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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140822 23:00:00

organizers say they must stand together and educate the youth. register eligible voters and continue the conversations toward equality. these are little steps that can be a big step toward change we need. and that we must work for. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. obama's war. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with the killers. the thousands of them who have joined up to maraud across borders, murdering anyone who refuses to share their fanatic creed. the only question is how we eradicate this isis bunch. experts say we can't do it by the air strikes we have been training on them. we can't be sure the president will keep those forces in the air over iraq. the dilemma is here. it stares us in the face. do we escalate the war in isis or let it continue to the death or hit a little bit more and let them continue on their murderous path? do we do a little or do everything? there is a lesson we have learned again and again. when we leave a country the land is controlled by those who stay there. richard engel is nbc news chief foreign correspondent and has more from turkey. >> reporter: chris, they are dropping hints. for two days in a row white house officials, military officials suggesting quite overtly that the united states may have to start preparing for the fact that the u.s. mission will be expanding significantly. it won't be just about air strikes against isis in iraq but across the border into syria as well. it seems quite possible, maybe likely that those could be happening according to officials we have been speaking to. the reason is the current policy isn't working. isis operates on both sides of the border. it's in syria and in iraq. if the military is just attacking in iraq, clearly that's leaving a very large part of the organization untouched. things changed just last month with that raid. that secret commando raid that's only now coming out, a few details are emerging. what was significant is defense secretary hagel said although the rate didn't succeed in recovering hostages it went smoothly. that means when u.s. fighterer jets, u.s. attack helicopters entered syrian air space, they weren't attacked. the syrian air defenses, which as we have been talking about as being sophisticated didn't target in. didn't lock in on american jets and seemed to ak by es to their presence as long as they were going toward the isis stronghold. it could have been interpreted as a green light that if the u.s. wants to car rery out operations against isis in syria, the syrian government wouldn't mind. >> thank you, richard. for more on the threat from isis, i'm joined by nbc political analyst colonel jack jacobs and evan coleman, an nbc news terrorism analyst. the same i have been having in my head for days. how do we win a limited war, go from limited air strikes to crushing the enemy as secretary of state john kerry put it the other day? i will start with jack jacobs. how do we do both -- keep it limited and win all out war to eradicate isis? >> the irony is our ally in the whole thing has to be syria. >> right. >> just a couple of months ago people were talking about how we needed to squash assad. we need to be on the side of the rebels. exactly the opposite is going to be the case if we want to go after isis. our ally has to be assad. otherwise we won't be able to do it. it will require not only air assets but on the ground. that means assad. >> who fights from the iraqi side if we have assad with us at least by implication on the syrian side. who takes on isis besides us on the iraqi side? >> the only allies there -- it's not baghdad. we have been relying on baghdad for some time to no avail. it has to be the kurds. we have to have more advisers on the ground. more special forces and special operations forces inside iraq in order to train the persshmerga. >> p i have a picture now which shows how much territory in iraq and syria isis has taken over. look at the before and after here. you have syria and iraq. now look at the big splotch. they have as much territory as either the syrians or the iraqis have. how do we eradicate that from the world map with limited air strikes? >> i will tell you how you don't do it. you don't focus isis's forces in iraq which is the most ridiculous strategy i have heard of. it would be like fighting world war ii by only fighting germans in france and avoiding belgium and germany. there have been are people suggesting that we don't know enough to strike where they are located in syria or we don't enough about whether or not they are trying to strike the united states. it's clear that the u.s. government has been aware for some time that these individuals were torturing a u.s. hostage. they were making ridiculous demands and apparently intended to execute this man. they have been attempting to carry out terrorist attacks in western countries including the united states and various different locations in europe. why it's taken to this point to launch air strikes in syria is difficult to understand. this is a very serious problem we have. to let it metastasize to this point before taking real action, this is not the way the foreign policy is run. >> today deputy national security adviser ben rhoads refused to rule it out in syria. >> i don't want to get ahead of decisions the president hasn't been presented with specific military options outside of those that are carrying out the current missions in iraq. we would look at what's necessary in the long term to make sure we are protecting americans. you heard the president say we will be relentless against isil. we'll do what's necessary to protect americans and see justice is done for what we saw with the bar baric killing of jim foley. we are going to consider what's necessary to deal with the threat. we are not going to be restricted by borders. >> here is a holistic question for you, colonel jacobs. nobody asked you the big picture question. i will. would we be better off if we had that clown gadhafi, assad, his son, saddam hussein? wouldn't we be better if we left it as it was? >> the short answer is absolutely yes. the most surprised guy in the world when we showed up in iraq to topple saddam hussein was saddam hoo sane. he's saying, i'm on your side, trying to get rid of the guys in iran and you're coming to get rid of me. it doesn't make sense. it's easy to be sanctimonious and say everybody needs a republican form of democracy. we see what happens when we try to force it on people who don't want it. it turns out that the enemy of our enemy is our friend and vice versa. it was a very bad thing. the original sin was going into iraq. this has not helped. it may be the arab spring and all the nonsense since that time would have happened anyway. but unlikely to have happened as quickly as it did or when it did if we hadn't bothered to topple saddam hussein and been on what a lot of people think is the wrong side in egypt. >> i still consider mubarak a friend of the united states even if our government doesn't. let me ask you this. the pottery barn rules. colin powell saying if you break it, you bought it. i think w. broke it but i don't think obama bought it. if he goes into iraq it's not to save iraq no matter how many times he says he'll bring the three sides together -- sunni, shia and the kurds. i think there is an obama war. they killed an american because he was an american, a christian, they did it to get us. that was a national attack on our country though it was done there. do you think obama's got the blood in him to fight an obama war over there against isis now? a real war. >> i hope so. again, i find it difficult that it's gotten to this point so quickly. look. these folks wanted to strike us for some time. we should have come to this realization a long time ago. in order to fight these folks we have to get serious. i understand when people say, look, we don't want to get involved in iraq. it was such a mistake. this is not the same conflict. there are distinct u.s. national security interests at play now. people are being trained to come back and launch targeted attacks in the u.s. homeland. this happened long before we launched air strikes. it was something they planned for a long period of time. it involves essential u.s. security interests. i hope president obama realizes that. i hope the whus realizes it. what we have seen so far has been an insufficient response, not a serious enough response. they need to change the tempo now. >> let me go back to jack on this. it seems to me the neo-cons in the defense department and the vice president's office and who write on the on sed pages relentlessly know more about the middle east than i do. they are hawks about israel and i accept that. if they really cared about the future of israel, just that country, why allow all this stuff to come apart? it seems israel was more secure before the rejumbling, whatever you -- 52-card pick-up. throw everything in the air and see what comes down. it was much better off. why did they go after the secular governments that were no threat to us or really deep down to israel's existence. they were never a threat. >> it's a very significant issue here. in fact, the only people we have heard from on our side in all of this is israel. all of the people who were a threat in the region, the other people, arab countries, nothing. all the people who were also a threat -- europe, nothing. in fact, we did it all wrong. now we are going to pay for it. i agree with evan that we are supposed to do something. we have to do something. we have to think strategically, not just tactically. trust me. i think the political imperatives will drive the president to do little or nothing. >> evan, your thoughts. george bush, sr., he and jim baker were fantastic at putting together the arab league. they got the first gulf war paid for by the japanese and germans. the checkbook powers they were called. they got everybody together against saddam hhussein. is there a way to gather the forces of the arab states to go after isis? >> the most important thing we can do aside from any kind of military action is to galvanize sunni resistance within syria and iraq. in other words galvanize individuals who may be sunni insurgents who may not have liked the maliki government but realize isis is a fanatical movement that's a posed to their interests and ours. we have to gall va are niez them, make sure they are armed and ready to confront isis. unfortunately when you see incidents like what happened in iraq today where you are see 50 sunni are individuals who were at a mosque being massacred by shiite militiamen, that's what we don't know, what will prevent us from galvanizing sunni support for fighting against isis. without that, no amount a of military power, pill tear strikes will make the difference. >> the person who can bring the sunnis to the side is the war against isis will be the greatest people of our time. it will be a challenge given the atrocity that happened with the shias killing 50-some sunnis. thank you, colonel jacobs. i'm afraid we'll be back to you a lot in the coming weeks and months. evan kohlman, good to have you on. >> thank you. >> it looked like a war zone in ferguson. after a heartfelt visit from the attorney general eric holder and the beginning of a grand jury investigation into michael brown's shooting, things look very different, at least for now. on wednesday, president obama called the killers of james foley unfit for the 21st century. then he played a happy round of golf. his critics say the president doesn't care how he looks. and scenes from a marriage. the melodrama from richmond is the stuff of soap opera. today former virginia governor bob mcdonnell testified there was no quid for the quo he got from businessman johnny williams. is the jury buying that? remember how the blues brothers got back together? it feels like 2012 now that paul ryan is pushing former running mate mitt romney to make a go of it in 2016. this is "hardball," the place for politics. new polling in the senate race in new hampshire. according to a new poll gene shah sheen leads scott brown by just two points. shaheen 46 and the former massachusetts senator brown at 44. if brown wins in new hampshire, expect the republican sweep on election night. we'll be right back. each years won't have a claim. that's why allstate claim free rewards gives you money back for every year you don't have one. and why if you're part of the other 5%, allstate offers claim rateguard. so your rates won't go up just because of a claim. no matter what comes your way, your home protects you. ...protect it back allstate home insurance from an allstate agent. that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. welcome back to "hardball." it's been 13 days since that august 9th shooting of michael brown in ferguson, missouri. the past seven days have delivered brutal images. we have seen local police with semi-automatic rifles, flash bombs going off in the streets. protesters writhing from teargas and throwing molotov cocktails at the police. attorney general eric holder was on the ground during the height of the tensions to assure the community out there that their voices will be heard. there is calm on the streets right now. the national guard is leaving. the question is how do things stay calm and what happens now. craig melvin has been out there and delivered exceptional coverage for us all week long. he joins us on the ground. craig, thank you. congratulations on great reporting. your sense of it as an observer, put it together. is there a trend line here or is it in cycles? how do you see it in terms of the community reaction? >> i think, chris, we are finally at a point where the violent image you were talking about, clashes with police, i think we have seen the end of those. i believe that right now behind me on the street there are not so many protesters, maybe 10, 12 protesters. there seems to be a small block party behind me over the past 30 minutes or an hour. playing music across the street. serving barbecue over there. not a single police officer is visible for me at least. i can see about a block in either direction. there are a number of community meetings. there is a peacefest scheduled for this weekend. the parents of trayvon martin are going to be in town. you get the sense now that the community is past the anger stage and to grief trying to make sure something like this doesn't happen ever again in an american city to a young black boy or any young person for that matter. >> with me is captain johnson of the police force out there and of course eric holder. i think they are real people. that's my view. can you analyze quickly what the impact was? the jenltlemen i mentioned. >> i think when we look back on th this, the eric holder visit will be a pivotal moment. before the attorney general is when things were at their worst. the teargas, 70 arrests monday, nearly 50 on tuesday. talking to folks after the attorney general left town, they really started to feel like, at least they told me they felt they were assured that there was not going to be railroading. there is a genuine distrust here of not just folks who make the rules but enforce the rules as well. when the attorney general talked about the parallel investigation being fair, that did a great deal to assuage the fears and concerns here. captain johnson really does walk on water. i spent time with him earlier this week. seeing folks come up to him and thank him. a lot of folks in the neighborhoods a block away. folks would come up and thank him. business owners thanking him. you have to wonder what would have happened had they tapped captain johnson four or five days sooner. >> so true. moral authority is a great thing. thank you very much for reporting on it. last night on "all in with chris hayes" jay nixon discussed appointing a special prosecutor to take over for bob mcculloch who has taken heat from local leaders and activists due to his family ties with the police out there. here is governor nixon giving his verdict. >> we have a local elected prosecutor. no, i won't take him off the case. >> you're saying it now. you are not going to appoint a special prosecutor. >> no, i'm not. plus, in this situation you have the secondary advantage of having attorney general of the united states and the justice department doing a parallel, dual investigation. significant amount of public attention that's going on. if we trust all the processes my sense is the public is going to get what they need which is transparency and justice. >> joining us now for more on ferguson is msnbc political analyst and former philadelphia mayor ed rendell. you have had all the positions. what's your view of the way the case is being handled? is it adequate for the community out there? we don't know how they are feeling day to day. is it adequate to them to know you are getting dual investigations here -- one locally from elected officials and one from washington. is it adequate? >> it is. in one sense. i think the people of ferguson have confidence in eric holder and the fbi and their impartiality. they will give a fair investigation. but they can't lodge murder charges against the policeman. the only thing they can prosecute is violation of the civil rights act. although that carries a significant punishment it's not exactly the same. usually in these cases the federal investigation is a backstop that waits until the local state investigation is completed and finished. i have no doubt that mr. mcculloch is a good prosecutor. he was head of the d.a. association, the national d.a. association. but there is an inherent problem for him. not just because he has a bloer, uncle, cousin. more importantly, it's almost eerie. his father was shot by a felon who grabbed a gun out of the police officer's hollister and used it to shoot his father who was a policeman. there are allegations that mr. brown was trying to get the gun from the officer's possession here in this case. it's similar and that creates a strong appearance of im ppropriy or a potential conflict. even if the evidence dictates and the problem with a grand jury, chris, as you know, the evidence is closed. the evidence is not made available oh to the public. the testimony is not in the cross-examination -- there is no cross-examination of witnesses. so there are real problems. i think it would be better for him to recuse himself not because he didn't believe he would be fair, but because whatever he does, it won't have the appearance of impartiality. >> here's one concern on this. i won't get into the thing. if you bring in another prosecutor, doesn't that man or woman who comes in have a mission to prosecute? i have never heard of a special prosecutor not prosecuting. they don't walk away from a case and say there is not a crime there. seems they are dedicated from the outset to indict. >> you're thinking mostly of corruption cases. the law of justifiable homicide whether it involves a homicide is clear. if the police officer had a reasonable belief his life could be in danger or he could be in danger of having severe bodily injury occur he has the right to use deadly force. that's clear. i believe had i or any other prosecutor been tapped we would take our responsibility very seriously. i don't think a special prosecutor would indict just for the sake of oh indicting. it is easier in some ways for a special prosecutor to clear the policeman and say it was justifiable. he won't be around in the community. he'll go back to kansas or little rock, arkansas, or wherever he's from. >> suppose you have two or three witnesses who say the victim had his hands in the air. he was basically, you know, giving up to the police, doing what you do in any movie. put your hands in the air, nobody shoots you. the other people say i didn't see his hands in the air. i saw him lunging at the policehan. you have physical damage to the policeman's face. the other other officer, i assume will back him up. what do you do when there is downright conflicting evidence? is it reasonable doubt or probable cause? some people say it happened in a way that criminalizes the defendant. >> the grand jury should try to assess the evidence. the factual and testimonial evidence is clear, one way or the other it's an easy decision for the grand jury. if there are conflicts and it appears there are significant conflicts about what happened in the police car, about what happened when mr. brown ran away, when he turned around. all sorts of conflicting testimony from witnesses. if there is no physical evidence that shows one account is true and one is not true for example if a bullet struck mr. brown in the back. that would be clear physical evidence that would indicate the officer used deadly force at a time his life wasn't threatened. absent that physical evidence, the grand jury should indict and send it to trial where a jury using the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt would be the final ash tor. >> people are making judgments before the evidence is put together. it's a community issue. >> it puts mr. mcculloch in a terrible spot. he almost has to fight leaning over backwards to indict the policeman to prove he's fair. that's a potential conflict, too. >> if you were the defendant would you like a special prosecutor or the local guy? >> local guy. >> okay. no ifs ands or buts about it. >> i love the candor. up next, paul ryan wants to bring back the good old days of being on the campaign trail with mr. excitement, mitt romney. this is "hardball," the place for politics. vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. 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[ applause ] finally this . scooby-doo, did you guys have a van or a bus? van? close enough. let's call it a bus. me drive y-drivey. >> he managed to help out romney with another challenge. watch this. >> i offer my thanks to meg whitman, rob portman and kraton of salt lake city who has this disease. tonight i have help from a friend. hey, buddy. how are you? >> good. >> that is cold. >> first time i have seen that hair mused. still wearing his suit. that's the charity movement where you dump ice water over your head and challenge others to do the same. silly as it sounds it's raised more than $53 million to support a.l.s. better known as lou gehrig's disease. up next it started with airstrikes in iraq and is now in ferguson and not the best time to be photographed on the golf course. that's what a front page piece of the "new york times" is staying today. this is "hardball," the place for politics. toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my 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son, a brother, and a friend. all of us feel the ache of his absence. all of us mourn his loss. we will do everything we can to protect our people. >> we are back. that was president obama, of course, taking time from his vacation in martha's vineyard to talk about the heart break over the execution of journalist james foley by the islamic terrorist group isil. after leaving, the president's motorcade drove to the vineyard golf course. as "new york times" reporter peter baker illustrates as soon as the cameras went off mr. obama headed to his favorite golf course on martha's vineyard where he was on vacation, seemingly able to put the savagery out of his mind instantly. he spent the afternoon on the links even as a fire storm of criticism erupted over what many saw as a callous indifference to the slaughter he had just condemned. it was 32 minutes after delivering a sobering statement on world affairs reminded me of george bush. let's watch this incident. >> we must stop the terror. i call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop the terrorist killers. thank you. now watch this drive. >> i don't know what to say about that. i don't know what to say about that. for obama, the next day's front page new york daily news cover was unforgiving. it showed him laughing from a golf course as james foley's parents cry at the bottom. the headline read bam's golf war. inside was another picture of the president fist bumping his golf partners on the green. the headline, whole lot of nerve -- hole lot of nerve. some democrats didn't like it. jim manley told the "new york times" in this instance i think a lot of democrats flinched a little bit. it was so shocking that he was immediately going to run to the golf course was just a little bit too much for folks. it was tone deaf. joe watt kins is a republican strategist. i don't know what you will say. joe, i will start with you. compare it to w.'s horse's ass behavior. i would call it intentionally making a joke in a situation. here the president of the united states talking with grief and real passion. we're going to get those sons of bitches. and 30 seconds later he's yucking it up. which is the real obama? the guy who's having a good time or the guy who's mad? it's your podium. >> i think the president can multi task. i think he can speak sincerely and from the heart about the savagery that took place in the middle east with the killing of mr. foley. and at the same time i think he has the capacity to enjoy himself, to spend time as every president has done in recent memory. >> within a half hour. >> he deserves the opportunity to relax. even being on the golf course is work for the president. he may be laughing but business is being transacted. the apparatus of the president travels with the president. >> i know that. he also learned the game of golf as president. have you learned games this your latest jobs, joe? picked up any sports? i like the guy but that picture is a problem. >> doesn't mean he's a good golfer. i picked up golf working in the senate. i still golf but i'm not good. he picked up the game as president. i don't know what his handicap is. at least you can believe the score. what about clinton? the numbers are within ten? he had a mulligan a minute. just a thought. not important. what do you think, steve? >> i agree with everything joe said. >> if you were standing behind the president would you say, i know you like alonso morning and this is your chance to play golf, not today. you can't have grief with the family and pray and say we'll get even for what happened and a half hour later be in a golf cart having the time of your life. >> a picture is worth a thousand words. what's frustrating for democrats and i'm not one of them, but i talked to them. it's an unforced error. the white house political team should have seen it come. >> could they have stopped him from doing what he wanted to do oh? >> he's the president and can do what he wants to do. they should have talked about the optics of it. >> generally it's great. i love to see him having a good time. it's the half hour difference. >> the difference between the republicans and the machine is being critical of the president now. the difference between going into an election with the 46 approval rating and a 36 approval rating. >> is he going down to 36? >> in the states that are competitive his numbers aren't good. >> you're talking about the polling. >> people like james shaheen and races that shouldn't be in play come into play if the president is the subject of ridicule. i'm not suggesting this will last. it's august. it's a tempest in a teapot. >> when people vote do they look at the names or say, am i in a mood and do i like or dislike the president in my vote. >> in an off here, the president's approval rating is important in terms of how the party fares. you see it historically, not just this year. if i were political advisers i would be mindful of that. the president doesn't really care what folks think. that's fine. but there are a lot of democrats whose races will be impacted by the difference between a 46 and a 36. >> let's try the nonpartisan from your side, the republican side. do you think republican candidates say, that will help me in arkansas. i have a shot now. i have a shot in louisiana now because the president looks like he's having too much fun in this job. >> it's a one or two-day story the. >> do you think? >> it will have life for a couple of days. >> they won't bring it back in the ads? >> at the end of the day politics are local. what matters in critical states for democrats and republicans is what the candidates have to say. republicans have a great chance in the midterm election cycle to retain the house. >> why is that? >> joe, you don't want this to be a national election. you want a national sweep. who are you kidding? you ev you're quoting tim o'neal. >> i know the president's approval rate -- everything you and steve said is correct. the approval rating doesn't help candida candidates. >> we agree it was a terrible thing to do. i think joe was right. you're all right. it's probably one or the other. if you hate obama this is an excuse to hate him more. if you like him you will defend him. thank you. the defense team for former governor bob mcdonnell is airing his marital problems. usually people keep this stuff to themselves. apparently under the belief it's his best shot of keeping him and his wife out of jail. is the jury buying that she's so unhappy she does stuff to get him sbro trouble? you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at a new poll in the georgia senate race shows michelle nunn gaining on her opponent. a poll by wsb-tv shows the chem. with a seven-point lead over david purr due. 47-40. the poll shows a tight race for georgia governor. jason carter, the former president's grandson how now has a four-point lead over nathan diehl. down from a seven-point difference last month. we'll be right back. it's always the same dilemma, who gets the allstate safe driving bonus check. rock beats scissors! wife beats rock. and with two checks a year, everyone wins. switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 877-218-2500 now. zach really loves his new camera. problem is...this isn't zach. it's a friend of a friend who was at zach's party and stole his camera. but zach's got it covered... with allstate renter's insurance. protect your valuables for as low as $4 a month when you add renter's insurance to 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of testimony for the former governor himself. his time on the stand can be only described as brutal. here's the front page brutal. front page of the "washington post." mcdonnell depicts a sinking marriage. no detail of the marriage was spared. a wrenching e-mail from the governor to his wife in which he pours out his heart in an effort to save his marriage was entered into evidence. mcdonnell described being spiritually and mentally exhausted by being yelled at by his wife and in perhaps the final knife twist, mcdonnell testified, he said the rolex watch his wife gave him with money supplied by businessmen at the heart of this case was gaudy. he said, it was big, it was gaudy, it was not my kind of watch. wow. the biggest takeaway from today's testimony was that the former governor did not think it was wrong to take money from businessman jonnie williams. mcdonnell testified williams, quote, never asked me for anything, only to call his father on his 80th birthday. joining me right now, senior editor at, beth, and the "washington post" robert mccartney who was in the courtroom today. beth, hold on to your thoughts until i get to robert mccartney. just drove up here from richmond. >> i did. >> an hour and a half from here. what was it like sitting in the room watching these two married couples, longtime married couple with the one guy, the one spouse, has to destroy the other spouse so they both can walk out of this courtroom free? >> it was chilling because they really interact very little in the courtroom. they sort of walk by each other at the beginning and the end, and he's up there on the stand, very poised, very cool, just relating all these terrible things about his wife. i mean, he said that she deceived him about things, he said she lied about things, he said she yelled at him, she showed hate toward him. and she just sits there and sort of stares ahead, looks at him, looks at the judge, doesn't really react very much. >> well, this isn't divorce court. >> no. >> yet, it begins to sound like divorce court on tv. beth, it seems to me, i'm pro-politician, clearly i am, but i kept thinking what was the damage to the state, the harm, the foul that hurt the state here? in all this hanky-panky and craziness and unhappiness, did anything go wrong that hurt the state or any citizen of it? were tax laws changed, regulatory laws changed, was anything stolen? was anything really except giving a guy a low number license plate or let him come sleep in the lincoln bedroom. you give me something, i give you something. where is the evil here? the true evil? i just -- i'm waiting for it. besides the marital wreckage here. >> well, you know, chris, that's something that the jury is going to have to decide, and i think, you know, despite this kind of tawdry affair that we're seeing rolling out there in that courtroom, it's very likely that the governor will be acquitted. i mean, it does seem like the state was not hurt. there were no national secrets compromised, what have you. plus, virginia as we know is a very loose set of rules around what kind of gifts a politician can take. so, the jury -- >> are there any? >> there's really none. >> not many rules. >> the jury may let him off. what i will say is what was hurt is the dignity of the office. that sounds very old-fashioned, what have you, but he was willing to sort of just hang out with this rather shady businessman, and fly around with him and ride in his ferrari and wear his big, gaudy watch, for what? it seems like it was a very cheap sort of trade of his office to live a slightly better life, and to then roll it all out there in the courtroom, whether he's convicted or not, he stills look very unseemly. >> what about motel 6 and the clint administration, beth, where night after night, some fat cat got to sleep in the lincoln bedroom, as part of a fund-raising effort? >> sure, that's a thing -- >> it wasn't illegal, clearly, but was that seemly? >> no, that's the problem. politicians seem to be doing this over and over and over again. they don't -- they don't respect the office that they're in on some fundamental way, and they trade it away and that's why we see so much cynicism about politics. one of the many reasons. >> that's really true. i like the way you said that. robert? when you're -- the only thing is we wouldn't have known about all this unseemliness unless they hadn't gone to trial, now we all know about it. unseemliness is the problem, the trial is create it. i didn't know we had this marital problem. >> no, the prosecutors and my colleague, ross haulderman basically uncovered this. it saall started with the chef. she treated the chef so badly in the mansion, the executive mansion, the wife, that he got annoyed and there was a big legal fight over him, and basically to save his own skin, he's, you know, stuff started coming out about her and about them. >> i have to tell you, i agree with everything beth said, but during the time before this happened, this trial, my wife, kathleen and i, she was on the mt. vernon board down there, and we went down there and mcdonnell gave a nice speech about history. his wife was there looking very pleasant and normal and everything seemed fine. until this cracker barrel opened up and all of a sudden we're watching bug life under the rock. all right, thank you, beth, as always, you're a great guest, beth fouhy, and robert mccartney. thanks for covering this thing. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. moderate to severe is tough, but i've managed. i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. when i 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end tonight with the pair of good things to come out of this week. both tell the same story, if you care, if you really do, show it. i think it's great that pope francis got on the phone this week with the parents of james foley. it's a catholic family. james had fwogone to marquette university. they're the people i grew up with, at church every week, raised their children with all the right values and james' case, extra dose of caring about the world's less fortunate and extra dose of courage to get out there and tell their story. quote, jim was proud to be a journalist, his mother diane said. he had deep courage and always cared about people who were suffering. as for the guts and faith and personal constitution it took to face up to that horror, he knew full well was facing him in the desert, his father said this, "i'm sure he didn't shrink from the situation." that's what i saw. what we all saw. the sheer human courage of james foley as he faced his martyrdom. kimm killed for his religion and country. "he understood jim's heart" diane foley said after the long and intense conversation with the pope. good and love and all that's free in the world must be together to fight the evil and the hatred. meanwhile out in ferguson, missouri, the show me state, eric holder was meeting with the


