that'shy inly oosenirett >> darya:the wildfire burning in yosemite national forest nearly quadruples in size as we learn more about how it started. >> mark:and you wont have to wait much longer as apple gets ready to unveil it's latest gadgets. >> james: everyone is excited about the apple conference. does reports to be in the city today the weather is more to be fairly nice for you. temperatures outboard be in the upper 50s. but this is where it looks like outside of looking at our cameras. >> james: mostly cloudy to start and timid in the mid fifties. even at the coast will be expecting that at the shore. this is low will expect as the afternoon high. and yet 89 degrees. 86 for livermore 73 from oakland 634 san francisco. and last but a quick glance at the weather today. >> george: a quiet ride around the bay will not tracking any major incidents to slow your ride this morning. it is an easy trip coming in from the macarthur maze. to trick of slow traffic in the westbound direction. >> george: northbound traffic in parliament in cellblock been delayed due to construction. >> mark:this morning authorities are resuming their search for the mountain lion that attacked a 6-year-old boy in cupertino over the weekend. >> mark: cupertino with the latest. will >> reporter: you can see behind me there are still signs put up in the trail will be closed. the amount is considered too dangerous they're not sure if it has rabies or not. and it is important to note that the boy did nothing wrong it came out of nowhere and attacked the border around his head and neck area. in the family made a lot of noise and it dropped by the six year old boy. >> reporter: there were no more attacks after that. >> mark: unfortunately we lost quills signal. >> darya:a wildfire burning inside ysemite national park has now >> darya:100 hikers and campers had to be evacuated from the area around half dome by helicopter over the >> darya:firefighters now believe that the fire started after a previous fire from back in july was allowed to smolder and reignited. >> darya:now this fire will not be allowed to smolder once firefighters get it contained. >> darya:most of the park is still open with the exception of the area near half dome. >> mark:a san jose man was killed in a plane crash during the national championship air races in reno monday afternoon. >> mark:lee behel was participating in a qualifying heat for the races at the reno- stead airport. >> mark:no other planes or pilots were involved in the crash. >> mark: investigating the cause of the crash. >> mark:a tribute to behel is being organized and is expected to take place later this week. >> mark:and today at will be making a big announcement at a >> mark:this is video from yesterday where crews were setting up for the event at flint center and security kept onlookers far away from the event space. >> mark:what they're announcing has not been revealed.but specultation suggests apple will unveil two iphone-6 models that will both have a bigger screens. >> mark:the shape of the i-phone might change too.from a box shape to curved, sleeker look. >> mark:the new i-phones are also said to have technology allowing >> mark:we'll have previews from this event throughout the morning starting at 5:30. >> mark:plus.we'll have live updates during the event starting at 10-am on kron 4 dot com. still ahead on the kron 4 >> darya: morning news.a 7-foot- long boa constrictor found at a bay area elementary school. >> darya:plus.teh n-f-l issues a punishment for ray rice following the release of a video showing him hit his fiancee. >> darya:what the white house has to say at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. at uversy ofhoenix, thiss a man sitang oa lifehangg desion we kw gog ba to hool a b de. th's w we fer uden new colge . so y canommito yr edation with confidenc gestard at skfrphoeo fo wholesomerain sur. oy six? sigrams of sar? fo wholesomerain cellent, dicious... and mmy! hoy bunches oats. cellent, dicious... tasty! mmy! foot-long boa >> james: muni is incident free this morning as well. >> mark: constrictor. ended up underneath a parked car outside of a school in pescadero last week. >> mark:a deputy at pescadero elementary and middle school. noticed the snake shortly after 3 p-m last friday. >> mark:officials say, the snake is 7- feet long. 4 -and a - half- inches wide. and weighs about 40 -pounds. >> mark:they say, it is a red tail boa constrictor. which is native to central and south america. and parts of mexico. >> mark:investigators do not know where the snake came from. or who it belongs to. >> mark:the animal was turned over to the peninsula humane society and s-p-c-a. >> darya:heavy rain leaves part of the southwest dealing with severe flooding. >> a male politician is trying to change the political landscape by dressing like a woman. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. school is in and so are the savings. pretty lady green grapes are just $1.99 a pound. kids love kraft mac & cheese. you'll love that it's 79¢ a box. and grab capri sun for just $1.88. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. expected in parts of nevada and arizona today. >> darya:torrential floodwaters covered the interstate north of las vegas yesterday. part of it washed away. >> darya:crews in tuscon, arizona, were able to rescue a man trapped inside his car, which was swept by the fast- moving water. >>: we had to smash his window to get it passed and. >> darya:arizona's governor has declared a statewide emergency. >> darya:heavy rain also caused flooding in and around palm springs. >> james: as you can see a lot of rain here on the radar. as the storm system continues to turn and move and its remnants of hurricane hubert. places like nebraska and the chicago has seen some nasty weather also. >> james: here in the bay area were not saying anything like that we have cloud cover and that's it. current temperatures in the middle upper 50s. everybody else other than san francisco is 50 degrees. around three this afternoon will bring be '80s into the mix. 68 in the city 78 in oakland. in other settings cast. >> james: will back off a little bit sunday or monday. >> george: we're not tracking any hot spots this sunday or monday morning. first let's look at the bridges where the bay bridge westbound. 92 and the san mateo bridge are good. with no problems at dunbar. is no delays such a comment from iran. if you're headed and simmer uncovered bottega the rich and san rafael bridge bay is a good ride here. but in a delay for 580 west bond prepare dentist but state westbound as a 11 minute drive. >> george: 15 minute ride down to dublin. in the south bay that nonetheless we're right. >> mark:the baltimore ravens have cut running back ray rice. >> mark:this after public outcry over video leaked yesterday showing rice knocking out his then- fiance. inside an elevator in an atlantic city casino >> mark:the n-f-l suspended the star running back indefinitely. >> mark:ravens coach john harbaugh expressed his sadness and his support for rice and his wife. >>: when someone that you care about does wrong in a space of the consequences it is to add a cared about both of them as a couple. >> mark:ravens' coach harbaugh insists the team had not seen the video showing rice punching his then- fiancee in february until yesterday. >> mark:rice had previously only been suspended for two games. including the raven's home opener on sunday. >> mark:the white house also weighed on in the controversy during a press conference monday. >> mar>>: i don't want to commen any situation that is deemed controlled by nfl or nfl team. what you have seen is been made clear on the situation that is not tolerated. >> darya:a preliminary report on malaysia airlines flight 17 shows the aircraft broke up during the flight. "probably as the result of structural damage" caused by multiple "high energy objects" that hit the plane. >> darya:the report was released today by dutch aviation investigators. >> darya:flight 17 came down on july 17th near the ukraine- russia border. >> darya:at the time, numerous reports suggested the plane was shot down. >> darya:of the 298 people killed, around two-thirds were dutch citizens. >> darya:the report did not assign any blame for the deadly crash nor evidence of manipulation of the recorders. >> darya:that's despite the crash site being unsecured for several days in the war-torn region. happening today. >> darya:emory university hospital in atlanta is preparing to care for another american who has contracted the ebola virus in west africa. >> darya:the air force says, the patient will be flown into atlanta today. >> darya:the world health organization says. one of its doctors, working in an ebola treatment center in sierra leone, has tested positive for the disease, but is in stable condition and will be evacuated. >> darya:this will be the fourth american patient suffering from ebola. brought back to the u.s. from working in africa. >> mark:the u-s may have identified the masked man in the isis execution video. of american journalist james foley. >> mark:two u.s. law enforcement officials tell c-n-n, they quote - "have a pretty good idea". of who the masked man is. >> mark:but caution. they're not "100 percent" sure yet. >> mark:both officials spoke to c-n-n on the condition of anonymity, since the investigation is ongoing. >> mark:the suspect is believed to be tied to a group of extremists based in london. later today. >> mark:president obama will meet with congressional leaders to outline his plan to combat isis miltants in iraq and syria. >> mark:u.s. officials say the president wants to respond to the militant threat with a broader counterterror mission than he had previously planned, but that he's still not committing u.s. troops to a ground war. >> mark:tomorrow he will outline his plan to the nation. >> mark:and kron4 news will carry the presidential address live. >> mark:and a reminder. you can always stay connected when you're on the go. and download our free mobile app on itunes and on google play. >> mark>> darya:a cross-dressing california man is running for a congressional seat. >> darya:88-year-old steven meade says he's always wanted to dress like a woman - but never did until four years ago. >> darya:that's when he had a talk with his wife about funeral arrangements. meade saying he wanted to be buried in a dress. his wife of 36 years asked, why wait? >> darya:after being fed up with the current political arena - meade said he wanted to step up and make a change. >>: i'm not going for congress because i'd dress this way is just so happens that i dress this way. >> darya:on monday, meade tried to get the republican party's endorsement face to face. but the party says it never received an endorsement request form from him. ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. >> stanley:if you work for google instead of walking from one campus to another you get to use a google bike, aka the g bike >> stanley:yup these g bikes are just about everywhere kinda like shopping carts it even got a basket >> stanley:the bikes were intended for workers to get from point b in fact in in fact the basket there is this sign reading protect this gbike park in front of a google building and call security if you see if off campus we'll i've seen many off campus like this one ober near the moutainview ampitheature so i called >> stanley:hello thnk you for calling google security >> stanley:and they promised to pick up the three that i spotted there. then there was this one just over from google .the rider just left taco bell >> stanley:i have a question you work for google? no i do not burrellafter a brief conversation the riders confesses >> stanley:i just see the bike pick them up they are all in our area this actually my forst time ever jbut you don't work for google? but i don't work for google/ yea so that's what happened i guess im acting up right now because i took a google bike and i work for micro soft. >> stanley:but to be fair the bikes are just sitting around no lock just a bell and basket >> stanley:however the bikes are making farther than mountain view, they have been spotted in san francisco, livermore, san jose and according to mt view police venturea and los angeles >> stanley:the word on the street is if you want a free bike just drive to mountain view they are just lying around and again according to mt view police people are scooping them up sometimes in picup trucks >> stanley:but it's so easy because there are literally just sitting around >> stanley:the interesting part about these google bikes is you see them everywhere the weirdest part it almost looks like the person was sucked up by aliens >> stanley:but that is the culture of google, clost to a thousand yellow bikes no locks no security it's a prime oppitunity for people to behave badly >> stanley:so just to be clear g bikes are free bikes is you visit or work at google, they are not free to take home and sell on ebay and craigslist or the flea market in mountain view stanley roberts kron 4 news coming up on the kron 4 morning news. >> mark:the city of san bruno continues to recover 4 years to the day after that deadly pipeline explosion. two medium cappuccinos! let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber c do. one coffee with room one large mocha latt medium macchiato, a ligh hot chocolate hold the whi two espresso make one a doue. she's full and focus. [ barista ] i ha two cappuccinos, oneoffee with room, one large mocha lae, a medium macchiato, a ght hot chocolate hold thehip, and two espressos -- one with a double ot. heh, heh. that's not the coffee talkin' [ female announcer start your day with kellogg' frosted mini wheats ceal. with whole wheat gooess on oneide and a hint of sweeess on the other it's a delicio way to get the nutrition you wt. >> james: we have overcast conditions spiri. this is what e weather is going to look like it's a little cold out there. look for sunny and mild conditions. 75 by the bed. and everybody else will be somewhere in between there. tonight we have clear skies. here the gloves were to richard will be elsewhere. >> james: will talk about what that we have in store for the rest of the week. >> george: as a stud deceit traffic backing up in the median lyons westbound. but you're headed to 92 on the san mateo bridge the not be surprised if around 7:00 qc heavy traffic. the south bay freeway is a very light. >> reporter: so far this line is pretty elusive. the search all day yesterday till some up. and on the third day they hope this is the last day they search for the line. why is this mountain lions so elusive? >>: our biggest concern now is that is not acting like a mountain lion these lead keep their distance from people. >>: as far as i know the track is testing tracks with a sane and no other mountain lions. >> reporter: are you making more cages or make sure there's more people out there but what is being done? >>: will broaden the second team and we brought in traps. we will set more traps last night we ran out of light. a similar scenario you're searching for a cat for 6 days with a similar scenario. >> reporter: what's this i understand them no choice but to put it down. the injuries of very terrific but mentally it will take some time >> mark:today is the fourth anniversary of the deadly san bruno gas explosion - the neighborhood devastated by the incident is slowly. but surely getting repaired. >> mark:38 homes were completely destroyed in the blast, as well as a lot of damage to the neighborhood infrastructure. >> mark:as of today 22 homes have been rebuilt and streets repaved. >> mark:san bruno mayor jim ruane is criticizing a record 1.4r fine and penalty levied against pg&e by the california public utilities commission last week for the explosion. >> mark:he said the 950 million in fines to be directed to the state's general fund should be used instead for gas pipeline safety. >> mark:napa city officials say that more than a thousand buildings have been damaged or destroyed >> mark:and two weeks after the quake-- residents are starting to slowly clean up the area. >> mark:fencing is still up all over napa streets and many of the streets still remain closed. but many businesses are now re- opnened. >>: at length this place is fantastic it's everyone's here to cover everyone. >> mark:city officals were able to trabsform an old wine store into an assistance store for quake >> mark:city offical say they have worked more than 140 cases -- building inspections. >> darya:prosecutors have filed charges senator. accused of drunk driving last month. >> darya:san diego senator ben hueso. faces two misdemeanor charges. including driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a blood alcohol content above the legal level. >> darya:weeks ago. after a c-h- p officer spotted him driving the wrong way down a sacramento street. >> darya:the senator says, he will accept the consequences of his actions. >> darya:he is scheduled to be arraigned next week. oh, noyou n't en tt. onhe cer. plse cod re wgo.. wh, tesrideallod. i n't ow y thensid but ust . aryou ddinme... at unirsitof penix we tnk y shod beble to t befe yobuy. that's w we fer uden new colg. youommito yr edatio th cfidence. get arteat penixial.m who's mo e laes?ut bk to sool vingat sples ese ys? orheseuys? whenou g guantee w pres o everhingou b theost evybodgetsxcit! aple makeore ppenor ls. >> james:the oakland a's looking to stay alive in the american league playoff race. >> james:and this one was a heart breaker for the a's. >> james:oakland fell behind early but took the lead after scoring three runs in the fifth inning against the white sox. >> james:but the white sox would come back and this one would go extra innings and the a's would eventually lose after giving up a home run in the bottom of the ninth. >> james:the loss puts the a's 8 games behind the angels in the american league west. >> james:and oakland's lead in the wild card is now down to one game. >> mark: record-setting grains and nevada. in the closed roads and schools across the state. >> mark: this is a virginia. 35 kids from the day care had to rescued. some of the kids were excited about rescued others for shaking up. >> james: as you head up towards iowa and illinois towards chicago. if you're planning on flying to o'hare call ahead. they're blanketing the bay right now and were working up to overcasting conditions preappointe. >> james: oakland and hayward right now our 61 and 60 degrees everything else is under 60. will stella basilican fact maleate afternoon upper 70's to mid '80s. were you are in the south there. >> james: along the east bay shoreline faja a blunt but it at 73. >> james: this should be some separation between the tempest. the thing go forward in those stores is going forward. >> george: where the median let's have been activated. and now there's been watching to see how develops. even though we were and set free on the span all morning long. conditions are still pretty good but can be just one hour from now we're starting to see backup's from here. it was an easy ride across the bay and thus no longer the case. for the ride across the golden gate bridge it's been a problem for. >> george: then no delays between interstate 580. updating the right here to the east bay and san ramon valley is clear. south bay freeways are still clear. already some delays to the constructions on. it has now burned >> darya: it is now burn 60 percent of that area. >> darya: the baltimore ravens severed ties with rice. and he was assessed when he was suspended indefinitely. >> mark: the wall street was down before the opening bell. >> darya: amazon with china get a jump on apple. and now is on sale for 99¢. amazons says the price is a valid for a limited time but did not say to where the limited time ends. >> gabe>> darya: proclamation hn given that they created wine market. >> darya: the company wants its own armed patriots to feel comfortable. >> mark: the 25th rankings were released and stafford comes x x seven. what the? foster farms chicken gets to the store in 48 hours or less. but it's 4 days to california. there's got to be another way. that could be any number of items, quite frankly. you know if this flight is less than 48 hours? i sure hope so. what? foster farms. celebrating 75 years. always natural. always fresh. join the celebration at diverted to minneapolis... i think my giblets are frozen. who's mo exced aut bk to hoolave thmoms orhe ds? withuaraeed w pres o flasdriv, it defitelthe ds. staps. ke me haen f les safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. school is in and so are the savings. pretty lady green grapes are just $1.99 a pound. kids love kraft mac & cheese. you'll love that it's 79¢ a box. and grab capri sun for just $1.88. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. snow and etch your wedding ring is free. >> darya: there's only been one of the day this year where it has rained on someone's wedding day. mornings. they're bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. they're showering, shaving, and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they're number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life's morndness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms that make them better. this morning on the kron 4 morning news-- you wont have to wait much longer as apple gets ready to unveil it's latest gadgets. >> darya:and baltimore ravens running back ray rice cut from the team and suspended *indefinitely .


Transcripts For WCAU Today 20140909

apple finally set to unveil its newest gadgets at a special event. why fans of the tech giant could have three reasons to be excited today, tuesday, september 9th, 2014. from nbc news, this is "today." with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. i'm matt lauer, along with al roker, natalie morales and months of negotiation have come to fruition. and brian williams has gotten out of bed early to join us as part of the homecoming week here on "today." >> savannah -- i heard her name. i said, wait. thank you for having me. >> good to see you! >> great to be back. >> not your normal hour. we should mention, you're back because brian is going to mention a few times during the day, he's playing her today. >> i have the thing -- the cold. the summer into fall cold. no physical ailment. >> you didn't mention that when you kissed me earlier. >> and meredith tried to warn me against coming today because she was roughed up so badly. >> i know. we're going to have fun. a lot to talk about. how about this news? the top story this morning, fresh outrage over the nfl's handling of that domestic violence case involving the baltimore ravens' ray rice. this after that new surveillance video of the incident in that elevator has surfaced. >> in a moment, we will get reaction from a long-time co host of this show, who is currently host of "real sports" on hbo, bryant gumbel. but first, the latest fallout. >> reporter: ray rice will not step out on to an nfl field this season and may never again. he was cut by his team, the baltimore ravens and suspended by the league indefinitely yesterday. and this morning the nfl is now under fire for how it's handled this and other cases of domestic violence. monday, tmz sports released new video it says shows ray rice and then fiancee palmer in an elevator in an atlantic city hotel casino. an argument escalates and then the video shows rice striking palmer with a single punch. her body falling and her head hitting an elevator railing. right after the february incident, video surfaced of what followed. rice dragging an unconscious palmer from the elevator. rice was indicted for aggravated assault in march, one day before he and palmer were married. rice eventually received probation and was ordered to undergo anger management by the court. in may, he held a news conference with his wife. >> sometimes in life, you will fail. you know. but i won't call myself a failure. failure is not getting knocked down. it's not getting up. >> the nfl suspended him for just two games. and rice spoke again in july. >> one thing that i wanted to do today was, you know, apologize to my wife. >> many fans were outraged. an outcry over the two-game suspension led nfl commissioner roger goodell to admit he didn't get it right. the new video went public. monday, an nfl spokesman said the league requested any and all information about the incident from police, but that video was not made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today. mike florio of nbc sports. >> i believe the nfl didn't have the tape. but it's unbelievable that the nfl didn't get the tape. >> a day after a season-opening loss at home, ravens officials say they first saw the tape monday. >> when someone that you care about does wrong, you know, and is faced with the consequences of doing wrong and rightfully so, it is tough. it is hurtful. my hope is that they can make it work. >> very unfortunate. all you can do is reflect on what happened and learn from it. >> many had strong reactions when they learned of the tape. >> he should be terminated. i think that any man that hits a woman should have to suffer for the consequences. >> i think it's about time he's held accountable for what he's done. >> and vice president biden weighed in in his exclusive interview with tamron hall. >> the ravens did the right thing. fired him. i mean, you can argue they should have done it sooner. they didn't want to. whatever the reason is, it's happening. >> president obama also weighed in a statement released by the white house that reads in part, and i quote, hitting a woman is not something a real man does. and it went on to say, quote, stopping domestic violence is something that's bigger than football and all of us have a responsibility to put a stop to it. we reached out to the prosecutor's office in atlanta county where the incident happened. they declined to comment on the video or on rice's case. rice's agent also had no comment here. >> and josh, we're sitting here talking about this among ourselves this morning. i feel like everything has been said in 24 hours. but it bears repeating. it makes you sick to your stomach. >> and makes you feel very sorry that janae, his wife -- she married him, but then they have a child together. and she has to live with that knowledge and that video. >> josh elliot, thanks. tough story to begin with this morning. matt, over to you. >> brian, thanks very much. bryant gumbel is the host of "real sports" on hbo and former co host on "today." good morning. good to see you. the nfl released a statement yesterday saying we did not see this tape, this videotape taken from inside the elevator until monday. you take them at their word? >> i guess we have to. it's hard to believe. you also have to wonder, what good roger goodell think, she fainted? we had her being dragged out of the elevator. i think at best, the only thing you can say, they were willfully ignorant. this tape they had to know existed. in the discovery process, rice's lawyer had to have the tape. so it looks as if the best thing you can say for the nfl in making this judgment was it was don't ask, don't tell. they didn't ask for the tape. didn't want to see it. >> i'm going to go back to the first point you made. the league, like all of us, had seen the tape from outside the elevator. >> right. >> of janae being dragged out of the elevator. do you really need to see the punch? >> that's what i'm saying. >> to make the right call on the penalty. >> she didn't faint and need to be dragged out. plus, there are a number of people who suggest -- chris carter tweeted yesterday he saw this tape months ago. peter king, the definitive voice of the nfl for "sports illustrated" basically said his sources told him they had seen the tape way back in july. >> is there another possible scenario that when rice and palmer went in to meet with officials two weeks before the suspensions was handed down, they told a story to the commissioner not consistent? >> i think the league would like us to believe that. and i think we'll only know that if and when ray rice decides to speak. >> now we're seeing the two-week penalty, the new policy goes to six weeks for a domestic violence offense. now they suspend ray rice indefinitely. does the nfl now get domestic violence, or is the nfl now trying to save face? >> let me turn and put it to you this way. right now the carolina panthers have a guy named greg hardy who is continuing to play even though he's facing domestic violence charges, been arrested for it. ray mcdonald is continuing to play for the san francisco 49ers, even though he too has domestic violence going on. the nfl -- what the nfl does best is public relations. and manage its image. so right now they're going to go into full mode on demonizing ray rice with justification. but i don't see any evidence that they have turned the corner on this and really gotten the message, no. >> bryant gumbel, good to see you. >> always. >> let's go over to brian. >> matt, bryant, thanks. we turn a corner to national security. the obama administration's plan to degrade the international terror organization known as isis. president meets today with congressional leaders at the white house. he will lay out his strategy to the american people in an address to the nation tomorrow. our national correspondent, peter alexander, has the latest this morning from the white house. peter, good morning. >> brian, good morning to you. white house aides here say as the president prepares to reveal details of his plan to fight the growing threat of isis, his speech for tomorrow remains a work in progress. but most possibimportantly, wiln to lay out his case for a wider military campaign today for congressional leaders when they come to the white house. as the white house finallyizes its plan to beat back isis, aides insist president obama will go wherever is necessary, the pursuit of al qaeda. the president wants it to be an international effort, today dispatching secretary of state to meet with key arab allies. >> i will travel to the middle east to continue to build the broadest possible coalition of partners around the globe to confront, degrade and ultimately defeat isil. >> as the president told chuck todd on "meet the press," he won't send in u.s. ground troops. >> the notion that the united states should be putting boots on the ground i think would be a profound mistake. >> with another round of deadly air strikes in iraq monday, u.s. officials hailed iraq's formation of a unity government as a major milestone. the outstanding question, will the president extend those strikes into syria? with options still under consideration, senior administration officials tell nbc news likely targets inside syria could include isis leadership, training sites and weapons supplies. ahead of the president's sitdown with congressional leaders this afternoon, democrats and republicans have largely urged the white house to intensify its fight. >> the head of the isis snake is not in iraq. the head is in syria. and so if you want to kill the snake, you've got to go and cut off his head. >> other lawmakers want more details from the president. >> it is incumbent on him to come to congress and lay out his strategy so that we and the american people are clear on it. >> tomorrow's speech comes at a critical time in obama's presidency with his public approval numbers near record lows. the new polls show that americans overwhelmingly view isis as a real threat to the u.s. and what's really a big shift over a year ago when the u.s. considered air strikes against the assad regime in syria, americans largely support air strikes now in both iraq and syria. brian and matt? >> all right. peter alexander on the north lawn this morning. thanks. at least two people have died in record flooding in arizona after heavy rains from the remnants of hurricane norbert pushed through that state. al roker is looking at that and other concerns. al? >> that's right. we've got severe weather to talk about today. we've got a lot going on. let's get do it, show you exactly what's happening. this video out of the southwest is pretty amazing. all this moisture streaming up from the monsoonal moisture coming out of the gulf. las vegas -- i mean, just amazing pictures. people getting caught, high water rescues. phoenix, arizona, upwards of 4 inches to 6 inches of rain, again. a lot of high-water rescues. that's going to continue again today for a little while. you can see all this moisture starting to stream up. dry air off the coast, but moisture coming in, and so we look for more heavy rain again today. we've got flash flood watches, flash flood warnings in effect. rainfall amounts generally about an inch or so. and the heaviest activity will start to make its way into western colorado, 2 to 3 inches of rain. in fact, as you look -- as we get into the midwest, around iowa, up to 5 or 8 inches of rain possible out of some strong systems that are going to be pushing in today into tonight and on into tomorrow morning. and we've also got heavy rain and heavy rain yesterday. big flooding in virginia yesterday with upwards of 10 inches of rain there. >> all right, al. thanks very much. news now that another american infected with the ebola virus is heading home. natalie has got that. >> that's right. the fourth american ebola patient now arriving in the united states from africa this morning. nbc's gabe gutierrez is at emory university hospital in atlanta. it's the same hospital that treated two other ebola patients last month. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: natalie, good morning. that latest patient is expected to arrive here at emory later this morning. like in the other cases, the patient is expected to be flown into dobbins air force base nearby and taken by special ambulance and taken into that isolation unit. emory university hospital is not confirming many details, citing patient confidentiality. the world health organization is also declining to say whether this could be one of its doctors recently infected withy bowl in sierra leone. the patient will be treated in the same isolation unit where dr. kent brantly and dr. nancy writebol were successfully treated last month. a third american missionary, dr. rick sacra, conditions to recover at a hospital in omaha, nebraska. we're expecting this latest patient to arrive here at emory in a few hours. natalie? >> gabe gutierrez in atlanta, thank you. iraq's new government was sworn in monday in a bid to rescue the country from collapse. the parliament approved the new government. it marks the start of the uphill task to unify the country after isis militants gained control of territory across northern iraq. authorities are now confirming remains found in a rural area of tennessee are of missing nursing student, holly bobo. the announcement brought gasps and tears to the family. the 20-year-old disappeared from her home in 2011. on sunday, two men found her skull near property owned by family of one of the suspects. two men have pleaded not guilty in bobo's kidnapping and murder. a landmark wooden roller coaster went up in flames monday at six flags magic mountain near los angeles. the decades-old co loss as roller coaster caught fire and collapsed amid high heat. workers had already started disassembling the right in preparation for an overhaul of the coaster, set to reopen in 2015. no word yet on what started the fire. and we have some incredible video this morning caught by a dashboard camera from the frightening moments when a tornado swept through a russian city. you can see a driver pull out of the garage and on to the road and when they start to pull away, watch as the power of the storm rips through that neighborhood. this happened a couple weeks ago. but later when the driver pulled back into the driveway, that's when you can see all the devastation there. that same garage completely blown away. nature's fury there. in full force. guys. >> brian always tells me when you're backing out of a garage, check for a tornado before you get into the street. >> exactly. >> you never know what it's going to hit. >> with the remote in my hand, in case i need to close it again. thank you for pointing that out on behalf of all of us. up side, neighbors had a garage sale. >> way to make light of the moment. >> anyway. let's show you what we've got going on today. we do have the risk of severe weather in the mid section of the country into the northern plains today on into tonight. along the west coast, again, a gorgeous day with temperatures low 70s. showers and thunderstorms along the southeastern atlantic coast into the mid atlantic coast. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. good morning, i'm meteorologist tedd florendo. a cloud y and cool day today. temperatures around 73 degrees. expect some showers to pop up and the best chance of rainfall down at the shore and, of course, the beaches into delaware. seven-day forecast shows we are drying out for tomorrow, thankfully. temperatures still stay in the 70s but we get warm and also more storms by thursday. we cool off just in time for the weekend, back to the 70s with another chance of showers on saturday. and that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks. it is estimated that 1 in 68 children in the united states now has some form of autism spectrum disorder. and a new study released just today in the journal of autism and developmental disorders reveals more about the importance of early intervention and at what age to start treating symptoms of autism. a lot to explain here. dr. nancy schneiderman is our chief medical editor. nancy, good morning. let's start with how small this study was we're talking about. but the lessons learned. >> well, it's very small. only seven children. but it sure is exciting. this comes from uc-davis where they really started early intervention. and the teacher was the parent. they really wanted to engage children, so they started taking babies who maybe weren't making eye contact, who were hyper fixated on one subject, but perhaps not having human interaction. and the investigators taught parents little tricks and tools to help these kids move along and guess what they found. six out of seven children by the time they reached their second year of age not only grew out of those autism symptoms, but, in fact, at a time when a lot of children with autism would have language delay, these kids not only caught up, but they had good language. so an extraordinary study showing how plastic the baby brain is, and frankly, the role of early intervention in any child who might be suspended suspected of having autism. >> on the subject of intervention, what's the parental take-away from all of this? >> the parental take-away is not to be ashamed if you see some of the early signs. and it's easy to think, oh, no, not my child. but look for things like floppiness, the inability to make eye contact with a care giver. if your baby pulls close to you when you hug, sometimes these babies pull away. any of those what we call soft signs can all together mean your child belongs somewhere along the autism spectrum disorder. and any time there is a language delay, if your baby isn't speaking the same way that other children his or her age are, let your doctor know. because pediatricians often can urge parents and coach them into that early intervention. >> dr. nancy schneiderman, thanks. carson is here with his orange room posts. i imagine a lot of people online, carson, talking about the ray rice story. >> yesterday, all royal baby two until 1:00 eastern time. nfl suspends ray rice indefinitely. right now in this hour, goodell, ravens, #rayrice trending on twitter. the number one facebook post is ray rice. we'll walk you through some of the tweets. obviously, this is a huge conversation. lots to get to. first, very trusted, respected former player, coach, analyst, tony dungy. nfl and ravens releasing ray rice was only possible action after seeing video. why didn't they see video before. that's one side. and then ben lieber, not to take attention away from ray rice, but goodell saw the video earlier, they need to be held accountable as well. most people just excited this is a topic being generated. maria shriver, take note. no place for domestic violence in the nfl. much more in the next hour, guys. >> thank you very much. coming up, all eyes on apple. what will that it tech giant unveil with its big ye convenient today and will it match the hype? we're there live. plus why prince harry is hoping his brother's next baby is a girl. but first, this is "today" on nbc. coming up, keith richards on an unexpected new project and we get him to play a little. an unexpected new project and we get him to pcheck outtle. all these airline seats. lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? now we're getting somewhere. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! for very dry skin, basic moyou need healing.t enough. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. now breaking news is an accident on the northeast extension of the pennsylvania turnpike. let's get right to jillian mele for the details. jill? >> this is a very serious accident, vai. sky force 10 is over the scene. a vehicle down here and an overturned vehicle right here. this is the northeast extension southbound as you approach lansdale. mile marker 31 and this is mile marker 36.5. just a few minutes ago we did see one person taken by ambulance to a local hospital. unclear how many injuries. right now all lanes are blocked off and temporary closures of all lanes as the tow trucks get in there. right now just a few seconds later the left lane of traffic is starting to get by. we have a delay of a few miles out here. any time there is a problem on the northeast extension right in this area between quaker town and lansdale it backs up very quickly. southbound as you approach lansdale take route 309 if you need to get around it. we'll keep you updated. looks like some parts of our area may get wet weather. first alert forecast from meteorologist tedd florendo. >> clouds across the region but dry across the region. provide some showers mainly south of the i-95 corridor, but still could see a few showers also in the philadelphia at some points north, but a very slight chance. 73 degrees today and cloudy and cool and look for scattered showers and winds breezy down the shore line. we'll have another update in 25 minutes and always get the latest news and weather on send you back to "today" show now. have a great day and we'll see you in about half an hour. ♪ 7:30 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 9th day of september, 2014. that's a pretty morning in ft. washington, wisconsin. sun coming up there. sun shining brightly in new york city. we have the one and only brian williams with us this morning, taking part in our homecoming week, while savannah is on maternity leave. this is not your prime time of the day. >> no, but like riding a bike, matt. it all comes back to me. it's been easily a year since i visited you guys. >> we appreciate it, because it makes for a long day for you. you'll be over across the street 6:30 this evening. what's the matter? >> not breaking rocks in the hot sun. it's only television. >> we like to think of it as breaking rocks in the hot sun. meanwhile, by the way, homecoming week continues this week. kathie lee and hoda get the early wake-up call tomorrow. you're their warmup act. tom brokaw here on thursday. heard of him? >> yep. know him. >> and on friday, maria shriver gets her turn in the co host chair. >> and meantime, let's take a look at what is making headlines at this hour. president obama meets with congressional leaders today to outline his plan to them to combat the growing threat from isis militants. he will then lay out his strategy in an address to the american people tomorrow. a fourth american who contracted ebola in africa now being returned to the united states today. that doctor tested positive in cier sierra leone and will be treated at emory university hospital in atlanta where dr. kent brantley and nancy writebol recovered from the disease. >> at least two people died in arizona on monday, when floodwaters swept away their cars. several roads in las vegas look more like rivers after close to half a foot of rain fell in just a few hours. and still ahead, would you buy food that's past the expiration date if it was sold at a big discount? it's an odd trend in grocery stores. >> it depends what the food is. >> yeah, i don't think -- >> milk. >> there is a lot of food waste. we'll get to that in a couple minutes. let's start this half hour with the so-called special event that apple fans have been waiting for for a long time. that tech giant unveiling its long awaited new products today. nbc's jacob rascone is there. jacob, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. we are only hours away from what may turn out to be the most closely watched tech event ever. anticipation is especially huge today as apple ceo tim cook is under so much pressure to release something not just redone but revolutionary. a scene like this can only mean one thing. the next big i-something is just around the corner. this morning, apple users are wondering how big. >> i feel they're still on top but now getting pressure to do something really amazing. >> reporter: does apple set the trend? >> i think they always have. >> and that, of course, is the iphone. >> reporter: more than seven years after the original release, the iphone is still the most popular smartphone in the country with an estimated 73 million users, many now ready for an upgrade. the big event expected to deliver that times two. >> now they're coming out with two phones. one is going to be slightly larger than the current phone, which is -- and the other is going to be quite large, sort of come parable to android phones. >> reporter: rumor has it, the larger, sleeker phones, with bigger batteries, faster processors, more durable screens and better cameras aren't the only stars of the show. for the first time since apple's iconic leader steve jobs passed away, the company is expected to unveil an entirely new product. >> could it be a watch? you better believe it. but apple is likely to call it something else. >> reporter: the new release will be a test for new apple ceo, tim cook, who has been criticized for not leaving his mark after jobs' death. other apple criticism has come from consumers worried about security after the tech giant admitted some celebrity i cloud accounts were recently attacked and personal intimate photos released. though for many average users, all can be forgiven if apple delivers on new security upgrades and releases on the hype. >> they have a responsibility, you think, to kind of one-up themselves. >> yeah. they always do and they usually deliver. and i hope they deliver this time. >> reporter: also rumored to be a big hit, a mobile payment system wouldn't be new, but apple is expected to make it popular, turning your mobile devices into a mobile wallet. and apple senior vice president is quoted as saying this will be the best product pipeline in 25 years. we'll see later this morning. guys, back to you. >> all right, jacob rascon, thank you very much. always interesting to drive down fifth avenue at 4:30 in the morning and see the folks outside. >> exciting. let's get a check of the weather from al. today's weather is brought to you by chico's. find your fall fashion must-haveses at chico's and chico' >> another area we are watching today, big storms going to be firing up in the plains and the midwest today. so already heavy showers and thunderstorms through chicago. flood watches and flood warnings making their way from marquette all the way to des moines. here's what we expect. heaviest risk of strong storms for this afternoon from minnesota all the way down to kansas city, out into parts of nebraska. tornadoes likely out of this. and then the threat moves east overnight, which is even more dangerous when these severe storms happen at night when you can't see what's going on. green bay, chicago, st. louis, kansas city, iowa city. and look at the rainfall. we've got that flash flooding potential besides the severe weather locally, up to 4 to 6 inches of rain stretching from chicago on into central iowa. that's what's going on around the country. good morning, i'm meteorologist tedd florendo. cloudy, cool day today. temperatures around 73 degrees today and expect some showers to pop up for the day today and the best chance of rainfall down the shore and, of course, the beaches into delaware. seven-day forecast shows we are drying out for tomorrow, thankfully. temperatures will stay in the 70s but we get more and also more storms by friday. we cool off just in time for the weekend and back to the 70s with another chance of showers on saturday. latest weather. brian? >> al, thanks. the royal family is revealing a little bit more about the news that the duchess of cambridge is expecting her second child with prince william. nbc's is outside kensington palace this morning. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, brian. we saw prince william leave kensington palace this morning looking happy and relaxed. duchess kate still being treated for severe morning sickness here at her apartment, 1a. even though she is in the very first weeks of her pregnancy, the speculation has already begun. will it be a little girl this time for prince william and duchess kate? how is she feeling? >> she is feeling okay. it's been a tricky few days. but obviously, we're thrilled. it's great news. early days. >> reporter: the bookies are already taking bets. boy or girl, brown eyes or blue? and it seems everyone is chiming in. >> i'd like to see her have another boy. >> reporter: even prince harry has a preference. >> with any luck, it's a girl. >> reporter: the queen taking a more neutral approach. delighted with the news, according to the official announcement. the royal couple made it known from the start, they wanted more than one child. >> obviously, you know, we want a family. >> i think the heir and the spare is always what's wanted. she may go on and have three or four. >> reporter: the new baby will be fourth in line to be king or queen, bunching prince harry to fifth. >> it's great. >> reporter: the youngest future king, bouncing baby george, is only 1 year old and has charmed the world. and aunt pippa, as she told matt. >> how is it being an aunt? >> wonderful. >> that's the biggest smile this morning. when i mention george, you smile. >> he's amazing. >> reporter: with prince george's younger brother or sister, another heir to the throne. >> oh, my god, i'm so happy! congrats. i can't wait! >> reporter: and the british public another reason to celebrate. and when might the british public see their adored dushess kate next? we're not sure. she has a scheduled appearance tomorrow for the opening ceremony of the invictus games, warrior games here in london. we're told the decision on that appearance will be made closer to the time. brian. >> outside their modest apartment in london. thanks. coming up for us, the trending topics this morning. one in particular will make your kids happy. but is it the right move? why more schools are doing away with homework. >> cheer just went up in the lawyer household. too old to eat? says who. the new popularity of salvage grocery stores that feature expired foods. after this. a chico's jacket makes a statement -- your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? 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[popping & fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. ♪ back now, 7:43 with a question we've all faced at one time or another. should you eat foods that are past their sell-by or use-by dates. brian has just told the story about some mott's applesauce that will change your life. >> 2012 was the date. >> what if you could save a lot of money if you do what brian does? there are stores that specialize in expired food products that a lot of us just toss out. nbc's kevin tibbles is in chicago with more on this. hey, kevin. >> reporter: hey, guys. a study by harvard researchers has found that some 40% of food produced in the united states goes to waste, simply because of confusion over the sell-by dates on the packaging. and it costs the average family some 1500 bucks a year. now there are salvage stores like this one, continental foods, lots for less, in chicago, that specialize in selling expired foods at greatly reduced prices. in louisville, kentucky, consumers at b & e salvage are looking for deals on meals. >> they always have such great bargains. >> reporter: 75% of the grocery items sold here have best by or used by dates that have already expired. but that's not stopping the shopping. >> we sell at a date, we sell close date. we won't sell you anything we won't eat or sell. >> reporter: the store buys products from food brokers. most of the packaged products have expired within the past few months. >> it's nothing to do with safety at all. it's the manufacturer's best guest of when the food is freshest and best quality. >> reporter: at a nearby grocery, we found a 12-ounce bag of coffee selling for $8.99. at b & e, the same coffee sells for $3.99. at the other grocery, a large box of crackers sells for $4.26. at b & e salvage, the same crackers are two boxes for $1 with an expiration date of may 14th. >> crackers and stuff usually are going to be good for a while. >> reporter: experts caution that some expired products may lose nutritional value and urge common sense. the salvage stores don't sell expired meat products. >> salmon that you bought expired, i wouldn't -- that's just something you just wouldn't risk as much as, you know, a box of pretzels or cereal. >> since i saved some money, i had to check out chocolates and get the candy on sale always. >> reporter: savvy shoppers keen on saving money deciding themselves what's really past its shelf life. consumers are, however, warned not to use baby formula or medicines that have passed their sell-by dates but many packaged goods can live on. as you know, twin twinkies live on forever. >> got that. this made us nostalgic for our childhoods. >> all four of us grew up in families where our mother called it the used bread store. >> the outlet store, yeah. >> you would do this. you like this concept? >> i think it's a great idea. >> in a heartbeat. there is food waste in this country. >> you would buy a product past its sell-by date. would you buy a canned product with a dent in it? >> yes. >> a lot of people have a thing about that. >> i'll get the crackers the minute this shift is over. >> here's a quiz. what's the one food that will never spoil? >> honey. >> bingo. they found honey in the pyramids. in fact, honey nut cheerios in the pyramids. >> you don't get this on "nightly news." >> can we declare that a little old for use? >> back in my day -- >> a package of wonder bread right next to king tut. coming up on trending, you're going to be surprised where you'll find the most germs in your workplace. this morning, it's just to my right. and next, carson is in the orange room digging into the video vault in honor of brian's appearance here this morning. first, these messages. >> oh, my. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? 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you are now further into a broad cast than you have been in a long time. are you holding up? are you okay? >> i only do the half hours usually. but thanks for getting me out of the half hour hump. >> nearly an hour in. how does it feel? >> fantastic. i got through that half hour hump. >> again. >> but enough about matt. >> i'll just leave the dancing -- we all enjoy this. >> oh, yeah. >> we want to see that again. >> let's just go to break on this. >> look at the sweets become salaries. an oven heats up a community la cocina, a small kitchen that kick-starts the careers of 41 entrepreneurs. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh... weird... seriously? what? they're magically delicious i and i wondered what it was. pain, everywhere. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's a powerful reflection of validayour drive to succeed.nts. so, forget the gold watch; grab the brass ring... you don't need anyone to tell you that success is yours, because you're busy... ...seizing it... ...drafting it... ...tuning it... making it. the new 2015 cadillac ats. introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. ♪ we've been following bre breaking news. an accident on the northeast extension of the pennsylvania turnpike. good morning, i'm via sikahema. let's get to jillian about details about this accident. >> good news and bad news about this accident. northeast extension approaching lansdale we have about a six-mile backup. the accident itself was just cleared and both lanes are open on the southbound side of the northeast extension. you see this big backup that still remains and the delay six miles right now. you want to avoid this portion of the northeast extension between quaker town and lans dale. that accident just cleared within the last ten minutes. in case you haven't noticed a little cooler out there today than it was yesterday. let's get our first alert forkate from meteorologist tedd . >> 69 degrees for philadelphia and 61 and cool for allentown and already in the upper 60s for atlantic city and we have plenty of clouds out there. they're going to be around throughout the day today. maybe clearing later on in the afternoon and temperatures by mid-day 72 degrees and slight chance of showers for philly and points south down to delaware and rain fall and gusty winds. the high today 73 degrees and mostly cloudy it looks like it will stay cool for tomorrow, as well. vai? philadelphia police aric looing for a man who beat up a woman and shot her twice. this happened inside a home near fifth and christian streets in queen village. the woman is in critical right now at jefferson university hospital. police say they're looking for a 32-year-old man who lives with the woman. he's being called a person of interest and police say that man's brother was the one that called police. i'm vai sikahema we'll send you back to "today" show and see you for another update in about 25 minutes. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, workplace woes. why heading into the office could be hazardous to your health. still rockin' and still rollin'. the one and only keith richards opens up about his unexpected project and his love of music. what was the first rock song you learned to play? >> would it be -- ♪ ♪ peggy sue i love you and segel gets scary. funny man jason segel talks about taking his talents from the big screens to the bookshelves. today, tuesday, september 9th, 2014. good morning from boston! >> hello to my son in north carolina. >> good morning to our friends in vicksburg, michigan. woo! ♪ >> celebrating 25 years married. >> celebrating our one-year anniversary here on the "today" show! >> we're celebrating my birthday. >> my dog's birthday! >> and we're back now, 8:00 on a tuesday morning. it's the 9th day of september, 2014. and something we don't get to say very often. i'm matt lauer, along with brian williams. >> thank you for having me. >> who is helping out while savannah is on maternity leave. carson daly and al roker, as well. and a nice crowd of people who don't normally get to see you. by the way, just for you, a subject coming up in trending, about the germiest place in the office, which is appropriate. because this morning you are a walking germ factory. >> well, we know matt's relationship with germs. bring that in. out of an abundance of caution, i just thought -- i have this cold that so many people have. and i never want anything to come between us. it still works for television. this just is a sneeze and cough barrier, because it's that time of year in between seasons. >> you're like the gal upper of news. >> i spent last week with ebola patients. i think i can handle a cold. you're going to be okay. let's get a check of the top stories of the morning. natalie inside with the headlines. the initially dialogue over domestic violence has been taken to a whole new level about the video that has now surfaced showing ray rice knocking out his future wife, janay palmer, inside a hotel elevator in february. within hours of the tape's release, rice was cut by the baltimore ravens and suspended indefinitely by the nfl. league officials insist, they had not seen the punching video when they initially suspended rice for just two games. president obama is briefing leaders of congress today on a strategy for defeating isis with more aggressive military political and economic tactics. meantime, he is sending secretary of state john kerry on a mission to enlist the support of key arab allies, jordan and saudi arabia. president obama will detail his plan in a speech to the nation wednesday night. the fbi and the cdc are investigating the bizarre attack on a usair marshal who was stabbed with a syringe at an airport in nigeria. nbc's janet shamlian is at houston intercontinental airport. good morning. >> reporter: after the attack in nigeria, the air marshal is still in quarantine in houston this morning. while the fbi and the cdc are investigating, it's what happened after the attack that is raising even more questions. a group of u.s. federal agents was at the airport in lacos, nigeria, traveling in plain clothes as they normally do. they were about to walk through security when they were approached by several men. sources tell nbc affiliate kprc one of the men walked up to the agents carrying a syringe, stabbed an air marshal in the arm with an unknown substance and ran away. the marshal reportedly pulled the needle from his arm, stored it what's being described as a safe container and boarded united flight 143 to houston. >> it may have had nothing in it. it may have been saline solution. but it's a dry run to see how easily this could be done on someone else. >> reporter: officials in the u.s. say the marshal showed no signs of illness during the flight or when he arrived in houston. but amid concerns about ebola in africa, questions are being raised about whether he should have gotten on that plane. when dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol were diagnosed with the ebola virus, they were brought back to the u.s. separately, in a specially outfitted charter plane which kept them quarantined from others aboard. with up to 250 passengers on the flight from nigeria, one veteran former pilot says he thinks the marshal was wrong to get on that flight. >> it's difficult to understand why they accepted a risk of health concerns, especially coming from that part of the world. you don't know if it's a transmittal disease. you don't know if other people are at risk. >> reporter: authorities say there is no indication that passengers on that plane have anything to worry about. natalie? >> janet shamlian, houston. thank you, janet. comedy genius mel brooks, gave a little extra something when set his hands and footprints in cement friday. he wore an extra prosthetic finger. he thought it would be amusing if he had six fingers on one hand. he is being honored on the 40th anniversary of his film, "young frankenstein" one of al roker's favorites. and let's throw it back out to al. >> comedy legend. mel brooks, carl reiner and norman leer in there. that's 250 years of comedy. that's fantastic. hey, we've got a great -- you guys -- most people get a t-shirt. you got a dog when you come here. who is this? >> this is bertha, i'm celebrating my birthday today. >> how old? >> 58. >> wow, fantastic. bertha, that's fantastic. you're so calm. what a good dog. thanks for coming. appreciate that. let's show you what we have. and we're looking at some heavy showers and thunderstorms. they have a lot of rain and flooding in norfolk, yesterday. some areas picking up up to 10 inches of rain. more heavy showers and thunderstorms, most staying off shore. along the outer banks, heavy showers and thunderstorms. and look at this cold air coming in thursday, friday into saturday. temperatures are going to be anywhere from 10 to 30 degrees below normal for minneapolis all the way down to northern texas. we do have a risk of strong storms today in the northern plains. rip currents along the southeastern atlantic coast. and a beautiful day in the pacific northwest. that's what's going o good morning. it is going to be a cloudy, cool day. temperatures around 73 degrees. expect some showers to pop up for the day. the best chance of rainfall is down the shore, the beaches of delaware. seven-day forecast shows we are drying out for tomorrow. temperatures for the weekend, warm and also by thursday. for the weekend, back to the 70s and another chance of showers sunday. audience? >> he's cold. >> where are you from? >> denver! >> oh, my gosh. >> big strapping guy like you? come on. >> because it never gets cold in denver. >> all right, thank you. coming up on trending, hoping children aren't watching this. a story on a growing number of schools banning homework. what we know about that, coming up. what could be better, sir richard branson and puppies. we should point out, separate topics. we'll talk to him about his new book. and later inside the mind of your dog. but first, these messages. ♪ 14 years to the day, we got our first prius. ♪ sometimes the most daring ideas... ...are the ones you can count on the most. ♪ the prius. toyota, lets go places. oh, there's an energy crisis happening, alright. a human one. and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. it's how we help keep go-getters like you, going, and getting. one bite at a time. make it with milk for a boost of protein. quaker up. suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. [ mike ] i wanted to do some good for my guys. so i'm trying hellmann's with olive oil. let's see what happens. that's not hellmann's on your sandwiches. it's hellmann's with olive oil. whaddaya want, a parade? [ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. [ laughter ] thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! what we eat and drink can stain our teeth. new colgate total lasting white mouthwash strengthens teeth... and has an invisible shield that helps block stains like this. for a healthy white smile that lasts. new colgate total lasting white. but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? ♪ now we're getting somewhere. get the party started with friskies party mix california dreamin' cat treats. ♪ we're back at 8:13 with what's trending today. gang, let's be gentle. this is brian's first-ever trending. already the focus of one of the stories, though. germs in the office. he's sick, under the weather, carrying lots of germs. a new study from the university of arizona will make you think twice about what you do and who you touch at work. so what is the germiest place in your office? turns out it is -- >> bathroom. >> no. the break room. >> ooh. >> the germiest surface is the coffee pot handle. >> ooh! >> by the way, microwave handle comes in close second. one researcher saying that hands actually spread germs more quickly. this is hard to believe -- that your hands spread more quickly than if you just sneeze. >> sneeze on somebody? >> that's lovely. >> thank you so much. enjoy breakfast, everyone. now on to new insight into an unlikely friendship. presidents clinton and george w. bush 43 trading jokes and compliments. very affectionately doerg during an event monday. clinton revealed that bush would call him twice a year from the white house to pick his brain. but then the talk turned to the impending arrival of clinton's first grandchild. here the tables turned. 43 offering 42 a little advice. >> be prepared to fall completely in love again. get ready also to be, like, the lowest person in the pecking order in your family. >> some interesting conversation. the leaders in the respective presidential libraries joining forces to train young leaders. >> great. >> it is great to see. >> our former presidents. >> a lot of fun to see. speaking of the presidency, normally people are excited to visit the white house, right? apparently not everyone. take a look at this little boy. his dad leading the secret service. and even though his parents are meeting the president, clearly not very impressed doing a face-plant on the couch in the oval office. >> he has to live with that picture when he grows up. >> can't photo shop that, kid. >> he'll be applying for a job, yeah, i was the kid who did that. of. >> did you ever do that in your years at the white house? >> never. >> without the president knowing? >> no, no. >> just a little nap would have been nice on the couch. meanwhile, has there ever been a time to be a student in apparently -- remember a couple weeks ago we told you about the push to delay school start times to allow kids to sleep in. this morning news that your kids are probably going to be even happier to hear. there is a growing number of schools all over the country that are banning homework. yes, you heard that right, kids. as parents and educators grapple over how students should spend time, many schools are opting out all together. for example, one elementary school in rockville, maryland, simply asks students to read for a half hour each night. i'm one of the parents, i like the routine, i like the kids to have structure. i'm one of those who think a little homework is good but not excessive. >> my son is texting me now, dad, can we move to rockville, maryland. >> i'm thrilled about this, because it won't remind me how dumb i am. i'm struggling. >> fourth grade math, can't get past it. >> oh, math. >> a lot of you add, would you support the policy of no homework policy. 75% of you saying you would support that. 25% saying no. a lot more people in favor. this next story i think may confirm some of our worst suspicions. do you know what your waiter is doing when you're in the looking? >> i don't want to know. i really don't want to know. >> la la la! a new study, servers are coming clean about the ways they've gotten even with unruly customers. 11% admitting they increased their own tip without getting permission. 