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141117 11:00:00

talking with us about jonathan gruber. should you have to pay the money back -- should he have to pay the money back for the obamacare hoax? >> "fox & friends" starts now. have a great day. bye. good morning. it is monday, november 17. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. isis beheads another american, this time a former army ranger. is the u.s. finally ready to amp up the fight against the islamic state? we're live in washington with the pentagon's lacest announcement. >> the obamacare hoax is in. the president said his obamacare architect is some advisor who never worked on his staff. so how does he explain this? >> we had a meeting in the oval office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do -- >> not only was he involved, wait until you hear how much that guy right there was paid on your dime. >> and a daughter now fighting a major retailer so her mom won't have to work on this thanksgiving day. they join us live with their battle to keep our holiday sacred. mornings are better with friends. good morning. >> welcome aboard. live from studio e. it is rainy here but we've got a very busy day. >> happy to see you. happy to be with you. >> always an honor. we're going to get right to that fox news alert. the united states now stepping up its training of iraqi forces who are fighting isis militants. the announcement from defense secretary chuck hagel. this as the white house confirms a third american aide worker and former army ranger, peter kassig has been beheaded. good morning, peter. what is the latest? >> if the pentagon can get iraqi troops trained sooner rather than later officials are predicting that maybe other countries will jump to join the fight against isis. the head of central command, general lloyd austin, doesn't want to wait for congress to come through with new funding for 1,500 american trainers. instead he want to use american forces already in iraq to fan out to four locations and begin getting 12 iraqi brigades ready for battle. that is according to a "wall street journal" article where the secretary of defense chuck hey dpel is quoted as saying -- chuck hey dpel is quoted as saying this to get that initiative general austin is looking at the possibility of taking some of our special operations forces and opening those training centers, getting them prepared early. secretary hagel also says munitions and supplies are being expedited but there are still no plans to let american special operators fight alongside iraqi troops. the chairman of the joint chiefs, general martin dempsey, was in iraq this weekend and this news about speeding up to stop isis sooner came the same day an american worker and iraq war veteran peter kassig was confirmed to have been beheaded by islamic state militants. those militants are believed to have at least one more american hostage. we don't have a name but we know she is a 26-year-old aide worker from the west coast. officials aren't sure why she didn't appear at the end of the latest execution video as other hostages being held in recent months have, but it could suggest that she and mr. kassig were not being held in the same place. >> peter doocy live with the very latest on that. now let's talk a little bit about this. the president of the united states is back in the united states, and he's got something else he's got to deal with, and that is the whole obamacare hoax, if you will. jonathan gruber, who is an m.i.t. professor, that guy right there, he's one of the architects of obamacare. as we told you last week, he's also somebody who revealed on camera a number of times that the only way they were able to get that obamacare through was on the stupidity of the american people, and they wrote it in such a crazy way that nobody could understand it. yesterday the president was traveling. he was in brisbane. and our own ed henry finally asked the president about mr. gruber who has made headlines on this channel and finally some of the other channels are talking about it. listen to how the president distances himself from this guy who is on his team. listen. >> at your burma town hall you tried to inspire young leaders by saying governments need to be accountable and responsive to the people. how do you handle that with jonathan gruber claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words americans are stupid. did you mislead americans about the taxes in order to get the bill passed? >> no, i did not. i just heard about this -- i get well briefed before i come out here. the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process that was run. >> in fact it may not be a reflection, it might be the actuality. if the president would check with some of his campaign managers going back in history, you can't dance back from the facts here. listen to john kerry when he was senator in massachusetts, in 2009, citing gruber and his effect. >> according to gruber, who has been our guide on a lot of this, it's somewhere in the vicinity of an $8 billion cost. >> okay, so peter, what do you make of this? >> i make of it, let's go to professor gruber's own words where he explains in detail just how involved he really was with obamacare and the president of the united states going back to 2006. >> right before he -- i went down basically to do the tutorial for him on what we had done in massachusetts and how it would work and basically think about expanding it to the national stage. next time i see him is summer of 2009. the big issue there is that he really wants to make sure we're moving forward on cost control. i think that at this point he sort of new we had a good plan on coverage but he was worried about cost control. and so we had a meeting in the oval office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do to get credible savings on cost control that the congressional budget office would recognize and score as savings in this law. >> at this point obamacare which is supposed to be a fix is looking more like a hoax and the cat is out of the bag. the timing he's referring to there is four days after they had hit a halt in this plan because doug elmendorf had declared they weren't going to save money, they weren't going to bring down health care costs over the long run. this is when they brought in consultants including gruber to work through the math because he had a computer program that could predict, that could output the mathematics behind the madness that is now obamacare and the mess we are now in. he was brought in and he was paid all with your tax dollars. it is undeniable. >> how much madness can there be? how much lying can go on? now we know that nancy pelosi was quoting professor gruber. now we know john kerry's relationship with professor gruber. now we know that he met with senator obama and then president obama in 2009. and somehow he's merely an advisor, not really on our staff. and there's no connection between what he did and what he said and how we felt. >> paid, peter, so much money over the course of time. on average $5.9 million by the government he was paid. >> $6 million we're talking about. >> this is a massive amount of money for someone that wasn't really a part of anything. >> i just heard about this from the guy who was briefing me before i came out. how does a guy make $6 million largely in federal dough promoting this thing and the president doesn't even know about it? well, the president knew about it. let's break down the $5.9 million. he got $2.05 million from the national institutes of health to talk up obamacare. $1.7 million from the department of justice. we can't figure that out. why was eric holder paying him? he got $1.6 million from at least four states that we know of, about $400,000 from the department of health and human services and $100,000 from the state department as well. let's recap. he visited the white house. he worked with the administration. he bent people's ears up on capitol hill. he met with douglas elmendorf, the c.b.o. guy. mish mcconnell said that that would be akin to inviting the referees up to the owner's box to talk through the numbers, to convince. and then he was paid millions and millions of dollars to sell a lie. >> at a most crucial time when it came to the affordable care act. who confirms and who controls medicare payments there. >> the question of the day is should the $6 million man -- gruber -- be forced to pay back his consulting fee to the new york and to all the governments in the united states? >> go to facebook and answer that. or you could e-mail us, or you can tweet us as well. we've got a feeling the e-mail system will start heating up shortly. >> i think it already is, steve. keep those coming and share them. now we're going to turn to heather nauert who i'm thankful to see. >> great to see you, great to have you back. we've almost got the entire team back together. peter, nice to be with you. this morning a city is on edge. at any moment a grand jury may announce whether police officer darren wilson will be charged in the deadly shooting of unarmed teenager michael brown. ferguson and other cities across the u.s. are bracing for a possible violent backlash if the officer is not charged. new video coming in this morning shows dozens of st. louis protesters blocking major intersections and staging what they call a die-in, where they are pretending to be shot by police officers. [chanting] >> officer wilson claims self-defense in the shooting on august 9. he claims brown reached for his gun while some witnesses say the teenager had his hands up in surrender. call it deja vu or shall we say deja cruise. the cruise ship has been hit with another round of norovirus, the second time in six months passengers were sickened on the cruise line. more than 170 people have come down with flu like symptoms on a month long cruise. the c.d.'s -- c.d.c. has ordered a cruise cleaning. the san francisco 49ers and seattle seahawks are being spot checked for prescription drugs. this is said to be part of an investigation and claims from former players that alleges teams mishandled prescription drugs. ut's -- u2's bono needs to get himself together. ♪ ♪ >> here is what is happening. the u2 front man needs shoulder surgery. he had a cycling accident in central park. the band also had to cancel some appearances planned for this week. this comes days after a door fell off his private plane mid flight. and those are your headlines. see you in a bit. >> you might want to stay away from him. >> there are sharp turns there on those bikes, especially this time of year. >> thank you. >> coming up, we told you jonathan gruber thinks americans are, well, just stupid. now, guess what? you're racist too. take a listen. >> you don't think it's just the voters in florida don't care about it. i think they are uninformed. because of racial reasons they haven't got through with that message. >> this burglar picked the wrong house. see what happens when a veteran catches a thief breaking in not once but twice. ♪ ♪ ♪ campbell's® fiesta chicken lime tortilla. ♪ ♪ sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!® when you take advil you get relief right at the site of pain. wherever it is. advil stops pain right where it starts. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. the president is trying to distance himself from his obamacare architect. a sixth video surfaced. dr. gruber calls the exerts misinformed and uses the race card. >> i don't think the voters in florida don't care about the long-term insured. i think they are misinformed. if we could politically help explain the cost to society of cutting provider rates, cutting back medicaid i think we would get the majority of people to support strengthening that program. i think because of racial reasons and other things we haven't managed to get through with that message. >> because of racial reasons, what does that mean? here is the a representative from the project 21 leadership message. you heard him. what do you think he's talking about where he said because of racial reasons? >> i think it's a sign of desperation and it's a typical play book for anybody who's been associated with this affordable care act. now that reality has set in it is apparent what they said is not going to come true. it is going to cost us as patients and doctors an enormous amount of money. people are turning against it. that moves what they use, they use the race card, the sex card, anyone who doesn't agree with them, to shut up. i take offense to that because race and politics should not mix. i take care of patients every day and i'm having issues of seeing my patients because they can't afford to even come into the office because their out-of-pocket costs are so high. and they sold this on things about keeping your child on your health plan until age 26, covering birth control. and in actuality everything they said to try to lure people in has cost everybody more money. i'm just, it's awful. >> and doctor, i think we've got a dprask -- graphic that shows the number of states where health care costs will go up at least double digits in the coming year. that is not what we were told. we were told they were going to bend the cost curve down. it wasn't that long ago where the president had to apologize where he told what was deemed the lie of the year which was if you like your doctor you can keep it. he had to apologize as well when the open enrollment fouled up last year on-line so much. do you think it is a matter of time until the president says okay, okay, i was in on the same thing gruber is talking about. the only way we could sell it to you was to lie to you, but it's for the greater good? >> i'm not sure that will ever come to pass. i think they're going to double down. i think this is win at all costs. i think this is, and i said in the past, if there is a trojan horse for single-payer. this is never designed to work. it is just a tax and it is bending the cost curve on the backs of doctors and patients. they're paying 1% more in things like hospice and it took $700 billion out of the medicare trust fund. this wasn't about patient care. it was about setting up a rigid structure of control where everybody is in -- it doesn't matter about race anymore. everybody is in this together. and unfortunately, if you get sick, you might be in major trouble. >> that's the bottom line right there. doctor, thank you for joining us from atlanta with your point of view. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, so much for chivalry. check this guy out. he rips the ball from a female fan's arm. the backlash is now in full effect. a daughter is fighting a major retailer so her mom won't have to go to work on thanksgiving day. ♪ ♪ ♪ hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,... you can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? don't wait ask your doctor abo spiriva handihaler. got quick headlines for you on this monday morning. starting today ebola airport screenings will expand to travelers flying into the united states from mali after a rise in confirmed cases of this there. this as the status of an american sick with ebola remains in critical. his condition is monitored hour by hour. it is serious. pope francis is planning his first trip to the united states. overnight the vatican confirming he will visit philadelphia in september. the 2015 world meeting of families. he also plans to stop in washington, d.c. and new york city. pope francis will be the fourth pontiff to visit the united states of america. elisabeth. >> for thanksgiving k-mart announced they will be open for 42 hours straight and one woman who works for k-mart is petitioning. >> k-mart employees will be forced to miss family time for thanksgiving. i'm asking k-mart to allow employees to request thanksgiving day off and to use only volunteer employees. that writer and her mom are joining us this morning. why did you decide to write this petition? you have a great following. >> i wanted to start this petition -- it started last year actually. my mom called me on the vernal of tears and she was upset because she got her schedule and she was going to be working a split shift and she didn't know what that split shift, how she was going to be able to spend time with our family on thanksgiving. we have people already planning to come up. so this year it came about again, and i said what are your hours? what are your hours? no response. she didn't have any yet. then i heard k-mart was going to be open at 6 a.m. when i heard that and they were going to be open for 42 hours straight, i said i have to take a stand. i cannot have my mom calling me in tears again. we need to do something now. >> when you're hearing your daughter say this, you're obviously not afraid to work hard. you've been doing it for 21 years. what would like your bosses to do? >> actually what i would like to do is i would like to see all retail, you know, we're nonessential employees. i'd like to see us actually close for the day. but i know that's a big hurdle to overcome. either volunteer for that day or make it a, just a plain eight-hour day so people can be with their families. and i understand it's a time and a half pay issue for a lot of people. so if you're closed on thanksgiving or a holiday, then pay the time and a half on black friday so that my co-workers don't lose out on their time and a half. but i mean, we are nonessential employees, and i don't feel that we need to be open on a holiday. give us some time to spend with our family. and this is all retail, not just k-mart. >> i want to read you k-mart's statement for our audience at home. they say this, quote, our associate is aware of her schedule and her manager accommodated her preferred shift on thanksgiving. what is your response to that? >> well, yes, they did accommodate me, but in order to accommodate me that now means i have a co-worker who has to work the shift that i didn't want to work, which is not fair. it was never about me. i said this last year when they were willing to schedule me, any schedule, and i said no. you scheduled me a split shift. that's what i'll work. i decided not to work the second part of it. i lost my holiday pay. but it's never been about me. it's about everybody who has to sacrifice to keep their job and not be with their family on the holiday. >> i think that message is is thanksgiving is not a commercial holiday. we are getting to the competition of who can be open the longest and we need to get away from it. that statement, i'm happy my mom will be here with us. but they're missing the message we're trying to send. we need to take time to spend with our families on thanksgiving. >> where can people go to sign the petition? >> they can go to and it's on the main page. it's very simple and pretty anonymous. if you sign the petition, it just shows your first name and the first letter of your last name and you can even identify if you work at k-mart. i know that we are trying to reach out to k-mart employees, so we are urging k-mart employees to sign the petition because it is anonymous. nobody has access to if you signed and you are a k-mart employee. >> you do have, i believe, over 2,000 signatures so far on that petition. we want to thank you both for being here. this is a tough one, choosing between an earning day, selling day and a family day and a lot of people can relate to that. we thank you both for being here. we'll keep on it. >> this coming up, before you leave the house, you've got to hear this. wild weather hitting millions of people today from freezing temperatures to tornadoes. maria molina is following all of those storms for you. one journalist revealing how the liberal media reacts to the truth about obamacare. >> i was at cnbc, i pointed out to my viewers that the mass of obamacare didn't work. not the politics, by the way. just the basic math. and when i did that, i was silenced. >> the fox business network melissa francis right here with us with that story next. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. we have got some extreme weather to tell you about on this monday morning. millions of americans feeling the freeze this morning. the texas pan handle -- texas is shoveling out, but it's not just snow and bitter cold hitting the nation. tornadoes as well. it is a crazy weather day, and maria molina is tracking it all from the streets of new york city, where it is, it's kind of miserable today. >> it's a little drizzly out here. we have some clouds. you're going to need umbrellas as you head outdoors today. over parts of the plains it was a different story.we pickedn amarillo, texas. the texas pan handle getting hit with snow and also porges of the plains, including kansas city. now that system is farther off to the east in places like ohio, western parts of kentucky and northwestern portions of pennsylvania are looking at snow. there is a second patch of snow moving across portions of northern new england. accumulations should be very light, just a couple of inches. i want to take you to the gulf coast. on the warm side of this storm system we have several tornado watches in effect early this morning for parts of georgia, alabama and the florida pan handle so there is a potential out there to see some tornadoes with some of these storms as they continue to push eastward. you have the cold side of the storm towards the north and on the south side you have the potential for severe storms. you can see several tornado warnings in effect across southwestern parts of georgia and the northeast of panama city and the florida pan handle. when those tornado warnings are issued for your county it is very important to seek shelter immediately. as that cold air continues to filter eastward look at what is going to happen over the next several days off of the great lakes. we're talking several feet of snow just to the south of the city of but buffalo. off of lake erie, significant snowfall accumulations and significant snow for the city of buffalo. current wind chill temperatures feels like 11 ploa -- below zero in minneapolis. i want to show you highs for tuesday. tuesday you're not going to make it out of the 30's in atlanta or raleigh. those are the forecast high temperatures as we head into the afternoon. let's head back inside. >> can't we hold off the snow until after thanksgiving. >> some people may have a white thanksgiving. >> the obamacare hoax goes deeper than jonathan gruber. it seems the liberal media has been trying to silence critics since day one. that is what melissa francis says happened to her while she was at cnbc. >> good morning to you. what did you say on your show the other day. >> when the gruber tapes came out and we saw him talking about the fact that he was depending on the american vote to not understand the math, it sort of all came together for me and i was yelling at the television because while i was at cnbc we were basically part of what happened. >> what do you mean? >> at the time, you know, i'm trained in economics. i went to harvard. this is what i do. you looked at the math of obamacare and it didn't make sense. you can't add millions of people and have it not cost everyone. you can't add people with preexisting conditions and not charge more. maybe folks would still be in favor of it if they knew the facts but they needed to know the facts. so i would pursue that line of questioning. after the show one day i got called up to my manager's office and told that i needed to stop. i said why? this is math, not politics. they said that i was did the respecting the office of the president. that was the exact language. >> you mean the president of cnbc or the president of the united states? >> the president of the united states who was out campaigning for obamacare at the time. they said i was disrespecting the office of the president by pursuing this line of questioning and that i needed to stop. >> meaning you were then to interpret that any move forward in that direction was going to result in what? >> it didn't get that far. i mean, i was marched upstairs after my show -- >> that was a threat; right? >> it felt like a threat. they didn't say or you will lose your job. they just said stop. >> that you were not being patriotic in terms of your reporting? what did you think would happen as a result of that going forward? implicitly you're going to be fired. you're going to be somehow acting in a way that's not an american? >> i'm ashamed to say i was always a straight a student. i'm a pleaser and i didn't like the feeling of having my boss be disappointed in me. it's a competitive environment. >> when you saw what they have come out and said now -- gruber and all these folks -- how does that make you feel? >> terrible. >> because you were right. >> it made me feel terrible that he was counting on the job of business news and what we do at fox business is to make the dollars and cents of life make sense for people. that's exactly what needed to happen with obamacare, to say look, guys, let's do the math and lay it out and know the facts and then make a decision. maybe we're still in favor of this. maybe you still want to go ahead. but you have to understand the real facts. and we did not illuminate that. >> going forward from that point, did you pursue the type of questioning that you had prior to the meeting when you were called in by your bosses and said you were basically un-american and harming the president's reputation? >> i'm ashamed to say i didn't fight back harder. i did value my position. it wasn't that long before i left. but i was called in numerous times. it wasn't just once. >> you shouldn't be ashamed. you're a great reporter and great anchor and you were on the right track. and cnbc denies these charges. >> not really. >> here's what they said -- cnbc says that's laughable but we take notice we're always on the lookout for high-quality comedy writers and actresses. either they're saying -- they're a comedy channel or they're not denying it. >> it's a classic very sarcastic glib remark. they didn't say it's absolutely not true and this didn't happen to her because i think they know it is true and it happened on more than one occasion. to make a sarcastic remark about actresses and comedy writers shows they're laughing at their viewers -- >> you had the courage to tell the viewers about this, melissa. >> don't miss money with melissa francis on the fox business network. to find it in your area go to finder because as we have learned, she tells you the truth. >> time for headlines with that gal. >> good morning. we've got other news going on. we have dramatic new video. it reportedly shows the moments after a malaysian airlines flight was shot down. shocked residents try to help out with buckets of water. 29 # people were killed when the plane that left amsterdam was shot down by prorussian rebels. 298 people were killed. >> zacharias mossai says he can offer inside information that shows the saudi government financially supported terrorism. he says he has evidence that the saudi government paid for flying lessons for the other hijackers. victims filed lawsuits against the saudi government. >> a burglar learned the hard way not to mess with a veteran. a veteran with the 82n airborne takes down a man trying to steal from him. he held him down until police arrived. the seattle homeowner said the crook broke in days before so he installed cameras to catch him the next time. talk about a real lowlife. watch as a saints fan snatches the ball away from a bengals fan. the player tried to toss the ball to the cincinnati fan. she begs for the saints fan to give it up but he is not having any of it. feeling not too great about it the saints organization did the right thing. they gave that gal another ball from an opposing team. how nice is that? those are your headlines. >> thank you. >> 18 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up isis militants beheading another american. a former army ranger and now they're threatening to attack our soldiers everywhere. our next guest, retired navy seal, is here with a warning for the islamic state. >> the newest wave of illegal aliens could be coming to a d.m.v. near you. ♪ ♪ ♪ definitely cream. [reddi wip spray sound] never made with hydrogenated oil, oh, yeah... always made with real cream. the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. a a a it's about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. quick headlines for you now. the state department shuts down its e-mail system after a suspected hacker attack. a senior official says the security breach impacts the unclassified e-mail system. you already pay for the roads. now you're going to pay for illegal immigrants to drive on them. california expanding d.m.v. weekend hours to accommodate the nearly 1.5 million illegals who want to drive their cars with licenses. the price tag for it all just about $141 million. peter, over to you. >> this is a fox news alert. another american beheaded by terror militants isis. the white house confirming the video depicting the death of peter kassig, a former army ranger and american aide worker. what does this mean for the war on isis? and could they be headed to the u.s.? joining us now to discuss this is former navy seal carl hig bee. >> are we doing enough to stop these beheadings, enough to stop isis in its tracks? >> absolutely not. to deal with this effectively you're going to have to do like we did in berlin. this is a radical group. there is no coexistence. they want to eliminate us. we need to eliminate us first. >> how do we effectuate that today? >> i would completely eradicate a large section of that area just to stop the beheadings, to send the message don't mess with us. >> eraid indicate in what way? -- eradicate in what way? are you talking about airstrikes, men and women on the ground? >> both. men and women on the ground, bomb them. send the message that we are not here to play around anymore. we are not going to let you behead americans and we're not going to let you run, wreak havoc all over iraq like you. >> the american government is saying we're making some effect here. we're taking back oil fields isis had taken over before and it's having an effect. is it having an effect? and what effect will it have as a 26-year-old young woman and aide worker who is also being held by isis right now? what should we be doing to effectuate her, her rescue right now? >> the effect is we need to show force. we need to show force to go in there and say this is no longer a game. these people are here to kill us. the president needs to tell them, if you don't do something about this, i will. >> in terms of this game that you think is being perpetuated at this point. let's here what abu bakr baghdadi has to say. continue to harvest the soldiers. erupt volcanoes of jihad everywhere. light the earth with fire. america and its allies are terrified, weak and powerless. are we terrified, weak and powerless? is carl higbee and the men and women who serve with him, are they terrified, weak and powerless? what do you say to this terrorist leader? >> we are not weak and powerless and if you want some, come get some. there's 20 million vets here in america. come to our shores and see what happens. >> straight up talk this morning. thanks for being here. good to see you. coming up, black friday shopping taking over your thanksgiving holiday. how early is too early? and is it a bad trend for families? the debate coming up in the next hour. linked in now under fire as outraged users say the networking site is contacting their colleagues without their permission. kurt the cyber guy is here with how to keep your resume, your job and you safe on-line. ♪ ♪ introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. and often even more. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. toothbrush... sweater... extra sweater... headphones, sleeping mask... oh, and this is the xfinity tv app. he can watch his dvr'd shows from where ever he wants. hey. have fun, make some friends. alright. did i mention his neck pillow? (sniffs pillow) watch your personal dvr library where ever you go. with the x1 entertainment operating system. four plaintiffs suing linkedin claiming the feature got in the way. they can make hiring and firing decisions based upon the information they gather without the knowledge of the members, such secrecy directly contradicts the express purpose of the fcra. how do you keep it private? here with the tips you need is kurt the cyber guy. >> it's so good to see you back. it is so good to see you back. >> so we've been talking a lot about this. explain this lawsuit and what's going on and then we're going to move into what we need to know just as lay people not involved in the lawsuit right now. >> linkedin, if you want a professional profile, this is the day that resumes have come on line and linkedin is the ultimate did -- >> everybody uses it. >> it's your professional connection. so the problem with these sites and the lawsuit that we're talking about that fcra, fair credit reporting act, there is a group of people that said all of a sudden out of nowhere, people came and they are paying for my information to access former colleagues and how cool would that be to get a phone call from somebody saying, one of your competitor socials is reaching t asking about you. linkedin is saying to that that, in fact, they're not necessarily revealing anything that isn't already public, which brings us to this. you got to seal up the public view of your linkedin profile so that all of these things aren't really available. >> are you saying from this point forward what, should we do? >> look for -- what is your employer going to see when they look at your public profile? you want to be aware of that. you can go to your ling link profile, to the privacy settings and click on there all the way through. it's two little things to see what it is for setting your public. you want to turn off the broadcast activity that's inside of it. what that means is that whoever you accept as a friend or whoever you're endorsing or if somebody makes a connection with you, it's not broadcast to the entire world that you're now engaged with that human being or that you even had a conversation with them. >> you want to opt out of it. >> you have to opt out of it. you have to turn off that activity feed, otherwise it's defaulted on and everyone can see your business. it's one of those things also where you just got to stay active with this. you got to rein in this privacy and you've got to stay active and constantly check this about once a month, go online and make sure they haven't tweaked the privacy policy so your profile hasn't changed because go and do this, you think you've sealed it out and all of a sudden, you haven't reined in your privacy all together and what ends up happening is people end up being able to see everything 'cause the rules are tweaked and we didn't notice. makes news today, linkedin, boy, they're down for the count. facebook coming up, announcing new this morning, facebook for work. finally the goofing off on facebook in the office is going to be tolerated because it's for work. >> that means we can post kiddy videos all day long. if you want more information, go to thank you very much. coming up on this monday morning, the president tries to back away from a key obamacare advisor after numerous videos reveal the hoax that is the affordable care act. what does donald trump say about that? we'll talk to him about it live next twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. good morning. it is monday, november 17. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. isis beheads another american, this time a former army ranger. then issues a new threat to president obama. this morning we have an idea of the white house' plans of reaction. and the president finally weighing in on the obamacare hoax, claiming that guy, not really on my staff. really? >> so we had a meeting in the oval office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do? >> he was in the oval office and that's not all we found out. donald trump reacts on grubergate coming up. and they're calling her sick and psychotic. a famous female hunter facing backlash for posting a photo of her kill. this morning she's here to tell her side of the story. and that's not sick because mornings are better with friends. welcome aboard, folks. elisabeth, great to have you back. >> always great to be back here, especially this week now. i'm happy to see heather nauert here with us, too. >> keeping the curvy couch cozy. >> the extended family, we're all here. >> okay. >> family indeed. >> i missed you, heather. >> me, too. >> a lot happening this morning. >> i want to get to this story from overseas. it is a fox news alert. the u.s. is now stepping up its training of iraqi forces who are fighting isis terrorists. u.s. special operators in iraq getting a jump start on their work training and advising the iraqis. they're getting 12 iraqi brigades ready for battle. officials predict that if the pentagon can get these troops trained sooner rather than later, other countries will join in the fight against isis. but there are still no plans to let american special operators fight alongside those iraqi troops. this as the white house confirms an american aid worker, iraq worker, was beheaded. there is one american being held hostage. we don't have a name, but we do know that she's a 26-year-old aid worker from the west coast. call it deja vu or shall we say, deja cruz? the same cruise ship has been hit with another round of the noro virus. this is the second time in six months that passengers were sickened on that cruise liner. more than 170 people have come down with flu-like symptoms during a month long cruise. the cdc has dispatched a team to california to perform a deep cleaning. the dea conducting surprise inspections at at least three nfl games. medical staff with the tampa bay buccaneers, san francisco 49ers and the seattle seahawks are being spot checked for illegal prescription drugs. the dea says they're not targeting specific teams. they say it's a part of an investigation into claims from former players. those claims allege that the teams mishandled prescription drugs. everybody likes a wedding. beyonce's younger sister, solange ties the knot. she married a video director. alan ferguson. this happening in new orleans over the weekend. the couple breaking all the wedding rules by having everyone wear white. not breaking wedding rules, that is. she opted to wear a jump suit instead of a dress. a small group there, including her sister, beyonce, her brother-in-law, jay-z, and her mom. congratulations. and those are your headlines. >> thank you very much. now let's dial in donald trump. he joins us every monday at this time. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what do you make of jonathan gruber, the m.i.t. professor who earned at least $6 million, largely in federal funds for pushing what he admits was cloudy language in obamacare so we, the stupid american, wouldn't know what was in it? >> well, i had an uncle who was a great guy who is a professor at m.i.t. and now i'm starting to say well, maybe that wasn't as good as i thought. this gruber is bad news. he's really the dummy because to go around and give classes all over the place and say many, many bad things, almost worse than what he's been saying. but calling the americans stupid because essentially they approved the plan and congress approved the plan. he's calling them stupid. he knows the plan is no good. everybody knows the plan is no good. it's not working. not only the web site -- by the way, the web site continues not to work. but he knows all of this and he's going around saying stupid, but he knows that some day, i guess somebody will tape it. now they've come up with six, seven, eight tapes and i'm sure plenty more will come out. really, who is the dummy here? >> the president, good morning to you, donald trump. >> good morning. nice to have you back. >> always so excited to be here action but especially since i've been gone so long. president obama, though, when asked by ed henry sort of danced away from this. despite evidence that gruber was in the oval office, at crucial meetings. we're hearing his own words come out saying he played a part here, but yet the president says this as obamacare is looking more and more like a hoax. take a listen. >> at your town hall a couple days ago, you tried to inspire young leaders by saying governments need to be held accountable. i wonder how you square that with your former advisor, jonathan gruber, claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words, the american people, the voters are stupid. did you mislead americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan in order to get the bill passed? >> no. i did not. i just heard about this -- i get well briefed before i come out here. the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. >> your thoughts? >> well, it's typical obama, tries play down the advisor like he doesn't know him, doesn't know of him. oh, gee, i wonder who he is? lies. so many lies. and i'm a republican, but i'm so disappointed in republicans not bringing it to the end zone. they just don't bring it to the end zone. and there are so many things. all of the lies that went up to make obamacare should be the subject of a major lawsuit because it was a fraud. it was a total fraud. >> is that what you're saying, the republicans could bring it to the end zone by suing the government? >> look, whether it's benghazi, they don't bring it to the end zone. they talk about it and they talk and talk and everybody is talking. the irs, they talk and talk. i mean, everybody knows you can't get rid of e-mails. anybody that's ever been sued knows you can't get rid of e-mails. you have hard drives and you can't get -- you ever hear the expression, once an e-mail goes out, you can't get rid of it. and the republicans don't go and get those hard drives and they don't hire an expert to go and get them. it's a mathematical impossibility. you can't lose them. you can't lose them. you can go get them. so all talk and so those are two examples. you look at what's going on with obama, with you keep your doctor and you keep your plan and everything will be great. okay, i'll vote for it. then these characters in the house and senate, okay, i'll vote for it because we can keep our plan. well, he lied about that. we can keep our doctor. he lied about that. okay, good. let's vote for it. well, he's created a fraud. look, his whole administration is a fraud. now he says he doesn't know gruber. i can't help if some guy said this or that. well, the some guy was paid $6 million. and more. that's only the money they found so far. but he's been paid 6 million. 5 billion has been paid through a web site that doesn't work on obamacare. these people are extremely shady. they're extremely dishonest. they're probably incompetent. they're either incompetent or very bad people. but somebody should be done about t. i'm disappointed that mirins don't follow any -- my republicans don't follow anything up. i always say about politicians. they're all talk, no action. >> does this make you want to run for president? >> well, i see what's going on with the country. i see how bad things are. i see what's going on with china and mexico, by the way, with they're just ripping us now, mexico. they're the new one. they're the new boy in town that are just absolutely going after us. they've taken our money like it's coffee and frankly, they wouldn't let sergeant tahmoreesi, took 210 days to ge@ this guy out of jail. they had no respect. to this day, i don't think obama ever made one phone call. nobody has been able to prove that he has because if he had, even a modestly competent president would have gotten this kid out. >> i think greta van susteren did more to get tahmoreesi out than the president. >> absolutely. she was great on it. but it's very sad what's happening with this country. so when i look at the gross imcompetence and i look at the people that are running, i mean, i may surprise you. i may not be able to do your highest rated segment anymore on monday morning because if i run, they won't allow me to do it, right? >> that is correct. so are you saying at this point it looks like you're going to be running? >> well, i'm going to look at it. i'm going to look at who is running. one thing i know, people aren't going to be ripping us off. other countries aren't going to be ripping us off like china, what they're doing to us is incredible. you look at saudi arabia, you look at these countries. we talk about beheading. they're beheading people all over the place. but you look at what's been going on over the years with opec and how they play the game with u with all the energy in the world available. it's just absolutely insane. we have potential to be a truly great country again. i have to say again, because right now we're not respected by anybody. >> any of these candidates, would they be a better president than donald trump? >> i think i'd -- look, if i just decided to run, i think i would be a great president. and the united states would not be ripped off anymore. we are being ripped off by everybody. the united states would be back in a position where we would be respected again. >> when your tv show, "celebrity apprentice," concludes on nbc, is that about the time you probably would make the determination? >> well, the apprentice goes on -- years, 14 seasons and it's hard to believe. we had 15 copies of the apprentice, every one of them went off, and they within off quickly. i could name the people, but why embarrass them. but it's actually now with the 14th season and goes on january 4. after that, i'm allowed to do what i want. if you have a major television show, you're not allowed to run for office because otherwise they'd have to put every candidate -- nbc would have to give every candidate equal time, like two hours of prime time television. somehow i don't think that's going to happen. >> great point. >> we're counting mondays in our minds right now to treasure with you until then perhaps, mr. trump. >> you treasure these mondays 'cause maybe they won't be happening so much longer. >> tan at that liesing clue. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. sounds like he's in. coming up, right now it's 7:11 here in new york city. coming up, is ferguson, missouri a powder keg about to blow? protesters planning to hit the streets no matter what the grand jury decides. we're going to talk about that. and want food stamps? find a job first. controversy over new rules for folks who collect government assistance. ♪ ♪ [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. 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[ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® it could happen any moment. we are awaiting a decision from a grand jury in missouri whether or not to pursue charges against police officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. the august shooting led to more than 100 days of protests in and around the city of ferguson. the latest over the weekend has demonstrators laid on the ground to play dead. you see that right here. these protests led to violence days after brown's death. but they fear it could lead to more protests. joining me is the executive director of the black fear. good morning. what are we bracing for? >> the left would like that all these different powder kegs, as we've called them, would erupt about ferguson because they're invested in it. they want a couple days notice because they're going to be loading up paid protesters and they've got people out that you just described over the weekend creating nonsense. effectively terrorizing the community of ferguson. there are people that want to go back to work. they want the disruption to disappear. but unfortunately, there is too much money invested in it on the other side. >> why businesses? why are they the target? >> there is no reason. what's really funny about this is that you've had barak obama, who had a secret meeting or unscheduled meeting with the various people from ferguson. they call them the ferguson leaders at the white house. but i don't think barak obama's talked to the family whose tire shot got broken into or the lady who invested her life savings in the doughnut shop that was right down the street from the ferguson riots. he's not made those phone calls. but what he will do is he tells those people to stay the course. >> when -- i believe that meeting took place november 5 that wasn't on the president's schedule. what does he mean by stay the course? this is before we actually have word on this jury. >> stay the course to barak obama means stay the course of fomenting hatred because he's only going to look to one side. what's leak out is the idea that darren wilson did his job, shot a kid, unfortunately, who did what it took that led to his own demise. but that narrative doesn't play very well for what barak obama wants to do. he's all about racism. there is so much money in it, my latest book is called "race pimping, the multi trillion dollars business of liberalism" because that's what this is about. this community is an amazing community and there are people setting up cop watch organizations in ferguson, missouri. it's incredulous to believe that. >> kevin, i remember barak obama then saying this is not black america, not white america. it's united states of america. i remember those words quite clearly. but yet what i'm hearing from you is that this violence, to stay the course in terms of protest and what i believe we're all fearing will happen perhaps in these moments and days ahead, this completes a narrative that liberals and this administration are in favor of? >> sure. they would love for things like this to continue because that's what barak obama's presidency has been built on. look, there has been nothing done in the black community by barak obama. you look at any statisticcal evidence around -- statisticcal data and you'll find barak obama has not improved anything for blacks in america. this is the only thing he has to manufacture, hatred, disruption and that's the only thing that's going to work for him. >> what would be, in your mind a proper response? >> the proper response would be for him to come out and say look, guys, this is a tragedy, but it is not going to rise to the level of us having to worry about violence breaking out all across america. we're going to clamp down on it. i can tell you this, i don't think barak obama's made a single phone call to the republican mayor of ferguson, to the chief of police, or to darren wilson's family. >> we will certainly look into that as well. we want to thank you for being with us. kevin jackson of the black sphere shooting straight with us on a serious topic and we're awaiting that decision. thank you. >> my pleasure. coming up, christopher columbus didn't discover america. muslims did? how one middle eastern leader is rewriting history, up next. and forget families. more americans saying they'll go shopping this thanksgiving. and musician, john tesh says we live in a very different world now. but is it better? he's live when we come back for you. ♪ ♪ (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. fast-acting advil is designed with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core technology stopping headaches and other tough pain. fast. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. ♪ (holiday mhey! is playing) i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today. now it's time for news by the numbers. first, ten. that's the percentage of all v.a. patients still waiting a month or more for treatment. 10%. patients who are being seen sooner are mostly getting care from private providers. not v.a. next, first trip to the united states overnight. the vatican announcing that pope francis will visit philadelphia next september. he also plans to stop in washington and here in new york. and finally, dumb is number one. >> i'm his associate, dr. christmas. >> christmas like the holiday? >> no. like the tree. >> i'm sorry, still funny to me. "dumb and dumber 2" bringing in enough to make it the number one movie in america. that's the news by the numbers. well, forget family time this year. more and more americans than ever are expected to go shopping on thanksgiving. >> is that the store's fault for staying open or are misplaced priorities to blame? >> let's bring in john tesh. you remember him from "entertainment tonight." and gibb gerard. >> we came in just for this. >> we called you very early. >> what do you think about it? it seems like everybody wants to get a good deal before christmas. so the stores are opening earlier and earlier and forget about the deal. but it's the families who have got to work. >> yeah. i think is a -- i call it a tylenol moment. this is a remarkable opportunity for the ceo of k-mart to say, i was just kidding. i thought it was a a good idea, but maybe we -- and just say listen, we weren't thinking, so maybe we should just -- we're going to get a do over and everybody go home. think about the press on that. >> you may be on to something because earlier we spoke with a mom and daughter, the mom had been work at k-mart for over 21 years and explaining to everyone why they, like you just said, just want some time together. take a listen. >> we are nonessential employees and i don't feel that we need to be open on a holiday. give us some time to spend with our family and this is all retail. not just k-mart. >> the message was, thanksgiving is not a commercial holiday. we're getting into a competition of who can be open the longest. and we need to get away from it. >> it's not just k-mart. it's a lot of stores. >> but just think about this, the ceo goes on camera and says, listen, we're sorry. we were just kidding. but -- so we're going to close. but we want all of you people who are watching us to come the next day. >> why not? because we're such good guys. >> we offer to pay them however much they're willing to work for us. double time. if we have you work on thanksgiving, we'll increase the pay rate. >> he's always the wet blanket. >> it's a great solution, i think. >> we got a bunch of e-mail from you watching regarding this. from gloria, she writes, as for working on thanksgiving, i think we should all go back to closing all businesses on all holidays. amen. >> one of the reasons this is not happening is internet messed everything up. >> you can go shopping all day long. >> right. so the brick and mortar stores are competing that way. we're used to on demand, even in k-mart. >> listen to these voices. what does wade say? >> if you tonight want to work on thanksgiving, then quit and work for another company who is closed. darn it. i added the darn it. >> i'm sure he doesn't mind. something you are going to be working on. tell bus this new show. >> we radio show, conima, my wife -- connie, does a show. we started september 15 on many fox stations and it's basically our family together, connie and i have been married 23 years. i joined people in progress at nine years old. a couple of grandkids. we take all the intelligence that we have on the radio, which is the best way to be a parent, shrink your waistline, and then we illustrate it and discuss it as a family. >> he doesn't make you work on a holiday, does he? >> he makes me work all the time. >> wait a minute! >> the problem is we're family -- >> i'm ceo of intelligence for life. >> we're family, too. so on thanksgiving we'll talk about business. i can't get away if it even if i want to. sign a petition. >> how many signatures? >> i'll get three. >> that's great. we love your show and you've been doing it for so long on the radio. >> yeah. >> give our best to connie because we know connie selleca is a big fan of "fox & friends." >> absolutely. give our best to petery doocy who is obviously the journalist in the family. >> whoa! >> i'm terribly sorry. >> we're both proud and offended at the same moment. >> thank you very much. >> thank you both for being here. >> if people would like to know where the show. >> find the station. >> we look forward to that. >> she posted pictures of her epic kill on facebook and animal activists are threatening her dog. does that sound like a double standard to you? this famous female hunter here to respond to these critics. and sooner or later, everyone has to face their fears. >> not the big dog, and the little dog. ♪ ♪ did she pick up yet? >> oh, yes. mrs. hillary clinton? this is publishers clearing house. i want you to know you've won an all expense paid trip to -- >> she had no idea and even if she did, she denied in front of congress. (phone rings). >> (scream). >> don't. we have to fly to china early tomorrow morning. >> oh, you're in trouble! >> you know what? so i got this not get done in the next two years. >> is that the nobel peace prize he was wearing there? >> around his head, yes. >> or medal of honor. >> i think americans wouldn't mind seeing that every once in a while. that's not gridlock. >> that was "saturday night live"'s version of the so-called summit and mitch mcconnell. >> decorative medal there right on the head. we're going to turn our heads to heather nauert. we start off with a laugh. >> good morning to you. adrian peterson could learn his fate with the nfl by the end of the day. today the minnesota viking player is expected to appear at his disciplinary appeals meeting with the nfl. the league is determining if he should be punished further after his arrest for child abuse. peterson has missed eight games under suspension. he also pleaded no contest to misdemeanor assault charges. the state of indiana revamping its food stamp requirements soon. those who want to continue to collect government assistance will need to find a job first. social services will require at least 20 hours of work each week for those who want to receive benefits next year. the rule applies to people who are able to work and have no children. job training will also be considered a form of work. and did muslim sailors find the new world before christopher columbus? that's what turkish president of turkey is saying. he claims muslims reached american shores 300 years before christopher columbus. that's based on a note that the turkish president says was found in columbus' writings where he apparently found a mosque on top of a hill in cuba. what do you think of that? and a dog that is so afraid of doors. look at this pit bull. he's afraid to walk through doorways. how does he get from room to room? he walks out backwards so he doesn't see where he's going. and those are your headlines. >> way to take note there. >> a little cheesy. now it's time for extreme weather. dangerous driving in oklahoma city. we've got the video here that shows the driver of a pick up truck losing control. oh, my goodness. off the highway. i hope nobody was hurt right into the ditch. snow and freezing temperatures a big concern all across the country. maria molina tracking it from new york city where it was ten degrees cooler right now, we would have about a foot of snow. >> yeah. we would be looking at some significant snowfall across parts of the i-95 corridor. we do have some heavy snow farther off toward the west, across parts of ohio early this morning and also areas across western kentucky, indiana picked up some snow early this morning. about several inches. over the weekend, by the way, the same storm system produced snow across parts of the texas panhandle, central plains, including parts of missouri and even up into the great lakes region. you can see today it's on the move and across parts of new england, we're also seeing that snow coming down across maine, vermont, and also the state of new hampshire. we also have some severe weather being a concern with this storm system. we have several tornado watches in effect across parts of florida, georgia and also in alabama and that risk for severe storms will continue today. you can see we have two tornado warnings currently in effect out there across parts of the gulf coast. otherwise very cold air continues to move over the great lakes, we'll have a significant lake effect snow event taking place out here over the next several days. we're talking lake effect snow warnings already in place and several feet of snow possible off of the great lakes, especially off lake erie, across the buffalo metro area. they're expecting several feet of snow from the storm system over the next few days. that's wednesday. you can already see more than two feet expected out in that area and here is a quick look at your current windchill temperatures. 7 below in rapid city. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. it's a family friendly film that is sure to get a lot of laughs. >> we've arrived in the center of dublin, ireland. we got to blend in. river dance. ♪ ♪ >> i give the orders around here. >> you were supposed to handcuff them. >> but they don't have hands. they just have flippers. >> and i have flippers. >> so it's flipping useless! >> the new fox film "penguins of mad gas -- madagascar" premiered last night. michael tammero was on the red carpet last night. >> it was fantastic. >> good weather for penguins. >> it was perfect. we first met rico, skipper and private at fox fan weekend. >> yes. >> they were a small part of the madagascar family. they were so popular that dream works and fox thought they could headline their own movie. we see how the super spy team was formed as they go off to save all of pen wingkind. -- penguinkind against dave the octopus. features the voices of john malkovich who is making his first animated feature debut. they're stage trained actors. we caught up with them last night. brian park ice rink here in new york city, and talked a little bit about their performances. >> i love the look of the character and it's animated. touch an entertaining way. of course, they have their own ideas, own concepts. but they also use what they see you do to help sort of physicalize the character. >> when i heard how much john was moving to the rhythm of his beast, i thought i got to up my game. it's great. it's great. he's wonderful. but i can make -- i can be more expresssive. >> he's so hot right now. it opens up nationwide thanksgiving. there is enough adult humor. >> we were told to refer to him as arrest machine dough christian parures. >> what's the matter with you? >> perez. >> okay. >> he was having that kind of day apparently. >> you can catch nor in the and our new pod cast. we have three episodes up there. and twitter me. >> thanks for hanging with us. 20 minutes before the top of the hour on this monday. coming up, in the wake of another beheading of an american by isis, how should the white house respond? they haven't done anything yet, have they to mention? no troops on the ground yet. lieutenant colonel oliver north is going to weigh in on what should happen. and she posted pictures of her epic kill on facebook. and now animal activists are threatening her dog. does that sound like a double standard to you? this famous female hunter here to respond to those critics. first, the "fox & friends" question of the day. born on this date in 1949, this republican was a linebacker in high school, coached by future notre dame coach gary faust. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. ♪ ♪ i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! welcome back. to quick headlines. more than half a calls to poison control about energy drinks are for children younger than six years old. researchers from that study now calling for stronger warning labels on the cans to add side effects for children which include seizures and heart problems. and pucker up. dutch researchers say kissing helps boost your immune system by giving your partner your germs, their bodies are better prepared against whatever you might come down with later. i'll send think kiss. steve? >> thank you. fox news alert. a gruesome new video posted on the internet claims to show the beheading of an american hostage. peter kassig killed by isis militants after he was kidnapped from an aid mission that he started back in 2013. you're not going to see that video here. we're honoring his family's request for privacy. one thing that's consistent in all of the videos, it seems like they're taunting america. come here. go to war. fox news military analyst lieutenant colonel oliver north joins us from our nation's capitol. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> you listen to the message and that is what it sounds like. it sounds like they're saying, come on over here. but is that ultimately what they want? >> well, they're taughting us. no doubt. they also know very well, because they understand our media and they understand americans' politics. barak obama is not going to send ground combat troops into this war. doesn't say what might happen a couple years from now. but he's not going to do that. what we're finding is the peshmerga forces are effective against isis in northern iraq. kurdish casualties are down and the isis dead and captured are going up. by the way, we are not being given access to those captured isis fighters to gain intelligence because we simply don't have, quote, enough troops on the ground to do that kind of intelligence work. the effectiveness of air attackn disruptive. but it's hardly destroyed isis. so now we're finding in southern and central iraq that isis continues to consolidate in primarily sunny area and threaten baghdad. yesterday the very first time isis managed to cut the road between the capitol and baghdad international airport where we've got all those aircraft and stand-by quick response forces and the like. >> sure. >> this attack contradicts dempsey's comment last week about the increased effectiveness of iraqi security. so you got to wonder, what does this administration really think? what are they doing? they're not apparently doing much because the promise of simply degrading and destroying isis is not a strategy. so what we'd like to know, and i think what's important to know, what is their definition of victory? isis knows what theirs is. that's driving us out of the lands of the prophet. >> sure. you've got a headline right there that i haven't heard anywhere else and that is that isis now controls the road between baghdad airport and baghdad. that is a big headline. that should be in all the newspapers and on all the television shows, but of course, they don't want any boots on the ground either. >> well, apparently not. of course, knowing that, when your enemy knows what you will not do and this administration appears to be incapable of defining the word victory in this war action isis wins. if you don't know what your goal is, you can't have a strategy that works. the administration's inyes, ma'amal augmentation is lyndon johnson and vietnam, the sequel and it's not a good sequel. >> no kidding. lieutenant colonel oliver north joining us from our dc bureau. thank you very much. >> steve. >> 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, hypocrisy alert. this hunter facing threats of her own from people. she's here to respond to those critics and you'll hear all about the bear hunt backlash. and on this date in 1987, billy idol's cover of "money, money," number one across america. ♪ ♪ when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. yeah! crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. are you down with crestor? ask your doctor about crestor. it's time to answer the "fox & friends" question. the answer is john boehner and he is 65 years old today. our winner is jason from colorado. congratulations, you will be getting a copy of brian kilmeade's book "george washington's secret six." congrats. well, famous female hunter facing backlash this morning after posting this photo that you see here of her successful kill during a bear hunt in north carolina. >> animal activists attack her, calling her sick and psychotic. one even went after her family pet, saying, quote, kill that worthless little dog instead. eva joins us now. good morning. >> good morning, guys. thanks for having me. >> did you expect anything like this after you and your father bagged a couple of black bears in north carolina? this is pretty sick stuff. >> it is sick. i agree with you. but unfortunately, we actually have to deal with that quite a lot. so this comment particularly, i've never heard someone tell me to kill my puppy before. but comments like this definitely happen to us. >> what is your reaction? what do you have to say to people who may share those sentiments? >> well, honestly, if anything, it makes me a little bit sad because the people that are saying these things, i think they're showing hatred is actually because of their fearful. they don't understand why we hunt. they don't understand hunting and conservation and all the good things that we're doing. so instead of asking questions and trying to learn about it, they just show hatred and say mean things and say aggressive things. i just don't think that's what they would really believe and what they would say if they understood a little bit more. >> this is something familiar to you. your dad, famous for his hunting adventures. i'm sure he had some advice for you in dealing with the negativity. what did he say? >> he does. he's been amazing, amazing role model. so glad i had him. he always says stay above. like stay classy. don't stoop down to that level. they say things that are really hurtful and i read them and i go oh, my gosh. like does that person have a mother or a father that ever taught them not to speak like that to somebody? i don't think they would speak like that in person to me. i don't think they would say it to my face. i'm sure it's because they're behind a computer. but it still gets to you. it's human response. they say something hurtful, like my dad just shoot me in the head. i mean, it happens. that's what they say. i'm like, oh, my goodness. he says stay above it. show what you believe. i believe with every part of me that what i'm doing is right, so there is nothing that i'm apologizing for. so in that sense, i mean, i'm not going to apologize to them. but i will say that i'd love to explain to them, i'd love to show them every day what i do and hunt something a good thing. >> a lot of americans on social media, even folks who are not big hunting proponent, have said listen, back off. for example, bob in maryland, one positive post. the antiradicals, you are a strong role model for young women and hunters in general. keep up the good work. what's the lesson for you and for young women and for everybody in this country about responding to this kind of abusive behavior and keeping your head up? what's the message that you want going forward about you, your family, and what you believe in terms of hunting? >> i think the biggest thing as far as being a proud hunter is that what we're doing is a good thing. we're raising huge, huge, huge amounts of money for conservation every year, something the antihunters, they're fighting hunters. but when they're fighting hunters, technically they're just fighting us raising money for wildlife habitat and that's not really doing anything for them. it's backfiring. so if they understood how much money we're putting into hunting, how in north carolina specifically, the hunt i was just on, the bear population and the human population, they're both rising really fast and obviously we're not going to get rid of the humans. so at that point, you have no choice. it's human nature, you need to make room for the humans to live there. you have to keep the bear population in check. if the hunters don't do it, then the bears are going to be increasing, there is highway collision, there is huge, huge dollars lost. and if farmers don't do it, it won't be as nice as the farmers. >> we want to thank you for being with us. we want to talk to you more and bret baier will join us at the top of the hour. >> thanks so much e pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know genies can be really literal? no. what is your wish? no...ok...a million bucks! oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. a homemade dinner in thirty minutes. go! your method? new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. helping you cook recipes like speedy sausage rigatoni in just thirty minutes! dinner accomplished. try new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. good morning. it is monday, november 17. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. isis beheads another american. this time a former army ranger. so is the united states ready to amp up the fight against the islamic state? bret baier is live with the pentagon's new announcement straight ahead. and according to the president, his obamacare architect never even worked on his staff. so how does the president explain this? >> so we had a meeting in the oval office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do? >> and adding insult to injury, wait until you hear how many millions professor gruber was paid with your dollars. >> #grubergate. we introduced you to this daughter fighting k-mart to give her mom and other employees thanksgiving off. should the retailer listen and others as well? your e-mail are pour not guilty on this one because a lot of people out there have had to work on holidays. you'll want to hear their comments. thank you for joining us. you're watching "fox & friends" live from new york city. from studio e, it's "fox & friends," the world's number one cable morning news show. we got peter in for brian and we've got elisabeth in for elisabeth. great to have you back. >> it is great to be back. always an honor to have you all with us in the morning. >> absolutely. >> bret baier, who is with us as well. good morning to you, bret. >> good morning. >> we start with a fox news alert. the white house has confirmed the death of peter kassig, a former army ranger who then went back to syria to work as an aid worker. he converted to islam before his death. what else do we know about the circumstances about this young man's beheading, bret? >> obviously as any beheading is, it was gruesome, brutal. this video is different than the other videos in that it was longer. it was not as slickly produced as the others. the figure of the black robed english accent executioner, he was there, but it wasn't the same. and analysts are already starting to speculate that it may have been because there was something wrong, something went wrong, either kassig pushed back, wouldn't say anything, or maybe resisted in some way, or they weren't able to stay outside because of the threat from air strikes that had been happening in syria and iraq. >> there was some suggestion that maybe he wouldn't read the statement as others have in the past. also at the same time, it looks like the secretary of defense, chuck hagel, says we're speeding up the training of the iraqis to fight isis. but at the same time, we just heard from ollie north 15 minutes ago, he says that isis has taken the road between baghdad airport and baghdad. that's not the right direction. >> no. we have seen advances by isis and it's kind of like hitting a water balloon. you hit one side of it and then it expands other places. and we've seen this before. anbar province, to the west of baghdad, is now home to isis. we are still seeing the battles up in the north with the kurds and there is significant thought that more troops of some level of experience will be needed on the ground, whether they're u.s. troops or other troops, they're going to need something, according to people at the pentagon. >> strong message needs to be sent, according to former u.s. navy seal who we had on. this was his message about that. >> this is a radical militant group. the problem is there is mo co-existence. they are going to try to eliminate us. we need to eliminate them first. if i was in charge, i would completely eradicate a large section of that area, just to stop the beheadings. just to send a message, don't mess with us. we're here to protect our interests and ourselves. we absolutely need a show of force to say, this is no longer a game. these people are here to kills. the president needs to tell them hey, if you don't do something about this, i will. >> word from the pentagon, our next move? >> well, this train will go speed up. they have not ruled out troops on the ground in various situations, even up in the north to retake mosul. that has been talked about. but there is a sense here that he's right, that strength is the thing that plays the best in the middle east overall and weakness is provocative, especially with a group as brutal as isis. >> absolutely. let's switch gears. >> bret n what's becoming almost something of a perceiving it as a hoax, as cruel trick on the american people with regard to this professor gruber and what the american government thinks about the american people, and now we hear president obama downplaying jonathan gruber's role in implementing obamacare. but he also admits gruber admits he actually worked with the president. take a look at this. >> according to gruber, who has, somewhere in the vicinity of an $8 billion cost. >> okay. so there you got john kerry, former senator of the great state of massachusetts, and he's talking about how they used gruber, congress did, as a resource. the president famously was asked by our own ed henry while he was on the road about comment and accountability. this is becoming a full-blown -- a big problem for the white house, isn't it? >> it is. and the fact that the president said the fact that an advisor who was never on our staff expressed an opinion, i think that is a disconnected reality here because you listen to gruber not just in the one interview on frontline, but numerous speeches, numerous times he talks about being in the oval office with the president and a few other chosen economists going through line by line how they were going to get this bill across the finish line, how they were going to raise the funds to be able to pay for obamacare in a way that was politically appealing, if you will, to get it pasassed, lawmakers and past the american public. >> they used his mathematical skill to justify what seemed to be their plan and what now moan americans feel is a hoax. wool pulled over their eyes. he was there in 2009, four days before he sat down with douglas ellendorph of the cbo as the director. he said, the math isn't adding up. i'm not going to be able to save the money we thought. that's when they called in jonathan gruber and over time, he made close to $6 million in consulting fees from the government right here. i mean, 2.5 million from 2.05 from the national institute of health, close to 2 million from the department of justice, 1.6 million from at least four states when you scatter it around, $392,000 from health department. so it's almost $400,000. this isn't just someone who happened to be around there that they weren't listening to. he was paid to give his mathematical opinion to justify the means. >> yeah. it's a big deal. we add it all up, there are a number of states that have some explaining to do as well. he was well respected in the circle of pro-obamacare and trying to explain it. he even came up with a comic book which kind of adds to the unbelievable scenario of this story. the fact that we are where we are, the president's answering these questions on the road, and you have the administration now in full pushback mode to try to sell obamacare at the same time. i think it's doubly egregious that we are one of the only places you've seen this story. >> no kidding. listen, have your special report team figure this out 'cause peter and i were talking before the show. why on earth would the department of justice pay him $1.7 million? we can't figure it out. >> incredible. >> yeah. i think we got to do some digging on all of that and also the states. what role did he play in all of these states. some of them where the economics was upside down in those states. >> sure. he's got to go start work on today's big telecast. it is at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. bret, thank you very much. have a great day. and see you back here on monday. >> okay. now let's turn to heather. lot going on. you want to bring everybody. >> good morning to you. hope you're off to a great day. there is an nfl shocker underway. the d.e.a. conducting surprise inspections at at least three nfl games yesterday. they were look for illegal prescription drugs. medical staff with the tampa bay buccaneers, san francisco 49ers, and the seattle seahawks were spot checked. the d.e.a. says this is part of an investigation into claims from former players that the team's illegally supplied them with pain killers. trouble on the high seas. the same crown princess cruise ship that had to be scrubbed of the norovirus in the spring has been hit with another round of the highly contagious illness. this is the second time in six months passengers were sickened on the cruise line. more than 170 people have come down with flu-like symptoms on a month-long cruise from l.a. to tahiti. the cdc has dispatched a team to california to perform a deep cleaning. pope francis planning his first trip as pope to the united states. overnight the vatican confirming that he will visit philadelphia in september of next year. he also plans to stop in dc and new york. the daughter of a k-mart employee pleading with her mother's employer for more family time this thanksgiving. she launched a petition asking k-mart to change its thanksgiving hours so her mom can spend the day at home with her family. right now the store plans to stay open for 42 hours. jillian and her mom spoke with us earlier on "fox & friends." listen. >> we're getting into a competition of who can be open the longest. we need to get away from it. it's never been about me. it's about everybody who has to sacrifice to keep their job and not be with their family on the holidays. >> k-mart responding, saying it will switch donna's shift and honor her original request. she says then somebody else just gets stuck having to work. a lot of people writing in. >> absolutely. >> here is what janet says. thank you so much. i have worked 17 years at k-mart as a receiving manager. i gladly look forward to work on the forward. the pay and holiday cheer are exceptional. >> bob says, get a grip. thanksgiving can be any day that you choose. my family has several thanksgivings every year and not on that specific day. >> richard writes to us, he says you got to be kidding me, lady. just go to work. you can celebrate by eating a turkey sandwich while on break. i did it for years and was very well compensated. actually, we never close. i worked a lot of holidays as well. you get both sides. it's easy to see. >> i guess you can move thanksgiving, sort of. depends on if your family can do that. >> a lot of people have to. >> keep those comments coming. we love to share them. >> we do. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. up next, these three terrorists have one thing in common. they all got jobs at the same american airport. who let that happen? the reporter who broke that story joins peter johnson, jr. next. and so much for chivalry. check out this guy, ripping the football from a woman's arms. this morning the backlash, i'd be throwing the flag on that play. ♪ ♪ dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. every day i say, "i'm gonna quit smoking." then i stop for gas, a coffee and there they are. cigarettes. it's like going on autopilot. right? well, i'm no robot. starting now, i'm stopping one less cigarette at a time. that's how zonnic helps me quit. with new zonnic nicotine gum, every cigarette you don't smoke is a victory. 3 great flavors. just $3.99 or less wherever cigarettes are sold. zonnic. every victory counts. ♪ (holiday mhey! is playing) i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today. welcome back. do you remember this terrorist? before he died waging jihad overseas, he worked at the airplane in minneapolis, minnesota cleaning planes for passengers just like you and me. this morning, months after that story first broke, we find out he wasn't alone. investigative reporter for fox 9 in minneapolis has uncovered the disturbing new details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. the context is what's really so frightening. we have had 36 men and in some cases women for the twin city, who have left, been recruited from here to go fight overseas for terror groups, including these three who worked at the airport. we've already told you about the man who cleaned airplanes, also fueled them, had a security clearance that gave him access to the airport tarmac, as well as the airplanes. he died fighting for isis in syria alongside dan mccain, who is also from minnesota. we also have learned of another man who worked at a coffee shop. he was a barista. he would later die fighting for al-shabab. he became a suicide bomber about three years after he left twin cities international. that followed on the heels of another man from minneapolis. he was an airport cart driver at the airport. he would shuttle people from gate to gate. he ended up becoming the first american suicide bomber for al-shabab. again, about three or four years after he left the airport. the thing that this really underscores and according to tsa internal documents that we've obtained is this insider home-grown threat and the risk that someone from the airport could be recruited. in this case, it looks like they were readycallized after they left the airplane and that the airport was never their intended target. but it really does underscore this insider threat in our airports, which even tsa says may be the number one threat right now. >> this is somewhere between disturbing and terrifying. what is the tsa doing now? what is the federal government doing now in terms of checking out employees in that airport and in airports across the country to make sure that we don't have that kind of high rate, that high suicide terror rate that we see in the minneapolis airport? >> that's really the question. tsa says they have a layered security that's redundant that, they do spot checks that surprises a real element of their security. we talked to the former assistant secretary of homeland security, former head of tsa not only nationally, but here as well, and he worries that while we do these federal background checks, federal state databases, nci fingerprints, that it's not catching a lot. about 25% of the 17,000 workers from our airport come from overseas and a lot of the data we have on them is really incomplete. even birth dates are incomplete. he says the other thing we're not doing, we're not checking known associates. we're not checking their name and whether they're associated with known radicals or known recruiters. he's afraid that kind of work is not being done currently. >> tom lyden, great reporting, fox 9, we really appreciate that. thank you so much. >> you bet. every parent wants to hold their baby the moment he or she born. for those who cannot, our next guest invented the next best thing. she's here next to share it with all of you. and here is one ceo who really does stand by his product he'll be here, yes, live later this hour on "fox & friends." come on back. ♪ ♪ time for quick headlines. 23 minutes after the top of the hour. talk about a low light. watch as the saints fan snatches a ge ball away from a bengals fan in new orleans. you can see the player tried tossing the ball to the cincinnati fan. she begs for the saints fan to give it up, but he's not having it. feel the saints oranization gave her another ball. job well done. and she might still be a teen-ager, but the first female pitcher to win a little league world series game has a lot to talk about. monet davis is publishing a memoir. the book will be released next march. very nice. now over to elisabeth and a special guest. at seven months pregnant with her first child, our next guest was told she had a life-threatening disorder that would kill her and her child if she didn't have an emergency c-section. so jackson delivered her baby boy, zach. he was tiny, weighing in at less than two pounds. you see that right there. precious, but once this little guy started to grow, he didn't stop. he's now 13 years old. what a blessing and in great health thanks to his mom. she is now using that experience as motivation to help so many others, the creator of the zachy pillow and the kangaroo zach. she joins me now. what an honor to sit with you. i know so many moms can relate right now to being in your situation. tell us a little bit about your story. 28 weeks pregnant, is that correct? >> 28 weeks pregnant, yeah. he was born at 28 weeks. >> how long were you in the hospital? >> i was in the hospital for three days. he was there for five months. >> it's a blessing that they are there, but the care is so important and really the comfort of that little one to grow. tell us your experience and why you wanted to create the zachy. >> the zachy came because i had a child and i wanted to be with him. i didn't want him to be alone. really women want to stay with their children and have their children basically when the baby is born, when the baby is sick, or when the moms have to travel or work and leave the baby. so all these three happened to me. i had the child. i wanted to hold him because he was sick. but he was very sick, i couldn't hold him. then i had to go home at night. i couldn't stay with him at night. so i wanted to leave something of me with him so he would not feel abandoned or sad. >> we're looking at this picture here. it is so precious. is it the blue -- >> that's the original zachy. >> so tell us about the first prototype, really. >> yes. the nurses taught me how to use my hands to comfort him. and not to rub him 'cause he would be overstimulated. so just to place my hands. i would hold him all i can, which is what you want to do with preemies. hold them all you can, but when you can't or you're not there, then leave something. so the idea of the glove came because it simulated my hand that helped position him, helped holding him when i was not there. >> it's remarkable. i'm holding the zachy right now and it's comforting just to sit with it. >> yes. >> you're so brilliant. you used your engineering background. >> yes, i have four engineering degrees. my concentration is american economics. >> an outstanding heart you have. it feels as though one is holding you gently and i can see how it would help so many, including military families. i would imagine that there are many military moms and dads who would find this so useful if they have to be away for some time. >> military families, a lot of the parents or both have to leave babies. when they come, they don't know their moms or dads. so by leaving the zachy scented -- you pick up putt it on the chest or neck. it helps with positioning and transition and other things. but the baby learns the scent of the dad or the mom. so when they come back, they know them. it's also used for adopted parents when the baby needs to learn the scent. >> of course. >> babies are born knowing their mom, knowing the scent of the mom. so we want to have the subsequent of the mom because that comforts them. but we want the baby to learn the scent of the dad as soon as possible. >> no pun intended, i have to hand it to you. we had our little one in the hospital for some time. when we had to switch shifts, this would have been just in my heart, such a mom life saver in so many ways, in addition to comforting isiah at that time. your baby, zachary, who is now 13, is here right now with us. come on in. hi, zach. how are you? what a pleasure to meet you. what do you have to say about your mom really bag hero for so many parents? look at you now. what do you think of her? >> i'm proud of her. >> and i'm proud of him. he helped so many kids around the world and so many families. >> this really started with a gardening glove. can you believe it? look at a gordoning glove now, do you think, my life is different now. i really had a chance because my mom used that glove to help me. what do you think about that? probably can't say thanks enough, right? you might have a little invention skill in you. do you have any projects in the works? >> he's a little engineer. >> i bet he is. a miracle, but the mindfulness, the brilliance of your mom right here, we are honored to have you here with us at fox. love this story. >> thank you. >> how can we get this product? >> in our web site, it's a way to relax babies and help them sleep. >> it's relaxing me right now. i think so many moms and dads are feeling it. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> it is awesome to see you here >> thank you for reminding us and for the visit and your great mindfulness. >> thank you so much. >> peter and steve, i'm going to throw it over to you. fox news alert, moments ago, major news on the ebola virus outbreak and this news is not good. >> president obama says i don't know him. the obamacare architect that called voters stupid. but the evidence suggests otherwise. what does that mean for the president and democrats going forward? karl rove, there he is, joins us live next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ what can your fidelity greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review. there are mores than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. one: verizon's the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. that's right america. with xlte in over 400 markets. two: and here's something for families to get excited about. our best pricing ever! get 2 lines with an incredible 10gb of data to share for the low price of $110! or just $140 for a family of 4! and three: get $150 credit for every line you switch. the more you switch, the more you get. verizon. goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain... the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first to combine a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm. for a better am. got a fox news alert. moments ago, a major news was developed on the ebola virus outbreak. the american surgeon infected with the virus and brought to the united states for treatment is dead. nebraska health officials confirming dr. martin salia died as a result of advanced symptoms of the ebola virus. he contracted it while working in west africa. he was a native of sierra leone and leaves behind his american wife and two kids. they live in maryland. but once again, the headline is that man has died of ebola in nebraska. >> very sad. let's bring in karl rove to talk about some other stuff on this monday. good morning to you. >> good morning. how is everybody? >> we're doing okay. we're probably doing better than the president is explaining this whole gruber thing. now he's talking about, i don't know who he is. he never worked for us. anybody buying that? >> well, that's a mistake. it's like that movie "clear and present danger," when harrison ford tells the president, what they say is your friend, say it's your good friend. look, he was invited into the white house with two other economists to brief the president. he's in and out of the white house. you can go to white and after september 15 of 2009 he's in at least three times. one to see orszag, one to see in charge of domestic policy and health care policy. we don't know -- i couldn't find out before the 15th of september how many times he was in. again, getting paid $400,000 by the department of hhs to be an advisor to the white house and to the department on affordable care act. >> he has made $6 million, including money from the feds and the states as well to push this thing. >> what's the strategy now from the administration, do you think? how do they handle this? the cat is out of the bag. >> they're going to probably make this about gruber. but we ought not to let it be about gruber because look, every single major promise used to sell the affordable care act has turned out to be wrong and more importantly, everybody -- health economists and others knew it was wrong at the time. if you like your plan you can keep it. one of the important principles of the affordable care act is we have too many plans that are not necessarily, quote, conforming to the standards the administration wants, so you have to lose them. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? no. the affordable care act says you got too many doctors, too many choices. we need to narrow the networks. all of these promises that were used to sell it were essentially false at the time. >> the premise seems to be the american people, you're really stupid and we're capable of tricking you. we had melissa francis on, a great anchor on the business channel. she was at cnbc and she was basically told that her questions about the bad math of obamacare was disrespectful to the office of the president. basically you're unamerican and not patriotic. please react to what she said to us this morning. >> i'm trained in economics. i went to harvard. this is what i do. you looked at the math of obamacare and it didn't make sense. you said you can't add millions of people and have it not cost everyone. you can't add people who have preexisting conditions and not charge more. and maybe folks would still be in favor if they knew the facts. but they needed to know the facts. so i would pursue that line of questioning and after the show one day i got called up to my manager's office and told that i needed to stop. i said why? this is math. not politics. >> what did they say? >> they said i was disrespecting the office of the president. >> sounds like cnbc was running interference from the white house. >> most of the major media was. this is bending the health care curve. this was the administration's claim that by adding tens of millions of people into the health care system, we would somehow be able to bend the total amount of money being spent in america on health care, first moderate its incline and then bring about an absolute decline, which again, you talk to any reputable health economist at the time and said no way this is going to happen. >> yeah. that's all she would say. >> look, they also gamed the rules of the cbo. not only as gruber outlined with regard to the tax on cadillac insurance plans and not only with regard to the individual mandate being a tax, but they also gamed it op the overall cost of it by borrowing $500 billion, half of the cost of the first ten years, from medicare, which is going broke, at the same time that they were counting those $500 billion in medicare cuts as savings that would offset the unfunded liabilities of the program. >> they took it right out of the hands of congress. that's where the power was prior to that. speaking of, republicans now weigh ago government shutdown to put pressure against the president who seems to be ready to use executive action as it relates to immigration. good move? >> actually it's not republicans. it's a few republicans. >> okay. >> let's go back. when we had the government shut down last year, which didn't work, incidentally. you may remember the polling and the immediate aftermath, 17% of the american people approved of it. 81% didn't. who did they blame? it was like 59% blamed the republicans. 15% said it was both the president and the congress and the rest the president. republican party democratic party were sort of like this at that point. the republicans took a steep decline and it took us a year to get back. not a single one in these competitive races to beat democrats or take democrat seats, not a single candidate was out there defending the government shutdown. >> so they're not going to do it this time. >> look, there are ways to do this. but the idea of let's shut down the government unless the president agrees not to do the executive order, that didn't work last year with getting him to get rid of obamacare. they need to be a lot smarter and more agile this year. >> it's too bad the newly elected officials can't present something, be given the chance to present something as the american people have sent them there to do. >> starting january 4, something tells me they will be. >> all right. thank you very much. >> you bet. >> look who is over there doing headlines. >> there we go. >> great to see you. i've got news from overseas. we have dramatic new video coming in this morning and it reportedly shows the moment after malaysian airline flight mh 17 was shot down in eastern ukraine. you can see a massive black cloud rising from the crash site as shocked residents run to try to help with buckets of water. 298 people were killed when the plane that was leaving amsterdam was shot down by pro-russian rebels. you already paid for the roads, but now you'll pay for illegal immigrants to drive on them. starting in january, california is expanding its dmv weekend hours to accommodate the 1 1/2 million illegal immigrants who are expected to apply for driver's licenses in 2015. that means a bigger staff, more paperwork, and a lot more waiting in line. the price tag to give illegals who want those licenses is estimated to top $141 million. and caught on camera, a home burglar learns not to mess with a veteran. surveillance individual know she's the veteran trying to take the man down. he was trying to rob him. he managed to keep him there until police arrived. the seattle homeowner says the crook broke into his home a few days earlier, so he installed cameras to catch him the next time. yeah, you tonight want to mess with a veteran. those are your headlines. >> the camera didn't do that. >> don't mess with the military is right. >> thanks. straight ahead, democrats and republicans working together to pass the keystone pipeline bill. but now president obama reportedly ready to veto that. maria bartiromo is here with the economic fallout that the american people might not like. and meet the ceo who really stands behind his product. he survived and he's here in our studio to tell the tale. >> we're not going to take a shot at him. >> no, absolutely not. two weeks later. look, credit karma-- are you talking to websites again? this website says "free credit scores." oh, credit karma! yeah it's actually free. look, you don't have to put in your credit card information. whew! credit karma. really. free. members of the house approving the keystone pipeline in a sweeping bipartisan vote and this week the senate is set to act on the pipeline as well. setting up a possible showdown with the white house. >> if keystone is passed, will president obama actually veto the bill? that's a big question. joining us now from our sister network, fox business, maria bartiromo. great to see you. >> good to see you. >> right now we're look at bipartisan support for this. i would imagine that everyone understands that there are benefits to this being passed money wise, what are we looking at? >> reporter: you would think this is the easy one. this is the low hanging fruit that would be one situation where the two sides could come together. but you know what? it's really not that easy when you listen to president obama and what he has to say over the weekend about this and where the oil is coming from, canada going through america, being sold to everybody else is the way he sold it, the way he talked about it yesterday. i think that the senate will pass it, but it looks likely now that the president will veto this bill. this is supposed to create 40,000 jobs, shovel ready jobs, as the president has said in the past, because these are jobs that people need skill sets to do. it's a higher salary because it's actually construction, getting the product from the ground. it's also you would think safer than carrying crude oil on rail car, which is what we're doing right now. and yet, now the question is open as far as whether this is actually going to pass. even though it's a major job creator. >> maybe the congress -- the house has voted on this kind of stuff a million times. maybe there will be such a super majority in the senate, it would be veto proof, because when you look at the public opinion of the keystone pipeline, about 60%, which would be that super majority, they favor only about a third opposed. 10% have never heard of the keystone pipeline, which is troubling. >> that is troubling. you're right. the people understand that this is a job creator. if there is anything that is the easy stuff to think about as far as creating jobs, it's the energy situation that we have in this country. and this amazing shale revolution that's happening. that, along with the keystone pipeline, is one of the reasons that oil prices are down, by the way, because people understand that there is enough oil and gas in the world. you've got to look at this as a global market. this is not just about the u.s. >> there are a million pipelines in the united states. if this was the first one and people were, i don't know about a pipeline, you look at the map, they're all over the place. >> it's a really good point. when you consider the fact that crude oil right now is being transported by rail car, an accident in terms of all of that oil falling is so much easier to think about than actual oil coming through a pipeline under the sea. >> you know who owns a lot of the trade? >> warren buffet. and you would have to believe warren buffet is telling obama, don't do this. obviously it will take his market share. >> with 60% of americans favoring this, you would think he would hear that. >> who does he listen to? warren or the people? >> we're talking about jobs this morning on opening bell on the "fox business" network because we're also going to go back to look at what is possible for immigration. if the president goes it alone and forces those 5 million people will not be deported, what does that mean for jobs in america? we're going to talk about that. >> that's the question this morning on the "fox business" network. >> don't miss it. you want to know where it is in your town? go to >> thanks, maria. up next, ceo who literally stands behind his product, he survives that shootout on the car. he's live in our studio. good morning to you. and first, hey, bill. >> hey. good morning to you. elisabeth, a wonderful welcome back to you. >> thank you, my friend. >> i missed you and to you and your family, it's great to see you. >> happy 50th to bill hemmer. >> is it your 50th? >> it was. >> happy birthday. >> thank you very much. nice to see the three of you. good morning. it happened again. another american beheaded. what will we do to stop this? breaking news on ebola we just mentioned. what will republicans do with the senate majority? rob portman will answer that next live. and what do you do and how do you win a war when the white house is controlling your every move? that is the claim now from the former secretary of defense. we'll have that for you when martha and i see you at the top of the hour the conference call. the ultimate arena for business. hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. the only problem with conference calls: eventually they have to end. unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. it lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. i've never felt so alive. get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. the ceo of an armored car company puts his life on the line to prove the reliability of his product. oh, man. that's what it looks like from the outside. inside, there he is. that's trent kimble, the ceo of texas armor, incorporation. he joins us live in the studio today. we saw that last week. we said he's not budging. that is obviously a mannequin. >> yeah. that's what a lot of people think. they think i'm a mannequin in there. i want to concentrate on not flinching, i think that's what i was just still. >> were you nervous? >> a little. but i have seen thousands of these tests over the years. not one penetration has ever happened. >> you know, when you went home and told your wife what you did at work that day, what did she say? >> yeah. made a point not to tell her before hand. it was something that i told myself no, we're not going to tell her. i'll just do it and then after she sees the finished product, she'll enjoy t. that's what happened. she was a little shocked. >> your daughter is in the green room. you're a father! you can't be having the employees shooting at you at work! >> that's right. i'm a father of seven children. >> oh, my goodness! look at that. i had no idea. ultimately, though, while this is quite a video presentation, it really is a great sales tool. if i was somebody who needed that kind of protection, i'd be thinking that's the guy i want to hire. >> that's what we're hoping to happen. that's one of the reasons why we created the video. we've done all kinds of tests before without humans hyped the glass -- behind the glass or in the vehicle. >> there at texas armory, who do you do those cars for? >> a lot of our clients are very wealthy politicians or just wealthy businessmen overseas, most of the time they go overseas. you have to have a commerce department license to have the vehicle. so our commerce department does license them. >> i would imagine. in that car that we're looking at that's getting the shots at, how thick is that glass? >> that's two inches thick. it's going to stop ak 47, 308 type weapons. >> and how much would it cost to armor up a vehicle like that? >> not including the price of the car, that's about an $85,000 job. >> but in some parts of the world, and you said your business is booming in west africa right now. >> that's correct. >> $85,000 is a small price to pay for being alive. >> that's right. that's right. they're worried about being kill or even kidnapped on the street for ransom. they get held for ransom. >> after that came out, millions of views, because people are thinking, nobody is that dumb to be behind the wheel, but it makes a good point. has it helped sales? >> it has. we received thousands of inquiries. it's really helping sales, yes. >> is your wife ever going to let do you that again? >> she said let's make it a one-time deal. >> she's a wise woman. trent kimble, the ceo of texas armory, incorporation. thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> more "fox & friends" works minutes from right now introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ fox news alert into the news room. the american surgeon infected with the ebola virus who was brought to the united states not long ago for treatment is dead. nebraska health officials confirming that dr. martin salia died as a result of advanced symptoms of the virus. he contracted ebola while working in west africa. his death now the second here on american soil. we have been told that he was not in good shape and now tragic end. >> the sickest patient that had come. maria, you've been manning the radar screens. what a lousy weekend weather wise. >> too cold. >> yeah. and that storm system still on the move. we have had some snow across parts of ohio. you can see on your screen. those are images out of that state. and other areas hit as well across portions of new england, the plains over the weekend, and now we're looking at arctic air moving eastward and highs in places like atlanta, in places like also raleigh, north carolina should only be in the 30s. by the way, feet of snow forecast across the great lakes. >> get out the long john. >> thank you. >> see you. bill: a whole new week and president obama ready to go on it alone on immigration. expected to grant amnesty with single stroke of the pen. but his own words are coming back to haunted him. why is that? welcome to america's newsroom. i feel good. martha: i'm glad, you look wonderful. i'm martha maccallum, glad to have everybody with us here. in 2006 president obama warned in "th


Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20141111 23:00:00

community cares about their postal service. we'll cover the story on friday. i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thanks so much. >> that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, while republicans complain about america's problems, the president gets to work with fixing them. you see it, everything from ebola to health care, to immigration and our veterans. today america is ebola-free. the last u.s. ebola patient was released from the hospital this morning. praising the government protocol that caught the disease early. >> i am a living example of how those protocols work, and of how early detection is critical to both surviving ebola and ensuring that it is not transmitted to others. >> despite weeks of fear mongering, we didn't hear much today from republicans about this. gee, if you didn't know any better, you'd think they only cared about ebola when it could help them win an election. also on this veterans day, we're seeing long-standing problems at the v.a. finally getting addressed. after president obama signed a historic bill to overhaul the department, taking aim at issues that date back decades. we've seen this pattern before. republicans grab headlines by freaking out about america's problems, but then skip town and leave the president to clean up the mess. he talked about his record on that this weekend. >> i have great confidence in the american people, and i have great confidence in this administration being able to work through and eventually solve problems. we've handled ebola well, but -- and folks aren't talking about it as much now, but there was a period of time where people were anxious. you'll recall just a year in office when there was a big hole in the middle of the gulf, spewing out oil. and we went through a month that was real tough. nobody talks about it now because we actually had a really effective response against the worst environmental disaster in american history. but when you solve the problem, sometimes the cameras have gone away. >> for years, republicans have used fear mongering and grit lock as a substitute for governing. and their agenda in the new congress doesn't look much better. politico reports republicans are planning to turn loretta lynch's hearing for attorney general into a political fight over immigration reform. and "the new york times" says they're vowing to gut the epa and climate-change rules. it's like some republicans in washington want to create more problems, rather than try to fix them. joining me now, former pennsylvania governor ed rendell and jamal simmons. thank you both for being here. >> thank you, rev. >> so, governor, it seems like the sky is always falling for republicans. is that how they're going to govern in the new congress too, through gridlock and fear mongering? >> we discussed this when i was on the show a couple days after the election, rev. if they do it, they'll pay the price for doing it. one of the oldest sayings is, be careful what you wish for. well, they're now in control, and the american people are watching to see whether they'll attempt to govern and get things done, or whether they'll do what they've done the last three, four years, try to do nothing but destroy the nomination. the lynch nomination is a perfect example. i remember, and it wasn't that many years ago, when we looked at supreme court nominees, cabinet nominees, we looked at them for their talent and ability, that was the only issue. talent, ability, and integrity. if we had that, whether we agree or disagree with them, we confirmed. anton scalia was confirmed by the senate, 100-0. ruth bader ginsburg was confirmed 97-3. that wasn't that long ago. and we've evolved into just a terrible, terrible state where the republican party wants to make everything a fight over the president. they don't want to govern. they want to fight, they want to destroy. if they do that for the next two years, i predict they'll get a terrible thumping in 2016. >> they're even talking about impeachment. yet another gop congressman is throwing the i word around, impeachment, over executive action the president might take on immigration. listen to this. >> i believe that he's trying to force the republicans into a fight that we don't need to get into right now, and that's the impeachment fight. >> so the president wants to be impeached? i mean, is that the new republican answer after years of inaction on immigration, jamal? >> you know, absolutely not, rev. the reality is, the president is keenly aware he has two years left to be in office. he knows who the people are who he got elected to take care of. he knows what he's trying to do for the country. he wants to use every day of those two years to get something done. if the congress is going to cooperate they'll work together and pull some things off. if not, he'll use the power that he has. like you, rev, i was out on election day, i met people who are out of work. that's what they were talking about, how can they get more income, more jobs, get their families back in shape? the republicans can play games all they want to, that's not going to help the american people. >> i noticed another pattern, governor, the right-wing pundits and politicians have described challenges confronting the president as his, quote, katrina. listen to this. >> what has been worse, the bush administration response to katrina, or the obama administration response to ebola? >> in your view, is the gulf spill obama's katrina is th? it could be. >> this is president obama's katrina. if he's down there with pictures of children in jail cells. >> ebola, the oil spill, the immigrant kids at the border, but then they get awfully quiet when these issues start getting resolved, governor. >> absolutely. and in fairness, rev, often the administration doesn't do a very good job at the beginning. we don't message very well at the beginning. but you're absolutely right, if you look at the three things that we talked about, the oil spill, there's been tremendous progress in the gulf, tremendous reparations for the financial damage that it was done, tremendous preventative measures put in place. ebola, as you said at the top of the show, we are ebola-free because of the protocols of the cdc and the administration. so you're absolutely right, when the problems are solved, they're nowhere to be seen. they don't give credit, they don't say, we were wrong. katrina was a disaster and it was a disaster for people. all of those crises that they talked about were resolved in a very positive way. >> you know, the president says, jamal, that the criticism and second-guessing from the right doesn't really bother him. listen to this. >> what is relevant, we have the chance to help that person every single day, and we do. and sometimes you're going to get fanfare for it, and sometimes you're not. but i still consider this the best job on earth, and i'm going to try to squeeze every last ounce of possibility and the ability to do good out of this job in these next two years. >> like you just said, he has two years left. it seemed like the president is more focused on getting things done than playing in the political theater that some of the pundits want to see. >> absolutely, rev. and as governor rendell just said, sometimes publicly they're a little slow off the mark, so we don't know what they're up to for a few days, that can get people frustrated. over time, we find out they put a good system in place, they handle the problems that need to get dealt with and they tend to solve the problems in ways that are good for the american people. what i'd like to see and the president mentioned in the other day in an interview, now he realizes, you can't just do the right thing. you can't just build the best operation. you've got to communicate to people what you're doing so they understand how important and how successful you are. so the more they do that, i think that will help embolden his truth. i'm not worried about the republicans. they'll hate as long as he's there. i care about making sure that the people who voted for the president, who support him, understand what he's up to, they feel emboldened and they know he's working on their behalf. >> governor, the house gop has refused to take up the senate immigration bill for the last 502 days. here are some of the president's achievements since that time. we can have different opinions, but we can't have different facts. 7.1 million people signed up for health care on the exchanges. 3.3 million private sector jobs have been added, and the stock market has continued to rise. the dow is up 17%. these are facts. >> there's no question about it. and again, facts that are conveniently ignored. i'll give you a perfect example. do you remember, rev, when the republicans went crazy because the obama administration wasn't dealing with isis, wasn't moving fast enough. then all of a sudden the president announces he had built a coalition that for the first time, had arab nations willing to fly missions with other muslims. no one thought that type of coalition could be put together. and since then, there hasn't been a peep from anybody. not a peep from anybody. >> that's very, very obvious what's going on. governor ed rendell and jamal simmons, i'm out of time. thank you for your time. >> thank you. coming up, reaction to our emotional interview with a man who says his life was saved by obamacare. what do republicans say to him as they push for repeal? also, a bombshell report on joan rivers' death has her daughter outraged. will there be criminal charges? and the model at the center of the plus-size controversy for calvin klein is now speaking out. >> i think that calvin klein has done something that's really ground-breaking, which is, they released this campaign with what some would say is a normal size model, size 10, i am a size 10. >> the debate is ahead. stay with us. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at "politicsnation" had a big social media reaction to our emotional interview last night with david tedrow, who says obama care saved his life. rodi wrote, good for him, good luck, david. tom posted, it has saved my life too. i would be dead if it wasn't for obamacare. roger wrote, thank you for speaking out. bless you, sir. coming up, more on why we need to put people over politics. yet the gop is ready to repeal the law. again. and please keep the comments coming on our facebook page, or tweet us, @politicsnation. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. why do i cook for the to share with family to carry on traditions to come together, even when we're apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious! since the midterm elections republicans have revived their crusade to repeal the affordable care act. now conservative groups are pressing mitch mcconnell to repeal the law with a budget move that would only require 51 votes, avoiding a democratic filibuster. president obama would immediately veto a repeal, but republicans still want to do it. and that's not all. senator marco rubio and congressman paul ryan are reportedly putting together the gop alternative to the health care law. that's right. paul ryan, who wanted to take an axe to the safety net, has his eye on health care. what could go wrong? but here's the thing republicans find so easy to ignore. the law is helping millions of people. real, hard-working americans, who otherwise would have gone without care. last night i spoke to one of those people. david tedrow's insurance company ended his plan while he was struggling with liver disease. he says obamacare saved his life, and he can't stand to see lawmakers using the law for political gain. >> well, it really saddens me, because obviously, you know, what's happened to the moral compass in this country? you know, we need to be concerned about people and their lives. and that's not happening. it doesn't seem to be important. >> we need to be concerned about all the davids across the country and forget about new gimmicky ways to repeal a law that's working. joining me now is jason johnson and michelle cottle, thank you both for being here. michelle, do republicans have any answer for people like david tedrow about what happens if they repeal obamacare? >> well, look, what they talk about is the same thing they've been talking about. they like to call obamacare a job killer. they like to talk about the people whose policies were canceled because they didn't meet the standards of obamacare. they are concerned about the successes of obamacare, because the more people that get signed up, the more successful it is, the harder it is to repeal. so, your interview on the show last night is exactly the kind of thing that makes them very nervous and makes them push even harder to repeal. >> you know, jason, i want to play another part of the interview that i did last night with david tedrow. he'd written a column in "the washington post" about his experience, and i asked him about the comments it received. listen to this. >> a lot of them have been very positive. a lot of them have really, really frightened me. again, it's back to, you know, where is the moral compass of this country. people have actually said i should have died. >> wow. >> -- that the money that went to save me should have been better spent. or should have reduced their taxes. and i'm just shocked by that. >> jason, what do you make of this ugliness? >> it doesn't surprise me. there's a segment in this country that hates anything remotely associated with barack obama. the man could cure cancer, clean the oceans and take care of your kids before dinner every night and people would still say he was an evil muslim communist dead set on destroying the country. but i think there's a key issue and you know this is somebody out there in the streets, talking to people every day. this is a problem. and the republicans didn't have a plan. they had the bush administration. they had the reagan administration, both to come up with a plan. obama has tried to do something to fix our health care crisis and the republicans never had an alternative plan, but they want to attack his. >> you know, michelle, "the new york times" reported this week that business leaders are pretty happy with republicans, but they don't want them to change the health care law. quote, for one thing, many of the insurance exchanges are finally working well. and businesses have adapted to the new landscape. even more important, added demand from the newly insured is likely to increase profits in sectors like hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. one banker even added, anything regarding the affordable care act is going to be a stretch. are republicans really going to do something that big business doesn't want, michelle? >> look, the republicans have to make a good show of this. a lot of them were elected by motivating the base with promises of repeal. i've talked to some republican lobbyists recently and they call this a show vote. they'll get up there, work to repeal, whatever games they want to do. and then it will come down to very targeted efforts to do things like reform the medical device tax, or kind of rifle shot very narrow issues. it's not going to be a case of getting rid of it wholesale. it's just not going to happen. >> but isn't that possibly, jason, going to backfire? a new estimate from the department of health and human services suggests between 9 to 9.9 million people will sign up on these exchanges by the end of this year. what do republicans say to these nine million people if they lose their health care? >> they're going to say too late, you already voted for us. because that's basically what they're gambling on here. they want to do this big show vote, as you said, and make president obama veto it. but i think privately, and even publicly, a lot of republicans out there in ohio, in kentucky, they don't want to see the affordable care act repealed. they don't want the supreme court to gut it next year, because they recognize that people, even though they don't necessarily like the name, people are enjoying the expanded medicare, enjoying the fact that pre-existing conditions aren't keeping them off. and this would be absolute chaos financially at a human rights level if this bill were to be repealed. >> this quote is really making the rounds, michelle, today. senator ted cruz said net neutrality, a policy he doesn't like, is obamacare for the internet. and cruz isn't the only one to use this phrase. mitch mcconnell once called dodd-frank obamacare for banks. and jack kingston said common care standards is obamacare for education. so obamacare has become shorthand for anything they don't like? >> i guess it's a switch from katrina. now it's everything is obamacare for x. this is the way the base gets riled up. obamacare has become something completely political, and the way to get people's -- hit their gut level reaction is to call something obamacare. but as you note, it's very popular with a lot of people. a lot of people are signing up on these exchanges. and the longer it is around, the harder it is to take that entitlement away from people. which is something ted cruz, to his credit, warned of last year when they were in the frenzy to keep this from happening. >> jason, when you see people like david tedrow, who we had on the show last night, who are being helped by this, people over politics will always outrun the clock? >> well, definitely. and what is key about his story, he is someone who did get dropped from his doctor and ended up with a better deal. and i think that's the other part of the story that's not being discussed. does the affordable care act work for everybody? no, it doesn't work for everybody. but the vast majority of people participating are getting a benefit from it. taking that benefit away is not going to help business. walmart is behind the affordable care act, because big business doesn't want to subsidize their employees anymore. the republicans just don't care, they just want to score points. jason johnson and michelle cottle, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> thank you, rev. still ahead, stunning new details about the death of joan rivers. killed by the same drug that killed michael jackson. it's in tonight's justice file. also the gop unveils a new plan to attack hillary and it's a doozy. stay with us. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. i make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. ugh... ...heartburn. did someone say burn? 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[ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagnaest. would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? >> it's time for the justice files. joining me now are lisa bloom, attorney and legal analyst for and trial attorney and legal analyst midwin charles. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we start with a bombshell report on joan rivers' death, and what happened inside that medical clinic. rivers went to yorkville endoscopy for a throat procedure when something went wrong. she stopped breathing, went into cardiac arrest and died a week later. a new report from the department of human health and services reveals big mistakes, everything from not getting joan's consent, to a doctor taking a cell phone photo that could have contributed to the mecomedian's death. quote, the physicians in charge of care of rivers failed to identify deteriorating vital signs and provide timely intervention during the procedures. lawyers for rivers' daughter melissa say she is, quote, outraged by the misconduct and mismanagement now shown to have occurred before, during, and after the procedure. yorkville endoscopy responded saying, in part, in response to the statement of deficiencies, yorkville's immediately submitted and implemented a plan of correction that addressed all issues raised. so what happens next? what might civil charges look like? and will we see criminal charges? lisa, let's start there. criminal charges? >> absolutely. i mean, this is really a scathing federal investigation report. you get the picture that joan rivers is lying there, losing her life, oxygen not going to her brain. a doctor is taking a cell phone picture of her, instead of doing what doctors are supposed to be doing, monitoring her vital signs, monitoring her medication. they didn't even get informed consent for all of the procedures that were performed on her. to me, this all adds up to gross negligence and i expect criminal justice charges would be forth coming. >> midwin, i see you nodding your head. lisa's right. in addition to criminal justice charges clearly there's going to be here, a civil lawsuit, a wrongful death lawsuit, which is usually when the person who is surviving steps into the shoes of the person who has died and sues for negligence. i think this is one of those classic cases. it's unfortunate, but this is a case that i can see is going to be successful. it's going to be very easy to prove that there was gross negligence here and proper protocol was not followed with respect to the care that joan rivers received. >> lisa, what kind of timeline would we be looking at for criminal charges? >> that's up to the prosecutor. sometimes prosecutors do the right thing. something they don't. here we have a beloved figure, joan rivers, who lost her life with clear negligence on the part of the medical professionals. if it was just one or two of these items, they might look the other way, but there's now a mountain of evidence indicating that this clinic really botched the job. so i would expect, i would hope the prosecutors behind closed doors are looking through all of the evidence and that charges would be coming soon. >> you know, midwin, lisa says a mountain of evidence. a mentioned some of the mistakes the clinic made from that report, including rivers did not give informed consent for all the procedures performed on her. rivers' personal doctor was allowed to perform a procedure on her, even though she didn't have privileges at the clinic. and the doctor performing the endoscopy took a cell phone photo of rivers while she was sedated. i mean, that doctor is no longer practicing in the clinic, but how will these issues factor into a civil suit, let's say? >> i think they would be very clear. joan rivers' patient rights were clearly violated here. whenever a patient goes under the knife, or undergoes any sort of procedure, that patient has the right to make the ultimate decision with respect to what exactly will the procedure be? you cannot go under the knife and then all of a sudden change the type of procedure that the patient thought they were going to get. nor can you sort of disrespect that patient while they are under and take photographs of that patient on the sort of whim that perhaps that's what she wanted. no, there must be informed consent and you don't have that here. so i think should there be a civil suit, that's one of the claims that they can put in the suit, in addition to wrongful death, a violation of her rights as a patient. >> you know, you were here last time, lisa. you mentioned -- you reminded me really of the michael jackson case, which also involved the propofol and the hhs investigation. you still stand by that after this report, i'm sure. >> isn't it sad that we've lost two major american celebrities to this medication propofol, allegedly being mishandled after they were sedated. after the michael jackson case and the huge trial, i would argue, if i were representing melissa rivers in this wrongful death cases and we do a lot of them in my law firm, this gives heightened knowledge to all medical professionals that propofol is a very dangerous substance, that you should at the minimum have an anesthesiologist on hand who knows what's going on. with an 81-year-old, this should have been done in a hospital. you just line up the medical standards and they failed to meet them. this is a strong case. let's go to a billion-dollar case. billion with a b. oil tycoon harold hamm is the ceo of continental resources and the country's 24th richest man, worth over $18 billion. and after 26 years of marriage, his wife filed for divorce, claiming he was cheating. they never signed a prenup and a judge ruled hamm must pay his ex-wife $995.5 million. her legal team is reportedly evaluating options. midwin, what do you think? did she deserve more money in the divorce? >> well, legally, a divorcing spouse is entitled to live the lifestyle they had while they were married. and i tell my clients this all the time. first of all, before you decide to get married, get a prenup. it's very, very difficult afterwards to sort of walk back and pedal. now the marital estate here is worth about $17 billion. okay, just let that sink in. $17 billion. so she's walking away with $995 million. it's my understanding that her attorneys actually wanted some of the shares of continental that he owns. he owns about 68% of continental shares. when this news broke out, the shares went down by 1.6%. but i think she's getting what the law requires. it seems like a lot of money for you and i, regular folk, but this is what the law requires -- >> the lifestyle -- >> -- when it comes to divorce law. >> because of the divorce law and the lifestyle, does it satisfy that? >> she should get half. it doesn't matter what the total number is. i'm going to disagree with my friend midwin on this one point. not everybody should have a prenup. the wealthy party should have a prenup. the other party doesn't want the prenup because it's going to hurt her -- and it's usually a her -- in the long run. if he made ten billion dollars in the course of a marriage, she should get half. marriage is a partnership. people with a supportive spouse at home, they do better in the workplace, they do better financially. he was an intelligent man, could have had a prenup. didn't have one. she's entitled to half. i say, give her half. >> lisa bloom and midwin charles, thank you both for your time. coming up, the republicans' new attack on hillary clinton. bill clinton weighs in on possibly be the first husband on the ellen show. and the calvin klein model at the center of that plus-size controversy speaks out. 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[ laughter ] >> former president clinton was on ellen's show today and she tried to find out from him. it was really funny, let me show you this. >> i do want to say something seriously, but i don't know what hillary's going to do. that's true. if i did, i wouldn't tell you, but i don't know. >> i'm just saying, if you only had one, if you could only -- i'm just -- if you could only pick one, because like i can't afford to give you both. >> if i pick that one, it would be best for the country. if i did that, then hillary would start taking me up to total strangers and saying, have you met my first husband? it's not a decision for me to make. >> he came back pretty good on that one. >> yeah. he's bill clinton. he's charming. he's always going to work the audience and work the crowd. i saw that interview today and i thought he was really funny. he knows the right answers to give. >> when he pointed and said, that would be best for the country. i'm just saying. >> yes. >> but i think ellen could have afforded two of those. >> she's hilarious. now to the plus-size model controversy that's trending online today. we told you last night how the new face of calvin klein perfectly fit campaign is sparking controversy. the model who is a size 10, referred to herself as a, quote, bigger girl, and it's led to a massive social media debate on body image, and whether she should be considered a plus-size model. today she spoke out on the "today" show. >> i think that calvin klein has done something that's really ground-breaking, which is, they released this campaign, with what some would say is a normal size model, a size 10, i am a size 10. and we don't -- size 10 girls, there's not a lot of spots for us to fit in in the fashion industry. and they released this campaign with me right alongside all of the other girls of varying shapes and sizes and didn't make a fuss about it. >> is this a ground-breaking move on the part of the fashion industry, or is it just lip service? >> i think that if calvin klein had promoted her as a plus-size model, perhaps it would be lip service because she would be the only person. but i don't understand why this is so controversial. they just hired her to be part of an ad campaign. they didn't say we're hiring you because you're larger. they hired her because they said they wanted to show, in this campaign, and what they were trying to promote the diversity of their clothing that people from all different shapes and sizes can wear it. isn't that what we want calvin klein to do? isn't that when we want other designers to do? >> you're the trend-setting expert. what does this mean? >> i love the term she used. i think he said she was in between a runway model and kind of in between being overweight. i think she looks amazing. this is a message to women of all sizes across the country. you don't have to be a size 2 to be high fashion. if you look around, curves are in right now. so she's the prototype of what's hot right now in my opinion. >> it's just a double-edged sword on -- >> you let him say curves are in? >> listen, listen. >> amen to that, as someone who is representing curves. but it's just so difficult, this particular story. it's a double-edge sword. on the one hand, it's great. calvin klein didn't make a big show. they just put her out, this is a model, this is a campaign and this is the way it is. this should be normal. the fact that the industry supports a size 10 size a quote, bigger girl, that's not the model's problem. it's an industry issue. i think that is a thing that doesn't go away. so well done, calvin klein, for putting out this model and not making a big fanfare of it. this needs to be the norm. and please don't attach a bigger label when we're putting out a beautiful woman. she's just a beautiful woman. >> and i always say, you should never strive to look like women in the magazines, because they don't look like that themselves with all the airbrushing and everything that happens. >> and by the way, i object, chris got the amen. [ laughter ] >> more ahead with our panel. if you won over $10 million in the lottery, would you keep plowing driveways? this man says yes. also, they fought for america. america needs to fight for them. on veterans day, honoring our troops with jobs and opportunity. the conference call. the ultimate arena for business. hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. the only problem with conference calls: eventually they have to end. unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. it lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. i've never felt so alive. get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. >> we're back with the panel, caroline, chris, and faith, what would you do if you won the lottery? meet the minnesota retiree who won $11.7 million in the lottery, but instead of blowing town to some tropical paradise, joe plans to continue plowing his neighbors' driveways this winter. something he'd promised to do before he hit the jackpot. >> it's been fine. we bought another house, bought a motor home. besides that, it's been a little difficult with trying to figure out what to do with the money. >> racked up on his chevy pickup, nearly $300,000. >> i bought it used. no, i'm not going to buy a new plow. >> chris, would you show up to work the next day? >> i'd be on the first plane to puerto rico or somewhere in the caribbean. let's be real. but i get where he's coming from. i'm from ohio, plowing snow is like a rite of passage, a sport amongst men. so i kind of get it, but i guess i don't get it. >> there are a lot of people who do their jobs, not for the money, but because they love what they do. he's obviously a very lucky individual, he won the lottery. so i would. >> what a wonderful man. such a community spirit. i love what he's doing. i also feel like, you can't really give up your job for $12 million. because in this day and age, apparently it doesn't go that far anymore. >> have an idea. if you have $12 million, why not hire somebody to plow the snow for you? >> he's not doing it for work. >> and i like that he's serving his community. community service before thanksgiving and the polar vortex. >> most lottery winner who is win millions of dollars go broke, because they don't know, they change everything about their lives, go broke, lose all the money. >> so this shows he's still level-headed and sober as well and proper handling of his finances. >> he said they purchased a home and motor home, they're made purchases, but this is someone who said, i like my life, i like what i do, and he wants to continue doing that. >> shouldn't money enhance the life you live, rather than change the life you live? >> i think so. but he can step up and buy a new truck and a new plow. >> if he doesn't know what to do with the money, he can call us and i can help him spend that money. >> thank you all for your time tonight. we'll be right back with the real way to honor our vets on this veterans day. stay with us. for lotus f1 team, the competitive edge is the cloud. powered by microsoft dynamics, azure, and office 365, the team can gain real time insights and instantly share information around the globe. when every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. this is the microsoft cloud. 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[ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® i make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. lot in returnealthy request. with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. >> we close tonight remembering our veterans and the need to fight for them when they come back home. today npr host michelle norris tweeted out this photo. showing black world war ii vets in birmingham, alabama, turned away as they tried to register to vote. they fought for freedom overseas, but were denied freedom back home. their plight highlighted a basic injustice in the country and led to change. now we're facing a new problem for vets from afghanistan and iraq, coming home to a crisis of opportunity. last year the average unemployment rate for these vets were 9%. nearly 2% higher than the jobless rate for non-veterans. this needs to change. the first lady talked about that when announcing a new jobs program for veterans. >> the fact that any of you are worrying about where your next paycheck is going to come from, or struggling to put food on the table, that should be appalling to all of us as americans. there are still far too many hurdles out there for our veterans, and we're going to keep working until each and every one of you has a job, and not just any job, but a good job. a job you can raise a family on. yeah. >> our vets need jobs, opportunity, and a fair shot, just like all americans across the country. there are ways to help. you can reach out to the groups on the screen, but we also need politicians in washington to fight for vets every day. not just on veterans day. in this very pollarized and partisan climate, there should be one thing we can all unite around as americans, and that's the support of our vets. we may not agree on all the


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160501 10:00:00

hi, friends. good morning, sunday the 1st of may, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. now to a fox news alert. trump supporters are screaming mad after another delegate grab by ted cruz. >> no, no, no! >> and now a lawsuit in the works. we teal you what happened -- we teal you what happened in one state. and president obama has been waiting all year for this moment. >> free press is central to our democracy and -- nah. i'm just kidding! you know i've got to talk about trump. >> just how far did he go at the white house correspondents' dinner last night and where was donald trump? we have the latest. stay tuned. besides the election it might be the biggest story of the year. kelly ripa takes a cheap shot at michael strahan. >> i want to get your take on it. because i don't have a take on it, but i want yours. so you have gotten divorced. >> this morning, there are major developments from behind the scenes. we have got team coverage. let's say kelly be watch her back. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> oh. ♪ ♪ ride my bicycle, my bicycle i want to ride my bicycle ♪ ♪ i want to ride my bicycle with yoga pants ♪ >> we've got them. >> yesterday, we had pancakes on the plaza. so today we have to bike. >> we're kicking off national bike month with the bicycle class. we'll learn how to do it properly. the craziness continues on "fox & friends." but we have outdone ourselves this morning. stay tuned for that. >> we have a big vats of coffee, but it's gone. all the cyclists. it's gone. so many yoga pants -- >> they ate every chocolate croissant this morning. just kidding. well, storms will continuing to wreak havoc on the southern plains. >> here it goes, oh, my. >> holy smokes. six people killed in texas after severe flooding including a great grandmother and four great grandchildren. the bad weather also affecting louisiana, forcing one of the world's most famous music festivals to cancel part of the program. however, organizers say it will go on today. rick reichmuth is here. >> i don't think it will go on either. here is louisiana, a lot of rain. think about it, we have been talking about this for months. all the flooding across parts of texas and louisiana. the big flooding we have on the mississippi river, the same spot getting it again. all of this broader system now bringing a lot of rain into the northeast. kind of a washout of a day, a good day to stay inside and catch up on netflix or something. we'll continue to watch moisture here across this southern stream here, across parts of texas. look at this future radar. this is where we're sitting right now. some of the thunderstorms are sitting and not moving anywhere at all. throughout the day today, when you see those reds that's a lot of rain. we'll deal with it until around 6:00 p.m. tomorrow before this is out of here. that means some spots are going to see maybe another five to eight inches of rain and i wouldn't be surprised to see a couple isolatereas that will see more than that. so the flooding concern across parts of the south, guys, today into tomorrow is very dangerous for a lot of people. >> you were warning us yesterday. thanks. >> you bet. on to a fox news alert as we start your headlines. police in los angeles and across the united states, looking for violent may day protests after horrific scenes played out last year. police officers and protesters clashing as demonstrators riot. anti-trump protesters smashed a cop car and left one of the supporters bloody in the face. more of the same possible this afternoon as thousands are planning an immigration rally in downtown l.a. to protest trump's controversial comments about muslims and also mexico. and another fox news alert apple agreeing to put its best tech experts on the case of the two missing boys who vanished last summer off the coast of florida. analysts will check for evidence on an iphone, hoping it can provide some answers about what went wrong when the boat capsized. the boat and also an iphone were recovered last month. both of the 14-year-olds were skilled boaters and they ran into bad weather before disappearing. also this morning a potential line of attack for republican candidate trump falling in his lap this morning. heidi cruz now saying her husband is an immigrant during a speech last night. well, ted cruz is an american citizen born in canada to a cuban father and a mother. she said since he's an immigrant it will help to unify the republican party. daniel berrigan, a peace activist has passed away. he burned the draft papers protesting the vietnam war. he was known for his poetry. he reportedly died in new york saturday. he was 94 years old. those are your headlines. all right. well, whether or not you like the president, where you come down on politics it's hard to i think that president obama is not a good comedian. i think he's timing up at the white house correspondents' dinners year after year shows up the past presidents. he goess right after the -- he goes right after the opponents. remember donald trump sitting in the audience and he went after him. he went after hillary clinton and last night he went after everyone. listen. >> it is an honor to be here at my last and perhaps the last white house correspondents' dinner. i do apologize. i know i was a little late tonight. i was running on cpt which stands for jokes that white people should make. this material works well i'm going to use it at goldman sachs next year. earn me some serious tubman. hillary once questioned whether i'd be ready for the 3:00 a.m. phone call. now i'm awake anyway because i have to go to the bathroom. bernie, you look like a million bucks or the put it in terms you'll understand, 37,000 donations of $10 each. i know you're distancing myself from you. that's not something you do your comrade. bernie's slogan feel the bern has caught the attention of young people. ted had a tough week. he went to indiana. hoosier country. stood on a basketball court. and called the hoop a basketball ring. what else is in his lexicon? baseball sticks? football hats? but sure, i'm the foreign one. you know i've got to talk about trump. you have a roomful of reporters, celebrities, cameras. and he says no. is this dinner too tacky for the donald? he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world. ms. sweden. ms. argentina. ms. azerbaijan. that's one area where donald's experience count invaluable, that's closing guantanamo. he knows a thing or two about running water front properties into the ground. >> obama out. >> there it was. the white house correspondents' dinner. for where a city that loves itself celebrates itself and the white house press corps get together with the president and lots of famous people from los angeles. larry wilmer? >> yeah, his jokes weren't funny. whoever wrote president obama's jokes he was good. >> and don lemon, he flipped him the bird. >> we see the comedians go on after obama and they flop. he's going after opponents. >> look, i mean, part of the difference is the comedians are out of place. they don't understand washington or know anything about politics. they're not willing to really put a hard edge on its. obama has a mean undercurrent. in the last few years there's score settling going on, but it's real. >> because he owns the microphone for the whole night. they have to look diminutive. >> certainly a dig at hillary clinton, when he said i was running on cpt, which is colored people time. he says but it was actually standing for jokes that white people should not make and of course hillary clinton had put that out there a couple of weeks ago. was under fire for that. then yesterday, we brought you the story about her saying that she's dealt with men going off the reservation and take a listen to this. because it's under fire this morning. >> remember, i -- i had a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation and the way they behave and how they speak. i'm not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me. >> two racial slurs in a couple of weeks. >> did you hear the racism in that? actually, i didn't. but nina turner did, a former member of a pro clinton super pac, a hillary fan and she calls her out for being a bigot. >> as a historian i would caution any of us in this country to talk about anybody being off the reservation. let us not forget that the colonists stole the land from our native american brothers and sisters and the government put them on reservation. so they have to be careful. >> it means that the revolution consumes itself. once you start the political correctness thing it will come back and bite you and that's what's happening. >> you predict this yesterday. >> well, actually it was a story, i had seen it. >> it's possible to believe this idea. >> okay, you're going to hear from some liberals who are going to complain about making that comment. overnight this develops and here we have -- >> damage control. >> damage control, because hillary clinton asked her national political aide amanda renteria to post this on social media. divisive language has no place in our politics. hillary clinton meant no disrespect to native americans. >> this is trail of tears for hillary clinton. the sge vice -- divisive language, it was stupid, along gender men. off the reservation. hillary clinton didn't mean anything bigoted by it. spare me. >> hillary clinton said, look, republicans have their big tent. we have our big tepee. she didn't say that. there's a whole "seinfeld" episode -- it's ridiculous. coming up, 12 minutes after the hour, a fox news alert. breaking overnight, trump supporters outraged after another huge delegate grab by senator ted cruz. now there may be a lawsuit in the works, but is it too little too late? a live report from washington, next. then a mother and daughter found alive after four days lost in the wilderness. a wonderful story. how a sign made out of sticks saved their lives. and on the anniversary of osama bin laden's death, an exclusive interview with the navy s.e.a.l. who shot him in the face. and the man who broke the news to the entire country. so or a man of adventure.e. or a man of culture who's out for adventure. you know when to hit the scene... or get far away from it. because it's all about striking... the perfect form. beat yesterday with fenix 3 hr. from garmin. oudairy or artificial flavors., so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. hey, baby, make it your first word! (baby babble) not even close. reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! our vitamins contain no gluten, dairy or artificial flavors. so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. to help spread the word, we made t-shirts! reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! well to the campaign trail this morning where a desert storm is erupting over arizona's convention. watch this. trump is threatening a lawsuit over the so-called rigged voting system. >> garrett tenney is live in washington, d.c. to tell us why. good morning. >> reporter: tucker and clayton and anna, good morning. trump supporters called this another case of back room politics. back in march he won nearly half of the state conventions, but yesterday, only a handful of the 55 delegates selected to attend the national convention are actual trump supporters. instead like we have seen in several other states a majority of the delegates selected are supporters of ted cruz. who's been lining up delegates that will vote for him if what's a contested convention. trump supporters were furious after the results were announced. and they're now threatening to file a lawsuit. >> we will be filing a lawsuit. there's some sort of collusion between the cruz and kasich campaigns. our slate button was checked more than any other. and yet, our people are not getting in. our people that we submitted in many cases, the names were not showing up. so we are very unhappy. >> and by state law t 55 delegates are bound to vote for trial on the first ballot. if he doesn't secure the nomination by reaching 1,237 those delegates from arizona can vote for any candidate on the second ballot. which is now what ted cruz is banking on. >> we are all in. we are going to be competing for all 172 delegates in california and all 53 congressional districts. it is going to be a battle on the ground. district by district by district. >> donald trump the prevent that from happening by winning in indiana and then he clears the path to reach the 1,237 delegates needs to clinch the nomination. back to you all. >> the cruz campaign said trump is whining. they have been working on this for weeks. it's the pattern, they have been laying the groundwork for a number of weeks. >> it is happening not only in arizona but a bunch of other states. i think the same thing happened yesterday. >> it did. now, these are the percentages of what happened for the actual vote. that's in virginia. but senator cruz secured 10 of the 13 delegates we are told. let's look at missouri. donald trump did well there too. he had 40.9% of the vote there. but senator cruz has secured 18 of 24 delegates there. >> so we'll get a lot of e-mails about this, saying those are the rules, those are the rules. you know, don't whine about it. i get that, those are the rules and everyone knew. fine. but why are we defending the rules? if the candidate get wins the vote, why is it a good idea to award somebody else the majority of the delegates? i would like to know the answer to that. >> the cruz campaign said these are the rule of course as you point out. since the fall they have been meeting with these at large delegates at dinners, taking them out and talking with them. >> what's the point? >> so that at the convention he can lock up on the second ballot. >> but what's the point of the rules? to ignore voters. it's inherently undemocratic and infuriating to people. this is one of the reasons that trump is winning by the way. a lot of people are voting for trump, they don't like him or agree with him, but they're voting for him because they're mad about stuff like this. >> and it can be moot on tuesday. he could win 1,237 and then the second ballot the whole thing would fall apart. so more on that throughout the show. this weekend ads like this are saturating the airwaves in the make or state break of indiana. >> neither trump or hillary clinton will fight the system because they are the system. ted cruz is a conservative. >> so which ads are working and which ones are flops? lee carter with what could be the deciding factor in this week's race. then election aside, it might be the biggest story of the year and one of our favorites. kelly ripa rips into michael strahan. >> i want to get your take on it because i don't have a take on it. but i want yours. so you have gotten divorced. >> whoa. this morning, kelly better watch her back. details ahead. you're here to buy a car. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. incredible bladder prthat lets from always discreeyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it. we're so confident you'll love it, we'll give you double your money back if you don't. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that's always discreet. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing thank you! thank you! what a week! we sat down, we kicked back, and we watched tv! [ cheering ] this win is just the beginning! it doesn't end here. because your laundry can wait! keep those sweatpants on! order another pizza! and watch on! [ cheering ] don't wait a whole year for xfinity watchathon week to return. upgrade now to add the premium channel of your choice so you can keep watching. call or go online today. 24 minutes after the hour. new york city reborn with the completion of the beautiful one world trade center in 2014. the skyscraper replacing the twin towers in manhattan which came down during the september 11th attacks. >> and today marks five year sense our u.s. they -- since our u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s tracked down and kill osama bin laden. >> looking back, no one knew how long it would take or how far he'd go to give those victims and families the justice they deserved. >> the second plane flew into the second tower of the world trade center. some of the key suspects come to mind. osama bin laden. >> all fingers are pointing to osama bin laden. >> osama bin laden or some other cell similar to it. >> some are calling this a 21st century pearl harbor attack or worse. >> osama bin laden is the target. >> i can hear you and the rest of the world hears you and the people -- [ applause ] >> and the people who knocked the buildings down will hear all of us soon. >> who might be capable of coordinating this? >> osama bin laden. >> osama bin laden is at the top of the list. >> the bush administration said there's no question he's the prime suspect. >> i don't care, dead or alive. either way. but we're going to get him. >> a faceless coward. >> the pentagon is offering a $25 million reward. >> the bounty is already some $25 million. >> we have large rewards out. >> search for osama bin laden continues, reports that the u.s. is not really planning a search by special forces. >> new audio out believed to be by osama bin laden. >> he'll slip across the border. >> he's between pakistan and afghanistan. >> he's become a mythic year. >> almost a whole year since the 9/11 attacks. still no trace of him. >> he did make it across the border. >> he's injured in the torah bora situation. >> playing a cell game. >> 30 mile square area. >> the latest tape, video showing a younger bin laden walking down a mountain. enemies of osama bin laden around the world greatly encouraged by the arrest of khalid sheik mohammed, the chief operating officer of al qaeda. >> the problem is this is a dark side of the moon and they're brutal. that entire region is made up of murderers, cut throats, drug runner, extortionists. that's where bin laden has the strongest allies. >> we have to keep him alive. >> the white house is looking to double the bounty on his head from 25 to $45 million. >> will the lure of 50 million bucks net bin laden? >> we're getting 16 tips a day on bin had. >> osama bin laden, there are reports that he has died. >> there's report out that says bin laden is in bad health. >> the ever exclusive osama bin laden showing them running the camps. >> we are a superpower. you'd think we'd have the resources to go in there and kick some butt and get the guy. >> where is osama bin laden? for all we know he could be in las vegas next to elvis. >> they murdered 3,000 americans. we will kill bin laden. >> we must take out osama bin laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights. >> this is a fox news alert. bin laden is dead. >> may 1st. the day that his life came to an end. >> bin laden shot dead inside pakistan. >> confirmed, urgent, confirmed, bin laden is dead. >> osama bin laden is dead. >> multiple sources, osama bin laden is dead. >> and the day that he found out that the story about the 72 virgins waiting for him on the other side was bunk is dead. >> the world's most wanted man. >> bin laden. >> osama bin laden. >> the leader of al qaeda. >> shot in pakistan. >> shot in the face. >> he's dead. >> the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. we can say to those families who have lost loved ones in al qaeda's terror justice has been done. >> and the man in that compound who pulled the trigger looked osama bin laden in the eyes before pulling the trigger. and he's going to be an exclusive interview with us, rob o'neill and geraldo will be here as the man who break the news to the world. osama bin laden's, the most wanted man, dead. >> we all remember where we were on september 11th. i think we all remember where we were when we heard that osama bin laden is dead also. we were just watching that fox news alert, seeing geraldo report it again, you get chills. >> it was great. i was out of the country and thinking, i can't wait to get back. >> what was the response overseas? >> it was great, actually. i was in europe, which you think is anti-american, but i think everyone was impressed. that the united states did that. >> so rob o'neill, geraldo rivera will be joining us later in the show. coming up here, a football star's death shocked the sports community and now his doctor can be facing criminal charges. details straight ahead. and then ted cruz and carly fiorina taking to airwaves in the state of indiana. >> he's tested, trusted and ready to lead. i'm honored to join ted cruz as his running mate. >> i'm ted cruz. >> and i'm carly fiorina. >> we approve this message. >> the last stand for the cruz and the fiorina campaign. will it be enough on tuesday? lee carter has a breakdown of which ads are breaking and which aren't. go ahead... leave the competition behind. lexus gs 350 and 200 turbo. there's no going back. went up the waterspout. down came the rain... ...and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. al sharpton was here tonight. you know, i'm surprised al is a hillary supporter. you know, you don't relax your hair for 40 years and not feel the bern. >> senator sanders is here tonight. which i'm surprised, you never come to these things. he usually goes to the white house correspondents' early bird dinner. hey, i appreciate it. keeping that applause going all the way. >> there's larry wilmer. >> and the internet went nuts over bernie sanders not wearing a tuxedo. >> he's a man of the people. >> he couldn't rent one? >> he's got one suit. >> everybody loves bernie. >> it's insensitive when wall street is destroying america for to criticize bernie sanders for watt wearing a tuxedo. to look like one of the overlords crushing this country. >> my dog baxter wore a tuxedo to my wedding. >> you looked great. >> we'll show you more of the white house correspondents' dinner. who did better? obama or larry wilmer? >> i think he used a bad word. >> al sharpton is not impressed. >> we'll talk to geraldo about that. coming up, some stories in headlines. a story of survival, a north carolina woman and her daughter rescued. she was visiting her daughter in new zealand and they went hiking and they never checked into their hotel, so search crews were sent looking for them. they were saved thanks to this makeshift help sign they made of trees and shrubs which rescue crews spotted in the air. they rationed food and huddled together for warmth. junior seau is facing charges. junior committed suicide while on drugs given to his doctors. the doctor said he was unaware of him suffering from depression. and there was a fiery exchange at a taco shop that got the manager canned. former arizona taco manager going off on a customer that filmed the whole thing. take a look and cringe with me. >> this guy right here, he just called me a [ bleep ]. because you'd still be [ bleep ] -- my dad is a [ bleep ] owner. good luck with that. where are you going to post it? youtube, nobody will see it. >> well, you're seeing about it. they argued about missing sauce packets for three minutes before the customer drives off. the restaurant chain calls it appalling. and two can play this game. michael strahan is plotting revenge to get back at kelly ripa for this unscripted divorce dig. >> there's a great article in the paper, i want to get your take on it, because i don't have a take on it. so i want yours. so you have gotten divorced. anybody here like gotten divorced? anybody? some people, you have. okay. >> sensitive subject. well, strahan has two weeks left on the show before he transfers over to "good morning america." sources say he's not letting that dig go without hitting back. what are the sources though? >> we'll see. who knows? i bet they're loving this for the ratings. people want to tune in to see what the heck will happen between the two of them. rick reichmuth set it on the tivo. what are you doing outside? >> well, you have the bikes out there. one of them pointed out it will rain today. i'm right between the tents. that's where all the bikes are. don't get in these spots because you'll get rained on. let's talk weather. maybe you're watching on the treadmill. if anna wasn't working, i guarantee that's how she'd be watching us. we will see warmer temperatures and today across the northeast into the mid-atlantic. pretty much a washout. i won't rain all day, but pretty much all day and all night and into tomorrow morning as well. down across the far south, get ready for more flooding especially across the i-10 corridor towards louisiana and into the northern plains, remaining showers. all right. tucker, send it to you inside. >> oh, rick, you look great. >> thank you. thank you. well, to politics now as the race for the hoosier state, that's indiana, heats up. the anti-trump movement is spending millions and millions on television ads to take him down. but will it pay off? pollster lee carter joins us now, to put the latest to the dial test and tell us how trump is doing in the face of it. great to see you. >> great to see you. >> what are they putting up against him? >> a lot of money and interesting ads we will see right now. the first one, let's take a look at the carly fiorina ad, jobs, freedom and wbr id "wbr24040" security. jobs, freedom, security. they feel out of reach because corrupt politicians have sold us out to the insiders. neither hillary clinton or donald trump will fight the system because they are the system. the ruz is a conservative. constitution who's taken on washington and won. he's tested, trusted and ready to lead. i'm honored to join ted cruz as his running mate. i'm ted cruz. wbr id "wbr24340" i'm fiorina. we approve this message. did it work? what grade? a "c" overall. i liked the pivot he's made from constitutional conservative to jobs, freedom and security because jobs and security are the top issues to the voters. he's made this pivot since wisconsin, but he's saying we're the real insiders and trump is /b the outsider, wbr id "wbr24609" everybody knows that trump is the real outsider here. it doesn't work. next scam, this is by the our principles pact. reports are that trump lured students with seminars and then trump touted his so-called professors. he's are all people that are hand picked by me. the truth about trump university -- donald trump made millions. while hard working americans got scammed. donald trump belongs in 3:00 a.m. infomercials, not here. learn more at trump our principles pact is responsible up. i kind of like that, seemed very specific. what did you think? most people will tell you they hate attack ads but i give this a b-plus. this one in particular is effective because it goes at the core of what people like about trump, he's a successful business man. they say he's preys on americans, so it puts into /b people's minds about whether or wbr id "wbr25224" not wbr id "wbr25229" he would be a good president. so the donald trump campaign has their own ad. it includes donald trump jr. many people think of my father as a tough guy and he is. we had to know what we were talking about before we brought him a proposal, but it's that toughness that i want renegotiating trade deals with china and mexico wbr id "wbr25524" and keeping me and my family and your family safe. my father will make an incredible president. his kids are articulate. amazing spokes people for him. people gave this an "a." this shows a side of trump they didn't expect more. very, very effective ad for donald trump. you told me two years that trump had impressive children, i /b wouldn't have believed it. and the hillary clinton e-mail scandal. and should all women have to serve in the army? republicans are pushing the draft. a good idea? our panel weighs in next. if you're running a business, legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e*trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the... get off the computer traitor! i won't. 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the house armed services committee has voted yes and now the bill is headed to the house floor. so is that a good idea? we'll bring if our panel now. joining us is a president of the concerned woman for america. and an author. morgan ortegas is the national cochair of the maverick pac and u.s. naval reserve officer amber smith. a former helicopter pilot. good morning. quite the panel this morning. >> good morning. >> well, thanks for joining us, ladies. you think this is a good or a bad idea, penny? >> it's a bad idea. it's one thing if you choose it, another thing to force the women to do it against their will. by the way, anna, this is a republican messup, they have to fix it. >> amber, you're on the other side of the coin. what do you say? >> no, i think that it's the reality of a decision that was made by a secretary of defense, ash carter, in 2013 prior to him lifting that restriction to allow women to try out for the special operations roles. the selective service was a male only obligation. in 1981 found that supreme court found that selective service requirement was constitutional because that women were prohibited from serving in those combat roles. there was a 1994 review that found the same results. and now that that role has been -- or that restriction has been lifted, it now is essential giving special treatment to women which women in the military do not want and so it's basically what we're talking about when it comes to equality. it means all the way across the board if women are allowed to try out for these positions, they have to sign up for the selective service as well. >> i guess you're saying you can't pick and choose when you want equality and when you don't. morgan, you're a bit on the fence. why? >> i'm not really on the fence. i think we're conflating two issues. no one has been drafted since 1973. and that's actually a bipartisan commission in the senate that's being formed to look at totally redoing the draft which i think is important. if we were to enter a world war iii apocalypse, we need to call our men and women up. there's plenty of roles in the military, intelligence, support, many ed cal. there's plenty of ways that men and women in that world war iii type scenario could serve our country and it doesn't have to be in the quote/unquote combat role. >> when our guest said you can't pick and choose equality, what do you say to that? >> we can be for equality but not lose common sense in this. you know, the years that women -- 18 to 25 are peak child bearing years. and let's remember in world war i and ii the important women -- important work women did at home. someone has to keep the home fires burning. remember the greatest generation went to work in factories and did important work at home. let me just say one last thing. only 15% of women that are in the military, of all of the people in the military, 15% are women. women don't generally choose that. let's do what they want, not force them against their will. >> thanks for the spirited debate this morning. >> thank you. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. the latest on the breaking news that the trump campaign is going to sue the ted cruz campaign. and a new movie hitting the theaters. >> mother's day, i start thinking about how i haven't talked to mom. >> you haven't aged that much. >> thank you. >> that much. is "mother's day" worth your money? kevin mccarthy's review and interview with jennifer aniston and jason is a dike us. om new yk to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. just listen, go to school without any underwear. >> it's called free balling, mom. >> well, it's mother's day right around the corner and director garry marshall's newest film could be the perfect way to celebrate with the whole family, but will the star studded movie rise to the occasion? >> joining us with his review is founder of, kevin mccarthy. we'll talk about this first and then talk about "captain america civil war." >> good morning. the short answer to your question, anna, no, the movie is awful. skip it altogether. >> looked pretty good. with the previews -- in the trailer. >> i love garry marshall, i loved "pretty woman" and "mork and mindy." but i think the writing is bad, the editing is bad. the performances are fine. i mean, the cast -- i mean, it's a big cast, right? and julia roberts' wig is the worst i have everyone seen in a movie. i gave it a 1.5 out of 5. skip it altogether. i'm very surprised this entire cast ended up in. >> watch the jennifer aniston part. >> you can't review -- you're not allowed to review "captain america civil war" yet because it's under embargo, but i'm hearing this is marvel's best movie ever. you got to sit down with the cast. >> the movie is amazing. i'll be reviewing it this coming thursday. i'm wearing a captain america tie bar right now. i sat down with chris evans and clayton, dude, we saw that moment when they're passing the shield back and forth while fighting iron man. that blew my mouth. i talked to chris evans about how they did that shot exactly. watch this. it's awesome. >> congratulations. i have been reading month -- been waiting months to ask this question. when you and buck are passing the shield back and forth, how are you filming that? >> it's cgi. too impossible to try to navigate actual throws like that and get the shot that you need. that's the tricky part of the shield in general. you know, sometimes you have the full real heavy shield. sometimes you have the foam shield. if you have to hit somebody in the face and somebody there's no shield when you have to do acrobatic things with it. during that one, it was a lot of miming. really tricky to go back and watch play back. maybe i threw too soon and he caught too late. or -- >> oh, wow. >> you have to make sure even in your miming of the exchange that the timing is still there. that was one of the trickiest scenes in the movie. >> it's mainzing scene and the movie opens up thursday. we got to talk about it on text message, i can't wait to nerd out with you about it. >> so amazing. >> i can't wait. >> we are up against a hard break. >> come back on thursday with the actual review. >> and he's going on the date night with a wifey. call him the comedian in chief. president obama takes on the donald at the white house correspondentants dinner. >> you have celebrities and cameras and he says no. is this dinner too tacky for the don't ald? ald? feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. we built our factories here because of a huge natural resource. not the land. the water. or power sources. it's the people. american workers. they build world-class products. and that builds communities. and a better future. for all of us. because making something in america means so much, to so many. weathertech. proudly made in america. if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. all john deere compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. but not just walk.alk. speed walk. or you like to bike. in place. next to these strangers. or you want to know your heart rate. when you're doing this steady... this. and a little bit of this. which means you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivosmart hr from garmin. hi, friends. good morning. sunday the 1st of may, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. trump supports screaming mad after another delegate grab by senator ted cruz. >> no, no, no! no, no! >> well, now there are rumors there could be a lawsuit in the works. the breaking news from overnight. and president obama's been waiting all year for this moment. >> free press is central to our democracy and -- nah. i'm just kidding! you know i've got to talk about trump. >> he's just kidding. how far did he go last night at the white house correspondents' dinner and where was donald trump? not in the house. we have the latest. one of the scariest crashes you will ever see. >> oh, boy. wow. oh, hang on there. sidney freegal into the wall. top end. over and over. a wild one there. >> the most incredible part -- the driver was able to walk away. "fox & friends," hour two, starts right now. ♪ >> my favorite month of the year. >> oh, turning up the music, turning up the heat and clayton is excited about the yoga pants today. >> yoga pants and national bike month. they go together like peanut butter and jelly. jack lalanne is gone, but his spirit continues here on "fox & friends." >> we have the 50 stationery bikes outside. the ladies and the gentlemen out there, they're getting a full body workout. it's not just for your legs any more. >> we tap back as we say in cycling. >> do you want to do the square with me? >> what is tap back? >> you do, one, two, one, two. >> i like it though. it's fun. >> i thought you were joking. >> no, my wife is an enthusiast. >> so we'll get tucker out there. >> we'll try it as well. >> what is it called? >> cycle bar i think. is that correct? >> they were kind enough to get all the bikes here. >> wait until you see this. on to a fox news alert. a desert storm is erupting over arizona's gop convention. >> no! >> well, now trump's campaign is threatening a lawsuit over the so-called rigged voting system. >> garrett tenney is here in washington to explain what's going on. >> reporter: good morning. trump's supporters say they got cheated and ted cruz's supporters say it's solid strategy and grass roots act upvism paying off. back in march donald trump won nearly half of the vote in beating ted cruz by more than 22%. but yesterday at the state party convention, only a handful of the 55 delegates selected are actual trump supporters. nearly all of the rest are supporters of ted cruz. they were furious after the results were announced and are now threatening to file a lawsuit over the election. >> we will be filing a lawsuit. there's some sort of collusion between the cruz and kasich campaigns. our slate button was checked more than any other. and yet, our people are not getting in. our people that we submitted in many cases the names were not showing up. so we are very unhappy. >> reporter: now there were some technical glitches there, but the state party says that that wasn't the result here. they say really though all this this is it amounts to a strategic victory for ted cruz. by state law they're bound to vote for trump at the national convention on the first ballot. if he hasn't reached the 1,237 delegates needs to secure the nomination though, they can vote for whoever they want at the contested convention. which is why ted cruz has been working so hard across the country to have his supporters selected as delegates including coming up in california, the biggest prize in the entire primary. >> we are all in. we are going to be competing for all 172 delegates in california and all 53 congressional districts. it is going to be a battle on the ground. district by district by district. >> reporter: again, none of this will even matter if trump wins enough delegates to secure the nomination and he could be well on his way to doing that this tuesday in indiana. >> this could be moot on tuesday because it's winner take all in indiana, then it's over. he could move on the 1,237 delegate count. the second ballots, where these at large delegates are being wooed with dinner and wine, it could be moot. >> but it could spell trouble for trump, because he has no blueprint for a contested convention. senator cruz is working hard on this. and for picking a running mate and running a general election. and also in virginia and in missouri, let's look at the polls that came back, the primary results from march 1st. that happened in virginia. donald trump took 35% of the vote. yet, senator cruz got 10 of the 13 delegates there. then in missouri trump got 41% of the vote. but cruz yesterday got 18 of the 24 delegates. >> so you win the state, but lose the delegates. i know these are the rules and we're getting endless lectures about the rules and abraham lincoln did this in 1860, but why are we defending the rules? they're designed to disenfranchise the voters. but why are they good rules? what is the cost of defending this nonsense in public? it says to voters we don't care about you, we don't like you. is that good for the republican party long turn? no. why are people defending this? >> why are people just learning about this? >> yeah. >> let us know this morning, weigh in on the facebook page. do you agree with the rules? is there whining on both sides. >> by the way, people are voting for trump because they're so annoyed by these rules. i think. >> yeah. let us know. >> last night we stayed up late. we had to. >> going back to 1921 when just 50 people would gather in the room in washington, the white house press corps would meet with the president. it's a long held tradition. but perhaps no commander in chief has had a better timing of comedy, getting up in front of his opponents so to speak and going right after them than president obama. listen. >> it is an honor to be here at my last and perhaps the last white house correspondents' dinner. bernie, you look like a million bucks. or to put it in term you'll understand, you look like 35,000 donation of $27 each. i am hurt though, bernie, that you have been distancing yourself a little from me. that's just not something that you do to your comrade. you have to admit it though. hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for facebook. you know? dear america, did you get my poke? is it appearing on your wall? i'm not sure i'm using this right. love, aunt hillary. ted had a tough week. he went to indiana. hoosier country. stood on a basketball court and called the hoop a basketball ring. what else was in his lexicon? baseball sticks? football hats? but sure, i'm the foreign one. you know i've got to talk about trump. got a roomful of reporters, celebrities, cameras and he says no. is this dinner too tacky for the donald? in fairness, he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world. ms. sweden. ms. argentina. ms. azerbaijan. there's one area where donald's experience could be invaluable and that's closing guantanamo. because trump knows a thing or two about running water front properties into the ground. obama out. >> that was good. hey, he's got good timing. he is absolutely good at that. here's one of the differences, he's better than previous presidents, i agree with you. i have gone to these for 25 years. he's on the guy who has no self-deprecating humor at all. even clinton -- even during the height of monica and mock himself at that. bush was a master of that. his timing wasn't as good. >> there was one good about his age. >> right. >> going to the bathroom. >> there was that one about the bathroom, at 3:00 a.m. and how michelle never ages. let's look back at old pictures. >> yeah. >> she didn't. she looked beautiful. then the last one was him as a skeleton. >> pretty easy on himself i noticed. >> george bush used to make fun of himself a lot. rick reichmuth has deadly weather, and look at this. >> here goes the cover, oh, my. >> wow. six people killed in texas after severe flooding hit including this great grandmother and her great grandchildren. bad weather also affecting louisiana forcing one of the most famous music festivals to cancel part of the program. however, organizers say the event will go on today, although rick -- >> what do you think about that? stevie wonder and snoop dogg had to cancel their acts and several others. do you think it will go on today? >> i think you'll say we'll keep it going because you have so much economic activity going on with that, but hard to imagine up. this is what louisiana looks like right now. along interstate 10, there's heavy thunderstorms and in fact, they're severe and hail and we have strong winds with that one. now, this rain, take a look what happens over the next 12 to 24 hours, across parts of louisiana. incredible amount of rain is going to fall. i think we might see isolated spots and see more than that. certainly a big flooding concern across parts of the south. we'll see that as well. over across parts of the carolinas where we'll see maybe four to six inches of rain in some isolated spots. brought snow across colorado and now we're getting across parts of the east coast. very heavy rain, mid-atlantic, throughout the northeast. get ready for a washout. a day to catch up on your dvr. cold and dreary. >> unload your dvr, ever do that? >> i don't have one. >> i love -- >> netflix. >> all right. 11 minutes after the hour. on the fox news alert and the headlines we're following for you. police in los angeles an seattle, prepping for violent may day protests. last year, many clashed over workers' rights. some marches are turning to riots like this one outside a trump rally in california. trashing patrol cars and fighting supporters. thousands plan an immigration rally in downtown l.a. to protest trump's proposals. moments ago, the brussels airport opened for the first time. it received extensive damage in the attacks. the airport will be back at 100% capacity by the middle of next month. 32 people died in the attack at the airport and also the subway. and bill clinton scoffing at the criminal investigation of his wife hillary's handling of classified information when she was secretary of state, calling it a game. >> they said now we want to see your e-mail, fine, she said. they don't belong to me, they belong to the state department. so everyone is breathless about this. look, this is a game. >> well, that game involves thousands of seized e-mails from her unsecured private server including 22 deemed by the state department as top secret. those are your headlines. what's coming up? >> we saw a lot of big endorsements from bobby knight and carly fiorina,ly will they move the needle? we'll go to indiana. and civil rights groups are demanding a change to park rangers uniforms because they're quote, threatening to hispanics. according they like the i.c.e. uniforms. we'll bring you the latest. 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>> and carly fiorina and bobby knight made an impact with their endorsements? >> well, we are joined by the raid year show host who has his ear to the ground. so we put up a poll yesterday that was an outlier. boy, was it. it had cruz up around 16 points. here's the rcp average which is the aggregate of all the different polls. it's got trump up by twoish. what's the sense of where this race stands this morning? >> first of all, great to see. that two number, that 2.3 is the real clear politics average. you have three different polls. the one you're talking is from the mike down center out in ft. wayne. a reputable outfit, they have cruz up by 16. and then the other one has trump up by nine and clout has him up by two, a margin of error by five. that's indiana. this is a jump ball state. a state that hasn't made a decision yet and won't make the final decision until tuesday. this is the state that will go down to the wire. it will not be determined before hand. >> you mentioned a couple of basketball references. jump ball state. >> we love our rings here. >> we saw ted cruz talking about rings will that hurt him. and bobby knight threw his support to donald trump. is that going to decide it? >> not at all. bobby knight is a great endorsement. it's fun. bobby knight, you remember the good old days. then in the end you still have to wonder about how you'll get a job, what your taxes are and what you'll do about isis. bobby knight won't solve these problems. it's fun. it doesn't hurt. but it won't skip the scales. the carly fiorina conversation is a much different one. first of all, the idea that you're picking a vice presidential running mate, you're not anywhere near the nomination is peculiar and odd. we're taught about reagan and schweik schweiker. and he was closer at that moment. it is not going to put him over the top. i think cruz had the same basic chance he had before fiorina. but there are some people who will tell you that they were carly fans and now they have reason to vote for cruz when maybe they would have been that percentage that would have gone to kasich. so you're seeing a touch of that. but again, we're still jump ball. we're still waiting for tuesday to decide. >> all right. great, tony cats, thank you for your time. >> see you tuesday. you'll be up late. 20 minutes after the hour. we know the dangers of texting and driving. >> everyone loves the picture i posted of you. >> but when we come back, meet the two young men who came up with an idea to prevent their fellow teenagers from texting behind the wheel so incidents like that don't happen. and speaking of crashes, this one, terrifying but the driver of this car walked away. no texting involved here. if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you we've got some quick headlines for you. first up, this morning the parents of murdered aid worker kayla mueller calls out the white house. they're encouraging americans to let the government and the president do more than just talk. and the hunger strike in california is failing. the frisco five who are now on day ten of their fast are protesting what they call racist actions by the san francisco police department. police chief is still refusing to resign. he's ordered all officers finish an anti-harassment class of course within the next month. clayton? thanks, tucker. we know the dangers of texting and driving. >> mommy, i forgot my crystal bracelet. >> oh, that's okay. it will still be there when we get back. oh. everyone loves the picture i posted of you. >> horrifying. well, one in three adults have admitted to sending or receiving text or e-mails while driving and that is growing as more tech savvy teenagers hit the road. our next guests have an inspiring public address announcement they directed and edited. i'm joined by matthew post and john corpsileti. grand prize winners of the drive 365 challenge. nice to see you. let's look at the commercial that you shot. you guys directed this. shot it with a dslr and you edited it. >> right. >> you guys are 16 years old. >> did you know that beluga whales weigh two tons? >> the reason that matter is because it's the same weight of this. for example, if you were doing 40 miles an hour in a giant beluga whale, you would not take your hands off the wheel. you wouldn't be reaching for your cell phone and you would not be cranking the music as loud as possible. there's a lot of beluga whales on the road and they're pretty big. really big. like two tons big. you have a lot of responsibility driving something that big. so please, drive smart. do it for the whales. >> do it for the whales. and do it for the kids. great to see you guys. >> exactly. >> congratulations. you get to divide the $15,000 among ourselves from toyota. how did you come up with the ideas of the whales? >> when john and i took the driver's education class, it was crazy how casually people were talking about driving the giant me tall contractions. >> it was something we were in. >> it's not something we'd think about. >> yeah. it an an obscure idea. >> well, it's powerful. this idea that you're getting behind the wheel. your generation is growing up for text messaging. for my generation it invaded later. i think we have a big problem with it. what is it like to deal with it? 16 years old. you're on learner's permits right now. >> it's not easy. it's something we have at our side. something that is always constantly, you know, buzzing and being a distraction to us. >> are you turning them off when you get in the car? what is the response of your friends? >> my friends have talked about how enlightening this kind of comparison is. to keep it in perspective how much spochbts -- responsibility driving is. i would hope that all of my friends already turned off their phones when they got in the car. >> we hope. >> that's been the response from toyota? you won this big competition. >> they have been really happy. i mean, they're happy to have people to make videos that are extremely passionate about the topic and it's relevant to them. we're teens, we're under like constantly under the process of using our phones and things. >> and toyota and discovery have been great. great that they sponsored the teen drive 365 video challenge because teens are often the best people to talk to other people about this incredibly important issue. >> right. we don't want to hear from parents a lot. >> yeah. >> teens are saying, there's time to text, not now behind wheel. well, congratulations. how long do you get your license? >> hopefully by this summer. >> this summer is when we're getting them. >> what do your parents say about this? >> the video contest or my driving? >> well, both. >> they're two different things. >> how's your driving? >> my parents are more positive about this contest than my driving. >> well, great thing that you did. i love that you edited this and put it together. coming up here on the show, it was one of the most defining moments of george w. bush's presidency. watch. >> i can hear you. the rest of the world hears you. and the people -- and the people who knocked the buildings down will hear all of us soon. >> and this man delivered message. u.s. navy s.e.a.l. who shot osama bin laden in the face five years ago today joins us live. rob o'neill, for an exclusive interview. come on in. sfx: climbing sounds duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? 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>> next to us. the president said tonight i can announce to the american people and the world, the united states conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. i heard him osama bin laden. i looked at osama bin laden. i thought how in the world did i get here from butte, montana. >> well t world is a much safer place because of you and your comrades. for years you remained anonymous. you say this is -- this is one of the moments where you decided you were going to come forward and let america know who pulled the trigger and killed osama bin laden. let's watch. >> the devil was killed. >> i wanted to bring them closure. >> that was at the 9/11 museum. you hadn't released your name. you had some victims' families there. >> i had some friends that worked at the memorial museum. they asked if i would donate something and i donated the shirt, the one i wore into bin laden's bedroom. as part of it, i got a tour of the place before hand. i actually asked some my friend peter doocy to bring a camera crew to get footage of it for historic's sake. that was the first time i told this story in public and to see the reactions aed on the have family members -- and to tell family members say that was a closure, to have a face that says, yes, say him dead. >> let's get this straight. they were standing there and you said, i killed osama bin laden. >> no. there were families there. they wanted to hear a story. so i started to tell my story of why i was here, why the shirt was here. just to see the reaction. >> what kind of look came across their face? >> people would put their head in their hands. i could see everyone reliving the worst nightmare, the worst part of their lives. i kept going and going. i explained how i went into the room, he was standing three feet in front of me, he was a threat and i shot him. just to they i helped them -- there will be never be closure but i helped with the healing process. >> why do you think it's important for america to know you're the one who did this? >> it doesn't matter that i did it, but i'm the face of the team that did it. just the closure. tucker and i were talking earlier, especially now as time go on, conspiracy theorists. five shooters, jfk, we never landed on the moon, bin laden died of kidney failure which is nonsense. i hope more of the guys will tell their stories. there's 23 different stories to the mission. >> on twitter this morning you're getting some haters. >> of course. >> sure you really -- >> can you imagine that. >> he died of kidney failure long before you were ever there. why is that total garbage? >> it's total garbage because he never had kidney problems. he never had a dialysis machine. that's not something you tell them, he has a dialysis machine, hey, i saw the dialysis, the analyst can be like no, you didn't, he didn't have one. >> you sat on this couch, not did i know that was false. >> yeah. i want to link up the guys that said he died in 2001 of kidney failure with the guys who say he died to let them fight it out. the truth is in the middle. >> it's brilliant we made this up. >> we have smart men and women. the team who went in to kill bin laden is the end of it. there's a huge team behind it, everybody from intelligence to the people who flew us in there. all part of the american team that got us there. we're a lot smarter than the enemy. just a question of whether we want to take the gloves off and fight them. >> it's important that we record what actually happened. it's wonderful you came forward because it conclusively proves it happened. >> it happened. and the greatest team assembled followed by another great team behind us, brought in by the four greatest history of pilots. the intel it's historic. a lot of the people involved don't want credit for i. i have never seen a team assemble like that. >> rob o'neill, thank you. >> thanks for having me. 39 minutes after the hour. a story of survival. a north carolina mother and daughter being rescued after being lost for four days. carolyn lloyd was visiting her daughter rachel in new zealand. they went on a hike, but got caught in rugged terrain. when they checked into their -- when they never checked into their hotel, search crews were sent looking for them. ultimately they were saved thanks to this makeshift help sign they made of trees and shrubs. rescue crews were able to spot it from the air. the pair survived by rationing pea nuts and huddling together for warm. a heart stopping moment on a texas racetrack. >> oh, wow. sydney -- hang on there, sydney freegal into the wall. top end over and over. a wild one there. >> race car driver's corvette going airborne after slamming into the wall at the royal purple raceway. he only had a broken arm luckily. can you imagine? and park ranger uniforms are apparently threatening to some latinos. well, that's the word from civil rights groups pushing to change what park rangers wear. they say that the clothes look similar to border control uniforms and are asking for an executive order forcing government agencies to make changes that would be quote more inclusive. an unlikely pair in california. this dog and humming bird duo have become inseparable. the dog is named rex saved the bird after it fell from a tree. now that hummer is back in good health, they have left windows open so it can take off. but so far, the hummingbird is sticking by hid buddy's side. an odd couple. those are your headlines. >> thanks, anna. coming up, hillary clinton's attack on donald trump backfires. >> i have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation and the way they behave and how they speak. >> now even fellow democrats say that's a racist comment. details coming up. and who needs human workers, you and me, when it's more cheaper and efficient to employ robots? one major retailer making a big move to cut hue map beings from the work force. that's coming up. thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential bring your challenges ♪ i could get used to this. now you can, with the luxuriously transformed 2016 lexus es and es hybrid. ♪ ... i'm in vests and as a vested investor in vests, i invest with e*trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. welcome back. 44 minutes now past the hour. some quick headlines for you. want to be a mega millionaire by wednesday? go out and buy a powerball ticket. the jackpot as reached $348 million after weeks without a grand prize winner. and it's the future of minimum wage jobs. target in san francisco testing out this robot on store aisles to help manage inventory. the robot scans items to see if they have been misplaced, mispriced or understocked. tucker? hillary clinton under fire this morning for using what many professional victims on the left are calling a racist phrase. listen. >> i have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation and the way they behave and how they speak. >> the phrase off the reservation is drawing attacks from opponent, even some democrats for being offensive to american indians. and this is clinton's second gaffe in as many weeks. remember she was involved in the now famous cpt joke. joining us for the he action is the great molly hemingway from the federalist. great to see you. this is a trail of tears for hillary clinton. >> tucker this is a phrase that not just progressive activists but progressive media and mainstream media have declared completely off limits. they say it's racist and unacceptable to use and hillary clinton has used it. you see that democrats are speaking out against it. but i notice a subtle reaction from those on the left. i think it does speak to the hypocrisy of the politically correct left. that they -- that this is not about trying to get people to speak more civilly. but just about trying to control people's speech because they're not complaining that much about hill lie hilla hillary's use of this phrase. >> i'm fascinated by her response, which is to gravel and apologize. her campaign did in a statement. hillary clinton is disliked by people because she seems false and robotic. shouldn't she say, settle down, it was not meant to offend you, stop it, why wouldn't she say something like that? >> the fact she didn't personally apologize but had somebody on the campaign say it, suggests that she doesn't think it was a major problem. you're right though that this is the second racist incident she's had in a couple of weeks. what we would call racist on the right if someone on the right had made use of the color peo e people's time. >> i think it's hypocritical, but most reporters will vote for hillary clinton. so it's not surprising. shouldn't the people on the right say, you know what, we won't apply the same dumb orwellian standards to the left as the left applies to us, of course it wasn't racist, lighten up america. shouldn't conservatives say that? >> they should say that. also though that's why we see the double standard able to perpetuate. when someone on the right does someone, if you criticize president obama the media say you're motivated by nothing other than racism. not like you actually have a problem with his executive overreach or his foreign policy. and the left enables that. but when liberals make racial or race tinged statements, the right won't beat up on him or her and it enables the double standard to continue. >> i want to play a clip from nina turner. i want to play this because it will make you feel sorry for hillary clinton given that people like this are in charge of the standards and practices on the left. here she's is. >> as a historian, i would caution any of us in this country to talk about anyone being off the reservation. let us not forget the colonists stole the land from our native brothers and sisters and the government put them on the reservation, so we have to be careful with that type of language. >> you can't use the phrase because america itself is illegitimate. it shouldn't be a country in the first place. therefore, you can't use this phrase. that's what she's saying. >> it's not even -- what she said was not even that out of line from what you hear a lot of on the left from the speech controlled and these attempts to control what people can and can't say. it's a deeply anti-american ethos not only in that particular statement, but this attempt to control speech as well. >> interesting. so hillary clinton herself is off the reservation by the standards of the left. i for one applaud it. molly hemingway. great to see you. >> great to see you. coming up, michael bloomberg booed by liberals in college. wait, isn't he a liberal? he shows up and takes on political correctness on the college campus. wait until you hear the reaction. it's national bike month. we are going for a spin on the plaza. this is not a no spin zone, it's a spin zone. stay tuned. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. >> spin those records. this morning we're kicking off national bike month on the plaza with cycle bars. an indoor cycle studio putting a new spin on the spinning trend. good morning. how are you? >> i'm great. how are you? >> fantastic. you guys are certainly bringing the energy. we have, like, 50 bikes out here. tell me about the cycle bar and why your studio is different than other spin studios. >> we're different. we're a franchise company so we've got about 100 locations that will be opening by the end of 2016. another 100 next year. we have a state of the art theater. we e-mail our play list after every class to everybody that signs up and comes and takes class. >> i'm really into spin. you love a song and you're following your instructor around going what song is this? i have got to get this on my iphone. >> when you're done with class by the time you get off that class in your inbox will be the pl playlist. everything will be there. >> some think it's just for quads and hamstrings and glutes. it's a total body oworkout, why? >> we do pushups and we use this weighted bar. we do a lot of shoulders. we do a lot of biceps with these. we do chest presses. tiny moves. >> this is only probably a couple pounds, you certainly feel it by the end. >> in four to five minutes you feel the burn. that's what we're going for. a little workout. >> why is spinning such a good workout? how many calories can you burn? >> 450 calories a class. it's a great way to burn calories but more importantly the american heart association is very excited to be working with cycle bar on cycle nation, a way to promote cycling to reduce risk for heart disease and stroke. >> if people want more information about the american heart association and their pop-up events that you guys are doing, where can they go? >> go to >> you can go to for more information as well. we'll get on the bikes to see who can go the furthest the fastest. back to the studio. coming up, take a look at this flash flooding causing havoc across the south. >> dang. my gosh. >> holy smokes. and the storm threat is not over. latest at the top of the hour. and then remember the teen who carried his younger brother with cerebral palsy for 57 miles on his back. he just did something more amazing. stay tuned. so you like to walk. but not just walk. speed walk. or you like to bike. in place. next to these strangers. or you want to know your heart rate. when you're doing this steady... this. and a little bit of this. which means you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivosmart hr from garmin. the usaa car buying app iwas really helpful.aa all the information was laid out right there. it makes your life so much easier when you have to purchase a car, so i've been telling everybody. save on your next car with usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. hi, friends. good morning. top of the morning to you. it's sunday the 1st of may, 2016. trump supporters up in arms after another big delegate grab by senator ted cruz. there are rumors a lawsuit may be in the works. we'll tell you what happened in one state that may have a huge impact on the presidential race. president obama has been waiting all year for this. >> free press is central to our democracy and -- i'm just kidding. you know i've got to talk about trump. >> you knew he didn't mean it. now he admits it. we'll tell you what else he said at last night's white house correspondents dinner coming up. >> beside the election, it may be the biggest story of the whole year. kelly takes a cheap shot. >> so you have gotten divorced. >> this morning major developments from behind the scenes. let's just say kelly better watch her back. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ >> this video makes me want to cry. last summer this teenager became famous for carrying his libl brother with cerebral palsy on his back for 57 miles. wait until you hear what they just accomplished. >> they'll join us live to talk about it. >> he ain't heavy. that's my brother. that's so nice. good morning. welcome into "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. we have a lot to get to right now. >> we're going to get to that fox news alert where a desert storm is erupting over arizona's gop convention. >> trump's campaign is threatening a lawsuit over what they called rigged voting. >> reporter: good morning. you saw there trump supporters not happy in arizona yesterday. this was another win for ted cruz in the secondary battle for delegates which in the end might not even matter. yesterday at arizona state party convention, cruz won more than 40 of the 55 delegates despite losing to donald trump in the state's primary by more than 22 points. trump who won arizona's primary in a landslide with nearly half of the vote only won a handful of the delegates yesterday. all of the delegates are required to vote for donald trump at the national convention on the first ballot but after that, they can vote for whoever they want. that's why ted cruz has been pushing this grassroots strategy at state conventions across the country in hopes that the race goes to a contested convention where this strategy could pay off. cruz said he plans to do this same thing in the race's biggest prize coming up in california. >> we are all in. we are going to be competing for all 172 delegates in california and all 53 congressional districts it's going to be battle on the ground, district by district by district. >> this strategy by cruz has been amping up the pressure on donald trump to secure the nomination outright before the convention by winning 1,237 delegates but trump's campaign also isn't taking any chances and is fighting the delegate selection process in arizona and elsewhere. and now is threatening a lawsuit over the results. >> we will be filing a lawsuit. there's some sort of collusion between the cruz and kasich campaigns. our slate button was checked more than any other and yet our people are not getting in. our people that we submitted in many cases the names were not showing up. so we are very unhappy. >> none of this will matter if trump does win the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination and winning tuesday's primary in indiana will give him a clear shot at making that happen, which is why ted cruz has been all in in that state to prevent it from happening. >> appreciate it. >> it's happening not just out there in arizona but in virginia and missouri where donald trump earned more of the votes, more percentage of the total voter pool and ted cruz getting more delegates. >> those are the rules but why defend the rules? that's my question. why is it a good rule? i don't think we should change rules midway. i'm not saying that trump should be the nominee because he got more votes. but these rules are fundamentally nondemocratic. depu deeply offensive to republican voters. >> everyone is scrambling to find experts and how will this add up? i don't understand. he won overwhelmingly in arizona and he loses the delegates. 40 out of 55 go to somebody else. >> people are voting for trump because of this. i'm totally convinced. they may not like him but they say i'm voting for the guy to send a message. >> donald trump was not in washington, d.c. last night. in years past donald trump would sit there and take barbs from president obama as he would zing him with his jokes. he was not there. bernie sanders was there last night. president obama in his final white house correspondence dinner going after everyone including hillary clinton. listen. >> it's an honor to be here at my last and perhaps the last white house correspondents dinner. i know i was a little late tonight. i was running on cpt, which stands for jokes that white people should not make. if this material works well, i'm going to use it at goldman sachs next year. hillary once questioned whether i would be ready for a 3:00 a.m. phone call. i'm awake anyway because i have to go to the bathroom. bernie, you look like a million bucks or to put it in terms you'll understand you look like 37,000 donations of $27 each. i am hurt, bernie, that you've been distancing yourself a little from me. that's just not something that you do to your comrade. bernie's slogan has helped his campaign catch fire among young people. feel the bern. hillary's slogan has not had the same affect. let's see this. ted went to indiana. hoosier country. stood on a basketball court and called the hoop a basketball ring. baseball sticks? football hats. sure, i'm the foreign one. you know i've got to talk about trump. a room full of reporters, celebrities, cameras, and he says no. is this dinner too tacky for the donald? in fairness, he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world. miss sweden. miss argentina. he could close guantanamo because he knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground. obama out. >> he drops the mike. >> he loves doing those. he's very good at it whether you like him or don't like him, he's spot on with his timing as a comedian. >> obama must have had amazing writers. his delivery was good. pretty on point. >> he goes after everyone. >> al sharpton isn't happy. >> clinton, famously thin skinned went after himself at the height of monica. he made fun of it. obama never seen him do that. >> only thing he did last night was about his age and 3:00 phone call with hillary clinton. he had to go to the bathroom and then pictures of how he's aged over the years. >> he goes easy on himself. >> george w. bush went after himself. let us know what you think. we put up more clips for you to weigh in on this morning. we have other stories we're following. we'll start with this fox news alert on this sunday morning. police in los angeles and across the united states prepping for violent may day protests after horrific scenes like this played out last year. protesters and police clashing from new york to los angeles as demonstrators battle in the name of workers rights. some marches turning to riots earlier this week like this one in california when an anti-trump protester smashed a cop card a left a supporter bloody in the face. more is possible this afternoon. thousands planning an immigration rally in downtown l.a. to protest trump's controversial comments about muslims and people from mexico. apple agreeing to put its best tech experts on the case of those two missing boys that vanished last summer off the coast of florida during a fishing trip. they'll look to get anything they can off the water-logged iphone hoping to provide answers about what went wrong with the boat. the phone and capsized boat were found last month. they were both skilled boaters and ran into bad weather before disappearing. a potential line of attack for donald trump falling in his lap from heidi cruz saying her husband is an immigrant during a speech last night. >> he's an immigrant. he's hispanic. we can unify this party. >> courts ruled that ted cruz is an american citizen born in canada to a cuban father and american mother. new controversy this morning surrounding commencement speech. former new york city mayor michael bloomberg getting backlash and praise after making these comments yesterday. >> a micro aggression is just that. micro. in a macro sense one of the most dangerous places on a college campus is the sight space because it creates a false impression that we can isolate ourselves from those who hold differ>> along with micro aggre and safe spaces, he hit on candidates' extreme partisanship and intolerance of others views. those are your headlines. surprised to see that. >> tons of boos for it. >> good for him. >> we have extreme weather to get to. rick was warning us about deadly storms. take a look at this video. >> here goes the culvert. >> wow. six people killed in texas after severe flooding hit including a great grandmother and her four great grandchildren and bad weather affecting parts of louisiana affecting one of the most famous music festival to cancel part of its events yesterday. rick will have a final word as he always does on this. good morning. >> think about how many times in the last year we talked about flooding in south texas, louisiana. it's been such a rough year. more of it going on right now. you see interstate 10 right now all of this red that's really very heavy rain and thunderstorms going on and they're not moving very quickly at all. look at future radar. we see this all day long into tonight and then it builds up again overnight and into tomorrow across this area. we're not completely done with it until maybe monday into tuesday. monday night into tuesday i should say. take a look at this. some spots will see maybe an additional 8 to 10 inches of rain in some isolated spots and flooding concerns there. the same storm system moving into parts across the east. we'll watch for a flooding threat across parts of the southeast as well. turn around behind you. >> in honor of our biking. >> trying to keep bikes in sight. >> blew through a red light. bikers can do that. >> i've seen anna on a city bike driving on the sidewalk. knocked down a hot dog cart. coming up here on the show, he wasn't there but donald trump was all of the talk we white house correspondents dinner. chris wallace sits down with the donald ahead of the indiana primary and joins us next. you heard black lives matter. bradley cooper's girlfriend says hot lives matter, too. ♪ can't touch this my mom loves giving me advice. she even gives me advice... ...about my toothpaste and mouthwash. but she's a dentist so...i kind of have to listen. she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." advance to healthier gums... ...and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom's right...again! >> i have spent years meeting with leaders from around the word. miss sweden. miss argentina. there's one area where donald's experience could be invaluable and that's closing guantanamo because trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground. >> president obama praising donald trump's foreign policy and business tactics in the front runner's absence at the white house correspondents dinner last night. >> chris wallace will be talking to trump later today and joins us now with more. were you there for the big nerd prom last night? >> i was indeed, which is why i'm a little bit under the weather this morning. there's a reason that you don't stay out late at night and drink before you do a sunday show. i thought the president was very funny. it was really interesting. everybody was waiting to see what he was going to say about donald trump. he famously took him apart back in 2011 and the funny thing is he went through a series of jokes and he started -- these things always end the same way with get very serious and talk about the role of the press and he did that for about ten seconds. i know you want my trump material. he proceeded to unload on trump for about four or five minutes. >> all eyes of course on indiana. you have a big interview this morning. the man himself donald trump will be sitting down with you on "fox news sunday." ted cruz seemed to suggest that everything stops in indiana. back room deals with delegates and so forth could come down to that. do you buy that argument? >> indiana is important. we'll talk at the top of the hour to donald trump but we're also going to be talking to ted cruz. cruz has had a remarkable week. some people say it's been daring. some people say it's been desperate. i guess it's been a little bit of both. he made the deal with john kasich. kasich would stay out of indiana. cruz will stay out of new mexico and oregon and then really a stunning move when he named carly fiorina as his running mate three months before the convention. we'll see whether it all worked or whether it had no affect at all. trump even if he wins indiana doesn't clinch the nomination but effectively in terms of momentum and in terms of the view inside the party, if he n wins indiana on tuesday, everyone thinks this is over. >> conventional view in d.c. seems to have shifted to the idea that he's probably going to be the nominee. you have seen stories about how washington establishment figures are making their peace with that. do you think that's real? >> i do, tucker. not happily in some cases but there's a growing sense, look he's 430 delegates ahead of cruz and he's going to go into the convention win or lose in indiana with well over 1,000. that doesn't means he deserves the nomination but the idea that the guy that wrote the art of the deal isn't going to be able to get 50 or 100 more delegates over the course of six weeks between california and cleveland seems unlikely. people i think feel whether we like him or not, we don't want to have open warfare with a nominee. >> chris wallace live in washington d.c. thank you so much. we'll check our local listings to tune into "fox news sunday" and watch you and congratulations on 20 years of "fox news sunday" to you and all your producers. >> congratulations. >> he doesn't look a day over 19. >> coming up on the show, a mother and daughter found alive after four days lost in the wilderness. how a sign made out of sticks saved their lives. who could forget the teenager who carried his younger brother wither on his back. wait until you hear what else he accomplished. hunter and braden are here next. >> gentlemen. holy smokes. sir, this alien life form is growing at an alarming rate. growing fast, you say? we can't contain it any long... oh! you know, that reminds me of how geico's been the fastest-growing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. over ten years? mhm, geico's the company your friends and neighbors trust. and deservedly so. indeed. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. my school reunion's comi♪ fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. ♪ when it's go, go to the site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20% when you book direct. book now at we have quick headlines this morning starting with a fatal accident involving a duck boat in the city of boston. a 29-year-old woman died after being hit by the sightseeing vehicle while driving a motorized scooter. a man riding with her suffered minor injuries. both were wearing helmets at the time. none of the 30 people on the duck boat were hurt. and nowak situations of negligence for administering harmful drugs to junior seau. he was suffering from a brain condition linked to trauma from concussions during his years in football. 16-year-old hunter made big news last summer when he carried his little brother, braden, who has cerebral palsy on his back for 57 miles. the two appeared on "fox & friends" last year telling us how the whole idea got started. >> a year ago my mom had a dream that i was carrying my brother to raise awareness for cerebral palsy. >> what did you think about it when hunter asked but this idea? >> i thought it was crazy. >> but this year the brothers committed to a third and final walk. this time nearly doubling last year's trek. hunter carrying braden for 111 miles over the course of five days. but it was that last half mile that meant the most as braden walked it all by himself. hunter and braden join us now. good morning, boys. thanks for being with us. >> thank you so much for having us on. >> what an inspirational story. braden, you walk in on your own at the end. that last half mile. what was that like for you? >> that was so cool. one, i was happy that it was the end and happy that i was walking and i felt nervous but i felt really excited so i wasn't sure what kind of emotions i was feeling. >> what were people saying to you when you were walking by. looks like a ton of people out there to support you. >> you can do it. you can do it. let's go. you can do it. encouraging words. >> hunter, why did you decide to do this 111 miles. 57 is a ton having your brother on your back. why did you want to up it to 111. >> you know, it was just crazy thinking about it. we've done two walks before and we've had so much support, so much awareness that we've been able to raise and we wanted to go even further and push ourselves to a little bit farther in those limits. we wanted to tell more people and we thought we're going to have to reach a new area. we'll have to walk a little bit farther to go able to reach more people. also for the story just to be able to tell a bigger story. we're doing a bigger challenge and really the challenge is nothing compared to what braden has to face every day. >> what do you face every day? >> i face a lot of therapy. >> what do you do at therapy? >> stretching mostly and standing and things like that that most people can do but i just need to work extra harder in order for me to do them. that's why i work on therapy. >> why do you want to help other kids? you're trying to raise money for cerebral palsy research and why do you want to help other people in the same spot as you? >> because our goal is to win this and if people know about cerebral palsy then people like doctors and biomedical engineers can help people, other kids and other people with cerebral palsy. >> 111 miles. it took you how many days. where were you eating and where were you sleeping? >> six days to complete. we would start and end each day at every high school. i want to reach high school students because we're the next ones into the world. so it would start and end at a high school and we would drive to eat dinner a place in the area and refuel and then we would stay the night in a hotel. >> what's the goal? what's the biggest goal of this? >> our goal is to inform the world and challenge the world at all levels to take the necessary steps toward inclusion. >> we want everybody to support you. head to cerebral palsy swagger. 29 minutes after the hour. this is what's coming up. election aside it may be the biggest story of the year. kelly ripa takes a cheap shot at michael strahan. what do you think. >> i want to get your take on it. i don't have a take. yours. you've gotten a divorce? >> was it a dig and on purpose? many say so and also reports that kelly better watch her back. can you spot the hidden dangers around your home that could hurt your baby? we'll break down what every parent needs to know coming up right after the break. don't go anywhere. you're watching "fox & friends weekend." why do so many businesses rely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my 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means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? ♪ life in the fast lane ♪ slowly make you lose your mind ♪ ♪ life in the fast lane >> check your calendar, everyone. it's may 1st. we're celebrating national bike month this morning. >> we have 50 stationary bikes on the plaza but they're going real fast. listen to good music. deejay out there. a great partnership with the american heart association. lovely ladies from cyclebar. it's a total body workout. not just for your legs. >> they've been doing that since 5:45 this morning. >> i got a total body workout just watching. >> you thought it was international workers day. that is a soviet holiday. here it's national bike day. >> are you tired because you've been biking through my mind all day. >> this is the five borough bike race. celebrating bikes today on the show. first this -- >> news headlines and we'll start with an incredible story of survival. a north carolina mother and daughter rescued after getting lost for four days in a new zealand forest. carolyn lloyd was visiting her daughter, rachel, attending college there. the pair went on a hike but got caught in rugged terrain and when they never checked into their hotel search crews were sent looking for them. they were saved thanks to this makeshift help sign made from trees and shrubs. the pair said they survived by rationing peanuts and huddling together for warmth. hillary clinton's campaign backtracking on a racist remark about native americans. >> i have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak. >> instead of clinton apologizing, one of her aides taking to twitter to calm the critics saying about the use of an expressipression today that some very offensive root, divisive language has no place in our politics. michael strahan is plotting revenge to get back at kelly ripa for this unscripted divorce k gig. you have gotten divorced. anyone here gotten divorced? anybody. some people. okay. >> there are some reports that because strahan has two weeks left on the show before he transfers over to "good morning america" that it may not be pretty. sources say he's not letting that dig go without hitting back. we'll be watching. bradley cooper's girlfriend is saying hot lives matter, too. a stop and frisk vogue caption shoot. she's patted down by an nypd look alike in new york central park and then kisses the cop. are you there? there he is. >> i'm here. you guys have been on these bikes for like 3 1/2 hours. >> yes, we have. >> you're not even sweating. you have your tension turned way down. that's the only way i could make it through a spin case. turn up your bike and then i act like i do but i actually don't really turn it up. that's the trick to spin. look at the weather maps as you wake up this morning. here's your view across the northeast into the mid-atlantic. it will be rainy tonight and into tomorrow. kind of a washout across much of the east. across the southeast, heavy rain across southern louisiana. get ready for more flooding. some of that could be very severe. we've seen so much flooding this week. a little bit more going on. same over toward the carolinas. across areas of the northeast, rain will continue to linger especially across parts of iowa into illinois and you get the idea there. kind of a gloomy day as well. all right. sending it to you inside. >> thanks, rick. parents are constantly trying to keep their children out of harm's ways but the biggest dangers could be before your very eyes. how do you avoid these hazards around your home? quick fix and baby proofing tips. mindy, nice to see you this morning. >> nice to see you. >> we think about the baby. but really you have to do baby proofing around the house. >> this looks like an innocent room. it's not for a little guy like callan who will be pulling to stand soon. you want to put guards around your corner. they are soft. you can put them on table tops. there's long ones that you can do all of the way around so when they pull to stand they're okay. >> kids have a tendency to find sharp corners. they want to slam their heads into them. >> you have this mirror in your house and looks beautiful. a child can pull on this and pull it down. kids go to the hospital for furniture tipovers 40 kids a day to the e.r. for tipovers. put a strap like this on. attach it to the wall and mirror and will stay put. worth doing. >> let's move over here to blinds. we had one of these where they could constantly come down and pull on it and yank it and throw it. >> obviously the worry is when they make a circle and they can be a strangulation risk. there are gadgets you put them in to keep it separate and safe. you'll put them in. the other option a lot of parents will tell you is go cordless especially in the baby's room. that's also peace of mind. >> let's move over here to the television. >> right. televisions look so light weight and easy. again a baby can tip this over easy and you would think it's a smaller tv but big tvs are even a huge risk and so again you want to use, it's like the one for the mirror only it's made for a tv. it's strong enough. you're going to attach it to the tv and then to your wall or you can wall mount your tv. today people wall mount tvs because they look pretty that makes safety experts happy because it's very safe. >> okay. what about some of the wall outlets? kids love -- my son never did this but my little girl would stick her finger in an outlet. >> see what happens. >> this would be fun. >> again, this is a great thing to use. you'll put it in any outlet you're not using. you get the vacuum cleaner out. pull it out and put it back in when you're done. >> added bonus along the outside walls no cold air comes in. sometimes there's a breeze that comes in. heat loss. i'm saving you money on your electric bill. finally, some of the laundry pods. >> laundry pods, calls to poison centers have gone up 17% of these. they look like candy to kids. they're cute and squishy. this will go straight down. you want to keep these locked away high up on a shelf or in a childproof cabinet. don't leave them out with laundry. keep them away from these little guys. they'll think it's candy. it's not safe. very important. >> he's the most well behaved child we've ever had on the show. thank you so much. pleasure. >> great to be here. >> you can find all of these produc products. coming up here on the show, police in los angeles are bracing for more violence as activists promise to continue rioting against donald trump. who and what are really behind this rally rage? a race car sent flying through the air during a race as a stunned crowd holds their breath. the driver walked away though. i know what i can expect from usaa the usaa car buying app was really helpful. all the information was laid out right there. it makes your life so much easier when you have to purchase a car, so i've been telling everybody. save on your next car with usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. my school reunion's comi♪ fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. ♪ when it's go, go to the site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20% when you book direct. book now at well this a predicament. homestyle sounds good. but country style, not without it's charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? single-serve vegetarian? sure! there are no rules here. no rules on aisle four! with 17 delicious flavors cooked according to our secret family recipe, bush's has the variety you can't resist. did you get a can of bush's beans? yes, yes i did. bush's beans. what's your favorite flavor? let's get up and moving. incredible video out of thailand. a brand new ferris wheel blasting into flames. thick black smoke billows into the sky. officials say an electrical short circuit likely sparked that blaze. no one was on the ride at the time. a heart stopping moment on a texas racetrack. hang on there. into the wall. top end over and over. wild one there. >> the corvette going airborne. luckry he only had a broken arm. tucker, over to you. >> thanks a lot. fox news alert, los angeles police department bracing for more violence this morning as activists promise to continue rallying against donald trump. this comes after rallies where trump supporters say they were roughed up. who is behind this? what is this all about and why is nobody saying anything about it? our friend larry elder joins us now with his reaction. it's great to see you this morning. so what is -- who are these protesters who have become rioters? >> i think most of them are people who are legitimately angry at donald trump for saying i'm going build a wall and make mexico pay for it and deport 11 million illegal aliens. now there is some speculation that some of these people are being paid by outside agitatoag. most of the people who are out there protesting and waving mexican flags are upset at a man they perceive to be racist. >> i got to say, i'm old enough to be shocked they are waving mexican flags at a rally in the united states. i don't know if you can see it it we ran video of rioters jumping on a police car kicking in windows. why did police not do anything about that? >> it's a delegate balance. you overreact and you're accused of police brutality and if you stand back like in baltimore, you watch your city burn. in regard to the mexican flags. there was proposition 187 some years ago that would have banned illegal aliens from getting educational benefits and health care benefits and my mother was on the fence until she saw agitators the day before the vote waving the mexican flag. if donald trump wasn't paying these people to wave the mexican flag, he ought to because it lends fuel to the fire that the borders are porous and that mexico is notheir best. >> the idea that these people are not representing america when they're out there doing this. do you know the irony of people who come out to protest against "hate" and then begin rioting and kicking in windows of police cars. >> irony is not lost on people. the idea is that california is a left wing state open-minded and tolerant until you say something that ticks them off. the idea that someone can't have a point of view different from yours and you'll block them from getting to and from the arena which is what they did is outrageous. it offends americans and all it does is garnish support for donald trump. they have no idea what they're doing. >> exactly right. i'm a native california and i grieve for the state. i hope it's not as out of control as it looks. great to see you this morning. >> my pleasure. another fox news alert this morning. breaking right now in our nation's capital, hazmat crews being dispatched to the scene of a train derailment. stay tuned for that. you need a gift for anothmos day? seven gift ideas your mom is going to love. we can help you. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college and trained as a nurse. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. welcome back. mother's day just a week away. we have great gift ideas for you. >> this is the witching hour. >> we have so many great gift ideas. let's get started. so here you can't go wrong with a personalized gift for mom. it really shows her that today is all about her. all these things you see here, the pillow, the ring dish, those are all from ranging from $8 to $16 with sweet messages for mom. >> you can pick and choose. >> they say sweet messages. >> those are rubber stamps. that's from starts at about $45 and you can personalize that with mom's address and she can use that for her note cards and snail mail. that's hand drawn. it's really great. >> that's a nice touch. >> some of these really creative vases. i saw you preparing these. >> these are good. what's great about these is that they double as a floral centerpiece. mom can reuse them again and again. >> i got married this summer. i was looking through wedding magazines all the time. this was a great hack for saving money because this is like one bouquet but look at how big it is. >> you can reuse it which is great. it will start at $20. >> moms need spa time. >> this scrub here is organic scrub. what's great is that it exfoliates and moisturizes the skin but leave as pretty shimmer behind that you can build. >> is this vanilla? i know you like vanilla. >> and then a little massage kit. >> this is from -- if you want to go the gift certificate route, you always can, that's a good idea. we like exhale spa because it offers classes. amazing workout. >> are these part of that package? >> that's different. those are a sleepwear set. yoga inspired. super soft. those are $28. >> what about these tumblers? >> now they're doing homeware. these come in a set of 4 for $28. that's at >> i see some chocolate. what is this? >> these are pink champagne truffles they taste just as good as they sound. >> we also have tech items over here as well. >> yes. it's so cool. just have to mention that for any moms that love music. you can hook it up to your pc and use your track records to download them back on your computer. that's $129.99 at this looks more like a traditional watch but uses lights to track your daily progress and can give you incoming call notifications which is so cool. $100. those are 198 each. super soft and comfortable. looks great draped over the couch. >> or over clayton. >> go to sleep on the couch. >> what are these again? >> these sore good. >> you can get her in sleepwear, throw a blanket over here, truffles, everything she wants. these will be up on our website if you missed any of them. coming up next, the family of a young woman kidnapped and killed by isis terrorists breaking silence to fox news with a message to the white house. >> on the anniversary of osama bin laden's death you saw an interview with the navy s.e.a.l. that shot him in the face. up negotiatixt, the man that br news to the entire nation. that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. good morning. convention chaos in the desert. trump supporters outraged after a delegate grab by senator ted cruz. and now word there's a potential lawsuit in the works. the breaking news from overnight. and then did president obama just endorse donald trump? >> there's one area where donald's experience could be invaluable and that's closing guantanamo because trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground. obama out. >> we'll be honest. it didn't look exactly like an endorsement. it was part of last night's white house correspondents festivities. we'll tell you what happened. stay tuned. >> do you like to hug your dog like these people? your dog hates it. >> no, he doesn't. >> we have proof. stop smothering your dog. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. a big debate around here. ♪ >> cyclebar helping us celebrate. it's may 1st. national bike month. cycling on the plaza. >> good morning, everybody. we are celebrating national bike month out on our plaza. behind us also we have the five borough bike tour going on. all bike all the time. >> all ladies from cyclebar, great people. >> it's an entire body workout. >> i was standing off the set with them talking and donald trump walked in who is going upstairs to his interview with chris wallace and trump meeting the ladies of cyclebar was one of the coolest thing i've seen in a long time. >> some of these ladies look like they belong in the miss universe pageant. >> i know mr. trump is watching. if you would like to come down, we have an extra cycle bike down here. >> you can hang out on the couch. >> he may want to work out frustrations and anger over what happened in arizona yesterday because they're upset, the trump campaign furious this morning about some of the election results. you remember he crushed ted cruz in the primary so he won more votes, right? they held their state convention yesterday and cruz ends up winning. explain that one to me. >> if you can imagine, the crowd is not particularly happy. let's listen. >> you can hear them chanting, booing yelling trump, trump, though delegates were voting for cruz. >> he won 47% of the vote in arizona and the same thing happened in other states including virginia and missouri also on saturday. i know the cruz people think these are big wins for them. my theory and i think it's right is that watching this on television is driving a lot of people counterproductively to the donald trump campaign. the response is those are rules. that's true. trump should know the rules. true. it's happened before. true. it doesn't mean people like it and understand it. it doesn't mean that the republican party officials should defend rules that are clearly designed to prevent voters from mattering. why are they defending that? >> the cruz camp calls them whiners and that the system is rigged. jeff dewitt and trump supporter and campaign chair had this to say about it. listen. >> we'lli inin inbe filing a la. our slate button was checked more than any other and yet our people are not getting in. our people that we submitted in many cases the names were not showing up. so we are very unhappy. >> you can hear the fury in his voice. >> it's the electronic system. there's according to jeff dewitt and others voting glitches and even if you had signed and pulled the slate button for the trump campaign, that it wasn't showing up for them. >> that's a different story than the ground game and organization that cruz has put into place so much across the country and would be better served on a second ballot than a first. >> and even jan brewer says i put my number down and it didn't show up. there's an electronic problem here. i get that a lot of people are concerned about the idea of donald trump being the republican nominee. he will take the party to places he hasn't gone. he may not know that much. i understand that completely. if you want to beat trump for the nomination, get more votes to vote for you. this is again a counterproductive way to win because it's driving people who wouldn't be supporting trump to trump. they don't seem to get it. >> so out of touch with republicans in d.c. i like them. they're my friends. they don't understand what's happening in the country at all. >> outrage we're showing you is video from arizona but it happened in virginia and missouri. let's look at the numbers from the primary that was in virginia because donald trump won the majority of the vote there. let's see what he got. virginia was 34.7%. now we're looking at arizona. if we look at virginia though, which happened on march 1st, 34.7% went to donald trump but cruz has taken 10 of 13 delegates our producer tell us. if you look at missouri, trump had 41% of the vote. but cruz got 18 of the 24 delegates. >> he did better with some of these other delegates the states with delaware and maine and arkansas. >> representatives in some cases weren't elected to be the representatives. the delegates in cleveland in july. it's a simple question. what's a better way to choose? i know this is a constitutional republic and hedge against mob rule and demagogues and i get this. we're moving toward something -- i don't think there will be a contested convention. it's not in anybody's interest. they'll figure it out in the six weeks between california and cleveland. >> it may be figured out on tuesday with the indiana primary. winner take all state. if donald trump cleans up there, could it be the end of the line for the cruz camp? >> donald trump not at the white house correspondents dinner last night. he was there last year and the president took jabs at him. he was not there last night. he hit on a lot of the candidates including hillary clinton. we're going to bring you highlights. let's listen. >> it is an honor to be here at my last and perhaps the last white house correspondents dinner. bernie, you look like a million bucks. or to put in terms you'll understand, you look like 37,000 donations of $27 each. i am hurt, bernie, that you've been distancing yourself a little from me. that's just not something that you do to your comrades. you have to admit it though. hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for facebook. dear america, did you get my poke? is it appearing on your wall? i'm not sure i'm using this right. ted had a tough week. he went to indiana. hoosier country. stood on a basketball court and called the hoop a basketball ring. what else is in his lexicon? baseball sticks? football hats? but sure i'm the foreign one. you know i've got to talk about trump. you got a room full of reporters, celebrities, cameras, and he says no. is this dinner too tacky for the donald? in fairness he spent years meeting with leaders from around the world. miss sweden. miss argentina. there's one area where donald's experience could be invaluable and that's closing guantanamo because trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground. obama out. >> very funny. >> good. >> very funny. it's always a tough act to follow. when other comedians have got up after president obama, i don't even recall who did it last year, no one remembers them because he's so good at what he does in these moments. >> the guy who followed president obama this year underfire this morning because he used the n word at the end on his way out. even al sharpton is not real happy with him. whoever wrote president obama's jokes maybe should have written his, too. obama's were good. >> don lemon from cnn who i personally admire, gave the finger to larry wilmer last night on camera. all of his jokes are aimed at other people. i've never seen this. many years of watching these dinners and going, obama is the only one who is not self-deputy ri -- you watch bush and clinton. obama does not ever really joke about himself. >> a couple times he joked about his age and how many he aged during the presidency. that's typical of every president to your point. >> or every middle-aged man. >> bill clinton said in eight years i have given you 20 years of material to work with. >> can you imagine obama saying that? >> go to our facebook page and weigh in. >> get on social media. a lot of news anchors were there last night and looked like they had a great time. ten minutes after the hour. other stories making headlines starting with a fox news alert. crews are on the scene of a train derailment in d.c. hazardous materials spilling out of overturned cars. fire department says at least nine train cars came off the tracks around 7:00 this morning. they say at least three are leaking chemicals. no word on what kind. several roads in the area are shutdown. no injuries have been reported. in another fox new year's alert, police in los angeles and really across the united states prepping for violent may day protests after horrific scenes like this played out last year. protesters and police clashing from new york to los angeles as demonstrations were battling in the name of workers rights. some marches turning to riots earlier this week like this one in california when anti-trump protesters smashed a cop car and left a supporter bloody in the face. more of the same is possible this afternoon. thousands planning an immigration rally in downtown l.a. to protest trump's controversial comments about muslims and people from mexico. new this morning, the parents of murdered aid worker kayla mueller call out the government for not doing enough to stop isis. the muellers encouraging more americans to speak it out to get the government and president to do more than just talk. and a line of attack for republican candidate donald trump -- i guess we're not going to show that -- heidi cruz mentioned -- are we going to show it now. >> let's show it. >> no, we're not going to show it. >> i'm going to tell what you it was instead since we don't have it there. heidi cruz mentioned the reasons why ted cruz was great and understand the plight of americans and in that said he was an immigrant and of course it brought up the whole canadian thing. >> the fact that he's an immigrant. we'll talk more about that. have we wet your appetite for the next 48 minutes of the show? we hope so. we have hillary clinton's attack on donald trump. turns out it backfired. >> i have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak. >> did you catch the racist phrase in that? many on the whack job left did. we'll tell you what they're saying about hillary clinton this morning. and a plea to the president from civil rights group. change the park ranger uniforms. they are threatening to hispanic. they look too much like border patrol uniforms. i thought i married an italian. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. 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her husband? is that what she was talking about. well now even the left are calling the pc police saying that off the reservation is a racial slur and here's some people on the left saying that very thing. listen. >> as an historian i would caution any of news this country to talk about anybody being off the reservation. let us not forget that the colonist of this country stole the land and government put them on reservations. we have to be careful with that type of language. >> america itself is illegitimate so when hillary said was unacceptable. this is what happened when you set in motion what you see coming out of the obama white house that you're a bad person if you misspeak. just stop. >> lighten up. >> phrases that people have been using for decades. i get that sometimes maybe those things need to be revised over time and we need to assess culturally where we are. at the same time, i don't think she was thinking of that and wasn't thinking of the plight of native americans. >> now her campaign is on damage control and amanda, one of the clinton's national political directors says this. divisive language has no place in our politics. hillary clinton meant no disrespect to native americans. she wants this election to be about lifting people up and not tearing them down. >> when she said was divisive because she was pitting men against women. far be it for me to defend hillary clinton. conservatives say they've done this for years. it's nice to get back at her. it's wrong to attack people for saying something that wasn't meant to be offensive. people should have freedom to say what we think. we're all under this cloud afraid to say what we think for fear of being punished. >> that's why donald trump is doing so well. >> you come out and say that's racist. that just ends the conversation. no one is having a broader conversation what does it mean to be racist. what does it mean to be sexist? can you define that for me? >> defining terms would disempower the accuser. if you had to define what you meant, you would be silly. i'm calling you a name and demanding you be quiet. >> joe biden got in trouble for talking to that one owner of the dunkin' donuts restaurant saying i know a lot of native americans that own dunkin' donuts restaurants. you do a great job. that was seen as racist. >> he should be executed. now i'm defending joe biden. when we come back speaking of principles, geraldo rivera joins us on all of the news of the day. you would be insane to miss that. so don't. do you like to hug your dog? >> more than you know. >> these people do. we do. turns out your pooch may hate it. what dog owners need to know. we'll show you coming up next. >> why do you hate your dog so much? (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. >> you at home, stop hugging your dog. some researchers say that hugging your dog stresses them out. >> here to make heads or tails of this, one of our favorite veterinarians. good to see you. >> they are getting hugs right now. >> these are your dogs? >> this is my dog. this is one of my friend's dog. the big thing we worry about is making sure people don't get hurt or bitten by their dogs if their dog is uncomfortable. today on american hospital association facebook page, i posted an article that all dog owners and especially people with children should read. i want to touch on this study. this researcher went online like we all do and looked at pictures of animals and specifically dogs being hugged by people. he found a random sampling of 250 dogs and most of them were showing signs of distress. now, people don't know these signs. i actually brought pictures along. let's look at the first one. the first one we have a little boy holding his chihuahua. you can see the whites of the dog's eye. half moon signs of distress. ears pinned back. next one is golden retriever sitting on a couch. he looks comfortable though you notice he's not looking at the woman beside him. maybe someone called his name or he might be uncomfortable. dogs avert their gaze to avoid conflict. so directly looking in a dog's eye can be stressful for them. >> like when you come home and your dog has been in the trash and won't look you in the eye. >> licking lips. >> in context of food being around, maybe they're hungry or maybe they're nauseous, but if there's no food around, this dog is showing that he's uncomfortable by licking his lips. he loves his girl but maybe he's uncomfortable in that position. >> what if dogs lick you and won't stop? >> especially if you put something like lotion on. or you've been eating bacon. >> cover yourself in bacon for sure. >> that's daily thing for me. >> and last one we have is subtle. look at the dog's feet here. when dogs are comfortable they have all four feet on the ground. this dog is lifting one of her paws up. that means she's not quite sure what's going to happen next. do i run away. do i have to get down off the couch. these subtle signs are indications that the dog may not be comfortable with the way you're holding them. it's okay to pet your dog, love your dog, but when it comes to children, and especially dogs you don't know, be careful to watch these subtle signs. >> whatever you do to calvin, calvin likes. >> he's being submissive. he's comfortable here. he comes here a lot. zipper over here, her ears are nice and forward. she's having great eye contact with everyone. she's very comfortable here. >> what about dogs snouts their noses? >> don't stick their hands in their face. we can have bites to children and we have over 2 million children that are bitten every year. most of them are by dogs that child knows. >> i was reading an article about this yesterday. there's a difference in going up and giving your dog a pet and then hugging them. >> they feel trapped. they can't escape and the primary way of protecting themselves is to avoid conflict. biting is the last thing they want to do. >> it's hard to pull back and stop smothering your dog. >> thank you. >> great to see you as always. when we come back, geraldo livera will be on the set with news of the day. there he is. come in and hug the dogs and an exchange at a taco shop gets the manager canned. >> this guy right here, he just called me a [ bleep ]. you [ bleep ] because i got orders. i am the boss. my dad is actually the [ bleep ] owner. where are you going to post it? youtube. nobody is going to see it. ♪ saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. welcome back. we were going to have geraldo on the show and then geraldo is walking down the hallway. >> you set him loose in the hallway and there's no telling who he's going to run into. look at who he ran into. >> the leading candidate, the probable, the inevitable republican nominee. >> good to see you. thanks for sticking around. >> you have news, we were just talking to you. we put up a bunch of polls from indiana. you say there's a new one that suggests you're doing well. >> there are a couple that have me up quite a bit. i'm going there right now leaving for indiana right now. i think we're doing really well, yeah. it looks good. do you have polls that say otherwise? >> some have ted cruz up by nine, you up by 15. it seems to be a jump ball situation right now. >> it could very well be. i think we're doing really well. in new york i was supposed to win by 50%. i ended up getting 62. then we won pennsylvania, maryland. we won everything. everything on the east coast. we won a lot. now we're over 1,000 delegates. 1,004. that's a lot. and we're going to go for the final push. >> the bobby knight thing was really big. i thought that neutralized the governor pence quasi endorsement of ted cruz which would have had a lot of impact otherwise. >> the governor is a nice guy. a lot of pressure put on him by his donors. he was nicer to me. everyone thought he gave me the endorsement because he started off donald trump. i really want to thank him. and then he finished with me and somewhere in between he said he'll vote for cruz. you could see that was not a really loving endorsement. >> i want to ask you about arizona. a republican convention there. you won that state. it looks like senator cruz wound up with more delegates than you. the suggestion is that you're going to file a lawsuit? are you? >> it doesn't matter. i'll win on the first ballot. we're already over 1,000. we're 1,004. i need not too many now to get and we have a lot coming in. indiana will be big. i hope to win indiana. i'm going there now. i'm going to make five or six speeches in the next two days. we'll do great in indiana. everybody dislikes cruz. he doesn't have a senator that likes him. his all-time favorite senator is jeff sessions, from alabama. an amazing guy. he's supporting me. he just came out and endorsed me. cruz has something going on with him. something off. >> what if you're 20 short and they try to screw you? >> i have 4 million votes more. nobody ever talks about that. you say i just saw on your show that i have a record. i'm over 10 million votes. by next week it will be the biggest in the history of republican primarieies and afte california, 5 million more than anybody had and i'm up for 400 delegates or more than that and wouldn't it be ridiculous if you don't get in the first ballot and a guy with 5 million votes left? >> mr. trump, there's a report on the hill this morning that if it goes to a contested convention, your campaign doesn't have a blueprint on how to handle that and also not for picking a vice president or for funding a general election campaign. how do you respond to that? >> vice president, i don't want to think about that. >> i thought you told me. >> other than geraldo. geraldo would be great. i would get that spanish vote in two seconds. wouldn't that be good? we have tremendous -- everything is just going. we're not really playing for the second. whenever you read that stuff, they try to make it a big deal. we have a lot on the second but we don't want the second. we want to win it in the first ballot and i think you will. >> do you buy senator cruz's argument that on tuesday would be the line in the sand. indiana for him, it's all in. you have to win that. >> he's got to win. he has no path to victory. if he won indiana, he can't win. what does he need? 120% or something. you can't get 120%. the only way he can win is if i don't get the required number and then he goes and gets because he -- i guess you could use the word bribe or maybe a lesser word but he takes everybody out to dinner. they take them to hotel rooms and you try to buy the election. put yourself in the rnc position where trump has by that time 5 million or 6 million more votes. trump would have 500 to 600 more delegates and now we're going to lift up the hand of a guy that bought lunches for people in the second ballot. when you hear this, tucker, they are only talking about second or third or fourth ballot. we're not playing that. we won't get there. we'll get there -- there's a scenario under which i reach 1,400 pretty easily. so for him, it's imperative to win. even if he wins, in my opinion he can't win. if i win, it's over. indiana. and i love the people of indiana. and i think tucker has been very nice to me. i have to tell him. i always deal with him by telephone. he's been very nice. you know what, he's been very professional which is hard to believe. >> coyou could have dumped your campaign manager like a hot potato after the allegation that he pushed that woman. >> it was in my club. i have security cameras. i saw the camera. now, her police report said thrown to the ground and i said, man, what happened? why did you do such a thing? i was in the group. i said, wait a minute, that was one grabbing me. maybe i should file a report. she was grabbing me. that's when i was looking down. she was a slightly -- she was terrible i think. she filed a report that she was almost thrown to the ground and then thrown to the ground. so when i got the camera, i looked. i said he didn't do anything wrong. once the police saw the camera and everybody saw the camera and i stuck with him. now cruz said he should be fired immediately. i said how do you fire a person before you know what happened? i will tell you, i was going to fire him based on the reports. fortunately we had a camera that was a great camera in the ske ceiling. i said don't we have a good camera system here? the best. he didn't actually even hit her. he ran interference. she was grabbing me. she broke through the secret service. wasn't supposed to be there. the press conference was over. he walked because she shouldn't have been doing. she put weapon in her police report. she put teeth, fists and feet. he didn't do anything. now, it would have been very easy for me to do the politically correct thing. this guy should be fired immediately. that's a lack of loyalty. just like i was loyal to him and i was right and now i'm getting credit for it. i was right. i'll be loyal to the american people. we'll defend the american people. >> you showed your loyalty there. we want to get your take on video. we haven't heard you respond to this. heidi cruz laying out why america should vote for senator ted cruz and why her husband is great and one of the things she said is quite interesting. let's listen to this line. >> ted is an immigrant. he's hispanic. we can unify this party. >> he is an immigrant. >> did she get that from you? >> i assume she's saying he's an immigrant from canada. he lived in canada for the first four years of his life. i assume she's referring to one of your areas of the world, right, geraldo? >> you mean the hispanic world? >> i think that's it. that's what i think she's referring to. i'm not sure. he lived in canada for the first four years. and he's not going to get it. he's got no chance. nobody likes him. people don't respect him anymore. we call him lying ted for a reason. nobody lies as much as him. i've never seen a man hated as much as him. democrats will bring a lawsuit that he's not a naturalized citizen. >> you say he has sensitivity for people's problems that you don't because -- >> she's saying he's an immigrant. don't put your beautiful spin with your silver tongue. he's been doing this a long time. >> it's gold plated. >> did you watch the white house correspondents dinner? >> i watched pieces. i don't like being there and being the stupid person sitting there and you can't respond. >> here's what the president said about you in case you missed it. >> he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world. miss sweden. miss argentina. there's one area where donald's experience could be invaluable and that's closing guantanamo because trump knows a thing or two about running weaterfront properties into the ground. >> you weren't there. >> now you can respond. >> so i borrowed a million dollars years ago. i have a net worth now that is well beyond $10 billion. i do have a lot of waterfront properties and they are doing great. whether it's in los angeles where you know or along the potomac river or on the atlantic ocean and i have a lot of them. scotland. and it's only joking. >> what about the first charge? >> i haven't done that. i promise. see the camera. i promise. i've been a very good boy. i sold miss universe. i bought it for $2 billion. it was very sick. it was owned by madison square garden corporation and paramount pictures. i made it good. i sold it for a tremendous amount of money. great deal. i didn't want to sell it but i thought owning miss universe when i was running for president is a bad combination. >> hillary clinton has been putting out these hillary cards now. you have been going back and fort on playing the woman card. she on an interview on thursday night was responding to the question about how she would deal with a tough general election with donald trump and she says, look, i'm used to men going off thereservation. i know how to handle them. >> i thought it was a terrible person. i am used to dealing with -- what was the word. she used a certain word. men off the reservation. i said to myself that's a horrible expression. now, if i would have used that expression in the opposite form, it would have been a front page story. she uses it and gets away with it. a demeaning remark to men in my opinion. i don't know was she referring to her husband? i think she was referring to her husband. >> i think she was, too. >> you made the point that she's running -- the core of her campaign is the idea that she's a woman and you're not. is that enough to run on? >> i don't think so. i'll give security and strength and bring jobs back from china and japan and mexico which is the new china. it's absolutely killing us. we'll have strong borders. i'll do things she can't do. i'll say this. she doesn't have the strength or the energy to be president. >> she thinks that is something that will work for her because your disapproval ratings with women not so hot. >> i just won all of these races all over the place, every exit poll showed that i was number one by far with women. >> with republican women. >> we know -- >> if i had the right person, it would happen in a minute. >> anna martinez? >> not necessarily. i have five or six candidates. a lot of people want that job. i tell you what -- >> we have four seconds. we'll be right back. . . i accept i'm not the rower i used to be.. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept is getting out there with less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, i will. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. that really mattered to me. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't have to set records. but i'm still going for my personal best. and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. this is a fox news alert. bin laden is dead. >> may 1st, the day that osama bin laden's life came to an end. >> bin laden shot dead in his million dollar mansion inside pakistan. >> confirmed urgent confirmed. bin laden is dead. >> osama bin laden is dead. >> multiple sources. osama bin laden is dead. >> the day that he found out that story about the 72 virgins waiting for him on the other side was bogus. >> the leader of al qaeda. >> shot in pakistan. >> shot in the face. dead and buried at sea. >> is dead. >> the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al qaeda's terror, justice has been done. >> we are back now with geraldo rivera to talk about this fifth anniversary of osama bin laden's death. we've all seen the video. whether you watched it live or saw it later of you announcing the death of osama bin laden. i want to know behind the scenes what was happening? how did you learn about it? what was going through your mind before you made that announcement? >> if i could say how personal i took 9/11 and i lived in middletown, new jersey. we had highest per capita casualty rate. i was stuck on the coast. i was talking to my 6 year old when i finally got him on the phone. she said, daddy, we know people who were killed. i took it very, very personally. then i came to fox as a war correspondent and chased him for ten years. we were in washington for the correspondents dinner. ironically donald trump was being lampooned by president obama. obama was a brilliant actor because he didn't let on at all. that was april 30th. that's the day they were going to get bin laden but they called it off because of weather. they went the next day. just imagine. obama is going through -- the president is going through his comedy routine when all of this is going on. i'm in washington for the correspondents dinner. i might as well stay in sund sunday -- in washington for the sunday show. we got word that the president would speak at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. what could that be on a sunday night? 10:00 p.m. eastern time. it was about qaddafi. it's not that big of a deal. with all due respect to north america and all the rest of it. it wasn't like an earth shattering thing. it couldn't thing. it couldn't be war. we would have heard of an atomic explosion or terrible attack. then the internet started buzzing. all the bright kids. we had my staff there, my brother craig there, craig hart there. as we're getting these, you know, different kind of theories, the light bulb went off in my brain, what if it's osama bin laden. it wasn't two minutes before that, our senior capitol hill court reporter, he heard it. then we got urgent confirmed. bin laden was dead. bin laden was dead. i thank god that i was on the air at that most -- the best night of my career. >> we're going to pause right there. we're out of time. stay tuned. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. is it keeps the food out. for me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. house. i couldn't get to my crew. i didn't have any credentials. i went into the white house entrance. i said to the secret service guy, you have to let me into the white house to get to where craig and the crew were to where the this crowd was. the secret service escorts me, and i'm with craig and this spontaneous demonstration was unbelievable. it's better than times square. the entire people were there, expressing their patriotism, their relief, the fact we got this guy. the terror mastermind. i got a call from bagram air base, general john campbell, commanding the 101st airborne in bag rom, they lost seven guys, and they heard this watching fox news. rob o'neill tells us the s.e.a.l. team guy who killed bin laden, as they bring bin laden's body to bagram air base, they have a 70-inch flat screen tv in that room and they're all watching fox news. they're watching fox news, bin laden is dead, bin laden is dead. and there's dead bin laden. i'm telling you, nothing can ever top that. >> they were eating sandwiches and watching you with bin laden's -- >> an amazing image. >> on this fifth anniversary of osama bin laden's death, we appreciate you joining us to share your thoughts with us. be good. text mom. boys have been really good today. send. let's get mark his own cell phone. nice. send. brad could use a new bike. send. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160722 23:00:00