65% kept the customer waiting longer than necessary. and here's the one you've been waiting for. 6% admitted to deliberately contaminating food. >> oh! >> that's right. the old loogie in the soup routine. there you have it. be nice to your waiters, folks. >> i didn't order oysters. >> yeah. really? >> i worked at a pancake house and we had a psycho path short order cook. i've seen this happen. horrible. >> forgot to tell you, the line is different. the oyster line. >> i'm saying -- >> he's enjoying the freedom. >> all right, brian. thank you very much. that is what's trending today. and we turn now to a legendary rock and roller, guitarist keith richards. after five decades as an icon, he's still going strong, recording and also touring. and now richards is reaching out to a new and younger audience with a children's book called "gus & me." i'm trying to imagine, 1971, you just record "brown sugar" and you and nick and charlie and ron are sitting around and you go, you know what i really want to do is do children's books. >> yeah. it's a hard one to bite on. >> i hope you don't take it as an insult. you've heard them all. most people don't think of the name keith richards and the words children's book. >> i know. >> in the same sentence. >> i understand this. and i'm trying to broaden my appeal. >> you're reaching out to a whole new audience? >> i realize, it's time to make grandpas hip, you know? >> when it comes to hip grandpas, it's richards' own theodore agust us dupree "gus & me." what made you decide he was the guy you wanted to pay tribute? >> i realized what a subtle way he had of turning me on to being a musician. and he said a very simple thing -- there is a very simple spanish piece, and it's an exercise, basically, and it can go anywhere you want. but he said if you can get your chops and fingers around that, you can be a guitar player. >> do you remember the song? ♪ >> i've got a guitar right there. can you do it on the guitar? ♪ >> just like riding a bicycle, isn't it? i got the book here. i picked a couple pages. will you read them for me? this page i liked a lot, right over there. >> we walked for miles. we talked through towns and we walked through the countryside. and gus, he would hum every step of the way. he would hum old symphonies as we strolled from one ditch to the next. he would hum funny tunes as we wandered skinny streets and smoky alleys. we tip topped around foggy ponds and explored silent forests. >> a whole group of kids out there thinking, why don't he read me bedtime stories? most children's books are supposed to have a lesson or a message. so what's the message? what do you want young readers to take away from this? >> yeah, any kids -- it might help kids to be aware they do have grandparents and grandfathers. at the same time, i'm hoping it works in reverse. and that grandparents recognize and realize that they have grandkids. and to tighten that bond. >> "gus & me" is a true family affair with words by richards and illustrations by his 29-year-old daughter, theodora, named as you might guess, for her great grandfather, theodore. >> i think theodora said there was a time you would have never gotten caught dead in a broad way musical. and now from time to time you're there. and that there is a softening of you. is that fair? >> is it called growing up or old or whatever. >> sure. >> mature. let's call it -- >> let's use the right word. do you find that? >> yeah, i guess. in a way, yeah. then you've got more to care about. you have to soften up and you have to -- you pay more attention to things. it's called responsibility. it's called maturity. and it's called a whole lot of fun, if you can make it. i mean, you don't want to grow old. >> richards is himself a grandfather seven times over. how old are your grandkids? >> they range from 18 to 4 months. >> when they hear "jumpin' jack flash" or "brown sugar" or "satisfaction" what do you want them to think about you? >> what a great piece of rock 'n roll. >> do you think that generation will get it? >> music is music. loads of get up with really good music like mozart. it doesn't matter if it's 2 or 300 years old. lots of people get up on jazz and '30s and '40s music. i don't think a time limit comes into music. i think good music is good music. and it's timeless. and that's what it's about. >> how cool is he? >> his voice is -- i could just listen forever. >> one of the perks of this job. by the way, "gus & me" comes out today. the stones on tour again in australia and new zealand. starting next month. we should grab some tickets and get out there. that would be fun. let's go out to carson and al. >> thank you very much, matt. appreciate that. all morning long, the folks here on the plaza have been taking part in this. this is the voice 360, a 3-d virtual reality experience that let's fans go through a blind audition in a real-life coach's chair. al, you're in the hot seat right now. are you ready to go? >> sure. >> you're going to help blake shelton pick a contestant to join his team. put on your headset. >> okay. >> and when you're ready, we're going to turn your chair. are you ready, al? >> of course. >> here we go. we'll spin al around. you are on "the voice." describe everything that you're seeing. >> okay. i'm seeing -- >> hey, you. >> i'm seeing people behind me. >> nice talking to you. >> oh, hi, blake. now people are clapping. ♪ now you're in the blind audition right now. do you feel like you're there? >> yeah, yeah. yes, i can see pharrell. there's pharrell. and there's blake. >> yeah. >> look up. what do you see up? is. >> i see pharrell turning. >> pharrell turned. >> okay. >> you're trying to turn, are you? >> i'm trying to turn. >> what is blake saying to you? >> oh, spinning now. there's blake over there. and i'm -- >> you're in it. >> i'm there. there's the guy singing. >> now you can just enjoy it. >> wow. and then that's it. >> what did you think of that? you were just on "the voice." >> i will tell you this. there's a little -- if you suffer from vertigo there is a little motion sickness. >> a little virtual reality. >> so enjoy your breakfast before you go. >> all right. great job. al, everybody. don't forget, you can catch the season premier of "the voice," monday september 22, of course, right here on nbc. are you going to be all right, al? want a glass of water? >> i'll just live in this world now from now on. >> coming up, we go inside the minds of dogs. plus, jason segel is here to scare you. all that coming up. but good morning, everyone. hú÷chris cato. let's check the forecast. any showers out there? >> none so far. we are going to change that as the morning progresses. outside now, plenty of clouds, still is dry. cloudy skies, cool conditions. 73 degrees the high today. look for a chance of showers, most of those south of the 95 corridor. we had a rough accident out there earlier on the northeast extension. nbc 10 reporter will let us know if it is cleared up. >> cleared about 35 minutes ago. expect to see a backup, about 35 minutes ago had a six mile delay, that's starting to clear out. this is 95 northbound accident. you can see police on the scene, the accident is outside of the camera view. one lane of traffic is getting by. this is causing delay on 95 northbound. today, voters cast ballots in the delaware primary election. polls open until 8:00 p.m. two reasons for state offices are running for the gop nomination for state treasurer. and also for state auditor. we will let you know how it turns out. another live update in 25 minutes. you can get the latest news and weather at now back to the "today" show. have a great tuesday. tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. ♪ we're back now, 8:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 9th of september, 2014. the sun is shining. people are smiling on the plaza. and why shouldn't they be? because brian williams is here for savannah today. we're happy to have you. >> thank you. thank you. it's a pleasure to be here. this is hardly about me. >> oh, don't be modest. >> you know who it is about? >> who? >> hoda and kathie lee, who will be your hosts all morning long tomorrow. >> that begs the question, why? doesn't it? by the way, our dogs. >> dogs in their hands and not drinking. >> it's still early. >> even for us, it's a little early. >> should we explain the props here? >> yes, why we have the props. >> we're going to be doing a segment inside the minds of your dog. >> that's why you're the co host of the show. unbelievable. >> anyway, thank you, ladies. >> our dogs are cold. that's what's on their minds. >> don't leave. we've got a little more to do. >> he helped me make the scale tip here. it's all guys today. it's a man show. >> okay. >> also ahead, we have sir richard branson here, he's going to reveal his tease to being a great leader and also update his plans to go into outer space and get tourists to go up into outer space. jason segel tells us why he decided to take a walk on the scary side. >> all right. but first, mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> all right. let's show you, for today we have a risk of strong storms in the mid plains. we're also looking at wet weather in the northern plains. temperatures are going to be nice and toasty throughout texas. wet weather in the southeast. gorgeous day along the west coast. tomorrow, that risk of strong storms moves into the upper ohio river valley. beautiful day in new england and the northeast. look for gorgeous weather in the pacific northwest. 81 degrees in portland today. tomorrow, i should say. that's what's going on around good morning. it is going to be a cloudy, cool day. temperatures only around 73 degrees. also expect some showers to pop up for the day, best chance of rainfall will be down at the shore, and of course the beaches in delaware. seven-day forecast shows we are drying out for tomorrow, thankfully. temperatures still in the 70s. we get warm and more storms by thursday. we cool off in time for the weekend, back to the 70s with another chance of showers saturday. and that's your latest weather. brian? >> al, thanks. sir richard branson is a billionaire entrepreneur, the founder, of course, of the virgin group, which now includes more than 100 companies worldwide. and along the way, he has become famous for his publicity stunts and extreme challenges. as famous for that as his business skills, which are formidable. and now he is out with a new book about his rather unorthodox manner of doing business. it is called "the virgin way:spaig everything i know about leadership." and because he knows something about making an entrance, let's bring in sir richard now. ♪ this is how al roker comes to work every day. >> nice to see you. >> a pleasure to have you. can you explain the significance? >> beautiful new uniform. there we go. >> better you than me. fantastic. >> made by vivian westwood who did the sexiest outfit many, many years ago. >> i was going to guess it was sex pistol inspired. this is what we'll be seeing in the skies. thank you all for coming. first of all, explain to the folks, remind the folks who perhaps know something about your life story. what was the last year of formal education you had? >> i was 14 years old when i had my last real year of education. and then started planning a magazine. so it goes back an awful long way. 50 years of learning the art of survival in -- as an entrepreneur. and being out in the world and not -- no formal education, really. >> and you make it plain, you've never read a business book. and you've written so plainly about how to succeed. one of the points you drive home is keep trying. don't give up. follow your heart. follow your dreams. to the people who come up to you and say, you know, it's fine. you are who you are. you have an extraordinary package of skills. i'm in an economic point in my life where i can't afford to to it anymore, because it's not panning out. how do you send them back to work? >> well, i was starting a business, is something which you don't have to have a degree to start a business. you have to have an idea. an idea to make people's lives better. and if you have that idea, just try it. and you'll learn a lot in the process. you may be successful, you may not be successful. get a great team of people around you who believe in your idea. and have a lot of fun trying it. and there are a lot of people who have embarked on that who have become very, very successful. >> safe to say, you're known best for the aviation business, which you have now taken to another extreme. you're going into space. you yourself. and paying customers. update us on how that project is going. >> fortunately, it's now going very well. it's taken longer than we thought. we have had -- the mother ship is now finished, the space ship is finished, the space port is finished. and we have been developing two separate rockets, both of which came due about two months ago. so we're now going through the final testing stages. we'll be doing, you know, at least one flight into space before the end of the year. and then we'll move the whole operation to new mexico where the space port is. and i'll be going up with my son, sam, earlyish in the new year. >> and the ticket price, remind us, for those who are not named branson? >> it's $250,000. but in time the price will come down. so hopefully a lot of people watching this program one day will be able to afford to go to space and become astronauts. >> we already know what the flight attendant uniforms will look like. sir richard branson, thank you so much for joining us this morning. again, the book is "the virgin way," sir richard branson joining us in the studio. coming up, you may have heard the sounds in the background. what is your pet really thinking? how is that for a transition? we'll go inside the mind of your dog. there they are. and here's another one. up next, why actor jason segel is about to give your kids nightmares. if his project works. but first, this is "today" on nbc. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today. you know him from his light-hearted comedy roles. but now jason segel wants to haunt your dreams and bring terror into your life with his first book, "nightmares." jason, good morning. >> good morning. it was such an intimidating intro. >> where were you on the night -- what is the deal here? you go from sex tapes to a novel for what age group here? >> i think 8 years old up. it's that age where you like to be a little bit scared and you like to be forced to put the book down and then pick it back up when you regain your courage. but i remember these books like the doll books like goonees and labarinth, caught me at an age where i needed to be reminded there was still magic out there. and that's why i'm here. >> the main character is 12 years old, his mom passed away, his father remarries and he starts having these bad dreams. is it the same dream over and over again or are they different? >> it's the same recurring dream about witches eating his toes. that was a dream i had. >> you had that? i read you had a different dream. >> well, i also had a dream about dracula chasing me through his castel. and then the power of the human brain. at some point i found a secret room he didn't know about and hung out in there. >> so the witches toes, the recurring dream about dracula. were you a bed-wetter? i know this has nothing to do with anything, i'm just curious. >> that's a really interesting question. i did wet my bed for a little while when my little sister was born out of spite. >> spite? just to get attention? >> yeah, there was a new kid in the household. and then my mom said fine, i'm not going to wash your sheets anymore and i stopped wetting my bed. >> how long did your dracula dreams last and witches toes dreams last? >> into my early teens when i started getting creative, actually, is when that stuff went away. and that's sort of -- i think you were saying to keith richards that these kids' books generally have a message. this one has one. it's okay to be afraid. i didn't want to write a book about that you don't need to be afraid, because things scare you. it happens. but for me, you know, i do a lot of stuff in this business. i write and i act and i sing. it's not that i'm especially gifted at all of those things. it's that i'm not afraid. and i'm not afraid to be bad at something until i'm good at it. >> not to get too personal, although you've already done the bed-wetting thing. did you ever go to seek help for the dreams that you were having? >> no. they sort of -- they sort of gave way around my early teens. honestly, when i started -- my parents enrolled me in an acting class when i was -- >> you think it was just a different outlet for those thoughts? >> yeah. i think so. i think that your dreams are sort of manifestations of an energy you haven't dealt with. and so i started dealing with them creatively. and i think that's why i wrote this. >> is this now the first of a series of books? >> yeah, it's going to be one book per year for the next three years. it's a trilogy. i'm thrilled. i wrote it with an amazing woman named kirsten miller. >> you revealed your mom had a nightmare and your mom's nightmare was seeing your full frontal nudity scene in "forgetting sara marshal." >> yeah. she wasn't pleased about that. >> how long was that scene? it wasn't a glancing blow. >> no. it was a really long scene. it's like seven or eight minutes long. there i am. goes hand-in-hand with the kids book. yeah, i got dumped once while i was naked. and maybe this is my problem in life. the whole time i'm supposed to experience it as a human being, i'm thinking this is going to be so funny in a movie. >> does that embarrass you? does anything embarrass you, actually, these days? >> i get embarrassed when i'm unprepared. do you know -- you too? >> i have those dreams. that i'm not prepared for something. the old not ready for a test. >> yeah. you know what i learned as i got older? to give myself a break. as long as i'm trying as hard as i can and doing everything i can at every moment to make what i'm doing good, you're going to mess up and you're not going to be perfect. it's okay. i mean, these books, they're really -- they're really me talking to myself in a lot of ways. but i've learned as i got older -- everything is okay. >> before i let you go, someone who has had a rather on and off relationship with social media. >> yeah. >> you dumped social media. >> i totally dumped social media. >> after making a disparaging remark. >> i stand by my remark, which was that sandwiches are more diverse than burritos. i'm just saying as a burrito becomes too diverse, it becomes a wrap. >> yeah. yeah, you don't belong on social media. you really don't. this is great. you're a great guest. by the way. >> thank you very much. you're a great host. >> thank you very much. this book is called "night nam s "nightmares." >> nice to have you. >> likewise. >> up next, puppies. we take you inside the mind of your dog. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ for the love of pets on "today," is brought to you by purina. your pet, our passion. we're back now. 8:46. more of our series "for the love of pets." this morning we're talking about inside the mind of your dogs. we have been challenging the nbc censors this morning. >> we have, using the worldwide resources of nbc news, a number of special correspondents who happen to know a lot about the subject. nbc's craig melvin is here to translate. craig and pal, good morning. >> that was daisy. >> hey! >> this is daisy. she will be back. a puppet show with hedgehogs and rats may not sound scientific but these studies at yale university are asking intriguing questions about just what is going on inside the mind of your dog. they're four-legged and furry. our best friends, roommates and life participants. and sometimes they seem to say the darnest things. so it's no wonder we want to know everything we can about them. >> what is he thinking? i mean, you know that they're thinking something. >> let's face it. we are obsessed with our pets. >> they really become part of the family. and i think it's natural we want to understand them better and give them really good lives. >> now scientists catching on with a new breed of research. canine cognition. that's right. exploring inside the minds of our dogs. one scientist is scanning dog brains to see how they respond to facial expressions. others are studying dog jealousy, be even dog guilt. and here at yale university, our cameras got behind the scenes access inside their canine cognition sensor, led by psychologist mory santos. >> the purpose of the center is to figure out what's going on inside dogs' heads. these are guys that live with us, grow up with us, we share our homes and families with them. yet scientifically, we don't know much about how dogs think. >> today's subjects, scooter, 6 years old. fin, 3. and benjamin westerbrook esquire, age 2. we'll call him ben. the first test, a puppet show asking, are dogs moral? what are we trying to learn here? >> really what we're trying it learn is how ben is processing these different actions. does he just see them as these pickup mets moving or does he think of the actions in terms of helping and hindering in terms of good actions and bad actions? >> twice, the dogs watch as the nice rat helps the hedgehog up the hill. and the mean rat pushes it down. >> and now we're going to see how ben processes those two puppets by giving him a choice. ben is doing what we see in a lot of dogs, they go to check out the puppet that was mean. >> ben chose the mean puppet too. and scooter? >> he's like where are the treats. >> scooter chooses nothing. >> this exact study has been done with humans and what you find is they can tell the difference between the mean puppet and the nice puppet. and they prefer to interact with the nice puppet. >> the second test, puzzles and treats that beg the question, do dogs trust us? >> showing him there's food only in one of the spots. and she shows him how to open it. >> fin, look! >> so the question is whether fin just does what angie shows him or whether he kind of goes on his own to find stuff. >> santos says it's still too early for final results, but one thing is quite clear. it may be tougher than she thought to crack the canine code. >> there's just tremendous variation. certain dogs are good at certain things other dogs aren't. so to really characterize how dogs overall think is going to be a bit of a challenge. >> but there does appear to be one common thread so far. the behavior of man's best friend likely has a lot to do with man himself. >> dogs are just so attuned to what we do. they're watching our subtle behaviors, they're paying attention to what we pay attention to. and this might be the key to their success. >> success for our beloved dogs who already hold the key to our hearts. >> i think we're going to find a much richer relationship between us and dogs than we ever expected. >> so there are more cats in this country than dogs, but who exactly is the most favored pet? as you know, that is quite contentio contentious. highly debatable -- >> aww! >> i can tell you there are far less research studies looking at the mind of a cat. the researchers at yale, a thousand dogs, by the way -- a thousand dogs showed up to participate in this study. >> on their own! >> they drove themselves there. so far they have looked at about 200. these puppies, by the way, are all up for adoption. we should note. 11th hour rescue is -- >> look at these three here. oh, my goodness. >> out cold. >> ready to go home together. clearly. >> awww. >> jumped out -- >> this one here. >> they -- you need to take home some more dogs. >> if you are interested in adopting any of these, head to our website, for more information. up next, the finalists in our one direction fan faceoff compete live. but first, this is "today" on nbc. tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. ♪ we're back now at 8:53 with the kickoff of our one direction fan face-off. carson? >> let's get to it. everybody, please say hello. we've got rifka from texas, kylie booth from oklahoma. there is jc from indiana and colleen kelsey from new hampshire. i want to welcome you all. good to have you here. today's challenge is called "i.d. the guy from one-d." brilliant. pic picks pixelated photos of the guys. the first guest to buzz in will move on. unfortunately, one of you going home. pay close attention. you guys ready? >> yes. >> excited? >> yes. >> hands on your buzzers, please. here's the first photo. right there. unpixelating. when you recognize it, hit your buzzer. right there. we've got kylie. >> william? >> that is not liam. go ahead, colleen. >> louie? >> no, that is not. >> who is next? jaycee. >> harry? >> no. >> where are we. right here, kylie. >> niles. that. >> is nile. >> you are safe. you're moving on this week. let's take a look at the second photo, everybody. here comes the second photo. wow, you hit all the guys. nice job, you got it there. kylie. wow. early on the buzzer for the second photo. >> harry? >> that is harry. my goodness! the 10-year-old, youngest in the competition. congratulations. where is your dad? there is raoul. you guys made it. excellent job. jaycee and colleen, comes down to you. the final photo. please put it up. here we go. hands on your buzzers, ladies. final photo. that is colleen. i'm sorry? >> louie? >> no, it's not louie. well you're safe. so jc? it is a. congratulations to you. colleen, i'm sorry, you're going home. but you're not leaving empty-handed. this is for you. >> thank you. >> inside that envelope, you will be able to see a one-d-con certificate of your choice. congratulations to you guys. kylie, jc, ripka. you're moving on. until tomorrow. they'll be back and compete. viewers at home good morning. i am chris cato. 8:56. let's get the forecast. tedd, is the rain moving in yet? >> not yet, it is mainly to the south. we have plenty of clouds overhead now. notice showers down here. rain at times in the delmarva. looks like it will track out to sea, still churn some showers around the shower and of course in delaware, maybe a slight chance at philadelphia, mainly looking at cloudy skies. cool and cloudy for the day, with some showers possible. temperatures around 73 degrees. winds breezy from the northeast, but windy down the shore. we have breaking news at nbc 10. trump entertainment resorts, the company that owns two casinos in atlantic city has filed for bankruptcy. trump plaza is set to close september 16th. this bankruptcy filing is the fifth. nbc 10 reached out to a company spokesperson. we haven't heard back from them. stay with us as we follow breaking news, another development in atlantic city's growingoc)ij casino crisis. philadelphia police are looking for a man that beat up a woman and shot her, leaving her clinging to life. it happened near 5th and christian street in queen village early this morning. the woman was shot in the head in critical condition at jefferson university hospital. police are looking for a 32-year-old man that lives with that woman. he is a person of interest. his brother is the one that called police. voters will cast ballots in the delaware primary election. they're voting now. polls open until 8:00 p.m. two big state offices. i am chris cato. back with another update in 25 minutes. ♪ from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. it's september the 9th, 2014. good-looking crowd outside on the plaza. i'm willie geist along with al roker, natalie morales, tamron hall. we're still recovering from the presence of one brian williams on the "today" program. >> brian william vapors. >> it was the man show here. i was the only woman on-set. >> at the beginning of the program, we had not only brian williams, we had bryant gumbel, josh elliot. it was like -- man cam. >> raining men. >> you sound like you're complaining, natalie. >> did i -- i said -- if i were to start singing it now, then i would be -- >> then we would start complaining. there you go. >> wow. >> all right. let's get right into the news. you have seen the video by now. ray rice has been cut by the baltimore ravens, suspended indefinitely by the nfl. it's ugly video. >> hard to watch. >> shows rice apparently knocking out his then fiancee. now his wife in an atlantic city hotel elevatener february. tmz sports released the video that shows rice knocking out palmer in a single punch, hitting the railing inside an elevat elevator. earlier video shows rice dragging an unconscious palmer out of the video. that's still the new video. the old video we had is the front of him dragging her out of the elevator. he was indicted for aggravated assault in march. the day before he and palmer were married, actually. he got probation, ordered to attend anger management. the nfl at the time gave him two-game suspension. there was an outcry over that, too lenient. guys who smoke weed get four games. he got two. nfl commissioner roger goodell admitted he didn't get the punishment right and announced tougher sanctions on future offenders. this morning, a new statement from the nfl. they say, security for atlantic city casinos is handled by the new jersey state police. any videos related to an ongoing criminal investigation are held in the custody of state police. as we said yesterday, we requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident, including the video from inside the elevator. that video was not made available to us. take a step back. this happens yesterday. he's cut, suspended, and everyone is saying, wait a minute, the nfl launched this investigation, hadn't seen the video inside the elevator? >> and a lot of people think they had to have known about this. >> had to have known or at least willfully ignored it, which is what tmz sports reported. a new statement from the nfl saying it's under the control of the police. we couldn't get to it. we reached out to the prosecutor's office in atlantic city. that office declined to comment on the video or race's case at this time. rice's agent had no comment. obviously, the acts by ray rice, the video, reprehensible. the rarchs did the right thing. now the questions are for the nfl. are we really to believe that nfl security did not have access and did not see the video inside the elevator? >> impossible. >> impossible to believe that. and if tmz could get access, security people could easily have said where's the tape. beyond that, it doesn't matter what that tape shows. >> we know she got knocked out. >> you know she got knocked out. we saw the aftermath of that tape. this tape, it's too little too late, is beyond the question we should be asking today. the reality is, the evidence was plain in sight. and it's very clear what happened. >> as bryant gumbel pointed out earlier on the program, there are a number of other nfl players. >> three cases since they announced their new domestic violence policy have sprouted up. i call complete nonsense on the focus of this video. to your point. how was she knocked out doesn't matter. she was. and we saw -- i don't like this what happened before, because i believe, in my opinion, there's a dot, dot, dot of maybe she did something. what happened in there? it doesn't matter if he used an elbow, a hand, a weapon. she was completely knocked out. when that door opened. that's all they needed to see. and the next part of the conversation, former governor ed rendell of pennsylvania said, should roger goodell step down. that's the -- >> that's -- those are the dots people are -- >> absolutely. >> people are trying to make that connection. does roger goodell survive this. >> and i'm also not happy with people who keep saying, why is she staying? and, you know, there is some victim shaming going on here. and part of the -- it doesn't matter if they don't. why are you asking that question? child or not? and we -- a crime was committed. charges were reduced. he has a plea deal. didn't take the plea deal. he has an arrangement where he's got to go to anger management. initially, she was even charged. they were dropped against her. but it's incredible. i talked with vice president joe biden yesterday about his effort. 20-year anniversary of the violence against women act. and part of that act includes officers can show up to a scene, if there is a sign of domestic violence, they don't have to have the victim press charges. they can at that point follow up and arrest that individual. all of this, part of this act. but i think some of this focus on the video, some of this shaming of the woman, it's just too much. it's absolutely too much. >> there was a tweet that was deleted yesterday. 