different pledge. my pledge reads i'm with you, the american people. ♪ >> this is a fox news alert. another mass shooting, 9 gunned down, murdered. this time munich, germany, and at this hour a manhunt for the killer and maybe killers. police say up to three gunmen are on the loose. cell phone video capturing the moment gunman opened fire on people just 3 feet away. we have to warn you this video is graphic. [gunfire] here you can see a man holding a gun walking on the roof of a crowded shopping mall. terrified people running. police putting munich on lockdown and declaring a state of emergency. live in germany. lucien? >> good evening. >> what's going on? >> what we know is that evening in munich shortly before 6:00 p.m. police got an emergency call that there was a shooting. a shopping center in the north of the city of the olympic shopping center. when they got there, witnesses were saying there were three people with guns. the police later said those were identified those as rifles and started a manhunt immediately. you mentioned that there are nine dead. police have identified 8 victims of the shooting. we found the corpse of one man. they suspect he might be the shooter. he was carrying a backpack. they are using a robot to find out what is in that backpack. >> lucian did anyone hear the gunman or gunmen say anything? >> there is a video of the shooting in front of the mcdonald's. there is also a video of a man also identified as a shooter on a parking garage. he has a dialogue with one of the residents in which he says i am german. we don't have much more details of who these people are. >> so the one who is down they suspect with one of the gunmen, one of the nine dead on the scene. i take it way too early but the police are madly trying to find out about his background and find out any information about him. >> that's correct. they believe he is the man in the video in front of the mcdonald's as they found a red backpack next to him. hearing that it might be pooby trapped, they are being very careful in approaching that backpack and trying to identify that man. >> is munich still on lockdown as we have in the lower part of our screen. whole city the third largest city in germany. still locked down? >> munich is still on lockdown. almost immediately they shut down the subways, the buses, the tram system. about an hour and a half after the first report. also trains were stopped, so there are a lot of people stranded in the bavarian country sides in trains. people were told to stay indoors, to stay out of public areas, and actually, there were reports of other shootings. the actual incident happened in the north of the city as i mentioned, but there were also reports that there was a shooting in the center of the city that was unconfirmed. we just got a report that there were also rumors of a shooting at the hewn nic airport. that was unconfirmed by the police. however, the police did say that they arrested one person. it's not clear if there is a connection to what happened in town when you say confirmed you mean didn't happen or we don't know if there was a shooting at the airport or not? >> >> the police did not confirm that there was a shooting. however, they did say there was an arrest. but it's unclear if there was any connection to the shooting in the north of munich. >> well, as you might imagine, our white house has issued a statement to the press secretary and just a week ago you had a young man with an axon the train in germany. angela merkel, the german chancellor said anything yet? >> well, her chief of staff peter altmire went on national tv. he said they are constantly following events. one thing he said i think he also tried to reassure people and also some ways it's not necessarily reassuring. he said in the past few years they have uncovered terrorist plots and avoided those. but this is obviously causing a lot of concern, merkel will be meeting our closest advisors and ministers tomorrow for emergency session. the interior minister was actually just in new york. he was trying to go on vacation. and he turned around immediately and flew back. he will be in munich tomorrow morning and coming back to berlin to speak with the chancellor. >> lucian, thank you very much. >> thanks, greta. the killer or killers are still on the loose right now german police are racing to find them. former u.s. ambassador to the united nations ambassador john bolton depose "on the record." good evening, sir. >> glad to be here. >> they suspect one is down. one the nine is one of the killers. still looking for two others. manhunt going on. city still in lockdown. the rest of us, haven't been confirmed, suspicious this is terrorism. >> well, we have completely contradictory reports of eyewitnesses. some of whom say they heard the shooter yell al lieu akbar. some say i'm a german blanket foreigners and similar remarks. let's be clear, the risk of civil war inside several european countries is very real. patrick kovar head of security said in a public speech two weeks ago he could see civil war in france. he predicted it might be occasioned by kind of an incident of massive sexual assault on women has occurred in cologne germany in new year's eve. that could set it off. whether this is a right wing extremist in germany we don't know at this point. but i think when you put a million unvetted refugees into a country like germany, you're going to have cultural clashes. it's not to justify it, obviously, but to say it wouldn't surprise me if after ax attacks on german trains and the attack we saw in nice. it's 1 chock in the morning in munich now. this is a direct parallel to what happened in nice in the evening of bastille day on july the 14th. so, in the midst of this uncertainty, it's obviously difficult to know there was one gunman or more than one gunman. let's get this pros prospect of civil war out on the table because it's real. >> astounding when you think that an entire city in munich is locked down right now. third largest city in germany. second time in a week that they have had something that's -- last week on the train and now this. >> this attack near the site of the munich olympics attack -- >> -- from '72? >> exactly. near the site of the munich railway station where literally hundreds of thousands of refuse we dids from the middle east have been coming through. that's the main entry point into germany over the past year it's the locust of that conflict between civilizations where you could well see something like this as the beginning, i'm afraid. >> or have someone who is just a copycat who is cruel, who is evil. >> a complete nut case. >> an evil one at that. >> indeed. >> just terrible watching. these stories aren't going away. >> it's spreading all over europe. this is one country after another. the risk of this spreading to the united states, i think, is real as senior intelligence officials have testified in open session of congress in the past 60 days. >> ambassador, thank you, sir. >> thank you. when the bullets began to fly chaos erupted. people running for lives. police immediately began searching for killer or killers. sabrina and her boyfriend were in the middle of the free for all. sabrina, tell me, as soon as you heard the shots, what did you next experience? what did you see? we run out of italy where we have been before. we saw people running in every direction possible. behind us, before us, and we were trying to get another big place where our apartment is placed. when we passed that, we saw saw -- everyone left their bags there. so that made the impression everyone just left as soon as possible to get into supermarkets, cafes and their apartments to be safe somehow. >> max, the u.s. state department is telling americans to shelter in place. lockdown. i take it you have gotten the message to shelter in place and don't leave the apartment? >> we were told directly italy to get out of sight and they will would be shutting the doors of the supermarket already. as we left, we could see supermarkets were shutting their doors with customers in to keep everyone safe. the general consensus was everyone just get home safe, stay and lock your doors. >> don't be in the streets. >> just to reiterate. we weren't near where the initial shooting was near olympian park. we were bystanders of what we initially thought was another shooting. >> sabrina, if you look at the the window of your apartment, does munich look desolate? nothing is moving? people are sheltering in place? they have done as directed? stayed behind and locked doors? does it look like ghost town? >> yes, very much so. >> people don't live here and have any apartment at the moment are trying to hide under like little brings and little safe places wherever they find like dull cut corner of something. and the only thing you can hear and see is ambulances going by and helicopters flying over our heads. like every two minutes. >> we can hear people eating their dinner. no cars on the streets. can't hear pedestrians. no one is talking. everyone is in their houses. >> sabrina, people are helping each other using social media using #open door. what is that? >> a really nice like #called like four hours ago when all this happened. everything shut down while this shooting was going on in olympia park. police told public transport to shut down. taxis were told to not take any more passengers. had you no opportunity to go anywhere. just by your foot. but when you are living somewhere where you can't go by foot because it's too far, people called #open doors. which means people open their doors for strangers, for tourists who don't know where to go at the moment be safe. >> i don't know if you are aware at the moment there is also bulletins come out to say the mosques in munich open their doors people are welcome to stay there. >> sabrina and max, thank you very much for joining us. and obviously, you know, stay safe in a very unsettling situation. thank you. >> thank you. >> and back here in america, donald trump taking to the podium, calling for law and order in last night's acceptance speech at the republican national convention. trump stressed more than once and emphatically that he will be the candidate to keep america safe. >> i have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets. and the safety of our police when i take the oath of office next year, i will restore law and order to our country i will work with and appoint the best and brightest prosecutors and law enforcement officials to get the job properly done. to make lives safe for all of our citizens we must also address the growing threats we face from outside the country. we are going to defeat the barbarians of isis and we're going to defeat them fast. the damage and devastation that can be inflicted by islamic radicals has been proven over and over. at the world trade center. at an office party in san bernardino. at the boston marathon at a military recruiting center in chattanooga, tennessee. and many, many other locations. only weeks ago in orlando, florida. 49 wonderful americans were savagely murdered by an islamic terrorist. to protect us from terrorism, we need to focus on three things. we must have the best, absolutely the best gathering of intelligence anywhere in the world. the best. [cheers and applause] we must abandon the failed policies of nation-building and regime change that hillary clinton pushed in iraq, in libya, in egypt and in syria. instead, we must work with all of our allies who share our goal of destroying isis and stamping out islamic terrorism and doing it now, doing it quickly, we're going to win. we're going to win fast. [cheers and applause] >> and the "on the record" political panel is here, abc news political director rick klein and the associated press white house reporter josh letterman, first to you, rick, is he the law and order candidate? >> he is an angry savior. a would be savior a new role for donald trump. law and order fits in with the theme. that was a grim speech. it was not an optimistic portrait of america. built on the assumption voters feel like things are going wrong. wildly wildly off track in america right now. as he said he is the only one that can fix it those are two significant assumptions and both of those things have to be right for him to win and law and order fits into that. he is the outsider. he is saying is he trying to appeal even to the bernie sanders people who feel like outsiders. so that fits into the theme. >> it certainly does. if you want to know whether this is going to resonate with voters all you have to do is look at a day like we had today in munich unify ago lot of people. sad reality if we have a lot more events like that between now and election time, each time it seems to put this issue of safety, security, law and order really to the forefront of minds of voters and to donald trump's point possibly really helping him drive that message home. >> how does secretary clinton answer that? >> i think she says things aren't nearly as bad as donald trump says they are. she is not. >> breaking news even though it's germany. >> every couple days going to be something. she isn't going to oppose law and order. we can obviously do better. but you don't have to start from a pessimistic place and feel like things are as broken as they were. then i think she would also point out that a lot of the slogans are hollow ones. there is nothing about him as she even said tonight. the idea that he would say he is the only person that can fix it is a little farfetched. >> she is quite hawkish in law and order. historically not being painted that picture. >> iraq war others have highlighted. issues she is actually to the right of donald trump on national security issues obviously with a big issue in the primary with a lot of democrats that want to do see someone more to the left, more like obama or even someone more liberal like that on some of these national security issues. but at the same time, if you are running against a law and order candidate, you sort of want to be a law and order candidate yourself. >> although she is part of the obama administration. she is getting pinned with that as well. people are not happy with the obama administration and with the justice item department. well, she is the establishment. donald trump is telling the establishment has failed. so if people are thinking about it just in those terms, she needs to find enough distinction to say i'm not a third term here. it's a weird time. 60% plus of the country says we are on the wrong president with approval ratings in the 50. how could both of these things be true? >> all right, rick, josh, don't go away. just when you thought it could not get wilder, well, it did. the brutal fight continues. donald trump and senator ted cruz are right back at it you will hear from trump next. munich germany on lock down. hunt for three killers in a deadly shooting rampage. back in europe straight ahead. ♪ you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. is the world truly ready for a vehicle that can drive itself? 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a lot of money. there was a picture. and that's the only thing i know. >> co-host of "fox & friends weekend" tucker carlson goes "on the record." tucker, nice to see you. >> hey, greta. >> so, tucker, you know, i sort of thought we got beyond this one although i will say it's an interesting feud but here we go again. >> poor mike pence he looked like he was dying back there he had not been briefed on this detour from new boss. with trump is he so clever that sometimes you have to wonder well maybe i don't understand why is he doing this but perhaps is he thinking 3 dimensionally while the rest of russ thinking in two dimensions and there is some strategic reason for it. in this case it's nutty and counter productive. i'm not sure who wins. cruz hurt himself at the convention the other night we can be certain of that what does trump get out of resurrecting this jfk assassination theory or mentioning ted cruz's name? if there is a good reason i will feel calmer about it for those of us who don't want to see hillary clinton become president, this is worrisome. >> probably everyone is talking about it to the exclusion of talking about the fact that we are awaiting her vp choice. maybe is he stealing some of the wind out of her sail. here is something else that he said last night or today about the supreme court one thing i want to leave you with supreme court justices. no matter how much you like or dislike, no matter what your feelings, whether you are the governor of ohio, whether you're a senator from texas or any of the other people that i beat so easily, and so badly, you have no choice. you have got to go for trump. supreme court justices. >> so he says they are going to have to hold their nose and vote for him. governor kasich and senator ted cruz, right? >> if you are a conservative, this is obvious. prima facie true. of course trump has a stronger likelihood of picking a more reasonable supreme court justice than hillary clinton does. i'm not sure he needs to say it and in this context beat all the other guys in the race. tragedy here in my perspective is that he gave this kind of redefining speech last night that really laid out what the republican party ought to be focused on going forward. i thought it was solid. i think it speaks to actual concerns of actual people not just my neighbors media and washington middle class voters. that's what the republican party had been missing. if he had stopped talking last night or just continue to do repeat sections of his speech from here until november he would be president. detours into wacko bird land they don't help. i don't get it. >> interesting last night he talked about gay rights and he talked about fairness and equality. seeking a second constitutional amendment to do away with gay marriage. he got an an applause by the republican audience. >> the whole thing was amazing. the republican economic program. this is guy who is, of course, running as a famous businessman, a successful practitioner of business, but he did not give us the stock republican lines about entrepreneurship and capital gains tax cuts or entitlement reform for that matter. everything about what he said last night was a radical departure. maybe a refreshing departure. america has changed so dramatically in the last 25 years the republican platform has not. donald trump is ushering in this new era. he should be talking about that. i think. but what do i know though tucker, thanks we will see you tomorrow morning on "fox & friends." >> thanks, greta. >> police are still cr searching for suspects in munich. months and we'll make your first month's payment. see your lexus dealer. allstate offers a't imagine genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding. 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>> well, greta, this mask manhunt in munich has been going on for hours now. it all started 6:30 local time just as people in munich were starting thick weekend. munich police say at the main mall in the city shots started ringing out horrific and very hard to watch cell phone video that emerged from the scene. you see a man right outside of a mcdonald's fast food restaurant. he points a gun at a include children. that group starts running away. he points his gun at them and just starts firing. as you said, greta, the latest death toll now stands at 10. according to german press reports, the tenth body was found about a half a mile away from the mall. so, it is possible police say that that was one of the gunmen and he potentially may have committed suicide after he fled this scene. and also according to german press reports right now, police robot is at that man's body and is detecting, trying to detect if there is explosives on him. greta, at this point, no word yet on a motive. police say they just aren't there yet. the investigation is still very early on in stages. according to witnesses it could be an act of domestic terror. according to one witness. one of the gunman was slurring out antiforeigner slurs. >> kevin, thank you. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is working her sources. she is here to go "on the record." catherine you and i have these conversations way too often with these shootings. what are you learning tonight. >> i spoke with social media contact. he said to me they are seeing the same pattern of these isis accounts lighting up that they saw a week ago in nice with the truck account that killed 84. they are not referring to the suspect or suspects as soldiers of the caliphate. but they are certainly celebrating what is happening in munich. separately, a character recidivism -- characterism said this was attack targeting children as we saw in nice last week that is a way to ultimately inflame the situation and leave the ultimate scar on the community. >> lowest of low to shoot kids. lowest of low. >> that's right. >> what they are saying about any isis is it always seems recently from nice and maybe even the attack last week on the train. it's after the fact. is there any indication that isis, other than being an inspiration that isis in any way directed or supplied or paid for or anything else? >> not at this point. there has been no claim of responsibility. and it's so early in the investigation that no links to any terrorist group, al qaeda, isis, or even some other has been identified. but to give some people some context, leading into the security there was what's called intelligence note from be jump authorities that warns specifically about isis cells that had been trained and armed coming from syria into western europe. and the target list included shopping centers, restaurants, as well as american fast food chains. this event, this attack does seem consistent or at least dove tail with that information. >> all right. we are learning what's crossing the wires is that police believe that the person down may have been the sole shooter and that he committed suicide. and. >> they have a term for this in these terrorist groups. they call them nike jihadists which is the just do it terrorists. take what you can where you are and act. that is sort of the siren call of all of these groups at this point which is why it's so hard to detect. >> which is what is so awful about the social media is that you can inspire from far away. walls aren't going to prevent this. >> well, the fbi director, one of his sort of signature assessments is that this is the crowd sourcing of terrorism. can you send it out to thousands of people. it reaches them all in their pocket on their phone. and you need to just have one one half of 1% express an interest to have an event like this. >> shooting kids, wow. shooting kids: catherine, thank you. >> you are welcome. >> we'll continue to bring you live updates on the pretty nice in munich. up next, the trump family dominating the republican national convention. a look back at the best moments as "on the record" kicks off prime time on the number one network in all of cable. it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. who's the lucky lady? 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"on the record" is monitoring and we will bring you instant live updates as soon as they come in. and back here in the united states a 2016 republican national convention is now in the books. and there is no doubt about it. it was the donald trump show. but let's face it. donald trump did get a run for his money from who else? his family. they nearly stole the show. >> i have been with donald for 18 years. i have been aware of his deep love for country since we met. he never had agenda. when it comes to his patriotism. because like me, he loves this country very much. donald has a great and deep and unbonding determination and never give up attitude. >> i have seen it time and time again that look in his eyes when someone says it can't be done. i saw that look a little over a year ago when he was told he possibly couldn't succeed in politics. yes, he did. for my father, impossible is just the starting point. >> he motivates me to work my hardest and to always stay true to who i am and what i believe. that's what he does. he pulls out the talent in people. that's a great quality to have in a father and better yet to the president of the united states. >> to the unemployed voter sitting at home watching me right now, wondering how you are going to make your next mortgage payment or rent payment, my father is running for you. to the laborer watching me right now, forced out of a job by undocumented workers. illegal immigrants, my father is running for you. to single mothers to mothers with children. can no longer afford benefits for. my father is running for you. >> when my father says he will build a tower, keep an eye on the skyline. floor by floor a soaring structure will appear. usually record setting in it height and iconic in its gin design. real people are hired to do real work. vision becomes reality. when my father says that he will make america great again, he will deliver. >> next the highlights from this week's republican national convention right here "on the record." bp drilling teams train in virtual reality simulators in here, so we're better prepared for any situation out there. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. because safety is never being satisfied. & in a world held back by compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing & another. only at&t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be... local & global. open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? 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it should have read delete. she is very good at that, by the way. >> it's important for you to know what it means to be an american. it doesn't mean getting free stuff. [cheers and applause] it means sacrificing, winning,lessing, failing, succeeding, and sometimes doing the things you don't want to do. >> let me tell you why i have been on the trump train from the beginning. see, when you are from the south and you grow up with rednecks, there are some occasional disagreements. sometimes those disagreements turn into fisticuffs. but any time i was ever in a bad spot, i always knew my brothers would have my back. and today in a lot of ways, america is in a bad spot and we need a president who will have our backs. [cheers and applause] >> to paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump-pence republican ticket. >> our leaders need to be stronger. under donald trump our deals will be smarter. our soldiers will have what they need and our veterans will have what they earned. we will secure our borders, protect our nation. in all this we will be more serious and when we do, this nation will start winning again. >> the "on the record" political panel is back, abc news political director rick colin and white house reporter josh letterman. josh, did you have a highlight speech this week? >> well, one big moment from the convention that really seem to do reverberate across the convention hall was when donald trump not once but twice issued a call for protecting the lbgtq community in his speech. this was a really marked departure from what we have seen in previous conventions. four years ago, mitt romney never uttered the word gay, said anything like that in a call for that kind of rights much less lbgtq. you could really tell the entire convention hall was holding their breath when he did that are they going to boo him? are they going to cheer him? how exactly is this going to be received? of course when he was roundly applauded for it he took a moment to say as a republican it's really nice to hear you cheering me for that really clear indication of how the politics of this have shifted in such really short amount of time. >> rick, your favorite moment? >> there were two moments where donald trump controlled himself during his speech. one when there was a protester who started going on a code pink protester we believe. of course at the rallies sometime get them out of here. did he not speak for a long time until she was restrand. he said how great are our police officers. the other time when the crowd started chanting lock her up. does he start chanting with him? he waited and beat her in november. can he show that self-controlled. he showed it in those two moments dish i thought the kids in many way stole the show. it's a reflection on them as i teased that my parents could never run for president with their kids. i thought his children did a good job. >> one of the things that a lot of skeptical republicans say when they finally have been brought over to the trump side is that one of the things that did it is his kids and getting to know his kids. you can fain a lot and say things that aren't true you can't fake your kids. >> you can't hide your kids. >> some of those kids are ones that we haven't seen a whole lot. we have seen ivanka and eric. we haven't seen a lot of tiffany trump, for instance. >> it's interesting that governor mary fallon and joni ernst. two women who spoke almost invisible because of time. >> the timing. this was such a kay 00 continuing behind the scene convention. they lost control of the schedule. one night they went too long and another night too short. that's why planning matters. two voices they would have like to do showcase in a big way. >> rick, josh, thank you both. >> and on to philly. >> now it is the democrat's turn. democratic national convention in philadelphia is days away. and right now we are awaiting the news. who will secretary hillary clinton pick for vp running mate? meanwhile dnc security being ramped up. shannon bream is levee in philadelphia. shannon, what's the latest? >> all right, greta. a couple of things. we expect that we could get the hillary clinton vp pick at any moment. we are standing by and a man who is rumored to be on top that list poo testimony solid senator tim kaine, used to be a governor in virginia. it's interesting what we found in the last 24 hours or so there are many on the left who wouldn't be happy about that pick. they say is he too conservative to add to her ticket. of course you remember tracking all through the primary season there was bernie sanders. there were mist his ardent followers. there was a pull to the left on many key issues. and there has been talk that bernie sanders and his followers wouldn'ten on board, necessarily, with hillary clinton unless they got a pick to the ticket that they thought also would be tough on issues that they favor on trade, on banking, on wall street. those kinds of things. but in looking at the tim kaine's record we found, you know, he is what some would consider a pretty conservative democrat on key issues on things like abortion. personally is he pro-choice. he doesn't think the government should get involved. he would favor partial birth abortion ban. cop sent laws in virginia. in addition while he would vote for assault weapons ban, he doesn't think it's the best way to control gun crime and issue of him backing right-to-work laws. unions say no thanks on that. that's absolutely the opposite of what they would like to see. pretty strong statements on the left saying he would be a terrible pick based on trade, based on banking, those kinds of things. so we'll see. he certainly would not be somebody who would make the bernie sanders contingent of the party if he is the one added to the ticket. dnc preps have been underway for months in planning. in talking to local officials they are monitoring things like terror attacks. like the attacks on law enforcement officers and murder of police officers in dallas and baton rouge. all of that is factoring in. also philadelphia police have had a team of their own in cleveland this week working with authorities there so that they can gleen any lessons that might be helpful here. keep this in mind when we're talking about terror. just days ago where a suspect used a truck that killed dozens of people. so, from where i'm standing, i could see i-95 that wraps around this area. rvs, trash trucks are going to be routed away from this section of 9 a. headache for them. we can see the airport from here. planes landing, coming and going. air traffic will be impacted as well, greta? >> shannon, thank you. of course we are standing by. the announcement could come any second. she is going to tweet it. we will find out who secretary clinton is going to pick and major update in munich. we'll be right back. his it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you ♪ it's time to♪discover that in a lexus suv... ...there's no such thing as adverse conditions. ♪ come to the lexus golden opportunity sales event this is the pursuit of perfection. now it's war, they band i want them dead!lves. the fleas and ticks? their whole gang. we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it's fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don't worry, princess, we'll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. this is a fox news alert. an update right now on that deadly munich shooting rampage. fox news correspondent katy logan is live with the latest. >> significant update from police in munich who have just tweeted that one of the 10 dead is a man who they believe was a suspect in the shooting in this deadly shooting in the shopping mall. they say that this person committed suicide. they understand that he government who they say was most likely acting alone. and this body was found about a kilometer from the mall where the shooting happened in the early evening german time. now, until now, police had been working on the understanding that there were three potential gunmen in the shooting. that was based on witness reports and they were telling us just a short while ago that they simply have to verify whether this was true or not. they carried out a huge manhunt across the city. there now appears to be one gunman according to late rest police reports. shooting started 10 to 6 local time in a nearby restaurant mcdonald's. the shooter moved into the mall crowded at the end of a day on friday. one video shows the suspect supposedly shout is he a german citizen. miss have not confirmed. this authorities say they are unclear on the motive. they still investigating what was behind this they don't believe it's an act of islamic terrorism. they are still trying to find out why this suspect carried out the deadly attack, greta. >> katy, thank you. that's all for now. make sure you are here sunday night.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160825 10:00:00

disaster. >> have you done that? >> no. >> there are a lot of them in central park the other day. >> oh, my goodness. >> thanks for joining us. >> "fox and friends" starts right now. have a great thursday. bye bye. good thursday morning to you and your family. it's august 25th. i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump is hours away from a high stakes meeting with minority leaders after saying this about immigration. >> they have to pay taxes. there's no -- there's no amnesty. >> how is that message resonating this morning? we're live on the campaign trail. meanwhile, more damaging reports are piling up about the clinton foundation. but bill clinton says there's nothing to see right there. >> we're trying to do good things. there's nothing wrong with creating jobs and saving lives. i don't know what it is. >> we can hear what he blames for the family scandal. there will be no homework this year. instead, a teacher wants students to spend time with their families. that teacher will join us live. the kids, they'll be with their families. your mornings are better with friends. hi everybody. welcome to studio e. another busy day on the election trail. if you look at the polls, they're getting real tight. >> one has them one apart and one three apart. all seem to be within the margin. >> donald trump, everyone said he's had the best week yet throughout his campaign. maybe it's paying off. >> part of the poll yesterday it was -- >> today, donald trump pulled in a high stakes meeting to win over minority voters. >> this after promising no amnesty at a town hall. >> peter doocy is live outside of trump tower. hey, peter. >> good morning, ainsley. the centerpiece of donald trump's immigration plan is still that border wall. but we are getting new details now about what he would do with people who came to this country illegally but hasn't been caught breaking any other laws. >> now we have the person 20 years, been an upstanding person, the family is great, everyone is great. do we throw them out or do we work with them snoo go a step further. they'll pay back taxes, they have to pay taxes. there's no amnesty as such. there's no amnesty. but we work with them. >> reporter: trump got live feedback from the crowd about whether or not they wanted to deport people who don't have long criminal records. the group down there in texas responded well. meanwhile, trump is continuing to court african-american voters. even just talking about how he thinks democratic lawmakers have failed inner cities. he's planning to show them there are plans in the works to go to a part of detroit he has described as a war zone and get a walking tour of that neighborhood with dr. ben carson within the next few weeks. here at trump tower today, meanwhile, trump will sit down with a roundtable of young republicans mostly millennials and minorities, the public leadership initiative. it's something that plans to get people involved with the process who may not have otherwise been. the folks will sit down with trump before -- to battleground states. >> 70-something. peter thank you very much. >> donald trump's house. >> immigration, too. we met with the debate on the stage amongst republicans. governor kasich saying you cannot kick out 10 million people and round them up. it's going to cost too much even if you intended to do so. it looks as though donald trump is realizing that. maybe it will allow people like governor kasich to say now you're coming my way, maybe i can jump on. >> maybe we'll see that with him and with ted cruz ted cr. >> absolutely not. >> i meant by the time it's time to vote, ted cruz is -- maybe he'd come around. the key is that trump says no amnesty and he will build the wall. >> he might actually. when i was interviewing rick perry at the trump rally, he said he's been talking to ted cruz and it's all about forgiveness and ted cruz might be coming around. >> chicago, forgiveness? snoo? >> they say i'm sorry. does chicago ask for forgiveness? >> the group. >> that was in the '70s. let's get in the way back machine. >> maybe they sing about -- >> it's hard to get something to rhyme with cruz. >> let's move along. let's cruise along to see what the clinton camp is. this is how troublesome the clinton foundation scandal is for hillary clinton. there she is right there. the clinton camp is asking the associated press to correct their tweet that talked a little bit about how during two years as secretary of state seemed like half the people who came in the door were giving her -- >> to what, steve? that's factual if you read it. >> read it. >> the a.p. says this. this was the story that made news. expandnd and -- more than half of those who met clinton as cabinet secretary, secretary of state, gave money to the clinton foundation. now they said, brian fallon and company, hillary clinton specifically says this is inaccurate. you didn't factor in all the other people who came to visit me. >> governmental people? >> the ap says listen, we've been asking for your logbooks. we figured you were doing your job. we wanted to know what private people were come to go see you. >> they wouldn't give that information. the a.p. tried for three years, then they had to sue them to get that information. it turns out that half of the 185 people that weren't governmental people that she met with, more than half of them were giving money to the clinton foundation. >> the a.p. stands by their story. the reason they factored it in and didn't count from foreign nations and federal employees was because she -- >> bill clinton is trying to put a happy face on a big problem. here he is. >> we're trying to do good things. there's nothing wrong with creating jobs and saving lives. people knew what they were doing. people were crushed -- hillary meeting with -- [ inaudible ] you know, it's election season. but i feel good about it. >> there he is. he says i saw people criticizing hillary for meeting with people. she did meet with people. but it looks like people paid money, got access, things happened. keep in mind, charity navigator, one of the finest organizations to figure out whether charity is -- >> legit? >> good. it's worthwhile. a year or two ago, they put the clinton foundation on a watch list for suspicious charities. in fact, another watchdog group refers to the clinton operation saying it operates like a slush fund for the clintons. that's the problem. now the press is starting to wake up and realize, hey, something smells funny here. >> you can't really figure out what the foundation does. they might be the best or the worst. but they're a unique formula. they can't be judged on the normal scale that we judge the average, the wounded warrior project. habitat for humanity. they give out grants to others. >> how do you judge it? do you have to look at the people running it and look at their history? >> apparently the margin of monday spent on overhead seems to be a little high. meanwhile, if you were watching television last night, there's a good possibility you saw that dupage was onald trump jackson, mississippi. nigel ma raj is in the united kingdom. he's the one who helped brexit pass or exit from the uk. he was terrific. it would be inappropriate, he said, for him to endorse an american candidate. he made it very clear who he would not be voting for. >> if i was an american citizen, i wouldn't vote for hillary clinton if you paid me. i wouldn't vote for hillary clinton if she paid me. there are millions of ordinary americans who have been let down. they feel people aren't standing up for them. they've actually in many cases given up on the whole electoral process. you can go out, you can beat the pollsters. you can beat the commentators. you can beat washington. to convince and inspire people to go out. if it was the only one and only time to vote for change. anything is possible if enough decent people are prepared to stand up against the establishment. all right. you saw what happened in the uk breaking away from the eu. it happened there. is it going to happen here? people like donald trump because he's not the establishment. >> there are parallels between what happened there and here. go out and beat the pollsters and the commentators and the establishment. he said on the day of the vote. exit was going to lose by 10 points. at the end it passed. we'll have to ask stuart varney about it. he's coming up on the show. heather childers has some headlines. >> good morning, heather. good morning to everyone at home. we begin with a story we've been following all morning long. rescue crews in italy frantically digging for survivors. 250 people are dead as a result of this. you're looking live at one of the hardest hit towns. hundreds pulled from under the rubble. here's a look at one of those incredible moments. >> a little boy and a baby girl found alive after 17 hours. take a look at these before and after pictures. this tells the story of the town still dealing with aftershocks this morning. >> back at home, vice presidential nominee mike pence is waking up in indiana to deal with the devastating aftermath of eight tornadoes. take a look at this video. a starbucks completely flattenee a cardboard box. people inside the coffee shop were hiding in the bathroom and miles an hour ak usually, they made it out alive. look at this video, middle schoolers waiting for the tornadoes to pass. the u.s. slamming iran for harassing our warships again. >> 300 yards. no response. weapons uncovered. man conducting. >> four iranians boats caught and getting within 300 yards. the boats finally backing off after several warning flares were set off. they called the actions unsafe and up professional. this the latest act of aggression by iran following the capture and release of ten u.s. sailors in january. the serviceman killed in a roadside bombing earlier this week in afghanistan has been identified. matthew thompson was a green beret from southern california. he was advising afghan forces when his unit was hit by an ied on tuesday. this was staff sergeant thompson's first deployment to afghanist afghanistan. he previously fought isis in iraq. he was awarded the purple heart. our prayers go to his family. >> indeed. thank you very much. everyone is focused on the race for the white house, right? there are several tight senate race that is could go either way. we're going to look at the map and show you them. as she calls her opponents, after they beat team usa in the olympics, hope solo gets the boot. she's firing back. better buckle up. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah, siriusxm is on for free right now. so tune in and let's ride! miraculously say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. . let's talk politics. while most of america is focused on the presidential race, some are focusing for the battle of the control of the u.s. senate. a new york times election forecast says democrats have a 60% chance of retaking the senate in november. so do republicans have a reason to worry? here to break it down our national political reporter caitlin hugh i burns. good morning. >> good morning. >> what did you make of it? >> i think it's pretty accurate. you look at the map and it's not favorable for republicans. this is different from 2014. look at the states where republican incumbent are trying to hold on to their seats. there are states like ohio, florida, pennsylvania. lots of states that president obama actually won twice and look favorable on the presidential side to win on the democratic side. >> so they're some of the most competitive races. new hampshire. the democrats up 64 to the republicans 36. in pennsylvania, the democrats 52 the republicans 48. in indiana, democrats 62, republicans 38 and nevada, democrats 38 and republicans 62 as well. >> nevada is an interesting state. it's held by harry reid who is retiring. if republicans can find a pickup, that can help them. they need four seats if democrats win, five if republicans win. it's going to be a really close race here. but what republicans are hoping is for ticket splitting to happen. right now -- >> which doesn't happen very much these days. >> exactly. last election only 6% of districts were splitting their tickets. it's gone down and down over the course of the cycles. but what republicans are hoping is that they can create distance between trump. but they really want him to do better in these polls. he's trailing in that down ballot effects. >> for instance, in state of ohio where -- you think the ticket splitting is going on there. >> each in places where trump is trailing clinton by significant margins shall the republican incumbent is usually ahead of trump and ahead of the democratic challenger. that's what's working, a little bit of silver lining, working in their favor. they're hoping if donald trump can narrow the gap, they can propel themselves a little bit. >> kelly anne conway was talking on one of the shows. she thought the polls would be skewed because when you're queried for instance by a computer, he does better. people aren't going to say i'm for trump each though i am. >> there's been interest in that analysis. what the -- that a lot of the republican senators have, the advantage they have, they have their own brand, a lot of them, in that states. portman is well connected in the state, has a big turnout operation, well-organized makes up for the deficit that donald trump has in his state and also on the ground. it's going to be on the incumbent to run their own races. >> see what happens. caitlin, always a pleasure. thank you very much. what do you think? e-mail us. remember when president obama said this about obama care? >> you don't like your doctor, you'll be -- if you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep them. if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep it. >> that's what he said. but apparently that's not true anymore. we'll talk about that. there will be no homework this year. instead, a teacher wants students to spend time with their families. that teacher is live, next. perhaps it is time we acquire a larger dwelling. but the mortgage process has proven to be challenging. not with rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it is the easiest and most logical way to secure financing for your living quarters online. you can securely share your financial information with the push of a button. it appears now is a sensible time to relocate. i am so happy. no need to get emotional. 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(announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ten hours ever carnage is over. gunmen in kabul left 12 people dead. they set off bombs and spring bullets sending hundreds of students running for their lives. they were believed to be members of the taliban. they were killed. and this is another story. is this mono owe he won from the state to fund his trip to join isis. >> he took $91,000 he won after a bridge collapse north dakota minneapolis and headed to syria. they believe that he's using that money to help fund the terror army. thank you, brian. a second grade teacher's new homework policy is going viral. brandy young gave a her to the parents saying homework will consist of work at that your student did not finish during the school day. there will be no formally assigned homework to suggest to the parents they need to eat dinner as a family, read together, play outside and get your children to bed early. joining us now is brandy young and the principal of that school, melinda reynolds. thank you boats for being with us. >> good morning. >> brandy, why did you decide to come up with this new policy? >> i love my students and want to do what's best for them. banking on the homework that they were doing in the past, i wanted to know if there was a benefit to it. was it necessary and was it engaging them outside of my room? the answer was it wasn't. >> i'm sure the students are loving this policy. what was the reception from the parents? >> the parents were really excited. i've had nothing but positive feedback. >> why are they excited? >> they want to do those things. they want their kids to do more extracurricular activity. >> melinda, were you like oh, gosh, we don't want this viral or the controversy? what was your response? were you supportive? >> very supportive. it's actually not that new to us. we -- we have been empowered as administrators, as our teachers to take our kids and do what we think is best for our group of kids. we are focusing with project-based learning and problem-based learning and having kids use their entire world and not just pencil paper tasks. we want our teachers thinking outside the box. we're not saying homework doesn't have a place. it absolutely does. as kids get older and subjects get more complicated, we know they've got to have the homework to be successful. but at this age level, taking what they've learned in the classroom and using it at home. use your fractions while cooking dinner as a family. using your literacy skills while you're talking about what happened during the day. those are the ways we can extend the classroom into the home and get the family values that they need to be productive citizens. >> i'm so glad you brought that up, melinda. i was talking to the producers and was talking about in high school the homework assignments prepared me for the tests. ainsley, these are second graders, 7 and 8-year-olds. i'm glad you brought up that point. brandly, what about the other second grade teachers. the other kids get assigned a teacher, they find out it's you. what about the other second grade teachers. you're setting the bar pretty high. are they upset with you or are they going to follow suit? >> i have the best team of second grade teachers. we sat down to really discuss this. they're juchl pg on board. this is something we want to go for. we want to be innovators and make a difference. >> i think it's great. the kids need to be outside playing and cooking dinner with their moms and dads and sitting together at the dinner table as a family. i think it's awesome. >> thank you for loving kids so much and sacrificing so much. my mom was a school teacher and my sister is too. i know what you put into that. i really freesht. >> thank you. >> have a great year. >> thank you. >> bye bye. still ahead, the epipen story. they save lives. now they're costing 400% more than the see -- owe well, i should say the 400% more and that ceo, she got a 600% raise. now she's blaming obamacare. we are going to talk about that. a big announcement from our maria molina. she's got news to share with all of us. there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. it is back to school for kids all across america. maybe no student is as excited as this fourth grader, kevin, from austin, texas. >> i'm going to -- after that, i'm going to fifth grade and then to college. or high school. i don't know. it's fun because i want to be a creator like inventing stuff. i need to learn a lot of math to do it. also a lot of science. my mom thinks i'm a baby. also she thinks i need protect gear when i need to ride a bike. >> you probably do. i think i agree with your mom. >> i don't have to ride a bike even without protected gear. can i say one last word? hello students. also have good luck when you enter fourth grade or fifth grade. >> oh, my gosh. i want that child. how adorable is he? he said he wants to be a creator. >> needs math. very excited to be going back to school. that's where we turn now to maria molina. hi. >> hi. i have something to share with you this morning. i want to start out by saying that yesterday was the anniversary of hurricane andrew's landfall in south florida. this was a category 5 storm that hit my hometown. after the storm, i told my parents i wanted to be a meteorologist on tv to forecast dangerous weather for the public. fox newschannel helped me reach that dream. over the past six years, i've had the opportunity to cover stories ranging from superstorm sandy to tornado outbreaks, nor'easters and even the devastating 2011 japan tsunami. i will be forever grateful for that opportunity. that said, as a nicaraguan refugee who became an american citizen, one of the other achievements that i hope to reach in this great country is reaching my ph.d. in the field that i love and having research to call my own. so next monday, i will be a full-time ph.d. student at central michigan university. but because of that, i have to leave fox. >> oh, boy. >> you're going to be dr. molina. >> yes. >> dr. molina with the weather. >> why michigan? can't you stay here and do it? >> i've been working on work already with a professor at columbia university. >> research. >> and he has moved to central michigan university. i want to keep working with that project. >> when do you think your last day will be? >> i'm heading -- after the show, we will be -- me and my husband will be packing up the truck and driving west, heading to michigan. i will be on campus tomorrow and off for a week and i'll be back on labor day, though. >> is it true he's finding this out for the first time? >> you're a trailblazer. really, really great. i'm sure your family is so proud of you. we're going to miss you. >> so much. >> you've been here through thick and thin weatherwise. >> yes. >> do you see yourself going back on camera with your ph.d.? >> yes. i would love to return hopefully explore some ways to stay on camera while i'm out there in michigan. maybe with a local station. hoping to stay in the fox family. i have had an incredible experience here. i love you guys. you're all incredibly talented, everyone on the air and even off the air. our whole crew. it's been great being with you all here. >> maria, we'll miss you so much. we were talking about this yesterday. you told me about this announcement. i'm really proud of you. this is all of our dream jobs. to give this up to get further education and i know that is just -- you are a trailblazer like you were saying. especially for the hispanic community. because this is very rare for hispanics to get in degree, right? >> it's been very tough to make this decision. it took many, many months of thinking about it and i tried doing some research. i contacted the national science foundation. i was like how many hispanic women actually get a ph.d. in earth science degree? it was a low percent. in 2014, i believe it was less than five. >> it's a great idea. of the people i've known in the weather business and i've known a lot of them, you are so excited. you love the weather. this is going to be the next step toward -- >> the only thing to worry about is the weather in central michigan. it anybody is fully aware of weather in central michigan, it's you. >> it's going to be a couple of long winters. >> maria and her husband are storm chasers on the side. he does it full-time. you do it with him. you love this stuff. they eat, breathe and sleep the weather. >> there will be storms when we drive west today. i wouldn't be surprised if we -- >> we may have to put it on the news. >> good luck to you. >> stay in touch and come back when you get that degree. >> i know you can't make promises you can't keep, though. >> the hiring here, i would hire you back right now. >> i'll be knocking. let's send it over to heather with the headlines. >> i cannot believe it. maria and i started the same day, we went through orientation together here at fox news. we're going to have to talk. congratulations. great news. we do have stories that we've been following. the epipen story we've been talking about. it's a matter of life and death for millions of people. now the ceo of the company that makes the pen has less than two weeks to explain why she hiked the price 400%. the drug started at $100. that was back in 2009 before rising to more than $600 today. shares of the stock dropped more than 11% this week, down from more than 5% yesterday alone. remember when president obama said this about obamacare. >> you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you'll be be able to keep your health care plan. >> well a apparently that's not true anymore. this is what obamacare's website used to look like. now president obama's signature catch phrase is nowhere to be found. you can only see if your doctor is included in your planned network. hope solo refuse to go back down this morning despite a massive suspension from u.s. soccer. the three-time world champ job women's goalie will have to sit out after calling the swedes, quote, cowards after the team usa's unexpected loss in rio. solo has been the face of the u.s. soccer team for years and has always played with passion and has no plans to change. those are a look at your headlines. >> thank you very much. meanwhile, one much tv's top shows is almost back. >> keep our enemies close and we don't have time. for the shenanigans. >> as long as i see that fire in your eyes, i know we're good. >> cookie and lucious. >> empire, season 3 premieres in a few weeks. >> let's dip into spotlight, the fox light i should say. the vp of marketing. michael. >> sat down with taraji p. henson and she gave me the inside scoop of the new season and everything in store for 2016. >> when last we saw cookie, she was on the cusp of happiness finally and then it all went the way it always does in empire. >> it's all because of who? lucious. >> who can forget the epic cliffhanger. >> who do you think she would like to see not return? >> do you real vi to ask that? >> you know cookie wants to bite the bullet. whoever doesn't make it, it's bad. because you've got andre, whose mental state is -- >> complicated. >> it is. as a mother, you worry. you know if it's roger, he's lost a wife and a child. oh, my god. what is that going to do to him? >> so what can fans expect for season 3? >> very, unpredictable. starting with the first scene of the premiere. we're doing a lot of flashbacks on how cookie and lucious met, which is more insight for me as to who cookie is. they threw a curve ball at me. i found out things about cookie i didn't know. exciting this season. >> with a golden globe under her belt, another emmy nomination and with a new memoir on the way along with a major motion picture, 2016 is shaping up to be the year of taraji. >> you're a computer at math. let women handle that sort of -- >> let women do things at nasa, mr. johnson. it's because we wear glasses. >> i can't wait. it's definitely one of those movies that will uplift humanity. we need that right now. >> hidden figures opens up in december. season 3 of empire september 21st, only on fox. love cookie. >> loof cookie. >> catch up on the first two seasons when you can. season 3 starts september 21st only on fox. check out fox news for more celebrity interviews and follow me on instagram and twitter. thank you. 20 minutes now before the top of the hour. of all the heartbreak in louisiana, there are heroes like this. >> oh, my god? i got you. lawmakers want those good samaritans to get permits to save their neighbors' lives. we'll explain. more trouble piles up for the clinton foundation. many won't come to hillary's defense. our next guest does. senator chris coops is here as to why he's still with her. ♪ [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah, siriusxm is on for free right now. so tune in and let's ride! and i'm just a guy who wantsants to sell him that so i used truecar. it told me what other people in the area paid for the truck i want. and because we're a truecar certified dealership, i already know the truck he wants. so we're on the same page before he even gets here. -it's fair. -and it's fast. look good? looks great. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ a rough couple of days for hillary clinton as damaging reports grow about the access -- the state department gave when she was running things. the foundation, the clinton foundation donors. new elected democrats have come to her defense. one of them is a senator from delaware. he's chris coons. he's here to explain. the former senator from new york and first lady, a senator himself. senator, welcome back. >> thanks, brian. good to be with you. >> i was struck by the fact that ed rendell, governor of pennsylvania, former leader of the democratic national convention says the firewall was infective and the report dealing -- the reports that we're looking at right now create a bad perception. do you agree with the a.p. report that it creates a bad perception? >> well, i think the a.p. report, brian, cherry picks a small subset of the meetings that secretary clinton has and doesn't look at the full period of time that she was secretary to create a mistaken impression that somehow her work as secretary of state was inappropriately influenced. let's focus about what's really going on here. the clinton foundation was just that. is just that. a foundation that raises millions of dollars to help provide malaria medication or hiv-aids medication to millions of kids in the developing world. >> it has nothing to do with this topic. in fact, the a.p. has fired back and said we sued you twice to get the rolls to find out who was visiting the secretary of state when she was secretary of state. we finally got a list and we didn't list everybody that went in because we assume those people, this going to the a.p., were doing business. these are private people that went to visit. necessity fired back after brian fallon fired back at them. >> that's right. brian, if you dig into the details of what sorts of people we're talking about here, many of them are people who would have had a meeting with the secretary of state anyway. melinda gates, daniel abraham. take those three. melinda gates, one of the leading philanthropists. if she asked for a meeting with the secretary of state in fighting polio or in advancing health around the world, she'd getting meeting. >> that is perfectly logical. i look at the bios with the micro loan guy and they seem like exceptional people. there's a lot of exceptional people in the world. it just so happens, the exceptional people that got in, almost 60% were substantial donors to the to foundation, which is the reason she signed an ethics agreement with president obama when she took the job. do you agree with the perception, that the boston globe pointed out is poor? >> brian, the reason we're talking about it this morning is because it's created a poor perception. there may be smoke here but there is no fire. there isn't an underlying ethics violation because neither bill nor hillary clinton take a salary from the clinton foundation and the underlying work is admirable. they're taking proactive steps to be clear that as president, she and her husband would take different roles in the foundation. it's regrettable if they have to shut down their annual conferences. they do terrific work. >> it's a shame they didn't see this ahead of time as secretary of state which is as important as a wee diplomat as the president of the united states. we'll see. even hillary clinton realized that this is becoming an extremely hot issue. senator, always great to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. coming up straight ahead, trump says no amnesty and yes, there will be a wall, but does he still have more to clarify when it comes to his immigration plan. senator jeff sessions is coming up to expand on it this hour. out of all the heartbreak in louisiana, there are heroes like this. >> gone. >> i got your dog. >> lawmakers want those good samaritans to get permits to save their neighbors' lives. crazy. relook. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. louisiana has a long way to go to clean up following the devastating flooding. but out of the floods came thousands of rescuees by good samaritans like this. >> get my dog. >> he pulled her out of the submerged convertible. now there's a chance that good samaritans like the cajun navy group would have to be regulated and would have to apply and get permits. republican state senator jonathan perry said state leaders don't want the liability of going after to rescue someone and not being able to find the rescuers. >> dustin cluewatt is a member of the cajun navy and he joins us now. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> good morning, steve and ainsley. >> so what's your reaction to this, when you heard that he is working on legislation for training for your group and for other people like you before you go into these dangerous situations? >> it seems like we are fixing something that's not broke. i mean, you had something that in baton rouge i believe -- i keep hearing the word liability. what's the liability if you don't let those people in to help and then you end up with a high body count? it seems like a little bit more of a liability to me. >> absolutely, dustin. keep in mind, you folks live in that area. you know t cajun navy is not an official navy. you're a group of -- a grass roots organization of people trying to help. so to suggest hey, somebody is drowning across the street i can't go help them because i don't have a permit, that seems nuts. >> well, i'll be honest with you, i believe they can make all the laws they want and they're not going to stop the people of south louisiana from helping somebody in need. >> what do you think if this does go through, what do you think the reaction will be or response will be? will hundreds go through the training so if this happens again they'll be prepared? >> not to take away from anything that the government of wildlife fisheries or the fire department did, the national guard, they did everything they could. this thing was so widespread that without private citizens coming in, there's no way they could have possibly gotten everyone. i really don't see anything going through with it. if it does, i think it's great to get everybody together. you know, possibly have a bass pro shop or cabela's sponsor something, you go over everything, but having to show papers and certifications to help somebody -- >> yeah, that lady might have been a different outcome if you had to show papers before someone from your group jumped in and helped this lady out. >> correct. i mean, the cajun navy the only thing you have to do to enlist in it, is back up and launch on a boat or back up on any major interstate or highway and launch a boat. so, you know, if you started making laws and you start stop people -- i don't see how you can regulate people helping people. >> absolutely. and it seems like we already have enough rules and enough regulations to pretty much cover everything. but, you know, if you see something, you have to do something. especially if you're across the street and somebody needs help as in the case of hundreds of times down in louisiana this week. dustin, thank you for joining us from new orleans. >> we did reach out to the senator, we didn't get a response. maybe he'll reach out to him and we can have him on as well. thank you. what a nice group. helping other people. coming up, talk about being out of this world. the planet that you may soon be able to call home. >> planet hollywood? >> another plan it. meanwhile, donald trump says no amnesty and yes there will be a wall, but does he still have more to clarify about his immigration stance? senator jeff sessions is helping him out with the topic and he's outside with brian where we'll be in three minutes live from 48th and 6th avenue. clean food. words panera lives by. no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners. no colors from artificial sources. 100% of our food will be clean by year's end. that's food as it should be. ♪ americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. lease the e300 for $549 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ssoon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. well, good morning to you and your family. it's the tail end of the week, you made it to thursday. august 25th. i'm ainsley earhardt. are you isis? if you you want to come into the u.s. it would be a good idea for the government to ask that question, right? >> right. >> too bad if it was left off the form. and could the tie be in donald trump's favor? the race is hotter than ever in several battleground states and we have brand-new polls that could blow the election wide open. and what did your kids do this summer? >> we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union -- >> this 10-year-old memorized the entire constitution. and he will join us live and he also has a better clothing de dealdeal than i do. let me remind you, we were inside before and now we're outside, wherever we are, your mornings are better with "friends." ♪ >> so we're outside here on 48th and 6th. you can get through the rope line, you would be able to touch us. if you were able to find us, guess who is far right to me? >> who is that? >> senator jeff sessions is here. >> thanks for coming in from the great state of alabama. >> thank you. great to be here. >> you were just -- he was at the town hall with sean hannity. we were there together in austin, texas. trump was talking about his immigration plan. what'd you think about it? >> i'll tell you, donald trump made it front and center in this election. our candidate had to respond to respond it. the foremost contribution is we end the lawlessness. we can secure the border. we can improve this visa oversight problem and we can change this country by creating a system of immigration that serves the national interests and protects the people of america from attack and danger. >> one of the things he made very clear last night was no amnesty. there would be a wall. but then again, what do you do with the 11 or 12 or 13 million people who are here illegally right now? here's mr. trump. >> so now we have the person -- the family is great, everyone is great. so we throw them out or do we work with them and try to do something? to go a step further, they'll pay back taxes. they have to pay taxes. there's no amnesty as such. there's no amnesty. >> right. >> but we work with them. >> i know the formal plan gets announced next week. but he's already showing a little bit of give when it comes to the deportation squad picking up 11 million and throwing them out as opposed to what he said the other night when you were together. do we really throw out law-abiding illegals that have been here for 10 or 20 years? >> the most important thing is to focus first and foremost on a lawful system that protects the interests of the american people first. if you enter the country unlawfully you're subject to being deported. we have large number of people that have been here a very long time. i think what he's saying is let's prove that we can submit a plan that have been offered over the year, that they -- they have given amnesty first and promised enforcement in the future. he's say, let's fix this problem and then wrestle with the people who have been here a long time. >> you can get on board with that? >> oh, yeah, i can be supportive of that. you have to be careful because we have the rule of law. we have the amnesty of people in '86. >> essentially a wall of some sort to keep people out, but then they kept coming in. >> right. we went from 3 million illegal at that amnesty to 11 million now. you can't do that in the future. it's not easy. you've get to be careful about how you handle it. we have to work our way through it. it's essential for america. i think donald trump is moving us in the right direction. his -- if you want to secure the border and improve our immigration system, fix it, there's only one way to vote in november. hillary clinton is the extreme. instead of 10,000 refugees from syria, 65,000. she wants to increase the immigration across the board. and her policies actually undermine enforcement. it cannot work, so this is open borders really versus a real establishment of law. >> what i'm hearing is folks who are already here can stay here. you're not going to separate -- send a mom home and keep the children here, as long as they pay back taxes and you guys are going to definitely enforce it if that happens and then build a wall to prevent -- >> look, i think he's mentioned it, he hasn't said what he'll it how to approach this serious problem of re-establishing the lawful system of immigration and then eventually we'll have to deal with people who have been here a long time in a decent and fair way. >> of course, the whole thing, if you come into the country you have to sign the guest book. that's essentially what it is. it's interesting though, because there's a survey if you want to apply for citizenship or a visa or something like that, and they'll ask whether or not -- the way it works right now they'll ask whether or not you're a world war ii nazi or a nazi sympathizer. but they won't ask you if you're a member of isis, al qaeda, any of those -- of about a dozen different. there's the application right there for naturalization of a dozen different terror groups. they say you have to go before congress and change the rules. it seems kind of silly. >> well, it does seem silly. i mean, a person does not have a right to demand entry into the united states or any nation. i mean, no nation has to take somebody that's dangerous to them. presents a threat to them or can't flourish and do well in their country. we need to examine people who apply. we have more applicants than we have slots for. and we should select the people who are most able to flourish and be happy in this democratic republic that we have. not somebody who wants to completely change the constitution and laws of our country. >> yeah. >> usually al qaeda and isis don't say, yes, i'm al qaeda and isis and people at gitmo deny even though we have the intelligence -- >> you're saying they lie on the application? >> absolutely. find out if they're going to shoot people like in san bernardino or in a sham marriage or not. let's switch gears, let's talk about hillary clinton. her camp is asking the associated press for a retraction and amendment on the tweet that said over the course of two years that the -- over half the people that went to visit her have some link with the foundation. the a.p. said we're not going to do that. there's nothing inaccurate in our statement. >> the a.p. is not a right wing organization, they're to the left, so they identified the nongovernmental official she met with, more than half of them had given money to the foundation. another report shows the foundation is not spending its money wisely. huge chunks of the money they spent are for salaries, travel, bonuses, those kind of things. so this foundation is terrible. it needs to be investigated. you cannot use the position of secretary of state to say you can't come to see me until you have given money to my private foundation. it's so fundamental to the rule of law, right and wrong. i think it raises legal questions that needs to be worked on. it just cannot be. >> senator, bill clinton who runs the foundation obviously, he defended it of course. listen to what he said and then we'll get your reaction. >> we try to do good things. there's nothing wrong with creating jobs and saving lives. i don't know what it is. the people who gave the money knew exactly what they were doing. i thought people were criticizing hillary for meeting with muhammad eunice, and i think it's election season but i feel good about it. >> yeah. their charity isn't even graded by charity navigator because of suspicious activity or how ever they put it for the last couple of years. it looks like you pay money, you get access, stuff happens. >> then you have the problem in haiti. many of the people are upset about how little of the money they thought was coming to haiti raised for that purpose apparently didn't go there. you cannot use the office like this. this is a use of the secretary of state. some say access is not a quid pro quo, but people want access. the top american leaders. you cannot be buying access to the american leaders by giving to the leaders' private charity. >> i agree. >> which ends up supporting their entourage of people that are close to them and that may turn out to be campaign people in the future. >> well, the government is supposed to represent all the people. that's a position where she's supposed to represent everyone, not just the millionaires. the ones who have the money to buy access to her. >> you're so right about that. i was a federal prosecutor for a long time. rudy giuliani was. he's really criticized that and studied the the legality of it. but the major political office, the secretary of state, cannot be perceived worldwide as you get -- if you want to see me, you have to give to my foundation. these people didn't care about the clinton foundation. these foreign people, billionaires many of them, were giving money for access. >> just wait till she's president. senator, it goes to this narrative where we never get the whole story. you turned over your e-mails, really? we found 14,900 you didn't turn out. you didn't have things on your private server, you had things that were confidential, you had more than one device. so everything creates other questions and hillary clinton on some level feels as though she doesn't have to answer them because she's so far ahead. by the polls indicate are things are tightening up. what's the sense inside the trump camp when a florida poll has it now with trump up? >> well, it's a campaign. moving in the right direction and the numbers are moving. florida has moved to two-point trump lead. utah has moved to a double digit lead for trump. arizona five to seven point lead for trump. these are states -- so it's moving in the right direction nationally. what, upi poll, one point los angeles times has trump up two points. so this idea that this election is over and that he's not moving in the -- i have travelled with him. these crowds are fantastic. and there's going to be a turnout and an energy level that she is not coming close to matching. i'm telling you, there's energy in the trump campaign across this country. >> it's horse race. senator, thank you for dropping by. >> thank you. >> nice to see you, senator. let's hand it over to heather childers who is inside and has some headlines for us. >> good morning. which begin with a brand-new bombshell for hillary clinton just waiting to go off. wikileaks founder julian assange promising to release a new round of documents that he says could be a major game changer. >> we have a lot of pages of material. thousands of pages of material. variety of different documents from different institutions that are associated with the election campaign. some quite unexpected angles, you know, that are quite interesting. some even interesting. >> he stopped short of giving other details but it could be quote significant to the 2016 election. wikileaks is the same organization that helped to bring down former dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz last month. assange will be here on "fox & friends" tomorrow. rescue crews in italy are frantically digging for survivors of the earthquake this morning. nearly 250 people are dead. that number expected to go up. hundreds have been pulled from underneath the rubble including this morning this incredible moment with children rescued. truly amazing. a little boy and a baby girl found alive after 17 hours. and take a look at these before and after pictures of the town still dealing with aftershocks this morning. and that's a look at your headlines so far. back to you. steve, ainsley and brian. >> you can see all the buildings around the tower are gone. what does the obama administration plan for $590 million with a deficit? listen. >> a lot of money that can be saved and that -- this will be a challenge that the next president, the next congress will have to do. and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. well, the u.s. deficit continues to rise and in just about a month the government will end fiscal 2016 with a deficit of close to $600 billion. so what does the white house have to say about that? >> there's a lot of money that can be saved. this will be a challenge that the next president and the next congress will have to do. >> all right. here to react is stuart varney, host of "varney & co." stuart, first off, your reaction to the upgrade in what we are overspending for. >> this is a significant failure of the obama administration. he has boasted that the deficit is coming down, but if you look at the numbers that's a higher deficit in each and every one of his years than in any previous year for any previous president. look, the bottom line is, it's now going to be $590 billion worth of red ink. that's how much more we are spending as opposed to taking in. that's a gigantic gap of over half a trillion dollars. you just heard from josh ear nest pushing it off to the next president, somebody else's problem, that's passing the buck. >> certainly is. when he took office it was at $10 trillion and now at $20 trillion and that the deficit will spike 33% next year alone. why? >> don't confuse the debt and the deficit. the debt is the accumulated deficit and the deficit is going up. so the debt will go up. that's what's happening here. and it's a huge problem for the next president. hillary clinton will raise spending and raise taxes. that's a guarantee of an even bigger deficit. >> meanwhile, our pentagon is starved and the next -- both presidential nominees said we'll get more money, but it's not going to happen. and donald trump said he won't cut entitlements. >> here's my opinion. the only way out of this mess, the only way to alleviate the debt mess is to grow the economy. you're going to grow it vigorously. >> in tax reform. >> yeah. my opinion is, that donald trump will help to do that. he's going to lower tax rates on corporations and individuals and that stimulates the economy and gives you growth. plus when he does that, when he cuts taxes the immediate result is you've got an even bigger deficit in the first couple of years. that's the way it works. no way around this mess. the deficit is going up. the debt going up and that's a problem for the next administration that's the way it is, folks. >> the question is who's going to be at the head of the administration. >> a good question. >> good luck -- you have nigel farage coming up later. and both hillary clinton and trump are packing punches on the campaign trail. >> hillary clinton ran the state department like a failed leader in a third world country. >> so who won this round? we're stepping into the ring with former boxer and political guru ed rollins. plus, hollywood is raising millions for hillary. why? jeff foxworthy will react in a foxworthy way. there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. your business needs better technology to drive better performance. so you need it to be reliable and fast. really fast. introducing the comcast business summer savings event. fast internet speed to drive performance, plus cutting edge wifi for your employees and customers, and voice mobility so your calls find you wherever you are. get some of our most advanced products at a great price with over $500 in savings. call today and ask how to get these savings plus a $250 prepaid card. comcast business. built for business. here's some quick headlines for you. a 59-year-old woman plummeting 40 feet from a zip line to her death. how did that happen? no one really knows yet. she tumbled from the popular treetop adventure attraction at a state park in delaware. that company and investigators are now trying to figure out exactly what happened. and a mom of the kid who killed four people while driving drunk before getting off easy because his lawyer said he was too rich to know better, she has new job. this picture of the affluenza intentional, his mother is working in a bar now. ethan last year broke his lenient probation agreement. there they are right there. over to you. well, the race for the white house is a knock down dragout race to the finish with nominees going toe to toe on the trail until the voters' final decision on november the 8th. we're keeping score each week with former prize fighter and form political analyst ed rollins. it's been rocky at times but trump has had a good week. >> a new week. he has a new team in place, and i think this is one of the better weeks. >> we should point out as well that you have a super pac for trump. >> i'm basically a trump supporter. >> so we'll examine three sound bites to see who got the best of it. first one, ladies and gentlemen, hillary clinton versus donald trump on hillary -- >> hillary clinton had an illegal private e-mail server deliberately, willfully and with total premeditation -- premeditation, could be the first way was right. premedication. i think i like that. >> i don't know why they're saying this. i think on the one hand it's part of the wacky strategy. just say all these crazy things and maybe you can get some people to believe you. on the other hand, it just absolutely makes no sense and i don't go around questioning donald trump's health. i mean, as far as i can tell, he's as healthy as a horse. >> okay, ed, who got the better there? >> i think he got the better. again, it's an issue that may not be a legitimate issue, but if anything happens on the campaign trail, if she stumbles somewhere along the line or what have you, it reminds people that she did have a serious head injury a couple of years ago. we have to have some concerns. >> okay. round two. hillary versus trump on immigration. >> hillary clinton wants a totally open border. she wants catch and release. she wants obamacare and other things for illegal immigrants, in many cases more than our great veterans get. >> my understanding is that the comment you just referred to was the third different position he took yesterday on immigration. somebody has told him -- i guess the latest people that he's consulting how damaging his statements have been. he's trying to do kind of a shuffle here. but i think we need to look at the entire context. we need to believe him when he bullies and threatens to throw out every immigrant in the country. >> all right. well, he's kind of softened that. who won that round? >> he clearly did. again he laid out the fact she wants to let everybody in. to a certain extent that's not a popular position with the country. he did stumble on the issue this week. he needs one declarative statement, this is my position on immigration, and stick with it. >> it sounds like that's coming up. and the big story this week is hillary versus trump on her foundation. >> hillary clinton ran the state department like a failed leader in a third world country. she sold favors. she sold access and wait till you see what is revealed. all of those people -- it look like 50% of the people who saw her had to make contributions to the clinton foundation. >> the foundation is a charity. neither my husband or i have ever drawn a salary from it. you know more about the foundation than you know about anything concerns donald trump. i think it's quite remarkable his refusal to release his tax returns is even more concerning and his businesses are hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, the big banks including, the state bank of china. >> third round goes to -- >> this is trump. she may say her husband and she did not take a salary, but they basically have a net worth of over $200 million. half the people outside of the government continue to see her as big givers. gave her $150 million and it looks like pay for play. >> as we look at the week, donald trump got the better of her. >> he did it on the sound bites. she's out raising a lot of money from hollywood and that certainly benefits her in the overall week. she was stronger on television buys and raised a lot of money. >> ed, always a pleasure. see you back here in the ring next week. coming up, they have no fear of the united states, this new video shows iran harassing american ships in the persian gulf again. but will we do anything about it? we'll talk about that. and hollywood as ed was just saying in the tank for hillary clinton, raising millions for the democratic candidate. comedian jeff foxworthy has something to say about it. don't miss it. he is up next. come on, get in the ring. ♪ share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here. so jennifer lawrence was just named the world's highest paid actress. bringing in $46 million last year before taxes. yep, she narrow he beat out the second highest paid actress, hillary clinton. [ laughter ] >> at $33,000 a plate or a selfie, i understand what he's talking about. >> holy cow. >> look who's here. jeff foxworthy. we said you're an indoor outdoor comedian. >> i'll do anything. >> especially with a weed whacker. >> i'm good with a weed whacker. i have a farm. so i have a tractor. >> you're different from the other celebrities. how do you explain how the political left is made up with a lot of people from the america's left coast? >> i have never understood that, which is why i don't live on america's left coast. i decided to move back to atlanta in '97. that's where i wanted to raise my kids. >> you know what's amazing, jeff, in acting, it's not comedy, but it's the ultimate meritocracy. you have to outwork the other guy. you have to find a way. there's no template for it. sometimes you're -- you know, you're very good, but you don't get the break. that's america. yet when they actually seem to go to the left that says you can have all of this for free. >> absolutely. i do not understand that at all. and you know it's kind of interesting in watching last night, that is a little bit of a door that trump has kind of opened to say, hey, if you're living in fourth and fifth generation poverty, we don't know what the answer is, but what you're doing is not working. perhaps it's time to go -- there's got to be another way. >> he said what the hell do you have to lose? >> yeah. yeah. exactly. >> he's saying if you want more of the same, then vote for hillary clinton. if you want change, vote for me. this is what he said about all those folks in hollywood supporting hillary clinton. listen. >> the only people enthusiastic about her campaign are hollywood celebrities in many cases celebrities that aren't very hot anymore. >> now, is he talking about appearance do you think or simply on the hot tommer the, if you're popular in hollywood you're making a lot of money? >> i don't know. i know probably the hot tometer, although justin timberlake is doing. >> so you and larry the cable guy are hot. you're hot guys. >> we're going to send you to the eye doctor, brian. i mean, i'm so -- i'm so lucky that i'm still getting to do this thing that i love to do. because most comedians don't have a very long window of popularity and, you know, 32 years i have been doing this. i still love doing it. >> you should do a show are you luckier than a fifth grader. >> yeah. i'm luckier than a fifth grader. >> whoever runs netflix, genius. i understand you have -- >> by the way, thanks for your password. >> right. >> we don't share the password. it's illegal. we said that last week. >> let's show the audience what's coming up for you and we'll talk about it. >> sure. >> i have a rule in my neighborhood, if your dog does your business in somebody else's yard, you need to get a little plastic bag and you dispose of it. so there's all these attractive women in my neighborhood walking around with pooh-pooh purses. the dog is like, wait a minute, you're taking it back home? why did we have to walk three blocks? i could have poo expected in the living room and saved us some embarrassment. >> that's great. >> there's a big thing about the stupid things we do in this country. you know, we don't focus on the fact that we're $20 trillion in debt. we worry about things like that. about whose yard your dog is going in. >> so larry -- i'm thinking of you and larry the cable guy. >> i have sleeves. i have sleeves. >> i know. and you shower. >> and i did shower. right. >> what about netflix, the whole netflix and amazon. this is brand-new, right? have you adapted to the new world? >> larry and i were talking, if i started in comedy today i don't know how to make a living. so much of the money i made early in the day, it was made out of album or cds. if you have one that sells 50,000 -- because nobody buys them anymore. you download them for free. now i walk on the stage, every third person has the phone. i'm on youtube before i'm back to the hotel. so it's a totally different world, but netflix has made it a cool way to do this. and we kind of decided, larry and i, we wrote all new material and went back to the little clubs -- every time i think of a joke, i think i can't get away that. he said, you can have this. you can have this. but we went back to the old little theaters and just -- we both do stand-up and then a q&a at the end. we pull the stools out and let people ask questions. i have had a ball. i have had a great time. >> we have had a ball having you here today. always a pleasure. tell larry the cable guy we said hi. >> i surely will. >> i love the name of it. "we've been thinking." >> need a place to put it. >> we have been thinking about the poop purse. >> great to see you. so glad you here. heather is inside. she has some headlines for us. >> good morning. good morning to you and everyone at home as well. we begin in iran where the u.s. is slamming iran for harassing our war ships again. four boats were caught coming within 300 yards of the u.s. destroyer in the persian gulf. >> -- at 300 yards. no response -- weapons uncovered. man conducting a patrol. >> well, they backed off after several warning sirens and some flares sent off. the actions are called unsafe and unprofessional. it's the latest act of aggression by iran following the catch and release of the sailors back in january. first they blocked conservative content and now facebook wants to tell you what your political views are. the site puts you in categories based on the pages that you like. you can be liberal, moderate or conservative. even if you haven't liked any political pages. now, facebook will just base your political views off anything and everything that you like. and this is making it easier for facebook to sell ad space to political campaigns. and suck it up. that is the message from the university of chicago. they have it for incoming freshmen. in a letter the university says we do not support salt trigger warnings we do not cancel invited speakers because they might be controversial and we do not condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces. and a little boy uses his allowance to buy some lunch for some police officers. >> i want to feed -- >> william saved up for seven months to buy sandwiches for the new jersey officers. william wants to be a police officer himself. and as a token of their appreciation the officers gave him his very own badge and they drove him around in a cop car. certainly an exciting day for him. now we'll go back out to you guys on the plaza. >> great story. thank you, heather. >> thank you. >> that is awesome. and it's probably time to go check with maria about the weather. >> look at that. >> yes. >> she's leaving to go to central michigan to ph.d. >> it's not -- if i fail my classes, it's going to be pretty embarrassing. >> really is. talk to jeff. he'll put it in his act. >> let's go ahead and switch gears because we had a tornado outbreak across indiana and also in ohio. today we could be seeing more thunderstorms that could bring more severe weather including damaging winds, large hail and some additional tornadoes. we'll be watching it closely. the plains can see additional severe weather today and then the tropics have been heating up out here. we have a disturbance we have been watching for several days now. it hasn't developed into a depression or a tropical storm just yet, but computer models hint it can be intensifying over the bahamas and impacting the southeastern u.s. a lot of question marks still. we need to watch it closely over the next few days as we head into the weekend. if you live from florida up the east coast or even in the gulf. let's head over to you, steve, ainsley, brian. >> it doesn't look like a hurricane, right? >> the odds are that it could be a hurricane, it might be a tropical storm or a depression as we head into the weekend. but either way you're going to be dealing with a lot of heavy rain from that storm and very gusty winds across florida i think coming up. >> all right. thank you, dr. molina. soon to be. >> not yet. three more years. >> all right. >> jeff, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. best of luck. >> would you like to do the tease? >> sure. >> can you read that? >> sure, i can. hillary clinton puts so much effort into keeping the press away, we have seen her actually rope off reporters this morning. she is trying to explain away why she hasn't had a press conference this year. we are live on the trail. >> you are smarter than a fourth grader. what did your kids do this summer? >> we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union -- >> well this 10-year-old memorized the entire constitution. he is joining us right now after he got hair and makeup this morning. are you smarter than a 10-year-old? >> no, i'm not. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. always has to be who sat your desk? phone now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. 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[ clock titime. ] you only have so much. that's why we want to make sure you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around. all right. we have this 10-year-old from california. he already knows the constitution better than most adult politicians. >> we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, provide for congress, promote the general welfare and to carry the blessings of liberty. and this -- for the united states of america. >> the cutest kid ever. his name is nathan bond. memorized the entire u.s. constitution and there he is. he joins us now. hey, nathan. >> hi. >> why did you do this, nathan? >> well, when i was memorizing the declaration of independence, when i started home schooling, my dad had a challenge for me to memorize the declaration of independence and i started to learn about america and i loved it a lot. so i wanted to memorize the constitution. >> well, and you did. it took you 137 days. how did you do it? adults are watching right now along with kids. they want to know how you did it, so tell us the tips that maybe you can relate for us. >> well, every day, i did one segment which was about 40 words. so i memorized 40 words a day. whatever i memorized before my first segment, whatever i memorized before the segment of that day, i would -- i would have to repeat. >> well, nathan, do you remember -- what's your favorite passage? maybe 40 words, the favorite thing you memorized? >> it's i do solemnly swear or affirm that i'll faithfully the office of the president of the united states and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. >> why is that your favorite? >> well, i want to be president, and i want to be president some day. >> hey, you know what? normally presidents, nathanat. when you read this stuff at only 10-year-olds, what do you get from it? why does it mean so much? >> well, i learn -- i love learning about america. i love listening to debates and all that. so i had a lot of interest in it. >> well, that's great. you know, nathan, you set your mind to something and i believe you have achieved it. when you said you want to be president you'll do it. at what year will you be eligible? >> to become president, you have to be 35 years old is. >> good job. so we have 25 years to go. ed rollins want to handle it. we'll talk to him. he's had a lot of experience. nathan bond, you're an icon to all 10-year-olds across america. special thanks to your parents who work with you every day, except for your birthday to teach you this. >> so we have an empty chair here. one day you'll be on the set with us and we'll be interviewing you as you're running for president. >> he'll make me look bad. the answer is no. >> thank you so much, nathan. >> you're welcome. thank you. coming up, have you heard about the trumpocrats. they could help help him win the white house. we'll talk to them next. man: dear mr. danoff, my wife and i are now participating in your mutual fund. we invested in your fund to help us pay for a college education for our son. we've enclosed a picture of our son so that you can get a sense there are real people out here trusting you with their hard-earned money. ♪ at fidelity, we don't just manage money, we manage people's money. ♪ craso come dive into disheser like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. or try crab lover's dream with tender snow and king crab legs. love crab? then hurry, crabfest ends soon. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. good thursday morning to your family, tail end of the week. you almost made it. donald trump said this after immigration. >> they all paid back -- they have to pay taxes there's no amnesty as such. there's no am necessarity. >> all right. so how is that message resonating now this morning? we are live on the campaign trail. meanwhile, more damaging reports are piling up about the clinton foundation. but bill clinton says there's nothing to see here, folks. >> we're trying to do good things. there's something wrong with -- there's nothing wrong with creating jobs and saving lives. >> he does and stop there. we'll tell you where does stop. i have a question to ask you, are you a member of isis? if you want to come into the u.s., the government should probably ask that question. too bad we left it off the form so we don't have to ask. let me just remind you, this is required reading. mornings are better with "friends." ♪ ♪ hudson river line >> i wouldn't be surprised if that's not on the immigration form, mornings are better with blank. and make people write it in. then they're allowed. >> yeah. what would the "a" would be friends. mornings are better with -- guess what, we have venus williams. she'll be here with us. i'm so excited about this. >> we'll be playing tennis right over there. >> the u.s. open is around the corner. if you ever get a chance to go, here in new york city, it's such a great time. >> it's the official conclusion to the summer. also, shannon bream is joining us. you know her from the news. while she says she's not a good cook, she says she can make a really good chicken potpie. >> yeah. homemade. >> that's coming up this hour, "fox & friends." it's beautiful. 74 degrees. >> with a little bit of a breeze. donald trump holding a high stakes meeting today to win over the minority voters. >> this after promising no amnesty last night at that town hall with sean hannity. >> but is his position changing? peter doocy is following the latest live outside trump tower in new york city. hey, peter. >> peter, we have your dad on this avenue and you're a block away on fifth avenue. we're surrounded by doocy here's in this city. >> reporter: i know, it's a good time to visit and a good time to be at trump tower, especially after what happened last night at this town hall where donald trump says basically that he still wants to build a border wall and the republican nominee is now saying that his position on people who came into this country illegally, but haven't been breaking a lot of laws since they got here could be softening. >> you have the person 20 years been an upstanding person. the family's good. everyone is great. do we throw them out or do we work with them and try -- go a step further, they'll pay back taxes. they have to pay taxes. there's no amnesty as such. that's no amnesty. but we work with them. >> reporter: when trump tried to measure support for the new language by asking the crowd at that event to react, the general response did sound positive. and he's not just trying to get hispanic voters on his side now. he's continuing to court african-american voters now reportedly planning to tour a part of the detroit that he once likened to the war zone with dr. ben carson by his side. the next order of business for mr. trump here, a few blocks from where you are all sitting, is a sit down with some young field operatives getting ready to fan out to battleground states until november. the specific group is part of the republican leadership initiative, an rnc effort to get minorities and millennials more involved with the republican process when they may not have been otherwise. that's two hours from behind us and then trump is off to the rally in manchester, new hampshire, and then a fund-raiser in aspen, colorado. back to you. >> all right, peter doocy on fifth avenue, we're on 6th avenue. we have midtown covered. >> right. >> so in 2010, the a.p. said excuse me, as secretary of state, can we have your calendars and schedules? because we want to review who came to see you and they said no. then in 2013, the a.p. asked can we have your calendars, the state department didn't respond. they had to respond due to the federal court ruling. when they looked at the logs they found that 60% of the people that went to see hillary clinton from her private life not work related had significant donors to the clinton foundation. >> and they tweeted about it. the clintons were not happy about it. this is what the a.p. tweeted based on the information they found. more than half those who met clinton as cabinet secondary gave money to -- secretary gave money to the if clinton foundation which is factual. >> the a.p. stands by the story even though the clinton foundation and you're hearing the brian fallon sound bite saying they were cherry picking the information. they did not include the people who were representing foreign governments because she was going to meet with them the other way and the other way they're cherry picking they don't have all the records. they have asked repeatedly for all the records but the clintons have stone walled. >> these are the nongovernmental people she met with. 185, more than half they found out were giving money to the clinton foundation. >> $150 million. >> so a lot of people are saying this looks like if you gave me money, then you can buy access to the government. >> yeah. but on top of that, guys, they released 14,900 e-mails she did not submit. many show an interaction, a commingling between the foundation donors and the state department. >> wait a minute, i thought she released all her e-mails? you're saying she didn't release 15,000? >> bill clinton said you guys are all missing the point. >> yeah. >> we're trying to do good things. there's something wrong with creating jobs and saving lives, i don't know what it is. and the people who gave the money knew exactly what they were doing. i thought people were criticizing hillary for meeting for mohammed eunice and i think it's election season, but i feel good about it. >> well, he can put a happy face on it and said, look, she's trying to help people. nonetheless, donald trump wants a special prosecutor and that's getting people's attention. remember, how did he get into trouble? he got into trouble with perjury, with lying and now it looks like there's -- they're spinning another yarn. >> when we got on set at 6:00 a.m., we asked you to e-mail us and you've tweeted us. notice how he says trying. like hillary tries to tell the truth. >> by the way, ken starr left baylor, so maybe he's available. the a.p. does not need to notify their tweet -- modify their tweet regarding the clintons. it points to the truth that one drop of poison can ruin a cup of wine. >> what exactly does the clinton foundation do? i hear the name all the time, but never the so-called good deeds. we can tell you it was placed on a watch list by charity navigator a couple of years ago because a -- a watch list for suspicious activities and charities. the sunlight foundation said the clinton foundation operates like a slush fund for the clintons. i hope that helps. >> wow. >> a lot of big topics on the campaign trail is immigration. well, the current immigration, if you come into this country you have to take a test and on the test people are wondering why it doesn't say are you a part of isis? it does say are you a member of a terrorist organization, you have to check no in order to get into the country. but some people want it to go further. they want more questions about that. so they make sure we're vetting the right people. >> sure. when we put the questionnaire up, could we put up the questionnaire one more time to the director? kind of outdated questions. have you ever been a member of the communist party? any totalitarian party? a terrorist organization is good, but why not specify isis or anything like that? question 13, are you a nazi sympathizer? that seems a little dated too. >> yeah. congress needs to get their act together. senator sessions said this is a bit outrageous. >> -- you have to take somebody that's dangerous to them, presents a threat to them. or can't flourish and do well in their country. we need to examine people who apply. we have more applicants than we have slots for. and we should select the people who are most favorable to flourish and be happy in this democratic republic that we have not somebody who wants to completely change the constitution and laws of our country. >> yeah. >> of course you're also counting on the terrorists telling the truth while filling out the application. >> right. right. he talked about immigration yesterday. a major plan rolling out next week from the trump organization. it shows more of a nuanced position, but the wall is going to be big and it's going to be about 35 feet high and we believe that trump knows how to build things. >> good point. let's go inside to heather with the headlines. good morning to you and to everyone at home. crews are cleaning up a toxic chemical spill right now. it was the same one involved in the erin brockovich scandal. it spilled at a metal plating company in connecticut. firefighters are getting people out of their homes. crews taking every precaution, shutting down drinking wells. breaking right now, the ceo of the company that makes the life saving epipen is going to make it cheaper. heather bresh cutting out of pocket costs in half and planning to cover up to $300 and ramping up assistance for underinsured people. she came under fire ever since taking the company over back in 2007. it started at $100 before spiking to more than $600. rescue crews in italy frantically digging for survivors of the earthquake this morning. we know that 250 people are dead, hundreds have been pulled from underneath the rubble including this incredible moment when two children were rescued. it's amazing. the little boy and baby girl, they were found alive after 17 hours. and take a look at these before and after pictures of the town that really tells a story. they're still dealing with aftershocks this morning. check out this video, the crew and crowd can do nothing but watch as the world's largest aircraft crash lands in england. it took a nosedive, damaging the front end. no one was injured. now, the aircraft was originally designed by our military to carry cargo and for communications but the pentagon bailed on the project and a private company took it over last year. those are a look at your headlines. back to you, brian, ainsley, steve. >> there goes the blimp. >> yeah. >> thanks, heather. coming up on a thursday he got $90,000 in a settlement with the state of minnesota so what did he do with the money? he reportedly went to syria to join isis. we have details coming up. have you heard about the trumpocrat? they could help win the white house. you're going to meet them next. >> one? >> yeah. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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let's ask a democratic strategist and executive director of the trumpocrats pac. he joins us right now. christian, what turned you trumpocrat and what happened? >> thank you. i apologize have you on this morning, the american uprising and the trumpocrats. while most media outlets are talk attack 50 or so -- are talking about the 50 or so washington insider republicans, retired people who are supporting hillary, there are hundreds of thousands of democrat voters in key battle ground states that are strong supporters of donald trump. we're giving them a place to work out of, a place to organize and going to do a lot of grass roots efforts unlike other super pacs. >> as you know on the republican right, there were about 16 or 17 candidates. was donald trump the only one you would have supported? were you ready to leave the democratic party anyway and were going to jump republican or is it something about trump? >> well, i personally voted for bernie sanders in the primary, and had already decided i was not going to support hillary. i came from a very small town where we had 25 manufacturing plants 20 years ago and now there's one. and he's speaking to that. he's got a an. he's talked about -- he's the only one talking about rebuilding infrastructure in this country. hillary is more of a global candidate. the clinton global initiative. she's more of a global candidate and donald trump wants to do something here at home first. >> so that's true. i guess i'm reading your notes, one of the main things that brought you trump's way, he spoke openly against the free trade agreement. he thinks they're bad for america and so do you. are you a party of one? are you -- are you somebody involved with the trumpocrats that are embarrassed to say you're voting for trump, but will tell everybody how you feel in the voting booth? >> people need to know what -- how everybody feels. we're going to go through pennsylvania, ohio, virginia, north carolina, parts of florida. very targeted areas and we're going to shout from the mountaintop about what we need to do to improve things in this country. there are a lot of people up and down these, you know, gutted out communities that really want to make a change and we're going to give them a place to do that. >> wow. christian rickers who points out that even if hillary clinton is against the tpp, she's already spoken for it and called it the gold standard 40 separate times. thank you so much. see how the movement goes. thanks for coming forward today. >> i appreciate it. all right. coming up straight ahead -- remember when president obama said this? >> if you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. >> yeah. i guess we taped it. well, the president has an update for you and you're going -- and you are holding on the a -- and are you holding on the house that won't sell? the property man bob massi is here. there he is. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber® works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. clear, taste-free, benefiber®. here's some headlines for you. the u.s. is slamming iran for harassing our warships again. this time four iranian boats look at them there caught on camera. coming within 300 yards of the u.s. carrier in the persian gulf. they backed off an sirens were sent off. and gunmen storming the american university in kabul that left 12 people dead. they set off bombs and sent hundreds of students running four their lives. the attackers believed to be member of the taliban and were killed? and he took money from the state of minnesota to fund a trip to go and join isis. according to prosecutors that guy right there, mohammed roebl took money from the bridge collapse and then he used it to help fund the terror army. >> great. switching gears, your real estate questions are starting to pour in. >> here to tackle viewer e-mails the host of "the property man," bob massi. great to see you. >> good morning. good morning. >> let's start with adrianna. she says the hoa has split into two phases and the issue is complicated. bottom line is we have -- we have no say in anything. it appears family members are on the board, no meetings. so what can we do? how do you answer? >> yeah, you know, i actually called her. when i get certain e-mails you can feel them reaching out. so i called her and talked to her. long story short, when you -- there's a development, ainsley, until that development is completed the developer is what we call the declarant. they literally -- they own -- they do everything with the hoa. when it's all finished there's a board elected. it was split into two phases. i said, look, you need to get a competent lawyer to look at what's going on there, putting family members on the board, the optics do not look good. she's making payments for two phases, not getting what they're supposed to be getting and it gets complicated to what powers they have versus what the homeowners have. i directed her to get a competent lawyer, to really look at this complicated issue that's much too difficult to handle over an e-mail. but when the developers are developing the property they are in fact the homeowner's association. that's important for viewers to know. >> meanwhile, bob, i read and i love your book, my brother is a victim of identity theft. what can people do to prevent identity theft? >> you know, guys, this is going to a level anymore -- i can't tell you how many people i see and how many people e-mail about identity theft. first of all, it's always harder for the victim to fix it than those who stole. i said this before, check your credit reports every six months to see what happens. if there's anything on there that shouldn't be there on there. if you travel let your credit card companies know that you're traveling. i change any security codes every time i travel out of state with my credit card so that i know and i have no problem with a retailer or somebody having to call in to check and make sure i am who i am. the most important thing is, if in fact you are a victim, notify immediately your bank, your credit card companies, all people that you have extended credit in order to protect your position. reverse the identity theft, steve is not easy. it's very diligent. you don't have to run and get a lawyer, but many times that's how it ends up. >> henry lives in massachusetts -- or i guess he lives in massachusetts. or maybe he has a house in florida as well. because he says we live on a beach in the diamond district which is in ft. meyers, florida. the house is 115 years old. we have fixed it up to modernize it, and it doesn't seem to sell in any direction. maybe there's a diamond district in massachusetts. >> real quick, yeah, it's in massachusetts. i'm sorry, i should have been clearer on paraphrasing that e-mail. bottom line is when you have a historic home, you better get the right realtor on how to move the home. never touch the outside of it, that's the historic part of it. this is a special buyer for a special home. you have to study the area and make sure you get the right realtor to market this type of asset. >> all right. not to be confused with the diamond district on that street. >> you can see it from here. >> "the property man" will be back on saturdays and sundays after the presidential elections. >> bob, what's the name of your book? >> oh, i wrote a book, actually it's seven years, harper collins published it called "people get screwed all the time." >> a real estate book. thank you. coming up on a thursday from 48th and 6th avenue, he spent 25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit but he's not bitter. >> i worship a merciful god. if he forgives somebody who am i not to? and she got back from rio, venus williams is serving up her secret to winning. there she is with brian. >> welcome back. hey. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. if you'try clarispray.emes to escape your nasal allergies. new, from the makers of claritin. and nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world. try clarispray today. one fourth grade teacher in illinois is going viral for how he introduced himself to his new students. ♪ hello, i'm your teacher, i'm mr. reed, very night to meet you ♪ ♪ i'm from chicago, i love eating pizza and i dress to impress but i still rock sneakers ♪ ♪ this is my first year teaching so it's exciting, got some ideas and i real like to try them ♪ ♪ like making songs to remember what you hear ♪ ♪ and we'll be learning so much till the end of the year ♪ to ♪ to the parents and the students i'm ready, you're ready let's do this. >> his name is dwayne reed. he might be the coolest teacher in america after recording that rap video to start off the school >> sign me up. those kids in illinois are lucky. >> they are. >> awesome. meanwhile, heather childers has the rest of the news. we have a special guess to our immediate right. >> i love that. that was awesome. >> it was. >> well, we begin with this man, who went to prison for more than two decades for crimes that he didn't commit. he finally gets to wake up in his own bed this morning. anthony wright was just proven innocent of a rape and murder that happened 25 years ago. his lawyers argue that the investigators at the time faked the evidence and tried to prove his guilt even though dna testing showed another man had committed the crime. this week he was retried and a jury cleared his name in less than an hour. >> it's been unbelievable 24 hours for me. i'm not used to what's going on. i'm just living in the moment, you know? i'm on cloud nine -- i worship a merciful god. if he forgives everybody who am i not to? >> wright is enjoying freedom at home with his family. remember when president obama said this about obamacare? >> if you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. >> well, apparently not so much anymore. now president obama's signature catch phrase is nowhere to be found on the obamacare website. it used to ask can i keep my own doctor and now it gives the option to see if your doctor is in your planet in woned network. if you're planning a beach vacation, think twice before getting into the water. >> everybody out. get out. >> researchers discovering the first known great white shark birthing site in the northest right off the eastern coast of long island. the group made the ground breaking discovery by using shark tracking devices. sharks are most vulnerable where they give birth. that's a look at your headlines. now it's time to toss it back out to maria molina where she's going to talk about multiple tornados. >> correct. thank you so much. we could be seeing more severe weather across the same states as yesterday. we had more than 30 reported tornadoes across indiana and extending into ohio. as you look at that map, same areas are looking at that risk again today. we are anticipating storms from texas up into missouri where damaging hail and tornadoes could be possible. a big weather story is a disturbance across the atlantic that could become a storm or a depression over the weekend and could bring some gusty winds and heavy rain across the southeast. anyone that lives out there needs to stay very alert to this storm system. now let's head over to steve, ainsley and brian. >> thank you very much. she's a four-time olympic gold medalist and she just completed and competed in rio. >> she's serving up tips to show focused through the summer and getting set for the u.s. open of course. >> oh, you used the word serving and set. did you like that? venus williams joins us live. congratulations. making the usa proud. >> thank you so much. nice to be back today and we were supposed to hit some balls but you guys got nervous. >> we knew that it was rigged. you were going to beat us. >> i was going to have to. i need to build my confidence for the open. >> how do you stay fit and focused for your tournament? >> well, my whole lifestyle is about being fit and one of the big changes i have made is plant based diet and, you know, especially with the mornings. i'm not a big eater. it's hard to eat a lot of food and i'll train for four or five hours a day. i'll do a smoothie and i'll use silk coconut milk or almond milk. lots of fruit, that gets me through the day. >> you know one of my daughters does not want to eat in the morning and she practices at 9:00 or 11:00. you need something in your stomach. >> i'm in florida, i'm up at 6:45 and it's so hot. tell your daughter 6:45. >> a couple of the doocys are lack those tolerant including me, so i have been drinking the almond milk for a while. i think it's great. >> yeah. i love it. i love it. and you can put it in everything. i substitute almond milk i might use the silk almond milk for cookies. for cake. >> it works fine. >> for everything. everything. you can use it for everything. >> we had some before this segment. >> when you buy a smoothie, some places put yogurt in it or ice cream as the base. but if you use almond milk as the base, it's not as many calories and it tastes just as good. >> absolutely. and it's very good for you. you can feel good about what you're doing for your body. >> doing something right. >> seven grand slams, you want your eighth. you have other interests including fashion and design and speaking of plants you have an opportunity for us to go silk? >> yes. opportunity to go silk. i should have brought you smoothies today, what was i thinking? i should have brought you my favorite. >> come by tomorrow and bring some. >> and we'll play tennis. >> it's so great you'd stop by because in addition to teaming up with silk, you have the fashion, you've got the design stuff. >> you're wearing your design. >> yes, i'm wearing it. you asked me earlier how do you do it? we're based in palm beach garden, florida. we do our manufacturing right in l.a. the whole team is there. it's a woman owned business. so it's wonderful to transition from tennis to a life outside of tennis. even though i'm still focused on the game. >> i like you said that tennis is a number. >> you said you're thinking of tokyo, so maybe another olympics, right? >> i felt like that, you know? i came so close to a gold, like points away. it made me start to think about tokyo. no pressure, but we'll see. >> four more years. >> started to play tennis at 4 years old. i'm proud of you. that's awesome. thanks for stopping by. we're big fans. >> thank you. all right. straight ahead, hillary clinton calling donald trump a racist, but our next guest spent six years working for the trump family and she said minorities need to give him a chance. and she's a great cook, there is our shannon bream serving up chicken potpie. >> she said she's a great cook. we'll be the judge. venus, thank you. hey, you're clarence! yes, sir. you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they'd name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? that's no good... stevent! that's just vandalism. whatever you want to call it, don't miss the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,000 volkswagen reward card and a five hundred dollar labor day bonus when you buy or lease a new 2016 passat. gives you a reason to slow down and pull up a seat to the table. that's why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. so that you can spend time on what really matters. marie callender's. it's time to savor. g new cars. you're smart. you already knew that. but it's also great for finding the perfect used car. you'll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you're even smarter. this is truecar. here are some headlines for you. 59-year-old woman plummeting 40 40 feet from a zip line down to her death. she tumbled from the attraction in delaware. investigators are trying to figure out what went wrong. ethan couch got probation after killing four people in the drunk driving accident. his lawyer said he was too spoiled to know better. his woman was put on house arrest after running off to mexico with him when he violated his probation. his mom was released from house arrest, she went back to work with an ankle bracelet and look at this, she's a bartender. and trump trying to win over the minority voters as he tries to court african-american support away from hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton is a bigot. she sees people of color only as votes not as human beings worthy of a better future. you have her policies, democrats, running some of the inner cities for 50, 70, 80, even over 100 years. we're going to fix it. we're going to fix it. >> our next guest has spent the past six years of her life working for donald trump and for the family and she's telling her fellow african-americans to give trump a chance. >> lynne patton is finally here. senior assistant to ivanka, eric and don jr. everywhere. we're interested in talking to you. graette -- great to finally meet you. tell us about the trump family you know. >> it's the best job i have ever had in my life. they're the most down to earth grounded family. it's an honor to go to work with him every day particularly eric trump who you'll see later. i help to run his charity, for st. jude, which has raised and donated over $30 million for children with cancer. >> wow. >> it's a great thing. you know, at an age when most people his -- his peers were concerned about social media, he was concerned about social responsibility. he gets that from his dad. you know, he runs this charity based on the principles his father taught him, trust, honesty, integrity. he expects charities to be run with that same moral code. >> traditionally, african-americans vote democrat. why do you recommend they vote for donald trump? >> well, i think what my boss is saying that -- is that the democratic party has made a lot of promises to the black and latino communities that have never materialized. the numbers don't lie. since barack obama took office, the amount of african-americans living in poverty has risen by 1.4 millions. and this country is hurting. you know, minorities are hurting. veterans are hurting. our police officers are hurting. and you know you tune into the dnc as they're speaking in superlatives that everything is fine, everything is perfect and quite frankly, i have never seen a party more disconnected from what the american people want. >> you have been a part of the family, working for the family for a number of years. when you hear people who oppose mr. trump say he's a racist, he's a bigot, what do you think about that and what would you like to tell the person who is saying it? >> well, what i know is the donald trump i know. he applies the same tenets in life as in the boardroom. in business it's what you bring to the table. not about your ethnicity or your gender or what religion you practice. so that's how he's raised his family. that's how he's raised his kids. that's how he conducts his life. >> there are other african-americans in the organization that feel as though they're part of the family as well? >> of course. mr. trump is very outgoing. he's very generous. they're a very loyal family. when you're loyal to them they're loyal back. >> does he empower women? his campaign is being run by a woman. i'm happy with that. >> i think his daughter drives home that message every day. she's a mom, she runs a company with her brothers. no better example than what he sets with his family. >> well, it's been a real pleasure. >> if i had known venus was going to be here i would have work on my back hand. >> well, you got a good picture out of it. well, still ahead, we're used to seeing her reports from the sets of the supreme court, but did you know she makes a mean chicken potpie? we are cooking with shamnnon bream after the break. >> but before that let's check in with martha maccallum. >> good to see you. so trump turns table on hillary clinton calling her a bigot for not allowing inner city kids to get school choice. he holds a roundtable in new york and gary johnson is here. could he be a spoiler and for whom? and does wikileaks have an october surprise? we will talk about that. trey gowdy will join us this morning. he saw the fbi notes that we have been asking so much about here on "america's news room" from the hillary clinton investigation. he's here to tell us what he found in those at the top of the hour. intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. lease the e300 for $549 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. she says cooking isn't her strong suit, but if you try one of her semihomemade recipes you'd never be able to tell, brian. >> that's right. shannon bream is "cooking with friends." what do you mean semihomemade? >> i'm a total fraud. i make nothing homemade, but we're both southern women. but it skipped a generation. >> you'd cook if you had time. >> maybe. we have chicken potpie and cobbler here. you can make something like that sort of good and definitely tastes good. >> all right, we want to help you, shannon. >> you can. because you can take the tops off the cans. this is chicken potpie. i get the chicken chunk made. >> chicken is so easy to cook. >> i can't be bothered to cook it. >> so you bought the chicken. >> i bought the chicken. >> two cans of cream of potato. there we go. put in veggies. mixed veggies, look, already done. >> pepper ridge farms makes their own, you can just microwave it. >> yes, put in some milk, pepper. >> this is so easy. >> salt. >> why don't you buy potpie? >> a good point. a little oregano. because it comes out of the oven and the crust is so golden and yummy. it looks terrific. plus, people think you made it. you did make it. look. pour that in. even i know that's not the correct end. >> but i can't get it in. >> close enough. >> brian, you put it in here. >> these are store bought crusts. not surprising. >> we get the idea. >> put it in there. you get the two pack. not tupac shakur. >> what happened to him? >> it's still a mystery. >> they're still how on a&e. >> you put it on top. >> wow. >> that's genius. >> you go around the edges. >> look at this. >> you can do this with the fork. >> see, ainsley may have cheated before. >> ainsley would never cheat. >> all is fair in love and cooking. >> and brian, is going to put it in the oven. >> yeah. >> already cooked. >> you can put that one in there. >> listen, it's so easy, 375, for 45 minutes. watch the crust until it looks edible. it comes out nice and flaky. you can take it to the baby shower to a friend's house who's under the weather. it's comfort food. it looks like you made it. >> it does look like you made it. >> i don't eat like this every day, but on occasion, it's good for fall. >> we can never have a potpie from a place that it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth. >> right. i tell them the truth, this is how i cook. it's okay to use short cuts. >> it tastes homemade. it tastes homemade. >> it's -- >> this is about done. here we go. >> you might want to get that more -- you might want to give it more time on that one. i don't know if we have time to talk about cobbler. you use pie filling, put it into the casserole dish. as much as you can. then, listen, being from the south i recommend the jiffy yellow cake mix, you put it on top, slice up the butter, put it in the oven and -- >> more on the cobbler that anyone can make with shannon bream in a moment. we'll take a wide shot, the music will get louder and then the commercials. 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(announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at a vehicle so versatile it owns anything outdoors. thirty-two horsepower, a twelve hundred-pound payload and over a thousand different ways to configure yours. go gator. all right. tomorrow on the big telecast -- >> we have julian assange. >> wow. tomorrow? >> tomorrow. >> and the all american concert series focuses on -- should we give it away? debbie gibson. >> wow. >> we're interviewing laura and eric trump. martha: we start with a fox news alert. dozens of tornadoes have torn a path through the midwest. >> look at all the debris. oh, my gosh *. martha: more than 20 twisters were spotted between central indiana and western ohio. the tornadoes took off roofs from apartment buildings and left thousands of people with no power. >> i'm leland vittert in for bill hemmer. indiana governor mike pence