4:30 p.m. yesterday. it was posted on may the 23rd from the ravens' official account that says janay rice regrets the role she played in this incident. in other words, they were circling the wagons around ray rice and forced her to go out and make some kind of apology and post it. >> i think what they meant was commissioner goodell -- they meant together. ray rice and his wife. >> right. >> so you can't really have a conversation one-on-one in that situation. and you don't -- you know at that point, there's sort of a strategy and a game plan being talked about. how do we handle this. it's the crisis of the situation of the moment. as a pr scandal, is what they were log at, rather than as this is a woman's life. >> and a violent act -- the vice president said -- we'll play more of this interview. he believes there should be a zero tolerance in all sports. none of this gradual did you it once, you get a pass. there should be zero tolerance, as with violence in schools. a kid comes in with a weapon or threatens. zero tolerance. why is that not part of the conversation? not just for the nfl, major league baseball, the nba. soccer, whatever. let's look at it through that prism. >> this is obviously going to be discussed for a long time to come. as is this next story, which is -- really very interesting. >> this is incredible. an estimated -- right now, 1 in 68 u.s. children have an autism spectrum disorder. there is a new study out that may offer inspiring hope to families. it's out today from uc-davis and looks at early intervention. we have heard people talk about early intervention. currently children generally begin treatment between 12 and 48 months. now seven infants ages 6 months to 15 months who were initially exhibiting severe autism symptoms, which include failure to make eye contact, repetitive play behavior, absence of babbling, some of the things you all noticed i'm sure early on in your children. those are milestones. over this three-year period, examined these children, and seven of them showed normal patterns of verbal and nonverbal development with early intervention. so to tell us more is dr. lee banekor, joining us via skype from baltimore. what is your initial reaction to this study? >> well, i think it's a very encouraging study. if you think about it, this was a sibling study. so there was some idea in these parents' minds, they had siblings that had autism spectrum. so it made them think about their children early. but early intervention is the key. in the past, kids were like 2 years old when we identified the them. so i think because it was related to siblings, parents started to look for these cues. but they really brought them in, and they really got working with them every day, and working with them and the coaches and learned what to do. and actually, interacted with these babies that weren't initially having those normal interactions that you talked about. and i think it's pretty exciting. it's a small study. but it's pretty exciting. and it really points to, as we learn more and more about the spectrum and risk factors and picking things up earlier. >> doctor, what specifically can a parents do? if they have a child who they feel might be existing early signs of autism or might be at risk for it, are there specific things a parent can tell their child to do and train their child in this case? >> they should probably talk to a health care professional first. but what -- in this study, what they talked about was, like, really imitating the child's sounds if they were making a few sounds. using the toys to interact with the child. spending some time -- there was years ago where there were studies where they talked about people locking themselves in dark bathrooms so that only the child could concentrate on what was going on at that time because there was too much going on from the outside. and i think this -- and that was many years ago. these were already older kids with autism. so i think there's this idea of really concentrating the attention individually on these young kids very early on. and doing this repetitively every day in their routine to try and get them out of their -- these symptoms. and, in fact, they did find that these kids started babbling and started having eye contact. and started having language skills, which is one of the most disabling things about autism. >> doctor, thank you so much. we greatly appreciate your insight. >> small study again, but very interesting for families dealing with this. >> absolutely. here's a story that caught my eye. front page, cover story here of the "new york post." 51, single and pregnant. her name is tracy con, expecting in february, a pr person, publicist. she has already a 2-year-old daughter. and i thought what was interesting, you see so many more women now doing this, choosing to have children later on in life. she says, by the way, if anyone else thinks it's strange and unnatural, they're entitled to their opinion. but i honestly don't give a -- you know what she's saying there. >> teaching kids new words. >> she has a long relationship -- slide right past that one. she's had lots of long-term relationships but never met the one and she is hoping someday she will meet the one, but deciding to take fertility in her own hands. saying sometimes you can't choose when these things happen. would i have liked to have had things the way you expect life to go, sure. >> did she do this with ivf? >> ivf, yes. and, yeah. i mean, it's an interesting thing. and i think more and more women, you're starting to see this. and we have come a long, long way, i think, back from the old murphy brown days where there was a question about being a single mom and raising a child and choosing to have a child later on in life by herself. a lot more women taking charge. >> she built up her career, at a point where she is ready for it. good for her. >> unfortunately, i don't think a lot of women can do that, because they can't afford to do that. but she it is in a position where she can. >> cool. al, what's going on outside? >> outside here in the northeast, fantastic weather. but we have been looking at a lot of wet weather in the southwest. we had a combination of monsoonal moisture and norbert causing problems. we had a lot of flooding in parts of colorado, in parts of arizona, into parts of nevada. today the greatest risk is from northern arizona into western colorado. could be 2 to 3 inches of rain in that area. we also have a risk of strong storms today stretching from nebraska all the way into iowa, southern missouri, tornadoes possible and more tornadoes possible again later tonight from green bay, chicago, st. louis on into kansas city. that's what's going on around the coun and that's your latest weather. next, the man behind some of the biggest hits in country music, grammy nominated singer-songwriter, lee bryce, with another number one. he's going to sing for us in a little bit. and we'll talk to him right after this. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. ahhh! what is it? 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honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. ♪ country star lee brice has written chart-topping singles for mcgraw, but when it came to his own hits, he left the writing to others. >> until "i don't dance" nominated for song of the year. it's off his third album. lee brice, good morning. >> good morning. i have a question. why don't you dance? >> i will if i get in the spirit later in the night. you know what i mean? or if my wife asks me to. but then you do whatever they want. a happy wife, happy life. >> and you wrote this for her. >> yeah. i wrote it for us. i grew up kind of romantic. so i wanted to write a song, always, you know and then the time came. i said this is my gift to my wife. and then, you know, i was like a normal dude. i didn't know that was ever going to happen for me. in my heart, i truly -- she just changed it and made me ready. so i don't dance means more than i don't dance. >> right. >> and on the other hand, you also do some party songs too. >> that's right. i had -- garth brooks was a big influence on me. and he did the dance. and then he also did ain't going down when the sun comes up. and so he was kind of a model i've always tried to say hey, if you want to model yourself after anybody, gather is a good one. >> you've written music for so many others, when did you decide this is my song, this is for me? >> i've written some stuff i wanted for me just didn't work out. you know, the music business. but this song, there was -- nobody was going to touch this song, period. and i knew it was special the day we wrote it. and i even told my co writers that day. i said, guys, this is next level for me and i know it. even the album title. this is the next album title of the record i was trying to make. >> and so many brides playing at their weddings. which is amazing. >> what an honor to be a part of people's special day. >> you've had four number ones off this album. this is the first you wrote, produced and performed yourself. "drive your truck. . if you read the title you think it's a bro country truck song but then you watch the video and it leaves you in a puddle. >> the first time i heard that song i was in front of a bunch of publishers and itches looking for a fun song still. i write the emotional songs all of the time. they said can we play you one we think is the song of the year? and before i even got through the chorus i was bawling in front of all of these people. okay, yes, i want to record this. are you kidding me? so it was special to me. i thought about my own personal experience, even though it wasn't necessarily what the song was talking about. and so i felt everybody else would do the same. >> i'm listening to everything you're saying and your beautiful piercing blue eyes. my eyes keep floating down to your chest. if you sang that to me, we would be bawling. but this necklace is beautiful. >> one of my best friends -- we wrote a song -- actually, tim mcgraw recorded called still. he had this made for me. and a friend of his. and i wouldn't really wear a necklace with my own initials on it. >> never. >> unless my buddy made me -- >> made you take the buttons down. >> well -- >> scared a little by the chest heirs. what. >> did your mom say? >> well, you know, all my aunts, country folks, like chest hair. girls like chest hair. >> nobody is going to argue with that. >> for man advice and great music. he'll be singing "i don't dance" for us later in the hour. and still ahead, you know him from "mission impossible." yeah, and "star trek." british actor simon pay with a new comedy, "hester and the search for happiness." i love this guy. we're going to help him find his happiness here later. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? i love this guy. we're going to help him find his happiness here later. search for" i love this guy. we're going to help him find his happiness here later. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! acidity was in my diet...much that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. l'oreal presents volume filler. have you always dreamed of thicker hair? our first haircare system with filloxane. increases hair's diameter. so it's amplified, densified. feels 2x thicker. l'oreal volume filler... apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. so i'm trying hellmann's with olive oil. let's see what happens. that's not hellmann's on your sandwiches. it's hellmann's with olive oil. whaddaya want, a parade? [ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. taking a look at the headlines. a fourth ebola patient has arrived in the united states for treatment. the patient whose name has not been released was taken this morning to emory university hospital in atlanta. it's the same hospital where two other ebola patients were successfully treated at last month. the third patient is receiving care in nebraska. a new study will make you think twice about what you touch at work today. researchers at the university of arizona looked at how germs are spread around an office and they found that cans actually spread germs more quickly than sneezes. so what is the germiest place, you're asking? the break room. and the germiest surface, get this, the coffee pot handle. microwave, by the way, not far behind. could exercise be a prescription for adhd? a recent study found that regular half-hour sessions of aerobic activity before school helped young children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder become more attentive and less moody. but other research found a single bout of exercise improved students' attention and academic skills. and he's one of the most iconic movie characters of all-time. "star wars" favorite han solo prayed by harrison ford. did you know at one point producers had had al pacino chapped for the role. it's been a rumor for years and pacino confirmed it last weekend at the toronto film festival. very interesting. coming up, vice president joe biden weighs in on the ray rice issue and domestic violence. goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. aveeno®. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we're asking this sports town which blueberry greek yogurt is their champion. it's the bottom of the 9th, who's it going to be? get your greek yogurt here! can i ask you a question? which one tastes the best? a tastes better. a. i love. lift it up and see what the winner is. who is it? no way. it's yoplait! i knew it! do you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani. hoorah! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself. go boston! ♪ welcome back to "today," tuesday morning, september 9th, 2014. i'm willie along with al, natalie and tamron. boy, do we have a treat for you. al bum covers brought to us by our friends at they have recreated well-known album covers with the face of al roker. let's start with michael jackson's "bad," shall we? >> really? seriously? >> you wear the zippers well. how about the boss? "born to run." >> now that's hot. >> you look very -- >> i look very con temp laive. >> boy band style. "no strings attached." were you wearing a kilt? >> i was wearing a kilt in that picture. i was. no, i did a fashion show with kill kilts to raise money for stuff. men who like to wear dresses. >> and one of the most famous covers of all, "abbey road." >> we actually recreated as abbey road in london for the olympics. i couldn't believe matt was on a road -- public road with no shoes on. germ germaphobe. >> it's amazing how much savannah looks like john lennon. >> there are a bunch of others for al we didn't necessarily show on the show, nirvana, "never mind" with the baby in the pool. >> oh, that was actually to scale. >> that's kind of what i was getting at. go check it out. that's good. meanwhile, natalie, you wore a dress yesterday. that i thought was very lovely. i think we all did. >> i lot a lot of tweets about it. >> a lot of attention for it. if we can see it -- many of our viewers of a certain disney character. >> oh, wow! >> i never thought of that. >> i look like i'm a little upset with alice in the who wore it better contest here. >> wow. >> #orangeroom, who wore it better? >> all right. let's show what we've got as far as your weather is concerned. i'm actually wearing an outfit for ba loo the bear. strong storms making their way through the upper plains. beautiful day along the east and west coast. lots of sunshine and heat through texas. we do have some wet weather along the mid atlantic coast. tomorrow that risk of strong storms moves into the great lakes and the upper ohio river valley. mississippi river valley, as well. new england looking great with plenty of sunshine, cooler conditions. >> can we do the weather together? >> simon pegg! how are you, sir? go ahead. >> what is this a slight risk of? that's what i'm worried about. is that some sort of infection or something? this is one of those maps on outbreak. 24 hours, 48 hours. is that rain? >> that's thunderstorms. >> thunderstorms, guys. be careful. >> we'll be talking to simon pegg in a minute. first, good morning, i'm meteorologist tedd florendo. it will be a cloudy, cool day. (t&háhp &hc& expect some for the day. the shore. of course, the beaches in delaware. seven-day forecast shows we are drying out for tomorrow thankfully. temperatures stay in the 70s. the weekend, warm and more storms by thursday. we cool off in time for the weekend, back to the 70s with another chance of showers saturday. and that's your latest weather. >> thanks a lot. english writer actor comedian simon pegg has made us laugh, but in his latest film, can't seem to find that laughter for himself. >> simon travels the world to find out what makes people content in "hector and the search for happiness." the question is, what do you pack? >> reversible. >> obviously. >> oh, and in case of emergencies. >> oh. anti histamine. nose strips. and avoid dairy. >> yes. >> got enough socks? >> yes, i think so. i don't want to overpack it, and, you know -- it all fits. >> neat and tidy. >> simon pegg, good morning. >> good morning. >> so this is a little bit of a tee par at your for you. >> it's a little bit more of -- less pure comedy. it's got a bit more drama to it. it's about happiness and, you know, happiness -- to be happy, you kind of have to have it all. you have to have the whole spectrum of emotions so he kind of goes through a lot. it was nice to do a little bit of proper acting for a change. >> we like the other stuff too. don't get us wrong. >> to be honest -- yeah, with sean and the world then, we try and have real genuine emotion in there. there's some tragedy in those films. they are a little more serious than people give credit for sometimes. "sean of the dead" has to shoot his mom. and the other about a suicide and alcoholic, not usually comedic subjects. but ultimately this has a broader spectrum of emotion in it. >> he treks the globe looking for happiness. you yourself had to get out there and shoot in a lot of different places. did you find any similarities in your own storyline? did you find there is some truth to that searching for happinesh? >> yeah, we went on a parallel journey. we shot in vancouver, johannesburg, shanghai, tibet, germany. it was amazing to see the world and see people's different views of happiness. this holiday that kind of money and comfort brings you happiness is kind of wrong in a way. i was in south africa johannesburg in a township called brotherville and i saw more smiles there than i did in the affluent areas where everyone is tense. that's not to say that poverty and defendant contusion is the root to happiness. but if your life is a little more about survival, you know happiness better because you know what it is, if you know what i mean. so these people whose lives are a daily struggle, when they are happy, they feel it a lot more keenly than we do in a society when we're anesthetized by our choices. >> i can't believe it's been ten years since "sean of the dead." >> that doesn't make me happy. but you know what it feels like, it feels it's grown every one of these years into a cult movement almost. people love your movies. >> it's wonderful the way that film has got an audience here in the states. because it's a very british film, set in a very suburban part of london you don't normally see in movies. but it's a lovely thing and it's a testament to how universal comedy is that it's traveled so well. >> by the way, you look fantastic. >> yeah. >> i'm working out with cruise at the moment. >> tom cruise? another "mission impossible?" >> yeah, "mission impossible 5" and myself and tom and rebecca ferguson, leading lady, are doing workouts every day. we do these challenges. a lot of fun. little competitive, got to say. >> working out with tom cruise, i can't imagine. >> he's 52. he looks -- always got his shirt off. it's very annoying. i'm like, put it on, man! >> thank you so much. so great to see you. "hector & the search for happiness" opening friday, september 19th. here we go. let's go, let's go! do this! >> tell me when it's -- >> we're only at five. six. eight. -- seven, eight -- my goodness. >> we're back after this. four wholesome grains. sugar. only six? six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! it's a powerful reflection of validayour drive to succeed.nts. so, forget the gold watch; grab the brass ring... you don't need anyone to tell you that success is yours, because you're busy... ...seizing it... ...drafting it... ...tuning it... making it. the new 2015 cadillac ats. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? at chico's and ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. behind the fridge... ...quietly rotting into black goo, is the banana you thought he wolfed down last week. pine sol. cleaning what stinks since 1929. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. this is our team right here. and nothing is gonna break this team up. ♪ [ male announcer ] honey maid grahamfuls. everyday wholesome snacks, for every wholesome family. honey maid. this is wholesome. this year we've all pledged to shine a lot on an important issue. and i'm working with survivors of the boston marathon bombing, al doing a uso tour. willie with homeless children. >> and my focus has been on domestic violence. and this week marks the 20th anniversary of the federal violence against women act. vice president joe biden introduced that legislation as a senator. and i had the opportunity to go to washington, d.c. to talk with him about it. i started out by asking about the disturbing video involving former nfl star, ray rice. >> today the headline is "ray rice, an nfl star, the nfl has suspended him indefinitely." the ravens have fired him. this is after the most brutal video you can imagine was released of him knocking his wife out. >> the nfl did the right thing, whether for the right reasons, spontaneous enough or not. they had no choice. >> when the hearings first started 20 years ago to explore the epidemic of domestic violence, they were low-attended. i remember congress, even some domestic violence groups at the time said this would never work. >> it was the women's groups that didn't stand up. it was the civil rights groups that didn't stand up. and there were so many laws on the books that lay the presumption that if somehow i raped you and i abused you, you must have done something. it's never, never, never the woman's fault. no man has a right to raise a hand to a woman. no means no. and when i started -- and that was my position 20 years ago. but it was like, oh, that's too -- you know are that's a little too strong. that's too much. because the society didn't want to pull back this -- peel this scab back. the one regret i have is we call it domestic violence as if it's a domesticated cat. it is the most vicious form of violence there is. because not only the physical scars are left, the psychological scars that are left. this whole culture for so long has put the onus on the woman. what were you wearing? what did you say? what did you do to provoke? that is never the appropriate question. >> and when you look at this culture change in your op-ed, you wrote, it may be hard for people to fathom there was a time where domestic violence was ignored and condoned. >> i'm very proud of violence against women act. we passed a law. but that's not what's changed things. what's changed things is the change in the culture. making people aware. that's what changed things. so you know the first reason the nfl responded, in my view, there are so many women fans in this billion-dollar industry. all of a sudden, they said wait a minute, got suspended for a couple games? whoa, that's not enough. and then they got a little more sensitiz sensitized. and then it was longer. and then when the video was out there, and saw how brutal it was, the ravens did the right thing. fired him. immediately. now, you can argue, they should have done it sooner. they didn't want it. whatever the reason is, it's happening. >> what's the next challenge? >> the next challenge is making sure, ironically, we get college presidents and colleges to understand that they have a responsibility for the safety of women on their campus. they have a responsibility to do what we know from great experience works. bringing the experts. provide people, give the young woman the support that she needs. psychological support. the medical support. and if need be, the legal support. societal changes taking place. it takes time. but i really believe it's taking root. and we have an obligation to just keep pushing it. keep pushing it. we'll see what happens. but we'll be right back after this. ck after this. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] no matter how things change... ♪ ...what makes us wholesome... ♪ ...never will. ♪ honeymaid. everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. ♪ this is wholesome. hey! i found my true love, livin' in a sweet dream. what matters most should always come first. that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. goodness first. bathroom is trashed.he boys in 2b threw another party. dudes... come in! let's bubble! we don't just kill 99.9% of germs. we're also approved for tougher cleaning jobs. that's a reason to celebrate. you really think they need one? apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. can a makeup really do that? meet l'oreal's new visible lift blur foundation. instantly erases lines, wrinkles, smoothes skin. this makeup does it all. try new visible lift blur. from l'oreal makeup designer/paris. everyday they feel somethingdove happening.days with no mirrors? on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. take the dove 7 day test. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. work hard for you.. give them the edge they deserve... new edge, from osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ helps strengthen your joints.° it works as hard for your joints, as they do for you. get the added benefits... of joint & muscle and joint & energy. new edge from osteo bi-flex®, so you're always ready for action. find it in your vitamin aisle. ♪ the toyota concert series on "today," brought to you by toyota. now to country star lee brice's new song "i don't dance" off his latest album. take it away! ♪ ♪ i'll never settle down ♪ that's what i always thought ♪ yeah i'm not that kind of man just ask anyone ♪ ♪ i don't dance but here i am ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style but i don't care ♪ ♪ i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ yes you got me in the palm of your hand ♪ ♪ cause i don't dance ♪ ♪ love's never come my way ♪ i've never been this far ♪ cows you took these two left feet and waltzed away with my heart ♪ ♪ i don't dance but hear i am ♪ ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style and i don't care ♪ ♪ well i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ i guess you got me in the palm of your hand girl ♪ ♪ 'cause i don't dance ♪ whoa ♪ i don't dance ♪ ♪ i don't dance but here i am ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style but i don't care ♪ ♪ i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ i don't dance but here i am ♪ spinning you round and round in circles ♪ ♪ it ain't my style but i don't care ♪ ♪ i'd do anything with you anywhere ♪ ♪ yes you've got me in the palm of your hand ♪ ♪ 'cause i don't dance ♪ ♪ ooh >> lee brice, thank you. back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. oday" on. good morning. í< cato. it is 9:56. let's get the first alert forecast with meteorologist tedd florendo on this cloudy tuesday, tedd. >> overcast skies in the area. showers are to the south of suffolk county. most of the area remains dry. we are tracking a low pushing up hore, may be providing showers down the shore. elsewhere could get a chance of stray showers for the day. at this point, it is a slight chance. here's the forecast for the day. 73 degrees. cloudy, cool with showers mainly south. winds could be breezy at times. trump entertainment resorts has become the latest casino owner to file for bankruptcy protection. the company made that filing this morning. it runs two casinos in ac, trump taj mahal and trump plaza set to close next week. donald trump l.uh a 10% stake in the company and is suing to have his name removed. three other casinos have closed. police are looking for a man that beat up a woman, the woman was shot in the head, she's in critical condition at jefferson university hospital. they're looking for a 32-year-old man that lives with the woman. police say his brother is the one that called police. i am chris cato. we have another update in about 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather at now we go back to the "today" show. have a great tuesday. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine 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another show on -- >> yes. >> to help singles find love. >> yes. not everybody is as happy as you are, hoda. >> okay. here's the deal. tomorrow we're going to shock and surprise you. and everybody. because kathie lee and i are going to be co-hosting, not this show, this one too, but the 7:00 a.m. >> yeah. >> and the 8:00. >> and the 8:00. we're going to join matt and al and natalie and carson. >> and i don't know -- how did they get us to say yes? >> it was all-star week. >> a very bad idea. that's right. barbara walters wasn't able to make it. >> so we're filling in for barbara walters. >> pinch hitting for babes ain't bad, all right? >> sparks will fly. what everybody is excited about today, the new oreos. we think it is pushing the season a bit, but the pumpkin spice oreos. >> i didn't know they had those. did they have them last year? no, they're brand-new. >> you know what you got to do, you got to take the cookie, take the cookie, you got to dunk it. >> oh, yeah. >> mm-hmm. oh, yeah. >> we're starting a new trend. >> september the 24th. >> that's delicious. >> that's really good. >> limited edition, only available for six to eight weeks. $4.49 for the cookies. >> you know how brothers love to rap each other. and prince harry decided it was his time to make fun of his brother when he learned his brother and kate were expecting. so he was interviewed about the new baby coming along and this is what harry had to say. >> last month she was okay. that's to be expected. luckily i'm a woman, i don't have to go through that. i can't wait to see my brother suffer more and with any luck, it will be a girl and he'll suffer even greater. i would love to see him try and cope with that. >> he's single-handedly started a whole new trend, which is making red headed men look hot. >> yes. >> sexy. >> i like the new trend. >> there was a whole book out now by a photographer who has red hair and he said it is an ancient thing going back to that red heads have somehow been derided as men. >> when i was dating in my younger days, i dated a guy who -- he looked exactly like opie. opie taylor. that kind of red head. he looked like that. that. that was my -- you know when sometimes who is red headed is attracted to you and you're kind of attracted to red heads, that's what happened. >> that went on for a long time until you started realizing you had a lot to offer. >> there you go. it took a minute. >> so speaking of babies, this is so adorable. >> would you bring your baby anywhere from newborn to i think six months to a baby spa? >> something in houston called float babies. now what they do, hydro therapy, for babies ages two weeks to six months. they put them -- it is safe, okay. we want to point that out and the children in the video seem happiy. a and the mothers are right there. you can allow your baby to achieve major physical and cognitive development milestones by as much as 50% of the nonwater babies. >> i would love to know what that is based on since they just opened. >> how do they check it. >> 60 minute sessions, $65. >> that's interesting. and they do massage and all kinds of -- >> you do all of that anyway with your baby. we took our babies in the water with us like first week they were born basically. >> seeing the floaty around the neck is a little weird, don't you think, but they seemed fine. >> ite. >> it has to be like floating in the placentia, wouldn't you think? >> i guess so. >> i'm sorry that word offended you. is that jimmy? who is that? the word placentia. it is a normal word, a natural word, and you actually floated in one yourself -- >> the guys are cringing collectively. >> the temperature changed. this morning you could really feel, you know, fall in the air. but and it is fashion week, but somebody in our show has not gotten the memo that it is fashion week. this is joanne. >> this is what she wears in our studio. it is a snuggy. >> it is freezing in here. it is so cold. >> she's right. it is cold. >> i'm warm. >> dennis basso did put on a real fashion show. he would have liked you in it. he had a group of people who were showing dennis' fashions. every year he does them. it was a little party. >> who are you sitting with? >> i'm sitting next to your girlfriend lisa rinna who was there and other fun people, but the people who had great dresses, so check them out. >> he's an okay guy. rolling stone has -- taylor swift is making a very, very candid -- very open about the fact that she is going from the country world to the pop world, singularly and says she can't chase two be rabbits at once. she's not going to go -- she said she's not country anymore. i do love this song. she seems more poppy to me always. she always has a pop bounce to her country songs too. she can turn a hook, boy, this girl. >> she's great. >> she employs someone whose entire job is to figure out things that i don't want the world to see, unquote. >> she's worried when she goes to a public restroom or somewhere there are cameras and she is smart, because often people without you knowing are surreptitiously videotaping you or recording you or -- she worries about wiretaps, you know, you can -- think about the stupid things you say during the course of the day and what if someone taped it. >> this morning in the makeup room. >> what about right now? imagine if they were taping it and listening to it. >> because there is a monetary value attached to it. that's the kind of world we live in today. a picture of somebody just walking to the gym is worth so and so. you get a picture of somebody doing something very private, and in the nude, that's going to send the price through the roof. >> did you hear judge judy had a nude picture of her floating around but never let it out. judge judy took a nude picture. i love that. >> how recently? >> i don't know. i was watching her show, which i do at 4:00 -- >> she is about the no nonsense person in the world, but it took her a while to become that person. as soon as i left the service the other day for joan, i turn the corner, running up madison avenue to get in my car, who is there? jerry. her husband. waiting for judge judy. >> i love that. >> yeah. >> so cute. we're going to westchester airport to fly out to l.a. want to come with us? he's adorable. new overhear about her husband. i wonder if jerry took the picture. >> maybe jerry did. >> i hope so. judge judy's going to get in trouble. >> meredith's show debuted yesterday. >> you were on it, hoda. she got the big a-listers. >> we played something. this is pathetic, this little game, we played something called car-eoke where you get in the car and j. lo was supposed to guess what you were singing and you sing it loudly. ♪ i wonder what would happen if you say what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the world call out ♪ >> what is it? >> "what you wanna say"? >> no. ♪ sacred place embrace forever ♪ >> i know! ♪ waiting for tonight >> wow. >> i thought it was supposed to be an all female band. there is one guy. one token guy. >> about time the token got flipped. >> looks like fun. >> it was fun. we wish meredith good luck. >> there is this survey, you might want to consider this, the outcome as you go dining some place today. have you ever wondered how waiters actually deal with bad, rude customers. >> they did a survey and they asked if waiters or waitresses take revenge on customers who they find insulting and they do. demanding, sending everything back. >> here is what they do to you. 65% of waiters and waitresses say they made the customer wait longer than necessary. in other words, have you ever seen your food is ready and you can kind of see it, and you know it's right there and there you're sitting, no one is bringing it and if you ask, you're being demanding again. >>heaven forbid they bring your food. >> once a person has left, that's not going to work. i've done all the -- >> maybe if you write $6 and they make it $16. >> then you also have to deal with the -- >> i don't know. 6%. >> this is terrible. >> spat in a customer's food or deliberately contaminated food before they served it and all kinds of creative ways they can do that. use your imagination. >> i was a waitress before at ponderosa and i know what it is like to be running around and the water, my steak's not right, this isn't good. and you feel terrible, but when there is a really demanding customer, who just keeps -- just gets up in your crawl -- >> the study done by the university of houston and baylor university, nice to see those schools getting along. and another study, insulted customers may spend more. this doesn't make sense to me. if you ever have been treated rudely by a salesclerk in a -- >> like the scene from "pretty woman". >> let's watch. you'll remember. >> you got nice stuff. >> thank you. >> how much is this? >> i don't think this would fit you. >> well, i didn't ask if it would fit, i asked how much it was. >> how much is this, marie? >> it is very expensive. >> it is very expensive. >> oh. >> but it all works out in the end. >> i love that movie. >> she looked great. such a big mistake. they say rude salesclerks sell more -- >> because we want to please the salesclerk. >> that makes no sense to me. i walked out of more stores if somebody is rude, a department store here in new york i was treated so rudely, i said, you know what, i will never, ever, go in this store again. it is just not worth it. so are you one of those people, will you walk away, or have you ever just lost it with somebody? i would love to know. we would love to know on facebook. if you have a story of what you -- you just had it, we would love to know that. >> we love that. >> okay. so we have to go, right? >> two gorgeous singles have come here looking for love. we will find them a match? and we get a big chill just thinking about this incredibly talented and funny hollywood star. and tony award winner kevin kline is here. >> so glad he came to see us. l'oreal presents a scientific revolution. have you always dreamed of thicker hair? volume filler. our first haircare system... ...with filloxane. l'oreal's innovative molecule penetrates hair. the system increases hair's diameter. so with every application it feels 2x thicker. with l'oreal volume filler... is amplified, densified. every day. a real thickness, finally. extraordinary. volume filler. from l'oreal advanced haircare. the science behind extraordinary hair. and you're worth it. ♪ cereal and milk ♪ milk and cereal ♪ cereal and milk delicious kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's. see you at breakfast. ♪ our grapes ripen on the vine where the flavors fully develop. to bring the best quality fruit to your table. that's why we work with walmart... you get the freshest grapes available. backed by their 100% money-back guarantee. but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with 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the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. back in his college days, we're just reminiscing a little bit, kevin kline was an aspiring classical musician, excuse us, until he got bitten by the acting bug and we're so happy he did. >> kevin is a two time tony award winning stage actor and has more than 50 film and tv credits to his name, from the classic 1983 movie "the big chill". >> loved it. >> presidential impersonator in the romantic comedy "dave" and his oscar winning role in "a fish called wanda." >> and "princess bride." now kevin stars in the new movie "my old lady" and it is a beautiful film. it is a down on his luck new yorker, whose father dies and he thinks he leaves him -- but it gets complicated. the apartment happens to house an older woman and her daughter and things don't exactly get off to a smooth start. we'll show you. >> this is chloe. >> what are you doing here? >> i own this apartment. and i also own madam girouard. do you work here? >> no, chloe and i don't live here. >> why are you staying here? >> well, your mother invited me. >> she seems upset. >> okay. so the reason that they didn't put in the princess bride because it wasn't him. i'm an old lady too. you got two old ladies here. that was mandy patinkin. >> yes, it was. >> you said that happens a lot. >> a lot of people say i loved you in princess bride and i just write mandy patinkin. >> well, you were great in a lot of other movies too. >> talk about this film. this is such a charming film. it starts off as a comedy, you laugh your way through the beginning and then it takes more of a dramatic turn, doesn't it? >> yes. but then it ends up complicated at the end. >> yeah, don't give -- >> tell us about the premise of this movie. >> the premise, well, it is based on a rather antiquated, but still very popular french real estate law where you can sell your apartment to someone rather inexpensively, but you don't have to move and they cannot move in until you die. they have to pay a monthly sort of inu ty. it is nice, but barbaric because the people who bought it cheap and is paying the fees is waiting for the person to die. >> that's maggie. but so i think i inherited this apartment. and there is an old lady -- i'm completely desperate and broke and alcoholic and stupid and -- >> thrice divorced. >> thrice divorced. >> not good. >> no, no. >> thrice. >> i rolled my r. thrice. i'm thrice divorced. >> this is a play originally, i understand. and you've been involved with readings of it through the years or something. attached, as they say. >> once i attached myself four or five years ago, yes, there was a series of readings, he s israel horovitz's apartment, from the play version to something more cinematic. >> this is his directorial debut. >> well, he's directed hundreds of plays and -- yes, he's an actor's director and also done documentaries and things. he knew what to do with the camera as well. >> your love interest in this movie is whom? >> well, maggie smith. subtext. my love interest was, yes, kristin scott thomas who played my ex-wife in "life is a house" some years ago. >> is it just old times when you get together with someone you've done a film with. you spend a lot of time when you do a film, unless it is a cameo, do you pick up where you left off before? >> yes, and it was a happy ending, the previous time, then you pick up where you left off. if it was bad, you pretend it never happened. >> say you were offered that -- the role of a lifetime, like in "the princess bride" -- >> yeah. >> and you wanted to do it so badly until you realized they had hired robin wright, whom you had had an affair with, early on, in both of your careers, and it ended badly, what would you do? >> that's a great question. >> i would have called robin and said, you want to pick up where we left off? this is all hypothetical. i don't know. i don't know. if it is a good script, then that trumps everything. if it is a good script, good -- all right, we had an affair -- when did that happen? was that you or was that mandy patinkin is what she's thinking. >> yeah. >> well, we wish you great luck with this film. >> you don't work enough as far as we're concerned. we would like a movie a month from you. if that would be okay. >> i'll wear out my welcome. >> great to see you kevin. "my old lady" hits theaters soon. >> tomorrow. >> east meets west when bobbie thomas shares her newest journey through ivf. >> and two singles share a date with us, but can we find a date for them? 't enough. you need healing. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. they think it smells fine,eaty but you smell this... eliminate odors and keep your home continuously fresh with pluggable febreze. so you and your guests can breathe happy. apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. we're back on this tuesday where we put your minds to a test with test with a riddle provided by our friends at the national geographic show brain games. >> grab a pen and paper to jot this down. take a look at these letters. and remove six of the letters from the sequence to reveal a familiar english word. >> here is a hint. it is something you should be using right now. we'll reveal the answer in a few minutes. don't go anywhere. >> okay. can we make a love connection for our bachelor and bachelorette? >> i don't know. we have lovely singles waiting in the wings to find out ♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need... ...without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. good morning. i'm chris cato. 10:26 on your tuesday morning. let's get your first alert forecast with tedd florendo. >> overcast skies outside, that's up to the lehigh valley. the chance of showers not out there. seeing a few main drops in sussex county with the low tracking out the shore. it brings showers, a few in the shore in delaware and most areas will remain dry. cloudy and cool today. those showers south of the i-95 corridor. temperatures well below average at 73 degrees, chris. we continue to follow breaking news this morning. trump entertainment resorts, they own two casinos in atlantic city, have filed for bankruptcy. trump plaza was set to close september 16. this puts a fifth casino in danger of closing. the taj mahal has informed the main casino workers union that employees will receive warn notices this afternoon. nbc 10 has reached out to a trump company spokesperson. so far we have not received a response. stay with us as we follow this braining news. another development in atlantic city's casino crisis. police are looking for the attacker who stabbed a man in a stomach. it happened around 1:30 this morning. investigators say the victim got into an argument with a man at the chinese restaurant and the man stabbed him. the victim is in critical condition. i'm chris cato. a full hour of news in 30 minutes with the latest developments in the ray rice saga. we are hearing from ray rice's wife. you can always get the latest news and weather at have a great tuesday. now we go back to the "today" show. as a small business owner you don't deliver anything less than 100% to your customers. so don't settle for less than 100% of the internet. with verizon fios get uploads speeds as fast as download speeds. so you can deliver 100% to your customers. switch now to get fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month a 2-year agreement and get $200 back. as a [an extra] bonus, get a free lg tablet or up to $200 toward any tablet from verizon wireless when you switch to fios. just call 1.888.774.4418 now. 100% internet that makes you small business ready. that's powerful. we're back with more of "today" thof this booze day tuesday. remove six letters from this sequence to reveal a familiar english word. hoda, did you figure it out? >> we both figured it out. the word is brain because you pull out the letter six letters. genius. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> that was so good. >> good for you if you got it, means you haven't killed all your brain cells. >> right. >> now to brains and beauty on bravo's new series "the singles project" where cameras follow six successful people looking for love in new york city. >> one singles is tabitha mears who is looking for a funny, handsome man ready to settle down. >> the other is brian frunzo, lawyer turned retailer from staten island, new york, who wants to find a woman he can travel the world with. >> hi, kids. >> that doesn't sound so difficult on paper. it is all good. >> you do smell good. >> how has it been so far on the show. are you finding what you're looking for? >> no, it has been really an emotional roller coaster and we're still on it. >> okay. >> and the viewers play in. they help match you up. have they picked any good ones for you? >> so far, so not good. but they all have great opinions, i love kind of ebb gau engaging with them to see what i've been doing wrong. >> they follow you as you go on the dates with everybody and pass judgment on you. >> lots of judgment. >> do you like having so many people involved in your dating business. >> it is so brave and scary and we have a third person out there, twitter, telling us what to do. >> have you taken anybody's advice. >> it is like friends. some friends' advice you take and some you don't. i look at it the same way. >> we're going to set you up with people we like. >> so we have two guys for you, and two girls for you. here is your first gentleman, his name is ken. ken is 43 years old, living in brooklyn, works for a consulting company and also volunteers for cancer charities. come on out, ken. ken is here. >> here's ken. >> hello, ken. >> next up. who do we have? we have rafael, he's 40 years old, originally from the dr, dominican republic, works for an analyst for a finance company. rafael is a director for a nonprofit organization helping combine kids with sports organizations. come on out and join us. >> okay. >> how are you? >> this is tabitha. >> enjoy. >> then for brian? >> we have a couple of cute girls. jena is number one, originally from colorado, but lived in new york for the last four years. jena works as a recruiter for an ad agency. come on down and join brian. your future husband. >> adorable. >> and finally, meet jessica, she's 30 years old, originally from new jersey, works as a district manager for a big fashion brand. jessica, come on out. >> well, everybody is very attractive. >> you guys have a hot bunch here. >> wow. >> nice to meet you. >> what do we do now? >> we'll let them sell themselves. >> we're going to let them tell you why they should be your date. >> mr. number one, go ahead, ken. >> nothing like being on the spot. thank you for the opportunity to be here. i'm a big fan of you guys. >> we want you. just kidding. >> it is a pleasure to meet you today too. i just wanted it say, you know, i am looking for the right person, i believe in living my life in a healthy way, mentally, physically, spiritually, and i love being silly, love having a good time and just really appreciate the opportunity to be here and possibly win you. >> impressive. >> what do you think so far? >> so far, so good. >> okay. rafael, how about you? >> basically i'm looking for someone who is passionate, who is energetic, who is intelligent and is beautiful just as yourself. so i'm going to keep it nice and short, i'm the one. >> you like us? >> i love you. >> okay. >> okay, jena, why don't you let brian know why. >> i love you guys, first and foremost but i think you're simply genuine and i think that i'm a very active person, i love to try something new and i love the opportunity to go on a date and do something that is outside of my comfort zone and explore your interests a little bit. and i think we would have a really good time. >> that sounds kinky. >> yeah. outside your comfort zone. >> jessica? >> hi. i actually really admire the way you departed your previous career to pursue something you're so passionate about and that in addition to the closeness of your family and the strong relationship you have with your friend, i share those values and i think that's an important starting point for a first date. >> now you all have an opportunity to ask questions. >> what do you want to know about these two guys? >> what do you see yourself doing in terms of relationshipwise in the next three, four, five years? >> i got to get married. i'm definitely getting married, kids. i love kids. i have a niece, a 2-year-old, the most adorable niece anybody could ever have. and i -- people say she looks like me, i'm, like, wow, this kid is gorgeous. i'm like that. >> you want to be a husband or a father? >> both. >> i'm a father already. so i'm already nice and seasoned for that part. i do definitely want to get married. i want to find my best friend. that's the most important -- >> getting more difficult as we go along. what to do. >> i know. >> five years from now, what are you guys doing? >> i just moved here four years ago. i love new york, so i want to stay here. i think that my career is in a great place, but i'm the same with love. i want to find that connection, i would love to be married and have my best friend in my life, like you said. >> five years from now, i actually want to have traveled the world with somebody that i really enjoy spending time with, someone who is not afraid of vaernt, taking a risk that might be worth the reward, someone not afraid to try something new or go to somewhere scary and maybe even try some crazy food. >> okay. didn't he say that, he wanted someone to travel the world with. >> we need the help from everybody at home. >> our viewers are going to vote and we're going to pick who you should go on a date with. as they're picking, we want you on the little card they give you to write down who you hope the viewers choose. >> this is awful. >> it is. but it doesn't matter because it is all going to be about the viewers. you write down your names and we'll let you guys know next week who is going on the date. >> so vote for who you want to see them go out with, logon to and you can catch the singles project tonight at 10:00 on our sister network, bravo. >> bobbie thomas shares the new message in conjunction with ivf and hoping to get pregnant right after this. pregnant right after this. we are a collection of smalls. a home saved. a hero homebound for a new opportunity. a kitchen that kick starts careers wells fargo invests in our communities a little differently. small measures that add up to make our whole even greater. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. before ywith preference,ir ask yourself one question: "are you ready for all that attention?" because with l'oréal preference - there's no fading into the background. preference is luminous. for up to 8 weeks of fade-defying color. fade-defying preference by l'oréal. get ready to shine. our grapes ripen on the vine where the flavors fully develop. to bring the best quality fruit to your table. that's why we work with walmart... you get the freshest grapes available. backed by their 100% money-back guarantee. we were suddenly a whfamily of five.ed, and a seriously mixed bag of laundry... and we don't always have the time or the money to wash everyone's jeans and towels and gym clothes separately. so we wash everything in cold water with tide. and it all comes out great. even sara's funky new shorts. those are mine. really? 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>> yes, my two doctors and i here because this is my third round of ivf. the first round i did not do acupuncture and cupping. and the second round i did and i did see an improvement and so many of my girlfriends and all of the people who reached out online, on facebook, have suggested that i try this. and -- >> they say medically they say there are no studies that link this practice to pregnancy. is that right? >> well, i think there is some data out there and there is some varied results. i often find that many of my patients do it and they report that it is really dramatically helped with the stress and anxiety of the ivf process. also, helps with the side effects of the medication, and -- >> they tell you the side effects. >> what are they? >> i'm in the thick of it where i'm doing shots in the morning and at knignight, doctor's appointments every other morning, seeing her three times a week. my body is beyond all control. i see her, she tells me it is about blood flow and destressing and it works. >> will you show us the acupuncture. >> she usually starts with a point on my head. she already alerted me, here and on my hands are my stress points. that's the first thing she does. >> it doesn't hurt? >> it feels a little patrick. sometimes i'm a baby and i'll jump because you see a needle coming at you, it is not my favorite thing. i'm doing this on camera. >> you just want to have a baby, sweetie. >> i know, i know. she'll do this point you often hear people say squeeze between your hands and this also will help to start relaxing. that's okay. >> do you feel it? >> yeah. >> immediately? >> i don't know what to feel. the only thing i concentrate is the time i'm in there, it is important to actually -- i'll get on my back so she can do the cupping, is to take time for myself and to stop thinking, because i think that's what we do so much, we think all the time. >> you've been working all through this as well. >> yes. >> don't put my head down, but she's going to undo the back of my shirt, so -- >> so sexy on national television. i wanted to do this because i think people who aren't used to eastern medicine may be a frafr of this. you can see the bruising. i don't care. the camera guy can show that. i want women at home to not be afraid of this, because it helps you destress and if there is anything i can be a guinea pig for and show you -- >> is this what we saw with gwyneth paltrow. >> yeah. i have to say, this is my favorite part. it is so -- it feels so good. it looks so scary and my husband is afraid to look at my back after. but this really is like a reverse massage. >> they put hot rocks on you when you go and get massages sometimes. is it the heat? >> the dr. zen says instead of pushing down like a typical massage, this lifts your muscles up and helps to relieve tension and blood flow and toxins. >> when will be the next time you go in with -- >> i think shiba in a week or so we're hoping. >> we're hoping are for the next egg extraction in about a week or so. >> now she's taking them off, like suction cups. >> yes. >> i did that. >> sounds like a wine cork. >> i like the sound. >> well, bobbie, we're praying for you, sweetie. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> all right, here today, gone tomorrow. >> louis licari gets your sun damaged locks looking fabulous for fall. >> what you can do at the salon and at home right after this. but it wasn't always that way. ahh!! ahhhh!! let go! let go! no. no, budget. no. but thanks to we got approved to shop with low monthly payments. they've got over 70,000 items from brands like samsung, dyson, dewalt. all you gotta do is click on over to and get the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff. juice! ♪ juice! l'oreal presents volume filler. have you always dreamed of thicker hair? our first haircare system with filloxane. increases hair's diameter. so it's amplified, densified. feels 2x thicker. l'oreal volume filler... each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need... ...without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. ♪ cereal and milk ♪ milk and cereal ♪ cereal and milk delicious kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's. see you at breakfast. ♪ as the seasons change, so should your hair care routine ing to want to trim those drab highlights into a fab fall look. >> who better to get those looks looking healthy and gorgeous with a little color inspiration than "today" contributor and stylist to the stars, louis licari. >> hello, louis. >> good morning. >> who have you got there with you? >> our first lady is rachel. >> let's look at rachel's before picture. you said rachel was in need of what, highlights? >> she highlights her hair, it grew out, it is faded and it all blended together. and it turns ashy, a bit ashy. in the picture, it looks almost green. >> she's hiding. keep the hat up. let's reveal her. >> very pretty. >> the main thing we added golden highlights and golden glaze for down here too, by the way. the big secret about highlights is if you have fine hair, like rachel does, it adds incredible body. >> it does? >> it adds more are body than any styling cream or mousse. >> yeah, yeah. >> so you will have twice as much hair if you highlight your hair. the other trick here, if you have fine hair like rachel, this is long hair, i would like to see her trim it to here, she loves long hair, so we just trimmed it to here. >> natasha. here is natasha's before picture. >> here is natasha. she had an old ombre that was oxidized, sun bleached, had everything. just didn't look right anymore. >> okay. let's keep the hat up and see how we're looking -- okay. >> oh! >> love that. >> number one, how does hair color affect your skin color? look at this. she comes to life. what i did here, a color -- colored the old ombre now lighter brown, so brown on brown, so it has movement to it. and big tip here, just the biggest hairdresser secret i can give you is that semipermanent color is the best deep conditioner. it immediately erases any hair damage. look at the shine it adds. >> yeah. >> that's color without developer. >> okay. >> let's look at dawn's before picture. >> okay. >> why wouldn't we? >> why not? we'll follow it. >> before. >> here is dawn. dawn, end of summer hair. she put color on her hair and the sun turned it this orange color. let's look at it as she reveals. >> drop your hat. >> look at how much prettier that looks. >> nice. >> look at how pretty. >> love it. >> so sweet. >> she's amazing. so beautiful. >> that's gorgeous. >> what i did here is i put the color only where the hair was previously colored and turned orange. this will prevent all the hair from oxidizing in the future. and this might fade a little, but should look pretty, won't go as orange as it once was. big tip here, if you have this texture hair, it is always dry. curlier the hair, the dryer it is. you should shampoo your hair once every week, once every -- >> ten days? >> what she does, she can shampoo her hair every other time, using a conditioner. no shampoo. >> oh, wow. >> and if you leave a little conditioner on this hair, it only works, right? >> great job. really good stuff. >> we're going to be back with more. but first, this is "today" on nbc. this is "today" on nbc. all right. tomorrow we don't know how we -- >> what's going on. >> we're going to get up early, we don't know why we said yes, but we'll join matt, natalie, al and carson. >> we're co-hosting. we're hosting the "today" show. >> i wonder what we'll do in our career after we lose our jobs. as a small business owner you don't deliver anything less than 100% to your customers. and at verizon fios we believe that you shouldn't settle for less than 100% of the internet. get upload speeds as fast as download speeds. so you can deliver 100% for your customers. switch now to get fios internet and phone with 99.9% network reliability for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $200 back. that's $200 to get america's only 100% fiber optic network. plus you'll get phone with unlimited nationwide calling all for just $99.99 a month. also get a firm price quote of your total monthly charges. as an extra bonus, get a free lg tablet or up to $200 toward any tablet from verizon wireless when you switch to fios. call 1.888.410.4404 now. no annual contract options are also available. just call 1.888.410.4404 now. 100% fiber optic internet that makes you small business ready. that's powerful. this morning, the case involving ray rice has been unraveling by the minute with everyone from the nfl to the new jersey state police to rice's wife weighing in on what's happening. i'm chris cato. there have been several developments within the past few hours. staying on top of those is matt delucia live in the digital operations center. bring us up to speed. >> reporter: the situation has taken off on social media. the most recent comment coming from ray rice's wife. she says in part, no one knows the pain that the media and unwanted opinions from the public has caused my family. to make us relive a moment in our lives that we regret every day is a


Transcripts For WGN WGN Morning News 20140909

end of the week. today, early and late we have precipitation sun and clouds mixing early. cooler conditions along the lake with a high temperature reaching the '80s in many areas. yesterday bieber just below that. 63 today. 68 in chicago. 60 in valparaiso. 63 in joliet. we continue to see showers will linger all to the west as get into dew page and kane and kendall county. the line of showers and storms is there. they will move through early another chance of rain later generally after the sun goes down. 79 decreased by 5:00 p.m.. high temperature will be 82. that's a forecast. >> we have construction with a few projects right off the top of the hour, riverside water main work lining of the water mains that crossed under the river. two big closures there from forced to park place the next on park place from greenland to woodside. this will last through the end of the month. it will cause some detours for people in that area. belgian-o'hare big mess near o'hare when volume is really like not causing any problems that the on ramp does remain closed through september 10th. getting close to seeing this wrapped up and in the meantime it's a doozy for people getting out by the airport. the numbers look good so far. it will break it and with a full traffic hit coming up. >>police officers are gathering right now in the south suburbs to provide an escort for a merrillville officer who was killed in the line of duty. he died at crest medical center after a hot shot in the head. this happened saturday. users money to a call and a condo complex when someone said an evicted reza was trying to come back in. he exchanged shots with officers before killing himself. the procession will go from the hospital to the cook county medical examiner's office. it will begin around 430 a m. tonya will have to live report coming up. >> a preliminary report was just released about the crash of the malaysian airlines flight. it came down july 17th on the border of ukraine. two-thirds of the people who died were dutch. reports say the plane broke up in the air as a result of structural damage caused by high speed of checks that penetrated the aircraft from the outside. the crash site was not to tour for many days to report found no evidence of manipulation of the flight recorders. record rainfall in parts of the southwest washed out an interstate and trapped hundreds of kids in a school. andrew spencer has more. >> with muddy water streaming across the asphalt, drivers could do almost nothing find themselves trapped on the interstate north of las vegas. floodwater cover the interest it completely shutting down a 20 mi. section. >> we're not going anywhere. >> it's unfortunate that people are stuck in the town have any control. >> he's located at the house right now. it's troubling. >> the water did more than just wash up rude wash part of it away. this is all that is left of one section. floodwaters' temporarily trapped as many as 200 kids inside an elementary school. the nearby river at flood stage, officials expect the flooding to continue through tuesday. in tucson arizona, there were able to rescue a man who had been swapped away in his car. >> we had to smashed the window to pass some equipment because the windows didn't go down and the more. >> earlier in the day a woman drowned in her car as rescue workers were trying to reach her. the governor declared a statewide emergency amid the green. heavy rain caused flooding in and around palm springs california as well. >>hundreds united outside an apartment building, where four children were killed in a fire. the fire happened early yesterday morning at 112-th and vernon. seven year old eriana smith, 16 year old carliysia clark, 11- year old shamarion clark, and 13 year old carlvon clark, all died in a bedroom. carliysia was found trying to protect one of her younger siblings. their mother broke her arms and legs when she jumped from a third story window. her boyfriend is hospitalized with scorched lungs. fire officials say all were trapped as the fire spread from the second floor to the third. one of the children's fathers attended a vigil outside the building last night. >> i'm going to miss my babies. i called them last night before i went to bed at to make sure they were all right. i will miss my babies. >>there were no working smoke detectors where the fire started...or even in the family's apartment. the building itself has had 38 building code violations in the past six months. it failed its most recent inspection in june. taking a look at the *other top stories this morning. police are warning students and residents about a string of armed robberies around the university of chicago campus. there were three robberies within an hour and a half sunday evening. the first occurred on east 54th street. the second on 54th and ellis, and the third on 54th and university. the suspects are two males and possibly a female... but police do not have detailed descriptions. the second presbyterian church of chicago is being sued over the falling stone that killed a woman last week. sarah bean was talking past the church building at 19-36 south michigan, when a part of a gargoyle fell off the building, and hit and killed her. her boyfriend, lance johnson, fathered one of bean's two children. he's suing the church for negligence, and says the building has a history of violations. the city of chicago will pay 150 thousand dollars to an attendant at a tanning salon in the noble square neighborhood. police raided the "copper tan and spa" when an undercover officer said he was offered sex for money. surveillance video caught officers shoving jianqing klyzek to the floor, hitting her, threatening her with a taser, and using racially insulting language. one officer is still working...but was demoted to desk duty. eleven cases of a rare respiratory virus have been confirmed in chicago. that virus has infected hundreds of children in about 12 states. "entero-virus d-68" is similar to a cold, but can progress to the point where breathing becomes very difficult. health officials think there are many more unconfirmed cases. most of the victims in chicago were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. the disease is generally not fatal. she's not officially running for mayor yet, but chicago teachers union president karen lewis is spending money like she is. lewis has contributed 40- thousand dollars of her own money toward her campaign fund. lewis says the money is for a campaign office and hiring staff. she says this means she's *seriously considering running against mayor emanuel next year. last month, a chicago tribune poll showed lewis with a slim lead over emanuel. chicago alderman bob fioretti is expected to make an announcement about running for mayor on saturday. he has talked about challenging the mayor and raising enough money to do so. he says a survey of his supporters shows that he might not need as much money as he originally thought. last month's tribune poll showed fioretti far behind emanuel. last night, the harvest moon and supermoon combined to make a super harvest moon. this is what it looked like when it first started rising. the full moon is at its closest point to the earth... making it appear orange. while the name harvest moon is associated with the fall.. it's actually the final full moon of the summer. >> it's like christmas and new years combined for demetrius he loves that. >> there are so many notes about this. i will probably have to release them later today in the tribune. this is one of the earliest harvestman you will see. it was a spectacular sight. the moon will still be out later tonight but we won't see it much we have cloud cover. showers and storms generally to the west. but if you live in chicago and you're watching us, expect grain very shortly. just some showers to the north but south of 80 or 80 and 39 meat, generally west of 39 we have a line of heavy rain moving through. extreme southern and western counties we continue to see that line as it moves through heading toward el paso. in the next our thunder and lightning could be seen. here's the satellite radar. shares and storms are isolated it will move through towards sunshine with more rain promised for later today. 82 degrees today down to 66 tonight. potentially strong a thunderstorm wednesday when states has 79. 