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160727 10:00:00

experience and the demeanor to bring the country together. also addressing the crowd, president obama's right-hand man, vice president joe biden as well as clinton's new wing man, vice presidential nominee virginia senator tim kaine. we'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. eastern for another special edition. "fox & friends" starts now. i can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. >> she knows that safeguarding freedom and security is not like hosting a tv reality show. >> according to donald trump, my body is probably like a two. >> donald, did you hear me? already a great nation. >> this race is going to be won on the ground. >> when women succeed, america succeeds. >> and it's going to be won in colorado, and in iowa. >> and according to donald trump, i'm probably a rapist. >> and north carolina, and michigan. >> she's the best darn change maker i've ever het in my life. >> and florida, and pennsylvania going to the white house. >> wow! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good morning. come on board. come on. >> in studio, we can stop. >> good morning. hi. >> hi. >> it's day three at the dnc in philly. >> nice. >> good morning. >> and get you started on what is known as a deuce coupe, our thanks to the folks we got it from. wheel fun rental. >> that was fun. >> you know, it's very green friendly. very good for the environment. no flouorocarbons in the air. >> brian was still getting dressed. we should come to work every day like this. you should come from new jersey, out to long island. >> we'll get him at 2:00 in the morning. >> i'm sure you have great legs now. you'll have fantastic muscles. >> in 42 minutes we get the dc -- >> with this desk here, we haven't seen legs in quite some time so maybe we'll get them back. >> that's why we get to wear pants and slacks. >> exactly. >> anyway, thank you -- >> we're on the road. >> thank you very much for joining us. we are about ten days into our two-week travel covering the republican and the democratic national nominating convention. >> that's right. >> yesterday was a busy day. >> it really was. it was outside though there was a lot of action and inside there was a lot of action. a lot of headliners. as for the speakers, it was a disgraceful display outside the dnc. did you see this? protesters torching the american flag as they protest hillary clinton's nomination. >> yeah. these are bernie supporters predominantly. >> there were people in the crowd. did you see some of the people crying because bernie sanders was not going to be the nominee. >> he wasn't going to win. >> this as she makes history, hillary clinton, the first woman nominated by a major party. >> doug calloway is live right here in philly. doug? >> reporter: hi, steve. well, as you well know, the theme of the convention is united together, but the reality is something quite different. it is uh-uh nighted and not terribly together and we saw further evidence of that last night inside the auditorium when during the roll call vote and bernie sanders moved to nominat. they stormed their way out and went to the media center. they staged a sit-in. can you imagine trying to write a story under deadline and conditions like that. the decision was made to bring in the s.w.a.t. team. they contained the situation by quite literally containing the delegates. all of that was going on back inside the auditorium there was a celebratory feel to the whole affair as hillary clinton spoke to the delegation live via video hookup. >> let me just say i may become the first woman president, but one of you is next. thank you all. i can't wait to see you in philadelphia! . thank you! >> and as you said, aside from that sit-in by delegates, there was some protesters. for the first time they moved closer to the convention vicinity. were unable to get into the security perimeter, the fence there, but there was that flag burning. and one detail about that, a woman tried to stomp that flag out but the guy who had lit the fire told her, according to the "philadelphia inquirer," what gives you the right to stomp out my protest? that's a strange twist on things. back to you. >> got a good point. doug mcalaway here live in philadelphia. what's the message? bernie sanders and hillary clinton. if you have a problem with hillary clinton, don't burn the american flag. if you have a problem the way the democrats are running their party, that's nothing to do with your problems with the democrats. if you have problems with america, what is your message? >> the bernie sanders people had a message yesterday and stormed the area. they set fire to the gate. did you hear, i think it was hillary comments over the weekend where she said she was really hurt by watching the stuff at the rnc where people were going, lock her up, lock her up. they were chanting lock her up here at the dnc yesterday. >> yeah. i think people are upset with the american system, with the elections. i don't understand it personally because i would never do that. i love the american flag obviously so i can't get in the minds of these people, but i would imagine they're unhappy with the system. the dnc rigged the system with the e-mails and the nominee. >> think of it on the road. the headliner last night is bill clinton. this is the third or fourth time in a row in which he's been like the speaker that just takes over the democratic convention. people are wondering, did he lose his fastball. hillary clinton's camp has been sending him to smaller venues, things that didn't have much impact. i thought he was very strong last night. however, i question the way he started it. >> talking about the story of how he met the girl and their love affair? >> yeah. >> i liked that. >> the reviews are mixed on bill clinton. a lot of people expect him to be the same guy they saw in the white house years ago. he is not that man anymore. he had a tough job. i mean, yesterday was really day two of let's sell hillary clinton as somebody new and exciting. as they re-introduce her again. she's been in public life for 25 years. people either love her or hate her. her best salesperson is her husband, bill clinton. here's what he had to say in his speech, 42 minutes. thick blond hair, big glasses, wore no makeup and she exuded the sense of strength and self-possession that i found magnetic. i married my best friend, and she's the best darn change maker i ever met in my entire life. >> so what he had to do and everybody last night was trying to change the way people think of hillary rodham clinton. you've known her for 25 years. she's a polarizing figure, but when you hear her name it triggers a reaction. it might be a good reaction, it might be a bad reaction. >> i will have to say as a female watching, when the glass ceiling was shattered right there, very symbolic. and then she had a message for little girls and she said -- and the camera pulls out and she's in a room with a bunch of little girls. she said, i might be the first female president of the united states and you might be the next. i'm raising a little girl. i like that message. >> you have two granddaughters. she appears like donald trump did on video at the end before a big appearance on thursday night. she's got to be likeable and trustworthy. the goal from the democratic perspective is make her more likeable and get the untrustworthy numbers down. >> and the trust numbers higher. >> they want to make her joan of arc who's fighting for the little people, the old people. >> even everywhere we go here, the democrats say we don't trust her. i was at a bernie rally, that's what they were saying. >> meanwhile, howard dean was -- >> this is hilarious. >> he also reminding us all of hillary clinton from back in the day, but also reminding us of howard dean back in the day. first, here he is last night. >> this race is going to be won on the ground and it's going to be won in colorado, and in iowa, and north carolina, and michigan, and florida, and pennsylvania and on the road to the white house. he's so proud of himself. >> because that's a flashback, remember, to iowa so many years ago? watch. >> we're going to south dakota and oregon and washington and michigan and then we're going to washington, d.c., to take back the white house. yeah! >> he left out the scream. howard dean, come on, you're known for the scream. >> ya! >> don't i remember watching that 12 years ago, right? we were watching that. i'll never forget it when he did that. my whole family was like, what in the world? he dropped out of the race a month after that. >> we had him on the program that day. >> and what was his reaction? >> it was before he was screaming. >> oh, yeah, bus you had it on in the morning and he did it at night. got it. >> joe trippy, you see him all over the camera, on the show. that's basically what he said, okay, i think i'm going to quit now. >> oh, bless his heart. >> hey, the other big story is the wikileaks release of 20,000 e-mails which really started to lay the groundwork to blow up this entire week because it shows the dnc was plotting behind the scenes to make sure hillary clinton was the nominee and not bernie sanders. the fbi will investigate how wikileaks got this. >> to the fbi. to the fbi it looks as though it does go back to russia. >> the dnc was hacked. they knew a month ago. it's questionable why this came out before the dnc. debbie wasserman schultz lost her job because of it, had to step down. >> sheer. >> they're wondering is this a way for russia to manipulate the election here or a way to have cyber espionage. >> rush limbaugh said why would the russians want to help trump win when they could wait and black mail hillary later? which is a great point. the larger point is, we're talking about russia again. remember russia, remember mitt romney four years ago very effectively said you've got to worry about russia and president obama poo-pooed it. look. >> a few months ago when you said what's the biggest threat facing america, you said russia, not al qaeda. the 1980s are calling asking for their foreign policy back. >> which part? >> yeah. he was 100% right. what mitt romney didn't vigorously do is go back at him. you watch the future. each time mitt romney would make the point but he wouldn't close the deal. almost everything he said in that foreign policy debate proved to be sadly 100% accurate as russia reinserts itself with syria, starts shaking, rattling the walls of the former satellite nations and warsaw pact countries. >> donald trump has tweeted out. he said, funny how the failing "new york times" is pushing dense narrative that russia is working for me because putin said trump is again yus. america first. here's the cover of "the new york times" on this wednesday morning. here's the story. russia hacked the dnc. by the way, julian assange was also on another channel yesterday and he made it very clear they have lots more e-mail regarding the u.s. elections and it's going to be coming out. >> donald trump said no investments with russia. they're in a heated battle to win over america's hero. >> we're going to have a 21st century department of veterans affairs. >> i will create a private white house hotline and i will pick up the phone personally and get it completed. >> both of the candidates appearing at the vfw this week. which message hit home with vets? we have that next. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some... he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you've never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i'm feeling you. yeah you do! let's do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee... woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la... quinta! yeah! with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. welcome back to philly. donald trump and hillary clinton each pleading their case to veterans at the vfw in charlotte. how did it resonate with the voters? let's bring in leigh who's a pollster. she put yesterday's speeches to the dial test. in fact, both candidates to the dial test yesterday. welcome, leigh. donald trump spoke about the v.a. and he talked about what he would do from the white house. want to take a look at that? >> let's look. >> i will create a private white house hotline. this could keep me very busy at night, folks. this will take the place of twitter. but it -- a lot of truth to that. that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day to make sure that no valid complaint about the va ever falls through the cracks. now this is the tough part. this is the tough part. i will instruct my staff that if a valid complaint is not acted upon, then the issuer who brought it directly to me, and i want to have it, will bring it directly to me and i will pick up the phone personally and get it completed and get it taken care of. that's a lot of work. we better do a good job because that's a lot of work. >> donald trump talking about fixing the va with a ten point plan yesterday. how did it grade? >> republicans love it. they gave it an a. they said things like, you know, it was funny talking about twitter. they show that he honestly cares about vets. independents said it's a good idea. i'm not sure it's realistic. democrats thought it was crazy but he came across less bomb bass stick. >> hillary clinton same topic, different approach. listen. >> we're going to have a 21st century department of veteran affairs that delivers world class care. like you, i was outraged by the va scandal, people waiting months, even years for things like wheelchairs and basic medications. some even dieing while langui languishing on a wait list for an appointment. heartbreaking and absolutely unacceptable. that's why i have put forth a detailed plan. >> you can see there that the democrats liked it. they gave it a b plus. not the best message. independents a c minus and republicans a d. they were looking for action. she's putting forth a plan. time for a 21st century va. >> you're a going to put bill clinton's speech to the test. >> looking forward to tnchts let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead. trump not staying silent. john roberts live on the trial with him next because we're going to talk about how they used to have the other party, trail, i should say the other party. the other party used to sit out while the convention was taking place. that's old news now. bp is pioneering drone technology to monitor refinery operations, so our engineers can spot potential problems from any angle. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. landic game sho. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive." of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who's gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that's when i realized... i'm allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it's been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. good morning to you and welcome back. it's now 24 minutes past the hour. a couple headlines to begin with now. we begin with a dramatic rescue in the waters off the coast of alaska. 46 people put on their survival suits and climbed in a life raft when their fishing boat started sinking. an emergency beacon alerted the coast guard but two nearby ships actually beat them to the scene. good samaritans on those boats managed to pull everyone on board. this is not the first trouble for that ship. in 2012 a fisher man on that boat died after a cable snapped and hit him in the head. now to an emergency taking place in california. unfolding all week. take a look at this video. a massive fire now burning at this hour shutting down popular state parks near big serve. the parks draw nearly 8,000 visitors a day. at least 20 homes have burned to the ground. those are your headlines. back over to you. >> thanks, heather. now back to politics, donald trump not staying silent this morning. he is all over hillary clinton saying she steal a page from his playbook. >> how dare she. >> john roberts, good morning to you, johnny. >> reporter: steve, ainsley, brian, good morning to you. unlike what happens traditionally during a convention, donald trump continues to aggressively taut a program what's going on in philadelphia. he focused in on problems at the veterans affairs administration. if hillary clinton is elected president it will be the same thing as it has been for the past eight years, just another four years prompting the now familiar chance of lock her up. listen to this. >> the other candidate in this race, you know her name, crooked hillary clinton, she recently said of the va scandal that it's not as widespread as it's been reported to be. it's like she's trying to sweep it under the rug. >> lock her up. >> lock her up. >> lock her up. >> donald trump also insisted hillary clinton is adopting some of his positions on trade. trump and terry mcauliffe says she will come back and support. trump saying hillary clinton is now open to renegotiating some of the terms of nafta which her husband signed in 1993. here's trump from o'reilly. >> you watch. hillary clinton will now come out and say countries have to pay and people are going to forget it just like she did today. she came out today and said, we're going to have to start renegotiating the deal. i've been saying that for a long time. she just came out. >> trump is also now going to aggressively sort of frame the past eight years and the problems that have occurred as he pushes towards hillary clinton's big speech on thursday. he has a press conference at the doral country club at 10:30 this morning. then he's off to scranton, pennsylvania, and a rally in toledo, ohio. donald trump on the road. we'll be there every step of the way. ainsley, steve, brian. >> john, you know who else is going to be on the road to scranton? brian. >> most important, i'm going to talk to john roberts. i'll interview donald trump but john roberts in person, that will be fantastic. >> that's right. >> we'll have the whole interview. >> trump will be on the show a little later today. >> all right. >> reporter: you've got it. eric's coming up when? >> 8:00. >> stay tuned for that. >> also coming up, pancakes and a side of politics in tucker carlson's order is about ready. it is. you know what, tucker, we're going to talk about media bias as soon as they serve your breakfast, which looks delicious. ♪ ♪ now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one wbr id "wbr17737" get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. /b hi mom. grandma! oh! joey run and get a cookie, ok? let me see it today. this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful blistering rash. oh! mom. if you had chickenpox the shingles virus is already inside wbr-id "wbr18337" you. one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. grandma, want to play? maybe later sweetie. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. eveyou were once...retty good at now, pretty bad at. it's the same for credit. because credit isn't just a score. it's a skill. go to and start getting better at credit today. this is your shot of the morning. notice anything missing the first night of the dnc on monday? well, there were no american flags on display that we could see. can you see any? >> after a ton of backlash from people who said it wasn't patriotic, flags suddenly appeared. there they are. >> right. hardly prominent. you have to look very closely. that's where we got our telustrator. thank you, john madden. far off to the left and far off to the right. nice looking set, but not red, white and blue which represents america. >> looks so different than the rnc. when donald trump was speaking, the background was so gorgeous with all of those flags. >> absolutely. a whole bunch of them. >> just like john madden, tucker carlton believes on being transported everywhere via bus. today he's arriving via bus at a diner in south philly. good morning to you, tucker. >> good morning. i'm at the south street diner, 24 hours, excellent food and a cool neighborhood. a lot of people who stay up all night are here. >> when they jack up minimum wage it will go out of business, but it's okay. first off, tucker carlson, let me ask you this. yesterday you were so ticked off about day one i really didn't even recognize you. i thought i've known you for a while. do you feel any better about day two? >> reporter: i feel a lot better, mostly because i got some sleep and took a deep breath, but what i -- my obsession for the past three days has been will anybody report on the logistics of the convention. two nights ago i'm standing outside in the pouring rain because i had the wrong pass. i was in a word undocumented. they would not let me in because there were walls around the convention center. and me and thousands of other people, delegates, undocumented delegates. they said, no, you can't come in. i thought, is anybody going to report on this? logistics. outside it was a complete disaster. i haven't heard one person mention that. donald trump however disorganized and short attention span he may be, had a pretty organized convention. this, not so much. >> he did. you know, tucker, i can't tell you how many people i have heard who are here and were in cleveland last week who talk about how much they missed the way the republicans had set things up. of course, that is in some of the coverage. is there -- we want the folks at home to watch this sound bite montage and judge. is there any bias, media bias in the coverage of the dnc? you know, for the most part mainstream media leans way to the left. we have 43 seconds of the stuff from last night. folks, you be the judge. >> i think the democrats first night may turn out to be more successful than the republicans last night. i -- i thought it had a lot of charm and happiness. >> bernie sanders received a standing ovation from the crowd at the dnc actually bringing some of his followers to tears. >> this place was packed until bernie sanders finished. the first two nights at the republican convention, again, not that it's much comparison. >> it was low rent. i'm sorry comparatively. i knew that this would happen. it was kind of fun to cover and it was an interesting thing happening last week in cleveland, but i knew day one of the dnc that they would bring it together. >> day one of the dnc -- >> it went really well. >> they fired the boss. >> fired the boss, the e-mail scams. we found out that they were rigging the election. you had boos and cheers because some people, half of the party wanted one candidate, the other half wanted the other candidate. the party was totally divided, tucker. >> let alone the protesters. go ahead, tuck, what's your thought. you worked at all of those networks. >> reporter: i did work at all of those networks. i think you're missing the point. leenah dunham there, picks up the whole convention. >> people are saying who. >> reporter: why don't you assign a reporter to that. find the american who cares what chris matthews thinks and i will buy you breakfast. >> okay. >> reporter: what made the analysis of this convention and the republican convention, how shallow is it? it's all about the aesthetics of it. i'm guilty of this, too, sometimes. it might be more interesting to evaluate what the speakers are saying, what the message is. is it true? is it consistent with most americans? so and so did a great job. really? my kids could offer better analysis than that. >> if you listen to what the speakers had said so far and what we know that they're going to be talking about for the next night or two, it's very clear what they're saying. >> right. >> that is a hillary clinton administration would be essentially a third term for barack obama in politics. >> tucker, thank you so much. >> eat your sausage and eggs. what else is on your plate. >> reporter: i'm not going to tell you, ainsley, because i'm embarrassed in your presence. >> enjoy your food. we'll check in with you later. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. 25 minutes now before the top of the hour. it was a big night in philly at the democratic national convention, but what was the reaction on social media on your smartphone? >> i won't even know. that's why we go to clayton morris. he never talks to anybody. he's always tweeting, looking at his facebook. >> playing pokemon. >> what was the social media reaction last night, clayton. >> reporter: brian sits next to me. i'll talk to everybody else but brian. do you have your smoke machine out? elizabeth banks coming out trying to pull the donald trump last night and she went up on the stage, big smoke machine. everyone was wondering what in the heck -- who she was, what was going on. she walks out on the stage with all the sound trying to mock donald trump. she's an actress, of course. people talk to twitter and thought it fell a little flat. dylan matthews tweeting this. i don't know how much elizabeth banks i was expecting, it was 1/50th as much elizabeth banks. apparently elizabeth banks is the new dnc chair. i think that would have been a good idea. keep us all waiting, keep us guessing. is it donna brazile, somebody else, debby wasserman schultz is out. let's do a transparent screen and you guys are trying to figure out the new dnc chair. >> clayton, my problem is i can't jump on the antielizabeth banks. she used to star in my most favorite movie. >> speaking of romantic comedy. >> she stood up there at the podium and make a joke and no one laughed. >> speaking about the new head of the dnc, wasn't howard dean the head of the dnc. >> reporter: there was a point at which after his failed presidential bid. we remember what happened back in 2004 when he thought everything was going great. he won the primary and he went to bed thinking everything was great until the scream heard around the world caught fire. remember this back in 2004? >> we're going to south dakota, oregon, washington, michigan, then we're going to washington, d.c. to take back the white house. yeah! >> whew! >> that was 2004. last night hereprized it. the funniest moment. watch this. >> this race is going to be won on the ground and it's going to be won in colorado, and in iowa, and north carolina, and michigan, and florida, and pennsylvania and then we're going to the white house! >> he left out the scream at the end. >> i was waiting for it. >> i know. >> yeah! >> having to do that on all the speaking tours. >> people thought it was funny on social media. >> yeah, i thought so, too. >> reporter: tweeting this last night saying this was actually funny #deanscream. hillary should have made howard dean her running mate. not a bad idea. deanscream one of the top trending. this went viral. he was standing next to a teleprompter here last night. i don't know. i kind of think this might be a little bit of a low blow. i'd like to go back and look at other republican national conventions and see if they've ever put the pledge of allegiance or star spangled banner in the teleprompter. immediately social media jumped on this. they know all the lyrics to "imagine" by heart. i don't know. come on, let's be honest, these are all -- you know, you don't want any moment to have -- any problems here at one of these big events so you're going to probably put things in a teleprompter. >> every day your entire great schools, middle school and high school. good job hiding your earpiece. i can barely see it. >> you know what, i asked the camera guys, can you see this? he said it doesn't look as bad as you think it does. >> it lookscute. >> very nice. >> that's how i'm able to hear you. >> that's right. fine consumer of apple products, clayton morris. meanwhile, 20 minutes before the top of the hour. here are the headlines. >> good morning to you. hope you're off to a great day. a sheriff's deputy is being haled a hero after he saved a mom and her three children from a gun fight. his body camera capturing the dramatic rescue. watch. >> got a unit south houston drive. >> oh, goodness. here's what happens. the deputy runs towards the gunfire coming from a florida home. he finds the mother lying in the driveway after she was shot in the leg. he pulls her to safety. she told 911 that her husband locked her and the kids inside and that he had a gun. >> he has a .9 millimeter on his waist. i don't know, he keeps coming closer. >> well, just moments later the deputy runs back and manages to rescue the kids. everyone will be okay. the husband now charged with attempted murder. and he died in his friends arms but lives all thanks to a quick thinking teammate. a teenager went into cardiac arrest after getting hit in the chest by a baseball in a freak accident. the teammate who saved his life describing the harrowing moments. listen. >> i felt terrible because i didn't know if he was going to be okay because he did die in my arms. >> repeat that. >> well, that teammate jumped into action giving him cpr until the emts got there. he was immediately flown there and got to the hospital. thank goodness for that. >> what do you get when you cross a hawk with a camera? a viral video, of course. making a surprise video on camera. his name is mr. hawk. good morning. those are your headlines. back over to you. >> in kansas we have jayhawks. >> there you go. >> completely different. >> okay. heather, great job. meanwhile, coming up over the next 18 minutes, the dnc showcases the mothers of african-americans killed in high profile police shootings. >> hillary clinton isn't afraid to say that black lives matter. >> what about blue lives, do they matter? they weren't invited to speak. trump delegate ashleigh bell with the real message they're sending next. >> good morning, ashleigh. ♪ ♪ nexium 24hr is now the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your #1 choice. the so-called mothers of the movement who lost children to gun and police violence were given a voice at the dnc last night. did you see that? >> she knows that when a young black life is cut short it's not just a loss, it's a personal loss. it's a national loss. >> we're going to keep building a future where police officers and communities of color work together in mutual respect to keep children like jordan safe. >> she has a plan to divide that so often exists between law enforcement and the communities that they serve. >> hillary clinton isn't afraid to say that black lives matter. >> but no relatives of slain police officers were on the speaker's list, so what message does that send? here to weigh in on that is trump delegate, member of the 2020 club, mr. ashleigh bell. having them speak is not sitting well with some groups. the fraternal order of police say it's giving a voice to people who attack officers, not giving a voice to the slain police officers. what are your thoughts? >> i think this is the moment that black lives matter, the movement became an operation of the democratic party. that slogan is too small to meet what we have. that's been a tour hashtag. you have 140 characters. they needed one more word. black lives matter, too, t-o-o. when you leave that off, that shows that this movement no longer has a place in mainstream, only on the liberal left. >> the police chief of pittsburgh did speak last night so he did have a chance to speak. what were your thoughts about that? >> you know, it's always good to have officers' perspectives, but it's really disheartening when you see this chance and you see black officers lost their lives in dallas as well. >> baton rouge. >> in baton rouge as well. this is a great opportunity to continue the discussion. we have to look at the black lives matter for what it is. now hillary clinton is using it to try to defeat donald trump. that's not the purpose of black lives matter. it's supposed to be about criminal justice reform and community policing. now it's political. >> you would be okay if they said black lives matter also or too. >> my point is that is what they're trying to say, but i think in 140 characters they left off the last part. now we're stuck with a slogan that some people look at that think is controversial. let me tell you this, if this was 1956 would martin luther king use the same slogan? would he build a coalition that could pass off of something that said black lives matter. >> i listened to the speeches, my heart goes out to them. >> absolutely. >> but would it be better if they had the slain officers' families with them. where were the voices of the relatives of the slain police officers that they have been on stage with those ladies, it might have had a different message. so i think that this was so political and so purposeful that i think that those officers families, i can understand why they wouldn't want to be on stage. >> i think a lot of black lives matter wouldn't want that comparison. they wouldn't want to be seen up there with the families of the officers that have been slain. >> thank you very much. coming up, what does hillary clinton plan to do about isis? most supporters thought that was a good question. >> can you explain her plan to the people? >> i cannot. >> oh, i think you should talk to that important question she should answer. what if i mess it up. >> hillary, what is your plan to defeat isis? >> well, pete asking the tough questions to hillary supporters, but did he get any answers? here he is to tell us. ♪ ♪ you both have a perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. despite almost daily terror attacks, democrats are barely mentioning terror. >> and it's outrageous. in fact just six of the 56 speakers mentioned isis yesterday. so we sent pete out to investigate. hey, pete. >> i went up to the floor, asked hillary clinton delegates about isis and her track record on foreign policy. this is what they had to say. >> reporter: do you feel like we're at war with isis? >> no, i don't. i think they would like us to be at war with them. we have to be very careful we handle that situation. >> do you feel we're at war with isis? >> do i feel we're at war with isis. >> yeah, is america at war with the islamic state. >> i believe we have a lot of differences. >> do you believe we're at war with isis. >> i think isis is a vague term. i think there are a lot of people around the world who are unhappy. >> do you think we're at war with isis? >> yes, i absolutely do. there's no question. >> do you think hillary clinton has a plan to defeat them? >> most certainly she does. >> can you explain her plan to defeat them? >> i cannot. >> would you support that if it was time to take action and time to do that you feel like we should destroy isis? >> i support our troops. >> what is hillary clinton's plan to defeat isis? >> that important question she should answer. what if i mess it up? >> hillary, what is your plan to defeat isis? what would you describe as her top two accomplishments as secretary of state? >> i believe she reached out to a lot of people and listened and made important decisions by listening. >> we have increased our goodwill with other nations. >> anything specific? >> no. i support her and i support her leadership. >> anything else? >> not off the top of my head. >> withdrawal from iraq, part of the iran deal, part of the libyan intervention, any of those stick out you? >> i have to say no. she is the total package. i'm not going to pick one thing. i'm grateful she's a woman and she did it. >> she kept stabilize with the middle east. there's been a lot of unrest with the intermittent threats of isis. >> how would you describe hillary clinton's foreign policy? >> i would say the secretary is really looking to make america smart again. >> donald trump calls his foreign policy america first. what would you call hillary clinton's foreign policy? >> us first. all of us. >> america first for us first? >> no, donald trump calls -- >> an eye opener. it's like we're living on two different planets. >> we're going to defeat them with love. that's what our attorney general says. >> what's coming up next hour? >> we have karl rove and joe trip pi at the top of the hour. stick around for that. >> they'll talk about bill clinton's big night. here they come on the double tricycle working together. those hot dogs look good. oh yeah, hebrew national. their all-beef like yours but they're also kosher. so, not just any beef goes into it. oh, honey! oh! here, have some of ours. oh! hebrew national. a hot dog you can trust. i can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. >> she knows that safeguarding freedom and security is not like hosting a tv reality show. >> according to donald trump, my body is probably like a 2. >> donald, did you hear me, already great nation. >> this race is going to be one on the ground. >> when women succeed, america succeeds. >> and it's going to be won in colorado and in iowa. >> according to donald trump, i'm probably a racist. >> north carolina and michigan. >> she is the best darn change maker i ever meat in my entire life. >> and florida and pennsylvania and then we're going to the white house! ♪ >> we're here. >> former campaign manager joe tripty fe trip pi feeling about that? welcome to "fox news sunday" hour two of day three of the dnc. brought to us by -- >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> what was it like driving with him in that little thing? >> it was fun. they made us work. we've gotten our morning workout. tomorrow hovercraft. >> absolutely. >> friday -- >> air-conditioning. >> morning to both of you. >> last time we watched your great work. first off the big news was bill clinton tried to humanize hillary clinton last night and make her more of a -- i guess a trail blazer, more likable, more trustworthy. real quick, was he effective, karl? >> look, it was a well-delivered speech, but -- >> as usual. >> as usual. not usual. i would say this, we learned -- first of all, it was way too long and we learned a lot more about bill clinton. he came across as more of a human being. she came across as sort of the relentless report writer, you know, trying to solve the latest thing. >> come on, karl. >> look, i think part of this is about filling in a lot of the people know a lot of the stories over the last 25 years. >> we know all of them. >> we know all of them, but we don't know the personal size of hillary clinton. what the convention has been so far the personal stories, the personal connection. no one knows that better than bill clinton. >> a lot would say the problem with hillary clinton is we know too much about her and that's why people don't like her. >> this is something i think that the trump campaign didn't do well. everybody thinks they know donald trump, too. the only people who gave us personal insight into him were his kids, his children. >> but i mean -- >> they could have done more. >> i'm not trying to be a partisan critique. >> yes, you are. >> no. i think this is what conventions are about is sort of filling in the personal stories about candidates that we've heard about for a year and we think we know everything about. >> that's my criticism of it. >> we learned he asked her three times but we never understood why she was saying no. the only time she really intruded in that is she liked that little house. >> there you go. karl is being a little partisan here. >> karl, you brought the white board. >> it's interesting not only was bill clinton there to build up his wife, he was also there to tear down donald trump. listen to this. >> how does this square with the things that you heard at the republican convention? how do you square it? you can't. >> one is real, the other is made up. >> good for you because earlier today you nominated the real one. >> that's questionable, right? >> look, remember what he said. he said -- the vision that's the cartoon is the american people's perception as expressed at the republican convention that the world is more dangerous, that america is weaker, that the world is in turmoil and the foreign policy of barack obama is broken. guess what, that's not a cartoon. that's a reality that is expressed by a vast majority of americans. that's why the president's job approval on foreign affairs is in the 30s. she cannot point to a serious success she had at the white house as secretary of state. >> i see you brought the white board. we saw donald trump's numbers go up. will we see the same for hillary? >> yes, i suspect so. it's not always a guarantee. in 2012, barack obama got a bump of three points. mitt romney got nothing. we have to be a little bit careful about this. everybody jumped on the cnn poll and said look he rose 6 points she dropped 4 points, there's a shift of 10. >> that was big. >> that was big. that's one poll. he has jumped five points, she's jumped 1.1. that's a net of about 3.9. that is the average since 1964 for republicans is 4.9, for democrats, 5.9. reality, we're spending too much time in this. >> it's july. >> back-to-back, and until five weeks from now we're not going to know -- >> karl what do you have for an eraser over there? >> i have my official secret server wiper -- >> unbelievable. >> where did you get that? that's great. >> very effective. >> i'll tell you one thing, you have to realize about these bounces. in 1988 mike came out of the convention with a 1-point lead. i don't remember president ducacus. trump definitely got a better than average bounce out of the gop convention, but -- >> speaking of former candidates, little reminiscent for you last night? >> it brought back -- >> howard dean did that thing, he was your candidate. >> i was on the floor. it was great. >> i thought it was self deprecating. i thought it was funny. >> i think it was very funny and self deprecating. >> he left that out. >> but, joe, real quick, we're not looking at national polls. we have to see what's moving in the battleground states. >> it's going to be what's happening in ohio, what's happening in florida, pennsylvania, colorado, all those states, iowa. that's by the way why you're seeing tom harken last night on the floor speaking. i mean at the podium. bringing in a little iowa. and the trump campaign was doing those things as well. >> joe or karl, anything we heard from these conventions sway any of the polls? >> they will. >> the swing states. >> well, swing states are going to be impacted by the national convention as are the rest of the states, that's why independents, for example, move forwards trump in the cnn poll and we're likely to see -- it's so fluid. we have the highest number of undecides we had since 1992. we have things going on in the states that are happening. we have $143 million worth of advertising by clinton and the super pacs in the battleground states. yesterday the clinton campaign pulled down their advertising in colorado because the public polls and private polling shows a durable lead in that state. this is a real challenge for trump. these battleground states he has a lot of unanswered television that's tattooing him in a way -- they're going straight for the jugular. >> that's where trump being behind because of how late he locked it down and the party apparatus not coalescing around him fast enough, he is behind on these kinds of things. he is behind in fund raising. when you saw michelle obama's speech, it made me think about what would the republican convention been like if laura bush was there to speak. somebody with that forceful, that popular that could have been conveying messages that would have attracted women to him. they didn't have it. >> this is where i do think again this convention is showing that clinton's got -- whether it's unified or not because of the bernie people, i understand there will be some problems, but there are -- the party is rallying around her and she's got people like biden and others. >> joe and karl, do you have time -- do you still have time to get the ads up, karl, and be effective if you're trump? >> yeah, but you have to get going soon. the hillary clinton super pac and hillary began running these ads in may. we had part of may, all of june, most of july and by labor day we start to -- people start to begin locking in. he's got a matter of weeks not a matter of months. >> karl, joe, thank you so much. good to see you. >> great to see you. >> heather, you have the news. >> i certainly do. other news nonpolitical news for you this morning. nine minutes after the hour and we begin with a dramatic rescue in the waters off the coast of alaska. 46 people had to put on their survival suits and climb into life rafts when their fishing boat started sinking. emergency beaken alerted the coast guard but two nearby ships beat them to the scene. good mare tans on the boat imagined to pull everyone on board. in 2012, a fisherman on that boat died after a cable snapped and hit him in the head. well, now to an emergency unfolding in california. take a look at this video, another massive fire is burning at this hour on the west coast shutting down popular state parks in the northern part of the state. those parks normally draw thousands and thousands of visitors every single day, at least 20 homes have burned to the ground in that area so far. and breaking details coming in after a priest is brutally murdered by isis. we are now learning that the two attackers who were shot and killed by police were teenagers. those teenage terrorists forced the french priest to his knees at the alter before they brutally murdered him, pledging allegiance to isis. they then took nuns and church goers hostage. one of the teens was on a terror watch wrist and war electronic bracelet. he wants to get rid of his double hands transplant. he got an infection back in 2009. he says the new hands are numb and never worked properly for him. before the transplants he used prosthetics and could at least drive a car and keep a job, he says. now he says he sits around all day. despite wanting the hands removed he says he doesn't want to go through another surgery and those are your headlines. i'll see you back here in 20 minutes. >> he doesn't want surgery? >> i know. he has to make a decision. >> terrible time. coming up, you just heard karl rove break down the polls. what is the immediate reaction? tucker carlson mixes it up over breakfast this morning right here in south philly. he is coming up next. geraldo rivera, look at this. >> it hurts people. >> you don't know what i do. ♪ >> geraldo rivera here with the whole story straight ahead. did he survive? okay. i guess he did. ♪ you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. hei don't want one that's haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. well, it's breakfast time at your house and breakfast time here in philly as well and our own tucker carlson has taken one of the double tricycles over to a diner in south philly where he is talking to some of the folks. hey, tucker. >> hey, tucker. >> reporter: well, good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i am here with jerry gilles. he is from outside philadelphia. he has come in this morning early. he is getting calls already wondering why are you on tv when you should be at work and he runs a construction crew, general contract here. good morning. are you going to the dnc? >> excuse me? >> are you going to the dnc. >> how come? >> i'm a trump guy. took two hours to get into the city monday. i'll stay as far away as i can. >> you're aware hillary clinton is fighting for you. >> no, i'm not. >> she said she is fighting for you and will make your life better. you don't seem convinced. >> i have serious trust issues with her. >> really. why? >> she lies. she takes money from wall street. >> yep. >> e-mail issues. >> yes. >> she's not going to get my vote or anybody i know for that. you said you have a crew of about ten guys who work for you. >> yes. >> how many would you say are voting hillary? >> i would say nine are going to vote for trump. >> really? >> yep. >> interesting. why? >> trust. >> trust. >> they trust trump. >> uh-huh. >> well, they don't trust hillary, that's for sure. >> if they're voting against hillary primarily and for trump seconda secondarily? >> i think some are. some aren't. i'm voting for trump because i do trust him and i think he'll be good for immigration and the economy. >> interesting. so you see -- i mean, you're a general contractor. you see the effects of the immigration everyday. has it affected your business? >> i think hillary will affect my business. >> yeah. >> i don't think there will be as much work and i think we're going to get flooded with immigrants that are going to take america's work away from us. >> you've seen that a lot in the construction trade, right? >> absolutely. >> do you think she likes you? >> no. >> you don't think hillary clinton likes you personally? >> if she knew me, sure. who wouldn't like me? >> yeah. >> what do you think trump thinks of you? >> he thinks i'm a hard-working guy that wants the american dream and he's going to fight for me. >> did you watch any of the convention last week from cleveland? >> i watched some of it. it was a little late for me to be up. >> for people with jobs. >> on the east coast, yes. >> everyone with a job is already asleep. but did you see the coverage the next day? >> yes. >> how did you think it went? >> i think it went great. i think trump -- his speech was excellent. i just think he needs to stay on the teleprompter and not go off range too much, you know? >> i think his kids think that, too. jerry gilles, great to see you. >> take care. >> back to you in fox land. >> i love that he says he can't watch because he has a job. every time i see these protesters i'm like, do they have jobs? >> probably not. >> you know? >> who are these people? >> hey, tucker, i can tell the second week is coming to an end. you are out of khakis, am i correct? >> i am out of khakis. i ran into a llama at one of these bernie protests and rubbed against me so i had to get them washed. >> i remember that. >> what did the llama say? >> i won't get more specific on tv. >> please don't. >> tucker, thank you very much. meanwhile on this wednesday, coming up, have you seen this a protester dumps water right on geraldo rivera's head. >> it hurts people. >> you don't know what i do. >> geraldo did not like that. he's here to tell us what happened coming up next. put your feet down. >> come on over, geraldo. outrage continues to grow over the dnc e-mails including this one, hispanics are the most brand loyal consumers in the world, known fact. so what do hispanic voters think about that e-mail. you're about to find out. when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? 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let's bring in national cochair of the maverick pac. good morning. >> good morning. >> chuck is a democratic strategist. chuck, this is terrible. >> look, if you're going to win a demographic by 70%, we've been lucky enough to win that you don't write e-mails that will be leaked at the convention. >> here is the thing, they wrote e-mails they had no idea wikileaks would put them up. >> this is true, right. that gives you a behind the scenes look at what's going on. it makes my job harder as a latino consultant. we're trying to motivate latinos to show up. >> what are they doing? we're the most brand loyal people, that is cringe worthy. >> when we're out talking to them, we do, latinos, have a loyalty to brands but it's how you communicate that message is what i'm worried about. we're talking about the e-mails today because stupid e-mails were wrote out there in the public now. >> they are out there. here are some more excepts from the dnc e-mails. one, most responsive to story telling hispanics are, will influence loyalty of family, extended family, most brand loyal customer, also hispanic brand customer and once loyalty loss always loss. this e-mail leak from the dnc. >> one of my biggest problems of the e-mail is that it lumps all hispanic, chuck knows i'm from florida. if people can be mexico, puerto rico. to think that everybody thinks of themselves as one monolithic voting block is inaccurate. you're an 18 to 20-year-old in america, this is your first election voting, i don't think you're more susceptible to voting for who your parents vote for than any other voting demographic. the terms shows how they truly feel about them. they're taking them for advantage. >> you know what chuck's side is doing, rather than talking about the content of the e-mails, what they're saying is those darn russians are out to help. >> russia -- the russian dog ate my homework is exactly what they're saying. >> nobody is saying they're not true. they're saying blame russia. >> that's a distraction. instead of holding people accountable for who actually wrote the e-mail, how about we hold ourselves accountable until we wrote those e-mails. >> the latino vote is why we're talking about this will be super crucial. northern virginia, colorado, nevada. we want to figure out thousand have a debate. we may disagree, but let's have a debate about the issues, not the e-mails. >> this particular couple of days here in philly, it's all about 2 ds, fixing the disunity and donald trump. okay. we understand donald trump has to bounce out of the convention last week, but the disunity, we get bernie sanders people in the streets lighting flags on fire and stuff like that. not a unified message. >> i've been coming to these for 20 years. you know democratic conventions like i do. there's crazy out there in the streets going back to '96 in chicago. there are people out there who are passionate about their beliefs. they have a right to let people know that. the question is it more hillary clinton or against snoig that's the big question throughout for the electorate. >> morgan, thank you very much. chuck, great chatting with you. coming up on this wednesday, have you seen this video? it's a protester dumping water on geraldo's head. >> you don't even know what i do. >> yeah. [ bleep ]. >> oh, he was not happy with that. what happened next? we're going to talk to geraldo. ♪ well, i actually had an opportunity to go outside on the streets of downtown philadelphia and meet all the officers or a lot of the officers who are handing out water to them because it was such a hot day. i got to shake hands and meet some of these amazing people that serve the streets and the city of philadelphia. pete actually gave me this idea because he did it the day before. i heard some interesting stories. one of the guys said as he takes off his uniform before he goes home because he doesn't want anyone to know he's a cop for safety reasons. another guy said a neighbor hates cops and came after him with a knife. he had to arrest his own neighbor. one guy said it's ridiculous that people are threatening cops and especially their families. their kids are getting threats, but most of all, they were very proud to serve. they said they felt safe and their kids are the ones that are really worried and their wives or husbands at home, but generally they felt very safe. >> i'm glad you did that. excellent. >> they're amazing. they're everywhere. all over downtown philadelphia keeping us all safe. >> getting overtime this week, right? >> yeah, they are. >> i'm glad you were color coordinated. >> absolutely. >> geraldo, we saw him walk up a second ago. we've been watching his video all morning. you both have been doing a lot with the protesters. geraldo, first off, can you paint us a picture of what happened yesterday? >> first of all, if i could give you a 30 second overview, black lives matter is an umbrella name for a lot of individuals or organizations who have different kinds of agendas. the establishment black lives matter where the moms of the victims of encounters with cops on the stage -- >> mother's of the movement, that's the establishment. the people that we encountered on the street yesterday where we had the incident are far more militant, disorganized group. they're into their anarchists, they have their own agenda. >> these are not bernie people. >> these are not bernie people. they were out also, the disgruntled bernie people, they tend to be a more gentle sort. this group was troublemakers, more confrontational. their attitude with fox news is hatred. the people specifically had the physical encounter with me were punks that came up behind me where i couldn't see them and craig and i responded. >> sure. let's see it. >> you report the way you do, your slants, it hurts people. >> you don't know what i do. >> yeah. >> time to go. time to go. time to go. we have to go. [ bleep ]. >> was that a police officer saying time to go? >> that was our security guy, wonderful, wonderful strong pillar of a man and wanted to avert -- >> it got uglier we had another encounter after they marched around city hall -- >> what was the problem that you were geraldo or with fox? >> geraldo, fox news. it's not they're really thinking it through. they're filled with an anger and bitterness and frustration based on number one the very small turnout in the low thousands when they expected, you know, five digits, at least ten thousands the streets clogged and all the rest of it. what they got were several hundred militants with attitudes there. and i think also a sense that they're losing the debate in a way. i think that cleveland was totally undercut their efforts by the fact that you had the awful assassination of the cops in baton rouge and the five in dallas. when we spoke about the philadelphia cops and this new element of being fearful of being killed that you're a cop, it's bizarre how things have turned on their heads in urban america. >> were you expecting that when you are as recognizable and famous as you are, you know this is probably going to happen? is that why you took your security guy with you and your brother? >> fox insists now because we tend to attract the discordant element that i bring somebody with me. i'm glad we do. i'm glad we have a check in the balance. >> takes the pressure off craig. >> come on. >> for an old fella, craig is pretty spry. >> i grew up in the south. people fight. i like your reaction. you were immediately like -- >> ready to go. >> pete, you've seen some of this? >> i've seen the exact same thing. this is an anti-american, anti-cop grab bag of protesters. they're thrashing against the man, against the system for international socialism, marxism, communism. they don't want a dialogue. they want to tell you what to think and impose it on your face. see someone like geraldo or me when i'm wearing an american flag hat and come after you and try to make you back down. i love what geraldo does. he does not back down. he says i'm coming after you if you come after me. >> these black protesters ordered white people back because they weren't wanted at the front. not kidding. look at the video. >> white people move to the black. this is a black and brown resistance match. take your rightful positions and get behind us. >> geraldo, what do you make of that? >> it's that kind of attitude. these are amateur anarchists who have no clear agenda to make a political agenda. i want to say one thing quickly. the democratic national convention that with all the entertainment and all the great scripting and great producing, all the prethought that they -- they have programmed in a rigidity that has made them unable to respond. the priest we're going to tuck about getting killed in france, more importantly, more immediately to us right now, here you had the mothers of the movement on the stage, why didn't the democrats think to bring the families of the cops to meet with the mother's of the movement on stage but what a moment that would have been. >> black lives matter bows out and she loses the african-american votes theoretically, if the victims of the -- the survivors of the cop killers come out on stage -- david axelrod sent out a tweet and said yesterday mother's of movement were incredibly moving but it would have been more powerful to include the widows of fallen police officers. >> amen. >> some liberals had some backlash on twitter and told david axelrod to just shut up. >> of course they did. they don't want to discuss it. you put up the mother of michael brown up there, of course she lost her son, the fact of the case made clear, hands up don't shoot is a lie. he was lunging for a gun. there's a lot more that goes into it. if you're not having this conversation about -- there's a real conversation to be had. they want to make a statement and they're where the democratic base is. the democratic base is in with black lives matter, not necessarily the state of policing today. they're bowing to them. >> i think that -- i submit with leadership you can begin a heeling process. let's put partisan politics aside and say how do we fix this real problem, this gap that exists between black and blue and i think the democratic missed an opportunity. >> you don't do it by seeing more rage. that's the problem with whites to the back of the line. how is the solution to racism more racism? is it? >> i think that you're absolutely right. that kind of militant attitude goes nowhere. >> you talked to the commissioner of police yesterday. >> that's right. >> talked to the commissioner of police. there's been a lot of pushback from the police union here in philly about the fact that wives of slain officers are not included. this is what the commissioner had to say at the press conference. >> my reaction is i have a convention to police. not being dismissive of that whole premise. we know about it. john has a right to think and say whatever he quantities. it's his first amendment right. but right now doesn't even begin to rise to the level of some of my largest concerns relative to this convention. >> i'll tell you on the street it rose to the level of concern for a lot of officers i spoke to who did not like the fact that there was not both sides represented on that stage. and felt like it was a slanted viewpoint at the convention. >> geraldo, a lot of people are saying there's an attack on police officers. there's also an attack on christianity. we saw yesterday this priest throat slit at the alter in the middle of mass. >> his head was cut off. >> it was cut off? >> he was decapitated on the alter. >> no one is talking about this. how many speakers, 50 some odd speakers, 6 mentioned terrorism or isis? >> here you had former president bill clinton making a very moving hour-long presentation of his wife's biography essentially. i looked at him and, you know, i love him over the years. he seemed frail and very scripted, however. and i wondered -- to me the bill clinton of old would have ad libbed an acknowledgment of the horrifying attack on the priest in france which was video taped i understand. his wife is most capable of dealing -- he could have done it easily and totally ignored it. >> the party does not want to show islamic extremist on the march targeting us. they don't want to talk about the fact that the statue of liberty is in this video and we are next on their list along with london. they don't want to talk about christianity and the brutality of all this because they said they got to reject. >> they only talk to each other. >> here we sit. we're all different political points of view. we come from all over the place. as much as we're stereotyped. there's a robust debate about what's good, what's bad. where should we go. they don't have that debate. >> it's an inconvenient threat. the minute they have to admit that we're in a generational and civilizational battle with islamic savages, then they have to talk about it. i saw it on the floor with delegates. they want to talk about policing and climate change and they're cutting off the heads of priests in church. >> they want to talk about gun control. >> geraldo, great. glad you're okay. >> you do not. you could care less. >> glad craig is okay. 17 minutes before the top of the hour. donald trump refusing to stay silent while the dnc continues here in philly. now he says hillary clinton is stealing from the trump play book. john roberts on the campaign trail coming up next. and what does eric trump think about that? he'll join us live at the top of the hour. anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation. a body without proper foot support can mean pain. the dr. scholl's kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve foot, knee or lower back pain from being on your feet. dr. scholl's. at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. hey, you're yes, sir. clarence!afety is never being satisfied. you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they'd name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? that's no good... stevent! that's just vandalism. whatever you want to call it, don't miss the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a one-thousand dollar volkswagen reward card and 0% apr on a new 2016 passat. good morning and welcome back. 46 minutes after the hour. a disturbing new report just out on violence against police. 32 officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty this year. that's a 78% increase from the same time last year. the nypd responding to the threat with a big equipment upgrade. every officer is now getting heavier body armor, and new ballistic helmets by the end of this summer. you went from brags to riches overnight. a federal prosecutor says that 45-year-old ronny music junior blew $3 million in lotto winnings by buying and selling crystal meth in southern georgia. not such a good idea. police set up sting and busted him with million worth of drugs and ammunition. he now faces life in prison. >> not good. >> thank you, heather. donald trump taking aim at hillary clinton and bernie this morning accusing clinton of stealing a page from his play book. >> what? let's talk to fox news senior national correspondent john roberts trailing the trump campaign today he joins us from beautiful and warm miami. john? >> reporter: yes, it's kind of like being wrapped in a warm, wet blanket. good morning to you. donald trump accusing hillary clinton of stealing his ideas on trade now saying she wants to maybe renegotiate some of the terms of nafta her husband signed back into law in 1993. donald trump is not giving hillary clinton an inch this week. aggressively counterprogramming the democratic national convention. he has a press conference here at 10:30 a.m. outlining his ten-point plan to reform the va insisting that if hillary clinton becomes president nothing will change. >> we can do all of these things. we simply need to stop relying on the politicians who created these problems in the first place. they're not going to do anything. i call them all talk, no action. that's what they are. they're politicians. all talk, no action. >> donald trump also aggressively pushing back against a claim made by bernie sanders that he would allow states to reduce the minimum wage below the current level of $7.25 an hour. donald trump on record says he opposes a federally mandated minimum wage though he insists it should probably rise to somewhere around $10. here is trump pushing back last night on o'reilly's program. >> well, he lied last night. i mean, it was a total lie. everybody said it. in fact, some of the folks on your network said, wow, that was really a lie. he said that i wanted to go less than minimum wages is a new one because i'm the one republican that said in some cases we have to go more than minimum wage. >> after this morning's press conference, donald trump again hitting the campaign trail has got a town hall meeting in scranton, pennsylvania, just a couple hours north of where you folks are. then he is off to toledo, ohio and couple events in iowa and rounding out the week with a couple events in colorado. this is unprecedented. the degree of campaigning that donald trump is doing during the democratic convention, giving back to hillary clinton he believes is good and better than she gave it to him last week. >> yeah. then brian is actually heading to scranton to go catch up with him and interview him as well. we'll have that tomorrow morning. john, thanks very much. coming up this wednesday, hillary clinton and donald trump as john just talked about in a heated battle to win over america's heroes. >> we're going to have a 21st century department of veteran affairs that delivers world class care. >> i will create a private white house hot line and i will pick up the phone personally and get it completed. >> so which message hit home with the vfw vets? lee carter is here with brand new dials and she joins us live from philly on day three. >> hey. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. donald trump and hillary clinton each pleading their cases to veterans at vfw in charlotte, north carolina. so how did it all resonate with the voters and with veterans. let's bring in our pollster leigh carter. she just put yesterday's speeches to the dial test. >> great to be here. >> thank you. we'll start with donald trump. he talked about having a private line into the white house saying that to veterans who need extra help. >> right. >> i will create a private white house hot line. this could keep me very busy at night, folks. this will take the place of twitter. lot of truth to that. that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day to make sure that no valid complaint about the v.a. ever falls through the cracks. now, this is the tough part. this is the tough part. i will instruct my staff that if a valid complaint is not acted upon, then the issuer who brought it directly to me, and i want to have it, will bring it directly to me, and i will pick up the phone personally and get it completed and get it taken care of. that's a lot of work. we better do a good job because that's a lot of work. >> wow. quite a promise. >> it was quite a promise. republicans loved it. they gave it an "a" and said they like the like about twitter, they thought it was humorous. they like how he's saying the vets are so important to us. independents gave it a c plus. they said i'm not sure this is realistic but i like he is focussing on it and democrats gave it an f. it's not plausible or realistic. >> because we're fair and balanced and want to show both sides, hillary had a message to the veterans in charlotte. >> we'll have a 21st century department of veteran affairs that delivers world class care. like you, i was outraged by the v.a. scandals, people waiting months, even years for things like wheelchairs and basic medication. some even dying. >> so what they said here is obviously democrats liked it, they give it a b plus. but it wasn't the best message and the republicans obviously just were not buying what she had to say. didn't have much to say, especially compared to donald trump. thank you so much. eric trump is going to join us live next. g like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing wbr id "wbr70641" is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. /b hair is delightfully fragrancedl with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime unforgettable, wherever you go the scents you can't forget... from herbal essences, blooming now! i wanted to know where i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. ♪ i can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. >> she knows that safeguarding freedom and security is not like hosting a tv reality show. >> according to donald trump my body is probably like a 2. >> donald, did you hear me? already great nation. >> this race is going to be won on the ground. >> when women succeed, america succeeds. >> and it's going to be won in colorado and in iowa -- >> and according to donald trump, i'm probably a racist. >> and north carolina and michigan -- >> she ask the best darn change maker i ever met in my entire life. >> and florida and pennsylvania and then we're going to the white house! >> some highlights. >> she scares me. >> democratic national convention day two highlights from last night. >> howard dean left out his trademark deep scream and then we heard meryl streep through the magic of editing do that. listen, right now bernie sanders, who went ahead and endorsed hillary clinton last night to officially get the nomination, take a look. there he is meeting with the washington state delegation on this wednesday morning. keep in mind, bernie loves watching. during the primary, he wound up with 74 of their delegates. hillary rod ham clinton wound up with 27. >> folks from kansas, alaska, maine and oklahoma, a lot of their seats were empty because they had a huge walkout. they did not like the fact that their guy, bernie, did not win. >> last night i was watching fox of course. shannon live on the floor, take a look, take a look at california where they're supposed to be sitting and they left. they wanted bernie. >> it wasn't a packed house for former president of the united states adds he was the headliner. >> california. did i say florida? >> meanwhile, we have a big hour coming your way. let's get started. >> and if you see bernie trying to rally some support, his supporters are burning flags, as you can see right there. >> wow. this as she makes history as the first woman nominated for president by a major party. >> it's impossible to avoid the protesters and some of the angst here in philly. >> reporter: well, you know, guys, this was an historic occasion. for the first time in u.s. history a woman's name was placed into nomination for the u.s. president. but beneath that va near of united together which is the theme of this convention, of course, there is tremendous disunity and they're not all that much together. we saw it again last night during the role call vote, many of those sanders delegates walked out of the convention center and many made their way to the media center where they staged a sit-in. their mouths taped shot. a s.w.a.t. team came in. all that going on, a happier convention was celebrating hillary clinton's formal nomination she spoke to the delegates by video lingo. >> let me just say, i may become the first woman president but one of you is next. thank you all. i can't wait to join you in philadelphia! thank you! >> aside from that sit-in by delegates, there were also protests for the first time not in downtown philadelphia but just outside of the perimeter fence in the convention facility. they were unable to get through the security fence but there was some flag burning. one woman who tried to stomp out the fire was accosted by the man who lit the fire saying what gives you the right to stomp out somebody's protest? in some respects this sort of reminds nae a lot of these protesters are everybody get astrofy generation all grown up. they didn't get their trophy which would have been a sanders nomination and they're throwing a temper tan trem. >> we would second, third and fourth that. that's a great assessment and evaluation. >> you know, thank you very much, doug. so around us right now, they've got this unscaleable wall. some of the bernie sanders guys were able to scale and jump over the wall. >> they also had a wall around the podium and changed it now. it's a glass wall so you at home don't really see it, but it's there. >> the glass wall to go with the glass ceiling. >> true. >> let's bring in eric trump, son of donald trump who wants to be the next president of the united states. good morning to you, eric. >> thanks for joining us, eric. >> you're in philly. >> you're home in new york. we're coming home soon, though. >> you wouldn't be welcomed as much in this convention. >> probably not. >> so were your families' ears burning over the last couple days because the democrats spent two days so far -- today is another, tomorrow is another turning your father into public enemy number one. we're going to play a little sound bite montage of them taking shots at your dad. >> i have a message for donald trump. we are not going back to the dark days when women died in back alleys. >> donald trump can only see an angry america. >> donald trump and his party think i should be punished for exercising my constitutional right. >> send donald trump back to his bankrupt casinos where he belongs. >> trump's entire campaign is just one more late night trump infomercial. >> donald trump hasn't made anything his life except a buck on the backs of working people. >> i love the fact that they've got the governor of virginia in there, even though he is under fbi investigation for campaign contributions. so eric, your assessment of the democrats taking shots at your dad. >> i saw one person who wasn't a career politician. i should start out with that. you know what i find sickening, of the 61 speakers there wasn't a single mention of isis. yesterday there was a priest in church, radical islamic terrorest cut off his head. they beheaded a priest in his own church in france. last week we had nice, the lgbt community get shot up in orlando, san bernardino, all these massive terrorist attacks around the country and not once during the convention did they even mention the enemy. i mean, it is so distraught. it is such a shame. how are we going to defeat somebody we can't mention? not once do they mention the fact that we have $19 trillion worth of debt. not once do they mention the fact that we have an education system that's ranked 30th in the world. how little time do they spend on our vets? hillary did a little thing or your vets yesterday and totally came off as insincere, right? not once do they mention the $400 billion trade and balance with china, the $60 billion trade and balance with mexico. right? national deficit that increases by $32,000 back in $2 billion a day. not once did they mention -- >> they're taking shots at your dad. >> yeah. >> there's also something -- we went into this week, eric, we all found out that the dnc was rigging the system trying to get hillary in office and bernie sanders out. debbie wasserman schultz had to quit the job the day before her convention. so many people are talking about that here at the dnc. we found out quickly -- >> wiki leak. >> the fbi is saying they have high confidence that russia was behind the dnc hacked e-mail. >> we deal with cyber security everyday in our country. it affects every corporation and business around the world these days. i found it interesting that the first time that president obama comes out and talks about cyber security is when the dnc gets hacked. i mean, i found that really ironic. when you look at some of those wiky leak e-mails and i read many of them, i found it perplexing how disgusting the tactics were behind the scenes. let's create fake job posts for the trump organization only recruiting good-looking women. it takes a seriously sick individual to come up with this stuff. if our forefather's saw the antics behind the scenes of this party, i mean, obviously what all of america saw when they saw some of the e-mails they would be rolling in their graves. it is the worst part of politics. >> the president talked about it. sorry, brian. >> i want you to hear the president what he said about cyber security and you guys and the dnc. >> what the motives were in terms of the leaks all that, i can't say directly. what i do know is that donald trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for vladimir putin. >> sounds like you're suggesting that putin might be motivated to prefer trump in the white house? >> well, i am basing this on what mr. trump himself has said. and i think that trump's gotten pretty favorable coverage back in russia. >> really fantastic. so what are your links to russia, business wise, personal as a trump organization and your dad as you know it with their leadership? >> very few, very few. we don't have any properties in russia or anything. i find it interesting, russia has so little respect for our country. that wasn't the case under reagan. that wasn't the case after the cold war where they had tremendous respect. they view obama and they view hillary as totally weak and ineffective leaders. you see that. their willingness to go in and hack -- if it was russia -- hack a major political party, the political party of the president of the united states i think shows the level of disrespect that they have for america. the one thingky tell you is my father will change that and change that very, very, very quickly. >> okay. well, there's a lots more e-mail to go. will they have any on trump? stay tuned. eric trump, thank you so much for joining us. >> have fun. get back safely. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> did a great job. you got ahold of him yesterday. >> so nice he accepted our invitation to come on. always a pleasure. >> it's 8:11 here in new york city. coming up, hillary's supporters say she has a plan to defeat isis. just don't ask them what the plan is. >> can you explain her plan to defeat them? >> i cannot. >> i think you should talk to that important question she should answer. what if i mess it up? >> hillary, what is your plan to defeat isis? >> that is so dimensional. pete coming up next. >> very little plan. ♪ you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. pop quiz. are we at war with isis? and what's hillary's plan to take them out. >> some democrats gathered here in philly are confused. >> we sent pete in to straighten it out for us. hey, pete. >> you feel like we're at war with isis? >> no, i don't. i think they would like us to be at war with them. we have to be very careful how we handle that situation. >> do you feel like we're at war with isis? >> do i feel we're at war with isis? >> yeah. is america at war with the islamic state? >> i believe we have a lot of differences. >> do you feel like we are at war with isis? >> i think isis is kind of a vague term. i think there are a lot of people around the world who are unhappy. >> do you think we're at war with isis? >> yes, i absolutely do. there's no question. >> do you think hillary clinton has a plan to defeat them? >> most certainly she does. >> can you explain her plan to defeat them. >> i can not. >> you would support that if it was time to take action and time to do that, you feel like we should destroy isis. >> i support our troops. >> what is hillary clinton's plan to defeat isis? >> i think you should talk -- that important question she should answer. what if i mess it up? >> hillary, what is your plan to defeat isis? >> what would you describe as her top two accomplishments as secretary of state? >> i believe that she reached out to a lot of people and listened and made important decisions by listening. >> we have increased our goodwill with other nations. >> anything specific? >> no. >> i support her and i support her leadership. >> anything else? >> not off the top of my head. >> withdrawal from iraq, part of the iran deal, part of the libyan intervention. any of those stick out to you? >> i have to say no. she is the total package. i'm not going to pick one thing. i'm grateful she is a woman and she did it. >> she's kept stabilized with the middle east. there's been a lot of unrest even with the growing intermittent threats of isis. >> donald trump calls his foreign policy america first. how would you describe hillary clinton's policy? >> the secretary is looking to make america smart again. >> donald trump calls his foreign policy america first. what would you call hillary clinton's foreign poll sni. >> for us first. all of us. >> isn't america first for all of us snirs. >> no. >> donald trump calls his foreign policy america first. what would you call hillary clinton's foreign policy? >> america always. she always thinks about the people of this country first. >> good answer. but first thing you said america always because she thinks of america first. isn't that the same as america first? >> no. >> no. and we never got the same answer. we asked about hillary's foreign policy accomplishments. some answered benghazi as one of her foreign policy accomplishments. >> it looks like security is not a priority here. >> you compare this week to last week, isis isn't anywhere near the top priority for these delegates and clearly not the leadership of the dnc when as eric trump said we have literally isis chopping off the heads of priests in their parishes. >> only mentioned a handful of times, i'm talking about isis and terror. joe biden the vice president will speak tonight and here is what he said. here is what joe biden said about the fact that terror and security is not seeing itself at all in this convention. >> we have the single most significant homeland security of any country in the world. and what are they doing pence and trump? they're breaking up our alliances. these guys don't know what they're talking about. >> he didn't answer the question. and he said -- you know what he said, too, politifact backs it up. don't say this is rnc talking point. >> what happened to going on the offensive? what happened to going where they are and disrupting their plots and ability which is exactly what the caliphate is. it's bury their head in the sand and pretend this srnt as big of a threat as sit. that's why it's grown under barack obama and why it would grow under hillary clinton. her base would not tolerate a real war to defeat isis. >> thank you, pete. >> thank you. coming up on this wednesday, tucker carlson is doing his two favorite things this morning. he is talking and he is eating. hey, tucker, don't eat while you talk. >> sorry. i'm talking while i talk. i'm in the south street diner in south philadelphia. his family owns a cheese steak company. you run into them in philadelphia, i have a free cheese steak coupon. we'll talk politics at the south street diner coming up. good morning and welcome back to "fox news sunday." it's now 24 minutes after the hour. quick headlines to bring you now. a dramatic rescue on the waters off the coast of alaska. 46 people climbing into life rafts when their fishing boat started sinking. emergency beacon alerted the coast guard but two nearby ships beat the coast guard to the scene. the good samaritans on the boats pulled everyone on board. now to an emergency unfolding in california. take a look at this video. another massive wild fire is burning at this hour on the west coast. it's now shutting down popular state parks in northern california. at least 20 homes have now burned to the ground. but good news, a family's pet tortuous left behind in the fire has been reunited with his family. he was found trying to flee the wild fires. those are your head lines. let's head back over the the gang. >> thank you, heather. >> now we'll hand it off to tucker who is live in a diner eating breakfast and talking politics. hi, tucker. >> great to see you this morning. i'm here with andy. andy, one thing i noticed the democratic convention has a lot of people talking about how guns are bad, borders are bad, walls are bad and yet if you try to get in there, you're blocked by men with guns at a wall demanding documents. you notice the irony? >> yeah. i mean, it's just even me driving down in the city today, i have to go through this huge roadblock just to get in the city. i feel like there's already a wall put up. >> so what would happen if the president protected america as aggressively as he protects himself at this convention. would you feel safer? >> look, in today's day and age, how can you really stop these random attacks that are going on? i don't think walls are necessarily the answer. i agree there's issues with immigration and there's probably ways to go about it bur, but to build a wall seems senseless. >> they built one in philadelphia to keep themselves safe. >> not the first time. we had a wall when the pope came in and it was very tough to get around the city. >> fantastic. thank you. tell me your name? >> ken murphy. >> ken, you eat at south street a lot? >> once a week. >> you going down to the dnc. >> i am not. >> why? >> i work in new jersey. i'm headed back across the bridge. >> is hillary clinton speaking to you? would you vote for her? >> i'm still on the fence. >> yeah. >> i don't know right now because it's just -- i don't know who to believe. >> what could hillary clinton tell you to win your vote? >> what could she tell me? >> what if she offered you $25,000 cash, no one is watching. would you vote for her? >> no, no, i wouldn't do that. >> wow, that's tough. >> to me it's just going to boil down to really gut feeling because both candidates i don't really have any faith in. >> okay. you may spend election day here. back to you at fox hq in philly. >> all right. tucker, just out of curiosity, how many different entrees have you had for breakfast this morning? >> actually i had a bowl of grits and an ice water off camera and that's it. this is not like the primaries where i am eating my way through nine states with donuts. >> you're making steve feel bad because steve says when he does it, how many breakfasts do you von average? >> one an hour, it's a three-hour show. >> the big question this morning breaking news, did you put cheese on your grits? >> usually they come with it. >> we don't know. >> dab of margarine, that's it. >> just margarine? sounds delicious. >> after jogging the staircase. >> tucker, great job at the diner today. coming up on this wednesday, all white people move to the back? that's how black lives matter leaders are treating people. look at this. >> i need all white people to move to the back. this is a black and brown resistance march. >> we have details about that coming up next. and do you need a teleprompter to say the pledge of allegiance? that's what happened at the dnc. look at that, right, clayton? >> that's right. it's one of the top trending topics this morning. the democrats need help when it comes to reciting the pledge of allegiance or the star-spangled banner when they sing it. we'll have much more from the convention floor of the dnc 2016 when we come back. blades here, . some more over there... whoa! that's not a blade. this is gillette shielding. with lubrication before and after the blades. shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. proshield from gillette. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. [ park rides, music and crooooh!unds ] [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. excuse me, try this. but just one aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve. this race is going to be won on the ground. and it's going to be won at colorado and in iowa and north carolina and michigan and florida and pennsylvania and then we're going to the white house! >> the crowd went wild. >> he did it so well. he didn't have to scream at the end. >> the crowd seemed to love it even joe trippi said, hey, i thought that was really funny. remember when he originally did it, it wasn't too funny then, although joe trippi in the room said he didn't think it was a problem. watch. >> we're going to south dakota and oregon and washington and michigan and then we're going to washington, d.c. to take back the white house! >> yeah. that was over. i love the fact that he is able to laugh at himself. that's what he is really famous for. on your radio show, don't you have that sound effect? >> used to. >> it's iconic. >> it also clears out your sinuses. >> after he did that 12 years ago, we all remember it. he had to drop out of the race a month later. >> john kerry would get it. >> he failed that day. that was after i believe the iowa caucuses. >> right. >> funny stuff last night at the dnc. all right, all white people to back. that's how black lives matters leaders were caught on tape treating their members with a different color skin. >> wow. joining us live from philly with the details on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yesterday morning wehowed you this new fence the secret service put up eight feet tall, no scale fencing. four supporters wanted to get arrested. they climbed over the fence. the u.s. secret service was more than happy to oblige them. important to note, it was a different group pro bernie than the black lives matter people also on the streets of philadelphia. >> i need all white people who move to the back. this is a black and brown resistance march. if you are for this march and you are here to support, you will appropriately take your place in the back of this march. >> that was probably one of the least offensive things they said during this march. most of them we can't repeat on television. noteworthy, hundreds of cops were escorting this black lives matter march because they didn't want them to try to close down any intersections. think never got in to the dnc. inside the dnc, pro bernie sanders supporters walked out of the arena after hillary's nomination took over the media chants and started saying this is what democracy looks like. you have to put this in perspective, bernie sanders told his supporters to support hillary clinton. bernie sanders's supporters are telling us out here and inside this is much more about a movement than just simply the man, bernie. guys? >> i'm looking on social media and a lot of that stuff is buzzing right now. so what else is active on your smart phones? >> that's right. let's ask fox and friends weekend host clayton. hey, clayton. >> good morning, guys. can you name your favorite elizabeth banks movie -- hunger games. >> mine, too. i was going to say that. she was cute in that. >> i'm hungry so i'll say it, too. >> come on, guys. no more romantic comedies? she is a huge star or maybe we thought she was. but her performance last night, yeah, pitch perfect? we thought her performance fell flat line. social media exploded saying, she came out on stage mocking donald trump. do you remember a few days ago when donald trump came out on stage with that screen with the smoke machine. she came out last and did the exact same thing. dillen matthews tweeting -- i don't know how much elizabeth banks i expected last night it was 1sh 50th as much elizabeth banks. another tweet from steven miller said eapparently elizabeth banks is the new dnc chair. they shouldn't reveal it was donna brazil. they should let people pick who they thought it was behind the skrooen with the smoke machine. guys, i don't know if you saw -- go ahead, steve. sorry. >> i was just going to say what they should have done is they should have had somebody dress like donald trump with the hair like donald trump do the walk out and then they should have taken it off and revealed somebody else. it didn't look anything like donald trump. any way, you were saying -- >> that's why they should have hired you as a stage manager. exactly. this was going viral last night. he was mocking the democrats for their teleprompter skills and here is a tweet he sent out. this went viral last night with the pledge of allegiance in the toll prompter. michelle malkin saying they do know all the lyrics to "imagine" by heart. look, the bottom line is, guys, sometimes we all need help using a teleprompter. sometimes i forget my own name when using a teleprompter. this is why i'm using a teleprompter. yes, i'm all good right now. sometimes we need these things, right? >> well, they say that they're letting -- they want to let all these people into our country that don't know the pledge of allegiance. >> they don't want any weird moments when they're on the floor. they want to have it all in the prompter just in case. but guys, here is what's been trending all night on redit. here is one of the top things trending on redit. if you go to google and want to look up presidential candidates right now, there's a blaring omission from google's algorithm, donald trump is not been showing up in presidential nominee results when you go to google. also if you type in trump's book right now into google search results, you'll see hitler's. >> media organizations trying to whitewash this election, trying to hide certain candidates from the public. they are not going to win they are saying. trump's message will get out they're saying. lot of people upset this morning at google. people saying they're switching to bing. remember bing? microsoft search engine, never thought we would talk about bing this morning. >> you know what bing stands for -- because it's not google that's what somebody told me once. it sounds funny. thanks so much, clayton. >> excellent stuff. thank you sir. >> hand it over to heather who has headlines for us. >> good morning. a disturbing new report just out this morning on violence against our police officers. 32 american officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty this year alone. that's a 78% increase from the same time last year. the nypd responding to that threat with a big equipment upgrade now. every officer is now getting heavier body armor and new ballistic helmets we're told by the end of the summer they can expect to receive that. and call this one a double fault. the tennis ace roger federer is not only skipping the olympics in rio, he is also sitting out the rest of the season. the reason why he has a knee injury. he says he's disappointed he won't be able to represent switzerland in rio. a former democratic councilman accused of stealing from the dnc. brad koblinski used his media pass to get into the rnc. once inside he was caught on camera stealing parking passes, media passes and food vouchers. gang, what do you think of that? maybe we should try that. just kidding. >> crazy. >> what do you get when a hawk crosses a camera? well, a viral video. the curious bird made a surprise appearance on the weather camera in lincoln, nebraska. those are your headlines. >> hi, mr. hawk. >> look at him. checking himself out. >> thanks so much. coming up, we took you inside a pot protest at the dnc. >> oh, yeah. >> lots of medicinal purposes. >> marijuana is so good. i think a lot of people would use marijuana if it was not illegal. >> more and more democrats are pushing to legalize marijuana. one of them democratic governor john. >> he is mr. colorado, that's right. >> we're partying like it's 1776. we're going colonial with cooking with friends straight ahead. good morning, anna. ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. is the world truly ready for a vehicle that can drive itself? an autonomous-thinking automobile that protects those inside and outside. ready or not, the future is here. the all-new e-class. self-braking, self-correcting, self-parking. a mercedes-benz concept car that's already a reality. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. hi, everybody. welcome to the -- well, the wells fargo center. sitting right beside me is governor hickenlooper of colorado and the governor is a very wanted guy right now. governor, when you had your book out and at that time you were a finalist. the big rumor was you might be the number two on the ticket. was there a degree of disappointment when you weren't? >> well, it's one of the things if you're asked -- just to be considered is one of the biggest compliments and honors i think i've ever had. spend a couple hours with hillary clinton really talking about issues and just one on one. so, certainly there's a certain amount of disappointment, but at the same time, now i can take a deep breath. i don't have to work 80 hours a week for the next eight years. so disappointment, yes, but it's a no-lose situation. >> you're not shy of working. you worked hard your whole life. on that stage tomorrow night primetime you have a primetime slot. how long is the speech? how close to construction? how close to finishing construction? >> well, it's going to be a short speech about five minutes. it's done. it's good. but we're still looking at trying to find, you know, trying to get things back into language that people really hear. >> your focus? >> well, obviously i spent two thirds of my professional life has been in business, right, in the restaurant business, the geologist and the oil business. it will be mostly focussed around business. >> so governor, we had our own pete go to a rally on pro pot rally. you're the state that legalized it first. now a lot of people want it legalized federally. here is what pete found when he went to this rally. >> hell, yes, i want to legalize marijuana. not only that, but i want to decriminalize marijuana. >> i believe that it is more -- you're making cannibas more dangerous by making it illegal. >> it has medicinal purposes. >> a lot of people would use it if it were not illegal. >> governor, you were skeptical when it was illegal. how do you feel about the push now to legalize it federally? >> well, i have to say as someone who opposed it we made a lot of progress. we're beginning to see anecdotally less drug dealers. that's part of the goal. get rid of the black market drug dealers, haven't seen a spike in teenage use. >> tax revenue? >> we're a $27 billion enterprise state government. tax revenue is 120 million. it helps with mental health. it helps with getting more money to the police and regulators, but it's a drop in the bucket. >> there's one thing that has been missing at the convention, talk of terror and homeland security even though there was a priest had his head chopped off, three attacks in germany, you know what happened in nice and orlando. does that bother you there hasn't been any talk about it? >> there's been a fair amount of talk. it's one of those things where we look at the world situation and go back to before we invaded iraq and isis didn't exist. so, there was clearly a vacuum that got created when we invaded iraq. isis was created. we have to all come together and fight it. there's no question. >> do you think the lack of focus on it even though it seems to be raging, does it bother you? >> no, i don't think so. the party has come together. we understand what the major issues is. public safety will always be number one. i'm not worried about that at all. >> one of the most successful governors, governor brown of california said there should be a red alert. trump can win this thing and there are some people worried in the clinton camp. that's a para phrase of governor brown. do you back that? >> i take this election very seriously. i think you always say every election is the most important election. this is going to be one of the most elections in the last 100 years. so i honestly take the election very seriously and i think donald trump a lot of people they think he is a joke, that there's no policy. how could we elect someone like that? you know, anything can happen. the world is just behaving in strange ways. >> he not only has a policy, i have to really encourage everyone to go get your book. it's brutally honest. a kid with acne, with glasses, not many friends and just battled back with a dad passing away at the age of 8 years old and a great success story. governor, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. appreciate it. >> back to you, guys. >> thank you, brian. he had the original craft brewery in denver, colorado. >> i know. >> what a story. meanwhile from beer to brewing up breakfast. coming up we're cooking like it's 1776. whipping up thomas jefferson's favorite dish and the key ingredient, butter. that's coming up. but first let's check inartt what's coming up at the p to of the hour. hey, guys. >> good morning to you. >> good morning. >> big night last night, obviously, bill clinton tried to make his case for his wife and for her presidency. we'll talk to rick perry and rudy giuliani. what's the big overarching message? what does a future look like with hillary clinton as president? did we get that? then on day three coming up tonight, ef the president, the vice president and tim kaine the vp out of the state of virginia all in primetime. but this morning donald trump will pop up again today. he will hold a press conference in miami, florida. we'll carry that for you live. don't miss it, day three rolls on in philly top of the hour. '. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. well, the walls at city tavern here in philadelphia could talk, they would have quite a story to tell. >> they would. it dates back to the american revolution and its patrons include once upon a time, george washington, paul revere, thomas jefferson and now anna coyman. she is live there with chef walter stave. >> hello, good morning. good morning to everybody at home. do you like my threads? do you like my outfit? this is what a lady who was in the upper echelon in the 1800s. we are at city tavern. ten different rooms, three different floors. there's a garden out back. we have a gentlemen playing the harp. this is the unofficial original version where wealthy businessmen would talk about what they were selling to one another, commodities, chocolate, coffee, lemons, everything would have been discussed right here in this room. and really city tavern is arguably one of the most historical blocks in all of america. the first fourth of july celebration and first inaugural ball for president washington. we want a taste of history, so let's go on in here to see this famous award-winning chef, walter stave from a taste of history who airs on cbs. good morning. what are we working on here? >> i'm showing you a dish very easy to make at home. it's one of thomas jefferson's favorite dishes. >> veal scalopini. >> thomas jefferson was so inspired by french cooking that he took one of his chefs to france to bordeaux. >> he traveled to south of france. >> and farm to fork is something that's cliche now. everybody loves it, but back in the day it really was farm to fork. what do you mean? >> can you cut me a few mushrooms. >> yeah, please. thank you for letting me get involved here. >> let me tell you, in those days you had no airplanes. you had no freezers. you had no canned goods. everything was literally from the farm or from the river. we're going to put a little bit of mushrooms after you cut them in here. >> the french cooking steve mentioned this earlier, it's all about the butter, right? >> you see how much butter i have in the pan. look at that. see how easy this dish is to be made. >> but they stayed so trim. >> yeah, well, because it's the wine that goes along with it. >> it's the wine. and jefferson was a big fan of french wine from bordeaux. we have wine behind us. what are specific wines that people may want to taste? >> he was really fond of -- this is his favorite one. cooking with cognac. >> great. you know what i'm going to make sure that i put -- look out of the flames, everybody. i'm going to put the recipe on my facebook and twitter and put it on >> if you do it at home, you want to make sure you do one thing. you don't ever put the liquor in without a separate dish. >> we want to make sure we keep our hair. >> back to you, guys. we're ready to dig in. >> it looks delicious. >> that's great. >> very nice. anna, thank you very much. >> we're looking up the restaurant right now. >> check out city tavern. it's four minutes before the top of the hour. we're going to step away. more "fox and friends" live from the dnc in two minutes. you're here to buy a car. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. or if you're young or old.are if you run everyday, no matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. if you've had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bayer aspirin. by the way, from philadelphia tomorrow we'll have donald trump. don't miss a minute. >> in the meantime, it's a race. we have these great wheels. all right, you guys. >> steve, you have to pedal, steve. steve, go. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's in my blood and it's all around ♪ ♪ i love you now like i loved you then ♪ ♪ this is the road and these are the hands ♪ ♪ knocked me down back up again you're in my blood and i'm a lonely man ♪ ♪ bill: good morning. donald trump not yielding the stage to the democrats and hillary clinton. he will hold a press conference this morning, this after hillary clinton wins the nomination. we have a great two hours coming up as we say good morning live in philadelphia. it's day three. welcome to america's newsroom. on ward we move. martha: i'm martha maccallum. good to have you with us. it's day three as we said of the republican national convention. four days all together and we are 3/4 of the way through.


Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160802 23:00:00

we have advice for donald trump before we go. for your next in-flight meal, go ahead and lose the fork. you don't need it for chicken. >> sayonara. >> "hardball with chris matthews" is next. have you no decency? let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in new york. in his strongest comments to date on donald trump, president obama today called the republican presidential nominee woefully unprepared to be president. he also questioned his judgment and temperament for the job. obama said trump is in a different league from past republican nominees like john mccain and mitt romney. >> yes. i think the republican nominee is unfit to serve as president. i said so last week and he keeps on proving it. i think i was right and mitt romney and john mccain were wrong on certain policy issues but i never thought that they couldn't do the job. but that's not the situation here. and that's not just my opinion. that is the opinion of many prominent republicans. >> the president called on republican leaders to not only repudiate trump's statements but also his candidacy itself. quote, there has to come a point he said at which you say enough. >> i think what's been interesting is the repeated denunciations of his statements by leading republicans. the question i think that they have to ask themselves is if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him? what does this say about your party that this is your standard bearer? there has to be a point at which you say this is not somebody i can support for president of the united states. >> trump responded later in a statement. he questioned the leadership of president obama and hillary clinton. he said obama and clinton have single-handedly destabilized the middle east, handed iraq, libya and syria to isis and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered in benghazi. they have produced the worst recovery since the great depression. they have shipped millions of our best jobs overseas to appease their global special interests. they have betrayed our security and our workers, our nation has been humiliated abroad and compromised by radical islam brought on to our shores. we need change now. that's trump talking. congressman, u.s. congressman charlie dent's a republican from pennsylvania. michael steele is the former chairman of the republican national committee and msnbc political analyst. eugene robinson is a columnist for "the washington post" and msnbc political analyst. i want congressman dent to start. are you going to vote for trump? >> i have no plans, i'm not endorsing donald trump, i have no plans to vote for donald trump. i said that repeatedly given the incendiary comments and the lack of policy specifics and policy knowledge. those are the issues that have kept me away from him. bottom line, it's a tough situation to be in. we have two presidential candidates who are sky-high unfavorability ratings. i said that hillary clinton is unacceptable in my view, too, given the way she mishandled classified material, negligently and carelessly. donald trump's incendiary comments are also a bridge too far for me to cross. >> congressman, the problem most people have, especially moderate or centrist republicans is there's only going to be four names on the ballot and two with a real chance of winning. that's secretary clinton and donald trump. what do you do on your ballot when the time comes this november? >> well, chris, i feel like a lot of, like millions of americans right now who are unhappy with the choices. when we have two candidates who have sky-high unfavorability ratings we feel like we are in an awful position. like i said, i'm not supporting hillary clinton under any circumstances and i'm not prepared to support donald trump or vote for donald trump based on all these comments. >> that leaves a blank ballot at the top of the ticket or voting for gary johnson, probably and bill wells. where are you on that? >> i kind of wish that the libertarian ticket were flipped around. i have a high degree of respect for governor. he's an eminently qualified guy. top of the ticket causes me a lot of concern so i guess i'm in a position where i'm not prepared to cast a ballot. that's just where i am. again, i want to make sure we maintain the house and the senate. i'm very concerned with making sure pat toomey wins re-election. >> yeah, i know. just to stay on you because you are sort of the situation here right now with regard to trump's latest behavior, is it the dope issue that keeps you away from gary johnson? >> the dope, yeah, i mean i guess that didn't help. i think he made some comment to the effect he wasn't going to smoke any dope between now and the election. i guess it's that, and it's just other things. i'm just not very comfortable with some of his positions, those few i have heard. the governor is a really stand-up kind of guy, have a lot of respect for him but i'm not -- >> even some of trump's strongest supporters distanced themselves. rudy giuliani said today the situation quote, could have been handled better. here is new jersey governor chris christie today. >> we need to honor their sacrifice for our country and we need to honor their son's sacrifice for our country. and to focus on anything other than that to me is missing the point. that's what we should be doing and any comments that we're making publicly or privately should be with that in mind, so my view on this is that the khans have a right to say whatever it is they want regarding the loss of their son. you're not going to find me being critical of mr. and mrs. khan no matter what they do, even if i may disagree with any one particular statement they might make. it's just inappropriate for us in this context to be criticizing them and i'm not going to participate in that. >> michael steele, as former rnc chair, still a republican, how do you face up to this? because what the president, who's a democrat and has basically his thumb on the scale, he wants hillary to win, he's saying don't vote for trump. well, there's only one other really natural option. you can go for johnson or stein, republicans not going to vote for the green party, probably. you are forcing them to say you don't like your guy because he's saying stuff about muslims and american gold star families, so you got to vote for my guy or my woman candidate here. you got on vote for hillary. they won't accept that from him, are they? >> let me ask you this. >> or are they? vote for my candidate. >> let me get this straight. after seven years of not listening to barack obama, republicans are now going to start listening to barack obama on who to vote for for president? come on. no, i appreciate the president pontificating from the podium today. it was very nice to hear him opine on a very, what is a very personal beef he has with donald trump, rightly so. i get it. the whole birther thing. but look, at the end of the day republicans like the congressman and others will have to make a very personal decision about this nominee, the direction of the party, the direction of the country. those are all going to be very personal decisions. i'm not going to base a decision today on what i know today. let me get closer to this election, the voting day, and see where we are. i think that's what i'm hearing from a lot of republicans as well. i think it's still very fluid, it's very dynamic for a lot of folks. they don't like this, they think this is a fight that donald trump, like so many others, have unnecessarily picked with the khans but at the same time, they are not ready to go hog wild like the president wants us to do for hillary clinton because as congressman dent pointed out, that's a bridge too far as well. >> eugene, i think you may even have had this experience at holding your nose occasionally when you vote. oh, my god, am i really doing this, some of these guys are not exactly the winners you wanted. as a professor at georgetown once said there's a huge difference between free choice and free will. free choice, you get a couple options. free will, you can make it up. like i know congressman dent is trying to do. come up with something here, come up with something. but you're looking at that ballot, it's choice. it is not free will. you are stuck. your thoughts. >> yeah. yeah. it's not, you know, with apologies to michael, for these elected officials it's not strictly just a personal choice. this is a public choice. and i think what president obama was doing in a way is sort of pointing that out and saying all you reasonable people, you are saying all these reasonable things about the khans and about this controversy and this and that, yet you still say you are going to vote for this unreasonable person at the center of all this, donald trump. and so you want to hitch your wagon to him, be my guest. >> here he goes today. in an interview with "the washington post," your paper today, donald trump refused to support, listen to this, senator john mccain and speaker paul ryan in their republican primaries. ryan, by the way, trump said i like paul but these are horrible times for our country. we need very strong leadership. we need very very strong leadership and i'm just not quite there yet. i'm not quite there yet. i tell you, congressman dent, this guy just is such a player. this is gamesmanship. he doesn't even know this guy running against paul ryan. he's not trying to make up his mind. he just wants to ditto here or whatever the right word is. that's probably not the right word. what do you think trump's doing here? >> i don't understand why he would want to get involved in paul ryan's primary. paul ryan will win that primary, he's got 80% of the vote. he's going to win. i don't see anything productive coming out of that for donald trump to kind of put a stick in the face of paul ryan. it makes no sense to me at all. in fact, it further antagonizes many folks he would need to have support him. it makes no sense to me. i also would like to follow up. i heard what the president said today, too, but most republicans aren't in the business of taking advice from president obama on how to vote in a presidential election. i just wanted to -- >> let's take a look at this. here's the khans, ghazala and khizr. they told me they didn't want and suggested they wouldn't accept an apology from trump at this point. here they are last night on "hardball." >> the best apology would be that his supporter repudiate him, and pronounce their repudiation. we don't need any apology from him. we are beyond those apologies. we were promised several months ago that he will pivot in the right direction, he will change and he will not do all that, but -- >> do you want to hear anything more from him? >> no. no, i don't want to hear anything from him and i don't want to say anything to him. >> michael, this sounds like they want the guy to lose at this point. >> of course they do. they spoke at the democratic convention, chris. of course they do. i get that. taking the gold star family portion out of it, you know, i think that this is the unfortunate part of our politics when we start bringing these families into this political atmosphere, a highly charged political atmosphere, this becomes an unfortunate conversation. there's no way that in my view, my own personal view, that that family should have been subjected to a national stage this way. >> i would normally agree with you and be suspicious like we all should be about when somebody comes forward to the advantage of one party to the disadvantage of the other. however, the khan family, mr. and mrs., both of them, he wrote an article, public article that brought himself to the attention of the clinton people. he raised his hand and said i've got something to say and i want to say it. >> no, again, that's fine, but again, i think the political parties hold some responsibility here on both sides when they do this. this is just -- >> you mean they, the democrats, should not have allowed or urged that family to make their statement more widely? there's a problem with that, you're saying? >> yeah. i just think the way this has played out particularly given sort of the asymmetrical nature of the other candidate, donald trump basically took what mr. khan said as a personal attack on him when he talked about not reading the constitution. that's what pricked his skin in that regard. now this is where we are. so i think that sacrifice should have been the only thing that donald trump talked about but unfortunately, the politics prevailed. >> just to make it clear, i can argue you are always reasonable when you are arguing here and i accept it as a point of view but tell you one thing. when trump attacked the woman here, a very quiet woman who is in grief over the loss of her son which we can all figure out, we can figure out that emotion, she didn't want to have to confront a situation where she couldn't speak. last night on the show, when i asked her what was it like the first time you saw your son in uniform, she couldn't talk. she pulled her veil across her face, turned to the side, didn't want to show her face. i accept completely her reason for not wanting to say something on stage. when he went after her on that, that to me got very nasty. very nasty. very nasty. anyway, she's what we call a civilian. what i mean? a civilian. gene, more next time, sir. i have been told to stop talking. you are all staying with us. coming up, is trump hurting his own brand. think about it. his brand is i'm a nationalist fighting for america, i'm appealing to work people. then he calls on russia to get on his side against hillary clinton, to hack into her e-mail. he's fighting now with a gold star family, the ultimate patriotic family, challenging the essence of his patriotic call, his nationalism. then he goes after saying a woman who gets preyed upon at work should just walk away from the job as if working people have that option with their employers and workplace. most people are working paycheck to paycheck. they don't just walk away and say i don't like the unhealthy workplace here. donald trump needs to win. that's ahead. plus two warriors join us. former senator bob kerry, medal of honor winner and retired general, barry mccaffrey. we get their thoughts on the nature of sacrifice and trump's battle with the khan family, who were on this show just last night. here's trump's behavior. is it helping hillary clinton expand the electoral map? new polls are giving democrats real hope they can flip some traditional red states blue this year. hillary is on the road right now to about 55/45. let me finish with a very basic thought. about life and death. this is "hardball." with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. bp wind farms are monitored 24/7 at our remote operations center, so onsite teams can count on early warning of approaching weather. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. congressman richard hanna became the first elected republican to say he's going to vote for hillary clinton, the democratic candidate. in a letter to the syracuse post standard, congressman hanna wrote for me it is not enough to simply denounce his comments. he is unfit to serve our party and cannot lead this country. hanna's a moderate republican not running for re-election this year. you're here to buy a car. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. ♪ one♪coat, yes! one coat guaranteed marquee interior. behr's most advanced paint. come find our top rated paints, only at the home depot. welcome back to "hardball." donald trump's strong nationalistic appeal has rallied millions of working class voters. >> i make this promise. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. >> he's compromised that appeal, you could say, by seeming to be in cahoots with russian president putin. last week, trump encouraged russia to hack into hillary clinton's e-mails. >> it would be interesting to see, i will tell you this, russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. let's see if that happens. that will be next. >> this week, trump went after the parents of a fallen soldier. >> his wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me, but plenty of people have written that. >> finally, trump got flagged for failing to stand up for working class people. he told "usa today" that if his daughter ivanka was sexually preyed upon at work, she would just leave. he said i would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case. but many americans live paycheck to paycheck, we all know, and struggle to find just one job and hold on to it. they are the ones trump needs, i would think, if he hopes to win this election. back with michael steele, eugene robinson and joined by molly ball, staff writer for "the atlantic." molly, your thoughts on this. take your time. i think trump has a strong brand first of all. i think it appeals to people i know in pennsylvania who do like that shove back. they have been shoved around as a working person and shove back. that has a lot of people for working people. until this week he's been running evenly with hillary on just that. your thoughts on whether that supports that brand or hurts it? >> i think it's totally consistent. i think the nationalism that donald trump espouses is not the sort of abstract patriotism of like the american idea and the founders and the constitution as much as some republicans wish he would talk more about those things. it's about muscularity, about strength, about not being a victim, not being kicked around. if you are a working woman, you don't let yourself be a victim of sexual harassment. you're too tough for that. if you are the american leader, you sympathize with putin because he's strong, he's tough, he doesn't let anybody boss him around on the world stage. i think actually, all the things that he's saying that you are referring to are consistent with the brand that trump has been espousing this whole campaign. >> gene? >> well, i differ a bit if you are sexually harassed, find another job or find another career sort of line. because as you pointed out in the introduction, most people can't just snap their fingers and find another career or find another job. they don't have, most americans have negligible savings. they are not able to support their families in the interim while they look for that new career or that new job. and to me, it betrays just an ignorance of women in the workplace and the fact that there are so many female-headed households, including many that these days would be tempted to look at trump as a potential president, i think less tempted if those remarks really get any traction. >> michael? >> first off, can i just applaud molly. you just encapsulated the entire persona of trump. you are the first person i have heard put that as exactly as you have and i think that's important, an important take-away in understanding why trump is driving this election the way he has. to gene's point, i would disagree with you slightly from this perspective. donald trump in answering that question was talking about his daughter. he was answering the context of how he raised his daughter and what he knows his daughter would do. he's projecting that back to molly's point, that that's an ideal for a lot of women. a lot of women would probably make that hard choice and say i'm not going to stick around with this crazy any longer. but his perspective was not from the perspective, well, if a woman were in the situation. he was asked what would you do if ivanka faced this and he knows how he raised his daughter and he answered that way accordingly. >> let's ask, let's go on, the thing about harassment and the cases we have been talking about, it just seemed to me instead of arguing whether the person's guilty or not of actually doing something, they shouldn't have done it in the workplace, the employer in this case, he almost brushed aside whether that was a worthy conversation. that's the thing, he should have said well, depends on a couple things. instead he said i would go get another job. it's like the victim's responsible for solving a problem. that seemed to be what he was saying. if you heard it differently, explain. >> no. i think that's right. i'm not saying that it's correct and i'm not saying that women are to blame for being sexually harassed at all. i'm saying the prism through which trump sees the world is, you know, a sort of extreme machismo, the feeling of a lot of american men specifically who feel oppressed by feminism, who feel oppressed by women who think that they can run a workplace or be a boss when making america great again is about going back to a world where men were in charge. >> let's go back to a couple of other cases. when you ask somebody in russia, the russian intelligence, defense intelligence group, whatever you call it these days, and you say would you do some hacking into my opponent's e-mails, does that sound like nationalism? i mean, that's tuhe ultimate in globalism. i'm going to this rival country, i'm going to have them hack into my opponent so i can be in cahoots with the government of russia. that doesn't sound like machismo or me against them, america first. it sounds like somebody that is outsourcing your politics to a rival nation. i'm just looking at trump from the position of a consistent brand. your thoughts? >> you know, chris, i would disagree a bit on that point in that i think trump's version of america first is you know, we will take care of our business, russia can take care of its business, right? so the whole buddy-buddy aspect with putin and the russians, i'm not convinced that hurts him with his core supporters. it hurts him with a lot of foreign policy experts. it probably hurts him with a lot of moderates and independents but i don't think it hurts him -- >> how about the other one? how about going after the gold star family with the brutality you would use against an opposition political type? >> no, i think that hurts a lot. evidenced by the fact the veterans of foreign wars came out with a statement against trump there. if the vfw is not in trump's corner, this was a bad week. >> let's get back to the attempt to try to reconcile the rational basic nature with trumpism. he has sort of a bonaparte nature, this guy. i got to give one cousin or something mexico, i'm going to give somebody else, he brings the daughters, the sons out. it's pretty outrageous, i think. but it's not republican. he's not bringing out his favorite governor or favorite senator. he don't have any of them. how do you bring him into line or your party into line so that as these months pass and we get into the debates, if there are debates, we see there's a republican candidate and there's a democratic candidate? >> yeah. >> are we ever going to get with a clear vision that choice or not? >> no. i don't think so. you raise a very interesting point. that cannot and should not be lost here. you put it just right. bringing the republican party to trump or trump to the republican party, that's the ying and yang tension right now. what you are saying is donald trump, whether it's regarding mccain and ryan and the lack of endorsement, whether it's his response to the response to what he said about the gold star family, he is pushing, he's pulling and grabbing the party towards him, going back to molly's point about the machismo, the sort of every man kind of approach that he has, that's the republican party he wants. he wants a strong man republican party that's ready to tackle the problems ahead. so you are going to get to a point where you are going to have a republican democrat sort of nice as american pie kind of scenario, this tension is going to go with us throughout the rest of this election. >> i just wonder how many republicans, the ones i talk to, are ready to vote for hillary clinton. i don't think she shined up her reputation lately either over this comey comment, claiming he exonerated her basically which he didn't do. anyway, thank you, michael steele, gene robinson and molly ball. >> the republican party has traditionally been a party for a strong military. but trump's battle with the khan family is eroding that. we talk about sacrifice, that word. ♪ i'm going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? 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no, your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. here's what's happening. president obama is honoring the prime minister of singapore at a state dinner. they met earlier to discuss trade relations and regional security. the french priest killed by two isis followers last week was laid to rest. florida health officials say there's another case of non-travel related zika north of downtown miami, bringing the total to 15. mosquito control efforts are under way to try to curb its spread. now we take you back to "hardball." a man came up to me and he handed me his purple heart. now, i said to him, i said to him, is that like the real one or is that a copy? and he said that's my real purple heart. i always wanted to get the purple heart. this was much easier. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was donald trump saying he's always wanted a purple heart after he today received one as a gift, i guess, from a member of the audience. as nbc news reported, the decoration which is awarded to service members who are wounded in combat was in fact a copy. well, this comes as trump faces scrutiny over whether he knows what it is or what it means to sacrifice for his country. to actually do it. last night i interviewed gold star parents khizr and ghazala khan who trump had targeted since their appearance at the democratic convention. here's trump's description of sacrifice followed by mr. khan's reaction last night. >> i think i made a lot of sacrifices. i worked very very hard, i have created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures -- >> certain things cannot be defined. his answer defines it. any decent american listening to that figures it out, what he's saying, how he's defining sacrifice. this candidate is about -- is now a candidate of a major political party and close to become president of this country, commander in chief of this country and that is the definition of sacrifice? >> i'm joined by two veterans, former senator bob kerry and general barry mccaffrey, who have both received purple hearts for their service in vietnam. senator, what's your reaction to this? i'm just going to stand become and let you because you have been a warrior and you have been in it and you know what courage means under pressure and what it's like to face the enemy and be wounded. >> look, i think his comments are so selfish. it wasn't like he was talking about the sacrifice this veteran who had given him his purple heart. nobody wants the purple heart. you don't go into combat hoping you get injured. he had a choice in 1968. there were 300,000 people who were drafted in 1968. he had a choice and he made a choice to find a doctor who would say he had bone spurs on his heels. that was the height of the number of people in vietnam when he made that choice. he made a choice not to serve, to learn to play golf and work for his dad. that's a choice that he made. i don't think he understands, i genuinely don't think he understands what happens when 75% of people who were serving in vietnam were the people he pretends to represent. his blue collar billionaire message. i just done think he's behaved that way. i don't think he understands the sacrifice of mr. khan and the gentleman who gave him the purple heart have made. >> general? >> well, the senator is dead on target. look, a purple heart isn't like an emmy or oscar, for god's sakes. many thousands of soldiers fighting in iraq and afghanistan, including captain khan, the first medal he got was the purple heart when he was killed in action. there's just been a series of babbles out of mr. trump that tells me he has no conception about the armed forces or what it means to serve. that certainly includes the notion of sacrifice. >> what do you think of his implication there that i don't know whether to take the guy seriously or not. his implication that somehow, the senator, try this one, that getting a purple heart handed to you is somehow transferrable, like you know, it's like a $10 bill. here's one, i always wanted one, here's a sawbuck for you, buddy, and somehow he's actually received, received this recognition as if that medal means that he's now recognized for being wounded in battle. i don't even get the thinking here. >> yeah, all the way through that, he demonstrates an extraordinary selfishness. if you are going to be president of the united states you are going to be commander in chief. you have to understand that men and women are putting themselves on the line and as the general said, captain khan got the purple heart because he died in iraq. no appreciation, no respect, no sympathy whatsoever. >> i'm with you. >> i don't know how you can be commander in chief if that's your attitude towards the men and women who are serving. >> i'm with you. i don't get it. senator, as you mentioned, the "new york times" reported on the sacrifice trump never had to make, scrutinizing how he avoided the draft in the vietnam era, writing quote, mr. trump's public statements about his draft experience sometimes conflict with his selective service records. he's often hazy in recalling details. after four education deferments the record suggested he was exempted from the draft in 1968 which is when trump says he obtained a medical deferment due to bone spurs, that's in quotes, in both heels of his feet. but as the "times" reports for many years mr. trump, 70 years old now, has also asserted there was ultimately the luck of a high draft lottery number rather than medical deferment that kept him out. what do you make of that? if he had a 1y, did he need the high draft number? >> no, but what he said isn't true. he made a choice in 1968, he found some doctor to say he had bone spurs. >> do we know that? do we know it wasn't a military physician who -- >> there's no evidence of -- look, in 19 -- in march of 1968, he could have gotten in the military. he could have served in the military if he had chosen it. you saw the picture and what was he doing in '68? he was learning how to play golf. he went into business with his dad. he made a choice. now he doesn't want to face that choice. he wants to say no, and sort of connect it with a lottery which didn't come into effect until the next year. he didn't get out of the service because of the lottery. he got out of serving his country because he made a choice. and remember, the people who choose to serve in the military, i was only in for three years. people who choose to serve in the military, not only to put their lives at risk in training and in combat but they live under a different set of rules. they don't have the freedom and the liberty that you have when you are in civilian life. what i hear, when i hear donald trump talk, i don't think he understands that choice and the change in your life and the risks that you take once you make that decision you are going to serve your country in the military. >> talk about what it was like for draftees that went into infantry. what was it like for them? >> you know, in '68 i was interim company commander fighting in vietnam where i got wounded for the third time. there were only two regular army soldiers in our company generally speaking. the first sergeant and i. 25% of the armed forces in vietnam were draftees. 35% of the killed in action, but at infantry company level they were all draftees. again, joining senator kerrey, mr. trump made a choice, he's falsely portraying that choice. he decided to not join the 60,000 of us who were killed and 303,000 wounded in responding obediently to the laws of the land. he should have been eligible for the draft and gone. he was an athlete, he was a wealthy kid, he had influence, he got out of going for that reason. >> senator, general, thank you both yes fgentlemen for your se. for the first time in history, the gallup poll has found fewer voters want to vote for a candidate after his convention. that's the case with donald trump. fewer republicans are happy about voting for him after this week of wow that turned out to be a week of no. the roundtable joins us next. which you are you? 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>> i think you are exactly right. donald trump sort of, he's a showman. he's a star of reality tv and kind of a king at this stuff. he promised us very sleek, very well-produced, very star-studded celebrity convention and you know who did that? the democrats. it just didn't happen on the republican side. they were also sort of beset by some mishaps from melania's plagiarism to ted krcruz's nonendorsement. that really hurt him. >> right. a soap opera star and wrestler, corporate wrestler guy, are not what he promised. i went to cleveland the week before the convention and trump was promising all winners, no losers. it was going to be a great, a cross between a las vegas floor show and "the apprentice." really wasn't any of those things. the more people see trump, the less they like him. this was four days because he broke with tradition and he was there most days, and then that final speech in which he was just bellowing couldn't have helped him. >> he did yell the whole time. perry, let's go through a couple reasons why it may have gone down. first, for two or three days, you can blame the media all you want but that was a hell of a story when it turned out that his wife, melania, was giving a speech that had been given by the other guy's wife, the president's wife, the first lady. it's a big story. it's stunning. i have to tell you, i'm not to the bottom of it yet. i still don't understand how you can grab a huge chunk out of a speech that you know you went to to look at, and it ends up surviving whole basically in the speech and neither the person who gave the speech nor the person who was advising and writing the speech for that person let it happen. i don't get the motive. why would you want to commit suicide? it looks like sabotage because they found out about this immediately. i don't get that. why did he let ted cruz, who he despises, speak at the convention against him? explain. why didn't he rehearse his speech he gave on nomination night? why didn't he at least read it a couple times so he didn't have to yell it? all three are his fault. >> you know, we went in the convention knowing two things. the democratic party was very unified. the republican party was not very unified. >> was trump himself unified? does he know what he's doing. >> great question. also, hillary's staff, she had a big, organized staff and trump did not. the conventions showed that. melania's speech was plagiarized in part, probably bad staff work. ted cruz does not like donald trump. the thing about ted cruz, as speaker for the rnc, joe biden and barack obama on wednesday for the dnc, so the problem trump's campaign came out in the convention, these were not new problems. people in the party don't like him. they kind of came out versus the dnc, hillary is unpopular in a lot of polls but you knew she had warren one night, michelle obama, president obama, joe biden. it shows you how the democratic party is working together. we knew that going in. but the conventions really showed that. i assume that's why the bounce happened was you had -- i'm not sure hillary gave the best speech, she had all the other great speeches, michelle, the president particularly. >> a guy who promises to keep terrorism out of the country can't even keep it out of his own convention. it is unbelievable how many -- he talks about the snake coming in and biting, and then he lets ted cruz come in and bite him like a snake. >> chris, he thought until the last minute he could turn ted cruz, until the last minute. then he did this stunt by coming out at exactly the right moment to do the boos. and he thought he won. he thought he won that. >> well, trump's no day at the beach. not trump, cruz. he let the guy mess up his picnic, to become the skunk at the picnic. it was his picnic. it wasn't the other guy's. the other guy got to be the skunk. the roundtable is sticking with us. up next, they tell me something i don't know. owen! hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? 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who do we have on aerial karate? steve. steve. steve. and alexis. uh, no. just steve. just steve. just steve. live business, powered by sap. when you run live, you run simple. nexium 24hfor their own#1 choice of docfrequent heartburn.s for complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your #1 choice. we're back with the "hardball" roundtable. margaret, tell me something i don't know. >> so, chris, on this week of donald trump's sacrifice, i wanted to hark back to '93 when trump told howard stern that he too had many sacrifices, his vietnam was dating in new york and not getting an std, something he repeated and later for play boy magazine and substituted iraq for vietnam. but he's had these attitudes for a very long time. >> perry? >> you had this wave of voter i.d. laws, you have to present your i.d., or some kind of identification to vote. there were a lot of suits filed, saying they discriminated against african americans and the elderly. you've seen six states, including north carolina and wisconsin, strike down these laws. that could be a big factor in the election if those two states are close. >> and ashley? >> so the trump campaign has famously banned a lot of news outlets from his events, including "the washington post." the pence campaign, pence is the kinder, more sober-minded donald trump has been working overtime behind the scenes to be accommodating to the press. donald trump, if he starts letting the outlets in, it's going to be because of the pence world agitating behind the scenes. >> thank you all. when we return, let me finish with a very basic thought. it's about life. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. let me finish tonight with a very basic thought. it's about life. it's what president kennedy once said. it's that life is unfair. we all of us know this. we see it in a variety of life's experiences that dismay us and make us feel unfortunate. at at those times when misfortune comes at us. with a direct hit. life is unfair. jack kennedy offered that in response to a question from the press about him calling up military reservist to active dutiesy and the dislocation that causes their family. but it's the conversation of donald trump that's brought that to the surface. does anyone not know this? especially in matters of peace and war, treading so heavy into our lives. the khan family had a son go off to battle, he showed the grace of courage, he gave of himself so others could live. he met the highest moral standard. he gave his life for others. donald trump has only one thing to say on this matter, and then no more. he has to express that minimum of human regard to once having heard of what captain khan did for his buddies and his countries, showing quiet respect for the fact of human life, that the very good can die young. that the best we humans can do when it occurs, if nothing


Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160830 23:00:00

so thanks to donny. sayonara. >> "hardball with chris matthews" is next. the pastor's apology. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm steve kornacki in for chris matthews. tonight it is a primary tuesday, the marquee race out in arizona. that's where senator john mccain is facing a challenger from the right who sounds an awful lot like donald trump. we look at where that race stands later in the show. also tonight, the latest twists in the saga of maine governor paul lepage. he told a local radio station today that he might not finish out his term but later tweeted a very different message. and donald trump's big immigration speech now just a day away. we will begin with the ongoing fallout today from that very controversial tweet from trump surrogate pastor mark burns. a warning here, the image might be offensive to some. his tweet showed hillary clinton in blackface and accused her of pandering to the black community. yesterday on msnbc, pastor burns defended the tweet. >> i apologize for the offensive blackface image of that cartoon and the depiction of the blackface is offensive by itself, and as an african-american man in america, i don't stand by anyone portraying themselves in a blackface, but the message that i intended, i still stand behind. but my apology is because i think my message got lost in the translation. >> let's clarify. that was not pastor mark burns on msnbc yesterday. that was him today apologizing for that tweet. pastor mark burns now joins us. thank you for taking a few minutes. let me start on the question of the apology. we played it there, little transcript on the screen. i want to be clear on this and i want you to be clear on this with our viewers. what exactly are you apologizing for here? is it just the image or is it anything else? >> you know, i'm only apologizing for the blackface that was portrayed on the image, but i am not without a shadow of a doubt apologizing for the message that i was trying to get out to the public. i do not apologize for the message that it stood behind. hillary clinton and the democratic party have and do pander, do pander after black people in this country. again, i apologize if it offended people. the last thing i want to do is create an offense. and for those that was deeply offended personally, for that i am sorry. but i do not apologize for the message. the message is clear. i stand by it. 100%. >> the message, that's an interesting point on the message. you are accusing her of pandering, accusing her of taking black voters for granted. a lot of people would say that's a legitimate question to raise and legitimate point of debate but the message went beyond that when you bring blackface into it, when you bring something that inflammatory into it and you couple it with your support of a presidential candidate who has called hillary clinton a bigot. that's sending a message that says something a lot deeper and a lot uglier about hillary clinton. doie positive iyou apologize fo aspersions on hillary clinton that way? >> i'm a black man in america. i know what the blackface means. i know what it stands for. i don't stand behind -- i don't stand behind the imagery of the blackface. but once again, the very fact is the black vote, the voting bloc of the african-american community, the democratic party and hillary clinton knows that that vote already largely belongs to her. what is more offensive, while we're sitting here debating over a cartoon, what's more offensive is the very fact that hillary clinton doesn't own up to the failed policies that has impacted many in the african-american community. let's be really honest here. i will be honest and say this here on msnbc. the very fact that we are talking about the african-american community as though we are one group of people and we are all the same, i think that is very offensive. that's politically correct, p.c. at the highest caliber. that's what donald trump stands for. we have to eliminate the language that creates this type of language that says hey, black people are the same everywhere. that's not the case. we bleed red like everybody else. i'm not -- let me say this one more step further. let me say this. there is no such thing as the real african-american community. it doesn't really exist. that's a myth because black people are just americans. a black person in oregon does not have the same issues that a black person who might live in the urban cities of baltimore. we put donald trump and other politicians in the same boat. they are darned if they do and darned if they don't. we say donald trump, how come you don't -- >> let me put it this way. >> one more point and i'll be done. >> let me follow up with this on the issue of this presidential race, on the issue of choice you are talking about here between hillary clinton and donald trump, the black community, black voters do seem to be speaking with one voice. i can show you this. this is our most recent poll. black voters in this country asked to choose between hillary clinton and donald trump, i have to tell you, i have never seen a number like this. 1% for donald trump. 91% for hillary clinton. when you look at a number like that, do you think donald trump, do you think donald trump has done anything to deserve just 1% support from black voters right now? >> i think the very fact we are forcing our politicians to come up with policies for a particular group like the african-american group, like it impacts all of us, okay. see, donald trump is darned if you do and he's darned if you don't. we will say donald trump, what is your policy to the african-american community and donald trump begins to talk to african-americans and he says in some areas you can walk down the street and you can get shot and you can die. then once he says a very true fact because it just happened, just happened a couple days ago, very sad story in chicago, and when he says that, you know, the community rises up and said oh, my god, how could donald trump talk to all black people like we are all fearful of getting shot. so then he's either darned for not talking about the afrin-american community and then he's darned for talking about the african-american community because we say not all of us are like that. why is he talking to all black people like we are all one, like all of us are fearful of our lives. the fact of the matter is this. i'm going to say a very real reality. most people may not want to talk about it. i'm sure people will want to argue it. but there's no such thing as the african-american community. we are only americans. we are only americans. it is only until we stop forcing our politicians to pander after particular groups and just start talking to us as we, the people of the united states. that's when we begin to eliminate the divisions within our communities and the democratic party are doing a wonderful job in keeping us divided and the more they divide us, the more they can control us and the more they control us, the more they keep a welfare state to millions of blacks in this country to where welfare never creates prosperity. it only creates dependency. >> let me -- >> i will never give you enough that you will thrive. >> your indictment of the deckic party again is you are saying the democratic party takes black voters for granted in this country. abuse them transactionally, as votes for an election and that's it. let me show you this. i'm sure you have seen it. donald trump upon learning the news that the cousin of dwyane wade, the nba player, had been killed in chicago over the weekend, donald trump tweeted this. dwyane wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. just what i have bn saying. african-americans will vote trump. does that not send a clear message from donald trump to black voters that he views them transactionally, mainly as votes, that his reaction to learning about a murder, to learning about the death of a black person in chicago, is to say more votes for me? >> listen, i will say this. li listen, if i am telling you don't go down that street because if you go down that street you will fall in a ditch. don't go down the street because if you go down the street you will fall in a ditch. don't go down the street because if you go down the street you might fall in the ditch. and you go down the street and you then fall in the ditch, the first thing i'm going to say to you is i told you so. i'm telling you right now. don't go down the street. now you are in the ditch. that's all donald trump was saying. it is a sad tragic event that took place. now four children are without a mother. four babies are without a mother. donald trump has been declaring, it is not nothing brand new. the very fact we wait for dwyane wade's cousin to die and her name was miss aldridge, by the way, she was a real person and now there are four children -- >> did donald trump send that message with a tweet that immediately says more votes for me? he didn't seem to be treating her as a real person. >> no. no. what donald trump is simply saying is i am telling you it is a very fact. you all want to say oh, my god, donald trump said you could walk down the street and get shot. oh, how, he's racist for saying that. then a couple days later, a woman who was doing nothing, walks down the street and gets shot and the sad part about, this is the real tragic event, the very sad part about it is, it is only because it was dwyane wade's cousin that we are even talking about it. when before her, six, seven people were killed. the very fact we are talking about the deaths that have been taking place in the south side of chicago is not nothing brand new. the fact that this is what i mean by pandering after the races because we should have been discussing that if it wasn't just a black issue but we make it an american issue, all eyes will be marching down there. it wouldn't be that black lives matter would be leading the fight but all lives would be leading the fight because what happens to you as an american happens to me. we have the greatest strongest military in the whole world and one of the creeds of our great strong military is that we leave no man behind. men have died in trying to rescue just one man. just one man. the very fact is, if we -- that's why we together pledged allegiance to the flag of united states states of america. and to the republic for which it stands. hear me. one nation under god, indivisivable with liberty and justice for everyone. >> pastor mark burns, appreciate the time. thank you. joined now by michael steele, former chair of the republican national committee and msnbc political analyst. well, michael, donald trump, there's been some debate about what the motive here is in the trump campaign in terms of this outreach to black voters. are they actually going after black voters, are they going after these college educated white suburbanites they have been losing, is this a way to look more inclusive, more open to them? big picture, what is your assessment of this move from the trump campaign and what you're hearing from mark burns? >> i think it's a little bit more of the latter. i think it is recognition that white female suburban voters are going to be the linchpin in this election. right now they are not feeling as much about donald trump as they did say six, eight months ago. that definitely is at play here. i also think after talking with some folks in and around the campaign that there is a genuine effort afoot, albeit late, to open up this conversation, to begin to peel back a little bit some of the rhetoric that typically attends these types of presidential discussions. oh, we want the black voters. you just heard the reverend, one side saying you're taking the vote for granted, the other side saying you just ignore them. i think trump is trying to split that hair a little bit as well. i think this is more political calculation. again, there is nothing wrong with that. but i think we just need to understand really what it means. >> in terms of the approach trump is making, we were talking about this a minute ago, he uses, talks in addressing black voters, says you live in war zones, he says, he makes what sound like sweeping generalizations that say hey, if you are black and living in this country, you are surrounded by crime, you are stuck in poverty, you have no opportunity. he doesn't say anything positive, doesn't seem to stress a positive message there. is that a mistake? >> i think it is. i think we need to be careful as well. remember, barack obama himself has laid out and indicted the community on some of his statistics that really are problematic for the black community as a whole. it's recidivism rates, education, graduation rates, job rates, all of these things, the president himself has talked about. but here's where i think your int positi point is an important one. you can lay out, you can indict and say what is wrong. lord knows we live in the community and we know what's wrong. but we are also looking to you to see what you think some of the solutions should be. so there is an aspirational component here that needs to be addressed as well that failing that, you do come off sounding as if you are haranguing and indicting the community for the sake of indicting the community to score political points with a group of americans largely white who look down on us to begin with. so i think you have got to be very specific and very careful in how you open up this particular conversation. again, a little late to the game. appreciate you wanting to have it but you have got to still have it the right way. >> michael steele, former rnc chair, msnbc contributor, thanks for the time. >> you got it. still ahead, democrats are within striking distance of control of the u.s. senate. with donald trump at the top of the ticket that could cost the republicans. john mccain is one of them. he's in a primary fight tonight even if he prevails, can mccain and other endangered republicans survive the year of trump? that's ahead. plus, outspoken trump supporter and maine governor paul lepage now says rumors of his political demise are greatly exaggerated. this after he suggested he might step down after targeting a democratic lawmaker with a vulgar voice mail. but the calls for his resignation continue to grow. new information on how the clinton campaign is preparing to debate donald trump. they are working with trump's ghostwriter, the writer who helped trump put together "the art of the deal" 30 years ago, working with him to try to bait trump into embarrassing blunders on national television. finally, the "hardball" roundtable will be here to tell me things about this election campaign that i don't know. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident eveday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. new poll numbers for you from the key battleground state of pennsylvania. let's go to the "hardball" scoreboard. this from monmouth university, their respected poll. hillary clinton has an eight point lead over donald trump in pennsylvania, 48% for clinton, 40% for trump. gary johnson sitting back at 6%. moving to the senate race, democrat katie mcginty with a four-point lead over incumbent republican pat toomey. 45% for mcginty. 41% for toomey. that's within the margin of error. we'll be right back. investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. welcome back to "hardball." donald trump is set to deliver his big immigration speech tomorrow night. his running mate mike pence is promising trump will lay out his plan in great specificity. meantime, trump surrogates have been forced to interpret his message as best they can. earlier today, former georgia congressman jack kingston, trump supporter, saying on msnbc his plan will include a deportation force. >> why doesn't the campaign know yet whether a deportation force is part of his immigration policy? is it or is it not? >> it is part of it. we are going to learn more wednesday. >> so there will be a deportation force? >> craig, i can't let the opportunity go, though, to remind you hillary clinton hasn't had a press conference in 270 days. it would be great to know details on any of her plans. >> trump's campaign manager kellyanne conway had a very different take when i asked her about it this afternoon. >> i think you have to go back to mr. trump's speech at the convention in cleveland which was just a month ago and to see there's no deportation force mentioned in there. he speaks for himself and his campaign. he's the face of this campaign. he is running for president. he will deliver the speech tomorrow. you know it's going to be the toughest on illegal immigration than anyone's ever been. >> trump's own statements don't seem to be helping. last week he said there can be soft softening, his word there, softening in his position to avoid hurting people. at the town hall he even polled the audience to see what they thought he should do. today his son donald trump jr. insisted that his father's position hasn't changed. >> wasn't softening on anything. he didn't change his stance on anything. what he did and what he's done all along is he's speaking with the people. he's not lecturing them like most of the politicians you see. he's actually having a conversation. his policy has been the same for the last six, seven, eight months. >> he still says they all got to go? >> that's been the same. correct. but again, you have to start with baby steps. you have to let i.c.e. do their job. you have to eliminate sanctuary cities. you have to get rid of the criminals certainly first and foremost. you have to secure the border. >> so what will trump say tomorrow and will it matter to his supporters? frank rich is writer at large for "new york" magazine. frank, it's a jam trump is in here. everything that he said to win the republican nomination that appealed to the base of the republican party, it seems like now there's some recognition this is offending the voters he needs to win in november. >> exactly. clearly, i don't know what the specifics are going to be tomorrow. maybe there will be some big change like canada will pay for the wall, but i think that it's sort of this lame attempt to white suburban voters, we keep hearing that, without losing the people who have been with him from the beginning. i actually don't think he will lose those people. we have already seen ann coulter and rush limbaugh sort of forgive him for waffling on his number one issue but i don't see how he's going to peel off people to be fooled by this nonsense and flip-flopping and indecisiveness. >> and also try to figure out what he could offer. rhetorically he said softening. a couple days later he said i think it was a hardening. he sort of canceled that one out. he acknowledged last week some of the folks here are good people, he said great people. there are a couple rhetorical things. any change here that would allow undocumented people to stay in the country under a trump presidency i got to think will set off some kind of revolt on the right. >> certainly it's the jeb bush, it's everything, all the people who were running against him were saying. that said, it seems to me we have seen the history of trump's base, not enough to win an election, national election, sticking with him. we have seen his supporters say oh, we know he isn't really going to build a wall and have mexico pay for it. we are with him. we know he will get the job done. my guess is he's betting that like limbaugh and ann coulter, they will just crumble and somehow they will convince someone in a mainline suburb to flip for him. >> that's the bigger picture story of this campaign i think that's been so fascinating because it's been these two pillars that republicans have relied on in national elections for a long time now. you have lower income blue collar whites that trump has done really well with, but they have also married that with suburban support and suburban support right now is evaporating. >> it's evaporating. not just because of this, but because of the stuff with race. he's doing the stuff about race now and suddenly liking the blacks as he would call them and pandering to them because he's trying to reach white voters. he's not trying to reach black voters. he's not reaching them at all. but i don't think people are idiots. i don't think white people are idiots who will be fooled by this. he's listening obviously to kellyanne conway and looking at polls he claimed to not look at in the past and thinking wait a minute, the republican coalition is what you just said, who would have thunk it. >> what do you make, we are two months out right now, we have a new poll, new nbc online poll puts it at six points right now. there's two ways of looking at six points, i guess. you could say maybe given everything that's happened, it's amazing trump isn't further behind. then again, in context with other recent elections, six points would be a lopsided election. >> yeah. my guess is that's the way it's going but of course, we can't be sure. i just don't see the numbers for him adding up. hillary clinton's run many ways a weak campaign. it is right she hasn't given press conferences and has been dogged by controversies and so my guess is if her campaign were better, she would be ahead 15 points, not six points but six points is looking good right now. >> so much attention to kellyanne conway becoming the campaign manager to the big shakeup, most recent shakeup a few weeks ago, the idea it would give trump more discipline, more direction, it would really professionalize this campaign. do you see just watching this campaign sort of as a spectator, do you see a difference between the trump product now and a couple weeks ago? >> only this. that he gives speeches now like the one presumably he will give tomorrow where he reads from a teleprompter, it's very long, it's very dull, it's very crafted language, and he will do that and then the next day, he will send a tweet and that will be the end of it. so there are longer speeches and more of them, but trump is still trump. the guy is not going the change. he's 70 years old or about to be. >> obviously, you know politics is stagecraft as well as anyone. the donald trump we will see tomorrow, giving the prepared speech, reading from the teleprompter, i get a sense it kills him to have to do that. because this is a guy who is always thinking do i have the audience's attention. he fooeels maybe he's slipping there. >> he is a performer. not my taste but he's a gifted performer of what he does. he might be bridling to go by the script. he wants to be don rickles, insult people, ad lib, so you can feel him chafing. you don't have to be a student of theater. you can watch tv, you can see when someone is reading from a teleprompter, bored out of his mind, doesn't want to do it, isn't speaking the way he really speaks. it comes across as phony. that's not what brought him here and he knows that. which means there's a real tension i'm sure as he tries to follow the script. >> not playing the game he wants to play in those settings. thanks for the time. coming up, the trump effect on rublicans all the way down the ball as they try to hang on to the u.s. senate. things are looking good for the democrats to take control come november. that's ahead. this one's got detachable keys it comes with a pen so you can write as you please this mac doesn't have any of that it's less useful like a hat for your cat surface has touch and a beautiful screen you can see things like they've never been seen this mac doesn't quite compare it's slower, heavy, and a bit square fold it in half, hello when you start lighter than air, you can doodle a heart yes it's plain to see the surface pro 4 is made for me amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. know betr sleep. only at a sleep number store. when you have type 2 diabetes, like me, hi, i'm dominique wilkins. there's a moment of truth. and with victoza®, a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn't get me to my goal. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways-- in the stomach, the liver and the pancreas. and while it isn't for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. non-insulin victoza® comes in a pen and is taken once a day. (announcer) victoza® is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you get a lump or sweing in your neck or if you develop any allergic symptoms inuding itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. now's the time for a better moment of proof. asyour doctor about victoza®. i'm milissa rehberger. here's what's happening. the militant group isis says its second in command is dead. u.s. officials say the terror suspect was targeted in a strike but have not confirmed his death. al adnani was at the top of the government's kill list. residents along the north carolina's outer banks are bracing for tropical storm depression eight. the national weather service is warning of dangerous surf and rip currents along the shoreline. in florida, tropical depression nine is expected to strengthen to a tropical storm. governor rick scott is urging residents in the tampa area and north to prepare. back to "hardball." cindy and i voted. we are looking for a good turnout on the vote today. we're tired. you can see by these young people that we have been inspired by so many of our young interns, well over 200 of them that have been working incredible hours and getting out the vote. that's why we are very confident about the outcome today. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was senator john mccain earlier today out in arizona. he's confident he will win the primary there against former state legislator kelli ward. today marks what we are calling primary palooza. voters in several states hitting the polls casting ballots in some major races. the most contentious one might be down in florida. that's where congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz is fighting to hang on to her seat and her political career. the former dnc chair is up against tim canova who is backed by bernie sanders. there's marco rubio and john mccain, both of them trying to avoid the down ballot backlash that could come from their soft support of donald trump this november. just a little more than two months now until decision day 2016. democrats could be, could be on track to take become tack the s. let's take a look. let's fire up the trusty big board. senate control is a big issue here. it's not just the presidential race, it's what happens underneath. right now, democrats are 46 votes in the senate. if hillary clinton wins the white house party basically gets to break the tie in the senate. if hillary clinton wins, the democrats would need to pick up four. if trump were to win the democrats would need to pick up five. let's show you why the democrats look like they are in good position. first of all, it's this. these are all the democratic held seats right now. all of the democratic held seats that democrats are in danger of losing right now. that republicans could win this fall. there's only one right now, nevada. harry reid retiring out there. november, a swing state, a state where donald trump has been doing better than some people expected. he's very close in the polls there. republicans could take that senate seat out there in nevada but look at the rest of this map. you don't see many targets for republicans right there. republicans are playing defense. they are playing defense in a big way. how big? look at this. these are the republican-held seats that are in play or potentially in play. not all of these are created equally. some of these targets here are stretches for democrats. but all of them have the possibility to be competitive. these are seats that republicans hold right now that democrats believe they have a shot of winning. we can take you through a couple of them to give you a sense of it. look at illinois. illinois democrats think they have a good shot. wisconsin. how about new hampshire? you have the democratic governor there. polls have been putting her ahead high single digits, double digits. she's looking potentially good up there in new hampshire. there is very ripe targets here for democrats. they have gotten some bad news as well. they are trying to make a run at republican rob portman in ohio, has not been going well. looks like the democrats might be pulling some money out of there. that one might be falling off the board a bit. we showed you just a minute ago new poll has the democrats up in pennsylvania. again, these are all potential targets. mccain out here in arizona, he's ahead in the polls right now. the democrats have a congresswoman challenging him, ann kirkpatrick, going to put real money behind her. if trump were to lose arizona, if there's a backlash against trump at the top of the ticket, could that help the democrats in the senate race even in a state like north carolina, or a state like florida. lot of opportunities here for democrats playing offense in a bunch of states, not playing defense in many. if they can get to four with the hillary clinton win, that would put them back in control of the senate. i don't mean to get too far ahead of myself here but another thing to keep in mind, the senate class that's up in 2018, i know this is kind of crazy, but the senate class that's up in 2018, a lot of vulnerable democrats there. there are also democrats looking at this and saying they want to get well above 50 this time because they could be in for a lot of defense they have to play in 2018. that's the lay of the land in the race for the u.s. senate. joining me now, stuart stevens, mitt romney's 2012 chief strategist and jane newton-small from "time" magazine. the dilemma of john mccain and marco rubio, every embattled republican senate candidate running this fall, you need your party's base. you need all the republican voters who voted for donald trump in the primary and want to vote for him in november but you need swing voters too, the very voters trump is having trouble connecting with. how do you get both of them if you're a republican? >> i think both of those candidates, mccain and rubio, have pretty independent images. of course, mccain being a maverick, i don't think he will have any trouble doing that. the greater challenge, you always want the top of your ticket to be winning. there's only a couple examples of senate races where the other party won when the top of the ticket was losing in a really tight close senate race. but this is a very strange year as we keep saying. i don't know if voters aren't just going to see donald trump as something distinct and different and make different decisions about the senate. i think it's beholden on these senate candidates to make a compelling case that one of two people is probably going to be president, they will be the best senator regardless of who that president is. >> you know, we see a lot of these republican incumbents, a lot like mccain and rubio who are sort of straddling it right now on this trump question. you have mark kirk in illinois who may be the single most endangered republican senator who has rescinded his endorsement of trump. a lot of them trying to keep in the middle of it do you expect by election day we will have more republican candidates overtly distancing themselves from trump? >> i think by tomorrow you might see john mccain distancing himself more from trump. you have donald trump coming into the state of arizona to give a speech about -- major speech you were talking earlier about immigration and that's a tough subject for john mccain when he's pivoting to a general election against a democrat and an electorate in arizona upwards of 30% latino. so having donald trump come to his state in particular right after he's won the primary to give this immigration speech, a lot of people are speculating that john mccain might unendorse donald trump as quickly as tomorrow, especially if he gives this very sort of hot speech about immigration, building that wall in the state of arizona. >> speaking of arizona, that's a state that's voted for the republicans ever since 1996. polls, though, showing a close race there between trump and clinton. trump up by five in the latest cnn poll. stuart, john mccain, more of a personal question. you know him a little better i think than a lot of people do. he had the reputation for all those years, he was john mccain, the maverick, the straight talk express, the guy who would tell you exactly what's on his mind. he's been in a bit of a bind here but look, obviously donald trump is a guy who went after mccain very personally, said basically he doesn't consider him a war hero because he got captured. do you think by the end of this campaign we will see that old version of john mccain going after donald trump at all or answering any of this? >> i don't think that john mccain is going to get in a fight with donald trump because he's not running against donald trump. he's going to talk about what he's going to do as senator and the connection he has with arizona voters. you know, more than almost probably any candidate in america, john mccain is a man that represents courage, who stands up for what he believes. i just don't think that's a hill he needs to climb to win in november. >> i want to ask you while you're here, another big name people are trying to figure out what he's going to do in terms of trump, it's your former candidate, mitt romney. he's obviously made his displeasure with trump clear but the question is, do you expect him to get involved and endorse one of these third party candidates? he has close personal connections with bill weld, the libertarian vp candidate. there's evan mcmullin who is running as well. you expect romney will weigh in on this race? >> i have no idea what he will do in the presidential. i think he's going to spend the amount of time trying to help the senate stay republican. a lot of candidates have asked for his help. i think that's going to be his focus and help congressman ryan hold the house and help push the ryan agenda. that's really where governor romney is going to be concentrating. >> all right. th thank you both for the time. up next, what is happening in the state of maine? the governor said he would consider resigning, then tweeted that reports of his demise are greatly exaggerated. tonight, protesters calling for the governor to step down immediately. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cam. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has reqrement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. what comes to mind?aving time and money, whatever it is, can help you save both along the way. so when you get there, you can enjoy yourself all the more. for less. clicking around and start saving at book direct... and get the lowest price online welcome back to "hardball." governor paul lepage of maine today sent mixed signals about his political future. both parties in the state legislature in maine have been pressuring lepage to either step down or take corrective actions following a profanity-laced voice mail to a democratic lawmaker. lepage who is a big trump supporter told the local maine radio station this morning that he may not finish out his second term as governor. >> can we anticipate that you are going to finish out your term? >> i don't know, george. as i said earlier, i'm looking at all options. i think some things i have been asked to do are beyond my ability and i'm not going to say that i'm not going to finish it. i'm not saying that i am going to finish it. if i've lost my ability to convince the maine people that's what we need and that's the type of people we need in augusta, then you know, maybe it is time to move on. >> later this afternoon, the embattled governor tweeted out regarding rumors of resignation, to paraphrase mark twain the reports of my political demise are greatly exaggerated. nbc news reporter tammy lightsmith, are voters going to get what they want or is he digging in now? >> reporter: that's a good question. i don't know. hundreds of protesters out here calling for the governor's resignation, saying he's a bully who makes racist remarks and they are tired of his threats. keep in mind, at this exact same time, across town, republicans are meeting trying to decide how to handle the governor, whether he should be censured or not. this all started because of a voice mail he left last week for representative drew gattine. in that, it was recorded and there were expletives. at one point he said i want you to record this and make it public because i'm coming after you. steve? >> some drama in maine. we will keep an eye on that. up next, new information on how the clinton campaign is preparing for the challenge of debating donald trump. they are trying to figure out how to bait him into a big mistake on the stage. energy is a complex challenge. people want power. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they're released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. outeam is workg to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that's what we're working on right now. ♪ energy lives here. introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. donald trump has just landed in washington state. he's holding a fund-raiser and rally at 10:00 eastern in everett. a lot of political experts are wondering why trump is spending time in a state that last voted for a republican 32 years ago, back in the reagan landslide of '84. washington has gone democratic ever since. that was including 1988, when it was one of just ten states won by michael dukakis. the trip to washington follows campaign stops in other non-battleground states including connecticut and mississippi. why pause to take a pill? 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because it's a different setting for trump. the debates in the republican primaries had ten candidates on stage. he could disappear for 15 minutes at a time. this is one-on-one combat, it's completely different. >> it's a completely different thing. and the stakes are much higher. he was the main story and always the center podium, but there were long stretches where he didn't have to speak. big question, does he have enough to say for 90 minutes or however long the debate is, without repeating himself, or if she goads him into being specific about his policies, can he do that. i think his reluctance to prepare, i think it's typical. bernie sanders didn't want to do debate prep. barack obama -- and these candidates never want to make time for it. they had to bring in george mitchell to play the opponent for bill clinton because it was someone he respected to get him to put the work in. so i think trump saying, i don't want to make time for it is pretty normal. i think hillary clinton and her studiousness and immersing herself in policy books is her wanting to do debate prep. >> she doesn't mind the homework. "the times" also warns that the clinton campaign is conducting analysis of trump's performance in the primaries. let's take a look back where trump may have looked a little unpresidential in those debates. >> look at those hands. are they small hands? and he referred to my hands, if they're small, something else must be small. i guarantee you, there's no problem, i guarantee it. >> that's another lie. i never went bankrupt. that's another lie. [ all speak at once ] >> don't worry about it, little marco. >> gentlemen! >> you gotta do better than that. >> this guy has never won. >> how tough is it to take property from an old woman. >> let me talk. quiet. honestly, megyn, if you don't like it, i'm sorry. i've been very nice to you, although i could probably maybe not be based on the way you've treated me, but i wouldn't do that. >> so if hillary clinton identifies one of those trigger points, will donald trump react like that, do you think, in the general eltion debate? >> i think wt was so interesting during the primary season, that really put his opponents on the defensive, and kind of caught them off guard a little bit. the pressure for donald trump is going to be, can he get hillary clinton to talk about things that candidly she hasn't talked about in months, the e-mail server and of course all of the other controversies that are surrounding her. but there was another moment in one of the debates, perhaps donald trump's strongest moment, when he responded to senator ted cruz on new york values. and i think that if that donald trump shows up to play at the debate against hillary clinton, it's gonna be really interesting to see, number one, how she responds, and also how she defends herself. >> the other thing that we're looking in these stories and blueprints about the debate, it's not just one-on-one. he's going to have to subject himself to a moderator, to follow-up questions, to aggressive and maybe contentious questions about policy. this is something he's been skillfully dodging, especially recently. he's going on hannity, to friendly venues on fox. >> at least he's giving interviews. >> absolutely. i admire that. >> you're right. ten candidates on a stage, a lot of people say it's not a debate, it's more of a show. this will be more of a traditional debate. the round table is staying with us. up next, these three will tell me something i don't know. not a hard task. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. r any situat. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls... and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. ♪ for every 10 nights i stay, i get one free.s rewards program is simple. this however, will not be simple. you gotta ride the belt, captain obvious. i have liquids in my body! bp is pioneering drone technology to monitor refinery operations, so our engineers can spot potential problems from any angle. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. >> we're back with the "hardball" round table. the lightning round here, something i don't know. start with you. >> hillary clinton is on track to have her biggest fundraising month yet. she's raised like $50 million with tim kaine raising it for her. she's going to be probably over $90 million, beating her january numbers. >> i didn't know that. >> pastor mark burns is going to double-down on his tweet. i think the apology stands, i think he's going to double-down,


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160323 23:00:00

>> really? >>n:'ç unbroken string. >> that is it for this "special report." fair, balanced and unafraid. no online show tonight. greta goes "on the record" right now. this is a fox news alert. security officials now telling the associated press 400 isis-trained attackers have been sent to europe and instruct to do find the right time and place to carry out more terrorist attacks. this alarming information is coming just 24 hours after a terrorists attacked brussels killing 34. at the same time, our state department is now warning all americans headed to europe to be very village leapt and alerting them of potential danger in 28 european countries. and at this hour there is new information continuing to pour in about the attackers and the bomb-maker. the bomb maker's d.n.a. found at the brussels airport and suicide belts used in last year's paris attack. tonight, it's confirmed. he's dead. there is also new information about the planning of this attack$u÷@h4(p@ it was not supposed to happen on tuesday. fox team coverage in europe and across america starts right now. we start with fox news shepard smith. shep is in belgium. shep? >> greta, the bombmaker was nijum, and they have been looking for him since march 15th. you mentioned his d.n.a. found at both scenes, both attacks. his d.n.a. bass on every suicide vest in the terrorist attack. it is confirmed as you mentioned najim is dead. extraordinary turn, really. one thing we have learned over the years is that these terror cells like to protect their bombmakers. the bombmaker's job is the most important of them all. the technical skills to do such a thing very volatile substances with which they are dealing. yet, he was one of the attackers at the airport who killed himself. of the throw shot -- the shot of the throw guys though have been from the cctv still, he is the man on thexz left najim and he along with the two brothers carried out the terrorist attack. they went to the bomb-making factory, found many more bomb-making materials behind. enough for some seven more suicide vests. but apparently they are stilling will for more attackers. the local authorities tell us not only is the man on the right in that picture of throw men missing, the one who ditched his cart and according to witnesses went running off. they believe there are others who may have been involved in some way. they are actively searching even now in the middle of the night for them and those terror raids will continue according to the local authorities for the foreseeable future. one of the two brothers who killed himself in this attack should have been in jail. we got word today from local authorities that turkish authorities found him ibrahim, they found him on the border with syria. he was trying to bring something across the border and the turkish authorities alerted belgium authorities and sent him to amsterdam. the thinking was that the belgium authorities would be able to tie him to terror and lock him up. they couldn't. they let him free and he blew himself up in the terror attack here yesterday, greta. >> shep, if the bombmaker has now been killed and these bombs are so profoundly unstable. can we take sort of a breath, take a dope breath for a second that there aren't any more bombs coming or are there a lot more reports about sophisticated bombmakers out there? >> well, that's the question that i have been asking all day. you know, we know that there were three bombs, two which blew themselves up. one which they found in the airport. we know that authorities then went to the house and found another bomb, or at least a::nj suitcase filled with nails and bolts. but they had talked about the people who want to do go to the airport with the taxi driver saying that they want to do put five bags in there. so is there a missing bomb somewhere? we don't know. and as for the other suspects for whom the authorities insist they are now searching, we have no information on who they are, where they may have come from or what their ideas might be for going forward. if it's time for a deep breath, the authorities here are not saying so. they have kept theo terror level at the very highest meaning they believe, at least, an attack could be imminent. >> picture of the throw in the airport, two on the left wearing the dark clothes, the one on the right wearing damascusy, the one on the left you identify as the bombmaker, the one in the middle is someone i understand blew himself up. that means the guy in the khaki is missing unnamed, unknown. what is the theory his role was in this whole bombing? >> interesting to me, greta that they don't -- if they have a theory, they are not sharing it. they profess not to know who he is, where he came from. they say they don't know anyone who has seen his picture. they don't have any reason to believe that he had any previous terror activities. lots of questions. can i throw them out was he one who gave them a ride? really didn't realize what was happening and when he did he took off running? if so that's the kind of guy who would normally go to authorities afterwards. did he make a decision not to blow up his own and go save his own life and is hiding out somewhere in one of these neighborhoods where clearly they have access to help? that's a possibility. or do the authorities know something else about him that they are not yet sharing with us? i simply don't know. but it is one of the great mysteries that remains tonight as they continue to search for people who may have been involved. >> shep, thank you. and investigators are now racing to piece together the puzzle of how these terrorist suspects were connect to do each other. fsn correspondent jack is live. how are these terrorists connected to each other? >> well, firstly, the two brothers, i will take you through what i understand of their history a little bit. the elder ibrahim 29 and the younger khalid 27: in the airport bhiew himself there. they are both belgium citizens. that's an important note it looks like this terrorism was likely to have been now, i object about him was sentenced to in prison 2010 for opening fire on police officers. he was sentence to do nine years in prison. at the moment we don't know at which point he was released or why he was released but his sentence would have run until 2019. we also know he is the one who left a note, a will potentially on a computer that was found near a property in the scarbeck area of brussels. he felt he was being followed and he felt things were on his tail and he would be in a cell next to him. him we believe to salah abdeslam who was arrested in brussels on friday. khalid the 27-year-old younger brother, he was the man who set his bomb off at the male beck metro station just down the road from where i am here. he is 2 it 7. he was sentence to do five years in prison in 2011 for armed robbery and car theft he was the one that rented an apartment in the runup to salah abdeslam the paris attacker's arrest. name. greta? >> jack, where is the mother of these two brothers or sisters or any other siblings? any idea how they got radicalized? i assume maybe they weren't radicalized, maybe they are just pure evil. either way they are evil. families? >> at the moment we don't know much about them apart from their relation to one another. we are starting to piece together some links to salah abdeslam the paris attacker and a link to him. at the moment woe don't know too much about their extended family. presumably, we know that one of them, actually, might have a citizenship from the bahamas, as well as a dual citizenship with belgium. we don't know too much more apart from that. we think the younger one might have the bahamian citizenship. we are expecting to hear more about them in the coming days and hours. that brief history is about as much as i have been able to piece together so far throughout the day today. >> jack, thank you. and terror raids uncovering the suspected bomb-making factory and the time of explosives found in the bomb factory matches the type of explosive device used in the paris terror attack. former marine corps staff technician staff joey jones goes "on the record." good evening, sir. >> good evening. how is it going? >> very well. how sophisticated are these bombs? could you teach me to make one? >> i probably could teach to you make one. absolutely. there are two major characteristics, the actual system how it's initiated and then the explosive used. both of those things can change and interact with another. in this instance they used tcap a very sensitive and volatile explosive but also very powerful. how they implemented that and set it off is yet to be determined. but it's very, very simple. >> simple in like how long would it take to teach me and if you can't teach me can i learn it on the internet and how long would it take? >> making the bomb itself is something that you can learn by taking apart a flashlight. simple loop circuit with a trigger and some type of initiator. the actual explosive the tcap that's where we are getting a lot of clues here as to the so sophistication of the bombmaker. tcap is something we saw in iraq and afghanistan but not particularly because of its volatility and chemistry behind it unfortunately the chemicals used hydraulic acid furyk acid. acetone chemicals you get at wal-mart and stores like that. hard to track and harder to control. >> if tatp is so volatile. what about about getting into a cab with a couple of these bombs and driving around? >> not something i would want to do, i will tell that you. it is a volatile substance. obviously they had experience with this substance to have that ability to do that then on top of that, one thing i noticed yesterday as soon as i realized it iséy tatp, you are not going to make that or send it overseas or to anotherountry. you are not going to pang it and send it off. the bombmakers are having to go where they use the tatp and use it within blocks of that hopefully we can find a trail of these guys going in and out of the country and clues for the next attack. >> can i get tatp in this country if i want to do create one of these bombs and how easy is it to get? >> if you have a wal-mart, chances are you can create it the information is out there. they there are very popular websites. timothy mcveigh used the cookbook. there is information out there. at the end of the day somebody has to run you through the chemical process. that's not as preventlily known. that's why you are not seeing it all the time. in iraq we saw basically fertilizer and diesel fuel. simpler process and more stable. >> having watched all these explosions and someone cass was coming into the stores and pressure cookers. i would be suspicious if someone bought two. you only need one why would you buy two. is there something that something maybe is not right might tip off the authority? >> a purchase, a transaction of its own would be really hard. you know, we really need to rely on human intelligence right now. we need to have assets within this community, within the sl k state, at least, identifying where these cells may be. once you get a reason, a city, then you can look at department stores or places of commerce that buying more than a certain amount of hydraulic acid, what are you going to use that for? we talked earlier or yesterday about the nails and how the radius of a blast may be 30 meteors but when you -- 30 meters. when you put nailed on that bomb it just became 100 meters. each one of those became a projectile. hard to track those kinds of things. human intelligence is going to be our greatest asset right now. >> staff/>u sergeant, thank you, sir. >> yes, ma'am. >> terror investigation are ripping apart the safe house rented by the brussels terrorist brothers. former director of intelligence general mike michael flynn goes "on the record." good evening, since thank you for having me. >> are we giving our intelligence here in the united states everything they need to do their jobs. >> you know, greta, let's lay out a couple of things here. and i won't get too long in the tooth here. but, first of all, having staff sergeant johnny jones on our team is an incredible asset because woe are going to need him in the future to. specifically answer your question, the intelligence services of our country are doing everything that they can but they need to be unleashed when it comes to developing much more human intelligence not only in iraq and syria but helping our friends and allies around the world. woe have to be able to do more. we are going to have to put the resources into that. they will have to shift resources from other priorities that were involved in. and, you know, what you laid out, greta, up front, you laid out kind of the what has occurred here in this latest attack. we're going to have more of these attacks. and worry going to have more of these attacks, greta, because we have not clearly defined why they are coming at us the way they are coming at us. i believe i know why. and the other thing is the so what? what are we going to do about it? what action are we going to take? we are going to see more of it and keep meeting like this, sad to say. >> what is the why? why do you think they are? >> the why? because there is a deep seeded ideology within the islamic religion. and it is a strongly held cancerous form ofzi religion. and we have to recognize it for what it is. you know, it's the term radical islamism that everybody gets bent out of shape about and everybody that wants to be politically correct and want to apologize for using a term likeq; that, it is very, very real. and we're talking about a large, large number. when, if you look at the last six months, since october, we have had 75 attacks, at least 75 attacks that are resulted in death or serious injury outside of iraq and syria. so, in other places around the world. that's just in the last six months alone. i mean, some of those have resulted in over a hundred deaths a couple of times. we are talking about hundreds, if not thousands of people killed, and certainly thousands of people wounded in the last six months outside of iraq and syria. so, the campaign plan that i believe this enemy is on is being very effective. our strategy, greta, is not working. >> all right. president obama hasn't said radical islam or at least i don't recall if he has. he certainly gets criticism for not saying it. would it make a difference if he embraced that term or not? >> what makes the difference is clearly defining the enemy that we are facing. once you do that, once you. >> does he do that? does he do that? >> no. he doesn't do that obviously he hasn't done that and, you know, it's funny, i listened a little bit to secretary clinton today. she came close. she came very close. she called it radical jihadiism. we have got to get off the dime, greta. this is really unbelievable. i, frankly, you know, to be very blunt, i'm sick of it because we are going to have another one of these attacks and we have to -- you know, you are doing your job, the media is doing your job to dissect the bombs and the individuals and all of the tactical things but at the end of the day we are going to continue to have these attacks and we're going to continue to have these introduces like this if we don't figure out an international strategy. and we're going to have to get the muslim world involved. muslim world has to wake up. otherwise, it's going to bite them in the rear end. >> all right. if you were in the oval office with the president what should i do? am i doing enough? your answer is what? >> my first thing would be get back to the oval office because this is a problem that we have that we have to come to grips with. my first thing with him would be we have to organize ourselves much, much better of this country. and we have to make sure that we have the leadership involved that needs to be involved and has the authorities to basically doing what they are being asked to do. when our military, our intelligence, our other resources that we have to keep coming back to the national security council and to the white house for mother may i's, nothing is going to happen, greta. it's not going to happen on the enemy operating on. they are operating on much higher speed today both in social media and in the world of cyber as well as tactically on their battlefield. brussels is their battlefield. paris is their battlefield. san bernardino is their battlefield. we don't look at it like that. we have to do that that's the first thing i would do is tell the president that then we need to start figuring out what we need to do internationally. we have to get our own house in order first. >> general, thank you very much for joining us. i hope you come back soon. >> i hope i don't have to come back for another reason like this. >> indeed. brussels attack is sending shock waives of fear around the world. issued a travel warning to all americans in europe. fox news correspondent greg palkot is live in brussels. greg, what's the story on the fear going around europe and this warning from our state department? >> the mood here, greta, is somer for -- sber for sure. shocking as well. we are standing in front of the metro subway station that was the deadly scene of attacks yesterday. 20 people killed. more than 100 people injured. belgiums involved in the casualties but also international, other european nationalities involved as well as americans. right now we know that, for example, there were at least 12 american casualties. so this has sent a shock ive through the belgium society for sure. they are asking questions about their own law enforcement authorities. there are several police operations that is police authorities operating in just this city alone. and they are saying if this dysfunction might not be up to the task of 21st century terror. that's what we are seeix3 right now. some very sophisticated techniques. people across europe now are looking at this. we heard manuel vols yesterday the french prime minister say all of the world is at war with isis, with terrorism, and, in fact, that's because of the and questions that people have, greta, that the open borders that are all a part of this european union system might actually work against them when it comes to security. they are having huge refugee flows coming from places taking advantage of that isis and terrorists. yes, as you noted, even the u.s. state department getting involved and doing a cautionary note to american citizens about coming to europe. but the idea of shutting all of europe down because of this kind of terror attack i don't think anybody would want that. we spent some time in the makeshift memorial that's right in the center of this city today. we were talking to the people, and i got to tell you, greta, it was moving because you felt the feeling of solidarity, that people came up here and said they wanted to be with other people. we have heard that same feeling a year ago january when the first wave of paris thai attacks. -- terrorist attacks. second wave in november anger. we could see that angerpó come here, too. not only just authorities but also the terrorists and those supporting the terrorists, greta. >> greg, thank you. you talk about the symbolism. i have a thought about the symbolism i'm going to give at the end of the show in my off-the-record comment. i hope president obama is listening to that.6g greg, thank you. donald trump is now calling for terrorists to be tortured. wh is the rest of 2016 presidential field saying and how is president obama handling these threats? lieutenant colonel oliver north is here next. also a spat about the spouses. wives of some of the 2016 candidates getting pulled into that ugly political thing. try the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. my school could be fast. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. ♪ when it's go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at >> our fight against isis and radical jihadist terrorism is far from finished. >> it was part of a global jihadi being waged by radical islamic terrorists. >> the problem is we don't fight on the same level. we have laws that protect everybody. >> we willkz together crush and destroy isis. >> we cannot contain isis. we must defeat isis. >> i served 18 years on the armed services committee. you see, when brussels happened yesterday, i knewñ$bq how to talk about it. >> he attacks a guy last week. it looks like retaliation for his capture. if they would have put him through the grill 10 minute7f after the capture, he probably would have ratted them out and probably stopped this horrible terror attack that took place. >> the brussels terror attack fueling the election year battle over terror and keeping america safe. lieutenant colonel oliver north goes "on the record." good evening, sir. >> greta. >> all right, sir, i don't know if i should ask you this but out of the candidates both sides of the aisle i know you are going to say you will not pick one on the democratic side of the aisle. who do you think will keep america the safest and why? >> look, the president who takes over in january is going to have enormous challenges overcoming the mess that the o team has left behind. the person that i'm going to vote for needs to rebuild the u.s. military, because it's today too small to deter a war or win one. this is the rson we have a military. number two, they need to define the enemy. general flynn just said a moment ago define the enemy is not just isis it is radical islam. number three, they need to define victory. no safe havens for terrorists and joe did you know ford is going to say that in the special that you see on friday night. number four, we have to reassure our allies, israel, egypt, tokyo, seoul. they don't trust us'!anymore to back them up. we don't have their back and they know it, number five, put putin and beijing on notice, no more aggressive expansionism, just say it, do it. make sure it doesn't happen. number six, the homeland of the united states of america needs to be protected. they need to deploy an abm shield because now you have got icbm's being put in pyongyang, north korea the poorest countõon the planet and iran they are both building nuclear weapons. you have got to stop that connection between iran and the democratic people's republic of korea. that nuclear icbm proliferation is the greatest threat we that we face right here in this homeland. you notice i skipped over this all this stuff. the franchises from hell have been doing it to us for a long time. it didn't just start in brussels. somebody is finally paying attention. there is ways to deal with that, but none of these candidates on either side are talking about rational things that need to be done. look it, these guys ought to be out there, greta, talking about the things that do make sense. for example, stop relying on signals intelligence because the throw aways and encryption defeat all of that. number two, good intelligence, like the kind ray kelly at the new york police department included human intelligence. we don't have any. general flynn just mentioned that stop bragging about the successes. salah abdeslam was talking and everybody talked about what he was talking about. for heaven's sake, why tell the enemy what we're learning about them. finally, hardenydéh the airport lobbies and train stations and do video profiling. they had it. that picture we keep putting up of those three guys is video profiling and nobody did anything about it? should president obama come home from argentina? we have a live picture of him now in argentina. does it matter if he comes home or not. >> it hardly matters because this president doesn't have a strategy for dealing with the imminent threat of isis attacks just like we had out in san bernardino. i mean, san bernardino is just another example of what we just saw in israel. they are going after soft targets. soft targets. they don't go after hardened targets anymore. this is not a sophisticated operation like 9/11/01. that was a very sophisticated operation. you have to defeat isis turkey, and iraq. had you a guest on your show, greta.- muammar sad next to you and described the things that were happening and nobody in the government of the united states has even taken the time to talk to him. you did. you cold the country what this guy want to do do. he has no backup whatsoever from the united states of america. finally, they have to deny radical islamists safe havens anywhere on the planet. do you that and you will get my vote. >> i have got to go. of course, as the colonel noted don't miss his war stories, fighting isis hosted boy the colonel and lee babin. that's this friday at 10 chock p.m. only on fox news channel. and us were the brussels terrorists targeting americans. we go back to brussels next. also developing new national polls, fox news national poll, is there a change in the race? (boy) (mom) because we'resettle settlers and that's what we do. (girl) but with directv and at&t, you can get your tv and wireless service from one provider. (dad) are not we your providers? do we not provide you with this succulent jackrabbit pie? this delicious graywater soup? and a single lick of the family lolli every harvest moon? (vo) don't be a settler, get a $100 reward card when you switch to directv. [sirens] >> i feel like it's the end of the world. >> it was not something you felt on the ground. >> i heard an explosion. now the ceiling is going down, and i just go under the sink. and then the second eggs motion went and everything is black. [sirens] >> people don't know because they are afraid. i think we should continue living our lives like we did before. >> it's a working at a. if i stay at home they have won and they are not going to. >> it's strange how we are feeling. it continues and we are going back to work. >> that was horrible. and a massive international manhunt is on right now. belgium investigators trying to piece together how a cell of isis terrorists was able to plan and carry out this barbaric attack in a city that's actually been on high alert since the paris attacks. and new clues tonight found in a will left behind by one of the terrorists suspects who blew himself up while killing 34 innocent people. live team coverage across the globe. we begin with fsn kevin ozebek. who left the will behind and what did it say. >> the suicide bomber who left this will behind is brahim bakraoui. he was a known criminal. belgium police knew exactly who he was. in this will he said that he was basically afraid of being captured and afrañ of ending up behind bars. now, greta, this is exactly in line with what security analysts were warning in the days leading up to the terror attacks on tuesday. they said as belgium and french police were getting closer to knowing exactly who is making up these cells, and as they were getting closer on closing in on these cells, there was that fear that these cells would all of a sudden accelerate plans to attack. based on this will from bakraoui that looks like that's exactly what happened here. >> here, brahim is the older one, the one who left the will. the one that he thought people were following him. he gotóñús sentence to do nine years in prison in about 2010 or 2011. it's only 2016. wherever happened -- whatever happened to that. i don't mean to pick on the belgium authorities tonight because there is a lot of grief tonight in that city, but what happened? >> well, first off, greta, we don't know why he was released out of jail early. we don't know how he got out of that sentence. i think one of the most interesting developments today actually came from all people the president of turkey just hours after they held a news conference today identifying the brothers. even though belgium police knew who they were, it didn't appear they had any ties to terrorism. the turkish government came out with a statement saying that the oldest brother, brahim was spotted in turkey last summer and it appears that he was trying to get in so, turkish police deported him back to europe. and according to turkish government officials, they warn the belgians this particular man may be a militant. despite that warning, the turks say that the belgiums let him go any way because there was a lack of evidence that, of course is, a very black eye on the belgium intelligence service. >> okay. that they have sent back to belgium that they have warned the belgiums about that they're not talking about tonight or is this brahim the single one. >> greta, we don't know the answer to that right now. we do know there is this very great fear that hundreds of europeans have left this continent to go to syria to be trained. only to then return home to plan attacks. in fact, the a.p. came out with a big report on that just today. so this has been the fear of european security analysts and agents for a long time now. so the big questions are who else is out there, how many terrorist cells are operating in europe and when, exactly do they plan to strike? we know from these isis propaganda videos that london is a target that prime minister david cameron has popped up on these isis propaganda videos and isis is warning that there will be other attacks here on this continent. a lot to be fearful for but european intelligence agents say they are working as hard as they can to identify these people to try to detain them, question them, interview them, and figure out what exactly they are planning. >> and of course they are working hard tonight. kevin, thank you. and, tonight, we are also learning that the terrorists may have been aiming to kill americans. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is in washington. catherine, that's bad news. a.p. is reporting the security officials say that there are 400 isis trained attackers have been sent to europe. this is all very bad news tonight. >> well, that's right, greta. based on the evidence so far as well as classified briefings, the house committee told reporters today he believes the terrorists were targeting americans in brussels. he says that for two reasons. number one, the suicide bomber oné the subway train that detonated near the stop closest to the u.s. embassy. and, second, when you look at the layout of the airport, he says the two explosions were near the check-in desks for american, united, and delta. you take these two pieces of data and combine them. he says that is of significant investigative interests. this comes on the same day state department warned americans in europe there is ongoing eminent threat of a terrorist athaksin larr to what we saw in brussels. this time targeting sporting events, restaurants and other tourist sites. warning americans to be vigilant and not edge gauge themselves in large crowds. final point on isis and 400 fighters being sphached to europe, you know, the bottom line is that our contacts say that's probably a pretty credible number just between france, germany, and belgium. they have 600 citizens between them that have traveled to iraq and syria and then returned to their countries. so, in fact, 400 may be a little conservative, greta. >> not to scare everybody but to be quite realistic, there are all these nations come into this country where you don't even need a visa. anyway, catherine, thank you. >> you're welcome. and one of the suspected suspected brussels bombers is still on the run. weave take you back to brussels as the terrorist is hunted down. is there a new man dominating the g.o.p. race?er brand new fox news poll straight ahead. can conquer them all. the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood you're in... and the road you're on. the 2016 c-class. lease the c300 for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. don't let dust and allergies get and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. 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[engines revving] you can't have a hero, if you don't have a villain. the world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. ♪ sneaferred ted cruz added 40 delegates to his count. and today we have brand new national polls. 40% picked donald trump and three points behind donald trump within the margin of error ted cruz 38%. john kasich getting just 17%. the "on the record" political panel is here from real clear politics caitlin huey burns and from "the washington post philip bump. philip, well, i think donald trump will be disappointed with these numbers. >> i think he will. showing him doing well. >> who blames him? >> i think this is an outlier. interesting to see what happens over the long-term. what we see consistentfully polls kasich is less of a factor two man race between this follow reflects. >> kasich is a huge factor because he has 17% and both of these two gentlemen, cruz and trump are neck and neck and you have got to win ohio. when you see these numbers, i think we are looking at a vice president although kasich says he is not running for vice president. >> right, if kasich got out i'm not convinced that that would benefit cruz, necessarily. i think if he were to leave the race, his support would also, some of it would go to trump. kasich is making the point of a more of a general election argument when you look at theañ hypothetical match-ups in these polls hillary clinton is beating donald trump and ted cruz. >> but not kasich. >> and not kasich. and now, you know, he can't get through a primary, he can't win the number ofçi[gñ delegates needed outright but his argument is that he can do better in some of these states coming up. >> all right, governor jeb bush has finally endorsed. that mystery is over senator ted cruz like his son has also endorsed cruz. are you surprised? i expected kasich. i thought he would endorsistic. >> not really. i mean is, there any more establishment of a person than a bush? >> isn't he more likely to do a kasich-type. >> if it weren't a situation -- i mean this isn't a raise between cruz and kasich and trump. it's a race between trump and 1237. the race is whether trump gets to that mark. the establishment like the bushes don't want him to get there the smartest way at that is ted cruz. >> are you surprised at that endorsement? >> now i'm not. >> you were earlier. >> if you asked me a few weeks ago and i would have been surprised. now we are seeing several establishment figures, whatever the establishment means rig)añ now, lining up behind ted cruz. even scott waukesha hinting he would supportf>pzt which could be a meaningful endorsement heading into that wisconsin primary in a couple weeks. >> i'm very biased in favor of a lot of attention on wisconsin. that's my home state. that's the primary i like to watch most of all. it's my favorite primary. anyway, don't go away. more news from the campaign trail ahead. the 2016 race is now war of the wives. that's next. and how did one of the suspected bombers manage to get away? we are back in brussels. we have new information coming up. man 1: i came as fast as i could. what's up? man 2: this isn't public yet. man 1: what isn't? man 2: we've been attacked. man 1: the network? man 2: shhhh. man 1: when did this happen? man 2: over the last six months. man 1: how did we miss it? man 2: we caught it, just not in time. man 1: who? how? man 2: not sure, probably off-shore, foreign, pros. man 1: what did they get? man 2: what didn't they get. man 1: i need to call mike... man 2: don't use your phone. it's not just security, it's defense. bae systems. 20167 race is becoming a family affair. and nasty one. donald trump and senator ted cruz, the two loading g.o.p. candidates taking swipes at each other's wives. an anti-trump super pac posting ad on super media shows trump's wife melania posing nude in her poddling days. meet. donald trump were firing off this tweet lion if you try to attack heidi, you are more of a coward than i thought. #classless. and today, heidi cruz spoke about donald trump's tweet. >> as i said, you probably know by now that most of the things that donald trump says have no basis in reality. so we are not worried in the least we're focused on our campaign and we are going to continue to do that. >> the "on the record" political panel is back. let me give you this one first. what do you think? >> this campaign, just every kay there is -- day there is something new. this is coming critical time for republicans. we just had the brussels' attack. ted cruz wants to be talking about foreign policy and he wants to draw contrast with donald trump on foreign policy and isn't getting a chance to do that as he said earlier donald trump is changing the conversation and focusing on this. >> what would he go after mrs. ted cruz about. i guess she worked at goldman sachs and there were also the loans that ted cruz one place he reported, one place he neglected to. is there anything else? >> sure. >> what is trump going to do? >> well, there is a suggestion -- cruz is right. that wasn't from cruz's campaign. >> that was a super pac. >> that was a super pac. >> that supports him. >> well, again, to try to stop trump. but, essentially one of the people behind it liz maher who used to work for scott walker said trump had been going around telling the story about heidi cruz's days. she suffered from a severe bought of depression -- bout of depression when they moved to texas. >> dirty. >> sad incidence. reported by buzz feed. in my personal opinion it's not the sort of thing fodder. >> it's painful. personal even for this kind of campaign. >> agreed. >> how does it resonate? is her -- i mean, where -- where is fair game with the wives and where is not? >> well, i think, you know, both have been campaigning in a sort for their husbands. i think perhaps records or, you know, past careers and that kind of thing. i think this is just getting, you know, way too into difficult, odd territory and especially at a time that these candidates don't want to be getting into this and don't need to be getting into this. >> so what's going to happenb >> i mean, if you had asked me this last august when everything was new, i would have said obviously trump supporters will not look favorably on this how could they after he does this thing. nothing bruises him. his supporters are very very loyal. this has little effect to donald trump but to the point. i think a distraction. >> ted cruz can take this to his ad vantage. we saw that the post did an editorial using his children. he really fought back and tried to kind of change the story around. maybe get some momentum out of it in some way. >> certainly not dull. caitlin, philip, thank you both. a brand new greta talk podcast just released. have you been watching the hit show fx the crime story the people versus o.j. simpson. week gloria all red the family that represented nicole brown simpson. new information out of europe this hour has the hunt continues for one of the terrorist suspects in belgium. i have an important message for president obama. i will talk to you off thetw record though. out on the town or in for the night, at&t helps keep everyone connected. right now at at&t, buy the new samsung galaxy s7 and get one free. no matter how you hang out, share every minute of it. buy one water resistant samsung galaxy s7 and get one free. and right now, get up to $650 in credits per line to help you switch to at&t. to capture investing ideas that instantly gives you stock prices, earnings, and dividends... an equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score... and $7.95 online u.s. equity trades, lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and e-trade, you realize the smartest investing idea isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪ heywhether to stay or go?re ♪ when it's go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at incredible bladder prthat lets from always diyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it. we're so confident you'll love it, we'll give you double your money back if you don't. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that's always discreet. 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(vo) don't be a settler, get a $100 reward card when you switch to directv. this is a fox news alert. isis is invading europe just 24 hours after the brussels attacks. security officials telling the associated press that 400 isis trained attackers have been sent to europe and told to strike. also tonight, the palmmaker in the brussels and paris terror attacks is dead. one of the fellow terrorists is still on the run. an international manhunt is on. and today investigators identified these two brothers as the suicide bombers who blew themselves up at the brussels airport and train station killing 34 innocent people and injuring hundreds more. let's all go off-the-record now. this is a plea to president obama. mr. president, come home. cut your trip short to argentina and rush to the white house. you are the leader, the last remaining super power and with the terrorists striking again and striking our close friends in europe we americans need to send a big message to our friends that in their time and grief and need we stand with them. and you, as president, cutting your trip short and returning to the white house sends that big message. and, remember, after the massacre at charlie hebdo you let everyone down by not going to paris and marching with other world leaders. this would be a chance to reverse that and i know, of course you are returning to the white house is not going to stop terrorism, no one thinks that. but symbolism really matters. remember how after 9/11 queen elizabeth directed that our national anthem be played at buckingham palace ♪ [national anthem]?w >> that meant a lot to americans. so, mr. president, we need that powerful symbolism of the president of the united states standing with europe. not just in words but in action. doing something symbolically big. so, please, come home. and that's my off-the-record comment tonight. that's all for now.omorrow night right here at 7:00 p.m.


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