63 thursday 62 for a high on friday. >> demetrius will be back to answer your questions "hey demetrius" segment, coming up in about ten minutes. i didn't even know we had that. >> if you will love it. plus -- the city council in ferguson, missouri, is proposing some changes after an officer fatally shot a teenager, last month. and -- why this woman was allowed to wear a pasta- strainer on her head, for her driver's license photo. no joke. investigators in tenney a human skull, discovered sunday near the town of darden, is that of missing nursing student holly bobo. bobo vanished in 20-11. her brother said a man in camouflage was seen leading her away from her home. bobo's family and friends broke down upon hearing the news of her death. two men, jason autry and zachary adams, are charged in connection with her disappearance and death. the local prosecutor plans to seek the death penalty if they're convicted. changes could be coming to the police department, and the justice system, in ferguson, missouri. the ferguson city council is meeting tonight, for the first time since the death of 18 year old michael brown. nearly two weeks of protests came after brown was shot and killed by a ferguson police officer. the justice department is already investigating the police department. now ferguson's city council is considering a citizens review board, to work with police. the council may also change how much the city makes in court fines, after accusations of racial profiling. a woman in oaklahoma was allowed to wear a colander on her head for her driver's license photo ... because she said it was her religious headwear. shawna hammond is an atheist. but when she put the spaghetti strainer on for her photo, she told the d-m-v worker she is a pasta pastafarian. >> in 2005 and man wrote an open letter to the kansas state board of education. it was about teaching creationism in school. and he came up with the flying spaghetti mosser saying it had as much man marriage. it's freedom of religion and whenever religion that we prefer or even lack of religion. >> you want to wear a colander on your head? go for it. hammond was allowed to keep the photo because it followed the other rules for wearing a religious headpiece. don't laugh. she is very serious. >> i dislike the music that goes behind they're planning some chanting music. it sounds like the monks. >> it is your god-given right to wear that demetrius parent >> at the crazy stories ... i love it. 65 degrees today. wind out of the south as 60. showers and storms early this morning. rain continues to the south and west. the heaviest of the rain is west of 39. that area will potentially see thunderstorms today. 63 in waukegan. 61 in lansing. bartlett is a 65. you may notice between yesterday and today, much cooler temperatures still in a comfortable range with overnight lows in the '60s and upper 50s. the green is almost all to the south. heading right through cook county. if you're watching us from chicago good morning. the heaviest of the brain is west of 539 continuing to travel to the south and east. this will all change shortly. in el paso account pontiac a run 55 toward midway we are expecting showers and storms. the heaviest of the rain moving in shortly. here's the first disturbance. sunshine for the middle portion of the day. more rain comes through tonight with the big cold front moving through on wednesday this will drop temperatures to mckinley. filtered sun shine high temperature 82. morning shower. tonight on the 66 tomorrow, 90 percent chance of rain. 90 percent means it's going to happen. >> we're taking advantage of the nice weather and the trend to squeeze in some construction projects for the season. we have a number of their tiered division street bridge work will ride through the end of october. everything is closed from halsted over to hooker also impacting some boss's boss 132 n + 70. resurfacing work has a lot of things tied up along state street. a good stretch from the van buren to wacker where they are doing the work causing the tours through that area. that is finally going to be wrapped up on friday. it looks like that is october 10th. not tomorrow. watch for that it will cause delays there. right now the numbers are looking good. nice light volume on the roads. we will see how the rest of the day goes. yesterday was messy in terms of commutes. hopefully things will be better today. >>"hey demetrius" is coming up next. plus -- apple will try to wow the crowd with new gadgets at today's big event. we'll have the latest speculation, after 4:45. next in sports -- jay cutler knows he'll need to tighten things up for the bears to have success... and where the cubs and white sox will open the 20-15 season. hey marcus! them up before we get to that, we will behind-the-scenes at motorola. last week they unveiled their own new product. in the smart phone and the mode 0360 smart watched. their first smart watched. what does it do? what does it cost? we will break it down to let you know if you can get your hands on one of those. good morning. turn the page, that's the month we're getting from the bears. the buffalo game is best forgotten. have to hope it doesn't come back to haunt them when playoff time rolls around. cutler, a contributor on sunday on the radio monday afternoon, he threw a couple of touchdowns in the game but with the game on the line, third down and one and he threw it right to the bills' defensive tackle. cutler didn't want to talk much about that in the post game but he did take ownership during his radio show yesterday. >> you guys know. we are not idiots. we have a veteran group offensively. we'll take accountability. most of the time before the play even happens people say where they've got to do better. much of the same today. not as many of those plays. lots of positive stuff but we did seem to miss a pretty big and we did it. that last interception was a tough one i had to throw the ball and run. >> anytime you are in a position to run and throw to take care of the ball, chase spoke out immediately and said he has to do a better job. guy throw it away. that's just a matter of throwing it away. >> in the meantime, making his lance coaching debut against the giants a good time because patrick was all over the skies. matty stafford buying time. how'd you lose the magnetron in the open field? 67 yd touchdown. seven catches 1 54 yds. the lions beat up on the giants' 35- 14. the tentative base of schedules are out. cubs open a home april 6th against the cardinals. white sox begin the same day on the road in kansas city. sox home opener friday april 10th against the twins. six across town games this year. three at wrigley before the all- star game and then three in the middle of august. derrick rose and team usa take on slovenia in the round of world cup basketball. the bulls are reportedly reaching out to ray allen about the season. that morning sports. >>other sports note to pass alongthe white sox beat the oakland a's, 5-to-4, late in the 12-th inning. and the cubs lost, 8-nothing, to the toronto blue jays. game highlights, at five. >> this is serious. don't laugh you haven't even seen it. >> the system hard-hitting work. are you ready?time for another edition of "hey demetrius". return the microphone over to demetrius. >> who picks the questions? >> the duress' send them and i pick them to what i can answer. here's the question. "what do you think of the farmers' almanac forecast of a cold winter approaching?" >> tell us. >> the farmers' almanac posted a winter that will be colder than normal. typically i am against this. i went out to disprove this farmer's almanac if it has any level of accuracy. i don't know if i found it. check this out. >> i will admit, i always thought the farmer's almanac was hogwash. they say they make their forecast by some in should message that has been around for hundreds of years within never tell anyone what the method is. so went back to last year to prove it if it was accurate or inaccurate. guess what i found out? it was right on. the forecasted a colder than normal winter with a snowy super bowl. remember the super bowl was in new york. also from this article and man from the washington post who really ripped on the farmer's almanac about how our reaches the forecast was. here it is in print. a respected scientist and journalist now has egg on his face because he dared to stand against the farmer's almanac. i won't be like that. as a meteorologist, i know what it's like when people a wrong forecast. >> if it's wrong with the mad. >> what should the punishment before a wrong forecast? >> a seven day suspension for the first 14 for the second. >> i would make you pick up my dog poop. out in the park. >> obviously if you satisfied customers there. but that won't happen to me. i am increasing the almanac i will use it to propel me to the best forecast i can do. and using it in my forecast even if it's a day-to- day thing i'm always checking with the almanac. all the meteorologist will wonder how i'm so good. i'm not going to give them a message just yet. >> what are you reading? >> just a book ... >> there to farmer's almanac's. it was the new farmer's almanac that had the crazy forecast. but it is fun of reading. i will talk about the accuracy but all i know is my numbers are going up. now i know how thomas killing doesn't. i stole this book. >> if you have questions you could always e-mail him. but stories nine at g-mail dot com* or on twitter *at d meterologist.* what is set for today? where's your book? >> let's take a look. showers and storms moving through the region. the heaviest of the rain is to the south. as you look at the 74 cast, 82 degrees will be the high on tuesday. crossties 79. thursday we make 63. a lot of gardening tips, i know you are terrible a cardinal gardening. lots of recipes are out there. fun stuff in the farmer's almanac. joining in. you can learn a lot. >> i just buy them in bulk. was to look at the new achsah we're watching in bound kennedy at edison to left lanes open everything else was blocked a few minutes ago. i do have some relief there. the fire department is right now blocking the far right lanes for a car fire. also, could mention of the ongoing construction happening on the california blue line. that will be continuing for some time. also impacting some shuttle buses to go through there. basically if you look at the western or logan square stations these are options. also corn to be an option to take that 56 milwaukee bucks. the blue line station will not open until october 16th. more coming up in terms of traffic and the hot spots coming out there i will have more. >> still more to come. >> the terror group isis' releases new combat video as we get closer to learning who be headed the american journalist. >> and baltimore cuts race after video shows he knocked out his girlfriend in the elevator. >> and no more test scores or transcripts. one college modern take ona police escort begins sy for a northwest indiana officer, killed in a shooting. we'll have a *live report. part of an interstate gets washed away, as record rainfall floods parts of the southwest. and cardinal george will meet with a fired gay music director, later today. good morning, i'm dan ponce. and i'm lourdes duarte. let's go to demetrius ivory for a check of the weather. hi, demetrius. >> yesterday was picture perfect. this summer we have finally found our group. but we only have zero weeks left. >> its credit change in a big way. warm temperatures and a. chance of showers and storms. a good chance this morning and another chance after sunset. middle portions of the day will have sunshine but we are still expecting to see grain as the cold front comes through. . of the current temperatures. these numbers are where they should be. green indicates light rain yellow is heavier rain. red is where it's really heavy. heavy rain along i 39. that area has been hit in the last week with that heavy rain. in the southern counties we can see some showers. here in the midsection we just have some light showers. the train going through portions of dew page county. oak brook and glen ellen are looking at the rain which will continue through the morning. we will talk about temperatures dropping but for today, you'll like this 82 for the high today. that's the forecast. it's busy on the roads let's check in with erin. >> accident in bound kennedy at addison this is a car fire that had all lands down. there were able to clear this quickly fire department off to the shoulder minor gaper delays. really good news for people who've been dealing with all the construction out at o'hare. this is great get on to the ramp at irving park family going to be opened again tomorrow it's been blocked for a few weeks looks like september 10th is the date they will open this it should increase the flow of traffic through here. more travel times coming up. >>police officers from merrillville have gathered at christ hospital in oak lawn, to escort the body of a murdered colleague to the medical examiner's office. tonya francisco is there with more. >> good morning. not only officers from mayor bill but also from all over indiana as well as here in the state of illinois oakland police officers have been taking part in the solemn ceremony. sunday morning, 24 year-old nicklaus shot succumbed to his injuries from the shooting late friday night in which he was responding to a situation at a condo complex where and evicted president was trying to get back into his home. the resident wearing body armor exchanging gunfire with police officers and unfortunately the officer was shot in the head. joining me now is the chairman of the fraternal order of police, indiana's critical incident and response team. thank you for joining us. it has been a tough year for you. five officers since june. tell us about this morning's ceremony. >> this morning we are here to honor your brother and escort him to the medical examiner's office. we will take back that every time he is transported he will be transported under the american flag and he will be escorted by police escort. >> why is it so important that you do this for him and his family? >> we are a family. this is one of our brothers. our fallen brother and the matter what color uniform we wear, no matter our color we are all brothers and sisters and we all believed blue. we are here for our brother and his family to let them know there will always be part of the family. >> thank you for joining us. now it is important to note that the officers organs were donated this is why it took so long to transport his body. he will be taken to the cook county medical office for autopsy. his funeral arrangement is still pending. that is expected to take place between seven-8:00 a.m.. we will be here for the ceremony through the day. for now, and live in oakland. >>"isis" just released a new propaganda video, showing its members conducting combat operations. the images include heavy weaponry the "isis" terrorists seized when they took over an air base in syria. it is now their primary stronghold. one iraq combat veteran who saw the video suggests it was *staged, because it doesn't show anyone shooting *back at "isis." on a more positive note, iraq's parliament completed its work on creating a new government, just one day before its constitutional deadline. former prime minister nouri al- maliki will be one of the country's three vice presidents. the united states is closer to identifying the man who beheaded american journalist james foley. american and british investigators have examined the "isis" video in which foley was displayed, both before and after his brutal execution. two american law enforcement officials say they are pretty certain they know the identity of the actual killer. he's believed to be connected with a group of extremists based in london. there is still no *official confirmation of who killed foley. record rainfall flooded parts of the southwest. a woman whose car was swept off the road in tucson, drowned as rescue workers were trying to reach her. yesterday was the single rainiest day in history for phoenix. arizona governor jan brewer has declared a statewide emergency. hundreds of kids were also trapped in an elementary school in nevada when a river overflowed. torrential rain also shut down a 20-mile stretch of interstate 15, near las vegas ... leaving drivers stranded. >> it's unfortunate that people are away from their family and they don't have control. >> my father has alzheimer's and he's a the house alone so it's frightening. >>the rain was due, in part, to the remnants of hurricane norbert. rate rise is out of football after security video shows him punching his then girlfriend. they're now questions about how the nfl handle the situation. at&t posted this video showing how he hit his fiancee after the get into the elevator. she lunges at him that he hit her again and knocked her out. the nfl initially suspended him two games after a different video just showed her on the floor. after this video went public, the nfl suspended him indefinitely and the ravens terminated his contract. >> something we saw for the first time today. it changed things of course. it made things different. >> the an f else says they never saw the video inside the elevator until yesterday but apparently there were never asking for it. also they say the only recourse to law enforcement information which was limited because the criminal case was pending. francis george has begun his experimental treatment for cancer but today back to work. plans to meet with the music director of this church who is fired for declaring his intention to marry his gay partner. released from the holy family church in vernon, is hoping the cardinal can help him get his job back. >> it was never meant to be political for to be a challenge of church. i love the church. i love my work. the just want to be back with the people. >> the chicago archdiocese called the four colonels visit a pastoral meeting. he said before the vatican and the harsh choices and to not get involved with hiring and firing at local churches. >> a maryland college is telling his school seniors they comply with the transcript without s.a.t. scores. instead, they will accept a selfie and video as a substitute to all those things. prospective students can submit a two minute video talking about who they are. administrators say it's just one option to apply. the video would stand on its own. no great or as a team scores would be needed. would have been nights when i went to school. i wouldn't have had to study so much. >> if you could pick your own major. steady a selfie. >> you could make something out of that. >> it's called the one man to stand. horrible news stories everywhere. 65 degrees right now. wind of the south at 6 mi.. jars and storms may early but then they will return into the evening. pack your umbrella chances are you needed a run lunchtime as temperatures warm up. but more rain comes after dinner. 63 rate now in waukegan. these numbers are worthy should be. typically during a rainy night temperatures don't drop much. but continue to see the line of showers moving through cook county. generally to the south of willamette. as you continue further to the west, the rain continues through downers grove and westmont. showers right up along their than south of 80 the heaviest of the rain continues to move to the southern and western counties. the heaviest is right there along 39. it will slow down today. passing showers this morning. filtered sun shine high temperature 82. tonight and 66. big rain comes tomorrow as a cold front comes through high reaches 79. 63 on thursday. >> still ahead, marcus takes us behind the scenes at motorola to get a close look at the news marked watch and other high-tech products. >> hehere are a few stories thae trending online this morning ... it was once the fastest and tallest roller coaster in the world... but on monday, it erupted in flames. fire broke out at the colossus ride at magic mountain in california . no one was on the ride at the time... and the park was closed for the day. the fire started while the coaster was being disassembled. firefighters doused the ride with water but part of the coaster still collapsed. apple users will get the news they've been waiting for today. the company is expected to unveil its latest products. this could include 2 new iphones with larger screens, a smartwatch and a mobile payment system. it's anticipated to be the type of new product wave that apple fans have been waiting for... since c-e-o tim cook succeeded steve jobs in august 20-11. the next "ghostbusters" movie is expected to feature an all *female cast. and bill murray is offering his picks on who *he'd* like to see as his successors. murray tells a toronto newspaper, if it were up to him, he'd choose melissa mc- carthy, emma stone, linda cardellini from "mad men," and kristen wiig. how could you leave it alone. bill murray would have to be in it. how could he not do it? let's take a look at our day. we are expecting showers in the region. we will be slimed by rain showers today. get it? anyone? i have lots. even at this early in the morning and bring it. heaviest of the rain is mainly south of the. continuing to move through the county. would continue to see light shower. here's the heaviest of the rain to the south. right through evans. pontiac and white characters clipping southern lasalle. here's the seven days forecast. edt today. 66 tonight. small, 79 degrees. save me. >> you should have stuck with a today forecast because it all went downhill after that we avenue accent you're watching at the intersection here looks like they're close to getting this cleared up. a few projects, resurfacing work downtown along state from them during to wacker and heavily traveled area cannot pick up until october 10th. watch for that. we also have the division street bridge work which will go through the end of october which has the vision closed to hooker impacting the number 7132 bus. numbers look good. will break it down for you coming up. >> did you design the star in your logo? >> it took three years to design that. clad it paid off. it does look better. all eyes on apple as they prepare to announce the new line of products. a few days ago malraux motorola had the spotlight opening the doors of their headquarters to media from around the country. then build four new products and we were there to get a sneak peek. >> the tech business is all about keeping secrets. the motorola company wants its customers to take a look behind the curtain. >> we have invited a number of members from the press to see our global headquarters. >> that's the motorola president talking to us at the company's first major product launch event inside their new merchandise mart headquarters showing members of the press where all the latest innovations were created. among those introduced, the highly anticipated motorola 36 the smart watch. >> time for a modern timepiece ... >> it sports a large, round, touchscreen. eden choose between different watch faces. it also features sensors that can monitor your heart rate and tractor steps. it gives notification for your apps running on your injured smart phone and you can use your voice to send text messages and get directions. >> i use it for things like counting my steps to understand how far i've gone in a day. it's pretty useful. >> the 360 sells for $249. the initial production runs have sold out already. >> we think it solves a key problem with some of the early introductions in the category. he really is a classic timepiece. it's about being a watch that also has additional functionality. and that has been the focus all along. trying to design something that people would not feel bad about wearing. we think it's beautiful. >> in addition to the news more watch, they unveiled new accessories like the hint. a tiny blue to a headset that sits in your ear. also a new version of their smart phones now sporting a larger 5.2 in. screens and the ability to silence calls and check notifications with the wave of a hand. it sells for just $99 with a two-year contract. the company also announced a new version of the inexpensive g phone which gets a display of greed and it better camera selling for $179 come through the unlocked. >> it's been the best-selling smart phone of all time. we've sold more of these than anything. a huge hit. it's driven us to create more of from the world. in india we're now the no. 4 market share. in brazil we are number 2. in the uk we went from 0-60. >> they are all very excited with these products. you can go to their website even on my website i have my review of the 360. i've been wearing it for a few days. i don't even notice it. it's definitely taken a while to get used to award a watch for quite awhile. so putting it there it was pretty bold. but you get used to look for a while and it has a neat features. i will have to send it back though. >> coming up, at a record breaker to jennifer lawrence's rose in may. that's coming up. so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." jennifer lawrence has set a world record. the guiness world records announced j-law as the "highest- grossing-action-movie-heroine" for her role in the 'hunger games' franchise. she has portrayed katniss everdeen in two movies.. and more are still in production. the films have made over 1 point billion dollars worldwide. hunger games is also the highest-grossing-post- apocalypse-movie. the third part of the movie will be released in november. >> charts and storms coming our way. generally light rain. fremont is heaviest south of 80. it will continue to move in that direction to the south and east. more rain coming today. here is the seven days forecast. 82 degrees today 79 on wednesday. a big temperature drop highs only reaching the low 60s through much of the weekend. on sunday we get sunshine high of 66. monday it will feel like fall high of 68. >> a look construction outbound 67 this morning. it's taken a look a what we're talking about, right lane will be blocked until 6:00 a.m. between u.s. 6 and 80. also, crash's cleared and north and noble, the three had emergency responders on the scene. and construction continues in riverside with a sore installation. that's where they are putting this to work pipes, lining them under the river causing some delays on park place. more traffic coming up. >> your top stories are next. >> your top stories are next. stay with us. >> now a paid presentation for meaningful beauty advanced by cindy crawford. >> with special appearances by debra messing. >> valerie bertinelli. >> christa miller. >> and stars from tv's royal pains and the mentalist. >> and, brand new for 2014, our best offer ever, including $95 in free gifts. >> brought to you by guthy-renker. >> hi, everyone, i'm beauty and style journalist katrina szish on location in beverly hills. in just a few minutes we'll meet one of the most beautiful women in the world, supermodel cindy crawford. at age 45, cindy still looks impossibly young and gorgeous. >> oh, my god, she's just stunning. her skin is just amazing, and so i feel like now i have a chance. >> what's cindy's be s


Transcripts For WPVI Action News 20140908

to david murphy and find out what to expect today. >> reporter: it's a fairly comfortable first day of school for philadelphia publics and other kids. we have cloud cover to the south. i could see getting early sun from philadelphia into the early suburbs most of us will pick up additional cloud cover, but it will be brighter to the north than to the south 68 in philadelphia, 59 in reading, cooler up north still in the low 70s down at the shore. as we head outside the door to catch that school bus, 66 degrees by 6:00 a.m. 68 by 8:00 a.m. partly cloudy skies with clouds thicker down south than up north. as we roll through the afternoon, 70 degrees by 9:00 a.m., 73 by noon, high is 77 degrees that's fairly manageable in the classroom as you get out of school. 71 by 6:00 p.m. cloudier to the south than to the north. matt, there's rain in the forecast, i'll have the details coming up. >> thanks, david. we begin with video that came into the newsroom. a driver crashed into a north philadelphia restaurant and fled the scene. it happened at 2:30 on bustle top avenue. the knocked over a pole and hit a gas line causing a small leak. bustleton avenue at this location remains closed. we'll keep you posted in progress in our traffic report. video posted online show several people beating a mentally challenged man in delaware. state police received 911 calls and facebook took place about the video. they show the man being punched and body slammed in separate attacks. 16-year-old saw the videos and posted them using the hash tag called the bully project. >> it spread so fast, i'm so grateful for everybody helping me out. if it wasn't for everybody helping and supporting and everything this wouldn't have gone viral. that man needs justice. >> the victim was checked out at the hospital. two people were placed in custody. >> philadelphia public school students head back to class this morning amid some uncertainty. katherine scott is live in mount airy where later she'll help a family get ready for the first day of school. >> reporter: that's right, tam, the "action news" alarm bells will be ringing once more this year, but not yet, we'll let the student get a little bit more sleep before we wake her up. there's uncertainty and a budget gap and concerns about funding. the first day of school is here, inside the school, the teachers have been getting ready. these teachers have to be resourceful at a time when money has been tight. our teachers leslie grace has raised $4,000 through donors >> i wish there was more support for the arts and teachers in general. >> reporter: philadelphia leaders are waiting for cigarette tax promised by state lawmakers with a budget short fall and a lot of uncertainty district schools are opening on time, but with $32 million more service cuts. >> to them, they never want the students, nor do i, want the students to ever feel like they are in a crisis. >> reporter: in this school this teacher said her class is doubled. 38 kids will pack the room, but they are excited for the first day today. >> around here it's better than you think, the teachers are excited for the first day of school, but we understand the problems we're going to face. >> a lot of concerns, but obviously a lot of excitement, as well. students are getting ready to see their friends and get in the their classrooms and see who their teachers are. we'll be in mount airy helping a student get ready in just a bit. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> now to a developing story, doctors are on the look out for a mystery virus that made 1,000 children across ten states very sick and it could become a national outlet break. abc's dan kefler has more. >> reporter: more than 1,000 children across ten states have been sickened. doctor suspect it's a rare vie rouse called entrovirus 68 linked to the common cold. >> my heart started hurting after my lungs started closing up. >> he was at risk because he as ma. will's parents are sharing his story to help others spot the signs. >> he came close to death, he was unconscious at our house and white as a ghost, blue lips, he passed out. >> reporter: doctors say children like will who have asthma and those under the age of five are most vulnerable. it can start like a cold, runny nose and coughs. but it's the wheezing you have to watch to. >> one hospital in colorado has seen 900 children with symptoms. >> our pediatric flew is full with patients in severe respiratory distress. >> it's going to be a across the country, if your state doesn't have it now, watch for it, it's coming. >> reporter: doctors are not sure how the virus spreads, but many are concerned as the back to school season kicks into high gear which is a normal time for viruses spread among children. >> happening today, leaders gather in atlantic city to discuss the future of the gambling resort. chris christie called the meeting that comes after four announced casino closings. more than 8,000 workers are out of the jobs. some new jersey lawmakers want voters to consider the fate of a 40-year-old law that gives ac a monopoly in new jersey, having gambling outside of ac would recoup some of the revenue that's going out of state. >> philadelphia school kidnapping and sexual assault trial could wrap up in the coming days, that's topping our look at the week ahead. christina rugusters is accused kidnapping and sexually and youg a girl. thursday marks the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. a ceremony will be held in upper makefield township to honor the first responders who were killed in the blast. walker errs make a 60-mile trek that starts at the willow grove park mall and ends at the navy yard. >> the eagles first victory of the season was ugly at times and heart stopping at times, but a victory none the less. nick foles looked undecisive. the eagles turned it around in the second, they scalder 34 straight points, the first of them on darren sproles long touchdown run. qb talked about his first half struggles. >> you can't get frustrated, it's frustrating for a second you have to keep your cool that your teammates are looking to you in those situations. >> reporter: eagles win 34-17. the eagles play the colds until i understand annapolis one week that will be a test for eagles. >> nba is facing a racist scandal, it involves an other than and an e-mail. >> reporter: it's mild this afternoon, we'll have explicit details about how the weather will go today, and the seven-day forecast there's rain and higher humidity on the way, it's all coming up. (postal worker) hey! millers! you two day-dreaming? (millers, in unison) yes. (postal worker) about your victorian dream home? (mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. >> we want to tell you about the exiting changes coming to our 6abc lineup today. "action news" at noon is an hour long packed with more news and weather five days a hour after "action news" the chew at 1:00 p.m., who wants to be a millionaire moves to 2. jeopardy daytime at 2:30, general hospital airs at 3. >> an hour at noon? that's double the david murphy. >> you can never get too much david murphy. >> reporter: some would argue otherwise, it should be gun, rick and sarah and i are excited to get going with that. storm tracker 6 live double scan we have no precipitation for you, as we look outside we have a fair amount of the cloud cover particularly south of philadelphia. in the city you might get sun breaking in early and at times the cloud get thicker. we'll show you future tracker in a moment how that will evolve today. 68 degrees, dewpoint at 60, not that bad. winds out of the north at 6, the dewpoint will drop as the day goes on. here's future tracker 6. we're starting out with mainly cloudy skies down the shore and clear skies to the north. expect more sun early this morning, the farther north you go. by the time we get to lunchtime there's a chance the clouds fill in toward the lehigh valley and kind of break apart and sets down past us again by dinnertime. more clouds to the south, a little bit more sun up to the north an philadelphia and trenton and somewhere in between most of the day. 68 degrees is the 8:00 a.m. temperature, 72 by 11:00. the numbers won't be as warm today, we'll get up to 77. i could see that happening around 3. it will be a clouds and sun mix more clouds to the south. as we look at high temperatures across the region. 75 in allentown, 78 in trenton an wilmington. 76 in reading, down the shore we're looking at 77, 78 degrees. a little bit of a breeze out there. tonight the phillies are back home against the pirates. partly cloudy and a bit cool at citizens bank park tonight. there's a system to our south that will be producing clouds and dishing a few showers off the ocean. looks like most of this activity will be down south of philadelphia, the steadiest will be the closer you go toward the shore, but that's a possibility a little bit of light rain if philadelphia tomorrow a little steadier rain to the south. 77 clouds mixing with sun today. the farther south you are the cloudier it will be. the farther north, the better chance you have seeing sunshine. tomorrow, light rain in philadelphia, steadier cells south of city high of 74. clouds give way to sun on wednesday, 80. thursday, warm and humid, 86 this high. behind the thursday system we'll dry out, we'll see sun returning on friday, lower humidity, 77, a nice end to the workweek. for the weekend, mostly cloudy on saturday, rain possible, 72. him hopefully that doesn't get in the way of the union game saturday night, 72 and sunday, brighter and dry. a group of teenagers beat a tennessee clerk in a store parking lot. memphis police say the group attacked a 25-year-old customer as he left the car to enter the store. two employees were attacked trying to stop the fight. they will tell police they lost consciousness after being hit in the head. nobody has been arrested for the crime. general motors said in two years it will have cars that can talk to each other and drive themselves on the road. the ceo called the system super crews. it will allow for hands free driving on they highway and stop and go driving in traffic. congress is back on capitol hill this week and leaders in both parties are promising action to prevent a government shut down. a plan is in the works to fund government agencies through mid accident. stocks rose on friday despite a weaker than expected jobs report. futures point to a higher open. a lot of talk about this, this week, apple is expected to reveal the new iphone tomorrow, the thinking it will be a bigger iphone and possibly a smart watch. day can with "action news" an for the updates. >> thank you, tam. new on "action news," human remains found near where a tennessee nursing student disappeared three years ago. a hike in the bay area nearly turns tragic for a 6-year-old boy we'll complain what happened to him on "action news." remember you can take with you. the new smart design fits any device you have, whether it's your tablet or smart phone, no matter how large or small that screen. check it out by visiting anytime anywhere. >> welcome back, first up, we have the schuylkill expressway expressway near south street. looks good, let's go to the airport, if you have to go in and out of phl, that's looking good, matt. >> reporter: speaking of philadelphia international airport, we'll give you the travel forecast on this monday morning, a brand new week here. lots of flights over the lower 48. people going to europe, too, that stuff happens this time of the morning. concern where you could see trouble if you're flying elsewhere this morning. up and down the east coast we have thundershower activity going on here. washington, d.c. looks like rain. atlanta and the main airports in florida could see thundershower activity. houston could see thundershower activity. midwest looking fine, no travel delays expected in terms of of the weather. denver, salt lake city, and phoenix sky harbor could see thundershower activity as well as lax. san francisco looking good in california. tam, back to you. >> tennessee officials are examining human remains found in decatur county. the site is ten miles from the home of a man accused kidnapping holly bobo. officials say the identification of the remains could take days or weeks. two men were arrested, and her body was never found. an nba owner has decided to sell his stake in the team over racist comments. he was talking about bridging the atlanta racial sports divide, he said the black crowd has scared away the whites. >> i think i speak for all of my partners, when i say we were deeply offended we quickly spoke out against these words that we heard on that tape. >> reporter: leave -- levinson's e-mail was written back in 2012, he reported the e-m >> a 6-year-old california boy is expected to you are vierve -- survive an encounter with a mountain lion. the animal began dragging the boy away, but the father and another man fought him off. trails in the area are closed while they search for the lion. friends and family said farewell to joan rivers. rivers was considered a trail blazer for women in comedy. she spoke about her funeral saying she wanted her funeral packed with stars, she got what she wanted. she was 81 years old. the united states marching band would wowed crowds overnig. among the show's reference, batman, the simpsons and dragnet, this is the first time the band had performed since the band leader was fired for ignoring a culture of sexual hazing among the students. the buckeyes lost to virginia tech 35-41. the death toll is rising as heavy monsoon flooding washes over south asia. >> hit-and-run leaves a south jersey man dead, police >> good morning, everyone, it is 5:00 a.m. monday september 8 we have news you didn't see lorcht. >> a shooting victim situation goes from bad to worse when he is involved in a crash on the way to the hospital. >> the search intensifies for a hit run driver in south philadelphia. >> it's a very first day of school. we'll take you a lock for the first day. >> reporter: we have clear skies to the north, as the day goes on, we'll catch the flowdz farther north of -- clouds farther north of philadelphia. 68 degrees in philadelphia. as you step outside. that's not too bad. 68 in reading, 62 in trenton. 70 in dover and low 70s down the shore along the boardwalk in sea isle and atlantic city. in the city, 68 degrees by


Transcripts For WPVI Action News 20140908

weather-related problems impacting us. we have light volume on the schuylkill expressway. we have a lot of issues, some accidents new this morning, new jersey turnpike northbound past 168 an accident involving the tractor-trailer. the tractor-trailer was going over an underpass, it top was sheered off, they have to off load it to another tractor-trailer. kind of a messy situation. the inner drive is closed on the boulevard southbound at tyson avenue watch for an accident closing the inner drive. not that far off we have another messy accident in northeast philadelphia shutting down bustleton avenue, closed between long shore and harbison avenue. eu89 brought down a -- it brought down a pole and you may want to use leonard avenue, the boulevard southbound is blocked in the inner drive because of the an accident. >> we have video of that accident, it's our developing story, a driver crashed into a northeast philadelphia restaurant and then simply fled the scene. it happened at the jade harbor chinese restaurant in the 6900 block of busle ton avenue. it knocked over a poll and hit a gas line and caused a small leak. videos posted online show several people beating a mentally challenged young man in newark, delaware. the 26-year-old victim is diagnosed with william syndrome and has the mental capacity of a second grader. his mother spoke exclusively to "action news" about the attacks. >> reporter: when you saw the video what went through your mind? >> rage, anger, calls of the situation with him -- because of the situation with him being mentally disabled, he doesn't do anything to anyone but be kind. >> state police received 911 calls and facebook tips about the video. 16-year-old saw the videos and re-posted them using hash tag the bull project. children are going back to school. local lawmakers have a tough time keeping the district afloat. katherine scott is live in mount airy, with one family's first day of school. >> reporter: there's a lot of excitement, but there's concern about the budget gap and where the funding will come from. the first day of school is here and inside this school in south philadelphia, teachers have been getting ready. these teachers have to be resourceful at a time when money has been tight. our teacher leslie grace has raised $4,000 on her own through donors >> i wish there was more support for the arts and teachers in general. >> reporter: philadelphia is waiting for a cigarette tax from state lawmakers. with a lot of uncertainty, district schools are opening on time but with $32 million more service cuts. >> to them, they never want the students nor do i in the school want the students ever to feel like they are in a crisis. >> reporter: 38 kids will soon pack this room, but they are excited for the first day today. >> our morale here is better than you come. the teachers are excited for the first day of school and we're eager for the kids to come in, but we understand the problems we'll fails. >> reporter: so, certainly a lot of excitement amid the uncertainty, here in mount airy, the "action news" alarm bells will ring again we'll be waking up and helping a student get ready for her first day of school. she's getting her last few winks of sleep. we'll hear from her soon. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> a rare respiratory virus has sickened hundreds of children across the united states, researchers think it's entrovirus 68 which is linked to the common cold. doctors are not sure how the virus spread. most of the cases are in colorado and other states in the nation's mid section. no cases have been reported in our area. dr. richard besser, abc medical editor predicts the vier -- virus will spread to other states. "good morning america" will have more on the mystery virus on "action news." christine rugusters is charged with abducting a girl from bryant elementary and molesting her. the girl testified that she left with the woman because she thought it was her mother. thursday marks the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. a ceremony will be held at the garden of reflex in upper makefield to honor the first responders. monday morning many women will start the susan g.komen cancer walk. all the proceeds benefits brees cancer survivors. nick foles looked indecisive and turned the ball over three times in the first half. the jags led 17-0 at the half. the eagles 2ur7b8d -- turned it around in the second. nick foles shook off the rust and connected with jeremy mack kiln for a 68-yard td, the game winner. >> it's frustrating for a second, but you know you have to keep your cool that your teammates are looking to you in that situation. >> all pro left guard mathis left the game with a knee injury. the eagles play the colts in indianapolis one week from tonight. >> time to turn to david murphy and find out what to expect with your accuweather. >> reporter: it's a nice one for kids heading to school and folks heading to work. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we're precipitation free. as we take a look outside, we have sky 6. we're in wilmington on sky 6. right now not looking at any precipitation across the region, although there is quite a bit of cloud cover especially to the south of philadelphia and some of that sneaking up into the city, as well. let's go ahead and take a look at the current numbers, 68 degrees is the temperature in philadelphia. the dewpoint as expected has slipped a little bit, we're down to 59 degrees, so not feeling that humid. winds are light out of the north at 6 miles per hour. future tracker 6 shows how we're starting out with the clouds from philadelphia south. as we head into middayment clouds sweep farther north. in allentown you'll be looking at some sun. in the afternoon, the clouds wants to push back down. in south jersey and good portion of delaware you're looking at cloudy conditions all the way today. the farther north you go, the better chance you have of seeing sunny breaks. the temperatures will not be as intense as the last couple of days. 68 degrees by 7:00 p.m., 82 by 11. 2:00 p.m., 76 high of 77 a little bit below average that will hit around 3:00 p.m. before we are back down to 74. mixture of clouds and sun, more clouds to the south. 75 in allentown, 76 today in reading, and 78-degree reading in trenton an wilmington, 77 in cape may, new jersey. if you're heading to the phillies tonight look for a mix of clouds with some clear breaks, partly cloudy overall, a bit cool. 70 for the first pitch against the pirates and 68 in the 9th inning. tomorrow, we have a system that could push rain in the region, looks like most of of this will be south of philadelphia. can't rule out a sprinkle popping through the city, as well. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast nice one today, high of 77. more clouds to the south, more sun to the north, looking dry, tomorrow, clouds and light rain at times, prepares steadier every now and then, south of philadelphia, clouds and sun on wednesday, though, we get back to 80, thursday, warm and humid, 86. with a front coming in, we could see an afternoon or evening shower or thunderstorm on thursday. behind that clouds and sun on friday, breezy, lower humidity, 77 nice day on friday. saturday, mostly cloudy another system bringing us a chance of rain high of 72. brighter on sunday, 72 the high we're starting to see the cooler numbers work into the seven day. >> indeed we are, thank you, david. an explosion down south rips apart a hotel. investigators know what sparked the blast. >> some shops are coming together for one can't miss sale, it could save brides-to-be a bundle. >> reporter: looking good on i-95 looking good near girard, that's southbound traffic. we have nasty accidents and we have details on are a accidents that was causing a closure when "action news" rieks. here you go. mm, spicy! you mean her? no, it's the spicy smoked sausage sandwich, honey, s-see? it better be. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy! america runs on dunkin'. >> welcome back you're taking a live look sky sky looking out over the delaware to the ben franklin bridge, 5:43, 61 degrees. >> let's go over to karen rogers. >> reporter: there's so much happening on this monday, we have an accident on the boulevard near tyson. we have the inner drive blocked. watch for delays with part of the inner drive closed there. not that far off, bustleton avenue is shut down between longshore avenue and harbison. you can see the car brought down a pole and ran into a chinese restaurant and caused an issue with a gas main. they shut that off there, police are directing traffic. watch for bustleton avenue being closed. one of your alternates could be the boulevard, but don't forget boulevard southbound there's trouble, stick to the outer drive. use leonard street as the alternate. blue route mcdade boulevard, northbound traffic looking good and dry no issues on the blue route. let's check the commuter traffic report. i found someone talking about something on the roadway on the schuylkill expressway eastbound near glad win watch for that, it's causing an issue on the schuylkill expressway. meanwhile, no weather related problems, 68 degrees, 67 in millville. 60 in allentown, today's high 77. comfortable, matt. >> ng that you, karen. breaking news, the duke and dutchess of cambridge are expecting their second child. kensington palace announced dutchess indicate is pregnant and suffering from morning sickness. william and kate's first child prince george of cambridge just turned one on july 22 of this year, getting a brother or sister. >> congratulations. >> new this morning, there could be a break in the high profile case of holly bobo. two people discovered a human skull ten miles from the suspect who was charged with her kidnapping and murder. the nursing students was last seen in 2011. right now they are not linking the remains to the would would would -- to the bobo case. police are -- police have charged allen stock exchange with attempted murder. investigators say he is the gunman from surveillance video from 350th and haverford who shot henry lynn 6 times on august 29th. lynn is in critical condition, and authorities are looking for two other men linked to the case. governor chris christie called the summit in atlantic city which comes after four announced casino closings. out of the state competition, cripple their bottom line. they will consider the fate of a 40-year-old law which gives ac a monopoly in new jersey. they say having gambling outside of ac would recoup of the revenue that's going out of state. amy buckman has a preview of today's saving with 6abc. >> reporter: if you're planning a wedding or have another special occasion coming up, you might want plan a shopping stop later this week on east passyunk avenue in south philadelphia, where two unique boutiques are teeming up for a sale. >> at the carolyn v. he rmplet -- verde boutique you could find discounts on wedding gowns. >> all gowns $500 an over will be 10% off. i'll have a special group of gowns which is right here, they will be 2 and $300. >> a priscilla gown you can walk away with for $300. >> yes. >> reporter: wow. >> i want to clear the stock out a little bit. >> reporter: next-door, women who are not brides-to-be can get great sales, too. >> we'll introduce all the new fall and early spring collections for mother of the bride, mother of the groom, we'll offer that at 10% off. >> if you have any kind of special occasion coming up, check out this rack, all of these dresses $100 each. in addition to the gown there's a rack of cocktail dresses priced at $100, as well. it's wednesday through friday 48:00 p.m. we'll give you the dresses of the stores at in south philadelphia, amy buckman channel 6 "action news." >> it's 5:49, we just told you the duke and dutchess of cambridge are having a second baby. we're keeping our eye on the wires any news we'll share it with you. >> it's a little cool this morning, but getting mild later on, what about the cloud cover and the chance of the seven day we'll talk about that to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. call the verizon center for customers with dis i'and i love new york. there's no place like it in the world. one of my favorite fall activities is visiting our world-renowned wineries and craft brewers. and, award-winning distilleries and cider makers. they're located all across our great state. come raise a glass to your favorites. plan your fall getaway at there's something for everyone >> reporter: so bestowed, i've got more details on the accident on the turnpike. i want to show you the maps here, it's on the turnpike northbound past 168. that's the black horse pike. they don't have to off-load the tractor-trailer. they are waiting for a heavy duty tow truck off to the left side. a new problem in lower qwen i -- gwynedd, 309 at welsh road a truck blocking the right lane. >> reporter: my twitter follower, kristin, we have 56 in harrisburg. 68 in philadelphia, 67 in millville. 77 is the high. 71 by 6:00 p.m. humidity low, a little breezy, a fair amount of clouds around, though, across much of the region, tam. >> construction joan rivers ra star-studded send off. howard stern delivered the eulogy. she said she wanted a celebration packed with stars an music. according to long time friend deborah norville that's what she got. >> there were board of education way songs and hue jackman sang. >> rivers went into cardiac arrest during a throat procedure and never regained consciousness. the. >> we have the latest on the search for a mountain line that was attacked out west. >> a man is hit and killed on a street and left for dead. details on the vehicle police are looking for right now. that's just ahead at tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. >> new this morning, an out-of-control driver set off a an explosion while crashing into a hotel in kentucky. the collision set off a gas leak and fire that caused half of the buildings to collapse. there were no serious injuries. a 6-year-old boy in california is expected to survive a scary encounter with a mountain lion. the annual attacked the child on a hiking trail. the animal began dragging the boy away before his father and another man managed to fight it off. trails are closed while officials search for the lie i don't know. president obama says troops will set up isolations to control ebola in west africa. containing it will be a long and difficult task. if the spreads it could mute at a -- mutate and reach the united states. >> the olive garden takes the never ending impossible to a new stream. a lehigh valley man who prayed on children is back on streets. down... lower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®. ithought to the acidityh in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. relief that neutralizes acid on contact... ...and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! try great tasting tums chewy delights. yummy. >> good morning, everyone, it is 6 am on this monday, september 8. we have news you didn't see last night. >> a shooting victim's situation goes from bad to worse when he is involved in a crash on the way to the hospital. >> a philadelphia family is experiencing a very public start to the school year. "action news" is giving them a rise and shine. >> we have big news from across the pond the royal family is getting bigger. >> david murphy has axey is accuweather and karen rogers has traffic. >> reporter: good morning, everybody, we have sunshine in philadelphia, satellite shows you the split in the clear skies from the north to the south. some of the clouds from pittsburgh may roll in later


Transcripts For WPVI Action News 20140908

68 if philadelphia currently. a lights breeze blowing. 66 in wilmington. just 57 in allentown. the temperatures had been fluctuating back and forth up there in the last half-hour, and we have the low 70s down the shore. as we head out the door to catch the bus between 7:00 and 8:00 we'll be in the upper 60s. partly cloudy skies more clouds to the south than up north. as we roll through the day, not as warm as yesterday, 70 by 9, 73 by noon, 77 by 3:00 p.m. we'll have an uptick in rain, i'll have that in the seven day. >> reporter: we have more school buses on the roads, we have more slowing and volume near 23 on 422. upper providence a vehicle ran off the roadway here, collegeville road near black rock. bustleton avenue at this point shut down, this is a big one between longshore avenue and harbison avenue. it happened in the overnight hours, but impacting traffic. look at the number of emergency workers there. you see that car it smashed into a chinese restaurant and brought you on that pole right there. they need to fix the road. there's debris on the rooted. stick to leonard avenue use the boulevard instead, also, but boulevard southbound near tyson we have issues. stick to the outer drive if you're using the boulevard as the alternate. >> new this morning, a man was shot and involved in a crash on the way to the hospital. the shooting happened before 1:00 a.m. on the 5600 block of catherine street in west philadelphia. the victim was shot in the back as he sat on the porch. someone managed to get the man into a car to go to the hospital, but then a half block away, that car collided with another car. the victim is in the hospital in critical condition. a woman in the other car was hurt. police are looking for the trigger man and there's no word on the motive for the shooting. police are trying to track down the driver of a pick up truck who struck and killed a pedestrian in south jersey. this happened on the 1000 block of mantua pike around 8:00 p.m. a 52-year-old man from man at -a was walking in the -- mantua was walking in the northbound lanes when he was struck and left to die. >> a brother of of an accused child molester fears that more children could be victims of his brother. he abused two children in upper mount bethel township in north hampton county. gerhardt denies the allegation, the children have been receiving medical treatment shins coming forward with the claims. many students have been in school for a week, the final group of children happen to attend class in the region's largest district. katherine scott is making this first day more special for one family, what's going on in mount airy, katherine? >> we're at the tart family i'm here with nadia's mom is she a morning person. >> she can be. >> reporter: how will she take it? she'll be okay. >> good morning, "action news" is here. happy first day of school. thank you. >> are you excited? >> very excited. >> are you excited for your first day of school? >> i'm excited. i'm looking forward to going to the school, i heard it's a great school. >> first day jitters? >> i have some friends. >> reporter: nadia is bright eyed and bushy tailed, is she usually like this on the first day of school? >> i can't remember. >> you'll be eating breakfast, and we'll meet you downs. downs -- downstairs. the president announced they will carry out airstrikes against isis in support of ground troops, troops that will not include american forces. terror experts say isis represents the most significant threat this country has seen since 9/11. >> 6:06. ever wish someone else could do the driving. a car maker said that could be true in the next several years. >> reporter: good morning, tam, general motors wants to offer hands-free driving in two years. they plan to introduce a cadillac with super crews technology. gm said the technology is designed to make driving safer. millennials are saying no to credit cards. 63% don't have a single credit card. that compares to a mere 35% of americans over the age of 30. bank rate said tanking economy and mounting student loans scared many off from opening credit cards. >> the s&p 500 set a closing record high on friday. futures are pointing to a lower open. how would you like 7 weeks of unlimited pasta for 100 bucks. olive garden is planning to do just that. him it's the first never ending pasta pass. they can eat all the pasta, salad, and soft drinks for 49 days, 1,000 will be sold online starting today at 3:00 p.m. the promotion is designed to bring attention to the restaurant whose sales have slumped in recent years. matt and tam, that's a lot of carbs. >> pasta everyday? maybe have some fruit. >> reporter: storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we are precipitation free this morning. as we take a look outside, we have the airport, and no weather related ishts at the airport. -- weather-related issues at the airport. we are catching rain in the connection cities like charlotte, north carolina maybe a little delay. if you're waiting for a plane coming up from the carolinas, same thing. pretty comfortable numbers process across the region. 68 in philadelphia, 57 in allen be town, 58 in reading. 67 in millville, 73 on the boardwalks down the jersey shore. satellite showing up on future tracker 6 we're looking at clouds basically from the city south this morning as we go into the afternoon there's a chance some of this weeps up toward the lehigh valley. i do think it's going to be one of those days where it's cloudier down showt and brighter up -- cloudier down south and brighter up north. there's a chance that the clouds erode a bit. up in allentown we'll call it a mix of sun and clouds, pleasant conditions high of 75. the humidity will not be all that high. looks like it will be a comfortable 75. down the shore, lots of clouds, 74 by no one, 78 by 3:00 p.m. on the beach not as warm as the weekend. if philadelphia, high of 77. a bit cooler than over the weekend. clouds and sun, winds east/northeast 8 to 16 miles per hour there's a light to moderate breeze at times. 68 by 8:00, 72 by 11:00 a.m., a nice day to get the outdoor chores done. a good day to walk the dog. 72 degrees by 11:00 p.m., the high hit around 7:00 p.m. start of the phillies, 70 degrees they open a big set with the pirates and 68 in the 9th inning. tomorrow we have clouds building back in and at times we'll have showers crewing -- crewing -- cruising in over the ocean. it will be damp in philadelphia at times tomorrow. clouds and sun in philadelphia, 77. cloudier to the south and clear up to the north. clouds and rain tomorrow tuesday, more in south jersey. clouds and sun on wednesday, 80. warm and humid ahead of the next cold front. 86 is the high. a shower or thunderstorm can't be ruled out. we get clouds mixed with sun and lowering humidity and breezy highs in the 70s. looks like rain is possible on saturday, and dry on sunday, low 70s coming up then. up next, more stories you didn't see last night. the passing of conservative and sometimes other than of a fast food giant. >> the eagles we'll look at the exciting season opener. >> reporter: this is westbound traffic on the vine with roads clear and dry. we have a bunch of issues out there, the latest details and a accident on i-95. >> we heard rumors and now we have officials information from buckingham palace abo (vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to >> welcome back you're taking a look at a beautiful sunrise over the delaware and ben franklin bridge. 6:14, a cool 66 degrees out there. >> all right, what you got going on in the suburbs, karen. >> reporter: new accident popping up, watch for this in lower providence township. it's south trooper road, that accident coming in right now. let's look at the big picture, and show you what's happening out there. you want to watch for a disabled vehicle on city avenue southbound near presidential boulevard. meanwhile, speeds on the schuylkill expressway not too bad, mostly in the 50s. we have a concert in south philadelphia at 7:30. 7:05, the phils, you might want to take the sports express trains they start at 6:08. they run every ten minutes. slower speeds on i-95 southbound we've got a live camera look, this is i-95 near girard southbound traffic here generally jammed from allegheny to girard, we expect more volume on the roads, school buses more and more starting today we expect extra volume. starting to see slower speeds on i-95, as well. let's look at the temperature, 68 degrees in philadelphia. 57 in allentown, 67 in millville. 71 right now in dover, but comfortable out there, the high today of only 77 degrees with clouds and sunshine, no weather-related prbs impacting you -- problems impacting you today. >> we have happy breaking news, the duke and dutchess of cambridge are expecting their second child. they announced that dutchess kate is pregnant and sick with morning sickness. doctors at kensington palace are treating kate. a new royal boy arrest girl will be 4th in line to the thrown after prince charles and prince williams and prince george. the head of chick-fil-a has died. the family still runs the company, they say he passed away early this morning, surrounded by loved ones, he was 93 years old. >> netflix is catering to people who watch it on small screens. we have tech bytes. neck flicks goes for the short game. the streaming video service think that most will not watch 90 minute shows on their iphones so they will shorten it to increase their users. now anyone can get google glass, the internet connected eye glass frames are on sale any google play store. the price is $1,500. ikea is poking fun at apple. it says it's wireless and its battery never runs out and comes with content already installed. a dark cloud hung over the eagles for the first half of the game. the birds dug themselves a 17-point hole against the jacksonville jaguars. nick foles could you have had up the ball -- coughed up the ball three times in the first half. new addition darren sproles ran 49 yards and the eagles scored 27 points and then didn't allow any any more. >> there wasn't a huge change from the play call in the first half than in the second half and we weren't throwing chairs in the locker room. >> a bracelet finds it's way back to it's other than 11 years after it was lost. >> reporter: it's 62 degrees, it's cool out there this morning, we'll go well into the 70s, shorts and ts work in case it's the first day of school for your public school students or second week for the rest. we'll be back with the day-park forecast. >> starting today we're stengdz "action news" at noon to a full hour, watch the chew at 1:00 p.m., who wants to be a millionaire at 2:00 p.m. get your trivia fix ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! >> reporter: checking on a new accident we're hearing about. let's check 42 northbound traffic is starting to build as we look at creek road. southbound at creek road looking fine. we're looking into an accident 42 southbound near exit 12 there. mass transit everything is on time. >> reporter: we are in the 60s in most neighborhoods. we're up to 70 boy 9:00 a.m. 73 by noon, 3:00 p.m. high temperature is 77 degrees. notice how there is that mix of clouds and sun and you're going to see more sun to the north an more clouds to the south the way things are looking on satellite today. as we take a look at the airport, no big delays expected at anyone of our major travel destinations. we're expecting rain in char lot and there could delays there. >> doctors are wondering if obesity is causing child cancer rates. there's been a slight increase among african-american children. there's a slight increase in kidney and thyroid cancer. increases in thyroid and kidney cancers in adults is connected to obesity. scientist wonder if the same is true in the up tick in cancer for children. >> a 9/11 keepsake from a new york family was found, the endepraved piece honored his -- the engraved piece was lost 11 years ago and found on a beach. she tracked down the family and gave it back. >> the first day of school in philadelphia. >> katherine scott is helping a family get ready for it. >> reporter: we're live at the tart home in mount airy. breakfast is on the (postal worker) hey! millers! you two day-dreaming? (millers, in unison) yes. (postal worker) about your victorian dream home? (mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. >> officials in chile are looking into the murder of a 22-year-old teacher from kentucky. erica hagueen was found dead inside her apartment in chile. she was teaching english after graduate lg college from kentucky. she had been to the country before and scheduled to come back home in december. >> today marks 6 months since the disappearance of malaysia 370. it dropped off the radar march 8 on it's way to beijing. searchers have not recovered any debris. they believe the plane flew south into the indian ocean, but have not pinpointed the exact location. >> the royal family is getting bigger. details on the announcement that came overnight that's ahead here you go. mm, spicy! you mean her? no, it's the spicy smoked sausage sandwich, honey, s-see? see the spice? right. it better be. you going to the car? we're going to eat in the car. add some spice to your day with dunkin's spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy! grab one today! america runs on dunkin'. start your morning spicy! hurry in today for a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. >> happening now on "action news," the arrests of two teenagers for the brutal beating of a members of the jurily challenged -- of a mentally challenged man, that's the beginning of the investigation. >> a mystery illness is spreading across the country. >> students start school today amid a budget crisis that could impact students for the rest of the year. >> let's find out what the weather will be like for the kids heading to the backup. >> reporter: it's cool on the terrace, we have clouds down to the east and we'll have sun breaking through the clouds. satellite shows you where you are in the region, the thicker the clouds will be the stuff by pittsburgh will shoot into the northern and western suburbs later today. jodi in middletown delaware reports a mild 71 degrees, swu look at the -- as you look at regional temperatures we have areas in the 70s this morning. in the i-95 it's the mid to upper 60s. 68 in philadelphia. 62 in trenton. and we're still in the 50s in lancaster, reading and allentown. as we roll through the day, it will be warm this afternoon, but not as warm as yesterday. 70 degrees by 9:00 a.m. 73 by noon. 77 is the high at 3:00 p.m. again, clouds mixing with sun, but the farther north you are through the region the more sun you see. the farther south you go, the more cloud cover you see today. when i step inside we have a couple of chances of rain in the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast details coming up. >> reporter: all right, dave we've been talking about a handsful of accidents this morning. it's busy, but i want to show you the big picture, on the blue route, schuylkill expressway and i-95 we're accident-free. schuylkill expressway eastbound slow from the blue route to the curve. the vine westbound slow as you head toward the schuylkill expressway. i-95 cottman to girard traveling in the 20s. we may have a bridge opening of the tacony-palmyra in another 15 minutes watch for that. i want to talk built accident on the boulevard. it's involving the tractor-trailer. this is the northeast philadelphia accident. busle ton avenue is closed between harbison and longshore. southbound we have a an accident involving the tractor-trailer, it's blocking two lanes on the boulevard, the left and center lane of the inner drive. stick to the outer drive on the boulevard southbound near tyson avenue. hearing world of an accident in new jersey we've been checking into. this is 42, southbound traffic, near deptford near route 41 we're hearing an accident involving state police, local police are telling us they had fire trucks out there, that have cleared. chopper 6 heading to the scene. northbound we're seeing slowing a 14 minute ride from the ac express to the walt whitman bridge. >> a driver crashed into a northeast philadelphia restaurant and fled the scene. it happened on bustleton avenue at 2:30. the car knocked over a pole and hit a gas line causing a small leak. video posted online showed several people beating a mentally challenge man in delaware. the 26-year-old victim is diagnosed with william syndrome and has the mental capacity of a second grader. his mother spoke to "action news" about the attacks. >> reporter: when you saw the video what went through your mind? >> rage, anger because of the situation of him being mentally disabled, he doesn't do anything to anyone but be kind. >> state police received 911 calls and facebook tips about the video. they show the man being punched and body slammed possibly in several attacks. the video was re-posted hash tag the bully project. two teens face misdemeanors and have been released from custody. the victim has been checked out at the hospital. philadelphia schools open this morning and the financial problems are looming for the first day of class. the district is pinched by an 81 million-dollar deficit. william height is asking for the cigarette tax. now it's time to check in with "action news" reporter, katherine scott live right there with the family in mount airy, getting ready for the all-important first day of school, good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, tam, this is nadia patterson, and her mom val retart. you're going to a new school. >> reporter: yes. >> you play lacrosse, soccer, you swim, you sing. anything you'll be doing for activities any plans? >> i want to join the drama class if they have one, and i was going to do sports such as lacrosse or soccer, whatever they have. >> and val when you were watching your daughter go off to 6th grade are you excited for her? >> i am excited for her and the school year starting i'm looking forward to having her having a good time at school. i think the academics are on point and she will enjoy it. >> how do you make sure you're involved in her curriculum and activity also. >> reporter: this is my first year dealing with this school, making sure i'm on the website, parent association, definitely keep in touch with her teachers and the principals, and ventricle -- and having that parent relationship with the school. >> thank you for having us for the first day of school, have fun and, of course, we'll be here as she heads off, back to you guys in the studio. >> thank you so much. a rare respiratory virus has sickened hundreds of childrens across the united states, researchers think it is entrovirus 68. doctors are not sure how the virus spread. most of the cases are in colorado and other states in the mid section of the county. no cases in our area report the. dr. richard besser abc news medical editor predicts the virus will spread to other states. "good morning america" will continue the spread of the mystery virus after "action news." >> a philadelphia school kidnapping and abuse trial could wrap up in the coming days, that is topping our week ahead. christine ruguster abducted a girl and sexually mo let used her. she is expected to testify in her own defense. thursday marks 8913th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. a ceremony will be held at the garden of reflex honoring the first responders killed in the blast. susan g.koman walk begins monday the proceeds will benefit survive heers. nick foles looked indecisive and turned the ball over in the first half of the game against the jtion -- jacksonville jaguars. the eagles turned it around in the second half scoring 34 straight points. foles shook off the rust and connected with engineer -- jeremy mack lin for the game winner. >> you can't get frustrated, you know you have to keep your cool. >> eagles win 34-17. evan mathis left the game with a knee injury. he'll have an mri today. eagles play the colts in i understand -- inannapolis one week from tonight. >> we have happy news and breaking news, the duke and dutchess are expecting their second child. she also suffering from morning sickness it is the same problem that caused her to be hospitalize with her first pregnancy with prince george. drlings at kensington palace are treect kate. there's no word on a due date. the new boy or girl will be 4th in line to the thrown. prince george is such a cute baby. >> not waste a anytime. >> reporter: storm tracker 6 live double scan we have no precipitation out there, as we take a look outside, there's sunshine trying to break through clouds at the shore and elsewhere. generally speaking we have a fair amount of cloud cover the farther south you go through the region, aiblghts of a clear -- a little bit of a clear sky cover for the of the region. dewpoint is waffling around 60 degrees, it's at 61, so borderline humid not too bad. winds out of the northeast at 8 miles per hour. future tracker 6 we're tracking clouds not rain. you can see how the cloud cover to the south will get thicker and possibly push toward the lehigh valley by lunchtime. later in the day, it kind of breaks up and push to the south. in general what you can tell from the picture, from philadelphia south you've got a much better chance of seeing a lot more clouds and philadelphia north you have a better chance of seeing sun. the city itself caught in the middle of that. as we roll through the day, 68 degrees by 6:00 a.m., 72 by 11:00 a.m. 76 degrees by 2:00 p.m. your high today a little warm, 77 degrees, but not as bad as yesterday when we got into the low 80s. high temperatures across the region, looks like everybody is in the 90s. mid 70s in allentown and 77 to 78 down the shore, as well. a bit breezy today and nice overall. at the ballpark, the phillies against the pirates, look for partly cloudy skies, cool, 70 in the first pitch and 68 in the 9th inning. tomorrow we have rain in the picture, mainly south jersey and delaware, every now and then the light stuff might clip the i-95 corridor. we're going for a high of 77 today. clouds and sun, more clouds to the south, more sun up north. clouds and light rain at times on tuesday, 74. if we see any steadier cells they are in south jersey and delaware. clouds give way to sun and high of 80 wednesday. thursday, warm and humid, 86. friday, 77. looks like low 70s are to weekend, looks like saturday could feature a period of rain and sunday looks dry. >> more brand new stories up next, including the freak accident that claimed the life of of an accident. a tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. >> luggage carts, buses planes, all sorts of things going on at philadelphia international airport. 67 degrees on city avenue. >> let's go on over to karen rogers we've got a bridge opening. >> reporter: yes we have a bridge opening, i warned you about it, about 15 minutes ago. we're looking live at the tacony-palmyra it's up, traffic is stopped on either side. head to the betsy ross bridge instead the best alternate you'll have to deal with. this accident on out trooper road. watch for that. 422 eastbound looking at a jamup from oaks to 23. it's not our only jam. chester county, 30 bypass is jammed from 340 to 113. a slow go on the 30 bypass, as well. let's take look at the temperatures as you head out the door. no weather related problems even though we've seen a handful of accidents. 68 degrees, heading up to 77 clouds and sunshine not as warm always over the weekend. no weather-related issues for the morning commute tore evening community. >> a stranding accident claimed the life of actress molly glynn. she had a recurring role as a doctor on chicago fire. she was 46 and survived by her husband and two teenage sons. there could be a break in the high profile case of holly bobo. two people discovered the human skull ten miles away from the home of a suspect charged with her kidnapping and murder. right now police in tennessee are not linking the remains to the case, they have to conduct dna tests to i had the skull and these results could take days or weeks. >> governor chris christie called a meeting in atlantic city. 8,000 workers are out of a job. some new jersey lawmakers want voters to consider the fate of a 40-year-old law which gives ac a monopoly in new jersey. they say having gambling outside of ac would recoup the revenue going out of state. >> people are rescued in yosemite after a fair comes dangerously close to visitors. >> reporter: across the region you're on the mild side. some areas in the north up in the 50s. we'll be back with the day-park forecast and help you dress the . >> get some more royal news coming from britain on "good morning america." >> i bet we will that and more, let's go over to amy robach what's coming up on "g.m.a." >> reporter: are you telling me there's breaking news from london? i didn't know. just kidding. good morning to you, we'll be talking about the breaking news out of london. we'll have all the details from london as we hear the official royal announcement. everyone excited about the welcoming news. happening right now, a growing wildfire in yosemite national park forcing evacuations and closing off parts of the world-famous tourist attraction. we have a rare health emergency that is sending children across the country to the hospital. it starts off like a cold, but it could be deadly. dr. bellser is here with moreen this mystery -- more on the mystery illness. we have u.s. open champ serena williams here to talk about her big win. we have ashly judd live all coming up next on "good morning america." >> sounds good. we'll see you in a little bit. >> reporter: busy on the roads, we have an accident on 42 southbound near route 41. we have an accident we're hearing a minivan spun out and hit the back of a state trooper vehicle. it's off to the side and it's something to watch for on 42 southbound. northbound you have an 18 minute ride from the ac expressway to the walt whitman bridge. kind of heavy on the ben franklin bridge we have construction blocking that right lane, you have a slow go coming into the city. dave. >> reporter: most of us in the 60s if you're dressing the kids it's mild enough to go with the shorts and ts. if case you're running errands, 73 by 9:00 a.m. 77 is the high, not as warm as yesterday. there's a fair amount of cloud cover, but the thicker clouds will be south of philadelphia, the farther north you are the better chance you have of seeing more sun, tam. >> thank you, david. we want to tell you about exciting changes to "action news," "action news" is one hour exciting changes to "action news," "action news" is one hour it makes me happy to go on the computer. i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. >> this is the first day of school for public schools students in philadelphia. of >> let's check in with katherine scott she is live with a family in mount airy. >> reporter: we're live in mount airy with nadia patterson. she is starting 6th grade. mom has been whizzing around and making breakfast and packing lunch. baloney sandwich on the men crew. >> crew -- menu. are you excited? >> i want to have a good year and get good grades and he exce. >> looking at all the certificates on your fridge, i know you'll excel. thanks for having us. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> reporter: tacony-palmyra the bridge is coming back down. this is northbound ship it will be affecting the burlington bristol bridge. we have a handful of accidents, one closing bustleton avenue between longshore and harbison. we have an accident on on the boulevard southbound at tyson on the inner drive stick to the outer drive. >> reporter: a nice day, if you're foistled -- first day of school or second week at school. 70 degrees by 9:00 a.m., floon, 73 degrees, 3:00 p.m., 77 degrees. the farther north of the region, the better chance you you have f seeing sun and south you'll see clouds. >> for david murphy, karen rogers, tamala edwards, i'm matt o'donnell. if it is your first day of school, teachers, students, administrators, be good. >> ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. good morning, america. breaking rite now. the second royal baby on the way. the sudden announcement from william and kate just hours ago. the new baby set to be fourth in line to the throne. kate suffering from extreme morning sickness again. we're live from london. a sudden wildfire traps hundreds inside yosemite national park. as monsoon rains from tropical storm norbert kre ate a flash flood emergency in the southwest. the mystery virus striking fast. sending more than 1,000 children to hospitals across the country. the illness putting kids under 5 at risk. what you need to know what night. ♪ the eye of the tiger and serena williams roarin


Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20140909

and a good tuesday morning, everyone. we begin with monster storms triggering epic floods from coast-to-coast. >> at least two people have died in the phoenix area from rushing floodwaters. and the images from the storm zone are alarming. the water in some areas, approaching three feet deep. >> and left behind in its wake, miles and miles of mud and utter devastation. abc's tahman bradley has the latest. >> reporter: record rains, paralyzing parts of the southwest. in phoenix, more than three inches fell. the city's wettest day ever. at least two people were killed. >> that's going to be close. oh. don't move that car. >> reporter: cars stranded on highways. >> a big tidal wave came up and took me out. and it flooded my truck. >> we had calls in the hundreds of people of stranded, flooded out cars, accidents. people sliding off the roadway. >> reporter: this gives you a sense of how high the water rose. watch this kayaker pass by a basketball hoop. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> reporter: near tucson, a woman was killed when water surged, pushing her car under a bridge. >> really, no words would put into effect, you know, the panic and what that person was feeling when, obviously, that car got swept away. >> reporter: about 100 homes were evacuated in mesa, when waters rose above transformers, a frightening fire hazard. in nevada, an indian reservation was evacuated and an interstate shut down, after four inches of rain fell in just two hours. it's not just the southwest. this is what coastal virginia looks like after a day of rain. officials say 30 inches of water covered some roads. and the rain is not over. flooded parts of the southwest could see three more inches in the coming days. and on the east coast, an eerlyy similar forecast. six to ten inches of rain possible some places. tahman bradley, abc news, washington. but the weather is helping firefighters in yosemite national park, as they are battling a wildfire that's quadrupled in size. calmer winds and some rain are slowing the spread of this 2,500-acre blaze that forced dozens of hikers to be airlifted to safety. the terrain is so rugged, the blaze is being fought almost entirely by air. president obama is gearing up for his national address to the nation, outlining his strategy on confronting the threat from i si. >> but it comes as his approval rating of leadership plummets to its lowest level ever. abc's devin dwyer has the numbers released overnight. >> reporter: the u.s. military in iraq is going from defense to offense. part of a new strategy to confront i.s.i.s. militants. president obama will lay out in his speech to the nation tomorrow. >> the principal goal here is to make sure people understand what the clear stake is for the american people in our nation, in this ongoing violence that we're seeing, in iraq and syria. >> reporter: details of whether obama's speech are still tightly held. but the white house says the president will detail his plan to degrade and ultimately defeat i i.s.i.s., a goal that officials tell abc news will take years to complete. >> our global coalition will be built, not just in a matter of days or weeks. but it will be built to endure, for the months and, perhaps, even the years to come. >> reporter: the speech comes as approval of president obama's handling of foreign affairs, hits an all-time low, in a new abc news/"washington post" poll. 52% say mr. obama has been too cautious in confronting i.s.i.s. 65% favor extending air strikes into syria, something the president is opposed. >> he needs to outline why this is a threat to the united states. as well as the degree to which this growing menace of i.s.i.s. threatens to further destabilize the region. and poses a long-term challenge, not unlike the challenge we faced after 9/11. >> reporter: a challenge president obama will address on the eve of the 13th, 9/11 anniversary. devin dwyer, abc news, washington. one other note from the abc news/"washington post" poll that devin mentioned. >> when asked if president obama is a strong leader, 55% said no, compared to 43% who said yes. the cdc is warning parents and doctors to be on the alert for a rare virus hitting children especially hard. this unusual respiratory virus has spread to 11 states. it's called enterovirus 98. it is highly contagious and can live on surfaces. abc's dr. richard besser has some advice on what you can do. >> reporter: you can't eliminate the risk. but good hand washing will help. covering coughs and sneezes. and keeping your child home if they're sick. that will help prevent the spread to others. i think we'll be talking about this more in 11 states. viruses don't respect borders. >> more than 1,000 children have been sickened by the virus and hundreds have been hospitalized. so far, there have been no fatalities. a fourth american infected with ebola is expected to arrive here this morning. the patient is a doctor who tested positive for the virus. the doctor is being flown to atlanta where dr. kent brantley and nancy ribol recovered. there does not appear to be infection of a u.s. marshal in guarantee after being attacked by a syringe. the marshal boarded this flight to houston, texas. that's where he was met by cdc workers who put him in isolation. the marshal, showing no signs of illness. but investigators said he posed no danger to passengers. air safety officials in holland released a preliminary report this morning on the downing of flight malaysian 17. the jet crashed in july. the details the voice and data recorders, as well as radar and satellite images. but it will not make a statement about blame. the plane was shot down over a contested part of ukraine. two former presidents are once again setting politics aside to work together for a good common cause. >> president bill clinton and george w. bush, were in washington to launch a scholars program on presidential leadership. they acted like old friends, sharing lots of lighthearted moments. and when clinton's phone rang, he joked that it might be word from chelsea about the baby. and bush offered some advice about being a grandpa. >> be prepared to fall completely in love again. get ready also to be, like, the lowest person in the pecking order in your family. [ laughter ] >> the two men also laughed about a possible 2016 presidential run, pitting hillary clinton against bush's brother, jeb. bush saying the first clinton/bush match didn't turn out too good. >> that's bipartisanship. coming up on this tuesday morning, home depot sounding the alarm about a massive credit cart breach. should you be calling your bank? plus, the nfl suspends ray rice, after new video surfaces of him punching his wife. did the league know about this months ago? new reaction from fans and the ravens coach. and hunters searching for a dangerous predator circling off the coast of a popular beach. and welcome back, everyone on this tuesday morning. home depot, confirming its in-store payment system was hacked. 60 million accounts may have been affected. sources say the malicious software to infect the home depot system, was similar to that used at target stores. if you used a card at a home depot store in the last five months, you may ask your bank for a new card. there's people waiting in line outside apple stores around the world. even though chances are, none of the new products will go on sale today. one report says the new iphone 6, including a model with a larger screen, will be available in ten days. also expected is apple's entry into the smartwatch market. and a new mobile operating system. twitter is touting a buy function in its tweets. it allows them to make quick purchases. many of the items will be explosive to twitter. social media is experimenting with ways to earn revenue off of their sites. southwest is celebrating a big year with a new look. a new logo. a heart and a darker blue color scheme for its planes. the new look carries over to the facilities, and airports, its website. and even its snack packaging, getting a makeover. in the past year, southwest acquired air tran, started international flights and posted some impressive profits. when we come back, up in flames. fire and smoke shoot from an amusement park ride. the famous rollercoaster now damaged. plus, surprise decision. the ncaa wipes away some of penn state football's sanctions. levied after the jerry sandusky scandal. ♪ i found a happy place ♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. esurance. insurance for the modern world. and i'm here to tell hi,homeowners winkler that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money...and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ it was a rare sight in the skies last night, after two spectacular supermoons this summer. last night's final supermoon of the year, happened to be this year's harvest moon. the harvest moon is the full moon closest to the autumn equinox. >> a beautiful sight. also a reminder that daylight saving time, quickly approaching. not yet, though. a look at the morning road conditions. wet roads across the gulf and the southwest coastlines. flooding conditions across the four corners and the wide swath of the upper midwest. >> if you're flying, delays possible in phoenix, las vegas, minneapolis and kansas city. back to the news. and fallout from the domestic accuse case involving now former baltimore ravens running back, ray rice. it stems from this video. rice seen knocking out his fiancee in the elevator of a new jersey casino. >> rice's original punishment was a two-game pensisuspension. >> it changed things. it made things different. >> so different, that the ravens immediately cut rice from the team. and the nfl suspended him indefinitely. the league claimed it only saw that new tmz video yesterday. but a tmz executive said someone from the league went to the casino and watched that video. if that is the case, it's unclear whether that person reported what they saw to nfl commissioner roger goodell. the nfl's online stores no longer carrying anything associated with ray rice. sporting goods stores are pulling their rice merchandise off the shelves. and one eatery offered a free pizza to anyone turning in a number 27 jersey. >> i was going to burn my jersey in a fire pit. and we decided to get a free pizza, instead. we had these jerseys for four or five years. and it doesn't mean anything to give them up. i'm done with ray rice. >> rice was charged with felony aggravated assault in the case. he's involved in an intervention program that allowed him to avoid jail time. that program could lead to the charge being purged from his record. a human skull found in tennessee is confirmed to the that of missing nursing student, holly bobo, who went missing years ago. the spot is a few miles away from the home of one of the two men charged with her kidnapping and murder. bobo's brother told police he saw a man leading her into the woods when she disappeared. now, to a deadly shark attack in the waters off australia. a man on a paddle boat was bitten on his leg as his horrified wife watched from the beach. the great white was circling when a swimmer tried to save the man, jumping into the water and dragging him to the sand. but it was too late. the victim didn't make it. investigators in southern california are trying to determine what caused a famous wooden roller coaster to go up in flames. workers were dismantling the colossus when a fire broke out. the park was closed at the time. there were no injuries. the colossus was the world's tallest and fastest rollercoaster when it opened in 1978. it was retired last month, to be revamped into a new ride. penn state out from under the most severe ncaa sanctions that follows the jerry sandusky sexual abuse case. thousands of students celebrated the end of the football programs postseason ban. all of the football scholarships that were lost are being restored. the decision to ease the penalties followed a report saying the school is making progress in reforming its athletics program. in the "monday night football" late game last night, it was the chargers and cardinals. san diego took the lead with two touchdowns in the third quarter. then, arizona came back, scoring a pair of their own. but two-straight two-point conversions failed. the chargers tried one last comeback. but came up short. arizona wins, 18-17. as for the other "monday night football" game, there was something of a mauling. >> details on the lions and giants. and some baseball, now, from espn. >> this is the "sportscenter" set los angeles. he's stan. i'm neil. we've been out here for three days. >> hey, but nfl football to talk about. so, it's all good. "monday night football" season opener. giants and lions. matthew stafford. he's eventually going to find calvin johnson, which is always a good idea. johnson's wide-open. two defenders ran into each other. he makes it hard enough, why make it even easier? lions up 7-0. then, later, very next possession. stafford, to johnson again. johnson, 7 catches, 164 yards. stafford with his 24th 300-yard game. and the lions win it, 35-14. oh, give me a dodger dog. clayton kershaw pitching. bottom four. dodgers up 2-1. looking for another cy young. peg singles. cameron maybin, just remembers how to play center field. puig, rocket fuel. two wabatters later. dodgers win 9-4. kershaw is 18-3. >> see how hard he was throwing in the eighth? and he came back with a change-up. nothing you can do with that. back to you. up next in "the pulse," taylor swift opens up about everything in a new "rolling stone" interview. plus, stealing the show. a boy cranks it down at a wedding. nge your style to express your unique personality. so why can't you do the same with your eye color? ♪ we at alcon believe you can. introducing new air optix® colors prescription contact lenses. its unique 3-in-1 color technology blends with your own eye color for a naturally beautiful look with comfort all month long. ♪ virtually try on your perfect color and get a free trial offer at but do you know what's the in your skincare? and get a free trial offer neutrogena naturals. a line of naturally derived skincare with carefully chosen, clinically proven ingredients and no harsh chemicals. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at (together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! ♪ it's gonna be all right ♪. it's got a good beat. >> topping "the pulse," toiler swift on the cover of "rolling stone." >> the 20-year-old country-turned pop star, is showing some skin. the interview, even more revealing. >> she admits she hasn't been on a date in a year and a half, since he broke up with one direction singer, hear stilarry. she has gotten uncomfortable with the fascination of her dating life. a new jersey teenager has earned a spot in the record books by swimming across the english channel. >> charlotte samuels became the youngest person to complete the triple crown of open-water swimming this summer. she swam 28 miles around manhattan. and did a 20-mile swim off southern california. >> her parents cheered her on. and she crossed the english channel in under ten hours. >> impressive. >> big congrats. >> absolutely. this kid really has moves. an adorable little boy, really cute. cuts a rug at a recent wedding. >> he looks like he's ready to step into remakes of "footloose" or "saturday night fever." he's having a great time. and so is the chorus line-like director. >> one, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight. he's got it all, man. >> choreography and all. this has been up on youtube a couple of days. already, it's gotten more than 300,000 hits. obviously, a star born from that. >> he looks like a smaller version of you. >> are you kidding me? if i could only move like that. >> i'll bet you have moves like that. >> we'll wait and see. here we go... whoa, no test rides allowed. i can't show you the inside, but trust me. are you kidding me... at university of phoenix, we think you should be able to try before you buy. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period. so you commit to your education with confidence. get started at but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! this is holly. her long day of outdoor adventure starts with knee pain. and a choice. take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. onward! we've put a fresh twist on classic desserts.ry, making them all new, any day treats. starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using thick and creamy traditional greek yogurt. then delicately topped with delicious fruit sauces. the twist? less than 200 calories. new dannon creamery desserts. cause life's better with a twist. ♪ dannon! also try our dannon creamery pudding range. >> ♪ >> good morning everyone, i'm matt o'donnell. it's 4:27, it is tuesday. we're following new details on a developing story a teenager is gunned down on the streets of philadelphia overnight. we have an unfortunate update on the victim. the nfl is doing damage control this morning as the release of a disturbing video showing football star ray rice knocking out his future wife at an atlantic city casino. we'll have a live report on that. also new this morning, a u.s. air marshall was attacked in africa injected with an unknown substance. we have an update on his condition. we're also track something changes in accuweather. we have your bus stop forecast, checks on traffic and the four-corner states while storms threaten a wide swath of the u.s. rhonda and joe are minnesota's newest million in a irs. yesterday, they claimed the state's biggest jackpot ever. >> ronda was determined to go to work last night. but she and joe went by anyway. >> reporter: there's a winning spirit here at the lake elmo inn restaurant. and we're not talking about the awards on the wall. >> i think it's great. way to go, girl. >> reporter: a part-time server hit a big-time payout, causing customers to put buying a lottery ticket on their menu. >> absolutely. yes. >> reporter: get a little of the mojo. >> for sure, yeah. >> reporter: the restaurant actually gave ronda the night off. she and her husband, joe, who is retired, won the hot lotto. they will receive $11.7 million. >> it's been really neat and fun. >> reporter: rhonda can live like the lifestyles of the rich and famous. but she says, she's not going to quit her job. >> this is a great place to work. i'm blessed and honored to work here. >> one of our employees won the lottery on saturday. >> you're kidding? >> yeah. and she plans on staying working. must be a nice boss, yeah. >> reporter: rhonda's boss, john schultz, isn't surprised by her decision to stay, at the restaurant known for their sunday brunch. >> most of them, i would say they would have been done that day. but in her particular case, of all of the people, she is one i would guess would stay. >> reporter: now, the problem for customers here, what do you tip when your server -- >> sorry i wasn't working tonight for all you. >> reporter: is a multimillionaire. >> we understand. enjoy. >> i might have to get a new pair of work shoes, seriously. >> big congrats to them. would you stay if you had $11.7 million? >> no. just kidding. i would. i would. >> you would? >> i do love this job. >> i love this job, as well. $11.7 million is pretty nice. >> that's what's making news in america this morning. >> stay with us for "good morning america." have a great tuesday. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. edwards, karen rogers and >> good morning. we're on several developing stories on this tuesday, september 9th. first up, tragic new developments in the case of a north philadelphia teenager gunned down late last night. we'll give you those new details. >> more fallout expected today on the suspension of nfl ray rice. outrage is coming from every direction over the video shows showing him punching the mother of his young daughter. >> president obama will meet with congressional leaders as he plans to make his case public on how he plans to defeat


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